Third Annual Conference IGCP No526, Rabat, MOROCCO PROVENANCE OF MULTICYCLE SEDIMENTS ON high reworking grade, polycyclic character of the THE BAY OF CADIZ AND THE ADJACENT sediments and diversification of source area. CONTINENTAL SHELF (SW SPAIN) BASED ON The combination of compositional and mineralogical SILICICLASTIC GRAINS EXOSCOPY study of modern sediments of the bay of Cadiz and the 1 2 2 adjacent continental shelf is of great hydrodynamic and M. Achab , J.P. Moral Cardona & J.M. Gutiérrez Mas sedimentary processes interest. The application of textural 1 Département des Sciences de la Terre, Institut Scientifique. Université and morphological analysis has allowed the establishment Mohammed-V-Agdal, BP 703, Agdal, Rabat, Maroc.
[email protected] of multicyclic character of the sediments and the stages 2 Departamento de Geologia. Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales and cycles undergone by the terrigenous grains during its .Universidad de Cadiz. Apartado 40, 11510. Puerto Real (Cadiz, Spain). sedimentological evolution. Studies on the provenance and sediment transport have been based on the use of accessory minerals to determine assemblages and source areas. These can be supplemented UPWELLING VARIATIONS IN CABO FRIO by techniques such as the exoscopy, which provides REGION DURING THE HOLOCENE information on morphology and surface features of grains AND ITS RELATION WITH PALEOCLIMATE as well as the differentiation of sedimentary stages. CHANGES INLAND In the littoral zones and inner continental shelf, recent sea level changes force to coexist relict sediments deposits, A.L.S. Albuquerque, M.M. Andrade, A.C. Cruz, formed when sea level was lower than nowadays, with A.