2 SELECT STORIES from PURANAS Contents Page Preface

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2 SELECT STORIES from PURANAS Contents Page Preface SELECT STORIES FROM PURANAS Contents Page Preface 3 Some Basic Facts common to Puranas 3 Stories related to Manus and Vamshas 5 (Priya Vrata, Varudhini & Pravaraakhya, Swarochisha, Uttama, Tamasa, Raivata, Chakshusa, and Vaiwasvata) The Story of Surya Deva and his progeny 7 Future Manus (Savarnis, Rouchya and Bhoutya) 8 Dhruva the immortal; Kings Vena and Pruthu 9 Current Manu Vaiwasvata and Surya Vamsha 10 (Puranjaya, Yuvanashwa, Purukutsa, Muchukunda, Trishanku, Harischandra, Chyavana Muni and Sukanya, Nabhaga, Pradyumna and Ila Devi) Other famed Kings of Surya Vamsha 14 Origin of Chandra, wedding, Shaapa, re-emergence and his Vamsha (Budha, Pururava, Jahnu, Nahusha, Yayati and Kartaveeryarjuna) 15 Parashurama and his encounter with Ganesha 17 Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Nrisimha, Vamana and Parashurama Avataras 18 Quick retrospective of Ramayana (Birth of Rama, Aranya Vaasa, Ravana Samhara, Rama Rajya, Sita Viyoga, Lava Kusha and Sita-Rama Nidhana) 21 Maha Bharata in brief (Veda Vyasa, Ganga, Bhishma& Pandava-Kauravas & 43 Quick proceedings of Maha Bharata Battle Some doubts in connection with Maha Bharata 50 Episodes related to Shiva and Parvati (Links of Sandhya Devi, Arundhati, Sati and Parvati; Daksha Yagna, Parvati’s wedding, and bitrh of Skanda) 52 Glories of Maha Deva, incarnations, Origin of Shiva Linga, Dwadasha Lingas, Pancha Bhuta Lingas, manifesations and Significance of Maha Shiva Ratri 55 Legends of Venkatachala, Jagannatha and Badari Kshetras 69 Ekadasha Vrata-The Episode of King Rukmanga 72 Ego clashes of illustrious personalities 73 Play of Maya: the Experiences of Narada Maharshi 76 Stories describing the implied messages of Bhagavad Gita Chapters 78 Origin of Bhandasura, manifestations of Lalita Devi and the killing of Bhanda 83 Maha Devi destroys Mahishasura and his clan 90 Shumbha and Nishumbha terminated by Maha Devi 92 Epilogue 95 2 SELECT STORIES FROM PURANAS Preface: Hindu Puranas are replete with Stories with the moral of destroying Evil and vindicating Virtue.They describe incidents related to Avataras, Devas, Vamshas, Kings, Rishis, Demons, and humanity in general.The underlining message in all the Puranas is that all the Species in the Lord’s Creation - be it Devas or Demons, humanity or other living Beings are bound by the basic Principle ie. one sows as reaps. One’s own ‘Karma’ or action is decided by the previous action in the never-ending cycle of births and deaths. This current action of any Being shapes the future Karma. The Supreme Force creates ‘Maya’ or Illusion and influenced by ‘Tri Gunas’ or The Three Characterisics of Satva-Rajas- Tamas Nature, Maya decides each and every action or the Cause which further leads to the Reaction or the Effect! Hence, morality is the crux and behaviour is the corner stone of all Beings, with special reference to human beings. Veda Vyasas scripted Eighteen Main Puranas besides several Upa-Puranas. The Main Puranas are Brahma Purana, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Brahmanda Purana, Bhagavata Purana, Vishnu Purana, Matsya Purana, Kurma Purana, Varaha Purana, Vamana Purana, Shiva Purana, Linga Purana, Skanda Purana, Markandeya Purana, Agni Purana, Narada Purana, Padma Purana, Bhavishya and Garuda Purana. Some of the prominent Upa Puranas include Deva Bhagavata, Narasimha, Vayu, Sthala, Nilamata Puranas. Some basic facts common to Puranas The Unknown and Eternal Paramatma or The Supreme Energy materialised the Alternate Power called Prakriti / Maya which further appeared as Maha Tatwa or the Great Awareness. The latter made possible the occurrence of ‘ Ahamkara’ or Ego in Abstract Form or the Inherent Consciousness which got transformed as Bhutas or Tangible Entities the very First Entity being Narayana who created ‘Apo Naara’ or the Radiant Water who floated on that Water and was hence called Narayana. He deposited his virility with the resolve of creating and there got manifested a Brahmanda, the Huge Golden Egg inside which there was seated Hiranya garbha Brahma. The Egg had two parts viz. Diva/ Urthwa Loka or the Upper Part and ‘Bhuva’or Earth and the Space between these Parts was ‘Akaasha’ the Sky. There were manifestations eventually of Sapta Lokas (Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, Swarloka, Maharloka, Janarloka, Tapoloka and Satyaloka), Sapta Patalaas ( Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talaatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala); Dasha Dishas or Ten Directions viz. Uttara or North-East or Purva- Dakshina or South-Paschim or West-Ishanya or North East -Agneya or South East-Nirruti or South West- Vayavya or North West-Urthwa or Upper Region and Atho Lokas or the Nether Worlds; Sapta Dwipas (Jambu, Plaksha, Salmaali, Kusha, Krouncha, Shaka and Pushkala); Sapta Samudras (Lavana or Salt, Ikshurasa or Sugarcane juice, Sura or Wine, Ghrita or Classified Butter, Dahi or Curd, Ksheera or Milk and Suswada or Sweet Water); Sapta Parvatas (Sumeru , Kailas, Malaya, Himalaya, Udyachala, Agastyachala, Suvela and Gandhamadana); Ashta Loka Palakas (Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirruti, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera and Ishana); Kaal maana or Time Calculation (Triti-hundred tritis oneVedha- three Vedhas one Lava-Three Lavas on Nimesha- Three Nimeshas one Kshana- five nimeshas one kashta or eight seconds- fifteen kashtas one laghu or two minutes- fifteen laghus one danda- six to seven dandas one fourth of a day or night-four praharas or yamas one day or night- two pakshas a month-two months a Ritu or Season- Six months one Ayana-365 combinations of a day / night one year- one year a Deva year-1200 Yugas comprising Satya of 4800 Deva Years, Treta Yuga of 3600, Dwapara of 2400 and Kaki yuga of 1200 Deva Years make one a Maha Yuga-100 Maha 3 Yugas one Kalpa and Two Maha Kalpas are one life time of Brahma; Brahma is now passing through his fifty first year and his life span is 100 such years; we are now in the 28th Kali yuga of the first day of the first year of the third Sweta Varaha kalpa, second paraartha in the reign of the Seventh Manu named Vivaswanta. Kali Yuga is calculated to have commenced on 17th February 3102 BC of Julion Calendar). Besides the Kaala maana (Time), other notable creations were Manasa (Thought), Vaak (Speech), Shad Vargas or the Six Aberrations of Kama-Krodha-Lobha-Moha-Mada- Matsara viz. Desire, Anger, Greed, Infatuation, Arrogance and Jealousy; as also: Pancha Bhutas viz. Earth, Water, Agni,Wind and Sky; Nava Grahas of Surya, Chandra, Mangala, Budha, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu- Ketu; Chatur Vedas of Rik-Yajur-Saama and Atharva besides Shat-Vedangas viz. Siksha including Sangeeta and Nayaaya, Vyakarana, Kalpa Grandha, Nirukta, Chandas Shastra and Jyitisha. Ekadasha Rudras or Eleven Rudras viz. Mahaan, Mahatma, Matimaan, Bhishana, Bhayankara, Ritudwaja, Urthwakesha, Pingalaksha, Rucha, Shuchi, and Kalaagni; Sapra Rishis viz. Marichi, Atri , Angirasa, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, and Vasishtha;Four Kumaras viz. Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanat and Sanatana; besides Narada-all Brahma’s mind-born sons.; Chaturashramas,Yagnas and Agni Homas like Shodasi, Ukta, Purushi, Agnishtoma, Aptoryama, Atiratra, Vajapeya, Goshava etc. Other facts worth noting in the context of Puranas are Fourteen Manvantaras (Swayambhu, Swarochisha,Uttama, Tamasa, Raivata, Chakshusa, the present Vaivaswata, Savarni, Bhoutya, Rouchya and four more Savarnyas) and Prajapatis and Vamshas, especially of Surya and Chandra and their lineages. Daksha Prajapati and his wife Prasuti had sixty daughters, ten of whom were given in charity to Dharma, seventeen to Kashaypa Muni, twenty seven to Chandra and two each to Rishis Angira, Krasaswa and Bhuta. Dharma’s wives gave birth among others to Twelve Sadhyas called Jaya Devas considered as good as Devas reputed in the context of Yagnas like Darsha, Pounamavasya, Vithi, Vivithi etc. Dharma’s another wife Vasu gave birth to Ashta Vasus like Dhara, Soma, Ayu, Pratyusa etc. From Angirasa and Vastu Devi was born Vishwakarma and so on. But the most significant progeny of Daksha’s daughters was from Kashyapa Muni as follows: Indras and Devas from Aditi; Diti gave birth to Daityas like Hiranya Kashipu (killed in Narasimha Avatara as he tormented his own son Prahlada) and Hiranyaksha (who dragged Bhu Devi to Rasatala but was rescued by Vishnu’s Avatara viz. Matsya Deva) as also Marudganas ( when Diti performed a very severe Vrata to destroy Devas and got conceived from Kashyapa, Indra feigned affection to Diti and when she was asleep entered her womb and by his ‘Siddhi’called ‘Anima’or miniaturasing cut the child seven times by his Vajrayudha and made further seven pieces totalling forty nine and after delivery each piece became a Marud by Kashyapa Muni’s powers and the Marudganas turned out to be share-holders of Yagnas and as good as Devatas and were Indra’s followers!); Danu Devi gave birth to Danavas whose Chief was Viprachit and the latter’s wife Simhika gave birth to Simhika who were more cruel and notorious than Danavas in grit for Tapasya, mainly targetting Sages and Brahmanas. Rahu was the eldest son of Simhika; the most infamous among the Simhikas were Vatapi, Bhouma and Namuchi. The worst of Danavas were Shambhara, Maya, Tarakasura, Jambha, Naraka, Pralamba etc. who had passion for destroying Yagnas, Shraddhas, children and cows too. Devi Kadru another wife of Kashyapa Muni was the mother of Serpents, the most famed ones of the species being Sesha, Vasuki and Takshaka besides Iravata, Mahapadma, Kambala, Ashwatara, Shankha, Karkotaka, Dhananjaya, Kaliya and so on. Khasa Devi had two sons one at dawn time and another at dusk; the elder son had four hands and four legs with high hair growth all over his body and the younger one had three heads, three hands and three legs. Bothe were ferocious and grotesque; one wanted to eat his mother out of extreme hunger and another desired to save the mother. Kashyapa named them Rakshasas; they were weak and dull but as the dusk grew into night they became invincible and all powerful with the ability to change into any Form as they wished enjoying the flesh of Devas, Sages, human beings, animals or birds.
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