Umberto Di Nino
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Nome UMBERTO Cognome DI NINO Scenographer Lector FROM 2010 TO THIS TODAY: Scenic Design and Lighting Design and Technology (ABPR23 code) ; Further subjects : Scenic design of the Opera and Musical Theatre Academy of Fine Arts L'Aquila Italy VIA LEONARDO DA VINCI, S.N.C. – L’AQUILA TEL +39 0862 317380 FAX +39 0862 317370 WWW.ABAQ.IT E-mail [email protected] [email protected] link IA TTILIO ENIGNI TALY V A B 60 – 00156 ROMA I +39 335 5968838 Pagina 1 – CV UMBERTO DI NINO Qualifications Education & Training 21/09/1983 Academic Diploma • Name and type of Academy of Fine Arts L'Aquila education or training establishment • Principal subjects / Scenic Designs, Costume Designs professional skills covered by the study • Qualification obtained Scenographer • Level in national 110/110 with laude classification • Thesis Topic The birth of theatre in Italy: sacred drama and sacred representation. Representation of the passion directed by Antonio Calenda for the Stable Theatre of the L’Aquila Abruzzo AS 1977/78 High school diploma in applied art • Name and type of education State Institute of Art “ Mario de'Fiori “, city of Penne PESCARA or training establishment • Principal subjects / Art of Metals and Jewellery professional skills covered by the study • Qualification obtained Applied Art High School • Level in national classification 44/60 • Name and type of education RSO Via Leopardi,1 - 20123 Milano - Hotel Mediterraneo Roma or training establishment 1998 • Principal subjects / Development of management skills. professional skills covered by Team leadership, change management path aimed at building and developing the study a new Management Model. • Qualification obtained Corporate Manager • Name and type of education RSO Via Leopardi,1 - 20123 Milano Castello di Tolcinasco Milano or training establishment 1999 • Principal subjects / People Strategy. professional skills covered by Innovation in management processes, administration and personnel the study development. Alignment and integration of personnel information systems Implementation of advanced e-HR services reporting systems for Human Resources • Qualification obtained Expert in Human Resources Management, for Managers Pagina 2 – CV UMBERTO DI NINO • Name and type of education RSO Via Leopardi,1 - 20123 Milano - presso Azimut , Borgo Val Taro or training establishment (PR)2000 • Principal subjects / Outdoor Training professional skills covered by the study • Qualification obtained Top expert in Human Resources Management Description of Professional Artistic activity Oscar winner Tv Mediaset, for best Scenography 1998 for "Sarabanda" Awards and recognitions conducted by E. Papi on Italia 1. International Prize for Emotional Talent. Link Campus University, Municipality of Spoleto with the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Spoleto July 10, 2011, Festival 2 Worlds. Activity in trade associations Member from 2009 to 2013 of the Board of Directors of ASC, Italian Association of Scenographers, Costumers and Interior Designers, C/0 Cinecittà Via Tuscolana 1055 Rome Member of OISTAT- International Organisation of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians from 2009 to the present day Present in the activities and commissions of Architecture, Education, Publication / Communication Present at the OISTAT Congress in Prague Cz 2011 and at the OISTAT Commissions Present at the OISTAT congress in Cardiff-Walles UK 2013 and at the OISTAT committees Present at the OISTAT 50° meeting in Cardiff - Walles UK 2018 participation in the OISTAT committees; Present at the Workshop "The Theatrical Machines of Historical Theatres" by Jerome Maeckelbergh. Present at the Architecture Commission OISTAT at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan with the publication: "North Italy Historic Theatre Tour July 29th to August 2nd 2012 "co-authored by Architecture Commission members Present at the OISTAT Commission and meeting in Prague PQ 2019 OISTAT Forum: The Next Fifty Years Pagina 3 – CV UMBERTO DI NINO Present at the OISTAT Commission and meeting in Berlin 2019 and Conferences “The historical theatre, which perspectives” by DHTG to Messe Berlin. Coadiuautor “Historical Theatre” whit Jerome Maeckelbergh ,Theatrhe Conferences and Exibitions Europe Antwerp c/o Stage | Set | Scenery Berlin Messe. Berlino 18/25 SEARCH giugno 2019 Present at the Prague Quadrennial CZ 2011 Present Word Stage Design 2013 Cardiff, Royal College of Stage and Drama of Walles uk Settembre 2013; Present at the Prague Quadriennal 2019 Present at the conference "Wood, Canvas and rabbit glue" by York University, Ministerey of Culture of Taiwan, Theatre Europe by Jerome Maekelbergh Brussels, Teatro la Monnaie and Antwerp Bourla Theatre, Belgium 12-15 June 2014. Researcher with Erasmus Project " CANON of TECHNICAL THEATRE HISTORY and their digitization" with: ERASMUSHOGESCHOOL BRUSSEL Belgium, BEUTH- HOCHSCHULE FUER TECHNIK BERLIN, STOCKHOLMS KONSTNARLIGA HOGSKOLA, UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYA, REAL ESCUELA SUPERIOR DE ARTE DRAMÁTICO, INSTITUT UMENI -DIVADELNI USTAV, Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance, ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI DI L'AQUILA, INSTITUT DEL TEATRE Main Partners : OISTAT ( Organisation Internationale des Scénographes, Techniciens et Architectes de Théâtre ) DTHG ( German Theatre Tecnical Society) “Historical Theatre” whit Jerome Maeckelbergh ,Theatrhe Europe Antwerp c/o Stage | Set | Scenery Berlin Messe. Berlino 20/25 giugno 2017 Resarch Machines in Italy teatro Valli reggio Emilia, teatro Comunale Bologna. Conferences with workshops at the "Jornadas Internacionales de Formacion Teatral "Marzo a Escena" with Junta de Andalucia (Spain), ESAD Cordoba, Imae Gran Teatro de Cordoba. specifically attendance at the IV edition, 2012; V Edition 2013;VI Edition 2014 publications Editor for Italy at the book “Word Scenography” by Eric Fielding professor emeritus of scenic design at Brigham Young University e Peter McKinnon, professor of design and management At York University in Toronto. Editor OISTAT ISBN: 978-92-990063-4-4 Pagina 4 – CV UMBERTO DI NINO Collaboration with Digital Theatre Words multi-language dictionary professional for theater-makers around the world. With 24 languages and 2000 theatre terms it is the leading dictionary, the perfect tool for international collaborations on five continents. On Line and App for Android and I-Phone. by Michael Ramsaur and Jerome Maeckelbergh. Published by Oistat Author Publication "Techniques, procedures and methods for stage design" dispensation for students. Published Academy of Fine Arts L'Aquila 2010 ISUUE .org Author of the Theatrical Text and Publication "The wolf of Abruzzo and other stories, including myths, legends and superstitions" Cogecstre 1982 editions Juror at the Palio dei Micci - Pietrasanta (LU) 2010; Palio della Madama - Castel Madama (Roma)2013; Palio di Gualdo Tadino 2014 Description of artistic/professional activity From 2010 to the present day ACCADEMIA BELLE ARTI L'AQUILA, School of Scenography - Lecturer in Scenic Design and Lighting Design and Technology (code ABPR23) Other teachings , entrusted to you by the Director - Set design for the Opera and Music Theatre - Museography and Museal Arrangements Pagina 5 – CV UMBERTO DI NINO - Lecturer in Interior Architecture and Furniture, class of competition for Qualification to teach A018 for the TFA 2014/2015 at the Academy of Fine Arts L’Aquila; Member of the commission for the evaluation of titles for TFA 2014/2015 class of Competition A018, at the Accademia Belle Arti L'Aquila. ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES - Member Lecturer Commission Orientation 2013 to date - Member Lecturer Commission Erasmus 2014 to date - Lecturer in charge and coordinator of the activities of the Theatre of the Accademia Belle Arti L'Aquila since 2010. FURTHER ACTIVITIES - Erasmus lecturer at Marmara University, Fine Arts Istanbul (Turkey) 3 consecutive years - Erasmus lecturer at the National University of Art Bucharest (Romania) - Erasmus lecturer at Escuela Superor de Arte Dramatico de Cordoba (Spain) 3 consecutive years - Erasmus lecturer at Real Escuela Superor de Arte Dramatico de Madrid (Spain) - Erasmus lecturer at Universitatea Arte de Iasi (Romania) 3 consecutive years - Lecturer to Master Class on Scenography and Painting Scenography Universitatea Arte Iasi (Romania) - Training Seminars at Royal Welsh College Music & Drama Cardif, Whelsh UK - Training Seminars at Quadrifolio Society, Madrid two consecutive years with staging in Avila International Exhibition Centenary Santa Teresa Avila. - Erasmus training at Teatro Sao Carlo, Lisbon PT - Erasmus training at Teatro Real, National Valle, Matadero Madrid • ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES WITH THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS • - Coordination of the conception and the scenography realization by the students of the School of Scenography for the opera "Il Campanello" by Gaetano Donizzetti for the Festival le Pietre che Cantano, with Arte inCanto and Istituzione Sinfonica Abruzzese. L'Aquila 31 July 2012 • - Coordination to the conception and the scenographic realization of the students of the School of Scenography of "Le Astuzie Femminili" by Domenico Cimarosa, Festival Arte in Canto Basciano (TE) July 2014 • - Coordination to the conception and the scenographic realization of the students of the Pagina 6 – CV UMBERTO DI NINO School of Scenography of "Chi rapì la Topina Costanza" by Roberta Vacca, a collaboration with the conservatory of