Thèse Pour Obtenir Le Grade De Docteur De L'université
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THÈSE POUR OBTENIR LE GRADE DE DOCTEUR DE L’UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTPELLIER En Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Sciences Agronomiques École doctorale GAIA Unité de recherche UMR SYSTEM Influence of within-field understory vegetation strips on plant and invertebrate communities in alley cropping agroforestry systems ꟷ Influence des linéaires sous-arborés sur les communautés de plantes et invertébrés des systèmes agroforestiers intra-parcellaires Présentée par Sébastien Boinot Le 19 novembre 2019 Sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Sarthou et Pierre-Éric Lauri et l’encadrement de Delphine Mézière et Karim Barkaoui Devant le jury composé de Françoise Burel, Directrice de recherche, CNRS, France Présidente du jury Sandrine Petit, Directrice de recherche, INRA, France Rapporteuse Muriel Valantin-Morison, Directrice de recherche, INRA, France Rapporteuse Felix Herzog, Directeur de recherche, Agroscope Reckenholz, Suisse Examinateur Jean-Pierre Sarthou, Professeur, INP-ENSAT Toulouse, France Directeur de thèse Pierre-Éric Lauri, Ingénieur de recherche, INRA, France Directeur de thèse Delphine Mézière, Ingénieure de recherche, INRA, France Encadrante THÈSE POUR OBTENIR LE GRADE DE DOCTEUR DE L’UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTPELLIER En Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Sciences Agronomiques École doctorale GAIA Unité de recherche UMR SYSTEM Influence of within-field understory vegetation strips on plant and invertebrate communities in alley cropping agroforestry systems ꟷ Influence des linéaires sous-arborés sur les communautés de plantes et invertébrés des systèmes agroforestiers intra-parcellaires Présentée par Sébastien Boinot Le 19 novembre 2019 Sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Sarthou et Pierre-Éric Lauri et l’encadrement de Delphine Mézière et Karim Barkaoui Devant le jury composé de Françoise Burel, Directrice de recherche, CNRS, France Présidente du jury Sandrine Petit, Directrice de recherche, INRA, France Rapporteuse Muriel Valantin-Morison, Directrice de recherche, INRA, France Rapporteuse Felix Herzog, Directeur de recherche, Agroscope Reckenholz, Suisse Examinateur Jean-Pierre Sarthou, Professeur, INP-ENSAT Toulouse, France Directeur de thèse Pierre-Éric Lauri, Ingénieur de recherche, INRA, France Directeur de thèse Delphine Mézière, Ingénieure de recherche, INRA, France Encadrante PREFACE This PhD thesis was carried out from October 2016 to October 2019 at the joint research unit UMR System (Tropical and Mediterranean cropping system functioning and management), Montpellier SupAgro, INRA, CIRAD, CIHEAM-IAMM. The doctoral research of Sébastien Boinot was financially supported by La Fondation de France and the experiments were funded by the European Union (AGFORWARD project: AGroFORestry that Will Advance Rural Development) and L’Agence de l’Eau Adour-Garonne (BAG’AGES project: Bassin Adour-Garonne, quelles performances des pratiques AGroécologiquES ?). Sébastien Boinot followed the program of excellence from Agreenium International Research School (EIR-A), with a three-month doctoral stay at Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK, under the supervision of Jonathan Storkey. This thesis was directed by Jean-Pierre Sarthou and Pierre-Eric Lauri and supervised by Delphine Mézière and Karim Barkaoui. i Originally published in French under the following title: Open Bar, volume 1, de Fabcaro © Éditions DELCOURT, 2019 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ha! Acknowledgements, the funny part at last. Acknowledgements are nice because we can use and overuse the exclamation point! And this makes you feel good!!! I want to thank you all people!!!!!! Spanish people are so lucky because they can have a double exclamation pleasure: ¡Mola un montón! First, I would like to thank my thesis supervision team: the “Fantastic Four”. I know to what extent I have been lucky to be supervised by such competent and kind-hearted people. They were always there when I needed help, and they also gave me a lot of freedom. I am so grateful to Delphine Mézière, the person with whom I took my first steps in an agroforestry field, the person who set me out on the path of agroecology, the foundress of this beautiful PhD project. You taught me so much during all these years Delphine, not only about ecology or agronomy, but also about organizing ideas, writing and communicating. It has been a great pleasure and an honor working with you, and I hope that we will walk together again in these exciting agroforestry systems. Triple exclamation points!!! I would also like to thank my two co-supervisors: Jean-Pierre Sarthou and Pierre-Eric Lauri. They were so complementary that sometimes I felt like having only one super supervisor, “Jean Pierre Eric”. Thank you, Pierre- Eric, for having ensured the smooth running of my thesis in a very assiduous and spontaneous way! I admired the way you handle the supervision of various PhD thesis with the same goodwill for everyone. Thank you, Jean-Pierre, for your flawless availability despite the distance, your constant good mood and for the passion with which you passed on your knowledge to me! Who’s next? Thank you, Karim Barkaoui! For your enthusiasm and foresight while guiding me along this exciting path that is functional ecology. They were also some people working in the shadows, that I consider in fact as part of the supervision team. The hidden part of the iceberg, let’s say. Thank you so much Jonathan Storkey, for welcoming me to Rothamsted Research! It was such an inspiring british stay, with inspiring people, in an inspiring country. I admired your sympathy and humility, and the clarity with which you explain things. I would also like to thank Helen Metcalfe, who is full of good ideas and who helped me a lot both during and after my stay! Finally, again someone very kind and humble… Thank you so much Guillaume Fried, for offering your help time and again when I was lost, to concretize in the ink this collaboration that we started with Delphine during my internship! Second, I would like to thank all the people from the System unit of INRA Montpellier, from the secretaries Carole Picard and Viviane Marty who kept the ship afloat, to the director Christian Gary who accepted me into the unit, through all the internship and PhD students, postdocs, technicians and researchers with whom I had a good time during all these years. A special thanks to my office neighbors and friends, Annemarijn Nijmeijer, Léo Garcia, Nicolas Bertrand, Daniel Iñurreta-Aguirre, Guillaume Blanchet, Benjamin Pitchers, Audrey Naulleau and Stolian Fayolle who shared with me not only coffees, but also ideas, gossips, laughs, bad iii mood, good mood, bad news, good news, geek tips, funky music, French swearwords, Spanish swearwords, Deutsch swearwords (probably the most astonishing and melodious sounds I have ever heard), Belgian beers, English beers, homemade beers or even maté (yes, some people do have curious habits…). I am also very grateful to Colin Bonnot, Olivier Lourme and Emilie Verlhac for rescuing me during field and lab work. Last but not least, many thanks to a very generous and brave man, to whom I owe a great deal, my constant partner during this crazy PhD project: Jouanel Poulmarc’h, the “Beetle Whisperer”!!! I will never forget all these good times, especially in the Gers department: removing huge spiders from the beds, drinking “pousse-rapière” cocktails, eating sandwiches at the river, visiting villages, taking pictures of your colleague while he’s taking a nap, listening to birds, experimenting heavy rains and hard suns, getting officially lost, getting towed by heroic farmers, walking with three kilograms of mud stuck on the boots, walking 100 meters to reach a field core after nine hours of work before realizing that you forgot your material in the car, then walking 100 meters to get out of the field before realizing that you forgot your material in the field core… These boots are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do! Third, I would like to thank the amazing agroforestry farmers of course, without whom there would be no agroforestry fields, and thus no fun. Thank you, Emilie Bourgade, (Arbre et Paysage 32) and David Condotta (Syndicat Mixte de Gestion Adour et Affluents) for helping me to find agroforestry fields at the beginning of my PhD thesis (a not so easy task!). Thank you La Fondation de France (which is doing so much for agroforestry research and development since many years) for funding my PhD thesis. Many thanks to the members of my thesis defense jury: Sandrine Petit, Muriel Valantin-Morison, Françoise Burel, Felix Herzog, and my thesis committee: Antoine Gardarin, Isabelle Bertrand, Elena Kazakou, for all their advice. Many thanks to other additional people who helped me in one way or another: Burno Dumora, Julie Bréchemier, Clément Chevallier, Fabien Soldati, Alexis Saintilan, Aurélien Besnard, Matthieu Authier, Véronique Sarthou, Corentin Barbu, Frédéric Vyghen, David Genoud, Sabrina Gaba, Vincent Bretagnolle, people from Agreenium and so on! Fourth, I would like to thank all the friends who have illuminated my free time during these years: Clément Desbois, Gaël Delpon, Clément Henniaux, Alexia Massadau, Marina Saavedra, Colin Bonnot, Alix Pugeaut, Valentin Phelippeau, Rémi Bourru, Sofia Djemaa, Fabien Claireau, Andreas Garcia, Felix Dahlab, Juliette Grimaldi, Francesco Reyes, Martin Notaro, Fida Temani, Federico Andreotti, Quentin Chance, Sarah Millet-Amrani, Clara Jolly, Léo Simon, Maé Guinet, Jimmy Le Bec, Marie-Charlotte Bop, Sidonie Thoraval, Paul Costin, Dimitri Wintermantel, Thibault Morra, Domitille Pouliquen, Frederic Peñas, Manon Le Roux, Sabrina