® Contents


5 Player’s Handbook 3 Debut: The Ardent 54 Classc A ts: Fighter Get an exclusive look at another new class from Player’s Handbook® 3. This By Stephen Radney-MacFarland month, the ardent! Learn the secrets of the School of Twenty Blades.

7 1 S wordmage Essentials 84 Classc A ts: Warlock By Andy Collins By Robert J. Schwalb Learn the secrets to building and playing the swordmage, arcane defender. The Blasphemous Libram is capable of great evil—and granting great power.

52 Familiar Power: Wizards 35 Classc A ts: Druid By Arthur Wright By Aidyn Newman Familiars are more than just shoulder dressing for your wizard. TheseSample new file New options for the shifting druid in all of us. powers feature kickers that activate if you have a familiar. 65 Classc A ts: Invoker 03 A ssassin’s Toy Chest By Robert J. Schwalb By New options for those invokers who awaken their inner god fragment. More goodies for your assassin, including more feats and ki foci! 95 Power Play: 3 3 A venger Essentials By Stephen Radney-MacFarland By All arcanists seek more power, but the followers of the Gloaming Path seek it Learn the basics to building a complete avenger, divine tool of justice of the in the place some say arcane power was born: the Feywild. gods. 26 Power Play: Primal Power 24 Classc A ts: Avengers By Tavis Allison By Rodney Thompson Those who learn the secrets of primal mapping can find their way more More toys for avengers, featuring a slew of new power options. easily in the world. 56 W inning Races: C Olumns By Bruce R. Cordell The drow are known for their treachery and viciousness, but some learn to tap these innate callings to serve a higher cause.

86 W inning Races: Elves By Robert. J. Schwalb 4 editorial Twilight elves are Sehanine’s chosen, and they have gained some of the patron’s mystery, and much of her power. 106 Confessions of a Full-Time Wizard By Shelly Mazzanoble D&D’s “Player-in-Chief” shares more of her 1 7 C hannel Divinity: The Traveler wisdom and insight. By Chris Sims Those who are devoted to misdirection and stealth often find the Traveler’s 111 A rPG Report ways suit their own. By Chris Tulach The Living FR campaign is in full swing. Learn 47 S olo Adventure more about how to get involved! By Chris Sims A D&D 4th Edition solo play adventure for one 1st-level character. Rescue 115 ampersand your adventuring party and help the goblin Splug at the same time! By Bill discusses more of the changes in store for 99 K now Your Role: Controller D&D in 2010. By Robert J. Schwalb Sample file New feats and tips to give your controller more oomph.

102 G uilds & Groups: Moon Catchers By Bruce R. Cordell O n the Cover The followers of Iltani the Blue seek to return her to the sky and guard the Illustration by Steve Prescott world against a great catastrophe.

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382 Dr ag on December 2009 Editor-in-Chief Chris Youngs Career Change Senior Art Director Jon Schindehette

Web Specialist Chris Sims ( Or, Your Character Sheet as Résumé)

Web Production Bart Carroll, Those of you following Confessions of a Full-Time Wizard dabblers, the cobblers of mechanics. Without forcing (and if you don’t, you really should), are likely aware their character’s death or retirement, it makes sense Graphic Design Keven Smith, Yasuyo Dunnett of the friendly debate waging between the author and that they be allowed to change careers mid-campaign. myself—which, in no small part, involves honor, trust, There’s no judgment being cast here on either style; you Contributing Authors Tavis Allison, Andy Collins, Bruce betrayal, life, death, and the career choice of one slight, should play your character however you see fit, which is R. Cordell, Shelly Mazzanoble, black-feathered fellow named Holden Cawfield. the heart of my argument. Mike Mearls, Matthew Newman, While Holden may be crow-like in appearance (he Career changes happen, at the best of times, for the Stephen Radney-MacFarland, is, you see, a ), his actions are more cuckoo-like advancement of the character in question. Bilbo Baggins Robert J. Schwalb, Chris Sims, in nature. The cuckoo hides its eggs in another bird’s started out as a middle-aged homeowner, became a bur- Bill Slavicsek, Rodney Thompson, nest to be raised unwittingly. And this is how Shelly glar, then later a traveling historian. Aragorn started as a Chris Tulach, Arthur Wright viewed Holden. He presented himself as one thing only ranger of ill-repute, only to become a field marshal, and to become another—not for his party’s interests, but Developers Stephen Radney-MacFarland, finally king. Look at Cattie-Brie, who literally did lay Peter Schaefer, Stephen Schubert, entirely for his own. down her bow to learn spellcasting. In fact, consider vir- A little backstory to this debate: Shelly and I play in tually anyone you know in the real world. I have myself Chris Sims, Rodney Thompson the same Scales of campaign. A few months back, worked at amusement parks, as an overnight hotel valet, Editors , , Holden auditioned for an open spot at the table, won delivered phone books, operated as a CIA hit man, it, and promptly joined the Wyld Stallions’ as a much- taught English, and edited technical manuals along the needed cleric. course of my career. Cover Artist Steve Prescott Then Dragon published the assassin class. Holden All that said, I would not advocate career changes simply couldn’tSample resist. file often or thoughtlessly. You should ask your DM’s advice Contributing Artists Alex Aparin, Eric Belisle, Wayne I won’t go into the intrinsic coolness of the assassin and permission—and you should consult your fellow England, Tyler Jacobson, McLean class, how I’ve played one since 1st Edition, or how well players, to make sure they don’t feel an important role Kendree, Jorge Lacera, Patrick I feel its mechanics work in 4th Edition (though I am is being vacated to the party’s detriment. In Holden’s McEvoy, William O’Connor, campaigning for a ranged assassin/sniper build). I’ll case, this meant multi-classing as a cleric (of the Raven David Rapoza, Evan Shipard, only say that once the assassin appeared, I lobbied to Queen, of course) and purchasing magic items to further Eric L. Williams change Holden’s class, and our DM agreed. help with healing, to soften the blow of my decision. Shelly cried fowl (last bird reference, I promise). Web Development Mark A. Jindra We often talk that the job of the DM is to make sure Holden had been hired as a cleric, and—she felt—should everyone around the table is having fun. To a large D&D Creative Manager christopher Perkins remain one. extent, the same holds true for you as the player—your My defense, and the point of this editorial, goes as job is to make sure that you’re also having fun, and so Executive Producer, follows: There are, quite thankfully, a wealth of classes contribute to the group’s overall enjoyment of the game. D&D Insider chris Champagne in this game, and a typical campaign involves sessions At the most basic level, your fun begins with the char- Director of RPG R&D Bill Slavicsek spanning months, if not years, of play. Many players are acter you’re playing; if that character is interested in satisfied to run their character as originally designed for changing careers, that option should be on the table. the entire length of the campaign. To them, adventur- Just take our recent playtesting of OP’s Lair Assault Special Thanks ing parties resemble the Fellowship of the Ring; it just adventure. Afterward, Shelly herself considered a career Richard Baker, Greg Bilsland, Logan Bonner, Michele Carter, wouldn’t fit for Gimli to put down his axe or Legolas his change for her character—from Tabitha the wizard to Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Andy Collins, Bruce R. Cordell, Torah Cottrill, bow and start learning to cast spells under Gandalf’s Tabitha the barbarian. Jeremy Crawford, Mike Donais, , Nina Hess, Peter Lee, tutelage. On the other hand, some players like the The defense rests. Mike Mearls, , Cal Moore, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, opportunity to sample classes. They are experimenters, Peter Schaefer, Stephen Schubert, , Rodney Thompson, Rob Watkins, James Wyatt Commentary James Wyatt: The ardent is the psionic warlord. While the warlord shouts encouragement, inspira- tion, and commands to his allies, the ardent taps directly into his allies’ minds to achieve similar C Lass Traits results. I like the ardent as a passionate, tempestuous R ole: Leader. You fill your allies with the will to fight foil to the psion’s calm rationality. and the clarity of purpose needed for victory. When you attack, you loose thoughts that intensify emotions and lay bare truths. Depending on your choice of class Ardent features, you lean toward either defender or striker as a secondary role. By Robert J. Schwab Power Source: Psionic. You are a spiritual warrior whose thoughts swirl about you to infect your enemies with doubt and fill your allies with confidence. Commentary by James Wyatt Key Abilities: Charisma, Constitution, Wisdom and Peter Schaefer Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail illustrations by Chris Seaman Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Will

“The fate of the world rests on Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution score the fire of your passions.” Hit Points per Level Gained: 5 Healing SSampleurges per Day: 7 + Constitution file modifier Trained Skills: From the class skills list below, choose four trained skills at 1st level. Class Skills: Arcana (Int), Athletics (Str), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), Insight (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Streetwise (Cha)

Commentary Class Features: Ardent Mantle, ardent surge, Psionic Peter Schaefer: Just like the psion’s design made Augmentation it clear that it should be an Intelligence class, the ardent’s method of projecting and wielding emotions make Charisma the perfect choice. JW: When we designed the kalashtar race in the Eberron Player’s Guide, bonuses to Wisdom and Charisma seemed like a really good fit. I remember somebody saying, “But that doesn’t make them good psions.” And I said, “They’ll be good at some psionic class, I’m sure.” And here’s that class.

TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. December 2009 | Dragon 382 5 Player's Handbook 3 Debut: Ardent

Those who let their base emotions rule them invite Ardent Class Features Psionic Augmentation madness and destruction. Prolonged feelings of fear, Ardents have the following class features. Commentary greed, lust, or hatred can weaken the mind’s defenses JW: Like the psion and unlike the monk, the ardent against manipulation. Wielding , you makes use of psionic augmentation to make at-will excite such emotions in your enemies, creating gaps Ardent Mantle powers stand in for encounter attack powers. in their defenses and frustrating their attacks, all Commentary Through discipline and careful study, you have while filling your allies with encouraging thoughts JW: The name of the class and some of the termi- mastered a form of psionic magic that offers greater and guarding them against despair and other nega- nology within it—such as mantles—come from a 3rd edition class that appeared in Complete Psionic. That’s versatility than other characters command. You know tive emotions. about where the similarity ends, though. a broad array of at-will powers, each of which is a con- Ardents rarely learn their art through formal A person’s state of mind can be armor against the duit through which you can pour as much or as little training. In many ways, they are incidental leaders, decay and madness born from base emotions, and psionic energy as you choose. You channel psionic having stumbled onto psionic power at some point thus ardents gird themselves by donning particular energy into a reservoir of personal power—repre- earlier in their lives. How you discovered your psionic mindsets to ward off the perils brought on by fear, sented in the game as power points—that you can use talent can shape how you wield this power now. despair, and hatred. Various emotional states, called to augment your at-will attack powers, replacing the You might have awakened to your talent in the heat mantles, can safeguard the mind. Ardents most com- encounter attack powers that other characters use. of battle, experiencing a mental breakthrough that monly use the mantles of clarity and elation. As an ardent, you acquire and use powers in a slightly allowed you to augment your attacks by rending your One Ardent Mantle option is presented here. It different manner from how most other classes do. enemies’ minds. Or your friends might reflect your gives a power to you as well as a benefit to you and At-Will Attack Powers: At 1st level, you choose power when your mood bleeds into theirs, altering your allies. two at-will attack powers and one daily attack power their emotional states to match your own. Regardless Mantle of Clarity: You and each ally within 5 from your class, but you don’t start with any encoun- of the revelation, you learned to harness this power to squares of youSample gain a bonus to all defensesfile against ter attack powers from your class. You can instead support your fighting prowess and to guide your allies opportunity attacks. The bonus equals your Wisdom augment your ardent at-will attack powers using to victory. modifier. In addition, each ally within 5 squares of power points. These powers (and certain others, you gains a +2 bonus to Insight checks and Perception notably the encounter attack power you gain from an checks. (If a character is in the radius of more than ardent paragon path) have the augmentable keyword one Mantle of Clarity, the bonuses are not cumula- (see the sidebar). tive. Only the highest ones apply to him or her.) You gain new ardent at-will attack powers, instead You also gain the ardent alacrity power. of new encounter attack powers, as you increase in level. At 3rd level, you choose a new ardent at-will attack power. At 7th, 13th, 17th, 23rd, and 27th level, Ardent Surge Commentary you can replace one of your augmentable ardent at- PS: Originally, each mantle (of which one debuts You gain the ardent surge power. Your advanced emo- here) shared the same power. That power was more will attack powers with another one of your level or offensive than ardent alacrity and fit well with the tional state is inspirational, motivating your allies and lower. The power you replace must be augmentable. other build, but seemed out of place for this more helping them to recover from injuries. Power Points: You start with 2 power points. You defensive build. That led to the addition of ardent alac- gain 2 additional power points at 3rd and 7th level, 1 rity and tying each to a different mantle additional power point at 13th level, and 2 additional

December 2009 | Dragon 382 6 Player's Handbook 3 Debut: Ardent

power points at 17th, 21st, 23rd, and 27th level. If you gain power points from another source (such as your paragon path), add them to your power point Commentary JW: This sidebar is slightly updated compared to the total. You can use your power points to augment any version that appeared in the Psion debut, and replaces augmentable power you have, regardless of how you that text. This definition includes a few clarifications, gained the power. and it changes how augmentable powers interact with You regain all your power points when you take a things like the human’s Bonus At-Will Power trait. short or an extended rest.

L - evel At Will Attack Powers Power Points 1 Choose two gain 2 Te mentableh Aug Keyword 3 Choose one gain 2 (4 total) 7 replace one gain 2 (6 total) A power that has the augmentable keyword has power entry, like “Hit” or “Effect,” that entry replaces the entry in the base power that has the 13 replace one gain 1 (7 total) optional augmentations, which you can use at the cost of power points. You use these rules when you same name. An augmented version of a power is 17 replace one gain 2 (9 total) use an augmentable power. otherwise identical to the base power. 21 — gain 2 (11 total) Decide First: You must decide whether and Unaugmented: When you use an augmentable 23 replace one gain 2 (13 total) how to augment an augmentable power when power without augmenting it, the power is 27 replace one gain 2 (15 total) you choose to use the power, before you make any referred to as unaugmented for that use (some attack rolls or apply any of the power’s effects. effects apply only when a power is unaugmented). Power Point Cost: An augmentation specifies A power that doesn’t have the augmentable key- its cost in power points. For example, “Augment word is never considered unaugmented. 1” meansSample you must spend 1 power file point to use an At-Will Attack Powers: When a power or augmentation. You must spend the required power some other effect lets you use an at-will attack points when you decide to use the augmentation. power, you can choose to use one of your aug- One at a Time: You can use only one augmenta- mentable at-will attack powers, but you must use tion on a power at a time, so you can’t, for example, it unaugmented. spend 3 power points to use both a 1-point and a When a racial trait grants you an at-will 2-point augmentation on a single power. attack power of your choice and you choose an Replace Base Effects: When you augment a augmentable at-will attack power, the power power, changes to the power are noted in the aug- loses both the augmentable keyword and its Commentary mentation. If an augmentation includes a specific augmentations. PS: When it comes to designing and developing psionic powers, the minor augment (Augment 1 in heroic and paragon tiers, Augment 2 in epic tier) are often a challenge. The goal is to create an augment that is con- ditionally as good as the full augment but isn’t always desirable or worth the cost. It’s a hard line to walk.

December 2009 | Dragon 382 7