Welcome Pack

A School of the ’ Company

Last updated—September 2019 School Boys’ Prep A Haberdashers’ School

From the Headmaster Mr Neil Shaw MA

Dear Parents

Welcome to Monmouth School Boys’ Prep. I hope you will find the information contained in this Welcome Pack useful but please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any queries.

During term time, please look out for our weekly newsletter which will be emailed to you and can also be found via the Parent Portal. Please come and support your son whenever you can at the many sporting fixtures, concerts and events which take place throughout the year.

Yours sincerely

Neil Shaw

The Grange, Hadnock Road, Monmouth NP25 3NG Tel: +44 (0) 1600 715930 Email: [email protected]

www.habsmonmouth.org Charity Number 525616 INDEX INDEX I General Information

II Pastoral Care

III After School Club

IV Sport

V Music

VI /School Shop

VII Financial Information

VIII Staff

IX Transport

X Forms to be returned INDEX Section I


School Hours

School starts at 8.30am, registration takes place immediately and first lesson begins at 8.40am. Early boys may arrive from 8.00am. Lessons finish at 3.45pm. Boys should be collected by 4.00pm unless they are booked in to After School Club or an after school activity.

Drop Off and Collection

At 8.00am the blue side gate is opened. This signifies that a member of staff is then on duty. In the event of inclement weather boys will be invited into Room 5W. No boys may enter via the front entrance other than boys carrying large musical instruments.

The side gate is opened at 3.45pm and this signifies the end of lessons. Parents are asked to come around to the back of the building and wait outside their son’s form room. Please do not bring any dogs into the school yard. At 4.00pm any boy not collected will go to the designated room for an after school activity, to the allocated room if getting a bus home, or to Room 5W ready to be booked in for After School Club.


It is imperative for obvious safety reasons that parents let us know in writing, well in advance, of any changes in arrangements regarding using the school bus. If a boy indicates that he is not sure if he should be going home on the school bus, he is kept in school and parents are contacted to come to collect him. Please do not make arrangements for a friend to travel home on a school bus without first checking with the Bus Coordinator for Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools (Email: [email protected]) that a place will be available and letting us know at the Boys’ Prep that this arrangement has been made. Some buses are fully booked and no extra space is available. Please be aware that bus passes are issued for every journey and may be checked at any time. The Boys’ Prep bus duty mobile number is 07736 297226. This is carried by the bus duty supervisor, Mrs Caldicott. Please use this number for any changes to bus arrangements.

After School Club

The sessions are 4.15 to 5.15pm and 5.15 to 6.00pm, the latter to include tea. There is a booking system though boys are usually able to use the facility at short notice if need be although tea should be booked in advance or by lunchtime on the day. In addition, any boys not collected after school, or promptly after an after school activity, are booked into After School Club and parents are billed accordingly. Any boys not collected from the first session by 5.15pm are booked into the second session. After School Club is charged at £3.72 for the first session and £5.37 for the second (which includes tea). Any boys still in school in the second session are charged, regardless of whether they have tea. There is a mobile phone strictly for After School Club use only (Tel: 07876 784 037). There is no facility for a boy to stay in school after 6.00pm.

After School Activities

Boys are asked to sign up to an activity for a term at a time – though they may change if after the very first session they decide that they do not wish to continue. Parents need to notify school accordingly. Boys are expected to give their apologies in advance if they are unable to attend a session. Collection is at the back of the school or the Sports Complex, as specified, not via the front door. Meals

All boys in the Boys’ Prep have a school lunch. Meals are charged as outlined on the financial information sheet. There is an excellent range of home-made food available, including a vegetarian option as well as fresh salads. Boys new to the school are given help and guidance in their choice of food. Boys may not bring sweets or snacks to school other than fruit (fresh or dried). No nuts or products containing nuts are to be brought into school, please. Boys may bring a plastic bottle for water if they wish.

Music Tuition

Parents of pupils having individual music lessons in the Boys’ Prep who intend to discontinue them when their son moves into the senior school are advised that they should give eight school weeks notice, in writing, to the Director of Music, Mr Lawson. If no notice is given it is assumed that parents would wish the same tuition to continue in the senior school and the music teachers will be booked for the next term. If lessons are subsequently not required, parents will be liable for the full term’s music fees.

Pupils in charge of school instruments are expected to take proper care of their safety and parents should check that their own insurance cover provides against loss. Boys wanting to start learning an instrument should ask for the appropriate forms from the school office. There is a waiting list for tuition on some instruments, particularly if an application is received mid-year. Applications go to the Head of the Boys’ Prep first for approval.

Notice of Withdrawal

The agreement for education of a pupil at the school may be terminated either by giving a full term's notice in writing or, subject to a payment of an amount equal to a full term's fees plus any amounts outstanding for previous terms, by giving notice at any time before the commencement of the next following term.

Clothing and Equipment

Long sleeved white of school design are a mandatory part of the uniform for concerts and similar occasions, as are long of school design. Uniform should be kept clean and in good condition. No should be missing and should be polished. Boys are asked to wear a clean every day. All items of and equipment must be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Boys are expected to conform to the regulations regarding clothing, equipment and appearance.

The current arrangement is that boys are permitted to bring in one sensibly-sized toy or game for playtime. School can accept no responsibility for loss of or damage to toys (this includes remote-controlled cars) or games.

Lost Property

Most lost property that is named finds its way back to its owner eventually. Boys are encouraged to take responsibility for their own belongings. All lost property will be stored in the cupboard in the library. Boys may visit this cupboard to find missing items. Parents are not allowed to search the lost property cupboard unless they enquire first at the school office or with a member of staff. Lost property collections can also be found in the sports centre and at the senior school. Items left at the pavilion may end up there. Organisation and Independence

Boys are encouraged to check their timetable and to set out their uniform, school bag and belongings the evening before so that they remember all that they need for school the next day. Forgetting an item may result in a boy being inconvenienced in a lesson though he will be less likely to forget it in the future. Parents are encouraged not to bring in items left behind by their sons; this is in order to help them to develop good habits and ultimately mature into responsible adults. Daily use of the school planner will be essential for pupils’ organisation and independence.

Mobile phones and Smartwatches

Only boys who walk to or from school without an adult, or travel by bus or taxi, are permitted to bring a mobile phone to school. Phones must be switched off and handed into the school office. Parents are asked not to phone or text their son during school hours and to remind their son that it contravenes school regulations if they attempt to phone or text their parents during school hours. Boys are permitted to use the school phone in an emergency though are not permitted to phone parents to ask them to bring in homework or kit that they have forgotten. This is to help ensure the smooth running of the office and also to encourage boys to be organised.

Smartwatches are not permitted at Monmouth School Boys’ Prep.


Medical and dental appointments should be made outside school hours. A note or email is required when a boy has been absent from school. No reason except illness is recognised as a sufficient excuse for absence from school unless there are exceptional circumstances and permission has previously been obtained from the Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep. All absences are classed on the register as authorised or unauthorised. All boys, except those medically unfit, take part in Games. Notice of excuse should be sent by parents to the Master in Charge of P.E. and Games, Mr Morris, in cases where it is desired that a boy should be temporarily excused owing to an ailment.

If it is necessary for medicine to be administered in school it should be sent in, clearly marked with name, date and clear dosage instructions. If instructions are unclear, staff are not permitted to administer the medicine. Parents are asked to consider the general health of the school and to consult the Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep if there is a likelihood that a boy has been exposed to infection during out-of-school hours. Parents are also asked to check their son’s hair for head lice weekly as a matter of routine and to keep hair cut short, above the collar, and so that it does not fall into the eyes. Hair should be its own natural colour. The use of hair gel, or similar hair styling products, is not permitted.

Other than by prior arrangement dogs are not permitted on the premises - either inside or outside; this includes the playing fields.


Requests for leave of absence for parents' holidays which fall outside the school holidays are not looked upon favourably. Dates of terms are published well in advance and the school asks that parents will abide by them. Homework

The school depends on parents' co-operation in the matter of homework. In addition parents are asked to hear their son read. We expect the boys to record their reading daily in their planner. Boys who do not have this extra practice as a matter of routine naturally tend to fall behind those who do. Learning spellings and tables practice should also be a matter of daily routine. If there are extenuating circumstances resulting in homework not being completed parents are asked to write a note (planners can be used for this purpose), or to send an email to the form tutor. Parents are requested to sign the planner on a weekly basis to ensure that their son is using it to record homework tasks and daily reading properly.


Parents can help school immensely if they ensure their son’s observation of the school rules and support the school in following up a misdemeanour or sanction at home as well as school.

Emergency Contact

It is necessary for the school to know the day-time (office or mobile) telephone number where a parent can be contacted in the case of sudden illness or other emergency. Parents whose home or work number is not going to be manned during the day are asked to let the school know where they can be contacted in an emergency. This also applies to school events out of school time.

Access during school hours

We are fortunate at the Boys’ Prep that the school office is manned for most of the day. However, Mrs Caldicott, Administrative Assistant, is on supervisory duty at lunchtime and Mrs Hunt, PA to the Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep and School Secretary, is sometimes called away from the office and, of course, she has a lunch break. There is therefore not always someone available to answer the telephone or the door. Telephone and email messages are picked up on Mrs Caldicott’s and Mrs Hunt’s return to the office. The senior school office is manned throughout the day during normal school hours (telephone 01600 713143).

Change of Address or Circumstances

Any change of address or telephone number (including mobile) should be given to the school as a matter of priority. Please do pass on your e-mail addresses indicating which is the home and which the work address. Parents are also asked to keep the school informed of any change of circumstances which may have an effect on their son's well being or his education. The School Day

8.00 am Blue side gate unlocked. Early boys arrive and are supervised in the playground or Room 5S depending on weather

8.30 am All boys to have arrived in the playground. Bell sounds. Boys line-up.

8.30 am Registration

8.40 am Period 1

9.15 am Period 2

9.50 am Period 3

10.25 am Assembly

10.45 am BREAK

11.00 am Period 4

11.35 am Period 5

12.10 pm Period 6

12.40 pm LUNCH

1.40 pm Registration in form room

1.45 pm Period 7

2.20 pm Period 8

2.55 pm BREAK

3.10 pm Period 9

3.45 pm End of lessons. Blue side gate unlocked. Boys may be collected from the back entrance to their form rooms between 3.45pm and 4.00pm. Please, NO DOGS on the school yard.

4.00 pm After school activities start. All boys not booked in for activities or After School Club are to have been collected.

4.15 pm After School Club starts. (Any boys not collected by this time are booked in to After School Club.) After School Club is held in Room 5W. When collecting, please do so from the back entrance of the classroom. Please do not use the front door.

5.00 pm After school activities cease. Collection is at the back of the school or from the Sports Complex, as indicated. Please do not use the front door.

5.15 pm Second session of After School Club starts. Any boy not collected by 5.15pm is booked in to the second session of After School Club. Collection from the second session is via the front door.

5.25 pm After School Club boys have tea.

6.00 pm All After School Club boys to have been collected. Please note - there is no facility for boys to stay in school after this time. Communication

We make the most effective use possible of a variety of forms of electronic communication to keep you fully informed:

1. InTouch messaging service 2. Weekly Newsletter and Mailing 3. Parent Portal 4. Direct emails 5. Twitter 6. Letters – hard copies in book bags

InTouch Messaging Service

InTouch is our “parent communication service” and is used to send the weekly e-newsletter. This service also allows us to contact you in the event of last minute changes to the school day which need communicating to multiple parents quickly and accurately. It is also used to send you certain forms and letters.

There are two types of message you could receive:

1 Text Message

A simple written message can be composed and sent by a member of staff. This is a “read only” text message with no ability to reply.

2 Email Message

This will usually only be used to keep you informed of events several days in the future rather than an emergency. This is a “read only” email message with no ability to reply.

The school uses mobile numbers and email addresses as provided by you. It is important that you notify the school of any changes as soon as possible.

Weekly Newsletter and Mailing

Every Friday evening, during term time, we send you an electronic newsletter which is full of photos and articles about events which have occurred that week plus detailed information on up-coming events. Please enjoy looking at this at your leisure and take note of the forthcoming information.

Included with the newsletter email will be a detailed list of other mailings. These mailings are all stored on the Parent Portal which you can access at any time. Please look through the list of documents and access any which are relevant to you and your son. We try to use this mailing as a single, central repository containing as much information as possible in order that you are not bombarded by communications throughout the working week.

Parent Portal

We operate a password protected secure area of the website which acts as a Parent Portal for storing general information and personal information regarding your son. Letters, communications and information are stored on the portal for you to access at any time. If you have lost or mislaid a hard copy letter or form to sign, they will generally be stored on the portal for your convenience to download and print. Please check the portal first before coming into the office to request another hard copy. Personal information, contact details, timetable information and school reports can all be accessed through the portal as well as a plethora of other information.

Direct Emails

We encourage the use of email for direct communication between yourself and your son’s form tutor and other teachers. Teachers’ email addresses are supplied to you. We ask that emails to teachers are kept brief to include matters of information. Although many staff check their emails regularly in the evenings and weekends, please respect staff members privacy and do not expect a response outside of normal working hours. For longer or more detailed discussions, please request a meeting rather than relying on email.


We use Twitter to give live updates on events and activities going on in school and to include photographs. Please feel free to follow us @MonBoysPrep for regular updates. Twitter is our preferred method for general communications during school trips and residentials and may be used in emergencies to give information regarding delays, traffic, inclement weather that affects the running of school events and trips. If you choose not to have a social media account yourself, you may still follow our Twitter feed via the school website. Other Boys’ Prep Twitter accounts exist and may be followed, as well as the official Twitter account for the Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools @Habsmonmouth. If you do not wish your son’s photo to appear on the school website, social media or marketing material please let us know.

Monmouth School Boys’ Prep A Haberdashers’ School

Parent Portal

This facility gives you quick, easy and up-to-date on-line access to information together with your son’s reports and timetable (once he has joined Monmouth School Boys’ Prep).

From your child’s first day, you will have a secure on-line account activated using a unique username (the email address you have already provided us) and password.

The Parent Portal can either be accessed via the website:


Or by typing the following link into your web browser:-


When you open the parent portal you should be presented with the following log in screen. Please use the left hand side of the page to log in as a parent, the right hand side is for staff and pupils only.

Activating your account. If you have not activated your account yet please select “Logging in for the first time? Activate your account” the green link at the bottom of the page. You will then be asked to input your email address. Then when you press the “Activate Account” an email will be sent to that account with a link to activate your account and for you to set a password.

Forgotten Password If you have activated your account and can’t remember your password please select “Forgotten your password?” just below the “Log in” Button Then at the next screen enter your email address and press the “Reset password” button an email will be sent to your account with an option to reset your password.

Normal Access If you have activated your account and have a password please enter your email address and password into the logon boxes to access the parent portal.

Once you are logged into the parent portal, all your children should appear at the of the page. You will also find links to the individual Parent sections for the schools.

If you have a problem accessing the parent portal If none of the options above work please do contact the school so we may assist. Please us this email address [email protected]

The Grange, Hadnock Road, Monmouth NP25 3NG Tel: +44 (0) 1600 715930 Email: [email protected]

www.habsmonmouth.org Charity Number 525616

Term Dates 2019/20

Michaelmas term 2019

Monday 2 September Teaching Staff INSET Tuesday 3 September Teaching Staff INSET Arrival of all Boys’ Prep boarders Term begins Wednesday 4 September Teaching Staff INSET Thursday 5 September School resumes 8.30am Exeat Friday 20 September Exeat begins 4pm Sunday 22 September Boarders return from 7pm Half term Friday 18 October Half term begins 4pm Sunday 3 November Boarders return from 5pm Monday 4 November School resumes 8.30am Exeat Friday 22 November Exeat begins 4pm Sunday 24 November Boarders return from 7pm Term ends Friday 13 December Term ends 12noon

Lent term 2020

Term begins Monday 6 January Joint Teaching Staff INSET Boarders return from 5pm Tuesday 7 January School resumes 8.30am Exeat Friday 24 January Exeat begins 4pm Sunday 26 January Boarders return from 7pm Half term Friday 14 February Half term begins 4pm Sunday 23 February Boarders return from 5pm Monday 24 February School resumes 8.30am Term ends Friday 27 March Term ends 4pm

Summer term 2020

Term begins Monday 20 April Teaching Staff INSET Boarders return from 5pm Tuesday 21 April School resumes 8.30am Exeat Thursday 7 May Exeat begins 4pm Friday 8 May VE Day Anniversary (Bank Holiday) Sunday 10 May Boarders return from 7pm Half term Friday 22 May Half term begins 4pm Sunday 31 May Boarders return from 5pm Monday 1 June School resumes 8.30am Term ends Friday 3 July Term ends following Prize-Giving

(Subject to change) CH 10 07 19 Daily Homework Allocation

Totals Set Work Reading Tables and Spellings Practice

Year 3 * 35 minutes 20 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes or more depending on competence.

Year 4 40 minutes 25 minutes 10 minutes (minimum) 5 minutes or more depending on competence.

Year 5 45 minutes 30 minutes 10 minutes (minimum) 5 minutes or more depending on competence.

Year 6 55 minutes 40 minutes 10 minutes (minimum) 5 minutes or more depending on competence.

* There is no "set work" for Year 3 on a Wednesday though the reading, tables and spellings practice should continue as usual. Reporting Process

To ensure consistency, transparency and continuity, the Boys’ Prep reporting procedure incorporates elements from the other Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools, with which you will be familiar if you have sons at Monmouth School for Boys and/or daughters at Monmouth School Girls’ Prep and Monmouth School for Girls. When your son transfers to Monmouth School for Boys we anticipate that there will be a smooth transition as both you and he will already be familiar with the report style and format as well as the grade criteria.

We work hard to ensure that reporting is purposeful and useful for the on-going development of your son’s education. We ensure that our grade criteria are clear, transparent and consistent in application in order that you can understand exactly where your son is currently and also exactly what he needs to do next in order to improve. We see reports as being more than a simple communication tool between home and school; they are also an important tool in maximising your son’s progress.

Attainment Grades

“Attainment” Grades are based on a 5 point scale which correlates with the grades at Monmouth School for Boys. These grades are:

Grade X Exceptionally High Standard Grade A High Standard Grade B Meets Expectations Grade C Below Expectations Grade D Well Below Expectations

As Monmouth School Boys’ Prep is an academically selective school, the Attainment Grades standards are set above national average standards. Therefore a boy who is meeting expectations at Monmouth School Boys’ Prep, will be working above national average standards across the UK, for a boy of the same age:

Attainment Grade Boys’ Prep Standards National Standards X Exceptionally High Standard Top 2% A High Standard Exceptionally High Standard B Meets Expectations High Standard C Below Expectations Meets Expectations D Well Below Expectations Below Expectations

We hope and expect that boys’ attainment grades will be in the green zone. We would hope that boys were not consistently being graded in the amber zone and would be concerned if they were in the red zone. Regardless of the grade the boys are currently achieving, we will always work our hardest to move them up to the grade above.

Not all parents should expect their sons to be working in the top grade levels. It is perfectly acceptable to be ‘meeting expectations’. This is an appropriate level for the majority of boys. If your son’s grades are lower than you would have hoped or expected, then please do make an appointment to discuss the reasons why but please be aware that Monmouth School Boys’ Prep is working hard to maintain academic standards, resisting the process of ‘grade inflation’ and ultimately demonstrating that your son is enjoying a quality academic education that is both worthwhile and rigorous. Attitude Grades

“Attitude” Grades explain your son’s approach to school work and school life in general. These will be expressed in words and are designed for your son to easily understand how his effort and endeavour levels are affecting his Attitude Grades. These grades are:

Excellent Very Good Good Inconsistent Unacceptable

Additional guidelines and more detailed grade criteria descriptors will be published which show which learning attitudes a typical boy would display in order to receive each grade. This is a ‘best fit’ judgement as no boy will fit every grade descriptor perfectly on every occasion.

Grade Cards

Grade cards will be issued at October half term and will consist of:

Attainment Grades for all subjects Attitude Grades for all subjects Form Tutor Comments

Interim Reports

Interim reports will focus predominantly on the core skills of English and Maths, which are required in order for your son to access all of the rest of the curriculum. These reports will be written for all boys at Christmas and Easter to reflect on their progress throughout the Michaelmas and Lent Terms respectively. Full reports will be written at the end of the Summer Term for all boys. Interim Reports will consist of:

Attainment Grades for all subjects Attitude Grades for all subjects Written comments for English and maths A Form Tutor written comment A written comment from the Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep Additional music tuition reports (if relevant)

Full Reports

Full reports will be issued at the end of the Summer Term and will reflect on the whole of the academic year. They will consist of:

Attainment Grades for all subjects Attitude Grades for all subjects Written comments for all subjects A Form Tutor written comments A written comment from the Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep Additional music tuition reports (if relevant) Report style and look

Printed on white paper A4 paper, portrait in orientation, they will be under the Monmouth School Boys’ Prep branded banner. Reports will be expandable in length so that they are not restrained to fit on single sheets of paper.

Full grade criteria and information on how to read and understand the judgements can be found on the Parent Portal together with a feedback form which we ask parents to complete and return to the school. Feedback is extremely valuable to us and can comment on your son’s individual report and/or the design, layout, construction and usefulness of the report. Your feedback is valuable to us and will be incorporated into future reviews of the reporting procedure.

Reports will be sent home in printed copy and will be available electronically on the parent portal. Attitude Summary A Typical Pupil: Grade A truly excellent pupil who goes above and • Participates with enthusiasm in lessons beyond the criteria detailed under ‘Very and demonstrates passion for the subject. Good’. • Seeks to extend own learning, by undertaking extra reading/research. Excellent Shows an exemplary approach to study, • Attempts extra challenges and enters participates with enthusiasm and seeks to competitions voluntarily. extend their own learning by attempting • Shows independence and takes extra challenges and further reading. responsibility for own learning. • Is very attentive and participates well in A very good pupil, who meets all of the lessons. school’s expectations. • Completes all prep with their best effort and always meets deadlines. Very Good Has an excellent approach to their studies, • Takes care with their work, which is completing all tasks given to the best of their thoroughly prepared and well presented. ability and always meets deadlines. • Is cooperative and never fails to put in sufficient effort. A good pupil, who meets most of the school’s • Is attentive in class and positive. expectations. • Is typically punctual and generally meets deadlines. Good Has a good approach to their studies; is • Generally takes care with their work and is mostly cooperative, attentive and punctual. mostly well-prepared. Usually meets deadlines and typically works • Usually puts in sufficient effort and to the best of their ability. concentration. A pupil who is a cause for concern and there • Can lack self-motivation and enthusiasm in is room for improvement. class and is easily distracted. • Misses prep deadlines. Inconsistent Can lack motivation and misses prep • Work is often careless and can lack detail. deadlines. At times can be inattentive and/or • Often fails to put in sufficient effort and disruptive; concentration can be lacking and concentration. their effort is inconsistent. A pupil whose attitude and behaviour are a • Displays an unacceptable lack of effort in clear cause for concern. class. • Rarely meets prep deadlines. Unacceptable Is frequently inattentive and is sometimes • Very careless approach to work. disruptive, and continually fails to meet prep • Continually fails to put in sufficient effort deadlines. Unacceptable effort and attitude. and/or lacks concentration.

As Monmouth School Boys’ Prep is an academically selective school, the Attainment Grades standards are set above national average standards. Therefore, a boy who is meeting expectations at the boys’ prep will be working above national average standards across the UK for a boy of the same age. This is detailed below:

Monmouth School Boys’ Prep Attainment Grade National Standards Standards Grade X Exceptionally High Standard Top 2% Grade A High Standard Exceptionally High Standard Grade B Meets Expectations High Standard Grade C Below Expectations Meets Expectations Grade D Well Below Expectations Below Expectations

Not all parents should expect their sons to be working in the top grade levels. It is perfectly acceptable to be “meeting expectations”. This is an appropriate level for the majority of boys. INDEX Section II

PASTORAL CARE Discipline ~ Honesty ~ Respect

School Rules

Walk around school in a quiet and calm manner.

Keep uniform, kit and equipment correct, neat and tidy.

Be well mannered and courteous to all.

Care for the school environment.

Class Rules

Listen carefully at all times; follow instructions and remain focussed.

Work to the best of your ability and allow others to do the same.

Arrive at lessons on time with the correct equipment.

Sit sensibly at your desk and do not encroach on the space of others. Rewards

The positive aspects of praise and reward have great emphasis.

1. Merit marks are given to pupils who:

(a) produce an excellent piece of work or who have made a consistently good effort with several pieces of work

(b) have been particularly helpful, thoughtful or kind

(c) have achieved something at their standard which shows great effort.

These awards are coloured in by the pupil in his planner and need to be signed off by the member of staff who awarded it. The form tutor is responsible for monitoring this and discussing with a pupil when he has achieved one of the awards below:

25 Merits = House Badge 50 Merits = Bronze Award 75 Merits = Silver Award 100 Merits = Gold Award 150 Merits = Platinum Award 200 Merits = Double Platinum Award

Badges/Awards are presented in Celebration Assemblies by the Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep or the Headmaster of Monmouth School for Boys. Boys who have won awards are eligible to participate in a prize draw during the final Celebration Assembly of each term.

2. Particularly commendable behaviour or effort is brought to the attention of the Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep. Recognition of good conduct may be announced in assemblies. Also achievements inside and outside school, whether in groups or as individuals can be praised in assembly.

3. Exceptional achievements can be brought to the attention of the Headmaster and the Governors, announced in the local press, or celebrated on the school website.


Unfortunately there will be times when sanctions will be necessary, though every effort will be made to ensure that these are seen to be fair, and consistently enforced. Sanctions include:

1. Disapproval - verbal with explanation.

2. Misdemeanour sheet to be filled in by child, explaining action and its consequences.

3. Withdrawal of privileges eg. losing break or being given a task instead of their favourite activity.

4. Referral to the Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep for repeated bad behaviour.

5. Contact may be made with the parents to work together with the school on the discipline of their child. INDEX Section III


After School Club 4.15pm to 6.00pm Monday to Friday, term time

Mrs Mumby is the After School Club supervisor. The club runs in addition to those regular after school activities that form part of the extra-curricular programme.

The After School Club enables working parents or those with other commitments to collect their boys later in the day and also helps those who have children with different after-school commitments on different days.

The club is held in room 5W* between 4.00pm and 5.10pm. Boys who are uncollected by 4.00pm and are not in a club must report directly to Mrs Mumby for supervised care. Boys must not wait in classrooms, corridors or cloakrooms unsupervised. Boys may not wait to be collected in the front foyer and parents are not allowed to collect via the front door. For parents collecting from After School Club, access is around the back of the school, through the yard and on to the decking.

At approximately 5.10pm the After School Club boys who are uncollected make their way to the library. Collection from this point onwards is made via the main front door.

The cost is £3.72 per hour, or part thereof, from 4.15pm to 5.15pm and £5.37 from 5.15pm to 6.00pm to include tea, if booked in advance. Parents are billed at the end of each term.

It is usually possible for parents to use the facility on an ‘ad hoc’ basis and at short notice (depending on numbers).

The After School Club telephone number is 07876 784037. Please use this number for any queries regarding After School Club, booking your son in, or problems with collection. Please leave a message; the phone is checked throughout the day. This phone is held by Mrs Mumby, not the school office. The number may not be used for any other communication with the school.

As a back-up, Mrs Mumby’s email address could be used ([email protected]) though if Mrs Mumby is not in school for any reason this message will not be read – so we suggest you ask for a “read receipt” if emailing her. Again, this email address may not be used for any other issue with the school.

There is no facility for supervision beyond 6.00pm and repeated lateness will not be tolerated.

An After School Club booking form may be found at the end of this pack.

*Mrs Mumby may choose to relocate the club to a different part of the school in order to complete a given activity e.g. the art studio. If she does this she will leave a sign on the outer door of 5W. INDEX Section IV

SPORT Physical Education and Games

Sport forms a major part of life at Monmouth School Boys’ Prep. The boys have over four and a half hours of sport a week. The lessons are very well staffed by specialist teachers. This enables teachers to respond to the needs of the individual.


The major games played at the school are rugby, football and cricket.

Rugby is taught to all year groups, initially as tag rugby then, as confidence and skills increase, tackling, rucking and mauling are introduced. The school follows the playing format progression for rugby as laid out in the RFU NROP and has its own appropriately sized pitches on the Monmouth School for Boys grounds. The school is also a member of the Welsh Rugby Union.

Football is played throughout the school. The emphasis is on developing individual skills in small sided games.

Cricket is a very popular sport at the school. Boys are taught the basics of batting, bowling and fielding, starting with a soft ball graduating to pairs cricket through to full eleven a-side matches. The school makes full use of all the facilities available which include grass and artificial cricket wickets and indoor and outdoor cricket nets.

The school has a full fixture list of matches against other schools in all the major sports. The presence of A, B, C and D teams ensures that all boys will have an opportunity to represent the school at some stage.


PE is taught throughout the school. The boys are provided with a wide range of activities which change regularly. These include gymnastics, basketball, hockey, tennis and athletics.


The school has full use of a twenty five metre, six lane indoor pool. All boys are taught how to swim. The programme includes water confidence, entry and exits to the pool and stroke development.

After School:

In addition to the timetabled sports, after school activities run during the week. Depending on the season these include: rugby, football, cricket, tennis, cross country and swimming. These sessions are taken by staff from the school as well as outside professional coaches. Sporting Etiquette

The true value of school sports cannot be overstated. The developments in self-esteem, team cohesion, and improved health resulting from participation in sport from a young age last a lifetime. However, we strongly believe that it is only by playing within the parameters of fair play and within the laws of each sport, that any feeling of success is “real”.

We also believe that as well as abiding by the laws of the game, there are other guidelines that govern how players and supporters should conduct themselves on or around the field of play.

As a result, the Boys’ Prep has established some clear guidelines of its own for any boy representing the school in sport, as shown below:

When selected for a sports team, Boys’ Prep pupils will be expected to:

- Represent the school with dignity, honesty, integrity and humility, whether in victory or defeat and display high standards of behaviour generally. - Show respect for all players, referees/umpires, supporters and staff. - Show appreciation to their hosts, including all catering staff and grounds staff. - Wear the appropriate playing kit and ensure their is worn smartly for away fixtures. - Communicate with coaching staff in good time about foreseen problems with travel or attendance. - Communicate with teaching staff in good time if lessons are to be missed.

Monmouth School Boys’ Prep also appreciates and values the support offered by the parents and friends of our young sportsmen. Traditionally they have been recognised for the positive nature of their support and their excellent relationships, not only with each other but also with the parents, coaches, players and officials from the opposing schools. Parents are asked not to question or criticise the decisions of referees and coaches vocally at sporting fixtures or events; where a perceived problem exists they should address this to the relevant coach, the teacher in charge of the relevant sport or Mr Morris in a discreet manner.

Selection for sports teams at the Boys’ Prep is competitive and is made in good faith by the coaches. Selection is based primarily upon the attitude and performance of a player during training and in matches. Every effort will be made to inform a player how he may improve in these aspects in order to gain selection for his preferred team, although inevitably some boys will be disappointed. We ask that parents support the school sports coaches in this process, even when there is disappointment with a selection decision. The Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep delegates this responsibility to coaches and masters in charge of sports.

From D team through to A team boys can derive great benefit and enjoyment from playing sport at the Boys’ Prep. By adhering to this code of conduct, we believe that Monmouth School Boys’ Prep players and supporters will represent the school in a manner that upholds our fine traditions of physical endeavour and moral integrity. INDEX Section V


Boys in Monmouth School Boys’ Prep have class music lessons three times each week. Most of this musical activity uses the facilities available in the music room and our four music studios which offer pianos, listening equipment, tuned and untuned percussion instruments, stands and sets of books for singing and instrumental playing.

Singing is an important part of the curriculum and all boys are encouraged to join in wholeheartedly. There is a weekly whole school hymn practice and regular performances in various concerts throughout the year and at the annual Carol Service. The Grange Choir rehearses weekly and membership is by invitation to boys in Years 4, 5 and 6. The Choir performs in school and elsewhere and has on occasion taken part in choral projects with the senior school.

If your son would like to begin instrumental tuition, or if he already plays an instrument and you would like tuition to continue at the Boys’ Prep, please complete the appropriate form and return it to school as soon as possible. Boys entering Year 3 can apply for tuition on string instruments (violin, viola, ‘cello) and piano only. This is to support our carefully thought out set up for instrumental learning at the Boys’ Prep. The only exception to this is if a boy is already learning an instrument other than violin, viola, ‘cello and piano, he may continue with it in Year 3 by arrangement with the Head. From Year 4 onwards they have a full choice of tuition including wind, brass and percussion instruments. Instrumental lessons take place during the school day but are timed carefully to avoid upsetting the core academic curriculum as far as possible. Twice yearly the school enters boys for practical examinations run by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, and this is arranged through the instrumental teacher. If you do not wish your son to be entered for exams please notify his teacher at the beginning of the academic year.

There is a carefully structured system of introducing boys to the idea of playing musical instruments. In Year 3 every boy is given the opportunity to play a string instrument in a large ensemble context (whole class tuition). This exercise occupies one class lesson per week and your son will be able to try the violin and the cello in the first instance. Boys then decide on the instrument they wish to continue ensemble tuition on (the class splits into two groups, one for violin, one for cello). This setup continues as part of their curriculum music provision for the rest of the year, if they make good progress. If at the end of this period your son wishes to continue tuition, lessons are arranged within the school and a charge will be made in the usual way. We hope that as many boys as possible will take advantage of this opportunity when the time comes. Once your son has chosen to continue, there is the opportunity to be included in the Boys’ Prep Orchestra, which consists of up to twenty five or so players, and which rehearses weekly.

As a preparation for playing woodwind and brass instruments, Year 3 class activity also involves playing the recorder. We find that the most efficient and hygienic way of dealing with this is to ask each boy to provide his own instrument, clearly named (on the instrument please, as well as the case). Descant recorders are available from the school shop. Learning to listen to music of all styles brings many benefits and some element of listening is incorporated into many lessons.

We introduce boys to woodwind and brass instruments in Years 4, 5 and 6. Those boys who have not already proceeded with tuition on a string instrument now have the option of taking up a brass or woodwind instrument. Initial tuition is offered to all boys in Year 4 on the clarinet and some brass instruments and boys are encouraged to sign up for lessons thereafter. In Year 5 one music lesson each week becomes a class band session. There is an opportunity for those boys to join in with the Boys’ Prep Band, which meets weekly to rehearse and consists of up to 20 or so players. Other instruments are introduced as appropriate and as the need arises. Every boy is offered the opportunity to join in group music, whatever his experience to date, and many lessons have more than one member of staff present, allowing us to respond readily to the needs of the individual.

Public performance is an excellent character-building experience and the boys perform in public regularly throughout the year, including at their own Form Concert. We very much look forward to welcoming you to the school on these occasions. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Walton (Co-ordinator of Music) at any time should you wish to discuss musical matters. His email address is [email protected] INDEX Section VI


Monmouth School for Boys A Haberdashers’ School

Dear Parents

We look forward to welcoming you to the school shop. We are situated on the Monmouth School for Boys site behind the dining room and can be accessed from Chippenhamgate Street.

During term time we are open from 12.30pm to 2.30pm and from 3.30pm to 4.30pm Monday to Friday and on the first Saturday of each half term, 12 noon to 1.00pm. In the school holidays we are open by appointment only. Parents of new boys are asked to make an appointment for kitting out before the start of July. Appointments are available throughout the summer holidays. Please book online:


We appreciate that with the busy lifestyles of today, and with working commitments, our opening times may not be convenient for everyone. Once your son has started at the school, we offer a service whereby if you are unable to come to the school shop during opening hours we are happy to send items over to the Boys’ Prep, using our internal mail service. Please send an email giving the details of the items you require and we will send them over to the Boys’ Prep. The items will be charged to your school account. We also have a second hand section where you can pick up some good bargains.

As well as selling uniform we sell sports equipment and have an excellent range of stationery, competitively priced, often much cheaper than can be found on the high street. If you have any queries relating to uniform or sports equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Telephone No: 01600 710410

Email: [email protected]

We look forward to meeting you.

Ann Nixon Shop Manager

Almshouse Street, Monmouth NP25 3XP Tel: +44 (0) 1600 710410 Email: [email protected]

www.habsmonmouth.org Charity Number 525616 Uniform List School from £73.99 Long grey trousers school pattern only from £11.50 Short grey trousers (optional) school pattern only from £12.50 Grey from £ 3.40 White long sleeved shirts (twin pack) school pattern only from £15.99 White short sleeved shirts (twin pack) school pattern only from £11.00 £ 4.99 Music tie (if eligible) £ 9.00 School pullover from £16.30 Navy warm anorak (plain navy, no coloured trim) from £30.99 Navy waterproof top school pattern from £15.00 White trainers from £25.99 Navy/amber from £13.99 Navy/amber school pattern £18.00 P.E. vest (House colour) – Houses are allocated a few weeks into term from £11.20 Track school pattern (navy) hooded top from £26.00 Tracksuit bottoms - school pattern only from £16.00 Black Speedo swimming trunks school pattern only from £ 12.00 Name tapes 3 dz. £ 4.99 Blue shorts for rugby - school pattern only from £ 4.99 Navy rugby socks from £ 3.99 Rugby shirt school colours - school pattern only from £18.00 Cricket whites (optional) from £18.50 Base layer top (optional) from £26.00 Base layer shorts (optional) from £21.56 Rugby (studs must be rounded metal and have British Kite Mark). Various styles and prices available Astroturf boots (must be worn when using the 3G astro) various White cotton mix socks (P.E.) from £ 4.30 School £12.00 School (black) for use at playtimes and during summer sports £14.99 Backpack (plain navy) £37.99 Large sports bag (plain navy) £22.60 Small swimming bag (plain navy) £ 9.99 Small kitbag (plain maroon) £ 9.99 Small bag (plain black) £ 9.99 Black shoes - plain style cut below the ankle and able to be polished. Suede or nu-buck ‘loafer’ style shoes or similar designs for are all unacceptable. School shoes are available from the school shop.

1. EVERY ARTICLE must BE MARKED WITH NAME TAPES which can be purchased through the School Shop. Parents are especially asked that name tapes be sewn on. Boots and shoes must also be permanently marked.

2 Articles of clothing not on this list must not be worn at school or on the journey to and from school.

3 Uniform and games kit must be obtained from the Monmouth School Shop, 16–20 Chippenhamgate Street, Monmouth. Tel: (01600) 710410. During term time the shop is open 12.30pm - 2.30pm and 3.30pm – 4.30pm Monday - Friday and 12.00 noon - 1.00pm on the first Saturday of each half term. Email:[email protected]

4 The shop will be open by appointment only during the school holidays.

5. Please make an appointment before visiting the School Shop to avoid any undue delay.


Prices as June 2019 (subject to alteration)

Uniform and Equipment Information

Boys are expected to wear their on the journey to and from school but do not have to do so once they arrive at school.

All boys must have a school pullover which may be worn as alternative wear to the blazer during day-time.

The waterproof top should be kept in a boy's locker or on his peg at school in case it rains when he has not brought a .

The P.E. vest cannot be purchased until boys are allocated to their Houses, which normally happens after they have been in the school for two to three weeks.

A boy will need to wear protective head gear when the weather is sunny; he must wear a school cricket cap at playtimes when required or for outdoor sports when required.

In addition to the uniform list, parents should provide a named art overall or a large old shirt to protect their son's school uniform during art/craft lessons.

All boys should have the following items :-

1 backpack - plain navy backpack to be purchased from the school shop – named with boy’s full name.

1 30 cm ruler

1 15 cm ruler

2 HB pencils (kept sharpened)

1 pencil rubber

1 pencil sharpener

1 pack of coloured pencils (kept sharpened)

1 set of mathematical instruments (from Year 4 only)

1 Yamaha Descant Recorder – named with boy’s full name (Year 3 only)

1 pen with nib (cartridge, blue ink with spare cartridge) (from Year 4 only)

1 spare pen (which may be blue rollerball – no ballpoint pens)

1 set of “in-ear” headphones

All items above need to carry a boy’s name or initials, please.

Uniform and Equipment Information Boarders

Please refer to the Uniform List. Prep boarders will require more than one of certain items. Listed below is a minimum suggested requirement for these items. Please ensure everything is clearly named. It would also be helpful if you could supply spare name tags:

Grey trousers x 2 PE shorts x 2

Grey socks x 10 pairs PE polo shirts x 2

White shirts x 8 Rugby shorts x 2

Blazer x 1 Rugby socks x 2

Jumper x 2 Rugby shirt x 2

Tie x 2 Football boots x 1 pair

Waterproof coat Astroturf boots x 1 pair

Hooded top x 1 White trainers x 1 pair

Tracksuit bottoms x 1 School swimming kit x 1

PE vest (House Colours)

In addition, please provide:

Mufti socks x 8 Duvet x 1

Underpants x 10 Duvet covers x 2

Pyjamas x 2 Any medication

Dressing x 1 Sun cream Suitable mufti (ie. non-uniform clothes) Pocket money (in denominations of £5 Suggest: 4 bottoms notes) to be given to staff in an envelope for 6 t-shirts safekeeping 2 warm tops

Warm coat x 1 bag with name on x 1

Waterproof trousers x 1 cleaning kit

Spare leisure swim shorts Trunk x 2

Slippers/indoor shoes x 1 pair Tuck box – preferably lockable

Mufti trainers/shoes (1 “play” pair & 1 “neat” pair) Storage box with lid (for toys etc.) x 1

Wellington boots (Autumn term) Padlock for bedroom cupboard

Sun Reading books

Towels x 4 Posters/photos for the dorm

Lightweight towel (sports type – for swimming) x 1 Torch Toiletries Water bottle x 1

Hairbrush and comb

Nail clippers

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Sheila Mone, Houseparent, at Chapel House Email: [email protected]


FINANCIAL INFORMATION Financial Information 2019/20

1. Fees

1.1 The fees from September will be:

Monmouth School for Boys Monmouth School for Girls Senior School Boarders: £10,284 per term £9,924 per term (Years 7 – 11) Boarders – 6th Form: £11,166 per term (entry after £11,1662 per term (entry after Year Year 10) 10) Day pupils: £5, 425 per term (Years 7 – 13) £5,069 per term (Years 7 – 11) £5,4251 per term (Years 12 – 13) Foundation Year: £11,166 per term £11,166 per term Prep School Boarders: £6,956 per term £6,956 per term Day pupils: £3,805 per term £3,805 per term

No discount is given for siblings in the school.

1.2 English as an Additional Language - For those pupils for whom English is not their first language, there will be termly charge of £200 to cover the supplementary support that is required. This additional charge does not apply to the Foundation Course which already includes the provision of necessary EAL support. 1 1.3 Study Support - For those pupils requiring extra Study Support in numeracy and/or literacy. This will be charged at £17.50 per lesson and will be shown as an extra charge on the school bill. Parents will be informed if this is required.

1.4 Fees are charged in advance and include the cost of stationery and ordinary textbooks and apparatus but there will be a charge made for books or apparatus lost or damaged. In this respect a charge will be made for any textbooks which have not been returned to school by the last day of the Summer term. No refunds will be given for books returned after the end of term as orders will have been made for replacement books.

1.5 Tuition fees do not include examination entry fees which are charged at cost to the pupil’s account when entries are made. Some fees for music examinations, resits or remarks may have to be paid by cheque or debit card.

1.6 A deposit to cover the costs of extras and disbursements which are paid in advance by the school and recovered from parents in arrears is payable on acceptance of a place in the schools: UK Boarders £500 Day pupils £200

1 Due to the introduction of co-educational teaching from September 2018, the day fees for the Sixth Form have been equalised across the schools. For girls already in Year 11 who join the Sixth Form in 2019, the lower fee applicable to Years 7 – 11 will be charged. 2 This fee will apply to new entrants to the Sixth Form and pupils remaining in the Sixth Form following their Foundation Year. For those already in the school in Year 11 who will be boarding in the Sixth Form in 2019/20, the lower fee applicable to Years 7–11 will be charged.

1 For boarding pupils with parents who reside outside of the , there will be a deposit of one term’s fees. These deposits will be refunded when a pupil leaves the school.

1.7 a) Life subscription to the Old Monmothian Club is £150, billed in 15 termly instalments. Any parent who does not wish their son to join the Club should notify the Foundation Bursar in writing.

b) Family Membership to Friends of Monmouth School for Girls is charged annually at £15.00 per family on the Michaelmas bill. Any parent who does not wish to join can opt out by notifying the Foundation Bursar in writing.

1.8 A charge of £22.00 for each of the Michaelmas and Lent terms, and £17.50 for the Summer term, is made per senior boarder towards the Boarders’ House Funds in arrears and £17.50 annually for junior boarders.

1.9 The Board of Governors will always endeavour to give at least one term’s notice of an increase in fees. However, they reserve the right to impose an increase at any time in the event of an unpredicted increase in school running costs.

1.10 Fees are set on an annual basis and divided equally into three instalments for the convenience of all. No reduction is therefore available for pupils in their GCSE and A level year who leave after their examinations.

1.11 A limit of £150 per pupil, per term will be set for purchases made in the school shop and charged to the fee account, unless prior arrangements have been made by the parents.

1.12 One full term’s notice is required before the withdrawal of a pupil from the school. In the event that such notice is not provided, fees in lieu of notice will be charged.

2. Buses

2.1 Charges for the various bus routes will be advised separately.

2.2 Notice is required in writing to the Foundation Bursar by the first day of term if a pupil wishes to discontinue using the bus at the start of the next term. If the notice is not given, a full term’s fees will be charged in lieu of notice.

2.3 For those pupils siting GCSE or A Level examinations in the summer term a discount will be applied in respect of bus travel and/or lunches to take into account the study leave period.

3. Lunches

3.1 Lunches for day pupils are not included in the above fees. They are charged per term in advance and from September will be:

Michaelmas term £253.15 Lent term £224.10 Summer term £199.20

This charge is based on the assumption that the pupil takes lunch for the whole term. A pupil away through sickness for six consecutive days will receive a refund of £2.08 a day provided a written claim is made by the parents through the Head. Pupils who do not pay in advance for lunches may take ad hoc lunches at a cost of £4.40 per day.

2 3.2 For those pupils sitting GCSE or A level examinations in the Summer term a discount will be applied in respect of bus travel and/or lunches to take into account the study leave period.

3.3 Pupils may discontinue meals if their parents give half a term’s written notice in advance to the Foundation Bursar at either the end of term or half term.

3.4 New pupils are automatically charged on their bills for lunches in their first term, but may opt out if parents give written notice in advance to the Foundation Bursar. All pupils at Monmouth School Boys’ and Girls’ Prep must take school lunches.

4. Music

4.1 Monmouth School for Boys charges per lesson from September are: a) Individual tuition in one instrument £26.25 (per 35 minute lesson)

b) Tuition shared with one other pupil £16.80 (per 35 minute lesson)

4.2 Monmouth School for Girls charges per lesson from September are: a) Individual tuition in one instrument £22.50 (per 30 minute lesson)

b) Tuition shared with one other pupil £14.40 (per 30 minute lesson)

4.3 Charges per term for use of school instruments from September are:

First year Thereafter

a) Category 1: Bassoon, Flute, French Horn £14.00 per term £28.00 per term Oboe, Viola, Trombone, Tuba, Double Bass £42.00 per year £84.00 per year

b) Category 2: Alto saxophone, Baritone, £30.00 per term £60.00 per term Baritone Sax, Clarinet, Cornet, Euphonium, £90.00 per year £180.00 per year Tenor Sax, Trumpet, Violin, Violoncello, Tenor Horn

4.4 A full term’s notice must be provided in writing to the Foundation Bursar if a pupil wishes to discontinue music lessons. If the notice is not given, the full term’s fees will be charged.

5. Sport

5.1 Rowing per annum: (Years 9 and 10) £165 (£55 per term) (Years 11, 12 and 13) £195 (£65 per term)

5.2 Other Sports Coaching: Fencing, squash, tennis: Charges for coaching in these sports will depend upon the demand for places.

3 6. Insurances

6.1 All pupils are covered by a Personal Accident Insurance scheme compensating for permanent disability or death through accident at school or at home, in term time or holidays. It is not however a health insurance. There is no charge for this cover as the school pays the premium for all pupils.

The following insurances are available:

6.2 Private medical cover through:  AXA PPP Healthcare: the termly charge is currently £99.00.  Denplan: the school operates a dental injury and emergency scheme through Denplan at no extra cost to you.

6.3 Fees Refund Scheme. No refund of fees can be made for temporary removal of a pupil through illness, even if such removal is by medical authority. However, if parents opt to join this scheme a refund of fees will be made if a pupil is absent through sickness or accident. (For a boarder the absence has to be for at least eight continuous days, for a day pupil for five continuous days). The termly charge payable is based on the following rates applied to the termly fee:

Junior boarders 1.05% Junior day pupils 1.37% Senior boarders 1.05% Senior day pupils 1.37%

6.4 Details of these insurances are sent to parents with the ‘New Boy/Girl’ information booklet. The school reserves the right to increase the termly charge to take into account any increase in the cost of the Scheme, including where the school is required to pay Insurance Premium Tax to Insurers.

6.5 Group Travel Insurance. Pupils on trips abroad will be covered by a group policy held by the school. The teacher in charge of the trip will supply details of cover provided. Sometimes additional insurance is required and the cost of this will be incorporated into the cost of the trip.

6.6. Other Insurance. There are a number of insurance companies who provide policies for parents to pay for school fees if a fee payer is made redundant, suffers a business failure, long-term illness or serious accident. The school makes no recommendation in this regard and encourages parents to research the available policies.

6.7 Pupils’ Personal Effects Insurance. The school operates a Pupils’ Personal Effects Insurance policy at no extra cost to you.

7. Payment

7.1 All fees and monies due should be paid on or before the first day of the relevant term. Tuition and boarding fees, lunches and school transport are charged termly in advance whilst music and other extras are charged in arrears.

7.2 The Board of Governors reserves the right to request withdrawal of a pupil if the fees have not been paid by the due date.

7.3 Should a fee account be in arrears, the Foundation Bursar may refuse participation in extra-curricular activities or trips that incur additional costs.

4 7.4 From September 2019, payment of the fees will be aligned across the schools and can be made by the following methods:

 by cheque made payable to Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools  on-line bank transfer to Lloyds Bank, Account No, 00095828, Sort Code: 30-95-71, quoting your account number as reference  by debit card over the telephone, or in person: and  by Direct Debit on a termly basis, in full or collected in three equal instalments.

Additional forms and further information may be obtained from the Accounts department on 01600 710406.

7.5 The school will accept payment in advance and offers a discount for such payment of six or more terms’ fees. However any parent who wishes to pay in advance should first contact the Foundation Bursar.

7.6 Parents who wish to pay by cheque, bank transfer or debit card payment should note that fees not paid in full by the first day of term will be subject to a late payment surcharge of 1.5% per month. The same surcharge will be levied on any unpaid direct debit.

7.7 Apart from pupils leaving after completing A level examinations, a full term’s notice in writing to the Head must be given by parents before a pupil is withdrawn from the school. The school will charge a full term’s fees in lieu of such notice.

7.8 By agreement, the school may accept childcare vouchers in advance payment of the boarding element of the fees for eligible pupils in year groups up to and including Year 11. For further details please contact the Accounts department on 01600 710406.

5 Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools

From the Foundation Bursar Mrs Tessa Norgrove MBA

10th May 2019

Dear Parents,

The School welcomes the payment of fee accounts by Direct Debit and offers the option of paying each termly invoice in full, on the first day of each term, or in three monthly instalments each term. Should you elect to pay by Direct Debit the School shall issue a separate invoice and schedule of instalments relating to the fees due in respect of each term, which shall be evidence of the separate agreement for the payment of that term’s fees. Your payments are covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee that is offered by all banks and building societies that allow payments by this method.

A mandate form in favour of the School is enclosed. If you wish to take advantage of this convenient payment method, please complete the form and return it with a letter stating clearly whether you wish to pay your invoices in full or in instalments. If you subsequently cancel your Direct Debit instruction, all amounts outstanding on your account will become immediately repayable in full.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the School Accountant. I hope that you will find this method of payment convenient.

Yours sincerely,

St Catherine’s House, 17 Hereford Road, Monmouth, NP25 3HG Tel: +44 (0) 1600 711230 +44 (0) 1600 710401 Email: [email protected] www.habsmonmouth.org Charity Number 525616 Fees in Advance (FIA) Scheme

Introduction The Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools offer parents a scheme which enables them to make a lump sum payment for future school fees, in full or in part, for an agreed contract term. Payments may be made by anyone who wishes to make provision for a child’s education (the ‘donor’). Depending on individual circumstances, partaking in the scheme may be a helpful way of managing finances in a tax efficient way. Anyone interested should seek advice from a personal financial adviser before entering the scheme.

Conditions of the Scheme Each applicant will receive an individual proposal, drawn up by the Foundation Bursar, which is tailored to meet their own financial preferences. The minimum number of terms to be covered is six; the maximum is the remaining time at the school(s) through to the end of the Sixth Form. Quotations may be obtained separately for any of the five schools (Monmouth Schools Pre-Prep and Nursery, Monmouth School Girls’ Prep, Monmouth School Boys’ Prep, Monmouth School for Girls and Monmouth School for Boys). Alternatively, a quotation may be prepared covering the pupil’s time at more than one school.

Quotations will be prepared in one of two ways, depending on the donor’s preferences: Either (i) Based on a specified lump sum, the donor will be advised how many terms’ fees will be covered (assuming a set annual rate of fee increase). Or (ii) Based on a specified number of terms to be covered, the donor will be advised on the lump sum required (assuming a set annual rate of fee increase). A discount is offered on advance payments, the amount of which is related to the size of the capital deposited, the period of advance payment and the general level of interest rates at the time such deposit is made. Larger discounts will be offered for contracts covering at least 5 years’ fees. An annual rate of fee increase is assumed and the parent remains liable for any additional fees not covered under the FIA contract. Conversely, if any amount provided for under the contract is greater than the amount due, the donor can elect to leave the excess on the fees account to be applied against future charges, or the excess may be refunded.

Termly Balances The schools will apply the termly amount covered under the contract to the fees account on the due date each term. All remaining fees and extras invoiced each term must be paid in full according to the normal terms and conditions.

Entry to the school(s) Payments will only be accepted in respect of pupils for whom a registration fee has been paid and the offer of a place accepted. Payment of a lump sum does not alter the terms of entry or entitle a pupil to preferential treatment.

Withdrawal before the end of the contract period If a pupil in respect of whom a lump sum has been paid ceases to attend the school, for whatever reason, before the contract reaches its agreed term, the amount to be returned to the donor will be a sum equal to the unused portion of the lump sum payment. Parents will be required to give a full term’s notice of withdrawal, and if they fail to do so, the following term’s fees will be deducted from the unused portion of the lump sum payment. The school also reserves the right to retain any other unpaid charges, such as extras. Interest at a rate reflecting the value to the school of the unused portion of the lump sum will also be paid to the donor, after deducting an administration charge. If a pupil is withdrawn before he/she starts at the school, the lump sum will be refunded to the donor, less a full term’s fees in lieu of notice if appropriate, and an administration charge. No interest will be paid in these circumstances. Terms of the Scheme Once a quotation has been accepted, a contract will be drawn up between the school(s) and the donor. If the donor is not the pupil’s parent, the parent will also be required to sign the contract. The governors reserve the right to discontinue the scheme at any time, or to vary the amounts and conditions of payment and refund in respect of new entrants. In the case of existing participants, the governors reserve the right to make changes consequent to any change in the law relating to tax and/or charities. Ownership of fees paid to the school(s) as a lump sum passes to the school(s) upon payment, to be used in accordance with the terms described fully in the signed contract, and outlined in this notice.

Example quotations Quotations can be provided for any time period as required, but a few examples of the most frequently requested quotations are provided below (figures provided are for pupils paying full fees; lump sums must be received by 31 August 2019; figures are subject to change):

Day pupils Monmouth School for Boys Monmouth School for Girls Lump Sum £ Discount £ Lump Sum £ Discount £ Pre-Prep School 3 years (Reception – Year 2) 23,796 405 23,796 405 14 years (Reception – Year 13) 187,449 51,177 181,943 49,846 Prep School 4 years (Years 3-6) 46,789 1,325 46,789 1,325 11 years (Years 3-13) 161,976 31,425 156,541 30,287 Senior School 2 years (between Years 7-11) 32,843 277 30,686 259 5 years (Years 7-11) 81,309 5,964 75,974 5,572 7 years (Years 7-13) 114,355 12,254 109,019 11,863 Sixth Form external entrants 2 years (Years 12-13) 32,843 277 32,843 277

Boarders Monmouth School for Boys Monmouth School for Girls Lump Sum £ Discount £ Lump Sum £ Discount £ Prep School 4 years (Years 3-6) 85,532 2,422 85,532 2,422 Senior School 2 years (between Years 7-11) 62,260 524 60,079 506 5 years (Years 7-11) 154,136 11,305 148,741 10,910 7 years (Years 7-13) 216,780 23,229 211,360 22,829 Sixth Form external entrants 2 years (Years 12-13) 67,600 569 67,600 569

How to apply If you are interested in making a lump sum deposit and wish to receive a quotation, or you would like to know more about the scheme, please contact the Foundation Bursar:

Foundation Bursar: Mrs Tessa Norgrove: [email protected] Bursar’s PA: Mrs Sue Muir [email protected] Tel: 01600 710401

May 2019 Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools

From the Foundation Bursar Mrs Tessa Norgrove MBA

10th May 2019

Dear Parent,

Personal Accident Insurance & Pupils Personal Possessions Insurance

We are pleased to advise you that the Monmouth Schools are providing your children with the above cover which has been arranged through Endsleigh Insurance Services Limited. Cover will commence on 1st September 2019 and will be reviewed annually.

Personal Accident

Up to £500,000 to be paid in the event of an accident resulting in death or disablement. The following limits apply:  Permanent total disablement - £500,000: or  Quadriplegia - £500,000; or  Paraplegia - £500,000 or  Loss of two limbs - £500,000; or  Loss of sight in both eyes - £500,000; or  Permanent total disablement (other than above) - £250,000; or  Death - £7,500

For a list of exclusions and for further information please contact the school finance office.

Pupils Personal Possessions

You will be covered if your personal belongings are lost, damaged or stolen up to £5,000. The following limits apply:  Up to £2,000 for any one article  Up to £350 for pedal cycles  Up to £500 for and items of (with a valuation)  Up to £200 for individual items of jewellery without a valuation  Up to £100 for computer application and system software

Where proof of purchase can be produced, items less than one year old will be replaced as new. The following are not covered:

 The first £100 of each claim for laptops or tablet computers and the first £25 for all other claims  Any loss, theft or damage whilst off school premises unless travelling on a direct journey to or from school at the beginning or end of each term or in connection with an official school trip

St Catherine’s House, 17 Hereford Road, Monmouth, NP25 3HG Tel: +44 (0) 1600 710401 Email: [email protected] www.habsmonmouth.org Charity Number 525616  Loss, theft of or damage to money, mobile phones, smartphones and the like including their accessories  Loss or damage caused by wear and tear, depreciation, deterioration or other gradual causes  Theft of pedal cycles unless from a locked building and there is evidence of violent or forcible entry or whilst locked to an immovable object via an approved security device as defined in the policy wording  Theft of an item from an unattended motor vehicle unless it is entirely out of sight, all locks and security systems operated and there is evidence of violent and forcible entry  Your own unlawful action or any criminal proceedings against you  Any event which you were aware of at the time of taking this insurance that could give rise to a claim

Any loss, theft or damage must be reported to the school and for possessions worth more than £1,000 any loss, theft or damage must be reported to the police and a crime reference number obtained.

The cover operates in term time on the school premises in the UK outside term time for possessions left on school premises in a locked room designated by the school.

As with all insurance policies, terms and conditions apply. Please ask for further information if required.

Yours sincerely,

Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools

From the Foundation Bursar Mrs Tessa Norgrove MBA

10th May 2019

Dear Parent,

Denplan for Schools Up to £10,000 dental injury cover for your child

We are delighted to announce that the Monmouth Schools are providing your child with Denplan for Schools cover arranged by Denplan the UK’s leading dental payment plan specialist at no additional cost to you. Cover will commence for all pupils from 1st of September 2019 (Michaelmas term) and will remain until your child leaves the school.

Denplan for Schools provides your child with cover in the event of a dental injury or dental emergency and reassurance that your child will be covered 24 hours a day no matter where they are. Your child will be covered during school holidays as well as term time, 365 days a year.

Denplan for Schools is designed to help your child in an emergency. You can visit any dentist, worldwide, and our 24 hour worldwide dental emergency helpline is on hand to help you or your child at any time. Denplan can help find a dentist for your child to make sure they get the treatment they need in an emergency and, with no cover limits for individual treatments and many claims settled direct with the dentist, making a claim is quick and easy too.

If you have any questions relating to the plan, please do not hesitate to call Elizabeth Hargett, our Denplan for Schools Account Manager on 07974 832 407.

As with all insurance policies, terms and conditions apply. Please refer to the Denplan for Schools brochure to see all benefits, limitations and exclusions of the scheme or visit the Denplan for Schools website at www.denplan.co.uk/schools. Alternatively hard copies of the policy booklet are available at the school finance office.

Yours sincerely,

St Catherine’s House, 17 Hereford Road, Monmouth, NP25 3HG Tel: +44 (0) 1600 711230 +44 (0) 1600 710401 Email: [email protected] www.habsmonmouth.org Charity Number 525616 Denplan for Schools Welcome to Denplan for Schools Denplan for schools covers pupils of Independent Schools across the UK for dental injuries and emergencies 365 days a year anywhere in the world


04. What is a Denplan for Schools? 06. Policy summary 07. What are the main exclusions and limitations of the Denplan for Schools plan? 09. Policy terms and conditions 15. Dental first aid tips

Get in touch

You can get in touch with one of our team by: Email: [email protected] Phone: 0800 214 357 Lines are open from 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday – Friday.

2 Denplan for Schools Denplan for Schools 3 What is Denplan for Schools

An insurance policy that gives you money back towards the cost of dental injury and dental emergency treatment.

Demands and Needs What to do in a This product meets the needs of a school dental emergency that wants its pupils to benefit from support with treatment costs for dental injuries and Dental pain can be a distressing experience – emergency dental treatment. here is what you can do in a dental emergency. How it works In the UK – the child can visit any dentist and we’ll help to find one where needed. Step 1 Denplan for Schools covers dental injury and When the treatment has finished, pay dental emergency treatment (see the Policy the dentist in the usual way. Summary for details). Step 2 Overseas – if the child has a dental emergency while abroad, they can still visit any dentist. Submit your receipt and claim form Call the 24-hour Worldwide Dental Emergency to us by email or by post within Helpline on +44 1962 844 999. We will explain 60 days of treatment. the best action to take to find a dentist in the local area. Step 3 Out of hours – If the child is in dental pain Wait for the money to be reimbursed from during the night or over the weekend, they Denplan to your designated can still receive dental treatment as Denplan bank account. for Schools includes cover for call-out fees and emergency treatment (see the Policy Summary for full details).

Year round peace of mind that comes from worldwide cover, provided by the UK’s leading dental plan provider.

4 Denplan for Schools Denplan for Schools 5 Policy Summary What are the main exclusions This is a brief description of the Denplan for Schools plan and limitations of the Denplan which is underwritten by Simplyhealth. It does not contain the full terms and conditions which can be found in the for Schools plan? Policy Terms and Conditions on pages 9-13 of this booklet. As with all insurance policies general exclusions and limitations apply. Here is a summary of the main exclusions and limitations of the policy.

Benefits Entitlement Exclusions For full information please see

Claims under the dental injury or dental emergency Worldwide dental injury Up to £10,000 each policy year benefit for treatment required as a result of a dental incident that occurred prior to the commencement date £1,500 for a front tooth of the policy. £750 for a back tooth Cash compensation for complete loss of permanent £100 for a wisdom tooth Treatment in connection with dental injuries must teeth Overall maximum of £5,000 commence within a period of six months and must be each policy year for this benefit. completed within 72 months of the date of the original incident. Claims must be logged at time of injury.

Worldwide dental emergency treatment Up to £2,000 each policy year Any treatment relating to damage or injury caused whilst participating in contact sports (including training) unless you are wearing the mouth protection recommended or Dentist call-out fees 100% re-imbursement required by the sport’s governing body.

Hospital cash benefit Dental injury caused other than by a sudden, unexpected, For each night spent in hospital for dental treatment direct external impact to the mouth. The terms and conditions £100 each night under the care of a consultant specialising in dental or on pages 9-13, Any treatment not deemed to be clinically necessary maxillofacial surgery in relation to a dental condition Section 4. Exclusions based on an assessment carried out by a dental Incidental expenses practitioner appointed by Simplyhealth, including but Transport costs incurred for travelling to receive not limited to cosmetic treatment, bleaching or other Up to £30 each incident emergency dental treatment. Telephone costs incurred tooth whitening and orthodontics, unless the treatment for locating a dentist. is specifically related to a dental injury covered by this policy. Mouth cancer cover Towards one course of treatment for up to 18 months Up to £12,000 Routine dental care and check-ups. following diagnosis

24-Hour Worldwide Dental Emergency helpline Treatment for mouth cancer diagnosed before or within 90 days after joining Denplan for Schools or for which tests or consultations began within those 90 days, even if the diagnosis is not made until later.

6 Denplan for Schools Denplan for Schools 7 its primary site being in the hard and soft Policy terms palate, gland tissue (including accessory, and conditions salivary, lymph and other gland tissue) in the mucosal lining of the oral cavity but excluding This document constitutes the full terms and the tonsils, which is characterised by the conditions of the Denplan for Schools policy, uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant which is for one year. cells and the invasion of tissue. 1. Definitions United Kingdom (UK) - , , Scotland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and the The words, which appear in this policy in bold, Channel Islands. have specific meanings, which are explained below: we, us, our – Denplan Limited, registered number 1981238. benefit(s) – the benefit(s) that we will pay to you. year – 1st September to 31st August or the period of time between the commencement call-out fee – the fee claimed for the provision date and 31st August. of temporary emergency treatment or treatment in the event of a dental injury you or your – parent or legal guardian of the where it has been necessary to re open the insured child. practice in the UK between the hours of 2. Eligibility 6.00pm and 8.00am on weekdays, weekends and Bank Holidays. Where a fee is claimed The insured child can only be covered under for re-opening a practice overseas, treatment the Terms and Conditions of this policy, from must have been provided outside the the commencement date, if your child is practice’s normal working hours. entitled to enter the scheme in accordance with the eligibility rules defined by the school. claim – a claim for benefit under this policy. Your child will be covered during all school commencement date – the first academic holidays until the end of the school term in school day of the term in which we receive the which the insured child ceases attendance premium for an insured child. at the school. contact sports – specifically: rugby, lacrosse, 3. Benefits hockey, boxing, wrestling, ice hockey and any sport where it is common practice to The insured child has the cover described in wear mouth protection as recommended or this policy document. required by the sport’s governing body. We will pay the benefits shown below to you dental injury – an injury to the teeth or or the insured child provided that you and supporting structures (including damage the insured child comply with the Terms & to orthodontic appliances whilst being Conditions of this policy: worn) which is directly caused suddenly and i. Worldwide Dental injury unexpectedly by means of a direct external impact to the mouth. For the costs of dental treatment received by the insured child in connection with emergency dental treatment – emergency a dental injury which happens after the dental treatment or pre-authorised permanent commencement date up to a limit of dental treatment provided at the initial £10,000 per year. Benefit will only be emergency appointment, urgently required for payable for treatments in connection with the relief of severe pain, inability to eat, arrest dental injuries that commence within a of haemorrhage, the control of acute infection period of six months of the date of the or a condition which causes a severe threat original incident, and while the policy is to the insured child’s general health. in force. If this spans a renewal period insured child – the child attending the we will continue to cover the insured independent school and accepted for cover child’s treatment after the renewal by us. date. However benefit is not payable for mouth cancer – a malignant tumour, with treatment received more than 72 months after the date of the dental injury. If

8 Denplan for Schools Denplan for Schools 9 treatment cannot be completed within vii. Mouth cancer cover establishment or maintenance of Denplan within 60 days of receiving 72 months, please contact us for advice. oral health. treatment, if reasonably possible. This benefit covers the insured child ii. Cash compensation for loss of teeth for treatment charges up to £12,000 for ix. Treatment, care or repair to or in (d) Your claim must be supported by treatment of mouth cancer. connection with “tooth jewellery”. proof of payment detailing the As an additional part of the dental dates and costs of each individual injury cover, compensation is payable for viii. The benefits will be paid only for x. Mouth cancer diagnosed before or within treatment (if appropriate). complete loss of the insured child’s adult treatment received within 18 calendar 90 days of when the insured child was teeth following a dental injury, up to months of the date of diagnosis on a live first provided with mouth cancer cover ii. No benefit will be payable if we have £5,000 each year. policy. by us or for which tests or consultation not received proof of all facts relevant began within those 90 days, even if the to your claim. This shall include but not • £1,500 for the complete loss of a front ix. Benefits will be paid for one course diagnosis is not made until later. be limited to: tooth (incisor or canine) of treatment only, in connection with a specific occurrence of mouth cancer. No xi. Charges for consultations or tests for (a) proof of the insured child’s eligibility • £750 for the complete loss of a back tooth further benefits are payable inthe event non-invasive tumours under the mouth for cover on the date of treatment; (premolar or molar) of a reoccurrence of this same cancer, cancer cover benefit. (b) proof of the treatment, this may be • £100 for the complete loss of a wisdom either at the same site or at a different xii. Damage or injury caused whilst training by way of a medical report (at your tooth location. for or participating in contact sports own expense); iii. Worldwide emergency dental treatment xii. Benefits will be paid only for treatment unless he insured child is wearing the (c) for claims under the worldwide given by a consultant who is recognised mouth protection recommended or For the cost of emergency dental dental injury benefit, details as a specialist in cancer treatment by the required by the sport’s governing body. treatment anywhere in the world up to pertaining to the circumstances of NHS or the States of and , £2,000 each year. For the avoidance of xiii. Self-inflicted injuries. the dental injury the insured child or treatment provided by another medical doubt any subsequent treatment required has experienced. xiv. Loss of, or damage to dentures or after the initial appointment is specifically practitioner under referral from a orthodontic appliance, other than whilst In all cases we retain the right to recover any excluded. consultant. being worn. incurred costs as a result of a third party’s xiii. The hospital cash benefit will only be paid iv. Dentist call-out fees. involvement. In addition, if the insured for overnight stays directly relating to the xv. Any treatment which is not clinically child is covered by another insurance policy We will pay 100% of the cost of initial occurrence of mouth cancer. necessary based on an assessment carried we reserve the right to pay an appropriate emergency dental call-out fees and/ out by a dental practitioner appointed by apportionment of the claim. or the cost of an emergency telephone 4. Exclusions Simplyhealth, including but not limited to consultation with a dentist. By call-out This policy does not provide dental cover for: cosmetic treatment, bleaching or other iii. If the treatment is received abroad then we mean the necessity for a dentist in the tooth whitening and orthodontics, unless we will pay benefits in pounds sterling. UK to re-open the practice between the i. Claims under the injury or dental the treatment is specifically related to a This means we will need to convert hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am on weekdays emergency benefit for treatment required dental injury covered by this policy. the expenditure into sterling using or weekend and bank holidays or outside as a result of an incident that occurred FXConverter at www.oanda.com. The the UK, outside the practice’s normal prior to the commencement date of the 5. Claims general exchange rate will be calculated at the policy. working hours to provide emergency When determining claims we act on behalf rate in force on the date of the receipt. dental treatment or treatment in the ii. Routine dental care and check-ups. of the underwriter, Simplyhealth. We have iv. There may be instances where we are event of a dental injury. the delegated authority to do so, and in this iii. Injury caused by food stuff (including uncertain about the eligibility of a claim. instance are not acting as your intermediary, v. Hospital cash benefit. foreign bodies therein) under the dental If this is the case we ask to see a copy of but as the agent of Simplyhealth. If the insured child is admitted overnight injury benefit. the insured child’s dental records. i. (a) The insured child’s claim must be as an in-patient to a licensed medical iv. Payments in excess of the maximum v. You must tell us if you can claim any of notified to us by completion or surgical hospital under the care of benefits for each year as stated above. the cost from another insurance policy a consultant specialising in dental or of the official claim form. or other third party. v. Prescription charges unless related to maxillofacial surgery in relation to a (b) All claim forms must be fully claims paid under the worldwide dental dental condition, £100 each night. completed and signed by you or injury or worldwide emergency dental a school representative and must vi. Incidental expenses treatment benefits. quote the name of the insured Cover for the cost of incidental expenses vi. The provision of mouthguards, gum child’s attending school. Incomplete in relation to emergency dental shields or any dental appliances unless claim forms will be returned. treatment (for example telephone related to a dental injury covered under (c) Incomplete claim forms may costs for locating a dentist, transport this policy. costs incurred for travelling to receive cause a delay in your claim being emergency dental treatment) up to vii. Routine orthodontic treatment. assessed. In any event claim forms £30 for each incident. Receipts will viii. Cosmetic treatment, meaning dental must be completed at your own be required. treatment not necessary for the expense and should be received by

10 Denplan for Schools Denplan for Schools 11 6. General What regulatory protection do i have? The Financial Services Compensation How to complain Scheme (FSCS) i. This policy is a contract between the We operate strict procedures to ensure that It is always our intention to provide a first school and us, and the school pays the your personal data is kept safe. In the unlikely event that Simplyhealth Access class standard of service. However, should premium for the insured child directly to you wish to raise any concern, complaint You have the right to see your personal data becomes insolvent and is unable to pay the us. or recommendation you can do so in the which is held by us. benefits underyour scheme, you may be following way: ii. If we do not receive the premium we may entitled to claim compensation from the If you have any questions or concerns about suspend the insured child’s benefits, Financial Services Compensation Scheme a: In the first instance, you should contact the personal data we hold and how we use it, and take all necessary action to recover (the FSCS). You will need to meet specific Customer Services on 0800 838 951 please write to: ‘ The Data Protection Officer, monies outstanding. FSCS criteria depending on your particular or write to: Corporate Dental, Simplyhealth House, circumstances. Further information about the iii. The law of England and Wales will apply Winchester, SO23 7RG. We record calls for operation of the scheme is available on the Corporate Customer Service Manager to this policy. training and quality assurance purposes. FSCS website: www.fscs.org.uk. To find out Simplyhealth House, whether would be eligible to claim under iv. The policy is written in English and all What regulatory protection do I have? you Victoria Road, other information and communications the scheme you should contact the FSCS Winchester to you relating to the policy will also be Denplan Limited is an appointed (0800 678 1100). SO23 7RG representative of Simplyhealth Access, which in English. Email: [email protected] is authorised by the Prudential Regulation v. If (or anyone acting on behalf) you your Authority and regulated by the Financial Please quote your personal policy or claim make a under the policy or obtain claim Conduct Authority (FCA) and Prudential number. We will investigate any complaint and cover knowing it to be false or fraudulent, Regulation Authority (PRA). issue a final response. we can refuse to make benefit payments for that claim and may declare the cover Financial services in the UK are regulated by b: If you are not satisfied with our void, as if it never existed. If we have both the PRA and FCA. Both regulators are response, or we have not replied within already paid benefit we can recover those committed to securing the appropriate degree eight weeks, you have the right to refer from you. Where we have paid a claim of protection for consumers and promoting your complaint to: later found to be fraudulent, (whether public understanding of the financial system. Financial Ombudsman Service in whole, or in part), we will be able to The PRA and FCA have set out rules which Exchange Tower recover those sums from you and/or take regulate the sale and administration of London the appropriate legal action against you. general insurance which Simplyhealth and Denplan must follow when dealing with E14 9SR Cancellation you. Simplyhealth Access Financial Services Email: The school may cancel the policy by writing Register number is 202183 and Denplan’s is [email protected] 195821. You can check these on the Financial to us or calling us. If the school cancels the The Financial Ombudsman Service will only Services Register by visiting the FCA’s website policy within 14 days of receiving the policy consider your complaint if you have given us https://register.fca.org.uk/ or by contacting documentation, we will refund the premium, the opportunity to resolve the matter first. unless you have made a claim. After that, the the FCA on 0800 111 6768. This procedure will not prejudice your right school can end the contract at any time, cover Simplyhealth Access and Denplan Limited are to take legal proceedings. However, please will stop from the end of the period for which both members of the Simplyhealth group of note that there are some instances when we have received the insurance premium. companies. the Financial Ombudsman Service cannot We can end the contract by giving the school consider complaints. 7 days’ notice. We will only do this in the event that you or the school have been dishonest or fraudulent in any dealings with us. How we use your data and how it is protected. You can find details of howwe use and protect your data in the privacy notice on our website. Our up to date privacy notice can be found at: https://www.denplan.co.uk/about-denplan/ our-policies/privacy-and-legal-policies/ privacypolicy

12 Denplan for Schools Denplan for Schools 13 Dental first aid tips Get in touch

You can get in touch with one of our team by: Rinse the mouth vigorously with luke-warm Email: [email protected] (body temperature) salt water to dislodge Phone: 0800 214 357 trapped food or debris Lines are open from 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday – Friday.

Clean the area around the sore tooth thoroughly

Do not use very hot or very cold water as this may inflame the situation

For further information visit www.denplan.co.uk/schools

14 Denplan for Schools Denplan for Schools 15 Andover, Hampshire SP101LQ. Limited isregistered inEngland No. 1981238. The registered office for these companies isHambleden House, Waterloo Court, underwritten by Simplyhealth Access. Premiums received by DenplanLimited are held by usas anagent of the insurer. Denplan by the Jersey Financial Commission Services for General Insurance Mediation Business. Denplan Limited only arranges insurance Authority andregulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. DenplanLimited is regulated Simplyhealth Access isincorporated inEnglandand Wales, registered no. 183035andisauthorisedby the Prudential Regulation Denplan Limited isan Appointed Representative of Simplyhealth Access for arranging andadministering dental insurance. Tel: +44(0)1962828000. Fax: +44(0)1962840846. Simplyhealth Professionals isa trading nameof DenplanLimited, Simplyhealth House, Victoria Road, Winchester, SO23 7RG, UK.

DFS77 05-19 Denplan for Schools Insurance Product Information Document

Insurer: Simplyhealth Access, which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, Financial Services Register number 202183 Simplyhealth is registered and incorporated in England and Wales. Product: Denplan for Schools

This document provides a summary of the key information relating to this policy but it is not personalised to you. The other documents you receive from us, before and after the policy starts, will tell you what you need to know about the policy. What is this type of insurance? This product is a dental accidental injury and emergency policy. It can pay for the cost of emergency dental treatment or for treatment required by and insured child as the result of a dental injury, up to policy limits.

What is insured? What is not insured? The insured child that we have ✘ Routine dental care and check-ups. collected payments for, if they are ✘ Claims under the dental injury injured during the policy period and or dental emergency benefit for the injury is covered under the Terms treatment required as a result of a and Conditions of the policy, as long dental incident that occurred prior to as you continue to pay the premium. the commencement date of the policy. ✓ Worldwide dental injury Up to £10,000 each policy year ✓ Cash compensation for complete Are there any restrictions on cover? loss of teeth ! Treatment in connection with dental £1,500 for a front tooth injuries must commence within a £750 for a back tooth period of six months and must be £100 for a wisdom tooth completed within 72 months of the Overall maximum of £5,000 each date of the original incident. Claims policy year for this benefit must be logged at time of injury. ✓ Worldwide dental emergency ! Any treatment relating to damage treatment or injury caused whilst participating Up to £2,000 each policy year in contact sports (including training) unless the recommended mouth ✓ Dentist call-out fees 100% protection is worn. re-imbursement ! Dental injury caused other than by a ✓ Hospital cash benefit sudden, unexpected, direct external For each night spent in hospital for impact to the mouth are not eligible dental treatment under the care of for cover. a consultant specialising in dental or ! Any treatment not deemed to be maxillofacial surgery in relation to a clinically necessary by us, including dental condition £100 each night but not limited to cosmetic ✓ Incidental expenses treatment, bleaching or other tooth Transport costs incurred for whitening and orthodontics unless travelling to receive emergency the treatment is specifically related to dental treatment. Telephone costs a dental injury covered by this policy. incurred for locating a dentist. Up to ! Treatment for mouth cancer £30 each incident diagnosed before or within 90 days ✓ Mouth cancer cover after joining Denplan or for which Towards one course of treatment tests or consultations began within for up to 18 months following those 90 days, even if the diagnosis is diagnosis up to £12,000 not made until later. Where am I covered? ✓ The policy provides cover for worldwide dental injury up to £10,000 each policy year

What are my obligations: • At the start of the contract? Give us honest, accurate and complete information when buying the policy, check your policy documentation when you receive it to make sure you have the cover you need and expect. • During the term of the contract? The school must pay the premiums on time and notify us of any change in the number of insured children on renewal. • When making a claim? Give us the information that we need to assess the claim properly.

When and how do I pay? We accept payment by invoice from the school the insured child attends.

When does the cover start and end? The cover starts on the first academic school day of the term in which we receive the premium for an insured child. The insured child can only be covered under the Terms and Conditions of this policy, from the commencement date, if your child is entitled to enter the scheme in accordance with the eligibility rules defined by the school. The insured child will be covered during all school holidays until the end of the school term in which the insured child ceases attendance at the school.

How do I cancel the contract? The school can cancel the policy by writing to us or calling us. The school can cancel within 14 days of receiving the policy documentation, we will refund the premium, unless you have made a claim. After that the school can end the contract at any time, cover will stop from the end of the period for which we have received the insurance premium.

DFS78 - 0419 Education Practice


Amidst the whirl of family life, there are few better feelings than knowing you’ve done what’s best for your loved ones. The comfort from knowing that they are supported by Private Medical Insurance in case they fall ill cannot be understated. How the Scheme is Operated? Your participation in this Scheme is optional. If you are included in the Scheme the insurance premium is charged to your child’s fee account each term. You may cancel the insurance at any time by writing to the school prior to the start of any term. If you cancel after the start of any term for which you have paid the premium, cover will continue until the end of the period for which you have paid the premium. The termly premium payable to the school is £99 including Insurance Premium Tax at the current rate of 12%.

How do I make a claim? In order to claim please call AXA PPP healthcare directly on 03301 025 503. How do I make a complaint? Marsh manages the AXA PPP healthcare scheme insurance under a delegated authority agreement on behalf of the insurers. Complaints regarding the scheme should in the first instance be made to Marsh Ltd, Education Practice, Capital House, 1-5 Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH15 3SY Telephone: 01444 335174 Email: [email protected] Alternatively, you can complain in writing or verbally to: AXA PPP healthcare, Nightingale House, Redland Hill, Redland, Bristol BS6 6SH Telephone: 03301 025 503 Your complaint will be dealt with fairly, speedily and in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority rules on complaints handling. However, if following receipt of a final response you are still dissatisfied, you may have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The Financial Ombudsman Service can be contacted at Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR. Telephone: 0800 023 4567. Facsimile: 0207 964 1001 Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk Does the Financial Services Compensation Scheme apply? The insurers and Marsh are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). If they are unable to meet their obligations, you may be entitled to compensation from the scheme, depending on the type of insurance and the circumstances of the claim. Further information is available from the FSCS at www.fscs.org.uk or by contacting them at PO Box 300, Mitcheldean, GL17 1DY or by telephone on 0800 678 1100. What is the Governing Law? The policy will be governed by the law of England and Wales.

How is personal information collected and used? In order to provide this AXA PPP Healthcare scheme, we will collect and process information about individuals such as the pupil to be covered, his or her parent and/or any appointed guardian. We will collect and process this information as a data controller and in accordance with this notice. Prior to providing us with personal information of a third party, please provide that third party with a copy of this notice. If you intend to provide us with personal information which relates to a pupil, please provide that pupil with our “Pupils’ Privacy Notice”, which has been specifically designed for children. You can find more information about how we handle personal information in the Marsh Privacy Policy at https://www.marsh.com/uk/ privacy-notice.html. How we use personal information: We use personal information (such as name and contact details) and, where relevant, special categories of personal information (such as health information). We use this information to provide our AXA PPP Healthcare scheme services, which will include liaising with the insurer(s) and administering your policy, handling claims, complaints and renewals.

AXA Vol Q&A 2019_20.indd 1 28/03/2019 11:46 AXA Vol Q&A 2019_20.indd 2 Please retain this document as it provides details of your policy and important contact details. retainPlease this contact document it details as provides of your and important policy Email: [email protected] Telephone: (0)1444 +44 335174 3SY RH16 West Sussex Heath, Haywards 1-5 Road, Perrymount House, Capital Education Practice, Ltd Marsh For Further Information please contact us at: following bases: legal information of personal Where we categories special use (such health as information), we will also rely on one or more of the grounds: Legal other authorities. and auditors. advisors byprofessional If required law, or permitted we share information with our and regulators, thecourts providers, including insuranceprivate medical and our scheme service and other our group companies, sub-contractors the pupil’s professionals school, and / or insurer(s). medical We share information personal with insurer(s) of thepupils’ Sharing Information: [email protected] Marsh Ltdfollowing Protection Data The Officer address: 5BUEC3RTower London Place Telephone: Email: 7357020 1000 information, personal by do so writingyou you would can to our like atthe Protection Data or rectify Officer to access complaints: or requests Questions, available at https://www.marsh.com/uk/privacy-notice.html. Policy found in Privacy be rights theMarsh inaccuracies. details More can their these about informationaccess and to rectify Your rights: you provide us with change, update you can us by emailing [email protected]. information: your Updating place. We will in order retain information to personal comply needed long as with as for our and legal regulatory obligations. theUnitedoutside Kingdom where data protection laws are different, but this willbe done with appropriate protection in or compromise to designed procedures against information protect data. loss We of to personal personal send may need transfers: and Security • • • • •   consent. Wher in order to esta such is use nec ground not unduly does harm your rights. where necessa to comply with ou the insurance cover under thescheme. We will of any at advise thetime. such consequences marsh.com. However, note please and may that our end withdrawalability ofto provide consent may ourservices affect withdrawn be at anycan time by emailing us “mailto:[email protected]” at: HYPERLINK dataprotection@ we willOtherwise, aparent ask or an appointed guardian to provide consent on thechild’s behalf. Any consent provided

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© Copyright 2019 Marsh Ltd All rights reserved rights All Ltd 2019 Marsh © Copyright such. as upon relied be cannot and situation individual any to respect with advice as taken be to intended not is information The only. information insurance The information contained herein is on based sources we believe reliable and should be to understood be general risk management and Authority. Conduct Financial the by regulated and authorised is Ltd Marsh Registere We rely upon one or more of the following legal bases for processing personal information: We personal rely upon one or processing more of for thefollowing bases legal

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April 2019 28/03/2019 11:46 Private medical insurance Insurance Product Information Document

Company: AXA PPP healthcare Limited Product: Pupils’ Healthcare Scheme Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority with registered number 202947. Registered address 5 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1AD

The information provided in this document is a summary of the key features and exclusions of the plan and does not form part of the contract. Complete pre-contract and contractual information about the product will be provided in your plan documents.

What is this type of insurance?

The Pupils’ Healthcare Scheme private medical insurance covers private treatment of new and existing conditions including where the child has already received treatment. Within this arrangement AXA PPP healthcare Limited contracts with the school, with cover provided for the child.

What is insured? What is not insured?

In-patient and day-patient treatment Treatment of ongoing, recurrent and long-term conditions Private hospital and day patient unit charges paid in full (chronic conditions). when the child uses a facility in our Directory of Hospitals. Treatment that is preventative. No yearly limit for specialist fees. Treatment and surgery that is not conventional. Hospital accommodation for one parent while the child is Any fees for services that a GP, dentist or optician could receiving eligible treatment in hospital, paid in full. normally carry out. Any dental procedures. Hotel accommodation for one parent to stay in a hotel Treatment, investigation, assessment or grading for nearby while a child is receiving eligible treatment in learning and development disorders. hospital, up to £100 a night, up to £500 a year. Treatment received outside the UK. In-patient and day-patient treatment of cancer. Mental health treatment paid in full up to 45 days a year when the child uses a facility in our Directory of Hospitals. Are there any restrictions on cover? Out-patient treatment No yearly limit for surgery Cover for treatment received at a facility that is not in our Directory of Hospitals. CT, MRI and PET scans paid in full at a hospital or scanning Fees for treatment with a fee-limited specialist. centre in our Directory of Hospitals, when the child’s specialist refers them. No yearly limit for specialist consultations. No yearly limit for diagnostic tests and practitioner fees when the child’s specialist refers them. No yearly limit for treatment with physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, acupuncturists and homeopaths, up to a combined maximum of 10 sessions. Mental health treatment by psychologists up to 4 sessions a year when the child is referred by their GP. Other benefits Oral surgery paid in full within a facility that we have an agreement with. Ambulance transport paid in full if the child is having private in-patient or day-patient treatment and it is medically necessary to move to another medical facility. Expert Help. Direct access to our healthcare experts 24/7. Fast Track Appointments service can help find a suitable specialist to treat the child and make an appointment for them.

Where am I covered?

 Cover is provided for private medical treatment received in the United Kingdom

What are my obligations?

 Complete and accurate answers must be given to any questions we may ask.  We must be contacted if anything changes between the time you agreed to join and the start date.  The subscription must be paid on time.  We must be informed if any personal details change, including address.  If your child needs to make a claim, call our team of Personal Advisers to ensure the claim is covered under the plan.

When and how do I pay?

Subscriptions to healthcare cover will be paid as part of the overall fees paid to the school, on a termly basis.

When does the cover start and end?

The child’s membership will start at the beginning of the school term if they are already at school or the next term if mid-way through the academic year, and is in place whilst the child remains at school or until the subscriptions are stopped. If we have agreed something different, it will be advised in written communications.

How do I cancel the contract?

The child’s cover can be cancelled either before cover begins or within 21 days of the date the cover for the child starts. The School Administrator should be contacted to request the cancellation. Provided no claims have been made under the scheme, a full refund of the subscription paid for that term will be given. If a claim has been made under the scheme during the 21 day period, no refund is payable. Cover cannot be cancelled outside of the 21 day period until the next renewal.

PB69574aa/04.19 Occasional boarding and pre/after school facilities for day pupils 2019/20

There may be occasions when your child wishes to stay at school after 4pm or stay the night. You may be interested to know that the school can help in the following ways:

• After School Care Club is available from 4.15pm to 6pm with supper at 5.30pm

• Occasional boarding is for a single night, weekend or longer – normally up to a maximum of 15 nights per term. Please try to give at least one week’s notice. For those who wish to board regularly, special rates will apply.


Boarding – one night £63.50

Boarding – weekend (three nights) £190.00

Boarding – one full week (seven nights) £405.00

Boarding – per term £3,805.00

After school care

First session – 4.15pm to 5.15pm £3.72

Second session – 5.15pm to 6pm (to include supper) £5.37

Regular Boarding Special Rates

1 night per week (minimum 4 weeks per term) = 20% discount (4 x £63.50 - 20%) = £203.20

2 nights per week (minimum 4 weeks per term) = 25% discount (4 x £127.00 - 25%) = £381.00

3 nights per week (minimum 4 weeks per term) = 30% discount (4 x £190.50 - 30%) = £533.40

If you wish to find out more about these options, please contact the Boarding Secretary, Mrs Melina Willis on 01600 711252 or email [email protected]

All boarding is subject to availability.

If a flex-boarding bed is booked but the pupil does not arrive, or if parents cancel up to 24 hours in advance, the full cost will be incurred. INDEX Section VIII

STAFF Boys’ Prep Staff

Teaching Staff: Main areas of expertise: Mr N. D. Shaw Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep MA (Nottingham) Geography

Mrs K. Kirman Deputy Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep and Form Tutor BSc (Birmingham) Assessment, Mathematics, Computing

Mr A. Ahmad Mathematics, Computing and Form Tutor BSc ()

Mr K. Fradd English, Maths and Humanities and Form Tutor BSc (Aberystwyth)

Mr K. Shepherd Games, PE, RE, and Form Tutor BA (Manchester)

Mrs A. Taylor English, Mathematics and Form Tutor LRSC, PGCE (Gloucestershire) P Mr J. Walton Music and Form Tutor BMus (Birmingham)

Mrs E. Waters English and Form Tutor BA (Kingston)

Dr S. Wall Science and Technology and Form Tutor BSc (Glamorgan), PhD (Cardiff)

Miss R. Forester-Bennett Art, Humanities BA (Bath Spa)

Teaching Staff (part-time): Mme L. Le Moal French and Latin BA (Limoges – Cardiff)

Mr P. Morris Games, P.E., History Head of Games and fixtures BEd (Cheltenham)

Mr D. Murray Drama MA (Aberdeen)

Mr C. Stonier PE & Games BSc (Gloucester)

Additional Music Staff: Mrs S. Greenwood Music - strings Mrs R. Underwood Music - strings

Non-teaching Staff: Mrs K. Caldicott Receptionist, Administrative Assistant (playground/dining hall supervisor, off site supervisor)

Mr I. Cox Caretaker and cleaner

Mrs C. Hunt PA to the Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep, School Secretary & Admissions Registrar

Mrs P. Mumby After School Club supervisor, Teaching Assistant, playground/dining hall supervisor

Mrs C. Williams Early morning supervisor and cleaner

Boys’ Prep Email Addresses

Please email your son’s form tutor if there is a message or query regarding academic or pastoral welfare.

Mr Shaw [email protected]

Mrs Kirman [email protected]

Mr Ahmad [email protected]

Miss Forester-Bennett [email protected]

Mr Fradd [email protected]

Mme Le Moal [email protected]

Mr Morris [email protected]

Mr Murray [email protected]

Mr Shepherd [email protected]

Mr Stonier [email protected]

Mrs Taylor [email protected]

Dr Wall [email protected]

Mr Walton [email protected]

Mrs Waters [email protected] For day to day enquiries and bus travel queries please [email protected] email the school office (Karen Caldicott) For admission queries or to arrange an appointment [email protected] to see Mr Shaw please email or [email protected] (Chris Hunt) For Boys’ Prep boarding queries please email [email protected]

For After School Club queries/bookings please email [email protected]

For matters of a confidential or sensitive nature please feel free to email Mr Shaw. INDEX Section IX

TRANSPORT The Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools Bus Company Timetable for the academic year 2019-2020 is set out on the following pages. The Company currently operates 17 bus routes and each stop on these routes falls within one of five Fare Zones, depending on the distance from Monmouth.

The Timetable is indicative of the likely schedule but depending on passenger numbers, the Company reserves the right to vary the routes to enable us to provide the most efficient service. Please ensure you have the latest edition of this schedule before making any decisions or entering into any commitments based upon it.

Generally, it is our policy to limit the overall number of stops to ensure the timely running of the buses and provide safe waiting places for passengers, but should you wish to discuss additional stops please email [email protected] or telephone 01600 711292.

If you wish your child to travel to school by bus please complete and return the Bus Travel Request Form as soon as possible. Seats are allocated on a first come, first served, basis.


. Pupils are either booked to travel regularly by bus full time, mornings only or afternoons only. . If a pupil uses the bus in the mornings only, the charge is 2/3rds the full term rate. . If a pupil uses the bus in the afternoons only, the charge is 1/3rd the full term rate. . For those families with three children or more, the eldest two booked to travel on the bus will be charged at the normal rate but any younger siblings will benefit from a 50% reduction. . Regular bus users will be charged in advance on their school bill. . Charges for occasional use of the school buses will appear on the next school bill. . Unless informed otherwise, we assume that any girl transferring to Monmouth School for Girls from the Girls’ Prep will continue with her current arrangements and that any boy transferring to Monmouth School for Boys from the Boys’ Prep will travel to school by bus on Saturdays in addition to their current arrangements. Equally, it is assumed that 6th form boys will not travel to school by bus on Saturdays, so any 6th former wishing to do so must inform us in advance.

Notice Periods

. If you wish your child to stop using the bus a full term’s notice must be given. . If your child is due to take their driving test and as the outcome of this is not foreseeable, we recommend that you provide us with ‘provisional’ notice.

Occasional Bus Travel

We generally require 48 hours’ notice of any need for occasional bus travel but in an emergency will always try to accommodate shorter notice. Requests must be made to the Bus Coordinator either by email [email protected], or by telephone 01600 711162. Your child will then need to collect a Single Journey Bus Pass from their school reception.

Please note that even if your child is regularly booked to travel by bus but on occasion needs to travel on a different bus (eg to visit a friend), the Bus Coordinator must be informed in advance. We need to not only ensure there are sufficient places on the vehicle but, moreover, in the event of breakdown, delay, or other incident it is essential we know who was booked to travel.

Please Note:

Parents need to be aware that the Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools Bus Company is a separate legal entity which contracts independent coach companies to provide a transport service only.

It is the parents’ responsibility to decide whether their child has reached a sufficient level of maturity to undertake independent travel. Factors to be borne in mind include:

(a) No members of school staff travel on the vehicles with the pupils. (b) To reduce the impact of the buses in town and try and ensure the pupils reach their respective schools on time, most children will transfer between buses in Monmouth and some pupils will also need to transfer between vehicles en-route. Transfers on Wyebridge Street and at the Monmouth School for Boys’ Sports Complex are supervised by staff from Monmouth School for Boys. Transfers en-route are supervised by the drivers. (c) Parents are entirely responsible for their children before they board the bus in the morning and after they disembark from the bus in the afternoon. This means that it is for the parents to decide that their child will either walk home by themselves or be able to cope should the parent not be able to meet them for any reason. (d) In the same way that parents might decide to equip their child with a mobile telephone should they travel alone on public transport, we recommend parents consider whether their child should have use of a mobile telephone whilst travelling by school bus.

Pupils will be issued with a Bus Pass and the schools and drivers will undertake checks to ensure that all passengers are carrying the appropriate Pass. If a pupil loses their Pass the cost of a replacement is 50p.

Passengers are required to use the seat provided at all times.

In the mornings pupils are advised to be at their stop and ready to board the bus at least five minutes before the scheduled departure time. If you miss the bus, we do not expect the driver to pull over, other than at the next scheduled stop.

In the afternoons a limited number of buses leave Monmouth School for Girls promptly at 4.15pm and transport the girls to Monmouth School for Boys’ Sports Complex. All buses depart from the Sports Complex at 4.30pm.

CCTV recording may be in operation on the vehicle.

To enquire about the non-appearance or late arrival of buses or about lost property, please initially contact the relevant bus company: contact numbers and email addresses are listed on the Timetable.

In inclement weather the school endeavours to contact all parents via SMS text message to inform them if buses are not running. Equally we will let you know if we are informed of any delays home in the afternoon.

Any problems or complaints should be addressed in the first instance to the relevant bus company and copied to [email protected]. Should matters not be resolved please contact the Foundation Bursar, Mrs Norgrove, either by letter, email [email protected] or telephone 01600 710401. In an emergency Mrs Norgrove can also be contacted on her mobile, 07855 943813.

The Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools Bus Company is run as a service for pupils’ families and is not a profit making enterprise. Boys’ Travel Behaviour Code

Your safety is very important. You must behave responsibly and safely when travelling to and from school, whether you go by bus, train, taxi, bicycle, walking or any other way. If you get a bus to school, you must also follow the rules in the School Bus Travel Behaviour Code.

If you do not follow this Code, then for your own safety and that of other people, the school will take action. This might involve taking away your right to school transport.

Your Responsibility Your Safety Your Rights

• Always respect others, including other • Always behave well when travelling. • To be safe when travelling. pupils, drivers and the public. • Always follow the driver’s instructions • To be treated fairly and with respect. • Always respect vehicles and property. when travelling. • To tell someone if somebody or • Always be polite, use appropriate • You must not distract drivers. something is causing you problems. language and avoid shouting. • Always cross the road safely and sensibly. • Not to be subjected to bullying-type • Never drop litter. behaviour. • Always travel by a safe route. • Always obey the law.

Please tell a teacher, parent or driver about any bad behaviour or bullying-type behaviour. Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools Bus Company School Bus Routes, Timetables and Fares for the School Year 2019-2020

Bus Operating Companies:

CDS Hire Ltd: 01594 834834 [email protected] Creigiau Travel Ltd: 02920 890220 [email protected] Grindles Coaches Ltd: 01594 822110 [email protected] Jenson Travel Ltd: 01495 760539 [email protected] Jones Coaches Ltd: 01432 607330 [email protected] H P Weeks: 01291 425437 [email protected] FR Willetts Ltd: 01594 810080 [email protected]

Summary of Routes: Bus 2: Crickhowell, Buses 3 and 17: Caerleon, Pontypool, , Raglan Buses 5A and 5: Caldicot, Chepstow, the Lower Wye Valley Bus 6: Tutshill, Chepstow, Trellech Bus 7: Hereford Bus 7A: Wormbridge, Cross Ash Bus 8: Gilwern, Abergavenny, old A40 Bus 9: Hewelsfield, St Briavels, Newland Bus 10A and 10: Ledbury, , , Ross on Wye Bus 11: Lydney, Blakeney, Coleford, Walford, Goodrich Bus 12: Cardiff Bus 15: Newport Bus 16: Magor, Shirenewton Bus 18: Thornbury, Tockington Fares: Michaelmas Michaelmas Lent Term Lent Term Summer Summer Occasional Term Term Monday- Monday- Term Term Use Single

Monday- Monday- Friday Saturday Monday- Monday- Journey Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Zone 1 £307 £351 £267 £307 £238 £282 £4.95 Zone 2 £397 £454 £346 £397 £307 £365 £6.40 Zone 3 £484 £554 £421 £484 £374 £445 £7.80 Zone 4 £567 £650 £494 £567 £439 £522 £9.15 Zone 5 £626 £717 £545 £626 £485 £576 £10.10

Fare Stop AM Depart AM Depart PM Return PM Return Zone Monday-Friday Saturdays Monday-Friday Saturdays

BUS 2 Crickhowell-Abergavenny-Monmouth: Jenson Travel Ltd: 4 Crickhowell Car Park 07.30 07.30 17.10 13.45 Abergavenny Nevill Hall 07.39 17.01 Abergavenny Chapel Road 07.40 07.54 17.00 13.21 3 Abergavenny Bus Station 07.45 08.01 16.55 13.14 Plas Derwen, Monmouth Road 07.50 16.50 Monmouth 08.30 08.30 16.15 12.45 On Saturdays Bus 2 combines with Bus 8.

BUS 3 Pontypool-Usk Monday to Friday only: Jenson Travel Ltd: Pontypool Town Hall 07.28 17.19 4 Pontypool (Moyes Plumbing) 07.31 17.16 Pontymoile (Esso Garage) 07.32 17.15 Little Mill 07.37 17.10 3 Monkswood (Beaufort Arms) 07.40 17.07 Usk: Transfer to Bus 17 07.47 17.00 Bus 3 does not operate on Saturdays but pupils may book a seat on Bus 17 in Usk Square.

BUS 5A Caldicot-Chepstow: H P Weeks Caldicot (Bypass Crossroads) 07.10 07.10 17.28 13.31 David Broome Event Centre 07.15 07.15 17.23 13.28 A48 Roundabout (Indian Empire) 07.20 07.20 17.17 13.22 3 (New Inn) 07.23 07.23 17.14 13.19 Larkfield Garage AM: Chepstow Hospital PM: 07.27 07.27 17.10 13.15 Transfer to Bus 5

2-Sep-19 Page 1 Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools Bus Company School Bus Routes, Timetables and Fares for the School Year 2019-2020

Fare Stop AM Depart AM Depart PM Return PM Return Zone Monday-Friday Saturdays Monday-Friday Saturdays

BUS 5 Woolaston-Chepstow–Wye Valley-Monmouth Monday to Friday: FR Willetts Ltd Saturday: H P Weeks (Lydney Bus Station – SATURDAYS ONLY) 07.10 14.05 2 Wyevern Garage 07.17 07.17 17.28 13.52 Stroat (Evangelical Church) 07.20 07.20 17.25 13.45 Severnvale Riding Stables 07.25 07.25 17.20 13.40 Chepstow Larkfield Garage 07.33 07.33 17.12 13.37 3 Chepstow Hospital 07.35 07.35 17.10 13.30 (Bus 5A Transfer Points) St Arvans (The Piercefield) 07.40 07.40 17:05 13.25 Tintern (Royal George) 07.45 07.45 17.00 13.15 Tintern (Wye Valley Hotel) 07.48 07.48 16.57 13.12 2 Brockweir 07.50 07.50 16.55 13.10 Llandogo (Browns) 07.55 07.55 16.50 13.05 Bigsweir Bridge 07.57 07.57 16.48 13.03 1 Redbrook 08.05 08.05 16.40 12.55 Monmouth 08.30 08.30 16.15 12.45 This service combines with other routes on Saturdays and pickup times above are a guide only. Please contact the Operator directly to confirm the Saturday departure time for your specific stop.

BUS 6 Tutshill-Chepstow-Trellech-Monmouth Monday to Friday: FR Willetts Ltd Saturday: H P Weeks Dennel Hill 07.10 07.15 17.30 13.40 Netherhope Lane 07.12 07.17 17.28 13.38 Lancaut Lane 07.13 07.18 17.27 13.37 3 Woodcroft Close 07.15 07.20 17.25 13.35 Tutshill Police Station 07.20 07.25 17.20 13.30 Chepstow 07.30 07.30 17.15 13.25 Leisure Centre/Kingsmark Lane 07.33 07.33 17.12 13.22 Itton 07.37 07.37 17:08 13.18 Devauden 07.42 07.42 17.03 13.13 2 Llanishen 07.47 07.47 16.58 13.08 Trellech 07.52 07.52 16.53 13.03 1 The Gockett 07.57 07.57 16.48 12.58 Lydart Farm 07.59 07.59 16.46 12.56 Monmouth 08.30 08.30 16.15 12.45 This service combines with other routes on Saturdays and pickup times above are a guide only. Please contact the Operator directly to confirm the Saturday departure time for your specific stop.

BUS 7 Hereford-Monmouth: Jones Coaches Hereford Country Bus Station 07.22 17.15 4 Hereford Leisure Pool 07.27 07.50 17.10 13.20 Callow Hill 07.35 17.02 3 Much Birch 07.41 16.56 Harewood End 07.46 16.51 2 St Owen’s Cross 07.49 08.10 16.48 13.00 Monmouth 08.30 08.30 16.15 12.45

BUS 7A Wormbridge Monday to Friday only: Jones Coaches Lock’s Garage 07.20 17.29 Wormbridge 07.24 17.25 3 Ewyas Harold 07.31 17.18 Llangua 07.33 17.14 Cross Ash 07.47 17.02 Skenfrith 07.53 16.56 2 Broad Oak 07.57 16.52 Llancloudy 07.59 16.50 1 Buckholt 08.05 16.45 Monmouth 08.30 16.15

2-Sep-19 Page 2 Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools Bus Company School Bus Routes, Timetables and Fares for the School Year 2019-2020

Fare Stop AM Depart AM Depart PM Return PM Return Zone Monday-Friday Saturdays Monday-Friday Saturdays

BUS 8 Gilwern-Abergavenny-old A40-Monmouth: Jenson Travel Ltd: 4 Gilwern 07.32 07.40 17.16 13.35 Govilon 07.37 07.45 17.11 13.30 Llanfoist (Briardene) 07.42 07.50 17.06 13.25 3 Abergavenny Waitrose 07.43 07.51 17:05 13.24 The Hardwick 07.49 08.05 16.59 13.10 The Steel Horse Cafe 07.54 08.10 16.54 13.05 Llanarth 07.55 08.11 16.53 13.04 2 Clytha Gates 07.57 08.13 16.51 13.02 Monmouth 08.30 08.30 16.15 12.45 On Saturdays Bus 8 combines with Bus 2.

BUS 9 Hewelsfield-St Briavels-Newland-Monmouth: H P Weeks Tidenham Chase Car Park 07.44 07.44 17.01 13.11 2 Hewelsfield (Crossroads) 07.47 07.47 16.58 13.08 St Briavels ‘The George’ 07.50 07.50 16.55 13.05 Clearwell Castle 07.54 07.54 16.51 13.01 1 Newland (Lych Gate) 08.00 08.00 16.45 12.55 Monmouth 08.30 08.30 16.15 12.45 This service combines with other routes on Saturdays and pickup times above are a guide only. Please contact the Operator directly to confirm the Saturday departure time for your specific stop.

BUS 10A Ledbury-Newent-Upton Bishop-Ross on Wye Monday to Friday only: Jones Coaches Ledbury 07.05 17.41 4 Dymock 07.16 17.30 Newent (Library) 07.26 17.20 Kilcot (Kilcot Garage) 07.30 17.16 (Gorsley Goffs Primary School) 07.33 17.13 3 Upton Bishop (Cross Bus Stop) 07.38 17:08 Phocle Green 07.42 17.04 Ross on Wye: Transfer to Bus 10 07.48 16.58

BUS 10 Mitcheldean-Ross-on-Wye-Monmouth Monday to Friday: FR Willetts Ltd Saturday: CDS taxis Little London 07.20 07.20 17.25 13.40 Longhope 07.23 07.23 17.22 13.37 Mitcheldean Primary School 07.26 07.26 17.19 13.34 3 Lea 07.35 07.35 17.10 13.25 Ryeford 07.38 07.38 17.07 13.22 Weston-under-Penyard 07.42 07.42 17.03 13.18 Hildersley (Fire Station) 07.45 07.45 17.00 13.15 Ross Cantilupe Road 07.48 07.48 16.58 13.12 2 (Bus 10A Transfer Point) Wilton Bridge (old Post Office) 07.52 07.52 16.53 13.08 1 Whitchurch 08.00 08.00 16.45 13.00 Monmouth 08.30 08.30 16.15 12.45

BUS 11 Lydney-Coleford-Lydbrook-Walford-Goodrich Monday to Friday only: Grindles Coaches Lydney Bus Station 07.20 17.30 Purlieu 07.23 17.27 Blakeney (King’s Head) 07.25 17.25 2 Viney Hill (The Church) 07.30 17.20 Yorkley (Ashgrove Place) 07.33 17.17 Parkend (Fountain Inn) 07.35 17.15 Coalway Recreation Ground 07:40 17.10 Coleford (Beale’s Garage) 07.42 17.08 1 Rushmere Farm 07.45 17.05 Berry Hill Pike 07.47 17.03 Christchurch Church 07.49 17.01 Lower Lydbrook Courtfield 07.55 16.55 ‘Wyeside Stores’ B4234 07.57 16.53 2 Walford (The Mill Race) 08.00 16.50 Goodrich 08.03 16.47 Monmouth 08.30 16.15

2-Sep-19 Page 3 Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools Bus Company School Bus Routes, Timetables and Fares for the School Year 2019-2020

Fare Stop AM Depart AM Depart PM Return PM Return Zone Monday-Friday Saturdays Monday-Friday Saturdays

BUS 12 Cardiff-Monmouth: Creigiau Travel Ltd Cardiff Llandaff 07.00 07.30 17.56 13.45 University Hospital of Wales, Heath 07.07 17.49 5 Cardiff Roath 07.12 17.44 Premier Inn Cardiff North A48 07.22 07.40 17.34 13.35 Pontprennau (Asda) 07.28 17.28 4 High Cross, Weston Ave / Groves Rd 07.40 07.50 17.09 13.25 Monmouth 08.30 16.15 On Saturdays Buses 12 and 15 combine and collect from Llandaff and the Premier Inn only in Cardiff.

BUS 15 Newport-Monmouth: Creigiau Travel Ltd Royal Hospital, Newport 07.20 17.23 4 Newport Train Station 07.30 17.13 Celtic Manor Bus Stop 07.45 08.00 16.58 13.15 Monmouth 08.30 08.30 16.15 12.45 On Saturdays Bus 15 combines with Bus 12 with reduced stops.

BUS 16 Magor-Shirenewton-Monmouth: Monday to Friday only: Jenson Travel Ltd: Undy 07.10 17.37 Magor 07.15 17.32 4 Llanmartin 07.20 17.27 Llangstone 07.22 17.25 A48 Groes Wen Inn Bus Stops 07.24 17.23 A48 Rock and Fountain Bus Stop 07.25 17.22 (Northgate Inn) 07.31 17.16 3 A48 Crick Dual Carriageway 07.34 17.13 Shirenewton Square 07.39 17.08 Earlswood Crossroads 07.47 17.00 Llangwm 07.54 16.53 2 Gwernesney 07.56 16.51 Monmouth 08.30 16.15 This bus does not run on Saturdays but pupils may wish to book buses 5A, 6 or 15.

BUS 17 Caerleon-Usk-Monmouth: Jenson Travel Ltd: Caerleon Common 07.30 07.30 17.20 13.35 4 Hill 07.31 07.31 17.19 13.34 Berllan Deg 07.33 07.33 17.17 13.32 Cwrt Bleddyn 07.35 07.35 17.15 13.30 3 Llangybi 07.40 07.40 17.10 13.25 07.45 07.45 17.05 13.20 Twyn Square, Usk (Transfer Bus 3) 07.50 07.50 17.00 13.15 Gwehelog (The Hall Inn) 08.00 08.00 16.50 13.05 2 Raglan 08.05 08.05 16.45 13.00 Monmouth 08.30 08.30 16.15 12.45

BUS 18 Thornbury-Tockington: H P Weeks Falfield 07.15 07.10 17.32 14.06 Thornbury (Aldi, Rock Street) 07.25 07.20 17.22 13.56 Alveston (Cross Hands) 07.29 07.24 17.18 13.52 4 Tockington 07.32 07.27 17.15 13.49 Ingst Road Junction 07.34 07.29 17.13 13.47 Aust 07.37 07.32 17.10 13.45 Monmouth 08.30 08.30 16.15 12.45 This service combines with other routes on Saturdays and pickup times above are a guide only. Please contact the Operator directly to confirm the Saturday departure time for your specific stop.

The Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools Bus Company continuously reviews routes to ensure it provides the most appropriate service to meet passengers’ changing needs. As a result of that process changes to the schedule may be made during the school year. Please ensure you have the latest edition of this schedule before making any decisions or entering into any commitments based upon it. Thank you.

2-Sep-19 Page 4 INDEX Section X


You may find it helpful to use the following checklist. It would greatly assist us if you would complete the relevant forms and return them to Mrs Hunt as soon as possible.

Compulsory Forms Emergency Contact Card Pupil Health Insurance Form Pupil Background Information Collection of Pupil’s Ethnic Background Contact Sheet Trips and Events Pupils’ Internet Code of Practice Social Media – Parents Bus Rules (to be completed if your child will be travelling by school bus)

Optional Forms Insurance forms: School Fees Refund Scheme AXA Pupils’ Private Healthcare Plan Individual Music Tuition Form Bus Travel Request Form Direct Debit Mandate Form After School Club Booking Form (this may be returned, if required, on your son’s first day) FROGs

Please return all forms to: Mrs C Hunt, PA to the Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep, The Grange, Hadnock Road, Monmouth, NP25 3NG

(Forms for the Bursar, Director of Music and Nurses may all be included in the same envelope) Emergency Contact Details

Full name of pupil: ………………………………………………….……………………………….. Date of Birth: …………………………..……..…….….

Mother’s name: …………………………………………………………….. Father’s name: ………………………..……………………………………..

Initials: …………...……….…….. Title: ……..…...………….…….. Initials: …………...……….…….. Title: ……..…...………….……..

Address: ………………………………………………………..…………….… Address: ………………………………………………………..…………….…

………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Post code: …………………………………… Post code: ……………………………………

Tel. Nos: ……………………………………………...……………. Home Tel. Nos: ……………………………………………...……………. Home

…………………………………………...….…………… Work …………………………………………...….…………… Work

……………………………………………….…………… Mobile ……………………………………………….…………… Mobile

Emails: ……………………………………………...….………… Home Emails: ……………………………………………...….………… Home

……………………………………………….…………… Work ……………………………………………….…………… Work

Please indicate who you would like contacted first in an emergency Mother/Father Additional Emergency Contacts

Surname: …………………………………..………………………………….. Surname: …………………………………..…………………………………..

Initials: …………...……….…….. Title: ……..…...………….…….. Initials: …………...……….…….. Title: ……..…...………….……..

Address: ………………………………………………………..…………….… Address: ………………………………………………………..…………….…

………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Post code: …………………………………… Post code: ……………………………………

Tel. Nos: ……………………………………………...……………. Home Tel. Nos: ……………………………………………...……………. Home

…………………………………………...….…………… Work …………………………………………...….…………… Work

……………………………………………….…………… Mobile ……………………………………………….…………… Mobile

Relationship to pupil: ……………………………………………………. Relationship to pupil: …………………………………………………….

Notes: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Date card completed: ……………………………………..

Pupil Health Insurance

Full Name …………………………………………………………………………. Date of Birth ……………………………………………

House (boys) …………………………………………………………………….. Form/Year …………………….…………………………

1. Is your child currently covered by a private Health Insurance plan? Yes/No

If Yes, which insurance plan? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………………....

2. If not, do you intend participating in the AXA plan (details & application form enclosed), or another insurance plan, before your son commences at Monmouth? Yes/No

If yes, which insurance plan? ……………………………………………………………………………….……………………..…

Pupil Dental Insurance

1. Is your child covered by private dental insurance? Yes/No

If yes, which insurance plan? ………………………………………….………………………………………………………

Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools are providing your child with Denplan for Schools cover in the event of a dental injury or dental emergency. Your child will be covered during school holidays as well as term time, 365 days a year. (Further details are enclosed in the booklet for new pupils)

Monmouth School Boys’ Prep A Haberdashers’ School

Pupil Background Information

In order that we can address your son’s needs most effectively, we would be grateful if you would complete this form, which will be passed on to his form tutor and other staff who have an interest in this information.

Son’s Name:……………………….………………………………………….…… Form: …………………...…………………….

Has your son been issued with a Unique Learning Number, ULN? If so, please indicate below:


• Special Educational Needs

If your son has at any time received additional support or has been assessed for any difficulty, whether specific (e.g. dyslexia) or unspecified, please would you give details below and, where possible, provide a copy of any assessment. This information will help the school to ensure that your son’s needs are addressed and, where appropriate, additional support is given. Also, it would be helpful to know if any close family member is dyslexic or had particular difficulties in childhood with reading or writing.




• English as an Additional Language

If English is not your son’s first language, please give some indication of his ability to use English (Please tick one box only to indicate the appropriate level):

Completely Bilingual Educated in English Medium School 

Educated partly in English Medium Studying some English at School

How many years, if any, has your son been resident in the UK? ......

• Other Relevant Information

Please also give any other information about your son’s background or situation that you feel it would be helpful for us to be aware of and that might affect him at school.




The Grange, Hadnock Road, Monmouth NP25 3NG Tel: +44 (0) 1600 715930 Email: [email protected]

www.habsmonmouth.org Charity Number 525616 Monmouth School Boys’ Prep A Haberdashers’ School

Collection of Pupil’s Ethnic Background

All schools are required by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) to collect and record the ethnicity of their pupils. Our ethnic background describes how we think of ourselves. This may be based on many things, including, for example, our skin colour, language, culture, ancestry or family history. Ethnic background is not the same as nationality or country of birth.

There is no sinister purpose behind this request, but both the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference and the Independent Schools Council feel this information is useful for monitoring purposes. The information you provide will be used to compile statistics on the school careers and experiences of children from different backgrounds, to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. These statistics will not allow individual children to be identified publicly and the information will not be used for any other purpose. From time to time this information will be passed to the Local Education Authority and the DCSF to contribute to local and national statistics.

Information about your child’s ethnic background will be passed on to any other school to which your child transfers to save you having to be asked for it again. You can ask to check your child’s information at any time, and, if you wish, have the ethnic background changed or removed.

You can also indicate that you do not wish an ethnic background category to be recorded. We have used the ethnic origin categories which ESTYN apply to their inspections.

Please circle the description below that applies to your son.

White Mixed Asian or Asian British Black or Black British

White British White & Black Caribbean Indian Caribbean White Irish White & Black African Pakistani African Other White White & Asian Bangladeshi Other Black background Other Mixed background Other Asian background Chinese

Other ethnic background I do not wish ethnic background to be recorded Unknown

Signed: ……………………………………………… (Parent/Guardian) Dated: ………………………………………..

Child’s Name: ………………………………………………..………………………

The Grange, Hadnock Road, Monmouth NP25 3NG Tel: +44 (0) 1600 715930 Email: [email protected]

www.habsmonmouth.org Charity Number 525616 Monmouth School Boys’ Prep A Haberdashers’ School

Contact Information

Parents of boys joining the school often like to make contact over the holidays with others in the same situation, to enable the boys to get to know each other as friends before starting their new school.

If you are willing for your telephone number and information of the area in which you live to be circulated to the parents of other boys in your son’s year, via the Parent Portal, I would be grateful if you would fill in the necessary details below. If you would prefer not to be included, please tick where indicated. Please return to school within a week of receipt if possible, to enable us to complete the lists before the end of term.

Thank you.


Contact Information

Son's name: ......

I/we agree to the following information being distributed, via the Parent Portal, to the parents of other boys in his class.

Home telephone number The name of the village/town/area in which I/we live

Mobile Number for …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Mobile Number for …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

I/we would prefer my/our contact details not to be circulated to other parents

Signed: ...... Dated: ......

The Grange, Hadnock Road, Monmouth NP25 3NG Tel: +44 (0) 1600 715930 Email: [email protected]

www.habsmonmouth.org Charity Number 525616

Monmouth School Boys’ Prep A Haberdashers’ School

Trips, Events and Sporting Fixtures

Monmouth School buildings and facilities are clustered in the same area of town but are on different sites and on different sides of the River Wye. From time to time the Boys’ Prep boys walk to and from the different sites, escorted by members of staff. In addition the boys may be escorted to and from the Pre- Prep, Monmouth School for Girls or the Girls’ Prep, or to a rehearsal at the Priory Church of St Mary’s, for example. For most routine day-to-day school business of this sort or any trip/event that incurs a charge of £5.00 or under, no extra permission is required from parents. In addition, boys involved in routine sports fixtures away are transported by means of a hired school bus (using our established bus companies) or minibus and again no separate slip needs to be completed for this.

For all other trips incurring a charge of over £5.00, a signed permission slip is required from a parent. Charges made for extra trips and events will vary from term to term and from class to class but, other than where residential trips are involved, we do try to keep these to no more than about £40 a term in total, though it is often much less than this. A visiting writer or artist, a theatre trip, or trip to a place of historical or geographical interest keeps the curriculum alive and exciting. This is an important aspect of life at Monmouth School Boys’ Prep and one that helps keep school vibrant and fun.


Monmouth School Boys’ Prep Trips, Events and Sporting Fixtures

Name of pupil …………………..…………………….……………………… Form …………………………….…

I agree to my son named above being escorted, by members of staff, off site in the local area when walking.

I agree to my son named above being escorted, by members of staff, to routine sporting fixtures away by hired school-bus or minibus.

I understand a permission slip is not required for any trip or event incurring a charge of £5.00 or under.

Signed ………………………………………………………..…………………….. Dated ………………………………

The Grange, Hadnock Road, Monmouth NP25 3NG Tel: +44 (0) 1600 715930 Email: [email protected]

www.habsmonmouth.org Charity Number 525616 Pupils’ Internet Code of Practice • I will only use the internet when supervised by a teacher or adult.

• I will never tell anyone I meet on the internet my name, home address, telephone number or school's name without permission from a member of staff (at school) or parent (at home).

• I will never send anyone my picture without permission from a member of staff (at school) or parent (at home).

• I will never give my password to anyone, even my best friend, and I will log off when I have finished using the computer.

• I will never arrange to meet anyone I have met on the Internet in person without a teacher or parent.

• I will always come out immediately of an Internet chat room if someone says or writes something which makes me feel uncomfortable or worried, and I will always report it to a teacher or parent.

• I will never respond to unpleasant, suggestive, rude or bullying e-mails or bulletin boards and I will always report it to a teacher or parent.

• I will not look for bad language or distasteful images while I am online and I will report bad language or distasteful images to a teacher or parent if I come across them accidentally.

• I will always be myself and will not pretend to be anyone or anything I am not.

• I know that my teacher and the Internet service provider will check the sites I have visited.

• I understand that I can access only sites and material relevant to my work in school and that I will not be allowed to use the Internet if I deliberately look at unsuitable material.

• I understand that I will not be allowed to use the Internet if I deliberately hack into the schools’ or other systems.

• I know that the posting of anonymous messages and the forwarding of chain messages is not allowed.

• I know that the contents of my e-mail messages will be monitored by the Network Manager.

• I may not download software from the Internet (including screen savers, games, video clips, audio clips, *.exe files).

• I know that information on the Internet may not always be reliable, that sources may need checking and that web sites may be sponsored by advertisers.

• I will not use e-mail to send or encourage material which is inappropriate, illegal, offensive or annoying or invades another person’s privacy.

• I will not join Facebook or any other site that is specified as being for use by people older than myself.

• I will not play age-inappropriate computer games.

Pupils’ Internet Code of Practice

Son’s Name ...... …..

I have read the Pupils' Code of Practice and I have discussed it with my son/ward. We agree to support the school's policy on the use of the Internet.

Signed …………………………..……………………. ……………………………..…………………. Dated ……………………………………….. (Parent/Guardian/Carer) (Pupil)

Social Media Policy (Parents)

Electronic communications and social media are a key feature of modern life. The schools embrace such technologies and believe that they have a role to play in the educational process and in our own communications.

We have a duty to:

• Educate children about the dangers of the misuse of modern technology • Protect children & staff from abuse and any form of unfair treatment

The individual Acceptable Usage Policies of each of the Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools outline what is acceptable for young people when under our duty of care. In addition to this, we reserve the right to investigate and act when:

• The learning or wellbeing of young people is affected by misuse of electronic communication • The reputation of the school(s) is affected by misuse of electronic communication • The wellbeing or reputation of staff or former staff is affected by misuse of electronic communication

In order to achieve this we:

• Have suitable policy frameworks in school • Educate pupils through their PSHE sessions and other activities • Deliver appropriate staff training • Offer opportunities for parents to attend relevant presentations • Communicate with all stake-holders through letters, mailings, email, the website(s) and the portal

All parents are invited to join staff in setting a good example to our pupils by:

• Addressing issues, concerns, worries or complaints directly to the school(s), following the appropriate procedures • Demonstrating courtesy and respect when writing about the school(s) or people connected with the school(s), on social networking sites • Reporting inappropriate activity which could upset or offend any member of the school , or bring the school(s) into disrepute, directly to the school(s) All parents are invited to join staff in setting a good example for our pupils by not:

• Using social network sites to make derogatory comments or posting images or videos which could bring the school(s) into disrepute • Using social network sites to make derogatory comments or posting images or videos which could bring individuals connected to the school(s) into disrepute • Making comments about pupils, parents, staff members, leaders, governors, Haberdashers or the wider community, which could cause offence or upset • Posting images or videos of other people’s children on social network sites without their permission • Posting images or videos of other parents, staff or school property on social network sites without appropriate permission

If a concern is raised to us we will:

• Investigate the matter in full • If necessary, seek advice from other agencies • Report the matter to parent(s) concerned and clarify that they may be in breach of the Malicious Communications Act (1988) • Meet with parents to resolve concerns in the best interest of the whole community • Always honour our duty of care to our pupils and staff

Any outcome (including a judgement as to whether or not a parent has breached their contract with the school) will be decided by the Head Teacher of the school involved.

Parents involved will receive a written summary of the outcome.

Appeals will be made to the Chairman of Governors.


Social Media Policy (Parents)

Son’s name: …………………………………………….……………………

I/We have read the above and agree to support the school’s social media policy.

Signed: ………………………………………………………..………………… Dated: ……………………………….……………..

Monmouth School

Fees Refund Scheme

Secure a Refund if Your Child Cannot Attend School Effective From Winter Term September 2019


Having to pay for something you aren’t using is frustrating. • If your child is a day pupil a refund will be made if your child is So if your child is forced to miss school for an extended period absent from school for a period of at least five consecutive full of time because they are ill or injured, wouldn’t it be reassuring days (including weekends and half-term breaks) because your to know you can get a refund for those lost school days. child is ill, has had an accident or has been in contact with an infectious disease. Join our Fees Refund Scheme and we will refund the fees you have already paid if your child cannot be in school because • If your child is a boarder a refund will be made if your child they are ill, injured or have been in contact with an infectious is absent from school or classes for a period of at least eight disease, provided your application for a refund satisfies certain consecutive full days (including weekends and half-term conditions. You can join before the beginning of a new term and breaks) because your child is ill, has had an accident or has cancel in advance of the start of any term provided we receive the been in contact with an infectious disease. appropriate notice in writing. If we have paid a refund under the scheme and your child’s Participation in this scheme alters the contract you have with the doctor feels your child is ready to come back as a day pupil, but school for the provision of educational services and entitles you is not ready to be a boarder again, we will refund the difference to a refund or free place at the school as detailed in this leaflet. between the boarding fee you’ve already paid and the day fee. This will be from the first day back at school after an absence The cost of joining our scheme is calculated as a percentage of where a refund has been given, up to the end of term or the your termly fee, excluding extras: day your child returns to school as a boarder if it is before then. • For boarders this is 1.05%. If the school, or a separate house of the school, is forced to close • For day pupils it’s 1.37%. due to an outbreak of an infectious disease amongst the pupils The school reserves the right to vary the termly charge by or staff, which makes tuition impossible, a refund would be made. giving advance notice to you. There is no cover for the first seven days of any such closure. For example, if the school is closed for eight days due to an out- The term “fee” used in this document means the net amount break of an infectious disease at the school the Scheme (excluding extras) that is required to be paid each term for the would refund one day’s fee. attendance at the school of a pupil. The total amount of all refunds that will be made for any one The term “doctor” used in this document means an child for any one medical condition, or series of related medical independent medical practitioner who is not a member of conditions is 280 days. the pupil’s immediate family. APPLICATION FORM “The scheme offers the extra peace of mind that money spent on school fees is going I wish to be included in the Fees Refund Scheme. I declare that towards your child’s education, not on time I have read and accept the terms and conditions of the scheme as outlined in this leaflet. spent recovering from an illness or accident.” Please complete the details below and return this page to the school as soon as possible. If you have the appropriate software, you can type directly into the fields below, save as a PDF to your desktop, and email it back to the school. Alternatively print off the document, complete the fields in BLOCK capitals, and return to the school.

Name of school: Monmouth School Name of pupil 1:

Name of pupil 2:

Name of pupil 3:

Name of fee payer:



Print name (if applicable):

2 FREE PLACE IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENTAL HOW TO APPLY FOR A REFUND DEATH If your child has been absent from school you simply ask us for a In the event of an accident that results in the death of a person Fees Refund form, fill it in and hand it back to us no later than 30 who is legally obliged to pay the school fees for your child, we will days after the end of the term when your child was absent. When maintain your child’s place at the school free of charge for up to five your child is absent from school for over 14 consecutive full days, terms following the death. The person must be under 70 at the time your doctor will need to complete part of the form. You will have to of death and the death must be caused solely by accidental means pay for this if there is a charge. and independently of any other cause. Death arising from illness, If applicable, absence from classes where the boarder is treated natural causes, suicide, intentionally self-inflicted injury, war, or act at school –refunds will be dealt with automatically by the school of terrorism is not covered. The provision of a free place does not and no action on your part is required. apply if the person legally obliged to pay the school fees is a trustee When we have already refunded school fees for an absence of over of a fund from which the fees are paid. 30 consecutive days, any further related absences during your child’s A request for a free place must be made to the school within three rehabilitation will be regarded as a continuation of the same period months of the date of death. of absence. Again, this will have to be certified by a doctor.

WHEN PARTICIPATION STARTS AND ENDS HOW REFUNDS ARE CALCULATED Inclusion in the scheme begins on the first day of term if the termly Refunds are based on the length of your child’s absence during charge has been paid before that date. If the charge is paid after term time only. Fees will be refunded pro rata to the actual time the term has begun it will be from the date the school receives the away from the school, or classes when the boarder is treated at payment. Participation ends when your child leaves the school, you school. This means that the amount payable for each full day of withdraw your child from the school, the child leaves the scheme absence is calculated by dividing your child’s fees for that term or the school discontinues the scheme. If you withdraw your child by the actual number of days in the term (including weekends from school because of an injury they have suffered or an illness, and half-term breaks). then inclusion in the scheme will continue until the end of the term during which the withdrawal takes place. CONDITIONS OF THE SCHEME WHAT THE SCHEME DOES NOT COVER 1. The total amount of all refunds that will be made for any child for any one medical condition or series of related medical There are a number of scenarios that are not covered by our Fees conditions is limited to 280 days. Refund Scheme. These are listed below: 2. A doctor must certify the necessity of any absence from school yy Absences connected to a sickness, condition or injury of the of 15 consecutive full days or more. child that you, any parent, legal guardian, or child, was aware of and received treatment or advice for in the 12 months prior to IMPORTANT INFORMATION their inclusion in the scheme. This will not apply if your child has Cancellation been free of all related symptoms for a continuous period You can cancel your participation in our Fees Refund Scheme by giving of 24 months after first joining our scheme. us advance notice in writing before the start of each term. The school yy Absences over 14 days without a doctor’s certificate. may cancel this scheme at any time by giving 30 days written notice to you at your last known address. yy The first seven days of absence as a result of the school being closed due to an infectious disease outbreak. Governing Law yy Absences caused directly or indirectly by any congenital This scheme is governed by and in accordance with English and condition or abnormality of your child that you, any parent, Welsh Law. fee payer, legal guardian or your child was aware of prior to Data Protection being included in this scheme. You should understand that any information you have provided yy Your child being removed from or kept away from the school to the school, or will provide in the future, will be used by the because of a fear of contact with an infection at the school. school, in accordance with the school’s privacy policy, a copy of yy Your child falling ill following an inoculation or other which will be provided upon request. preventative treatment. yy Keeping your child out of school when a doctor has declared them fit to attend. yy Keeping your child out of school after the end of the recognised quarantine as laid down in the code of the Medical Officers of Administration Schools Association. The Fees Refund Scheme is administered by Marsh Ltd. The yy Any absence arising from war or act of terrorism. Fees Refund Scheme is not an insurance contract.

3 4 Focus on your child’s health

£99 per term from 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020 Includes Insurance Premium Tax Pupils’ healthcare scheme Family matters

Amidst the whirl of family life, there are few better feelings than knowing you’ve done what’s best for your loved ones. The comfort from knowing that they are supported by Private Medical Insurance in case they fall ill cannot be understated.

The Marsh and Support you and your child can rely on AXA PPP healthcare relationship The feeling your child is in a safe pair of hands is reassuring at a difficult time. If your child is unwell and their GP recommends further treatment, AXA PPP healthcare are delighted to be supporting Marsh. their Pupils’ Healthcare Scheme membership will aim to make the AXA PPP healthcare provides you with expertise, innovative products experience easier and less stressful through: and service you can trust. With nearly 80 years’ experience of providing healthcare cover, we have been helping people with their health and n Cover for an adult to stay with your child in hospital when they wellbeing for longer than the NHS. are receiving in-patient treatment, even when the adult isn’t an AXA PPP healthcare member. n Hotel accommodation benefit of up to £100 a night, up to £500 a year in addition to the adult accommodation benefit. n Providing award winning customer service and an impressive range of healthcare support services. n Treatment by experts in their field, so you can be confident your child will have access to appropriate treatment and care. n Covering conditions that were present before the membership started. n Being covered outside of school hours and term times, providing treatment is in the UK. Care when it’s needed

The Pupils’ Healthcare Scheme gives you the peace of mind that should your child become ill, which is an already stressful time, they have fast access to treatment and care for eligible conditions. Cover is available for only £99 per child for each term during the membership year 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020. This includes Insurance Premium Tax (IPT), however AXA PPP healthcare reserve the right to amend the charge if IPT increases. Once cover has commenced it will continue as long as your child remains at the school, the premium continues to be paid and the school continues in the the Scheme. Your subscription to healthcare cover is Our Health at Hand health information helpline provides part of the overall fees you pay to the school. ongoing support, including paediatric care. Simply call 0800 003 004 Nurses and counselors are available 24/7. Expert help for health information and Midwife and pharmacist services: support – just ask – any time of the day Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 8am to 4pm Sundays 8am to 12pm. Imagine having a medical expert in the family – someone you could call anytime you have a health worry, big or small. That’s exactly what Health at Hand, our 24/7 helpline, is here for. You and your family can call our medical experts any time of the day or night. Our midwives, pharmacists and nurses have experience in child health issues. So you can get expert information on vaccinations, nutrition and childhood illnesses.

For further information on the Pupils’ Healthcare Scheme visit axappphealthcare.co.uk/pupilshealthscheme where the scheme handbook including terms and conditions is available. Your child’s benefits

This section gives a summary of the cover.

IF YOUR CHILD IS AN IN-PATIENT OR DAY-PATIENT Private hospital and day-patient unit fees Paid in full At a hospital or day-patient unit in our Directory of Hospitals.

Hospital accommodation for one adult while your child is in hospital Paid in full Covers the cost of one adult staying in hospital with your child.

Hotel accommodation for one adult while your child is in hospital Up to £100 a night up to £500 Covers towards the costs for one adult to stay near to the a year private hospital where your child is having treatment. Specialist fees No yearly limit Includes fees for: surgeons | anaesthetists | physicians

IF YOUR CHILD IS AN OUT-PATIENT Surgery No yearly limit

CT, MRI or PET scans Paid in full At a facility listed, in our Directory of Hospitals.

Specialist consultations, diagnostic tests and practitioner fees when No yearly limit Practitioners are nurses, dieticians, orthoptists, speech your child’s specialist refers them therapists, psychotherapists or psychologists. Fees for out-patient treatment by physiotherapists, acupuncturists, No yearly limit on fees up to a We refer to physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors homeopaths, osteopaths or chiropractors combined overall maximum of as ‘therapists’. 10 sessions in a year when your child’s GP refers them

MENTAL HEALTH – IF YOUR CHILD IS AN IN-PATIENT OR DAY-PATIENT Private hospital and day-patient unit fees for mental health treatment Paid in full up to 45 days a year So long as your child uses a hospital or day-patient unit in our Directory of Hospitals. Including fees for: accommodation | diagnostic tests | drugs. Specialist fees for mental health treatment No yearly limit

MENTAL HEALTH – IF YOUR CHILD IS AN OUT-PATIENT Specialist consultations No yearly limit

Mental health treatment by psychologists and psychotherapists when No yearly limit a recognised specialist refers them

ADDITIONAL BENEFITS Cash payment when your child has free NHS in-patient treatment that £50 a night up to £1,000 would have been covered by their scheme each year

Cancer cover and care Membership information

The scheme includes cover for cancer including chemotherapy, Once your child is a Pupils’ Healthcare Scheme member, there are a few radiotherapy, diagnostic tests and surgery. things you need to know. Firstly, any treatment your child is looking to have needs to be medically necessary. We recommend you inform us before any The main things we don’t cover treatment to confirm your child’s cover.

Like all health insurance schemes, there are a few things that are not covered. Paediatric facilities in private hospitals

We’ve listed the most significant things here, but please also see the There will be cases where the NHS will be best placed to provide care details in the scheme handbook. locally as not all private hospitals in all areas of the country have suitable n Chronic conditions. facilities for children. When this is the case we will talk to you about your child’s NHS options as well. n Treatment received outside the UK. n Private GP fees. Fast Track Appointments n Treatment for normal ageing, for example puberty. Our Fast Track Appointments team can help you get those critical first n Health checks and dental treatment. specialist appointments into your diary as soon as possible. Ask your child’s doctor for an open referral and we’ll do the rest. n Learning and development disorders. n Fees for specialists who aren’t recognised or charge above our agreed rates. n All costs incurred once your child’s cover has ended, even if they were Making a claim, some important steps to remember pre-authorised, or the condition began when your child was included. 1. The planned treatment must be covered under your The details given are a summary of the scheme. Full details of the child’s membership. cover available, including what is and isn’t covered, are given in the 2. In order to claim please call 03301 025 503. Further information membership handbook. A copy is available at axappphealthcare.co.uk/ on claiming is contained within the terms and conditions. pupilshealthscheme. 3. Out-patient, day-patient or in-patient treatment must be carried out by a recognised specialist in a hospital within our directory, unless agreed by us in advance.

This is a summary of the cover that is available, for full Terms and Conditions and details please refer to the Pupils’ Healthcare Scheme handbook, available at: axappphealthcare.co.uk/pupilshealthscheme A copy of the schedule of insurance is available upon request from your school. Making a complaint

We aim to provide you with the highest possible standards of service but accept there may be occasions when you feel that things have gone wrong for you and you are unhappy with us. If you have a complaint about any matter please contact us and we’ll do our best to address your concerns. Your feedback is vital to helping us to improve. Further details on how to complain can be found in the ‘Making a complaint’ section of the membership handbook. If you’re dissatisfied with the outcome of our investigation, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to consider your complaint. You should contact the FOS (0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9 123) to find out whether you’d be eligible to have your complaint considered by them, as you’ll need to meet specific criteria depending on your particular circumstances.

The Financial Services Cancellation rights Compensation Scheme You can cancel your child’s cover before it begins by notifying your child’s school. You can cancel In the unlikely event that AXA PPP healthcare your child’s membership within 21 days of cover becomes insolvent and is unable to pay benefits starting and receive a refund from the school if no under the scheme, you may be entitled to claim claims have been paid. If a claim is made within compensation from the Financial Services the 21 day cancellation period and the parent/ Compensation Scheme (FSCS). To find out whether legal guardian still wishes to cancel, then the you’d be eligible to claim under the scheme you parent/legal guardian is liable for the premiums should contact the FSCS (0207 892 7300). for that term. If at any time you wish to end your Further information about the operation of the child’s cover you can do so from the end of any scheme is available on the FSCS website: fscs.org.uk. term and no refund will be made.

For further information on the Pupils’ Healthcare Scheme please call Marsh Limited Education Practice on 01444 335174 Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Or write to them at Capital House, 1-5 Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3SY.

AXA PPP healthcare, Phillips House, Crescent Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2PL. AXA PPP healthcare Limited. Registered Office: 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD, United Kingdom. Registered in England No. 3148119. AXA PPP healthcare is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. © AXA PPP healthcare 2018. We may record and/or monitor calls for quality assurance, training and as a record of our conversation. Marsh Ltd is Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. PB63618b/02.19 Confidential

Pupils’ Healthcare Scheme Application form

In order for your child to be covered it is your responsibility to complete the application form and return it to the school. Failure to send the form back in sufficient time may mean your child might not be covered from the start of the next term. We require a separate completed application form for each child. For further information on the Pupils’ Healthcare Scheme please call Marsh Limited Education Practice (Scheme intermediary) on 01444 335174. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

• Please read these instructions before completing this form. • Read this form carefully and make sure you have completed ALL the sections. Before signing the relevant declaration please make a final check of all the information you have provided. • Please use BLACK INK and write in BLOCK CAPITALS throughout and return it to your child’s school.

1 Details

Name of school:

School address:


Child’s first name: Child’s surname:

Child’s gender: Child’s date of birth: Male Female D D M M Y Y Y Y Child must sign application form part 3 if 16 years of age or over

Parent 1/Legal guardian 1’s name:The parent/legal guardian is not entitled to cover under this plan.

Parent 2/Legal guardian 2’s name: The parent/legal guardian is not entitled to cover under this plan.

Parent/Legal guardian’s address:


Parent/Legal guardian’s telephone numbers: Parent/Legal guardian’s email address:

Memorable date: So we can be sure we’re speaking to the right person, we’ve asked for a memorable date that will identify you when you call. We’ve also asked for a hint/reminder which we can ask you to help remember your chosen date if you forget. For example your birthday or wedding day. Parent/Legal guardian’s memorable date: We will ask you to confirm this when you contact us. Parent/Legal guardian’s memorable date hint/reminder: D D M M Y Y Y Y

1 of 4 2 Appointment of an Authorised Guardian

To assist with the claims administration process parents of a pupil under 16, or a pupil 16 and over can appoint an Authorised Guardian as an alternative contact to manage claims on behalf of the parent or pupil. Before you complete this part read section 5 – Appointing an Authorised Guardian Do you wish to appoint an Authorised Guardian? Yes No (If No please go to Section 3) If you do, please select one of the following: a) I want the Authorised Guardian to be the school (tick here and go to Section 3) or b) I want to appoint another person whose details are:

Full name: Telephone numbers:

Relationship to child: Email address:



Appointed Guardian’s memorable date. We require this information for identification purposes: Memorable date hint/reminder: D D M M Y Y Y Y

3 Declaration

Important: Please read this declaration carefully before signing and dating it. We recommend that you keep a record of all information you supply to us in connection with your child’s membership, including letters. • I confirm that all information provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. • I understand that I, the parent/legal guardian, am not entitled to any benefit under this plan. • I declare that I have informed all persons 16 or over and if applicable the Authorised Guardian to be included on this application that their details will be disclosed to AXA, Marsh and the school, in order to process this application and I have personally confirmed with them that the information regarding them is complete and correct. • I understand it is my responsibility to ensure any person 16 or over has read the contents of this form. • I have read the Data Protection statement below and have shown this to my child, if over 16. • I understand that if I wish to cancel my child’s cover before the start date I can do so by notifying the child’s school. • I understand that I have the option of cancelling my child’s cover under the Pupil’s Healthcare Scheme and receiving a refund, as long as I do so in writing to the school within 21 days of cover starting and no claims have been paid in respect of that child. Any refund that is made during the cancellation period will come from the school. If a claim is made within the 21 day cancellation period and the parent/legal guardian still wishes to cancel, then the parent/legal guardian is liable for the premiums for that term. During the cover period I understand that if I wish to end my child’s cover under the scheme, I can do so with effect from the end of the current term and that no refund will be paid to me. • I confirm that I am the person with whom parental responsibility for the child named in this application form (and on any separate sheet) lies. • I confirm that if I have named an Authorised Guardian I have given my explicit consent for the Authorised Guardian to represent me and my child should the Authorised Guardian need to make a claim for my child under this plan. • I understand that cover will commence from the start of the next school term provided that my child’s school pays the premiums to Marsh and this form is received by the school in sufficient time. I understand cover will end if my child’s school does not pay premiums to Marsh.

Parent 1/Legal guardian 1’s name:* Parent 2/Legal guardian 2’s name:*

Your signature:* Your signature:*

Date:* Date:* D D M M Y Y Y Y D D M M Y Y Y Y If an Authorised Guardian is being appointed and the insured child is 16 or over, they must sign below. Child’s name:* I confirm I give my explicit consent for the Authorised Guardian to represent me as set out in section 5 of this form.

Child’s signature:* Date:* D D M M Y Y Y Y

*These fields are mandatory. 2 of 4 4 Data Protection

AXA PPP healthcare Limited, Marsh and any reinsurer will deal with all personal information in the strictest confidence. We will comply with the provisions of data protection legislation. We use other companies to do some of our work for us and to run and improve our computer systems. Some of these are in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA), including some where the laws protecting personal information may not be as strong as in the EEA. We take steps to ensure that any companies and intermediaries that we use give an appropriate level of protection. In this Data Protection section ‘we’ means AXA PPP healthcare. ‘You’ means the parent/legal guardian named in section 1. How we will use your information We will process information about you, any Authorised Guardian and your child that may be supplied by those people, healthcare providers and Marsh. We may contact healthcare providers for further information, for example to clarify an invoice, discuss an extension to a stay in hospital, or to get copy medical records. If we need consent to do this, we will get it first. Personal Information will be used to: • provide the services set out under the terms of this plan • administer the plan • develop customer relationships and services. Sharing information with the school, any Appointed Guardian and the school’s intermediary Marsh In order to manage the scheme and relationships with the above we may share non-sensitive information with any of the above who may use the information for the purposes and in a manner consistent with this section and/or legal or regulatory purposes. We will also share information about your child’s mental or physical health or condition with any Authorised Guardian and if it is in your child’s vital interests the school (if not the Authorised Guardian). Information about your child When you give us information about other people, we will take this as confirmation that you have their consent to do so. We will send most correspondence about the plan to the parent/legal guardian. We take both data protection and medical confidentiality very seriously and aim, where possible, to correspond with each individual member over the age of 16 about their claim. This may mean a child under the age of 18 may make a claim without the knowledge of the parent/legal guardian, for example, where the healthcare provider has determined the child is competent to consent to the medical treatment. Your data and fraudulent claims and other crimes If we, or others, suspect that fraudulent claims have been made or other crimes have been committed, we are legally required to disclose information to the relevant law enforcement agencies. We may disclose information to third parties, including other insurers, to prevent or investigate crime. This includes if there is a reasonable suspicion about fraud or improper claims. This may involve adding non-medical information to databases that other insurers and law enforcement agencies and other anti- fraud organisations will be able to access. Your data and fitness to practise We are obliged to notify the General Medical Council or other relevant regulatory body if we have reason to believe a healthcare provider’s fitness to practise may be impaired. This may mean that we need to disclose information about a treatment episode and your plan. Marketing preferences Neither AXA PPP healthcare nor any other members of the AXA Group of companies will use the personal information provided in this form to contact any person about other products or services. Communication will only be in respect of your child’s cover with AXA PPP healthcare including cover options when your child is leaving the school.

3 of 4 5 Appointing an Authorised Guardian

When dealing with an Authorised Guardian AXA PPP healthcare will be able to: • Take details of a claim including health and medical information. • Disclose health and medical information that it may have obtained from healthcare providers. • Dependant on the medical practitioner’s policies, for children under 16 obtain medical practitioner’s notes and reports based on the Authorised Guardian’s consent. An Authorised Guardian will not be able to: • Cancel your child’s cover. • Amend your child’s cover. If you or your child aged 16 or over wish to appoint an Authorised Guardian please complete the relevant part of the application form before returning it to the school. Please ensure you advise the Authorised Guardian you will share their contact details with AXA PPP healthcare, the scheme intermediary, Marsh and the school. Generally AXA PPP healthcare will not deal directly with any pupil under 16 years of age. Any contact regarding claims should be made by the parent/legal guardian who is named on the application form, or the Authorised Guardian. Very rarely AXA PPP healthcare may deal directly with a pupil less than 16 years of age, but only on advice from their doctor that the doctor considers them competent to make their own healthcare decisions and is likewise not looking to deal with an adult on their behalf. AXA PPP healthcare will speak with pupils 16 years or over on the legal presumption that they have the capacity to make their own decisions about their healthcare, unless we have cause to believe this may not be the case. When a child reaches the age of 16 the authorisation from the parent will expire and AXA PPP healthcare will need the child to provide authorisation if the child wishes to appoint an Authorised Guardian. If you choose an Authorised guardian other than the school it should be someone who will be readily available to communicate with AXA PPP healthcare and support your child. If you have already appointed a guardian who will deal with the school on other matters because you are out of the UK, ideally you would choose this person. By appointing an Authorised Guardian you consent to that person discussing claims for your child with AXA PPP healthcare. You also consent to AXA PPP healthcare discussing all aspects of claims, including information regarding the physical or mental health or condition of your child, with that person. You also appoint the Authorised Guardian to act in your place in giving consent, if necessary, to: a) AXA PPP healthcare obtaining information about your child’s mental or physical health or condition from your child’s healthcare practitioners; b) Your child’s healthcare practitioners disclosing to AXA PPP healthcare; information about your child’s mental or physical health or condition; and c) Your child’s healthcare practitioners providing AXA PPP healthcare with copies of information or documents held in your child’s health record to the extent AXA PPP healthcare deem necessary to enable them to assess any claim. d) Make shortfall/excess payments on your child’s behalf. e) Receive payments on behalf of your child from AXA PPP healthcare e.g. for cash payments if your child has in-patient treatment under the NHS. If you appoint an Authorised Guardian and at any point you wish to withdraw your appointment or there is a particular claim that you do not want your chosen Authorised Guardian to deal with, it is your responsibility to make sure that AXA PPP healthcare know this. An Authorised Guardian is different to a Legal Guardian in this process and must be over 21.

AXA PPP healthcare Limited, Nightingale House, Redland Hill, Redland, Bristol, BS6 6SH AXA PPP healthcare Limited. Registered Office: 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD, United Kingdom. Registered in England No. 3148119. AXA PPP healthcare is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. © AXA PPP healthcare 2018. We may record and/or monitor calls for quality assurance, training and as a record of our conversation. Marsh Ltd is Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. PB63618b/02.19 4 of 4

Monmouth School Boys’ Prep A Haberdashers’ School


We believe strongly that tuition on a musical instrument enriches the lives of our pupils. If you would like to request this for your child, please use the tear-off form at the foot of this note.

At Monmouth School Boys’ Prep, lessons are available on the following instruments: violin, viola, ‘cello, double bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, French horn, trumpet, cornet, euphonium, trombone, piano, percussion, voice, and harp. For boys in Year 3, violin, viola, ‘cello and piano lessons only are available unless they are already learning another instrument and wish to continue (subject to the agreement of the Head). Boys applying for piano lessons are expected to have a piano at home on which to practise and the School maintains a large stock of orchestral instruments which can be hired by parents at reasonable rates. Associated Board examinations are held twice yearly at School.

A year’s tuition consists of around 27 lessons, lasting 35 minutes. Each term a charge for lessons is added to your account, typically 11 in the Michaelmas, 10 in the Lent and 6 in the Summer Terms respectively. These take place during the school day. Parents are asked to help with this by ensuring that their child has his music, instrument and practice notebook with him on the day of his lesson. Older boys may have lessons on two instruments in school, subject to approval from the Head of the Boys’ Prep. Fees for tuition are as detailed on the current fees sheet and these are charged each term in arrears.

If lessons are to be stopped, eight school weeks notice is required, in writing, to: The Music Secretary, Rachel Owens, [email protected] Monmouth School for Boys, Monmouth NP25 3XP.



Date of Birth: Form: House:

Instrument for which you would like tuition:

Do you have any experience already?

Already play an instrument? (please tell us which one)

I understand the details for studying music at Monmouth School Boys’ Prep as set out above and agree to my son having tuition on this basis.

Signature of Parent/Guardian: …………………………………………..……………………...……. Date: …………………………………..……

Address and Telephone number: …………………………………….………………….…………………………………………………..………………

Please return to Mr Neil Shaw

The Grange, Hadnock Road, Monmouth NP25 3NG Tel: +44 (0) 1600 715930 Email: [email protected]

www.habsmonmouth.org Charity Number 525616

Bus Travel Request Form

Please complete this form if your child is not already using the bus or if there is a change to your regular bus requirements. The form should be sent to [email protected] or The Bus Coordinator, c/o Monmouth School for Girls, Hereford Road, Monmouth, NP25 5XT.

Pupil’s full name: ......

Date of birth: ......

Pupil’s mobile no: ......

Bus number & route name: ......

Pick-up point: ......

Please indicate bus use required:

Bus Use: Monday-Friday Monday-Saturday Full Time Mornings Only (charged at 2/3 Full Time use) Afternoons Only (charged at 1/3 Full Time use)

*Regular bus travel is either categorised as Full Time, Mornings Only or Afternoons Only. Requests for travel that does not broadly fall into these categories should be addressed to: [email protected] or on 01600 711292.

I have read and understood the full terms set out in the covering letter to the timetable.

I am aware that the Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools’ Bus Company plans the annual bus schedule many months in advance and that contracts are issued to bus companies for specific vehicle sizes for a set period and therefore I agree to provide a full term’s notice should my child no longer require the bus.

(For example, if your child is to stop using the bus at the end of the Michaelmas Term, notice must be received before the end of the summer holidays. If your child is due to take their driving test and as the outcome of this is not foreseeable, we recommend you provide us with ‘provisional’ notice. In the event that you withdraw your child from the bus before the notice period has been completed, you will be charged the bus fare in lieu of the uncompleted part of such notice.)

Signature: ...... Date: ......

Bus Rules

1. Always wear your seat belt.

2. Never get up when the bus is moving.

3. Never change places/swap seats.

4. Never use the in-vehicle toilets.

5. Do not distract the driver in any way – including moving about,

shouting, playing loud music or using torches/lasers.

6. Never play loud or silly games.

7. Do not eat anything including sweets.

8. Never drop litter.

9. Do not block the aisle with your belongings.

10. Do not fight, intimidate or use bullying behaviour.

11. Read and abide by the Boys’ Travel Behaviour Code.

12. Reports all concerns immediately to a teacher on a morning journey or

to a parent on a return journey.

I agree to abide by the above school rules:

Pupil signature:______Date:______

Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Direct Debit

Please fill in the whole form including official use box using a ball point pen and send it to: Originator's Identification Number

School Fees 8 3 0 9 4 8 Finance Dept. Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools St Catherine’s House For HMS Official use only 17 Hereford Road This is not part of the instruction to your Bank or Building Society.

Monmouth Please tick the box with your required payment method. NP25 3HG Three Instalments per term Name(s) of Account Holder(s) (Sep/Oct/Nov – Jan/Feb/Mar – May/Jun/Jul.)

Termly (3 payments due on or immediately after the first day of each term) Bank/Building Society account number

Branch Sort Code Instruction to your Bank or Building Society Please pay Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools Direct Debits from the account detailed in this Instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society Instruction may remain with Haberdashers’ Monmouth To: The Manager Bank/Building Society Schools and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society.

Address Signature(s)

Postcode Date

Reference Number

Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit Instructions from some types of account This guarantee should be detached and retained by the Payer DDI1


The Direct Debit Guarantee

This Guarantee is offered by all Banks and Building Societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.  If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools will notify you, 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request.  If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools or your bank or building society you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society.  If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools asks you to.  You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

After School Club Booking Form Michaelmas Term 2019

Boy’s Name: ______Form: ______

Please book sessions by ticking the relevant boxes below. A separate form needs to be filled out for each boy. Additional forms can be downloaded from the Parent Portal. All other bookings should be confirmed in writing or by email to Mrs Mumby. The charge is £3.72 per hour or part thereof from 4.15pm to 5.15pm and £5.37 from 5.15pm to 6.00pm which includes an evening meal. We cannot guarantee that a full meal will be available unless pre-booked. Where boys are booked in to an extra-curricular activity not in the Grange building they will be escorted to After School Club after their activity.

The After School Club telephone number is 07876 784037. Please use this number when booking your son into After School Club at short notice and leave a message. If you would prefer to use email, Mrs Mumby’s address is [email protected] (please press “Read Receipt” to ensure that she has the message). Mrs Mumby checks the phone for messages throughout the day; please ring and inform her of any problems with collecting your son.

Collection is from Room 5W (via the playground) for the first session and from the Library for the second session.

There is no facility for supervision beyond 6.00pm and the school alarm needs to be set at that time. Please do not place Mrs Mumby in the difficult and embarrassing position of arriving to collect your son later than 6.00pm. Your understanding with this is much appreciated.

WEEK MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY BEGINNING 4.15 5.15 4.15 5.15 4.15 5.15 4.15 5.15 4.15 5.15 02.09.19 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 09.09.19 16.09.19 23.09.19 30.09.19 07.10.19 14.10.19 HALF TERM xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 04.11.19 11.11.19 18.11.19 25.11.19 02.12.19 09.12.19 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx


On behalf of Friends of the Grange (FROGs), we would like to wish you a warm welcome to Monmouth School Boys’ Prep.

Our aim is to provide the boys with additional equipment and opportunities to enhance their learning experience. In addition to our fundraising, we arrange both formal and informal social events.

As a parent, you are automatically a member; if you know someone who would also like to join then please let us know. Your thoughts and ideas are important to us. Even if you only have a small amount of spare time, you can make a difference.

Recent events we have organised for the parents include :-

A Curry & Quiz night Prep IV leavers’ festival Refreshments at Cross Country and Sports day 80’s Disco

To make communication easier, we would like your permission to add your email address to our FROGs mailing list. Please complete the slip below if you are happy for us to do this.


FROGs (Friends of the Grange)

I/we am/are happy for my/our email address(es) to be added to the FROGs mailing list

Name: ______Name: ______(Please print name) (Please print name)

Dated: ______Monmouth School Boys’ Prep The Grange, Hadnock Road, Monmouth NP25 3NG Tel: 01600 715930 Email: [email protected]

Monmouth School for Boys Almshouse Street, Monmouth NP25 3XP Tel: 01600 710433 Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity No. 525616 www.habsmonmouth.org