Crigglestone St James CE Primary Academy Headteacher: Miss B Minor St James Way, Crigglestone, , West , WF4 3HY Tel & Fax: 01924 251048 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Registered Office: Crigglestone St James, St James Way, Crigglestone, Wakefield, , WF4 3HY Registered in No. 8097265 An Exempt Charity

29th May 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope that you and your families are well and have been enjoying the wonderful weather that we have had recently. I would like to share further information with you regarding the phased reopening next week. However, this may change, depending upon the announcement given by the Government tonight.

We are opening to keyworker and vulnerable children in all year groups. The numbers in Reception have had to be capped due to Government guidance that was released on Sunday afternoon. You will have been informed if your child has a place at school from next week. School will continue to ask keyworker parents for proof of their role. Please send this proof to [email protected] prior to Monday 1st June. Please contact school if your circumstances change and you would like a place, it may be that your child is added to a reserve list.

School will open from 8:45 – 3:15, as normal. The current wraparound care will not continue. St James Playcare will be open from next week, please contact them if you need support with before/after school childcare. School drop off and pick up times have been staggered, to reduce the number of people coming into contact with each other. We ask that only one adult from each household accompanies children to and from school. Adults will not be allowed onto school premises but instead will drop their children off at the allocated gates (see below). Year 6 can continue to walk to and from school alone, but we ask that they do not come to school on bikes/scooters.


Staggered drop offs and pick ups: Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 3

Top gate (YR) Middle gate Bottom gate

8:45 am – 8:55 am Reception Y3 & Y2 Year 6

8:55am – 9:05am Year 1 Y5 & Y4

Crigglestone St James CE Primary Academy Headteacher: Miss B Minor St James Way, Crigglestone, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 3HY Tel & Fax: 01924 251048 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Registered Office: Crigglestone St James, St James Way, Crigglestone, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 3HY Registered in England No. 8097265 An Exempt Charity

Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 3

Top gate (YR) Middle gate Bottom gate

3:00pm – 3:10pm Reception Y3 & Y2 Year 6

3:15pm – 3:25pm Year 1 Y5 & Y4

Please arrive at the allocated gate at the time specified above. Gates will be signed to help you. School staff will be outside waiting to direct children to their classroom. Children will enter and leave their classrooms through the fire doors, to avoid them walking through school. At the end of the day, Reception children will wait in their classroom until their adult is seen and will then be sent out. All other classes will wait outside, with school staff, at allocated areas, until parents/carers are seen. Again, please be prompt and arrive at the times given. I also ask you to maintain social distancing whilst waiting outside school grounds for your child.

The school office will be closed. If you need to contact the school please either phone the school office, or send an email.

If you currently receive Free School Meal vouchers and you are sending your child into school, you will need to decide if you want to continue receiving vouchers or if you want your child to have a school dinner. If you want to continue with the vouchers you will need to provide your child with a packed lunch. If you want your child to have a school dinner you will not be able to receive vouchers. Please contact the school to let them know which you would prefer to do.

Children have been placed into bubbles according to year group. We have had to take staff availability and health into consideration and so children may not be with their usual class teacher or in their usual classroom. However, as they are in year groups they will be with other children that they know.

More rigorous hygiene measures will take place throughout the day. Children will wash their hands upon entering and leaving school, before and after lunch and after being outside. Classrooms and toilets will be cleaned more frequently throughout the day. School staff will clean tables for children before and after lunch. Key ‘touch’ points, e.g. door handles will be cleaned regularly. Bins will be emptied during and at the end of the school day. If your child is ill, or is showing symptoms of Coronavirus (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, and a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste) please keep your child at home and contact school to let them know that they are showing symptoms. If your child has a test that is positive, contact school and we can inform relevant children/staff/parents who can then self-isolate.

If a child falls ill within school they will be escorted to a safe, isolated room within school. The member of staff will put on PPE and will stay with the child until parents collect them. Parents will be expected to answer their phone if school rings, and collect their child if school informs them that they are unwell. If a child or staff member within their bubble has fallen ill, parents within that bubble will be informed if there has been a positive diagnosis.

School has completed a detailed risk assessment to support the phased reopening. Maintaining good hygiene measures is paramount. I would like to make it clear that school will not tolerate acts of deliberate spitting, coughing, throwing items at others or touching others. If this happens children will be reprimanded and parents

Crigglestone St James CE Primary Academy Headteacher: Miss B Minor St James Way, Crigglestone, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 3HY Tel & Fax: 01924 251048 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Registered Office: Crigglestone St James, St James Way, Crigglestone, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 3HY Registered in England No. 8097265 An Exempt Charity

will be contacted. If the child/ren continue to do this, parents will be contacted to take the child home. They will be able to return to school the next day. If this behaviour persists the child is at risk of losing their place in school.

As previously mentioned:  Children should wear clean, appropriate clothing and footwear each day. They can wear uniform if they want to.  Home learning packs will continue to be uploaded on the school website for parents to use. The home learning packs will also be used by teachers in school. If your child is not in school every day they will not fall behind the rest of their bubble. If you have difficulty with the home learning packs please contact school.  Children should bring suncream and sunhats into school as the forecast is for sunny weather. Children will need to apply suncream themselves. If they are unable to, a member of staff will wear PPE to help them.  Children will remain in their bubble throughout the day. They will have allocated spaces to play in the playground. They will not be able to socialise with children who are not in their bubble.  Children will be sat at their own desk. They will have their bags and coats on a chair next to them. They will have their own stationery, provided by school, which cannot be shared.  They will eat lunch at their desk. They will not be able to share food.  Younger children should bring a spare set of clothes into school with them, in case of accidents.  Children are not able to bring items from home into school. Likewise, items/completed work from school will not be sent home.

Again thank you for your support. The school and staff have received some lovely messages and treats from parents and it is nice to know that the efforts of staff over the last few weeks is appreciated.

Enjoy the sunny weekend and I look forward to seeing more of you and your children next week.

Best wishes,

Beverley Minor Headteacher