Age-Iierald. Yol

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Age-Iierald. Yol THE BIRMINGHAM AGE-IIERALD._ YOL. 31 " BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1904. NO. <>1 SWEEPING CHANGES DEMOCRATS qXPECT MADE IN THE CABINET SOME LIVELY TIMES HOLDING COMPANY LOOMIS MYSTERY Moody Will Succeed Knox as Stale Conventions Have Not Given FOR THE SEABOARD Attorney General Who Goes II LIST CLEARED Any. Candidates Enough A PLAN IS THE MAIN CON- SUCH Voles to Win ■ ! To the Senate SIDERATION BY THE BANKING Missing Man Appears in Paris IN CONTROL OF THE INTERESTS and Leaves Immediately PROPERTY—WILLIAMS TALKS. PAUL MORTON ACCEPTS PARKER IS CLEARLY IN for the for- PECULIAR SITUATION New York, June 24.—A plan VERY for the mation of a holding company under consideration LEAD FOR NOMINATION AS SECRETARY OF NAVY Beazoard Air Line Is In control of the Peraona Were Poaltlve That Mr. by the banking Interests to that end have property conferences Loomla Left the Steamec at Ply- but the been held In this city recently mouth—Hia and Figures Show That He Has 270 Votes Victor H. Metcalf Will Succeed Cortel- details have not yet been worked out. Baggage It Is known, however, that the proposed Carried to Parla. Pledged, While It Requires 663 to you as Secretary of Commerce and Papera Includes the organization of a hold- plan Nominate—460 Delegates Labor—After the a Campaign ing company which will provide large Seaboard Air Are Instructed. Cortelyeu Succeeds Payne. amount of capital for the London, June 25.—The Morning Lead- of at least Line system. A bond Issue er's Paris correspondent says that the $10,000,000 is contemplated. mystery concerning Kent J. Loomis, of the John Skelton Williams, chairman brother of the American assistant secre- BY WATTERSON STEALEY. June 24—A sweeping said to- Washington, board of the Seaboard Air Line, tary of state, has been cleared up. cabinet of President Roose- Washington, June 21.-(Special.)—'The change in the day: •'Mr. Loomis,” the despatch says, “ap- velt was announced officially at the now is contest for the democratic presidential ••The Seaboard Air Line system peared in Paris today (Friday) and left announcement is now White House today. The no further flnancer- nomination practically completed' absolutely in need of this evening on his way Ct> Northeast Af- came in the form of a brief typewritten should be decided to under- so far ms la concerned the makeup of tho Ing unless It rica, accompanied by Mr.* Collins, the statement Issued fy Secretary Loeb as take certain works of new construction, compromising the membership well-known delegates to the wis- son of a journalist.” following: improvement and betterments of the democratic national convention at are • dom or necessity for which there Not Confirmed. The following cabinet appointments are Report St. Louis two weeks from last Wednes- differences of opinion." announced: London. June 25.—All tne morning news- day. Missouri is the only stut<^ which is of Massachusetts, at- “W. H. Moody papers with the exception of the Morning yet to hold Its convention, and that state treat the of J. torney general. nation and the President’s letter acepting Leader, disappearance will Instruct Its delegates to vote for the the “Paul Morton of Illinois, secretary of it were dated Copies of Kent Loomis as a serious sensation. None yesterday. nomination of her favorite son, Francis were made public this the navy. correspondence of the despa\ches from Paris confirm the They follow: M. Cockrell. •'Victor H. Metcalf of California, secre- evening. sent the leader cor- despatch by Morning have added 54 Letter. This week's conventions tary of commerce and labor. Knox Writes respondent, which states that Mr. Isoomls General, votes to Judge Jarker's list. They coma "The resignation of Secretary Cortelyou “Office of Attorney was seen lti Paris yesterday, and left last “Washington. June 24, 1304. from the states of Texas and Louisiana. and Attorney General Knox have been ac- night on his way to Abyssinia. “Sir—Having been appn d by the gov- the week convention* 1." Is the During present cepted to take effect July to So far as London concerned, dis- ernor of Pennsylvania senator repre- North it has been have also been held In Carolina, For two weeks or more sent Pennsylvania in the congress of the appearance of Mr. Loomis continues to be Minnesota, Vermont and North Dakota. known that these changes were impetid- United States until the next meeting of shrouded in the deepest mystery. The was of that state, and having These states have sent 62 votes unln- lng. When Secretary Cortelyou ap- the legislature London manager of the North German said appointment, to take effect President Roosevelt to be his accepted Lloyd line is quoted as saying that the structed. pointed by 1 July 1, 1904, hereby tender my resig- to manager it was certain he matter has become a most serious one, as The total number of delegates the campaign nation as attorney general of the United his 994. this number 460 would retire from the cabinet upon States to take effect at the end of the PUTTING a SMALL BOY IN a MAN’S SHOES. every effort to locate Mr. Loomis has convention will be Of occupation of the duties as chairman of thirtieth day of the present month. failed. are uninstructed; that is, they are frea hefore he “I cannot by this act terminate the the national committee. Just The Officials Puzzled. to cast their votes for whom they please ha close and confidential relation I have left for Chicago last Wednesday officials here are on the first bullot. sustained to you during your entire ad- Paris, June 24.—The hands of the President his placed In the ministration without adding a word of JUDGE OSCEOLA KYLE TO not seriously apprehensive of the where- Uninstructed Vote. as scretary of com- sincere of more than letter of resignation appreciation your abouts of Kent J. Loomis, brother of The uninstructed vote comes from ths be- and uniform kindness to and merce and labor. It was understood generous me, BATTLESHIP IS the American assist- ad- Francis B. Loomis, following states: South Carolina. Mon- -’resident and him that the a like word of unfeigned respect and tween the FEDERAL OFFICE who tana, West Virginia, Maine, Pennsylvania# RECEIVE ant of and state, disappeared to take, miration for the lofty purpose splen- secretary was to be accepted j New Florida resignation did have, ever manifested, or after the arrival of the Oregon, Jersey. (6), Kansas# fiscal courage you shortly before effect at the end of the present and Ohio, District of Columbia, Alabama# which has inspired sustained your North German steamer Kaiser Wil- The taking effect Lloyd Nebraska, Okla- year June 30 inclusive. cabinet in their efforts to promote the Maryland, Michigan, SOI BE UPS helm II at June 20. The In- time would welfare wise from He Will be Named Roose- Plymouth, homa, Colorado, Kentucky, Utah, Vir- of his resignation ft that public by effecting the pol- Special Washington Says by icies of your administration. quires made tend to Bhow that Mr. I*oomls ginia, Vermont, Minnesota, North Dakota, afford him an opportunity to complete “With great respect, your obedient velt as One of the of the Panama Canal Zone. wandered off when the steamer touched and North Carolina. Total 460. In the shipment which he had Judges some work servant, P. C. KNOX, Judge Parker s Instructed vote is as fol- he at One of the passengers, and which was important Plymouth. Initiated “Attorney General.” Will the for i lows: New York. Indiana, Connecticut, ? be lift'd Appointment Alabama. Gustav Flamm of San Francisco, on the should carry to'a "The Preside nt. White House, Wash- Admiral ao Eo- I Tennessee, Georgia. AlBSka,#fjout»tAha itvtf conclusion. ington, June 23 1 904.” Kaiser Wilhelm II today furnished the Texas. 270. Knox Came Next. lop Reports i Total, Roosevelt to Knox. American here with a i Hearst’s vote comes instructed from tha General Knox BY WATTERSON STEALEY. embassy specific One week ago Attorney New My Dear Mr. Knox—T accept your re- statement to the effect that he saw Mr. following states: Iowa, Nevada. announced he would retire formally signation not with keen at Port Arthur June 24.—(Special.) Ing to recognize them regardless of poli- Mexico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, only personal Loomis go down the gang plank at Ply- of Justice probably but with a of ppmeot Florida (4), Ari- from the real Washington, department regret, very feeling President Roosevelt, It Is under- tics In the distribution of offices. If the mouth with the other passengers who CnM/ornla. It was un- loss zona, Idaho and Illi- at the end of the fiscal year, the the country tbereby sustains. the failure of Wyoming 'Hawaii, stood here today, has decided to of is made, as landed there. However, Permit me to add that I do not think I □SHINGTON, appointment Judge Kyle nois. Total, same time that Secre- his where- derstood at the offer to a southern man and a demo- Mr. Loomis to report 1/A. could have made up 4ny mind to ac- today seems it will be the third thu^far succeed Mr. Knox as probable, abouts creates a perplexing situation, How It Stands. tary Moody would however in crat, Osceola of j quieite, reluctantly, your Judge Kyle Decatur, time that the President has to Ala- made, gone owing to the governmental mission with Hence in brief the situation stands as attorney general. This statement leaving your present position had I not j RUSSIAN’S LOSS WAS HEAVY Ala., one of the three judgshlps on the i which he was of Sec- ren- bama to show his so-called Independence charged.
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