________________________ society NEWS The Bulletin of the ENFIELD ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY ________________________ September 2001 No 162 CONTENTS FORTHCOMING EVENTS EAS MEETINGS 21 September 2001: York Minster: England’s argest Stained !lass M"se"m 1# $ctober 2001: %ensal !reen &emetery 16 No'ember 2001: Ne( )*inking +bo"t 16t* and 1,t* &ent"ry ondon OTHER SOCIETIES SOCIETY MATTERS MEETING REPORTS -etrieving ondon’s .re*istory ROMAN CHESHUNT AND THE TIME TEAM VISIT TO THE ROYAL GUNPOWDER MILLS AT WALTHAM ABBEY THE 38th ANNUAL LAMAS CONFERENCE AUTOGRAPHS FROM GROVELANDS HOSPITAL 1916-17 SMALL FINDS Society Ne(s is p"blished /"arterly in March0 1"ne0 September and 2ecember )*e Editor is Jon )anner0 23 .adsto( -oad0 Enfeld0 Middlese5 EN2 6780 tel: 020 69:0 03#9 email: ;mt<b*pp=co="% 2 FORTHCOMING EVENTS F !"#$ 16 N,-&()&r %**1 Meetings o> t*e Enfeld +rc*aeological Society New "!inking #bout $%t! and $&t! Century are *eld at 1"bilee ?all0 2 .arsonage ane0 London Enfeld @near &*ase SideA at 6=00pm= )ea and 2r 1o*n Sc*ofeld coBee are served and t*e sales and in>ormation table is open >rom ,=90pm= Cisitors, >or (*om a )*e !reat Hire o> 1666 devastated m"c* o> t*e c*arge o> D1=00 (ill be made0 are very (elcome= &ity o> ondon= So (*at can be kno(n abo"t itJ + combination o> archaeology, st"dy o> pictorial F !"#$ %1 S&'t&()&r %**1 evidence and documents enables "s to recti>y York Minster: England’s Largest Stained Glass o"r ignorance and explore some important Museum /"estions. )*e con"rbation o> ondon gre( >o"r Nigel S(i>t times in siEe o> pop"lation and probably area in a cent"ry. )*e -e>ormation and 2issol"tion o> York Minster is one o> 7ritain’s most spectacular t*e Monasteries c*anges people’s surro"ndings cat*edrals, constantly "ndergoing reb"ilding and attit"des on a scale matched only by t*e rig*t t*ro"g* t*e Middle +ges. )*e magnifcent Norman invasion 600 years previo"sly, and in str"ct"re t*at *as come do(n to "s retains a t*e middle o> t*e 1,t* cent"ry ondon began its nearly total glazing o> medie'al stained glass, ne( and most important role as t*e centre o> an making it t*e biggest stained glass m"se"m in increasingly (orld(ide commercial and colonial 7ritain F in spite o> (ind0 (eat*er and fres. )*e empire= ?o( did ondon manage all t*ese talk (ill take a Gvirt"alG (alk aro"nd it (it* stops changes? at important points to provide an almost contin"o"s *istory o> Englis* stained glass >rom 'r (o!n S)!ofeld 1200 to beyond t*e -e>ormation= )*e re"sed early panels in t*e nave0 t*e 19t* cent"ry grisaille o> t*e Hive Sisters in t*e nort* transept0 t*e 13t* cent"ry great (est (indo( and t*e spectacularly large 1:t* cent"ry east (indo(0 t*e )"dor period fg"res o> t*e so"t* transept0 MEETINGS OF OTHER SOCIETIES all combine to make York a *"ge0 >ascinating and living textbook o> stained glass *istory. HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION . Nigel Swift NORTH LONDON BRANCH F !"#$ 19 O+t,)&r %**1 +ll meetings are *eld on )"esdays at 6=00 p=m= Kensal Green Cemetery in 1"bilee ?all0 .arsonage ane0 Enfeld= -obert Step*enson T/&0"#$ 11 S&'t&()&r %**1 %ensal !reen &emetery, >o"nded in 16920 is t*e "!e +irst Nationalisation: t!e +ire Service frst and largest o> t*e seven great early 1#t* &*ris W*ippe cent"ry cemeteries encircling ondon= It *o"ses some o"tstanding mon"ments, se'eral o> (*ich T/&0"#$ *9 O+t,)&r %**1 are listed0 and is t*e fnal resting place o> royalty Ri)!ard "revit!ick and t!e Steam Revolution as (ell as many *o"se*old names associated -ichard 2a(e (it* t*e arts, literat"re and science= It is also a conser'ation area and *as a special role in T/&0"#$ 13 N,-&()&r %**1 providing a *abitat >or certain insects, plants and -om eii before t!e Eru tion of #'&. animals in t*e city, some o> (*ich (ere *ere .ro>= Michael H"l>ord @8ni'= o> -eadingA be>ore t*e cemetery. I *ave been g"iding in t*e cemetery >or seven years and teach on t*e s"b;ect o> 7ritish Hor >"rt*er details, contact -obin 7lades, 020 deat* c"stoms. 6966 :926 Robert Ste !enson 3 EDMONTON HUNDRED )raining can be provided >or t*ose (it* little or HISTORICAL SOCIETY no experience0 and anyone interested s*o"ld ,=3: >or 6=00 p=m= in 1"bilee ?all0 .arsonage telep*one or (rite to Jon )anner in t*e frst ane0 Enfeld "nless ot*er(ise stated= Cisitors instance on 020 696, 6000 @day) or 020 69:0 D1=00 03#9 @*omeA email ;mt<b*pp=co="k W&"1&0"#$ 19 S&'t&()&r %**1 THE FORTY HALL TRUST Everyday Life in t!e Sout! Mimms #rea in t!e Middle #ges Members (ill probably be a(are t*at an 7rian Warren agreement *as been reac*ed bet(een t*e Horty ?all Working .arty and t*e ondon 7oro"g* o> W&"1&0"#$ 1* O+t,)&r %**1 Enfeld to establis* a )r"st to administer t*e +t 8nion &*"rch ?all0 corner Herme .ark -oad r"nning o> t*e *o"se= It *as been suggested t*at and Weston -oad0 ondon N6 t*e Society p"t >or(ard a candidate as a (oint Meeting wit! /ornsey /istorical Society )r"stee0 and anyone interested in oBering t*eir services is asked to contact o"r &*airman S#t/ "#$ *3 N,-&()&r %**1 2ennis ?ill on 020 6330 1:#9= Ideally 1"bilee ?all0 10=00 am candidates (o"ld be able to oBer experience o> 'ay Conferen)e: Gone but Not +orgotten (ork o> a similar nat"re= W&"1&0"#$ %1 N,-&()&r %**1 1"bilee ?all 2=1: >or 2=90 pm #nt!ony "rollo e and t!e 0alt!am Cross MEETING REPORTS Connection !ra*am ?andley En/"iries to t*e ocal ?istory Section0 )o(n Retrieving London’s ?all0 !reen anes0 .almers !reen ondon N19 )el: 020 69,# 2,23 Prehistory F !"#$ 18 M#$ %**14 Jon &otton )*is (as t*e title o> an excellent lect"re given to t*e Enfeld +rc*aeological Society on 16t* May SOCIETY MATTERS by 1on &otton0 &"rator o> .re*istory at t*e M"se"m o> ondon= ?is t*eme (as t*at archaeological st"dies sho"ld al(ays aim to p"t HELP WITH ADMIN NEEDED t*e person@s) back into t*e arc*aeological data= )*"s0 *e opened (it* a comp"terMgenerated I> anyone is able and (illing to *elp (it* t*e image o> a Neandert*al man and child and a r"nning o> t*e Society in any (ay, please pict"re o> a piece o> pre*istoric pottery >rom t*e contact t*e &*airman 2ennis ?ill0 telep*one 020 -iver )*ames at Mortlake decorated (it* 6330 1:#9= +lt*o"g* t*e programme >or 2002 is indents made by a (oman’s t*"mbnail toget*er arranged0 a ne( Meetings Secretary is re/"ired= (it* *oles made by *er long fngernail= We also need a Membership Secretary: t*is )*e )*ames is a key element in o"r post does re/"ire t*e "se o> a .& (it* simple sense o> (*at ondon means= )*e river database so>t(are F t*e days o> card indexes originally fo(ed east(ards across t*e Cale o> are long goneK St= +lbans and o"t to t*e Nort* Sea near &lacton= )*e )*ames moved progressively FIELDWOR2 AND EXCAVATION so"t*(ards cutting into t*e gravels to its present position= .re*istoric encampments (ere sit"ated along t*e banks o> t*e river and )*ank yo" to all t*ose (*o responded to t*e excavations *a'e >o"nd a large n"mber o> appeal in Society News 161 >or 'ol"nteers to skil>"lly made fint tools distrib"ted across t*e >orm a Hield(ork and -esearch !ro"p0 (*ich is (*ole o> t*e )*ames est"ary, s"ch as t*e likely to be called t*e LEnfeld .astfnders”= We b"tchery tools >o"nd in gra'es at West are beginning to b"ild "p a list o> possible Yie(sley= pro;ects, incl"ding small exca'ations, one o> 2ro(ned >orests can be seen at lo( tide (*ic* is already "nder (ay in 7"s* ?ill .ark. on t*e )*ames >oreshore at ."rfeet0 dating : back 4'e to seven t*o"sand years. S"perb ditc* toget*er (it* 7ronEe +ge pits and (*at 7ronze +ge arte>acts *a'e been reco'ered >rom mig*t *a'e been sa"nas. t*e )*ames, (*ich in t*ose times (as an +t Ca"5*all0 t(o small metal 7ronEe +ge "ncontrollable >orce (*ich needed to be *eads (ere >o"nd near pairs o> massi'e propitiated (it* val"able oBerings= (ooden timbers (*ic* (ere complete trees 300M Exca'ations at t*e .erry $aks se(age :00mm in diameter and (*ich *ad been de (orks at t*e (estern end o> ?eat*ro( +irport barked= 13& dating gave a date in t*e period re'eal t*at in t*e period 3000 to 9000 7& a 1,00M12007&= Was t*is ondon’s frst bridge large scale clearance o> t*e nat"ral (oodland across t*e )*amesJ +not*er bridge crossing a occurred= It *as been confrmed by t*e Mo +S siltedM"p channel o> t*e )*ames 90M9:m across timber e5pert t*at it takes #0 min"tes to >ell a (as >o"nd at Eton= + n"mber o> *"man remains 22:M2:0mm diameter tree "sing a stone *and (ere >o"nd in t*e river channel and appeared to axe= *ave been t*ro(n in >rom t*e bridge= )*e Stan(ell &"rsus is a long ceremonial +n interesting >emale b"rial (as >o"nd in aven"e some 3km long and consists o> do"ble ?arper -oad0 So"t*(ark.
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