Committee Submits Honor System Plan to Duke

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Committee Submits Honor System Plan to Duke MAKE YOUR EASTER SEE PAGE FOUR FOR PLANS EARLY HONOR SYSTEM PLAN -MADISON COLLEGE- VOL. XXIH Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, March 29,1946 No. 2 "Schubert's Alley" Is Last Play A. Kobbins, Editor, Committee Submits Honor This Year By Stratford Club Publisher, To Talk 4 Here Wednesday Winner of the leading role of Christine Holt in the play, "Shubert's System Plan To Duke Alley" is Mary Edwards. This three-act play by. Mel Dirilli, to be Mr. A. Robbins, Jr., editor and pub- lisher, of the Hopewell News in Hope- The committee on the Honor System has submitted its plan to directed by Miss Ainslie Harris, will be presented by the Stratford President Samuel P. Duke. The plan for an Honor System on cam- Dramatic Club Tri tEe early part of May, announces Martha Millard, well, Virginia; will speak in assembly, pus is published in the BREEZE today and will be presented to 'the president. Wednesday, April 3. Mr. Robbins was, for a number of student body in Monday assembly. Following this, group meetings- Christina Holt is played by Mary years, president of the Kentucky Press Edwards. Christina is a sweet, sincere, will be held in the dormitories during the week. The student members Association, and later, president of the wholesome, talented eighteen year old. of the Honor committee will act as Students Elect Virginia Press Association. Fay Holt, Christina's sister, is portray- chairmen of these meetings. ed by Evelyn Harvey. Fay possesses He has won numerous prizes for his Life In Prison Student action will be taken in Mon- the foresight and stamina without Apple Princess newspaper work, including a Distin- day assembly, April 8, after the group which Christina could never have at- The student body voted in assembly guished Service Award from the Vir- CampExplained discussions. Faculty discussion will tained success. Sara Powers has the Tuesday, on a girl to represent Madi- ginia Press Association in the advertis- take place at the regular faculty meet- part of Hester Matthews Holt, a slo- son College as princess in the court ing field for small newspapers, several Mr. Langdon B. Gilkey, who spoke ing Tuesday, April 97 venly, selfish woman. Mary Pritchett of Queen Shenandoah XIX, at the first prizes for features, and a number Monday night in Wilson auditorium, Student members of the committee plays the role of Beulah Snyder who Apple Blossom Festival to be held in of prizes for editorials. began his "Camp Experiences" with a are: Marguerite Berryman, Hilda Da- Winchester, May 23. is a lovable young woman. Elsie Alex- Born on the Ohio River in Augusta, description of Weihsien camp where vis, Patricia Pumphrey, Cordelia Rob- The candidates were Betty Frizzel, Kentucky, Mr. Robbins was educated bins, Betty Jo Stretchberry, Barbara ander is portrayed by Anne Todd. El- he was interned for two and one half sie is a typical model, beautiful, but from Roanoke, Virginia; June Payson at Center College in Kentucky and at Wensel, and Lucia Zeigler. These girls years. dumb. Leona Trimmelsman is por- of Needham, Massachusetts; Anne Washington and Lee University in were elected spring quarter of last year trayed by Anita Spiegelglass. She is a Petticrew who hails from Danville, Virginia. "Great piles of rubble cluttered up as representatives of last year's fresh- young woman who never minces Virginia; and Toni Willock from While traveling in the North, he be- every open space*. sanitation was at, man, sophomore and junior classes. words. Jackie Boykin plays the role Hampton, Virgnia. gan his newspaper work with the Uni- a standstill" related Mr. Gilkey. Since Dr. Mary T. Armentrout is chair-, This is the first Apple Blossom of Miss Elliot a cold, efficient young ted Press. Following this he was made it was March when they were first man, while Dr. James H. Carter, Mr. woman, Rita Wallace, a soft spoken Festival since the beginning of the a Bureau Chief. Alfred K,. Eagle, Mrs. Dorothy Gar- war. imprisoned^ the weather was still cold girl is played by Virginia Moody. Later,= in 1926, he bought a news- ber, Mr. Conrad Logan, Miss Mary The princess' costumes will be de- and for about a month, there weren't Nancy Ann Galveston, a sensitive, im- paper in Kentucky and returned to his Louise Seegar, and Miss Hope Van- signed by eminent New York artists. even any beds. Families were forced aginative youngster of ten is portray- birth place where he soon owned seve- dever represent the faculty. The girl who has won the title of ed by Susan King. ral papers, among which one was the to live in one room about 9 x 12 feet This committee began its work on a princess will be announced as soon Helen Packett plays the part of Hickman Courier, jn Hickman, Ken- which was "dreadful for large family proposed honor system for Madison as Winchester releases the results. The Helen Galveston, Nancy's spoiled, tucky. While in Hickman, he was giv- ies," confirmed Mr. Gilkey. Single per- College last spring. Recently almost all Apple Blossom Festival committee in- domineering sister. Jane Calahan por- en the title of "Kentucky Colonel" by of the campus organizations held meet- stalled this rule some time ago. sons lived in dormitories and this was trays Florence Galveston, a sedate wo- the governor of the state. ings to discuss the honor system and not hard on the younger ones, but for man who prides herself on her social from these discussions, suggestions A number of years later our speaker the older people the nervous strain waS standing. Dorene Coffman plays Hattie YW Holds Service bought a newspaper in Hopewell, Vir- were given to the committee. Williams, a keen secretary who never tremendous. All types of people in- ginia and since that time has carried cluding dope-fiends, missionaries, sec- tires of lending a helping hand. Lucia To Install Officers on his work there. retaries, night-club entertainers, teach- Bennett, ruthless and skeptical is play- Dr. Heyel To Speak Laura Virginia Foltz, new YWCA ers, and businessmen had been swept ed by Gloria Flora. Madge Holm, a president, and the members of I At Commencement lively, quick-witted, wiry" girl is played CORRECTION in by the Japanese drag-net and de- cabinet were installed at. candlelight posited together in this small com- by Betty Jarrett. Martha Lee has the services last night. Dr. Helen Hay Heyel, a graduate of The Breeze'wishes to correct a state- pound. role of Patricia Allgood, an attractive Madison college will speak at com- Members of the cabinet arej Mar- ment nude last -week concerning the actress. Poppy Nixon is played by guerite Berryman, Janice Lohr, Bar- Food Was a great problem, but not mencement, April 3, announces Mabel Standard and Social committees. The as serious a one as in some other Gloria Garber. Poppy has a striking bara Wensel, Carrie Lee Moore, Betty Holt, senior class president. new members of these committees camps in China. Mr. Gilkey was as- personality. Eugenia Alliera plays Lor- Jo Stretchberry, Jessie Beaman, Betty Dr. Heyel attended Madison, then signed to the cooking crew which also raine Royce, a flashy girl with lots of Wilkins, Ethel Meador, Mary Frances were recommended by Miss Vandever, Harrisonburg Normal School, only one included a lighthousekeeper, an execu- brass. Adele Shuman, a woman with Shuler, June Kidwell, and Mary Ruda- the old and new presidents of Student year, but with credits that she re- tive of a mining company, and the humor, intelligence and understanding, sill. Government and the new chairmen of ceived from the University of Virginia, is played by Betty Amory. Betty chief China executive for the Lever Jean Shelley, Sue Lipps, June Hardy, the Standards and Social committees. she was granted a diploma for com- Hoover takes the role of a tiny, sharp- Bros. Soap Co. With the exception of Lynda Yeatts, Bee Vee Manuel, Sarah They were appointed by the Student pletion of the two year professionsl eyed, warm-hearted woman in her the lighthousekeeper, all were inex- Hodges, Emily Pierce, Mary Edwards, Council. course in June, 1920. early fifties. perienced cooks, our * speaker never Eugenia Savage, Jessie Coman, Mag- One of the term papers that she even haying "cracked an egg" before. "Shubert's Alley" is named for the gie Hubbard, and Mary Elizabeth wrote while at Madison was published However, an efficient black" 'market Shubert theater in New York and the Hillman. Five New Students Register in the first edition of "The Virginia functioned regularly when the guards alley running along side, both of which All cabinet members and students Teacher" ever to be published as a Five new students have registered weren't looking, helped along by 400 are well-known to all stage people. attending were dressed in white. The "Normal Bulletin." for the spring quarter, announces Miss priests. Not the least of these was a The play is the story of rise to fame group singing was led by the Glee Helen Frank, registrar. small Irish "trappist" monk who In 1925 she was appointed Tileston as a Broadway star. club with a solo, "My Task," sung by The new students include Eugenia smuggled many eggs in under his yol- scholar and awarded a position on The seven scenes portray the various Delphine Land. After the new officers Margherita Albera from Union City, uminious robes. The strange punish- "The Journal of Rural Education" at jobs holds in New York which make were installed all students present, New Jersey; Beverly Hope Lewis of ment given this monk after he had Columbia University for the session of it possible for her to get a foothold in carrying lighted candles, filed on to Petersburg, Virginia; Jacqueline Eli- been caught one day with 200 eggs 1925-'26.
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