Writing Steps
PREWRITING ● gather your thoughts and ideas ○ read, research, interview, experience, discuss, reflect ○ brainstorm, list, journal, freewrite, cluster ● direct your writing ○ determine your purpose (what you want your paper to do) ○ focus and direct your ideas to address your purpose ○ topic, thesis, capsule summary ● tailor your writing ○ determine your audience ○ choose vocabulary, syntax, formality, appeal, organization, approach ○ capture essence and flavor of paper ● plan your writing ○ organize your ideas into an outline or plan ○ chronological, spatial, topical, priority ○ inductive (exploratory), deductive (argumentative) DRAFTING ● get situated ○ comfortable, stimulating, no distractions ● express your ideas without worrying about mechanical details ○ let thoughts flow ○ do not struggle with words, spelling, punctuation, other details ○ do not follow urge to reread, restructure, rewrite ○ write quickly, informally ○ concentrate on main ideas and message ● stick to subject ○ avoid digression into interesting examples ○ follow outline or plan (with minor modifications) ○ use transitions to connect and show relationships between and among ideas ● write draft in one sitting ○ consistent tone, smooth continuity ● consider writing a second, independent draft ○ compare the independent drafts and pull out best parts of each ● take a break when your draft is complete REVISING ● re-envision what you have written ○ ensure your paper fulfills its purpose (what you want the paper to do) ○ consider alternative ways to more effectively, efficiently
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