Stranda Cruise Season: Summer and Winter Averange Temperature: July 13Oc - March 2,6Oc

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Stranda Cruise Season: Summer and Winter Averange Temperature: July 13Oc - March 2,6Oc GeirANGerfjorD CruiSe POrT STranda Cruise Season: Summer and winter Averange temperature: July 13oC - March 2,6oC Ålesund | | Page 44 | Page | Strandafjellet Relax in Stranda Photo: The Dance of the Trolls Photo: Gro Marita Valdal Hellesylt 430 m Stranda – Liabygda – The Eagle Road – Dalsnibba Top of range winter activities in Stranda (1500 above sea level) – Flydalsjuvet – Geiranger The sight of the fjord scenery combined with mighty Tour as above but including the Geiranger Road and alpine mountains is enough to take anyone’s breath the famous viewpoints Flydalsjuvet and Dalsnibba. away. “Incredibly beautiful and challenging” say Lunch or coffee break in Norddal or Valldal. people who have seen alpine complexes all around Duration 6 hours the world. “Action to the extreme”, is one comment, “Paradise on earth”, is another, - “with the fjord Stranda – Liabygda – Trollstig plateau – Geiranger glistening far below you, it gives skiing pleasure When combining the Trollstig plateau or Trollstigen a totally new dimension”, wrote another. road and the famous Eagle Road you will experience the most spectacular scenery we can offer. A completely new attraction is “the Dance of the Lunch stop in Valldal. Duration 7 – 9 hours. Trolls” – an open-air music and dance performance. 2011 Performances last 18 minutes. The dance of the trolls STRANDA All the suggested excursions above can start also has an environmental message. The music has or end in Geiranger or Stranda. been specially commissioned. Performances by arrangement. New chairlift and restaurant Roalden, 1042 m.a.s. Photo: Ege KJxles STRANDA PORT information CREW facilities PORT SERVICES Stranda .indd 1 09-11-10 10:13:27 Shopping, wi-fi internett, a variety of trails from Bunkers delivery: Available from 2012 Distances walking on the flat to challenging trails Supplies: Yes - A DESTINATION FOR SUMMER Airport: Ålesund, Vigra – 130 km Waste Handling: Not available City Centre: Stranda Village – 200 m PORT Facilities Tugboats: Available with 12 hours’ notice Open: 24 hours Anchorage: Possible GENERAL information iSPS approved: Yes Other services: Mooring boat ser vice AND WINTER CRUISES Tourist information: No Designated quays for cruise ships: Yes Bus and minibus: 200 m Pilot: In accordance with Norwegian pilot regulations NAME & Contacts Taxi: 200 m Tidal movement: 1.5 – 2.0 m Geirangerfjord Cruise Port – Stranda A central cruise ship quay in the town of Stranda will enable Geirangerfjorden Cruise Port to make a new and attractive offer to ships and rental cars: Not available Ship tenders allowed: Yes Visiting address: Geiranger passengers. Stranda lies at the entrance to the Geiranger Fjord and is a well-known winter sports venue. Summer is now in focus and with Public transportation: 200 m – local tenderboat available (195 passengers) Mailing address: Box 264, N-6201 Stranda Guide Service: All major languages Tender distance: 400 – 1000 m Phone: + 47 46 41 11 13 chairlifts and gondolas (in 2011) guests will be transported quickly up to the mountain tops with spectacular views over the town, the fjord Shopping: Close to the pier Ships stay minimum/maximum: No limitation Fax: + 4770 26 080 01 and the surrounding mountains. Refreshments, a good lunch or a snack are on offer in our lively restaurants at the lift top stations. emergency: Phone 113. Ålesund Hospital, Ålesund environmental limitations/restrictions: international Access code: +47 Tax refund: Yes, at the pier Stop al engines possible/ stop tender engines Pilot: 13 when alongside ship and pontoons emergency: 16 Passenger facilities IN PORT AREA Are the port facilities according to Medical emergency: 113 Shuttle service: Not necessary Cruise Norway’s quality guidelines: Yes Charts: Norwegian Seachart nr. 127 Parking place for buses and distance: Maximum number of ships per day in port: 1 email: [email protected] ATTractiONS/exCurSiONS Yes, close to the pier Maximum number of passengers internet: restroom for passengers: No per day in port: 3500 Discover Stranda Go hiking in Stranda with local guides THE CLASSIC OVERLAND TOUR Tourist/city maps: Yes information on Stranda: Experience the alpine world surrounding the village Ljøbrekka is an impressive part of the old postal Local currency: NOK Strandafjellet KF, Box 264 Stranda – Hellesylt - Stryn – Tourist Route of Stranda, with panoramic views of the fjord. road between Trondheim and Bergen. Currency exchange: Yes N 6200 Stranda Rv258 to Grotli – Dalsnibba – Geiranger Exciting trips with chairlifts, lunch or coffee break A spellbinding and amazing view over fjord and ATM: Yes, city centre Phone: +47 40 55 59 40 internet access: Yes at the Pavilions, Roalden (1042 m.a.s.) suitable for mountains. Old summer farms along the path. Magnificent fjord landscapes, valleys, lakes, email: [email protected] 160 persons. The Pavilion on the south side (Requires normal good condition.) glaciers and snowcapped mountains, green hills Public telephones: Yes – 65 persons. Buses from quay, 10 min. drive. a) Bus to the starting point and return to Stranda. and a salmon river, in short, the best we can offer. Mailboxes: Yes Suggested duration: minimum 2 hours. Duration: 5 - 6 hours. Duration 8 – 9 hours including many photo stops b) Bus from Stranda, hiking across Ljøbrekka, and 90 min lunchstop. Short stop for coffee or tea Stranda – Discover Stranda on your own bus to Hellesylt and sightseeing boat across in the morning or afternoon is possible if desired. Get to know a small Norwegian town, the fjord to Geiranger. Duration: 1 hour less if driving RV15 instead go shopping, take a walk along the salmon river, This tour can also start in Geiranger. of the tourist route R258. qUAy: Length: DRAFT: HEIGHT qUAySIDE: visit our church. Join organized walks with local Duration: 6 - 8 hours Stranda Kai 100m 15m Tidal movement: quide telling the story of Stranda, the rise of Stranda – Liabygda – The Eagle Road – Geiranger 1.5 - 2m Quay STRANDA industry from 1920, daily life, and how, where Crossing the fjord with ferries, beautiful photo stops Storfjord and what we do for a living. and time for coffee stop or lunch. A short but very impressive tour. Duration: 3 hours including coffee stop. HELLESYLT GEIRANGER Anchor/ Quay tender port.
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