The Registers of Wath-Upon-Dearne, Yorkshire

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The Registers of Wath-Upon-Dearne, Yorkshire M. U Gc 942.74019 W333W 1325194 GENEAL.CGY COL-L-ECTION I'n'lM'^lllSm'Mril/. PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 00721 5046 tibe publications ot tbc l^orksbire Parisb IRcGistev Sodetig IDol. 14. 50sue5 to Sttb0cr(bec0 tor tbe J^ear 1902. XLhc IReoisters of Math ^ upon^^earne l?or[?0bire Baptisms anb Burials, 1598—1778 nDarriages, 1598—1779 TRANSCRIBED AND EDITED BY J. W. CLAY, F.S.A. PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR THE YORKSHIRE PARISH REGISTER SOCIETY T902. W. H. MILNES, PRINTER, WAKEFIELD. 1325191 f^ PREFACE. \ The First Volume, containing Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, consists of three parchment volumes of unequal size bound together. first has entries from The 1598 to 1629, 7^ by 13^ inches ; the second, from 1630 to 1652, 9 by 13^ inches; the third, 1652 to 1724, 6^ by 15 inches. It has been badly bound, the leaves not being in consecutive order. In addition the entries in the third part are very ^ mixed up, so it has been considered the best plan to place them all in their proper yearly order. The edges of many of the leaves are much frayed, which makes the deciphering sometimes difficult. The Second Volume, also parchment, contains the Baptisms and Burials, 1725 to 1778, and the Marriages, 1725 to 1753. The Third Volume is solely Marriages, 1754 to August, 1779, and is paper with the modern printed forms. The thanks of the Society are due to the Vicar (the Rev. H. W, Ward, M.A.) for allowing the Register to be printed and also for the kind way he has assisted the Editor. J. W. C. y\ Zbc IRcQxetcv Boo[?e of Matb upon Bearne mabe In tbe Bear of o*^ %ott> (5o& one tboueanDe fgve bun&retb neentfe & m\c b» 5obn JBearD viccar. Q:bomas ^ariott S, Jobn ^mict Cburcbwar&ens. Memorand that the 22* day of November 1607 Jo : Bearde, Georg Hoyland, John Addy w"' others putt ou' hands to a certificat for Ann Addy,' that she was ffree to be hyred a mayd servant wher she best lyked had the consent of her & ffather & mother to be hyred w"' Thomas Adams by Pontefract. October 1598 Baptysed Jasper the sonne of Nicholas Hunt the xviij«> day May 1598 Baptysed Richard the sonn of John Beard viccar of Wath the xiij"' day Baptysed Thomas the sonne of RoBte Pulsonn the xxvij"' day August 1603 Bap. Jo : Beard vicarij filius 16' die M-<i that the xxix"^ day of Maie 1604 Wilham Hepworth of Wath uppo Dearne vv'-^in the countie of Yorke, yeoman had a stall place sett forth in the Church of Wath the highest place and the south syde of the Church nearest the Thornell hall queere to continewe to him his heares & dwellinge in the house wherin he nowe dwelleth in Skyterick. /okn Beard viccar of Watfu sup IDearne wt% tbe ^be 1Rc(ji6ter boof^e of Matb psons as bave bcene mar^eDe countte of IL'orhe of all sucbe telgne tbere since tbe forteetb ^eare of tbe baptlseD c«l 3BudcO BUsabetb in tbe seare of o^^ XorD of oure most aratious queene ©OD 1598. 159S of Richard Robuck of the Novcmb^ Baptised Nicholas the sonne Abdye 19° die Maried John Case & Katyren Swallowe code die 21 die et sepultus Baptised Richard the soone of Henrie Hill die post sepultus Baptysed the daughter of Robt Nailer eode die et die post eode die Baptysed George the sonne of Georg Jenkinsonn 28° Buried Thomas Diconson of Meltonn die Decemb Buried Roger Robinsonn of Wath i f die Maried Robert Pearsonn and Elizabeth Jubb 19° die of Wath 14° die Januarie Buried Richard ffostard 21° die Baptised Willia the sonne of John Taylier Maried Thomas Hudsonn & Kathere Clay eod die die Maried Willia Hepworth and Margret Robucke eodem Prance 1 1° die Februarie Baptysed the daughter of Willia of Lawrence, Baptised Godfray & grace the sonne & daughter Wade of Swintonn 21° die Melton, March Baptised Elizabeth the Daughter of John ffurth of 18 die Baptysed Alis the daughter of John Jepsonn eode die Baptysed Ursiley the daughter of Thomas Watson 23° die Willia Kytchinma 25° die 1599 Baptysed Grace the daughter of Baptysed Rosamond the daughter of John Robts of Wath 30° die Hepworth 8° die Aprill Baptysed Elizabeth the daughter of W"" Baptysed VV" the sonne of Thomas Makin 10° die Baptysed Willia the sonne of Nicholas Mallinsonn eode die Baptysed Willia the sonne of Thomas Baxter gente 12° day Maye Baptysed Thomas the sonne of John Smyth 4° die Baptysed Thomas the sonne of Richard Mabson 22° die June Baptysed Elizabeth the daughter of RoBt Malhnsonn 14° die 8° die Julie Baptysed John the sonne of Anthonie Woodworth Baptysed John the son of Wilha of Swinto eode die August Baptysed Richard the sonne of John Elome 5° die Baptysed Grace y^ daughter of W" Barrowe 2° die September Buried Hobsonn de Melton 8° die Baptysed Henrie the sonne of John Wharo 9° die Baptysed Thomas the sonne of W-" Coulbrand 16° die Parish Register of Wath. Baptysed Alice the daughter of Thomas ffawkes \° die Baptysed John the sonne of Denis ffroude code die Baptised John the sonne of Edward ffrance io° die Buried Infans .... Hill unbapt ti° die Baptised Barraclough eod die Baptized Elizabeth the daughter of Richard Hodgson 29 die Bapt John the {rubbed out) Baptysed Ann the daughter of John Turner of Swinton eode die Baptysed Elizabeth the daughter of Robt Neiler 3° die Maried Nicholas Marsh & Ann Pearsonn 18° die Buried the wiefe of John Stable of Meltonn 19° die Married Thomas Booth & Katerine Smith 24° die Buried infans Rictii Beckett de Melton unbapt eode die Buried Thomas the sonne of John Addye 1° die Buried Infans RoBti Pearson unbaptysed eode die Buried Widowe Turner of Melton 8° die Buried Widowe Darlie of Newall 10° die Buried the wief of Thomas Smith 11° die Buried Rich, the sonne of Rich, ffostard de Swinton eode die Buried Willia Slack of Wath 18° die Buried John Smith de Melton 22° die Baptysed Infans John Dozen de Swinton unbapt 23 die Buried the wief of John Dozen eode die Baptysed Thomas the sonne of Thomas Mariott eode die Baptysed Georg the sonne of John Addye 19° die Buried ffayth the wief of Anthonie Wodworth 4° die Buried Willia Saxton of Newall 7° die Buried George the sonne of John Addy 15° die Baptysed Nicholas the sonne of Willia Croyser 2° die Baptysed Nicholas the bastard sonne of Saunder Wood daughter eode die Buried an infant of John Cottons of Brapton 7° die unbap Buried the wief of Cottonn of brampton 10° die Baptysed the daughter of Margret Hudso kept at Peacoks 16° die 7° Buried the sayde chyld the 1 die 1600 Baptysed Willia the sonne of Richard Brooke of Swinto 25° die Baptysed Elizabeth the daughter of George Holland 6° die Baptysed Elizabeth the daughter of Richard Newtonn 20° die Buried George the sonne of W™ Praunce 27 Baptysed .... the sonne of Thomas Woode of Swinto 4° die Buried John Sayvile gent. 11° die Baptysed Richard the sonne of Ric. Brydley of Swinto 5° die Baptysed John the sonne of John Leatch de Newall 22 die Parish Register of Wath. 4 i6oo eode die Baptysed Alis the daughter of John Case June die Buried Nicholas Paynter of Meltoun xix Baptized John the sonne {blank) Hicks & ffraunces Hanson xxij' day Julie Maried Laurence die Maried Thomas Smith & Agnes Hobson xxix'° Gibson the secunde day August Maried Stephen Kay and Agnes Swint5 io° Baptysed Lawrence sone of Lawrence Wade of die Baptysed Robert the sone of W" Sugdenn eod die Buried Robert White the xv"' day Swinton 24° die Baptysed Jane the daughter of W" Milner of of Meltonn the 27 daye Sept. Bur Widowe Pearson Pearsonn 19" die October Baptysed Nicholas the sonne of RoBt Maried Thomas Brook & Elizabeth Seavyle 2 1° die 26° Baptysed Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Absonn die November Maried John Stable and Margrett Smith 2° die 8° x.uxx^^Buried Henrie Shaw of Houber die Baptysed John the sonne of John ffyrth of Melton 23° die December Baptysede Elizabeth the daughter of John Beard vicar 4° die 11° Baptizsed John the sonne of Nicho. Goodyear base gott die Maried Nicholas Shawe & Grace Smalchar t8 die Baptysed Elizabeth the daughter of Turner of Swinto 24 die Baptysed Elizabeth the daughter of John Taylier 26° die Baptized Thomas the sonne of Nicholas Tindley 27° die Ann England 12° die Januarie Maried ffrauncis Cosin & _ Burial Isabell Tompson, widowe 1 2° die Baptysed Richard the sonne of Henrie Hill eodem die Maried William Englande & Elizabeth Shawe 20° die Maried John Gybsonn & Elizabeth Litster eode die Buried Richard the sonne of John Smalchare 18° die Swinto 8 Februarie Baptysed William the sonne of Thomas Menlove of die die Buried^ Thomas Sherwood of Meltonn 10 March Baptysed Richard the sonne of John Smalchare i die ? Buryed Elizabeth Greene ? of Melton 4° die 9° Buried Margrett Leatch ? vid 1 die Baptysed Ellen the daughter of Robert Harison ? Anno Domin 1601 Anno Regni dominse Elizabethse Reginje quadragessimo tertio Aprill Buried Widowe Saxtonn of 5° ^^^ 10° die Baptysed Thomas the sone of Jo : Outra Maie Buried Widowe Locksmyth of Swinton 16° die Baptysed CisseUe the daughter of Stephe Key 17° die 2° June Baptysed Thomas the sonne of Averye Wright of Newall die Maried William Armitage & Isabel Wainwright 4° die Baptysed Willia the sonne of Willia Barowe of Swinto 9° die Parish Register of Wath, Baptysed John the sonne of Nicholas Tindley 19° die Maried Robert Markiall and Katharine Jonson of Swinto 22° die Baptysed Richard the sonne of Thomas Booth 23 die Baptysed Willia the sonne of Willia Wilsonn 19° die Baptysed Isabell the daughter of John Stable 26° die Buried Elizabeth Rodes of Meltonn 27° die Buried George Jenkinsonn of Wath 3° die Baptysed Peter the sonne Nicholas Staniland 9° die Buried William Scorer of Wath 16° die Buried John Wombwell of Wath 18° die Baptysed Ann the daughter of John Heaward de Streete 30° die Baptysed John
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