• THE • GENERAL CONFERENCE BRIAETI11. PUBLISHED QUARTERLY. VOL. IV. BATTLE CREEK, MICH., SECOND AND THIRD QUARTERS, 1902. Nos. 6 AND 7. common fire will be used instead of the sacred fire THE GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN of God's kindling. The strained, tattered efforts PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY disappoint the" listeners and hart the speaker: He has had no time to seek the Lord, no tire to ask The Seventh=day Adventist. General Conference in faith for the unction of the Holy Spirit. In order for the efforts of God's workers to be suc- cessful, they must receive that grace, that efficiency, Fonthe DAILY BULLETIN during General Conference session-50c which He alone can give. "Ask, and ye Shall re- the biennial term, including daily and gdarterly issues 75c ceive," is the promise. Then why not take time to Subscriptions at the 75-cent rate, ior the current volume, will include all issues during 1901 and 1902. ask; to open the mind to the impressions of the Holy Spirit, that- the sdiul may be revived by a fresh sup- ply of life? Christ himself was much in prayer. EDITOR . • • U. E. OSBORNE. Whenever Ile had, opportunity, He went, apart, to be alone with' God.' As We bow before God in humble' Entered at the Post-Office in Battle Creek, Michigan. prayer, He places-a live coal from His altar on our lips, sanctifying:them to the work of giving Bible TAKE TIME "TO UTAH WITH 110D. truth to the people:- ' I am instructed to say to my fellow 'workers, If""` BY PIES. E. G. 'WHITE. youwould have the rich treasures of heaven, you - SPECIAL ihstructicth has been given me in regard must have seeretmominunion with God. Unless you - to our miniitaXs. It is not" the will., of God that do this, your scut will be as destitute of the Holy „ hey shallSffsto be rich. They should not engage Spirit as were the hill? of Gilboa of dew and rain. in worldly kol‘prises; for this disqualifies them for When you hurr3froin one thing to another, when giving theirNsRowers to spiritual things. But you have se lama to do that you can not take time they are to receikVMages enoUgh to support them- to talk with 0,6d, hoW can you expect power in ii selves and their families. They are not to have so your -Work? many burdens laid upon them that they can not give The reason so Many of our ministers preach tame,y proper attention to- the church in their own home. lifeless discourses is' that they allow a variety or; It is their duty to train their Children for the Lord. thinas of a worldly nature "to take their time It is a great mistake to keep a minister constantly attention..a ;Unless there is constant growth in grace, , at work in business lines, going from place to place, we shall be wanting in words suitable for the occaiN ;`,attending board meetings and committee meetings, sion. Commune with your own heart,: and theril) sitting up late -at night. This brings to him weari- commune with God. Unless you do this, your effortt ness and discouragement. Ministers should have time will be fruitless, made thus by unsanctified hurry to rest, to obtain from God's, word the rich nourish- and confusion. ment of the bread of life. They should have time to Ministers and teachers, let your Work be fragrant drink refreshing draughts of consolation from the with rich spiritual grace. Do not make it common stream. of living water. by mixing it with common things. Move onward Let ministers and teachers remember that God and upward. Cleanse yourselves from all filthines holds them accountable to fill their office to the best of the flesh and: of the spirit, perfecting holiness of. their ability, to bring into their work their very in the fear 'of the Lord: best powers. They are not :to take up duties that We need to be converted daily. Our prayers conflict with the work that God has given them. should be more ferVent; then they will be more effec- When ministers and teachers, pressed under the tual. Stronger and Stronger should be our confidence urden of financial responsibility, enter the pulpit that God's Spirit: will be with us, making us pure 'or the schoolroom with Wearied brain and, over- and holy, as Upright and fragrant as the cedars of taxed nerves, what else_ can' he expected than that Lebanon..;;„ , DIRECTORY OF THE SEVENMDAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION. GENERAL CONFERENCE; Organized 1861. Office: 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, J. Read, E. A. Sutherland, I. H. Evans, Transportation Agents: H. E. Osborne, Mich., U. S. A. W. C. White, H. F. Rand, W. T. Knox, 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. OFFICERS. A. T. Jones, W. W. Prescott, E. R. S. N. Curtiss, 11 West Twentieth St., • Palmer. New York, N. Y. President: A. G. Daniells, 267 West Main Corresponding Secretary of Mission C L Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn. St., Battle Creek, Mich. Board: W. A. Spicer; Assistant Sec- W. 0. Palmer, 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- Vice-President: W. W. Prescott, care retary, H. E. Osborne. ville, Tenn. Review and Herald, Battle Creek, lffich. Field Secretary of Mission Board: W. W. J. Sutherland, College View, Nebr. Secretary: H. E. Osborne, 267 West Main Prescott. C. McReynolds, 821 West Fifth St, To- St., Battle Creek, Mich. Trustees of Foreign Mission Board of peka, Kans. Treasurer: H. M. Mitchell, 267 West Seventh-day Adventists (the Legal B. R. Nordyke, 18 West Fifth St., Kan- Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. Corporation): A. G. Daniells (chair- sas City, Mo. Financial Secretary: P. T. Magan, Ber- man), J. H. Kellogg, David Paulson, C. H. Jones, 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Cal. rien Springs, Mich. A. J. Read, A. T. Jones, W. W. Pres- A. Bacon, 451 Holloway Road, London, cott, I. H. Evans, G. B. Thompson, N., England. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. W. A. Spicer (secretary). A. G. Daniells, 267 West Main St., Battle Educational Department: W. W. Pres- INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL MIS- Creek, Mich. cott (chairman), E. A. Sutherland SIONARY TRAINING SCHOOL H. W. Cottrell, South Lancaster, Mass. (secretary), J. H. Kellogg, A. T. Jones, ASSOCIATION OF THE SEV- I. H. Evans, care Review and Herald,, David Paulson, P. T. Magan, Fred- ENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS. Battle Creek, Mich. erick Griggs. Incorporated October 9, 1901. C. W. Flaiz, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Religious Liberty Department: Allen Office: 267 West Main St., Battle Creek, Frederick Griggs, South Lancaster, Mass. Moon (chairman), A. T. Jones, S. H. Mich. S. N. Haskell, 400 West Fifty-seventh Lane, W. H. Thurston, D. W. Reavis, Incorporators: Arthur G. Daniells, John St., New York, N. Y. J. D. Bradley. H. Kellogg, Archibald R. Henry, Percy G. A. Irwin, 56 George St., West, Sydney, Publication Committee: W. C. White T. Magan, Irwin H. Evans. N. S. W., Australia. (chairman), E. R. Palmer (secretary), Officers: President, A. G. Daniells; Sec- A. T. Jones, 301 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, I. H. Evans, C. H. Jones, J. H. Kellogg, retary, W. H. Edwards; Treasurer, Cal. L. R. Conradi, J. C. Ottosen, W. C. Sis- S. H. Lane. J. H. Kellogg; care Sanitarium, Battle ley, W. D. Salisbury, J. E. White, A. G. Creek, Mich. Daniells, P. T. Magan, W. A. Spicer, MINISTERS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Geo. I. Butler, 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- The General Canvassing Agent, and THE GENERAL CONFERENCE AND ville, Tenn. the General Agents of the Union Con- MISSION BOARD. W. T. Knox, 816 Twentieth St., Oakland, ferences. Anderson, J. N., 3 Arsenal St., Hong Cal. Sabbath-school Department : W. A. Kong, China. D. H. Kress, 56 George St., West, Syd- Spicer (chairman), Estella Houser Armitage. F. B., Box 55, iGwelo, Sham- ney, N. S. W., Australia. (secretary), W. W. Prescott, M. C. Wil- rock Mine, Rhodesia, British Central S. H. Lane, 267 West Main St., Battle cox, C. H. Jones, H. E. Osborne, E. A. Africa. Creek, Mich. Sutherland, A. J. Read, G. W. Thoma- Babcock, D. C., 79 Robb St., Georgetown, J. N. Loughborough, 1228 Chestnut St., son, Adelaide Bee Cooper, Mrs. L. Demerara, British Guiana, South Oakland, Cal. Flora Plummer (Cor. Sec., Room 705 America. G. G. Rupert, Keene, Tex. Noi thwestern Building, Minneapolis, Haber, G. H., 1309 Clark St., Urbana, Ill. J. C. Ottosen, Margrethevej 5, Copenha- Minn.). Balada, Enrique, Casilla 240, Iquique, gen, V., Denmark. " General Conference Association of the Chile, South America. David Paulson, 28 Thirty-third Place, Seventh-day Adventists: " S. H. Lane Beckner. J. B.. 32 Text Lane, Kingston, Chicago, El. • (chairman), W. H. Edwards (score- Jamaica. West Indies. W. W. Prescott, care Review and Herald, tary), H. M. Mitchell (treasurer), W. Bodwell, I G., Apartado 2229, Mexico, 'Battle Creek, Mich. A. Spicer, R. M. Kilgore, A. G. Daniells, • F. H. F. Rand, care Sanitarium, Boulder, C. W. Flaiz, I. H. Evans. J. Sutherland,. Bourdeau, A. C., 166 Kalamazoo St., Colo. P. T. Magan, W. W. Prescott, C. M. Battle Creek, Mich. A. J. Read, 1809 Wallace St., Philadel- Christiansen, J. D. Crowell, G. B. Bourdeau, D. T., 172 Kalamazoo St., phia, Pa. Thompson, J. M. Rees. C. D. Rhodes, Battle Creek, Mich. E. A. Sutherland, Berrien Springs, Mich. Wm. Covert. J. S. Comins. A. G. Brunson, John A.. 1024 Monroe St., E. J. Waggoner, 451 Holloway Road, Lon- Haughey, E. R. Palmer, H. E. Osborne. Nashville, Tenn. don, N., England. Auditing Committee: A. G. Daniells. H. Butler, Geo. 1., 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- W. C. White, Sanitarium, Cal. ville. Tenn. W.WCottrell, R.Kilgore,C.W.M. Flaiz Cady B. J., Papeete, Tahiti, Society Is- L.
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