This bibliography provides a key to the literature on the indigenous peoples of , including Irian Barat and the smaller islands of the Trustee­ n Ethnographic Bibliography ship Territory. It contains some ten thousand entries ranging from mid­ nineteenth-century publications to those appearing in 1964 and covers all aspects of the traditional and changing cultures of New Guinea of the people. The items are arranged in three lists: by author, by the adminis­ trative Districts concerned, and by the proper names of places, languages, and social groups. It represents the first attempt to cover the ethnographic literature of the whole region in one work. Volume 1 Author Index

Department of Anthropology and Sociology Australian National University

Printed in Australia

SA12.00 3 vols. This bibliography provides a key to the literature on the indigenous peoples of New Guinea, including Irian Barat and the smaller islands of the Trustee­ n Ethnographic Bibliography ship Territory. It contains some ten thousand entries ranging from mid­ nineteenth-century publications to those appearing in 1964 and covers all aspects of the traditional and changing cultures of New Guinea of the people. The items are arranged in three lists: by author, by the adminis­ trative Districts concerned, and by the proper names of places, languages, and social groups. It represents the first attempt to cover the ethnographic literature of the whole region in one work. Volume 1 Author Index

Department of Anthropology and Sociology Australian National University

Printed in Australia

SA12.00 3 vols. This book was published by ANU Press between 1965–1991. This republication is part of the digitisation project being carried out by Scholarly Information Services/Library and ANU Press. This project aims to make past scholarly works published by The Australian National University available to a global audience under its open-access policy. An Ethnographic Bibliography of New Guinea

Volume 1 Preface Bibliographies and Reference Works Author Index


Department of Anthropology and Sociology Australian National University

Volume 1 Author Index

AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY PRESS CANBERRA 1968 First published 1968 This book is copyright in all countries subscribing to the Berne Convention; reproduction in whole or in part, without written permission of the publishers, is forbidden Printed in the Australian National University, Canberra

Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 68-13734 National Library of Australia reg. no. AUS 67-898 Contents

Volume 1 Preface Bibliographies and Reference Works Author Index

Volume 2 District Index

Volume 3 Proper Names Index Preface

The bibliography presented here is intended as an aid to research on the traditional and changing indigenous cultures of New Guinea. The literature on this region consists of books and articles published in many different countries and in several languages over a period of more than a century. The places, peoples and languages mentioned in these works are referred to by a confusing variety of names that are hard to sort out, and many of the publica­ tions are difficult to find. The ethnographic map of New Guinea still has many blank patches, and the large number of inquiries still in progress makes pre­ mature any attempt at a definitive account of New Guinea societies and cultures comparable to The Handbook of South American Indians or The Ethnographic Survey of Africa. Yet the full significance of contemporary field investigations can be realised only if full use is made of the information collected and reported on by earlier generations, and for this some guide to the literature is required. In 1954 or thereabouts the late Professor S. F. Nadel mooted the compilation of an annotated bibliography of the ethnographic literature on New Guinea for internal departmental use, and in 1957 Miss Helen Woodger began working part-time on the indexing of articles. The work was completed ten years later under the direction of Dr Diane Barwick. In addition to many typists who prepared cards and slips, those who worked on the bibliography in various capacities and for varying periods include Mrs J. C. Abrahams, Miss S. Baume, Mrs A. Brown, Miss C. Burton, Mrs H. D. Clark, Mr M. V. George, Mrs M. Grimshaw, Mrs R. J. lnall, Mrs S. Jain, Mrs B. Key, Mr E. Land, Mrs M. Langridge, Mrs E. Olgay, Miss S. Partridge, Mr A. Ploeg, Miss S. Prince, Mrs J. Smith, Mrs M. H. van de Graaff, Dr M. M. van der Borght, Mrs J. P. Wheatley and Mr C. Willis. The completion of the work would have been impossible without their continuing endeavour in a task that must often have seemed endless. Compilation was greatly assisted by the help and technical advice given by the staffs of the National Library of Australia, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Mitchell Library, and the. Australian National University Library, particularly Mr Tim Ellis and Mrs Norma Galloway. The portion of the bibliography dealing with the District of T.P.N.G. was published in mimeographed format in 1963 and in view of its favourable reception the decision was taken to publish the whole. The area covered extends from 130° to 160° longitude east of Greenwich and consists of the Territory of Papua (formerly British New Guinea), the Trusteeship Territory of New Guinea (formerly part of Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Neuguinea) and the Indonesian territory of Irian Barat (formerly Nederlands Nieuw Guinea). Works published up to and including 1964 are included. Some items dealing with the physical environment are listed, and a selection of those concerned with prehistory, physical anthropology and language, but the bibliography is intended to be complete only in the fields of material culture and social organi- sation. There are three lists. The author index gives full bibliographic informa­ tion about items arranged alphabetically by author, and chronologically for each author. The District index lists items arranged by the administrative Districts, as in 1960, to which they refer. The proper names index shows, for each of a comprehensive but not complete selection of the proper names of physical features, languages and social groups mentioned in the literature, those items in which the name occurs. There is some cross-referencing. Innumerable items that were scanned have been omitted as falling outside the scope of the bibliography. Nevertheless it is obvious that some items that should have been included have been inadvertently left out. It is hoped that arrangements can be made to issue from time to time supplements showing what has been published since 1964 and it should be possible to include addi­ tional items from the earlier period. Any information about items that should have been included, and about errors that may come to light, will be gratefully received. Details should be sent to The Secretary, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, Box 4, P.O. Canberra, A.C.T., 2600, Australia

Canberra 1967 J. A. Barnes Bibliographies and Reference Works

The task of compilation has been greatly lightened by the efforts of others who have published bibliographies relating to New Guinea. The following works have been particularly useful: Allied Forces 1944 Southwest Pacific Area. Allied Section. An annotated bibliography of the Southwest Pacific and adjacent areas. Vol. 2. The Mandated Territory of New Guinea, Papua, the British Solomon islands, the New Hebrides and , 274 pp. Bork-Feltkamp, A. J. van 1941 Supplement to “Anthropologische Bibliographie van den Indischen Archipel en van Nederlandsch West-Indie” by J. P. Kleiweg de Iwaan I.A.E., 39:1-130. Bruyn, J. V. de 1958/59 Anthropological research in Netherlands New Guinea since 1950. Oceania, 29:132-63. Cammack, F. M. and Saito, S. 1962 Pacific island bibliography. New York, Scarecrow Press, 421 pp. Capell, A. 1950 A survey of the linguistic research position and requirements for the area, with special reference to the production of standard orthographies, dictionaries, grammars and textbooks — 3 vols. S.P.C., Research council, No. 1, vol. 1 (text) and vol. 2 (biblio­ graphy), vol. 3 (maps). 1954 A linguistic survey of the South-Western Pacific. S.P.C., Technical paper No. 70, 11-19 pp. 1962 A linguistic survey of the South-Western Pacific. S.P.C., Technical paper No. 136, 37-48 pp. n.d. Survey of linguistic research. S.P.C., Project S.6, No. 1, vol. 2, Bibliography. Davidson, J. W. 1947 The literature of the Pacific islands. Australian outlook, 1 (2):63-79. Elkin, A. P. 1953 Social anthropology in Melanesia: a review of research. London, Oxford University Press, 166 pp. Galis, K. W. 1955/56 Talen en dialecten van Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. Reprint Tijds- chrift ‘Nieuw-Guinea”, 16 (4, 5, 6): 39. 1956 Bibliography of West New Guinea. Yale University, Southeast Asia studies, Bibliography series, 135 pp. 1962 Bibliographie van Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea. Derde verbeterde en vermeerderde uitgave, Den Haag, 275 pp.

vii Gill, Evan R. 1957 New Guinea: catalogue of books from the library of Evan R. Gill, Liverpool, Evan R. Gill, 51 pp. Gnielinski, Stefan von 1958 Struktur und Entwicklung Papuas und des von Australien ver­ walteten ehemals deutschen Gebietes der Insel Neu Guinea. Hamburger Geographische Studien, vol. 9. Great Britain Naval Intelligence Division 1942/45 Pacific islands. 1945: vol. I. General survey, 599 pp. 1944: vol. III-. Western Pacific (Nissan, Buka, Bougainville), 741 pp. (667-72 pp.). 1945: vol. IV. Western Pacific (New Guinea and islands northward), 526 pp. Geographical handbook, Series Naval In­ telligence Division, B.R. 519. Klieneberger, H. R. 1957 Bibliography of Oceanic linguistics. London, Oxford University Press, 133 pp.; University of London, Oriental bibliographies, vol. 1. Lewin, E. 1944 The Pacific region: a bibliography of the Pacific and East Indian islands, exclusive of Japan. London, Royal Empire Society, 76 pp.; Royal Empire Society bibliographies, vol. 11. McGrath, W. A. 1965 New Guineana or books of New Guinea 1942-1964. Port Moresby, U.F.M. Press, 88 pp. Murzin, I. 1939 Bibliograficheskie materialy Izvestiia gosudarstvennogo geogra- ficheskogo obshchestva I.G.G.O. (Izvestiia of the Russian Geo­ graphic Society) Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 71 (1 -2) :205-14. O’Reilly, Patrick 1945/62 Bibliographies de l’Oceanie. Societe des Oceanistes, Paris, Journal, 1-18 pp. - Pacific Islands Year-Book 1932 1st edition and map. Sydney, Australia, Pacific Publication Pty. Ltd. Papua and New Guinea 1960 Village directory, Department of Native Affairs. Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Port Moresby, Government Printer, 170 pp. Pilling, Arnold R. 1962 Aborigine culture history: a survey of publications 1954-57. Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 217 pp. Riesenfeld, A. 1950 The megalithic culture of Melanesia. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 763 pp.

viii Rye, E. C. 1886 A bibliography of New Guinea. Royal Geographical Society, London, Supplementary papers, 1:287-337. Schlesier, E. 1955 Der Stand der ethnographischen Erforschung Neuguinea. Den Haag, Mouton & Co., 32 pp. South Pacific Commission 1952/54 Pacific reading S.P.C., Literature bureau, Sydney, No. 1-9 (Dec. 1952-Dec. 1954) (after No. 9 included in S.P.C., Quarterly bulletin). 1957 Index of social science research. Thesis on the S.P.C., Technical paper No. 102, 79 pp. Taylor, C. R. H. 1951 A Pacific bibliography: printed matter relating to the native peoples of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. Polynesian society, Wellington, Journal, 492 pp. Wichmann, Arthur 1909/12 Nova Guinea. Entdeckungsgeschichte von Neu-Guinea. 1909: vol. 1 Entdeckungsgeschichte von Neu-Guinea bis 1828, 45 maps, 387 pp. 1910: vol. 2 (1st part), Entdeckungsgeschichte von Neu- Guinea 1828-1885, 37 maps, 369 pp. 1912: vol. 2 (2nd part), Entdeckungsgeschichte von Neu-Guinea 1885-1902, 36 maps, 1026 pp., Leiden, E. J. Brill.

ix 1

AA, Pieter Jan Batist Carel Robid^ van der Adrianl, N. see Robidd van der AA, Pieter Jan 1908 Eenige opmerkingen over de Batist Carel Merauke-taal naar aanleiding der woordenlijst van contr. Abbott, T.K. J. Seyne Kok. in: De zuidwest Nieuw-Guinea-Expeditie 1904-5: 1962 Current comment - 635- 6 6 . Leiden, E.J. B rill, ichthyosarcotoxism. Papua and New 677 PP. Guinea medical journal, 6: 26-9- Adriani, N. and Kruijt, A.C. Abel, Charles W. 1901) Geklopte boomschors als 1902 Savage life in New Guinea: the 1903) kleedingstof op Midden-Celebes. Papuan in many moods. London, Internationales Archiv für London Missionary society; (Trade Ethnographie, 14: 139-91, l 6 : agents) Simpkln, Marshall, 180-93. Hamilton, Kent and Co. Ltd., 221 pp. A ia i, Tam see Tam Aiai A bel, P. 1906) Knabenspiele auf Neu-Mecklenburg, Aitchison, T.G. 1907) SUdsee. Anthropos, 1: 8l8-23; 2: 219-29, 708-14. 1935/6 Peace ceremony as performed by the natives of the head­ waters, central New Guinea. Abel R.W. Oceania, 6(4): 478-80. 1934 Charles W. Abel of Kwato: forty years in dark Papua. New York, I960 The pig and its place in the Fleming H. Revell Co., 255 pp. impact of the New Guinean on Supplement, chapter by vegetation. Paper delivered at D.L. Pierson. the UNESCO Symposium on the impact of man on humid tropics vegetation. Goroka, Territory of Aberdeen, J.E.C. (joint author) Papua and New Guinea: 158- 6 7 . 1946 see 1946 Mackerras, I.M. and Sponsored by the Administration Aberdeen, J.E.C. of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea and UNESCO Science Co­ operation Office for South East Ackermann, M.W. Asia. Canberra, Government 1944 The concept of soul among the Bukaua and Kai tribes of New Printer, 402 pp. G uinea. M.A. t h e s is , Kennedy School of Missions, Hartford Akademiia nauk SSSR Institut etnografii Seminary Foundation, typoscript, 106 pp. 1956 Narody Avstralii i Okeanil. Pod redaktslei S.A. Tokareva, S.P. Tolstova; see 1956 Tokarev, Adam, Leonhard Sergei Aleksandrovich and 1946 Comments on some recent contribut­ Tolstov, Sergei Pavlovich (eds.). ions to the prehistory of New Guinea. Mankind, 3: 252-8. Albertis, Luigi Maria d' 1873 d'Albertis Reise im Nordwesten 1947 Some uncommon p e r fo r a te d sto n e Neuguine as. Globus, 24(24): 382. implements from the Morobe and Mt. Hagen areas. Mankind, 3 : 345-51. 1876 Die Fly-River Expedition. Globus, 3 0 (2 ): 2 3 -5 . 1953 The discovery of the Vierkantbell or quadrangular adze head in the 1876a Remarks on the natives and eastern central highlands of New products of the , New Guinea. Mankind, 4: 411-23. Guinea. Royal geographical society, London, Proceedings, 20: 343-56. Adams, James 1877 Geography of the Pacific Ocean. 18-77 Journal of the expedition for the London, William Collins, Sons and exploration of the Fly river. Co., 47 pp. Sydney, F. White, 43 pp. ( t r a n s la te d by G. B e n n e tt). Adatrechtbundels 1955 Vol. 45: Nieuw-Guinea. Bezorgd 1877a Travels in New Guinea. door de commissie voor het Anthropological institute of adatrecht en uitgegeven door Great Britain and Ireland, het koninklijk instituut voor London, Journal, 6 : 2 1 4-23. taal-, land- en volkenkunde. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 622 pp. 2

1878 D'Albertis Vordringen in das Allied'Forces, Southwest Pacific Area, Innere von Neu-Guinea und Allied Geographical Section. Aufnahme des Fly-Flusses 1876 1941-45 [n.p.] Special reports. und 1877* Petermanns No.l: Report on Mullens harbour. Geographische Mitteilungen, 24: Gilgili locality (revised), 423-6 6 pp.; No.2: Jungle in relation to 1879 Die Colonisationsfähigkeit Neu- military operations, 14 pp.; Guinea 's (with comments by No.3: Courses and anchorages, W.G. Lawes). Petermanns Milne Bay to Buna coast, 13 pp.; Geographische Mitteilungen, No.4: Finschhafen and the Huon 25: 275-80. Peninsula, 9 PP*; No.5: Morobe District - south of 1879a Journeys up the Fly river and in Salamaua, 12 pp.; other parts of New Guinea. Royal No.6: Goldfields area - Wau and geographical society, London, Bulolo Valley, 15 pp.; Proceedings, 1 (new series): No.7: Markham Valley, 7 PP*; 4-16. No.8: Country immediately north of Hydrographers Range, 7 PP*; l880 New Guinea: what I did and what I No.10: The native carrier: employ­ saw (translation). London, Sampson ment and treatment of native Low, Mars ton, Searle and Rivington, carriers in New Guinea, 23 pp.; 2 vols., 424, 407 pp. No.11: You and the native: notes for the guidance of members of Alder, William Fisher the Forces in their relations with New Guinea natives, 17 PP*; 1922 The isle of vanishing men: a No.12: Madang and Alexishafen - narrative of adventure in cannibal coastline and tracks, 14 pp.; -land. London, Leonard Parsons, No.13: Coastline-Hopoi to 184 pp. Finschhafen, 13 pp.; No.l4: Overland routes: Lae- Allan, Colin Hamilton Markham Valley to Wewak, 51 P P •; No.15: Lindenhafen and vicinity, 1950 The marching rule movement in the 10 pp.; British Solomon Islands Protectorate: an analytical No.l6 : Getting about in New survey. University of Cambridge, Guinea, 29 PP*; thesis, 97 pp. No.17: Road-Nadzab to Lae, 15 pp.; No.19: Beach from Hopoi to Lae, Allen, Francis A. with particular attention to Singuan locality; 1879 The original range of the Papuan No.20: Information on movement, and Negritto races. cover and shelter for landing Anthropological institute of craft between Paiawa and Great Britain and Ireland, Salamaua, 7 pp *; London, Journal, 8 : 38-50. No.23: Inland track information: Huon Peninsula, 7 pp.; Allen, Jerry and Hurd, Conrad No.25: Routes across , 4 pp.; 1963 Languages of the Cape Hoskins No.26: Umboi (Rooke) Island, Patrol Post division of the 24 pp.; Talasea sub-district, New No.28: Fly River area, 55 PP*; Britain. Summer Institute of No.29: Track system: Satelberg- Linguistics in co-operation with Sio area, 12 pp.; the Department of Information N . I: South Coast of New Britain and Extension Services, Port 0 3 Moresby, 21 pp. from Itni River to Ablingi harbor ^7 p p *; Allen, L.W. No.32: Wewak, 104 pp.; No.34: Airfield and seaplane 1951 The Purari Kompani. in: The bases. North Dutch New Guinea Purarl delta: background and (in two parts, A and C); progress of community development. No .40: Beaches and communications, Part 1: 1-12. South Pacific Sorong area (including Salawati, commission, Social development Batanta and Waigeo); notes No. 7> (Technical paper No.41: The small islands north of No. 35), Supplement No. 17 to the Vogelkop, 14 pp.; progress reports, 33 pp. No.43: Ramu River to Sepik River, coastal area, 49 PP*; Allen, Percy S. (compiler) No.44: Karkar Island; No.45: Coastal area of Dutch • 1920 Stewart's handbook of the Pacific New Guinea, Mt. Boeroe- islands. Sydney, McCarron, Stewart Oetoemboewe River, 58 pp.; and Co., 432 p p . No.46: Sorong-Jefman Island, 53 PP*; Allen Innes, Alice No.47: Schouten and Japen Islands, 107 pp.; 1946 To help savages become surgeons. No.48: Manokwari, 92 pp.; Pacific islands monthly, 16(9): No.51: Possible sites for 25. fighter strips: north Vogelkop, 8 pp. ; No.52: Cape Croisilles to 3

Tobenan Point, 53 pp.; 33 PP-; No.6 3 : Eastern New Britain No.4l: Area study of the (excluding Gazelle Peninsula), Mandated Solomons and the 104 pp.; Shortlands, with special attent­ No.65: Bougainville, 97 pp .; ion to Buka Passage, Kieta, and No.84: Boeroe, 95 pp. Buln/Falsi area (revised), 78 pp.; No.42: Area study of Morobe - Waria Valley and adjacent 1942-45 [n.p.j Terrain studies. catchment areas, 35 P P •; No.l: District, Gasmata, No.43: Area study of Manus and New Ireland, 5 6 , 8 , 20 pp.; Western Islands, 22 pp.; No.2: Babo - preliminary, 7 pp.; No.44: Locality study, Merauke No.5 : Admiralty Islands, prelim­ inary, 3 PP.; (preliminary), 26 pp.; No.4: In the vicinity of Buna - No.46: Area study of the New Guinea, preliminary, 7 PP>; Vogelkop and Salawati Island, No.5: Notes on the Territory of Netherlands New-Guinea, 34 pp.; New Guinea, i .Salamaua-Lae No.49: Area study of the District, ii.Madang, iii.Wewak, Markham catchment, areas 1 and 2, 33 PP-; 30, 35 PP-; No.7: Rabaul and Gasmata, prelim­ No.51: Area study of eastern New Britain, excluding Gazelle inary, 3 9 , 1 6 , 6 pp.; Peninsula, 45 pp.; No.8 : New Ireland, preliminary, No.52: Area study of New Ireland, 12 pp.; No.12: Area study of plains of 52 pp.; Northern Division of Papua with No.55: Area study of southwest notes to coastline from Buna New-Guinea, 52 pp.; district to China Strait and the No.57: Area study of western New overland route from Port Moresby Britain, excluding Cape to Kokoda, 32 pp.; Gloucester, 72 pp.; No.l4:. Dutch New-Guinea, Babo, No.59: Area study of Madang; vol.l 8 pp.; texts and maps, 152 pp.; vol.2 photographs; No.15: Mandated Solomons and the N0 .6 O: Locality study of Gasmata Shortland Islands, with special (revised), 37 pp.; attention to Buka Passage, Kieta and Faisi, 6 , 44 pp.; No.1 6 : Locality study of N0 .6I: Area study of northeastern Salamaua, 33 PP•; Netherlands New Guinea and No.17: Locality study, Lae, Geelvink Bay, 49 pp.; 32 pp.; No.62: Area study of New Hanover No.21: Dutch New-Guinea, sub­ and Islands north and east of division Wissel Lakes, 19 pp.; New Ireland, 14 pp.; No.22: Area study of Gazelle No.6 3 : Locality study of Cape Gloucester (revised), 27 pp.; Peninsula and Rabaul, 53 pp.; No.64: Locality study of Talasea No.23: Area study of (revised), 31 pp.; D'Entreeasteaux and Trobriand No.65: Area study of the Sepik Islands, 55 pp.; District; vol.l text and maps, No.24: Locality study of Talasea, 26 pp.; 192 gp.; vol.2 photographs; No.6 6 : Area study of Ramu - No.25: Locality study of Cape Markham Valley with link to Gloucester, 14 pp.; Madang, 57 PP •; No.26: Locality study of Gasmata, No.67: Area study of Admiralty 20 pp.; Islands, 50 pp.; No.27: Area study of Buna and No.6 8 : Area study of central plains of Northern Division, Dutch New Guinea (sub-division Papua, 42, 8 , 12 pp.; Wissel Lakes), 118 pp.; No.28: Main routes across New No.69: Locality study of Madang, Guinea, 60 pp.; 88 pp.; No.29: Area study south-west No.72: Locality study of Hansa Papua and the Fly River, 21 p p , Bay; vol.l text and maps, 98 pp.; N0 .3I: Locality study, Madang, vol.2 photographs; 36 pp.; No.74: Area study of Gazelle No.32: Locality study of Lae Peninsula; vol.l text and maps, (revised) and Lower Markhan) 88 pp.; vol.2 photographs; Valley, 48 pp.; No.75: Locality study of Kavieng, No. : Locality study of 33 PP-; 3 3 No.7 6 : Locality study of Wewak, Salamau (revised), 47 pp.; No.34: Area study of Louisiade 99 PP-; No.77: Locality study of Aitape - Archipelago, 26 pp.; Wanimo, 80 pp.; No.35: Area study of Woodlark Island with the Marshall Bennett, Laughlan, Egum and No.7 8 : Locality study of Alcester groups, 22 pp.; Hollandia, 63 pp.; No.3 6 : Area study of Finschafen No.79: Area study of Radja Ampat and Huon Peninsula, 3 0 , 22 pp.; group, 65 pp. No.37: Area study, Netherland New-Guinea, Bomberai Peninsula, 4

1943/44 [n.p.] Terrain handbook - Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet Deutsch- New Guinea. Neuguinea No.l: Wau and gold field s area, 1913 Bericht der S tation Manus über ein 29 PP.J militärisches Vorgehen in der No.2: Valley, Kalibucht. Amtsblatt für das 25 PP.J Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Neuguinea, No.3 : Salamaua, 25 pp.; No.4: Lae and the Lower Markham 5(11): 132. Valley, 34 pp.; No.5: Plnschhafen, 30 pp.; 1913a Sankt Matthias und Sturm-Insel. No.6: Gasmata, 27 p p .; Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet No.7: Cape Gloucester, 35 pp.; Deutsch-Neuguinea, 5(12): 149-54. No.8: Talasea (New B rita in ), 41 pp.; 1914 no title; cont. government orders, No.9: Umboi (Rooke) Island, notices, reports of expeditions 31 PP-; and descriptions of lo c a litie s as No.10: Middle Ramu, 40 pp.; well as a r tic le s on the economic No.11: Madang - Saidor, 50 pp.; development of the territory. No.12: Hansa Bay, 82 pp.; Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet No.13: Sio, 68 p p .; Deutsch-Neuguinea, 6 (1-17): No.14: Saidor, 64 pp.; 316 pp. No.15: Madang, 82 pp.; No.16: Admiralty Islands; 1914a Eine Expedition nach dem Südbezirk . No.17: Wewak, 64 pp.; Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet No.18 : But, 90 p p .; Deutsch-Neuguinea, 6 (3 ): 32-4. No. 19: Gazelle Peninsula; vol.l tex t, 85 pp.; vol.2 pictorial supplement; Anas, Mohammad No.20: New Guinea, Kavieng and 1958 Indigenous economic development in New Hanover, 58 p p .; the Central District of Papua. No.21: Aitape Wanimo, 95 p p .; Australian geographer, 7: 79-84. No.25: Hollandia, 60 p p .; No.26: Sarmi, 39 p p .; 1958a Australian New Guinea: a geograph­ No.27: Schouten Islands, 71 p p .; ical survey. Department of No.2 8 : Manokwari, 75 p p .; geography, Canberra, Australian No.29: Sorong area, 89 PP* national university, Ph.D. thesis, 720 pp. 1944/45 [n.p.] An annotated bibliography of the southwest P acific and I960 The highlands of Australian New adjacent areas. 4 vols. Guinea. Geographical review, 50: V o l.l: The Netherlands and B ritish 467-90. East Indies and the P h illip in e Islands, 317 pp., (Netherlands Anceaux, J.C. New Guinea: 279-317); Vol.2: The Mandated T errito ry of 1953 De huidige stand van het taalon- New Guinea, Papua, the British derzoek op Nieuw-Guinea's west­ Solomon Islands, the New helft. Bijdragen tot de taal-, Hebrides and Micronesia, 274 p p .; land- en volkenkunde, 1 0 9 : 23I- Vol.4: Supplement to vols.l, 2 48. and 3. 693 PP. 1953a New Guinea, keystone of Oceanic Alphen, H. van languages. Bijdragen tot de taal-, 1869 see 1869 Veth, P ieter J. and land- en volkenkunde, 109: 289- Alphen,H. van (eds. ). 99*

Amelsvoort, F.P.M. van 1957 Nimboranse n o titie s . Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en 1962 Medisch werk in het stenen volkenkunde, 113: 305-23. tijd p e rk . Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, 1 0 (3 ): 3-5* 1958 Languages of the Bomberai American Geographical Society peninsula: outline of a linguistic map. Nieuw-Guinea Studien, 2: 109- 1904 New Guinea natives, who can 2 0 . scarcely walk. American geographical society, Bulletin, 3 6 (1 1 ): 691-2. 1958a Taalonderzoek. Schäkels, NNG, 28: 27-31. Amsterdam, Koloniaal In s titu u t, afdeling Völkerkunde 1959 Inheemse muziek. Schäkels, NNG, 32: 3-4* 1940 Pygmeefe'n en Papoea's; kunst en kultuur in Nieuw Guinea. Koloniaal instituut, afdeling Völkerkunde. Anceaux, J.C. (from notes by P. Veldkamp) (Serie: Primitieve kunst en i 960 Woordenlijst Maleis-Nederlands- k u ltu u r). Arnhem, van Loghum Dani. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Slaterus, 59 PP* Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, No. 140: 24 pp 5

Anceaux, J.C. 1907 Ethnologische Betrachtungen Uber Hockerbestattung. Archiv für 1961 The linguistic situation in the Anthropologie, 6 (neue Folge): islands of Yapen, Kurudu, Nau and Miosnum, New Guinea. Instituut 282-307. voor taal-, land-en volkenkunde, Verhandelingen, pt. 35, 166 pp. Andreoli, E. te-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff. 1956 Van wilde mensen met deugden en gebreken. Nederlands Nieuw- Andel, H. van Guinea, 4(4): 6 -8 . 1959 Uit de praktijk van het politiewerk op het Nieuw- Andrew, J.R. Guinese platteland. 1940 Changes in Papuan social life. Schäkels, NNG, 3 3 : 3-17. Mankind, 2: 277-9»

1959a Een tocht naar de Mamberamo- Andrews, J. rivier in noord Nieuw-Guinea. Schäkels, NNG, 33: 18-22. 1956? New Guinea, in: G.H. Lawton (ed.), Longmans Australian Geographies No. 7» London, Longmans Green & Andersen, N.A. Co., 40 pp. 1954 Obstetric experiences in the Purari delta, Papua. Medical 1956 Commercial agriculture and the journal of Australia, 1: 664-7. Papua-New Guinea economy. Australian geographer, 6(5): 21-8. Anderson, C. 1937-40 Fossil marsupials from New Guinea. 1958 New Guinea and Australia's defence Australian museum, Records, 20: and foreign policy, in: John 75-6. Wilkes (ed.), New Guinea and Australia: 176-205. Sydney, Angus Anderson, J. & Robertson, 246 pp. i960 Introduction of ruminants to New Guinea. Paper delivered at the 1963 New Guinea and Nauru, in: UNESCO Symposium on the impact of G. Greenwood and N. Harper man on humid tropics vegetation. (eds.), Australia in world Goroka, Territory of Papua and affairs 1 9 5 6 -6 0 : 3 6 8 -8 3 . New Guinea: 170-3. Sponsored by Melbourne, F.W. Cheshire. the Administration of the (issued under the auspices of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea Australian Institute of and UNESCO Science Co-operation International Affairs, Publications Centre, University Office for South East Asia. of British Columbia). Canberra, Government Printer, 402 pp. Anell, Bengt 1955 Contribution to the history of 1963 The development of a cattle fishing in the southern seas. industry in the Territory of Studia ethnographica Upsaliensia Papua and New Guinea. Australian 9, 249 pp. territories, 3(l): 15-28.

Anderson, S.G. and others 1958 Geophagy in Indonesia and Oceania. in: B. Anell and S. Lagercrantz, 1960 Murray valley encephalitis in Geophagical customs: 1-23. Studia Papua and New Guinea: II, ethnographica Upsaliensia 17» Serological survey 1956-57» Medical journal of Australia, 2 : 410-3. Anell, Bengt and Lagercrantz, S. 1958 see 1958 Anell, Bengt. 1961 Epidemic polyarthritis: antibody to a Group A arthropod-borne virus 1960 Hunting and trapping methods in in Australia and the island of New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia and Oceania. Studia Australia, 1: 273-6. ethnographica Upsaliensia 18, 130 PP. Andexer, H. 1961 Flügelnetze in der Südsee. 1914 Der untere Lauf des Watut in Beiträge zur Völkerforschung - Deutsch-Neuguinea. Gesellschaft Hans Damm zum 6 5 . Geburtstag. für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Leipzig. Museum für Völkerkunde, Zeitschrift, 4: 277-80. Veröffentlichungen, Heft 11: 11- 21. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, Andree, R. 752 pp. 1887 Das Zeichnen bei den Naturvölkern. Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Angelo, A.C. Wien, Mitteilungen, 17 (neue Folge 1941 Adventure in the Arafura Sea. 7): 98 -1 0 6 . Walkabout, 7(5): 2 9 -3 7 . 6 Ankermann, B. Arcken, J.E.M. van 1899- Eine Tanzmaske der Baining. 1937/38 Natuurschoon op Nieuw-Guinea: de 1901 Ethnologisches N otizblatt Anggimeren (Oost-Kust van den (Berlin, Museum für Vogelkop). T ijd sc h rift "Nieuw- Völkerkunde), 2: 44-7* Guinea", 2: 241-52.

Anonymous 1938/39 Enkele ethnografische bijzonder- heden over de bevolking rond de 1928 Mandated te r r ito r ie s - some Anggimeren. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- defence considerations, in ; Guinea", 3: 370-4. F.W. Eggleston (ed.), The Australian mandate for New Guinea: 90-6. Melbourne, 1941/42 Verslag betreffende het bewoonde Macmillan and Co. Ltd., in gebied gelegen pl.m. 20 kilometer association with M.U.P. ten ZW van het Bernhardkamp. Pacific Relations series No. 2, Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 6: 149 pp. 33-41.

1928a S tra te g ica l and defence 1958) Met de Archbold-expeditie naar considerations, in: F.W. 1961) centraal Nieuw-Guinea. Eggleston (ed.), The Australian Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 6(1): mandate for New Guinea: 97-102. 2-7, (4): 2-10; 9(2): 6-10. Melbourne, Macmillan and Co. L td., in association with M.U.P. Arkel, van Pacific Relations series No. 2, 149 PP- 1922 De Wilhelmina-top op Nieuw- Guinee. Nederlandsch aardrijkS- kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Anthropological Mimlka Expedition in New T ijd sc h rift, 39 (2nd s e rie s ): Guinea 1935-36* 375-7. see 1939 Bijlmer, H.J.T. Armandville, C.J.F. le Cocq de Anthropos see le Cocq d'Armandville, C.J.F. 1913 W örterverzeichnisse von Papua- Sprachen aus Holländisch- Neuguinea. Anthropos, 8 : 254-60. Armit, L.P.B. 1914 M agisterial report - VII East- Antze, Gustav cen tral D ivision. Papua. Annual report for 1913-1^: 75-85* 1911 Ahnenfiguren aus Kreide von Neu- Mecklenburg. Leipzig, Museum für Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 4: 37-42. 1914a Vocabularies of native languages spoken in East-central Division. Papua. Annual rep o rt fo r 1913-14: Archbold, Richard 190-3, (App. I l l f ) . 1941 Unknown New Guinea. National geographic magazine, 79: 315-44. 1917 M agisterial rep o rt - E ast-cen tral D ivision. Papua. Annual report Archbold, Richard and others for 1914-15: 58-66. 1934 Camera impressions of New Guinea. Natural history: American museum 1919 Vocabularies - Ioma sta tio n , of natural history, Journal, 34 Mambare D ivision. Papua. Annual report for 1917-18: 94, (App. (5): 447-57. E l4).

1942 Results of the Archbold expedit­ Armit, William E. ions. No. 4l. Summary of the 1938-39 New Guinea expedition. 1883 Armit's Reise nach Neu-Guinea. American museum of natural Globus, 43: 287. h isto ry , New York, B u lletin , 79: 197- 288. 1885 Notes on the philology of the islands adjacent to the south Archbold, Richard and Rand, A.L. eastern extremity of New Guinea. Royal society of Queensland, 1937 With plane and radio in stone age Brisbane, Proceedings, (1885), New Guinea. Natural history: 2 (pt. 1) : 2-11. American museum of natural history, Journal, 40(3): 566-76. 1886 The Papuans. Royal society of 1940 New Guinea expedition, Fly River, Queensland, Brisbane, 1936-37. New York, McBride, Proceedings, (1885), 2 (pt. 2): 206 pp. 78- 116 .

1941 Latchkey to a savage tribe. 1901 Report of the resident Natural h isto ry : American museum magistrate, Northern Division. of natural history, Journal, 47: B ritish New Guinea. Annual 193-9. report for 1899-1900: 84-6, (App. Q). 7

1 9 0 1 a Diary of a trip to the Yodda Atkinson, O.J. valley. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1899-1900: 1922 Baniara (l) Native matters, 87-94, (App. R). (2) Description of Maneao and surrounding country. Papua. Annual report for 1920-21: 51-2. Armstrong, R.F. 1947 When Manus was invaded. Pacific 1922a Vocabulary of the Damwapa-tribe, islands monthly, 1 7 (1 1 ): 63-4. Baniara station, North-eastern Division. Papua. Annual report Armstrong, W.E. for 1 9 2 0 -2 1 : 1 3 3 . 1922 Report on the Suau - Tawala, with 1922b Canoes - Northeastern Division notes by W.M. Strong. Territory (Goodenough Bay), in: Armstrong, of Papua, Anthropology Report No. W.E., Territory of Papua, 1: 1-47. see also Papua. Annual Anthropology Report No. 2 report for 1920-21: 32-45. (pt. 2 ): 53-4-

1923 Report on anthropology of the 1923 Description of the Gwedi-Gwedi South-eastern Division (exclud­ ing Woodlark I.), Engineer Group, people. Papua.. Annual report for Bosilai, East Cape, Normanby 1921-22: 152-4, (App. III). Island (south coast), Fergusson Island (Morima). Papua. Annual 1923a Description of the Mapena, Magena report for 1 9 2 1 -2 2 : 2 6 -3 9 ; also and Maiwa-tribes, N.E.D. Papua. Territory of Papua, Anthropology Annual report for 1921-22: 154-5, Report No. 2 (pt. l): I-3 1 . (App. IV).

1923/24 Rossel island religion. 1925 The Gwoira country. Papua. Anthropos, 18-19: 1-11. Annual report for 1922-23: 24.

1924 Shell money from Rossel Island, 1925a Description of the Denewa Papua. Man, 24: l6l-2. district. Papua. Annual report for 1923-24: 2 3 . 1924a Rossel island money: a unique monetary system. Economic 1926 Baniara-district (North-eastern journal, 34: 423-9. Division). Papua. Annual report for 1924-25: 40-2 (b). 1928 Rossel Island: an ethnological study (with an introduction by Attenborough, David A.C. Haddon). Cambridge, University Press, 274 pp. I960 Quest in paradise. London, Lutterworth Press, 224 pp. Armytage, Jean and others Aufenanger, Heinrich 1958/59 A study of the haemoglobin values and blood groups of some indigen­ 1935/36 Eine Himmelsgeschichte aus dem ous natives of the Bulolo river Bismarckgebirge. Steyler valley, New Guinea. Oceania, 29: Missionsbote, 6 3 : 204. 297-301. 1935/ Wie die Kanaken einen Grossen Arnold, John K. 36a begruben. Steyler Missionsbote, 63: 235-6. 1931 A grammar of the language of Edugaura. Port Moresby, Government Printer, 59 pp. 1937/38 Faustrecht. Steyler Missionsbote, 64: 93-4. Ashton, £>. (joint author) 1938 Etwas Uber Zahl und Zählen bei 1926 see 1926 Humphries, W.R. and Ashton, S. den Gende im Bismarckgebirge Neuguineas. Anthropos, 3 3 : 273-7.

Assink, H.W. 1946-49 Irdene Gefäszflöte bei den Kuman I960 De Waropen - een gebied in Noord im Wahgi-Tal (Zentral-Neuguinea). Nieuw-Guinea. Schäkels, NNG, 42: Anthropos, 4l-4: 877-80. 41-5. 1952 Vokabular und Grammatik der 1962 Japen, een papoea-gemeenschap Gende-Sprache in Zentral- in wording. Schäkels, NNG, 51: Neuguinea. Micro-Bibliotheca 19-24. Anthropos, 1: 301 pp. (Posieux, Freiburg). Atkinson, Nancy 1946 Preliminary report on strains of 1953 Drei Mythen von den Gende in Salmonella Blegdam causing Zentral-Neuguinea. Anthropos, infections in humans in New 48: 287-9. Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 3 2 6 -7 . 1953a Textproben der Nondugl-Sprache 1960b New stone Implements from the (Zentral-Neuguinea). Anthropos, central highlands of New Guinea. 48: 569-77. Anthropos, 55: 456-62.

1953b Kampfspeer mit Knochenspitze und 196OC The Kanggi spirit in the central Holzschüssel mit schnabelförmigen highlands of New Guinea. Ausgusz vom Wahgi river in Anthropos, 55: 671-88. Zentral-Neuguinea. Anthropos, 48: 977-81. 196l Descent totemism and magical practices in the Wahgi Valley 1953C Vokabular und Grammatik der (central New Guinea). Anthropos, Nondugl-Sprache in Zentral- 56: 281-3. Neuguinea. Micro-Bibliotheca Anthropos, 5: 275 PP* (Posieux, 1961a The cordyline plant in the Freiburg). central highlands of New Guinea. Anthropos, 5 6 : 393-408. 1954 Wigs and headrests in the Bundi and Nondugl districts of the 196lb A children's arrow-thrower in middle Wahgi in the central the central highlands of New highlands of eastern New Guinea. Guinea. Anthropos, 56: 633* Anthropos, 49: 313. 1 961c The use of bones (central high­ 1956 R.F. Salisbury's vocabulary of lands, New Guinea). Anthropos, the Siane language of the 56: 869-82. eastern highlands of New Guinea. Anthropos, 51: 1064-6. 196ld Nose piercing, stone adzes and pig traps at Mundanghai, New 1957 The parry shield in the western Guinea. Anthropos, 56: 940-1. highlands of New Guinea. Anthropos, 52: 6 3 I-3 . 1962 The sun in the life of the natives in the New Guinea high­ 1957a The niche grave and the farewell lands. Anthropos, 57: 1-44. to the soul of the deceased in central New Guinea. Anthropos, 52: 943-4. 1962a The earthquake: beliefs and practices in the central high­ lands, New Guinea. Anthropos, 1958 Children's games and entertain­ ments among the Kumngo tribe in 5 7 : 17 0 -6 . central New Guinea. Anthropos, 53: 575-84. 1962b Sayings with a hidden meaning (central highlands, New Guinea). 1958a An old rock-painting in the Anthropos, 57: 325-35. Kovun-area (Upper Jimmi River). Anthropos, 53: 6 2 3 . 1963 Customs, beliefs, and material culture in the highlands of New Guinea. Anthropos, 5 8 : 1958b An unusual device for hunting 187-208. birds in the Wahgi Valley. Anthropos, 53: 1002. 1963a Das Entstehen einer Handtrommel im Hochland von Neuguinea. 1958c How the Dirima people in central Festschrift Paul Schebesta zum New Guinea subdue a ghost who 75- Geburtstag: 44}-5. in: Studia harms the living. Anthropos, 53: Instituti Anthropos, vol. 18. 1024. Wien-Mödling, St. Gabriel Verlag, 568 pp 1959 The war-magic houses in the Wahgi Valley and adjacent areas (New Aufenanger, Heinrich and Höltker, Georg Guinea). Anthropos, 54: 1-26. 1940 Die Gende in Zentral-Neuguinea, vom Leben und Denken eines Papua- 1959a How children's faeces are Stammes im Bismarck-Gebirge. preserved in the central high­ Wien-Mödling, Missionsdruckerei lands of New Guinea. Anthropos, St- Gabriel, 201 pp. 54: 236-7. Aufinger, A. 1959b The story-telling hut in the highlands of New Guinea. 1939 Wetterzauber auf den Yabob-Inseln Anthropos, 54: 981-2. in Neuguinea. Anthropos, 34: 277-91. I960 Jugendweihe und Weltbild am mittleren Sepik. Anthropos, 55: 1939a Eine erklärende Mythe zu den 135-44. "prähistorischen" Keramikfunden im Madang-Gebiet. Anthropos, 34: 1 960a The Ayom pygmies, myth of origin 396-402. and their method of counting. Anthropos, 55: 247-9- 1940/41 Siedlungsform und Häuserbau an der Rai-Küste Neuguineas. Anthropos, 35-36: 109-30* 9 1941 Einige ethnographische Notizen 1923d Vocabularies - Daru station, zur Beschneidung in Neuguinea. Western Division. Papua. Annual Ethnos, 6: 25-39- report for 1921-22: l60, (App. IXb). 1942-45 Die Mythe vom Brüderpaar Kilibob und Manup au f den Y a b o b -In seln 1923e Vocabularies - Daru station, Neuguineas. Anthropos, 37-40: Western Division. Papua. Annual 313-5. report for 1921-22: l6l, (App. IXc). 1942- Die Geheimsprachen auf den 45a kleinen Inseln bei Madang in 1923f Vocabularies - Daru station, Neuguinea. Anthropos, 37-40: Western Division. Papua. Annual 629-46. South Pacific, 3: 90- report for 1921-22: 161-2, 5, 113-9 (translation) as (App. IXd). "Secret languages of the small islands near Madang". 1923g Vocabularies - Daru station, Western Division. Papua. Annual 1950 Mythological fragments from the report for 1921-22: 162, small islands near Madang (New (App. IXe). Guinea). Anthropos, 45: 779-86.

Austen, Leo 1923h Vocabularies - Daru station, Western Division. Papua. Annual 1921 Report on the customs and habits report for 1921-22: 163, of the Yende tribe, Western (App. IXf). Division. Papua. Annual report for 1919-20: 113-6. 19231 Comparative vocabularies of Upper Ply River villages. Papua. Annual 1921a Vocabulary of Karigari tribe, report for 1921-22: 163, Western Division. Papua. Annual (App. IXg). report for 1919-20: 121. 1925 Report of a patrol from Wukpit 1921b Vocabulary of Nausaku village, camp (Tedi river) to Star mount­ Western. Division. .Papua. Annual ains, 1922; general remarks on report for 1919-20: 121. patrols to the Tedi (Alice) district. Papua. Annual report 1921c Vocabulary of Tapapi tribe, for 1922-23: 27-37. Western Division. Papua. Annual report for 1919-20: 122. 1926 Comparative vocabularies of the north-west district of Papua. 1921d Vocabulary of the villages named Papua. Annual report for 1924-25: Hibaradai, Mawadai, and Eriga, 75, (App. D). Western Division. Papua. Annual report for 1919-20: 122. 1926a The origin of mankind. Man, 2 6 : 143-4. 1921e Vocabulary of Hiwi tribe, Western Division. Papua. Annual report for 1919-20: 123. 1926b Mandated Territory of New Guinea, i n : A.W. Jo se and H .J . C a rte r Teds.), The Australian encyclop­ 1921f Vocabulary of Dibolug and Warubi aedia, vol. 2: 22-31; Sydney, tribes. Papua. Annual report for Angus & Robertson. 1919-20: 123. 1926c Recent explorations in the north­ 1922 Vocabulary of Muiu (obtained west district of Papua. through Mr. Keyzer, Dutch New Geographical journal, 67: 434-41. Guinea government). Papua. Annual report for 1920-21: 132. Austen, Leo 1923 The Tedi river district of Papua. 1931 "Gopi" o r "Kwoi"? Man, 3 1 : 260. Geographical journal, 62: 335-49. 1931/32 Legends of Hido. Oceania, 2: 1923a K a rig a ra custom s. Man, 2 3 : 3 5 -6 . 468-75.

1923t Report of a patrol of the Tedi 193^ The dance o f th e Gope in Kerewo. (Alice) River and the Star Man, 34: 4 -8 . Mountains, Western Division - The Tedi (Alice) River country 1934a The Delta Division of Papua. and the people inhabiting it. Australian geographer, 2(4): Papua. Annual report for 1921-22: 122-40, (App. I). 2 0 -7 .

1923c Vocabularies - Daru station, 193^/35 Procreation among the Trobriand Western Division. Papua. Annual islanders. Oceania, 5: 102-13. report for 1921-22: 159-60, (App. IXa). 1935/36 Head dances o f the Turama r iv e r . Oceania, 6(3): 342-9. 10 1936 Mipa ceremony. Papua. Annual Australia. Royal Commission on late German report for 193^-35: 27. New Guinea 1920 Interim and final reports of 1936a The Trobrland islands of Papua. Royal Commission on late German Australian geographer, 3 (2 ): New Guinea. Melbourne, 10-22. Government Printer, 83 PP -> also Commonwealth parliamentary 1 9 3 8 /3 9 The seasonal gardening calendar papers for 1920-21, 3? 1539-1621. of Kiriwina, Trobriand islands. Oceania, 9: 237-53- Australia, Commonwealth of I8 8 5 - Annuai reports on British New 1939/^0 Megalithlc structures in the 1906 Guinea. Published by Queensland Trobriand islands. Oceania, 10: (1885-1900), thereafter by 30-53. Commonwealth Government, Australia; see Papua. Annual 1940 Botabalu, a Trobriand chief- reports. tainess. Mankind, 2: 270-3. 1 9 0 6 -6 3 Annual reports of the Territory 1941 Applied anthropology in the of Papua. Canberra, Government Trobriand islands. Mankind, Printer; see Papua. Annual 3(2): 67- reports.

1914-40 Annual reports to the Council of 1945 Native handicrafts in the the League of Nations on the Trobriand islands. Mankind, administration of the Territory 3: 193-8. of New Guinea. Canberra, Government Printer; see New I945/A6 Cultural changes in Kiriwina. Guinea. Annual reports. Oceania, 16: 15-60. 1946-63 Annual reports to the General 1946 Notes on the food supply of the Assembly of the United Nations Turamarubi of western Papua. on the administration of the Mankind, 3(8): 227-30* Territory of New Guinea. Canberra, Government Printer; see New Guinea. Annual reports. 1947 Rattan cuirasses and gourd penis- cases. Man, 47: 91-2. 1955 A formidable task in New Guinea: Australia reports to the 1947a You can't push a Papuan. Pacific Trusteeship Council. South islands monthly, 17(6): 48. Pacific, 8: 161-72. 1 9 4 7 ) Notes on the Turamarubi of west- Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and 1948) ern Papua. Mankind, 3(12): 3 6 6 - Industrial Research Organization 1950) 74; 4(1): 14-23, (5): 200-7- 1957 Lands of the Gogol-Upper Ramu area, New Guinea. Division of 1949/50 A note on Dr. Leach's "Primitive Land Research and Regional calendars". Oceania, 20: 333-5- Survey, Divisional Report No. 57/2. Canberra, Commonwealth Austen, Leo and Malinowski, Bronislaw Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, 135 PP- 1926 Papua, in: A.W. Jose and H.J. Carter Teds.), The Australian encyclopaedia, vol. 2: 253-82, 1958 Lands of the Goroka-Mt. Hagen Sydney, Angus & Robertson. area, New Guinea. Division of Land Research and Regional Australasian Anthropological Journal Survey, Divisional Report 58/1. Canberra, Commonwealth 1897 The New Guinea natives and the Scientific and Industrial despatches of the governor of Research Organization, 178 pp. New Guinea. Australasian anthropological journal, 5: 1959 Lands of the Lower Ramu-Atitau 104-5. area, New Guinea. Division of Land Research and Regional Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Survey, Divisional Report No. Society 59/1- Canberra, Commonwealth see Methodist Missionary Scientific and Industrial Society of Australasia. Research Organization, 185 pp.

Australia. National Library I960 Report on land-use potential of the Goroka-Mt. Hagen area. 1954 Indonesia, IX: The question of Division of Land Research and West New Guinea. Canberra, Regional Survey, Technical Australia National Library Memorandum No. 6o/2. Canberra, select bibligraphies, General Commonwealth Scientific and series No. 3 , 21 pp. Industrial Research Organization, 21 PP- 11

1961 Lands of the Wewak-Lower Sepik 1960 [n.p.] Report of tripartite area, New Guinea. Division of mission on labour m atters to Land Research and Regional T errito ry of Papua and New Survey, Divisional Report No. Guinea, September - October 61/ 2 . Canberra, Commonwealth I 960. 11 pp., roneod. S c ien tific and In d u stria l Research Organization, 222 pp. 1961 Progress of a people. Canberra, Department of Territories, 32 pp. 1961a Report on land-use potential of the Wewak-Lower Sepik area, New Guinea. Division of Land Research 196la Papua and New Guinea p ro d u ces... and Regional Survey, Technical Canberra, Department of Memorandum No. 6 l/l7 , (Supplement Territories, 32 pp. to Land Research and Regional Survey Divisional Report No. 1961b The territory of Papua and New 61/ 2 ). Canberra, Commonwealth Guinea. Canberra, Department of S c ien tific and In d u strial Territories, 6 pp. Research Organization, 4 pp. Australia, Department of External 1963 The changing harvest in Papua and Territories New Guinea. Canberra, Department of Territories, 32 pp. 1950 Report of the New Guinea Nutrition Survey Expedition, 1947. E.H. Hipsley and F.W. 1963a Progress of the Australian Clements (e d s.). Sydney, territories 1952-1962. Canberra, Government P rin ter, 308 pp. Government P rin ter, 36 pp. see 1950 Bearup, A.J. and Lawrence, J. J., 1950 Conroy, W.L. and Bridgland, L. A., Australia, Parliament 1950 Hipsley, E.H., 1950 1946 Trusteeship for New Guinea. Hodges, K. and others, 1950 Monthly notes, 1(1): 8-9. Ju liu s, C., 1950 Langley, D., 1950 R ienits, K.G. and A ustralia, Prime M in ister's Department McArthur, M., 1950 S in clair, B.Y. and others. 1937 O fficial handbook of the Territory of New Guinea. Canberra, Government P rin ter, Australia, Department of Territories 551 PP-, reprinted 1943. n.d. Public Service information handbook, Territory of Papua and A ustralia, Royal Commission New Guinea. Canberra, Department of Territories, l 6 'pp. 1907 Report of royal commission of inquiry into the present condit­ ions, including the method of 1952 Fibre crop production in Papua government, of the Territory of and New Guinea. South P acific Papua, and the best means for quarterly bulletin, 2 (2 ): 27- 3 0 . their improvement. Australia. Parliament. Parliamentary Papers: 1952a Government policy and development Votes and proceedings of the in Papua and New Guinea. South House of R epresentatives and P acific, 6 (6 ): 414-23. Journals of the Senate with printed papers of both houses, 1952b Tea growing in Papua and New Session 1907: 139-463- Guinea. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 2 (2 ): 45-6. Australia, Territories, Department of Australia, Department of Territories see Australia, Department of Territories. 1952c The rubber industry in Papua. South Pacific commission, A ustralian Board of Missions Quarterly bulletin, 2 (3 ): 42-4. 1897 Ata Bada Iesu Keriso Ana Evanelia Luka I Teretereia 1953 Crop promotion in Papua and New Riwa Mai Wedau. Sydney, Guinea. South Pacific commission, Australian Board of Quarterly bulletin, 3(2): 20-2. Missions, 99 pp.

1953a Pakistan cattle introduced into 1952 Cults. Nationalism in the Papua. South Pacific commission, Pacific (field survey No. 7). Quarterly bulletin, 3 (3 ): 12-3. A.B.M. review, 40(7): IOI-3 .

1959 The T errito ry of Papua and New Australian Institute of International Guinea. Canberra, Department of A ffairs Territories, 5 pp. see Australia's neighbours (j ournal). 1959a The T errito ry of Papua and New Guinea. Canberra, Department of Territories, 4 pp.,and pictures. 12 Australian Institute of International 1962 Through the Strickland Gorge. Affairs, N.S.W. Branch Australian territories, 2(1): 1962 New Guinea: a series of lectures 12-9- given in September, 1961, to the N. S.W. Branch of the Australian 1962a The Sirinumu dam. Australian Institute of International territories, 2(l): 32-5- Affairs. Sydney, Anglican Press, 48 pp.; see 1962 Healy, A.M., 1962b Banks aid the education drive. 1962 Kerr, J.R., 1962 Ryan, Australian territories, 2(4): d'Arcy J. 54- 5-

Australian Institute of Political Science 1962c Heroism at Mount Lamington. 1958 New Guinea and Australia. Australian territories, 2(5): J. Wilkes (ed.). Sydney, Angus 20-4. & Robertson, 246 pp. 1962d Fishing enterprise and research Australian National University in Papua and New Guinea. Australian territories, 2(5): 1 9 5 8 -6 3 Australian National University 28-33- Calendar for years: 1958, 1959 > I9 6 0 , 1961, 1 9 6 2 , 1 9 6 3 - Melbourne University Press. 1962e Co-operatives: valuable mainland visits. Australian territories, Australian National University, New 2(5): 43-8. Guinea Research Unit 1963 Regional Information: a survey of 1962f Hydro-electricity resources of research in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Australian Papua and New Guinea. New Guinea territories, 2(6): 1 7 -9 - research unit, Canberra, Australian national university, 1962g Tolai artist designs new 10s. processed, 19 PP- stamp. Australian territories, 2(6): 35. Australian National University, Public Lectures Committee 1963 Progress in the Lufa area. 1962 The independence of Papua - New Australian territories, 3(l): Guinea: what are the pre-requis­ 40-6. ites? Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 78 pp.; see 1962 Bettison, D.G., 1963a Advance in malaria control. 1962 CrawTörd, J.G., 1962 Fisk, Australian territories, 3(l): E.K., 1962 West, F.J. 46-8.

Australian Territories 1963b The native loans board of the 1960 The Legislative Council for Papua Territory of Papua and New and New Guinea. Australian Guinea. Australian territories, territories, l(l): 4-6. 3 (2 ): 1 3 -8 .

1960a Land tenure in Papua and New 1963c Progress of the Sirinumu dam. Guinea. Australian territories, Australian territories, 3(2): 1(1): 12-5- 19-23.

1960b Accelerated development in 1963d Australian army engineers assist education in Papua and New in Papua and New Guinea develop­ Guinea. Australian territories, ment. Australian territories, 1(1): 30-5- 3(2): 42-4.

1961 Widening horizons for native 1963e Adult education in Papua and New staff in Papua and New Guinea. Guinea. Australian territories, Australian territories, l(2): 3(5): 26-8 . 26-7- 1963f Preparations for the House of 196la C.S.I.R.O. land surveys in Papua Assembly elections in Papua and and New Guinea. Australian New Guinea, 1964. Australian territories, 1 (3 ): 11-7 . territories, 3 (6 ): 1 9 -2 3 .

1961b Opening of the reconstituted Australia's Neighbours Legislative Council for Papua and New Guinea. Australian 1950 The Indonesian claim to New territories, 1(4): 4-8. Guinea. Australia's neighbours, 3rd series, No. 2, July 1950, 1 961c Agricultural extension work among (signed H.A.W.). native farmers in Papua' and New Guinea. Australian territories, Avery, John L. 1(5): 16-2 0 . 1946 Parasitic infections among natives of the Samara! district, 196ld Secondary industries in Papua Papua, New Guinea. Journal of and New Guinea. Australian parasitology, 3 2 : 25-9. territories, 1(6): 16-8. 1961 A decade of progress in Papua and New Guinea. Australia's neigh­ bours, 3rd series, Nos. 119-120, July-August 1961. 13

Baal, Jan van Bacchus, John 1934 Godsdienst en samenleving in 1940 Primitive currency systems. Nederlands-Zuid-Nieuw-Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, Leiden University, thesis. 10(7): 6 1 -2 . Amsterdam, Noord-Hollandsche Uitgeversmij, 266 pp. Backhouse, T.C. 1949 Filariasis in Melanesia. 1939 De bevolking van zuid Nieuw- Seventh Pacific science Guinea onder Nederlandsch congress 1949, New Zealand, bestuur: 36 jaren. Tljdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en Proceedings, 7* 2 3 9 . volkenkunde. ((K.) Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en 1955 Malignant tumours in Melanesians. wetenschappen), 79: 309-414; Medical journal of Australia, 2: also 1940/41 Tljdschrift IO6 I-3 . "Nieuw-Guinea", 5: 174-92, 193-21 6 . 1956 Tuberculosis in Melanesian natives: a summary of autopsy 1940 Een en ander over de bevolking findings from the pre-war era van het Boven-Bian-gebied. (1922 to 1940). Medical Tijdschrift voor Indische journal of Australia, 2: 62-5, taal-, land- en volkenkunde. 2 tables. ((K.) Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen), 8 0 : 568-84. 1958 Melanesian natives and vascular disease: a note based on autopsy records, 1923-1934. Medical 1940a Een reis naar het Gab-Gab- journal of Australia, 1: 3 6 -7 . gebied (Midden-Ply-rivier). Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. ,Backhouse, T.C. (joint author) ((K.) Bataviaasch genoot­ schap van kunsten en weten­ 1927 see 1927 Cilento, R.W. and schappen), 8 0 : 1-14. Backhouse, T.C.

1952 The Nimboran development Baessler, Arthur project. South Pacific, 1895 Südsee-Bilder. Berlin, A. Asher 6 : 492-9, 503. and Co., 371 pp.

1952a Bevolkingsgroepen in Nieuw- 1900 Neue SUdsee-Bllder. Berlin, Guinea. I, II, III. Schäkels, Verlag Georg Reimer, 420 pp. 59(NG2): 2-12. Baffour, R.P. 1953 Educating the Netherlands New Guinea village. South I963 The development of higher Pacific commission, Quarterly education facilities in bulletin, 3(5): 18-22. under-developed territories. Australian territories, 3(4): 29-40. 1953a The Nimboran community develop­ ment project S17. Report No. 1. Baglioni, S. South Pacific commission, Technical papers No. 45, 42 pp. 1910 Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der natürlichen Musik. Analytisch­ 1953) Algemene sociaal-culturele akustische Untersuchungen über 1954) beschouwingen. in: W.C. Klein einige Instrumente von (ed.), Nieuw Guinea, vol. 1: Naturvölkern. Globus, 98(15): 2 3 0 -5 8 . 1s-Gravenhage, 2 3 2 -6 , (1 6 ): 249-54, (17): Staatsdrukkerij- en uitgeversbe- 264-8. drijf, 3 delen, 491, 470, 600 pp. Baildon, H.B. 1953) a Volken. in: W.C. Klein (ed.), 1894 On some of the natives of 1954) Nieuw Guinea, vol. 2: 438-70. British New Guinea. British 's-Gravenhage, Staatsdrukkerij- association for the advance­ en uitgeversbedrijf, 3 delen, ment of science, Report of 491, 470, 600 pp. the 64th meeting: 788-9-

1956 Om eigen wereld. Bijdragen tot Bailey, B.A. de Vere de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 112: 193-203. see Vere Bailey, B.A. de.

Bailey, K.H. I960 Erring acculteration. American anthropologist, 6 2 : 1 0 8 -2 1 . 1928 The history of the Mandate. in: F.W. Eggleston (ed.), 1963 The cult of the bull-roarer in The Australian mandate for Australia and southern New Guinea. New Guinea: 11-15- Melbourne, Macmillan and Co. Ltd., in Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, : - . association with M.U.P. 1 1 9 2 0 1 1 3 Pacific Relations series No. 2, 149 PP. 14 1928a Foreign powers and the Mandate. Baien, J.A. van in : F.W. Eggleston (ed.), The 1886 lets over het doodenfeest bij de Australian mandate for New Papoea's aan de Geelvinksbaai. Guinea: 16-20. Melbourne, Uitreksels uit een brief van den Macmillan and Co. L td., in zendingleeraar J.A. van Baien te asso ciatio n with M.U.P. Roon. Tijdschrift voor Indische Pacific Relations series No. taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 2 , 149 pp. 31: 556-75.

1928b A gricultural development in the 1915 Windesische verhalen met v erta lin g Territory, in: F.W. Eggleston en woordenlijst. Bijdragen tot de (ed.), The Australian mandate taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 7 0 : for New Guinea: IO3-7 . Melbourne, 441-55.4. Macmillan and Co. L td., in association with M.U.P. P acific 1940/41 a r tic le in T ijd sc h rift "Nieuw- R elations se ries No. 2, 149 pp. Guinea", 5: 174-92, 193-216 wrongly attributed to J.A. van Bailey, K.V. Baien; see 1959 Baal, J. van. 1962 Peanut feeding for in fan ts and to d d lers. Papua and New Guinea Balfour, Henry medical journal, 6 : 30- 1 . 1914 Frictional fire-making with a flexible sawing-thong. Royal 1963 Team studies infant nutrition in anthropological institute of . South Great B ritain and Ireland, Pacific commission, Quarterly Journal, 44: 32-64. b u lle tin , 1 3 (1 ): 38-40. 1914a Kite-fishing, in: E.C. Quiggin 1963a Premastication of infant foods (ed .), Essays and studies in New Guinea highlands. South presented to William Ridgeway Pacific commission, Technical on his 60th birthday, 6th August information circular No. 6l, 1915: 583- 60 8 . Cambridge, p t. 1 : 1 - 3 . University Press, 656 pp.

Baines, Charles C. 1915 Note on a new kind of fish-hook from Goodenough Island, 1953 Bone-wearers of Papua. d'Entreeasteaux group, New Walkabout, 19(11): 16-7. Guinea. Man, 15: 17.

Baker, G.H. Massy- 1925 Thorn-lined traps and th e ir see^ Massy-Baker, G.H. distribution. Man, 25: 33-7; see E.W.P. Chinnery, Man, Bakhta, V.M. 26: 64. 1957 P ro iz v o d ite l' nye s ily Papuasov 1956 An interesting Naga-Melanesian Zaliva Astroliabiia. (Material cu ltu re-lin k , in: L.H. Dudley culture of Papuans in Astrolabe Buxton (ed .), Custom is king; Bay.) in: Okeanskii essays presented to R.R. M arett: Etnograficheskii Sbornik: 2I 3- 9-16. London, Hutchinson's 51. Moskva, Akademiia nauk SSSR, S c ien tific and Technical 252 pp. Publications, 325 pp.

Baldwin, A.H. Ballantine, D. 1947 Tropical medicine. B.C.G. 1900 Report of inland journey by vaccination for natives Mr. D. Ballantine. British against tuberculosis. New Guinea. Annual report for Monthly notes, 1(6): 16-7. 1898-99: 77-80, (App. R).

Baldwin, B. 1902 Report of the a ssista n t re sid en t magistrate, Central District,on 1944/45 "Usitima: song of heaven". his Investigation into the Oceania, 15: 201-38. Maiari and Ikove massacre. B ritish New Guinea. Annual 1949 History of the New Testament, report for 1900-0 1 : 37-8 , done in Boyowan. Jesus C hrist. (App. F). La Karaiwaga Kweivau. Catholic Mission, Trobriand Islands. Ballantyne, A. (tr.) Kingsford (N.S.W.), Simpson and Sons. 1913 Iesu iana miamia babia iana ifufu: the life of Christ. 1949/50 Kadaguwai: songs of the Melbourne, Spectator Publ. Trobriand sunset isles.' Co., 43 pp. Oceania, 20: 263- 8 5 . Ballantyne, A. (joint author) 1920 see 1920 Jenness, D. and Ballantyne, A. 15

1 9 2 6 ) see 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929 Barbour, Thomas 1927) Jenness, D. and Ballantyne, A. 1908 Notes on a zoological collect­ 1928 ing trip to Dutch New Guinea. 1929) National geographic magazine, 19: 469-84. Balluseck, van 1955 West New Guinea: extracts from 1908a Further notes on Dutch New statement by Mr. van Balluseck Guinea. National geographic in the First Committee, United magazine, 19: 527-45. Nations General Assembly, Ninth Session, 23rd November, 1908b New Guinea the least known in 1954. Current notes on internat­ the tropics. American antiquar­ ional affairs, 2 6 : 4l-5. ian and oriental journal, 30 (6 ): 327-8. Bamler, G. Barereba, S. 1898 Die Tami-Inseln. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 1959 How my grandfathers killed 44: 105-6. Mr. J. Green. South Pacific, 1 0 : 129-32. 1900 Bemerkungen zur Grammatik der Tamisprache (und Vokabular). Barker, Kathy and Bee, Darlene Zeitschrift für afrikanische 1961 Usarufa phonemes, in: Workshop und oceanische Sprachen, 5: papers: 94-120. Summer institute 198-216, 217-53. of linguistics, New Guinea branch. Ukarumpa, New Guinea, 1911 Tami. in: R. Neuhauss, Deutsch 170 pp. Neu-Guinea, vol. 3 : 489-566. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., 3 vols., 53^, 33 6 , 572 pp. Barmes, David i960 Dental health. Journal of the public service of the 1913 Pädagogik der Tami. Territory of Papua and New Naturhistorische Gesellschaft, Guinea. 2: 191-3- Nürnberg, Abhandlungen, Beilage zur Festschrift, 44. Anthropologen-Kongress Nürnberg 1963 Survey of dentistry in the 1913, 2 0 : 24 pp. Territory. Papua and New Guinea scientific society, Annual report and proceed­ 1928 The Mayaw (Mangaw).. ln : ings for 1 9 6 3 : 2 0 -3 1 . E.W.P. Chinnery, Territory of New Guinea. Anthropological report No. 3 : 27-9* Barnard, L.H. 1954 The mystery of "Bone-valley ", 1928a Dancing, in: E.W.P. Chinnery, New Guinea. Walkabout, 20(12): Territory of New Guinea. 16-8. Anthropological report No. 3 : 42-5- Barnes, John Arundel

1942 Bootsbau auf Slassi. Gesellschaft I960 Indigenous politics and colonial für Völkerkunde, (Leipzig), administration with special Mitteilungsblatt, 1 1 : 56-73. reference to Australia. Comparative studies in society and history, 2 (2 ): 13 3 -4 9 . Bamler, Heinrich 1963/64 Magische und religiöse Denkformen 1962 African models in the New Guinea und Praktiken der Keyagana, Kanite, highlands. Man, 62: 5-9. Yäte und Fore im östlichen Hochland von Neuguinea. Baessler- Barnes, Robert Archiv, 11(Neue Folge): 115-47. 1961 Incidence of heart disease in a Bang, F.B. and others native hospital of Papua. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 540-2, 1946/47 DDT spraying inside houses as 3 tables. a means of malaria control in New Guinea. Royal society of 1963 A comparison of growth curves of tropical medicine and hygiene, infants from two weeks to 20 Transactions, 40(6) : 809-22. months in various areas of the Chimbu subdistrict of the Bannow, Augustin Krämer- eastern highlands of New Guinea. see Krämer, Augustin. Medical journal of Australia, 2 : 26 2 -6 , 2 tables.

Bannow, Elisabeth Krämer- 1963a Two cases of pre-eclampsia and see Krämer-Bannow, Elisabeth. one of eclampsia in the highlands of New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 884-6. 76

Barnett, H.G. 1950 Canoeing in tropic seas: the Duke of York Island. Walkabout, 1959 Peace and progress in New Guinea. American anthropologist, 6 l : 16(3): 29-31. 1013-9. Barrett, Charles Barnicot, N.A. and Kariks, Jekabs 1951 Can we save New Guinea? South 1960 Haptoglobin and transferrin Pacific, 5(2): 3I-3 . variants in peoples of the New Guinea highlands. Medical 1954 Isles of the sun (foreword by journal of Australia, 2: 859- Brigadier D.M. Cleland). 6 l, 2 tables. Melbourne, Heinemann Ltd., 258 pp. Barrau, Jacques 1954 Traditional subsistence Barrett, Charles (ed.) economy and agricultural 1944 The island world: an anthology progress in Melanesia. of the Pacific. Melbourne, South Pacific commission, Oxford University Press, 185 pp. Quarterly bulletin, 4 (3 ): Barrett, Charles (ed.) 1955 Subsistence agriculture in 1950 The Pacific: ocean of islands. Melanesia. South Pacific Melbourne, N.H. Seward Pty. Ltd., commission. Noumea, New 176 pp.; see 1950 Cheesman, L.E.; Caledonia, 189 pp.; also 1950 Groves, W.C.; 1950 Ingleton, Bernice P. Bishop Museum G.C.; 1950 McCarthy, F.D.; Bulletin No. 219 (1958), 1950a McCarthy, F.D.; 1950 111 pp., (slight variation Taylor, N.M. in content). Barrett, Don 1957 The "Bush-fallowing" system of 1952 The Legislative Council of Papua cultivation in the continental and New Guinea. South Pacific, islands of Melanesia. Ninth Pacific science congress 1957 > 6(3): 557-40. Thailand, Proceedings, 7: 53-5- 1957 Cocoa in New Guinea. 1958 Plant introduction officer makes Walkabout, 2 3 (1 0 ): 14-6. field trip through Melanesia. South Pacific commission, Barrett, James Quarterly bulletin, 8 (3 ): 19- 1928 The health problem in the mandated territories, in: I960 The selection, domestication F.W. Eggleston (ed.), The and cultivation of food plants Australian mandate for New in tropical Oceania in the pre- Guinea: 85-9- Melbourne, European era. Paper delivered Macmillan and Co. Ltd., in at the UNESCO Symposium on the association with M.U.P. impact of man on humid tropics Pacific Relations series vegetation. Goroka, Territory No. 2, 149 pp. of Papua and New Guinea: 67-72. Sponsored by the Administration of the Territory of Papua and Barrie, J.W. New Guinea and UNESCO Science 1956/57 Population - land investigat­ Co-operation Office for South ion in the Chimbu sub-district. East Asia. Canberra, Government Papua and New Guinea agricultur­ Printer, 402 pp. al journal, ll(2 ): 45-51.

Barrau, Jacques (ed.) Bartels, G.B. 1963 Plants and the migrations of 1958 Gezondheidszorg in de Pacific peoples. Tenth Pacific Vogelkop. Nederlands science congress 1961, Honolulu, Nieuw-Guinea, 6(4): 12-3. Symposium papers. Honolulu, Bishop Museum Press, 136 pp.; 1961 De zorg voor moeder en kind in see 1963 Chowning, A., 1963 Nieuw-Guinea door meisjes van Robbins, R.G. het eigen land. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 9(4): 14-7. Barrau, Jacques (joint author) 1955 see 1955 Massai, E. and Bartels, Max Barrau, J. 1894 Ein Fest in Bogadjim, Neu-Gulnea. Berliner Gesellschaft für 1956 see 1956 Massai, E. and Barrau, J Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 200. Barrett, Charles in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. 2 6 . 1948 White blackfellows; the Strange adventures of Europeans who Bartlett, H.K. (joint author) lived among savages. Melbourne, Hallcraft Publishing Co., 26l pp. 1937 see 1937 Tindale, N.B. and Bartlett, H.K. 17

Barton, F.R. 1962 see 1962b Schmitz, C.A. 1902 Report of patrol made in the Central District in October 1962a Bericht für das Jahr 1961: and November, 1900. British see 1962a Bühler, Alfred. New Guinea. Annual report for 1900-01: 89-94, (App. T). 1963 Bericht für das Jahr 1962: see 1963 Bühler, Alfred. 1902a Doriri-expedition. British New Guinea. Annual report for 19OO- 01: 94-100, (App. U). 1963a Mensch und Handwerk: Verarbeitung und Verwendung von Stein und 1904 Report on Central Division. Muschelschalen. Guide to exhibit­ British New Guinea. Annual ion i5.ll.i962 - 30.4.1963. report for 1902-03: 16-20. Basel, G. Krebs A.G., 30, 32 pp.

1908 Children's games in British New 1963b Technologie frUhzeltlicher Waffen. Guinea. Royal anthropological Guide to exhibition I.6.I963 - institute of Great Britain and 3i.i2.i963. Basel, G. Krebs A.G., Ireland, Journal, 38: 259-79. 81 pp.

1908a Note on stone pestles from Basler Kunstverein British New Guinea. Man, 8 : 1-2. 1962 Die Kunst Neu-Guineas. (Illustrated catalogue of a New Guinea art exhibition in 1910 The annual trading expedition Basel, Kunsthalle, July- to the Papuan gulf, in: September 1962 with introduc­ C.G. Sellgmann, The Melanesians tion by Alfred Bühler). Basel, of British New Guinea: 96-120. Benno Schwabe and Co., 74 pp., Cambridge, University Press, 56 plates. 766 pp.

Bastard, E.M. 1917 The spirits of the dead in the Trobriand islands. Man, 17: 1919 Vocabularies - Abau station, 109-10. Eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1917-18: 88, (App. E6)

19l8 Tattooing in south-eastern New 1919a Vocabularies - Abau station, Guinea. Royal anthropological Eastern Division. Papua. Annual institute of Great Britain and report for 1917-18: 89, (App. E7) Ireland, Journal, 48: 22-79*

Basel, Museum für Völkerkunde 1919b Vocabularies - Abau station, Eastern Division. Papua. Annual 1930 Neu-Guinea. Basel. Museum für report for 1917-18: 90, (App. E8) Völkerkunde, Führer. Basel, G. Krebs, 24 pp. 1919c Vocabularies - Abau station, Eastern Division. Papua. Annual 1948 see 1948 Bühler, Alfred. report for 1917-18: 91, (App. E9)

Basel, Museum für Völkerkunde und 1919d Vocabularies - Abau station, Schweizerisches Museum für Volkskunde Eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1917-18: 92, (App. E 1951 Südseestudien - Etudes sur 11). l'Oc^anie - South Sea Studies. Gedenkschrift zur Erinnerung an 1920 Vocabulary of Doriaidi-tribe, Felix Speiser. Basel. Museum für Abau station, Eastern Division. Völkerkunde und Schweizerisches Papua. Annual report for 1918- Museum für Volkskunde, 422 pp.; 19: 109. see 1951 Blackwood, B., 1951 Damm, H., 1951 Höltker, G., 1951 1920a Vocabulary of Neme-a tribe, Wirz, P. Abau station, Eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1918- 1954 Kunstwerke vom Sepik. Basel. 19: H O . Museum für Völkerkunde und Schweizerisches Museum für 1920b Vocabulary of Karo-tribe, Volkskunde, Führer, Abau station, Eastern Division. Sonderausstellung vom 1. Papua. Annual report for 1918- Oktober bis . Dezember 31 19: H I . 1954, 23 pp., plates; see 1954 Wirz, P. 1920c Vocabulary of Dom-tribe, Abau station, Eastern Division. 1958 see 1958 Bühler, Alfred. Papua. Annual report for 1918- 19: 112. 1960 see I960 Bühler, Alfred. 1920d Vocabulary of Neme-tribe, Abau 1961 see 196l Hinderling, P. and station, Eastern Division. Papua. Reichstein, R. Annual report for 1918-19: 113. 18

1922 Canoes, Gulf Division, in: 1936a Naven: a survey of the problems W.E. Armstrong, Territory of suggested by a composite picture Papua. Anthropology report of the culture of a New Guinea No. 2 (pt. 2): 70-9. tribe, drawn from three points of view. Cambridge, Cambridge 1922a Description of Mailu island, University Press, 286 pp. Abau district, Eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1920- 1954 The Naven ceremony in New Guinea. 21: 54. (First published in 1936). in: M. Mead and N. Calas (eds.), 1925 Annual report, Gulf Division. Primitive Heritage: 186-202. London, Victor Gollancz Ltd., Year 1921-22. Papua. Annual 592.pp. report for 1 921-2 2 : 43-9*

Bastian, A. 1962 Notes on artifacts in the museum of the Faculty of Archeaology and 1888 Neue Erwerbungen des Museums für Anthropology, University of Völkerkunde. Berliner Cambridge. Australian national Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, university, photocopy, 16 pp. Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 266. in: Batham, Guy Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol• 2 0 . 1958 The dream-world of Lake Murray (Papua). Walkabout, 24(8): 31-2. Bastian, A. (joint author) 1883 see 1883 Weisser, J. and 1959 Drifting around the south seas. Bastian, A. London, Robert H&le Ltd., 191 pp.

Bateson, Gregory Baudet, H. and Veenhoven, W.A. 1931/32 Social structure of the Iatmül 1952 Aspecten van het vraagstuk people of the Sepik River. Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift Oceania, 2: 245-91, 401-53. voor economische en sociale geographie, 4 3 (5 ) : 136-40. 1931/ Further notes on a snake dance 32a of the Baining. Oceania, 2: Baudouin, A . 334-41. 1883 L'aventure de Port Breton et la colonle libre dite Nouvelle 1934 Death and reincarnation on the France: souvenirs personnels et Sepik River. Mankind, 1:_210. documents. Paris, Maurice Dreyfus, 346 pp. 1934a Field work in social psychology in New Guinea. Congres internat­ Bauer, L. ional des sciences anthropologi- ques et ethnologiques, Compte- 1915 Beiträge zur Kraniologie der rendu de la premiere session Baining (Neu-Pommern). Archiv London 1934: 153« Londres, für Anthropologie, 14 (neue Institut Royal d' Anthropologie, Folge): 145-202. xxxii and 340 p p . Baumann, Hermann 1934b The segmentation of society. Congres international des 1955 Das doppelte Geschlecht. Ethnologische Studien zur sciences anthropologiques et Bisexualität in Ritus und ethnologiques, Compte-rendu de Mythos. Berlin, Dietrich la premiere session London Reimer A.G., 420 pp. 1934: 1 8 7 . Londres, Institut Royal d 'Anthropologie, xxxii and 340 p p . Bayldon, Francis J. 1925 Voyage of Luis Vaez de Torres 1934c Ritual transvesticism on the from the New Hebrides to the Sepik river, New Guinea. Congres Moluccas, June to November, international des sciences 1 6 0 6 . Royal australian histori­ anthropologiques et ethnolo­ cal society, Journal and proceed­ giques, Compte-rendu de la ings, 11(3): 158-94. premiere session London 1934: 274-5. Londres, Institut Royal d 'Anthropologie, xxxii and Beaglehole, Ernest 340 pp. 1944 The South Seas Regional Commission. Polynesian 1935 Music in New Guinea. Eagle, a society, Wellington, magazine supported by members Journal, 53: 59-71* of St. Johns' College* Cambridge, England, 48: 158-70. Beaglehole, J.C. 1947 The exploration of the Pacific. 1936 A carved wooden statuette from London, Adam and Charles Black, the Sepik River, New Guinea. 411 pp., (2nd edition). First Man, 3 6 : 88 (correspondence). edition 1934. 19

Beardmore, E. 1917 Magisterial report, Kumusi Division (Buna). Papua. 1890 The natives of Mowat, Daudai, Annual report for 1914-15: New Guinea (with notes by A.C. Haddon). Anthropological 48-55. institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London, Journal, 19: 1917a Vocabularies - Buna station, 459-73. Kumusi Division. Papua. Annual report for 1914-15: 167-70, (App. IVa-f). Bearup, A.J. 1936 The Ramu and Wahgi Valleys of New Guinea. Australian geographer, 1917b Photographic examples of the technology of the Orokaiva 3(1): 3-14. tribes of northern Papua. Papua. Annual report for Bearup, A.J. and Lawrence, J.J. 1914-15: 191-7, (App. XV). 1950 Parasitological report, in: Report of the New Guinea 1920 Notes on homicidal emblems among the Orokaiva, of the Nutritional Survey Expedition, Mambare and Kumusi Divisions. 1947 (pt. 6 ): 177-99- Sydney, Papua. Annual report for 1918- Government Printer, 308 pp.; also Medical journal of 19: 96-9. Australia, 1950, 1: 724-32. 1920a Unexplored New Guinea (with an Beasly, H.G. introduction by A.C. Haddon). London, Seely Service, 320 pp., 1932 A dried head from the Marind- (2nd edition). anim (Tugeri) people. Man, 32: 273- Beaver, W.N. (joint author) 1935 A carved wooden statuette from 1915 see 1915 Chinnery, E.W.P. and the Sepik River, New Guinea. Beaver, W.N. Man, 35: 145- 1917 see 1917 Chinnery, E.W.P. and Beaver, W.N. Beaufort, L.F. de

1946 Wetenschappelijk onderzoek van see 1917a Chinneryj , E.W.P . and 1917a Nieuw-Guinea in het verleden en Beaver, W.N. in de toekomst. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 6 3 : 1919 see 1919 Chinnery, E.W.P. and 141-5. Beaver, W.N.

Beaver, W.N. B^chervaise, John 1908 Annual report, Rigo district, 1952 Operation Pacific outpost. Central Division. Papua. Annual Walkabout, 18(3 ): 11-7. report for 1907-08: 57-61. Beck, C. von 1911 Report on the search party led in connexion with the Kikorl- 1911 Expedition des Reichs-

expedition. Papua. Annual report Kolonialamts und der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft zur for 1910-11: 178-87, (App. A2). Erforschung der Gebiete des Kaiserin-Augusta-Flusses. Der 1912 Annual report, Western Division. Dampfer nKolonialgesellschaft." Papua. Annual report for 191I- Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 28: 12: 66-71. 652.

1914 Magisterial report - V. Kumusi 1912 Von der Kaiserin-Augustastrom- Division. Papua. Annual report Expedition. Deutsche for 1913-14: 69-72. Kolonialzeitung, 29: 502.

1914a Some notes on the nomenclature Beck, Rollo H. of western Papua. Man, 14: 135-6. 1929 A collector in the land of the birds of paradise. Natural history: American museum of 1914b Some notes on the eating of natural history, Journal, 29 human flesh in the Western (6): 563-78. Division of Papua. Man, 14: 145-7. Beckett, R.J. 1914c A description of the Girara 1932 The SepIk. Pacific islands district, western Papua. monthly, 3(5): 27-8^ Geographical journal, 43: 407-13. 1916 A further note on the use of the wooden trumpet in Papua. Man, 16: 23-5. 20 Bee, Darlene 1919 Detzners Forschungen in Neuguinea. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu 1961 Usarufa free pronouns and Berlin, Zeitschrift, 371-6. pronominal prefixes, in: Workshop papers: 142-3Ö, Summer institute of 1922 Im Stromgebiet des Sepik; eine linguistics, New Guinea deutsche Forschungsreise in branch. Ukarumpa, New Neuguinea. Berlin, A. Scherl, Guinea, 170 pp. 359 PP-

Bee, Darlene (joint author) 1924 Die Stammeszersplitterung im Sepikgebiet (Neuguinea) und 1961 see 196l Barker, Kathy and ihre geographischen Ursachen. Bee, Darlene. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 70: 6l-5> 121- Bee, Darlene and Glasgow, Kathleen Barker 3* 1962 Usarufa tone and segmental phonemes. Studies in New Guinea 1924a Das westliche Kaiser- linguistics, Oceania linguistic Wilhelmsland in Neu-Guinea. monograph No. 6: 111-27• Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, Bee, Darlene and Pence, Alan Ergänzungsheft, 1: 72 pp. 1962 Toward standardization of a survey word list for Papua and 1925 Verkehrs- und Handelsgeographie New Guinea. Studies in New eines Naturvolkes, dargestellt Guinea linguistics, Oceania am Beispiel der Sepik- linguistic monograph No. 6: 64- Bevölkerung im westlichen Kaiser-Wilhelmsland, Neuguinea. 75. Abhandlungen zur Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte Behrmann, Walter (Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und 1912) see 1912, 1913 Spethmann, H. Urgeschichte) Frankfurt a.M., 1913) 2: 45-66; Festschrift zur 1913 Aus Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Feier des 25jährigen Bestehens (Expedition des Reichs- der Gesellschaft. Kolonialamts, der Königlichen Museen und der Deutschen 1927 Das Zentralgebirge Neuguineas Kolonialgesellschaft zur im westlichen Kaiser- Erforschung des Kaiserin- Wilhelmsland. Mitteilungen aus Augusta-Flusses in Kaise'r- den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, Wilhelmsland.) Deutsche 35: 3-43. Kolonialzeitung, 30: 790, 792-3- 1928 Beiträge zur Rassenkunde des Innern von Neuguinea 1914 Auf dem Töpferfluss. Erinnerungen (Sepikgebiet). in: Karl H. an die erste Befahrung während Dietzel und Hans Rudolphi (eds.), der Kaiserin-Augustafluss- Sonderabdruck aus der Hans Expedition vom 6. bis 12. Februar Meyer-Festschrift "Koloniale 1913- Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Studien": 223-52. Berlin, 31(14): 231-2, 233, (15): 245-6. Dietrich Reimer A.G., 341 pp.

1914a Geographische Ergebnisse der 1928a Die Insel Neu-Guinea. Kaiserin-Augustafluss-Expedition. Grundzüge ihrer Erde, 49(4): 254-77- Oberflächengestaltung nach dem gegenwärtigen Stande der Forschung. Gesellschaft 1915 Ein deutscher Forscher durch für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Englands Schuld in Gefahr. Zeitschrift, Sonderband zur Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 32 lOOJahr Feier 1828-1928: (7): 101-3. 191-207.

1917 The Sepik (Kaiserin-Augusta 1930 Ozeanien, in: Fritz Klute (ed.), River) and its basin; official Handbuch der Geographischen geographical report by the Wissenschaften, 2: 241-314. Kaiserin-Augusta River Potsdam, Akademische Expedition of 1912-1913 on the Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion. island of New Guinea. Berlin, Ernst Mittler and Son, 209 pp. Translated from - Der Sepik 1931 Ernährung und Nahrungsgewinnung (Kaiserin-Augusta-Fluss) und der Bevölkerung im Innern von sein Stromgebiet; geographi­ Neuguinea. Koloniale Rundschau, scher Bericht der Kaiserin- 11-12: 241-50. Augusta-Fluss Expedition, 1912- 1913, auf der Insel Neuguinea. 1935 Pygmäen im Sepikgebiet, Berlin, E.S. Mittler und Sohn. Neuguinea. Nederlandsch aard- Sonderabdruck aus Mitteilungen rijkskundig genootschap, aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 52: Ergänzungsheft No. 12. 407-14. 27

1950/51 Die Versammlungshäuser 1946/7) The place of food in the social (Kulthäuser) am Sepik in 1947/ 8 ; life of the Tanga. Oceania, 17 Neuguinea. Erde, 2: 305-27. 1948/9) (2): 139-72, (4): 310- 26; 1 8 (1 ): 36- 59, (3): 233-47; 19(1): 51- 1956 Der weiten Welt Wunder; 74. Erlebnisse eines Geographen in Fern und Nah, mit einem 1948/49 The industrial arts in Geleitwort von 0.Quelle. Tanga. Oceania, 19: 206- Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 33, 320-48. 245 pp. 1949 Tattooing and sacrification Bell, F.L.S. in Tanga. Man, 49: 29-31- 1935/34 Report on field work in Tanga. Oceania, 4(3): 290-309. 1950/51 Travel and communication in Tanga. Oceania, 21: 81-106. 1934/35 Warfare among the Tanga. Oceania, 5(3): 253-79- 1953 Primitive Melanesian economy: an analysis of the economic 1935 The social significance of system of the Tanga of New Amfat among the Tanga of Ireland: preface by A.P. Elkin. New Ireland. Polynesian Bound reprints of articles from society, Wellington, Journal, Oceania 1946-1953- Sydney, 44: 97-111. Australian National Research Council, various paging. 1935a Sokopana: a Melanesian secret society. Royal anthropological 1953/54 Land tenure in Tanga. Oceania, institute of Great Britain and 24: 28-57. Ireland, Journal, 65: 311-41. 1955 The role of the individual in 1935h The divination of sorcery in Tangan society. Polynesian M elan esia. Man, 35: 8 4 -6 . society, Wellington, Journal, 64: 281-91. 1935c A myth of the origin of death. Mankind, 1: 261-2. 1957 Male and female in Tanga: being a description of certain sexual 1935d Fishing in Tanga. aspects of the ritual life. A u s tra lia n museum Mankind, 5(4): 137-48. m agazine, No. 5: 355-9- 1962 Kinship avoidance and linguistic 1935e What makes life worth living evasion in Tanga, New Ireland. for the savage? Mankind, 1 M ankind, 5(H): 477-9- (1 2 ): 13- 7 . B e ll, L.L . 1935/36 The avoidance situation in 1908 Annual report, assistant resident Tanga. Oceania, 6(2 and 3 ): magistrate, loma, Northern 175-98, 306-22. Division. Papua. Annual report for 1906-07: 59-63- 1936 Dafal. Polynesian society, Wellington, Journal, 45: 1908a Annual report, Gira goldfield. 83-98. Papua. Annual report for 1906- 07: 8 4 -6 . 1936/37 Death in Tanga. Oceania, 7(3): 316-39- 1908b Report on a patrol into the interior of the Eastern Division 1937 Gong signals of the Tanga. at the back of Table Bay. Papua. Australian museum magazine, Annual report for 1907-08: I 36- 6(5): 165-8. 44.

1937a The play life of the Tanga. 1909 Account of a patrol in Mankind, 2(3 and 4 ) : 56- 61, Rossel island. Papua. Annual 83- 6 . report for 1908-09: IO3- 9 .

1937/38 Courtship and marriage among 1911 Exploring in Papua. Royal the Tanga. Oceania, 8(4): geographical society of 403-18. Australasia, Victorian branch, Journal, 28(1910-11): 31-63- 1940 Rock-pictures in New Guinea. Man, 40: 79 -8 0 . Bellamy, R.L. 1908 Notes on the customs of the 1941/2) The narrative in Tanga. Trobriand islanders. Papua. 1947/ 8 ) Mankind, 3 (2 ): 57-67, Annual report for 1906-07: (3 ): 80-7, (11): 330-3, 63- 6 . ( l 2 ): 361-55 4 (1 ): 24- 30, (3): 99-101. 22

1911 Magisterial report, Trobriand ,1951c Wagawaga, an experiment in islands (Losuia). Papua. Annual Oceanic development. South report for 1910-11: 119-22. Pacific, 5(2): 18-20, reprinted from Corona, Febr. 1951- 1912 Magisterial report, Losuia, Trobriand islands. Papua. Annual report for 1911-12: 1951d Using Papuans in social survey 124-7. work. South Pacific, 5(5): 86-8.

1913 Magisterial report, Trobriand 1951e Cargo cults. South Pacific, groups, Losuia. Papua. Annual 5(8): 167. report for 1912-13: 116-9.

1914 Magisterial report - III. 1951f Native councils in New Guinea. South-eastern Division. South Pacific, 5(10): 220-1. Papua. Annual report for 1913-14: 44-54. 1951g Economic development in south­ eastern Papua. South Pacific 1917 Assistant resident magistrate, commission, Social development Trobriand group district. Papua. notes, Circular No. 9, mimeo­ Annual report for 1914-15: 37-9* graphed, 9 pp.

1917a Vocabularies - Losuia Trobriand 1951h Some anthropological problems in station, South-eastern Division. Hanuabada (summary). Papua and Papua. Annual report for 1914-15 New Guinea scientific society, 178, (App. rvp). Annual report for 1951: 6-9.

Belloni, Claude 1951/52 Recent history of Mekeo society. Oceania, 22: 1-23. 1955 Naar het witte hart van Nieuw Guinea. Schäkels, NNG, 14: 11-5 1952 Community development in Papua. South Pacific, 6(4): 374-80. 1956 Vijftig jaar missie. Schäkels, NNG, 21: 23-7 . 1952a Revaluation of time in a Papuan community. South Pacific, 6(8): 1958 Expeditie naar Casuarinekust 466-72. van Nieuw-Guinea; framboesia bestrijdingscampagne raakt 00k de meest primitieven. Neder- 1952/53 Port Moresby canoe traders. lands Nieuw-Guinea, 6 (3):-12-3. Oceania, 23: 26-39.

1958a Twintig jaar bestuur aan de 1953 Implications of policy in New Wisselmeren. Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea. Australian quarterly, Guinea, 6(5): 2-5. 25(1): 79-90.

1959 Verhoogde activiteit in open- 1955 In search of wealth; a study of legging van Nederlands-Nieuw- the emergence of commercial Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw- operations in the Melanesian Guinea, 7(2): 24-5. society of south-eastern Papua. American anthropologist, Memoirs No. 80, Supplement to vol. 57 I960 Modern craft for Papuan fisher­ No. 1 pt. 2: 89 PP- men. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 10(4): 42-3. 1956 Small-scale industry for the South Pacific. South Pacific commis­ Beishaw, Cyril S. sion, Technical papers No. 89» 1950 The significance of modern cults 78 pp. in Melanesian development. Australian outlook, 4(2): 116-25' 1957 The great village; the economic and social welfare of Hanuabada, 1950/51 Social consequences of the Mount an urban community in Papua. Lamington eruption. Oceania, 21: London, Routledge and Kegan 241-52. Paul, 302 pp.

1951 Mount Lamington: re-settling the 1957a The changing cultures of oceanic victims. Corona, 3(12): 467-70. peoples during the nineteenth century. Cahiers d'histoire 1951a The last years of Ahuia Ova. mondiale (Paris), 3 (3): 647-64. Man, 51: 131-2. Belshaw, H. Native administration in south­ 1951b Community development in the eastern Papua. Australian out­ 1958 Nimboran. South Pacific commis­ look, 5(2): 106-15; also South sion, Quarterly bulletin, 8(1): Pacific, 5: 104-8. 35-7. 23

Benda, C. 1900 Über eine Expedition im Hinterlande von Friedrich- l880 Mikronesische und melanesische Wilhelmshafen und Schädel und Skelette. Berliner Stephansort. Deutsches Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Kolonialblatt, 11: 324-6. Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 111-2. in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 1900a Bericht Uber eine Dienstreise vol• 1 2 . des Kaiserlichen Gouverneurs von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 11: Benedict, Ruth 637-41. 1935 Patterns of culture. London, George Routledge and Sons 1900b Reisebericht des Gouverneurs Ltd., 211 pp. von Bennigsen. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 11: 752-9* 1938 Religion, in: Franz Boas (ed.), General Anthropology: 627-65* 1901 Ueber eine Reise nach den Boston, D.C. Heath and Co., deutschen und englischen 718 pp. Salomons-Inseln. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 12: 113-7* 1954 Configurations of culture, in: M. Mead and N. Calas (eds.), 1901a Reise des Gouverneurs nach dem Primitive Heritage: 80-94. Süden von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea. London, Victor Gollancz Ltd., Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 12: 592 pp. 282-3.

Bennett, J.H. 1901b Reise des Gouverneurs von I960 Kuru and sporadic tremor Bennigsen nach Neu-Guinea. syndromes in New Guinea. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, Lancet, 1: 3 3 9 . 12: 631-3*

1961 Population and family studies Bennigsen, Rudolf von (joint author) on Kuru. Tenth Pacific science congress 1 961, Honolulu: 59-68. 1900 see 1900 Schnee, H. and Bennigsen, R. von. 1962 Population and family studies on Kuru. Eugenics quarterly, Bennigsen, Rudolf von and Koch, Robert 9: 59-68. 1900 Bericht über eine Bereisung Neu-Mecklenburgs durch den 1 9 6 2 /6 3 Population studies in the Kuru Kaiserlichen Gouverneur und region of New Guinea. Oceania, Professor Dr. Koch. Deutsches 3 3 : 24-46, tables. Kolonialblatt, 11: 6 3 O-7 .

Bennett, J.H. and others Benson, J . 1958 Observations on Kuru: 1. A 1949 Christian village co-operatives. possible genetic basis. I and II. A.B.M. review, 27(8): Australasian annals of 116-7, (9): 135-7* medicine, 7(4): 269-75* Bensted, J.T. 1959 The genetical study of Kuru. 1954 The rice problem in New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, South Pacific, 7: 903* 2 : 5 0 5 -8 , 1 table. 1954a Captain Barton of Papua. 1959a A possible genetic basis for South Pacific, 7: 926-9, kuru. American journal of 931* human genetics, 1 1 (2 ): 16 9 -8 7 . 1956 Captain Barton of Papua. 1961 Haptoglobin and transferrin South Pacific, 9: 302-3. types in the Kuru region of Australian New Guinea. Benthem Jutting, W.S.S. Nature, 189: 68-9* 1940 Molluskenschalen von prä­ Bennigsen, Rudolf von historischen Mahlzeitresten aus der Höhle Dudumunir in l899 Bericht über eine Reise nach West-Neuguinea. Nova Guinea, der Nordküste der Gazelle- (new series) 4: II-3O. Halbinsel. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 10: 809-11* Berg, L.S. l899a Expedition nach dem Varzinberge 1939 N.N. Miklukho-Maklai kak auf der Gazelle-Halbinsel. puteshestvennik. (N.N. Miklukho- Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 10: Maklai, the traveller.) in : 811- 2 . Izvestiia Gosudarstvennogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, 71(1-2): 160-9. Moskva- Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 310 pp. 24 B erghausen Bergmann, W. 1910 Bericht des Assessors Berghausen 1950? Wörterverzeichnis der Kuman über eine Expedition nach den Sprache, gesprochen im Inland Manus-Hermit-Inseln. Amtsblatt von Neuguinea im Chimbu für das Schutzgebiet Deutsch- district. (Started the vocab­ Neuguinea, 2(2): 19-20, (3): ulary 1935-58, finished same 26-8, (4): 34-6, (5): 42-4, after the war, 8 years later.) (6): 49-50. Edition typoscript in German: 1-365. Finschhafen, [n.p.]. 1911 Ein Kampf mit Bergstämmen des Finisterre-Gebirges. Deutsches Berkel, C.W. van and Werf, S. van der Kolonialblatt, 22: 53-4, 132-3. 1957 Literature for Papuans of Netherlands New Guinea. South 1911a Expedition nach Potsdamhafen. Pacific commission, Quarterly Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet bulletin, 7(4): 36-8, 41. Deutsch-Neuguinea, 3(ll): 122-4, (12): 127-9. Berkhout, L. 1919 Bijdrage tot de kennis van de 1911b Aufschliessung der Küstenstrecke Majo-inwijdingsfeesten bij de von Kap C roisilles bis Hansabucht. Marindineezen in Zuid Nieuw- Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet Guinea. Bijdragen tot de taal-, Deutsch-Neuguinea, 3(13): 141-4, land- en volkenkunde, 75: 438- (14): 150-6. 47.

1911c Der kaiserliche Bezirksamtmann Bernarding, G. Berghausen hat in der Zeit vom l8. bis 26. Juni den Ramu befah­ 1945 "Stone-age paradise? 11 Christian ren und berichtet über die family and our missions, 40: Ergebnisse seiner Reise folgen­ 310, 316. des. Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Neuguinea, B e rn a tz ik , Hugo A dolf 3(16): 179-80, (18): 203-4, (19): 210-1. 1935 Südsee: travels ln the South Seas. (Transl. from German by V. Ogilvie.) London, Constable, 19Hd Auf Schliessung der Maclayküste 158 pp.; "Canaques et Papous (Raiküste). Amtsblatt für das (Südsee)", 1952 transl. de Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Neuguinea, l'a lle m a n d p a r H. D aussy. 3 (2 0 ): 2 2 2 . Paris, Seif.

1912 Expedition nach dem Markham. 1935a Die Motu: ein melanesischer Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet Küstenstamm auf Südost- Deutsch-Neuguinea, 4(l): 5-7; Neuguinea. Atlantis (Zürich), also Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 7: 394-401. 2 2 : 348-9- 1935/36 A flight into the Stone Age: 1913 Besuch der Küstendörfer in Kaiser-Wilhelmsland von der life in unexplored New Guinea. Geographical magazine, 2: 79- Dorfinselspitze bis zu den Herzogseen. Amtsblatt für 93- das Schutzgebiet Deutsch- Neuguinea, 5(9): 79-81. 1935/ Vikings of the South Seas. 36a Geographical magazine, 2: 158-65. Bergman, R.A.M. 1955 Anthropologisch onderzoek. Schäkels, NNG, 14: 16-20. 1937 Die Kerepunakultur im Südosten von Neuguinea. Atlantis (Zürich), 9: 588-91. Bergman, Sten 1956 Paradiesische Insel; Urwaldtiere Berndt, Catherine H. und Steinzeitmenschen in Neuguinea. (Transl. from Swedish 1953 Socio-cultural change in the by L. Tobias.) Wiesbaden, eastern central highlands of F.A. Brockhaus, 231 pp. New Guinea. Southwestern journal of anthropology, 9(1): 112- 3 8 . 1957 Through primitive New Guinea. (Transl. from Swedish by Maurice Michael.) London, 1953/54 Translation problems in three Robert Haie, 191 pp. New Guinea highlands' languages. Oceania, 24(4): 289-317.

Bergmann, G. and Kunze, G. 1957 Social and cultural change in l893 Über die Sprachen auf den Inseln New Guinea: communication and Siar und Karkar. Nachrichten aus views about "other people". dem K a ise r W ilhelm sland, 9: 5 6 -7 . Sociologus, 7(1): 38-57- 25 1958 Anthropology and mission activity. 1955a Zorgen om de Papoea-kinderen; South Pacific, 10: 3 8 -4 3 . jeugd in een gevaarlijk over­ gangs stadium. Nederlands 1959 Ascription of meaning in a Nieuw-Guinea, 3(4): 2-4. ceremonial context, in the eastern central highlands 1955b Lokkende casuarinen; verkennings- of New Guinea, in: Freeman tochten längs de Cooks- en de and Geddes (edsTJ, Foretsjrivier. Nederlands Nieuw- Anthropology in the South Guinea, 3(5): 2-4. Seas: essays presented to H.D. Skinner: I6I-8 3 . New Bettison, David G. Plymouth (N.Z.), T. Avery and Sons Ltd., 267 pp. 1962 The people of Papua - New Guinea, in: The independence of Berndt, Ronald Murray Papua-New Guinea: what are the pre-requisites?: 1-24, 1959 The evolution of the human Australian national university, motif in Papuan arrow Public lecture committee. designs. South Australian - Sydney, Angus & Robertson, museum records, 6 : 29 7 -3 0 8 . 78 pp.

1939a Human figure in Papuan spatula Beuge, J .A. van decoration. Royal society of 1952 Herorientatie van de volksop- South Australia, Transactions, voeding in Nieuw-Guinea. I. 6 3 : 5 1 -6 2 . Schäkels, 59(NG2): 18-21.

1952/53 A cargo movement in the east­ 1953 Zendlng en Missie in Nieuw- ern central highlands of New Guinea. I, II, III. Guinea. Oceania, 23: 40-65, 137-58, 202-34. Schäkels, 62(NG3): 14-27-

1953/4) Reaction to contact in the east- 1953a Nieuw-Guinea en de Zuid 1954/5 ) ern highlands of New Guinea. Pacific Commissie. I, II. Oceania, 24(3): 190-228, (4): Schäkels, 65(NG4): 1-12. 255-74, 3 tables; 25: 231-2 (Errata). 1957 Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea en de Zuid-Paciflc Commissie. Neder­ 1954 Contemporary significance of pre­ lands Nieuw-Guinea, 5(6): 2-7. historic stone objects in the eastern central highlands of New 1958 Development in Netherlands Guinea. Anthropos, 49: 55 3 -8 7 . New Guinea. Australia's neighbours, (3rd series) 1954/55 Kamano, Jate, Usurufa and Fore Nos. 90-91, Nov. - Dec. kinship of the eastern high­ 1958. lands of New Guinea: a prelim­ inary account. Oceania, 25(1- Beukering, J.A. van 2): 23-53, 156-87. 1954 Lljnen van de agrarische ontwlkkeling in Nieuw- 1955 Interdependence and conflict in Guinea. Landbouwkundig the eastern central highlands. tljdschrift, Nieuw-Guinea Man, 55: 105-7- nummer: 1 7 -2 9 -

1957 The changing world in New Guinea. Bevan, Theodore F. Australian quarterly, 29(l): 39- 55. 1886 The geography, geology and natural history of New Guinea, in: British New 1958 A comment on Dr. Leach's Guinea: 59-36, issued by "Trobriand Medusa". Man, Messrs. Burns, Philp and 58: 65-6. Co. Ltd. Sydney, J. Woods and Co. Ltd., 36 pp. 1958a A "devastating disease syndrome": Kuru sorcery in the eastern 1890 British New Guinea from the central highlands of New Guinea. protectorate to the sover­ Sociologus, 8(1): 4-28. eignty, 1884-1888: toil, travel and discovery in 1962 Excess and restraint: social British New Guinea. London, control among a New Guinea Kegan Paul, Trench, TrUbner mountain people. Chicago, and Co. Ltd., 321 pp. University of Chicago Press, 474 pp. Beversluis, A.J. 1950/51 Nieuw-Guinea en de economische Bertels, G.J. mogelijkheden in verband met 1955 Kerstfeest bij de Asmatters. emigratie. Tljdschrift "Nieuw- Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 3 Guinea", 11: 26-9, 50-8. (1 ): 4-8. 26 Bible, Catechisms, Hymn Books etc., Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde see British and Foreign Bible Society, London Missionary 1934 Banda-Nieuw Guinea. Bijdragen Society, Methodist Missionary tot de taal-, land- en Society of Australasia. volkenkunde, 91: 149-51* 156- 7. Bible Translator 1963 Peace feather. (Transl. by Bijleveld, C.M. Ernest & Marjorie Richert.) 1957 Sport in Nederlands-Nieuw- Bible translator, l4(l): 8. Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, 5(4): 12-4. Blddulph, John 1962 Furazolidone in the treatment Bijlmer, Hendricus Johannes Tobias of gastroenteritis in child­ 1922 Met de centraal Nieuw-Guinea ren. Papua and New Guinea expeditie a° 1920 naar een medical journal, 6: 9-12, onbekenden volksstam in het 1 table. hooggebergte. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Bierdrager, J. Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 39 (2nd series): 156-84. 1934 Verslag van een tournee naar het binnenland van Waropen van 14 September tot I October 1933* 1923 Anthropological results of the Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Dutch Scientific Central New- genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijd- Guinea Expedition, anno 1920, schrift, 51 (2nd series): followed by an essay on the 532-42. anthropology of the Papuans. Nova Guinea, 7: 355-441. Bierdrager, J. and Rook, H. de 1926 The Papuan race. Third Pan- 1953) Gezondheidstoestand. in: Pacific science congress 1926, 1954) W.C. Klein (ed.), Nieuw Tokyo, Proceedings, 2: 2373-85. Guinea, vol. 3: 121-77* 's-Gravenhage, Staatsdrukkerij- en uitgeversbedrijf, 3 delen, 1926a The pygmy question more espeically 491* 470, 600 pp. in relation to New Guinea and its environs. Third Pan-Pacific science congress 1926, Tokyo, Biersteker, K. Proceedings, 2: 2390-6. 1961 Training village midwives in Netherlands New Guinea. South 1929 Frizzly-haired peoples in the Pacific commission, Quarterly Pacific, especially those of the bulletin, 11(2): 53-4, 72. Netherlands East Indies. Fourth Pacific science congress 1929, 1961a Infant mortality in Netherlands Java, Proceedings, 3: 147-56. New Guinea. Papua and New Guinea medical journal, 5: 11-4, 1932 De dwerg-Papoea's in zuidwest 7 tables. Nieuw-Guinee. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Biersteker, K. and Voors, A.W. Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 49 (2nd series): 708-13. 1960 An epidemic in Netherlands New Guinea: field investigation. Papua and New Guinea medical 1932a De bevolking der zuidwestkust journal, 4: 34-40. van Nieuw Guinee. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 49 Biggs, Bruce (2nd series): 629-32. 1961 The phonology of Karam, a "Pygmy" -language of the Schrader mount­ ains. Tenth Pacific science 1933 Aan de grens der beschaving. Reisherinnering aan de Papoea's congress 1961, Honolulu, Abstracts of symposium papers: 100. van ZW. Nieuw-Guinea. Neder­ landsch aardrijkskundig genoot­ schap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 1963 A non-phonemic central vowel 50 (2nd series): 239-51. type in Karam, a "Pygmy"- language of the Schrader mountains, central New Guinea. 1934 De dwerg-Papoea's van Nieuw- Anthropological linguistics, Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijks­ 5(4): 1 3 -7 . kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 51 (2nd series): 403-21. Bignell, Kathleen D. 1946 Jap ceremony to Australian 1935 The relation of blood-groups to dead. Pacific Islands monthly, race and some particulars of 1 6 (8 ): 3 6 . the south-west Pacific. Royal anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 65: 123-31. 27

1937 De dwergvolken van Australazife’. l897 Drie maanden aan de Mens en maatschappij, 13: 75-6. Humboldtsbaai. Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land­ en volkenkunde, 39: 143-211. 1938 Hoe gaat men op expeditie in Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1902 Lijst van woorden opgeteekend Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 55 uit den mond der Karau Jotafa, (2nd series): 10 1 -1 3 . bewoners der Humboldts-baai (met behulp van een inboorling uit Gen. baai). Tijdschrift 1 938a De Mimika-expeditie 1935-1936 voor Indische taal-, land- en naar Centraal Nieuw-Guinea. volkenkunde, 45: 59-89. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijd­ schrift, 55 (2nd series): 1902a Eenige woorden uit de taal van 240-59- de bewoners van het meer Sentani gelegen in de nabijheid der Humboldtsbaai en wel bepaald 1938h Het bevolkingsvraagstuk van van de bewoners der kampong Nieuw Guinea in verband met de Ajapo. Tijdschrift voor Indische Europeesche penetratie. Mens taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 45: en maatschappij, 14: 24l-6l. 90- 2 .

1939 Tapiro pygmies and Paniai mountain-Papuans. Results of Birch, Hugh M. the Anthropological Mimika 1949 Come into Kutubu. Pacific Expedition in New Guinea islands monthly, 20(5): 1935-36. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 52-3- 184 pp.; also Nova Guinea, 3 (new series): 113-84. Bird, N.M. 1946 Nieuw Guinea. Deventer, W. van 1947 How NGVR hung on near Mubo, in Hoeve, 109 pp., (published under 1942 (pt. 1). Harrying Japs the auspices of the society behind Salamaua in 1942 (pt. 2). "Oost en West "). Pacific islands monthly, l8 (l): 6 2 -4 , 6 6 , (2 ): 3 8 , 40, 51 -2 . 1949 The influence of western contact on primitive peoples in Indonesia Birgham, F. and the Pacific, more especially 1877 Die Admiralitätsinseln und from a medical point of view. ihre Bewohner. Globus, 3 1 (1 3 ): Seventh Pacific science congress 201-2 . 1949, New Zealand, Proceedings, 7: 118-31. Bird, Lajos 1949a Protection of native societies. 1899 Ndmet-Uj-Guinea! (Berlinhafen). Seventh Pacific science congress Ndprajzi Gyüjteseinek Leirö 1949, New Zealand, Proceedings, Jegyzeke. Beschreibender Catalog der ethnographischen 7: 131-4. Sammlung Ludwig Bird's aus Deutsch-Neu-Guinea (Berlinhafen). 1951? Naar de achterhoek der aarde: Budapest, Ethnographische de Mimika-Expeditie naar Sammlungen des Ungarischen Nieuw Guinee. Amsterdam, Nationalmuseums, I., 100 pp. Scheltens and Giltay, 256 pp., 4 druk. 1901 Ndmet-Uj-Guineai (Astrolabe-Öböl). Ndprajzi Gyütdseinek Leird 1956 Framboesia. Nederlands Nieuw- Jegyzdke. Beschreibender Catalog Guinea, 4(3): 12-3. der ethnographischen Sammlung Ludwig Bird's aus Deutsch-Neu- Bink, G.L. Guinea (Astrolabe-Bai). Budapest, Ethnographische 1891 Lijstje van telwoorden en Sammlungen des Ungarischen eenige zelfständige naam- Nationalmuseums, III., 199 PP. woorden enz. van Wandammen opgeteekend door G.L. Bink, in Febr. 1885 uit den mond Bischof, L. der bevolking wonende in de 1961 Vokabulare der Ubili-Sprache, negeri Rasje (Wandammen- Neubritannien. Micro-Biblio- baai). Tijdschrift voor theca Anthropos, 35: vii, 71 Indische taal-, land- en and 121 pp. (Posieux, Freiburg); volkenkunde, 34: 62-71. see also Burgmann, A., 1961, Anthropos, 56: 930-3. 1894 Drei Monate in der Humboldt- Bai (Neuguinea). Geographische Bjerre, Jens Gesellschaft (für Thüringen) .1954 New Guinea native. Walkabout, zu Jena, Mitteilungen, 13: 20(7): 24. 2 2 -3 0 . 1956 The last cannibals. (Translated from the Danish by E. Bannister.) London, Michael Joseph, 192 pp.; New York, Morrow (1957), 191 PP- 28 Black, Robert H. 1959 The health of patrol officers in the Territory of Papua and New 1946 The behaviour of New Guinea Guinea. Medical journal of strains of Plasmodium Falciparum Australia, 2: 428-35, 6 tables. and Plasmodium Vivax when cultiv­ ated in vitro. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 109-11, 1 table. Blackie, W.G. 1884 Sketch of the present state of 1954 Malaria - "an entirely prevent­ our knowledge of the island of able disease". Reprinted from New Guinea. Philosophical the South Pacific commission, society of Glasgow, Proceedings, Quarterly bulletin; map show­ 15: 202-25. ing the distribution of malaria in the South Pacific area. Pacific islands monthly, Blackwood, Beatrice 24(10): 55-9, 95- 1931 Mountain people of the South Seas. Natural history: American 1954a A malaria survey of the people museum of natural history, living on the Minj River in Journal, 31(4): 424-33. the western highlands of New Guinea. Medical journal of 1931/32 Report on field work in Buka and Australia, 2: 782-7, 3 tables. Bougainville. Oceania, 2: 199- 219. 1954b Enlargement of the liver due to malaria in natives of the south­ 1932 Folk stories from the northern west Pacific area. Royal society Solomons. Folk-lore, 43: 61-96. of tropical medicine and hygiene, Transactions, 48: 226-33. 1935 Both sides of Buka passage. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 624 pp. 1954c Malaria in the Trobriand islands (Territory of Papua and New Guinea): a survey, and a report 1935a Treatment of the sick in the on experiments with Totaquine Solomon Islands. Folk-lore, and on plans for mosquito 46: 148-61. control. South Pacific commis­ sion, Technical paper No. 61: 1936 Field work in Bougainville: an ix and 54 pp. interlude, in: L.H. Dudley Buxton (ed.JT Custom is king; 1955 Malaria control in the south­ essays presented to R.R. Marett: west Pacific. South Pacific, 167-78. London, Hutchinson's 8 : 56-9 , 6 1 . Scientific and Technical Publications, 325 pp. 1955a Rural malaria control in the south-west Pacific. South 1939 Life on the Upper Watut, New Pacific commission, Quarterly Guinea. Geographical journal, 94: 11-28. bulletin, 5 (2 ): 7 , 1 6 .

1955b Observations on the behaviour of 1939a Use of plants among the Kukukuku Anopheles farauti laveran, an of southeast-central New Guinea. important malaria vector in the Sixth Pacific science congress Territory of New Guinea. Medical 1939, California, Proceedings, journal of Australia, 1: 949-55, 4: 111-26. 3 tables. 1939h Folk-stories of a Stone Age people in New Guinea. Folk­ 1955c Malaria control and research in lore, 50(3): 209-42. Netherlands New Guinea. South Pacific commission, Technical paper No. 80: v and 16 pp. 1939c Artificial cranial deformation in New Britain. Congres internat­ 1955d Malaria in the south-west ional des sciences anthropologi- Pacific. South Pacific commis­ ques et ethnologigues, Compte- sion, Technical paper No. 8 l : rendu de la deuxieme session iv and 36pp., and bibliography. Copenhagen 1938: 293-4.

1956/57 The epidemiology of malaria in 1940 Crafts of a Stone Age people in the southwest Pacific: changes central New Guinea. Man, 40: 11. associated with increasing European contact. Oceania, 27: 1950 Reserve dyeing in New Guinea. 136-42; also South Pacific, Man, 50: 53-5. 9: 417-22. 1950a The technology of a modern Stone 1957 Dr. Bellamy of Papua: I, II, III. Age people in New Guinea. Pitt Medical journal of Australia, 2: Rivers Museum, Occasional papers 189-97, 2 3 2 -8 , 279-84. on technology, No. 3 . Oxford, Oxford University Press, 60 pp. 1958 Health and education in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 10: 1-7. 29

1951 Some arts and industries of the 1902 Report of the resident magistrate, Bosmun, Ramu River, New Guinea. Central District, on an expedit­ in: Südseestudien, Gedenkschrift ion to the Doriwaidi-tribes. zur Erinnerung an Felix Speiser: British New Guinea. Annual report 266-88. Museum für Völkerkunde for 1900-01: 42-6, (App. H). und Schweizerisches Museum für Volkskunde, Ba~el, 422 pp. 1902a Report of resident magistrate, Central Division, on inland trip Blackwood, Beatrice and Danby, P.M. behind Rigo to the Mikani-Goro tribe in connection with reported 1955 A study of artificial cranial massacre of Taboro-Goro natives deformation in New Britain. by the Mikani-Goro tribe. British Royal anthropological New Guinea. Annual report for institute of Great Britain 1900-01: 46-7, (App. I). and Ireland, Journal, 85: 175- 91. Bleck, F.C. van Bladen, Gordon 1958 Het levende 11jk. Nederlands 1961 The Mortlock islands. Journal Nieuw-Guinea, 6(5): 16-9. of the public service of the Territory of Papua and New Bley, B Guinea, 3: 79-82. 1897 Grundzüge der Grammatik der Neu-Pommerschen Sprache an Blaes, J. der Nordküste der Gazellen- 1946-49 Die Kinder-Singspiele auf der Halbinsei. Zeitschrift für Insel Ali, Nordost-Neuguinea afrikanische und oceanische (with an introduction by Sprachen, J>: 85-150* G. Höltker). Anthropos, 41- 44: 119-60. 1909 Prähistorische Steingeräte aus Baining, Neupommern. Anthropos, 1946- Brauchtum bei der Geburt eines 4: 525- 49a Kindes auf den Inseln am Berlinhafen, Nordost-Neuguinea. 1912 Praktisches Handbuch zur Anthropos, 41-44: 855-74. Erlernung der Nordgazellen- Sprache. Münster i. W., Westfälische Vereinsdruckerei, Blank, W. 258 PP- 1965 Ein Fruchtbarkeitsidol aus dem westlichen Hochland, von 1914 Sagen der Baininger auf Neuguinea. Anthropos, 5 8 : 907. Neupommern, Südsee. Anthropos, 9: 196-220, 418-48. Blayney, J.A. 1897 Report of the resident magistrate Blood, Ned for the Central Division. British 1949 Sheep airlift in New Guinea. New Guinea. Annual report for National geographic magazine, 1895-96: 85-4, (App. T). 96: 851-44.

1898 Report of the resident magistrate Blum, Hans for the Central Division. British New Guinea. Annual report 1896-97: 1900 Neu-Guinea und der 51-5, (App. N). Bismarckarchipel; eine wirtschaftliche Studie. Berlin, Schoenfeldt and 1898a Report of the resident magistrate Co., 226 pp. for the Central Division. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1897- 98: 86-91, (App. M). Blumenreich, R. 1899 Untersuchung der Haare von 1900 Report of the resident magistrate Neu-Irländern. Berliner for the Central District. British Gesellschaft für Anthropologie New Guinea. Annual report for Ethnologie und Urgeschichte: 1898- 99: 66-9, (App. 0). 485-6. in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. 3 1 . 1901 Report of resident magistrate, Central District. British New Blyth, A. Liston- Guinea. Annual report for 1899- see Liston-Blyth, A. 1900: 57-60, (App. I).

1901a Report respecting a visit paid Boag, A,.D. and Curtis, R.E. by the resident magistrate of 1959/60 Agriculture and population in the Central District and the the Mortlock Islands. Papua government agent of the Mekeo and New Guinea agricultural station to the inland tribes journal, 12(1): 20-7- of Mafula, Iaroga and Sekuba. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1899-1900: 60-9, (App. J). 30 Boas, Franz 1961 Kapkap in Melanesien. Beiträge zur Völkerforschung - Hans Damm 1951 Primitive art. New York, zum 65* Geburtstag. Leipzig. Capitol Publishing Co., 376 pp. Museum für Völkerkunde, (Republished with the co­ Veröffentlichungen, Heft 11: operation of the Instituttet for Sammenlignende 50-65- Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 752 pp. Kulturforskning, Oslo, Norway.)

Boas, Franz (ed.) 196la Art in north-east New Guinea. (Transl. by E. Racz.) Budapest, 1938 General anthropology. Boston, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, D.C. Heath and Co., 718 pp. 227 PP- Bochove, N.E. Boegershausen, G. 1958 Nieuw-Guinea en het moderne onderwijs: I and II. Schäkels, see Bögershausen, G. NNG, 28: 2-11. Boelaars, Jan Honor£ Maria Cornells Bockelmann-Danzig, A. von 1950 The linguistic position of south­ 1899 Eine Strafexpedition auf western New Guinea. Leiden, Bougainville. Deutsche E.J. Brill, 217 PP- Kolonialzeitung, 12 (Neue Folge) (3 4 ): 3 1 2 . 1953 Nieuw-Guinea, uw mensen zijn wbnderbaar, het leven der Bodger, John D. Papua's in Zuid Nieuw Guinea. 19^1-44 The native background to the Bussum, P. Brand, 167 pp. Papuan campaign and its influence on the future of the Territory. 1953) Talen; de talen van Noord Australian geographer, 4(6): 195^) Nieuw Guinea, de talen van 141-54. Zuid Nieuw Guinea, in: W.C. Klein (ed.), Nieuw Guinea, vol. 1: 66-81. Bodrogi, Tibor 1s-Gravenhage, Staatsdrukkerij- 1951 Colonization and religious move­ en uitgeversbedrijf, 3 delen, ments in Melanesia. Acta 491, 470, 600 pp. ethnographica, 2: 259-92. 1955 Rapport (van de) sociaal- economische structuur der 1953 Some notes on the ethnography Jaqai. Nederlands Nieuw- of New Guinea. Acta ethnographica, Guinea, Gouvernement van - 3: 91-184. Kantoor voor bevolkingsza- ken, No. 5: 86 pp. 1935 Art in New Guinea: III. Wooden- bowls from the Huon Gulf region. 1955a see 1955 Emst, P. van. Neprajzi Ertesitö, 37: 243-55. Budapest, Nemzeti Muzeum, Evköryve. 1956 Het leven van Jacobus Jabaimu, een jonge getrouwde man van 1956 Art in New Guinea. IV: Tago- Kepi (onderafd. Mappi). masks from the Tami-islands. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Acta ethnographica, 5: 189- Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, No. 8 3 : 47 pp. 93- 1957 Papoea's aan de Mappi. Utrecht, 1958 "Schollenschlägel" aus dem De Fontein, 264 pp. Nordosten Neuguineas. Acta ethnographica, 6: 243-5. 1958 Een kruis in papoea-stljl. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 1959 New Guinean style provinces: the 6(1): 10-1. style province "Astrolabe Bay". Opuscula ethnologica memoriae Ludovici Biro sacra: 39-99. Boelaars, Jan Honors Maria Cornells and Budapest, Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum. Vriens, A. 1955 De primitieve economie van de 1959a Oceanian art. Budapest, Corvina, Auwju aan de Bamgi-Ia (onder- Ethnographic Museum, 4l pp., afdeling Mappi). Nederlands 160 plates. Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingsza­ ken, No. 7: 35 P P • 1959b Ein Beitrag zur Kunst der Gunantuna (Gazelle-Halbinsel, Boelaars, Jan Honors Maria Cornells and Neubritannien). Acta ethno­ Zegwaard, G. graphica, 8: 345-8. 1954 De sociale structuur van de Asmatbevolking. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolk­ ingszaken, No. 4: 79 PP- 37

Boelen, K.W.J. l888 Le golfe Huon. (His La Nouvelle- Guin^e 4. notice.) Paris, 1954 Dokter aan de Wisselmeren. L'auteur, 62 pp. Baarn, Bosch & Keuning N.V., 222 pp. Bone, Robert C. 1955/56 Begrippen "Stam" en "Tuma" 1957 The origin and development of (clan) bij de Ekagi's. the Irian problem. Ph.D. thesis Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", presented to the Faculty of the 1 6 : 1 -6 , 33-8 , 6 5 -7 5 - Graduate School of Cornell University, 358 pp. Boer, K. de 1958 The dynamics of the western New 1955 Sociale opbouw in Nieuw-Guinea. Guinea (Irian Barat) problem. I, II. Schäkels, NNG, 17: 3-11. Modern Indonesian project, South­ east Asia program. Department of Boerman, W.E. and others Far Eastern Studies, Interim Report series. Ithaca (N.Y.), 1955 Nota betreffende het sociaal- Cornell University, 170 pp. geografische onderzoek van Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Bonin, Gerhardt von Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 72 1956 On the craniology of Oceania: (2nd series): 13O-I. crania from New Britain. Biometrica, 28: 123-48, 11 Boernstein tables. see Börnstein. Boore, Frederic A.

Boeseman, M. 1887/88 Description of the exploration of the Aird river, New Guinea. 1956 The lake resources of Netherlands Royal geographical society of New Guinea. South Pacific commis­ Australasia, Queensland branch, sion, Quarterly bulletin, 6(1): Proceedings and transactions, 25-5/ 3: 21-32.

1959 De vissen uit het zoete water Booth, D.R. van Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 7(5): 1929 Mountains g

Bork-Feltkamp, A.J. van 1 9 5 3 ) Bestuur polltie en justitie. 1954) in: W.C. Klein (ed.j, Nieuw 1941 Supplement to "Anthropologische Guinea, vol. 3 : 178-231. bibliographie van den Indischen 's-Gravenhage, Staatsdrukkerij- Archipel en van Nederlandsch en uitgeversbedrijf, 3 delen, West-Indie" by J.P. Kleiweg de 491, 470, 600 pp. Zwaan. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 59: 1-150. Boluminski 1904 Bericht des Kaiserlichen Bornemann, F. Stationschefs Boluminski 1956 P.W. Schmidts Studien Uber Uber den Bezirk Neu- den Totemismus in Asien und Mecklenburg. Deutsches Ozeanien. Anthropos, 51: Kolonialblatt, 15: 127-54. 595-754.

Bonaparte, Roland Napoleon Börnstein 1887 Le fleuve Augusta. (Hls La 1914 Forschungen auf den Nouvelle-Guin^e, 3 . notice.) Admiralitätsinseln. Paris, L'auteur, l6 pp. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 60 (pt. I): 515-7. 32

1915/16 Ethnographische Beiträge aus , 1909 Report on the affairs of the dem Bismarckarchipel: I. Mekeo-district, Central Division. Trommelsprache und Musik: 229- Papua. Annual report for 1 9 0 8 - 4l, II. Zur Kenntnis der 09: 57-62. Miokoleute: 241-56. Baessler- Archiv, 5: 229-56. Bowman, Robert G. 1946 Army farms and agricultural Bos, H.C. development in the southwest 1935 Bijdragen tot de anthropologie Pacific. Geographical review, van de bevolking der Schouten- 3 6 : 420-46. Eilanden (Nederlandsch Nieuw- Guinee). Rotterdam, E. de Bont, 1948 Prospects for settlement in north­ 186 pp. eastern New Guinea, in: G.W. Martin (ed.), State University Bos, J. of Iowa, Studies in natural history, vol. 19» No. 1, Study I960 Einde Unicef-melkverstrekking series No. 419» 127 pp. and 8 betekende begin zelfwerkzaam- plates. heid. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 8(4): 12-5. 1948a Land settlement in New Guinea. New Zealand geographer, 4(l): 1960a De vorming van een streekraad. 29-54. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 8 (6 ): 14-7. 1949 Acclimatization in New Guinea. Geographical review, 59: 311-4. Boschma, H. 1943 Voorlopig verslag over het 1951 Northern Melanesia: New Guinea verzamelen van dieren gedurende and the Blsmarck-Archipelago. de expeditie van het Koninklijk in: O.W. Freeman (ed.), Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Geography of the Pacific: 157- Genootschap naar Nieuw-Guinee 72. New York, John Wiley and in 1939* Nederlandsch aardrijks­ Sons, 573 PP- kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 60 (2nd series): 504-22. Boyan, R.H. (joint author) 1959 see 1959 Dooren, P.J. van and Bossert, Helmuth T. Boyan, R.H. 1955 Folk art of primitive peoples. London, A. Zwemmer Ltd., 40 Boyce, Ben S. plates. Tübingen, Verlag Ernst 1928 Dear Dad letters from New Guinea. Wasmouth. Chicago, W.D. Boyce Company, 125 PP- Boston, J.S. Braam Morris, D.F. van 1956 Witchcraft and sorcery in Melanesia: a sociological 1884 Verslag van een tocht naar de analysis. University of Sekaar-Baai. Tijdschrift voor Oxford, thesis, 152 pp. Indische taal-, land- en vplkenkunde. ((K.) Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en Bothoff, P.C. wetenschappen), 2 9 : 5 8 8 -9 - 1957 Seroei, opleidingscentrum in opbouw. Nederlands Nieuw- Brading, I. Guinea, 5(3): 8-11. 1958 The serum protein pattern in some Pacific natives. Medical Bothwell, A. journal of Australia, 2: 49- 1931 Physiological paternity in the 53, 3 tables. Trobriands. Man, 3 1 : 284. Bradley, B.G. Burton- Bottrill, A.M. see Burton-Bradley, B.G. 1954 The distance between the govern­ ment and the governed. South Pacific, 7: 901-?. Bramell, B.W. 1905 Resident magistrate's report Bouellat for Central Division, 1904-05. British New Guinea. Annual 1902 Vocabulary of Mekeo dialect. report for 1904-05: 20 -2 , British New Guinea. Annual (App. B). report for 1 9 0 0 -0 1 : 145-53, (App. J 2). Bramell, Elsie Bowden, N.H.M. 1936 Magic among primitive peoples. Australian museum magazine, 1908 Annual report, Mekeo district, 6(4) : 1 1 2 -8 . Central Division. Papua. Annual report for 1 9 0 7 -0 8 : 55-7 . 33

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Brand, A. Braunholtz, H.J. 1956 Etnologische notities uit het 1927 An ancestral figure from New Boven-Kamrau- en Argoeni- gebied. Nederlands Nieuw- Ireland. Man, 27: 217-9- Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, 1951 Notes on carved Gopi boards from No. 103: 14 pp. the Papuan gulf area. Man, 31: 58.

Brandes, E.W. 1956 Note on a special exhibition of ethnographical objects from New 1929 Into primeval Papua by seaplane: Guinea and Indonesia collected seeking disease-resisting sugar by Lord Moyne, P.C., D.S.O. cane, scientists find neolithic Man, 36: 95-6. man in unmapped nooks of sorcery and cannibalism. National geographic magazine, 56: 255-552. Breinl, A. 1915 Preliminary report on the journey Brantjes, J.M.J. to New Guinea, June to August, 1912. Papua. Annual report for 1947/48 Het werk van den landbouwvoor- 1912-13: 155-8, (App. B). lichtlngsdienst in Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 8: 155-5. 1915 Gangosa in New Guinea and its etiology. Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology, 1955 Agricultural development of Netherlands New Guinea: a review. 9: 213-52. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 5(4): 25-7» 1915a On the occurrence and prevalence also South Pacific, 8: 200-2. of diseases in British New Guinea. Annals of tropical medicine and Brass, L. J. parasitology, 9: 285-554.

1941 Stone Age agriculture in New Breinl, A. and Priestley, H. Guinea. Geographical review, 51: 555-69. 1915 Differential counts and the neutrophile blood picture of natives - adults and Brass, L.J. (Joint author) children - of New Guinea. 1940 see 1940 Rand, A.L. and Annals of tropical medicine Brass, L.J. and parasitology, 9: 495- 506. Brasser, J.C. Brennan, E.T. 1956/57 Schema van een bestuursvoering in de Meervlakte en de Beneden- 1929 Report on the public health of Mamberamo. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- New Guinea. Report to the League Guinea", 1: 40-8. of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea for 1927-28: 87-99, (App. C). Braun 1952 Das Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land: eine Breslau, K.E. landeskundliche Studie. Koloniale Rundschau, 24: 97- I960 Australisch-Nederlandse 195. samenwerking in Nieuw- Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, 8(4): 2-7. Braun, Fred 1957 South of the equator: a brief Brett, Richard and others history of the Lutheran mission, Madang. Columbus (Ohio), 1962 A survey of Motu and Police Lutheran Book Concern, 152 pp. Motu, a companion volume to "A dictionary of Police Motu". Stimmer institute of linguistics Braun, Fred and Sheatsley, C.V. and the department of informat­ 1957 On both sides of the equator: ion and extension services. a history of the New Guinea and Canberra, Government Printer, India mission fields of the 11, 65 PP- American Lutheran church. Columbus (Ohio), Lutheran Book Concern, 284 pp. 34 Bridge, Cyprian 1919 Buki Tabu Lowaenei: Nugana, Si Apwesa, Loina, Ruta, Esiteri, 1885 Berichte von englischen Salamo, Isaia, Iona. London, Offizieren von den Küsten British and foreign bible von Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. society, 361 pp. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 1: 11-7- 1927 Ata Bada Iesu Keriso Ana Parivainota Vouna Riwa Mai 1886 Cruises in Melanesia, Wedau. London, British and Micronesia, and western foreign bible society, 465 PP* Polynesia, in 1882, 1883 and 1884, and visits to New Guinea and the Louisiades in 1928 Wasana. Namanamana Luke I 1884 and 1885• Royal geograph­ Lelelele. London, British ical society, London, and foreign bible society, Proceedings, 8 : 545-67. 103 pp.

Bridges, Philippa 1936 Mataio Ena Evanelia. London, 1925 Afoot in Papua, 1923. Royal Kwato Mission Press for the geographical society of British and foreign bible Australasia, South Australian society, 100 pp. branch, Proceedings, 25: 29- 56. 1943 Evanelia Tabudi Haiona Tauurivataidi Ede Mataio, 1925a A Walk-about in Australia. Mareko, Luka, Ioane. Sydney, London, Hodder & Stoughton, British and foreign bible 240 pp. society, 358 pp.

1946 Ita Eda Lohiabada Bona Hahemauru Bridgland, L.A. (joint author) Iesu Keriso, Ena Taravatu 1950 see 1950 Conroy, W.L. and Matamata. Sydney, Commonwealth Bridgland, L.A. council of the British and foreign bible society, 510 pp. Briggs, E.A. 1946a Ifufu Iwakana Nai Malika Gi 1928 New Guinea - land of the Vetukilumina. Sydney, British devil devil. Australian and foreign bible society, museum magazine, 3 (8 ): 72 pp. 265-73- 1947 Iesu Keriso Wara Babara Ge Wara 1929 The black heart of New Guinea. To Pamwal Wana Bateri Vavaruna, Australian geographer, l(2): Pana Panaeati. Sydney, 38-40. Commonwealth of Australia council of the British and foreign bible 1932 Native life in New Guinea. society, 419 pp. Mankind, 1: 122. 1947a Iesu Keriso, Nimo Buaraigo Gedaro Brigham, A.M. Nimo Kowitorai Dubu. Nou Wade Overa. Mataio Ra Mareko Ra Luka 1917 New Guinea homes and villages. Ra Ioane, Nei Tau Giuwodoirumo. Mid-Pacific, 1 3 : 379-83- Sydney, Commonwealth of Australia council of the British Brigham, William T. and foreign bible society, 393 pp. 1900 Index to the Islands of the Pacific. Bernice P. Bishop 1947b Aikeka Oviapaka Iesu Keriso Museum, Memoirs, I (1899- Ivamaurika Ena Pou Namona, 1903), No. 2: iv and 171 PP- Matthew, Mark, Luke John Te'usasina. Sydney, Commonwealth council of the British and Foreign Bible Society British and foreign bible 1908 Iesu Keriso: 'Ida 'Inapwana Ta society, 213 PP- 'Ida To- 'Etoseana 'Ina Onapaupa Auauna. Sydney, New South Wales 1948 Gena Va Mauri Gubina Iesu auxiliary of British and foreign Keriso Ena Gora Gadara. bible society, 318 pp. Sydney, Commonwealth of Australia council of the 1912 Taravatu Matamata Iesu Keriso British and foreign bible Ena, Ita Eda Lohiabada Bunai, society, 552 pp. Ita Ihamaurida, Motu Gadodia E Hahegeregerea. London, 1948a vol. 1: Buki Tabu 'Ena Dobu. British and foreign bible vol. 2: Iesu Keriso: 'Ida society, 580 pp. 'Inapwana Ta 'Ida To- 'Etoseana 'Ina Onaupaupa Auauna. London, 1917 Mataio Nou Evanelia Kiwai Overa. British and foreign bible London, British and foreign society, 8 8 7 , 266 pp. bible society, 72 pp. 35

1948b Livala Bwalna Makawala Marika La 1956a Mark Otohu Ta Evanelia Orokaiva Ginigini. Sydney, Commonwealth Ke Papua. Sydney, Council of the of Australia council of the British and foreign bible British and foreign bible society in Australia, 64 pp. society, 91 pp. 1956b Riba Harihariuna. Sydney, Council 1949 Mapilasina Livalesi Bwaina, of the British and foreign bible Madiu Deli Luka Deli Yoni, society in Australia, 646 pp. Matausina Si Ginigini. Sydney, Commonwealth of 1956c Godtae Giaugsae Gigabu Mark Australia council of the Johndap Unadaemi. Sydney, Council British and foreign bible of the British and foreign bible society, 175 pp. society in Australia, 140 pp.

1949a Ebo Kaenato Iesu Keriso Aida 1956d Niu Testament Ad Ndorlaben Adu Evanelia Luke Kotopu Jesu Kristo Bolumiadu. Sydney, Gagurisina Awa. Sydney, Council of the British and Commonwealth of Australia foreign bible society in council of the British and Australia, 621 pp. foreign bible society, 74 pp.

1949b Valina Namana Matthew Na E 1957 Iesu Keriso Wasana Waiswaisana Luke Wana Leleli. Sydney, Council Aloao. Sydney, Commonwealth of Australia council of the of the British and foreign bible British and foreign bible society in Australia, 87 pp. society, 64 pp. 1958 Saelenapa Gilala Aenaepi 1950 Wasagobin John Kakafotln I Matthewtae, Luketae Alilijana, Gayam On Eb John An Epistle Acts Gigiwina Dalate Gi Ton. Sydney, British and Aenaedaeminijana Gilala. foreign bible society in Sydney, Council of the British Australia, 55 pp. and foreign bible society in Australia, 274 pp. 1951 Orokolo, Evanelia Buka Hari Ila Aea Aposetolo Ve Horova (Orokolo 1958a Evanelia Luka Su Ukope. Sydney, Uri). Sydney, British and Council of the British and foreign bible society in foreign bible society in Australia, 295 pp. Australia, 111 pp.

1952 Mark and John Kotopu: being the I960 Kiwai Tarena Buka Iesu Keriso Gospel according to St. Mark and Nlmo Buaraigo Nou Orio Keremedea St. John in Ewa Ge; i.e. the Owera. Sydney, Commonwealth coastal language between Ako, council of British and foreign Pongani, Eroro, Buna, Gona, to bible society in Australia, Bakumbari, N.E. Papua. Sydney, 748 pp. British and foreign bible society in Australia, 144 pp. 1962 A Buk Tabu Kalamana Ure Iesu Karisito Kada Luluai Ma Kada 1952a Mareko, Nou Moroblse Owera Tena Valaun Bula. Sydney, Keiwitorairi Iesu Oboito. Commonwealth council of the (The gospel of St. Mark in the British and foreign bible language, Papua). society, 600 pp. Sydney, British and foreign bible society in Australia, 69 PP- British New Guinea, - Annual reports see Papua. Annual reports. 1952b Saelenapa Gilala Aenaepi Marktae, Johntae Alilijana. Brodsky, Isadore Irvine Sydney, British and foreign bible society in Australia, 1956 The operation of cerebral 128 pp. decompression as practised by the natives of New Britain fifty years ago. Medical 1954 Ia Gera Velekou E Vevamagull journal of Australia, 2: Auna Iesu Keriso Gena Kilaavu 817-8 . Valiguna. Sydney, Council of the British and foreign bible society in Australia, 600 p p . 1938 The trephiners of Blanche Bay, New Britain, their instruments and methods. British journal of 1956 Jesu-ca r8nan-§k kae kogl Luka- surgery, 26 (101): 1-9. #nt mon ropa pinditira-mel. (The gospel according to St. Luke in the Melpa language (Territory Broek, A.J.P. van den of New Guinea). Sydney, Council 1911 Dwergstammen in zuid Nieuw- of the British and foreign bible Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijks- society in Australia, I35 pp. kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 28 (2nd series): 821-5. 36

1913 Über Pygmäen in Niederländisch- 19^2 Leadership in Grand Valley Dani Süd-Neuguinea. Zeitschrift für society. Working papers in Dani Ethnologie, 45: 23-44. ethnology, 1: 1-7.

1923 Untersuchungen an Schädeln aus 1962a The function of fighting in Grand Niederländisch-Südwest-Neuguinea. Valley Dani society. Working Nova Guinea, 7: 163-2 3 2 . papers in Dani ethnology, 1: 22-5

1923a Zur Anthropologie des 1962b Some reflections on priorities Bergstammes Pesechem im Innern for economic development. von Niederländisch-Neuguinea. Working papers in Dani ethnology, Nova Guinea, 7: 235-7 6 .

1923b Das Skelett eines Pesechems - Bromley, Myron and others ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie 1962 Discussions. Working papers der Papuanen von Niederländisch- in Dani ethnology, 1: 85-99. Südwest-Neuguinea. Nova Guinea, 7: 281-354. Brongersma, Leo Daniel 1959 De wetensehappelijke expeditie Broek D'Obrenan, Ch. van den naar het Sterrengebergte, Neder- 1937 Le S4pik. Geographie lands Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch (Society de g^ographie) aardrijkskundig genootschap, Paris, 67-68(2-3): 65-75, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 76 (2nd (4): 160-73, (5): 208-23. series): 98-IO3, 323-6 .

Bromilow, William E. I960 Expeditie Sterrengebergte. Neder- lands Nieuw-Guinea, 8(2): 2-5. 1893 Aboriginal vocabulary of Dobu. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1891-92: 106-10, Brongersma, Leo Daniel and Venema, G.P. (App. U). 1962 To the mountains of the stars. (Translated from the Dutch by 1894 Land tenure of the tribes of A.G. Readett.) London, Hodder Nemunemu, district of & Stoughton, 318 pp. Note: Edugaula, Dobu. British New First published in the Guinea. Annual report for Netherlands i960 by Scheltens & Giltay, Amsterdam, with the 1892- 93: 72, (App. U 7). title: Het witte hart van Nieuw-Guinea. German translat­ 1895 Note on the tabu at Dobu. British ion: Das weisse Herz von Neu- New Guinea. Annual report for Guinea. Berlin, Verlag 1893- 94; 78, (App. W). Ullstein, 244 pp.

1909 Some manners and customs of the Brookes, Jean I. Dobuans of south-eastern Papua. Australcsian association for the 1941 International rivalry in the advancement of science, 1909, Pacific islands 1800-1875. Report No. 12: 470-85. Berkeley, University of California Press, 454 pp. 1912 Dobuan (Papua) beliefs and folk­ lore. Australasian association Brookfield, Harold C. for the advancement of science, 1958 The forest industries of New 1911, Report No. 1 3 : 413-26. Guinea. Geography (London), 43(3): 210-2 . 1914 New Guinea, in: James Colwell (ed.), A cenTury in the Pacific: 1958a The land, in: John Wilkes (ed.), 535-58. Sydney, William H. Beale, New Guinea and Australia: 1-45. 78l pp. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 246 pp

1929 Twenty years among primitive 1959 Two population problem areas of Papuans. London, Epworth Press, Papua-New Guinea. South Pacific, 316 pp. 10(6 ): 133-7 . Bromley, Myron I960 Cash cropping in practice. Nation (i960), No. 51: 1960 A preliminary report on law 8-9- among the Grand Valley Dani of Netherlands New Guinea. Nieuw- Guinea studiän, 4: 235-59. 1960a Population distribution and labour migration in New Guinea (a preliminary survey). 1961 The phonology of lower Grand Australian geographer, 7(6): Valley Dani: a comparative of 233-42. structural study of skewed phonemic patterns. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 98 pp. 37 1960b see i 960 Current affairs 1887 Papuans and Polynesians. bulletin, 26(9): 129-44. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London, Journal, 16: 311-27. 1961 Native employment within the New Guinea highlands. Polynesian society, Wellington, 1898 Totemism in New Britain and Journal, 70: 3OO-I3, 9 tables. Samoa. B ritish New Guinea. Annual report for 1897-98: 137, (App. CC). 196la Distribution and redistribution of population in New Guinea. Tenth Pacific science congress 1898a Life history of a savage. 1961, Honolulu, Abstracts of Australasian association symposium papers: 105- 6 . for the advancement of s c ie n c e , 7 : 778-90. 196lb The highland peoples of New Guinea: a study of distribution 1898b Notes of a recent journey to and localization. Geographical New Guinea and New B ritain. jo u r n a l, 1 2 7 : 4 3 6-46. Australasian association for the advancement of science, 7 : 7 9 0 -7 . 1961c see 1961 Current affairs b u l l e t i n , 2 7 ( 1 2 ): 177- 9 2 . 1901 Some New Britain customs. Australasian association for 1962 Geography and anthropology. the advancement of science, Pacific viewpoint, 3(2): 8 : 307- 1 2 . 11-6 . 1908 George Brown, D.D., pioneer- 1962a Local study and comparative missionary and explorer, an method: an example from central autobiography: a narrative of New Guinea. Association of 48 y e a r s 1 residence and travel American geographers, Annals, in Samoa, New B ritain, New 5 2 : 242-54, 1 ta b le . Ireland, New Guinea and the Solomon islands. London, Brookfield, Harold C. and Brown, Paula Hodder & Stoughton, 536 pp. 1963 Struggle for land. Agriculture and group territories among the 1910 Melanesians and Polynesians; Chimbu of the New Guinea high­ their life-histories described lands. Melbourne, Oxford and compared. London, MacMillan, University Press, in association 451 PP. with the Australian national university, 193 pp., t a b l e s . 1911 A secret society of ghoul- c a n n ib a ls . Man, 1 1 :6 8 -9 . Brookfield, Harold C. (joint author) 1959/60 see 1959/60 Brown, P. and 1914 Languages, in: James Colwell Brookfield, H.C. (ed.), A century in the Pacific: 91-117. Sydney, Brooksbank, W. W illiam H. B eale, 7 8 l pp. I960 Coast watchers' light. Walkabout, 2 6 ( 3 ) : 1 2 -5 . Brown, Herbert A. 1954 The folklore of the eastern Brouwer, D. Elema people. Papua and New Guinea scientific society, 1939 Kort verslag van het medisch en Annual report and proceed­ anthropologisch werk in het ings for 1954: 64-82. merengebled, 4 Juli tot en met 25 Augustus 1939- Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1957 The eastern Elema. London, Amsterdam, T ijdschrift, 56 London School of Economics and (2nd series): 785- 9 1 . Political Science, 298 pp.

Brown, A.R. Radcliffe- 1959 Elema traditional art. Papua and New Guinea scientific society, see Radcliffe-Brown, A.R. Annual report and proceedings for 1959: 13-25. Brown, George 1877 Notes on the Duke of York group, 1962 The Elema in present-day Papua New Britain, and New Ireland. and New Guinea. Papua and New Royal geographical society, Guinea scientific society, London, Journal, 47: 137-50. Annual report and proceedings f o r 196 2 : 27-44. l 88l A journey along the coasts of New Ireland and neighbouring Brown, L.N. islands. Royal geographical 1913 Magisterial annual report for the society, London, Proceedings, year ended 30th June, 1913. 3 (new series): 213- 2 0 . Papua. Annual report for 1912-13: 8 l- 5 . 38 1917 Vocabularies - Rigo station, Brown, Paula (joint author) Central D istrict. Papua. 1963 see 1963 Brookfield Harold C. Annual report for 1914-15: and Brown, Paula 180, (App. IVr). B ruce, E. 1919 Vocabularies - Port Moresby station, Central D istrict. Papua. 1901 Report of a boat visit to the Annual report for 1917-18: 93» Bamu and Betura-rivers, Western (App. E 12). Division. B ritish New Guinea. Annual report for 1899-1900: 99-102, (App. T). 1920 Vocabulary of Nigubaiba, Iawarere, Deduri, Seramina, lari and Pltoni peoples of the Brueggemann, Kurt Central Division. Papua. Annual see Brüggemann, Kurt. report for 1918-19: 114.

1920a Vocabulary of Kagi, Seregina and Brüggemann, Kurt Dubi peoples of Central Division. 1958 Die Malerei der schwarzen Inseln Papua. Annual report for 1918- Atlantis (Zürich), 30(2): 97-100 19: 115. Brüggen, J.F. van 1921 Vocabulary of Bara tribe, Kikori station, Delta Division. Papua. 1961 Schoolvakantie op de eilanden Annual report for 1919-20: 120. Biak en Soepiorie in de Geelvinkbaai. Schäkels, NNG, 1921a Vocabulary of Aurama tribe, Delta 47: 23- 3 6 . Division, Kikori station. Papua. Annual report for 1919-20: 124. 1962 Seroei, een opleidingscentrum I, II. Schäkels, NNG, 51: 3-12. 1921b Vocabulary of Kairu-Kaura tribe, Delta Division. Papua. Annual Bruhl, Lucien Levy- report for 1919-20: 12 5 . see Levy-Bruhl, Lucien. 1925 The island of Misima. Papua. Annual report for 1922-23: 21-2. Bruijn, A.A. l879 Het land der Karons. Neder- 1925a A short description of Kerema landsch aardrijkskundig genoot- Bay, its environs and the schap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, native inhabitants. Papua. 3 : 102 - 6 . Annual report for 1923-24: 1 9 -2 0 . Bruijn, Jean Victor de 1939 De tocht van den adspirant- Brown, Paula controleur dr. J.V. de Bruyn 1960 Chimbu tribes: political organiz­ naar Kemandora, NO. van de ation in the eastern highlands Wisselmeren in Nederlandsch of New Guinea. Southwestern Nieuw-Guinea, van 20 Februari journal of anthropology, l6(l): tot 10 Maart 1939. Nederlandsch 22-35, 1 table. aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, T ijdschrift, 56 (2nd series): 743-64; also 1961 Chimbu death payments. Royal anthropological institute of Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", Great Britain and Ireland, 4: 193-205, 233-40. Journal, 91: 77-96. 1939/40 Gegevens omtrent de bevolking 1962 Anthropology and geography. in het Wisselmerengebied Pacific viewpoint, 3(2): 7-11* (summary only). Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 4: 259-71. 1962a Non-agnates among the p atril­ ineal Chimbu. Polynesian 1939/ ) Verslag van een tocht naar het society, Wellington, Journal, 40 ) brongebied van de Edere- of 71: 57-69; also Tenth Pacific I 940/I) Elegeboe-rivier in Centraal science congress 1961, Nieuw-Guinea (summary only). Honolulu, Abstracts of T ijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", symposium papers: 112. 4: 301-515; 5: 11-21, 57-68.

1963 From anarchy to satrapy. American 1940 De tocht van den adspirant- anthropologist, 65: 1-15. controleur Dr. J.V. de Bruyn van Enarotali via Itodah naar Brown, Paula and Brookfield, Harold C. Orawja ZW. van de Wisselmeren in Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea, 1959/60 Chimbu land and society. Oceania, van 4 Mei tot 14 Mei 1939- 30(1 ) : 1 -7 5 , 13 t a b le s . Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijd­ schrift, 57 (2nd series): 24-36. 39

1947/8} Een proeve tot de ontwikkeling Bücher 1948/9) van de Biaksche mnoe of kampong 1912 Eine Studienreise nach Neuguinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Gulnea", 8: Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 23: 542- 166-71; 9: 9-15, 39-43, 71-5. 7.

1949 De Mansren-cultus der Biakkers. Buck, Peter H. (Te Rangi Hiroa) Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 84: 313- 1953 Explorers of the Pacific. 30. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1951 The Mansren cult of Biak. South Special publication No. 43: Pacific, 5(1): 1-11. 125 PP. 1953 Körte notities over de ver- wantschapsterminologie en het Buckland, A.W. grondenrecht bij de Ekagi 1888 On tatoolng. Anthropological (Wisselmeren). Nederlands Nieuw- institute of Great Britain Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor and Ireland, London, Journal, voor bevolkingszaken, No. 9: 17: 31 8 -2 8 . 28 pp., and app.; also Adatrechtbundel, 45 (1955): 324-6, 417-30, 460-8, 532-5. Bucknell, Alfred G. 1946 Paddles on the Purari. 1953a Acculturatie. Nederlands Nieuw- Walkabout, 12(8): 35-7. Gulnea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, Buehler, Alfred No. 82: 17 pp. see BUhler, Alfred. 1959 New archeological finds at Lake Sentani. Nieuw-Guinea Buermann, E.B.G. studlfe'n, 3 : 1 -8 . 1938/39 Patrouilles in de omgeving van Tanah Merah en de Mappi- 1962 New bronze finds at Kwadeware, post. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- Lake Sentani. Nieuw-Guinea Gulnea", 3 : 6 1 3 -5 . studife'n, 6 (1 ): 6 l-2 . BUhler, Alfred Bruyn, Jean Victor de 1933 Totenfeste in Nord-Neuirland. see Bruljn, Jean Victor de Schweizerische naturforschende Gesellschaft, Verhandlungen: 243-70. Bruyn, W.K.H. Feuilletau de

see Feuilletau de Bruyn, W.K.H. 1935 Versuch einer Bevölkerungs- und Kulturanalyse auf den Bryant, Robert R. Admiralitätsinseln. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 67: 1-32. 1961 The problems of instituting the common roll in Papua and 1946-49 Steingeräte, Steinskulpturen New Guinea. Journal of the und Felszeichnungen aus public service of the Melanesien und Polynesien. Territory of Papua and New Anthropos, 41-44: 225-74, Guinea, 3 : 1 3 9 .4 4 . 577-606.

Bryce, G. 1948 Neuirland und Nachbarinseln. 1938 Memorandum on development of Basel. Museum für Völkerkunde, native agriculture: report on Führer. Basel, G. Krebs, 88 pp. inspection of the Markham Valley, in: Parliamentary report of the 1957 Kulturkontakt und Kulturzerfall. committee appointed to invest­ Acta tropica, l4(l): I-3 5 . igate a new site for the admin­ istrative headquarters of the Territory of New Guinea, 701-6, 1957a Schmuck aus Muschel- und (App. D) . Australia. Schneckenschalen in Neuguinea. Kosmos, Gesellschaft der Parliamentary papers, General, Naturfreunde, 53: 231-7. Session 1937-40, vol. 3 . 1958 Heilige Bildwerke aus Neuguinea. Bryn, Halfdan Basel. Museum für Völkerkunde 1925) Die Entwicklung der und Schweizerisches Museum für 1926) Menschenrassen. Anthropos, Volkskunde, Führer, Sonderaus­ 2 0 : 1053-92; 21: 435-61. stellung 9.11.1957 - 3 1 .3 .1 9 5 8 .

Buchanan, W.E. I960 Der Platz als bestimmender Faktor von Siedlungsformen in 1898 Dialect used by the Kokila, Ostindonesien und Melanesien. Owalla, Seramlno and Demori- Regio Basiliensis, 1(2): 202-12. natives. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1897-98: 130, (App. Z). 40 1960a Sepik: a dying culture. Graphis, Bulmer, Susan (joint author) international journal of graphic 1962 see 1962 Bulmer, R.N.H. and art and applied art, 1 6 (8 7 ): 6 8 - Bulmer S. 75, 8 2 , 84-6. Bunn, Gordon and Scott, Graham 1960b Kunststile am Sepik. Basel. Museum für Völkerkunde und 1962 Languages of the Mount Hagen Schweizerisches Museum für sub-district. Summer Institute Volkskunde, Führer, Sonder­ of Linguistics in co-operation ausstellung vom 1 1 .6 . - 3 0 . with the Department of 1 1 . I9 6 0 , 14 pp., 24 plates. Information and Extension Services, Port Moresby, 8 pp. 1961 Kultkrokodile vom Korewori (Sepik-Distrikt, Territorium Bunting, B. Neuguinea). Zeitschrift für 1953 The legal problem behind the Ethnologie, 8 6 : 183-207. administrative union of Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 196la Die Sepik-Expedition 1959 des 7(6) : 711-20. Museums für Völkerkunde zu Basel. Regio Basillensis, 2(2): Bunyan, John 77-97. 19- Ekalesia ana kamwasa lanua iauulina kanasiga i lau bul- 1962 The significance of colour among ibuli koina...buki bwaitete primitive peoples. Palette, 9: ioni banianl ana buki tuat- 2-8 . uwana Mo. The pilgrim's progress. Translated from the 1962a Bericht über das Basler Museum Young People's Edition into für Völkerkunde und the tongue of the Tube tube Schweizerische Museum für people, Papua. London, Religious Volkskunde für das Jahr 1 9 6 1 . Tract Society, 55 PP« Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Basel, Verhandlungen, Bunzel, Ruth Sonderabdruck, 75: 1-40. 1938 The economic organisation of primitive peoples, in: Franz 1963 Bericht über das Basler Museum Boas (ed.), General anthrop­ für Völkerkunde und ology: 327-408. Boston, D.C. Schweizerische Museum für Heath and Co., 718 pp. Volkskunde für das Jahr 1962. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Basel, Verhandlungen, Burger, E.J. Sonderabdruck, 74: 1-52. 1928 Aanteekeningen over het volks- bestuur op noord Nieuw-Guinea. Bühler, Alfred and others Koloniale studiän, 12(2): 89- 102. 1962 Ozeanien und Australien: die Kunst der Südsee. Kunst der Burger, Friedrich Welt. 1. Serie: Die ausser- europäischen Kulturen. Baden- 1913 Die Küsten- und Bergvölker der Baden, Holle Verlag, 263 pp., Gazelle Halbinsel. Ein Beitrag 62 plates, 94 line-drawings. zur Völkerkunde von Neuguinea unter besonderer Hervorhebung Bulmer, Ralph N.H. rechtlicher und sozialer Einrichtungen. (Studien und 1957 A primitive ornithology. Forschungen zur Menschen- und Australian museum magazine, Völkerkunde, 12.) Stuttgart, 12(7): 224-9. Verlag Strecker und Schröder, 80 pp., 10 tables. I960 Leadership and social structure among the Kyaka people of the 1923 Unter den Kannibalen der Südsee; western highlands district of Studienreise durch die melane- New Guinea. Canberra, Australian sische Inselwelt. Dresden, national university, Ph.D. thesis, Deutsche Buchwerkstätten, 223 PP-> 494 pp., tables. 31 tables.

1 9 6 0 /6 1 Political aspects of the Moka 1923a Urwald und Urmenschen: Reisen und ceremonial exchange system among Abenteuer auf den melanesischen the Kyaka people of the western Inseln. Dresden, Deutsche highlands of New Guinea. Oceania, Buchwerkstätten, 159 PP-, 14 half-tone plates. 31: 1-15.

1962 Chimbu plume traders. Australian Burgmann, Arnold natural history, l4(l): 1 5 -9 . 1953 H. Aufenangers Vokabular und Grammatik der Gende-Sprache in Bulmer, Ralph N.H. and Bulmer, Susan Zentral-Neuguinea. Anthropos, 48: 263-7. 1962 Figurines and other stones of power among the Kyaka. 1953a A. Schäfers Vokabular der Chimbu- Polynesian society, Wellington, Sprache in Zentral-Neuguinea. Journal, 71: 192-208. Anthropos, 48: 268-73. 47 1955b H. Aufenangers Vokabular und 1956 Social implications of some Grammatik der Nondugl - Sprache Tangu myths. Southwestern in Zentral-Neuguinea. Anthropos, ournal of anthropology, 1 2 : 48: 6 1 6 -2 0 . 15-31.

1954 A. Miillers Grammatik und 1956a A note on Tangu dreams. Man, Vokabular der Konua-Sprache. 56: 121-2 . Anthropos, 49: 295-8. 1956/57 Friendship in Tangu. 1954a P.w. Schmidt als Linguist. Oceania, 27: 177-89* Anthropos, 49: 627-58. 1957 Disputing in Tangu. American 1954b Karl Neuhaus' Grammatik der anthropologist, 5 9 : 7 6 3 -8 0 . Llr-Sprache (Melanesien). Anthropos, 49: 1089-93. 1957a A Tangu game. Man, 57: 88-9*

1961 L. Bischofs Vokabulare der 1957/58 The Gagai in Tangu. Oceania, Ubili-Sprache (Neubritannien). 28: 56- 72. Anthropos, 5 6 : 93O-3 . 1957/ Descent in Tangu. Oceania, 196la Otto Meyers Wörterbuch der Tuna- a : 85-99- Sprache auf Neubritannien. 58 2 8 Anthropos, 5 6 : 629-31. 1958/59 Marriage in Tangu. 1962 J . Schneiders Grammatik der Oceania, 29: 44-61. Sulka-Sprache (Neubritannien). Anthropos, 57: 1 8 3 -6 . 1958/ Adoption in Tangu. 59a Oceania, 29: 185-99. 1963 A. Gerstners Grammatik der Alubänsprache (Nordküste von 1959 The slit-gong in Tangu, New Neuguinea). Anthropos, 5 8 : Guinea. Ethnos, 24: 1 3 6 -5 0 . 897-9. 1959a The story of Mazienengai: a Burnell, F.S. Tangu myth examined. 1915 Australia versus Germany: the Anthropological quarterly, story of the taking of German 3 2 : 168-94. New Guinea. London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., -254 pp. 1959/60 Siblings in Tangu. Oceania, 3 0 : 128-54. Burnett, Frank 1911 Through Polynesia and Papua: I960 Mambu: a Melanesian millennium. wanderings with a camera in London, Methuen and Co. Ltd., southern seas. London, XXIII and 296 pp. F. Griffiths, 197 pp. 1962 The cargo cult. Discovery, Burnett, R.M. 2 3 (2 ): 22-7- 1963 Some cultural practices observed in the Simbai admin­ istrative area, Madang District. Burrows, William Papua and New Guinea agricultural 1951 On Bougainville in World War I : Journal, 1 6 (2/ 5 ): 79-84. from the diary of Commander William Burrows. Pacific Burns, Philp and Co., islands monthly, 21(7) : 37-9* 7 6 .

1886 British New Guinea (dedicated Burton, John Wear to the Hon. J. Douglas, the High Commissioner for British 1926 Papua for Christ. London, New Guinea). Sydney, Woods and Epworth Press, 124 pp. Co., 56 pp.; see 1886 Bevan, Australasian edition T.F., 1886 Pulsford, E., 1886 titled "Our task in Papua". Waley, F.G. 1928 Ncptes on communications in the Burridge, Kenelm Oswald Lancelot Mandated Territory of New Guinea, 1953 Social control in Tangu. in: F.W. Eggleston (ed.), The Canberra, Australian national Australian mandate for New Guinea: university, Ph.D. thesis, 463 PP* 6 3 -6 . Melbourne, Macmillan and Co. Ltd., in association with M.U.P. Pacific Relations series No. 2, 1953/54 Cargo cult activity in Tangu. 149 PP- Oceania, 24: 241-54.

1954 Racial tension in Manam. South Pacific, 7(13): 932-8. 42

1930 The Australian mandate in New 1962b Proiskhozhdenie i etnicheskii Guinea, in: P. Campbell and sostav korennogo naseleniia others (ecTs.), Studies in Novoi Gvinei. (Origin and ethnic Australian affairs: 218-40. composition of the aboriginal Issued by the Institute of population of N.G.) in: Problemy Pacific Relations, N.S.W. istorii i etnografii narodov branch. Melbourne, Macmillan Avstralii, Novoi Gvinei i and Co. Ltd., in association with Gavaiskikh Ostrovov, Novaia seriia M.U.P. Pacific Relations series vol. 80: 107-89- Moskva-Leningrad, No. 3, 269 PP- Akademiia nauk SSSR, 265 pp. 1930a Missionary survey of the Pacific Buttfield, N. islands. London, World Dominion Press, 124 pp. 1958 A senator's travels in New Guinea. Walkabout, 24(6): Burton-Bradley, B.G. 32-7- 1963 Culture and mental disorder. Buxton, L.H. Dudley (ed.) Medical journal of Australia, 1: 539-40. 1936 Custom is king; essays presented to R.R. Marett on his seventieth birthday, June 1 3 , 1936. London, Burua, A. To Hutchinson's Scientific and Technical Publications, 325 pp.; 1959 The beginning of Nodup village see 1936 Balfour, H., 1936 higher school. Journal of the Blackwood, B. public service of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 1: 135, 145. Buzacott, J.H. and Hughes, C.G. 1951 The 1951 cane collecting Bus, G. A.M. expedition to New Guinea. Cane growers' quarterly 1951 The Te festival or gift bulletin, Brisbane, 15(2): exchange in Enga (central 33-72. highlands of New Guinea). Anthropos, 46: 813-24.

Bushell, Keith 1936 Papuan epic. London, Seeley, Service and Co. Ltd., 2nd edition, 318 pp.

Butcher, Ben 1963 We lived with headhunters. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 288 pp.

Butinov, N.A. 1957 Zapadnyi Irian. (West Irian.) Sovetskaia etnografiia, 4: 136-47. Moskva, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 310 pp.

1962 Ethnolinguistlc groups in New Guinea. Tenth Pacific science congress 1 9 6 1 , Honolulu, Abstracts of symposium papers: 100-1. (Transl. from Sovetskaia etnografiia, 3 : 81-9-)

1962a Problems in the history of primitive society. (Problemy istorii pervobytnogo obshchestva). Translated from the Russian. Published for the National Science Foundation and the Smithsonian Institution, Washington (D.C.), by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 56 pp. (Akademiia nauk SSSR, Trudy instituta etnografii im N.N. Miklukho- Maklaia, Novaia seriia, tom 54). 43 C.S.I.R.O. Cammack, Floyd McKee and Salto, Shiro see Australia - Commonwealth 1962 Pacific island bibliography. Scientific and Industrial New York, Scarecrow Press, Research Organization. 421 pp.

Campbell, A.J. 1938 Clay-eating Papuans. Pacific 1943 How central New Guinea was islands monthly, 8(8): 28. evacuated. Pacific islands monthly, 14(4): 2 3 -5 . Cadoux, A. 1945 How war came to central N. 1931 L'apötre des papous: Mgr. Henri Guinea mission. Pacific Verjus. Paris. Emmanuel Vitte, islands monthly, ( ): . 308 pp. 1 6 3 2 8

1952 Miarasa - New Guinea's last Calas, Nicolas (joint editor) cannibal outpost. Pacific 1954 see 1954 Mead, M. and Calas, N. islands monthly, 22(7): 69-70.

Calcutt, Bertram Campbell, A.M. 1932 William Dampler on New Britain. 1892 Report of the resident magistrate Royal australlan historical for the Louisiades. British New society, Journal and proceed­ Guinea. Annual report for 189O- ings, 17: 330-3 . 91: 83-4, (App. W).

Calov, W.L. 1896 Report of the resident magistrate for the South-eastern Division. 1929 Some notes on the practice of British New Guinea. Annual report medicine in Melanesia. Medical for 1894-95: 23-4, (App. K). journal of Australia, 1: 241-4. 1898 Report of the resident magistrate 1955 The medical service of Papua and for the South-eastern Division. New Guinea. Medical journal of British New Guinea. Annual report Australia, 2: 304-10. for 1896-97: 56-7, (App. 0).

Calov, W.L. and Weir, H. 1898a Report of the resident magistrate 1925 Gonorrhoea in natives of New for the South-eastern Division. Guinea: a record of twelve British New Guinea. Annual report months' work in a.venereal for 1897-98: 99-101, (App. 0). disease campaign in Rabaul. Medical journal of Australia, 1900 Report of the resident magistrate 2: 720-4. for the South-eastern Division. British New Guinea. Annual report Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to for 1898-99: 85-9, (App. T). the Torres Straits see 1912 Quiggln, A.H., 1912 1901 Report of the resident magistrate, Ray, S.H. South-eastern Division. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1899-1900: 81-3, (App. P). Cameron, J.B.

1889 Sir William MacGregor's ascent of 1902 Report of the resident magistrate Mount Owen Stanley. Royal geo­ and warden, South-eastern graphical society of Australasia, Division. British New Guinea. Victorian branch, Transactions Annual report for 1900-01: 74-9, and proceedings, 7: 58-66. (App. P).

1892 Report the resident magistrate of 1904 Report on Eastern Division. for the Western Division. British British New Guinea. Annual report New Guinea. Annual report for for 1902-03: 23-9. 1890-91: 78-80, (App. T). 1905 Resident magistrate's report, 1894 Land tenure of the tribes of Eastern Division. British New (1) Turituri, Western district; Guinea. Annual report for 1904- (2 ) Mawatta and Kadawa, Western 05: 26-30, (App. E). district. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-93: 67- 9, (App. U 1 and 2). 1908 Resident magistrate's report, Eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1906-0 7 : 46-9. 1897 Description of a burial at Kopuana village, Kabadi district. British New Guinea. Annual report Campbell, C.H. for 1895-96: 86-7, (App. U). 1962 A case of leptospirosis occurring in Papua. Papua and New Guinea medical journal, 6: 5-8. 44 1965 Diabetes mellitus in the 1943 The linguistic position of South­ Territory of Papua and New eastern Papua. University of Guinea. Medical journal of London, Ph.D. thesis; Sydney, Australia, 2: 607-10. Australasian Medical Publishing Co. Ltd., 276 pp. Campbell, C.H. and Young, L.N. 1944/45 The future of education in Papua. 1961 The symptomatology, clinical Oceania, 15: 277-95* course and successful treatment of papuan elapine snake envenom- ation. Medical journal of 1945 The origin of the Oceanic Australia, 1: 478-86. languages. Polynesian society, Wellington, Journal, 54: 62-5. Campbell, P. and others (eds.) 1948/49 Distribution of languages in the 1930 see 1930 Institute of Pacific central highlands, New Guinea. Relations, N.S.W. Branch. Oceania, 19: 104-29, 254-53, 3^9- 77* Campbell, Stuart 1949 The concept of ownership in the 1938 The country between the head­ languages of Australia and the waters of the Fly and Sepik Pacific. Southwestern journal Rivers in New Guinea. Geograph­ ical Journal, 92: 232-58. of anthropology, 5(3): 169-89* 1949/50 Two tonal languages of New Campbell, Stuart (joint author) Guinea. London. University. 1937/58 see 1937/38 Kienzle, W. and School of oriental and african Campbell, S. studies, Bulletin, 13: 184-99*

Cannegieter, C.A. 1950 A survey of the linguistic research position and require­ 1959 De economische betekenis van ments for the area, with het Nederlandse en het special reference to the Australische gedeelte van production of standard ortho­ Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands graphies, dictionaries, Nieuw-Guinea, 7(4): 6-9* grammars and textbooks. South Pacific commission, Project C an n eg ieter-D en Toom, In g rid S.6, Report No. 1, 125 PP* 1962 Op bezoek in Australisch Nieuw- Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 1951/52 Languages of B ogia-district. 10(1): 16-9* Oceania, 22: 150-47, 178-207, 317* Canning, A.S. 1952 Methods and materials for record­ 1924 Report on forced labour and ing Papuan and New Guinea lang­ flogging of natives. Report to uages. Department of Education, the League of Nations on the Territory of Papua and New Guinea, administration of the Territory Official Research Publication No. of New Guinea for 1922-25: II5- 2. Sydney, Government Printer, 26, (App. B). 67 PP*

Canter, A.S. 1954 A linguistic survey of the south­ 1944 Volcanic New Britain. Walkabout, western Pacific. South Pacific 10(4): 12-4. commission, Technical paper No. -70, 210 pp. Capell, Arthur 196l Techniques of morphostatistics. 1932/55 The structure of the Oceanic Tenth Pacific science congress languages. Oceania, 5: 418-54. 1961, Honolulu, Abstracts of symposium papers: 91-2. 1937-39 Word-building and agglutina­ tion in south-eastern Papua. 1961/62 Interdisciplinary research on London. University. School of Polynesian origins. Oceania, oriental studies, Bulletin, 9: 52: 287-97* 765-80. 1962 A linguistic survey of the south­ 1938/39 The word "Mana": a linguistic western Pacific. South Pacific commission, Technical paper No. study. Oceania, 9: 89-96. 136 , 258 pp., (revised edition). 1940/1) Language study for New Guinea 1962a Oceanic linguistics today. 1942/5) students. Oceania, 11: 40-74, Current anthropology, 5: 15: 28l (corrections surd addit­ ions); reprinted as Oceania 571-96, 422-8. Monograph, 5* Cardew, H.C. 1914 Magisterial report, X. Delta Division. Papua. Annual report for 1915-1^: 94-7* 45

1917 Acting resident magistrate - C asim irus Western Division. Papua. Annual 1954 Papoea jeugd in Merauke. report for 1914-15: 89-97- Schäkels, 75(NG9): 2-5.

C a r e ll, Victor (joint author) C a s tle s , A. C. see 1957 Dean, B. and Carell, V. 1957 1963 The United Nations and New Guinea Australia's neighbours, 4th 1958 see 1958 Dean, B. and Carell, V. series, Nos. 6-7-

C arey, D. Catholic Mission 1956-59 Problems and remedies in native 1929 Testament Iwurbanu, Halopa copra production. Papua and New naiba. Alexlshafen, Catholic Guinea agricultural journal, Mission Press, 33 pp. 11(1): 30-9. 1955 Prayer book: Bukono betenga. C arlaw , R.W. (Transl. by C. Böhm.) Westmead (N.S.W.), St. Vincent's Boys' 1959 Patrol report extract - social Home. survey, Bougainville. Papua and New Guinea medical journal, C a tle y , A. 3: 5 0 -2 . 1963 Notes on insects as food for native peoples in Papua and New 1962 Aid posts in the Territory of Guinea. Papua and New Guinea Papua and New Guinea. Australian scientific society, Transactions, territories, 2(2): 36-9. 4 : 10- 2 .

Carreyett, Ray A. Cator, W.J. 1954 Some physical characteristics of 1937/58 Verslag van een tocht naar het the Polynesians and their possible bergland in het bovenstroomge- relationship to other racial bied van de Oeta-rivier (midden types. Polynesian society, Zuid Nieuw Guinea), gemaakt door Wellington, Journal, 63: 69-74. de assistent resident (Cator) van Fak Fak, van 14 Sept, tot Carter, G.G. 21 Oct. 1937. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- Guinea", 2: 268-82 (summary 1952 Some grammatical notes on the o n ly ) . Teop dialect. Polynesian society, Wellington, Journal, 6l: 230-42. 1937/ Verslag van een tocht naar het 38a Wisselmeerdistrict in Centraal Carter, Gordon (joint author) Nieuw Guinea door de assistent 1954 see 1954 Carter, J.R. and resident van West Nieuw Guinea, C a rte r, G. van 27 Nov. 1937 tot 14 Jam. 1938. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 2: 329-45 (summary only). 1954a see 1954a Carter,, J.R.. and C a rte r, G. 1938/39 Nieuws u it Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- 1955 see 1955 Carter, J.R. and Guinea", 3: 393-400. C a rte r, G. 1939 Rotsteekeningen in West Nieuw- 1957 see 1957 Carter, J.R. and Guinea. Cultureel Indi&, 1: C a rte r, G. 246-51.

Cartledge, I. 1942 Radjaschappen in West-Nieuw- 1962 Marketing of coffee from the Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijks- Territory of Papua and New kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Guinea. Australian territories, Tijdschrift, 59 (2nd series): 2(3): 23-32. 76- 86 .

Casagrande, J.B. (ed.) Cawley, F.R. I960 In the company of man. New York, 1919 Vocabularies - Abau station, Harper & Bros., 540 pp. see Eastern Division. Papua. Annual I960 Mead, M.; I960 Watson, J.B. report for 1917-18: 91, (App. E 1 0 ). Casey, D.A. 1925 The upper district, 1934 An uncommon type of stone imple­ with notes on the Mawai, Boli, ment from Australia and New Owasapu and Yewa - t r i b e s . Guinea. Victoria. National Papua. Annual report for 1922- museum, Memoirs, 8: 94-9. 23: 2 5 -7 .

1939 Some prehistoric artifacts from •1925a Delta Division, description of the Territory of New Guinea. country lying between the V ictoria. National museum, and the Era. Papua. Memoirs, 11: 143-50. Annual report for 1923-24: 1 8 -9 . 46

1929 Report on Northern District (b) 1 898a Anthropometrical observations Kokoda district. Papua. Annual on some natives of the Papuan report for 1 9 2 7 -2 8 : 3 6 -7 . gulf. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Cayley-Webster, Herbert London, Journal, 27: 335-42. 1898 Through New Guinea and the cannibal countries. London, 1903 Notes on the Bugilai, British T. Fisher Unwin, 387 pp. New Guinea. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London, Journal, 3 3 : Chaillet, J.L. 108-1 0 . 1949/50 Ontwikkeling van de olie- activiteit op Nederlands 1903a Notes on the natives of Kiwai Nieuw-Guinea. Lezing islands, Fly river, British New gehouden te 's-Gravenhage Guinea. Anthropological op 29 April 1949 door de institute of Great Britain and Heer J.L. Chaillet (Bat. Petr. Ireland, London, Journal, 3 3 : Mij.). Tijdschrift "Nieuw- 117-24. Guinea", 10: 39-40. Chalmers, James (with a note by Ray, Chalmers, James Sidney H.) I88O New Guinea (Journey near Goldie 1903b A vocabulary of the Bugi river in 1879)* Royal geograph­ language, British New Guinea. ical society, London, Anthropological institute of Proceedings, (new series) 2: Great Britain and Ireland, 315-6. London, Journal, 3 3 : 111-6.

l88 l Further explorations in New Chalmers, James and Gill, W. Wyatt Guinea (with Rev. T. Beswick, 1885 Work and adventure in New Guinea, Aug. I88O). Royal geograph­ 1877-85- London, The Religious ical society, London, Tract Society, 342 pp. Proceedings, 3 : 226-7. Chalmers, James and McFarlane, Samuel 1887 Explorations in south-eastern New Guinea. Royal geographical 1888 British New Guinea vocabularies. society, London, Proceedings, in: R.N. Cust (ed.), Linguistic (new series) 9 : 7 1 -8 6 . Pamphlets 20, No. 5 . London, Society Prom. Christian Knowledge, 26 pp. 1887a? Pioneering in New Guinea. London, The Religious Tract Society, 312 pp. Chalmers, James and Ray, Sidney Herbert 1898 Vocabularies of the Bugilai and 1887b Two New Guinea stories, in: Tagota dialects, British New J.W. Lindt (ed.), Pictur­ Guinea. Anthropological institute esque New Guinea: 106-17, of Great Britain and Ireland, London, Longman's, Green & Co., London, Journal, 27: 139-44. 194 pp. Chamberlain, John (joint author) 1887c History and description of the 1954 see 1954 Willoughby, C.A. and pottery trade, in: J.W. Lindt Chamberlain, J. (ed.), Picturesque New Guinea: 118-25, London, Longman's, Chambers, D.G.N. Green & Co., 194 pp. 1941 Customs of the people living in the Awarra, Wantoat and Bungam l887d On the manners and customs of native districts, Morobe some of the tribes of New District. Report to the League Guinea. Royal philosophical of Nations on the administration society of Glasgow, Proceedings of the Territory of New Guinea (1886-87), 1 8 : 57-69. for 1939-40: 20-1.

1890 Report on the Australasian, Champion, Ivan F. Papuan, and Polynesian races. New Guinea. Toarlpi and Koiari 1928 Report of sub-patrol - north­ tribes. Australian and New western patrol. Papua. Annual Zealand association for the report for 1 9 2 6 -7 : 1 0 2 -1 7 , advancement of science, Report (App. B). of the 2nd meeting, Melbourne: 1932 Across New Guinea from the Fly 311-23. to the Sepik -, (with an introduction by Sir Hubert 1898 Toaripi. Anthropological Murray, K.C.M.G.). London, institute of Great Britain and Constable and Co. Ltd., 267 pp. Ireland, London, Journal, 27: 326-34. 1937 Ivan Champion describes new lands in unmapped Papua. Pacific islands monthly, 7 (9 ): 9 , 7 2 -3 . 47

1957a Lake Kutubu. Pacific islands Charteris, A.H. monthly, 7(ll): 33-4. 1940 Chapters on international law - with an appendix of certain 1938 The Bamu-Purari expedition. documents of interest to the Papua. Annual report for Commonwealth of Australia. 1936-37: 21-2. University of Sydney, Law School. Government printer, revised edition, 175 PP- 1940 The Bamu-Purari patrol, 1936. Geographical journal, 9 6 : 190-206, 243-57- Chatterton, Percy 1959 A primer of Police Motu: for use 1941 Territory of Papua - Lake in Territory of Papua and New Kutubu police camp (Report Guinea. Sydney, Pacific of patrol made by Ivan Champion, Publications, 2nd ed., 31pp. ass. resident magistrate, and A.T. Timperley, patrol officer, Chauvet, Stephen to the Mubi, Erave, Iaro, Kagua, Akuru, Nembi and Wage 1930 Les arts Indigenes en Nouvelle valleys). Papua. Annual report Gulnde. Soci£t£ d'Editions for 1939-40: 29-37. g^ographiques,. maritimes et coloniales, Paris, 350 pp. Champion, Ivan F. (joint author) Cheesman, Lucy Evelyn 1928 see 1928 Karius, C.H. and Champion, I.F. 1935 The two roads of Papua. London, Jarrolds, 286 pp. 1935 see 1935 Karius, C.H. and Champion, I.F. 1938 The Cyclops Mountains of Dutch New Guinea. Geographical Champness, L.T. journal, 91: 2 1 -3 0 . 1962 Haemophilia in New Guinea. Medical-journal of Australia, 1938a The land of the red bird. 1: 674-5. London, H. Joseph, 300 pp.

Champness, L.T. and Clezy, J.K.A. 1940 Two unexplored islands off Dutch New Guinea: Waigeo and Japen. 1962 Torulosis in Papua and New Geographical journal, 95: 208-17- Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 5 6 0 . 1941 The mountainous country at the boundary, north New Guinea. Champness, L.T. and others Geographical journal, 9 8 : 169-88. 1959/60 A study of the population near Aiome, New Guinea. Oceania, 1943 The island of New Guinea. 3 0 : 294-304. Nature, 152: 41-3. 1963/64 A study of the Tolai in New Britain. Oceania, 34: 66-75. 1943a Japanese operations in New Guinea. Geographical journal, 101: 97-110. Chance, S.H. 1925 Vocabulary of the Sesa tribe 1948 Camping adventures in New Guinea. (Delta Division). Papua. Annual London, G.G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., report for 1923-24: 54, (App. I). 160 pp.

1927 Vocabulary - Kikori station, 1949 Six-legged snakes in New Guinea: Delta Division. Papua. Annual a collecting expedition to two report for 1925-26: 91, (App. unexplored islands. London, V). G.G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 28l pp.

1928 1. Expeditions on the Kikori 1950 Naturalists' expeditions in the (pt. l); 2. Expeditions on Pacific, in: Charles Barrett the Kikori (pt. 2 ); - descrip­ (ed.), The Pacific: Ocean of tion of the Foi-I or Mobi-river, islands: 55-65- Melbourne, district of the Delta Division. N.H. Seward Pty. Ltd., 176 pp. Papua. Annual report for 1926- 27: 8, 35-6. Chester, H.N. 1894 Report of the resident magistrate Charles, A.W. for the Louisiades. British New 1963 Tea processing at Garaina. Guinea. Annual report for 1892- Australian territories, 3(l): 93: 47-50, (App. L). 29-33- 1894a Native habits and customs of the Louisiades. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-93: 6l, (App. R). 48 1894b Land tenure of the tribes of 1919a The belief in soul and soul- Pannieti, Louisiades. British s u b s ta n c e . Man, 19: 132-3- New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-93: 74-5, (App. U 11). 1919b The application of anthropolog­ ical methods to tribal develop­ 1894c Land tenure of the tribe of ment in New Guinea. Royal Moturina, Louisiades. British anthropological institute of New Guinea. Annual report for Great Britain and Ireland, 1892-93: 77, (App. U 16). Journal, 49: 36-41.

Chester, I.C. (joint author) 1919c Stone-work and goldfields in B ritish New Guinea. Royal 1961 see 1961 F arag o , C. and anthropological institute of Chester, I.C. Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 49: 271-91- Cheyne, Andrew 1920 The opening of new territories 1852 A description of islands in the in Papua. Geographical journal, western Pacific Ocean, north and 55: 439-59- south of the equator with sail­ ing directions, together with their productions, manners and 1922 Piper methysticum in betel customs of the natives, and voc­ chew ing. Man, 22: 24-7- abularies of their various lang­ uages. London, J.D. Potter, 1923 Native labour in Papua. Medical 198 pp. journal of Australia, 2: 321.

Chifley, J.B. 1925 Vocabulary of native languages. 1949 Papua-New Guinea - Co-ordinat­ Report to the League of Nations ion of development: Statement on the administration of the by the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Territory of New Guinea for J.B. Chifley, 11th October, 1923-24: 88-92, (App. B). 1949. Current notes on internat­ ional affairs, 20(10): 1083- 1925a Notes on natives of New Britain, in: Territory of New Guinea. Chignell, Arthur Kent A n th ro p o lo g ic a l r e p o r t No. 1 : 9-27- 1911 An outpost in Papua ... with a preface by the archbishop of Brisbane. London, Smith, Elder 1925b Notes taken in north-east New and Co., 375 PP* Guinea, in: Territory of New Guinea. Anthropological report No. 1: 28-32. 1913 Twenty-one years in Papua: a history of the English church mission in New Guinea (1891-92). 1925c Notes on some villages on Sepik London, A.R. Mowbray and Co. river, in: Territory of New Ltd., 157 PP- Guinea. Anthropological report No. 1: 32-52.

C hinnery, E.W. P earso n 1925d Admiralty group - north-western 1917 Further notes on the use of the i s la n d s . Pak I s la n d , Manus wooden Kipi trumpet and conch D istrict, in: Territory of New shell by the natives of Papua. Guinea. AuEhropological report Man, 17: 73-7- No. 1 : 52-9-

1917a Comments on the Binandere tribes 1925e Namatanai district, in: Territory o f th e E ia , G ira and Mamba. of New Guinea. Anthropological Papua. Annual report for 1914-15: report No. 1: 6O-3. 58. 1925f Bougainville group, in: Territory 1918 Patrol to the neighbourhood of of New Guinea. Anthropological Mount Yule for the purpose of r e p o r t No. 1: 63- 8 6 . examining all unexplored and imperfectly known country in the neighbourhood. Papua. Annual 1925g Some physical measurements of report for 1916-17: 50-64, natives of certain districts of (App. C). the mandated Territory of New Guinea, in: Territory of New Guinea. Anthropological report 1918a Comparative vocabulary of tribes No. 1: 87-97- on main range, west of Mt. Albert Edward. Papua. Annual report for 1916-17: 65-7- 1925h Notes on the natives of E Mira and St. Matthias, in: Territory of New Guinea. Anthropological 1919 Vocabularies - Kikorl station, report No. 2: 99-238. Delta Division. Papua. Annual report for 1917-18: 96, (App. 19251 Territory of New Guinea. E 1 7 ). Anthropological reports Nos. 1 and 2. Melbourne, Government Printer, 238 pp. 49

1925J Notes on the natives. Report to 1934c New tribes in Central New Guinea, the League of Nations on the in: Congres International des administration of the Territory Sciences anthropologiques et of New Guinea for 1923-24: 7-16 ethnologlques: 188. Londres, Compte-rendu de la Premiere Session, Institut Royal 1926 Native vocabulary. Report to the d 'Anthropologie, 340 pp. League of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea for 1924-25: 80-1, 1934d Anthropology and administration (App. B). in the Mandated Territory of New Guinea, in: Congres internat­ ional des sciences anthropologi­ 1926a Native vocabulary. Report to ques et ethnologlques, Compte- the League of Nations on the rendu de la premiere session administration of the Territory London 1934: 286-7« Londres, of New Guinea for 1924-25: Institut Royal d 'Anthropologie, 90-1, (App. B). xxxii and 340 pp.

1927 The blow-gun in New Britain. 1950 Social organization, New Ireland. Man, 27: 208. Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations on the admin­ 1928 Certain natives in south New istration of the Territory of New Britain and Dampier Straits. Guinea for 1949-50: 172, (App. in: Territory of New Guinea. XIX). Anthropological report No. 3, 102 pp. 1952 Natives of Papua and New Guinea. Walkabout, 18(2): 29-35. 1930 Conservation of native tribes in New Guinea. Geographical journal, Chinnery, E.W. Pearson and Beaver, W.N. 76: 509-11. 1915 Notes on the initiation ceremon­ ies of the Koko, Papua. Royal 1931 Natives of the Waria, Williams anthropological institute of and Bialolo watersheds, in: Great Britain and Ireland, Territory of New Guinea. Journal, 45: 69-78. Anthropological report No. 4, 64 pp. 1917 The movements of the tribes of the Mambare Division of north­ ern Papua. Papua. Annual report 1931a Notes on the natives of south Bougainville and Mortlocks for 1914-15: 158-61. (Taku). in: Territory of New Guinea. Anthropological report 1917a Comparative table of languages No. 5 (published together with of Northern Division and vocab­ report No. 4): 65-123. ularies. Kumusi Division. Papua. Annual report for 1914-15: I6I- 7, (App. III). 1931b Studies of the native population of the east coast of New Ireland. 1919 Vocabularies - Buna station, in: Territory of New Guinea. Kumusi Division. Papua. Annual Anthropological report No. 6: report for 1917-18: 86, (App. 50 pp. E 2).

1932/33 Census and population. Oceania, Chinnery, E.W. Pearson and Haddon, Alfred 3: 214-7. Cort 1916/17 Five new religious cults in 193^ Applied anthropology in New British New Guinea. Hibbert Guinea. Report to the journal, 15: 448-63- League of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea for 1932-33: 153- Chisholm 62, (App. E). 1914 List of Kukukuku-words, obtained by patrol officer Chisholm. 1934 a Mountain tribes of the Mandated Papua. Annual report for 1913-14: Territory of New Guinea from 195, (App. Illh). Mount Chapman to Mount Hagen. Man, 34: II3-2I. 1917 Vocabularies - Williams River natives. Papua. Annual report 1934b The central ranges of the for 1914-15: l8l, (App. IVt). Mandated Territory of New Guinea from Mt. Chapman to Mt. Hagen. Chowning, Ann Geographical journal, 84: 398- 412. 1958 Lakalai society. University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. thesis, microfilmed, 480 pp.

1959 Witchcraft among the Molima of Fergusson Island. Philadelphia anthropological society, Bulletin, 12(2); 1-2. 50 1960 Canoe making among the Molima of Öilento, Raphael W. Fergusson Island. Pennsylvania. 1921 Observations on a series of University museum, Expedition, artificially distorted skulls. 3(1): 32-9- Australian museum, Records, 1(4): 325-46. 1961 Amok and aggression in the d' Entrecasteaux. American 1923 Witch-doctoring in Melanesia. ethnological society, New York, Asia, 23: 100-4, I39, 141-2. annual spring meeting, Proceedings, 78-83. 1923a Of crime and punishment in New Guinea. Asia, 23: 277-81, 1962 Cognatic kin groups among the 305-8. Molima of Fergusson Island. Ethnology, 1: 92-101. 1923b The depopulation of the Pacific. Second Pan-Pacific science 1963 Proto-melanesian plant names. congress 1923, Australia, Tenth Pacific science congress Proceedings, 2: 1395-9» 1961, Honolulu, Symposium papers; reprinted in: J. Barrau (ed.), Plants and the migrations 1923c Preventive medicine and hygiene of Pacific peoples: 39-44. in the tropical territories H onolulu, B ishop museum p r e s s , under Australian control. 136 pp. Australasian association for the advancement of science, Report of the 16th meeting, Chrapkowski, M. Wellington, 672-84. 1930 Kaiser-Wilhelm-Land und Bismarck-Archipel. Erdball, 4: 108-15. 1924 Causes of depopulation among some island people. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 486. Chrätien, C.D. 1956 Word distributions in south­ 1925 The white man in the tropics; eastern Papua. Language, with especial reference to 32: 88-108. Australia and its dependencies, in: Australia, Department of Christensen, Dieter Health, Service Publication (tropical division) No. 7: 1957 Die Musik der Kate und Sialum; 168 pp. Melbourne, Government Beiträge zur Ethnographie Printer, 8 vols. Neuguineas. Berlin, Inaug.’ dissertation, 126 pp. 1926 Food deficiencies in the Territory of New Guinea. 1963 Melodiestile am mittleren Medical journal of Australia, Sepik (Neuguinea) nach 2 : 309-13» Phonogrammen der "Kaiserin- August a- Fluss -Expedition 1927 Diet and nutrition in northern 1912-13". Baessler-Archiv, Melanesia. Australasian 10 (neue Folge) (l): 9-44. M edical C ongress (BMA), Transactions of the second Christensen, Erwin 0. session, Dunedin, 150-3. 1955 The South Seas and Australia. in: Primitive art, Ch.5: 265- 1927a Report on the public health of 312. New York, Thomas Y. the Territory of New Guinea. Crowell Co., 384 pp. Report to the League of Nations on the administration of the Christian, G. Territory of New Guinea for 1925- 26: 92-6, (App. B). 1932 A new musical instrument from Papua. Man, 32: 70. 1928 Report on the public health of the Territory of New Guinea. Report to the League of Nations Churchill, William on the administration of the 1909 The dying people of Tauu. territory of New Guinea for American geographical society, 1926- 27: 140-5, (Appr C). Bulletin, 41(2): 86-92. 1928a The causes of the depopulation 1916 Sissano: movements of migration of the Western islands of the within and through Melanesia. territory of New Guinea. Washington, Carnegie Institution Canberra, Government Printer, of Washington, Publication No. 82 pp. 244, l8l pp. 1932 The value of medical services 1920 Germany's lost Pacific empire. in relation to problems of Geographical review, 10: 84-90. depopulation. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 480-3, also Pacific islands monthly, 3(7): 35, 38-9, 42. 51

Cilento, Raphael W. and Backhouse, T.C. 1888 Het eiland Wiak of Biak benoorden de Geelvlnkbaai. Indische gids, 1927 Paragonimiasis: its first recorded occurrence in the 1 0 (1 ): 293-311. Territory of New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 1888a lets over het eiland Mor tegen- 1 : 7 9 -8 1 . over de kust van Waropen. Indische gids, 10(l): 526-9. Claasen, J.M. van Ravenswaay- 1888b lets over de beoosten Kaap see Ravenswaay-Claasen, J.M. van d'Urville gelegen Koemamba- eilanden. Indische gids, 10(l): Clark, J •B. (joint author) 662-6. 19 - see 19 - Lister-Turner, R. and Clark, J.B. 1888c Otto Finsch over de Humboldtbaai. Indische gids, 10(l): 863-70. 1932 see 1932 Lister-Turner, R. and Clark, J.B. l888d Vreemde reizigers over Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea. Indische gids, 10(2): 1384- Clarke, H.V. 406. 1963 The role of the Pacific islands' regiment in assisting social 1889 De baai van Wandamen in het zuid- advancement in the territory. westen der Geelvink-baai. Australian territories, 3(3): (Fragment uit mijn dagboek met 38-40. enkele aanteekeningen). Indische gids, 11(1): 460-76. Clatworthy, J. (joint author) I960 see i960 Kariks, J. and 1889a Een paar dagen op de kust van Clatworthy, J. Ja-oer in de Geelvlnkbaai. Indische gids, 11(1): 1112-20.

Cleland, D.W. 1889b Van af Tarfia tot de Humboldt­ 1954 The administrator reviews New baai of het zoogenaamde Papoewa Guinea development. South Talandjang. Indische gids, 11(2): Pacific, 7: 854-8. 1258-70.

Clements, F.W. l889c Het gebied der Kalana fat of vier Radja's in Westelijk Nieuw- 1934 The relation of diet to tropical Guinea. Indische gids, 11(2): ulcer: a preliminary report. 1297-351. Medical journal of Australia, 1 : 520-2 . l889d Langs de Zuidkust der Maccluer- golf. Indische gids, ll(2): 1936 A Papuan field experiment of 1666-84. malaria treatment. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 235-7, 6 tables. 1890 Bemerkingen over houten en bamb- oezen voorwerpen van Noord- Westelijk Nieuw-Guinea. 1936a A tuberculosis survey of a Papuan Internationales Archiv für village. Medical journal of Ethnographie, 151-4. Australia, 1: 253-8, 13 tables. l890a Moet Nieuw-Guinea een tweede 1936b A medical survey in Papua: report Atjeh worden? Indische gids, of the first expedition by the 1 2 (2 ) : 1682-93- School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine to Papua, 1935. 1891 Rapport over drie reizen naar Medical journal of Australia, het Nederlandsche gedeelte van : 451-63, tables. 1 11 Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en 1936c Tropical ulcer, with special volkenkunde. ((K.) Bataviaasch reference to its aetiology. genootschap van kunsten en Medical journal of Australia, wetenschappen), 34: 117-69. 2 : 615-44, 29 tables. 1893 De west- en noordkust van Clements, F.W. (joint editor) Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig 1950 see 1950 Hipsley, E.H. and genootschap, Amsterdam, Clements, F.W. Tijdschrift, 10: 151-219, 4 3 8 - 6 5 ; 587-649, 841-84, 981-1021. Clercq, Frederik Sigismund Alexander de 1886 Kantteekeningen op Haga's "Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea en de Papoesche Eilanden" Indische gids, 8 (2 ): 1392-416. 52 Clercq, Frederik Sigismund Alexander de 1960 Bij het gebed van een bergpapoea. and Schmeltz, J.D.E. Monotheisme in het cen trale bergland? Nieuw-Guinea Studien, 1893 Ethnographische beschrijving van 4: 93-100. de west- en noordkust van Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea. Leiden, P.W.M. Trap, 300 pp. 1961 Agricultural stations of Netherlands New Guinea. South Pacific commission, Quarterly Clezy, J.K.A. (joint author) bulletin, ll(l): 39-41. 1962 see 1962 Champness, L.T. and Clezy, J.K.A. 1961a Papuans grow cocoa in Netherlands New Guinea. South Pacific Clune, Francis Patrick comftiission, Q uarterly b u lle tin , 11(4) : 24-5, 41. see Clune, Frank. 1962 Sago making in Netherlands New Clune, Frank Guinea. South Pacific commission, 19^2 Drums on the Sepik. Walkabout, Quarterly bulletin, 12(l): 56- 8 . 8(4): 9-14. Cohen, B.T. Keon- 1942a Stone-age man of the Upper Sepik. see Keon-Cohen, B.T. Walkabout, 8(6): 12-14. Cohn, L. 1942b Prowling through Papua with Frank Clune. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1913 Beobachtungen von den 237 PP- Admiralitätsinseln. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 59 (Pt. II): 315-20. 1951 Somewhere in New Guinea: a companion to Prowling through Papua. Sydney, Angus & Colijn, A.H. Robertson, 356 pp. 1937 Naar de eeuwige sneeuw van tropisch Nederland: de bestijging van het Coady, C.F. Carstenszgebergte in 1962 The Bulldog - Wau road. Nederlandsch Nieuw Guinea. Australian territories, Amsterdam, Scheltens & 2(5): 36-42. G iltay, 4de druk, 253 PP*

1963 Australian New Guinea 1937/38 De bestijging van de Administrative Unit. Carstensztoppen. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 2: 18-29* Australian territories, 3(3): 23-9. Collins, R.W. Cochrane, Renata 1956/57 The building of the Vanimo Community H ospital. Papua and 1953 M issionaries go over the mount­ New Guinea medical Journal, ain: road building at 10,000ft. Pacific islands monthly, 24(l): 2(2): 46-7. 81-3- Collinson, James Warren 1954 Native Papuan ordained p rie s t: ig 4l Tropic coasts and tablelands. a new era in Papua - New Guinea. Brisbane, Smith & Paterson, Pacific islands monthly, 24(7): 127 pp. 51-4. Colwell, James ( e d .) 1963 New names for old. Australian 1914 A century in the Pacific. territories, 3(4): 16-2 1 . Sydney, William H. Beale, 781 pp. see 1914 Brown, G., Cocq d 'Armandville, C.J.F. le 1914 BroinTTow, W.E., 1914 Danks, B. see le Cocq d'Armandville, C.J.F. Commissie te r voorbereiding van de aanwij- zing eener natuurlijke grens tusschen Codrlngton, Robert Henry het Nederlandsche en het Duitsche gebied 1954 Mana. ( f i r s t published in op Nieuw-Guinea l8 9 l). in: M. Mead and N. Calas 1912 U ittrek sel u it het verslag der (eds.), Primitive Heritage: 395- commissie, ingesteld bij besluit 7. London, V ictor Gollancz L td., van den Gouverneur-Generaal dd. 592 pp. 11 Maart 1910 No. 8. ’s-Gravenhage, Luctor e t Emergo, Coenen, Jan H.A. 157 PP* 1959 Jachtgebruiken b ij de Damalme. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 7(5): 2-5. 53

Community Development Bulletin Coomans de Ruiter, L. 1952 Area education centres in the 1956 Ave de Paraiso IV, V. Territory of Papua and New Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Guinea. Community development 4(2): 16-20, (4): 22-5. bulletin. (London. University Institute of education) St. Albans, 3(3): 50-4. Coombs, J.G. 1948 Melanesian Arcadia. Walkabout, Comrie, P 14(2): 16-20. 1877 Die Eingeborenen des östlichen Neu-Guinea. Globus, 21(6): 87-90. Coreelmont, M.C.E. 1958 Bezoek aan een dorpsschool. 1877a Anthropological notes on New Schäkels NNG, 28: 22-6. Guinea. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Costantini, Assunto London, Journal, 6: 102-19. 1907 Theoretisch-praktischer Lehrgang der Neu-Pommerschen Sprache Conigrave , Charles Price (Bismarck-Archipel) nebst einem 1938 Walk-about. London, J.M. Dent deutsch-neupommersch und neupom­ and Sons, 250 pp. mersch-deutschen Wörterbuch. Berlin. Georg Reimer, 222 pp. Conley, D Costelloe, J.A. 1950 The fisheries survey in Papua and New Guinea. Papua and New 1940 Customs of the Wain and Naba Guinea scientific society, natives (Morobe District). Annual report for 1950: 6-8. Report to the League of Nations on the administration of the Conroy, W • L. Territory of New Guinea for 1938-29: 22-2- 1946 Swampland agriculture. Monthly notes, 1(2): 9-10. 1941 How the coconut came to New Notes on some land use problems Ireland. Report to the League 1953 of Nations on the administration in Papua and New Guinea. South of the Territory of New Guinea Pacific, 7: 645-51; also Australian Geographer, 1952, for 1929-40: 22-2* 6(2): 25-20. Cotter, Helen and others I960 The evolution of the agricultural 1958 Haemoglobin values of some environment in Papua and New native inhabitants of Guinea. Paper delivered at the Bougainville, New Guinea. UNESCO Symposium on the impact Medical journal of of man on humid tropics vegetat­ Australia, 1: 29-22. ion. Goroka, Territory of Papua and New Guinea; 94-7. Sponsored by the Administration of the Cotter, Helen and Walsh, R.J. Territory of Papua and New 1958 Haemoglobin values in some Guinea and UNESCO Science Co­ Pacific native groups. Medical operation Office for South East journal of Australia, 2: 602-5- Asia. Canberra, Government Printer, 402 pp. Cotton, Florence Marie 1957 The South Pacific Commission as 1961 Agricultural extension work in Papua and New Guinea. South an instrument of Australian and Pacific commission, Quarterly New Zealand administration of bulletin, 11(4): 49-52- dependent areas in the Pacific, 1944-55. Duke University, thesis, 174 pp. 1962 Tradition and trends in agricul­ ture. Australian territories, Cottrell-Dormer, W. 2(4) : 21-7. 1946 New Guinea agriculture. Monthly notes, 1(4) : 5-6. Conroy, •L. and Bridgland, L.A. 1950 Native agriculture in Papua - 1949 Agricultural resources (Abstract). New Guinea, in: Report of -the Papua and New Guinea scientific New Guinea Nutrition Survey society, Annual report for 1949: Expedition, 1947 (pt. 2): 72- 11-2 . 91- Sydney, Government Printer, 208 pp. 1950 Native rural progress society: an experiment in social and Converse, Elizabeth economic development. South Pacific, 4(4): 53-7- 1949 Administrative merger for Papua and New Guinea. Par eastern survey, 18(11): 1950a Diversification of food and 129. export crops. South Pacific, 4(8): 142-4. 54 1955 Some aspects of agricultural 1953a Een verbasterd Sentanisch development in Papua and New oorsprongsverhaal? Bijdragen Guinea. South Pacific, 8 : 53-5. tot de taal-, land- en volken­ kunde, 109: 308-8 1 . 1959/60 Rural organization in south-east Papua. Papua and New Guinea 1953t> Voorlopige resultaten van een agricultural journal, 1 2 (l): 37- ambtelijk taalonderzoek in 40. Nieuw Guinea. Koninklijk instituut voor de taal-, land­ en volkenkunde (ed.). 1961/62 Rural extension in eastern Papua. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, Papua and New Guinea agri­ 51 PP- cultural journal, 14(2/3): 92- 112. 1954 Een taalkundig gegeven betref­ Coulter, J.W. fende Misool. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 1949 Potential resources and prospects 110: 185-7 . of future development of non­ self-governing territories in the Pacific. Seventh Pacific science 1954a De strijd om het "Pidgin" in congress 1949, New Zealand, Australisch Nieuw-Guinea. Proceedings, 7: 508-23. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ en volkenkunde, 1 1 0 : 282-4.

1951 Eastern Melanesia, in: O.W. Freeman (ed.), Geography 1954b Talenweelde en taalprobleem in of the Pacific: 173-204. New Nieuw Guinea. Schäkels, 73(NG8): York, John Wiley and Sons, 1-5. 573 PP- 1954/55 Ethnolinguistics and "Papuan" Cowan, H.K.J. etymology. Oceania, 25: 54-60. 1949/50 Indonesisch of Melanesisch op Noord Nieuw-Guinea? Indonesia; 1954/5a Variability in New Guinea tijdschrift gewijd aan het languages. Oceania, 25: Indonesisch cultuurgebied, 3 : 208-15. 351-9. 1955/56 Notes on the Windesi-grammar. 1950 Een volksverhaal van het Oceania, 26: 42-58. Sentani-meer. in: Bingkisan Budi: een bundel opstellen 1957 Prospects of a "Papuan" compar­ aan Dr. Phillipus Samuel van ative linguistics. Bijdragen Ronkel door vrienden en leer- tot de taal-, land- en volken­ lingen aangeboden op zijn kunde, 1 1 3 : 70-91« tachtigste verjaardag 1 Augustus 1950: 83-95. Leiden, A.W. Sijthoff. 1957a Een tweede grote Papoea-taal- groepering in Nederlands Nieuw Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studife'n, I95 O/1 ) Notes on the Sentani-grammar. 1 : 107-17. 1951/2 ) Oceania, 21: 214-28, 302-9, 22: 53-71, 315-6. 1957b De rechtspositie der niet- Europese bevolkingsgroepen in 1951/52 Genitlef constructie en Nederlands Nieuw Guinea. Nieuw- Melanesische talen. Indonesia'; Guinea studife'n, 1: 275-94. tijdschrift gewijd aan het Indonesisch cultuurgebied, 3: 307-14. 1957/58 A large Papuan language phylum in West New Guinea. Oceania, 28: 159-66. 1952 Drie verhalen in de Sentani- taal. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 1 0 8 : 1958 De rechtsacculturatie van de 347-64. Papoea en artikel 126 B.N.G. (Een dupliek). Nieuw-Guinea studifen, 2 : 85-93* 1952/53 Een toon-taal in Nederlands Nieuw Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 13: 55-60. 1959 Linguistic research in Netherlands New Guinea. Nieuw- Guinea studife'n, 3: 196-206. 1952/3a De Austronesich-Papoease taal- grens in de onderafdeling 1959a La classification des langues Hollandia. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- papoues. Anthropos, 54: 973- Guinea", 13: 133-43, 161-77, 81. 201-6 .

1953 De aanduiding der objects- 1959b Nederlands, Maleis en streektaalJ relatie bij het werkwoord in Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 7(6): Papua-talen. Bijdragen tot de 6-9- taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 109: 128-43. 55

I960 Nadere gegevens betreffende de Crawford, John G. verbreiding der West-Papoease 1962 Emerging issues in New Guinea. taalgroep (Vogelkop, N-G). in: The independence of Papua- Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ New Guinea: what are the pre­ en volkenkunde, 1 1 6 : 350-64. requisites? : 60-76. Australian national university, Public Cox, G.F. lectures committee. Sydney, 1936 Mummies in New Guinea. Angus & Robertson, 78 pp. Discovery, 17: 27. Crldland, E. Cox, W.H. 1925 Vocabulary of Mahigi - a village 1913 New Ireland (New Mecklenburg) (Western division). Papua. myths. Man, 1 3 : 195-9. Annual report for 1923-24: 5 8 , (App. V). Crab, P. van der 1864 Reis naar de zuidwestkust van Crocker, W.R. Nleuw-Guinea; de Goram- en 1931 The Japanese population problem. Ceram-Laut eilanden en London, George Allen & Unwin, oostelijk Ceram. Tijdschrift 240 pp. voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. ((K.) Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en Crockett, Charis wetenschappen), 1 3 : 53 1 -5 6 . 1942 The house in the rain forest. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., Craggs, E.M. and others 300 pp. 1958/59 The blood groups of the Kukukuku. Oceania, 29: Örocombe, R.G. and Hogbin, G.R. 67-70. 1963 The Erap mechanical farming project. Australian national Craib, Ralph university. New Guinea research unit (Research school of Pacific 1962 The Asmats: they hunt your head studies), Bulletin, No. 1, 46 pp because the spirits say so. Pacific islands monthly, 3 2 (8 ): 69. 1963a Land, work and productivity at Inonda. Australian national university. New Guinea research Craig, T.L. unit (Research school of Pacific 1943 Gold in Sudest. Pacific studies), Bulletin, No. 2, islands monthly, 14(5): 3 6 . 109 pp.

1944 Papua in 1888. Pacific islands Croockewit, J.H. (compiler and translator) monthly, 14(8): 2 9 . 1862 see 1862 Ottow, W.

Crain, M. (joint author) Crotty, John 1937 see 1937 Leahy, Michael J. and Crain, M. 1951 First dictionary of Tchaga (-Enga) language, central high­ lands, New Guinea. Anthropos, Crandall, Lee Saunders 46: 933-63. 1929 To New Guinea for living birds of paradise. Natural history: Crump, J.H. and Horsley, V. American museum of natural history, Journal, 29(6): 579- 1901 Trephining in the South Seas. 94. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1931 Paradise quest; a naturalist's London, Journal, 3 1 : 167-73* experiences in New Guinea. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, Cumberland, Kenneth B. 226 pp. 1954 Southwest Pacific. A geography of Australia, New Zealand and Cranstone, B.A.L. their Pacific island neighbour­ hoods. New Zealand, Whitcombe & 1961 Melanesia. A short ethnography. Tombs Ltd., 365 PP* London, Trustees of the British museum, 115 PP* Cumpston, J.H.L. Cranswick, G.H. and Shevill, I.W.A. 1923 The depopulation of the Pacific Second Pan-Pacific science 1949 a new deal for Papua. Melbourne, congress 1923, Australia, Cheshire, 159 PP* Proceedings, 2: 1389-94.

Current Affairs Bulletin 1949 New Guinea. Current affairs bulletin, 4(4): 269-85* 56 1954 Pidgin English. Current Dahl, Friedrich affairs bulletin, 14(12): I898 Eine Reise nach der SUdsee. 177-92. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 11(11) (new series): 98-9- 1955 Fashion bilong New Guinea. Current affairs bulletin, Daika (pseud.) 15(15): 195-208. 1949 Brides join the prices spiral. Pacific islands monthly, 20(4): 1960 Prospects for New Guinea. 56. Current affairs bulletin, 26(9): 129-44. d'Albertis, Luigi Maria

1961 Independence for West New see Albertis, Luigi Maria d'. Guinea. Current affairs bulletin, 2 7 (1 2 ): 177-92. Damm, Hans 1947 Steinzeitvölker der Gegenwart: 1965 New Guinea's political future. Lebensbilder aus Neuguinea. Volk Current affairs bulletin, und Wissen - Sammelbücherei, 52(4) : 50-64. Natur und Wissen, Serie 0, Band 2: 52, Berlin-Leipzig.

Current Notes on International Affairs 1951 Methoden der Feldbewässerung in 1955 The West New Guinea question. Ozeanien, in: Südseestudien, Current notes on international Gedenkschrift zur Erinnerung an affairs, 2 6 : 1 2 -7 . Felix Speiser: 205-54. Basel, Museum für Völkerkunde und i960 Trustee territory of New Guinea: Schweizerisches Museum für validity of Commonwealth law. Volkskunde, 422 pp. Current notes on international affairs, 5 1 : 427-50. 1955 Hacken- und beilartige Geräte mit Schildkrotklinge und ihre Bedeutung im Wirtschaftsleben Curtain, C.C. der Ozeanier. Leipzig. Museum 1959 Serum proteins in Kuru. für Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 11 Australian journal of science, (1952): 64-90. 22(4) : 167. 1955a Eine "Totenfigur" aus dem Gebiete Curtain, C.C. and others der Iatmül (Sepik, Neuguinea). Leipzig. Museum für Völkerkunde, 1962 Distribution pattern, population Jahrbuch, ll(l952): 91-8. genetics and anthropological significance of Thalassemia and abnormal hemoglobins in 1957 Kanaka - Menschen der Südsee. Melanesia. American journal of Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 572 pp. physical anthropology, 2 0 : 475-85. 1959 Ethnographische Materialien aus dem Küstengebiet der Gazelle- Curtis, R.E. (joint author) Halbinsel (Neubritannien). Leipzig. Museum für Völkerkunde, 1959/60 see 1959/60 Boag, A.D. and Jahrbuch, 16(1957): 110-52. Curtis, R.E. 1959a Die sogennanten Haarkörbchen und Cuthbertson, Walter R. verwandter Kopfputz in Melanesien. 1887 Exploration of the highlands Acta ethnographica, 8 : 6 5 -8 5 . of south-eastern British New Guinea (July to October 1887). 1960 Versuch einer Deutung der sog. Royal geographical society of Fetische von den Anachoreten- Australasia, Victorian branch, Inseln (Kaniet), Bismarck- Transactions and proceedings, Archipel. Ethnologica, 2 5 (pt. 2 ): 7-45. (new series): 146-55-

1961 Die SUsskartoffei (Batate) im Leben der Völker Neuguineas. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 86: 2 0 8 -2 5 .

196la Ein Schädelschrein aus Süd- Neuguinea. Leipzig. Museum für Völkerkunde, Mitteilungen, No. 6: 4-5. 57

1961b Beiträge zur Völkerforschung - Danes, Jifi V. Hans Damm zum 65» Geburtstag. 1924 Papuov4 a Melanesci. in: Leipzig. Museum für Völkerkunde, Puvod a Zanikäni domorodcu v Veröffentlichungen, Heft 11; Australil a Oceanii: 64-87. Berlin, Akademie Verlag; 752 pp.; Prague, Czech Graphic Union, see 1961 Aneil, B.; 1961 Bodrogi, 140 pp. T., 1961 Germer, E.j 1961 Hartwig, W.; 1961 Herrmann, F.J 1961 Höltker, G.; 1961 Läufer, C.; 1924a Vymiräni domorodych piemen, in: 1961a Schlesier, E.; 1961c Puvod a Zanikanl domorodcu v Schmitz, C.A. Australil a Oceanii: 107-37. Prague, Czech Graphic Union, 1962 Papua von Nukumanu. Leipzig. 140 pp. Museum für Völkerkunde, Mitteilungen, No. 11: 2-5* Daniel, Hawthorne 1943 Islands of the Pacific. New 1962a Alte Steingeräte aus Melanesien York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, und von den Samoa-Inseln. 228 pp. Leipzig. Museum für Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 19: 8-26. Daniels, E.C. 1962 Designs for a patrol officer's 1963 Schädelmasken aus der Südsee. quarters in New Guinea. Leipzig. Museum für Völkerkunde, Australian territories, 2(2): Mitteilungen, No. 14: 8-11. 1 3 -8 .

Damm, Hans (joint author) Danks, Benjamin 1 9 2 9 ) see 1929, 1931 Sarfert, E. and 1888 On the shell-money of New 193I) Damm, H. Britain. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Dammköhler, W.C. Ireland, London, Journal, 17: 305-17. 1900 Statement on attacks on him and P. Brener by Tugeri head hunters, dated 21.1.1899* Enclosure to 1889 Marriage customs of the New despatch from the lieutenant Britain group. Anthropological governor reporting visit of institute of Great Britain and inspection to the western Ireland, London, Journal, 18: districts of the Possession. 281-94. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1898-99: 10-11, (App. C). 1892 Burial customs of New Britain. Anthropological institute of Dammköhler, W.C. and Oldörp, Rudolf Great Britain and Ireland, London, Journal, 21: 348-56. 1909 Bericht der Herren Dammköhler und Oldörp über eine Reise ln Neuguinea 1908-09. Amtsblatt für 1892a New Britain and its people. das Schutzgebiet Deutsch- Australian and New Zealand Neuguinea, 1(17): 135-6. association for the advancement of science, 4: 614-20. Dampier, William 1906 Dampier's voyages: consisting of 1910 Some notes on savage life in a new voyage round the world, a New Britain. Australian and New supplement to the voyage round Zealand association for the the world, two voyages to advancement of science, 12: Campeachy, a discourse of winds, 451-7. a voyage to New Holland, and a vindication, in answer to the 1914 New Britain, in: James Colwell chimerical relation of William (ed.), A century in the Pacific: Funnell. J. Masefield (ed.). 507-34. Sydney, William H. London, E. Grant Richards, Beale, 781 pp. 2 vols., 6l2, 624 pp. 1933 In wild New Britain: the story of Danby, P.M. (joint author) Benjamin Danks, pioneer mission­ ary, from his diary. Wallace 1955 see 1955 Blackwood, B. and Deane (ed.). Sydney, Angus & Danby, P.M. Robertson, XI and 293 PP-

Danckert, Werner Danneil, Curt 1937 Musikwissenschaft und 1901 Die ersten Nachrichten über die Kulturkreislehre. Anthropos, Inselgruppe St. Matthias und 3 2 : 1-14. deren Bewohner. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 14: 1952 Alteste Musikstile und 112-26. Kulturgeschichten in Ozeanien und Indonesien. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 77: 198-213. 58 1901a Der Übergang vom F le c h te n zum Dean, Beth and Carell, Victor Weben n e b s t einem w e ite re n 1957 Exotic New Guinea. Walkabout, Beitrag zur Kenntnis der 25(7): 10-4. Weberei in Melanesien. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 14: 227-58. 1958 Softly, wild drums; in New Guinea today with Beth Dean and Victor 1902 Zwei wenig bekannte Inseln Carell. Sydney, Ure Smith, 200 pp östlich von St. Matthias im Bismarck-Archipel. Petermanns Dean, James C. Geographische M itteilungen, I960 The work o f th e Summer I n s t i t u t e 48: 278-86. of Linguistics in New Guinea. Polynesian society, Wellington, D anzig, A. von Bockelm ann- Journal, 69: 404-5. see B ockelm ann-D anzig, A. von De ' a th , C.E. d'Armandville, C.F.J. Le Cocq 1965 Third political education tour see Le Cocq d 1Armandville, C.F.J. by Papua and New Guinea lead­ ers. Australian territories, 5(6): 52-6. Dauncey, H.M. 1915 Papuan pictures. London, de Bruijn, Jean Victor London Missionary Society, 184 pp. see Bruijn, Jean Victor de.

Davidson, D.S. de Bruyn, Jean Victor 1947 Oceania (The Oceanic collections see Bruijn, Jean Victor de. of the University Museum). Pennsylvania. University museum, Bulletin, 12(5-4): 1-112. de Bruyn, W.K.H. Feuilletaü see Feuilletaü de Bruyn, W.K.H. Davidson, J.W. 1947 The literature of the Pacific de Clercq, Frederik Sigismund Alexander islands. Australian outlook, see Clercq, Frederik Sigismund 1 (2 ): 65-79, Alexander de.

1955 The study of Pacific history: Deeken, Richard an inaugural lecture delivered at Canberra on 25th November, 1912 Der Handel Neuguineas im Jahre 1954. Canberra, Australian 1911. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, National University, 26 pp. 2 9 (5 7 ): 651- 2 .

i 960 Pacific islands research of the 1915 Im Fluge durch Neuguinea. Research School of Pacific Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Studie" in the Australian 52(1): 9-12. National University. Polynesian society, Wellington, Journal, 69: 155-9. de Hoog, J. see Hoog, J. de. D av is, Donald R. 1961 Wantoat phonemes and orthography, Deibler, Ellis W. jr. in: Workshop papers: 121-52, Summer institute of linguistics, 1965 Grammatical structure of Gahuku. New Guinea branch, Ukarumpa, in : Workshop p a p ers No. 2 New Guinea, 170 pp. XGrammar): 1-55, Summer institute of linguistics, New Guinea branch. Ukarumpa, New Dawson, Warren R. (ed.) Guinea, 96 pp. 1952 The Frazer lectures, 1922- 1952. London, Macmillan Deibler, Ellis W. jr. and Trefray, David and Co., 304 pp. 1965 Languages of the Chimbu sub- d i s t r i c t (w ith map). Summer Deacon, A.B. institute of linguistics and Department of Information and 1925 The Kakihan society of Ceram and New Guinea initiation extension services, Port Moresby, cults. Folk-lore, 5 6 : 332- 6 1 . 11 pp.

de Iongh, W. Dean, B eth see Iöngh, W. de. 1957) Maori, aboriginal and New 1958) G uinea e th n ic d a n ce s. Te Ao Hou - The new w orld (W e llin g to n ), de Jong, A. 21: 59-41; 22: 22-5- se e Jong, A. d e. 59 de Jong, J.P.B. de Josselin 1912/13 Musikalische Tonhöhen, ein see Josselin de Jong, J.P.B. de. Problem für Papuasprachen. Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen, 3: 327-30. Dekker, A.G. Koops see Koops Dekker, A.G. 1918/19 Eine Gespenstergeschichte aus Graged Deutsch-Neuguinea. Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen, Deland, C.C. 9: 129-31. 1957 Isle of Bougainville. Royal geographical society of 1919/20 Ein Kulturbild aus Neuguinea. Australasia, South Australian Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen­ branch, Proceedings, (1955-6), sprachen, 10: 22-32. 57: 9 1 -5 . 1920 Die Lautentsprechungen der Deland, C. Mervyn and others indonesischen Lippenlaute in einigen anderen austronesi­ 1955 Epithelioma of rodent type in a schen Sprachen. Zeitschrift native of Bougainville, für Eingeborenen-Sprachen, Territory of New Guinea. Medical Beiheft 2. Berlin, Reimer, journal of Australia, 1: 712-5. 96 pp.

de Ligny, H.J. de Wilde 1924/25 Die L-, R-, und D-Laute in see Wilde de Ligny, H.J. de. austronesischen Sprachen. Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen­ sprachen, 15: 19-50, II6-38, D em aitre, Edmond 223-38, 273-320. 1955 L'enfer du Pacifique: chez les cannibales et les chercheurs 1924/ Das Verwandtschaftssystem der d'or de la Nouvelle Guinee. 25a Kate (Neu-Guinea). Zeitschrift Paris, Bernard Grasset, 258 pp.; für Eingeborenen-Sprachen, 15: "New Guinea gold", 1956 (transl. 65-73. by H.D. Beaumont) London, Bles. 1925/26 Sagen und Märchen aus Graged 1956 New Guinea gold: cannibals and und Sivo (Neu-Guinea). gold-seekers in New Guinea. Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen­ London, Geoffry Bles, 255 PP- sprachen, 16: I-58.

de Meyier, J.E. 1928/29 Ethnographische Schilderungen see Meyier, J.E. de. aus Graged (Neu-Guinea). Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen­ sprachen, 19: 205-35, 309-15. Dempwolff, Otto 1902 Medicinische Anschauungen der 1931 Einige Probleme der verglei­ Tami-Insulaner. Berliner chenden Erforschung der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Südsee-Sprachen. Anthropos, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, 26: 157-70. Verhandlungen: 555-6. ln : Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. 34. 1939 Grammatik der Jabem-Sprache auf Neu-Guinea. Hamburg. Hansische Universität, 1904 Ueber aussterbende Völker. (Die Abhandlungen aus dem Eingeborenen der "westlichen Gebiet der Auslandskunde, Inseln" in Deutsch-Neu-Guinea). 50: 92 pp. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 36: 384-415. de Neef, A.J. see Neef, A.J. de. 1905 Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Sprachen von Deutsch-Neuguinea. Berlin. Universität. Seminar den Haan, Raphael für orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, Mitteilungen, 8: 182- see Haan, Raphael den. 254. Deniker, J. 1909 Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Sprache von B ilibili. Berlin. 1883 Les Papous de la Nouvelle Guinde Universität. Seminar für et les voyages de M. Miklouho- orientalische Sprachen zu Maclay. Revue d'anthropologie, Berlin, Mitteilungen, 12: 12 (2nd series): 484-501. 221- 6 1 . de Ravin, J.A. I91O/II Sagen und Märchen aus B ilib ili. see Ravin, J.A. de. Baessler-Archiv, 1: 63-102. 60

Derham, David P. 1928 Stammesgemeinschaften im "Zentralgebirge" von 1963 Law and custom in the Australian Deutsch-Neuguinea. territory of Papua and New Guinea. Mitteilungen aus den University of Chicago law review, Deutschen Schutzgebieten, 30: 495-506. 36: 112-30.

de R ochas, V. 1933 Der Saruwaged und seine see Rochas, V. de. östlichen und südöstlichen Anschlussgebirge. Koloniale Rundschau, No. 25 (booklets de Rochemont, E.J. 8 , 9, 1 0 ): 2 0 9 -2 1 . see Rochemont, E.J. de. 1935 Moeurs et coutumes des papous: quatre ans chez les cannibales de Rook., H. de la Nouvelle Guinee. (1914- see Rook, H. d e. 1918). Paris, Payot, 315 pp.

Deutsche Kolonialzeitung de Rossel, Elizabeth Paul Edouard 1886 Dr. 0. Finsch's 5* Fahrt im see Rossel, Elizabeth Paul Dienste der Neuguinea- Edouard de. Kompagnie von Astrolabe- bis H um boldt-B ai, 5> -28. Mai Derrick, R.A. l885. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3 (1 ): 1 1 -8 . 1950 Report on Project SI: Vocational training. South Pacific Commission, 191 pp. l886a Aus Kaiser Wilhelmsland (pt. 1); Aus Kaiser Wilhelmsland (pt. 2), "Die Sammlungen des Dr. Finsch '. 1951 Vocational training in the Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3(6): South Pacific. Colonial 175- 8 , ( 7 ) : 221- 2 . review, 7(3): 8O-3. l886b Die Entwicklung der deutschen 1952 Social processes in the Pacific Interessen in der Südsee islands. Pacific affairs, 25: während der Jahre l880 bis 176-9. 1885. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3(12): 367-74. d'Estrey, Guillaume Henri Jean Meyners see Meyners d'Estrey, Guillaume 1886c Verordnung, betreffend die Henri Jean. Rechtsverhältnisse in dem Schutzgebiete der Neuguinea- Kompagnie, vom 5- J u n i 1886. Detiger, J.G. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1941/2) Adat-gegevens van de onderaf- 3(13): 395-6. 1946/7) deling Japen-groep. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea , 6: 149-59; 7: l 886d Aus K a ise r W ilhelm s-Land und 16-25. dem B ism a rc k -A rc h ip e l. D eutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3(15): 469-71. de Tolna, Rodolphe Festetics see Festetics de Tolna, Rodolphe. l886e Rechtspflege in Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3(23): Detzner, Hermann 78 5 -6 . 1919 Kreuz- und Querzüge im Kaiser Wilhelmsland während des l886f Vom Kaiser Wilhelmsland und Weltkrieges (Februar 1914 bis Bismarck-Archipel. Deutsche November I918). M itteilungen Kolonialzeitung, 3(24): 813-5. aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, 32: 4 -1 9 . 1887 Deutsche Besitzergreifung dreier Inseln der Salomon-Gruppe und 1921 Vier Jahre unter Kannibalen, von •Vereinigung derselben mit dem 1914 b is zum W a f f e n s tills ta n d Schutzgebiet der Neu-Guinea unter deutscher Flagge im Kompagnie. Deutsche unerforschten Innern von Kolonialzeitung, 4(l): 3 . Neuguinea. Berlin, Scherl, 338 pp., (3rd edition, revised). 1887a Erlass, betreffend die Ausdehnung von Verfügungen des Reichskanzlers 1921a Nach Holländisch-Neuguinea! auf die zum Schutzgebiet der Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Neuguinea-Kompanie gehörigen 38(9): 88-9- Inseln der Salomonsgruppe. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 4(4): 104. 1921b Medizinische und hygienische S t r e i f l i c h t e r aus dem In n e rn von Neuguinea. Archiv für l887b Aus Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Schiffs- und Tropenhygiene, Kolonialzeitung, 4(4): 108 -1 0 . 25(3): 67-79. 61

1887c Aus Neu-Guinea. Deutsche 1894h Viehzuchtsverhältnisse in Kolonialzeitung, 4(13): 4l6-7• Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 7(8) (new series): 1 0 9 -1 0 . l887d Aus Neu-Guinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 4(13): 422-3- 1894c Koloniale Rundschau - Die deutschen Besitzungen in der Südsee. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, l887e Das Dewarrageld in Neu-Pommern 7 (9 ) (new series): 1 2 5 - in der Südsee. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 4(18): 562-3 . l894d Koloniale Rundschau - Die deutschen Schutzgebiete in 1888 Eine Flutwelle in der Südsee. der Südsee. Deutsche Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Kolonialzeitung, 7(10) (new 1 (2 0 ) (new series): 1 5 8 -9 - series): 1 3 6 -7 -

1 8 8 8 a Die Neu-Guinea-Kompanie. l894e Koloniale Rundschau - Die Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, deutschen Schutzgebiete in 1(43) (new series): 344-6. der Südsee. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 7(11) (new series): i49. 1889 Südsee: Uber Kaiser Wilhelmsland und die Schutzgebiete der Neu- Guinea-Kompanie. Deutsche 1897 Verhandlungen zwischen der Neu- Kolonialzeitung, 2(2) (new Guinea, Kompagnie und dem Reich series): 1 2 -3 - wegen Übernahme der Landeshoheit. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 10(15) 1889a Südsee: Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. (new series): 42 (supplement). Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 2 (3 1 ) (new series): 2 6 1 -3 . 1897a An der Astrolabe-Bai. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 10(24) (new 1890 Aus Kaiser Wilhelmsland. series): 2 3 7 . Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3 (9 ) (new series): 1 0 9 -1 0 . 1897b Holzfiguren aus Bogadjim. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 10(29) (new series): 2 8 9 . 1891 Schutzgebiet der Neu-Guinea- Kompanie . Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 4(l) (new 1897c Einiges Uber die Eingeborenen series): 1 1 -2 . von Bogadjim, Astrolabebai, Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 10(38) (new 1891a Neu Guinea. Deutsche series): 379-80. Kolonialzeitung, 4(10) (new series): 1 3 6 -7 . l897d Bilder aus Deutsch-Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1892 Neu-Guinea. Deutsche 10(51) (new series): 525. Kolonialzeitung, 5(7) (new series): 99-1 0 0 . 1898 Papua. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 11(24) (new series): 2 1 9 -2 2 1893 Das Schutzgebiet der (supplement). Neuguinea-Kompanie (mit Illustrationen). Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 6 (l) (new 1898a Zur Strandung des Dampfers series): 9 -1 0 . "Johann Albrecht" bei den Hermit-Inseln. Deutsche 1 893a Aus dem Schutzgebiet der Kolonialzeitung, 1 1 (3 0 ) Neuguinea-Kompanie (mit (new series): 2 7 3 - Illustrationen). Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 6(4) (new 1898b Gold in Neu-Guinea. Deutsche series): 5 1 - Kolonialzeitung, 1 1 (3 8 ) (new series): 339-40. 1893b Koloniale Rundschau - Südsee. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1898c Das Unser-Vater in der Papua- 6 (1 1 ) (new series): 145. Sprache . Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 11(45) (new 1894 Koloniale Rundschau - series): 406. Schutzgebiet der Neuguinea- Kompanie . Deutsche 1900 Zur Nomenklatur unserer Kolonialzeitung, 7(1) (new SUdseeschutzgebiete. Deutsche series): 1 3 . Kolonialzeitung, 1 3 (8 ) (new series): 7 9 -8 0 . 1894a Kleine Mitteilungen. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 7(3) (new 1901 Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Deutsche series): 46. Kolonialzeitung, 14(8) (new series): 70-2. 62

1 9 0 1 a Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen (mit 1903e Entwicklung des Bismarckarchipels. Abbildungen). Deutsche Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 16(46) Kolonialzeitung, l4(l6) (new (new series): 468. series): 153* 1903f Australischer Wetteifer. Deutsche 1901b Aussichten des Tabakbaues in Kolonialzeitung, 16(46) (new Deutsch-Neuguinea (Aus dem series): 468. Schreiben eines deutschen Pflanzers auf Sumatra). 1904 Reise des Gouverneurs Dr. Hahl Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, nach den Salomonsinseln. Deutsche I4(l8) (new series): . 1 6 5 Kolonialzeitung, 21(3): 28. 1 9 0 1 c Matupi, die Hauptfaktorei der Firma Hernsheim & Co. im 1904a Pflanzungen im Bismarck- Bismarck-Archipel, Deutsch-Neu- Archipel. Deutsche Guinea (with 9 illustrations). Kolonialzeitung, 21(10): Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, l4(l8) 98-9. (new series): 1 7 3 , (2 0 ) (new series): 193-4. 1904b Chineseneinfuhr nach Deutsch- Neuguinea. Deutsche 1901d Ein Trauerspiel in der Südsee. Kolonialzeitung, 2l(l6): 158. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 14(23) (new series): 2 2 5 -6 . 1904c In Britisch-Neuguinea: aus dem Tagebuche eines Ornithologen (einer grösseren Arbeit 1901e Ein Regierungsdampfer für entnommen). Deutsche Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 14(51) (new Kolonialzeitung, 21(17): 166-7. series): 504-5. 1904d Erwerbsgesellschaften in 1902 Bismarck-Archipel. Deutsche deutschen Kolonien: Neu-Guinea Kolonialzeitung, 15(21) (new Compagnie. Deutsche series): 207- Kolonialzeitung, 21(17): 1 6 9 .

1 9 0 2 a Bismarck-Archipel. Deutsche 1904e Cui bono? (ohne Verantwortung Kolonialzeitung, 15(26) (new der Gesellschaft). Deutsche series): 2 5 8 . Kolonialzeitung, 21(37): 3 6 2 -3 .

1902b Südsee. Guttapercha - Expedition. 1904f Ermordung des Händlers Reimers. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 15(28) Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 2 1 (3 8 ): (new series): 2 7 7 -8 .

1 902c Grossbritannien. Nachrichten aus 1904g Kreditgeben an Eingeborene Neuguinea. Deutsche Neuguineas. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 15(30) (new Kolonialzeitung, 2 1 (3 8 ): 3 8 0 . series): 2 9 5 -6 . 1904h Die Ermordung der Missionare 1902d Aus dem Bismarck-Archipel. in den Bainingbergen. Deutsche Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Kolonialzeitung, 21(39): 3 8 8 -9 . 15(47) (new series): 483- 1904i Bismarckarchipel. Deutsche 1903 Etat für das Schutzgebiet Kolonialzeitung, 21(39): 391. Neu-Guinea auf das Rechnungsjahr 1903. 1904j Verbesserte Dampferverbindung. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 21(42): l6 (7 ) (new series): 6 l-2 . 417-

1903a Von den Admiralitätsinseln. 1904k Kriegsgericht in Friedrich- Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Wilhelmshafen. Deutsche 1 6 (3 0 ) (new series): 3 0 9 - Kolonialzeitung, 21(42): 417.

1903b Kabelverbindung mit 19041 Die Stimmung nach der Untat von Australien. Deutsche St. Paul. Deutsche. Kolonialzeitung, 1 6 (3 6 ) Kolonialzeitung, 21(42): 417-8. (new series): 3 6 9 - 1904m Eingeborenenunruhen in Neuguinea. 1 9 0 3 c Die Zukunft des Bismarckarchipels. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 21(1): Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1 6 (3 6 ) (new series) : 3 6 9 * 1905 Besiedlung Neupommerns. 1903d Statistik der weissen Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Bevölkerung Deutsch-Neuguineas. 22(3): 27- Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, l6(40) (new series): 405* 1905a Aus Deutsch-Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 22(8): 78- 9- 63

1905b Brief aus Matupi. Deutsche 1908a Ein Jagdausflug im Bismarck- Kolonialzeitung, 22(15): Archipel. Deutsche 125-6 . Kolonialzeitung, 25(16): 280-1 . 1905c Aus dem Bismarck-Archipel. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1908b Guttapercha- und Kautschuk- 22(19): 1 8 6 . Expedition in Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 25(25): 405. 1905d Sitzung des Gouvernementsrats. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 22 (58): 407. 1908c Die deutsche Marine- Expedition 1907-1909* Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1905e Simpsonhafen. Deutsche 25(27): 482. Kolonialzeitung, 22(49): 515. 1908d Erziehung zur Arbeit in der Südsee. Deutsche 1906 Siedlung in den Bainingbergen. Kolonialzeitung, 25(27): 485-6. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 25 (1): 7. 1908e Verlegung der Queenslander Zuckermühlen nach Deutsch- 1906a Südsee. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Neuguinea. Deutsche 25: 57-8. Kolonialzeitung, 25(27): 486.

1906b Neuguinea im Reichstage. 1908f Befriedung der Admiralitätsinseln. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 25(28): 2 5 (1 4 ): I5 0 -I. 505.

1906c Südseebericht. Deutsche 1908g Wegebauten im Nordwesten der Kolonialzeitung, 25(18^: Gazelle-Halbinsel. Deutsche 179-80. Kolonialzeitung, 25(52): 5 6 9 .

1906d Gouverneur Dr. Hahl. 1908h Expedition nach dem Bismarck- Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Archipel. Deutsche 25(20): 197-8. Kolonialzeitung, 25(52): 570.

1906e Aus Neu-Mecklenburg. 1908i Strafexpedition nach den Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Admiralitätsinseln. Deutsche 2 5 (2 1 ): 206. Kolonialzeitung, 25(57): 657.

1906f Brief aus Matupi. Deutsche 1908j Deutsch-Neuguinea unter dem Kolonialzeitung, 2 5 (2 8 ): Drucke des neuen Zolltarifes. 280. (ohne Verantwortung der Gesellschaft). Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 25(41): 1906g Dienstreise des stellvertretenden 721-6. Gouverneurs nach Neu-Mecklenburg. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 25(44): 459* 1908k Expedition Sapper-Friederici. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 25 (42): 745. 1907 Matty und Durour. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 24(6): 57» 1908l Durchquerung der Insel 1907a Erdbeben in Deutsch-Neuguinea. Bougainville. Deutsche Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 24(8) : Kolonialzeitung, 25(45): 795. 79. 1908m Hamburger Südsee-Expedition. 1907b Kopfsteuer der Eingeborenen Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Deutsch-Neuguineas. Deutsche 25(48) : 845. Kolonialzeitung, 24(52): 5 2 5 . 1908n Auf Matupi. Deutsche 1907c Kannibalismus im Bismarck- Kolonialzeitung, 25(49): Archipel. Deutsche 854. Kolonialzeitung, 24(54): 5 4 5 . 1908o Bergmännische Untersuchungen 1907d Das Guttapercha- und und Grenzregelungen in Deutsch- Kautschukunternehmen in Neu- Neuguinea. Deutsche Guinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Kolonialzeitung, 25(49): 8 5 6 . 24(50): 521-2, (51): 557-8. 1909 Die Bremer Handelskammer über 1908 Von der Guttapercha- die neue Zollverordnung von Expedition in Neu-Guinea. Deutsch-Neuguinea. Deutsche Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Kolonialzeitung, 2 6 (5 ): 45-4. 25(10): 158-9. 64

19 09a Die Denkschriften Uber die 1910e Deutsch-holländische Südseekolonien. Deutsche Grenzexpedition. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 26(5): Kolonialzeitung, 2 7 (7 ): 115- 82- 3. 1910f Von Herbertshöhe nach 1909b Gegen die Paradiesvogeljäger im Simpsonhafen. Deutsche Norden von Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Kolonialzeitung, 27(15): Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 26 241-2, 243. (9): 152. 1910g Rabaul. Deutsche 1909c Die Insel Luf. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Kolonialzeitung, 26: 289* 27(17): 279-

1909d Funkspruch-Verbindungen in 1910h Aus Holländisch Neuguinea der Südsee. Deutsche Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Kolonialzeitung, 26(17): 27(17): 279-80. 289. 1910i Von der Guttapercha- und 1909e Unrichtige Nachrichten über Kautschuk-Expedition in eine Freveltat Farbiger auf Neuguinea. Deutsche den Admiralitätsinseln. Kolonialzeitung, 27(17): Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 280. 26(33): 551. 191Oj Die Lieblichen Inseln. 1909f Friede in Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 27(21): 341-2. 26(34): 567. 1910k Eingeborenen-Besteuerung im 1909g Strafexpedition nach den Bezirk Rabaul. Deutsche Admiralitätsinseln. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 2 7 (2 5 ): 427. Kolonialzeitung, 26(4l): 682. 19101 Aberglaube und Zauberei in 1909h Feuerwaffen unter den Neuguinea. Deutsche Admiralitätsinsulanern. Kolonialzeitung, 27(31): 524. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 26(42): 699. 1910m Die deutsche Grenzexpedition im Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land. 19091 Die Goldvorkommen in Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 26 27(31): 525. (44): 7 3 6 . 1910n Grenzreglung auf Neuguinea. 1909j Der Handel des alten Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Schutzgebietes Neuguinea. 27(40): 669. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 26(46): 770. 1910o Von der deutsch-holländischen Grenzexpedition in Neuguinea. 1909k Verwaltungsveränderungen in Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 27 Neuguinea. Deutsche (43): 721. Kolonialzeitung, 26(48): 804. 1910p Die Insel Buka. Deutsche 1910 Erinnerungsfeiern in der Kolonialzeitung, 27(47): Südsee. Deutsche 788. Kolonialzeitung, 27(2): 1 9 . 1910q Geographische Erfolge in Deutsch-Neuguinea. Deutsche a 1910 Forschungsreise in Deutsch- Kolonialzeitung, 27(53): 901. Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 27(3): 43-4. 1911 Chinesen im Bismarckarchipel. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 28 (1 ) : 11-2 . 1910b SUdsee-Expedition der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Stiftung. Deutsche 1911a Erfolgreiche Strafexpedition Kolonialzeitung, 27(6): 87-8. eines deutschen Kriegsschiffes. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 2 8 (3 ): 1910c Eine Eingeborenen-Verordnung für 43. Deutsch-Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 27(6): 9 3 . 1911b Deutsch-holländische Grenzexpedition. Deutsche 1910d Die Guttapercha- und Kautschuk- Kolonialzeitung, 28(7): 111. Expedition. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 27(6): 93-4. 1911c Eine neue Expedition zur Erforschung des Augusta- Flusses. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 28(17): 290. 65

1911d Papua. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1912g Erhöhung der Kopfsteuer in 28(20): 536-7 . Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 2903): 575- 1 9 H e Volkszählung auf der Gazelie- Halbinsel. Deutsche 1912h Zusammenstoss mit Eingeborenen Kolonialzeitung, 28(21): auf Bougainville. Deutsche 562-5 . Kolonialzeitung, 29(3*0: 587«

1911f Eine wirtschaftliche Lebensfrage 19121 Eingeborenenunruhen in Kaiser- für Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Wilhelms -Land. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 28(24): 405-6. Kolonialzeitung, 2 9 (3 8 ): 655.

1911g Der Handel Deutsch-Neuguineas. 1912J Ermordung eines Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 28 ParadiesvogelJägers. Deutsche (29): 493. Kolonialzeitung, 2 9 (3 8 ): 655-

1911h Expedition im südöstlichen 1912k Aus Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land. Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Expedition des Reichs- Kolonialzeitung, 2 8 (5 6 ): 609* Kolonialamts, der Königlichen Museen und der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft zur 19111 Expedition des Reichs-Kolonialamts Erforschung des Kalserin- und der Deutschen Augusta-Flusses (Sepik) in Kolonialgesellschaft zur Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Erforschung der Gebiete des Kolonialzeitung, 29(44): Kaiserin-Augusta-Stromes. 745-4. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 2 8 (5 8 ): 6 5 5 . 19121 Untaten der Eingeborenen von 1911J Der Handel Neuguineas im Jahre Neuguinea. Deutsche 1910. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Kolonialzeitung, 29(48): 8ll. 28(50): 845. 1912m Eingeborenenunruhen in Neuguinea. 1912 Expedition des Reichs-Kolonialamts Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, und der Deutschen Kolonial­ 29(51): 865. gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Gebiete des Kaiserin- Augusta-Flusses. Deutsche 1915 Aus Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land. Kolonialzeitung, 29(7): 102. Expedition des Reichs- Kolonialamts, der Königlichen Museen und der 1 912a Die einheimische farbige Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft Bevölkerung der deutschen zur Erforschung des Kaiserin- Südsee-Inseln. Deutsche Augusta-Flusses (Sepik) in Kolonialzeitung, 29(8): Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land. Deutsche 118-9. Kolonialzeitung, 5 0 (1 ): 6 .

1912b Expedition nach dem Bezirk 1915a Der Gouvernementsrat von Neu- Finschhafen. Deutsche Guinea Uber die Mischehen. Kolonialzeitung, 29(10): Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 155. 5 0 (1 ): 8 .

1912c Bilder aus Deutsch-Neuguinea. 1915b Aus Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Expedition des Reichskolonialamts, 29(14): 216-7. der Königlichen Museen und der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft 1912d Expedition des Reichs- zur Erforschung des Kaiserin- Kolonialamts und der Deutschen August a- Flusses in Kaiser- Kolonialgesellschaft zur Wilhelms-Land. Deutsche Erforschung des Kaiserin- Kolonialzeitung, 50(4): 50, Augustastromes (Sepik) in (8 ): 116-7, (9): 135, (11): Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. 173-4, (14): 250. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 29(18): 291. 1915c Bilder von der Kaiserin-Augusta- Fluss-Expedition. Deutsche 1912e Expedition des Reichs- Kolonialzeitung, 50(7): 99> (21): Kolonialamts und der Deutschen 545-4 , (5 2 ): 528-9. Kolonialgesellschaft zur Erforschung des Kaiserin- 1915d Erwerbsgesellschaften in Augusta-Flusses (Sepik) in deutschen Kolonien: Neuguinea- Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Compagnie. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 29(25): 598, Kolonialzeitung, 5 0 (8 ): 122-5. (26): 455-4.

1912f Bestimmungen betreffend 1915e Der Wert der Hochländer von Neu- Erkrankungen von Haustieren und Mecklenburg. Deutsche Einfuhr von Tieren in Neuguinea. Kolonialzeitung, 5 0 (1 6 ): 268-9* Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 29(51) 559. 66 1913f Strafexpedition in Neuguinea. 19l4e Die deutsche Südsee als Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 30 Reiseziel. Deutsche (19): 320. Kolonialzeitung, 3 1 (9 ): 148-9- 1913g Die weisse Bevölkerung von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea. Deutsche 19l4f Koloniales Vogelschutz- und Kolonialzeitung, 30(21): 353. Nutzungskomitee der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 31(10): 164-5. 1913h Bezirksamtmann F. Boluminski starb kürzlich in Neu-Mecklenburg. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 30(22): 1914g Sonderrecht für Schürfen auf 363. Erdöl. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3 1 (1 2 ): 205. 19131 Am Goldfluss von Kaiser-Wilhelms- Land. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1914h Kolonialer Vogelschutz und 30(23): 379. koloniale Vogelnutzung. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 31(13): 219. 1913J Handel von Neu-Guinea im Jahre 1912. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 30(31): 518-9. 19l4i Aus dem Südbezirk von Kaiser- Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3 1 : 251. 1913k Gesundheitsverhältnisse der Eingeborenen in Neumecklenburg. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3 0 (3 1 ): 19l4j Die Landwirtschaft in Papua 519. (Britisch-Neuguinea). Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3 1 (1 7 ): 2 8 3 . 19131 Eine Strafexpedition auf Neupommern. Deutsche 1914k Steuerfragen in Deutsch- Kolonialzeitung, 30(34): Neuguinea. Deutsche 569. Kolonialzeitung, 3 1 (1 8 ): 299. 1913m Eingeborenengeld in Neu- Guinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 19141 Pidgin-Englisch, eine mangel­ 3 0 (3 8 ): 6 3 0 . hafte Verkehrssprache. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3 1 (2 6 ): 4 3 0 . 1913n Gold in Britisch-Neu-Guinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 30 1914m Einwohnerzahl von Rabaul. (41): 678. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 31(26): 430. 19130 Bevölkerungsrückgang in Neupommern. Deutsche Deutsches Kolonialblatt Kolonialzeitung, 30(46): 1893 Aus dem Reisebericht S.M.Krzr. 759. "Sperber", von Apia nach den Marshall-Inseln, Neu-Guinea, 1913P Schulz der Paradiesvögel in den Admiralitäts- und Salomon­ Deutsch-Neuguinea. Deutsche inseln und nach Sydney. Kolonialzeitung, 30(51): 851. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 4: 406-8. 1914 Forschungen Dr. Thurnwalds im Gebiet zwischen Kaiserin- 1898 Aus dem Bereiche der Missionen August a- Fluss und Küste (mit und der Antisklaverei-Bewegung. einer Skizze). Deutsche (Extracts from mission journals): Kolonialzeitung, 3 1 (2 ): 20. Rheinische Missionsberichte, 87; "Gott will es" (Steyler Mission), 508; Kirchliche 1914a Die Tench-Insel (Enus). Mittheilungen (Neuendettelsauer Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Mission), 548; Marien-Monatshefte 31(3): 38. (hl. Herzen Jesu Mission), 591. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, vol. 9. 1914b Kopfsteuer auf der Gazelle-Halbinsel. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1898a Über einen Besuch bei den 31(3): 42. Kabienleuten (Neu-Hannover). Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 9: 177-8. 1914c Kopraausfuhrzoll in Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 31 (4): 58. 1898b Unruhen auf der Gazelle- Halbinsel. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 9: 796-7. 19l4d Koloniales Vogelschutz- und Nutzungskomitee. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3 1 (5 ): 77- 67

1899 Aus dem Bereiche der Missionen I9O3 Aus dem Bereiche der Missionen und der Antisklaverei-Bewegung. und der Antisklaverei-Bewegung. (Extracts from mission journals): (Extracts from mission journals): Kirchliche Mittheilungen der "Gott will es" (Heiligsten Herzen Neuendettelsauer Mission, 57, Jesu), 2 3 , 1 3 6 ; Steyler 173, 315, 408, 768; Annual Missionsboten, 51, 110, 245, report of the Australasian 525; Rheinische Missions- Wesleyan Methodist Mission esellschaft, 1 3 6 ; Monatshefte 1897/98, 92; Marien-Monatshefte, hl. Herzen Jesu), 304, 687; 240, 410, 628; Berichte der Kirchliche Mittheilungen Rheinischen Mission, 287, 410; (Neuendettelsauer Mission), Kreuz und Schwert, 852. 502, 591. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, Deutsches Kolonialblatt, vol. 10. vol. 14. l899a 1. Übersicht über die in Kaiser 1904 Aus dem Bereiche, der Missionen Wilhelmsland befindlichen und der Antisklaverei-Bewegung. Deutschen und Fremden. (Extracts from mission journals): 2. Übersicht der im Schutzgebiete Monatshefte (hl. Herzen Jesu), der Neu-Guinea Kompagnie 169, 264, 293» "Missionsfreund", ansässigen fremden Bevölkerung 447; "Gott will es" (hl. Herzen (Bismarck-Archipel und Solomon Jesu), 6 l8 . Deutsches Islands). Deutsches Kolonialblatt, Kolonialblatt, vol. 1 5 . 1 0 : 407. 1905 Aus dem Bereiche der Missionen l899b Ein unbekannter Weisser. und der Antisklaverei-Bewegung. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, (Extracts from mission journals): 1 0 : 565. "Allgemeinen Missions- Zeitschrift" (Methodist Mission), l899c Bericht der Expedition S.M.S. 93; "Die evangelischen Missionen" "Möwe". Deutsches Kolonialblatt, (Rheinische Mission), 191, 331; 10: 697-701. "Gott will es" (hl. Herzen Jesu), 215; "Kreuz und £ :hwert" 1900 Aus dem Bereiche der Missionen (Maristen Mission), 302, 387. und der Antisklaverei-Bewegung. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, vol. 1 6 . (Extracts from mission journals): Neuendettelsauer Kirchliche 1906 Aus dem Bereiche der Missionen Mittheilungen, 11, 214, 249, und der Antisklaverei-Bewegung: 558, 642; Marienmonatshefte, Statistik der Methodistischen 62; Australasian Methodist Mission im Bismarck-Archipel. Mission Review, 189) "Gott will Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 17: es" (Steyler Mission). 466; 655-6. Rheinische Mission, 642; Brief comment from Präfekt Limbrock from St. Joseph, Tumleo, 908. 1906a Bericht des stellvertretenden Deutsches Kolonialblatt, vol. 11. Gouverneurs über eine Dienstreise nach Neu-Mecklenburg. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 17: 679-82. 1901 Aus dem Bereiche der Missionen und der Antisklaverei-Bewegung. (Extracts from mission journals): 1906b British Neu-Guinea, Klima und Monatshefte (hl. Herzen Jesu), Bevölkerung. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, : 690-2, 44, 562, 6 8 l; Steyler Herz-Jesu 1 7 Bote, 79. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 716-9. vol. 1 2 . 1906) Kolonial-Wirtschaftliches. ) Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 1902 Aus dem Bereiche der Missionen 1 9 0 7 und der Antisklaverei-Bewegung. 17: 780; 1 8 : 524-5. (Extracts from mission journals): "Gott will es" (Heiligsten Herzen 1907 Eine Reise nach Kaiser- Jesu), 13, 6 1 3 ; Berichte der Wilhelmsland. Deutsches Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft, Kolonialblatt, l8 : 200-5- 74, 146, 2 6 6 , 375, 594; Monatshefte (hl. Herzen Jesu), 146, 2 0 1 , 224, 2 6 6 , 470, 595; 1907a Eine Reise nach Neu-Mecklenburg Kirchliche Mittheilungen und den westlichen Inseln. (Neuendettelsauer), 246; "Kreuz Deutsches Kolonialblatt, l8: 514-9. und Schwert", 3 7 6 ; "Führungen Gottes" Neuendettelsauer Mission), 595. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 1907b Herbertshöhe und Simpsonhafen. vol. 1 3 . Deutsches Kolonialblatt, l8 : 1006.

1 9 0 7 ) Taifun in den Mortlock-Inseln. 1 9 0 8 ) Deutsches Kolonialblatt, l8: 864-6; 19: 291, 744-6.

1908 Aus dem neuen Bezirk Eitape. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 19: 15-20. 68

1908a Die Unruhen bei Potsdamhafen. .1912 Die Ermordung des Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 19: Paradiesvogeljägers Peterson. 2 3 1 -2 . Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 2 3 : 865. 1908b Eine Expedition gegen die Lahe- Womba. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 1912a Eine Eingeborenen-Verschwörung 19: 328-30. im Bezirk Friedrich- Wilhelmshafen. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 2 3 : 994-5- 1908c Eine Tropfsteinhöhle in Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Kolonialblatt, 19: 385- 1912b Zusammenstösse mit Eingeborenen. Deutsches 1908d Ein Besuch auf den Admiralitäts- Kolonialblatt, 2 3 : 1193-4. Inseln und auf St. Matthias. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 19: Deutsches Kolonialblatt and Stolle, A. 622-5. 1912) Die Expedition zur Erforschung 1 9 1 3 ) des Kaiserin-Augusta-Flusses 1908e Wegebau im Norden der Gazelle- 1914) (Sepik). Deutsches Kolonialblatt, Halbinsel. Deutsches 23: 547, 658, 719, 1097-8, 1142-3; Kolonialblatt, 19: 743-4. 24: 154-5, 276-7; 25: 143-4.

1908f Eine Expedition nach den de Vere Bailey, B.A. Westabhängen des Kronprinzengebirges auf see Vere Bailey, B.A. de. Bougainville (Salomons- Inseln). Deutsches de Vidas, J. Kolonialblatt, 19: 746. see Vidas, J. de. 1908g Eine Strafexpedition nach dem Hatzfeldhafen. Deutsches de Vis, C.W. Kolonialblatt, 19: 8 5 I-3 . see Vis, C.W. de. 1908h Bei den Kannibalen der Admiralitäts-Inseln. de Vries, J.L. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 19: see Vries, J.L. de. 855-6.

1 9 0 8 ) Die deutsche Marine-Expedition de Vries, J.S. 1909) 1907-09- Deutsches see Vries, J.S. de. Kolonialblatt, 19: 183-4, 291- 2 , 478-9, 581-2, 685-6, 8 0 3 -5 , 1011-2, 1237-9; 20: 278-80, de Vries, M. 494-5, 695-6, 1053-6. see Vries, M. de.

1909 Eine Expedition im Norden von Dewitz, von Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Deutsches Kolonielblatt, 20: 174-6. 1914 1. Die deutsch-englisch-hollän­ dische Luftschiff-Expedition nach Neu-Guinea. 2. Pamphlet "The 1909a Eine Reise zu den Sulka und survey-airship-expedition to Mengen. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, New Guinea". Koloniale Rundschau, 20: 227-8. Februar 1914: 80-5, 165-7. Die Regierungsschule in 1909b de Wolfe, M.S. Simpsonhafen. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 20: 404-5- see Wolfe, M.S. de.

1909c Eine Strafexpedition nach den Dexter, David St. Alban Admiralitäts-Inseln. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 20: 895-900. 1961 The New Guinea offensives. Canberra, Australian War Memorial, series 1, vol. 6 , 1910 Die Lage auf den Admiral!täts- XX and 851 pp. Inseln. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 21: 991-2. Dexter, Henry

1911 Volkszählung der Eingeborenen 1955 Bush telegraph, telepathy - auf der Gazelle-Halbinsel. or what? Pacific islands Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 22: monthly, 3 (1 2 ): 1 5 . 385-6 . de Zwaan, J.P. Kleiweg, 1911a Die neue Regierungsstation auf see Kleiweg de Zwaan, J.P. den Admiralitäts-Inseln. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 22: 983-4. 69 D ick, R.L D is s e l, J .S .A . van 1923 Description of the Hydrographers' 1904 Beschrijving van een tocht district, North-eastern Division. naar het landschap Bahaam. Papua. Annual report for 1921-22: Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig 7 2 -3 . genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 21: 787-821; see 1925 Report on Iom a-district, Northern Tijdschrift voor Indische Division (c). Papua. Annual rep­ taal-, land- en volkenkunde. ort for 1923-24: 24-5. ((K.) Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen), D ic k ie , J . and Malcolm, D.S. 47: 433-47. 1940 Note on a salt substitute used 1904 a Landreis van Fakfak naar sSkär. by one of the inland tribes of Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig New Guinea. Polynesian society, genootschap, Amsterdam, Wellington, Journal, 49: 144-7. Tijdschrift, 21 (2nd series): 478-517. D ick in so n , George 1904b 1952 Manus: land of beginning again. Reis van Atti atti onin over Walkabout, 18(10): 3O-3. Patipi en Deg£n naar Kajoni. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, D ickson, T. E ld e r Tijdschrift, 21 (2nd series): 617-50. 1943 Ceremonial lime spatula from B r i ti s h New G uinea. Man, 43: 25- 6 , 9 5 - 1904c Beschrijving van een tocht naar het landschap Bahaam. Neder­ landsch aardrijkskundig genoot­ D ickson, T. Elder (joint author) schap, Amsterdam, T ijdschrift, 1946 see 1946 Seligman, C.G. and 21 (2nd series): 787-821. Dickson, T.E. 1907 Reis van Goras längs de Bedidi D ickson, T. Elder and Whitehouse, E. naar Ginaroe, en over WomSrä weer naar Goras. (Vierde 1942 An unusual ceremonial lime- voetreis in het bergland van spatula from B ritish New Z.W. N ieuw -G ulnea). N eder­ G uinea. Man, 42 : 49-51. landsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, D ie tz , T. A. Tijdschrift, 24 (2nd series): 992-1029. 1955 The problem of language: Paper No. 1 - Pidgin (with a summary by Director of Education, D oble, M W.C. G ro v es). T e r r ito r y o f 1950 Transliteration in Kapauku. Papua and New Guinea, Department Bible translator, 1( 2): 133-5, of Education. Port Moresby, cyclostyled, 20 pp. I 960 Kapauku - Malayan - Dutch - English dictionary, 's- 1955a Media of instruction in Papua Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, and New Guinea. The problem of 156 pp. language: Paper No. 2. Territory of Papua and New Guinea, Department of Education. Port 1962 Essays on Kapauku grammar. Moresby, cyclostyled, 35 pp. Nieuw-Guinea studiSn, 6(pt. 1 152- 5 ; ( p t. 2 ): 211- 8 ; ( p t. 3 279-98. Digby, George 1958 Goose feathers. New York, Dutton, 407 pp. 1963 Grace and justification linked in Kapauku. Bible translator, 14(1): 37-9. D ijk , W.J'.O.M. van I 960 Notes on the breeding of Dobo, G. mosquitoes in fishponds in Netherlands New Guinea. South 1933 Recent anthropological reports Pacific commission, Technical of the government of Papua. information circular, No. 37: American anthropologist, 35 3 -8 . (new series): 792-4.

Dillon, Gerald Dobzhan 1954 Rossel Island money: a unique I 960 Eugenics in New Guinea. system. Australian museum Science, 132 (3419): 77. magazine, 5(6): 191-3. Doenan, 1957 Rossel Island, Louisiade archi­ pelago. Walkabout, 3(3): 35-7. 1953 Anthropometrical data from New Hanover and northern New Ireland. Journal of Austronesian s tu d ie s , l(l): 89-9 2 . 70 Doerr, R. 1953 Climate and work in Australian New Guinea. Acta tropica, 10: 1935 Bestattungsformen in Ozeanien. 233-50. Anthropos, 30: 369-420, 727-65- Dormer, W. Cottrell- Dooren, P.J. van see Cottrell-Dormer, W. 1959 Samenwerking en coöperatie längs Sarmi's oostkust. Nieuw-Guinea studiSn, J>: 119-40. Dorsey, G.A. and Holmes, Wm. H. 1897 Totems inscribed upon Papuan 1959a The role of co-operatives in skulls. American antiquarian community development. Nieuw- and oriental journal, 19(6 ): Guinea studiSn, 3: 241-59- 303-13-

1960) De ontwikkeling van het Douglas, J. 1961) Coöperatie-wezen in Nieuw- Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw- 1887 Notes on a recent cruise through the Louisiade group of islands. Guinea, 8(5): 6-7; 9 2 -5 , Royal geographical society of : 1_5’ : 2-5, ill; 2 -5 , Australasia, Victorian branch, ill : 2-5, (6 ) 2-5. Transactions and proceedings, 5: 46-59- 1961 Copal co-operatives of Netherlands New Guinea. South Pacific commission, Quarterly 1890 Sudest and the Louisiade archi­ bulletin, 11(4): 32-3 . pelago. Royal geographical society of Australasia, 1962 Encouraging business enterprise Queensland branch, Proceedings among Papuans. South Pacific and transactions (I888/ 8 9 ): commission, Quarterly bulletin, 2-16. 12(2): 45-7- Downing, H.L. 1962a Werk en welvaart in twee dis- 1929 Tribesmen in the Territory of tricten in Noord Nieuw-Guinea. New Guinea. Asia, 29: 14-7 Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 10(2): (photographs only). 2-5, (4): 2-7, (6 ): 4-9. Downs, I.P.G. 1962b Co-operative education and train­ 1941 Fighting customs of the ing in view of some sociological Yonggamugl, China Sina, aspects of co-operative organiz­ Masul and Chuave native ation. Nieuw-Guinea studife'n, 6 : districts, Chimbu, Madang 1-11. district. Report to the League of Nations on the 1962c Economische ontwikkeling van de administration of the bevolking I, II. Schäkels, NNG, Territory of New Guinea 4 9 : 3 -I3 . for 1939-40: 2 2 .

1962d Bevordering van inheems bedrijfs- 1947 The police and prison systems leven • Schäkels, NNG, 49: 14-20. of Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 2: 29-34, 56-64, 70-1. Dooren, P.J. van and Boyan, R.H. 1961 Freedom of choice for New 1959 Nimboran - 1959- South Pacific Guinea. Australian quarterly, commission, Quarterly bulletin, 33(4): 23-30. 9(3): 40-2, 46.

Dowsett, T.J. Lindsay Doorenmalen, W.A.L. van 1925 The Rouna falls of Papua. 1956 0p bezoek bij het volk der Geographical journal, 6 6 : Manoewd's. Schäkels, NNG, 522-7- 2 1 : 9-13-

1956a De functie van het onderwijs. Drabbe, Peter Schäkels, NNG, 22: 14-8. n.d. Spraakkunst der Moni-taal. Microfilm, 109 PP. (Canberra, 1956b Het Nederlands als voertaal in Australian national University, Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea. Department of anthropology). Schäkels, NNG, 22: 26-30. 1940/41 Beitrag zur Sprachgruppierung in Holländisch-Neuguinea. Dordick, Isadore L. Anthropos, 3 5 -3 6 : 355- 1951 Climate and human welfare in Australian New Guinea. Baltimore, 1941/42 Het onderwijs op Nieuw-Guinea. John Hopkins University, Ph.D. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 6 : thesis, 459 PP- 16 0 -2 . 71

194-7/8) Folk-tales from Netherlands Drager, A. 1948/9) New Guinea. Oceania, 18: 157- Overzicht van adatgebruiken bij 1949/ 75, 248-70; 19: 75-90; 2 0 : de Marindinezen, de zgn. Kaja- 50) 66-79, 224-40. Kaja's van Zuid Nieuw Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 1949 Bijzonderheden uit de talen van 1 : 177-85, 237-46; 2 : 1 1 -8 . Frederik-Hendrik-eiland: Kimaghama, Ndom en Riantana. 1947/48 Toestanden in het Moejoegebied. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", en volkenkunde, 1 0 5 : 1-24. 8 : 103-9.

1949a Aantekeningen over twee talen Dreger, M. in het Centraal Gebergte van Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. 1887 Anthropologische und ethnogra­ Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ phische Beobachtungen während en volkenkunde, 1 0 5 : 423-44. der Fahrt zur Untersuchung des Huon Golfes. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 3 : 1950 Talen en dialecten van Zuid- 2 3 -6 . West Nieuw-Guinea. Anthropos, 45: 545-74. l887a Untersuchung des inneren Theiles des Huon-Golfs. 1950a Twee dialecten van de Awju- Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser taal. Bijdragen tot de taal-, Wilhelmsland, 3 : 164-78. land- en volkenkunde, 1 0 6 : 92-147. Drew, D.E. (joint author) 1952 Spraakkunst van het Ekagi, 1961 see 1961 Payne, A.M. and Wisselmeren, Nederlands Nieuw Drew, D.E. Guinea. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 90 pp. Droit, Michel 1952 Chez les mangeurs d'hommes; 1953 Spraakkunst van de Kamoro-taal. cinquante ann^es de luttes Koninklijk instituut voor taal-, Apostoliques en Papouasie. land- en volkenkunde; Paris, La Table Ronde, 245 pp. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 111 pp. Dromgold, George 1954 Talen en dialecten van Zuid- 1938 Two lugs on a lugger. London, West Nieuw-Guinea. Micro- Hutchinson and Co., 319 pp. Bibliotheca Anthropos, vol. 11, 257 PP. Drost, D. and König, W. (eds.) 1961 Beiträge zur Völkerforschung: 1955 Spraakkunst van het Marind, Hans Damm zum 6 5 . Geburtstag. zuidkust Nederlands Nieuw- Leipzig. Museum für Völkerkunde, Guinea. Studia instituti Veröffentlichungen, Heft 11; anthropos, vol. 1 1 , 189 pp. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2 vols., 752 pp. 1955/56 Een stalenkaart van talen. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", Drost, Richard 1 6 : 45-54. 1934 Forced labour in the South Pacific, 1850-1919- University 1955/ Het probleem der talen op of Iowa, Ph.D. thesis, 197 PP- 56a Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 16: 74-82. Drysdale, J.W. 1957 Spraakkunst van het Aghu- 1962 Houses in the tropics. dialect van de Awju-taal. Australian territories, 2(6): Koninklijk instituut voor 12-6 . taal-, land- en volkenkunde; 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Dubbeldam, L.F.B. Nijhoff, 88 pp. 1962 Traditionele elite in West- Nieuw-Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea 1958 Oorsprongsmythe der Kaeti's. studiän, 6 (2 ): 1 3 2 -5 1 . Nieuw-Guinea studife'n, 2: 42-67. 1962a De nieuwe elite in Nieuw- 1959 Kaeti en Wambon: twee Awju- Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studiön, dialecten. Koninklijk instituut 6(3): 189-210. voor taal-, land- en volkenkunde; 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 186 pp. 1962b Some thoughts about fighting. Working papers in Dani ethnology, 1 : 2 6 -7 . 1963 Drie Asmat-dialecten. Instituut voor taal-, land- en volkenkunde, Verhandelingen, pt. 42; 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 236 pp. 72

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1959 Further notes on the northern England, P. Me jbrats (Vogelkop), Western 1946 The Ramu-stones: notes on New Guinea. Ethnos, 24: 70-80. stone carvings found in the Annaberg-Atemble area, Ramu Elsmore, Ray T. valley. Mankind, 3(8): 233-6. 1945 New Guinea's mountain and swamp­ English, A.C. land dwellers. National geographic magazine, 88: 670-94. 1892 Report of the government agent of the Rigo district. British New Guinea. Annual report for E lto n , F. 1890-91: 82-3, (App. V). 1888 Notes on the natives of the Solomon Islands. Anthropological 1893 Report of the government agent institute of Great Britain and for the Rigo district. British Ireland, London, Journal, 17: New Guinea. Annual report for 90-9. 1891- 92: 91-3, (App. R).

E lv e ry , A.W. 1894 Report of the government agent 1962 Savings and loan societies in for the Rigo district. British the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Annual report for New Guinea. Australian 1892- 93: 53-4, (App. N). territories, 2(2): 25-31. 1894a Native habits and customs of the Emanuel, Marie L. Rigo d istrict. British New Guinea. 1959 Leptospiral infections in Papua. Annual report for 1892-93: 65-7, Papua and New Guinea medical (App. T ). journal, 3: 76-80, 5 tables. 77 1894b Land tenure of the tribe of 1901 Report of government agent, Rigo Sinogolo, village of Saroa, district. British New Guinea. district of Rigo, and of the Annual report for 1899-1900: 69- village of Kemaria, district 71, (App. K). of Rigo. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-93: 1901a Report of acting government agent, 70-2, (App. U 5 and 6 ). Rigo district. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1899-1900: 71- 1894c Land tenure of the tribe of 2, (App. L). Kamale, district of Hood Point, Hood Bay and Beagle Bay. British 1901b Report of the acting resident New Guinea. Annual report for magistrate for the Western 1892-93: 73-4, (App. U 9). Division. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1899-1900: l894d Land tenure of the tribe of 129-32, (App. FF). Moupo or Keakaro, district of Galema. British New Guinea. 1902 Report of the government agent, Annual report for 1892-93: Rigo district on the affairs of 75, (App. U 12). the portion of the Central Division under his control. British New Guinea. Annual 1895 Report of the government agent report for 1 900-0 1 : 39-41, for the Rigo district. British (App. G). New Guinea. Annual report for 1 8 9 3 -9 4 : 6 1 -3 , (App. P). 1905 Resident magistrate's report for 1895a Native land tenure (1) of the Central Division, 1903-04. tribe of Humeni, Saboia; (2) British New Guinea. Annual report of the tribe of Kwaipoj (3 ) of for 1903-04: 20-4, (App. A). the tribe of Tupuseleia (Lakwaharu) in the Central 1905a Assistant resident magistrate's district. British New Guinea. report for Rigo district, of Annual report for 1893-94: 6 3 - the Central Division. British 4, (APP. P 1,2,3). New Guinea. Annual report for 1904-05: 22-4, (App. C). 1895b Continuation of native customs from the annual report of 1893 - 1907 Annual report, East Central Sinaugolo tribe. British New Division. British New Guinea. Guinea. Annual report for 1893- Annual report for 1905-06: 94: 65-9, (App. P ). 24-6.

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Evans-Pritchard, E.E. 1929 The morphology and function of magic: a comparative study of Trobriand and Zande ritual and spells. American anthropol­ ogist, 3 1 : 619-41.

Evans-Pritchard, E.E. and others (eds.) 193^ Essays presented to C.G. Seligman. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. Ltd., 385 pp. see 1934 Landtman, G., 1934 Malinowski, B., 1934a Thurnwald, R.C., 1934 Williams, F.E.

Everill, H.C. 1888 Exploration of New Guinea... Captain Everill's report. Royal geographical society of Australasia, New South Wales branch, Sydney, Transactions and proceedings, 3-4: 170-87. 79 F.P.A. Feldt, Eric 1947 The nursery rhyme girl became 1951 Kukukuku patrol. Pacific a coast-watcher. Pacific islands islands monthly, 21(9): 58- monthly, 17(12): 46-7. 9, 61, 87, 8 9 .

Fellows, S.B. 1938 Tests in Dutch New Guinea. 1894 Grammar of the Pannieti dialect, Pacific Islands monthly, 9(4): B ritish New Guinea, together with 19. a comprehensive vocabulary. B ritish New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-93: 78-92, (App. V). - Fabritius, G.J. 1855 Aanteekeningen omtrent Nieuw- 1899 Buki tabu kaitala, la vavagi Iesu Guinea. Physiek voorkomen van Keriso bonala Kiriwina: the life de Papoeas en bewoners van of Jesus Christ: a selection of Nieuw-Guinea, in en om de portions of the four gospels; Geelvinksbaai. Tijdschrift translated into the language voor Indische taal-, land- en of Kiriwina, B ritish New Guinea, volkenkunde. ((K.) Bataviaasch by the Rev. S.B. Fellows. genootschap van kunsten en Sydney, Australian Wesleyan wetenschappen), 4: 209-15* Methodist Missionary Society, 70 pp. Fack, R. 1954 The United Nations and Dutch 1901 Atonement or peace-making New Guinea. South Pacific, 7: ceremony of the natives of 920 - 1 . K iriw in a . Man, 1 : 45-7; (from: Despatches from His F a ir le y , N. H am ilton Excellency the Lt. Governor of B ritish New Guinea, No. 28, 1946 Malaria in the south-west 35, 36, 44. 1900). Pacific, with special reference to its chemotherapeutic control. Medical journal of 1901a Memo, for His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, concern­ Australia, 2: 145-62, 21 tables. ing the peace-making ceremony between the Kiriwina tribes F a llo n , E. lately at war. British New 1961 Hanuabada. Walkabout, 27(2): 3I-3. Guinea. Annual report for I 899- 190O: 20- 1 , (App. D ). Farago, C. and Chester, I.C. 1902 Grammar of the Kiriwina dialect 1961 Cancer in the Territory of Papua (together with a vocabulary). and New Guinea: a preliminary B ritish New Guinea. Annual communication. Medical journal report for 1900-01: 171-96, of Australia, 2: 1033-5, 3 tables. (App. N(2), 0(2)).

Farwell, G. Feltkamp, A.J. van Bork­ 1958 Sing-Sing for a bridge. see Bork-Feltkamp, A.J. van. Walkabout, 24(3): 15-7. Fenner, Frank J. F a s tr e , P. 1941 Fossil human skull fragments 1920 Vocabulary of Ambo (Apekoma) of probable Pleistocene Age tribe. Papua. Annual report from Aitape, New Guinea. for 1918-19: 116. South A u s tra lia n - museum records, 6: 335-56. 1920a Vocabulary of Fujuge (Mafulu)- tribe, Central district. Papua. Fenner, Frank J. and Jackson, A.V. Annual report for 1918-19: 116. 19^6 Enteric fever due to Bacterium E nteritidis Var. Blegdam Fathauer, George H. (Salmonella Blegdam): a series 1961 Trobriand. in: David M. of fifty cases in Australian Schneider anJ Kathleen Gough soldiers from New Guinea. (eds.), M atrilineal kinship: Medical journal of Australia, 234-69* Berkeley and Los 1 : 313- 26, 6 t a b l e s . Angeles, University of California Press, xx and Fenner, Frank J. (joint author) 76l pp. 1947 se£ 1947 Jones, H.I. and Fenner, F.J. Feick, Hildergard 1942 Die bevölkerungsbiologische Ferguson, P. Bedeutung von Brauch, Sitte und Recht bei Papuas und 1963 The contribution of the missions Melanesiern. Zeitschrift für to education in Papua and New Rassenkunde, 13: 146-70. Guinea. Australian territories, 3 (1 ): 4-9* 80 Festetics de Tolna, Rodolphe 1938/ De Schouten-eilanden. Tijdschrift 39a "Nieuw-Guinea", 3: 548-52. 1903 Chez les cannibales; huit ans de croisiere dans 1 'ocean pacifique ä bord du yacht 1939/40 Nieuws uit Australisch Nieuw- "Le Tolna". Paris, Plon- Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- Nourrit, 4o8 pp. Guinea", 4: 97-105, 157-67.

1904 Vers l'dcueil de Minicoy 1940/41 lets over de lykanthropie of apres huit ans dans l'oc^an het werwolfgeloof der Papoea's Pacifique et Indien a bord van de Schouten-eilanden. du yacht "Le Tolna”. Paris, Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", Plon-Nourrit, 395 pp. 5: 106-16.

Feullletau de Bruyn, W.K.H. 1940/ lets over de fauna van de 4la Schouten-eilanden en de jacht 1913 Körte aanteekeningen nopens en vischvangst der Biaksi. de Kaja-kaja aan de Noord- Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 5: West-rivier (Nieuw-Guinea). 162-73- Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. ((K.) Bataviaasch genootschap 1940/ lets over de visscherij van de van kunsten en wetenschappen), 4lb bevolking der Schouten- en 55: 544-56; also Nederlandsch Padaido- eilanden. Tijdschrift aardrijkskundig genootschap, "Nieuw-Guinea", 5: 217-31. Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 32: 84-93. 1941/42 De legende van Manseren 1915 Aanteekeningen over de Kaja- Mangoendi. Tijdschrift Kaja' s aan de Noordwest-rivier "Nieuw-Guinea", 6 : 99-110. in Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1946/47 lets over de economische verhou- Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 32 dingen in de Papoesche maat- (2nd series) : 84-93. schappij in het algemeen en die van de Schouten-eilanden in het 1920 Schouten- en Padaido-eilanden. bijzonder. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- Netherlands Indies. Encyclopae­ Guinea", 7: 1-15. d i s t bureau. Mededeelingen van het bureau voor de bestuurszaken 1946/ Het gebruik van toovermiddelen der buitenbezittingen, 2 1 : i-x, 47a als oorzaak van hongi's. 195 PP- Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 7: 153-61. 1936/37 Kolonisatie van Europeanen en Indo-Europeanen op Nederl. 1947/48 lets over de harta-goederen in Nieuw Guinee. Tijdschrift gebruik op Noord-Nederlandsch "Nieuw-Guinea", 1: 48-52. Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 8 : 1-11. 1936/ De beteekenis van enkele moeras- 37a gebielen op Nieuw Guinee voor 1947/ Adatgegevens van de bevolking den sawahbouw. Tijdschrift 48a van de boven-Ingsim-vallei en "Nieuw-Guinea", 1: 94-9, 136-40. de Papoea's van de Anggi-meren. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 8 : 81-8. 1936/ De bevolking van Biak en het 37b koelievraagstuk van Noord Nieuw Guinea. Tijdschrift 1948/49 lets over lykanthropie op "Nieuw-Guinea", 1: 169-77. Noord-Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 9: 33-8, 65-70.

1937/38 Blanke Papoea's op Nieuw- Guinea. Tijdschrift 1949/50 Feiten en factoren betreffende "Nieuw-Guinea", 2: 12 3 -3 0 . de status van Nieuw-Guinea. Door de redactie van het Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea". 1937/ Heeft West Nieuw-Guinea als Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea”, 38a economisch exploitatie-object 1 0 : 41-63. beteekenis gehad voor de Hindoe-Javanen? Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 2: 179-89. 1949/ ) De agrarische ontwikkeling van 50 ) Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- 1950/1) Guinea", 10: 161-9, 216-24; 11: 1937/8) Welke afstanden kunnen primitieve 10-7. 1938/ 9 ) volken, inzonderheid de Papoea's van de Schouten-eilanden, over zee afleggen? Tijdschrift "Nieuw- 1950/51 De lessen van het mislukte Guinea", 2: 306-14; 3 : 347-55- Engelse grondnotenplan in Afrika voor de mechanische landbouw in Nieuw-Guinea. 1938/39 De rol van groote maatschappi- Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", jen bij de ontwikkeling van 1 1 : 81-7, 133-42, 161-74. Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 3: 403-13. 81

1951/52 De mogelijkheden van de Ramie- 1955/ Slagstenen van Zuid Nieuw- cultuur op Nieuw-Gulnea. 56c Guinea verzameld door A.J. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 12: Goorhuis, Gouvernements- 81-92. arts. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- Guinea", 16: 178-9- 1951/2) Het rapport inzake Nieuw-Gulnea 1952/3) over het jaar 1950 uitgebracht Feuilletau de Bruyn, W.K.H. (ed.) aan de Verenigde Naties 1949/50 Adatrechtgegeven over de ingevolge Artikel 73c van het 8 Handvest (met opmerkingen van onderafdeling Sorong 1933-1939« de redactie). Tijdschrift Ontleend aan de dagboeken van "Nieuw-Guinea", 12: 121-38, de bestuurs-assistent Vogelkop 171-84, 201-14; 1 3 : 7-20, 41- Sjamsoedin bin Adjidjoedien en 54, 9 0 -1 0 1 , 1 2 1 -6 , 185-90, enkele ongenoemde hulp-bestuurs- assistenten Vogelkop 1933-35. 216-27. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 10: 1-9. 1952/53 lets over de geschiedenis van de vestiglng van het Nederlandse Field, J.T. gezag op Zuid-Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 13: 1898 Notes on totemism - Tubetube. 1- 6 . British New Guinea. Annual report for 1 897-9 8 : 134, (App. CC). 1952/ De opening van de Wetgevende 53a Raad van Papua-New Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 1900 Exogamy at Tubetube, British New 13: 21-30. Guinea. Burial customs at Tube tube, British New Guinea. Australasian association for 1952/ Ethnografisch verslag over de the advancement of science, 535 "Tori Aikwakai" van de meer- Report of the 8 th meeting: vlakte. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- 301-7. Guinea", 1 3 : 61-6, 81-9, 144-53. Fienberg, D.M. 1947 It could happen in New Guinea? 1953/54 Is een Pacific-verdrag op NATO- Monthly notes, 1(10): 5-6. basis mogelijk? Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 14: 1-9. 1947a Native taxation: a comparison between East Africa and New 1953/ Oe waterkracht van Nieuw-Guinea. Guinea. Monthly notes, 1(12): 54a Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 14: 1- 6 . 33-45. 1951 Native village councils. 1953/ Grondrechten op Nieuw-Guinea South Pacific, 5(9): 184-6. 54b voor niet-inheemsen. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 14; 72-83, 97- Filet, R.E. 107. 1 9 5 3 ) Het arbeidsvraagstuk. in: 1954) W.C. Klein (ed.), Nieuw Guinea, 1953/4 ) Goederenruil en handel bij de vol. 1: 45 1 -8 9 . 's-Gravenhage, 1954/5) primitieve stammen van Nieuw- Staatsdrukkerij- en ultgevers- Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- bedrijf, 3 delen, 491, 470, Guinea", l4: 1 2 9 -3 8 , 168-75; 600 pp. 15: 7-12, 39-45, 72-4, 97-9, 129-39. Finkeistein, L.S.

1954/55 Aerial prospecting en conven- 1951 Irian in Indonesian politics. tionele opsporing van uranium- Far eastern survey, 20: 7 6 -8 O. ertsen op Ned. Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", Finney, B. 15: 164-76. 1959 Surfboarding in Oceania: its pre-european distribution. 1955/56 Uitgifte van grond in erfpacht Wiener völkerkundliche aan kolonisten. Tijdschrift Mitteilungen, Vienna, 7: 2 3 -3 6 . "Nieuw-Guinea", l6 : 7-15- Flnsch, Otto 1955/ Bronzen bijlen van het Sentani- 1865 Neu-Guinea und seine Bewohner. 56a meer type in Portugal. Bremen, C.E. Müller, 185 pp. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 1 6 : 39-44. 1880 Weitere Reiseberichte. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, 1955/ Australia en Nieuw-Guinea in de Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, 56b strijd om de wereldheerschappij Verhandlungen: 402-4. in: van het communisme. Tijdschrift Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, "Nieuw-Guinea", 16 : 97-108. vol. 1 2 . 82 1881 Neu-Britannien. Deutsche l887c Abnonne Eberhauer - Pretiosen Geographische Blätter, 4: im Schmuck der Südsee-Völker. 229-31. Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, 17 (new series 7): 153-9» 1882 Die Rassenfrage in Oceanien. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und l887d Über Naturprodukte der west­ Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: lichen Südsee, besonders der 1 6 3 -6 . in: Zeitschrift für deutschen Schutzgebiete. Ethnologie, vol. 14. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 4(17): 519-30 (pt. 1 ), (1 8 ): 543-51 (pt. 2 ), (19): 593-6 1882a Reise nach Neu-Guinea. (pt. 3 ). Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: l887e Die SUdsee (Deutsche 30 9 -I3 . in: Zeitschrift für Schutzgebiete). Deutsche Ethnologie, vol. 14. Kolonialzeitung, 4(21) : 662-4. 1882b Töpferei in Neu-Guinea. Berliner Gesellschaft für l887f Koloniale Chronik: Forschungs­ Anthropologie, Ethnologie und und Strafexpedition in Englisch- Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: Neu-Guinea. Deutsche 574-6. in: Zeitschrift für Kolonialzeitung, 4(22): 69O. Ethnologie, vol. 14. 1888 Samoafahrten, Reisen in 188 2c Reiseberichte: 1879-1882 Reisen Kaiser-Wilhelmsland und in der Südsee. Gesellschaft für Englisch-Neuguinea, in den Erdkunde zu Berlin, Verhandlungen, Jahren 1884-1885 an Bord des 9: 553-64. deutschen Dampfers "Samoa". Leipzig, F. Hirt & Sohn, 390 pp. 188? Ueber welsse Papuas. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 15: 205-8. l888a Ethnologischer Atlas. Leipzig, F . Hirt & Sohn, 56 pp., and 1884 Anthropologische Ergebnisse plates. einer Reise in der Südsee und dem Malayischen Archipel. 1889 Britisch-Neu Guinea. Deutsche Berlin, A. Asher and Co., 178 pp. Kolonialzeitung, 2(17) (new series): 134. 1885 Ueber Bekleidung, Schmuck und Tätowirung der Papuas der 1893 Ethnologische Erfahrungen und Südostküste von Neu-Guinea. Belegstücke aus der SUdsee. Anthropologische Gesellschaft Wien, A. Holzhausen, 438 pp. in Wien, Mitteilungen, 15 (new series 5): 12-33; also Revue d'ethnographie, 5: 49-80, 97- l893a Langhans' Karte des Schutzgebiets 116. der Neuguinea-Kompanie. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 39: 264-9, (review). 1885a Reise nach Neu-Guinea. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 1: 9-14, 19-27, 1894 Die Brandenburg Küste. 35-51. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 40: 64-5.

1887 Hausbau, Häuser, und Siedelungen 1896 Die deutsche Kolonial-Ausstellung: an der Südostküste von Neu-Guinea. zur Ethnologie unserer Südsee- Anthropologische Gesellschaft Besitzungen. Deutsche in Wien, Mitteilungen, 17 (new Kolonialzeitung, 9 (new series) series 7 ) : 1 -1 5 . (2 6 ): 203-4, (27): 209-12, (2 8 ): 2 1 8 -2 0 . 1 887a Canoes und Canoebau ln den Marshall-Insein. Berliner 1896a Durchquerung von Britisch-Neu- Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Guinea. Petermanns Geographische Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Mitteilungen, 42: 282. Verhandlungen: 22-9- in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. 1 9 - 1896b Aus Neu-Guinea. Globus, 70: 53-6.

1887b Tanzmaske von Südost-Neuguinea. l897 Sir William MacGregor's Durch­ Berliner Gesellschaft für querung von Britisch-Neu-Guinea. Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Globus, 71: 32. Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 423-5. in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. 19* l897a Gold in Britisch-Neu-Guinea. Globus, 72: 109-10.

1903 Papua-Töpferei. Globus, 84(21): 329-34. 83 1909 Ein Plankenboot von Buka (Deutsche Fischer, Eugen Salomoninseln). Globus, 95(24): 575-80. 1906 Anatomische Untersuchungen an den Kopfweichteilen zweier Papua. Anthropologische 1909a Gedenktage der Forschungsreise Gesellschaft in Wien, mit dem deutschen Dampfer "Samoa". Mitteilungen, Sitzungsberichte, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 26(28): 1905-6: 54-7. 469- Fischer, Hans 1914 Südseearbeiten. Gewerbe- und Kunstfleiss, Tauschmittel und 1956 Zwei einfache Musikinstrumente "Geld" der Eingeborenen auf aus Blatt in Ozeanien. Leipzig. Grundlage der Rohstoffe und Museum für Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, der geographischen Verbreitung. 14(155): 67-75- Hamburg. Hamburgisches Kolonialinstitut, Abhandlungen, 1957 Über stehende Schlitztrommeln auf Band XIV., Reihe B. Völkerkunde, den Neuen Hebriden und am Sepik. Kulturgeschichte und Sprachen, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 82: Band 9- Hamburg, L. 58-65. Friederichsen & Co., 605 pp., tables. 50 1958 Schallgeräte in Ozeanien. Bau und Spieltechnik - Verbreitung Firth, P.R. und Funktion. Strasbourg, 1955 How Papua and New Guinea were P.H. Heitz, 177 PP- named. Pacific islands monthly, 5(12): 12. 1959 Ethnographica von den Kukukuku (Ost-Neuguinea). Baessler- Firth, Raymond William Archiv, 7 (neue Folge): 99-122. 1951/52 Anthropology and native admin­ istration. Oceania, 2: 1-8. 1960 Fadenspiele vom unteren Watut und Banir river (Ost-Neuguinea). Baessler-Archiv, 8 (neue Folge): 1956 Art and life in New Guinea. 171-214. London, The Studio Ltd., 126 pp., plates incl. 1961 Spiele der Wotut (Ost-Neuguinea). Beiträge zur Völkerforschung - 1951 Elements of social organisation. Hans Damm zum 6 5 .Geburtstag. London, Watts and Co., 257 pp. Leipzig.Museum für Völkerkunde, Veröffentlichungen, Heft 1 1 : 1952 Notes on the social structure of 141-52. Berlin, Akademie- some south-eastern New Guinea Verlag, 752 pp. communities. Part 1: Mallu; Part 2: Koita. Man, 52: 65-7, 1962 Einige linguistische Indizien des 86-9- Kulturwandels in Nordost- Neuguinea. Sociologus, 12(1): 1955 Social changes in the western 18-56. Pacific. South Pacific commis­ sion, Quarterly bulletin, 5(4): 1962a Oberflächenfunde und rezente 25-8. Töpferei am unteren (Ost-Neuguinea). Staatliches 1954 Money, work and social change in Museum für Tierkunde und Indo-Pacific economic systems. Völkerkunde, Abhandlungen und International social science Berichte, 21: 2 5 -5 5 . bulletin, 6 (3 ) : 1 -1 1 . Fischer, H.T. 1956 Human types - an introduction to 1955 De betekenis van de sociale social anthropology. Edinburgh, wetenschappen voor Nieuw- Thomas Nelson, 218 pp., (revised Guinea. Schäkels, NNG, l6 : and enlarged edition). 19-25.

Firth, Raymond William (ed.) 1957 Recent ethnographical studies on 1957 Man and culture: an evaluation Netherlands New Guinea. Nieuw- of the work of Bronislaw Guinea studiän, 1: 91-105. Malinowski. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 292 pp. 1957a Primitive cultures in New Guinea. International social Fischer, Ann and Fischer, John L. science bulletin, 9 : 525-5 0 . I960 Aetiology of Kuru. Lancet, 1 : 1417-8. Fischer, H.W. 1915 Beiträge zur Ethnographie von Fischer, Dora Neuguinea: XII. Ethnographica aus Süd- und Südwest Neuguinea. 1955 Unter Südsee-Insulanern. Das Internationales Archiv für Leben des Forschers Mikloucho- Ethnographie, 22: 25 O-3 . Maclay. Leipzig, Koehler & Amelang, 466 pp. 84 1923 Ethnographica aus Süd- und ,1961 Nutmeg production in Netherlands Südwest Neuguinea. Nova New Guinea. South Pacific commis­ Guinea, 7: 37-144. sion, Quarterly bulletin, ll(l): 50- 2 . 1923a Ethnographica von den Pesechem und aus Südwest-Neuguinea. Fleischmann, Julius Nova Guinea, 7: 145-62. 1935 Footsteps in the sea. New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, Fischer, John L. (joint author) 286 pp. I960 see I960 Fischer, A. and Fischer, J.L. Flierl, Johannes 1895 Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fisher, Kendal Kai-Dialecte, (ed. by W. Grube). Zeitschrift für afrikanische und 1937 Strange native customs (Sepik oceanische Sprachen, 1 : 83-94, River). Walkabout, 3 (H): 39- 118-31. 40. 1931 Wunder der göttlichen Gnade. Fisher, N.H. Evangelisten aus Menschenfressern! 1936 Amongst the Kukukukus. Geschichte der Gehilfenarbeit in Walkabout, 2(7): 13-9« der Lutherischen Mission bei Finschhafen auf Neu-Guinea. Aus dem Missions-Archiv zu Heldsbach 1938 Alluvial mining in New Guinea. geschöpft und mit Dokumenten Walkabout, 4(7): 17-21. belegt. Tanunda (South Australia), Auricht's Printing Office, 303 pp. 1939 Rabaul's volcanic eruptions. Walkabout, 5(5): 13-20. 1931a Forty-five years in New Guinea: memoirs of the senior missionary. 1951 Volcanic centres of New Guinea. (Transl. by M. Wiederanders.) Walkabout, 17(6): 35-40. Columbus (Ohio), The Lutheran Book Concern, 204 pp. Fisher, S. 1932 Unter Wilden, missionarische 1956 A serological survey on a group Anfangsarbeit im Innern von of natives of the Wabag area of Neuguinea. Neuendettelsau, the western highlands of New Neuendettelsauer Mission, Guinea for diphtheria antitoxin Kirchliche Mitteilungen, 76 pp. and antibody to Haemophilus Pertussis. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 405-8, 3 tables. Flint, L.A. 1919 Muguru at Torobina, Bamu River. Fisk, E.K. Man, 19: 38-9- 1962 The economy of Papua-New Guinea, in: The independence of Papua- 1919a Vocabularies - Daru station, New Guinea: what are the pre­ Western Division. Papua. Annual requisites? : 25-43* Australian report for 1917-18: 96, (App. national university, Public E 18). lectures committee. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 78 pp. 1921 Practice of spiritualism among the Mukawa natives - North-eastern 1962a Planning in a primitive economy: Division, Baniara district. Papua. special problems of Papua-New Annual report for 1919-20: 111-2, Guinea. Economic record, 38(84): (App. II). 462-78. 1921a Burial customs of the Desi tribe - Fison, L. North-eastern Division, Baniara 1889 A note on perforated stones. district. Papua. Annual report American anthropologist, 2: for 1 9 1 9 -2 0 : 1 1 2 -3 . 177-9. 1922 Annual report, North Division Flach, M. (b) Ioma district. Papua. Annual report for 1920-21: 1959 De ontwikkeling van de nootmus- 47-50. kaat-cultuur op Nederlands- Nieuw-Guinea en het rapport van de agrarische commissie. Nieuw- 1922a Report by L.A. Flint, assistant Guinea studife'n, 3: 47-53. resident magistrate, Ioma, on the history of Totoadari. Papua. Annual report for 1920-21: 129- 1959a De huldige welvaartsbron van 30, (App. III). Fak-Fak: de cultuur van nootmuskaat en foelie. Neder- lands Nieuw-Guinea, 7(2): 18-21. 1923 Report on the patrol through the Samberigi Valley, Mt. Murray district, Delta Division. Papua. Annual report for 1921-22: l4l- 52, (App. II). 85 1923a Description of Gau-o or descrip­ 1938 Artificial cranial deformat­ tion of healing by magic among ion in New Britain. Medical the Binandele. Papua. Annual journal of Australia, 2: report for 1921-22: 156, (App. V). 729-32.

1923b Description of the Agalambo 1940 Notes on pregnancy and parturit­ people, between the Musa and the ion in the D'Entrecasteaux Bariji Rivers. Papua. Annual Islands. Medical journal of report for 1 9 2 1 -2 2 : 15 6 , Australia, 2: 498-501. (App. VI). 1940a A destructive skin disease of the 1925 Report Northern Division (b) face in natives of Papua and Kokoda district. Papua. Annual North Australia. Medical journal report for 1923-24: 24. of Australia, 2: 668-9-

1926 Report Northern Division (c) 1950 The malaria problem in Australia Kokoda district. Papua. Annual and the Australian Pacific report for 1924-25: 43-8. territories. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 749-60. 1929 Abau district - native affairs and labour. Papua. Annual report 1963 Nicolai Nicolaevitch de Miklouho- for 1 9 2 7 -2 8 : 3 0 -1 . Maclay, 1846-1888. Papua and New Guinea scientific society, Annual report and proceedings for 1 9 6 3 : 1932 Report of female Influence deter­ 8-18. ring natives from crime. Papua. Annual report for 1930-31: 15« Foreman, Velma and Marten, Helen Fokkinga, J . 1963 Yessan - Mayo phonemes, in: Workshop papers No. 2 (Phonology): 1954 Bosbouw in Nederlands Nieuw- 28 pp., Summer institute of Guinea. Landbouwkundig tijd- linguistics, New Guinea branch. schrift, Nieuw-Guinea nummer: Ukarumpa, New Guinea, 102 pp. 49-66. Forge, J. Anthony W. Foldi I960 Three Kamanggabi figures from the 1937 Patrol to the Nowate Valley. Arambak people of the Sepik Papua. Annual report for 1935- district, in: Three regions of 3 6 : 14-5. Melanesian art: 6-12. New York, The Museum of Primitive Art. Forbes, B.R.V. and Wannan, J.S. 1955 Leptospiral infection in natives 1960a Notes on eastern Abelam designs of the Territory of Papua and painted on paper, in: Three New Guinea. Australasian annals regions of Melanesian art: 12-4. of medicine, 4: 64-9, 3 tables. New York, The Museum of Primitive Art. Forbes, H.O. 1962 Paint - a magical substance. 1888 New Guinea: attempted ascent of Palette, 9: 9-16. Mount Owen Stanley. Scottish geographical magazine, 4: Forsyth, W.D. 138-44. 1955 Australia's record in New Guinea. South Pacific, 8: 1888a Expedition to the eastern 79-81, 87. slopes of Mt. Stanley. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1887: 28-33, (App. F). 1955a New Guinea: statement at the Sixteenth Session of the United Nations Trusteeship 1888b On attempts to reach the Owen Council, New York, by the Stanley peak. Scottish geograph­ Australian representative, ical magazine, 4: 401-14. Mr. W.D. Forsyth, 29th June, 1955. Current notes on inter­ 1890 The Owen Stanley range, New national affairs, 2 6 : 487-90. Guinea. Royal geographical society, London, Proceedings, Fort, G. Seymour 12 (new series): 558-63. 1886 Native superstitions. British New Guinea. Annual report Forbes, H.O. (joint author) for 1885: 35, (App. 2 3 ). 1886 see 1886 Fort, G.S. and Forbes, H.O. 1886a Native teachers - instances of courage. British New Guinea. Ford, Edward Annual report for 1885: 3 8 , (App. 26). 1937 Trephining in Melanesia. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 471-7- 86 1887 Expedition to the base of Mt. Owen Stanley. British New I960 Folk medicine in the Dobuan Guinea. Annual report for Islands. Polynesian society, 1886: 52, (App. 17). Wellington, Journal, 69: 31-3-

Fort, G. Seymour and Forbes, H.O. 1960a New Guinea warfare: correction of a mistake previously pub­ 1886 Aus dem britischen Schutzgebiet lished. Man, 60: 108. in Neu-Guinea. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 2: 1960b Statistics of Kuru. Medical 91-1 0 0 . (Trans1 . from the journal of Australia, 1: 764-5, Melbourne "Argus", 3rd and 6 th May, 1886.) 2 tables.

Fortes, Meyer (ed.) Fortune, Reo F. (tr.) 1962 Marriage in tribal societies. 1961 Dobuans abroad: letters from Cambridge papers in Social the Dobuan Islands. Polynesian society, Anthropology, No.5 . Department of Archaeology and Anthropology. Wellington, Journal, 70: 314- Cambridge, Cambridge University 20. Press, 157 PP-, see 1962 Robinson, Marguerite S. Fowler, J.G. 1922 Annual report, Northern Division Fortune, Reo F. (c) Kokoda district. Papua. Annual report for 1920-21: 50-1. 1951/32 Manus religion. Oceania, 2: 74-108. Fowler, Malcolm and Robertson, E. Graeme

1932 Sorcerers of Dobu: the social 1959 Observations on Kuru. III. anthropology of the Dobu island­ Pathological features in five ers of the western Pacific, cases. Australasian annals of (introduction by B. Malinowski.) medicine, 8 : 1 6 -2 6 . London, G. Routledge and Sons Ltd., 318 pp., (revised edition, Fox, T.A. 1963). 1936 In New Guinea's unknown centre. Pacific islands monthly, 6(7): 1933/34 A note of some forms of kinship 41-4. structure. Oceania, 4: 1-10. Foy, W. 1935 Manus religion: an ethnological 1900 Tanzobjekte vom Bismarck study of the Manus natives of Archipel, Nissan und Buka. the Admiralty islands. American Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches und philosophical society, anthropologisch-ethnographisches Philadelphia, Memoirs, 3 : X and Museum, Publikationen aus dem 391 PP- Königlichen ethnographischen Museum zu Dresden, No. 1 3 : 1-40. 1939 Arapesh warfare. American anthropologist, 41: 22-41. 1901 Zur Ethnographie von Neu- Pommern. Globus, 79: 9 7 . 1942 Arapesh. American ethnological society, New York, Publications, 1902 Ueber Schilde beim 19: 237 pp. Bogenschiessen. Globus, 8 1 : 281-5 . 1943 Arapesh maternity. Nature, 152: 164. 1902a Ethnographische Beziehungen zwischen Britisch und Deutsch Neu-Guinea. Globus, 82: 379- 1947 The rules of relationship behav­ 83. iour in one variety of primitive warfare. Man, 47: 108-10. 1902b Schemelartige Kokosnuss-schaber. Anthropologische Gesellschaft 1947a Law and force in Papuan societies. in Wien, Mitteilungen, 34 (3 . American anthropologist, 49(2): Folge 4. Band): 112-54. 244-59. 1907 Melanesien 1903/04. Archiv für 1954 Betrothal by mother-in-law. Religionswissenschaft, 10: 129- (First published in 1932.) 49, 295-310. in: M. Mead and N. Calas Teds.), Primitive heritage: 240-6. London, Victor Francis, Nellie 0. Gollancz Ltd., 592 pp. 1938 Education in New Guinea. B.Ed. Investigation, University of 1954a How to become a sorcerer. Melbourne, 120 pp. (First published in 1932.) in: M. Mead and N. Calas Franklin, Joice (joint author) Teds.), Primitive heritage: 387-9Ö. London, Victor 1962 see 1962 Franklin, K. and Gollancz Ltd., 592 pp. Franklin, J. 87

1962a see 1962a Franklin, K. and 1913-24 The belief in immortality and Franklin, J . the worship of the dead. London, MacMillan and Co. Ltd., 3 vols. (vol. 1 1 9 1 3 , vol. 2 1 9 2 2 , vol. Franklin, Karl 3 1924). I960 course. (English lesson outlines by H.B. Kerr and 1937 Totemica: a supplement to K.J. Franklin.) Summer institute "Totemism and Exogamy". Totemism of linguistics in co-operation in Melanesia (Book 2): 307-9» 314- with the department of informat­ 25; Totemism in New Guinea (Book ion and extension services, 3): 329-62. London, MacMillan Ukarumpa, New Guinea, 101 pp. and Co. Ltd., 518 pp. 1963 Kewa ethnolinguistic concepts of body parts. Southwestern journal Frederic, J. of anthropology, 19: 54-63. 1910 Albinotische Haare aus Britisch Neu-Guinea. Zeitschrift für 1963a Kewa verb morphology, in : Morphologie und Anthropologie, Workshop papers No. 2 12: 369-70. (Grammar): 1-27» Summer institute of linguistics, Freeman, J.D. and Geddes, W.R. (eds.) New Guinea branch. Ukarumpa, New Guinea, 96 pp. 1959 Anthropology in the South Seas: essays presented to H.D. Skinner. Franklin, Karl and Franklin, Joice New Plymouth (N.Z.), T. Avery and Sons Ltd., 267 P P •; see 1962 The Kewa counting systems. 1959 Berndt, C.H. Polynesian society, Wellington, Journal, 71: 188-91; also Workshop papers 1961: 11-5, Freeman, Otis W. Simmer institute of linguistics, 1951 Geographic setting of the New Guinea branch. Ukarumpa, Pacific, in: O.W. Freeman New Guinea, 170 pp. (ed.), Geography of the Pacific: 1-43. New York, 1962a Kewa I: phonological asynvmetry. John Wiley and Sons, 573 pp. Anthropological linguistics, 4(7): 29-37. Freeman, Otis W. (ed.) 1951a Geography of the Pacific. New Franklyn, Julian York, John Wiley and Sons, 1936 Cannibal poets. Contemporary 573 PP.; also London, Chapman review, 1 5 0 : 341-8. and Hall Ltd.; see 1951 Bowman, R.G., l$5l Coulter, J.W., 1951 Emory, K.P., 1951 Franssen Herderschee, A. Freeman, O.W., 1951 Manchester, 1913 De Wilhelmina-snqeuwtop in C. A. Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrljkskundig genootschap, French, A. Amsterdam, Tljdschrift, 30 (2 nd series): 789-94. 1953 Pidgin English in New Guinea. Australian quarterly, 25(4): 57-60. Frantz, Chester I. 1962 Grammatical categories as 1955 A linguistic problem in Trust indicated by Gadsup noun territory. Eastern world, 9(1): affixes. Studies in New 21-3. Guinea linguistics, Oceania linguistic monograph No. 6 : 44-63. French E.L. and others 1957 Murray Valley encephalitis in Fraser, Douglas F. New Guinea. American Journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 1955 Mundugamor sculpture: comments 6(5): 827-34. on the art of a New Guinea tribe. Man, 55: 17-20. Frese, H.H. (joint author) Fraser J. 1958 see 1958 Kooijman, S. and 1892 On the languages of Oceania. Frese, H.H. Royal society of New South Wales, Sydney, Journal and Freund, A.P.H. proceedings, 2 6 : 342-67. 1946 How 250 Rabaul refugees were rescued in New Britain in Frazer, James George March, 1942. Pacific islands 1910 Totemism and exogamy: a treatise monthly, 1 7 (1 ): 44-50. on certain early forms of superstition and society. Vol. 2: 1946a Coast watching in New Guinea. 2 5 -6 2 , 118-34; vol. 4: 27 6 -8 6 . Pacific islands monthly, 17(3): London, Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 32-6 . 4 vols. 88

1946b Dodging the Japs behind 1916 Die Verbreitung australoider Finschhafen. Pacific islands Merkmale in Melanesien und monthly, 17(4): 49-51, (7): den Philippinen. Zeitschrift 51-4. für Ethnologie, 48: 114-6.

Friedel, Johannes Fritsch, W. 1903 Beiträge zur Kenntnis der 1925 Eine Gerichtsverhandlung am Wirtschaftsformen der Sepik. Koloniale Rundschau, Ozeanier. I. Der Landbau 95-7. der Ozeanier; II. Fischfang; III. Gewerbe und Handel. Frizzi, Ernst Petermanns Geographische 1912 Letter from Bougainville. Mitteilungen, 49: 123-5, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 269-73- 44: 127-9.

Friederici, Georg 1912a Ein Besuch bei den Kongara und 1910 Von Eitape nach Hollandia. Oiai. Zeitschrift für Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 21 Ethnologie, 44: 178-9. (pt. 1): 351-5. 1913 Osteometrischer Befund an Friederici, Georg (mit Bemerkungen von Schädeln und Skeletteilen der Prof. Dr. Karl Sapper) sogenannten Telei in Süd- Bougainville. Archiv für 1910a Anir oder Feni? Globus, 97 Anthropologie, 12 (neue Folge): (5): 50-1. 241-72.

Friederici, Georg 1914 Ein Beitrag zur Ethnologie von Bougainville und Buka mit 1911 Pidgin-Englisch in Deutsch- spezieller Berücksichtigung Neuguinea. Koloniale der Nasioi. Baessler-Archiv, Rundschau, No. 2: 92-106. Beiträge zur Völkerkunde, Beiheft 6. Leipzig und Berlin, 1912 Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse B.G. Teubner, 56 pp. einer amtlichen Forschungs­ reise nach dem Bismarck- 1915 Über die Wirbelsäule der Archipel im Jahre 1908. Baining (Neu-Pommern). II. Beiträge zur Völker- und Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Sprachenkunde von Deutsch- Anthropologie, 17: 455-92. Neuguinea. Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, Ergänzungsheft No. 5: 324 pp., Frobenius, Leo 4 tables. 1896 Stilgerechte Phantasie. Internationales Archiv für 1913 Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse Ethnographie, 9: 129-36. einer amtlichen Forschungsreise nach dem Bismarck-Archipel im 1897 Oceanische Masken; erste Jahre 1908. III. Untersuchungen Mittheilung, zweite Mittheilung. über eine melanesische Wander­ Internationales Archiv für strasse. Mitteilungen aus den Ethnographie, 10: 69-70, 206-9. Deutschen Schutzgebieten, Ergänzungsheft No. 7: 182 pp. 1898 Über oceanische Masken; dritte Mittheilung: über Eidechsen in Friederici, Georg (joint author) melaneslschen Masken. Inter­ 1909 see 1909 Sapper, K. and nationales Archiv für Friederici, G. Ethnographie, 11: 82-5-

a Über oceanische Masken; vierte Friederici, Georg and Sapper, Karl 1898 Mittheilung: über die Vögel in 1910 In das Hinterland der Nordküste melaneslschen Masken. Inter­ des Kaiser Wilhelmslandes nationales Archiv für (Neuguinea); (with) Geologische Ethnographie, 11: 130-2. Verhältnisse (and) Einige Bemerkungen zu den Karten, von 1898b Über oceanische Masken; fünfte K. Sapper. Petermanns Mittheilung: über Schädelmasken. Geographische Mitteilungen, Internationales Archiv für 56 (pt. 2): 182-6. Ethnographie, 11: 162-4.

Frings, August 1900 Die Kulturformen Ozeaniens. 1904 Eine Rundfahrt im Bismarck- Petermanns Geographische Archipel. Deutsche Kolonial­ Mitteilungen, 46: 204-15, 234- zeitung, 21(43): 425-7. 8, 262-71.

Fritsch, G. Froehlich, 0. 1907 Über einen zweimal trepa­ see Fröhlich, 0. nierten Schädel. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 39: 702-3. 89

Fröhlich, 0. Gabelentz, Georg von der and Meyer, Adolf Bernard 1909 Fröhlichs Reise von Huongolf nach der Astrolabebai: Dezember l882 Beiträge zur Kenntnis der mela- 1907 - Januar 1908. Globus, nesischen, mikronesischen und 95(5): 84. papuanischen Sprachen, ein erster Nachtrag zu Hans Conon's von der Gabelentz Werke "Die Fromholz, Hugo melanesischen Sprachen". (K.) 1905 Zu den Antipoden. Berlin, Sächsische Gesellschaft der M. Driesner, 153 PP- Wissenschaften, Leipzig, Philologisch-historische Klasse, Abhandlungen, 8(lV): 375-541. Fry, T.P. 1946 Papua and mandated New Guinea Gaisseau, Pierre Dominique today. Pacific affairs, 19: 1957 Visa to the prehistoric world. 146-64. (Trans1. from French by C. Fitzgibbon.) London, F. Fuchs, Albrecht Muller, 224 pp.; Visa pour la 1926 Von der Gesichtsmuskulatur pr^histoire: Shangrlla, la dreier Papua-Melanesier und valine perdue de Nouvelle- eines Europäers. Zeitschrift Guinee, 1956. Paris, Albin für Morphologie und Michel, 268 pp. Anthropologie, 26(1): 131-64. Gajdusek, D. Carleton Fuchs, Stephen 1958 Kuru: an acute degenerative neurological disorder in 1951 Ancient cultural links between Melanesian natives. American America, Asia and Oceania. neurological association, Anthropological society of Transactions, 83: 156-8. Bombay, Journal, 5(2) (new series): 51-75- 1962 Kuru: an appraisal of five years 1953 Joseph Schmidts (f) Vokabular of investigation; with a discus­ und Grammatik der Murik- sion of the still undiscardable Sprache in Nordost-Neuguinea. possibility of infectious Anthropos, 48: 274-7- etiology. Eugenics quarterly, 9: 69-74. (Paper presented at the Full Tenth Pacific science congress 1961, Honolulu.) 1909 Eine Fahrt auf dem Kaiserin Augustafluss. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 20: 739-45. Gajdusek, D. Carleton (joint author) 1957 see 1957 Zigas, V. and Futscher, Otto Gajdusek, D.C. 1959 Taulil-Grammatik und naturwis­ senschaftliche Sammelarbeiten aus Gajdusek, D. Carleton and Kidson, C. Neubritannien (Südsee). Micro- 1962 Congenital defects of the central Bibliotheca Anthropos, 30: nervous system associated with 286 pp., (Posieux, Freiburg). hyperendemic goiter in a neolith­ ic highland society of Nether­ lands New Guinea. Pediatrics, 29: 345-75.

Gajdusek, D. Carleton and others 1961 "Studies on Kuru": II. Serum protein in natives from the Kuru-region of New Guinea. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 10(l): 92-109-

1961a "Studies on Kuru": III. Patterns of Kuru incidence: demographic and geographic epidemiological analysis. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 10(4): 599-627.

Gajdusek, D. Carleton and Reid, Lucy (Hamilton) 1961 "Studies on Kuru": IV. The Kuru pattern in Moke, a representative Fore village. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 10(4): 628-38. 90 Gajdusek, D. Carleton and Zigas, V. 1954/55 Nog een en ander over de Humboldtbaai-taal. Tijdschrift 1957 Degenerative disease of the "Nieuw-Guinea", 15: 100-4. central nervous system in New Guinea: the endemic occurrence of "Kuru" in the native 1955? Papua's van de Humboldt-baai; population. New England journal bijdrage tot een ethnografie. of medicine, 2 5 7 : 974-8. Den Haag, J.N. Voorhoeve, 293 PP>

1958 Untersuchungen über die 1955/56 Talen en dialecten van Pathogenese von Kuru: eine Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. klinische, pathologische und Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", epidemiologische Untersuchung 1 6 : 109-17, 134-45, 161-77. einer chronischen und unter den Eingeborenen der eastern 1955/ Nota nopens het Ajamaroe- highlands von Neu Guinea 56a gebied. Nederlands Nieuw- epidemische Ausmasse Guinea, Gouvernement van - erreichenden Erkrankung des Kantoor voor bevolkings­ Zentralnervensystems. zaken, No. 66: 84 pp. Klinische Wochenschrift, 5 6 : 10, 445-59; also English trans­ 1956 Oudheidkundig onderzoek in lation by V. Zigas and D.C. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea (met Gajdusek, 1959: Papua and New naschrift van A.N.J. Guinea medical journal, 3 (1 ): Thomassen ä Thuessink van der 1-24, tables; American journal Hoop). Bijdragen tot de taal-, of medicine, 2 6 (3 ): 442-69- land- en volkenkunde, 112: 271-84. 1961 "Studies on Kuru": I. The ethno­ logic setting of Kuru. 1956a Memo inzake het gebruik van American journal of tropical visvergif door de bevolking van medicine and hygiene, 1 0 (1 ): het Sentani-meer. Nederlands 80-91. Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, Gal, K. No. 74: 3 PP* 1962 Tropical eosinophilia in a Papuan child. Papua and New 1956b Etnografische notities over het Guinea medical journal, 6(1): Senggi-gebied (onderafdeling 23-4. Hollandia). Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, Galis, Klaas Wilhelm No. 86: 32 pp. 1948/49 Manoekwari 50 jaar bestuurs- post. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 1956/57 Etnologische survey van het 9: 107-11. Jafi-district (onderafdeling Hollandia). Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, Gouvernement van - 1950/51 Delfstoffen van Nieuw-Guinea. Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", No. 102: 84 pp., and app. 53 PP- 11: 20 8 -1 2 .

1952 Documentatie materife'le cultuur 1957 De grotten van Jaand. Nieuw- Nieuw-Guinea (afgesloten Juni Guinea studife'n, 1: 14-23- 1952). Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor 1957a De Pinfeloe-grot nabij Tainda. bevolkingszaken, No. 16: 4l pp. Nieuw-Guinea studife'n, 1: 118-28.

1 9 5 3 ) Geschiedenis. in: W.C. Klein 1957b Oude fortificatie ontdekt. 1954) (ed.), Nieuw Guinea, vol. 1: Nieuw-Guinea Studien, 1: 324-5- 1-65. 's-Gravenhage, Staats- drukkerij- en uitgeversbedrijf, 3 delen, 491, 470, 600 pp. 1957c Nieuwe rotstekeningen ontdekt. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ en volkenkunde, 1 1 3 : 20 6 -8 . 1954 Het Eramfeest te Bonggrang. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ en volkenkunde, 1 1 0 : 20-37. 1957/58 Ethnologische survey van het Jafi-district. Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, Gouvernement van - 1954a Een stenen artefact van Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. No. 102: 84 pp. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 110: 281-2 . i960 Nieuwe brons-vondsten in het Sentani-district. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en 1954b Sociografische notities betref­ fende het Sentani-gebied. volkenkunde, 1 1 6 : 270-7- Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, No. 24: 17 pp., and app. 91

1960a Telsystemen in Nederlands G ard i, Renfe Nieuw-Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea 1956 Tambaran: Begegnung mit unter­ studiön, 4: 131-50. gehenden Kulturen auf Neuguinea. Zürich, Ore11 Füssli Verlag, 1960b Het fort te Jembekaki. Addendum. 222 pp., 40 tables; "Tambaran: Nieuw-Guinea studife'n, 4: 52-4. an encounter with cultures in decline in New Guinea", i 960. (Transl. by E. Northcott.) 1961 Het Biak-Noemfoorse grondenrecht. London, Constable, 201 pp. Nieuw-Guinea studife'n, 5(3): 199- 214. 1958 Sepik, Land der sterbenden Geister. Bilddokumente aus 1961a Eerste rotsgraveringen in Neuguinea; einführender Text Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea ontdekt. und Bildlegenden von Alfred Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en Bühler. Bern, Alfred Scherz, volkenkunde, 117: 464-74. 144 pp., 60 plates.

1962 Verkenningen ln oude tijden I, 1958a In den Maprikbergen auf Nordost- II en III. Schäkels, NNG, 52: Neuguinea. A tlantis, 30(2): 3 -2 1 . 84-9 6 .

Galis, Klaas Wilhelm (ed.) Garran, Robert R. 1955 Bibliographie van Nederlands- 1935/36 The law of the territories of Nieuw-Guinea. Hollandia, Bureau the Commonwealth. Australian for Native Affairs, 165 pp. law Journal, 9 (supplement): (revised edition supplemented). . 28 -4 2 . 1956 English edition "Bibliography of West New Guinea". New Haven, Yale University. Southeast Asia Gasson, William studies. Bibliography series, 1958 It could be the garden of 135 PP- Papua. Pacific islands 1962 3rd.edition (revised and monthly, 28(11): 35. enlarged). Den Haag, 275 pp. Geddes, W.R. Galis, Klaas Wilhelm and Kamma, F.C. i960 The human background (and 1958 Het fort te Jembekaki. Nleuw- general discussion to paper). Guinea studife'n, 2: 206-22. Paper delivered at the UNESCO Symposium on the impact of man on humid tr o p ic s v e g e ta tio n . Galis, Klaas Wilhelm and Pouwer, J. Goroka, Territory of Papua and 1956 Nota aangaande Poeai (Sentani- New Guinea: 42-64. Sponsored meer). Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, by the Administration of the Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor Territory of Papua and New bevolkingszaken, No. 79: 5 PP-, Guinea and UNESCO Science and app. Co-operation Office for South East Asia. Canberra, Government Galton, J.C. Printer, 402 pp. 1874 Dr. von Miklucho Maclay's researches among the Papuans. Geddes, W.R. ( J o in t e d .) Nature, 9: 328-30. 1959 see 1959 Freeman, J.D. and Geddes, W.R. 1876 The ethnology of the Papuans of the Maclay coast. Nature, 14: Gehberger, John 107-9, 136-7. 1939 Merkwürdige Steinfunde im Dorfe Kaiep an der Nordküste Neuguineas. l880 Further notes upon the Papuans Anthropos, 34: 406-10. of Maclay Coast, New Guinea. Nature, 21: 204-6, 226-9- 1950 Aus dem M ythenschatz d e r Samap an der Nordküste Neuguineas. Gamba, C h arles Anthropos, 45: 295-341, 733-78. 1950 West New Guinea and Australia. Eastern world, 6: 15-6; also 1952 Missionary tells of sorcery and Colonial review, 6(7): 212-3. revived Sangguma. Pacific islands monthly, 22(11): 33. Gander, S.H. 1950 Life on a Sepik backwater: Geipel, Georg some notes on water-babies, house-building and mosquitoes. 1958 Die Finger- und Handleisten der Pacific islands monthly, 20(8): Ayom-Pygmäen, Neuguineas. 63, 6 5 . Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie, 49: 1-21; Abstract ln : Anthropos (1958), 53: 631. 1950a Sepik survey. Pacific islands monthly, 20(12) : 56-8. 92 Geisler, B. 1952 Jagdgebräuche der Wewäk-Boikin- Leute in Nordost-Neuguinea. 1908 Die KampfSchilde der Jabim auf Deutsch-Neuguinea. Globus. 94 Anthropos, 47: 177-92. (8 ) : 126- 8 . 1952a Der G e is te rg la u b e im Wewäk- Geisler, Walter Boikin-Gebiet Nordost- Neuguineas. Anthropos, 47: 1930 Australien und Ozeanien. 795-821. Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut A.G., 3rd edition 1953 Aus dem G em ein sch aftsleb en d e r (revised), 424 -pp. Wewäk-Boikin-Leute, Nordost- Neuguineas. Anthropos, 48: Geldern, R. Heine­ 413-57, 795-808. see Heine-Geldern, R. 1954) Die glaubensmässige Einstellung 1955) der Wewäk-Boikin-Leute zu den Gendt, G.J. van Krankheiten und deren Heilung i960 De Ransikivlakte en het gebied (Nordost-Neuguinea). Anthropos, rond de Anggimeren I- VI. 49: 460-80; 50: 319-36. Schäkels, NNG, 42: 13-34. 1958 Jagdgebräuche der Wewäk-Boikin- Geographical Journal Leute in Nordost-Neuguinea. - Einladung von Fliegenden Hunden 1893 The delimitation of the Anglo- Anthropos, 53: 268-9, (Nachtrag Dutch boundary in New Guinea. zu Anthropos, 46: 418-30). Geographical journal, 2: 270-1. 1908 Recent exploration in British New 1963 Der magische Meuchelmord im Guinea: journeys of Messrs. Wewäk-Boikin-Gebiet (Nordost- Barton, Strong, Monckton and Neuguinea). Anthropos, 58: others. Geographical journal, 719-36. 32: 266-70. 1963a Grammatik der Alubänsprache. 1911 The Mackay-Little expedition in M icro-Bibliotheca Anthropos, southern New Guinea. Geographical 37: x and 4l pp. (St. journal, 38: 483-7- Augustin bei Bonn).

Gerbrands, A.A. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin 1950/51 K unststijlen in West Nieuw- 1883 Die Forschungsreisen Miklucho Guinea. Indonesia'; tijdschrift Maklay's. Gesellschaft für gewijd aan het Indonesisch Erdkunde zu Berlin, Verhand­ cultuurgebied, 4: 251-83. lungen, 10: 104-10.

Germer, Ernst Geurtjens, H. 1961 Miklucho-Maklai und die koloniale 1925 Over treuren en rouwen op Kei, Annexion Neuguineas durch das Tanimbar en Zuid Nieuw Guinea. Kaiserliche Deutschland 1884. Anthropos, 20: 744-8. Beiträge zur Völkerforschung - Hans Damm zum 65-Geburtstag. 1926 De doodenvrees bij primitieve L e ip z ig . Museum f ü r V ölkerkunde, V o lk eren . Mens en m a a ts c h a p p ij, Veröffentlichungen, Heft 11: 2 : 157-64. 155-70. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 752 pp. 1926a Spraakleer der Marindineesche taal. (K.) Bataviaasch genoot- Gerstad, Joan E. schap van kunsten en weten- 1944 A section of New Guinea. schappen, Verhandelingen, 67 Walkabout, 10(4): 32-3* (2de stuk): i-ix, 159 pp.

Gerstner, Andreas 1928 Associatiebegrippen bij de M arin d in ezen . Mens en m aat­ 1955 Eine Schöpfungsmythe aus schappi j, 4: 233-55. Neuguinea. Anthropos, 28: 487-8. 1929 Het taboe-schap bij bevallingen 1937 Zauberei bei den But-Leuten an op Z u id -N .-G u in ea. Mens en der Nordküste Neuguineas. maatschappij, 5: II9-32. Anthropos, 32: 967-73. 1929a Bezit- en erfrecht bij de 1939 Der Yams-Anbau im But-Bezirk Marindinezen. Nederlandsch Neuguineas. Anthropos, 34: 246- aardrijkskundig genootschap, 6 6 . Amsterdam, T ijdschrift, 46 (2nd series): 223-33* 1951 Die Handflügler in Glauben und Brauch der Wewäk-Boikin-Leute 1929b Het schimmenoffer bij de Neuguineas. Anthropos, 46: M arin d in ezen . Mens en m aat­ 418-30. schappi j, 5: 321-31. 93

1935 Frederik Hendrik Island. Gibson, G.H. Geographical journal, 8l : 1961 Native education by the Methodist 435-8 . mission in the New Britain District, 1875-1950, with partic­ 1933a Nacktheit und Moral. Neder- ular reference to New Ireland and lands Indig (oud en nieuw), the coastal areas of the Gazelle 18: 319-25. Peninsula of New Britain. M.Ed. thesis, University of Melbourne, 260 pp. 1933h Marindineesch-Nederlandsch woordenboek. (K.) Bataviaasch Gibson, Gwenn and McCarthy, Joy genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen, Verhandelingen, 1961 The phonemes of Kemeyu Kanite. 71 (5de stuk): 433 PP- in: Workshop papers: 53-75, Summer institute of linguistics, New Guinea branch. Ukarumpa, 1936/37 De Marindinees voorheen en New Guinea, 170 pp. thans. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- Guinea", 1: 100-5- Giglioll, Enrico Hillyer 1937/38 Eene algeraeene omgangstaal 1875 The Italian explorers of voor Nieuw Guinea. Tijdschrift New Guinea. Geographical "Nieuw-Guinea", 2: 59-62. magazine, 2: 1 0 3 -5 .

1938/39 Het middel erger dan de kwaal? 1876 Dr. Beccari's recent visit to Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 3 : New Guinea. Geographical 451-8. magazine, 3 : 38-41.

1941/42 De koppensnellers van Zuld- 1876a Dr. Beccari's third visit to New Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift Guinea. Geographical magazine, "Nieuw-Guinea", 6 : 127-39. 3 : 210-6 .

1943 Uit het moderne steentijdperk. 1888 Note on a singular mask from Cultureel Indig, 5: 107-18. Boissy Island, N.E. New Guinea. Internationales Archiv für 1946-49 A propos d'un ustensile de Ethnographie, 1: 184-7. 1 'äge de pierre au sud de la Nouvelle-Guln4e. Anthropos, 1890 Notes on a remarkable and very 41-44: 219-24. beautiful ceremonial stone adze from Kapsu, New Ireland. 1955/56 Marind astronomy. Antiquity and Internationales Archiv für survival, 1 : 401-5- Ethnographie, 3: l8l-6.

Gibb, John Gilbert, C.F.R. 1941 Rubber production. Walkabout, 1939 Extracts from a report of a 7: 16-7. patrol to Kunua and Hahon sub­ divisions, Buka Passage sub- district, Kieta district. Giblln, E.L. Papua and New Guinea agricult­ 1910 Appendix No. II: Mukaua. in: ural gazette, 5(2): 40-1. C.G. Seligman, The Melanesians of British New Guinea: 740-6. Gilbert, G.B. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 766 pp. 1948 Initiation ceremony in the Sepik District. Report to the General Assembly of the Giblin, W.E. United Nations on the admin­ 1922 Some clinical notes and comments istration of the Territory of on myositis amongst Papuan New Guinea for 1947-48: xlvii, natives. Medical journal of (App. XVI). Australia, 2: 60-2. Gill, F. 1936 Lowenthal's new cutaneous 1908 Annual report on the Murua gold­ manifestation in the syndrome field. Papua. Annual report for of vitamin A deficiency 1906-07: 8 1 -3 . observed in Papuan natives. Medical journal of Australia, 1 : 202-3 . Gill, J.C.H. 1 9 6 0 /6 1 The last days of Rabaul (December 1944 Some clinical notes on 13, 1941 to January 2 3 , 1942). macrocytic anaemia in New Historical society of Queensland, Guinea natives. Medical journal Journal, 6 (3 ): 6 3 5 -6 8 . of Australia, 1: 89-90. Gill, William Wyatt 1954 "Daraprim" in the Wahgi Valley of New Guinea. Medical 1874 Three visits to New Guinea. journal of Australia, 1: 9-10. Royal geographical society, London, Journal, 44: 1 5 -3 O. 94

1876 Life in the southern isles; or, Gilmour, M.K. scenes and incidents in the 1905 A few notes on the Kiriwina South Pacific and New Guinea. (Trobriand group), trading London, The Religious Tract Society, viii and 360 pp. expeditions. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1904-05: 71- 2, (App. S). 1911 Extracts from papers of the late Rev. W. Wyatt Gill, L.L.D. Polynesian society, Wellington, Girard, Francoise Journal, 20: 116-51. 1955/56 The Buang of the Snake River. Antiquity and survival, 1: Gill, William Wyatt (joint author) 406-14. 1885 see 1885 Chalmers, J. and 1957 Les peintures rupestres Buang, Gill, W.W. district de Morobe, Nouvelle Guinee. Society des Oceanistes, Gilliard, E. Thomas Paris,. Journal, 1 3 : 4-49. 1951 New Guinea's paradise of birds. National geographic magazine, Girard, M.F. 100: 661- 88. 1954 L'importance sociale et reli- gieuse des c^r&nonies ex^cut^es 1955 New Guinea's rare birds and pour les Malanggan sculptes de Stone Age men. National Nouvelle-Irlande. Anthropologie geographic magazine, 1 0 3 : (Paris), 58: 241-67. 421-88. Giulianetti, A. 1953a Exploring New Guinea for birds 1898 Vocabulary of the dialect spoken of paradise. Natural history: by the natives of Suku and American museum of natural Amaseba on Mount Cameron. British history, Journal, 62(6): 248-55* New Guinea. Annual report for 287« 1897- 98: 34-5, (App. B).

1954 In quest of birds of paradise. Natural history: American museum 1898a A brief vocabulary of the dialect of natural history, Journal, 63 spoken by the natives of Sikube, (3 ): 104-11, 140-2. on the Vetapa or Vanapa Valley. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1897-98: 35, (App. B). 1954a Civilization in New Guinea. Natural history: American 1900 Report of the government agent museum of natural history, for the Mekeo District. British Journal, 63(H): 430-1. New Guinea. Annual report for 1898- 99: 76-7, (App. Q). 1955 To the land of the headhunters. National geographic magazine, 1901 Report of government agent, 108: 437-86. Mekeo District. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1899- 1957 A Stone Age naturalist. Natural 1900: 72-8, (Apps. M, N). history: American museum of natural history, Journal, 6 6 : Gjellerup, K. 344-51. 1912 De Saweh-stam der Papoea's in noord Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch 1961 Exploring New Britain's land of aardrljkskundig genootschap, fire. National geographic Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 29 (2nd magazine, 1 1 9 : 2 6 1 -9 2 . series): 171-8 2 , 420.

Gilliard, E. Thomas (joint author) 1915 De legende van de vernietiging 1954 see 1954 Mayr, E. and Gilliard, door tooverij van de oorspron- E.T. kelijke bevolking van het schiereiland Särmi op de Noordkust van Nieuw-Guinea en Gilliard, E. Thomas and Lecroy, Mary van de herbevolking van dit 1961 Birds of the Victor Emanuel schiereiland. Met eene beschrij- and Hindenburg mountains, ving van het jaarlijksche treur- New Guinea. American museum feest, hetwelk ter herinnering of natural history, New York aan die verwoesting, in Maart Bulletin, 123(l): 86 pp., an wordt gevierd. Tijdschrift voor 17 plates. Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. ((K.) Bataviaasch Gilmour, J.S.L. genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen), 57: 31-54. 1931 The species of tobacco grown in New Guinea: with a preface by A.C. Haddon. Papua. Anthropology Glasgow, Kathleen Barker (joint author) report No. 11. Port Moresby, 1962 see 1962 Bee, D. and Glasgow, K.B. Government Printer. 95

Glasse, Robert Marshall 1892 Dr. Montagues Gefangenschaft unter den Tugere Kannibalen. 1955 The Hurl, Tari, Southern High­ Globus, 61: 268-9; 62: 110-1 lands District, Papua. Field report (held by Department of anthropology, Australian l892a Die Laughlan oder Nadelinseln national university, Canberra), im Osten von Neu-Guinea. Globus, No. 1 (llth April - 15th July, 6 2 : 567. 1955): 50 PP- 1899 Die Ballon-mUtzen auf Bougainville (Salomon-Insel). 1958/59 The Hull descent system; a Globus, 75: 245-4. preliminary account. Oceania, 29: 171-84. 1905 Bericht Uber Britisch-Neuguinea fUr 1900/1901. Globus, 84(5): 52. 1959 Revenge and redress among the Hull; a preliminary account. Mankind, 5: 275-88. 1907 Sanduhrförmige Trommeln von Matty-, Wuwulo Inseln. Globus, 9 2 (1 ): 2 0 . 1960/61 A "Kuru" bibliography. Oceania, 51: 294-5- 1910 Die Deutsch-Holländische Abgrenzungs-Kommission in 1962 The cognatic descent system of Neuguinea. Globus, 98(14): the Hull of Papua. Ph.D. thesis, 227. Australian national university, 178 pp., apps., tables. 1910a Die Fahrt der holländischen Grenzexpedition auf dem 1965 Bingi at Tari. Polynesian Kaiserin-Augusta-Fluss. society, Wellington, Journal, Globus, 98(24): 576-7. 72: 270-1 . Gnielinski, Stefan van Glen, J. 1958 Struktur und Entwicklung Papuas I960 Low cost housing for the und des von Australien verwal­ indigenes of Papua and New teten, ehemals deutschen Gebietes Guinea. Papua and New Guinea der Insel Neu-Guinea. Hamburger scientific society, Annual Geographische Studien, Heft 9: report and proceedings for 128 pp. I960: 45-58. Goebel, Kira Weinberger­ Glick, Leonard Barry see Weinberger-Goebel, Kira. 1965 Foundations of a primitive medical system: the Gimi of the New Guinea highlands. Goedicke, F.T. Ph.D. thesis, University of 1959 Hoisting the flag at Papua in Pennsylvania, 178 pp. 1884. Pacific islands monthly, 9(8): 5 8 . Globus 1872 Die Papuas an der Dourga- 1945 59 years ago. Pacific islands Strasse und am Utanate auf monthly, 14(5): 7 . Neu-Guinea. Globus, 2l(l4): 214-6. Goes, H.D.A. van der 1862 Nieuw Guinea, ethnographisch en 1872a Neu-Guinea und die benach­ natuurkundig onderzocht en barten Eilandsgruppen. beschreven in 1858 door een Globus, 21(16): 241-5. Nederlandsch Indische commissie. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en 1875 Zusammentreffen mit Papuas auf volkenkunde van Nederlandsch- Neu-Guinea. Globus, 24(2): Indiä, 5 : I-2 5 5 . 29-50. Goethem, Edward von l875a Neu-Guinea. Globus, 1912 String bags of Mekeo Papua. 24(16): 254. Anthropos, 7: 792-5.

l875t> Entdeckungen des britischen Goettsch, H.B. Kriegsschiffes "Basilisk" in der Torresstrasse und an 1917 Über das Os lacrimale an Papua­ der Südostküste von Neuguinea. schädeln. Anatomischer Anzeiger, Globus, 24(20): 512-5. 49 (19/20): 549-59.

1874 Neue Reisen auf Neu-Guinea. Goldie, Andrew Globus, 25(11): 161-7, (12): 1878 A journey in the interior of 177-84. New Guinea from Port Moresby. Royal geographical society, London, Proceedings, 22: 219-25. 96 Goldman, W.C.F. 1908a De arbeid van het exploratie- detachement in zuid Nieuw- 1866) Aanteekeningen gehouden op eene Guinea; naar "Pionier" en R.L.A. 18 6 7 ) reis naar Dorei, (Noord-Oostkust Hellwig by Pionier. Nederlandsch van Guinefe'), in de maanden Ju n ij, aardrijkskundig genootschap, Jullj, Augustus en September Amsterdam, T ijd sc h rift, 25 (2nd 1865. Tijdschrift voor Indische series): 584-619. taal-, land- en volkenkunde. ((K) Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen), 15: 1908b De strandbewoners van zuid Nieuw- 475-556; 16: 392-426. Guinea en hunne dorpen by Pionier. Nederlandsch aardrijks­ kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Goodenough, Ward H. T ijd sc h rift, 25 (2nd se rie s ): 1952 Ethnological reconnaissance in 683-700. New Guinea. Pennsylvania. University museum, Bulletin, 1909 Land en volk van zuid Nieuw- 17(1): 5-37. Guinea by Pionier. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, T ijd sc h rift, 26 (2nd 1953 Ethnographic notes on the Mae series): 793-800. people of New Guinea's western highlands. Southwestern journal of anthropology, 9(1): 29-44. 1913 De Noordw est-rivier en de B ibis- of Van der Sande-rivier als toegangswegen tot het Oranje- 1954 Some observations on the Nakanai gebergte by Pionier. Neder­ people. Papua and New Guinea landsch aardrijkskundig s c ie n tific society, Annual report genootschap, Amsterdam, T ijd ­ and proceedings for 1954: 39-45. s c h rift, 30 (2nd series): 525-32. 1955 The pageant of death in Nakanai: a report of the 1954 expedition 1913a Hoe Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea to New Britain. Pennsylvania. geexploreerd werd en wordt University museum, Bulletin, by P ionier. Nederlandsch 19(1): 19-43. aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, T ijd sc h rift, 30 1955a A problem in Malayo-Polynesian (2nd s e rie s ): 638- 5 1 . social organization. American anthropologist, 57: 71-8 3 . 1914 De Majo-mysterife'n te r Nieuw- Guinea 's Zuidkust. Bijdragen 1955b Effect of European contact on tot de taal-, land- en the west Nakanai trib e of New volkenkunde, 6 9 : 366-8 5 . Britain island in the Australian Territory of New Guinea. Goot, S. van der American philosophical society, Philadelphia, Yearbook 1954: 1938/39 Enkele ethnographische bij- 175-6. zonderheden over de bevol- king in het N.W.-deel van 1956 Residence rules. Southwestern de YVogelkop", opgetekend door S. van der Goot, ge- journal of anthropology, 12: zaghebber te Sorong. Tijd­ 22-37. schrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 3 : 414-24. 1956a Reply to Frake, Malayo-Polynesian land tenure. American anthropol­ ogist, 5 8 : 173-6. 1938/ Exploratie in het N.W.-deel 39a van de Vogelkop. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 3 : 459-70. 1957 Oceania and the problem of controls in the study of c u ltu ral and human evolut­ 1941/42 Aantekeningen over land en ion. Polynesian society, volk van de Radja Empat groep. Wellington, Journal, 66: T ijd sc h rift "Nieuw-Guinea", 146-55- 6 : 111- 2 6 .

1961 Migrations implied by relat­ 1941/2) Exploratie van den Vogelkop, ionships of New Britain 1946/ 7 ) voorzoover gelegen in de onder- dialects to central Pacific afdeeling Sorong (Noord-Nieuw- languages. Polynesian soc­ Guinea). Tijdschrift "Nieuw- iety, Wellington, Journal, Guinea", 6 : 171-80; 7: 26- 3 2 . 70: 112-26, 3 tables. 1951/52 Aannouding van de begraving 1962 Kindred and hamlet in Nakanai. van een lijk door schuld- Ethnology, l(l): 5-11. eisers. (Ontleend aan het dagboek van de gezag- Gooszen, A.J. hebber van Sorong, S. van der Goot, van Maart 1938). 1908 Nederlandsch zuid Nieuw- T ijd sc h rift "Nieuw-Guinea", Guinea by Pionier. Nederlandsch 12: 50-4. aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, T ijd sc h rift, 25 (2nd series): 179-91• 97

1961 Frederik-Hendrik een merkwaardig 1905 Einige Speerformen des Bismarck- eiland aan Nieuw-Guinea's zuid- Archipels. Globus, 88(21): 355-6. kust. Schäkels, NNG, 45: 1-4, map (46). 1905a Kulturkreise und Kulturschichten in Ozeanien. Zeitschrift für 1961a De Radja-Ampateilanden bij Ethnologie, 37: 28-53- Nieuw-Guinea's Vogelkop. Schäkels, NNG, 45: 5-11, 1909 Die melanesische Bogenkultur und map (47). ihre Verwandten. Anthropos, 4: 726- 80. 1961b Eilanden längs de noordkust. Schäkels, NNG, 45: 12-6. 1913 Der Erdofen in der Südsee. Anthropos, 8 : 801-9. 1 9 6 1 c Streekontwikkeling I, II en III. Schäkels, NNG, 45: 21- 38 and maps (39-45). 1913/14 Krückenruder. Baessler-Archiv, 3: 191-204. Gordon-Thomas, E.L. 1927 Kopfbänke. Ethnologica, 1932 Immolation of widows in New 5: 1-13. Guinea. Man, 32: 15-6.

1928 Ein Teil des melanesischen 1933 Northern Solomons: pandanus Sprachtypus und seine Träger. hood. Man, 3 3 : 40. in: W. Köppers (ed.), Festschrift, Publication d'hommage Offerte au 1936 The Mopos (New Guinea) 'Mummies'. P.W. Schmidt: 6l-2. Wien, Man, 3 6 : l6 . Mechitharisten-Congregations- Buchdruckerei, 977 pp. Gore, R.T. Gräbner, Fritz (joint author) 1930 The punishment for crime among natives. Papua. Annual report 1907 see 1907 Stephan, E. and for 1928-29: 20-2, (App. A). Gräbner, F.

Gorman, J.G. (joint author) Grabowsky, F. 1962 see 1962 Kidson, C. and 1886 Eine Exkursion auf das Festland. Gorman, J.G. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 2: 62-4. Gorman, J.G. and Kidson, Chev 1888 Das Betelkauen bei den 1962 Distribution pattern of an malaiischen Völkern, besonders inherited trait, red cell auf Java und Borneo. Inter­ enzyme deficiency, in New nationales Archiv für Ethno­ Guinea and New Britain. graphie, 1 : 18 8 -9 1 . American journal of physical anthropology, 2 0 : 347-56. 1894 Grundtypus und Endresultat: ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Gott, K.D. Ornamentes bei den Naturvölkern. 1949 The Australian trusteeship in Internationales Archiv für New Guinea. Eastern world, 3: Ethnographie, 7: 103-4 and XIV 2 2 -3 ; also Colonial review, plates. 6 (2 ): 49-50. 1895 Der Bezirk von Hatzfeldthafen 1955 "Cargo cult" in New Guinea. und seine Bewohner. Petermanns Eastern world, 9(10): 20-1. Geographische Mitteilungen, 4l: 186-9.

Gouwentak, C.J. Grace, George W. 1939 De exploratie naar goud in 1955 Subgroupings of Malayo- Nederlandsch zuidwest Nieuw- Polynesian: a report of Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijks- tentative findings. kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, American anthropologist, Tijdschrift, 56 (2nd series): 57: 357-9. 220-35.

Goyau, Georges Graebner, Fritz 1938 Le Christ chez les Papous. see Gräbner, Fritz. Paris, Beauchesne et ses fils, 151 pp. Graf, Lucia 1929 Über die Mediansagittalkurve Gräbner, Fritz von Schädeln aus Holländisch- 1902 Holztrommeln des Ramu-Distriktes Neuguinea. Schweizerische auf Neu-Guinea. Globus, 82: 299- naturforschende Gesellschaft, 305. Verhandlungen, 6 (pt. 2, No. 6 ): 175-5. 98 1930 Über die Schädelbasis der Papua. Gray, J. Schweizerische naturforschende 1901 Measurements of Papuan skulls. Gesellschaft, Verhandlungen, 7 Anthropological institute of (pt. 2, No. 10/5): 332-3- Great Britain and Ireland, London, Journal, 3 1 : 261-4. Graf, W. 1947 Zur Spieltechnik und Spielweise Graydon, J.J. (joint author) von Zeremonialflöten von der 1947 see 1947 Simmons, R.T. and Nordküste Neuguineas. Archiv Graydon, J.J. für Völkerkunde, 2: 87-100. Graydon, J.J. and others 1950 Zur Präge der Vokaleinlagen und Füllsel bei Gesängen primitiver 1958 Blood groups in pygmies of the VolksStämme. Anthropos, 45: Wissel lakes in Netherlands New 363-6 . Guinea with anthropological notes by H.J.T. Bijlmer. American journal of physical 1950a Einige Bemerkungen zur anthropology, 1 6 : 149-71. Schlitztrommel-Verständigung in Neuguinea. Anthropos, 45: 861-8. Graydon, J.J. and Simmons, R.T. Graham, J.W. 1945 Blood groups in the Territory of Papua. Medical journal of 1895 Report of the resident magistrate Australia, 2: 77-80, 3 tables. for the Louisiade Division. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1893-94: 60-1, (App. 0). Great Britain, Admiralty, Naval Intelligence Division Graham, P. Maxton- 1945 Pacific islands: vol. 1 General survey; vol. 2 Eastern Pacific; see Maxton-Graham, P. vol. 5 Western Pacific (Tonga to the Solomon Islands); vol. 4 Granger, W. Western Pacific (New Guinea and islands north). Geographical 1950 Some problems of animal industry handbook, series B.R. 519B. in Papua and New Guinea. Papua and New Guinea scientific society. Annual report for 1950: Great Britain, Parliament, Command Papers 14-7. 1876 C.I566 Correspondence respecting New Guinea: 86 pp. in: Accounts Grant, R. and papers 1 8 7 6 , LIV, 779- 1930 Guinua 'Ana 'Ebeli'Ama, Buki 1, 'Upwa 1-12. (A Dobuan commentary 1883 C .3 6 1 7 Further correspondence on the Book of Acts). East Cape, respecting New Guinea: 141 pp. Papua, Methodist Mission, 90 pp. in: Accounts and papers 1 8 8 3 , XLVII, 5 7 .

1952 Tubetube reader No. 1. 1883a C.369I Further correspondence Kunuvalavala; legends in respecting New Guinea: 24 pp. Tubetube language, Papua. in: Accounts and papers 1 8 8 3 , Territory of Papua and New XLVII, 187. Guinea: Native education. Port Moresby, Department of Education, 42 pp. 1883b C .3 8 1 4 Correspondence respect­ ing New Guinea, the New Hebrides, and other islands in the Grant, W.R. Ogilvie- Pacific: 34 pp. in: Accounts and see Ogilvie-Grant, W.R. papers 1 8 8 3 , XLVII, 6ll.

Grapow, von 1884 C.4217 Further correspondence respecting New Guinea and other 1916 Die deutsche Flagge im islands and the convention at Stillen einer Sydney of representatives of Karte der Südsee. Berlin, the Australasian colonies: D. Reimer (E. Vohsen), 50 pp. in: Accounts and papers 60 pp. 1884-85, LIV, 185.

Gray, E.C.G. 1884a C .3 8 3 9 Further correspondence i960 The effect of man and the respecting New Guinea and other tidal forests of the Gulf of islands, and the convention at Papua. Paper delivered at the Sydney of representatives of UNESCO Symposium on the impact the Australasian colonies: 59 pp. of man on humid tropics veg­ in: Accounts and papers 1884, LV, etation. Goroka, Territory of 713. Papua and New Guinea: 350-4. Sponsored by the Administration 1885 C.4273 Further correspondence of the Territory of Papua and respecting New Guinea and other New Guinea and UNESCO Science islands in the western Pacific Co-operation Office for South Ocean: 166 pp. in: Accounts East Asia. Canberra, Government and papers 1884^5, LIV, 245. Printer, 402 pp. 99

1885a C.4584 Further correspondence 1908 Annual report, Gulf Division. respecting New Guinea and other Papua. Annual report for 1906-07: islands in the western Pacific 41-4. Ocean: 206 pp. in: Accounts and papers 1884-85, LIV, 431. 1908a Annual report, Northern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1907- 1891 C .6 3 2 3 Further correspondence 08: 76-9. respecting British New Guinea: 238 pp. in: Accounts and papers 1909 Report on the native population 1 890-9 1 , l v i i , 1 0 3 . between the Gira and Waria rivers. Papua. Annual report for 1918 C.92IO Correspondence relating 1908-09: 20-3. to the wishes of the natives of the German colonies as to their 1925 An official in British New Guinea, future government. ... only page with earlier reminiscences of 6 relevant to New Guinea: 59 pp. Harrow and the Royal artillery. in: Accounts and papers 1918, London, Cecil Palmer, 252 pp. XVII. Griffiths, T. Green, E.C. 1930 Report of the commissioner 1941 The cultivation of native food appointed to inquire into and crops. Papua and New Guinea report upon matters relating agricultural gazette, 7(l): to the mass meetings of natives 44-9, (3): 225-33- that occurred at the Roman Catholic and Methodist mission Green, J. stations at Malaguna, January 1929. Report to the League 1897 Report of the government agent of Nations on the administrat­ for the north-east coast. British ion of the Territory of New

New Guinea. Annual report for Guinea for 1928-29: 107-9, 1895-96: 75-7, (App. Q). (App. B). Greenop, Frank S. Grimshaw, Beatrice Ethel 1944 Who travels alone: the biography of Nicolai Miklouho Maclay. 1911 The new New Guinea. London, Sydney, K.G. Murray Publ. Co., Hutchinson and Co., 2nd 271 PP- ed., 322 pp.

Greenwood, Gordon and Harper, Norman (eds.) 1930 Isles of adventure. London, Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 307 pp. 1963 Australia in world affairs 1956- 1960; see 1963 Andrews, J. 1934 The world's worst cannibal island. Asia, 34: 348-51. Greffrath, Henry 1 8 7 6 ) Die neuesten Entdeckungreisen Grist, R.W. 18 7 7 ) in Neu-Guinea. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1927 Languages of the Abau district, Zeitschrift, 11: 1-21; 12: Eastern Division. Papua. Annual 7-24, 147-56. report for 1925-26: 9 2 -7 , (App. VI).

l879 Port Moresby und Umgebung; Neu- Guinea. Gesellschaft für Grisward, J. Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, 1910 Notes grammaticales sur la 14: 149-56. langue des Telei, Bougainville, lies Salomones. Anthropos, 5: 1884 Das Missionswesen auf Neu-Guinea. 82-94, 381-406. Globus, 45: 381-2. Grootenhuis, G.W. 1889 Besteigung des Mount Owen I960 De "wege "-beweging in Paniai en Stanley, Neuguinea. Petermanns Oost-Tigi. Nederlands Nieuw- Geographische Mitteilungen, Guinea, Gouvernement van - 35: 253-4. Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, No. 150: 20 pp. Gregory, L.J. 1955/56 Reviews of a patrol report: 1962 Nativistic movements. Working Lihir patrol of April and May papers in Dani ethnology, 1: 1954. Papua and New Guinea 49-53. medical journal, l(l): 27-8. Grottanelli, Vinigi L. Griffin, Henry Lysaght 1951 On the "mysterious" Baratu clubs 1907 Report on Gulf District. from central New Guinea. Man, British New Guinea. Annual 51: 105-7. report for 1905-06: 5 0 -1 . TOO Grove, D. S. Groves, Murray C. and others 1948 Report on garden ceremonies of 1957/58 Blood groups of the Motu and the Agarabi and Komanu areas. Koita peoples. Oceania, 28: Report to the General Assembly 222-37- of the United Nations on the administration of the Territory Groves, Murray C. and Watson, L. of New Guinea for 1947-48: xlvii, (App. XVI). 1956 Trobriand Island clans and chiefs. Man, 5 6 : 164. 1952/53 Patrol report, No. K1 of 1947/48. in: R.M. Berndt, "A cargo Groves, William C. movement in the eastern central highlands of New Guinea". 1932/33 Divazukmit, a New Ireland Oceania, 2J: 232-3» (App. 20). ceremony. Oceania, 3 : 297-312.

1952/ Patrol report, No. K3 of 1947/48. 1932/ Report on field work in New 53a in: R. M. Berndt, "A cargo 33a Ireland. Oceania, 3 : 325-61. movement in the eastern central highlands of New Guinea". 1933 The passing of primitive man. Oceania, 2 3 : 233» (App. 21). Pacific islands monthly, 3(7): 17- 8. Groves, Murray C. 1952 Recent policies in Australian 1933/3^ Fishing rites of Tabar Island. New Guinea. Australia's Oceania, 4: 432-57. neighbours, 3rd series, No. 22. 1934 Anthropologizingi Pacific 1952a The criminal jurisdiction of the islands monthly, 4(10): 14-6. Supreme Court in Papua-New Guinea. Part I and Part II. 1934/35 The natives of Sio Island, south­ Australian law journal, 25: eastern New Guinea: a study in 582-8, 636-41. culture contact. Oceania, 5: 4 3 - 6 3 . 1953 The history of Papua: some notes on research resources, .1934/ Report of field work in the achievements and problems. Historical studies, Australia 35a Territory of New Guinea from and New Zealand, 5(20): - May 1933 to August 1934. 3 8 6 Oceania, 5: 218-23. 401.

1935 With a patrol officer in New 1954 Dancing in Poreporena. Royal Guinea. Walkabout, 1(10): anthropological institute of 21-5. Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 84: 75-90. Tabar to-day: a study of a Melanesian community in contact 1955 Motu morality. Papua and New with alien non-primitive cultur­ Guinea scientific society, al forces. Oceania, 5: 224-40, Annual report and proceedings 346-60; 6 : 147-57. for 1955: 10-2 . 1935/36 Anthropology and native admin­ 1957 Sacred past and profane present istration in New Guinea. Oceania, in Papua. Quadrant, 1 (3 ): 39-46. 6 : 94-104.

1958 Motu kinship terminology. Man, 1936 Shark fishing in New Ireland. 5 8 : 131-2 . Mankind, 2: 3-6.

1960 Motu pottery. Polynesian society, 1936a A native fish-hunt in New Wellington, Journal, 69: 3-22, Ireland. Walkabout, 2: 12 plates. 33-5.

1961 Political development among the 1936b A primitive panorama. western Motu people of Papua. Walkabout, 2: 46-9- Tenth Pacific science congress 1961, Honolulu, Abstracts of 1936c Isles of allurement. symposium papers: 8 9 - Walkabout, 2: 3O-3 .

1962 New Guinea: Australia's colonial fantasy. [Melbourne, A.L.P. Club, 1936d A native feast in Melanesia. Melbourne University] Chifley Walkabout, 2: 31-5- Memorial Lecture 1962. 1936e Native education and culture- 1963 Western Motu descent groups. contact in New Guinea: a Ethnology, 2(l): 15-30. scientific approach. Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 179 PP. 101 1936/37 Secret beliefs in New Ireland. Grzhimailo, A.G. Grumm- Oceania, 7: 220-45. see Grumm-Grzhimailo, A.G.

1936/ Settlement of disputes in 37a Tabar. Oceania, 7: 501-20. Guariglia, Guglielmo 1959 Prophetismus und Hellserwartungs- Bewegungen als völkerkundliches 1937 Melanesian island life: the und religionsgeschichtliches dance. Walkabout, 3 : 40-3. Problem. Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik, 1942 Rabaul: its volcanic devastat­ 13: 1-322. ion. Walkabout, 8 : 15-6. Guay, Laurence Le 1946 Ample provision for European see Le Guay, Laurence. education in N.G. territories. Pacific islands monthly, 17(4): 25. Guiart, Jean 1963 The arts of the South Pacific. 1950 The human side of the Pacific. (Transl. by Anthony Christie.) in: Charles Barrett (ed.), The ln: A. Malraux and G. Salles Pacific: ocean of islands: 149- 7"eds.), The arts of mankind, 56. Melbourne, N.H. Seward Pty. 4 vols. France, Thames and Ltd., 176 pp. Hudson, 4th vol., 460 pp.

1952 The canoe builders. Pacific 1 963a Oc^anie. [Paris.] Gallimard, islands monthly, 2 2 (1 0 ): 462 pp. 65-6 . Guillemard, Francis H.H. (ed.) 1953 The development of rural educat­ ion in Papua and New Guinea. 1894 Australasia. Vol. II: Malaysia South Pacific, 7(1): 592-5. and the Pacific Archipelagoes, in: Stanford's 'Compendium of geography and travel' (new 1953a The blending of cultures. issue): 376-441 (Melanesia). Papua and New Guinea scien­ London, Edward Stanford, 574 pp. tific society, Annual report and proceedings for 1 9 5 3 : Guis, Joseph 22-33- 1936 La vie des Papous: cote sud-est 1955 Pidgin, (summary of report). de la Nouvelle-Guin^e (Roro et See 1955 Papua and New Guinea, Mekeo); introduction du Pere Department of Education. A. Dupeyrat. Paris, Ed. Dillen, 238 pp. 1959 Education and the development of the Papuan and New Guinea com­ Guise, R.E. munity. Victorian institute of 1892 Vocabulary of Bula'a dialect in educational research, Bulletin the Central District of British No. 5. New Guinea, spoken by some coast tribes. British New Guinea. Grube, W. (ed.) Annual report for 1890-91: 108- 14, (App. GG1). l895 Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Kai- Dialekte. See 1895 Flierl, J. 1895 Note on the custom of Tabu as applied by the natives of Hood Grumm-Grzhimailo, A.G. Peninsula. British New Guinea. 1939 N.N. Miklukho-Maklai na fone Annual report for 1893-94: 73, sovremennoi emu epokhi. in: (App. T). Izvestiia Gosudarstvennogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, 1895a Report on the expedition des­ 71(1-2): 43-159. Moskva- patched from Colllngwood Bay Leningrad, Akademlia nauk to the main range. British New SSSR, 310 pp. Guinea. Annual report for 1893- 94: 78-87, (App. X). Grundemann, R. 1889 Die evangelische Mission in den 1898 On the tribes inhabiting the deutschen Schutzgebieten in der mouth of the Wanigela River, New Südsee. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Guinea. Anthropological institute 2 (1 3 ) (new series): 1 0 0 -2 . of Great Britain and Ireland, London, Journal, 28: 205-19- Grützner, Gertrud Höhn­ see Höhn-Grützner, Gertrud. Gullberg, J. Ekblom 1924 A scheme of anthropometry for Gruyter, W. Jos. de (joint author) New Guinea and Australia. Polynesian society, Wellington, 1944 see 1944 Tichelman, G.L. and Journal, 33: 198-206. Gruyter, W. Jos. de. 702 Gunson, Walter Niel I960 Opening address. Paper delivered at the UNESCO Symposium on the 1959 Evangelical missionaries in the impact of man on humid tropics South Seas, 1797-1860. Canberra, vegetation. Goroka, Territory of Australian national university, Papua and New Guinea: 13-5- thesis, 555 pp. Sponsored by the Administration of the Territory of Papua and G unther, C a rl E.M. New Guinea and UNESCO Science Co-operation Office for South 1937 The serology of sixteen cases of East Asia. Canberra, Government endemic typhus in New Guinea. Printer, 402 pp. Medical journal of Australia, 1 : 439- 4 0 . 1961 Land tenure in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Journal 1938 The copper sulphate treatment of of the public service of the tropical ulcer and New Guinea T errito ry of Papua and New Guinea, mouth disease. Medical journal 3: 8-9, 43. of Australia, 1: 348-50. 1962 The select committee. Journal of 1938a The probable vector of endemic the public service of the typhus in New Guinea. Medical Territory of Papua and New journal of Australia, 2: 202-4. Guinea, 4: 97-100.

1939 Endemic typhus in New Guinea; 1963 From Stone Age to parliamentary its occurrence and probable government in a decade. Medical vector. Sixth Pacific science journal of Australia, 1 : 799- congress 1939, California, 8 0 5 . Proceedings, 5: 715-24. Gusinde, Martin 1940 A survey of endemic typhus in 1957 A pygmy group newly discovered New Guinea. Medical journal of in New Guinea: a preliminary Australia, 2: 564-73. report. Anthropological quarterly, 30: 18-26. 1955 A preliminary report on a form of encephalitis in New Guinea. 1958 Die Ayom-Pygmäen auf Neu-Guinea: Medical journal of Australia, ein Forschungsbericht. Anthropos, 1: 71 5 -7 . 53: 497-574, 817-63.

1956 The problems of malaria in New 1958a Somatological investigation of Guinea. Medical Journal of the pygmies in the Schrader Australia, 1: 493-8. mountains of New Guinea. American philosophical society, G unther, Carl E.M. and Schroeder, A.G. Philadelphia, Yearbook 1957: 27 0 -4 . 1939 Further observations on endemic typhus in New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 688-91. 1959 Die heutigen Menschenrassen niedrigster Körperhöhe in biogenetischer Sicht. Homo: Gunther, John T. internationale Zeitschrift 1950 Research is necessary in the für die vergleichende p u b lic health fie ld of Papua and Forschung am Menschen, 2: l6- New Guinea. Papua and New Guinea 2 6 . s c ie n tific society, Annual report for 1950: 23-40. 1959a Die Geschichte von einem pygmäen- haften Volk im M aprik-D lstrikt 1951 The Territory of Papua and New (Neu-Guinea). Anthropos, 54: Guinea expands its health 234-5. programme. Medical journal of 1961 Somatology of the Ayom Australia, 1: 702-3. pygmies of New Guinea. American philosophical 1955/56 Epidemiology of malaria in society, Philadelphia, Papua and New Guinea. Papua and Proceedings, 105(4): 394- New Guinea medical journal, l(l): 411 and ta b le s . 1 -9 . Gutmann, B. 1958 The people, in: John Wilkes 1906 Trauer- und Begräbnissitten der (ed.), New Guinea and Australia: Wadschagga (Bantuneger). B ilder 46-74. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, von der Gazelle-Halbinsel. 246 p p . Globus, 89(13): 200-5.

Guy, A.W. 1937 People of the d'Entreeasteaux group. Walkabout, 3: 24-7. 103 Haaft, D.A. ten 1901 Headhunters, black, white and brown. London, Methuen and Co., 1938/59 Landbouwonderwijs op de 426 pp., and plates. Schouten-eilanden. Tijdschrift 31 "Nleuw-Guinea", 3: 608-12. 1901a A Papuan bow-and-arrow fleam. Man, 1: 145. 1946/47 De Manseren-Mangoendi-bewe- ging op Biak. Tijdschrift ^Nieuw-Guinea ", f: 144. 1904 Drawings by natives of British New Guinea. Man, 4: 33-6. 1947/8 ) Manseren-beweging op Noord- 1948/9) Nleuw-Guinea, 1939-43. Tijd­ 1904a Introduction. I. Folk tales. schrift "Nleuw-Guinea", 8: in: Cambridge anthropological 161-5; 9: 1-8. expedition to Torres Straits, Report, 5; 1-120. Cambridge, Haan, J.H. Cambridge University Press, 6 vols. 1958 Streekplanontwikkellng in Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea, in 1904b VII. Initiation. VIII. het bijzonder in het Courtship and marriage. Ajamaroegebied. Nleuw-Guinea X. Funeral ceremonies, in: studife'n, 2: 121-48, 169-205. Cambridge anthropological expedition to Torres Straits, Haan, Raphael den Report, 5; 208-21, 222-32, 1955 Het varkensfeest zoals het 248-62. Cambridge, Cambridge plaatsvindt in het gebied University Press, 6 vols. van de rlvieren Kao, Muju en Mandobo. (Ned. Nieuw Guinea). 1904c XI. Regulation of public life. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ XII. Morals. XV. Trade, in: en volkenkunde, Ills 92-1 0 6 , Cambridge anthropological^ 162-90. expedition to Torres Straits, Report, 5: 263-71, 272-9, 293- 1959 Our neighbour. Journal of the 7. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, vols. public service of the Territory 6 of Papua and New Guinea, 1: 3O- 5, 79-83, 140-2. 1905 Tatuing at Hula, British New Guinea. Man, 5: 86-7. Haas, G.M. de 1906 A plea for the investigation of 1962 De voeding op Ned. Nieuw- biological and anthropological Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw- distributions in Melanesia. Guinea, 10(3): 18-20. Geographical journal, 28: 155- 6 3 . Haberlandt, M. and others 1911 Zur Kritik der Lehre von den 1908 XI. Trade. Quarrels and warfare, Kulturschichten und Kultur­ in: Cambridge anthropological kreisen. Petermanns Geogra­ expedition to Torres Straits, phische Mitteilungen, 57: Report, 6 : 185-91. Cambridge, 113-8 , 22 8 -3 3 , 2 3 4 . Cambridge University Press, 6 vols. Haddon, Alfred Cort 1908a Notes on children's games in 1890 Legends from Torres Straits. British New Guinea. Royal Folklore, 1: 47-81, 172-96. anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1891 The Tugeri-headhunters of New Journal, 3 8 : 289-97. Guinea. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 4: 177-81. 1908b The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to Melanesia. 1894 The decorative art of British Nature, 7 8 : 393-4. New Guinea: a study in Papuan ethnography. Dublin, Royal 1910 New Guinea pygmies. Nature, Irish Academy, Cunningham 8 3 : 433-4 . memoirs No. 10, 279pp., and plates. 1910a Note on Mr. Lawrence Hargrave's paper on Lope de Vega. Royal 1894a The ethnography of British New society of New South Wales, Guinea. Science progress, 2 Sydney, Journal and proceedings, (8 ): 8 3 -9 5 , (9): 227-4 8 . 44: 79-82.

1900 Studies in the anthropogeography 1912 I. Decoration of the person and of British New Guinea. Geograph- toilet. II. Personal ornaments ical journal, 16: 265-91, 414-41. and clothing, in: Cambridge anthropological- expedition to 1900a A classification of the stone Torres Straits, Report, 4: clubs of British New Guinea. ^~6 2 ’ Cambridge, Cambridge Anthropological institute of University Press, 6 vols. Great Britain and Ireland, London, Journal, 30: 221-50. 104 1912a V. Domestic u te n s ils and to o ls, 1920 Migrations of cultures in British in : Cambridge anthropological New Guinea. Royal anthropological expedition to Torres Straits, in s titu te of Great B rita in and Report, 4: 120-9. Cambridge, Ireland, Journal, 50: 237-80. Cambridge U niversity Press, 6 vols. 1923 Stuffed human heads from New Guinea. Man, 2 3 : 36- 9 . 1912b IX. Weapons and objects used in warfare, in : Cambridge anthro­ 1923a A new form of mask from the pological expedition to Torres Sepik, Papua. Man, 2 3 : 8l-2, Straits, Report, 4: 170-204. 2 p late s. Cambridge, Cambridge U niversity Press, 6 vols. 1923b Migrations of peoples in the south-west Pacific. Second Pan- 1912c Decorative pictorials and Pacific science congress 1923, glyptic a r t. in: Cambridge Melbourne and Sydney, Proceedings, anthropological expedition 1 : 220-4. to Torres Straits, Report, 4: 342-93- Cambridge, Cambridge U niversity Press, 1928 The c u lt of Waiet in the Murray 6 vols. islands. Queensland museum, Brisbane, Memoirs, 9: 127-35. 1912d The pygmy question, in: (Reprinted with slight alter­ A.P.R. Wollaston, Pygmies and ations in : Cambridge anthro­ Papuans; the Stone-Age to-day pological expedition to Torres in Dutch New Guinea: 303-21. Straits, Report, 1935.) London, Smith Elder and Co., 352 pp. 1931 Notes on carved Gopi boards from the Papuan gulf area. Man, 31: 5 8 . 1912e see 1912 Wollaston, A.F.R. 1931a Tobacco in New Guinea. 191^ The outrigger canoes of Torres American anthropologist, S tra its and North Queensland. 33: 657-9. in: E.C. Quiggin (ed.), Essays and studies presented to 1932 A p re h isto ric sherd from the William Ridgeway on his 60th Mailu district, Papua. Man, birthday, 6 th August 1913: 32: 111-4. 609-34. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 656 pp. 1932a The religion of a primitive people, in : W.R. Dawson (ed .), 1916 Kava-drinking in New Guinea. The Frazer lectures, 1922-32: Man, 16: 145-52. 212-30. London, Macmillan and Co., 304 pp.; also Annals of 1916a The Kabiri or Girara district, archaeology and anthropology, Fly River, Papua. Royal 17: 4-18 (I 93O). anthropological institute of Great B ritain and Ireland, 1934 The dance of the Gope in Journal, 46: 334-52. Kerewa. Man, 34: 8-9.

1917 Notes on wooden trumpets in New 1935 Cambridge anthropological Guinea. Man, 17: 77-9. expedition to Torres Straits, Report, vol. 1 (pt. l) : 49- 1917a Note on the Gogodara (Kabiri 55, (pt. 2 ): 208-65, (pt. 3 ): or Girara). Man, 17: 193-4. 281-414. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 6 vols. 1917b New Guinea, in: James Hastings (ed.), Encyclopaedia of 1938 Notes on Mr. Sherwin's paper. relig io n and eth ics, vol. 9 : Man, 3 8 : 73 (comments on V.H. 339-52. Edinburgh, T. and T. Sherwin, 1938, Man, 3 8 : 71-3) Clark, 13 vols. 1938a see 1938 Sherwin, V.H. 1917c Papuans, in: James Hastings (ed.), Encyclopaedia of religion and ethics, vol. 9 : 1947 Smoking and tobacco pipes in 628. Edinburgh, T. and T. Clark, New Guinea. Royal society of 13 vols. London, Philosophical tra n s ­ actions, series B, No. 586, vol. 2 3 2 : 1-27 8 . 1918 The Agiba c u lt of the Kerewa culture. Man, 18: 177-83.

1919 The Kopiravi cult of the Namau, Papua. Man, 19: 177-9. 105

Haddon, Alfred Cort (ed.) Hadlow, W.J. 1901-35 Reports of the Cambridge 1959 Scrapie and Kuru. anthropological expedition to Lancet, 2: 289-90. the Torres Straits. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, Haekel, J. and others (eds.) 6 vols. Vol. 1: General ethnography; 1956 Wiener Schule der Völkerkunde, vol. 2: Physiology and psychology; Festschrift (1929-1954). Horn - vol. 3 : Linguistics; Wien, Verlag Ferdinand Berger, vol. 4: Arts and crafts; 568 pp.; see 1956 Riesenfeld, A., vol. 5: Sociology, magic and 1956a Wurm, S.A. religion of the western islanders; Haga, A. vol. 6: Sociology, magic and 1884 Nederlandsch Nieuw Guinea en de religion of the eastern islanders. Papoesche Eilanden: historische bijdrage + 1 5 0 0 -1 8 8 3 ... uit- Haddon, Alfred Cort and Hornell, James gegeven door het Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en 1 9 3 7 ) Canoes of Oceania. Vol. II: The wetenschappen. 's-Gravenhage, 1 9 3 8 ) canoes of Melanesia, Queensland M. Nijhoff, 2 delen, 471, and New Guinea; vol. Ill: 496 pp. Definition of terms, general survey and conclusions. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Special 1885 Het Rapport van H. Zwaardecroon publications 28: 342 pp., 29: en C. Chasteleijn betreffende de 88 p p . reis naar Nieuw Guinea in 1705 ondernomen door Jacob Weyland. Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, Haddon, Alfred Cort (Joint author) land- en volkenkunde. ((K.) 1893 see 1893 Ray, S.H. and Batavlaasch genootschap van Haddon, A.C. kunsten en wetenschappen), 3 0 : 235-58. 1902 see 1902 Rivers, W.H.R. and Haddon, A.C. Hagen, Bernhard 1898 Anthropologischer Atlas ostasia­ 1912 see 1912 Myers, C.S. and tischer und melanesischer Völker. Haddon, A.C. Wiesbaden, C.W. Kreidel's Verlag, 2pt., 113 pp., and plates. 1912a see 1912 Wilkin, A. and Haddon, A.C. 1899 Unter den Papua's. Beobachtungen und Studien über Land und Leute, 1916/17 see 1916/17 Chinnery, E.W.P. and Thier- und Pflanzenwelt in Haddon, A.C. Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Wiesbaden, C.W. Kreidel's Verlag, vii and 327 pp. 1933 see 1933 Sherwin, V.H. and Haddon, A.C. Hagen, K. Haddon, Alfred Cort and others 1908 Die Ornamentik von Wuvulu und Aua auf Grund der Sammlung des 1904 Magic and religion, in: Museums. Hamburg. Museum für Cambridge anthropological Völkerkunde, Mitteilungen, in: expedition to Torres Straits, 4.Beiheft zum Jahrbuch der Report, 5: 320-78. Cambridge, Hamburgischen wissenschaft­ Cambridge University Press, 6 vols. lichen Anstalten, 25(1907): 157-80.

Haddon, Alfred Cort and Rivers, William Hager, Carl Halse Rivers 1886 Kaiser Wilhelms-Land und der 1904 IV. Totemism. in: Cambridge Bismarck-Archipel. Nach den anthropological expedition to neuesten Quellen geschildert. Torres Straits, Report, 5: Leipzig, Gressner and Schramm, 153-93» Cambridge, Cambridge iv and 144 pp. University Press, 6 vols. Hagspiel, Bruno Haddon, Alfred Cort and Wilkin, A. 1926 Along the mission trail: III. 1904 Warfare, in: Cambridge anthro­ In New Guinea. Illinois, Mission pological expedition to Torres Press, S.V.D., 270 pp. Straits, Report, 5: 2 9 8 -3 0 7 . Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 6 vols. Hahl, Albert 1897 I- Über die Rechtsanschauungen Haddon, Kathleen (joint author) der Eingeborenen eines Theiles der Blanchebucht und des 1936 see 1936 Moyne, W.E.G. and Haddon, K. Inneren der Gazelle Halbinsel. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland 1894-98, 13: 68-85. 106

1898 Die Bevölkerung des Bismarck- 1931 Overleveringen en gebruiken van Archipels. Gesellschaft für de bevolking aan de Tanahmerah- Erdkunde zu B erlin, Verhand­ baai (Noord Nieuw-Guinea). lungen, 25: 334- 5 . Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, T ijd- 1898a lieber die Bevölkerung des s c h rift, 48 (2nd series): Bismarck-Archipels. Deutsches 1050-63. Kolonialblatt, 9: 464. Hall, Basil 1899 Der Bismarck-Archipel und die 1939 Papua grows rubber. Walkabout, Salomon-Insein. Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Schutz­ 5(11): 42-4. gebieten, 12 (Heft 2): 107-18. 1939a Amalgamation and a mandate. 1904 Bericht des K aiserlichen Australian quarterly, 11: Gouverneurs Hahl über eine 88-95. Reise nach den Salomons- Inseln. Deutsches 19^0 Isle s of Eden (the Trobriands). Kolonialblatt, 15: 6l-4. Walkabout, 6 (3 ): 9-12.

1904a Reise des Gouverneurs mit dem 19^6 The Murray system and the war. Dampfer "Seestern". Deutsches Australian quarterly, 18: Kolonialblatt, 15: 615-7. 63-71.

1904b Die Unruhen in F riedrich- 19^9 The mysterious ruins of the Wilhelmshafen. Deutsches Trobriands. Pacific islands Kolonialblatt, 1 5 : 64l. monthly, 2 0 (3 ): 55, 7 2 .

1904c Bericht des K aiserlichen 1956 The string-bag people. Gouverneurs Dr. Hahl über Walkabout, 22(11): 15-6. den Ü berfall der Mission­ stationen in den Baining- bergen. Deutsches Kolonial­ 1957 The well-dressed man (Trobriand b la tt, 1 5 : 667-8. Islander). Walkabout, 23(2): 41-4. 1906 Reise des Gouverneurs Hahl nach dem südlichen Teile der Insel 1959 In the rubber. Walkabout, 3ougainville. Deutsches 25(1): 15-7. Kolonialblatt, 17: 4}, 45-6. 1959a Universal provider. 1907 Das mittlere Neumecklenburg. Walkabout, 25(3): 30-5. Globus, 91(20): 510-6. 1959b Club outing. 1908 Über die e rste Durchquerung der Walkabout, 25(5): 16-8. Insel Bougainville. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 1 9 : 1056-7 . 1959c Green gold. Walkabout, 25(7): 31-5. 1956 Deutsch-Neuguinea. Mit einem Vorwort des Vorsitzenden der W issenschaftlichen Kommission I960 He knew the value of the der Deutschen Kolonialgesell­ Kokoda trail. Pacific islands schaft Staatssekretär i.R. monthly, 3 0 (6 ): 82, 83, 9 5 . Dr. Brugger. B erlin, D ietrich Reimer A.G., (Koloniale Fragen 1960a Reach out a hand. Walkabout, im D ritten Reich), 100 pp., 2 6 (2 ): 28- 3 1 . (1942 2nd revised edition). 1963 Murray of Papua. Walkabout, 1937 Gouverneursjahre in Neuguinea. 29(4): 28-30. Berlin, Frundsberg Verlag Föllmer & Esser, 251 pp. Hall, C.E. Strode Hairston, N.G. and others see Strode Hall, C.E. 1946/47 Malaria in the natives of New Guinea. Royal society of Hall, H.U. tropical medicine and hygiene, 1919 New Ireland masks. Pennsylvania. Transactions, 40(6): 795-807. U niversity museum, Museum .■Journal, 10(4): 184-7. Halle, N. 1930 Het hoofdenvraagstuk in Noord- 1935 Malagan of New Ireland. Oost Nieuw Guinee. Bijdragen Pennsylvania. University to t de ta a l-, land- en museum, Bulletin, 5(4): 2-11. volkenkunde, 8 6 : 313-2 5 . Hall, Robert A. jr. 1952/53 Pidgin English and lin g u is tic change. Lingua, 3 : 138-46. 107

1954 The status of Melanesian 1908 Wuvulu und Aua (Maty- und Pidgin. South Pacific, 7 Durour-Inseln) auf Grund der (12): 916-20; also Anthropos, Sammlung F.E. Hellwig aus den 50: 449 and Australian Jahren 1902 bis 1904. Hamburg. quarterly, 26(2): 85-92. Museum für Völkerkunde, Mitteilungen, in: 4.Beiheft zum 1954a The provision of literature in Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen wis­ Neo-Melanesian. South Pacific, senschaftlichen Anstalten, 25 7(13): 942-4. (1 9 0 7 ): 5 -1 5 6 , and 32 tables.

1954b Expert urges extended use of Hamilton, Lucy Pidgin English. Pacific see Reid, Lucy (Hamilton). islands monthly, 24(10): 47-50. Hamilton, R. 1954c Can Pidgin be used for instruct­ 1947 New Guinea is different now. ion in New Guinea? Pacific Walkabout, 1 3 (8 ): 17-8. islands monthly, 25(l): 95-8. Hamlin, H. 1954d A scientific approach to Pidgin. 1931/32 The problem of depopulation in Papua and New Guinea scientific Melanesia. Yale journal of society, Annual report and biology and medicine, 4: 3 0 1-21 proceedings for 1954: 21-5« Hamlyn-Harris, R. 1955/56 Innovations in Melanesian pidgin ("neo-Melanesian"). Oceania, 1913 A Papuan mosquito net. 2 6 : 91-109. Queensland museum, Brisbane, Memoirs, 2: 7-8. 1962 The life cycle of pidgin languages. Lingua, 11: 151-6. 1913a Some Papuan ceremonial appur­ tenances used at the Kalva Kuku and Semese dances. Queensland Hall, W. museum, Brisbane, Memoirs, 2: 1934 Karkar, N.G. Pacific islands 9- 24, 8 plates. monthly, 5 (2 ): 32 -3 . 1915 Some evidences of Papuan culture Halllgan, J.R. on Cape York Peninsula. Queensland museum, Brisbane, Memoirs, 3: 1938/39 Administration of native 10- 3. races. Oceania, 9(3): 276-85* 1916 Further notes regarding the Kaiva Halsey, T.H. Kuku and Semese dances of Papua. 1948 Cacao, coffee and tea in Royal society of Queensland, Papua - New Guinea. South Brisbane, Proceedings, 28: 88-92. Pacific, 3(1): 9-15, (3): 68-72. Hamp, Eric P. 1958/59 Wahgl (New Guinea) prosodic Ham, J . phonemes. Oceania, 29(1): 1962 Levensstandaard en levenspeil 62-4. in tropische landen. Schäkels, NNG, 49: 26-3 3 . Hamy, E.T. 1874 Sur l'ethnologie du sud-est 1962a Landbouwonderwijs. Schäkels, de la Nouvelle-Guin4e. Soci£t£ NNG, 49: 34-40. d'anthropologle de Paris, Bulletin, 9: 9-11. Hambly, Wilfrid Dyson 1940 Craniometry of New Guinea. 1889 Etude sur les Papouas de la mer Chicago. Field museum of d'Entreeasteaim. Revue natural history, Publication d'ethnographie, 7 (6 ): 5 0 3 -1 9 465* Anthropological series (Extract). 2 5 (3 ): 290 pp., and plates. Hancock, R.N. Hambruch, Paul 1954 Goroka animal industry farm. 1906 Die Anthropologie von Kanife't. South Pacific commission, Hamburg. Museum für Völkerkunde, Quarterly bulletin, 4(3): Mitteilungen, in: 5.Beiheft zum 33-6. Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen wissenschaftlichen Anstalten, 1955 Roads, rice and rural progress 23(1905): 23-70. (in the Madang District of New Guinea). South Pacific, 8 : 46- 52; also South Pacific commis­ sion, Quarterly bulletin, 4(4): 1 8 -2 2 . 108 Handbook of Papua and New Guinea Hansteln, Otfrid 1961 see 19bl Robson, R.W. 193^ Anker auf.' Wie der Allgäuer and Tudor, J. Bauernspross Karl Nauer Seefahrer, Südseepionier und Handy, E.S.C. Lloydkapitän wurde. Königs­ brück, Drei Quellen-Verlag, 1932 The insular Pacific. Pacific 236 pp. affairs, 5(6): 487-96. Hardy, H.N.M. Haneveld, G.T. 1916 Note on native dance in the 1961 De medische aspecten van het Admiralty Islands. Man, 16: verlies van Nederlands eerste 121-2 . nederzetteing op Nieuw-Guinea, Fort du Bus 1828-1835» Nieuw- Hargrave, Lawrence Guinea studiän, 5(2): 104-10. 1909 Lope de Vega. Royal society of New South Wales, Sydney, 196la Over aarde eten op Nieuw- Journal and proceedings, Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, 9(5): 12-3. 43: 39-54. 1910 Statement in reply to Prof. Hanke, A . A.C. Haddon's "Note on 1905 Die Sprachenverhältnisse in der Mr. Lawrence Hargrave's paper Astrolabe-Bai in Deutsch Neu- on Lope de Vega". Royal Guinea. Berlin, Universität. society of New South Wales, Seminar für orientalische Sprachen Sydney, Journal and proceedings, zu Berlin, Mitteilungen, 8 : 255- 44: 82-4. 62. Haring, D.G. (ed.) Hanke, A. 1949 Personal character and cultural 1909 Grammatik und Vokabularium der milieu: a collection of read­ Bongu-Sprache (Astrolabe-Bai, ings. Syracuse, Syracuse Kaiser Wilhelmsland). Archiv University Press, 686 pp., für das Studium deutscher (revised edition); see 1947 Kolonialsprachen, vol. 8 . Mead, M., 1947a Mea3"J M.; Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., 1949 Malinowski, I.B. xii and 252 pp. Harrer, Heinrich Hann, J. 1963 Ich komme aus der Steinzeit. 1886 Über das Klima von Neuguinea. Ewiges Eis im Dschungel der Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Südsee. Berlin, Verlag 3(1): 1 8 . Ullstein G.m.b.H., 252 pp.

Hanneken, W. von Harrington, Richard 1902 Über Kautschuk- und Gutta­ 1959 Coiffure - Chimbu style. perchakulturen in Neuguinea. Walkabout, 25(2): 19. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 15(34) (new series): 336-7. 1959a For inspection: your wedding breakfast. Walkabout, 25(5): 20. Hannemann, Emil F. 1935 Papuan dances and dancing. 1959b A typical native house in the Madang, Lutheran Mission, Goroka area, central highlands mimeographed, 31 pp. of New Guinea. Walkabout, 25 (5 ): 2 0 . 1945 Village life and social change in Madang society. University of Harris, J.B. (joint author) Chicago, M.A. thesis, 102 pp.; 1963 see 1963 Wurm, S.A. and also Madang, Lutheran Mission, Harris, J.B. 1949» mimeographed, 45 pp. Harris, R. Hamlyn- 1959 Games and pastimes of the past in the Madang District. Mankind, see Hamlyn-Harris, R. 5(8): 333-44. Harslem-Riemschneider, L. Hanrath, Joh. J. 1922 Die Gesichtsmuskulatur von 14 1956 Het probleem van de verkeersont- Papua und Melanesiern. Zeit­ sluiting van Nieuw-Guinea. Tijd- schrift für Morphologie und schrift voor economische en Anthropologie, 22: 1-44. sociale geographie, 47: 1 5 -2 1 . Hartweg, F.W. 1958 Bevolkingstal en Papoea- 1 9 3 2 /3 3 Das Lied von Manseren arbeidsbestand in Nederlands Mangundi. Zeitschrift für Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift voor Eingeborenen-Sprachen, 23: economische en sociale geogra­ 46-58. phie, 49: 17 6 -8 . 109 Hartwig, Werner 1960a (Statements by the Minister for Territories, the Hon. Paul 1961 Anfänge der Warenproduktion im H a s lu c k .) südöstlichen Bismarck-Archipel 1. Political advancement in Papua in den letzten Jahrzehnten des and New Guinea (20th A pril); 19.Jahrhunderts. Beiträge zur Völkerforschung - Hans Damm zum 2. Trust Territory of New Guinea 6 5 . G e b u rtsta g . L e ip z ig . Museum (27th June); für Völkerkunde, V eröffentli­ 3. Papua and New Guinea (30th chungen, Heft 11: 211-42. Berlin, J u n e ); Akademie-Verlag, 752 pp. 4. Proposals for the reform of the Legislative Council for the Harwood, Ruth Territory of Papua and New Guinea (10th July, at Port Moresby); 1950 The Tamberan cult as found in 5. Contemplated reforms of the Melanesia and the tropical Legislative Council (l4th July); forest of South America. 6. Australian policy in Papua Columbia U n iv e rs ity , M.A. and New Guinea (23rd August, in thesis, 55 pp. the House of Representatives); 7. Papua and New Guinea: exten­ Hasluck, Paul Meernaa Caedwalla sion of administrative control 1st September); 1951 The administration of Australia’s . Papua and New Guinea: English territories. South Pacific, 5(4): 6 7 -8 . as the standard language (21st September, reply in the House of Representatives); 1951a A policy for New Guinea. 9. Australian policy in Papua South Pacific, 5(11): 224-8. and New Guinea. Papua and New Guinea Bill (No. 2) i960 1952 New Guinea presents govern­ (22nd September, speech in the mental knot. South Pacific, House of Representatives). 6(4): 559-63. Current notes on international affairs, 31: 340-5, 367-79, 511- 1952a Kenaf production in New Guinea. 2, 552-61. South Pacific, 6(9): 517. 1962 Education in Papua and New Guinea. Australian territories, 1953 The Christian missions in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 2(5): 4-10. 6(10): 535-7. 1962a The economic development of 1954 Native labour employed by Papua and New Guinea. Australian Commonwealth N.G. Timbers outlook, 16: 5-25. Ltd., at Bulolo. South Pacific, 7(8): 820-1. 1963 House of Assembly for the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Australian territor­ 1954a Rice in New Guinea villages. South Pacific, 7: 822. ies, 3(3): 4-8. Hasluck, Paul Meernaa Caedwalla and 1954b Lands policy in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 7(12): Gunther, John 906-9. 1958 Cocoa conference at Rabaul. South Pacific, 9: 565-6, 1955 Malaria control in Papua and New 568. Guinea. South Pacific, 8: 77. Hasselt, Frans Johannes Frederik van 1955a Territory of Papua and New Guinea 1902 Gebrulk van vermomde taal door Tariff Board report on timber. de Nufooren. Tijdschrift voor South Pacific, 8: 77. Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. ((K.) Batavlaasch 1955b Coconut industry in Papua and genootschap van kunsten en New Guinea. South Pacific, 8: wetenschappen), 45: 276-80. 185. 1902a Nog lets over vermomde taal in het Nufoorsch en over Nufoorsche 1958 Present tasks and policies, in: raadsels. Tijdschrift voor John Wilkes (ed.), New Guinea Indische taal-, land- en and Australia: 75-137. Sydney, volkenkunde. ((K.) Bataviaasch Angus & Robertson, 246 pp. genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen, 45: 557-62. 1958a Australia in New Guinea; current tasks and policies. Australia 1908 Nufoorsche fabelen en vertel- in facts and figures, 57: 28-33. lingen. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde van i960 Minister opens Legislative Nederlandsch-Indife', 6l : 477- Council chambers. Australian 588. territories, l(l): 6-10. 110 1910 Uit het volksleven van de 1903 Aanvulling van het artikel over bewoners der Humboldtsbaai. gewoonten der Papoea's in de Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ Dorehbaai ten opzichte van en volkenkunde, 6 3 : 115-2 2 . zwangerschap en geboorte. Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. 1914 De legende van Mansren Mangoendi. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en ((K.) Bataviaasch genootschap volkenkunde, 6 9 : 90-1 0 0 . van kunsten en wetenschappen, 46: 287- 8 ; also Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1921 le ts over de Roem Seram en over Amsterdam, T ijd sc h rift, 20: 770. Nanggi (naar aanleiding van Feuilletau de Bruyn's rapport, gepubliceerd door het Hasselt, J.L. van and Hasselt, Frans Encyclopaedisch Bureau). Johannes Frederik van Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, 1947 Noemfoorsch woordenboek. land- en volkenkunde. ((K.) Amsterdam, J.H. de Bussy, Bataviaasch genootschap van 312 PP- kunsten en wetenschappen, 6 0 : 108-14. Hassert, Kurt 1910 Deutschlands Kolonien. Leipzig 1936/37 Het Noemfoorsch als eenheidstaal und B erlin, B.G. Teubner, op het Noordwestelijk deel van 657 pp.» (2nd revised edition). Nieuw Guinee. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 1: 114-7. Hastings, James (e d .) Hasselt, Frans Johannes Frederik van 1917 Encyclopaedia of relig io n and (joint author) ethics, vol. 9. Edinburgh, T. and T. Clark, 13 v o ls., 1947 see 1947 H asselt, J.L . van and see 1917b Haddon, A.C., 1917c Hasselt, F.J.F. van. Haddon, A.C., 1917 Rivers, W.H.R. H asselt, G ottfr. von Hastings, Peter 1900 Die Kathedrale von Vuna-Pope. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 13 i 960 New Guinea, east and west. (46) (new series): 522-4. Australian outlook, 14(2): 147-56.

H asselt, J.L. van 1963 What so rt of New Guinea? or 1876 Die Nuforezen, äusserliches where is the great debate. Vorkommen, Kleidung, V erzie­ B ulletin. Sydney, 85: 30-1. rungen, Waffen, Häuser. Zeit­ schrift für Ethnologie, 8 : Hatton-Richards, T.H. 134-9, 169-2 0 2 . 1891 Travels with the Hon. Sir 1876a Hollandsch-Noefoorsch en Noe- William McGregor, K.C.M.G., foorsch-Hollandsch Woordenboek. administrator of British New Utrecht, Kemink and Zoon, 123 pp., Guinea. Royal geographical (2nd edition 1893). society of Australasia, Victorian branch, Transactions and proceedings, 8 : 45-62. 1876b Papua's von Neu-Guinea. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Hauser, Karl Verhandlungen: 63-6 . in: Zeit­ 1906 Das kraniologische Material der schrift für Ethnologie, vol. 8. Neu-Guinea-Expedition des Dr. Flnsch (1884/85) und eine 1886) Eenige aanteekeningen aangaande Schädelserie aus Neu-Irland. I 8 8 9 ) de bewoners der N. Westkust van Berlin, dissertation, M. Nieuw Guinea, meer bepaaldelijk Gunther, vii and 101 pp. de stam der Noefoorezen. Tijd­ schrift voor Indische taal-, Hausier, Arthur land- en volkenkunde. ((K.) 1945 Rubber m ills of Papua. Bataviaasch genootschap van Walkabout, 11(12): 14-5. kunsten en wetenschappen,3 1 : 576-93; 32: 261-72.

l887 De toestand op Nieuw-Guinea. Indische gids, 9(2): 1885-6.

1901 Aanteekeningen aangaande de gewoonten der Papoea's ln de Dorehbaai, ten opzichte van zwangerschap en geboorte. Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. ((K.) Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen, 43: 566-8 ; also Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, T ijd sc h rift, 19: 1 9 0 . Ill Havel, J.J. Healey, Alan I960 Comments In general discussion. 1962 The hub of New Guinea: a UNESCO Symposium on the impact preliminary language map. of man on humid tropics veg­ Canberra, Australian national etation. Comments made in the university, mimeographed, 3 pp. general discussion following the section titled: The effect 1962a Linguistic aspects of Telefomin of fire used by early man on kinship terminology. Anthrop­ the vegetation of the humid ological linguistics, 4(7): 14-28. tropics. General discussion. Goroka, Territory of Papua and Healy, Alan M. New Guinea: 133-47. Sponsored by 1961 New Guinea, fast or slow? (1) the Administration of the* Some peoples of Papua. Territory of Papua and New Guinea Polynesian society, Wellington, and UNESCO Science Co-operation Journal, 70: 485-91. Office for South East Asia. Canberra, Government Printer, 402 pp. 196la Native local government in New Guinea: its functions and problems. Journal of African 1960a Factors influencing the establish­ administration, London, 13(3): ment of ligneous vegetation in 165-74. mid-mountain pyro- and anthro­ pogenic grasslands. Paper deliver­ ed at the UNESCO Symposium on the 196lb Wagawaga, the end of an exper­ impact of man on humid tropics iment. Corona, 13(3): 104-7. vegetation. Goroka, Territory of Papua and New Guinea: 307-12. 1961c Melanesian contrasts. Corona, Sponsored by the Administration 13(8): 285-8. of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea and UNESCO Science 1962 New Guinea under white rule, Co-operation Office for South in: New Guinea, a series of East Asia. Canberra, Government lectures given in September Printer, 402 pp. 1961 to the N.S.W. branch of the Australian institute of international affairs: IO-3O. 1960b Deflection of secondary succes­ Sydney, Anglican Press, 48 pp. sion of cleared mid-mountain rainforest sites by plantation tendings. Paper delivered at the Healy, M.J. UNESCO Symposium on the Impact 1938 Patrol to Kukukuku country bet­ of man on humid tropics vegetat­ ween the Tiveri and upper Tauri ion. Goroka, Territory of Papua Rivers. Papua. Annual report for and New Guinea: 339-43. 1936-37: 24. Sponsored by the Administration of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea and UNESCO Science H edley, C. Co-operation Office for South 1893) Stray notes on Papuan ethnology. East Asia. Canberra, Government 1897) Linnean society of New South Printer, 402 pp. Wales, Proceedings for 1895, 10 (2nd series): 613-7; Proceedings for 1897, 22: 1960 c Comments in general discussion. UNESCO Symposium on the impact 288-91. of man on humid tropics vegetat­ io n . Comments made in th e gen­ Heeres, J.E. eral discussion following the 1900 De Mapia-eilanden. Tijdschrift section titled: The nature of van het Kon. Nederlandsch the secondary communities Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, resulting from the activities of e a r ly man and th e m ethods o f 17 (2nd series): 97-105. their detection. General discus­ sion. Goroka, Territory of Papua 1900a Een critische beschouwing van and New Guinea: 355-70. nieuwe uitgaven, waarblj vooral Sponsored by the Administration Heeres' opmerkingen betreffende of the Territory of Papua and de Mapia-eilanden van belang New Guinea and UNESCO Science zijn. Tijdschrift van het Kon. Co-operation Office for South Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig East Asia. Canberra, Government Genootschap, 17 (2nd series): Printer, 402 pp. 816- 83O. Hees, Friedrich Hawthorn, H. 1913 Geister- und Zauberwesen auf 1946 Indentured labor in New Guinea. Neupommern. H iltruper Far eastern survey, 15: 74-8. Monatshefte, 30: 301-6, 343-51. Hayes, Ernest H. 1932 Chalmers of Papua. London, 1915/16 Ein Beitrag aus den Sagen und Independent Press, 128 pp. Erzählungen der Nakanai (Neupommern, Südsee). Anthropos, 10-11: 34-64, 562-85, 861-87. 112 Helder, K.G. 1947 Papoea's van Waropen. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 372 pp. The Papuas 1962 Leadership. Working papers in of Waropen. (Translation series Dani ethnology, 1: 16-8. 2, Koninklijk instituut voor taal-, land- en volkenkunde.) 1962a Fighting. Working papers in The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, Dani ethnology, 1: 28-J1. 1957, 584 pp.

1962b Economic development. Working 1947/48 Het tijdsperspectief in de papers in Dani ethnology, 1: Geelvinkbaai culturen. Indonesia-; 80. tijdschrift gewijd aan het Indonesisch cultuurgebied, 1: Heijnes, H. 162-77. 1955 Nazorg technisch onderwijs. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 5(5): 1949 Magic, sorcery and witchcraft in 10-4. Indonesian jurisdiction. Seventh Pacific science congress 1949, Auckland & Christchurch, N.Z., I960 Jonge Papoea's bouwen aan hun Proceedings, 7: 134-41. toekomst. Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, 8(1): 6-9; also Schäkels, NNG, 1959, 50: 8-13. 1951 De Papoea: cultuurimprovisator. 's-Gravenhage, W.van Hoeve, 227 PP- 1960a Het woonhuis van de Papoea op Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. Neder­ 1953/54 An archaic eastern society lands Nieuw-Guinea, 8(3): 6-9; (New Guinea) in a modern eastern also Schäkels, NNG, 1959, 30: world. Indonesia-; tijdschrift 3-7. gewijd aan het Indonesisch cultuurgebied, 7 : 471-80. 1962 Houtsnijkunst uit Nieuw-Guinea; houten sculpturen en andere 1956 Waropense teksten (Geelvinkbaai, kunstvoorwerpen uit vroegere Noord Nieuw-Guinea). Koninklijk tijden. Nederlands Nieuw- instituut voor taal-, land- en Guinea, 10(6): 10-5- volkenkunde, Verhandelingen deel 20. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Heijting, H.G. Nijhoff, 400 pp. 1933 De belangstelling van Japan voor Nieuw-Guinea en Oost-Borneo. Helder, P. Indische gids, 55(1): 418-24. 1959 Het credietwezen in Nederl.- Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands 1933a Een eventueele Joodsche emigratie Nieuw-Guinea, 7(3): 10-1. naar Nieuw-Guinea. Indische gids, 55(2): 721-3. Heldring, E. and others 1939 De expeditie van 1939 van het Heim, Arnold Koninklijk Nederlandsch 1953 Zur Kolonisationsgeschichte von Aardrijkskundig Genootschap Neuguinea: Reise nach den Wissel- naar het Nassau-gebergte op meren. Geographica helvetica, 8 : Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea. 11-8 . Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijd­ Heine-Geldern, Robert schrift, 56: 305-20. 1932 Urheimat und früheste Wanderungen der Austronesier. Anthropos, Heldring, O.G. 27: 543-619. 1913 Bijdrage tot de ethnografische kennis der Mariende-Anim. 1952 Some problems of migration in the Tijdschrift voor Indische Pacific. Wiener Beiträge zur taal-, land- en volkenkunde, Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik, 55: 429-69. 9: 313-64. Hellwig Heinitz, W. 1904 Die Inseln Wuwula und Aua. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 15: 1926 Vier Lieder aus Ost-Neumecklen­ 242-3. burg. Zeitschrift für Musik­ wissenschaft, 8 (5): 257-61. Hellwig, A. Held, G.J. 1906 Nachträge zum Asylrecht in Ozeanien. Zeitschrift für 1939 Bemiddeling tusschen de voor- vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, ouders en zieken in de 19: 41-102. Geelvinkbaai. Cultureel Indiä, 1 : 209-11. Hellwig, C.E. 1940 Slangenfiguren in het initiatie- 1911 Die Erforschung des Kaiserin- ritueel in de Geelvinkbaai. Augusta-Flusses in Deutsch- Cultureel Indife", 2: 138-47- Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonial­ zeitung, 28(25) : 424-5. 173 Hellwlg, F. 1894a Native habits and customs in the Western Division. British 1889 Expedition nach dem Finisterre New Guinea. Annual report for Gebirge. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 5: 3-15* 1892- 93: 57-9, (App. P). 1894b Land tenure of the tribe of 1889a Expedition nach Tiggedu. Nach­ Turiturirubi, district of richten aus dem Kaiser Turiturl, Western District, Wilhelmsland, 5: 36-40. and of the tribe of Kadawarubi, district of Mawatta, Western 1889b Expedition nach dem Sattelberg. District. British New Guinea. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Annual report for 1892-93: Wilhelmsland, 5: 40-4. 69-70, (Apps. U(3) and (4)).

1890 Excursion nach Poom und Sat­ 1895 Report of the resident magistrate telberg, Reisen im Schutzgebiet. for the Western Division. British Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser New Guinea. Annual report for Wilhelmsland, 6: 19-21. 1893- 94: 50-5, (App. L).

Hellwig, R.L.A. 1896 Report of the resident magistrate for the Western Division. British 1907 Een landtocht naar den boven- New Guinea. Annual report for loop der Koembe-rivier (Z. 1894- 95: 17-20, (App. I). Nieuw-Guinea) van Merauk? uit, in Aug. 1906. Nederlandsch aardrljkskundig genootschap, 1896a Notes on totemism, etc., among Amsterdam, Tijdschrlft, 24 the western tribes. British New (2nd series): 63-7 . Guinea. Annual report for 1894- 95: 44-5, (App. T). 1907 a Toevoegingen tot den onder- zoekingstocht naar de Oostbaal 1897 Report of the resident magistrate (dd. 6-25 Oct. 1906). Neder­ for the Western Division. British landsch aardrljkskundig genoot­ New Guinea. Annual report for schap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrlft, 1895- 96: 66-9, (App. N). 24 (2nd series): 200-3; see also 1907 Hondius van 1897a Kiwai island and people. British Herwerden, J.H. New Guinea. Annual report for 1895- 96: 69-70, (App. N). 1907b Een landtocht naar de grens van Britsch Nieuw-Guinea van 1898 Report of the resident magistrate Meraukl ult, in Sept. 1906. for the Western Division. British Nederlandsch aardrljkskundig New Guinea. Annual report for genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijd- 1896- 97: 43-7, (App. L). schrift, 24 (2nd series): 213-9. 1898a Report of the resident magistrate for the Western Division, and 1907c Exploraties aan de zuldwestkust remarks on native land tenure. van Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch British New Guinea. Annual report aardrljkskundig genootschap, for 1897-98: 78-85, (App. L). Amsterdam, Tijdschrlft, 24 (2nd series): 845-54, 1048-51« see 1898b Totemism, Pededarimu-trlbe, also 1907 Weel, K.M. van. Kiwai-island and Kadawarubi- tribe (Tureture and Mawatta, 1908 De arbeld van het exploratle- Western Division) and Salbai. detachement in zuid Nieuw- British New Guinea. Annual Guinea; naar "Pionier" en report for 1897-98: 134-6, R.L.A. Hellwig. Nederlandsch (App. CC). aardrljkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrlft, 25 Henckel, K.O. (2nd series): 584-619. 1926 Die Gaumenleisten von 11 Papua und Melanesiern. Zeitschrift 1910 De Eilanden-rivier op Nieuw- für Morphologie und Anthropologie, Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijks- 26(1): 127-30. kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrlft, 27 (2nd series): 1011-26. Henderson, F.C. 1955 Cocoa, a profitable crop in Hely, B.,A. Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific Commission, Quarterly 1890 Report on the Eastern Division. bulletin, 5(4): 34-5. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1888-89: 32-3 , (App. C). 1959 The place and future of export crops in the Territory economy. Papua and New Guinea scientific 1894 Report of the resident magistrate society, Annual report and for the Western Division. British proceedings for 1959: 28-43. New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-93: 39-42, (App. I). Henkelman, Alexis Hentze, M. 1956 En bourlinguant sur la mer de 1943 A debt to be paid: reco n stru ct­ corail. Souvenirs d'un frere ion and the natives of New coadjuteur, missionnaire en Guinea. Australian quarterly, Papouasie. Paris, Dillen et 15: 68-76. C ie., 190 pp. Herbert, C.E. Hennelly, J.P. 1911 Report by Mr. C.E. Herbert 1908 Annual report, N orth-eastern on the search for the K ikori- D ivision. Papua. Annual report expedition. Papua. Annual for 1907-08: 71-5* report for 1910- 1 1 : 171-6 , (App. A 1). 1912 M agisterial rep o rt, Gulf Division. Papua. Annual report Herbert, C.L. for 1911- 1 2 : 75-8 2 . 1917 Acting ass. resident m agistrate, Delta Division, Kikori delta. Hennessy, J.M. Papua. Annual report for 1914- 15: 86-9- 1889 Report of tr ip to the western part of the south coast of British New Guinea. Royal 1917a Vocabularies: Ki kori station, geographical society of Delta Division, Papua. Annual Australasia, Queensland branch, report for 1914- 15: 183, Proceedings and transactions, (App. IV v ). 3 (1887-88): 64-71. 1917b Vocabularies : Daru sta tio n , 1894 Report of the resid en t m agistrate Western Division. Papua. Annual for the Eastern Division. British report for 1914-15: 185, New Guinea. Annual report for (App. IV x ). 1892-93: 45-7, (App. K). Hernsheim, E. 1894a Native habits and customs of the 1901 Zur A rbeiterfrage in den Eastern Division. British New deutschen Südseekolonien. Guinea. Annual rep o rt for Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1892-93: 60, (App. Q). 14(35) (new series): 343-4.

1894b Land tenure of the trib e of 1904 Der Pierbau des Norddeutschen Numaudodu, d is t r ic t of Sariba. Lloyd im Simpsonhafen. Deutsche B ritish New Guinea. Annual Kolonialzeitung, 13(47): 467-8. report for 1892-93: 75-6, (App. U 13). Hernsheim, Franz 1894c Land tenure of the trib e of 1883 Stldsee-Erinnerungen 1875-80, mit Naria, district of Suau. British einem einleitenden Vorwort von New Guinea. Annual report for 0. Finsch. Berlin, A. Hofmann, 1892-93: 76, (App. U 14). 109 PP-

l894d Land tenure of the tribe of Herrmann, Ferdinand Bonarua, between Suau and 1961 Die Beschneidung: zur Frage ih rer Samara!. British New Guinea. Deutung. Beiträge zur Völkerfor­ Annual report for 1892-93: schung - Hans Damm zum 65- 76-7, (App. U 15). Geburtstag. Leipzig. Museum für Völkerkunde, Veröffentlichungen, 1895 Report by resid en t m agistrate for Heft 11: 243-53. B erlin, Akademie- Eastern Division on native land Verlag, 752 pp. tenure, customs, etc. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1893-94: 97-8, (App. CC). Hesse-Wartegg, Ernest von 1902 Samoa, Bismarckarchipel und Neu Hennig, R. Guinea: drei deutsche Kolonien in der Südsee. Leipzig, J.J. 1937 Über den "sem itischen" Typus bei Weber, v i i i , 329 pp., p la te s. den Papuas. Z e itsc h rift für Rassenkunde, 5: 181-3- Heurn, E.W. van Henry, T. and Muia, G. I960 Landbouwende zuidkustkampongs 1959 Special report on the d iet of van Frederik Hendrik eiland. the Sepik River people. Papua Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 8 and New Guinea a g ric u ltu ra l (2 ): 6 -7 . journal, 12(l) : 41-3. Hewicker, Friedrich and Tischner, Herbert Henty, E. 1954 Oceanic a r t. (Transi, from German "Kunst der Südsee ", Hamburg, 1954, 1960 Two drug-plants in native 48 pp., 96Abb.) New York, cu ltu re. Papua and New Guinea Pantheon Books, 32 pp., and 96 scientific society, Transactions, p lates; London, Thames and 1 : 1 9 - 2 0 . Hudson, 32 pp., and 96 p la te s. 115

Heydon, G.M. Hides, Jack Gordon and O'Malley, J.T. 1923 Malaria at Rabaul. Medical Journal 1936 Expedition from the Strickland of Australia, 2: 625-33» plates. to the Purarl River. Papua. Annual report for 1934-35: 23-5. 1924 Tuberculosis in natives of the Territory of New Guinea. Australasian medical congress 1 9 3 6 /3 7 Aerial reconnaissance of the (B.M.A.), Transactions of the Hides-O'Malley area in the 1st congress, Melbourne: 277-9* interior of Papua, visited by them on foot in the early half of 1936 and to be patrolled 1927 Paragonimus ringeri in a New later on by Mr. Champion. Guinea native. Australasian Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", medical congress ( B.M.A.), 1 : 6 2 -8 , 117-27. Transactions of the 2nd congress, Dunedin: 204-5. Higginson, C.B. 1937 Tuberculin, Schick and Dick 1908 Annual report, north-eastern reactions in central New Guinea Division. Papua. Annual report natives. Medical Journal of for 1906-07: 52-5* Australia, 2: 766-7. 1908a Annual report, Gulf Division. Heydon, G.M. and Murphy, T.W. Papua. Annual report for 1907- 0 8 : 50-5. 1923 Biochemical index in natives of the Territory of New Guinea.

Medical Journal of Australia, 2: 1909 Report on affairs of the Western Division. Papua. Annual report 6 l7 and 1 table. for 1908-09: 47-50. 1924 The "biochemical index" on natives of the Territory of New Guinea. 1912 Magisterial report: Samara!, Australasian medical congress Eastern Division. Papua. Annual (B.M-.A.), Transactions of the 1st report for 1 911-1 2 : 112-9 - congress, Melbourne: 235-6. 1914 Magisterial report: II. Eastern Heynes, H. Division. Papua. Annual report for 1913-14: 30-7. see Heijnes, H. 1922 Detailed account of south-coast, Hicks, E.G. Eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1 920-2 1 : 52-3 . 1953 The search for petroleum in the Territories of Papua and New Guinea: an historical review. Hilder, Brett South Pacific, 7(5): 688-700. 1950 The port of Kavieng, New Ireland. Walkabout, 16(1): Hicks, R.K. 36-7. 1951 A native boarding school, Madang, New Guinea. B. Ed. Investigation, 1958 Japanese salvage work in University of Melbourne, 192 pp. Rabaul. Walkabout, 24(12): 25-7. Hides, Jack Gordon 1959 Seeing the world by canoe. 1932 Natives of the Kiapou valley. Pacific islands monthly, 29(11): Papua. Annual report for 1930-31: 41. 12-3. I960 Kosi, the sculpture of Bipi. 1935 Through wildest Papua. London, Pacific islands monthly, 30 Blackie and Son, x and 165 PP* (9): 49-52.

1935a A Papuan patrol. Australian 1960a Genu may be the last of his kind: geographer, 2 (8 ): 1 6 -9 . woodcarvers of Bougainville. Pacific islands monthly, 31(2): 1935b Approaching Mount Hagen area. 77-9. Pacific islands monthly, 5(10): 44-6. 1962 Sepik trader of the old school. Pacific islands monthly, 3 2 (7 ): 1936 Papuan wonderland. London, 78. Blackie and Son, xx and 204 pp. Hille, J.W. van 1938 Savages in serge. Sydney, 1905) Reizen in west Nieuw-Guinea. Angus & Robertson, 231 pp. 1 9 0 6 ) Nederlandsch aardrljkskundig 1907) genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijd­ schrift, 22 (2nd series): 233- 1939 Beyond the Kuba. Sydney, 3 3 0 ; 23 (2nd series): 451-540; Angus & Robertson, x and 173 pp. 24 (2nd series): 547-634; see also 22 (2nd series): 189-94. 116 1909 De Moordenaars-rivier en de Hitt, Russell T. Snopi-rivier ln west Nieuw- 1962 Cannibal valley. New York and Guinea. Nederlandsch aard- Evanston, Harper and Row, 253 PP* rijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 26 Hocart, A.M. (2nd series): 274-8. 1923 Who are the Melanesians? Hinderling, Paul Royal anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1949 Über steinzeitliche Beile der Journal, 53: 472. Südsee. Ph.D. thesis, Universität Basel, Druckereigenossenschaft Aarau, 248 pp. 1924 Maternal relations in Melanesian ritual. Man, 24: 185-6. 1955 Sepik art in the Basle Museum. Eastern world, 9(10): 37. Hodges, K. and others 1950 New Guinea and Papuan food Hinderling Paul and Reichstein R. composition tables, in: Report of the New Guinea Nutrition 1961 Geldformen und Zierperlen der Survey Expedition, 1947 (Part 9): Naturvölker. Basel. Museum 269-79* Sydney, Government für Völkerkunde und Printer, 308 pp. Schweizerisches Museum für Volkskunde, Führer, Sonderaus­ stellung vom 6 .Mal - 2 9 .Oktober. Hodson, T.C. 1934 see 1934 Sharp, H.H. Hindorf, R. 1890 Einige Vorschläge für die Hoehn-Grützner, Gertrud praktische Kolonisation im see Höhn-Grützner, Gertrud. Schutzgebiet der Neu-Guinea Kompanie. Deutsche Kolonial­ zeitung, 3 (1 ) (new series): Hoekstra, G. 9-12. 1959 New million pound hospital for Netherlands New Guinea. South l890a Einige weitere Vorschläge Pacific commission, Quarterly für die praktische Koloni­ bulletin, 9(4): 37-9, 47. sation im Schutzgebiet der Neu-Guinea-Kompanie. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Hoekstra, P. 3 (9 ) (new series): 1 0 2 -5 i960 Veeteelt in Nederlands Nieuw- (pt. 1 ), 1 1 9 -2 2 (pt. 2 ). Guinea. Veeteelt in Australisch Nieuw-Guinea. l890b Die Lage in Kaiser Wilhelms - Schäkels, NNG, 35: 15-9, 20-5- Land. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3(19) (new series): 222-4. Hoeltker, Georg see Höltker, Georg-. Hipsley, Eben H. 1950 The feeding of New Guinea infants- Hoävell, G.W.W.C. van South Pacific, 4(10): l8l-7. l880 Over de beteekenis van het woord Papoea of Papoewa. 1950a Report on health and nutritional Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ status, in: Report of the New en volkenkunde, 4de volgreeks, Guinea Nutrition Survey Expedit­ 4de deel: 525-6. ion, 1947 (Part 5): 143-76. Sydney, Government Printer, 308 pp. Hoeven, Jan Arie van der 1952 De vuren spreken: oerwoudverhalen Hipsley, Eben H. and Clements, F.W. (eds.) van Nieuw Guinea. Amsterdam, de Boer, 355 pp. 1950 Report of the New Guinea Nutrition Survey Expedition, 1947 (Part 1): 13-3 0 . Sydney, 1960 Hoe de vogel en de kikvors de mensen hielpen. Nederlands Government Printer, 308 pp. Nieuw-Guinea, 8(6): 6-9- Hipsley, Eben H. (joint author) 1961 Het treurig lot van Mabime. 1961 see 1961 Kariks, J. and Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 9(1): Hipsley, E.H. 6-9.

Hipsley, Eben H. and Langley, Doreen 196la Sprookjes van de Wisselmeren: 1949 Symposium on nutritional Jabai's lot. Nederlands Nieuw- problems in the Pacific area, Guinea, 9 (3 ): 10-1* "A nutritional study of New Guinea natives". Seventh 196lb Edidubo. Nederlands Nieuw- Pacific science congress 1949» Guinea, 9(5): 11-2. Auckland and New Zealand, N.Z., Proceedings, 7: 418-27« 117 1962 Beleld of sentiment; wati-gebruik 1934/ Trading expedition in northern of -misbrulk aan de zuldkust van 35a New Guinea. Oceania, 5: 375- Nleuw-Gulnea. Nleuw-Guinea 407. studife'n, 6 (4 ): 368- 9 . 1955/36 Sorcery and administration. 1962a Een vreemde h is to rie u lt het Oceania, 6 : 1-32. gebied der Wlsselmeren. Nederlands Nleuw-Gulnea, 10(5): 22-5» 1955/ Mana. Oceania, 6 : 241-74. 36 a Hofe, A. Schulte lm see Schulte lm Hofe, A. 1935) Adoption in Wogeo. Polynesian 1936) society, Wellington, Journal, 44: 208-15; 45: 17-38. Hoffmann, A. 1898 Rechtsverhältnisse und Rechtsan­ 1938 Social reaction to crime: law schauungen der Eingeborenen. and morals in the Schouten Mittheilungen über die Anschau­ Islands, New Guinea. Royal ungen und Gewohnheiten der anthropological institute of Eingeborenen im Dorfe Bogadjim Great Britain and Ireland, bei Stephansort in Bezug auf Journal, 6 8 : 223- 6 2 . B esitz und E rbschaft. Nachrich­ ten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland 1958/39 Tillage and collection: a New (1894-9 8 ), 14: 72-4 . Guinea economy. Oceania, 9: 127-51, 286-325. 1899 Vokabularium der Bogadjlm-Sprache. l n : B. Hagen, "Unter den Papua's". 1959/40 Native land tenure in New Wiesbaden, C.W. Kreidel's Verlag, Guinea. Oceania, 10: 115-6 5 . v ii and 327 pp. 1940/41 The father chooses his heir: a 1906 Sprache und S itte n der Papua- family dispute over succession Stämme an der Astrolabe-Bai. in Wogeo, New Guinea. Oceania, Deutscher Kolonialkongress. 11: 1-59. (Berlin), Verhandlungen, 1905: 128-39. 1942/43 A New Guinea infancy: from conception to weaning in Wogeo. Hofman, M.P. Oceania, 13: 285-309- 1955 Streekontwikkeling Japen. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 1943 Developing New Guinea and the Gouvernement van - Kantoor future of the natives. Australian voor bevolkings-zaken, No. 29. journal of science, 5: 133- 5 . 28 pp. 1944/45 Marriage in Wogeo, New Guinea. 1959 Tocht naar de Ajamaroe-meren. Oceania, 15: 324-52. Nederlands Nleuw-Guinea, 7(l): 16-9. 1945/46 Puberty to marriage: a study of the sexual life of the natives Hofman-Sandtmann, E.M. of Wogeo, New Guinea. Oceania, 1956 Het leven in Nieuw-Guinea. 1 6 : 185-209. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 4(4) : 16-20. 1945/ A New Guinea childhood: from 46a weaning till the eighth year Hofstra, G. in Wogeo. Oceania, 16: 275-96. 1962 Het werk van een re sso rt schoolbeheerder in noord 1946 The Trobriand Islands, 1945. Nieuw-Guinea. Schäkels, Man, 46: 72. NNG, 51: 13-8. 1946a Melanesians and Papuans. Man, Hogbin, G.R. 46: 102. 1963 Erap mechanical farming project. Australian territories, 3(5): 1946b Peoples of the south west Pacific: a book of photographs and in tr o ­ 10-5. ductory tex t. New York, John Day C ie., 26 pp., and photographs. Hogbin, G.R. (Joint author) 1963 see 1963 Crocombe, R.G. and 1946/47 Local government for New Guinea. Hogbin, G.R. Ocea nia, 17(1): 38-6 5 .

1963a see 1963a Crocombe, R.G. and Sex and marriage in Busama, Hogbin, G.R. 1946/ N.E. 47a New Guinea. Oceania, 17(2): 119- 38, (3): 225-47. Hogbin, Herbert Ian 1934/35 Native culture of Wogeo: 1946/ Shame: a study of social conform- report of fieldwork in New 47b ity in a New Guinea village. Guinea. Oceania, 5: 308-37- Oceania, 17(4): 273-88. 118 1947 N ative tr a d e around th e Huon 1958 Exploratie van het Digoel- Gulf, north-eastern New Guinea. gebied. Nederlands Nieuw- Polynesian society, Wellington, Guinea, 6(5): 6-11. Journal, 56: 242-55, 5 plates. 1959 Fransen op Nieuw-Guinea. Neder­ 1947/48 Native C hristianity in a New lands Nieuw-Guinea, 7(5): 16. Guinea village. Oceania, 18 (1 ): 1 -3 5 . 1962 De Nederlands-Amerikaanse expeditie naar het Nassau- 1 9 4 7 / Pagan religion in a New Guinea gebergte. Nederlands Nieuw- 48a village. Oceania, 18(2): 120-45- Guinea, 10(4): 26-7.

1948 see 1948 McAuley, J.P. and Holland, E.A. Hogbin, H.I. 1933 An experiment in the control of malaria in New Ireland by 1949 Government chiefs in New Guinea, distribution of Gambusia in: M. Fortes (ed.), Social affinis. Royal society of Structure: studies presented to tropical medicine and hygiene, A.R. Radcliffe-Brown: 189-206. Transactions, 26(6): 529-38. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 252 pp. H ollem an, T.J.A. 1951 Transformation scene: the chang­ 1959 Van individu tot gemeenschap. ing culture of a New Guinea Schäkels, NNG, 30: 26-8. village. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd., 326 pp. Ho11ru n g , M. 1952 A g ric u ltu re in New G uinea. Man, 1886 Erforschung des Gebietes nördlich 52: 6 3 . von Finschhafen. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 2: 67-9, 1952/53 Sorcery and succession in Wogeo. 83-90, 119-23. Oceania, 23: 133-6. 1887 Beobachtungen der Vegetationsver­ 1958 Social change. London, hältnisse von Hatzfeldthafen. C.A. Watts and Co. Ltd., N ach ric h te n aus dem K a ise r 257 PP- Wilhelmsland, 3: 67-71.

1963 Kinship and marriage in a New 1887a Erstes Verzeichnis von Wörtern Guinea village. University of des Dialektes, welche von den London, The Athlone Press, Eingeborenen in der Umgebung von Hatzfeldthafen gesprochen wird. 177 PP- Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 3: 85-7. Hogbin, Herbert Ian and Wedgwood, Camilla H. 1943 Development and welfare in the 1887b Eine Untersuchung des Festlandes western Pacific. Canberra, östlich von Hatzfeldthafen bis Federal Capital Press, 32 pp. Kap Gourdon. N a c h ric h te n aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 3: 130-5* 1944 Native welfare in the southwest Pacific islands. Pacific affairs, 1887c Verzeichnis von einer Unter­ 17: 133-55. suchung längs der Astrolabe Bay. N ach ric h te n aus dem K a ise r Wilhelmsland, 3: 135-43. 1952/3) Local grouping in Melanesia. 1953/4) Oceania, 23: 241-76; 24: 58-76. l887d Untersuchungsreisen. Nachrich­ te n aus dem K a ise r W ilhelm sland, Höhn-Grützner, Gertrud 3: 144-50, 178-89- 1928 Die Stellung der kleinwüchsigen Frau von Egolzwll in der 1887) E x p e d itio n nach dem K a is e rin Variationsbreite melanesischer 1888) Augusta-Fluss. Nachrichten aus Gruppen. Schweizerische natur­ dem K a ise r W ilh elm slan d , 3: forschende Gesellschaft, 189-92; 4: 23-32, 223-37. Verhandlungen, 5 (pt. 2, No. 9/1 2 ): 2 1 5 -6 . 1888 Bericht über Untersuchungen in Umgebung Finschhafen und auf den Hokke, C. Purdy-Inseln. Nachrichten aus 1956 Nieuw-Guinea eert zijn ontdek- dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 4: 32-4, kers. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 183-4. 4 ( 6 ) : 24. 1888a Kaiser Wilhelmsland und seine 1957 Zuid-west Nieuw-Guinea. Neder­ Bewohner. Gesellschaft für lands Nieuw-Guinea, 5(1): 22. Erdkunde zu Berlin, Verhand­ lungen, 15: 298-314. 1957a Wat b ed o elen de D zjo en g o en o 's 1888b Kaiser Wilhelmsland und seine met het "Grote Water"? Neder­ Bewohner. Deutsche Kolonial­ lands Nieuw-Guinea, 5(5): 18-9. zeitung, 1(29) (new series): 230- 1 . 119 Holmes, Charles H. 1926 Way back in Papua. London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1934 Undiscovered New Guinea: with 320 pp. the Mt. Hagen patrol. Walkabout, 1: 16-29. Holmes, Wm. H. (joint author) 1953 Hidden people of the high valleys. 1897 see 1897 Dorsey, G.A. Walkabout, 19(8): 10-9. and Holmes, Wm. H.

1954 Rubber: its significance to Holmes, Winifred Australia and its production in 1949 Melanesian magic art. the Territory of Papua and New Eastern world, 3: 22-3. Guinea. Walkabout, 20(3^: 11-6. Holt, Catherine (joint author) Holmes, Ian A. 1920 see 1920 Kroeber. A.L. and 1953 The legal recognition of native Holt, C. land rights. South Pacific, 7: 666-75• Holthius , L.B. 1954 The people of the Port Moresby 1958 Freshwater crayfish in region at the turn of this Netherlands New Guinea mount­ century and before. Papua and ains. South Pacific commission, New Guinea scientific society, Quarterly bulletin, 8(2): 36-9 . Annual report and proceedings for 1954: 5-11. Höltker, Georg

Holmes, John Henry 1937 Steinmörser, Megalithen und andere merkwürdige Steine auf 1900 Notes by Rev. J.H. Holmes on der Insel Boesa (Neuguinea). work of London missionary Anthropos, 32: 289-91. society in Gulf of Papua. British New Guinea. Annual 1937 a report for 1898-99: 98, Neue ethnologische und anthro­ (App. Z). pologische Forschungen auf Manam und seinen Nachbarinseln. Anthropos, 32: 647-9. 1902 Initiation ceremonies of natives of the Papuan gulf. Royal anthropological institute 1937b Vorbericht über meine ethnogra­ of Great Britain and Ireland, phischen und anthropologischen Journal, 32: 418-25. Forschungen im Bogia-Distrikt (Neuguinea). Anthropos, 32: 963-7. 1902a Notes on the religious ideas of the Elema tribe of the Papuan gulf. Royal anthropological 1938 Eine fragmentarische Wörterliste institute of Great Britain and der Gapün-Sprache Neuguineas. Ireland, Journal, 32: 426-31. Anthropos, 3 3 : 279-82.

1903 Notes on the Elema tribe of 1940 Un Crocifisso del Rio Sepik the Papuan gulf. Royal anthro­ (Nuova Guinea). Annali pological institute of Great lateranensi, 4: 199-211. Britain and Ireland, Journal, 33: 125-34. 1940a Drei Jahre ethnologische und anthropologische Forschungen in 1905 Introductory notes to a study of Neuguinea, 1936 bis 1939. the totemism of the Elema tribes, Schweizerische naturforschende Papuan gulf. Man, 5: 2-6, 17-20. Gesellschaft, Verhandlungen: 187.

1908 Introductory notes on the toys 1940/41 Verstreute ethnographische and games of Elema, Papuan gulf. Notizen über Neuguinea. (Eine Royal anthropological institute Art Regestensammlung aus dem of Great Britain and Ireland, "Steyler Missionsbote", 1895- Journal, 38 : 280-8. 1941). Anthropos, 35-3 6 : 1-67. 1913 A preliminary study of the Namau language, Purari delta, Papua; 1940/ Zur Hamburger ethnographischen (with bibliographical notes by 4la Sammlung aus dem östlichen S.H. Ray). Royal anthropological Zentral-Neuguinea, Veröffent­ institute of Great Britain and lichung Dr. H. Tischner. Ireland, Journal, 43: 124-42. Anthropos, 35-3 6 : 357-63 .

1924 In primitive New Guinea; (with 1940/ Einiges über Steinkeulenköpfe an introduction by A.C. Haddon). 4lb und Steinbeile in Neuguinea. London, Seely Service and Co. Anthropos, 35-3 6 : 68I-736. Ltd., 307 pp., and 26 plates; also New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1941 Die Mambu-Bewegung in Neuguinea. Ein Beitrag zum Prophetentum in Melanesian. Annali lateranensi, 5: 181-219. 120 194la Drei Zeremonialschemel vom Sepik. 1963a Der Schlafstättenwechsel ln : Jan Söderström, Die Figur­ (M etaklisie) mit magischen stühle vom Sepikfluss auf Neu- Folgen in Nordost-Neuguinea. Guinea: 45-58. Stockholm, Statens Festschrift Paul Schebesta E tn o g ra fis k a Museum, Smärre zum 75-Geburtstag: 421-42. Meddelanden N r.l8, 59 pp. in: Studia Institut! Anthropos, vol.18. Wien-Mödling, St. 1942 Zeremonial-Steinbeil von den Gabriel Verlag, 568 pp. Korugu im Wagi-Tal im östlichen Zentral-Neuguinea. Ethnos, 7: 1936b Tatsachen und Gedanken rund um 7 9 -8 3 . ein Neuguinea-Kruzifix, in: In Verbo Tuo - FestschriTT zum 50jährigen Bestehen des 1942-45 see 1942-45 Koster, G.J. Missionspriesterseminars St. Augustin bei Siegburg, Rheinl., 1944 Der Donnerkeilglaube vom stein- 1913-1963: 399-437 PP-, 8 zeitlichen Neuguinea aus gesehen. Tafeln. Veröffentlichungen des Acta tropica, 1: 30-51. Missionspriesterseminars St. Augustin/Siegburg, No. 12. 1945 Ethnographica aus Neuguinea mit einem textiltechnologischen Höltker, Georg (ed.) Beitrag von Dr. K ristin Buehler- 1942 Vergilbte Manuskript-Blätter Oppenheim: die Technik der aus Neuguinea, (Reiber, Josef). Ziertasche aus Kaup. Annali Internationales Archiv für lateranensi, 9: 261-302. Ethnographie, 4 l: 153-84.

1946 How "cargo-cult" is born. H ö ltk e r, Georg (joint author) Pacific islands monthly, 17(4): 16, 70. 1940 see 1940 A ufenanger, H. and Höltker, G. 1947 Die maritime Ortung bei einigen Stämmen in Nordost-Neuguinea. 1950 see 1950 R o u til, R. and Geographica helvetica, 2(3): Höltker, G. 192-205. H ö ltk e r, Georg and Routil, Robert 1947a Steinerne Ackerbaugeräte. (Ein 1947 Handlinienmuster und Heirats­ Problem der Vor- und Frühge­ klassen. Archiv für Völkerkunde. schichte in völkerkundlicher 2: 108-31. Beleuchtung.) Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 45: 77-156. Holzknecht, K. 1956 Die Musikinstrumente der Azera. 1951 Die Steinvögel in Melanesien, in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 8 l: Südseestudien, Gedenkschrift zur 6 4 -9 . Erinnerung an Felix Speiser: 234-65. B a se l, Museum fü r 1957 Über Töpferei und Tontrommeln Völkerkunde und Schweizerisches der Azera in Ost-Neuguinea. Museum f ü r V olkskunde, 422 pp. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 82: 97-111. 1951a Kritik über Blackwood's "Technology of a modern Stone Hondius, J.M. Age people". Anthropos, 46: 682-3. 1943 Waarom gaven de Noemforen hun slavenblokken een krokodilvorm? 1961 Leichenbrand und anderes vom Cultureel Indiä, 5: 145-57- unteren Ramu (Neuguinea). Beiträge zur Völkerforschung - Hondius van Herwerden, J.H. Hans Damm zum 6 5 . G e b u rtsta g . L e ip z ig . Museum f ü r V ölkerkunde, 1906 Een verkennlngsreis der zuid- Veröffentlichungen, Heft 11: westkust van Nieuw-Guinea, van 285-301. Berlin, Akademie- Straat Prlnses Marianne tot de Verlag, 752 pp. Providentlaal-Bank; dd. 23 April - 8 Mel 1906. Neder- landsch aardrijkskundig genoot- 1962 Aus dem K u ltu rle b e n d e r K ire - schap, Amsterdam, Tljdschrift, Puir am unteren Ramu (Neuguinea). 23 (2nd series): 919-33. L e ip z ig . Museum fü r V ölkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 19: 76-107. 1907 Beschrijving van eene reis tot nader onderzoek der in de 1963 Neue Materialien über den Oostbaai (Z.W. Nieuw-Guinea) Todeszauber in Neuguinea. uitmondende Oetoemboewe; en Anthropos, 58: 333-71. eerste onderzoek der "Noord"- rivier aldaar. (dd. 6-25 Oct. 1906). Nederlandsch aardrijks­ kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tljdschrift, 24 (2nd series): 178-99. 127 Honnef, J.,P. Hooijer, Dirk A. 1956 Rapport betreffende het gebruik 1950 Fossil evidence of austro- Vunija Migair in de Mejbrat melanesian migrations in samenleving (naar gegevens Malaysia? Southwestern verkregen tljdens een onderzoek ournal of anthropology, 6: in de dorpen Ajamaroe, Kamboeaja 1 6 - 2 2 . en Djitmau). Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, Gouvernement van - Hooley, B.A. Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, No. 91; 3 p p . 1962/63 Transformations in Neomelaneslan. Oceania, 33(2): 116-27. Hood, Allan Hooper, G.S. 1938 Princely fare: living on the bush in New Guinea. Walkabout. 1919 Vocabularies: Cape Nelson 4(5) : 20-2. station, North-eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1917-18: 87, 1938a Sago. Walkabout, 4(9): 4l-2. (App. E 4).

1938b On the game track: pig-hunting 1920 Vocabulary of Boll tribe, Cape in New Guinea. Walkabout, 4(10): Nelson station, North-eastern 3 8 -9 . Division. Papua. Annual report for 1918-19: 107, (App. D 2). 1940 Jungle w ireless. Walkabout, 6(3): 40-1. Hooper, James T. 1943 Another lime spatula from New Hood, F.A . G uinea. Man, 43: 9 5 . 1936 The Kanaka mercantile marine. Walkabout, 2(8): 37-8. Hordijk, K.F. 1939/40 Ethnologische gegevens omtrent 1936a New Guinea jew ellery. de Papoea's om de Anggimeren Walkabout, 2(10): 25-6. (Manekionners en Atammers). Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea , 4: 24-7, 83-92, 147-51. 1940 When Mars beats the drums. Walkabout, 6(4) : 33-5. Hornbostel, Erich M. von Hoog, J . cie 1907 Notiz über die Musik der Bewohner von Süd-Neu-Mecklenburg. 1958 Nieuw-Guinea: kunst uit priv£ ln : E. Stephan and F. Gräbner, bezit. Delft, Etnografisch Neu-Mecklenburg (Bismarck- museum, Catalog No. 1, 41 pp. Archipel): I3I-7. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., 242 pp. 1959 Nleuwe methoden en inzichten ter bestudering van de funktionele 1912 Die Musik auf den nordwestlichen betekenis der beeiden in het Salomo-Inseln, in: R. Thurnwald, Indonesisch-Melanesisch kultuur- Forschungen aufHen Salomo- gebied. Kultuurpatronen. (Delfts Inseln und dem Bismarck-Archipel: etnografisch museum), 1: I-98. 461-504. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A. G., 2 vols., 538, 92 pp., plus Hoogenband, C. van den genealogies. 1953) De tweede wereldoorlog. in: 1954) W.C. K lein ( e d .) , Nieuw 1914 Bemerkungen über einige Lieder Guinea, vol. 3: 346-74. aus Bougainville, in: E. Frizzi, 's-Gravenhage, Staatsdrukkerij- Ein Beitrag zur Ethnologie von en ultgeversbedrij f, 3 delen, Bougainville und Buka mit 491, 470, 600 pp. spezieller Berücksichtigung der Nasioi: 53-6* Baessler-Archiv, Beiträge zur Völkerkunde, H oogland, J. Beiheft 6. Leipzig und Berlin, 1938/39 De Indisch-Amerikaansche of B . G. T eubner, 56 pp. Archbold-expeditie 1938 naar de Wllhelminatop van Nieuw- Hornell, James Guinea. T ijdschrift "Nieuw- Guinea", 3: 384-7. 1923 The Ornaments and decorative carving of outrigger canoes on the north coast of Netherlands 1939/40 Enkele aanteekeningen betreffende New Guinea. Polynesian society, de Papoea-stammen wonende aan de Wellington, Journal, 32: 70-8. boven Keerom-rivier, welke alge- meen bekend staan onder de naam "Waris". T ijdschrift "Nieuw- 1943 Outrigger devices: distribution Guinea", 4: 65-74. and origin. Polynesian society, Wellington, Journal, 52: 91-100. 122 Hornell, James (joint author) Howard, Frederick 1932 see 1932 Rosser, W.E. 1956 Australia's role in New Guinea. and Hornell, J. Australia's neighbours, (3rd series) No. 6 8 . 1937) see 1937, 1938 Haddon, A.C. 1938) and Hornell, J. Howells, William W. 1933 Anthropometry and blood types in Horsley, V. (joint author) Fiji and the Solomon Islands, based upon data of Dr. William 1901 see 1901 Crump, J.A. L. Moss. American museum of and Horsley, V. natural history, New York, Anthropological papers, 33(4): Horst, D • W. 279-339. 1889 Rapport van eene reis naar de Noordkust van Nieuw Guinea aan 1943 The racial elements of Melanesia, boord van Z.M. Stoomschip "Tromp”, in: Studies in the anthropology ingevolge opdracht van den 37 Oceania and Asia: 38-49. Resident van Ternate dd. 7 Juni Peabody museum of American 1886. Tijdschrift voor Indische archaeology and ethnology, taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 3 2 : Papers, vol. 20. 2 1 7 -6 0 . Howells, William W. (joint author) 1897 Nieuws van de Jakati-rivier. 1957 see 1957 Oliver, D.L. and Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Howells, W.W. genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijd­ schrift, 14 (2nd series): 124-31. Howells, William W. and Oliver, Douglas 1961 Microevolution among the 1898 Onze bestuursvestiging op Nieuw- Bougainville populations. Tenth Guinea. Indische gids, 20(2): Pacific science congress 1961, 1 285-8 . Honolulu, Abstracts of symposium papers: 100. Hossfeld , P.S. Howlett, Diana R. 1949 The stratigraphy of the Aitape skull and its significance. i960 The pre-contact society in the Royal society of South Goroka Valley. Paper delivered Australia, Transactions, 72: at the UNESCO Symposium on the 201-7. impact of man on humid tropics vegetation. Goroka, Territory Houten, P.J. van of Papua and New Guinea: 375-9. Sponsored by the Administration 1894 Voordracht van den heer of the Territory of Papua and P.J. van Houten over de mogelijk- New Guinea and UNESCO Science heid der exploitatie van het Co-operation Office for South Nederlandsche gedeelte van Nieuw- Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijks­ East Asia. Canberra, Government kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Printer, 402 pp. Tijdschrift, 11 (2nd series) (1 ) : 317-24. 1962 A decade of change in the Goroka Valley, New Guinea: land use and development in the 1950s. Ph.D. Hovenkamp, W.A. thesis, Australian national 1 9 3 6 /3 7 Kolonisatie in Nieuw Guinea. university, 292 pp., tables, Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea”, plates. 1: 332-43. Hoyt, C.P. 1937/38 Nieuws uit Australisch 1963 Rhinoceros beetle investigations Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift in Papua and New Guinea. South "Nieuw-Guinea", 2: 323-8 . Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 1 3 (2 ): 2 0 -1 . 1938/9 ) Nieuws uit Nederlandsch Nieuw- 1939/ ) Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- Hubers, Hubert 40 ) Guinea", 3: 560-5» 6l6-26; 4: 38-59, 168-75, 28 1 -3 0 0 . 1942-45 Kleine musikethnologische Beiträge von der Insel Karkar in Neuguinea. 1946/47 Hollandia. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- Anthropos, 37-40: 122-6. Guinea", 7: 44-59, 105-8. 1942- Met de geophagen bij een zwavel- Hovorka, 0. 45a bron in noord oost Nieuw-Guinea. Anthropos, 37-40: 893-5- l895 Verzierungen der Nase. Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, 25 (neue Hübner, H. Folge 15): 155-76. 1935 Studien zur Musik im Bismarck­ archipel. Anthropos, 30: 669- 79. 123 Huebner, H. 1962 De landbouwkernen op Japen en see Hübner, H. in de Waropen in 1958-1960. Nieuw-Guinea studie'n, 6: 299- 342. Hughes, Alan 1945 Through the Alome pigmy country. Humphries, A.R. Walkabout, 11(3): 5-10. 1931 see 1931 Humphries, A.R. (Walter Richard?). Hughes, Brenda 1959 New Guinea folktales. London, Humphries, Walter Richard George Harrap and Co. Ltd., 80 pp. 1919 Report of patrol by Mr. Humphries from Nepa, Lakekamu goldfield to Ioma, Mambare Division for the Hughes, C.G. (Joint author) purpose of connecting up the two 1951 see 1951 Buzacott J.H. and stations. Papua. Annual report Hughes, C.G. for 1917-18: 62-7, (App. B).

Hughes, Laurence H. 1920 Vocabulary of Mia-I-Topa tribe, Samarai station, Eastern 1920 Some experiences in the commoner Division. Papua. Annual report tropical diseases in (late) for 1918-19: 108. . Medical Journal of Australia, 1: 97-9. 1920a Vocabulary of Kukukuku tribe, Central D istrict. Papua. Hughes, Mary Kent Annual report for 1918-19: see Kent Hughes, Mary. 117.

Hughes, W. Herbert- 1922 D e s c rip tio n o f th e Mekeo district, Central Division. see Herbert-Hughes, W. Papua. Annual report for 1920- 21: 59-61. Hughes. W.T. 1922a Report of patrol to Amenorofo 1913 Magisterial report, Cape Nelson, and Mafulu via the Akaifoa, North-eastern Division. Papua. Kunimaipa and Loloipa rivers, Annual report for 1912-13: 119- 27th April to 27th May 1921. 23. Papua. Annual report for 1920- 21: 125-9, (App. II). Huitema, H. 1949/50 Verkort verslag betreffende een 1923 Patrolling in Papua: with an veeteeltkundig onderzoek verricht introduction by J.H.P. Murray, in de residentie Nieuw-Guinea. lieutenant-governor and chief Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 10: Judicial officer of Papua. 2 2 - 3 3 , 83-5; also Nederlands- London, T. Fisher Unwin Ltd., Indische bladen voor dlerge- 287 PP. neeskunde, (1948) 55: 183-201. 1923a Eastern Division, Abau district. Hulzenga, L.H. Papua. Annual report for 1921- 1959 De landbouwkernen op Japen en 22: 59-61. in de Waropen. Nieuw-Guinea Studien, 3: 77-99. 1925 The Keveri Valley. Papua. Annual report for 1922-23: 1960) De budgetonderzoekingen te 20 - 1 . 1961) Hollandia in 1956-1957. Nieuw- Guinea studife'n, 4: 328-48; 5: 1927 Ehalo ceremony. Papua. Annual 36-59. report for 1925-26: 16-8.

1961 De paysannaten in Belgisch- 1927a Notes on the Melaripi. Papua. Kongo: een vergelijking met de Annual report for 1925-26: landbouwontwikkelingskernen op 4 0 -1 . Japen en in de Waropen. Nieuw- Guinea Studien, 5: H l-36. 1928 Expeditions on the Vailala River. Papua. Annual report 1962 The training of the Papuan for for 1926-27: 6-7. employment in agriculture, Industry and trade in Netherlands 1929 North-eastern Division, Cape New Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studie'n, Nelson d istrict. Papua. Annual 6 : 13-55- report for 1927-28: 31-4.

Huizenga, L.H. and Vries, M. de Humphries, A.R. (Walter Richard?) i960 De verhandeling van bevolkings- 1931 The Gulf Division. Ehalo cacao uit Nederlands-Nieuw- dan ce. Man, 31: 159- 6 3 . Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studign, 4 : 1 -1 4 . 124 Humphries, Walter Richard Huston, L.W. 1932 Report of female influence 1962 Forestry development in Papua inciting crime. Papua. Annual and New Guinea. Australian report for 1930-31: 15-6. territories, 2(6): 4-11.

Humphries, Walter Richard and Ashton, S. Hutt, A. Granger 1926 Expedition across the Albert 1889 Discussion of report by H.H. Mountains. Papua. Annual report Romilly on superstition and for 1924-25: 12. sorcery in New Guinea. Folk­ lore journal, 7: 320-2 . Hunger, F.W.T. 1924/25 Verbodsteekens ln de klapper- Hutton, J.H. and others aanplantingen op Nederlandsch 1948 The Bolas and its distribution. Zuid Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch- Man, 48: 9 6 , 108, 144. Indife", oud en nieuw, 9(10): 351-4.

Hunt, Atlee 1905 Report on British New Guinea by the secretary, Dept, of External Affairs. Australia. Commonwealth parliamentary papers for 1905, 2: 169-96; also Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 1906, 17: 108-11.

Hunte, G. Ruthven le see Ruthven le Hunte, G.

Hunter, John 1793 An historical journal of the transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, with the dis­ coveries which have been made in New South Wales and the south­ ern ocean since the publication of Phillip's voyage, compiled from the official papers, includ­ ing the journals of Governors Phillip and King, and of Lieut. Ball and the voyages from the first sailing of the Sirius in 1 7 8 7 » to the return of that ship's company to England in 1792. London, J. Stockdale, 583 PP-

Hunter, M.R. 1943 Tragic Rabaul. Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (6 ): 2 1 .

1943a Two related tragedies of Papua. Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (6 ): 24.

Hurd, Conrad (Joint author) 1963 see 1963 Allen, J. and Hurd, C.

Hurley, Frank James Francis 1924 Pearls and savages; adventures in the air, on land and sea in New Guinea. New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 414 pp., and 83 plates.

1927 Pictorial jaunt through Papua. National geographic magazine, 51: 109-24.

Hurst, Henry Leonard 1938 Papuan journeys. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 168 p p . 125 Idriess, Ion Llewellyn 1883 Kolonisatie van Nieuw-Guinea. 1935 Gold-dust and ashes; the roman­ Indische gids, 5(l): 506. tic story of the New Guinea goldfields. Sydney, Angus & 1883a Nieuw-Guinea door Queensland in Robertson Ltd., 245 pp. bezit genomen. Indische gids, 5(1): 767. 1934 Drums of Mer. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, xviii and 378 pp. 1886 De vestiging der Duitschers op Nieuw Guinea moet Nederland Ijzerman, J.W. zeer welkom zijn. Indische gids, ( ): - . 1904 Mededeelingen omtrent eene 8 1 35 1 3 ontWorpen expeditie naar de Binnenlanden van Nieuw- 1887 Welk gewicht Australia aan Guinea (met kaart). Neder­ Nieuw Guinea hecht. Indische landsch aardrijkskundig gids, 9(1): 6 2 -3 . genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 21: 359-55, 453- 1888 Het eerste verslag betreffende Duitsch Nieuw-Guinea. Indische 1904 a De Nieuw-Guinea-expeditie van gids, 1 0 (1 ): 412. het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrljkskundig Genootschap. 1892 Bezoeken aan Nederlandsch Nieuw- Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Guinea. Indische gids, 14(2): genootschap, Amsterdam, 1991-4. Ti jdschrift, 21: 879-90, 1 1 0 2 . 1 892a Het Handelsblad over de wensche- im Hofe, A. Schulte lijkheid om alsnog een post op de begrooting te brengen voor see Schulte im Hofe, A. een posthouder bij de Marian- nestraat van Nieuw Guinea. Indische gids, 14(2): 2373-4. im Thurn, E. 1915 European influence in the 1893 De mislukte vestiging van een Pacific, 1513-1914. posthouder op Nederlandsch Geographical journal, 45: Nieuw-Guinea. Indische gids, 301-2 6 . 15(2): 1950-3.

Inder, Stuart 1893a Een overleg tusschen Neder- 1955 Telling the world about New landsche autoriteiten en den Guinea. Wanted: fewer official adminlstrateur van Britisch handouts, and more background Nieuw-Guinea. Indische gids, facts. Pacific islands monthly, 15(2): 1953-5. 2 6 (1 ): 69-74. 1894 Het Handelsblad over Nieuw- 1957 There's always been hot news Guinea. Indische gids, 16 from the islands. Pacific (1): 911. islands monthly, 2 7 (7 ): 7 9 -9 1 . 1894a De heer J.D. Waller in het 1957a Five years have not found cause Handelsblad over Australia's of Kuru: black magic or eischen. Indische gids, 16 heredity? Pacific islands (2 ): 1184. monthly, 28(5): 49-51. 1896 Duitsch Nieuw-Guinea (met een I960 On the trail of the cargo schetskaart). Indische gids, cultists. Pacific islands 1 8 (1 ) : 404-28. monthly, 3 1 (2 ): 5 7 -6 1 . 1897 Vestiging van Nederlandsch 1963 Indonesia's New Guinea takeover bestuur op Nieuw-Guinea. poses border problem for Indische gids, 19(2): 1428-30. Australia. Pacific islands monthly, 3 3 (1 1 ): 5 -6 . 1897a Onze aanstaande vestiging op Nieuw-Guinea, afgekeurd door De Indische Gids den heer F.S.A. de Clercq, in Insulinde. Indische gids, 19 1879 Een Italiaansche expeditie (2 ) : 1450-6. naar Nieuw-Guinea. Indische gids, 1 (1 ): 514. 1908 De Mapia of St. Davidseilanden. Indische gids, 3 0 (2 ): 972-3 . 1881 Het besturend personeel in Ternate en de zeeroof. Indische gids, 3 (1 ): 107-9. 1935 Emigratie naar Nieuw-Guinee. Indische gids, 55(2): 8 2 6 -3 1 . l8 8 la Suppletoir contract met Tidore. Indische gids, 3(1): 484-5. 126 The Industrial Review Iongh, W. de 1963 The Papua-New Guinea Highlands 1950/51 Ervaringen opgedaan bij de labour scheme. Industrial aanschaf en het gebruik van review, l(l) : 25-8. bulldozers op Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 11: 224-5- 1963a Apprenticeship and training of workers. Industrial review, 1 (1): 29-30. Irwin, P.F. 1913 Magisterial report. Central 1963b Employment of indigenous workers Division. Papua. Annual report in the Territory of Papua and for 1912-13: 90-3. New Guinea. Industrial review, 1 (1 ): 35-40. Irwin, P.G. 1963 European influence in the Blanche 1 963c Trade Unions in Papua and New Bay district of New Britain. Guinea. Industrial review, 1 Australian geographer, 9(l): (2 ): 22-3. 34-42.

Ingle ton, Geoffrey C. Isles, K. 1950 Cartography of the south-west 1946 Economic policy in New Guinea. Pacific, in: Charles Barrett Monthly notes, l(l): 4-6. (ed. ), The Pacific: ocean of islands: 1-16. Melbourne, N.H. Seward Pty. Ltd., 176 pp. Ivens, W.G. 1915 Certain suffixes in oceanic Inglis, E.R. languages. Royal society of Victoria, Proceedings, 27 1950 A further note on Frederlk (new series): 305-3 2 . Hendrik Island. Geographical journal, 1 1 5 : 21 8 -2 2 . Ivinskis, V. (joint author)

Inglis, Judy 1957 see 1957 Venkatachalam, P.S. and Ivinskis, V. 1956/57 Cargo cults: the problem of explanation. Oceania, 27: Ivinskis, V. and others 249-63. 1956/57 A medical and anthropological study of the Chimbu natives of 1959/60 Interpretations of cargo- the central highlands of New cults, comments. Oceania, Guinea. Oceania, 27: 143-57. 30: 155-8. Iyengar, M.O.T. Innes, Alice Allen 1954 Distribution of fllariasis in see Allen Innes, Alice. the South Pacific region. South Pacific commission, Technical paper No. 6 6 : 3-5, Inselmann, R. 1 9 -20 , 3 2 , 41-2, 48-52. 1944 Letub, the cult of the secrets of wealth. M.A. thesis, Kennedy School of Missions, Hartford 1957 Annotated bibliography on Seminary Foundation. Lutheran filariasis and elephantiasis. mission, typoscript, 149 pp. Part 3 : Symptomatology, aetiol­ ogy, pathology and diagnosis of filariasis due to Wuchereria 1946 "Cargo cult" not caused by bancrofti and W. malayi. South missions. Pacific islands Pacific commission, Technical monthly, l6 (ll): 44. paper No. 109: xvi and 276 pp.

1948 Changing missionary methods in 1959 Filariasis in Netherlands New Lutmis, New Guinea. B.Divinity Guinea. South Pacific commis­ thesis, Wartburg Seminary. sion, Technical information Dubuque (Iowa), Wartburg circular No. 34: 8 pp. Seminary, mimeographed, 30 pp. 1959a Annotated bibliography on Institute of Pacific Relations - N.S.W. filariasis and elephantiasis. Branch Part 3 : Symptomatology, 1930 Studies in Australian affairs. aetiology, pathology and P. Campbell and others (eds.), diagnosis of filariasis due issued by the Institute of to Wuchereria bancrofti and Pacific Relations, N.S.W. W. malayi. South Pacific branch. Melbourne, Macmillan commission, Technical paper and Co. Ltd., in association No. 109: (supplement No. l), with M.U.P. Pacific Relations 25 PP- series No. 3 , 269 PP*; see 1930 Burton, J.W., 1930a Murray, J.H.P. 127 1959b Annotated bibliography on f i la r ia s is and ele p h an tiasis. 1877 A remarkable deformity of the Part 4: Treatment. South teeth among the Inhabitants of Pacific commission, Technical the Admiralty Isles. Nature, paper No. 124: x ii and 177 PP 16: 251.

1959c A review of the lite r a tu r e on Jackson, A.V. (Joint author) the distribution and epidemiol­ ogy of filariasis in the South 1946 see 1946 Fenner, F .J. Pacific region. South Pacific and Jackson, A.V. commission, Technical paper No. 126: 172 pp. Jackson, C.F. 1917 Vocabularies - Kokoda station, i 960 Annotated bibliography of Kumusi Division. Papua. Annual f ila r ia s is and ele p h an tiasis. report for 1914-15: 170, Part 5: Prophylaxis and control (App. IV g). of f ila r ia s is due to Wuchereria bancroftl and W. malayi. South Pacific commission, Technical 1917a Short comparative vocabulary of paper No. 129: v ii and 102 pp. the Fuyuge (Mafulu) language as compiled on both sides of the Wharton range, showing th at the 1960a Summary data on f i la r i a s i s in Fuyuge-speaking people extend the South Pacific. South from Mafulu to the Mambare. Pacific commission, Technical Papua. Annual report for 1914- paper No. 132: 1-13, 34-40, 15: 188, (App. V a). 55-6, 63-6, 80-91. Jackson, J.H.S. Izume, S. 1924 Causes of depopulation among 1949 Social organization of the n a t­ some island peoples. Medical ives in west New Guinea, with Journal of Australia, 1: 58- especial reference to the 61. formation of tribes. Japanese Journal of ethnology, 14(3): Jackson, Wilfrid 190-9. 1916 Shell-trum pets and th e ir distribution in the Old and New World. Manchester lite r a r y and philosophical society, Memoirs and proceedings, 60(8): 1-22.

Jacob, Ernst Gerhard (ed.) 1938 Deutsche Kolonialpolitik in Dokumenten. Gedanken und Gestalten aus den letzten fünfzig Jahren. Leipzig, Dieterich'sehe Verlagsbuch­ handlung, x x v iii and 608 pp.

Jacobs, J. l891 Critische beschouwingen over de theorie van Dr. H. Ploss, aanga- ande de beteekenis van de bes- nijdenis bij de verschillende volken. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 4: 185-201, 244-55.

Jacobs, Marjorie G. 1951 Bismarck and the annexation of New Guinea. Historical studies, A ustralia and New Zealand, 5 (17): 14-26.

1952 The Colonial Office and New Guinea, 1874-84. Historical studies, A ustralia and New Zealand, 5(l8): 106-18.

James, Clifford S. 1939 Malarial nephritis (nephrosis) in the Solomon Islands and mandated Territory of New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 759-61. 128 James, Dorothy Jennings, J.F. 1962 see 1962 Lucht, Ft. and 1935 A u stralia's stake in New Guinea. James, D. Pacific islands monthly, 6(1): 1 6 .

Jansen, Adriaan Abraham Jacobus Jennings, J.N. 1959 N utrition, in fec tio n and 1963 Floodplain lakes in the Ka serum proteins in Papuans Valley, Australian New Guinea. of Netherlands New Guinea. Geographical journal, 129: Utrecht University, Proefschrift (M.D. thesis). 187-90. Amsterdam, Rototype/Broos, 154 pp. Jens, J. 1916 Het Insos- en het K 'bor-feest 1960 Voedingsvraagstukken. op Biak en Soepiori. Bijdragen Schäkels, NNG, 3 6 : 3-8 . tot de taal-, land- en volken- kunde, 72: 404-11. Jansen, D.M. Jensen, A.E. 1959 De missie en haar arbeid in de onderafdeling Fak-Fak. Neder- 1944 Das Weltbild einer frühen lands Nieuw-Guinea, 7(2): 12-5* Kultur. Paideuma, 3 (1/ 2 ): I- 8 3 . 1962 Het experiment Nederlands aan de Wisselmeren. Schäkels, NNG, 1951 Mythos und Kult bei Naturvöl­ 51: 25-9. kern: Religionswissenschaft­ liche Betrachtungen. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner, 423 PP« "Myth Jansen, J.J. and cu lt among prim itive 1953 Landbouw - onderwijs in Nieuw- peoples", 1963. (Transl. by Guinea. Schäkels, 6>7(NG5): M.T. Choldin and W. W eissleder.) 18- 2 2 . Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 349 PP- Jarvie, I.C. Jiear, A.H. 1963/64 Theories of cargo cults: a critical analysis. Oceania, 1904 Report on the Western Divisio 34: 1-31, 108-36. B ritish New Guinea. Annual report for 1902- 0 3 : 20- 3 - Jefferys, K. 1905 Western Division. British New 1946 Jacquinot Bay, (New Britain). Guinea. Annual report for 190J Walkabout, 12(4): 37-8. 04: 41-4, App. F).

Jefford, A.W. 1905a Resident magistrate's report, 1961/62 Dugout canoes of Papua and Western Division and addenda. New Guinea. Papua and New B ritish New Guinea. Annual Guinea agricultural journal, report for 1904-05: 39-^3» 14(4): 167-76. (App. H), 69-71, (App. S).

Jenkins, J.M. 1907 Annual report, Western D ivision. B ritish New Guinea. Annual 1943 New Guinea's Chinese. Pacific report for 1905- 0 6 : 43-8. islands monthly, 14(1): 3 7 . 1908 Annual report, resid en t magis­ Jenness, Diamond trate, Central Division. Papua. 1920 Papuan c a t's crad les. Royal Annual report for 1906-07: anthropological institute of 44-6. Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 50: 299-326. Joest, W. 1888 Waffe, Signalrohr oder Jenness, Diamond and Ballantyne, A. Tabakspfeife? Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 1: 1920 The northern d'Entrecasteaux 176-84. (with a preface by R.R. M arett). Oxford, Clarendon Press, 220 pp. Johnston, H.L.C. 1926) Language, mythology and songs 1921 Vocabulary of Karima trib e , 1927) of Bwaidoga, Goodenough island, Delta Division. Papua. Annual 19 2 8 ) S.E. Papua. Polynesian society, report for 1919-2 0 : 119- 1929) Wellington, Journal, 35: (pt. 1 ) 290- 314; 3 6 : (pt. 2 ) 48-71, 1921a Vocabulary of Eme-eme tribe, 145-79, 207-38, 303-29; 37: Delta Division. Papua. Annual (p t. 2) 30-56, (pt. 3 ) 139-64, report for 1919- 2 0 : 1 2 0 . 271-99, (pt. 4) 377-402; 3 8 : (p t. 4) 29-47. 729 1921b Vocabulary of the Ibukairi Josselin de Jong, J.P.B. de tribe, Delta Division. Papua. Annual report for 1919-20: 1946/47 Herdenking van Bronislaw Kaspar 124. Malinowski (7 April 1884 - 16 Mei 1942). Koninklijke Neder- landsche Akademie van Weten- 1923 Vocabularies, Klkorl station, schappen, Jaarboek, 1946-1947, Delta Division. Papua. Annual report for 1921-2 2 : 166, 11 PP- (App. IX 1). 1951 Ethnolinguistiek. BIJdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, Jones, Dudley 107: 161-76. 1947 Native customs and New Guinea law. Monthly notes, 1(9): I - 3 . Joufe't, V ictor 1887 La societe des missionnaires Jones, H. Ian and Fenner, Frank J. du Sacre-Coeur dans les vicariats apostoliques de la 1947 Infection with Salmonella Melandsie et de la Micron^sie. Blegdam amongst natives of Issoudun (indre), au Pelerinage New Guinea: an account of de N.-D. du Sacre-Coeur, 346 pp. fourteen cases with post­ mortem reports of four fa ta l cases. Medical Journal of Journal of the Royal Geographical Society Australia, 2: 356-62 and see Royal Geographical Society, 1 tab le. Journal of. Jones, K. Vellacott- Joyce, T.A. see Vellacott-Jones, K. 1912 Note on p re -h isto ric pottery from Japan and New Guinea. Jones, Trevor A. Royal anthropological institute 1959 Music of New Guinea. South of Great B ritain and Ireland, Pacific commission, Quarterly Journal, 42: 545-6. bulletin, 9(3): 49, 56. 1926 A ceremonial "Mask" from the Jong, A. de Sepik River, New Guinea. Man, 2 6 : 1-2 and 1 p late . 1939/40 Over de doodenfeesten in de omstreken van Fak-Fak en Kokas. T ijd sc h rift "Nieuw- Joyce, T.A. (Joint author) Guinea", 4: 93-6. 1907 see 1907 Sellgman, C.G. and Joyce, T.A. Jong, J.P.B. de Josselin de 3ee Jo sselin de Jong, J.P.B . de. Jueptner, H. see Jtlptner, H. Jong, W. de 1955 Veeteelt in Nieuw-Guinea; het Jufuway, F.T.J. gemengde b e d rijf vormt de I960 Verslag van een "imo" ritu e e l oplosslng. Nederlamds Nieuw- te Boachai. Nieuw-Guinea Guinea, 3(2): 22-3. studife'n, 4; 189-213- Jongejans, J. 1960a De geschiedenis en het ontstaan 1921/22 Eenige mededeelingen omtrent den van Imo onder het volk der onbekenden stam der "Oerlngoep" Marinds. Nieuw-Guinea studife'n, in Centraal Nieuw-Guinea. Indife', 4: 297-308. 5: 564-7, 588-91, 596-604, 634-8 , 664-8. Julius, C.F.W. I960 Notes on land arrangements, Jonxls, J.H.P. and others gardening and hunting in Papua 1958 Absence of abnormal haemoglobins and New Guinea. Paper delivered in some groups of the Papuan at the UNESCO Symposium on the population of Dutch New Guinea. impact of man on humid tropics Nature, l8 l: 1279. vegetation. Goroka, T erritory of Papua and New Guinea: 113-8. Sponsored by the Administration Jose, A.W. and C arter, H.J. (eds. ) of the T erritory of Papua and 1926 The Australian Encyclopaedia. New Guinea and UNESCO Science Sydney, Angus & Robertson, Co-operation Office for South 2 v o ls., 768, 748 pp. see East Asia. Canberra, Government 1926 Thorpe, W.W. P rin ter, 402 pp. 130 1960a Comments in general discussion. Kaberry, Phyllis M. UNESCO Symposium on the impact 1940/41 The Abelam tribe, Sepik o f man on humid tr o p ic s D istrict, New Guinea: a vegetation. Comments made in the preliminary report. Oceania, general discussion following 11: 233-58, 345-67. the section titled: The effect of fire used by early man on the vegetation of the humid tropics. 1941/42 Law and political organisation General discussion. Goroka, of the Abelam tribe, New Guinea. Territory of Papua and New Oceania, 12: 79-95, 209-25, Guinea: 133-47. Sponsored by 331- 6 3 . the Administration of the Territory of Papua and New Kaeppler, Adrienne L. Guinea and UNESCO Science Co­ operation Office for South East see Käppler, Adrienne L. Asia. Canberra, Government Printer, 402 pp. Kaernbach, L. see Kärnbach, L. Julius, Charles 1949 Educational problems in Papua - New Guinea, in: Year Book of Kamma, F.C . Education, Chap. 4. London, 1939/ ) Levend heidendom. Tijdschrift Evans Bros., 660 pp.; also 40 ) "Nieuw-Guinea", 4: 206-13, Colonial review, 6(4): H I-3. 1940/1) 247-58, 320-33; 5: 22-35, 69- 90, 117-35. 1950 Anthropologist's report, in: Report of the New Guinea 1947/ 8) De verhouding tussen Tidore Nutrition Survey Expedition, 1948/9) en de Papoese eilanden in 1947 (Part 2): 31-70. Sydney, legende en historie, I, II, Government Printer, 308 pp. III and IV. Indonesia, 1: 361-70, 536-59; 2: 177-88, i960 Malinowski's Trobriand Islands. 256-75. Journal of the public service of the Territory of Papua and 1951/52 Verslag van een bezoek aan de New Guinea, 2: 5-13 (pt. 1)» Karoners en de beklimming van 57-64 (pt. 2). het Tamrau-Gebergte (Vogelkop N.-Nieuw-Guinea) van 23 Juli - 1962 Cargo cults in Papua and New 7 Augustus 1934. Tijdschrift Guinea. Australian territories, "Nieuw-Guinea", 12: 1-8, 47-9, 2(4): 14-20. 102- 11.

Jung, E. 1952 Messianic movements in western New Guinea. International review 1902 Britisch-Neuguinea. Deutsche of missions, 41: 148-60. Kolonialzeitung, 15(32) (new series): 318* 1953 Toekomstverwachtingen bij Papoea's. Schäkels, 62 1902a Grossbritannien: Britisch- (NG3): 10-3. Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonial­ zeitung, 15(41) (new series): 408-9. 1953a Sociale vraagstukken in Nieuw- Guinea: I and II. Schäkels, 71 (NG7): 1-10. Jungm lchel 1862 De St. Davids- of Mapla-eilanden, 1953h Sociaal-economische ontwikkeling benoorden Nieuw-Guinea. Tijd-r in Nieuw-Guinea. Schäkels, 71 schrift voor Indische taal-, ( NG7): 1 1 -5 . land- en volkenkunde, 11: 155-6. 1953c Gezinsproblemen in Nieuw-Guinea. J tfp tn e r, H. and o th e rs Schäkels, 71(NG7): 16-20. 1958/59 The b lo o d -g ro u p s o f some n a tiv e inhabitants of the Gulf D istrict 1953) Zending, in: W.C. Klein (ed.), New Guinea. Oceania, 29: 123-6. 1954) Nieuw Guinea, vol. 1: 82-159 • 's-Gravenhage, Staatsdrukkerij- Jutting W.S.S. Benthem en uitgeversbedrijf, 3 delen, 4;i, 470, 600 pp. see Benthem Jutting, W.S.S. 1954? De Messiaanse Kor^ri-bewegingen in het Biaks-Noemfoorse cultuur- gebied. Den Haag, J.N. Voorhoeve, 2nd edition, 250 pp.

1954 Kunst en kunstenaar op Nieuw- Guinea. Schäkels, 73(NG8): 6 - 1 0 . 131

1954a Nieuw-Guinea, Papoea , Irian, Käppler, Adrienne L. vanwaar deze namen. Schäkels, 1963 Ceremonial masks: a Melanesian 73(NG8): 11-5. art style. Polynesian society, Wellington, Journal, 72: II8 - 1955 Volksordening op Biak: Biak 38. titels. Adatrechtbundel, 45: 148-52. 1963a Papuan Gulf masks from the vil­ lage of Muru. Baessler-Archiv, 1955a Huwelijksrecht op Biak. 11 (neue Folge): 361-73* Adatrechtbundel, 45: 487-91. Karlks, Jekabs 1955b lets over erfrecht op Biak. 1955/56 Organization of blood transfus­ Adatrechtbundel, 45: 536. ion service in Kieta sub­ district, Bougainville. Papua 1956 Godsdienstig leven in Noord- and New Guinea medical journal, Nieuw-Guinea. Schäkels, NNG, 1(3): 98-100. 25: 26-9. 1957 Tropical ulcer amongst the 1956a Gemeenschapszin bij Papoea's. natives of New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 346-50. Schäkels, NNG, 25: 30-5.

i960 Psychische spanningen bij mensen 1960 Kwashiorkor in the highlands of van Noord Nieuw-Guinea, vroeger New Guinea. Papua and New Guinea en nu. Schäkels, NNG, 40: 20-5. medical journal, 4: 5 -1 8 and 4 tables. 1962 Ontmoetingen met het verleden in 1960a Hepato-splenomegaly associated Nieuw-Guinea. Schäkels, NNG, 52: with anaemia in New Guinea 22-8 . natives. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 730-3 and 8 Kamma, F.C. (joint author) tables. 1958 see 1958 Galls, K.W. and Kamma, F.C. 1961 Serum protein values in New Guinea highland natives. Kamma, F.C. and others Medical journal of Australia, 2 : 3 0 5 -7 and 1 table. 1953 Kruis en Korwar; een honderdjarig vraagstuk op Nieuw Guinea. Den 1962 Some observations on serum Haag, J.N. Voorhoeve, 285 pp. protein levels in Kwashiorkor and their changes during Kämpen, Anthony van treatment. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 411-4 and 4 1956 Wijkende wildernis onder kanni- tables. balen en Christen-Papoea's. Amsterdam, C. de Boer, 2nd edition, 280 pp. Kariks, Jekabs and Clatworthy, J. I960 Laboratory investigation: serum 1957 Afrekening met een legende. bilirubin values in healthy Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 5(1): Goroka natives. Papua and New 2-5- Guinea medical journal, 4: 67-70 and 1 table. 1957a Lepra ... melaatsheid. Neder­ lands Nieuw-Guinea, 5(2) : 1-5. Kariks, Jekabs and Hipsley, Eben H. 1961 Serum protein levels in mothers 1958 Jungle, (contains "jungle and new-born infants: a compar­ Pimpernel", "Het laatste bivak", ison of New Guineans with White "De verloren vallei".) Australians. Medical journal of Hilversum, C. de Boer, 6 th Australia, 1: 8 5 3 -6 . edition, 636 pp. Kariks, Jekabs (joint author) Kan, C.M. I960 see i960 Barnicot, N.A. and l877 De reis der "Soerabaija" naar Kariks, J. Nieuw-Guinea, 11 Nov. 1875 - 20 Maart 1 8 7 6 . Nederlandsch Kariks, Jekabs and others aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 2: 1 9 5 7 /5 8 Bloodgroups of the native 175-89. inhabitants of Bougainville, New Guinea. Oceania, 28: 146-58. Kaolea, Golpaik

I960 Why do the people of the south 1958/59 A study of the heights, weights, coast of New Britain have black haemoglobin values and blood teeth? Journal of the public groups of the natives of the service of the Territory of Goilala sub-district, Papua. Papua and New Guinea, 2: 25. Oceania, 2 9 : 117-22. 132 1959/60 A study of some physical Karutz, Richard characteristics of the Goroka 1899 Drei Knochengeräthe von den natives, New Guinea. Oceania, Anachoreten. Internationales 30: 225-36. Archiv für Ethnographie, 12: 146-8. Karius, C.H. 1926 Vocabulary: Western Division. l899a Zur Ethnographie der Matty- Papua. Annual report for 1924- Insel. Internationales 25: 73, (App. A). Archiv für Ethnographie, 12: 2 1 8 - 2 3 . 1926a Vocabulary: Western Division. Papua. Annual report for 1924- 1900 Mittheilung über Gegenstände von der Oster-Insel etc. 25: 74-5, 'Arp. C). Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 13: 201. 1928 Attempt to cross New Guinea from the Fly to the Sepik by Karius 1900a Weitere Bemerkungen zur Ethno­ and Champion, failed on account graphie der Matty-Insel. Inter­ of lack of supplies. Papua. nationales Archiv für Ethno­ Annual report for 1926-27: 6, graphie, 13: 217-23. (App. A). 1903 Engano-Popolo: Malaiische Ein­ 1929 Expedition across the island of flüsse im Bismarck-Archipel. New Guinea (and) report on the Globus, 83(2): 26-30. crossing of New Guinea. Papua. Annual report for 1927-28: 87- 108, (App. D). Kasberg, P. 1952 Herorientatie van de volksop- 1929a Exploration in the interior of voeding in Nieuw-Guinea. Papua and north-east New Guinea: Schäkels, 59(NG2): 22-5- the sources of the Fly, Palmer, Strickland and Sepik rivers. 1956? Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea; een Geographical journal, 74: 305- land in opbouw. (Uitgegeven in 22. samenwerking met het Nationaal Nieuw Guinea Comity.) Den Haag, Karius, C.H. and Champion, Ivan F. J.N. Voorhoeve, 123 pp. 1928 Report of north-west patrol, 3rd December 1926, to 10th Kasprusch, A. June 1927, and sub-patrol, 1st May to 14th July 1927. 1940/41 Der grosse "prähistorische" Papua. Annual report for Steinmörser in Atemble am 1926-27: 91-101, (App. A). m ittleren Ramu-river in Neuguinea. Anthropos, 35- 36: 647-54. Kärnbach, L. 1893 Eine Bootsfahrt durch den 1942-51 The languages of the Mugil Huongolf in Kaiser Wilhelms­ 1946-9) d istrict, NE-New Guinea (and) land. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Corrections to the article 6(13) (new series): 170-3. "Languages of Mugil d istrict". Anthropos, 37-40: 711-78; 41- l893a Eine botanische Weihnachts- 44: 370. Exkursion in Neu-Guinea. Gartenflora, 42: 4-7. Kate, Herman ten l893b Geographisches: Expeditionen. 1897 Brieven van R.P. le Cocq Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser d1Armandville. Tijdschrift Wilhelmsland, 9: 43-5. voor Indische taal-, land­ en volkenkunde, 50: 214-38. 1893) Arbeiteranwerbung. Nachrichten 1894) aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, Kave, S. (joint author) 9: 27-9; 10: 33- 1954 see 1954 Latoro, S. and Kave, S. Karstedt-Steglitz 1914 Der Krieg und die deutschen Kay, B.U. K o lo n ien . Im A u ftrag d e r 1937 Rafting down the Markham. Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft Walkabout, 3(7): 32-3. bearbeitet.. .Deutsch-Neuguinea. D eutsche K o lo n ia lz e itu n g , 31 (33): 565-6. Keane, A.H. I88O Relations of the Indo-Chinese Karstei, H.R. and inter-oceanic races and languages. Anthropological i960 see I960 Rappard, F.W. institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London, Journal, 9: 254-89. 133 Keelan, A.J. I960 Notes on the origin and intro­ duction of the basic food crops 1929 In the land of Dohori. Sydney, of the New Guinea people. Paper Angus & Robertson, 302 pp. delivered at the UNESCO Sympos­ ium on the impact of man on Keelan, J .F. humid tropics vegetation. Goroka, Territory of Papua and 1912 Magisterial report, Ioma, New Guinea: 76-85- Sponsored Mambare Division. Papua. by the Administration of the Annual report for 1911-12: Territory of Papua and New 134-5. Guinea and UNESCO Science Co­ operation Office for South Keesing, Felix M. East Asia. Canberra, Government 1930 Government of Pacific depend­ Printer, 402 pp. encies. Pacific affairs, 3: 448-59. 1960a Social organisation and land use patterns with special reference 1932 Education and native peoples. to Indonesia. Paper delivered at Pacific affairs, 5: 675-88. the UNESCO Symposium on the impact of man on humid tropics vegetation. Goroka, Territory 1941 The South Seas in the modern of Papua and New Guinea: 127-32. world. Institute of Pacific Sponsored by the Administration relations, International of the Territory of Papua and research series. New York, New Guinea and UNESCO Science John Day Co., 1945» revised Co-operation Office for South edition, xxiv and 391 pp. East Asia. Canberra, Government Printer, 402 pp. 1944 Extension Work in Pacific Islands. Rural sociology, 9(4): 311-27. Kellar, Albert G. 1902 The beginnings of German 1950 Some notes on early migrations colonization. Yale review, in the southwest Pacific area. 10: 30-52. Southwestern journal of anthro pology, 6 : 101-19. 1902a The colonial policy of the Germans. Yale review, 10: 1951 Some notes and suggestions 390-415. regarding conservation of important archaeological sites Kennedy, C.E. and objects in south Pacific territories. South Pacific 1896 Notes on native land tenure commission, Technical papers, and other customs of the 16: i-vii and 1-9; also South natives of Taupota and neighbour­ Pacific commission, Project hood. British New Guinea. Annual S.10, Report No. 1. report for 1894-95: 38-9 , (App. R ). 1952 Research opportunities in New Guinea. Southwestern journal Kennedy, R.J. of anthropology, 8 : 1 0 9 -3 3 . 1895 Report on the Eastern Division. British New Guinea. Annual 1 952a The Papuan Orokaiva vs Mt. report for 1893-94: 71-2, Lamington: cultural shock and (App. S). its aftermath. Human organis­ ation, 1 1 (1 ): 1 6 -2 2 . Kent Hughes, Mary Keesing, Marie M. I960 Progress in Papua. 1944 Pacific islands in war and Walkabout, 26(7): 30-2. peace. American Council, Institute of Pacific relat­ Keogh, Sean ions, Pamphlet No. 14. New York, 64 pp. 1948 Everything is temporary in post­ war Moresby. Walkabout, 14(6): 9-12. Kelter, P. 1935 Unterkiefer aus Australien und Keon-Cphen, B.T. (Joint author) Neuguinea aus dem Nachlasse Rudolf Pöchs. Zeitschrift für 1944 see 1944 Lawes, C.H.W. Morphologie und Anthropologie, and Keon-Cohen, B.T. 33: 190-223. Kerckhoff, C.E.P. Keleny, G.P. 1891 Eenige mededeelingen en 1951 Economic development and native opmerkingen betreffende de welfare. South Pacific, 4(13): slavernij in Nederlandsch- 249-50. Indife' en hare afschaffing. Indische gids, 1 3 (1 ): 742- 69. 134

Kern, H. 1912 Vom Sattelberg zum Markham. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 1895 Review of the "Study of the 44: 558-84. languages of Torres Straits, with vocabularies and grammat­ ical notes. Part In. (Ray sind 1915 Die erste Ersteigung der Haddon 1895«) Internationales östlichen Gipfel des Finister- Archiv für Ethnographie, 6: regebirges (Kaiser-Wilhelms- 181-2. Land). Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 59 (pt. 2): 177-81. 1900 Over de taal der Jotafa's aan de Humboldtbaai. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 1924 Mission work among primitive 51: 159-57. peoples in New Guinea. International review of missions, Kernkamp, W.A.J. 13: 426-35- 1954 Some aspects of Dutch policy 1925 Wörterbuch der Kate-Sprache, in overseas territories. gesprochen in Neuguinea. South Pacific, 7(8): 798- Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen­ 805. sprachen, 7 -Beiheft. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Kerr, John R. Vohsen) A.G., xi and 612 pp. 1958 The political future, in: John Wilkes (ed.), New Guinea 1929 Eine Papuagemeinde. Kassel, and Australia: 158-75. Sydney, Bärenreiter-Verlag, 249 pp. Angus & Robertson, 246 pp. 1941 Die Papua in Neuguinea als 1959 White boycott in New Guinea. Arbeiter und Produzenten Pacific affairs, 32(4): 401-9. landwirtschaftlicher Erzeugnisse. Koloniale Rundschau, No. 32 (2): 1962 An Australian view, in: New 103-14. Guinea, a series of lectures given in September 1961 to the N.S.W. branch of the Kidson, Chev Australian institute of 1961 Erythrocyte glucose-6 -phosphate international affairs: 31-48. dehydrogenase deficiency in Sydney, Anglican Press, 48 pp. New Guinea and New Britain. Nature, 190: 1120-1. Kersten, H.E. 1915 Die Tuberkulose in Kaiser- 1961a Deficiency of glucose-6 -phosphate Wilhelms-Land (Deutsch- dehydrogenase: some aspects of Neuguinea). Archiv für the trait in people of Papua-New Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene, Guinea. Medical journal of 19(4): 1 0 1 -8 . Australia, 2: 506-9 and tables.

Kessel, C.H. van Kidson, Chev (joint author) 1961 De Casuarinenkust. Nieuw- 1962 see 1962 Gorman, J.G. Guinea studiön, 5: 277-500. and Kidson, C.

Kessler, T.J.B. Kidson, Chev and Gorman, J.G. 1949/50 Schema voor een cooperatieve 1962 Contribution of red cell enzyme nederzetting van Nederlandse deficiency trait to an under­ en Indo-Europeese bevolkings- standing of genetic relation­ groepen op Nieuw-Gulnea. ships between Melanesian and Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Gulnea", other populations. American 10: 68-75. journal of physical anthropol­ ogy, 20: 557-63. Ketten, J. van Kienzle, W. and Campbell, Stuart 1956 De kindersterftebestrijding. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 4 1957/58 Notes on the natives of the (5 ): 6-11. Fly and Sepik river headwaters, New Guinea. Oceania, 8 : 465-81. Keuning, J. Kijne, I.S. 1961 Nederlandse strafrechtspraak aan de Wisselmeren (Centraal 1955 Hollandia, een samenleving in Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea). opbouw. Schäkels, 7l(NG7): Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ 26 -3 0 . en volkenkunde, 1 1 7 : 2 5 -5 0 .

1953) Onderwijs en volksopvoeding. in: Keysser, Christian 1954) W.C. Klein (ed. ), Nieuw Guinea, 1911 Aus dem Leben der Kaileute. vol. 3 : 302-45. 's-Gravenhage, in: R. Neuhauss, Deutsch Neu- Staatsdrukkerij- en uitgevers- Guinea, vol. 3: 5-242. Berlin, bedrijf, 3 delen, 491, 470, Dietrich Reimer A.G., 5 vols., 600 pp. 554, 556, 572 pp. 135 1955 Oude en nleuw e v reugde in Kirchhoff, A. Wandammen. N ed erlan d s Nieuw- 1900 Aus dem a m tlic h e n J a h r e s b e r ic h t Guinea, 3(l): 2-3- Uber die Entwicklung der deutschen Schutzgebiete in der 1955a Geestelijk en maatschappelijk Zeit von Mitte 1898 bis Mitte werk in Nieuw-Guinea. Schäkels, 1899. 4. Bismarck-Archipel, NNG, 17: 12-6. Salomonsinseln und Kaiser- Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 13(3) (new I960 De Wandammenbaai in Nieuw-Guinea series): 24. vroeger en nu. Schäkels, NNG, 42: 3 5 -4 0 . Kirschbaum, Franz J. 1961 Een nieuwe tijd voor de 1910 Klassifikation und Name des Volkeren van Nederlands Nieuw- Stammes der "Malol", Guinea. Schäkels, NNG, 47: 3-7- Berlinhafen-Bezirk, Deutsch Neu-Guinea. Anthropos, 5: 251* 1962 Volksgemeenschappen in beweging. Schäkels, NNG, 50: 3-44. 1921/22 Sprachen- und Kulturgruppierungen in Deutsch-Neuguinea. Anthropos, 16-17: 1052-3. King, Copland 1894 Vocabulary of words spoken by 1926 Miscellanea aus Neuguinea. tribes of Wedau, Wamira and Anthropos, 21: 274-7. Jiwari, Bartle Bay, on the north east coast of British New Guinea. B ritish New Guinea. 1927 Ein neuentdeckter Zwergstamm auf Annual report for 1892-93: Neu-Guinea. Anthropos, 22: 202- 92-100, (App. W). 15.

1895 Notes on tabu in Wedau and 1934 N euguinea a u f dem I n te r n a tio n a le n Wamira, Bartle Bay, British Anthropologen- und Ethnologen- New Guinea. B ritish New Guinea. Kongress in London, 1934. Annual report for 1893-94: 76- Anthropos, 29: 817-8. 7, (App. V). 1934a Distribution of languages and 1896 Notes on native land tenure and cultures in northern New Guinea. other customs of the Bartle Bay Congres international des district. B ritish New Guinea. sciences anthropologiques et Annual report for 1894-95: 37- ethnologiques, Compte-rendu de 8, (App. Q). la premiere session London 1934: 187-8. Londres, Institut Royal d 'Anthropologie, xxxii and 1913 The Baigona cult. Papua. Annual 340 pp. report for 1912-13: 154-5, ( App. A) . 1936 Pygmies of Ramu-river, N.G. Pacific islands monthly, 7(4): King, Joseph 31. "Zur E rfo rsch u n g d e r Ramu- Pygmäen, Neuguinea", 1937. 1909 W.G. Lawes o f Savage Is la n d and New G uinea. London, The (German transl.) Anthropos, 32: Religious Tract Society, 388 pp. 661- 2 . 1938 Über Zahlensysteme im Zentral­ King, Stuart gebirge von Neuguinea. Anthropos, i960 On native art. Journal of the 33: 278-9- public service of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 2: Kirtley, Basil Fleming 107-11. 1955 A motif-index of Polynesian, Melanesian and Micronesian Kingston, D.J. narratives. Ph.D. thesis, i960 The physical processes involved Indiana University, 687 pp. in subsistence agriculture and the necessity therefor. Paper delivered at the UNESCO Kjersmeier, Carl Symposium on th e im pact o f man 1948 Ny Guineas Kunst. (Art in New on humid tropics vegetation. Guinea.) K^benhavn, Jul. Goroka, Territory of Papua and Gjellerups Forlag, 24 pp., and New Guinea: 232-5- Sponsored by 24 reproductions. the Administration of the Territory of Papua and New Klaff1, John, and Vormann, Friedrich G uinea and UNESCO S cien ce Co­ 1905 Die Sprachen des Berlinhafen- operation Office for South East Bezirks in Deutsch-Neuguinea. Asia. Canberra, Government Berlin. Universität. Seminar Printer, 402 pp. für orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, Mitteilungen, 8: 1- 138. 136 Klatzo, Igor and others 1949/50 Arbeidstoestanden in Australisch Nieuw-Guinea. T ijdschrift 1959 Pathology of Kuru disease. "Nieuw-Guinea", 10: 86-7» 101- Journal of neuropathology 8; also Sociaal spectrum van and experimental neurology, Indonesia, 1948 (November). 18 : 335 -6 . 1949/ De zogenaamde "Highlands" in 1959a Pathology of Kuru. Laboratory 50a Australisch Nieuw-Guinea. investigation, 8: 799-847. T ijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 10: 126-9, 176-81, 211-5. Kleckham, F. 1952 New Guinea's Micronesian 1950/51 Nederlands- en Australisch Nieuw- outpost. Admiralties: Ninigo Guinea, economisch-, sociaal en and Hermit groups, Wuvulu cultureel beschouwd. Verslag van (Maty) Island, Aua Island. een le z in g door Dr. I r . W.C. Walkabout, 18(5): 29-30. Klein, gehouden voor de Nieuw- Guinea Studiekring. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 11: 3O-3. Klein, William Carel 1936/37 Welke onbekende gebieden van 1951 The future of West New Guinea: Nederlandsch Nieuw Guinea a Dutch view. World today, 7: moeten thans het eerst worden 124-36. onderzocht? Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 1: 225-33. 1953 Exploratie van onbekend Nieuw- Guinea, I, II, III. Schäkels, 1937 Actueele vraagstukken in verband 67(NG5): 2-13. met Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, T ijdschrift, 54 1953) Handel, in: W.C. Klein (ed.), (2nd series): 132-4. 1954) Nieuw Guinea, vol. 3: 473- 600. 's-Gravenhage, Staatsdruk- kerij- en uitgeversbedrijf, 3 1937a Activity in Dutch New Guinea. delen, 491, 470, 600 pp. Pacific islands monthly, 7 (12) : 42-4. 1956 Bevolkingsmigratie in Belgisch Congo en in Nederlands Nieuw- 1937/38 Vlakten in het binnenland van Guinea en de discussies op de den Vogelkop op Nieuw Guinea. recente internationale Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", Afrikaanse Studiedagen te Gent. 2 : 1 5 1 - 6 . Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geographie, 47: 37-48. 1938/39 Dwarsdal door het Sneeuwgebergte. Berichten van Luitenant van 1957 Gouvernementsperiodieken voor de Arcken over de Amerikaansch- ontwikkeling van de inheemse Nederlandsche expeditie naar bevolking in Belgisch-Congo en het gebied tusschen de Idenburg- Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea. Nieuw- rlvier en Wilhelminatop op Guinea studife'n, 1: 205-12. Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 3: 479-85. Klein, William Carel (ed.) 1947/48 Plannen in Australisch Nieuw- 1953) Nieuw Guinea; de ontwikkeling Guinea na den oorlog. 1954) op economised, sociaal, en T ijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", cultureel gebied, in Nederlands en Australisch 8(1): 23-7. Nieuw Guinea. 's-Gravenhage, Staatsdrukkerij- en uitgevers­ 1947/ Economische hulp voor de bedrijf, 3 delen, 491, 470, 48a binnenland-stammen van Nieuw- 600 pp.; see Guinea. T ijdschrift "Nieuw- 1953) Baal, J. van., Bierdrager, J. Guinea", 8: 33-42, 74-80. 1954) and Rook, H. de., Boelaars, J.H.M.C., Boldingh, L.G., 1947/ Plannen van resident van Eechoud Filet, R.E., Galls, K.W., 48b inzake de ontwikkellng van Hoogenband, C. van den., Nieuw-Guinea. Indonesia, 1: 178- Kamma, F .C ., K ijn e, I . S . , 87. K le in , W.C., K le in , W.C. and Kuysten, A.F., Schumacher, 1947/ Opmerkingen in het Nieuw-Guinea C., Verschueren, J., Wilde 48c rapport van de heer van Eechoud, de Ligny, H.J. de and others; resident van dat gewest, over 1953) 0 Baal, J. van. sociale en economische vraag­ 1954) a stukken. Indonesia, 1: 371-9* Klein, William Carel and Kuysten, A.F. 1948/9) Voor geestelijke en economische 1953) Beschouwingen over toekomstige 1949/ ) ontwikkeling van de bevolking 1954) industriemogelijkheden. in: 50 ) van Nieuw-Guinea is een voort- W.C. Klein (ed.), Nieuw Guinea, zetting van het bestuur door vol. 3: 385-472. 's-Gravenhage, Nederland het verkieselijkste. Staatsdrukkerij- en T ijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 9: uitgeversbedrijf, 3 delen, 186-91; 10: 10-8. 491, 470, 600 pp. 137

Klein, William Carel and others Klittke, M. 1955) Nieuw Guinee. Amsterdam, J.H. 1894 Dr. Hagens Reisen auf den 1937) Debussy, 3 vols., xvi, 378 pp.; Salomons-Inseln. Globus, 1938) xvi, 379-816 pp.; xix, 817- 65: 156-62. 1299 PP; (published under the auspices of the Molukken Kloppert, J.J. Instituut). 1957 Opvoeding to t autonomie. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Kleintitschen, August 5 (2 ): 6-8 . 1906 Die Küstenbewohner der Gazelle­ halb in sel (Neupommern - deutsche Klug Südsee): ihre Sitten und Gebräuche. Hiltrup bei Münster, 1913 Bericht über die W itu-Inseln. Herz-Jesu-Missionshaus, viii Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet and 360 pp. Deutsch-Neuguinea, 5(23): 272-4, (24): 278-81. 1924 Mythen und Erzählungen eines Melanesierstammes aus Papara­ Klug and Wiek tava, Neupommern, Südsee. 1914 Die W itu-Inseln. Deutsches Anthropos-ethnologische Biblio­ Kolonialblatt, 25: 93-8. thek, vol. 2(4). Mödling bei Wien, Anthropos Administration, 509 PP- Kluge, Theodor 1941 Die Zahlenbegriffe der Sprachen Kleiweg de Zwaan, J.P . Central- und SUdostasiens, Indonesiens, Micronesiens, 1917/18 Kunstmatige schedelvervorming Melanesiens und Polynesiens mit b ij de inlanders van den Nachträgen zu den Bänden 2-4. Indischen Archipel. Nederlands Ein fünfter Beitrag zur Indiö (oud en nieuw), 2: 279- G eistesgeschichte des Menschen 302. nebst einer principiellen Untersuchung Uber die Ton­ 1929 Dwergstammen in den Indischen sprachen. Berlin. (Original was Archipel. Indische gids, 51 a ty p escrip t, v i ii and 501 pp., (1 ): 187-92. held at Harvard.).

1930 B ijgeloof in den Indischen 1942 Völker und Sprachen von Neu- Archipel inzake overspei. Guinea. Petermanns Geographische Nederlandsch aardrijkskun- Mitteilungen, 8 8 : 241-53. dig genootschap, Amsterdam, Ti jd s c h rift, 47 (2nd s e r ie s ): 188- 21 1 . Klute, Fritz (ed.) 1930 Handbuch der geographischen 1955 Anthropologische beschouwingen Wissenschaft; see 1930 betreffende de dwergvolken. Behrmann, W. Mens en maatschappij, 30: 351- 71. Kniphorst, J.H.P.E. 1883 Een körte terugbllk op de 1955/56 The Papuans of Dutch New Guinea; Molukken en Noordwestelijk a physico-anthropological Nieuw-Guinea. Indische survey. A ntiquity and survival, gids, 5(2): 293-346, 465- 1(5): 321-42. 527.

Knol, K.J.S. 1957 De betrekking tussen mens, dier en plant in het volksgeloof der 1959 Pedagogiek in de p ra k tijk . I inheemsen van de Indonesische and II. Schäkels, NNG, 3 0 : Archipel en Nieuw-Guinea. Mens 16-25. en maatschappij, 3 2 : 13- 2 1 , 110-17, 216-30. Kobayashi, Hiroshi 1949 Finger- and palm -prints of the Klieneberger, Hans Rudolf Papuan trib e s (Western New 1957 Bibliography of oceanic Guinea); (Racial biological lin g u is tic s . London o rien tal study of the Papua tribes - bibliographies, vol. 1: 22- II.part.) Seventh Pacific 6 9 . London, Oxford U niversity science congress 1949, Press, 143 pp. Auckland and Christchurch, N.Z., Proceedings, 7: 26-30. Klink Köbben, A.J.F. 1909 Die Insel Luf. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 20: 405-6. i 960 Prophetic movements as an expression of social protest. Internationales Archiv für 1909a Herr Landmesser Klink b e ric h te t Ethnographie, 49: 117-64. über die Insel Paak. Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet Deutsch- Neuguinea, 1(5): 34-5. 138 Kobus, T. 1886a Von Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung,- 1955 Het schoolleven te Taminabuan. 3(13): 420-1. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 3(3): 1 8 -9 . Kohl, L. Koch, J.W.R. 1909 Herr Dipl.Ing. L. Kohl berichtet über eine nach Bougainville 1906 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der unternommene D ienstreise. Anthropologie der Bewohner Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet von Niederländisch Neuguinea Deutsch-Neuguinea, 1(21): 162-4. (Südliche Küste). Petrus Camper, 4: 202-14; "Bijdrage tot de anthropologie der K ohler, J . bewoners van zuidwest Nieuw- 1894 Ueber das Recht der Papuas auf Guinea", 1908. (Dutch transl.), Neu-Guinea. Zeitschrift für in: De zuidwest Nieuw-Guinea- vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, expeditie 1904/5: 357-97* 7 : 369-80. Leiden, E.J. B rill, 677 PP* 1901 Ueber den Geisterglauben der 1908 De gezondheidstoestand te Naturvölker. Archiv für Kiroero (Etnabaai) gedurende Religionswissenschaft, 4: den landtocht; medische 338-48. opmerkingen omtrent de Papoea's van Merauke. in: De zuidwest Nieuw-Guinea-expeditie 1904/5: 1910 Zu den Ausführungen Thurnwalds 433-47. Leiden, E.J. B rill, über die Verwandtschaftsnamen 677 PP* der Bewohner von Buin. Zeit­ schrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, 23: 365-70. 1908a Ethnographisch verslag; met naschrift en aanteekening door G.P. Rouffaer. in: De zuidwest 1911 Über die Rechte melanesicher Nieuw-Guinea-expeditie 1904/5: Stämme au f Neu G uinea. Z e it­ 541-634. Leiden, E.J. B rill, schrift für vergleichende 677 PP* Rechtswissenschaft, 25: 241- 52. Koch, K. 1939 Totemismus und Zweiklassen in 1913 Recht auf den Salomoinseln und Neuguinea. Zeitschrift für dem B ism arc k arc h ip el nach Thurn- Ethnologie, 71: 318-85. wald. Zeitschrift für verglei­ chende Rechtswissenschaft, 29: 474 -8 . Koch, Robert (joint author) 1900 see 1900 Bennigsen, R. von Kohlschuetter, E. and Koch, R. see Kohlschütter, E. Kock, A.C. de 1912 Eenige ethnologische en anthro­ Kohlschütter, E. pologische gegevens omtrent een 1912 Bericht über die Arbeiten des dwergstam in het bergland van Hauptmanns Foerster, bei Zuid Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch Gelegenheit der Grenzfestsetzung aardrijkskundig genootschap, von Kaiser-Wilhelmsland im Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 29 Verlauf des 8.Grades südlicher (2nd series): 154-70. Breite. Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, 25 Koebben, A.J.F. (1) : 72-4. see Köbben, A.J.F. Kok, J. Seyne see Seyne Kok, J. K oenig, W. see König, W. Kolff, G.H. van der 1952 Het acculturatie-probleem en Koenigswald, G.H.R. Nieuw-Guinea. Schäkels, 59 1961 Opmerkingen over Chinese en (NG2): 13-7. Indonesische invloeden op de kunst van Nieuw Guinea. Kolk, J. van der Kultuurpatronen. (Delfts etnografisch museum), deel 1926 Marindineesche verwantschaps- 3-4: 124-40. betrekkingen. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 82: 37 -4 7 . Koenneritz, von 1886 Kolonialpolitische Vorgänge: S.M. Kreuzer "Albatross" in der Südsee. Deutsche Kolonial­ zeitung, 3(12): 365-6. 139

Kolonialwirtschaftliches Komitee, wirt­ I960 A Papuan lunar 'calendar': the schaftlicher Ausschuss der Deutschen reckoning of moons and seasons Kolonialgesellschaft by the Marind-anim of Netherlands New Guinea. Man, 1908 Guttapercha- und Kautschuk- 60: 165-8. Unternehmen in Neu-Guinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 25(47): 824-6. 1960a The art of Lake Sentani. New York, Museum of Primitive Art, 64 pp. König, W. (joint editor) 1961 see 1961 Drost, D. 1960b Oceaniö, eilandenwereld in de and König, W . zuid-west Pacific. Schäkels, NNG, 40: 3-7. Koning, D.A.P. 1905 Eenige gegevens omtrent land 1960c Melanesia, Micronesiö en en volk der noordoostkust van Polynesia. Schäkels, NNG, Ned. Nieuw-Guinea, genaamd 40: 8-11. Papoea Telandjang. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en 1960d De mensenmaatschappij in de volkenkunde, 55: 250-80 and 7 zuid-west Pacific. Schäkels, plates; also Nederlandsch NNG, 40: 14-7. aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 30: 426-8. 1962 Material aspects of the Star Mountains culture. Nova Guinea, No. 2: 15-44. Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap Kooijman, S. and Frese, H.H. 1908 De zuidwest Nieuw-Gulnea- expeditie 1904/5. Leiden, 1958 Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea in E.J. Brill, 677 pp. Leiden. De representatie van de culturen van westelijk Nieuw-Guinea in het rijks- Kooijman, S. museum voor volkenkunde. 1951 Aanwijzingen voor het verzamelen Nieuw-Guinea studlön, 2: 94- van ethnografica. Nederlands 108. Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, Kool, R. and Vollema, J.S. No. 52 : 5 PP • 1957 Het rijstproject "Koembe". Nieuw-Guinea studife'n, 1: 1952 The function and significance 213-24. of some ceremonial clubs of the Marind-Anlm, Dutch New Guinea. Koops, J.H.A. Man, 52: 97-9. 1957 Het Frederik Hendrik-eiland. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 5 1955? De kunst van Nieuw-Guinea. Den Haag, Servire, I35 pp. (5): 8-9.

Koops Dekker, A.G. 1955 Population study of the Marind- Anim. South Pacific commission, 1951/52 Beschouwing over woningbouw Quarterly bulletin, 5(l) : 21-4. op Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 12: 215-26. 1955a Zuid-Nieuw-Guinea en zijn bevolking. I, II and III. Kooyman, S. Schäkels, NNG, 19: 5-20. see Kooijman, S.

1955/56 Art of southwestern New Guinea: Kopp, Karl a preliminary survey. Antiquity and survival, 1: 543-72. 1915 Zur Frage des Bevölkerungsrück­ ganges in Neupommern. Archiv für Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene, 1956 Revolutie in het leven van de 17(21): 729-50. Marind. Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, 4(6): 2-4. 1921 Die Lebensaussichten der grossen Völkerschaften in Deutsch- 1959 Population research project Neuguinea, gemessen an der among the Marind-Anim and Jeei- Proliferation. Koloniale Nan peoples in Netherlands Rundschau, (1921): 119-25. South New Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studlön, 3: 9-43* Koppenhagen, Conrad 1959a A problem piece from New Guinea. 1922 Reisen im Markham-Ramu-Gebiet, Man, 59: 16. Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land, Neu- Guinea. Gesellschaft für 1959b Kunstvormen in Ned. Nieuw- Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, Guinea. Schäkels, NNG, 32: No. 3-4: 145-7. 9-17. 140 Köppers, W. 1894a Native habits and customs of the Mekeo district. British New 1936 Der Totemismus als menschheitsge­ Guinea. Annual report for 1892- schichtliches Problem. Anthropos, 93: 61-5, (App. S). 51s 159-76.

Köppers, W. (ed.) 1894b Account of a visit to the villages of the Upper Angabunga 1928 see 1928 Schmidt, W. River, also a small vocabulary of the area. British New Guinea Annual report for 1892-95: 107- Korn, V.E. 14, (App. Z). 1955 Nieuw-Guinea, een balans en een programma. Bijdragen tot 1895 Report of the government agent de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, for the Mekeo district. British 1 1 1 : 385-412. New Guinea. Annual report for l893~94: 58-60, (App. N). 1956 Een aanvulling o p : Nieuw- Guinea, een balans en een 1897 Report of the government agent programma. Bijdragen tot de for the Mekeo district. British taal-, land- en volkenkunde, New Guinea. Annual report for 112: 88-90. 1895-96: 77-80, (App. R).

1958 Nieuw agrarisch recht voor 1897a Report of a visit to villages Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. in the Mt. Yule ranges, Sept. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ 1895. British New Guinea. en volkenkunde, 114: 133-69* Annual report for 1895-96: 87-9, (App. V). Kornmaier 1904 Bericht des Bezirksamtmanns Kraemer, Augustin Dr. Kornmaier über eine Reise see Krämer, Augustin. nach der St. Matthias-Insel­ gruppe. Deutsches Kolonial­ blatt, 15: 540, 543. Krämer, Augustin n.d. Kaiser-Wilhelmsland und die Kornmaier (Kornmajer?) Inselwelt im Stillen Ozean, in: A.D. Kurd Schwabe (ed. ), 1905 Expedition nach Neu-Mecklenburg- T)Te Deutschen Kolonien, vol. 2: Süd. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 69-116. Berlin, Weller & 22(20): 195-6 . Hüttich, 2 vols., 160, 164 pp.

1905a Expedition nach Neu-Mecklenburg- 1905 Das neue Kolonialalphabet in Süd. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, seiner Anwendung auf die 1 6 : 300-1 . SUdsee. Globus, 87(17): 293-5.

Koster, G.J. 1908 Wuvulu und Aua (Maty- und 1942-45 Sangguma of de sluipmoord op de Durour-Insel) (Besprechung noordoostkust van Nieuw-Guinea. nebst eigenen Beobachtungen Anthropos, 37-40: 213-24; also von Dr. A. Krämer). Globus, Pacific islands monthly, 18(1): 93(16): 254-7. 86. 1911 Der Verlauf der Deutschen Kouwenhoven, W.J.H. Marine-Expedition 1907-1909* Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu 1952 A tractor goes to Sarmi Kerang. Berlin, Zeitschrift: 14-25. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 2(4): 9-10. 1915 Redet Deutsch in unsern Kolonien.' Deutsche Kolonial­ 1956? Nimboran: a study of social zeitung, 50(24): 406-7. change and social-economic development in a New Guinea 1915 Zwei sehr kleine Pygmäenschädel society. Den Haag, J.N. von Neuguinea und meine Mes­ Voorhoeve, 258 pp. sungen an Buschmännern in Südafrika 1906. Archiv für Kowald, C. Anthropologie, 15 (neue Folge): 365-70. 1893 Report of the government agent for the Mekeo district. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1927 Tombaresisches, Altes und 1891- 92: 90-1, (App. Q). Neues. Anthropos, 22: 8 0 3 -1 0 . 1894 Report of the government agent for the Mekeo district. British 1951 Die Entdeckung der Blanchebucht New Guinea. Annual report for und des Simpsonhafen (Neu- 1892- 93: 50-3, (App. M). Pommern). Koloniale Rundschau, vol. 5/6: 97-103* 141 Krämer-Bannow, Augustin Krieger, Herbert W. see Krämer, Augustin. 1932 Design areas in Oceania; based on specimens in the United S ta te s N a tio n a l Museum. Krämer-Bannow, Elisabeth Washington, Smithsonian 1916 Bei kunstsinnigen institution, Publication 2896, Kannibalen der Südsee: U n ited S ta te s N a tio n a l Museum, Wanderungen auf Neu- Proceedings, 79(30): 53 pp., Mecklenburg, 1908-1909. and 33 plates. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., 284 pp. 1943 Island peoples of the western Pacific: Micronesia and Kraetke, Reinhold Melanesia. Washington, Smithsonian institution, 1889 Reise nach den Salomons-Inseln. P u b lic a tio n 3737» War b ack ­ N a ch ric h te n aus dem K a ise r ground studies No. 16, Wilhelmsland, 5: 15-22. 104 pp.

Kramps, J.G.H. Krieger, Maximilian 1939/40 Hoe Stüber in Nieuw-Guinea het 1899 Das Schutzgebiet Neu-Gulnea. gebied der Waris pacificeerde. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 12 T ijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 4: (17) (new series): 144-5. 241-6. 1899a Über Klimaverhältnisse in Krause, Eduard Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Deutsche 1902 Ueber die Herstellung vorge­ Kolonialzeitung, 12(l8) (new schichtlicher Thongefässe. series): 152-3. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und 1899b Die Missionen von Kaiser Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: Wilhelmsland. Deutsche Kolonial­ 409-27. in: Zeitschrift für zeitung, 12(21) (new series): Ethnologie, vol. 34. 179-80.

K rause, F. 1899c Die Missionen im Bismarck- 1902 Schleudervorrichtungen für Archipel. Deutsche Kolonial- Wurfwaffen. Internationales zeitung, 12(24) (new series): Archiv für Ethnographie, 15: 208-9, (25) (new series): 219, 121-55. (26) (new series): 225, (28) (new series): 253-4. 1906 Zur Ethnographie der Insel Nissan. Leipzig. Städtisches l899d Die Umwandlung der Neu-Guinea- Museum f ü r V ölkerkunde, Kompagnie in eine Kolonial­ Jahrbuch, 1: 45-159« gesellschaft. Deutsche Kolonial­ zeitung, 12(26) (new series): Krause, R. (joint author) 231- 2 . l88l see l88l Schmeltz, J.D.E. l899e Über das Arbeitermaterial in and K rause, R. Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonial­ zeitung, 12(29) (new series): K rauss 260- 1 . 1912 Bericht des Polizeimeisters Krauss in Morobe über die l899f Über die Handelsunternehmungen, Inland Expedition zur Nord- in unseren Südseekolonien. West-Grenze vom 31.Oktober Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 12 bis 19.November 1911. (31) (new series): 277-8. Amtsblatt für das Schutz­ gebiet Deutsch-Neuguinea, 1899g Über die Kulturfähigkeit von 4 ( 1 ) : 7 -9 . Kalser-W ilhelmsland. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 12(32) (new Krayenhoff, D.A. series): 290. 1956 Het landbouwbedrljf "Koembe". Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 4(5): l899h Aus u n se ren S c h u tz g e b ie te n : 8- 11. Neues aus Neu-Guinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 12(38) (new Kremer, J . series): 354. 1923 De expeditie van 1921 op Nieuw- 18991 Aus Neu-Gulnea. Deutsche Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijks- Kolonialzeitung, 12(40) (new kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, series): 379-80. Tijdschrift, 40 (2nd series): 9 3 -4 . 1899J Über Arbeiterbehandlung und -Anwerbung in Neu-Gulnea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 12(43) (new series): 411-2. 142 1899k Neu Guinea (mit Beiträgen von 1960a West New Guinea in the crucible. Prof. A. von Danckelman, Prof. Political science quarterly, 75: F. von Luschan, Prof. 0. 519-58. Warburg). Berlin, Alfred Schall, 555 PP- 1961 Nasution, Sukarno and the West New Guinea dispute. Asian 1900 Ist eine Massen-Einwanderung survey, 1(6) : 20-4. fremder Stämme in Kaiser- Wilhelmsland zur Zeit geboten? 1961a Nationalism and politics in Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 15 West New Guinea. Pacific (2) (new series): 12. affairs, 54(1): 58-55-

1900a Über die Gesundheitsverhältnisse 1961b Recent developments in West in unseren Südsee-Schutzgebieten. New Guinea. Pacific affairs, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1 3 (2 8 ) 54(5): 279-91. (new series): 3 1 6 -7 . 1961c The acquisitive urge: a Kriele, Ed. problem in cultural change. 1927 Das Kreuz unter den Palmen: Social research, 28(1): die Rheinische Mission in 57-59, (2): 218-24. Neu-Guinea. Barmen, Verlag des Missionshauses, 200 pp. 1962 Toward "Papua Barat". Australian quarterly, 34(1): Krijger, B. 17-26. 1955 Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geogra- Kroesen, J. A. phie, 44: 37-44. 1902 De zuidkust van Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea. Indische gids, Kroeber, A.L. 24(1): 2 0 9 -2 2 , 566-8 O. 1958 Basic and secondary patterns of social structure. Royal Kroeskamp , H. anthropological institute of 1958 De plaats van de school in de Great Britain and Ireland, ontwikkeling. Schäkels, NNG, Journal, 68: 299-509- 2 8 : 12-5.

Kroeber, A.L. and Holt, Catherine 1958a Een blik op het dorpsonderwijs. 1920 Masks and moieties as a Schäkels, NNG, 28: 18-22. culture complex. Royal anthro­ pological institute of Great 1962 Grondgedachten van het onder- Britain and Ireland, Journal, wijsbeleid in Nederlands- 50: 452-60. Nieuw-Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studife’n, 6(2): 97-1 5 1 . Kroef, Justus M. van der 1952 Some head-hunting traditions of Kroll, H. southern New Guinea. American 1957 Der Inlet: das Wesen eines anthropologist, 54: 221-35, melanesischen Geheimbundes. 576-7- Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 69: 1 8 0 -2 2 0 . 1954 Western New Guinea - a biblio­ graphical note. United Asia; 1958 Das Häuten: Bemerkungen zu international magazine of Asian einem Motiv in melanesischen affairs, Bombay, 6(6): 277-84. Mythen. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 70: 562-70. 1955 Headhunting customs of southern New Guinea. United Asia; inter­ 1958a Sagen und Märchen der Bola. national magazine of Asian Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, affairs, Bombay, 7: 159-63. 70: 571-425.

1957 Patterns of cultural change in Krook, L. three primitive societies. Radja laoet en radja tanah. Social research, 24(4): 427-56. 1957 Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 5 (4) : 18-20. 1959 Culture contact and culture conflict in western New 1958 De papoease zondeval. Guinea. Anthropological Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, quarterly, 32: 134-60. 6(5): 5.

Dutch opinion on the west I960 1959 Bej Kiek en Bej Gwob, de New Guinea problem: a review. Sausafoerse vrijheidshelden. Australian outlook, 14: Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 7 269-98. (5) : 22. 143

1959a Jewisjeh en Aitoe, de Adam en Kunike, H. Eva uit de Vogelkop. Nederlands 1926/27 Die Maus und der Schmetterling. Nleuw-Guinea, 7(5): 28. (Ein Märchen aus Neuguinea). Erdball, 1: 393-^- 1962 Bakoesa, de aristocraat. Nederlands Nleuw-Guinea, Kunst, Jaap 10(2 ): 11. 1931 A study on Papuan music written at the hand of phonograms Krösschell, J.M. recorded by the ethnographer of 1961 Pacificatiewerk in het the expedition, Mr. C.C.F.M. Mamberamo-gebied. Nederlands Le Roux, and of other data by Nieuw-Gulnea, 9(3): 12-5. J. Kunst. Weltevreden (D.E.I.), G. Kolff, 97 PP. Kruijt, A .C. (joint author) 1950 De inheemse muziek in westelijk 1901 see 1901 Adriani, N. Nieuw-Guinea. Amsterdam, and Kruijt, A.C. Koninklijk Vereeniging Indisch Instituut, Mededeling No. 93* Kruyt, A.C. Afdeling Culturele en Physische see Kruijt, A.C. Anthropologie No. 3 8 . Leiden, E.J. Brill, 80 pp.

Kubary, J.S. Kunze, Georg 1888 Über die Bogadjim, Constantin- 1891 Aus Deutsch-Neu Guinea. Deutsche hafen. Nachrichten aus dem Kolonialzeitung, 4(4) (new Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 4: 20-3» series) : 50-1.

l8 8 8 a Bericht über eine Erforschung I896 Karkar- oder Dampier-Insel. in Astrolabe- und Gorima- Petermanns Geographische Gebiet. Nachrichten aus dem Mitteilungen, 42: 193-5. Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 4: 60-4. 1901 Im Dienst des Kreuzes auf Kuder, J.H.F. ungebahnten Pfaden. Schwierige 1955 see 1955 Strauss, H. and Missionsanfänge auf einsamer Kuder, J.H.P. Südsee-Insel. Gütersloh, C. Bertelsmann, 2nd edition, 4 pt. , Kuder, John 8 0 , 96, 112 and 64 pp. 1952 The lutheran mission in New Kunze, Georg (joint author) Guinea to-day. International review of missions, 4 l : 3IO-2 3 . 1893 see 1893 Bergmann, G. and Kunze, G. Kuehne see Kühne. Kurze, G. 1882 Forschungsreisen von Londoner Missionaren in Neu-Guinea Kühne während der Jahre 1877-1881. 1898 Erlebnisse in Neu-Gulnea. Geographische Gesellschaft Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, (für Thüringen) zu Jena, 11(44) (new series): 399- Mitteilungen, 1: 28-52. 402. Kuysten, a'.F. (joint author) Kuik, B.J. 1953) see 1953, 1954 Klein, W.C. 1937/38 Gegevens omtrent de Jabl's. 1954) and Kuysten, A.F. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 2 : 143-50. Kyngdon, L.G.R. 1939 Middle Seplk R. natives. Report 1940/41 Verslag van een reis naar het to the League of Nations on the revierengebled der Jabi's en administration of the Territory naar het Jamoermeer van 5 April of New Guinea for 1937-38: 22-3. 1929 tot 6 Mei 1929, door den assistent-resident t/b. te Manokwari, B.J. Kuik. Tijd­ schrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 5: 245-61.

Kuiper 1938/39 Bezoek aan de Kebarvlakte. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 3: 356-60, 428-32. 144

Laan, J .J . van der 1957 Local government in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 9: 1953 Nieuw-Guinea's Australische 465-74. buurman. I-IV. Schäkels, 65 (NG4): 13-31. Lambert, Noel 1954 Nieuw-Guinea in de lite ra tu u r. 1951 Rabaul: problem child of the I and II. Schäkels, 73(NG8): Pacific. Walkabout, 17(8): 16-25. 10-6 .

1959 A ustralisch Nieuw-Guinea I-VI. Lambert, Sylvester Maxwell Schäkels, NNG, 34: 5-37- 1928 Medical conditions in the South Pacific. Medical journal of Lafeber, A. Australia, 2: 362-7 8 . 1914 K ritische Prüfung von Dr. G. Priederici's "Untersuchungen 1934 The depopulation of Pacific über eine melanesische races. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Wanderstrasse". Anthropos, Special publications No. 2 3 : 9: 261- 8 6 . 42 pp.

Laffin, John 1941 A doctor in paradise. London, J.M. Dent and Sons L td., 421 pp.; 1956 Return to glory. Sydney, Melbourne, George Jaboor, Angus & Robertson, 124 pp. 421 pp., (1942, 2nd A ustralian e d itio n ). Lagerberg, C.S.I.J. 1956 Proeve ener beschrijving van La Meslde, Edmond Marin varkensfeesten in Mimika. 1885 Past explorations of New Guinea, Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, and a scheme for the s c ie n tific Gouvernement van - Kantoor exploration of the great island. voor bevolkingszaken, No. Royal geographical society of 70: 70 pp. Australasia, New South Wales branch, Sydney, Transactions 1960 Onbekende Papoea's in het and proceedings, 1 : 5 - 26. Mimika-gebied. Schäkels, NNG, 39: 6-9. Lamster, J.C. 1925 Beschavingsgebleden op Nieuw- 1962 Jaren van reconstructie: Nieuw- Guinee. Nederlandsch aardrijks- Guinea van 1949 to t 1961. kundlg genootschap, Amsterdam, 's-Hertogenborsch, Zuid-Neder- T ijd sc h rift, 42 (2nd s e rie s ): landsche drukkerij N.V., 232 pp. 402-17.

Lahui Tau Egi 1925a Het staande roeien en de lange 1963 The tale of the five tuna fish. schepriem der Papoea's. Neder­ landsch aardrijkskundig genoot­ Australian territories, 3(5): schap, Amsterdam, T ijd sc h rift, 16-9. 42 (2nd series): 843-6. Lam, Herman Johannes 1925/26 Eenige merkwaardige museum- 1945 Fragmenta Papuana: observations stukken afkomstig uit zuid of a naturalist in Netherlands Nieuw-Guinee. Nederlands New Guinea. (Transl. from Dutch Indife- (oud en nieuw), 10: by Lily M. Perry.) Jamaica 371-4. Plain (Mass.), Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, 196 pp. 1930 Een merkwaardige groep afgods- beelden. Nederlandsch aardrijks­ Lambden, W.J. kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, 1925 The Opau d i s t r ic t . Papua. T ijd sc h rift, 47 (2nd s e rie s ): Annual report for 1922-23: 452-8. 18-9. 1936 Naschrift, oostelijk centraal Nieuw Guinee. Nederlandsch Lambert, B.P. aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1961 Topographic mapping in New Amsterdam, T ijd sc h rift, 53: Guinea. Australian territories, 849-901. 1 (2 ): 10-3. Land, C. op't Lambert, C.R. 1959 De herkomst vam Sosom. Nieuw- 1952 Prospects for European a g ric u lt­ Guinea studiü'n, 3 : 207-14. ural development in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 6(5): 1959a Sosom, de zon in de reg en tijd . 388-92. Nieuw-Guinea studi£n, 3 : 260- 70. 1955 The challenge of New Guinea. South Pacific, 8 : 1-2. 145

Landtman, Gunnar Langen, A. 1913 The poetry of the Kiwai Papuans. 1889 Aufzeichnungen.... Folk-lore, 24; 284-313. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 1914 C a t' 8 cradles of the Kiwai 127-83. in: Zeitschrift für Papuans, B ritish New Guinea. Ethnologie, vol. 21. Anthropos, 9: 221-32. Langhans, Paul 1916 The magic of the Kiwai Papuans in warfare. Royal anthropologic­ l895 Beiträge zur Kenntnis der al institute of Great Britain Deutschen Schutzgebiete: and Ireland, Journal, 46: 322- a) Rocholls Aufnahme des Warangoi-Flusses, b) 33- Kärnbachs Fahrten an der Nordküste des Huon Golfes. 1917 The folk-tales of the Kiwai Petermanns Geographische Papuans. Acta Societatis Mitteilungen, 41: 169-70. Scientiarum Fennicae, vol.47. Helsingfors, Finnish Society of Literature, 571 PP. I 898 Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Deutschen Schutzgebiete: No. 12A. Karawarra in der Neu- 1926 The origin of images as object Lauenburg-Gruppe. Petermanns of cult. Archiv für Religions­ Geographische M itteilungen, wissenschaft, 24: 197-208. 44: 27 5 -6 .

1926a Some agricultural rites of the Langley, Doreen Kiwai Papuans. Nature, 117: 1950 Food consumption and dietary 537. levels, in: Report of the New Guinea Nutrition Survey 1927 The Kiwai Papuans of British Expedition, 1947 (Part 4): New Guinea: a nature-born 92-142. Sydney, Government Instance of Rousseau's ideal P r i n t e r , 308 pp. community ... with an introduction by A.C. Haddon. Langley, Doreen (joint author) London, MacMillan and Co. Ltd. xxxix and 485 PP• 1949 see 1949 Hipsley, E.H. and L angley, D. 1933 Ethnographical collection from the Kiwai district of British Langness, L.L. New Guinea, in the National 1962/63 Notes on the Bena C o u n cil, Museum o f F in la n d , H e ls in g fo rs eastern highlands. O ceania, (Helsinki); a descriptive 3 3 : 151-70. survey of the material culture of the Kiwai people. Helsingfors (Helsinki), Commission of the Lanjus, Carl Grafen Anteil Collection, 121 pp., 1893 Reiseskizzen aus der Südsee: lncl. plates. Britisch-Neuguinea. Petermanns Geographische M itteilungen, 39: 1934 The origins of sacrifice as 287- 8 . illustrated by a primitive people, ln: E.E. Evans-Pritchard Lanyon-Orgill, Peter A. and others (eds.), Essays presented to C.G. Seligman: 1942 A Polynesian settlement in 103-12. London, Kegan Paul, New B ritain. Polynesian society, Trench, Trubner and Co. Ltd., Wellington, Journal, 51: 87-114. 385 pp. 1943 The origin of the oceanic 1954 Initiation ceremonies of the languages. Polynesian society, Kiwai Papuans. (First published Wellington, Journal, 52: 25-45» in 1927.) i n : M. Mead and N. C alas ( e d s .) , P rim itiv e 1944 A dictionary of the Mailu heritage: 179-86. London, language. (From research of Victor Gollancz Ltd., 592 pp. W .J.V. S a v ille and Comte d'Argigny, with a foreword Lane, Sheila by Ernst Schwarzenburg.) London, Luzac and Co., 72 pp. 1934 Leahys or Detzner? Pacific islands monthly, 4(12): 4l. 1945 Grammar of the Pokau language, central division of Papua, New Lang, J.D . Guinea. London. University. 1872 New Guinea: a highly promising School of oriental studies, field for settlement and coloniz­ Bulletin, 11(3): 641-55. a tio n , and how such an o b je c t might be most easily and success­ fully effected. Royal society of New South Wales, Sydney, Transactions for 1871: 35-47» 146 i960 A dictionary of the Raluana Latoro, S. and Kave, S. language (New Britain, S.W. 1954 Oalehova fall buka. A first Pacific). Victoria, B.C., reader in Toaripi, a language (Canada), published by the of western Papua. Port Moresby, author, 652 pp. Department of Education, 25 pp.

Laprd, S.A . Lattin, D.T. 1957 Een doorsteek door de hals n.d. Towards economic independence van Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands in Papua and New Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea, 5(5): 10-2. Canberra, Department of Territories, roneod, 12 pp. Larson, Gordon F. 1962 Warfare and feuding in the Läufer, B. Ilaga valley. Working papers 1931 Tobacco in New Guinea: an in Dani ethnology, 1: 32-9- epilogue. American anthropolo­ gist, 33: 138-40. 1962a The fetish burning movement among the western Dani Papuans. Läufer, Carl Working papers in Dani ethnology, 1: 54-8. 1937 Ein Beitrag zur Zeichen- und Maltechnik der Qunantuna (Südsee). Anthropos, 32: 291-3* Larson, Gordon F. and Larson, Mildred 0. 1956 Logat Moni Melaju; dictionary 1946-49 Einige Anstandsregeln der Qunan­ Moni English. Wisselmeren, via tuna auf Neubritannien. Biak, Netherlands New Guinea, Anthropos, 41-44: 349-56. Christian and Missionary Alliance, 45 pp.; South Pacific commission, preservation 1946- Rigenmucha, das Höchste Wesen of manuscript service. 49a der Baining (Neubritannien). Anthropos, 41-44: 497-560. 1956a A tentative statement on Moni morphology. Wisselmeren, via 1948 Der fliegende Hund im Biak, Netherlands New Guinea, Brauchtum der Qunantuna auf Christian and Missionary Neubritannien. Acta tropica, Alliance, 17 pp.; South Pacific 5: 228-43. commission, preservation of manuscript service. 1948a Der Baumbär in Sage und Sitte der Gunantuna auf Neubritannien. 1956b Moni phonemes. Wisselmeren, via Ethnos, 13: 171-87. Biak, Netherlands New Guinea, Christian and Missionary 1950 Die Taulil und ihre Sprache auf Alliance, 7 P P G South Pacific Neubritannien. Anthropos, 45: commission, preservation of 627-40. manuscript service. 1950a Gott und das Aschenbrödel der 1958 Preliminary studies in the Moni Südsee. Hiltruper Monatshefte, language. Bljdragen tot de taal-, 1950: 184-7. land- en volkenkunde, 114: 406- 51. 1951 Erstgeburtsfeiern auf dem west­ lichen Neubritannien. Anthropos, Larson, Mildred 0. (joint author) 46: 200-8. 1956 see 1956 Larson, G.F. and Larson, M.O. 1951a Der aqaqar-Fluchzauber der Qunantuna auf Neubritannien. 1958 see 1958 Larson, G.F. Anthropos, 46: 358-98. and Larson, M.O. 1952 Notes on New Britain religion. Lasker, B. Mankind, 4(9): 381-2. 1952 Western New Guinea, past and future. Far eastern survey, 1955 Aus Geschichte und Religion der 21: 53-9. Sulka. Anthropos, 50: 32-64.

Lasschuit, J.A. 1956 Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse 1957 Mechanised rice growing in innerhalb des Gunantuna-Stammes Netherlands New Guinea. South (Südsee). Anthropos, 51: 994- Pacific, 9: 383-4, 406; also 1028. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 7(l): 1957 Das Wesen des Menschen im Denken 18-20. der Gunantuna, Neubritannien, Wiener völkerkundliche Mittei­ lungen, Vienna, 5(2) : 127-60. 1959 P. Futschers Aufzeichnungen 1896 1) Über die vorbereitende Tour über die Butamsprache in das Oertzen-Gebirge. 2) Über (Neubritannien). Anthropos, den Fortgang der Kaiser Wilhelms- 54: 183-212. Land-Expedltion. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Verhand­ lungen, 2 3 : 360-4. 1959a P. Otto Futscher M.S.C., Taulil Grammatik und natur­ wissenschaftliche Sammelar­ 18 9 6 ) Ergebnisse der Kaiser Wilhelms- beiten aus Neubritannien 1897) Land Expedition. Nachrichten aus (Südsee). Micro-Bibliotheca 1 8 9 8 ) dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland 1894-98, Anthropos, vol. 30; also 1 2 : 36-4 4 ; 1 3 : 52-5; 14: 51-9; Anthropos, 54: 212-7. also Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, 3 3 : 141- 77. 1959b Jugendinitiation und Sakraltänze der Baining. Anthropos, 54: 905-38. 1897 Bericht über die Kaiser Wilhelms- Land Expedition im Jahr 1 8 9 6 . Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu 1960 Ein Beitrag zum Thema "Donner­ Berlin, Verhandlungen, 24: 51-69- keilglaube " aus der Südsee. Leipzig. Museum für Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 17 (1958): 22-8. 1898 Die Astrolabe-Bai. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1 1 (3 6 ) (new series): 325-7- 1961 Jagdzauber der Gunantuna (Südsee). Beiträge zur Völkerforschung - Hans Damm 1 898a Die geographischen Ergebnisse zum 65-Geburtstag. Leipzig. der Kaiser Wilhelms-Land- Museum für Völkerkunde, Expedition. Gesellschaft für Veröffentlichungen, Heft 11: Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeit­ 393-4 0 9 . Berlin, Akademie- schrift, 3 3 : 141-77- Verlag, 752 pp. Lawes, C.H.W. and Keon-Cohen, B.T. 1961a Gebräuche bei Herstellung 1944 Papuan interlude. Medical einer melanesischen Schlitz­ journal of Australia, 2: trommel. Anthropos, 5 6 : 459-68. 354-9-

1962 Kulap liu oder Kamadukduk. Lawes, Frank E. Leipzig. Museum für Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 19 (1 9 6 2 ) : 59-75- 1892 Report of the resident, magistrate for the Central Division and secretary for 1962a Notizen zur materiellen Kultur native affairs. British New der Sulka. Acta ethnographies, Guinea. Annual report for 1 1 : 447-55. 1890- 91: 80-2, (App. U).

1963 Die Arave-Stämme auf Südwest- 1893 Report of the resident Neubritannien. Wiener völker­ magistrate for the Central kundliche Mitteilungen, Division and secretary for Vienna, 11 (new series 6 ), native affairs. British New No. 1-4: 17-35- Guinea. Annual report for 1891- 92: 86-7, (App. 0). Läufer, Carl and Schmitz, Carl A. (eds.) 1962 see 1962 Neuhaus, K. 1894 Report of resident magistrate for the Central Division and secretary for native affairs. Laumann, K. British New Guinea. Annual 1951 Eine merkwürdige Holzfigur vom report for 1892-93: 43-5, mittleren Sepik in Neuguinea. (App. J). Anthropos, 46: 808-12. 1894a Land tenure of the tribe of 1952 Vllsso, der Kriegs- und Motu, Central Division. British Jagdgott am unteren , New Guinea. Annual report for Neuguinea. Anthropos, 47: 897- 1892- 93: 72-3, (App. U8 ). 908. 1894b Land tenure of the tribe of 1954 Geisterfiguren am mittleren Hauramiri (Maiva), district Yuat river in Neuguinea. of Maiva. British New Guinea. Anthropos, 49: 27-57. Annual report for 1892-93 •’ 74, (App. U10). Lauterbach, Carl 1894c Vocabulary of words spoken by 1891 Eine Expedition zur Erforschung the Keakalo tribe from des Hinterlandes der Astrolabe- Vererupu to Paramana Point. Bai. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser British New Guinea. Annual Wilhelmsland, 7: 31-62. report for 1892-93: IO3 -6 , (App. V). 148 l894d Vocabulary of words spoken by Lawner, H.N. natives of Orokolo, Bairara, 1950 Der Geisterkult der Orokaiva. Keuru and Kerema, B ritish New Erdball, 4: 576-9. Guinea. B ritish New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-95: 100-5, (App. X). Lawrence, J.J. (joint author) 1950 see 1950 Bearup, A.J. 1895 Report of the resident magistrate and Lawrence, J.J. for the Central Division. British New Guinea. Annual report for Lawrence, Peter 1895-94: 56-8, (App. M). 1951 Social structure and the process of social control among the Lawes, William George Garia, Madang D istrict, New 1876 Die Eingeborenen bei Port Guinea. Ph.D. dissertation, Moresby. Globus, 29(20) : University of Cambridge, 519 pp. 518-9; see also 1876, Stone, O.C. 1952 Sorcery among the Garia. 1879 Ethnological notes on the Motu, South Pacific, 6: 540-5. Koitapu and Koiari tribes of New Guinea. Anthropological 1955 A problem in native development. institute of Great Britain South Pacific, 6: 570-2. and Ireland, London, Journal, 8 : 569-77. 1955a The Ngaing, Madang D istrict Rai Coast). Field report 1879a see 1879 Albertis, Luigi March-November 1955)» held M aria d '. by Department of anthropology, Australian national university, C an b erra. I88O Notes on New Guinea and its inhabitants. Royal geographical society, London, Proceedings, 2 1955 Cargo cult and religious beliefs (new series): 602-16. among the Garia. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 47: 1 - 2 0 . 1885 An excursion in the interior of New Guinea. Royal geograph­ ical society, London, 1955a The Madang D istrict cargo cult. Proceedings, 5 (new series): South Pacific, 8(1) : 6-15. 555-8; also Societa geogra- fica italiana, Bolletino, 1955b Land tenure among the Garia: the 1885, 8(2): 529-55. traditional system of a New Guinea people. Canberra, 1884 Recent explorations in south­ Australian national university, eastern New Guinea. Royal Social science monographs No. 4, geographical society, London, 65 PP- Proceedings, 6 (new series): 216- 8 . 1956/57 Lutheran mission influence on Madang societies. Oceania, 27 1886 Sitten der Eingeborenen von (2): 74-89. Neuguinea bei Krankheiten und Geburten. Deutsche Kolonial­ 1959 The background to educational zeitung, 5(19): 675-4. development in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 10: 1887 The condition of New Guinea. 5 2 - 6 0 . B ritish New Guinea. Annual report for 1886: 24-6, (App. D). 1965 Religion: help or hindrance to economic development in Papua 1890 Comparative view of New Guinea and New Guinea. Mankind, 6(1): dialects. B ritish New Guinea. 5- 11 . Annual report for 1889-90: 158-67, (App. Xll). Lawrie, Charlotte 1957 A colony in the air. Walkabout, 1896 Grammar and vocabulary of the 5(8): 42-5- language spoken by the Motu tribe, New Guinea. Sydney, Government Printer, 157 pp., Lawson, J.A. 5rd and enlarged edition; 1875 Wanderings in the interior of (Sydney, Government Printer, New Guinea. London, Chapman & 1885, 1st edition, 108 pp.) Hall, 285 pp. Lawes, William George (joint author) Laycock, Donald C. 1885 see 1885 Chalmers, J. 1959 Notes on Enga suprasegmental and Lawes, W.G. phonemes. Canberra, Australian national university, stencilled, 12 pp. 149

1961 The Sepik and its languages. le Cocq d 1Armandville, C.J.F. Australian territories, 1(4): 1905 Woordenlijst der taal die 35-41. gesproken wordt in het gebergte van Kapaur tot aan Laycock, Donald C. (joint author) SSkar (Zuidwestkust van Nieuw Guinea). Tijdschrift voor 1961/62 see 1961/62 Wurm, S.A. Indische taal-, land- en and Laycock, D.C. volkenkunde. ((K.) Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en Leach, E.R. wetenschappen), 46: 1-70. 1949/50 Primitive calendars. Oceania, 20: 245-62. Lecroy, Mary (joint author) 1961 see 1961 Gilliard, E.T. 1954 A Trobriand Medusa? and Lecroy, M. Man, 54: IO5- 5 . Lee, Dorothy Dernetracopoulou 1958 'A Trobriand Medusa?' : a reply 1940 A primitive system of values. to Dr. B ern d t. Man, 58: 79. Philosophy of science, 7: 555-78. 1959 Social change and primitive law. American anthropologist, 1954 Being and value in primitive 61: 1096-7. society. (First published in 1 9 4 9 .) i n : M. Mead and N. C alas 1961 Asymmetric marriage rules, status (eds.), Primitive heritage: 55- difference, and direct reciproc­ 65. London, Victor Gollancz ity: comments on an alleged Ltd., 592 pp. fallacy. Southwestern journal of anthropology, 17: 345-51. Leeden, A.C. van der 1955 Nota betreffende de sociale Leahy, Michael J. achtergrond en functie van de 1935 Stone Age people of the Mount Sarmische feesten. Nederlands Hagen area, mandated Territory Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - o f New G uinea. Man, 55: 1 8 5 -6 . Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, No. 51: 19 pp. and app. 5 pp. 1935a Tribal wars in unexplored New Guinea. Walkabout, 2(1): IO-5. 1954 Verslag over taalgebieden in het Sarmische. Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, Gouvernement van - 1936 The central highlands of New Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, Guinea. Geographical journal, No. 55: 14 pp. 87: 229-62.

Leahy, Michael J. and Grain, M. 1954a Biographische schets van Benjamin Mansi. Bijdragen tot 1937 The land that time forgot; de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, adventures and discoveries in 110: 217-59; also Nederlands New Guinea. London, Hurst & Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - Blackett Ltd., 288 pp. Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, No. 5 6 . Leask, Maurice F. 1942/45 A kitchen midden in Papua. 1955 Inheemse arbitrage in het Oceania, 15: 255-42. binnenland van Sarmi. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volken­ kunde, 111: 202-15; also 1945 Rock engravings and paintings Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, of the Sogeri district of Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor Papua. Mankind, 5(4): 116-20. b ev o lk in g sz ak e n , No. 54.

1945/46 Obsidian and its use in the 1955a Feesten in het achterland van stone implements of New Guinea. Sarmi. De volksordening, en de Victorian naturalist, 62: 98- religieuse gebruiken, welke de 100. achtergrond van die feesten zijn. Adatrechtbundel, 45: 1946/47 Tools of a canoe-building 110- 5 2 . industry from Cape Worn, northern New Guinea. Oceania, 17: 500-9» 1956 Hoofdtrekken der sociale struktuur in het westelijke binnenland van Sarmi. Leiden, L eber, A. Eduard Ijdo N.V., l88 pp. 1925 D urchquerung d e r I n s e l Manus (A dm iralitätsinseln). i960 Social structure in New Guinea. Petermanns Geographische Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en Mitteilungen, 69: 201-4, volkenkunde, Il6: 119-49; also 26 2 - 6 . 1s-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, I960. 150

1961 Sarmi'ers in het contact met 1907 Systematik und geographische het Westen. Bijdragen tot de Verbreitung der Geflechtsarten. taal-, land- en volkenkunde, Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches und 117: 51-63. anthropologisch-ethnographisches Museum, Abhandlungen und Leeson, Ida Emily Berichte, 11(3): 35 pp. 1952 Bibliography of cargo cults and Lehner, Stefan other nativistic movements in the South Pacific. South Pacific see Lehner, Stephan. commission, Technical paper No. 30: 6-8, 10-6; also South Lehner, Stephan Pacific commission, Social development notes No. 11. 1911 Bukaua. in: R. Neuhauss, Deutsch Neu-Guinea, vol. 3: 397-485- Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., 1954 A bibliography of bibliographies 3 vols•, 53^ 556, 572 pp. of the South Pacific. Published under the auspices of the South Pacific Commission. London, 1928 The blood theory of the Oxford University Press, x and Melanesians, New Guinea. A 61 pp. psychological study by Stephan Lehner, Lutheran missionary. Polynesian society, Wellington, Lefort, E.J.E. Journal, 37: 426-50. 1956 Preserving primary export products in the tropics. South 1930/31 Märchen und Sagen des Melane­ Pacific commission, Quarterly sierstammes der Bukawac. bulletin, 6(4): 34-9. Baessler-Archiv, 14: 35-72. Le Guay, Laurence 1930/ Die Naturanschauung der 1950 Sheep in the Wahgi Valley, New 31a Eingebornen im N.O. Neu-Guineas. Guinea. Walkabout, 16(5): 10-4. Baessler-Archiv, 14: 105-22.

Lehmann, Friedrich Rudolf 1932 Maja: the notion of "Maja" in the Jabem language of N.E. New 1915 Mana: eine begriffsgeschichtliche Guinea. Polynesian society, Untersuchung auf ethnologischer Wellington, Journal, 41: 121- Grundlage. Leipzig, inaugural 30. dissertation, 60 pp.

1931 Die Religionen Australiens und 193^ Die soziale Stellung der Frau der Südsee 1911-1930. Archiv bei der papuanisch-melanesischen für Religionswissenschaft, 29: Bevölkerung von Nordost-Neu- 139-86. guinea. Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde, (Leipzig), Mitteilungsblatt, 3: 12-8. 1934 Prophetentum in der Südsee. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 66: 261-5. 1954/35 The Balum cult of the Bukaua of Huon Gulf, New Guinea. 1936 Vicedom's Entdeckung eines neuen Oceania, 5(3): 358-^6. Papuavolkes auf Neuguinea. Petermanns Geographische 1935 Sitten und Rechte des Melanesier­ Mitteilungen, 82: 115. stammes der Bukawac. Archiv für Anthropologie, 23(4) (neue Folge): 1936a Die Adoption bei schriftlosen 239-84. Völkern. Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde, (Leipzig), 1935a Einige Gedanken zum Kapitel Tagungsberichte 1-2 (1929- "Frauenkauf" bei den Einge­ 1936): 113-54. bornen im Huongolf, Nordosten Neuguineas. Gesellschaft für 1939 Weltuntergang und Welterneuerung Völkerkunde, (Leipzig), im Glauben schriftloser Völker. Mitteilungsblatt, 6: 14-24. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 71: 103-15. 1935b Die Vorstellung vom Todeszauber (Opa, Ofang, Silam, Selam oder Lehmann, J. Bumbum) unter den Eingeborenen Neuguineas. Gesellschaft für 1904 Die Pfahlbauten der Gegenwart, Völkerkunde, (Leipzig), Mittei­ ihre Verbreitung und genetische lungsblatt, 6: 32-43. Entwicklung. Anthropologische Gesellschaft ln Wien, Mittei­ lungen, 34 (3.Folge, 4.Band): 1938 Zur Psychologie des Melanesier­ 19-52. stammes der Bukawac. Archiv für Anthropologie, 24: 45-63.

1938a Zur Naturanschauung des Melane­ sierstammes der Bukawac. Archiv für Anthropologie, 24: 96-102. 151 1940 Spiele der Eingeborenen am Huon- Leon, T.B. Golf in Nordost-Neuguinea. 1884 Aanteekeningen betreffende de Gesellschaft ftlr Völkerkunde, eilanden Argoeni en Oegar in (Leipzig), M itteilungsblatt, de Golf van MacCluer. Tijd- 1 0 : 51-75. schrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. ((K.) Lehner, Stephen Bataviaasch genootschap van see Lehner, Stephan. kunsten en wetenschappen), 29: 583-7.

Le H unte, G. R uthven Leonard, C.A. see Ruthven le Hunte, G. 1922 Report on south-eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1920-21: 55. Leifer, Michael 1963 Australia, trusteeship and 1929 Visit to the Koiari. Papua. New Guinea. Pacific affairs, Annual report for 1927-28: 8. 36: 250-64. Le Roux, C.C.F.M . Leiker, D.L. 1926 Expeditie naar het Nassau- 1956 De lepra en haar bestrijding. gebergte in Centraal Noord Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 4(3): Nieuw Guinee. T ijdschrift 19-24. voor Indische taal-, land­ en volkenkunde, 66: 447-513. 1956a Lepra in het Sorongse. Neder­ lands Nieuw-Guinea, 4(5): 2-6. 1927 De pas ontdekte bevolking van het Nassaugebergte in Ned. Centraal Nieuw-Guinee. Neder- 1958 Leprosy control in Netherlands landsch aardrijkskundig genoot New Guinea. South Pacific schap, Amsterdam, T ijdschrift, commission, Quarterly bulletin, 44 (2nd series): 561-4. 8(4): 3 1 -4 . 1933 Is Inigo Ortiz de Retes in Lekahema, S. 1545 op Nieuw-Guinea aan de 1947/48 De "Manseren"-beweging. Tijd­ monding d e r Mamberamo g eland? schrift "Nieuw-Guinea^, 8: Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, 97-102. land- en volkenkunde, 73: 257- 91. Lemaire, W.L.G. 1939) De expeditie van het Koninklijk 1961 Strafrechtsbedeling en volks- 1940) Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig delictenrecht (adatdelicten- Genootschap naar het Wisselme- recht) in Nederlands-Nieuw- rengebied en het Nassau-gebergte Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studife'n, op Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea in 5 : 253-76. 1939, volgens het dagboek van den expeditie-leider, loopende Lendenfeld, R. von van 28 Juni tot 22 November 1939. Nederlandsch aardrijks­ 1885 Letter to editor on the project­ kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, ed explorations of the English Tijdschrift, 56 (2nd series): part of New Guinea. Petermanns Geographische M itteilungen, 31: 661-77, 765-85; 57 (2nd series): 399. 37-54, 173-228.

1886 Letter to editor re expedition 1940 De beschaving der Bergpapoea's. to the English part of New Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Guinea. Petermanns Geographische genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijd­ Mitteilungen, 32: 6l. schrift, 57 (2nd series): 937-8. Lennox, Cuthbert 1902 James Chalmers of New Guinea; 1947 Het westelijk deel van Neder­ missionary, pioneer, martyr. landsch Centraal-Nieuw-Guinea London, A. Melrose, 208 pp. in de oorlogsjaren. Nederlandsch aardrijskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 64 Lenwood, Prank (2nd series): 58-69. 1917 Pastels from the Pacific. London, Oxford University Press, 224 pp. 1947a Papoea. Nederlandsch aardrijks­ kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 64 (2nd series): 397-9; see 1947 Nouhuys, J.W. van. 152 1948-50 De Bergpapoea's van Nieuw- 1939 Papua's early goldfield. Guinea en hun woongebied. Pacific islands monthly, 10 Leiden, E.J. Brill, 3 vols., (4): 34-5. 1029 PP- 1941 Mourning customs. Pacific Lessa, William islands monthly, 1 1 (9 ): 13-4. 1953 Neueste amerikanische ethnolo­ gische Forschung in Ozeanien. 1941a 40 years ago. Pacific islands Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 78: monthly, 1 1 (1 0 ): 25- 224-30. 1942 Primitive agriculture in Papua. L ett, Lewis Pacific islands monthly, 13(4): 1935 Knights erran t of Papua (with 23-4. introduction by Sir Hubert Murray, Lt. - Governor of Leupe, P.A. Papua). Edinburgh and London, William Blackwood and Sons 1871 De Speelmansbaai van Keyts Ltd., 284 pp. (1678) en de Speelmansbaai van de Nederl. - Indische Commissie (1858) gelegen op de Z.W. kust 1943 Papuan gold: the story of the van Nieuw-Guinea. Bijdragen tot early gold seekers. Sydney, de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, Angus & Robertson, 214 pp. 18 (derde volgreeks, zesde deel) 128- 3 1 . 1945 The Papuan achievement. Melbourne, Melbourne U niversity 1875 De reizen der Nederlanders naar Press, 2nd edition, 207 pp. Nieuw-Guinea en de Papoesche eilanden in de 17e en l 8e eeuw. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ 1946 Savage ta le s . Melbourne, en volkenkunde, 22 (derde Cheshire Pty. Ltd., 195 pp. volgreeks, tiende deel): 1- 162, 175-311; also Koninklijk 1948 Sir Hubert Murray: Australia's instituut voor taal-, land- en achievement in native volkenkunde, 6 : 299 pp., administration. Royal Australian 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff. h is to ric a l societv, Journal and proceedings, 34(3): 126-45- 1877 Captain John Mc.Cluer en zijn verrichtingen om de Oost. 1790- 1949 S ir Hubert Murray of Papua. 1795. Bijdragen tot de taal-, Sydney, Collins, 317 pp. land- en volkenkunde, 25 (vierde volgreeks): 250- 2 . L ett, Lewis (compiler) L4vi-Strauss, Claude 1938 Papua - The O fficial Handbook of Papua. Port Moresby, 1945 L'analyse structurale en linguistique et en anthropol- Government P rin ter, 65 pp. (5th ogie. Word, journal of the edition); 1927 (4th edition) as "Handbook of the Territory lin g u istic c irc le of New York, of Papua" by S tan ifo rth Smith 1 : 33- 53; republished in: Anthropologie structurale, (compiler). Canberra, Government Paris, Plon, 1958 (English P rin ter, 246 pp. transl. "structural anthropology"). Lett, Mollie 1932 Forgotten m issionaries of 1847. Levine, Harold D. Pacific islands monthly, 2(8): 2 2 . 1946 Rheumatic heart disease in New Guinea: including a cardio­ vascular survey of 200 native 1935 Nicolas M inister. Pacific Papuans. Annals of internal islands monthly, 4(5): 17- 9 . medicine, 24: 826- 3 6 .

1934 Discoveries in central New Levy-Bruhl, Lucien Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 1954 The primitive's sense of death. 4(9): 33-4. (First published in 1922.) in: M. Mead and N. Calas (eds.), 1935 'V ailala madness ". Pacific Primitive heritage: 4l-6. islands monthly, 6(5): 25. London, V ictor Gollancz Ltd., 592 pp. 1936 Pre-European Papuan engineers. Pacific islands monthly, 7(4): Lewis, Albert Buell 39-40. 1922 New Guinea masks. Chicago. Field museum of natural history, 1938 Impressive ceremony 50 years Anthropology leaflet No. 4: 1-9 ago. Pacific islands monthly, and p la te s. 9(2): 34-5. 153

1923 The use of sago in New Guinea. Lind, L.V. Chicago. Field museum of natural 1923 Vocabularies: Kikori station, history, Anthropology leaflet Delta Division. Papua. Annual No. 9: 1-9 and plates. report for 1921-2 2 : 164, (App. IXh). 1924 Use of tobacco in New Guinea and neighbouring regions. Chicago. Field museum of natural history, 1923a Vocabularies: Kikori station, Anthropology leaflet No. 17: Delta Division. Papua. Annual 1 -1 0 and 2 plates. report for 19 21-2 2 : 164, (App. 1X1). 1925 Decorative art of New Guinea: incised designs. Chicago. Field 1923b Vocabularies: Kikori station, museum of natural history, Delta Division. Papua. Annual Anthropology design series No. 4: report for 1921-2 2 : 1 6 5 » 2 pp., and 52 plates. (App. IXj).

1929 Melanesian shell money in Field 1923c Vocabularies: Kikori station, Museum collections. Chicago. Delta Division. Papua. Annual Field museum of natural history, report for 1921-22: 165, (App Publication 268, Anthropological IXk). series, 1 9 (1 ): I-3 6 and plates.

1931 Carved and painted designs from Lindblom, G. New Guinea. Chicago. Field 1943 Crescent-shaped lime spatulae museum of natural history, from British New Guinea. Man, Anthropology design series 43: 143; also Ethnos, 8 : 78- No. 5: 3 PP*, and 52 plates. 80.

1931a Tobacco in New Guinea. American Lindsay, H.A. anthropologist, 3 3 : 134-8. 1955 The racial types of New Guinea. Walkabout, 21(3): IO-3 . 1951 The Melanesians: people of the South Pacific. Chicago, Natural History Museum Press, 259 PP*, Lindt, J.W. (third printing with additions 1887 Picturesque New Guinea, with an and corrections); first printing historical introduction and by Field Museum Press, called supplementary chapters on the "Ethnology of Melanesia", Part 5 manners and customs of the of the Guide to the Dept, of Papuans. London, Longmans Green Anthropology, Field Museum of and Co., 194 pp., 50 plates. Natural History, 1932, 209 PP*J second printing (with additions Linton, Ralph and Wingert, Paul Stover and corrections) by Chicago, Natural History Museum Press, 1946 Arts of the South Seas. New 1945, 264 pp. York, The Museum of Modern Art, 199 pp.

Lichtenberg, J.M. Lissauer, A. 1962 Sistemy rodstva Papuasov Novoi 1901) Die Anthropologie der Anacho- Gvinei. (Papuan kinship systems 1902) reten- und Duke of York-Inseln. in N.G.) in: Problemy istorii i Berliner Gesellschaft für etnografii narodov Avstralii, Novoi Gvinei i Gavaiskikh Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Ostrovov, Novaia seriia, vol. Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 80 : 190-9* Moskva-Leningrad, 367-71; 130-1. in: Zeitschrift Akademiia nauk SSSR, 266 pp. für Ethnologie, vol. 33; vol. 34* Ligny, H.J. de Wilde de Lister-Turner, R. see Wilde de Ligny, H.J. de. 1920 Among Papuan women. London missionary society, Booklet, Ligtvoet, A.W. 1920: 1-32. 1955/56 An interesting musical instrument from New Ireland. 1924 Malignant witchcraft in Papua Antiquity and survival, l(4): and the use of poisons therein. 299-302. Man, 24: 117-9*

Lijphart, Arend Lister-Turner, R. and Clark, J.B. 1961 The Indonesian image of West [n.d.] A dictionary of the Motu Irian. Asian survey, 1(5): language of Papua (edited by 9-16. Percy Chatterton). Sydney, Government Printer, 2nd edition, 158 pp. (1st revised edition c.1946). 154 [n.d.]a A grammar of the Motu 1883 Rocks from New Britain and New language of Papua (edited by Ireland. Royal society of New Percy Chatterton). Sydney, South Wales, Sydney, Journal Government Printer, 2nd and proceedings for 1 8 8 2 , 1 6 : edition, 91 pp. (1st edition 47-51. c.1946, 91 PP-). Livingston, C.P. Liston-Blyth, A. 1954 Motu music. Papua and New 1914 Magisterial report: IV. North­ Guinea scientific society, eastern Division. Papua. Annual Annual report and proceed­ report for 1913-14: 65-9- ings for 1954: 11-4.

1914a Vocabulary of the Paiwa language, Locher, G.W. Goodenough Bay. Papua. Annual 1956 Myth in a changing world. report for 1913-14: 1 8 7 -9 0 , Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ (App. Ille). en volkenkunde, 1 1 2 : 1 7 8 -8 3 *

1917 Vocabularies: Cape Nelson Loeb, E.M. station, North-eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1914- 1933 Die soziale Organisation Indonesiens und Ozeaniens. 15: 175, (App. IV1). Anthropos, 28: 649-62.

1917a Vocabularies: Cape Nelson Loeber, J.A. station, North-eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1914- 1919/20 Bamboe-ornament van Neder- 15: 176, (App. IVm). landsch Nieuw-Guinea. Neder- lands Indife (oud en nieuw), 4: 271-88, 293-314. 1917b Vocabularies: Cape Nelson station, North-eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1914- 1929/30 Woningbouw en architectuur in 15: 177, (App. IVn). Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands Indife oud en nieuw), 14: 8-16, 51- 4, 153-8, 249-58, 412-22. 1917c Vocabularies: Cape Nelson station, North-eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1914- Loeweke, Eunice (joint author) 15: 177, (App. IVo). 1963 see 1963 May, J. and Loeweke, E. 1923 Notes on native customs in the Baniara district, North-eastern Logchem, J.T. van Division, Papua. Royal anthro­ pological institute of Great 1957 Gegevens omtrent de socio- Britain and Ireland, Journal, politische organisatie der 53: 467-71. Kapauku's. Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, 1925 Mafulu district. Papua. Annual report for 1922-23: 1 9 -2 0 . 73 PP- 1958 Modelbehuizing voor stadspapoea's Little, K. in Hollandia. Nederlands Nieuw- 1951 Art in a changing culture. South Guinea, Gouvernement van - Pacific, 5(3): 46-7- Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, No. 126: 11 pp. 1952 My father, the crocodile: a Papuan legend. South Pacific, Logemann, J.H.A. 6(1): 281-3, 290. 1957 Rechtsgroepen in Nieuw-Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studifen, 1: 179- 1952a An old Papuan legend. South 96. Pacific, 6 (3 ): 353-5- 1958 Nogmaals: Rechtsgroepen in Little, W.J. Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea. Nieuw- 1911 Expedition by the Hon. W.J. Guinea studifen, 2: 1-10. Little from the to the Purari. Papua. Annual report for 1 910-1 1 : 2 0 2 -3 . 1959 Moderne receptie van modern recht. Nieuw-Guinea studifen, 3: 166-95. Liversidge, A. 1878 On the occurrence of chalk in Loison, Guy the New Britain group. Royal society of New South Wales, 1955 Pathological histology and Sydney, Journal and proceed­ therapeutic aspects of cancer ings for 1877, 11: 85-91- in some islands of the South Pacific. South Pacific commis­ sion, Technical information circular No. 12: 30 pp. 155

Lommel, A. 1952 Fara aea salamo. Sydney, Australia and New Zealand 1953 Der Cargo-Kult ln Melanesien: Committee, 176 pp. ein Beitrag zum Problem der "Europäisierung " der Primitiven. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 78: 1956 Motu reader. Sydney, Australia 17-63. and New Zealand Committee, 187 PP. London Missionary Society Lonie, D.A. 1910 Buka vana: a book of hymns, Old Testament history, etc., (in 1959 Trends in leprosy in the Pacific. the Daui dialect). London, South Pacific commission, London Missionary Society, Technical information circular 119 PP. No. 32: 35 PP.

1943 Hivi buka apevelavela oharo: Lorentz, H.A. Orokolo uri. Sydney, 1905 Eenige maanden onder de Australasian Medical Papoea's. Leiden, E.J. Brill, Publication Co. Ltd., 95 PP* 310 pp.

1944 Atutemori ve mutita buka. 1911 An expedition to the Snow Sydney, Australia and New Mountains of New Guinea. Zealand Committee, issued by Geographical Journal, 37: authority of Papua District 477-500. Committee, 48 pp. 1913 Zwarte menschen, Witte bergen: 1944a Atutemori ve fara buka. Sydney, verhaal van den tocht naar het Australia and New Zealand Sneeuwgebergte van Nieuw Guinea. Committee, 46 pp. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 262 pp.

1946 Roro primer. Sydney, Australia Loria, L. and New Zealand Committee, issued by authority of Papua 1896 Notes on the ancient war customs District Committee, iv and of the natives of Logea and 28 pp.; 2nd revised edition neighbourhood. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1950. 1894-95: 39-43, (App. S). 1948 Ane: hymn book in the of Papua. Sydney, Loschdorfer, J.J. Australia and New Zealand 1952 Project H.6: Opthalmology. Committee, issued by authority Report on eye conditions in of Papua District Committee, the Territory of Papua and 155 PP* New Guinea. South Pacific commission, Technical 1950 Taravatu Ounana: Hebrew tandia information circular No. 1: edla buka helaga. (Selected 4 pp. passages from the Old Testament in the Motu language of Papua.) Loth, J.E. Sydney, Australia and New 1941/42 Cultuurhistorische gesneden Zealand Committee, issued by boompalen in het Sentani-meer, authority of Papua District hun oorsprons en betekenis. Committee, 223 P P • Tijdschrift ^Nieuw-Gulnea", 6: 14-32. 1950a Dlmuga primer. Sydney, Australia and New Zealand Committee, Loukotka, Cestmir issued by authority of Papua District Committee, 36 pp. 1953 Papuanske reel v dlle N.N. Miklukho-Maklaje. Ceskoslovenska gthnografie, 1: 70-81. Prague, 1950b Gabadl primer. Sydney, Australia Ceskoslovenska Akademie ved. and New Zealand Committee, Issued by authority of Papua District Committee, iv and 27 PP- 1958 Die unzulänglich bekannten Papua­ sprachen nach L. Biros Aufzeich­ nungen. Acta ethnographica, 7: 1951 Motu primer. Sydney, Australia 432-8. and New Zealand Committee, Issued by authority of Papua District Committee, iv and 46 pp. Lovett, Richard 1902 James Chalmers, his autobiog­ 1951a Tama moto buka. Wollongong, raphy and letters. London, The Religious Tract Society, N.S.W., Illawarra Newspapers Pty. Ltd., for the London 511 PP. Missionary Society, 132 pp. 156

Loving, Aretta Ludford, P. 1961 On learning monolingually. in: 1961 Wedding in the highlands. Workshop papers: 1-4, Summer Walkabout, 27(9): 24-5. institute of linguistics, New Guinea branch. Ukarumpa, New 1962 When tribesmen gather (with Guinea, 170 pp. pictures by D. Muir). Walkabout, 28(7): 24-7- Loving, Aretta (joint author) 1961 see 1961 Loving, R. Lueders, C.W. and Loving, A. see Lüders, C.W.

1962 see 1962 Loving, R. and Loving, A. Lundquist, Eric 1952 Papoea's waren mijn makkers. Loving, Aretta and McKaughan, Howard Zijn buitengewoon spannende reisavonturen met menseneters, 1963 Awa verbs, Part II: the internal gevaarlijke dieren, casuarissen, structure of dependent verbs, zeldzame bloemen, tropische in: Workshop papers, No. 2 ziekten en nog duizend andere "("Grammar) : 1-16, Summer vreemde zaken op een explora- institute of linguistics, New tietocht in de nog wilde geheim- Guinea branch. Ukarumpa, New zinnige binnenlanden van Neder- Guinea, 96 pp. lands Nieuw-Guinea. Utrecht. W. de Haan, 246 pp. Loving, Richard 1965 Awa phonemes, tonenes, and 1955 In eastern forests. (Transl. tonally differentiated allo- from Swedish by F.H. Lyon.) morphs. in: Workshop papers, London, R. Hale, 264 pp.; No. 2 (Phonology): 1-18, "Un Su^dois chez les Malals Summer institute of linguis­ et les Papous", 1954. (French tics, New Guinea branch. transl. by J. Debarge.) Paris, Ukarumpa, New Guinea, 100 pp. Juiliard, 280 pp.

Loving, Richard (joint author) Luschan, Felix von 1961 see 1961 Glasgow, D. 1892 Ethnographisches aus der Süd- and Loving, R. See. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: Loving, Richard and Loving, Aretta 293-6. in: Zeitschrift für 1961 The nouns of Awa. in: Ethnologie, vol. 24. Workshop papers: 133-41, Slimmer institute of linguis­ 1893 Photographische Abbildungen tics, New Guinea branch. eines Knaben aus Deutsch-Neu- Ukarumpa, New Guinea, 170 pp. Guinea. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie 1962 A preliminary survey of Awa noun und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: suffixes. Studies in New Guinea 273-5. in: Zeitschrift für linguistics, Oceania linguistic Ethnologie, vol. 2 5 . monograph No. 6: 28-43. 1895 Zur Ethnographie der Matty- Lucht, Ramona and James Dorothy Insel. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 8: 41-56. 1962 Phonemes of Siane. Te Reo, 5: 12-6 . l895a Über die Matty-Insel. Gesell­ schaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Lucieer, A.I. Verhandlungen, 22: 443-9. 1924 Het kindertal bij de Volkeren van Ned.-IndiS (buiten Java). 1897 Beiträge zur Völkerkunde der Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Deutschen Schutzgebiete. Aus genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijd- dem amtlichen Bericht über die schrift, 41 (2nd series): 1.Deutsche Kolonialausstellung 540-63. in Treptow (1 8 9 6 ). Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., 87 pp., 48 plates. Luck, G.C. 1959 The problem of the Sepik: 1898 Zur geographischen Nomenklatur progress v. cargo cultism. in der Südsee. Berliner New Guinea head tax trouble Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, again. Pacific islands Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, monthly, 2 9 (8 ) : 69-73* Verhandlungen: 390-7- in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Ltlders, C.W. vol. 3 0 . 1892 Holzfiguren und Schnitzer­ eien von den Salomoinseln. Globus, 62: 198-200. 157 1898a Brandmalerei im Bismarck- 1956 Voedingsproblemen. Nederlands Archipel. Berliner Gesellschaft Nieuw-Guinea, 4(1): 7-10. für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 1961 Vorderingen op het gebied van 397-8. in: Zeitschrift für voedingsonderzoek in Nieuw- Ethnologie, vol. 30. Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studiän, 5(2): 95-103. 1898b Trepanierte Schädel aus Neu- Britannien. Berliner Gesell­ Luymes, J . schaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, 1934 De plaatsgehad hebbende grens- Verhandlungen: 398-401. in: bepaling tusschen het Mandaat- Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, gebied en Nederlandsch Noord v o l. 3 0 . Nieuw Guinee. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1899 Neue Beiträge zur Ethnographie Amsterdam, Tijdschrlft, 51: der Matty-Insel. Internationales 709-10. Archiv für Ethnographie, 12: 12 1 -9 . Luymes, J. and others 1912 see 1912 Commissie ter voor- l899a Zur geographischen Namengebung bereiding van de aanwijzing in der Südsee. Deutsches eener natuurlljke grens Kolonialblatt, 10: 209-13* tusschen het Nederlandsche en het Duitsche gebied op Nieuw- G uinea. 1900 R. Parkinson's Beobachtungen au f Bobolo und Hun (M atty und Durour). Globus, 78: 69-78. Luzbetak, Louis Joseph 1954 The socio-religious significance 1900a Stein-Geräthe aus Neu-Guinea. of a New Guinea pig festival. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropological quarterly, 27 Anthropologie, Ethnologie und (new series, vol. 2): 59-80, Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 102- 2 8 . 87-9. in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. 32. 1954a The Middle Wahgi dialects, vol. I: Banz grammar. Banz, Western 1900b Neue Erwerbungen von der Taui- Highlands, New Guinea, Catholic Gruppe. Berliner Gesellschaft Mission, 245 pp. für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 1956 Worship of the dead in the 495- 6. in: Zeitschrift für M iddle Wahgi (New G u in e a). Ethnologie, vol. 32. Anthropos, 51: 81-96.

1900c Schilde aus Neu-Brltannien. 1956a Middle Wahgi phonology and Berliner Gesellschaft für standardization of orthograph­ Anthropologie, Ethnologie und ies in the New Guinea High­ Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 496- 504. in: Zeitschrift für lands. Studies in New Guinea linguistics, Oceania linguis­ Ethnologie, vol. 32. tics monograph, No. 2. Sydney, University of Sydney, 48 pp. 1901 Eine neue Art von Masken aus Neu-Britannien. Globus, 80: 1958 The Middle Wahgi culture: a 4 -5 . study of first contacts and initial selectivity. Anthropos, 1910 Ueber Pygmäen in Melanesien. 53: 51-87. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 42: 959-45. 1958a Treatment of disease in the New Guinea highlands. I9IO/II Zur Ethnographie des Kaiserin- Anthropological quarterly, August a- Flusse s . B aessler- 31: 42-55. Archiv, 1: IO3-I7.

Luyken, R. Luzbetak, Louis Joseph (joint author) 1954 Voeding en voedingstoestand 1954 see 1954 McVinney, P.A. van de Marind anim in Zuid and Luzbetak, L.J. Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement Lynch, C.J. van - Kantoor voor bevolkings- zaken, 41 p p . 1959 Reform of the Legislative Council of Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 10: 1955 Voedingsproblemen in Zuid Nieuw- 162-4. Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 3 (4 ): 7 -9 . 1961 Constitutional developments in Papua and New Guinea 1960-61. 1955a Voedingsproblemen in Nieuw- Australian outlook, 15(2) : Guinea. I. and II. Schäkels, 117-40. NNG, 15: 17-27. 7 58

1961a A new constitution for Papua 1920 Western Division: Annual and New Guinea. Polynesian report. Papua. Annual report society, Wellington, Journal, for 1918-19: 16-9. 7 0 : 2 4 3 -7 . 1921 Western Division: Annual report. Papua. Annual report 1961b The challenge of the 1961 for 1919-20: 23-6. constitution. Journal of the public service of the Territory of Papua and New 1921a Aftimistic and other spiritual­ Guinea, 3: 1-7. istic beliefs of the Bina tribe, western Papua. Royal anthropological institute of Lyne, Charles Great Britain and Ireland, 1885 New Guinea: an account of the Journal, 51: 428-37. establishment of the British protectorate over the south­ 1921b Harina or punishment by ern shores of New Guinea. substitute, a custom amongst London, Sampson Low, M arston, the Kiwai and kindred peoples Searle and Rivington, 238 pp. of western Papua. Man, 21: 2 4 -7 . Lyng, James 1925 Island films, reminiscences of 1922 Report on Western Division. "German New Guinea". Sydney, Papua. Annual report for Cornstalk Publishing Co., 1920-21: 63-4. 248 pp. 1922a The arrows of the Upper Lyng, Jens Sorensen (Papua) bush tribes. Man, 22: 145-7. 1919 Our new possession (late German New Guinea). Melbourne, Melbourne Publishing Company, 1922b Sepulchral pottery of Murua, 247 PP- P apua. Man, 22: 1 6 4 -5 .

Lyons, A.P. 1922c Report of an expedition to the 1909 Annual report: Mambare Division. Upper Ply. Papua. Annual report Papua. Annual report for I908- for 1920-21: 112-24, (App. I). 09: 7 6 -8 1 . 1923 Tree reverence amongst Papuans. 1913 Magisterial report, Daru, Man, 2 3 : 7 2 -3 . Western Division. Papua. Annual report for 1912-13: 7 0 -5 . 1924 Paternity beliefs and customs in western Papua. Man, 24: 58-9- 1914 Magisterial report, XI. Western Division. Papua. 1925 The significance of the parental Annual report for 1913-14: state amongst Muruans. Man, 25: 97-103. 131- 2 .

1914a Customs of the Demorokoromo 1925a Eastern Division: sacrificial people. Papua. Annual report circles of stones on ridges for 1913-14: l8l, (App. 2). about 2 miles north-west of Ilafu village, Galia district, and at W atu-Idi-Idira, Ebadidi, 1914b Vocabularies of the languages Fergusson Island. Papua. Annual spoken between the Wassi Kussa report for 1923-24: 20-1. and the Dutch boundary. Papua. Annual report for 1913-14: 193-4, (App. Illg). 1926 Notes on the Gogodara tribe of western Papua. Royal anthropol­ ogical institute of Great 1917 Vocabularies: comparative Britain and Ireland, Journal, table of language. Papua. 56 : 329- 60 . Annual report for 1914-13: 186-7, (App. IVz). 1927 A sacrificial altar, Papua. Man, 2 7 : 3 1 -2 . 1919 Vocabularies: Daru station, Western Division. Papua. 1950 Strange artifacts of old Annual report for 1917-18: Papua. Pacific islands 98, (App. E21). monthly, 21(2) : 59, 63.

1919a Vocabularies: Daru station, Western Division. Papua. 1951 More about the Kukukukus. Annual report for 1917-18: Pacific islands monthly, 99j (App. E22). 2 1 (1 2 ) : 8 3 , 8 5 - 6 . 159 1951a Hunting down the head­ Maahs, Arnold hunters. Pacific islands 1949 Village of saucepans. Walkabout, monthly, 22(2): 65, 73-5» 15(6): 37-40.

1952 Early gold from Papua's rivers. 1949a The festival of the pig. Walkabout, Pacific islands monthly, 22(9): 15(12)’ 17-20. 124-8. 1950 Salt-makers of the Wahgi. 1953 Whence came New Guinea's Walkabout, 16(1): 15-8. "native" tobacco? Pacific islands monthly, 23(9): 65. 1950a Put another rock on the fire. Walkabout, 16(3): 44-5, 47-8.

1950b Returning to New Guinea. Walkabout, 16(8): 29-33*

1950/51 The stone-axe people. National geographic magazine, 23(H): 491-3.

1951 Cannibal country. Walkabout, 17(3): 29-32.

1951a Bones of the Buangs. Walkabout, 17(12): 14-8.

1952 Climbing New Guinea's Finlsterres. Walkabout, 18: 29-33*

1953 New Guinea's Stone Age men. Walkabout, 19(2): 29-35.

1955 Salt-makers of New Guinea. Natural history: American museum of natural history, Journal, 64(7): 352-4.

1956 New Guinea chiefs give to get rich. Natural history: American museum of natural history, Journal, 65(4): I7&-83, 223.

1956a A sociological interpretation of the cargo cult of New Guinea and selected comparable phenomena in other areas of the world. Ph.D. thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 137 pp.

Me Adam, T.L. 1926 Native vocabulary. Report to the League of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea for 1924-25: 81-90, (App. B).

1926a Native vocabulary. Report to the League of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea for 1924-25: 91-3, (App. B).

MacAlister, A. 1887 Notes on a skull from New Ireland. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London, Journal, 16: 150-1.

MacAlpine, A. 1909 Annual report: Eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1908-09: 66- 70. 160 McArthur, Annie Margaret 1956 Economic development among the Mekeo. South Pacific commission, 1954/55 Kunimaipa, Central Division, Quarterly bulletin, (l): 30-1; Tapini subdistrict, Papua. Field 6 also South Pacific 8(10): 217-20. notes (held by Department of anthropology, Australian national university, Canberra), 3 7 , 39 pp. 1956a Problems of agricultural organis­ ation. South Pacific, 9(3); 330-6. 1961 The Kunimaipa: the social structure of a Papuan people. 1958 Problems affecting the native Thesis, Australian national local government policy. South university, 467 pp. Pacific, 9(12): 569-75, 587. McArthur, Annie Margaret (Joint author) 1958a Economic and financial aspects 1950 see 1950 Rienits, K.G. and of local government. South McArthur, M. Pacific, 9(13): 600-5.

McArthur, Norma 1959 Some problems of educational ■ 1956 The population of the Pacific theory and practice. South Islands. Part 7: Papua and New Pacific, 10(4): 93-101. Guinea: 324-559- Canberra, Australian national university, 1960 We are men - what are you? Department of demography. Quadrant, 4(3): 73-9-

1956a The population of the Pacific Islands. Part 8: Netherlands New 1961 My New Guinea. Quadrant, 5(3): Guinea: 56O-6 1 6 . Canberra, 15-27. Australian national university, Department of demography. McAuley, James P. and Hogbin, H. Ian 1948 Development in New Guinea. Far McAuley, James P. eastern survey, 1 7 : 48-51. 1948 Agricultural production in New Guinea. South Pacific, 3(4): McBride, Brian 73-81. 1963 A patrol into the Porgera- Strickland Gorge area. Australian 1950 Defence and development in territories, 3(2): 32-41. Australian New Guinea. Pacific affairs, 2 3 : 37 1 -8 0 . McCall, K. 1951 Papua and New Guinea. Corona, 1941 "Max Ariana". Walkabout, 8: 39- 3 : 418-20. 40.

1951a Changes in native administration McCann, w.,K. in New Guinea. South Pacific, 1937 New Guinea's latest goldfield. 5(9): 17 8 -8 2 . Walkabout, 4(2): 4l-4.

1952 Mechanization, collectives and McCarthy, Dudley native agriculture. South Pacific, 6 (1): 276-81. 1958 Education in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 9: 517-21. 1952a White settlement in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 5(12): McCarthy, Frederick D. 250-5. 1935 The story of money. Australian museum magazine, 5 (ll): 386-9 3 . 1953 Australia's future in New Guinea. Pacific affairs, 26(l): 59-69; also South Pacific, 6(11): 544-9, 1936 A prehistoric mortar from New 556. Guinea. Australian museum magazine, 6(4): 1 1 1 .

1954 The distance between the govern­ 1938/) "Trade" in aboriginal Australia ment and the governed. South 39 ) and "trade" relationships with Pacific, 7(8) : 815-20. 1939/) Torres Straits, New Guinea and 40 ) Malaya. Oceania, 9: 405-38; 10: 1954a Local government among the Tolai. 81-104, 171-95. South Pacific, 7(11): 880-6. 1942 The pygmy peoples of Oceania. 1954b Paradoxes of development in the Australian museum magazine, 8(l): South Pacific. Pacific affairs, 32 -6 . 27: 138-49. 1943 Hunters and gardeners of New 1955 Christian missions. South Guinea. Australian museum Pacific 8(7): 138-47. magazine, 8 (3 ): 76-8 1 . 167

1944 Some unusual stone artifacts from i960 Ancestor worship among the Australia and New Guinea. Melanesians. Australian museum Australian museum, Records, 21: magazine, 1 3 (5 ): 147-51. 264-6. McCarthy, Jack 1944a The coconut-palm and its uses in Oceania. Australian museum 1941 In central Papua. Walkabout, magazine, 8(7): 224-8. 7(11): 7-13.

1944b The art of the Admiralty Islands. McCarthy, John Keith Australian museum magazine, 8(9): 290-4. 1937 Exploration of the Sepik River and tributaries. Report to the The wood-carvers of the Admiralty League of Nations on the 1945 administration of the Territory Islands. Australian museum of New Guinea for 1935-36: 112-4. magazine, 8(10): 331-5-

1939 Upei hat, Kunua and Keriak 1945a The art of Malangan in New natives, Bougainville Is. Report Ireland. Australian museum to the League of Nations on the magazine, 8(12): 396-403. administration of the Territory of New Guinea for 1937-38: 21-2. 1946 The Malangan masks of New Ireland. Australian museum magazine, 9(2): 50 -6 . 1947 How 240 men were saved. Pacific islands monthly, 17(6): 55-8, 6 0 -1 , (7): 32-4, 43-4, 46. 1946a Melanesian Kapkaps. Australian museum magazine, 9(3): 8l-6. 1955 Native co-operatives in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 1947 Native commerce in Oceania. 8: 113-4. Australian museum magazine, 9(4): 117-20, (5): 149-52. 1959 The Rabaul strike. Quadrant, 3 (2 ): 55-65. 1949 The designers of the Huon Gulf, New Guinea. Australian museum 1960 Village women's clubs in Papua magazine, 9(H): 359-64. and New Guinea. Polynesian society, Wellington, Journal, 1949a Sepik River face masks. 69: 57-9. Australian museum magazine, 10(1 ): 3-8 . 1961 In Papua and New Guinea .... new ways of learning for village 1949b Some prehistoric and recent stone people. South Pacific commission, implements from New Guinea. Quarterly bulletin, ll(4): 42-3, Australian museum, Records, 22(2) : 6 7 -8 . 155-63. 196la The patrol posts. Journal of the 1950 The art of the Pacific, in: public service of the Territory Charles Barrett (ed.), The Pacific: of Papua and New Guinea, 3 : 54-6. ocean of islands: 77-86. Melbourne, N.H. Seward Pty. Ltd., 176 pp. 1963 Patrol officers move into "last frontier" area of Papua. Pacific 1950a Megaliths of the Pacific islands monthly, 3 3 (1 0 ): 7 7 -8 . islands, in: Charles Barrett (ed. ), The Pacific: ocean of 1963a Patrol into yesterday: my New islands: 137-47. Melbourne, N.H. Guinea years. Melbourne, Seward Pty. Ltd., 176 pp. Cheshire, 252 pp.

1951 The human sculpture of the Solomon McCarthy, Joy (Joint author) islands. Australian museum magazine, 10(5 and 6): 139-43, 196l see 1961 Gibson, G. and 182-5. McCarthy, J.

1951a Some new and unusual stone McClymont, J.R. implements from Australia and 1898 The discovery of New Guinea by New Guinea. Australian museum, Antonio de Abreu. Australian and Records, 22: 344-50. New Zealand association for the advancement of science, Report 1953 The Oceanic and Indonesia of 7 th meeting, 7 : 7 1 2 -2 2 . affiliations of Australian abor­ iginal culture. Polynesian Me Coll, K.H. society, Wellington, Journal, 6 2 : 243-61. 1947 (l) Out on the end of a limbi (2 ) Trapped by Nips I (3 ) "Operation Sepik". Pacific 1959 Head-hunters of Oceania. Australian museum magazine, islands monthly, 17(8): 32-4, 13(3): 76-80. (9): 33-6, (1 0 ): 33-5- 162

MeCullagh, S.F. 1917 Vocabularies: Cape Nelson station, North-eastern Division. Papua. 1959 Interim report: goitre control Annual report for 1914-15: 171, project. Papua and New Guinea App. IVh), 172, (App. IVi), 173. medical journal, 3(2): 43-7. App. IVj), 174, (App. IVk).

1963 The Huon peninsula endemic: I. The effectiveness of an 1923 Magisterial report: North-eastern intramuscular depot of iodized Division. Papua. Annual report oil In the control of endemic for 1921-22: 69-71. goitre. II. The effect in the female of endemic goitre on 1925 The Dyke Ackland, Lower Bariji reproductive function. III. The and Lower Musa districts. Papua. effect in the female of endemic Annual report for 1922-23: 22-3, goitre on reproductive function. (App. VII). IV. Endemic goitre and congenital defect. Medical journal of MacFarlane, May Australia, 1: 769-77, - , 80 6 8 1935 Bougainville villages. Walkabout, 844-9, 884-90, and tables. 1: 33-6.

McCulloch, R.N. 1946 Bougainville cremation. Walkabout, 1944 Notes on the habits and 12(7): 20. distribution of trombiculid mites in Queensland and New MacFarlane, Samuel Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 543-5. see McFarlane, Samuel

MacDonald, Alexander McFarlane, Samuel 1907 In the land of pearl and gold: 1876 McFarlane's und Macleay's a pioneer's wanderings in the Expedition nach Neuguinea. back-blocks and pearling grounds Globus, 29(4): 56-9» (15): of Australia and New Guinea. 240, (18): 278-80. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 319 pp.; 2nd impression 1913- 1876a S. McFarlane's neueste Fahrt nach Neuguinea im März und April MacDonald, Daniel 1876. Globus, 30(9): 140-2, 1896 The Asiatic or Semitic origin (10): 150-3. of the Oceanic numerals, personal

pronouns, phonology and grammar. 1877 McFarlane's Reisebericht an der Polynesian society, Wellington, Südostküste Neuguineas. Globus, Journal, 5: 212-32. 3 1 (2 1 ): 354.

MacDonell, S.G. l877a Voyage of the 'Ellangowan' to 1938 The quest of the Golden Fly: a China Straits, New Guinea. Royal strange adventure in the heart geographical society, London, of savage Papua. London, Quality Proceedings, 21: 350-60. Press, 200 pp. 1878 McFarlane's Gründung von 3 MeDonne1, Roy A. Missionsstationen im oestlichen Neuguinea. Globus, 34(4): 62-4. 1945 Native villages of Port Moresby. Walkabout, 12(l): 19-20. 1888 Among the cannibals of New Guinea: being the story of the New Guinea MacDonnell, F. mission of the London Missionary 1909 Annual report, Rigo, Central Society. London, London Missionary Division. Papua. Annual report Society, 192 pp. for 1908-09: 65-6. 1893 British New Guinea and its people. 1911 Magisterial report, East-central International congress of Division (Abau). Papua. Annual orientalists, 9th, London, (1892), report for 1910-11: 104-8. Transactions, 2: 771-83.

1912 Magisterial report: East-central McFarlane, Samuel (joint author) Division. Papua. Annual report 1888 see 1888 Chalmers, J. and for 1911-12: 105-11. McFarlane, S.

1914 Magisterial report: IV. North­ MacFarlane, W.H. eastern Division, (a) Cape Nelson, (b) Baniara. Papua. Annual report 1952 The repudiated annexation of 1 8 8 3 . for 1913-14: 54-65. Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (5 ): 76, 78-80. 163

MacGillivray, John l890h Journey to the summit of the Owen Stanley range. Royal geographical 1852 Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. society, London, Proceedings, 12: "Rattlesnake", including 193-223. discoveries and surveys in New Guinea, the Louisiade Archipelago etc., commanded by the late 1890-98 Despatch from the lieutenant Captain Owen Stanley during 1846- governor of British New Guinea 1850. London, Boone, 2 vols. 402, (to the governor of Queensland). 395 pp. Various numbers, 1890-1898. Brisbane, Government Printer, MacGillivray, John (Joint author) 2 vols. 1851 see 1851 Stanley, 0. and MacGillivray, J. 1892 Despatch reporting visit of inspection to various districts in the east end of the possession. MacGregor, William British New Guinea. Annual report 1890 Despatch reporting tour of for 1890-91: 1-4, (App. A). inspection extending from Manu- Manu on the coast of the possession to the Owen Stanley 1892a Despatch reporting expedition range in the interior. British undertaken to effect capture of New Guinea. Annual report for murderers of two traders at Murua (Woodlark Island). British New 1888-89: 37-48, (App. D). Guinea. Annual report for I89O- 91: 4-8, (App. B). 1890a Despatch reporting visit of inspection to the islands of Tagula (Sudest) and Misima (St. 1892b Despatch reporting visit to Nada Aignan). British New Guinea. (Laughlan Islands). British New Annual report for 1889-90: 25- Guinea. Annual report for I89O- 6, (App. A). 91: 9, (App. C).

1892c Despatch reporting visit of 1890b Despatch reporting visit of inspection to north-east coast inspection to district of Aroma. of the possession. British New British New Guinea. Annual report Guinea. Annual report for I O- for 1889-90: 27, (App. B). 89 91: 10-8, (App. D).

1890c Despatch reporting expedition l892d Despatch reporting visit of undertaken to attempt the capture inspection to the Mekeo (Upper of the perpetrators of the Cloudy St. Joseph) district. British Bay murders. British New Guinea. New Guinea. Annual report for Annual report for 1889-90: 28-36, 1890-91: 19-24, (App. E). (Apps. C,D). l892e Despatch reporting visit to Kabadi. l890d Despatches respecting visit of British New Guinea. Annual report inspection to Kiwai Is. at mouth for 1890-91: 25-6, (App. F). of the Fly River, and further notes on places along the river. British New Guinea. Annual report l892f Despatch reporting visit of for 1889-90: 36-76, (Apps. E,F,G, inspection to the Koiari-district. H,l); also Anthropological British New Guinea. Annual report institute of Great Britain and for 1890-91: 26-7, (App. G). Ireland, London, Journal, 1892, 21: 75-7 , 200-6 . l892g Despatch reporting visit of inspection to Mugula (Dufaure l890e Despatch reporting visit of Island). British New Guinea. inspection to the St. Joseph Annual report for 1890-91: 28-30, River district and despatches (Ap p . H). reporting means undertaken to effect the capture of certain murderers from the village of 18921 Despatch reporting measures taken Nara, etc. British New Guinea. to punish natives of Sila-Sila Annual report for 1889-90: 76-86, villages. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1890-91: 33, 87-91j (Apps. J,K,M). (App. J).

l890f Despatch reporting visit of inspection to London Missionary l892h Despatch reporting administration Society's establishments at visits to Tagula and Murua. Kerepunu and at Mairu and Suau British New Guinea. Annual report islands. British New Guinea. for 1890-91: 31-2, (App. I). Annual report for 1889-90: 92-3, (App. N). 1892J Despatch covering continuation report of the expedition to the Kovio range (Mt. Yule). British 1890g Aboriginal vocabulary of Kiwai, New Guinea. Annual report for also at Ipisia, Saguana, Samari, Mabudamu, Auti, Wiorubi, and 1890-91: 34-41, (App. K). Sumai villages. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1889- 90: 124-31, (App. X(3)). 164

1892t Despatch reporting administrative 1894b Despatch reporting visit of visit of inspection to the inspection to certain places in Western Division. British New the d'Entrecasteaux group and Guinea. Annual report for I89O- neighbouring islands, etc. 91: 42-57, (Apps. L,M). British New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-93: 8-14, (App. C). 18921 Despatch reporting visit to eastern part of the possession. 1894c Despatch reporting visit of British New Guinea. Annual report inspection to country west of for 1890-91: 57-61, 62-5, Port Moresby as far as Freshwater (Apps. N,P). Bay. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-93: 15-20, (App. D). l892n Despatch reporting visit of inspection to the Louisiades and neighbouring islands. British New l894d Despatch reporting expedition Guinea. Annual report for I89O- undertaken to visit and deal 91: 65-70, (App. Q). with the Wabuda tribe. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-93: 22-3, (App. F). 1895 Despatch reporting visits to the d'Entrecasteaux and Trobriand groups. British New Guinea. l894e Despatch reporting inspection Annual report for 1891-92: 1-7, of the Gulf of Papua from Hall (App. A). Sound to Port Bevan. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-93: 24-36, (App. G). l893a Despatch reporting visits to Buhutu and Wari tribes. British New Guinea. Annual report for l894f Despatch reporting visit of 1891- 92: 9-11, (App. B). Inspection to the Mekeo district. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-93: 36-8, (App. H). 1893b Despatch reporting visit of inspection to the Mekeo district. British New Guinea. Annual report 1895 Despatch reporting inspection of for 1891-92: 15-22, (Apps. D,E). the north-east coast of the possession. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1893-94: 1893c Despatch reporting visit of 1-8, (App. A). inspection to eastern portion of the possession. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1891-92: 22-7, 1895a Despatch reporting visit to (App. F). eastern end of the possession. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1893-94: 8-11, (App. B). l893d Despatch continuing the report of his visit of inspection to the eastern portion of the possession. 1895b Despatch reporting visit of British New Guinea. Annual report inspection of various places in for 1891-92: 27-31, (App. G). the east end of the possession. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1893-94: 12-5, (App. C). l893e Despatch reporting visit to the Louisiades. British New Guinea. Annual report for I89I- 1895c Despatch reporting visit to the d'Entrecasteaux and neighbouring 92: 31-3, (App. H). islands. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1893-94: 16-21, I893f Despatch reporting visit of (App. D). Inspection to the Western Division of the possession. British New Guinea. Annual report l895d Despatch reporting visit of for 1891-92: 34-48, (Apps. I,J). inspection to the Purari river district. British New Guinea. l893g Despatch reporting expedition Annual report for 1893-94: 22-9, undertaken with object of meeting (App. E). Tugerl invaders and to repel Tugeri invaders. British New l895e Despatch reporting visit of Guinea. Annual report for I89I- inspection to the north-east 92: 49-53, (Apps. K,L). coast. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1893-94: 30-7, (App. F). 1891 Despatch reporting visit of inspection towards the eastern l895f Despatch reporting visit to end of the possession. British eastern end of the possession. New Guinea. Annual report for British New Guinea. Annual report 1892- 93: 1-?, (App. A). for 1893-94: 38-40, (App. G).

1891a Despatch reporting visit to 1895g Despatch reporting visit to various islands at the eastern certain tribeo on south coast of end of the possession. British mainland, ne^r Table Bay. British New Guinea. Annual report for New Guinea. Annual report for 1892-93: 3-7, (App. B). 1893-94: 40-2, (App. H). 7 65 1895h Despatch reporting visit of 1898 Despatch reporting visit of inspection to the Mekeo district. inspection to various places in British New Guinea. Annual report east end of the possession. for 1893-94: 43-4, (App. I). British New Guinea. Annual report for 1896-97: 1-2, (App. A). l895i British New Guinea. Scottish geographical magazine, 1 1 : 16I- 1898a Despatch reporting ascent of 80. and journey across the island. British New Guinea. 1897 Despatch reporting visit to Dobu Annual report for 1896-97: and Duau Islands. British New 4-14, (App. C). Guinea. Annual report for 1895- 96: 3-6, (App. B). 1898b Vocabularies of the natives of Goslsi and Tobirl, Mt. Knuts ford 1897a Despatch reporting visit to and Mt. Musgrave; vocabulary of Murawawa Bay and Baunia Bay. natives at Neneba, Mt. Scratchley. British New Guinea. Annual report British New Guinea. Annual report for 1895-96: 6-10, (App. C). for 1896-97: 14-6, (App. C).

1897b Despatch reporting result of 1898c Despatch reporting visit of inspection to certain places in expedition to the Mambare River the eastern portion of the to capture natives implicated in the murder of the late Mr. George possession. British New Guinea. Clark. British New Guinea. Annual Annual report for 1896-97: 17- report for 1 8 9 5 -9 6 : 1 2 -2 2 , 22, (App. D). (App. D). l898d Despatch reporting visit of 1897c Despatch reporting expedition inspection towards the Western undertaken to effect the ascent Division of the possession. of the Musa-river. British New British New Guinea. Annual Guinea. Annual report for 1895- report for 1896-97: 23-5, (App. F). 96: 22-8, (App. E). l898e Despatch reporting ascent of l897d Despatch reporting ascent of the Mambare River, and action taken Kumusi-river. British New Guinea. to discover actual perpetrators Annual report for 1895-96: 29-30, of murders at Peu, Gadara, etc. (App. F). British New Guinea. Annual report for 1896-97: 25-8, 29-35, l897e Despatch reporting visit of (Apps. G,H). inspection to Louisiades and neighbouring group. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1895- l898f Despatch reporting visit to 96: 3O-3 , (App. G). Kiriwina. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1896-97: 37-9» (App. I). l897f Despatch reporting visit of inspection to the inland portion of the Rigo district (with 1898g Despatch reporting visit of enclosures by A.C. English). inspection to district lying British New Guinea. Annual report between Port Moresby and the for 1895-96: 33-5 , (App. H). headwaters of the Goldie and Brown rivers. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1897-98: 1-18, 1897g Despatch reporting visit of (App. A). inspection to Western Division of the possession. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1895- 1898h Despatch reporting visit inland 96: 38-49, (App. I). to the western end of the Owen Stanley range and thence across l897h Despatch reporting visit of the island to the north east coast. inspection to Mambare River British New Guinea. Annual report district and other places. for 1897-98: 19-29, (App. B). British New Guinea. Annual report for 1895-96: 49-52, (App. J). 18981 Despatch reporting visit of inspection to western districts 18971 Despatch reporting expedition of the possession. British New undertaken to repel Tugeri Guinea. Annual report for 1897- invaders. British New Guinea. 98: 39-41, (App. C). Annual report for 1895-96: 52-6, (App. K), l898j Despatch reporting visit of inspection to the lower part of 1897 J Despatch reporting visit of the Brown River and of visit of inspection to Mekeo district. inspection to road between Port British New Guinea. Annual report Moresby and the main range. for 1895-96: 56-62, (App. L). British New Guinea. Annual report for 1897-98: 42, (App. D). 1897k British New Guinea: country and people. London, John Murray, 100 pp. 766

1898k Despatch reporting visit of MacKay, S.R. Inspection to north-eastern I960 Growth and nutrition of infants district of the possession. in the western highlands of New British New Guinea. Annual report Guinea. Medical journal of for 1897-98: 42-5, (App. E). Australia, 1: 452-9, and tables.

I898I Despatch reporting visit of McKee, H.S. inspection to various districts of the possession. British New 1955 Salt supply problems in Papua and Guinea. Annual report for 1897- New Guinea. South Pacific 98: 45-50, (App. P). commission, Quarterly bulletin, 5(3): 25-6. McIntosh, D.H. 1956 Cash crops and imported foods in I960 The effect of man on the forests the South Pacific. South Pacific, of the highlands of eastern New 9(1): 279-83, 301. Guinea. Paper delivered at the UNESCO Symposium on the impact of man on humid tropics MacKellar, C.D. vegetation. Goroka, Territory of 1912 Scented isles and coral gardens: Papua and New Guinea: 123-6 . Torres Straits, German New Guinea Sponsored by the Administration and the Dutch East Indies. of the Territory of Papua and London, John Murray, 347 PP- New Guinea and UNESCO Science Co-operation Office for South McKenna, B.J. East Asia. Canberra, Government Printer, 402 pp. 1931 Report on native education in the Mandated Territory of New Guinea. Report to the League Macintosh, N.W.G. of Nations on the administration 1957/58 Infanticide in the Mortlock of the Territory of New Guinea Islands and the identification for 1929-30: 127-31, (App. C). of infant skeletons. Oceania, 28: 208-2 1 . MacKenzie, S.S. 1959/60 A preliminary note on skin colour 1927 The Australians at Rabaul: the in the western highland natives capture and administration of of New Guinea. Oceania, 30(4) : the German possessions in the 2 7 9 -9 3 and 6 plates. southern Pacific. The official history of Australia in the war of 1914-1918, vol. 10. Sydney, Macintosh, N.W.G. (joint author) Angus & Robertson, xvi and 1957/58 see 1957/58 Price, A.V.G. and 4l2 pp. (2nd ed. 1934, 3rd ed. Macintosh, N.W.G. 1936, 4th ed. 1937).

Macintosh, N.W.G. and others Mackerras, I.M. 1957/58 The blood groups of the native 1946 Malaria in the South-west inhabitants of the western Pacific. Medical Journal of highlands, New Guinea. Oceania, Australia, 2: 249-50. 28(3): 173-98. 1947 The Australasian anophelines as McIntyre, William David vectors of malaria. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 1-8 and 1959 British policy in West Africa, 6 tables. the Malay peninsula and the South Pacific during the colonial secretaryships of Lord Kimberley Mackerras, I.M. and Aberdeen, J.E.C. and Lord Carnarvon, 1870 to 1946 A malaria survey at Wewak, New 1 8 7 6 . Ph.D. thesis, University Guinea. Medical journal of of London, 431 pp. Australia, 2: 763-71.

McKaughan, Howard (joint author) MacKie, J.A.C. 1963 see Loving, A. and McKaughan, H. 1962 The West New Guinea argument. Australian outlook, 16: 26-46. MacKay, D. MacLachlan, R.R.C. 1912 An exploration in New Guinea. Australian and New Zealand 1938 Native pottery from central and association for the advancement southern Melanesia and western of science, Report of the 13th Polynesia. Polynesian society, meeting, Sydney, 1911, 13: Wellington, Journal, 47: 64-84. 385-9. McLaren, G. MacKay, Kenne th 1935 Nusi: where clothes are unknown. 1909 Across Papua: being an account Walkabout, 1: 24-5. of a voyage round, and a march across the Territory of Papua, 1936 Native surgery in the South Sea with the Royal Commission. London, islands. Walkabout, 2(10): 45-7. Wltherby and Co., 192 pp. 167 1936a New Guinea: strange custom of McVinney, Paul A. and Luzbetak, Louis head binding. Walkabout, 2(ll): Joseph 10-1. 1954 Tabare dialect: vol. 1, Grammar (Sinasina, Eastern Highlands). McLaren, Jack Alexishafen, Catholic Mission, 1923 My Odyssey. London, J. Cape, 255 PP- 256 pp. Mager, J.P. Maclay, Nicolaus von Miklucho- 1937 Educational and social change see Miklukho-Maklai, Nikolai in a New Guinea society. Board Nikolaevich. of Foreign Missions, American Lutheran Church, Columbus (Ohio), mimeographed, 45 pp.; also M.A. McLean, Donald thesis, Division of Social 1932*- Lakatoi racing in Papua. Walkabout, Sciences, Chicago University. 1 : 16-20. Magnus, Paul McLennan, A. 1914 Neu-Guinea-Compagnie. Deutsche 1938 The population problem in Kolonialzeitung, 31(10): 186-8. Australian New Guinea. Australian quarterly, 1 0 (l): 44-52. Maguire, H.R. 1903 Impressions of a year's sojourn MacLennan, R. and others in British New Guinea. Queensland 1959/60 A survey of the blood groups and geographical journal, 17 (190I- haemoglobin values in the Sepik 1902): 117-43. River district. Oceania, 30: 305-12. Maher, Robert F • 1958 A case study of culture change 1959/ A survey of the blood groups and in the Territory of Papua. Ph.D. 60a haemoglobin values of the natives thesis, University of Wisconsin, in the Mount Hagen area, New 214 pp. Guinea. Oceania, 30: 3 1 3 -2 0 . 1958/59 Tommy Kabu movement of the McLeod, Helen Purari delta. Oceania, 29: 75-90. 1961 Cannibals are human; a district officer's wife in New Guinea. 1960 Social structure and cultural Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 2l6 pp. change in Papua. American anthropologist, 62(4): 59 3 - McLeod, J.S. 6 0 2 , tables. 1939 Customs of people living in ' Vailala River valley. Report to 1961 Varieties of change in Koriki the League of Nations on the culture. Southwestern Journal of administration of the Territory anthropology, 1 7 : 26-3 9 . of New Guinea for 1937-38: 21. 196la New men of Papua: a study in 1952 Village policemen and village culture change. Madison, councillors. South Pacific, 6(5): University of Wisconsin Press, 411, 413. xii and 148 pp., tables.

McMahon, T.J. Mair, Lucy P. 1916 Papua. Queensland geographical 1947 Australian native policy in New Journal, 32: 8 l-8 . Guinea. Man, 47: 28-9.

McMillan, M. 1948 Australia in New Guinea. London, Christophers, 238 pp. 1914 A Journey to Java. London, Holden and Hardingham, 286 1958 The pursuit of the millenium in Melanesia. British journal of McNicoll, W. Ramsay sociology, 9 : 1 7 5 -8 2 . 1936 Administrator's tours of inspection. Report to the League of Nations on the administration 1958/59 Independent religious movements of the Territory of New Guinea in three continents. Comparative for 1934-35: 107-20, (App. B). studies in society and history, 1 : II3-3 6 . McWllllam, N.D. Malcolm, D.S. (joint author) 1936 Disposal of the dead in the Buang mountains, Morobe District, 1940 see 1940 Dickie, J. and New Guinea. Mankind, 2: 39-42. Malcolm, D.S.

Malcolm, S.H. 1958 see 1958 Oomen, H.A.P.C. and Malcolm, S.H. 168 Malinowski, Bronislaw 1927a Lunar and seasonal calendar in the Trobriands. Royal 1915 The natives of Mailu; preliminary- anthropological institute of results of the Robert Mond Great Britain and Ireland, Research Work in British New Journal, 57: 2 0 3 -1 5 . Guinea. Royal society of South Australia, Transactions, 39: 494-706. 1927b The father in primitive psychology. Psyche miniatures; London, general series No. 8 . 1916 Baloma: the spirits of the London, Kegan Paul, Trench, dead in the Trobriand islands. Trubner and Co. Ltd., 93 pp. Royal anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1927c Prenuptial intercourse between Journal, 46: 353-430. the sexes in the Trobriand islands northwest Melanesia. (Abstract from "The sexual life of savages 1917-20 Classificatory particles in the in north west Melanesia".) language of Kiriwina. London. Psychoanalytic review, 14: 20-36. University. School of oriental studies, Bulletin, 1: 33-78. 1929 The sexual life of savages In north-western Melanesia: an 1918 Pishing in the Trobriand Islands. ethnographic account of courtship, Man, 18: 87-92. marriage, and family life among the natives of the Trobriand 1920 War and weapons among the natives Islands, British New Guinea (with of the Trobriand Islands. Man, a preface by H. Ellis). New York, 20 : 10-2 . Eugenics Publishing Co., 603 pp.; second edition 1 931; third edition 1932 (with a special foreward); 1920a Kula: the circulating exchange London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, of valuables in the archipelagoes of eastern New Guinea. Man, 20: i-1 and 506 pp.; reprinted 1939, 97-105. 1948, 1952, 1957. "Das Geschlechtsleben der Wilden", 1921 The primitive economics of the German edition, Leipzig 1929. Trobriand islanders. Economic Journal, 3 1 : 1-16. 1929a Spirit-hunting in the South Seas. Realist, a Journal of scientific 1922 Argonauts of the western Pacific; humanism, 2 (3 ): 398-417. an account of native enterprise and adventure in the archipelago 1932 Pigs, Papuans and police court of Melanesian New Guinea (with perspective. Man, 32: 3 3 -8 . a preface by J.G. Frazer). London, George Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1933 The work and magic and prosperity 527 pp.; also New York, Dutton, in the Trobriand islands. Mens 1953, 427 PP- en maatschappij, 9 : 154-74.

1923/24 The psychology of sex and the 1934 Stone implements in eastern New foundations of kinship in Guinea, in: E.E. Evans-Pritchard primitive societies. Psyche; and others (eds.), Essays quarterly review of psychology, presented to C.G. Seligman: I8 9 - 4; 98-128. 96. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. Ltd., 385 pp. 1923/ Psycho-analysis and anthropology. 24a Psyche; quarterly review of 1935 Coral gardens and their magic: psychology, 4: 293-332. a study of the methods of tilling the soil and of agricultural 1924/25 Complex and myth in mother-right. rites in the Trobriand Islands. Psyche; quarterly review of London, Allen and Unwin, 2 vols., psychology, 5: 194-216. 500, 350 pp.

1925/26 The role of myth in life. Psyche; 1948 Magic, science and religion, in: quarterly review of psychology, Magic, science and religion and other essays: 1-71. Glencoe : 29-39. 6 (Illinois), The Free Press, 327 pp.

1926 Crime and custom in savage 1948a Myth in primitive psychology. society. London, Kegan Paul, in: Magic, science and religion Trench, Trubner and Co. Ltd., and other essays: 7 2 -1 2 4 . pp. 132 Glencoe (Illinois), The Free Press, 327 pp.; also in: The 1927 Sex and repression in savage Frazer lectures (1922-32): society. London, George Routledge 66-119. London, Macmillan and and Kegan Paul, 285 pp. Co., 304 pp. 169 1948b Baloma; spirits of the dead in 1961 Justice in Papua and New Guinea. the Trobriand Islands, in: Magic, Australian territories, 1(3): science and religion and other 44-8. essays: 125-227. Glencoe (Illinois), The Free Press, Mann, C.E.T. 327 PP. 1953/54 Investigation of the rubber industry in Papua and New Guinea. 1948c The problem of meaning in I and II. Papua and New Guinea primitive languages, in: Magic, agricultural gazette, 8 (2 ): 40- science and religion and other essays: 228-76. Glencoe 5 6 , (3 ): 28-47. (Illinois), The Free Press, 527 pp.; also in: Ogden and Mann, J.F. Richards, The meaning of meaning. I8 8 5 ) Notes on a visit to New Guinea London, Kegan Paul, 1923. 1888) in H.M.S. "Nelson". Royal geographical society of 1948d An anthropological analysis of Australasia, New South Wales war. in: Magic, science and branch, Sydney, Transactions religion and other essays: 277- and proceedings, 2 : 1 1 6 -2 9 ; 309. Glencoe (Illinois), The 3 and 4: 1-53- Free Press, 327 pp. Manning, G.O. 1949 How an anthropologist works in 1905 Resident magistrate's report, the field, ln: D.G. Haring (ed.), North-eastern Division. British Personal character and cultural New Guinea. Annual report for milieu: - . Syracuse, Syracuse 38 6 2 1904- 05: 43-5, (App. J). University Press, revised edition, 686 pp. 1907 Resident magistrate's report, North-eastern Division. British 1954 Sailing on the sea-arm of Pllolu. New Guinea. Annual report for (First published in 1922.) in: 1 9 0 5 - 0 6 : 48-50. M. Mead and N. Calas (eds.), Primitive heritage: 109-13. London, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 592 pp. Manning, H.J. 1936 Aerial transport of New Guinea. 1954a The Kula. (First published in Walkabout, 2(ll): 12-4. 1922.) in: M. Mead and N. Calas (eds.), Primitive heritage: 363- 76. London, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1959 Golden-voiced Vial. South Pacific, 592 pp. 10(4): 86-92.

1954b Launching a canoe. (First Mantegazza, Paolo published in 1922.) in: M. Mead 1877 Studii antropologici ed and N. Calas (eds.), Primitive etnografici sulla Nuova Guinea. heritage: 279-87- London, Victor Archivio per antropologia e la Gollancz Ltd., 592 pp. etnologia, 1877, 7: 1 3 7 -7 2 , 307-48; also Firenze (Italy), 1963 Sex, culture and myth. London, 1877, 82 pp. and 16 tables. Rupert Hart-Davis, 346 pp. Marcus, R.E.H. Malinowski, Bronislaw (joint author) 1957 Een sociale revolutle in de 1926 see 1926 Austen, L. and Vogelkop. Nederlands Nieuw- Malinowski, B. Guinea, 5(4): 8-11.

Manchester, Curtis A. I960 Notlties over onderwijs en 1951 The exploration and mapping of opvoeding in Nieuw-Guinea. the Pacific, in: O.W. Freeman Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 8(2): (ed.), Geography of the Pacific: 16-9. 61-88. New York, John Wiley and Sons, 573 PP• Marljn, F.T. 1937/38 lets omtrent arbeidsregelingen Mander, Linden A. voor inlanders in Australisch 1954 Some dependent peoples of the Nieuw-Guinea (Papua en het South Pacific, in: Papua-New mandaatgebied Nieuw-Guinea), Guinea: 199-302- (”ch.4). Issued mede in vergelijking met under the auspices of the overeenkomstige regellngen in International Secretariat, omliggende koloniale gebieden. Institute of Pacific Relations. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 2: 292-305. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 535 PP* Marin la Mesl^e, E. Mann, A.H. see La Mesl^e, E. Marin I960 The Territory museum. Journal of the public service of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 2: 158-66. 770

Marine Rundschau Maryn, F.T. 1908 Die deutsche Marine-Expedition 1937 Cotton-growing by Japanese in 1907-09. Marine Rundschau. Berlin, Dutch New Guinea. Pacific islands February, March, May, June, July, monthly, 8(4): 18-21. September, October, December. see 1908, 1909 Deutsches Masefield, J. (ed.) Kolonialblatt. 1906 see 1906 Dampier, W. Markham, C.R. Mason, Leonard 1886 Progress of discovery on the coasts of New Guinea (with bibliographi­ 1957 Oceania, in: Encyclopaedia cal appendix by E.C. Rye). Royal Britannica, 1957 issue, vol. 16: geographical society, London, 695-8. Supplementary papers, 1: 267-86. Mason, O.T. Marquardsen, H. l897 Geographical distribution of the 1917 Die Entschleierung der hydro­ musical bow. American anthro­ graphischen Verhältnisse im pologist, 10: 377-80. nördlichen Neuguinea. Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, Mason, Paul 30: 418-20. 1951 What has become of the "Buka boy"? A plea for a better deal Marr, Colin C. for Bougainville natives. 1958 An agricultural survey of the Pacific islands monthly, 22(2): Markham valley in the Morobe 81-5. district. Papua and New Guinea agricultural gazette, 4(l): 2-12. Massal, Emile Louis 1951 Research projects H.2-H.5: 1938a Progress of native agriculture researches into nutrition and in the Madang district. Papua alimentation. Report on and New Guinea agricultural investigations carried out by gazette, 4(2): 30-6. Miss S. Malcolm in 1950, prepared from the preliminary Marshall, Alan J. reports by Dr. E.L. Massal. South Pacific commission, Technical 1937 Northern New Guinea, 1936. paper No. 18, 77 PP*; also South Geographical journal, 89: 489- Pacific commission, Project 506. H.2-H.5* Report No. 5.

1938 Germany's former colonies: III. 1954 Dietary and nutritional problems North-east New Guinea and the in the Pacific. South Pacific Bismarck archipelago. Geographical commission, Technical paper No. 59, magazine, 7 : 281-8. iv and 13 pp.

1938a The men and birds of paradise: Massal, Emile and Barrau, Jacques Journeys through equatorial New Guinea. London, Heinemann Ltd., 1955 Pacific subsistence crops... 299 PP- sago. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 5(l): 15-7. Marten, Helen (joint author) 1956 Food plants of the South Sea 1963 see 1963 Foreman, V. and islands. South Pacific commission, Marten, H. Technical paper No. 94, iv and 51 PP. Martin, G.W. (ed.) 1948 State University of Iowa, Massola, Aldo Studies in natural history, 1955 A thief's charm from New Britain. vol. 19, No. 1, Study series Mankind, 5(2): 76-7. No. 419, 127 PP- and 8 plates. see 1948 Bowman, R.G. 1956-61 Drum types of eastern New Guinea. Victoria. National museum, Martin, J.D. Memoirs No. 22 (pt. 7): 1-10 and 2 plates. 1952 The Sangguma cult. South Pacific, 6 : 461-3. Massy-Baker, G.H. Martin, Leonie 1911 Report by Mr. Massy-Baker on his trip up the Fly and Strickland 1962 Health education courses in Hollandia. South Pacific Rivers in search of the Kikori- commission, Quarterly bulletin, expedition. Papua. Annual report for 1910-11: 187-94, (App. A3). 12(3): 41-4. 171

1912 Report of Kikori-Purarl coal Mayr, Ernst and Gililard, E. Thomas expedition. Papua. Annual report 1954 Birds of central New Guinea. for 1911-1 2 : 1 8 2 -8 . American museum of natural history, New York, Bulletin, 1914 Magisterial report: IX. Gulf 103: 317-74. Division. Papua. Annual report for 1913-14: 89-92. Mead, C.W. 1908 The Bismarck archipelago 1917 Annual report on the affairs of collection. American museum the Gulf Division. Papua. Annual Journal, 8 (3 ): 37-42. report for 1914-15: 68-75. Mead, Margaret 1917a Vocabularies: Kerema station. 1930 Melanesian middlemen. Natural Gulf Division. Papua. Annual history: American museum of report for 1914-15: 1 8 2 , natural history, Journal, 3 0 (2 ): (App. IVu). 115-30.

Mattes, J.R. 1930a Water babies of the South Seas. Parents magazine, Jamaica, N.Y., 1959 Native local government councils. 5 : 20- 1 . South Pacific, 10: 13 8 -5 0 . 1931 Living with the natives of 1959a The legal framework of education Melanesia. Natural history: in Papua and New Guinea: a survey American museum of natural of the Education Ordinance 1952- history, Journal, 31(9): 62-74. 57- South Pacific, 10: 165-75.

1931a Talk-boy. Asia, 31(3): 144-51. Maude, H.E. (ed.)

n.d. List of Pacific islands source 1931b Growing up in New Guinea; a materials in U.K. libraries. comparative study of primitive Canberra, Australian national education. London, G. Routledge university, Department of Pacific and Sons, xi and 285 pp.; New History, typescript, 128 pp. York, Harmondsworth, 1942, 215 PP* (Penguin books); New Maurenbrecher, L.L.A. York, New American Library, 1956 De Radja-Empat eilanden. I, II, 1953, 223 pp. (Mentor book). III. Neddrlands Nieuw-Guinea, 4(2): 6-9, (4): 24-6, (6 ): 8 -1 0 . 1932 An investigation of the thought of primitive children, with 1956a De eerste rijstoogst. Nederlands special reference to animism. Royal anthropological institute Nieuw-Guinea, 4(5): 14-5. of Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 62: 173-90. 1958 Handelscontacten. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 6(2): 2-5. 1933/34 The Marsalai cult among the Arapesh, with special reference Mavalwala, J. and others to the rainbow serpent beliefs 1963 The dermatoglyphics of the West of the Australian aborigines. Nakanai of New Britain. American Oceania, 4: 37-53. journal of physical anthropology, 21: 335-40. 1934 Kinship in the Admiralty Islands. American museum of natural Maxton-Graham, P. history, New York, Anthropological 1950 Recent developments in tea papers, 34(2): 181-358. production in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 4(5): 8 8 . 1934a Tamberans and Tumbuans in New Guinea. Natural history: American museum of natural history, 1951 The administration tea project Journal, 34(3): 234-46. at Garaina (Papua). South Pacific, 5(4): 5 8 . 1934b How the Papuan plans his dinner. May, A.J. Natural history: American museum of natural history, Journal, 1941 Endemic typhus in Papua. Medical 34(4): 377-88. Journal of Australia, 1: 449-50. 1934c Where sorcerers call the tune. May, Jean and Loeweke, Eunice Asia, 34: 232-5. 1963 The phonological hierarchy in Fasu. in: Workshop papers No. 2 1935 Sex and temperament in three (Phonology): 10 pp., Summer primitive societies. London, institute of linguistics, New G. Routledge and Sons Ltd., Guinea branch. Ukarumpa, New 335 PP- Guinea, 102 pp. 172 1954a Cultural discontinuities and 1937 Public opinion mechanisms personality transformation. among primitive peoples. Public Journal of social issues (N.Y.), opinion quarterly (Princeton), Supplement series No. 8 , Kurt Is 5-16. Lewin Memorial Award Issue, 16 pp. 1938-49 The mountain Arapesh: 1. An importing culture, 2. Super­ 1954b Manus restudied: an interim naturalism, 3 . Socio-economic report. New York academy of life, 4. Diary of events in science, Transactions, series 2, Alitoa, 5* The record of Unabelin 16(8 ): 426-32. with Rorschach analyses. American museum of natural history, 1954c Early influences that mould the Anthropological papers, 36(3 ): Arapesh personality. (First 139-349; 37(3 ): 319-451; 40(3): published in 1935.) in: M. Mead 163-232, (4): 233-419; 41(3): and N. Calas (eds. ), Primitive 289-390. heritage: 127-44. London, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 592 pp. 1939 Native languages as field-work tools. American anthropologist, 1956 New lives for old: cultural 41(2): 189-205. transformation - Manus, 1928- 1953. New York, William Morrow 1939a From the South Seas: studies of and Co., 548 pp. adolescence and sex in primitive societies. New York, William 1956a Energy changes under conditions Morrow and Co., 3pts., 304, 384, of cultural change, in: Sociometry 335 PP- and the science of man: 201-11, Sociometry; a journal of 1943 The family in the future, in: interpersonal relations. N.Y., R.N. Anshen (ed.), Beyond victory: 18(4): 457-67. 66-87. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Co., 292 pp. 1960 Weaver of the border (New Britain), in: J.B. Casagrande 1945 Research on primitive children, (ed.), In EEe company of man: in: L. Carmichael (ed.), Manual 175-210. New York, Harper and o T child psychology: 667-706. Bros., 540 pp. New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1063 pp. Mead, Margaret (ed.) 1937 The Arapesh of New Guinea. 1947 Age patterning in personality in: Cooperation and competition development. American journal among primitive peoples: 20-50. of orthopsychiatry, 17: 2^1-40; New York, McGraw-Hill Book also ln: D.G. Haring (ed. Company, 531 PP-»' Boston, Beacon Personal character and cu Press, reprinted 1961. milieu: 539-48. Syracuse, Syracuse University Press, 2nd 1937a The Manus of the Admiralty islands. revised edition, 1949» 686 pp. in: Cooperation and competition among primitive peoples: 210-39. 1947a The concept of culture and the New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, psychosomatic approach, in: 531 pp.; Boston, Beacon Press, D.G. Haring (ed.), Personal reprinted 1961. character and cultural milieu: 518-38. Syracuse, Syracuse University Press, 2nd revised 1953 Cultural patterns and technical edition, 1949, 686 pp. change. A manual prepared by the World Federation for Mental Health. Tensions and Technology series. 1950 Male and female: the study of Paris, UNESCO, 348 pp. sexes in a changing world. London, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 477 pp. Mead, Margaret and Calas, Nicolas (eds. ) 1951 The changing structure of family 1954 Primitive heritage: an and higher kin units. Australian anthropological anthology. national university, Research London, Victor Gollancz Ltd. , school of Pacific studies, Pacific 592 pp. see 1954 Bateson, G., seminar, August 1951, stencilled, 1954 Codrington, R.H., 1954 4 pp. Fortune, R.F., 1954a Fortune. R.F., 1954 Landtman, G., 1954 1953 Manus revisited. Papua and New Malinowski, B., 1954a Guinea scientific society, Annual Malinowski, B. , 1954b report and proceedings for 1953: Malinowski, B., 1954c Mead, M. 15- 8. Mead, Margaret (joint author) 1954 Twenty-fifth reunion at Manus. 1961 see 1961 Schwartz, T. and Mead, M. Natural history: American museum of natural history, Journal, 63 (2 ): 66-8 . 773

Mead, Margaret and Schwartz, Theodore Meggitt, Mervyn J. I960 The cult as a condensed social 1956/57 The valleys of the Upper Wage process, in: B. Schaffner (ed.), and Lai Rivers, western high­ Group processes: transactions lands, New Guinea. Oceania, of the fifth conference, October 27: 90-155. 1958, Princeton: 85-187. New York, The Josiah Macy Jr. 1956/ House building among the Mae Foundation, 196 pp. 57a Enga, western highlands. Oceania, 27: 161-76. Meagher, J.L. 1940 Trephining by natives of New 1957 Enga political organisation: a Britain. British medical journal, preliminary description. II: 296. Mankind, 5: 155-7.

Medical Journal of Australia 1957/58 The Ipili of the Porgera valley, 1950 Health conditions in the Pacific western highlands district. islands. Medical journal of Oceania, 28: 51-55- Australia, 1: 724-7. 1957/ The Enga of the New Guinea 1952 Betel-nut cancer. Medical journal 58a highlands: some preliminary of Australia, 1: 170-1. observations. Oceania, 28: 255-530. 1955 An Australian anthropological expedition to New Guinea. 1958 Salt manufactur and trading in Medical journal of Australia, the western highlands of New 1: 565. Guinea. Australian museum magazine, 1 2 (1 0 ): 509-1 5 - 1955a Leptospirosis in New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 771-2. 1958a Mae Enga time-reckoning and calendar, New Guinea. Man, 58: 1958 An opportunity for medical 74-7. research in Papua and New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 1959 Review of music of New Guinea: 2 : 56> 4 . an introduction. Archive series No. 2: 12 inch L.P. Wattle Recordings. Mankind, 5: 5 6 2 . 1959 Kuru. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 529-50. 1959a The lineage system of the Mae I960 Medical services and education Enga of New Guinea. Ph.D. thesis, in Papua and New Guinea. Medical University of Sydney, 278 pp. journal of Australia, 2: IO5O- 40. I960 Notes on the horticulture of the Enga people of New Guinea. 1962 Cholera epidemic in west New Paper delivered at the UNESCO Guinea. Medical journal of Symposium on the impact of man Australia, 2: 8 8 5 . on humid tropics vegetation. Goroka, Territory of Papua and New Guinea: 86-9. Sponsored by Meek, A.S. the Administration of the 1915 A naturalist in cannibal land Territory of Papua and New (edited by Frank Fox, with Guinea and UNESCO Science Co­ introduction by W. Rothschild). operation Office for South East London, T. Fisher Unwin, xviii and 258 pp. Asia. Canberra, Government Printer, 402 pp. Meeking, Charles 1960a Comments in general discussion. 1956 Australian interest in New Guinea. UNESCO Symposium on the impact Eastern world, 10(9): 17-8. of man on humid tropics vegetation. Comments made in 1957 Aspects of New Guinea - Papua the general discussion following life. Eastern world, 11(5): the section titled: Effect of 17. selection and cultivation of foods by early man on the vegetation of the humid tropics. Meere, Leonie A. Goroka, Territory of Papua and 1957 Culture and curriculum in : 102-10. Sponsored and New Guinea. South Pacific, by the Administration of the 9(9): 509-15. Territory of Papua and New Guinea and UNESCO Science Co­ Meermans, S.P. operation Office for South East Asia. Canberra, Government 1958 De Lagere Zeevaartschool te Printer, 402 pp. Hollandia. Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, 6 (6 ): 14-7. 174

1960b Comments in general discussion. 1906 Berichtigungen zu Dr. Schnee's UNESCO Symposium on the impact Mitteilungen über die Sprache of man on humid tropics der Moanus (Admiralitäts-Inseln). vegetation. Comments made in Anthropos, 1: 210-28, 472-82. the general discussion following the section titled: The effect 1907 Primitive Völker und "Paradies"- of fire used by early man on the Zustand: mit besonderer vegetation of the humid tropics. Berücksichtigung der früheren Goroka, Territory of Papua and Verhältnisse beim Oststamm der New Guinea: 133-47- Sponsored by Gazelle-Halbinsel im Bismarck- the Administration of the Archipel (Neupommern). Anthropos, Territorv of PaDua and New 2: 374-86. Guinea and UNESCO Science Co­ operation Office for South East 190^) Mythen und Sagen der Asia. Canberra, Government 1 9 0 8 ) Admiralitätsinsulaner. Anthropos, Printer, 402 pp. 1909) 2: 646-67, 935-41; 3= 193-206, 651-71; 4: 354-74. 1960c Comments in general discussion. UNESCO Symposium on the impact of man on humid tropics 1908 A Kaja, oder der Schlangenaber­ vegetation. Comments made in glaube bei den Eingebornen der the general discussion following Blanchebucht (Neupommern): ein the section titled: The effects Beitrag zur Geschichte der of shifting cultivation on the Religionen primitiver Völker. vegetation of the humid tropics. Anthropos, 3 : 1005-29« Goroka, Territory of Papua and New Guinea: 236-47. Sponsored 1909 Mythen und Erzählungen der by the Administration of the Küstenbewohner der Gazelle- Territory of Papua and New Halbinsel (Neu-Pommern). Guinea and UNESCO Science Co­ Anthropos-Bibliothek, l(l): operation Office for South East 291. Asia. Canberra, Government Printer, 402 pp. 1910 Der Glaube an den "inal" und den "tutana vurakit " bei den 1960d Comments in general discussion. Eingebornen im Küstengebiet der UNESCO Symposium on the impact Blanchebucht. Anthropos, 5: of man on humid tropics 95-112. vegetation. Comments made in the general discussion following 1911 Steinbilder des Iniet-Geheimbundes the section titled: Social and bei den Eingeborenen des economic aspects of the effects nordöstlichen Teils der of early man's action on the Gazellehalbinsel, Neupommern, vegetation of the humid tropics. Südsee. Anthropos, 6: 837-6 7 . Goroka, Territory of Papua and New Guinea: 394-400. Sponsored 1911a Zur Ethnologie der Sulka, by the Administration of the Neupommern. Anthropos, 6: 1039. Territory of Papua and New Guinea and UNESCO Science Co­ 1912 Mythen und Sagen der operation Office for South East AdmiralitätsInsulaner. Anthropos, Asia. Canberra, Government 7: 501-2. Printer, 402 pp. 1912a Die Feier der Sonnenwende auf 1962 Growth and decline of agnatic der Insel Vuatam (Uatom, Watom), descent groups among the Mae Bismarckarchipel, Südsee. Enga of the New Guinea highlands. Anthropos, 7: 706-21. Ethnology, 1: 158-65. 1913 Die Zauberei bei den 1962a Dream interpretation among the Küstenbewohnern der Gazelle- Mae Enga of New Guinea. Halbinsel, Neupommern, Südsee. Southwestern journal of Anthropos, 8: 1-11, 285-305, anthropology, 1 8 : 216-2 9 . 688-713.

Meier, Hans 1913a Zur Benennung der Sprache der 1911 Bericht des Architekten Meier Nordgazellen-Halbinsei, über eine von Simbang aus Neupommern, Süasee. Anthropos, unternommene Inlandexpedition. 8: 1142. Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Neuguinea, 3 (1 2 ): 130-5; 1914 Ehemaliges Vorkommen des also Deutsches Kolonialblatt, Plankenbootes bei den Menen und 2 2 : 629-35. Sulka auf Neu-Pommern (New Britain). Anthropos, 9: 6 5 7 . Meier, Josef 1904 Ein Maskentanz bei den 1919/20 Der Totemismus im Bismarck- Archipel, Melanesien, Südsee. Bainingern von Wuna-Gallp Anthropos, 14-15: 532-42. (Gawit). Hiltruper Monatshefte: 199-205. 175

1929 Adoption among the Gunantuna. Merkelijn, P.J. Catholic anthropological 1955 A film show for Pujoh Besar. conference, Publications, l(l): South Pacific commission, 1-98. Quarterly bulletin, 5(l): 11-2. 1950 Kritische Bemerkungen zu J. Winthuis' Buch 'Das Merrill, E.D. Zweigeschlechterwesen'. Anthropos, 25: 73-135. 1930 Tobacco in New Guinea. American anthropologist, 52: 101-5. 1938 Illegitimate birth among the Gunantuna. Catholic anthropol­ ogical conference, Publications, 1946 Further notes on tobacco in New Guinea. American anthropologist, 2 (1 ): 1-61. 48: 22-5 0 .

1939 The orphan child among the Merz Gunantuna. Catholic anthropol­ ogical conference, Publications, 1908 Eine Reise nach den 2 (2 ): 6 3 -1 2 8 . Salomonsinseln und nach Neu- Mecklenburg-Süd. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 19: 582-5. 1942 Notes on animism in the Bismarck Archipelago. Primitive man, 1 5 : 6 6 -7 0 . Mesl^e, E. Marin la see La Mesl^e, E. Marin. Meier, Joseph see Meier, Josef Methodist Missionary Society of Australasia. 1894 Iesu Keriso: Wasana Waiswaisana Meiser, Leo Mareko Wana Wawasili Pana Panaieti. Sydney, Australasian 1937 Das Haus im Mt. Hagen-Geblet Wesleyan Methodist Missionary (Neuguinea). Anthropos, J>2: Society, 69 pp. 973-8. 1894a Iesu Keriso: Ena Tetera 1938 Beitrag zum Thema: Gerichtswesen Bobo'Ana Na'Iana Mareko Ena bei den Mogä in Neuguinea. Etoladi, Ena Dobu. Sydney, Anthropos, 3 3 : 663-5. Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, 62 pp. 1955 The "platform"-phenomenon along the northern coast of New Guinea. 1894b Taparoro Bukena; Taparoro Ana Anthropos, 50: 265-72. Bapuna, Taparoro Ana Wona: Pana Panaieti. Sydney, Australasian 1958 Relationship and marriage Wesleyan Methodist Missionary among the Kaean of the Society, 64 pp. northern coast of New Guinea. Anthropos, 53: 8 0 6 -I6 . 1898 Buki Tabu Auauna: Iesu Keriso Ina Tetera Na'Iena Idi Etoladi 1959 Child-bearing and child-rearing Mataio Be, Mareko Be, Luka Be, among the Kaean of the northern Ioane Be: Wate Aposetolo Idi coast of New Guinea. Anthropos, Gulnua, Ena Dobu. Sydney, 54: 232-4. Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, 465 PP- 1963 Rarang, the High Spirit of the Kaean. Anthropos, 5 8 : 905-6. 1935 Buki Tapwaroro: Tapwaroro 'Ana Eonai, Tapwaroro 'Ana Wari, 'Ena Dobu. Dobuan catechism and Melbourne, Alexander Clifford Vernon hymn book. Sydney, Epworth 1926) The relations between Australia Printing and Publishing House, 1 9 2 7 ) and New Guinea up to the 136 pp. establishment of British rule in 1888. Royal austrailan 1938 Buki Tapwaroro Neli Lauwa Io historical society, Journal Wari Tubetube Io Wari 9 Bunama. and proceedings, 1 2 (5 ): 28 8 - Catechism and hymns in the 514 (pt. 1 ); 13(3): 145-72 Tubetubean tongue, and also (pt. 2 ). nine hymns in Bunaman. Salamo, Papua, Methodist Mission, 127 pp. Meletinskii, E.M. Metselaar, D. 1957 Mifologicheskll i skazochnyi epos melaneziitsev. (Mythological 1956 Malaria, een wereldprobleem. and legendary epos of Melanesians.) Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 4(5): in: Okeaniiskii Etnograficheskii 3-5. 'Sbornik: 174-212. Moskva, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 252 pp. 176

1957? A pilot project of residual Meuwese, C. and Verschueren, J. insecticide spraying in 1949/50 Verslag van een tocht van de Netherlands New Guinea, contri­ Paters C. Meuwese en J. bution to the knowledge of Verschueren naar de Koningin holo-endemic malaria. Utrecht. Juliana-rivier en het gebied Kemink en zoon N.V., 128 pp. ten zuid-oosten daarvan, van 5 -1 8 September 1948. 1959 Malaria control in Netherlands Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea”, New Guinea. South Pacific 1 0 : 66-7, 109-15. commission, Quarterly bulletin, 9(1): 55-5. 1949/) Patroullle-verslag naar de 50 ) Assoewe (kampongrivler) en 1959a Een malaria survey in de 1950/) omgeving, van 25 October - Baliemvallei. Nieuw-Guinea 51 ) 18 November 1948. Tijdschrift Studien, 5: 101-18. "Nieuw-Guinea", 10: 141-54, 197-9, 2 3 5 -4 0 ; 1 1 : 34-40, 7 6 -8 0 . 1959b Two malaria surveys in the central mountains of Netherlands Meyer, Adolf Bernard New Guinea. American journal 1873 Ueber die Papua's und Neu- of tropical medicine and Guinea. Berliner Gesellschaft hygiene, 8 (5 ): 564-7. für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: Metselaar, D. and Wijsmuller, G. 175-7. in: Zeitschrift für 1951/) Bijdrage tot het onderzoek der EthnologTe, vol. 5; also 52 ) volksgezondheid in Nieuw- Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 1952/) Guinea. Samengesteld uit 5: 306-9. 55 ) gegevens verzameld door de Gouvernements-Arts D. Metselaar l873a Letter from M. "über seine door de Gouvernements-Arts Erfolge in Neu-Guinea”. G. Wijsmuller. Tijdschrift Petermanns Geographische "Nieuw-Guinea", 12: l6l-70; Mitteilungen, 19: 432. 15: 50-1. l875b Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Metzemaekers, L. Sprachen auf Mindanao, Solog 1951 The Western New Guinea problem. und Sian, der Papuas der Pacific affairs, 24: 131-42. Astrolabe-Bay auf Neuguinea, der Negritos der Philippinen und einige Bemerkungen ueber Herrn Metzger, Emil Riedel's Uebersetzungen ins 1885 Aus dem südöstlichen Theile von Tagalische und Visayasche. Neu-Guinea. Globus, 48: 60-2, Tijdschrift van het koninklijk 74-7. instituut voor de taal-, land­ en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indie, 20: 441-70. 1890 Zur Frage der Einführung des Malayischen in Neu-Guinea. 1874 Anthropologische Mittheilungen Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3(11) über die Papua's von Neu-Guinea. (new series): 1 3 8 . Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, 4: 87- Meulen, J.C. van der 110; also Natuurkundig tijdschrift voor Nederlands- 1906 Ontdekkingen in zuidelijk Indife-, 35: 113-41. Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 23 1874a Dr. Meyer's expedition to New (2nd series): 752-4; see also Guinea. Nature, 9: 77-9, 1 3 1 . 1906 Hondius van Herwerden, J.H. 1874b Earthquake in New Guinea. 1962 Fish marketing in Papua and New Nature, 9: 2 6 3 . Guinea. Armidale (N.S.W.), University of New England, Faculty 1875 Toelichting en aanmerking van of agricultural economics, Dr. A.B. Meyer op een referaat, monograph, 85 pp. in de Bijdragen, x, le stuk, blz. 172 en 173 en naschrift Meuwese, C. van Dr. H. Kern. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 1949 Nieuwe doodskopstammen. Annalen 3de volgreeks, 10de deel: 38 8 -9 2 . van onze lieve vrouw van het heilig hart, 6 5 (5 ): 6 3 -8 1 . 1875a Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Negritos und Papuas. Berliner 1955 Onderwijs aan primitieven. Schäkels, 62(NG5): 2-4. Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 47-8. in: 1955a Oude en nieuwe vormen in Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Nieuw-Guinea. Schäkels, vol. 7 . 62(NG5): 5-9. 777 1895 Schnitzereien und Masken vom 1875) Über 135 Papua-Schädel von Neu Bismarck Archipel und Neu Guinea. 18 7 7 ) Guinea und der Insel Mysore Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches und 1 8 7 8 ) (Geelvinksbai). Dresden. (K.) anthropologisch-ethnographisches Zoologisches und anthropologisch­ Museum, Publikationen aus dem ethnographisches Museum, Königlichen ethnographischen Mitteilungen, 1: 59-90; 2: I6 3 - Museum zu Dresden, Band 10, 28 pp. 2 2 2 ; J: 383-411. see also Supplements by E. TUngel, 1877 and P. Winckel, 1875* Meyer, Adolf Bernhard see Meyer, Adolf Bernard. 1883 Jadeit- und Nephrit-Objekte. B. Asien, Oceanien und Afrika. Meyer, Hans Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches und anthropologisch-ethnographisches 1928 "Koloniale Studien". Hans Museum, Publikationen aus dem Meyer zum 70. Geburtstag Königlichen ethnographischen dargebracht von seinen Freunden, Museum zu Dresden, No. 3: 37-69* Verehrern und Schülern (edited by Karl H. Dietzel and Han3 Rudolphi). Berlin, Dietrich 1889 Massen von Neu Guinea und dem Reimer A.G., xiv and 341 pp. Bismarck Archipel. Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches und anthropologisch- ethnographisches Museum, 1952) Wunekau, oder Sonnenverehrung Publikationen aus dem Königlichen 1 9 5 3 ) in Neuguinea. Anthropos, 27: ethnographischen Museum zu Dresden, 423-55, 819-54; 28: 27-53- No. 7: 1-14. Meyer, Hans Heinrich Joseph (ed.) 1891 Die Erforschung der Sprachen Neuguineas. Pe te rmanns 1910 Das deutsche Kolonialreich: Geographische Mitteilungen, eine Länderkunde der deutschen Schutzgebiete; unter Mitarbeit 37: 48. von S. Passage (et al). Vol. 2: Togo, Südwestafrika, Schutz­ l895 Nephrite hatchet from British gebiete in der Südsee und New Guinea. Anthropological Kiautschougeblet, 575 pp. institute of Great Britain and Leipzig, Bibliographisches Ireland, London, Journal, 22: Institut, 1909-1910, 2 vols., 598-9. 650, 575 pp. Meyer, Heinrich 1899 The distribution of the negrltos in the Philippine islands and 1943 Das Parakwesen in Glauben und elsewhere. (Transl. by C.S. Fox.) Kult bei den Eingeborenen an Dresden, Stengel & Co., 92 pp. der Nordostküste Neuguineas. Annali lateranensi, 7: 95-181. 1900 Speere von der Insel St. Matthias im Bismarck-Archipel. Meyer, Otto Globus, 78: 178-9. 1908 Ein Sonnenfest bei den Eingeborenen von Vuatom, Neu- 1903 Zur Nephritfrage (Neu Guinea, Pommern, Südsee. Anthropos, JordansmUhl u.a., Alpen, 3: 700-1. Bibliographisches). Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches und anthropologisch-ethnographisches 1909 Funde prähistorischer Töpferei Museum, Abhandlungen und und Steinmesser auf Vuatom, Berichte, 10(1902/3)(4): 32 Bismarck-Archipel. Anthropos, (New Guinea: 1-15). 4: 251-2, 1093-5.

1908 Die Schneeberge Neuguineas. 1910 Mythen und Erzählungen von der Insel Vuatom, Bismarck-Archipel, Globus, 94(9): 159. Südsee. Anthropos, 5: 7 1 1 -3 3 .

1908a Die Papuasprache in 1910a Funde von Menschen- und Niederländisch-Neuguinea. Tierknochen, von prähistorischer Globus, 94(12): 189-92. Töpferei und Steinwerkzeugen auf Vatom, Bismarckarchipel. Meyer, Adolf Bernard (joint author) Anthropos, 5: ll60-l. 1882 see 1882 Gabelentz, G. von der and Meyer, A.B. I9 IÖ/II Die Schiffahrt bei den Bewohnern von Vuatom (Neupommern, SUdsee). Baessler-Archiv, 1: 257-68 and Meyer, Adolf Bernard and Parkinson, R. plates. 1894 Album von Papua-Typen. Neu- Guinea und Bismarck-Archipel. 1912 Versuch eines Namens für die Dresden, Stengel & Markert, Küstenbewohner des nördlichen 14 pp. and 54 plates. Teiles der Gazellehalbinsel und deren Sprache. Anthropos, 7: 1057-9* 778 1913 Fischerei bei den Uferleuten 1931 Patrol to the upper waters of des nördlichen Teiles der the Vailala and the Purari and Gazellehalbinsel und speziell to the Albert Mountains. Papua. auf der Insel Vuatam, Neu- Annual report for 1929-30: 6-7. Pommern, Südsee. Anthropos, 8 : 82-109, 325-4 1 , 1 0 6 9 -1 0 3 . 1934 Ascent of Mount Albert Edward. Papua. Annual report for 1932- 1961 Wörterbuch der Tuna-Sprache auf 33: 20. Neubritannien. Micro-Bibliotheca Anthropos, 34: 492 pp. (Posieux, 1935 Summary of patrol report on Mount Freiburg). Scratchley and Mount Victoria. Papua. Annual report for 1933“ Meyer Ranneft, J.W. J4: 19-2 0 . 1 9 3 6 /3 7 Nieuw-Guinea een kolonie van Indiö. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 1936 Ioma decorations. Papua. Annual 1: 109-14. report for 1934-35: 29-30.

1936/ Nederland, Nieuw Guinea en 1938 Decorations in Ioma district. 37a Japan. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- Papua. Annual report for 1936- Guinea", 1: 287-332. 37: 32.

1950/51 Rapport betreffende de 1953 A simple matter of evidence. herbezetting van het gebied Pacific islands monthly, 23(8): van de Wisselmeren over 67-8. November 1948 - Maart 1949 van Controleur R.J. Meyer Ranneft. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- Mihalic, Francis Guinea", 11: 47-9, 96-103. 1957 Grammar and dictionary of Neo- Melanesian. Techny (Illinois), 1952/) Uittreksel van het verslag van Mission Press, S.V.D. 318 pp. 53 ) de tocht haar de Ballemrivier 1953/) van 22 December 1951 to 9 Maart Miklucho-Maclay, Nicolaus von 54 ) 1952 ondernomen door de controleur van de Wisselmeren. see Miklukho-Maklai, Nikolai Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", Nikolaevich. 1 3 : 178-84, 207-15; 14: 1 0 -2 1 , 46-54. Miklukho-Maklai, Nikolai Nikolaevich 1873 Schädel und Nasen der Eingeborenen Meyier, J.E. de Neu-Guinea1s . Berliner 1902 Onze aanspraken op West-Nieuw- Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Guinea. Indische gids, 24(l): Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, 553-4. Verhandlungen: 188-9. in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. 5. 1902a Onze staatsplicht ten aanzien van Nieuw-Guinea. Indische gids, 24(1): 723-4. 1873a Letter from M. "über seine Forschungen auf Neu-Guinea". Petermanns Geographische 1908 Het succes der expeditie- Mitteilungen, 19: 192. Lorentz op Nieuw-Guinea. Indische gids, 30(l): 23 2 -4 . I873b (l) Brief aan Dr. A. Petermann. ( ) Mijn verblijf aan de Oostkust 1908a Handelsmonopolie voor Nieuw- 2 van Nieuw Guinea in de jaren Guinea. Indische gids, ( ): 3 0 1 1871 en 1872. Natuurkundig 387-8, 101-2. tijdschrift voor Nederlands- Indife', 3 3 : 111-26. Meyners d'Estrey, Guillaume Henry Jean l88l La Papouasie ou Nouvelle- 1873c Anthropologische Bemerkungen über Guinee Occidentale. Paris, die Papuas der Maclay-Küste in Challamel Aine, 188 pp.; Neu-Guinea. Natuurkundig Rotterdam, J.-H. Kramers et tijdschrift voor Nederlands- Fils, 188 pp. Indife', 3 3 : 225-50.

Middenway, A. 1874 Fahrten an der Südwestküste Neu- Guineas im Frühjahr 1874. Globus, 1942 How Australia got Papua. 26(20): 317-8, 333-4. Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (1 ): 2 6 -8 . Die Brachycephalie der Papuas in Neu-Guinea. Berliner Middleton, S.G. Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, 1929 A short description of the Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, territory occupied by the Turama Verhandlungen: 177-8. in: police camp. Papua. Annual Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, report for 1927-28: 22-3. vol. 6 . 179 1882 Cranial deformation of new-born 1875 Incidents of travel in Papua- children at the island Mabiak, Koviay (New Guinea). Royal and other islands of Torres geographical society, London, Straits, and of women of the S.E. Proceedings, 19: 517-21. Peninsula of New Guinea. Linnean society of New South Wales, 1875) Ethnologische Bemerkungen über Proceedings, 6 : 627-9. 1876) die Papuas der Maclay-KUste in Neuguinea. Natuurkundig 1882a Töpferei in Neu-Guinea. Berliner tijdschrift voor Nederlands- Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Indife', 35: 66-93; 56: 2 9 4 -3 3 3 . Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 576-7. in: 1876 Meine zweite Excursion nach Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Neu-Guinea. Natuurkundig vol. 14. tijdschrift voor Nederlands- Indife', 3 6 : 148-79. 1882b Papua-Dialekte der Maclayküste in Neuguinea, in: Beiträge zur 1876a Ueber die grosszähnigen Kenntnis der melanesischen, Melanesier. Berliner Gesellschaft mikroneslschen und papuanischen für Anthropologie, Ethnologie Sprachen, see 1882 Gabelentz, G. und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: von der und Meyer, A.B. 290-3. in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. 8 . 1884 Volcanic activity on islands near northeast coast of New 1876b Verzeichnis einiger Worte der Guinea. Royal society of Dialekte der Papuas der Küste Queensland, Brisbane, Proceedings, Papua-Kowiay ln Neu-Guinea. 1(5): 963-7. Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. ((K.) Bataviaasch genootschap 1886 Lists of plants in use by the van kunsten en wetenschappen;, natives of the Maclay-coast, 23: 572-9. New Guinea. Linnean society of New South Wales, Proceedings, 1 0 : 346-58. 1878 Anthropologische Notizen, gesammelt auf einer Reise in West-Mikronesien und Nord- 1886a A second note on "macrodontism" Melanesien im Jahre 1876. of the Melanesians. Linnean Berliner Gesellschaft für society of New South Wales, Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Proceedings, 1 0 : 682-6. Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 99-118. in: Zeitschrift für 1886b Note on the "Keu" of the Maclay- Ethnologie, vol. 10. coast, New Guinea. Linnean society of New South Wales, 1878a Reise in West-Mikronesien, Nord- Proceedings, 1 0 : 687-95. Melanesien und ein dritter Aufenthalt in Neu-Guinea vom Februar 1876 - Januar 1878. 1959 Otryvki iz dnevnika puteshestviia Petermanns Geographische na Ostrova Melanezii: Part 2. Poseshchenie Ostrova Sorri (1879). Mitteilungen, 24: 407-8. (Extracts from the travel diary of the Melanesian Islands. Visit 1878b Über vulkanische Erscheinungen to Sori island.) _in: Izvestiia an der nordöstlichen Küste Neu- Gosudarstvennogo geograficheskogo Guinea' s. Petermanns Geographische obshchestva, 7 l(l-2 ): 2 6 3 -6 . Mitteilungen, 24: 408-10. Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 310 pp.; also N.N. 1879 Die Schonung der Eingeborenen Miklukho-Maklai, Sobranie in Neu-Guinea. Berliner sochlnenii, 2 : 511-8 . Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 186-7. in: 1959a Neskol'ko slov o lovle trepanga Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, na ostrovakh zapadnoi chasti vol. 1 1 . Tikhogo Okeana bliz ekvatora. (Few words on catching Trepang on islands in the western part 1879a On macrodontism. Llnnean society of the Pacific Ocean near the of New South Wales, Proceedings, Equator.) in: Izvestiia 5: 169-75. Gosudarstvennogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, 71(1-2): 2 7 9 -8 5 . 1880 Kurze Zusammenstellung der Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia nauk Ergebnisse anthropologischer SSSR, 310 pp.; also N.N. Studien während einer Reise in Miklukho-Maklai, Sobranie Melanesien (März 1879 bis April sochlnenii 3 : 474-82. 1 8 8 0 ). Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 574-5. in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. 12. 180

1939b Pochemu ia vybral Novulu Gvineiu. 1950h Pervoe poseshchenie iuzhnogo (Why I choose New Guinea.) In: berega Novoi Gvinei (l880). Izvestiia Gosudarstvennogo (First visit to the south coast geograficheskogo obshchestva, of New Guinea.) in: N.N. 71(1-2): 284-7. Moskva- Miklukho-Maklai, Sobranie Leningrad, Akademiia nauk sochinenii, 2: 535-58. Moskva- SSSR, 310 pp. Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 819 PP- 1950 Bereg Maklaia na Novoi Gvinei. (Maclay coast on New Guinea.) 19501 Puteshestvie na ostrova Melanezii in: N.N. Miklukho-Maklai, i chetvertoe poseshchenie Sobranie sochinenii, 1: 73-314. Novoi Gvinei (1879-1880). Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia nauk (Voyage to the Melanesian islands SSSR, 415 PP- and 4th visit to New Guinea.) in: N.N. Miklukho-Maklai, Sobranie sochinenii, 2: 559-70. 1950a Kratkoe soobshchenie o moem Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia nauk prebyvanii na vostochnom beregu ostrova Novoi Gvinei. (Short SSSR, 8l9 PP- report of my stay on the east coast of New Guinea.) in: 1950J Vtoroe poseshchenie iuzhnogo Miklukho-Maklai, Sobranie berega Novoi Gvinei (l88l). sochinenii, 1: 515-40. Moskva- (Second visit to the south coast Leningrad, Akademiia nauk of New Guinea.) in: N.N. SSSR, 415 PP-; also in: Miklukho-Maklai, Sobranie Izvestiia Gosudarstvennogo sochinenii, 2: 571-81. Moskva- Geograficheskogo obshchestva, Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 8l9 PP-; also in: Izvestiia 71(1-2): 272-8. Moskva-Leningrad, Gosudarstvennogo geograficheskogo Akademiia nauk SSSR, 310 pp. obshchestva, 71(1-2): 267-71. Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia nauk 1950b Putevye vpechatleniia. (Travel SSSR, 310 pp. impressions.) in: N.N. Miklukho- Maklai, SobranTe sochinenii, 1: 1950k Tret'e poseshchenie berega 359-85. Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR, pp. Maklaia (1883). (Third visit to 415 Maclay coast.) in: N.N. Miklukho-Maklai, Sobranie 1950c Vtoraia poezdka v Novuiu Gvineiu. sochinenii, 2: 582-95- Moskva, (Second voyage to New Guinea.) Akademiia nauk SSSR, 819 pp. in: N.N. Miklukho-Maklai, Sobranie sochinenii, 2: 103-13. Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia nauk 1950-54 Sobranie sochinenii. (Collected SSSR, Works.) Moskva-Leningrad, 819 PP- Akademiia nauk SSSR, Institut etnografii, 5 vols., 415, 819, 1950d Ostrova Admiralteistva. (558, 467), 594, 465 pp.; (Admiralty Islands.) in: N.N. vol. 1 (1950): Dnevniki Miklukho-Maklai, Sobranie puteshestvii (1870-1872) (Diary sochinenii, 2: 252-93* Moskva- of his travels 1870-I872); Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR, vol. 2 (1950): Dnevniki 819 PP- puteshestvii (1873-1887) (Diary of his travels 1873-1887); 1950e Gruppa Agomes ili Germit. vol. 3 (1951, Part 1): Stat'i (Agomes Group or Hermit Islands.) po antropologii i etnografii in: N.N. Miklukho-Maklai, (Articles on anthropology and Sobranie sochinenii, 2: 294-311* ethnography); Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia nauk vol. 5 (1952, Part 2): Stat'i SSSR, 819 PP- po zoologii, geografii i meteorologii (Articles on zoology, geography and meteorology); 1950f Vtoroe prebyvanie na Beregu Maklaia (1876-77). (Second sojourn vol. 4 (1953); Perepiska i drugie materialy (Correspondence and on Maclay coast.) in: N.N. other material); Miklukho-Maklai, Sobranie sochinenii, 2: 316-428. Moskva- vol. 5 (1954): Risunki i Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR, etnograficheskie kollektsii 819 PP* (Drawings and ethnographic collections). 1950g Ostrovok Andra i Ostrov Sorri (l879). (Andra Island and 1951 Antropologiia i etnografiia Sori Island.) in: N.N. Miklukho- berega Maklaia. (Anthropology Maklai, SobranTe sochinenii, and ethnography of the Maclay 2: 459-534. Moskva-Leningrad, coast.) in: N.N. Miklukho- Akademiia nauk SSSR, 819 PP* Maklai, Sobranie sochinenii, 5: 7-185. Moskva, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 558 pp. 781

1951a Antropologlia 1 etnografiia 1959 Local administration in British berega Papua-Koviai. New Guinea and Papua. South (Anthropology and ethnography Pacific, 10: 61-72. of the Papua-Kowiai coast.) in: N.N. Miklukho-Maklai, 1959a The development of native Sobranie sochinenii, 3: I86- education in Papua and New 215. Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia Guinea. South Pacific, 10: nauk SSSR, 558 pp. 154-60.

1951b Antropologlia i etnografiia Mllke, Wilhelm zapadnoi Mikronezli i Melanezii. (Anthropology and ethnography 1936 Totemzentren und Vermehrungsriten of West Mikronesia and Melanesia.) in Australien und Ozeanien. in: N.N. Miklukho-Maklai, Sobranie Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 6 8 : sochinenii, 3 : 216-47, 313-47. 211-27. Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 558 pp. 1938 Die Benennungen der Geschwister in den austronesischen Sprachen 1951c Raznoe: konspekty lektsii v Ozeaniens. Zeitschrift für geograficheskom obshchestva o Ethnologie, 70: 51-66. puteshestviiakh v Okeanii. (Summary of lectures at the 1950 Totemismus und Totemzentren in geographic society on travels Ozeanien. Bremen. Museum für in Oceania.) in: N.N. Miklukho- Natur-, Völker-, und Maklai, Sobranie sochinenii, Handelskunde, Veröffentlichungen, 3: 426-64. Moskva-Leningrad, Reihe B, Heft 1: 25-31. Akademiia nauk SSSR, 558 pp. 1958 Zur inneren Gliederung und 1951d Antropologlia i etnografiia geschichtlichen Stellung der Melaneziitsev. (Anthropology ozeanisch-austronesischen and ethnography of Melanesians.) Sprachen. Zeitschrift für in: N.N. Miklukho-Maklai, Ethnologie, 8 3 : 58-62 . Sobranie sochinenii, 3 : 464-74. Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia nauk 1958a Ozeanische Verwandtschaftsnamen. SSSR, 558 pp. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 83 : 226-9. 1953 Pereplska i drugie materialy. (Correspondence and other material.) 1961 Beiträge zur ozeanischen N.N. Miklukho-Maklai, Sobranie Linguistik. 1. Die Lautent­ sochinenii, vol. 4. Moskva- sprechungen der austronesischen Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR, Palatale in ozeanischen 594 pp. Sprachen. 2. Sprachschichten in Ozeanien. 3 . Versuch einer sprachgeschichtliehen Zusammenschau. 1957 Puteshestvila na Bereg Maklala. (Journeys on the Maclay coast.) Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 8 6 : Moskva, Gosudarstvennoe 162-82. izdatel'stvo geografIcheskoi Literatury. see N.N. Miklukho- Miller, Charles C. Maklai, Sobranie sochinenii, 1950 Cannibal caravan. London, Museum vol. 1. Press, 223 pp.; London, Robert Haie, 1958, revised edition: Miles, G • P.L. "Life among the cannibals ", 158 pp. 1935 A stone pestle and mortar from the Upper Ramu River. Man, 35: Miller, Mrs. Charles C. 185. see Miller, Leona (Jay) 1933 Another stone mortar from New Guinea. Man, 38: 96. Miller, F. 1919 Vocabularies - Ioma station, Miles, J .A. Mambare Division. Papua. Annual report for 1917-18: 1955 Some factors in New Guinea 85, (App. El). history. South Pacific, 8: 105-9. Miller, Leona (Jay) 1956 Native commercial agriculture 1941 Cannibals and orchids. New in Papua. South Pacific, 9: York, Sheridan, 308 pp. 318-28 . Millingen, E. van 1956a Report on the Territory of New Guinea 1953/54. Australia's 1953/54 Verslag van een gehouden neighbours, 3rd series, No. 6l. onderzoek naar de raak-tochten tussen de Menam-en Serea - clans ter Westkust van de Geelvink-Baai (Ransiki-gebied) in October 1920. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 14: 65-71, 108-13. 182

1953/ Enkele ethnographische gegevens Moisei, M. (joint author) 54a ult het gebled van de Anggi- Meren. Tljdschrlft "Nieuw- n.d. see n.d. Sprigade, P. and Guinea", 14: 139-43. Moisei, M.

Milman, H. Moles, I.N. 1888 Report from deputy commissioner, 1959 New light on west New Guinea. Western Division. British South Pacific, 10: 121-8. New Guinea. Annual report for 1887: 17-20, (App. D). Moll, L.O.A. 1959 Rechtspreken in primitief Nieuw- 1889 Report from deputy commissioner, Guinea. I and II. Schäkels, NNG, Western Division. British New 33: 23-32. Guinea. Annual report for 1888: 16-7, (App. C). Moll-Lips, A.

Milner, G.B. 1958 Indrukken van Nieuw-Guinea; lief en leed van de huisvrouw. 1963 Liquid consonants and the Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea 6(6): relationship of Polynesian 11-3- to Austronesian languages. London. University. School of Molyneux, Flo oriental and african studies, Bulletin, 26: 620-31. 1955 Unique native industrial centre. Walkabout, 21(5): 34-6. Minakov, A. Monckton, Charles Arthur Whitmore 1939 Zhizn' i deiatel'nost' N.N. Miklukho-Maklaia. in.: Izvestiia 1896 Some recollections of New Guinea Gosudarstvennogo geograficheskogo customs. Polynesian society, obshchestva, 71(1-2): 13-42. Wellington, Journal, 5: 184-6. Moskva-Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 310 pp. 1897 Goodenough island, New Guinea. Polynesian society, Wellington, Mitteilungen der Missionare vom Hl. Herzen Journal, 6: 89-90. Jesu 1909 Aus der deutschen Südsee. Band 1: 1902 Report of the resident magistrate, P. Matthäus Rascher und Baining North-eastern Division on the (Neupommern), Land und Leute. affairs of the division. British Münster i.W., Aschendorff, xi New Guinea. Annual report for and 460 pp. 1900-01: 59-63, (App. M).

Mjöberg, Eric 1902a Report by resident magistrate, North-eastern Division, with 1917 A proposed aerial expedition for regard to Doriri-expedition. the exploration of the unknown 1st April to 24th April, 1901. interior of New Guinea. British New Guinea. Annual report Geographical review, 3(2): for 1900-01: 63-9, (App. N). 89-106. 1904 Report on affairs of North­ Modera, J. eastern Division. British New 1837 Narrative of a voyage along the Guinea. Annual report for 1902- S.W. coast of New Guinea, in 03: 32-5- 1828, and communicated by G. Windsor Earl, Esq. Royal geographical society, London, 1905 North-eastern Division report. Journal, 7: 383-93- British New Guinea. Annual report for 1903-04: 31-4, (App. D ). Moisei, M. 1901 Begleitworte zu der Karte des 1905a Report Northern Division. Ramuflusses. Mitteilungen aus British New Guinea. Annual den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, report for 1903-04: 35-40, 14: 71-2. (App. E).

1904 Begleitworte zu der Karte "Neue 1905b Resident magistrate's report - Aufnahmen aus der Südsee". Northern Division. British New Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Guinea. Annual report for 1904- Schutzgebieten, 17(4): 208-16. 05: 33-8, (App. G ).

1913 Begleitworte der vorläufigen 1907 Annual report, Northern Division. Karte des Kaiserin Augusta British New Guinea. Annual Flusses. Mitteilungen aus den report for 1905-06: 37-43. Deutschen Schutzgebieten, 26(1): 126. 183 1907a Report of Journey in Northern Moolenburgh, P.E. D ivision to Aikora d i s t r ic t and 1902 Enkele ethnografische Mount Albert Edward - including byzonderheden van de Arfoe's a short vocabulary of the op noord Nieuw-Guinea. Kambisa language, Chiriraa valley. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig B ritish New Guinea. Annual genootschap, Amsterdam, report for 1905-06: 85-93. Tijdschrift, 19 (2nd se rie s ): 163-71. 1908 Mr. Monckton's Journey across New Guinea. Geographical Journal, 1903 Reis door het smalste gedeelte 32: 503-7. van Nederlandsch-Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, 191^ Further adventures of a New Guinea resident magistrate. Tijdschrift, 20: 206-21. London, Newnes, 285 pp. 1904 Extract uit een verslag der noord Nieuw-Guinea expeditie. 1921 Some experiences of a New Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, Guinea resident magistrate. land- en volkenkunde. ((K.) (The t i t l e of the American Bataviaasch genootschap van edition is "Taming New Guinea".) kunsten en wetenschappen), 47: London, John Lane The Bodley Head, 337 pp. 168-88, 381-5. 1906 Woordenlijst van het Sentanisch. 1922 Last days in New Guinea: being Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ further experiences of a New en volkenkund van Nederlandsch- Guinea resident magistrate. Indife', 5 9 : 658- 6 1 . London, John Lane The Bodley Head, 287 pp. Moore, A.L. 1934 New Guinea recollections. 1950 Visual aids in education. South London, John Lane The Bodley Pacific commission, Technical Head, ix and 250 pp. papers No. 4: 5-26, 27-36, (App. A), 52-6, (Apps. H ,I ,J ) ; also South Pacific commission, Monckton, Whitmore P roject S2, Report No. 1. see Monckton, Charles Arthur Whitmore. Morahan, R.J. Money. Doris 1956/57 Medical survey of the inhabit­ ants of Omu, a Papuan highland 1944 With the Red Cross in Dutch v illa g e, 17th - 24th November, New Guinea. Walkabout, 10(8): 1956. Papua and New Guinea 38, 40. medical journal, 2(2): 48-52.

Montague Moresby, Emily Isab elle 1892 Een b erich t van den zendeling see Moresby, Isab elle. Montague over Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Moresby, Isabelle Tijdschrift, 9 (2nd se ries) 1943 New Guinea, the se n tin el. (1 ): 506-1 2 . Melbourne, Whitcombe & Tombs Pty. Ltd., 126 pp. Montague, L.A.D. 1921 Weapons and implements of Moresby, John savage races (Australasia, 1874 Recent discoveries at the Oceania, A frica). London, "The eastern end of New Guinea. Bazaar, Exchange & Mart" Office, v i i i and 239 pp. Royal geographical society, London, Journal, 44: 1-14. Montauban, Paul and O 'R eilly, Patrick 1875 Discoveries in eastern New 1952| Mythes de Buka, ^ le s Salomon. Guinea by Capt. Moresby and the 1955) Socidt^ des Oc^anistes, P aris, o ffice rs of H.M.S. B asilisk . 1958) Journal, 8: 27-80; 11: 37-95; Royal geographical society, 14: 51-86. London, Journal, 45: 153-70; also Royal geographical society, London, Proceedings, 19: 225-44; Montgomery, D.E. and Geographical magazine, 2: 1960/61 P atrol of Upper Chimbu census 119-23. division, eastern highlands. Papua and New Guinea a g ric u ltu ra l 1876 New Guinea and Polynesia. Journal, 1 3 (1 ): 1-9 and 8 p la te s. Discoveries and surveys in New Guinea and the d'Entrecasteaux islands: a cruise in Polynesia and visits to the pearl-shelling stations in Torres Straits of H.M.S. "B asilisk". London, J. Murray, 327 pp. 184

1909 Two admirals, Admiral of the 1907 Annual report, South-eastern Fleet Sir Fairfax Moresby, G.C.B., Division. British New Guinea. K.M.T., D.C.L. (1786-1877) and Annual report for 1905-06: his son, John Moresby: a record 33-6. of life and service in the British navy for a hundred years. 1908 Annual report, South-eastern London, J. Murray, 404 pp. Division. Papua. Annual report for 1906-07: 49-51. Moreton, M.H. 1893 Report on an expedition from 1908a Annual report on the Louisiade Phillips Harbour, Collingwood goldfield. Papua. Annual report Bay, towards Mount Suckling. for 1906-07: 83-4. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1 8 9 1 -9 2 : 11-4, (App. C). Morren, F.W. l895 Ein holländischer Pflanzer Uber Deutsch-Neu-Guinea. Deutsche 1 8 9 5 a Report of the acting resident Kolonialzeitung, 8(l4) (new magistrate for the Eastern series): 10 6 -8 . Division. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1891-92: 88-9» (App. P). Morris, B.M. 1948 Strangely mixed: natives of Papua 1895 Report upon expedition undertaken and N. Guinea. Pacific islands to effect arrest of certain monthly, 1 8 (1 0 ): 34, 5 1 , 5 3 - murderers belonging to the Ebei- tribe. British New Guinea. Morris, D.F. Braam van Annual report for 1893-9^: 87-8, (App. Y). see Braam Morris, D.F. van.

1896 Report of the resident magistrate Morris, G. for the Eastern Division. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1958 The co-operative as means of 1894- 95: 21-2, (App. J). economic education. South Pacific, 10: 30-8. 1897 Report of the resident magistrate for the Eastern Division. British Morris, J.W. New Guinea. Annual report for 1952 Seeking the drums of Nont. 189 5 - 9 6 : 7 0 -2 , (App. 0 ). Walkabout, 18: 15-20.

1898 Report of the resident magistrate Morschheuser, Karl for the Eastern Division. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1939 Missionar in Neu-Guinea 1904-1934 1896- 97: 48-51, (App. M). (compiled by Fritz Bornemann). Wien-Mödling, Missionsdruckerei St. Gabriel, 175 pp. 1898a Report of the resident magistrate for the Eastern Division. British New Guinea. Annual report for Mortimer, Owen Campbell 1897- 98: 97-8, (App. N). 1945 Merauke (Dutch New Guinea). Walkabout, 11: 35-6. 1900 Report of the resident magistrate for the Eastern Division. British New Guinea. Annual report for Morton, A. 1898- 99: 81-5, (App. S). 1885 Notes of a trip to the islands of the Torres Straits and the 1901 Report of the resident magistrate south-east coast of New Guinea. for the Eastern Division. British Royal geographical society of New Guinea. Annual report for Australasia, New South Wales 1899- 1900: 78-81, (App. 0). branch, Sydney, Transactions and proceedings, 1 : 65-84.

1902 Report of the resident magistrate Mosbacher, Ernst for the Eastern Division. British New Guinea. Annual report for 193^ Untersuchungen zum Sündenbegriff 1900-01: 70-4, (App. 0). der Naturvölker. Baessler- Archiv, 17: 1-49. 1905 Report, South-eastern Division. British New Guinea. Annual report Moseley , H.N. for 1903-04: 28-31, (App. C). 1877 On the inhabitants of the Admiralty Islands. Anthropol­ 1905a Resident magistrate's report, ogical institute of Great South-eastern Division. British Britain and Ireland, London, New Guinea. Annual report for Journal, 6 : 379-429. 1904-05: 30-3, (App. F). 185

Moss, Rosalind MUhlmann, Wilhelm E. (ed.) 1925 The life after death in 1961 Chiliasmus und Nativismus - Oceania and the Malay Archipelago. Studien zur Psychologie, London, Oxford University Press, Soziologie und historischen 247 PP. Kasuistik der Umsturzbewegungen. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., Moszkowski, Max 472 pp.; see 1961 Müller, E.W., 1961 Uplegger, H. and MUhlmann, W.E. 1910 Bericht von Herrn Max Moszkowski aus Neu-Guinea. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 42: 948-53. Muia, G. (joint author) 1959 see 1959 Henry, T. and Muia, G. 1911 Die Völkerstämme am Mamberamo in Holländisch-Neuguinea und auf den vorgelagerten Inseln. Muir, D. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 1962 see 1962 Ludford, P. 43: 315-43.

1911a Vorläufiger Bericht Uber die Müller, Adam Deutsche Mamberamo-Expedltion 1954 Grammatik und Vokabular der in Niederländisch-Neu-Guinea. Konua-Sprache. Micro-Bibliotheca Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Anthropos, 12: l40 pp. (Posieux, Berlin, Zeitschrift, 1911: Freiburg). 185-92. Müller, Ernst Wilhelm 1912 Expedition zur Erforschung des Mamberamo in Holländlsch-Neu- 1961 Die Koreri-Bewegung auf den Guinea. Gesellschaft für Schouten-Inseln (West-Neuguinea). Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, ln: W.E. MUhlmann (ed.), 1912: 271-88, 365-77. Chiliasmus und Nativismus - Studien zur Psychologie, Soziologie und historischen Kasuistik der 1928 Ins unerforschte Neuguinea: Umsturzbewegungen: 141-64. Erlebnisse mit Kopfjägern und Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., Kannibalen. Berlin, Ullstein, 472 pp. l40 pp.

Müller, F. Moy, F.H. 1872 Ueber die Melanesier und die 1941 Customs of the west Wapi natives, Papua-Rasse. Anthropologische Aitape sub-district, Seplk Gesellschaft in Wien, district. Report to the League Mitteilungen, 2: 45-9. of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea for 1939-40: 23-4. Müller, Gertrude 1936 Gongs im Louisiade Archipel. Moyne, Walter Edward Guiness Anthropos, 31: 954. 1936 Walkabout, a Journey in lands Müller, H.W. between the Pacific and Indian Oceans (with introduction by 1935 Die Kleinschädelformen Südasiens. A.C. Haddon and appendix by Zeitschrift für Rassenkunde, A.J.E. Cave). London, William 2: 52-90. Heinemann Ltd., xxvl and 366 pp. Müller, Hermann Moyne, Walter Edward Guiness and Haddon, 1907 Grammatik der Mengen-Sprache. Kathleen (Mrs. Rishbeth) Anthropos, 2: 80-99, 241-54. 1936 The pygmies of the Aiome-mountains, Mandated Territory of New Guinea. Royal anthropological institute 1915/16 Erster Versuch einer Grammatik of Great Britain and Ireland, der Sulka-Sprache, Neu-Pommern Journal, 66: 269-90. (Südsee). Anthropos, 10-11: 75-97, 523-52.

Mueller Müller, Salomon see Müller 1857 Reizen en onderzoekingen in den Indischen Archipel, gedaan .... Mueller-Wismar, W. tusschen de Jaren 1828 en 1836. The Hague, Koninklijk instituut see Müller-Wismar, W. voor de taal-, land- en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Muensterberger, W. Indiä, 2 parts, 326 pp. see MUnsterberger, W. 186 1858 Contributions to the knowledge Murray, Archibald Wright of New Guinea. (Transl. from 1876 Forty y e a rs ' m ission work in Dutch by John Y eats.) Royal Polynesia and New Guinea, from geographical society, London, 1835 to 1875* London, J. Nisbet Journal, 28: 264-72; also and Co., xvi and 509 PP- Royal geographical society, London, Proceedings, 1858, 2: 181-5. Murray, C.E.R. 1904 Report on Royal Commission of Müller, Wilhelm Inquiry respecting the collision between the natives of Goaribari 1906 Beiträge zur Kraniologie der I s ., and the Government party N eu-B ritannier. Hamburg. on the steam yacht "Merrie Museum für Völkerkunde, England" on the 6th March, 1904. Mitteilungen, in: 5* Beiheft Australia. Parliamentary papers, zum Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen 1904: 9-30. wissenschaftlichen Anstalten, 1905, 2 3 : 71-187. Murray, C.G. 1902 Report of resid en t m agistrate, Müller-Wismar, W. Western Division, on visit with 1913 Die Religionen der Südsee the resident of Dutch New Guinea 1905-1910. Archiv für to the Tugeri tribe. British Religionswissenschaft, l6: New Guinea. Annual rep o rt for 176-207. 1 900 - 0 1 : 2 1 - 5 -

Mumford, Edward Philpot 1902a Report of the resident magistrate, Western Division, on the affairs 1942 Mosquitoes, m alaria and the war of the division. British New in the Pacific. Science, 96 Guinea. Annual rep o rt for 1900- (2487) (new series): 191-4. 01: 80-4, (App. Q).

Münsterberger, W. 1902b Report on a v i s i t to the Bamu 1943 On the sacred stools of the estuaries, Western Division. Sepik area, New Guinea. British New Guinea. Annual report Internationales Archiv für for 1900-01: 85-7, (App. R). Ethnographie, 43: 242-6. 1902c Aboriginal vocabulary of the 1945 Over prim itieve kunst en over Jibu dialect, Western Division. den korwar-stijl in Indonesia British New Guinea. Annual report en OceaniS. Cultureel IndlS, for 1900-01: 167-70, (App. M2). 7: 63-74. Murray, G.H. Murdock, George Peter 1920 Gulf D ivision. Papua. Annual 1949 Social stru c tu re . New York, report for 1918-19: 23- 5 . MacMillan Co., 387 PP- 1920a Vocabulary of Huaruha tribe, Kerema station, Gulf Division. 1955 Changing emphases in so cial Papua. Annual report for 1918-19: structure. Southwestern journal 117. of anthropology, 11: 361- 7 0 . 1921 Reports regarding the 'Vailala Murphy, John Joseph madness" (Gulf Division). Papua. 1938/39 Stone workers of New Guinea, Annual report for 1919-20: past and present. Oceania, 116-8 . 9(1): 37-40. Murray, Hubert 1959 The book of Pidgin English, see Murray, John Hubert Plunkett. being (l) a grammar and notes, (2) an outline of Pidgin English, (3 ) a Pidgin English - Murray, J.K. English dictionary, (4) an 1949 Science and the future of th is English - Pidgin English Territory. Papua and New Guinea dictionary. Brisbane, W.R. Smith s c ie n tific society, Annual and Paterson, 6 th ed itio n , 164 pp. report for 1949: 21-30, (App. A).

Murphy, T.W. (jo in t author) Murray, John Hubert Plunkett 1923 see 1923 Heydon, G.M. and 1907 Administrative visits of Murphy, T.W. inspection. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1905-06: 6-7. 1924 see 1924 Heydon, G.M. and Murphy, T.W. 1908 A dm inistrator's v i s i ts of inspection. Papua. Annual report for 1907-08: 8-16. 187

1908a Annual report, Purari 1924 Notes on Colonel Ainsworth's expedition. Papua. Annual report on the Mandated Territory report for 1 9 0 7 -0 8 : 31-3 , of New Guinea. Port Moresby, (App. A). Government Printer, 16 pp.

1909 Lieutenant-Governor's visits of inspection. Papua. Annual 1925 The population problem in Papua. Papua. Annual report for report for 1908-09: 4-12. 1922- 23: 14-7, (App. I).

1 909a Account of a visit of inspection 1925a Patrol to the Palmer river to the villages between Baimuru natives of the upper Fly at and the , in the Daru. Papua. Annual report for Western Division. Papua. Annual 1923- 24: 8 . report for 1908-09: 87-90, (App. A). 1925b Papua of today, or, an Australian colony in the making. 1912 Pacification of the Territory London, King and Son Ltd., and native affairs generally. 308 pp. Papua. Annual report for 1911-12: 10-5. 1926 Native custom and the government of primitive races with especial 1912a Lieutenant-Governor's visits of reference to Papua. Third Pan- inspection. Papua. Annual report Pacific science congress 1926, for 1 9 1 1 -1 2 : 1 6 -2 2 . Tokyo, Proceedings, 2: 2442-58.

1912b Papua or British New Guinea, 1930 Report of the Lieutenant-Governor. with an introduction by Sir Papua. Annual report for 1 928- William MacGregor. London, 29: 8 . T. Fisher Unwin, 388 pp. 1930a Australian policy in Papua, in: 1913 Lieutenant-Governor's visits P. Campbell and others (eds.JT of inspection. Papua. Annual Studies in Australian affairs: report for 1 9 1 2 -1 3 : 8 -1 8 . 241-58. Issued by the Institute of Pacific Relations, N.S.W. 191^ Lieutenant-Governor's visits of branch. Melbourne, Macmillan and inspection. Papua. Annual report Co. Ltd., in association with for 1913-14: 14-25. M.U.P. Pacific Relations series No. 3 , 269 pp. 1918 Report by the Lieutenant-Governor of visit to the Gogodara people 1930b Papuan criminals and British between the Bamu and Fly rivers. justice (reply to Pitt-Rivers Papua. Annual report for 1916-17: 1929). Man, 30: 1 3 2 . 46, (App. A). 1931 Justice and custom in Papua. 1918a Report by the Lieutenant-Governor Man, 31: 117-8. of visit to the and Lake Murray. Papua. Annual 1932 Murder of Kuni mountaineers. report for 1916-17: 47-9, (App. B). Papua. Annual report for 193O-3I: 10. 1918b The people and language between the Fly and Strickland rivers, 1932a Report of the Lieutenant-Governor. Papua. Man, 18: 40-5. Papua. Annual report for 193O-3I : 12-3. 1919 Visit to Ononge by the Lieutenant-Governor. Papua. 1932b The Papuan instrument called Annual report for 1917-18: 6l-2„ Pombo. Man, 32: 246. (App. A). 1933 Head-hunting in theory and 1919a Comparative vocabularies of practice. Papua. Annual report language spoken at Lake Murray for 1 9 3 1 -3 2 : 10-1 . and of the language of the Marind-Anim, at Merauke. Papua Annual report for 1917-18: 98, 1933a Sorcery a cause of laziness. (App. E20). Papua. Annual report for 1931-32: 15. 1921 Anthropology and the government of subject races. Papua. Annual 1933b The scientific aspect of the report for 1 9 1 9 -2 0 : 104-11. pacification of Papua (Presidential address). Australian and New Zealand association for the Recent exploration in Papua. 1923? advancement of science, Report Sydney, Turner and Henderson, of the 21st meeting, Sydney 1932, 42 pp. 21: 1-11. 188

1935 Peace making between Nahikaia 1922 Houses - North-eastern Division and Kukukuku. Papua. Annual (Maneao district), in: W.E. report for 1933-34: 20 -1 . Armstrong, Territory of Papua, Anthropology Report No. 2 (pt. 2): 1936 New tribes on the upper Purari. 50- 2 . Papua. Annual report for 1934-35! 27- 8. 1922a Annual report, North-eastern Division. Papua. Annual report 1937 The Kukukukus of the Gulf for 1920-21: 51. Division. Papua. Annual report for 1935-36: 13-4. 1923 Magisterial report - Baniara, North-eastern Division. Detailed 1937a Burial customs in the Kosirava description of part of Baniara district. Papua. Annual report district, N.E.D., Cape Vogel for 1935-36: 17-8. Peninsula. Papua. Annual report for 1921-22: 74-6. 1937b Witchcraft in Wari island. Papua. Annual report for 1935-36: Musgrave, A. jr. 18. 1887 Notes by assistant deputy commissioner for British New 1937c Death and mourning celebrations Guinea. British New Guinea. on Normanby island. Man, 37: Annual report for 1886: 27, 1 3 6 . 32-4, (App. D).

1938 Ghost hunters. Papua. Annual Myers, C.S. and Haddon, Alfred Cort report for 1936-37: 29 1912 XII. Music. XIII. Sound-producing instruments. XIV. Songs XV. 1938a Influence of females on crime Dances and dance paraphernalia. in Abau district. Papua. Annual XVII. Games and toys, in: report for 1936-37: 31. Cambridge anthropological expedition to Torres Straits, 1938b Native crime. Papua. Annual report Report, 4: 2 3 8 -3 0 5 , 312-41. for 1936-37: 3 2 . Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 6 vols. 1939 The Papuan instrument called ”Pombo" and the drink called Mytinger, Caroline "Hamu". Man, 39: 48. 1942 Headhunting in the Solomon Islands, around the Coral Sea. 1940/4l Influence of missions as the New York, The Macmillan Company, mean of counteracting the ix and 4l6 pp. effects of moral disturbance in the native population of Papua. Anthropos, 35-36: 3 6 9 . 1947 New Guinea headhunt. New York, The Macmillan Company, viii and 44l pp. 1949 The response of the natives of Papua to western civilisation. Port Moresby, Government Printer, 15 PP-

Murrell, T.G.C. and Roth, L. 1963 Necrotizing Jejunitis: a newly discovered disease in the highlands of New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 6l-9 and tables.

Murzin, I. 1939 Bibliograficheskie materialy. (Bibliographic materials.) in: Izvestiia Gosudarstvennogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, 7l(l-2): 205-14. Moskva- Leningrad, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 310 pp.

Muscutt, C.R. 1917 Vocabularies - Kairuku station, Central district. Papua. Annual report for 1914-15: l8l, (App. IVs).

1921 Nepa, Lakekamu gold-fiäd. Papua. Annual report for 1919-20: 34-6. 789

Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland 1908) Verrichtingen van het militaire 1 9 0 9 ) exploratie-detachement op zuid 1885 Kaiserlicher Schutzbrief fUr 1 9 1 0 ) Nieuw-Guinea (gedurende April, Deutsch-Neuguinea vom 17. Mai Mei-September, October en 1885* Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser November 1908, Augustus en Wilhelmsland, 1: 2-4. September 1909). Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1885-98 Neu-Guinea Comp. 1885-1898: Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 25 Nachrichten über Kaiser (2nd series): 1 1 7 9 -8 8 ; 26 Wilhelmsland und den Bismarck (2nd series): 142-54, 2 7 2 -3 , Archipel. Berlin, A. Ahler & 451-61, 654-61, 822-41, 995-1014; Co., 14 parts in 4 vols. 27 (2nd series): 1 3 9 -4 3 , 33O-8 .

1890 Arbeiter-Anwerbung im Schutzgebiet. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser 1910 Expeditie Lorentz naar het Wilhelmsland, 6: 8l-5. Sneeuwgebergte van Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, 1894-98 Rechtsverhältnisse und Tijdschrift, 27 (2nd series): Rechtsanschauungen der 144-51, 35 7 -6 0 , 5 7 3 -8 2 , 1 0 3 0 -I. Eingeborenen. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 13: 68-85 (pt. 1), 86-102 (pt. 2). 1910) Exploratie van Nieuw-Guinea. see 1897 Hahl, A. and 1897 1 9 1 1 ) Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Vetter, K. Tijdschrift, 27 (2nd series): 152-3, 360-3, 584-9, 812-7, Natachee, Allan 1031-42, 1246-54; 28 (2nd series): 120-7, 3 1 9 -2 2 , 494-504, 708-20, 1951/52 Mekeo poems and legends. Oceania, 823-33. 22: 148-61. 1911 De Idenburg-rivier. Nederlandsch 1961 The legendary history of the aardrijkskundig genootschap, Mekeo. Journal of the public Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 28 (2nd service of the Territory of series): 962-4. Papua and New Guinea, 3 : 87-90, 117-23, 133- 1912 Verkenning der Idenburg-rivier in Nieuw-Guinea (6 Juni - 8 Naumann, von Augustus 1911). Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1876 Ue’oer Land und Leute an der Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 29 MacCluer Bay, Neu-Guinea, und (2nd series): 2 9 3 -3 0 9 . in Melanesien. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, 1915 Ethnographische gegevens Verhandlungen: 67-9- ln: betreffende de inboorlingen in Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. 8. het stroomgebied van de Mamberamo (Nieuw-Guinee). Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Navigator genootschap, Amsterdam, 1930 Die Admiralitäts-Inseln. Erdball, Tijdschrift, 32 (2nd series): 4: 459-62. 655-72. 1936 De anthropologische expeditie Naylor, F.H. van dr. H.J.T. Bijlmer naar 1908 Annual report, assistant de Mimika rivier ter zuidkust resident, Kokoda. Papua. Annual Nieuw-Guinee. Nederlandsch report for 1906-07: 57-9. aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 53 (2nd series): 191-4, 412-6. 1908a Annual report from Yodda gold­ field. Papua. Annual report for 1939 Uittreksel van verslagen, 1906-07: 86-7. ingediend door den commandant van het dekkings-detachement (K.) Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap der Amerikaansch-Nederlandsche expeditie naar Midden Nederlandsch 1903 Nieuw-Guinea expeditie. Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig aardrijkskundig genootschap, genootschap, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 56 Tijdschrift, 20 (2nd series): (2 nd series): 321-42. 719-36. 1939a Kort uittreksel uit het verslag van de exploratie van het Wisselmerengebied van 13 Mei tot 14 November 1938 en van den doorsteek van Paniai naar de Geelvinkbaai. Een en ander onder leiding van J.P.K. van Eechoud. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 56 (2nd series): 654-60. 190 1940 U ittre k se l van het algeraeen 1958d De economle van Nederlands- verslag van de Nederlandsch- Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw- Indische-Amerikaansche expedltle Guinea, 6(2): 2. naar Nieuw-Guinea 1938-1939 (Archbold expeditie). Nederlandsch 1958e Adviesraden. Nederlands Nieuw- aardrijkskundig genootschap, Guinea, 6(2): 29-30. Amsterdam, T ijd s c h rift, 57 (2nd series): 233-47, 404-22. 1958f Vrede stichten. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 6 (3 ): 28. 1949 Een nieuwe Papoea-stam ontdekt in het z.w. van Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig 1958g Raad voor volksontwikkeling. genootschap, Amsterdam, Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 6(5): Tijdschrift, 66 (2nd s e rie s ): 2 6 . 6 1 2 . 1958h Oudheidkundige vondst. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 6 (6 ): 30- 1 . 1954 Land en volk aan de overzijde van een gemeenschappelijke grens. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 1958/59 Anthropological research in 2 (6 ): 4-7. Netherlands New Guinea since 1950. Oceania, 29: 132-6 3 . 1954a Ontwikkelingsgang. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 2(6): 8-11. 1959 Trek naar de stad. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 7(6): 29-31. 1954b De bestuursvorm: een wetgevende raad. Begin van parlementaire 1960 Politieke ontwikkeling in regeringsvorm. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw- Nieuw-Guinea, 2(6) : 12-3. Guinea, 8 (6 ): 26-7.

1954c Een rondblik en enkele 1960a Registratie in Hollandia. overpeinzingen. Nederlands Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 8 (6 ): Nieuw-Guinea, 2(6): 15-6. 27-9- 1954d Rijst en vlees, eigen productie van noodzakelijke voedingsmiddelen. 1961 "in the picture". Nederlands Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 2(6): 17- Nieuw-Guinea, 9(1): 27.

1961a Het tien jaren p lan en de 1954e Nieuw ontdekte volksstammen. begroting voor '6l. Nederlands Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 2(6): 18. Nieuw-Guinea, 9(3): 22-3, (4): 18-9. 1955 De Marine-Luchtvaart-Dienst. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 3(5): 1961b Het bezoek van de derde 7-14. Parlementaire Missie.... Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 9(4): 25. 1955a Geneeskundige d ien st der zeemacht. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 3(5): 1961c Beschouwingen over de Nieuw- 14-6. Guinea raad. Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, 9(5): 23-7. 1956 Rotstekenlngen. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 4(6) : 28. 1962 Eigen Symbolen. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 10(l): 25-6. 1957 Gezondheidszorg. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 5(l): 29. 1962a De Casuarinekust; bij de primitiefsten der primitieven. 1957a Land- en bosbouw conferentie. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 10(2): Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 5(6): 12-5, (4): 8 - 13, (5): 16- 2 1 . 28. 1962b Veranderend beeid. Nederlands 1957b Experimenten. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 10(5): 28-9. Nieuw-Guinea, 5(6) : 28-9- 1962c G ebeurtenissen. Nederlands Nieuw- 1958 De gesel gegeseld. Nederlands Guinea, 10(5): 29-31. Nieuw-Guinea, 6 ( l ) : 24-5.

1958a Raad voor Volksopvoeding. 1962d "Wege Bage" beweging. Nederlands Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 6(1): Nieuw-Guinea, 10(4): 3 1 . 25-6. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. Kantoor voor 1958b Voedingsraad. Nederlands bevolkingszaken Nieuw-Guinea, 6(1): 26. n.d. Overzicht nijv erh eid Nieuw- Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 1958c De Nederlands-Austrailsche Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor verk larin g . Nederlands Nieuw- bevolkingszaken, No. 55: 7 pp. Guinea, 6(1): 26. 1 9 7

1956 Jaarverslag 1955. Nederlands Netherlands Government. Committe to examine Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - the development of Netherlands New Guinea. Kantoor voor bevolklngszaken, 17 pp. and 7 pp. app. 1953 Rapport: Toekomstige ontwikkeling van Nieuw-Guinea. 's-Gravenhage, 1957 Jaarverslag 1956. Nederlands Staatsdrukkerij- en Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - uitgeverijbedrijf, 2 delen, 3 1 5 , Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, 48 pp. 17 pp. and 5 pp. app. Netherlands Government. Ministerie van 1958 Jaarverslag 1957. Nederlands Kolonien. Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - 1933 Revue van artikelen, mededeelingen Kantoor voor bevolklngszaken, en documenten. (Emigratie naar 16 pp. and 6 pp. app. Nieuw-Guinee). Indische gids, 55(2): 826. 1959 Jaarverslag 1958. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement vain - Netherlands New Guinea Kantoor voor bevolklngszaken, 15 pp. and 6 pp. app. 1954 Big Dutch projects in west New Guinea. South Pacific, 7: 795, 797. 1960 Jaarverslag 1959. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, 1955 The west New Guinea question. 12 pp. and 8 pp. app. South Pacific, 8: 32-5.

1962 Jaarverslag 1 9 6 1 . Nederlands Netherlands New Guinea. Bureau of Native Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - Affairs, Hollandia. Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, see Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. 19 PP* Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken.

Needham, Rodney Neubach, W. 1959 Mourning-terms. Bljdragen tot 1933 Polynesier und Melanesier. de taal-, land- en volkenkunde Atlantis (Zürich), 1: 14-9. van Nederlandsch-Indife', 115: 58-89- Neuhaus, Karl 1912 Typen aus Neu-Mecklenburg Neef, A.J. de (Deutsche SUdsee). Hiltruper 1939 De groote lnstulf in Papoealand, Monatshefte: 351-6. No. 9* Indische gids, 6l(2): 1105- 8 . 1912a Namatanai in SUd-Neumecklenburg und die katholische Mission Neijs, Karel dortselbst. Hiltruper 1958 An experimental course in adult Monatshefte: 393-6. literacy. South Pacific commission, Technical paper No. 114, 64 pp. 1912b Das Totzaubern auf Neu- Mecklenburg. Hiltruper Nelson, H.M. Monatshefte: 3 9 6 -8 .

1898 Report on a visit to British 1913 Auf Reisen in Neumecklenburg. New Guinea. Queensland. Hiltruper Monatshefte: 108-15, Parliamentary papers, 2: 151-2 . 1061-87.

1913a Auf rauhen Pfaden. Hiltruper Netherlands Committee For International Native Protection Monatshefte: 391-7. 1949 Report concerning the possibility 19136 Etwas vom Monde. Hiltruper of protecting primitive natives Monatshefte: 440-5. in Dutch New Guinea. Seventh Pacific science congress 1949, New Zealand, Proceedings, 7: 1914 Aus der Kanaken-Katechese. 148-9. Hiltruper Monatshefte: 14-5.

Netherlands Government 1916 Dies und das aus Neumecklenburg. 1951-60 Report on Netherlands New Guinea Hiltruper Monatshefte: 55-8, for the year 1951, 1952, 1953, 103-6, 154-7, 200-7. 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, I960, presented by the 1920 Brief. Hiltruper Monatshefte: Netherlands Government to the 204-9. Secretary-General of the United Nations pursuant to Article 73(e) of the Charter. The Hague, 1925 Die neue Mission auf den Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Tanga-Inseln. Hiltruper Monatshefte: 267-8, 29 6 -30 2 , 3 6 2 -6 . 792

1927 Meine Reise zu den benachbarten 1911f Deutsch-Neu-Guinea. Berlin, Inseln, und meine Erfahrungen Dietrich Reimer A.G., 3 v o l s ., mit meinen einheimischen 534, 336, 572 pp. Katechisten. Hiltruper Monatshefte: 40-6, 102-7, 134-40. 1912 Funde von Rook. Z eitschrift für Ethnologie, 44: 409-10. 1930/31 Sagen über Sonne und Mond ln der Pala-Sprache (New Ireland). Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen­ 1912a Die Pygmäen in Deutsch-Neuguinea. sp ra ch e n , 2 1 : 2 0 8 - 3 0 . Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, Sitzungsberichte, 1911-12: 67-9. 193^ Beobachtungen und Studien in der Südsee: Das höchste Wesen, Seelen- und Geisterglaube, 1913 Bemerkungen zu dem A u fsatz von Naturauffassung und Zauberei A.J.P. v. d. Broek über Pygmäen bei den Pala M ittel- in Niederländisch-Süd-Neu-Guinea. Neumecklenburgs. Vunapope, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 45: Catholic mission of the Sacred 4 5 -8 . Heart of Jesus, vol. 1, 105 pp. 1913a Das rotblonde Haar der Papua. 1934a Komat. Hiltruper Monatshefte: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 45: 263-72. 259-60.

1954 Grammatik der Lir-Sprache in 1913b Die Erforschung von Neuguinea Melanesien. M icro-Bibliotheca m it dem L u ftb a llo n . D eutsche Anthropos, 20: 220 pp. (Posieux, Kolonialzeitung, 3 0 ( 2 ) : 22. F r e ib u r g ) . 1913c Die Erforschung von Neu-Guinea 1962 Beiträge zur Ethnographie der mit dem Lenkballon. Petermanns Pala, Mittel-Neu-Ireland (aus Geographische M itteilungen, dem Nachlass bearbeitet von 59(2): 198. C. L äu fer und C arl A. S c h m itz ). Kölner ethnologische Mitteilungen, 2. Köln, Kölner Universitäts 1913d Zur Paradiesvogelfrage. Koloniale Verlag, 452 pp. Rundschau, 3 : 159-61.

Neuhauss,, Richard 1914 Felszeichnungen auf der Insel 1909 Der Stamm d e r Lae-Womba am Umboi. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie Markhamflusz. Deutsche 46: 529-31. Kolonialzeitung, 26(46): 770-1. 1914a Die Pygmäenfrage in Neu-Guinea. 1909a Brief des Herrn R. Neuhauss aus Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 46: Neu-Guinea. Zeitschrift für 753-4. Ethnologie, 41: 751-3, 9 6 2 - 3 . 1914b Die Kulturbezirke am Kaiserin- 1911 Totemismus bei den Zepa, Augusta-Fluss. Petermanns Potsdamhafen, Deutsch-Neuguinea. Geographische M itteilungen, Anthropos, 6 : IO3 9 . 6 0 (1 ): 3 2 .

1 911a W irtschaftliches aus Deutsch- Neve, John Neu-Guinea. Koloniale Rundschau, 1952 The Maprik area education centre. 6 : 348-58. South Pacific, 6 ( 8 ) : 478-91.

1911b Vortrag über seine von 1 9 0 8 - I 960 Spirit houses of Maprik. Journal 1910 ausgeführte Reise nach of the public service of the Deutsch-Neu-Guinea. Zeitschrift Territory of Papua and New für Ethnologie, 43: 130-2. Guinea, 2: 118-25.

1911c Kinematographische und Nevermann , Hans phonographische Aufnahmen aus Deutsch-Neuguinea. Z eitschrift 1928 Das Krokodil in der SUdseekunst. für Ethnologie, 43: 1 3 6 - 8 . Erdball, 2: 148-52.

1911d Ueber die Pygmäen in Deutsch- 1933 St. Matthias-Gruppe. in: Georg Neuguinea und Uber das Haar Thilenius (ed.), Ergebnisse der der Papua. Zeitschrift für SUdsee-Expedition 1908-1910, Ethnologie, 43: 280-7. II. A. Band 2: 250 pp. Hamburg, L. Friederichsen, de Gruyter & C o., 13 vols. in 19. 1 9 H e Eine Bitte für die Neuendettelsauer Mission. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1933a Masken und Geheimbünde in 28(23): 389. Melanesien. Berlin, Verlag Reimar Hobbing, 168 pp. 793

1934 Admiralitäts-Inseln, ln: New Guinea - Annual Reports Georg Thilenlus (ed.), Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910, 1914-63 1. Reports to the Council of the II. A. Band 3: 399 pp. Hamburg, League of Nations on the L. Friederichsen, de Gruyter & administration of the Territory C o ., 13 v o l s . in 19. of New Guinea from 1914-1940. New Guinea, report for 1914-21 (published 1922) 1935 Eine ethnologische Reise nach 1921- 22 ( 1. 1923 dem Süden von N euguinea m it 1922- 23 ( « 1924) Lichtbildern. Zeitschrift für 1923- 24 ( „ 1925) Ethnologie, 67: 118-9. 1924- 25 1926 ) 1925- 26 1927 1935a Bei Sumpfmenschen und Kopfjägern. 1926- 27 1928 Reisen durch die unerforschte 1927 - 28 1929 Inselwelt und die Südküste von 1928- 29 1930 Niederländisch-Neuguinea. 1929- 30 1931 Stuttgart, Union Dt. 1930- 31 1932 Verlagsgesellschaft, 170 pp.; 1931- 32 1933 "Onder koppensnellers en 1932- 33 1934 moerasmensen". (Transl. into 1933- 34 1935 Dutch by W. Vogt, 1946, 1 9 3 4 - 35 1936) Amsterdam, A.J.G. Strengholt's Uitg. Mij. N.V., 192 pp.). 1935- 36 1937; 1936- 37 1938 1937- 38 1939 1937 R echt und S i t t e d e r D igul Stämme 1 9 3 8 - 39 1940 in Nederl. Neuguinea. 1939- 40 1 9 4 i; Zeitschrift für vergleichende 2 . R ep o rts the General Assembly Rechtswissenchaft, 52(1): 8-33. of the United Nations on the administration of the Territory 1938 Kawa auf Neuguinea. Ethnos, 3: of New Guinea from 1946-1963. 179-92. New Guinea, report for 1946-47 (published 1947)

1938a Indonesische Einflüsse auf 1947- 481 If 1948) Neuguinea. Gesellschaft für 1948- 49 Tt 1949 Völkerkunde, (Leipzig), 1949- 50 It 1950 M itteilungsblatt, 8: 17-24. 1950- 51 II 1951 1951- 52 « 1952 1952- 53 If 1939 Die Kanum-irebe und ihre 1953 1953- 54 If 1954 Nachbarn. Zeitschrift für 1954- 55 If 1955 Ethnologie, 71: 1-70. 1955- 56 II 1956 1956- 57 If 1957) 1940 Totenfeiern und Malagane von 1957- 58 II 1958) Nord-Neumecklenburg, nach 1958- 59 Aufzeichnungen von E. Waiden. 1 If I960) 1959- 60. II 1961 Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 72: 1960- 61 , II 11-38. 1962 1 9 6 1 -6 2 . II 1963 1962-63 k »» 1964) 1940a Die Sohur. Zeitschrift für Canberra, Government Printer. Ethnologie, 72: 169-96. New Guinea - Annual Report 1942 Die Je-nan (Volksstam op Ned. Nleuw-Guinea). Baessler-Archiv, 1924 Patrols in the . 24; 87-221. Report to the League of Nations on the administration of the 1952 Die Jabga auf SUdneugulnea. Territory of New Guinea for 1922- Baessler-Archiv, 1 (new series): 2 3 : 66- 7 4 . 49-82. 1924a Vocabulary of native languages, 1956 Tiergeschichten und mythische Sepik River, Aitape district Stammbäume aus Neumecklenburg and portions of Talasea district. aus dem N ach lass A ugustin Report to the League of Nations Krämers. Zeitschrift für on the administration of tne Territory of New Guinea for Ethnologie, 8 l: 180-7« 1922-23: 127-34, (App. C).

1957 Söhne des tötenden Vaters. 1926 Report on patrol to the Bubu, Dämonen und Kopfjägergeschichten Ono, and upper Warla rivers, aus Neuguinea. Eisenach, Erich and north therefrom to the Röth-Verlag, 224 pp. Bialolo river. Report to the League of Nations on the administration of the Territory New Guinea A gricultural Gazette of New Guinea for 1924-25: 1939 Native agriculture, in: Resumd 98-108, (App. C). of departmental activities. Papua and New Guinea agricultural g a z e tte , 5(2): 1 7 -8 . 194

1932 Patrol report. Report to the 1950 Adoption of children, Bena sub- League of Nations on the district, C.H.D. Report to the administration of the Territory General Assembly of the United of New Guinea for 1930-31: 96- Nations on the administration 100. of the Territory of New Guinea for 1949-50: 172, (App. XIX). 1933 Patrols. Report to the League of Nations on the administration 1950a Marriage customs in the Yongumul of the Territory of New Guinea area of the Chimbu sub-district, fir 1931-32: 88-91. Central Highlands District. Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations on the 1934 Anthropology investigations. administration of the Territory Report to the League of Nations of New Guinea for 1949-50: 172, on the administration of the (App. XIX). Territory of New Guinea for 1932- 33: 27-8. 1950b Sorcery in the upper Watut area of the Morobe District. Report 1934a Patrols. Report to the League to the General Assembly of the of Nations on the administration United Nations on the admin­ of the Territory of New Guinea istration of the Territory of for 1932-33: 29-33- New Guinea for 1949-50: 173> (App. XIX). 1935 Anthropological Investigations. Report to the League of Nations on the administration of the 1950c Myth of the people of Ali Island, Territory of New Guinea for Sepik District. Report to the 1933- 34: 21-3- General Assembly of the United Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea Patrols. Report to-the League 1935a for 1949-50: 173-4, (App. XIX). of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea for 1933-34: 25-30. 1950d Patrols in the Central Highlands District. Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations 1936 Anthropological investigations. Report to the League of Nations on the administration of the on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea for Territory of New Guinea for 1949-50: 175, (App. XIX). 1934- 35: 19-21. 1950e Peaceful penetration, headwaters of Markham river. Report to the 1936 a Patrols. Report to the League General Assembly of the United of Nations on the administration Nations on the administration of of the Territory of New Guinea the Territory of New Guinea for for 1934-35: 2>5- 1949-50: 175, (App. XIX).

1937 Native religious outbreaks: 1952 Eastern Highlands District. cargo cult in Buka and Bougainville Report to the General Assembly 1913-1934. Report to the League of the United Nations on the of Nations on the administration administration of the Territory of the Territory of New Guinea of New Guinea for 1951-52: 30. for 1935-36: 21-5. 1952a Western Highlands District. 1939 Report on Territory of New Report to the General Assembly Guinea, New Ireland District. of the United Nations on the Report to the League of Nations administration of the Territory on the administration of the of New Guinea for 1951-52: 30. Territory of New Guinea for 1937-38: 29-30. New Guinea - Department of Agriculture 1939a Cultural change, Namatanai 1941 Annual report of the Department sub-district of New Ireland. of Agriculture for the year Report to the League of Nations ending 30th June, 1940. Native on the administration of the agriculture. Papua and New Territory of New Guinea for Guinea agricultural gazette, 1937-38: 30. 7(2): 83-7.

1941 "Letup-singsing" in the Sek- New Guinea - Irian Commission 1950 Nobonob subdivision, Madang District. Report to the League 1950/51 Het Nederlandse hoofdbestanddeel of Nations on the administration van het rapport van de gemengde of the Territory of New Guinea commissie Nieuw-Guinea/lrian for 1939-40: 27-8. 1950. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 11: 117-20. 195

New Guinea Planters' and Traders' Nicholson, Ruth and Nicholson, Ray Association 1961 Phonemes of the Fore language 1928 Statement by New Guinea Planters' in: Workshop papers: 76 -9 3 , and Traders' Association to the Summer institute of linguist!cs Commonwealth Government, in: New Guinea branch. Ukarumpa, F.W. Eggleston (ed.), The New Guinea, 170 pp. Australian mandate for New Guinea: 56-62. Melbourne, Macmillan and 1962 Fore phonemes and their Co. Ltd., in. association with interpretation. Studies in M.U.P. Pacific Relations series New Guinea linguistics, No. 2. 149 pp. Oceania linguistic monograph, No. 6 : 128-48. Newell, J.E. (ed. and tr.) 1897 Notes on the Kabadi dialect of Nieland, N.A. New Guinea. (By Pastor Timoteo, transl. from the Samoan and 1955 Hoogtepunten in het leven van edited by J.E. Newell.) de moderne Papoea. Schäkels, Polynesian society, Wellington, NNG, 14: 21-4. J o u rn a l, 6 : 2 0 1 -8 . 1956 Het binnenland. Schäkels, NNG, Newman, P h ilip Lee 2 1 : 3 - 8 . 1962 Supernaturalism and ritual among the Gururumba. Ph.D. Niermeyer, J.F. thesis, University of Washington, 1903 Nieuw-Guinea op zijn smalst. 333 PP- Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, 1962a Sorcery, religion and the man. Tljdschrift, 20 (2nd series): Natural history: American museum 377-85. of natural history, Journal, 71(2) : 20-9. Nieuw-Guinea Instituut, Rotterdam 1956 Vademecum voor Nederlands- Newton, D. Nleuw-Guinea 1956. In samenwerking met het M inlsterie 1963 Multiple human figures in van Overzeese Rijksdelen. w e ste rn Papuan g u lf a r t . Man, Rotterdam, Nieuw-Guinea 63: 8 6 -9 0 . Instituut, 216 pp.

Newton, Henry 1958? Handbook on Netherlands New 1914 In far New Guinea: a stirring Guinea, 1958. Rotterdam, record of work and observation Nieuw-Guinea Instituut, 80 pp. amongst the people of New Guinea, with a description of their Nieuw-Guinea StudiSn manners, customs and religions. London, Seeley Service and Co., 1957 New Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studiSn, 304 pp. 1 : 1 0 -3 .

Neys, Karel 1957a Interessante vondst op het see Neijs, Karel eiland Waigeo. Nieuw-Guinea s tu d iS n , 1 : 59- 60.

Niau, Josephine Hyacinthe N leuw enhuls, A.W. 1936 The phantom paradise. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 189 pp. 1927 Die psychologische Bedeutung des Gruppentotemismus in Australien. Internationales N ic h o lls , G.H. Archiv für Ethnographie, 28: 43-92. 1911 M agisterial report, Mambare Division (ioma). Papua. Annual report for 1910-11: 137-41. 1931 Der Sexualtotemismus als Basis der dualistischen Kulturen und derer Exogamie in Ozeanien. Die Nicholson, Ray (joint author) Wurzeln des natürlichen, 1961 see 1961 Nicholson, Ruth and grammatikalischen W ortgeschlechts. Nicholson, Ray. Supplement to Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 31: 140 pp. 1962 see 1962 Nicholson, Ruth and Nicholson, Ray. 1935 Die Entstehung des Sexualwortgenus männlich- Nicholson, Ruth weiblich als Kulturelement 1961 Introductory north Fore verb des Sexualtotemismus und paper, in: Workshop papers: seiner Formen in den 151-63, Summer i n s t i t u t e o f Ausstrahlungsgebieten in linguistics, New Guinea branch. Amerika, Australien und Ukarumpa, New Guinea, 170 pp. Ozeanien. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 33: 35-97. 196

1935a Der Urmonotheismus. 1953 Einige Ergänzungen zu G. Höltkers Internationales Archiv für Aufsatz "Die Steinvögel in Ethnographie, 3 3 : 123-48. Melanesien". Anthropos, 48: 991-2. Nieuvenhuis, G.J. 19 5 3 /5 4 The Kuman people: a study of 1916 Ueber den Tanz im malaiischen cultural change in a primitive Archipel. Internationales society in the central highlands Archiv für Ethnographie, 23: of New Guinea. Oceania, 24: 183-240. 1-27, 119-31.

Nieuvenkamp, W.O.J. 1955 The ethnographic position of 1926/27 Vaartuigen in tropisch the Rai coast, Territory of New Nederland (IV). Nederlands Guinea. Anthropos, 50: 4-37-8. IndiS (oud en nieuw), 1 1 : 209-12, 215. Nisbet, Hume 1896 A colonial tramp: travels and Nijenhuis, L.E. adventures in Australia and New 19ol Blood group frequencies in Guinea. London, Ward and Downey, the upper Digul and Muyu districts 467 pp. and in the Star Mountains of Netherlands New Guinea. Nova Nixon, M. Guinea, 1: 1-14. 1937 Mission work in the Gulf Division. Papua. Annual report for 1935- Nijenhuis, L.E. (joint author) 3 6 : 20-1 . i960 see i960 Vries, J.L. de and Nijenhuis, L.E. Noad, K.B. 1946 Tsutsugamushi fever in natives. Nije.ihuis, L.E. and others Medical journal of Australia, 2: 20-1. I960 Blood group frequencies in New Guinea. II. The blood groups of the Asmat Papuans. American Nolan, H. Ward journal of physical anthropology, 1941 Angling - the Papuan way. 1 8 : 189-91. Walkabout, 7: 30-1.

Nilles, Johann 1942 Sago. Walkabout, 8: 10-2. 1938 Die Siedlungsform bei den oestlichen Waugla und Kurugu 1943 Civil and ceremonial Papua. im Wagital, Neuguinea. Walkabout, 9: 5-10. Anthropos, 3 3 : 664-70. Nöllen, H 1938a Häuserbau und Häuserformen bei Les diffärentes classes d'Sge den östlichen Waugla und Kurugu 1909 dans la sociät^ Kaia-Kaia, im Wahgital Neuguineas. Anthropos, Merauke, Nouvelle Guinde 33: 963-8. n^erlandaise. Anthropos, 4: 553-73- 1S39 Mädchen-Reifefeier bei den östlichen Waugla im Bismarckgebirge Neuguineas. Noorlander, J.C. Anthropos, 34: 402-6. 1951 The administration of Netherlands New Guinea. 1940 Eine Knaben-Jugendweihe bei South Pacific, 5(6): 112-3, den östlichen Waugla im 115. Bismarckgebirge Neuguineas. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 3 8 : 93-8. Nooteboom,, C. 1943 Slavenblokken, archetypen, 1942-45 Digging-sticks, spades, hoes, buikdenken en associatiebeddingen. axes and adzes of the Kuman Cultureel Indife', 5: 2 3 5 -6 . people in the Bismarck mountains of east-central New Guinea (with Norin, G. an introductory note by G. Höltker). Anthropos, 37-40: 1935 Bourjade le Papou. Paris, 2 0 5 -1 2 . Dillen & Cie., l60 pp. (2nd Edition). 1S43/) Natives of the Bismarck 4^ ) mountains, New Guinea. Oceania, Norman-Taylor, W. 1 C44/) 14: 104-23; 15: 1-18. 45 ) i960 Public health progress in Melanesia. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 1S50/51 The Kuman of the Chimbu region, 10(4): 3 7 -8 . central highlands, New Guinea. Oceania, 21: 25-65* 197

1963 Annotated bibliography on medical O bi, H.P. research in the south Pacific. South Pacific commission, 1932 The story of the Nara people. T ec h n ic a l p a p er No. 142, v i i i Folk-lore, 43: 420-4. and 371 pp. O'Brien, D.A. Norrie, Chas. P. 1962 Leadership. Working papers in Dani ethnology, 1: 19-20. 1914 Magisterial report: III. S o u th ­ eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1913-14: 37-44. 1962a Natlvlstic movements. Working papers in Dani ethnology, 1: 59-60. Norris, F. Kingsley 1945 The New Guinea campaign. 1962b Economic and social development. Medical journal of Australia, Working papers in Dani 2 : 425-31. ethnology, 1: 8l-2.

Northcott, Cecil O'Donnell, G. 1936 Guinea gold: the London 1946 Native compensation. Monthly Missionary Society at work in notes, 1(3): 1-3« the Territory of Papua, with a preface by Sir Hubert Murray. London, Livingstone Press, 101 pp. Oelrichs, A.E. 1908 Annual report, acting resident Nouhuys, J.W. van magistrate, Northern Division. 1910 Een en ander over onzen tocht Papua. Annual report for I906- naar het Sneeuwgebergte van 07: 55-6. Ned. IndiS. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1911 Magisterial report, Kumusi Amsterdam, T ijdschrift, 27 Division (Buna Bay). Papua. (2nd series): 799-809. Annual report for 1910-11: 129-36. 1912 Eerste bijdrage tot de kennis van de taal der "Pesegem" van 1912 Annual report on the affairs centraal Nieuw-Guinea. of the Kumusi Division (Buna Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ Bay). Papua. Annual report en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch- Indie, 66: 266-73. for 1911-12: 128-33.

1920/21 Geen Indonesische "batik- 1913 Magisterial report, Buna Bay, techniek" op "bladwerk”. Kumusi Division. Papua. Annual Nederlands Indie (oud en report for 1912-13: 123-6. Nieuw), 5: 147-58. O g llv le -G ra n t, W.R. 1923 Der Bergstamm Pesegem im 1912 see 1912 Wollaston, A.F.R. Innern von Nlederländisch- Neu-Guinea. Nova Guinea, 7: 1-33 and tables. Oldenborgh, J. van 1882 Verslag eener reis met Z. M. 1932 Over de herkomst en het gebruik stoomer Batavia van Ternate van tab ak op Nieuw G uinea. Mens naar de zuidkust van Nieuw- en maatschappij, 8: 75-9. Guinea tot l4l° O.L. Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 27: 1947 Papoea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, 363-79. Amsterdam, T ijdschrift, 64 (2nd series): 287-8. 1882a Verslag eener reis van Ternate naar de noord- en noord-westkust van Nieuw-Guinea, per Z. M. Nuoffer, Oskar stoomschip Batavia gedurende 1908 Ahnenfiguren von der Maart en April, 1881. Tijdschrift Geelvinkbal, Holländisch- voor Indische taal-, land- en Neuguinea. Dresden. (K.) volkenkunde, 27: 409-37. Zoologisches und anthropologisch-ethnographisches Oldham, E.R. Museum, A bhandlungen und Berichte, 12(2): 1-30. 1914 Magisterial report. VIII. Lakekamu goldfield district. Papua. Annual report for 1913- 1917 Quetschkolben von Berlinhafen 14: 85-9. Kaiser Wilhelmsland). Dresden. K.) Zoologisches und 1921 Gulf Division. Papua. Annual anthropologisch-ethnographisches report for 1919-20: 29-30. Museum, A bhandlungen und Berichte, 15: 1-28. 198

1923 Annual report, Western Division: 1949b Economic and social uses of Physique and personal appearance domestic pigs in Siuai, southern of Alice (Tedi) river natives. Bougainville, Solomon islands. Papua. Annual report for 1921-22: i n : Studies in the anthropology 39-43. of Bougainville, Solomon islands: (No. 3) 1-29. Harvard university. Peabody museum of American 1925 Gama-Turama district. Papua. archaeology and ethnology, Papers, Annual report for 1922-23: 17-8. vol. 29. 1925a The Samberigi valley. Papua. Annual report for 1922-23: 18. 1949c Land tenure in northeast Siuai, southern Bougainville, Solomon islands, in: Studies in the 1926 Report of Western Division. anthropology of Bougainville, Papua. Annual report for 1924- Solomon islands: (No. 4) 1-97. 25: 28-9. Harvard university. Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology, Papers, vol. 29- 1927 Report on Western Division. Papua. Annual report for 1925- 26: 54-6. 1951 The Pacific Islands. Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 313 pp.; 1961 New York, 1929 Magisterial report on the Doubleday and Co., 456 pp. Western Division. Papua. (revised edition). Annual report for 1927-28: 19-22. 1955? Somatic variability and human ecology on Bougainville, Oldörp, Rudolf Solomon islands, n.p. (Harvard 1909 Auszug aus einem Berichte des university), processed, 168 pp. Herrn Oldörp vom 4. Oktober 1909. Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet 1955 A Solomon island society: Deutsch-Neuguinea, l(20) : 155-7, kinship and leadership among (21): 162; also Deutsche the Siuai of Bougainville. Kolonialzeitung, 26(52): 872-3. Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 535 PP. Oldörp, Rudolf (joint author) 1909a see 1909 Dammköhler, W.C. and Oliver, Douglas Llewellyn and Howells, Oldörp, R. William W. 1957 Micro-evolution: cultura] Oliver, Douglas Llewellyn elements in physical variation. American anthropologist, 59: 1942 Treasure islands of Australasia, 965-78. New Guinea, New Caledonia and Fiji trace across the South Pacific a fertile crescent Oliver, Douglas Llewellyn (joint author) incredibly rich in minerals and 1961 see 1961 Howells, William W. and foods. National geographic Oliver, Douglas Llewellyn. magazine, 8l: 691-722. Oliver, Eleanor Schirmer 1943 The Horomorun concepts of southern Bougainville: a study 1942 A woman's experiences among in comparative religion, i n : Stone Age Solomon islanders. Studies in the anthropology of National geographic magazine, Oceania and Asia: 50-65- Harvard 82: 813-36. university. Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology, Papers, vol. 20. O'Malley, J.T. 1908 Annual report, Central Division. Papua. Annual report for 1907- 1949 The Peabody museum expedition 08: 6l-6. to Bougainville, Solomon Islands, 1938-39. in: Studies in the anthropology of 1909 Report on affairs of the Gulf Bougainville, Solomon islands: Division. Papua. Annual report (No. 1) 1-27. Harvard university. for 1908-09: 50-7. Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology, 1911 Report of visit of inspection Papers, vol. 29. to portion of Mekeo district. Papua. Annual report for 191O- 1949a Human relations and language 11: 96-100. in a Papuan-speaking tribe of southern Bougainville, Solomon 1911a Report of a visit of inspection islands, in: Studies in the to the Rigo district, C.D. anthropology of Bougainville, Papua. Annual report for 191O- Solomon islands: (No. 2) I-38. 11: 100-4. Harvard university. Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology, Papers, vol. 29. 199

1912 Native affairs: sorcerers; some Oomen, H .A .P.C . and o th e rs customs of the sorcerer, bogus 1961 The sweet potato as the staff sorcerers, the 'Vada' Tauna, the of life of the highland Papuan. insignia, of murder, courtship, Tropical and geographical the care of baby, polygamy, medicine, Amsterdam, 15: 55-66. divorce, the widow, the legend of Edai-Siabo. Papua. Annual report for 1911-12: 98-105. Oosterwal, Gottfried 1959 The position of the bachelor 1914 Magisterial reports. I. Central in the upper Tor territory. Division. Papua. Annual report American anthropologist, 61: for 1915-14: 26-50. 829-58.

1917 Resident magistrate's report, 1961 People of the Tor: a cultural- Central Division. Papua. Annual anthropological study on the report for 1914-15: 21-9. tribes of the Tor territory (northern Netherlands New-Guineä). Assen, Royal Van Gorcum Ltd. , 1922 Report of resident magistrate 295 PP. and plates. on Central Division. Papua. Annual report for 1920-21: 56-9. 1965 A carg o c u l t in th e Mamberamo area. Ethnology, 2: 1-14. 1925 Annual report, Central Division. Papua. Annual report for 1921- Oosterzee, L.A. van 2 2 : 54-9. 1904 Eene verkenning in het binnenland van noord Nieuw-Guinea. 1929 Department of the commissioner for native affairs. Papua. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Annual report for 1927-28: 65-6. genootschap, Amsterdam, T ijdschrift, 21 (2nd series): 998-1021.

O'Malley, J.T. (joint author) 1906 Het landschap Amberbaken op de 1956 see Hides, Jack Gordon and noordkust van Nieuw-Guinea. O'Malley, J.T. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 25 (2nd series): 1956/57 see 1956/57 Hides, Jack 142-5. Gordon and O'Malley, J.T. O ppel, A. O'Neill, J. 1888 Erwerb und Besitz bei den 1940 Port Moresby, capital of Papua. Papuas von Neu-Guinea. Globus, Walkabout, 6(7): 5-^* 54: 121-5.

O 'N e ill, Tim op't Land, C. 1961 And we, the people: ten years see Land, C. o p ' t . with the primitive tribes of New Guinea. London, Geoffrey Chapman, x iii and 248 pp. Oram, N.D. 1962 Some aspects of town growth in Oomen, H .A .P.C . underdeveloped countries. Papua and New Guinea scientific 1956 Maternal and infant diets in society, Annual report and the South Pacific. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, proceedings for 1962: 8-21. 6(2): 6-9, 56. O'Reilly, Patrick (joint author) 1957 De toestand van het kind in 1952) see 1952, 1955, 1958 Montauban, tropische gemeenschappen. 1955) Paul and O'Reilly, Patrick. Indoensig; tijdschrift gewljd 1958) aan het Indonesisch cultuurgebied, 10: 5II-8. Orgill, Peter A. Lanyon- 1959 Poor-food patterns in New see Lanyon-Orgill, Peter A. Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studiSn, 5 : 55-46. Orken, M. Oomen, H .A .P.C . and Malcolm, S.H. 1951 The Pacific island battalion. 1958 Nutrition and the Papuan child: Some aspects of civil admin­ a study in human welfare. South istration connected with its Pacific commission, Technical formation. South Pacific, 5: paper No. 118, 146 pp. 187-92. 1954 Pidgin English. South Pacific, 7 : 865. 200

Osborn, Fairfield (ed.) Ova, Ahuia 1944 The Pacific world: its vast 1925 Motu feasts and dances. (Transl. distances, its lands and the by J.B. Clark.) Papua. Annual life upon them, and its peoples. report for 1922-23: 37-40. New York, W.W. Norton & Co. Inc., 2l8 pp. Ovenstone, W.A. 1951 Native cocoa project in the Osborne, D.H. Gazelle Peninsula. South 1941 Memories of a Papuan miner. Pacific, 5(7): 126-7. Pacific islands monthly, ll(ll): 30-1.

1942 Finding of Gira goldfield. Pacific islands monthly, 12(11): 54.

1942a Early settlers in Woodlark islands. Pacific islands monthly, 13(2): 37.

1942b Old days in the Louisiades. Pacific islands monthly, 13(3) : 34.

1942c First battles on Buna-Kokoda road. Pacific islands monthly, 13(3): 37.

1942d How Sudest gold was found. Pacific islands monthly, 13(5) : 16-7.

1943 Gira and Yodda goldfields. Pacific islands monthly, 13(6 ): 30.

1943a Westward through the Louisiades. Pacific islands monthly, 13(9): 13-3.

1947 Early days in Papua. Pacific islands monthly, 18(4): 58.

1950 Gloomy view of Papua's present and future. Pacific islands monthly, 20(6) : 58-60.

1950a Papua artifacts. Pacific islands monthly, 21(l): 35.

1951 Do not trust them. Papuan natives and the last war. Pacific islands monthly, 21(10): 93-

1956 Archaeological backgrounds of Pacific culture. Davidson journal of anthropology, 2(l): 31-42.

Ottow, W. 1862 Woordenlijst der te Doreh en omstreken gesproken wordende Myfoorsche taal, vervaardigd door de zendeling Ottow, in het Hollands overgebracht en gerangschikt door J.H. Croockewit Hzn. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indife', 9: 201-33. 201 P.B.A. 1931a Tidal wave: in northern New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 1939 Temperate zone. Pacific islands monthly, 10(3): 25-6 . 1(6 ): 1.

Pacific Islands Monthly 1931b Mandates commission and Australia. Pacific islands 1930 Radio links the Pacific. monthly, 1(6 ): 3. Pacific islands monthly, l(l): 1-2 . 1931° Penal sanctions: will existence hamper trade? Pacific islands 1930a Is Edie Creek another Rand? monthly, 1(6): 4. Pacific islands monthly, 1(1): 3- 1931b New Guinea news. Pacific islands monthly, 1(6 ): 4. 1930b Notable men of the Pacific: Sir Hubert Murray, K.C.M. G., Lieutenant-Governor of Papua. 1931e Dutch New Guinea: its slow Pacific islands monthly, 1(1): development. Pacific islands monthly, 1(6 ): 5. 6.

1930c Opportunities in New Guinea; 1931f Agriculture and cattle farming: chances for new enterprise Bougainville possibilities. and new capital. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 1(6): islands monthly, 1(1) : 8. 7.

1930d Minds of natives poisoned; 1931g Papuan news: natives honoured. contact with lower class whites. Pacific islands monthly, 1(7): Pacific islands monthly, 1(2): 5. 1. 1931b Papua's potential wealth. 1930e Public officers conditions: Pacific islands monthly, 1(7): Papua and N. Guinea. Pacific 6. islands monthly, 1(2 ): 1. 19311 Intensive penetration of new 1930f "Wildcats" and gold seekers: territory: New Guinea survey of New Guinea and Papuan administration's policy. mining enterprises. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 1(7): islands monthly, 1(2 ): 1-2.

1930g Killing the gold laying goose: federal government's 1931J Gold on Ramu: Rowlands Creek area. Pacific islands monthly, extraordinary tax on New Guinea mining Industry. Pacific 1(7): 7. islands monthly, 1(2 ): 5. 1931k Radio to Papua: completing 1930h New lake found: in Bougainville. Pacific networx. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 1(2): 7. monthly, 1(8 ): 1.

19301 'Digoel' disbands: end of 19311 N.G. goldfield is strangled by transport costs. Pacific communists' camp. Pacific islands monthly, 2 (1): 1-2. islands monthly, 1(3): 1.

1931m Patrols increased: on Morobe 1930J New Guinea's unique air service. goldfields. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 1(3): 2. monthly, 2 (1): 5. 1930k Rescue of aviators: what natives did. Pacific islands monthly, 1931n Pacific Is. Association: movement launched in Sydney. 1(3): 9. Pacific islands monthly, 2(1): 6. 19301 How Papuans write: interesting discoveries. Pacific islands monthly, 1(5): 3* 1931° Papuan gold: some promising shows. Pacific islands monthly, 2 (2 ): 3- 1930m Papuan news. Pacific islands monthly, 1(5): 9. 193IP Legislative Council: sought for New Guinea. Pacific islands 1931 Need for closer relationship monthly, 2(2): 4. between territories. Pacific islands monthly, 1(6 ): 1-2. 19319 Taming Papua; slow but steady progress. Pacific islands monthly, 2(2): 10. 202 1931r Growth of Morobe. Pacific 1932k Malarial pest. Pacific islands Islands monthly, 2 (2 ): 14. monthly, 3(5): 9.

1931s Undisciplined natives: a growing menace in New Guinea. Pacific 19321 Experiments with new crops and fruits in Papua. Pacific islands monthly, 2 (3 ) s 1 -3 . islands monthly, 3 (5 ): 25* 1931t Papuan patrol: to heart of gold country. Pacific islands 1932m Exploring the Fly. Pacific monthly, 2 (3 ): 5. islands monthly, 3 (5 ): 3 3 .

193lu Papuan gold: Tauri field's 1932n Coffee-growing. Pacific islands prospects. Pacific islands monthly, 3 (5 ): 3 6 . monthly, 2 (3 ): 9 . 1932o New Guinea land laws to be 193lv Pacific Islands Association. tested. Pacific islands monthly, Pacific islands monthly, 2(3): 3(5): 37. 11. 1933 Sugar in Papua. Pacific islands 1931w "Massacre!": newspaper shrieks monthly, 3(6): 4. over Papuan raid. Pacific islands monthly, 2(4): 1 . 1933a Natives growing rice. Pacific 1931x Papuan sorcery: Sir Hubert islands monthly, 3 (8 ): 3 2 . Murray at a demonstration. Pacific islands monthly, 2(4): 1933b A new phase in New Guinea. . 8 Pacific Islands monthly, 3(10): 1932 Scientific study of native labour. 3-4. Pacific islands monthly, 2(6): 16. 1933c Ministerial tour of New Guinea 1932a Certificated nurses and modern and Papua. Pacific islands ambulance convey child-welfare monthly, 3 (1 0 ): 40-3. instruction to naked mothers in New Britain bush. Pacific islands monthly, 2(7): 27. 1933d Many anthropologists. Pacific islands monthly, 3(11): 1 6 . 1932b Ice and aeroplanes give fresh meat thrice daily to Morobe 1933e Impressive tour. Pacific islands goldfields. Pacific islands monthly, 3(11): 36. monthly, 2 (8 ): 1 0 . 1933f Papuan medical students to 1932c Motuan traders go west in their attend Sydney University. lakatoi. Pacific islands monthly, Pacific islands monthly, 3(12): 2(8): 36-7. 14-5, 39.

1932d Capital punishment in Papua. 1933g Savage Nusi. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 2(10): monthly, 3(12): 28. 38. 1933h New world policy affects the 1932e Advisory Council. Pacific Pacific territories. Pacific islands monthly, 2 (1 1 ): 14. islands monthly, 4(1); 3-5.

1932f Whites and natives. Pacific 19331 Charge that New Guinea natives islands monthly, 2 (1 1 ): 1 9 . are restless and dangerous. Pacific islands monthly, 4(l): 1932g The new Papuan. Pacific islands monthly, 2 (1 1 ): 2 8 . 1933j New gold dredge for Papua. 1932h Malaria problem. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 4(4): monthly, 3 (1 ): 4 3 . 6 .

19321 Legislative Council for New 19334 Cruise of Dove. Pacific islands Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, monthly, 4(4): 21. 3 (2 ): 41. 19331 How bush kanakas become radio- 1932J (a) Gold search and discoveries station servants. Pacific islands in Pacific islands; (b) Ramu gold; monthly, 4(4): 32. (c) No. 2 Bulolo dredge completed on New Guinea goldfield. Pacific 1933m Discoveries in New Guinea. islands monthly, 3(4): 3-4» 35» Pacific islands monthly, 4(5): (4): 11, (4): 20-1. 11-5. 203

1934 Concerning monopolies. Pacific 1937c Volcanic eruptions compel islands monthly, 4(8): 3-4. evacuations of Rabaul. Pacific islands monthly, 7(11): 9-14, 1934a N. Guinea laws. Pacific islands 71-3. monthly, 4(8): 33-4. 1937d Natives drying copra. Pacific 1934b Native agriculture in Papua. islands monthly, 8(4): 3 . Pacific islands monthly, 5(3): 38. 1937e Ancient artifacts. Pacific islands monthly, 8(4): 2 6 . 1935 Motuan traders abandon ancient lakatoi custom. Pacific islands 1938 Cinchona trees. Pacific islands monthly, 5(7): 2 6 . monthly, 8 (8 ): 6 3 .

1935a Mummies in New Guinea cave. 1938a First airmail to New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 5(12): Pacific islands monthly, 8(11): 15. 24. 1935b N.G. mummies. Pacific islands monthly, 6 (l): 42. 1938b (a) Salamaua to be capital of New Guinea; (b) The war of the "Capital site"; (c) No decision 1935c Developmental policy for New in New Guinea; (d) Lae may be Guinea and Papua. Pacific islands chosen. Pacific islands monthly, monthly, 6 (2 ) : 5 . 8 (1 2 ): 37-40; 9(1): 26-7, 57-62, (2 ): 26-7, 55-7; 9(3): 5, 75-7; 1935d Native buys a new motor car. 9(4): 3- Pacific islands monthly, 6(2): 20-1. 1938c How Australia annexed Papua in 1888. Pacific islands monthly, 1935e N.G. mummies. Pacific islands 9(1): 24. monthly, 6 (2 ): 2 8 . 1938d Australia's new policy in Papua 1935f Training Papuan medical and N. Guinea. Pacific islands assistants. Pacific Islands monthly, 9(5): 9» 14-6. monthly, 6 (3 ): 9 « 1939 Defence work at Pt. Moresby. 1936 Control of native employees in Pacific islands monthly, 9(8): New Guinea. Pacific islands 8-9. monthly, 6(7): 17. 1939a "A second Kenya" in central New 1936a Ancient stones in the Trobriands. Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, Pacific islands monthly, 6(7): 10(1 ): 19-20. 52. 1940 Native labour policy. Pacific 1936b "Papua's wonderland" from the islands monthly, 1 0 (8 ): 3 1 - air. Pacific islands monthly, 6 (8 ) : 39-40. 1940a Tribal death feast. Pacific islands monthly, 1 0 (1 0 ): 2 7 . 1936c No official marriages for natives. Pacific islands monthly, 6(9): 27-8. 1940b How airman found Wau. Pacific islands monthly, ll(l): 24, 44-5. 1936d New Guinea's wasteful, feeble record in native education. 1940c Government of Papua and New Pacific islands monthly, 6(10): Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 21-3. 11(2 ): 26-7 .

1936e Ancient relics. Pacific islands 1940d Man who conquered N. Guinea - monthly, 7(3): 5 6 . C.H. Karius. Pacific islands monthly, 11(3): 17-8, 52-3.

1937 Future of primitive men in New Guinea. Pacific islands 1941 Papuans turn to litigation, monthly, 7 (6 ): 57. Pacific islands monthly, 11(8): 25.

1937a Champion patrol successfully 1941a Transfer from Rabaul to Lae. crosses unknown Papua. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 12(2): islands monthly, 7 (6 ): 9 -1 0 . 63-4.

1937b Queer old stone artifacts. 194lb Piece-meal transfer of N.G. Pacific islands monthly, 7(10): administration. Pacific islands 10. monthly, 1 2 (3 ): 8 . 204 1941c "Mekeo madness". Pacific islands 1942r A mystery of 1914. Pacific monthly, 12(4): 5 0 . islands monthly, 1 2 (1 1 ): 22-3 .

194ld From Rabaul to Lae. Pacific 1942s Mail from Rabaul prisoners. islands monthly, 12(5): 44-5. Pacific islands monthly, 12(ll): 41. 1942 Bombs on Rabaul. Pacific islands monthly, 1 2 (6 ): 7 . 1942t Military plan for running Territories plantations. Pacific 1942a World-war in the Pacific. islands monthly, 1 2 (1 2 ): 6 . Pacific islands monthly, 12(6): 7 -1 2 ; (7): 7; (8 ): 7 -8 ; (1 0 ): 7. 1942u They got away. Pacific islands monthly, 1 2 (1 2 ): 2 8 -3 0 . 1942b Territories now under martial law. Pacific islands monthly, 1942v Looting. Pacific islands 12(7): 8 . monthly, 1 3 (l): 5 .

1942c The Pacific drama. Pacific 1942w Battle of the Solomons. Pacific islands monthly, 1 2 (7 ): 9 - islands monthly, 1 3 (1 ): 5 *

1942d Military call-up. Pacific islands 1942x Japanese in Papua. Pacific monthly, 1 2 (7 ): 1 0 . islands monthly, 1 3 (l): 1 3 .

1942e New Britain lost and Papua 1942y Battle of Owen Stanley Range. menaced. Pacific islands monthly, Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (2 ): 12(7): 13-6. 8 , 41.

1942f How the Japs came to Morobe 1942z Letters from Rabaul men. Pacific goldfield. Pacific islands islands monthly, 1 3 (3 ): 9 . monthly, 12(7): 16-7. 1942aa Nippon is "wining". Pacific 1942g Fighting in N. Guinea jungles. islands monthly, 1 3 (3 ): 1 6 . Pacific islands monthly, 12(8): 6. 1942ab Fighting for their rights. Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (3 ): 1942h What war has done to South Pacific territories. Pacific islands monthly, 1 2 (8 ): 1 1 -5 - 1942ac Missionaries reported killed. Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (3 ): 19421 How Territories' people escaped. Pacific islands monthly, 12(8): 29-37. 1942ad War damage. Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (4 ): 5 . 1942j Native labour in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 12(9): 1942ae Port Moresby's news sheet. 26. Pacific islands monthly, 13(4) : 29. 1942k Pacific Territories Association. Pacific islands monthly, 12(10): 1942af Australian government's cruel 5, 44-5. treatment of evacuees. Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (5 ): 9 , 3 2 -3 . 19421 War anc the big firms. Pacific islands monthly, 1 2 (1 0 ): 9 * 1942ag N. Guinea returned soldiers. Pacific islands monthly, 13(5): 1942m The battle of Rabaul. Pacific 10. islands monthly, 1 2 (1 0 ): 1 2 . 1942ah Where the Japs had a seaplane 1942n Recruiting in the good old days. base. Pacific islands monthly, Pacific islands monthly, 12(10): 13(5): 11. 14. 1942al There will be roads in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 1942o Missionaries are prisoners of the Japs. Pacific islands monthly, 13(3): 27. 12(10): 17- 1943 January 23 - Rabaul's tragic 1942p Territories 1 residents face anniversary. Pacific islands grave losses. Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (6 ) : 4. monthly, 1 2 (1 1 ): 7. 1943a Native carriers in N. Guinea. 1942q Living conditions as fixed by Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (7 ): Japs in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 1 2 (1 1 ): 1 0 . 205 19^3b How the Pacific war is turning. 1943V The bravery of Father Glover in Pacific islands monthly, 13(7): New Guinea evacuation. Pacific 8-9. islands monthly, 14(1): 9 . 1943c War Damage Commission appears as a hollow sham. P acific Islands 1943w Papuan and New Guinea problems. monthly, 1 3 (7 ): 10- 1 . Pacific islands monthly, 14(2): 11- 2 . 1943d Overlanding cattle in N. Guinea. 1943x War's tragic effects on native Pacific islands monthly, 13(7): life. Pacific islands monthly, 14(2): 30.

1943e N. Guinea service-men. Pacific 1943y ANGAU - and the fu tu re. P acific islands monthly, 1 3 (7 ): 2 6 . islands monthly, 14(3): 13- 4 .

1943f Light on war damage claims. 1943z Statement of Australian Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (8 ): policy - and Pacific medical services. Pacific islands monthly, 14(4): 1- 2 . 1943g Extraordinary trek. Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (8 ): 3 1 . 1943aa Australian relations with Pacific territories. Pacific islands 1943h Planters to return to Papua. monthly, 14(4): 11, 3 5 . Pacific islands monthly, 13(8) : 39-40. 1943ab Old tim ers. P acific islands monthly, 14(5 ): 5 . 19431 ’’Chiselling" war damage claims. Pacific islands monthly, 13(9): 8 . 1943ac War damage claims. Pacific islands monthly, 14(5); 6 . 1943J Papuan planters. Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (9 ): 9. 1943ad Mr. Ward - a "yes or no" man. Pacific islands monthly, 14(5): 1943k SDA missionaries in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 13(9): 1944 A ustralia and New Zealand meet 27- 8 . to plan our future Pacific administration. Pacific islands 19431 N.G.V.R. P acific islands monthly, 14(6): 5 , 8 . monthly, 13(1 0 ): 5 . 1944a January 23 - Rabaul's trag ic 1943m 32 planters go back to Papua. anniversary. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 13(10): monthly, 14(6): 7 . 7. 1944b Anzac plan for the south Pacific territories. Pacific islands 1943n Troubles of Territories' residents. monthly, 14(7); 3-4. Pacific islands monthly, 13(10): 7. 1944c Is Jap breaking in N. Guinea? Pacific islands monthly, 14(7): 19430 "Foreign" missions. Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (1 0 ): 8 . 1944d ANZAC agreement under f ir e . 1943P Confederation of south Pacific territories. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 14(8): monthly, 1 3 (1 0 ): 12-5.

19439 Historic dates in N. Guinea. 1944e New Guinea m issionaries escape Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (1 0 ): Japs. Pacific Islands monthly, 2 1 . 14(8): 6 .

1943r Production Control Board for 1944f Evacuees are "befogged". Papua and N. Guinea. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 14(8): islands monthly, 1 3 (1 1 ): 5 . 9, 39.

1943s Problems of Territories 1 1944g The defeat of Japan in the South­ evacuees. Pacific islands monthly, west Pacific. Pacific islands 13(11): 8-9, 52-3, 56. monthly, 14(9): 1- 2 .

1943t Renegade nativ es. P acific islands 1944h A ustralian te r r ito rie s and monthly, 1 3 ( H ) : 14. military administration. Pacific islands monthly, 14(9): 4. 1943U Compensation. Pacific islands monthly, 14(1): 5. 19441 The Sepik tragedy. Pacific islands monthly, 14(9): 10, 3 0 . 206

1944 j War Damage Commission moves 1944ad Mysterious Papuan inquiry. Pacific ponderously. Pacific islands islands monthly, 15(5): 5« monthly, 14(9): 36-7.

1944ae Conference on indentured 1944k Basis of future government in labour system. Pacific islands the Territories. Pacific islands monthly, 15(5): 8. monthly, 14(10): 5-6.

19441 Ebb-tide in New Guinea. Pacific 1945 Pacific war now moving sharply islands monthly, 14(10): 8. against Japan. Pacific islands monthly, 15(6): 3-4. 1944m Rescued by the Americans. Pacific 1945a Fate of Papua's government islands monthly, 14(10): 15. apparently awaits outcome of Barry enquiry. Pacific islands 1944n Pate of N.G. missionaries. monthly, 15(6): 6-7. Pacific islands monthly, 14(11): 5-6. 1945b New regulations for TNG and Papua. Pacific islands monthly, 15(6): 1944o What now in New Guinea? 10. Pacific islands monthly, 14(11): 8. 1945c Urgent plea for Papuan natives. Pacific islands monthly, 15(6): 1944p The future of ANGAU. Pacific 41-3. islands monthly, 14(11): 19. 1945d Long wait before normal conditions 1944q Territories' plea for severance return. Pacific islands monthly, from Australia. Pacific islands 15(7): 3-4. monthly, 14(12): 9-10. 1945e War damage - as it affects 1944r Have Territorians any rights? expropriated property. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 14(12): islands monthly, 15(7): 6. 18-9. 1945f Some women may return to Papua. 1944s Non-indentured Papuan labour. Pacific islands monthly, 15(7): Pacific islands monthly, 15(1): 8. 6. 1945g 'Frisco conference will bring changes in Pacific. Pacific 1944t ANGAU increases its grip on islands monthly, 15(8): 3-4. Papua. Pacific islands monthly, 15(1): 10-1. 1945h Civil government in Papua and New Guinea. Pacific islands 1944u Road to Wau. Pacific islands monthly, 15(8): 5-6. monthly, 15(l): 11.

1944v "Dollar prosperity" now - 19451 PTA to amend constitution. headaches for the future. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 15(8): islands monthly, 15(2): 35.

1944w Papua's diamond jubilee. Pacific 1945J Future of Pacific Mandates. islands monthly, 15(3): 1. Pacific Islands monthly, 15(8): 12-3. 1944x ANGAU hangs on in Papua. Pacific islands monthly, 15(3): 6. 1945k Military will pay rent on N. Guinea properties. Pacific islands monthly, 15(9): 5. 1944y Another appeal to Canberra. Pacific islands monthly, 15(3): 11-2 . 19451 "Trusteeship": future of Pacific territories. Pacific islands monthly, 15(9): 5. 1944z Moresby memories. Pacific islands monthly, 15(3): 28. 1945m Australia's glamour-less war. Pacific islands monthly, 15(9): 1944aa What Mi . Ward is doing with 6-7. Australian Territories' problems. Pacific islands monthly, 15(4): 1945n The fight must go on. Pacific 3-4. islands monthly, 15(9): 17-9.

1944ab Jap 'colonists'. Pacific islands 1945o Bishop Strong wants return of monthly, 15(4): 10. Murray regime. Pacific islands monthly, 15(9): 31-2. 1944ac Native medical schools. Pacific islands monthly, 15(4): 47. 207 1945aj New Guinea's missing civilians. 1945p No provisional government - yet. Pacific islands monthly, 15(10): Pacific islands monthly, 16(2): 6 , 49-50. 49. 1945ak Native troops mutiny. Pacific Great base at Manus. Pacific 1945q islands monthly, 16(2): 73- islands monthly, 1 5 (1 0 ): 1 0 .

1945r Metamorphosis. Pacific islands 1945al 300 civilians were murdered at monthly, 15(10): 17-8. Rabaul. Pacific islands monthly, 16(3): 3-4. Papua government. Pacific islands 1945s 1945am Most of New Guinea's missing monthly, 15(11): 5- civilians presumed dead. Pacific islands monthly, 1 6 (3 ) : 9 , 49-53. 1945t Administrative impasse in Papua in Jan.-Feb., 1942. Pacific islands monthly, 15(11): 6 , 4l-4. 1945an Papuan planters appeal to Britain for help. Pacific islands monthly, 16(3): 15-6. 1945u School for training of officials. Pacific islands monthly, 15(11): 17. 1945ao Mystery of New Guinea timber. Pacific islands monthly, 1 6 (3 ): 23-4. 1945V America in the Pacific - and our future. Pacific islands monthly, 1 5 (1 2 ): 5-4. 1945ap Evacuees appeal to Australian Governor-General. Pacific islands monthly, 1 6 (3 ): 56-8 . 1945W Australia plans socialist Utopia in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 1 5 (1 2 ): 6 , 41-5. 1945aq Moresby will be provisional capital. Pacific islands monthly, 16(3): 6 3 . 1945x Australian government has a policy for civilian internees. Pacific islands monthly, 15(12): 1945ar New administration in Territories. 7. Pacific islands monthly, 16(4) : 7-8. 1945y "Shangri-la". Pacific islands monthly, 15(12): 10-1. 1945as New Guinea's 250 missing civilians. Pacific islands monthly, 16(4) : 9-11. 1945z Changes in N. Guinea and Papua. Pacific islands monthly, 15(12): 32-5. 1945at Effort to restore discipline to P.I. Regiment. Pacific islands monthly, 16(4): 2 2 . 1945aa Private enterprise - flourishing in central Pacific but murdered in the west. Pacific islands 1945au Territories men. Pacific islands monthly, l6 (l): 3-4. monthly, 16(4): 3 6 .

1945ab Latest cabinet decisions on 1945av Escape from Rabaul. Pacific N. Guinea set-up. Pacific islands monthly, 16(4): 46, 48. islands monthly, l6 (l): 6 . 1945aw New Public Service in New Guinea. 1945ac New deal or mis-deal? Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 16(4): islands monthly, l6 (l): 8 , 46-8. 6 2 .

1945ad Broadcasts for Papuans. Pacific 1945ax New order in Territories. Pacific islands monthly, l6 (l): 2 1 -2 . islands monthly, 1 6 (5 ): 6 , 5 8 .

1945ae Entering the fourth (perhaps 1945ay Mr. Ward defends his admin­ last) evacuee year. Pacific istration. Pacific islands monthly, islands monthly, l6 (l) : 42, 44. 16(5): 25-6.

1945af New land regulations for New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 1945az Quarterly report of Pacific 1 6 (1 ): 49. Territories Association. Pacific islands monthly, 1 6 (5 ) : 5 9 -6 0 . 1945ag J.K. Murray. Pacific islands monthly, 1 6 (2 ) : 5 - 1946 Progress of rehabilitation in Papua-N. Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 1 6 (6 ): 3-4. 1945ah End of the Pacific war. Pacific islands monthly, 1 6 (2 ): 7 -8 . 1946a The stony silence of Canberra. Pacific islands monthly, 1 6 (6 ): 1945ai New Guinea administration to 8. cost £200,000. Pacific islands monthly, 1 6 (2 ) : 1 0 . 208

1946b Territorial and political 1946u New Guinea - Papua now all civil changes coming in Indonesian government. Pacific islands and Pacific territories. Pacific monthly, 16(12): 10. islands monthly, 1 6 (7 ): 5 -6 . l946v New Guinea grievances aired in 1946c Civil government extended in N.G. Australian parliament. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 16(7): islands monthly, 1 6 (1 2 ): 28 -9 . 8. 1946w Warm praise for Mr. J.K. McCarthy. 1946d Vegetable production in New Pacific islands monthly, 16(12): Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 33- 16(7): 34. 1946x What Australia proposes to do 1946e Future of Manus base. Pacific with New Guinea - and a question islands monthly, 16(7): 57. about Samoa. Pacific islands monthly, 17(1): 7 -8 .

1946f Progress of rehabilitation in N. Guinea and Papua. Pacific 1946y Future of certain Pacific islands monthly, 1 6 (8 ): 4, 6 5 . territories. Pacific islands monthly, 1 7 (l): 9 -

1946g Alarming TB Incidence ln P. 1946z Anger and disappointment in the Moresby. Pacific islands monthly, Australian territories. Pacific 1 6 (8 ): 21. islands monthly, 1 7 (l): 9 , 74-5. 1946h Conditions improving in N. Guinea and Papua. Pacific islands monthly, 1946aa "Voice of New Guinea". Pacific 1 6 (9 ): 1 0 , 5 8 -9 . islands monthly, 1 7 (1 ): 1 2 .

1946i Territorians returning. Pacific 1946ab Nadzab as big airfield. Pacific islands monthly, 1 6 (9 ): 1 2 , 5 3 > islands monthly, 1 7 (l): 1 3 . 55. 1946ac No private banking in New Guinea. 1946j New Guinea under trusteeship. Pacific islands monthly, 17(1): Pacific islands monthly, 16(9): 13- 13-4. 1946ad Territories cost Australia 1946k PTA can do no more in Australia. £282,000 for part of year. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 16(9): islands monthly, 1 7 (l): 1 6 -7 . 17-9, 45. 1946ae Meritorious war record of the 19461 New Guinea balance sheet. PIB. Pacific islands monthly, Pacific islands monthly, 16(9) : 17(1): 55-6. 22-3- 1946af Slow recovery in Papua. Pacific 1946m More civilians return to New islands monthly, 1 7 (1 ): 64. Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 1 6 (1 0 ): 1 1 , 6 2 -3 . 1946ag Socialist-controlled sea and air transport in the Pacific. Pacific islands monthly, 17(2): 1946n Stronger Production Control 7-8. Board. Pacific islands monthly, 16(10): 12, 64. 1946ah Socialism and its planners in the South Pacific territories. 1946o Pacific Islands Regiment. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 17(3): islands monthly, l6(l0): 52. 5-6.

1946p P. Moresby needs new native 1946ai Coveted Manus. Pacific islands villages. Pacific islands monthly, monthly, 17(3): 22-4. 1 6 (1 1 ): 1 2 . 1946aj Machines to replace native labour. 1946q Civil government extended. Pacific islands monthly, 17(3): Pacific islands monthly, l6 (ll): 13. 1946ak Native labour laws in the 1946r New hostel at Lae. Pacific islands Australian territories. Pacific monthly, l6 (ll): 14-5. islands monthly, 17(4): 7 .

1946s Trapping Japs in Bougainville. 1946al Col. J.K. Murray. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 16(12): islands monthly, 17(4): 9-

1946am N.G. Administration confers 1946t Mr. Ward's model village. with mission representatives. Pacific islands monthly, 16(12): Pacific islands monthly, 17(4): 9- 72-4. 209 1946an What is happening in relation 1947p Papua-N. Guinea scene. Pacific to "Pacific trusteeships". islands monthly, 1 7 (1 0 ): 14-6. Pacific islands monthly, 17(5): 5-6. 1947q Administrator tells Brisbane audience about Papua-New Guinea. Nearly £5,000,000 per annum] 1946ao Pacific islands monthly, 17(10): Pacific islands monthly, 17(5): 59-60. 17-8. 1947r RC missionaries lost in Jap 1947 Forgotten tragedy of 1942. invasion of N. Guinea total 1 2 3 . Pacific islands monthly, 17(6): Pacific islands monthly, 17(10): 29-30. 75-6.

1947a New statutory rules now cover 1947s Manus, the Pacific, and the Australian war damage. Pacific developing struggle between USA islands monthly, 1 7 (6 ): 3 2 . and red Russia. Pacific islands monthly, 17(11): 5 -6 . 1947b South Sea conference in an unhappy atmosphere. Pacific 1947t Another education conference in islands monthly, 1 7 (7 ): 5 -6 . P. Moresby. Pacific islands monthly, 17(ll): 75-6. 1947c South Pacific regional conference. Pacific islands monthly, 17(6): 1947u Natives' wages. Pacific islands monthly, l8‘(l) : 9 .

1947d Rabaul to be abandoned. Pacific 1947V (a) Papuan medical students islands monthly, 1 7 (7 ): 7 . fail at CMS. (b) N.G. medical students, (c) Where the NMP's come from. Pacific islands 1947e Six nations meet to plan advancement of South Pacific monthly, l8 (l): 1 9 ; (3 ): 2 8 ; peoples. Pacific islands (4): 87. monthly, 1 7 (7 ): 8 -9 » 6 7 -8 . 1947w More Japs discovered in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 18(1): 1947f Rabaul natives receive thousands 26. from war damage. Pacific islands monthly, 17(7): 24. 1947x Confused and unconvincing compilation. Pacific islands 1947g Our South Pacific islanders monthly, l8 (l): 33-5- come all ways. Pacific islands monthly, 17(7): 38-40. 1947y Australia, in Pacific affairs, 1947h Labour supply for South Pacific is snapping and snarling at territories - what the regional America. Pacific islands monthly, commission could do. Pacific 1 8 (1 ): 39-40. islands monthly, 17(8): 3-4. 1947z Report to UNO. Pacific islands 19471 Rabaul war criminals trial. monthly, 1 8 (2 ): 3 1 . Pacific islands monthly, 17(8): 1947aa Orgy of government spending in Papua-N. Guinea. Pacific islands 1947J Indonesians walk out of signing monthly, 1 8 (3 ): 19-20. of pact. Pacific islands monthly, 1 7 (8 ): 3 1 . 1947ab Australia trapped in Manus. Pacific islands monthly, 1 8 (3 ): 1947k New Guinea picture of industrial muddling. Pacific islands monthly, 25. 53, 55-7. 1947ac Restrictive.' Pacific islands monthly, 1 8 (3 ): 33-4. 1947m Some Japs still at large in S.W. Pacific. Pacific islands monthly, 1 7 (9 ): 8 . 1947ad Into battle with the NGVR. Pacific islands monthly, 1 8 (3 ): 44-5, 50-9; (4): 41-2, 44, 19471 Official muddle over recruiting 54-5, 57. in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 17(8): 6 8 . 1947ae Mr. Ward will view his kingdom. Pacific islands monthly, 18(4): 1947n Conditions in Lae. Pacific 3-4. islands monthly, 17(9): 3 0 -1 . 1947af "An investigation will be made". 19470 Don't hurry back, Mr. Ward.' Pacific islands monthly, 18(4): Pacific islands monthly, 17(10): 1 8 -2 0 . 5-6. 210 1947ag Another £5,000,000 for her 1948i 37 killed in N.G. air tragedy. territories. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 18(10): monthly, 18(4): 58. 13.

1947ah Anxious days for the Yule Island 1948j The Brown Brother complex in mission. Pacific islands monthly, world affairs. Pacific islands 18(4): 80-1. monthly, 18(11): 5-6.

1947ai Ward on defensive. Pacific islands 1948k Territories' officials threaten monthly, 18(5): 10-1. direct action. Pacific islands monthly, 18(11): 11, 75- 1947aj Waste and communism in the Australian territories. Pacific 19481 The Manus base. Pacific islands islands monthly, 18(5): 15» monthly, 18(11): 22.

1947ak Territories' union. Pacific 1948m N. Guinea Control Board is to islands monthly, 18(5) : 21-2. be wiped out. Pacific islands monthly, 18(12): 10. 1947al Cold-blooded murder of N. Ireland internees. Pacific islands monthly, 1948n Union for the Australian 18(5): 29- Territories. Pacific islands monthly, 18(12): 19-20. 1947am Port Moresby's £30,000 war memorial. Pacific islands monthly, 1948o Socialist regime may be nearing 18(5): 41. its end in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 19(1): 5-6.

1948 (a) Sensational £50,000 N.G. 1948p Trusteeship Council approves timber deal alleged, (b) Jock Papua-New Guinea plan. Pacific Garden goes to trial on forgery islands monthly, 19(1): 8. and fraud charges, (c) N.G. timber lease. Td) N. Guinea timber cases, (e) Mr. Ward under 1948q Port Moresby public servants sharp fire, (f) New Guinea timber review progress of fight against lease case. Pacific islands bad conditions. Pacific islands monthly, 18(6): 10; (7): 10-1, monthly, 19(l): 11, 78. 13; (8): 7; (10): 11; (11) : 13, 15; 19(5): 8. see also Pacific islands monthTy7 19(6): 1-2. 1948r Plaques for N.G. war graves. Pacific islands monthly, 19(1): 40. 1948a Natives do not like Canberra rules. Pacific islands monthly, 18(6): 87. 1948s Papua-N. Guinea union. Pacific islands monthly, 19(2): 21. 1948b Restless Sepik natives. Pacific islands monthly, 18(7): 62. 1948t Phosphate. Pacific islands monthly, 19(2): 50-1. 1948c Rehabilitation in New Britain. Pacific islands monthly, 18(7): 1948u Three millions for Papua-New 67-8. Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 19(3): 10.

1948d New Guinea goods worth £240,000 said to be stolen. Pacific 1948v Accidental death of H.A. Mackenzie. islands monthly, 18(8): 10. Pacific islands monthly, 19(3): 18- 20. 1948e Decaying Manus. Pacific islands monthly, 18(8) : 26. 1948w Mr. Ward describes Trusteeship Council's view of N.G. set-up. Pacific islands monthly, 19(3): 1948f New Guinea, new labour problems, 55-8, 60. and new planners. Pacific islands monthly, 18(9) : 5-6. 1948x Sheep for N.G. highlands. Pacific islands monthly, 19(4): 1948g Eurasian eyes on New Guinea. 10. Pacific islands monthly, 18(9): 62. 1948y We look from tortured 1948 out into uncertain 1949* Pacific 1948h (a) The South Pacific Commission islands monthly, 19(5): 5-6. is inaugurated, (b) The South Pacific Commission is launched, (c) South Pacific Commission. 1948z Australian ignorance of N. Guinea Pacific islands monthly, 18(10): is 'abysmal' and 'disgraceful'. 5-6; 19(4): 5-6, (4): 11, 13, Pacific islands monthly, 19(5): 11 15-6, 77. . 277 1949 (a) Can we hope to see the end 1949q Timberi N.G. Administration of Wardism in New Guinea? (b) helps river natives to establish New Guinea timber lease still new industry. Pacific islands drags on. (c) Ward Inquiry drags monthly, 2 0 (l): 1 1 . on. (d) Ward exonerated - Garden and Farrell were the 1949r New Guinea native constables crooks. Pacific islands monthly, provide most of criminals. 1 9 (6 ): 1 -2 ; (8 ): 7 -8 ; (9 ): 9 ; Pacific islands monthly, 20(1): (1 2 ): 29, 31. 89.

1949a Native labour system in Papua- 1949s Future of Dutch New Guinea, N.G. Pacific islands monthly, Solomons, New Hebrides - and 1 9 (6 ): 7. Pacific security. Pacific islands monthly, 2 0 (2 ): 5 -6 . 1949b New Guinea's war graves. Pacific islands monthly, 1 9 (6 ): 8 7 . 1949t An 'annexation' that Britain repudiated: Chester incident 1949c Administrative union in Papua- in Port Moresby in 1 8 8 3 , New Guinea. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 20(2): monthly, 1 9 (7 ): 1 3 .. 13.

1949d A ghost-town guards Australia's 1949u Tragic problem of the half-caste. Asian approaches. Pacific New Guinea Administration takes islands monthly, 1 9 (7 ): 2 6 -8 . one blundering step. Pacific islands monthly, 2 0 (3 ): 2 8 . 1949e p. Moresby to be future capital. Pacific islands monthly, 19(8): 1949v Dutch or Asiatics in Western New 7. Guinea? Pacific islands monthly, 20(4): 5 -6 . 1949f Outline of Australian policy in Papua-New Guinea. Pacific 1949w Exploitation of New Guinea timber: islands monthly, 1 9 (8 ): 1 0 , 8 l, government and Bulolo Gold 84. Dredging Ltd. propose a joint company. Pacific islands monthly, 1949g Native "co-ops ". Pacific islands 20(4): 15-6. monthly, 1 9 (8 ): 2 7 - 1949x Gazelle Peninsula shaken by earthquakes. Pacific Islands 1949h How Canberra is grabbing £8 per monthly, 20(4): 3 3 . ton from N.G. copra-growers. Pacific islands monthly, 19(9): 5-6. 1949y Notorious Nakanai natives make their own peace pact. Pacific 19491 Why N.G. Administration escaped islands monthly, 20(4): 69-70. hostile criticism. Pacific islands monthly, 19(9): 29-30» 1950 Native deterioration: bad report 3 2 , 57-9» 6 0 -2 . of Bougainville and Buka. Pacific islands monthly, 20(6): 22. 1949J The sorry story of Manus. Pacific islands monthly, 19(9): 1950a They are digging up strange 52-3. artifacts in New Guinea Highlands, now. Pacific islands monthly, 19494 All races catered for in Rabaul 20(7): 52. education scheme. Pacific islands monthly, 1 9 (1 0 ): 3 2 . 1950b Dutch New Guinea: a vital issue. Pacific islands monthly, 20(8): 19491 Cinderella of the New Guinea 3-4. territory. Pacific islands monthly, 1 9 (1 0 ): 5 9 » 6 1 -2 . 1950c (a) Case history of Yali-, New Guinea's first native leader. 1949m Pulling Australia's New Guinea (b) Some sidelights on Yali: can leg. Pacific islands monthly, he be regarded as "Cargo Cult", 19(12): 8 . or mischievous influence? (c) Yali is in gaol. Pacific 1949n 'Permanent' administration. islands monthly, 2 0 (1 0 ): 3 3 , 3 5 ; Pacific islands monthly, 19(12): 2 1 (2 ): 45-7; (4): 54. 2 1 , 2 3 . 1950d They still believe in cargo-cult. 19490 Taking civilisation to natives Pacific islands monthly, 20(10): of N.G. highlands. Pacific 85. islands monthly, 1 9 (1 2 ): 5 1 . 1950e Changes in Papua-New Guinea: 1949p Invaluable ex-army equipment lost Australian minister outlines in New Guinea. Pacific islands policy. Pacific islands monthly, monthly, 1 9 (1 2 ): 5 3 -5 « 20(11): 6l-9. 195Cf Good reports of New Guinea high­ 1951e Remarkable carving by a Papuan. land labour. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 21(8): monthly, 20(12): 47. 15.

195Cg Development of Australian 1951f Pastures in New Guinea's central territories: progress report highlands - what is the value by minister. Pacific islands of the indigenous grasses? monthly, 21(1): 99-100. Pacific islands monthly, 21(8): 77-9. 195Ch No infiltration yet, but Papua- New Guinea residents would like 1951g Community development at more border patrols. Pacific Wagawaga. Pacific islands monthly, islands monthly, 21(2): 17- 21(10): 8j.

195C1 Control of New Guinea native 1951h Review: helping the native to labour: planters' voice in get along with us. Pacific redrafting. Pacific islands islands monthly, 2l(ll): 85-7* monthly, 21(2): 119. 19511 Making New Guinea natives fish 195CJ Famous Black collection of conscious. Pacific islands artifacts: but unique Papuan monthly, 2l(ll): 89. figure is not in it. Pacific islands monthly, 21(3): 42. 1951J Electricity for the New Guinea highlands. Pacific islands 1950k More waste in New Guinea: monthly, 21(12): 9* £10,000 for Manki village. Pacific islands monthly, 21(4): 1951k Hanuabadans tax themselves. 10. Pacific islands monthly, 21(12) 31. 19501 Solving some of Moresby's housing troubles. Pacific islands monthly, 21(4): 37-9. 19511 Hanuabadans can't balance their household budgets - anthropologist worried about their economic 1950m More artifacts: collection from position. Pacific islands monthly, the Baiyer River valley, New 21(12): 33-4. Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 21(5): 18. 1951m Over 6,000 New Guinea highlanders work on coast. Pacific islands 195Cn New Guinea's enriched Chinese: monthly, 21(12): 91- another problem for Australian Administration. Pacific islands 1951n Legislative council for Papua- monthly, 21(5): 29-30, 8l. New Guinea: some angles of proposed election system still obscure. Pacific islands monthly, 1950o Highland labour not always the 22(1): 49-50. right answer. Pacific islands monthly, 21(5): 108. 19510 Deterioration in New Guinea village life: old planter 1951 New native labour laws now in criticises lack of government operation in Papua-New Guinea. and medical patrols. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 21(6): islands monthly, 22(l): 90-1, 17. 93- 1951a Meet the Mokolkols - the Ned 1951p Advisory councils in New Guinea: Kellys of New Britain. Pacific Lae, Wau and Morobe district. islands monthly, 21(6): 45. Pacific islands monthly, 22(2): 111. 1951b New Guinea highland missions -, Methodists select new station at Mendi, south of Hagen. 1951q Local voice in Papua-New Guinea Pacific islands monthly, 21(6): administration: Legislative Council taking shape after long 83. delay. Pacific islands monthly, 22(3): 7. 1951c Volcanic eruption in Papua; over 30 European and 4,000 natives 1951r Mr. Greathead's fine record in killed by one blast. Pacific New Guinea central highlands: islands monthly, 21(7): 11, 17, officialdom's new move may 19-20, 102-3. restrict his usefulness. Pacific Islands monthly, 22(3): 15- 1951a Native refugees headache for Papua-New Guinea Administration: 1951s The month in Papua-New Guinea: aftermath of Mt. Lamington more "Chimbu" areas opened to eruption. Pacific islands recruiters. Pacific islands monthly, 21(8): 11. monthly, 22(3): 76. 213

1951t Papua-New Guinea Legislative 1952k How came the Chinese in New Council: election of three members. Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, Pacific islands monthly, 22(4): 22(10): 104. 11. 19521 The real hurdle in Papua-New 1951U No queues for Raluana natives. Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, Pacific islands monthly, 22(4): 22 (11): 16, 117* 103. 1952m Murray avoided Ward's attempts 1951V Papua-New Guinea Legislative at muck-raking: some later Council opened: new channel for aspects of P-N.G. administrator's reaching Moresby and Canberra. retirement. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 22(5):17, monthly, 2 2 (ll): 1 9 , 1 1 9 -2 1 . 105, 107-11. 1952n Oxford English for Papua-New Guinea schools. Pacific islands 1951W Inducing native Papuans to grow rice. Pacific islands monthly, monthly 2 2 (1 2 ): 2 8 . 22(5): 41-2. 19520 Land policy for Papua-New Guinea: cautious newspaper statement by 1951X Another native Messiah goes to gaol: dealing with Cargo Cults the minister. Pacific islands in Melanesia. Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (1 ): 1 5 * monthly, 22(5): 103-4. 1952p Colonel Murray and the future 1952 Success of Papua-New Guinea's of New Guinea: some quotations new council: encouraging signs to the point. Pacific islands as seen in retrospect. Pacific monthly, 2 3 (1 ): 35-7 * islands monthly, 2 2 (6 ): 115-7* 1952q Sir Peter and his Papua. Pacific 1952a Three attacks by N.G. natives. islands monthly, 2 3 (1 ): 6 6 -9 , Pacific islands monthly, 22(6): 72-5* 127* 1952r More about teaching Papua-New 1952b Master defends native foreman: Guinea natives simple English. unusual case in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 23(1): Pacific islands monthly, 22(7): 120-1. 47-8. 1952s Expert says there is not enough 1952c No controls for town area natives good land in New Guinea. Pacific in P-N.G. Pacific islands monthly, islands monthly, 2 3 (2 ): 1 5 . 22(7): 94. 1952t New Guinea village councils: 1952d Bird wonderland in central New planters' leader gives warm Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, praise. Pacific islands monthly, 22(7): 111-2 . 2 3 (2 ): 109.

1952e P-N.G. Legislative Council. 1952u Sects clash over village school: Pacific islands monthly, 22(8): interesting development in New 56-7* Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (2 ): 115. 1952 f Nondugl wear-more-wool campaign. Pacific islands monthly, 22(8): 1952v The "tyranny" of rice: New Guinea 68. veteran urges an alternative. Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (3 ): 1952g More jute now available: 47* future of Kenaf industry. Pacific islands monthly, 22(9): 1952w Cattle-raising possibilities in 22- 3. New Guinea: interesting signs of a developing industry. Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (3 ): 1952h End of queer Wardist regime in Papua-New Guinea; and a tribute 55, 57* to Colonel and Mrs. J.K. Murray. Pacific islands monthly, 22(10): 1952x Digoel River journey. Pacific 21-5. islands monthly, 2 3 (3 ): 67.

19521 Native-grown rice production in 1952y 145 co-operatives: more inform­ Papua-New Guinea: minister on ation wanted about New Guinea. land rights and European settle­ Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (3 ): ment. Pacific islands monthly, 112. 2 2 (1 0 ): 53-5. 1952z Old planter outspoken on Papua- 1952 j Papua-New Guinea experiments New Guinea condition: plea that with village councils. Pacific Canberra leave top man alone. islands monthly, 2 2 (1 0 ): 8 3 , Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (3 ): 10 1, 1 0 3 . 129, 1?1. 214

1952aa Fighting Hansen's disease in 1953n Official attitude to recruiters. New Guinea highlands. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (8 ): islands monthly, 23(4): 6 l-2 . 39.

1952ab Planning of primary industries 19530 Less cash for native workers - for Papua-New Guinea: what why Papua-New Guinea laws were agriculture department is doing. altered. Pacific islands monthly, Pacific islands monthly, 23(4): 2 3 (8 ): 48-9- 91, 93- 1953P Transportation in Bougainville: 1952ac Missions and native education: some kinks in the economic system. an important conference. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 23(9): islands monthly, 23(4) : 135. 32-4.

1953 Cattle: rice: kenaf - new 1953q In disgrace - Papuan constable industries in Papua-New Guinea makes history by using axe on now rapidly taking shape. a biting pig. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (6 ): monthly, 23(9): 48-51. 47, 49. 1953r Equatorial mountain freezes New 1953a Party investigates mineral Guinea patrol. Pacific islands deposits in Dutch New Guinea. monthly, 23(9): 109. Pacific islands monthly, 23(6): 6l. 1953s Raluana scuffle - significance of recent assault on N.G. district 1953t> Papua-New Guinea employers want commissioner. Pacific islands penal clauses restored. Pacific monthly, 2 3 (1 1 ): 16-7- islands monthly, 2 3 (6 ): 8 5 . 1953t More amendments to Papua-New 1953c Gaps in the Papua-New Guinea Guinea native labour ordinance - plan. Pacific islands monthly, but all Administration-sponsored. 23(7): 9-10. Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (H): 82-3- 1953d Blue-print for future of New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 1953U Some more roads for Papua-New 23(7): 2 1 . Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 23(H): 89-90. 1953c Hogmanay at Mendi - Papua-New Guinea style. Pacific islands 1953V Chimbus: shorter term - higher monthly, 2 3 (7 ): 3 5 . costs.' Pacific islands monthly, 23(H): 92. 1953f Passionfruit industry in New Guinea highlands. Pacific islands 1953w Unreliable waterfront labour in monthly, 23(7): 39. New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (ll): 1 0 1 . 1953g Old Waria syndicate stakes a claim in New Guinea. Pacific 1953X Kenaf today and, perhaps, tomorrow. islands monthly, 2 3 (7 ): 6 1 -2 . Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 ( 1 1 ): 1 0 2 -7 . 1953h New patrol posts take law into wild New Guinea. Pacific islands 1953y Status of Chinese in New Guinea: monthly, 23(7): 74. plea for clarification. Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (H): 110-1.

1953i Population decline in Dutch New 1953z Frantic headlines for New Guinea Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, occurrences: Australian 23(7): 93- newspapers reduce news presentation to absurdity. 1953J New Guinea can grow first class Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (H): coffee. Pacific islands monthly, 123-7. 23(7): 110-1. 1953aa Priceless record of bird of 19534 Training natives to doctor natives - paradise - Thomas Gilliard's colossal task in Papua-New Guinea. pictures in National Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (7 ): Geographic magazine. Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (H): 1 3 6 .

19531 The oil wealth of Dutch New 1953a.b Producing tea in New Guinea: Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, many problems to be solved yet. 23(8): 17. Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (1 2 ):

1953m Encouragement of Kenaf industry in Papua. Pacific islands monthly, 23(8): 32. 215

1955ac Native co-operatives in the 1953at Speeding civilisation to last Pacific islands: growth and of New Guinea's stone-age men. character of a new movement. Pacific islands monthly, 24(3): Pacific islands monthly, 23(12): 20. 57-9. 1953au Whither goes New Guinea? Recent 1953ad "it could be a picture on a visitors' opinions. Pacific tea-caddy". Pacific islands islands monthly, 24(3): 93- monthly, 23(12): 74-5- 1953av Slipshod methods prejudice 1953ae Important events in Dutch- Australian market against P-N.G. Australian New Guinea. Pacific peanuts. Pacific islands monthly, islands monthly, 24(1): 9-10. 24(3): 149-52.

195?af "Do you remember". Pacific 1953aw (a) N.G. natives murder patrol islands monthly, 24(1): 1 3 . officers, (b) '‘The Telefomin affair": hysterical newspaper 1953ag Where should the New Guinea comment in Australia, (c) Mercy natives be paid off? Pacific plea for Telefomin murderers. islands monthly, 24(l): 55. (d) Telefomin murders: inquiry demanded by parents, (e) Liberals have undone good work of Labour 1953ah In praise of the Papuans. Pacific in P-N.G. (says Labour), (f) islands monthly, 24(1): 64. Gaol, not death, for 33 Telefomin murderers. Pacific Going too fast - criticism of 1953ai islands monthly, 24(4): 14; ( ): Papua-New Guinea co-ops. 5 Pacific islands monthly, 24(l): 2 1 ; 25(1): 32; (2 ): 29, (2): 33-5; 1 0 6 . (3): 16.

1953ax No penal sanctions, says 1953aj Back to Mr. HasluckJ Planter minister; but native labour rep's stinging answer to official desertions go on. Pacific reproach. Pacific islands islands monthly, 24(4): 2 0 . monthly, 24(l): 1 0 7 -8 . 1953ay N.G. Stone Age men sample outside 1953ak Absurdities of permit system: world. Pacific islands monthly, more Papua-New Guinea criticism. 24(4): 73- Pacific islands monthly, 24(1): 109-10. 1953az Snow on the equator: what three climbers found 14,000 ft up in 1953al Official appeal to Raluana New Guinea. Pacific islands natives: sequel to gaoling of monthly, 24(4): 1 0 3 , 105. Tuvi. Pacific islands monthly, 24(1): 129-30. 1953^a No income tax and £8,000,000 to spend: Papua-New Guinea treasurer 1953am Runaway labourers: serious presents his budget. Pacific industrial and social problems islands monthly, 24(5): 29 -3 0 . in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 24(1): 1 3 1 , 1 3 3 . 1953bb Members of Papua-New Guinea's Legislative Council state their 1953an European enterprise in New views. Pacific islands monthly, Guinea highlands: what new 24(5): 39-41. settlers are up against. Pacific islands monthly, 24(l): 147. 1953bc Papua-New Guinea Legislative 1953ao Time to end Australian namby- Council "government-sponsored pambyism in New Guinea. Pacific debating society": committee to islands monthly, 24(2): 13-4. report on set-up for 1954 election. Pacific islands monthly, 24(5): 45-6. 1953ap New Guinea rice growers: an enterprise near Lae. Pacific 1953bd These were the answers. Pacific islands monthly, 24(2): 3 9 . islands monthly, 24(5): 49-50.

1953aq Highlanders in thatched huts. 1953*>e The role of the road in Papua- Pacific islands monthly, 24(2): 77-8. New Guinea - you wreck them - property owners mend them. Pacific islands monthly, 24(5): 1953ar Climbing New Guinea mountains 51 • for fun. Pacific islands monthly, 24(2): . 1 1 0 1953bf Gatt's 2d. a pound will not be enough: a survey of Papua's 1953as Chinese in New Guinea: front rubber industry. Pacific islands page storm in Australia. Pacific monthly, 24(5): 53-6 . islands monthly, 24(3): 14-5. 216 1953bg Too many holidays; not enough 19541 Valuable fibre crops in Papua- land: laymen examine the public New Guinea: kenaf industry service of Papua-New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 24(5): ready for development. Pacific islands monthly, 24(9): 37-41.

195?bh Disposal of Papua-New Guinea 1954m New Guinea natives ' significant copra stabilisation fund: contribution to Territory's rice Australian government submits production: Madang-Sepik villages a plan. Pacific islands monthly, double output this year. Pacific islands monthly, 24(9): 58-9. 24(5): 20, 158-9.

1954n New Guinea patrols successfully 1953bi Papua-New Guinea education - from the top, down: twenty undertaken. Pacific islands natives for Australian secondary monthly, 24(9): 134. schools. Pacific islands monthly, 24(5): 141-4. 1954o Genesis of "Murray policy": J.T. Bensted writes with vigour and sting. Pacific islands 1954 Native education in Papua- monthly, 24(9): 145-6. New Guinea: Australia talks and boasts and does nothing. Pacific islands monthly, 24(6): 1954p New Guinea's struggles with its 9-10. language difficulties: native teachers' training course: more 1954a Policy for field officers in "native scholarships ", Pacific New Guinea. Pacific islands islands monthly, 24(9): 149, 151. monthly, 24(6): 116. 1954q Land in New Guinea: administrator 1954b More tribal fighting in Papua- discusses some problems. Pacific N.G. Pacific islands monthly, islands monthly, 24(10): 18. 24(6) : 125. 1954r Canberra fiddles while Papuan 1954c Bridges are priority road problem rubber industry languishes. in N.G.: first jeep trip from Pacific islands monthly, 24(10): Lae to highlands. Pacific islands 29-31. monthly, 24(6): 135-6 . 1954s Native defiance of N.G. high officials: struggle over 1954d New roads in New Guinea. Pacific village council policy. Pacific islands monthly, 24(7): 15. islands monthly, 24(10): 42-3.

1954e Nineteen native scholars arrive 1954t The Creation: the story of Adam in Australia: emphasis on and Eve told in Pidgin English. poverty of New Guinea's native Pacific islands monthly, 24(10): education machinery. Pacific 75-6. islands monthly, 24(7): 18. 1954u Less bureaucracy and more 1954f Dutch New Guinea's economic development J Fighting speech future. Pacific islands monthly, before Rabaul Chamber of Commerce. 24(7): 62. Pacific islands monthly, 24(10): 85-9- 1954g Raluanas come into the fold. Pacific islands monthly, 24(7): 1954v Papuans want controlled bride- 119. price: 100 village leaders confer in Moresby. Pacific islands 1954h Raluanas gain more time: "in monthly, 24(10): 97. again out again" policy makes administration and village councils look ridiculous. 1954w A.M.P.'s fined for drinking: Pacific islands monthly, 24(8): law discriminates against transitional natives, says 33-5. doctor. Pacific islands monthly, 24(10): 115-6 . 1954i Education Board lacks realism: Rabaul decisions examined. Also 1954x Changes suggested in the Papua- editorial comment. Pacific New Guinea Legislative Council. islands monthly, 24(8): 117-9- Pacific islands monthly, 24(11):

1954j Port Moresby has some pleasant native street names. Pacific 1954y No drinking permits yet for islands monthly, 24(8): 143. Papua-New Guinea natives. Pacific islands monthly, 24(12): 17. 1954k Raluana "affair" to be dealt with soon. Pacific islands monthly, 24(9): 21. 1954z The Aslan influence on Rabaul's political future. Pacific islands monthly, 24(12): 39, 121. 217

1954aa Mt. Michael climb. Pacific 1954ar Morobe could grow all rice islands monthly, 24(12): 1 2 5 . requirements. Pacific islands monthly, 25(3): 153* 1954ab Modern shop for Moresby natives. Pacific islands monthly, 24(12): 1954as Australian minister defends 125, 127. lands policy: reply to P.I.M. criticism. Pacific islands 1954ac Soft pedal urged for Raluana monthly, 25(4): 1 0 . affair. Pacific islands monthly, 24(12): 159. 1954at In the N.G. highlands - they turn grasslands into forests. 1954ad The man who scooped the newspapers Pacific islands monthly, 25(4): and stole Administration 6 2 -3 . thunder. Pacific islands monthly, 25(1): 17. 1954au Nineteen years on - and only Europeans change at Tari. 1954ae Can Pidgin be used for instruction Pacific islands monthly, 25(4): in New Guinea? American professor 79, 91, 93- presents his case for Neo- Melanesian. Pacific islands 1954av The experienced man from Port monthly, 25(1): 95-8. Moresby. Pacific islands monthly, 25(4): 82-3- 1954af The A.L.P. speaks! N.G. 'unrest* and the threat from Asia. Pacific 1954aw Stamping out leprosy from N.G. islands monthly, 2 5 (1 ): 1 1 5 . highlands. Report of the Hansenide colony, Toboga. Pacific 1954ag Waria syndicate - new stage in islands monthly, 25(4): 1 5 1 . huge claim over New Guinea goldfields. Pacific islands 1954ax More tabulated facts about New monthly, 2 5 (2 ): 2J. Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 01; () n . ° ’

1954ah Let Canberra do it! (says Canberra). Pacific islands 1954ay The 1914-1922 period in New Guinea: monthly, 2 5 (2 ): 45. new compilation by C.D. Rowley. Pacific islands monthly, 25(5): 5 . 1954ai (a) Oil search around Sepik. (b) Oil search around Sepik. 1954az Vital land settlement policy (c) Oil search south of Sepik. at stake in New Guinea. Pacific (d) Activities of enterprise islands monthly, 2 5 (5 ): 9 -1 0 . in N.G. (e) Millions for oil search in Papua. Pacific islands monthly, 2 5 (2 ) 135; 37-8; 1954ba Change in Papua-New Guinea 2 6 (1 ): 1 6 0 ; (4) 12; 138. administrative system. Pacific islands monthly, 2 5 (5 ): 1 6 , 145-6. 1954aj Natives die after NAB injections. Pacific islands monthly, 25(2): 1954bb Goroka's hydro project. Pacific 142. islands monthly, 2 5 (5 ): 2 9 .

1954ak Mekeo natives are now growing 1954bc New lands policy resented in rice. Pacific islands monthly, New Guinea highlands. Pacific 2 5 (2 ): 157. islands monthly, 2 5 (5 ): 1 5 4 .

1954al Hands off Pidgin! New book by 1954bd D.C. sees big future for Upper Professor Hall. Pacific islands Markham. Pacific islands monthly, monthly, 25(3): 10. 25(5): 157.

1954am Treeless highlands: where 1955 Eastern highlands' plain talk afforestation is needed. Pacific to high official: land systems islands monthly, 2 5 (5 ): 6 5 . come under fire in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 25(6) : 1954an Lae or Madang? Which will be 19, 138-9, 141. highlands port? Pacific islands monthly, 25(3): 1 0 3 . 1955a Use of Pidgin in SW Pacific. Pacific islands monthly, 25(6): 1954ao Keeping Chimbus happy. Pacific islands monthly, 2 5 (3 ): 1 2 5 . 1955b Taking civilisation to the 1954ap Canberra's fumbling policies in highlanders. Pacific islands New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 2 5 (6 ): 45, 1 1 3 . monthly, 25(3): 131-2 . 1955c ASOPA reorganisation - training 1954aq They still talk about land of officers for Papua-New Guinea settlement schemes in Papua- service. Pacific islands monthly, New Guinea. Pacific islands 25(6): 51-4. monthly, 25(3): 152. 218


1955h Highlands farmers need expert 1955y Cargo cult? Baining natives help. Pacific islands monthly, killed by New Britain patrol. 25(7): 139, 141. Pacific islands monthly, 25(12): 67. 1 9 5 5 i Warangoi land for natives, and Chinese? Europeans last? Pacific 1955z Arguments for and against islands monthly, 25(7): 155- broadening use of Papuan. Pacific islands monthly, 26(1): 15, 1955J Heinrich Rudolph Wahlen (75 31-3. years) may keep on fighting, despite rejection of his Waria claim. Pacific islands monthly, 1955aa Rabaul problem: gaol terms for 25(8): 15. village tax defaulters. Pacific islands monthly, 2 6 (1 ): l4l. 1955k Huge area provisionally goes to syndicate. Pacific Islands 1955ab Inquiry into shootings: monthly, 25(8): 15- evidence on cargo cult outbreak in Bainings area. Pacific 19551 Official move to use 'Pidgin'. islands monthly, 26(1): 1 6 3 . Pacific islands monthly, 25(8): 1 8 . 1955ac Discovery in Papua: tribesmen with biblical aspect. Pacific 1955m New Guinea basic economy alters islands monthly, 2 6 (1 ): 165- as natives are encouraged to develop coconut planting. Pacific 1955ad Many earth tremors in Papua's islands monthly, 25(8): 39-40. islands. Pacific islands monthly, 2 6 (2 ): 25; (3): 125. 1955n Problem of Pidgin English in its present written form. Pacific islands monthly, 25(8): 41-3. 1955ae Rabaul court sends 70 village tax defaulters to gaol. Pacific 1955o Land reforms linked with slow islands monthly, 2o(2): 157. administrative reforms in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 1955af Derelict shantytown: slum area 25(8): 57-9. of Rabaul under attack. Pacific islands monthly, 2 6 (3 ): 1 9 . 1955p New Guinea Catholic missionary's impression: primitive men in little-known country; Pacific 1955ag Markham Valley roads. Pacific islands monthly, ( ): 46-7. islands monthly, 25(8): 1 3 2 . 2 6 3

1955q Decision on native liquor permits 1955ah New Tolai cocoa enterprise deferred. Pacific islands monthly, quoted as example for N.G. 25(9): 23, 25- Pacific islands monthly, 2 6 (3 ) : 57-8.

1955r They lack basic education: Papua- New Guinea students at Suva 1955ai Liquor permits for P-N.G. natives medical school face formidable must wait three years. Pacific task. Pacific islands monthly, islands monthly, 26(4): 17. 25(9): 37-9. 1955aj Labour shortage in highlands 1955s New Papuan tribes found in Upper now. Pacific islands monthly, Fly River area. Pacific islands 26(4): 44-5. monthly, 25(9): 157, 139-40. 1955ak Patrolling in Papua-N.G. Pacific 1955t Develop New Guinea - or someone islands monthly, 26(4): 157. else willi Pacific islands monthly, 25(9): 145. 1955al Sepik art for Switzerland. Pacific islands monthly, 26(5): 43. 219 N.G. highlands residents draw 1955am Noble savages: they eat and 1956o up Bill of Rights. Pacific marry their mothers. Pacific islands monthly, 27(2):115-7. islands monthly, 26(5) : 143. 1956p Patrols back. Pacific islands 1956 Road neglect in New Guinea monthly, 27(2): 125-6. highlands. Pacific islands monthly, 26(6): 122-3. 1956q "Do you remember". Pacific islands monthly, 27(5): 22. 1956a New Guinea highlands coffee needs good land, wise development. Pacific islands monthly, 26(9): 1956r Secret of happiness. Pacific 65-7. islands monthly, 27(5): 29-50.

1956b Nondugl sheep experiment will 1956s Economic strength of Papua and not be permitted to fail. New Guinea: what an analysis of Pacific islands monthly, 26(9): exports shows. Pacific islands 7>4. monthly, 27(4): 49-51. 1956t UN praise for New Guinea's "Men 1956c How in 1910 Britishers discovered in the field". Pacific islands pygmies in Netherlands New Guinea. monthly, 27(4): 69-72. Pacific islands monthly, 26(10): 86-7, 95-5. 195ÖU They called it Shangri-La. Pacific islands monthly, 27(4): 1956d Official makes strong denial: 84-6. there never was a Kau-Kau racket. Pacific islands monthly, 26(11): 1956v Some facts about P-N.G. native 22, 141. labour costs. Pacific islands monthly, 27(4): 113-4. 1956e Cargo cult unrest? Pacific islands monthly, 26(ll) : 70. 1956w Unscheduled stop - Telefomin: a 20 years 1 flashback to the 1956f Connecting Papua and New Guinea age of B-4. Pacific islands by road. Pacific islands monthly, monthly, 27(5): 84-5, 95-9- 26(11): 155- 1957 Dutch New Guinea natives show 1956g Cargo cult in Kainantu? Pacific displeasure, hack plane and islands monthly, 26(11): 155- missionaries to pieces. Pacific islands monthly, 27(6): 22. 1956h Forgotten New Guinea history: Levien-Wells-Guinea Gold- 1957a More strife in the Sepik District. Bulolo-plywood. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 27(6): monthly, 26(ll): 166. 41-2.

1957b P-N.G.'s most important road. 19561 Outside aid to sweeten the New 4 bridges separate Lae and Mt. Guinea native in transition: Hagen. Pacific islands monthly, visiting mission reports. 27(6): 111. Pacific islands monthly, 26(12): 17. 1957c Trees for Goroka's bare hill­ sides. Pacific islands monthly, 1956J When the eastern highlands put 27(7): 43. on a show. Pacific islands monthly, 26(12): 84-6. 1957d Seeking a key to N.G. language problems. Pacific islands monthly, 1956k Finschhafen-Lae. Pacific islands 27(8): 27. monthly, 26(12): 115-4. 1957e (a) Wild natives clash with 19561 Big scope for cattle industry patrol, (b) More trouble in in Papua-New Guinea. Pacific Mianmin. Pacific islands monthly, islands monthly, 27(l): 159- 27(8): 46; (9): 62-3-

1956m By Volkswagon to the highlands. 1957f Sidelights on problems of Pacific islands monthly, 27(1): population control and gold­ 154. seeking: the primitive men of New Guinea. Pacific islands 1956n (a) Savage gaol sentence for monthly, 27(8): 69-74. incautious woman teletypist. (b) Native massacres in New Guinea..(c) The Lumi affair. 1957g Plantation work not popular with (d) Yellow River killers highlanders. Pacific islands arrested. Pacific islands monthly, 27(10): 123-5- monthly, 27(2): 19-20, 166-7; (4): 43; (5): 21. 1957h The new status of New Guinea's Chinese. Pacific islands monthly, 27(12): 22, 28. 220

19571 Cancer and the Tolais. Pacific 1958b Australian unions demand entry islands monthly, 27(12): 35-6. to the islands: pressure on the Territories. Pacific islands 1957j On trade-unionism for New Guinea monthly, 2 8 (6 ): 145- natives: lively argument in Sydney newspaper. Pacific islands 1958c Many "still believe" in cargo monthly, 27(12): 151. cult. Pacific islands monthly, 28(7): 59- 1957k Scientific approach to language in New Guinea. Pacific islands 1958d Impressive summer school address monthly, 28(1): 54-5- with some notable omissions: Hasluck reviews Hasluck's seven years in Papua-New Guinea. Pacific 19571 What makes a Hanuabadan tick. islands monthly, 2 8 (7 ): 6 1 -7 . Pacific islands monthly, 28(1): 99, 109. 1958e What does the future hold for N.G. artifacts? Pacific islands 1957m Peculiar disease among N.G. monthly, 28(9): 43. primitive tribe: new to science. Pacific islands monthly, 28(1): 1958f Papua owes a lasting debt to 129. Polynesia. Pacific islands monthly, 28(12): 86-7, 102. 1957n P-N.G. registrar has "misgivings" about co-operatives. Pacific 1958g Calamity crowns New Britain islands monthly, 28(l): 145-6. tax-gathering expedition. Pacific islands monthly, 29(l): 1 3 , 151. 1957o Why do N.G. highlands natives go berserk?: suspect fungi. 1958h A blonde complex? Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 28(2) monthly, 29(1): 25-6. 123. 1958i Effects of £10m. p.a. in New 1957P Kainantu put on its biggest Guinea: what Mr. Calwell wrote show for its first race-meeting. home about. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 2 8 (3 ): monthly, 29(l): 43-7. 35-5- 1958j Hunger in the Papuan islands. 1957q Just one tax and he leaves! Pacific islands monthly, 29(2): Pacific islands monthly, 2 8 (3 ): 77-8. 73-4. 1958k Hunters with the two-man blow­ 1957r Road to the highlands: needs pipes. Pacific islands monthly, tough vehicles and iron men. 2 9 (2 ): 119. Pacific islands monthly, 2 8 (3 ): l6l. 19581 The New Guinea mud men come to town. Pacific islands monthly, 1957s 280 officers for 146,000 square 29(3): 73- miles. Pacific islands monthly, 28(4): 3 1 . 1958m The problems of Dr. William Lawes: he started the Niue 1957t Harry D. - New Guinea's most basket trade - and he was unusual public servant. Pacific Moresby's first citizen. Pacific islands monthly, 28(4): 80-1, islands monthly, 2 9 (3 ): 8 3 , 93. 85-6. 1957u Slow progress in bringing literacy to P-N.G.: Australia 1958n Papua's best show is wiped out. in islands' education battle. Pacific islands monthly, 29(3): Pacific islands monthly, 28(5) : 133-5. 53-5, 105. 1958o Undisciplined native crews now One memorable night among the a danger. Pacific islands monthly, 1957v 29(4): 71. New Britain cannibals. Pacific islands monthly, 28(5): 80-1. 1958p Nondugl would do better with 1958 Still little light on the pigs. Pacific islands monthly, mysterious problems of Kuru. 29(4): 137-8. Pacific islands monthly, 28(6): 44-5. 1958q Head-tax clash in New Guinea - inquiry ended. Pacific islands 1958a Native apprentices in P-N.G.: monthly, 29(4): 147. dirty hands v. white collars. Pacific islands monthly, 28(6): 1958r First war delayed discovery of 125. the New Guinea highlands. Pacific islands monthly, 29(5): 27-9. 227 1958s They're looking for more music 1959p Their bones dried in the sun. from the South Pacific. Pacific Pacific islands monthly, 30(5): islands monthly, 2 9 (5 ): 6 3 . 119.

1959 About a patrol in Jimmi River I960 A stone relic of Sepik magic. valley. Pacific islands monthly, Pacific islands monthly, 3 0 (6 ): 29(7): 5- 23.

1959a A new year and a new head tax: 1960a Papua-New Guinea unions "are but the N.G. Bukas haven't on the way". Pacific islands paid last year's yeti Pacific monthly, 3 0 (7 ): 1 8 . islands monthly, 2 9 (7 ): 14, 153. 1960b The New Guinea road that's 1959b Increased gold price vital to become a symbol: should they New Guinea industry. Pacific seal it? Pacific islands monthly, islands monthly, 29(7): 169-70. 30(7): 33.

1959c A friend belong Australia. Pacific I96OC Tolais won't pay. Pacific islands islands monthly, 29(8): 20. monthly, 3 0 (8 ): 2 0 .

1959d Taxation shootings in New Guinea: 1960d No time for listening in New minister adroitly blankets Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, report of commission. Pacific 3 0 (8 ): 25-6 . islands monthly, 29(8): 46-51. 1960e What can be done about the 1959e A new painting in New Guinea. Tolais? They make their own Pacific islands monthly, 29(8): firewater. Pacific islands 75. monthly, 3 0 (8 ): 5 3 -9 .

1960f The highlands have a forward 1959f That attempted massacre. Pacific islands monthly, 2 9 (1 0 ): 3 1 , 34. look. Pacific islands monthly, 3 0 (8 ): 75-9.

The list of Kuru- victims is 1959g 1960g Whither the Tolai cocoa growing. Pacific islands monthly, 29(10): 139-41. scheme? Is it getting too big to handle? Pacific islands monthly, 3 0 (9 ): 47. 1959h Death of a New Guinea native. Pacific islands monthly, 29(ll): 1960h On patrol in New Guinea. Pacific 25. islands monthly, 3 0 (9 ): 8 2 .

19591 Tolala says: splenetics are 19601 Growing concern over dangerous. Pacific islands monthly, Tinginagalip taxes? Pacific 29(11): 35. islands monthly, 3 0 (9 ): 1 1 8 -9 .

1959J Netherlands New Guinea gets local 1960J They're cotton pickin' in the government. Pacific islands Markham now. Pacific islands monthly, 3 0 (l): 2 3 . monthly, 3 0 (1 0 ): 7 7 -9 .

1959k A memorial lighthouse in shining 1960k The students staged a walkabout. white. Pacific islands monthly, Pacific islands monthly, 30(10): 3 0 (1 ): 49-51; (2 ): 6 9 , 71, 73- 1 1 9 -2 1 .

19601 Netherlands New Guinea will 19591 (a) How von Hagen met his death popularise the highlands. Pacific (b) How the von Hagen memorial islands monthly, 3 0 (H): 1 1 3 . once looked, (c) Von Hagen and his empire. Pacific islands monthly, 30(3): 26-7; (4): 27, 1960m New moves against New Guinea's (4): 27, 35. "Kuru". Pacific Islands monthly, 3 0 (1 1 ): 1 2 1 . 1959m Heard about the big uprising? New crop of Rabaul rumours. 1960n They're happy to do it themselves. Pacific islands monthly, 30(4): Pacific islands monthly, 3 0 (1 2 ): 69. 1959n Seven went, but five came back: the real story of the Laughlan 1960o The army crosses New Guinea. Island castaways. Pacific islands Pacific islands monthly, 3 0 (1 2 ): monthly, 30(4): 6 9 .

1959o Their cargo-cult wasn't anti- 1960p Tinginagalip natives win their European. Pacific islands monthly, appeal. Pacific islands monthly, 30(4): 136-7. 3 0 (1 2 ): 144. 1960q (a) N.G. native wages up. 196lg Labour wants common roll in (b) P-N.G. wage fixing: new P-N.G. Pacific islands monthly, wage will have wide effects. 31(11): 69. (c) P-N.G. basic wage up again: new urban wage soon. Pacific 196lh They're catching up with the islands monthly, 31(1): 139; (2): 20, 150; (4): 124. Joneses. Pacific islands monthly, 31(12): 76-7. 1960r Government "may relinquish majority" in P-N.G. council. 196li Riots, deaths in Rabaul as Pacific islands monthly, 31(2): natives stage lost weekend. Pacific islands monthly, 32(l): 17-8,. 135-6. Commentary P. 25- 1960s 187 came home. Pacific islands monthly, 31(2): 18. 196lj The growing problem of Port Moresby. Pacific islands monthly, 1960t Papua-New Guinea on the road 32(1): 18, 135. to autonomy: the natives will soon have a vote. Pacific 196lk New language discoveries. islands monthly, 31(3): 17-8, Pacific islands monthly, 32(1): 149. 20, 133-4.

1960u The road to the highlands. Pacific I96II Hanuabadans change to surname islands monthly, 31(3): 69-78. system. Pacific islands monthly, 32(1 ): 121. 1960v P-N.G. now has a political party. Pacific islands monthly, 31(4): 1961m New step towards a union. Pacific 19, 139. islands monthly, 32(2 ): 16.

1960w A bombshell or two at the budget 196ln Government help for Papua-New session. Pacific islands monthly, Guinea unions. Pacific islands 31(4): 33-5- monthly, 32(2): 18, 139-40.

I96I0 Thirty reported killed in N.G. 1960x Immature native politicians are tribal attack. Pacific islands their big worry.' Pacific islands monthly, 32(2): 119-20. monthly, 31(5): 19, 145-6.

1960y Cocoa scheme success brings 1961p The future of the white man P-N.G. alarm. Pacific islands (and woman) in New Guinea. Pacific monthly, 31(5): 71-3* islands monthly, 32(3): 83-5 *

1961 Trouble over new native wage 196lq Arrests made by Papuan patrol. scale. Pacific islands monthly, Pacific islands monthly, 32(3 ): 31(6): 17-8. 129-30.

1961a Assorted Australians make 196lr New Guinea target dates offer mixed-up New Guineans. Pacific nothing new. Pacific islands islands monthly, 31(6): 89-93- monthly, 32(4): 19-20.

1961s Those court houses are part of Public Service is "crux" of 1961b a scheme. Pacific islands N.G. wage problem..Pacific islands monthly, 32(4): 25, 140-1. monthly, 31(7 ): 41-3. 196lt Race discrimination discussed 1961c Problems of film censorship and radio broadcasting: why, why, in Rabaul. Pacific islands why ask New Guineans. Pacific monthly, 32(4): 128-9- islands monthly, 31(7): 80. 196lu Madang now has industrial agreement. Pacific islands 196ld "Adapt native rites" as a monthly, 32(4): 136-7 . Christian ceremony. Pacific islands monthly, 31(8 ): 23, 141. 1961v Papuan-New Guinea patrols get their men. Pacific islands monthly, 196le The P-N.G. elections: what manner 32(5): 123- of men are they? Pacific islands monthly, 31(8 ): 23, 141-3. 1962 Armed patrol goes after P-N.G. tax-dodgers. Pacific islands 196lf Quarter century with the mission monthly, 32(7): 129. in the mud. Pacific islands monthly, 31(H): 45-7- 1962a Papua-New Guinea government at grass roots level. Pacific islands monthly, 32(7 ): 129-30. 223

1962b Buka tax trouble explodes. 1962t NSW woman puts weird ceremony Pacific Islands monthly, 3 2 (8 ): on record. Pacific islands monthly, 15-6, 130. 33(2): 80-1.

1962c Papua's Milne Bay needs help. 1962u "A loaded pistol": emotional Pacific islands monthly, 3 2 (8 ): debate in NNG council. Pacific 31-5. islands monthly, 3 3 (3 ): 1 9 -2 0 .

1962d Aftermath of P-N.G. Buka 1962v New Guinea's education is on incident. Pacific islands the go. Pacific islands monthly, monthly, 3 2 (9 ): 1 8 . 33(3): 73-5.

1962e New Guinea native unionists win 1962w Child-psychology for dependent the right to strike. Pacific people. Pacific islands monthly, islands monthly, 3 2 (9 ): 1 9 -2 0 . 33(3): 90-1.

1962f P-N.G. patrol officers in a 1962x Big increase in P-NG council quandary. Pacific islands monthly, planned as next step towards 32(9): 2 1 . self-government. Pacific islands monthly, 33(4): 5 -6 . 1962g New Guinea's Tolais: trouble y but goodwill, too. Pacific 1962 Indonesia quickly consolidates islands monthly, 3 2 (9 ): 1 2 2 -3 . in dispirited West N. Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 33(4): 15-7. 1962h UN Mission to N.G. is impressive. Pacific islands monthly, 3 2 (1 0 ): 1962z NG to lift liquor prohibition. 15-6 , 1 3 8 . Pacific islands monthly, 33(4): 27-9. 19621 Discrimination in New Guinea "should be swept away". Pacific islands monthly, 3 2 (1 1 ): 13-4. 1962aa WNG take-over raises health menace. Pacific islands monthly, 33(4): 31. 19Ö2J Patrol attack case reveals faults in "the system". Pacific islands ab monthly, 3 2 (1 1 ): 43-4. 1962 An old Papuan tradition passing. Pacific islands monthly, 33(4): 84. 1962k New Guinea native unemployment creates problems. Pacific islands monthly, 3 2 (H): 73- 1 962ac Minister details educational aims in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 33(4): 1 2 7 . 19621 Canberra talks on the problems of New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 3 2 (1 1 ): 1 2 2 -3 . 1 962ad A "new look" New Guinea as the bar-room doors are thrown open for all. Pacific islands monthly, 1962m Complicated aftermath of the 33(5): 5-6. New Guinea Buka troubles. Pacific islands monthly, 32(12): 27-9. 1 962ae New P-NG council composition "aimed at future needs." Pacific islands monthly, 3 3 (5 ): 51-3 . 1962n New Guinea land commissioners have a Herculean task. Pacific islands monthly, 3 2 (1 2 ): 3 2 -3 . 1963 Doubts grow in P-NG on "open slather" drinking. Pacific 19620 There'll be New Guinea elite islands monthly, 3 3 (6 ): 7 -9 . under another name. Pacific islands monthly, 3 2 (1 2 ): 1 3 8 . 1963a First New Guinea native police officers in training. Pacific 1962p The report that wasn't as nice islands monthly, 3 3 (6 ): 40. as the mission. Pacific islands monthly, 3 3 (l): 13-4, 148-9. 1963b Border-hopping now illegal in N. Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 1962q Indonesian take-over problems 33(7): 7. for P-N.G: Australia's new frontier with Asia. Pacific 1963c P-NG prepares for big 1964 islands monthly, 3 3 (2 ): 1 5 , 145-7. election. Pacific islands monthly, 33(7): 15. 1962r Australia acts hurriedly to avoid N.G. border trouble. Pacific 1963d P-NG on the threshold of dramatic islands monthly, 3 3 (2 ): 1 7 -8 . new radio development. Pacific islands monthly, 3 3 (7 ): 33 -9 . 1962s Stone axes have had their chopper in NNG. Pacific islands monthly, 1963e Political charades on New Guinea's 33(2): 79- future. Pacific islands monthly, 33(8): 71-5. 224

196jf "Out of P-NG in 10 years Pacific Science Association Pacific islands monthly, 33(8): 1920-49 Papers published in the proceedings of the seven congresses of the Pacific 1963g Tolai wharfies back at work. science association. Honolulu, Pacific islands monthly, 33(8): Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Pacific science secretariat. 105-7.

1963h Commission to report on P-NG Pagano, Leo education. Pacific islands 1958 Manokwari, industrieel centrum monthly, 3 3 (8 ): 1 2 3 . van Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 6 (l): 8-10. 19631 Highlands members may be key to next NG Council. Pacific islands monthly, 33(9): 7. Pannekoek, A.J. 1937/38 De schrijfwijze van den naam 1963J End of road for P-NG's most Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift famous department. Pacific "Nieuw-Guinea", 2: 141-2. islands monthly, 3 3 (9 ): 2 1 -3 . 1938/39 De schetskaart van geheel Nieuw-Guinea op de schaal 1 : 1963k Wider issues behind Rabaul wharf 2,500,000. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- strike. Pacific islands monthly, Guinea", 3 : 592-600. 33(9): 37-8.

1939 Ontdekkingen in het centrale 19631 "Confidence undermined" as land comes into dispute. Pacific gebergte van Australisch islands monthly, 33(9): 39-41. Nieuw Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 56: 1963m World Bank survey of P-NG. 371-7. Pacific islands monthly, 33(9): 128. Papua and New Guinea Act 1963n Importance of New Guinea councils 1949 Papua and New Guinea Act 1949 is growing. Pacific islands proclaimed. South Pacific, monthly, 33(10): 107. 3(9): 188-9 0 .

19630 Decks cleared for New Guinea Papua and New Guinea Agricultural Gazette Common Roll and 64-man Assembly. 1953/54 Poisoning case: the Pintanga Pacific islands monthly, 3 3 (H): bean. Papua and New Guinea 15-7. agricultural gazette, 8 (3 ): 56.

1963p Hard work and Ingenuity mean they can keep eating. Pacific 1953/ Native agriculture and native islands monthly, 3 3 (H): 27. 54a production. Papua and New Guinea agricultural gazette, 8(4): 3 5 -7 . 1963q NG challenge to land titles is upheld. Pacific islands Papua and New Guinea - Bureau of Statistics monthly, 3 3 (1 2 ): 1 9 -2 1 , 2 3 . 1963 Survey of indigenous agriculture and ancillary surveys 1 961-1 9 6 2 . 19631? The Buka building up for trouble Konedobu, Papua, Government again? Pacific islands monthly, Printer, 22 pp. 33(12): 25-6. Papua and New Guinea - Customs Inquiry 1 963s Disillusioned Indonesians face Committee a NG problem. Pacific islands monthly, 3 3 (1 2 ): 45-51. 1953 Report of Papua and New Guinea customs inquiry committee. South Pacific, 7(4): 686-7. 1 9 6 3 t New Guinea's education system is in gear - at last. Pacific Papua and New Guinea - Department of islands monthly, 33(12): 73-6. Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries 1951 The economic development of Pacific Islands Year Book Papua and New Guinea. Eastern 1959 see 1959 Robson, R.W. (compiler world, 5 : 50-2. and editor) 1954 Mechanized rice production in Pacific Islands Year Book and Who's Who Papua and New Guinea. South 1963 see 1963 Tudor, J. (ed.) Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 4(4): 14, 1 6 . 225 1957 Orokaiva primer. Port Moresby, Papua and New Guinea - Department of Department of Education, 38 pp. Education 1950 Native education: Roro reader 1959 Departmental news: what language No. 1. (Kikipa Roro Maeana) will we use? Journal of the Stories in the Roro language, public service of the Territory Central district, Papua. Port of Papua and New Guinea, 1: 41-3. Moresby, Department of Education, 56 pp. Papua and New Guinea - Department of Information and Extension Services 1950a Native education: Kuanua reader No. 2. (A buk na niluluk) In the 1963 Report of a select committee Kuanua language, Gazelle Peninsula, about changes in the New Britain. Port Moresby, Legislative Council, October Department of Education, 25 PP. 1962. Port Moresby, Department of Information and Extension Services, 19 pp. (typescript). 1951 Community development through rural progress societies. South Pacific, 5(7): 123-6. Papua and New Guinea - Department of Native Affairs 1951a "Hari Dina": a New Guinea news- I960 Village directory. Territory sheet. The story of a venture of Papua and New Guinea. Port in newspaper production by a Moresby, Government Printer, native people. South Pacific 170 pp. commission, Quarterly bulletin, 1(4): 35-8; also Colonial review, 7(5): 144-5. Papua and New Guinea - Department of Public Health 1951b Community development in the I960 Survey of traditional beliefs Purari delta, western Papua. and attitudes in health and South Pacific, 5(10): 208-14. allied matters. (Health education council). Port 1951c Native education: Kuni reader Moresby, Government Printer, No. 1. Port Moresby, Department 8 pp. of Education, 31 pp. Papua and New Guinea Medical Journal 1952 Native education: Mekeo reader 1955/56 Man-made malaria (editorial). No. 1. Port Moresby, Department Papua and New Guinea medical of Education, 29 PP. journal, 1(4): 116.

1953 Kiwai primer: Kiwai Kioputi 1956/57 Leptospirosis (editorial). Buka. Port Moresby, Department Papua and New Guinea medical of Education, 35 PP. Journal, 2(§): 53-4.

1953a Gogodala primer. Port Moresby, 1956/ Malaria control in New Guinea Department of Education, 51 pp. 57a (editorial). Papua and New Guinea medical journal, 2(2): 54-5. 1954 Animal quarantine at Kila. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 4(4): 1959 Kuru (editorial). Papua and New 23, 33. Guinea medical journal, 3(1): 25-7. 1954a Observations and reflections on community development at Papua and New Guinea - Ordinances and Milne Bay, Papua. Port Moresby, Regulations Department of Education, 9 pp. 1950 Regulations made under the "Native Labour Ordinance 1950" 1954b The Maprik area education No. 18 of 1950. Port Moresby, centre: the idea behind the Government Printer, 25 pp. project, and the results. Port Moresby, Department of Education, 14 pp. 1950a An ordinance, relating to the employment of natives No. 48 of 1950. Canberra, Commonwealth 1955 Native education: Tinata tuna Government Printer, 31 pp. reader No. 3. The language of the Blanche Bay area, Gazelle Peninsula, New Britain. Port 1952 An ordinance to amend the Moresby, Department of "Native Labour Ordinance 1950" Education, 51 pp. No. 83 of 1952. Port Moresby, Government Printer, 7 pp. 1956 The standard neo-Melanesian (pidgin) orthography. Port Moresby, Department of Education, 27 pp. (roneod). 226 1952a An ordinance to amend the 1892a Aboriginal vocabulary of the "Native Labour Ordinance 1952" Dabu tribe, also between Mowatta No. 84 of 1952. Port Moresby, and the Mai Kussa. British New Government Printer, 1 p. Guinea. Annual report for I89O- 91: 128-32, (App. GG3). 1953 An ordinance to amend the "Native Labour Ordinances 1950- 1952" No. 59 of 1953. Port 1892b Aboriginal vocabulary of Nada Moresby, Government Printer, (Laughlan island). British New Guinea. Annual report for I O- 5 PP. 89 91: I32-9, (App. GG4).

Papua and New Guinea - Public Relations 1892c Aboriginal vocabulary of Nala Office coast tribe, Central Division. 1954 Economic development of Papua British New Guinea. Annual report and New Guinea. South Pacific, for 1890-91: 139-42, (App. GG5)• 7(11): 895-900. l892d Aboriginal vocabulary of 1954a Overland patrols of the Tari - Sinaugolo, Central District, also Strickland gorge region. South at Saroa, Rigo, Babaka, Bono, Pacific, 7(12): 909-15. Kenaia, Waburava, Saroake, Gumiridobei, Gamata. British New Guinea. Annual report for Papua and New Guinea - Selected Committee 1890-91: 142-4, (App. GG6). to consider the provision of the 1955 Native Liquor Bill l892e Aboriginal vocabulary of Toaripi, 1955 Supply of liquor to New Guinea and spoken in the eastern end natives. South Pacific, 8: 209-11. of the Gulf of Papua. British New Guinea. Annual report for Papua - Annual Report 1890-91: 145-9, (App. GG7). 1890 Aboriginal vocabulary of the upper St. Joseph district. 1893 Vocabulary of the Kiriwina British New Guinea. Annual report dialect, British New Guinea. for 1889-90: 118-21, (App. XI). British New Guinea. Annual report for 1891-92: 102-6, (App. U). l890a Aboriginal vocabularies of Koiari Goto and Koita Ga. British 1895 Vocabulary of the Kabadi-dialect. New Guinea. Annual report for British New Guinea. Annual report 1889-90: 131-40, (App. X4). for 1893-94: 107-16, (App. GG1).

1890b Aboriginal vocabulary of Sariba 1895a Aboriginal vocabulary of Yela on Hayter island. British New (Rossel island). British New Guinea. Annual report for 1889- Guinea. Annual report for 90: 141-4, (App. X5). 1893-94: 116-20, (App. GG2).

1890c Aboriginal vocabulary of Awaiama - 1895b Aboriginal vocabulary of Maipua also at Taupota, Garua. British spoken on the Purari delta. New Guinea. Annual report for British New Guinea. Annual report 1889-90: 145-8, (App. X6). for 1893-94: 120-2, (App. GG3 ).

l890d Aboriginal vocabulary of Murua. 1897 Aboriginal vocabulary of Musa British New Guinea. Annual report river district. British New for 1889-90: 148-52, (App. X7). Guinea. Annual report for 1895- 96: 101-3, (App. BB1). l890e Aboriginal vocabulary of Misima (St. Aignan) - also Kimuta, 1897a Vocabulary of the language spoken Panniet, etc. British New Guinea. by the natives resident on the Annual report for 1889-90: Mambare river. British New Guinea. 152-4, (App. X8). Annual report for 1895-96: IO3-6, (App. BB2).

l890f Aboriginal vocabulary of Tagula (Sudest island). British New 1897b Vocabulary of dialects of natives Guinea. Annual report for 1889- of Dungerwab Tsi (Wasi) and Bangu 90: 155-7, (App. X9). (Morehead) tribes. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1895- 96: 106-20, (App. BB3). 1892 Vocabulary of dialect spoken by natives on the south coast of British New Guinea from 1898 Vocabulary of natives in the upper Domara to Mailu. British New district. British New Guinea. Annual report for I89O- Guinea. Annual report for 1896- 91: 115-28, (App. GG2). 97: 21, (App. D). 227

1900 Vocabulary of words in the Motu 1917 Vocabulary of dialects spoken and several inland dialects. by people living in the Purari, British New Guinea. Annual report Urama, Goarlbari, Turama and for 1898-99: 112-5, (App. EE). Era river districts, Delta Division. Papua. Annual report for 191^-15: 183-5, (App. IVw). 1902 Vocabulary of Iaibu dialect. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1900-01: 154-7, 1917a Short comparative vocabulary (App. K2). of the Karukaru language (Mount Scratchley) as compiled at Beda in 1914 and at Neneba in 1902a Aboriginal vocabulary of the 1896, showing its relationship Kiwai dialect. British New Guinea. to Biagi-language. Papua. Annual report for 1900-01: 158- Annual report for 1914-15: 189, 66, (App. L2). (App. Vb).

1915 Vocabulary of Udama people, 1919 Vocabulary of the language spoken living on the foothills of the in the village of Madinava main range, near Mount Simpson,

inland from Port Glasgow. ("Kukukuku"), Nepa district.

Papua. Annual report for 1912- Papua. Annual report for 1917- 18: 95, (App. E15). 13: 171, (App. D) (pt. 1).

1920 Index to vocabularies published 1913a Vocabulary of people living in from 1889-1917. Papua. Annual

the Pudi and Manasia districts, report for 1918-19: 100-6. on mountains at the back of Boianai, north-east coast, Eastern district. Papua. Annual 1920a Vocabularies. Papua. Annual report for 1912-13: 171, (App. D) report for 1918-19: 106-17, (pt. 2). (App. D).

1913h Vocabularies of native languages 1921 Magisterial report - Gulf spoken in East-central Division. Division. Papua. Annual report Papua. Annual report for 1912- for 1919-20: 28-30. 13: 172, (App. E). 1950 Notes on native customs. Papua. 1913c Vocabulary of certain languages Annual report for 1948-49: of the Gulf Division. Papua. 104-6. Annual report for 1912-13: 173-5, (App. P). 1952 Delta Division. Papua. Annual report for 1950-51: 11-2. 1913d A vocabulary of the language spoken by the tribes living on Goarlbari island and the vicinity. Papua - Annual Reports Papua. Annual report for 1912- 1885- British New Guinea, report for 13: 176-83, (App. G). 1963 1885 (published I886) 1886 „ 1887 1914 Vocabulary of the Dimuga 1887 ( ,, 1888) language. Papua. Annual report 1888 ( „ 1889) British for 1913-14: 182-3, (App. Ilia). New Guinea, annual report for 1888-89 (published 1890) 1889- 90 1890 1914a Vocabularies of languages 1890- 91 ( 1892 spoken by the people of the 1891- 92 ( 1893)

Gwoiru mountains, and the 1894) Kanamara people on the main 1892- 93 ( range, inland from Paiwa, 1893- 94 1895) Goodenough Bay, N.E.D. Papua. 1894- 95 1896 Annual report for 1913-14: 1895- 96 1897 184, (App. Illb). 1896- 97 1898 1897- 98 1898 1898- 99 1900 1914b Vocabulary - Goilala language, 1899- 1900 1901 Mount Albert Edward district, 1900- 01 1902 Mambare Division. Papua. Annual 1901-02 1903 report for 1913-14: 184-5, 1902- 03 1904 (App. IIIc). 1903- 04 1905; 1904- 05 ( .. 1905) 1914c Vocabulary of the language 1905- 06 ( m 1907) spoken by the Kwatewa tribe, Papua, annual report for between .the Gwoira range and 1906- (published 07 1908) Lakwa, Collingwood Bay, N.E.D. 1907- (08 » 1908) Papua. Annual report for 1913- 1908- ( 09 « 1909) 14: 185-7, (App. Illd). 1909- ( 10 M 1910 1910- ( II " 1911) 1911- 12 n 1912 1912- 13 i9l3 1913- ( 14 M 1914) 228

1914- 15 " 1917) 1892 Über Tätowierung der Eingebornen 1915- 16 •• 1917 im District Siarr auf der 1916- 17 " 1918 Ostküste von Neu-Mecklenburg 1917- 18 it 1919) (Neu-Irland). Internationales 1918- 19 it 1920 Archiv für Ethnographie, 5: 76-8. 1919- 20 -I 1921 1920- 21 ii 1922

1921- 22 1894 Ueber das Durchbohren von » 1923 Muschelplatten, behufs 1922- 23 it 1925 1923- 24 Herstellung von Armringen, etc. 'I 1925) Internationales Archiv für 1924- 25 '• 1926) Ethnographie, 7: 8 9 . 1925- 26 ii 1927) 1926- 27 " 1928 1895 Zur Ethnographie der Matty- 1928- 29 " 1930} Insel. Internationales Archiv 1929- 30 " 1931 1930- 31 " 1932 für Ethnographie, 8: 248. 1931- 32 " 1933 1932- 33 " 1934) 1896 Beiträge zur Ethnographie der 1933- 34 " 1935 Matty- und Durour-Inseln. 1934- 35 " 1936 Internationales Archiv für 1935- 36 " 1937 Ethnographie, 9: 195-203. 1936- 37 " 1938) 1 9 3 7 -3 8 ( 1939 1898/99 Zur Ethnographie der 1 9 3 8 -3 9 1940 nordwestlichen Salomo Inseln. 1939-40 ( 11 1941 Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches und 1947-48 ( ii 1949 anthropologisch-ethnographisches 1948-49 ( ii 1950 Museum, Abhandlungen und 1949-50 ( 11 1951 Berichte, 7(6): 1-35. 1950-51 ( I' 1952 1951-52 ( 11 1953 1952-53 1955 1900 Die Berlinhafen-Section. Ein 1953-54 1955 Beitrag zur Ethnographie der 1954-55 ( 1956 Neu-Guinea-Küste. Internationales 1955-56 ( " Archiv für Ethnographie, 1 3 : l8 - 1957 54. 1956-57 1958 1957-58 ( 1959 1958-59 -I I960 1901 Die Einwohner der Insel St. 1959-60 ( 11 1961 Matthias. Globus, 79: 229-33. 1960-61 ( 11 1962 1961-62 ( 1. 1963 1 9 6 2 -6 3 ( I' 1964 1901a Die Insel St. Matthias. Globus, Canberra, Government Pr 79: 256.

Papua - The Official Handbook of Papua 1904 A stone rice-sheller from Nusa. Man, 4: 117. 1938 see 1938 Lett, Lewis (compiler) 1905 Ein Besuch auf den Paravicini, E. Admiralitätsinseln. Globus, 87(13): 2 3 8 . 1940 Über Kapkap und kapkapähnlichen Schmuck von den britischen Salomoninseln. Ethnos, 5: 148-64. 1905a St. Matthias und die Inseln Kerue und Tench. Globus, 88(5): 69-72. Parkin, P. 1963 The contact club. Australian 1905b Baumrindenkleidung in Deutsch territories, 3(4): 26-8. Neu-Guinea. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 17: Parkinson, A.D. (joint author) 222. 1963 see 1963 Schofield, F.D. and 1907 Dreissig Jahre in der SUdsee: Parkinson, A.D. Land und Leute, Sitten und Gebräuche im Bismarckarchipel Parkinson, Richard und auf den deutschen 1887 Im Bismarck-Archipel. Erlebnisse Salomoinseln; herausgegeben von und Beobachtungen auf der Insel Dr. B. Ankermann. Stuttgart, Neu-Pommern (Neu-Britannien). Strecker & Schröder, xxii and Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 154 pp. 876 pp.

1907a Notes on Solomon Island baskets l887a Plantagenbau in Neu-Pommern. and on Lord Howe's group. Man, Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 4(22): 7 : I8 3 -6 . 693-6.

1889 Beiträge zur Kenntnis des 1908 Totemism in Melanesia and its deutschen Schutzgebietes in probable origin. Australian and der SUdsee. Geographische New Zealand association for the Gesellschaft Hamburg, advancement of science, Report Mitteilungen, 1887-88: 2 0 1 -8 3 . of the 11th meeting, 1907, 11: 209-16. 229 Parkinson, Richard and Foy, W. Pearl, S. Alston 1899 Die Volksstämme Neu Pommerns. 1939 "Sing-sing at Siar". Walkabout, Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches und 5: 13-4. anthropologisch-ethnographisches Museum, Abhandlungen und Berichte, Festschrift No. 5, 1940 Native labour. An account of 15 PP. the work of the "recruiter" who supplies native workmen for plantation, mine and other work Parkinson, Richard (joint author) in New Guinea. Walkabout, 6(9): l895 see 1895 Meyer, A.B. and 9-13. Parkinson, R. 1940a A New Guinea mission. Walkabout, Parlier, Jim and Parlier, Judy 6(5): 15-7. 1963 Managalasi phonology, in: Workshop pdpers No. 2 "("Phonology): 13 pp., Summer institute of Peekel, Gerhard linguistics, New Guinea branch. 1908 Die Verwandtschaftsnamen des Ukarumpa, New Guinea, 102 pp. mittleren Neu-Mecklenburg. Anthropos, 3 : 456-81. Parlier, Judy (joint author) 1963 see 1963 Parlier, Jim and 1910 Religion und Zauberei auf dem Parlier, Judy. mittleren-Neu-Mecklenburg, Bismarck-Archipel, Südsee. Münster i.W., Aschendorff, iv Parnably, Owen and I35 pp. (Anthropos: 1953 The policy of the Imperial Internationale Sammlung Government towards the ethnologischer Monographien, recruitment and use of Pacific Band 1, Heft 3 ). island labour with special reference to Queensland, 1 8 6 3 - 1 9 2 6 ) Die Ahnenbilder von Nord-Neu- 1901. D.Phil., Oxon., 343 pp. 1 9 2 7 ) Mecklenburg: eine kritische und positive Studie. Anthropos, 21: Parsons, I.C. (joint author) 806-24; 22: 16-44. 1961 see 1961 Ryan, B.P.K. and Parsons, I.C. 1928 Lang-Manu: die Schlussfeier eines Malagan- (Ahnen-) Festes Parsons, I.C. and Ryan, B.P.K. auf Nord-Neu-Mecklenburg. ln: W. Köppers (ed. ), Festschrift, 1962 Observations on glucose - 6 - Publication d'hommage Offerte phosphate dehydrogenase au P.W. Schmidt: 542-55. Wien, deficiency in Papuans. Medical Mechitharisten-Congregations- journal of Australia, 2: 585-7. Buchdruckerei, 977 PP-

Partington, J. Edge- 1929 Das Zweigeschlechterwesen. see Edge-Partington, J. Anthropos, 24: 1005-72.

Pasley, S.M. 1929/30 Grammatische Grundzüge und Wörterverzeichnis der Label- 1961 There's no place more desirable: Sprache. Zeitschrift für the rich island of Kar Kar. Eingeborenen-Sprachen, 20: Pacific islands monthly, 3 1 (7 ): 10-34, 92-120. 75-6, 99. 1931 Religiöse Tä’nze auf Neu-Irland Paul, C. (Neu-Mecklenburg). Anthropos, 1908 Die Mission in unsern Kolonien. 2 6 : 513-32. IV. : Die deutschen Südsee-Inseln. Dresden, C. Ludwig Ungelenk, iv and 260 pp. 1932 Uli und Ulifeier oder vom Mondkultus auf Neu-Mecklenburg. Archiv für Anthropologie, 23 Pauli, R. (neue Folge): 41-75. 1961 Fire-walkers of the islands. Walkabout, 27(4): 14-7. 1938 Über das Wesen der Tubuanmaske von Neupommern. Archiv für Payne, A.M. and Drew, D.E. Anthropologie, 24 (neue Folge): 64-76, IO3 -3 9 , 247-74. 1961 Kamano phonemic statement, in: Workshop papers: 31-52, Summer institute of linguistics, New Pel, H. van Guinea branch. Ukarumpa, New 1958 S.P.C. fisheries survey in Guinea, 170 pp. Netherlands New Guinea. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 8 (3 ): 2 8 -9 . 230 1959 Fisheries in Netherlands New 1932 Theology and physiological Guinea make steady progress. South paternity. Man, 32: 175-6. Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 9(b): 31. Peter, J.H. I960 S.P.C. fisheries investigations 1959 De rechtspositie van de rechterlijke amtenaren in in Melanesia. South Pacific Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea. commission, Quarterly bulletin, Nieuw-Guinea studife'n, 3 : 10(3): 25-8. 54-66.

Pence, Alan Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 1962 The Summer Institute of l869 Neu-Guinea. Deutsche Rufe von Linguistics in New Guinea. den Antipoden. Petermanns Oceanic Linguistics, 1(2): Geographische Mitteilungen, 42-56. 15: 401-6.

1963 Kunimaipa phonology I: 1872 Die Insel Tud in der Torres- Hierarchical levels, in: Strasse und ein Besuch an der Workshop papers No. 2~TPhonology): SUdküste von Neu Guinea. 31 pp., Summer institute of Petermanns Geographische linguistics, New Guinea branch. Mitteilungen, l8: 254-6. Ukarumpa, New Guinea, 102 pp. 1872) Expeditionen nach Neu-Guinea. Pence, Alan (joint author) 1873) Petermanns Geographische 1962 see 1962 Bee, D. and Pence, A. Mitteilungen, l8: 209-11; 19: 147-8.

Penck, Albrecht 1874 Fortschritte in der Erforschung 1911 Die Erforschung des Kaiserin von Neu-Guinea. Petermanns Augusta-Flusses. Gesellschaft Geographische Mitteilungen, 20: für Erdkunde zu Berlin, 107-16. Zeitschrift, 1911: 36I-5. 1876 Flussfahrten im südlichen Neu- 1913 Zur Rückkehr der Expedition zur Guinea. Petermanns Geographische Erforschung des Kaiserin-Augusta- Mitteilungen, 22: 84-9. Flusses. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, 1876a Geographische Notizen: Port 1913: 713-9. Moresby in Neu-Guinea. Besuch des "Challenger" in der Penington, R. G. Humboldt-Bucht in Neu-Guinea und auf den Admiralitäts-Inseln. 1933 Observations on tumours in Petermanns Geographische New Britain natives. Medical Mitteilungen, 22: 196-7. journal of Australia, 2: 734-9. 1878 D'Albertis' Vordringen in das Pennsylvania University Museum Bulletin Innere von Neu-Guinea und 1934 A New Guinea oracle. Pennsylvania. Aufnahme des Fly-Flusses, 1876 University museum, Bulletin, und l877. Petermanns Geographische 5(1): 3-4. Mitteilungen, 24: 423-6.

1886 The discovery of Allison island. Perez, R.F. Petermanns Geographische 1954 Zeichnungen von SUdsee-Eingeborenen Mitteilungen, 32: 283. aus dem frühen 17. Jahrhundert. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 79: 1887 Explorations in New Guinea in 75-81. 1887. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 33: 372-3. Perry, W.J. 1914 An analysis of the genealogical 1929 Eingeborene im früheren tables collected by Dr. Richard Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Neuguinea. Thurnwald in Buin. Anthropos, Petermanns Geographische 9: 801-11. Mitteilungen, 75: 36.

1916 The geographical distribution Peters, F.H. >f terraced cultivation and 1962 Enkele grepen uit de geschiedenis .rrigation. Manchester literary van zuid-west Nieuw-Guinea. ind philisophical society, Schäkels, NNG, 52: 29-35- femoirs and proceedings, 60(6): --25. Peters, H.L. 1923 The origin of Oceanic culture. 1961 De Amungme in het centrale Second Pan-Pacific science bergland van Nederlands Nieuw- congress 1923> Australia, Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Proceedings, 1: 227-30- 9(2): 11-3. 237

Peters, W. 1936 Die Geldformen der Südsee. Anthropos, 3 1 : 187-212, 509-54. 1956/57 A malaria survey in the Western District of Papua. Papua and New Guinea medical journal, 2(2): Pfarrius 25-38. 1910 S.M.S. "Cormoran" im Kaiserin Augusta-Fluss. Marine-Rundschau, 1959 Malaria control in Papua and March 1910: 386-9; also Deutsches New Guinea. Papua and New Guinea Kolonialblatt, 21: 2 3 6 -8 . medical journal, 3 (3 ): 6 6 -7 5 . Pfeil, Joachim I960 Body temperature and holoendemic 1888 Description of the people on malaria in New Guinea. Medical the island Kerawara. Petermanns journal of Australia, 2: 657-9. Geographische Mitteilungen, 34: 251. 1960a Drugs against malaria. (Notes for the guidance of medical 1890 Land und Volk im Bismarck- personnel in the Territory of Archipel. Gesellschaft für Papua and New Guinea.) Port Erdkunde zu Berlin, Moresby, Department of Public Verhandlungen, 1 7 : 144-56. Health, 30 pp. l890a Bericht Uber eine Reise in Peters, W. and Christian, S.H. Deutsch-Neuguinea. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 3 6 : I960 Studies on the epidemiology of 219-27. malaria in New Guinea, parts 4-6. Royal society of tropical medicine and hygiene, Transactions, l890b Bismarck Archipelago. Royal 54(6): 529-48. geographical society, London, Proceedings, 12(new series): 238-9. Peters, W. and others 1958 Malaria in the highlands of Papua and New Guinea. Medical 1891 Ein Ausflug nach den Salomo- journal of Australia, 2: 409-16. Inseln. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 37: 2 8 3 -6 .

Peters, W. and Standfast, H.A. 1894 Neu-Mecklenburg. Petermanns 1957 Report on a malaria survey in Geographische Mitteilungen, 40: the Sepik District. Medical 73-82. journal of Australia, 1: 861-8. 1898 Duk Duk and other customs as forms of expression of the I960 Studies on the epidemiology of Melanesians' intellectual life. malaria in New Guinea, parts Anthropological institute of 1-3. Royal society of tropical Great Britain and Ireland, medicine and hygiene, Transactions, London, Journal, 27: 181-91. 54(3): 242-60. 1899 Studien und Beobachtungen aus Petrauskas, L.E. der Südsee. Braunschweig, Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, xiv 1955/56 A case of cone shell poisoning and 322 pp. by "bite" in Manus Island. Papua and New Guinea medical journal, 1 (2 ): 67-8. 1901 Die Etats für die Schutzgebiete: Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 14(1) (new Petri, Ha ns-He rma nn series): 2 -3 . 1956 Ethnographika von Kanife't (Anachoreten, SUdsee). Bremen. 1902 Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Ubersee-Museum, Veröffentlichungen, des Bismarckarchipels. Deutsche Reihe B, 1(2): 130-9 and Kolonialzeitung, 15(4) (new 4 plates. series): 3 0 , (5 ) (new series): 43-5, (6 ) (new series): 52,(8) (new series): 7 5 -6 , (9 ) (new 1959 Beiträge zur Völkerkunde von series): 83-4. Bougainville (Salomo-Insel). Bremen. Übersee-Museum, Veröffentlichungen, Reihe B, 1902a Etat für Neuguinea. Deutsche 1(3): 197-200 and 2 plates. Kolonialzeitung, 15(12) (new series): 1 1 1 -2 . Petri, Helmut 1935 Typenanalyse der Geldformen Ozeaniens. Archiv für Anthropologie, 23(4): 309-17. 232 Phillips, P.D. Pilhofer, G. 1928 Some legal aspects of the 1911 Eine Reise in das Hinterland Mandate, in: F.W. Eggleston von Finschhafen (Kaiser- (ed. ), The Australian mandate Wilhelms -Land ) . Petermanns for New Guinea: 21-34. Melbourne, Geographische Mitteilungen, Macmillan and Co. Ltd., in 57: 187-91. association with M.U.P. Pacific Relations series No. 2, 149 pp. 1912 Eine Reise von Finschhafen nach dem Markham-Fluss. Petermanns Pieper, Kurt Geographische Mitteilungen, : 143-7. 1938 Die Hausformen Melanesiens. 5 8 Ph.D. thesis, Institut für Völkerkunde, Georg August- 1915 Eine Durchquerung Neuguineas Universität, Göttingen, 386 vom Waria- zum Markhamfluss. and [59 pp.], typescript. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 6 l : 21-5, 6 3 -6 . Pieris, W.V.D. 1955 Gutpela samting long kokonas. 1926/27 Formenlehre der Käte-Sprache Sydney, Ure Smith, in (Neu-Guinea). Zeitschrift für association with the South Eingeborenen-Sprachen, 17: Pacific Literature Bureau, 40 pp. 1-40.

Pierson, D.L. 1926/ Gespräche in der Käte-Sprache. 1934 see 1934 Abel, R.W. 27a Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen­ sprachen, 17: 129-42.

Piesse, E.L. 1927/28 Formenlehre von zehn Mundarten 1923 Decline of population in the und Nachbarsprachen des Käte. Territory of New Guinea. Second Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen­ Pan-Pacific science congress sprachen, 1 8 : 196-230, 2 9 8 -3 1 5 . 1923, Australia, Proceedings, : 241-2. 1 1928/29 Wörterverzeichnis aus zwölf Mundarten und Nachbarsprachen 1923a Geographical nomenclature in des Kate. Zeitschrift für the Pacific. Second Pan-Pacific Eingeborenen-Sprachen, 19: science congress 1 923, 41-69. Australia, Proceedings, 1: 726-9. 1933 Grammatik der Kate-Sprache in Neuguinea. Zeitschrift für 1928 Financial relations of the Eingeborenen-Sprachen, 14. Territory of New Guinea with the Beiheft. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Commonwealth, in: F.W. Eggleston (Ernst Vohsen) A.G., 175 PP. (ed.), The Australian mandate for New Guinea: 42-50. Melbourne, Macmillan and Co. Ltd., in 1938 Felszeichnungen im ehemals association with M.U.P. Pacific deutschen Teil von Neuguinea. Relations series No. 2, 149 pp. Archiv für Anthropologie, 24 (neue Folge): 8-10. Pijnappel, J. Pionier (pseud.) 1854 Ethnologische studife’n. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en see Gooszen, A. J. volkenkunde, 2 : 345-70. Piotrovskii, A.B. 1854a Eenige bijzonderheden betreffende 1939 Kul'tura Papuasov zaliva de Papoea's van de Geelvinksbaai Astroliabii po issledoviiam N.N. van Nieuw-Guinea. Bijdragen tot Miklukho-Maklaia. (The culture de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, of the Papuans of Astrolabe Bay 2 : 371-83. as disclosed by the exploration of N. N. Miklucho-Maclay. ) in: Izvestiia Gosudarstvennogo Pike, Kenneth L. geograficheskogo obshchestva, 1963 Theoretical implications of 7l(l-2): 170-86. Moskva-Leningrad, matrix permutation in Fore (New Akademiia nauk SSSR, 306 pp. Guinea). Anthropological linguistics, 5 (8 ): I-2 3 . Piskaty, Kurt 1963 Völkerkunde und moderne Mission Pike, K.L. and Scott, G.K. unter Naturvölkern. Festschrift 1963 Pitch accent and non-accented Paul Schebesta zum 75. Geburtstag: phrases in Fore (New Guinea). 509-14. in: Studia Institut! Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Anthropos, vol. 18. Wien-Mödling, Sprachwissenschaft und St. Gabriel Verlag, 568 pp. Kommunikationsforschung, 16: 179_90 (Festgabe für Otto von Essen zum 65. Geburtstag). 233

Pitcairn, W.D. Platten, G.J. 1890 British New Guinea: its geography 1951 The use of vernacular languages and the manners and customs of as vehicles of instruction both the natives. Manchester in school and out of school and geographical society, Manchester, the related problems of teaching England, Journal, 6 : 49-62. in languages other than the vernacular in the South Pacific. South Pacific commission, 1891 Two years among the savages of Project S13: 1-17. New Guinea: with introductory notes on north Queensland. London, Ward and Downey, 286 pp. 1953 The use of the vernacular in teaching in the South Pacific. South Pacific commission, Pitt, Mark Technical papers No. 44: 1-20. 1951 Pursuit of the Mokolkols. Pacific islands monthly, 21(7): Platten, Gil 91-3. 1944 The coral mountains of New Guinea. Walkabout, 10(9): Pitt-Rivers, George 14-6. 1923 Variations in sex ratios as indices of racial decline. 1954 Shark-catching in New Ireland. Second Pan-Pacific science Walkabout, 20(9): 34-6. congress 1923, Australia, Proceedings, 1: 273-82. Pleyte, C.M. 1886 lets over mnemonische en andere 1925 Aua Island: ethnographical and teekenen bij de volken van den sociological features of a Oost-Indischen Archipel. South Sea pagan society. Royal Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en anthropological institute of volkenkunde van Nederlandsch- Great Britain and Ireland, IndiS, 5de volgreeks, eerste Journal, 55: 425-38. deel: 127-39.

1927 The clash of culture and the 1887 Eine Tanzbekleidung von Neu- contact of races. London, Guinea. Berliner Gesellschaft G. Routledge and Sons Ltd., für Anthropologie, Ethnologie 312 pp. incl. apps. und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 30-1. in: Zeitschrift fUr Ethnologie, vol. 19. 1929) Papuan criminals and British 1930) justice. Man, 29: 21-2; 30: 211-2; also J.H.P. Murray, 1930b» 1891 De geographische verbreiding van Man, 30: I32. het koppensnellen in den Oost-Indischen Archipel. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Plant, H.T. genootschap, Amsterdam, 1959 Education for local government: Tijdschrift, 8 (2nd series) the role of local government in (2 ): 908-46. education programmes. South Pacific, 10: 8O-6. 1896 Firedrill and chopsticks from New Guinea. Internationales 1960 Native local government councils Archiv für Ethnographie, 9: in Papua and New Guinea. South 203-4. Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 10(3): 40-2, 50. Plimsoll, J. I960 see I960 United Nations General 1961 The election in Papua and New Assembly. Guinea. Australian territories, 1(5): 10-5. Plischke, Hans 1922 Geistertrompeten und Geisterflöten 1962 Local government and community aus Bambus vom Sepik, Neuguinea. development in rural areas of Leipzig. Städtisches Museum für Papua and New Guinea. Australian Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 1918-21, territories, 2 (2 ): 4-12. 8: 57- 62.

Plante, J. 1922a Der Fischdrachen. Leipzig. 1958 Wonen en leven in een Museum für Völkerkunde, jongensinternaat. Nederlands Veröffentlichungen, No. 6, 46 pp. Nieuw-Guinea, 6(3): 16-7. 1959 Der Stille Ozean. München, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 94 pp. (Janus-Bücher, Band 14). 234

Ploeg, A. 1905) Erster Bericht von meiner Reise 1 9 0 6 ) nach Neu-Guinea Uber die Zeit 1962 Report of fieldwork among the vom 6. Juni 1904 bis zum 25. Wangulam: armed conflicts. März 1905. Zweiter Bericht Uber Working papers in Dani ethnology, meine Reise nach Neu-Guinea über 1 : 40-6. die Zeit vom 26. März 1905 bis zum 21. Juni (Bismarck-Archipel, 20. März bis 14. Juni) 1905. 1962a Nativistic movements among Dritter Bericht Uber meine Reise the Bokondini-Dani. Working nach Neu-Guinea (Neu-SUd-Wales, papers in Dani ethnology, 1: vom 21. Juni bis 6 . September 61-2. 1905, Britisch-Salomonsinseln und Britisch-Neu-Guinea bis zum 1962b Features of the economic system 31 Jänner 1906). Vierter Bericht of the Bokondini Dani. Working Uber meine Reise nach Neuguinea papers in Dani ethnology, 1: (Niederländisch-Neuguinea), Uber §3-4. die Zeit vom 10. Februar bis zum 31 März 1906. (K.) Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Government in Wanggulam. Ph.D. 1963 Mathematisch-naturwissen­ thesis, Australian National schaftliche Klasse, Sitzungs­ University, 328 pp. berichte, 114(1): 437-53» 689- 98; 115(1): 601-15, 895-903. Pöch, Rudolf 1901 Geschnitzte Figuren aus 1906 Abschluss der Reisen Dr. Pöchs Deutsch Neuguinea. Globus, in Neuguinea und Australien. 79: 352-5. Globus, 89(24): 3 8 7 .

1906a Bemerkungen über die Eingeborenen 1905 Dr. Pöchs Forschungen in von Ost- und Süd-Neuguinea. Deutsch-Neuguinea und auf Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Neumecklenburg. Globus, 88(21): Berlin, Zeitschrift: 490-2. 539. 1906b Bericht Uber eine Reise nach 1905a Fälle von Zwergwuchs unter den Neu-Guinea. Deutsches Kai. Anthropologische Kolonialblatt, 17: 647-55. Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, Sitzungsberichte, 1904-05: 40-2. 1907 Reisen an der Nordküste von Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Globus, 1905b Ueber den Hausbau der Jabimleute 92(9): 139-43, (10): 149-55, an der OstkUste von Deutsch (11): 169-73. Neu Guinea. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 37: 514-8. 1907a Travels in German, British, and Dutch New Guinea. Geographical 1905c Bemerkungen über die Eingeborenen journal, 3 O: 6 0 9 -1 6 . von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu 1907b Einige bemerkenswerte Berlin, Zeitschrift: 555-8. Ethnologika aus Neu-Guinea. Anthropologische Gesellschaft 1905d Beobachtungen über Sprache, in Wien, Mitteilungen, 37 (3* Gesänge und Tänze der Monumbo Folge 7. Band): 57-71. anlässlich phonographischer Aufnahmen in Deutsch-Neu-Guinea. (In der Zeit vom 2d.7. - zum 1907c Reisen in Neu-Guinea in den 24.11.1904). Anthropologische Jahren 1904-1907. Zeitschrift Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, für Ethnologie, 39: 382-400. 35 (3. Folge 5. Band): 230-7. 1907d Eine Reise an der Nordostküste von Britisch-Neuguinea. Globus, 92(18): 276-83.

1907e Prähistorisches aus Neuguinea. Globus, 92(19): 301.

1907f Ausgrabungen alter Topfscherben in Wanigela (Collingwood-Bay). Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, 37 (3* Folge 7. Band): 137-9.

1907g Wanderungen im Gebiete der Kai (Deutsch-Neuguinea). Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, 20: 2 2 3 -3 1 . 235

1907h Uber meine Reisen in Deutsch-, 1958a Kapauku political structure. Britisch- und Niederländisch- in: Systems of political control Neu-Guinea. Gesellschaft für and bureaucracy in human Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift: societies: 9-22. American 147-65. ethnological society, Seattle, Annual spring meeting, Proceedings, 1908 Wanderungen im nördlichen Teile 63 pp. von Süd-Neumecklenburg. Globus, 93(1): 7-12. 1958b Kapauku Papuans and their law. Yale University Publications 1908a Ethnographische Mitteilungen in Anthropology No. 54. New über die Kworafi. Anthropologische Haven, Department of Anthropology, Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, Yale University, 294 pp. 38 (3 . Folge 8 . Band): 25-33. 1959/60 The Kapauku Papuans and their 1908b Besteigung des Mount Albert kinship organisation. Oceania, Edward und Besuch des Chirima- 3 0 : 188-205. Stammes durch C.A.W. Monckton. Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, I960 Papuan social structure: Sitzungsberichte, 1907-08: rejoinder to Leach. American anthropologist, : - . 9-11. 6 2 6 9 0 1

Poech, Rudolf 1963 The Kapauku Papuans of west New Guinea..New York, Holt, see Pöch, Rudolf. Rinehart and Winston, vii and 102 pp. Poirier, Jean and Ruysch, W.A. 1955/56 In memoriam Dr. Paul Wirz 1963a Kapauku Papuan economy. Yale (1892-1955). Antiquity and University Publications in survival, 1: 3 1 8 -2 0 . Anthropology No. 67. New Haven, Department of Anthropology, Yale University, 502 pp. Poncetton, Francois (joint author) n.d. see n.d. Portier, A. and Potts, J.W. Poncetton, F. l887 Notes on a trip to New Guinea. Royal society of Queensland, Ponsford, J. and others Brisbane, Proceedings, 1886, 3 : 2-10. 1955 Virus antibodies in New Guinea natives. Australian journal of science, 1 8 (2 ): 64-5. Potts, W.H. 1937 Impressions of the Trobriands. Pacific islands monthly, 7(6): Poole, Jean 39-45. 1942/43 Still further notes on a snake dance of the Baining. Oceania, 1 3 : 224-7. 1937a Dutch New Guinea as it is to-day. Pacific islands monthly 7(8): 25-30. Portier, Andrd and Poncetton, Francois n.d. Decoration ocdanienne (introduction Pound, N. par A. Portier et F. Poncetton). Librairie des arts ddcoratifs. 1944 Post-war native policy for Paris, A. Calavas, 7 PP. and 48 New Guinea. Australian plates. quarterly, 1 6 : 11 3 -5 .

Pouwer, J. Pos, Hugo 1953 Kroniek der aanrakingen met en 1950 The revolt of "Manseren". vestigingen in de onderafdeling American anthropologist, 52: Mimika. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 561-4. Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, No. 4 3 : 40 pp. Pospisil, Leopold 1955? Enkele aspecten van de Mimika- 1956 Law among the Kapauku of cultuur (Nederlands zuidwest Netherlands New Guinea. Ph.D. Nieuw Guinea). 1s-Gravenhage, dissertation for Yale University. Staatsdrukkerij- en New Haven, 512 pp. incl. app. uitgeversbedrijf, 323 pp. and plates.

1955a Losse structuur in Nieuw-Guinea. 1958 Social change and primitive Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, law: consequences of a Papuan Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor legal case. American bevolkingszaken, No. 88: 11 pp. anthropologist, 60: 8 3 2 -7 . 236

1955/56 A masquerade in Mimika. 196 lb Fundamentele factoren en algemene Antiquity and survival, 1: tendenzen in Papoea-culturen. 375-86. Nieuw-Guinea studife’n, 5: 215-32.

1956 Overzicht grondrechten in 1962 De Toegoenese gemeenschap Mimika. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, te Hollandia. Nieuw-Guinea Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor studien, 6 : 343-67. bevolkingszaken, No. 71: 14 pp. Pouwer, J. (joint author) 1957 Het vraagstuk van de kain timoer in het Mejbrat-gebied 1956 see 1956 Galis, K.W. and (Ajamaroe-meren). Nieuw-Guinea Pouwer, J. Studien 1(4): 295-319. Powdermaker, Hortense 1957a De vreemdeling en zijn wereld. 1930/31 Report on research in New Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 5(2): Ireland. Oceania, 1 (3 ): 355-65. 20-5. 1931 Vital statistics of New Ireland, 1957/58 Cargo cults. Oceania, 28: as revealed in genealogies. 247-52. Human biology, 3 (3 ): 351-75.

1958 Radcliffe-Brown's ideas on 1931/32 Mortuary rites in New Ireland joking relationships, tested by (Bismarck Archipelago). Oceania, data from Mimika. Nieuw-Guinea 2 (1 ): 26-43. Studien, 2(1): 11-27. 1932 Feasts in New Ireland: the 1958a Socio-politische structuur in social function of eating. de oostelijke Vogelkop deel I: American anthropologist, 34(2): bestaansmiddelen en sociale 236-47. structuur. Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, 1933 Life in Lesu: the study of a No. Il8 : 72 pp. and 19 pp. app. Melanesian society in New Ireland. London, Williams & Norgate, 352 pp. 1959 Etnografische notities betreffende het Iwoer-gebied (afdeling zuid- Nieuw-Guinea). Nederlands Nieuw- Powell, E. Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor 1936 Primitive contacts in New Guinea. voor bevolkingszaken, No. l4l: Walkabout, 2: 37-8. 31 PP-

1960 Bestaansmiddelen en sociale Powell, Guy structuur in de oostelijke 1953 The Indonesian element in Vogelkop. Nieuw-Guinea studife’n, Melanesian. Polynesian society, 4: 214-34, 309-27. Wellington, Journal, 62: 73-9.

1 9 6 0 a "Loosely structured societies" Powell, H.A. in Netherlands New Guinea. 1952 Cricket in Kiriwina. Listener, Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en 48 (No. 1227): 384-5. volkenkunde, 1 1 6 : 1 0 9 -1 8 .

1957 An analysis of present day 1960b Social structure in the western social structure in the interior of Sarmi (northern Trobriand islands. Ph.D. Netherlands New Guinea): a thesis, University of London, response to a response. 575 PP. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 1 1 6 : 3 6 5 -7 2 . I960 Competitive leadership in Trobriand political organization. 1960c Cultuurverandering en bevolkingspolitiek. Nederlands Royal anthropological institute Nieuw-Guinea, 8(l): 22-4, (2): of Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 90: 118-45. 20-3.

Concerning Powell's unpublished 1961 New Guinea as a field for 1963 Trobriand material (letter). ethnological study. Bijdragen American anthropologist, 65: tot de taal-, land- en 1352. volkenkunde, 117: 1-24.

1961 a Praktische wenken voor etnologisch onderzoek in Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studife'n, 5(l): 10-35. 237

Powell, Wilfred 1904 Der Ursprung der Religion und Kunst (Part l). Globus, 86(20): l8 8 l Observations on New Britain and neighbouring Islands, during 321-7, (2 2 ): 355-63, (23): 375-9, six years' exploration. Royal (24): 388-92. geographical society of Australasia, New South Wales 1905 Der Zauber der Kunst (Part 2). branch, Sydney, Transactions Globus, 87(19): 333-7, (20): and proceedings, 3 : 84-97. 347-50, (22): 380-4, (23): 394- 400, (24): 413-9. 1883 Visits to the eastern and north-eastern coasts of New 1914 Religionen der Naturvölker Guinea. Royal geographical 1910-1913. Archiv für society of Australasia, New Religionswissenschaft, 17: South Wales branch, Sydney, 53 2 -8 1 . Transactions and proceedings, 5: 505-17. 1934 Religionen der Naturvölker 1921- 1932. Archiv für 1884 Powell's Aufenthalt auf Neu- Religionswissenschaft, 31: I3 7 - Guinea. Globus, 45: 327-9. 69.

Powys, David Charles Dixon Preuss, Paul 1958 A teacher's book of social 1912 Paradiesvogeljagd in Neuguinea. studies for standards 3 to 6 . Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 29(47): Brisbane, Jacaranda Press, 793-4, (48):’808-9. 158 pp.

Prey Prager, Erich 1913 Eine Strafexpedition gegen die 1903 Seidenzucht auf Neuporamern. Ulekeit in Nordwest-Bainingen. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 24: 1 6 (5 0 ) (new series): 509. 715-6.

Pratt, A.E. Price, A.V.G. 1906 Two years among New Guinea 1940 Melanotic sarcoma in a native cannibals; a naturalist's of New Britain. Medical journal sojourn among the aborigines of of Australia, 2: 241-2. unexplored New Guinea (with notes and observations by his son Henry Pratt). London, Price, A.V.G. (joint author) Seely & Co. Ltd., 360 pp. incl. 1962/63 see 1962/63 Walsh, R.J. and app. Price, A.V.G.

1907 Strange sights in far-away Price, A.V.G. and Macintosh, N.W.G. Papua. National geographic 1957/58 A note on the fingerprints and magazine, l8: 559-72. ethnic classification of the natives of Hula-village near Preuss, K. T. Port Moresby. Oceania, 2 8 : 204-7. 1897) Künstlerische Darstellungen 1 8 9 8 ) aus Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land in ihrer Bedeutung für die Price, Archibald Grenfell Ethnologie. Zeitschrift für 1963 The western invasions of the Ethnologie, 29: 77-139; 30: Pacific and its continents: a 74-120. study of moving frontiers and changing landscapes 1513-4958. 1898 Ueber einige Ornamente vom Oxford, Clarendon Press, vi and Kalserin-Augusta-Fluss in 236 pp. and plates. Deutsch Neu-Guinea. Internationales Archiv für Priday, Lew Ethnographie, 11: 145-53* 1959 Malaria control may mean a "population explosion": spray 1899 Künstlerische Darstellungen aus teams at work in New Guinea. dem Deutsch-Holländischen Pacific islands monthly, 3 0 (3 ): Grenzgebiet in Neu-Guinea. ■41-3. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 12: 161-85. I960 Chinatown - my Chinatown. But must they lose their tradition, l899a Ethnographisches aus he asks? Pacific islands monthly, Berlinhafen, Kaiser Wilhelmsland 3 1 (2 ): 87, 99. Globus, 76: 127-9. * 1962 There's beauty and history in

89-93. 238 Priestley, H. (joint author) ^uttkamer, W. von 1915 see 1915 Breinl, A. and 1890 Rekognoszierung des Flussbettes Priestley, H. des Margarethenflusses. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 6 : 21-7. Pritchard, E.E. Evans- see Evans-Pritchard, E.E. Puxley, W. Lavallin 1925 Green islands in glittering Pritchard, William Charles seas. London, George Allen and 1911 Papua, a handbook to its Unwin, 316 pp. history, inhabitants, physical features and resources, etc. Pym, L.A. comp, from government records 1958 Oil exploration in Papua - and other sources... with an transportation problems. appendix on the health conditions Walkabout, 24(2): 10-4. of Papua by R.F. Jones. London, Society Prom. Christian Knowledge, 96 pp.

Proudfoot, Leonard I960 Tuberculosis survey in Manus district; patrol report extract. Papua and New Guinea medical journal, 4(l): 3 2 -3 .

Pruemm, K. see PrUmm, K. Quarles van Ufford, J.K.W. PrUmm, K. 1871 lets over von Rosenberg's 1933 Materialnachweise zur zending naar Nieuw-Guinea. völkerkundlichen Beleuchtung Bijdragen tot de taal-, land­ des antiken Mysterienwesens en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch- auf Grund der "Anthropos" IndiS, 1 8 : 47-54. -Aufsätze. Anthropos, 2 8 : 759-76. Quiggin, Alison (Hingston)

Pulle, A. 1912 III. Textiles, in: Cambridge anthropological expedition to 1939/40 De derde Zuid-Nieuw-Guinea- Torres Straits, Report 4: expeditie 1912-1913* 6 3 -9 2 . Cambridge, Cambridge Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", University Press, 6 vols. 4: 2 3 1 -2 . 1942 Haddon: the head hunter. A short sketch of the life of Pullen, R. A.C. Haddon. Cambridge, 1957 Another New Guinea mountain Cambridge University Press, conquered. Walkabout, 2 3 (9 ): 169 PP- 46. 1949 A survey of primitive money: 1957a Mount Wilhelm - highest mountain the beginnings of currency... of Australian territory. with an introduction by A.C. Walkabout, 2 3 (H): 38-44. Haddon. London, Methuen & Co., xxii and 344 pp. and 32 plates Pulsford, Edward 1886 Historical notice of New Guinea. Quiggin, E.C. (ed.) in: British New Guinea, issued 1914 Essays and studies presented by Messrs. Burns, Philp and Co. to William Ridgeway on his 60th Ltd. : 20-8. Sydney, J. Woods and birthday, 6th August 1913- Co. 36 pp. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 656 pp.; see 1914a Pulsford, Edward (compiler) Balfour, H., 1914 Haddon, A.C. 1885 Special record of the proceedings of the Geographical Society of Quinlivan, P.J. Australasia in fitting out and 1954/55 Afek of Telefomin: a fabulous starting the exploratory story from New Guinea, which led expedition to New Guinea; July to a strange tragedy. Oceania, 1885. Royal geographical society 25: 17-22; also Pacific islands of Australasia, Sydney, Special monthly, 1953aw, vols. 24 and 25* volume: 80 pp.

Pusterla, Paula 1955 Market morning at Rabaul, New Britain. Walkabout, 21(9): 3^* 239

Rabl-RUckhard, H. Rand, A.L. 1884 Schädel von der Insel Timor, 1943 Papuans I have known. Natural den Anachoreten-Inseln, aus history: American museum of Neu-Hannover, etc. Berlin. * natural history, Journal, Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. 51(2): 84-94. Anatomisches Museum. Das anthropologische Material des anatomischen Museums, etc. Rand, A.L. and Brass, L. J. (T1.2. Abt.l): 19 pp. in: 1940 Results of the Archbold Archiv für Anthropologie, expeditions. No. 29. Summary vol. 15. of the 1936-37 New Guinea expedition. American museum Radcllffe-Brown, A. R. of n atu ral h isto ry , New York, Bulletin, 77: 341-80. 1929 H isto rical and functional Interpretations of culture in relation to the practical Rand, A.L. (joint author) application of anthropology 1937 see 1937 Archbold, Richard and to the control of native Rand, A.L. peoples. Fourth Pacific science congress 1929, Java, Proceedings, 5 : 537-8. 1940 see 1940 Archbold, Richard and Rand, A.L. 1931 Applied anthropology. Australian and New Zealand asso ciatio n for 1941 see 1941 Archbold, Richard and the advancement of science, Rand, A.L. Report of 20th meeting, Brisbane, 1930, 20: 267-80. Randmae, Georg Rae, Malcolm 1950 Letter from a New Australian doctor in New Guinea. South 1948 R esurrecting medical equipment P acific, 4(10): 192. from New Guinea's jungles. Pacific islands monthly, 18(7): 78-9. Randmae, Georg (jo in t author) 1961 see 1961 Wigley, S.C. and Raffray, Achille Randmae, Georg. 1879 R affray's Reise durch die Molukken und an der Nordküste Ranneft, J.W. Meyer von Neu-Guinea 1876 bis 1877. see Meyer Ranneft, J.W. Globus, 36(9): 129-35, (1 0 ): 145-51, (11): 161-7, (12): 177-83, (13): 193-9. Ranneft, R. Meyer see Meyer Ranneft, R. Rainey, William H. 1948 Papuan pages: an account of a Rannie, Douglas journey made in Papua-New 1889 New Ireland. Royal geographical Guinea in October and November, society of Australasia, 1947. Sydney, Commonwealth Council of the B ritish and Queensland branch, Proceedings Foreign Bible Society and transactions, 1887-88, (A ustralia), 82 pp. 3: 73-91.

1950 New Guinea language problem. 1912 My adventures among South Sea Bible translator, 1(2): 7 8 -85. cannibals: an account of the experiences and adventures of a government official among Rambonnet, F.L. the natives of Oceania. London, 1909 De jongste opvaart der Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd., Mamberamo, 23 Juni-9 Juli 31^ PP- 1909. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Rappard, F.W. Amsterdam, T ijd sc h rift, 26 (2nd s e rie s ): 946-65. 1958 Gebruik van catamarans. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 6(2): 1910 Het w estelijk deel der 10- 3 . Humboldt-baai, noord Nieuw- Guinea. Nederlandsch 1958a Een in teressan te en kostbare aardrijkskundig genootschap, conifeer van Nederlands-Nieuw- Amsterdam, T ijd sc h rift, Guinea. I, II, III. Nederlands 27 (2nd s e rie s ): 353-7. Nieuw-Guinea, 6(4): 14-7, (5): 6-9, (6): 18-2 1 . Ramsey, Alan I960 Gambling: number one New Guinea 1958b Heeft de rotan van Nieuw-Guinea pasttime. Pacific islands toekomst? Nederlands Nieuw- monthly, 3 0 (1 2 ): 84. Guinea, 6(2): 18-21. 240 1959 Krokodillenvangst in Nieuw- Raulet, Harry M. Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 7(6): 10-5. I960 Some ecological determinates of social structure in northwest Melanesia. Ph.D. 1960 Aantekeningen over de ontwikkeling thesis, Columbia University, van de nootmuskaatcultuur van 528 pp. Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea. Nieuw- Guinea studiSn, 4: 55-60. Rausch, J.

1961 De wijze van voorkomen, het 1911 Gottesidee der Eingeborenen gebruik en de cultuur van von Süd-Bougainville (Südsee). Matoa, Poraetia pinnata forst., Anthropos, 6 : 8l4-5. door Papoea's. Nieuw-Guinea studifen, 5(1): 1-9. 1912 Die Sprache von Südost- Bougainville, deutsche Salomoninseln. Anthropos, 7: 1962 Valuable resin from New Guinea conifer. South Pacific commission, 105-34, 585-616, 964-94. Quarterly bulletin, 12(2): 61-2. 1912a Die Verwandtschaftsnamen der Nasioi, Südost-Bougainville, Rapson, A.M. deutsche Salomonsinseln. 1955 Fishery investigations in Papua Anthropos, 7: 1056-7. and New Guinea. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, Ravenswaay-Claasen, J.M. van 5(3): 20, 24. 1946/47 Bijzonderheden en ervaringen uit het Mappi-gebied (zuid 1955/56 Survey of fishing potentialities Nieuw-Guinea). Tijdschrift of the Coral Sea and southern "Nieuw-Guinea", 7: 162-77. and eastern Papua in 1955. Papua and New Guinea agricultural Ravin, J.A. de journal, 10(2 ): 31-42. 1961 Developments in the West New Guinea dispute. Australia's 1959 Fisheries development in Papua neighbours, 3rd series, No. and New Guinea. South Pacific 121-122. commission, Quarterly bulletin, 9(4): 24-6, 62. Rawling, Cecil Godfrey 1962 Better barramundi catches for 1911 Explorations in Dutch New Papuan fishermen. South Pacific Guinea. Geographical journal, commission, Quarterly bulletin, 38: 233-55. 12(1): 46-7. 1913 The land of the New Guinea Rascher, Matthäus pygmies. An account of the 1904 Eine Reise quer durch die story of a pioneer journey Gazelle-Halbinsel (Neupommern). of exploration into the Globus, 85(9): 136-40. heart of New Guinea. London, Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd., 366 pp. 1904a Die Sulka. Ein Beitrag zur Ethnographie von Neu-Pommern. Archiv für Anthropologie, 1 Ray, Sidney Herbert (Neue Folge): 209-35. 1891 Note on the people and languages of New Ireland and Admiralty 1904b Grundregeln der Bainingsprache. Islands. Anthropological Berlin. Universität. Seminar institute of Great Britain and für orientalische Sprachen zu Ireland, London, Journal, 21: Berlin, Mitteilungen, 7: 31-85. 3-13.

1906 Kaiser Wilhelmsland und 1892 On the importance and nature Bismarck-Archipel: Balning, of the Oceanic languages. Royal Land und Leute. Deutsches society of New South Wales, Kolonialblatt, 17: 286-91, Sydney, Journal and 313, 316-20, 345-50, 440-5, proceedings, 26: 51-9. 484-92; for complete work see Mitteilungen der Missionare vom Hl.Herzen Jesu 1909. 1893 The Tugeri-tribe of Netherlands New Guinea. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 6 : 1909 see 1909 Mitteilungen der 55-6. Missionare vom Hl. Herzen Jesu 1909 aus der Deutschen Südsee. l893a The languages of British New Guinea. International congress of orientalists, 9th, London, Transactions, 2: 754-70. 241 1894 Are the Motu of New Guinea 1907 The languages of British New eastern Polynesians? in: A.C. Guinea, in: Cambridge Haddon, The decorative art anthropological expedition to of British New Guinea: a study Torres Straits, Report, 3(3): in Papuan ethnography: 263-6. 284-503. Cambridge University Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Press, 6 vols. Cunningham memoirs No. 10, 279 PP. and plates. 1911 Comparative notes on Maisin and other languages of eastern 1895 The languages of British New Papua. Royal anthropological Guinea. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and institute of Great Britain Ireland, Journal, 4l: 397-405. and Ireland, London, Journal, 24: 15-39. 1911a The Bugotu and Kiwal scriptures: two fragments of history from 1895a Texts in the language of the the South Seas. Bible in the Bismarck Archipelago (Neu- world, 7 : 203-6. Lauenburg and Neu-Pommern). Zeitschrift für afrikanische 1912 Notes on languages in the east und oceanische Sprachen, 1: of Netherlands New Guinea, in: 334-62. A.P. R. Wollaston, Pygmies ancT Papuans; the Stone Age to-day in Dutch New Guinea: 322-45, 1895b A comparative vocabulary of the (App. C). London, Smith, Elder dialects of British New Guinea... and Co., 352. pp. incl. apps. with pref. by R.N. Cust. London, Society Prom. Christian 1912a XVI. Greetings and salutations, Knowledge, 40 pp. in: Cambridge anthropological expedition to Torres Straits, 1896 The common origin of the Oceanic Report, 4: 306-7. Cambridge, languages. Polynesian society, Cambridge University Press, Wellington, Journal, 5: 58-68. 6 vols.

1912b A grammar of the Puyuge language. 1896a Mittheilungen über drei Dialekte (Translated and edited by S.H. der Salomon-Inseln. Zeitschrift Ray from the manuscript of Father für afrikanische und oceanische Egedi.) in: R.W. Williamson, Sprachen, 2: 54-61. The Mafulu, mountain people of British New Guinea: 307-31, 1897 An introductory notice of (App. I). London, Macmillan and Melanesian and New Guinea songs.- Co. Ltd., 364 pp. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1912c A comparative vocabulary of the London, Journal, 26: 436-45. Puyuge, Afoa and Kovio languages. in: R.W. Williamson, The Mafulu, 1899 An account of linguistic results mountain people of British New of the Cambridge expedition to Guinea: 336-44, (App. IV). London, Torres Straits and New Guinea. Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 364 pp. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1912d Notes on the London, Journal, 29: 218-9. spoken about the headwaters of the St. Joseph river, central Papua, in: R.W. Williamson, 1900 The linguistic results of the The Mafulu, mountain people of Cambridge expedition to Torres British New Guinea: 345-52, Straits and New Guinea. British (App. V). London. Macmillan association for the advancement and Co. Ltd., 364 pp. of science, Report of the 69th meeting, 1899: 589-90. 1912e see 1912 Wollaston, A.F.R. 1902 The languages of north east New Guinea. Man, 2: 189-92. 1913/14 The languages of the Papuan Gulf District, Papua. 1903 see 1903a Chalmers, James. Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen, 4: 20-67. 1904 Vergleichendes Vocabularium einer Anzahl Sprachen von Neu- 1919 The languages of northern Guinea, zusammengestellt von Papua. Royal anthropological S.H. Ray. in: J.D.E. Schmeltz, institute of Great Britain and Beiträge zur Ethnographie von Ireland, Journal, 49: 317-41. Neu-Guinea. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 16: 241. 1919a The Melanesian possessives and a study in method. American anthropologist, 21: 347-60. 242

1919/20 The Polynesian languages In Ray, Sidney Herbert and Haddon, Alfred Cort Melanesia, with notes on the neighbouring Melanesian 1893 A study of the languages of languages. Anthropos, 14-15: Torres Straits, with vocabularies 46-96. and grammatical notes. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Reprint from proceedings, 1 891» 3rd 1923 The past, present and future series, 2(4) (pt. 1 ): 463-616. study of the languages of Pacific islanders. Second Pan-Pacific science congress 1 9 2 3 , Ray, Sidney Herbert (joint author) Australia, Proceedings, 1: 1898 see 1898 Chalmers, James and 209-19. Ray, Sidney Herbert.

1923a The languages of the Western Division of Papua. Royal 1918 see 1918 Murray, John Hubert anthropological institute of Plunkett and Ray, Sidney Herbert. Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 53: 332-60. 1924 see 1924 Riley, Edward Baxter and Ray, Sidney Herbert. 1926 A comparative study of the Melanesian island languages. 1930) see 1930» 1931 Riley, Edward Cambridge, Cambridge University 1931) Baxter and Ray, Sidney Herbert. Press, published for the University of Melbourne in association with the M.U.P., Read, G.M. 598 pp. 1944 Workers of Manam. Walkabout, 1 0 (8 ): 13-6 . 1927 The gospel for Tamate's people. Bible in the world, 2 3 : 5 3 -6 . 1945 Tripping and trading on the Sepik river. Walkabout, 11(4): 1927a The Papuan languages, in: 11-5. Festschrift Meinhof, Sprachwissenschaftliche und 1945a New Guinea hairstyles. andere Studien: 377-85. Walkabout, 11(6): 30-2. Hamburg L. Friederichsen & Co., 514 pp. Read, K.E.

1928 The non-melanesian languages of 1946/47 Social organisation in the the Solomon islands, ln: Markham Valley, New Guinea. W. Köppers (ed. ), Festschrift, Oceania, 17(2): 93-118. Publication d'hommage Offerte au P.W. Schmidt: 1 2 3 -6 . Wien, 1947/48 Effects of the Pacific war in Mechitharis ten-Congregations- the Markham Valley. Oceania, Buchdruckerei, 977 pp. 18(2): 95-116.

1929 The languages of the Central 1949 Notes on some problems of Division of Papua. Royal political confederation. anthropological institute of South Pacific, 3(12): 229-34; Great Britain and Ireland, 4(1): 5-10. Journal, 59: 65-96.

1949/50 The political system of the 1931 see 1931 Riley, Edward Baxter. Ngarawapum. Oceania, 20(3): 185-2 2 3 . 1932 A grammar of the Kiwai language, Fly delta, Papua... with a 1951 The Gahuku-Gama of the central Kiwai vocabulary by E. Baxter highlands. South Pacific, 5(8): Riley. Port Moresby, Government 154-64. Printer, 173 pp.

1951a Developmental projects in the 1937-39 The languages of the eastern central highlands of New Guinea. Louisiade Archipelago. London. University. School of oriental South Pacific, 5(10): 202-7. studies, Bulletin, 9: 3 6 3 -8 4 . 1952 Missionary activities and social change in the central highlands. 1938 The languages of the Eastern and South Pacific, 5(11): 2 2 9 -3 8 . South-eastern Divisions of Papua. Royal anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1952a Land in the central highlands. Journal, 6 8 : 153-208. South Pacific, 6(7): 440-9,

1952/53 Nama cult of the central highlands, New Guinea. Oceania, 2 3 (1 ): 1-25. 243 1954 Marriage among the Gahuku-Gama 1911 Ethnographische Beoabchtungen of the eastern central highlands, am Kaiserin-Augusta-Fluss. New Guinea. South Pacific, Deutsche Gesellschaft für 7 (1 0 ): 864-70. Anthropologie, Ethnologie, und Urgeschichte. Korrespondenzblatt. Munich, 42: 123-7; also 1954a Cultures of the central highlands, Anthropologische Gesellschaft New Guinea. Southwestern journal in Wien, Mitteilungen, of anthropology, 1 0 (1 ): 1-45; Sitzungsberichte, 1911 - 12: reprinted in part in South 69-74. Pacific, 7(9): 840-52. 1913 Der Kaiserin-Augusta-Pluss. 1954/55 Morality and the concept of Hamburg, L. Friederichsen & Co., person among the Gahuku-Gama, 488 pp. eastern highlands, N.G. Oceania, 25: 233-82. 1914 Dampier's Route längs der Nordküste von Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. 1958 A "Cargo" situation in the Petermanns Geographische Markham valley, New Guinea. Mitteilungen, 60(11): 223-5. Southwestern journal of anthropology, 14: 273-94. 1918 Abel Janszoon Tasmans Reise längs der Küste von Kaiser- 1959 Leadership and consensus in a Wilhelmsland im Jahre 1643. New Guinea society. American Geographische Gesellschaft anthropologist, 6 l : 425-36. Hamburg, Mitteilungen, 3 1 : 185-203. Read, W. J. 1954 Nova Britannia, in: Georg 1 9 3 1 /3 2 A snake dance of the Baining. Thilenlus (ed. ),""Ergebnisse Oceania, 2: 2 3 2 -3 6 . der SUdsee-Expedition 1 908- 1910, II. A. Band 4, 1. Reay, Marie Teilband: 150 pp. und 20 Tafeln. Hamburg, Ludwig Appel, 1953/54 Social control amongst the 13 vols. in 19. Orokaiva. Oceania, 24: 110-8.

Redlich, Edwin 1957 The sweet witchcraft of Kuma dream experience. Ninth Pacific 1874 Notes on the western islands of science congress 1957, Thailand, the Pacific Ocean and New Symposium papers, 7 PP.; also Guinea. Royal geographical Mankind, 1962, 5: 459-63. society, London, Journal, 44: 30-7. 1957a The Kuma: a study of tradition, freedom and conformity among Redmond, L.G. a New Guinea people. Ph.D. thesis, Australian National 1952 The possibilities for hydroelectric University, i-x and 503 pp. development in New Guinea. Papua and New Guinea scientific society, Annual report and proceedings 1958/59 Two kinds of ritual conflict. for 1952: 37-41. Oceania, 29(4): 290-6. Reed, Stephen Winsor 1959 The Kuma: freedom and conformity 1943 The making of modern New Guinea; in the New Guinea highlands. with special reference to Melbourne University Press on culture contact in the Mandated behalf of the Australian National Territory. American philosophical University, xvi and 222 pp. society, Philadelphia, Memoirs, 1942, l8 : xix and 326 pp. 1959a Individual ownership and transfer of land among the Reed, Stephen Winsor (joint author) Kuma. Man, 59: 7 8 -8 2 . 1938/39 see 1938/39 Whiting, J.W.M. and Reed, S.W. 1960/61 "Mushroom madness" in the New Guinea highlands. Oceania, Rees, A.L.A. van 31: 137-9. 1956) Veeteeltmogelijkheden. 1962 see 1957 Reay, Marie. 1 9 5 9 ) Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 4(1): 1 0 -2 ; 7(l): 12-4.

Reay, Marie (ed. ) Refshauge, J. J. 1958/59 see 1958/59 Wedgwood, Camilla H. I960 Picture story of Saiho. Journal of the public service of the Territory of Papua Reche, Otto and New Guinea, 2: 19-22. 1910 Eine Bereisung des Kaiserin- Augusta-Flusses (Neuguinea). Globus, 97(18): 285-6. 244 Rei, Anthony 1913 SUdsee-Handbuch. III. Teil: Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land. Berlin, I960 A native burial custom. Journal E.S. Mittler & Sohn, 125 PP- of the public service of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 2: l4l. Reichstein, R. (joint author) 1961 see 1961 Hinderling, P. and Reiber, Josef Reichstein, R. 1908 Der Ackerbau in Neuguinea und auf den angrenzenden Inseln. Reid, Lucy (Hamilton) Anthropos, 3 : 234-8. I960 An experiment to observe the effect of eating substances Reiber, Josef (edited by S. Richarz) called ereriba leaves and agara 1910 Eine geologische Expedition bark.■Papua and New Guinea in das Torricelligebirge scientific society, Transactions (Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land). for I960, 1: 16-8. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 56: 78-80, 1961 see 1961 Gajdusek, D. Carleton 132-5. and Reid, Lucy (Hamilton).

I9IO/II Kinderspiele in Deutsch Reid, Lucy (Hamilton) and Wilson, W. Neuguinea. Baessler-Archiv, 1(6): 227-56. 1957 Dietary survey in Malaguna village, Rabaul. South Pacific, 9(3): 400-6. 1942 see Höltker, Georg (ed.) Reilly, J. Reichard, Gladys Amanda 1950 Technical training in relation to native education. South 1933 Melanesian design: a study of Pacific, 4(8): 136-41. style in wood and tortoiseshell carving. New York, Columbia University Press, 2 vols., Reinecke, F. 172 pp., 14 pp. and 151 plates. 1896 Anthropologische Aufnahmen und Untersuchungen, ausgefUhrt auf Reichs-Kolonialamt den Samoa-Inseln 1894-1895 für die Königliche Akademie der I89O- Die deutschen Schutzgebiete Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1914 in Afrika und der Südsee. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 28: Amtliche Jahresberichte, 101-45. 14 vols.

1911 Deutsch-Neu-Guinea (altes Reisenberg, Saul H. Schutzgebiet: Bismarck-Archipel, 1959 A New Guinea canoe prow found Salomons-Inseln und Kaiser- in the . Wilhelmsland). in: Die Polynesian society, Wellington, deutschen Schutzgebiete in Journal, 68: 45-6. Afrika und der SUdsee. Amtliche Jahresberichte 1909-10: 161-78. Reitano, F.V. 1912 Deutsch-Neu-Guinea (altes 1951 In defence of Sir Hubert Murray. Schutzgebiet: Bismarck-Archipel, South Pacific, 5(1): 14-5. Salomons-Inseln und Kaiser- Wilhelmsland). in: Die Reizenstein, M.E. deutschen Schutzgebiete in 1959 The comparative linguistics of Afrika und der Südsee. Oceanic languages: a review of Amtliche Jahresberichte 19IO-II: work done. Te Reo, 2: 6-14. 152-69. 1960 Problems of reconstruction in 1913 Deutsch-Neu-Guinea. in: Die the Austronesian languages. deutschen Schutzgebiete in Te Reo, 3 : 32-43. Afrika und der SUdsee. Amtliche Jahresberichte 1911-12: 146-71. Renselaar, H.C. van 1914 Deutsch-Neu-Guinea. in: Die 1956 Asmat, art from southwest New deutschen Schutzgebiete in Guinea. Royal tropical institute Afrika und der Südsee. Amtliche No. 121; Department of cultural Jahresberichte 1912-13: 170-95. and physical anthropology No. 55. Amsterdam, N.V. Drukkerij Sigfried, text and 51 photos. Reichs-Marine-Amt

1912 Südsee-Handbuch. II. Teil: Rentoul, Alex C. Der Bismarck-Archipel. Berlin, E.S. Mittler & Sohn, 254 pp. 1922 Houses - Gulf Division, in: W.E. Armstrong, Territory of Papua, Anthropology Report No. 2 (pt. 2): 66-9. 245

1925 Report of Western Division. 1962a Shifting cultivation in the Papua. Annual report for 1 9 2 3 - Star Mountains area. Nova Guinea, 24: 1 6 -8 . No. 3 : 45-73-

1925a Vocabularies of the Umaidai Reynolds, J. and Wariadai tribes in the Western Division. Papua. Annual 1953 The Dutch New Guinea border. report for 1923-24: 55-6, (Apps. Australian outlook, 7(2): II, III). 129-31; also South Pacific, 7: 659-60. 1926 Vocabulary of words obtained from a native of the Dibiasu Reynolds, V. tribe (Western Division). 1958 A Trobriand Medusa? Man, 5 8 : Papua. Annual report for 1924- 116. 25: 74, (App. B). Rhodes, F. 1 926a Vocabulary of people in Koumak and Jiminakana villages, middle [1937] Pageant of the Pacific: being Fly (Western Division). Papua. the maritime history of Annual report for 1924-25: Australasia (with a foreword 76-7, (Apps. E,F); also: 17-8. by F. Watson). Sydney, F. J. Thwaites (Pty.) Ltd., 2 vols., 411, 478 pp. 1926b Vocabulary of Moi-e tribe in Melis, Gembebi and Mir villages Rhodes, H.N. (Western Division). Papua. Annual report for 1924-25: 1963 Hydro electric power as a factor 77, (App. G). in the development of Papua and New Guinea. Papua and New Guinea scientific society, 1926c Vocabulary of Kebanagara tribe Annual report and proceedings in Suki, lame, Bagibu villages for 1963: 36-52. (Western Division). Papua. Annual report for 1924-25: 78-9, (App. H). Rhodes, Roberta M. 1950 Even prices at the Bung are 1928 Report on North-eastern Division going up and up. Pacific (a) Cape Nelson. Papua. Annual islands monthly, 2 1 (3 ): 6 9 . report for 1926-27 : 48-50. 1951 The remote and gracious Fead 1931 Physiological paternity and Islands. Pacific islands monthly, the Trobrianders. Man, 3 1 : 21(12): 117. 152-4. Rhys, Lloyd 1932 Papuans, professors and 1942 High lights and flights in New platitudes. Man, 32: 274-6. Guinea, being in the main an account of the discovery and development of the Morobe gold­ Reschke, Heinz fields. London, Hodder and 1935 Linguistische Untersuchung der Stoughton, 253 PP. Mythologie und Initiation in Neuguinea. Anthropos-ethnologische 1947 Jungle Pimpernel: the story Bibliothek, vol. 3(5). Münster of a district-officer in central i.W., Aschendorff, 167 PP. Netherlands New Guinea. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 239 pp. 1938 Die Initiationsriten der Kiwai- Papua. Internationales Archiv Ribbe, C. für Ethnographie, 35: 23-40. 1894 Reise nach Bougainville Reynders J. J. (Salomonen). Globus, 6 6 : 133-6. 1960 Voorlopige mededeling van het agrogeologisch onderzoek in het Sterrengebergte. Nederlandsch Rich, M. aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1938 Stone discs in Trobrlands. Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 77 (2nd Papua. Annual report for 1936- series): 162-5 . 37: 35.

1961 Volksverhalen uit het Ajamaroese. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 9(6): Richards, Guy 18-9. 1931 Trails and tribulations of Bougainville. Natural history: 1962 Aardrijkskunde uit de lucht; American museum of natural luchtfoto-analyse van een gebied history, Journal, 3 1 : 207-16. aan de Boven-Digoel. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Richards, T.H. Hatton- Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 79 (2nd series): 36O-3 . see Hatton-Richards, T. H. 246

Richardson, Penelope 1946 Rattan cuirasses and gourd 1962 Regional information: a survey penis-cases in New Guinea. of research in the Territory of Man, 46: 31-6. Papua and New Guinea. Australian national university. New Guinea 1946a Baigona and Figona. Man, research unit (Research school 46: 7 1 -2 . of Pacific studies), 19 pp. processed. 1946-49 The swing in Melanesia and some 1963 Regional information: current other regions. Anthropos, field research in the Territory 41-44: 737-56. of Papua and New Guinea. Australian national university. 1947 Who are the Betel-people? New Guinea research unit Internationales Archiv für (Research school of Pacific Ethnographie, 45: 157-215. studies), 19 pp. processed.

Richarz, S. (from notes by Reiber) 1950 The megalithic culture of Melanesia. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1907 Vorläufiger Bericht Uber 736 PP. geologische Untersuchungen in Kaiser-Wilhe1ms-Land. Petermanns Geographische 1950a The racial characteristics of Mitteilungen, 53: 285-6. the early 'Polynesians' in Melanesia. Man, 50: 25-8. Rickard, R.H. 1891 The New Britain currency, or 1950b Some probable Bronze Age shell-money. Royal society of influences in Melanesian Victoria, Proceedings, 1890, culture. Far eastern 3 (new series): 46-52. quarterly, 9 (3 ): 2 2 6 -3 0 .

l891a The Dukduk association of New 1951 Tobacco in New Guinea and the Britain. Royal society of other areas of Melanesia. Victoria, Proceedings, 1890, Royal anthropological institute 3 (new series): 7 0 -6 . of Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 8 l : 69-102. Rickard, T.A. 1952 Was there a palaeolithic period 1932 The knowledge and use of iron in Melanesia? Anthropos, 47: among the South Sea islanders. 405-46. Royal anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 62: 1-22. 1955 Prehistoric stone objects from New Britain. Man, 55: 58-9. Rieckmann, K.H. and others 1 9 6 0 /6 1 Blood groups and haemoglobin 1955a Bronze Age influence in the values in the Telefolmln area, Pacific. Internationales Archiv New Guinea. Oceania, 3 1 : 296- für Ethnographie, 47: 2 1 5 -5 5 . 304. 1956 On the relationship between the "Mt. Hagen" and "Masim" axes Riedel, J.G.P. of New Guinea. Wiener Schule 1884 Ableitung des Wortes Papua. der Völkerkunde, Festschrift Berliner Gesellschaft für (1929-1954): 473-5. Horn - Wien, Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Verlag Ferdinand Berger, 568 pp. Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 428. in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. 16. Riley, Edward Baxter 1923 Dorro head-hunters. Man, 23: Riemschneider, L. Harslem-, 33-5. see Harslem-Riemschneider, L. 1923a Sago-making on the Fly River. Man, 23: 145-6. Rienits, K.G. and McArthur, Margaret 1950 Biochemical report, in: Report 1925 Among Papuan headhunters: an of the New Guinea Nutrition account of the manners and Survey Expedition, 1947 (Part 7): customs of the old Fly River 201-15. Sydney, Government headhunters, with a description Printer, 308 pp. of the secrets of the initiation ceremonies divulged by those Riesenfeld, Alphonse who have passed through all the different orders of the craft. 1939 Fruchtbarkeitsriten in Melanesien. London, Seeley, Service & Co., Internationales Archiv für 316 pp. Ethnographie, 37: 1-30. 247

1931 Some myths of origin from the 1915 Melanesian gerontocracy. Man, Fly river, New Guinea. Told 15: 145-7. and written by natives of Klwal, translated by E.B. Riley, introduction and notes by S.H. 1915a Sun cult and megaliths in Ray. Anthropologische Gesellschaft Oceania. American in Wien, Mitteilungen, 61: 323-30. anthropologist, 17: 431-45.

1932 A vocabulary of Kiwai and 1917 New Britain and New Ireland, English, in: S.H. Ray, A in: James Hastings (ed.), grammar oT~the Kiwai language, Encyclopaedia of religion and Fly delta, Papua: 77-173. ethics, vol. 9: 336-8. Port Moresby, Government Edinburgh, T. and T. Clark, Printer, 173 PP. 13 vols.

Riley, Edward Baxter and Ray, Sidney Herbert 1920 The concept of "Soul-substance" 1924 Kiwai seasons. Man, 24: 73-5. in New Guinea and Melanesia. Folk-lore, 31: 48-69.

1930 Sixteen vocabularies from the 1924 Medicine, magic and religion: 1931 Fly river, Papua. Introduction the FitzPatrick lectures and notes by S.H. Ray. delivered before the Royal Anthropos, 25: 173-94, 832-50; College of Physicians of 26: 171- 92. London in 1915 and 1916... with a preface by G. Elliot Riley, Smith. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, viii and 147 pp. 1927 Clearing the Pacific. Royal australian historical society, Journal and proceedings, Rivers, William Halse Rivers and Haddon, 13(5): 257-73- Alfred Cort 1902 A method of recording string Riley, Olive Lasette figures and tricks. Man, 2: 146-53- 1955 Masks and magic. London, Thames and Hudson, 122 pp. incl. 52 plates. Rivers, William Halse Rivers (joint author) 1904 see 1904 Haddon, Alfred Cort and Rivers, William Halse Rivers. Ripley. Dillon 1942 Trail of the money bird; 30,000 miles of adventure with a Rivers, William Halse Rivers and others naturalist. New York, Harper 1900 Contributions to comparative and Bros., 3O6 pp.; 1947 London, psychology from Torres Straits Longmans, Green and Co., 336 pp. and New Guinea. British association for the advancement Ritter, of science, Report of the 69th meeting, 1&99: ,586-9. 1945 Die Schlange in der Religion der Melanesier. Acta tropica, Supplementum 3. Basel, Verlag 1901-03 Physiology and psychology, in: für Recht und Gesellschaft Cambridge anthropological A. G. , 128 pp. expedition to Torres Straits, Report, 2: 223. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, Rivers George Pitt­ 6 vols. see Pitt-Rivers, George. Rivers, William Halse Rivers and others (eds. ) Rivers. William Halse Rivers 1907 Anthropological essays presented 1908 VII. The regulation of marriage. to Edward Burnett Tylor, in in: Cambridge anthropological honour of his 75th birthday, expedition to the Torres October 2, 1907. Oxford, Straits, Report, 6 : 120-5. Clarendon Press, 4l6 pp. see Cambridge, Cambridge University 1907 Seligman, C.G. and Press, 6 vols. Joyce, T.A.

1912 Island-names In Melanesia. Rivet, Paul and others Geographical journal, 39: 458-68. 1951 see 1951 Rousseau, Madeleine (ed.)

1913 The bow in New Ireland. Man, Robartson, F. 13: 54. 1931 This fascinating "pidgin": its origin and how it works. 1914 The history of Melanesian Pacific islands monthly. 2(3): society. Cambridge, Cambridge 10. University Press, 2 vols., 400, 6l0 pp. 248

Robartson, F. Roberts, B. 1932 Tobacco-growing in the 1958 Extension education and Territory of New Guinea. information services. South Pacific islands monthly, 2(12): Pacific, 10: 22-9. 3-4, 41-2. Roberts, Stephen H. Robbins, R. G. 1927 Population problems of the I960 Comments in general discussion. Pacific. London, G. Routledge UNESCO Symposium on the impact and Sons Ltd., xx and 411 pp. of man on humid tropics vegetation. Comments made in the general discussion following the section 1928 Racial and labour problems. titled: The effects of shifting in: F.W. Eggleston (ed.), The cultivation on the vegetation Australian mandate for New of the humid tropics. General Guinea: 74-84. Melbourne, discussion. Goroka, Territory Macmillan and Co. Ltd., in association with M. U.P. of Papua and New Guinea: 256-47. Pacific Relations series No. 2, Sponsored by the Administration 149 PP. of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea and UNESCO Science Co-operation Office for South Robertson, E. Graeme (joint author) East Asia. Canberra, Government 1959 see 1959 Fowler, Malcolm and Printer, 402 pp. Robertson, E. Graeme.

1960a The anthropogenic grasslands Robertson, Pat of Papua and New Guinea. Paper 1959 They're the nouveau riche. delivered at the UNESCO Symposium Pacific islands monthly, 30(5): on the impact of man on humid 45. tropics vegetation. Goroka, Territory of Papua and New Guinea: 31 3 -2 9 . Sponsored by Robid£ van der AA, Pieter Jan Batist Carel the Administration of the 1879 Reizen naar Nederlandsch Nieuw- Territory of Papua and New Guinea, ondernomen op last der Guinea and UNESCO Science Co­ regeering van Nederlandsch-Indife', operation Office for South in de jaren 1871, 1872, 1875-1876, East Asia. Canberra, Government door de heeren P. van der Crab Printer, 402 pp. en J.E. Teysmann, J.G. Coorengel en A.J. Langeveldt van Hemert en P. Swaan, met geschied- en 1960b Comments in general discussion. aardrijkskundige toelichtingen. UNESCO Symposium on the impact 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, of man on humid tropics vegetation. Comments made in 480 pp. the general discussion following the section titled: Social and 1882 De uitbreiding van het economic aspects of the effects Nederlandsch gebied in den of early man^s action on the Indischen Archipel sedert vegetation of the humid tropics. l8l6. Indische gids, 4(1): General discussion. Goroka, 131-57. Territory of Papua and New Guinea: 394-400. Sponsored by 1884 Krakatau - Nieuw-Guinea. the Administration of the Indische gids, 6(1) : 676-82. Territory of Papua and New Guinea and UNESCO Science Co-operation Office for South East Asia. 1885 Reizen van D.F. van Braam Canberra, Government Printer, Morris naar de noordkust van 402 pp. Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea. Eerste vaart op de Amberno- 1965 Correlations of plant patterns of Rochussen-rivier. Bijdragen and population migration into tot de taal-, land- en the Australian New Guinea volkenkunde, 34 (vierde highlands. Tenth Pacific science volgreeks, tiende deel): 73-114. congress 1961, Honolulu, Symposium papers; reprinted in: 1885a De verhouding der Papoes en J. Barrau (ed.), Plants and MelanesiSrs tot het Maleisch- the migrations of Pacific Polinesische ras. Nederlandsch peoples: 45-59. Honolulu, aardrijkskundig genootschap, Bishop museum press, 136 pp. Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 2 (2nd series), Bijblad (l): 225-45. Roberts, A.A. Robinson I960 Village women's clubs in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific 1904 Dwarfs in British New Guinea. commission, Quarterly bulletin, Internationales Archiv für 10(2): 27, 5 8 . Ethnographie, 16: 244-6. 249 Robinson, Marguerite S. 1942a Allied air forces smash Japanese in New Guinea and in 1962 Complementary filiation and Solomons. Pacific islands marriage in the Trobriand monthly, 13(4): 10-1 . islands: a re-examination of Malinowski's material, in : Meyer Fortes (ed. ), Marriage 1943 Politicians' reluctant statements. in tribal societies: 121-5 5 . Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (6 ): Cambridge papers in Social 8-9. Anthropology, No. 3 . Department of Archeology and Anthropology. 1 943a Anniversary of Rabaul. Pacific Cambridge, Cambridge University islands monthly, 1 3 (7 ): 14-6. Press, 157 pp. 1943b Now two Pacific "areas". Robson, Eric J. Pacific islands monthly, 1 3 (H): 1946 Inside story of AIB. Pacific 5. islands monthly, 1 6 (7 ): 48-9. 1943c Battle for Salamaua. Pacific Robson, R.W. islands monthly, 14(1): 11. 1932 "Sick Papua". Pacific islands monthly, 2 (1 2 ): 1 1 . 1943d Fine career of H.W. Champion. Pacific islands monthly, 14(4): 1952a "Tropicalia" and other things 10. in New Guinea and Papua. Pacific islands monthly, 3(1): 1947 South Pacific regional commission. 3-4. Pacific islands monthly, 17(8): 8. 1952b The rival claims of Salamaua and Lae to be port of N. G. goldfields. Pacific islands 1950 The Indonesians demand Dutch New Guinea. Australia's monthly, 5 (2 ) : 9 -1 1 . diplomatic headache, and a new menace to South Pacific security. 1932c The end of historic Bita Paka. Pacific islands monthly, 20(6) : 11 Pacific islands monthly, 3(2): 18. 1950a Another unrealistic attack on New Guinea's native labour 1952d Bill creating council for New problems: new ordinance published Guinea is passed - an uproarious to operate from beginning of scene. Pacific islands monthly, year. Pacific islands monthly, 3 (4 ): 3 6 -8 . 2 1 (3 ): 1 3 , 10 5 -6 .

1954 Undiscovered New Guinea, with 1950b Still in the grip of the the Mt. Hagen patrol. Walkabout, planners: the sorry plight 1 (1 ): 16-29. of Australia's great tropical dominion. Pacific islands monthly, 21(4): 1 9 , 101-5. 1954a Exploration in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 4(ll): 17-8. 1950c Vast new country seen in central New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 21(4): 55. 1954b Adventuring with death and Deckert. Pacific islands monthly, 5(5): 8 -1 0 , 14. 1950d Roads to the interior of New Guinea: how a new bridge over 1955 Central New Guinea gives up its Markham will be used. Pacific secrets. Pacific islands monthly, islands monthly, 21(4) : 67-8. 6 (1 ): 7, 74-5. 1950e New Guinea's new highland labour: some big employers 1956 An axe-head. Pacific islands are critical. Pacific islands monthly, 6 (6 ): 1 6 . monthly, 21(4) : 7 7 , 7 9 .

1958 The romance of the Bulolo. 1950f Life was never dull for the Pacific islands monthly, 9(5): Leahy brothers. Pacific islands 54-7. monthly, 21(5): 56-7, 69-72.

1941 Native degeneracy causes alarm 1951 "Not even scratching the ground." in New Guinea. Pacific islands Problem of native education in monthly, 1 2 (2 ): 51-4. Papua-New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 21(7): 69-73- 1942 Japan's re>al position in New Guinea area. Pacific islands monthly, 12(9): 9-10. 1951a This is Australia's new dominion. Pacific islands monthly, 21(8): 56-7, 8 I-3 . 250

1952 What comes next In New Guinea? 1958 Seeking the truth of the Tolai Pacific islands monthly, 23(1): shootings: the High Court sits 4 3 -5 , 47-9, 8 3 . in a New Britain kunai shack. Pacific islands monthly, 29(3): 1953 Why not keep the Administration 17-8, 150. School in New Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 24(1): 3 6 . 1958a Trees are returning to the New Guinea highlands. Pacific islands monthly, 29(4): 75. 1 9 5 3 a We saw water - but no rice. Pacific islands monthly, 24(2): 73-4. 1959 Those stubborn Tolais.' Unanswered queries in the Rabaul district. Pacific islands monthly, 29(12): 1953t Prom notes made in New Guinea: 27-8. untapped timber wealth; how Lae was born. Pacific islands monthly, 24(3): 53-60. I960 More light on the sacrifice of civilians in Rabaul in 1942: and who were the guilty men? 1954 New Guinea progress is shackled Pacific islands monthly, 3 1 (1 ): by Canberra. Pacific islands 73-5. monthly, 25(2): 13-4. 1962 How old-timer "Mick" Leahy 1954a From notes made in central demonstrates farming and fights highlands, N.G. Pacific islands bureaucracy. Pacific islands monthly, 2 5 (3 ): 27-31, 129-30. monthly, 3 2 (1 2 ): 6 1 -5 .

1954b New Guinea meat industry - 1963 Challenge to land titles could pasture as important as breeding. rock New Guinea economy. Pacific islands monthly, 25(3) : Pacific islands monthly, 3 3 (H): 11-2.

1954c Papua-New Guinea land-settlement 1963a Controversial bill on discrim­ policy is inadequate: described ination introduced in P-NG. as narrow, rigid and unrealistic: Pacific islands monthly, 3 3 (1 2 ): a survey. Pacific islands 55-7. monthly, 25(4): 21, 2 3 , 129-33- 1963h N.G. drinking has created, not 1954d Education headaches in New abolished, segregation. Pacific Guinea: promising experiments islands monthly, 3 3 (1 2 ): 6 1 -7 0 . among Tolais. Pacific islands monthly, 25(4): 67, 69. Robson, R.W. (compiler and editor) 1959 Pacific Islands Year Book. 1954e 'Europeanisation' in the N.G. Sydney, Pacific Publications highlands. Pacific islands Pty. Ltd., 479 PP. (8 th monthly, 25(4) : 151. edition); 1st edition 1 9 3 2 .

1957 Reflections on the Markham bridge. Robson, R (compiler) and Tudor, Judy Pacific islands monthly, 27(6): (editor 28-9. 1961 Handbook of Papua and New Guinea. Sydney, Pacific Publications 1957a This phenomenal boom in Papua Pty. Ltd., 3O6 pp. (3rd edition); and New Guinea: energy and 1st edition 1954. money - but thrust in the wrong direction. Pacific islands Robson, William monthly, 27(7): 65-71. [1911?] James Chalmers: missionary and explorer of Rarotonga and New 1957b Cattle raising on an impressive Guinea. London, S.W. Partridge scale: a new industry for & Co., 176 pp. (new edition). Papua-New Guinea? Pacific islands monthly, 27(7): 121-7. 1933 James Chalmers of New Guinea. London, Pickering & Inglis, 1957c Hainantu: gold in the creeks and 191 PP- coffee on the hillsides; New Guinea's new boom town. Pacific Rochas, Victor de islands monthly, 2 8 (1 ): 1 3 7 -9 . l86l Naufrage et scenes d'anthrop- ophagie ä l'lle Rossel dans 1957d Canberra's treatment of New l'archipel de la Louisiade Guinea's mixed race community: (M£lan£sie). Tour du monde, 1: new status for Chinese - nothing 130-4; 2: 81-94. for the Euronesians. Pacific islands monthly, 2 8 (3 ): 5 3 -8 . 251

Rochemont, E.J. de Roemer, L. S.A. M. von 1908 Bizonder verslag. in: De see Römer, L.S.A. M. von zuidwest Nieuw-Guinea-Expeditie 1904/05: 189-327. Leiden, E.J. Roes, A.G. Brill, 677 PP. I960 De gezondheidszorg in Nederlands- Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw- Röder, Josef Guinea, 8(2): 14-5, (3): 14-7, 1938 Felsbildforschung auf West- (4): 16-7. Neuguinea. Paideuma, 1(2): 75-88. Roesicke, A. 1914 Mitteilungen über ethnographische 1938/39 Praehistorische onderzoekingen Ergebnisse der Kaiserin Augusta- in de MacCluer-Golf (Nederl. Fluss Expedition. Zeitschrift west N.-Guinea). Tijdschrift für Ethnologie, 46: 507-22. "Nieuw-Guinea", 3 : 531-^0. Roest, J.L.D. van der 1939 Rock-pictures and prehistoric times in Dutch New Guinea. 1898 Uit het leven der bevolking van Windessi. Tijdschrift voor Man, 39: 175-8. Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 40: 150-77. 1939/40 Kota's in west Nieuw-Guinea (MacCluer-Golf). Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 4: 1-10, 75-82. Roheim, Geza 1929 Dying gods -and puberty ceremonies. 1940 Ergebnisse einer Probegrabung Royal anthropological institute in der Höhle Dudumunir auf of Great Britain and Ireland, Arguni, MacCluer-Golf (Nieder­ Journal, 59: 181-97. ländisch Neuguinea). Nova Guinea, 4 (new series): 1-10. 1932 Psycho-analysis of primitive cultural types. International 1940a Geister der Vergangenheit: auf journal of psycho-analysis, 13: Felgbildfahrt in Neuguinea. 1-224. Nova Guinea, 4 (new series): 31-108. 1937 Death and mourning ceremonies at Normanby island. Man, 37: 1955/56 The rockpaintings of the 49-50, 184. MacCluer-Bay (western New Guinea). Antiquity and survival, 1 : 387-400. 1940 Professional beauties of Normanby Island. American anthropologist, 42: 657-61. 1959 Felsbilder und Vorgeschichte des MacCluer-Golfes West- Neuguinea. Darmstadt, L.C. 1941 Play analysis with Normanby Wittich, 162 pp. incl. plates. island children. American journal of orthopsychiatry, 11: 524-9. Rodgers, Gien Morris 1958 Official English maritime 1943 Children's games and rhymes in exploration 1660-1780: a study Duau (Normanby island). of the beginnings of scientific American anthropologist, 45: explorations. Ph.D. thesis, 99-119. University of Texas, 334 pp. 1945 War, crime and the covenant. Rodrigue, Roger B. Journal of clinical 1962/63 A report on a widespread psychopathology, monograph psychological disorder called series 1. New York, Medical Lulu seen among the Hull Journal Press, 160 pp. linguistic group in Papua. Oceania, 33: 274-9. 1945/46 Yaboaine, a war god of Normanby island. Oceania, Roe, Margriet 16: 210-33, 319-36. 1962 A history of south-east Papua to 1930. Ph.D. thesis, 1946 Ceremonial prostitution in Duau Australian National University, (Normanby island). Journal of 553 PP- clinical psychopathology and psychotherapy, 7: 753-64. Roeder, J. 1947/48 Witches of Normanby island. see Röder, J. Oceania, 18: 279-308.

Roelfsema, H. 1950 ’otemism in Normanby island, 1959 De ontwikkeling van het ’erritory of New Guinea. Mankind, bestuur in Fak-Fak. Nederlands •: 189-95. Nieuw-Guinea, 7(2): 2-7. 252 1954 Cannibalism in Duau, Normanby 1888b Sorcery and superstition in island, d'Entrecasteaux Group. New Guinea. Murray's magazine, Territory of Papua. Mankind, 4(12): 4: 833-42. 487-95. 1889 Report from deputy commissioner, Roland, J.K. Central Division. British New 1950 New Guinea's love magic. Guinea. Annual report for 1888: 17-8, (App. D). Walkabout, 16(11): 37.

1889a From my verandah in New Guinea. Röling, B.V.A. London, David Nutt, 277 PP. 1958 Nieuw Guinea als wereld-probleem. Assen, Van Gorcum, 104 pp. 1893 Letters from the western Pacific and Mashonaland 1878-1891; ... ed. Rolston, Richard with memoir by ... S.H. Romilly; introduction by Lord Stanmore. 1945 Notes on some Melanesian wood­ London, David Nutt, 384 pp. working implements. Polynesian society, Wellington, Journal, 54: 212-8. Romilly, S.H. (ed. ) 1893 see 1893 Romilly, Hugh Hastings. Rombouts, P.W. 1957 De Arso'se versie van het Rönninger, Hermann zondvloedverhaal. Nederlands 1925 Aus der Wildnis Neuguineas. Nieuw-Guinea, 5(l): 9-13- Dresden, Deutsche BuchwerkstMtten, 235 PP. 1959 Het dansen bij de Arso'ers. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 7(l): Rook, H. de 3-6, (3): 6-9, (4): 2-4. 1957 Report of an investigation on fllariasis in the Berau region Romein, J.J. (inanwatan district, north­ 1926 Prlmitieve goederen-circulatie west New Guinea). South Pacific en ruilmiddelen. Mens en commission, Technical papers maatschappij, 2 : 25-43. No. 105, vi and 19 pp.

Römer, L.S.A.M. von Rook, H. de (joint author) 1913 Die Besteigung des Hellwig- 1953) see 1953, 1954 Bierdrager, J. Gebirges in Neu-Guinea. 1954) and Rook, H. de. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 21: 149-60. Rooney, Isaac 1908 Origin of the Melanesian and Romeyn, T. Polynesian races. Australian 1962 Framboeslabestrijding op Nieuw- and New Zealand association Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, for the advancement of science, 10(5): 2-7. Report of the 11th meeting, Adelaide, 1907, 11: 616-21.

Romilly, Hugh Hastings Roscoe, G.T. 1886 The western Pacific and New 1954 The mentality of native people Guinea: notes on the natives, in Papua and New Guinea. South Christian and cannibal, with Pacific, 7(7) : 789-94. some account of the old labour trade. London, John Murray, 242 pp.; (2nd edition 1887, 1958 The problems of the curriculum 284 pp.). in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 10(1): 8-16. 1887 New Guinea. Royal geographical society of Australasia, 1959 How to achieve general literacy Queensland branch, Proceedings among almost two million and transactions, 1: 46-54. natives. Pacific islands monthly, 30(5): 69-77. 1887a Islands of the New Britain group. Royal geographical society, 1959a Our neighbours in Netherlands London, Proceedings, 9: 1-18. New Guinea. Brisbane, Jacaranda Press, 68 pp. 1888 Report on the natives of the south-east coast. British New Rose Guinea. Annual report for 1893 Bericht Uber eine im April und 1887: 33-5, (App. G). Mai 1892 an Bord S.M. Kreuzer "Bussard" im Schutzgebiet der 1888a Sorcery and superstitions. Neu-Guinea-Kompagnie ausgeführte British New Guinea. Annual Dienstreise. Deutsches report for 1887: 35-9, Kolonialblatt, 4: 88-94. (App. H). 253 Rose, H. J. 1937t Unga gets his share. 1931 Trobriand paternity. Man, 3 1 : Christian family, 32: 13 2 -3 . 260. 1938 Disarmament in Stone Age New Rose, Lyndon Margaret and Rose, Ronald Guinea. Christian family, 3 3 : 53-4, 75. 1961 People in the sun: the native people of Australia and the islands of the south west Rossel, Elizabeth Paul Edouard de Pacific. Sydney, Angus & I8O8 Voyage de Dentrecasteaux, Robertson, 94 pp. envoys ä la recherche de La Perouse; publid par ordre de Rose, Ronald sa Majesty l'Empereur et Roi, sous le ministere de S.E. le 1962 The 1884 expedition to New vice-amiral Deeres, comte de Guinea. Australian territories, 1 'Empire; redigd par M. de 2(3): 33-9; also Journal of the Rossel, ancien capitaine de public service of the Territory vaisseau. Paris, de l'Imprimerie of Papua and New Guinea, 1959, Imperiale, 2 vols., 704, 692 pp. 1 : 1-8. Rosser, W.E. and Hornell, J. Rosenberg, Carl Benjamin Hermann von 1932 String figures from British l875 Reistochten naar de Geelvinkbaai New Guinea. Royal anthropological op Nieuw-Guinea in de jaren institute .of Great Britain and 1869 en 1870. 's-Gravenhage, Ireland, Journal, 62: 39-50. Martinus Nijhoff, 153 PP- Roth, H. Ling 1878 Der Malaylsche Archipel: Land und Leute in Schilderungen, 1898 Spears and other articles from gesammelt während eines the Solomon islands. dreissigjMhrigen Aufenthaltes Internationales Archiv für in den Kolonien. Leipzig, Ethnographie, 11: 154-61. Weigel, 615 pp. Roth, L. (joint author) Rosenstiel, Annette 1963 see 1963 Murrell, T.G.C. and 1953 The Motu of Papua-New Guinea: Roth, L. a study of successful acculturation. Ph.D. thesis, Columbia University, 210 pp. Rouffaer, G.P. 1908 De terugkeer en afloop der Lorentz-expeditie naar centraal 1953/54 Historical perspective and the Ned. Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch study of Melanesian culture. aardrljkskundig genootschap, Oceania, 24: 172-89. Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 25 (2 nd series): 133-44. 1954 Long term planning: its importance in the effective 1908a De Javaansche naam "Seran" van administration of social z.w. Nieuw-Guinea voor 1545; change. Human organisation, en een rapport van Rumphlus 13(2): 5-10. over die kust van 1684. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Roskoschny, Hermann genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 25 (2nd series): 1885 Europa's Kolonien - Die 3 0 8 -4 7 . Deutschen in der Südsee. Leipzig, Gressner und Schramm, iv and 243 pp. 1908b Penis-gordels behalve op Nieuw- Guinea c. a., 00k in BraziliS Nederlandsch aardrljkskundig Ross, W. A. genootschap, Amsterdam, 1936 Ethnological notes on Mt. Hagen Tijdschrift, 25 (2 nd series): tribes ...with special 1199-201. reference to the tribe called Mogei. Anthropo8, 3 1 : 341-63. 1909 De drle opvaarten der Mamberamo (noord Nieuw-Guinea), Juli 1884, Jan. 1900 en Juni 1906. Ross, William A. Nederlandsch aardrljkskundig 1937 Ordinary month - extraordinary genootschap, Amsterdam, mission. Christian family, Tijdschrift, 26 (2nd series): 3 2 : 60-8, 75. 86-128.

Rountree, Phyllis M. 1937a Mogei's big barbecue. Christian family, 32: 84-5, 1956 Staphylococci harboured by 98. people in western highlands of New Guinea. Lancet, 1: 719-20. 254

Roushdy, Adang 1958 Labour administration in Papua 1940 De penetratie der Djonggoenoe's and New Guinea. South Pacific, in het Wisselmerengebied. 9: 540-9. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, 1958a The Australians in German New Tijdschrift, 57 (2nd series): Guinea, 1914-1921. Melbourne, 56-69. Melbourne University Press, 371 pp. Rousseau, Madeleine (ed. ) 1951 L'art ocdanien, sa presence. Royal Geographical Society of Australasia Introduction de Paul Rivet, 1888 Special record of the textes de Guillaume Apollinaire arrangements for the exploration et de Tristan Tzara. Collection of New Guinea. Royal geographical "Le Mus^e Vivant" No. 5 8 . society of Australasia, New Paris, Apam, 138 pp. South Wales branch, Sydney, Transactions and proceedings, Routil, Robert 3-4: 105-68. 1954 Erbbiometrische Studien an Papua und Melanesiern, in: Royen, P. van Congres international des 1957 Land zonder stenen. Nederlands sciences anthropologiques et Nieuw-Guinea, 5(2): 12-5. ethnologiques, 4th Actes, Vienna 1952, vol. 1 (Anthropologies); 120-5. Wien, 1959 De wetenschappelijke expeditle A. Holzhausens Nfg., 326 pp. naar het Sterrengebergte, Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. Routil, Robert and Höltker, Georg Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, 1950 Ein papuanisches Zwillingspaar Tljdschrift, 76 (2nd series): beim Stamm der Tanggum in 211-3. Neuguinea. Anthropos, 45: 575-92. Rttckhard, H. Rabl- Routil, Robert (joint author) see Rabl-Rückhard, H. 1947 see 1947 Höltker, Georg and Rudge, G.A. HCHtil, Robert 1962 Rural health centres. Papua and New Guinea medical journal, Roux, C.C.F.M. le 6(1): 33-4. see Le Roux, C.C.F.M. Rüdiger, H. Rowe, W. Page 1895 Arbeiteranwerbung. Nachrichten see Page Rowe, W. aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 11: 23-31. Rowley, C.D. 1897 Der Huon-Golf im Südosten 1952 Administrative union. South von Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Pacific, 6 (3 ): 328-37, 563-7 3 . Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Verhandlungen, 24: 1952a Culture clash - lime and 280-95. gunpowder. South Pacific, 6(9): 513-5. Rueckhard , H. Rabl- see Rabl-Rückhard, H. 1953 The United Nations, colonialism and Australia. South Pacific, 7(3): 640-5. Ruediger, H. see Rüdiger, H. 1954 Native officials and magistrates of German New Guinea, 1897-1921. South Pacific, 7(8): 772-82. Ruhen, Olaf 1957 Land of Dahori: tales of New 1954a The area taken over from the Guinea. London, MacDonald & Germans and controlled by the Co., 255 PP. A. N.M.E.F. South Pacific, 7(9): 825-39. 1963 Mountains in the clouds. Adelaide, Rigby Limited, 240 pp. 1957 The promotion of native health in German New Guinea. South Rühl, C. Pacific, 9(5): 391-9. 1910 Nieuwe verkenning van de Tami- rivier; noord Nieuw-Guinea. 1957a Local government in New Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig South Pacific, 9: 437-46, 464. genootschap, Amsterdam, Ti^dschrift, 27 (2nd series): 255

Ruinard, J. 1901c Despatch reporting continuation of visit of inspection to 1961 Agricultural research in Eastern and South-eastern Netherlands New Guinea. South Division of the possession. Pacific commission, Quarterly British New Guinea. Annual bulletin, 11(3): 22-4. report for 1899-1900: 12-7, (App. C). Rule, W. Murray 1958 Kutubu-mubi-foe. Primer 1, 2. 1901d Despatch reporting visit of Port Moresby, Department of inspection to the North-eastern Education, 2 vols., 14, 44 pp. District of the possession, and the establishment of a Govt, station at Cape Nelson. British Russell, D. A. New Guinea. Annual report for 1960 Leprosy in Papua and New Guinea. 18 9 9 - 190O: 17-20, (App. D). Papua and New Guinea medical journal, 4(2): 49-54. 1901e Despatch reporting visit of inspection to the western Russell, H.H. Stuart- portion of the possession. see Stuart-Russell, H.H. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1899-1900: 2 1 -3 0 , (App. E). Ruthven le Hunte, G. 1901f Despatch reporting visit of 1900 Despatch from the Lieutenant- inspection to the Western Governor reporting visit of District of the possession. inspection to Western District British tfew Guinea. Annual of the possession. British report for 1899-1900: 3 0 -3 , New Guinea. Annual report for (App. F). 1898-99: 5-10, (App. C). 1901g Despatch reporting visit of 1900a Despatch from the Lieutenant- inspection to the central coast Governor reporting visit of district (and to the Eastern inspection to the eastern and South-eastern Districts of portion of the possession. the possession). British New British New Guinea. Annual Guinea. Annual report for 1899- report for 1898-99: 11-5, 1900: 33-42, (App. G). (App. D). 1901h Despatch reporting visit of 1900b Despatch from the Lieutenant- inspection to Eastern and Governor reporting visit of North-eastern Districts of the inspection to certain places, on possession. British New Guinea. the north-east coast of the Annual report for 1899-1900: possession. British New Guinea. 49-57, (App. H(a)). Annual report for 1898-99: 15, (App. E). 1902 Despatch reporting proceedings since his resumption of duty 1900c Despatch from the Lieutenant- on the 28th November 1900. Governor reporting visit of British New Guinea. Annual inspection to the islands in report for 1900-01: 1-4, the eastern portion of the (App. A). possession. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1898-99: 28-33, (App. G). 1902a Despatch reporting visit to the North and North-eastern Division of the possession. British New 1900d Despatch from the Lieutenant- Guinea. Annual report for 1 9 0 0 - Governor reporting conclusion 01: 5-12, (App. B). of visit of inspection round the coast and islands of the possession. British New Guinea. 1902b Despatch reporting visit of Annual report for 1898-99: inspection to the eastern parts 35-7, (App. H). of the possession. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1900- 01: 12-24, (App. C). 1901 Notes on the tribes of the Morehead river. Man, 1: 45-7. 1902c Despatch reporting the massacre of the London Missionary 1901a Despatch reporting visit of Society mission party under the inspection to the Western Reverend J. Chalmers and the District of the possession. Rev. Oliver Fellowes Tomkins British New Guinea. Annual by the natives of Goaribari report for 1899-1900: 1-4, Island. British New Guinea. (App. A). Annual report for 1900-01: 25-32, (App. D). 1901b Despatch reporting visit of inspection to eastern part of Rutland, Joshua the possession. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1897 The big-ears. Polynesian society, 1899-1900: 4-11, (App. B). Wellington, Journal, 6: 213-5. 256

Ruys, T.H. 1 9 5 8 /5 9 Names and naming in Mendi. 1906 Bezoek aan den kannibalenstam Oceania, 29: 109-16. van noord Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig 1958/ Clan formation in the Mendi genootschap, Amsterdam, 59a valley. Oceania, 29: 257-89. Tijdschrift, 23 (2nd series): 32 0 -3 1 . 1962 The land and its peoples, in: New Guinea; a series of Ruysch, W.A. (joint author) lectures given in September, 1955/56 see 1955/56 Poirier, Jean and 1961, to the N.S.W. Branch of Ruysch, W.A. the Australian Institute of International Affairs: 1-9. Sydney, Anglican Press, 48 pp. Ryan, B.P.K. 1961 Thalassaemia: report of a case in Papua. Medical journal of Ryan, Dawn Australia, 1: 128-9- 1959 see 1959 Thomas, J.R. and Ryan, Dawn. 196la Observations on megaloblastic anaemia of pregnancy in Papua. 1963 The Toaripi association: some Medical journal of Australia, problems of economic development 2: 89-92. in Papua. Mankind, 6(1): 11-5.

1961b Thalassaemia major in New Ryan, H.J. Guinea. Medical journal of 1909 Account of a patrol in the Australia, 2: 753-7. Purari delta. Papua. Annual report for 1908-09: 95-103, 1962 Thalassaemia and anaemia of (App. C). pregnancy in Papua. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 514-7. 1912 Magisterial report - Kikori district, Western Division. 1962a Skull changes associated with Papua. Annual report for 1911- chronic anaemias in Papuan 12: 7 1 -5 . children. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 844-7. 1913 Magisterial report, Delta Division (Kikori). Papua. Annual report for 1 9 1 2 -1 3 : 1962b Gastro-enteritis in New Guinea. 75-80. Medical journal of Australia, 2 : 6 5 8 -6 3 . 1914 Magisterial report, Delta 1963 Chronic anaemia with bony Division. Patrol west of the deformities in Papuan children. Kikori and across the Medical journal of Australia, headwaters of the Omati, Turama, Gama and Awarra rivers. 2: 603-7. Papua. Annual report for 1 9 1 3 - 14: 170-80, (App. i). Ryan, B.P.K. (joint author) 1962 see 1962 Parsons, I. C. and 1917 Magisterial report, Delta Ryan, B.P.K. Division. Papua. Annual report for 1914-15: 81-6. Ryan, B.P.K. and others Rye, E.C. 1961 Haemoglobin H disease in a Papuan. Medical journal of 1886 A bibliography of New Guinea. Australia, 2: 901-2. Royal geographical society, London, Supplementary papers, Ryan, B.P.K. and Parsons, I.C. 1: 287-337. 1961 Glucose - 6 - phosphate dehydrogenase activity in anaemic Papuans. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 502-6 .

Ryan, D'Arcy J. 1955/56 Clan organisation in the Mendi valley. Oceania, 26: 79-90.

1958 Some decorated fighting-shields from the Mendi valley, Southern Highlands District of Papua. Mankind, 5(6): 243-9. 257 Saave, Jan J. Salisbury, Richard F. 195^ The v illa g e aidposts: th e ir 1956 Vocabulary of the Slane language organisation and development of the eastern highlands of in the Gazelle Peninsula of New Guinea. Micro-Bibliotheca New Britain. South Pacific, Anthropos, 24: xiv and 40 pp. 7(11): 892-4. (Posieux, Freiburg).

1954a A ppendicitis in the tro p ics and 1956a Asymmetrical marriage systems. its pitfalls: a clinical invest­ American anthropologist, 5 8 : igation with report of two cases. 639-55. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 465-7. 1956b Unilineal descent groups in the New Guinea highlands. Man, 56: 1955 Lymphadenosis amongst New Guinea 2-7. natives. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 358-6 0 . 1956c The Siane language of the 1955a Myelosis among New Guinea natives. eastern highlands of New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 2: Anthropos, 51: 447-80. 166-7. 1957 Economic change among the Siane 1955/56 Primary liver cancer amongst trib e s of New Guinea. Ph.D. th esis, New Guinea natives. Papua and Australian National University, New Guinea medical journal, 345 PP. • 1(2): 49-59. 1958 An "Indigenous" New Guinea c u lt. 1956 Cancer survey in the Tolai of Kroeber anthropological society New Britain. Medical journal of papers, No. 18: 67-78. Australia, 2: 682-5. 1959 A Trobriand Medusa? Man, 59: 1961 Diagnostic appraisal - yaws. 50-1. Papua and New Guinea medical journal, 5: 15-6. 1962 Notes on bilingualism and linguistic change in New Guinea. 1962 Cancers of the extremities in Anthropological linguistics, New Guineans; diagnostic 4(7): 1-13. appraisal. Papua and New Guinea medical Journal, 6: 17-21. 1962a Early stages of economic Sachs, Curt development in New Guinea. Polynesian society, Wellington, 1929 Geist und Werden der M usikinstru­ Journal, 71: 328- 39. mente. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., 282 pp. 1962b From stone to s te e l: economic consequences of a technological Sachse, F.J.P. change in New Guinea. Melbourne, 1912 Noord Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch Melbourne University Press, aardrijkskundig genootschap, 237 PP. Amsterdam, T ijd sc h rift, 29 (2nd s e rie s ): 36- 51. Salisbury-Rowswell, R.F. see Salisbury, Richard F. 1956 De wording van Hollandia. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 4(4): 2-5. S alt, N.V. 1958 Papuan canoes. Walkabout. 1957 De wording van Hollandia, van 24(5): 25. "tempo dahoeloe". Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 5(3): 1-6. I960 Koki market. Walkabout. 26(11)- St. Vraz, E. 18-2 0 . '‘ I898 Reise nach Neu-Guinea. Petermanns Salverda, Z. Geographische Mitteilungen, 44: 232-5. 1949/50 Met beide benen op de grond! Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 10: 98-9. Salto, Shiro (joint author) 1962 see 1962 Cammack, F.McK. and Samuel, Edward Salto, S. 1939 Quinine, a New Guinea product. Walkabout, 5: 40-2. Salerio, Carlo 1862 Carlo Salerio über die Inseln 1939a Kapok. Walkabout, 6(2): 35-6. im Osten von Neu-Guinea. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 8: 341-4. 258 1952 Tea planting in New Guinea. Sarfert, Ernst New Commonwealth, London, 1908 Zwei Bainingmasken. Leipzig. 24(12): 578-9. Städtisches Museum für Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 1907, Sande, G.A.J. van der 2 : 29-32. 1904 Kupferobjekte von Nord Neu- Guinea. Internationales Archiv 1908a Seltene Waffen von Vuvulu. für Ethnographie, 16: 247-8. Leipzig. Städtisches Museum für Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 1907, 1907 Ethnography and anthropology 2: 33-5. of New Guinea. Nova Guinea, 3 : 1-390. 1913 Masken aus dem Bismarck-Archipel. I. Masken von Nissan. Leipzig. Sanger, Ruth Städtisches Museum für Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 1911-12, 5: 38-41. 1950 The MNS blood groups of Australian aborigines and New Guinea natives. Nature, 165: 939. 1913a Eine Kanuplanke aus Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Leipzig. Städtisches Museum für Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, Sanger, Ruth and others 1911-12, 5: 42-3. 1951 Blood types of natives of Australia and New Guinea. 1913b Deutschland in der Südsee. American journal of physical Reisebilder aus dem Bismarck- anthropology, 9 (new series): Archipel. Leipzig. Städtisches 71- 8. Museum für Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 1911-12, 5: 44-63. Sapper, Karl 1910 Eine Durchquerung von Bougainville. Sarfert, Ernst and Damm, Hans Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen 1929) Luangiua und Nukumanu. in: Schutzgebieten, 2 3 : 206-17. 1 9 3 1 ) Georg Thilenius (ed.), Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910, 1910a Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse II. B. Band 12, 1. u. 2. Halbband: einer amtlichen Forschungsreise 506 pp. Hamburg, L. Friederichsen, nach dem Bismarck-Archipel im de Gruyter & Co., 13 vols. in 19. Jahre 1908. I. Beiträge zur Landeskunde von Neu-Mecklenburg Sasradipoera, Abdoelkobir und seinen Nachbarinseln. Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen 1959 Dispute between Netherlands and Schutzgebieten, Ergänzungsheft Indonesia on West Irian (New No. 3 : I30 pp. Guinea) in the U.N. M.A. thesis, Columbia University, 109 PP. 1910) Beiträge zur Kenntnis Neupommerns 1 9 1 1 ) und des Kaiser-Wilhelmslandes. Saulnier, Tony Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 56(1): 189-93, 1961 Les Papous coupeurs de tetes, 255-6; 57(1): 133- 167 jours dans la prdhistoire (avec la collaboration de M. Bisiaux). Paris, Pont Royal, 1913 Über den Wert der Hochländer 309 PP.; "Headhunters of Papua von Neumecklenburg. Deutsches (with the collaboration of Kolonialblatt, 24; 362-4. Marcel Bisiaux)", 1 9 6 3 . (Transl. by M. Shenfield.) New York, Crown Publishers Inc. 1918 Arthur Wichmanns Forschungsreise in Nord-Neuguinea im Jahre 1903. Petermanns Geographische Mittei­ Saunders, Herbert Mellor lungen, 64: 169-70. 1925 Vocabulary of the Dugeme tribe, in the Delta Division. Papua. Sapper, Karl and Friederici, Georg Annual report for 1923-24: 1909 Die Expedition Sapper-Friederici 57, (App. IV). nach dem Bismarckarchipel. Globus, 95(7): Il ; also Deutsches 6 1925a A patrol in Papua: Samberigi Kolonialblatt, 1908, 19: 743, patrol. Queensland geographical 1 0 0 9 -1 0 , 1 057-6 0 , 1237; 1909, journal, 1923-24, 39 (new 2 0 : 124-6, 3 3 1 -6 . series): 22-37.

Sapper, Karl (joint author) Saville, William James Viritahitemauvia 1910 see 1910 Friederici, G. and n.d. A vocabulary of the Mailu- Sapper, K. language. London, London Missionary Society, 45, 87 PP. Sapper, Karl and others 1910 Buka. Mitteilungen aus den 1912 A grammar of the Mailu language, Deutschen Schutzgebieten, 2 3 : Papua. Royal anthropological 193-206. institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 42: 397-436. 259 1926 In unknown New Guinea: a record 1921/22 Parak-Institution im Bogia- of twenty-five years of personal Distrikt unter den Sepa. observation and experience Anthropos, 16-17: 1053-5. amongst the interesting people of an almost unknown part of 1921/ Totemismus bei den Ariawiai, this vast island and a 22a Neuguinea. Anthropos, 16-17: description of their manners 1055-6. and customs, occupations in peace and methods of warfare, their secret rites and public 1938 Ein Versuch, der ältesten ceremonies...with an introduction Gottheit der Sepa in Neuguinea auf linguistischem Wege by B. Malinowski. London, Seeley, näherzukommen. Anthropos, 3 3 : Service and Co., 316 pp. 659-63. 1932 Are the Papuans naturally relig­ ious? Papua. Annual report for 1940/41 Terms expressing relationship in the language of Dagoi and 1930-31: 24-5, (App. C). Bonaputa-Mopu, New Guinea. Anthropos, 3 5 -3 6 : 586-92. Sawyer, W.A. 1921 Hookworm in Australia. Medical 1940/ Ein paar erste Notizen über die journal of Australia, 1: 148-50. 4la Awarken in Neuguinea. Anthropos, 35-36: 987. Sayce, R.U. 1942-45 Ethnographische Miszellen von 1933 Primitive arts and crafts: an einer Dienstreise in der Mission introduction to the study of von Alexishafen in Neuguinea. material culture. Cambridge, Anthropos, 37-40: 881-6. Cambridge University Press, 291 PP. 1963 Festschrift Paul Schebesta zum Schaefer, Alfons 75. Geburtstag. Studia Institut! see Schäfer, Alfons. Anthropos, vol. l8 . Wien-Mödling, St. Gabriel Verlag, 568 pp.; see 1963a Aufenanger, H., 1963a Schäfer, Alfons Höltker, G., 1963 Piskaty, K. 1938 Im Wagital, dem Paradies von Neuguinea. Steyler Missionsbote, Schellong, 0. 6 6 (2 ): 29-33, 75-9. 1888 Über die Herstellung einiger Ethnographies der Gegend 1938a Kavagl - der Mann mit der Finschhafen's. Internationales Zaunpfahlkeule; ein Beitrag Archiv für Ethnographie, 1: zur Individuenforschung. Anthropos, 220- 3 . 33: 107-13. 1888a Tropenhygienische Betrachtungen 1938b Zur Initiation im Wagi-Tal. unter spezieller Berücksichtigung Anthropos, 3 3 : 401-23. der für Kaiser Wilhelms-Land in Betracht kommenden Verhältnisse. 1942 Ein Prauenbegräbnis bei den Deutsche Kolonialzeitung. 1(43) Korugu im Wagi-Tal, Zentral- (new series): 341-3- (45) (new Neuguinea. Ethnos, 7: 25-43. series): 363-4, (46) (new series): 368-71. 1945 Haus und Siedlung in Zentral- Neuguinea. Ethnos, 10: 97-114. 1889 Musik und Tanz der Papuas. Globus, 56: 81-7. 1953 Vokabular der Chimbu-Sprache in Zentral-Neuguinea. Micro- l889a Das Barium-Fest der Gegend Bibliotheca Anthropos, 2: Finschhafens, Kaiser Wilhelms­ 245 PP. (Posieux, Freiburg). land. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Beschneidung der Melanesier. Internationales Archiv für 1957 Ein eherechtliches Problem in Ethnographie, 2: 145-62. Neuguinea. Veröffentlichungen des Missionspriesterseminars St. Augustin/Siegburg, No. 2, l889b Ueber Familienleben und Gebräuche 22 pp. der Papuas der Umgebung von Finschhafen, Kaiser-Wilhe1msland. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 21: Schäfer, Alphons 10-25. see Schäfer, Alfons. l889c Der Deutsche in Kaiser Wilhelms­ Schebesta, Joseph land in seiner Stellungnahme 1913 Sprachengruppierung und Totemismus zum Landeseingeborenen. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 2(9) (new in der Potsdamhafen-Gruppe, series): 6 9 -7 0 , (1 0 ) (new series): Deutsch-Neuguinea. Anthropos, 74-5, (ll) (new series): 8 5 -6 . 8 : 8 8 0 -1 . 260 1890 Die Jabim-Sprache der Finschhafener 1910b Reisen in Kaiser-Wilhelmsland Gegend. Einzelbeiträge zur (Neuguinea). Dresden. (K.) allgemeinen und vergleichenden Zoologisches und anthropologisch­ Sprachwissenschaft. Leipzig, ethnographisches Museum, Heft 7: 128 pp. Abhandlungen und Berichte, 13(1): 19 PP. 1891 Beiträge zur Anthropologie des Papuas. Zeitschrift für 1910c Eine ethnographische Sammlung Ethnologie, 2J: 156-230. vom Kaiserin-Augustafluss ln Neuguinea. Dresden. (K.) 1895 Notizen Uber das Zeichnen der Zoologisches und anthropologisch­ Melanesier (mit einem Nachtrag ethnographisches Museum, von J.D.E. Schmeltz). Abhandlungen und Berichte, Internationales Archiv für 15(2): 74 pp. Ethnographie, 8: 57-8, 59-61. 1910d Verzierte Schädel aus Neuguinea 1904 Einige Bemerkungen über die und Neumecklenburg. Dresden. Fahrzeuge (Kanus) der Papuas (K.) Zoologisches und anthropol­ von Kaiser-Wilhelmsland (Neu- ogisch-ethnographisches Museum, Guinea) und dem Bismarck Abhandlungen und Berichte, Archipel. Internationales 13(4): 16 pp. Archiv für Ethnographie, 16: 176-9. 1911 Reisewege und Aufenthalte in Melanesien. Schweizerische naturforschende Gesellschaft, 1905 Weitere Mitteilungen über die Verhandlungen, 94. Jahresver­ Papuas (Jabim) der Gegend des sammlung, 1: 172-91. Finschhafens in Nordost-Neuguinea (Kaiser-Wilhelmsland). Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 3 7 : 602-18. 1913 Otto Reches Werk Uber den Kaiserin-Augusta-Fluss in Schindler, A.J. Neuguinea. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 1952 Land use by natives of Aiyura 58(2): 199-200. village, central highlands, N.G. South Pacific, 6(2): 302-7. 1914 Anthropometrische Untersuchungen an Eingeborenen in Deutsch- Schlaginhaufen, Otto Neuguinea. Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches und anthropologisch­ 1908 Orientierungsmärsche an der ethnographisches Museum, Ostküste von Süd- Neu-Mecklenburg. Abhandlungen und Berichte, Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen 14(5): 82 pp. Schutzgebieten, 21(4): 213-20.

1908a Orientierungsreise nach Kieta 1915 Die Stellung der Photographie auf Bougainville. Zeitschrift in der anthropologischen Methodik und die Pygmäenfrage für Ethnologie, 40: 85-6. in Neuguinea. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 47: 5 3 -8 . 1908b Reisebericht aus SUd-Neu- Mecklenburg. Zeitschrift für 1915a L'indice cefalico in alcuni Ethnologie, 40: 566-7. gruppi umani della costa settentrionale della Nova 1908c Die Rand-Butam des östlichen Guinea. Rivista di antropologia, SUd-Neu-Mecklenburg. Zeitschrift 20 : 1-22. für Ethnologie, 40: 8 0 3 -9 . 1920 Reisen und Forschungen in der 1908d Streifzüge in Neu-Mecklenburg melanesischen Südsee. und Fahrten nach benachbarten Anthropologische Gesellschaft Inselgruppen. Zeitschrift für in Wien, Sitzungsberichte, Ethnologie, 40: 952-7. 1919-20: 53-8.

1908e Ein Besuch auf den Tanga-Inseln. 1953 Die Variabilität, geographische Globus, 94(11): 165-9. Verteilung und Stellung der Körpergrösse der Eingeborenen Neuirlands. Geographica helvetica, 1909 Geographisches und Sprachliches 8: 18-2 8 . von den Feni-Inseln. Globus, 95(5): 69-71. 1954 Anthropologische Reminiszenzen von den Feni-Inseln im Bismarck- 1910 Zur geographischen Nomenklatur Archipel. Zeitschrift für im Bismarck Archipel. Globus, Morphologie und Anthropologie, 97(15): 241-2. 46: 282-7.

1959 Muliama. Zwei Jahre unter 1910a Ueber Siedelungsverhältnisse Südsee-Insulanern. Zürich, in Süd-Neumecklenburg. Zeitschrift Orell FUssli, 212 pp. für Ethnologie, 42: 822-9. 26] 1962 Das Haupthaar des Eingeborenen 1958 Zur T erm inologie der des Torricelllgebirges ln postnuptialen Residenz. Neuguinea. Anthropos, 57: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 8 3 : 678- 82. 224-5.

Schielermacher, C. 1958a Die melanesischen Gehelmkulte. 1900 Religiöse Anschauungen und Göttingen, Musterschmidt- Gebräuche der Bewohner von Verlag, 390 pp. Berlinhafen (Deutsch Neu- Gulnea). Globus, 7 8 : 4-7. 1959 Die Quertrompeten am m ittleren Sepik, Neuguinea. Baessler- S ch lein itz, G.E.G. von Archiv, 7 (neue Folge): 123-48. 1877 Geographische und ethnographische Beobachtungen auf Neu-Guinea, 1961 Zum Problem einer Sago­ dem Neu-Britannia- und Salomons- verwertenden Kulturschicht auf Archipel, a n g es te llt auf S.M.S. Neuguinea. Zeitschrift für "Gazelle'' bei ihrer Reise um Ethnologie, 86: 224-33. die Erde 1874-76. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1961a Über die Zweisprachigkeit und Z e its c h rift, 12: 23O-6 6 . die Stellung der Zweisprachigen in Melanesien, besonders auf 1887 Eine Recognoszierungsfahrt von Neuguinea. Beiträge zur Fortification Point bis Kaiserin Völkerforschung - Hans Damm Augusta-Fluss. Nachrichten aus zum 65.Geburtstag. Leipzig. dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 3 : Museum für Völkerkunde, 32-6 6 . Veröffentlichungen, Heft 11: 550-76. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1888 Untersuchungsreise. Nachrichten 752 pp. aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 4: 34-41, 64-71. 1963 Kulturwandel in Südost-Neuguinea: völkerkundliche Aspekte zur 1889 Beschreibung der Nordküste von Beurteilung der Situation. Kaiser Wilhelmsland von Kap Umschau, Heft 2 3 : 725-9. Cretin bis zu den Legoarant- Inseln. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 5: 48-86. Schlueter, H. see Schlüter, H. 1896 Begleitworte zur Karte der Nordküste des westlichen Teils Schlüter, H. der In sel Neu-Pommern. G esell­ schaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1913 Jurafossilien vom oberen Sepik Zeitschrift, 31: 137-54. auf Neu-Guinea. Nova Guinea, 6: 53“6l. 1897 Begleitworte zur Karte des östlichen Teils der Insel Neu- Schmeltz, J.D.E. Pommern. Gesellschaft für 1882 Über einige re lig iö se Gebräuche Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, der Melanesier. Globus, 4l(l): 32: 349-59. 7-10, (2 ): 24-8, (3 ): 39-41.

1898 Der O ttilie n flu s s , bzw. der Ramu in Neu-Guinea. Deutsche 1888 Steinerne Schläger für Tapabereltung von Ost Neu Kolonialzeitung, 11(8) (new Guinea. Internationales series): 74-6. Archiv für Ethnographie, 1: 235. S chleinitz, G.E.G. von and others 1886 Erforschungsfahrt auf dem 1888a Nachträge zu: Die ethnographisch- Kaiserin Augustafluss. anthropologische Abteilung des Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Museums Godeffroy in Hamburg Wilhelmsland, 2: 123-8. (J.D.E. Schmeltz and R. Krause). Internationales Archiv für 1887 Untersuchungsfahrt im Huon-Golf. Ethnographie, 1: 60-7. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 3 : 5-26. 18-93 Masken ln Niederländisch Neu Guinea. Internationales Archiv Schlesier, Erhard für Ethnographie, 6: 60-l. 1955 Der Stand der ethnographischen Erforschung Neuguineas. Den 1895 Beiträge zur Ethnographie von Haag, Mouton & Co., 32 pp. Neu Guinea: I. Gegenstände von den Tugeri, in Süd-Neu-Guinea. 1956 Die Grundlagen der Klanbildung. Internationales Archiv für Göttingen, Musterschmidt-Verlag, Ethnographie, 8: 153-65. l4 l pp. 262 1895a Beiträge zur Ethnographie von 1905 Beiträge zur Ethnographie von Neu Guinea: II. "Echidna" in Neu-Guinea: X. Die Stämme der Ornamentik von Neu-Guinea. in der Nachbarschaft des Internationales Archiv für Merauke-Flusses. XI. Zwei Ethnographie, 8 : 165-8. Gegenstände von Niederländisch Nord-Neu-Guinea. Internationales 1895b Beiträge zur Ethnographie von Archiv für Ethnographie, 17: Neu Guinea: III. Ceremonialgeräthe 194-220. aus Britisch Neu-Guinea. Internationales Archiv für 1909 Catalogus van 'sRijkä Ethno­ Ethnographie, 8 : 168-9. graphisch Museum. Deel III. Catalogus der Bibliotheek. 1895c Beiträge zur Ethnographie von Leiden, E.J. Brill, 279 PP. Neu-Guinea: IV. Ueber Bogen von Neu-Guinea. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 8 : Schmeltz, J.D.E. (joint author) 258-41. 1895 see 1895 Clercq, F.S.A. and Schmeltz, J.D.E. 1895) Beiträge zur Ethnographie von 1 8 9 6 ) Neu-Guinea: V. Über eine Schmeltz, J.D.E. and Krause, R. Sammlung aus Konstantinhafen, Astrolabebai. VI. Über eine I88l Ein Beitrag zur Kunde der Sammlung aus Konstantinhafen, Südsee-Völker. Die ethnographisch­ Astrolabebai, 2. Teil: Die anthropologische Abteilung des Waffen. Internationales Archiv Museums Godeffroy in Hamburg. für Ethnographie, 8 : 241-4; Hamburg, L,. Friederichsen &. Co. , 9: 115-25. xliii and 687 PP.

1896 Zur Ethnographie der Matty-Insel. Schmidt, E.W. Internationales Archiv für 1929 Die Schildtypen vom Kaiserin- Ethnographie, 9: 90-2. Augusta-Fluss und eine Kritik der Deutung ihrer Gesichtsornamente. 1896a Beiträge zur Ethnographie von Baessler-Archiv, 1 5 : 1 5 6 -7 7 . Neu-Guinea: VII. Ueber Gegenstände aus Niederländisch Schmidt, Emil Neu-Guinea. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 9: 1898 Verzierte Papuaschädel. Globus, 125-9. 75: 245-7.

1897 Ein Kanuzierrath von Süd-West- 1905 Die Grösse der Zwerge und der Neu-Guinea. Internationales sog. Zwergvölker. Globus, 87: Archiv für Ethnographie, 10: 121-5. 18-9. Schmidt, Joseph 1898 Neuere Beiträge zur Ethnographie 1925/ Die Ethnographie der Nor-Papua der Matty-Insel. Internationales 24) (Murik-Kaup-Karau) bei Archiv für Ethnographie, 11: 87. 1926) Dallmannhafen, Neu-Guinea. Anthropos, 18-19: 700-52; 1899 Genauigkeit in der Herkunftaufgabe 2 1 : 58-71. ethnographischer Gegenstände. Internationales Archiv für 1955 Neue Beiträge zur Ethnographie Ethnographie, 12: 149-50. der Nor-Papua (Neuguinea). Anthropos, 28: 521-54, 6 6 5 -8 2 . 1902 Ueber Holzfiguren aus Deutsch Neu-Guinea. Internationales 1955 Vokabular und Grammatik der Archiv für Ethnographie, 15: Murik-Sprache in Nordost- 102-5. Neuguinea. Micro-Bibliotheca Anthropos, 5 : 500 pp. (Posieux, 1904 Beiträge zur Ethnographie von Freiburg). Neu-Guinea: VIII. Die Stämme an der Südküste von Niederländisch Schmidt, Rochus Neu Guinea. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 16: 1895 Deutschlands Kolonien, ihre 194-241. Gestaltung, Entwickelung und Hilfsquellen. Band 1: Ost-Afrika. Band 2: West-Afrika und Südsee. 1904a Beiträge zur Ethnographie von Behlin, Schall & Grund, vol. 2, Neu-Guinea: IX. Ueber einige 458 pp. Gegenstände von Nord Neu-Guinea. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 16: 242-4. Schmidt, W. 1892 Die Sprachen von Britisch Neu- Guinea. Globus, 62: 224. 263 1899 Ethnographisches von Berlinhafen, 1909 Neuentdeckte Papuasprache von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea. Anthropologische den Salomoninseln (Bougainville). Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, Globus, 95(13): 206-7. 29 (19 neue Folge): 13-29, Sitzungsberichte : 69-70. 1909a Die Mythologie der austronesischen Völker. Anthropologische Gesell­ 1899a Die sprachlichen V erhältnisse schaft in Wien, M itteilungen, Oceaniens (Melanesiens, Polynesiens, 39 (3 -Folge 9.Band): 240-59. Mikrortesiens und Indonesiens) in ihrer Bedeutung für die 1909b Über Musik und Gesänge der Ethnologie. Anthropologische Karesau-Papuas, Deutsch Neuguinea. Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, Internationale Musikgesellschaft, 29 (19 neue Folge): 245-58. Vienna, 3rd Congress: 297-8. 1899b Ueber das Verhältnis der melanesischen Sprachen zu den 1913 Verbreitung des Ruders mit polynesischen und untereinander. Krückengriff. Anthropos, 8 : (K.) Akademie der Wissenschaften, 559-652. Vienna. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, 4l(6): 1914 Über das Vorkommen von 1-93. Pygmäenstämmen ln Neuguinea und dem übrigen Melanesien. 1 9 0 0 ) Die sprachlichen V erhältnisse Anthropos, 9: 1020-1. 1902) von Deutsch Neu-Guinea. Zeitschrift für afrikanische und oceanische Sprachen, 5: 345-84; 1926 Die Sprachfamilien und Sprachenkreise der Erde. 6 : 1- 99. Heidelberg, Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 595 PP. 1901 Die Jabim-Sprache (Deutsch-Neu- Guinea) und ihre Stellung 1928 F e stsc h rift, Publication innerhalb der melanesischen Sprachen. (K.) Akademie der d'hommage O fferte au P.W. Wissenschaften, Vienna. Schmidt, edited by W. Köppers. Philosophisch-historische Wien, Mechitharisten-Congregations - Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, 143(9): Buchdruckerei, 977 pp.; see 1 -6 0 . 1928 Gräbner, F ., 1928 Peekel, G., 1928 Ray, S.H. 1902 Die Cambridge-Expedition nach der Torres-Strasse. Globus, 1931 Methodologisches und Inhaltliches 8 1 : 87-92. zum Zweigeschlechterwesen. Anthropos, 26: 55-98. 1902a Die Fr. M üller'sehe Theorie Uber die Melanesier. Anthropologische Gesellschaft 1954 Gebräuche des Ehemannes bei in Wien, Mitteilungen, 32 Schwangerschaft und Geburt. Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte (3 . Folge 2 .Band): 149-60. und L inguistik, 10: 1-337. 1903 Beiträge zur Ethnographie des Gebietes von Potsdamhafen 1955 Totemismus in Asien und Ozeanien. (Deutsch-Neuguinea). Globus, Mlcro-Bibliotheca Anthropos, 1 5 : xxxv1 and 1408 pp. (Posieux, 84(5): 76-81, (7 ): 110-3 , Freiburg). (8 ): 123-7. Schmidt, w. (joint author) 1904 Eine Papuasprache auf Neupommern. Globus, 86(5): 79-80. 1901 see 1901 Spölgen, N. and Schmidt, W. 1905 Die Bainingsprache, eine zweite Papuasprache auf Neupommern. Schmidt, W. and Vormann, Franz Globus, 87(21): 357-8. 1900 Ein B eitrag zur Kenntnis der Valman-Sprache: auf Grund der von P. Vormann, S.V.D., 1905a Lautwandel und Lautentsprechungen. gemachten Aufzeichnungen, iS: Oie Sprachen des Berlinhafen-’ bearbeitet von P.W. Schmidt, Bezirkes in Deutsch-Neuguinea. S.V.D. Z e itsc h rift für Berlin. Universität. Seminar für Ethnologie, 3 2 : 87-104. orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, Mitteilungen, 8 : 72-83. Schmiele, Georg 1907 Die geheime Jünglingsweihe der 1888 Ein Fest auf der Insel Matupi. Karesau-Insulaner (Deutsch Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, l(ll) Neuguinea). (Nach den (new series): 83-4. Mitteilungen des Karesau- Insulaners Bonifaz Tamatai Pritak). Anthropos, 2: 1029-56. 264

1888a Die Bewohner der Insel Mioko. 1959b Die Nackenstützen und Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1(17) , Zeremonialstühle der Azera (new series): 131-4, ;i9^ (new in Nordost-Neuguinea. Baessler- series 148-9, 21 new Archiv, 7 (neue Folge): 149- series 163- 6, 22 .new 6 3 . series 171-3, >3 new series 180-2 , 24 , new 1959c Todeszauber in Nordost-Neuguinea. series, 188-91. Paideuma, 7: 35-67. 1891 Die Insel Nissan (Green island): aus dem Schutzgebiete der Neu- 1959^ Sprachen und Kulturen im Guinea-Kompagnie. Mitteilungen nordöstlichen Neuguinea. aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, Anthropologische Gesellschaft 4: 100-9 , 110-2. in Wien, Mitteilungen, 88-89: 148-54. 1892 Charakteristik des Schutzgebietes der Neu-Guinea-Kompagnie. 1960 Verwandtschaftsnamen und Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 3 : Kulturschichten im Nordosten 469-73. von Neuguinea. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 85: 1-16. Jchmitz, Carl A. 1960a Beiträge zur Ethnographie des 1954 Zur Soziologie des Moändo- Wantoat Tales, Nordost Neuguinea. Sprachgebietes. Anthropos, 49: Kölner ethnologische Mitteilungen. 1105-6. Köln, Kölner Universitäts Verlag, 226 pp. and 61 plates. 1955 Zur Ethnographie der Huon- Halbinsel, Nordost Neuguinea. 1960b Historische Probleme in Nordost- Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Neuguinea, Huon Halbinsel. 80 : 298-312. Studien zur Kulturkunde, 16: viii and 44l pp. Wiesbaden, 1955a Balam: der Tanz- und Kultplatz Franz Steiner Verlag G.m.b.H. in Melanesien als Versammlungsort und mimischer Schauplatz. I96OC Die Ornamentik der Komba auf Schaubühne; Quellen und Neuguinea. Ethnologica, 2 (new Forschungen zur Theatergeschichte, series): 154-80. 46: 184 pp. and 8 plates. Emsdetten (Westf.), Verlag Lechte. 1961 Das Problem der austro-melaniden Kultur. Acta tropica, l8: 97- 1956 Style provinces and style 141. elements: a study in method. Mankind, 5: 107-16. 196la Die Bedeutung der Schlange im Tami-Stil von Nordost-Neuguinea. 1956a Two "prehistoric" stone objects Paideuma, 7(8): 442-56. from the Huon Peninsula. Mankind, 5 : 128. 1961b Gibt es eine "Megalith-Kultur" in Ozeanien? Zeitschrift für 1956b Die Initiation bei den Pasum Ethnologie, 8 6 : 234-49. am oberen Rumu, Nordost-Neuguinea. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 8 l : 1961c Eine Liebeszauberfigur der Komba 236-46. in Nordost-Neuguinea. Beiträge zur Völkerforschung - Hans Damm 1957 Zum Problem des Balum-Kultes in zum 65. Geburtstag. Leipzig. Nordost Neuguinea. Paideuma, Museum für Völkerkunde, 6 : 257- 80. Veröffentlichungen, Heft 11: 577-84. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 752 pp. 1958 Zum Problem des Kannibalismus im nördlichen Neuguinea. Paideuma, 6 : 381-410. 1962 Wildbeuter-Problematik in Ozeanien. Paideuma, 8: 124-35. 1958a Zur Ethnographie des Yupna- Tales im Nordosten von Neuguinea. 1962a Kopfjäger und Kannibalen. Basel. Acta ethnographica, 7: 337-86. Museum für Völkerkunde und Schweizerisches Museum für Volkskunde, Führer, Sonderaus­ 1959 Zur Ethnologie der Rai-Küste stellung vom . - in Neuguinea. Anthropos, 54: 2 1 2 .1 9 6 1 30.4.1962, 32 pp. and 26 plates. 27-56.

1959a Die Jawik-Figuren der Pasum in 1962b Oceanic sculpture: sculpture Nordost Neuguinea. Leipzig. of Melanesia. London, Oldbourne Museum für Völkerkunde, Press, 15 PP. and 33 plates. Jahrbuch, 17: 30-51. 265 Schnee, Heinrich (ed. ) 196? Wantoat: art and religion of the northeast New Guinea Papuans. 1920 Deutsches Kolonial-Lexikon. (Art in its context: studies in Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer, 3 vols., ethno-aesthetics; edited by 776, 698, 778 pp.; (Deutsch- A.A. Gerbrands and F. Sierksma.) Neuguinea, vol. 1: 315-56). (Transl. from German by Mrs. G.E. van Baaren-Pape.) Den Haag,' Mouton & Co., 159 PP. incl. Schnee, Heinrich and Bennigsen, Rudolf von 47 plates. 1900 Strafexpedition nach Neu- necklenburg und den Admiralitäts- Schnee, Albert Hermann Heinrich Inseln. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 11: 326-32. see Schnee, Heinrich. Schneider, David Murray and Gough, Schnee, Heinrich Kathleen (eds. ) 1899 Bericht Uber eine Fahrt nach 1961 Matrilineal kinship. Berkeley der SUdküste Neu-Pommerns. and Los Angeles, University of Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen California Press, xx and 761 pp. Schutzgebieten, 13(1): 75-85. see 1961 Fathauer, George H.

1899a Ueber eine Reise nach Neu- Mecklenburg und Neu-Hannover. Schneider, G. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 10: 436 - 1 9 2 7 /2 8 Proben der Nimboran-Sprache 8. (Niederländisch-Neuguinea). Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen­ 1899t» Ueber einen Zug gegen die sprachen, l8: 128-40. Anapaparleute auf der Gazelle- Halbinsel. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, Schneider,, Josef 1 0 : 438-9. 1954 Über den Feldbau der Sulka auf Neubritannien. Anthropos, 49: Einiges Uber Sitten und 1900 276-89. Gebräuche der Eingeborenen Neu- Guineas. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie 1962 Grammatik der Sulka-Sprache, und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: Neubritannien. Micro-Bibliotheca 413-6. in: Zeitschrift für Anthropos, 3 6 : vli and 538 pp. Ethnologie, vol. 3 2 . (Posieux, Freiburg).

1900a Bericht des stellvertretenden Schneider, M. Gouverneurs Dr. Schnee Uber • einen Zug in die Bainingberge. 1934 Übertragungen einiger phono- Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 11: graphisch aufgenommener Diri. Nova Guinea, 1 6 : 486-8. 209-11.

1901 Über Ortsnamen im Bismarck- Schoedler, Lillian Archipel. Mitteilungen aus den 1962 For a new corner of the world: Deutschen Schutzgebieten, 14: try the Sepik. Pacific islands 229-41. monthly, 32(7): 6 3 -9 .

a Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Sprachen 1901 Schofield, F.D. im Bismarck-Archipel. Berlin. Universität. Seminar für I960 Child health in the tropics. orientalische Sprachen zu Papua and New Guinea scientific Berlin, Mitteilungen, 4: 229-79. society, Annual report and proceedings for I960: 8-10. 1903 Unsere bösesten Landsleute. Eine Betrachtung im Anschluss an die Schofield, F. D. and Parkinson, A.D. jüngste Bluttat auf den 1963 Social medicine in New Guinea: Admiralitäts-Inseln. Deutsche beliefs and practices affecting Kolonialzeitung, 1 6 (3 6 ) (new health among the Abelma and series): 362 -3 . Warn peoples of the Sepik District. Medical journal of Australia, 1904 Bilder aus der SUdsee : unter 1: 1-8, 29-33. den kannibalischen Stämmen des Bismarck-Archipels. Berlin, Scholefield, Guy Hardy Dietrich Reimer A.G., 394 pp. 1919 The Pacific: its past and future; and the policy of the great powers 1926 German colonization past and from the eighteenth century. future: the truth about the London, John Murray, 346 pp. German colonies (with an introduction by W. H. Dawson). London, G. Allen & Unwin Ltd., Scholz 176 pp. 1910 Bezirksamtmann Scholz berichtet folgendes. Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Neuguinea, 2(10): 7 9 -8 0 , (11): 83-4, (12): 87-8. 266

Schoorl, J.W. Schuchard, H.W.L. 195^ Rapport van het bevolkingsonderzoek 1941 Our neighbours in New Guinea: in het Moejoegebied. Nederlands c ra ft and craftsmen of the Nieuw-Guinea, Gouvernement van - Humboldt Bay. Walkabout, 8 (l): Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, 29-31. No. 50, 183 pp. Schuller, J. 1957? Kultuur en kultuurveranderingen 1934 Die Besiedlung der Insel in het Moejoe-gebied. Den Haag, Parama. - Die Dubu-Tänze auf J.N. Voorhoeve, 299 PP. Papua. Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, Sitzungsberichte, 1958 Wetenschappelijke expeditie naar 1933-34.: 6-7. het Sterrengebergte. Nieuw- Guinea studiSn, 2: 28-41. Schulte im Hofe, A. Schori, Dieter 1902 Eine Zukunftskultur fUr Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 1959 Das Floss in Ozeanien. Völker­ 15(3 0 ) (new s e rie s ): 292-3 . kundliche Beiträge zur Ozeanistik, 1: 274 pp. Göttingen, L. Häntzschel. Schultz-Ewerth, Erich and Adam, Leonhard (eds. ) Schott, Rüdiger 1929/30 Das Eingeborenenrecht, Sitten und Gewohnheitsrechte der 1957 Ahn und Enkel bei Naturvölkern. Eingeborenen der ehemaligen Sociologus, 7(2): 130-41. deutschen Kolonien in Afrika und in der Südsee. S tu ttg art, 1958 Die Eigentumsrechte der Strecker & Schröder, 2 vols., Trobriand-Insulaner in Nordwest- 38O, 728 pp. see 1929/30 Melanesien. Anthropos, 53: Thurnwald, Richard C. 88-132. Schultze, L. Schrader, C. 1911 Zur Kenntnis der melanesischen 1889 Astronomisch-geographische Sprache von der Insel Tumleo. Ortsbestimmungen und erdmagnetische Jena, Gustav Fischer, 96 pp. Beobachtungen in Kaiser Wilhelmsland und dem Bismarck- 1911a Von der Deutsch-Holländischen Archipel. Gesellschaft für Grenzexpedition. Deutsches Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, Kolonialblatt, 22: 124-7. 24: 165-85. 1914 Forschungen im Innern der 1889a Erläuterungen zu der Karte des In sel Neuguinea (Bericht des Kaiserin Augusta-Flusses. Führers Uber die wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Ergebnisse der deutschen Berlin, Zeitschrift, 24: 191-3. Grenzexpedition in das westliche Kaiser-Wilhelmsland, 1910). Berlin, E.S. M ittler & Sohn, 100 pp. Schreven, Ch. H. van 1940/41 Verslag van de patrouilletocht onder leiding van den toenmaligen Schumacker, C. commandant der gewapende 1953) Exploratie. in: W.C. Klein p o litie in de Molukken, Ch. H. 1954) (ed. ), Nieuw Guinea, vol. 3 : van Schreven, van Steenkool 1-120. 's-Gravenhage, (Masoei) naar de Anggimeren en S taatsd ru k k erij- en Wariap, lopende van 15 J u li uitgeversbedrijf, 3 delen, to t en met 11 Augustus 1929. 491, 470, 600 pp. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 5: 136-50. Schuster, Carl Schrieber, G.F. 1946 P reh isto ric stone objects from New Guinea and the Solomons. 1922 Zwölf Jahre unter den Melanesiern Mankind, 3 : 247-51. und Papua von Britisch-Neuguinea. Leipzig. Städtisches Museum für Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 1918-21, 1951/52 An ancient Chinese mirror design 8 : 92-3. re fle cte d in modern Melanesian art. Far eastern quarterly, 11: Schroeder, A.G. (joint author) 51-66. 1939 see 1939 Gunther, Carl E.M. and Schroeder, A.G. 1952 V-shaped chest-markings: distribution of a design-motive Schroo, H. in and around the Pacific. Anthropos, 47: 99-118. 1961 Soil survey and land c la s s ­ ification in Netherlands New Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studiän, 5: 301-9. 267 Schuy, J. 1955 Birth weight, prematurity and 1951/52 Das Haus bei den Qunantuna. growth rate to thirty months of Archiv fUr Völkerkunde, 6-7: the New Guinea native child. 2 0 -5 2 . Medical journal of Australia, 1 : 128- 52. Schwabe, A.D. Kurd (ed. ) 1957? Depopulation in New Ireland: a n.d. Die Deutschen Kolonien. Berlin, study of demography and fertility. Weller & Hüttich, 2 vols., Port Moresby, Administration of l60, 164 pp. see n.d. Krämer, Papua and New Guinea, lithograph. Augustin. 144 pp.; presented as thesis 1954 (M.D.), University of Adelaide. Schwartz, Theodore 1961 Changes in basic principles of 1962 Health in the Papua and New Organisation and integration in Guinea village. Medical journal Manus culture. Tenth Pacific of Australia, 1: 589-95. science congress 1961, Honolulu, Abstracts of symposium papers: 117. Seagle, W. 1957 Primitive law and Professor Malinowski. American anthro­ 196la Transformation of political structure by the Paliau movement pologist, 59: 275-90. in the Admiralty Islands. Tenth Pacific science congress 1961, Seddon, Richard Honolulu, Abstracts of symposium 1958 S.P.C. co-operatives meeting papers: 1 2 0 . at Port Moresby. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 1962 The Paliau movement in the 8 (5 ): 1 6 . Admiralty islands, 1946-1954. American museum of natural history, New York, Anthropological 1958a S.P.C. meeting on Pacific papers, 49(2): 206-421; also co-operatives. South Pacific 1957 Ph.D. dissertation, commission, Quarterly bulletin, University of Pennsylvania. 8(4): 25-4, 57.

1965 Systems of areal integration: 1961 Education for girls and women some considerations based on in Papua and New Guinea. the Admiralty islands of Australian territories, 1(5): northern Melanesia. Anthropological 45-7, (6 ): 59-45. forum, 1 : 56 -9 7 . 1961a Youth study group meets at Schwartz, Theodore (joint author) Port Moresby. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 1960 see I960 Mead, Margaret and 11(5): 2 8 , 72. Schwartz, Theodore. Seidel, Heinrich Schwartz, Theodore and Mead, Margaret 1961 Mocro- and macro-cultural models 1894 Die Admiralitäts-Inseln. Deutsche for cultural evolution. Kolonialzeitung, 7(2) (new Anthropological linguistics, series): 2 5 -6 . 5(1): 1-7. 1902 Von den Salomo-Inseln. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 15(2) (new Schwidetzky, U s e series): 15-5. 1962 Papua und Melanesier in Nordost- Neuguinea (nach dem anthro­ 1905 Die deutschen Salomo-Inseln pologischen Material von Georg sonst und Jetzt. Globus, 8 5 (1 2 ): Höltker). Anthropos, 57: 748-56. 181-6.

Scott, Graham 1905a Die Lage auf den duetschen Salomo-Inseln. Deutsche 1962/65 The dialects of Fore. Oceania, Kolonialzeitung. 16(5) (new 55: 280-6. series): 4 5 , (6) (new series): 55-4. Scott, Graham (joint author) 1911 Die deutsche Salomoinsel Buka. 1962 see 1962 Bunn, G. and Scott, G. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 2 8 (1 5 ): 208-9, (14): 228-9. Scragg, Roy Frederick Rhodes 1951 Report of two cases of ectopic 1915 SUdseearbeiten. Ein Vorbericht pregnancy in New Guinea natives. zu dem Werke von Professor Dr. Medical journal of Australia, 0. Finsch. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 5 0 (5 2 ): 528, 2: 55- 530. 268

Selby, David Mayer 1906c Physical anthropology and 1963 Itambu! Sydney, Currawong, 167 PP. ethnology of British New Guinea. Lancet, 1: 421-9, 504-7. Seligman, C.G. 1908 Note on totemism in New Guinea. 1899 Notes on the club houses and dubus of British New Guinea. Man, 8: 162-3. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London, 1908a Mr. Monckton's journey across Journal, 29: 211-2; also 1900 New Guinea. Geographical British association for the journal, 32: 503-7. advancement of science, Report of the 69th meeting, 1899: 591. 1909 Linked totems in British New Guinea. Man, 9: 4-9. 1899a Morbid conditions met with among the natives of British New Guinea. British medical journal, II: 1909a A classification of the natives 1277-8. of British New Guinea. Royal anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1901-03 The vision of natives of British Journal, 39: 246-74, 314-33. New Guinea, in: Cambridge anthropological expedition to Torres Straits, Report, 2: I33- 1909b A type of canoe ornament with 40. Cambridge, Cambridge magical significance from University Press, 6 vols. south-eastern British New Guinea. Man, 9: 33~5. 1902 The medicine, surgery and midwifery of the Sinaugolo. 1910 The Melanesians of British New Anthropological institute of Guinea. Cambridge, Cambridge Great Britain and Ireland, University Press, 766 pp. London, Journal, 32: 297-305. 1912 Stone adze blades from Suloga 1902a A note on albinism with special (British New Guinea) as Chinese reference to its racial antiquities. Man, 12: 72. characteristics among the Melanesians and Polynesians. Lancet, 2: 803-5. 1912/13 Five Melanesian vocabularies from British New Guinea. Zeitschrift fUr Kolonialsprachen, 1904 Note concerning the progress of 3 : 182-200. the Cooke-Daniels Expedition to New Guinea and the Solomon islands. Man, 4; 18O-I. 1915 Note on a wooden horn or trumpet from British New Guinea. Man, 1904a V. Birth and childhood customs. 15: 22-3. VI. Women's puberty customs. in: Cambridge anthropological 1915a Notes on an obsidian axe or expedition to Torres Straits, adze blade from Papua. Man, Report, 5: 194-207. Cambridge, 15: 161-2. Cambridge University Press, 6 vols. 1916 Lime spatulae from Rossel island, British New Guinea. Man, 1905 Note on a skull prepared for 16: 6-7. purposes of sorcery, from the Mekeo district, British New Guinea. Man, 5: 49. 1917 Canoe prow ornaments from Netherlands New Guinea. Man, 17: 41-2. 1905a Further note on the progress of the Cook-Daniels Expedition to New Guinea. Man, 5: 52-3. 1927 Rest and work periods of the Sinaugolo (Rigo district, British New Guinea). Man, 27: 1905b Note on a painting on bark 41-3. from the Aird River delta, British New Guinea. Man, 5 : 161. 1929 Temperament, conflict and psychosis in a Stone-Age population. British journal of 1906 Note on a trephined skull from medical psychology, 9: 187- New Britain. Man, 6: 37-8. 202.

1906a Notes on the- Tugere tribe, 1934 Essays presented to C.G. Seligman Netherlands New Guinea. Man, (edited by E.E. Evans-Pritchard 6: 65-7. and others). London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. Ltd., 1906b Beobachtungen der Danielsschen 385 pp. see 1934 Landtman, G., Expedition nach Britisch- 1934 Malinowski, B., 1934a Neuguinea. Globus, 89(19): Thurnwald, R.C., 1934 Williams, 302-3. F.E. 269

Seligman, C.G. and Dickson, T. Elder 1888 Versuch einer Systematik der Neu-Guinea Pfeile. Internationales 1946 'Rajim' and 'Tabuya' of the Archiv für Ethnographie, 1: d'Entrecasteaux group. Man, 1-22. 46: 129-3^. 1898 Die Korware oder Ahnenbilder Seligman, C.G. and Joyce, T. A. Neu-Guinea's; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Bildenden Kunst. 1907 On prehistoric objects in Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, British- New Guinea, in: land- en volkenkunde, 40: 287- W.H.R. Rivers and others 516. (eds.), Anthropological essays presented to Edward Burnett Tylor, in honour of Servin, Manuel his 75th birthday, October 2, 1907: 325-41. Oxford, Clarendon 1959 The act of sovereignty in the Press, 4l6 pp. age of discovery. Ph.D. thesis, University of Southern California, 545 pp. Seligman, C.G. and Strong, W.M. 1906 Anthropogeographical investigation Seyne Kok, J. in British New Guinea. Geographical journal, 27: 225-42, 547-69. 1906 Het Halifoersch zooals dit gesproken wordt ter Zuid- Oostkust van Nederlandsch Seligmann, B.Z. Nieuw-Guinea. (K.) Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en 1921 A note on the genealogical wetenschappen, Verhandelingen, method. Man, 21: 55-9. 56 (4de stuk): 55 pp. Seligmann, C.G. 1908 Rapport over de Mimika- see Seligman, C.G. kuststrook; een vergelijkende lijst van woorden gebruikt te Semon, Richard Mimika, Oeta en Merauke (under the auspices of the Kon. 1899 In the Australian bush and on Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig the coast of the Coral Sea: Genootschap). in: De zuidwest being the experiences and Nieuw-Guinea-expeditie 1904/5: observations of a naturalist in 461-96. Leiden, E.J. Brill, Australia, New Guinea and the 677 PP. Moluccas. (Tr.). London, MacMillan and Co. Ltd., 552 pp. Shanahan, M.W. 1898 Report of the assistant resident Semple, N.N. and others magistrate for the Mambare 1956 Blood group frequencies in district. British New Guinea. natives of the central highlands Annual report for 1897-98: of New Guinea, and in the 102-5, (App. P). Bainings of New Britain. Medical journal of Australia, Shand, F.N.W. 2 : 565-71. 1941 Customs of the Yagerimbok natives of the Sepik District. Sergi, G. Report to the League of Nations 1892 Le varietä umane della Melanesia. on the administration of the R. Accademia medica di Roma. Territory of New Guinea for Bollettino, 18(2): 90 pp.; "Die 1959-40: 21-2. Menschenvarietäten in Melanesien", 1892/93. (German Transl.) Archiv Shand, R.T. für Anthropologie, 21: 359-85. 1965 Some obstacles to the economic development of Papua-New Serpenti, L. M. Guinea. Australian outlook, 1962 Enkele sociale aspecten van 17(5): 506-16. het Wati-gebruik op het Prederik Hendrik-eiland (zuid Nieuw- 1965a The development of cash-cropping Guinea). Nieuw-Guinea studife'n, in Papua and New Guinea. 6 : 45-60. Australian journal of agricultural economics, 7(l): 42-54. Serrurier, L. 1880 Voordracht van mr. L. Serrurier Shapiro, Hamy L. over het schip uit ethnologisch oogpunt. Nederlandsch aardrijks- 1944 Peoples of the Pacific. Natural kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, history: American museum of Tijdschrift, 4: 77-80. natural history, Journal 55(4): 168- 81. 1881 Voordrac'ht van mr. L. Serrurier Sharp, H.H. (communicated by Professor over een roeispaan van het eiland Tombora of Nieuw-Ierland. T.C. Hodson) Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig 1954 Gumakari people of the Suki genootschap, Amsterdam, creek, New Guinea. Man, 54: Tijdschrift, 5: 78-9. 97-8. 270 Sheatsley, C.V. (joint author) Sieberg, August 1937 see 1937 Braun, F. and Sheatsley, 1910 Die Erdbebentä'tlgkeit in Deutsch C.V. Neuguinea. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, Shepherd, J. 56(2): 72-4, 116-22. 1939 Oil search in Papua and New Guinea enters new phase. Far Sierevelt, A.M. eastern survey, 8 : 10-1 . 1 9 4 9 /5 0 Enige herinneringen uit de tijd van mijn Nieuw-Guinea-reizen (1935-1940). Tijdschrift 1939a New Guinea mandate and adjacent "Nieuw-Guinea", 10: 19-21. territory to he consolidated. Far eastern survey, 8: 71-3. Silas, E. 1939b Dutch activity in New Guinea 1924 The art of the Trobriand islanders. intensified. Far eastern survey, Studio, 8 8 : 132-5. 8 : 262- 3. Simatupang, T. B. Sheridan, Ray J. 1962 An Indonesian Christian view of the West Irian question. 1949 Songs and musical instruments Asian survey, 2(4): - . of Papua and New Guinea. South 2 8 3 2 Pacific, 3(H): 213-6, (1 2 ): Simmelink, J.H. 237-9. 1959 50 Jaar zending en zendingsonder- Sherman, B.W. wljs in het Fakfakse 1908-1958. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 7(2): 1926 Native vocabulary. Report to the 8- 11. League of Nations on the administration of the Territory Simmons, R. T. of New Guinea for 1924-25: 78- 9, (App. B). 1956 A report on blood group genetical surveys in eastern Asia, Sherwin, V.H. Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia and Australia in the 1938 Ancient carved stone objects, study of man. Anthropos, 51: Watut river, Territory of New 500-12. Guinea (with notes by A. C. Haddon). Man, 3 8 : 71-3. Simmons, R.T. and Graydon, J. J. Sherwin, V.H. and Haddon, A. C. 1947 Blood group frequencies in Admiralty islanders: further 1933 A stone-bowl from New Britain. observations on the Fijians Man, 3 3 : 160-2. and Indonesians and on Rh gene frequencies in some other Shevill, I.W.A. (Joint author) races. Medical Journal of Australia, 1: 577-81. 1949 see 1949 Cranswick, G.H. and Shevill, I.W.A. Simmons, R.T. (Joint author) Shlimovitz, Nathan 1945 see 1945 Graydon, J.J. and 1946 Leprosy: a report of nine Simmons, R.T. cases among natives of the Mount Hagen area in New Guinea. Simmons, R.T. and others Medical Journal of.Australia, 1: 369-70. 1944 The Rh factor: ethnological aspects. Medical Journal of Australia, 1: 483-5. Shortall, J.P.

1941 Forgotten Nukumanu. Walkabout, 1946 Further observations on the Rh 7: 40-8. and Hr factors, and the blood group frequencies in Papuans. Shurcliff, Sidney Nichols Medical Journal of Australia, 1: 537-9. 1930 Jungle islands, the "Illyria" in the South Seas. The record of the Crane Pacific Expedition, 1956 A blood group genetical survey Field Museum of Natural History, in west Nakanai, New Britain. Chicago, Illinois. New York, American Journal of physical Putnam's, 298 pp. anthropology, 14: 275-86.

Sidney, John I960 A blood group genetical survey 1956 Progress in Papua - New Guinea. in New Britain. American New Commonwealth, London, 32(6): Journal of physical anthropology, 264. 18: 101- 8. 277

1961 "Studies on Kuru". V. A blood 1950 Observations on dental conditions group genetical survey of the among native peoples in Papua - Kuru region and other parts of New Guinea (with a short note Papua - New Guinea. American on the fluorine content of journal of tropical medicine selected waters), ija: Report and hygiene, 10(4): 639-64. of the New Guinea Nutrition Survey Expedition, 1947 (Part 8 ): 217-67. Sydney, Government 1961a "Studies on Kuru". VI. Blood Printer, 308 pp. groups in Kuru. American journal of tropical medicine and Sinclair, Gordon hygiene, 10(4): 665-8. 1934 Cannibal quest. London, Hurst Simon Thomas, R.T. and Blackett, 288 pp. 1960 A note on coconut beetles. Sinclair, J.P. South Pacific commission. Quarterly bulletin, 10(1): 1954 Patrolling in the restricted 42-3. areas of Papua and New Guinea. Australian outlook, vol. 8(3): Simpson, Colin 129-45. 1953 Adam with arrows. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 239 PP. 1958 The Duna people of the Papuan highlands: their way of life. Walkabout, 24(9): 32-4, 37-8, 1954 Adam in plumes. Sydney, Angus (10): 30-2. & Robertson, xvii and 268 pp. 1961 Patrolling in the Territory of • 1955 Islands of men. Sydney, Angus Papua and New Guinea. Australian & Robertson, 248 pp. territories, 1(4): 26-33.

Singelmann, Carl 1962 Plumes and arrows: inside New Guinea... Sydney, Angus & 1909 Prof. Dr. Finschs Anteil an Robertson, 407 pp. and 117 der Erwerbung des deutschen plates. Südsee-Schutzgebietes. (Eine Erinnerung zum 25. Jahrestage.) Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Simpson, D.A. and others 26(42): 689-92. 1959 Observations on Kuru: 2. Clinical features. Australasian Singh, J.P. annals of medicine, 8(l): 8-15. see Uberoi, Jitendra Pal Singh.

Sinclair, A.J.M. Singh, L.P. 1957 Shame and suicide. Papua and 1962 Bases of Indonesia's claim to New Guinea scientific society, West New Guinea. Australian Annual report and proceedings quarterly, 34(1): 7-16. for 1957: 26-34.

Sinclair, Alex Sippo, W. 1957 Field and clinical survey report I960 Comments in general discussion. of the mental health of the UNESCO Symposium on the impact indigenes of the Territory of of man on humid tropics Papua and New Guinea. Port vegetation. Comments made in Moresby, Gov'ernment Printer, the general discussion following 59 PP. the section titled: Social and economic aspects of the effects' of early man's action on the 1958 Natives' natural resentment to vegetation of the humid tropics white man "heavily suppressed." Pacific islands monthly, 28(8 ): General discussion. Goroka, Territory of Papua and New 53-7. Guinea: 394-400. Sponsored by the Administration of the Sinclair, Barbara Y. and others Territory of Papua and New 1949 Symposium on dental caries Guinea and UNESCO Science Co­ operation Office for South among Pacific peoples: some East Asia.' Canberra, Government aspects of dental caries among Printer, 402 pp. native peoples of Papua-New Guinea and European inhabitants of Australia. Seventh Pacific 1962 Pushing back the frontier. science congress 1949, New Australian territories, 2(4): Zealand, Proceedings, 7: 434-50. 4-9. 272

Skelly, E.C. ^medts, Matthew 1918 Report of a patrol made by A. R. M. 1955 No tobacco, no hallelujah: a Skelly and P.0. Miles to the tale of a visit to the Stone- Kukukuku country In the Nabo and Age Capaukoos. London, W. Albert mountains commencing Kimber, xii and 203 pp.; from Kerema, from 15th November "Geen tabak, geen hallelujah", to 3 0 th December 1916. Papua. 1956 (Dutch transl.) Voorhout, Annual report for 1916-17: Foreholte, 188 pp. 68-76, (App. D). Smend 1919 Report of a patrol made by acting assistant resident 1908 Die Schouteninseln. Globus, magistrate, Upoia, to the 93(6): 95. Albert mountains (Ivorl valley) from the 20th October to 9th Smith, Ewart November, 1917. Papua. Annual report for 1 917-1 8 : 68-74, 19^7 Marriage and divorce in Papua, (App. C). New Guinea. Monthly notes, 1(11): 2-8.

1919a Vocabularies - Kerema station, 1950 The ordinances interpretation Gulf Division. Papua. Annual ordinance, 1949 - Papua and report for 1 9 1 7 -1 8 : 9 5 , New Guinea. South Pacific, (App. El6 ). 4(12): 227-9.

Skinner, H.D. 1951 The restoration of lost titles to land in New Guinea. South 1959 Anthropology in the South Seas: essays presented to H.D. Skinner. Pacific, 5(3) : 48-52. see 1959 Freeman, J.D. and Geddes, W.R. (eds. ). Smith, Marian W. 1950 Additional materials on Mt. Skinner, R.I. Hagen, New Guinea. American 1940 Customs of people in the Mai anthropologist, 5 2 : 2 8 2 . (Mairifutika) river valley. Report to the League of Nations Smith, Miles Stanlforth on the administration of the 1911 Magisterial report - Kikori Territory of New Guinea for expedition. Papua. Annual 1958-39: 2 1 -2 . report for 1910-1 1 : 165-7 1 . 1952/53 Patrol report, district of central highlands, No. K5, 1947/48. in: 1912 Exploration in Papua. Geographical R.M. Berndt, "A cargo movement journal, 39: 313-3 4 . in the eastern central highlands of New Guinea". Oceania, 23: 1932 Ascent of Mt. Victoria. Papua. 226, (App. 16). Annual report for 1930-31: 14-5. Slater, Kenneth R. Smith, Roy L. 1961 Reptiles in New Guinea. Australian territories, l(5): 1949-58 Imu Buki Tabu 'U da Mwaratoni. 27-35. Buk 2, 3 , 4, 9. (Adapted and transl. by R.V. Grant from the author's 'Know your bible' Sloan, Norman R. series.) Papua, East Cape, 1954 Leprosy in Netherlands New Methodist Mission, 78, 86, 87 , Guinea. South Pacific commission, 103 pp. Technical papers No. 5 6 , v and 16 pp. Snapper, F. 1962 Minimum wages in Netherlands Sloman, J.G. New Guinea: a statistical 1953 Hansen's disease in New Guinea. comparison with international Medical journal of Australia, standards. Nieuw-Guinea 2: 487-8. studifen, 6(3): 219-29.

Smales, Gus Sneep, J. I960 How much control for New Guinea 1961) De Frans-Nederlandse expeditie towns? Pacific islands monthly, 1962) in Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea; 3 0 (1 0 ): 69-75. September 1959- April i96 0 . Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 9(4): 6-9, (5): 6-9, (6): 6-9; Smark, Peter 10(1 ): 2-7 . 1959 The Dunas of the Papua-New Guinea highlands fight for fun. 1962 De Frans-Nederlandse expeditie Pacific islands monthly, 3 0 (2 ): in Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea: 6 1 , 6 3 . Sept. 1959- April i960, (IV). Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 10(1 ): 2-7. 273 Snelleman, H. South Pacific 1955 A few notes on Netherlands New 1948 Report on the Trust Territory Guinea. Australia's neighbours, of New Guinea. South Pacific, 3rd series, No. 50. 2(5): whole issue.

Snelleman, Joh. P. 1950 Native labour from New Guinea highlands. South Pacific, 1927/28 Afrikaansche beeldjes en k 00 M 3 ) : 51. andere. Nederlands IndlS (oud en nleuw), 1 2 (1 ): 1 9 -2 6 . 1950a Native land. South Pacific, 1928/29 Oude korwars. Nederlands Indlfe" 4(6) : 112. (oud en nleuw), 1 3 : 346-8. 1950b High school at Wau. South Society for Promoting of Christian Knowledge Pacific, 4(7): 131. 1908 Gui: Ublr. London, Society Prom. Christian Knowledge, 61 pp. 1951 School councils established in Papua and New Guinea. South Söderström, Jan Pacific, 5(1) : 16. 1938 Die rituellen Pingerverstümmelungen ln der Südsee und ln Australien. 1951a The future of West New Guinea. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 70: South Pacific, 5(4): 59-66. 24-47. 1951b Community .development through 1941 Die Flgurstühle vom Seplk-Fluss rural progress societies: auf Neuguinea (mit einem Anhang Amele and Dagua projects, north von Georg Höltker: Drei coast New Guinea. South Zeremonlalschemel vom Seplk). Pacific, 5(7): 123-6. Stockholm, Statens Etnograflska Museum, Smärre Meddelanden, 1951c Educational development in No. 1 8 : 59 PP. Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 5(7) : 142-3. 1942 Zwei Zeremonlalstühle oder Rednerpulte von Seplk. Ethnos, 1951d The first meeting of the 7: 149-55. Legislative Council of Papua and New Guinea. South Soederstroem, Jan Pacific, 5(10): 215-7. see Söderström, Jan. 1952 New Guinea administrative officers receive diplomas. Solheim, Wilhelm G. South Pacific, 5(11): 239-47. 1958 Some potsherds from New Guinea. Polynesian society, Wellington, 1952a Plan for Bulolo timber. South Journal, 67: 155-7. Pacific, 5(12): 274.

Sollewijn Gelpke, J.H.F. 1952b Fibre growing in Papua and New 1952 Enige. gegevens omtrent het Guinea. South Pacific, 5(12): verloop van de Mairasi-stam 274-5. (Kaimana). Nederlands Nieuw- Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, 1952c Customs inquiry in Papua and PP. New Guinea. South Pacific, 6 5(12): 275.

Somerville, Ena (compiler) 1952d Ex-Servicement land settlement 1945 Our friends the Papuans. Sydney, in New Guinea. South Pacific, Australian Board of Missions, 6(5): 412-3. 186 pp. (Parts 1, 2, 3 in one v o l . ). 1953 Woolpack fibre from New Guinea. South Pacific, 6(10): 535-7. Souter, Gavin I960 The new men of New Guinea. Pix, 59(2): 26-35. 1953a The role of women and women's organizations in the community. South Pacific, 6(12): 582-6. 1960a Meet New Guinea's elite - the "friends". Plx, 59(3): 29-37. 1953b The future of the co-operative movement in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 7: 1963 New Guinea: the last unknown. 608-9. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 296 pp. 1953c Improvement in New Guinea's economic position. South Pacific, 7: 741. 274

1955 Administration ln the Territories ,1954 Community development in the (extract from the Commonwealth Nimboran. South Pacific commission, Public Service Board's report Quarterly bulletin, 4(2): 2-5, 30. for 1954). South Pacific, 8 : 60-1. 1954a Native nurses in Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific commission, 1955a Mechanical rice growing In Dutch Quarterly bulletin, 4(3): 9-10. New Guinea. South Pacific, 8 : 78. 1954b Malaria control school opened at Minj. South Pacific commission, 1955b Local government in New Guinea Quarterly bulletin, 4(3): 10. (extract from the annual report of the Territory of New Guinea 1954c Native co-op. builds modern 1955-54: native councils). store. South Pacific commission, South Pacific, 8 : 92-5, 96. Quarterly bulletin, 4(3): 27.

1955c Papua and New Guinea export- 1954d Fisheries investigations in import trade returns 1954-55- Netherlands New Guinea. South South Pacific, 8 : 184. Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 4(4): 6. 1956 Supply of liquor to New Guinea natives. South Pacific, 8 : 1955 Australian school of Pacific 209-11. administration - recent review of policy. South Pacific commission, 1956a The importance of economic Quarterly bulletin, 5(2): 6. education and sound economic development. (Paper presented 1955a Extensive coconut plantings in by Netherlands New Guinea Lae area. South Pacific commission, delegation to the South Pacific Quarterly bulletin, 5(2): 29. Conference.) South Pacific, 9: 284-90, 304. 1955b Commonwealth bank grant for native co-operative educational 1958 Netherlands-Australian co­ centre. South Pacific commission, operation in New Guinea. Quarterly bulletin, 5(2): 33. (Statements by Sir Phillip McBride and others.) South 1955c Co-operatives make progress in Pacific, 9: 516-7, 567-8. Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific commission, Quarterly 1958a Native people in the public bulletin, 5(4): 11-2. service of Papua and New Guinea. South Pacific, 9: 576-87. 1956 Stepping up copra production in Papua and New Guinea. South South Pacific Commission Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 6(1): 15-6. 1949/50 Research council work programme 1949-1950. reprinted in: Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Gulnea", 1957 Rubber industry expands in Papua 10: 116-8. and New Guinea. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 1958 Investigation into the problem 7(2 ): 18-20. of depopulation among the Marind- anim of Netherlands New Guinea. 1958 Commission to hold co-operatives (Summary of results with some meeting at Port Moresby. South comments.) South Pacific Pacific commission, Quarterly commission, Project S.18, 12 pp. bulletin, 8(2 ): 28.

South Pacific Commission - Quarterly Bulletin 1958a Fishing industry develops in Papua and New Guinea. South 1953 Copra production costs in Papua Pacific commission, Quarterly and New Guinea. South Pacific bulletin, 8(2 ): 4l. commission, Quarterly bulletin, 3(4): 7-8. 1958b Dutch expedition to explore 1953a Rhinoceros beetle control in Star mountains. South Pacific Papua and New Guinea. South commission, Quarterly bulletin, Pacific commission, Quarterly 8(2 ): 45-6. bulletin, 3(4) : 12. 1958c S.P.C. to hold Fourth South 1953b Rice production in Papua and Pacific Conference in New New Guinea. South Pacific Britain. South Pacific commission, commission, Quarterly bulletin, Quarterly bulletin, 8 (3): 17. 3(4): 23. 275 1958d Timber industry grows rapidly 1962c Timber production in Papua and in Papua and New Guinea. South New Guinea to be doubled. South Pacific commission, Quarterly Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 8 (3 ) : 27, 31. bulletin, 1 2 (3 ): 40.

1962d Trade training for Papuans and 1958e Nautical school for training Papuans. South Pacific commission, New Guineans. South Pacific Quarterly bulletin, 8(4): 56-7. commission, Quarterly bulletin, 12(3): 52.

1959 Picturesque Rabaul is main port 1963 Morbidity survey starts in Papua of New Britain. South Pacific and New Guinea highlands. South commission, Quarterly bulletin, Pacific commission, Quarterly 9(2): 17-8, 55-6. bulletin, 1 3 (3 ): 2 9 .

I960 Sago making in the 3wamp-lands 1963a The Papua and New Guinea nautical of western Papua. South Pacific training school. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, commission, Quarterly bulletin, 1 0 (1 ): 57, 6 2 . 13(3): 30-1.

1960a Mother-and-child welfare in 1963b Development of small-scale Papua and New Guinea. South private enterprise. South Pacific commission, Quarterly Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 10(4): 46, 6 0 . bulletin, 1 3 (3 ): 3 2 -3 .

1963c Tea-processing at Garaina. South 1961 Record year for co-operatives Pacific commission, Quarterly in Papua and New Guinea. South bulletin, 1 3 (3 ): 43-5. Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 11(1 ): 34. South Pacific Commission - Social Development Notes 1961a S.P.C. secretary general visits Netherlands New Guinea. South 1951 Research workers in the South Pacific commission, Quarterly Pacific. South Pacific commission, bulletin, ll(l): 52. Social development notes No. 8 , Supplement No. 18 to Progress 1961b Papuans and New Guineans attend report. Hollandia nautical school. South Pacific commission, Quarterly South Pacific Commission - Technical bulletin, 11(2): 50. Information Circular 1952 Project H.6 : Opthalmology. 1961c Book-keeping course for New Information on eye conditions Britain storekeepers. South in Netherlands New Guinea. Pacific commission, Quarterly South Pacific commission, bulletin, 11(2): 51. Technical information circular 1, 1 PP. 196ld Health education training course for Netherlands New Guinea. 1952a Project H.9 : venereal diseases. South Pacific commission. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 11(2): 51. Technical information circular 2 , 6 pp. 196le New secondary school for Port Moresby. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 1 1 (3 ): 26-7, 1954 Project H.10: yaws. South Pacific 68. commission, Technical information circular 6 , 12 pp.

196lf Rooted cacao cuttings for Papua 1954a Cancer in the Pacific islands. and New Guinea growers. South South Pacific commission, Pacific commission, Quarterly Technical information circular bulletin, 11(4): 72. 7 , 22 pp. and app.

1962 Coffee production expanding in New Guinea highlands. South I960 Mental health in Papua and New Pacific commission, Quarterly Guinea. South Pacific commission, Technical information circular bulletin, 1 2 (1 ): 5 8 . 43, 9 PP. 1962 a Papuan and New Guinea apprentices score well in exams. South South Pacific Commission - Technical Pacific commission, Quarterly Papers bulletin, 1 2 (2 ): 7 0 . 1950 Community development. South Pacific commission, Technical 1962b Thirty-five Papuan and New Guinea papers No. 2: 1-10, (App. IV); medical students graduate. South also South Pacific commission, Pacific commission, Quarterly Social development notes 1. bulletin, 1 2 (3 ): 29. 276 1951 A bibliography of documentary Spate, 0. H. K. material on co-operation in the 1951 Notes on New Guinea. October- South Pacific. South Pacific commission, Technical papers November 1951. A. Resources and No. 10: 5-7, 10; also South economic potentialities, roneod. Pacific commission, Social development notes 3 : 10 pp. 1953 The rice problem in New Guinea. South Pacific, 7: 7 3 I-6 .

1951a The Purari delta: background and progress of community 1953a Changing native agriculture in development. South Pacific New Guinea. Geographical review, commission, Technical papers 43: 151-72. No. 35, iv and 33 pp.; also South Pacific commission, 1956 Problems of development in Social development notes 7. New Guinea. Geographical journal, 122: 430-40; also 1952 Current research in the South South Pacific, 1957, 9(7): Pacific in the field of economic 451-6. development. South Pacific commission, Technical papers 1956a Improving native living NO. 29: 3-5, 9-14, 16-8, 20-1, standards in the South Seas. 25, 29, 34-8, 46-9, 58, 6 3 , Walkabout, 22(7): 29-30. 66-8, 73-4, 7 6 , 7 8 -8 0 , 8 l-2 . Speck, 0. 1953 Social science research in the Pacific islands. South Pacific 1951 The saksak story. Walkabout, commission, Technical papers 17(7): 41-3. No. 52; revised edition of Technical papers No. 20. 1951a Fish-traps. Walkabout, 1 7 (5 ): 14-5. 1953a The co-operative movement in Papua and New Guinea. South Speedie, R.G. Pacific commission, Technical papers No. 42, 29 pp.; also 1933 Behind the Albert Mts. Papua. South Pacific commission, Annual report for I9 3 I-3 2 : Social development notes 14. 12-3.

1953b A bibliography of co-operation 1936 Ascent of Mt. Yule. Papua. in the South Pacific (revised Annual report for 1934-35: edition). South Pacific 25-6. commission, Technical papers No. 51: 6-8, 10, 11. 1936a Peace-making in Goilala. Papua. Annual report for 1934-35: 28-9. 1954 Annotated bibliography of filariasis and elephantiasis. Speiser, Felix Part 1: Epidemiology of 1932 Über Keulenformen in Melanesien. filariasis in the South Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 64: Pacific region. South Pacific 74-105. commission, Technical papers No. 65, vii and 63 pp. 1934 Versuch einer Kulturanalyse der zentralen Neuen Hebriden. 1956 Social science research in the Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 66: Pacific islands. South Pacific 128-86. commission, Technical papers No. 98; revised edition of Technical papers No. 52. 1936 Über Kunststile in Melanesien. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 68: 304-69. 1957 Index of social science research: theses on the South Pacific. South Pacific commission, 1937 Eine Initiationszeremonie in Technical papers No. 102, 79 PP- Kambrambo am Sepik, Neuguinea. Ethnologischer Anzeiger. Stuttgart, 4(4): 153~7. South Sea Evangelical Mission, Ilahita 1958 Mufwian buk atetena. Primer 1. 1938 Melanesien und Indonesien. "A primer in Mufwian, a Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, language of the lower Sepik, 70: 463-81. New Guinea." Port Moresby, Department of Education, 23 pp. 194o/4l Über Feuerzeuge in der Südsee. Anthropos, 35-36: 2 3 9 -6 3 . Spat, C. 1916/17 Animisme en prae-anlmisme. 1941 Kunststile ln der SUdsee. Basel. Nederlands Indife' (oud en nieuw), Museum für Völkerkunde, Führer, 1: 208-23, 271-90. 38 PP. 277

1942 Über Schutzwaffen in Melanesien. Spencer, Terence Edward Thornton and Internationales Archiv für Spencer, Margaret Ethnographie, 40: 81-117. I960 Malaria assessment methods. Papua and New Guinea medical 1942a Über Totenbestattungen in Insel journal, 4: 55-61. Melanesien. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, 40: 125-74. Spender, Percy 1951 Development of the timber 1944 Ueber die Beschneidung in der resources of Papua and New SUdsee. Acta tropica, 1: 9-29. Guinea. South Pacific, 4: 233-5. 1946 Versuch einer Siedlungsgeschichte der Südsee. Schweizerische 1955 West New Guinea: extracts from naturforschende Gesellschaft, statement by Sir Percy Spender Denkschriften, 77, Abh. 1: in the First Committee, United 82 pp. Nations General Assembly, Ninth Session, 24th November, 1954. Current notes on 1951 Gedenkschrift zur Erinnerung international affairs, 2 6 : an Felix Speiser, see 1951 45-51. Basel. Museum für Völkerkunde und Schweizerisches Museum für Volkskunde, 422 pp. 1955a West New Guinea: statement by the leader of the Australian delegation, Sir Percy Spender, Spekking, Wim and Matti, Anny United Nations General Assembly, 1958 Welk meisjesschooltype in Tenth Session, 3rd October, Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands 1955. Current notes on Nieuw-Guinea, 6 (3 ): 15. international affairs, 2 6 : 710- 2. 1958a Meer onderwijs voor de jeugd in Nieuw-Guinea? Nederlands Sperling, Irene Nieuw-Guinea, 6(4): 19. 1936 Beiträge zur Länderkunde von Niederländisch-Neuguinea. Das 1959 De nederlandse taal en het Hinterland von Merauke mit der onderwijs. Nederlands Nieuw- Frederick-Hendrik-Insel und die Guinea, 7(4): 11-3. Aroe-Inseln. Ph.D. thesis, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität, 1961) Naar het land der primitieven. Frankfurt a.M., 164 pp. Würzburg, 1962) Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 9(l): Verlag Konrad Triltsch. 14-5. (2 ): 2 0 -2 , (5): 15-7; 1 0 (1 ): 13-5, (4): 22-5. Spethmann, Hans (from letters by W. Behrmann). Spencer, Margaret 1912) Nachrichten von der Deutschen 1959 Doctor's wife in New Guinea. 1913; Neuguinea-Expedition. Gesellschaft Sydney, Angus & Robertson, für ErdKunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, 1912: 377-9, 457-9; 189 PP. 1913: 138-45, 298-301, 561-3, 638-40. 1961 Malaria control - pre-operational entomological report April, i96 0 . Papua and New Guinea medical Spicer, J.A. Journal, 5 : 2 1 -3 . 1928 The expropriation and sale of German plantations in the Spencer, Margaret (joint author) mandated Territory. _in: F.W. Eggleston (ed.), The Australian I960 see I960 Spencer, Terence Edward mandate for New Guinea: 35-41. Thornton and Spencer, Margaret. Melbourne, Macmillan and Co. Ltd., in association with Spencer, Terence Edward Thornton M.U.P. Pacific Relations series No. 2, 149 pp. 1956 Problems of malaria in New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 1: 769-70. Spiegel, von 1910 183 Seemeilen im Innern Neuguineas 1962 The malaria pattern in the auf einem deutschen Kreuzer. Territory of Papua and New Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 27(25): Guinea. Medical journal of 421-2, (2 6 ): 437-8, (27): 451-2. Australia, 2: 873-7. Spier, R.F.G. Spencer, Terence Edward Thornton and 1951 Some notes on the origin of others Taro. Southwestern journal of 1955/56 Special patrol report - malaria anthropology, 7 : 69-76. in the Mount Hagen area. Papua and New Guinea medical journal, 1: 110-3. 278 Spijker, J.J. Stanford, Edward 1955 Eresaluut aan stille werkers; 1883 Compendium of geography and kinderzorg in Nieuw-Guinea. travel, see 1883 A.R. Wallace Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 3(5): (ed.). ---

1894 Compendium of geography and 1956 Toverstenen. Nederlands Nieuw- travel, see 1894 P.H.H. Guinea, 4(5): 18-20. Guillemard (ed.). Stanley, Evan R. Spinks, G.R. 1912 Report on the geology of the 1963 Pilot survey of food consumption Vailala petroleum area, Gulf and expenditure patterns: two Division, Papua. Papua. settlements in Port Moresby. Annual report for 1911-12: Papua and New Guinea 175-80. agricultural journal, 1 6 (1 ): 2 1 -3 6 . 1912a Report on the geology of Woodlark Spinks, K.L. island (Murua). Papua. Annual report for 1911-1 2 : 189-2 0 8 . 1934 Mapping the Purari plateau, New Guinea. Geographical journal, 84: 412-6. 1919 Geological expedition across the Owen Stanley range. Papua. Annual report for 1917-18: 75- 1936 The Wahgi river valley of 84, (App. D). central New Guinea. Geographical journal, 87: 222-5. 1921 Annual report of the government geologist for the year ending Spoelgen, N. 30 th June, 1920. Papua. Annual report for 1919-2 0 : 8 8 -9 6 . see Spölgen, N. 1923 Report on the salient geological Spölgen, N. and Schmidt, W. features and natural resources of the New Guinea Territory, 1901 Beiträge zur Kenntnis der including notes on dialectics Valman-Sprache: A. Texte von and ethnology. Report to the N. Spölgen; B. Beiträge zur League of Nations on the Grammatik von W. Schmidt. administration of the Territory Wiener Zeitschrift für die of New Guinea for 1921-22: Kunde des Morgenlandes, 15: 98 pp., (App. B). 335-66. 1923a Notes on vocabulary and ornaments Sprigade, P. and Moisei, M. (eds.) used by the natives of Bubllua, south of the Toriu river mouth. n.d. see n.d. Wirtschaftsatlas der Report to the League of Nations deutschen Kolonien. on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea for S(taal), J.J. 1921-22: 84-93, (App. B). 1912) De exploratie van Nieuw-Guinea. 1913) Nederlandsch aardrijkskundlg Stanley, G.A.V. 1914) genootschap, Amsterdam, 1 9 1 5 ) Tijdschrift, 29 (2nd series): 1934 The Matapau region, near Aitape, 71-80, 210-20, 251-5, 527-38, New Guinea. Australian 729-31, 834-40; 30 (2 nd geographer, 2 (3 ): 3 -8 . series): 68-79, 229-35, 345-56, 532-4 2 , 661-71, 7 9 5 -8 0 2 ; 31 1939 The present status of the (2 nd series): IO3 -IO, 236-42, geographical knowledge of New 395-9, 531-45, 649-51, 782-4; Guinea. Australian and New 32 (2 nd series): 95-100, 225-31, Zealand association for the 366-76, 542-3, 674-5, 857-61. advancement of science, Report of 24th meeting, 24: 3 3 2 -8 . Stace, V.D. 1939a Recent literature on New Guinea. 1959 The cocoa industry in Papua Australian national review, and New Guinea. South Pacific 6 (3 2 ): 42-51. commission, Quarterly bulletin, 9(2): 52-6. 19390 No security without New Guinea. Australian national review, 1961 Coffee production in the South 5(28): 11-7. Pacific. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 11(2): 23-7. 1958 Administrator and explorer who turned writer: death of J.P.K. van Eechoud in Netherlands New Standfast, H. (joint author) Guinea. Pacific islands monthly, 1957 see 1957 Peters, W. and 29(3): 49-51. Standfast, H. 279 Stanley, G.A.V. and others Steinmann, A. 1935 Preliminary notes on the recent 1938 Über anthropomorphe Schlitztrommeln earthquake In New Guinea (by in Indonesien. Anthropos, 3 3 : members of the geological 240-59. survey staff of Oil Search Ltd. in the mandated Territory of New Guinea). Australian Steinmann, Alfred geographer, 2 (8 ): 8 -1 5 . 1952 Das Nabelornament der "Ahnenfiguren" auf den Stanley, Owen and MacGlllivray, John Zeremonialstühlen vom Sepik, 1851 Note from Captain Owen Stanley Neuguinea. Geographica R.N. to the secretary of the helvetica, 7 : 362-6 . Royal Geographical Society, with a letter from the Master Steinmetz, R.S. of the "Freak", and a report by Mr. MacGlllivray, the 1896 Endokannibalismus. Anthropologische naturalist to the expedition. Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, Royal geographical society, 26 (neue Folge l6 ): l-60. London, Journal, 21: 13-8 . Steinthal, H. Stanner, William Edward Hanley 1874 Ueber die Völker und Sprachen des Grossen Ozeans. Berliner 1944 New Guinea under war conditions. Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Journal of internation affairs, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, 2 0 : 481-9^. Verhandlungen: 8 3 -9 0 . ln: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 1951 The economic development of vol. 6 . peasant peoples against their social background. Prepared Steltenpool, P. for the Australian National University Jubilee Seminar 1958 Volk aan de Wisselmeren. I, II, (Pacific Section) August, III, IV. Schäkels, NNG, 29: mimeographed, 15 pp. 3-23.

1953 The South Seas in transition: Stephan, Emil a study of post-war rehabilitation and reconstruction in three 1905 Beiträge zur Psychologie der British Pacific dependencies. Bewohner von Neu-Pommern; nebst Sydney, Australasian Publishing ethnographischen Mitteilungen Co., xiv and 448 pp. über die Barriai und über Insel Hunt (Durour). Globus, 1958/59 On the interpretation of cargo 88(13): 205-10, (14): 216-21. cults. Oceania, 29: 1-25.

Stansfield, Dorothy E. 1905a Ein modernes Kolonialabenteuer. (Die Gründung von Port Breton 1952 The relation between missionary durch Marquis de Rays.) Globus, methods and the indigenous 8 8 (2 1 ): 325-31, (2 2 ): 349-53- church in Papua. M.A. thesis, University of Sydney, 176 pp. 1906 Anthropologische Angaben Uber Staudinger, Paul die Barriai (Neu-Pommern). Globus, 89(1): 14-5. 1913 Zur Beendigung der Kaiserin- August afluss -Expedit ion. 1907 Südseekunst; Beiträge zur Kunst Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, des Bismarck-Archipels und zur 30(50): 827-8. Urgeschichte der Kunst überhaupt. (Aus dem Königlichen Museum für 1913a Zur Luftschiffexpedition nach Völkerkunde zu Berlin mit Neuguinea. Petermanns Geographische Unterstützung des Reichs-Marine- Mitteilungen, 59(2): 3 2 7 . Amts.) Berlin, Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen), 15 and 145 pp. and tables. Steenis, C.G.G.J. van 1954 Mens en plant in Nieuw-Gulnea. Stephan, Emil and Gräbner, Fritz Schäkels, 8 l (NG 12): 6-10. 1907 Neu Mecklenburg (Bismarck- Archipel). Die Küste von Steentjes, Andre E. Umuddu bis Kap St. Georg: 1952 New Guinea - hopes and fears. Forschungsergebnisse bei den Eastern world, 6(l): 8-9. Vermessungsfahrten von S.M. S. "Möwe" im Jahre 1904; aus dem königlichen Museum für Steglitz, Karstedt- Völkerkunde zu Berlin mit Unterstützung des Reichs- see Karstedt-Steglitz. Marine-Amtes. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., 242 pp. 280

Stephan, R. Stirling, Brian 1956 Eilanden in de Geelvinkbaai. 1936 In wild New Guinea: up the I & II. Schäkels, NNG, 25: 3-11. Sepik river. Walkabout, 3(l): 24-32. Stephens, Laura M. 1937 New Guinea borderland (upper 1953 The Mt. Lamington blast. Waria river country). Walkabout, Natural history: American 3(4): 11-8. museum of natural history, Journal, 62(5): 216-23. Stirling, M.W. Sterly, Joachim 1943 The native peoples of New Guinea. Washington, Smithsonian 1962 Der Hund als Begleiter des institution, War background Jägers in Melanesien. Ethnos, studies No. 9, 25 PP. 27: 99-114.

Stoep, N. van der Sterr, Josef (ed.) 1953 Opvoeding en onderwijs in 1950 Zwischen Geisterhaus und Nieuw-Guinea. Schäkels, 71 Kathedrale: unter Steinzeit- (NG7): 21-5. Menschen der Südsee. Wien- Mödling, St. Gabriel-Verlag, 270 pp. 1954 Opvoeding van de dorpsjeugd, Schäkels, 75 (NG9): 10-4. Stevens, Henry N. (ed. ) 1930 New light on the discovery of 1959) Een experiment in de Noord- Australia as revealed by the I960 Baliem. Nederlands Nieuw- journal of Captain Don Diego 196l) Guinea, 7(6): 16-9; 8(2): de Prado y Tovar. (Trans 1. 8 -11, (3 ): 2 -5 , (6 ): 2 -5 ; from Spanish by George F. 9(4): 11-3. Barwick.) London, Hakluyt Society, issued for 1929» Stolle, A. series II, No. 64, 261 pp. including appendices. 1912 Bericht des Leiters der Kaiserin- Augusta-Strom-Expedition, Herrn Bergassessor Stolle, Uber die Stevens, Joan Vorgänge bei der Expedition bis 1950 "Island kerosene": home of new zum 2. Mai 1912. Deutsche Madang industry. Pacific islands Kolonialzeitung, 29(27): 469-70. monthly, 2 0 (1 1 ): 3 9 . 1912a Aus Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land: 1951 Dampier passed that way: the Expedition des Reichs-Kolonialamts, story of Kar Kar island. Pacific der Königlichen Museen und der islands monthly, 2 1 (1 2 ): 5 9 . Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft zur Erforschung des Kaiserin- Augusta-Flusses (Sepik) in Kaiser- Stevenson, R.J. Wilhelms-Land. Deutsche 1952/53 Patrol report, Bena No. 8 of Kolonialzeitung, 29(47): 7 9 3 . 1944/45. in: R.M. Berndt, "A cargo movement in the eastern 1914 Überblick Uber den Verlauf der central highlands of New Guinea". Kaiserin-Augusta-Fluss Expedition. Oceania, 23: 230-2, (App. 19). Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift, 1914: 249- Stewart, Marjorie 53.

1961 Women's clubs in Netherlands Stolle, A. (joint author) New Guinea. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, see 1912, 1913» 1914 Deutsches 11(3): 56-7, 6 3 . KÖTonialblatt and Stolle, A.

Steyler Missionsschwestern Stolz 1946-49 Ethnographische Neuguinea- Notizen aus der Zwischenkriegszeit. 1911 Die Umgebung von Kap König Anthropos, 41-44: 69-80. Wilhelm, in: R. Neuhauss, Deutsch-Neu-Gulnea, vol. 3 : 245-86. Berlin, Dietrich Stijn, Matthäus van Reimer A.G., 3 vols., 5 3 4 , 1953 Vier altertümliche Steinartefakte 336, 572 pp. vom Wahgi River in Zentral- Neuguinea. Anthropos, 48: 971-6. Stone, Octavius C. 1876 Die Eingeborenen bei Port Stirling, Alfred Moresby. Globus, 29(20): 319; 1954 Voorwoord. Nederlands Nieuw- see also 1876 Lawes, W.G. and Guinea, 2(6): 2-3. l8 ?6 McFarlane, S. 281

1876a Description of the country and 1877 Allgemeine Bemerkungen ethnolo­ natives of Port Moresby and gischen Inhalts über Neuguinea, neighbourhood, New Guinea. die Anachoreten-Inseln, Neu- Royal geographical society, Hannover, Neu-Irland, Neu- London, Journal, 46: 34-62; Britannien und Bougainville. also Royal geographical society, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 9: London, Proceedings, 20: 330-43. 9 -6 3 , 8 1 -1 0 4 .

1876b Discovery of the Mai-Kassa, or 1892 Samoa, Ugi (Salomons-Ins.), Baxter river, New Guinea. Royal Neu-Britannien, Admiralitäts- geographical society, London, Inseln. Berliner Gesellschaft Proceedings, 20: 92-109. für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 1876c Letter from Octavius G. Stone, 220-30. in: Zeitschrift für on his recent explorations in Ethnologie, vol. 24. the interior of New Guinea, from Port Moresby. Royal Strauss, Claude Ldvi- geographical society, London, Proceedings, 20: 266-72. see L^vi-Strauss, Claude.

I88 O A few months in New Guinea. Strauss, H. London, Sampson Low, Marston, n.d. Grammatik der Melpa-Sprache. Searle and Rivington, 258 pp. Australian National University, typoscript, 255 PP. (begun Stonor, C.R. in 1939» recommenced 1955). 1950/51 The Chimbu tribe: a mountain people of New Guinea. National Strauss, H. and Kuder, J.H.F. geographic magazine, 2 3 (H): 1955 Various New Guinea highlands 483-90. languages (Medlpa, Mendi, Hull, Enga). Series on St. Luke, Straaten, C. van der and others Baiyer station. Australian National University, 101 pp. 1959? Terdege ter discussie; vraagstukken betreffende de verhouding Nederland - Indonesia - Nieuw- Strauss, H. and Tischner, H. Guinea. Den Haag, Van Keulen, 1962 Die Mi-Kultur der Hagenberg- 72 pp. Stämme im östlichen Zentral- Neuguinea. Hamburg. Museum für Strachan, John Völkerkunde, Monographien zur Völkerkunde, III. Hamburg, l887 Exploration in New Guinea. Kommissionsverlag Cram, de Royal geographical society of Gruyter & Co., xv and 492 pp. Australasia, Queensland branch, and tables. Proceedings and transactions, 1885-86, 1 : 84-99. Streicher, J.F. 1888 Explorations and adventures in 1934 Sagogewinnung: Aufsatz des New Guinea. London, Sampson Low, Awanggom, aus dem Stamm der Marston, Searle and Rivington, Hopoi, Neu-Guinea. Archiv 300 pp. für Anthropologie, 23 (new series): 2 3 6 -7 . Stratenus, R.J. Streit, Robert 1952 Een voorlopig onderzoek naar de economische voorultzichten 1951-55 Missionsliteratur von Australien in Nederlands Nieuw Guinea. und Ozeanien, 1525-1950. Amsterdam, H.J. Paris, 170 pp. Bibliotheca missionum, 21: 796. (internationales Institut für missionswissenschaftliche Strauch, F. Forschung, Veröffentlichungen). 1895 Zu dem Namen "Matty-Insel" und Freiburg, Herder Verlag. dessen Rechtschreibung. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Strode Hall, C.E. Berlin, Verhandlungen, 22: 558. 1889 Report on an expedition along the Mai Cussa river. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1900 Zur Nomenklatur der SUdsee- 1 8 8 8 : 3 6 -8 , (App. G). Inseln. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Verhandlungen, Strong, W.M. 27: 74-8. 1905 Report for Mekeo district, Central Division. British New Strauch, H. Guinea. Annual report for 1876 Verzeichnis von 477 Wörtern, 1904-05: 25-6, (App. D). gesammelt während des Aufenthaltes S.M.S. "Gazelle" in Neu-Guinea, 1907 Annual report - Mekeo district. Neu-Hannover, Neu-Irland, Neu- British New Guinea. Annual report Britannien und Brisbane for 1905-06: 26-30. (Queensland). Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 8 : 405-19. 282 1919a Vocabularies - language of 1908 Notes on the central part of Kovio, spoken in the village of the southern coast of Papua Kwoifa, Kerepi, Karuama and (British New Guinea). Royal Lopiko districts, near geographical society, London, Mount Yule, with, perhaps, Journal, 32: 270-4. some dialectic variations - in the Central Div is ion of Papua. 1909 Annual report - North-eastern Papua. Annual report for 1917-18: Division. Papua. Annual report 94, (App E13). for 1908-09: 70-3. 1920 Vocabulary of Giumu-tribe, Ioma 1911 Magisterial report - North­ station, Mambare Division. eastern Division (Cape Nelson). Papua. Annual report for 1918- Papua. Annual report for 1910-11: 19: 106, (App. Dl). 122-8. 1921 Phlebotomus flies in Papua. 1911a Notes on the Tate language of Medical journal of Australia, British New Guinea. Man, 11: 2 : 193. 178-81. 1922 First annual report by the 1911b The Mais in language. Royal government anthropologist. anthropological institute of Papua. Annual report for 1920- Great Britain and Ireland, 21: 29-32. Journal, 41: 381-96. 1922a Pern epople, North-eastern 1911c Notes on the languages of the Division. Papua. Annual report North-eastern and adjoining for 1920-2 1 : 132. Division. Papua. Annual report for 19IO-II: 203-17. 1922b see 1922 Armstrong, W.E.

1912 Note on the language of Kabadi, British New Guinea. Anthropos, 1923 Rock paintings from the Central 7: 155-60. District, Papua (British New Guinea). Man, 23 : 185-6. 1912a Note on the Afoa-language. in: R.W. Williamson, The Mafulu, 1923a Dysentery in Papua. Medical mountain people of British New journal of Australia, 2: 330. Guinea: 332-3, (App. II). London, Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 364 pp. 1924 More rock-paintings from Papua. Man, 24: 97-9. 1912b Note on the Kovio-language. in: R.W. Williamson, The Mafulu, 1926 Gonorrhoea in natives of New mountain people of British New Guinea. Medical journal of Guinea: 334-5, (App. III). Australia, 1: 340-1. London, Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 364 pp. 1926a The feeding of native labourers in Papua. Port Moresby, 1913/14 The Roro and Mekeo languages Government Printer, 15 pp. of British New Guinea. Zeitschrift fUr Kolonialsprachen, 1926b Improving the food supplies of 4: 285-311. native villages. Port Moresby, Acting Government Printer, 17 pp. 1916 Notes on the North-eastern Division of Papua, British New Guinea. Geographical journal, 1927 Food supply for natives of the Territory of Papua. Medical 48: 407-11. journal of Australia, 1: 607-9.

1917 Language spoken in the village of Tevi, in the district of 1931 Carved Gopi boards from Papua. Gwoira, in the North-eastern Man, 31 : 234. Division, Papua. Papua. Annual report for 1914-15: 1932 Nutritional aspects of depopulation 86, (App. E3 ). and disease in the western Pacific, especially in Papua. Medical 1919 Some personal experiences in journal of Australia, 2: 506-12. British New Guinea. Royal anthropological institute of 1932a Work of native medical assistants. Great Britain and Ireland, Papua. Annual report for 193O-3I : Journal, 49: 292-308. 21-2, (App. A).

1933 Papua: physical paternity. Man, 33: 24. 283 193^ The health of the people of Südsee-Handbuch Papua. Medical Journal of 1912) see 1912, 1913 Reichs-Marine- Australia, 1: 107-8. 1913) ÄmE.

1935 The medical education of Papuan natives. Medical Journal of Suhm, R. von Willemoes- Australia, 1: 305-9. see Willemoes-Suhm, R. von.

Strong, W.M. (Joint author) Sutton, A.A. 1906 see 1906 Seligman, C.G. and Strong, W.M. 1955 Hydroelectric development in relation to Papua and New Guinea. Papua and New Guinea scientific Stuart-Russell, H. H. society, Annual report and 1900 Report of road party's expedition proceedings for 1955: 14-31. via the Brown river valley to "the Gap" and Yodda valley. Suzuki, Makoto British New Guinea. Annual report for 1898-99: 41-5, 1949 On the constitution of aborigines (App. J). in Geelvink-Bay, West New Guinea. Seventh Pacific science congress 1949, New Zealand, Proceedings, Stuchllk, Milan 7: 3 0 -2 . 1957 D£ev£n^ plastiky a tanecnf masky z Novdho Irska ve sblrkdch Swindler, Daris R. Näprstkova musea. Ceskoslov. Ethnogr., 5(l): 57-65. Prague, 1955 The absence of the sickle cell Ceskoslovenska Akademie ved. gene in several Melanesian communities and its anthropological significance. Stuckhardt Human biology, 27(4): 284-93. 1902 Reisebericht des Bezirksamtmanns Stuckhardt. Deutsches 1959 A racial study of the west Kolonialblatt, 1 3 : 71-2. Nakanai of New Britain. Ph.D. thesis, University of 1905 Rundreise im Bezirk Friedrich- Pennsylvania. Wilhelmshafen. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 16: 581-3 . 1961 Dental anthropology in the Pacific. Tenth Pacific science 1906 Reise des Bezirksamtmanns congress 1 961, Honolulu, Regierungsrats Stuckhardt zu Abstracts of symposium papers: Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen in das 100. Hinterland des Hansemann-Berges. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 17: 1962 A racial study of the west 15-7. Nakanai. Pennsylvania. University museum, Museum monographs: 1906a Die Bestrafung der Bili-Bili- New Britain studies, 83 pp. Leute. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 17: 77. Swlnfield, Arthur

Studer, Th. 1958 Training Papuans as boat-builders. South Pacific commission, 1877 Ein Besuch auf den Papuainseln Quarterly bulletin, 8(2): 16-9. nördlich von Neu-Guinea, mit dem deutschen Kriegsschiff "Gazelle". Deutsche Geographische Sydow, Eckard von Blatter, 1: 182-200. 1926 Melanesische Südseeschnitzereien: Neu-Guinea und Neu-Mecklenburg. Stuebel Cicerone, 18: 449-52. 1911 Reise des Bezirksamtmannes Dr. Stuebel um Neupommern und nach Symons, A. H. Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Amtsblatt 1908 Annual report. Western Division. für das Schutzgebiet Deutsch- Papua. Annual report for 1 9 0 6 - Neuguinea, 3(22): 245-8, (2 3 ): 07: 40-1. 262-4, (24): 267-70.

Sudjarwo 1908a Annual report, Western Division. Papua. Annual report for 1907- 1955 West New Guinea: extracts from 0 8 : 48-50. statement by Dr. Sudjarwo, in the First Committee, United Nations General Assembly, 1911 Magisterial report - South­ Ninth Session, 2 3 rd November, eastern Division (Kulumadau). 1954. Current notes on Papua. Annual report for 1 9 1 0 - international affairs, 2 6 : 1 1 : 114-9. 37-41. 284

1912 Magisterial report - South­ Tappenbeck, Ernst eastern Division (Kulumadau). 1894 Die Stationen in Kaiser- Papua. Annual report for 1911- Wilhelmsland. Deutsche 1 2 : 119-24. Kolonialzeitung, 7(5) (new series): 64-7, (6 ) (new 191? English-Panaeation vocabulary. series): 7 7 -9 , (7 ) (new Papua. Annual report for 1912- series): 9 5 -7 . 13: 159-70, (App. C). 1894a Die Arbeiterverhältnisse in Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Deutsche 1917 South-eastern Division. Papua. Annual report for 1914-15: 33-6- Kolonialzeitung, 7(10) (new series): 1 3 1 -2 . 1917a Vocabularies - Kulumadau station, South-eastern Division. Papua. 1895 Arthur Baesslers SUdseebilder. Annual report for 1914-15: Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 8 (3 1 ) (new series): 243-4. 179, (App. IVq).

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Taufa 1902 Über das Muschelgeld (a tabu) auf Neu-Pommern, Bismarck- Archipel (Deutsch-Neu-Guinea). Berlin. Universität. Seminar für orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, Mitteilungen, 5: 92-102.

Taylor, Charles W. 1959 Leadership and authority in three New Guinea communities. M. A. thesis, University of Washington, 78 pp.

Taylor, Clyde Römer Hughes 1951 A Pacific bibliography; printed matter relating to the native peoples of Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia. Polynesian society, Wellington, Memoirs, 24: 492 pp. 285

Taylor, Harold and Morley, I.W. Terpstra, H. 1933 The development of gold mining 1938/39 Eenlge opmerkingen over de in Morobe, New Guinea. expeditie naar de Lorentz- en Australasian institute of Eilandenrivieren der mining and metallurgy, mljnbouwmaatschappij "Nederlandsch Proceedings, New series No. 89: Nieuw-Guinea" in het jaar 1937. 81 pp. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 3: 684-7. Taylor, J.L. Tetteroo, Ph. 1935 Rdsum£ - Mount Hagen patrol. 1958 Mensen van Nieuw-Guinea. I & II. Report to the League of Nations on the administration of the Schäkels, NNG, 29: 24-32. Territory of New Guinea for 1933-34: 113-7, (App. B). Tetzlaff, W. 1892 Notes on the Laughlan islands. 1939 Manus District. Report to the British New Guinea. Annual League of Nations on the report for 1890-91: 104-5, administration of the Territory (App. EE). of New Guinea for 1937-38: 31. Tetzner, F. 1939a Exploring central New Guinea. 1908 Moncktons Durchkreuzung von Pacific islands monthly, 9(9): Britisch-Neuguinea. Globus, 44-6. 94(22): 355.

1940 Exploration of unknown New Guinea: Taylor patrol report. Teutscher, H.J. Pacific islands monthly, 10(8): 1948 Some mission problems in post­ 37-42, (9): 37-41, (10): 32-7, war Indonesia: experiences in (11): 50-4. Dutch New Guinea. International review of missions, 37(148): 1940a Interim report on the Hagen- 410-20. Seplk patrol, 1938-39. Report to the League of Nations on 1955 Papoea-jongeren en hun Problemen. the administration of the Schäkels, NNG, 17: 23-7. Territory of New Guinea for 1938-39: 137-49, (App. B); also short extract in Australian 1955a Honderd jaren opbouw: het eeuwfeest van de zending op territories, l(2 ): 28-35. Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 3 (3 ): 2-3. Taylor, Merlin Moore 1923 The payback. Asia, 23: 558-62 Thell, J. 605. 1938 Ein seltsamer Brauch. Hiltruper Monatshefte: 162-4. 1924 Where cannibals roam. London, Geoffrey Bles, 320 pp. Thiel, P.H. van 1955 Malaria control by insecticide Taylor, Nancy M. spraying. South Pacific 1950 French navigators of the commission, Quarterly bulletin, Pacific, in: Charles Barrett 5(2): 28-9. (ed. ), The Pacific: ocean of islands: 17-29. Melbourne, 1955a Volksvijand No. 1 van Nieuw- N.H. Seward Pty. Ltd., 176 pp. Guinea, de malaria en de strijd daartegen. I, II, III. Schäkels, Taylor, W. Norman- NNG, 15: 3-21. see Norman-Taylor, W. 1955b Volksvijand No. 1 ; de malaria en de strijd daartegen. Teeling, Luke William Burke (Sir) Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 3(1). see Teeling, William. 14-8, (3): 15-7.

Teeling, William Thilenius, Georg 1936 Gods of to-morrow. The story 1902 Die Tätowierung der Frauen auf of a journey in Asia and den Laughlan-Insein (Nada-island). Australasia. London, Lovat Globus, 8l : 46-7. Dickson, xii and 376 pp. ten Haaft, D.A. see Haaft, D.A. ten. ten Kate, Herman see Kate, Herman ten. 286 1902/03 Ethnographische Ergebnisse aus 1946 The story of Rabaul. Pacific Melanesien. 1. Reisebericht. islands monthly, 1 6 (7 ): 45, Die polynesischen Inseln an der (8 ): 30-1, (9): 32-3. Ostgrenze Melanesiens. 2. Die westlichen Inseln des Bismarck- 1955 More v icto ries for the Archipels. Halle a.d.S., E. administration steam roller. Karras, 364 p p .; (Nova acta Pacific islands monthly, Leopoldina: (K.) Leopoldinisch- 2 5 (1 2 ): 79, 81. Carolinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Abhandlungen, Band 80). 1955a Ten years have brought d ra stic changes in P-NG. Pacific islands 1903 Die Ornamentik der K alkspatel monthly, 2 6 (1 ): 27, 145. von Agomes. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie, Thomas, J.R. and Ryan, Dawn und Urgeschichte. Korrespondenz­ b la tt. Munich, 34(12): 180-4. 1959 Report of a survey on the use of money and of the need for credit by the indigenous people 1906 Die Bedeutung der Meeresströmungen of the T erritory of Papua and für die Besiedelung Melanesiens. New Guinea. Commonwealth Bank Hamburg. Museum für Völkerkunde, of Australia, 122 pp, incl. apps. M itteilungen, in: 5. B eiheft zum Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen wissenschaftlichen Anstalten, Thomas, K.H. 2 3 : 1-2 1 . 1941/42 Notes on the natives of the Vanimo coast, New Guinea. Thilenius, Georg (ed. ) Oceania, 12(2): 163- 86. 1918-38 Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. Hamburgische Thomas, R.T. Simon wissenschaftliche Stiftung und [1929-38] Notgemeinschaft der see Simon Thomas, R.T. deutschen Wissenschaft. Hamburg, L. Friederichsen, de Gruyter & Thompson, R. Co., Hamburg, Ludwig Appel, and Hamburg, L. Friederichsen & Co., 1963 Partnership in Papua and New 13 vols. in 19; see 1933, 1934 Guinea. South Pacific commission, Nevermann, H., 1954 Reche, 0., Quarterly bulletin, 1 3 (4 ): 43- 5 . 1929, 1931 S arfert, E. and Damm, H. Thompson, Ralph Wardlaw Thomas, E.L. Gordon- 1900 My trip in the "John Williams". London, London Missionary see Gordon-Thomas, E.L. Society, 208 pp.

Thomas, Gordon Thompson, W.H.H. 1931 S ectarian riv a lry in Papua. 1929 Mr. Thompson among the Kukukuku. Pacific islands monthly, 2(2): Papua. Annual report for 1927- 8 . 2 8 : 4.

1931a Native debtors. P acific islands 1942 Native disturbance - Mekeo monthly, 2(4): 13. d is tr ic t. Papua. Annual report for 1940-41: 2 1 . 1931t A council for New Guinea: why is nothing done? P acific Thomson, B asil H. islands monthly, 2(4): 14. 1889 Narrative of an exploring expedition to the eastern part 1931/32 Customs and b e lie fs of the of New Guinea. Scottish natives of Buka. Oceania, 2: geographical magazine, 5 : 220- 31. 513-27.

1935 Fighting malaria in New Guinea. l889a New Guinea: narrative of an exploring expedition to the P acific islands monthly, 3 (6 ): Louisiade and D'Entrecasteaux 17. islands. Royal geographical society, London, Proceedings, 1936 Land settlem ent in New Guinea. 1 1 : 525-42. Australian quarterly, 8 (3 2 ): 49-54. 1890 Rossel island (a cannibal island). Manchester geographical 1940 New fashions in New Guinea. society, Manchester, England, Pacific islands monthly, 10(12': Journal, 6 : 7-11. 25.

1945 How Rabaul's c iv ilia n s met th e ir fate. Pacific islands monthly, 16(4): 15-7, 19. 287 Thomson, Donald F. 1926a Some New Guinea c u ltu ra l influences found among the 1951 In the head hunters' country aborigines of Australia. in Dutch New Guinea: the Australasian association for conquest of the swamp of the the advancement of science, Obaa-Wildeman riv e rs . Walkabout, Report of the 17th meeting, 17(1) : 10-8. 1924, 17: 491-4.

1951a The story of the H iri. 1929/30 Ethnological notes No. II Walkabout, 17(10): 11-3. (native artifacts). Australian museum, Records, 17: 3^8-55. 1953 War-time exploration in Dutch New Guinea. Geographical 1931 Carved Gopi boards from the journal, 1 1 9 : 1- 16. Papuan Gulf area. Man, 31: 57-8. Thomson, J. P. 1889 B ritish New Guinea. S cottish Thurn, E. im geographical magazine, 5: see im Thurn, E. 271-7. Thurnwald, Hilde 1891 His Honour S ir William MacGregor's ascent of Mount V ictoria, and 1934/35 Woman's status in Buin society. explorations of the Owen Stanley Oceania, 5(2): 142-70. range, British New Guinea. Royal geographical society of Australasia, Queensland branch, 1937 Menschen der SUdsee: Charaktere Proceedings and tran sactio n s, und Schicksale. E rm ittelt bei 1889- 90, 5: 2-25; also Manchester einer Forschungsreise in Buin geographical society, Manchester, auf Bougainville, Salomo- England, Journal, l8§0, 6: 184-93. Archipel. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke, 198 pp. 1892 On the north-east coast of B ritish New Guinea, and some 1938 Ehe und M utterschaft in Buin. of the adjacent islands. Royal Archiv für Anthropologie, 24 geographical society of (neue Folge): 214-46. Australasia, Queensland branch, Proceedings and tran sactio n s, 1890- 91, 6: 32-42. 1950 Jenseitsvorstellungen und Dämonenglaube des Buin-Volkes. in: Beiträge zur Gesellungs- und 1892a B ritish New Guinea. London, Völkerwissenschaft, Professor G. P hilip and Son, 336 pp. Dr. Richard Thurnwald zu seinem 80. Geburtstag: 345-64. Berlin, Verlag Gebr. Mann, 476 pp. 1892b A survey of exploration in British New Guinea. Scottish geographical magazine, 8: Thurnwald, Richard C. 367-75. 1908 Nachrichten aus Nissan und von den Karolinen. Z e itsc h rift für I 896 A survey of recent exploration Ethnologie, 40(l): 106-15. in British New Guinea. Royal geographical society of Australasia, Queensland branch, 1909 R eisebericht aus Buin und Kieta. Proceedings and tran sactio n s, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 4l: 1894-95, 10: 1-17. 512-32.

1918-20 The Pacific islands. Queensland 1910 Im Bismarckarchipel und auf den geographical journal, 34-35: Salamoinseln 1906-1909. 7 - 2 2 . Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 42: 98-147. Thooft, J. 1910a Das Rechtsleben der Eingeborenen I960 Het Asmat-gebied. Schäkels, NNG, der deutschen SUdseeinseln, 39: 25-8. seine geistigen und wirtschaft­ lichen Grundlagen. Blätter für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft Thorpe, William Walford und V olksw irtschaftslehre, 6: 1921 A Papuan sorcery tube. 145-57, 177-92. Australian museum, Records, 13(4): 173-4. 1910b Die eingeborenen A rbeitskräfte im SUdseeschutzgebiet. Koloniale 1926 Music, Papuan, in: A.W. Jose Rundschau, Heft 10: 607-32. and H. J. Carter- ("eds. ), The Australian Encyclopaedia, vol. 2: 170. Sydney, Angus & 1910c Die Siedlungskolonie in den Robertson, 2 v o ls., 768, 748 pp. Baining-Bergen auf der Gazelle- Halbinsel. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 27(35): 579-82. 288

1910d Ermittlungen Uber Eingeborenen­ 1917a Die Heimkehr von Neuguinea, rechte der SUdsee. Zeitschrift nebst einigen vorläufigen für vergleichende Rechtswissen­ Bemerkungen über die Ergebnisse schaft, 2 3 : 309-64. der Forschungen. Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, 1911 Die Denkart als Wurzel des 3 0 : 404-17. Totemismus. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, 1918 Drei Jahre im Innern von Ethnologie, und Urgeschichte. Neuguinea 1913-1915. Leipzig. Korrespondenzblatt. Munich, 42: Städtisches Museum für 1912 173-9; also Anthropologische Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 7: 73-6. Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, Sitzungsberichte, 1919 Politische Gebilde bei 1911-12: 119-25. Naturvölkern: systematischer Versuch über die Anfänge des 1911a Stufen der Staatsbildung bei Staates. Zeitschrift für den Urzeitvölkern. Zeitschrift vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, für vergleichende Rechtswissen­ 37: 376-408. schaft, 25: 417-32. 1920 Detzners Forschungen in Neuguinea 1912 Forschungen auf den Salomo- während des Krieges. Petermanns Inseln und dem Bismarck-Archipel. Geographische Mitteilungen, 6 6 : Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., 239-40. 2 vols., 538, 92 pp. plus genealogies. 1920a Die Gemeinde der Banaro. Zeitschrift für vergleichende 1913 Eine Durchquerung des Gebietes Rechtswissenschaft, 3 8 : zwischen Kaiserin-Augustafluss 362-474; 39: 68-219; also und KUste. Deutsches Kolonialblatt: Sonderausgabe, 1921, Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Beihefte, Enke, 274 pp. 26(4): 357-63. 1922 Geographische Erschliessung 1914 Nachrichten von der deutschen von Holländisch Neu-Guinea. Neu-Guinea Expedition. Petermanns Geographische Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Mitteilungen, 68: 11-2. Berlin, Zeitschrift: 54-6. 1929 Bei Kriegsausbruch im Zentral­ 1914a Vom mittleren Sepik zur gebirge von Neu-Guinea. Koloniale Nordwestküste von Kaiser- Rundschau, Heft 1: 3 8 -4 3 . Wilhelmsland. Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, 1929/30 Papuanisches und melanesisches 27: 81-4. Gebiet südlich des Äquators einschliesslich Neuguinea, in: E. Schultz-Ewerth and L. Adam 1914b Entdeckungen im Becken des (eds.), Das Eingeborenenrecht, oberen Sepik. Mitteilungen aus vol. 2: 543-656. Stuttgart, den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, Strecker & Schröder, 2 vols., 27: 338-48. 38O, 728 pp.

1915 Die Erforschung des Innern 1932 The psychology of acculturation. von Deutsch Neu-Guinea. American anthropologist, 34: Gesellschaft fUr Erdkunde zu 557-69. Berlin, Zeitschrift: 325, 395-7. 1934 Some traits of society in Melanesia. Fifth Pacific science 1916 Banaro society. Social organ­ congress 1933, Canada, isation and kinship system of Proceedings, 4: 2805-14. a tribe in the interior of New Guinea. American anthropological association, Memoirs, 3 : 253- 1934a Adventures of a tribe in New 391. Guinea (the Tjimundo). in: E.E. Evans-Pritchard and others (eds. ), Essays presented 1916a Vorstösse nach dem to C.G. Seligman: 345-60. Quellgebiet des Kaiserin- London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Augusta-Flusses, dem Sand- Trubner and Co. Ltd., 385 pp. Fluss und dem Nord-Fluss bis an das KUstengebirge. 1934/35 Pigs and currency in Buin. Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Oceania, 5(2): 119-41. Schutzgebieten, 29: 82-93-

1917 Vorläufiger Bericht über 1934/ Stone monuments in Buin. Forschungen im Innern von 35a Oceania, 5(2) : 214-7. Deutsch Neu-Guinea in den Jahren 1913-1915. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 49: 147-79. 289

1936 Profane literature of Buin, 1956 Rotstekeningen. Schäkels, NNG, Solomon islan d s. Yale u n iv ersity 25: 18-25. publications in anthropology, No. 8. London, Humphrey Milford, Tichelman, G.L. and Gruyter, W. Jos. de 15 PP. 1944 Nieuw-Guineesche oerkunst (with 1936a Pigmies in. New Guinea. Man, introduction by K. Herman Bouman). : 168. No. 1 Serie: Vormen en verbeel- 36 dingen in Indonesia. Deventer, W. van Hoeve, 47 pp. and 40 p lates. 1936b The price of the white man's peace. Pacific affairs, 9: Tichelman, G.L. and others 347-57. [1951] Draaiboek van Nieuw Guinee. Uitgegeven onder auspiciön van 1937 Studying savages in Melanesia. de Stichting "Het Nationaal Yale review, 26: 313- 32. Nieuw Guinee Comity" te 's-Gravenhage en "Het Nieuw 1941 Alte und neue V olkslieder aus Guinee Verbond" te Hollandia. Buin. Z e its c h rift fUr Schiedam, H.A.M. Roelants, Ethnologie, 73 : 12-28. 82 pp.

1950 Beitrage zur Gesellungs- und Tideman, J. Völkerwissenschaft, Professor Dr. Richard Thurnwald zu seinem 1939 Episode u it de p a c ific a tie van 80. Geburtstag gewidmet. Berlin, de Vogelkop (uit een verslag van Verlag Gebr. Mann, 476 pp.; see een tocht van den gezaghebber 1950 Thurnwald, H., 1950 Wirz, P. van Manokwari A. Lamers en den controleur voor de exploratie te Manokwari J.W.F. Meyllnk naar 1951 H isto rical sequences on de Anggi-meren, Boven-Ingsim en Bougainville. American Hattam). Nederlandsch aardrijks- anthropologist, 53: 137-9. kundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 56: 514-24. Tichelman, G.L. 1939 Dr. J. Röder over Rotsteekeningen T iele, P.A. aan de MacCluer Golf (Nederlandsch 1877 Nieuw-Guinea en de Engelschen. west Nieuw-Guinea). Cultureel Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Indie, 1: 84-8. genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 2: 195-6. 1939a Dr. Carl Schuster on b ird - designs in the western Pacific: T ijd sc h rift Nieuw-Guinea Indonesia, Melanesia, Polynesia. Cultureel Indie, 1: 232-5. 1939/40 Losse aanteekenlngen omtrent de bevolking in verschillende deelen van Nieuw-Guinea. 1940 De handsilhouetten der Nieuw Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", Guineesche rotsschilderlngen. 4: 15-23. Cultureel Indie, 2: 154-6. 1939/ Een hongitocht op Nieuw- 1941 Rotsschilderingen in Papoea. 40a Guinea, een halve eeuw geleden. Indische gids, 63 : 420-30. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 4: 152-6. 1953/ Nieuw-Guineese rotsschilderlngen 54) om de nek van de Vogelkop. 1940/41 Nieuws u it Nederlandsch Nieuw- 1954/ Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- 55) 14; 161-7; 15: 1-6. Guinea", 5: 45-56.

1954/55 Rotstekening van een bronzen 1941/42 De Archbold-expeditie in het b i j l t j e . T ijd sc h rift "Nieuw- oostelijk deel van Nederlands Guinea", 15: 75-9. Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 6: 95-8. 1954/ Analogieen van het bronzen 55a bijltje van Sentani. Tijdschrift 1941/ Losse aanteekeningen omtrent "Nieuw-Guinea", 15: 105-11. 42a de bevolking in verschillende deelen van Nieuw-Guinea. 1954/ Huizenbouw op Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 6: 55b Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 140-6. 15: 140-6. 1947/48 Herkomst van het veneris 1955/56 Wederom,het bronzen b ijltje granuloom op zuid Nieuw-Guinea. van Sentani. Tijdschrift Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 8: "Nieuw-Guinea", 16: 146. 129-32. 290

1950/51 Enkele grepen uit de juris- Tischner, Herbert prudentie van de inheemse 1959 Eine ethnographische Sammlung rechtspraak in 1957, 1958 en aus dem östlichen Zentral- 1959. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- Neuguinea (Hagen-Gebirge, Wagi- Guinea", 11: 215-25. Tal, Ramu). Hamburg. Museum für Völkerkunde, Mitteilungen, 1951/52 Enkele grepen uit de juris- vol. 21. Hamburg, Priederichsen, prudentie van de inheemse de Gruyter & Co., 70 pp. und rechtspraak in 1924. Tafeln. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 12: 41-6. 1950 Eine Häuptlingsbestattung auf Luf. (Nach hinterlassenen Aufzeichnungen F.E. Hellwig's.) 1951/ Uit de pers. Verkort overgenomen Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 52a uit de "Economisch-Statistische 75: 52-9. Berichten" van 2 Mei 1951, No. 1772. Nieuw Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 1958 Kulturen der SUdsee. Einführung 12: 65-71. in die Völkerkunde Ozeaniens. Hamburg. Museum für Völkerkunde 1955/54 De ornithologische expeditie und Vorgeschichte, 150 pp. naar de Kuhor Range in de highlands van Australisch Nieuw- Tischner, Herbert (joint author) Guinea. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- 1943-48 see 1943-48 Vicedom, G.F. and Guinea", 14: 22-5. Tischner, H.

1955/ Het verslag van de Parlementaire 1954 see 1954 Hewicker, F. and 54a Missie naar Nieuw-Guinea. Tischner, H. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 14: 144-8, 176-85. 1962 see 1962 Strauss, H. and Tillemans, H. Tischner, H. 1940/41 Verkenningstochten van Pastoor H. Tillemans (M.S.C.) van de Tismeer, C.M. J. Mimika-kust over de Wisselmeren 1915 Enige gegevens van de bahasa naar de Etnabaai en terug naar Kowiai. Bijdragen tot de taal-, Enarotali. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- land- en volkenkunde, 67: Guinea", 5: 155-61. III-23.

1950/51 Gebruiken op Nieuw Guinea. To Burua, A. Regenverdrijving bij de see Burua, A. To. bergbewoners van centraal Nieuw Guinea rond de Todd, B.E Wisselmeren. Tijdschrift 1. (joint author) "Nieuw-Guinea", 11: 88-95, 1959 see 1959 Wigley, S.C. and 145-52, 185-91. TöJd, B.E.

Timoteo Todd, J.A. 1897 see 1897 Newell, J.E. 1954/35 Report on research work in south-west New Britain, Territory of New Guinea. Timperley, A. T. Oceania, 5: 80-100, 193-213. 1952/55 Patrol report No. 1 of 1948/49, to D.0., Goroka. ln: R.M. 1954/ Native offences and European Berndt, "A cargo movement in 55a law in south-west New Britain. the eastern central highlands Oceania, 5(4): 437-60. of New Guinea". Oceania, 23: 254, (App. 22). 1955 Glimpses into the daily life of Tindale, Norman B. the natives of New Britain. Mankind, 1: 278-9. 1941 Some polychrome incised pottery ware from Mt. Turu, New Guinea. South Australian - museum 1955/56 Redress of wrongs in southwest records, 6 : 557-62. New Britain. Oceania, 6: 404- 40.

1959 A Trobriand Medusa? Man, 59: Todd, K.W. 49-50. 1958 The Territory faces the era of science education. Papua Tindale, Norman B. and Bartlett, H. K. and New Guinea scientific 1957 Notes on some clay pots from society, Annual report and Panaeati island, south-east of proceedings for 1958: 56-43 New Guinea. Royal society of South Australia, Transactions, 61: 159-62. 297

Toit, Brian M. Du I960 Australia and her trusteeships. Australia's neighbours, 3rd see Du Toit, Brian M. series, Nos. 110-111.

Tokarev, Sergei Aleksandrovich and Tolstov, Townsend, Mrs. G.W.L. Sergei Pavlovich (eds. ) 1956 Unscheduled stop - Telefomin. 1956 Narody Avstralii i Okeanii. (The Pacific islands monthly, peoples of Australia and Oceania.) 27(5): 84-5, 95, 97-9. Moskva, Izdatel'stvo Akademiia nauk SSSR, 852 pp. Tranel, W. Tolhurst, N.M. 1952 Völkerkundliche und sprachliche 1951 The origin of man and woman: a Aufzeichnungen aus dem Moando- native legend from Fergusson Sprachgebiet in Nordost-Neuguinea. island. South Pacific, 5(7): Anthropos, 47: 447-73. 1 3 0 -1 . Trefry, D. (joint author) Tolna, Rodolphe Feste tics de 1963 see 1962 Deibler, E. and see Festetics de Tolna, Rodolphe. Trefry, D.

Tolstov, Sergei Pavlovich and others Trevitt, J.W. 1957 Narody Okeanii. (General 1939/40 Notes -on the social organization ethnographic outlines.) in: of northeast Gazelle Peninsula, Ocherki obshchei etnograTTi: New Britain. Oceania, 1 0 (3 ): 89-130- Moskva, Akademiia nauk 350-9. SSSR, 342 pp. Trombetti, Alfredo Tolstov, Sergei Pavlovich (joint editor) 1927 Le lingue dei Papua e g l 'idiomi 1956 see Tokarev, S.A. and Tolstov, dell'Africa, in: Festschrift S.P. Meinhof. Sprachwissenschaftliche und andere Studien: 146-73. Tomasetti, W.E. Hamburg, L. Friederichsen & Co., xii and 514 pp. 1951 Participation of junior officers in policy discussions. South Pacific, 5(7): 140-1. Tropper, W. n.d. Wörterbuch der Kuman-Sprache, nach MSS. von Pater Tropper. Tomlin, J.W.S. Australian National University, 1951 Awakening: a history of the New typoscript, 26 pp. Guinea Mission. London, New Guinea Mission, xii and 218 pp. and 1 -3 apps. 1962 Phrasiologisches Lexikon der Kuman-Sprache. St. Johann, Blönried, typescript, part 1: Tomlinson, L.M. 1 -2 0 0 , part 2 : 201-348. 1959 Health education in rural Papua and New Guinea. Papua and New Trotter, Coutts Guinea medical journal, 3: 1883 On New Guinea; a sketch of the 81-6. physical geography, natural resources, and character of the Tommerup, J.W.J. inhabitants. Royal geographical society, London, Proceedings, 1955/56 Patrol report: diary and summary 5 (new series): 670-2. of a medical patrol in the Wabaga sub-district of the western highlands. Papua and 1884 New Guinea : a summary of our New Guinea medical journal, present knowledge with regard 1(2): 69-73- to the island. Royal geographical society, London, Proceedings, 6 (new series): Topham, Leslie J. 196-216. I960 Abnormalities of the lens oculi. Papua and New Guinea medical l892 Some notes on recent exploration journal, 4: 62-4. in British New Guinea. Royal geographical society, London, Townsend, G.W.L. Proceedings, 14 (new series): 788-96. 1935 The administration of the Mandated Territory of New Guinea. Geographical journal, 82: 424-33. Trout, Leon 1946 Mission at Dogura. Walkabout, 12(8 ): 11-3. 292

Truppei, G. 1962a All New Guinea now concedes: "self-government is inevitable". 1888 Die Aussichten im Bismarck- Pacific islands monthly, 3 3 (3 ): Archipel. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 63-7. 1 (3 6 ) (new series): 2 8 7 -9 0 . 1963 Swift, fundamental changes to Tudor, Judy fit P-NG for 1964. Pacific 1943 Wewak now in enemy occupation, islands monthly, 33(9): 5-7. developments on northern coast of New Guinea. Pacific islands Tudor, Judy (ed.) monthly, 13(7): 20-1, 24. 1961 see 1961 Robson, R.W. (compiler) and Tudor, Judy (ed.). 1946 Wau road. Pacific islands monthly, 1 7 (5 ): 38 -9 , 45-7. 1963 Pacific Islands Year Book and Who's Who. Sydney, Pacific 1950 They say Rabaul has no future. Publications Pty. Ltd., 479 pp. Pacific islands monthly, 20(10) : (9th edition); 1932-59 (Dst 56- 8. to 8th edition) as "Pacific Islands Year Book" by R.W. 1953 Sheep in New Guinea highlands - Robson (compiled and edited). cloud over Nondugl. Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (1 0 ): 41-2. Tuengel, E. see TUngel, E. 1953a New Guinea's new passionfruit industry - native grown pulp comes out by plane and freezer. Tueting, Laura Thompson Pacific islands monthly, 23(10) : 1935 Native trade in southeast New 79-82. Guinea. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Occasional papers, 1953b Road links for New Guinea high­ 11(15): 1-43. lands - may open up large area for Crown lands. Pacific islands monthly, 2 3 (1 0 ): 9 6 -8 . TUngel, E. 1875 Messungen von Skeletknochen der 1953c Eating our way across the Gulf Papuas. Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches of Papua: we fly over the rice und anthropologisch-ethnographisches lands of Mekeo: refuel at Kikori: Museum, Mitteilungen, 1: 91-100. lunch over the Fly River - and uncover the plot at Kerema. 1877 Über das Kiefergelenk der Papuas. Pacific islands monthly, 23(12): Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches und 72-3, 75-6. anthropologisch-ethnographisches Museum, Mitteilungen, 2: 205-12. 1953d Danger unlimited. Pacific islands monthly, 24(1): 74-5. 1877a Über die Unterkiefer der Papuas. Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches und anthropologisch-ethnographisches 1953e Pidgin "illegitimate but here Museum, Mitteilungen, 2: 213-22. to stay". Pacific islands monthly, 24(1): 135-6. Turner, C.O.

1954 Baffled hunger for land in New 1908 Annual report, Eastern Division. Guinea: conditions near Rabaul Papua. Annual report for 1907-08: are typical. Pacific islands 66-71. monthly, 24(11): 21, 144-6. Turner, C.R.W. (joint author) 1958 New approach to Pidgin: it's 1957 see_ 1957 Wilson, R.K. and got a new look, a new name and Turner, C.R.W. some respectability. Pacific islands monthly, 28(7): 55-9. Turner, Mrs. R. Lister- see Lister-Turner, Mrs. R. 1958a Papua-New Guinea's "ridiculous and extravagant" native labour legislation under fire: nobody Turner, R. Lister- has a good word to say for it. see^ Lister-Turner, R. Pacific islands monthly, 28(8): 17-8, 139. Turner, W. 1962 Frustration, shame, bitterness 1878 Die Motu auf Neu-Guinea. as Dutch complete £l00-million Globus, 34(12): 186-9. exodus. Pacific islands monthly, 33(3): 13-4. 293

1878a The ethnology of the Motu. Uberoi, Jitendra Pal Singh Anthropological institute of 1962 Politics of the kula ring: an Great Britain and Ireland, London, analysis of the findings of Journal, 7: 470-98. Bronislaw Malinowski. (Foreword by M. Gluckman and I.G. Turner, William Cunnison). Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1882 The cranial characters of the 162 pp. Admiralty islanders. Journal of anatomy and physiology, 16: 135-6. Ufford, J.K.W. Quarles van see Quarles van Ufford, J.K.W. 1898 A decorated sculptured human skull from New Guinea. Journal Uhle, M. of anatomy and physiology, 32 1886 Holz- und Bambusgeräte aus (new series 1 2 ): 3 5 3 -6 1 . Nordwest-Neuguinea mit besonderer Berücksichtigung 1898/99 Decorated and sculptured skulls der Ornamentik. Dresden. from New Guinea. Royal society (K.) Zoologisches und of Edinburgh, Proceedings, 22: anthropologisch-ethnographisches 553-72. Museum, Publikationen aus dem Königlichen ethnographischen Tyler, Charles Marion Museum zu Dresden, No. 6: 1-13« l887 The island world of the Pacific Ocean. San Francisco, Samuel United Nations. General Assembly Carson and Co., 337 pp. I960 Statements by the Australian representative, Mr. J. Plimsoll. Tylor, Edward Burnett Declaration of the granting of 1907 Anthropological essays presented independence to the colonial to Edward Burnett Tylor, in countries and peoples. Statement honour of his 75th birthday, in the General Assembly 2nd Dec. October 2, 1907 (edited by I960. Current notes on W.H.R. Rivers and others). international affairs, 3 1 : Oxford, Clarendon Press, 4l6 pp.; 713-8. see 19Ö7 Seligman, C.G. and Joyce, T.A. United Nations. Office of Public Information 1963 The United Nations in West New Guinea: an unprecedented story. New York, The United Nations, Office of Public Information, 32 pp.

United Nations. Trusteeship Council 1950 Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific: report on New Guinea. Letter dated l4th August 1950 from the chairman of the visiting mission to the Secretary- General of United Nations. . , (United Nations Document T/791). New York, 75 pp.

1951 United Nations Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific, 1951: report on New Guinea, together with the relevant resolution of the Trusteeship Council. Official records: eighth session (30 th January - 16th March, 1951), Supplement No. 4, Document T/899. New York, 29 PP-; also extracts in South Pacific, 4(10): 173-6, (11): 207-8, (13): 239-40; 6(3): 347-9. 294

1953 United Nations Visiting Mission United Nations Educational, Scientific to Trust Territories in the and Cultural Organization. Science Pacific, 1953: report on New Co-operation Office for South East Asia Guinea, together with the I960 Symposium on the impact of man relevant resolution of the on humid tropics vegetation. Trusteeship Council. Official Goroka, Territory of Papua and records: twelfth session (l6th New Guinea. Sponsored by the June - 21st July, 1953), Administration of the Territory Supplement No. 4, Document T/1078. of Papua and New Guinea and New York, 31 pp.; also extract UNESCO Science Co-operation in South Pacific, 7(2): 614-9. Office for South East Asia. Canberra, Government Printer, 1956 United Nations Visiting Mission 402 pp.; see articles by: I960 to Trust Territories in the Aitchison, T. G., i960 Anderson, J., Pacific, 1956: report on New I960 Barrau, J., i960 Conroy, W.L., Guinea, together with the I960 Geddes, W.R., I960 Gray, relevant resolution of the E.C.G., I960 Gunther, J.T., I960, Trusteeship Council. Official 1960a,b,c Havel, J.J., I960 records: eighteenth session Howlett, D.R., I960, 1960a (7th June - 14th August, 1956), Julius, C.F.W., I960, 1960a Supplement No. 5, Document Keleny, G. P., I960 Kingston, D.J., T/1280. New York, 48 pp. I960 McIntosh, D.H., I960, 1960a,b,c,d Meggitt, M.J., I960, 1959 United Nations Visiting Mission 1960a,b Robbins, R.G., I960 to the Trust Territories of Sippo, W. Nauru, New Guinea, and the Pacific islands, 1959: report United Nations Temporary Executive on New Guinea, together with Authority in West New Guinea - West the relevant resolution of the Irian (Bureau of Native Affairs) Trusteeship Council. Official records: twenty-fourth session 1962 Working papers in Dani ethnology, (2nd June - 6th August, 1959), No. 1: 99 pp.; see articles by: Supplement No. 5, Document 1962, 1962a,b Bromley, M. 1962 T/1486. New York, 33 pp.; also Bromley, M. and others, 1962b,c,d Dubbeldam, L.P.B., 1962, 1962a extract in South Pacific, 10: Ellenberger, J.D., 1962 105-12. Grootenhuis, G.W., 1962, 1962a,b Helder, K.G., 1962, 1962a 1960 Trust Territory of New Guinea: conclusions and recommendations Larson, G.F., 1962, 1962a,b adopted by the United Nations O'Brien, D.A., 1962, 1962a,b Trusteeship Council at its Ploeg, A. twenty-sixth session, April- June I960. Current notes on United States. Army. Forces in the Far East international affairs, 3I: 333-40. 1943 Directory of geographic place names in the southwest Pacific 1962 United Nations Visiting Mission area, exclusive of continental to the Trust Territories of Australia. Section 1: Papua and Nauru and New Guinea, 1962: Australian Mandated Territory, report on New Guinea, together 97 pp. Section 3: Dutch New with the relevant resolution Guinea, including Kai, Aroe, of the Trusteeship Council. Tanimbar, and southeast islands, Official records: twenty-ninth 68 pp. Compiled and edited by session (31st May - 20th July, the Office of the A.C. of S., 1962), Supplement No. 3, G-2, Headquarters, United States Document T/1604. New York, Army Forces in the Far East, 1943- 39 PP. 44, 12 sections.

United Nations Bulletin United States. Board of Geographic Names 1949 Trusteeship Council debates 1955 Gazetteer No. 13. Indonesia, report on New Guinea. South Netherlands New Guinea, and Pacific, 3(9): 181-6. Portuguese Timor. Washington, Office of Geography, Department of the Interior, 2 vols., 1376 pp.

Uplegger, Helga and MUhlmann, Wilhelm E. 1961 Die Cargo-Kulte in Neuguinea und Insel-Melanesien, in: Wilhelm E. Mühlmahn (ed. ), Chiliasmus und Nativismus - Studien zur Psychologie, Soziologie und historischen Kasuistik der Umsturzbewegungen: 165-89. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., 472 pp. 295 Ure, Patricia Valentine, Charles A. I960 Training course for women's 1958 An introduction to the history club leaders in Papua. South of changing ways of life on the Pacific commission, Quarterly island of New Britain. Ph.D. bulletin, 10(3 ): 3I-2, 74. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 2 vols. 1962 Kerukeru dina danu - Tomorrow is also a day. Australian 1960 Uses of ethnohistory in an territories, 2(3): 40-4. acculturation study. Ethno­ history, 7 : 1-27. Urquhart, D.H. 1961 Masks and men in a Melanesian 1953 Cocoa growing in Netherlands New society: the valuku or tubuan Guinea. South Pacific commission, of the Lakalai of New Britain. Technical paper No. 37, v and Kansas, University of Kansas 9 PP. Publications, Social Science Studies, 76 pp. Urville, Jules Sdbastien C^sar Dumont d' 1961a Cargo cults and social see Dumont D'Urville, Jules stratification in New Guinea. S^bastien C^sar. Tenth Pacific science congress 1961, Honolulu, Abstracts of symposium papers: 117-8.

1963 Men of anger and men of shame: Lakalai ethnopsychology and its implications for sociopsychological theory. Ethnology, 2: 441-77.

1963a Social status, political power, and native responses to European influence in Oceania. Anthropological forum, 1: 3-55.

van Arcken, V.J.E.M. see Arcken, V.J.E.M. van

van Baal, Jan see Baal, Jan van.

van Baien, J.A. see Baien, J.A. van.

van Balluseck see Balluseck, van.

van Berkel, C.W. see Berkel, C.W. van.

van Beuge, J.A. see Beuge, J.A. van.

van Bork-Peltkamp, A. J. see Bork-Feltkamp, A.J. van.

van Braam Morris, D.F. see Braam Morris, D.F. van.

Vandenbosch, Amry 1950 The Netherlands-Indonesian Union. Far eastern survey, 19(1): 1-7. 296

van den Broek, A.J.P. van Dissel, J.S.A. see Broek, A.J.P. van den. see Dissel, J.S.A. van.

van den Hoogenband, C. van Dooren, P. J. see Hoogenband, C. van den. see Dooren, P.J. van.

van Doorenmalen, W.A.L. van der AA, Pieter Jan Batist Carel RobidS see Doorenmalen, W. A.L. van. see RobidS van der AA, Pieter Jan Batist Carel. van Eck, R. see Eck, R. van. Vandercook, John Womack 1938 Dark islands. London, W. van Eechoud, J.P.K. Heinemann, 306 pp. see Eechoud, J.P.K. van. van der Crab, P. van Emst, P. see Crab, P. van der. see Emst, P. van.

van der Goes, H.D.A. van Hasselt, Frans Johannes Frederik see Goes, H.D.A. van der. see Hasselt, Frans Johannes Frederik van. van der Goot, S. see Goot, S. van der. van Hasselt, J.L. see Hasselt, J.L. van.

van der Hoeven, Jan Arie van HoSvell, G.W.W.C. see Hoeven, Jan Arie van der. see HoSvell, G.W.W.C. van.

van der Kolk, J. van Kämpen, Anthony see Kolk, J. van der. see Kämpen, Anthony van.

van der Kroef, Justus M. van Kessel, C.H. see Kroef, Justus M. van der. see Kessel, C.H. van.

van der Leeden, A. C. van Logchem, J.T. see Leeden, A.C. van der. see Logchem, J.T. van.

van der Meulen, J. van Millingen, E. see Meulen, J. van der. see Millingen, E. van.

van der Roest, J.L.D. van Nouhuys, J.W. see Roest, J.L.D. van der. see Nouhuys, J.W. van.

van der Sande, G.A.J. van Oldenborgh, J. see Sande, G.A.J. van der. see Oldenborgh, J. van.

van der Straaten, C. van Oosten, S. see Straaten, C. van der. see Oosten, S. van.

van der Veur, Paul W. van Oosterzee, L. A. see Veur, Paul W. van der. see Oosterzee, L.A. van.

van der Werf, S. van Pel, H. see Werf, S. van der. see Pel, H. van.

van der Zee, E.E. van Ravenswaay-Claasen, J. M. see Zee, E.E. van der. see Ravenswaay-Claasen, J.M. van.

van Dijk, W.J.0. M. see Dijk, W.J.O. M. van. 297 van Renselaar, H. C. Velthuyzen, H. see Renselaar, H.C. van. 1896 Mededeeling omtrent een gedeelte der zuidkust van van Schreven, Ch. H. Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, see Schreven, Ch. H. van. Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 13 (2nd series): 543-7. van Stijn, Matthäus Ven, P.F. van der Stijn, Matthäus van. 1912 De Wildeman-rivier (zuid Nieuw- van Thiel, P. H. Guinea). Nederlandsch aardrijk­ skundig genootschap, Amsterdam, see Thiel, P.H. van. Tijdschrift, 29 (2nd series): 310-5. van Ufford, J.K.W. Quarles 1913 De Goliath en het aangrenzende see Quarles van Ufford, J.K.W. bergterrein van centraal Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, van Waeij, H. W. Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 30 see Waeij, H.w. van. (2nd series): 172-84.

Venema, G.F. Vaudon, Jean 1958 Luchtvaart en exploratie in 1924 Monseigneur Henry Verjus, Ned. Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands £veque titulaire de Limyre, Nieuw-Guinea, 6(1): 14-7. de la Soci^tä des missionnaires du Sacrd-Coeur premier apötre de la Nouvelle-Guinee: sa vie. Venema, G.F. (joint author) Lille, Descl^e et de Brouwer, 1962 see 1962 Brongersma, Leo Daniel 551 pp.; 1st edition 1899, and Venema, G. F. Paris, Victor Retaux. Venkatachalam, P.S. Vayda, Andrew P. and others 1962 A study of the diet, nutrition 1961 The place of pigs in Melanesian and health of the people of the subsistence. American Chimbu area (New Guinea high­ ethnological society, Columbus, lands). Territory of Papua and Ohio, Annual spring meeting, New Guinea, Department of Proceedings: 69-77. Public Health, Monograph No. 4. Port Moresby, Government Printer 90 pp. Veeger, Louis Maria 1956 Nursing aids for Merauke Venkatachalam, P.S. and Ivinskis, V. villagers. South Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 1957 Kwashiorkor in New Guinea. 6 (3): 11-3. Medical journal of Australia. 1: 275-7. 1959 Papoea-dorpsverzorgsters; een sociaal-hygife'nisch experiment Vere Bailey, B.A. de in Nederlands Zuid Nieuw- 1947 Notes on Oceanian war clubs. Guinea. Amsterdam, Broos, 149 PP. Polynesian society, Wellington, Journal, 56: 3-17. Veer, F.J. van der Verguet, Leopold 1962 De taak van het spel van verkennen in Nederlands-Nieuw- l86l Histoire de la premiere mission Guinea. Nederlands Nieuw- catholique au vicariat de Guinea, 10(1): 8-9. Mdlandsie. Paris, Tolra et Haton, 320 pp.; prev. edition 1854. Veldkamp, F. Verhage, Ant. 1958 Dani-Dutch dictionary. Australian National University, 1959) Het Frederik Hendrik eiland. Department of Anthropology, 1960) Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 7(6)- 45 PP. 2-5; 8(1): 2-5.

Vellacott-Jones, K. Verhoeff, H.G. 1955 The story of Talidig school. 1956 Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea op weg South Pacific commission, naar ontwikkeling. Schäkels, Quarterly bulletin, 5(3): NNG, 23: 1-108. 14. 26. 1957 Overheid en grond in Nederlands- 1963 The Governor-General's visit Nieuw-Guinea. Beginselen van to Papua and New Guinea. agrarisch beleid. Nieuw- Australian territories, 3 (3 ): Guinea studiän, 1: 3I-58 16-22. 129-4, 225-56. 298 1961 Het bestuur van Australisch- Verslag van de militaire exploratie van Nieuw-Guinea. Nleuw-Guinea Nederlandsch-Nieuw-Guinee 1907-1915; studife'n, 5(3): 157-98. 1920 met medewerking van andere Departementen en van het Verhoeven, J. Bataviaasch Genootschap van Künsten en Wetenschappen, 1955 Angst voor schimmen beheerst samengesteld door het het leven. Nederlands Nieuw- Departement van oorlog in Guinea, 3(5): 6-7. Nederlandsch-Indife'. Weltevreden, Landsdrukkerij, Vernon, G.H. 440 pp. 1945/46 The interior of eastern Papua. Queensland geographical journal, Versteeg, W.F. 50: 91-7. 1885 Nieuw-Guinea, in 't bijzonder Onin en Kowiai. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Verschueren, Jan Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, -2 1947/48 Wat doen we met de bevolking (2nd series), Bijblad (l): van zuid Nieuw-Guinea. 114-72. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 8 : 65-73, 110-21. Vertenten, P. 1915 Zeichen- und Malkunst der 1947/ Het mensenoffer op de zuidkust Marindinesen. Internationales 48a van Nederlands Nieuw Guinea. Archiv fUr Ethnographie, Indonesia; tijdschrift gewijd 2 2 : 149-64. aan het Indonesisch cultuurgebied, 1 : 437-70. 1921 De Marind-anim. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 1 9 5 3 ) De Katholieke missie. in: W.C. 77: 182-93- 1 9 5 4 ) Klein (ed. ), Nieuw Guinea, vol. 1: 160-229. 's-Gravenhage, 1923 Het koppensnellen in Zuid Nieuw Staatsdrukkerij- en Guinea. Bijdragen tot de taal-, uitgeversbedrijf, 3 delen, land- en volkenkunde, 79: 45-72 491, 470, 600 pp. 1924 Verkenningstocht längs de 1956 Rechten op de grond bij de Digoel. Annalen van onze lieve Marind-Anim, zuid Nieuw-Guinea. vrouw van het heilig hart, Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 42(4): 77-81, (5): 104-10. Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, No. 108: 26 pp. 1927 Koppensnellerij en bijgeloof der Marind-Anim. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1957 Om een nieuwe wereld. Bijdragen Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 44: tot de taal-, land- en 434-6. volkenkunde, 113: 209-37. 1927/28 Bij de koppensneIlers van 1958 Rechten op grond van de Marind- Zuid-Nieuw-Guinee. Nederlands anim (zuid Nieuw Guinea). Nieuw- IndiS (oud en nieuw), 1 2 : Guinea studiSn, 2: 244-64. 143-9. Verschueren, Jan (joint author) 1933 De deema's, deema-geloof en 1949/50 see 1949/50 Meuwese, C. and deema-dienst in zuid Nieuw- Verschueren, J. Guinea. Nederlands Indife' (oud en nieuw), l8 : 333-41. 1949/ see 1949/50, 1950/51 Meuwese, 50) C. and Verschueren, J. 1950/ Vesseur, A. 51) 1958 De coöperatieve gedachte. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 6(2): Verschueren, Jan and Vriens, A. 22-5. 1951/52 Rapport over de patrouille naar het Edera (Venega) gebied van Veth, Pieter Johannes and Alphen, H. van 29 Januari tot 6 Pebruari 1951, (eds.) door Pater Jan Verschueren en 1869 Aardrijkskundig en statistisch Pater A. Vriens M.S.C. woordenboek van Nederlandsch Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", IndiS. Amsterdam, P.N. van 1 2 : 93-101, 148-9, 185-92, Kämpen, vol. 1: 1-730(A-J), 227-36- vol. 2: 1-855(K-Q), vol. 3 : 1-1206(R-Z). 299 V etter, J. 1936/ The Dangagamun ceremony of the 1892 Aus der Märchenwelt der Papuas 37a Wantoat. Oceania, 7(3): 340-5. in Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land. Geographische Gesellschaft (für Thüringen) zu Jena, 1937 Lake Gwam. Walkabout, 3(9 ): 45-9. Mitteilungen, 11: 102-6. 1937/38 Some statistical aspects of 1898 Aus der Märchenwelt der Papua's population in the Morobe in Kaiser Wilhelms-Land. District. Oceania, 8(4): Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 11(50) 383-97. (new series): 270-1. 1938 Exploring in New Guinea. V etter, Konrad Walkabout, 4(12): 13-20. 1896 Einige Erzählungen der Eingeborenen von Deutsch-Neuguinea. 1938a Dam-builders of New Guinea. Zeitschrift für afrikanische und Walkabout, 5(1): 39-43. oceanische Sprachen, 2: 220-40. 1938b E xtract from rep o rt on p a tro l 1897 II. B ericht über papuanische in the interior of the Huon R echtsverhältnisse bei den Peninsula, Morobe District. Jabim. Nachrichten aus dem Report to the League of Nations Kaiser Wilhelmsland 1894-98, on the adm inistration of the 13: 86-102. Territory of New Guinea for 1936-37: 141-6. Veur, Paul W. van der 1962 West Iria n : a new era. Asian 1939 Natives of our mandate. survey, 2(8): 1-8. Walkabout, 5(6): 21-4.

1962a West New Guinea. B ritish survey. 1939a The Kaman: glimpses of life Main series (new series No. 165): amongst some of New Guinea's 1-17. native peoples. Walkabout, 5 (7 ): 1 7 -2 2 . 1962b West New Guinea: Iria n Barat or Papua Barat. An address to the New Guinea Society, Canberra, 1939b Knights of the Stone Age. 27th September. Australian Asia, 39 : 408-12. National University, cyclostyled, 20 pp. 1940/41 Stone axes of Mount Hagen, New Guinea. Oceania, 11(2): 158-63 1963 West Iria n in the Indonesian fold. Asian survey, 3(7): 332-7. 1941 Down the Wahgi, a New Guinea patrol. Walkabout, 7(9): 16-20. 1963a The Irian change-over. Australia's neighbours, 4th 1942 They fig h t for fun. Walkabout, series, Nos. 6-7: 4-5. 9(1): 5-9.

1963b P o litic a l awakening in West 1943 New Guinea's Huon Peninsula. New Guinea. Pacific affairs, Walkabout, 9(8): 5-10. 36(1): 54-73. Vicary, J.R. Veurman, J.D. 1959/60 Agricultural year at Yabob 1949/50 0p de grens. T ijd sc h rift "Nieuw- v illa g e. Papua and New Guinea Guinea , 10: 130-40. agricultural journal, 12(4): ISO-91. 1951 Rondom het Cartenszgebergte. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Vicedom, G.P. genootschap, Amsterdam, 1938 Ein neuentdecktes Volk in Tijdschrift, 68: 276-96. Neuguinea; völkerkundliche Beobachtungen an der Bevölkerung des Hagen-Berges 1951/52 Over het Centrale Gebergte van im ehemals deutschen Teil von Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift Neuguinea. Archiv für "Nieuw-Guinea", 12: 9-12. Anthropologie, 24: 11-44, 190-213. Vial, Leigh G. 1936 Sepwami fishing. Walkabout, 1961 Church and people ln New Guinea. 3: 39-40. World C hristian Books No. 38, second series. London, United 1936/37 Disposal of the dead among the Society for Christian Buang. Oceania, 7 ( l) : 64-8. L iteratu re, 79 PP. 300

Vicedom, G.P. and Tischner, Herbert 1962 Introductory notes on Tairora 1943-48 Die Mbowamb; die Kultur der verb morphology and syntax. Hagenberg-Stämme im östlichen Studies in New Guinea linguistics Zentral-Neuguinea. Hamburg. Oceania linguistic monograph, Museum für Völkerkunde und No. 6 : 4-27. Vorgeschichte, Monographien zur Völkerkunde, 3 vols., 264, 484, 196 pp. Vincent, Lois (joint author) 1961 see 1961 Vincent, Alex and Vidas, J. de Vincent, Lois. 1945 A survey of scrub typhus (K 1962 see 1962 Vincent, Alex and typhus) in New Guinea. Medical Vincent, Lois. journal of Australia, 1: 631-4. Virchow, R. Viegen, Jos. 1873 Ueber Schädel von Neu-Guinea. 1911 De Marindineezen van Ned. Berliner Gesellschaft für Nieuw-Guinea; ethnographische Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Studie over namen van Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: rivieren, plaatsen en stammen. 65-79. in: Zeitschrift für Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Ethnologie, vol. 5. genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 28 (2nd series): 1873a Schädel und Nasen der 110-9. Eingeborenen Neu-Guinea's. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und 1912 Oorsprongs- en afstammingslegenden van den Marindinees (zuid Nieuw- Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: Guinea). Nederlandsch aardrijk­ 188-9. in: Zeitschrift für skundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Ethnologie, vol. 5. Tijdschrift, 29 (2nd series): 137-58. 1880 Schädelmasken von Neu-Britannien. Berliner Gesellschaft für 1922 Het godsdienstig leven van den Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Marind in verband met de Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: aardrijkskunde en volkenkunde 404-9. in: Zeitschrift für van Nieuw-Guinee. Nederlandsch Ethnologie, vol. 12. aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 39 1891 Papua-Knaben von Neu-Britannien. (2nd series): 391-2. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Village Directory Urgeschichte, Verhandlungen: 283-6 . in: Zeitschrift für 1960 see i960 Papua and New Guinea. Ethnologie, vol. 23. Department of Native Affairs. Vis, C.W. de Villeminot, Jacques and Villemlnot, Paule Papuan charms. Queensland 1961 Chez les Papous au coeur de la n. d. Nouvelle-Guin^e. Paris, Soci^td museum, Brisbane, Annals, No. 6 : d'lSdition G^ographique et 32-5. Touristique, 182 pp. 1895 Report on ethnological specimens collected in British New Guinea. Villeminot, Paule (joint author) British New Guinea. Annual 1961 see 1961 Villeminot, Jacques and report for 1893-94: 98-9, Villeminot, Paule. (App. DD).

Villiers, H.V. 1907 A Papuan relic. Queensland 1937 North about. National geographic museum, Brisbane, Annals, No. 7: magazine, 71: 221-50. 12-3.

Villiers, L. Visser, J. Th. de 1951 Education in Papua, New Guinea. 1961 Mijmeringen bij de eerste M.Ed. thesis. University of mijlpaal. Nederlands Nieuw- Melbourne, 245 pp. Guinea, 9(3): 6-9.

Vincent, Alex and Vincent, Lois Visser, W. M. 1961 Final verbs of Tairora. in: I960 Arts en explorateur aan de Workshop papers : 164-70, Casuarinenkust. I, II, III. Summer institute of linguistics, Schäkels, NNG, 3 6 : 9-21. New Guinea branch. Ukarumpa, New Guinea, 170 pp. 301 Voegelin, C.F. and others Volz, W. 1963 Obtaining an index of 1894 Beiträge zur Anthropologie der phonological differentiation Südsee. Archiv für Anthropologie, from the construction of 23: 97-169. non-existent minimax systems. International Journal of von Beck, C. American linguistics, 29(1); 3-28. see Beck, C. von.

Vogan, Arthur J. von Bennigsen, Rudolf 1932 The yam. Pacific islands monthly, 3(5 ): 23. see Bennigsen, Rudolf von.

1933 Psychology in relation to native von Bockelmann-Danzlg, A. administration. Pacific islands see Bockelmann-Danzig, A. von. monthly, 4(4): 28-9. von Bonin, Gerhardt Vogel, Alfred Anton see Bonin, Gerhardt von. 1953 Papuans and pygmies. (Transl. from Swedish by M.A. Michael.) von der Borch, R. London, Arthur Barker, 159 PP. see Borch, R. von der. Vogel, Hans von der Gabelentz, Georg 1911 Eine Forschungsreise im Bismarck-Archipel; bearbeitet see Gabelentz, Georg von der. von H. Vogel.... mit einer Einführung von G. Thilenius. von Dewitz Hamburgische wissenschaftliche Stiftung. Hamburg, L. Friederichsen see Dewitz, von. & Co., xvi and 307 pp. von Eisenstein, Richard Vogelgesang, T. W. see Eisenstein, Richard von. 1900 Zur Frage der Einführung von Chinesen in Neuguinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 13(16) (new von Gniellnskl, Stefan series): 164. see Gniellnskl, Stefan von. Volkens, G. von Goethem, Edward 1901 Der Jahresbericht Uber die Entwicklung des Schutzgebietes see Goethem, Edward von. von Deutsch-Neuguinea, einschliesslich des Inselgebietes von Grapow der Karolinen, und Marianen im Jahre 1899/1900. see Grapow, von. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 14(12) (new series): 112. von Hanneken, W.

Vollema, J.S. see Hanneken, W. von. 1958 Mechanized rice growing in Netherlands New Guinea. South von Hasselt, Gottfr. Pacific commission, Quarterly see Hasselt, Gottfr. von. bulletin, 8 (3): 30-I.

I960 Rice-growing successfully von Hesse-Wartegg, Ernest established at Merauke. South see Hesse-Wartegg, Ernest von. Pacific commission, Quarterly bulletin, 10(4): 56-60. von Hornbostel, Erich M. see Hornbostel, Erich M. von. 1960a Agrarische mogelijkheden in Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. Schäkels, NNG, 35: 3-14. von Koenneritz see Koenneritz, von. Vollema, J.S. (Joint author) 1957 see 1957 Kool, R. and Vollema, von Lendenfeld, R. see Lendenfeld, R. von. Vollmer, A. von Luschan, Felix 1897 Goldsucher in Neuguinea. Petermanns Geographische see Luschan, Felix von. Mitteilungen, 4 3 : 138-9. 302

von Miklucho-Maclay, Nicolaus 1917/i8 Das tägliche Leben der Papua (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung see Miklukho-Maklai, Nikolai des Valman-Stammes auf Deutsch- Nikolaevich. Neuguinea). Anthropos, 12-13: 891-909. von Naumann, see Naumann, von. Vormann, Franz (joint author) 1900 see 1900 Schmidt, W. and Vormann, Franz. von Puttkamer, W. see Puttkamer, W. von. Vormann, Franz and Scharfenberger, Wilhelm 1914 Die Monumbo-Sprache, Grammatik von Römer, L. S.A.M. und Wörterverzeichnis. Anthropos- see Römer, L.S.A.M. von. Bibliothek, vol. 1. Wien, Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei, 252 pp. von Rosenberg, Carl Benjamin Hermann see Rosenberg, Carl Benjamin Vormann, Friedrich Hermann von. 1907 Die Walman im Kaiser Wilhelmsland. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 18: von Schleinitz, G.E.G. 802-4. see Schleinitz, G.E.G. von. Vormann, Friedrich (joint author) von Spiegel 1905 see 1905 Klaffl, Joh. and see Spiegel, von. Vormann, Friedrich.

Vraz, E. St. von Willemoes-Suhm, R. see St. Vraz, E. see Willemoes-Suhm, R. von.

Vriens, A. Voorhoeve, H.W.A. 1960) Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands 1962 De afdeling "Zorg voor moeder 1961) Nieuw-Guinea, 8(4): 28-9, en kind". Nederlands Nieuw- (6): 10-3; 9(1): 20-1. Guinea, 10(3): 24-7. Vriens, A. (joint author) Voors, A.W. 1951/52 see 1951/52 Verschueren, J. and 1957 Health education in Netherlands Vriens, A. New Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea studiön, 1(1): 24-30. 1955 see 1955 Boelaars, J.H.M.C. and Vriens, A. 1962 Gezondheidsopvoeding van het Nieuw-Guineese publiek. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, Vries, J.L. de and Nijenhuis, L.E. 10(6 ): 22-3. I960 Blood group frequencies in New Guinea. I. The Sentani Papuans. Voors, A.W. (joint author) American journal of physical anthropology, 18: 125-30. I960 see I960 Biersteker, K. and Voors, A.W. Vries, Jac. S. de Vormann, Franz 1962 Naar Ilaga. Nederlands Nieuw- 1909 Dorf- und Hausanlage bei Guinea, 10(3): 14-7. den Monumbo. Anthropos, 4: 660-8. Vries, L. de 1956 Framboesia; de bestrijdingsmethoden 1910 Zur Psychologie, Religion, in Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. Soziologie und Geschichte der Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 4(3): Monumbo-Papua, Deutsch Neu- 14-6. Guinea. Anthropos, 5: 407-18. Vries, M. de 1911 Tänze und Tanzfestlichkeiten der Monumbo-Papua, Deutsch Neu- 1962 Varkens- en geitenhouderij op Guinea. Anthropos, 6: 411-27. het eiland Japen. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 10(6): 24-5. 1915/16 Die Initiationsfeiern der Jünglinge und Mädchen bei den 1962a Menuverbetering op Nederlands- Monumbo-Papua, Deutsch Neu- Nieuw-Guinea. Nieuw-Guinea Guinea. Anthropos, 10-11: studiän, 6(1): 34-42. 159-79. 303 Vries, M. de (joint author) Wagner, Hans 1960 see I960 Huizenga, L.H. and 1963 Mythen und Erzählungen der Komba Vries, M. de. in Nordost-Neu-Guinea. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 88(1): 1962 see 1962 Huizenga, L.H. and 1 2 1 -3 2 . Vries, M. de. Waite, J.H. Vrijburg, B. 1917 Preliminary report on ankylosto­ 1934 Nieuw-Guinea in verband met miasis in Papua. Medical journal kolonisatie. (Title on spine: of Australia, 2: 2 2 1 -3 . Nieuw-Guinea roept!). Leiden, E.J. Brill, 70 pp., 57 photographs. Wake, C. Staniland 1883 The Papuans and the Polynesians. Anthropological institute of Vroklage, B. A. G. Great Britain and Ireland, 1935 Die Megalithkultur in Neuguinea, London, Journal, 12: 197-222. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 67: 104-15. Waley, F.G. 1886 A trip to New Guinea in the 1936 Enkele aanteekeningen over in steamer "Victory", in: British de laatste jaren ontdekte New Guinea, issued by Messrs. stammen in het Mandaatsgebled Burns, Philp and Co. Ltd.: 1-19. van Nleuw Guinee. Nederlandsch Sydney, J. Woods and Co., 36 pp. aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 53 (2 nd series): 8 8 6 -9 3 . Walkabout 1938 New Guinea patrol. Walkabout, 1936a Das Schiff ln den 4(4): 55-9. Megalithkulturen Südostasiens und der Südsee. Anthropos, 3 1 : 1938a Agricultural development in 712-57. New Guinea. Walkabout, 4(ll):

1939 Kuss-kuss: a round-trip aboard a New Guinea coastal steamer. Walkabout, 6(l): 9-16.

1939a Nutmegs.from New Guinea. Walkabout, 6(2): 51-2.

1942 Red Cross in Port Moresby. Walkabout, 9(l): 40.

1944 A picturesque indigenous tree of New Guinea. Walkabout, 10(4): 29.

1945 New Britain funeral. Walkabout, 1 1 (1 2 ) : 3 2 .

Walker, A.L. 1902 Report of the acting resident magistrate, Northern Division. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1 9 0 0 -0 1 : 48-59, (Apps. J, K,L).

Walker, Allan S. 1952 Clinical problems of war. Australia in the War of 1939- 1945. Series 5, Medical, vol. 1. Canberra, Australian War Memorial, 726 pp. and 88 plates.

Walker, H. Wilfred 1909 Wanderings among South Sea savages and in Borneo and the Phillipines. London, H.P. & G. Witherby Ltd., 254 pp. 304 Walker, Joyce Walsh, R.J. and others 1952 A missionary at Mendi. Pacific 1953/54 The bloodgroups of New Guinea islands monthly, 2 2 (1 1 ): 67, natives. Oceania, 24: 146-51. 69. 1959 Haemoglobin values of natives Wallace, A.F. in the western highlands, New Guinea. Medical journal of 1956 Revitalization movements. Australia, 1: 834-6. American anthropologist, 5 8 : 264-81. 1960/61 Blood groups and haemoglobin values of natives from Minj, Wallace, Alfred R. New Guinea. Oceania, 31: 77-82. i860 Notes of a voyage to New Guinea. Royal geographical society, Walsh, R.J. and Price, A.V.G. London, Journal, 3O: 172-7; also Royal geographical society, 1 9 6 2 /6 3 Studies in Melanesian pigment­ London, Proceedings, 1859, 2: ation of the skin of racial 358-62. crosses in Port Moresby. Oceania, 3 3 : 287-92. 1862 On the trade of the eastern archipelago with New Guinea Wandanian (pseud.) and its islands. Royal geograph­ ical society, .London, Journal, see Dyott, R.A. 3 2 : 127-37. Wannan, J.S. (joint author) 1879 New Guinea and its inhabitants. 1955 see 1955 Forbes, B.R.V. and Contemporary review, 34: 421-41. Wannan, J.S.

18 8 0 New Guinea. Nature, 2 3 : 152-5, Wanner, J. 175-8. 1910 Beiträge zur geologischen Kenntnis der Insel Mlsol 1887 Extract from "The Malay (Niederländisch Ost-Indien). Archipelago". British New Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Guinea. Annual report for genootschap, Amsterdam, 1 8 8 6 : 3 6 , (App. D). Tijdschrift, 27 (2nd series): 469-500. Wallace, Alfred R. (ed.) Ward, E.J. 1883 Australasia, in: Stanford's 'Compendium of geography and .1948 Administration of the Territory travel', based on Hellwald's of New Guinea: discussion of "Die Erde und ihre Völker", with annual report, 1946/47, by the ethnological appendix by A.H. Trusteeship Council of the Keane: 434-70 (Melanesia). United Nations. Statement by London, Edward Stanford, 3rd the Minister of External edition, 672 pp. Territories in the House of Representatives on 21st Wallace, Jane Todd September 1948. South Pacific, 1938 The Balnings of New Britain. 3(1): 30-4. Walkabout, 4(8): 21-4. 1948a Brown man's future. South Wallis, Helen M. Pacific, 3 (3 ): 67-8. 1953 The exploration of the South Sea, 1519 to 1644. A study of 1948b Cooperatives in New Guinea: the influence of the physical statement by the Minister for factors, with a reconstruction External Territories from of the routes of the explorers. Canberra, 29th October 1948. D.Phil., University of Oxford, South Pacific, 3(4): 82. 611 pp. Ward, H.J. Walsh, R.J. 1950 Native salt makers. Walkabout, 1952 Variants of the blood group 16(6): 9. gene D in two native races. Medical journal of Australia, Ward, Hugh 2 : 405-7. 1957/58 Infectious disease in the 1961 Human genetic studies in the western highlands of New Guinea. New Guinea highlands. Tenth Oceania, 2o: 199-203. Pacific science congress 1961, Honolulu, Abstracts of Ward, John M. symposium papers: 437. 1947 British policy in the exploration of the South Pacific, 1699-1793- Walsh, R.J. (joint author) Royal australian historical 1958 see 1958 Cotter, Helen and society, 3 3 (1 ): 25-49. Walsh, R.J. 305 1963 Krakatoa's echo. Polynesian Warnack society, Wellington, Journal, 1913 Der Handel Neu-Guineas 1912. 72: 152-5. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3 6 (3 7 ): 608-9. 1963a A micro-evolution study in New Guinea. Polynesian society, 1913a Der Handel der Südseeinseln Wellington, Journal, 72: 188-92. 1912. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3 0 (5 0 ): 8 2 8 -3 0 . Watson, James B. and others Warnecke 1961 The blood groups of natives in Kainantu, New Guinea. Human 1902 Die nordwestlichen Inselgruppen biology, 3 3 : 25-41. des Bismarck-Archipels. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 1 3 : 197-9, 221-2. Watson, L. (joint author) Warner, J.N. 1956 see 1956 Groves, Murray C. and Watson, L. 1962 Sugar cane: an indigenous Papuan cultigen. Ethnology, 1: 405-11. Watson, Virginia 1955 Pottery in the eastern highlands Wartegg, Ernest von Hesse- of New Guinea. Southwestern journal of anthropology, ( ): see Hesse-Wartegg, Ernest von. 1 1 2 121-8.

Wasterval, J.A. Waugh, D. 1915 Zwangerschap, geboorte en 1926 Native vocabulary. Report to kindermoord bij de Papoeas in the League of Nations on the en om de Humboldtsbaai. administration of the Territory Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, of New Guinea for 1924-25: 93-5, land- en volkenkunde, 5 7 : 2 6 3 -9 . (App. B).

1917-19 Zwangerschap, geboorte, kinder­ Wawn, William T. moord en huwelijk bij de Papoeas 1893 The South Sea islanders and the in en om de Tanah-Merah Baai. Queensland labour trade: a Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, record of voyages and experiences land- en volkenkunde, 5 8 : 213-24. in the Western Pacific, from 1875 to 1891. London, Swan 1922 Een en ander omtrent godsdienst, Sonnenschein & Co., xvi and 440 pp. zeden en gewoonten bij de bevolking in en om de Humboldt- Webb, L.J. baai. Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 1952 An appeal for plant drugs from 61: 499-507. New Guinea. South Pacific, 6 (3 ): 358, 359. Waterhouse, J.H.L. Webster, Herbert Cayley- 1939 A New Guinea language book. (Blanch Bay dialect) . Sydney, see Cayley-Webster, Herbert. Australasia Medical PublishinS Co. Ltd., 44 pp. Webster, Hutton 1911 Totem clans and secret associa­ Watkins, G.W. tions in Australia and Melanesia. 1943 Native "allies" of Papua. Royal anthropological institute Mankind, 3 : 105-7. of Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 4l: 482-508.

Watson, Carol West- Wedgwood, Camilla H. see West-Watson, Carol. 1927 Death and social status in Melanesia. Royal anthropological Watson, Charles H. institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 57: 377-97. 1926 Cannibals and head-hunters, victories of the gospel in the South Seas, Washington, 1930/31 Some aspects of warfare in Review and Herald Publishing Melanesia. Oceania, 1: 5-33. Association, 287 PP. 1933/34 Girl's puberty rites in Manam Watson, James B. island, New Guinea. Oceania, I960 A New Guinea "opening man", in: 4(2): 132-55. J.B. Casagrande (ed.), In the company of man: 127-73- New 1933/ Report on research work on York, Harper and Bros., 540 pp. 34a Manam island. Oceania, 4(4): 373-403. 306 1934 Canoeä and sea-faring in 1908 Een tocht op de Bensbach-rivier Manam. Mankind, 1: 253-4. of Torasi, de grensrivier van zuid Nieuw-Guinea, in Dec. 1906. 1934/35 Sickness and its treatment in Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig Manam island. Oceania, 5(l): genootschap, Amsterdam, 64-79, (3): 280-307. Tijdschrift, 25 (2nd series): 304-7. 1936/ Women in Manam. Oceania, 7(4): 37) 401-28; 8(2 ): 170-92. 1910 Verkenning van rivieren tusschen 1937/ Oost-baai en Digoel-rivier (zuid 58) Nieuw-Guinea). Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 27 (2nd 1938/39 The life of children in Manam. series): 323-3O. Oceania, 9(1): I-30. Weetman, Charles 1946 Native education. Monthly notes, 1(2 ): 4-7. 1937 Rabaul, a study in black and white. Walkabout, 3(6 ): 19-23. 1947 Native compensation. Monthly notes, 1(7) : 1-5. 1938 Everybody flies: a round-trip flight in New Guinea. Walkabout, 5: 36-41. 1948 Trade and the exchange of goods on Manam island. Man, 48: 8. Weinberger-Goebel, Kira 1950 The recording of native tales. 1940 Zur Brandbestattung in Melanesien. South Pacific, 4(8): 146-7. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 72: 114-24. 1954 The problem of Pidgin in the Trust Territory of New Guinea. 1943 Melanesische Jenseitsgedanken. South Pacific, 7: 782-9. Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik, 1955 Some educational problems of 5: 95-124. the Pacific islands. South Pacific, 8(9): 187; also in Weir, H. (joint author) Australian outlook, 9(3): 152-64. 1925 see 1925 Calov, W.L. and Weir, H. 1955a The Hiri. Melbourne, Longmans Green and Co., 24 pp. Weiske, E. 1902 Zwei Sagen der Eingeborenen des 1956 Education in the Pacific islands: Koiare-Distriktes im Astrolabe- a selective bibliography. South gebirge. Globus, 82: 15. Pacific commission, Technical papers No. 99: 1-23, 28-9. Weisser, J. 1957 The education of women and girls 1885 Einige noch unbekannte Sitten in the Pacific. South Pacific, und Gebräuche der Eingeborenen 9: 494-502. von Neubritannien. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, 1958/59 Manam kinship (ed. by Marie Verhandlungen: 276-9. ln: Reay). Oceania, 29: 239-56. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. 17. Wedgwood, Camilla H. (joint author) 1886 Anderweite Nachrichten über 1944 see 1944 Hogbin, Herbert Ian and das deutsche Schutzgebiet. Wedgwood, Camilla H. Nachrichten aus dem Kaiser- Wilhelmsland, 2: 11-22. 1952/ see 1952/53, 1953/54 Hogbin, 53) Herbert Ian and Wedgwood, Camilla l886a Der Bismarck-Archipel und das 1953/ H. Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Geographische 54) Gesellschaft Hamburg, Mitteilungen, 3 : 269-96 . Weel, K. M. van Weisser, J. and Bastian, A. 1907 Toevoegingen tot den onderzoekingstocht-Hellwig in 1883 Ueber den Gebrauch der Maske April 1907 per Gouv.-Mar. auf Neu-Irland. Globus, 43: 93. S.S. "Spits". Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Wempe, J.M. Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 24 (2nd series): 1052-4; see I960 Het Mimika gebied. Schäkels, also 1907c Hellwig, R.L.A. NNG, 39: 3-5. 307 Wentink, J. J. 1961 Sir Hubert Murray: the man and 1955 Nieuw Guinea, schone slaapster, his policy. Australian word wakker! Den Haag, J. N. territories, 1(6) : 4-15. Voorhoeve, 125 pp. 1961a The New Guinea question. Foreign Werf, S. van der (joint author) affairs, 3 9 (3 ) : 504-11. 1957 see 1957 Berkel, C.W. van and Werf, S. van der. 1962 The political development of Papua-New Guinea, in: The independence of Papua-New Guinea: Werner, Eugen what are the pre-requisites?: 1909 Im westlichen Finisterregebirge 44-59. Australian national und an der NordkUste von university, Public lectures Deutsch-Neuguinea. Petermanns committee. Sydney, Angus & Geographische Mitteilungen, 55: Robertson, 78 pp. 73-82, 107-12. 1962 a Towards a biography of Sir 1909) Bilder aus Neu-Guinea. Deutsche Hubert Murray, Lieutenant- 1910) Kolonialzeitung, 26(52): 870-1; Governor of Papua, 1908-1940. 27(1): 4-6. Pacific historical review, 31(11): 151-68. 1911 Kaiser Wilhelmsland: Beobachtungen und Erlebnisse in den Urwäldern 1963 Sir Hubert Murray: the Australian Neuguineas. Freiburg i.B., Pro-Consul. Journal of Commonwealth Herdersche Verlagshandlung, political studies, 1(4): 282-95. 314 pp. 1963a Hubert Murray. (First published Wernicke, W. in 1962.) in: Six great Australians. (First series): 1908 Die Waria Expedition ln Neu- 30. Melbourne, Oxford University Guinea. Deutsches Kolonialblatt, Press, l80 pp. 19: 948-9. West, G.K. 1912 Die Gazelle-Halbinsel. Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen 1939 A morning in Mirani. Walkabout, Schutzgebieten, 25(2): 176-85. 5(10): 17-24.

West, Francis John 1940 "Kumo": New Guinea's brand of sorcery. Walkabout, 6(5): 44. 1954 Captain Barton of Papua. South Pacific, 7: 858-62. West, H.W. 1954a The central highlands of New 1951 Report on a patrol from Telefomin Guinea, in: Australian and New to the watersheds of the Zealand association for the Strickland river. Report to advancement of science, Report the General Assembly of the of 30th meeting, Canberra: 16-20. United Nations on the Paper contributed to symposium administration of the Territory "Pacific history: the study of of New Guinea for 1950-51: 19-20. multi-cultural situations". West-Watson, Carol 1956 Colonial development in central 1930 International rivalries and New Guinea.South Pacific, 9(2): co-operation in the Pacific 305-13. area. M.A. thesis, University of New Zealand. 1957 The beginnings of Australian rule in Papua. Political Westermann, J.H. science, 9(1): 38-50. 1951/52 Behoud van de natuur en de natuurlljke hulpbronnen in 1958 Aspects of European contact in Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. central New Guinea, in: Western Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", Pacific: studies of man and 12: 139-47. environment in the western Pacific: 1-14 (Department of geography, Victoria university Weule, Karl of Wellington, and New Zealand geographical society, Wellington 1902 Zwergvölker in Neu-Guinea? branch). Wellington (N.Z.), Globus, 82: 247-53. Victoria University of Wellington, cyclostyled, 8l pp. 1918 Der Topf als Trophäe und Kultgegenstand. Leipzig. 1958a Indigenous labour in Papua-New Städtisches Museum für Guinea. International labour Völkerkunde, Jahrbuch, 7; review, 7 7 : 89-112. 68-70. 308 1922 Unsere Kolonien und die Völker- Whiting, John W.M. and Reed, Stephen W. Forschung. Koloniale Rundschau, 1958/59 Kwoma culture; report on field 2 : 50-6; 5 : 141-7; 5-6: 25I-6 . work in the Mandated Territory of New Guinea. Oceania, 9(l): Wheeler, Gerald Camden 170-216. 1910/11 A note on the Telei speech of south Bougainville, Solomon Whitley, G.P. Islands. Zeitschrift für 1949 "Fish doctor" in Papua. Kolonialsprachen, 4: 290-504. Australian museum magazine, 9(10): 540-7. 1912 Sketch of the totemism and religion of the people of the islands in the Bougainville Whitmee, S.J. Strait (western Solomon 1879 The ethnology of Polynesia. Islands). Archiv für Anthropological institute of Religionswissenschaft, 15: Great Britain and Ireland, 24-58, 521-58. London, Journal, 8: 261-75.

1915 A text in Mono speech (Bougainville 1879a A revised nomenclature of the Strait, western Solomon Islands). Inter-Oceanic races of men. Anthropos, 8 : 758-55. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London, Journal, 8: 560-9. 1914 Totemismus in Buin. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 46: 4l-4. Whitton, W. White, D.L. 1889 Report on a cruise to Woodlark islands. British New Guinea. l895 Descriptive account of the customs of the natives of Annual report for 1888: 58-9, Sudest island. British New (App. H). Guinea. Annual report for 1895-94: 75-6, (App. U). Whyte, H.M. 1958 Body fat and blood pressure White, Gilbert of natives in New Guinea: reflections on essential 1929 A pioneer of Papua, being the hypertension. Australasian life of the Rev. Copland King, annals of medicine, 7(l): 56-46. M.A., one of the two first missionaries of the New Guinea mission. London, Society Prom. Whyte, H.M. (joint author) Christian Knowledge, 91 PP. 1958a see 1958 Wolfe, M. S. de and Whyte, H.M. White, Osmar 1945 Green armour. Sydney, Angus & Wichmann, Arthur Robertson, 246 pp. 1900 Die Mapia- oder Bunai-Inseln. Petermanns Geographische White, T.W. Mitteilungen, 46: 66-9. 1951 The sea-faring Manus islanders. Walkabout, 17(7): 57-40. 1905 A. Wichmanns Forschungen in Niederländisch-Neuguinea. Globus, 84(22): 558. Whitehouse, E. 1922 Trobriand islands, South­ 1908 De "Moordenaars-rlvier" en eastern Division. Papua. de "Doodslagers-rivier" op Annual report for 1920-21: 55. Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1922a Canoes, South-eastern Division Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 25 (Trobriand islands), in: W.E. (2nd series): 571-80. Armstrong, Territory 07 Papua, Anthropology Report No. 2 1909- Nova Guinea. Entdeckungsgeschichte (pt. 2 ): 55-66. 1912 von Neu-Guinea. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 5 vols., 587, 569, 1026 pp. Whitehouse, E. (joint author) 1942 see 1942 Dickson, T. Elder and 1917 Bericht über eine im Jahre 1905 Whitehouse, E. ausgeführte Reise nach Neu- Guineä. Nova Guinea, 4: xvii and Whiting, John W. M. 495 PP- 1941 Becoming a Kwoma; teaching and learning in a New Guinea tribe. Wichmann, H. New Haven, Yale University 1908 H. A. Lorentz' Expedition im Press, 226 pp. südwestlichen Neuguinea 1907. Petermanns Geographische 1944 The frustration complex in Mitteilungen, 54: 89-90. Kwoma society. Man, 44: 140-4. 309

1910 Die erste Besteigung des Wilde de Ligny, H.J. de and others Schneegebirges von Neuguinea. Petermanns Geographische 1 9 5 3 ) Bevolkingslandbouw: in: W.C. Mitteilungen, 56: 258-9. 1 9 5 4 ) Klein (ed. ), Nieuw Guinea, vol. 3: 259-301. '8-Gravenhage, Staatsdrukkerij- en ultgevers- 1911 Die Deutsch-Niederländische bedrijf, 3 delen, 491, 470, 600 pp. Grenzkommission in Neu-Guinea. Petermanns Geographische Wildey, William Brackley Mitteilungen, 57(1): 184-6. 1876 Australasia and the Oceanic region, with some notice of Wiek New Guinea. Melbourne, George 1911 Die gesundheitlichen Verhältnisse Robertson, 426 pp. im mittleren Neumecklenburg. Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Neuguinea, 3(21): 234-5, Wilken, George Alexander (2 2 ) : 240-1. 1886 lets over de beteekenis van de ithyphallische beeiden bij de volken van den Indischen Wiener Schule der Völkerkunde, Festschrift Archipel. Bijdragen tot de (1929-1954) taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 1956 see 1956 Riesenfeld, A., 1956a 5de volgreeks, 1st deel, Wurm, S.A. 35: 393-401.

Wigley, S. 1887 lets over de Papoewas van de 1958 Tuberculosis in the Territory Geelvinksbaai. Bijdragen tot of Papua and New Guinea. Papua de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, and New Guinea scientific 5de volgreeks, 2de deel, 3 6 : society, Annual report and 605-40. proceedings for 1 9 5 8 : 19-2 5 . 1889 lets over de schedelvereering I960 Domiciliary treatment of bij de volken van den Indischen tuberculosis. Papua and New Archipel. Bijdragen tot de Guinea medical journal, 4(1): taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 19-22. 5de reeks, 4de deel, 3 8 : 89-129.

1889a Plechtigheden en gebruiken bij Wigley, S. and Randmae, Georg verlovingen en huwelijken bij 1961 Lung cancer and the Melanesian. de volken van den Indischen Papua and New Guinea medical Archipel. Bijdragen tot de taal-, journal, 5(1): 5-10. land- en .volkenkunde, 5de reeks, 4de deel, 3 8 : 380-460. Wigley, S. and Todd, B.E. Wilkes, J.R. Adam 1959 Investigation: a virus epidemic in Port Moresby. Papua and New 1926 Vocabulary of native languages. Guinea medical journal, 3 (2 ): Report to the League of Nations 48-9. on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea for 1924-25: 76-8. Wijsmuller, G. 1956 Tuberculosebestrijding. Wilkes, John (ed. ) Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 4(3): 17-8. 1958 New Guinea and Australia. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 246 pp. see 1958 Andrews, J., Wijsmuller, G. (joint author) 1958 Gunther, J.T., 1958 1951/ see 1951/52, 1952/53 Metselaar, Hasluck, P.M.C., 1958 Kerr, J.R. 52) J.D. and Wijsmuller, G. 1952/ Wilkin, A. 53) 1904 XIV. Land tenure and inheritance. XVII. Tales of the warpath, in: Wilda, Johannes Cambridge anthropological 1903 Reise auf S.M.S. "Möwe". expedition to Torres Straits, Streifzüge in Südseekolonien Report, 5: 284-92, 3 0 8 -1 9 . und Ostasien. Berlin, Allgemeiner Cambridge, Cambridge University Verein für Deutsche Litteratur, Press, 6 vols. 301 pp. Wilkin, A. and Haddon, Alfred Cort Wilde de Ligny, H.J. de 1912 IV. Houses. _ln: Cambridge 1955 Proef- en opleidingscentrum anthropological expedition Kota Nica. Nederlands Nieuw- to Torres Straits, Report, 4: Guinea, .3 (2 ): 2-4. 93-119. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 6 vols.

Wilkin, A. (joint author) 1904 see 1904 Haddon, Alfred Cort and Wilkin, A. 310

Wilkinson, John W. 1928b A Binandele drill. Man, 28: 12-3. 1946 Tropical ulcers. Pacific islands monthly, 17(2 ): 16. 1929 Rainmaking on the river Morehead. Royal anthropological institute Willemoes-■Suhm, R. von of Great Britain and Ireland, 1876 Ueber die Eingeborenen Neu- Journal, 59: 379-97. Guineas und benachbarter Inseln. Archiv für Anthropologie, 9: 99-105; reprint from the 1929a The blending of native and Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche European cultures. Australian Zoologie, 26: 85. and New Zealand association for the advancement of science, Report of 19th meeting, 1928, Willen, 19: 3.71-6. n. d. Kunimaipa materials (Hateun Neo) in Goilala sub-district: 1930 Orokaiva society (with an Kunimaipa, Lowa, Loloipa valley introduction by Sir Hubert area. Vocabulary and grammatical Murray). Territory of Papua, notes by catholic missionaries Anthropology Report No. 10. incl. Father L. Willen. Canberra, London, Oxford University Press, Australian National University, xxiii and 355 PP. Department of Anthropology. 1931 Bwara Awana houses on Normanby Williams, F.E. island. Man, 31: 174-8. 1923 The Pairama ceremony in the Purari Delta, Papua. Royal 1931a Papuan petrographs. Royal anthropoligical institute of anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 61: 121-55. Journal, 53: 361-87.

1932 Sentiments and leading ideas The collection cf curios and 1923a in native society (with an the preservation of native introduction by Sir Hubert culture (with a preface by Murray). Territory of Papua, W.M. Strong). Territory of Anthropology Report No. 12. Papua, Anthropology Report Port Moresby, Government No. 3. Port Moresby, Government Printer, iii and 16 pp. Printer, 20 pp. 1932a Sex affiliation and its 1923b The Vailala madness and the destruction of native ceremonies implications. Royal anthrop­ ological institute of Great in the Gulf Division (with an Britain and Ireland, Journal, introduction by W.M. Strong). Territory of Papua, Anthropology 62: 51-81. Report No. 4. Port Moresby, Government Printer, xiii and 1932/33 Trading voyages from the Gulf 78 pp. of Papua. Oceania, 3(2 ) : 139-66.

1924 The natives of the Purari Delta 1932/ Depopulation and administration. (with an introduction by J.H.P. 33a Oceania, 3 : 219-26. Murray). Territory of Papua, Anthropology Report No. 5. Port Moresby, Government Printer, 1933 Physical paternity in the vi and 283 pp. Morehead district, Papua. Man, 33: 123-4.

1925 Plant emblems among the Orokaiva. Royal anthropological institute 1933a Depopulation of the Suau district. of Great Britain and Ireland, Territory of Papua, Anthropology Journal, 55: 405-24. Report No. 13. Port Moresby, Government Printer, 75 PP. 1926 Anthropology. Papua. Annual report for 1924-25: 28. 19331) Practical education: the reform of native horticulture. Territory of Papua, Anthropology Report 1928 Orokaiva magic (with a foreword No. 14. Port Moresby, Government by R.R. Marett). Territory of Printer, 64 pp. Papua, Anthropology Report Nos. 6-8. London, Oxford University Press, xii and 23I pp. 1934 The Vailala madness in retrospect, in: E.E. Evans-Pritchard and 1928a Native education; the language others (eds. ), Essays presented of instruction and intellectual to C.G. Seligman: 369-79. London, education. Territory of Papua, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Anthropology Report No. 9. Port Co. Ltd., 385 PP. Moresby, Government Printer, 25 PP. 1935 Some effects of European 1939a The reminiscences of Ahuia Ova. influence on the natives of Royal anthropological institute Papua. Australian and New of Great Britain and Ireland, Zealand association for the Journal, 69: 11-44. advancement of science. Report of 22nd meeting, Melbourne: 215-22; also Abstract in Fifth 1939b A cycle of ceremonies in Orokolo Pacific science congress 1933, Bay, Papua. Mankind, 2: 145-55. Canada, Proceedings, 4: 2885. 1939c The Kaiamunu-Ebiha-Gl cult in Papua. Man, 39: 48. 1935a The blending of cultures: an essay on the aims of native education. Territory of Papua, 1940 Report on the grasslanders. Anthropology Report No. 16. Papua. Annual report for 1938-39: Port Moresby, Government 39-67. Printer, 44 pp.; also 1951 Papua and New Guinea, Department of Education, Official Research 1940a Drama of Orokolo; the social Publication No. 1. and ceremonial life of the Elema. Territory of Papua, Anthropology Report No. 18. Oxford, Clarendon 1936 Papuan dream interpretations. Press, 464 pp. Mankind, 2: 29-39. 1941 Group sentiment and primitive 1936a Papuans of the Trans-Fly. Justice. American anthropologist, Territory of Papua, Anthropology 43: 523-39. Report No. 15. Oxford, Clarendon Press, xxxvi and 452 pp. ; also Papua. Annual report for 1934- 1940/ Natives of Lake Kutubu, Papua. 35: 34-6. 4!) Oceania, 11: 121-57, 259-94, 1941/ 374-401; 12: 49-74, 134-54; 42) also Oceania Monograph No. 6. 1936b Bull-roarers in the Papuan gulf. Territory of Papua, Anthropology Report No. 17. Port Moresby, 1944/45 Mission Influence amongst the Government Printer, 55 PP. Keverl of south-east Papua. Oceania, 15; 89-141. 1936c Arts and crafts of Papua. Papua. Annual report for 1934-35: 33-4. Williams, H.T.

1936d The natives of the Morehead 1954 Rock engravings, Normanby district. Papua. Annual report island, d'Entrecasteaux group, for 1934-351 34-6. Territory of Papua. Mankind, 4(12): 508-H. 1936e "Little Stonehenge" of a forgotten race. Pacific islands Williams, K. monthly, 6 (ll): 32. 1957 Six-feet men, with five-feet axes. Pacific islands monthly, 1937 The hornbill feather movement 28(2 ): 84-5. in the Abau district. Papua. Annual report for 1935-36: Williamson, H. D. 19-20. 1945 New Britain. Walkabout, 12(1) 14-5. 1937a Native art and education. Australian and New Zealand association for the advancement Williamson, K. R. of science, Report of 23rd 1958 The Tolai cocoa project. South meeting, Auckland: 191-6. Pacific, 9: 593-600.

1937b The natives of Mount Hagen, Williamson, Robert Wood Papua: further notes. Man, 37: 90-6. 1912 The Mafulu, mountain people of British New Guinea (with an introduction by A.C. Haddon). 1938 Recently discovered megaliths London, Macmillan and Co. Ltd., in the Trobriand islands. Papua. 364 pp. Annual report for 1936-37: 34-5. 1913 Some unrecorded customs of the ''58/39 Seclusion and age grouping in Mekeo people of British New the Gulf of Papua. Oceania, Guinea. Royal anthropological 9(4): 359-81. institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Journal, 43: 268-90. 1939 Creed of a government anthropol­ ogist. Australian and New Zealand association for the advancement of science, Report of 24th meeting: 145-59. 312 1914 The ways of the South Sea Wind, R. savage: a record of travel and observation amongst the savages ’1938/39 Een belangrijk rapport. (Rapport of Solomon islands and primitive van een orienteerende exploratie coast and mountain peoples of in Z.W. Nieuw-Guinea, Nov. 1936 - New Guinea. London, Seeley, Mei 1937 door den houtvester Service and Co., 308 pp. Ir.Z.Salverda.) Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 3 : 507-30, 571-91, 635-56 . Willitsch, G. 1935 Betrachtung über die bildende Wingert, Paul Stover Kunst Melanesiens und daraus 1946 An outline guide to the art of sich ergebende Folgerungen für the South Pacific. New York, die Ethnologie. Zeitschrift für Columbia University Press, 61 pp. Ethnologie, 67: 331-48. 1953 Art of the South Pacific islands. Willoughby, Charles A. and Chamberlain, London, Thames and Hudson, 64 pp. John and 102 plates. 1954 MacArthur 1941-1951. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., 1962 Primitive art: its traditions xiii and 44l pp. and styles. New York, Oxford University Press, 421 pp. Willoughby, John 1956 Economic progress in Papua and Wingert, Paul Stover (joint author) New Guinea. South Pacific 1946 see 1946 Linton, Ralph and commission, Quarterly bulletin, Wingert, Paul Stover. 6(4): 28-33. Winkler, C. Wilson, Alice Emily 1911 Handel und Verkehr von Deutsch- 1951 English enterprise in the South Neuguinea im Jahre 1909. Deutsche Pacific, 1669-1722. M. S. thesis, Kolonialzeitung, 28(21): 357-61. University of Wisconsin, 104 pp. 1913 Zehn Jahre Gouverneur von Neu- Wilson, J.L.J. Guinea. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 3 0 (2 8 ): 467-8. 1952 New Guinea politics. Current affairs bulletin, 1 1 (5 ): 6 6 - 8 0 . Winowska, Maria 1955 Malgr£ toi, Satan! Vie de Marie- Wilson, Keith and others Therese Noblet. Paris, Librairie Artheme Fayard, 252 pp. 1959 New tremor syndromes occurring sporadically in natives of the Wabag-Laiagam-Kundep region of Winsemius, J. the western highlands of 1936 Nieuw-Guinee als kolonisatiegebied Australian New Guinea. Lancet, voor Europeanen en van Indo- 2: 699-702. Europeanen. Purmerend, J. Muusses, 38O pp. Wilson, R.K. 1956 Two cases of appendicitis in 1955 Een algemeen planologisch schema New Guinea natives. Medical voor Nieuw-Guinea's ontwikkeling journal of Australia, 1: 661-2. op lange termijn. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam, Tijdschrift, 72 Wilson, R.K. and Turner, C.R.W. (2 nd series): 118-29. 1957 Appendicitis in Papua. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 387-9- Winter, Francis P. Wilson, W. (joint author) 1890 Collections of words of Rossel island dialect. British New 1957 see 1957 Reid, L. (Hamilton) Guinea. Annual report for I8 8 9 - and Wilson, W. 90: 157, (App. X10).

Wiltgen, R.M. 1896 Despatch reporting visit to various places in the eastern No Pidgin English for these 1963 and north-eastern parts of the New Guinea youngsters! Pacific possession. British New Guinea. islands monthly, 3 3 (6 ): 83-4. Annual report for 1894-95: 3“7, (App. B). Winckel, F. 1875 Einiges Uber die Beckenknochen 1896a Despatch reporting visit of und die Becken der Papuas. inspection from Port Moresby Dresden. (K.) Zoologisches und westwards. British New Guinea. anthropologisch-ethnographisches Annual report for 1894-95: Museum, Mitteilungen, 1: 85-90. 7-8, (App. C). 313 1896b Despatch reporting visit of Winthuis, J. inspection to Daru and Kiwai islands. British New Guinea. 1909 Die Bildersprache des Nordoststammes der Gazelle- Annual report for 1894-95: Halbinsel (Neupommern, Südsee). 8 , (App. D). Anthropos, 4: 2 O-3 6 .

1896c Despatch reporting visit of 1912) Kultur- und Karakterskizzen inspection to the Mekeo district. 1914) aus der Gazelle-Halbinsel, British New Guinea. Annual Neu-Pommern, Südsee. Anthropos, report for 1894-95: 9, (App. E). 7: 875-92; 9: 914-47. l896d Despatch reporting visit of 1927 Heiratsgebräuche bei den Gunantuna inspection to the eastern auf Neupommern (New Britain). district of the possession. Anthropos, 22: 765-92. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1894-95: 9, (App. F). Wirtschaftsatlas der deutschen Kolonien l896e Despatch reporting visit to n.d. herausgegeben von dem Kolonial­ various places in the north­ wirtschaftlichen Komitee e.V., eastern and eastern portions of Berlin, edited by P. Sprigade the possession. British New and M. Moisel. Berlin, Dietrich Guinea. Annual report for 1894- Reimer A.G., 34 pp. 95: 10-4, (App. G). Wirz, Paul l896f Despatch reporting visit of 1921 Die Ornamentik und insbesondere inspection to portions of the die Darstellung menschlicher Central District of the Formen in der Kunst von possession. British New Guinea. Holländisch-SUd-Neuguinea. Annual report for 1894-95: Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, 14-7, (App. H). land- en volkenkunde, 6 0 : II5 -3 I.

1898 Memorandum by the chief judicial 1922 Beiträge zur Sprachkenntnis der officer on the administration Sentanier. Tijdschrift voor of justice in connection with Indische taal-, land- en the natives of the possession volkenkunde, 6 1 : 340-69. during the last decade. British New Guinea. Annual report for 1922a Ueber die Entwicklung einiger 1897-98: 69-73, (App. J). ornamentaler Formelemente in der Kunst von Holländisch- 1898a Report of visit to Mekeo etc. Nord-Neuguinea. Tijdschrift voor by the Hon. F.P. Winter (acting Indische taal-, land- en as deputy administrator). volkenkunde, 6 l : 5 0 8 -1 8 . British New Guinea. Annual report for 1897-98: 73-8, 1922) Die Marind-anim von Holländisch- (App. K). 1 9 2 5 ) Süd-Neu-Guinea: Die materielle Kultur der Marind-anim, 1(1): 1900 Despatch from the acting 130 pp. and 43 tables. Die administrator reporting religiösen Vorstellungen und proceedings since the departure die Mythen der Marind-anim, of the Lieutenant-Governor. sowie die Herausbildung der British New Guinea. Annual totemistisch-sozialen Gruppie­ report for 1898-9 9 : 1 -2 , rungen, 1(2): 191 PP. and 15 tables. (App. A). Das soziale Leben der Marind- anim, 2 (3 ): 222 pp. and 28 tables. 1900a Despatch from the acting Die Marind-anim in ihren Festen, administrator reporting visit ihre Kunst ... Kenntnissen und of inspection to the eastern Eigenschaften, 2(4): 139 pp. and north-eastern districts of and 57 tables. Hamburg. the possession. British New Universität. Abhandlungen aus Guinea. Annual report for 1898- dem Gebiet der Auslandskunde. 99: 2-5, (App. B). Hamburg, L. Friederichsen & Co., 2 vols. 1900/01 Notes on a government expedition under Dr. J.A. Blayney, Capt. 1923 Wörterverzeichnis der Sprache J.R. Barton, and A.E. English des Stammes Mansibaber (von to the main range, British New Holländisch-Nord-Neuguinea). Guinea. Queensland geographical Tijdschrift voor Indische journal, 16 (new series): 6 3 -8 . taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 6 2 : 189-2 0 8 . 1904 New Guinea natives who can scarcely walk, in: extract 1923a Dies und jenes über die from despatch No. 80A, dated Sentanier und die Geheimkulte 6 th December 1902. British im Norden von Neu-Guinea. New Guinea. Annual report for Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, 1902-03: 13-5; also American land- en volkenkunde, 6 3 : l-8 0 . geographical society, Bulletin, 3 6 : 6 9 1 -2 . 314 1923/24 Eenige mededeelingen over de 1933a Am See von Sentani. Nederlands bewoners van het eiland Indiö (oud en nieuw), l8: Frederik Hendrik. Indiö, 7: 15-25, 71-9, 112-6, 153-6, 299-303. 223-9, 461-4.

1924 Anthropologische und ethnologische 1933b Head-hunting expeditions of the Ergebnisse der Zentral-Neu-Guinea Tugeri into the Western Division Expedition 1921-1922. Nova Guinea, of British New Guinea. Tijdschrift 16: 1-148. voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 73: 105-22.

1924a Ethnographische Skizzen aus 1934 Die Gemeinde der Gogodara. Holländisch-Zentral-Neuguinea. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Nova Guinea, 16: 371-490. 56: 187-9. 1934a The social meaning of the sept- 1924/25 Vooroudervereering en house and the sept-boat in Dutch voorouderbeelden van Nederlandsch and British New Guinea. zuid Nieuw-Guinea. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, IndiS (oud en nieuw), 9: 12 2 -3 0 . land- en volkenkunde, 74: 140-8.

1937 The Kaiamunu-Ebiha-Gi-Cult in 1924/ Plechtigheden der Marind-anim. the Delta-region and Western 25a Nederlands Indie (oud en nieuw), Division of Papua. Royal 9: 299-308. anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1925 Zur Anthropologie der Biaker, Journal, 67: 407-13* Nuforesen und der Bewohner des Hinterlandes der Doreh-Bai. 1950 Der Ersatz für die Kopfjägerei Archiv für Anthropologie, 20 und die Trophäenimitation, in: (neue Folge): 185-215. Beiträge zur Gesellungs- und Völkerwissenschaft, Professor 1925a Im Herzen von Neuguinea. Dr. Richard Thurnwald zu seinem Tagebuch einer Reise ins Innere 80. Geburtstag: 411-34. Berlin, von Holländisch Neuguinea. Verlag Gebr. Mann, 476 pp. Zürich Rascher & Co., 76 pp. 1951 Über die alten Steinmörser und 1926 Untersuchungen an Schädeln andere Steingeräte des nord­ und Skeletteilen aus dem östlichen Zentral-Neuguinea und Gebiet der Humboldt-Bai und die heilige Steinschale der dem südlichen Küstengebiet von Minembi. in: Südseestudien, Holländisch Neuguinea. Nova Gedenkschrift zur Erinnerung Guinea, 16: 149-250. an Felix Speiser: 2 8 9 -3 0 3 . Basel, Museum für Völkerkunde und Schweizerisches Museum für 1928 Beitrag zur Ethnologie der Volkskunde, 422 pp. Sentanier (Holländisch Neu­ guinea). Nova Guinea, 16: 1952 Die En-ga. Ein Beitrag zur 251-370. Ethnographie eines Stammes im nordöstlichen zentralen Neuguinea 1928a Dämonen und Wilde in Neuguinea. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 77(1) Stuttgart, Strecker & Schröder, 7-56. 385 PP. 1952a 1. A description of musical 1929 Bei liebenswürdigen Wilden in instruments from central north­ Neuguinea. Stuttgart, Strecker eastern New Guinea. 2. On some & Schröder, 65 pp. hitherto unknown objects from the highlands of central north­ eastern New Guinea. Amsterdam, 1931 Die totemistischen und sozialen Systeme in Holländisch Neuguinea. Koninklijk instituut voor de Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, tropen, Mededeling No. 100, Afdeling culturele en physische land- en volkenkunde, 71: 3O-IO6 . anthropologie No. 43, 31 pp. 1932 Bericht über eine Forschungsreise nach Indonesien und Britisch 1954 Kunstwerke vom Sepik. Basel. Neuguinea 1929-31- Ethnologischer Museum für Völkerkunde und Anzeiger. Stuttgart, 3 (1 ): 54-7. Schweizerisches Museum für Volkskunde, Führer, Sonderausstellung vom 1. 1932a Legend of the Dauan islanders. Oktober bis 3 1 . Dezember 1954, Folk-lore, 43: 285-94. 24 pp. and 35 plates.

1933 Kopfjagd und Trophäenkult im 1955/56 The exhibition "Art from the Gebiete des Papuagolfes. Sepik" at the ethnographical Ethnologischer Anzeiger. museum in Basle. Antiquity Stuttgart, 3(4): 201-3. and survival, 1 : 6 7 -8 2 incl. plates. 375

1958 In de ban der voorouders - kunst Wolff, Kurt H. ult Australisch Nieuw Guinea, 1944 A critique of Bateson's •Naven’. collectie Dr. P. Wirz. (Text by Royal anthropological institute P. van Ernst.) Amsterdam, of Great Britain and Ireland, Koninklijk instituut voor de Journal, 74: 59-7^. tropen, Mededeling No. 129, Afdeling culturele en physische anthropologie No. 59, 31 pp. Wollaston, A.P.R. and 63 plates. 1912 Pygmies and Papuans; the Stone Age to-day in Dutch New Guinea 1959 Kunst und Kult des Sepik- (with appendices by W.R. Gebietes (Neu-Guinea). Amsterdam, Ogilvie-Grant, A.C. Haddon and Koninklijk instituut voor de S.H. Ray). London, Smith, Elder tropen, Mededeling No. 13 3 , and Co., 352 pp. incl. apps. Afdeling culturele en physische anthropologie No. 62, 87 pp. 1914 An expedition to Dutch New Guinea incl. plates. Geographical journal, 43: 248-7?.

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Wootten, H. J. 1954 P. Drabbe's study on the 1951 Legislative Council of Papua languages of south-westen New and New Guinea. South Pacific, Guinea. Anthropos, 49: 29?-304. 5(8): 147-53. 1954a Tonal languages in New Gu.nea Worsley, Peter Maurice and the adjacent islands. 1951/52 N. N. Mikloukho-Maclay, pioneer Anthropos, 49: 697-702. of Pacific anthropology. Oceania, 22: 307-14. 1956 Die dringendsten linguist.schen Aufgaben in Neuguinea, in 1956 The Telefomin case. Anti-slavery Congres international des reporter and aborigines1 friend, sciences anthropologiques et 10(4): 74-6. ethnologiques, 4th Actes, Vienna 1952, vol. 3 : 289-^2 . Wien, Verlag Adolf Holzha\sens 1957 Millenarian movements in Nfg. Melanesia. Rhodes-Livingstone institute Journal, 21: 18-31; 1956a Notes on structural affin.ties also South Pacific, 9(8): 484- of non-Melanesian (Papuan 93- languages. Wiener Schule cer Völkerkunde, Festschrift 1957a The trumpet shall sound: a study (1929-1954): 473-5. Horn • Wien, of 'cargo' cults in Melanesia. Verlag Ferdinand Berger, '68 pp. London, MacGibbon and Kee, 290 pp.; also Listener (London), 1955: 597-8. 1957 Preliminary report on the languages of the eastern, west­ ern and southern highland: of Wren, E.D. Papua - New Guinea. Australian National University, Department 1951 Change in nomenclature of district services. South of Anthropology and Socio.ogy, Pacific, 5(5): 95. 34 pp. (stencilled).

1959 Is New Guinea a Babel? Sunmary Wright, E. J. of address at the meeting of 1959 Sorcery and witchcraft. Papua The New Guinea Society, Canberra, and New Guinea medical Journal, on November 17, 1959. Australian 3(2) : 56-8. National University, 10 pj>. (cyclostyled). 1959a Medical anthropology - taboo. Papua and New Guinea medical 1959a New Guinea non-cultural Journal, 3(3) : 108-9. vocabulary. Australian National University, 4 pp. (mimeographed). I960 Medical education, Papua and New Guinea. Papua and New 1960/61 The changing linguistic p.cture Guinea medical Journal, 4(l): of New Guinea. Oceania, 3.: 23-7. 121-36.

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1962 The language of the eastern, 1923 a .R. Territory of Papua - western and southern highlands, Northern Division, for the year Territory of Papua and New ending 3 0 th June, 1922. Papua. Guinea, in: A. Capell, A Annual report for 1921-22: 65-8. linguistic survey of the south­ western Pacific (new and revised edition): 105-28. South Pacific 1925 The Hydrographer foothills. commission, Technical papers Papua. Annual report for 1922- No. 13 6 , 258 pp. 23: 24-5, (IX).

1962a Oceanic linguistics at the 1926 Report Northern Division, a) Tenth Pacific Science Congress Buna Bay. Papua. Annual report held in Honolulu from August for 1924-25: 42-3- 21 to September 6 , 1961. Oceanic linguistics, l(l): 1929 Report on Northern Division, a) 1- 11. Buna district. Papua. Annual report for 1927-28: 3^-6 . 1962b The present state of New Guinea (non-Melanesian or Papuan) and Wuth, C.T. Australian historical and comparative linguistics. see Wurth, C. T. International congress of linguistics, 9th, Cambridge, Mass., USA, 10 pp. Wyatt, Colin 1944 The Trobriand islands. Walkabout, 1963 Aberrant Melanesian in the Santa 1 0 (1 1 ): 1 3 -6 . Cruz islands, and the class­ ification of Melanesian Wyneken languages. Ninth Pacific science congress 1957, Bangkok, 1899 Der Gouverneur des Neuguinea- Proceedings: 87-9. Schutzgebietes. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, 12(l6) (new series): 137. 1963a Forschungsberichte: Neu Guinea - Sprachen. Wiener völkerkundliche Mitteilungen, Vienna, 10 (new series 5): 7 3 -6 .

Wurm, Stephen Adolphe and Harris, J.B. 1963 Police Motu: an introduction to the trade language of Papua (New Guinea) for anthropologists and other fieldworkers. Linguistic circle of Canberra, Publications, Series B, Monographs No. 1, 8 l pp. Yelland, L.C. 1955/56 Tari sub-district patrols: Wurm, Stephen Adolphe and Laycock, Donald C. numbers 1 , 2 and 3 from 1961/62 The question of language and January to June 1954. Papua dialect in New Guinea. Oceania, and New Guinea medical 32: 128-43. journal, l(l): 2 9 -3 2 .

Wurth, C.T. Yen, D.E. 1913 Magisterial report, East-central 1960 The sweet potato in the Pacific: Division. Papua. Annual report the propagation of the plant for 1912-13: 93-102. in relation to its distribution. Polynesian society, Wellington, Journal, 69: 368-75. 1914 Magisterial report - VI. Mambare Division. Papua. Annual report for 1913“!^: 72-5. Young, L.N. (joint author) 1961 see 1961 Campbell, C.H. and 1917 Magisterial report, Mambare Young, L. N. Division. Papua. Annual report for 1914-15: 55-8. Young, Rosmary 1962 The phonemes of Kanite, Kamano, 1921 Northern Division. Papua. Benabena, and Gahuku. Studies Annual report for 1919-20: in New Guinea linguistics, 5 8 -6 3 . Oceania linguistic monograph, No. 6 : 90-110. 1922 Annual report, Northern Division, a) Buna district. Papua. Annual report for 1 9 2 0 -2 1 : 45-7. Ypes, W.H.K. 1943 Slavenblokken. Cultureel Indiö, 5: 234-5. 318

Zahn, H. 1959 Headhunting practices of the Asmat of Netherlands New Guinea, a. 1911 Die Jabim. in: R. Neuhauss, American anthropologist, 61: Deutsch Neu-Guinea, vol. 3 : 1020-41. 289-394. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer A.G., 3 vols., 534, 336, 572 pp. I960 Zuid Nieuw-Guinea. I & II. Schäkels, NNG, 39: 10-9.

1913/14 Erzählungen und Sagen der 1960a Kind en gezin in zuid Nieuw- Jabim. Baessler-Archiv, 4: Guinea. Schäkels, NNG, 39: 284-92. 20-4.

1940 Lehrbuch der Jabem-Sprache Zegwaard, G. (joint author) (Deutsch-Neuguinea). Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen, 21. 1954 see 1954 Boelaars, J.H. M. C. and Beiheft. Berlin, Dietrich Zegwaard, G. Reimer (Ernst Vohsen) A.G., 335 PP. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 1909 Bericht von der SUdsee- Zdekauer, A. Expedition der Hamburgischen 1899 Die Eingeborenen Neu-Guineas Wissenschaftlichen Stiftung und des Bismarck-Archipels. aus Käwieng in Neu-Mecklenburg Anthropologische Gesellschaft vom 7- Oktober 1908. in Wien, Mitteilungen, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 41: Sitzungsberichte, 29 (neue 115-7, 280-3, 689. Folge 19): [54]. Zervos, Christian and others 1900 Ueber Schädeltrepanationen im 1961 Sculpture monumentale de Bismarck-Archipel. Anthropologische Nouvelle Guinde et des Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen, Nouvelles Hybrides. Paris, 30 (neue Folge 20): 116-7. Jeanne Bucher, l8 pp. and plates. Zee, E.E. van der 1958 Bevolkings-bosexploitatie en Zevenbergen, W. haar economische aspecten. 1957 Verslag ethnologisch onderzoek Nederlands Nieuw-Gulnea, 6(2): Anggi-meren. Nederlands Nieuw- 14-6. Guinea, Gouvernement van - Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, Zegwaard, G. 39 pp. and 10 pp. apps. 1950/51 Doorsteek Paniai-Kaokonao. Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", Zieck, J.F.M. 11: 59-65. 1950/51 Bodemvruchtbaarheid in Nieuw- Guinea in verband met het 1953 Bevolkingsgegevens van de bodemgebruik door Papoea's Asmatters. Nederlands Nieuw- en kolonisten. Tijdschrift Guinea, Gouvernement van - "Nieuw-Guinea", 11: 121-32, Kantoor voor bevolkingszaken, 175- 82. No. 51: 13 PP- 1950/ Over een streekplan voor 1954/55 Vrouwenruil bij de Asmatters. 51) Hollandia. Tijdschrift "Nieuw- Tijdschrift "Nieuw-Guinea", 1951/ Guinea", 11: 201-7; 12: 13-26. 15: 33-8, 65-71- 52)

1956 Asmat-zondvloed. Nederlands Zigas, V. and Gajdusek, D. Carleton Nieuw-Guinea, 4(l): 4-7. 1957 Kuru: clinical study of a new syndrome resembling paralysis 1956a Magisch snellen. Nederlands agitans in natives of the Nieuw-Guinea, 4(2): 11-2. eastern highlands of Australian New Guinea. Medical journal of Australia, 2: 745-54. 1956b Pastoor in zuid Nieuw-Guinea. Schäkels, NNG, 21: 14-8. Zigas, V. (joint author) 1956c Mensen in zuid Nieuw-Guinea. 1958 see 1958 Gajdusek, D.C. and Schäkels, NNG, 21: 19-22. Zigas, V. 1961 see 1961 Gajdusek, D.C. and 1957 Varkensfeest in Sjoeroe. Zigas, V. Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 5(4): 2-3- Zimmer, G.F.W. 1957a Romantiek bij de Asmatters. 193O A new method of smoking tobacco Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 5(6): in New Guinea. Man, 3O: 133*4. 8-12.