WATER & STEAM MILLS IN ESSEX COMPARATIVE SURVEY OF MODERN & INDUSTRIAL SITES and MONUMENTS No. 18 WATER & STEAM MILLS IN ESSEX An archaeological, architectural and historical appraisal of post-medieval and industrial age water powered and steam powered mills COMPARATIVE SURVEY OF MODERN / INDUSTRIAL SITES AND MONUMENTS No. 18 August 2008 Report by Adam Garwood Historic Environment Record Essex County Council County Hall Chelmsford Essex CM1 1QH Tel: 01245 437530 Fax: 01245 437213
[email protected] Front cover: Little Hallingbury Mill, Gaston Green COMPARATIVE SURVEY OF MODERN / INDUSTRIAL SITES AND MONUMENTS IN ESSEX The survey of standing and buried remains of the more recent architectural and archaeological heritage of Essex began in 1995. Copies of the survey reports are listed below and are available for public consultation at the Essex Historic Environment Record and the Essex Records Office. Gould, S. 1996: The Essex Malt Industry: History, Technology and Architecture. Comparative Survey of Modern/Industrial Sites and Monuments No.1 (Essex County Council internal typescript report). Thorpe, S. 1996: Military Airfields in Essex During World War Two. Comparative Survey of Modern/Industrial Sites and Monuments No.2 (Essex County Council internal typescript report). Gibson, S. 1997: The Essex Lime Industry. Comparative Survey of Modern/Industrial Sites and Monuments No.3 (Essex County Council internal typescript report). Kemble, J. 1997: Historic Boundary Markers in Essex. Comparative Survey of Modern/Industrial Sites and Monuments No.4 (Essex County Council internal typescript report). Gould, S., Crosby, T. and Gibson, S. 1997: Malthouses in Essex Volume Two. Comparative Survey of Modern/Industrial Sites and Monuments No.5 (Essex County Council internal typescript report).