1 Curriculum Vitae DATE: June 2017 NAME: Laura S. Levitt ADDRESS: 410 W Stafford Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 PHONE: h (215) 843-8039 c (215) 435-3269 E-MAIL:
[email protected]. EDUCATION: Emory University Ph.D. 1993 Women's Studies certificate 1993 Hebrew Union College-JIR M.A. 1986 Brown University A.B. 1982 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION: "Reconfiguring Home: Jewish Feminist Identity\ies" (1993) Committee: Ellen Umansky, Angelika Bammer and Rebecca Chopp POSITIONS HELD: Professor Temple University July 2009- Chair, Department of Religion Temple University July 2012-July 2013 Director of Women Studies Temple University Fall 2009-July 2011 Director of Jewish Studies Temple University 1999-Fall 2009 Visiting Professor of Religion Williams College Spring 2005 Associate Professor Temple University 1998-2009 Assistant Professor Temple University 1994- 1998 Instructor Temple University 1992-1993 Teaching Assistant Emory University 1987-1991 PUBLICATIONS: Books: Single author: American Jewish Loss after the Holocaust, New York: NYU Press, 2007. 2 Jews and Feminism: The Ambivalent Search for Home, New York: Routledge, 1997. Edited volumes: Impossible Images: Contemporary Art after the Holocaust, edited with Shelley Hornstein and Laurence Silberstein, New York: NYU Press, 2003. Judaism Since Gender, co-edited with Miriam Peskowitz, New York: Routledge, 1997. Journal Special Issues editor: “Jewish feminists and our fathers: Reflections across gender and generations,” guest co-editor with Rebecca Alpert, Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, 14.1(April 2009). "Changing Focus: Family Photography and American Jewish Identity," guest editor, The Scholar & Feminist Online, 1.3(January 2003) www.barnard.edu/sfonline "Engendering Jewish Knowledges," guest co-editor with Miriam Peskowitz, Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal For Jewish Studies 14.1 (Fall, 1995).