Red Bank One

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Red Bank One ALL THE NEWS OF SECTION BED BANK . and Surrounding Towns Told Feaileasly ana Without- BlM RED BANK ONE VOLUME LXIII, NO. 32. BED BANK, N. ^THURSDAY, JANUARY 30,1941. PAGES! TO 14. 350 Attend Reception Harry Feldt New Biographies Of The Six Realty Firm Sells President Of Three Properties; Red Bank Budget To Monsignor, Bishop Jewish Group SchoolBoardCandidates 85 In Past Year •.'. t. , • —— •.•.•', • " • • . " - • • •' \ i • Recently Installed Offi- Grossinger & Heller Shows Decrease; Cancellation Of Church Debt cers of Congregation Three To Be Elected February 11 Agents for Sale of Celebrated With Parish Dinner B'nai Israel to Meet At Red Bank School Election 40 Places for HOLC Tax The first meeting of'tha .'newly In- Red Bank voters will be called up- Grogslnger & Heller, contract man- "nils Is the greatest nigfy of my stalled officers of the Congregation on Tuesday, February 11, to elect agement and sales brokers for the life," declared Monsignor John B. Mc- B'nai Israel will be held at the Jew- three members of the board of edu- Veterans' Groups Home Owners Loan Corporation, re- Accepts CalLTo Estimated Rate la Clonkey at the reception and dinner Estimated Tax ish Community Center building on cation. Two tickets are in tha field, port the sale of properties at Rod last Thursday night at the Molly Riverside avenue next Wednesday one composed of Mrs. Frank P Kuhl, Bank, Leonardo "and Hazlet during Cortland Church ,. $53.69 Per $1,000, ; Pltoher hotel, which marked the night, February 5 at eight o'clock. Harry E, Hotchklss and" Emll Slng- Give Dinner'For the past week. completion of his 15th year as patter Rate For Rumson Rev, Allan R. Knight, son of Mr. dahlsen, and the other consisting of and Mrs. John M. Knight of Atlantic Decrease of 43 Cents - of St. James church and also the can- Charles P. Irwln, Jr., Benjamin All cellation of the church debt. Sharing Local Batteries Highlands, has accepted a call to Borough, $3.67 Ion Parker and William C. Wellner% Memorial Baptist church of Cort- the honors of the evening with Mon- As stated in last week's issue of The' Over Last Year signor McCloskey wai Most Rev. Wil- land, New York. Fo- the past three Register, the first to file were Mrs. Legion, Rainbow years He has been pastor, of Mans- liam A. Griffln, bishop of'.the Tren- $3.60 Last Year- Kuhl and Messrs. Hotchklss and ton diocese. Members of the parish field Baptist church at Port Murray, Slngdahlgen. Messrs, Irwln, Parker Hosts to Members New Jersey. and friends outside the parish" num- Operating Costs and Wellner filed their petitions the Mr. Knight, after graduating from Total Appropriations bering more than 350 gathered at the following day7 on Eve of Induction hotel as a mark of tribute and re- of Borough Cut Atlantic Highlands high school, re- spect to the two church dignitaries. The three victors In the forthcom- ceived his bachelor of arts degree "Welcome to/Our Bishop" In gold let- ing electlqn will take the place of from Whcaton college, Wheaton, Il- Are Cut $1,186.68 The 1941 budget of the borough of Organization of a welfare commit- linois, and his master of theology ters was Inscribed on a blue back- three veterans of the board of edu- tee back home Ip provide magazines, Rumson was passed on its first read- cation, namely President Harold- A. dcRrec from Southern Baptist Theo- ground back of the speakers' table. Ing at the~meetlng of the mayor and books and^athletlc and recreational *-- Monsignor McCIoakeJrj who dften Hendrlckson, District Clerk Japhla equipment for the members of Red ! logical seminary, Louisville, Ken- A budget designed to bring a slight council" last Thursday night and will Clayton-and-William.L. Eussell. -Mr. 1 tucky. o decrease in the borough tax rate was ' referred to himself as a "brick and come up for public hearing: Thurs- Bank's two Held artillery batteries mortar" priest, raised $750,000 In tho Clayton, however, will retain the of- j Rev, and Mrs. Knisht will assume, introduced and passed on first read- day nlgfct, February 13. The amount while they are away was suggested 1 Red Bank parish for a vast building fice of district clerk, which 'he has by Captain George A. .Hogan at a their new duties at Corlland rrot ing at a special meeting of the Red to be expended for biunlclpal. govern- served !on£ and well. month. Bonk council Monday night. The and expansion program which In- ment In 184t is $101,029; as compared dinner given for the officers and men cluded construction of a high school No matter who Is elected the Red of tho two'batteries Sunday night at amount to he raised by taxation this with {104,560.31 In 1940, but despite Bank board will have three brand year Is &7O,270.28, as against Jl"2,- and rectory, enlargement of the Sis- this decrease of approximately $3,300. the Molly Pitcher hotel. Tho dinner ter's convent, acquisition of addi- new members. For this reason, The was arranged by Shrewsbury post, of Montclair Man 343.79, a decrease of $2,073.51. Pro- In the cost ol running the borough, Register feels that' the citizens of viding there Is no change over lost tional church property, Improvements the estimated tax rate for 1941 will the American Legion, with the co- to tho church edifice .and beautlflca- Red Bank are naturally Interested In operation of the Rainbow Division year In state and county taxes, thb*' be $3.67 as'compared with $3.60 last knowing just who the candidates tax rate at Red Bank should be tlon and expansion of Mount Olivet year. The higher rate stated Council- Veterans. Wallace Jeffrey was chair- Buys Farm In cemetery. - are, what they are Interested in and man, assisted by Freeholder James $53.60 per {1,000 as against $54.12 in man Sheldon T.. Coleman, chairman with what organizations they are af- 1010, a decrease of 43 cents of the finance committee, Is due to S. Parkes, Byron Aspdln and Ar- Comparing his accomplishments filiated. A reporter for The Register thur E. Slattery. Holmdel Township An explanatory statement attached here and the early days of bis priest- decreases In estimated receipts from last week contacted the six candi- franchise taxes jind approximately Lieutenant Albert Evans, chaplain VICTOR E. GROSSINQER to the budget, which Is published hood when he went around in a hone HARRY FEL.DT dates or their representatives and elsewhere in this Issue of Tho Reg- .and buggy at Phllllpsburg t° ralS6 $234,000 in assessed, valuations. Due asked for a thumbnail sketch from at Fort Monmouth, told of the sever- Frederick O. Lindsley to exceptionally good collection of ing of home ties for life In the army A seven-room dwelling on Highland ister, as required by law, declares funds to meet the expenses of main? This is scheduled as "Old Timers' each. These were furnished prompt- that "a real effort was made to keep talalng tne church and when he went taxes the borough ended the year and that he knew the boys had the avenue, Leonardo, was sold to Ernest Plans to Remodel Night" when the new officers hope ly and The Register publishes below, Boehm of Union City. Mr. Boehm Is ths amount to be raised by taxation- from church to .church In Cape May with a cash surplus of $17,012.43, and In order received, the biography of stuff to take'the trials of the.-arlny the council, was able to appropriate that all rricmbers will attend and a with a smile and be. good .soldiers, employed by the Borden Dairyscom- Old Crawford Place down below last year's figure in or-' ' county with nia vestments under one real get-together night of business each candidate, .. del to make the tax rate lower." arm and an altar stone under the $9,021.91 of this surplus revenue In Captain R. V, R. H. Stout, who was pany of New York and cxpecuTto re- the 1941 budget as compared with and sociability will be enjoyed. Thus far no issues have arisen be- In command of old Troop B from side permanently In this section. The Continues the statement: "The op- other, Monsignor McCloskey summed Eabbi Arthur Hershon, who is In Frederick O. Lindsley of Mont- orating expenses of the borough for- It ill up by saying, "It's all in a day's $4,500 last year. tween the two groups. All six can- 1900 to 1915, when the Red Bank house Is located on an attractively cbarge of the Jewish activities in didates are vitally Interested In. the landscaped plot approximately 75x100, clair has purchased a 125-acre farm tho coming year are as low as they; Work." . .. • ,'•••'. National Guard was a cavalry or- The following explanatory state- this.section and who has been quite welfare of the publifc school system feet. The Hlldebrand agency . of on, tho east ..side of the Crawford's could be cut and still maintain ait ganization, said he expected to hear Cprner-Eyer.ett . road' In - Holmdel .Monsignor McCIoakey was Intro- ment of the budget was made by Mr. 11: of late.Is expected to have re- and each, as shown In the sketches great accounts of,bath batteries. He Leonardo Was the co-operating brolt-" efficient-running borough. An ap- duced by the toastmaster, Prosecutor gained his health sufficiently to be below, has made goog In his or her' er for this sale. township from' the United States propriation for one fire truck Is In- Coleman: praised Captain Hogan and Captain Fidelity and Guaranty company of John J.
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