common fire will be used instead of the sacred fire THE GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN of God's kindling. The strained, tattered efforts PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY disappoint the" listeners and hart the speaker: He has had no time to seek the Lord, no tire to ask The Seventh=day Adventist. General Conference in faith for the unction of the Holy Spirit. In order for the efforts of God's workers to be suc- cessful, they must receive that grace, that efficiency, Fonthe DAILY BULLETIN during General Conference session-50c which He alone can give. "Ask, and ye Shall re- the biennial term, including daily and gdarterly issues 75c ceive," is the promise. Then why not take time to Subscriptions at the 75-cent rate, ior the current volume, will include all issues during 1901 and 1902. ask; to open the mind to the impressions of the Holy Spirit, that- the sdiul may be revived by a fresh sup- ply of life? Christ himself was much in prayer. EDITOR . . • • U. E. OSBORNE. Whenever Ile had, opportunity, He went, apart, to be alone with' God.' As We bow before God in humble' Entered at the Post-Office in Battle Creek, Michigan. prayer, He places-a live coal from His altar on our lips, sanctifying:them to the work of giving Bible TAKE TIME "TO UTAH WITH 110D. truth to the people:- ' I am instructed to say to my fellow 'workers, If""` BY PIES. E. G. 'WHITE. youwould have the rich treasures of heaven, you - SPECIAL ihstructicth has been given me in regard must have seeretmominunion with God. Unless you - to our miniitaXs. It is not" the will., of God that do this, your scut will be as destitute of the Holy „ hey shallSffsto be rich. They should not engage Spirit as were the hill? of Gilboa of dew and rain. in worldly kol‘prises; for this disqualifies them for When you hurr3froin one thing to another, when giving theirNsRowers to spiritual things. But you have se lama to do that you can not take time they are to receikVMages enoUgh to support them- to talk with 0,6d, hoW can you expect power in ii selves and their families. They are not to have so your -Work? many burdens laid upon them that they can not give The reason so Many of our ministers preach tame,y proper attention to- the church in their own home. lifeless discourses is' that they allow a variety or; It is their duty to train their Children for the Lord. thinas of a worldly nature "to take their time It is a great mistake to keep a minister constantly attention..a ;Unless there is constant growth in grace, , at work in business lines, going from place to place, we shall be wanting in words suitable for the occaiN ;`,attending board meetings and committee meetings, sion. Commune with your own heart,: and theril) sitting up late -at night. This brings to him weari- commune with God. Unless you do this, your effortt ness and discouragement. Ministers should have time will be fruitless, made thus by unsanctified hurry to rest, to obtain from God's, word the rich nourish- and confusion. ment of the bread of life. They should have time to Ministers and teachers, let your Work be fragrant drink refreshing draughts of consolation from the with rich spiritual grace. Do not make it common stream. of living water. by mixing it with common things. Move onward Let ministers and teachers remember that God and upward. Cleanse yourselves from all filthines holds them accountable to fill their office to the best of the flesh and: of the spirit, perfecting holiness of. their ability, to bring into their work their very in the fear 'of the Lord: best powers. They are not :to take up duties that We need to be converted daily. Our prayers conflict with the work that God has given them. should be more ferVent; then they will be more effec- When ministers and teachers, pressed under the tual. Stronger and Stronger should be our confidence urden of financial responsibility, enter the pulpit that God's Spirit: will be with us, making us pure 'or the schoolroom with Wearied brain and, over- and holy, as Upright and fragrant as the cedars of taxed nerves, what else_ can' he expected than that Lebanon..;;„ , DIRECTORY OF THE SEVENMDAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION. GENERAL CONFERENCE; Organized 1861.

Office: 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, J. Read, E. A. Sutherland, I. H. Evans, Transportation Agents: H. E. Osborne, Mich., U. S. A. W. C. White, H. F. Rand, W. T. Knox, 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. OFFICERS. A. T. Jones, W. W. Prescott, E. R. S. N. Curtiss, 11 West Twentieth St., • Palmer. New York, N. Y. President: A. G. Daniells, 267 West Main Corresponding Secretary of Mission C L Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn. St., Battle Creek, Mich. Board: W. A. Spicer; Assistant Sec- W. 0. Palmer, 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- Vice-President: W. W. Prescott, care retary, H. E. Osborne. ville, Tenn. Review and Herald, Battle Creek, lffich. Field Secretary of Mission Board: W. W. J. Sutherland, College View, Nebr. Secretary: H. E. Osborne, 267 West Main Prescott. C. McReynolds, 821 West Fifth St, To- St., Battle Creek, Mich. Trustees of Foreign Mission Board of peka, Kans. Treasurer: H. M. Mitchell, 267 West Seventh-day Adventists (the Legal B. R. Nordyke, 18 West Fifth St., Kan- Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. Corporation): A. G. Daniells (chair- sas City, Mo. Financial Secretary: P. T. Magan, Ber- man), J. H. Kellogg, David Paulson, C. H. Jones, 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Cal. rien Springs, Mich. A. J. Read, A. T. Jones, W. W. Pres- A. Bacon, 451 Holloway Road, , cott, I. H. Evans, G. B. Thompson, N., England. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. W. A. Spicer (secretary). A. G. Daniells, 267 West Main St., Battle Educational Department: W. W. Pres- INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL MIS- Creek, Mich. cott (chairman), E. A. Sutherland SIONARY TRAINING SCHOOL H. W. Cottrell, South Lancaster, Mass. (secretary), J. H. Kellogg, A. T. Jones, ASSOCIATION OF THE SEV- I. H. Evans, care Review and Herald,, David Paulson, P. T. Magan, Fred- ENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS. Battle Creek, Mich. erick Griggs. Incorporated October 9, 1901. C. W. Flaiz, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Religious Liberty Department: Allen Office: 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, Frederick Griggs, South Lancaster, Mass. Moon (chairman), A. T. Jones, S. H. Mich. S. N. Haskell, 400 West Fifty-seventh Lane, W. H. Thurston, D. W. Reavis, Incorporators: Arthur G. Daniells, John St., New York, N. Y. J. D. Bradley. H. Kellogg, Archibald R. Henry, Percy G. A. Irwin, 56 George St., West, , Publication Committee: W. C. White T. Magan, Irwin H. Evans. N. S. W., . (chairman), E. R. Palmer (secretary), Officers: President, A. G. Daniells; Sec- A. T. Jones, 301 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, I. H. Evans, C. H. Jones, J. H. Kellogg, retary, W. H. Edwards; Treasurer, Cal. L. R. Conradi, J. C. Ottosen, W. C. Sis- S. H. Lane. J. H. Kellogg; care Sanitarium, Battle ley, W. D. Salisbury, J. E. White, A. G. Creek, Mich. Daniells, P. T. Magan, W. A. Spicer, MINISTERS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Geo. I. Butler, 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- The General Canvassing Agent, and THE GENERAL CONFERENCE AND ville, Tenn. the General Agents of the Union Con- MISSION BOARD. W. T. Knox, 816 Twentieth St., Oakland, ferences. Anderson, J. N., 3 Arsenal St., Hong Cal. Sabbath-school Department : W. A. Kong, China. D. H. Kress, 56 George St., West, Syd- Spicer (chairman), Estella Houser Armitage. F. B., Box 55, iGwelo, Sham- ney, N. S. W., Australia. (secretary), W. W. Prescott, M. C. Wil- rock Mine, , British Central S. H. Lane, 267 West Main St., Battle cox, C. H. Jones, H. E. Osborne, E. A. Africa. Creek, Mich. Sutherland, A. J. Read, G. W. Thoma- Babcock, D. C., 79 Robb St., Georgetown, J. N. Loughborough, 1228 Chestnut St., son, Adelaide Bee Cooper, Mrs. L. , British Guiana, South Oakland, Cal. Flora Plummer (Cor. Sec., Room 705 America. G. G. Rupert, Keene, Tex. Noi thwestern Building, Minneapolis, Haber, G. H., 1309 Clark St., Urbana, Ill. J. C. Ottosen, Margrethevej 5, Copenha- Minn.). Balada, Enrique, Casilla 240, Iquique, gen, V., Denmark. " General Conference Association of the Chile, . David Paulson, 28 Thirty-third Place, Seventh-day Adventists: " S. H. Lane Beckner. J. B.. 32 Text Lane, Kingston, Chicago, El. • (chairman), W. H. Edwards (score- Jamaica. West Indies. W. W. Prescott, care Review and Herald, tary), H. M. Mitchell (treasurer), W. Bodwell, I G., Apartado 2229, Mexico, 'Battle Creek, Mich. A. Spicer, R. M. Kilgore, A. G. Daniells, • F. H. F. Rand, care Sanitarium, Boulder, C. W. Flaiz, I. H. Evans. J. Sutherland,. Bourdeau, A. C., 166 Kalamazoo St., Colo. P. T. Magan, W. W. Prescott, C. M. Battle Creek, Mich. A. J. Read, 1809 Wallace St., Philadel- Christiansen, J. D. Crowell, G. B. Bourdeau, D. T., 172 Kalamazoo St., phia, Pa. Thompson, J. M. Rees. C. D. Rhodes, Battle Creek, Mich. E. A. Sutherland, Berrien Springs, Mich. Wm. Covert. J. S. Comins. A. G. Brunson, John A.. 1024 Monroe St., E. J. Waggoner, 451 Holloway Road, Lon- Haughey, E. R. Palmer, H. E. Osborne. Nashville, Tenn. don, N., England. Auditing Committee: A. G. Daniells. H. Butler, Geo. 1., 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- W. C. White, Sanitarium, Cal. ville. Tenn. W.WCottrell, R.Kilgore,C.W.M. Flaiz Cady B. J., Papeete, Tahiti, Society Is- L. R. Conradi. Grindelberg 15a, Ham- C. McReynolds, W. T. Knox. I. H. Ev- ‘ ' burg, Germany. lands, Pacific Ocean. Presidents of Union Conferences organ- ans, R. A. Underwood, W. W. Prescott, J. H. Kellogg, A. J. Read, E. A. Sather- Caviness, G. W., Apartado 2229, Mexico, ized since the last session of the Gen- land, C. H. Jones, L. R. Conradi. D. F. eral Conference: — Committee on German Work in North Colcord. W. A.. 267 West Main St., E. T. Russell. College View. Nebr. Battle Creek. Mich. W. H. Thurston. 168 Selby St., West- America: H. Shultz, F. H. Westphal, Daniells, A. C., 267 West Main St., Battle mount. Montreal. Quebec. T. Valentiner. Creek, Mich. 0. A. Olsen, 451 Holloway Road, Lon- Committee on Scandinavian Work in Eastman. W. W., 32 Text Lane, King- don. N., England. North America: L. Johnson, S. F. ston. Jamaica. West Indies. Mission Board: A. G. Daniells (chair- Svensson, E. G. Olsen, C. A. Thorp, A. Evans, I. H., care Reiew and Herald, Bat- 4 man), J. H. Kellogg, David Paulson, A. Swedberg. tie Creek, Mich. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 603

Field, F. W., No. 30 Oiwaki-cho, Hongo Bambridge, E., Papeete, Tahiti, Society Deane, Paul J., Papeete, Tahiti, Society Ku, Tokio, Japan. Islands, South Pacific Ocean. Islands, Pacific Ocean. \ Goodrich, H. C., Box 105, Belize, British Bland, W. T., Graysville, Tenn. Downer, W. T., 301 Church St., George- p Honduras, Central America. Enoch, Geo. F., 53 Fredrick St., Port of town, British Guiana, South America. Graf, H. F., Caixa do Correio 768, Rio de Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. Eastman, Mrs. Ophelia, 32 Text Lane, Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Floding, Wm. E., Apia, Samoa, South Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Haskell, S. N., 400 West Fifty-seventh Pacific Ocean. Ellwanger, Phcebe, Apartado 2229, Mex- St., New York, N. Y. Giddings, Phillip, New Amsterdam, Ber- ico, D. F. Haysmer,A. J., 22 Crystal Gade, Char- biee, British Guiana, South America. Enoch, Mrs. Geo. F., 53 Fredrick St:, lottealie, m St. Thomas, Danish West Griggs, F., South Lancaster, Mass. Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. Indies. Haskell, Mrs. H. H., 400 West Fifty-sev- Field, Mrs. F. W., 30 Oiwaki-cho, Hongo Hersum, S. J., Richmond, Me. enth St., New York, N. Y. Ku, Tokio, Japan. Ketring, H. F., Casilla 1125, Valparaiso, Okohira, T. H., No. 2 Gogoebi, Shiba Ko- Fischer, Mrs A. M. 131 Calle Mendez Chile, South America. yen, Shiba Ku, Tokio, Japan. Vigo, Mayaguez, Porto Rico, West Kneeland, W. G., 53 Fredrick St., Port Osborne, H. E., 267 West Main St., Bat- Indies. of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. tle Creek, Mich. Fleming, Mrs. A. S., 39-1 Free School St., Lake, D. D., Healdsburg, Palmer,E. R., care Review and Herald, Calcutta, . Lane, S. H., 267 West Main St., Battle Batte Creek, Mich. Fletcher, Hubert, 32 Text Lane, King- Creek, Mich. Reavis, D. W., care Review and Herald, ston, Jamaica, West Indies. Leland, J. A., Sanitarium, Guadalajara, Battle Creek, Mich. Gregory, A. L., Caixa do Correio 768, Mexico. Robinson, Ellery, 178 Pleasant St., At- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Loughborough, J. N., 1228 Chestnut St., tleboro, Mass. Gregory, Mrs. Lulu V., Caixa do Correio Oakland, Cal. Roth, Luke, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Is- 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South McCoy, L., care Sanitarium, Battle Creek, lands, Pacific Ocean. America. Mich. Stein, Wm., Caixa do Correio 768, Rio de Hall, Frank, 32 Text Lane, Kingston, Magan, P. T., Berrien Springs, Mich. Janeiro, Brazil, South nmerica. Jamaica, West Indies. Mitchell, H. M., 267 West Main St., Bat- Thorp, C. A., care Evangeliets Sendebud, Hansen, L. F., 51 Park St., Calcutta, tle Creek, Mich. ' Battle Creek, Mich. India. Morrow, J. A., 301 Church St., George- Valentiner, T., care Christlicher Haus- Hansen, Mrs. L. F., 51 Park St., Calcutta, town, Demerara, British Guiana, South freund, Battle Creek, Mich. India. America. Hare, Maggie, Sanitarium, Cal. Munson, R. W., , Sumatra, Neth- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Hasegawa,S., No. 13 Nezu Nishisugacho, erlands East Indies. Tokio, apan. Ogden, A. R., Casilla 240, Iquique, Chile, Adamson, C. D., 53 Fredrick St., Port of Haysmer, Mrs. A. J., 22 Crystal Gade, South America. Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. Charlotte Amalie: St. Thomas, Danish Owen, G. K., 39-1 Free School St., Cal- Allen, A. N., Chemelicon, Via Puerto West Indies. cutta, India. Cortez, Spanish Honduras, Central Honeywell, Mrs. M. H., King St., Bridge. Prescott, W. W., care Review and Her- America. town, , West Indies. ald, Battle Creek, Mich. -Anderson, Mrs. W. H., Buluwayo, Rho- Humphrey, Donna, 51 Park St., Calcutta, Reaser, G. W., 28a Roeland St., Cape desia, British Central Africa. India. Town, South Africa. Anderson, Mrs. Emma, No. 3 Arsenal St., Hutchins, Mrs. F. J., 143 Washington Richardson, F. I., Y. S. Villa, Arnold Hong Kong, China. Ave., South, Battle Creek, Mich. Road, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Armitage, Mrs. Mary, Box 55, Gwelo, Ingersoll, R. S., 51 Park St., Calcutta, Schwantes, Ernesto, Caixa do Correio 768, Shamrock Mine, Rhodesia, British Cen- India. Rio de Janeiro,,,Brazil, South America. tral Africa. Ingersoll, Mrs. Olive P., 51 Park St., Cal- Shaw, J. L., 39-1 Free School St., Cal- Beck, Henry, Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, cutta, India. cutta, India. South America. Jones, G. F., Papeete, Tahiti, Society Sheafe, L. C., 324 Spruce St., Washing- Beckner, George, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. 1. ton, D. C. Islands, South Pacific Ocean. Jones, Mrs. G. F., Papeete, Tahiti, Society Smith, Uriah, care Review and Herald, Bishop, F. IV., Casilla 240, Iquique, Islands, Pacific Ocean. Battle Creek, Mich. Chile, South America. Kelley, F. C., Apartado 2229, Mexico, Spicer, W. A., 267 West Main St., Battle Black. Thekla, 39-1 Free School St., Cal- D. F. Creek, Mich. cutta, India. Kellogg, Grace, 39-1 Free School St., Spies, F. W., Caixa do Correio 768, Rio de Blodgett. Cora, Sweet Waters, Pieter- Calcutta, India. Janeiro, Brazil, South America. maritzburg, , South Africa. Kennedy, Thomas R., 32 Text Lane, Sturdevant, M. C., Buluwayo, Rhodesia, Braucht, F. E., Apia, Samoa, Pacific Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. British Central Africa. Ocean. Kneeland, Mrs. W. G., 53 Fredrick St., Sutherland, E. A., Berrien Springs, Mich. Burden, IV. D., No. 2 Gogochi, Shiba Ko- Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. Sweany, W. A., King St., Bridgetown, yen, Shiba Ku, Tokio, Japan. Knight, Annie, 51 Park St., Calcutta, Barbados, West Indies. Burden, Mrs. W. D., No. 2 Gogochi, Shiba India. Tanner, W. J., 32 Text Lane, Kingston, Koyen, Shiba Ku, Tokio,Japan. Kuniya, H., No. 2 Gogochi, Shiba Koyen, Jamaica, West Indies. Burgess, L. J., 39-1 Free School St., Cal- Shiba Ku, Tokiff, Japan. Van Deusen, E., Kingstown, St. Vincent, cutta, India. La Rue, A., No. 3 Arsenal St., Hong Kong, West Indies. Burrus, Georgia A., 39-1 Free School St., China. Van Horn, I. D., 34 Walter Ave., Battle Calcutta, India. Creek, Mich. Lipke, John, Caixa do Correio 768, Rio de Cady, Mrs. B. J., Papeete, Tahiti, Society Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Wellman, D. E., St. John, , West Islands, Pacific Ocean. Indies. Lockwood, Dr. S. A., 30 Oiwaki-cho, Caviness, Its. G. IV., Apartado 2229. Hongo Ku, Tokio, Japan. Westphal, J. W., Casilla del Correo 481, Mexico, D. F. Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, Lockwood, Mrs. „Myrtle, 30 Oiwaki-cho, Chaney, . A., "Beulah,' Bulwer Road, Hongo Ku, Tokio, Japan. South America. Durban, Natal, South Africa. White, Mrs. E. G., Sanitarium, Cal. Chaney, Minnie Cornwell, "Beulah" McCoy, J. R., Pitcairn Island, Pacific Ocean; care British Consul, Papeete, White, W. C., Sanitarium, Cal. Bulwer Road, Dm-ban, Natal, South Wilcox, M. C., 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Africa. Tahiti, Society Islands. Cat. Coates, Della, 51 Park St., Calcutta, In- MacEnten or, Sara, Sanitarium, Cal. LICENTIATES. dia. Mead, Mrs. F. L., Claremont College, Anderson. W. H., Buluwayo, Rhodesia, Crisler, C. C., Sanitarium, Cal. Kenilworth, near Cape Town, South British Central Africa. Davis, T. H., Esmeralda, Cal. Africa. 604 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

Myers, H. B., 39-1 Free School St., Cal- INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL MIS- Farnsworth, Anna B., 426 State St., cutta, India. SIONARY AND BENEVULENT Madison, Wis. Morrow, Mrs. J. A., 301 Church St., ASSOCIATION. Farnsworth, IL B., 54 Farrar St., De- a Georgetown, British Guiana, South troit, Mich. America. Incorporated 1893. Office: Battle Creek, Mich, Froom, J. E., 1213 Fifteenth St., Moline, -Munson, Mrs. R. W., Padang, Sumatra, Ill. East Indies. President: J. H. Kellogg,' care Sanita- rium, Battle Creek Mich. Gardner, W. L., 615 West Park St, Nelson, Anna, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Butte, Mont. Islands, Pacific Ocean. Acting Secretary: Geo. Thomason, care Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. Gardner, Mrs. Eva, 615 West Park St., Ogden, Mrs. A. R. Casilla 240, Iquique, Butte, Mont. Chile, South America. Treasurer: H. F. Rand, care Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. George, Arthur W., 1623 Broadway, Lit- Olney, Mrs. S. J., 61 Park St., Calcutta, tle Rock, Ark. India. 'TRUSTEES. George, W. A., care Sanitarium, College On, Anna, 39-1 Free School St., Cal- J. H. Kellogg, care Sanitarium, Battle View, Nebr. cutta, India. Creek, Mich. George, Lyra Hunk care Sanitarium, Owen, H. A., Tegucigalpa, Spanish Hon- A. G. Daniells, 267 West Main St., Bat- College View, Nebr. duras, Central America. tle Creek, Mich. Gibson, G. H., Papanui, Christchurch, Owen, Mrs. H. A., Tegucigalpa, Spanish 0. A. Olsen, 451 Holloway Road, London, New Zealand. Honduras, Central America. N., England. Garvin, D. E., Ouray, Cob. Palmquist, A., Frederiksted, St. Croix, W. T. Knox, 816 Twentieth St., Oak- Goodison, Mary I., care Sanitarium, Bat- Danish West Indies. land, Cal. tle Creek, Mich. Peart, A. G., 32 Text Lane, Kingston, David Paulson, 28 Thirty-third Place, Harris, Rowland H., care Sanitarium, Jamaica, West Indies. Chicago, Ill. Battle Creek, Mich. Peebles, Winifred, Apartado 2229, Mex- A. J. Read, 1809 Wallace St., Phila- Haskell, Pliny F., Keene, Texas. ico, D. F. delphia, Pa. Hetherington, A. J., 28 Thirty-third Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Room 705, H. F. Rand, care Sanitarium, Boulder, Place, Chicago, Ill. Northwestern Building, Minneapolis, Cob. hayward, Otis M., Graysville, Tenn. Minn. J. F. Morse, care Sanitarium, Battle Heald, G. H., Sanitarium, Cal. Quantodj, W. W., 39-1 Free School St., Creek, Mich. Heiman, Eveyln, Petaluma, Cal. 4 H. W. Cottrell, South Lancaster, Mass. Herr,Mrs. Ida, 603 East Twelfth St., Quantock, Mrs. May, 39-1 Free School PHYSICIANS. Ds Moines, Iowa. St., Calcutta,India. Allen, T. J., 706 C St., Tacoma, Wash. Holden, W. B., 28 Thirty-third Place, Richardson, Mrs. F. I., Y. S. Villa, Ar- Beckner, Clara L., Melrose, Mass. nold Road, Kingston, Jamaica, West Chicago, El. Ball, Clarence F., care Sanitarium, Mel- Hoenes, A. J., Friedensau, Post Grabow, Indies. rose, Mass. Robinson, Mrs. Anna, 178 Pleasant St., Pim Madgeburg, Germany. Boyer, Lillian B., 865 Fifth St., Milwau- Hunter, Mary P., 28 Thirty-third Place, Attleboro, Mass. kee, Wis. Rogers, H. E., 267 West MainSt., Bat- Chicago, Ill. Bradford, Joel C., 1809 Wallace St., Ingersoll, Robert, 51 Park St., Calcutta, tle Creek, Mich. Philadelphia, Pa. India. Reagan, Ida Royer, 51 Park St., Calcutta, Braucht, F. E., Apia, Samoa, Pacific India. Ocean. Ingersoll, Mrs. Olive P., 51 Park St, Cal- Smith, S. P., St. Andrews Island, Col- Brighouse, Henrietta E., care Sanita- cutta, India. ombia, South America, via Colon. Isbell, Lottie C., 447 North Cherry St., rium, St. Helena, Cal. Nashville, Tenn. Smith, Mrs. S. P., St. Andrews Island, Britton, Mary K, 328 Non— Limestone Johnson, Sophie, 2619 G St., San Diego, Colombia, South America, via Colon. St., Lexington, Ky. Brown, Effie, care Mt. View Sanitarium, Cal. Stauffer, A. B., Cain do Conejo 768, Keichline, John M., care Sanitarium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Spokane, Wash. Byington, I. F., care Sanitarium, Battle Battle Creek, Mich. Shaw, Mrs. J. L., 39-1 Free School St., Keller, Martin P., 56 George St., West, Calcutta, India. Creek, Mich. Caldwell. J. E., Graysville, Tenn. Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Sturdevant, Mrs. M. C., Buluwayo, Rho- Keller, Mrs. Nettie, 56 George St., West, a desia, British Central Africa. Colleran, J. Edgar, 230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Sydney. Australia. Sweany, Mrs. W. A., King St., Bridge- Colleran, Mrs. Maud L., 230 Euclid Ave., Kellogg; J. H., care Sanitarium, Battle town, Barbados, West Indies. Cleveland, Ohio. Creek, Mich. • Tanner, Mrs. W. J., 32 Text Lane, Kings- Coolidge, T. H., 1436 Market St., San Kellogg, M. G., 56 George St,, West, ton, Jamaica, West Indies. Francisco, Cal. Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Thompson, Ida, 3 Arsenal St., Hong Cooper, J. E., Boulder, Cob. Kerr, Elizabeth M., care Sanitarium, Kong, China. De Forest, P. A., Weiherweg 48, Basle, Battle Creek, Mich. Van Deusen, Mrs. E., Kingstown, St. Vin- Switzerland. 'Kirby, S. E., care Sanitarium, Battle cent, West Indies. Dryden, Mary V., care Sanitarium, Bat- Creek, Mich. Wellman. S. A., Basseterre, St. Kitts, tie Creek, Mich. Kress, D. H., care Health Retreat. Coo- West Indies. Dunlap, I. A., College Place, Wash. ranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Wellman, Mrs. S. A., Basseterre, St. Edwards, S. P. S., Berrien Springs, Mich. Kress, Mrs. Lauretta, care Health Re- Kitts, West Indies. Edwards, Mrs. Marie, Berrien Springs, treat, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Wellman, L. E., 22 Crystal Gade, Char- Mich. Kynett, Lydia, Mellen, Wis. lotte, Amalie, St. Thomas, Danish Eggleston, Elmer L., care Sanitarium, Leake, Ruth 0. Bryant, 235 Van Buren West Indies. Battle Creek, Mich. St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wellman. Mrs. D. E., St. John, Antigua, Erkenbeck, Maude, care Sanitarium, Lemon, A. E., 92 Freshwater Road, St. West Indies. Guadalajara, Mexico. Johns, . Whiteis, Samantha E., 51 Park St., Cal- Erkenbeck, W. J., care Sanitarium, Lemon, Carrie M., 92 Freshwater Road, cutta, India. Guadalajara, Mexico. St. Johns, Newfoundland. Erkenbeck, J. W., Guadalajara, Mexico. Lindsay, Kate, care Sanitarium, Boulder, Wilbur, E. H., 3 Arsenal St., Hong Kong, Eshelman, Lillian B., care Sanitarium, China. Cob. Battle Creek, Mich. Lockwood, S. L., No. 2, Gogochi, Shiba Wilbur, Mrs. E. H., 3 Arsenal St., Hong Evans, Newton G., care Sanitarium, Kong, China. Koen, Shiba Ku. Tokio. Japan. Battle Creek, Mich. Lockwood, Mrs. Myrtle E., No. 2, Go- 4 Wilcox, A. Helen, 39-1 Free School St., Farnsworth, C. P., 426 State St., Madi- gochi, Shiba Koen, Shiba Ku, Tokio, Calcutta. India. son, Wis. Japan.


Loper, A. IT., Sanitarium, Cal. Truer, Howard E., care Sanitarium, Burlingame, Mrs. C. L., 1635 Champa Loveland, Bertha E., Graysville, Tenn. College View, Nebr. St., Denver, Colo. z Martenson, M. A., care Sanatorium, Upson, Wilbur O., San Jose, Gal. Gilley, Edith, 426 State St., Madison, Skodsborg, Denmark. Vernier, Jean A., 28 Thirty-third Place, Wis. Martinson, iLlsie /L, Graysville, Tenn. Chicago, Ill. Coates, Della, 51 Park St., Calcutta, Mantz, R. L., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Vollmer, Alfred M., 1714 Winter St., India. Mantz, Mrs. R. L., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. West Superior, Wis. Collier, Mrs. Edna H., Battle Creek, Mich. Merritt, Elsie B., care Sanitarium, Bat- White, Julia A., care Sanitarium, Battle Cooper, Alfred, lacubaya, Mexico, D. F. tle Creek, Mich. Creek, Mich. Cooper, Mrs. Lillie, Tacubaya, Mexico, Merritt, L. Ruth, 119 Tenth St., Newark, Whitelock, T. S., 229 Twentieth St., San D. F. Ohio. Diego, Cal. Corbitt, One, Apartado 138, Guadalajara, Miller, Mrs. Maude T., 28 Thirty-third Whitney, Jean H., cor. First and Mont- Mexico. Place, Chicago, 111. gomery Sts., Portland, Oregon. Craig, R. B., 503 State St., Peoria, Ill. Miller, Harry W., 28 Thirty-third Place, Winegar, Abbie M., Sanitarium, Cal. Craig, Mrs. R. B., 503 State St., Peoria, Chicago, Ill. Worster, W. W., care Sanitarium, El. Moran, F. B., 315 West Third St., Los Boulder, Colo. Cromley, Alta, Wichita, Kans. Angeles, Cal. Yarnell, Silas, care Mount View Sanita- Curshman, Mrs. Mary Coy, 28 Thirty- Morse, John F., care Sanitarium, Battle rium, Spokane, Wash. third Place, Chicago, El. Creek, Mich. Zipf, A. A., 219 Merriam Blk., Council Dahl, Selma, 28 Thirty-third Place, Chi- Nicola, C. C., care Sanitarium, Melrose, Bluffs, Iowa. cago, Ill. Mass Dart, Alice, Attalla, Ala. Nicola, Mrs. Mary B., care Sanitarium, Dayton, Lottie, 345 Orange St., Cleve- Melrose, Mass, land, Ohio. Olsen, A. B., 451 Holloway Road, Lon- MEDICAL MISSIONARIES IN THE FIELD. Donnelly, Grace, 1213 Fifteenth St., don, N., England. Adams, F. E. 317 West Third St., Los Moline, ILL Otis, Elmer F., care Sanitarium, Battle Angeles, Cal. Dorsey, Jessie, Denmark, S. C. Creek, Mich. Allen, C. G., 424 South Montana St.,Dnigokl, Ella, 355 Twenty-third St., Otis, Frank J., care Sanitarium, Battle Butte, Mot. Columbus, Ohio. Creek, Mich. Allen, Mrs, C. G., 424 South Montana Emmerson, C. L., 612 Third St., Seattle, Otis, L. J., 803 Court St., Paducah, Ky. St, Butte, Mont. Wash. Otis, Maude J., care Sanitarium, Battle Anderson, Martha, Sanatorium, Skods- Emmerson, Mrs. C. L., 612 Third St., Creek, Mich. borg,Denmark. Seattle, Wash. Ottosen, J. C., care Sanatorium, Skods- Anderson, Alma, Sundhedshjemmet, Pier- Enger, Carolyn, 28 Thirty-third Place, borg, Denmark. gen, Norway. Chicago, Ill, Parker, Mrs. A. J. C., care Sanitarium, Anderson, Mary, care Sanitarium, Battle Erdman, Marie, 28 Thirty-third Place, Boulder, Colo. Creek, Mieh. Chicago, 111. Pampaian, Cahon, care Sanitarium, Bat- Andarson, Mary,603 Pest Twelfth St, Erickson, Carrie, 3558 Halsted St., Chi- tle Creek, Mich. Des Moines,Iowa. . sago, Ill. -Paulson, David, 28 Thirty-third Place, Anderson, Minnie, careSanitarium, Erkenbeck, Ennis, Guadalajara, Mexico. Chicago, Ill. Battle Creek, Mich, Fattebert, U. C., Apartado 138, Guada- Paulson, Mary W., 28 Thirty-third Place, Atwood, Julia Luccoek, Gitano, Miss. lajara, Mexico. Chicago, Ill. Ball, Mrs. Mary, Melrose, Mass. Fitch, Ilan A., 303 St. Charles St., New Perrine, Emma A. 603 East Twelfth St., Beck, Henry, Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, Orleans, La. Des Moines, Iowa. South America. Flemming, Laura, 606 Grandy Ave., De- Prince, Calvin 0., care Sanitarium, Mel- Belean, Agnes, 426 State St., Madison, troit, Mich. rose, Mass. Wis. Francis, Laura, 426 Trumbull Ave., De- Rand, H. F., care Sanitarium, Boulder, Black, Thekla, 51 Park St., Calcutta, troit, Mich. Cob. India. Froom, Mrs. J. E., 1213 Fifteenth St., Rand, Eunice, care Sanitarium, Battle Bjorkland, Ingrid, 907 183/4 Ave., N. E„ Moline, Ill. Creek, Mich. Minneapolis, Minn. Garthofner, Mrs. H. N., 28 Thirty-third Read, A. J., 1809 Wallace St., Phila.- Bliss, W. E., care Sanitarium, Battle Place, Chicago, Ill. delphia, Pa. Creek, Mich. Giddings, P., New Amsterdam, , Reed, D. W., Box 1405, Colorado Springs, Bliss, Mrs. W. E., care Sanitarium, Bat- British Guiana, South America. Colo. tle Creek, Mich. Giddings, Mrs. Louise Peters, Berbice, Reed, Mrs. Eva, Box 1405, Colorado Bliven, Mrs. Adelaide, 1431 Fifteenth British Guiana, South America. Giles, C. E., Attalla, Ala. Springs, Coln. St., Denver, Cob. . Richards, Frank C., 1213 Fifteenth St., Boram,. Harry,. 508 Mound St., Cumin- Glasby, Mary, 917 Upper Sixth St., Moline, El. natl., Ohio. Evansville, Ind. Riley, W. H., care Sanitarium, Battle Bolte, Sarah, 3558 Halsted St., Chicago. Groenewald, David, Sanitarium, Eimber- Creek, Mich. Ill. ley, South Africa. Satterlee, A. R., 868 Niagara St., Buf- Bossert, C.S, . 426 State St., Madison, Groenewald, Mrs. Lucy, Sanitarium, falo. N. Y. Wis. Kimberley, South Africa. Salmon, A. C., care Sanitarium, Battle Braath, Anna, 1436 Market St.,San Ground, J. M., Apartado 138, Guadala- Creek, Mich. Francisco, Cal. jars, Mexico. Shively, J. Dow, 603 East Twelfth St., Bramhall, John, 426 State St., Madison, Grantham, Omar, 28 Thirty-third Place, Des Moines, Iowa. Wis. Chicago, Ill. Shryock, A. Q., 612 Third St., Seattle, Bramhall, Mrs. Minnie, 426 State St., Grundset. Ina, 65 Mc Lean Ave.. Chi- Wash. Madison, Wis. cago, Ill. Simmons, W. R., &Jr. „First and Mont- Brandstater, G. A., Greymouth, New Green, W. C., 1623 Broadway, Little gomery Sts., Portland, Oregon. Zealand. Rock, Ark. Sisley, Eulalia S., care Sanitarium, Bat- Braucht, Mrs. F. E., 71 Hereford St., Green, Mrs. Etta, 1623 Broadway, Little tle C,reek, Mich. Christchurch, New Zealand. Rock, Ark. Staines, Carrie E., care Sanitarium, Col- Briggs, Stella C., Rudius Lane, Port of Green, J. P., 1623 Broadway, Little lege View, Nebr. Spain, Trinidad. West Indies. Rock, Ark. Stewart, Chas. E., care Sanitarium, Bat- Buford, Mary, 87 Mill St., Memphis, Green, Mrs. Lizzie, 1623 Broadway, tle Creek, Mich. Tenn. Little Rock, Ark. Thomason, Geo., care Sanitarium, Battle Burlingame, C. L., 1635 Champa St., Green, John A., 1623 Broadway, Little Creek, Mich. Denver, Cob. Rock, Ark. 606 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

Green, Mrs. John A., 1623 Broadway, Langley, Edna, 28 Thirty-third Place, Osborn, Lois, Boulder, Colo. Little Rock, Ark. Chicago, Ill. Osborn, Bessie, Rockier, Colo. Grey, Mary, Battle Creek, Mich. Laporte, Mad. Valeria, Place Sevigne, Ottosen, Mrs. J. C., Sanatorium, Skods- Halberg, Anna, Kungsgatan 34, Stock- maison Vincent, Vichy, Allier, France. borg, Denmark. holm, Sweden. Lebert, Mae, 1515 Burt St., Omaha, Nebr. Pollard, Daisy, Denmark, S. C. Hansen, L. A., 624 Church St., Nashville, Liljestrorn, Ida, Christiania Water Cure, Peterson, S., 1809 Wallace St., Philadel- Tenn. Christiania, Norway. phia, Pa. Hansen, Mrs. L. A., 624 Church St., Lindstrom, Josephine, Cleveland, Ohio. Peterson, L. T., Frydenstrand, Fred- Nashville, Tenn. Lipsey, Myrtle, 28 Thirty-third Place, erikshavn, Denmark. Hansen, Peter, Sanatorium, Skodsborg, Chicago, Ill. Pringle, Mabelle, 426 State St., Madi- Denmark. Livingston, A. A., 164 Wisconsin St., son, Wis. Hansen, Alma, Kungsgatan 34, Stock- Milwaukee, Wis. Passebois, Augustine, Place Sevigne, holm, Sweden. Livingston, Ernestine, 164 Wisconsin maison Vincent, Vichy, Allier, France. Hansen, L. F., 51 Park St., Calcutta, St., Milwaukee, Wis. Passebois, Mrs. Lizzie, Sekket Tawachy, India. Longacre, Katie, 1809 Wallace St., Phila- Cairo, Egypt. Harker, Leila, 133 Aberdeen St., Perth, delphia, Pa. Paulson, Ellen B., 28 Thirty-third Place, West Australia, Australia. Lovell, Arthur I., 1714 Winter St., West Chicago, Ill. Harris, A. J., 106 First St., Jackson, Superior, Wis. Paulson, Louise, 28 Thirty-third Place, Mich. Lovell, Mrs. Sadie,1714 Winter St., West Chicago, Ill. Harris, Mrs. A. J., 106 First St., Jack- Superior, Wis. Phillips, Alice AL, Sanitarium, Melrose, son, Mich. Lovell, Raymond, 1714 Winter St., West . Mass. Hartley, Ada, Sanitarium, Cal. Superior, Wis. Pock, Ida, 28 Thirty-third Place, Chi- Haskell, Mrs. Coral, Keene, Tex. Lovell, Mrs. Delia, 1714 Winter St., West cago, Ill. Hermanson, Anna, Kungsgatan 34, Superior, Wis. Prince, Mrs. S. L., Sanitarium, Melrose, Stockholm, Sweden. Mann, G. W., 31 La Salle St., Fort Mass. Hicks, Ruth Anna, 615 West Park St., Wayne, Ind. Quinn. Wrn., 1809 Wallace St., Phila- Butte, Mont. Mann, Mrs. G. W., 31 La Salle St., Fort delphia, Pa. Hoenes, Mrs. Julia Bucher Friedensau, Wayne, Ind. Quinn, David, 28 Thirty-third Place, Post Grabow, Bez. Madgeburg, Ger- Maxon, Mrs: Carrie, 230 Euclid Ave., Chicago, Ill. many. Cleveland, Ohio. Read, Mrs. Ella. Butler, 1809 Wallace St., Horner, Lelinda, Deutsche Post, Jaffa, Maxon, Orestos, 230 Euclid Ave., Cleve- Philadelphia, Pa. Palestine, Syria. land, Ohio. Reagan, Ida Royer, 51 Park St., Cal- Humphrey, Donna, 51 Park St., Menkel, H. C., 1635 Champa St., Denver, cutta, India. cutta, India, Colo. Replogle, G. B., 124 Ratheoole Gardens, Humphrey, Olive, 322 Superior St., Menke', Mrs. A. C., 1635 Champa St., Hornsey, London, England. Toledo, Ohio. Denver, Colo. Replogle, Mrs. Anna S, 124 Rathcoole Hobbs, Edith, Kingsville, Mo. McAbee, L. M., 322 Superior St., Toledo, Gardens, Hornsey, London, England. Hultberg, Jennie, 28 Thirty-third Place, Ohio. ' Reveille, Mary, Weiherweg 48, Basle, China McAbee, Mrs. L. M., 322 Superior St., Switzerland. Harris, Grace, 28 Thirty-third Place, Toledo, Ohio. Rice, Flora E., 317 West Third St., Chicago, HI. McBride, Ethel, Apartado 138, Guadala- Los Angeles, Cal. Holford Mamie, Apartado 138, Guadala- jara, Mexico. Richards, Clara, Bethel, Wis. jara, Mexico. McBride, May, Apartado 138, Guadalat Richmond, Grace, 28 Thirty-third Place, Hoffman, Lottie, Pasadena, Cal. jara, Mexico. Chicago, Ill. Honeywell, Mrs. Nellie A., Juniata, Ala. Mueller, A. J., Friedensau, Post Grabow, Rosa," Sister" The Residency, Nquam- Ireland, Jennie, Healdsburg, Cal. Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. akwe, Tra,nskie, South Africa. Irving, James, 28 Thirty-third Place, McIntyre, Ella, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Robie, Alfred, Sanitarium, Summer Hill, Chicago, Ill. Mohr, T. Marie, 1038 Twenty-fourth St., N. S. W., Australia. Jared, Jesse, Kinsley, Kans. Newport News, Va. Robie, Mrs. Carrie S., Sanitarium, Sum- Jensen, Hannah, 1213 Fifteenth St., Marshall, Cora, 426 State St., Madison, mer Hill, N. S. W., Australia. Moline, M. Wis. Rogers, Madge, 624 Church St., Nash- Jespersson, Sven, Jerusalem, Palestine, Merrill, S. S., 317 West Third St., Los ville, Tenn. Syria. Angeles, Cal Roth, Arnold, Rue Dangeau 5, Paris, Johnson. Chas., 1714 Winter St., West Miller, A. H., 451 Holloway Road, Lon- France. Superior, Wis. don, N., England. Row, Daisy, Dallas, Tex. Johnson, Mrs. Chas., 1714 Winter St., Miller, Fred, 603 East Twelfth St., Des Ruthven, Mrs. Anna, 28 Thirty-third West Superior, 'Wis. Moines, Iowa. Place Chicago, Ill. Johnston, M. H., Hildebran, N. C. Moorman, Mrs. Henrietta. 28 Thirty- Sadler, Mrs. Lena. 995 McAllister St., Johnston, Mrs. Sallie H., Hildebran, N. C. third Place. Chicago, Ill. San Francisco, Cal. Jensen, Laura, 1213 Fifteenth St., Mo- Mussal, Minnie, Manila, Philippine Is- Sexton, Clara, Box 492, Honolulu, line, Ill. lands. Hawaiian Ter. Johnson, F. F., Apartado 138, Guadala- Senamens, A. W., Victoria Square, Ade- jara, Mexico. Nathie, Alice, Scotts, Minh. laide, South Australia, Australia. Jones, Ruth, 71 Hereford St., Christ- Nelson, Anna, care Sanitarium, Skods- Semmens, Mrs. Emma, Victoria Square, church, New Zealand. berg, Denmark. Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. Kalstrom, Chas., Kungsgatan 34, Stock- Nelson, Dora, 400 West Fifty-seventh Sexten, Dina, Jagaregatan 2, Helsing- holm. Sweden. St., New York City. fors, Finland. Kalstrom, Mrs. Chas., Kungsgatan 34, Newcomb, Don O., 1111 Walter St., hi- Shannon, Gee. T., Gower St , Summer Stockholm, Sweden. buquerque, N. Mex. Hill, N. S. W., Australia. Kirshman, A. F. ror- First and Mont- Neilson, Laura, 426 State St., Madison, Shannon, Mrs. Elsie, Summer Hill, N. gomery Sts., Portland, Oregon. Wis. S. W., Australia. Kirshman, Mrs. Mary, cor. First and Neilson, Mina, 28 Thirty-third Place, Shryock. Mrs. Stella T., 612 Third St., Montgomery Sts., Portland, Oregon. Chicago, Ill. Seattle, Wash. Knight, Anna, 51 Park St., Calcutta, Newell, Mary, Jackson, Mich. Shyrock, Belle, 612 Third St., Seattle, India. Nye, Zoa, Mt. View Sanitarium, Spo- Wash. Kilgore, James, care Sanitarium, Bat- kane, Wash. Sitter, Leon, 28 Thirty-third Place, tle Creek, Mich. Otis, Mrs. S. H., Paducah, Ky. Chicago, Ill. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 607

Smith, Mrs. A. E., 31 Aldrich St., Battle Tieche, L. P., Boulevard de la Repuo- Wester, Anna, 1213 Fifteenth St., Moline, Creek, Mich. lique 32, Nimes, Gard, France. Ill. Smith, Wm. F., Apartado 138, Guadala- Todd, H.- H., 54 Farrar St., Detroit, Mich. Webster, Amelia, 32 Old Main St., Kim- para, Mexico. Todd, Mrs. H. H., 54 Farrar St., Detroit, berley, South Africa. Smith, Lama, 28 Thirty-third Place, Mich. Whiteis, Samantha, 51 Park St., Cal- Chicago, Ill. Thornton, Minnie, 28 Thirty-third Place, cutta, India. Smith, W. J., 28 Thirty-third Place, Chicago, Wical, Mrs. Alice., 317 Third St., Los Chicago, Ill. Viagofski, Lulu, Wilmington, Del. Angeles, Cal. Simpson, Charlotte, 28 Thirty-third Voth, David, Institut Sanitaire, Basle, Wilson, Genevieve, Melrose, Mass. Place, Chicago, Ill. Switzerland. Wilson, Howard, Sanitarium, Melrose, Smith, Frances, Melrose, Mass. Voth, Mrs. Albertina, Institut Sanitaire, Mass. Satterlee, Mrs. A. R., 868 Niagara St., Basle, Switzerland. Willson, J. V., 32 Old Main St., Kimber- Buffalo, N. Y. Wahlstrom, Hedrig, Utteran, Yemtland, ley, South Africa. Somers, Miss M. L., 317 West Third St., Sweden. Willson, Mrs. J. V., 32 Old Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Kimberley, South Africa. Walde, Sarah, 54 Farrar St., Detroit, Wright, Winnie, 717 Church St., Nash- Staines, P. S., South Haven, Mich. Mich Staines, Mrs. Jennie, South Haven, Mich. ville, lean. - Starr, Mrs. A. R., Mt. View Sanitarium, Walston, W. C., Cooranbong, N. S. W., Willis, Susan, Nashville, Tenn. Spokane, Wash. Australia. Wiggins, Nellie, 28 Thirty-third Place, Stevens, Emily, care Sanitarium, Boul- Walston, Mrs. W. C., Cooranbong, N. S. Chicago, Ill. der, Colo. W., Australia. Winegar, Lucy, 28 Thirty-third Place, Stuckrath, Mrs. A. G., Grindelberg 15a, Watt, Maud, Melrose, Mass. Chicago, Ill. Hamburg, Germany. Welch, Fred, Guadalajara, Mexico. Zang, Carrie, Box 492, Honolulu, Templeton, Cornelia, 600 Walker St., Welch, Mrs. Fred. Guadalajara, Mexico. Hawaiian Territory. Birmingham, Ala.


Organized 1901. Territory: The Conferences of Maine, OFFICERS. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., 0. 0. Farnsworth; Vermont, New England, Now York, Conference: Pres., H. W. Cottrell; Vice- Greater New York, New Jersey, Penn- Sec. and Treas., H. S. Weaver; Ex. Com., 0. 0. Farnsworth, T. M. Brad- Pres., S. N. Haskell; Sec., A. B. Smith; sylvania, Chesapeake, Virginia, West Treas., S. N. Curtiss; Educational Sec., Virginia. ford, (907 Shallcross Ave., Wilming- ton, Del.), Dr. J. H. Neall (222 Con- Luther Warren; Ex. Corn., H. W. Cot- Population: Approximately, 25,343,204. trell, S. N. Haskell, Luther Warren, Office: South Lancaster, Mass. necticut St., N. W., Washington, D. C.), Chas. Judefind (Rock Hall, Md.), H. 0. E. Reinke, E. H. M. Sell, A. J. OFFICERS. S. Weaver. Read (1809 Wallace St., Philadelphia), President: H. IV. Cottrell, South Lan- Missionary Secretary: Edward Nelson, S. N. Curtiss. caster, Mass. Sabbath-school Association: Sec. and Tract Society: Pacific Press Publishing Secretary and Treasurer: Geo. W. Treas., Miss Helen V. Price, Milling- Co., 11 West Twentieth St., New York. Palmer, South Lancaster, Mass. ton, Md. Same officers as for Conference. Financial Secretary and Auditor: Dwight B. Parmelee, South Lancaster, Mass. MINISTERS. MINISTERS. Executive Committee: H. W. Cottrell, 0. 0. Farnsworth, Westminster, Md. H. W. Cottrell, South Lancaster, Mass. the presidents of .the conferences com- J. F. Jones, Landonville, Md. S. N. Haskell, 400 West Fifty-seventh posing the Union Conference, Freder- V. H. Lucas, Cambridge, Md. St., New York. ick Griggs (South Lancaster, Mass.), F. W. Mace, Landonville, Md. Luther Warren, 400 West Fifty-seventh E. E. Miles (South Lancaster, Mass.), L. C. Sheaf e, 324 Spruce St., Washing- St., New York. S. N. Haskell (400 West 57 St., New ton, D. C. E. E. Franke, 119 West 114th St., New York, N. Y.), C. C. Nicola (Melrose, J. S. Washburn, 1728 Fourteenth St., York, N. Y, Mass.), D. B. Parmelee, Geo. W. N. W., Washington, D. C. 0. E. Reinke, 147 Himrod St., Brooklyn. Palmer. LICENTIATES. C. Meleen, 256 Nineteenth St., Brooklyn. ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE C. H. Edwards, 986 Freeman St., Bronx ASSOCIATION. F. H. Seeney, Cheswold, Del. Borough, New York. Incorporated March 24, 1902. C. D. Zirkle, New Market, Va. Office: South Lancaster, Mass. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. LICENTIATES. Pres., H. W. Cottre,l; Sec. and Treas., Geo. W. Palmer; Auditor, D. B. Parme- Mrs. M. A. Baker, 2127 Madison Ave., Geo. A. King, 235 Van Buren St., Brook- lee; Trustees, Hampton W. Cottrell, Wil- , lyn. liam A. Wilcox (South Lancaster, Mass.), Miss L. M. Slocum, 46 Myrtle Ave., N. E. H. M. Sell, 137 West Ninety-fourth Albert E. Place (South Lancaster, Mass.), E., Washington, D. C. St., New York. Dwight B. Parmelee, Charles C. Nicola, W. It. Utchmann, 365 West Fifty-second Frederick Griggs, George W. Palmer. St., New York. GREATER NEW YORK CONFERENCE. Mrs. S. N. Haskell, 400 West Fifty- Organized 1902. seventh St., New York. CHESAPEAKE CONFERENCE. G. A. Stevens, 400 West Fifty-seventh Organized 1899. Territory: The City of Greater New St., New York. Territory: Delaware, Maryland [except- York, Long Island, and the counties of ing three western counties belonging Westchester, Rockland, and Putnam, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. to the West Virginia Conference], in New York State. and the District of Columbia. Population: Approximately, 3.800,000. Mrs. M. A. Neale, 1401 Washington Ave., Population: Approximately, 1,434,969. Office: 400 West 57th St, New York, New York. • Office: 903 Woodley St., Baltimore, Md. N. Y. Mrs. Ruth Leo, 214 Grand St., Brooklyn. 608 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

BIBLE TRAINING SCHOOL. F. C. Gilbert, South Lancaster, Mass. Sabbath-school Association: Sec. and 400 West Fifty-seventh St., New York. Geo. B. Wheeler, South Lancaster, Mass. Treas., Mrs. Delia A. Thompson (509 Superintendent: S. N. Haskell. Workers: E. E. Miles, South Lancaster, Mass. Williams St., Rome, N. Y.). S. N. Haskell, Mrs. S. N. Haskell, LICENTIATES. MINISTERS. Luther Warren, Mrs. Luther Warren, D. B. Parmelee, South Lancaster, Mass. G. B. Thompson, 317 West Bloomfield J. A. Wood, Mrs. J. A. Wood, W. R. Frederick Griggs, South Lancaster,Mass. St., Rome. Utchmann, Rebecca Hanniford Mrs. H. N. Sisco, South Lancaster, ass. A. O. Burrill, 34 Chester St., Buffalo. M. L. Sheldon, Bessie Shonsbye, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. L. T. Nicola, Union, Broome Co. Amanda Vanscoy, Mary Hanniford, J. W. Raymond, Wheeler. Delia Muzzey, Alice Williams. C. E. Palmer, 200 Linden St., Everett, F. Peabody, West Valley. Mass. J. B. Stow, Falconer. BIBLE TRAINING SCHOOL MISSION. Mrs. M. A. Scribner, 6 Eames St., South D. A. Ball, Ellicottville. 218 West Sixty-second St., W. R. Etch- Framingham, Mass. mann in charge. • Mrs. E. M. Wilber, 19 Pine St., Keene, F.A. H.R. DeVinney,Hyatt, 303 Mohawk 317 West St., Bloomfield Rome. CANVASSERS' TRAINING SCHOOL. N. H. St., Rome. Bronx Borough, New York City, J. C. H. C. Hartwell, Box 315, Dover, N. H. C. 0. Taylor, Norfolk. Calvert and wife in charge. A. J. Clark, 51 Marble St., Springfield, P. Z. Kinne, Kirkville. Mass. MAINE CONFERENCE. F. Wheeler, West Monroe. Organized 1867. H. H. Wilcox, Hewittville. Territory: The State of Maine. NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE. S. B. Whitney, 109 Harrison Place, Population: 694,466. Syracuse. Formerly Atlantic Conference, organized LICENTIATES. Office: 1377 Washington Ave., North 1889; New Jersey Conference reor- Deering, Me. ganized 1902. B. E. refit, Alfred. OFFICERS. Territory: The State of New Jersey. B. E. Fisk, Richburg. Population: 1,883,669. F. H. Hicks, Box 40, Salamanca. Conference: Pres., P. F. Bicknell; Sec. Roy F. Cottrell, Ridgeway. and Treas., Miss E. H. Morton; Sec. Office: 140 Sheridan Ave., Paterson, N. J. OFFICERS. Mrs. Lulu Wightman, Canandaigua. and Treas. of Tract and Missionary H. W. Carr, West Salamanca. Dept., Miss E. H. Morton; Sec. and Conference: Pres., J. E. Jayne; Vice- B. E. Connerly, 33 Bennett St., Buffalo. Treas. of Sabbath-school Dept., Mrs. Pres., C. H. Keslake; See. and Treas., E. A. Raymond, Fernwood. P. F. Bicknell; Ex. Com., P. F. Bick- J. W. Rambo; Ex. Com., J. E. Jayne, T. E. Bowen, 317 West Bloomfield St., nell, R. T. Hobbs, E. C. Taylor, C. H. C. H. Keslake, J. C. Stevens, A. R. Bell, Rome. Harmon, W. R. McLaughlin; Canv. H. J. Adams (Edgewater Park, N. J.). MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Agt., Mrs. P. F. Bicknell. Educational and Sabbath-school Depart- Mary A, Millington 317 West Bloom- MINISTERS. ments: Sec., Mrs. J. W. Rambo. field St., Rome. P. F. Bicknell, 1379 Washington Ave., MINISTERS. B. B. Noftsger, 317 West Bloomfield St., North Deering. J. E. Jayne, 165 Godwin St., Paterson. Rome. J. B. Goodrich, Blaine. C. H. Keslake, 1111 East State St., INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. H. H. Dexter, 1377 Washington Ave., Trenton. West Salamanca, N. Y., in charge of H. North Deering. J. C. Stevens, 122 Spruce St., Newark. W. Can. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. LICENTIATES. Mrs. P. F. Bicknell, 1379 Washington A. R. Bell, 419 Pine St., Camden. PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE. Ave., North Deering. F. F. Stoll, 3385 Boulevard, Jersey City. Organized 1879. Mrs. H. H. Dexter 1377 Washington H. Groenert, 3385 Boulevard, Jersey Territory: The State of Pennsylvania. Ave., North Deering. City. Population: 6,301,365. Cornelia Snow, Blaine. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Office: Box 614; or 495 Hepburn St., J. W. Rambo, 140 Sheridan Ave., Pat- Williamsport, Pa. erson. OFFICERS. NEW ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Mrs. J. W. Rambo, 140 Sheridan Ave., Conference: Pres., R. A. Underwood; Organized 1871. Paterson. Territory: The States of New Hamp- Vice-Pres., I. N. Williams; Sec. and Treas., W. M. Lee; Ex. Com., R. A. shire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Underwood, I. N. Williams, C. F. Me- and Connecticut. NEW YORK CONFERENCE. Organized 1862. Vagh, W. J. Fitzgerald, Dr. A. J. Population: 4,553,845. Read (1809 Wallace St., Philadelphia, Office: South Lancaster, Mass. Territory: The State of New York, ex- cluding New York, Long Island, and Pa.), V. H. Cook (Eldred, Pa.), C. S. OFFICERS. the- counties of Westchester, Rockland, Longacre. Conference: Pres., A. E. Place; Sec., and and Putnam. Tract and Missionary Department: Pres., Treas., H. B. ucker; Auditor, G. W. Population: About 3,400,000. R. A. Underwood; Vice-Pres., I. N. Palmer; Ex. Corn., A. E. Place, M. D. Office: 317 West Bloomfield St., Rome, Williams; Sec. and Treas., W. M. Lee; Mattson,. U. B. Parmelee, H. H. Stacy, N. Y. Cor. Sec., W. T. Hilgert; Field Sec., OFFICERS. F. E. Painter. K. C. Russell. Sabbath-school Department: Sec. and Tract Society: Same officers as for Con- Conference: Pres., Geo. B. Thompson; ference, witn H. C. Wilcox Canvass- Vice-Pres., A. 0. Burrill; Sec. and Treas., Mrs. W. M. Lee. ing Agent. Treas., 1. E. Bowen; Ex. Com., G. B. MINISTERS. Sabbath-school Association: Same offi- Thompson, A. 0. Burrill, S. B. Whit- R. A. Underwood, 246 West Twenty- cers as for Conference, with Mrs. Viola ney. N. S. Washbond (323 West third St., Erie. Gustin, Secretary. Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y.), Irving I. N. Williams, Corydon. S. S. Shrock, 894 Union St., Scranton. MINISTERS. Whitford (Adams Center. N. Y.); Canv. Agt., B. B. Noftsger (317 West W. H. Smith, 2146 Atlas Ave., Harris- A. E. Place, South Lancaster, Mass. Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y.); Educa- burg. M. D. Mattson, South Lancaster, Mass. tional Sec., H. W. Carr; Sec. Medical C. F. McVagh, 1424 Olive St., Scranton. K. C. Russell, 45 Fowler St., New Dor- Dept., A. R. Satterlee (868 Niagara . J. Fitzgerald, 27 North Thirty- chester, Mass. St., Buffalo). fourth St., Philadelphia. A. H. Clark, 212 Edgewood Ave., New Tract Society: Same officers as for Con- Charles Baierle, Box 614, Williamsport. Haven, Conn. ference. Morris Lukens, Cambridge Springs. . GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 609

J. H. Schilling, 620 Lumber St., Allen- LICENTIATE. LICENTIATE. town. F. M. Dana, 190 North Winooski Ave., C. A. Strickland, 1141 Twenty-sixth St, C. S. Longacre, Station D, Pittsburg. Burlington. Newport News. W. F. Schwartz, Box 614, Williamsport. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. E. J. Dryer, Box 614, Williamsport. Clara Lecklider, 148 Washington St., I. Marie Mohr, 1038 Twenty-fourth St., Newport News. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Barre. Naomi L. Worthen, Taftsville. Mrs. Jane Wooding; Danville. F. E. Painter, 9 Hazlett St., Allegheny. J. W. Hirlinger, 210 Noih Second St.. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHER Philadelphia. Naomi L. Worthen, Taftsville. WEST VIRGINIA CONFERENCE, Miss Jessie Weiss, 1424 Olive St., Organized 1887. Scranton. VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Territory: The State of West Virginia, Nellie B. 'Underwood, 246 West Twenty- Organized 1883. and the counties of Garrett, Alle- third St., Erie. Territory: The State of Virginia. gheny, and Washington, in Maryland. Miss Carene Barton, 27 North Thirty- Population: 1,854,184. Population: Approximately, 1,075,000. fourth St., Philadelphia. Office: New Market, Va. Office: 673 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Mrs. W. M. Lee, Box 614, Williamsport. OFFICERS. Va. Miss Sue M. Andrews, 911 Bushkin St, OFFICERS. Easton. Conference: Pres., R. D. Hottel; Sec A. M. Neff; Treas., 0. F. Dart (2414 Conference: Pres., S. M. Cobb; Rec. See., C. A. Prescott, 809 East Eighteenth St., W. R. Foggin; Treas., C. E. White; Ex. Erie. Church Hill Ave., Richmond); Ex. Corn., R. D. Hottel, A. C. Neff, F. L. Com., S. M. Cobb, W. R. Foggin, C. B. Whitehead (Arlington), W. F. Davis Rule, David Haddix (Newburg, W. Va.), J. W. Lair, F. M. Gardner, Charles VERMONT CONFERENCE. (Kilmarnock), H. W. Herren. Tract and Missionary Department: Sec. Sargent. Organized 1863. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., C. E. Territory: The State of Vermont. and Treas., A. M. Neff (New Market). Sabbath-school Department: Sec., Mrs White; Canv. Agt., D. Haddix. Population: 345,641. Sabbath-school Association: Field and Office: 190 North Winooski Ave., Bur- B. F. Purdham (Stanleyton). "Virginia Conference Association of Sev- Cor. Sec. and Treas., Miss Emma S. lington. Newcomer. OFFICERS. enth-day Adventists: " R. D. Hottel, MINISTERS. E W. Herren, A. C. Neff, F. L. White- Conference: Pres., J. W. Watt; Sec.,and head, W. F. Davis, 0. F. Dart, A. M. S. M. Cobb, 673 Seventh St., Parkers- Treas., F. M. Dana; Ex. Com., J. W. Neff. burg. Watt, A. P. Needham (Vergennes), MINISTERS. W. R. Foggin, 673 Seventh St., Parkers- Geo. Williams, J. G. White (Jamaica), burg. R. D. Hottel, New Market. J. W. Lair, 673 Seventh St., Parkers- A. W. Boardman. rg. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., F. M. A. C. Neff, Quicksbu burg. Dana; Canv. Agt., A. E. Taylor B. F. Purdham, St anleyton. C. B. Rule, 673 Seventh St., Parkersburg, (Brownington). H. W. Herrell, 501 North Twenty-fifth J. A. Traugh, 673 Seventh St., Parkers- Street, Richmond. burg. Sabbath-school Dept.: Cor. See., C. H. East Highland Ave., Drown (Barton Landing); Field Sec., Lee S. Wheeler, 316 LICENTIATE. Naomi L. Worthen (Taftsville). Norfolk. P. W. Province, 673 Seventh St., Park- M. S. Wooding, Da nville. ersburg. MINISTERS. I. E. Kimball, 502 Chestnut St., Ports- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. W. Watt, 148 Washington St., Barre. mouth. F. M. Gardner. Cullodin. T. FL-Purdon, 82 Main St., Rutland. T. A. Painter, Stanleyton. E. J. Bee, Rutherford, Ritchie Co.

CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1901. Territory: The Conferences of Ontario, LICENTIATE. M. S. Babcock, Bridgewater, Nova Sco- Quebec, Maritime, and the Newfound- S. D. Hartwell, 168 Selby St., West- tia. land Mission. mount, Montreal, Quebec. Wm. Guthrie, Charlottetown, Prince Ed- Population: 4,681,478. ward Island, MARITIME CONFERENCE. LICENTIATES. Office: 168 Selby St., Westmount, Mont- Walter Andrews, Fredericton, New real, Quebec. Organized May 30, 1902. Territory: The Provinces of New Bruns- Brunswick. OFFICERS. wick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward J. G. Hanna, 15 Military Road, St. John, Island. New Brunswick. President: W. H. Thurston. Levi Longard, Tantallon, Nova Scotia. Vice-President: J. W. Collie. Population: 880,737. Office: 311 Princess St., St. John, New Geo. Price, Midland, Kings Co., New Secretary and Treasurer: S. D. Hartwell. Brunswick. Executive Committee: W. H. Thurston, Brunswick. J. W. Collie, S. A. Farnsworth, G. E. , OFFICERS. Langdon. H. J. Farman, T. H. Robin- Conference: Pres.. Geo. E. Langdon; ONTARIO CONFERENCE. son, S. D. Hartwell, A. E. Lemon, E. P. Vice-Pres., M. S. Babcock; Sec. and Organized 1899. Auger. Treas., and S. S. and Miss Sec., Mrs. Territory: The Province of Ontario. Trustees of legal corporation: W. H. Carrie J. Langdon; Auditor, S. D. Population: 2,114,321. Thurston, J. W. Collie, G. E. Langdon, Hartwell; Ex. Com., Geo. E. Langdon, Office: Lock Drawer 62, Brantford, On- M. S. Babcock, S. D. Hartwell. T. H. M. S. Babcock, Wm. Guthrie, W. R. tario. Robinson, S. A. Farnsworth. Andrews, James Hanna. - OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. W. Collie; Viee- MINISTER. MINISTERS. Pres., T. H. Robinson; See. and Treas., W. H. Thurston, 168 Selby St.,, West- Geo. E. Landgon, 311 Princess St., St. and Missionary Sec., Helen McKinnon; mount, Montreal, Quebec. John, New Brunswick. Sabbath-school Sec., Helen McKinnon; 610 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

Provincial Canv. Agent, J. W. Collie; QUEBEC CONFERENCE. NEWFOUNDLAND MISSION. Auditor, S. D. Hartwell; Ex. Cora., J. Organized 1880. Territory: The Island of Newfoundland. W. Collie, T. H. Robinson, S. G. Hunt- Territory: The Province of Quebec. Population: 197,884. ington, Chas. Stewart. Population: 1,488,586. Office: 33 Freshwater Road, St. Johns, Conference Association: Pres., J. W. Office: South Stukely, Quebec. Newfoundland. Collie; Sec. and Treas., T. H. Robin- OFFICERS. Director: H. J. Farman. son, Chas. Smith, Chas. Stewart, W. E. Conference: Pres., S. A. Farnsworth; Smith. Sec. and Treas., W. H. Libby; Miss. MINISTER. MINISTERS. Sec., W. H. Libby; S. S. \Sec., W. H. H. J. Farma, 33 Freshwater Road, J. W. Collie, Brantford. Libby; Ex. Corn., S. A. Farnsworth, St. Johns, Newfoundland. H. E. Rickard, Wm. Ostrander, Wm. S. G. Huntington, Galt. UCENTIATE. Wm. Simpson, Exeter. Blythe, J. M. Ellis Wm. Spear, Hastings. MINISTERS. Dr. A. E. Lemon, 92 Freshwater Road, John Isaac, Berlin. S. A. Farnsworth, South Stukely. St. Johns, Newfoundland. Eugene Leland, Exeter. H. E. Rickard, Fitch Bay. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. A. Young, Scotland: J. M. Ellis, South Stukely. Wm. Ostrander, 1770 South Andre St., Mrs Carrie Lemon, 92 Freshwater Road. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Montreal. St. Johns, Newfoundland. Helen McKinnon. Box 62, Brantford. LICENTIATE. Clara Farman, 33 Freshwater Road, St. Cora Gibson, 146 Argyle St., Toronto. E. P. Auger, 31 Buttler St., Montreal. Johns, Newfoundland. Sadie Baker, Lindhay. CHURCH SCHOOLS. MEDICAL WORKERS. Mary Isaac, Berlin. South Stukely and Fitch Bay. Dr. A. E. and Mrs. A. E. Lemon,


Organized April 9, 1901. Territory: The Conferences of North and MINISTERS. SOUTHERN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala- Geo. I. Butler, 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- General Office Address: 1027 Warren St., bama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennes- ville, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. see River, and Cumberland. R. M. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn President: J. E. White, 1027 Warren Population: 14,908,778. St., Nashville, Term. Office: Graysville, Tenn. J. E. Tenney, Graysville, Tenn. B. E. Nicola, Box 414, Huntsville, Ala. Vice-President: E. A. Sutherland, Ber- OFFICERS. F. W. Halladay, Hfidebran, N. C. rien Springs, Mich. Conference: President, Geo. I. Butler, A. Barry, 1025 Jefferson St., Nashville, Secretary: B. W. Spire: 1027 Warren 1025 Jefferson St., Nashville, Tenn.; Tenn. St., Nashville, Tenn. Vice-President, R. M. Kilgore, Grays- D. T. Shireman, Hildebran, N. C. Treasurer: F. W. Halladay, 1027 War- ville, Tenn.• Secretary, C. L. Kilgore, C. P. Bollman, 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- ren St., Nashville, Tenn. Graysville,' Tenn; Treas., C. P. Boll- ville, Tenn. MISSION SCHOOLS. man, 1025 Jefferson St., Nashville, J. A. Brunson, 1024 Monroe St., Nash- Hildebran, N. C.; Miss Anna Nicholas, Tenn.; Auditor, C. L. Kilgore, Grays- ville, Tenn. Prin. ville, Tenn.; Ex. Com., Geo. I. Butler, J. E. White, 1027 Warren St., Nashville, Vicksburg, Miss.: F. R. Rogers, Prin. R. M. Kilgore, J. E. Tenney, A. F. Tenn. Yazoo City, Miss.: W. J. Astrap, Prin. Harrison. 0. M. Hayward, W. J. Stone, W. H. Sebastian, "Morning Star" Box, Columbus, Miss.: J. W. Dancer, Prin. S. M. Jacobs, W. 0. Palmer, J. E. Yazoo City, Miss. Charleston, S. C.: J. H. Lawson, Prin. F. R. Rogers, 209 Fayette St., Vicksburg, White, and the presidents of the State Miss. Conferences within the Union Confer- ALABAMA CONFERENCE. ence. LICENTIATES- Organized 1901. Tract and Missionary Department: Sec., A. F. Harrison, Graysville, Tenn. Territory: The State of Alabama. B. W. Spire, 1027 Warren St., Nash- Population: 1,828,697. ville, Tenn.; General Agent, A. F. Har- 0. M. Hayward, Graysville, Tenn. rison, Graysville, Tenn. Thos. Rowe, Graysville, Tenn. Office: Attalla, Ala. Medical Advisory Committee: Dr. 0. M. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. OFFICERS. Hayward, Chairman, Dr. M. H. John- J. W. Dancer, Columbus, Miss. Conference: Pres., W. L. McNeely; Sec. ston, L. A. Hansen, L. L. Lawrence, M. C. Strachan, 2063/4 Huntsman St., and. Treas., C. E. Giles; Conf. Com.. Irving Keck, C. P. Bollman, R. M. Kil- W. L. McNeely, B. E. Nicola, C. H. Jackson, Miss. Harper, C. E. Giles, C. J. Dart. gore. M. M Osborn, 243 South Boulevard, Educational Advisory Committee: J. E. Atlanta, Ga. Tract and Missionary Department: Sec. Tenney, Chairman, B. E. Nicola, C. L. B. A. Rogers, Hildebran, N. C. and Treas., C. E. Giles; State Agent, Stone, F. R. Rogers, Mrs. 0. M. Hay- S. H. Jacobs, GraysviRe, Tenn. C. J. Dart. ward. Nellie A. Honeywell, Juniata, Ala. Sabbath-school Department: Sec., W. L. Southern Conference Association of the Jennie Williams, Box 414, Hunstville, Bird. Seventh-day Adventists: Directors: Ala. Medical Department: Sec., C. E. Giles. R. M. Kilgore, Smith Sharp, W. 0. Dr. L. J. Otis, Paducah, Ky. Educational Department: Sec., B. E. Palmer, S. M. Jacobs, Cyrus Simmons, C. L. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn. Nicola, Box 414, Huntsville. Geo. I. Butler, S. I. Greer; Officers: W. S. Cleveland, 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- MINISTERS. Pres., R. M. Kilgore; Sec. and Treas., ville, Tenn. W. L. McNeely, Fruithurst. Smith Sharp. Clara C. Phillips, Graysville, Tenn. W. L. Biro, Fourteenth and Mulberry Committee on Transportation: W. 0. Mrs. A. F. Harrison, Graysville, Tenn. Sts., Anniston. Palmer, 1025 Jefferson St., Nashville, F. H. Schramm, 1027 Warren St., Nash- A. C.-Bird, Elkwood. Tenn.; C. L. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn. ville, Tenn. B. E. Nicola, Box 414, Huntsville. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 611

LICENTIATES. Nelson, LaRue, Green, Metcalfe, Mon- MINISTERS. C. J. Dart, Attalla. roe (Ky.), Clay, Jackson, Putnam, L. H. Crisler, Orlando. Ilk T. B. Buckner, Charity Mission, Mont- White, Warren, Grundy, Marion Irving Keck, Bowling Green. t gomery. (Tenn.). LICENTIATE. C. E. Giles, Attalla. Population: Approximately, 2,199,772. C. B. Stephenson, Bartow. MEDICAL WORKERS. Office: 558 South Broadway, Lexington, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. N. A. Honeywell, Juniata. Ky. C. P. Whitford, Orlando. Jennie Williams, Box 414, Huntsville OFFICERS. IVirs. Edith Stephenson, Bartow. Mary J. McIntyre, Fourteenth and Mul- Conference: Pres., Smith Sharp; Sec., Mrs. A. W. Keck, Bowli a Green. berry Sts., Anniston. Mrs. Mamie Eldridge (Graysville, Miss Loulie Horn, Orlando. Alice Dart, Graysville, Tenn. Tenn.); Treas., E. W. Carey (558 Cornelia Z. Templeton, 600 Walker St., South Broadway, Lexington, Ky.); Ex. GEORGIA, CONFERENCE. Birmingham. Corn., Smith Sharp, G. W. Wells, V. 0. Organized 1901. Schools: Charity Mission School (col- Cole, 0. C Godsmark, 0. 31. Hayward. Territory: The State of Georgia. ored), Montgomery, T. B. Buckner, S. Osborn, J. Brice. Principal; Mrs. T. B. Buckner, Asst. Population: 2,216,329. Tract and Missionary Department: See. Office: 501- East Fair st., Atlanta, Ga. Teacher. Juniata Industrial School and Treas., E. W. Carey, 558 South OFFICERS. (Colored), Juniata, Ala., Mrs. Nellie Broadway, Lexington, Ky.; State Conference: Pres., H. F. Courter; Vice- A. Honeywell, Principal; Mrs. H. S. Agent, V. 0. Cole, South Knoxville, Pres., W. T. Drummond; Sec. and Curtiss, Matron and Asst. Teacher. Tenn. "Treas., Thos. Macmillan, 586 Columbus Birmingham Church School (Colored), Sabbath-school Department: Sec., Mrs. Road, Macon, Ga.; Ex. Com., H. F. 600 Walker St., Birmingham, Miss 0. M. Hayward, Graysville, Tenn. Courter, C. A. Hall, W. T. Drummond, Beale Brandon, Teacher. Birmingham Medical Department: Sec., Dr. 0. M. Chas. F. Curtis, Thos. Macmillan, A. Church School (White), 1125 North Hayward, Graysville, Tenn. E. Everett, F. B. Jewell; " Conference Seventeenth St., Birmingham, Miss Educational Department: Supt. of Committee," R. M. Kilgore, W. T. Phynia Smith, Teacher. Elkwood Church Schools, Mrs. 0. M. Hayward, Drummond, T. E. Bowen, J. E. Parks. Church School, A. C. Bird, Teacher. Graysville, Tenn. Tract and Missionary Department: Sec. Oak Level Church School, Church Schools in Operation: Graysville, and Treas., Amos Everett, 501 East Teacher. Tenn., Mrs. W. T. Bland, Teacher; Fair St., Atlanta, Ga.; State Agent, Chattanooga, Tenn., Miss Mary Grobe, F. B. Jewell. CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Teacher; Sanford, Tenn., Sarah Grobe, Sabbath-school Department: Sec., Amos Teacher. Everett. Organized 1901. . MINISTERS. Medical Missionary Department: Sec., Territory: North and South Carolina. Smith Sharp, Graysville, Tenn. Chas. F. Curtis, 501 East Fair St., Population: 3,232,304. Atlanta, Ga. Office: Rock Cut, N. C. S. Osborn, Salt River, Ky. G. W. Wells, 922 Cardwell St., Knoxville, MINISTERS. OFFICERS. H. F. Courter, 501 East Fair St., At- Conference: Pres., J. C. Johnston; Vice- Tenn. E. L. Sanford, Graysville, Tenn. lanta. Pres.; R. T. Nash; See. and Treas., W. T. Drummond, Alpharetta, Ga. Jessie V. Bosworth; Ex. Com., J. 0. 0. C. Godsmark, 2005 Magazine St., Louisville, Ky. C. A. Hall, 243 South Boulevard, At- Johnston, D. T. Shireman, R. T. Nash. lanta. B. .A. Rogers, hi. H. Johnston. LICENTIATE. LICENTIATE. Tract and Missionary Department: Sec. E. W. Carey, 558 South Broadway, Lex- H. W. Jones, 243 South Boulevard, At- and Treas., Jessie V, Bosworth; State ington, Ky. lanta. Agent, Ed. C. Rogers. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sabbath-school Department: Sec., Miss M. M. Osborn, 243 South Boulevard, At- Emma Beaman, Rock Cut, N. C. J. W. Franklin, Graysville, Tenn. Mrs. Mettie Sharp-Lenker, Graysville, lanta. Medical Department: Sec., M. H. John- Amos E. Everett, 501 East Fair St., At- ston, Hildebran, N. C. Tenn. V. 0. Cole, South Knoxville, Tenn. lanta, Ga. MINISTERS. Mrs. 0. C. Godsmark, 2005 Magazine St., J. T. Eaton, 243 South Boulevard, At- J. 0. Johnston, Rock Cut, b. C. Louisville, Ky. lanta, Ga. D. T. Shireman, Hildebran, N. C. E. Haskell, Granville, Tenn. Thos. Macmillan, 586 Columbus Road, F. W. Halladay, Hildebran, N. C. W. Macon, Ga. LICENTIATES. F. B. Jewell, 501 East Fair St., Atlanta; R. T. Nash, Waynesville, N. C. Ga. W. H. Armstrong, Waynesville, N. C. FLORIDA CONFERENCE. W. L. Killen, Meadows, N. C. Organized 1893. LOUISIANA CONFERENCE. C. D. Wolf, Hildebran, N. C. Territory: The State of Florida. Organized 1901. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Population: 528,542. Territory: The State of Louisiana. L. G. Wagner, Hildebran, N. C. Office: Bowling Green, Fla. Population: 1,381,267. M. H. Johnston, Hildebran, N. C. Office: 303 St. Charles St., New Orleans, Sallie Johnston, Hildebran, N. C. Conference: Pres., G. I. Butler; Sec., La. Flossie Wagner, Hildebran, N. C. OFFICERS. Ed. C. Rogers, Hildebran, N. C. Mrs. Edith Stephenson (Bartow, Miss Mollie Long, Rock Cut, N. C. Fla.); Treas., C. B. Stephenson (Bar- Conference: Pres., S. B. Horton; Sec., Miss Minnie Beaman, Rock Cut, N. C.. tow, Fla.); Ex. Com., G. I. Butler, `Anna M. Horton; Treas., F. Peabody, Bessie Young, Rock Cut, N. C. 0. B. Stephenson, L. H. Orieler, W. F. Fenton, La.; Ex. Com., S. B. Horton, Jessie V. Bosworth, Rock Cut, N. C. Martin, Irving Keck. E. S. Abbott, J. R. Hudson, S. Brous- Emma Beaman, Rock Cut, N. C. Tract and Missionary Department: Sec. sard. and Treas., Irving Keck, Bowling Tract and Missionary Department: Act- Green, Fla. ing Sec., S. B. Horton, 303 St. Charles CUMBERLAND CONFERENCE. Sabbath-school Department: Sec., Miss St., New Orleans, La.; State Agent, Organized 1900. Loulie Horn, Orlando. Fla. C. F. Dart, Winnfield, La.; Cor. Sec., Territory: Eastern Tennessee and Ken- Church Schools in Operation: Punta Mrs. Clara R. Winterton, Welsh, La. tucky, the western boundary being the Gorda, Mrs. Edith Stephenson, Teacher; Sabbath-school Department: See., Miss western line of the counties of Bullitt, Terra Ceia, Miss Loulie Horn, Teacher. Ruby Roach, Welsh, La. 612 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

Medical Department: Sec., D. A. Fitch, MINISTERS. Educational Department: Supt. of 305 St. Charles St., New Orleans, La. R. S. Owen, Hatley. Church Schools, C. L. Stone, Hazel, Educational Department: Supt. of H. W. Pierce, Oxford. Ky. Church Schools, Miss Ruby Roach, W. J. Blake, Hatley. Church Schools in Operation: Hazel In- Welsh, La. F. R. Rogers, 209 Fayette St., Vicks- termediate School, C. L. Stone, in Church Schools in Operation: Welsh, La., burg. charge; Nashville, Miss Elsa North- Miss Ruby Roach, Teacher; Near Mar- I. Sanborn, Ridgeland. rup, Teacher; Hazel Church School, thaville, La., Mrs. Mae Dart, Teacher; W. H. Sebastian, "Morning Star" Box, Mrs. C. L. Stone, Teacher; Springville, Mark Perdue, Hobart; Ella Grimes, Yazoo City. Miss M. G. Mason, Teacher; Treze- near Delhi. LICENTIATE. vant, , Teacher; Bowl- MINISTERS. M. C. Strachan, 2061/2 Huntsman St., ing Green, Miss Edwards, Teacher. S. B. Horton, 303 St. Charles St., New Jackson. Orleans. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. MINISTERS• Henry Johnson, 303 St. Charles St., New Mrs. H. W. Pierce, Oxford. W. J. Stone, Franklin, Ky. Orleans. Mrs. F. R. Rogers, 209 Fayette St., W. R. Burrow, Hazel, Ky. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Vicksburg. B. Hagle, Manchester, Tenn. C. F. Dart, Winnfield. N. B. King, 209 Fayette St., Vicksburg. R. G. Garrett, Linwood, Ky. Mrs. Mae Dart, Marthaville. J. D. Grimes, Vicksburg. C. P. Bollman, 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- Miss Ruby Roach, Welsh. Joseph Lee, Yazoo City. ville, Tenn. Mark Perdue, Hobart. LICENTIATES. T. R. Lewis, Grand Cane. TENNESSEE RIVER CONFERENCE. C. L. Stone, Hazel, Ky. Mrs. W. T. Hartsoek, Shreveport. Organized 1879. Miss Ida Simmons, Shreveport. Walter Jones, Bowling Green, Ky. Territory: Western Tennessee and Ken- W. S. Lowry, Lane, Tenn. Mrs. Belle Horton, 303 St. Charles St., tucky, the eastern boundary being New Orleans. F. G. Warniek, Franklin, Ky. the eastern line of the counties of Har- L. A. Hansen, 624 Church St., Nashville, din, Hart, Barren, Allen (Ky.), Macon, MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. Tenn. Smith, DeKalb, Cannon, Coffee, Frank- H. C. Balsbaugh, Lusbury, Ky. Organized 1901. lin, (Tenn.). Territory: The State of Mississippi. Population: Approximately, 1,970,125. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Population: 1,551,371. General Office Address: Franklin, Ky. W. C. Wales, 313 Fatherland St., Nash- Office: Hatley, Miss. OFFICERS. ville, Tenn. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. J. Stone, Franklin, Dr. L. J. Otis, Paducah, Ky. Conference: Pres., R. S. Owen; Sec. and Ky.; Vice-Pres., W. R. Burrow; Sec. Mrs. C. L. Stone, Hazel, Ky. Treas., W. J. Blake; Ex. Com., R. S. and Treas., Walter Jones; Ex. Coln, Mrs. L. A. Hansen, 624 Church St., Owen, H. W. Pierce, F. R. Rogers, J. W. J. Stone, W. R. Burrow, C. P. Boll- Nashville,Tenn. H. Rhodes, J. D. Hendon. man, C. L. Stone, L. A. Hansen. Mrs. L. J.s, ti Paducah, Ky. Tract and Missionary Department: Sec. Tract and Missionary Department: Sec., Mrs. Byron Hagle, Manchester, Tenn. and Treas., W. J. Blake; Cor. Sec., Mrs. E. C. Spire, Franklin, Ky.; State Mrs. Jessie B. Mayberry, 576 Dunlap St., Mrs. W. J. Blake; State Agent, H. W. Agent, A. F. Harrison, Graysville, Memphis, Tenn. Pierce, Oxford, Miss. Tenn. W. 3. Keele, Franklin, Ky. Sabbath-school and Educational Dept.: Sabbath-school Department: Cor. Sec., Mrs. E. C. Spire, Franklin, Ky. Sec., F. R. Rogers, Vicksburg, Miss. Miss Annie Wilson, Bowling Green, Mary H. Buford, 87 Mill St., Memphis, Intermediate School: Hatley, Miss. Ky. Tenn. Teachers, W. J. Blake, Mrs. W. J. Medical Department: Sec., L. A. Han- Dr. Lottie Isbell, Franklin, Ky. Blake, H. W. Pierce, Mrs. R. S. Owen. sen, 624 Church St., Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. T. E. Wood, Franklin, Ky.

LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. Organized April 8, 1901. Territory: The Conferences of East W. H. Edwards; Business Agent, W. tees, I. J. Hankins, A. L. Miller,'R. S. Michigan, Indiana, Northern Illinois, H. Edwards. Donnell, C. H. Bliss, J. C. Harris. North Michigan, Ohio, Southern Illi- nois, West Michigan, Wisconsin, and MINISTERS. INDIANA CONFERENCE. the Superior Mission. I. J. Hankins, 1311 Central Ave., Indian- Population: 15,984,303. Organized 1872. apolis. Office: 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, Territory: The State of Indiana. A. W. Bartlett, South Tenth St., La- Mich. Population: 2,516,463. Fayette. OFFICERS. Office: 1311 Central Ave., Indianapolis, A. L. Miller, 1311 Central Ave., Indian- Conference: Pres., A. G. Daniells; Vice- apolis. Pres.,William Covert; Sec. and Treas., OFFICERS. P. G. Stanley, 115 West Seventh St., W. H. Edwards; Gem Canv., Agt., J. B. Conference: Pres., I. J. Hankins; See., Anderson. Blosser; Sabbath-school and Educa- A. L. Miller; Treas., W. C. /VIcCuaig; F. M. Roberts, Jonesboro. tional Field Sec., Miss M. Bessie De Ex. Com., I. J. Hankins, A. L. Miller, R. S. Donnell, Elnora. Craw; Training-school Representative, R. S. Donnell, C. H. Bliss, J. C. Harris; S. S. Davis, Elnora. P. T. Magan; Missionary Secretary, Missionary Sec. and Treas., W. C. Mc- J. S. Shrock, 1636 West Seventh St., D. W. Reavis; Publishing Work Rep- Cuaig; Canv. Agt., J. E. Dunn; Educa- Muncie. resentative, I. H. Evans; Sanitarium tional Sec., Mrs. Eva Miller-Hankins; W. A. Ebert, R. R. No. 4, Alexandria. Work Representative, David Paulson; S. S. Sec., Mrs. R. W. McMahan; Au- Luzern Thompson, R. R. No. 1, Zions- German Work Representative, C. J. itor, W. H. Edwards. ville. Herrmann; Scandinavian Work Rep- " The Indiana Conference Association C. H. Bliss, 928 North Seventh St., Terre resentative, H. R. Johnson; Auditor, of Seventh-day Adventists: " Trus- Haute.


J. C. Harris; ...31.1 Central Ave., Indi E. I. Beebe, 226 Washington Ave., North, Michigan north of the counties of Bay, apolis. Lansing. Midland, Isabella, Meeosta, Newaygo, F. L. Moody, Boggstowa4 M. Shepard, 812 Sufferin St., Port Huron. Ocean. Wm. Hill, Rochester. "r' MISSIONARYLICENTIATES. Population: 296,665. LICENTIATES. Rose Gooden, 426 Trumbull Ave., De- Office: 224 Michigan St., Petoskey, Mich. U. S. Anderson, Elwood. trmt. OFFICERS. I. S. Lloyd, 2110 Cushing St., Indian- Mina Pierce, 611 Michigan Ave., cv est, Conference: Pres., S. E. Wight; See. and apolis. 1 Lansing. Treas. of Conf. and Tract Society Ira G. Bigelow, Berrien Springs, Mich. Mae Roberts Warfie, Roswell, N. Mexico. Dept., E. A. Bristol; Educational Sec., A. L. Chew, Glenwood. Mrs. E. I. Beebe, 226 Washington Ave., John J. Irwin; Canv. Agt., A. J. Olsen; J. E. Collins, Windfall. North Lansi g • Ex, Com., S. E. Wight, W. R. Mat- J. E. Dunn, Greenfield. Rose Peters, 426 Trumbull Ave., Detroit. thews, M. C. Guild, John J. Irwin, R. H. Sparks, Brookville. Tillie Barr, 226 Washington Ave.,-North, Andrew Maples. E. C. Swartz, North Liberty. Lansing. MINISTERS. J. J. Fellows, R. R. No. 1, Greentown. Ethel Peters, 426 Trumbull Ave., Detroit. S. E. Wight, 423 Petoskey St.„Petoskey. Frank Steele, Brazil. W. R. Matthews. Traverse City. J. F. Cummings, Daleville. John J. Irwin, Maneelona. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. WEST MICHIGAN CONFERENCE. M. C. Guild, 629 Washington Ave., N., Mary Huntzinger, Greenfield. Formerly a part of the Michigan Con- Alpena. Mrs. Emma Sparks, Brookville. erence organized in 1861; divided and C. A. Wood, Tawas City. Mrs. Eva Miller-Hankins, 1311 Central reorganized in 1902. LICENTIATES., Ave., Indianapolis. Territory: Southwestern Michigan south A. J. Olsen, 303 Michigan St., Petoskey. Mrs. R. W. McMahan, 426 West Ninth of the counties of Mason, Lake, Osce- C. A. Hansen, Clarence. St., Anderson. ola, and Clare, and west of the coun- T. G. Lewis, Omer. J. Theresa Thompson, Russiaville, ties of Midland, Gratiot, Clinton, E, A. Bristol, 224 Michigan St.,Petoskey. John H. Niehaus, Franklin. Ingham, Jackson, and Hillsdale. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Florence Niehaus, Franklin. Population: 692,932. Miss E. Jennie Lane, Traverse City. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Office: 220 Plainfield Ave., Grand Rap- Miss Rose Peters, Traverse City. Boggstown, Ind.; teachers, Prof. B. F. ids, Mich. Mrs. C. A. Hansen, Clarence. Machlan, Mrs, S. B. Kinney. OFFICERS. Mrs. M. M. Faulkner, 629 Washington Conference: Pres., A. G. Haughey; Conf. and Educational Sec., S. M. Butler; Ave, N., Alpena. EAST MICHIGAN CONFERENCE. Treas. of Conference and See. of Mis- Formerly a part of the Michigan Confer- sionar3r Dept., , Cony. SUPERIOR MISSION. ence organized in 1861; divided and ,Agt., J. B. Blosser; Auditor. Vv. H. Formerly a part of the Michigan Confer- reorganized in 1902. Edwards; Ex. Corn., A. G. Haughey, ence; separated as a mission field in Territory: The southeastern portion of S. M. Butler, S. P. S. Edwards, W. C. 1902. Michigan south of the counties of Are- Hebner, J. B. Blosser. Territory: The Upper Peninsula of nac and Gladwin, and east of the coun- MINISTERS. Michigan. ties of Isabella, Montcalm, Ionia, A. G. Haughey, 220 Plainfield Ave.. Population: 261,363. Eaton, Calhoun, and Branch. Grand Rapids. Headquarters: 838 South St., Sault Ste. Population: 1,170,022. S. M. Butler, 220 Plainfield Ave., Grand Marie, Mich. Office: 226 Washington Ave., North, Rapids. OFFICERS. Lansing, Mich. OFFICERS. W. C. Kebner, 186 Champion St., Battle Supt., E. R. Williams; Sec. and Treas., Creek. Mrs. E. F. Hutchinson; Canv. Agt,, E. Conference: Pres., J. D. Gowell; See. R. C. Horton, 71 Goodrich St., Grand F. Hutchinson (Lock Box 123, Mar- and Treas., E. I. Beebe; Ex. Com., J. Rapid, quette, Mich.); Ex. Board, E. R. Wit- D. GoWell, E. K. Slade, E. I. Beebe, L. N. Lane, 514 South Pearl St., Char- Hams. 0. F. Campbell, M. W. Lewis, 0. F. Butcher, A. R. Sandborn. lotte. Y. J. Harris, E. F. Hutchinson. Missionary Dept.: Sec. and Treas., E. I. M. B. Miller, 29 University Ave., Battle MINISTERS. Beebe; Canv. Agt., L. Cohoon (309 Creek. f North Fremont St., West Bay City). E. R. Williams, 838 South St., Sault Ste. H. W. Miller, R. F, D.. Lansing Mich. Marie. Educational and Sabbath-school Dept.: W. D. Parkhurst, 157 Waterman Ave., 0. F. Campbell, 838 South St., Sault Ste. , Supt., E. K. Slade. Coldwater. Marie " The Michigan Association of Seventh- LICENTIATES. M. W.Lewis, 606 Baker Ave., Menomi- day Adventists: " Pres., J. D. Gowell; S. P. S. Edwards, Berrien Springs. Vice-Pres., A. G. Haughey; Sec. and J. G. Lamson, Cedar Lake. nee. H. R. Johnson, 828 South St.. Sault Ste. Treas., E. I. Beebe; Auditor, B. K. Fred Brink, Cedar Lake. Slade; Trustees. J. D. Gowelt S. E. Marie. . R. E. Harter, Lawrence. LICEN DATES, Wight, E. I. Beebe, E. K. Slade, A. G. W. E. Videto, 220 Plainfield Ave., Grand F. J. Harris, Box 827, Laurium, Haughey. Rapids. Mrs. E. R. Williams, 838 South St., MINISTERS. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sault Ste. Marie. J. D. Gowell, Hesperia. Mrs. S. M. Butler, 220 Plainfield Ave., MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. - J. L. Edgar, 1319 Ann Arbor St., Flint. Grand Rapids. L. G. Moore, 613 Hillsdale St., West, Miss Belle Campbell, 838 South St., Elizabeth McHugh, 38 Bartlett St., Sault Ste. Marie. Lansing. Grand Rapids. C. N. Sanders, 228 Washington Ave., Mrs. M. W. Lewis, 606 Baker Ave., Me- Bertha Snyder, 38 Bartlett St., Grand nominee. North, Battle Creek. Rapids. E. K. Slade, 814 Pine St.. Lansing. Mrs. Mina B. Videto, 220 Plainfield Ave., Mrs.Marquette. E. F. Hutchinson, Lock Box 123, B. F. Stureman, 7 Hamburg St., Muske- Grand Rapids. gon, Mrs. F. J. Harris, Box 827, Laurium. .A. R. •Sandborn, 200 North Keisel St., West Bay City. NORTH MICHIGAN CONFERENCE. NORTHERN ILLINOIS CONFERENCE. M. S. Burnham, Otsego. Formerly a part of the Michigan Confer- Formerly part of the Illinois Conference, LICEN RATES. ence organized in 1861; divided and organized in 1871; divided and reor- 0. F. Butcher, 426 Trumbull Ave., De- reorganized in 1902. ganized in 1902: troit. Territory: The Lower Peninsula of Population: 2,500,000. 614 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

Office: Room 770; Monon Building, 324 Population: 1,878,149. Flora McCollister, 1010 Harrison Ave., Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Office: Stewardson, Shelby Co. Columbus. OFFICERS. OFFICERS. W. S. Huffaker, Academia. Conference: Pres., Allen Moon; Sec., E. Conference: Pres.. S. H. Lane; Vice- Mrs. W. S. Eufffiker, Academia. A, Curtis; Treas., Northern Illinois Pres., Chas. Thompson; Sec. and Dr. B. J. Ferciot, 1103 West Ninth St., Tract Society; Ex. Corn., Allen Moon, Treas., W. S. Proctor; Canv. Agt., J. Canton. E. A. Curtis, G. A. Wheeler, S. Mor- S. James; Ex. Com., S. R. Lane, Chas. Fred M. Fairmuld, Academia. tenson, Victor Thompson, Dr. W. B. Thompson, W. D. Curtis, C. L. Tag- K. R. Haughey, Academia. Holden. gart, P. Rothrock; Con Sec. of Conf. C. T. Redfield, Bristol. Educational and Sabbath-school Depart- and S. S. See., Mrs. Lou K. Curtis; Ida M. Walters, 736 Gnapel St., Col - nient: Field See., Mary Cook (Sher- Tract Society Dept. Sec., Nettie Eaton. umbus. idan, Ill.); Cor. Sec., Mrs. Hattie Cora Petithory, 816 West Eighth St., Kauble (Sheridan, Ill.). MINISTERS. S. H. Lane, 267 West Main St., Battle Canton. " The Illinois Conference Association of Bessie E. Russell, Academia. Seventh-day Adventists: " Pres., J. W. Creek. Mich. Chas. Thompson, Willow Hill. R. B. Thurber Ranter. Cummings (7114 Cottage Grove Ave., Almeda Haughey, Academia. Chicago); Vice-Pres.,• N. W. Kauble; M. 0. Huffman, 1131 South College St., Sec., W. D. Curtis; Treas., G. A. Springfield. G. P. Gaede, Academia. Wheeler; Auditor, W. H. Edwards; C. L. Taggart, DuQuoin. W. W. Miller, 306 West Mulberry St., Councilmen, E. A. Curtis, L. D. Santee. W. D. Curtis, Stewardson. Springfield. (This Association will act for both the LICENTIATE. B. L. House, Coshocton. Northern and the Southern Illinois Con- Fred Wheeler, Stewardson, Hortense Howell, Franklin Furnace. ferences this year, to give time for each MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. John P. Gaede. South Brooklyn. Conference to form an association of its Nellie Rothwell, 820 Fayette St., Peoria. Mrs. Cynthia Bush, 473 East Gay St., own.) Clara B. Silver, 820 Fayette St.. Peoria. Columbus. MINISTERS. J. S. James, 625 East North St., Decatur. Margaret Haughey,•Academia. Allen Moon. _Room 770, Monon Bldg., OHIO CONFERENCE. F. H. Henderson, Bristol. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Chicago, Ill, Organized 1863. N. W. Kauble, Sheridan, Ill. Territory: The State of Ohio. Lulu Pieper, South Webster. E. A. Curtis, Siseridan. Population: 4,157,545. Flora Evans, Jackson. Victor Thompson, Sheridan. Office: Academia, Ohio. Ottilia Olemen, Academia. James E. Shultz, Clyde. L. D. Santee, 137 North Gifford St., El- OFFICERS. gin, Ill. Rubie Owen, 34 Hough Ave Cleveland. Conference: Pres., H. H. Burkholder; Charles Clymer, Academia. S. Mortenson, 170 Townsend St., Chi- Vice-Pres. and Recording Sec., D. E. cago, Ill. Lindsey; Missionary Sec., N. S. G. G. Johnson, 928 Eighth Ave., Rock- Miller; Educational Sec., Bessie E. WISCONSIN CONFERENCE. ford, 11. Russell; Treas., C. V. Earner; Auditor, Organized 1871. C. A. Scholl, 548 West Chicago Ave., W. H. Edwards; State Canv. Agt., Chicago, El. Territory: The State of Wisconsin 0. S. Hadley, 162 Mozart St., North, G. P. Gaede; Ex. Com., H. H. Burk- Population: 2,068,963. Chicago. holder, D. E. Lindsey, R. R. Kennedy, Conference Office: 164 Wisconsin St., L. IL Christian, 150 North Humboldt St., M. C. Kirkendall, Thomas Thorn- Milwaukee. Chicago, Ill. ton, Dr. B. J. Ferciot, G. C. Quillin. Missionary Department Office: 203 High LICENTIATES. Trustees of the Ohio Conference Asso- St., Oshkosh. Wm. Lewsadder, 314 North B St., Mon- ciation: H. H. Burkholder, D. E. Sabbath-school Department Office: mouth, Ill. Lindsey, M. C. Kirkendall, R. R. Ken- Bethel. M. L. Andreason, 150 North Humboldt nedy, Thomas Thornton, Dr. B. J. OFFICERS St., Chicago, El. Ferciot, G. C. Quillin. Conference: Pres., Wm. Covert; Sec. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Officers: Pres., H. H. Burkholder; Sec., and Treas., R. T. Dowsett; Sec. and Jean Phillips, 523 Evergreen Ave., Chi- D. E. Lindsey; Treas., C. V. Hamer; Treas. Missionary Dept., N. P. Nelsen; cago, Ill. Business Agt., R. R. Kennedy; Sec. and Treas. Sabbath-school Dept. Anna Hibben, 523 Evergreen Ave., Chi- Auditor, W. H. Edwards. and Church-school Supt., Lottie E. cago, Ill. MINISTERS. Farrell; Missionary Canv. Agt,, M. N. Ella Hancock, 4247 Wabash Ave., Chi- Campbell; Ex. Com., Wm. Covert, N. cago, M. J. G. Wood, 42 Prairie Ave., Springfield. C. A. Smith, Academia. P. Neilsen, T. B. Snow, C. P. Farns- Nellie Lockwood, 3157 Indiana Ave., worth, C. J. Herrmann, J. B. Scott, F. Chicago, EL H. H. Burkholder, Denville. IL R. Kennedy, Wheelersburg. F. Petersen. Mrs. Ida V. Hadley, 162 Mozart St., " Wisconsin Conference Association of North, Chicago, Ill. E. -J. Van Horn, Lake View. R. A. Boardman, Bowling Green. Seventh-day Adventists:" Pres., Wm. Ina Grundset, 65 Mc Lane Ave., Chicago, Cover%; Sec. and. Treas., R. T. Dow- Ill. D. E. Lindsey, Clyde. - N. W, Lawrence, Academia. sett; other members, T. B. Snow, F. Chas. Sturdevant, Onarga, Stebbeds, J. C. Mikkelsen. 0. A. Nord, 170 Townsend St., Chicago, W. H. Granger, 3222 Warsaw Ave., Cin- cinnati. Medical Missionary Board: Wm. Covert (chairman), J. H. Bramhall, C. P. COLPORTER. C. C. Webster, Middlefield. Richard Hook, Pittwood, Ill. .1. 0. Miller, Academia. Farnsworth, R. T. Dowsett, H. W. Francis M. Fairchild, Delta. Reed, M N. Campbell, Dr. W. H. Budge. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS C. A. Watkins, 861 Summit St., Colum- bus. MINISTERS. CONFERENCE. M. C. Kirkendall, Academia. Wm. Covert, Bethel. Formerly a part of the Illinois Confer- W. S. Shreve, Spring Green. ence organized in 1871; divided and MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. B. Scott, Chetek. reorganized in 1902. N. S. Miller, Academia. • 1, B. Snow, Marshfield. Territory: The southern portion of the W. E. Bidwell, Academia. C. J. Herrmann, Antigo. State of Illinois south of the counties James H. Smith, Academia. J. C. Mikkelsen, Bethel. of Iroquois, Livingston, Woodford, Pe- Ella M. Talmage, 816 West Eighth St., H. W. Reed, 206 Main St.. Oshkosh. oria, Knox, Warren, and Henderson, Canton. F. Stebbeds, Milton Junction. and including the city of Peoria. Anna E. Smith, Wheelersburg. C. W. Olds, Janesville. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 615

S. Swinson, Oxford. Olive M. Olds, Room 20, Chamber of Joseph Brandt, 451 Holloway Road, Lon- N. P. Neilsen, 203 High St., Oshkosh. Commerce Bldg., West Superior. don, N., England. F. F. Peterson, Baraboo. Edith Cowles, Bethel. Sarah Sherwood, Tomah. Matthew Hill, Oneida Mission. Annie Nelson, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Byron Post, Sturgeon Bay. J. C. Neilsen, Neenah. Islands, South Pacific Ocean. C. J. J. Holman, Oshkosh. J. B. In-ken, Baron. Grace Kellogg, 39-1 Free School St., Cal- Carl Cottrell, Poy Sippi. John Isaac, Berlin, Ontario. cutta, India. CHURCH SCHOOLS. LICEN !LAMS. Edith Martin, Grand Rapids. Antigo, Albany, Bloomville, Baraboo, R. T. Dowsett, 164 Wisconsin St., Mil- Hattie Garlock, 865 Fifth St., Milwaukee. Bethel, Clear Lake Fish Creek, Loyal, waukee. Samuel Shadel, Milton Junction. La Grange, Milwaukee (North Side), A. Ritchie, 865 Fifth St., Milwaukee. C. D. AeMoody, 163 Reed St., Milwau- Milwaukee (South Side), Milton Junc- M. N. Campbell, Elroy. kee. tion, Moon, Mt. Hope, Madison, Oxford, G. Hoffman, Trade River. Mrs. flora Post, Sturgeon Bay. Oakland, Omro, Poy Sippi, Rose Lawn, L. L. French, Meadow Valley. M. N. Serns, Cambridge. Stoughton, Spirit Falls, Underhill, B. L. Anderson, Poy Sippi. Sarah J. Heath, Appleton. Waterloo. F. L. Kinne, Prentice. Emma Schilling, Watertown. CHURCH SCHOOL MISSIONARIES. S. E. Nelson, Brushville. Rxsa Cornell, 203 High St., Oshkosh. Eunice Crawford, Elroy, Wisconsin. J. Moss, Seymour. Walter Eisner, 203 High St., Oshkosh. Clara Pettit, Granton, Wisconsin. G. A. Grauer, West Green Bay. G. W. Stilson, Bethel. Ida Salton, Beldenville, Wisconsin. Chas. Wise, Lena. MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Clara Sehunk, Watertown, Wisconsin. H. P. Anderson, Poy Sippi. Bertha Tyler, Great Falls, Montana. H. A. Washburn, Bethel. J. H. Bramhall, 426 State St., Madison. Mrs. Minnie Biamhall, 426 State St., Bertha Phelps, Milton Junction, Wis- C. P. Farnsworth, 426 State St., Madi- consin. son. Madi son Miss Hattie Darling, 426 State St., Mad- F. W. Phelps, Moon. P. M. Hanson, Bethel. Mrs. F. W. Phelps, Moon. W. E. Howell, Berrien Springs, Mich. ison. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Laura Neilsen, 426 State St., Madison. Lydia Ackley, Muscoda. J. Steinel, 861 Fifth St., Milwaukee. Edith Miller, 426 State St., Madison. Lillian Winkler, Morrisonville. L. E. Sufficool; Merrill. Hannah Neilsen, Tustin. Susie Mullen, Shamrock, Wisconsin. Lulu Hallock, Granton. Edith Douglass, 426 State St., Madison. Alice Bramhall, 184 Knapp St., Milwau- Lottie E. Farrell, Bethel. C. Bossert, 426 State St., Madison. kee, Wisconsin. Helen D, Dow-sett, 164 Wisconsin St., Edith Cilley, 426 State St., Madison. Amanda Halverson, 865 Fifth St., Mil- Muwankee. A. I. Lovell, 1714 Winter St., West Su- waukee, Wisconsin. Tillie E. Ritchie, 865 Fifth St., Mil- perior. Henry H. Howard, Thorpe, Wisconsin. - waukee. Sadie Lovell, 1714 Winter St., West Mrs. H. H.- Howard, Thorpe, Wisconsin. Mimi Schaeffenberg, 865 Fifth St., Mil- Superior. Grace Jordan, Mt. Hope, Wisconsin. waukee. A. A. Livingston, 164 Wisconsin St., Nettie Smith, Boy Sippi, Wisconsin. Ida E. Thompson, 135 Wau Chai Road, Milwaukee. Irma Quimby, Wausau, Wisconsin. Hong Kong, China. Mrs. E. Livingston, 164 Wisconsin St., Gertrude Thompson, Mauston, Wiscon- Airs. Carrie S. Moss, Seymour. Milwaukee. sin. Anna M. Jenson, Baraboo. K. Virgin Johnson, 1319- Washington Mrs. Anna Sufficool, Merrill. EVANGELISTIC CANVASSERS. Ave., Racine, Wisconsin. Bessie Suffieool, Merrill. W. E. Dinwiddie, Antigo. Ruby Evans, Wausau, Wisconsin. Mrs. Mary Snow, Marshfield. David Johnson, Racine. Martha Neilsen, Neenah, Wisconsin. Elvie Mullen, 547 Niagara St., Eau L. N. Jensen, Oshkosh. Jennie Nelson, Pine River, Wisconsin. Claire. R. A. Phelps, Milton Junction. Emma Mathe, Hetzel, Wisconsin. Eric Belean, Lund. W. P. McCrillis, Tomah. George Moon, Spencer, Wisconsin.

NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. Orgaeed 1902. Territory: The Conferences of Minnesota, LICENTIATE> General Address: 438 Selkirk Ave., Win- South Dakota, North Dakota, and the Wm. E. Wentland, New Home, N. Dak. nipeg, Manitoba. Mission Field of Manitoba and the MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. OFFICERS. orthwest Territories. Neil McGill, 438 Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, Mission Committee: C. W. Flair, Andrew Population: 2,790,639. Manitoba. Nelson, H. J. Dirksen; Sec. and Treas. Office Address: Box 285, Fargo, N. Dak. Mrs. Alice H. Robinson, Fargo, N. Dak. of all Departments, Mrs. Jessie L. OFFICERS- Mrs. Jessie L. Adams, 438 Selkirk Ave., Adams; Canv. Agt., E. R. Potter. Conference: Pres., C. W. Flaiz; Vice- Winnipeg, Manitoba. MINIS`ERS. Pres., N. W. Allee (1004 Dakota Ave., Ella Sowler, 438 Selkirk Ave., Winni- Andrew Nelson, Neepawa, Manitoba. South, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.); Sec. and peg, Manitoba. H. J. Dirksen, Morden, Manitoba. Treas., Mrs. Alice H. Robinson; Ex. Barbara Purdon, 438 Selkirk Ave., Win- C. J. Buhalts, Carberry, Manitoba. Corn., C. W. Flaiz, N. W. Allee, John nipeg, Manitoba. W. M. Adams, 438 Selkirk Ave., Nvinni- G. Walker; Gen. Agt., F. A. Detamore Karl Mang, Hednesford, Assiniboia, pe,,, Manitoba. (Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn.). Northwest Territory. J. R . Boynton, Ponoka, Alberta, North- MINISTERS. Franz Prombach, Hednesford, Assiniboia, west Territory. C. W. Flaiz, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Northwest Territory. LICENTIATE H. J. Dirksen, Morden, Manitoba. Neil McGill, 438 Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, C. J. Buhalts, Carberry, Manitoba. Manitoba,. Andrew Nelson, Neepawa. Manitoba. MANITOBA MISSION. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. M. Adams, 438 Selkirk Ave., Winni- Territory: Manitoba, Assiniboia, Sas- Mrs. Jessie L. Adams, 438 Selkirk Ave.. peg, Manitoba. katchewan, Alberta, Northwest Terri- Winnipeg, Manitoba. J. W. Boynton, Ponoka, Alberta, North- tory. Barbara Purdon. 438 Selkirk Ave., Win- • west Territory. Population: 320,204. nipeg, Manitoba. 616 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

Karl Mang, Hednesford, Assiniboia, Albert Kjellman, Artichoke. Mrs. S. Ethel Butler, Box 285, Fargo, N. Northwest Territory. Arthur Moon, Battle Lake. Dak. Franz Frombach, Hednesford, Assiniboia, M. B. Van Kirk, Eagle Lake. C. H. Staples, Minnewaukon. Northwest Territory. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Wm. Asp, Box 989, Minneapolis. SOUTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE. CHURCH SCHOOL. A. Batten, Medford. Organized 1880. Teacher: Miss Minnie McGill, 438 Sel- Hannah Carlson, 825 Twenty-third Ave., kirk Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Terntory: The State of South Dakota, South, Minneapolis. excluding the Black Hills. C. M. Everest, Box 989, Minneapolis. Population: About 400,000. MINNESOTA CONFERENCE. Mrs. A. Huntley, 599 Carroll St., St. Office: 329 South Phillips Ave., Sioux Paul. Falls, S. Dak.; Post-office address, Box Organized 1862. Ella E. Merickel, Box 989, Minneapolis. Territory: The State of Minnesota. 686, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Lena Nichols, Anoka. OFFICERS. Population: 1,751,395. J. 0. Peet, Batavia. Office Address: Box 989, Minneapolis. Conference: Pres., N. W. Allee; Sec., F. E. Rew, Robbinsdale. Geo. W. Bowen (1317 North Dakota OFFICERS. H. E. Shelstad, Box 989, Minneapolis. Ave., Sioux Falls); fleas. and Trans. Conference: nes., C. W. Flaiz; Vice- D. Walde, Mountain Lake. Agent, L. D. Randall; Ex. Com., N. W. Pres., H. S. Shaw; Treas., C. M. Ever- CHURCH SCHOOLS, Sauk Center, Drywood, Moose Lake, Alice, C. A. Burman, J. W. Beach, M. est; Sec., H. F. Phelps; Ex. Com., C. K. Thrall (Hartford). W. Flaiz, H. S. Shaw, C. M. Everest, Anoka, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Dodge Center, Eagle Bend, New York Mills, Missionary Department: Field Sec., J. C. L. Emmerson, F. A. Datamore. W. Beach; Rec. Sec., L. D. Randall; Missionary Dept.: Sec., Medford, Stewartville. Hendricks, St. Cloud, Good Thunder, Wells. Asst. Rec. Sec., B. Voth; Cor. Sec., Canv: Agt., F. A. Detamore. Mrs. Effie Jones (1314 South Minne- Sabbath-school Dept.: Sec., Ella E. Mer- NORTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE. sota Ave., Sioux Falls). ickel. " The Dakota Conference Association: " Educational Dept.: Sec., E. W. Catlin. Organized 1902. Trustees, N. W. Alice, John Walker, " Minnesota Conference Association of Territory: The State of North Dakota. Geo. W. Bowen, N. J. Ronlund, M. K. Seventh-day Adventists: " Pres., H. F. Population: 319,040. Thrall. Phelps; Vice-Pres.,H. S. Shaw; Sec., Office Address: Box 285, Fargo, North Sabbath-school and Church-school De- C. M. Everest; Treas., William Asp; Dakota. partment: Field Sec. and Supt., John Board of Trustees, H. F. Phelps, H. S. OFFICERS. W. Beach; Rec. See., Mrs. L. V. Beach. Shaw, A. J. Stone, C. M. Everest, Wm. Conference: Pres., John G. Walker; Asp, M. H. Ellis, J. J. Graf. Vice-Pres., Lars Neilson; See., A. E. MINISTERS. Christian; Treas., Mrs. Alice H. Rob- N. W. Allee, 1004 South Dakota Ave., MINISTERS. inson; Ex. Com., John G. Walker,' Sioux Falls. 0. 0. Bernstein, 3116 Nieollet Ave., Lars Neilson, F. G. Specht, Chas. Leer, C. A. Burman, Box 686, Sioux Falls. Minneapolis. E. M. Strong. 0. P. Norderhus, Box 686, Sioux Falls. J. C. Christenson, Badger. Missionary Department: Rec. Sec., Mrs. J. H. Rogers, Elk Point. C. L. Emmerson, Batavia. Alice H. Robinson; Cor. Sec., Miss Conrad Reiswig, tired Johnson, Isanti. Hattie Ohms; Canv. Agt., C. H. LICENTIATES. A. W. Retail, 530 West Fifth St., Wi- Staples; Asst. Rec. See., Frank Robin- J. W. Beach, Elk Point. nona. son. Elmer G. Hayes, Box 249, Madison. Andrew Mead, Brainerd. Sabbath and Church-school Department: Daniel Isaac, Tyndall. • H. F. Phelps, 118 West Minnehaha Bou- Supt., F. G. Specht; Rec. See., Miss F. L. Perry, Madison. levard, Minneapolis. Hattie Ohms. N. M. Jorgensen, Vermillion. J. F. Pogue Box 989, Minneapolis. MINISTERS. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. A. J. Stone/835 Lawson St., St. Paul. Valentine Leer, Box 285, Fargo. Leona Burman, Box 686, Sioux Falls. H. Steen, 977 Greenbrier St., St. Paul. Lars Neilson, Box 285, Fargo. Lena Frederickson, College View Nebr. B. S. Shaw, Sauk Centre. A. E. Christian, Box 231, Kenmare. Mrs. Dolnhy Hayes, Box 249, Madison, W. W. Stebbins, Mankato. Edward Leoppk, Box 285, Fargo. George Miller, Box 686, Sioux Falls. J. H. Huenergardt, Box 989, Minneapolis. F. D. Starr, Box 285, Fargo. Ella Nesmith, Watertown. LICENTIATES. LICENTIATES. Maud Perry, Madison. John G. WalKer, Box 2A5, Fargo, N. Dak. N. J. uonlund, 933 North Main Ave., John F. Anderson, 835 Lawson St., St. F. G. Speeht, Box 28018Fargo. Paul. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sioux Falls. Charles Babcock, Hutchinson. Chris. Sulzle, Box 285, Faro, N. Dak. Maggie Wail, Tyndall. E. W. Catlin, Anoka. E. M. Strong, Hankinson, N. Dak. Mrs. L. V. Beach, Elk Point. F. A. Detamore, Box 989, Minneapolis. Mrs. Alice h. Robinson, Box 285, Fargo, John Christian, Alcester. B. Francis, Wells. N. Dak. H. G. Miller, Box 686, Sioux Falls. E. H. Huntley, 599 Carroll St., St. Paul. Miss Hattie Ohms, Box 285. Fargo, N. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. P.. A. Hanson, Morgan. Dak. Elk Point: J. W. Beach in charge.

CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: The Conferences of Colorado, Pacific Press Pub. Co. (Kansas City, (18 West Fifth St., Kansas City, Mo.). Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska. Mo.); Field Missionary, C. W. Hard- Sabbath-school Department: Supt., Floyd Population: 8,703,919. esty (College View, Nebr.); Ex. Bralliar. General Office: College View, Nebr. Com., E. T. Russell, L. F. Starr, the Educational Department: President of presidents of the local conferences in Union College, Secretary. OFFICERS. the Central Union Conference, Presi- Medical Missionary and Benevolent Asso- dent of the Union College, Superin- ciation Board: E. T. Russell, Dr. W. Conference: Pres., E. T. Russell; Vice- tendent of the Colorado Sanitarium, A. George, Dr. J. D. Shively, F. M. Pres., L. F. Starr (Stuart, Iowa); Sec. Field Missionary, and the Manager of Wilcox, L. A. Hoopes, J. M. Rees, and Auditor, C. T. Cavaness; Treas., the Pacific Press Publishing Company C. McReynolds.


"Central Union Conference Association Celia Green, 906 South Tenth St., Denver. Council Bluffs. of the Seventh-day Adventists: " Celia McDonald, Idaho Springs. J. W. Dorcas, 603 East Twelfth St., Chairman, E. T. Russell; Sec., L. A. Lida Moore, Florence. Des Moines. Hoopes; N. P. Nelson, 0. E. CUM- Cush Sparks, care Sanitarium, Boulder. J. W. Crouse, Parkersburg. wings, J. Sutherland. Mrs. Bertie Herren, 1112 South Eleventh Calvin Starr, Stuart. RESISTERS St., Denver. Andrew Johnson, Jefferson. E. T. Russell, College View, Nebr. Mrs. Flora Watson, 1112 South Eleventh MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. L F. Stan, Stuart, Iowa. St., Denver. J. C. Clemens, 603 East twelfth St., L. A. Hoopes, College View, Nebr. Elva A. Green, 1112 South Eleventh St., Des Moines. L. Johnson,. College View, Nebr. Denver. Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas, 603 East Twelfth F. H. Westphal, College View, Nebr. CAFES. St., Des Moines. LICENTIATES. Lizzie Neal, 115 Union St., Ottumwa. P. E. Berthelsen, College View, Nebr. 2635 Champa, St., Denver, Colo., W. D. Beeby, Nffinager. Margaret Young, 115 Union St., Ot- J. Wallenkampf, College View, Nebr. inn. E. Kern, College View, Nebr. 32214 North Tejon St., Colorado Springs, 'W M. Colo., F. W. Patterson, Manager.Della Wallace, 603 East Twelfth St., Floyd BraIlia; College View, Nebr. Des Moines. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. thur Rhoads, Corning. W. A. George, College View, Nebr. IOWA CONFERENCE. Mrs. Belle Rhoads, Corning. 0. E. Cummings, College View, Nebr. Organized 1863. C. E. Rentfro, New Hampton. C. T. Cavaness, kiollege View, Nebr. Territory: The State of Iowa. Arthur French, Atton. B. R. Nordyke, 18 West Fifth St., Kan- Population: 2,251,829. Paul Curtis, 603 East Twelfth St., Des sas City, Mo. Office: 603 East Twelfth St., Des Moines, Moines. Iowa. Jessie Welsh, 115 Union St, Ottumwa. COLORADO CONFERENCE, OFFICERS. L. Tillie Earle, 603 East Twelfth St., Conference; Pres., L. F. Starr., v ice- Des Moines. Organized 1883. Pres., L. F. Trubey; Ex. Coin., L. F. Katie Earle 115 Union St., Ottumwa. Territory: Colorado and New Mexico. Starr,L. F. Trubey, C. A. Washburn, Lloyd Manfull, 606 Second Ave., East, Population: 733,477. N. . Bergersen, E. G. Olsen, J. H. Oskaloosa. Office: 1112 South Eleventh St., Denver, Kraft, B. E. Fullmer; Sec., Mrs. Frank Ferguson, Sandyville. Colo. OFFICERS. Flora V. Dorcas; Treas., J. W. Dorcas. Anna Burke, 603 East Twelfth St., Des G. F. Watson; Vice. Missionary Dept.: Sec. and Treas., J. 0. Moines. Conference: Pres., Beard; Asst. Sec., Mrs, Nettie Shaw; Nellie McWilliams, 603 East Twelfth Pres Watson Ziegler; Ex. Cora., G. St., Des Moines. F. Watson, Watson Zeigler F. M. Office Asst., Bert Rhoads. Willard W. /fills, AL. Sabbath-school Department: Sec., Mrs, J. N. Moore, Parkersburg. Wilcox, Dr. Mackintosh; Conf. and Asst. Miss. Flora V. Dorcas; Asst. Sec., Nellie Me- Emma Poch, Atlantic. Sec., Elva Green; Miss. Sec. and Williams; Field See. and General Di- W. H. Cox, Winterset. „vector of Young People's Societies, Earl Hahn, 1021 Seventh St., East, Ce- Treas., Mrs. Bertie L. Derrell; Cor. ,ella,0 Wallace. dar Rapids. Sec. for Miss. and S. S. Dept., Mrs. Flora Watson; State Missionary, M. Conference Association: C. A. Washburn, Intermediate School: Stuart. L. F. Starr, C. G. Johnston, C. W. Mackintosh. MINISTERS. Smouse, C. W. Larson, J. W. Dorcas, KANSAS CONFERENCE. G. F. Watson, 1112 South Eleventh St., J. W. Crouse. Organized 1875. Denver. MINISTERS.- Territory: The State of Kansas. Watson Ziegler, Ft. Collins. L. E. Stan, Stuart. Population: 1,469,496. Dr. Willard W. Hills, 831 East Costilla C. T. Adams, Cresco. Office: 821 West Fifth St., Topeka, Kans. St., Colorado Springs. B. L. Dieffenbacher, 2407 Burt St., OFFICERS. F. M. Wilcox, care Sanitarium, Boulder. Omaha, Nebr. Conference: Pres., C. McReynolds; Vice- M.. Mackintosh, Monte Vista. W. E, Frederick, Prairie City. Pres., C. A. Beeson; Sec. and Treas., J. B. Wilson, Box 34, Pueblo. E. E. Gardner, Cresco. N. B. Emerson; Sec. and Treas. Mis- k H. M. J. Richards, 1112 South Eleventh J. H. Kraft, 603 East Twelfth St., Des sionary Dept., J. C. Becker; Cor. See, St., Denver. Moines. and Sec. of S. S. Dept., Mrs. Belle G. W. Anglebarger, 1112 South Eleventh F. L. Trubey, 1425 N. St., West, Cedar Emerson; Supt. Church Schools,Young St., Denver. Rapids. People's Work, and Field Sec. of Delta. N. C. Bergersen, Story City. Sabbath-school Work, B. E. Huffman; Geo. 0. States, State Traveling Missionary, Frank L. Proctor, Meeker. B. E. Fullmer, Marshalltown. S. F. Svensson, 1112 South Eleventh St., T. H. Jeys, Modale. Jencks; Ex. Corn., C. McReynolds, C. A. Beeson, N. B, Emerson, I. A. Crane, Denver. E. G. Olsen, Forest City. A. Spring, 837 Ouray Ave., Grand Frank Washourn, Mt. Pleasant. B. E. Huffman, J. G. Hanhardt, A. E. L. Johnson. Junction. C. A. Washburn, Mt. Pleasant. MINISTERS. M. Serna, Albuquerque, N. Mex. J. 0. Beard, 603 East Twelfth St., Des C. McReynolds, 821 West Fifth St., Thos. Branch, Plainfield Estate, Cholo, Moines. Topeka. British East Central Africa. W. B. Everhart, 603. East Twelfth St„ A. E. Johnson, Junction City. LICENTIATES. Des Moines. D. H. Oberholtzer, Thayer. H. A. Aufderhar, Cherrelyn. LICENTIATES. R. H. Brock, Arkansas City. Wm. Kennedy, 436 Fourteenth St.. Chas. Heald, Sioux Rapids. R. W. Panuele, 821 West Fifth St., Durango. G. A. Larson, Albia. Topeka. C. H. Bates, Pueblo. Arthur McClintock, Blencoe. C. A. Beeson, Atchison. J. F. Pearson, Pitkin. H L Ste b ro• Boone- I. A. Crane, 321 North Market St., MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. M. Corbaley, 666 May St., Burlington. lc I a. C. M. French, Meeker. G. R. Hawkins, 603 East Twelfth St., E. H. Curtis, Atchison. G. M. Alway, Leadville. Des Moines. J. B. Ashcraft, Preston. W. F. Hills Salida. Mrs. G. R. Hawkins, 603 East Twelfth J. W. Norwood, Pratt. Chas. Lightner, 1112 South Eleventh St., St., Des Moines. J. G. Hanhardt, Shaffer. Denver. Wm. Johnson, Marshalltown. T. Godfrey, Concordia. 111 Alice Finch, 417 South Nevada Ave., N. L. McClintock, Blencoe. B. E. Huffman, 821 West Fifth St., Colorado Springs. Henry Itornolin, 16v6 South Tenth St., Topeka. 618 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

I. G. Knight, Humboldt. MISSOURI CONFERENCE South Dakota; namely, the counties E. A. Merrell, 821 West Fifth St., To- Organized 1876. of Shannon, Fall River, Custer, Wash- peka. Territory: The State of Missouri. ington, Pennington, Ziebaek, Law- I. P. Thorn, Liberal. Population: 3,107,1.17. rence, Meade, Scobey, Delano, and LICENTIATES. Office: 14 West Fifth St., Kansas City, Butte. B. W. Brown, Concordia. Mo. Population: about 1,162,000. W. A. Easley, 821 West Fifth St., OFFICERS. Office: 1505 E St., Lincoln, Nebr. Topeka. Conference: Pres., J. M. Rees; Vice-Pres., OFFICERS. J. F. Harder, Windom. R. C. Porter; Ex. Com., J. M. Rees, Conference: Pres., N. P. Nelson; See. A. S. Bringle, Great Bend. • and Treas., C. H. Miller; Miss. Sec. C. E. Peckover, 821 West Fifth St., To- R. C. Porter, W. T. Millman, H. K. Willis, L. W. Terry; Sec., Pearl L. and Treas., Mary F. Beatty; Cam,. peka. Agt., W. F. Surber; S. S. Dept. See. N. P. Dixon, Portia. Rees; Treas., James Cochran. Missionary Department: Sec. and Treas.., and Treas., Ida A. Nelson; Ex. Com., N. T. Sutton, Thayer. N. P. Nelson, Geo. M. Brown, J. J. Robt. L. Bradford, 923 Oakland Ave.. James Cochran; Cor. Sec., Pearl L. Rees; State Missionary Agt., F. E. Graf, G, A. Kirkle, A. C. Anderson. Kansas City, Kans. Fairchild. Nebrasica Conference Association of the C. F. Parmele, Hiawatha. Seventh-day Adventists: " N. E. Nel- N. B. Emerson, 821 West Fifth St., To- Educational and Sabbath-school Dept: Supt., R. C. Porter. son, T. McAlpine, J. Sutherland, 0. peka. Mathiesen, R. F. Andrews. Fifth St., " The Missouri Conference of Seventh- Dan E. Huffman, 821 West MINISTERS. ' Topeka. day Adventists: " J. M. Rees, James H. J. Anderson, Lasita. Cochran, R. C. Porter, Henry Quan- N. P. Nelson, College View. A. E. Bates, Manhattan. tock, J. J. Nichols. W. B. Wig, College View. IV. A. Shaffer. Burdette. MINISTERS, G. H. Smith, Calaway. W. M. Stone, Galena. Geo. M. Brown, Seward. J. M. Rees, 14 West Fifth St., Kansas J. H. Wheeler, College View. Sydney Scott, 923 Oakland Ave., Kan- City. sas City, Kans. - R. F. Andrews, College View. R. C. Porter, Hamilton. P. P. Gaede, College View. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. . Chaffee, L, E. Johnson, 5 Cliff St., Deadwood, S. Mary L. Doan, 810 Feree St., Kansas A. P. Heacock, 404 Grand Ave., Sedalia. Dak. City, Kans. H. K. Willis, Pleasant Hill. C. R. Kite, 1001 C St., Lincoln. Laura Humphrey, 1431 South Broadway, W. S. Orman, Rolla. A. C. Anderson, 1301 North Twenty-first Leavenworth. A. A. Meyer, Bobring Sta., St. Louis. St., Lincoln. Edith Cornforth, Fort Scott. L. W. Terry, Rockville. G. W, Berry, Blue Springs. M. W. Neal, Moran. D. E. Scoles, Washburn. J. J. Graf, College View. Lizzie Sutton, Thayer. W. T. Millman, Gallatin. P. N. Kelley, 821 West Fifth St., To- LICENTIATES. LICENTIATES. peka. 0. A. Hall, Crawford. Jennie Edwards, 1431 South Broadway, Henry Meyer, Warrenton. W. IL Campbell, College View. Leavenworth. D. P. Ziegler, Box 74, Springfield. 0. E. Jones, College View. J. C. Becker, 821 West Fifth St., Topeka. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES, N. C. Nelson, College View. Katie B. Dick, 821 West Fifth St., Mrs. M. E. George, 714 Walton Ave., W. H. Shroeder, College View. Topeka. St. Louis. B. M. Garton, 1505 E St., Lincoln. Mrs. Laura Kelley, 821 West Fifth St., M. E. George, 714 Walton Ave,, St. Chas. Swenson, 1505 E St.. Lincoln. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Topeka, Louis. W. J. Wilson, Dunbar. Mrs. Carrie Knight, Humboldt. Cora Rapp, 1315 Taylor St., St. Louis. Mrs. Belle Emerson, 821 West Fifth St., C. H. Miller, 1505 E St., Lincoln. Nora Hough, 1823 North Second St., St. Mrs. E. M. Peebles, 1505 E St., Lincoln. Topeka, Joseph. Frank Jencks, 821 West Fifth St., To- Esther Smith, 1505 E St., Lincoln. Eva Hough, 1823 North Second St., St. Mary F. Beatty, 1505 E St., Lincoln. peka.. Joseph. • Mrs. E. A. Merrell, 821 West Fifth St., G. P. Loy, 1505 E St., Lincoln. James Cochran, 14 West Fifth St., Kan- J. B. Mourer, Aurora. Topeka, sas City. Emil Anderson, Junction City, Robert Ryan, 1505 E St.. Lincoln. Mrs. Hattie Porter, Hamilton. Ida A. Nelson, College View. MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Mrs. A. P. Heacoek, 404 Grand Ave., H. E. Kirk, 421 Polk St., Topeka. Albert Anderson, Genoa. Sedalia. W. F. Surber, College View. • Mrs. A. E. Johnson, Junction City. F. E. Fairchild, 14 West Fifth St., Kan- Alta Cromley, 321 North Market St., Wm. Batterson, 5 Cliff St., Deadwood, sas City. S. Dak. Wichita. ton Somers, Boonville. L. C. Christofferson, 321 North Market Susannah Isaac, College View. Pearl L. Rees, 14 West Fifth St., Kan- LICENSED COLPORTERS. St., Wichita. sas City. Mrs. L. C. Christofferson, 321 North Mrs. A. E. Daniels. 1325 Old Manchester E. L. Cook, Big Horn, Wyo. Market St., Wichita. Road, St. Louis, J, W. Beams, Kaycee, Wyo. Jesse Jared, Kinsley. J. H. Johnson, 2500 North Eighth St., CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. SELF-SUPPORTING IIISSIONARY, Lincoln. Ada Phillips, Lowe. J. B. Stuyvesant, Lamar. C. S. Wilbur, Aurora. Florence Barbee, Yates Center, L. B. Porter, Decatur. Ida Shaffer, Burdette. CHURCH SCHOOL MISSIONARIES Estella Seerist, Galena. Pearl West, 1505 E St., Lincoln. Hannah Jensen, Pontiac. NEBRASKA CONFERENCE. Emma Runck, Alma. A. E. Morey, Hutchinson. Organized 1878. Myrtie Ferren, Sheridan, Wyo. E. H, Curtis, Atchison. Territory: The State of Nebraska and Iva Leech, Big Horn, Wyo. J. F. Harder, Windom. Wyoming, and the Black Hills of Lorena Carpenter, Calhoun. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 619


Organized 1901; reorganized 1902.

Territory: The Conferences of Arkansas, H. S. Parker, Hot Springs. John Winter, Cooper, Okla. T. Oklahoma, and Texas. Mrs. A. E. Field, Springdale. Mrs. Minnie Syp, Gip, Okla. T. Population: 5,150,597. Kate Beeler, Little Rock. Wm. Voth, Cooper, Okla. T. Office: Keene, Tex. W. C. Green, 1623 Broadway, Little MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Rock. OFFICERS. A. W. George, M. D., 1623 Broadway, James Butka, Enid, Okla. T. President: G. C. Rupert, Keene, Tex. Little Rock. John Harzman, Box 239, Oklahoma City, Vice-President: H. Shultz, Stromsburg, Okla. T. Nebr. Sec., Treas., and Auditor: C. N. Wood- OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE; ward, Keene, Tex. Organized 1894. TEXAS CONFERENCE. Field Missionary: Manager of Kansas Territory: Oklahoma and Indian Terri- Organized 1878. City Branch of Pacific Press Pub. Co. tories. Territory: The State of Texas. Executive Committee: G. G. Rupert, H. Population: 790,205. Shultz, the Presidents of the Texas, Population: 3,048,828. Office Address: Box 239; or 217 West Office: Keene, Tex. Oklahoma, and Arkansas Conferences, Seventh St., Oklahoma City, Okla. T. the Principal of Keene Academy, the OFFICERS. Superintendent of Keene Sanitarium, OFFICERS. and the Field Missionary. Conference: Pres., W. A. McCutchen; "The Southwestern Union Conference Conference: Pres., G. F. Haffner; Sec., Sec., A. M. Woodall; Treas. T. T. Association of Seventh-day Advent- Emma E. Haffner; Treas., The Okla- Stevenson; Sec. and Treas. of Tract ists: " Trustees, G. G. Rupert, W. A. homa Tract Society; Sec. and Treas. Society Dept., Edward Harris; Sec. McCutchen. T. T. Stevenson, A. E. of Tract Society Dept., T. J. Eagle; Sabbath-school Dept., Mrs. Kitty Ste- , Field, C. Sorenson. Cor. Sec., Emma E. Haffner; State venson; Ex. Corn., W. A. McCutchen, MINISTERS. Missionaries, John Harzman and T. W. Fields, J. D. Matthews, J. Riffel, James Butka; Supt. of Sabbath-school Alvin Covert; Canv. Agt., A. S. Mc- G. G. Rupert, Keene, Tex. Dept., C. Sorenson; Sec. of Sabbath- Cully; Supt. of Church Schools, Mrs. H. Shultz, Stromsburg, Nebr. school Dept.. Wm. Voth; Ex. Coro., Flora Williams; Trans. Agt., W. A. W. D. MacLay, San Antonio, Tex. McCutchen. C. C. Lewis, College Place, Wash. G. F. Haffner. M. H. Gregory, J. A. Sommerville, C. Sorenson, T. J. Eagle. Trustees of Texas Conference Associa- LICENTIATE. tion of Seventh-day Adventists: W. A. S. S. Ryles, Springdale, Ark. MINISTERS. McCutchen, T. T. Stevenson, A. M. Woodall, H. B. French. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. G. F. Haffner, Box 239, Oklahoma City, C. N. Woodward, Keene, Tex. Okla. T. MINISTERS. M. H. Gregory, 908 W. L. St., Independ- W. A. McCutchen, Keene. ARKANSAS CONFERENCE. ence, Kans. W. S. Greer, Keene. D. F. Sturgeon, Gage, Okla. T. H. B. French, Keene. Organized 1888. - C. Sorenson, Perkins, Okla. T. J. N. Sommerville, Houston. Territory: The State of Arkansas. J. A. Sommerville, Purdy, Ind. T. T. W. Fields, Keene. Population: 1,311,564. M. Larson, Hagerman, N. Mex. August Kunze, Keene. Office: Springdale, Ark. U. B. Dake, Cordell, Okla. T. J. Eiffel, Carrier, Okla, T. OFFICERS. H. Woodruff, Hereford, Tex. H. Gellert, St. Louis, Mo. D. U. Hale, Keene. Conference: Pres., A. E. Field; Vice- LICENTIATES. A. C. Bodwell, Apartado 2229, Mexico, Pres., E. B. Hopkins; Sec. and Treas., D. F. Flora E. Heermann; State Agent, J. R. Bagby, Box 239. Oklahoma City; LICENTIATES. J. M. Dickerson; Educational Sec., Okla. T. J. C. Anderson; Sabbath-school Dept. E. L. Maxwell, Box 239, Oklahoma City, 0. Glass, Keene. Sec., Mrs. Laura Field; Ex. Com., A. Okla. T. W. M. Cubley, Levi. E. Field. E. B. Hopkins, J. C. Ander- F. H. Conway, Box 239, Oklahoma City, J. F. Bahler, Keene. son. W. C. Green. Okla. T. Conrad Miller, O'Keene, Okla. T. MINISTERS. H. H. Martin, Box 239, Oklahoma City, A. W. Jensen, Keene. A. E. Field. Springdale. Okla. T. N. J. Ethridge, Rives. Fisher Co. Ezra Philman, Box 239, Oklahoma City, E. B. Hopkins, Hot Springs. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. Clay Griffin, Washburn, Mo. Okla. T. Wm. Brady, Box 239. Olkahoma City, W. W. Stoner, Keene. LICENTIATES. Okla. T. Jessie Hunter, Houston. V. B. Watts, Little Rock. Abraham Loewen, Cooper, Okla. T. Mrs. Mintie Bodwell, Apartado 2229, U. Bender. Batesville. J. A. Lorenz, Cooper. Okla. T. Mexico, D. F. C. W. Brimer, Fort Smith. George Ebel, Opel, Olka. T. Thos. De Freeze. 307 West Fifteenth S. Simonds, Prairie Grove. W. E. Baxter, Chickasha. Ind. T. Ave., Corsicana. J. L. Upton, Jenny Lind. W. L. Adams, Purdy, Okla. T. C. L. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn. F. L. Griffin, Ardmore, Okla. T. Lottie White, 1406 Guadaloupe St., MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. B. Hampton, Taloga, Okla. T. Austin. A. F. Tweed, Hot Springs. T. J. Hickman, Kiel, Okla. T. Artie Taylor, Keene. Flora E. Heermann, Springdale. Hans Bone, Wallville, Ind. T. J. W. Johnston, 708 Brazos St., Houston. J. C. Anderson, Springdale. Conrad Urich, Enid, Okla. T. Birdie Cruzan, Fort Worth.


PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: California, Oregon, Washing- LICENTIATES. H. A. St. John, Sanitarium, Cal. ton, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Utah, J. E. Bond, Box 284, Williams, Ariz. C. L. Taylor, Sanitarium, Cal. Arizona, Alaska, British Columbia, and F. S. Bond, Box 284, Williams, Ariz, H. G. Thurston, Fresno, Cal. Hawaiian Territory. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. M. E. Cady, Healdsburg, Cal. Population: 3,461,624. Mrs. E. W. Webster, Sanitarium, Cal. C. T. Everson, 1628 Harmon St., Ber- Office: 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Cal. Mrs. Lena E. Williams, Williams,Ariz. keley, Cal. OFFICERS. Mrs. W. L. Black, Solomonville, Ariz, E. J. Hibbard, Healdsburg, Cal. Conference: Pres., W. T. Knox; Sec" Mrs.W. L. Iles, Williams, Ariz. A. S. Hickox, 301 San Pablo Ave., Oak- J. J. Ireland; Treas., E. A. Capman land, Cal. (Twelfth had Castro Sts., Oakland, G. W. Rine, Healdsburg, Cal. Cal.); Missionary Sec., H. H. Hall; CALIFORNIA CONFERENCEC.. E. Leland, Hilo, Hawaiian Territory. Traveling Missionary, S. C. Osborne; Organized 1873. LICENTIATES. Ex. Com., W. T. Knox, A. T. Jones, Territory: All of California north of the A. J. Bourdeau, 301 San Pablo Ave., Clarence Santee, W. B. White, A. J. Tehachapi and Santa Ynez mountains; Oakland, Cal. . Breed, C. C. Lewis, W. R. Simmons, and the State of Nevada. F. R. Shaeffer, Murphy Bldg., San Fran- S. C. Osborne, H. H. Hall. Population: 1,223,177. cisco, Cal. Educational Committee: A. T. Jones, Office: 301 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, G. B. Douglas, 641 Commercial St., San R. S. Owen, W. B. White, Geo. Pettit, Cal. Francisco, Cal W. S. Sadler, C. C. Lewis, M. E. Cady. OFFICERS. P. R. Albrecht, 301 San Pablo Ave., Oak- Conference: Pres., A. T. Jones; See., M. land, Cal. W. T. Knox, 816 Twentieth St., Oak- H. Brown; Treas., Pacific Press Pub- F. D. Gauterau, 301 San Pablo Ave., Oak- land, Cal. lisping Co., Oakland, Cal.; Ex. Com ., land, Cal. W. A. Alway, 63 East First South St., A. T. Jones, J. 0 Corliss, M. E. Cady J. W. McCord, 301 San Pablo Ave., Oak- Salt Lake City, Utah. H. G. Thurston, C. H. Jones, A. S. land, Cal. A. G. Christiansen, Box 286, Springville, Kellogg, D. T. Fero, J. S. Osborne, and J. A. L. Derby, Healdsburg, Cal. Utah. the Medical Superintendent of St. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. A. M. Dart, Juneau, Alaska. Helena Sanitarium. Mrs. W. S. Sadler, 995 McAllister St., T. H. Watson, Douglas, Alaska. Department of Publication: Sec.,Sec. A. J. San Francisco, Cal. J. H. Behrens, Honolulu, Hawaiian Ter- Bourdeau; Periodical Agent, G. Mrs. E. E. Parlin, 124 Fourth Ave., San ritory. Thurston; General Agent, A. S. Kel- Francisco, Cal. C. E. Leland, Hilo, Hawaii, Hawaiian logg. Mrs. Mina Mann, 723 K St., Bakersfield, Territory. Educational Department: President Cal. B. L. Howe, 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Healdsburg College, M. E. Cady; Supt. D. A. Parsons, 301 San Pablo Ave., Oak- Cal. Church-school and Sabbath-school land, Cal. ' LICENTIATES. work, J. S. u-oorne (Ilealdsourg, Walter Halliday, Lorin, Cal. I. C. Colcord, Honolulu, Hawaiian Ter- Cal.); Sec. Cal. Conference, M. H. Mrs. Ella Shaeffer, Murphy Bldg., San ritory. Brown, Supt. Young People's Work, Francisco, Cal. J. J. Ireland, 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Cal. W. S. Sadler; Sec. Sabbath-school Amos S. Marchus, 1660 B St., Eureka, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Work, Carrie R. King, 301 San Pablo Cal. Mrs. Carrie R. King, 301 San Pablo Ave., Ave., Oakland, Cal. C. G. Marclms, 995 McAllister St., San ,. California - Oakland, Cal. Conference Association of Francisco, Cal. the Seventh-day Adventists: " Direct- Mrs. A. C. Bainbridge, 622 Golden Gate Mrs. Carrie V. Hansen, 548 First St., ors: M. H. Brown, C. H. JOnes, E. A. Ogden, Utah. Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. B. L. Howe, 1059 Castro St., Oak- Chapman, T. A. Kilgore, Geo. W. Mills, Addie J. Morrison, 208 Third Ave., Oak 4 R. P. Gray, E. G. Fulton. land, Cal. Park Station, Sacramento, Cal. MINISTERS. H. H. Hall, 1059 Castro St., Oakland, A. T. Jones, 301 San Pablo Ave., Oak- Cal. land, Cal. MONTANA CONFERENCE. S. C. Osborne, Lytton, Cal. H E. Hoyt, First and Montgomery Sts., M. H. Brown, 301 San Pablo Ave., Oak- Organized 1898. land, Cal. Territory: The State of Montana. Portland, Oregon. W. C. Waite, Sanitarium, Cal. Population: 243,329. M. C. Wilcox, Pacific Press, Oakland, Cal. Conference and S. S. Department Offices: ARIZONA CONFERENCE. A. 0. Tait, care Pacific Press, Oakland, Missoula. Organized 1902. Cal. Tract Society Office: 108 Grand St., Territory: Arizona. J. 0. Corliss, Fruitrale, Cal. Helena. Population: 122,931. J. W. Bagby, Armona, Cal. OFFICERS. - Office: Box 284, Williams, Ariz. C. N. Martin, John Adams, Cal. Conference: Pres., W. B. White; Sec., OFFICERS. A. Brorsen, Lusk Ave., Oakland, Cal. Mrs, Nettie G. White; Missionary See., Conference: Pres., E. W. Webster; Sec. D. T. Fero, Wright and Wooster Aves.. Treas., and Canv. Agt., T. G. Johnson and Treas., Mrs. Lena E. Williams; San Jose, Cal. (108 Grand St., Helena); Educational Miss. Sec., J. E. Bond; Educational C. M. Gardner, 1660 B St., Eureka, Cal. Sec., Lulu T. White; Ex. Com., W. B. Secretary, C. D. M. Williams; General J. S. Harmon, Healdsburg, Cal. White, J. C. Foster, L. A. Gibson, T. G. Agent, J. E. Bond; Ex. Com., E. W. M. a Israel, Red Bluff, Cal. Johnson, A. E. Parker; Educational Webster, C. D. M. Williams, W. L. A. S. Kellogg, Healdsburg, Cal. Board, W. B. White L. A. Gibson, W. Black, J E Bond, and E. A. Brown N. C. McClure, Healdsburg, Cal. D. Emery, R. D. Quinn, W. A. Gosmer. (31 South First Ave., Phoenix, Ariz) Isaac Morrison, 208 Third Ave., Oak Park MINISTERS. MINISTERS. ' Station, Sacramento, Cal. W. B. White, Box 667, Missoula, Mont. E. W. Webster, Sanitarium, Cal. W. S. Sadler, 995 McAllister St., San J. C. Foster, Box 925, Billings, Mont. a W. L. Black, Solomonville Ariz. Francisco, Cal. L. A. Gibson, 616 Fifth Ave., Great Falls, C. D. M. Williams, Box 284,' Williams, B. F. Richards, 1123 Ellis St., San Fran- Mont. Ariz. cisco, Cal. R. D. Quinn, Great Falls, Mont. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 621

LICENTIATES. UPPER COLUMBIA CONFERENCE. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. A. Gosmer, 108 Grand St., Helena, Organized 1880. Mrs. Carrie V. Hansen, 548 First St., Mont. Territory: Idaho, and that portion of Ogden, Utah. Stewart Kime, Red Lodge, Mont. the States of Oregon and Washington Mrs. Fannie P. Johnson, 124 West Cen- W. D. Emery, Woodside, Mont. lying east of the Cascade Mountains, ter St., Provo, Utah. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. except Klamath and Wasco Counties, Church School: Provo, Utah. T. G. Johnson, 108 Grand St., Helena, Oregon. Mont. . Population: 431,435. WESTERN OREGON CONFERENCE P. S. Quinn, Billings, Mont. Office: College Place, Wash. Mrs. Nettie G. White, Box 667, Missoula, (Formerly North Pacific Conference, or- OFFICERS. ganized 1877; reorganized 1902.) Mont. Conference: Pres., A. J. Breed; Sec. and Anna Carlson, Great Falls, Mont. Treas., J. L. Kay; Ex. Com., A. J. Territory: All of the State of Oregon Lulu T. White, 108 Grand St., Helena, Breed, J. A. Holbrook, J. M. Will- lying west of the summit of the Cas- oughby, C. C. Lewis, J. W. Posey, W. cade Mountains, and Wasco and Kla- Mont. math Counties lying east of the Paul Iverson, Great Falls, Mont. H. Saxby, T. L. Ragsdale. range. Intermediate School: Bozeman, Mont; Tract Society: bee., Lloyd Copeland (Col- Population: 327,893. Claude Conard, teacher. lege Place, Wash.); Canv. Agt., Sabbath-school Department: Field Sec., Office: 201 Second St., Portland, Oregon. 0. K. Butler; Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. L. OFFICERS. Kay. Conference: Pres., F. M. Burg; Sec. and SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CONFER- Treas., H. E. Hoyt (cor. First and ENCE. Upper Columbia Mission Society: Pres., A. J. Breed; Sec., T. L. Ragsdale; Montgomery Sts., Portland); Miss. Organized 1901 Treas., J. L. Kay. Sec., G. W. Pettit (201 Second St., Territory: that portion of California MimsTERs. Portland, Oregon); Traveling Mission- south of the summit of the Tehachapi ary, H. H. Johnson (rmgene, Oregon); and Santa Ynez Mountains. A. J. Breed, College Place, Wash. Educational Field Sec.,F. S. Bunch Population: 304,211. C. E. Ford, Medical Lake, Wash. (Gravel Ford, Oregon); Educational Office: Fernando, Cal. J. A. Holbrook, College Place, Wash. Office Sec., Edith Starbuck (201 Sec- W. F. Martin, College Place, Wash. OFFICERS. ond St., Portland, Oregon); Ex. Com. E D. Sharpe, College Place, Wash. F. M. Burg, H. J. Schnepper, C. J. Conference: Pres., C. Santee; Sec., C. A. J. Bartlett, Spaulding, Idaho. Pedicord; Treas., "Southern California Cole, L. I. Stiles, Dr. W. R. Simmons. A. Schlotthauer, Wilcox, Wash. " North , Pacific Church Extension 0o- Association of Seventh-day Advent- J. M. Willoughby, Cambridge, Idaho. ists" (Fernando, Cal.); Ex. Corn., ciety: " Board of Directors, F. M. W. H. Saxby, Spokane, Wash. Burg, W. R. Simmons, L. I. Stiles Clarence Santee, W. M. Healey, R. S. W. W. Steward, Boise, Idaho. Owen, T. J. Evans, H. E. Giddings, A. (512Glisan St., Portland, Oregon), C. LICENTIATES. J. Cole, H. J. Schnepuer. M. Way, S. Thurston; Educational J. L. Kay, College Place, Wash. Sec., W. W. Wheeler (Fernando, Cal.). Officers: Pres., F. M. Burg; Sec., and 0. K. Butler, College Place, Wash. Treas., H. E. Hoyt. Tract Society: Pres. C. Santee; Sec. F. D. Wagner, Dayton, Wash. and Treas., C. A. Pedicord. Church Schools: Cottage Grove, Manta- W. S. Holbrook, College Place, Wash. villa, Gravel Ford, -Blanchley, New- " Southern California Association of Sev- W. R. Smith, Nampa, Idaho. enth-day Adventists: " Executive burg, Chitwood, Portland, Oregon. J. C. Rogers, College Place, Wash. MINISTERS. Board, Clarence Santee, W. M. Healey, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. R. S. Owen. F. M. Burg, 201 Second St., Portland, Officers: Pres., C. Santee; Sec., C. A. J. W. Posey, 46 Main Ave., Spokane, Oregon. Pedicord. Wash. H. W. Decker, cor. First and Montgom- MINISTERS. A. R. Starr, North Yakima, Wash. ery Sts., Portland, Oregon. Mrs. Lillie Starr, North Yakima, Wash. T. H. Starbuck, 506 East Everett St., C. Santee, Fernando, Cal. Dr. I. A. Dunlap, College Place, Wash. W. M. Healey, 2719 G St., San Diego, Portland, Oregon. ‘‘,. M. Fee, Lewiston, Idaho. R. D. Benham, Beaverton, Oregon. Cal. M. F. Hill, Goldendale, Oregon. S. Thurston, Fernando, Cal. H. J. Schnepper, College Place, Wash. Dr. S. Yarnell, Mount View Sanitarium, J. J. Westrup, 201 Second St., Portland, J. W. Adams, 143 Cari St., Los Angeles, Spokane, Wasn. Cal. Oregon. C. Knight, Fernando. H. W. Babcock, Cottage Grove, Oregon. S. T. Hare, Fernando. UTAH CONFERENCE. Fred Jorg, 852 Vancouver Ave., Portland, H. E. Giddings, Fernando. Organized August 21, 1902. Oregon. J. F. Ballenger, Fernando. Offices: Box 286, Springville; and 63 C. J. Cole, St. John's, Oregon. F. S. Bunch, Gravel Ford, Oregon. LICENTIATES. East First South St., Salt Lake City, P. S. Whitelock, 229 Twentieth St., San Utah. LICENTIATES. Diego, Cal. Population: 276,565. J. J. W. Clark, Manor, Wash. C. A. Pedicord, Fernando, Cal. OFFICERS. G. W. Pettit, 201 Second St., Portland, J.' L. McElhaney, Fernando,Cal. Conference: Pres., W. A. Alway; Sec. Oregon. Otis J. Fisher, Station A, asadena. Cal. and Treas., Alfred Whitehead (Box W. J. Burden, cor. Fourth and Ankeny P. P. Adams, 143 Can St., Los Angeles, 286, Springville, Utah); Ex. Corn, W. Sts., Portland, Oregon. Cal. A. Alway, Alfred Whitehead, A. G. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. E. S. Ballenger, Fernando. Christiansen, W. J. Felt, Mrs. Fannie W. R. Simmons, M. D., First and E. H. Adams, 326 East Twelfth St., Los P. Johnson; Miss. and S. S. See., Mrs. Montgomery Sts., Portland, Oregon. Angeles. Fannie P. Johnson (124 West Center MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. St., Provo). Mrs. L. A. Parsons, 143 Can St., Los MINISTERS. WESTERN WASHINGTON CONFER- W. A. Alway, 63 East First South St., Angeles, Cal. ENCE. Mrs. Deborah Knight, Fernando, Cal. Salt Lake. City, Utah. Mrs. M. E. Hoyt, 1319 Star St., Los A. G. Christiansen, Box 286, Spring- Organized 1902. Angeles, Cal. ville, Utah. Territory: All of the State of Washing- Laura Morrison, Box 586, Pasadena, Cal. LICENTIATE ton west of the Cascade Mountains, H. L. Rawson, 516 South Hill St., Los Alfred Whitehead, Box 286, Springville, - excepting the counties of Wasco and Angeles, Cal. Utah. Klamath.


Population: 334,083. BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE. HAWAIIAN MISSION. Office: 309 Second Ave., North, Seattle, Organized 1902. General Address: Honolulu, Hawaiian Wash. Territory. General Office: 609 Gore Ave., Vancouver, OFFICERS. Population: 154,000. Conference: Pres., S. \,. Nellis (217 British Columbia. Population: Estimated, 44,000. OFFICERS. Third Ave., North, Seattle Wash.); Superintendent: J. H. Behrens; Sec., Mrs. Sec., Daisy D. Cuddy (309 Second Ave.. OFFICERS. J. H. Behrens; Treas., J. H. Behrens; North, Seattle, Wash.); Miss. and Edu- Conference: Pres., J. L. Wilson; Sec. and Advisory Board, J. H. Behrens, I. C. cational Sec., W. H. Coffin (309 Second Treas., J. J. Dougan; Missionary Sec., Colcord, C. P. Moon, C. E. Leland. Ave., North, Seattle, Wash.); Educa- C. W. Enoch; S. S. Sec., Mrs. J. L. Tract Society: Secretary, Mrs. J. H. Beh- tional Field Sec., F. S. Bunch Wilson; Ex. Corn.. J. L. Wilson, W. C. rens. (Gravel Ford, Oregon); Ex. Conn., S. Young, J. J. Dougan, A. Gilmore, W. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. Cora W. Nellis, E. L. Stewart, W. C. F. N. Manson. Lyle. Ward, A. Q. Shryock, E. T. Cornell. MINISTERS. MINISTERS. MINISTERS. J. L. Wilson, 609 Gore Ave., Vancouver, J. H. Behrens, Honolulu, Hawaiian Ter- S. W. Nellis, 317 Third Ave., North, ritory. Seattle, Wash. British Columbia. W. C. Young, Courtney, Vancouver Is- C. E. Leland, Hilo, Hawaii, Hawaiian W. C. F. Ward, Puyallup, Wash. Territory. E. L. Stewart, Vancouver, Wash. land, British Columbia. H. C. J. Wollekar, 215 Thomas St., Seat- LICENTIATE. tle, Wash I. C. Coleord, Honolulu, Hawaiian Ter- ALASKA MISSION. ritory. A. J. Stover, Sara, Wash. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Church Schools: Hoquiam, Shelton, Seat- Ministers: A. M. Dart, Juneau, Alaska; C. P. Moon, Honolulu, Hawaiian Terri- tle. T. H. Watson, Douglas, Alaska. tory.

AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1894. Territory: The Conferences of New MINISTERS. MINISTERS. South Wales, New Zealand, Queens- G. A. Irwin, 56 George St., West, Syd- G. A. Snyder, 56 George St., West, Syd- land, South Australia, Tasmania, Vic- ney, N. S. W. ney, N. S. W. toria, West Australia, and the Mis- E. W. Farnsworth, 56 George St., West, G. C. Tenney, 56 George St., West, sions of Raratonga, Fiji, Tonga, and Sydney, N. S. W. Sydney, N. S. W. Norfolk Island. E. H. Gates, Cooranbong, N. S. W. W. Woodford, 56 George St., West,; Syd- Population: 3,970,497. R. Hare, Echo Office, North Fitzroy, ney, N. S. W. Office: 56 George St., West, Sydney, Victoria. N. S. W., Australia. J. E. Fulton, Cooranbong, N. S. W., LICENTIATES. OFFICERS. Australia. F. W. Paap, Zadok Street, Lismore, Conference: Pres., G. A. Irwin; Vice- J. A. Burden, Sanitarium, Wahroonga, N. S. W. Pres., E. W. Farnsworth; Sec. and N. S. W. G. W. Tadich, 56 George St., West, Syd- Treas., Edith M. Graham; Ex. Com Dr. M. G. Kellogg, Sanitarium, Wah- ney, N. S. W. ., roonga, N. S. W. G. A. Irwin, E. W. Farnsworth, the W. J. McGowan, 56 George St., West, Presidents of the local Conferences, C. H. Parker, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Sydney, N. S. W. and E. H. Gates, W. D. Salisbury, LICENTIATES. A. T. Robinson, D. H. Kress, E. R. A. H. Piper, Arorangi, Raratonga, Cook MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Caro, J. A. Burden, J. Johanson. Islands. J. Hindson, 56 George St., West, Sydney, Sabbath-school Department: Supt., Mrs. C. W. Irwin, Avondale School, Cooran- N. S. W. J. Hindson- Sec., Mrs. C. W. Irwin. bong, N. S. W. G. James, 56 George St., West, Sydney, Australasian Medical Missionary Council: Pauliasi Burma, Suva, Fiji. .. . D. H. Kress, J. A. Burdens, G. A. Ir- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. /Miss A. Pearce, Club House, Bourke win. A. W. Semmens, F. E. Braucht, Mrs. J. E. Fulton, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Street, West Maitland, N. S. W. P. M. Keller. Australia. Tract and Missionary Department: A. Mrs. A. H. Piper, Arorangi, Raratonga, W. Anderson, Mrs. C. L. Boyd, Miss Cook Islands. NEW ZEALAND CONFERENCE. H. Andre. Organized 1889. Book Committee: W. D. Salisbury, D. H. Kress. A. W. Anderson, J. Johanson. CONFERENCE. Population: 626,658. -Transportation Board: Chairman, J. A. Organized 1895. Office: 37 Taranaki Street, Wellington, Burden; Associate members, J. Gil- Population: 1.1d2,234. New Zealand. lespie, J. H. Mills, A. W. Semmens, Office: 56 George St., West, Sydney, OFFICERS. E. Millard, J. Pallant, - A. Mountain, N. S. W., Australia. S. H. Amyes. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. L. H. Baker; Vice- Religious Liberty Secretaries: The Conference: Pres., G. A. Snyder; Vice- Pres., G. A. Wantzlick; Sec., W. J. President in each Conference. Pres., G. C. Tenney; Sec. and Treas., Smith; Treas., New Zealand Tract Educational Council: Miss H. Andre, J. Hind-sour Ex. Com., G. A. Snyder, Society; Ex. Corn., W. L. H. Baker, Mrs. C. B. Hughes, C. W. Irwin, Dr. G. C. Tenney, J. A. Burden, J. J. Paap, G. A. Wantzliek A. Mountain, W. J. Lauretta Kress, Mrs. N. D. Faulk- J. Hindson. Smith. head Tract and Missionary Department: Sec. Tract Society Department: Sec., Mrs. Mission Committee: E. H. Gates, D. and Treas., Miss A. S. Higgins; General W. L. H. Baker; Treas., Miss W. Green- H. Kress, J. A. Burden, G. A. Irwin, Agent, P. B. Rudge. field; General Agent, A. Mountain. J. E. Fulton, A. W. Anderson, Miss Sabbath-school Department: Sec., Mrs. Sabbath-school Department: Sec. and H. Andre. A. L. Hindson. fleas., Mrs. W. L. H. Baker. GENERAL CONFERENCE Bunfirmr. 623

MINISTERS. MINISTER. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. L. H. Baker, 37 Taranaki Street, W. A. Hennig, Hughes St., North Unley, J. Johanson, 16 Best St., North Fitzroy, Wellington, New Zealand. South Australia, Australia. Victoria, Australia. G. A. Wantzlick, 37 Taranaki Street, LICENTIATES. Miss M. Schowe, Oxford Chambers, Wellington,' New Zealand. Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, Aus- A. W. Semmens, Adelaide Medical tralia. LICENTIATES. Institute, Victoria Square, Adelaide, Miss Lizzie Gregg, Oxford Chambers, Charles Paap, 37 Taranaki Street, Wel- South Australia, Australia. Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, Aus- lington, New Zealand. R. H. Constandt, Hughes St., North 1.3n- tralia. F. Lyndon, 37 Taranaki Street, Wel- ley, South Australia, Australia. Mrs. G. B. Starr, Oxford Chambers, lington, New Zealand. T. H. Craddock, Hughes St, North Un- Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, Aus- W. J. Smith, 37 Taranaki Street, Wel- ley, South Australia, Australia. tralia. lington, New Zealand. A. H. Rogers, Hughes St., North Unley, W. R. Carswell, Oxford Chambers, M. Caro, Napier, New Zealand. South Australia, Australia. Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, Aus- W. J. Pascoe, 37 Taranaki Street, Wel- tralia. ington, New Zealand. TASMANIA CONFERENCE. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Organized 1901. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN CONFER- Edith Ward, Auckland, New Zealand. Population: 146,667. W. J. Smith, Christchurch, New Zealand. ENCE. Office: 198 Georg St Launceston Tas- Organized 1902. mania. Population: 49,782. OFFICERS. Office: 201 Newcastle St., Perth, West QUEENSLAND CONFERENCE. Conference: Pres., E. Billiard; Sec., T. Australia, Australia. House; Treas., P. H. Pretyman; Ex. Organized 1899. OFFICERS. Population: 406,668. Corn., E. Hilliard, P. H. Pretyman, Office: The Arcade, Edward St., Brisbane, J. Golding; T. House. Conference: Pres., J. Pallant; Vice- Queensland, Australia. Tract Society Derartment: Sec. and Pres., W. Knight; Sec. and Treas., Treas., Mrs. Ida Hilliard; General Miss S. Gurner; Ex. Corn., J. Pallant, OFFICERS. Agent, W. Fletcher. W. Knight, L. V. Finster, W. Ward. Conference: Pres., A. T. Robinson; Sec., Sabbath-school Department: Sec. and Tract Society Department: Sec. and J. H. Mills; Treas., Queensland Tract Treas., Miss Katie Judge. Treas., Miss S. Gurner; General Agent, Society; Ex. Com., A. T. Robinson, MINISTERS. Vacant. J. P. Snape, J. H. Hewitt, J. Sheppard, Sabbath-school Department: Sec. and J. H. Redwood, J. Wiltghire. E. Millard, 198 George St., Launceston, Treas., Mrs. L. V. Fluster. Tract Society Department: Sec. and Tasmania. MINISTERS. Treas., J. H. Mills; General Agent, J. Geo. Teasdale, 198 George St., Laun- H. Hewitt. ceston, Tasmania. J. Pallant, 201 Newcastle St., Perth, Sabbath-school Department: Sec. and LICENTIATE. West Australia. Treas., Miss L. Tuxen. T. House, 198 George St., Launceston, W. Knight, 201 Newcastle St., Perth, West Australia. Tasmania. MINISTER. LICENTIATE. A. T. Robinson,The Arcade, Edward St., MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. L. V. Finster, 201 Newcastle St., Perth, Brisbane, Queensland. J. Robertson, 198 George St., Laun- West Australia. LICENTIATES. ceston, Tasmania. • MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. E. Allen, 198 George St., Launceston, F. L. Chaney, The Arcade, Edward St., Mrs. C. Farquhar, 201 Newcastle St., Brisbane, Queensland. Tasmania. Mrs. Ida Hilliard, 198 George St., Laun- Perth, West Australia. A. Smart, The Arcade, Edward St., Bris- Mrs. T. A. Chapman, 201 Newcastle St., bane, Queensland. ceston, Tasmania. Perth, West Australia. M. Bernoth, The Arcade, Edward St., Mrs. M. Chandler, Lindsay St., Pm th, Brisbane, Queensland. West Australia. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. VICTORIA CONFERENCE. Miss L. Tuxen, The Arcade, Edward St., Organized 1888. Brisbane, Queensland. Population: 1,140,405. RARATONGA MISSION. Office: Oxford Chambers, 473-481 Population: 3,000. Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, Aus- Address: Arorangi, Raratonga, Cook Is- tralia. lands, South Pacific Ocean. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE. OFFICERS. Director: A. A. Piper. Organized 1899. Conference: Pres., J. H. Woods; Vim- Licentiate: A. H Piper. Population: 320,431. Pres., J. Johanson; Sec. and Treas., Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. H. Piper. Office: Hughes St., North Unley, South J. Gillespie; Ex. Conn., J. H. Woods, Australia, Australia. J. Johanson, J. Gillespie, E. Watson, G. Petherbridge, C. Hallam, W. D. FIJI MISSION. OFFICERS. Population: 125,402. Salisbury. Conference: Pres., W. A. Hennig; Vice- Tract and Missionary Department: Sec. Address: Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Pres., A. W. Semmens; Sec., A. H. and Treas., Miss Lizzie Gregg; General Director and Treas.: C. H. Parker. Rogers; Treas., A. W. Semmens; Ex. Agent, Minister: C. H. Parker. Com.. W. A. Hennig, A. W. Semmens. Sabbath-school Department: Sec., Mrs. Missionary Licentiates: E. Hathway, P. T. H. Craddock, H. Mitchell, W. Bow- W. A. Hennig. Bunoa, Arthur Currow. hey. Tract and Missionary Department; Sec. MINISTERS. and Treas., Mrs. J. Higgins; General J. H. Woods, Oxford Chambers, Bourke TONGA MISSION. Agent, A. G. Mackenzie. St., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Population: 19,250. Sabbath-school Department: Sec. and G. B. Starr, Oxford Chambers, Bourke Address: Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Treas., Mrs. A. W. Semmens. St., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Islands, Pacific Ocean. Medical Board: A. W. Semmens, W. A. LICENTIATE Director: K S. Butz. Hennig, W. Bowhey, H. Mitchell, J. E. N. A. Davis, Oxfort. Chambers, Bourke Minister: E. S. Butz. Steed. St., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. E. S. Butz.. 624 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

EUROPEAN GENERAL CONFERENCE. Organized July 23, 1901. Population: 461,927,777. Executive Committee: L. R. Conrail, 0. Medical: Dr. Carl Ottosen (chairman), Headquarters: 451 Holloway Road, Lon- A. Olsen, W. C. Sisley, Dr. Carl Otto- Dr. A. B. Olsen, Dr. P. A. DeForest, don, N., England. sen, P. A. hansen, Dr. E. J. Waggoner Dr. A. J. Hoenes, L. R. Conradi, OFFICERS. B. G. Wilkinson, 0. A. Johnson, Dr. W. C. Sisley. President: L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg P. A. De Forest, H. F. Schuberth, 15a, Hamburg, Germany. 2ablishing: L. R. Conradi (chairman), IL P. Gaede, J. T. Boettcher, E. Lind, W. C, Sisley, E. Lind, B. G. Wilkinson, Vice-President: 0. A. Olsen, 451 Hollo- H. R. Salisbury, W. H. Wakeham. way Road, London, N., England. Dr. E. J. Waggoner. Ministers: Z. G. Babarian, L. R. Conradi, Recording Secretary: H. R. Salisbury, DEPARTMENT COMMITTEES. 451 Holloway Road, London, N., Eng- John Hoffman, J. H. Krum, David Ost- land. Finance: W. C. Sisley (chairman), L. R. lund. Awada Abd-Elshaheed, F, Ander- Corresponding Secretary: Guy Dail, Conradi, B. G. Wilkinson, P. A. Han- son, W. H. Wakeham. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. sen, 0. A. Olsen. Missionary Licentiates: A. Boettcher, Treasurer: W. C. Sisley, 451 Holloway Friederick Hoerner, S. Hoerner, L. Pas- - Road, London, N., England. Educational: H. R. Salisbury (chair- sebois, K. Sandelin, Ida Schlegel, S. Auditor: E. Lind, Kungsgatan 34, Stock- man), B. G. Wilkinson, Dr. E. J. Wag- Jespersson, Mrs. S. Jespersson, Mrs. holm, Sweden. goner, 0. A. Johnson, H. F. Schuberth. A. Boettcher.

GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1901. Germany, German,Switzerland, Luxem- EAST GERMAN CONFERENCE. Com., H. F. Schuberth, J. Wibbens, J. burg, Russia, Holland, Flemish Bel- Organized 1901. Wintzen. gium, Austria-Hungary, Rumania, Bul- Population: 20,940,828. Minister; H. F. Schuberth. garia, Servia, Montenegro. Officers: Pres., E. Frauchiger; Sea, W. Licentiate: J. Wintzen. Population: 255,364,842. Prillwitz; Treas., F. Rockel; Gen. Missionary Licentiates: J. Wibbens, Telegraphic Address: "Conradi, Grindel- Canv. Agts., E. Nopper, W. Koeller; Arendse, P. Schilstra. berg, Hamburg." Ex. Com., E. Frauchiger, G. Oblaender, Office Address for German Union Confer- W. Reihlen, G. Wagner, W. Prillwitz. ence, and all the German Union fields Ministers: E. Frauchiger, G. Wagner, G. SOUTH GERMAN MISSION. and workers, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Oblaender. Officers: Director, C. W. Weber; Canv. burg, Germany. Licentiates: E. Enseleit, K. Sim; F. Agt., Aug. Kolhosser; Advisory Com., Rhone. C. W.- Weber, H. Baumann, E. Del- - Officers: Pres., L. R. Conradi; Vice-Pres., Missionary Licentiates: R. Kunitz, 0. H. F. Schuberth; Rec. Sec., 0. Luepke; osea, 0. Lindenmeier, H. Zercher. Kretchmar, 0. Schwenicke, F. Uldo- Ministers: C. W. Weber, H. Baumann. Cor. and Sabbath-school Sec, K. Laub- kat, F. Schmidt, H. Jobski, G. Domnik, han; Treas., B. Severin; Auditor, H. Licentiate: L. Scharf. Hartkop; Ex. Corn., L. R. Conradi, J. E. Tischer. Missionary Licentiates: A. Dangsehat, T. Boettcher, H. F. Schuberth, J. R. Schillinger, H. Fenner, Carl linter- Pieper, K Frauchiger, H. J. Loebsack, 'limier. Carl Kamm. D. P. Gaede, J. Huenergardt, W. GERMAN-SWISS CONFERENCE. Krumm, A. J. Hoenes, H. Hartkop, C. Organized 1901. AUSTRIAN MISSION. W. Weber, 3. Erzenberger, J. P. Population: 2,327,000. Lorenz, G. Perk, 0. Luepke. Address: Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzer- Officers: Director, J. P. Lorenz; Canv. Agt., G. Skakal; Advisory Com., J. P. Ministers: H. F. Schuberth, J. Ebel. land. (All workers in German-Swiss Conference Lorenz, A. Simon, H. Kokolsky. Misifionary Licentiates: J. Christiansen, Minister: J. P. Lorenz. C. von Fintel. may be addressed as above.) Officers: Pres., J. T. Boettcher; Rea Missionary Licentiates: A. Simon, H. Sec., W. Kury; Cor. Sec., J. Merk; Kokolsky. Treas.,L. Aufranc; Missionary Sec., T. WEST GERMAN CONFERENCE. Kestenholz; Sabbath-school Sec., L. HUNGARIAN MISSION. Organized 1898. Aufrane; Canv. Agt., H. Meyer; Ex. Officers: Director, J. F. Huenergardt; Population: 22,597,623. Com., J. T. Boettcher, W. Kury, J. Er- , . zenberger, P. A. De Forest, A. Sulser. Officers: Pres., J. Pieper; Rec. Sec., 0. Ministers: J. T. Boettcher, J. Erzen- Mathe, W. J. Tenteseh, Dorsi Matyas, Luepke; Ex. Com., J. Pieper, 0. berger. Simon Bodirnya. Luepke, W. Krumm, A. Doerner, G. Licentiate: D. Voth. Ministers: J. F. Huenergardt, L. Mathe. Schubert; Cant Agt., J. Lippertz. Missionary Licentiates: A. Weidmann, Missionary Licentiates: A. Biletzky, G. Ministers: J. Pieper, G. Schubert, 0. J. Oberli, E. Steiner; F. Prieser, M. Luepke, M. Stueekrath, 0. Madsen. Scheidegger, G. Hockarth. Licentiate: J. Wolfgarten. BALKAN STATES MISSION. Missionary Licentiates: K. Behr, A. Officers: Director, G. Perk; Advisory Sommer, W. Staubert, F. Ott, . HOLLAND MISSION. Com.. G. Perk, G. Krieger, A. Seefried. Schwenicke, E. Jorgensen, 0. Stove, Including Flemish Belgium. Minister: G. Perk. F. Schmidt; E. Christoffers, A. Schu- Population: 8,746,000. Licentiate: A. Seefried, ett, M. Rieger, E. Bahr, Carl Joern, F. Officers: Director, H. F. Schuberth; Sec. Missionary Licentiates: F. Adomeit, N. Klein, J. Loebsack. and Treas., E. Lagerweij; Advisory Constaninoff, G. Tsaneff. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 625

SOUTH RUSSIAN CONFERENCE. Licentiates: Joh. Perk, C. A. Reifschnei- Minister: D. P. Gaede. Organized 1901. der. Licentiates: 0. Wildgrube, R. Voss. Population: 93,319,677. • Missionary Licentiates: J. Sprohge, J. Officers: Pres., H. J. Loebsack;, Vice- Jurickson, A. Rouck. Pres., G. Tetz; Rec. Sec., H. IC Loeb- NORTH RUSSIAN MISSION. sack; Sabbath-school and Missionary Population: 35,000,000. Sec., K. Laubhan; 'fleas., A. Lang- Officers: Director, D. P. Gaede; Rec. bolt; Ex. Com., H. J. Loebsack, G. Sec., 0. Wildgrube; Sabbath-school MIDDLE RUSSIAN MISSION. Tetz, J. Scheurer, M. Fischer, G. Leh- and Missionary Sec., K. Laubhan; mann. Treas., A. Langholf; Advisory Com., Officers: Director, J. Ebel; See., K. Laub- Ministers: H. J. Loebsack, H. K. Loeb- D. P. Gaede, J. Sprohge, K. Rempfert, han; Treas., A. Langholf. sack, G. Tetz. 0. Wildgrube. Minister: J. Ebel.

SCANDINAVIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1901. Population: 12,506,503. Anderson, A. Boettcher, K. Sandelin, Missionary Licentiates: Z. Sherrig, Ed- Officers: Chairman, P. A. Hansen; Sec., N. Hammar; Canv. Agt., E. Lind; S ward Iversen, Lina Lind, Johanne 0. A. Johnson; fleas., E. Lind; S. and Miss. Dept., A. Boettcher. Bjorkelund, Julia Lyche. Advisory Committee: P. A. Hansen, Ministers: John Hoffman, Fred Ander- 0. A. Johnson, 0. Johnson, E. Lind, son. J. C. Ottosen, Z. Sherrig, John Hoff- Missionary Licentiates: K. Sandelin, A. SWEDEN CONFERENCE. man; Gen. Agt., Z. Sherrig. Boettcher. Organized 1882. Population: 5,097,000. DENMARK CONFERENCE. ICELAND MISSION. Office: ' Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Including Greenland. Sweden. Organized 1880. Population: 81,503. Population: 2,460,000. Officers: Pres., 0. Johnson; Vice-Pres., Office: Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Address: Seydisfjord, Iceland. J. M. Erikson; Sec., E. J. Ahren; Denmark. Director and Minister, David Ostlund. Treas., J. R. Lindqvist; Sec. S. S. and Officers: Pres., P. A. Hansen; See. and Missionary Dept., Ellen NiemaMn; Treas., Jens Olsen; Sabbath-school Canv. Agt., E. Lind• Ex. Com., 0. and Missionary Department, Jens NORWAY CONFERENCE. Johnson, J. M. Erikson, J. R. Lind- 01Sen; Canvassing Agent, Z. Sherrig; qvist, B. J. Karlson, C. Kahlstrom, E. Organized 1887. Ahren. Ex. Com., P. A. Hansen, J. C. Raft, Population: 2,231,000. Conference Association: " Sallska.pet N. Clausen, N. P. Nelson, Jens Olsen. Office: Akersgaden 74, Christiania, Nor- Ministers: P. A. Hansen, J. C. Raft, Sanningens Harold." Pres., 0. John- way. son; Vice-Pres., K. A. Fernstrom; N. Clausen. 0. A. Johnson; See., L. Muders- Officers: Pres., See E. J Ahren; Treas., E. Lind; Licentiates: P. Christiansen, Chas. B. Jensen; Treas., A. C. Chris- pach. other members, J. Bergstrom, B. J. tensen; Sec. of Sabbath-school and Karlson, C. Kahlstrom. Tract and Missionary Department, Johanne Christensen; Canvassing Ministers: 0. Johnson, K. A. FArnstrom, FINLAND MISSION. Agent, Z. Sherrig; Ex. Com., 0. A. E. J. Ahren, L. Karlson, F. R. Oberg, Population: 2,637,000. Johnson, H. M. Hansen, Z. Sherrig, A. J. Settergren, J. M.son. rik Office: Jagaregatan 2, Helsingfors, 0. J. Olsen, N. P. Nilsen, A. Sewald- Licentiates: Birger Anderson, B. J. land. sen, Chas. B. Jensen. Karlson. Officers: Director, John Hoffman; Sec., Ministers: 0. A. Johnsan, N. P. Nilsen, Missionary Licentiates: A. Lundgren, Ad. Boettcher; Treas., M. Boettcher; A. Sewaldsen, H. M. Hansen, 0. J. Nils Anderson, Mathilda Olsen, Ma- Advisory Board, John Hoffman, Fred Olsen. thilda Lindgren, 0. Lund.

BRITISH UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1902. - ' ; 1*-T1 Territory: The conferences of South MINISTER. Territory: The southern half of Eng- England, North England, and the Mis- 0. A. Olsen, 451 Holloway Road, London, land, south of the northern boundary sions of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. N., England. of the counties of Norfolk, Cambridge, Population: About 42,000,000. LICENTIATES. Huntingdon, Bedford, Buckingham, Office: 451 Holloway Road, London, N., H. R. Salisbury, 451 Holloway Road, Oxford, and Gloucester. England. London, N., England. Population: 15,000,000. OFFICERS. A. B. Olsen, 451 Holloway Road, London, Office: 451 Holloway Road, London, N., President: 0. A. Olsen; Vice-Pres., Dr. N., England. England. E. J. Waggoner; Sec. and Treas., A. M. E. Olsen, 451 Holloway Road, London, OFFICERS. Bacon; Ex. Com., 0. A. Olsen, E. J. N., England. President: E. J. Waggoner; Sec. and Waggoner, E. E. Andross, H. Arm- S. Joyce, 451 holloway Road, London, Treas, A. Bacon; Ex. Corn., E. J. strong. \ m. Hutchinson, A. F. Ballen- N., England. ' Waggoner. H. R. Salisbury, H. W. ger, W. C. Sisley, H. R. Salisbury, Dr. Armstrong, Evan Perry, R. Borrow- A. B. Olsen, S. Joyce, A. Bacon, J. Mc- dale, John Heide. Avoy; Gen. Canv. Agt., S. Joyce; SOUTH ENGLAND CONFERENCE. MINISTERS. Cor. Sec., Mary Jacques; Trans. Agt., Organized 1902; formerly a part of the E. J. Waggoner, 451 Holloway Road, A. Bacon. British Conference organized in 1898. London, ,L;., Egland. 626 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

H. Champness 451 Holloway Road, Lon- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. SCOTLAND MISSION. don, N., England. Miss C. Sanders 12 Roundhay Place, Territory: Scotland. W. A. Westworth, 451 Holloway Road, HarehillS Lane, Leeds, England. Population: 4,025,647. London, N., England. Miss E. Cousins, 58 Newcomb Road, Address: 23 Mayfield St., Possil Park, LICENTIATE. Handsworth, Birmingham, England. Glasgow, Scotland. A. R. Leask, 451 Holloway Road, London, Mrs. Edith Bartlett, Grosvenor Road, OFFICERS. N., England. Handsworth, Birmingham, England. Director, H. Armstrong; Sec., J. Stokes; MISSIONARY LICENTIAlES. Treas., E. Aplin; Advisory Com., H. F. B. Cude, xol Holloway Road, London, IRELAND MISSION. Armstrong, A. Montieth, R. M. Lamle, N., England. Territory: Ireland. W. B. Scott, T. Reid. Jessie Bacon, 451 Holloway Road, Lon- Population: 4,704,750. MINISTER. don, N., England. Address: 1 Ben-Madigan Villas, Cavehill H. Armstrong, 23 Mayfield St, Possil Mrs. Laura Whitgrove, 451 Holloway Road, Belfast, Ireland. Park, Glasgow, Scotland. Road, London, N., England. OFFICERS. LICENTIATE. Director, Wm. Hutchinson; Sec. and J. Stokes, 313 Ruchill St., Possil Park, Treas., Mrs. E. J. Hutchinson; Rec. Glasgow, Scotland. NORTH ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Sec., Robt. Whiteside; Advisory Com., MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Organized 1902; formerly a part of the Wm. Hutchinson, John Mc Avoy, R. M. Lamle, 23 Mayfield St., Possil British Conference. David McClelland, Dr. J. J. Bell, L. A. Park, Glasgow, Scotland. Territory: The northern half of England, Hartford, W. J. McCulley. E. Aplin, 22 Bullindollock Drive, Den- north of the northern boundary of the MINISTER. nistown, Glasgow, Scotland. counties of Norfolk, Cambridge, Hunt- Wm. Hutchinson, 1 Ben-Madigan Villas, ingdon, Bedford, Buckingham, Oxford, Cavehill Road, Belfast, Ireland. WALES MISSION. and Gloucester. LICENTIATE, Territory: Wales. Population: 15,000,000. John MeAvoy, 36 St. Ives Gardens, Population: 1,519,035. Office: 27 cork Road, Handsworth, Bir- Stranmillis Road, Belfast, Ireland. Address: 96 Heol-y-Dwyrain, Ponty mingham, England. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. E. J. Hutchinson, 1 Ben-Madigan Pridd, South Wales. OFFICERS. OFFICERS. • Villas, Cavehill Road, Belfast, Ire- Director, A. F. Ballenger; Advisory Com., President: E. E. Andross; Sec. and land. Treas., Mrs. Leah E. Altman; Ex. A. F. Ballenger, W. H. Mederith, W. Mrs. A. L. Thomas, 1 Ben-Madigan Vil- Robinson, Geo. Bailey, W. Woodland. Com., E. E. Andross, M. A. Altman, las, Cavehill Road, Belfast, Ireland. D. Redhead, A. F. Ballenger, W. Bux- MINISTERS. R. Musson, 1 Ben-Madigan Villas, Cave- A. F. Ballenger, 96 Heol-y-Dwyrain, ton. hill Road, Belfast, Ireland. MINISTERS. Ponty Pridd,- South Wales. MEDICAL WORKERS. LICENTIATES. - E E Andross, 27 York Road, Hands- Dr. J. J. Bell, 1 Ben-Madigan Villas, W. Robinson, 33 The Parade, Ponty worth, Birmingham, England. Cavehill Road, Belfast, Ireland. - Pridd, South Wales. M. A. Altman, 12 Roundhay Place, Hare- G. P. Replogle, 1 Ben-Madigan Villas, W. H. Meredith, 96 Heol-y-Dwyrain, bills Lane, Leeds, England. Cavehill Road, Belfast, Ireland. Ponty Pridd, South Wales.

FRENCH-LATIN UNION MISSION, Organized 1902. Territory: The French-Swiss Conference, Librarie Polyglotte; Sec., A. Guyot; quart, L. Romnajon; Sec., Jeanne and the French, Spanish, and Italian Gen. Canv. Agt., Tell Nussbaum; Bourquin. Missions. Asst. Gen. Canv. Agt., H. Provin; S. S. MINISTERS Population: Approximately, 97,761,000. Sec., U. Augsbourger (Renan, Bern); G. Roth, Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzer- Headquarters: Weiherweg 48, Basle, Missionary Sec., Melvina Evard (Clos land. Switzerland. Brocret 15, Neuchatel); Auditor, L. P. J. Cindy, Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzer- OFFICERS. Tieche. land. Advisory Committee: B. G. Wilkinson; MINISTERS. LICENTIATES. J. Curdy; Director of Italian Mission; J. Vuilleunaier, Onnens, Vaud, Switzer- Tell Nussbaum, cret 20, Chaux-de-Fonds, Director of Spanish Mission; Tell land. Switzerland. Nussbaum; P. A. De Forest; L. P. L. P. Tieche, Rue Jean Charles 1, Geneva, J. P. Badaut, 39 Avenue de Romans, Val- Tieche; Sec.. Jeanne Bourquin; Treas., Switzerland. ence, France. Librarie Polyglotte (Basle, Switzer- LICENTIATES. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. land); Auditor, W. C. Sisley; Canv. C, Augsbourger, Valleyres Sous Rances, P. Badaut, Rue Haus 13, Jumet. Belgium. Agt., T. Nussbaum. Vaud, Switzerland: F. Blanzat, Torre Pellice, Italy. MINISTER. D. Lecoultre, Valleyres Sous Rances, Jeanne Bourquin, Weiherweg 48, Basle, B. G. Wilkinson, Weiherweg 48, Basle, Vaud, Switzerland. Switzerland. Switzerland. H. Provin, Rue de P Ecluse, Neuchatel, Mrs. Z. Grin, Weiherweg 48. Basle, Swit- Switzerland. zerland. FRENCH-SWISS CONFERENCE. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Organized 1902; formerly comprising the A. Gu,vot, Rue Jean Charles 1, Geneva, SPANISH MISSION. Central European Conference. Switzerland. Territory: Spain and Portugal. - Territory: The French part of Switzer- ropulation: 22,660,000. land. FRENCH MISSION. Population: About 4,103,000. Territory: France, and the French part ITALIAN ALSSION. Office: Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzerland. of Belgium. Territory: Italy. OFFICERS. Population: 38,538,000. Population: 32,450,000. President, B. G. Wilkinson; Ex. Com., OFFICERS. Superintendent: To be selected. B. G. Wilkinson, L. P. Tieche, P. Director: J. Curdy; Advisory Com., J. Missionary Licentiate: Leopold Beneze Schild, A. Guenin, J. Robert; Treas., Curdy, J. P. Badaut, G. Roth, A. Jae- Torre Pellice, Italy. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 627

ORIENTAL MISSION. Galata, Constantinople, Turkey, via S. Homer, Deutsche poste, Jaffa, Pales- Greece, Turkey, Syria, Pakstme, Egypt, London, England. tine, Syria. I Asia Minor, Persia, the Soudan. J. H. Krum, Deutsche poste (via Ger- Rosine Baumann, care S. Jespersson, Population: 56,066,000. many), Beirut, Syria: Deutsche poste, Jerusalem, Palestine, Office: Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Awada Abd-Elshaheed, Luxor, Upper via Germany. many. Egypt. Aznive Inedjian, Samatia, Constantino- Officers: Director, W. H. Wakeham; LICENTIATE. ple, Turkey, Europe. Treas., B. Severin; Sec., Alexan. Buzugherian, Adana, Turkey, S. Jespersson, Deutsche poste, Jerusa- Asia Minor. Advisory Corn., W. IL Wakeham, L. lem, Palestine, via Germany. Conradi, J. H. Krum, Z. G. Behar- Enock Ayvazian, Alexandrette, Turkey, ian, S. Jespersson, L. Passebois. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Asia Minor. L. Passebois, Boulevard and Mohamed Garabed Tatarian, Adrianople, Turkey, MINISTERS. Aly, Cairo, Egypt. Europe. W. H. Wakehain, care of L. Passebois, Ida Schlegel, care L. Passebois, Boule- 0. Bezirdjian, care L. Passebois, Boule- Boulevard and Mohamed My, Cairo, vard and Mohamed My, Cairo, Egypt. vard and Mohamed Aly, Cairo, Egypt. Egypt F. Homer, Deutsche poste, Jaffa, Pales- G. K. Ouzounian, care L. Passebois, Bou- Z. G. Baharian, English Poste restante, tine, Syria. levard and Mohamed My, Cairo, Egypt.

MISCELLANEOUS CONFERENCES AND MISSIONS. SOUTH AFRICAN UNION COUNCIL. RIVER PLATE CONFERENCE. BRITISH GUIANA MISSION. Office: 28a Roeland St., ;,Jape Town. Organized 1902. General Address: 301 Church St., George- Committee: G. W. Reeser, W. S. Hyatt, Territory: Argentine Republic, South town, British Guiana, South America. J. M. Freeman, W. IL Anderson, H. J. America. Director: D. C. Babcock; Treas., Mrs. J. Edmed, J. A. Chaney, 0. 0. Fortner, Population: 4,086,654. A. Morrow. E. A. Ingle. Office: Casilla del Correo 481, Buenos Ministers: D. C. Babcock, J. A. Morrow. Officers of the Council: Chairman, G. W. Ayres, Argentine Republic, South Licentiate: Phillip Giddings. Reaser; Sec., -H. J. Edmed; Treas., America. Missionary Licentiates: W. T. Downer, International Tract Society. (All persons named below may be ad- Mrs. J. A. Morrow. Minister: G. W. Reeser. dressed as below.) Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Minnie OFFICERS. Cornwell-Chaney, Cora Blodgett. Conference: Pres., N. Z. Town; Sec. and CENTRAL AMERICA MISSION. Treas., Rod. Diriwaecbter; Cor. Sec., Address: Box 105, Belize, British Hon- Mrs. Sadie R. Town. duras, Central America. SOUTH AFRICAN CONFERENCE. Director and Treas.: H. C. Goodrich. Organized 1892. - MINISTERS. Minister: H. C. Goodrich. Population: 2,766,167. N. Z. Town, Juan McCarthy, E. W. Micisionary Licentiates: R. A. Owen, Office: 28a Roeland St., Cape Town, Sydney, R. H. Habenieht. Mrs. H. A. Owen; Self-supporting, South Africa. LICENTIATE. Wni. Evans, Miss Ada Evans, A. N. (All persons named below may be ad- J. V. Maas. Allen. dressed as above.) MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. OFFICERS.' Conference; Pres., W. S. Hyatt; Sec. L. Brooking, 0. Oppegard, Rod, Diri- CENTRAL AMERICA (SOUTH). and Treas., 0. 0. Fortner; Ex. Com., waechter, Lucy B. Post, Mrs. Sadie R. Address: Bocas. del. Toro, Republic of W. S. Ryan, H. J. Edmed, D. F. Tan; Town, Louis Ernst, Mrs. E. W. Snyder, Colombia, South America. . Mrs. R. IL Habenicht. H. W. Lindsay, E. A. Ingle. Director and Treas.. International Tract Society: Sec. and Missionary Licentiates: S. P. Smith, Treas., 0. 0. Fortner. BRAZILIAN CONFERENCE. bIi s. S. P. Smith. Sabbath-school Department: Se:. and Organized 1902. Treas., 0. 0. Fortner. Population: 14,002,235. CHILE. MINISTERS. Territory: Brazil, South America. For directory, see "West Coast (South W. S. Hyatt,'H. J. Edmed, D F. Tarr, Office Address: Caixa do Correio 768, America) Mission." J. M. Freeman. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. LICENTIATES. (All persons named below may be ad- dressed as above.) CHINA MISSION. P. Smailes, D. H. Groenewald, F. C. Ernst. OFFICERS. Address: No. 3 Arsenal St., Hong Kong, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Conference: Pres., H. F. Graf; Sec. and China. ., EL E. B. Gaskell, 0. 0. Fortner, J. V. Will- Treas., A. B. Stauffer; Ex. Com Director: J. N. Anderson. son, G. W. Shone, C. Haupt, C. H. Hay- F. Graf, F. 1V. Spies, Dr. Abel Greg- Minister: J. N. Anderson. ton, Mrs. Ruth Hayton, R. Moko, D. Ka- ory, John Lipke, Emil Schenk, Geo. Missionary Licentiates: A. LaRue, Mrs. laka, Mary E. Robertson. Ellen I. Burrill, Wischral, John Hetrick; S. S. See., Emma Anderson, Ida Thompson, E. H. H. Schmidt. D. C. Theunissen, Mrs. Anna Johanna Rebling. Wilbur, Mrs. E. H. Wilbur. C. Shone, Mrs. D. F. Tan, Mrs. F. C. MINISTERS. Ernst, F. Reed, Mrs. J. V. 'Willson, Mrs. H. F. Graf, F. W. Spies, Ernesto DUTCH GUIANA MISSION. H. J. Edmed, B. C. Groenewald, Amelia Schwantes. Webster, Mrs. Lucy Groenewald. LICENTIATE. General Address: 301 Church St., George- town, British Guiana, South America. Wm. Stein. LICENSED COLPORTERS. Director: D. C. Babcock; Treas., Mrs. Q. H. Jubber, S. S. Barnard, Mrs. S. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. A. Morrow. S. Babnard, Mrs. J. Stapleford, A. Tic- John Lipke, A. B. Stauffer, Dr. A. L. Minister: D. C. Babcock. ton, S. W. de Lande, T. J. Francis. Gregory, Mrs. Lulu V. Gregory. Missionary Licentiate: Henry Beck. 628 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

INDIA MISSION. NATAL — TRANSVAAL. Missionary Licentiates: F. W. Bishop, General Address: 39-1 Free School St., Address: Sweet Waters, Pietermaritz- Mrs. A. R. Ogden. Calcutta, India. burg, Natal, South Africa. Director: J. Is Shaw; Advisory Commit- Director: G. W. Realer. WEST INDIAN MISSION. tee, J. L. Shaw, Elery Robinson, R. S. Minister: G. W. Reeser. Ingersoll. (Including all the islands in the Carib- Missionary Licentiates: J. A. Chaney, bean Sea; also Central America, and Ministers: J. L. Shaw, G. K. Owen. Minnie A. Cornwell-Chaney, Cora Missionary Licentiates: L. J. Burgess, W. Blodgett. the northern coast of South America to W. Quantock, Mrs. W. W. Quantock, southern boundary of .) General Address: zz Crystal Gade, Char- R. S. Ingersoll, Mrs. Olive P. Ingersoll, NYASSALAND MISSION. Mrs. J. L. Shaw, Thekla Black, lotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Danish Samantha Whiteis,Mrs. S. J. Olney, Acquired 1902. West Indies. Plainfield Estate, Cholo, British Central General Superintendent: A. J. Haysmer; Georgia MAIMS, Dlla Coates, Donna Humphrey, Annie Knight, Ida Royer- Africa. Advisory Committee, A. J. Haysmer, Reagan, Mrs. A. S. Fleming, H. B. Workers: Joseph Booth, Mrs. Annie F. I. Richardson, E. Van Deusen, D. C. Meyers, Grace Kellogg, Anna Orr, Booth, Thomas H. Branch, Mrs. T. H. Babcock. L. F. Hansen, Mrs. L. F. Hansen, A. Branch, Miss Mabel Branch. Minister: A. J. Haysmer. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. J. Hays- Helen Wilcox. PITCAIRN ISLAND MISSION. mer. JAMAICA MISSION. Address: care British Consul, Papeete, General Address: -32- Text Lane, Kings- Tahiti, Society Islands. ton, Jamaica, West Indies. Missionary Licentiate: J.R. McCoy. CABLE ADDRESSES Director and Treas.: F. I. Richardson. Ministers: F. I. Richardson, W. W. East- PORTO RICO MISSION. Of Some of the Principal Offices of man, J. B. Beckner, W. J. Tanner. Address: 131 Calle Mendez Vigo, Maya- the Denomination. guez, Porto Rico, West Indies. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. I. Rich- General Conference or General Conference ardson, Mrs. W. J. Tanner, A. G. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. M. Fis- cher. Association, Battle Creek, Mich.: Ad- I Peart, Hubert Fletcher, Frank Hall, ventist, Battle Creek, Mich. Mrs. Ophelia Eastman, Thomas R. South African Conference, 28a Roeland Kennedy. SAMOA MISSION. St., C. pe Town, South Africa: Druil- Address: Apia, Upola, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. lard, Cape Town. JAPAN MISSION. Echo Publishing Company, 16 Best St., General Address: No. 2 Gogochi, Shiba Licentiate: Wm. E. Floding. North Fitzroy, Melbourne, Australia: Koyen, Shiba Ku, Tokio, Japan. Missionary Licentiates: F. E. Brauat, Echo, Melbourne. Director: F. W. Field; Advisory, Commit- Mrs. F. E. Braucht. New Zealand Conference, "Beulah Hall," tee, F. W. Field, W. D. Burden, T. H. 37 Taranaki St., Wellington, New Zea- Okohira, S. Hasegawa. SOCIETY ISLANDS MISSION. land: Mastery, Wellington. Minister: F. W. Field. Address: Papeete, Tahiti, Society Is- Australasian Union Conference, 56 Licentiate: T. H. Okohira. lands, Pacific Ocean. George St., West, Sydney, N. S. W., Missionary Licentiates: W. D. Burden, Director and Treas.: B. J. Cady. Australia: Union, Sydney. Mrs. W. D. Burden, S. Hasegawa, H. Minister: B. J. Cady. Review and Herald Publishing Company, Kuniya, Mrs. F. W. Field, S. A. Lock- Licentiates: E. Bainbridge, Luke Roth. Battle Creek, Mich.: Polyglotte, Bat- wood, Mrs. Myrtle Lockwood. Missionary Licentiates: Geo. Beekner, tle Creek, Mich. F. Jones, Mrs. G. F. Jones, Mrs. B. J. Pacific Press Publishing Company,- 1059 LESSER ANTILLES MISSION. Cady, Paul J. Deane, Anna Nelson. Castro St, Oakland, Cal.: Uprising, General Address: King St., Bridgetown, Oakland, Cal. 13aroados, West Indies. SOUTH AMERICA (GENERAL). Pacific Press Publishing Company, 11 Director and Treas.: E. Van Deusen. Director: J. W. Westphal. West Twentietn St., New York, N. Y.: Ministers: E. Van Deusen, D. E. Well- Minister: J. W. Westphal. Musketry, New York. man. W. A. Sweany. London Publishing House or the British Missionary Licentiates: A. Palmquist, SUMATRA MISSION. Conference, 451 Holloway Road, Lon- 4 Mrs. E. Van Deusen, S. A. Wellman, Address: Padang, Sumatra, Netherlands don, N., England: Uprising, London. Mrs. S. A. Wellman, Mrs. M. H. Honey- East Indies. Christiania Publishing House or the Nor- well, Ms. W. A. Sweany, L. E. Well- Director and Treas.:, R. W. Munson. wegian Conference, Akersgaden 74, man, Mrs. D. E. Weisman. Minister: R. W. Munson. Christiania, Norway: Sundhedsbladet, Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. W. Mun- Ekspedition, Christiania. MISSION. son, Marcelia Walker. The Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich.: General Address: Buluwayo, Rhodesia, Health, Battle Creek, Mich. British Central Africa. TRINIDAD MISSION. Hamburg Publishing House or the Ger- Director and Treas.: W. 11. Anderson. General Address: 53 Fredrick St., Port man Union Conference, Grindelberg Ministers: M. C. Sturdevant, F. B. Armi- of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. 15a, Hamburg, Germany: Conrad', tage. Minister: W. G. Kneeland. Grindelberg, Hamburg. Licentiate: W. H. Anderson. Licentiate: Geo. F. Enoch. Basle Publishing House and the Institut Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. H. An- Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. G. Sanitaire, Weiherweg 48, Basle, Swit- derson, Mrs. Mary Armitage, Mrs. M. Kneeland, C. D. Au- -nson, Mrs. Geo. zerland: Polyglotte, Basle. C. Sturedvant. F. Enoch. Jamaica Mission or Depository, 32 Text Lane, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies: MEXICO MISSION. WEST COAST (SOUTH AMERICA) Adventist, Kingston, Jamaica. General Address: Apartado 2229, Mexico, MISSION. India Mission, 39-1 Free School St., Cal- D. F. (Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.) cutta, India: Adventist, Calcutta, Director and Treas.: 0. W. Caviness. General Address: Casilla 240, Iquique. India. Ministers: 0. W. Caviness, J. A. Leland, Chile. South America. Denmark Conference: Margrethevej 5, A. G. Bodwell. Director: A. R. Ogden. Copenhagen, V., Denmark: Expedit, Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. W. Cavi- Sec. and Treas.: FL F. Ketring. Copenhagen. nese, F,. C. Kelley, Mrs. F. C. Kelley, Ministers: A. R. Ogden, H. F. Ketring, International Health Association, 70-74 4 Mrs. A. 0. BodweltPhoebe Ellwanger, Enrique Balada. Legge St., Birmingham, England: hy- Winifred Peebles. Licentiate: E. W. Thomann. giene, Birmingham. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 629


EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE. HEALDSBURG COLLEGE. - SOUTH LANCASTER ACADEMY,. (Successor to Battle Creek College.) Healdsburg, CaL South Lancaster, Mass. Berrien Springs, Mich. Established 1882; Incorporated Dec. 12, Established in Battle Creek, Mich., 1874. Established 1882; incorporated Oct. 2, 1883. 1882. Re-established in Berrien Springs, Board of Trustees: H. W. Cottrell, W. Mich., 1901. Board of Trustees: A. T. Jones, W. C. L. Payne, G. B. Thompson, R. A. Un- Board of Trustees: W. W. Prescott, White, M. E. Cady, A. 0. Tait, W. S. derwood, A. E. Place, 0. 0. Farns- President; E, A. Sutherland, Vice- Sadler, 3. A. Dolson, G. H. Heald. worth, H. C. Basney, J. W. Watt, J. president; P. T. Magan, Secretary and Officers of the Board: President, A. T. E. Jayne. Treas.; A. G. Danielis, J. H. Kellogg, Jones; Secretary, M. E. Cady; Treas- Officers of the Board: Pres., H. W. Cptt- M. D., S. H. Lane, Wm. Covert. I. J. urer, F. A. Lashier. rell; Sec., Frederick Griggs; Treas., Hankins, J. D. Cowell, Allen Moon, Faculty: College Department: M. E. Fred E. Pierce; Auditor, D. B. Par- C. M. Christiansen, G. A. :Nichols. Cady, President; E. J. Hibbard, Bible; melee. Faculty: Edward A, Sutherland (Presi- Herbert Lacey, Natural Science; G. Faculty: Principal, Frederick Griggs, dent), Percy T. Magan (Dean), Joseph W. Rine, English; Mathe- Pedagogics; Miles D. Mattson, Bible H. Haughey, Dr. Sanford P. S. Ed- matics; G. A. Lucas, Commercial; L. and History; Preceptress, Fannie M. wards, Warren E. Howell, Orwin A. T. Curtis, Phonography; J. W. Beards- Dickerson, Science; Mrs. Sara J. Hall, Morse, J. B. Blesser, Dr. Maria L. Ed- lee, Voice Culture; Geo. B. Miller, English; Preceptor, Henry N. Siseo, wards, Mrs. H: P. Miser (Precep- Piano and Organ; W. W. Wallace, Mathematics and Languages; Benj. p tress), Miss M. Bessie De Craw (Sec- Orchestral Instruments; Mrs. M. 0. Yoeman, Music; Paul C. Mason, Com- retary), Mrs. S. V. Sutherland, C. Al. Cady, Preceptress and Matron; mercial Department; Charles S. John- Christiansen, Frank Al. Wilson, Nor- Preceptor; F. A. Lashier, Business son, Agricultural Department; Janet man Is Hill, A. S. Baird, F. 0. Ray- Manager; J. S. Osborne, Supt. of W. Haskell, Primary Department; mond. Normal Department. Mrs. M. D. Mattson, Culinary Depart- Church School Department: Geo. E. ment; Fred E. Pierce, Steward. Johnson, Principal; Anna Elder, In- UNION COLLEGE. termediate Grades; Katherine B. Hale MOUNT VERNON ACADEMY. , Primary Grades. College View, Nebr. and Academia, Ohio. Established 1891. Medical Department: A. L. Lingle, Nurse Established 1893. in Men's Treatment-rooms; Mrs. Lizzie Officers: Pres., H. H. Burkholder; Sec., Board of Managers: N. P. Nelson, Pres- Lingle, Nurse in Women's treatment- ident; L. A. Hoopes, Secretary; E, T. . rooms; J. F. Caster, Cooking; Mrs. C. E. Welch; Treas. and Business Russell, J. M. Rees, C. McReynolds, Manager, Prof. J. W. Loughhead; J. F. Caster, Dressmaking; J. A. Hart, Auditor, W. H. Edwards. W. A. George, AI. W. Newton. J. Suth- Baking. erland, Geo. F. Watson, L. F. Stan. Executive Committee: H. H. Burkholder, Executive Committee: N. P. Nelson. L. A. Industrial Department: J. A. Dolson, A. C: Shannon, R. R. Kennedy,-Thomas Hoopes, J. Sutherland, W. A. George, Industrial Superintendent; Ogden Thornton, J. 0. Miller, J. W. Lough- E. T. Russell, M. W. Newton. Lewis, Broommaking; Henry Kristal, head, C. E. Welch. Faculty: President, Lewis A. Hoopes, Tent-making; Henry Tolton, Printing; Faculty: Prin., James W. Loughhead, Bible Department; M. Wallace New- H. P. Hansen, Blacksmithing; Geo. History; Norris W. Lawrence; Bible; ton, Physical Science, Trigonometry Wallace, Carpentry; , Paint- Wm. L. Secor, Natural Sciences; and Surveying, Physical Culture; ing; Wilfred Workman, Agriculture. Jeremiah B. Clymer, Mathematics and David D. Rees, and Latin; Mrs. Anna E Shepherd, Pre- Literature; Milton E. Kern, Librarian, ceptress, Instrumental Music) 'Mrs. Mary L. Maxson, Matron, German; Ancient and Modern History, Hebrew; WALLA WALLA COLLEGE. Dr. William A. George, Biological Clare Shepherd, English Language and Science, Hydrotherapy, Chemistry; College Place, Wash. Literature; Norman T. Loughhead, Harvey A. Morrison, Higher Mathe- (Established 1892.) Assistant in History, Printing. matics; Latin, Board of Managers: A. 3. Breed, H. W. KEENE INDUSTRIAL ACADEMY. French, Spanish, German; Peter E. Decker, G. A. Nichols, Greenville Hol- Berthelsen, Danish-Norwegian, Greek; brook, T. L. Ragsdale, S. A. Miller, Keene, Johnson Co., Tex. John Wallenkampf, Swedish; F. H. C. D. Hobbs, W. B. White, S. W. Established 1894. Westphal, German Department, Bible; Nellie. Board of Managers: G. G. Rupert, W. Floyd Bralliar, Pedagogy, United S. Greer, W. A. McCutchen, B. F. States History, Normal Studies; Officers: Pres., A. J. Breed; Sec. and Woods, A. E. Field, T. T. Stevenson, Ernest C. Kellogg, Assistant in Mathe- Treas., C. D. Hobbs. J. D. Mathews, J. C. Mosley, H. B. matics; Byron E. Crawford, Secretary, Faculty: Pres., C. C. Lewis, Mental French, G. F. Haffner. Botany, Phonography and Typewrit- Science and History of Education; Officers: Pres., G. G. Rupert; Sec., ing, and Curator of Museum; Christian Hugo J. Schnepper, German Dept.; T. Stevenson. D. Lude, Instructor in German De- J. L. Kay, Mathematics, Languages; Faculty: Alvin Covert, Principal, Mental partment; Mrs, B. E. Crawford, In- R. W. Brown, Preceptor, Science; and Moral Science and English Lan- structor in Instrumental Music; Stan- Helen Conard, History; , Eng- guage; August Kunze, German De- ley E. McNeil, Commercial Depart- lish Language; Isaac Dunlap, M. D., partment, Bible Doctrines, Ancient ment, Penmanship, and Bookkeeping; Medical Missionary; B. B. Smith, Com- and Modern Languages; W. H. Bux- M. H. Serns, Tutor, Voice Culture and mercial Dept.; Mrs. A. E. R. Starr, ton, Mathematics and Science; John Vocal Music; Miss Roberta Andrews, Instrumental Music; Clara Rogers, B. Fitch, Spanish and Printing; J. I. Assistant in English; Mrs. A. J. Preceptress; Art; Myra Camp, Jones, Preparatory Department, Sev- Beardsley, Preceptress; Miss Carrie Prjmary Department., C. D. Hobbs, enth and Eighth Grades; Buren R. Segebartt, Matron; Joseph Sutherland, Business Manager and Phonography; Shryeek, Music Department, Vocal and Business Manager. Mrs. R. W. Brown, Matron. Instrumental Music and Voice Cul-


ture; Thomas M. Frehch, Commercial SOUTHERN TRAINiNG SCHOOL. SHERIDAN INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Department, Phonography, Typewrit- ' Grapevine, Tenn. Sheridan, Ill. lug, and Bookkeeping; Mrs. Flora H. Established 1896. Established 1900. Williams, Primary Dept., Grades One, Two, and Three, and Theory and Prac. Board of Directors: R. M. Kilgore (Pres- Educational Board: Allen Moon (Pres.), tice of Teaching; Mrs. W. L. Young, ident), J. E. Tenney (Secretary), N. W. Kauble (Sec.), G. A. Wheeler Grades Four, Five, and Six; Smith Sharp, Geo. I. Butler, 0. M. (Treas. and Business Manager); other Preeeptress. ' Hayward, N. W. Lawrence. members, E. A. Curtis, J. Klooster. Faculty: J. Ellis Tenney, Principal, Bible — Industrial Department: T. T. Stevenson, and Christian Education; Thomas D. Business Manager; , Broom BETHEL INDUSTRIAL ACADEMY. Rowe, Preceptor, History; Elsie M. Bethel, Wis. Factory; , Carpenter Shop; Martinson, M. D., ,Blacksmith Shop. Natural Sciences; Established 1899. Arthur W. Spaulding, Commercial Board: Wm. Covert, President; H. A. Department; Miss Mary Stewart, Washburn, Secretary; R. T. Dowsett, Language and Music; E. E. Woodruff, Business Manager; H. W. Reed; J. C. AMERICAN MEDICAL MISSIONARY Agriculture and Horticulture; 3frs, Mikkelsen; J. C. McChesney; P. M. COLLEGE. Mettle Sharp Lenker, Preceptress, Hansen. Chicago, Ill., and Battle Creek, Mich. Sewin); and Dressmaking. Faculty: H. A. Washburn, Principal, (Incorporated July 3, 1895, under the Bible, Business Branches; Arthur W. laws of the State of Illinois.) AVONDALE SCHOOL FOR CHRISTIAN Hallo, Science, Carpentry, Agricul- WORKERS. ture; Paul E. Slieppler, Preceptor, Board of Trustees: John H. Kellogg, Mathematics, Horticulture, Bee Cul- Howard F. Rand, David Paulson, Chas. Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. ture; Miss Rosma M. Whalen, Pre- Stewart, Jesse Arthur. Board: Pres., G. A. Snyder; Sec., eeptress, Language, Sewing, Floricul- Officers of the board: Pres., John H. Kel- Treas, C. W. Irwin; Dr. ture; Miss Clara L. Richards, Matron, logg; Sec. and Treas., Chas. Stewart. Lauretta Kress, E. H. Gates, M. Hate, Cooking, Dress-Making, Nursing; Mrs. Faculty: John H. Kellogg, M. D., Presi E. C. Chapman. Emma B. Washburn, Intermediate dent, Surgery, Therapeutics, Principles Faculty: C. W. Irwin, Principal; E. H. Department; Miss Clara Schunk, Pri- of Rational Medicine; Bayard Holmes, Gates, Bible; , Preceptor. mary Department; , Music; B. S., M. D., Clinical Surgery; Frank Mathematics; J, H. Paap, English Daniel Graber, Superintendent of the X. Walls, M. D., Clinical Medicine; Language and Science; Dr. Lauretta Farm; Melvin L. Wood, Horticulture W. H. Riley, M. S., M. D., Nervous and Kress, Physiology and Nursing, Mrs. and Bee Culture. Mental Diseases, Brain Anatomy; M. S. Boyd, Preceptress; Miss Nannie Howard F. Rand, M. D., Clinical Med- Whittenberg, Matron; Mrs. J. H. SPRINGDALE SCHOOL. icine; David Paulson, M. D., General Paap, Instrumental Music; Springdale, Ark. Therapeutics; Elmer L. Eggleston, Instructor in Cooking; Board of Directors: A. E. Field, J. B. M. D., Secretary, Organic, Inorganic, , Elocution; Miss Hattie Andre, McConnell, A. B. MeAlerander, J. P. and Physiological Chemistry and Principal Preparatory Department; Wagoner, 3. C. Anderson (Principal). Materia Medica; Abbie M. Winegar, Miss Lizzie White, Assistant. M. D., Diseases of Women; Charles E. SWEDISH INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Stewart, M. D., Physiology and OAKWOOD INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Nyhyttan, Jernboas, Sweden. Practice of Medicine; William B. Board of Managers: Chairman, K. A. Holden, B. S., M. D., Surgery and Huntsville, Ala. Fernstrom; Treas., J. Bergstrom; Sec., Practical Anatomy; John F. Byington, Board of Directors: Geo. r. Butler, B. J. Karlson; Matron, A. B., M. D., Diseases of the Eye, Ear, (Chairman), B. E. Nicola (Secretary), Teachers: B, J. Karlson, J. M. Erikson. Nose, and Throat; Judge Jesse Arthur, S. M. Jacobs, W. L. 'McNeely. L. C. Karl Mattson, Maria Haglund, Aria Medical Jurisprudence; Mary Wild Sheafe, Wm. Brandon, C. H. Rogers. Danielson. Paulson, 11. D., Obstetrics; John F. Faculty: B. E. Nicola, Principal; other Morse, M. D., Biology and Physiology; teachers, E. B. Melendy, Jennie Wil- FRIEDENSAU INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Frank J. Otis, M. D., Bacteriology; liams, Mrs. Estelle R. Graham, C. H. Teachers: 0. Luepke, A. J. Hoenes, M. A. J. Read, M. D., Medical Physics Rogers. D.: H. Bartels; Matron, Mrs. L. Lu- and Electrotherapeutics; Newton G. epke; Treas., N. Schlatterei; Business Evans, B. S., M. D., Histology, Em- Manager, W. Krumm. bryology, and Pathology; Mary V. CEDAR LAKE INDUSTRIAL ACAD- Dryden, M. D., Diseases of Children; EMY. DUNCOMBE HALL MISSIONARY Sarah Hackett Stevenson, M. D.. Cedar Lake, Mich. COLLEGE. Operative Midwifery; George Thom- Established 1899. Duncombe Road, Hornsey Rise, London, ason, Assistant in Therapeutics; Row- North, England. land H. Harris, M. D., Assistant in Educational Board: S. M. Butler, Dr. Established 1902. Chemistry; Jean A. Vernier, M. D., S. P. S. Edwards E. I. Beebe, J. D. Board: The members of the British Con- Assistant in Diseases of Women; Gowell, J. G. Lamson, W. R. Mattnews, ference Committee. Mary P. Hunter, M. D., Assistant in S. E. NI ight. Faculty: Prin., H. R. Salisbury, E. J. Obstetrics; Arthur Clifford Selmon, Officers: Pres., S. M. Butler; Sea, J. Waggoner, A. B. Olsen. Mrs. H, R. M. D., Assistant in Anatomy and G. Lamson. Salisbury, M. E. Olsen, S. Joyce. Physiology; Harry W. Miller, M. D., Faculty: Principal, J. 0. Lamson, Bible, Denionstrator in Anatomy. Rhetoric, Geometry, Physics; Pre- HAZEL ACADEMY. ceptor, B. E. Wolcott, Arithmetic, Hazel, Ky. Algebra, Botany. Physiology; Mrs Established 1901. CHICAGO MEDICAL MISSIONARY Ella Sevey Clark. Grammar, Geog- Educational Board: Chairman, C. L. TRAINING SCHOOL. raphy, History, Civics; Mrs. J. G. Stone; Sec. and Treas.. W. S, Lowry, Lamson, Music, Shorthand. Bookkeep- W. J. Stone, W. R. Burrow, W. M. 2 and 4 Thirty-third Place, Chicago, III. ing, Typewriting, Floriculture, Mason, W. D. Dortch. L. A. Callicott. Instructors: David Paulson, M. D., -. Matron; A. J. Olsen, Instmetor Faculty; Principal. Chas. L. Stone; In- Mamie Wild-Paulson. M. D., Mary P. in Rugmaking and Bee Keeping, IV. termediate Grades, Ruby Mason; As- Hunter, M. D., Edith Lipsey, Mabel T. McCurdy, Instructor in Blacksmith- sistant, Mrs. C. L. Stone; Music. Mrs. Howe. C. G. Lowry. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 631

FERNANDO COLLEGE. P. Smailes, B. C. Groenewald, W. A. Established 1897. Fernando, Cal. Ruble. Faculty: C. P. Moon, I. C. Colcord, Mrs. Established 1902. Officers of the Board: Chairman, H. W. 1. C. Colcord, Mrs. C. P. Moon. Board: Clarence Santee, W. M. Healey, Lindsay; Sec., J. H. Commin; Treas., R. S. Owen, T. J. Evans, H. E. Gid ARGENTINE SCHOOL. dings, A. M. Way, S. Thurston. Faculty: Principal C. H. Hayton; Mrs. Diamante, Entre Rios, Argentine Repub- Faculty: Pres., H. E. Giddings, Natural Ruth Hayton, Ellen L Burri11; Editb lic, South America. Sciences and. Bible; R. S. Owen, Horti- Commin, A. J. Commnn; Matron, Mrs. Teachers: N. Z. Town, Mrs. N. Z. Town. culture and Botany; Miss M. E. F. L. Mead. Arthur Fulton. Harris, History and Language; Mrs. E. M. Giddings, Bookkeeping and Beaconsfield School: Teacher, Maude Mathematics; Miss M. E. Dail, Prim- Haupt. CURITYBA SCHOOL. ary Instructor; T. Sterling, Mechanics Uitenhage School: Teacher, Ina L. Collegio International, Curityba, Bra- and Engineering; Mrs. T. Sterling, Austen. zil, South America. Matron. Natal School: Teacher, Cora Blodgett; Teachers: Paul Kramer, Mrs. P. address, Sweet Waters, Pietermaritz- Kramer, W. Ehlers. burg, Natal, South Africa. CLAREMONT UNION COLLEGE. Kenilworth, near Cape Town, South HONOLULU ANGLO-CHINESE BRUSQUE SCHOOL. Africa. ACADEMY. Mission Industrial, Brusque, Brazil, Board of Trustees: H. W. Lindsay, W. S. 50 Akana Lane, Honolulu, Hawaiian South America. Hyatt, J. H. Commin; Fred Visser, Territory. Teacher: John Lipke.

PUBLISHING HOUSES. REVIEW AND HERALD. Editors: Signs of the Times, Editor, M. Directors: W. D. Salisbury, G. A: Invin, Corporate name: Seventh-day Adventist C. Wilcox; Assistant Editors, C. M. N. D. Faulkhead, A. W. Anderson, J. Publishing Association. Establishea Snow, W. N. Glenn; Our Little Friend, Johanson, E. Watson, H. E. Simkin. 1850. Incorporated May, 1861. Rein- Editor, W. N. Glenn; Editorial Com- Officers: Pres., W. D. Salisbury; Vice- corporated 1891. mittee, Bible Students' Library, Apples Pres., N. D. Faulkhead; Sec., A. W. Office: Battle Creek, Mich. of Gold Library, Our Little Friend, W. Anderson; Treas., N. D. Faulichead; Directors: I. H. Evans, IL Smith, G. W. N. Glenn, C. M. Snow, M. C. Wilcox; Supt., H. E. Simkin; Gen. Field Agt., Amadon, S. H. Lane, A. G. Daniells, Sentinel of Christian Liberty, Editor, J. Johansen. W. W. Prescott, C. D. Rhodes. John D. Bradley; Editorial Committee, Editor: Bible Echo, Mrs. V. J. Farns- Officers: Pres. and Mr., I. LL Evans; A. T. Jones, A. G. Daniells, M. C. worth. Vice-Pres., U. Smith; Sec. and Treas., Wilcox, C. P. Bollman, L. A. Smith. Branch Office: Durban, Natal, South Af- C D. Rhodes; Auditor, S. H. Lane. rica; Manager, J. H. Camp; Treas., Publishing Committee: I. H. Evans GOOD HEALTH PUBLISHING C. H. Pretyman. (chairman), G. W. Amadon (secre- COMPANY. tary), S. H. Lane, H. E. Osborne, Ade- Battle Creek, Mich. CHRISTIANIA PUBLISHING HOUSE. laide Bee Cooper, L. A. Smith, D. W. Organized 1866. Incorporated 1898. Corporate Name: Scandinaviske Forlags- Reaxis, A. G. Daniells, W. W. Prescott, Directors: J. H. Kellogg, M. D.; David og-Trykkeriforening. E. R. Palmer. Paulson, M. D.; Geo. H. Murphy, Geo. Akersgaden 74, Christiania, Norway. Editors: The Advent Review and Sab- Thomason, M. D. Editors: Evangeliets Sendebud, N. Clau- bath Herald: Editors, U. Smith, L. A. Officers: Pres., J. E. Kellogg; Treas., sen, 0. A. Johnson; Sundhedsbladet, Smith, W. A. Spicer; Managing Edi- G. H. Murphy. J. C. Ottosen, M. D. tor, W. W. Prescott; The Youth's In- Editors: Good Health, J. H. Kellogg, structor, Miss Adelaide Bee Cooper; M. D.; Modem Medicine, J. H. Kellogg, Sions Vaktare, A. Swedberg; Evange- M. D.; Assistant Editor, C. E. Stewart, STOCKHOLM PUBLISHING HOUSE. .liets Sendebud, C. A. Thorp; Christ- M. D.; Bulletin of the American Medi- Corporate Name: Skandinaviska Forlags- licher Hausfreund and Deutsche Ar- cal Temperance Association Editorial expeditionen. beiter, T. Valentiner. Committee, N. S. Davis, A. ,M., M. D., Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Sweden. L. L. D.; T. D. Crothers, M. D.; J. H. Sec. and Treas.. J. R. Lindqvist. PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING Kellogg, M. D. Editor: Tidens Teken, E. J. Ahrdn; COMPANY. Missionaren, E. J. Ahrdn; Ljus i Hem- Main Office: Twelfth and Castro Sts., SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIA- met, E. J. Ahrdn. Oakland, Cal. TION. Branch Offices: 16 Crocker Bldg., San 1025-1027 Jefferson St., Nashville, Tenn. DENMARK PUBLISHING HOUSE. Francisco, Cal.; 11 West Twentieth Board of Managers: Pres., G. I. Butler; St., New York, N. Y.; 14-18 West Vice-Pres. and Treas., C. P. Bollman; C. C. Hansen & Co., Margrethevej 5, Fifth St., Kansas City, Mo. Sec. and Business Manager. W. 0. Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Directors: W. 1. Knox, C. H. Jones, A. Palmer; other members, W. J. Stone, Secretary and Treasurer, Jens Olsen. T. Jones, C. E. Frisbie, W. E. Wbalin, R. M. Kilgore, R. L. Pierce, L. A. E. A. Chapman, J. J. Ireland. Hansen. INTERNATIONAL TRACT SOCIETY. Officers: Pres., W. T. Knox; Vice-Pres. Editors: The Gospel Herald, C. P. Boll- and General Manager, C. H. Jones; Address: Jagaregatan 2, Helsingfors, man; The Southern Watchman, G. I. Finland. Sec., A. G. Miller; Treas., E. A. Chap- Butler, C. P. Bollman. man; Manager New York Branch, S. Publishing Board: John Hoffman, Fred N. Curtiss; Manager Kansas City Anderson, Ad. Boettcher, K. Sandelin, Branch, B. R. Nordyke. AUSTRALASIAN PUBLISHING N. Hammar. Publishing Committee: C. H. Jones, H. HOUSE. Secretary Ad. Boettcher; Treasurer, Mrs. H. Hall, A. O. Tait, M. C. Wilcox, Corporate Name: Echo Publishing Com- M. Boettcher. M. H. Brown, W. N. Glenn, C. M. pany, Limited. 16 Best Street, North Editors: Aikain Vartija, K. Sandelin, Snow. Fitzroy, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. John Hoffman, Ad. Boettcher. 632 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

LONDON PUBLISHING HOUSE. Hartkop, A. Doerner, H. F. Schuberth, leumier; corresponding editors, B. G. International Tract Society, Limited. W. Krumm A. Pages, J. Pieper. Wilkinson, J. Curdy; Le Vulgarisa- Office: 451 Holloway Road, London, N., Publishing Board: L. R. Conradi (Chair- teur, P. A. De Forest, M. D. England. man), H. Hartkop, A. Doerner, H. F. Publishing Board: Pres. and Manager, Schuberth, W. Krumm, M. Rohde. AVONDALE PRESS. W. C. Sisley; Sec. and Treas., A. Editors: Herold der Wahrheit, L. R. Conradi, H. F. Sehuberth; Gate Ge- Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Bacon; Directors, W. C. Sisley, A. Board of Management: E. C. Chapman, Bacon, W. T. Bartlett, E. J. Wag- sundheit, A. J. Hoenes, M. D., P. A. goner, A. R. Leask. De Forest, M. D., H. F. Schuberth; C. B. Hughes, J. EL Paap, E. H. Gates, Editors: Present Truth, E. J. Wag- Zion Wachter (Holland), L. R. Con- Mrs. E. W. Farnsworth. radi; Unser kleiner Freund, A. Bass; Officers: Manager, E. C. Chapman; Sec. goner; Assistant Editor, Edith E. and Treas., Joseph Mills. Adams; The Missionary Worker, Con- Zionswachter, edited by German Union ference Committee; Good Health, A. Conference Committee. B. Olsen, M. E. Olsen. CANADIAN PUBLISHING BASLE PUBLISHING HOUSE. ASSOCIATION. Librarie Polyglotte. 168 Selby St., Westmont, Montreal, Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzerland. Quebec. HAMBURG PUBLISHING HOUSE. Advisory Committee: L. R. Conradi, Committee: W. H. Thurston (Pres.), J. Internationale Traktat-Gesellschaft, Chairman; J. Robert, Secretary; B. W. Collie, S. D. Hartwell (Sec.), E. P. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. G. Wilkinson, T. Nussbaum, J. Curdy. Auger, Geo. E. Langdon. Trustees: Chairman, L. R. Conradi; H. Editors: Les Signes des Temps, J. Vuil- Manager: S. D. Hartwell.

SANITARIUMS. BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM. CALIFORNIA MEDICAL MISSIONARY SACRAMENTO SANITARIUM. Battle Creek, Mich. AND BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. 719% K St., Sacramento, Cal. Corporate name: Michigan Sanitarium Room 203, Parrott Building, 825 Market Superintendent, G. A. Droll, M. D. and Benevolent Association. Incor- St., San Francisco, Cal. porated 1866. Reincorporated 1897. Board of Directors: Pres., A. T. Jones; Directors: J. H. Kellogg, L. Mc Coy, G. Sec., E. E. Parlin; L. M. Bowen, A. N. EUREKA SANITARIUM. H. Murphy, A. R. Henry, W. H. Riley, Loper, F. B. Moran, W. S. Sadler, R. Cor. Third and J Sts., Eureka, Cal. David Paulson, H. F. Rand, Chas. E. A. Buchanan, W. C. White. Superintendent, C. F. Dail. Stewart, Geo. Thomason. Officers: Pres., J. H. Kellogg; Sec., Geo. Thomason; Treas., G. H. Murphy; DEPARTMENTAL ENTERPRISES. SAN FRANCISCO VEGETARIAN CAFE. Chaplain, L. McCoy; Matron, Abbie 755 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Aldrich. ST. HELENA SANITARIUM. Advisory Board: E. G. Fulton, Manager; Medical Faculty: Surgeon and Physician H. IL Haynes, R. A. Buchanan, A. in Chief, J. H. Kellogg, M. D.; Physi- 'Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal. Boeker, B. F. Richards. cians, Howard F. Rand, M. D.; Chas. Board of Management: T. A. Kilgore, E. Stewart, M. D.; J. F. Byington, M. L. M. Bowen, A. N. Loper, A. M. Wine- D.; Mary V. Dryden, M. D.; Geo. gar, A. Boeker. HELPING HAND AND MEDICAL Thomason, M. D.; W. H. Riley, M. D.; Medical Supt., A. N. Loper, M. D.; Man- MISSION. ager, T. A. Kilgore; Matron, Mrs. J. F. J. Otis, M. D.; Elmer L. Eggleston, 641 Commercial St., San Francisco, Cal. M. D.; Rowland H. Harris, M. D.; L. Tugs. Medical Faculty, A. N. Loper, F. H. Advisory Board: G. 13. Douglass, Supt.; John F. Morse, M. D.; Lillian B. Eshel- E. E. Partin, W, S. Sadler. man, M. D.; Newton G. Evans, M. D.; Zelinsky, A. M. Winegar. Julia White, M. 13.;. Sara Etta Kirby, ST. HELENA SANITARIUM FOOD CO. M. D.; E. F. Otis, M. D.; A. C. Sel- SAN FRANCISCO UNION HOME. mon, M. D. Sanitarium, Cal. 971 Howard St., San Francisco, Cal. (Steps are now being taken to incorpor- E. G. Fulton, H. H. Haynes, R. A. CHICAGO BRANCH SANITARIUM. ate the Food Co., under the name of Buchanan, A. Boeker, B. F. Richards. 28 Thirty-third Place, Chicago, Ill. Sanitarium Food Co., with the follow- Physicians: David Paulson, M. D.; Mary ing Board of Directors and Officers: A. Wild-Paulson, M. D.; Mary Hunter, Boeker, Pres.; L. M. Bowen, Sec.; E. SAN FRANCISCO HEALTH FOOD M. D.; Harry Miller, M. D.; Maud G. Fulton; W. C. White; M. H. STORE. Haynes; Z. Thorp; G. H. Heald.) Miller, M. D.; A. J. Hetherington, 1482 Market St, San Francisco, Cal. M. D. SAN FRANCISCO SANITARIUM. PACIFIC MEDICAL MISSIONARY AND OAKLAND HEALTH FOOD STORE. BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. 1436 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Superintendent, R. A. Buchanan, M. D., 46 San Pablo Ave,, Oakland, Cal. Room 203, Parrott Building, 825 Market W. S. Sadler, H. E. Brighouse, II H. St., San Francisco, Cal. Haynes, E. E. Parlin. Directors: Pres., W. T. Knox; Sec., and SAN JOSE HEALTH FOOD STORE. Treas., E. E. Parlin; W. R. Simmons, San Jose, Cal. T. S. Whitelock, A. N. Loper, A. LOS ANGELES SANITARIUM AND Boeker, A. T. Jones; General Field RESTAURANT. Secretary, W. B. Holden, M. D.; Au- 315419 West Third St., Los Angeles, SAN DIEGO HEALTH FOOD STORE, ditor, J. J. Ireland; Advisory Educa- Cal. RESTAURANT AND TREATMENT tional Committee and Corresponding Superintendent, F. B. Moran, M. D., ROOMS. Secretaries, W. R. Simmons, A. M. R. S. Owen, Lee Moran, Clarence San- Sefton Block, San Diego, Cal. Winegar, T. S. Whitelock. tee, S. S. Merrill, G. B. Hemphill. Superintendent, T. S. Whitelock, M. D. 4 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 633

PORTLAND MEDICAL MISSIONARY COLORADO SANITARIUM. PIEDMONT VALLEY SANITARIUM. AND BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. Boulder, Colo. Hildebran, N. C. Board of Directors: Pres., W. R. Sim- Directors: W. H. Riley, F. M. Wilcox, Board of Directors: Pres., J. 0. John- mons (First and Montgomery Sts., W. L. Hoover, Mrs. Lydia McCamley, ston; Treas., B. A. Rogers; See. and Portland, Oregon); H. E. Hoyt, Sec. C. L. Burlingame, C. McReynolds. Manager, M. H. Johnston, M. D.; Med- and Treas. (First and Montgomery Officers; Pres., W. H. Riley; Sec. and ical Supt., G. P. Edwards, M. a; D. Ste., Portland, Oregon), R. Rose, (First Treas., R M. Wilcox; Matron, Miss T. Shireman; C. D. Wolf; J. A. Town- and Montgomery Sts., Portland, Ore- Emily Stevens- send- gon); J. J. Knapp, (407 East Burn- Medical Stan: H. F. Rand, M. D.; Kate side St., Portland, Oregon), L. I. Lindsay, M. D.; J. E. Cooper, M. D.; MADISON BRANCH BATTLE CREEK Stiles, (512 East Missal St., Portland, W. W. Wooster, M. D. SANITARIUM, Oregon), F. M. Burg (201 Second St, HEALTH FOOD RESTAURANT. 426 State St., Madison, Wis. Portland, Oregon); G. E. Tyszkiewicz, 1635 Champa St., Denver, Colo. Superintendent, C. P. Farnsworth, M. D.; (St. Helens, Oregon). C. L. Burlingame. Manager, J. H. Bramhall; Matron, Minnie Bramhall. PORTLAND SANITARIUM. Hygienic Cafe, 126 State Street, Madison.. Established 1896. NEW ENGLAND SANITARIUM. First and Montgomery St., Portland, Ore- Melrose, Mass. MILWAUKEE BRANCH BATTLE gon. Established 1899. Corporate name: CREEK SANITARIUIVI- Portland Sanitarium and Benevolent New England Sanitarium and Ben- 164 Wisconsin St., Milwaukee, Wis. Association: Pres., W. R. Simmons; See., evolent Association. Managers: R. T. Dowsett and A. A. Board of Trustees: H. W. Cottrell, J. H. Livingston. L. I. Stiles; Treas., W. W. Sharp; Kellogg, C. C. Nicola, W. A. Wilcox, Chaplain, H. W. Decker. Hygienic Cafe, 164 Wisconsin St., Mil- Board of Managers: W. It Simmons, H. B. Tucker, W. L. Payne, D. M. Hull, waukee, Wis. L. I. Stiles, W. W. Sharp, H. W. A. E. Place. Decker. Officers: Pres., H. W. Cottrell; Sec. and Treas, W. A. Wilcox; Matron, Mrs. CLEVELAND SANITARIUM. Medical Faculty: W. R. Simmons, M. D.; 230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Jean Whitney, M. D. E. L. Rousseau; Chaplain, Geo. B. Wheeler; Steward, D. M. Hull. Medical Superintendent: J. E. Colloran, Training-school Faculty: W. R. Simmons, M. D. W. W. Sharp, Jean Whitney, M. D. Medical Faculty: Supt., C. C. Nicola, M. D.; Mary B. Nicola, M. D.; C. 0. Prince, M. D.; Clara L. Beckner, M. D.; TOLEDO SANITARIUM. MOUNT VIEW SANITARIUM. Clarence Ball, M. D. 107 East Woodruff Ave.,c Toledo, Ohio. Spokane, Wash. Superintendent: L. M. Abee; Visiting Established 1899. Surgeon and Physician, Chas. Stewart, Corporate Name: The Upper Columbia IOWA SANITARIUM. M. D. Medical Missionary and Benevolent 603 East Twelfth St., Des Moines, Iowa. Association. Established 1899. Corporate name: SKODSBORG SANITARIUM. Board of Trustees: A. J. Breed, Chair- Iowa Medical and Surgical Sanita- rium. (Scandinavian Philanthropic Society.) man; J. W. Posey, Sec. and Treas.; Skodsborg, Denmark. Silas Yarnell, M. D.; W. R. Simmons, Board of Trustees: J. D. Shively, M. D.; M. D.; W. H. Saxby; Greenville Hol- J. H. Kellogg, M. D.; L. F. Starr; C. H. Office in Copenhagen, Gothersgade 49, brook; S. A. Anderson. Parsons; J. W. Dorcas; N. C. Berger- 1 Sal. Officers: Supt., Silas Yarnell, M. D.; sen; Emma A. Perrine, 3/1. D. Officers: Director, Dr. J. C. Ottosen; Treas., S. A. Anderson. Officers: Supt., J. D. Shively, M. a; Business Manager and Treas., C. C. Medical Faculty: Silas Yarnell, M. D.; Treas., C. W. Larson; Sec. and Stew- Hansen; Matron, Martha Anderson; Effie A. Brown, M. D. ard, J. W. Dorcas; Matron, Mrs. Eva Inspector, R. J. Aagaard. Branch Treatnient Rooms: 11 South Shively. Medical Faculty: J. C. Ottosen, M. D.; Stevens St, Spokane. Medical Faculty: J. D. Shively, M. D.; M. A. Mortenson, M. D. Emma A. Perrine, M. D. Consulting Physicians: J. H. Kellogg, M. SEATTLE SANITARIUM. D.; W. B. Holden, M. D. FRYDENSTRANDS SANITARIUM. 612 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. Frederikshavn, Denmark. Supt., A. Q. Shryock, M. D. Officers: Director, Dr. N. P. Nelson; NASHVILLE SANITARIUM General Manager, C. C. Hansen. ASSOCIATION. GOOD HEALTH RESTAURANT. Nashville, Tenn. 616 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. Board of Directors: Pres., C. P. Bollman; NORWEGIAN PHILANTHROPIC Manager, S. J. Lashier. Sec., W. J. Stone; Treas. and Business SOCIETY, TACOMA SANITARIUM. Manager, L. A. Hansen; 0. M. Hay- Officers: Pres., 0. A. Johnson; Vice- 1016 Tacoma Ave., Tacoma., Wash. ward, M. D.; R. It. Kilgore. Pres., 0. J. Olsen; Sec. and Treas., Medical Supt., T. J. Allen M. D. (Sanitarium work is carried on in two John Lorntz; other members, H. J. places in Nashville. Work for the Hansen, C. B. Jensen, Johanne Chris- NEBRASKA SANITARIUM. white people is conducted at the "Battle tensen. College View, Nebr. Creek Sanitarium Branch," 624 Church St., L. A. Hansen, Manager; that for CHRISTIANIA HEALTH HOME. Board of Managers: W. A. George, D. R. the colored at the "Nashville Colored Callahan, A. Druillard, L. A. Hoopes, Thor Olsens Gade 1, Christiania, Norway. Sanitarium," 447 North Cherry St., L. A. Superintendent: 0. J. Olsen. M. W. Newton, Bert Glasscock. Hansen, Business Manager.) Officers: Pres., W. A. George; Sec., Bert Glasscock; Treas. and Business Man- FRIEDEN SAU SANITARIUM. ager, D. R. Callahan; Chaplain, D. THE SOUTHERN SANITARIUM. Nettleton. Graysville, Tenn. Address: Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez.. Medical Faculty: Med, Supt., W. A. Board of Directors: Chairman, Smith Magdeburg, Germany. George, M. D.; Medical and Surgical Sharp; Sec. and Supt., 0. M. Hayward, " Deutscher Verein fur Gesundheits- Counselor, J. H. Kellogg, M. 11; Carrie M. D.; Treas. J. W. Franklin; R. M. pfiege." E. Staines, M. D.; H. E. Trues, M. D.; Kilgore; N. W. Lawrence; S. I. Greer; (Legal organization for holding the Frie- Lyra Hunt George, M. D. S. M. Jacobs. densau property.) 634 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

Trustees: L. IL Conradi, A. J. Htines, SYDNEY SANITARIUM. LITTLE ROCK SANITARIUM. Otto Luepke, Aug. Doemer, H. e. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. x623 Broadway, Little Rock, Ark. Schuberth, W. Krumm, H. Hartkop. Board: J. A. Burden, Dr. D. H. Kress, Directors: Arthur W. George, Mrs. Etta Officers: Pres., L. R. Conradi; Vice- G. A. Irwin, E. W. Farnsworth, Dr. Green, Mrs. Alice Green, W. C. Green, Pres., W. Krumm; See, 0. Luepke. M. G. Kellogg. John A. Green. - Medical Superintendent: A. J. Hones, Officers: Supt., Arthur W. George, M. D.; M. D.; Matron, Mrs. M. A. Creeper; SANITARIUM HEALTH FOOD COM- Sec. and treas., W. C. Green. Treas., N. Schlatterer; Business Me- - PANY. ager, W. Krumm. Nurses: A. J. Mueller, Charlotte Creeper, 283 Pitt St., Sydney, N. S. W. CALCUTTA SANITARIUM. Board: J. A. Burden, W. C. Walston, Dr. 51 Park St., Calcutta, India. D. H. Kress, C. W. Irwin, E. A. D. Medical Superintendent: R. Ingersoll, INSTITUT SANITAIRE. Goodhart. M. D. Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzerland. Trustees: L. R. Conradi, P. A. De Forest, CHRISTCHURCH SANITARIUM. KIMBERLEY BATHS. J. Erzenberger, W. Kury, A. Jacquart, Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand. 32 Old Main St., Kimberley, South Africa. P. Schild, P. Roth, J. Robert, C. Grin, Board of Management: W. L. H. Baker, Trustees and Board of Managers: Ex- J. Curdy, J. P. Badaut. G. H. Gibson, S. H. Amyes, G. A. ecutive Committee of South African Managing Board: L. R. Conradi, P. A. De Brandstater, W. J. Smith. Conference. Forest. J. Robert, W. Kiiry, J. T. Officers: Supt., Dr. G. H. Gibson; Sec., Manager: J. V. Willson. Boettcher. W. J. Smith; Business Manager and Medical Superintendent: P. A. De Forest, Treas., S. H. Amyes. HEALTH FOOD RESTAURANT. M. D.; Matron, Mrs. P. A. De Forest. 34 Eighteenth St., New York, N. Y. AVONDALE HEALTH RETREAT. GUADALAJARA SANITARIUM. TREATMENT ROOMS. Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Cairo, Egypt: Sekket Tawachy, I Guadalajara, Mexico. Board of Management: G. A. Irwin, D. Board of Trustees: J. H. Kellogg, A. Passebois in charm H. Kress, C. W. Irwin, M. Hare, H. E. Columbus, Ohio: 112 East Broadway, J. Read, A. G. Daniells, J. W. Erken- Minchin, J. H. W. Geiss, Lauretta beck, C. P. Farnsworth, T. S. Dock. U. E. Whiteis, in charge. Kress; Supt., Dr. Lauretta Kress, Detroit, Mich.: 54 x arrar St., H. H. Officers: Pres. and Treas., J. W. Erken- Treas., H. E. Minchin. beck, M. D. Todd in charge. Physicians: J. W. Erkenbeek, M. D.; Denver, Colo.: 810 Eighteenth St.; H. C. W. J. Erkenbeek, M. D.; Mrs. Maude MOLINE SANITARIUM. Menkel in charge. Edgerton-Erkenueck, M. D. 1213 Fifteenth St., Moline, Ill. Ft. Wayne, Ind.: 31 LaSalle St., G. W. Directors: J. E. Froom, Allen Moon, Mann in charge. W. B. Holden, D. Paulson. Graysville, Tenn.: 0. M. Hayward, M. I SAMOA SANITARIUM. Superintendent: J. E. Froom, M. D.; D., in charge. Apia, Samoa. Assistant, Frank C. Richards, M. D. Indianapolis, Ind.: 209 Massachusetts Medical Superintendent: F. E. Braueht, Ave., R. 0. Ross, M. D., in charge. M. D. Jackson, Mich.: A. J. Harris in charge. ROCKHAMPTON TREATMENT Jaffa, Palestine, Syria: F. Horner, Deut- ROOMS. sche poste, Jaffa, Palestine. INTERNATIONAL HEALTH ASSOCIA- Jerusalem, Palestine, Syria: J. H. Krum, TION, Ltd. William St., Rockhampton, Queens. land, Australia. Deutsche poste (via Germany), Jeru- Address: 70-74 Legge Street, Birming- Superintendent: A. A. Robie. salem. ham, England. South Haven, Mich.: Quaker St., P. S. Officers: Pres., W. C. Sisley; Sec. and Staines in charge. Treas., W. T. Bartlett; Board of Di- LONE STAR SANITARIUM. Waterloo, Iowa: 621 Commercial St.; rectors: W. C. Sisley, W. T. Bartlett, Keene, Tex. J. L. Monning in charge. A. B. Olsen, M. D.; Manager, H. G. Medical Superintendent: Pliny Haskell, West Superior, Wis.: 1714 Winter St., Butler. 31. D. A. M. Vollmer, M. D.. in charge.

BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. HASKELL MEMORIAL HOME. SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL MISSION- Marsh, J. A. Townsend, J. 0. John- (Established 1894.) ARY AND BENEVOLENT ston, M. H. Johnston. Hubbard St., Battle Creek, Mich. ASSOCIATION. Officers: Pres., D. T. Shireman; Vice- Pres., J. 0. Johnston; Sec. and Treas., Board of Trustees: J. H. Kellogg, (Pres.), Office: 28a Roeland St., Cape Town, South Africa. Wm. Johnston; Matron, Miss Mary L. Mc Coy (Sec.), C. M. Christiansen Ann Johnston. (Tieas.), H. F. Rand, J. S. Comins. Board of Trustees: W. S. Hyatt, J. V. Board of Lady Managers: Pres., Mrs. Willson, F. Reed, E. A. Ingle, J. H. E. H. Whitney; Mrs. E. E. Kellogg, Commin, C. H. Hayton, D. H. Groene- DIRECTORY OF CITY MISSIONS. Mrs. M. M. Morse, Mrs. Jesse Arthur, weld. Officers of the Board: Chairman, W. S. Alabama: Montgomery, Charity Mission, Mrs. A. G. Daniells, Mrs. S. H. Lane; T. B. Buckner, Supt. Sec., Lena J. Steinel. Hyatt; Sec., C. H. Hayton; Treas., International Tract Society. Australia: Melbourne, Helping Hand Plumstead Orphanage: Manager, F. Reed. Mission for Men, Latrobe St., Business JAMES WHITE MEMORIAL HOME. Manager, J. C. Diverall. (Established 1893.) California: San Francisco, Helping Hand 31 Aldrich St., Battle Creek, Mich. PIEDMONT ORPHANS' HOME. and Medical Mission, 641 to 647 Com- (Trustees and Board of Managers same Hildebran, N. C. mercial St.; J. A. poison, Supt. Oak- as for the Haskell Memorial Home.) Trustees: D. T. Shireman, Mary Olive land Home for the Friendless Matron: Mrs. A. E. Baker-Smith. Marsh, W. E. Marsh, Lucinda A. (Orphanage), Fruitvale.


Minos: Chicago, Workingmen's Home, Nebraska: Lincoln City Mission, 235 Sweden: Gothenburg, Bethesda Mission, 1339 State St.; Life Boat Mission, 436 South Ninth St., Lincoln; G. P. Loy, Karl Gustafgatan 45. Manager; Christian Help Mission, 1515 State St.; Medical Mission 2_4 Thirty- Burt St., Omaha; G. A. Kirkle, Man- Utah: Salt Lake City, Relief Mission third Place; Medical Missionary Dis- ager. 33 Commercial St. pensary, 3558 Halsted, St., Hygeia Washington: Spokane, Workingmen's Dining-Rooms, 5759 Drexel Ave., New Zealand: Napier, Bethany Home Home, 46 Main Ave.; J, W. Posey, Health. Food Store, 3114 Cottage for Prisoners; Matron, Miss A. Parr. Supt. Grove Ave. Oregon: Portland, Medical Mission, 1 Wisconsin: Milwaukee, Helping Hand Michigan: Detroit, 426 Trumbull Ave., North Fourth St.; Dr. A. Carey, Man- Mission, 183 Reed St.; It. T. Dowsett, 0. F. Butcher in charge. ager. Supt.

LIST OF PERIODICALS. Issued under the Auspices of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination. The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald -Tidens Tecken (Swedish); weekly; 1025-27 Jefferson St., Nashville, Tenn.; (leading church paper); weekly; eight pages; annual subscription kr. 4; editor, C. P. Bollman. twenty-four pages; annual subserip- rate for America 80 cents; Kungsgatan Le Vulgarisateur et Messager de 1'Hy- tion $1.50.; published at Battle Creek, 34, Stockholm, Sweden; editor, E. J. giene (French); monthly; sixteen Mich.; editors, C. Smith, L. A. Smith, Ahren. pages; fr. 2.50 (50 cents); Weiherweg W. A. Spicer; managing editor, W. Harold der Wahrheit and Prophetischer 48, Basle, Switzerland; editor, P. A. De- W. Prescott. Erklarer (German); semimonthly; Forest. The Signs of the Times (leading mission- eight pages; annual subscription Mk. The Australasian Good Health; monthly; ary paper and prophetic expositor); 2 (60 cents for America); Grindelberg sixteen pages; annual subscription 2s illustrated weekly; sixteen pages; an- 15a, Hamburg, Germany; editors, L. R. 6d; 283 Pitt St., Sydney, Australia; nual subscription $1.50; to foreign Conradi, H. F. Sehuberth. editor, Dr. D. H. Kress; contributors, countries, $1.75; published by Pacific Les Signes des Temps, Messager de la J. H. Kellogg, Mrs. Lainetta Kress, Press Publishing Co., Oakland, Cal.; Prophetic (French); semimonthly; F. E. Braucht, P. M. Keller, A. W. editor, M. C. Wilcox; assistant editors, eight pages; annual subscription fr. Semmens. W. N. Glenn, C. M. Snow. 3.50 (70 cents); Weiherweg 48, Basle, The Advocate of Christian Education The Present Truth (devoted to a presen- Switzerland; editor, J. Vuilleumier; (devoted to Sabbath-school and educa- tation of the doctrine of the second corresponding editors, B. G. Wilkin- tionl interests); monthly; thirty-two coming of Christ, and general Bible son, J. Curdy. pages; annual subscription 50 cents; truth); weekly; sixteen pages; annual Christlicher Hausfreund (German) ; published by the Educational Depart- subscription 6s 6d ($1.60); 45 Rollo- weekly; eight pages; annual subscrip- ment of the General Conference; E. A. way Woad, London,N., Engl d• di- tion $1; Battle Creek, Mich.; editor, T. Sutherland, editor; Miss M. Bessie De tor, E. J. Waggoner; assistant editor, Valentiner. Craw, Assistant Editor; The Advocate, Miss Edith E. Adams. Der Deutsche Arbeiter; eight pages; Berrien Springs, Mich. The Bible Echo (devoted to an- exposition monthly; 25 cents; Battle Creek, Mich. Sabbath-school Quarterly; forty-eight of Bible truth and signs of the times); Evangeliets Sendebud og Sandhedens pages; containing the S. D. A. Inter- weekly; sixteen pages; annual sub- Tidende (Danish-Norwegian); weekly; national Sabbath-school lessons; an- scription 6s 6d; to countries outside of sixteen pages; annual subscription $1; nual subscription 20 cents; Pacific Australia, and in the postal union, 85 Battle Creek, Mich.; editor, C. A. Press Pub. Co., Oakland, Cal. ($1.95); 16 Best St., North Fitzroy, Thorp. Bible Students' Library; quarterly; an- Victoria, Australia; editor, E. W. Sions Vaktare och Sanningens Harold nual subscription 25 cents; Pacific Farnsworth. Swedish); weekly; sixteen pages; an- Press Pub. Co., Oakland, Cal.; editorial The Sentinel of Christian Liberty (a nual subscription $1; Battle Creek, committee, W. N. Glenn, C. M. Snow, monthly magazine devoted to the in- Mich.; editor, A. Swedberg. M. C. Wilcox. terests of religious liberty); sixty-four The Oriental Watchman; monthly; six- Apples of Gold Library; quarterly; an- pages; annual subscription $1; Pacific teen pages; annual subscription nual subscription, five copies 25 cents; Press Publishing Company, 11 West (1-8) rupees (75 cents); International twelve copies 50 cents; Pacific Press Twentieth St., New York, N. Y.; John Tract Society, 39-1 Free School St., Pub. Co., Oakland, Cal.; editorial com- D. Bradley, editor, editorial contribu- Calcutta, India; editor, J. L. Shaw. mittee, M. C. Wilcox, W. N. Glenn, tors, A. T. Jones, A. G. Daniell% M. The General Conference Bulletin (de- C. N. Snow. C. Wilcox, L. A. Smith, C. P. Bollman. voted to denominational statistics, offi- Words of Truth Series; quarterly; an- The Youth's Instructor (a journal for cial directories, etc.); quarterly; thir- nual subscription 10 cents; Review and youth and children); weekly; eight ty-two pages; biennial subscription Herald, Battle Creek, Mich. pages; annual subscription 75 cents; (including daily issues) 75 cents; daily Our Little Friend (a child's paper); inns; Battle Creek, Mich.; editor, Adelaide issues during General Conference ses- trated weekly; eight pages; annual Bee Cooper. sion, 50 cents; Battle Creek, Mich.; edi- subscription 50 cents; Pacific Press The Good Health (devoted to sanitary tor, H. E. Osborne. - Pub. Co., Oakland, Cal.; editor, W. science and domestic hygiene) ; month- The Pacific Health Journal (devoted to N. Glenn; editorial committee, M. C. ly; eighty pages (magazine form); an- health in the home and general sani- Wilcox, C. M. Snow. nual subscription $1; Battle Creek, tary topics); monthly; sixteen pages The Life Boat; illustrated monthly Mich.; editor, J. H. Kellogg, M. D. (magazine form); annual subscription journal devoted to city mission work; Evangeliets Sendebud (Danish-Norwegian 50 cents, published by the Pacific twenty-eight pages; annual subscrip- religious journal); semimonthly; six- Press Pub. Co., Oakland Cal.; G. H. tion 25 cents; (Chicago and foreign teen pages; annual subscription kr. Heald, editor; J. 0. Corliss, maiming countries, 50 cents); published by the 2.50; rate for America $1.00; Akersga- editor; 11. H. Hall, business manager. International Medical Missionary and den 74, Christiania, Norway; editor, N. The Gospel Herald; a weekly missionary Benevolent Association, 2-4 Thirty- Clausen; assistant editor, 0. A. John- paper; eight pages; annual subscription third Place, Chicago, Ill.; editors, son. 50 cents; Southern Publishing Assn., David Paulson, W. S. Sadler. 636 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

Sundhedsbladet (Danish-N or w egian The Southwestern Union Record (official Colorado: Echoes from the Field; semi- health journal); monthly; twenty-four organ of the Southwestern Union Con- monthly; four pages; annual subscrip- pages; annual subscription kr. 2.50; ference); eight pages; weekly; fifty tion 25 cents; Colorado Tract Society, rate for America, 80 cents; Akersgaden cents a year; C. N. Woodward, 1112 South Eleventh St., Denver, Colo.; 74, Christiania, Norway; editor, 3. C. editor; 0. 0. Rupert, associate editor; editor, Miss Elva Green. Ottosen. published at Keene, Tex. The Helping Rand (devoted to the South African Sentinel; monthly; sixteen Pacific Union Recorder (official organ of interests of the Colorado Sanitarium); pages; annual subscription 2s 6d (60 the Pacific Union Conference); bi- quarterly; eight pages; annual sub- cents); 28a Roeland St., Cape Town, weekly; sixteen pages; fifty cents a scription 25 cents; published by Col- South Africa; editor, W. S. Hyatt.; year; editorial committee, J. J. Ire- orado Medical Missionary and Benevo- editorial committee, Mrs. Anna C. land, M. H. Brown, Mrs. Carrie R. lent Association, Boulder, Colo.; editor, Shone, 0. 0. Fortner, J. H. Cammell. King; published at 1059 Castro St., F. M. Wilcox. South African Journal of Health; month- Oakland, Cal. French-Swiss: Le Messager; monthly; ly; sixteen pages; annual subscription Owari No Fukuin (Japanese); monthly; four pages; 75 centimes (15 cents); 2s 6d; published by the South African eight pages — seven Japanese, one Eng- Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzerland; edi- Medical Missionary and Benevolent lish; annual subscription 25 cents; No. tors, B. G. Wilkinson, J. Vuilleumier. - Association, 28a Roeland St., Cape 2 Gogochi, Shiba Koyen, Shiba Ku, To- Germany: Zions-Wachter; monthly; Town, South Africa; editor, Mrs. kio, Japan; editor, T. H. Okohira. eight pages; annual subscription 40 Anna C. Shone. Senales de los Tiempos (Spanish); cents; International Tract Society, Aikain Vartija (Finnish); monthly; eight monthly; eight pages; $1.00 a year; Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. pages; annual subscription, 40 cents; published by the International Tract Indiana: The Indiana Reporter; semi- Jagaregatan 2, Helsingfors, Finland; Society, Casilla 240, Iquique, Chile, monthly; four pages; 25 cents; Indi- editorial committee, K. Sandelin, J. South America; editors, A. R. Ogden, ana Tract Society, 1311 Central Ave., Hoffman, Ad. Boettcher. E. W. Thomann, H. F. Ketring. Indianapolis, Ind.; editor, W. C. Mc- Zions-W a chter (Holland); monthly ; Revista Adventista (Spanish); monthly; Cuaig. eight pages; annual subscription .75 eight pages; Casilla 240, Iquique, Iowa: The Workers' Bulletin; weekly; franco, to foreign countries 1 franc° Chile, South America, four pages; 25 cents; Missionary De- (20 cents); International Tract Soci- The Christian Record (a paper for the partment of Iowa Conference, 603 East ety, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- blind, printed in Improved Braille and Twelfth St., Des Moines, Iowa; editor, many; editor, L. R. Conradi. in riew York point); monthly; twenty J. O. Beard; assistant editor, Bert El Mensajero de la Verdad (Spanish); pages; subscription $1.50 a year; pub- Rhoads. monthly; sixteen pages; annual sub- lished by the Mission Board, at 271 Kansas: The Kansas Worker; semi- scription 50 centavos (35 cents); Apar- West Main St., Battle creek, Mich.; monthly; four pages; 25 cents; Kan- tado 2229, Mexico City, Mexico; editor, editor, L. N. Muck. sas Tract Society, 821 West Fifth St., G. W. Caviness. 0 Arauto da Verdade (Portuguese); Topeka, Kans.; editor, J. C. Becker. La Salud (Spanish health journal); monthly; sixteen pages; annual sub- Manitoba: Mission Field Worker of Man- monthly; twenty-four pages; annual scription 65 cents; in clubs of 5 or more itoba and the Northwest Territories; subscription $1; Apartado 138, Guada- copies, 50 cents each; Caixa do Correio monthly; four pages; 15 cents; Mani- lajara, Mexico; editor, J. H. Kellogg. 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South toba Tract Society, 438 Selkirk Ave., El Faro (Spanish); monthly; twelve America. Winnipeg, Manitoba; editor, Mrs. Jes- pages; annual subscription 50 cents; Fraekorn (Icelandic); semimonthly; sie L. Adams. River Plate Conference; Casilla del eight pages; annual subscription 60 Michigan: The Haskell Home Appeal Correo 481, Buenos Ayres, Argentine cents; Seydisfjord, Iceland; editor, (published in the interests of Haskell Republic, South America. David Ostlund. Memorial Home); quarterly; four Unser kleiner Freund (German child's pa- Rarama (Fijian); quarterly; Suva You, pages; 25 cents; International Medi- per); monthly; eight pages; annual Fiji, Pacific Ocean; editor, C. H. cal Missionary and Benevolent Asso- subscription 80 Pfg. (for America 30 Parker. ciatio, Battle Creek, Mich.; editor, cents); Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Good Health (devoted to hygiene and the Mrs. E. H. Whitney. many; editor, A. Plass. principles of healthful living); Minnesota: The Minnesota Worker; Ljus i Hemmet (Swedish child's paper); monthly; thirty-two pages; yearly weekly; four pages; 35 cents; Min- semimonthly; annual subscription kr. subscription, 2 s.; 451 Holloway Road, nesota Tract Society, Box 989, Minne- 1; rate for America, 50 cents; Kungs- London, N., England; editors, A. B. .apolis, Minn.; editorial committee, C. gat,an 34, Stockholm, Sweden. Olsen, M. D.; M. E. Olsen. M. Everest, Wm. Asp, Ella Merickel. Gute Gesundheit (German health paper); Bible Training School (devoted to the Missouri: The Workers' Record; semi- monthly; sixteen pages; annual sub- interests of house-to-house Bible monthly; four pages; 25 cents; Mis- scription Mk. 1.60 (for America 50 work); sixteen pages; monthly; 25 souri Tract Society, 14 West Fifth St., cents); Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- cents a year; 400 West Fifty-seventh Kansas City, Mo.; editor, Jas. Cochran. many; editors, A. J. Hones, P. A. De- St., New York, N. Y.; editor, S. N. Montana: The Montana Bivouac; semi- Forest, H. F. Schuberth. Haskell. monthly; four pages; 25 cents; Mon- Union Conference Record; semimonthly; tana Tract Society, 108 Grand St., sixteen pages; annual subscription 2s Helena, Mont.; editor, T. G. Johnson. - 6d; in countries outside of Australia, Nebraska: The Nebraska Reporter; and in the Postal Union, 75 cents; CONFERENCE AND LOCAL PAPERS. semimonthly; four pages; 25 cents; published by the Australasian Union Argentina: La Carta Mensual; and Der Nebraska Conference, 1505 E St., Lin- Conference, 56 George St., West, Syd- Monatliche Brief (Spanish and German coln, Nebr.; editor, Mary F. Beatty. ney, N. S. W., Australia; editor, G. A. editions of same paper); monthly; four The Practical Educator (published in Irwin; assistant editor, E. C. Chapman. pages; River Plate Conference, Ca- the interests of Union College); Atlantic Union Gleaner (official organ of silla del Correo 481, Buenos Ayres, Ar- monthly; 25 cents; College View, the Atlantic Union Conference); gentine Republic, South America. Nebr.; editorial committee, L. A. weekly; eight pages; fifty cents a Australia: Cliildren's Friend; editor, A. Hoopes, D. D. Rees. year; Miss Jennie Thayer, editor; T. Jessop; 14 Best St., North Fitzroy, New York: The Indicator; weekly; four published at South Lancaster, Mass. Victoria, Australia. pages; 25 cents; New York Tract So- The Southern Watchman (official organ Brazil: The Mission Arbeiter• eight ciety, 317 West Bloomfield St., Rome, of the Southern Union Conference); pages; monthly; published' by the N. Y.; editor, T. E. Bowen. weekly; eight pages; 50 cents; The Brazil Conference, Caixa do Correio Northern Illinois: The Illinois Recorder; Southern Publishing Association, 1025- 768. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South weekly; four pages; 25 cents; Illinois 27 Jefferson St., Nashville, Tam.; America; editors, F. W. Spies and J. Conference, Room 770, Monon Bldg., editors, Geo. I. Butler, C. P. Bollman. Lipke. Chicago, Ill. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 637

Ohio: The Welcome Visitor; four pages; Society, Box 686, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; the interests of Walla Walla College); weekly; 25 cents; Ohio Conference, editor, L. D. Randall. monthly; eight pages; 25 cents; Walla Academia, Ohio; editor, Miss Margaret South England: The Missionary Worker; Walla College, College Place, Wash.; Haughey. monthly; eight pages; is per year; editorial committee, Mrs. Helen C. Ontario: The Messenger; monthly; 25 postpaid Is 6d; International Tract So- Conard, J. L. Kay, M. Frances Ireland. cents; Box 62, Brantford, Ontario. ciety, Ltd., 451 Holloway Road, Lon- Virginia: The Messenger; monthly; four Queensland: The Welcome Visitor; don, N., England. pages; 25 cents; Virginia Conference, , The Arcade, Edwards St., Brisbane, Sweden: Missionaren; monthly; eight New Market, Va.; editor, R. D. Hottel. Queensland, Australia. pages; kr. 1 (50 cents for America); West Australia: The Messenger; South Africa: The Fortnightly Visitor; Scandinavian Publishing Association, monthly; 20 cents; West Australia semimonthly; two pages; annual sub- Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Sweden; Conference, 201 Newcastle St., Perth, scription is 6d (36 cents); published by editor, E. J. Ahren. West Australia, Australia; editor, the South African Conference, 28a Roe- Upper Columbia: The Reaper; semi- Jesse Pallant. land St., Cape Town, South Africa. monthly; four pages; 25 cents; Upper Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Reporter; South Dakota: South Dakota Worker: Columbia Tract Society, College Place, weekly; four pages; 25 cents; Wiscon- semimonthly; four pages; annual sub- Wash.; editor, Lloyd Copeland. sin Tract Society, 203 High St., Osh- scription 20 cents; South Dakota Tract The Workers' Educator (published in kosh; editor, N. P. Neilsen. Total number of papers 84


CONFERENCE AND MISSION FIELD • LOCAL. Manitoba Mission: Andrew Nelson, Nee- PRESIDENTS. pawa, Manitoba. GENERAL. Alabama: W. L. McNeely, Fruithurst, Maritime: G. E. Langdon, 311 Princess Ala. St., St. John, New Brunswick. General Conference: A. G. Daniells, 267 Arizona: E. W. Webster, Sanitarium, Minnesota: C. W. Flaiz, Box 989, Minne- • West Main St., Battle Creek; Vice- Cal. apolis, Minn. Pres., W. W. Prescott, 267 West Main Arkansas: A. E. Field, Springdale, Ark. Missouri: J. M. Rees, 14 West Fifth St., St., Battle Creek, Mich. Austrian Mission: J. P. Lorenz, Grindel- Kansas City, Mo. General Conference Association: S. H. Mississippi: R. S. Owen, Hatley, Miss. Lane, 267 West Main St., Battle berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Brazil: H. F. Graf, Caixa do Correio 768, Montana: W. B. White, Box 667, Mis- ' Creek, Mich. soula, Mont. Sabbath-school Department: W. A. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. British Columbia: J. L. Wilson, 609 Nebraska: N. P. Nelson, College View, Spicer, 267 West Main St., Battle Nebr. Creek, Mich. Gore Ave., Vancouver, British Co- Mission Board: A. G. Daniells, 267 West lumbia. New England: A. E. Place, South Lan- Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. California: A. T. Jones, 301 San Pablo caster, Mass. International Medical Missionary and Ave., Oakland, Cal. New Jersey: J. E. Jayne, 165 Godwin Benevolent Association: J. H. Kellogg, Carolina: J. 0. Johnston, Rock Cut, N. C. St., Paterson, N. J. care Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich: Chesapeake: 0. 0. Farnsworth, West- New South Wales: G. A. Snyder, 56 Atlantic Union Conference: H. W. Cot- minster, Md. George St., West, Sydney, N. S. W., trell, South Lancaster, Mass. Colorado: G. F. Watson, 1112 South Australia. Canadian Union Conference: W. H. Eleventh St., Denver, Colo. New York: G. B. Thompson, 317 West Thurston, 168 Selby St., Westmount, Cumberland: Smith Sharp, Graysville, Bloomfield St., Borne, N. Y. Montreal, Quebec. Tenn. New Zealand: W. L. H. Baker, 37 Southern Union Conference: Geo. I. But- Denmark: P. A. Hansen, Margrethevej 5, Taranaki St., Wellington, New Zea- ler, 1025 Jefferson St., Nashville, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. land. East German: E. Frauchiger, Grindel- Tenn. North Dakota: John G. Walker, Box 285, Lake Union Conference: A. G. Daniells; berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. ' East Michigan: J. D. Gowell, Hesperia, Fargo, N. Dak. Vice-Pres., Wm. Covert, Bethel, Wis. North England: E. E. Andross, 27 York Northern Union Conference: C. W. Flaiz, Mich. Florida: Geo. I. Butler, Bowling Green, Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, Eng- Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. land. Central Union Conference: E. T. Russell, Fla. French-Swiss: B. G. Wilkinson, Weiher- North Michigan: S. E. Wight, 423 Pe- College View, Nebr. toskey St, Petoskey, Mich. Southwestern Union Conference: G. G. weg 48, Basle, Switzerland. Georgia: H. F. Courter, 501 East Fair Northern Illinois: Allen Moon, Room Rupert, Keene, Tex. 770, 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Pacific Union Conference: W. T. Knox, St., Atlanta, Ga. German-Swiss: J. T. Boettcher, Weiher- Norway: 0. A. Johnson, Akersgaden 74, 816 Twentieth St., Oakland, Cal. Christiania, Norway. Australasian Union Conference: G. A. weg 48, Basle, Switzerland. Irwin, 56 George St., West, Sydney, Greater New York: H. W. Cottrell, South Ohio: H. H. Burkholder, Bellville, Ohio. N. S. W., Australia. Lancaster, Mass. Oklahoma: G. F. Haffner, Box 239, Ok- European General Conference: L. R. Con- Hungarian Mission: J. F. Huenergardt, lahoma City, Okla. T. Hamburg, Ger- Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Ontario: J. W. Collie, Brantford, Ontario. radi, Grindelberg 15a, Pennsylvania: R. A. Underwood, 246 many. Indiana: I. J. Hankins, 1311 Central German Union Conference: L. R. Conradi, Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. West Twenty-third St., Erie, Pa. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Jamaica Mission: F. I. Richardson, Y. S. Queensland: A. T. Robinson, The Arcade, Scandinavian Union Conference: P. A. Villa, Arnold Road, Kingston, Jamaica, Edward St., Brisbane, Queensland, Hansen, Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, West Indies. Australia. V., Denmark. Iowa: L. F. Starr, Stuart, Iowa. Quebec: S. A. Farnsworth, South British Union Conference: 0. A. Olsen, Kansas: C. McReynolds, 821 West Fifth Stukely, Quebec. 451 Holloway Road, London, N., Eng- St., Topeka, Kans. River Plate: N. Z. Town, Casilla del land. Louisiana: S. B. Horton, 303 St. Charles Correo 481, Buenos Ayres, Argentine French-Latin Union Mission: B. G. Wil- St., New Orleans, La. Republic, South America. Hyatt, 28a Roe- Ikinson, Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzer- Maine: P. F. Bicknell, 1379 Washington South Africa: W. S. land. Ave., North Deering, Me. land St., Cape Town, South Africa. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

South Australia: W. A. Hennig, Hughes Lake Union Conference: W. H. Edwards, Maine: Miss E. H. Morton, 1377 Wash- St., North Unley, South Australia, 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. ington Ave., North Deering, Me. Australia. Northern Union Conference: Mrs. A. H. Manitoba Mission: Mrs. Jessie L. Adams, Southern California: C. Santee, Fer- Robinson, Box 285, Fargo, N. Dak. 438 Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. nando, Cal. Central Union Conference: C. T. Cav- Maritime: Mrs. Carrie J. Langdon, 311 South Dakota: N. W. Allee, 1004 South aness, College View, Nebr. Princess St., St. John, New Bruns- Dakota Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Southwestern Union Conference: C. N. wick. South England: E. J. Waggoner, 451 Woodward, Keene, Tex. Minnesota: H. F. Phelps, 118 West Min- Holloway Road, London, N., England. Pacific Union Conference: J. J. Ireland, nehaha Boulevard, Minneapolis, Minn. Southern Illinois: S. H. Lane, 267 West 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Cal. Missouri: Pearl L. Rees, 14 West Fifth Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. Australasian Union Conference: Edith St., Kansas City, Mo. South Russian: H. J. Loebsack, Grindel- Graham, 56 George St., West, Syd- Mississippi: W. J. Blake, West Point, berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. ney, N. S. W., Australia. Miss. Superior Mission: E. R. Williams, 838 European General Conference: Rec. Sec., Montana: Mrs. Nettie G. White, Box South St., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. H. R. Salisbury, 451 Holloway Road, 667, Missoula, Mont. Sweden: 0. Johnson, Kungsgatan 34, London, N., England; Cor. Sec., Guy Nebraska: C. H. Miller, 1505 E St, Stockholm, Sweden. Dail, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Lincoln; Nebr. Tasmania: E. Hilliard 198 George St., many. New England: H. B. Tucker, South Lan- Launceston, Tasmania. German Union Conference: Rec. Sei., caster, Mass. Tennessee River: W. J. Stone, Franklin, 0. Luepke; Cor. Sec., K. Laubhan, New Jersey: J. W. Rambo, 140 *Sheridan Ky. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Ave., Paterson, N. J. Texas: W. A. Mc Cutchen, Keene, Texas. Scandinavian Union Conference: 0. A. /Sew South Wales: J. Hindson, 56 George Upper Columbia: A. J. Breed, College Johnson, Akersgaden 74, Christiania, St, West, Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Place, Wash. Norway. New York: T. E. Bowen, 317 West Utah: W. A. Alway, 63 East First British Union Conference: A. Bacon. Bloomfield St„-Rome, N. Y. - South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 451 Holloway Road, London, N., Eng- New Zealand: W. J. Smith, 37 Taranaki Vermont: J. W. Watt, 148 Washington land. St., Wellington, New Zealand. St., Barre, Vt. French-Latin Union Mission: Jeanne North Dakota: A. E. Christian, Box 231, Victoria: J. H. Woods, Oxford Cham- Bourquin, Weiherweg 48, Basle, Swit- Kenmare, N. Dak. bers, 473-481 Bourke St., Melbourne. zerland. North England: Mrs. Leah E. Altman, Victoria, Australia. LOCAL. 12 Roundhay Place, Harehills Lane, Virginia: R. D. Hottel, New Market, Va. Leeds, England. West Australia: J. Pallant, 201 Newcas- Alabama: C. E. Giles, Attalla, Ala. North Michigan: E. A. Bristol, 224 tle St., Perth, West Australia, Aus- Arizona: Mrs. Lena E. Williams, Box Michigan St., Petoskey, Mich. tralia. 284, Williams, Ariz. Northern Illinois: E. A. Curtis, Sheridan, West German: J. Pieper, Grindelberg Arkansas: Flora E. Heermann, Spring- Ill. 15a, Hamburg, Germany. dale, Ark. Norway: Chas. B. Jensen, Akersgaden West Michigan: A. G. Haughey, 220 Brazil: A. B. Stauffer, Caixa do Correio 74, Christiania, Norway. Plainfield Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Ohio: D. E. Lindsey, Clyde, Ohio. West Virginia: S. M. Cobb, 673 Seventh America. Oklahoma: Emma E. Haffner, Box 239, St., Parkersburg, W. Va. British Columbia: J. J. Dougan, 609 Oklahoma City, Okla. T. Western Oregon: F. M. Burg, 201 Second Gore Ave., Vancouver, British Col- Ontario: Helen McKinnon, Brantford, St., Portland, Oregon. umbia. Ontario. Western Washington: S. W. Nellis, 217 California: M. H. Brown, 301 San Pablo Pennsylvania: W. M. Lee, Box 614, Third Ave., North, Seattle, Wash. Ave., Oakland, Cal. Williamsport, Pa. Wisconsin: Wm. Covert, Bethel, Wis. Carolina: Jessie Bosworth, Rock Cut, Queensland: J. H. Mills, The Arcade, N. C. Edward St., Brisbane, Queensland, Chesapeake: H. S. Weaver, 903 Woodley Australia. St., Baltimore, Md. Quebec: W. H. Libby, South Stukely, CONFERENCE AND MISSION FIELD Colorado: Elva Green, 1112 South Quebec. SECRETARIES. Eleventh St., Denver, Colo. River Plate: hod. Diriwaechter, Casilla Cumberland: Mrs. Mamie Eldridge, GENERAL. del Correo 481, Buenos Ayres, Argen- Graysville, Tenn. tina, South America. General Conference: H. E. Osborne, 267 Denmark: Jens Olsen, Margrethevej 5, South Africa: 0. 0. Fortner, 28a Roe- West Main St., Battle Creek, Mieh. Copenhagen, V., Denmark. land St., Cape Town, South Africa. General Conference Association: W. H. East German: W. Prillwitz, Grindel- South Australia: A. H. Rogers, Hughes Edwards, 267 West Main St., Battle berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. St., North Unley, South Australia, Creek, Mich. East Michigan: E. I. Beebe, 226 Wash- Australia. Sabbath-school Department: Rec. Sec., ington Ave., North, Lansing, Mich. Southern California: C. A. Pedicord, Estella Houser, 267 West Main St., Florida: Mrs. Edith Stephenson, Bartow, Fernando, Cal. Battle Creek, Mich.; Cor. See., Mrs. Fla. South England: A. Bacon, 451 Hollo- L. Flora Plummer, Room 705, North- French-Swiss: A. Guyot, Rue Jean Char- way Road, London, N., England. western Building, Minneapolis, Minn. les 1, Geneva, Switzerland. South Daxota: George Bowen, 1317 Mission Board: W. A. Spicer; asst. See., Georgia: Thomas Macmillan, 586 Co- North Dakota Ave., Sioux Falls, S. H. E. Osborne, 267 West Main St., lumbus Road, Macon, Ga. Dak. Battle Creek, Mich. German-Swiss: W. Kury, Weiherweg 48, Southern Illinois: W. S. Proctor, Stew- International Medical Missionary and Basle, Switzerland. ardson, El. Benevolent Association: Geo. Thoma- Greater New York: A. B. Smith, 11 West South Russian: H. K. Loebsack, Grin- son, care Sanitarium, Battle Creek, 20th St., New York, N. Y. delberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Minh. Indiana: A. L. Miller, 1311 Central Ave., Superior Mission: Mrs. E. F. Hutchin- Atlantic Union Conference: G. W. Pal- Indianapolis, Ind. son, Lock Box 123, Marquette. Mich. mer, South Lancaster, Mass. Iowa: Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas, 603 East Sweden: E. J. Ahren, Kungsgatan 34, Canadian Union Conference: S. D. Hart- Twelfth St., Des Moines, Iowa. Stockholm, Sweden. well, 168 Selby St., Westmount, Mont- Kansas: N. B. Emerson, 821 West Fifth Tasmania: T. House, 198 George St., real, Quebec. St., Topeka, Kane. Launceston, Tasmania. Southern Union Conference: C. L. Kil- Louisiana: Anna IL Horton. 303 St. Tennessee River: Walter Jones. Bowling gore, Graysville, Tenn. Charles St., New Orleans, La. Green, Ky. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 639

Texas: A. M. Woodall, Keene, Tex. Iowa: J. 0. Beard, 603 East Twelfth Upper Columbia: Lloyd Copeland, College Upper Columbia: J. L. Kay, College St., Des Moines, Iowa. Place, Wash. Place, Wash. Kansas: J. C. Becker, 821 West Fifth Utah: Mrs Fannie Johnson, 124 West Utah: Alfred Whitehead. Box 286. St., Topeka, Kans. Center St:, Provo, Utah. • Springville, Utah. Louisiana: S. B. Horton, 303 St. Charles Vermont: F. M. Dana, 190 North Vermont: F. M. Dana, 190 North St., New Orleans, La. Winooski Ave., Burlington, Vt. Winooski Ave., Burlington, Vt. Maine: Miss E. H. Morton, 1377 Wash- Victoria: Miss Lizzie Gregg, Oxford Victoria: J. Gillespie, Oxford Chambers, ington Ave. North Deering, Me. Chambers, 473-481 Bourke St., Mel- 473-481 Bourke St., Melbourne, Aus- Manitoba Mission: Mrs. Jessie L. Adams, bourne, Australia. tralia. 438 Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Virginia: A. M. Neff, New Market, Va. Virginia: A. M. Neff, New Market, Va. Maritime: Mrs. Carrie J. Langdon, 311 West Australia: Miss S. Gurner, 201 West Australia: Miss S. Gurner, 201 Princess St., St. John, New Brunswick. Newcastle St, Perth, West Australia, Newcastle St., Perth, West Australia, Minnesota: C. M. Everest, Box 989, Australia. Australia. Minneapolis, Minn. West German: 0. Luepke, Grindelberg West German: a Luepke, Grindelberg Missouri: Jas. Cochran, 14 West Fifth I5a, Hamburg, Germany. I5a, Hamburg, Germany. St., Kansas City, Mo. West Michigan. West Michigan: S. AL Butler, 220 Mississippi: Mrs. W. J. Blake, Hatley, West Virginia: C. E. White, 673 Seventh Plainfield Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Miss. St., Parkersburg, W. Va. West Virginia: W. R. Foggin, 673 Montana: Thos. G. Johnson, 108 Grand Western Oregon: G. W. Pettit, 201 Sec- Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. St., Helena, Mont. ond St., Portland, Oregon. Western Oregon: H. E. Hoyt, First and Nebraska: Mary F. Beatty, 1505 E St., Western Washington: W. H. Coffin, 309 Montgomery Sts., Portland, Oregon. Lincoln, Nebr. Second Ave., North, Seattle, Wash.` Western Washington: Miss Daisy D. New England: H. B. Tucker, South Wisconsin: N. P. Neilsen, 203 High St., Cuddy, 309 Second Ave., North, Seat. Lancaster, Mass. Oshkosh, Wis. tle, Wash. New Jersey: J. W. Rambo, 140 Sheridan Wisconsin: R. T. Dowsett; 164 Wisconsin Ave., Paterson, N. J. SABBATH-SCHOOL AND EDUCA- St., Milwaukee, Wis. New outh Wales: Miss A. S. Higgins, 56 George St., West, Sydney, N. S. TIONAL DEPARTMENT TRACT SOCIETY OR MISSIONARY W., Australia. SECRETARIES. SECRETARIES. New York: T. E. Bowen, 317 West GENERAL. Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y. Sabbath-school Department of the Gen- GENERAL. New Zealand: Mrs. W. L. H. Baker, 37 Lake Union Conference: D. W. Reavis, eral Conference: Rec. Sec., Estella Taranaki St., Wellington, New Zea- Houser, 267 West Main St., Battle care Review and Herald, Battle Creek, land. Mich. Creek, Mich.; Cor. Sec., Mrs. L. lima North Dakota: Rec. Sec., Mrs. Alice H. Plummer, Room 705, Northwestern Pacific Union Conference: H. H. Hall, Robinson; Cor. Sec., Miss Hattie Ohms, 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Cal. Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Box 285, Fargo, N. Dak. Lake Union Conference: Miss M. Bessie British Union Conference: Mary Jacques, North Michigan: E. A. Bristol, 224 451 Holloway Road, London, N., Eng- De Graw, Berrien Springs, Mich. Michigan St., Petoskey, Mich. Central Union Conference: Floyd Brat- land. Northern Illinois: , Office LOCAL. liar, College View, Nebr. Asst., T. Legg, Room 770, Monon Bldg., Australasian Union Conference: Mrs. C. Alabama: C. E. Giles, Attalla, Ala. 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, W. Irwin, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Aus- Arizona: J. E. Bond, Box 284, Williams, Norway: Johanne Christer:, tralia. Ariz. gaden 74, Christiania, No.-way. German Union Conference: K. Laubhan, Arkansas: Flora E. Heermann, Spring- Ohio: N. S. Miller, Academia, Ohio. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. dale, Ark. Oklahoma: T. J. Eagle, Box 239, Okla- British Columbia: C. W. Enoch, 609 homa City, Okla. T. LOCAL. Gore Ave., Vancouver, British Colum- Ontario: Helen McKinnon, Brantford, Alabama: W. L. Bird, Fourteenth and bia. Ontario. Mulberry Sts., Anniston, Ala. California: A. J. Bourdeau, 301 San Pennsylvania: W. M. TJee, Box 614, Wil- Arizona: C. D. M. Williams, Box 284, Pablo Ave., Oakland, Cal. liamsplirt, Pa. Williams, Ariz. Carolina: Jessie Bosworth, Rock Cut, Queensland: J. H. Mills, The Arcade, Arkansas: Mrs. Laura Field, Springdale, • N. C. Edward St., Brisbane, Queensland, Ark. Chesapeake: Australia. Brazil: Johanna Rebling, Caixa do Cor- Colorado: Mrs. Bertie L. Herren, 1112 Quebec:u W. H. Libby, South Stokely, reio 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South South Eleventh St., Denver, Colo. Quebec. America. Cumberland: E. W. Carey, 558 South South Africa: 0. 0. Fortner, 28a Roeland British Columbia: Mrs. J. L. Wilson, Broadway, Lexington, Ky. St., Cape Town, South Africa. 609 Gore Ave., Vancouver, British Denmark: Jens Olsen, Margrethevej 5, South Australia: Mrs. J. Higgins, Columbia. Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Hughes St., North Unley, South Aus- California: Supt., J. S. Osborne, Health- East German: W. Prillwitz, Grindelberg tralia, Australia. urg, Cal.; Sec., Mrs. Carrie I5a, Hamburg, Germany. Southern California: C. A. Pedicord, Fer- 301 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, Cal. East Michigan: E. I. Beebe, 226 Wash- nando Cal. Carolina: Miss Emma Beaman, Rock ington Ave., North. Lansing, Mich. South Dakota: L. D. Randall, Box 686, Cut, N. C. Florida: Irving Keck, Bowling Green, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Chesapeake: Miss Helen V. Price, Mill- Fla. Southern Illinois: Nettie Eaton, Stew- ington, Md. French-Swiss: Melina Evard, Olos Bro- ardson, Ill. Colorado: Mrs. Flora Watson, 1112 South ehet 15, Neuchatel, Switzerland. South Russian: K. Laubhan, Grindel- Eleventh St., Denver, Colo. Georgia: Amos Everett. 501 East Fair berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Cumberland: Mrs. 0. M. Hayward, St., Atlanta, Ga. Sweden: Ellen Neimann, Kungsgatan 34, Graysvide, Tenn. German-Swiss: T. Kestenholz, Weiher- Stockholm, Sweden. Denmark: Jens Olsen, Margrethevej 5, weg 48, Basle, Switzerland. Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Tasmania: Mrs. Ida Hilliard, 198 George East German: W. Prillwitz, Grindelberg Greater New York: Pacific Press Pub. St., Launceston, Tasmania. Co.. 11 West Twentieth St., New York, 15a, Hamburg, Germany. N.Y. Tennessee River: Mrs. E. C. Spire, Frank- East Michigan: E. K. Slade, 814 Pine Indiana: W. C. McGuaig, 1311 Central lin, Ky. St.. Lansing. Mich. Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Texas: Edward Harris, Keene, Tex. Florida: Loulie Horn, Orlando, Fla. 640 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

French-Swiss: U. Augsbourger, Renan, South Dakota: Field Sec., J. W. Beach; baum, Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzer- Bern, Switzerland. Rec. Sec., Mrs. J. W. Beach, Elk Point, land. Georgia: Amos Everett, 501 East Fair S. Dak. Manager 'of Department of Circulation St., Atlanta, Ga. S'outhera California: W. W. Wheeler for Review ann Herald Pub. Co.: D. German-Swiss: Louise Aufranc, Welber- Fernando, Cal. W. Reavis, care Review and Herald, weg 48, Basle, Switzerland. Southern Illinois: Mrs. Lou K. Curtis, Battle Creek, Mich. Greater New York: Luther Warren, 400 Stewardson, Ill. West Fifty-seventh St., New York, South Russian: K. Laubhan, Grindel- LOCAL. N. Y. berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Alabama: C. J. Dart, Attalla, Ala. Indiana: S. S. Sec., Mrs. R. W. McMa- Sweden: Ellen Neimann, Kungsgatan 34, Arizona: J. E. Bond, Box 284, Williams, han, 426 West Ninth St., Anderson, Stockholm, Sweden. Ariz. Ind.; Ed. Sec., Mrs. Eva Miller-Han- lasmania: Miss Katie Judge, 198 George Arkansas: J. M. Dickerson, Searvan, Van kins, 1311 Central Ave., Indianapolis, St., Launceston, Tasmania. Buren Co., Ark. Ind. Tennessee River: Ed. See., C. L. Stone, California: Periodical Agent, H. G. Iowa: Sec., Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas; Field Hazel, Ky.; S. S. Cor. Sec., Annie Thurston; General Agent, A. S. Kel- Sec., Della Wallace, 603 East Twelfth Wilson, Bowling Green, Ky. logg, 301 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, St., Des Moines, Iowa. Texas: S. S. Sec., Mrs. Kitty Stevenson, Cal. Kansas: S. S. Sec., Mrs. Belle Emerson; Keene, Tex.; Supt. of Church Schools, Carolina: E. C. Rogers, Hildebran, N. C. Ed. See., B. E. Huffman, 821 West Mrs. Flora Williams. Colorado: M. Mackintosh, Monte Vista, Fifth St., Topeka, Kans. Upper Columbia: Field Sec., 0. K. But- Cola Louisiana: Rubie Roach, Welsh, La. ler; Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. L. Kay, College Cumberland: V. 0. Cole, South Knox- Maine: Mrs. P. F. Bicknell, 1379 Wash- Place, Wash. ville, Tenn. ington Ave., North Deering, Me. Utah: Mrs. Fannie P Johnson, 124 West Denmark: Z. Sherrig, Margrethevej 5, Manitoba Mission: Mrs. Jessie L. Adams, Center St., Provo, Utah. Copenhagen, V., Denmark. 438 Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Vermont: Field Sec., Naomi L. Worthen, East German: E. Nopper and W. Koel- Maritime: Mrs. Carrie J. Langdon, 311 Taftsville; Cor. Sec., C. H. Drown, Bar- ler, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Princess Sr., St. John, J., ew Brunswick. ton Landing, Vt. many. Minnesota: Ella E. Merickel, Box 989, ictoria: Mrs. W. A. Hennig, Oxford East Michigan: L. Cohoon, 309 North Minneapolis, Minn. • Chambers, 473-481 Bourke St., Mel- Fremont St., West Bay City, Mich. Missouri: Field Sec., R. C. Porter, Ham- bourne, Victoria, Australia. French-Swiss: Tell Nussbaum, Cret 20, ilton; Sec., Pearl L. Rees, 14 West Virginia: Mrs. B. F. Purdham, Stanley- Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland; Asst.; Ifitth St., Kansas City, Mo. ton, Va. H. Provin, Rue de 1' Ecluse, Neuchatel, Mississippi: F. R. Rogers, 209 Fayette West Australia: Mrs. L. V. Finster, 201 Switzerland. St., Vicksburg, Miss. Newcastle St., Perth, West Australia, Georgia: F. B. Jewell, 501 East Fair St., Montana: Lulu T. White, Box 667, Mis- Australia. Atlanta, Ga. soula, Mont. West German: 0. Luepke, Grindelberg German-Swiss: H. Meyer, Weiherweg Nebraska: Ida A. Nelson, College View, Hamburg, Germany. 48, Basle, Switzerland. Nebr. West Michigan: S. M. Butler, 220 Greater New York: J. C. Calvert, Bronx North Michigan: J. J. Irwin, Mance- Plainfield Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Borough, New York, N. Y. lona, Mich. West Virginia: Emma S. Newcomer, Indiana: J. E. Dunn, Greenfield, Ind. New England: Mrs. Viola Gustin, South 673 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Iowa: 603 East Twelfth Lancaster, Mass. Western Oregon: Field Sec., F. S. Bunch, St., Des Moines, Iowa. New Jersey: Mrs. J. W. Rambo, 140 Gravel Ford, Oregon; Office See., adith Kansas: Frank Jencks, 821 West Fifth Sheridan Ave. Paterson, N. J. starouck, 201 Second St., Portland, St, Topeka, Kans. New South Wales: Mrs. A. L. Hindson, Oregon. Louisiana: C. F. Dart, Winnfield, La. 56 George St., West, Sydney, N. S. W., Western Washington: W. H. Coffin, 309 Maine: Mrs. P. F. Bicknell, 1379 Wash- Australia. Second Ave., North, Seattle, Wash. ington Ave., North Deering, Me. New York: S. S. Sec., Mrs. Delia A. Wisconsin: Lottie E. Farrell, Bethel, Manitoba: E. R. Potter, 438 Selkirk Thompson, 509 William St., Rome, N. Wis. Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Y.; Ed. Sec., H. W. Can-, West Sala- Minnesota: F. A. Detamore, Box 989, manca, N. Y. Minneapolis, Minn. New Zealand: Mrs. W. L. H. Baker, 37 GENERAL AGENTS. - Missouri: F. E. Fairchild, 14 West Fifth Taranaki St., Wellington, New Zea- GENERAL. St., Kansas City, Mo. land. General Agent: E. R. Palmer, 267 West Mississippi: H. W. Pierce, Oxford, Miss. North Dakota: Supt., F. G. Specht; Rec. Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. Montana., Thos. G. Johnson, 108 Grand Sec., Miss Hattie Ohms, Box 285, Eastern Union Conference' E E. Miles, St., Helena, Mont. Fargo, N. Dak. South Lancaster, Mass. Nebraska: W. F. Surber, College, View, Northern Illinois: Field Sec., Mary Cook; Southern Union Conference: A. F. Har- Nebr. Cor. Sec., Mrs. Hattie Kauble, Sheri- rison, Graysville, Tenn. New England: H. C. Wilcox, South Lan- caster, Mass. . dan, Ill. Lake Union Conference: J. B. Blosser, Norway: Johanne Christensen, Akers- New South Wales: P. B. Budge, 56 gaden 74, Christiania, Norway. Berrien Springs, Mich. George St., West, Sydney, N. S. W., Ohio: Bessie Russell, Academia, Ohio. Northern Union Conference: F. A. Deta- Australia. Oklahoma: Win. Voth, Cooper, Okla. T. more, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. New York: B. B. Noftsger, 317 West Ontario: Helen McKinnon, Brantford, Central Union Conference: C. W. Hard- Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y. Ontario. esty, College View, Nebr. New Zealand: A. Mountain, 37 Taranaki Pennsylvania: Mrs. W. M. Lee, Box 614, Southwestern Union Conference: B. R. St., Wellington, New Zealand. Williamsport. Pa. Nordyke, 14 West Fifth St., Kansas North Dakota: C. H. Staples, Minne- Queensland: Miss L. Tuxen, The Arcade, City, Mo. waukon, N. Dak. Edward St., Brisbane, Queensland, Pacific Union Conference: S. C. Osborne, Northern Illinois: Australia. 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Cal. Norway: Z. Sherrig, Akersgaden 74, Quebec: W. H. Libby, South &nicely, Australasian Union Conference. — Christiania, Norway. Quebec. Scandinavian Union Conference: Z. North Michigan: A. J. Olsen, 303 Michi- South Africa: 0. 0. Fortner, 28a Roe- Sherrig, Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, gan St., Petoskey, Mich. land St., Cape Town, South Africa. V., Denmark. Ohio: G. P. Gaede, Academia, Ohio. South Australia: Mrs A W. Semmens, British Union Conference: S. Joyce, 451 Oklahoma: John Harzman, Box 239, Victoria Square, Adelaide, South Aus- Holloway Road, London, N., England. Oklahoma City, Okla.T.; James Butka. tralia, Australia. French-Latin Union Mission: T. Nuss- Enid, Okla. T. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 641

Ontario: J. W. Collie, Brantford, On- Southern Illinois: J. S. James, 625 East Victoria: tario. North St., Decatur, Ill. Virginia: Pennsylvania: F. E. Painter, 9 Hazlett Sweden: E. Lind, Kungsgatan 34, Stock- West German: J. Lippertz, Grindelberg St., Allegheny, Pa. holm, Sweden. 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Queensland: J. H. Hewitt, The Arcade, Superior Mission: E. F. Hutchinson, West Michigan: J. B. Blosser, Berrien Edward St., Brisbane, Queensland, Aus- Lock Box , Marquette, Mich. Springs, Mich. Tasmania: W. Fletcher, 198 George St., West Virginia: David Haddix, New- South Australia: A. G. Mackenzie, Launceston, Tasmania. bury, W. Va. Hughes St., North Unley, South Aus- Tennessee River: A. F. Harrison, Grays- Western Oregon: H. H. Johnson, Eugene, tralia, Australia. ville, Tenn. Oregon. Southern California: Texas: A. S. McCully, Keene, Tex. Western Washington: South Dakota: Field Sec., J. W. Beach, Upper Columbia: Wisconsin: M. N. Can.-bell, Elroy, Wis. Elk Point, S. Dak. Vermont: A. E. Taylor, Browning-ton, Vt.

MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Only the names of ordained and licensed rock Mine, Rhodesia, British Central Beardslee, J. W., Healdsburg, Cal. ministers appear in this list. To deter- Africa. Beckner, J. B., 32 Text Lane, Kingston, mine the nature of any person's ap- Armstrong, W. H., Waynesville, N. C. Jamaica, West Indies. pointment, reference should be made to Armstrong, H., 23 Mayfield St., Possil Beebe, E. L, 226 Washington Ave., North, the directory of the Conference operat- Park, Glasgow, Scotland. Lansing, Mich. ing in the field where the worker is Ashcraft, J. B., Preston, Kans. Beeson, C. A., Atchison, Kans. located. This applies to the workers Aufderhar, H. A., Cherrelyn, Colo. Behrens, J. H., Honolulu, Hawaiian Ter- named above, as well as all other Auger, E. P., 31 Battler St., Montreal, ritory. classes. Quebec. Bell, A. R., 419 Pine St., Camden, N. J. Abd-Elshaheed, Awada, Luxor, Upper Augsbourger, C., Weiherweg 48, Basle, Bender, U., Batesville, Ark. Egypt. Switzerland. Benham, R. D., Beaverton, Oregon. Adams, J. W., 143 Carr St., Los Angeles, Bergersen, N. C., Story City, Iowa. Babcock, D. C., 79 Robb St., Georgetown, Bernoth, M., The Arcade, Edward St., Demarara, British Guiana, South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Adams, P. P., 143 Can St., Los Angeles, Bernstein, O. O. 2116 Nicolett Ave., Cal. America. Babcock, H. W., Cottage Grove, Oregon. Minneapolis, Minn. Adams, E. H., 326 East Twelfth St., Los Babcock, M. S., Bridgewater, Nova Sco- Berry, G. W., Blue Springs, Nebr. Angeles, Cal. tia. Berthelsen, P. E., College View, Nebr. Adams, C. T., Cresco, Iowa. Babcock, Charles, Hutchinson, Minn. Bicknell, P. F., 1379 dashi eton Ave, Adams, W. M., 438 Selkirk Ave., Winni- Baber, G. H., 1309 Clark St., Urbana, Ill. North Deering, Me. peg, Manitoba. Badaut, J., Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzer- Bigelow, I. G., Berrien Springs, Mich. Adams, W. L., Purdy, Okla. T. land. Bird, W. L., Fourteenth and Mulberry AhrOn, E. 3., Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Bagby, J. W., Armona, Cal. Sts., Anniston, Ala. Sweden. Bagby, J. It., Box 239, Oklahoma City, Bird, A. C., Elkwood, Ala. Albrecht, P. It., 301 San Pablo Ave., Okla. T. Black, W. L., Solomonville, Ariz. Oakland, Cal. Bahler, J. F., Keene, Tex. Blake, W. J., West Point, Miss. Allee, N. W., 1004 South Dakota Ave., Baharian, Z. G., English Poste restante, Bland, W. T., Graysville, Tenn. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Galata, Constantinople, Turkey, via Bliss, C. H., 928 North Seventh St., Altman, M. A., 12 Roundhay Place, Hare- London, England. Terre Haute, Ind. hills Lane, Leeds, England. Baierle, C., Box 614, Williamsport, Pa. Blosser, J. B., Berrien Springs, Mich. Alway, W. A., 63 East First South St., Baker, W. L. H., 37 Taranaki St., Wel- Boardman, R. A., Bowling Green, Ohio. Salt Lake City, 'Utah. lington, New Zealand. Bodwell, A. G., Apartado 2229, Mexico, Anderson, B. L., Poy Sipptis. Balada, Enrique, Capacabana 125, Lima, D. F. Anderson, II. P., Pop Sipp, is. Pere, South America. Boettcher, J. T., Weiherweg 48, Basle Anderson, A. C., Jagregatan 2, Helsing- Ball, D. A., Ellieottville, N. Y. Switzerland. fors, Finland. Ballenger, J. F., Fernando, Cal. Bollman, C. P., 1025 Jefferson St., Nash Anderson, Fred, Jagregatan 2, Helsing- Ballenger, E. S., Fernando, Cal. ville, Tenn. fors, Finland. Ballenger, A. F., 96 Heol-y-Dwyrain, Bond, J. E., Box 284, Williams, Ariz. Anderson, J. N., 3 Arsenal St., Hong Ponty Pridd, South Wales. Bond, F. S., Box 284, Williams, Ariz. Kong, China. Balsbaugh, H. C., Franklin, Ky. Bonde, Hans, Wallville, Ind. T. Anderson, W. H., Buluwayo, Rhodesia, Bambridge, E., Papeete, Tahiti, Society Booth, Joseph, Plainfield Estate, Cholo, British Central Africa. Islands, Pacific Ocean. British Central Africa. Anderson, Birger, Kungsgatan 34, Stock- Barry, A., 1025 Jefferson St., Nashville, Bourdeau, A. C., 166 Kalamazoo St.! holm, Sweden. Tenn Battle Creek, Mich. Anderson, John F., 835 Lawson St., St. Bartlett, J., Spaulding, Idaho. Bourdeau, D. T., 172 Kalamazoo St./ Paul, Minn. Bartlett, A. W, South Tenth St., La Battle Creek, Mich. Anderson, H. J., Lasita, Kans. Fayette, Ind. Bourdeau, A. 3., 301 San Pablo Ave., Anderson. U. S., Elwood, Ind. Bernoth, M., The Arcade, Edward St., Oakland, Cal. Andreason, M. L., 150 North Humboldt Hamilton, Ontario. Bowen, T. E., 317 West Bloomfield Sty St., Chicago, Ill. Basney, H. C., Buxton, Me. Rome, N. Y. Andrews, W. It., Fredericton, New Bruns- Bates, C. H., Pueblo, Colo. Boynton, J. W., Ponoka, Alberta. wick. Bates, A. E., Manhattan, Kans. Bradford, Robt. L., 923 Oakland Ave., Andrews, It. F., College View, Nebr. Baumann, H., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Kansas City, Kans. Andross, K E., 27 York Road, Hands- Germany. Bralliar, Floyd, College View, Nebr. worth, Birmingham, England. Baxter, W. E., Chickasha, Ind. T. Brolly, Wm., Box 239, Oklahoma City, Anglebarger, G. W., 1112 South Eleventh Beach, J. W., Elk Point, S. Dak. Okla. T. St., Denver, Colo. Beard, J. 0., 603 East Twelfth St., Des Branch, Thomas, Plainfield Estate, Cholo, Armitage, F. B., Box 55, Gwelo, Sham- Moines, Iowa. British East Central Africa. 642 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

Breed, A. J., College Place, Wash. Cobb, S. M., 673 Seventh St., Parkers- Eastman, W. W., 32 .Lext Lane, King- Bringle, A. S., Great Bend, Kans. burg, W. Va. ston, Jamaica, West Indies. 33rimer, C. W., Fort Smith, Ark. Colcord, W. A., 267 West Main St., Bat- Ebel, George, Opel, Olka. T. Brink, Fred, Cedar Lake, Mich. • tle Creek, Mich. Ebel, J., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-1 Bristol, E. A., 224 Michigan St., Petos- Colcord, I. C., Honolulu, Hawaiian Ter- many. key, Mich. ritory, Ebert, W. A, R. R. No. 4, Alexandria, ]Brock, R. H., Arkansas City, Kans. Collie, J. W., Brantford, Ontario. Ind. iBrorsen, A., LuSic Ave., Oakland, CaL Collins, J. E., Windfall, Ind. Edgar, J. L., 1319 Ann Arbor St., Flint, .Brown, M. H., 301 San Pablo Ave., Oak- Connerly, B. E., 33 Bennett St., Buffalo, Mich. land, Cal. N. Y. Edmed, H. J., 28a Roeland St., Cape Brown, G. M., Seward, Nebr. Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Town, South Africa. Brown, B. W., Concordia, Kans. burg, Germany. Edwards, u. H., 986 Freeman St., Bronx Brunson, John A., 1024 Monroe St, Constandt R. H., Hughes St., North Un- Borough, New York, N. Y. Nashville, Tenn. ley, South Australia, Australia. Edwards, S. P. S., Berrien Springs, Mich. Buckner, T. B., Charity Mission, Mont- Conway, F. H., Box 239, Olkahoma City, Ellis, J. M., South Stukely, Quebec. gomery, Ala. • Okla. T. Emery, W. D., Woodside, Mont. iBuhalts, C. J., Carberry, Manitoba. Corbaley, F. M., 666 May St., Burling- Emerson, N. B., 821 West Fifth St., To- Bunch, F. S., Gravel Ford, Oregon. ton, Iowa. peka, Kans. !Burma, Pauliasi, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Corliss, J. O., Fruitvale, Cal. Emmerson, C. L., Batavia, Minn. Burden, W. J., Cor. Fourth and Ankeny Cottrell, H. W., South Lancaster, Mass. Enoch, Geo. F., 53 Fredrick St., Port Sts., Portland, Oregon. Cottrell, R. F., Ridgeway, N. Y. of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. , Burden, J. A., Sanitarium, Wahroonga, Courter, H. F., 501 East Fair St, At- Enseleit, E., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, N. S. W., Australia. lanta, Ga. Germany. Burg, F. M., 201 Second St., Portland, Covert, Wm., Bethel, Wis. . Erikson, J. M., Kungsgatan 34, Stock- Oregon. Craddock, T. H., South Australian Tract holm, Sweden. Burkholder, H. H., Bellville, Ohio. Society, Hughes St., North Unley, Ernst, F. C:, Keiskama Hoek, Cape Col- Burman, C. A., Box 686, Sioux Falls, S. South Australia. ony, South Africa. Dak. Crane, I. A., 321 North Market St., Erzenberger, J., Muristrasse 44, Bern, Burnham, M. S., Otsego, Mich. Wichita, Kans. Switzerland. 33urrill, A. 0., 34 Chester St., Buffalo, Crisler, L. IL, Orlando, Fla. Etheridge, N. J., Rives, Fisher Co., Tex. N. Y. Cruzan, W. S., Rolla, Mo. Everson, C. T., 1628 Harmon St., Berk- Burrow, W. R., Hazel, Ky. Cubley, W. M., Levi, Tex. eley, Cal. Butcher, 0. F., 426 Trumbull Ave., De- Cummings, J. F., Daleville, Ind. Evans, I. H., care Review and Herald, troit, Mich. Curdy, J., Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzer- Battle Creek, Mich. Butler, S. M., 220 Plainfield Ave., Grand land. Everhart, W. B., 603 East Twelfth 'St., Rapids, Mich. Curtis, E. H., Atchison, Kans. Des Moines, Iowa. Butler, Geo. I., 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- Curtis, W. D., Stewardson, ville, Tenn. Curtis, E. A., Sheridan, Ill. Butler, 0. K., College Place, Wash. Fairchild, F. M., Delta, Ohio. Butz, E. S., Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Farman, H. J., 33 Freshwater Road, St. Islands, Pacific Ocean. Dake, U. B., Cordell, Okla. T. Johns, Newfoundland. Dana, F. M., 190 North Winooski Ave., Ffirnstrom, K. A., Kungsgatan 34, Stock- Burlington, Vt. holm, Sweden. Cady, B. J., Papeete, Tahiti, Society Is- Daniells, A. G., 267 West Main St., Battle Farnsworth, E. W., 56 George St., West, lands, Pacific Ocean. Creek, Mich. Sydney, N. S. W., nustralia. Cady, M. E., Healdsburg, Cal. Dart, C. J., Attalla, Ala. Farnsworth, S. A., South Stukely, Quebec. Campbell, W. H., College View, Nebr. Dart, A. M., Juneau, Alaska. Farnsworth, 0. 0., Westminster, Md. Campbell, 0. F., 838 -South St., Sault Davis, N. A., Oxford Chambers, Bourke Fellows, J. J., R. R. No. 1, Greentown, Ste. Marie, Mich. St., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Ind. Campbell, M. N., Elroy, Wis. Davis, S. S., Elnora, Ind. Fero, D. ., Wright and Wooster Aves., Carey, E. W., 558 South Broadway, Decker, H. W., Cor. First and Montgom- San , Cal. Lexington, Ky. ery Sts., Portland, Oregon. Field, A. ., Springdale, Ark. 0.191), M., Napier, New Zealand. Derby, J. A. L., Healdsburg, Cal. Field, F. W., 30 Oiwaki-cho, Bongo Ku, Carr, H. W., Bowen, N. Y. Detamore, F. A., Box 980, Minneapolis, Tokio, Japan. Caitlin, E. W., Anoka, Minn. Minn. Fields, T. W., Keene, Tex. Caviness, G. W., Apartado 2229, Mexico, De Vinney, F. H., 317 West Bloomfield Fluster, L. V., 201 Newcastle St., West 13. F. St., Rome, N. Y. Perth, West Australia, Australia. Chaffee, C. H., Utica, Mo. Dexter, E. H., care Maine Tract Society, Fisher, Otis J., Station A, Pasadena, Champness, IL, 451 Holloway Road, Lon- North Deering, Me. Cal. don, N., England. Dieffenbacher, B. L.. 2407 Burt St., Fisk, B. E., Richburg, N. Y. Chaney, F. L., The Arcade, Edward St., Omaha, Nebr. Fitzgerald, W. J., 27 North Thirty- Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Dirksen, H. J., Morden, Manitoba. fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Chew, A. L., Glenwood, Ind. Dixon, N. P., Fortis, Kans. Flaiz, C. W., Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Christian, L. H., 150 North Humboldt St., Donnell, R. S., Elnora, Ind. Floding, Wm. E., Apia, Samoa, Pacific Chicago, DI. Douglis, G. B., 641 Commercial St., San FoOgegeiann.W. Christian, A. E., Box 231, Kenmare, N. Francisco, Cal. 673 Seventh St., Parkers- Dak. Dowsett, R. T., 164 Wisconsin St., Mil- burg, W. Va. Christiansen, A. G., Box 286, Spring- waukee, Wis. Ford, C. E., Medical Lake, Wash. ville, Utah. Drew, Geo. R., 10 Princess Terrace, Balls Foster, J. C., Billings, Mont. Christiansen, P., Margrethevej 5, Copen- Road, Birkenhead, England. Francis, B., Wells, Minn. hagen, V., Denmark. Drummond, W. T., Alpharetta, Ga. Franke, E. E., 119 West 114th St., New Christenson, J. C., Badger. Minn. Dryer, E. J., Box 614, Williamsport, Pa. York, N. Y. Clark, J. J. W., Manor, Wash. Dunn, J. E., Greenfield, Ind. Frauchiger, E., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Clark, A. H., 291 Edgewood Ave., New burg, Germany. Haven, Mass. Frederick, W. E., Prairie City, Iowa. Clausen, N., Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, Easley, W. A., 821 West Fifth St., To- Freeman, J. M., Bolo, Mafeteng, Basuto-4 V., Denmark. peka, Kans. land, South Africa. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 643

French, H. B., Keene, Tex. Hanna, J. G.. 15 Military Road, St. John, Hottel, R. D., New Market, Va. French, L. L., Back Creek, Wis. New Brunswick. House, T., 198 George St., Launceston, Fullmer, B. E., Marshalltown, Iowa. Hansen, H. M., Akersgaden 74, Chris- Tasmania. Fulton J. E., Cooranbong, N. S. W., tiania, Norway. Howe, B. L., 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Australia. Hansen, P. A., Margrethevej 5, Copen- Ca.. hagen, V., Denmark. Howell, W. E., Berrien Springs, Mich. Hansen, C. A., Clarence, Mich. Huenergardt, J. F., Grindelberg 15a, Gaede, P. P., College View, Nebr. Hansen, L. A., 624 Church St., Nashville, Hamburg Germany. Gaede, D. P., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Tenn. Huengergardt, J. H., Box 989, Minne- Germany. Hanson, P. A., Morgan, Minn. apolis, Minn. Gardner, E. E., Cresco, Iowa. Harder, J. F., Windom, Kans. Huffman, B. E., 821 West Fifth St., To- Gardner, C. M„ 1660 B St., Eureka, Cal. Hare, Robert, 16 Best St., North Fitz- peka, Kans. Garrett, R. G., Linwood, Ky. roy, Victoria, Australia. Huffman, Dan E., 821 West Fifth St., Garton, B. M., 1505 E St., Lincoln, Nebr. Hares, S. T., Fernando, Cal. Topeka, Kans. Gates, E. H., Cooranbong, N. S. W., Aus- Harmon, J. S., Healdsburg, Cal. Huffman, M. G., 1131 South College St., tralia. Harris, F. J., Box 827, Laurium, Mich. Springfield, 111. Gauterau, F. D., 301 San Pablo Ave., Harris, J. C., 1311 Central Ave., Indian- Hughes, C. B., 127 Manchester St., Oakland, Cal. apolis, Ind. Battle Creek, Mich. Gellert, Henry, St. Louis, Mo. Harrison, A. F., Graysvide, Tenn. stuntington, S. G., Galt, Ontario. Gibson, L. A., 612 Fifth Ave., Great Harter, R. E., Lawrence, Mich. Huntley, E. H., 599 Carroll St., St. Paul, Falls, Mont, Hartwell, S. D., 168 Selby St., West- Minn. Giddings, H. E., Fernando, Cal. mount, Montreal, Quebec. Hutchinson, W., 1 Ben-Madigan Villas, Giddings, Phillip, New Amsterdam, Ber- Haskell, S. N., 400 West Fifty-seventh Cavehill Road, Belfast, Ireland. bice, British Guiana, South America. St., New York, N. Y. Hyatt, A. R., 303 Mohawk St., Rome, Gilbert, F. C., South Lancaster, Mass. Haskell, Mrs. H. H., 400 West Fifty-sev- N. Y. Giles, C. E., Attalla, Ala. enth St., New York, N. Y. Hyatt, W. S., 28a Roeland St., Cape Glass, 0., Keene, Tex. Haskell, C. P., Keene, Tex. Town, South Africa. Godfrey, T., Concordia, Kans. Haughey, A. G., 220 Plainfield Ave., Godsmark, Otho C., 2005 Magazine St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Louisville, Ky. Hawkins, G. R., 603 East Twelfth St., Goodrich, H. C., Box 105, Belize, British Des Moines, Iowa. Ireland, J. J., 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Honduras, Central America. Hawkins, Mrs. G. R., 603 East Twelfth Cal. Goodrich, J. B., Blaine, Me. St., Des Moines, Iowa. Irwin, G. A., 56 George St., West, Syd- Gosmer, W. A., 1e8 Grand St., Helena, Hayes, tamer, Box 249, Madison, S. Dak. ney, N. S. W., Australia. Mont. Haysmer, A. J., 22 Crystal Gade, Char- Irwin, C. W., Avondale School, Cooran- Gowen, J. D., Hesperia, Mich. lotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Danish West bong, N. S. W., Australia. Graf, H. F., Caixa do Correio 768, Rio Indies. Irwin, John, Jr., Mancelona, Mich. de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Hayward, 0. M., Graysville, Tenn. Isaac, J., Berlin, Ontario. Graf, J. J., College View, Nebr. Heacock, A. P., 404 Grand Ave,, Sedalia, Isaac, Daniel, Tyndall, S. Dak. Granger, W. H., 3222 Warsaw Ave., Cin- Mo. Israel, M. C., Red Bluff, Cal. cinnati, Ohio. Heald, Chas., Sioux Rapids, Iowa. Grauer,, G. A., West Green Bay, Wis. Healey, W. M., 2719 G St., San Diego, Greer, W. S., Keene, Tex. CaL Jayne, J. E., 165 Godwin St., Paterson, Gregory, M. H., 908 W. L. St., Independ- Hebner, W, C„ 186 Champion St., Battle ence, Kans, N. J. Creek, Mich. Jensen, A. W., Keene, Tex. Griffin, F. L., Ardmore, Olka. T. Hennig, W. A., Hughes St., North LTnley, Griffin, H. Clay, Washburn, Jespersson, S., Jerusalem, Palestine, -Mo. South Australia, Deutsche poste, via Germany. Griggs, Frederick, South Lancaster, Mass. Herrell, H. W., 501 North Twenty-fifth Gronert, H., 3385 Boulevard, Jersey City, Jeys, Thos. H., Modale, Iowa. St., Richmond, Va. Johnson, Lewis, College View, Nebr. N. J. Herrmann, C. J., Antigo, Wis. Gropnewald, D. H., 28a Roeland St., Johnson, Fred, Isanti, Minn. Hersum, S, J. ,Richmond, Me. Johnson, A. E., Junction City, Kans. Cape Town, South Africa. Hibbard, K J., care College, Healdsburg, Oregon. Gruber, H., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Johnson, C., Monitor, Cal. Johnson, Geo. G,, 928 Eighth Ave., Rock- Germany. Hickox, A. S., 301 San Pablo Ave., Oak- Guild, M. C., 629 Washington Ave., North, land, Cal. ford, Ill. Alpena, Mich. Hickman, T. J., Kiel. Okla. T. Johnson, H. R., 838 South St., Sault Ste. Guthrie, Wm., Charlottetown, Prince Ed- Hicks, F. H., Box 40, Salamanca, N. Y. Marie, Mich. ward Island. Hill, Matt., Oneida Mission, Wis. Johnson, Henry, 303 St. Charles St., New Hill, W. B., College View, Nebr. Orleans, La. Hill, Wm., Rochester, Ind. Johnson, Wm., Marshalltown, Iowa. Habenicht, R. H., Casilla del Correo 481, Hills, Dr. W. W., 831 East Costilla St., Johnson, L. E., 5 Cliff St., Deadwood, Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, Colorado Springs, Colo. S. Dak. South America. Hilliard, E., 198 George St., Launceston, Johnson, 0., Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm Hadley, 0. S., 162 Mozart St., North, Tasmania. Sweden. Chicago, ill. Hoffmann, G., Tiade River, Wis. Johnson, 0. A., Akersgaden 74, Chris- Haffner, G. F., Box 239, Oklahoma City, Hoffman, John, 'Mellangatan 11, Borga, tiania, Norway. Okla. T. Finland. Johnston, J. 0., Rock Cut, N. C. Hagle, B., Manchester, Tenn, Holbrook, J. A., College Place, Wash. Jones, A. T., 301 San Pablo Ave., Oak- Hale, D. U., Keene, Tex. Holbrook, W. S., College Place, NV ash. land, Cal. Hall, C. A., 243 South Boulevard, Atlanta, Hoopes, L. A., College View, Nebr. Jones, Walter, Bowling Green, Ky. Ga. Hoover, H. L., 1211 St. John St., Albu- Jones, J. F., Cambridge, Md. Hall, 0. A., Crawford, Nebr. querque, N. Mex. Jones, H. W., 243 South Boulevard, At- Holladay, F. W., Hildebran. N. C. Hopkins, E. B., Hot Springs, Ark. lanta, Ga. Hampton, B., Taloga, Okla. T. Horton, IL C., 71 Goodrich St., Grand Jones 0 E College View, Nebr. Hanhardt, J. G., Shaffer, Kans. Rapids, Mich. Jorg, F., 825 Vancouver Ave., Portland, Hankins, I. J., 1311 Central Ave., Indian- Horton, S. B.. 303 St. Charles St., New Oregon. apolis, Ind. Orleans, La. Jorgensen, N. M., Vermillion, S. Dak. 644 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

Karlson, L., Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Lewis, C. C., College Place, Wash. Meleen. C., 256 Nineteenth St., Brook- Sweden. Lewis, T. G., Omer, Mich. lyn, N. Y. Karlson, B. J, Kungsgatan 34, Stock- Lewis, M. W., 606 Baker Ave., Menominee, Meredith, W. H., 96 Heol-y-Dwyrain, holm, Sweden. Mich. Ponty Pridd, South Wales. Kauble, N. W, Lock Box 12, Sheridan, Lewsadder, Wm., 314 North B St., Mon- Merrell, B. A., 821 West Fifth St., To- mourn, Ill. peka, Kans. Kay, J. L., College Place, Wash. Lindsey, D. E., Clyde, Ohio. Meyer, H., Warrenton, Mo. Keck, Irving, Bowling Green, Fla. Lloyd, I. S., 2110 Cushing St., Indian- Meyer, A. A„ Bobring Station, St. Louis, Kellogg, Dr. M. G., Sanitarium, Wah- apolis, Ind. Mo. roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Locken, J. B., Cadott, Wis. Mikkelsen, J. C., Bethel, Wis. Kellogg, A. Sr Healdsburg, Cal. Loebsack, H. J, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Miles, E. E., South Lancaster, Mass. Kennedy, Wm., 436 Fourteenth St., burg, Germany. Miller H. W., R. F. D., Lansing, Mich. Durango, Colo. Loebsack, H. K., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Miller, M. B., 29 University Ave., Battle Kennedy, R. R., Wheelersburg, Ohio. burg, Germany. Creek, Mich. Kern, M. E., College View, Nebr. Loeppke, Edward, Box 285, Fargo, N. Miller, Conrad, O'Keene, Okla. T. Keslake, C. H., 1111 East State St., Dak. Miller, A. L., 1311 Central Ave., Indian- Trenton, N. J. Loewen, Abr., Cooper, Okla. T. apolis, Ind. Ketring, H. F., Casilla 1125, Valparaiso, Lengacre, C. S., Station D, Pittsburg, Pa. Miller, J. 0., Academia, Ohio. Chile, South America. Longard, Levi, Tantallon, Nova Scotia. Millman, W. T., Gallatin, Mo. Keuhl, A. W., 530 West Fifth St., Wi- Lorenz, J. A., Cooper, Okla. T. Mitchell, H. M., 267 West Main St., Bat- nona, Minn. Lorenz, J. P., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, tle Creek, Mich Kilgore, R. M., Graysville, Tenn. Germany. Moody, F. L., Boggstown, Ind. Killen, W. L., Meadows, N. C. Loughborough, J. N., 1228 Chestnut St., Moon, Allen, Room 770, 324 Dearborn St., Kimball, I. E., 502 Chestnut St., Ports- Oakland, Cal. Chicago, Dl. mouth, Va. Lowry, W. S., Lane, Tenn. Moon, Arthur, Battle Lake, Minn. Kime, Stewart, Red Lodge, Mont. Lucas, V. H., Cambridge, Md. Moore, L. G., 613 Hillsdale St., West, King, George A., 235 Van Buren St., Luepke, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Lansing, Mich. Brooklyn, N. Y. Germany. Morrow, J. A., 301 Church St., George- Kinne, P. Z., Kirkville, N. Y. Lukens, Morris, Cambridge Springs, Pa. town, Demarara, British Guiana, South Kinne, F. L., Prentice, Wis. Lyndon, F., 37 Taranaki St., Wellington, America. I Kirkendall, M. C., Academia, Ohio. New Zealand. Morrison, Isaac, 208 Third Ave., Oak Kite, C. R., 1001 C St., Lincoln, Nebr. Park Station, Sacramento, Cal. Kjellman, Albert, Artichoke, Minn. Morrison, J. H., College View, Nebr. Kloss, J., Seymour, Wis. Mortenson, S., 170 Townsend St., Chicago, Knecht, J., Zandhosche 46 Stn, Utrecht, Maas, J. V., Casilla del Correo 481, Bue- lli, Holland. nos Ayres, Argentine Republic, South Muderspach, L., Margrethevej 5, Copen- Kneeland, W. G., 53 Fredrick St., Port America. hagen, V., Denmark. of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. Mace, F. W., Westminster, Md. Munson, R. W., Padang, Sumatra, Neth- Knight, W., 201 Newcastle St., Perth, Mackintosh, M., Monte Vista, Colo. erlands- East Indies. West Australia, Australia. MacLay, W. D., San Antonio, Tex. Knight, L G., Humboldt, Kans. Madsen, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Knight, C. E., Fernando, Cal. Germany. Nash, R. T., Waynesville, N. C. Knox, W. T., 816 Twentieth St., Oakland, Mazan, P. T., Berrien Springs. Mich. Neff, A. C., Quicksburg, Va. Cal. Martin, W. F., College Place, Wash. Neilsen, J. C., Neenah, Wis. Kraft, J. H., 603 East Twelfth St., Des Martin, C. N., John Adams Post Office, Neilsen, N. P., 203 High St., Oshkosh, Moines, Iowa. Cal. Wis. Krum, J. H., Deutsche poste (via Ger- Martins, H. H., Box 239, Oklahoma City, Neilson, Lars, Box 285. Fargo, N. Dak. many), Beirut, Syria. Okla. T. Nelson, S. E., Brushville, Wis. Kueller, IC., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, IVIathe, L., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Nelson, Andrew, Neepawa, Manitoba. Germany. Germany. Nelson, N. P., College View, Nebr. Kunze, August, Keene, Texas. Matthews, W. R., Traverse City, Mich. Nels?n, N. C., College View, Nebr.. Mattson, M. D., South Lancaster, Mass. Nellis, S. W., 217 Third Ave., North, Lair, J. W., 673 Seventh St., Parkers- Maxwell, E. L., Box 239, Oklahoma City, Seattle, Wash. burg, W. Okla. T. Nettleton, Daniel, College View, Nebr. Lake, D. D., Healdsburg, Cal. MeAvoy, J., 36 St. Ives Gardens, Stran- Nicola, 11., 123 Manchester St., Battle Lamson, J. G., Cedar Lake, Mich. millis Road, Belfast, Ireland. Creek, Mach. Lane, S. H., 267 West Main St., Battle McCarthy, Juan, Casilla del Correo 481, Nicola, L. T., Union, Broome Co.. N. Y. Creek, Mich. Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, Nicola, B. E., Box 414, Huntsville, Ala. Lane, L. N., 514 South Pearl St., Char- South America. Nilson, N. a, Akersgaden 74, Christiania, lotte, Mich. McClintock, Arthur, Blencoe, Iowa. Norway. Langdon, Geo. E., 311 Princess St., St. McClure, N. C, Healdsburg, Cal. Norderhus, 0. P., Box 686, Sioux Falls, John, New Brunswicic. McCoy, L., care Sanitarium, Battle S. Dak. Larson, Matthew, Hagerman, N. Mex. Creek, Mich. Norwood, J. W., Pratt, Kans. Larson, G. A. Albia, Iowa. McCord, J. W., 301 San Pablo Ave., Oak- Nussbaum, Tell, Weiherweg 48, Basle, Lawrence, N. W., Academia, Ohio. land,Cal. Switzerland. Leask, A. R., 451 Holloway Road, London, McCutchen, W. A., Keene, Tex. N., England. McElhaney, J. L., Fernando, Cal.• Lecoultre, D., Weiherweg 48, Basle, McGill, Neil, 438 Selkirk Ave., Winni- Oberg, F. R., Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Switzerland. peg, Manitoba. Sweden. Leer, Valentine, Box 285, Fargo, N. Dak. McGowan, W. J, 56 George St., West, Oberholtzer, D. H., Thayer, Kans. Leland, Eugene, Exeter, Ontario. Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Oblaender, G., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Leland, C. E., Hilo, Hawaii, Hawaiian McNeeley, W. L., Fruithurst, Ala. Germany. Territory, McReynolds, C., 821 West Fifth St., To- Ogden, A. R., Casilla 240, Iquique. Chile, Leland, J. A., Sanitarium, Gaudalajara, peka, Kans. South America. Mexico. McVagh, C. F., 1424 Olive St, Scranton, Okohira, T. H., No. 2 Gogochi, Shiba Ko- Lemon, A. E., 92 Freshwater Road, St. Pa. yen, Shiba Ku, Tokio, Japan. Johns, Newfoundland. Mead, Andrew, Brainerd, Minn. Olds, C. W., Janesville, Wis. GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN. 645

Oliver, H. IV., vv allowa, Oregon. Province, P. W., 673 Seventh St., Park- Sanford, E. L., Graysville, Tenn. Olsen, 0. J., Akersgaden 74, Christiania, ersburg, W. Va. Santee, L. D, 137 North Gifford St., k Norway. Purdham, B. F., Stanleyton, Page Co., Va. Elgin, Ill. I Olsen, 0 A., 451 Holloway Road, London, Purdon, T. H., 82 Main St., Rutland, Vt. Santee, Clarence, Fernando, Cal. N., England. Saxby, W. H., Spokane, Wash. Olsen, M. E., 451 Holloway Road, London, Scharf, L., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, , N., England. Quinn, R. D., Great Falls, Mont. Germany. Olsen, A. B„ 451 Holloway Road, Lon- . Schilling, J. H., 620 Lumber St., Allen- don, N., England. town, Pa. Olsen, E. G., Forest City, Iowa. Raft, J. C., Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, Schlotthauer, A., Wilcox, Wash. Olsen, A. J., 303 Michigan St., Petoskey, V., Denmark. - Schnepper, H. J., College Place, Wash. Midi. Raymond, Es A., Fernwood, N. Y. Scholl, C. A., 548 West Chicago Ave., Osborn, S. Salt River, Ky. Raymond, J. W., Wheeler, N. Y. • Chicago,El. Osborne, H. E., 267 West Main St., Battle Reaser, G. W., 28a Roeland St., Cape Schubert, H. P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Creek, Mich. Town, South Africa. burg, Germany. Ostlund, David, Seydisfirdi, Iceland. Reavis, D. W., care Review and Herald, Schubert, G., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ostrander, Wm., 1770 South Andre St., Battle Creek, Mich. Germany. Montreal, Quebec. Reed, H. W., 206 Main St., Oshkosh, Schwantes, Ernesto, Caixa do Conejo 768, Ottosen, J. C., Margrethevej 5, Copen- Wis. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. hagen, V., Denmark. Rees, J. M., 14 West Fifth St., Kansas Schwartz, W. F., Box 614, Williamsport, Owen, R. S., 1354 East Twenty-second City, Mo. Pa. St., Los Angeles, Cal. Reifschneider, C. A., Grindelberg 15a. Scoles,. D. E., Washburn, Mo. Owen, R. S., Hatley, Miss. Hamburg, Germany. Scott, Sydney, 923 Oakland Ave., Kan- Owen, G. K., 39-1 Free School St., Cal- Reinke, 0. E., 147 Himrod St., Brooklyn, sas City, Kans. cutta, India. N. Y. Sebastian, W. H., "Morning Star" Box, Reiswig, Conrad, Milltown, S. Dak. Yazoo City, Miss. Richards, B. F., 1133 Ellis St., San Fran- Seefried, A., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Paap, F. IV., Zadok St., Lismore, N. S. W., cisco, Cal. Australia. Richards, H. M. J., 1112 South Eleventh Seeney, F. H., Cheswold, Del. St., Denver, Colo. Sell, E. H. M., 137 West 94th St., New Paap, Charles, 37 Taranaki St., Welling- York, N. Y. ton, New Zealand. Richardson, F. I., Y. S. Villa, Arnold Painter, T. H., Stanleyton, Page Co., Va. Road, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Semmens, A. W., Adelaide Medical In- Pallant, J., 201 Newcastle St., West Rickard, H. E., Fitch Bay, Quebec. stitute, Victoria Square, Adelaide, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Riffel, Jacob, Carrier, Okla. T. South Australia, Australia. Palmer, E. R, care Review and Herald, Rine, G. W., Healdsburg, Cal. Serna, M., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Battle Creek, Mich. Ritchie, A., 865 Fifth St., Milwaukee, Settergren, A. J., Knngsgatan 34, Stock- Parker, C. H., Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Wis. holm, Sweden. Parkhurst, W. D., 137 -Waterman Ave., Roberts, F. M. Jonesboro, hid. Sewaldsen, A., Akersgaden 74, Chris- tiania, Norway. Coldwater, c . Robinson, Ellery, 178 Pleasant St., At- tleboro, Mass. Shaeffer, F. R., Murphy Bldg., San Fran- Parmele, R. W., 821 West Fifth St., To- cisco, Cal. - - peka, Kans. Robinson, A. T., The Arcade, Edward Pannele, C. F., Hiawatha, Kans. St., Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Shaffer, IV. A., Burdette, Kans. Parmelee, D: B., South Lancaster, Mass. Robinson, W., 33 The Parade, Ponty Shannon, A. C., 30 Redell St., Cleveland, Pascoe, W. J., 37 Taranaki St., Welling- Pridd, South Wales. Ohio. ton, New Zealand. Rogers, A. H., Hughes St., North Unley, Sharp, Smith, Graysville, Tenn. i.. Peabody, F., West Valley, N. Y. South Australia, Australia. Sharpe, E. D., College Place, Wash. „, Pearson, J. F., Pitkin, Colo. Rogers, J. H., Elk Point, S. Dak. Shaw, J. L., 39-1 Free School St., Cal- cutta, India. -, Peckover, C. E., 821 West Fifth St., Rogers, J. C., College Place, Wash. --- { Topeka, Kans. Rogers, F. R., 209 Fayette St., Vicks- Shaw, H. S., Sauk Centre, Minn. Pedicord, C. A., Fernando, Cal. burg, Miss. Sheafe. L. C., 324 Spruce St., Washing- Perk, G., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Rohne, Fr., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, ton, D. C. Hepurarodn,, mMi.e.h. 812 Sufferin St., Port 1' many. Germany. Perk. .:7., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Rorholm, Hemw, 608 South Tenth St., Sh many. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Shireman, D. T., Hildebran, N. C. Perry. F. L., Madison, S. Dak. Roth, G., Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzer- Shreve, W. S., Spring Green, SVis. Petersen, F. P., Baraboo, Wis. land. Shrock, S. S., 894 Union St., Scranton, Pettit. G. W., 201 Second St., Portland, Roth, Luke, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Is- Pa. Oregon. lands, Pacific Ocean. Shrock, J. S., 1636 West Seventh St., Phelps. H. F., 118 West Minnehaha Rowe, Thomas, Graysville, Tenn. Muncie, Ind. Boulevard, Minneapolis, Minn. Rule, C. B., 673 Seventh St., Parkersburg, Shroeder, W. H., College, View, Nebr. Philman, Ezra, Box 239, Oklahoma City, W. Va. Shultz, H., Stromsburg, Nebr. Okla. T. Rupert. G. G., Keene, Tex. Simonds, S., Prairie Grove, Ark. Pieper, 1, Grindelberg I5a, Hamburg, Russell, K. C., 45 Fowler St., New Dor- Simpson, Wm., Exeter, Ontario. Germany. • chester. Mass. Sinz, K., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Piper, A. H., Arorangi, Raratonga, Cook Russell, E. T.. College View, Nebr. many. Islands, South Pacific Ocean. Ryles, S. S., Springdale, Ark. Sisco, H. N., South Lancaster, Mass. Pierce, H. W., Oxford, Miss. Slade. E. K., 814 Pine St.. Lansing, Mich. Place, A: E., South Lancaster, Mass. Smailes, P., 28a Roeland St., Cape Town, Pogue. J. F., Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Sadler, W. S., 995 McAllister St., San South Africa. Prescott, W. IV„ care Review and Her- Francisco, Cal. . Smart, A., The Arcade, Edward St., Brie- ald, Battle Creek, Mich. Salisbury, H. R., 451 Holloway Road, bane, Queensland, Australia. Price. Geo.. Midland, Kings Co., New London, N., England. Smith, G. H., Calaway, Nebr. Brunswick. Sanborn, I., Ridgeland. Miss. Smith, Uriah, care Review and Herald, Porter. R. C.. Hamilton, Mo. Sandborn. A. R., 200 North Keisel St., Battle Creek, Mich. Proctor. L. H. Meeker, Colo. West Bay City, Mich. Smith, W. J., 37 Taranaki St., Welling- Provin, H., Weiherweg 48, Basle, Swit- Sanders, C. N., 228 Washington Ave., ton, New Zealand. . North, Battle Creek, Mich. Smith C. A., Academia, Ohio. , zerland. 646 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

Smith, W. IL, 2146 Atlas Ave., Harris- Swinson, S., Oxford, Wis. Wakebam, W. H., care L. Passebois, burg, Pa. Syp, Mrs. Minnie, Gip, Okla. T. Boulevard and Mohamed My, Cairo, Smith, W. R., Nampa, Idaho. Egypt. Snow, T. B., Marshfield, Wis. Tadich, G. W., 56 George St., West, Walker, G., Box 285, Fargo, N. Snyder, G. A., 56 George St., West, Syd- Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Dak. . ney, N. S. W., Australia, Taggart, C. L., Du Quoin, Ill. Wallenkampf, J., College View, Nebr. Snyder, E. W., Casilla 38, Asuncion, Tait, A. 0., Pacific Press, Oakland, Cal. Wantzlick, G. A., 37 Taranaki St., Well- Paraguay, South America. Tanner, W. Jay, 32 Text Lane, Kings- ington, New Zealand. Sommerville, J. A., Purdy, Ind. T. ton, Jamaica, West Indies. Ward, W. C. F., Puyallup, Oregon. Sommerville, J. N., Houston, Tex. Tarr, D. F., 28a Roeland St., Cape Town, .VVarnick, F. G., Franklin, Ky. Sorenson, C., Perkins, Okla. T. South Africa. Warren, Luther, 400 West Fifty-seventh Sparks, R. H., Brookville, Ind. Taylor, C. L., Sanitarium, Cal. St., New York, N. Y. Spear, W. H., Hastings, Ontario. Taylor, C. 0., Norfolk, N. Y. Washburn, J. S., 1728 Fourteenth St., Speeht, F. G., Box 285, Fargo, S. Dak. Teasdale, Geo., 198 George_ St, Launces- N. W., Washington, D. C. Spicer, W. A., 267 West Main St , Battle ton, Tasmania. Washburn, C. A., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Creek, Mich. Tea, B. E., Alfred, N. Y. Washburn, Frank, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Spies, F. W., Caixa do Correio 768, Rio Tenney, G. C., 56 George St., West, Syd- Washburn, H. A., Bethel, Wis. de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. ney, N. S. W., Aus,tralia. Watkins, C. A., 861 Summit St., Colum- Spring, L. A., 837 Ouray Ave., Grand Tenney, J. E., Graysville, Tenn. bus, Ohio. Junction, Colo. Terry, L. W., Rockville, Mo. Watson, G. F., 1112 South Eleventh St., Stanley, P. G., 115 West Seventh St., Tetz, G., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Denver, Colo. Anderson, Ind. Germany. Watson, T. H., Douglas City, Alaska. Starbuck, T. H., 508 East Everett St., ThOmann, E. W. Cassilla 240, Iquique, Watt, J. W., 148 Washington St., Barre, Portland, Oregon. Chile, South America. Vt. Starr, G. B., Oxford Chambers, Bourke Thompson, Chas., Willow Hill, El. Watts, V. B., Little Rock, Ark. St., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Thompson, G. B., 317 West Bloomfield St., Weber, C. W., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Starr, L. F., Stuart, Iowa. Rome, N. Y. Germany. Starr, F. D., Box 285, Fargo, N. Dak. Thompson, V., Sheridan, Ill. Webster, C. C., Middlefield, Ohio. States, Geo. 0., Delta, Colo. Thompson, Luzerne, R. R. 1, Zionsville, Webster, E. W., Sanitarium, Cal. Stebbeds, F., Milton Junction. Wis. Ind. Wells, G. W., 922 Cardwell St., Knox- Stebbins, W. W., Mankato, Minn. Thorn, I. F., Liberal, Kans. ville, Tenn. Steele, Frank, Brazil, Ind. Thorp, C. A., care Evangeliets Sendebud, Wellman, D. E., St. John, Antigua, West Steen, H., 977 Greenbrier St., St. Paul, Battle Creek, Mich. Indies. Minn. Thurston, H. G., Fresno, Cal. Wentland, W. E., New Home, N. Dak. Stein, Wm., Caixa do Correio 768, Rio de Thurston, S., Fernando, Cal. Westworth, W. A.. 451 Holloway Road, Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Thurston, W. IL, 168 Selby St., West- London, ., England. Stenberg, H. L., Boone, Iowa. mount, Montreal, Quebec. Westrup, J. J., 201 Second St., Portland, Stephenson, C. B., Bartow, Ha. Tieche, L. P., Weiherweg 48, Basle, Swit- Oregon. Stevens, G. A., 400 West Fifty-seventh zerland. Westphal, J. IV., Casilla del Correo 481, St., New York, N. Y. Town, N. Z., Casilla del Correo 481, Bue- Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, Stevens, J. C., 122 Spruce St., Newark, nos Ayres, Argentine Republic, South South America. N. J. America. Westphal, F. H., College View, Nebr. Steward, W. W., Boise, Idaho. Traugh, J. A., 673 Seventh St., Parkers- Wheeler, L. S., 316 East Highland Ave., Stewart, E. L., Vancouver, Wash. burg, W. Va. Norfolk, Va. St. John, H. A., Sanitarium, Cal. Trubey, L. F., 1425 N St., West, Cedar Wheeler, Geo. B., South Lancaster, Mass. Stokes, J., 313 Ruchill St., Fossil Park, Rapids, Iowa. Wheeler, F., West Monroe, N. Y. Glasgow, Scotland. Wheeler, J. H., College View, Nebr. Stoll, F. F., 3385 Boulevard, Jersey City, Underwood, R. A., 246 West Twenty- Wheeler. Fred, Stewardson, Ill. N. J. third St., Erie, Pa. White, W. B., Box 667, Missoula, Mont. Stone, C. L., Hazel, Ky. -Upton, J. L., Jenny Lind, Ark. White, J. E., 1027 Warren St., Nashville, Stone, W. J., Franklin, Ky. Urich, Conrad, Enid, Okla. T. Tenn. Stone, A. J., 835 Lawson St., St. Paul, Utchmann, W. R., 365 West Fifty-second White, Mrs. E. G., Sanitarium, Cal. Minn. St., New York, N. Y. White, W. C., Sanitarium, Cal. Stone, W. M., Galena, Kans.. Whitehead, Alfred, Box 286, Springville, Stover, A. J., Sara, Wash. Valentiner, T., care Christlicher Haus- Utah. Stow, J. B., Falconer, N. Y. freund, Battle Creek, Mich. Whitelock, T. S., 229 Twentieth St., Strachan, M. C., 2061/2 Huntsman St., Van Duesen, E., Kingstown, St. Vincent, San Diego, Cal. Jackson, Miss. West Indies. Whitney, S. B., 109 Harrison Place, Syra- Strickland, J. A., 1141 Twenty-Sixth St., Van Horn, E. J., Lake View, Ohio. cuse, N. Y. Newport News, Va. Van Horn, I. D., 34 Walter Ave., Battle Whittier, S. A., South Lancaster, Mass. Stueckrath, M., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Creek, Mich. Wight, S. F , 423 Petoskey St., Petoskey, burg, Germany. Van Kirk, M. B., Eagle Lake, Minn. Mieh. Sturdevant, M. C., Buluwayo, Rhodesia, Videto, W. E., 220 Plainfield Ave., Grand Wig,htman, Mrs. Lulu, Canandaigua, N. Y. British Central Africa. Rapids, Mich. Wilkinson, B. G., Weiherweg 48, Basle, Stureman, B. F., 7 Hamburg St., Muske- Voss, R., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg. Switzerland. gon, Mich. Germany. Wilcox, F. M., care Sanitarium, Boulder, Sturgeon, D. F., Gage, Okla- T. Voth, Wm., Cooper, Okla- T. Colo. Stuyvesant, J. B., Lamar, Mo. Voth, D., Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzer- Wilcox, H. H., Hewittville, N. Y. Sutherland, E. A., Berrien Springs, Mich. land. Wilcox, M. C., 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Sutton, N. T., Thayer, Kans. Vuilleumier, J., Weiherweg 48, Basle, Cal. Svensson, S. F., 1112 South Eleventh St., Switzerland. Wildgrnbe, 0.. Grindelberg 15a. Ham- Denver, Colo. buro G ermany. Swartz, E. C., North Liberty, Ind. Waggoner, E. J., 451 Holloway Road, Lon- Williams, I. N., Corydon, Pa. Sweany. W. A., King St., Bridgetown. don, N., England. Williams, E. R., 838 South St., Sault Barbados, West Indies. Wagner, G., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ste. Marie, Micb. Swenson, Chas., 1505 E St., Lincoln, Germany Williams. Mrs. E. R . 838 South St., Nebr. Wagner F D., Dayton, Wash. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.


Williams, C. D. M., Williams, Ariz. Young, W. C., Courtney, Vancouver Is- Elder C. Grin, March 12; Holland.- Willis, H. K, Pleasant Hill, Mo. land, British Columbia. Elder 0. S. Ferren, March 21; Albibic Willoughby, J. M., Cambridge, Idaho. Young, W. A., Scotland, Ontario. Nebr. Wilson, J. L., 609 Gore Ave., Van- A. M. Fischer, March 23; Mayaguez, couver, British Columbia. Ziegler, Watson, Ft. Collins, Colo. Porto Rico. Winter, John; Cooper, Okla. T. Ziegler, D. P., Box 74, Springfield, Mo. James Gargett, June 11; Chester, Va. Wintzen, J., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Zirkle, C. D., New Market, Va. J. C. Green, (formerly in Tahiti, Feb- Germany. ruary 14; Battle Creek, Mich. Wise, Chas., Lena, Wis. Wolfgarten, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Elder J. F. Hansen, January 6; Oak— burg, Germany. land, Cal. Wollekar, H. C. J., 215 Thomas St., Elder J. P. Henderson, February 217. Seattle, Wash. OBITUARY. Springfield, Ill. Wood, J. G., 42 Prairie Ave., Springfield, Elder F. J. Hutchins, August 4, Bocas. Ohio. Mrs. J. E. Caldwell March 1; Christ- del Toro, Republic of Colombia, Soutb Wood, C. A., Tawas City, Mich. church, New Zealand. America. Woodford, AN., 56 George St., West, Syd- Mrs. J. McCarthy, May 30; Buenos Elder H. M. Kenyon, January 10; Mem— ney, N. S. W., Australia. Ayres, Argentina, South America. phis, Mich. Wooding, M. S., Danville, Va. Woodruff, H., Hereford, Tex. Dr. John Eccles, January 18; Bocas del Elder Wm. Sanders, June 9; Eau Claire,. Woods, J. H., Oxford Chambers, 473 Toro, Columbia, South America. . Wit Bourke St., Melbourne, VictoriarAus- Elder W. h. Falconer, February 15; Bat- Elder G. W. Co/cord, Oct. 4; Hygiene, tralia. tle Creek Mich. Colo. INDEX OF DIRECTORY. p Alabama Conference 610 Iceland Mission 625 Oriental Mission 627 Alaska Mission 622 India Mission 628 Pacific Union Conference 620 Arizona Conference 620 Indiana Conference. 612 Pennsylvania Conference 60S Arkansas Conference 619 International Medical Missionary and Periodicals, List of Denominational -635 Atlantic Union Conference 607 Benevolent Association, Offi- Presidents of Conferences 637 Auditing Committee of Gen. Conf 602 cers, Trustees, Physicians, and Publication Committee of General Australasian Union Conference 622 Missionaries of 604-607 Conference . 602 Austrian Mission 624 International Medical Missionary and Publishing Houses 631 Benevolent Institutions 634 Bent Training-school Assoc .602 Quebec Conference 6111 Brazilian Conference 627 Iowa Conference. 617 Queensland Conference 623 British Columbia Conference 622 Ireland Mission 626 Religious Liberty Department 602 British Union Conference .625 Jamaica Mission 628 River Plate Conference 627 Cable Addresses 628 Japan Mission 628 Sabbath-school Dept. of Gen. Conf 602 California Conference 620 Kansas Conference • 617 Sabbath-school Secretaries 639 Canadian Union Conference 609 Lake Union _enference 612 Scandinavian Union Conference 625- Canvassing Agents 640 Louisiana Conference 611 Sanitariums ...... 632-634 Carolina Conference ...... 611 Maine Conference 608 Scotland Mission 626 Central Union Conference 616 Manitoba Mission 615 Secretaries of Organizations.... 638-640 Chesapeake Conference...... 607 Maritime Conference 609 South _African Conference 627 City Missions, Directory of 634 Matabele Mission. 628 South Australian Conference 623; Colorado Conference 617 Medical Missionaries, List or 605 Southern California Conference 621 Conference Papers, List of ..... 636 Mexico Mission 628 South England Conference..... 625 Conference Presidents 637 Ministerial Directory. 641-647 South Dakota Conference 616 Conference Secretaiies.. 638 Minnesota Conference Southern Illinois Conference 614 Cumberland Conference 611 Mission Board, Members of ....602 Southern Union Conference...... 610. r Death of Laborers 647 Mission Fields Outside of Union Con- South Russian Conference. . 625. Denmark Conference 625 ferences 627, 628 Southwestern Union Conference 619' Denominational Papers, List of 635 Mississippi Conference. 612 Superior Mission. 613: Doctors, List of 604 Missouri Conference 618 Swedish Conference 625 East German Conference 621 Montana Conference 620 Summary of Conference Officers.637-641 East Michigan Conference. .. 613 Natal-Transvaal 628 Tasmanian Conference 623 Educational Dept. of the Gen. Conf 602 Nebraska Conference 618 Tennessee River Conference...... —612 Educational Institutions 629 New England Conference 608 Texas 'Conference...... 619 European General Conference. New Jersey Conference 608 Transportation Agents 602- Finland Mission. 625 New South Wales Conference •622 Tract Society Secretaries 639' Florida Conference 611 New York Conference. . .608 Treatment-Rooms . 634 626 French-Latin Union Mission New Zealand Conference •622 Trinidad Mission...... 62a Prench-Swiss Conference Newfoundland Mission 610 upper Columbia Conference 621 French Mission. 626 North Dakota Conference 616 Utah Conference 621 Gen. Conf., Committee and Officers of.602 North England Conference. 626 Vermont Conference 609 Ministers, Licentiates, and Mis- North Michigan Conference 613 Victoria Conference b23 sionary Licentiates of ...602, 603 Northern Illinois Conference.. ..613 Virginia Conference 609 General Conference Association 602 Norway Conference 625 Wales Mission 626 General Conference Committee 602 Northern Union Conference 615 , Western Australian Conference 623 Georgia Conference 611 Nurses, List of 605 West German Conference 624 German-Swiss Conference 624 Nyassaland Mission 628 West Michigan Conference 613 German Union Conference 624 Obituary 647 West Virginia Conference 609 Greater New York Conference 607 Ohio Conference. ... . 614 Western Oregon Conference 621 awaiian Mission 622 Oklahoma Conference 619 Western Washington Conference. 622 Holland Mission 624 Ontario Conference 609 Wisconsin Conference. 614 648 GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN.

A friend remonstrated with Carey one day, assuring THE GENERAL CONFERENCE. MLETIN, him that his business was suffering from neglect occasioned by his preaching. To this charge of neg- BATTLE CREEK, MICH., SECOND AND THIRD lect, the great-hearted man of- faith replied, "My QUARTERS, 1902. business is to extend the kingdom of God. I only cobble shoes to pay expenses. Who would venture to assert that he was not then as truly a missionary 4 TO EVERY MAN HIS WORK." of the cross as when he gave his life to service Ttiv work has been assimned: It has been allotted in distant India, regarded by the Christian world by the Master'workman alliniself. Our hope for as the " Father of -modern missions " ? the speedy triumph of the gospel message may, Oh brother, what do you account your real busi- therefore, be sure and steadfast, as far as it is ness in this world? Do you live for the one pur- influenced by a perfect plan of campaign. The only pose of extending the kingdom of God? Do you element of possible uncertainty is that involved in till the soil because farming is your business, or do the attitude of the laborer to the work assigned. you give it its proper place as a means providen- Notice how forcibly this thought is set forth in one tially provided for enabling you to pay expenses of our Lord's most stirring admonition's to diligence while following your high and holy calling? in the performance of duty. "For the Son of man THE EXAMPLE OF CHRIST. as as a man taking a far journey, who left his Since to be a Christian is to be like Christ, is house, and gave authority to his servants, and to it not clear that we must recognize our' duty to every man his work, and commanded the porter to God and His work as the first of our obligations? watch." Mark 13:34. If, then, "every man" would Said Jesus, "My meat is to do the will of him just now forever give himself ,wholly to "his work"" that sent me, and to finish his work." Like the • appointed by the Master, how 'soon would the prob- blessed Master, whose we are, and whom we serve, lem of the world's evangelization be solved in the let us join in the grand movement that shall "finish swift and irresistible onward march of the host his work," by giving ourselves without reserve to whom .God has .called! The plan is perfect. The the work He has given to us. objective .point •is determined. The leadership of our General -is -incomparable. No failure is possible if the men who bear arms in this holy war, faith- THE DIRECTORY. fully execute the work assigned under the Captain As announced in our last number, we present in of -the Lord's host. this issue a revised directory of Our demonination. , Thu UNIVERSAL RESPONSIBILITY. Recent changes in our conference organizations , The responsibility of this campaign does not rest have made imperative a revision of the directory.- upon a few.. We cannot emphasize too strongly the Much effort has been put forth to secure accurate fact that Christ, our Captain, has given "to EVERY information concerning our organizations, insti- man his-work." The question of paramount impor- tutions, and laborers. We trust that the many tance to us as individuals is, Have I given myself workers who depend upon this compilation for data, to the work given me? If every member of " His addresses, and general information, will find it a house" could truthfully answer in the affirmative, safe and serviceable assistant in the execution of the glad chorus of " yeas " would voice the answer their duties. of. eternity to the problem of the ages. It is not claimed that this directory is entirely THE WORK IS VARIED. complete, or its information in- every instance per- fect. Any one meeting with disappointment 'in a Think not, brother, that you are not enlisted in particular, case should charitably-bear- in- mind-the - - this you arc not'-engaged in fsome fact that it is often a somewhat long and circuitous conventionally recognized form of Christian work. journey from the local institution to the desk of ' Remember that " He gave to every man his work." the one who compiles the directory. The present :Your service is special. Whether it be to take' the dimensions of our work make it impossible for us pulpit, follow the plow, it is your specific work. at this office to have personal knowledge of the facts It may-;l -,differ from the service of your relating to local organizations and institutions. We hr9th,W-Hbilk do not for this reason lose sight of believe, however, that faithful, painstaking work .satithivo',"tr.24:neglect its performance If you ac- has been done by the large number *ho bear their qcnint y6niaelf, 'happily a member of Christ's house, share in the preparation of this directory. be assured your special work is 'assigned, and make In view of the fact that our General Conference its' perfortnance the business of your life. office is not now kept in such close touch with .Witen •TiTIlliani.:.Qateyffiret began to plead so ear- local organizations as prior to the formation of nestly for -of Christian missions Union Conferences, we would suggest that any,' - in` beathen ; lands, he earned his living by repair- omission or inaccuracy in the directory be made shoes:`' `Thus his tune was divided between known to us by the party interested, that proper preaching'ilie-,torld-wide gospel, and-cobbling shoes. corrections may be made in future issues.