FREE November 2016 VOLUME 6. NUMBER 3. PG. ## MARLENE’S FUTURE P.22 IS IN HER HANDS ROYAL COMMISSION WATARRKA POKIES? BREAK OUT YEAR FOR WORRIES WIYA! PRISONER TEAM P. 4 PG. # P. 5 PG. # P. 26 ISSN 1839-5279ISSN NEWS EDITORIAL Want our trust? This time, keep your promises. Land Rights News Central Australia is published by the Central Land Council three We’ll hold you to these election promises: times a year. Aboriginal Hand control to local organisations, develop The Central Land Council workforce training plans and leadership courses with 27 Stuart Hwy organisations them and provide “outposted” public servants to help. Alice Springs Housing $1.1 billion over 10 years for 6500 “additional NT 0870 living spaces”, locally controlled tenancy management and repairs and maintenance, tel: 89516211 capacity development support for local housing organisations. email
[email protected] Outstations Increase Homelands Extra funding and work with outstation organisations to provide jointly funded Contributions are welcome new houses. As opposition leader, Michael Gunner pleaded with CLC delegates to give Labor a chance to regain their trust. Education Create community led schools with local boards, plan education outcomes for each school region SUBSCRIPTIONS THE MOST extensive return recognises the critically with communities, back community decisions about bilingual education, expand Families as Land Rights News Central of local decision making to important role that control Aboriginal communities since over life circumstances plays First Teachers program, $8 million for nurse Australia subscriptions are self-government, overseen by in improving indigenous home visits of pre-schoolers, support parent $22 per year.