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O Canada! Our Home and Native Land! True patriot-love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North, strong and free, And stand on guard, 0 Canada, We stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! 0 Canada, we stand on guard for thee! PROGRAMME OF CEREMONY



ADDRESS by Eric Werge Hamber, C.M.G., B.A., LL.D. Chancellor of the University of British Columbia


THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE William Harold Brittain, B.S.A., M.S., Ph.D., F.R.S.C. Fred Moore Clement, B.S.A., M.A. James Gordon Taggart, C.B.E., B.S.A.

THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS Basil Joseph Mathews, M.A. (in absentia)

INTRODUCTION OF THE CONGREGATION SPEAKER by Norman A. M. MacKenzie, C.M.G., M.M. and Bar, B.A., LL.B., LL.M., LL.D., D.C.L., K.C., F.R.S.C. President of the University of British Columbia

THE CONGREGATION ADDRESS by Fred Moore Clement, B.S.A., M.A., D.Sc.




Hamilton, Glen Francis, B.A., B.S.W. Thesis: “The Teen-Age Gang and the Community” Kuhn, Gottfried John, B.A.(N.Dakota), B.S.W. Thesis: “Pubilo Assistance: The Reoipients’ Experiences” Myers, Gerard George, B.A., B.S.W. Thesis: “Pre-Deiinquency: Its Recognition in School” McFarland, William Donald, B.A., B.S.W. Thesis: “The Care of the Chronically Ill” Shook, Vernon Phray, B.S.(ldaho) Thesis: “Some Aspects of Child Care and Protection” Torrance, Robert Joseph, B.Com.(Alta), B.S.W. Thesis: “Community Centres and Their Support”


Bruce, Norman Clement, B.A.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Thesis: “Cyclic Stresses in Marine Propeller Shafting” (with W, J. Johnson) Corbonneau, C6me, B.A.Sc. (Loyal) Geological Engineering Thesis: “Stratigraphy and Structure of a Portion of the Shickshock Mountains, Gaspe Peninsula” Carter, Ralph Edgar, B.ASc. Metallurgical Engineering Thesis: “The influence of Roasting Temperature upon Gold Recovery from a Refractory Gold Ore” Cheriton, Camon Glenn, B.Sc.(Sask.) Geological Engineering Thesis: “Correlation of the Area Including Kimberley, Metaline and Coeur d’Alene’ Chu, Gon Dick, B.A.Sc. Electrical Engineering Thesis: “The Dissipation Factor Method of Ascertaining the Moisture Content of Newsprint” Evans, Donald John, B.A.Sc. Electrical Engineering Thesis: “The Location of Flashovers on Transmission Lines” Fyles, James Thomas, B.A.Sc. Geological Engineering Thesis: “Geology and Manganese Deposits of the North Shore of Cowichan Lake, Vancouver Island, B C.” Greenius, Arnold William, B.A.Sc. Metallurgical Engineering Thesis: “Reduction of Metallic Chlorides and the Physical Properties of the Metal Produced” 5 Johnson, William James, B.A.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Thesis: “Cyolic Stresses in Marine Propeller Shafting” (with N. C. Bruce) Lambe, Edward Bryant Dixon, B.A.Sc. Engineering Physics Thesis: “The Influence of Tensor Forces on the Differential Cross Section for the Scattering of Polarized Neutron Beams by Protons. Lee, James William, B.A.Sc. Geological Engineering Thesis: “A Petrographic Study of Porphyry lnstrusives at Hedley, B. C.” Morgan, David William, B.A.Sc. Metallurgical EngIneering Thesis: “The Isothermal Decomposition of Austenite in the Balnite Region”


Day. John Howorth, B.S.A. Major: Agronomy (Soils) Thesis: “A Study of Measurement of Soil Moisture by the Plaster of Paris Block Method” Enns, Peter Bernhard, B.S.A.(Man.) Major: Horticulture (Plant Nutrition) : Minor: Agronomy (Sells) Thesis: “The Effect of Varying Levels of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Calcium on the Quality of the Newburgh Raspberry” Gyles, Nicholas Roy, B.S.A. Major: Animal Husbandry; Minor: Agronomy Thesis: “A Modified Method of Reporting Record of Performance in Canadian Ayrshire Cattie”

MacDonald, Malcolm Allan, B.S.A. Major: Agronomy; Minor: Animal Husbandry Thesis: “Overgrazing on Western Rangelands with Spesial Reference to those of British Columbia”

Rideout, Eldon Fowler, B.S.A. Major: Agronomy (Soils); Minor: Chemistry Thesis: “A Study of Slash Burning and its Effect on a British Columbia Forest Soil”

6 CIassifiction For B.A.Sc. and B.S.F. degrees: (H) Honours. (1) First Class. (2) Second Class. (P) Passed. For other degrees: (1) First Class. (2) Second Class. (P) Passed. (C) Completed for B.A. in combined course wEth Law or ApplEed Science.

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Cox, Stafford Albert, B.A. (2) McGown, Walter Morton, B.A. (2) Dee, Henry Drummond, M.A. (1) McLachlan, Charles William, B.A. (2) Heywood, Stanley John (2) MacNeill, Allan Roy, B.A. (2) Hodgson, William Robert, B.S.A. (2) Prevost, Gerald Fairfax, B.A. () Irwin, Everett James, B.A. (1) Reid, William Tennant, B.A. (2) Michell, Cyril Allastair, B.A. (2) Wilson, Donal Stuart, B.A. (1) McDonald, Archibald Murdo, B.A. Yeo, Shirley-Anne Aleta, B.A. (2) (Queen’s) (2)

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK Brunn, John Arthur, B.A. (2) Griffiths, John Roderick, B.A. (2) Campbell, Ian James, B.A. (2) Harris, Shirley Marguerite, B.A. (2) Cheriton, Lorna, B.A. (Sask.) (2) Henry, Robert, B.A. (2) Chishoim, Anita Grace, B.A. (2) Hobbs, Barbara Joan, B.A. (2) Clark, Duncan Leslie, B.A. (2) Hopkins, John Thomas, B.A. (Atta.) Collier, Elizabeth Anne, B.A. (Sask.) (2) (2) Howell, Ruth Margaret, BA. (2) Congreve, Mrs. Louisa Maude, B.A. Hutchison, Fred Arthur, B.A. (Man.) (2) (2) Denholm, Isabella Maude, B.A. (2) Denhoim, Mary Patricia, B.A. (2) Johnson, Glendyne Helen Ross, B.A. D’Estrubé, Francette Marguerite, B.A. (2) Johnston, Jean Mary, B.A. (2) Dobrovitch, Mona, B.A. (Sask.) () Jones, Allan Ernest Brierley, B.A. (2) Ellis, Mrs. Vivian Mauretta, B.A. (2) Kidd, Mary Hood, B.A. (2) Fawcett, Evelyn Anne Grace, B.A. (1) Livingston, Mrs. Dorothy Lucille Flegel, Apollonia Catherine, B.A. Corser, B.Sc. (Cornell) (2) (Sask.) (P) Madeley, Frank St. John, B.A. and Ford, Kathleen Patricia, B.A. (P) B.Com. (1) Gehrke, Lillian Rebecca, B.A. (Alta.) Malcolmson, Susana Mary Bell, B.A. (2) (2) Griffith, Gwynneth Margaret, B.A. (2) 7 Mitchell, Robert James Gordon, B.A. Smith, Hazel Violet, B.A. (2) (Man.) (2) Smith, Hector Charles, B.A. (Sosk.) (2) Montpeilier, Alfred Louis, B.A. (2) Sturgess, Mrs. Gwendolyn Bisseil, McConnell, Mary Susan, B.A. (West. B.A. (2) Ont.) (2) Swail, Mrs. Jessie Rankine, B.A. McDaniel, Francis Joseph, B.A. (2) (Tor.) (2) McDonald, Margaret Clair, B.Sc. Taylor, Joan Ruthmary, B.A. (2) (Alta.) (P) Thomasson, Augusta Margaret, B.A. Macdonald, Robert Wesley, B.A. (2) (Man.) (2) Torrance, Kenneth John, B.Ed. (Alto.) McGeough, Margaret Eileen, B.A. (2) (Sask.) (2) Tracey, Thomas Joseph, B.A. (Sask.) McGregor, George Arthur, B.A. (2) (P) McGregor, lona Marion, B.A. (2) Trasov, George Edward, B.A. (Alta.) McKenzie, MacQuarrie Bruce, B.A. (2) (Alta.) (2) Tyler, Frederick Harry, B.Com. (Alto.) Maclaren, Nancy Adelaide, B.A. (2) (2) McMillan, Victor Dyke, B.A. (2) Walling, Oliver John, B.A. (2) Naimark, Sheila Leona, B.A. (Sask.) Watson, Edwin Frank, B.A. (Man.) (2) (2) Whittington, Richard Lyle, B.A. (Tor.) Newport, Violet Gwendolin, B.A. (2) (2) Norris, Mrs. Barbara Violet, B.A. (2) Williams, Eunice Amelia, B.S. (md. Philpott, Elizabeth Joan, B.A. (2) State Coil.) (P) Rabinovitch, Gertrude, B.A. (Man.) (2) Wright, Wilfred Albert, B. A. (Sask.) Roeher, Allan, B.A. (2) Young, John Joseph, B.A. (P) Roth, Irene Helena, B.A. (Alto.) (P) Zivot, Aaron, B.A. (2) Sanford, Malchia Eldine, B.A. (2)

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF HOME ECONOMICS Andersen, Irene Catherine Jane (2) Harvey, Mary Louise (P) Anderson, Agnes Marina (2) Hindmorsh, Lily May (2) Arichbald, Elizabeth Stephen (1) Jenkins, Mrs. Mina Ellen (2) Bacon, Eileen Norah (2) Kechik, Sosha Alexandra (2) Bean, Mrs. Louise Alma (2) Kerr, Joan Isabel (2) Bean, Mrs. Norma Margaret (2) Kerr, Mildred Emily (P) Bown, Elizabeth Margaret Quinton (2) Long, Catherine Blanche (P) Brethour, Helen Sydney (2) Mayrs, Irene May (2) Broadhead, Mrs. Gene Audrey (2) Murray, Iris Ellen Emily (P) Burr, Marjorie Eleanor (2) McTavish, Shirley Adelaide (P) Corman, Helen Ann (2) Neilans, Mary Noble (2) Carnsew, Hildo Muriel (2) Norman, Mary Theresa (2) Doirymple, Jean Whitelaw (P) Parsonson, Violet Margaret (2) Deane, Mrs. Constance Mary (2) Paterson, MaryJane (2) Doyle, Gladys Annette (2) Patterson, Mary Anne (P) Edwards, Mrs. Norma Rosetta (2) Pearson, Dorothy Blanche Hector (2) Evans, Marjorie Gertrude (2) Pinchin, Mrs. Shirley Winifred (I) Fairweather, Pauline Olive May (2) Piommer, Mrs. Esther Mary (2) Finlay, Gladys Muriel (2) Power, Mrs. Helen (2) Groves, Joan (2) 8 Richards, Barbara Jean (1) Sortome, Emma Eleanor Matilda (2) Rrchmond, Audrey Doris (2) Stone, Renneth Elaine (2) Rose, Joan Fraser (2) Terrace, Ivy Alice Jeanne (2) Smith, Daphne Joan (2) Willoughby, Edwina Lorene (2)

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Armour, John Donald Hamilton McKinnon, John Amburr (2) Jack (2) Nelford, Terry Edward (2) Boyd, William (2) Penn, Walter Richard (P) Burley, Beverly Doreen (2) Porteous, Malcolm Allan (2) Cardinall, Eric Rhys (P) Rathie, Ross Cuthbertson (2) Cornett, Lloyd Elwood (P) Robinson, Basil André (2) Findlay, Walter Donald (2) Robinson, Joan Elizabeth (2) Genge, Kenneth (2) Soinas, William (2) Gordon, Abraham George (2) Shermann, Roi (2) Gould, Isabel Margaret (P) Stangroom, Robert William (2) Greer, Peter Courtenay (2) Thiessen, Albert Wilhelm (2) Home, Gerald Thomas (2) Thompson, Gordon Barry (2) Laing, Margaret Anne (P) Trim, Peter Thomas (2) Mitchell, James Reid (2) Watt, Norman Scott (2) Mitchell, Richard (2) White, Michael (P) McDermott, Nora June Hughine (1) Wolfe, Janet Louisa (P)

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF APPLiED SCIENCE Agricultural Engineering Bigsby, Floyd Wilber (2) Redel, Walter Robert (2) Brown, Bruce Edwin (2) Richardson, Donald Wells (2) Burwell, James Donaldson (P) Ross, Lewis James (2) Fjarlie, Robin Lent Ibsen (P) Saunders, Robert Henry (P) Low, Norman Ramsay (2) Williams, Gaynor Parry (2) Patterson, George Rudolph (H)

Chemical Engineering Bagley, John (2) Drewitt, Chester James (2) Bourns, William Townsend (2) Eng, Jackson (H) Bredt, Malcolm Duff (2) Fairhead, Norman Cecil (2) Burmeister, Russell Max (2) Frankovitch, Cecil Jerrold (P) Butterfield, Floyd Nelson (2) Gattenmeyer, John Leonard (H) Campbell, John Ansell (2) Henderson, George Crocker (2) Carrigan, Brian John (P) Henderson, Kenneth David (H) Carter, Hugh Munro (2) Hester, Kenneth Donald, B.A. (2) Clarance, Charles Douglas (2) Hogg, William John (2) Cooke, Dewar Britton (2) Hoover, George Laurie (2) 9 Hopkins, Charles Newton (2) McPherson, George Malcolm (H) Howey, George Robert Alexander (2) Ozol, Nelda (2) Husband, William Herbert WentworthShaffer, Dixon Howard (2) (2) Speers, Edward Albert, B.A. (Man.) Kolke, Oscar Ernest (2) (P) Lum, Mum (P) Steinhubl, Andrew John (2) Marantz, Berl (2) Sweeney, William Alan (2) McAdam, John Richard Guy (2) Thompson, Gordon Williard (P) McCawley, Jack Douglas, B.A. (2) Towell, Gordon (H) Macfarlane, Walter Eric (2) Villiiers-Fisher, John Frederick (2) McIntosh, Robert Bruce (2) Webb, Leslie Edward (2) MacKenzie, Hugh Gladstone (2)

Civil Engineering Anderson, Lloyd Harold (2) Kos, Anthony Leopold (P) Anderton, Robert Vincent (2) Lawrence, James Edward (2) Atkey, James William (P) Manson, Frederick Norman (P) Bagnali, Robert Frederick (2) Mehling, Frank Randall (2) Bailey, James Martin Monroe (2) Milligan, Jack Waddell (2) Baker, David Jackson (P) Montgomery, Roy Wesley (P) Baker, Herbert John (P) McCombie, Gerald Edward Bentley (2) Banting, Donald Wallwin (2) McLaren, James Berizies (2) Bessey, Orville Maxwell (P) McPhail, John William (2) Blakely, William John (2) Neate, Francis Eric (2) Brawn, Richard Edmond (P) Oakes, Stanley Philip (2) Campbell, Malcolm Hood, B.A. (H) Parker, Eric Geoffrey (2) Coates, Richard Kenneth (H) Paterson, Malcolm Bruce (P) Cunliffe, Raymond Stephen (2) Pollard, Robert Anthony (2) Davidson, James (P) Rowledge, Joseph James (2) Dawson, Graham Russell (2) Saunders, Robert Gerald (2) Dayton, Martin John Jervis (2) Schjelderup, Hassel Charles (H) DeBou, Ralph Alan (2) Shail, Vernal Garnet (P) Dunbar, Donald Gordon (2) Smith, Robert Randal (2) Dyson, Jack Berkeley (2) Snowling, Richard George (2) Eddleston, James Alexander (P) Soros, Knute (2) Edgeworth, Leslie, B.A. (2) Speedie, Thomas Henry (P) Greig, Henry James (2) Story, David Merrill (2) Hamilton, Stuart Forbes (2) Sutherland, James Gordon (H) Harris, Kenneth Watson (2) Talbot, Brian Francis (P) Jackson, William Stanley (P) Underhil?, Charles David (2) Kennedy, William James Gui ler (2) Wallace, Robert (2) Knappett, Alan Hale (P) Welsh, Douglas Alexander (P) Knight, Richard Gordon (2) Williamson, Daniel Fredrick (2)

10 Electrical Engineering Anderson, Daniel Ernest (2) Kariwisher, William (2) Armstrong Henry Willson Dorryle (2) Kayll, Swinbume John (2) Ba II, James (2) Kenney, Philip Loran (P) Blair, George MacKenzie (2) Leonidas, Thomas Athanasius (2) Brassington, John Robert (2) Lindgoard, Harold Christian (2) Brotherton, Lorne William (2) Mason, Roy Bertrand (2) Brousson, David Maurice (2) Merrifield, Samuel Stafford (2) Cairns, Frank Vivian (H) Merritt, Rex Dawson Vance (2) Carter, David Marshall (2) Milburn, James Vernon (2) Chambers, Robert Carlton (2) Montegoni, Anthony Louis (2) Christie, Richard Gordon (2) Morison, Donald Penman (P) Clarke, John Penwarden (2) Morrill, Glenwood Lloyd (H) Coleman, Eric Murray (2) Morton, David Stewart (P) Craven, John Harold (H) Moulds, James Henry (2) Davison, James Malcolm (2) McCorquodale, William Alexander Dewar, Donald Johnston (P) Howes (2) Edwards, Frederick Horton (H) McEwan, Roy Robert (2) Elliiot, Charles William (H) McKenzie, Cyril Bayly (H) Eng, Thomas Stanley (P) Niblock, Peter Alexander (H) Fisher, Donald Charles Mayhew (P) Nuttall, David Eason (2) Fraser, Frank Shurtleff (2) Page, Horold John (2) Bardner, John Shirley (2) Roper, Gordon James (2) George, Lawrence Eugene (2) Shore, Monty Lens Sanford (2) Gilbertson, Wallace Everett (2) Stachon, Joseph Anthony (H) Gray, William Morrison (2) Stemshorn, William George (2) Handel, Robert Doughty (P) Stuckey, Lester Richard (2) Hennenfent, Gerald Edwin (2) Taylor, John Dineen (2) Henschel, Arthur William (P) Turlond, Douglas James (2) Hinton, Franklin Ronald (2) Venutti, David Louis Bernard (2) Hughes, Stanley David (2) Wight, William (2)

Forest Engineering Ahrens, Robert Harold (2) Gibson, Howard Benjomin German (H) Blyth, Alan Wilson (2) Gustovson, Edward Stanley (2) Bradwell, Owen Kitchener (2) Hone, Alfred Velson (2) Broadland, Thomas Robert (2) Mason, Nicholas Victor (2) Brooks, Lloyd (2) Oldham, John Moncrieffe (2) Cambrin, Archie Mario Riva (2) Parlow, Alan Lawrence (2) Chisholm, Hugh Robert Duncan (2) Sutherland, Roy Arden (2) Christie, Henry Reginald (H) Sworder, Cedric Roy (1) Dunlop, Robert Douglas (2) Techy, Sigmond (2) Edwards, Robin Waldron (2) Thomas, Kenneth John (2) Gardiner, David John (2) Wellwood, Ernest Wilmot (2)

11 Geological Engineering Aho, Aaro Emil (2) Lerbekmo, John Franklin (2) Brown, William Lindop (2) Menzies, Morris McCallum (2) Christie, Robert Loring (2) McColl, Howard Stewart (P) Coulter, Kenneth Carl (2) Patterson, Arthur Moxon (2) Dow, Walter Huntley (2) Poole, William Hope (2) Green, Lewis Howard (2) Ramsay, Edgar Allen (P) Hedd!e, Duncan Walker (2) Reesor, John Elgin (H) Hewlett, Cecil George (2) Richardson, Paul William (2) Holyk, Walter (2) Tait, David Hubert (P)

Mechanical Engineering Adam, James Cochrane (P) Malcolm, Robert Andrew (H) Balmer, John Leslie (2) Merrifield, Glen Show (1) Barron, John McPherson (P) Montador, David Robert (2) Bayley, Edward Herbert (P) Morison, John Douglas (2) Bradshaw, Richard John (2) Moul, Albert Alfred (2) Brockley, Christopher Anthony, B.A. Moulson, Donald Charles (2) (2) Mussenden, Raymond Noel (2) Brooks, Norman (2) MacBride, John Franklin (2) Brawn, William Marriott (H) McConachie, Charles Eric Bruce (H) Butterfield, Lorne Alyn (2) MacDonald, Robert Grigg (2) Carlyle, Alexander Charles (2) MacLead, Donald Montgomery (2) Carlyle, Harold (2) Nuttall, George Edward (2) Carlyle, Leonard (2) Oldershaw, Charles George (2) Charleson, Donald Andrew (2) Payne, David Kent (2) Chiz, Peter (2) Peetz, Anthony Gerard (P) Cochkanoff, Orest Orick (H) Pope, Stephen Harrold (2) Collinson, Norman Richard (2) Potts, lan (2) Collum, John Alexander Lame (2) Quan, Dick (H) Dougans, Roy Andrew (2) Robertson, James Donald (2) Dryer, Lorne Kenneth (2) Sandrin, Joseph Ottone (2) Edward, William Garfield (2) Slinn, Stephen Philip (2) Edwards, Inglis Willard (P) Smith, James Alexander, B.A. (2) Edwards, John Stanley (2) Smith, James Easton (H) Fax, Charles Raynor (2) Smith, Kenneth Wray (2) Frost, David Lawson (2) Smith, Neville (2) Germaniuk, Stephen Alexander (2) Smith, William (2) Gordon, James Smith (P) Sprung, Douglas Lowry (2) Gordon, Merritt Edward (H) Street, George Thomas (2) Graham, William James (2) Taylor, Ralph Edward (2) Graves, William Paul (2) Thicke, Ronald Blair (2) Heakes, David Francis (H) Thomas, Stanley Lewis (2) Hillier, Francis Allan (2) Thompson, Charles Hartley Atherden Hudec, Martin George (2) (2) Johnson, Eugene Manuel (2) Thorne, Leonard Rosslyn (2) Klingensmith, Charles Edward (H) Tufts, Richard Coleman (H) Lamb, Cleland David (2) Uhthoff, John Campbell (H) Lavery, Daniel (H) Welsh, Daynard McCall (2) Leaney, David Brenton (2) White, Alan MacLead (2) Law, John (2) Zitko, Henry (H) 12 Metallurgical Engineering Cawley, Nevil Berkeley (P) Newton, George Frederick (2) Congreve, Walter Kendall Alexander Ormerod, Albert (2) (1) Peters, Ernest (H) Hunt, John Douglas (2) Preston, Thomas Brinkworth (2) Loree, Robert Jarrell (2) Ritchie, Alexander Cameron (2) Maidment, Howard (2) Sneigrove, William Richard Noble (2) McCullough, Edward Ernest (H) Stenhouse, ,James Fairley (H) MacFadden, Jack Hylton (2) Stevens, Hugh Gordon (2)

Mining Engineering Chlumecky, Nicholas (P) Robertson, Robert William (P) Cohen, Harvey Hymie (2) Rosen, Philip Edward (2) Frey, John Dallas (2) Scott, Samuel Alexander (2) Mracek, Albert Urban (2) Smith, James Talbot (2) McLeish, Charles Allan (2) Wilicox, John Allan (2) Pittson, Victor Jackson (H)

Engineering Physics Brealey, George Albert (2) Mungall, Allan George (2) Carlyle, Robert Harold (2) MacDonald, Donald Alexander (2) Cook, Richard Moxley (2) Pearson, Hans Lennart (H) Couling, Sidney Robert Lawrence (H) Riddell, Frederick Raymond (H) Good, Russell Jonathan (2) Shafer, Donald Gordon (2) Hobson, John Peter (H) Street, Albert Verne (P) Kirkaldy, John Samuel (H) Trorey, George Alan Wilson (2) Millar, Douglas Arthur John (H)

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FORESTRY Beattie, Kenneth James (P) Heath, Victor (H) Brown, Albert Allan (2) Hogan, John Francis (2) Burrows, Ivor Roger (2) Hughes, Stanley Rupert (2) Colder, Clifford Johnstone (2) Jackson, Charles (2) Charles, Trevor Arthur (2) Johnson, Erling Isador (2) Chorlton, Ronald William (2) Kinghorn, James Myles (2) Clark, James Doran (2) Logan, Kenneth Tremaine (H) Collins, Frank Alastair (2) Lyons, Ernest Hugh (2) Corregan, Robert Wallace (2) MacLeod, William Kenneth, B.A. (2) Dines, Richard Alan (2) Owen, David Royden (2) Dyer, Eric David Arthur (2) Porter, William Alexander (2) Ford, Borne (2) Pratt, Edward Arthur (2) Frey, John Henry (2) Rees, Harvey Fred (2) Garrard, Charles William (H) Rymer, Kenneth William (2) Hancock, William Vollor (2) Schmidt, Ralph Louis (H) 13 Smith, John Harry Gilbert (H) Tindle, Phillip Arthur (2) Solloway, John Francis (2) Webb, William Edward (2) Steele, Robert Gordon (2) Wright, Joe Howard (2) Stiell, Williom Metcalfe (2) Young, William (2) Sweotman, Henry Comley (P) Ziller, Wolf Gunther (2) Teasdale, John Arnold (2)

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE IN NURSING Bell, Mary Agnes (2) Lydiard, Elizabeth Nichols (2) Brown, Margaret Murray (2) Murray, Eunice Claire (1) Butters, Marguerite Christian (2) Shields, Lila Marguerite (2) d’Easum, Margery Edlin (2) Smith, Amy Gertrude (2) Elley, Jean Elizabeth (2) Tinney, Mrs. Colleen (2) Ferguson, Jean Margaret (2) Turnbu!I, Frances Patricia (2) Jordan, Patricia lmogene (2) Watson, Waverlie Anne (2)

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Honours Dean, Robert Elwyn (2) Newton, Donald Walter (2) Devlin, Edward Larry (2) Newton, lsobel Jean (2) Devlin, Lloyd (2) Ruck, John Albert (2) Goyton, Raymond Ritchie (1) Townsley, Philip McNoir (2) Greenwood, Ian Frederick (1) Woodland, Arthur Graydon (2) Harris, Percy Roderick, B.Com. (2)

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE GENERAL COURSE Allan, Arnold John (2) Cooke, Marvin Claire (2) Anderson, Harry Roland (2) Cooper, Ronald Wesley (2) Armstrong, Francis Allan (2) Corbitt, Charlotte Winnifred (2) Aubry, Ralph Andrew (P) Crosby, Richard Hartt (2) Baehr, William Frederick (2) Cruickshonk, George (2) Baker, Robert Arnold (2) De Santis, Aldo Nino (P) Barry, John Reginald (2) Etlison, Kenneth Vernon (2) Beamish, Katherine Isabel (1) Elsey, Coleman Leroy (2) Beingessner, Henry Francis (2) Erickson, Ture Carl (2) Bell, Fred Simpson (2) Esler, John Andrew (2) Berry, Gordon Hewitt (P) Faulkner, Clifford Vernon (2) Blair, Gilbert Joseph (2) Fawcus, Neville Gordon (2) Brant, John Weber Alexander (1) Fisher, Donald Mason (1) Burrows, William Tait (2) Fletcher, Harry Francis (1) Campbell, Kenneth (2) Fraser, David Stirling (P) Came, Ion Clifton (2) Freeman, Jack Allen (1) Cole, Edward Frederick (2) Fulton, Wallace Graham (2) Coles, Barbara Margaret (2) 14 Gerry, Russell Graham (2) Pelter, John Alvin (2) Gibb, Orson (P) Pettem, Frederick Douglas (2) Gilmore, John Stuart (1) Petticrew, John Campbell (2) Gitelman, Percy (2) Porritt, John Edwin (1) Goodrich, Dorland Roy (2) Porritt, Stanley Wallace (1) Gould, George Mimer (P) Randall, Armend Peter (1) Hadlarid, Roger John (2) Rhodes, Hubert Lloyd Joseph (1) Hayes, Miriam (2) Rines, Wiliam Campbell (2) Hayes, William Rufus (2) Rodman, Sidney Thomas Richard (2) Haze lette, John Desmond (2) Russell, Donald Arthur (2) Hearle, Dennis Eric (2) Sheneman, John Allen, B.A., B.Com. Herring, Stephen Harold Edward, (P) B.Com. (2) Sieburth, John McNeill (2) Hill, Guida Eleanor (2) Sieburth, Louise Roberto (P) Hugh, William lnglis (2) Smith, Alan lan (2) Hughes, Eric Charles (2) Smith, James Henry, B.Com. (2) Hunsaker, Walter George (2) Southcott, Burnett Anne (1) Hunt, Hugh Gerald (2) Sprout, Peter Norman (2) Hunter, David (2) Starrak, Herbert Isaac Lloyd (P) lsfeld, Albert Nephi (P) Stevenson, Donald Burdette (P) Jones, Philip Arthur (2) Stewart, Richard (2) King, Earl Maurice (1) Stuart, Hazel Daphne (2) Knight, Ursula Helen (1) Stupich, David Daniel (2) Kyle, William Stewart (2) Supeene, Nestor Jerome (P) Landers, James Cecil (2) Tarves, Alexander Ronald (2) Larson, Fredrick (2) Torves, John Ellwood (2) Lawson, Benjamin Morgan (2) Tate, Douglas Uren (P) Leith, Phillip Edward Meric (2) Tamlinson, Neil (1) Leugner, Jacob (2) Tschorke, Hans Joachim (2) Littler, Alan Edward (2) Turner, Anne Mary (1) Lockard, Raymond Gilbert (2) Turner, David Ronald Henry (2) Lockhart, Shirley Rose (P) Underwood, Eric John Edgar (2) Marshall, Frederick Lewis, B.Com. (2) Vernon, Joan Katherine (2) Milne, George Ross (2) Warburton, Roger Hartley (2) Moloney, James Vincent (2) Ware, Dennis William (2) Moore, John Owens (2) Wetters, James Albert (2) Morton, Wilfred Frank (2) Weatherill, Donald Neill (1) Motherwell, Andrew Fitzpatrick (2) Webster, Gordon Ritchie (1) McDonald, Isabel Margaret (2) Wiens, Yurie (2) McDonald, Patricia Grace (2) Williams, Charles Melville (2) McIntosh, Bryce Glen (2) Williams, Ronald Surridge (2) McKay, Kenneth Angus (2) Wilson, George Stewart (2) McLeod, Kenneth Gordon (2) Wilton, Arthur Charles (2) Norris, Margaret Ellen (1)



Anderson, Donald Edward Charles (P) Hill, Lawrence Ernest, B.A., B.S.A. (P) Anderson, John (P) Hobkirk, Donald Alexander, B.A. Anderson, John Jacob (2) (Mon.) (2) Anderson, Richard Philip (2) Houghton, Kenneth Durward, B.A. (2) Beirnes, Mrs. Virginia Elaine, BA. (2) lvens, Herbert Alexander (2) Bell-Irving, Duncan Harry (P) Jackson, Robert Farrer, B.A. (P) Boughton, James Edgar (2) Ker, James Ross (P) Bowness, William Calvin (P) Kidd, William Herbert, B.A. (Queen’s) Boyd, Bruce London (2) (p) Brothers, Donald Leslie (2) King, Malcolm Graeme (P) Coidwell, John Robert, B.A. (2) Lakes, John Rutherford (2) Cameron, Donald Gordon (P) Leedham, David Allan, B.A. (2) Campbell, David Hector (2) Lorimer, James Gibson, B.A. (P) Carey, James Edward, B.A. (I’) Manning, Valerie Jean (2) Carlyle, William MacKay, B.Com. Meyers, Peter Douglas (2) (Queen’s) (2) Milne, Dennis Douglas George (2) Carmichael, Duncan William (2) Milne, John Evans, B.A. (P) Carrothers, Alexander Brian Beatty, Moran, Michael Ernest (2) B.A. (2) Murray, Richard Dugald (2) Cashman, Leslie Frederick (2) McConnell, William Charles (2) Comparelli, David Edward, B.A. (P) McCulloch, Ross Godfrey (2) Cook, Neil Basil, B.A. (2) McDonald, Glen (P) Cowan, John Caldwell, B.A. (2) McDonald, (2) Currie, Donald Redfern, B.A. (P) Macfarlane, Alan Brock (2) Darling, Thomas Graham, B.A. (2) Maclvor, Harold Shearer Smith, B.A. Davis, John Arthur (2) (2) Delaney, Paul Eugene (P) Mackay, CoHn Bridges, B.A. (New Dunfee, Donald Ross (2) Brunswick) (P) Eirikson, Eirik, B.A. (2) MacKenzie, John Wilfred, B.Com. (P) Emerson, Bruce Edward, B.A. (P) MacKinnon, Angus Gordon (P) Ferry, William Dow (2) McLelland, David Gordon (P) Fisher, James Douglas (2) McPherson, Ian Edward, B.A. (P) Fauks, Arthur, B.A. (2) MacQuarrie, Alexander Bates, B.Com. Fyfe, Alexander Hogg (2) (2) Gilmour, Gordon Hugh, B.A. (P) Nicholson, Donald Malcolm, B.A. Grant, James Ronald (2) (Man.) (P) Grey, Harvey Johnson, B.A. (2) O’Grady, Terence Pitt (2) Griffin, James Ainsley (P) Ohs, Robert John (2) Griffiths, Thomas, B.A. (P) Palitti, Victor Howard, B.A.(Queen’s) Halbert, Thomas James (2) (2) Halcrow, Gordon Charles (P) Parsons, Leslie Stewart, B.A. (P) Hamilton, William Tyler (2) Peterson, Leslie Raymond (2) Harvey, Robert James (2) Phippen, Frank Hedley (2) Herbert, Raymond Groo (2) Poupore, Gordon Alan (P) 16 Provenzano, Michelangelo (2) Tucker, William Gordon (P) Roach, William David Louis, B.A. (2) Turner, George Henry Ross, B.A. (2) Robinson, Robert (2) Walkem, Charles Anthony, B.Com. Ross, Robert Duncan, B.A. (2) (P) Rowell, Frederick Newton Alexander, White, Cyril (2) B.A.(Toronto) (P) . Willioms, David Ricardo, B.A. (2) Scott, George David (2) Williams, Mrs. Joan Fernau, B.Com. Shulman, Isaac (2) (P) Smith, Walter Kirke, B.A.(Man.) (1) Wills, Charles Henry, B.A. (2) Smittori, Frank Alan (P) Winterton, William Mime (2) Strachan, James Alan (P) Young, Wilfrid Sidney Leslie (P) Taggart, John David (2) Zunti, Edward Morris (P) Thompson, Alexander Kenneth (P)

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHARMACY Allan, Gordon Roy (2) Monn, Roy Wesley (P) Anderson, James (2) Medland, Kenneth Henry (1) Boal, Bryan Renouf (2) Millar, Chester Hugh (P) Battrum, William David (2) Milward, Percival Edsel (P) Bennett, Rex Kite (2) Moron, Edward Stewart (2) Blurnenauer, John Gordon (P) McAllister, Mary Margaret (2) Brasnett, Philip Harold (2) McArthur, Allan Forsythe (2) Brodoway, Nicholas (1) McCue, Hubert Joseph (1) Brown, Terence Horton (2) MacDonald, Ruth Ethel (2) Bruce, Delbert Clayton (2) McMillan, Hugh John (2) Clarke, Joyce Geddes (2) Pearse, Kenneth Melville (2) Clautier, John Omer (P) Pettie, George Waugh (2) Cmolik, George William (2) Ponich, Peter Alexander (2) Deforge, Douglas William, B.A. Quinn, William Roger (2) (Man.) (P) Robertson, Kenneth Scott (2) Docksteader, Albert Adam (2) Rowley, Edward Frank (P) Glover, Rose Marie Anne (P) Shelton, Sidney Cyril Linley (1) Grant, Robert MacDonald (2) Sinclare, Ross Harvie (1) Gregory, Jack Lancaster (2) Smith, June Leonore (2) Holliday, Douglas Heatherington (2) Smysnuk, Alexander (2) Hipwell, William David (P) Spurling, Roger Eyton (1) Kraus, Willy (2) Steppler, William Arnold (2) Kucharsky, Victor (2) Wall, William Samuel (2) Mann, Arthur Rutherford (2) Wesson, Marce Irwin (2)




ADDRESS by Eric Werge Hamber, C.M.G., B.A., LL.D. Chancellor of the University of British Columbia

INTRODUCTION OF THE CONGREGATION SPEAKER by Norman A. M. MacKenzie, C.M.G., M.M. and Bar, B.A., LLB., LLM., LL.D., D.C.L, K.C., F.R.S.C. President of the University of British Columbia

THE CONGREGATION ADDRESS by W. H. Brittain, B.S.A., M.S. Agr., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.C.


PRESENTATION of the Governor-General’s Medal




Barrett, Izadore, B.A. Major: Zoology Thesis: “A Study of the Viability of Salmon Eggs and Sperm after Varying Periods of Storage” Baxendale, Phyllis, B.A. Major: German; Minor: English Thesis: “Fritz Zorn’s Contribution to the Manuscript Berlin 414 wIth Transcrip tion and Interpretation of Liedor Written in the Verborgenen Ton” Bell, Gertrude Mary, B.A. Major: Zoology Thesis: “Some Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Fish” Black, Francis Lee, B.A. Major: Chemistry Thesis: “A Study of Unknown Sulfur containing Components ef Proteins” Bourns, Thomas Kenneth Richard, B.A. Major: Zoology Thesis: “The Incidence of Human Trichinosis in the Vancouver Area as Determined by the Examination of Four Hundred Diaphragms” Campbell, John Duncan, B.A.(McMaster) Major: Biology and Botany Thesis: “Chromosome Individuality and Somatic Pairing in Ables Grandis” Champion, William, B.A. Major: Chsmlstry Thesis: “A Study of the COz-C-CO Equilibrium” Clayton, Blanche-Petite, B.A. Major: Zoology Thesis: “The Metasephros of the Bird” Daykin, Philip Norman, B.A. Major: Physics; Minor: Mathematics Thesis: “The Decay Scheme of Zn65” Fox, Geoffrey Eric Norman, B.A. Major: Mathematics; Minor: Physics Thesis: “The Elementary Function Theory of an Hypercomplex Variable and the Theory of Conformal Mapping in the Hyperbolic Plane” Francis, Marion David, B.A. Major: Chemistry Thesis: “The Determination of Small Amounts of Zinc in Ores” Godfrey, Harold, B.A. Major: Zoology Thesis: “A Study of Limnological Conditions of Skeena Lakes as They Affect the Distribution and Abundance of the Whitetishes Coregonus and Proso pium” Gregory, Mrs. Doris, B.A. Major: Psychology; Minor: Philosophy Thesis: “Review and Bibliography of Studies of Manual and Mechanical Aptitude’ Grigg, Vernon Herbert, B.Com., B.A. Major: Economics; Minor: Mathematics Thesis: “The Economic Factors Relating to the Development of Scientific Research in American industry”



collioi” Ratfish of Hydrolagus the System Nervous Autonomic “The Thesis:

Major: Zoology B.A. Paul, Frank,

Zinc65” from Radiations the of Study Chamber Cloud “A Thesis:

Physics Major: B.A. John, Kenneth Parry,

Lakes” These of Two of Fauna the on of Rotenone Effects the and Columbia

British of Interior the in of Five Lakes a of Series Study Limnoiogisal “A Thesis:

Major: Zoology B.A. Craig, MacPhee,

Behaviour” on Rating Citizenship Positive of Influence “The Thesis:

Education Minor: Psychology; Major: B.A. Keith, Russell MacKenzie,



of Industry in Metal-Mining the Relations Labour of “A Survey Thesis:


Minor: Economics; Major: B.A. Reginald, MacKay, Dean

Cards” M-B the to Response In Differences Age, and Educational “Sex, Thesis:

Philosophy Minor: Psychology; Major: B.A. Mary, Alix Marion MacDonald,

Merriam” serpens oregoni Miorotus Vole, Creeping of the History “Life


Zoology Major: B.A. Gertrude, Margaret Merry,

1946” during


Charlotte Queen inlet, Skidegate in Lockington)





the of Movement and Abundance Exploitation, Availability, “The Thesis:

Zoology Major: B.Sc.(Man.) Ivan, James Manzer,

Food Habits”



of Birds Stomach and the Esophagus of Histology Comparative “The Thesis:



B.A. Anne Eileen, Lozareff,

Classroom” the in


Sociometrio to his Individual the of Adjustment of the Relation “The Thesis:

Psychology Major: B.A. Irene, Mrs. Eleanor Kay,


Tuberculous Hospitalized of Adjustment the into Investigation “An Thesis:

Psychology Major:

B.A. Ronald, Ross Kay, Brian

Fishes” Salmonoid Coast Pacific some of Relationships Serological “The Thesis:

Major: Zoology

B.A. Roderick, William Hourston,

Ia Civilisation” et Duhamel “Georges Thesis:


French; Major: Minor: B.A. Alexander, James Hood,

II)” (Part from 2-Aminovanillin Schiff’s Bases of Synthesis The


(Part I)


and Certain Vinyl Ether Phenyl of Synthesis and Polymerization “The Thesis:

Chemistry Major: B.A. Richard, Gordon Harris,

Gases” in Particles of Alpha of Ranges “Measurement Thesis:

Physics Major: B.A. James, Nicolas Harrick, Radcliffe, Roland Wootton, B.A. Major: Zoology Thesis: “The Effeot of Fin-Clipping on the Cruising-Speed of Goldfish (Carassius auratus L.) and Cohoe Salmon Fry (Oncorhynchus kisutch Walbaurn)” Reid, Laurens Vernon, B.A. Major: Economics Thesis: “Railway Development in Canada: with Particular Reference t Regional Influences”

Silver, Lorna Margaret, B.A. Major: Physics; Minor: Mathematics Thesis: “The Primary Specific Ionization in Gases of Positrons and Electrons” Straight, Byron William, B.A. Major: Mathematics; Minor: Education “On the Galois Groups of Certain Algebraic Number Fields” Stuart, Walter Henry, B.A., B.Ed. Major: History; Minor: English Thesis: “Some Aspects of the Life of William Fraser Toimie” Urquhart, Helen Mary Ann, B.A. Major: Physics Thesis: “Some Properties of Aluminum Oxide in Electrolytic Solutions” Worthington, Albert Edwin, B.A. Major: Chemistry Thesis: “E.E.—U.B.C—2”

21 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS HONOURS COURSE Adamovich, Claudette Second Class Honours in Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine Aro, Kosta Victor Second Class Honours in Zoology Bagnall, James Stanley Second Class Honours in Chemistry Bandura, Albert First Class Honours in Psychology Bell-Irving, Rosemary Helen Second Class Honours in Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine Bibace, Roger Maurice Albert Second Class Honours in Psychology Broadhead, Gordon Clifford Second Class Honours in Zoology Bryan, John Mullaney First Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics Bryce, John Raymond George First Class Honours in Chemistry Bryce, Murray Davidson First Class Honours in Political Science and Economics Bryenton, Gordon Alexander McLean Second Class Honours in Psychology Butler, Terrance Henry Second Class Honours in Zoology Campbell, Darroch Duncan, B.Com. First Class Honours in Economics Carty, William Forbes Second Class Honours in Psychology Conger, David Stuart Second Class Honours in Psychology Cottle, Walter Henry Second Class Honours in Zoology Currie, Second Class Honaurs in Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine Cuttle, Percy Mortimer Second Class Honours in Mathematics and Economics D’Altroy, Frederick Arthur Second Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics Dempster, John Robert Hugh First Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics Dickinson, Lawrence George First Class Honours in Psychology Edwards, Glyn Maddock Second Class Honours in Physics Edwards, Martin Hassall First Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics Eng, Harry Second Class Honours in Zoology Evans, Russell Stuart Second Class Honours in Chemistry Fawsitt, Joyce Constance Second Class Honours in Psychology Ferguson, Robert Gilmour Second Class Honours in Zoology Fish, John Hamilton, B.Com. First Class Honours in Economics Forsyth, William Munnoch Second Class Honours in Psychology Gilmore, Paul Carl First Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics Gilmour, Hugh Stewart Allen First Class Honours in Chemistry Glashan, John Gall Second Class Honours in Political Science 22 Glennie, Douglas William Second Class Honours in Chemistry Greer, Betsy Ann First Cass Honours in Chemistry Hoge, Keith Donald Second Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics Hagglund, Melvin Garfield First Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics Hanson, Gordon Harold First Class Honours in Physics Harris, Marion Bertha Second Class Honaurs in Chemistry Hellyer, Sydney First Class Honours in Psychology and Mathematics Hess, Forest Gene First Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics Higmon, Donald Gordon First Class Honours in Mathematics Hodgson, Thomas Francis Second Class Honours in Psychology Holland, John Geoffry Second Class Honours in Chemistry Holy, Harold Walter First Class Honours in Chemistry Homer, Jean Baird First Class Honours in Psychology Idler, David Richard Second Class Honours in Chemistry Jenvey, George Edward Second Class Honours in Physics Jillings, Charles Robertson Second Class Honours in Psychology Kay, Donald William First Class Honours in Chemistry Kemp, Reta Lucille Second Class Honours in Psychology Kitsôn, John Aidon McCreery Second Class Honours in Chemistry Kyle, George Black Second Class Honours in Mathematics Lenardon, Robert Joseph First Class Honours in Latin Lewis, Juliette Second Class Honours in French Luyendyk, Walter Rigby Second Class Honours in Psychology Mair, William Winston First Class Honours in Zoology Martin, Arthur James Second Class Honours in Chemistry Morton, David Clark First Class Honours in German and French Muirheod, Mary Louise First Class Honours in Chemistry Macauley, Ronald Alvin First Class Honours in Mathematics Macdonald, Geoffrey Alan Second Class Honours in Geography McEachern, Alexander William First Class Honours in Psychology McFadden, William Hamilton Second Class Honours in Chemistry McGregor, James Lewin First Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics McKay, Ronald Hugh Second Class Honours in Zoology MacKinnon, Dixon First Class Honours in Zoology McLaren,, Robert Elmer Second Class Honours in Zoology McLean, Edith First Class Honours in Sociology MacLeod, Mary Sedgewick Second Class Honours in Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine MacLeod, Roderick Robert Hunter Second Class Honaurs in Zoology McMinn, Robert Gordon First Class Honours in Biology and Botany 23 McNeely, James Alexander First Class Honours in German North, John Herbert First Class Honours in French Nyhoim, Marion Helena First Class Honours in Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine Paterson, Lesly lsobelle Second Class Honours in Geography Pattison, James Parker Second Class Honours in Chemistry Pelter, George Albert First Class Honours in French Phillips, Norman Edgar First Class Honours in Chemistry Pierce, Alan Francis Second Class Honours in Mathematics Powell, Rees Kenneth Second Class Honours in Chemistry Rawson, Mary Elizabeth First Class Honours in Slavonic Studies Reynolds, Warren Lind First Class Honours in Chemistry Richardson, Eric Harvey Second Class Honours in Physics Roseborough, George Francis Second Class Honours in Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine Rudolph, Charles Henry Second Class Honours in Mathematics Sampson, Hubert First Class Honours in Psychology Sanders, Howard Lawrence Second Class Honours in Zoology Schellinck, Henry Edward Second Class Honours in Chemistry Seibold, Ervin Angus First Class Honours in Chemistry Shearer, Archibald Robert First Class Honours in Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine Taylor, Ernest William Second Class Horiours in Zoology Tener, Gordon Malcolm First Class Honours in Chemistry Turner, John Napier First Class Honours in Political Science Urquhart, Gilroy Second Class Honours in Geology Vaughan, Frank Wilfred Second Class Honours in Physics Waldie, Robert Jackson Second Class Honours in Chemistry Walker, Charles Edward Second Class Honours in Zoology Warren, Merva Kathryn Second Class Honours in Zoology Whiddington, William Barrett Second Class Honours in Mathematics Wilson, Gordon McLemon First Class Honours in Sociology and Psychology Wolfe, Harry Bernard First Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics Worsfold, Catharine Elizabeth First Class Honours in Chemistry Wright, Margaret Jean First Class Honours in Psychoiogy Zentrier, Henry First Class Honours in Sociology

24 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS GENERAL COURSE Abbey, Norman Douglas (2) Sourdon, James Walter (1) Adelman, Seymour (2) Bowell, Joanne Eleanor (P) Adrian, John J. (2) Bowell, Nancy Evelyn (P) Aho, Aaro Emil (C) Bowkett, Mary-Frew (P) Allan, Andrew (P) Boyle, Robert Spencer (P) Anderson, Albert Gerald (P) Brett, Audrey June (P) Andersen, Irene Catherine Jane (P) Bristoll, Sylvia (P) Anderson, Katherine Edith Dundas (2) Brock, Edward George (2) Anderson, Norma Patricia (P) Broda, Alexander (P) Andron, Lily Alvina (2) Brooks, Alfred (P) Andrusiak, Michael Nicholas (2) Browning, John Raymond (2) Armour, John Donald Hamilton (P) Buckley, Stephen Jeremiah (C) Atkinson, William Andrew (P) Burns, Gladys Moira (P) Bahan, Alfred Nick (P) Burroughs, Gloria Bessie (P) Boines, Raymond James (P) Burton, Edward Claxton (2) Baker, Ernest John Howard (P) Butler, Eugenie Ruth (C) Ballantyne, Gordon (2) Butler, William Amos Norris (2) Bayles, Theodore Murray (2) Byrn, Muriel Rosemary (P) Bazett, Sonia Clore (2) Codman, Frederick William (P) Beomes, Thomas Bernard (2) Colder, Thomas Lachlan (1) Beavo, William Arthur (C) Cameron, Kathelene (2) Beck, James McConchie (P) Cameron, Lottie Diane (P) Becker, Wilfred Harold (1) Cameron, Patricia Anne (1) Beduz, Louis Bernard (2) Campbell, Doreen Evelyn (2) Beeby, Thomas James (2) Campbell, George Thomas (2) Beesley, John Alan (C) Campbell, William Wilson (2) Bell, Dorothy Marion (2) Capes, Katherine Helen (P) Bell, Gordon Lennox (1) Carney, Anne (P) Bell, John Nairn (1) Carr, Elizabeth Jean (1) Bell, Kenneth Edward (2) Carson, Patrick James (P) Bell, Lois Jean (2) Case, Stonley Charles (P) Bell, William James (2) Chapman, Victoria Marion (1) Beltz, William Gordon (2) Chell, Richard Alan (2) Benson, Leslie Burton (P) Chishoim, Shirley Maxine (2) Benson, Walter Arthur (2) Christie, Donald Alexander (P) Bezer, John Moor (C) Clark, Earl Sutherland (P) Bilslond, William Winstanley (2) Clark, Nigel Hubert (2) Bilton, Thomos Herbert (P) Clarke, Opal Eukila (I’) Bird, Edward Arthur (P) Clements, Gordon Giles (2) Birnie, Ronald Alexander George (2) Colbert, John Wallace (C) Bjarnoson, Arlan Emmet (2) Colcleugh, Murray Chester (2) Bjarnason, Freda (P) Collison, Anne Pattullo (2) Black, Margaret McIntosh (2) Cooper, Cedric Bond (P) Blake, Thomas Bartlett (P) Cooper, William Edward (2) Blanchard, Jack Donald (2) Copes, Parzival (1) Blundell, June Rose (2) Corket, Barbara Drina (2) Bodie, Donald Osborne (P) Cornwall, Ira Hugh Brooke (2) Boulding, Joseph Eugene (2) Corsan, Grahame Duncan (2) 25 Coulson, George Allan (P) Etchell, Charles Telford (P) Courtice, Gordon Larnont (2) Evans, Benjamin Herbert Philip (P) Cowen, Stanley Colville (P) Ewert, Robert Alfred (2) Cowin, John Edgar (P) Fahlman, Patricia (P) Crabb, John Johnson (2) Farquharson, Robert Howard (1) Crawford, Ronald (P) Fawcett, Louise Alice (P) Crittenden, Albert William (2) Fearnside, Donald Kenneth (P) Crompton, Robert George (P) Ferguson, Warren Neale (C) Cross, David Andrew (P) Fergusson, Eleanor Joan (2) Crowe, Mary Patricia (2) Ferne, Harry Curtis (C) Currie, Robert Scott (2) Finegood,, Israel Michel (2) Cutcher, Allen Charles (P) Finlayson, Helen Maneta (2) Darner, Warren Randall (P) Finning, Joanne Earlene (P) Darvill, David Michael (2) Flemming, Janet Selena (2) Dauncey, Morris Edgar (P) Fogg, Walter Bernard (2) Davidson, Nancy Marie (1) Foreman, Stewart Douglas (2) Davies, Kenneth William (P) Forsyth, John Alexander (P) Davis, Mervyn (2) Forward, Charles Nelson (2) DeBeck, Howard Donald (C) Francis, Mary Grace (2) Dennett, Thomas Turfus (2) Fraser, John Douglas, B.Com. (P) do Pendleton, Eric Boulton (2) Fullerton, Margaret Anne (C) Des Brisay, Diana Eileen (P) Fung, Edward Wing (2) DesBrisay, William Merrill (2) Furk, Dorothy Mary (2) DeWolf, Susan Georgia (2) Fyffe, Gordon John (2) Dodd, Robert Randell (C) Gamache, Luce (1) Donaldson, Robert Milligan (2) Gardner, Robert Renwick (P) Dorais, Leon Lewis (2) Gawthrop, Paul Cresswell (2) Downing, Michael Edward (P) Gellatly, Peter (1) Downing, Ralph Strong (2) Geoffrey, Barbara Madeleine Draper, James Richard (P) Valerie (2) Drysdale, John Andrew Wishart (P) Gibson, Garnet Matthew Alan (2) Duff, Wilson (1) Gibson, Janette Isabella (P) Duncan, Dennis (P) Gijmour, Joseph Lawson (2) Dundas, Iris Ann Alayne (2) Gladstone, Percy Henry (2) Dunfee, Evelyn Merle (2) Goode, Eric Stanley (2) Dunlop, Ruby Doreen (2) Gordon, Alexander Philip (2) Dunn, Robert Ironside (P) Gosbee, Alan Wilbur (2) Dunn, William Donald Fraser (2) Gowans, Helen-Mary (2) Dutton, Olga Marilyn (2) Graham, John Alexander (P) Duval, Edlour Peter (C) Grant, Gordon Gretna (P) Duxbury, James Herbert (1) Gray, Vernon Laurence (2) Eckersley, Edith Phyllis (2) Green, Arthur Maxwell (C) Edmonds, Ronald (2) Greenhorn, Stanley Matthew (1) Elgaard, Knud (2) Greer, Douglas Malcolm (C) Elliott, Barbara Joyce (P) Gregory, Frederick Sidney (C) Elvidge, Dorothy Mary (2) Groves, Cyril (1) Emmett, Ernest Frank (P) Guild, Harrison (2) England, Leslie Leroy (C) Gushue, Wilfred George (P) Espie, John Johnston (1) Haahti, Laura Kyllikki (P)

26 Hass, Jane Martin (P) Jansch, Theodore Leo (2) Hamilton, Eleanor Joan (P) Jeffery, Arthur Wellesley (P) Hamilton, John Douglas (2) Jewell, Mrs. Barbara (1) Hamilton, Mrs. Marilyn Betty Anne Johnson, Gordon Kempton (2) (P) Johnson, Lily Annie (2) Hare, Henry Irvine (P) Johnson, Maureen Lillian (P) Harrison, Patrick Thomas (1) Johnston, Albert Charles West (1) Harvey, Joan (2) Johnston, James Clelland (2) Hawkes, Ronald Ernest (2) Jones, Arnold Robert (2) Haworth, John Peter (2) Jones, Arthur Dexter Worthington (2) Hoxton, Phyllis (2) Kanigan, Gerry (1) Hellyer, Mrs. Dorothy McBrien (2) Katz, Isadore Charles (P) Hempsall, Jean (2) Keill, Robert Thomas (2) Henry, John Alexander (2) Kennedy, Donald Thomas (2) Hepher, Peter Lawson (2) Kennett, Patricia Moude Louisa (2) Herrmann, George Gordon (2) Kent, George (2) Heselton, Myrl Mary Helen (2) Kilvert, James Lyle (P) Heslop, Lorna Marie (2) Kincade, Marjorie Mary Robinson (2) Heywood, Stanley John (2) King, David Joseph (2) Hicks, Gerald Francis (2) Kish, Frank Michael (2) Hicks, Henry Adkin (P) Kitchen, Joan Kathleen (2) Hill, Catherine Louise (2) Klingensmith, Fred Louis (P) Hinds, David Bertram (C) Knight, John Stuart (P) Hirst, Pauline Ann (P) Knipe, Robert Bernard McGeagh (2) Hodgins, Rosemary Edith (C) Kohut, Donald Ralph (1) Hodson, Margaret Patricia (P) Koldingness, Ralph Morris (2) Hody, Mrs. Maud Hazel (2) Kurz, Arthur Edgar (P) Hody, Reginald Edmund (P) Laidley, Albert Edward (2) Holt, Betty (2) Lane, Pauline Harrison (2) Hoole, Barbara Anne (P) Lane, Robert Francis (2) Hope, Melba Berenice (2) Latsoudes, Vivian (2) Horel, Charles Robert (P) Laundy, Patrick William (2) Horton, John Harry Mark (P) Lazareff, Elsie Arleen (2) Houghton, Edwin Ralph (2) Learoyd, Douglas Rainsford (P) Hudec, Martin George (C) Lee, Stanley K. (2) Hudec, Theodore Peter, B.Com. (2) Leiterman, Elaine Helen (2) Hoyningen-Huene, Ralph Boris (2) Leng, Cecil Herbert (P) Hughes, Eric Charles (2) Levey, Archibald Banks (1) Hume, Douglas Dowell (C) Levy, Alan David (1) Humphry, Clifford Leslie (2) Levy, Albert Ezra (P) Hunter, Laurence Peter (2) Lidster, Henry Francis (P) Hunter, William Robert (P) Lindsay, Helen Margaret (2) Huntington, Samuel Robert (P) Lindsay, Robert Ernest (P) Hurst, James Bannerman (2) Lipson, Leon (2) Isaac, Jacob (2) Littlewood, Charles Albany (P) Iverson, Brian James (1) Livingston, Ruth Drysdale (2) Jackson, Henry William (2) Loney, Muriel Alice (2) Jackson, Kenneth John (P) Lord, Claire Eleanor (2) Jamieson, Grace Alicia (2) Lough, Gordon Frederick (P) Jompolsky, Lyman (2) Lucas, Dudley Charles (2) 27 Lyne, Lilian Louise (2) Macdonald, Hazel Margaret (2) Macey, John Kendrick (C) McDonnell, Geraldine Edith (P) Macor, Donna Jeanne (P) McDougall, Daugald (2) Magar, William Lloyd (2) McDougall, Edward Barry (C) Mansfield, Albert (2) McEachern, Allan Davis (C) Manson, Helen Esther (2) McGuinness, Florence Grace (P) Mare, Mary Elizoleth (2) Mcllvride, Muriel Ruth (2) Markham, William Gordon (2) Mclnnes, Harold Christopher (2) Marshall, Charles Almour (2) McIntosh, Mrs. Adele Geraldine (2) Marshall, Elmo Mcintosh (P) McKenzie, Donna Margaret (2) Martin, Stewart William (2) MacKenzie, Hubert Norman (2) Martin, Wilma June (P) MacKenzie, Kenneth Alexander (2) Matheson, Allan Harvey (2) McKenzie, Rose Marie (2) Matheson, Thomas Charles (2) MacKenzie, Shirley-Mae (2) Matkovcik, Edward (2) McKinnell, Donald Stewart (P) Matthews, Herbert Lincoln (C) McKinnon, Florence Catherine (1) Maxwell, Alan Leslie (P) McLean, David Martin, (2) Mayon, June Orchard (1) MacLean, Jackie Marguerite (P) Meldrum, Ronald Murray (P) McLean, Margaret Elizabeth (2) Melton, James Edward (2) McLellan, Peter Douglas (P) Melvin, David Gordon (C) McLeod, Daniel Earl (C) Meredith, Kenneth Elliott (C) McLeod, Donald Cameron (2) Michas, Virginia Nichola (P) MacLeod, Ian Charles (2) Millar, Delbert John (2) McMillan, Ferderick James (2) Miller, Laurence St. John (2) McMillan, William Douglas (2) Mitchell, George Alexander (2) McMinn, Ernest Reburn (C) Mitchell, William Donald (C) McPhee, Malcolm Daniel (2) Moffatt, Norah Jean (P) MacRae, Jeffery Donald (2) Moonen, Frederick Hubert John (2) McRae, Kenneth Donald (2) Morris, Judith Evelyn (P) MacSween, Angus (P) Morris, Lillian (P) Nagle, Joan Beverley (2) Morrison, Paul Logan (P) Nerland, Palmer Maynard (P) Morse, Hugh Fitch (P) Neufeld, Catherine (P) Mortimore, Richard George Ernest (2)Newby, Jack Dean (P) Mulligan, Maurice Winston (C) Nichol, William James (2) Munday, John Douglas (2) Nicholson, Paula Jean (2) Mungall, Robert William (2) Nicholson, Mrs. Rose Louise (P) Munro, John Robert (2) Nimmons, Arlene Alnora (2) Munrae, Harry Alexander (2) Nisbet, Helen Todd (2) Murphy, Robert Harold (P) Nixon, William Elijah Delbert (2) Mussen, Walter Hiram (2) Noel, James Gordon (P) Mylrea, Frank Henry (P) Norris, Guy Johnstone (2) MacAulay, Malcolm (P) Northey, William Herbert (2) McBain, William Norseworthy (1) Oates, John Lawson (2) McCamber, Vance Alvan (P) O’Connor, Sally Margaret Marie (P) McCasham, Beverley Jane Jerome (2)Olivier, Joseph Edward (2) McCoy, Arthur George Leslie (P) Olson, Clifford John (2) McCreight, Charles Terence Dickey (2)Orchard, William Robert (2) McCulloch, William Alexander (2) O’Rourke, John Edward (P) MacDonald, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Paddan, Betty Laird (2) Powell (P) Padgett, Frances Anne (1) 28 Parke, Margaret Isabella Elizabeth (2) Robertson, Cohn (2) Parker-Jervis, Noel John (1) Robertson, Stewart Dean (P) Parkinson, Marguerite Helen (P) Robinson, Donold Joseph MilIar (2) Partlo, John Middleton (2) Robinson, Ernest Linton (2) Paterson, William Paterson (2) Roop, Michael Ross (2) Paton, John Robert Drury (2) Ross, Dorothy Jean (P) Poulker, Joseph (P) Ross, William Curry (2) Paul, Donald Keith (2) Ruddelh, Mrs. Ruby Adelaide (P) Payne, John Irving (2) Ruryk, Ernest Bohdan (C) Pearce, Catherine Elsie (P) Sacuta, Constanty Norman (P) Pearson, George Edgar (C) Sandback, Eric Swan (2) Pearson, Harry Litchfield (2) Sanderson, Phyllis Ross (2) Peck, Douglas Cyrus, B.Com. (P) Sanford, Donald McLean (2) Pedlingham, Mrs. Williamina Her- Sanford, Robert Morley (2) mione Marion (2) Scanlon, Vivian Dorothy (P) Peers, William George (2) Schmidt, Isaac Joseph (P) Peever, Edward Ernest (P) Scott, Priscilla Rhoda (P) Penland, Mrs. Cecile Irene (2) Sears, Valiance Clement (2) Perkins, Ronald Arthur (2) Seimens, John (2) Peters, Barry Gamble (P) Selfe, Mrs. Patricia Mary (2) Peters, Hugo (2) Selman, Gordon Rex (2) Peyman, Elizabeth Sheila (P) Semok, Anne Helen (2) Pierce, Charles (2) Shannon, Mary Louisa (2) Pike, Catherine Isabella (2) Show, Bertha Adelaide (2) Pitman, John Reginald (2) Show, Milio Rundle Thompson (2) Plant, Paul Stanley (P) Sheffield, Catherine Ruth (1) Poole, John Kemp (2) Shepp, Robert John (2) Powell, Dorothea Ursula (2) Sigurdson, Herbert Ralph (P) Price, Trudie (P) Sihota, Dedar Singh (2) Radford, Hugh William (2) Silver, Sidney (P) Ramsay, Mrs. Audrey Eileen Holiday Simmons, Mary Elizabeth (P) (2) Slark, Gordon Alexander (P) Rashleigh, Arthur Stanley (2) Slater, Christopher Robert (P) Rotcliffe, Leslie Allan William (2) Slight, William Frederick (2) Raynor, Rona Mary (2) Smith, David Brander (C) Redford, John Waiter Burdett (1) Smith, Dorothy Olivia (1) Reed, Mrs. Moihie (2) Smith, Gilbert Joseph (C) Reid, Birnie Ella (2) Smithson, Beverly Joan (P) Reid, Clarence Arthur (2) Snelgrove, Geoffrey Russell (2) Reid, Douglas Charles (2) Snow, Dorothy Carol Hornby (1) Reid, Marion Elizabeth (2) Sommers, Gerald Albert (P) Reid, Phyllis Marion (2) Sortome, David Reidar (P) Rhodes, Robert Charles (2) Soskin, Helen Estelle (2) Richardson, Gwendolynne Ivy (2) Sowerby, Raymond (2) Richardson, Nenagh Gweneth Mary Spencer, Ann Margaret (P) (2) Spicer, Josephine Lydia Mingay (2) Riddeil, Archie Glenn (P) Stables, Allan Guy (2) Riddle, James Barratt (2) Stastny, Arthur Harry (2) Roberts, William Francis (C) Steed, John Willmott( P) Robertson, Alexander Leiper (2) Steel, Doreen (2) 29 Steele, Russell Emerson (2) Waldon, Thomas Dolmage (2) Stemland, Martha (P) Wallace, Maud Vena (2) Stevenson, Robert Louis (P) Wailer, Denning Edward (P) Stevenson, Ronald Miller (2) Warburton, Raymond Edward (1) Stewart, David Anthony (P) Ward, Sidney (2) Stewart, James William (2) Ware, Mrs. Mary Evelyn (2) Stockstad, Delores Elizabeth (2) Warner, Donald Leigh (2) Stokes, Constance Felicity (2) Wartnow, Floyd Clarence (2) Stuart, Elizabeth (P) Waters, Henry Bryce, B.A.Sc. (C) Sullivan, Gerald John (C) Watkins, Richard William (P) Sutherland, Harold Loyd (P) Watkinson, Ernest Roy (2) Sutherland, Jean (2) Watson, Frederick Keith (2) Sutherland, Margaret Agnes (2) Watson, Hartley William (2) Symonds, Clorice Margaret (2) Watters, Robert (2) Tobbernor, John James (C) Webb, May (2) Tassie, Peter (C) Webb, Phyllis Jean (2) Taylor, Allen Dudley (2) Webster, Patricia Florence (2) Taylor, Mary Doreen (2) Weekes, William Henry (P) Tennarit, John Martin (P) Weir, Christine Sheila (C) Thom, Robert Sydney (2) White, Andrew (P) Thompson, David Alan (P) White, Anna Louise (2) Thompson, Francis Wilfred (2) Whitehad, Frank Eugene (2) Thomson, Edith Agnes (P) Whitney, Joan Ellan (P) Thomson, Margaret Anna (2) Wilkinson, Thomas Donald (2) Thorne, Guy Oliver (2) Williamson, Donald Alexander (C) Thorne, Walter Dudley (P) Wilson, John Reynolds (P) Tiffin, Mary Madeline (2) Wilson, Robert Riley (2) Tinney, William James (P) Wiltse, Byron Clare (2) Tomlinson, Kenneth Young (P) Winton, John Leonard (P) Tompkins, Neville Carleton (2) Wolfe, Howarth Lancaster (P) Topham, Ernest Arthur (C) Woodland, Arthur Graydon (P) Tremaine, Mary Charlotte (2) Woodman, Roy Harper (2) Tuningley, Victoria May (2) Woodman, Sidney Eric (2) Tupper, Marjorie Paulina (P) Woodside, Marjorie Amy (2) Turnbull, Margaret Louise (2) Woodward, John Burnett (2) Vaness, Norman Leonard (2) Worrall, Gladys Eugenie (P) Vanstone, Myra Elizabeth (P) Wright, Jock Clarence (2) Verkerk, Jacob David (2) Wright, Victor Frederick (2) Victor, Maurice (P) Yard, David Thomson (P) Vivian, Barbara Joan (P) Yates, George Ralph (2) Vizzutti, Aldo John (2) Young, James Stanley (P) Vogler, Crawford Franklin Leland (2) Yuskow, Walter (2) Wace, Lionel Trafford (P) Zimmerman, Harold Weldon (2) Walden, Adelene Mary (2) Zunti, Edward Morris (C) Walden, Frank Courtleigh (2)

30 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF COMMERCE Adams, Clifford Leslie (P) Fairboirn, John Kenneth (2) Adams, George Frank (2) Fairweather, David McLaren (2) Adams, James Raymond (P) Fawcus, Geoffrey Challoner (2) Aitken, Bruce Stanley (2) Ferguson, Hugh Gregor (P) Alton, Howard Stanley (P) Fleming, John Rayman (P) Armstrong, Charles Fawkes (2) Forrest, Ian Murray (P) Atkinson, Charles McDonald (2) Fullerton, Donald Roy (1) Avis, Stanley Francis (2) Fubton, Norman Allister (2) Basil, Douglas Constantine (1) Furness, Thomas George (2) Beer, Charles Harding (P) Futcher, Richard Geoffrey (2) Black, Daphne Joan (2) Garnett, Frank Joseph (2) Black, Victor James (P) Gee, Albert Eric (P) Blame, John James (P) Gibbs, Victor Edward (P) Bone, William Rupert (2) Goddard, John Perry (P) Bownick, Albin Andrew (P) Godefroid, John Joseph (2) Boykowich, Leon Spirideon (2) Gordon, Ralph Marshall (P) Brewis, Frederick Lorance (P) Greaves, Bertram Richard (2) Brown, James Allison (P) Green, Harold Maurice (2) Burbidge, Eileen Mary (P) Greene, George Aillison (P) Burgess, William Harold (P) Hadley, Douglas George Edward (2) Bushfield, Elma Doreen (2) Hall, Terence (P) Campbell, George Glen (2) Hamilton, Ronald William (1) Campbell, Roland Fetherston (2) Hanbury, William Gordon (P) Casey, James Joseph (2) Handel, Joyce Mary (2) Chambers, Harry (P) Hart, Kenneth Walter (2) Chatterson, Harvey Reece (P) Hemmingsen, William Buchanan (2) Clark, George Edward (1) Henniger, Ezra Churchill (2) Clarke, June Edna (2) Hewitt, Peter Thornton (P) Clarke, Richard Alexander (2) Hinchcliffe, Arthur Tilston (2) Cliff, Ronald Laird (1) Hoel, Leslie Clarence (P) Cook, Florence Anne (2) Johnson, Robert (2) Cote, Maurice Norbert (P) Kelman, John Douglas (2) Cowan, Douglas Vernon (P) Kershaw, Thomas (P) Cowper, Ivan Howard (2) Kirk, John William (2) Crowe, Norman Lewis (P) Lamb, Alexander Dobson (P) Crowther, Frederick William Powell Laughton, David Benson, B.S.A. (2) (2) Lees, John Clunne (P) Crump, Richard Oliver (P) Leith, Philip Edward Meric (P) Cubs, Peter Raymond (2) Lenko, Roger (2) Dalgleish, William Harry (P) Linholm, Harvey Raymond (P) Dempsey, William Samuel (P) Lowe, George Whipp (P) Dewar, Raymond Patterson (2) Lowrey, Raymond (2) Dixon, Clarence Fredrick (P) Luback, Peter (2) Dunbar, William Edward (P) Lycan, Richard William (P) Dunsmore, Cecil (P) Maglio, Eugene Anthony (2) Emmons, Margaret Jean (2) Manzer, George Raymond Ernest (P) Ericson, Arthur Helmer (2) Mason, Arthur Welfitt (P) Erlebach, Arthur Clifford (2) Matheson, Donald Arthur (2) 31 Matthews, Leslie William (2) Seale, Reginald Coutts (P) Miller, Henry Funcke Herbert (2) Setchell, Jack (P) Mime, Lamond Alexander (2) Show, John Edward Fawcett (P) Mitten, Douglas Stauffer (P) Show, Ronald Stewart (P) Moe, Kenneth Gordon (2) Sherriff, John Richard (2) Montgomery, Margery Kathleen (2) Sinclair, Robert Neil (2) Morfey, Montague Harold (2) Skilling, Samuel Wither (1) Morrish, Frank Alfred (2) Skinner, William John (2) Morrison, William Ewen (2) Sloan, John Kenneth (P) Moynes, James Henry (P) Smart, Arthur Duncan (2) Munro, Russell Andrew (P) Smith, James John, B.Com. (Edin Murdoch, George (2) burgh) (2) Murray, James Franklin (2) Smith, John Norman (2) McAfee, George Weldon (P) Smith, Robert Clark (P) McBride, Gerald Park (P) Speirs, Harold MacLeod (2) McCallum, Robert Charles (2) Standfield, Barry Miller (P) McCulloch, William (P) Stasiuk, Jack (2) MacEwen, Paul Rodney (P) Stevens, Shirley Anne (2) McGuire, James Lee (2) Stewart, Richard (2) Mcintosh, Ernest Claude (2) Stockstad, Paul Leonard, B.S.A. (2) MacKay, John (2) Sugars, Edmund George Kirkpatrick MacKenzie, Ian MacDonald (P) (2) MacKinnon, Richard Glanvilie (P) Sundberg, LyoN Morton (P) MacLean, Alistair John (P) Taylor, Jack Keith (P) McLennan, John Arnold (P) Thompson, Norman Andrew (2) McLennan, Robert Purves (2) Todd, Paterson Arnold (2) McNab, James Alexander (2) Torfason, Lloyd Sigurdur (P) McPherson, John Davidson (2) Tuningley, Victoria May (2) McRae, John James Stewart (P) Turner, Norma Grace (2) Macvey, George Henry (P) Vik, Norman (2) Nicholson, Donald Arthur (2) Wallace, William Pratt (2) Nutchey, Thomas (P) Warner, Everett Ronald John (P) Oberg, Stanley Magnus (1) Watson, Bruce Walker (P) Olson, Keith Bernard (2) Watt, Terrence Robert (2) Paul, Melburn Wilfred (2) Watts, Kenneth Henry (2) Peacock, James Richard (P) Weaver, Kenneth France (2) Pearson, William Munson (P) Webster, Ronald James (P) Peck, Edward Richard Urquhart (P) Wetmore, Michael Stevenson (P) Pettigrew, Stuart John (P) Williams, Asa Starkweather (P) Potter, Byron Alan (P) Wilson, Garnet Rex (P) Potts, David Becidmell (P) Wilson, William George (2) Pye, John William (P) Woodley, John Lyle (2) Randlett, Leroy James (P) Worton, Leonard Wilfred (2) Reid, William James (P) Wotherspoon, Arthur Hilary Robertson, Donald Stuart (2) Buchanan (P) Rogers, Robert Gunnyon (P) Wylie, Thomas Milton (2) Ross, John (2) Young, Joseph Aurele (2) Rowllings, Marjorie Evelyn May (P) Youngman, John Aubrey (2) Satterfield, Norman Bevan (2) Zezula, Joseph Ferdinand (2)


(Note: This list comprises awards made to graduates and to students in their final under graduate year only. Further awards will be announced later.) HEADS OF THE GRADUATING CLASSES The Governor General’s Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class for the B.A. degree): John Robert Hugh Dempster. The University Medal for Arts and Science (Head of the Humanities and Social Sciences in the Graduating Class for the B.A. degree): George Albert Pelter. The Convocation Prize, $50 (Head of the Graduating Class for the B.A.Sc. and B.S.F degrees): John Peter Hobeon. The Wilfrid Sadler Memorial Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class for the B.S.A. degree): Margaret Ellen Norris. The Law Society Gold Medal and Prize (Head of the Graduating Class for the LL.B. degree): Walter Kirke Smith, B.A.(Man.) The Kiwanis Club Gold Medal and Prize, $50 (Heed of the Graduating Class for the B.Coni. degree): Samuel Wither Skilling. The British Columbia Parent-Teacher Federation Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class for the B.H.E. degree): Shirley Winifred Pinchin. The 1-lorner Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class for the B.S.P. degree): Nicolas Brodoway Special Prize, $50 (Head of the Graduating Class for the B.P.E. degree): Nora June Hughlne McDermott. The Provincial Department of Health and Welfare, (Health Branch) Prize, $50 (Head of the Graduating Class for the B.A.Sc. degree in Nursing) : Eunice Claire Murray. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR GRADUATES The University Graduate Scholarship, $200: Neil Tomlinson. The Anne Wesbrook Scholarship, $125: Ursula Helen Knight. The Dr. F. J. Nicholson Scholarships, $500: 1. For Chemistry: Mary Louise Muirhead. 2. For Geology: Samuel James Nelson, B.A.So. The Lefevre Gold Medal and Scholarship, $150 (Chemistry) : Norman Edgar Phillips. The Daniel Buchanan Scholarship in Mathematics, $100: Ronald Alvin Macauley. The Native Daughters of British Columbia Scholarship, $50: Peter Frank Bargen, B.A. The Vancouver B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation Scholarships, $125 each: 1. For Arts and Science: Lois Muriel Howes, B.A.(McMaster). 2. For Agriculturo: Gordon Ritchie Webster. The Standard Oil of British Columbia Limited Fellowship, $950: Norman Edgar Phillips. The Britannic Mining and Smelting Company Limited Scholarship, $250: no award. The Cariboo Gold Quartz Mining Company Limited Scholarship, $100: no award. The Powell River Company Limited Scholarship, $600: Russell Stuart Evans. The British Columbia Electric Railway Company Limited Graduate Scholarship in Engin eering, $500: James Easton Smith. The Common Fellowship, $750: Harold Walter Holy. The Edith Ashton Memorial Scholarship, $250: Dudley Robert Foskett, B.A.(Sask.). The Lions Club Fellowship, $1200 (Renewal): John Douglas Ross, B.A. The Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Western Branoh, Fellowship, $1000: Charles William Garrard. The Shell Oil Fellowship for Research, $750 and tuition fees: John Leonard Gattenmeyer. The Shanahan’s Limited Scholarship, $500: Armand Peter Randall. The General Construction Company Limited Scholarship, $300: James Gordon Sutherland. The Canadian Industries Limited Fellowship, $750: Arthur Lee Johnson, B.A. The British Columbia Sugar Refining Company Limited Scholarships (Names In alpha betical order): Lillian Matheson Cowie, B.A.: ($300) Biology and Botany. Harry Francis Fletcher: ($300) Agronomy. Eleanor Mary Horsfleld, B.S.A.: ($300) Agronomy. Ursula Helen Knight: ($200) Poultry Husbandry. Casimir Charles Lindsey, B.A.(Toronto): ($300) Zoology. Agnes Edith Mehllng, B.A.: ($250) Bacteriology. Dixon MacKinnon: ($300) Fisheries. James Morley Salter ($150) Biology and Botany. Neil Tomlinson: ($200) Dairy Bacteriology. Gordon Ritohie Webster: ($200) Soil Chemistry. The British Columbia Telephone Company Scholarships, $500 each, (names in alpha betical order): Gordon Harold Hanson. 33 Bruce Sinclair Mackay, B.A. Peter Alexander Niblock. Gerald Woodburn Williams, B.Sc. (Additional awards to be made later.) The Alan Boag Scholarship, $250: award to be announced later. The Laura Holland Scholarship, $100: award to be announced later. The H. R. MaMlllan Export Company Limited Fellowship in Forestry, $750: ,John Harry Gilbert SmIth. The Vancouver Sun Service Award In Home Economies: Shirley Winifred Pinchin. The Players’ Club Alumni Scholarship: Elizabeth Sheila Peyman. The Vancouver Women’s Canadian Club Scholarship, $100 (CanadIan History): Murray Davidson Bryce. The Automotive Transport Association of British Columbia Scholarship, $150: award to be announced later. The Trans-Canada Investment Corporation Scholarship, $150: Douglas Constantine Basil. The Gault Brothers Limited Graduate Scholarship in Commerce, $700: award to be made later. The ImperIal Order Daughters of the Empire Scott Memorial Scholarship, $100: Kath erine Isabel Beamish. PRIZES I In All Faculties The University Essay Prize, $25: Archibald Banks Levey. II In Arts and Science The Ahepa Prize, $100 (proficiency in Greek): Robert Joseph Lenardon. The Armstead Prize in Biology and Botany, $50: Robert Gordon McMinn. The David Bolocan Memorial Prize, $25 (Psychology): Albert Bandura. The International Studies Prize, $30: Alan David Levy. The Transportation and Customs Bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade prizes, $75 esch: Charles Fawkes Armstrong: Highways. John Ross: Railways. James John Smith, B.Com.(Edin.): Airways. III In Applied Science The Engineering Institute of Canada (Vancouver Branch) Walter Moberly Memorial Prize, $25 (books): John Campbell Uhthoff. The Provincial Department of Health and Welfare (Health Branch) Prize, $50 for profi ciency in Public Health Nursing Certificate Course: Madeline Lois Smith. The Ingledow Prize (Electrical Engineering), $75: Joseph Anthony Stachon. The Canadian Forest Products Limited Prizes, $100 each: Henry Reginald Christie. Cedric Roy Sworder. The Northern Electric Company Limited Prize, $100: Joseph Anthony Stachon. The Timber Preservers’ Limited Prizes (Civil Engineering) 1. $65: Malcolm Hood Campbell. 2. $45: James Gordon Sutherland. 3. $25: Robert Anthony Pollard. 4. $15 each: Graham Russell Dawaon. John William McPhaiI. Malcolm Bruce Paterson. IV In Law The Carswell Company Limited Book Prize, $20: Walter Kirke Smith, B.A.(Manj, The Norgan Essay Prize, $100: William MsoKay Carlyle, B.Com.(Queen’s). The Toronto General Trusts Corporation Prize, $30: Valerie Jean Manning. The Canada Law Book Company Prize: Walter Kirke Smith, B.A.(Man.). V In Pharmacy The Cunningham Prize In Pharmacy, $50: Nicolas Brodoway. The Pharmaceutical Association of the Province of British Columbia Prize, $50: Hubert Joseph McCue. The Merck Awards (books): Nicolas Brodoway. Sidney Cyril Llnley Shelton. 34 The Houghiand Prizes In Dispensing, $50 each: Arthur Rutherford Mann. Ross Harvie Sinclare. The Mailinckrodt Chemical Works Limited Prize, $25: Nicolas Brodoway. The Pharmaceutical Association of the Province of British Columbia Special Awards, $25 each: Sidney Cyril Linley Shelton. Roger Eyton Spurling. Awards Made by Other Institutions But Announced by the University The Rhodes Scholarship: John Napier Turner. The French Government Scholarships: to be awarded later. The French Government Medals: 1. George Albert Pelter. 2. John Herbert North. The French Government Book Prizes: Juliette Lewis. David Clark Morton. Catherine Ruth Sheffield. The Viscount Bennett Trust Fund Graduate Scholarship, $1000: Alfred William Rooke Carrothers, B.A., LL.B. National Research Council Awards: (a) Special Scholarship, $750: Henry Evelyn Derek Scovil, B.A. (b) Fellowships, $900 each: Bertram Neville Brockhouse, B.A. Thomas LeGear Collins, M.A. Thomas McCaul Dauphinee, M.A. Patrick Anthony Dolan, M.A.(Saskj. Stuart Brownlee Woods, M.A.(Sask.). (c) Studentships, $750 eaoh: Donald Francis Alderdioe, M.A. Percy Edward Argyle, B.A. Francis Lee Black, B.A. Allan Cecil Brooks, B.A. Harry Brown, B.A. Murray Norman Carroll, B.A. Elizabeth May Charnley, B.A. Jack Bryan Derrick, B.A. Ross Hume Hall, B.A. Theodore Robert Hartz, M.A., B.Ed.(Saak.). Waiter Frederick Leverton, M.A.(Sask.). John Campbell Forrester MacDonald, M.A. William Le Breton Ross, B.A. Fred Terentiuk, B.So.(Alta.). (d) Bursaries, $450 each: John Mullaney Bryan. Frank Vivian Cairns. Sidney Robert Lawrence Couling. John Harold Craven. John Robert Hugh Dempoter. Martin Hasaall Edwards. Paul Carl Gilmore. Forest Gene Hess. John Peter Hobson. Frederick Roy Lipsett, B.A.Sc. William Winston Mair. Allan George ,Mungall. Warren Lind Reynolds. Ervin Angus Seibold. James Fairley Stenhouse. Harry Bernard Wolfe. The Schlioh Memorial Essay Prize in Forestry, $15: James Doran Clark. The Beaver Club Trust Scholarships (Overseas), £500 each: Johannen de Bruyn. Gordon McLemon Wilson. 35