BRITISH AND COMMONWEALTH SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA PRESENTS May 31st 2014—Saturday 12:30 pm till!! FISH ˂ ˂ AND PUB LUNCH with Barry!!! At a British Pub (order off CHIPS the menu): At Public House No 7, 6315 Leesburg Pike (near Seven Corners), Falls Church, Virginia 22044 ( POC: Barry Kelly SAUSAGE (
[email protected]) or 703-403-8785 ˂ ˂ ROLLS June 22nd 2014, Sunday 11:30 am to 2:30 pm Annual Commonwealth/AGM Champagne Brunch Fort Myer Officer’s Club, 214 Jackson Avenue, Fort Myer, Virginia 22211. Election of Board—can we get some volunteers for the B&CSNA Board? Very short AGM, it’s mostly enjoyment Cost: $30.00 for members & $33.00 for non members. Cheques must be received NLT June 16th 2014, no refunds after June 16th POC: Regina (
[email protected]) 703-892-6522. Send cheques to Regina (made payable to B&CSNA) at: Regina Barker-Barzel, Box 100298, Arlington, Virginia 22210-0864 June 28th 2014 Saturday British Players 50th ANNIVERSARY OLD TIME MUSIC HALL Kensington, Mary- land. With songs of 1914’s WW1 (100 years ago). B&CSNA day will be June 28th (details later). BRITISH AND COMMONWEALTH SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA—NEWSLETTER MAY—JUNE Page 1 of 12 Editorial Note: property. franchise, was established. In 1953, min- Settlers, using slave labour, devel- isters from the council took over most Articles with By-Lines, sources, items oped sugar, cocoa, indigo and later portfolios, and Bustamante became chief made available to the Editor are pub- coffee estates. The island was very minister. Manley followed, in 1955.