[email protected] STRIPESKOREA.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE ShareINSIDE yourINFO piece of paradise with us BasesPages 12-13 full, stadiums empty Stars and Stripes is asking readers to write about their own piece of paradise. Yes, that means you! Our annual Destination Paradise magazine highlights must-see travel spots across the Pacific — and your bit of paradise could be included in our 2020-21 edition that hits the streets on Pacific bases in September. Submit your story and photos to
[email protected] by July 19. We’ll make you famous! Check out our previous Destination Paradise mags LET’S JUMP OUT OF APAGES PERFECTLY 8-10 FINE AIRPLANE! FREE FALLIN’ 2 STRIPES KOREA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION 75 YEARS IN THE PACIFIC JUNE 25 − JULY 8, 2020 Troops call for action to fight racism STORY AND PHOTOS BY KIM GAMEL, dubbed “Stronger Together” at STARS AND STRIPES a chapel on Camp Humphreys Published: June 8, 2020 “I feel safer Max D. Lederer Jr. — with everybody in civilian Publisher clothes — after tweeting on CAMP HUMPHREYS — U.S. outside the Lt. Col. Richard E. McClintic Friday that he had spoken pri- Commander military leaders have been un- country that Joshua M Lashbrook usually outspoken about the I serve than vately with several black ser- Chief of Staff need to address institutional I do in it.” vice members and had directed Chris Verigan leaders at all echelons to hold Engagement Director racism amid a growing wave – Sgt.