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Vihiga County Newsletter Issue A Vihiga County Quarterly Newsletter ISSUE 002 JANUARY - JULY 2018 SECOND PHASE OF DEVOLUTION New Leadership; Delivering the Promise VIHIGA COUNTY INVESTMENT CONFERENCE 2018 Unlocking the Economic and Entrepreneurial Potential of Vihiga County 2018–2022 CIDP READY Development Roadmap Approved by the County Assembly KSHS 1.8 BILLION BELGIUM WATER PROJECT The Governor and CS Water and Sanitation approve of the progress VIHIGA COUNTY Newsletter The Vihiga County Newsletter is a County Government Quarterly publication that disseminates information to the people of Vihiga County and beyond on developmental and social matters. A PDF document of this can be downloaded from the official County Government website. Vihiga County Government County Government of Vihiga @VihigaCountyGov VIHIGA County Newsletter | Issue 002 | January - July 2018 i H.E. Governor Wilber Ottichilo signs the Vihiga County Appropriation Bill 2018 in the Presence of the Vihiga County Assembly Leadership. H.E. Governor Wilber Ottichilo with Vihiga County Government Executive Committee Members at Imperial Hotel Kisumu during the Integrity workshop organized by EACC. ii VIHIGA County Newsletter | Issue 002 | January - July 2018 Contents The Governor’s Message 1 Transforming Vihiga County Into a Prosperous Model County 1 The Deputy Governor’s Message 2 The Speaker’s Message 2 The County Secretary’s Message 3 The Executive - the Governor’s Section 4 The Deputy Governor’s Section 17 Administration and Coordination of County Affairs 19 Vihiga County Disaster Management Bill 23 Transport, Infrastructure and Communications 24 Finance and Economic Planning 28 Physical Planning, Lands and Housing 33 Trade, Industry, Tourism and Entrepreneurship 35 Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives 41 Role of The Department in the County’s Development Agenda 41 Environment, Water, Energy and Natural Resources 46 Health Services 55 Youth, Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services 65 Education, Science and Technical Vocational Training 69 VIHIGA County Newsletter | Issue 002 | January - July 2018 iii VISION Vihiga to Become a Prosperous and Model County in Kenya MISSION To transform into a Prosperous County by Formulation and Implementation of Good Governance and Development Systems OUR MOTTO All Inclusive Development Without Corruption and Tribalism, supported by County Values and Hard work CORE VALUES Integrity and Honesty Equity Accountability and Transparency Inclusivity Teamwork Courtesy/Respect Quality service Creativity and Innovation © The County Government of Vihiga All rights reserved. Office of The Governor The County Government of Vihiga P.O Box 344 - 50300 Maragoli, Kenya Email: or The Vihiga County Newsletter is a County Government Quarterly publication that disseminates information to the people of Vihiga County and beyond on developmental and social matters. A PDF document of this can be downloaded from the official County Government website. Designed and printed by KENYA LITERATURE BUREAU P. O. Box 30022-00100, Nairobi Email: Website:iv County Newsletter | Issue 002 | January - July 2018 THE GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE Transforming Vihiga County Into a Prosperous Model County health services program, as a healthy population is a productive population. My vision is for the people of Vihiga County to live healthy and hygienic lives to lessen the prevalence of medical care cases by investing in level 1 healthcare; Community Health Workers (CHWs), the pillars of primary healthcare system and offering civic education to the people of Vihiga County on how certain health problems can be avoided if we all maintained healthy living and hygienic environment. We have mobilised and recruited 961 CHWs in the entire County who have been trained and equipped through partnerships with APHIA plus and AMREF. They are also receiving a small stipend for communication and mobility, medical kits, ID tags and official gear from the County Government. Clinical health has also been given a major focus; ensuring continuous availability of medical supplies and non-pharmaceuticals in all our health facilities. Through the DANIDA program from the Danish Government, and our own funding, we are commencing the renovation and expansion of our health facilities to acceptable he County Government of Vihiga is fully committed to standards and capacity to offer better services to the people of delivering services and development to the people of Vihiga Vihiga County. The World Bank is supporting our budget allocation TCounty. As we look forward to this, we pray for guidance and in the training of our medical staff in various capacities and areas of patience as we endeavour to deliver on the hopes of the proud focus, upgrade of our sub-county hospitals to bring them to referral people of this County. Through my stewardship as Governor, we level, renovation of Mbale Referral Hospital and the construction of are focused on the implementation of the 2018–2022 CIDP through the stalled 160 bed capacity medical Plaza. annual budgeting and preparation of annual work plans. Despite the challenges, we have made considerable strides on We have set expectations and timelines within which my Government delivering on the promise. Development of our TVET master plan will be judged against the set targets in terms of service delivery and is underway; upgrading and renovation of the current infrastructure; development. I have been on a mission to formulate and implement specialising on our vocational training facilities and partnerships good governance and development systems that will guide my to support and market the need for technical skills in the current delivery on the promises I made to the people of Vihiga County. economy for youth empowerment and job creation, are some of the programs my government has begun implementing in Vihiga So far, we have successfully completed our comprehensive staff County. audit and received the report from the Directorate of Personnel Management (DPM) which is meant to define the staff establishment My government is rolling out agricultural programs that will establish of the County Government of Vihiga, aid in defining a functional Vihiga County as a food secure County in Kenya. The programs Government structure and offer job description to every cadre and focus on a paradigm shift in the way we practice our agriculture; job position. This is aimed at ensuring efficiency in the execution from subsistence farming to agribusiness, with a sharp focus of the County Government of Vihiga’s mandate with transparency, on job creation. We have support from the World Bank through accountability, equity and public participation. We are currently their National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth (NAGRIG) developing the implementation framework of this report. program that is mobilising formation of cooperatives through which agriculture development groups will be trained and funded on the To get a true picture of the financial position of the County current climate resilient agricultural technologies and practices. Government of Vihiga, we brought on board the Kenya National Audit Office (KENAO) to conduct a forensic audit of pending bills We have brought on board development partners who are eager currently owed to suppliers and contractors. A preliminary report on to join the development wagon of Vihiga County, for the socio- the same has been submitted and formulation of an implementation economic development of the people of the County. framework is in the formulation stages. For bills that could not be Service delivery and development to the people of Vihiga County, verified, we have initiated a legal audit to ensure that due process is a priority. With good systems and well-set structures, we are well was followed before any action can be taken. For the authentic bills, on our way to delivering the promise of devolution to the people of we have engaged the suppliers on the way forward. Vihiga County. In my manifesto to the people of Vihiga County, I highlighted my plan to change the outlook of Healthcare and medical services in H.E. DR. WILBER KHASILWA OTTICHILO, CBS Vihiga County. Primary healthcare is the primary pillar under the GOVERNOR VIHIGA COUNTY VIHIGA County Newsletter | Issue 002 | January - July 2018 1 THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE Collaborative and Transformative Leadership For Socio-Economic Development of Vihiga County any basket, we have to be weary as a county to ensure we have sustainable strategies and plans in place to ensure the basket is not depleted. The Governor and I have taken a prudent planning approach towards sustainable development in Vihiga County. Through the preparation of the County Integrated Development Plan, the development roadmap of Vihiga County has been mapped. As we embark on the journey of transformation in this second phase of devolution, Vihiga County is pulling together all its leadership for progressive planning and development complementary politics for effective and prompt delivery of services and development to the people of Vihiga County. The journey to prosperity is underway, I, therefore, urge all the people of Vihiga to band together and support Dr. Ottichilo’s Administration as we deliver on the vision ihiga County is a basket-full of opportunities and aspirations of the people of Vihiga County. waiting to be explored for the benefit and H.E. DR. PATRICK LUMUMBA SAISI Vprestige of the people who call it home. Like DEPUTY GOVERNOR VIHIGA COUNTY THE SPEAKER’S MESSAGE New Vision for Vihiga County, New Paradigm shift in the Dispensation of the Devolution Experience evolution, as set out in Chapter legislation, oversight, and representation– 11 of the Constitution, has been that being our sole mandate. described as the paradigm shift in D In realisation of the aforesaid, I do recall the management of public affairs. my invite for the Honourable Members of I have purposed to focus on devolution and the County Assembly during my inaugural Integrity for the obvious reason, that these speech; to put public interest first and in are the elements if fully implemented, can exercising their roles, to do it with integrity.
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