JULY 2018 Invasive Mussel Prevention Framework for Western Canada Pacific Northwest economic region estimates that the annual region-wide cost of a zebra and quagga mussel infestation in the northwest would be $500 million Image: ThirdwavephotoInvasive Mussel Prevention Framework for Western Canada | 2018 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Invasive Mussel Prevention For more information or questions on Framework for Western Canada this report, please contact: was prepared for the Pacific North- west Economic Region (PNWER) Matt Morrison, Chief Executive Officer as a common shared call to action for PNWER | pnwer.org Western Canada. The development of this
[email protected] report builds on the previous leadership and background report provided by PNWER, Gail Wallin, Executive Director including the Advancing a Regional Defense Invasive Species Council of BC | bcinvasives.ca Against Invasive Mussels in the Pacific
[email protected] Northwest. The development of the Invasive Mussel Prevention Framework for Western Canada “The introduction and sub- was made possible thanks to the direction sequent invasion of Dreissenid and contributions from a wide range of mussels has resulted in governments, industries and organizations far-ranging costs to the from across Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta infrastructure and operations and Saskatchewan, including the PNWER of many Canadian Hydropower Invasive Species Working Group. The origi- Association (CHA) member nal Framework was released in 2016 and is organizations. Further, the now updated in 2018, based on input from a wide range of contributors. impact on biodiversity and water quality on the systems Thank you to all the contributors that in which our members operate helped shape the Invasive Mussel Preven- has also been significant.