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Dinner && Dance at the Cypriot Community Centre, Earlham Grove, N22 5HJ Saturday 3rd December 2016, 7.00pm - Entrance Ticket: í25 Raffle Prizes: 2 return air tickets to Cyprus Contact: Sponsors C. Pitris 07541 580 914 - Parikiaki 020 8341 5853

NN (Accountancy Services) Ltd C. Michael & Co. Accountants & Registered Auditors Sakkas Ltd G. Theo Builders Ltd √ ¶ÂÚÈÎÏ‹˜ ÂÈÛÙÚ¤ÊÂÈ! Star Estates & Lettings For details of our latest bonds offering great rates contact us on 0345 850 5555 or visit www.bankofcyprus.co.uk THE NEWSPAPER OF THE CYPRIOT COMMUNITY IN BRITAIN Deposits protected by the Financial Services Thursday 1st December 2016 - ESTABLISHED 1974 - ISSUE 2185 - English Section pages 11 - 18 Compensation Scheme in the UK. SSuuppppoorrtt oouurr iissllaanndd BBuuyy CCyypprriioott pprroodduuccttss TTrraavveell ttoo CCyypprruuss Boris Johnson: No deviation from UK’s It is important not to lose too much time after Mont Pelerin 2, standard line as regards guarantees in Cyprus says top UN envoy on Cyprus

K Foreign Secretary issue, Johnson said that there Boris Johnson said yes- is no deviation from the stan- Uterday that there is no dard British line. “We talked deviation from his country’s about the guarantees and standard line as regards the security extensively and as issue of guarantees in Cyprus. everybody knows our strong Johnson who was respond- view is that this is a Cypriot-led ing to a question after talks he process and it’s up to both had in Nicosia with Foreign sides to decide what arrange- Minister Ioannis Kasoulides, ments they want for a united ahead of which he held sepa- Cyprus and we are not seek- rate meetings with Cyprus ing a specific role for the UK.” President Nicos Anastasiades Asked what the exact status and Turkish Cypriot leader of the British Bases in Cyprus Mustafa Akinci, said that “we will be once Brexit does talked about the guarantees become a reality, he said that and security extensively this he did not see any change to excellent meeting with Minis- Referring to Brexit, he said morning and as everybody the status of the British Bases N Secretary General’s He added that he is working ter Kasoulides. “We talked that they may be leaving the Special Adviser on relentlessly with the two sides knows our strong view is that about the progress that is Treaties of the EU but they are as a result of Brexit. Cyprus, Espen Barth and a number of important this is a Cypriot-led process being made in trying to settle not leaving Europe. “We are On his part, Kasoulides said U Eide, said on Tuesday that political forces are working and it’s up to both sides to a wide-range of issues over not abandoning our commit- in his statements that Johnson it is important not to lose together to try to see how decide what arrangements Cyprus. I welcome the pro- ment to our friends in Europe, was received Wednesday too much time, in relation they can find the right formu- they want for a united Cyprus, gress that has been made in certainly not to Cyprus,” he morning by President Anastasi- to the discussions on la. and we are not seeking a recent months and I salute the added. ades, who informed him “on Cyprus problem, pointing “So I’m really dedicated to specific role for the UK.” determination and the courage He said he was absolutely the outcome of the recent talks out that Mont Pelerin 2 trying to find the way within Johnson and Kasoulides that is being shown by the confident that UK-Cyprus rela- in Switzerland and the challen- doesn’t have to be the end the coming days by which discussed about developments leaders on both sides,” he tions will go from strength to ges that still lie ahead of us.” of the road. such a formula can develop,” in efforts to solve the Cyprus noted, stressing that the UK strength. “We already have I “During our discussions we “We are not working with a he said adding that “the problem, UK-Cyprus bilateral stands ready to help. He noted think a million visitors from the continued on the way forward specific time frame in mind, commitment is there but relations and Brexit. In his state- that “a lot of work has already UK coming to this island, we for the effort to resolve the but it is very important to be there’s still work to do and I ments, Kasoulides thanked the been done, challenging work have a strong close historic Cyprus problem and on the of- aware that as we lose time we will be doing it until we find a UK for its offer to assist efforts to get the negotiations to this relationship and we are going fer of the UK to assist, for which increase the risks of other fac- solution.” for a Cyprus settlement. Res- point but obviously as you get to build on that,” he noted. we are thankful,” he added. tors coming in and making it The Secretary of AKEL ponding to a question about towards the conclusion of any Asked about his statement “Cyprus and the UK are more difficult to find a lasting Andros Kyprianou welcomed the time that will be needed for negotiations that is when the in an interview he gave to already cooperating in crisis and sustainable settlement,” the fact that Eide will meet the withdrawal of Turkish hard yards really begin.” “Phileleftheros” daily that the management, humanitarian he said after meeting with in the coming days with the troops from Cyprus once there Johnson said he was con- “big picture” has to be taken operations as well as in find- Secretary General of the other political parties to is a settlement, he noted that vinced “that with further flexi- into account when discussing ing ways to deal with growing main opposition party AKEL exchange views on the devel- everybody understands that bility and creativity on both the issue of guarantees after a asymmetric threats. Our bila- Andros Kyprianou. opments on Cyprus issue. He the Turkish army or any army sides a solution can be Cyprus settlement and to a teral cooperation is dynamic He also said that after he expressed the view that the cannot withdraw from day one, reached and that the remain- remark by the journalist that and constantly growing and I met the two leaders, he feels solution effort is difficult adding that the rest is a matter ing difficulties can be over- this may be interpreted as a am pleased to observe that that there is a strong shared and that the setback of the for the negotiations. come. And the UK is ready to deviation from the standard there is coordination on seve- desire to come back, but they second phase of Mont Pelerin Johnson said that he had an support in any way that it can.” policy line of the UK on this ral fronts,” Kasoulides said. are still looking for the formu- talks makes things even more la by which they can come difficult. He said that AKEL back and organize “this last believes that as soon as the Anastasiades: Castro was a towering figure in mile of the discussions that two leaders find a way to have been going on for 19 resume negotiations, they months.” should focus on bridging the As he said “it’s very impor- differences on the internal international politics and a true friend of Cyprus tant that we work together to aspects of the Cyprus prob- find the best way to come lem with a view to reaching idel Castro was a tow- ing away of the historic leader On behalf of the Government that is identified with the revo- back to the momentum that the final phase, which will be ering figure in interna- of the Republic of Cuba, Fidel of the Republic of Cyprus and lution against every dictatorial we had until very recently and an international conference. Ftional politics and a true Castro Ruz. He was a tower- on my own behalf, I would like regime”. including in Mont Pelerin 1 Anastasiades and Akinci friend of Cyprus, President ing figure in international to convey my sincere condo- He was a “great friend of which in many ways was a held in November two rounds Nicos Anastasiades said politics and a true friend of the lences and heartfelt sympathy Cyprus and I cannot but ex- success, but as you know in of UN-led talks in Mont- yesterday, as he signed the Republic of Cyprus since its to his family as well as to the press admiration and sadness Mont Pelerin 2 we did not Pelerin on territory. The UN book of condolences for establishment in 1960. Cyprus friendly people and Govern- at the same time. I hope the achieve the desired results.” announced at the end of their Castro’s death at the Cuban will always be grateful to Fidel ment of Cuba”. people of Cuba will continue, “That’s not the end of the talks that despite their best embassy in Nicosia. Castro Ruz and the Govern- Speaking to journalists after on the basis of democratic prin- road, it doesn’t have to be, efforts, they were not able to Castro passed away last ment of Cuba for their princi- he signed the book, President ciples, with progress”, adding but it is important not to lose achieve the necessary further Friday at the age of 90. Presi- pled position and support with Anastasiades said “there may that he believes that Castro will too much time,” he said. convergences on criteria for dent Anastasiades wrote: “It is regard to the Cyprus problem, be many and different views on still play a role in the interna- Eide acknowledged that it territorial adjustments that with deep sorrow that I have through the United Nations and Fidel Castro, however he does tional arena and Latin Ameri- is not easy and that they would have paved the way for received the news of the pass- the Non-Aligned Movement. not cease to be a personality ca, even after his passing. haven’t found the solution yet. the last phase of the talks. 12 English Section, 1st December 2016 PARIKIAKI cyprus - uk - world news Cuban revolutionary hero Fidel Castro Unsuccessful Mont dies peacefully at the age of 90 Pelerin negotiations a sad day for Cyprus

he unsuccessful conclu- the Turkish Cypriot constituent sion of the negotiations state was not. Mr Akinci pro- Tin Mont Pelerin in the posed initially that the number early hours of last Tuesday of Greek Cypriots that would morning was a sad day for be returning should not Cyprus, precipitated by exceed 55,000 and later Turkish Cypriot positions that during the last stage of the ran contrary to the agreed negotiation proposed 65,000. basis of the Mont Pelerin Moreover the Mr Akinci’s discussions and UN expert intention to interconnect the estimates. Despite this unfor- territorial chapter with the tunate turn of events, the chapter of Security and Guar- uban revolutionary established by his father adamant that the revolution support for Angola played a goal remains to end the Turk- antees was evident in Mont leader Fidel Castro Angel Castro when working would survive provided the crucial role in bringing an end ish occupation and reunite Pelerin. The Turkish Cypriot Cdied peacefully in bed for the US United Front people wanted it. to apartheid in South Africa Cyprus. This is exactly the positions not only ran contrary surrounded by family mem- Company, was the first to be A “special period” of econo- and he will be remembered goal that the President and the to what was agreed as the ba- bers on Friday night, having taken into public ownership by mic hardship from 1989 to the both as an internationalist and Government of Cyprus will sis for the Mont Pelerin dia- thwarted the efforts of 10 US special decree. late ’90s when oxen returned a champion of social justice.” continue to strive for. logues but also UN expert es- presidents to overthrow him. A spate of executions and to the fields and people lived The General Secretary of The President of Cyprus timates driving the discussions El Comandante, as Cubans imprisonment of political largely on rice and beans gave the Central Committee of expressed his own personal towards a deadlock. knew him, survived at least opponents after liberation way to an improved econo- AKEL, Andros Kyprianou, disappointment at the lack of Sadly though, it also seems 670 fanciful assassination plots drew criticism, but at the same mic situation because of also paid tribute to the Cuban dreamed up by the CIA or time Cuba was subject to advances in tourism, biotech- leader. He said, “Fidel Castro the mafia bosses to whom it constant military threats, nology and pharmaceutical has left his mark on world offered the contracts on his including air raids, guerilla industries. history as only few other world life. attacks, assassinations and When the president became leaders have. When in 1953 “If surviving assassination a full-blown invasion at Playa ill in 2006, he was replaced in he declared that “History attempts were an Olympic Giron (the Bay of Pigs). a temporary capacity by broth- will Absolve me” little did his event, I would win the gold On the eve of the invasion er Raul before making the enemies know what he really medal,” he once commented. by Cuban exiles recruited by change permanent in 2008. meant. His dedication to US hostility to the Cuban the CIA, Fidel declared Cuba Fidel Castro made his final justice, to the rights of the revolution, personified by a socialist state. speech to the Cuban Commu- humble people, his love for Fidel Castro, has its roots in He was critical of Soviet nist Party congress in April of freedom, his deep under- Washington’s conception of leader Nikita Khruschov’s this year when he referred to standing of world processes Latin America as its “back- decision to withdraw Soviet his impending death. and developments led his and yard.” nuclear missiles from Cuba in “Soon, I’ll be like all the his comrades’ steps through It dates back to the Monroe the wake of a crisis that could others. The time will come for the Sierra Maestra to Havana doctrine enunciated in 1823 have led to nuclear war, but all of us, but the ideas of the and into the hearts and souls by US president James Moscow had extracted a Cuban Communists will of millions all over the world an agreement saying it was a that once again Turkey Monroe as an assertion of US pledge from Washington not remain.” making Cuba the beacon of sad day for our island but the continues to hold the key to hegemony in the western to invade the socialist island. Following his death, Cuba freedom and hope for peoples struggle to reunite Cyprus the negotiations to reunite hemisphere. President Castro, as he entered a nine-day period of in struggle.” would continue. Speaking on Cyprus. The territorial discus- The Castro brothers and became in 1976, always national mourning that will Mr Kyprianou described the evening of 23 November, sions seem to have focused their July 26 Movement com- stressed the revolution’s include a national caravan that Fidel Castro as “the most President Anastasiades said, on the occupied town of rades who drove into Havana internationalism, supporting will take Castro’s remains to important leader of the Left “Despite the disappointment Morphou – a largely Greek on January 2 1959 to the Che Guevara’s efforts in different parts of the country. Movement in the 2nd half of that is normal to have been Cypriot town before the Turk- immense joy of the locals Bolivia and the Congo and His ashes will be buried on the 20th century,” adding he caused by the result in Mont ish invasion. President Anas- were determined that their sending volunteers - from December 4. will be remembered “as a dear Pelerin, I would like to offer tasiades has consistently revolution would differ from medical staff to teachers, Labour leader Jeremy friend of Cyprus, who stood assurances that I am deter- sought the return of Morphou previous bids for power in the literacy campaigners, sports Corbyn described Fidel Castro next to Cyprus at all interna- mined and ready, while always to Greek Cypriot control, to Americas. It was as much a coaches and military advisers as “a massive figure in the tional fora at all its difficult respecting the reasonable maximise the number of declaration of independence - to developing countries. history of the whole planet” times since the establishing concerns of the Greek Cypri- refugees able to return to their from US tutelage as it was an Southern Africa benefited and “a champion of social of the Republic, forging close ots – and I underline this – homes and to minimise the overthrow of the Batista dicta- hugely from the military volun- justice.” He said: “Fidel Cas- relations of friendship and without overlooking those of compensation required. How- torship that ran Cuba in the teers sent to Angola where a tro’s death marks the passing solidarity with President the Turkish Cypriots, to take ever, Mr Erdogan as recently interests of US tourists savour- mainly Cuban and Angolan of a huge figure of modern Makarios while creating the all the necessary actions so at 10 November was quoted ing the delights of the hotels, army thrashed apartheid history, national independence Non-Aligned Movement.” that the dialogue can restart.” as saying “Morphou will casinos, golf clubs and broth- South African forces at Cuito and 20th century socialism. “AKEL – the Progressive It was agreed that the negoti- never be given back.” els controlled by the mafia. Cuanavale, transforming the “From building a world-class Party of the Working People, ations in Mont Pelerin would The President of the Cuba stood up to its north- region. health and education system its leadership, members and focus mainly on territory with National Federation of ern neighbour, nationalising When the Soviet Union to Cuba’s record of inter- supporters, all progressive three criteria to be discussed: Cypriots, Christos Karaolis US-owned oil refineries when collapsed in 1991, many national solidarity abroad, Cypriots, bid farewell to the (a) The extent of the said “As the Cypriot diaspora they refused to process oil commentators suggested that Castro’s achievements were fervent revolutionary, interna- territory of the Turkish Cypriot in the UK we continue fully imports from the Soviet Union. Cuba would not last long, but many. tionalist and communist,” he constituent state, after the support the President Anas- The Castro family farm, the Cuban president was “For all his flaws, Castro’s concluded. territorial adjustments tasiades in his efforts to (b) The number of refugees reunite Cyprus and its people that would return under Greek and we are hopeful that the Cypriot administration and dialogue will re-commence.” (c) The extent of the coast- He went on to say “Whilst it White Christmas predicted for Scotland line, which would surround the is too early to assess the area of each constituent state. implications of these events he north of Scotland 2/1 for a white Christmas in President Anastasiades and on the overall negotiating could be set for a white Aberdeen, with similar prices Mr Akinci agreed in principle process, two things are clear. TChristmas this year after for Edinburgh and Glasgow. on the extent of territory of the Firstly, throughout the pro- the Met Office predicted snow- Further south, odds are Turkish Cypriot constituent cess, the President of Cyprus fall on December 25. set at 3/1 for Newcastle and state which should fall bet- has shown the willingness and A statement posted on the Belfast and 4/1 for London. ween 28.2% that is the Greek determination to continue the Met Office website said: “High Earlier this month, the Met Cypriot position and 29.2% negotiations to end the Turk- pressure is likely to dominate Office warned that Britain that is the Turkish Cypriot ish occupation. Secondly, the from mid December, with was facing a chilly winter as position. On that basis, the negotiations to reunite Cyprus fairly ‘blocked’ conditions the polar vortex above the UN experts calculated the will struggle to succeed whilst becoming established across Arctic moves south bringing number of refugees that would Turkey and its President, the UK. This weather pattern frosty conditions. likely be returning under Mr Erdogan, continue to inter- would lead to drier than The forecaster defines Greek Cypriot administration vene in an unhelpful manner. average conditions and lighter a White Christmas as one at between 78,247 and 94,484. The time has come for Turkey winds. north. may be relatively mild at times, snowflake falling in the Whilst President Anastasiades to demonstrate with actions “Interludes of more unset- “It is likely to be rather a cold temperatures on the whole 24 hours of December 25 was willing to accept this and not just words that it is tled weather are expected to period, with temperatures through this period are likely somewhere in the UK. number of refugees returning serious about solving the be fairly limited, although below average for the time to be below average.” The last widespread the Turkish Cypriot leader, Cyprus issue. Guarantees and these could still lead to some of year, and a continued risk Meanwhile, bookmaker UK White Christmas was in contrary to what was agreed Turkish troops have no place snow over high ground in the of overnight frosts. Whilst it Ladbrokes is offering odds of 2010. on the extent of the territory of in a 21st century Cyprus.” PARIKIAKI English Section, 1st December 2016 13 community NEA - Dawn of an Era: a political Nikki Christou wins thriller by Georgio Konstandi CBBC’s Junior Bake Off!

he first of the gripping to save themselves from NEA trilogy is set in a deportation - or worse. But TGreece not far from now, another strain is soon placed where its people are trapped in on the relationship, as the aftermath of austerity and Sophia’s already troubled live a terrifying existence existence in Egypt begins to plagued by narcotics, abuse be plagued by a string of love and suicide. letters. As tensions continue The mesmerising novel, a to rise, who can she no longer tale of both current and poten- trust? Who is this prince claim- tial political storms, delves ing to be hers? And is she into the frightening possibili- truly part of an ancient Levan- ties that arise when the human tine prophecy, or is someone psyche is pushed past break- playing a cruel trick on a preg- ing point, following parallel nant and frightened refugee? fter weeks of baking cakes later, Nikki has been lives of Greeks from various In a sudden blitzkrieg of triumphs and show- crowned the champion. backgrounds as they embark events that see NEA bulldoze Astopper challenges, Nikki has been baking since CBBC’s Junior Bake Off has the age of 4 and enjoys on a crusade that could end their way to victory, Kazakov crowned its champion of 2016 making the more extravagant all wars to burn down a demo- has to ignore an unnerving - it’s Nikki Christou! bakes. cratic system that has stood threat of future mutiny from the Forty of the best bakers She has a food dictionary since ancient time. Athenian mafia to ensure total the nation from catastrophe as taking control of her village in from around the UK tested which helps her decide what NEA is the highly sophisti- power is gained by Dimitri, his it seems the continent has just a day. She holds on still their culinary skills in the Bake flavours go together and is cated rebel faction of a million political marionette. Now, as already closed ranks. One of to her single wish: to become Off tent. able to substitute ingredients aggrieved and disturbed the nation is reborn, he must Dimitri’s main sponsors and a the successful educator she They battled to impress and find alternatives for high Greek men, trained under the present Dimitri with his key political chess player for could once aspire to be. Yet judges Allegra McEvedy and sugar recipes. bitter expertise of ex-generals second task. Istanbul awaits. his nation, Vladimir Kazakov, is as she is forced to flee her 2015’s Great British Bake Off Nikki follows in the footsteps and political criminals, seek- In Alexandria, a long suffering a Russian aristocrat, narcotic burning village, between the winner, Nadiya Hussain. of Amari, who won the CBBC ing to destroy the Hellenic Sophia sees the love she once and loyal marionette to Putin. refugee camps and reloca- Many biscuits, pastries and series in 2015. democratic system and make Fuelled by doses paranoia tions, she realises that she kindled fall apart as she Greece the superpower it once and heroine, he has his work cannot possibly achieve this spends night and day terrified was. Dimitri Nicolaou leads cut out for him. Not only in her homeland. Her only of the monster Artemis has them. He has slaughtered his must he see NEA’s operation solace is her newfound love – become. But her prince did way to the top of the group’s succeeds, but he is also Artemis, a young and auda- not fail her. The letters, they Third charity bike hierarchy and sees himself in burdened with executing the cious NEA soldier who trips were not a lie. Artemis is dead, the military driving seat as he delicate master plan of the into her naive heart and whose and her new life awaits her. seeks to gain total power of Kremlin without sparking world child she now carries. When the nation. Frequent rendez- war three. There is no margin her mother is raped and About the author vous with his Russian and ride for Laz Lazarou for error. murdered and she finds Turkish sponsors see him As the flowers of the north- herself setting sail to start a Born to Greek-Cypriot stumble through the operation ern countryside remain wilted new life with him in Egypt, parents, Mike and Dina Kon- under immense pressure under winter’s wrath, Sophia Sophia must learn when a love standi, Georgio has always to reach their inconsistent Iliadi is blossoming into a is worth fighting for. been fascinated by politics ultimatums. stunning young woman in her Without warning though, the and passionate about creative George Andreou, Prime decrepit village of Assiros. political chess board takes a writing. In this, the first in his Minister, is his bullseye and Dragging her feet through dramatic shift as an exaspera- political thriller series, he amal- longtime nemesis - placing poverty, she spends her days ted Andreou, unable to receive gamates the two most impor- him behind bars just a decade with her mother, who is muted the aid he needs from a tant aspects of his life - and ago. Labelled as a weak and with fatigue. But their dreary corrupted EU, accepts an it’s been an emotional write. fruitless leader, Andreou strug- lives are thrown into a new Italian asylum offer, coordi- Georgio said, “I’m an active gles with the help of his dimension of chaos as NEA nated by a backstabbing politico, having campaigned opinionated advisors to save sweeps through the north, Putin. The Minister of Defence, during the EU referendum in Yiannis Constantinou, is left 2016 and attending lectures to pick up the pieces as the from cabinet ministers such as reek Cypriot Lazaros “We did it in five days, going country is plunged into Sir Iain Duncan Smith. I write Lazarou, 64, has from Canmore to Jasper, over Theatro Technis martial law. Now it is Dimitri’s for the cross-partisan blog site, Gcompleted his third some gruelling hills and 400 German allies who must United Politics, where my bike ride, this time in Canada, tough kilometres,” said Mr demand a final ultimatum as latest article highlighted my riding from Canmore to Lazarou. He added, “We had an anxious Merkel struggles concerns of Cypriot unifica- Jasper, approximately 400km, sunshine, rain, chaffing and to keep the truth from tion, as well as the largest in five days. lots of tears along the way but presents Antigone European leaders on the faction within the Conserva- The present chairman of the the fun we had with so many harrowing civil war. Kazakov tive Party, Conservative Way Greek Cypriot Association of awesome fundraisers and the from the European Union to has no choice but to intervene Forward. I hold areas of Wales, has in the past 6 years whole reason we are cycling the surprising result of the - Russia and Germany have particular interest in Greek and completed two other rides in pulled the group along. presidential election in never been so close to break- Cypriot politics, French and America, namely California Everyone supported the America, there is no doubt ing point. Spanish affairs and the and New York, raising money people who needed that bit that 2016 has been an Amidst the uneasy aromas Middle East.” for Velindre Cancer Hospital extra at the time. interesting year to say the of an unstable Egypt, Sophia Keep up with Georgio’s in Cardiff. His mother sadly “My mum would have least. Now, as we edge and Artemis struggle to political commentary on Twit- died at the hospital at the age loved it. I am so grateful to towards 2017, the central receive asylum whilst they ter: @georgiokon, Facebook: of 46. With a group of 70 her and to all those who themes within Antigone – slink through Alexandria’s georgiokonstandi or visit others, the total raised to date supported and sponsored repression, injustice, and walls as their Arabic alter egos www.georgiokonstandi.com is over £2,000,000. me,” Mr Lazarou concluded. oppression, seem more relevant than ever, despite s the New Year being written in 441 BC. approaches, Theatro Antigone will span this year ATechnis is proud to and the next as a testament present Antigone at the end to the eternal power and of this year. relevance of the work of one George Eugeniou - the of the three tragedians of theatre’s founder and Ancient Greece and we artistic director, has adapted gladly invite you to attend the third of Sophocles’ our opening night on Tues- Theban plays and we would day 20th December 2016. Lympia Association Dinner & Dance will take place Lobby for Cyprus is holding its annual Christmas Dinner & like to invite you to experi- The rest of the perfor- on Sunday 11th December 2016 at the Cypriot Community Dance on Sunday 11th December 2016, 5.30pm at The Pen- ence this seminal work this mance run is as follows: Centre, Earlham Grove, Wood Green, N22 5HJ, at 5.00pm. ridge Suite, 470 Bowes Road, London N11 1NL. festive period. 20th – 23rd December Father Christmas will be making a special appearance Nikos Savvides and George (Kokis) Gregoriou will be After a year of political and 2016 and handing out presents to all the children. providing live entertainment with The Venus Band. social upheaval all over the 27th – 30th December Tickets: £25, Children: £10, Under 5: Free. Tickets £40 adults / £25 under 16s, available from Lobby world, from the ongoing 2016 For reservations or further information, please contact: for Cyprus on 020 8888 2556 or Greek City on 020 8889 war in Syria to the hostile 3rd – 7th January 2017 Chris Hapeshis: 020 8771 1519, Lakis Panayi: 020 8518 0186. political situation in Cyprus, All performances will take 0571, Charles Gregoriou: 020 8886 1568, Michalis Ioannou: Drinks included (wine, beer and soft drinks). Vegan main and Britain’s upcoming exit place at 7:30pm 020 8803 0876 or Pola Tsioupra: 020 8368 1946. meal available by advance request when booking.

For the latest news from Cyprus, UK and around the world, visit www.parikiaki.com ● Follow us on Twitter: @Parikiaki 14 English Section, 1st December 2016 PARIKIAKI PPHHIILLAATTEELLIICC NNEEWWSS && Insurance, CCOOLLLLEECCTTOORRSS CCOORRNNEERR ADVERTISING FEATURE Making Sense... by Andrew Menelaou Oncover Insurance Services Ltd is authorised and regulated by ALDERNEY (CHANNEL ISLANDS) the Financial Conduct Authority. We can arrange competitive premiums for your insurances. We offer a First Class Personal Service which helps us to establish long-term partnerships with our clients. Alderney Xmas Symbols Andreas Patikis Insurance premium tax to increase from June 2017

nsurance Premium Tax (IPT) will increase further to 12% Ifrom June 2017. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, revealed the increase - the tax is currently set at 10% - in the Autumn Statement. Date of issue: Europe. It is the third time the tax 8/11/2016 The poem “A Visit from has been increased in less St. Nicholas”, more commonly than two years. In July 2015 The year, our stamps known as “The Night Before the Summer budget saw it feature some of the images Christmas” and “Twas the grow to 9.5% and just months we commonly associate with Night Before Christmas” later, in March this year, it Christmas, from the Christmas from its first line, was went up again to 10%. tree decorated with tinsel published anonymously in Prior to the Statement the and lights, which grace many the New York Sentinel in insurance community had homes around the world, 1823 and later attributed called for a freeze on IPT. to the gifts sitting under it, to Clement Clarke Moore, claims. The UK is known as If something does go The British Insurance delivered, as many children who claimed authorship the “whiplash capital of the wrong, it is important to know Brokers’ Association (Biba) believe, by Father Christmas in 1837. However, there world” so it’s vital that where your stopcock is (and had lobbied the government on a sleigh pulled by his are many that believe the Government implements these note that you might have more for a freeze. Chief executive proposals without delay to than one). This turns off the Steve White commented, ensure consumers can start water supply, so it’s important “Insurance Premium Tax is a getting a fairer deal as soon to make sure it is in working tax on protection and there as possible.” order before it gets too cold. should be no further increase The last thing anyone would in this regressive tax.” TIPS TO AVOID want is to find themselves with The association added in FROZEN PIPE a broken stopcock as their a statement following house is slowly flooding. Hammond’s announcement: MISERY Even if your pipes are only “Over the past 15 months, The popularity of Frozen frozen, it is still important to policyholders have already may be as strong as ever turn the water off at the seen an increase of 66% in the among the little ones – with stopcock, and then to either Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) a sequel on its way – but wait until the affected pipe they pay - this further increase nobody likes frozen pipes. warms up again, or to help it to 12% in this regressive tax is To avoid the damage and thaw out with a hot water outrageous and is a tax on high cost of freezing or burst bottle, for example. Just be protection which will hit reindeer from the North poor and sick. When the true author to be Henry pipes, the Association of careful not to try and warm it everyone and especially those Pole. Normans arrived in Britain Livingston. British Insurers (ABI) has up too fast, or it might still The legend of Father so too did St. Nicholas and ‘just about managing’. collected some top tips to see burst. Christmas can be traced he was quickly absorbed “We believe that this you through the winter. Should the worst happen back hundreds of years to into the legend of Father Spain increase is contrary to the When pipes are allowed to and a pipe actually burst, stated policy of HM Revenue again turn the water off at the the 3rd century and a monk Christmas. Christmas starts on get to a temperature below and Customs that IPT should stopcock, and also switch off named St. Nicholas – a far During the 16th Century 8th December in Spain, with zero with water still in them, make the required contribution your central heating. Then cry from the jolly man dressed in northern Europe, after the the Feast of the Immaculate there is a high chance that to HM Government revenue open all taps to drain any in red. reformation, the stories and Conception, and presents they will freeze. If they are while minimising the effect on leftover water from the system, It is thought that St. Nicholas traditions about St. Nicholas don’t come until the 6th confronted by warm water in the take up of insurance.” and contact your insurance was born around 280 A.D. in decreased in popularity and, January, or Twelfth Night, this frozen state, they are likely It continued: “This increase company to arrange for a Patara, near Myra in modern- particularly in England, he which is when the Three Kings to burst, causing an untold comes at a time when both professional to come by and day Turkey. Much admired for became ‘Father Christmas’ brought gifts to the baby amount of damage. With motor and home insurance repair the pipe. his kindness, it is said that or ‘Old Man Christmas’, an Jesus. the Met Office predicting a he gave away all of his old character from stories and premiums are rising and our colder than average winter, Laura Hughes, ABI’s policy inherited wealth and travelled plays during the middle age fear is that many of those who it’s important to do what you adviser of General Insurance, the countryside to help the in the UK and parts of northern Germany most need it will avoid taking can to avoid this frozen misery. said: “Every winter, damage up insurance and be unable The main thing you can do caused by burst pipes is In British homes, Christmas to afford the protection they to avoid burst pipes is to keep widespread and expensive. trees are adorned with twink- need.” your heating on at regular Prevention is better than ling lights and decorations. Hammond said the changes intervals, and to make sure cure and a few simple steps Germans hide a pickle in the outlined in the Autumn State- that even if you’re away, can reduce the risk of facing Christmas tree on Christmas ment were to “build an econo- it’s set on a timer so that the trauma of frozen or burst Eve and the first child to my that works for everyone.” your pipes experience some pipes during the winter. Home discover it in the morning The Chancellor also warmth every day. This may insurance will pay for the often receives a small gift. announced a crackdown on seem like a waste, heating costly damage caused by 020 7691 2409 whiplash claims in a move he your house when you’re not burst pipes, but it cannot Iceland said could save motorists up there to enjoy it, but it will compensate for the misery to £40 a year. LV welcomed cost a lot less than the repairs and inconvenience that they Finally, we turn to Iceland the move. Martin Milliner, LV and structural damage of a bring.” SAVE UP TO 30%, CALL NOW* where children leave a show general insurance claims burst pipe, particularly if it Not sure if damage to pipes ñ BUSINESSES on their bedroom windowsill director, said: “LV promised results in flood damage. is covered by your home during the twelve days of to pass on all savings from Another ABI tip is to make insurance policy? Check your ñ HOUSEHOLD Christmas. Each night it is the 2015 Autumn Statement sure your water pipes and tank documentation to see how ñ LANDLORDS - FROM 1 to 100 + PROPERTIES filled with sweets or gifts ready compensation crackdown to are well-insulated, with good liable you would be for the to be enjoyed the next customers and that promise quality lagging. Water tanks damage. If you’re not happy ñ LIABILITY morning. still stands. will usually be stored in one with your home insurance ñ FLEET & OTHER INSURANCES Wherever and however you “We welcome Chancellor of the colder areas of the cover, or are unhappy with celebrate Christmas in 2016, Hammond’s support for the house, such as the attic, which your insurance for any other we wish you happiness and MoJ’s consultation and look will also see some pipes reason, please call us on 0207 First Class Service in Greek & English peace. forward to working with running through it. Insulating 691 2409. www.oncoverinsurance.co.uk government on implementing these vulnerable spots from Head Office: 89c College Place, London NW1 0DR Based on information the reforms - honest motorists the cold will help decrease Do you have any Insurance supplied by Guernsey Post, and businesses should not their chances of freezing. stories to tell, please *Subject to terms, claims history, postcode Philatelic Department, Guern- have to keep paying the price Repairing any dripping taps send or email them to sey, Channel Islands. for unnecessary whiplash will also help. [email protected] PARIKIAKI English Section, 1st December 2016 15 healthy living - arts - community Head to the sun this festive season Samsara answers your and celebrate Cypriot style! beauty questions.... nyone looking to escape urban architecture of a the traditional English bygone, more graceful age. AChristmas this year The extensively renovated should consider celebrating in and refurbished 4-star Palm Cyprus at the popular Palm Beach Hotel & Bungalows Beach Hotel & Bungalows in near Larnaka is situated on the Larnaka that hosts a specta- Mediterranean coastline, and cular programme. offers five star facilities and ser- Activities are designed for vices including the Wellness the whole family to enjoy and Centre, where guests can include learning how to make recharge their batteries with a Cypriot pastries and tradition- range of massages, plus Q. My skin seems to be body scrub: Mix 1 tbs sea al Christmas decorations; sauna, Jacuzzi and steam really dry, flaky and tight salt with 2 tbs sunflower oil. a children’s mini club and bath. and looks really unsightly. Rub over body in circular the chance to meet Father For the more energetic, What would you suggest? motion with or without using Christmas on Christmas morn- there are tennis and squash A. As the winter sets in, we an exfoliating glove or mitt. ing; as well as enjoying Christ- courts, plus outdoor and in- will automatically be in short Wash off with the pH mas carols, festive dinners, door heated swimming pools. supply of Vitamin D which balanced shower gel. a fabulous Christmas lunch, So for the perfect stress free we get from the sun. Known 4. Apply a pH based and a magnificent New Year’s Christmas head off to the as the sunshine vitamin, moisturiser to the skin Eve Gala Dinner Buffet, beautiful island of Cyprus and Vitamin D is used in cell frequently as required. with live music and dance enjoy all the festivities without metabolism. I would suggest 5. Try this exfoliating scrub show. having to lift a finger. Prices taking a Vitamin D supple- for the face: Mix 1 tbs thick The Cypriot winters tend to are from £710 per person ment to start with. Check set honey with 1 tsp granu- be very mild and average for one week, departing on with your doctor. lated sugar. Apply in circu- around 20 - 18OC in the day 21 December, with flights from Some other contributing lar movements with finger- with bright sunshine and the O London Gatwick, transfers factors to dry skin can be tips or exfoliating glove. evenings around 11 - 9 C by and accommodation based on that of central heating which Wash off with warm water. the coast. In the Troodos two people sharing on a dehydrates the skin of mois- 6. Apply a pH moisturiser Mountains however there is bed and breakfast basis. ture. Lack of fluid in the body to the skin after exfoliation snow so keen skiers can take by not drinking enough and regularly during the day to the slopes for a few days For reservations contact the Olympic Holidays on water will not help. Using as required. skiing. The Cyprus Ski Club shower gels or soaps with (www.cyprusski.com) started 0208 429 6868 or visit www.olympicholidays.com harsh chemicals or fragran- Samsara is a professional in 1947 and developed the ski followed by entertainment in island’s most scenic villages ces can cause the skin to be Bellydancer of Middle East- resort to now include four ski the Piano Bar. including Lefkara where tradi- For a post-Christmas package to take in the New dry, flaky or itchy. ern origin. She performs at lifts and eight well-maintained On Christmas Eve there will tional lace is made. Alterna- Here are some simple tips various festivals and corpo- Alpine pistes and facilities. be a chance to sing carols tively, drive to Nicosia in Year, AITO specialist Planet Holidays are offering 7 nights that can help: rate events and teaches at The Christmas programme whilst enjoying a festive drink under 30 minutes and enjoy a 1. Drink plenty of water to venues and holiday retreats. flying from Luton 28 Decem- at the Palm Beach Hotel in the Adelphi Lounge plus a day at the races, browsing keep skin hydrated. She has been a lecturer ber with accommodation on & Bungalows kicks off on gala dinner, and Christmas shops or visiting Laiki Yitonia, 2. Cleanse the skin every- and assessor for many years bed and breakfast at the Palm 23 December with an organ- Day is packed with lots of the old quarter of this city, day with a pH balanced in various educational depart- Beach Hotel & Bungalows ised beach walk in the morn- eating and drinking and live which has been carefully cleanser for the face and a ments in colleges teaching from £599 per person includ- ing, followed by the option to entertainment. restored - a pedestrian area shower gel for the body. dance, fitness, kick-boxer- ing transfers in resort. Contact do some last minute Christ- During the festive season within the walled city, east of 3. Exfoliate regularly to cise, holistic and beauty mas shopping in Larnaka town there are also local excursions Eleftheria Square. Charming Planet Holidays reservations remove the surface dead therapies including anatomy centre. Guests can enjoy a around the island or the winding alleys with traditional on 01438 841 270. skin cells. For a real mois- and physiology. great Sushi Dinner at the opportunity to hire a car to houses and shops, restau- For more information on the ture scrub to the skin, try Website: www.samsara- Adelphi Lounge Sushi Bar explore on your own. Larnaka rants, galleries, restored as hotel visit www.palmbeach- making your own exfoliating bellydancer.co.uk (opened this August 2016), District has many of the typical examples of Cypriot hotel.com

tango, bolero, waltz, foxtrot Reflecting on the new latest release “Peirazei, ..... with and swing, sung in Greek, collection of songs the singer penned by Konstantinos English and other languages. revealed: “It’s my favourite Pantzis; straying away from Katerina Helena Ray (aka Elena thing I’ve ever done… I’ve the ‘club track’ he is most well Hadjiafxendi) is a London been dying to make this known for and instead explo- based internationally known record since Idol. We’re still ring a more traditional upbeat This week in actress and singer, with an working on it, but we have a Laiko sound. Catch a listen on eclectic and distinctive style good batch of songs already *Scandalous!! Xclusive! of performance that blends and I can’t wait to sing them world music with literary recita- live. They’re amazing… After That’s all for now. More Live in London tion and drama. Her repertoire having a career for so long, entertainment and music encapsulates an array of it’s so weird that nobody news coming soon! Until next Helena Ray & genres including classical, knows [my sound] yet, so it’s time… x Mwah The Thrift Shop musical theatre, film and tele- going to be so good. It’s Ensemble present vision to opera and poetry definitely a different chapter.” *Catch all the latest VINTAGE on Thurs- shows, which has seen her music Xclusives on Kateri- day 7th December, perform in many European New Releases! na’s Live DJ Show: ‘Young “an evening of time- cities: London, Paris, Athens & Connected - Scandalous! less songs and nos- and Nicosia. Rallia Christidou is back Live on LGR 103.3fm, online talgic storytelling.” A On the night Helena Ray will with a new single this winter at www.lgr.co.uk and DAB, unique night that be accompanied by musi- entitled “To Fili Klaiei” – a on Tuesdays 8-10pm. promises to trans- cians Andreas Papapetrou 7pm – 11pm. Music News! stirring love ballad composed SCANDALOUS! port you to yester- (Piano), Pavlos Carvalho For more information or by successful songwriters If you would like your year; exploring the (Cello) and Michael Iskas to book tickets visit: Greek- American singer Giorgos Papadopoulos and CD or event featured or musical styles and (Violin). www.jamboreevenue.co.uk Kelly Clarkson has got Natalia Germanou. reviewed in Xclusive! con- popular cultures of Tickets are £8 in advance or call the box office: 020 7791 herself a new record deal and Meanwhile, Nikos Ganos tact Katerina via email: the roaring twenties /£10 at the door. Doors open 5659. according to the lady herself, may surprise fans with his [email protected] and the dark interwar is finally making the album era, up to the late she’s always wanted to since fifties at the atmos- winning American Idol back pheric speak-easy in 2002 and relinquishing ties London venue Jam- with her former label. boree. Fans will have to wait until Featuring contem- spring next year for the first porary interpreta- sound morsel of what’s to CLUSIVE! tions of come, but Clarkson has drop- songs by Edith Piaf, ped a few hints along the way, Amalia Rodriguez, recently tweeting: “Listening Yves Montand, Bert 2 songs 4 my album we’re Firman and Danae working on #mariah meets X Stratigopoulou as #aretha meets #whitney well as paying hom- meets #mefromidoldays age to European meets #2017.” 16 English Section, 1st December 2016 PARIKIAKI


by George Savvides by Barney Efthimiou Flash, bang, wallop...a hit, a star! heatre producers are certainly pulling out all the stops fighting for our attention, and ever diminishing pound, which SullySully Tmakes choosing which show to treat you and yours too this Christmas a real challenge...as well as a pantomime that is. Oh yes t is not that long ago since able to help her solve the you must and Half a Sixpence (Noel Coward Theatre) will Captain Chesley “Sully” mystery. feature somewhere very near the top of that list. The story of ISullenberger made headlines It is a colourful adventure with orphan Arthur Kripps who inherits a fortune and then gets carried when he landed his plane songs but the lyrics are poor away with it all forgetting his roots, to his detriment, is a story made onto the Hudson River - it was and seem to have been impro- for a stage musical. Rachel Kavanagh’s production, re-written by actually on January 15, 2009. vised at the spare of the mo- Julian Fellowes, is a humdinger which will thrill and delight you Clint Eastwood’s terrific new film ment. It is a disappointing film with oodles of theatrical charm. revisits those moments with particularly for those expecting Paul Brown’s gorgeous design gives the whole thing a feel of Tom Hanks as the eponymous to see another FROZEN but with a childhood fantasy in a kaleidoscope of colour and goodies into hero, the highly skilled captain, a strong and spirited young which steps a young man named Charlie Stemp. From his first who despite the fact that he heroine who almost compen- line, to his first dance, and that winning smile, the whole audience saved the lives of all 155 aboard sates the dull middle section. knew we were witnessing the making of another musical star. He finds himself in the middle has charm that would bring birds out of trees and an ebullience of media frenzy as well as an Eat That Question and joie de vivre that suggest he is having the time of his life. We investigation by the aviation certainly were. Stiles and Drewe’s re-imagining of David Heneker’s original authorities questioning his act cements his reputation as one the test when Krista begins to Frank Zappa has been score and addition of new music works beautifully giving the show and integrity. of the most exciting writer/ date Nadine’s brother Darian described by none other than a fresh coat of Technicolor pizazz. The title track remains a Tom Hanks is outstanding directors around. (Blake Jenner)... himself as a Mephistophelian plaintive and sugary sweet musical number while Flash, Bang, and delivers his best perfor- Teller deserves awards for his This marks the impressive figure, not a hippy but a freak Wallop does what it says on the tin, exploding into a crackerjack mance for ages and receives highly committed performance feature film debut of the writer and above all a composer rather song during which we are treated to some of Andrew Wright’s solid support from Aaron and is well supported by a of POST GRAD Kelly Fremon a rock legend. Director Thorsten exuberant choreography, a feature throughout. The leading ladies, Eckhart as his co-pilot Jeff strong cast that includes an Craig whose well observed Schutte celebrates the life of this Devon-Elise Johnson (Ann Pornick) and Emma Williams (Helen Skiles. Laura Linney is effective unrecognisable Aaron Eckhard screenplay provides her actors iconic revolutionary figure with Walsingham), who vie for Arthur’s attention, are similarly superb as Sully’s wife but spends the as Kevin Rooney, Pazienza’s with fully fleshed characters not some terrific archive material in their roles making for a thrilling triumvirate. whole movie on the phone dedicated trainer. Ciaran Hinds often seen in teen movies. The with Zappa represented here in The original production in 1963 made a star of one Tommy talking to her husband - she is may not be the obvious choice young protagonists are all ex- His Own Words. Steele and I hope the veteran entertainer, still going strong, finds otherwise phoning in her for the Italian patriarch but cellent and so are Woody Har- Zappa was a force to be time to hold up a mirror to Charlie Stemp. It will be total joy for performance - desperate to surprisingly his performance relson as Nadine’s sardonic reckoned with and those who both of them and an opportunity for the old boy (he’s knocking on hear the latest news about the works. You don’t have to be a history teacher and Kyra Sedg- attempted to argue against his the door of 80) to relive one of his greatest moments through a landing. sports fan to enjoy this uplifting wick as her mixed up mother. principles and beliefs had a young man, who if he continues in this vein, will be the natural Eastwood’s sensitive direc- true story. An endearing film for all ages! tough time to put it mildly. successor to Steele. tion avoids any sentimentality Zappa was a highly intelligent A star and an undoubted hit...what a picture, what a or any heroism for that matter - and eloquent musician who Chi-Raq The Unknown Girl photograph! he simply focuses on the became an overnight sensation Meanwhile Julie Gee will never forget...In what proved to be human element and allows A new film from the Belgian when he released his debut an incredibly and poignant evening, on the anniversary of one of Hanks to deliver a deeply com- brothers Jean-Pierre and Luc album FREAK OUT with THE the most horrendous war battles ever fought, the iconic 1916 film, mitted and dignified perfor- Dardenne is always a highly MOTHERS OF INVENTION in The Battle of the Somme, was screened while the BBC Concert mance. The atmospheric music anticipated event and their latest the sixties. A fine tribute to an Orchestra (Royal Festival Hall) played live the new score by by Christian Jacob and The is no exception - a powerful and extraordinary man and talent! Tierney Sutton Band comple- intriguing drama as in their composer Laura Rossi. Her thinking behind the music was to ments the action while East- most accomplished work like Molly Moon And represent the reality of what these men were feeling before the wood’s main piano theme tune L’ENFANT and THE SON. horror. With no anticipation of shells bursting and plum puddings is deceptively simple but high- Spike Lee’s colourful Here they focus their story on The Incredible exploding, they went to The Somme joyfully in resplendent uniforms lights Sully’s emotional status adaptation of Aristophanes’ Jenny (a luminous performance and throwing their caps high into the air. Not a single regret to a great effect. An intelligent LYSISTRATA is a real treat! from Adele Haenel), a young Book Of Hypnotism at having been chosen. A futile field with little food or shelter crowd pleaser! The action of this satirical doctor who finds herself expe- became their home. Inherent danger became their identity card. musical drama is set in Chicago riencing a guilty trip after she A lot of talent is wasted in this Applause to Laura Rossi for her congruous score. Yes, let us Bleed For This where the gang violence is fails to answer her doorbell one likable but uninspired adapta- never forget these men. escalating and after the murder evening. The next day she is tion of Georgia Byng’s children And Elvis Younger applauds courage...Four actors on a simple of a child by a stray bullet, a informed that the body of an story, the first in a series of set with a ‘mirror wall’. The main character, Kit, is a transsexual who group of women led by Lysis- unidentified young woman has books and hopefully the last. went through the final stages of becoming a man two years ago. trata (Teyona Parris) decide to been found close by... Many writers are credited for the The transition for him was the start of Testosterone (New take matters to their own hands. It is a mesmerising film and screenplay including Byng Diorama Theatre) injections. He now finds himself in the male She is the lover of Chi-Raq (Nick Dardenne brothers deliver the which is usually a warning sign changing room of a gym. We see him on various parts of his Cannon), one of the city’s goods magnificently. Haenel is for the muddled result. journey and although there is not much character development notorious drug dealers but it proved to be a very courageous sharing of that experience. No Ben Younger’s powerful film outstanding as the determined The eponymous heroine (Raf- Lysistrata’s first priority is to stop answers, no solutions, just the reality of what it now means to join provides Miles Teller with an- young woman desperate to find fey Cassidy) is an orphan who having sex with him in order to the “club of males”. The predictable 1980’s soundtrack somewhat other mesmerising performance the truth behind the unknown begins to practise hypnosis bring an end to the gun violence diluted the central message but this is what community theatre -this time as Vinny Pazienza, the girl’s death. There is also fine after she discovers a book in the that terrorises their city. Her should be, provocative, challenging and real. Bravo. American boxer who made contribution from two of Dard- library. However, a notorious stand inspires all the women of While Christina Efthyvoulou heralds a legend...Seventy-seven history holding the world title in ennes’ regular actors - Jeremie bank robber wants to lay his Chicago and soon their chant year old William Bell, appeared at The Barbican as part of the three different weight categories. Renier and Olivier Gourmet as hands on her valuable book... No Peace - No Pussy resonates ever popular London Jazz Festival which year after year includes But above all he defied expec- two men with secrets to hide. It is a mystery how such an across the globe even in some awesome headline acts. At this gig he was supported by tations and returned to the ring Another impeccable film from accomplished British female Greece... Tony Momrelle a solid and funky support act. Bell, long-time record- following a near-fatal car acci- this talented duo that has often cast including Emily Watson. Teyona Parris is terrific as the ing artist for Stax Records in the 60’s and 70’s has lost nothing and dent and told he would never been described as Belgian’s Lesley Manville and Anne Marie sexy protagonist determined to may even have gained extra layers of quality over the years. When be able to walk again... answer to Ken Loach! Duff have agreed to appear in achieve her goal at all costs I closed my eyes and listened the silky tones of his incredibly Teller made an impression as this silly film. while Samuel L. Jackson is su- soulful voice filled me with joy and the whole venue with a pretty a young man in RABBIT HOLE per cool as the Greek chorus Moana amazing vibe. His backing band were really impressive, especially opposite Nicole Kidman before narrating the story with much The Dreamed Ones the brass. The standout songs for me were This is Where I Live he hit the big time with his gusto and style. A brilliant (new album title song) and Poison in The Well. The patter in stirring performance in the The love story of Ingeborg introduction to Aristophanes between was also revealing and overall this was a night of award-winning WHIPLASH. Bachmann and Paul Celan is particularly to those that think vintage entertainment. Now he can pick and choose celebrated here through their ancient Greek drama is stuffy Finally Rina Afxentiou and son Leo (nearly 4!) fall for a his roles and selecting to play poetry and letters exchanged and old fashioned! favourite…The Snowman (Peacock Theatre) is back! A boy builds Pazienza was a wise move. He Disney is trying to cash in on between 1948 and 1967. This is a snowman who then comes to life. Together they go off on brings out the man’s determi- their success of FROZEN with the closest a film can get to a magical adventures and yes they fly too. At this time of year there nation and strength in order to this amiable but not as sophis- radio play - the two actors read The Edge is no more festive show to see. I never tire of hearing that come back from his death bed ticated animated feature. the poets’ letters in a sound beautiful song Walking in the Air and Leo will never get over and re-invent himself as a cham- Of Seventeen It starts well and boasts a studio in Vienna and although seeing the snowman fly – “mummy I want to fly too”. Yes my son, pion in just over a year later. feisty young heroine (voiced the actors are highly watchable one day! It is everything you expect it to be and more, even if it It is an exhilarating story and This is Hailee Steinfeld’s best by Auli’i Cravalho) who begins this is a touch watch and needs slightly outstays its welcome. We forgave them that because it is Ben Younger who also wrote performance since her remark- a journey across the Pacific in concentration since the letters a most delightful show for ages from four to infinity. Last year my the screenplay directs with able feature film debut in TRUE order to save her people and and dialogue are delivered in yiayia (84) went and still talks about it. Go! efficiency and style. He made a GRIT. She is warm, funny find out why they have stopped German. remarkable feature debut with and her timing is priceless as sailing for hundreds of years. Curiously this is a satisfying HALF A SIXPENCE - 0844 482 5141 BOILER ROOM before the Nadine, a high school student During her voyage she meets and moving experience but I TESTOSTERONE - 020 7383 9034 Uma Thurman and Meryl Streep whose friendship with Krista the conceited demigod Maui can’t imagine people queuing THE SNOWMAN – 020 7863 8222 comedy PRIME and now he (Haley Lu Richardson) is put to (Dwayne Johnson) who may be round the block for it. PARIKIAKI English Section, 1st December 2016 17

Celebrity news ...and gossip with Andrea Georgiou

016 is ending on a high our own demos. We’re also for songwriters-produc- Hannides brothers: Receiving an currently working on our own 2ers Michael and Anthony Hannides brothers: Receiving an artist project which we are Hannides after they scooped really excited about! the Global Impact Award at the ASCAP Awards last month for ASCAP award was a huge honour When you now look back co-writing and producing ASCAP award was a huge honour now, are you proud of what the smash international #1 hit you have achieved since Pillowtalk for Zayn Malik. your X Factor participation? The former One Direction Absolutely; we wouldn’t member isn’t the only artist change any part of our the Hannides brothers have journey, not the good or the collaborated with however; bad. The music industry is very both Craig David and Ella testing of character and Henderson have also had through struggles you can songs penned and produced become stronger. We believe by the duo and 2017 looks set everything happens for a to be just as exciting with reason and we are very many artists lined up both here grateful for where we are and in the States! today and thankful for our The boys, whose produc- family’s ongoing support over tion name is Make You Know the years! Love (MYKL), spoke to me about the success of Pillow- Do you have any regrets? talk, future collaborations and No regrets. That doesn’t how their participation on the What inspired you to write control over. For us, there was forward to 2017. MakeYouKnowLove. It has mean we haven’t got things X Factor is now a thing of the the track? no greater chart position than become a universal message. wrong in the past, but you past…. We created the song in a having a billboard number Who would you like to We wanted to bring more can’t change what’s happen- very organic way. What one. work with in the future? feelings and more heart into ed, only what’s happening. Congratulations on inspired us to write it were We’re very fortunate to be songs, where people can winning an ASCAP award? collective experiences of How was it working with working with a lot of the artists feel fully connected to the What plans are in the How did it feel accepting what happens in an intimate Zayn? we love. In the future who message. pipeline? your awards? relationship. We made a lot of happy knows! As long as the songs We have ideas of what we It’s a huge honour to receive memories working with Zayn are great, we’re happy. What made you decide to want to achieve in the future an ASCAP award especially The song topped the and it was a moment of time in put your singing skills aside but what’s more important is as some of the greatest song US Billboard Hot 100 Singles our lives we will never forget. Your production name is and concentrate on writing to stay focused on the work writers and artists over Chart. Did you expect such We became friends which MakeYouKnowLove or MYKL and producing? we’re doing right now and many generations have won great success? made us able to create freely for short. Who came up with We could grow more as hope for the best. it before us. It was a very You can never expect that without any ego. this? people being more in the humbling experience. kind of success, you can only We wanted to create a background and less in front Wishing Michael and hope it becomes successful. Which other artists have brand for our music under of the camera. We needed Anthony the very best in their You were presented the Finishing a great song is the you collaborated with? ‘Michael’ but felt that was time to learn our craft without careers and may next year be Global Impact award for most important thing for us, We’re working with a lot of a little boring so made that the distractions. However, we their greatest yet! co-writing Zayn Malik’s hit after that it’s down to outside artists, some new and some into MYKL and then made have not stopped singing, as debut single ‘Pillowtalk’. influences that you have no established - we’re looking it into an abbreviation for we vocal produce and vocal Andrea xxx 0HGLWHUUDQHDQ0HGLWHUUDQHDQ4HE2OYAL#HACE(OTEL 3$&.$*(3$&.$*(

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ondon will welcome Lady Angela in in English and pronounce it in a Greek performer is bound to keep both younger just 16 days time at the annual way, Cypriots and Greeks cannot say it in and older generations entertained. Don’t LParikiaki Christmas Dinner & Dance the same way as they would sound the miss the opportunity to see Angela held at the Regency Banqueting Suite, ‘g’ as a ‘k’ and taken phonetically An- Dimitriou live! Bruce Grove. She has a career spanning ge-la would be An-ke-la and thus ‘tzela’ Cywinefest over 40 years in the music industry, precedes over ‘gela’. The event will be hosted at Regency making an illustrious career boasting a Banqueting Suite, 113 Bruce Grove, Angela Dimitriou has an impressive CV variety of styles and duets with various Tottenham, London N17 6UR. with records reaching double platinum. artists from the Greek music scene and She has never failed to produce great Diamond – Sold out beyond, and especially in uniting modern music over her long and fruitful career. Platinum – Sold out Angela Dimitriou Greek music with that of the East. Collaborative songs such as Ana Gold – £60 – Very limited availability – Given the past two weeks’ articles where Bahebak Aktar with Egyptian Amr Diab Silver – £55 – Limited availability the subject has been that of cultural have increased her profile in the near Bronze – £50 – Limited availability the Lady of Laika traditions and lingual translations, it east reaching the charts even in hopefully will be easier to reference in Lebanon. She is also popular amongst the – All Prices include a 5 course Greek words into English characters. As Balkan countries; people know her name Christmas meal – we are presented with the same sort of and appreciate her talent in countless Getting the word out there through our trickery once again as you may have countries. With nearly 10,000 Instagram social on Twitter and Instagram seen Antzela Dimitriou posters or social followers, she is still very popular with @CyWineFest, at media posts as well as Angela Dimitriou, younger generations. Her unique voice www.facebook.com/cywinefest where do not be confused, they are one in the echoes that of a 1930s-smooth jazz you can also purchase tickets by simply same person! The lingual translation of vocalist and yet she can produce clicking the ‘book now button’ or got the Lady’s name into English would be upbeat, popular music with drums and Republic of Cyprus Aggela, however as the name Angela flutes and still present songs in a fresh www.parikiaki.com and click the Αngela exists in the English language from the sound. This ability has kept her ever so Dimitriou banner. There are many ways to Greek word for Angel, Aggelos aka popular across a wide range of age keep informed about all things Cypriot Angelos, this is the preferred spelling. groups! Fotia Sta Savvatovrada, Pia Ton and the happenings in the build up to this However, it does not have the same Ehi Agapisi, Edo Pou Ta Leme differ from year’s upcoming events!

Ministry of Energy, Commerce, pronunciation, whereas British Born Margarites and Fillo Ke Ftero even greater Industry & Tourism Ministry of Agriculture Cypriots and Greeks can identify Angela from Ela, Ela and Eleos. This versatile George Charalambous

CrimeCrime Prevention Day Day

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Meet officers from Harringay and St Ann’s Safer Neighbourhood teams and lear n about their work Get tipson how to keep your homesafe and secure Discover how to protect your property with SmartWater Interact with representatives from the local Neighbourhood Watch Meet Haringey’s police cadets Special appearance from Father Christmas.

Working together for a safer London

¶¤ÌÙË 1 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 ™ÂÏ›‰· 19

LIVELIVE ÛÙË ÃÚÈÛÙÔ˘ÁÂÓÓÈ¿ÙÈÎË ÃÔÚÔÂÛÂÚ›‰· Ù˘ «¶·ÚÔÈÎȷ΋˜» Regency Banqueting Suite - 113 Bruce Grove, London N17 6UR ™∞μμ∞Δ√ 17 ¢∂∫∂ªμƒπ√À 2016, 7.30ÌÌ °È· ÂÈÛÈÙ‹ÚÈ· ÙËÏÂʈÓ›ÛÙ ÛÙÔ London Ticket Box 07904 537 181, ÛÙ· ÁÚ·Ê›· Ù˘ «¶·ÚÔÈÎȷ΋˜» 020 8341 5853 ‹ ÛÙËÓ ÈÛÙÔÛÂÏ›‰· www.parikiaki.com


NN Boulter C. MICHAEL & CO. (Accountancy Services) Ltd & Company ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TEL: 020 7388 9825 Solicitors Tel: 020 7388 9825 E-mail: Tel: 020 8340 0222 Tel: 020 8886 1010 Email: [email protected] www.njestates.co.uk [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 20 English Section, 1st December 2016 PARIKIAKI editorial

he first major economic its commitment to increase its statement since the EU by Nick Antoniou, FFCA of NA Associates LLP, activity to counter avoidance and Treferendum focused on taking more cases through to measures to "prepare our litigation. Sanctions and deter- economy to be resilient as we rents will be strengthened, such exit the EU". Chartered Certified Accountants as a new penalty for any person From 2018 the Budget will who has enabled another Reform of loss relief Capital gains tax move to the autumn. A state- person or business to use a tax ment responding to OBR fore- From April 2017, there will be The tax advantages linked avoidance arrangement that is casts will follow in the spring a restriction in the amount of to shares issued under the later defeated by HMRC. but the chancellor was keen to profit that can be offset by employee shareholder status will Disguised remuneration stress that it will not be a carried forward losses to 50%, be abolished for arrangements schemes will also be tackled for "major fiscal event". while allowing greater flexibility entered into on, or after, 1 employers, employees and The following report sum- over the types of profit that can December 2016. The measure extended to the self-employed. be relieved by losses incurred will remove the income tax marises the announcements Insurance premium tax made by chancellor Philip after that date. reliefs and the capital gains tax With effect from 1 June 2017, Hammond during the 2016 The restriction will be subject exemption. the standard rate of insurance Autumn Statement on 23 to a í5 million allowance for The tax treatment between on- premium tax will increase from November 2016. each standalone company or shore and offshore funds is to group. These rules are being be equalised. Performance fees 10% to 12%. introduced following the consul- will not be deductible against Making tax digital Business tation process conducted after reportable income from April Further to previously Corporation tax Budget 2016. 2017 and will instead reduce the announced changes and con- It was confirmed that the tax payable on any disposal sultations, the government will Chancellor Philip Hammond government will take steps to gains. publish its response and provi- confirmed the government's to í11,500 and the higher rate Benefits in kind and expenses address any unintended conse- threshold to í45,000. Inheritance tax sions to implement Making Tax commitment to cut the main rate quences identified in the reform The government will consider The intention is for the per- Digital in January 2017. of corporation tax to 17% by process and to simplify the how the taxation of benefits in Non-UK domiciled individuals sonal allowance to increase to Letting agent fees 2020. administration of the new rules. kind and expenses could be Non-domiciled individuals will í12,500 and the higher rate made more equitable in the be deemed UK domiciled for tax The government will ban let- VAT flat rate scheme Tax deductibility of corporate purposes if they have been a UK ting agents’ fees to tenants. For The chancellor announced the interest expense resident for 15 of the past 20 example, when the tenants sign introduction of a new 16.5% flat Following consultation, the years, or if they were born in the a new tenancy agreement. This rate of VAT for ‘businesses with government has confirmed that UK with a UK domicile of origin measure is subject to consulta- limited costs’. new rules will come into force from April 2017. tion ahead of implementing From 1 April 2017, businesses from 1 April 2017 to limit the Inheritance tax will be charged legislation. will be required to determine tax deductions that large groups on UK residential property when whether they meet the definition NA Associates LLP is an can claim for their UK interest it is held indirectly by a non- of a limited cost trader at the independent firm of Chartered expenses. domiciled individual through an same time as establishing their Certified Accountants operating The rules will seek to limit offshore structure, such as a applicable VAT rate, based on from modern fully equipped deductions where a group has trust or a company from April offices using the latest in tech- their trade sector. This also threshold to í50,000 by the end net interest expenses of more following areas: 2017. nology and up to date systems applies to existing users of the of this parliament. The tax and employer national than í2 million, net interest in order to help deliver the high VAT flat rate scheme. insurance advantages of salary Property and trading income expenses exceed 30% of UK tax- National insurance standards of customer service A limited cost trader will be sacrifice schemes will be re- As announced at Budget able earnings and the group’s demanded of a modern, dynamic one whose VAT inclusive expen- The employee and employer moved from April 2017, except 2016, there are to be 2 new net interest to earnings ratio in organisation, with flexible work- diture on goods is either: class 1 national insurance for arrangements relating to pen- income tax allowances of the UK exceeds that of the ing and maximum availability ñless than 2% of their VAT thresholds are to be aligned from sions, childcare, cycle to work í1,000 each for trading and worldwide group. at the core of our practice inclusive turnover in a pre- April 2017. This means that both and ultra-low emission cars. property income. Individuals Substantial shareholding philosophy. The firm offers an scribed accounting period employees and employers will Arrangements in place before with trading income or property exemption start paying national insurance income below the level of the enviable range of services ñgreater than 2% of their VAT April 2017 will be protected The government will simplify on weekly earnings above í157. allowance will no longer need backed by technical expertise, inclusive turnover but less until April 2018 and arrange- the substantial shareholding to declare or pay tax on that normally associated with a ma- than í1,000 per annum, pro- As announced at Budget ments for cars, accommodation exemption rules by removing 2016, class 2 national insurance and school fees will be protected income. jor firm. viding the accounting period the investing requirement and This article is intended is contributions are to be abolished until April 2021. The trading income allowance is 1 year. provide a more comprehensive based on our understanding of from April 2018. The government will consider will now also apply to certain Anti-forestalling legislation exemption for companies owned miscellaneous income from the 2016 Autumn Statement, Termination payments how benefits in kind are valued was published on 23 November by qualifying institutional for tax purposes, publishing a providing assets or services. and does not constitute advice 2016 to prevent any trader from investors. Termination payments over consultation on employer-pro- or a recommendation. continuing to use a lower flat Personal í30,000 which are subject to vided living accommodation Other Professional advice should be rate by issuing an invoice or income tax after April 2018 will and requesting evidence on the announcements taken on your specific circum- receiving a payment before 1 Income tax also be subject to employer valuation of other benefits. stances. You should not make Anti-avoidance April 2017 for services supplied The personal allowance for national insurance contributions. A call for evidence will be any decisions based upon the after that date. 2017/18 will increase by í500 Following technical consulta- published at Budget 2017 on the The government re-affirmed contents of this article. tion, income tax will only be use of income tax relief for applied on the equivalent of an employees’ business expenses, For further details please contact: employee’s basic pay if the em- including those that are not ployee has not worked the no- reimbursed by their employer. NA Associates tice period. Pensions and savings 1st Floor, Woodgate Studios The first í30,000 of a termi- The ISA limit will be increased 2-8 Games Road, Cockfosters nation payment will remain to í20,000 from 6 April 2017. Barnet, Hertfordshire EN4 9HN exempt from income tax and The band of savings income Email: [email protected] national insurance, subject to that is taxed at the starting rate Tel: 020 8275 5935 the existing rules on eligibility of 0% will remain at í5,000 in www.na-associates.co.uk for the exemption. 2017/18. ™ÂÏ›‰· 21 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 °°ˆˆÓÓÈÈ¿¿ °Ú¿ÊÂÈ Î·È ÂÈÌÂÏ›ٷÈ: ∞¡Δø¡∏™ ∞¡Δø¡π∞¢∏™ ¶¶··ÚÚÔÔÈÈÎÎÈÈ··Î΋‹˜˜ ¶¶ÔÔ››ËËÛÛˢ˜

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Local Office: 134 High Street, Epping CH16 4AG Head Office: 123-125 Sydenham Road, London SE26 5HB Email: [email protected] www.mearsrepatriation.com ¶¤ÌÙË 1 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 ™ÂÏ›‰· 23

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† ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ † DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT ∂ϤÓË ∂˘¿Ó‰ÚÔ˘ Eleni Evandrou (·fi ÙÔ ∞ÚÁ¿ÎÈ ªfiÚÊÔ˘) (from Argaki, Morphou) ∞‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ 25.11.2016, Ë ∂ϤÓË ∂˘¿Ó‰ÚÔ˘ Û ËÏÈΛ· 84 ÂÙÒÓ. It is with sadness that we announce the death of Eleni Evandrou on Friday 25th November 2016 at the age of 84. ∏ ÂÎÏÈÔ‡Û· ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›· ÙÔ 1964. ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ 2 ÎfiÚ˜: ΔÔ‡ÏÏ·-Û‡˙˘ÁÔ Ù˘ ∫ÒÛÙ· Î·È ª·Ú›·, She leaves behind her daughter Doulla, son in law Costa, daughter 2 ÂÁÁÔÓ¤˜: ¶ËÓÂÏfiË Î·È ∂ϤÓË, 4 ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓ·: ∞Ó·ÛÙ·Û›·, Maria, granddaughters Penelope and George, Helen and George, ÃÚÈÛÙÈ¿ÓÔ, ∞ϤͷӉÚÔ Î·È ™Ù¤Ê·ÓÔ, 3 ·‰ÂÏʤ˜: ™Ù¤ÏÏ·, great-grandchildren Christian, Anastasia, Alexandros, Stephanos and ∞Ó·ÛÙ·Û›· Î·È ∞ÚÁ˘ÚÔ‡ÏÏ· Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ many other close family and friends. Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. The funeral will take place on Wednesday 7th December 2016 at 10am ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ΔÂÙ¿ÚÙË 07.12.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 10.00Ì at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜ Camberwell, 305 Camberwell 305 Camberwell New Road, London SE5 0TF. New Road, London SE5 0TF Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ Camberwell Old Cemetery, Forest Hill Road, London SE22 0RU. The burial will follow at Camberwell Old Cemetery, Forest Hill Road, ∏ ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ ¯ˆÏ Ù˘ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›·˜ Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜ London SE22 0RU. Camberwell. The wake will take place at the Camberwell church hall. T· ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È· Â›Ó·È Â˘ÚfiÛ‰ÂÎÙ·. Flowers welcome. TËÏ ÔÈΛˆÓ: 07719 391 478

EYXAPI™THPIO MË ·Ó·Î‡„·ÓÙ˜ ·ÎfiÌË ·fi ÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ï‹ÁÌ· ÙÔ˘ ı·Ó¿ÙÔ˘ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡Áo˘, ·Ù¤Ú·, ·Ô‡ Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡ ∞Ó‰Ú¤· (ƒ›ÎÎÔ˘) ∫ˆÓÛÙ·ÓÙ›ÓÔ˘ ∫Ï¿ÓıÔ˘˜ (§ÈÌÓ¿ÙÈ §ÂÌÂÛÔ‡) ı¤ÏÔ˘Ì ӷ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ì fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ·Ú¢ڤıËÎ·Ó ÛÙËÓ Îˉ›·, ¤Î·Ó·Ó ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ ÁÈ· ÙÔ Cancer Research, η٤ıÂÛ·Ó ÛÙÂÊ¿ÓÈ·, ·¤ÛÙÂÈÏ·Ó Û˘ÏÏ˘ËÙ‹ÚÈ· ÌËӇ̷ٷ ‹ Û˘ÌÌÂÙ›¯·Ó Ì ÔÔÈÔÓ‰‹ÔÙ ¿ÏÏÔÓ ÙÚfiÔ ÛÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ì·˜ ¤ÓıÔ˜.

∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ∞ÓÙÚÔ‡ÏÏ·, ·È‰È¿: ∫ÒÛÙ·˜, ª·Ú›· Î·È ¡fiÓË, Ó‡ÊË ÕÓÓ·, Á·ÌÚÔ›: ∞ÓÙÚ¤·˜ Î·È ª›ÏÙÔ˜, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·, ·‰¤ÏÊÈ·: ∫Ï¿Óı˘, ™ÔÊÔÎÏ‹˜, ∫ÔÚ·ÏÏ›· Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. ™ÂÏ›‰· 26 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016

§ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ † ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ ™Ù¤ÏÈÔ˜ ¶·‡ÏÔ˘ (¶˘ÚÁ¿ §¿Úӷη) TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ Vasilou Demetri (Kouvarou) K˘Úȷ΋ 04.12.2016, (from Liopetri - Manchester) ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· All Saints, 122 Oakleigh Road North, Our beloved mother, grandmother and great- London N20 9JU, ÙÔ 40‹ÌÂÚÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ grandmother passed away peacefully on Monday ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È 21st November 2016 at the age of 83. ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ·Ù¤Ú·, ·Ô‡ Î·È She leaves 5 sons: Demetris, Nikos†, Kyriacos, ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡ Christakis, Theodoulos and Petros, daughters-in- ™Ù¤ÏÈÔ˘ ¶·‡ÏÔ˘ law, 19 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ The funeral will take place on Thursday 1st ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ December 2016 at 12.00 noon at the Greek fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó. Orthodox Church of The Annunciation, Bury New ∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ª·ÚÔ‡ÏÏ·, Road, Salford M7 4EY and the burial at Southern ·È‰È¿, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ· Î·È ·‰¤ÏÊÈ·. Cemetery at Manchester, 212 Barlow Moor Road, Manchester M21 7GL. EYXAPI™THPIO We would like our family and friends to join us for ªË ·Ó·Î‡„·ÓÙ˜ ·ÎfiÌË ·fi ÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ï‹ÁÌ· ÙÔ˘ the wake at The Melville Hotel/Pub, 35 Melville ı·Ó¿ÙÔ˘ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Road, Stretford, Manchester M32 8EA. Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ·Ù¤Ú·, ·Ô‡ Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡ The family request that instead of flowers there will be a donation box. Tel: 07928 588 609 24.09.1933 – 21.11.2016

°IA A°°E§IE™, MNHMO™YNA KAI £ANATOY™ TËÏÂʈӋÛÙ ÛÙÔ 020 8341 5853 § ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ § 2ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ ΔÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 04.12.2016, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ΔÈÌ›Ô˘ ™Ù·˘ÚÔ‡ Î·È ∞Ú¯·ÁÁ¤ÏÔ˘ ªÈ¯·‹Ï, Golders Green ∂ÚÌ‹˜ ∫˘ÚÈ·ÓÔ‡ Road, London NW11 8HL, ÙÔ 40‹ÌÂÚÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ù˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤Ó˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘,ÌËÙ¤Ú·˜ Î·È (¢¿ÏÈ) ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿˜

∂˘Á¤ÓÈÔ˘ (∂‡Ë) ∫ˆÓÛÙ·ÓÙ›ÓÔ˘ ¶Ô‡Ï·Î· (∞ÛÁ¿Ù· §ÂÌÂÛÔ‡) ı¤ÏÔ˘Ì ӷ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ì fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ·Ú¢ڤıËÎ·Ó ÛÙËÓ Îˉ›·, ¤Î·Ó·Ó ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ ÁÈ· ÙÔ Macmillan Cancer Support, η٤ıÂÛ·Ó ÛÙÂÊ¿ÓÈ·, ·¤ÛÙÂÈÏ·Ó Û˘ÏÏ˘ËÙ‹- ÚÈ· ÌËӇ̷ٷ ‹ Û˘ÌÌÂÙ›¯·Ó Ì ÔÔÈÔÓ‰‹ÔÙ ¿ÏÏÔÓ ÙÚfiÔ ÛÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ì·˜ ¤ÓıÔ˜.

∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ Vesna, ·È‰È¿: °È¿ÓÓ˘-Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ Katherine, TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ 04.12.2016, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Marisa, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: ∞ϤͷӉÚÔ˜ Î·È ¡›ÎÔ˜, ÁÔÓ›˜: ∫ÒÛÙ·˜ ÙÔ˘ ∞oÛÙfiÏÔ˘ μ·ÚÓ¿‚·, Finsbury Road, Wood Green, Î·È £ÂÔ‰ÒÚ· ¶Ô‡Ï·Î·, ·‰ÂÏÊfi˜ ∞Ó‰Ú¤·˜, Ó‡ÊË London N22 8PA, (ÒÚ˜ ÏÂÈÙÔ˘ÚÁ›·˜ 8.00Ì - 11.00Ì) ÙÔ °ÈˆÚÁÔ‡ÏÏ·, ·‰ÂÏÊfiÙÂÎÓ· Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. 2oÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ·Ù¤Ú· Î·È ·Ô‡ ∂ÚÌ‹ ∫˘ÚÈ·ÓÔ‡ Î·È ΔȘ ȉȷ›ÙÂÚ˜ Ì·˜ ¢¯·ÚÈÛٛ˜ ÛÙËÓ ∫.√. ∞∫∂§ ∞ÛÁ¿Ù·˜, ηÏԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂ- ÛÙÔÓ ™Ù¤ÏÈÔ ∫ˆÓÛÙ·ÓÙ›ÓÔ˘, ÛÙÔÓ ¶ÔÏÈÙÈÛÙÈÎfi ŸÌÈÏÔ AÁÁ¤Ï·˜ §¿ÌÚÔ˘ ıÔ‡Ó. ∞ÛÁ¿Ù·˜ Î·È ÛÙÔ ∫ÔÈÓÔÙÈÎÔ ™˘Ì‚Ô‡ÏÈÔ ∞ÛÁ¿Ù·˜, ÁÈ· ÙËÓ (§ÂÔÓ¿ÚÈÛÛÔ) H Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ ª·Ú›·, ·È‰È¿: ¡›ÎÔ˜, §¤ÓÈ· Î·È Cypriella, ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¿ ÙÔ˘˜ Î·È fiÏÔ˘˜ ÙÔ˘˜ Û˘Á¯ˆÚÈ·ÓÔ‡˜ ÔÈ ÔÔ›ÔÈ Ó‡ÊË ºÏÒÚ·, Á·ÌÚÔ›: Howard Î·È Chris, Û˘Ì·Ú·ÛÙ¿ıËÎ·Ó ÛÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ì·˜ ¤ÓıÔ˜, ·ÎÔ‡ÔÓÙ·˜ Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË Ù˘ ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: Ermis, Marie Î·È Johnny, ÙËÓ Î·Ì¿Ó· ÙÔ˘ ¯ˆÚÈÔ‡ Ì·˜ Ó· ÎÙ˘¿ Ï˘ËÙÂÚ¿. fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó. ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓ·: Luca, SÔfia, Portia, Lana, Emilia Î·È Zoe. √È ÙÂıÏÈÌ̤ÓÔÈ ÁÔÓ›˜ √ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ™Ù¤ÏÈÔ˜, ·È‰È¿: Lambro, Gina Î·È Mario, ªÂÙ¿ ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ı· ÚÔÛÊÂÚıÔ‡Ó ÙÛ¿È Î·È ∫ÒÛÙ·˜ Î·È ¢ÒÚ· ¶Ô‡Ï·Î· Á·ÌÚfi˜, Ӈʘ, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ· Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. ‰¤ÛÌ·Ù· ÛÙËÓ ÔÈΛ· ÙÔ˘ ÂÎÏÈfiÓÙÔ˜.

§ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ ΔÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 04.12.2016 ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, Trinity Road, Wood Green, London N22 8LB, ÙÔ 40‹ÌÂÚÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ·Ù¤Ú·, ·Ô‡ Î·È ı›Ԣ ∞ÓÙÚ¤· ÃÚÈÛÙÔÊfiÚÔ˘


Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó.

∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ∫·Ù›Ó·, ·È‰È¿: ÃÚ‹ÛÙÔ˜, ∫ÒÛÙ·˜ Î·È ¡›ÎÔ˜, Ӈʘ, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·, ·‰ÂÏÊfiÙÂÎÓ· Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. ¶¤ÌÙË 1 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 ™ÂÏ›‰· 27 § ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ ΔÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 04.12.2016, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, Trinity Road, Wood Green, London N22 8LB, ÙÔ 4ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ù˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤Ó˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ÌËÙ¤Ú·˜ Î·È ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿˜ ™ÔÊ›·˜ ΔÔ˘Ì¿˙Ô˘

(To Á¤ÓÔ˜ ™˘ÌÂÔ‡ ·fi ÙÔÓ ÕÁÈÔ ∂›ÎÙËÙÔ)

Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË Ù˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó.

√ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ∫ÒÛÙ·˜ ¢‹ÌÔ˘ ΔÔ˘Ì¿˙Ô˘, ·È‰È¿, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ· Î·È ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓ·.

ªÂÙ¿ ÙË ı›· ÏÂÈÙÔ˘ÚÁ›· ı· ÚÔÛÊÂÚıÔ‡Ó ÙÛ¿È Î·È Â‰¤ÛÌ·Ù· ÛÙÔ ¯ˆÏ William House, 1 Wilde Place, London N13 6DX.

† ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ † DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT £¤ÎÏ· ∞ı·Ó·Û›Ô˘ Thekla Athanasiou (·fi ÙËÓ ∞Á›· μ·Ú‚¿Ú·) (from Ayia Varvara - Nicosia) ∞‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ 25.11.2016, Ë £¤ÎÏ· Passed away on Friday 25.11.2016 at the age of 87. ∞ı·Ó·Û›Ô˘ Û ËÏÈΛ· 87 ÂÙÒÓ. She came to England in 1945. ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ 3 ˘ÈÔ‡˜: £¿ÛÔ, ÕÓÙÚÔ, ¶¿ÌÔ, ÙËÓ ÎfiÚË Ù˘ Thekla leaves 3 sons: Thassos, Andros, Bambos, her ¢¤ÛÔÈÓ·, 2 Ӈʘ: Marian Î·È Sharon, ÙÔÓ Á·Ìfi Ù˘ ∞ÓÙÚ¤·, 6 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: Eleni, George, Stephen, Natalie, daughter Despina, 2 daughters-in-law: Marian and Sharon, Stelios Î·È George, ÙË ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓË Chloe, ÙËÓ ·‰ÂÏÊ‹ Ù˘ son-in-law Andreas, 6 grandchildren: Eleni, George, °È·ÓÓÔ‡ÏÏ· Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. Stephen, Natalie, Stelios and George, great-grand- daughter Chloe, sister Yiannoulla and many relatives and ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ¶¤ÌÙË 08.12.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 10.00Ì ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ∞Á›Ô˘ πˆ¿ÓÓË ÙÔ˘ μ·ÙÈÛÙ‹, friends. Wightman Road, London N8 0LY Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ The funeral will take place on Thursday 08.12.2016 ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ New Southgate. at 10.00am at the Greek Orthodox Church of St. John the £· ˘¿Ú¯ÂÈ ÎÔ˘Ù› ÁÈ· ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Ô˘ ı· ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó ÛÙËÓ Baptist, Wightman Road, London N8 0LY and the burial ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ∞Á›Ô˘ πˆ¿ÓÓË ÙÔ˘ μ·ÙÈÛÙ‹ Î·È ÛÙÔÓ ™‡Ó‰ÂÛÌÔ at New Southgate Cemetery. ¢È·‚ËÙÈÎÒÓ. There will be a donation box for the Church and Diabetes ∏ ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ ÃˆÏ Ù˘ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›·˜ Society UK. ∞Á›Ô˘ πˆ¿ÓÓË ÙÔ˘ μ·ÙÈÛÙ‹. The wake will take place at St. John the Baptist Church Hall. ΔËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ: 07904 114 593 Tel: 07904 114 593

§ ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ ª·Ú›· ™È¿ÊÎÔ˘

∞‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ 18.11.2016 Ë ª·Ú›· ™È¿ÊÎÔ˘ Û ËÏÈΛ· 52 ÂÙÒÓ. ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙË ÌËÙ¤Ú· Ù˘ ∂ϤÓË πˆ¿ÓÓÔ˘, 3 ·‰ÂÏʤ˜: §›˙·, °ÂˆÚÁ›· Î·È ¡Ù›Ó·, 2 ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡˜: °È¿ÓÓË Î·È Δ¿ÛÔ, 2 ·È‰È¿: ŒÏÂÓ· Î·È ÕÓıÂÈ·, 2 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: ∑‹ÓˆÓ· Î·È ¡·Ù·Ï›·. ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ΔÚ›ÙË 06.12.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 12.00 ÙÔ ÌÂÛË̤ÚÈ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¶·ÓÙÂÏ‹ÌÔvos, 660 Kenton Road, Harrow, Middx, HA3 9QN Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ Pinner New Cemetary, Pinner Road, Pinner, HA5 5RH. °›ÓÂÙ·È ¤ÎÎÏËÛË ·ÓÙ› ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È· Ó· Á›ÓÔÓÙ·È ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Ô˘ ı· ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¶·ÓÙÂÏ‹ÌÔÓÔ˜ Î·È ÛÙÔ St. Luke's Hospice. ∏ ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ ¯ˆÏ Ù˘ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›·˜. ΔËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ 07949 252 859 ªaria Shafkou Passed away on Friday 18.11.2016 at the age of 52. Maria leaves her mother Eleni Joannou, 3 sisters: Lisa, Gina and Dina, 2 brothers: John and Dasso, 2 children: Elena and Anthea and 2 grandchildren: Tiago and Natalia. The funeral will take place on Tuesday 06.12.2016 at 12.00 noon at the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Panteleimon, 660 Kenton Road, Harrow, Middx HA3 9QN and the burial at Pinner New Cemetery, Pinner Road, Pinner, HA5 5RH. Instead of flowers there will be a donation box for the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Panteleimon and St Luke's Hospice. The wake will take place at the Church Hall. ™ÂÏ›‰· 28 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 ¡∂∫ƒ√§√À§√À¢∞ Evis Poulakas

Although he did say of Yianni ™ˆÙ‹Ú· ™˘ÌÂÔ‡ and I quote: “My son doesn’t drink, doesn’t gamble, does- ΔÔ Àfi‰ÂÈÁÌ· Ù˘ ∫˘Ú›·˜ ªËÙ¤Ú·˜ n’t smoke, doesn’t do drugs, doesn’t womanise. Where did ŒÓ·˜ ÌÈÎÚfi˜ ÊfiÚÔ˜ ÙÈÌ‹˜ ÙÔ˘ ∑·ÓÓ¤ÙÔ˘ ΔÔÊ·ÏÏ‹ I go wrong?” He was always protective and ÂϤÛıËΠÙËÓ ÂÚ·Ṳ̂ÓË ˘¤ÚÔ¯Ë ∫˘Ú›· Ì¿Ó· Ô˘ Û ‚·Û¿vÈÛ ٷ ÙÂÏÂ˘Ù·›· proud of his girl Marrisa and Δ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 28 ¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ ÎÚ¿ÙËÛ ÙȘ ·Ú·‰fiÛÂȘ Ù˘ ¯ÚfiÓÈ·, ı· ·Ú·Ì¤vo˘v ÛÙËv he loved his grandchildren 2016, ÛÙËÓ ÂÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·- ∫‡ÚÔ˘ ÛÙ· ·È‰È¿ Ù˘, ÛÙËÓ ·ÈˆvÈfiÙËÙ·, oÈ Â˘ÁÂvÈΤ˜ Ûo˘ Alexander and Niko along with Ó·Á›·˜ ÙÔ˘ °Ô˘ÓÙ °ÎÚ‹Ó, ¯Ô- ͤÓË ÁË. ∫·È Ë ∫˘Ú›· Ì¿Ó· Ú¿ÍÂȘ, Ùo ‹ıo˜ Î·È o ¯·Ú·- his daughter-in-law Katherine. Whatever life threw at him, he ÚÔÛÙ·ÙÔ‡ÓÙÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ £ÂÔÊÈÏÂ- Â›Ó·È Ú·ÁÌ·ÙÈο ËÚˆ›‰·, ÁÈ·- ÎÙ‹Ú·˜ Ûo˘. ∏ Ï‚ÂvÙÈ¿ Ûo˘ remained loyal to his family, ÛÙ¿ÙÔ˘ ∂ÈÛÎfiÔ˘ ∞ı·Ó·- Ù› Â›Ó·È ·˘Ù‹ Ô˘ ‰È·ÙËÚ› Î·È Ë ÌÂÁ·ÏoÛ‡vË Ûo˘, oÈ his brother, his nieces and Û›Ô˘, Ë Îˉ›· Ù˘ ™ˆÙ‹Ú·˜ ·Ófiı¢ÙË ÙËÓ ·Ú¿‰ÔÛË Î·È ·ÚÂÙ¤˜ ·˘Ù¤˜ ı· ÚÈ˙ÒÛo˘v nephews, his parents and his ™˘ÌÂÔ‡, ·fi ÙÔ˘˜ ™Ù‡ÏÏÔ˘˜ ÙËÓ ÈÛÙÔÚ›· ÙÔ˘ Ï·Ô‡ Ì·˜. Î·È ı· Á›vo˘v Ï¿Ù·vo˜ ·Ï‡- friends. He never had a bad ∞ÌÌÔ¯ÒÛÙÔ˘. √ ¶Úfi‰ÚÔ˜ ¶·Ú·ÎÔÏÔ˘ıÔ‡Û ٷ¯ÙÈο ÁÈÛÙo˜. ∂˙ËÛ˜ ÙË ˙ˆ‹ Ûo˘ word to say about anyone. He ÙÔ˘ ™˘Ó‰¤ÛÌÔ˘ ™Ù˘ÏÏȈÙÒÓ ÙȘ ÂΉËÏÒÛÂȘ ÙÔ˘ ™˘Ó‰¤- ÛˆÛÙ¿, ¤Ú·Û˜ ÙȘ ÂÍÂÙ¿- always saw the best in people. ∞ÁÁÏ›·˜ ∫·ıËÁËÙ‹˜ ∑·ÓÓ¤- ÛÌÔ˘ ™Ù˘ÏÏȈÙÒÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›·˜ Î·È ÛÂȘ Ù˘ ∑ˆ‹˜. √ ‚·ıÌfi˜ What can I say about my Even if you said or did some- ÙÔ˜ ΔÔÊ·ÏÏ‹˜, ÛÙÔÓ ÂÈ΋- ¿ÓÙ· ÚˆÙÔ‡Û fiÙ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ‹Ù·v ÕÚÈÛÙ·! ∂Ì›˜ ›̷ÛÙ friend; He was a husband, a thing that might upset him, you ‰ÂÈfi ÙÔ˘, ÌÂٷ͇ ¿ÏÏˆÓ Â›Â Ë ÂfiÌÂÓË ÁÈÔÚÙ‹ ÁÈ· Ó· Û˘- ÂÚ‹Ê·voÈ ÁÈ· Û¤v·! father, a son, grandfather, knew he had forgiven you be- Î·È Ù· ÂÍ‹˜: Ó·ÓÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ì ÙÔ˘˜ ¯ˆÚÈ·ÓÔ‡˜. ∫·È ‰˘o ÏfiÁÈ·, ÛÙ· ·È‰È¿, brother, uncle, friend and a fore you had a chance to say «™˘ÁÎÂÓÙÚˆı‹Î·Ì ۋÌÂ- ∫È Â‰Ò Ú¤ÂÈ Ó· ÙÔÓ›Ûˆ fiÙÈ Ë Ù· ÂÁÁfiÓÈ· Î·È ÙÔ˘˜ Û˘ÁÁÂ- boss. sorry. He didn’t allow ego, van- Ú· Ó· ·Ô¯·ÈÚÂÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ì ÁÈ· ÎfiÚË Ù˘, Ë £ÂÔ›ÛÙË, ˘‹Ú- Ó›˜ Ù˘: √È Ê›ÏÔÈ Î·È ÁÓˆÛÙÔ› One thing I can say about all ity or materialism to cloud his judgement, a rare attribute this ¿ÓÙ· ÌÈ· Ôχ ηϋ ∫˘Ú›· ÚÔ. Í °Ú·ÌÌ·Ù¤·˜ Î·È ‰Ú·ÛÙ‹- Û·˜, Û·˜ Û˘Ì·Ú·ÛÙ¤ÎovÙ·È these roles, he took each one seriously and worked to the day and age. Even in death he Á˘Ó·›Î·. °Ú¿Êˆ ·˘Ù¤˜ ÙȘ ∂ÁηٷÏ›ÂÈ Ù¤ÛÛÂÚ· ·È- ÚÈÔ Û٤ϯԘ ÙÔ˘ ™˘Ó‰¤ÛÌÔ˘ ÛÙo ‰Ú¿Ì· Û·˜. μÚ›ÛÎovÙ·È best of his ability to fulfil all his was selfless. I believe he was ÁÚ·Ì̤˜ Û·Ó ¤Ó· ÌÈÎÚfi Êfi- ‰È¿: ÙËÓ ∫›Î·, ÙËÓ £ÂÔ›ÛÙË, Ì·˜ Ì·˙› Ì ÙÔÓ Û‡˙˘Áfi Ù˘ ÛÙo Ï¢Úfi Û·˜, Î·È Û·˜ ÂÎ- obligations. He did so with so protective of his family that ÚÔ ÙÈÌ‹˜ Û ÌÈ· ˘¤Úo¯Ë Ì¿- ÙÔÓ ∞ÓÙÚ¤· Î·È ¶·Ó·ÁÈÒÙË, ∞Ó‰Ú¤· ÙÔ˘˜ ÔÔ›Ô˘˜ Î·È ÊÚ¿˙o˘v Ù· ıÂÚÌ¿ Ùo˘˜ Û˘Ï- ÙÔÓ Á·ÌÚfi Ù˘ ∞ÓÙÚ¤·, ÙË commitment and above all, he hastened his demise so he Ó·, Û˘Á¯ˆÚÈ·Ó‹ ÌÔ˘ o˘ Ì·˜ ˘ÂÚ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙÒ. Ï˘ËÙ‹ÚÈ·. £¤Ïˆ v· Û·˜ ˆ wouldn’t be a burden to them. Ó‡ÊË ∞ÁÁ¤Ï·, 10 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·, 6 LOVE. The fact that there are ¿ÊËÛ ÁÈ· ¿ÓÙ· ÛÙȘ 7 √ÏfiÎÏËÚË Ë ˙ˆ‹ Ûo˘, ·Á·- fiÙÈ Ú¤ÂÈ v· voÈÒıÂÙ Â- so many of you here today to Our families have known each ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓ·, ÙËÓ ·‰ÂÏÊ‹ Ù˘ ¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 ÛÙÔ Great ËÙ‹ ™ˆÙ‹Ú·, ‹Ù·Ó ¤v·˜ Ú‹Ê·voÈ ÁÈ· ÙËv ™ˆÙ‹Ú· Ô˘ say your last goodbyes, shows other for over 30 years. He has ª·Ú›· Ô˘ ‚Ú›ÛÎÂÙ·È ÛÙËÓ Yarmouth. ¡· Ìo˘ ÂÈÙÚ¤„Â- ˆÚ·›o˜, ·vıÚÒÈvo˜ ·ÁÒv·˜, ÙfiÛÔ Û·˜ ·Á¿ËÛÂ. ∏Ù·v Â- how much he touched peo- been a true friend to me. The Ù v· ˆ ‰˘o ÏfiÁÈ· ÁÈ· ÙË ÏÂ- ∫‡ÚÔ Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ ¤v· Ï·ÌÚfi ·Ú¿‰ÂÈÁÌ· Ú‹Ê·vË ÁÈ· Û·˜. ∏ ÌËÙ¤Ú· ple’s lives. only one I could really talk to ‚ÂvÙoÎfiÚË Ù˘ ∫‡Úo˘, ÙËv Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. Úo˜ Ì›ÌËÛË. ∫·È ÌÈ· ¢¯‹ - Û·˜ Î·È Ë ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿ Û·˜ ‹Ù·v ÌÈ· I don’t think he was a man to about anything, whether foot- ·Ú¯fivÙÈÛÛ· ÎfiÚË, ÙË ¯·Ìo- ∏ ™ˆÙ‹Ú· ÁÂvv‹ıËΠۇvÙoÌ· v· ·vo›ÍÂÈ ÎÈ o ‰Úfi- ˘¤Úo¯Ë, ÌÈ· ÁÏ˘Î‡Ù·ÙË ÌË- say the words “I love you” very ball, politics, work, family. We ÁÂÏ·ÛÙ‹ Î˘Ú¿ ÙˆÓ ™Ù‡ÏψÓ. ÛÙo˘˜ ™Ù‡ÏÏÔ˘˜ ÚÈÓ 93 ¯Úfi- Ìo˜ o˘ ı· Ì·˜ ʤÚÂÈ ÂÈÙ¤- Ù¤Ú· Î·È ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿, o˘ ͯ›ÏÈ- often to his family. But his ac- often quoted Socrates, Plato ∏ ÂÎÏÈÔ‡Û· ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞Á- ÓÈ·. ∂‰Ò Î·È 42 ¯ÚfivÈ· ÔÈ Ïo˘˜ ÂχıÂÚo˘˜ ÛÙo˘˜ ˙ ·fi ηÏoÛ‡vË, ·fi ˙ˆ‹ tions proved more powerful and Aristotle, and we shared ÁÏ›· Ì·˙› Ì ÙÔ Û‡˙˘Áfi Ù˘ ™Ù‡ÏÏÔÈ ‚Ú›ÛÎÔÓÙ·È Î¿Ùˆ ·fi ™Ù‡ÏÏo˘˜, Î·È ÛÙo μ·ÚÒÛÈ Î·È Î·È ·vıÚˆÈ¿. ∏ ηډȿ Ù˘ than words ever could. He the love of books. And he al- would do anything for anyone ways had an opinion, often he Î·È Ù· Ù¤ÛÛÂÚ· ÙÔ˘˜ ·È‰È¿ ÙËv ÌfiÙ· Ùo˘ Δo‡ÚÎo˘ ÂÈ- Û' oÏfiÎÏËÚË ÙËv ηÙ¯fiÌÂvË ¯ÒÚ·Á Ùov ÎfiÛÌo oÏfiÎÏË- and did so without complaint was wrong, but he would ad- ÙÔ 1968. √ Û‡˙˘Áfi˜ Ù˘ Ô Û‚oϤ·. ∂›¯· ÙËv ¢ηÈÚ›· ·ÙÚ›‰·. ∫È ·˘Ùfi ı· ‹Ù·v Î·È Úo. Δo ·Ú¿‰ÂÈÁÌ¿ Ù˘, Â›Ì·È and without expecting any- mit it when he was. ºÒÙ˘, ¤Ó·˜ ˘¤ÚÔ¯Ô˜ ÚÔ- ÚÈv Ï›Áo˘˜ Ì‹v˜ v· οvˆ, ‚¤‚·Èo˜, fiÙÈ ı· Ùo Û˘v¯›ÛÂ- Ë ÂÎÏ‹ÚˆÛË Ùo˘ ov›Úo˘ thing in return. With Cowboy and Big Chris ÌÈ· ·ÛÙÚ·È·›· Â›ÛÎÂ„Ë ÛÙÔ Ô‰Â˘ÙÈÎfi˜ Ï‚ÂÓÙ¿ÓıÚˆÔ˜, Ûo˘. ∫oÈÌ‹Ûo˘, ÏoÈfiv, ÙÂ. ∏ Ìv‹ÌË Ù˘ ·˜ Ì›vÂÈ ·- He enjoyed a good meal, a we formed the “Philotimo ¯ˆÚ›Ô ÌÔ˘. Δ· ¯ˆÚÈ¿ Ì·˜ ‚Ú›- Ì·˜ ¿ÊËÛ ÚÈÓ 10 ¯ÚfiÓÈ·. ‹Û˘¯Ë Ì ÙË ‚‚·ÈfiÙËÙ· fiÙÈ Ú¿‰ÂÈÁÌ· ·ÎÚÈ‚fi ÁÈ· fiÏo˘˜ good drink, a good game of Club”. We would talk every ◊Ù·Ó Ôχ ηÏfi˜ ¯·Ú·ÎÙ‹- ÛÎovÙ·È ÂΛ, ıÏÈÌ̤v·, ηٷ- ÌÈ· ̤ڷ, Û‡vÙoÌ· ÂÏ›˙o˘- Ì·˜. cards and a good laugh. But day, mostly by WhatsApp, and Ú·˜ Î·È ‰È·ÎÚÈÓfiÙ·Ó ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÈÂṲ̂v· Î·È Ì·˜ ηÚÙÂÚo‡v. ÌÂ, v· Ú·ÁÌ·ÙooÈËıo‡v Î·È ∫·Ïfi Ûo˘ Ù·Í›‰È, ·Á·ËÙ‹ he would never have a laugh most of the time it was rubbish, ÊÈÏÔÍÂÓ›·, ÙËÓ Î·ÏÔÛ‡ÓË, ÙËÓ ª·˜ ÂÚÈ̤ÓÔ˘Ó v· Ù· ÂÈ- Ù· fivÂÈÚ¿ Ûo˘. Ì·˜ ™ˆÙ‹Ú· Î·È ·v¿Ï·ÊÚo at someone else’s expense. but it was a way of making us ·ÏfiÙËÙ· Î·È ÙËÓ ·Á¿Ë Ù˘ ÛÎÂÊıÔ‡ÌÂ, Ó· ÙÔ˘˜ ¯·Ìo- ∞Á·ËÙ‹ Ì·˜ ™ˆÙ‹Ú·, ·˜ ›v·È Ùo ¯ÒÌ· o˘ ı· Û And he had the most incredi- know that we were always ÚÔ˜ ÙÔ˘˜ Û˘Ó·ÓıÚÒÔ˘˜ ÁÂÏ¿Ûo˘ÌÂ. ¡· ÙÔ˘˜ ‰ÒÛÔ˘- ·ÁˆÓ›ÛÙËΘ Ôχ ÛÙË ˙ˆ‹ ÛÎÂ¿ÛÂÈ. ∂Λ Ô˘ ı· ·˜ Ó· ble sense of humour. Most of there for each other and any Ù˘. Ì ÎÔ˘Ú¿ÁÈÔ, v· Ù· ‰Ô‡Ì ÛÔ˘. ∞Áˆv›ÛÙËΘ Ì·˙› Ì Ùov ‚ÚÂȘ ÙÔÓ ·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ ÛÔ˘ you would have seen or heard problems could be shared ◊Ù·Ó ÎfiÚË ÙÔ˘ ΔÔÊ‹ Î·È ÂχıÂÚ·. ·Á·Ë̤vo Ûo˘ Û‡˙˘Áo, ÙÔÓ ºÒÙË, ‰È·Ù‹ÚËÛ ¿vÙ· Ùo about his antics, such as amongst us four. The club has Ù˘ £ÂÔ›ÛÙ˘. Δ· ·‰¤ÏÊÈ· ∏ ™ˆÙ‹Ú· ™˘ÌÂÔ‡ ˘‹ÚÍ ºÒÙË ÛÔ˘, v· ·v·ıÚ¤„ÂÙ ˘¤Úo¯o ¯·ÌfiÁÂÏfi Ûo˘, ÏÂ- singing in Arabic in a Greek lost its corner stone, The night club dressed in his vest, Grand Master we called him. Ù˘ ‹Ù·Ó Ë ÃÚÈÛÙ›Ó·, Ë ÔÔ›· Ë ÚoÛˆoo›ËÛË oÏfiÎÏË- ÛˆÛÙ¿, ΢Úȷο, Ù· ·È‰È¿ ‚ÂvÙoÎfiÚË Ù˘ ∫‡Úo˘, ¯·- shorts and sandals. He got a Two days after he died, the re- ·ÓÙÚ‡ÙËΠÙÔÓ ıÂ›Ô ÌÔ˘ °Â- Ú˘ Ù˘ ∫˘Úȷ΋˜ ÈÛÙoÚ›·˜ Û·˜. À‹Ú͘ ·ÎÏfivËÙË Û·v ÌoÁÂÏ·ÛÙ‹ Î˘Ú¿ Ùo˘ ¯ˆÚÈÔ‡ standing ovation. Thing is he maining three members went Î·È oÏfiÎÏËÚo˘ Ùo˘ Ï·o‡ Ì·˜. ÒÚÁÈÔ ¶··Î¿ÚÔ˘ÏÏ·, η- Ùov Ï¿Ù·vo o˘ ‰Âv Ï˘Á›˙ÂÈ Ì·˜. £· Â›Û·È ¿vÙ· ‚·ıÈ¿ couldn’t speak Arabic. Or the to our favourite restaurant, we ΔÈÌÒvÙ·˜ ÙËv ™ˆÙ‹Ú·, ÙÈÌo‡- ıÒ˜ Î·È ÙÔÓ ∞ÓÙÚ¤· ∫fiÙÚÔ- ÛÙȘ ¿ÁÚȘ ηٷÈÁ›‰Â˜ Ù˘ ̘ ÙȘ ηډȤ˜ Ì·˜! ∞Ȉӛ· time he spent the whole day sat at our favourite table and it ÊÔ, ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚË §Â‚¤ÓÙË, ÙËÓ Ì Ùo˘˜ ÁovÈo‡˜, Ùo˘˜ ·- ˙ˆ‹˜. ÛÔ˘ Ë ÌÓ‹ÌË. at Royal Ascot pretending to was set for four. We ordered ∂ϤÓË, ÙËÓ ª·ÚÁ·Ú›Ù· Î·È ÙËÓ o‡‰Â˜ Î·È fiÏo˘˜ Ùo˘˜ Úo- ∫È ·v ¤ÂÛ o Ï¿Ù·vo˜ be Italian. He couldn’t speak four drinks, a whisky for Evis, ª·Ú›· – Ô˘ ̤ÓÂÈ ÛÙËÓ ∫‡- Áfivo˘˜ Ì·˜. ◊Ù·Ó ÌÈ· ·fi ÙËv ·ÚÚÒÛÙÈ· o˘ ÙfiÛo ∑·ÓÓ¤ÙÔ˜ ΔÔÊ·ÏÏ‹˜ Italian. But he pulled it off. he was still with us and will al- This was Evis, a man for the ways be. moment, no script, no rehears- Today it is with great sorrow ∏ «¶·ÚÔÈÎȷ΋» ÂÎÊÚ¿˙ÂÈ Ù· ‚·ıÈ¿ al, everything was ad lib and that we bid you farewell. But improvised. Indeed we coined you will always be with us, burgeon Ù˘ Û˘ÏÏ˘ËÙ‹ÚÈ· ÛÙÔ˘˜ ÔÈΛԢ˜ a phrase - an “EVISIM” was whenever we have a drink, a floral design ÙˆÓ ·Ôı·ÓfiÓÙˆÓ something that only Evis family meal, a game of cards, would do or say. at weddings, christenings, en- SPECIALISING IN FUNERALS As a family man, he loved his gagements, New Years Eve §Ô˘Ïo‡‰È· Î·È ÛÙÂÊ¿ÓÈ· ÁÈ· Îˉ›˜ family deeply. Vesna, I know parties and dinner & dances. ∞ÔÙ·ı›Ù ÛÙËÓ HELEN °È· A°°E§IE™, MNHMO™YNA he didn’t say it but he loved You will always be with us you with all his heart. He was 106 Cockfosters Road, Cockfosters, Herts EN4 0DP laughing and joking. very proud of his two children; Rest in Peace my friend, my t: 020 8441 6661 f: 020 8364 9146 Î·È £ANATOY™ it’s a testament to both he and brother. You will never be for- www.burgeon.co.uk e: [email protected] TËÏÂʈӋÛÙ ÛÙÔ 020 8341 5853 Vesna that they both turned gotten. Kalo taxidi file mou. WEDDINGS CHRISTENINGS BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES CORPORATE SPECIAL OCCASIONS out as lovely human beings. Eonia sou e mnimi.

† ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ † DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT °È·ÓÓ¿Î˘ ÷ڷϿÌÔ˘˜ Yiannakis Charalambous (·fi ÙËÓ ¶ÂÓÙ¿ÁÂÈ·) (from Pentayia) ∞‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 27.11.2016, Ô °È·ÓÓ¿Î˘ Passed away on Sunday 27.11.2016 at the age of 81. ÷ڷϿÌÔ˘˜ Û ËÏÈΛ· 81 ÙÒÓ. He came to England in 1958. √ ÂÎÏÈÒÓ ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›· ÙÔ 1958. Yiannakis leaves 3 children: Lakis, Kay and George, son-in-law ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ 3 ·È‰È¿: §¿ÎË, Kay Î·È °ÈÒÚÁÔ, ÙÔÓ Á·ÌÚfi ÙÔ˘ Chris, daughter-in-law Sue, 3 grandchildren: James, Christina and Chris, ÙË Ó‡ÊË ÙÔ˘ Sue, 3 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: James, Christina Î·È Alexander and many relatives and friends. Alexander Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. The funeral will take place on Thursday 08.12.2016 at 11.00am ∏ Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ¶¤ÌÙË 08.12.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· at the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Demetrios, Δown Road/Logan 11.00Ì ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¢ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘, Road, London N9 0LP, and the burial at Edmonton Cemetery, Δown Road/Logan Road, London N9 0LP Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ Church Street, London N9 9HP. ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ Edmonton, Church Street, London N9 9HP. Tel: 07928 313 756 TËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ: 07928 313 756 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 ™ÂÏ›‰· 29

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∞‚›ˆÛ ÙÔ ™¿‚‚·ÙÔ 19.11.2016. Ô ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚ˘ ™ˆÙ‹ÚË Û ËÏÈΛ· 74 ÂÙÒÓ. √ ÂÎÏÈÒÓ ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›· Û ËÏÈΛ· 14 ÂÙÒÓ. ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙË Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÙÔ˘ ª·Ú›· ·fi ÙËÓ ∞ӷʈٛ·, 2 ·È‰È¿: ™ˆÙËÚÔ‡ÏÏ·-Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ∞ÓÙÚ¤· Î·È ∞¯ÈÏϤ·-Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ∂ÚÌÈfiÓË, 6 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: ¢‹ÌËÙÚ·-Û‡˙˘ÁÔ Christopher, ª·Ú›·- ·ÚÚ·‚ˆÓÈ·ÛÙÈÎfi Tim, ÕÓÙÚÈ·, ª·Ùı·›Ô, ÃÚÈÛÙ›Ó· Î·È ª·ÚÈ¿ÓÓ·, 6 ·‰¤ÏÊÈ· Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. ∏ Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙË ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 12.12.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 12.30ÌÌ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ∂Ï¢ıÂÚ›Ô˘, 113 Ruckholt Road, ∞‚›ˆÛ ÌÂÙ¿ ·fi Ì·ÎÚ¿ ·Ûı¤ÓÂÈ·, ÙËÓ ¶¤ÌÙË 17.11.2016, Leyton, London E10 5NS Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ Ë ƒÔ˙·Ï›· ¶·ÎԇϷ˜ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ Ì. ÃÚ›ÛÙÔ˘ Û ËÏÈΛ· New Southgate. 94 ÂÙÒÓ. °›ÓÂÙ·È ¤ÎÎÏËÛË ·ÓÙ› ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È· Ó· Á›ÓÔÓÙ·È ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Ô˘ ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ΔÂÙ¿ÚÙË 07.12.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 11.00Ì ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¡ÈÎÔÏ¿Ô˘, 60 Godolphin ı· ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó ÛÙÔ Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital. Road, London W12 8JW Î·È ı· ·ÎÔÏÔ˘ı‹ÛÂÈ Ë Ù·Ê‹ Û H ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙËÓ ÔÈΛ· ÙÔ˘ ÂÎÏÈfiÓÙÔ˜. ÎÏÂÈÛÙfi ÔÈÎÔÁÂÓÂÈ·Îfi ·ÎÏÔ. ΔËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ: 07950 585 745 √ £Âfi˜ ·Ó··‡ÛÂÈ ÙËÓ „˘¯‹ Ù˘.


§ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ † MNHMO™YNO § ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ ΔÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 04.12.2016, ÛÙËÓ EÎÎÏËÛ›· I¿Îˆ‚Ô˜ (Jack) ¶·Ó·Á‹ ÃÚ›ÛÙÔ˜ ∫ÈÎΛ‰Ë˜ All Saints, 122 Oakleigh Road North, London N20 9JU, (ÃÔÈÚÔÎÔÈÙ›·) §ÔÓ‰›ÓÔ ÙÔ 17ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È (∫·Ù·ÁˆÁ‹ ÁÔÓ¤ˆÓ §ÈÓÔ‡ Î·È μ·ÚÒÛÈ) ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ ·Ù¤Ú· Î·È ·Ô‡

TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ 04.12.2016, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¢ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘, Δown Road/Logan Road, London N9 0LP, ÙÔ 12ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘- ·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ ˘ÈÔ‡ Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡

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For all funeral related Assistance with DSS Claims Δ·Ê¤˜ Î·È ·ÔÙÂÊÚÒÛÂȘ 24-ˆÚË ÚÔÛˆÈ΋ Â͢ËÚ¤ÙËÛË requirements 24 Hours Personal Service ÃÒÚÔÈ ·Ú·ÌÔÓ‹˜ Î·È ÍÂÎÔ‡Ú·- Δ·ÊfiϷΘ Û˘ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂÈ·˜ Î·È Û˘ÁÁÂÓÒÓ Burials and Cremations We guarantee best prices, μÔ‹ıÂÈ· Ì ÂȉfiÌ·Ù· ÙÔ˘ °Ú·Ê›Ԣ ∫·Ï‡ÙÂÚ˜ ÙÈ̤˜, ÔÈfiÙËÙ· Î·È Worldwide Repatriations quality and professionalism ∫ÔÈÓˆÓÈÎÒÓ ÀËÚÂÛÈÒÓ Â·ÁÁÂÏÌ·ÙÈÛÌfi˜ Chapel of Rest Facilities Memorial Stones ªÂÙ·ÊÔÚ¿ ÛÔÚÒÓ ÛÙÔ Â͈ÙÂÚÈÎfi For further information, call us on: 020 8889 9888 131-133 Myddleton Road, Wood Green, London N22 8NG Tel: 020 8889 9888 Fax: 020 8888 9205 [email protected] www.d-e.co.uk ™ÂÏ›‰· 30 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016

§ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ † MNHMO™YNO † ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ ΔÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 4 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016, ÛÙȘ 11.00Ì §Ô˘Î›· ÃÚÈÛÙÔ‰Ô‡ÏÔ˘ ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ πˆ¿ÓÓË ÙÔ˘ μ·ÙÈÛÙ‹, Wightman Road, ∫˘ÚÈ¿ÎÔ˜ ∫·˙·Ì›·˜ ÔÓ (ÙÔ Á¤ÓÔ˜ ΔÔÊ·ÏÏ‹ ·fi ÙÔ˘˜ ™Ù‡ÏÏÔ˘˜) London N8, ÙÔ 15 ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ ·ÂÈÌÓ‹ÛÙÔ˘ (·fi ÙÔ §Â˘ÎfiÓÔÈÎÔ) ΔÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∫˘Úȷ΋ ∞Ú¯ÈÌ·Ó‰Ú›ÙË 04.12.2016, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ §∂√¡Δπ√À ∞ƒπ™Δ√Δ∂§√À™ ∞Á›Ô˘ πˆ¿ÓÓË ÙÔ˘ μ·ÙÈÛÙ‹, ªËÏÈÎÔ‡ÚÈ Wightman Road, London N8 0LY, ÙÔ 6ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ù˘ Ô˘ ‰ÈÂÙ¤ÏÂÛ ÁÈ· ÛˆÚ›· ÂÙÒÓ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤Ó˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˘ ˆ˜ ÈÂÚ·ÙÈÎÒ˜ ÚÔ˚ÛÙ¿ÌÂÓÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ Ó·Ô‡ Ì·˜ Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÛÔ˘˜ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ÌËÙ¤Ú·˜, ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿˜ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ Ó· ·Ú¢ÚÂ- Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊ‹˜ ıÔ‡Ó. §Ô˘Î›·˜ ÃÚÈÛÙÔ‰Ô‡ÏÔ˘ °È· ÙË ˙ˆ‹ Î·È ÙÔ ¤ÚÁÔ ÙÔ˘ ˘¤ÚÔ- Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ¯Ô˘ ·˘ÙÔ‡ ÎÏËÚÈÎÔ‡ ı· ÌÈÏ‹ÛÂÈ ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË Ù˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂ- Ô ∫·ıËÁËÙ‹˜ ¢Ú ∑·ÓÓ¤ÙÔ˜ ıÔ‡Ó. ΔÔÊ·ÏÏ‹˜. √ ∂ÊË̤ÚÈÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ ¡·Ô‡ √ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ∫˘ÚÈ¿ÎÔ˜, Ù· ·È‰È¿ ∂ϤÓË Î·È ∞Ó‰Ú¤·˜, Ù· ÂÁÁfiÓÈ· ¶ÚˆÙÔÚÂÛ‚‡ÙÂÚÔ˜ ∞Ó‰Ú¤·˜ §Ô‡Î·˜ Î·È ™ÔÊ›· Î·È Ù· ·‰¤ÏÊÈ· Ù˘ ¢¤ÛÔÈÓ· ∫fiÓÈÔ˘, ∑·ÓÓ¤ÙÔ˜ ÷Ù˙ËÛ·‚‚‹, Ô ¶ÚÂÛ‚‡ÙÂÚÔ˜ Î·È ∫‡ÚÔ˜ ΔÔÊ·ÏÏ‹˜ Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. ¶·‡ÏÔ˜ ∫. °ÚËÁÔÚ›Ô˘, Ô ¶Úfi‰ÚÔ˜ Î. ∞Ó‰Ú¤·˜ ∏. πˆ¿ÓÓÔ˘ Î·È ÙÔ ¢ÈÔÈÎËÙÈÎfi ™˘Ì‚Ô‡ÏÈÔ ÙÔ˘ ¡·Ô‡, Ô ¶Úfi‰ÚÔ˜ Î·È Ù· ̤ÏË Ù˘ ™¯ÔÏÈ΋˜ ∂ÊÔÚ›·˜, ∏ «¶·ÚÔÈÎȷ΋» ÂÎÊÚ¿˙ÂÈ ∞‚›ˆÛ ÙË ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 14.11.2016, Ô ∫˘ÚÈ¿ÎÔ˜ ∫·˙·Ì›·˜ Ë ¶Úfi‰ÚÔ˜ Î. °ÂˆÚÁ›· ∞Ó·ÛÙ·Û›Ô˘ Î·È Ù· ª¤ÏË Ù˘ μÔËıËÙÈ΋˜ Û ËÏÈΛ· 85 ÂÙÒÓ. Ù· ‚·ıÈ¿ Ù˘ Û˘ÏÏ˘ËÙ‹ÚÈ· ∞‰ÂÏÊfiÙËÙ·˜, Ë ·‰ÂÏÊ‹ ÙÔ˘ ¶ËÓÂÏfiË, Ô Á·ÌÚfi˜ ÙÔ˘ ∞Ó‰Ú¤·˜ ªÈ¯·‹Ï Î·È ÔÈ ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. ªÂÙ¿ ÙË ÏÂÈÙÔ˘ÚÁ›· ı· ÚÔ- √ ÂÎÏÈÒÓ ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›· ÙÔ 1952. ÛÊÂÚı› ηʤ˜, ÙÛ¿È Î·È ‰È¿ÊÔÚ· ‰¤ÛÌ·Ù· ÂȘ ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙË Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÙÔ˘ ∂˘ÁÂÓ›·, ÙÚ›· ·È‰È¿ ·fi ÙÔÓ ÚÒÙÔ ÙÔ˘ ÛÙÔ˘˜ ÔÈΛԢ˜ ÙˆÓ ·Ôı·ÓfiÓÙˆÓ ·Â›ÌÓËÛÙÔ˘ §ÂÔÓÙ›Ô˘ ÛÙÔ ¯ˆÏ Ù˘ ÂÎÎÏËÛ›·˜. Á¿ÌÔ, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·, 3 ·‰ÂÏʤ˜ Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. H Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ΔÂÙ¿ÚÙË 07.12.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 12.00 § ÙÔ ÌÂÛË̤ÚÈ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ §·˙¿ÚÔ˘ Î·È ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ ∞ÔÛÙfiÏÔ˘ ∞Ó‰Ú¤Ô˘, Rutland Road, Forest Gate, London E7 8PH Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ City of London, TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ 04.12.2016, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Aldersbrook Road, London E12 5DQ. ÙˆÓ ∞Á›ˆÓ ¶¿ÓÙˆÓ, Camden Street, London NW1 0JA, ∏ ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ ¯ˆÏ Ù˘ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›·˜. ÙÔ 3ÌËÓÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ù˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤Ó˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˘ °›ÓÂÙ·È ¤ÎÎÏËÛË ·ÓÙ› ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È· Ó· Á›ÓÔÓ·È ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Ô˘ ı· ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›·. Ì·˜ ÌËÙ¤Ú·˜ Î·È ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿˜ ΔËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ: 07792 110 607 ¢¤ÛÔÈÓ·˜ ¶·Ó·Á‹ ∞‰¿ÌÔ˘ (∞ηÓıÔ‡) °È· A°°E§IE™ Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË Ù˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó. MNHMO™YNA Î·È £ANATOY™

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† ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ † DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT ª˘ÚÙÔ‡ÏÏ· °ÚËÁÔÚ›Ô˘ Myrtoulla Gregoriou (·fi ÙÔÓ ∞Ì›·ÓÙÔ) (from Amiantos) ∞‚›ˆÛ ÙÔ ™¿‚‚·ÙÔ 19.11.2016, Ë ª˘ÚÙÔ‡ÏÏ· Passed away on Saturday 19.11.2016 °ÚËÁÔÚ›Ô˘ Û ËÏÈΛ· 71 ÂÙÒÓ. at the age of 71. ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ 2 ·È‰È¿: ª·Ú›· Î·È ™ˆÙ‹ÚË, ÙÔÓ Á·ÌÚfi Ù˘ She leaves behind her 2 children: Maria and Sotiris, ∞ÓÙÚ¤·, 2 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: πÂÚÂÌ›· Î·È ƒ·Ê·‹Ï, 8 ·‰¤ÏÊÈ· Î·È son-in-law Andreas, 2 grandchildren: Jeremiah and ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. Raphael, 8 siblings, relatives and friends. ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ 09.12.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· The funeral will take place on Friday 09.12.2016 at 12.00 12.00 ÙÔ ÌÂÛË̤ÚÈ ·fi ÙËÓ Oakwood Baptist Church, noon at Oakwood Baptist Church, Merrivale N14 Merrivale N14 4TG Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ Cheshunt, Bury Green Road, Cheshunt EN7 5AG. 4TG and the burial at Cheshunt Cemetery, Bury Green Road, Cheshunt EN7 5AG. °›ÓÂÙ·È ¤ÎÎÏËÛË ·ÓÙ› ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È· Ó· Á›ÓÔÓÙ·È ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Ô˘ ı· ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó ÁÈ· ÊÈÏ·ÓıÚˆÈÎÔ‡˜ ÛÎÔÔ‡˜. Instead of flowers there will be a donation box for various charities. ∏ ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ ¯ˆÏ Ù˘ Oakwood Baptist Myrtoulla was a wonderful loving mother, Church. grandmother and sister and was loved by all. The wake will take place at the Church Hall.

† ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ † DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT ™ˆÙ‹Ú· μ·ÚÓ¿‚· °ÂˆÚÁ›Ô˘ Sotira Varnava Georgiou (·fi ÙÔ ºÏ·ÌÔ‡‰È) Daughter of †Father Varnava and Despina Georgiou ªÂ ‚·ıÈ¿ ıÏ›„Ë ·ÁÁ¤ÏÏÔ˘Ì fiÙÈ ·‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ∫˘Úȷ΋ (from Flamoudi) 20 ¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016, Ë ·Á·Ë̤ÓË Ì·˜ ·‰ÂÏÊ‹ ™ˆÙ‹Ú· °ÂˆÚÁ›Ô˘ (ı˘Á·Ù¤Ú· ÙÔ˘ †¶¿ÙÂÚ μ·ÚÓ¿‚· Î·È †¢¤ÛÔÈÓ·˜ It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our beloved °ÂˆÚÁ›Ô˘ ·fi ÙÔ ºÏ·ÌÔ‡‰È) Û ËÏÈΛ· 61 ÂÙÒÓ beautiful sister Sotira (Sue) Varnava Georgiou on Sunday th ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ·‰ÂÏÊ‹ Ù˘ ºˆÙÂÈÓ‹ Î·È ÙÚÂȘ ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡˜: °ÈÒÚÁÔ, 20 November 2016 at the age of 61. ÕÓÙÚÔ Î·È ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚË, ·‰ÂÏÊfiÙÂÎÓ· Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Sotira leaves behind her sister Photine and brothers George, Andrew Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. and Jimmy, nieces and nephews and many relatives and friends. ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ ÛÙȘ 2 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 The funeral will take place on Friday 2nd December at 12.00 noon Î·È ÒÚ· 12.00 ÙÔ ÌÂÛË̤ÚÈ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ at St. Nicholas Cathedral, 60 Godolphin Road, Shepherds Bush, ¡ÈÎÔÏ¿Ô˘, 60 Godolphin Road, Shepherds Bush, London W12 London W12 8JW and the burial at Hanwell Cemetery, 8JW Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ Hanwell, 38 Uxbridge Road, 38 Uxbridge Road, Ealing W7 3PP. Ealing W7 3PP. Flowers or donations are welcome. §Ô˘ÏÔ‡‰È· ‹ ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Â›Ó·È Â˘ÚfiÛ‰ÂÎÙ·. The wake will take place at St. Nicholas Church Hall. ∏ ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ ¯ˆÏ Ù˘ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›·˜. Tel: 07711 524 409 (Andrew) ΔËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ: 07711 524 409 (AÓÙÚ¤·˜) ¶¤ÌÙË 1 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 ™ÂÏ›‰· 31

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CCYYPPRRIIOOTT FFOOOOTTBBAALLLL NEWS FROM GREECE Big upset for Anorthosis PAS Giannina alone in second, AEL recorded their second consecutive big win, this time as Reds and Greens stumble over Omonia, while leaders AEK Olympiakos dropped its first Lucas Villafanes equalized in the deservedly defeated Ermis to re- points at home in a goalless third minute of injury time the main at the top of the Cyprus draw with Kerkyra on Sunday, Karim Ansarifard goal that had football championship for yet an- but the headlines belong to PAS given Panionios the lead at Nea other week. Giannina that has climbed to Smyrni, Still, the 1-1 result is not The biggest upset though came at the Antonis second in the Super League making Panathinaikos coach Papadopoulos stadium where thanks to its win over Veria on Andrea Stramaccioni’s job any Anorthosis were defeated by first Saturday. safer. division newcomers Karmiotissa The Ioannina club, that drew AEK is now joint third with thanks to a long-range effort by 0-0 at home with Levadiakos on Panathinaikos, as after struggling Stavrou after a comedy of errors Wednesday in the game it had to open the score for 77 minutes in the Anorthosis backline. in hand, was completely domi- at home against Platanias on A large section of the nant against visiting Veria and Saturday it scored three times in won 2-0 through the league’s 12 minutes, first through a Anorthosis fans could not hide dy luck smiled on Nea Salamina Christiansen’s side have failed second-best scorer Pedro Dimitris Sotiriou own goal and their disgust and left with 20 min- when they were awared a penal- to win their last three games – Conde (pictured) and then via Christos Aravidis and utes still to play. With the final following defeats to AEL and ty deep into added time which Chrytsovalantis Kozoronis. Petros Mantalos. whistle the few that remained Astana – and needed a late div- their top scorer converted. PAS, which this season played In other weekend games booed the Anorthosis players off ing header from substitute A total of 61 tickets were sold in Europe for the first time in its has dropped points at home. Xanthi scored an important away the pitch. Bertoglio to avoid a third slip for two ‘important games’ involv- history, at the Europa League Three days after the 1-1 draw at win downing Panetolikos 3-2 at Having overcome champions against Pedro Emanuel’s ing teams fighting to beat the qualifiers, is now two points clear home with Young Boys for the Agrinio to climb to sixth at the Apoel last week, AEL produced Apollon.who led through a Alex drop. of third-placed Panathinaikos Europa League, the Olympiakos table, Levadiakos scored three another imposing display to de- da Silva goal. Aris producing one of their and AEK and five points behind fans jeered their team again, aim- goals in 16 miniyuts to beat bot- feat the other Nicosia giants, The game was marred by an- best performances of the sea- leader Olympiakos that stumbled ing mainly at manager Paulo tom team Iraklis 3-0 at home and Omonia, by the same 1-0 score- gry scenes in the tunnel as play- son, thumping four past a be- Bento. line. ers from both sides clashed fol- at home against Kerkyra. go one spot behind Xanthi, while leaguered Doxa Katokopias in Panathinaikos narrowly es- The only goal of the game lowing claims that Apollon This was the first time since Asteras Tripolis and Larissa came nine minutes from the end front of 48 fans. December 2014 that Olympiakos caped one more defeat, as shared a 1-1 draw. Gonzales opening the score keeper Bruno Vale made ob- when Lafrance was first to react scene gestures to the APOEL after Omonia’s rookie goalkeep- in the 17th minute with three more coming in the second half fans. er Christodoulou could not hold Alex da Silva had given KOPA League Cup draws onto Soouza’s strike. through Antoniou, Frangos and Apollon the lead midway Onilo. Took place Monday November Division One Cup draw A minute earlier, Omonia had through the second half after Preliminary round AEZ and Anagennisi a great chance to take the lead AEK Larnaca continue to lead the 28th 2016 at the Cypriot Brotherhood v Omonia Dheryneia had to settle for a but Matt Derbyshire, having the league title race ahead of Community Centre in Wood Green Round One rounded the keeper, could not point each with the team from joint second APOEL and AEL Challenge Cup Anorthosis v Arachne find the target with the goal gap- Dheryneia almost certain of the while Omonia are snapping at First round KLN v Livadia ing. drop. their heels in fourth place. Komi Kebir v Olympia St Panteleimon v Olympia Despite failing to impress, The draw though puts the Brotherhood or Omonia v New leaders AEK had few problems Zakaki team in all sorts of trou- Community Apoel v Omonia Salamis in defeating Ermis Aradipoou. ble now as they dropped to 11th St Panteleimon v Cetinkaya Cinar Division Two Cup draw The Larnaca team had a num- place. Anorthosis v Livadia First round ber of chances to make the Di Franco had given Zakaki Youth Results Pantel v Asha Asha v Achna game safe after a da Silva own the lead only to be cancelled out Sunday 27th November 2016 Achna v Arachne Komi Kebir v Cetinkaya Cinar goal gave them the lead just by Furtado’s 62nd minute Maronites v Pantel short of the hour mark. equaliser. U16 KLN v Maronites Nea Salamina leapfrogged Facundo Bertoglio rescued a AEK 2 Harvesters 1 Brotherhood v New Salamis Apoel bye over Anorthosis after defeating point for champions APOEL on Berkhamstead 4 Omonia W 3 Ethnikos Achnas by a solitary Monday night after scoring a Croxley 3 Omonia Green 1 goal. last-gasp equaliser against title Aldenham 3 Olympiacos 5 Omonia Youth FC teams go goal crazy Both sides had enough rivals Apollon Limassol. U15 Community football club chances to win the game but la- The 1-1 draw meant Thomas Alexandra Pk 1 Omonia W 6 Omonia Youth FC, sponsored by Omonia Green 2 Belstone 2 P&M Construction Ltd, saw many UK Cypriot snooker star and Olympiacos 0 Hadley R 5 of their teams score plenty of U14 goals and also progress to the Ronnie O Sullivan scare AEK 7 AC Finchley 0 next round of cup competitions. Omonia White 4 Harvesters 4 Panos Papa-Michael and Andy Cassiobury 5 Olympiacos 0 Michael’s Under 13 Gold won 5- AEK Gold 6 St Albans 0 1 to move to the next round of the U13 League Cup. Youssef Habibi was Northwood 1 Omonia Gold 5 justifiably named man of the Omonia Green 6 St Albans 2 match after scoring four goals. Omonia W 6 Whetstone W 0 Michael Papa-Michael got the Omonia Gold 4 Northwood 0 goals. Another Omonia Youth FC side U12 Hendon 3 Omonia White 8 progressed to the next round of saw their Under 13 White score James scored twice and was Omonia S 1 Highgate & M 3 the League Cup and also scored six goals as they won 6-0. Goals named Man of the Match with a hatful of goals. Chris Gregoriou from Louis Petrou (2), Pier Jordan getting the other goal. saw his Under 15 White team Giacomma, Adam Curran, Alexis Elia Constanti’s Under 16 KOPA LEAGUE progress to the quarter final thanks Papa, David Preece. Man of the Green lost 3-1 away having con- to a thumping 6-1. Goals were Match was awarded to Loui ceded two late goals. Marios ANNOUNCMENT scored by Antonio Gelagotellis, Cooper Haili Charalambous scored the goal Nicholas Gregoriou with Man of Two Under 12 sides both had with Nikolas Matjilla named Man O'Sullivan dropped his first shock exits of potential title ri- the Match of the Match Max Alan convincing League wins. Chris of the Match. frame of the tournament when vals Neil Robertson and Judd scoring four goals. and Jimmy Mousicos’ Under 12 Finally, the Under 14 Green UK Cypriot Michael Georgiou Trump. Andy Charalambous also saw Gold won 4-0. Goals from Charlie coached and managed by Neo, whose parents are from Gerani Maintaining his insistence that his Under 14 White side progress Mousicos, Aaron Lewis and a bril- Varney, Dean and Michael K again in Cyprus.made a 52 break in he is now a "part-time" player to the next round of the cup beat- liant free kick from captain Jason showed their class winning 8-3. It the opener before the five-times due to his increasing commen- ing a team a division higher than Kasa. Man of the Match was Lewie was a stunning performance world champion reeled off six tary duties and commitment to them. In a pulsating match, the Francis. played at Stadium in front frames in a row to earn a 6-1 win. exhibitions, he nevertheless said We as a League would like U14 White went 2-0 only to get Michael Pieri’s U12 White went of a crowd in excess of 150 sup- World number 99 Georgiou he would take Georgiou's praise to extend our condolences to the game back to 3-3 to take the goal crazy as they put eight past porters. The coaching staff com- was left to marvel at O'Sullivan's as a compliment. the families, friends, support- game to extra-time. The match their opponents to win 8-3. Goals mented how impressed they were talent and insisted: "He's not hu- O'Sullivan said: "It's nice to ers of Brazilian football team ended 4-4 after extra time to take were scored by Vaughan with the facilities and it clearly in- man - the way he's playing at get that recognition because I've Chapecoense and to Brazil. the game to penalties. Harry Frederick (3), Panos Chambi (2), spired the team. Goal scorers the moment I can't see anyone been in the sport for so long and Sadly their plane crashed Demothenous, Nik Zlatkov, Loui Nicholas Lecointe-Akore, Anthony were George Stasi (2), Angelo beating him." won all the titles, but for a fellow in Colombia involving the Capsalis and Stiven all scored Fereos and Alfonso Roselli. In a Michael (2), Clinton Benekoje (2), But the 40-year-old O'Sullivan pro to say that means they ap- Brazilian soccer team their penalties. At 4-4 in the fine team performance with sever- Christo Pedrithis and Luca insists he feels far from invinci- preciate the way you play and Chapecoense. Only five of the shootout Rico Charalambous al candidates to be named Man of Cardines. The win ensured that ble, despite his stunning run of that's the biggest compliment I 81 people on board survived, saved a penalty then stepped up the Match, the award went to after nine league games, the form in the tournament and the could take away from snooker. three of them players. to score the winning spot kick. As Vaughan Frederick for his hat trick Under 14 Greens are top of the "Our grief and thoughts are the ball hit the back of the net it and two assists in the game. Mid Herts Premier Division, a bril- Apologies to St Panteleimon FC for the boys of Chapecoense led to fantastic scenes of celebra- Kyri Georgiou’s Under 15 liant start to the season ". Chapecoense, are a team in tion. It was an amazing perform- Green earned a draw thanks to The club will be celebrating an- and Anorthosis Brazil's Serie A, who were fly- ance by the whole. The other goal goals from Michael and Temi. other year of success with a We like to apologise to the both above clubs who play in the ing to Colombia to play the fi- scorers were Stylianos Solos was Man of the Match. Celebration Dinner and Dance on KOPA League that although we included your report on our nal of the Copa Sudamericana Chrystostomou (2), Luis Domi and Both U16 teams suffered de- Sunday 4th December at the website last week we never included the report in the news- against Atletico Nacional. Nik Zlatkov. feat this week. Nick Zimaras’ Regency Banqueting Suite in paper and we sincerely apologise for that. Kyri Haili and Mike Petrou also Under 16 White team lost 4-3. North London. www.parikiaki.com English Section Sports, 1st December 2016 – 35 ueiopasdfjklcvbnDZCM

THIS PAGE IS SPONSORED BY WORKFLAIR LTD - ESTATE LETTINGS & MANAGEMENT T: 020 8888 7067 A: 61 GREEN LANES, LONDON N13 4TD E: [email protected] W: www.workflair.co.uk GUARANTEED RENTS PAID & FULL MANAGEMENT SERVICES AVAILABLE IN EAST & NORTH LONDON A race for division 2 title FIXTURES Sunday 4 December 2016 Challenge Cup LFA Challenge Cup LEAGUE TABLES First Round 3rd Round Division 1 Komi Kebir v Olympia Highgate Albion V Omonia 9.15am Lucozade Power 10.30am St Aloysius College TEAMS P W L D GD P Sports Ground, Hurst Avenue, New Salamis 6 6 0 0 31 18 League, Summers Lane, Highgate, London, N6 5TX Livadia 7 4 2 1 10 13 London N12 0RF Olympia 6 4 1 1 8 13 Pantel v Asha LFA Sunday Trophy Brotherhood 7 4 3 0 2 12 2pm Southbury Leisure 3rd Round St Panteleimon 7 3 4 0 2 9 Omonia 6 3 3 0 –3 9 Centre, 192 Southbury Road, AFC Grasshoppers v Anorthosis 7 2 5 0 –14 6 Enfield EN1 1YP St Panteleimon 10.30am Sydenham Sports, Arachne 6 1 5 0 –10 3 Cyprus Youth 6 1 5 0 –26 3 Achna v Arachne Kangley Bridge Road, 12pm Southbury Leisure Sydenham, SE 26 5AN Division 2 Apoel Centre, 192 Southbury Road, Duzce Spor v Livadia TEAMS P W L D GD P Enfield EN1 1YP 2pm Wadham Lodge, Apoel 8 7 1 0 13 21 KLN v Maronites Kitchener Road, Komi Kebir 8 6 2 0 15 18 11.30am Edmonton County London E17 4JP Asha 8 4 3 1 6 13 Pantel 7 2 3 2 –3 8 School, Great Cambridge Maronites 7 2 4 1 0 7 Road, Enfield EN1 1HQ Cetinkaya C. 8 2 6 0 –9 6 Brotherhood v New Salamis Achna 8 2 6 0 –13 6 10.15am Whittington Park, Holloway Road, London, N19 4RS 02083425555 ñ DDI: 02083425568 ñ Fax: 0208342565 The live KOPA League match televised by Hellenic TV this Sunday will be 1st round Challenge Cup Komi Kebir v Olympia 9.15 am from Lucozade Power League , Summers Lane, Finchley. You can watch on freeview channel 244/International or on the internet on www.hellenictv.net. The game comes to you in association with SAPO GIVEAWAYS LTD. Second Division awarded a penalty when Luis Livadia were then awarded a Hanna was pulled down but penalty which Luke Prokopiou Apoel Achna 0 Apoel 2 Theo Vasilliou’s spot kick was dispatched into the bottom cor- Its no slowing down for Apoel saved by the Asha keeper ner to end the first half 4-0. The as they continue with a good Anthony Ioannou. second half was played in sim- winning run which keeps them But Komi Kebir kept on com- ilar fashion, Luke Prokopiou got top as a result of Komi Kebir los- ing back and in the dying min- his second of the game with a ing. utes they missed a glorious neat finish from inside the box, Both teams started the game chance to score but Andreas 5-0. The goal of the game came very strong but it was Apoel who Bryant Edwards from ten yards last when Dan Pugh chipped managed to score early with the out blasted it over the bar. the keeper from outside the box 1st goal on the 8th min with A good win for massive im- and the ball clipped the under- Vincent Lwanga but it was no proved Asha who i believe will side of the bar before finding easy task and Achna were giv- get better and Komi Kebir will the net. 6-0 it finished and a fair ing it all even although they need to become more clinical result it was, Leo Agathangelou went behind early on. in front of goal. dominated the game for Livadia Apoel continued to play good Cetinkaya Cinar 0 Maronites 4 and Arachne couldn’t control football creating many good Cetinkaya Cinar who not had him. chances. So half time it finished a game in three weeks are try- Achna 0 - Apoel 1. The second ing to resettle their team but LFA Challenge Cup half saw Achna off to a good came up against a much im- Third Round start and put pressure on the proved Maronites who are bang Komi Kebir Apoel rearguard but the defend- on form, three of their goals Olympia 3 AFC Kumazi 3 ers held out. Apoel came back came from Marcus Archer and Olympia won on penalties process who had to go off. with a late charge and scored Paul Wright took over and theb other from Mike Vasilliou What a great game Olympia in the 87th with Kyri Georgiou. game went to penalties he even going 1 nil up through a great saved a penalty for Olympia to Komi Kebir 0 Asha 1 First Division 25 yards free kick from Paul go through. What a classic game between Arachne 0 Livadia 6 Wright. second placed Komi Kebir and Livadia FC kept up their re- They then levelled just before AFC Putney 2 New Salamis 5 third placed Asha in an all out cent form with a rampant 6-0 half time to make it 1 1. New Salamis are going great action match with both teams win over Arachne FC. Samir Second half Olympia moved guns too in the LFA Sunday cup keepers Aris Hajikkou and Aalit opened the scoring for up a gear with two absolute beating the South London team Anthony Ioannou both kept Livadia with a finish from close screamers from 5-2 with all five goals coming busy and both man of the range after 15 minutes. Peter Ricky Loucas making it 3 1. from Nico Muir. match. Panayiotou then doubled the Kumazi then scored with ten But it was not easy for the Both teams fought hard with lead with his first goal for the minutes to go and Olympia red’s they were leading 1-0 then Asha more dangerous in attack club since signing 2 years ago should have finished with game 1-1 then 2-1 up and the then 2–2 The two teams captains Aris Hadjikkou (Komi Kebir) and before New Salamis went to but it took a penalty to break with a shot that found the top hitting the woodwork twice. Anthony Ioannou (Asha) both goalkeepers who ended up man town. the deadlock. corner. Samir Aalit got his sec- In the dying minutes Kumazi of the match.The match officials were Andy Demetriades,Yiasia When Ellis Remy scored from Highgate Albion v Omonia ond and made it 3-0, making it scored to level and injuring the Yekta and Andreas Anastasiou. the spot Komi Kebir were later 3 goals in his last two games. Olympia goal keeper in the was called off

Nico Muir 5 goal hero for Olympia Livadia New Salamis ™ÂÏ›‰· 36 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 ¢ÂÎÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016

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