Bibliography and Reference Series, 56

SALALM The First Fifty Years A Handlist of Publications with Author Index

Nancy L. Hallock

Secretariat Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials The Latin American Library Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana HAROLD B. LEE LIBRARY BrtiüHAM YOUNG UNiVERSITY PROVO, UTAH Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials

Bibliography and Reference Series, 56

Hortensia Calvo Executive Secretary

Mark L. Grover Chair, Editorial Board

SALALM The First Fifty Years A Handlist of Publications with Author Index

Nancy L. Hallock

SALALM Secretariat The Latin American Library Tulane university New Orleans, Louisiana Digitized by the Internet Archive

in 2011 with funding from Brigham Young University f3^

Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliograpliies

SALALM The First Fifty Years A Handlist of Publications with Author Index

Nancy L. Hallock

SALALM Secretariat The Latin American Library Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana '^^^ROLD B.LEE LIBRARY uvjham young university PROVO. UTAH

--**4.JÍA.wÍ SALALM Sponsoring Members

Cornell University Library Harvard College Library The Johns Hopkins University, Eisenhower Library Livraria Leonardo Da Vince Princeton University Library Stanford University The City College Library-New York Tulane University Library University of California, Los Angeles University of Florida Libraries University of Illinois Library University of Miami, Otto Richter Library University of New University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University Library University of Pittsburgh, Hillman Library University of Southern California University of Texas at Austin Library

Copyright (c) 2008 SALALM, ESC. AU rights reserved Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 0-917617-80-0 Dedicated to the vibrant memory of

Eduardo Lozano beloved colleague, friend, mentor, librarian, artist, poet, and exemplary human spirit VI 1



Introduction ix

Final Report and Working Papers 1

Series 8 Bibliography/Bibliography and Reference Series Latin American Information Series

Other Serial Publications 85

Resolutions of the . . . Seminar Microfilming Projects Newsletter Bibliography of Latin American/Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies SALALM Newsletter

Separate Publications 88

Electronic Publications 89 SALALM Homepage LALA-L

Author Index 91 VIH IX


In 1967 the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM) was incorporated as an independent entity to cany on the work of the seminar that had come to meet annually after its initial meeting in Chinsegut Hill, Florida, in April 1956. The Articles of Incorporation were signed December 18, 1967, in Washington, D.C, by Marietta Daniels

Shepard, Peter J. de la Garza, and Donald F. Wisdom.

At the close of SALALM XII (1967), the composition of the SALALM committees under the Steering Committee (precursor to the new organization's Executive Board) included the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on the Publication of Bibliographic Research Material. The following note appeared in the Final Reports: "This subconmiittee might become an Editorial Board, with this or modified composition." Article IV of the first Bylaws document provides for committees to be created by the Executive Board, but none are proscribed. In the committee list for SALALM XIII (1968), an Editorial Board is included, with Donald Wisdom as its chair.

SALALM' s first publications under its own name appeared some years later. The Final Report and Working Papers were published by the Pan American Union through SALALM XVI (1971); the first to appear under its own imprint was for SALALM XVII (1972), published 1975. The first number in the "Bibliographic Series" (1969) was actually published in Carbondale, Illinois, using proceeds from the sale oí Final Report and Working Papers of the Sixth Seminar that had been published by the Latin American Institute, Southern Illinois University, its sponsor. The second number in the "Bibliographic Series" was published by the SALALM Secretariat in 1975.

The final reports and working papers of the earlier seminars, published by their sponsoring institutions, are considered here as "SALALM publications," as are miscellaneous related documents. They document the worthy efforts of dedicated librarians and Latin Americanists begun years before the area studies boom of the 1960s in the United States.

The Author Index provides reference to authors in the collective publications.

* * 41

I want to express my appreciation to my SALALM colleagues, especially those with longer institutional memories than my own, for information and clarifications received, and to the Harvard College Library for its extensive holdings of SALALM publications. Special thanks to my husband, Keith Arbour, for his support and encouragement. X Final Report and Working Papers

The Final Report and Working Papers and Papers for SALALM meetings I-L are listed below with contents and authors. For the most part the working papers are numbered according to their original scheme in the published volumes, although a few adjustments were necessary. Numbered papers '*Not issued" are retained. The earlier volumes provided some challenges to consistency in presentation due to the inconsistencies among them. Regular features are sometimes presented as working papers, sometimes as reports. When reports and working papers are in a single listing, they are left that way; when listed separately, numerals are used for the working papers and uppercase letters for the reports.

All authors are listed in the Author Index with reference to these lists with a bold Arabic numeral for the seminar number, followed by a colon and the number or letter for the corresponding working paper or report.

For fíill access, including subjects, to the Papers, we can be grateful for the dedication of Barbara G. Valk. She compiled subject and author indexes for SALALMs I-XXDC; these appeared as numbers 12 and 24 of the "Bibliography and Reference Series": Index to the SALALM Papers, 1956-1980 and Index to the SALALM Papers, 1981-1985, respectively. Subsequent Papers (XXX and after) are all fully indexed in the Hispanic American Periodicals

Index (HAPI) 1 986-present, and HAPI Online, edited also by Barbara G. Valk. Editorship of HAPI is now in the able hands of Orchid Mazurkiewicz, following Valk's retirement in late 2005.

Similarly, the Index to the SALALM Progress Reports, 1956-1970 by Rosa Abella, Amelia Mederos, and Haydée Piedracueva is issued as a separate publication (Amherst, Mass.: SALALM Secretariat, 1975).

The Final Report and Working Papers was formally changed to the Papers by vote of the

Executive Board at its 1982 midwinter meeting. At its 1979 midwinter meeting, the board voted that much of content composing the "Final Report" segment, namely. Resolutions, List of Committees, and Annual Committee Reports, be published in the Newsletter. Now the remaining portions. Summary Reports of the Sessions and Executive Board Minutes, would also be published in a timelier manner in the Newsletter.

Editorship of the annual Papers formally became the responsibility of the past president following a vote of the Executive Board at its meeting during the 1983 annual conference. This was amended slightly by a formal decision of the Editorial Board at the 1990 conference that would allow for the president to designate an alternate editor.


Chinsegut Hill Brooksville, Florida, June 14-15, 1956

Sponsors: University of Florida Libraries; Columbus Memorial Library of the Pan American Union

Final Report of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Libraries, 1956. Imogene Hixson, Rapporteur General.

Selection of Materials and Bibliographic Sources

1. Sources of Bibliographic Information and the Problems of Selection of Latin American Materials Robert E. Kingery

2. Selection and Acquisition of Latin American Bibliographical Material Carlos Victor Penna

3. Major Latin American Collections in Libraries of the United States Josephine C. Fabilli

4. USBE Activities in and Their Relationship to Latin American Collections in the United States Alice Dulany Ball

5. Problems of the Treatment of Latin American Materials in U.S. Libraries Imogene Hixson

Book Materials: Purchase and Exchange

6. An International Bookseller's Relationship with Publishers and Dealers in Latin America Dominick Coppola

7. Purchase of Latin American Materials through Bookstores, Publishers and Dealers Emma Crosland Simonson

8. Which are the Latin American Books United States Libraries Need Fermín Peraza

9. Experience of Farmington Plan in the Latin American Field Edwin E. Williams

10. Major Learned Societies and Institutions in Latin America with Extensive Publishing Programs Howard F, Cline

11. Practical Experience of U.S. Libraries in Exchange of Publications with Latin America Lilly Carter

Non-Book Materials

12. Mapping Services in Latin America Arch C. Gerlach

Latin American Periodicals and Their Acquisition

13. Problems of Acquisition of Latin American Periodicals Irene Zimmerman

14. Microfilm Programs with Emphasis on Latin American Periodicals and Newspapers Nettie Lee Benson

15. Indexes and Indexing Services to Latin American Periodicals Jorge Grossman

Government Publications and Documents of Inter-American Organizations

16. Problems of Acquisition of Government Publications Paul L. Berry .



A. Mead, Henriquez Ureña, and Leavett Periodical Lists Paul L Berry

B. Subject Headings (Preliminary List) Used in United Nations Index to Laws in Force Paul L. Berry

C. Hispanic Acquisitions Studies: 15 Howard F. Cline


Austin, Texas, June 19-20, 1957

Sponsors: University of Texas; Pan American Union; Library of Congress

Final Report of the Second Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials. Austin, Texas: Institute of , University of Texas, 1958. (Latin American Studies, 16). Robert Vosper, Rapporteur General.

"In Memoriam, Carlos E. Castefleda, 1896-1958"

Summary Reports

Session I Progress Reports on the Recommendations of the Chinsegut Hill Seminar, 1956

Session II Acquisition of Latin American Periodicals

Session III Acquisition of Books from Mexico

Session FV Acquisition of Mexican Non-Commercial and Periodical Publications

Session V Summary and Conclusions of the Second Seminar

List of Working Papers (unpublished)

' 1 The Mexican Book Industry dissertation by Fernando Peñalosa, abstracted by William H. Kurth

2. The Acquisition of Mexican Materials William H. Kurth^

3. Status of Exchanges in Mexico Armando M. Sandoval, translated by Howard F. Cline

Selected Appendices

A. Latin American Newspapers on Microfilm as Recorded in the Microfilming Clearing

House Union Catalog Division, Library of Congress (Revised as of August 1, 1957)

1. Fernando Peñalosa, The Mexican Book Industry (New York: Scarecrow Press, 1957) is this thesis, revised.

2. William H. Kurth, "Acquisitions from Mexico," Library Resources and Technical Services 2, no. 2 (1958): 96-1 14 is a revised version of this paper. .

B. Lista Provisional que servirá de base para la preparación de un Índice General de Publicaciones Periódicas Latinoamericanas

C. The Microfilming Program of the Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Remarks by L. Garrett Myers


Berkeley, California, July 10-11, 1958

Sponsors: General Library of the University of California; Columbus Memorial Library of the Pan American Union; Library of Congress

Final Report and Working Papers of the Third Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials. Berkeley, California: General Library, University of California, Berkeley, 1959. Elisabeth K. Gudde, Rapporteur General.


A. Progress Report on the Recommendations of the First and Second Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials Marietta Daniels

B. Report on the United States Book Exchange and Latin American Acquisitions Alice D. Ball

C. Report on the Committee on the Indexing of Latin American Periodicals Arthur E. Gropp

Working Papers

Microfilming ofLatin American Materials

1 Microfilming Newspapers in Panama—The Panama Star and Herald George T. Smisor

2. The Guide to Photocopied Historical Materials Richard W. Hale, Jr.

3. Microfilming Historical Imprints in Chile Albert Harkness, Jr.

4. Microfilm Services and Their Use in Emma Linares

5. Research and Development on the Application of the Microforms to Library Work Laurence B. Heilprin

6. Research Opportunities in Italian Archives and Manuscript Collections for Students of

Hispanic American History Ernest J. Burrus

7. UNESCO's Microfilm Project in Latin American Countries Francisco Sevillano C.

Acquisition ofMaterialsfrom Argentina

8. The Acquisition of Library Materials from Argentina and Chile by Librarians of the United States Edwin E. Williams and Philip J. McNiff .


9. Present Status of Exchanges in Argentina José Maria Martinez

10. The Argentine Publishing Industry Alberto Salas


Washington, D.C., June 18-19, 1959

Sponsors: Library of Congress; Columbus Memorial Library of the Pan American Union; New York Public Library; General Library of the University of California

Final Report and Working Papers of the Fourth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1960. Robert E. Kingery, Rapporteur General.

1 Progress Report on the Recommendations of the First Three Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials Marietta Daniels

2. A Synthesis of the Hispanic Foundation (LC) Survey Reports of Teaching and Research Resources and Activities in the United States on Latin America Jean L. Luft

3. Latin American Acquisition and Services in the Library of the University of California, Berkeley James F. King

4. Support to the Latin American Studies Program of Tulane University by the Library of the Middle American Research Institute Edith B. Ricketson

5. The Library and Latin American Studies Programs Ward M. Morton, A. W. Bork, and John G. W. McCord

6. Facilities for Latin American Area Studies in the New York Metropolitan Region Adelaide M. Smith and Robert E. Kingery

1. The Acquisition of Latin American Materials at the Los Angeles County Law Library William B. Stern

8. Statement on Public Law 480, Section 104 (n) Program Rutherford D. Rogers

9. Latin America and the Farmington Plan: A Working Draft, with Recommendations Howard F. Cline

10. The Acquisition of Research Materials from South America—A Preliminary Report (with attachments) William H. Kurth SALALM V

New York City, New York, June 14-16, 1960

Sponsors: New York Public Library; United Nations Library; Pan American Union

Fifth Seminar on the Acquisition ofLatin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. Washington, D.C.: General Secretariat, Organization of American States, 1965.

(Reuniones Bibliotecológicas, no. 5).

1. The Acquisition of Library Materials from the Caribbean Area by Librarians of the United States C. Lewis Morgan, Jr. and Archie L. McNeal

2. Problems of Document Procurement from the Caribbean Area May R. Grodsky

3. Inter-Library Cooperation and Its Relation to Problems of Acquisition of Library Materials from the Caribbean Islands Enid M. Baa

4. Microfilming of Archives and Microfilm Facilities in the Caribbean M. J. Chandler

5. Patterns and Problems of Publishing in the Caribbean Area David K. Easton

6. Acquisition of Publications and Other Library Materials in Puerto Rico Gonzalo Velazquez

7. Bibliography in the Caribbean Area Fermín Peraza

8. Progress Report on the Recommendations of the First Four Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials Marietta Daniels

9. Notes on the Status of Current Bibliography on Latin America Nathan A. Haverstock

10. Research in Progress on the Caribbean Islands Frederick E. Kidder and Leonard R. Kulhawik

1 1. Exchange of Publications in the West Indies W. E. Cocking

Special Reports

12. Report on the Latin-American Cooperative Acquisitions Project Nettie Lee Benson

13. Official Gazettes Available on Microfilm New York Public Library

14. Periodicals Published in Puerto Rico Frederick E. Kidder

15. Report on the Microfilm Obtained from UNESCO's Microfilm Mobile Unit for Preservation, Reproduction and Distribution by the Committee on History of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History Ernesto de la Torre Villar

1 6. West Indian Periodicals Currently Received by the University of Florida Libraries Irene Zimmerman .


Carbondale, Illinois, July 6-8, 1961

Sponsor: Latin American Institute, Southern Illinois University

Sixth Seminar on the Acquisition ofLatin American Library Materials: Final Report. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University, 1961.

Sixth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Working Papers. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University, 1961.

1. Bibliography of Book Reviews on Current Latin American Book Production Appearing in Serial Publications Jorge Aguayo

2. LACAP Report Number 2 Nettie Lee Benson

3. Political Newspapers and Journals of Latin America Nettie Lee Benson

4. Acquisitions Practices of United States Libraries with Respect to Venezuelan and Colombian Publications A. W. Bork

5. Bibliographies of Official Publications of Latin America and Their Utility James B. Childs, John H. Thaxter, and Frances G. Brown

6. Bibliographic Activities of the Organization of American States Marietta Daniels

7. Progress Report on the Recommendations of the First Five Seminars Marietta Daniels

8. Exchange of Publications in Colombia Luis Floren

9. Commercial Bibliography in Latin America Peter de la Garza

10. General Aspects of Bibliographical Activities in Venezuela Pedro Grases

1 1 Nature of Publishing Activity in Venezuela Pedro Grases

12. Information Available in U.S. Bibliographic Services on Latin American Printed Materials Suzanne Hodgman

13. Communication and Bibliography in Social Sciences on Latin America Luis Olivos

14. Colombian Bibliography Ruben Perez Ortiz

15. Publications of the USSR on Latin America J. Gregory Oswald

1 6. Publications of Interamerican Non-Governmental Organizations and Conferences

Earl J. Pariseau and Marko Zlatch

17. UNESCO Activities in the Latin American Bibliographic Field and Analysis of the Results of the Bibliographic Seminars Carried Out in Latin America Carlos Victor Penna

1 8. National Bibliographies of Latin America Fermín Peraza

19. Present Status of Exchange, Bibliography and Book Production in Venezuela Aleira Ruiz-Larré

20. Bibliographies in Subject Areas Covered by the Pan American Institute of Geography and History with Reference to Colombia and Venezuela Lea Salinas . .


21 . Specialized Bibliographies in Latin America Armando M. Sandoval and Fernando Priego


University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, June 14-16, 1962

Seventh Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Final Report. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union; General Secretariat, Organization of

American States, 1963. (Reuniones Bibliotecológicas, no. 1). George Rosner, Rapporteur General.

Seventh Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Working Papers. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union; General Secretariat, Organization of

American States, 1964. (Reuniones Bibliotecológicas, no. 2).

1 Progress Report on the Recommendations of the First Six Seminars . . . Marietta Daniels

2. Significant New Acquisitions in the Latin American Field Dorothy Keller

3. Not issued

4. Microfilming of Archives in Barbados: Progress Report History Department, University College of West Indies

5. National Exchange Centers and the International Exchange of Publications

Peter J. Paulson

6. Current Latin American Bibliography: A Progress Report

George Grossman and Peter J. de la Garza

7. Cooperative Acquisitions of Latin American Materials Suzanne Hodgman and Stanley L. West

8. Working Paper on the Acquisitions of Research Materials from Central America and Panama and Their Selection Edith B. Ricketson

9. Political Newspapers and Journals of Latin America: Supplement to Working Paper No. 3 of 6th Seminar Edith B. Ricketson

10. Not issued

1 1 Four Topics Concerning Books in Gonzalo Dardón Cordova

12. The Booktrade, Bibliography and Exchange of Publications in Honduras. Annex: Recent Official Publications of the Government of Honduras Ernesto Alvarado Garcia, Julio Armando Ponce, and Ernesto Alvarado Reina

13. Not issued .


14. The Booktrade, Bibliography, and Exchange of Publications in Panama Carmen D. de Herrera, Enrique A. Noriega, Carmen C. Lasso Jaén, and Inés María Herrera


Madison, Wisconsin, July 11-12, 1963

Sponsors: University of Wisconsin Luso-Brazilian Center, Department of Spanish and Portuguese and Memorial Library; Pan American Union

Eighth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union; General Secretariat,

Organization of American States, 1964. (Reuniones Bibliotecológicas, no. 3).

1. Progress Report on the Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials:

1 963 Marietta Daniels

2. Significant Acquisitions of Latin American Material by U.S. Libraries Dorothy Keller

3. A Selective List of Latin American Bibliographies Appearing in 1962 George Grossman

4. Latin American Serial Documents: What Form of Entry, What is Official? Imogene Hixson

5. Acquisition of Research Materials from , and Their Selection: A Report and List of Exchange Sources Peter J. de la Garza

6. Acquisition of Brazilian Official Publications: Monographs Emma G. Montgomery and Sandra F. Brenner

7. Present Status of Exchange of Publications in Brazil Abner Lellis Correa Vicentini

8. Brazilian Institutions Offering Photographic Facilities for Document Copying Instituto Brasileiro de Bibliografía e Documentando

9. List of Headings for Brazilian Government Agencies Laura Garcia Moreno Russo

10. Library and Bibliographic Activities in the Caribbean Enid M. Baa

1 1 Bibliografías sobre publicaciones oficiales de la América Latina Fermín Peraza

12. American Library Resources for Brazilian Studies ("Work being revised and expanded. Will be issued separately.") William Vernon Jackson^

13. Current Bibliography in Chile Blanca Matas

14. LACAP Survey in Brazil A. W. Bork

15. Archives in the Leeward Islands E. C. Baker

3. William Vernon Jackson, Library Guidefor Brazilian Studies (Pittsburgh: Distributed by the University of Pittsburgh Book Centers, 1964). . .


16. Introduction to Lists of Latin American Serial Documents with Special Emphasis on Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela Frances Apperson

17. Major Book Markets in South America: Reports to the U.S. Information Agency Albert Van Nostrand


St. Louis, Missouri, June 23-25, 1964

Sponsors: Washington University Library; Pan American Union

Ninth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union; General Secretariat,

Organization of American States, 1965. (Reuniones Bibliotecológicas, no. 6). Peter J. de la Garza, Rapporteur General.

1 Progress Report on the Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: 1964 Marietta D. Shepard

2. Significant Acquisitions of Latin American Materials by U.S. Libraries Dorothy Keller

3. Not issued

4. Library and Bibliographic Activities in the Dominican Republic Enid M. Baa and Ligia Espinal de Hoetink

5. Not issued

6. Selected List of Micro-Reproduced Material Related to Latin America Albert James Diaz

7. The Situation of Bibliography in Brazil Irene Doria

8. Library Resources and Acquisitions and Exchange Policies Relating to Peru James McShane Breedlove

9. Library Resources and Acquisitions and Exchange Policies Relating to Paraguay Mary Brennan

10. Working Paper on the Acquisition of Research Materials from Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay and Their Selection Marjorie E. LeDoux

1 1 Book Publishing in Bolivia Marcela Meneses and Werner Guttentag

12. Not issued

13. The Publishing Industry in Peru Bettina Summers Pages

14. Bibliography of the Exchange of Magazines and Official Publications of Peru Bettina Summers Pages

15. List of Government Organizations (Corporate Entries) Graciela Sánchez Cerro Mendoza

1 6. Photocopy Services in the Libraries of Peru Graciela Sánchez Cerro Mendoza . .


1 7. Book Publishing in Uruguay Miguel Angel Pineiro and Luis Alberto Musso

18. The Present Situation of Book Publication [in Paraguay] Sofia Mareski


A. New Titles of Latin American Gazettes Available on Microfilm from New York Public Library (June 1964)

B. Titles from the Leavitt Index Now on Microfilm at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky


Detroit, Michigan, July 1-3, 1965

Sponsors: Wayne State University Library; Pan American Union

Tenth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union; General Secretariat,

Organization of American States, 1966. (Reuniones Bibliotecológicas, no. 8). Peter J.

de la Garza, Rapporteur General.

1 Progress Report on the Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: 1965 Marietta Daniels Shepard

2. Significant Acquisitions of Latin American Material by U.S. Libraries 1964/65 Dorothy Keller

3. A Report of Bibliographic Activities, 1964, with a Selected List of Recent Latin American Bibliographies Carl W. Deal

4. U.S. Libraries with Interests in Latin America Louis A. Koffman

5. Bibliography of Bibliographies of the First Ten Seminars Brendan Connolly

6. The Reproduction of Official Latin American Census and Statistical Publications for Purchase by Interested Libraries—Measures Taken by the University of Florida Library Charlotte Ford

7. The Acquisition of Mexican Materials at the University of Texas Nettie Lee Benson

8. Sources of Information on the Governmental Organization of the Countries of Latin America Rosa Q. Mesa

9. Bibliographic Achievements of the Seminars: Some Problems and Possible Solutions Irene Zimmerman

10. Not issued

1 1 Chile frente al canje de publicaciones Alberto Villalón . .


12. The Present State of Argentine Current National Bibliography Roberto Couture de Troismonts

1 3 List of Headings of Official Entities in Argentina Angel Fernández

14. I. The Booktrade in Costa Rica. II. The Present State of Costa Rican Bibliography. III. The State of Exchange in Costa Rica Asociación Costarricense de Bibliotecarios

1 5 List of Author Headings for the Principal Government Offices of Costa Rica Asociación Costarricense de Bibliotecarios

1 6. List of Official Author Headings of the Government of El Salvador General Direction ofLibraries and Archives ofEl Salvador

17. Book Publishing in El Salvador: The Booktrade, Bibliography, Exchange of Publications General Direction ofLibraries and Archives ofEl Salvador

18. Official Author Headings of Venezuela: A Provisional List P. M. Rengifo and Luisa B. de Pinero

19. The Present Status of Bibliography in Paraguay Carlos F. Fernández Caballero and Sofia Mareski

20. New Serials of Latin American Universities since 1962 Nadia de Levi and Angela Vilar


New York, New York, July 7-9, 1966

Sponsors: Columbia University Libraries; Pan American Union

Eleventh Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union; General Secretariat,

Organization of American States, 1966. (Reuniones Bibliotecológicas, no. 12). Peter J. de la Garza, Rapporteur General.

1 Progress Report on the Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials,

1966 (Appendices: 1. Microfilming of Journals [Leavett Index]; 2. United States Book Exchange; 3. Central American Newspapers [on Microfilm] in Latin American Library, Tulane University, New Orleans) Marietta Daniels Shepard

2. Significant Acquisitions of Latin American Materials by U.S. Libraries 1965/66 Dorothy Keller

3. A Report of Bibliographic Activities 1965, with a Selected List, Recent Latin American Bibliographies Carl W. Deal

4. Lista alfabética de las entidades de la administración pública nacional de Colombia 1821-

1 966 José Ignacio Bohórquez C.

5. Publicaciones periódicas editadas en el exilio y en existencia en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Miami Rosa M. Abella . —


6. Ecuador: Apuntes Bibliográficos Alfredo Alvear and Ximena Espinosa

7. List of Headings of Official Entities of Ecuador Alfredo Alvear and Ximena Espinosa

8. Survey and Proposal Concerning Problems Related to Bibliographical Materials in Support of Latin American Area Studies Arnulfo D. Trejo

9. Bibliografía brasileira Maria Antonia Ferraz


Los Angeles, California, June 22-24, 1967

Sponsors: University of California, Los Angeles; Pan American Union

Twelfth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union; General Secretariat,

Organization of American States, 1968. (Reuniones Bibliotecológicas, no. 14). Peter J. de la Garza, Rapporteur General.

1 Progress Report on the Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials,

1 967 Marietta Daniels Shepard

2. Acquisitions Program of an Inter-American Organization; the Columbus Memorial Library of the Pan American Union Arthur E. Gropp

3. Organizational Problems of a Regional Collection on the Caribbean at the University of Florida Imogene Hixson

4. A Library Administrator Views Area Study Collecting Norman Dudley

5. The Development of Comprehensive Latin American Collections Nettie Lee Benson

6. Significant Acquisitions of Latin American Material by U.S. Libraries, 1966/67 Jane Garner

7. The Development of the Latin American Collection Viewed by a Professor Harvey L. Johnson

8. State Library Services to the Spanish-Speaking Population H. Kenneth Jackson

9. Developing a University Library Cali, Colombia John G. Veenstra

10. Development of Collections on Latin America and the Spanish Southwest at the University of California, Berkeley Julian G. Michel and Robert H. Becker

11. Special Services for the Spanish-Speaking Public Served by the Branch Libraries of the New York Public Library Joseph A. Rosenthal

12. Electronic Information Systems to Advance Latin American Research Arnulfo D. Trejo

13. Bibliographical Aids for Building Reference Collections on the British Caribbean Judith E. Richards .


14. New Latin American Area Collections in Established Universities Daniel A. Newberry

15. Suplemento a las publicaciones periódicas editadas en el exilio y en existencia en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Miami Rosa M. Abella

1 6. Development of Library Collections for Spanish-Speaking and Bilingual Children Toni de Gerez

17. Syllabi, Reading Lists, Bibliographical Services and Other Resources for Undergraduate Teaching on Latin America and Other "Neglected" Foreign Areas: The Work of the Foreign Area Materials Center Edith Ehrman

18. Latin American Acquisition Policy for the Research Collections of the New York Public Library William Vernon Jackson

19. Problems of the Public Library in Services to Its Spanish-Speaking Population William L. Ramirez

20. Faculty and Library Collaboration in Developing the Latin American Collection for Area Studies Programs at Southern Illinois University Hensley C. Woodbridge

2 1 Latin American Exchanges at UCLA Research Library Ana Guerra

22. Bibliographic Aids for Collecting Current Latin American Materials Carl W. Deal

23. Kinds of Materials and Scope of Collections in Area Studies and Research Collections of Various Sizes: Some Considerations William H. Kurth

24. The Undergraduate College Begins a Latin American Collection Carolyn Dearnaley and Paul Bixler

25. The University of the West Indies and Its Regional Collections William E. Gocking

26. Factors Involved in Expanding a Latin American Collection in an Established University Emma C. Simonson

27. Considerations in the Development of a Caribbean Regional Collection Paulita C. Maldonado de la Torre

28. Developing Legal Collections on Latin America William B. Stern

29. Development of Criteria for Collections in Support of Area Studies Programs: With

Emphasis on Latin America Glenn F. Read, Jr.

30. Formulation of Principles and Criteria for International Collections for the Extension of Area Studies Programs Luther H. Evans .



Lawrence, Kansas, June 20-22, 1968

Sponsors: University of Kansas Libraries; Pan American Union

Thirteenth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union; General Secretariat,

Organization of American States, 1969. (Reuniones Bibliotecológicas, no. 16). Alma Jordan and Carmen Rovira, Rapporteurs General.

1 Progress Report on the Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials,

1 968 Marietta Daniels Shepard

2. Significant Acquisitions of Latin American Material by U.S. Libraries, 1967/68 Jane Garner

3. A Report on Bibliographical Activities, 1966-1968 Herman H. Cline

4. Segundo suplemento a las Publicaciones periódicas editadas en el exilio y en existencia en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Miami Rosa M. Abella

5. Purchasing Retrospective Materials and Collections from Latin America Dominick Coppola

6. Undergraduate Collections: Retrospective and Current Titles Nina T. Cohen

7. Preservation of Latin American Retrospective Material in Microform in the Research Libraries of the New York Public Library Juanita S. Doares

8. Cooperative Cataloging of Latin American Materials Carl W. Deal


Rio Piedras, June 17-20, 1969

Sponsors: Caribbean Regional Library-CODECA; University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus; Pan American Union

Fourteenth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union; General Secretariat, Organization of American States, 1970. (Reuniones Bibliotecológicas, no. 18). Susan Shattuck Benson, Rapporteur General.

1 Progress Report on the Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials,

1 969 Marietta Daniels Shepard

2. Significant Acquisitions of Latin American Materials by United States and Canadian

Libraries, 1 968/69 Jane Garner .


3. A Report on Bibliographic Activities, 1969 Herman H. Cline and Daniel Raposo Cordeiro

4. Sources of Geological Information in Latin America Harriet W. Smith

5. Obras biomédicas en América Latina Carolina Amor de Fournier

6. Rockefeller Foundation Assistance for Communication of Biomedical and Agricultural Information in Latin America Dorothy Parker

7. Posibles fuentes de información sobre nutrición Raquel Flores

8. Staffing of Latin American Research Collections in the United States

Kent E. Miller and Gilberto V. Fort

9. The Librarian's Role in Technology Transfer David K. Easton

1 0. Las revistas médicas venezolanas: evaluación de su calidad Tulio Arends

1 1 Contribución de la FID/CLA a la comunicación de información científica y tecnológica en América Latina Luciano Cabala

12. Sources of Bibliographical Data in Non-Current Literature for the Study of the Agricultural Sciences in Latin America Leila Moran

13. Las dificiencias que existen en la comunicación de información agrícola en América Latina Alejandro MacLean y Estenos

14. Scientific and Technical Journals-Commercial Aspect Ralph Lessing

15. Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Roberto Moreno

16. Development of Specialized Scientific Bibliographies C. W. Shilling

17. Sources of Information on the Natural Resources of Latin America Arlene T. Drewes

1 8. Sources of Information in the Bio-Medical Sciences in Latin America

Gaston Pierre St. Denis

19. Fuentes bibliográficas latino-americanas de agricultura Pablo Velasquez G.

20. El panorama bibliográfico documental en la Argentina Hans Gravenhorst

21. La bibliografía científica en América Latina Pedro Zamora

22. Estado actual de la bibliografía agrícola de América Latina Ana María Paz de Erickson and Maria Dolores Malugani

23. The Pan American Sanitary Bureau and the Transmission of Information in the Fields of Health Abraham Horwitz

24. Bio-Medical Journals of Latin America: A Critique Raymund L. Zwemer

25. The Problems of Science Information in Latin America Ronald Hilton .


Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 23-26, 1970

Sponsors: University of Toronto Library; General Secretariat, Organization of American States

Fifteenth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union; General Secretariat, Organization of American States, 1971. (Reuniones Bibliotecológicas, no. 20). Susan Shattuck Benson and Mayellen Bresie, Rapporteurs General.

1. Progress Report on the Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials,

1 970 Marietta Daniels Shepard

2. Significant Acquisitions of Latin American Materials by U.S. and Canadian Libraries,

1 969/70 Jane Garner

3. A Report on Bibliographic Activities, 1970 Daniel Raposo Cordeiro

4. Microfilm Projects Newsletter Suzanne Hodgman

5. The Role of Latin American Legal Material in the Social Science Research Library Armando González

6. A Description of Sources for Legal and Social Science Research in Latin America: Industrial and Labor Relations James O. Morris

7. A Description of Sources for Legal and Social Science Research on Latin America Land Tenure and Agrarian Reform Teresa J. Anderson

8. The Acquisition of Current Brazilian Social Science Publications: Problems and Approaches Jerry R. James

9. Not issued

10. Acquisition of Latin American Legal Materials: A Burdensome Task Fernando J. Figueredo

1 1 Contribution to a Bibliography of Published and Unpublished Theses Written by Cubans or on Cuba, Located at Harvard University Amelia Mederos

1 2. Lista selectiva de bibliografías en revistas cubanas Bertha Becerra and Ana Rosa Núñez

13. Latin American Studies and Library Materials in Japan 1969—A Preliminary Report Masao Kosaka

14. Texas Consortium—First Year's Accomplishments and Report on Trinity University's Microfilming Activities Robert A. Houze and Virginia Mounce

15. Latin American Studies in Canada: Some Recent Trends Kurt L. Levy

16. Bibliography of Organization Manuals and Other Sources of Information on the Governmental Organization of the Countries of Latin America Rosa Q. Mesa . 1


Puebla, Mexico, June 14-17. 1971

Sponsors: University of the Americas; Asociación Mexicana de Bibliotecarios, A.C.; General Secretariat, Organization of American States

Sixteenth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union; General Secretariat, Organization of American States, 1973. (Reuniones Bibliotecológicas, no. 22). Marta V. Tomé, Rapporteur Genera!.

1 Progress Report on SALALM, 1 97 Marietta Daniels Shepard

2. Significant Acquisitions of Latin American Materials. Decennial Cumulation 1961/62- 1970/71 Jane Gamer

3. A Report on Bibliographic Activities, 1971 Gayle Hudgens Watson

4. Microfilming Projects Newsletter Suzanne Hodgman

5. The Acquisition of Library Materials from Other Latin American Countries (Not Including

Mexico) Peter T. Johnson

6. Library Schools in the United States Accredited by the American Library Association and the Latin American Student Robert R. Douglass

I . Commentary on Working Paper \No. 6. above] Marietta Daniels Shepard

8. Notes on the Role of Libraries in a Developing Country: Objectives, Functions, Services, Infrastructure Paul Bixler

9. Algunos comentarios al trabajo de Bixler [No. 8, above] Pablo Velasquez G.

10. La adquisición de materiales bibliográficos de otros países latinoamericanos Carlos Bosch García

I I . The Acquisition of Library Materials from the U.S.A. and Canada John G. Veenstra and Helena Restrepo

12. Commentary on Working Paper B-5 [here, No. II, above] Carl W. Deal

13. Estructura, recursos y fmanciamiento de las bibliotecas mexicanas Roberto A. Gardillo

14. La enseñanza de la biblioteconomía en México Pedro Zamora

15. Commentary on Working Paper: La enseñanza de la biblioteconomía en México [No. 14. above] Alicia Perales de Mercado

16. The Acquisition of Mexican Materials Ramón Nadurille

17. The Acquisition of Research Materials from Latin America and Their Selection

David S. Zubatsky

1 8. Latin American Studies in Australia National Library ofAustralia

19. Fondo documental del Archivo Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay Benigno Riquelme García

20. Informe sobre las publicaciones oficiales de Venezuela Cristina Ramírez G. . .


2 1 Situación de las publicaciones oficiales en Bolivia Alfredo Montalvo

22. Las publicaciones oficiales de América Latina: resultados de una investigación Rosa Q. Mesa

23. Bibliografía de bibliografías chilenas, 1963-1971 Blanca Matas Anguila

24. Las publicaciones oficiales en Colombia J. Noé Herrera

25. Regímenes y trámites legales para exportar libros en Colombia J. Noé Herrera

26. Latin American Studies and Library Materials in Japan Masao Kosaka


Amherst, Massachusetts, June 11-14, 1972

Sponsors: University of Massachusetts Library; General Secretariat, Organization of American States

Seventeenth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. 2 vols. Amherst, Massachusetts: SALALM Secretariat, 1975. Jane Gamer, Rapporteur General.

Final Report

Special Reports

A. Latin American Programmes in Canada Patricia R. Harris

B. United States Book Exchange, 1971-1972 Alice D. Ball

Progress Report on SALALM, 1972

1 Report of the Executive Secretary; Annual Committee Reports Marietta Daniels Shepard

2. Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting, January 21-22, 1972 Jane Garner

3. Significant Acquisitions of Latin American Materials by U.S. and Canadian Libraries,

1 97 1 111 Peter T. Johnson

4. A Report on Bibliographic Activities, 1972 Haydée Piedracueva

5. Microfilming Projects Newsletter Suzanne Hodgman

6. The Specialist Librarian in the Academic Research Library: The Role of the Area Studies Librarian Eldred R. Smith

7. Latin American Library Studies Mary Ruth Magruder Brady and Jane Garner

8. The N.D.E.A. Institute in Spanish and Latin American Librarianship, June-August 1966, University of Illinois, Urbana; A Report and Evaluation Carl W. Deal

9. Education and Outreach Keith Revelle

10. Continuing Education for Area Librarians through the Foreign Area Fellowship Program Ann Hartness Graham 21

1 1 . The Future of Area Bibliography Programs in U.S. Library Schools Beverly J. Brewster

12. Subject Specialists and Job Requirements: Notes, Comments and Opinions from an Administrative Viewpoint Hendrik Edelman

13. Working Paper on the Acquisitions of Research Materials from Latin America and Their Selection David S. Zubatsky


Port-of-, Trinidad, April 29-Mav 2, 1973

Sponsors: Library Association of Trinidad and Tobago; University of the West Indies; General Secretariat, Organization of American States

Eighteenth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. Amherst, Massachusetts: SALALM Secretariat, 1975. Jane Gamer, Rapporteur General.

Final Reports

Special Reports

A. Bibliographical Activities Related to Latin America of the Latin America, Portuguese, and Spanish Division of the Library of Congress, 1971-1973 EarlJ. Pariseau

B. The Texas Consortium for Microfilming Mexican Archival Resources, Fourth Annual Report, 1972/1973 Virginia Mounce

C. Trinity University's Program as a Member of the Texas Consortium for Microfilming Mexican Archival Resources—A Year's Progress Report, 1972/1973 Virginia Mounce

D. The Handbook ofLatin American Studies: A Review Earl J. Pariseau

Working Papers

1. Progress Report on SALALM, 1973: Report of the Executive Secretary; Annual Committee Reports Marietta Daniels Shepard

2. Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting, January 28, 1973 Jane Garner

3. Significant Acquisitions of Latin American Library Materials Peter T. Johnson

4. Report on Bibliographic Activities, 1973 Haydée Piedracueva

5. Microfilming Projects Newsletter Suzanne Hodgman

6. Bibliographical Developments in Bolivia Werner Guttentag Tichauer

7. El catálogo centralizado de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y su mecanización Hans Gravenhorst

8. Planning for Library Services in Trinidad and Tobago Ursula Raymond .


9. Current Status of Libraries and Librarianship in Chile Juan R. Freudenthal

10. Survey on the Library Situation in Bolivia Werner Guttentag Tichauer

1 1 Library Education in the English-Speaking Caribbean Dorothy ColUngs

12. Planeamiento de los servicios bibliotecarios y de información en América Latina Carlos Víctor Penna, with an appendix on planning in the Caribbean by Alma Jordan

13. El panorama documental en la Argentina: Actualización 1972 Hans Gravenhorst

14. Newspaper Titles from Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela Unavailable in U.S. Libraries: A Survey Laura Gutiérrez


Austin, Texas, April 23-26, 1974

Sponsor: General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin

Collins, Pauline, ed. Nineteenth Seminar on the Acquisition ofLatin American Library Materials: Final Report and Working Papers. 3 vols. Amherst, Massachusetts: SALALM Secretariat, 1976.

Preconference Workshop on the Acquisition of Foreign Materials for Central American and Caribbean Libraries

"The working papers themselves, closely related to the theme of the main conference, are integrated into the main body of the papers"

Conference: The Acquisition of Central American Library Materials

Progress Report on the Seminar on the Acquisition ofLatin American Library Materials, 1974

1. Report of the Executive Secretary Pauline Collins

2. Annual Committee Reports Various

3. Minutes of the 1974 Midwinter Meeting of the Executive Board Mary Brady

4. A Report on Bibliographic Activities, 1974 Haydée Piedracueva

5. Microfilming Projects Newsletter Suzanne Hodgman

Other Reports

6. Report of the Library and Archives Development Program of the Organization of American States Marietta Daniels Shepard

7. Caribbean Activities, 1972-1974 Alma Jordan

8. Latin American Activities in the United Kingdom Bernard Naylor

9. Latin American Programmes in Canada Patricia R. Harris .


Working Papers

10. A Note on the Acquisition of Agricultural Bibliographic Materials in Latin America Judith Bohórquez

1 1 Problemas de adquisición de materiales bibliográficos extranjeros Carmen Alvarez

12. Problems in the Acquisition of Foreign Materials for Libraries in Jamaica Stephanie Ferguson

13. La adquisición de materiales para bibliotecas en Guatemala Gonzalo Dardón Cordova, English abstract by Donald Gibbs

14. El negocio del libro y de la imprenta en Honduras Ramiro Colíndrez O., Mario Argueta, and Rosa Esther de Chinchilla

15. Los problemas que afrontan las bibliotecas de Centroamérica y el Caribe en la adquisición de materiales del extranjero Luisa Cárdenas Pérez

16. Problemas de las bibliotecas universitarias de Nicaragua Walterio López Adaros

17. Problemas de adquisición de materiales bibliográficos en las bibliotecas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua Walterio López Adaros

1 8. La industria y el comercio del libro en Panama Víctor U. Mendieta O.

19. La adquisición de materiales extranjeros en la biblioteca de la Universidad Santa María La Antigua Ana Maria Jaén J.

20. A Report of an Acquisition and Exchange Trip to Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala Daniel Raposo Cordeiro

21 The Acquisition of Materials from Central America and Panama and Their Selection Marjorie E. LeDoux

Papers Related to Workshops

22. The Latin American Subject Specialist and Bibliographic Instruction Peter T. Johnson

Publications ofInter-American and International Organizations

23. The Publications of the Inter-American Development Bank Rosa Q. Mesa

24. Distribution Policy for Publications of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America, Santiago, Chile Documents Distribution Section, ECLA

Bookdealers and Their Problems

25. Summary of Bookdealers' Reports Nettie Lee Benson

26. Base de discusión, with a translation by Nettie Lee Benson J. Noé Herrera

27. Algunos problemas del libro argentino, with a translation by Nettie Lee Benson Fernando Garcia Cambeiro

28. Problems of Latin American Booksuppliers Werner Guttentag

29. Situación del libro en el Uruguay; sus perspectivas, with a translation by Nettie Lee Benson Alfredo Breitfeld

Reports ofInterest to SALALM

30. La bibliografía latinoamericana de ciencias sociales en América del Sur: proyecto de investigación en proceso Ario Garza Mercado and Cecilia Culebra de Soberanes 8


31. Australian Interest in Latin America D. H. Borchardt

32. The Chilean Bibliographer and the Biblioteca Nacional Juan Freudenthal

33. Bibliografía mínima de arte cubano Martha de Castro

34. índice de las revistas Alacrán azul y Cuadernos del hombre libre, Miami; Exilio y Revista Cubana, New Yori^ Rosa M. Abella and Esperanza B. de Varona

35. Cuba: A Selected Bibliography Rafael Coutin

36. U.S. Government Publications on Latin America Frances Apperson and Sally Cravens

37. Report of the Kent State University Task Force to Study the Library Needs of Nicaragua Following the Disastrous Earthquake of December 1972: A Summary

Marietta Daniels Shepard, Edward M. Heiliger, et al.

38. A solicitud de los países asistencia que la OEA brindaba Latinoamérica en el campo de la información Marietta Daniels Shepard

Post Conference: The First Symposium on Spanish Language Materials for Children and Young Adults

39. Spanish Language Publishing for Children and Young Adults: An Historical Perspective Nettie Lee Benson

40. Acquisition and Distribution Problems of Foreign-Language Library Materials in the United States and Canada Emanuel Molho

41. Problems of Importing Spanish Language Imprints and Marketing Them to the School and Public Libraries Don Heffernan

42. A Brief Overview of the Book Trade in Spanish Speaking Latin America Peter T. Johnson

43. Literatura infantil en Colombia

J. Noé Herrera, abstract of Literatura infantil en Colombia by Peter T. Johnson

44. Chilean Literature for the Age Group 4-1 Herta Berenguer L.

45. The Educational Possibilities of the Comics Phyllis Procter

46. El mundo de la lectura infantil y juvenil José Luis Bueno Tomé

47. Answers About Literature for Children in the Spanish Language Anne Pellowski

48. What is Important in Selecting Materials for the Spanish-Speaking? Toni de Gerez

49. Criteria for Selection of Spanish Language Materials for Children and Young Adults Lourdes Lendian Deya

50. Experiencia de la organización Editorial Aguilar en la difusión del libro infantil y juvenil Antonio Ruano Fernández

51. An Auditory-Visual Kit for Reading Spanish Martha Lequerica 25 SALALM XX Bogotá, Colombia, June 15-20, 1975

Sponsor: Instituto Colombiano de Cultura

Collins, Pauline P., ed. New Writers of Latin America. Abridged by Anne H. Jordan. Amherst, Massachusetts: SALALM Secretariat, 1978. (Final Report and Working Papers of the Twentieth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials)

Final Report

Summary Reports of the Sessions

A. Opening Session Marjorie LeDoux

B. Book Production and Distribution Marilyn Whitmore

C. New Writers and Their Experiences: La creación literaria Selena Bryant

D. Bibliography George C. Hart

E. Role of Government in Book Production and Distribution C. Jared Loewenstein and Haydée Piedracueva

F. Two Approaches to the New Writer: Reviews and Recordings Doris R. Brown

G. Closing Official Session George C. Hart

Annual Reports to SALALM

H. Report on Bibliographic Activities, 1975 Juan R. Freudenthal

I. Report on Bibliographical Activities Related to Latin America of the Latin American, Portuguese, and Spanish Division of the Library of Congress Mary Ellis Kahler

J. Informe del programa de desarrollo de bibliotecas y archivos de la Organización de los Estados Americanos Marietta Daniels Shepard

K. The United States Book Exchange, Inc., A Report to Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials Alice Ball

L. Latin American Bibliographic Activities in the United Kingdom 1974/75 Bernard Naylor

M. Caribbean Library Activities Alma Jordan

N. Latin American Studies and Library Materials in Japan Masao Kosaka

Working Papers

1 . Producción y distribución editorial en América Latina: Algunos problemas Heriberto Schiro

2. Los objetivos y realizaciones del CEREAL Arcadia Plazas

3. Bibliografía latinoamericana: Programa del CEREAL Blanca Riascos Sánchez

4. Problemas de la distribución del libro en América Latina Isay Klasse .


5. dances on Book Production in Latin America Werner Guttentag T.

6. La distribución del libro en castellano en los EE.UU.: Otra perspectiva John P Dyson

7. Memoria de las labores realizadas por la Editorial Universitaria Centroamericana ítalo López Vallecillos

8. Distribución, producción, comercio de libros y bibliotecas en Colombia, 1955-1971 Margarita Amaya de Heredia

9. Literature Publishing in Brazil Laurence Hallewell

10. Medidas do governor brasileiro em favor do livro Herberto Sales

11. An Introduction to the Literature Program of the National Endowment for the Arts Leonard Randolph

1 2. The Library of Congress Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape Mary Ellis Kahler

13. Las "Colecciones H.J.C.K.": Poesía, prosa, música, temas infantiles Alvaro Castaño Castillo

14. Colombian belles lettres Collections in Selected United States Libraries LaurelJizba

1 5. Problemas de la actividad creativa literaria en Colombia Olga Elena Mattel de Arosemena

1 6. La bibliografía en Colombia Francisco J. Romero Rojas

17. Nuevos escritores colombianos Otto Ricardo Torres

18. Revistas literarias representativas, fundadas entre 1965 y 1975 Harvey L. Johnson

1 9. Bibliografía sobre revistas literarias en México Yolanda Mercader Martínez

20. Bibliografía de índices acumulados de revistas cubanas Elena V. Peraza

21. Bibliografía de la poesía cubana en el exterior, 1959-1974 Yara González and Matias Montes Huidobro

22. Nuevos escritores cubanos: una bibliografía trashumante Matias Montes Huidobro

23. Escritores actuales de Venezuela: una bibliografía María Lya Niño de Rivas

24. Nuevos escritores de Argentina Eduardo L. Criscuolo

25. Bibliografía de los poetas jóvenes del Perú Carmen Matsuno Ayoubi

26. Por qué escribimos Adela Grondona

27. Ernesto Sábato y Alain Robbe-Grillet: Proposal for a Theory of Reconciliation of Opposites Anamaria Fernández de Rodríguez

28. Entrevista con Gonzalo Celorio, 29/IV/75 Laura J. Miracle

29. Entrevista con Salvador Elizondo, lA^/75 Laura J. Miracle

30. Entrevista con Gustavo Sainz, 19A^/75 Laura J. Miracle

3 1 Teaching Latin American Research Materials: Philosophy, Methods, Values Martin H. Sable .


Bloomington, Indiana, May 2-6, 1976

Sponsor: Indiana University

Wetherbee, Luella Vine, and Anne H. Jordan, eds. Twenty Years ofLatin American Librarianship. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 1978. (Final Report and Working Papers of the Twenty-First Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials)

Final Report

Summary Reports of the Sessions

A. Workshop of the Library/Bookdealer/Publisher Relations Subcommittee Margarita Anderson-Imbert

B. Library Expectations: Bibliographic Format and Dealer Service Támara Brunnschweiler

C. Financial Implications in Collection Development: Bookdealers, Publishers, and the Library Carl W. Deal

D. Presencia de la cultura hispánica en los Estados Unidos Donald L Gibbs

E. Bibliographic Instruction in the Area of Latin American Studies Maureen Harris

F. West Indian Publishing: Before and After Independence Enid F. D 'Oyley

G. Trends in the Technical Processing of Latin American Materials in the Americas George C. Hart and Anne H Jordan

H. Twenty Years of SALALM Ann Graham

Annual Reports to SALALM

I. A Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies Daniel R. Cordeiro

J. Microfilming Projects Newsletter Suzanne Hodgman

K. Latin American Book Prices, Fiscal Years 1973 through 1975 Robert C. Sullivan

L. Report on Bibliographical Activities of the Latin American, Portuguese, and Spanish Division of the Library of Congress, 1975/76 Mary Ellis Kahler

M. Informe del Programa de Desarrollo de Bibliotecas y Archivos de la Organización de los Estados Americanos: Evaluación quinquenal e informe anual de 1976 Marietta Daniels Shepard

N. Latin American Programmes in Canada: A Situation Report Patricia R. de Hass

0. Library and Bibliographic Activities in the Caribbean Area Alma Jordan

P. Latin American Bibliographical Activities in the United Kingdom 1975/76 Bernard Naylor

Working Papers

1 Brasil: Selection of Materials for Blanket Order Susan Bach .


2. Five Blanket Order Profiles: A Comparative Analysis Laura Gutierrez-Witt

3. El servicio a bibliotecas universitarias y los problemas del librero en la Argentina María Elena Capel

4. How to Sell Luso-Brasiliana; or Methods to Attract and Retain Business Sammy Alzofon Kinard

5. Payment Problems in an American University System: A Case Study Leonard Rhine

6. Argentina: El libro y su diftisión Fernando García Cambeiro

7. The Librarian's Sources for Developing Evaluative Criteria in Book Selection: A Look at Latin America C. Jared Loewenstein

8. Guidelines for Library Relations with Book Dealers Glenn F. Read

9. Central Banks and Their Role in Latin American Countries ManuelJ. Carvajal

10. The Central Banks of Latin America and Their Libraries Rosa Mesa

11. Bibliographic and Information Gathering Activities of Three Central Banks of the Caribbean Laurel Jizba

12. Some Factors in the Development of a Research Collection for the Central Bank of Barbados Maxine L Williams

13. West Indian Official Publishing and U.K. Official Publishing on the West Indies, before Independence Laurence Hallewell

14. Literary Publishing in the English-Speaking Caribbean Alvona Alleyne

15. Cooperative Cataloging of Latin American Materials: A SALALM Response Susan Russell

16. Current Latin American Imprints in the OCLC Data Base Louella V. Wetherbee

17. A Survey of OCLC, BALLOTS, and the Library of Congress In-Process Files for 1975 Latin American Imprints Cecilia S. Sercan

18. Centralized Cataloging and the Feasibility of an Inter-American Network for the Transmission of Bibliographic Information Utilizing New Information Technology Marietta Daniels Shepard

19. Presence of the Spanish Language and Culture in the U.S.A. The Puerto Rican

Contributions: Past and Present 5'/7v/£7 Viera

20. Presencia de la cultura hispánica en los Estados Unidos Rosa Abella

21 Issues in Chicano Studies Librarianship Roberto Cabello-Argandoña .


Gainesville, Florida, June 12-17, 1977

Sponsor: University of Florida

Jordan, Anne H., ed. The Multifaceted Role of the Latin American Subject Specialist. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 1979. (Final Report and Working Papers of the Twenty- Second Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials)

Final Report

Summary Reports of the Sessions

A. Latin American Area Centers and Library Research Resources: A Challenge for Survival Laurence Hallewell

B. User Education Programs: The Texas Experience Mary Ferris Burns

C. Archives and Data Banks Richard Puhek

D. Politics and Publishing: The Cases of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile Sammy Alzofon Kinard

E. The Latin American Specialist and the Collection: In-House Bibliography Models for a Guide to the Resources on Latin America in the Library Dan C. Hazen

F. Problems in the Acquisition of Central American and Caribbean Material Lesbia Varona

G. The Latin American Subject Specialist and Reference Service Karen A. Schmidt

H. Final General Session Mina Jane Grothey

Annual Reports to SALALM

I. A Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies Daniel Raposo Cordeiro

J. Microfilming Projects Newsletter No. 19 Suzanne Hodgman

K. Report of the Bibliographical Activities of the Latin American, Portuguese and Spanish Division Mary Ellis Kahler

L. Latin American Books: Average Costs for Fiscal Years 1973, 1974, 1975, and 1976 Robert C. Sullivan

M. Latin American Activities in the United Kingdom Laurence Hallewell

N. Resources for Latin American Studies in Australia National Library ofAustralia

0. Library Activities in the Caribbean Area 1976/77: Report to SALALM XXII Alma T. Jordan

Working Papers

1 Latin American Studies and Library Development: The Florida Experience William E. Carter, with the assistance oí Irene Zimmerman

2. Latin American Area Studies and Library Resources: A Challenge for Survival Marshall R. Nason .


3. Latin American Area Studies and Library Resources: A Challenge for Survival Eduardo Lozano and Carmelo Mesa-Lago

4. Librarians and Readers: The Coming Showdown in Area Studies William Glade

5. Survival or Progress? Latin American Studies and Library Resources Ludwig Lauerhass, Jr.

6. The Genealogical Society of Salt Lake City and Latin American Studies Mark Grover

7. Archives of Latin American Material in Great Britain: An Introduction Elisabeth M. Long

8. El Libro y el cambio político: el caso argentino Roberto Etchepareborda

9. Política e publica9oes: Brasil Rose Marie Muraro

10. Political Aspects of Brazilian Publishing Since 1964 Peter T. Johnson

1 1 Politics and Publishing: The Case of Chile Herta Berenguer

12. The Effects of Political Conditions on the Production of Books and Publishing in General

in Chile Lee H. Williams, Jr.

13. The Latin American Specialist and the Collection: In-House Bibliography Models for a Guide to Resources on Latin America in the Library. Bibliographies: Why and for Whom? Lola Januskis

14. The Latin American Specialist and the Collection: In-House Bibliography Models for a Guide to Resources on Latin America in the Library. Annotations: Content and Language Ann Graham

15. First Impressions of the Panamanian and Nicaraguan Book Scene: 1976 Ellen H. Brow

16. Mercado del libro en Costa Rica Deyanira Vargas de Bonilla

17. Experiences and Problems in Obtaining Books in Central America Benjamin Muse

1 8. The Problems in the Acquisition of Caribbean Materials in the English-Speaking Caribbean Marilyn Cox and Olive King 31 SALALM XXIII

London, England, July 16-21, 1978

Sponsor: University of London

Jordan, Anne H., ed. Latin American Studies in Europe. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 1979. (Final Report and Working Papers of the Twenty-Third Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials)

"In loving memory of Maria Elena Capel of Buenos Aires, Argentina"

Final Report

Summary Reports of the Sessions

A. Background to Latin American Studies in Europe: Three Views Enid F. D 'Oyley

B. Round Table on Latin American Studies in the United Kingdom Mary Gormly

C. The Bodleian Library: An Introduction Alan Moss

D. Latin Americana in Oxford Libraries: A Study in Collection Development Marian Goslinga

E. The Arm of Spain: The Content Analysis of the Material Printed in Mexico and Peru in the Sixteenth Century Antonio Rodriguez-Buckingham

F. Library/Documentation Services for Latin American Studies: Europe and U.S. Compared Jan Herd

G. Acquisition of Latin Americana from Latin America—Acquisition of Latin Americana from the United States—Acquisition of Latin Americana from Europe Gillian Shaw

H. Non-Print Materials for Latin American Studies: A State-of-the-Art Survey

Maria J. Cubas

I. Program of the Committee on Library Operations and Services Ann E. Wade

Annual Reports to SALALM

J. A Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies Daniel Raposo Cordeiro

K. Microfilming Projects Newsletter No. 20 Suzanne Hodgman

L. Library Activities in the Caribbean Area 1977/78 Alma Jordan

M. National Library of Australia: Report for SALALM 23

Working Papers

Background to Latin American Studies in Europe: Three Views

1. Current Trends and Status of Latin American Studies in the United States William P. Glade

2. Europe and Latin American Studies: A Synoptic View Harold Blakemore .


3. The Association of European Latin Americanist Historians: Antecedents Magnus Morner

Latin American Studies in the United Kingdom

4. Latin American Studies at Oxford D. C. M. Piatt

5. : Latin American Studies at Cambridge David Brading

6. Latin American Studies at the University of Essex Simon Collier

7. University of Glasgow: Institute of Latin American Studies Philip O'Brien

8. Centre for Latin American Studies: Liverpool University C. T. Smith

9. Latin American Studies in the University of London John Lynch

Latin American Studies in Europe

10. The Latin American Institute in Berlin and Latin American Studies in West Germany Wilhelm Stegmann

1 1 Some Additional Notes to Latin American Studies in West Germany Wolfgang Grenz

12. Latin American Studies in Scandinavia Roland Anrup

13. Los Estudios latinoamericanos en España Carmelo Saenz de Santa María

14. Latin American Studies in the Netherlands Kees den Boer

15. Department of Caribbean Studies, Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology

Libraries and Printing: A Day at Oxford

16. The Bodleian Library: An Introduction R. J. Roberts

1 7. Latin Americana in Oxford Libraries: A Study in Collection Development Robert A. McNeil

1 8. The Arm of Spain: The Content Analysis of the Material Printed in Mexico and Peru in the Sixteenth Century Antonio Rodriguez-Buckingham

Library/Documentation Servicesfor Latin American Studies: Europe and U.S. Compared

19. Bibliographic Activities of the Library of Congress Relating to Latin America Mary Ellis Kahler

20. Hispanic Book Selection in the Department of Printed Books, British Library H. G. Whitehead

21. Une Approche des fonds latino-americains de la Bibliotheque Nationale en 1978 Marie-Thérése Jiptner

22. The Venezuela Project John P. McGowan 33 SALALM XXIV

Los Angeles, California, June 17-22, 1979

Sponsor: University of California, Los Angeles

Hallewell, Laurence, ed. Windward, Leeward, and Main: Caribbean Studies and Library Resources. Sonia Merubia, Rapporteur General, coordinated by Suzanne Hodgman. Madison, Wisconsin: SALALM Secretariat, 1980. (Final Report and Working Papers of the Twenty-Fourth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials)

Final Report

Summary Reports of the Sessions

A. Opening General Session Pamela Howard

B. Trends in Caribbean Studies Teaching and Research Programs and Their Library Implications Colleen Trujillo

C. Caribbean Resources in Europe and North America Peter T. Johnson

D. Caribbean Bibliography: State of the Art Nan B. Rieman

E. Round Table on Latin American Map Acquisitions Paula A. Covington

F. Program of the Subcommittee on Cuban Bibliography Eudora Loh

G. Round Table on Caribbean Bibliographies Mary Gormly

H. Bookdealer Panel Discussion Sammy A. Kinard

I. Caribbean Resources in the Americas Elizabeth Mahan

J. Special Services and Networking Gayle Ann Williams

K. Second General Session Sonia Merubia

L. Use of Audio-Visual Materials in Teaching Alice C. Keefer

M. Final General Session: Reports of Substantive Committees and Business Meeting Donald L. Gibbs

Annual Reports to SALALM

N. Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographic Activities, 1979 Haydée Piedracueva

O. Microfilming Projects Newsletter, 1979 Suzanne Hodgman

Working Papers

\. Caribbean Acronym List Juan R. Freudenthal

2. Summary of OAS Activities in the Caribbean Alice C Keefer

3. Caribbean Teaching and Research Programs in Canada Enid F. D'Oyley

4. The Caribbean in British Education: Teaching and Research on the Caribbean in the United Kingdom Elizabeth Thomas-Hope .


5. Caribbeana Resources in the United Kingdom Elizabeth Thomas-Hope

6. Libraries with Caribbean Collections and Institutes with Caribbean Teaching and Research Programs in the Netherlands Juliette L. M. G. Henket-Hoornweg

7. Caribbean Library Resources in Puerto Rico Neida Pagan Jimenez

8. La Bibliografía en la República Dominicana Marisol Floren R. and Próspero Mella Chavier

9. Periodization: A Problem in Recent Cuban Historical Literature GraciellaCruz-Taura

10. Caribbean Studies at the University of the West Indies, 1963 to the Present: From Chaos towards Order Fitzroy Andre Baptiste

1 1 Caribbeana Resources in the English-Speaking Caribbean Albertina A. Jefferson and Alvona Alleyne

12. The Bibliography of the English-Speaking Caribbean Islands Valerie Bloomfield

13. Bibliography of Guyana: An Outline Survey Joel Benjamin

14. The Environment for Library Networking in the Caribbean Luella Vine Wetherbee

15. Networking for the Caribbean: An Oversimplification John G. Veenstra

16. Caribbean Religion: A Survey and Bibliography Terry Dahlin and Reed Nelson


Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 1-5, 1980

Sponsor: University of New Mexico

Hazen, Dan C, ed. Library Resources on Latin America: New Perspectives for the 1980s. Sharon Moynahan, Rapporteur General. Madison, Wisconsin: SALALM Secretariat, 1981. (Final Report and Working Papers of the Twenty-Fifth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials)

Final Report

Summary Reports of the Sessions

A. Opening General Session Sharon Moynahan

B. Keynote Address by Barbara B. Bum Diane Stine

C. Technological Trends in the 1980s Diane Stine

D. Cultural Patrimony Jo Hintner

E. Major Latin American Collections: New Roles and Responsibilities in the 1980s Debra Thompson-Castañeda 35

F. Current and Future Research Trends Based on a Review of Major Bibliographic Projects

Peter T. Johnson

G. Panel on Government Publications Maria Teresa Márquez

H. Acquisition of Mexican American Materials Carolyn Huesemann

I. Library Resources and the Hispanic Community: Expanding Needs in the 1980s Gilda Baeza

J. Under-studied Topics in Mexican American Bibliography Gayle Ann Williams

K. Improving Bookdealer Services to Libraries in the Decade of the '80s: Workshop Carolyn Huesemann

L. Closing General Session and Business Meeting Sharon Moynahan

Annual Reports to SALALM

M. Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographic Activities, 1980 Haydée Piedracueva

N. Microfilming Projects Newsletter, 1980 Suzanne Hodgman

0. Microfilming Projects Newsletter, Index, Numbers 1-20 Suzanne Hodgman

Working Papers

1 . The Future of Latin American Materials at the Center for Research Libraries Ray Boylan

2. President's Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies: Prospects for the Future Barbara B. Burn

3. Non-Print Materials and the Mexican American César Caballero

4. The Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress: Into a Decade of Growth, 1980-1990 William E. Carter

5. Hispanics and Library Services: The Decade of the '80s Luis Chaparro

6. Acquisition of Official Publications from Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico: Three Case

Studies Nelly S. González

7. Library Service for Hispanics: An Imperative for Public Libraries Agnes M. Griffen

8. What the Academic Library Needs: Point of View from a Chicana Library Student Margo Gutiérrez

9. Latin American Library Collections in Public Academic Institutions: A Perspective of the

1 980s Laura Gutiérrez- Witt

10. Major Latin American Collections in Private Institutions: New Roles and Responsibilities in the 1980s Dan C Hazen

11. Official Publications in Microform [Abstract] Suzanne Hodgman

12. Automated Serials Processing Support: A New Way for the Future Michael E. D. Koenig

13. Federal Government, Statistical Sources on Hispanic Americans Maria Teresa Márquez

1 4. Annotated Bibliography of Bibliographies of Latin American Official Publications Rosa Q. Mesa and Robert Howe .


15. Genealogical Source Material in New Mexico: Abstract and Bibliography Virginia L Olmsted

1 6. The Chicano in Literature, A Double View Cecil Robinson

17. Conversion and Improved Access to Latin American Materials: The Texas Experience Susan Russell

18. An Overview of Chicano Library Materials: Abstract and Bibliography Charles Tatum

19. Technological Trends for Libraries in the Eighties Dan Tonkery

20. Data Bases Relating to Latin American Studies John G. Veenstra

21. Mexican American Reference Books, 1979-1980 Richard D. Woods


New Orleans, Louisiana, April 1—4, 1981

Sponsor: Tulane University

Williams, Lee H., Jr., ed. Latin American Economic Issues: Information Needs and Sources. Madison, Wisconsin: SALALM Secretariat; Los Angeles, California: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1984. (Papers of the Twenty-Sixth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-00-2)

Public Sector

1 Twigging and Pruning: Information Problems in Public Sector Research in Latin America William Glade

2. Las fuentes de información y servicios bibliotecarios que utiliza el Banco de México Elsa Barberena Blásquez

3. Labor Migration Statistics and Studies for Latin America and the Caribbean Sergio Diaz-Briquets

4. Issues in Immigration Policy for the 1980s Guy E. Poltras

5. Capturing "Fugitive" Literature: Latin-American Agribusiness and Agrarian Policies

Teresa J. Anderson

6. Government Publications in Latin American Agricuhure Eugene Wiemers, Jr.

7. Agricultural Policy and Agribusiness: Research Trends and Nonacademic Sources Clarence Zuvekas, Jr.

8. A Meta-Bibliography of Publications on Land Tenure, Agrarian Reform, and Rural Migration Nelly S. González

9. Foreign Investment in Latin America: Information Sources in Government Publications Robert Howe .


1 0. Energy Resources of Latin America Walter B. Brem, Jr. and Heidi Hanson

1 1 International Communication: Access to the Literature Elizabeth Mahan

12. Library Service to Latin American Educators Sharon A. Moynahan

13. Latin American Business: Library Resources and Services Ann Hartness-Kane

14. Automation of Latin American University Libraries Gayle Williams

15. A Directory of Data Bases in Latin America John G. Veenstra and Marjorie Posner

16. Computerization of Agricultural Information in Latin America Martin H. Sable

Private Sector

1 7. The Role of the Library in an International Organization Martha Solares

1 8. A Banker's Perspective: Information Needs and Sources for Country Risk Analysis Donald E. Baer

19. Bank Sources of Economic Information on Latin America Robert W. Boatler

20. Multinational Corporations and Economic Data Sources in Latin American Library Materials Robert B. Williamson

21. Multinational Participation in Brazilian Book Publishing Laurence Hallewell

22. Canada and Latin America: Sources of Information Jane R. Barrett

23. A Canada-Latin America Private Business Collection Maria A. Escriu

24. Latin American Business Archives in Great Britain Charles A. Jones

25. U.S. Hispanic Data Bases: Contemporary Building Blocks for Future Information Systems Richard Chabran

26. California Spanish Language Data Base: Bilingual Access to Collections Roberto Cabello-Argandoña and Eleanor Ross Crary

27. Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials Published in Africa Mark L. Grover

Annual SALALM Bibliographies

28. Bibliography of Bibliographies: 1981 Supplement Haydée Piedracueva

29. Bibliography of Microform Projects: 1981 Suzanne Hodgman .


Washington, D.C., March 2-5, 1982

Held in conjunction with the tenth National Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association Meeting

Howard, Pamela, ed. Public Policy Issues and Latin American Library Resources. Madison, Wisconsin: SALALM Secretariat; Los Angeles, California: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1984. (Papers of the Twenty-Seventh Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-01-0)

Censorship and Propaganda

1. Censorship in Brazil Laurence Hallewell

2. State Controls on Private Commercial Broadcasting in Mexico Elizabeth Mahan

National Policies and Cultural Patrimony

3. The Organization of American States and the Protection of Latin America's Cultural Patrimony Roberto Etchepareborda

Preservation of Latin American Cultural Patrimony: A View from Central America and Costa Rica Frederick W. Lange

5. Cultural Patrimony issues in Colombia Cecilia Isaacs

6. State Policy Toward the Film Industry in Brazil Randal Johnson

7. El Patrimonio cultural en el Perú: su defensa, conservación y rescate Ramiro Matos M.

8. Cultural Policy Formulation in Puerto Rico: A Macro Perspective M. Salem

9. Modernization and the Cultural Heritage: Can They Coexist in Brazil? Claudio de Moura Castro

10. Folklore Protection and National Patrimony: Developments and Dilemmas in the Legal Protection of Folklore AlanJabbour

Networks and Databases in Latin America

1 1 The Effect of MARC on International Networking and the Role of the Library of Congress in the Development of International Data Bases Henriette Avram

12. Toward a National Information Network in Chile Juan Freudenthal

Scholarly Communication and Public Policy

13. Summary Report: Scholarly Communication and Public Policy Charles Fineman

The Role of Quantitative Data in the Formulation ofPublic Policy

14. Summary Report: Quantitative Data and Public Policy Sonia M. Merubia

15. Management and Mismanagement of National and International Statistical Resources in the Americas James W. Wilkie 39

A National Plan for Latin American Library Collections in the United States

16. The Implementation of a National Plan for Latin American Collections in the United States Carl W. Deal and William E. Carter

17. The Library of Congress in a National Plan for Latin American Collection Development John Finzi

1 8. Beware Also the Calends of March John Rison Jones, Jr.

19. Sharing Collection Responsibility and the Problem of Database Compatibility Deborah Jakubs

Annual SALALM Bibliographies

20. Bibliography of Bibliographies: 1982 Supplement Haydée Piedracueva

21. Bibliography of Microform Projects: 1982 Suzanne Hodgman

Specialized Bibliographies and Reference Aids

22. Preliminary List of Guides and Directories of Latin American Libraries, Archives, and Information Centers Celia Leyte- Vidal and Jesus Leyte- Vidal


San José, Costa Rica, June 30-Julv 4, 1983

Sponsors: University of Kansas; Universidad de Costa Rica

Gamer, Jane, ed. The Central American Connection: Library Resources and Access. Madison, Wisconsin: SALALM Secretariat, 1985. (Papers of the Twenty-Eighth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials)

"Dedicated to the memory of Emma Simonson" (1905-1982)

1. The Costa Rican Approach to Centralized Cataloging: El Centro Catalográfíco Centroamericano Sharon Moynahan, Mina Jane Grothey, and Gayle Williams

2. The Book Trade in Central America: A Panel Discussion Peter de la Garza

3. Central American Holdings in U.S. Research Libraries Gayle Williams and Russ Davidson

4. Nicaraguan National Bibliography: Historical Aspects George F. Elmendorf

5. Nicaraguan National Bibliography: Technical Aspects Janice [sic] Lee Krentz-Viana

6. Informe de la contraparte Nicaragüense del Proyecto de la Bibliografía Nacional Nicaragüense Jorge Eduardo Arellano and Rene Rodríguez Masis

7. Library Automation and Information Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean Marietta Daniels Shepard .


8. An Agricultural Information System for the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Region Samuel B. Bondaro and Swama Bondaro

9. Quantification as a Tool in Understanding Acquisition Trends at the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, the University of Texas at Austin General Libraries, 1962-

1 982 Nancy E. van Deusen

10. El estudiante de América Latina y del Caribe en las escuelas de bibliotecología en los Estados Unidos acreditados por la Asociación Americana de Bibliotecas: Logros, actualidad, y resumen Ana D. Cleveland

11. Escuelas de bibliotecología en los Estados Unidos que tienen interés en estudiantes de América Latina Jane Garner

12. El estudio de la bibliotecología y las ciencias de la información en la Universidad de Texas en Austin William Vernon Jackson

13. Innocents Abroad: The Acquisition Trip for Academic Librarians

Nelly S. González and Walter V. Brem, Jr.

14. An Annotated Bibliography on Teaching Methodology and Use of Non-Print Latin American Studies Materials Martin H. Sable

15. A Latin American Filmography, 1977-1981 Gayle Williams


Chapel Hill, North Carolina, June 3-7, 1984

Sponsor: University of South Carolina, Chapel Hill

Valk, Barbara G., ed. Collection Development: Cooperation at the National and Local Levels. Madison, Wisconsin: SALALM Secretariat, 1987. (Papers of the Twenty-Ninth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-10- X)

Latin American Studies and Cooperative Collection Development

1 Los Estudios Latinoamericanos en los Estados Unidos Federico G. Gil

2. National Level Cooperation, Cooperative Collection Development Programs, and the Research Libraries Group Deborah L. Jakubs

3. Collection Development within the Institution: The Role of the Latin American Bibliographer and the Role of the Faculty William D. Ilgen

4. Collection Development: The Theory, the Practice, and the Problems—From the Perspective of Literature Maria A. Salgado

5. Collection Development in the Eastern Caribbean: University of the West Indies Alan Moss . .


Specialized Research Collections: Latin American Legal Resources

6. Current Legal Research Trends in Latin America Rubens Medina

7. Latin American Legal Materials: Reference and Bibliographic Sources Selma Cervetti de Rodriguez

8. Legal Materials from Latin America and the Caribbean: Some Ideas for Acquisition Ellen C. Schaffer

9. The Use of Latin American Legal Materials in the United States Igor I. Kavass

Collection and Organization ofPrimary Source Materials

10. Collection and Organization of Primary Resources Marilyn P. Whitmore

1 1 Latin American Historical Photographs in the Libraries of the University of Texas at Austin and Tulane University Thomas Niehaus

Collection Techniques: Foreign Acquisition Field Trips

12. Book-Buying Trips to Latin America: Ideas and Suggestions Thomas Niehaus

13. Book-Collecting Trips: A British View Patricia E. Noble

14. Acquisition Field Trips to Latin America: An Analysis Bibliographies and Reference Aids Walter V. Brem. Jr., Nelly S. González, and Heidi Hanson

15. Library Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean: Bibliography of Guides and Directories of Latin American and Caribbean Libraries, Archives, and Information Centers Celia Leyte- Vidal and Jesús Leyte- Vidal


Princeton, New Jersey, June 19-23, 1985

Sponsor: Princeton University

Hazen, Dan C, ed. Latin American Masses and Minorities: Their Images and Realities. 2 vols. Madison, Wisconsin: SALALM Secretariat, 1987. (Papers of the Thirtieth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-1 1-8)

"Dedicated to the memory of Marietta Daniels Shepard (1913-1984)"

Part One. Finding the Truth: Philosophical and Conceptual Dilemmas in Latin Americanist Scholarship

/. Media and the Creation ofImage

1 Latin America: Media and the Creation of Image Danilo H. Figueredo

2. Issues of International Communications Mauricio Gerson

3. Image and the Documentary's Reality: Central America for TV Austin Hoyt —


//. Individuals and the Creation ofImage: Exodusfrom Mariel

4. Mariel: Antecedentes y Consecuencias Roberto Valero

5. Good-Bye, Dictator Reinaldo Garcia Ramos

6. Un viaje imaginario Juan Abreu

7. Un largo viaje de Mariel a Nueva York Reinaldo Arenas

III. Academics and the Creation of Image: The Changing Structure of Research Questions, Methodologies, and Sources

8. Social Movements in Early-Twentieth-Century Latin America: A Reconsideration Michael F. Jiménez

9. Reconstructing the Jewish Past in Latin America Judith Laikin Elkin

10. Cuba: Realities of a Hidden Segment "Plantado" Political Prisoners in Boniato Prison Luisa Pérez and Lesbia Oria Varona

11. Shifting Approaches and Research Problems in the Examination of Urban Squatters in

Latin America Richard J. Moore

12. New Immigrants in the United States: Some Perspectives on the Caribbean Community in New York City Marco Antonio Mason

Part Two. Sample Inquiries into Latin American Masses and Minorities

/. The Printed Word through Democracy and Repression: The Southern Cone

13. La literatura argentina en la política de transición, 1982-1985 María Cristina Capel

14. La creación de la literatura de transición a través de los partidos políticos: Enfoque en los tipos y fuentes de producción Nicolás Rossi

15. La creación literaria en la transición política: Uruguay Alvaro Risso and Rosa M. Feria

16. Literature in Present-Day Chile Pedro Hernán Henríquez

II. Women

1 7. Sources for the Study of Women in Latin America Asunción Lavrin

18. Women in the Maquiladoras: A Guide to Literature on Female Labor Force Participation in Mexico's Border Industries Karen J. Lindvall

19. Latin American Women and Liberation Theology: Preliminary Explorations Mina Jane Grothey

20. A Survey of the Critical Literature on Female Feminist Writers of Hispanic America EnidF.D'Oyley

III. Puerto Rico: Hidden Colony, Hidden Citizens

21. La historia de los trabajadores en la sociedad pre-industrial: el caso de Puerto Rico, 1870-

1 900 Gervasio Luis García

22. Fuentes para la historia de las comunidades rurales en Puerto Rico en los siglos 19 y 20 Fernando Pict ..


IV. Aspects ofSocial, Political, and Ideological Change

23. Doing Research on Popular Religion and Politics Daniel H. Levine

24. The Literature of Outsiders: The Literature of the Gay Community in Latin America Robert Howes

25. Peru and the 1985 Electoral Campaign Nancy E. van Deusen

26. Books and the Nicaraguan Revolution Charles L. Stansifer

Part Three. Images and Realities in Nontraditional Formats

/. Non-Print Media and the Semiliterate Masses

27. The Movies and the Masses in Cuba Patricia Aufderheide

28. The Current State of Bibliographic Research in Latin American Ethnomusicology John M. Schechter

II. The Literary Forms of the Minimally Schooled

29. The Soul of the People: The Tango as a Source for Argentine Social History Donald S. Castro

30. Brazilian Chapbook Literature Laurence Hallewell and Cavan McCarthy

3 1 Reflections on the Fotonovela and Its Readers' Responses Renata Lellep Fernández

III. New Approaches to the Literate Elite

32. The Social Historian and the History of in Latin America Ronald H. Dolkart

Part Four. Research Libraries and the Structure of Latin Americanist Research

/. Specialized Library Collections and the Stuify ofLatin American Masses and Minorities

33. Preservación de la cultura cubana en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Miami Lesbia Orta Varona

34. Notes on the Acquisition and Organization of Government Documents at the Puerto Rican Collection of the University of Puerto Rico's Rio Piedras Campus Library System Carmen Mi Costa de Ramos

35. Human Rights in Latin America, 1960-1980 Georgette M. Dorn

36. The Historical and Programmatic Dimensions of Mexican American Research Collections at Stanford Roberto C. Trujillo

37. "Home of Lost Causes": Masses and Minorities in the Bodleian Robert A. McNeil

38. La colección peronista en la Universidad de Harvard Margarita Anderson Imbert

39. Three Latin American Collections in the British Library, Department of Printed Books Margaret H. Johnson

40. Caribbean Materials at the Research Institute for the Study of Man Judith Selakoff

II. Libraries as Gatekeepers in Latin American Studies: Obstacles and Opportunities

41 Libraries as Gatekeepers: Some Introductory Remarks Dan C Hazen .


42. The Need for Cooperation and Rationality: Collection Development in the Single Institution John R. Hébert

43. Cooperation within the Academic Library: Response and Additional Reflections Carl Deal

44. An Old Book with a New Cover: Nonstandard Library Materials in the National Context Laura Gutierrez-Witt

45. Old Attitudes and New Responses: Reflections on Cooperation Cecilia L. Shores

46. Minimal Level Cataloging of Latin American Library Materials: Some Considerations Sharon A. Moynahan

47. Minimal Level Cataloging: Documentation and Examples

48. Minimal Level Cataloging: The User MarkL. Grover

49. Third World Databases and the New Information Age Barbara G. Valk

50. Emerging Technologies, Bibliographic Networks, and Area Studies Programs David Zubatsky

Part Five. The Tools of Understanding: Bibliographies, Research Guides, and Finding Aids for Latin American Masses and Minorities

5 1 Women in Latin America: A Pathfinder Mina Jane Grothey

52. Sources on the Theology of Liberation in Latin America: Journals, Newsletters, Periodicals, Research Institutes John Blazo

53. Protestantism in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Preliminary List of Mostly Post-1975 Materials Sonia AÍ. Merubia

54. Puerto Rican Studies: Resources in the United States and Puerto Rico

55. Boricuas en el Norte: A Selected Bibliography on Puerto Ricans in the United States

56. Bibliographic Sources on Puerto Ricans in the United States

57. Puerto Rican Books in Translation

58. Publishers and Distributors of Puerto Rican Books (54-58 are resources distributed during the workshop session on Puerto Rico)

59. The Historical Archives of Puerto Rico Maria de los Angeles Castro

60. Select Bibliography of Latin American Publications Dealing with Homosexuality Robert Howes

61. A Homossexualidade no Brasil: Bibliografía Luiz Mott

62. Bibliography: Photography of Latin America Martha Davidson

63. Toward a Comprehensive Approach to Latin American Music Bibliography: Theoretical Foundations for Reference Sources and Research Materials Malena Kuss

64. Selected Bibliographic Sources in Latin American Ethnomusicology John M. Schechter

65. Doctoral Dissertations in Latin American Ethnomusicology: 1965-1984 John M. Schechter

66. A Selected Bibliography on Latin American Urban Popular Music John M. Schechter .


67. Bibliography of Brazilian Chapbook Literature Laurence Hallewell and Cavan McCarthy


Berlin. Germany, April 20-25, 1986

Sponsor: Ibero Amerikanisches Institut, Preussischer Kultursitz

Sonntag, liiana L., ed. Intellectual Migrations: The Transcultural Contributions ofEuropean and Latin American Emigres. Madison, Wisconsin: SALALM Secretariat, 1988. (Papers of the Thirty-First Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials)

Exile and Transculture

1 Argentina: Inmigrantes y emigantes en el desarrollo de una nación Danilo Altero Vergara and Beatriz Colombi de Altero

2. El regreso: El viejo y el nuevo país Osvaldo Bayer

3. Intellectual-Cultural Migrations: An Argentine Perspective Lyman Chafee

4. Exiles and Emigres: Crosscurrents in Cinema from the 1 890s to the 1980s Julianne Burton

5. The Wild Oats They Sowed: Latin American Exiles in Europe and Some of Their Publications Andrew Graham-Yooll

6. Contribution des scientifiques latino-americains en France: exode des competences ou tribut a la liberte de conscience? Simone A. Nguyen-Dac

European Immigrants in Latin America: Adapting to a New World

7. Constructing a Home in the New World: The Immigrants' Experience as Reflected in

German-Brazilian Almanacs and Newspapers, 1 850-1930 Ceres Boeira Birkhead

8. Selected European-Bom Citizens and Residents of Nineteenth-Century Brazil and Their Contributions to Brazil Mary Ellis Kahler

9. Straddling the Fence No More: The Falkland/Malvinas War and Its Impact on the Anglo- Argentine Identity Detorah L. Jakuts

10. From Nanetto Pipetta to Emilio Garrastazu Medici, or the Triumph of the Work Ethic EnidF.D'Oyley

European Bookdealers: Their Contribution to Latin American Culture

11. Historical Patterns of Migration and Their Influence on the Latin American Book Trade David Block

12. The Impact of the Spanish Civil War on Latin American Publishing Laurence Hallewell

13. Los libreros españoles en la Argentina y la Guerra Civil de 1936-1939 Francisco Bello .


14. A German Bookseller in Brazil Susan Bach

15. An Amateur's Life Werner Guttentag

The Europeanizing Influence ofIntellectual Emigres

16. La inmigración intelectual española en México: evaluación bibliográfica Marie-Claire Fischer de Figueroa

1 7. Científicos europeos del siglo XIX en México: Andrés Manuel del Río y Fernández Elsa Barberena Blásquez

18. Juan Alejandro Apolant: alemán, historiador uruguayo; la historia como una ciencia exacta Rosa M. Feria

19. A "Cole9áo Sergio Buarque de Holanda" Sonia T. Días Gongahes do Silva

Molding International Opinion: European Reaction to Key Latin American Events

20. Shading Light: The Valladares Case Danilo H. Figueredo

21 The 1983 Grenada Crisis and the European Media Margaret D. Rouse-Jones

22. Sendero Luminoso as Considered by the Western European Press Peter T. Johnson

Preservation and Sharing of Latin American Materials in Microformats in Europe and the United States

23. Sharing Resources at the International Level Laura Gutierrez-Witt

24. The Latin American Microform Project: A Model for Cooperation Carl W. Deal

25. Latin American Material in Microformat in the British Library Margaret Johnson

26. Latin American Materials in Microformats in the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Berlin Sabine Zehrer

Songs ofExile and Literature ofImmigrants

27. Chilean Folk Music in Exile / Nueva canción chilena en el exilio Ana María Cobos and Ana Lya Sater

28. B. Traven: The Intersection of Biography and Bibliography Peter Briscoe

29. Inmigración y cultura popular en el Rio de la Plata: La Biblioteca Criolla del Fondo Lehmann-Nitsche en el Instituto Ibero-Americano de Berlin Cristina Lisi and José Morales-Saravia

30. Jóvenes escritores latinoamericanos en Alemania: cómo sienten y expresan su experiencia Antonio Skármeta . .


Miami, Florida, May 10-15. 1987

Held jointly with the eighteenth Conference of the Association of Caribbean University, Research, and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL)

Grothey, Mina Jane, ed. Caribbean Collections: Recession Strategies for Libraries. Madison, Wisconsin: SALALM Secretariat, 1989. (Papers of the Thirty-Second Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-22-3)

Part One. Recession Management Strategies

1 Recession Management Strategies Antonio Gordiano Croes

2. Caribbean Collections Yvonne V. Stephenson

3. In the Eye of the Hurricane: Libraries and Economic Recessions Laura Gutierrez-Witt

4. La gerencia de bibliotecas en tiempo de recession Virginia Betancourt Valverde

Part Two. Resource Sharing

5. Is a Future for the Library Dick Reumer

6. Strategies for Resource Sharing Daphne Douglas

7. Building a Caribbean Bibliographic Database: A View from a Cataloguer's Desk Nel Bretney

8. Le partage des ressources: une premiere étape dans la Caraibe francophone / "Resource- Sharing: A First Step in the French-Speaking Caribbean" Frangoise Montbrun

9. Resource-Sharing Experiences in Puerto Rico and Possibilities for Expanding Resource Sharing in the Caribbean Mariano A. Maura

10. Estrategias para intercambio de fuentes de información Verónica Regus

1 1 Resource Sharing in the Research Triangle: A Challenge Unmet Deborah Jakubs

Part Three. Grantsmanship

12. OAS Assistance in the Fields of Libraries, Archives, and Conservation in the English- Speaking Caribbean ^usan Shattuck Benson

13. Grantsmanship: CARICOM's Programme of Activities Maureen C. Newton

14. Project Formulation and Implementation: Outline of a "How to" Approach Wilma Primus

15. The Mystique of Grantsmanship: Getting Started (in Post-Irangate America) Ellen H. Brow

16. Successful Proposal Writing, or. Living the Soft (Money) Life Barbara G. Valk

17. Fund-raising in Context: Some Broader Issues of External Support Dan C. Hazen

Part Four. Acquisition and Preservation

18. La adquisición de publicaciones oficiales procedentes de la región del Caribe en la República Federal de Alemania Sabine Zehrer 48

19. Acquisition of Government Publications on the Caribbean Area: References and Addresses Alan Moss

20. Book Preservation and Conservation in the Latin American Collection May Noonan

21. Preservation, Conservation, and Disaster Control in the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine Robin Murray Price

Part Five. Historiography and Bibliography

22. Recent Research in the History of Trinidad and Tobago: A Review of the Journal and Conference Literature, 1975-1985 Margaret D. Rouse-Jones

23. Al rescate del Caribe francés: Descripción de las colecciones de dos bibliotecas de la Ciudad de México Marie-Claire F.fischerJ de Figueroa

24. Women in the Non-Hispanic Caribbean: A Selective Bibliography Judith Selakoff

25. A Search for New Interpretations: The Puerto Rican Experience Thomas Mathews

26. Agrarian Reform in Central America: A Bibliography of Bibliographies Nelly S. González and Scott Jacob [sic]

Pari Six. Cuba

27. Analyzing Social Change and Social Movements: Historical Writings on Nineteenth- Century Cuba Rebecca J. Scott

28. Publicaciones periódicas del exilio cubano Esperanza B. de Varona

29. The Cuban Information System, University of Miami Sara M. Sánchez

30. Index to the Cuban Oral History Collection Graciella Cruz-Taura


Berkeley, California, June 6-10., 1988

Sponsors: University of California, Berkeley; Stanford University

Covington, Paula, ed. Latin American Frontiers, Borders, and Hinterlands: Research Needs and Resources. Albuquerque, New Mexico: SALALM Secretariat, 1990 (Papers of the Thirty-Third Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-24-X)

Part One. The Frontier Concept: Its Past, Present, and Future Influence

/. Historical Perspectives of the Frontiers

1. Historical Frontier Imagery in the Americas Richard W. Slatta

2. Frontiers in Colonial Brazil: Reality, Myth, and Metaphor A. J. R. Russell-Wood

3. Themes and Sources for Missionary History in Hispanic America David Block .


4. Sons (and Grandsons) of Bolton: The Development of Borderlands Historiography Peter Stern

5. Commentary Woodrow Borah

II. Geographic Perspectives

6. Cartographic and Image Resources for Research on the United States-Mexico Borderlands

Ronald J. Wasowski and Norman J. W. Thrower

7. The United States-Mexico Border Region in Comparative Human Geographic Perspective Lawrence A. Herzog

8. "Nose to Nose in Nowhere": Organizing to Study the Penetration of South America's Empty Borderlands William H. Bolin

III. Literary Perspectives

9. Unos cuantos frailes y unos pocos burros Fernando Alegría

10. La frontera: Imágenes literarias y realidad social Luis Leal

Part Two. Resources

/. Building Research Collections

1 1 Introduction Barbara J. Robinson

12. Latin American Collections: Criteria for Major Status Carl W. Deal

13. Methods of Collecting Latin American Library Materials Thomas Niehaus

14. Exploring the Third Bank of the River: Deciding What to Collect for a Research Library Ellen H. Brow

15. Cooperative Development of Latin American Collections: The Stanford/Berkeley Experience James M. Breedlove

II. Cataloging and Institutional Cooperation

16. No Bibliographer Is an Island: Cataloging and Collection Development of Latin Americana Gayle Ann Williams

17. Innovations in Cataloging at Princeton University Richard F. Phillips

18. Sweeping Out the Bibliographic Closet: Cataloging the Arrearage at Arizona State University Sheila A. Milam

19. An Administrator Looks at Cooperative Cataloging Judy Ganson

III. Cooperation: Sharing Knowledge and Resources

20. The "Strange Career" of Latin American Librarianship in the United States Mark L. Grover

2 1 Cooperation Among Libraries: A Mexican Proposal Helen Ladrón de Guevara Cox

22. La Biblioteca Nacional de Chile y sus colecciones patrimoniales Ursula Schadlich Schónhals

23. Pooling Resources: The OAS Programs for Library and Archives Development in the

1 980s Susan Shattuck Benson 50

24. ARUDSI: Primera red de bibliotecas en México Georgina Arteaga Carlebach

Part Three. Publishing Patterns and Acquisitions Methods

/. Frontier, Border, and Hinterland Resources: Case Studies

25. Acquiring Publications from the Amazon: Issues and Sources Carmen Meurer Muricy

26. Colombia (editorialmente), un pais de fronteras en papel ... y sin papel J. Noé Herrera C

27. Establishing Exchange Programs with Argentine institutions Gabriela Sonntag-Grigera

28. Acquisitions and Exchanges on the Mexican Side of the United States-Mexico Border Marta Stiefel Ayala

//. Regional Organizations: Documents and Other Publications

29. Organizaciones internacionales de América Latina: Recursos bibliográficos y su adquisición con relación special a la República Federal de Alemania Sabine Zehrer

30. Documents of the Latin American Regional Organizations on Banking and Finance Patricio Aranda-Coddou

3L Latin American Economic Integration: Documentary and Auxiliary Research Sources Thomas H Reynolds

32. The Grupo Andino and Its Documents Igor I. Kavass

HI. Subnational Official Publications

33. Official Publications at the Subnational Level Laurence Hallewell

34. Documents and Publications of the Government of President Miguel de la Madrid Flor de María Hurtado

35. Survey of Subnational Official Publications from Latin America and the Caribbean Eudora Loh and David Rozkuszka

IV. Marginalized Peoples and Ideas

36. Documenting Brazil's Political and Social Movements, 1966-1986: The Library of Congress Experience Lygici Maria F. C Ballantyne

37. Catholic Literature of Popular Religiosity, Clerical Activism, and the Catholic Church's Social Role Rafael E. Tarrago

38. Resources and Collection Development Strategies of Social and Political Fringe Organizations Angela M. Carreño

39. The Alternative Press in Latin America: A Checklist of Current Serials Lygia Maria F. C. Ballantyne

40. Women in Latin America: A Checklist of Current Serials Lygia Maria F. C Ballantyne 51

Part Four. Meeting the Automation Challenge

/. Automated Systems: Six Perspectivesfrom Librarians and Vendors

41. Automation and Latin American Acquisitions: An Acquisitions Manager's Perspective Dana D 'Andraia

42. Implementing Automated Acquisitions Systems: A Systems Librarian's Perspective John Waiblinger

43. The System Vendor's Perspective Virginia Rodes

44. A Computer Saga: The U.S. Book Dealer's Perspective Howard L. Karno

45. La perspectiva de un librero latinoamericano Martín García Cambeiro

46. A Bibliographer's Perspective Charles S. Fineman

Al. Databases in the Humanities and Social Sciences: An Update and Review of Border Research Peter Stern

48. Latin American Studies Online: Status and Outlook Harold Colson

49. A Bibliographic Database for the Study of South American Border Regions Patricia Wade


Charlottesville, Virginia, May 31-June 5, 1989

Sponsor: Alderman Library, University of Virginia

Robinson, Barbara J., ed. Artistic Representation of Latin American Diversity: Sources and Collections. Albuquerque, New Mexico: SALALM Secretariat, 1993. (Papers of the Thirty-Fourth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-32-0)

Part One. Latin American Diversity in the Arts: Five Country Studies

1. El papel del gobierno mexicano en apoyo del desarrollo cultural Ana María Magaloni

2. El arte popular chileno Marta Domínguez Díaz

3. Art and the State in Post-Revolutionary Mexico and Cuba Peter A. Stern

4. The Broken Mirror: Argentine Art in the 1980s Marta Garsd

5. Haitian Art in the Twentieth Century Gerald Alexis Fils

Part Two. Visual Art Forms

/. Architecture

6. Argentine Architect Julián García Núñez, 1 875-1944 Margarita Jerabek Wuellner 52

7. A Computer Search on Latin American Architecture: Results and Implications Margarita Jerabek Wuellner

11. Photography

8. Visual Images of Urban Colombian Women, 1800 to 1930 Patricia Londoño

9. Images from Inca Lands: An Index of Photographic Slides from the OAS

Nelly S. González

10. Access to Photograph Collections Stella M. de Sá Regó

11. A Bibliography on Photography Martha Davidson

12. Use and Reproduction of Photographs: Copyright Issues David L. Levy

III. Cinema

13. Configuring Women: The Discourse of Empowerment in Latin American Cinema Barbara Morris

14. Values and Aesthetics in Cuban Arts and Cinema Oscar E. Quirós

15. Videos and Films Shown at the Conference Rhonda L. Neugebauer

IV. Posters

16. A colonizafáo italiana no sul do Brasil em "posters" Sonia T. Dias Gongalves da Silva

17. Posters and the Sandinista Revolution Fred G. Morgner

1 8. Latin American Posters at the Hoover Institution: The Lexicons of State and Society William Ratliffand George Esenwein

V. Textiles

19. Andean Textiles: Aesthetics, Iconography, and Political Symbolism David Block

20. A Core Bibliography of Andean Weaving David Block

Part Three. Art Sources

/. Art Publishing and Information Distribution

2 1 . Latin American Government Documents on the Arts: Introductory Guide Beverly Joy-Karno

22. El arte pictórico en la bibliografía boliviana Werner Guttentag Tichauer

23. Art Publishing in the Contemporary Caribbean Alan Moss

24. Colombia: ¿Atenas suramericana ... o apenas suramericana? J. Noé Herrera C.

25. Central American Art Publications, 1986-1989: A Brief Survey and Bibliography Alfonso Vijil

26. Optical Disk Possibilities in the Distribution of Information on Latin American Art

Jorge I. Bustamante

II. The Arts and Reference Sources

27. Art Reference: Visual Information and Sources for Latin America Lee R. Sorensen

28. Basic Reference Sources for Latin American Dramatic Arts Scott J. Van Jacob .


29. Investigación sobre arte latinoamericano: acceso a través de material publicado Elsa Barberena B.

30. From Zarabanda to Salsa: An Overvievs' of Reference Sources on Latin American Music Andrew Makuch

3 1 Arte chileno: Una contribución bibliográfica Marta Domínguez Diaz

III. Art Cataloging and Bibliographic Control

32. Visual Resource Cataloging at the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities Brent F. Maddox

33. Bibliographic Control of Art Materials: The Experience of the Universidade de Sao Paulo Claudia Negrao Balby

Part Four. Art Collections

34. The Museum of Modem Art of Latin America: A Guide to Its Resources Maria Leyva

35. Artistic Representation of Latin America in German Book Collections and Picture Archives Wilhelm Stegmann

36. Meadows Museum of Spanish Art Book Collection: An Overview Thomas P. Gates

Part Five. Marginalized Peoples and Ideas

37. Guidelines for Collecting Documentation on Marginalized Peoples and Ideas in Latin

America Peter T. Johnson

38. Transición política en Chile: Documentación y fuentes Marta Domínguez Díaz

39. Cracks in the Mirror: The Nicaraguan War and Human Rights in Honduras Fred G. Morgner

40. Recent Political Events in Brazil as Reflected in Popular Poetry Pamphlets: Literatura de cordel Cavan M. McCarthy .


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 3-8, 1990

Sponsors: Funda9ao Getúlio Vargas, ; Library of Congress Office, Rio de Janeiro

Hartness, Ann, ed. Continuity and Change in Brazil and the Southern Cone: Research Trends and Library Collections for the Year 2000. Albuquerque, New Mexico: SALALM Secretariat, 1992. (Papers of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-30-4)

Opening Session

1 Keynote Address José Mindlin

Beyond Our Own Libraries: Standards, Trends, and Data Collection for Latin American Collections

2. National Trends in Support of Latin American Studies David Block

3. The Development of Standards for Library Research Collections and SALALM's Task

Force on Standards Barbara J. Robinson

4. Statistics for Latin American Collections: Preliminary Findings Carl W. Deal

Street and Study: Popular and Formal Expressions of Change

5. Entre bueyes no hay cornadas [Among Equals There Are No Disagreements]: The Argentine Popular Theater as a Source for the Historian Donald Castro

6. Writing from the Front Line: An Overview of Brazilian Political Publications, Pamphlets, and Ephemera from the Period of the Abertura, 1978-1989 Cavan Michael McCarthy

7. Muestra bibliográfica de la acción en investigación frente al proceso de transición del

autoritarismo a la democracia en Chile Marta Domínguez

Toward Democratic Change: The Role ofInterest Groups in Brazil, 1964-1990

8. O movimento ambientalista: a democracia e o acesso a informa9áo Rubens Harry Born

9. Uma reflexao ético-teológica sobre o símbolo da matemidade e suas implica9oes práticas Margarida Luiza Ribeiro Brandao

10. Violencia contra trabalhadores rurais e a omissáo do poder judiciário

T. Miguel Pressburger

Economic Trends and Prospects in Brazil and the Southern Cone

U . La economía del Uruguay: evolución y perspectivas José Antonio Pini Martínez

12. Trends in the Brazilian Economy of the 1990s and Scenarios for the Year 2000 Enrique Saravia

Trends in Contemporary Literature of Brazil and the Southern Cone

13. O conto brasileiro contemporáneo Berta Waldman

14. The Seventies Generation of Argentine Prose Writers: Identity and Decline May Lorenzo Alcalá .


15. A Cole9ao Arquivos Jorge Schwartz

Actualizaciones en bibliotecologia en el Cono Sur

16. Desarrollo de colecciones latino-americanas: monografías editadas y tesis de graduación, problemas de su acceso Teresa Fittipaldi de Gimeno

1 7. Desafíos bibliográficos sobre la educación en paraguaya Sofía Mareski

18. Un especialista en bibliotecologia e información para los nuevos desafíos profesionales Priscila Leni Olivares

19. La información bibliográfica argentina Iris Rossi

Colegdes especiáis brasileiras

20. Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth: Centro de Pesquisa e Documenta9ao Social Rachel Meneguello

21 O acervo do CPDOC: características, especificidades e potencialidades Adelina Maria Alves Novaes e Cruz

Brazilian Non-Book Materials

22. A produ9áo de vídeo independente no Brasil: dados para a sua historia Patricia Monte-Mór

23. Catálogos de microformas de periódicos brasileiros Felicia Musikman and Maria José da Silva Fernandes

24. Instituto Nacional da Fotografia (INFoto) e Programa Nacional de Preserva9áo e Pesquisa da Fotografia (PROPRESERV) Cassia Maria Mello da Silva and Sergio Burgi

Periodicals in the Southern Cone and Brazil

25. Index Coverage of Latin American Periodicals Published in the Southern Cone: The Humanities Nelly S. González

26. Index Coverage of Latin American Periodicals Published in the Southern Cone: Social Sciences Patricia Cárdenas

27. A Latin American Periodicals Price Index Scott Van Jacob .


San Diego, California, June 1-6, 1991

Sponsors: University of California, San Diego; San Diego State University

Jakubs, Deborah L., ed. Latin American Studies in the Twenty-First Century: New Focus, New Formats, New Challenges. Albuquerque, New Mexico: SALALM Secretariat, 1993. (Papers of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin

American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-9 1 76 1 7-3 8-X)

A New Order in the Old World: The Impact ofRecent Events on Latin America

1 Latin America and the New World Order Peter H. Smith

2. The Impact of Perestroika on Soviet Latin Americanists Cole Blasier

3. El enfoque chino sobre los estudios latinoamericanos Xu Wenyuan

4. Libraries sanfrontiéres: REDIAL, European Bibliographic Cooperation, and 1992 Alan Biggins

The Contemporary Peruvian Crisis

5. Peru's Informal Sector: Hope in the Midst of Crisis Raúl P. Saba

6. Disintegration of a Culture: Peru into the 1990s Thomas M. Davies, Jr.

7. Origins and Trajectory of the Shining Path Peter Stern

Man and Environment: A Battlefor Survival in Latin America

8. Poisoning the Garden: Costa Rica's Ecological Crisis FredG. Morgner

9. Environment in Brazil: A Checklist of Current Serials Carmen M. Muricy

10. Areas naturales protegidas y desarrollo: Perspectivas y restricciones para el manejo de parques y reservas en la Argentina Alejandro Winograd

11. Mexico's Environmental and Ecological Organizations and Movements George F. Elmendorfand Joan A. Quillen

12. Medio ambiente en Chile hoy: Informe y bibliografía Marta Domínguez Díaz

450 Years ofPublishing in the Americas: What Lies Ahead?

13. Is the Sky Falling? Scholarly Publishing in the 1990s Lynne Rienner

14. Acerca de la inexistencia de América Latina como uno de los inconvenientes para adquirir material literario a su respecto Daniel Divinsky

15. La situación de la producción bibliográfica nicaragüense Conny Méndez Rojas

Liberty and Justicefor All: Human Rights and Democratization in Latin America

16. Do Human Rights Exist in Latin American Democracies? Alexander Wilde

17. Elections without Change: The Human Rights Record of Guatemala Beatriz Manz

18. A Miracle, A Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers Lawrence Weschler

19. Comments Ariel Dorfman .


Challenge 500: Focus on Membership

20. SALALM Membership, 1956-1990: A Brief Overview Suzanne Hodgman

21 SALALM and the Public library Luis Herrera

11. Algunas reflexiones sobre lo que SALALM podría ofrecer a los bibliotecarios nicaragüenses Canny Méndez Rojas

The Conspectus Ten Years On: Achievements and Future Prospects

23. The Latin American Conspectus: Panacea or Pig in a Poke? Dan C. Hazen

14. Collection Evaluation Techniques: A British Pilot Study Patricia Noble

25. European Approaches to the Conspectus Ann Wade

Latin American Studies, Information Resources, and Library Collections: Whither and How?

26. Latin American Studies, Information Resources, and Library Collections: The Contexts of Crisis Dan C. Hazen

11. Resource Sharing: The Only Reasonable Whither George J. Soete

28. Scholarship, Research Libraries, and Foreign Publishing in the 1990s Jeffrey Gardner

29. The Progress of Alliance: Confronting the Crisis in Resources for Foreign Area Studies in the United States Gilbert Merkx

Analyzing Latin American Library Materials Price Indexes

30. Latin American Book Prices: The Trends of Two Decades David Block

31. A Survey of Latin American Collections Carl Deal

32. Stretching the Budget: Developing Latin American and Caribbean Serials Collections for

University Libraries Nelly S. González

33. Latin American Periodicals Prices Revisited Scott Van Jacob

Llbrarlanshlp and Library Collections In Brazil

34. Computer Training in Brazilian Library Schools Irati Antonio and Claudia Negrao Balby

35. A Regional Database for the Brazilian Northeast Cavan M. McCarthy

36. School Libraries in Brazil Facing the Twenty-First Century: New Formats Paulo Tarcisio Mayrink .


Austin, Texas, May 30-June 4, 1992

Sponsor: Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin

Block, David, ed. SALALM and the Area Studies Community. Albuquerque, New Mexico: SALALM Secretariat, 1994. (Papers of the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-39- 8)

The State ofArea Studies

1. Area Studies in the Twenty-First Century DavyddJ. Greenwood

2. Latin America in a Public Planet Greg Urban

3. El V Centenario desde el punto de vista indígena en Ecuador José E. Juncosa


4. Miami and the Cuban Revolution: Ties across the Straits of Florida Tony A. Harvell

5. San Antonio: Capital of Insurgent Mexico William Beezley

6. Commentary Henry Schmidt

7. Vascos en USA: problemas bibliográficos Jon Bilbao

8. Eusko Bibliographia: antecedentes, estado actual y proyectos Luis Moreno

9. Base de datos de bibliografía vasco-americana Maribel Garda Mazo

1 0. Basque on the Title Page Linda White

Figures in the History ofSALALM and the Latin American Book Trade

1 1 Genaro García: Portrait of a Book Collector Carmen Ramos Escandan

12. Nettie Lee Benson: Beyond the Orthodox John Wheat

13. Emma C. Simonson Rachel C. Barreto

14. The First Two Decades of SALALM: A Personal Account Donald F. Wisdom

Library Operations

15. Las publicaciones oficiales en América Latina, en especial el caso de México Rosa María Fernández de Zamora

1 6. Approval Plans from a Dealer's Point of View Vera de Araujo Shellard

17. Approval Plans for Latin American Acquisitions: Some Aspects of Theory, Strategy, and Cost Dan C. Hazen

18. Selection and Acquisition of Latin American Monographs at the U.S. National Library of Medicine Nelda Coligan

19. Collection Patterns in Research Libraries for the Scientific Literature of Latin America Gayle Williams

20. Latin American Forestry Research: Resources and Strategy Laura Shedenhelm .


2 1 . Cataloging Backlogs: Taming the Monster Nelly S. González


Guadalajara, Mexico, May 15-20, 1993

Sponsors: Instituto de Bibliotecas de la Universidad de Guadalajara; Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara

Noble, Patricia, ed. Technology, the Environment, and Social Change. Albuquerque, New Mexico: SALALM Secretariat, 1995. (Papers of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-49- 5)

The Historical Background

1. Beyond Crosby: Recent Historiography on the Columbian Exchange Peter Stern

2. The Humboldt Current: Northern European Naturalists in Latin America. A Bibliographical Survey, 1799-1859 Robert A. McNeil

3. La financiación de las ciencias y las expediciones científicas en Hispanoamérica bajo los Borbones Rafael E. Tarrago

4. Indigenous Visions of the Book Barbara A. Miller

The Environment and Society Today

5. La especie Araucaria y su relación con el pueblo pehuenche: El caso de la comunidad de Quinquen Gabriel Sanhueza Suárez

6. Investigación y conservación de la cotorra margariteña Jon Paul Rodríguez

7. Organización social y ecología: Una misma historia, un nuevo principio Leonardo Meza Aguilar

8. Ecology in Central and North Mexico George Elmendorf

9. Los compromisos de la Universidad de Guadalajara ante el desarrollo sustentable Arturo Curiel Ballesteros

1 0. Grupos ecológicos de Chile: Estado del arte Marta Domínguez D.

1 1 Bibliografía chilena sobre ecología, 1 989-1 993 Marta Domínguez D.

12. Environment in Brazil: A Checklist of Current Serials Carmen M. Muricy

New Technologyfor Communication: Video

13. Collecting Latin American Independent Video: The Independent Media Resource Exchange Karen Ranucci

14. Latin American Independent Video: Distribution and Information Sources Angela M. Carreño 60

15. Independent Video in Brazil Carmen M. Muricy

16. Independent Video in Brazil: Useful Sources Carmen M. Muricy

New Technologyfor Information Management

1 7. Groping for Our Piece of the Elephant: Latin American Information on the Internet Molly Molloy

1 8. Internet Resources for Latin Americanists: A Working Bibliography Molly Molloy

1 9. List of Lists for Latin America Molly Molloy

20. The Latin American Information Base Kinloch Walpole

21. Computadoras, comunicaciones y bases de datos en Guatemala: Nuevas oportunidades y una propuesta Grete Pasch

22. Bibliografía nacional salvadoreña Emmanuelle Bervas-Rodríguez

23. La recuperación de información en línea por medio de la Red UNAM: El caso del Centro de Información Científica y Humanística Saúl Armendáriz Sánchez and Enrique Barreta Pastrana

24. Red nacional de colaboración en información y documentación en salud Gladys Faba Beaumont

25. La automatización de las bibliotecas de la UNAM: Su influencia en las bibliotecas mexicanas y en la conducta del usuario Adolfo Rodríguez Gallardo and Felipe Martínez Arellano

26. The Impact of Electronic Resources on Bibliographic Instruction at the University of New Mexico General Library Mina Jane Grothey

Chinese Immigrant Communities in Central America and the Caribbean

27. Connecting East and West: The Chinese in Panama, 1 850-1914 Nelly S. González

28. Chinese Immigration to Mexico from the Nineteenth Century to 1911 Karen T. Wei

29. Chinese Immigration to the Caribbean Joyce C. Wright

30. Los chinos en Cuba, 1 847-1 959 Rosa Q. Mesa

Cuban Bibliography

31. La bibliografía cubana: Inventario de nuestra cultura Araceli García-Carranza

32. Caracterización de la historiografía cubana en el período colonial Carmen Almodóvar Muñoz

33. Notas para el estudio de la historiografía del movimiento obrero cubano Luis Hipólito Serrano Pérez

34. Desarrollando una colección cubana en el exterior Lesbia Orta Varona

The Hispanic Division ofthe Library of Congress

35. La Division Hispánica y el desarrollo de las colecciones de la Biblioteca del Congreso Georgette Magassy Dorn

36. The Handbook of Latin American Studies: Fifty Years in the Development of a Field and a Publication Dolores Moyano Martin .


37. The Library of Congress Rio Office James C. Armstrong

38. The Hispanic Division and the Reduction of Luso-Hispanic Arrearages since 1989 Edmundo Flores

Gift and Exchange

39. Acquisition of Latin American Serials: Three Methods Paula Sullenger

40. El canje de material bibliográfico en la Biblioteca Daniel Cosío Villegas de El Colegio de México Micaela Chavez Villa

41 Canje dirigido: Una nueva modalidad de intercambio Ana María Fernández Vignolo

42. Acquisition of Serials by Exchange in the Library of Congress Terry C. Peet

Great Bibliographers ofLatin America

43. Medina and the Medina Award Laurence Hallewell


Salt Lake City, Utah, May 28-June 2, 1994

Sponsors: David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah

González, Nelly S., ed. Modernity and Tradition: The New Latin American and Caribbean Literature. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 1996. (Papers of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-50-9)

Nettie Lee Benson, January 15, 1905-June 23, 1993: A Personal Memoir Laura Gutierrez-Witt

Part One. Trends in Contemporary Latin American Literature

/. A View ofLatin American Novels, Poetry, Drama, and Bibliographiesfrom 1970 to 1994

2. Latin American Literary Bibliography since the Boom David William Foster

3. Recent Trends in the Spanish American Novel, 1970-1994 Raymond Leslie Williams

4. Contemporary Latin American Poetry and Drama Merlin H. Forster

II, Contemporary Developments in Mexican Literature

5. Escritoras mexicanas de los últimos tiempos Cecilia Aviles Valdez

6. Los libros para niños en México: Las políticas editoriales de 1956 a 1993 Sarah Corona Berkin

7. Evaluating Mexican Literature: Sources and Uses Walter Brem 62

///. Current Themes and Movements in Latin American Literature

8. Una nota bibliográfica sobre la nueva narrativa chilena Marta Domínguez Díaz

9. Tradición y modernidad en la poesía latinoamericana: El Concretismo Clemente Padín

1 0. La muerte en los Doce cuentos peregrinos Ángel Esteban del Campo

IV. Emerging Themes: Homosexuality, Prostitution, and Women

11. De la clandestinidad a la legitimidad: El homosexual en la narrativa mexicana contemporánea Víctor F. Torres-Ortiz

12. Teses académicas sobre a homossexualidade no Brasil Luiz Mott e Sonia T. D. G. Silva

13. Literature of the Contemporary Brazilian Gay Community: A Review Robert Howes

14. Homosexual Groups in Brazil: Ephemeral Material Acquired for Brazil's Popular Groups Collection on Microfilm Carmen M. Muricy

1 5. Representation of the Prostitute in Latin American Narrative Gloria de Alfaro and Yolanda Maloney

16. Latin American Visions: Through the Eye of the Camera Yolanda Maloney and Gloria de Alfaro

Part Two. Library Services and Resources

/. Accessing Latin American Resources through Database, Microfilm, and Print Media

1 7. La poesía de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz vía Internet Luis M. Villar

1 8. Reseñas: Libros sobre narrativa y poesía mexicanas contemporáneas Elsa Barberena Blásquez

19. Latin America and the Family History Library: Historical Overview of Microfilming Kahlile Mehr

20. Sharing the Heritage: The Latin American Collection of the Family History Library Frederick W. Graham

21. Brazilian Newspapers Carmen M. Muricy

//. Bibliographic Surveys ofLatin American Literature

22. El hecho se convierte en ficción: El dictador latinoamericano visto a través de las obras de Asturias, García Márquez y Valle-Inclán Nelly S. González

23. Africa in the Works of Afro-Hispanic Writers: A Selective Bibliography Scott Van Jacob

24. Pitfalls and Quandaries in Compiling a Reference Book: Index to Latin American Poetry in Anthologies Iliana Sonntag Blay

25. The Bookseller as Bibliographer Howard!. Karno

III. Regional Views ofLatin American Collections

A. United States ofAmerica

26. The Manuscripts Collection of the Latin American Library, Tulane University Guillermo Náñez Falcon .


27. Cuban and Cuban-American Bilingual Archives in the University of Miami Library Esperanza B. de Varona

B. Canada

28. Hispanic Studies and Collections at the University of Alberta Wanda Quoika-Stanka

29. Development through Adversity: The Latin American Collection at the University of Calgary Nora D. S. Robins

30. A Librarian-Faculty Partnership: Challenges and Opportunities Nicole Michaud-Oystryk

C. Latin America

3 1 The Mellon Program at the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs Susan Schnuer

32. A Library Fellow in Honduras: Automatización de la colección hondurena Laura D. Shedenhelm

33. Análisis de la situación actual de la biblioteca central de la Universidad Centroamericana, Managua, Nicaragua Conny Méndez Rojas

34. El sistema nacional de información científica y tecnológica en Costa Rica

Jeannette A (faro Ugalde

35. La biblioteca de la Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" Josefina Castro de Roque

36. Bibliotecas particulares de intelectuais brasileiros: DescrÍ9ao da situa9ao na Universidade Estadual de Campinas e na Catholic University of America Vera Cristina Neumann

IV. Evaluation ofLatin American Literary Collections

37. Chilean Literature: Models for Collection Evaluation Karen Lindvall-Larson

38. Analysis of Brazilian Literature Holdings in the University of New Mexico Library Russ Davidson

Part Three. New Trends and Challenges in Acquisition, Cataloging, Microfilming, and Publishing of Latin American Library Materials

/. Issues in Acquisition, Cataloging, and Microfilming ofLatin American Library Materials

39. Access versus Ownership: Issues for Small and Medium-Sized Libraries Molly Molloy

40. Maintaining Balance between Archival and Access Models for the Future Terry Charles Peet

41. Ownership and Access: A Bookdealer's View of Mexico George F. Elmendorf

42. Wait! I'm Wearing a White Hat! Adventures of a Librarian Turned Publisher Sharon A. Moynahan

43. Latin American Different Editions: The "Dup"-ing of the Academic Library John B. Wright

44. Latin American Newspapers: Considerations in CD-ROM Publishing Dan Haverkamp 64

//. The State of the Art in the Publishing Industry

45. Nuevas temáticas y nuevos enfoques en la labor editorial latinoamericana Adalberto Santana


Athens, Georgia, April 29-Mav 5, 1995

Sponsors: University of Georgia Libraries; Office of University of Georgia International Development

McNeil, Robert A., ed. Societies under Constraint: Economic and Social Pressures in Latin America. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 1997. (Papers of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-52-5)

The Historical Background

1. The Spanish Invasion and Its Impact on the Economic Structures of Pre-Columbian America Murdo J. MacLeod

Land Reform in the Andes

2. Economic and Social Progress in Bolivia's Land Development: Projects after the Agrarian Reform ( Beni) Nelly S. González

3. Land Tenure and Agrarian Reform in Peru: An Overview and Selected Bibliography Olga Espejo

4. Land Reform in Bolivia: A Guide to Sources, 1970-1995 Sarah Landeryou

The Economics of the Book Trade

5. Academic Publishing in Chile, Ecuador, and Mexico Carl W. Deal

6. The Impact of Mercosur on Publishing in Brazil Cavan Michael McCarthy

Sources ofEconomic Information

I . Fuentes mexicanas de información económica Roberto Guerra Milligan and Ricardo Reyes Hernández

8. Selected Sources of Information on the Cuban Economy, 1993-1995 Isabel Ezquerra

Ecology and Ecotourism in Central America

9. Ecoturismo: el contexto centroamericano Laura D. Shedenhelm

10. Bibliography on Ecotourism in Central America Laura D. Shedenhelm

I I . Recursos bibliográficos sobre ecoturismo en Honduras Orfylia Pinel O.

12. Los nuevos pasos económicos; el desarrollo del ecoturismo en Centroamérica Rigoberto Flores Ordóñez, with Ana María Cobos .


Sustainable Development in Central and South America

13. América Central: sus retos y perspectivas de desarrollo sostenible Mariano Rayo M.

14. Urna reflexáo acerca do impasse ambiental da atualidade no mundo e no Brasil

Paulo Jorge Moraes Figueiredo and Sonia T. Dias Gongalves da Silva

The Economics ofData Management

15. Latin America Data Base: Forging an Academic Path in an Increasingly Commercial Internet Roma Arellano

16. La distancia económica entre las instituciones de educación superior en México Alfredo Burciaga García

1 7. Computer Communications, Civil Society, and UT-LANIC Kent Norsworthy

Libraries Under Pressure

18. Our Last, Best Chance? The ARL Latin Americanist Research Resources Pilot Project Mark Grover, Dan Hazen, Deborah Jakubs, and Eudora Loh

19. Registros bibliográficos en formato MARC suministrados por libreros Terry C. Peet

20. Una experiencia de un librero con el formato USMARC Sandra J. Pike

21 USMARC Format: A Cataioger's Experience and Possibilities for the Future Cecilia Sercan

Adventures in Bibliography

22. Comer e poder: organizacao de uma biblioteca particular na área de gastronomía Vera Cristina Neumann

23. Bibliografía culinaria brasileira Vera Cristina Neumann

24. Creating a Guide to Paraguayan Collections: Misadventures, Frustrations, and Treasure Troves Thomas Whigham

25. An Adventure in Third World Bibliography Jerry W. Cooney .


New York City, New York, June 1-5, 1996

Sponsors: New York University; New York Public Library; NYU/Columbia Consortium for Latin American Studies

Stem, Peter A., ed. SALALM in the Age of Multimedia: Technological Challenge and Social Change. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 1998. (Papers of the Forty-First Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-58-4)

Media and Politics

1. The Internet, the Global Commercial Communication Revolution, and the Democratic Prospect Robert W. McChesney

2. Internetworking as a Tool for Advocacy and Research: The Case of Chiapas News, 1994- 1996 Molly Molloy

3. Native Americans and Information Technology: Connection and Community Michele M. Reid and Susan Shaw

4. Providing Instruction on the Research Use of the Internet for Political Science and Human Rights Studies Sarah Landeryou

Media and the Arts

5. Collective Memory of a Continent: The Theater of Latin America Louis A. Rachow

6. The Boom Wasn't Just Novels: Audiovisual Archives and Modem Latin American Culture Jerry W. Carlson

7. Latin American Cinema Resources on the Internet Gayle Ann Williams

8. Making Connections: A Centralized, Online Resource of Latin American and Latino Film and Video Karen Ranucci

Media and Bibliography

9. The Orthodox Method of Creating the Gabriel Garcia Márquez Bibliography

Nelly S. González

10. La preparación de bibliograpfías electrónicas Luis M. Villar

Media and Conservation

1 1 Ochenta años de historia de imágenes: la digitalización del periódico El Mundo Víctor F. Torres-Ortíz

12. Project Open Book and Preservation in the Digital World Paul Conway

13. Sight and Sound: Hispanic Audiovisual Archives in the Cybemetic Age Georgette M. Dorn

14. The Latin American Research Resources Pilot Project: A Distributed Model of Library Cooperation Deborah Jakubs 67

Media and Technical Services

15. Uso de OCLC-EPIC para identificar patrones de colección de material audiovisual sobre América Latina Ketty Rodríguez

16. Latin American Websites for Catalogers and Technical Sevices Librarians Barbara Stewart

17. An Integrated System for Cataloging in the Field of Jurisprudence at the Ibero-American Institute Markus Obert

Media and Education

1 8. Uso del Internet dentro de las bibliotecas latinoamericanas Filiberto F. Martínez Arellano

19. As tecnologias da comun¡ca9áo e a educa9ao escolar Leila Maria Ferreira Salles and Débora Mazza

Media in Latin America and the Caribbean

20. El potencial del internet como fuente de información en América Latina Eduardo Villanueva Mansilla

21. La divulgación del conocimiento en las universidades públicas mexicanas: la distribución de sus publicaciones Jesús Lau and Jesús Cortés

22. Estrategias y políticas de información y tecnología: el ftituro deseable Saadia Sánchez Vegas

23. More Programs, Fewer Voices: Caribbean Television in the Global Era Elizabeth Mahan and Adolfo Vargas


Rockville, Maryland, May 17-21, 1997

Sponsors: Library of Congress Hispanic Cultural Society, Hispanic Division and Directorate of Acquisitions; Oliveira Lima Library of the Catholic University of America; Maryland College Park Libraries; Latin American Studies Center, University of Maryland

Grover, Mark L., ed. Religion and Latin America in the Twenty-First Century: Libraries Reacting to Social Change. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 1999. (Papers of the Forty- Second Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-59-2)

The Catholic Church in Latin America

1. Crisis, Conflict, and Change: Contemporary Latin American Catholicism Edward L. Cleary .


Catholicism and Politics

2. José Martí: Political Piiilosophy and the Catholic Church Jack A. Siggins

3. El rol de Evita en las relaciones del régimen peronista con la Iglesia Católica argentina Eudoxio Paredes-Ruiz

4. The Mythology of Eva Perón: Saint or Sinner Donna Canevari de Paredes

5. All Humankind Is One: Archbishop Claret and Racism in Nineteenth-Century Cuba Rafael E. Tarrago

Protestantism in Latin America

6. "Like a Mighty Pushing Wind": The Growth of Protestantism in Contemporary Latin America Virginia Garrard-Burnett

7. La Iglesia Evangélica en el Perú: una aproximación socio-política Carlos Alberto Acuña Ramos

8. Three Mennonite Colonies and the Indigenous Communities in the Central Chaco Georgette M. Dorn

9. Documents of Protestant Religious Missions to Latin America: Their Potential for Nonreligious Research Karen Lindvall-Larson

Religion in Mexico

10. Hacia una tipología de la participación política de los evangélicos mexicanos Rubén Ruiz Guerra

1 1 TESIUNAM: A Database for Supporting Scholarly Research in Religion Filiberto Felipe Martinez-Arellano

Religion in Brazil

12. The Use of Media by Jewish Communities in Brazil Frida Garbati

13. A religiao dos pioneiros norte-americanos no Brasil Sonia T. Dias Gongalves da Silva

Religion in the English-Speaking Caribbean

14. Changing Patterns of Denominational Affiliation in the Christian Church in Trinidad and Tobago Margaret D. Rouse-Jones

15. An Evaluation of Bibliographical Materials of Nontraditional Religions in Jamaica: Revival and Rastafari Dorothy M. Palmer

Afro-Brazilian Religions

16. Forbidden Love: The Turbulent Relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and African Brazilian Religion Mike Weems

1 7. El papel de la mujer en el candomblé Malgorzata Oleszkiewicz

1 8. The Power of Axé: Trends and Sources in Afro-Brazilian Religious Studies Eileen Oliver

Religious Syncretism and the Latin American Indian

19. Transculturación y sincretismo religioso en la poesía quechua colonial Ángel Esteban

20. Manifestaciones de fondo y forma en la religión prehispánica y la católica Elsa Barberena B. 69

The Library of Congress and Global Resources

21. The Library of Congress Brazil Field Office: Past Accomplishments and New Challenges Pamela Howard-Reguindin

22. Pushing the Envelope: Beyond Acquisitions Terry C. Peet

23. Back to the Future: An Immodest Proposal Terry C. Peet

Latin American Biography and Collections

24. Gabriel Rene Moreno, Bolivian Bibliographer Nelly S. González

25. Diplomacy in the Service of the Arts: Manoel de Oliveira Lima and the Musical Materials at the Oliveira Lima Library Marcelo Campos Hazan

26. Preservation Microfilming of the Colección Lafragua in the Biblioteca Nacional de México Carl Deal


San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 23-27, 1998

Sponsors: Library System of the Universidad de Puerto Rico; Sociedad de BibHotecarios de Puerto Rico

Williams, Gayle Ann, ed. Caribbean Studies: Bibliographic Access and Resources for the Past, Present and Future. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 2002. (Papers of the Forty- Third Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-64-9)

Cuba: Collections, Publishing, and Research

1. Situación actual de las publicaciones seriadas cubanas Alina Calzada Bobak

2. The Femando Ortiz Archive: 500 Years of Transculturation in Cuba María del Rosario Díaz Rodríguez

3. Libros y editoriales de Cuba vistos desde el Uruguay Luis A. Retta

4. Preservation Needs of Collections in Cuba: An Island Apart Ann Russell

5. Research in Cuba: A Scholar's Notebook Pamela Smorkaloff

6. Panorama de la información científico técnica para las ciencias sociales Iris L. Suárez Jiménez Documents

7. Government Publishing of the English Caribbean Elmelinda Lara

8. La Colección Puertorriqueña: Documentos impresos del gobierno de Puerto Rico María E. Ordóñez Mercado . .


History, Politics, and Special Topics

9. Bibliography of the Dutch- and French-Speaking Caribbean Enid M. Brown

10. The Cuban Lobby: A Place in the Historiography of the Spanish-American War Graciella Cruz-Taura

1 1 Virtual Politics: Dominican Transnational Migration and the Internet Pamela M. Graham

12. La verdad descubierta por el tiempo: Fuentes para el estudio del Partido Liberal Autonomista Rafael Tarrago

13. Puerto Rico and the United States: Sources for the Study of Populism and Inter-American Relations Luis G. Villaronga

Library Collections

14. Theses in Caribbean Literature Samuel B. Bandara

15. Treasures in Microform: The Collection of the University of the West Indies Library at Mona Evadne McLean and Joan Vacianna

16. The West Indiana and Special Collections, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine

Library • Margaret D. Rouse-Jones

17. Hidden Treasures: Resources for Caribbean Research at the University of Connecticut Darlene Waller


18. José Martí: Visiones y proyectos editoriales Beatriz Colombi

19. The Asian Influence in the Caribbean Literary Mosaic Karen T ¡Vei

20. Women Writers in the English-Speaking Caribbean, 1980-1986 Joyce C. Wright


Nashville, Tennessee, May 30-June 3, 1999

Sponsor: Vanderbilt University

Phillips, Richard F., ed. Documenting Movements, Identity, and Popular Culture in Latin America. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 2000. (Papers of the Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library

Materials) (ISBN 0-9 1 76 1 7-63-0)

Challengesfor Librarianship

1 Considerations for Outsourcing Cataloging Claire-Lise Bénaud

2. Documenting Cultural Heritage: The Oral History Collections at the University of the West Indies Margaret D. Rouse-Jones and Enid Brown 71

3. La importancia de la información en la construcción de la identidad cultural Saray Córdoba G.

4. Selecting for Storage: Local Problems, Local Responses, and an Emerging Common Challenge Dan C. Hazen

5. Centros de documentación y bases de datos sobre asuntos de la mujer y género en América Latina J. Felix Martínez Barrientos


6. The Tango and the Buenos Aires Urban Identity Simon Collier

7. The Body as Vehicle of Political Identity in the Art of José Clemente Orozco Leonard Folgarait

8. Pan, Parang, and Chutney: Identity, Music, and Popular Cultural Forms in Trinidad and Tobago Kathleen Helenese-Paul

9. Preserving Our Heritage: The Work of Al Ramsawack, Folklorist of Trinidad and Tobago Jennifer Joseph

10. The Way We Live: Fetes and Festivals of the English-Speaking Caribbean Elmelinda Lara

11. In Their Own Words: The Folk Literature of South American Indians Series Colleen H. Trujillo

12. "Yo vivo de lo que escribo": Antonio Paredes Candía, Bolivian Folklorist John B. Wright

13. Los esfuerzos por recuperar y preservar el cine puertorriqueño Víctor Torres

Women and Identity

14. A Bolivian Literary Minority: Women Writers Nelly S. González

15. Memory and Identity in Selected French Caribbean Women Writers: Maryse Conde and Simone Schwarz-Bart Marian Goslinga

16. Menchú, Stoll, and Ideology: Oral History and Documentation MarkL. Grover

17. The Urban Woman in the Electronic Age: A Survey of Electronic Resources Mina Jane Grothey

1 8. Frances Toor and the Mexican Cuhural Renaissance Peter Stern

19. Escritoras cubanas en el exilio Lesbia Orta Varona

20. Cultural Amnesia: Systematically Erasing the History of Brazilian Industrialization Marshall C. Eakin

21. Documenting Maya Resurgence: Trends in Maya Scholarship and Publishing Edward F. Fischer

22. Military Power and Privilege in Contemporary Latin America: Suggestions on Sources Wendy Hunter

23. Searching for Maroons in the Historical Record: New Approaches Jane Landers

24. Unintended Outcomes: William Walker and the Emergence of Nicaraguan Nationalism Emily Story 72

25. Dual Identities? The Andean Gentry in Peru and Alto Peru, 1 533-1 826 Rafael E. Tarrago

26. Old Pitfalls and New Opportunities in Documenting Popular Political Culture in Latin America Kurt Weyland


Long Beach, California, May 27-31, 2000

Sponsors: University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA Library, UCLA Latin American Center

Rodriguez, César, ed. Andean Studies: New Trends and Library Resources. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 2005. (Papers of the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-69-X)

Andean History Revisited

1. Visión general sobre el Incario Maria Rostworowski

2. El conocimiento del mundo andino a través de las crónicas Enrique Marchena Cárdenas

3. Garcilaso de la Vega, nexo de dos mundos Roberto Vergaray

4. Hipólito Unanue's Prescription for an Enlightened Philosophy of Diet Myra L. Appel

5. Sources about the Vaccination Expedition of Charles FV in the Andes Rafael E. Tarrago

6. African Legacy in Peru Sara Sánchez

Historic Andean Collections

I . Researching "El Virreinato del Perú" in the Northeast Peter A. Stern

8. Press Coverage of "Campesinado Boliviano" in the Late 19th Century Darlene Waller

9. Our Man in Peru: The Hiram Bingham Papers at Yale University David Block

10. Preserving Andean Collections: Progress and Challenges of Microfilm Preservation Fernando Acosta-Rodriguez

Andean Resources and Bibliography

I I . Early Printed Books Containing Andean Languages in the British Library Geoff West

12. La Biblioteca del Instituto de Estudios Peruanos Virginia García

13. "Nothing in Peru is Permanent": Iturriaga Cia. and the Peruvian Book Mark Grover

14. Andean Countries on Video: Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru Nelly S. González

Modern Crises Facing Andean Nations

15. ¿Continuará el Sendero?: The Shining Path after Guzman Peter A. Stern .


16. A Still Unreconciled Chile Faces the Millennium: The Pinochet Crisis Anne C. Barnhart-Park

17. We Wirariin (The New Cry): Mapuche Renunciations of State-Imposed Silence James Barnhart-Park

18. Elections in Colombia: A Brief History and Guide to Research Karen Lindvall-Larson

Literary Themes

19. "The Feast of the Goat" and Vargas Llosa's Political Fiction Efrain Kristal

20. Arguedas and Dillard: Critical Linkages Susan H. Shaw

21 Los archivos de la palabra: la voz de los escritores hispánicos Ramón Abad

Cataloging, Bibliographic Control, and Library Services

22. Cataloging Quotas and Flexible Work Schedules at the University of New Mexico Claire-Lise Bénaud

23. Bibliographic Control in Chile: Cooperative Efforts and Standardization Elizabeth N. Steinhagen

Accreditation in Latin American Higher Education

24. The Development of Chile's Higher-Education Accreditation System Ana Maria Cobos

25. Research on Accreditation in Latin American Higher Education Maria Angela Leal


Tempe, Arizona, May 26-29, 2001

Sponsor: Arizona State University

Torres, Victor Federico, ed. Latin American Identities: Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Sexuality. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 2005. (Papers of the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0- 917617-72-X)

Identity and Ethnicity

1. Ethnicity, Race, and Class in Early Caribbean Postcards: A Preliminary Research Report Darlene Waller

2. Pan-American Identity and Ethnicity: Buscando la América de Rubén Blades Anne C. Barnhart-Park

3. Nipo-Brazilian Return Migration to Japan: A Review Essay and Annotated Bibliography Roberta Astroff .


Identity and Race

4. And When the Slaveowners Were Not "White"?: "Black" and "Brown" Slaveholders in

Early-Nineteenth-Century Bahia B. J. Barickman

5. Afro-Cuban Identity and the Black Press in Spanish Cuba, 1 878-1 898 Rafael E. Tarrago

6. Identidad afroperuana y exclusión social en el Perú Teresa Aguilar Velarde

Identity, Gender, and Sexuality

7. Ados prohibidos: Documenting Sexuality in Colonial Mexico from Documents in the Latin American Library, Tulane University Guillermo Náñez-Falcón

8. Sexuality and Gender in Colonial and Nineteenth-Century Mexico: New Uses and Interpretations of Photographs in the Tulane Collection Paul Bary

9. Estereotipos gay en la literatura y el cine (Argentina) Ricardo Rodríguez Pereyra

10. Gender Relations: Domestic Violence in Trinidad and Tobago Elmelinda Lara

1 1. Women in Trinidad and Tobago: Role of Education and Politics Jennifer Joseph

Research Sources on Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity

12. Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered Serials in Brazil Robert Howes

13. The Feminist Movement in Latin America as Part of Our Collection Design Tapestry Lourdes Vázquez

14. La Red de Información Etnológica Boliviana REDETBO: una experiencia en información indígena Eloisa Vargas Sánchez

Latin American and Latino Collections

15. The Borderlands, Then and Now: Manuscript and Archival Sources at the University of Texas at Austin Adán Benavides

16. La recuperación de material documental regional que realiza la Red de Bibliotecas del Banco de la República Carlos Alberto Zapata Cárdenas

17. Relevance of Academic Libraries' Hispanic-American Collections in a Diverse Society Nelly S. González

1 8. The Covers Are the Story: The Artwork of Ediciones Botas, Mexico Claire-Lise Bénaud and Sharon Moynahan

Access and Bibliographic Control ofLatin American Resources

19. From Subsidy to Market to Consortium(?): A Retrospective on Latin American Newspapers David Block

20. OCLC, Vendor Records, and Cataloging Triage Laura D. Shedenhelm

2 1 The Caribbean Newspaper Index Project at the University of Florida Libraries Richard F. Phillips . .


Ithaca, New York, June 1-4, 2002

Sponsor: Cornell University

Hibay, Denise A., ed. Trends and Traditions in Latin American and Caribbean History. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 2005. (Papers of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617- 73-8)

1 Dressed Like an Indian; Ethnic Ambiguity in Early Colonial Peru Karen B. Graubart

2. Revolutions on the Radio: People and Issues Related to Revolutionary Movements in Latin America, Audio Gleanings from the Peabody Awards Collection Laura D. Shedenhelm

3. Atlantic Crossings: The Trade in Latin American Books in Europe in the Nineteenth Century Geoffrey West

4. El color, la textura, el peso de la página: el arte del libro en América Latina Lourdes Vázquez

5. The Map in the Book: Barbados Alan Moss

6. Judging a Book by Its Cover: Cover Art of Editora Política Sharon A. Moynahan and Wendy Louise Pedersen

7. A Poster is Worth 10,000 Words: Cuban Political Posters at the University of New Mexico Claire-Lise Bénaud and Sharon A. Moynahan

8. Tendencias interpretativas en tomo a Fidel Castro Enrique Camacho Navarro

9. ¿Qué aportan los estudios biográficos a la historiografía cubana actual? Eliades Acosta

10. Bibliotecas digitales en México Víctor J. Cid Carmona

1 1 Mexicoarte: una alternativa electrónica para conocer la historia del arte de México Elsa Barberena

12. Course-Integrated Information Literacy: Tales of Success Foretold Anne C. Barnhart-Park . .

76 SALALM XLVIII Cartagena, Colombia, May 23-27, 2003

Sponsors: Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango under the auspices of the Banco de la República de Colombia, cohosted by Duke University, Latin American Library at Tulane University, and Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Seccional del Caribe (Cartagena)

Hull, Darlene, ed. Celebrating Culture: Space, Symbols, and Tradition in Latin America and the Caribbean / Celebrando la cultura: espacios, símbolos, y tradiciones de América Latina y del Caribe. Austin, Texas: SALALM Secretariat, 2006. (Papers of the Forty- Eighth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-75-4)

Art and Architecture

1 Art as Testimony: Writing History, Preserving Memory Cecilia Puerto

2. Madonna of the Andes: Life and Work of Marina Nunez del Prado, Bolivia's Michelangelo

Nelly S. González

3. Frida Kahio and Her Struggle against Tradition Marian Goslinga

4. Amelia Peláez: fusión de vida y arte Lesbia Orta Varona

5. Espacios y símbolos en la evangelización del México colonial: el siglo XVI Víctor J. Cid Carmona

Music and Dance

6. Los estudios sobre música popular en el Caribe colombiano Adolfo González Henríquez

7. Lucho Bermúdez Albor y modernidad de la música del Caribe colombiano Enrique Luis Muñoz Vélez

8. Del barracón a la sala de conciertos: tres virtuosos afrocubanos del siglo XIX Rafael E. Tarrago

9. Danzas folklóricas de El Salvador Eduardo Ernesto Martínez Paredes

Culture in Audio and Visual Media

1 0. Ser archivista en el Caribe colombiano Sara Harb

1 1 Pájaros a punto de volar: el Archivo de la Palabra en la División Hispánica de la Biblioteca del Congreso Georgette M. Dorn

12. La emisora H.J.C.K.—El Mundo Alvaro Castaño Castillo

13. Propiciando la oralidad del pueblo mapuche Fresia CatrilafBalboa

14. La familia unida en la sociedad argentina: la tensión entre el mito y la realidad José Fuster Retail

Collections, Bibliography, and Literature

15. Colecciones especiales para el estudio del teatro puertorriqueño Víctor Federico Torres

16. The Benson Latin American Collection's Recent Microfilming Projects to Preserve Mexican Newspapers Adán Benavides 77

17. Bibliografía nacional como sistema de repertorios bibliográficos para el estudio de la cultura cubana Araceli García Carranza

18. Lecturas de la tradición literaria en el fm de siglo cubano Ariel González

Trinidad and Tobago

19. Creating a Home for Culture in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Allison C. B. Dolland

20. Cultural Evolution and Cross-Fertilization in Trinidad and Tobago Yacoob Hosein

21. Libraries as Cultural Spaces: The University of the West Indies Library System Kathleen Helenese-Paul, Nel Bretney, and Enid Brown

Journals and Journal Indexing

22. La experiencia de El Malpensante: una revista cultural para el amplio público Andres Hoyos

23. Revistas mexicanas sobre artes plásticas y arquitectura como productos de cultura Elsa Barberena and Carmen Block

24. Embracing "Otherness": Trends in Latin American Cultural Studies as Seen through the Hispanic American Periodicals Index Barbara G Valk

25. Ampliando la red: nuevas iniciativas para indizar y divulgar revistas académicas latinoamericanas Luis A. González


Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 5-8, 2004

Sponsors: University of Michigan, University Library, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center

Carreño, Angela, ed. Women in Latin American Studies: Reshaping the Boundaries. New Orleans, Louisiana: SALALM Secretariat, 2007. (Papers of the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617- 76-2)

Keynote Address

1. Empowering Women: Towards an Intellectual History of a Book Project Carmen Diana Deere

Mapping Recent Progress and Change

2. The Role of NGOs in the Quest for the Empowerment of Women and Gender Equality in Trinidad and Tobago Allison C. B. Dolland

3. Redefinition of Masculinity and Femininity in Indo-Trinidadian Society Yacoob Hosein .


4. Mayan Women's Post-Peace Accords Participation in Guatemalan Elections Karen Lindvall-Larson

5. Taller de lectura y escritura cárcel de mujeres Carolina Espinosa Arango

Approaches to Collection Management: An Examination ofIssues

6. Tendencias en el manejo de la adquisición y el acceso a los recursos de información bibliográfica en bibliotecas mexicanas Eduardo Ruvalcaba Burgoa

7. Indigenous Film and Video in Latin America: Starting Points for Collection Development Daisy Domínguez

8. Preserving The Standard: A LAMP Project Irene L. Münster

Covering an Interdisciplinary Field: Monitoring Trends and Collecting Strategies

9. Latin American Women's Studies in HAPI Barbara G. Valk

10. Systematic Program Review and a Collection Development Triangle—Women's Studies, International Studies, and Latin American Studies: A Case Study Donna Canevari de Paredes

The Bibliographic Record: Authors and Patriots

11. An Iron Mother for a Bronze Titan: A Bibliography of Mariana Grajales de Maceo Rafael E. Tarrago

12. Bolivian Women Short Story Writers Nelly S. González

From Quipu to Yahoo!: Teaching Information Literacyfor Latin American Studies

13. Creating the Information Literate Researcher Sean Patrick Knowlton

14. Moving Beyond the One-Shot: Designing a Research Methodology Course Anne C. Barnhart


Gainesville, Florida. April 15-19, 2005

Sponsor: George A. Smathers Libraries, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida

Howard-Reguindin, Pamela F., ed. Latin American Studies Research and Bibliography: Past, Present, and Future. New Orleans, Louisiana: SALALM Secretariat, 2007. (Papers of the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) (ISBN 0-917617-77-0)

1 Matchmaker, Matchmaker: Of Collections in Search of Safe Havens Ralph Delia Cava

2. HAPI and SALALM: Thirty Years of Close Cooperation Barbara G. Valk

3 The Beginning of SALALM Mark L Grover .


4. Recollections of SALALM Pioneers: Irene Zimmerman and Nettie Lee Benson Neill Macaulay

5. The Hispanic Division and the Scholarly Community: Then and Now, 1939-2005 Georgette M. Dorn

6. Creating Networked Mapping Applications for Academic Research: Political and Environmental Maps of Vieques, Puerto Rico Abraham K. Parrish

7. Celebration and Protest: New Archival Collections at the Benson Latin American Collection Ann Hartness

8. Conmemoraciones de la libertad: el 13 de mayo en el discurso varguista Luis Arnaldo González

9. Making the Invisible Visible: Bibliographical Sources on Africans in Mexico and Argentina Jesse Hingson and Roberto Pacheco

10. Invisible but Not Forgotten: Afro-Platines and Their Historiography Roberto Pacheco

W. América Latina en centros de estudios internacionales españoles: líneas de investigación y publicaciones Jesús Alonso-Regalado

12. Rol de la mujer mapuche en su comunidad Marta Domínguez Díaz

13. Afro-Bolivians in the Mosaic of Bolivian Identity Nelly S. González

14. The Código Brasiliense Website at the John Carter Brown Library Valeria Gauz

15. The Internet in Latin America: Development and Reference Sources Molly Molloy

16. Preserving Mexican Newspapers in the United States: Summary and Evaluation of the Benson Latin American Collection's NEH Grants, 2000-2005 Adán Benavides

17. El Curso de Investigación Documental en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades: experiencias y retos de la Biblioteca Daniel Cosío Villegas de El Colegio de México Carmen Yasmina López Morales

1 8. Information Literacy and How Library Students Are Being Taught to Teach Paloma Cells Carbajal

19. Chronicling the Cuban Exodus through Cuban Exile Periodicals, 1959-2005 Esperanza Bravo de Varona

20. Cincuenta años del libro uruguayo: fechas y acontecimientos significativos, 1955-2005 Alvaro J. Risso

2 1 Uses of Citation Analysis in the Study of Anglo-Caribbean Literature Serafm Roldan-Santiago

22. Evidence of Lesbos en español: Considerations in Making a Bibliography of Latin(a) Lesbian Texts Tatiana de la Tierra

23. Latin America and the Caribbean Social Science Virtual Libraries Network Dominique Babini

24. Support for Latin American Studies at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus Enid Brown



Bibliography Series

No. 1. Graham, Richard, and Virginia Valieia. Brazil in the London Times, 1850-1905: A

Guide. Carbondale, 111.: Professional Productivity Associates, 1969.

No. 2. Woodbridge, Hensley, and Dan Newberry. A Basic List of Latin American Materials in Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Amherst, Mass.: SALALM Secretariat, 1975.

No. 3. Fernández-Caballero, Carlos F. S. Paraguái Tai Hume, Tove Paraguái Arandu Taisarambi Ko Y\y Apere: The Paraguayan Bibliography. Vol. 2. Amherst,

Mass.: SALALM Secretariat, 1975. (Vol. 1 published as Aranduka Ha Kuatiañeé Paraguái Rembiapocué: The Paraguayan Bibliography. Asunción, Washington, D.C.: Paraguay Arandu Books, 1970.)

No. 4. Lo, Sara de Mundo, and Beverly Phillips. Colombian Serial Publications in the University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1978.

No. 5. Robinson, Barbara J. Doctoral Dissertations in Hispanic-American Literature: A Bibliography ofDissertations Completed in the United States, 1964-1974. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1979.

No. 6. Ballantyne, Lygia Maria F. C. Haitian Publications: An Acquisitions Guide and Bibliography. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1980.

No. 7. Sonntag, Gabriela. Eva Perón: Books, Articles, and Other Sources of Study: An Annotated Bibliography. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1983.

No. 8. Covington, Paula Hattox. Indexed Journals: A Guide to Latin American Serials. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1983.

Bibliography and Reference Series (continues Bibliography Series)

No. 9. Block, David, and Howard L. Kamo. A Directory of Vendors of Latin American Library Materials. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1983.

No. 10. Loroña, Lionel V. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, 1982-1983. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1984. 82

No. 11. Loroña, Lionel V. Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies: Annual Report, 1983-J 984. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1984. (ISBN 0-917617-02-9)

No. 12. Valk, Barbara G. Index to the SALALM Papers, 1956-1980. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1984. (ISBN 0-917617-03-7)

No. 13. Rovirosa, Dolores F. Jorge Mañach: Bibliografía. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1985. (ISBN 0-917617-04-5)

No. 14. Roberts, Audrey. Bibliography of Commissions of Enquiry and Other Government- Sponsored Reports on the Commonwealth Caribbean, 1900-1975. With an introduction by Edwin Jones. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1985. (ISBN 0-917617-06-1)

No. 15. Loroiia, Lionel V. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, 1984-1985. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1986. (ISBN 0-917617-07-X)

No. 16. Block, David, and Howard L. Kamo. A Directory of Vendors of Latin American Library Materials. 2nd ed., rev. and enl. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1986. (ISBN 0-917617-09-6)

No. 17. Loroña, Lionel V. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report. 1985-1986. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1986. (ISBN 0-917617-09-6)

No. 18. Peet, Terry C, and Marta Stiefel Ayala. A Guide to Spanish Correspondence for Acquisitions Librarians. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1987. (ISBN 0- 917617-13-4)

No. 19. Varona, Esperanza B. de. Cuban Exile Periodicals at the University of Miami Library: An Annotated Bibliography. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1987. (ISBN 0-917617-14-2)

No. 20. Loroña, Lionel V. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report, 1986-1987. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1987. (ISBN 0-917617-16-9)

No. 21. Ilgen, William D., and Deborah Jakubs. Acquisitions Manual: Guidelines for Librarians, Bookdealers, and Publishers / Manual de Adquisiciones / Manual de Aquisicoes. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1988. (ISBN 0-917617-18-5)

No. 22. Block, David, and Howard L. Kamo. A Directory of Vendors of Latin American Library Materials. 3rd ed., rev. and enl. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1988. (ISBN 0-917617-19-3)

No. 23. Loroña, Lionel V. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report, 1987-1988. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1988. (ISBN 0-917617-20-7)

No. 24. Valk, Barbara G. Index to the SALALM Papers. 1981-1985. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1989. (ISBN 0-917-617-21-5)

No. 25. Loroña, Lionel. Bibliography ofLatin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report, 1988-1989. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1989. (ISBN 0- 917617-23-1)

No. 26. Simoneau, Karin. South American Population Censuses Since Independence: An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1990. (ISBN 0-917617-25-8) 83

No. 27. Loroña, Lionel. Bibliography ofLatin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report. 1989-1990. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1990. (ISBN 0- 917617-27-4)

No. 28. Muricy, Carmen M. The Brazilian Amazon: Institutions and Publications. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1990. (ISBN 0-917617-26-6)

No. 29. Miller, Shelley. Latin American Serial Publications Available by Exchange: Mexico, Central America and Panama. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1991. (ISBN 0-917617-29-0)

No. 30. Loroña, Lionel V. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report, 1990-1991. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1992. (ISBN 0-917617-29-0) [i/c]

No. 31. Loroña, Lionel V. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report, 1991-1992. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1992. (ISBN 0-917617-34-7)

No. 32. Kamo, Howard L., and Beverly Joy-Kamo. Directory of Vendors of Latin American Library Materials. 4th ed., rev. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1993. (ISBN 0-917617-35-5)

No. 33. Varona, Esperanza B. de. Posters of the Cuban Diaspora: A Bibliography. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1993. (ISBN 0-917617-36-3)

No. 34. Williams, Gayle Ann. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report, 1992-1993. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1993. (ISBN 0-917617-40-1) "Dedicated to the Memory of Dr. Nettie Lee Benson"

No. 35. Williams, Gayle Ann. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report, 1993-1994. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1994. (ISBN 0-917617-42-8)

No. 36. Miller, Shelley, and Gabriela Sonntag-Grigera. Serial Publications Available by Exchange: Caribbean Area. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1994. (ISBN 0-917617-45-2)

No. 37. Sonntag-Grigera, Gabriela. Serial Publications Available by Exchange: Spanish South America. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1995. (ISBN 0-917617- 46-0)

No. 38. Johnson, Peter T., and Francisco J. Fonseca. Cuba, from Colony to Revolution: A Bibliography of Microforms. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1996. (ISBN 0-917617-47-9)

No. 39. Williams, Gayle Ann. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report, 1994-1995. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1996. (ISBN not given)

No. 40. Williams, Gayle Ann. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report, 1995-1996. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1997. (ISBN 0- 917617-53-3)

No. 41. Cooney, Jerry W. Paraguay: A Bibliography of Bibliographies. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1997. (ISBN 0-917617-54-1) 84

No. 42. Peet, Terry C, and Marta Stiefel Ayala. A Guide to Spanish Correspondence for Acquisitions Librarians. 2nd ed. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1997. (ISBN 0-91 76 17-55-X)

No. 43. Williams, Gayle Ann. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report, 1996-1997. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1998. (ISBN 0- 917617-56-8)

No. 44. Williams, Gayle Ann. Index Guide to Latin American Journals. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1999. (ISBN 0-917617-60-6)

No. 45. Williams, Gayle Ann. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report 1997-1998. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1999. (ISBN 0- 917617-61-4)

No. 46. Howard-Reguindin, Pamela, and Frida Garbati. Guide to Serial Publications Available by Exchange: Brazil / Guia de publiQoes periódicas disponíveis por intercambio: Brasil. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 2000. (ISBN 0-917617-62-2)

No. 47. Shirey, Lynn M., and Sandra Pike Raichel. Directory of Vendors of Latin American Library Materials. 5th ed., rev. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 2001. (ISBN 0-917617-65-7)

No. 48. Hamerly, Michael T. Bibliography of Ecuadorian Bibliographies, 1881-2000. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 2001. (ISBN 0-917617-66-5)

No. 49. Williams, Gayle Ann. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report 1998-1999. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 2002. (ISBN 0- 917617-67-3)

No. 50. Vázquez, Lourdes. Hablar sobre Julia: Julia de Burgos, bibliografía 1934-2002. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 2002. (ISBN 0-917617-68-1)

No. 51. Williams, Gayle Ann. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report 1999-2000. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 2004. (ISBN 0- 917617-70-3)

No. 52. Cossio, Rosa E., et al. Bibliografía anotada del manejo comunitario de los bosques en México, con bibliografía adicional sobre los bosques de México en general. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 2004. (ISBN 0-917617-71-1)

No. 53. Williams, Gayle Ann. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report 2000/2001-2001/2002. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 2005. (ISBN 0-917617-74-6)

No. 54. Bamhart, Anne C. Finding Women Writers of Costa Rica: A Bibliographical Guide to Anthologies ofPoetry and Short Stories. New Orleans, La.: SALALM Secretariat, 2007. (ISBN 0-917617-78-9)

No. 55. Williams, Gayle Ann. Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, Annual Report 2002/2003-2003/2004. New Orleans, La.: SALALM Secretariat, 2007. (ISBN 0-917617-79-7) "Dedicated to the memory of Eduardo Lozano" 85

Latin American Information Series

No. 1. Howe, Robert. North American Free Trade Agreement: Selected Annotated References, 1989-1992. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1992. (ISBN 0- 917617-31-2)

No. 2. Deal, Carl W. Academic Publishing in Mexico. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1993. (ISBN 0-917617-33-9)

No. 3. Subcommittee for Serials, Scott Van Jacob, comp. Current Latin American Environmental Journals: A Selective Bibliography 1993. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1993. (ISBN 0-917617-37-1)

No. 4. Deal, Carl W. Academic Publishing in Ecuador. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1994. (ISBN 0-917617-44-4)

No. 5. Deal, Carl W. Academic Publishing in Chile. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1996. (ISBN 0-917617-48-7)

Subsequent issues (6 and below) are available at, edited by Laura D. Shedenhelm

No. 6. Vázquez, Lourdes. De identidades: María Luisa Bemburg, filmografia y bibliografía. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Libraries,

laisno6html. Accessed August 9, 2007. No. 6a. Vázquez, Lourdes. De identidades: María Luisa Bemburg, filmografia y bibliografía, 1967-2006. 2nd ed., rev. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Libraries. Accessed August 9, 2007.

No. 7. Siegmund, Marianne. Film in Latin America: A Selective Bibliography, 1999. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Libraries,

Accessed August 9, 2007.

No. 8. Espejo, Olga. La obra de Carmen Ollé y crítica sobre la misma. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Libraries,

Accessed August 9, 2007.

Other Serial Publications

Resolutions of the . . . Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials and List of Committees

i4 [First-SixthT

4. Resolutions and Recommendations of the Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials [First-Sixth, ¡956-1961] appeared as "Appendix 4" in M. Daniels, The Seminars on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: A Seven Year Report, 1956 to 1962 (Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union, 1962). (Estudios Bibliotecarios, no. 4) 86

• [Seventh-Seventeenth] Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union; General Secretariat of the

Organization of American States, 1962-1972. (Cuadernos Bibliotecológicos, no. 9, etc.)

• [Eighteenth-Twentieth] Amherst, Mass.: Secretariat, Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, University Library, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1973-1975.

• [Twenty-First-Twenty-Third] Austin, Tex.: Secretariat, Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Benson Latin American Collection, General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin, 1976-1978.

Ceased with 23rd ed., 1978.

Microfilming Projects Newsletter. Vol. 1, no. 1-, 1964-. Issued semiannually, later annually. Appeared as a working paper of the seminar 1970-1982, edited by Suzanne Hodgman (nos. 1-24). From 1983- published separately and edited by Basil Malish, nos. 25—43

(2001); new ser., no. 1 (2002)-.

Microfilming Projects Newsletter. Index: 1-20, by Suzanne Hodgman, appeared in the Final Report and Working Papers of SALALM XXV (1980).

Bibliographies of Bibliographies

The bibliographic output of Latin America and its documentation in bibliographies was an early concern of SALALM. Early sessions are peppered with reports on national bibliographies, and the annual report on bibliographies was soon a feature. At the 1983 conference, a proposal was approved to include the Annual Report on Latin American and Carribbean Bibliographies in the "Bibliography and Reference Series." These reports had appeared in the Final Report and Working Papers for SALALM VI-XXVII; the most frequent compilers included Daniel Raposo Cordeiro and Haydée Piedracueva.

• SALALM VI-IX: Annual Report on Latin American and Carribbean Bibliographic Activities;

• SALALM X: A Report of Bibliographic Activities, 1964, with a Selected List of Recent Latin American Bibliographies;

• SALALM Xl-XX: Annual Report on Latin American and Carribbean Bibliographic Activities;

• SALALM XXI-XXIH: A Bibliography ofLatin American Bibliographies;

• SALALM XXrV-XXV: Latin American and Carribbean Bibliographic Activities;

• SALALM XXVI-XXVIL Bibliography ofBibliographies. 87

Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies (ISSN 0884-3902). Published within the "Bibliography and Reference Series," nos. 10-11. Compiled by Lionel V. Loroña, 1982/1983-1983/1984. succeeded by:

Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies (ISSN 1051-5836). Published within the "Bibliography and Reference Series," nos. 15, etc. Compiled by Lionel V. Loroña, 1984/1985-1991/1992; and Gayle Ann Williams, 1992/1993-.

SALALM Newsletter. Vol. 1, no. 1- (January 1973-)

The Executive Board approved the establishment of a newsletter at its 1972 midwinter meeting. The Newsletter was irregularly published in its first few years, but by vol. 3, no. 3

(March 1976), it settled into a pattern of four issues per year (September, December, March,

June). It maintained this schedule until 1989 (vol. 17) when a special October "Conference Issue" was introduced. It actually established as permanent the special supplement to vol. 16, no. 1, which had carried the conference reports of the previous year. Soon the frequency of the Newsletter expanded to the present six numbers per year (vol. 19, 1991/1992), publishing in June, August, October, December, February, and April. About this same time, advertising was accepted to help defray the costs of the added numbers.

The earliest numbers established the basic content with each issue containing all or most of the following features: Message from the President, News from the Secretariat, Personalities in the News, Bookdealer/Publisher News, New Periodicals List, Periodicals News, Significant Acquisitions, Institutional News, and Informational Notes. Occasional feature articles or special bibliographies were also frequent. Special committee reports also appeared although annual committee reports were generally still published in the annually issued Final Report and Working

Papers through no. XXV ( 1 980).

As time went on, the regular features may have changed names (Personalities in the News to Member News, for instance) or items previously subsumed in a broad category became features on their own (New Members emerging from News from the Secretariat), but the basic content followed the original concept. The largest change was the addition of items previously published as conference fmal reports in the early eighties and subsequent expansion from four to six numbers per year. New features did appear, also, such as a calendar of international conferences of interest for Latin American studies.

Barbara G. Valk indexed the first fourteen years of the Newsletter. Her "Cumulative

Index, Vol. I-III" appeared as a supplement to vol. 4, no. 1 (September 1976), followed by

"Cumulative Index, Volume FV" in vol. 5, no. 1 (September 1977). Finally, these were combined with vol. 5 added, as "Cumulative Index, Vol. I-V" in a supplement to vol. 6, no. 1 (September 1978). This latter fulfilled the recommendation of the editor, made at the 1978 midwinter meeting of the Executive Board, for "the inclusion of a cumulative index in the Newsletter every fifth year." Accordingly, "SALALM Newsletter Cumulative Index, Vol. VI-X" appeared in 1983.

Valk also indexed vol. 1 1 (in 12:2); vol. 12 (in 13:2), vol. 13 (in 14:3), and vol. 14 (in 15:2).

Subsequent volumes of the Newsletter went unindexed until vol. 24-vol. 28 (August 1996-June 2001) when each carried their own indexes in no. 6 of the volume, compiled by the editor. The index for vol. 29 (2001-2002) appeared in vol. 31, no.l; for vol. 30 (2002-2003) in vol. 31, no. 2. In no. 6 of vol. 31, the practice of each volume containing its own editor-compiled index in its last number was resumed. 88

Newsletter editors and coeditors, 1973-present:

David Zubatsky vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1973)-vol. 3, no. 1 (May 1975)

Barbara J. Robinson vol. 3, no. 2 (Nov. 1975)-vol. 8, no. 4 (June 1981)

Sammy R. Alzofon vol. 9, no. 1 (Sept. 1981)-vol. 10, no. 4 (June 1983)

Marian Goslinga vol. 1 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1983)-vol. 15, no. 3 (Mar. 1988)

Russ Davidson vol. 15, no. 4 (June 1988)-vol. 16, no. 4 (June 1989)

Laurence Hallewell vol. 17, no. 1 (Sept. 1989>-vol. 23, no. 6 (June 1996)

Nancy L. Hallock vol. 24, no. 1 (Aug. 1996)-vol. 28, no. 6 (June 2001)

Hortensia Calvo, Adán Griego vol. 29, no. 1 (Aug. 2001)-vol. 29, no. 6 (June 2002)

Nerea Llamas, Mary Jo Zeter vol. 30, no. 1 (Aug. 2002)-vol. 33, no. 6 (June 2006)

Nerea Llamas vol. 34, no. 1 (Aug. 2006)-


1. Abella, Rosa, Amelia Mederos, and Haydée Piedracueva. Index to the SALALM Progress Reports, 1956-1970. Amherst, Mass.: SALALM Secretariat, 1975.

2. Calimano, Ivan E. Index to Spanish Language Short Stories in Anthologies. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1994. (ISBN 0-917617 41 -X)

3. Daniels, Marietta. The Seminars on the Acquisition ofLatin American Library Materials: A Seven Year Report, 1956 to 1962. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union, 1962. (Estudios Bibliotecarios, no. 4)

4. Flores, Marta D. Fuentes para estudios latinoamericanos en Chile: contribución a un directorio. Santiago de Chile: SEREC, 1991. (prepared for the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials)

5. Oliver, Eileen C. Afro-Brazilian Religions: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography, 1900- 1997. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1998. (ISBN 0-917617-57-6)

6. SALALM. Basic Documents of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Inc. Washington, D.C.: Unión Panamericana; Secretaría General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos, 1968. (Cuadernos Bibliotecológicos, no. 45)

7. SALALM. Basic Documents of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Inc. 2nd ed. Amherst, Mass.: SALALM Secretariat, 1975.

8. SALALM. Basic Documents of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Inc. 3rd ed., rev. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1981.

9. SALALM. Basic Documents of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Inc. 2 vols. 1985 ed. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1985. (ISBN 0- 917617-05-3) .


10. SALALM. Basic Documents of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library

Materials: Part I, Constitution and Articles of Incorporation. 1998 ed. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat. http://www,lib. .htm.

1 1 SALALM. Basic Documents of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Part II, Operational Handbook. 1999 ed. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat.

12. SALALM. Basic Documents of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Part III, Code ofExecutive Board Decisions. 1998 ed. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat. http://www.lib.utexas.edU/benson/saialm/salalmPt3.htm#intro99.

13. SALALM. Basic Documents of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Part III, Code ofExecutive Board Decisions. 2002 ed. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat.

14. Stem, Peter A. Sendero Luminoso: An Annotated Bibliography of the Shining Path Guerrilla Movement, 1980-1993. Madison, Wise: SALALM Secretariat, 1995. (ISBN 0-

9 1 76 1 7-43-6) "Dedicated to the memory of Shelley Miller ( 1 954-1 994)"

15. Whitmore, Marilyn P. Latin American Publications Available by Gift or Exchange. 2 vols. Austin, Tex.: SALALM Secretariat, 1977-1978.


SALALM Homepage (

The SALALM Homepage was founded in the early 1990s by David Block with Cornell University acting as host. Initially begun as a convenient repository of resources useful to members, the homepage was designated by the Executive Board as SALALM 's Official Homepage in 1996, with David Block as webmaster.

In early 2007 a redesigned homepage was launched, using the same address, but hosted by the library at Binghamton University (SUNY). Martha Kelehan succeeded Block as webmaster with the launch of the new site.

The secretariat provides much of the homepage content: official documents, publications lists and publication guidelines, committee lists, and the like.

Many of the resources "on" the homepage consist of links to sites maintained elsewhere.

Each of the annual conferences since 1999 has had a separate conference site, generally hosted by the host institution for that conference. Some of the sites for past conferences continue to be available.

In recent years, several of the committees or subcommittees have launched websites linked from the homepage. These relate broadly to the committee purpose (e.g.. Membership) or may be a specific targeted project related to its purpose (e.g., Resources for Bibliographic Instruction in Latin American Studies, a project of the Subcommittee on Bibliographic Instruction). These are growing, and a new trend may be to add blog or wiki features to distribute management responsibilities and expand contribution by various members. 90

Links are also present for each of the SALALM "Affiliate" groups: regional cooperatives (CALAFIA, LANE, etc.), project-oriented (LAMP, ARL Project), and the recently formed Iberian Studies in SALALM interest group (ISIS).

The more formal, or static, publications include:

Latin American Information Series, no. 6 and following (see Series, above)

Basic Documents, 1998 ed. forward (see Separate Publications, above)

(LALA-L) Latin Americanist Library Announcement List ([email protected])

This electronic discussion list, founded and still moderated by Gayle A. Williams, has been in operation since August 19, 1991. First hosted at the University of Georgia in Athens, it migrated to Emory University for several years and very recently moved to Florida International University.

The list is exclusively for SALALM members. The number of members subscribing to the list has climbed steadily over the years to be very nearly 100 percent. It has proved to be a vital link for members seeking advice and resources as well as a ready information sharing tool. 1 1 11




Bold Arabic numersi\s=Final Reports and Working Papers; Papers

Bold numeral signifies the seminar number; non-bold Arabic numerals and letters following signify working papers (number) or reports (letter) for that seminar corresponding to the paper number in the content listings, (e.g., 30:12 = SALALM XXX, paper no. 12); (R.G.) signifies Rapporteur General

BRS=Bibliography and Reference Series

hAlS=Latin American Information Series

NL^SALALM Newletter

SP=Separate Publications

EP=Electronic Publications

Abad, Ramón, 45:21 Alzofon, Sammy R., 21:4; 22:D; 24:H; NL Abella, Rosa M., 11:5; 12:15; 13:4; 19:34; 21:20; Editor 9:1 (Sept. 1981)- 10:4 (June 1983)

SP 1 Amaya de Heredia, Margarita, 20:8 Abreu, Juan, 30:6 Amorde Foumier, Carolina, 14:5

Acosta, Eliades, 47:9 Anderson, Teresa J., 15:7; 26:5 Acosta-Rodriguez, Fernando, 45:10 Anderson-Imbert, Margarita, 21 :A; 30:38 Acuña Ramos, Carlos Alberto, 42:7 Anrup, Roland, 23:12

Aguayo, Jorge, 6: Antonio, Irati, 36:34 Aguilar Velarde, Teresa, 46:6 Appel, Myra L., 45:4 Albero Vergara, Danilo, 31:1 Apperson, Frances, 8:16; 19:36 Alegría, Fernando, 33:9 Aranda-Coddou, Patricio, 33:30 Alexis Fils, Gerald, 34:5 Arellano, Jorge Eduardo, 28:6 Alfaro, Gloria de, 39:15, 16 Arellano, Roma, 40: 15 Alfaro Ugalde, Jeannette, 39:34 Arenas, Reinaldo, 30:7

Alleyne, Alvona, 21:14; 24: 1 Arends, Tulio, 14:10 Almodóvar Muñoz, Carmen, 38:32 Argueta, Mario, 19:14

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, 50: 1 Armendáriz Sánchez, Saúl, 38:23 Alvarado García, Ernesto, 7:12 Armstrong, James C, 38:37 Alvarado Reina, Ernesto, 7: 12 Arteaga Carlebach, Georgina, 33:24 Alvarez, Carmen, 19:1 Asociación Costarricense de Bibliotecarios, Alvear, Alfredo, 11:6, 7 10:14, 15 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 6


Astroff, Roberta, 46:3 Bohórquez, Judith, 19:10 Aufderheide, Patricia, 30:27 Bohórquez C, José Ignacio, 11:4 Aviles Valdez, Cecilia, 39:5 Bolin, William H., 33:8

Avram, Henriette, 27: 1 Bondaro, Samuel B., 28:8 Baa, Enid M., 5:3; 8:10; 9:4 Bondaro, Swama, 28:8 Babini, Dominique, 50:23 Borah, Woodrow, 33:5 Bach, Susan, 21:1; 31:14 Borchardt,D.H., 19:31 Baer, Donald E., 26:18 Bork,A.W., 4:5; 6:4; 8:14 Baeza, Gilda, 25:1 Bom, Rubens Harry, 35:8 Baker, E.G., 8:15 Bosch Garcia, Carlos, 16:10 Balby, Claudia Negrao, 34:33; 36:34 Boylan, Ray, 25: Ball, Alice Dulany, 1:4; 3:B; 17:B; 20:K Brading, David, 23:5 Ballantyne, Lygia Maria F. C, 33:36, 39, 40; Brady, Mary Ruth Magruder, 17:7; 19:3 BRS6 Brandao, Margarida Luiza Ribeiro, 35:9 Bandara, Samuel B., 43:14 Breedlove, James M., 9:8; 33:15 Baptiste, Fitzroy Andre, 24:10 Breitfeld, Alfredo, 19:29 Barberena Blásquez, Elsa, 26:2; 31:17; 34:29; Brem, Walter, 26:10; 28:13; 29:14; 39:7 39:18; 42:20; 47:11; 48:23 Brennan, Mary, 9:9

Barickman, B. J., 46:4 Brenner, Sandra F., 8:6 Bamhart, Anne C, 45:16; 46:2; 47:12; 49:14; Bresie, Mayellen, 15 (R.G.) BRS54 Bretney,Nel, 32:7; 48:21 Bamhart-Park, James, 45:17 Brewster, Beverly J., 17:1 Barreto, Rachel C, 37:13 Briscoe, Peter, 31:28

Barreto Pastrana, Enrique, 38:23 Brow, Ellen H., 22: 1 5; 32: 1 5; 33: 14 Barrett, Jane R., 26:22 Brown, Doris R., 20:F Bary, Paul, 46:8 Brown, Enid M., 43:9; 44:2; 48:21; 50:24 Bayer, Osvaldo, 31:2 Brown, Frances G., 6:5 Becerra, Bertha, 15:12 Brunnschweiler, Támara, 21 :B Becker, Robert H., 12:10 Bryant, Solena, 20:C Beezley, William, 37:5 Bueno Tomé, José Luis, 19:46

Bello, Francisco, 31:13 Burciaga García, Alfredo, 40: 1 Bénaud, Claire-Lise, 44:1; 45:22; 46:18; 47:7 Burgi, Sergio, 35:24

Benavides, Adán, 46: 1 5; 48: 16; 50: 1 Bum, Barbara B., 25:2 Benjamin, Joel, 24:13 Bums, Mary Ferris, 22:B Benson, Nettie Lee, 1:14; 5:12; 6:2, 3; 10:7; 12:5; Burms, Emest J., 3:6 19:25,39 Burton, Julianne, 31:4 Benson, Susan Shattuck, 14 (R.G.); 15 (R.G.); Bustamante, Jorge I., 34:26 32:12; 33:23 Cabala, Luciano, 14:1 Berenguer L., Herta, 19:44; 22:1 Caballero, César, 25:3 Berry, Paul L., 1:16, A, B Cabello- Argandoña, Roberto, 21:21; 26:26

Bervas- Rodriguez, Emmanuel le, 38:22 Calimano, Iván E., SP 2 Betancourt Valverde, Virginia, 32:4 Calvo, Hortensia, NL Coeditor 29:1-6 (Aug. Biggins, Alan, 36:4 2001 -June 2002) Bilbao, Jon, 37:7 Calzada Bobak, Alina, 43: Birkhead, Ceres Boeira, 31:7 Camacho Navarro, Enrique, 47:8 Bixler, Paul, 12:24; 16:8 Campos Hazan, Marcelo, 42:25 Blakemore, Harold, 23:2 Canevari de Paredes, Donna, 42:4; 49:10 Blasier, Cole, 36:2 Capel, María Cristina, 30: 13 Blazo, John, 30:52 Capel, María Elena, 21:3 Block, Carmen, 48:23 Cárdenas, Patricia, 35:26 Block, David, 31:11; 33:3; 34:19, 20; 35:2; Cárdenas Pérez, Luisa, 19:15 36:30; 37 (Editor); 45:9; 46:19; BRS 9, 16, Carlson, Jerry W., 41:6 22; EP: Homepage Editor, 1996-2007 Carreño, Angela M., 33:38; 38:14; 49 (Editor) Bloomfield, Valerie, 24:12 Carter, Lilly, 1:11

Boatler, Robert W., 26:19 Carter, William E., 22: 1 ; 25:4; 27: 16 Boer, Kees den, 23:14 Carvajal, Manuel J., 21:9 8 8 1 1


Castaño Castillo, Alvaro, 20:13; 48:12 D'Andraia, Dana, 33:41 Castro, Claudio de Moura, 27:9 Daniels, Marietta. See Shepard, Marietta Daniels Castro, Donald S., 30:29; 35:5 Dardón Córdoba, Gonzalo, 7: 11; 19: 13 Castro, María de los Angeles, 30:59 Davidson, Martha, 30:62; 34:1 Castro, Martha de, 19:33 Davidson, Russ, 28:3; 39:38; NL Editor 15:4 Castro de Roque, Josefina, 39:35 (June 1988)-1 6:4 (June 1989)

Catrilaf Balboa, Fresia, 48:13 Davies, Thomas M., Jr., 36:6 Celis Carbajal, Paloma, 50:18 Deal, Carl W., 10:3; 11:3; 12:22; 13:8; 16:12; Cervetti de Rodríguez, Selma, 29:7 17:8; 21:C; 27:16; 30:43; 31:24; 33:12;

Chabran, Richard, 26:25 35:4; 36:31; 40:5; 42:26; LAIS 2, 4, 5 Chafee, Lyman, 31:3 Deamaley, Carolyn, 12:24

Chandler, M. J., 5:4 Deere, Carmen Diana, 49:

Chaparro, Luis, 25:5 De la Garza, Peter J., 6:9; 7:6; 8:5; 9 (R.G.); 10 Chavez Villa, Micaela, 38:40 (R.G.);11(R.G.);12(R.G.);28:2 Childs, James B., 6:5 De la Tierra, Tatiana, 50:22 Chinchilla, Rosa Esther de, 19:14 DellaCava, Ralph, 50:1

Cid Carmona, Víctor J., 47:10; 48:5 Diaz, Albert James, 9:6 Cleary, Edward L., 42:1 Diaz-Briquets, Sergio, 26:3 Cleveland, Ana D., 28:10 Diaz Rodriguez, Maria del Rosario, 43:2 Cline, Herman H., 13:3; 14:3 Divinsky, Daniel, 36:14

Cline, Howard F., 1:10, C; 2:3; 4:9 Doares, Juanita S., 13:7 Cobos, Ana María, 31:27; 40:12; 45:24 Dolkart, Ronald H., 30:32 Cohen, NinaT., 13:6 Dolland, Allison C. B., 48:19; 49:2 Coligan, Nelda, 37: 18 Domínguez, Daisy, 49:7 Colíndrez O., Ramiro, 19:14 Domínguez Díaz, Marta, 34:2, 31, 38; 35:7;

Collier, Simon, 23:6; 44:6 36:12; 38:10, 1 1; 39:8; 50:12 Collings, Dorothy, 18:11 Dorfman, Ariel, 36:19 Collins, Pauline, 19:1 (Editor); 20 (Editor) Doria, Irene, 9:7

Colombi, Beatriz, 31 : 1 ; 43: 1 Dom, Georgette M., 30:35; 38:35; 41:13; 42:8; Colson, Harold, 33:48 48:11; 50:5 Connolly, Brendan, 10:5 Douglas, Daphne, 32:6 Conway, Paul, 41:12 Douglass, Robert R., 16:6

Cooney, Jerry W., 40:25; BRS 41 D'Oyley, Enid F., 21 :F; 23:A; 24:3; 30:20; Coppola, Dominick, 1:6; 13:5 31:10 Cordeiro, Daniel Raposo, 14:3; 15:3; 19:20; 21:1; Drewes, Arlene T., 14:17 22:1; 23:J Dudley, Norman, 12:4 Córdoba G., Saray, 44:3 Dyson, John P., 20:6 Corona Berkin, Sarah, 39:6 Eakin, Marshall C, 44:20 Cortés, Jesús, 41:21 Easton, David K., 5:5; 14:9 Cossio, Rosa E., BRS 52 Edelman, Hendrik, 17:12 Costa de Ramos, Carmen Mi, 30:34 Ehrman, Edith, 12:17 Coutin, Rafael, 19:35 Elkin, Judith Laikin, 30:9

Couture de Troismonts, Roberto, 10:12 Elmendorf, George F., 28:4; 36: 1 1 ; 38:8; 39:41 Covington, Paula Hattox, 24:E; 33 (Editor); BRS El Salvador. General Direction of Libraries and 8 Archives, 10:16, 17 Cox, Barbara G. See Valk, Barbara G. Escriu, Maria A., 26:23

Cox, Marilyn, 22:18 Esenwein, George, 34: 1 Crary, Eleanor Ross, 26:26 Espejo, Olga, 40:3; LAIS 8 Cravens, Sally, 19:36 Espinal de Hoetink, Ligia, 9:4 Criscuolo, Eduardo L., 20:24 Espinosa, Ximena, 11:6, 7 Cruz, Adelina Maria Alves Novaes e, 35:21 Espinosa Arango, Carolina, 49:5 Cruz-Taura, Graciella, 24:9; 32:30; 43:10 Esteban del Campo, Ángel, 39:10; 42:19

Cubas, María I., 23:H Etchepareborda, Roberto, 22:8; 27:3 Culebra de Soberanes, Cecilia, 19:30 Evans, Luther H., 12:30 Curiel Ballesteros, Arturo, 38:9 Ezquerra, Isabel, 40:8 Dahlin, Terry, 24:16 Faba Beaumont, Gladys, 38:24 1 2 1 7 5 8 11 1


Fabilli, Josephine C, 1:3 Cocking, William E., 5:1 1; 12:25

Ferguson, Stephanie, 19:12 González, Ariel, 48: 1 Feria, Rosa M., 30:15; 31:18 González, Armando, 15:5 Femandes, Maria José da Silva, 35:23 González, Luis A., 48:25; 50:8 Fernández, Angel, 10:13 González, Nelly S., 25:6; 26:8; 28:13; 29:14; Fernández-Caballero, Carlos F. S., 10:19; BRS 3 32:26; 34:9; 35:25; 36:32; 37:21; 38:27; Fernández de Rodríguez, Anamaria, 20:27 39:22 (Editor); 40:2; 41:9; 42:24; 44:14;

Fernández de Zamora, Rosa María, 37: 1 45:14; 46:17; 48:2; 49:12; 50:13 Fernández Vignolo, Ana María, 38:41 González, Yara, 20:21

Ferraz, María Antonia, 1 :9 González Henríquez, Adolfo, 48:6 Figueiredo, Paulo Jorge Moraes, 40:14 Gordiano Croes, Antonio, 32:1

Figueredo, Danilo H., 30: 1 ; 31 :20 Gordillo, Roberto A., 16: 13

Figueredo, Femando J., 15:10 Gormly, Mary, 23:8; 24:G Fineman, Charles S., 27: 13; 33:46 Goslinga, Marian, 23: D; 44:15; 48:3; NL Editor Finzi, John, 27:17 11:1 (Sept. 1983)-15:3 (Mar. 1988) Fischer, Edward F., 44:21 Graham, Ann Hartness. See Hartness, Ann Fischer de Figueroa, Marie-Claire, 31:16; 32:23 Graham, Frederick W., 39:20

Fittipaldi de Gimeno, Teresa, 35: 16 Graham, Pamela M., 43: 1

Floren, Luis, 6:8 Graham, Richard, BRS 1 Floren R., Marisol, 24:8 Graham-Yooll, Andrew, 31:5 Flores, Edmundo, 38:38 Grases, Pedro, 6:10, 11 Flores, Marta D., SP 4 Graubart, Karen B., 47: Flores, Raquel, 14:7 Gravenhorst, Hans, 14:20; 18:7, 13

Flores Ordóñez, Rigoberto, 40: 1 Greenwood, Davydd J., 37:1

Folgarait, Leonard, 44:7 Grenz, Wolfgang, 23: 1

Fonseca, Francisco J., BRS 38 Griego, Adán, NL Coeditor 29:1-6 (Aug. 2001- Ford, Charlotte, 10:6 June 2002) Forster, Merlin H., 39:4 Griffen, Agnes M., 25:7 Fort, Gilberto V., 14:8 Grodsky, May R., 5:2 Foster, David William, 39:2 Grondona, Adela, 20:26 Freudenthal, Juan R., 18:9; 19:32; 20:H; 24:1; Gropp, Arthur E., 3:C; 12:2 27:12 Grossman, George, 7:6; 8:3 Fuster Retali, José, 48:14 Grossmann, Jorge, 1:15 Ganson, Judy, 33:19 Grothey, Mina Jane, 22:H; 28:1; 30:19, 51; 32

Garbati, Frida, 42: 1 2; BRS 46 (Editor); 38:26; 44:17 García, Gervasio Luis, 30:21 Grover, Mark L., 22:6; 26:27; 30:48; 33:20; García, Virginia, 45:12 40:18; 42 (Editor); 44:16; 45:13; 50:3 García Cambeiro, Femando, 19:27; 21:6 Gudde, Elisabeth K., 3 (R.G.) García Cambeiro, Martín, 33:45 Guerra, Ana, 12:21

García Carranza, Araceli, 38:3 1 ; 48: 1 Guerra Milligan, Roberto, 40:7 García Mazo, Maribel, 37:9 Gutiérrez, Laura. See Gutierrez-Witt, Laura García Ramos, Reinaldo, 30:5 Gutiérrez, Margo, 25:8 Gardner, Jeffrey, 36:28 Gutiérrez-Witt, Laura, 18:14; 21:2; 25:9; 30:44; Gamer, Jane, 12:6; 13:2; 14:2; 15:2; 16:2; 17:2, 31:23; 32:3; 39:1

7 (R.G.); 18:2 (R.G.); 28: 1 1 (Editor) Guttentag Tichauer, Werner, 9:11; 18:6, 10; Garrard-Bumett, Virginia, 42:6 19:28; 20:5; 31:15; 34:22

Garsd, Marta, 34:4 Hale, Richard W., Jr., 3:2 Garza Mercado, Ario, 19:30 Hallewell, Laurence, 20:9; 21:13; 22: A, M; 24 Gates, Thomas P., 34:36 (Editor); 26:21; 27:1; 30:30, 67; 31:12; Gauz, Valeria, 50:14 33:33; 38:43; NL Editor 17:1 (Sept. 1989)- Gerez,Toni de, 12:16; 19:48 23:6 (June 1996) Gerlach, Arch C, 1:12 Hallock, Nancy L., NL Editor 24:1 (Aug. 1996)- Gerson, Mauricio, 30:2 28:6 (June 2001) Gibbs, Donald L., 19:13; 21:D; 24:M Hamerly, Michael T., BRS 48 Gil, Federico G., 29:1 Hanson, Heidi, 26:10; 29:14

Glade, William P., 22:4; 23: 1 ; 26: Harb, Sara, 48:10 1 1


Harkness, Albert, Jr., 3:3 Jackson, H. Kenneth, 12:8 Harris, Maureen, 21 :E Jackson, William Vernon, 8:12; 12:18; 28:12

Harris, Patricia R., 17:A; 19:9 Jacob, Scott. See Van Jacob, Scott J.

Hart, George C, 20:D, G; 21 :G Jaén J., Ana Maria, 19:19 Hartness, Ann, 17:10; 21:H; 22:14; 26:13; 35 Jakubs, Deborah L.. 27:19; 29:2; 31:9; 32:11; (Editor); 50:7 36 (Editor); 40: 18; 41:14; BRS 21 Harvell, Tony A., 37:4 James, Jerry R., 15:8 Hass, Patricia R. de, 21 :N Januskis, Lola, 22:13

Haverkamp, Dan, 39:44 Jefferson, Albertina A., 24: 1 Haverstock, Nathan A., 5:9 Jerabek Wuellner, Margarita, 34:6, 7 Hazen, Dan C, 22:E; 25:10 (Editor) 30:41 Jiménez, Michael F., 30:8 (Editor); 32:17; 36:23, 26; 37:17; 40:18; Jiptner, Marie-Thérése, 23:21 44:4 Jizba, Laurel, 20:14; 21:11 Hébert, John R., 30:42 Johnson, Harvey L., 12:7; 20:18 Heffeman, Don, 19:41 Johnson, Margaret H., 30:39; 31:25 Heiliger, Edward M., 19:37 Johnson, Peter T., 16:5; 17:3; 18:3; 19:22, 42, Heilprin, Laurence B., 3:5 43; 22:10; 24:C; 25:F; 31:22; 34:37; BRS Helenese-Paul, Kathleen, 44:8; 48:21 38 Henket-Hoomweg, Juliette L. M. G., 24:6 Johnson, Randal, 27:6 Henn'quez, Pedro Hernán, 30:16 Jones, Charles A., 26:24 Herd, Jan, 23:F Jones, Edwin, BRS 14 (Intro)

Herrera, Carmen D. de, 7: 14 Jones, John Rison, Jr., 27:18 Herrera, Inés María, 7:14 Jordan, Alma T., 13 (R.G.); 18:12; 19:7; 20:M; Herrera, Luis, 36:21 21:0; 22:0; 23:L

Herrera C, J. Noé, 16:24, 25; 19:26, 43; 33:26; Jordan, Anne H., 21 :G (Editor); 22 (Editor); 23 34:24 (Editor)

Herzog, Lawrence A., 33:7 Joseph, Jennifer, 44:9; 46: 1 Hibay, Denise A., 47 (Editor) Joy-Kamo, Beverly, 34:21; BRS 32 Hilton, Ronald, 14:25 Juncosa, José E., 37:3 Hingson, Jesse, 50:9 Kahler, Mary Ellis, 20:1, 12; 21 :L; 22:K; 23:19; Hintner, Jo, 25:D 31:8

Hixson, Imogene, 1:5 (R.G.); 8:4; 12:3 Kamo, Howard L., 33:44; 39:25; BRS 9, 16, 22, Hodgman, Suzanne, 6:12; 7:7; 15:4; 16:4; 17:5; 32

18:5; 19:5; 21:J; 22:J; 23:K; 24:0; 25:N, O, Kavass, Igor I., 29:9; 33:32 11; 26:29; 27:21; 36:20; Microfilm Keefer, Alice C, 24:L, 2 Projects Newsletter, Editor nos. 1-24 Kelehan, Martha, EP: Homepage Editor, 2007- (1964-1982), and Index for nos. 1-20 Keller, Dorothy, 7:2; 8:2; 9:2; 10:2; 11:2 Horwitz, Abraham, 14:23 Kidder, Frederick E., 5:10, 14 Hosein, Yacoob, 48:20; 49:3 Kinard, Sammy Alzofon. See Alzofon, Sammy Houze, Robert A., 15: 14 R.

Howard, Pamela. See Howard-Reguindin, Pamela King, James P., 4:3 Howard-Reguindin, Pamela, 24:A; 27 (Editor); King, Olive, 22:18 42:21; 50 (Editor); BRS 46 Kingery, Robert E., 1:1; 4:6 (R.G.)

Howe, Robert, 25:14; 26:9; LAIS 1 Klasse, Isay, 20:4 Howes, Robert, 30:24, 60; 39:13; 46:12 Knowlton, Sean Patrick, 49:13 Hoyos, Andres, 48:22 Koenig, Michael E. D., 25:12 Hoyt, Austin, 30:3 Koffinan, Louis A., 10:4 Huesemann, Carolyn, 25: H, K Kosaka, Masao, 15:13; 16:26; 20:N

Hull, Darlene, 43: 17; 45:8; 46: 1 ; 48 (Editor) Krentz, Jana Lee, 28:5 Hunter, Wendy, 44:22 Krentz-Viana, Janice Lee. See Krentz, Jana Lee Hurtado, Flor de María, 33:34 Kristal,Efrain, 45:19 Ilgen, William D., 29:3; BRS 21 Kulhawik, Leonard R., 5:10 Instituto Brasileiro de Bibliografía e Kurth, William H., 2:1, 2; 4:10; 12:23 Documenta^ao, 8:8 Kuss, Malena, 30:63 Isaacs, Cecilia, 27:5 Ladrón de Guevara Cox, Helen, 33:21 Jabbour, Alan, 27:10 Landers, Jane, 44:23 1 7


Landeryou, Sarah, 40:4; 41:4 Marchena Cárdenas, Enrique, 45:2

Lange, Frederick W., 27:4 Mareski, Sofía, 9: 1 8; 10: 1 9; 35: 1 Lara, Elmelinda, 43:7; 44:10; 46:10 Márquez, María Teresa, 25:G, 13 Lasso Jaén, Carmen C, 7:14 Martin, Dolores Moyano, 38:36 Lau, Jesús, 41:21 Martinez, José María, 3:9 Lauerhass, Ludwig, Jr., 22:5 Martínez Arellano, Filiberto Felipe, 38:25; Lavrin, Asunción, 30:17 41:18; 42:11

Leal, Luis, 33:10 Martinez Barrientos, J. Felix, 44:5 Leal, Maria Angela, 45:25 Martinez Paredes, Eduardo Ernesto, 48:9 LeDoux, Marjorie E., 9:10; 19:21; 20:A Mason, Marco Antonio, 30:12 Lellep Fernández, Renata, 30:31 Matas Anguita, Blanca, 8:13; 16:23 Lendian Deya, Lourdes, 19:49 Mathews, Thomas, 32:25 Lequerica, Martha, 19:51 Matos M., Ramiro, 27:7 Lessing, Ralph, 14:14 Matsuno Ayoubi, Carmen, 20:25 Levi, Nadia de, 10:20 Mattel de Arosemena, Olga Elena, 20: 15 Levine, Daniel H., 30:23 Maura, Mariano A., 32:9 Levy, David L., 34:12 Mayrink, Paulo Tarcisio, 36:36 Levy, Kurt L., 15:15 Mazza, Débora, 41:19 Leyte-Vidal, Celia, 27:22; 29:15 McCarthy, Cavan Michael, 30:30, 67; 34:40; Leyte-Vidal, Jesús, 27:22; 29:15 35:6; 36:35; 40:6 Leyva, Maria, 34:34 McChesney, Robert W., 41:1 Linares, Emma, 3:4 McCord, John G. W., 4:5

Lindvall, Karen J. See Lindvall-Larson, Karen McGowan, John P., 23:22 Lindvall-Larson, Karen, 30:18; 39:37; 42:9; McLean, Evadne, 43: 15

45: 18; 49:4 McNeal, Archie L., 5:1 Lisi, Cristina, 31:29 McNeil, Robert A., 23:17; 30:37; 38:2; 40 Llamas, Nerea, NL Coeditor 30:1 (Aug. 2002)- (Editor)

33:6 (June 2006); Editor 34:1 (Aug. 2006)- McNiff, Philip J., 3:8

Lo, Sara de Mundo, BRS 4 Mederos, Amelia, 15: 1 1 ; SP 1 Loewenstein, C. Jared, 20: E; 21:7 Medina, Rubens, 29:6 Loh, Eudora, 24:F; 33:35; 40:18 Mehr,Kahlile, 39:19 Londoño, Patricia, 34:8 Mella Chavier, Próspero, 24:8 Long, Elisabeth M., 22:7 Méndez Rojas, Conny, 36:15, 22; 39:33 López Adaros, Walterio, 19:16, 17 Mendieta O., Victor U., 19:18 López Morales, Carmen Yasmina, 50:17 Meneguello, Rachel, 35:20

López Vallecillos, ítalo, 20:7 Meneses, Marcela, 9: 1 Lorenzo Alcalá, May, 35:14 Mercader Martínez, Yolanda, 20:19

Loroña, Lionel V., BRS 10, 1 1, 15, 17, 20, 23, 25, Merkx, Gilbert, 36:29 27,30,31 Merubia, Sonia M., 24:K (R.G.); 27:14; 30:53 Lozano, Eduardo, 22:3 Mesa, Rosa Q., 10:8; 15:16; 16:22; 19:23; 21:10; Luft, Jean. L., 4:2 25:14; 38:30 Lynch, John, 23:9 Mesa-Lago, Carmelo, 22:3 Macaulay, Neill, 50:4 Meza Aguilar, Leonardo, 38:7 MacLean y Estenos, Alejandro, 14:13 Michaud-Oystryk, Nicole, 39:30 MacLeod, Murdo J., 40:1 Michel, Julian G., 12:10 Maddox, Brent F., 34:32 Milam, Sheila A., 33: 18 Magaloni, Ana Maria, 34:1 Miller, Barbara A., 38:4

Mahan, Elizabeth, 24:1; 26:1 1; 27:2; 41:23 Miller, Kent E., 14:8 Makuch, Andrew, 34:30 Miller, Shelley, BRS 29, 36 Maldonado de la Torre, Paulita C, 12:27 Mindlin, José, 35:1

Malish, Basil, Microfilm Projects Newsletter, Miracle, Laura J., 20:28, 29, 30 Editor nos. 25^3 (1983-2001), new ser. no. Molho, Emanuel, 19:40

1 (2002-) Molloy, Molly, 38:17, 18, 19; 39:39; 41:2; Maloney, Yolanda, 39:15, 16 50:15 Malugani, Maria Dolores, 14:22 Montalvo, Alfredo, 16:21 Manz, Beatriz, 36:17 Montbrun, Franpoise, 32:8 71 1 11 1 1 1 1


Monte-Mór, Patricia, 35:22 Pacheco, Roberto, 50:9, 10

Montes Huidobro, Matias, 20:2 1 , 22 Padín, Clemente, 39:9 Montgomery, Emma G., 8:6 Pagan Jimenez, Neida, 24:7

Moore, Richard J., 30:1 Palmer, Dorothy M., 42: 15 Morales-Saravia, José, 31:29 Paredes-Ruiz, Eudoxio, 42:3

Moran, Leila, 14:12 Pariseau, Earl J., 6:16; 18:A, D Moreno, Luis, 37:8 Parker, Dorothy, 14:6 Moreno, Roberto, 14:15 Parrish, Abraham K., 50:6

Morgan, C. Lewis, Jr., 5: Pasch,Grete, 38:21

Morgner, Fred G., 34:17, 39; 36:8 Paulson, Peter J., 7:5 Momer, Magnus, 23:3 Paz de Erickson, Ana María, 14:22 Morris, Barbara, 34: 13 Pedersen, Wendy Louise, 47:6 Morris, James O., 15:6 Peet, Terry C, 38:42; 39:40; 40:19; 42:22, 23; Morton, Ward M., 4:5 BRS 18, 42 Moss, Alan, 23:C; 29:5; 32:19; 34:23; 47:5 Pellowski, Anne, 19:47 Mott, Luiz, 30:61;39:12 Peñalosa, Femando, 2: Mounce, Virginia, 15:14; 18:B, C Penna, Carlos Victor, 1:2; 6:17; 18:12 Moynahan, Sharon, 25:A, L (R.G.); 26:12; 28:1; Perales de Mercado, Alicia, 16:15 30:46; 39:42; 46:18; 47:6, 7 Peraza, Elena V., 20:20

Muñoz Vélez, Enrique Luis, 48:7 Peraza, Fermín, 1 :8; 5:7; 6: 1 8; 8: 1 Münster, Irene L., 49:8 Pérez, Luisa, 30:10 Muraro, Rose Marie, 22:9 Perez Ortiz, Ruben, 6: 14 Muricy, Carmen M., 33:25; 36:9; 38:12, 15, 16; Phillips, Beverly, BRS 4 39:14, 21; BRS 28 Phillips, Richard F., 33:17; 44 (Editor); 46:21 Muse, Benjamin, 22:17 Pict, Fernando, 30:22 Musikman, Feh'cia, 35:23 Piedracueva, Haydée, 17:4; 18:4; 19:4; 20:E;

Musso, Luis Alberto, 9:17 24:N; 25:M; 26:28; 27:20; SP 1

Myers, L. Garrett, 2:C Pike-Raichel, Sandra J., 40:20; BRS 47 Nadurille, Ramón, 16:16 Pineiro, Miguel Angel, 9:17 Náñez Falcon, Guillermo, 39:26; 46:7 PinelO.,Orfylia, 40:11 Nason, Marshall R., 22:2 Pinero, Luisa B. de, 10:18

National Library of Australia, 16:18; 22:N; 23:M Pini Martínez, José Antonio, 35: 1 Naylor, Bernard, 19:8; 20:L; 21 :P Piatt, D. C. M., 23:4 Nelson, Reed, 24:16 Plazas, Arcadio, 20:2 Neugebauer, Rhonda L., 34:15 Poltras, Guy E., 26:4 Neumann, Vera Cristina, 39:36; 40:22, 23 Ponce, Julio Armando, 7:12 Newberry, Daniel A., 12:14; BRS 2 Posner, Marjorie, 26:15 Newton, Maureen C, 32:13 Pressburger, T. Miguel, 35:10 New York Public Library, 5: 13 Price, Robin Murray, 32:21 Nguyen-Dac, Simone A., 31:6 Priego, Femando, 6:21 Niehaus, Thomas, 29:11, 12; 33:13 Primus, Wilma, 32:14 Niño de Rivas, María Lya, 20:23 Procter, Phyllis, 19:45 Noble, Patricia E., 29:13; 36:24; 38 (Editor) Puerto, Cecilia, 48:1 Noonan, May, 32:20 Puhek, Richard, 22:C Noriega, Enrique A., 7:14 Quillen, Joan A., 36:1

Norsworthy, Kent, 40: 1 Quirós, Oscar E., 34: 14 Núñez, Ana Rosa, 15:12 Quoika-Stanka, Wanda, 39:28 Obert, Markus, 41:17 Rachow, Louis A., 41:5

O'Brien, Philip, 23:7 Raichel, Sandra Pike. See Pike-Raichel, Sandra J. Oleszkiewicz, Malgorzata, 42:17 Ramirez, William L., 12:19 Olivares, Priscila Leni, 35:18 Ramirez G., Cristina, 16:20

Oliver, Eileen, 42:1 8; SP 5 Ramos Escandón, Carmen, 37: 1

Olivos, Luis, 6:13 Randolph, Leonard, 20: 1 Olmsted, Virginia L., 25:15 Ranucci, Karen, 38:13; 41:8 Ordóñez Mercado, María E., 43:8 Ratliff, William, 34: 18

Oswald, J. Gregory, 6: 15 Raymond, Ursula, 18:8 1 1 1 17 51


Rayo M., Mariano, 40:13 Sable, Martin H., 20:31; 26:16; 28:14 Read, Glenn F., Jr., 12:29; 21:8 Saenz de Santa Maria, Carmelo, 23:13 Regus, Verónica, 32:10 Salas, Alberto, 3:10 Reid, Michele M., 41:3 Salem, M., 27:8 Rengifo, P.M., 10:18 Sales, Herberto, 20:10 Restrepo, Helena, 16:1 Salgado, María A., 29:4 Retta, Luis A., 43:3 Salinas, Lea, 6:20 Reumer, Dick, 32:5 Salles, Leila Maria Ferreira, 41:19 Revelle, Keith, 17:9 Sánchez, Sara M., 32:29; 45:6 Reyes Hernández, Ricardo, 40:7 Sánchez Cerro Mendoza, Graciela, 9:15, 16 Reynolds, Thomas H., 33:31 Sánchez Vegas, Saadia, 41:22 Rhine, Leonard, 21:5 Sandoval, Armando M., 2:3; 6:21 Riascos Sánchez, Blanca, 20:3 Sanhueza Suárez, Gabriel, 38:5 Richards, Judith E., 12:13 Santana, Adalberto, 39:45 Ricketson, Edith B., 4:4; 7:8, 9 Saravia, Enrique, 35: 12 Rieman, Nan B., 24:D SáRego,, 34:10 Rienner, Lynne, 36:13 Sater, Ana Lya, 31:27 Riquelme García, Benigno, 16:19 Schadlich Schonhals, Ursula, 33:22

Risso, Alvaro J., 30: 15; 50:20 Schaffer, Ellen C, 29:8 Roberts, Audrey, BRS 14 Schechter, John M., 30:28, 64, 65, 66 Roberts, R.J., 23:16 Schiro, Heriberto, 20: Robins, Nora D. S., 39:29 Schmidt, Henry, 37:6

Robinson, Barbara J., 33:11; 34 (Editor); 35:3; Schmidt, Karen A., 22:G

BRS 5; NL Editor 3:2 (Nov. 1975>-8:4 Schnuer, Susan, 39:31

(June 1981) Schwartz, Jorge, 35: 1

Robinson, Cecil, 25:16 Scott, Rebecca J., 32:27 Rodes, Virginia, 33:43 Selakoff, Judith, 30:40; 32:24 Rodríguez, César, 45 (Editor) Sercan, Cecilia S., 21:17; 40:21 Rodríguez, Jon Paul, 38:6 Serrano Pérez, Luis Hipólito, 38:33 Rodríguez, Ketty, 41:15 Sevillano C, Francisco, 3:7 Rodriguez-Buckingham, Antonio, 23:E, 18 Shaw, Gillian, 23:G Rodríguez Gallardo, Adolfo, 38:25 Shaw, Susan H., 41:3; 45:20 Rodríguez Masis, Rene, 28:6 Shedenhelm, Laura D., 37:20; 39:32; 40:9, 10; Rodríguez Pereyra, Ricardo, 46:9 46:20; 47:2; Editor, LAIS 6- Rogers, Rutherford D., 4:8 Shellard, Vera de Araujo, 37: 16 Roldan-Santiago, Serafín, 50:21 Shepard, Marietta Daniels, 3: A; 4:1; 5:8; 6:6, 7;

Romero Rojas, Francisco J., 20:16 7:1; 8:1; 9:1; 10:1; 11:1; 12:1; 13:1; 14:1; Rosenthal, Joseph A., 12:1 15:1; 16:1, 7; 17:1; 18:1; 19:6, 37, 38; 20:J; Rosner, George, 7 (R.G.) 21:M, 18; 28:7; SP 3

Rossi, Iris, 35:19 Shilling, C.W., 14:16 Rossi, Nicolás, 30:14 Shirey, Lynn M., BRS 47 Rostworowski, María, 45: Shores, Cecilia L., 30:45 Rouse-Jones, Margaret D., 31:21; 32:22; 42:14; Siegmund, Marianne, LAIS 7 43:16; 44:2 Siggins, Jack A., 42:2 Rovira, Carmen, 13 (R.G.) Silva, Cassia Maria Mello da, 35:24 Rovirosa, Dolores F., BRS 13 Silva, Sonia T. Días Gon9alves da, 31:19; 34:16; Rozkuszka, David, 33:35 39:12; 40:14; 42:13 Ruano Fernández, Antonio, 19:50 Simoneau, Karin, BRS 26 Ruiz Guerra, Rubén, 42: Simonson, Emma C, 1:7; 12:26 Ruiz-Larré, Alcira, 6:19 Skármeta, Antonio, 31:30 Russell, Ann, 43:4 Slatta, Richard W., 33:1

Russell, Susan, 21 : 1 5; 25: 1 Smisor, George T., 3:1

Russell-Wood, A. J. R., 33:2 Smith, Adelaide M., 4:6 Russo, Laura Garcia Moreno, 8:9 Smith, C. T., 23:8 Ruvalcaba Burgoa, Eduardo, 49:6 Smith, Eldred R., 17:6

Saba, Raúl P., 36:5 Smith, Harriet W., 14:4 1 E


Smith, Peter H., 36:1 Vargas de Bonilla, Deyanira, 22:16 Smorkaloff, Pamela, 43:5 Vargas Sánchez, Eloisa, 46:14 Soete, George J., 36:27 Varona, Esperanza B. de, 19:34; 32:28; 39:27; Solares, Martha, 26:17 50:19; BRS 19,33 Sonntag Blay, ¡liana, 31 (Editor); 39:24 Varona, Lesbia Orta, 22:F; 30:10, 33; 38:34; Sonntag-Grigera, Gabriela, 33:27; BRS 7, 36, 37 44:19; 48:4 Sorensen, Lee R., 34:27 Vázquez, Lourdes, 46:13; 47:4; BRS 50; LAIS Stansifer, Charles L., 30:26 6, 6a St. Denis, Gaston Pierre, 14:18 Veenstra, John G., 12:9; 16:11; 24:15; 25:20; Stegmann, Wilhelm, 23:10; 34:35 26:15 Steinhagen, Elizabeth N., 45:23 Velasquez G., Pablo, 14:19; 16:9 Stephenson, Yvonne V., 32:2 Velazquez, Gonzalo, 5:6 Stem, Peter A., 33:4, 47; 34:3; 36:7; 38:1; 41 Vergaray, Roberto, 45:3 (Editor); 44: 18; 45:7, 15; SP 14 Vicentini, Abner Leilis Correa, 8:7 Stem, William B., 4:7; 12:28 Viera, Silvia, 21:19 Stewart, Barbara, 41:16 Vijil, Alfonso, 34:25 Stiefel Ayala, Marta, 33:28; BRS 18, 42 Vilar, Angela, 10:20 Stine, Diane, 25:B, C Villalón, Alberto, 10:11 Story, Emily, 44:24 Villanueva Mansilla, Eduardo, 41:20 Suárez Jiménez, Iris L., 43:6 Villar, Luis M., 39:17; 41:10 Sullenger, Paula, 38:39 Villaronga, Luis G., 43:13 Sullivan, Robert C, 21 :K; 22:L Vosper, Robert, 2 (R.G.) Summers Pages, Bettina, 9:13, 14 Wade, Ann E., 23:1; 36:25 Tarrago, Rafael E., 33:37; 38:3; 42:5; 43:12; Wade, Patricia, 33:49 44:25; 45:5; 46:5; 48:8; 49:11 Waiblinger, John, 33:42 Tatum, Charles, 25: 18 Waldman, Berta, 35: 13 Thaxter, John H., 6:5 Waller, Darlene. See Hull, Darlene Thomas-Hope, Elizabeth, 24:4, 5 Walpole, Kinloch, 38:20

Thompson-Castañeda, Debra, 25: Wasowski, Ronald J., 33:6

Thrower, Norman J. W., 33:6 Watson, Gayle Hudgens, 16:3 Tomé, Marta v., 16(R.G.) Weems, Mike, 42:16 Tonkery, Dan, 25:19 Wei, Karen T., 38:28; 43:19 Torres, Otto Ricardo, 20:17 Wenyuan, Xu, 36:3 Torres, Victor F., 39:11; 41:11; 44:13; 46 Weschler, Lawrence, 36:18 (Editor); 48: 15 West, Geoffrey, 45:11; 47:3

Torre Villar, Ernesto de la, 5:15 West, Stanley L., 7:7 Trejo, Amulfo D., 11:8; 12:12 Wetherbee, Louella Vine, 21:16 (Editor); 24:14 Trujillo, Colleen H., 24:B; 44:1 Weyland, Kurt, 44:26 Tmjillo, Roberto C, 30:36 Wheat, John, 37:12 United Nations. Commision on the Economic Whigham, Thomas, 40:24 Development of Latin America. Documents White, Linda, 37:10 Distribution Section, 19:24 Whitehead, H. G., 23:20 University College of West Indies. History Whitmore, Marilyn P., 20:B; 29:10; SP 15

Department, 7:4 Wiemers, Eugene, Jr., 26:6 Urban, Greg, 37:2 Wilde, Alexander, 36:16 Vacianna, Joan, 43:15 Wilkie, James W., 27:15 Valero, Roberto, 30:4 Williams, Edwin E., 1:9; 3:8

Valiela, Virginia, BRS 1 Williams, Gayle Ann, 24:J; 25:J; 26:14; 28:1, 3, Valk, Barbara G., 29 (Editor); 30:49; 32:16; 15; 33:16; 37:19; 41:7; 43 (Editor); BRS 34, 48:24; 49:9; 50:2; BRS 12, 24; NL indexes 35, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 49, 51, 53, 55; EP: vols. I-V, VI-X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV LALA-L, Moderator, 1991-

Van Deusen, Nancy E., 28:9; 30:25 Williams, Lee H., Jr., 22:12; 26 (Editor)

Van Jacob, Scott J., 32:26; 34:28; 35:27; 36:33; Williams, Maxine I., 21:12 39:23; LAIS 3 Williams, Raymond Leslie, 39:3 Van Nostrand, Albert, 8: 17 Williamson, Robert B., 26:20 Vargas, Adolfo, 41 :23 Winograd, Alejandro, 36:10 6


Wisdom, Donald F., 37; 14 Zimmerman, Irene, 1:13; 5:16; 10:9; 22:1

Woodbridge, Hensley C, 12:20; BRS 2 Zlatch, Marko, 6: 1 Woods, Richard D., 25:21 Zubatslcy, David S., 16:17; 17:13; 30:50; NL Wright, John B., 39:43; 44:12 Editor 1:1 (Jan. 1973)-3:1 (May 1975) Wright, Joyce C, 38:29; 43:20 Zuvekas, Clarence, Jr., 26:7 Zamora, Pedro, 14:21; 16:14 Zwemer, Raymund L., 14:24 Zapata Cárdenas, Carlos Alberto, 46:16

Zehrer, Sabine, 3 1 :26; 32: 1 8; 33:29 Zeter, Mary Jo, NL Coeditor 30:1 (Aug. 2002>- 33:6 (June 2006)