Teaching Tolerance Storybook List GRADES PRE-K - 8 (updated 11/4/16) For more information contact: Lawrence M. Glaser, Executive Director New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education 100 Riverview Plaza Route 29 P.O. Box 500 Trenton, NJ 08625 609-984-4927
[email protected] [email protected] 1 “26 BIG Things Small Hands Do” Coleen Paratore Alphabet book with beautiful, colorful illustrations. Grades: Pre K – 1 Theme: Small hands can do BIG things to make the world better. Pre-reading: • Look at the book cover. • What kind of book is this? • What is an alphabet book? • What are some “big” things or good things you do with your hands? Post-reading: • How do small hands make the world more wonderful? • If time allows, have students draw a picture of one thing their hands can do. “A Bus Called Heaven” Bob Graham Grades: K - 4 Themes: • A tale of “community” • How a little girl named Stella created a gathering place for all of her neighbors • Character development/Stella took control and improved her neighborhood. Vocabulary: regulations (parking regulations), donations, obstruction, junkyard, vacant (lots) Pre-reading: • Does your neighborhood have a place where people can meet and talk? Discuss. • Do you think that just one person can change a neighborhood? Post-reading: • What did Stella do for her neighborhood? • How did Stella make her dream/idea (for the bus) come true? • Did Stella improve the lives of her friends and neighbors? How did she do it? • Can just one person, even a young child, make a difference? “Accept and Value Each Person” Cheri Meiners One book from “Free Spirit’s Learning to Get Along” series of 12 titles.