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OVS-Alumni-Notes-Spring-2018-Proof.Pdf spring 2018 a branch of the ojai valley school family tree BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mr. John B. De Nault III Chairman Mr. Michael J. Hall-Mounsey President/CEO Mrs. Patricia H. Farber Treasurer Mr. Lawrence Fisher Secretary Dr. Robert G. Cooper Jr. (L61) Mr. Spencer Garrett (L62, U65) Mr. William H. Hair Mr. Andrew Helman Ms. Gail “Gigi” Ordway (U78) Mrs. Missy Stoen Mr. Nicholas Thacher (L60) Mr. David Trudeau CHAIRMAN EMERITUS: Mr. A. Carl Kotchian, 1914-2008 PRESIDENTS EMERITI: Mr. Edward Yeomans 1865-1942 Mr. Michael D. Hermes (L53) 1938-2011 HEADMASTER EMERITUS: Mr. Wallace Burr, 1904-1996 MEMBERS EMERITI: Mr. Robert E. Chesley, 1932-2003 Mr. David J. Donlon, 1930-2009 Mr. Benjamin E. Nordman, 1913-1985 Mr. Anson S. Thacher, 1905-1994 CONTRIBUTORS: Thank you to the writers, editors, and photographers who contributed to this edition of Alumni Notes, including Joy Campbell (L14, U18), Avery Colborn (L16, U20), Emma Gustafson (L14, U18), Caroline Morrow (L15, U19), Lilli Trompke (U19), Fred Alvarez, Misty Hall, Craig Floyd, Malory Taylor, John Wickenhaeuser, and Tracy Wilson. ALUMNI ON THE COVER: WEEKEND Native plants emerge outside the Grace Hobson Smith girls JUNE 8-10 dormitory at the Upper Campus. The dorm was destroyed during the Thomas Fire. Photo by Misty Hall Alumni Weekend Registration is now open! Sign up online at www.ovs.org/aw See page 20 for more information about this year’s program. 2 PRESIDENT'S PAGE Little did we know that the distant plume of smoke to the east of the Upper Campus would have such a widespread impact on Ojai Valley School. It was December 4 and the wind was blowing hard from the east. The next 24 hours would prove fateful and transformative; Upper Campus was about to receive its biggest challenge. Whilst the Thomas Fire took away the Grace Hobson Smith girls’ dorm and the Lucila Arango Science and Technology Center, much of the buildings and infrastructure remained singed but functional. Upon reflecting, it is clear that the firestorm could indeed have consumed the whole campus. Over the next days and weeks, we benefited from great relationships with the heroic fire teams that saved Upper Campus, the numerous local and state agencies, insurance representatives, construction companies and vendors, but most importantly, our community of alumni, parents, staff and students rallied. In the resilient spirit of #OVSStrong, the entire school community near and far joined us in our commitment to reopen for the second semester. My sincere thanks to the 250 volunteers who came out for our workdays on January 5 and 6, giving time and expertise to prepare the campus for the return of our high school students. So much was achieved by so many hands working together (see article and photos on pages 4-12). This determination has been matched by a tremendous outpouring of direct contributions and offers of help from alumni from every era, from parents both past and present, our fantastic staff, and many, many friends. This prompt and generous support has enabled the campus to come back to life. With skilled professional and dedicated volunteer workers, a “Village” grew on the small athletic field. Temporary modular buildings now house all resident female students; other modular buildings serve as new classrooms for science and robotics, as well as a new student lounge. We have also been proactive in galvanizing the community as we plan for the future. Vision meetings have taken place to harness the resources to not only rebuild, but also incorporate new facilities. Grace Hobson Smith girls' dorm and the Lucila Arango Science and Technology Center will be rebuilt, largely, but not Just days after the Thomas Fire raged through Upper Campus, entirely, with insurance proceeds. We are now laying OVS administrators and board members were already planning the groundwork for a modified capital campaign that the rebuilding process, meeting with construction professionals will support rebuilding both at the same time and in and insurance company representatives. Up next was an all-school concert with the Student Commons. The design and the meeting at the Lower Campus to share with the community the timing of construction have yet to be finalized, but we progress that had already been made, and to formulate plans for are confident this ensemble of academic and residential the future. buildings will revitalize campus life for years to come and provide an even better student experience. The upcoming years will be exciting and transformative as we construct new state-of-the-art signature buildings. As we look east over the same ridge that blew smoke and flames our way, we now see the sun rise and bathe the campus in a warm light on our new era. With the deepest of thanks, MichaelMichael J. HaHall-Mounseyll-Mounsey President/CEO 3 Upper Campus Rebounds After Devastating Thomas Fire By Joy Campbell (L14, U18) and Avery Colborn (L16, U20) In the days after the Thomas Robotics program was left Both the Lucila Arango Science of the second semester the Fire tore through the Upper robot-less, its entire fighting and Technology Center, as campus was thrown open to Campus, destroying two force lost to the flames, well as the Grace Hobson all those who were willing to signature buildings and retailers and teams from other Smith dorm, were burned volunteer their time. displacing boarding girls and schools stepped in to help the to the ground. Other areas their dorm counselors, there program regain traction. of the campus, including the “The entire break I felt kind was never a question whether Carl S. Cooper Amphitheater of hopeless and like I couldn’t the school would reopen to And when the time came to and Wallace Burr Hall, also do anything,” said senior start the second semester. rebuild – to carve out new sustained damage from the Kase Skillern (L14, U18), an classroom space, create a wind and flames that ripped OVS student since seventh The only real question was new place for the girls to through the campus in the grade who showed up on how so much work could be live, and rehabilitate grounds opening days of a blaze both community work days accomplished in so little time. and facilities burned by the that would grow to become to paint dorm rooms, move in blaze – the response was the largest fire in modern furniture and string twinkle But when the call for help went unprecedented. California history. lights over the two courtyards out, the community answered. that anchor the new girls’ On January 5 and 6, the Immediately after the Upper village. When publishers were asked weekend before school Campus sustained damage, to donate textbooks to replace reopened, nearly 250 countless people called in, “OVS has been a home and those lost to fire, boxes of volunteers, ranging from sent emails and posted on place of learning for me for books and supplies came students to alumni to parents social media offers of physical many years, so I wanted a pouring in, so much so that and friends, rallied together and financial support for the chance to give back,” Kase they rapidly overwhelmed at the Upper Campus to begin rebuilding effort, and on the added. “When there was the business office. When the the restoration work. weekend before the start finally a chance to come up to 4 #ovsstrong Upper Campus and help out, I The campus buzzed with “During those first years we units into a cohesive “Village” jumped at it.” activity as the work began. [members of the first Upper on the small athletic field next The volunteers were broken Campus class] were able to to the ropes course. The weekend began in the into teams and assigned to help build the amphitheater,” amphitheater, with a welcome complete tasks that included said Garrett, who in his time at The plumbing was still being from President/CEO Michael painting walls, re-decorating Upper served as the school’s installed when volunteers J. Hall-Mounsey and then a bulletin boards and first ASB president. “So it arrived. There was much to standing ovation for Upper classrooms, filling sandbags, was quite fitting that I spent be done in order to make the Campus Head of School Craig creating garden boxes, my two days during the work mobile units into a new home Floyd (U83), who worked replanting landscape and parties helping to repair the for the girls. tirelessly over the holiday lining the soccer field. areas of the amphitheater that break to get the school were burned.” reopened on time. OVS alumnus Spencer Garrett (continued next page) (L62, U65), a member of the Among the challenges faced “I was overcome with emotion first graduating class at the after the fire was figuring out seeing the outpouring of Upper Campus and current how, and where, to house support for OVS and the member of the Board of 38 resident girls on campus. FIRE RECOVERY FUND rebuilding effort,” Floyd Trustees, worked both Friday The school moved quickly to said. “To see alumni from all and Saturday to help rebuild purchase seven temporary To support the school’s ongoing the decades of the Upper fire-scarred amphitheater dormitories, as well as three recovery and rebuilding efforts, Campus returning to campus benches, joining the crew portable classrooms, and please visit the website at and working side by side with of craftsmen and laborers trucks began rumbling up current families and faculty of intent on making the outdoor the hill before Christmas to www.ovs.org/give both campuses was incredible.” auditorium whole again. assemble the new modular 5 #ovsstrong (continued from previous page) Wheeler, who attended OVS Within just two days, a handful for OVS, for the school itself, for from third to twelfth grade and of partially complete buildings, the people, for the past, for the Jeff and Jenifer Weisiger, along who reunited with Wallace and and hundreds of committed present, and for the future.
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