A SWE ET DAY Competent for Trial

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A SWE ET DAY Competent for Trial WAYNE-WESTLAND A GANNETT COMPANY SCHOOL f 0 Five innovations re-energizing the classroom SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 2013 • hometownlife.com ■_-ii--------------------------- _____ _!_• _____________ W ayne mulls fire m illage options November ballot question fund. The 7 mills are projected seek dedicated fire millage, would result in an eq u ^ o ff­ Council considers “I w as thinking o f the com­ to generate $1.9 million in 2014. H enley said the city would settin g reduction in general m ents from the la^t m eeting. During the earlier m eeting, need dedicated funding for the fund money. Henley’s proposal effect on residents We should not do a 345 (pen­ council m em bers had also fire authority that is being would use a dedicated fire sion plan), we should do a fire discussed changing the ballot organized. m illage as additional fiUiding By LeAnne Rogera m illage,” said Councilman question to seek 5 mills instead The fire authority— at a sources to free up general staff Writer James Henley, one of the coun­ o f 7 m ills as a sm aller amount minimum involving the fund money. c il m em bers who had voted to that m ight be m ore acceptable merged Wayne-Westland Fire . The fire authority could A s the Wayne G ty Council place the 7-m ill question on the to voters. Funding from the 5 Department — would require include additional neighboring w as presented w ith exam ples November ballot. mills would still require addi­ dedicated millage approved by communities. Wayne-Westland illustrating the impact on The establishm ent o f a 345 tional budget reductions. voters. That question is ex­ Fire Chief Michael Reddy was homeowners of a proposed pension plan with dedicated pected to be on the N ovem ber asked when numbers ^ould be 7-m ill lev y to fund police and millage for 10 years is aim ed Special election 2014baUpt. available on the fire authority fire pensions, some council at tal^ g that expense out of Suggesting a special elec­ In Westland, it is expected m em bers want to rethink the the city’s strapped general tion b e held in February to that the dedicated fire millage See MILLAGE. Page A2 Bomb threat defendant A SWE ET DAY competent for trial By LeAnne Rogers staff Writer A man charged w ith terrorism and kidnapping after holding a hostage w ith a bomb threat at W estland City Hall has been found competent to stand trial. The prelim inary examination for Sean l^^lliam Quigley, 37, was ad­ journed Thursday imtil Aug. 29 in Westland 18th District Court. N oting he’d ju st received the com petency report from Center for Fo­ rensic Psychia­ try and Judge Sandra C icirelli’s congested dock­ et that day, de­ fense attorney lAniliam Winters requested the Quigley adjouiTunent------ H eld without bond since his arrest May 13, Quigley is charged with foiu* felonies, including terrorism and kidnapping, both of which carry a sentence of up to life in prison, m aking a fa lse report or threat o f terrorism and m aking a fa lse report or threat o f a bom b/har& ul device, both four-year felonies. A not guilty plea w as entered. Described as homeless and staying around the Westland area, Quigley cam e to City H all looking for W estland M ayor Vi^Uiam l ^ d . Along with other city sta ff, V ^ d w as atten d ^ g the fu­ neral of Wayne-Westland Firefighter Brian Woehlke, who was killed in the lin e o f duty on May 8 . U pset at not being able to see \liUd, Qui^ey is charged with claiming he had a bomb and holding an em ployee hostage. About 25 other employees Daily Queen employee Candace Rogers watches Ramon Aguilar of Redford make a Bllsard during his visit Thursday tp the Westland store as part of Miracle Treat Day, a fundraiser for Children's Miracle Network at William Beaumont Hosp^l. S ee TRIAL, Page A2 Teen helps prom ote charity Liberator Park on D Q ’s M iracle Treat D ay support needed --------------------------- By Sue Mason, staff Writer --------------------------------------- Members of the Ss. Simon and Jude Catholic Church parish are being asked R amon Aguilar is quite familiar with mak­ to support the creation of Liberator Park and celebrate the h istorical desig­ ing food. He’s done pancakes at IHOP nation of the Norwayne Community and Blizzards at Dairy Queen. It’s the Support can be provided by contrib­ eating part of it that the Redford teen uting to the bake sale, purchasing baked goods or making a financial has difficulty with. contribution to Liberator Park for an He has not eaten food since he was bom, rely­ event to be held Saturday, Aug 17, at the Dorsey Community Center, 32715 ing on feeding tubes to get nourishment. But a Dorsey, W estland. series of three operations are being done by sur^ Baked goods should be delivered to geons at the l^lUiam Beaumont Hospital Cranio­ the Dorsey Community Center be­ tw een 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16, facial and Cleft Palate Clinic to reconstruct the or at 10 am . Saturday, Aug. 17. right side of his face and his jaw enabling hiin to Ramon Aguilar visits with Carole Campbell, owner of 1 Donations of yard waste bags and eat solid food for the first time in his life. Daily Queen in the Kroger plaza at Ford and Central i used garden tools also are needed. Parlm ay. It took tw o years, but last month, the Norwayne community was designated “H e’ll eat vanilla ice cream , but the Children’s Miracle Network at that’s why I do this every year,’i a h istoric d istrict and included in the he won’t eat chocolate ice cream Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. Campbell said. National Regmtry of Historic Places. because it tastes nasty,” said his Owner Carole Campbell was Dairy Queen stores throughout The subdivision was developed in mother, Angie Atkinson. “He’s nev­ thrilled to have the teen stop by the the country participated in the i World War H to house workers support­ er tasted it. Everything he eats goes store and had him help employees fundraiser. A ccording to Matt ^om - ing the w ar effort at the W illow Run right into h is stom ach.” Candace Rogers and Chris Amin key, associate director of Children’s Bom ber Plant and other n e v b y fac­ Aguilar, his mother and stepfa­ make Blizzards for customers and M iracle N etwork H ospitals, 10 tories. ther, Angie and Brent Atkinson, learn how to make the DQ soft percent o f the m oney raised lo(| For more information or arrange w ere at tiie W estland D airy Queen serve sw irl. w ill stay in the area to help lo pick up, call Henry Johnson at 734 444- on Thursday to help prom ote DQ’s “To know the m oney is going to 8344. Miracle Treat Day, a fundraiser for help som eone lik e Ramon <WL> See TREAT, Paiie A2 -■ o O bserver & E ccentric © The Observer & Eccentric INDEX hometownMfe.com MEDIA Volume 49 • Number 24 Community Life.... .„.B5 Homes........... n Services.......... ....... C3 A GAMNBTT COMPANY Crossword............ ....a Jobs.............. Cl Sports............ R1 10007 H ealth.................. .... B9 Obituaries........ ...... B8 VVheels............. ....... C4 PRICE: $1 Home Delivery; (866) 887-2737 | Return Addr^: 41304 Concept Dr., Plymouth Ml 48170 A 2 (W) 0 & E Media | Sunday, August 11,2013 LOCAL NEWS' hometownlife.com MILLAGE Continued from Page A1 operating costs. “We’re in the prodess of gathering data. Labor costs will be the biggest factor and until w e nego­ tiate, w e won’t know that,” said Reddy, adding the current separate W estland and Wayne firefighters’ collective donT expire until 2014 and 2015, respectively. Fire millage idea Councilmen James Hawley and John Rhaesa, who both voted against placing the 345 question on the ballot, supported looking into the fire ntill- “I f the city elec ts not to increase the m illage th is year, w e still have I^nsion and in s t a n c e liabilities to pay,” (Council­ man A lbert D am itio said. “We need to balance the budget or go bankrupt. Banloniptcy doesn’t elim­ inate the pension liabil­ Angle and Brent Atkinson joke with their son Ramon Aguilar during a stop at the Westiand Dairy Queen, where he made Biiaaids for ities. We w ill lose services custom ers. and still have to pay.” Finance D irector mouth Very w ide, a ffectin g his so personal w ith the doctors H e also is som ewhat o f a James Ghedotte had pre­ TREAT speech and ability to chew. H e and th e n urses and the M iracle local celebrity. sented an analysis of the 7 has been tube-fed h is w hole life Network Team.” “He’s made pancakes for m ills im pact on homeown­ Continued from Page A1 — a n a ^ gastric tube as a IHOP, did a radio show and TV, ers show ing the decrease baby and eventually a gastric Rebuilding his face he even got a k iss from Amy in property taxes since kids. tube that put food M eetly into In the fir st two surgeries, Andrews (of FOX 2).
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