2,200 Tonnes of Plaster for the Basilica of the Peace

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2,200 Tonnes of Plaster for the Basilica of the Peace LETTERS FROM FRANCE 2,200 Tonnes of Plaster for the Basilica of the Peace in appearance--a monument to the renaissance of Christianity in North- ern Africa. The architect, Pierre Fakhoury, wrote that it was designed to carry the message of Christianity across half the world. Indeed, everything about it is gi- gantic. The nave, with a height of 100 meters (more than 300 feet) and a width of 100 meters as well, can ac- commodate 18,000 people. And the dome, produced by Eiffel Metal Construction, reaches 153 meters (almost 500 feet), the equivalent of about 60 stories. The greatest part of the work was entrusted to French enterprises: Dumez for the exterior work, Entre- pose for the scaffolding, and Eurostaff for the peristyle (the open space sur- scaffolding was erected by Eiffel Metal (The following articles are reprinted rounded by a colonnade), the dome, Construction. In the Basilica, a scaf- from the magazine Platre Informa- and the interior rooms. The site with fold of 50 tonnes was slid along the tion, published by the Syndicat Na- its building materials alone required floor (capstan style) on cushions of tional des Industries du Platre, Paris, one year’s work and 2,200 tonnes air. France. The translation has been (about 2,450 U.S. short tons) of molded For the colonnade, it was neces- edited. We are indebted to Philip plaster. sary to have a mobile scaffolding, Certosini, Miral Insulation, Montreal, From a base of 58 meters (180 specially constructed by Entrepose Quebec, for his assistance in translat- feet), the dome consists of 14,000 and composed of a tower of 12 tonnes ing the articles from the original square meters of plaster materials in mounted on a cushion of air. The French.) the form of painted curtain wall pan- colonnade is comprised of 12 domes els, each three or four square meters and 12 interior arches. Construction At the time of its opening, the (10 to 12 square feet), hung on the required moving the special scaffold- Basilica of Yamoussoukro on the Ivory metallic structure with hooks sealed ing 24 times. Coast received a great deal of public- in plaster. Moreover, the panels are The church square, 15 meters by ity. Its construction was likened to perforated to assure a good interior 15 meters (approximately 50 feet by that of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome; acoustical insulation. 50 feet), around 45 tonnes in weight, it combines architectural tradition with The church square and the per- was mounted on 16 air cushions and innovative technique. istyle colonnade, whose columns are had to be shifted seven times. The cas- In the heart of the Ivory Coast, in 24 meters (about 75 feet) high, repre- ings of the plaster ceiling suspended Yamoussoukro, the city of President sent 65,000 square meters of plaster at 7-1/2 meters (about 25 feet) re- Houphouet Boigny, the Basilica of materials. To place the column pieces quired 320 tonnes of metal frame- the Peace seems almost miraculous at that considerable height, special work. 30 October 1991/Construction Dimensions.
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