LAW OFFICES DYKEMA GOSSETT 800 M ICHIGAN NATIONAL T OWER L ANSING , M ICHIGAN 48933- I 742 Detroit, Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Grand Rapids, Michigan Washington, DC Chicago, Illinois T ELEPHON E (5 I 7) 374-S IO0 F ACSIMILE (5 I 7) 374-S I 9 I WWW.DYKEMA.COM ALBERT ERNST DIRECT DIAL: (512) 324-9155 E-MA IL :
[email protected] September 14,200O Ms. Dorothy Wideman Executive Secretary Michigan Public Service Commission 6545 Mercantile Way, Ste. 7 Lansing, MI 48911 Re: Case No. U-12134 CECo and DECO Code of Conduct Approval MECA Response in Opposition to MAFC’s Application for Leave to Appeal ALJ’s Ruling Dear Ms. Wideman: Enclosed please find original and four copies of Michigan Electric Cooperative Association Response in Opposition to Michigan Alliance for Fair Competition Application for Leave to appeal AlJ’s Ruling in the above-referenced matter. Also enclosed is Proof of Service upon the Parties of Record. If there are any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Albert Ernst AE/jmb Enclosures cc: Mike Peters Service List MECA Managers LANOl\ 69757.1 ID\ AE STATE OF MICHIGAN II BEFORE THE MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ***** In the matter of the approval of a code of conduct ) for CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY and ) Case No. U-12134 THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY. 1 MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MICHIGAN ALLIANCE FOR FAIR COMPETITION APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO APPEAL ALJ’S RULING G 2 Pursuant to Rule 337( 1) of the Michigan Public Service Commission’s (“Commission’) I3 z 4 Rules of Practice and Procedure, R 460.17337(l), the Michigan Electric Cooperative Association Yz.