Liturgical Publications 3171 LENWORTH DR. #12 MISSISSAUGA, ON L4X 2G6 (800) 268-2637 A Lifelong Parishioner McEachnie & Pickering Resident Funeral Home ST. ISAAC JOGUES CATHOLIC CHURCH Certified tutors for students in all grades. BRYAN RODRIGUES Companions & Personal Support Workers Science, Math and ESL 28 Old Kingston Road Household Management, Personal Care Sales Representative 647-834-1757 Pickering Village Respite & Palliative Care Bus: 905-619-9500 1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering, Ontario, L1V 1J6 Brushstrokes Paint, Paper & Reno Scott McEachnie Tel: (905) 428-8488 (Hourly, Overnight & Live-in Care) Dir: 416-453-2647 T: 905-831-3353 F: 905-420-6365 Manager Transportation to medical appts. & social outings Handyman Services
[email protected] ST. ISAAC JOGUES CATHOLIC CHURCH Fax: (905) 683-2180 Serving Durham & surrounding areas Mike Hergott W: E:
[email protected] W. David McEachnie VAC Health Identification Cards accepted 1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering, ON L1V 1J6 Reg. Manager 416-737-0874 HERITAGE REALTY INC. 905-509-8469 or 1-877-509-8469 BROKERAGE Trillium Funeral Corporation
[email protected] PARISHTel: 905-831-3353 PRIEST Fr. Fax: Paul 905-420-6365 Dobson Chartered Accountants Family Physician STEVE LOVISEK Website: PRIEST Fr. Michael Email: Simoes
[email protected] Rouge River Realty Ltd., Brokerage AUDREY LOVISEK Walk-in clinic Income Tax • GST DEACON Rev. Mr. Rudy Ovcjak Bookkeeping • Payroll 1550 Kingston Road Steve Kostka DEACON Rev. Mr. Ken Sylvan Sales Representative 905-509-3717 905-421-0220 Bus: 905-831-5115 SECRETARYPARISH P RIEST: PatFr. PaulSmith Dobson Robertson Open Monday to Saturday Cell: 416-567-0016 YOUTHASSOCIATE MINISTER PRIEST: Shelly Fr.