The Waffen-Ss in Historical Perspective I
Stiftelsen norsk Okkupasjonshistorie, 2014 11 8221 WHOLE NUMBER 38 THE WAFFEN-SS IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE I j SNO The Dutch SS Volunteer Gerardes Mooymann, the first non 1943 on the Leningrad Front. Here he receives congratulations German SS man to be awarded the Knight's Cross. He per from other Dutch comrades during a visit to Berlin. sonally destroyed 17 Soviet tanks (13 In one day) In February [via Kenneth NiemanJ Stiftelsen norsk Okkupasjonshistorie, 2014 >ED o " !i 'ITO''" Ill' ,'. l < In 1980, the U,S, Justice Department (if you can call it that), The U,S, is not unique in its lack of enthusiasm in pursuing dropped its deportation case against a former member of the certain domestic terrorists; one only has to recall the complete Waften"SS from the North Caucasus region of the Soviet Union apathy of the government of France following the murder of named Tscherim Soobzokov, Soobzokov had been accused of all former Standartenfuehrer Jochen Peiper in that country in sorts of "war crimes," including "mass murder" by the New 19'16, Although the criminals involved left a trail wirte enouyh to York Times newspaper, a "Nazi" hunter, a journalist and drive a diesel truck over, none were ever apprehended, several other people, He subsequently sued all of the above and Traqically the domestic terrorism in the U,S. <lgainst former won a very large out,·of-court settlement, members of ttle Waffen-SS in particular has almost been of At ttle time of his victory over the "Justice" [),.;partment, ficially s<lnctionerl and certainly encouraged by the "Nazi" Soobzokov had the following to say: "I was never afraid because hunting Office of Special Investigations of the "Justice" Dep<lrt I knew I was innocent.
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