Of the Brothers and Sisters

AND Families and Descendants





Your fathers where are they?-Zech. r: 5


~-"~•.. ,-- -•.N compiling this REJ. .D GENEALOGY, I have been ~ actuated in part by my enjoyment of such work, 1 and in part by a desire to do something of value am for the Read family to which my mother belonged, I realize, however, that it is a very incomplete book, for much that was important has passed beyond recovery with the passing away of the older generations and their neglect of family records. If I had had larger means I might, perhaps, by expensive researches have discovered more facts .and made a more perfect record. I have found the written records few and scattered, and not always correct. It has been n-ecessary to depend much on T1·adition; but knowing the uncertainty of such evidence, I have been careful about accepting it unless well verified. I feel sure that the statements of this book can be depended on with reasonable confidence. Some of the kin­ dred have helped cordially, for ·which I return most hearty thanks. Others have seemed indifferent and unresponsive, and if any such do not find much about their O\vn :families, they certainly ·will not blame me. A second edition, perhaps, may be printed. and then all errors in this corrected and deficiencies supplied. HEXRY ::.\!ARTY~ DODD. CLINTON, Jan .. 1912. ::N'EW YORK.


DESIRE to know something about ones ancestors seems natural to ~Iankind, and while one is neither A the better nor the worse on account of his Pedigree, yet it seems a desirable thing to preserve family histories in a Genealogy. This is the more necessary for sometimes the disposition of titles and estates depend on the record. The Bible gives us many genealogies, and ,ve know that among the Hebrews, Chinese, Arabians and Oriental nations generally, much attention was, and is, paid to genealogies. In

England, Parish Regist·ers of births1 deaths and marriages have been kept for centuries. The early New England Iaws required them to be entered in the Town Clerk's Office, and valuable help has been had, in this book, from that source. In New York, until 1887, no such records were requir,ed, but many families are colleeting and printing their records, which can be found in the various libraries.

The Author's Apology~ Though not a Read by name, yet the fact that his mother was one, will be apology enough (if apology be needed), for the effort the author has made to col­ lect, arrange and preserve these items of the family history of the Reads, to ·whom he belongs through his mother, ,Yho was )Iaria, daughter of '\Villiam Reacl.

Female and Collateral Lines. It has been the author's pur­ pose to give a record of all the families descended from our Read ancestor, both on the male and female lines. And, also, notes on other families with whom they have intermarried, be- 1ieving that these notes would add to the value of the book. 6 INTRODUCTION.

Meaning of the Name~ The name Read has been the sub­ ject of many speculations as to its origin and meaning. One writer says that AschanazJ great-grandson of Noah, was the founder of the family. Another traces it to Rhea, an ancient goddess of the old Greek and Roman mythology, who was the wife of Saturn and mother of Juno, Neptune, and the mighty Jupiter himself. Others think it may denote an occupat-ion, from the Saxon Raed - speech, discourse. Or that it may have been used to denote a resemblance to a certain well known plant. Ried in German denotes a hollow stalk. Some think it has been compounded, ,as in Ethelred, or Reed the Good; Conrad, or Reed the Powerful ; Eldred, or Reed the Elder. The spelling ( and misspelling) appear to have been dictated largely by fancy. We not,e no less than 18, viz: Read, Reed, Reade, Reid, Ried, Ride, Red, Rad, Raad, Rheade, Rheadus, Reda, Rada, Redha, Wrede, Whrede, Wada, Wrada.

Reeds of the Old World. The name Read is found in sev­ eral European countries. We note that in the 15th century in Scotland there was a :famous Robert Reed, or '' Robin of Redds­ dale'' (Reeds-dale) , whose figure was carved on a high rock as an armor-clad Giant, for his deeds of valor. In the same vale there d,Yelt a powt>rful clan, a branch of which was called Reed­ augh (Reed-oh). Sir Watter Scott, in his "Fair lVIaid of Perth" refers to them. A Peter Reed was 1..'"Ilighted by Charles V, at the seige of Barbary. His portrait hangs in the council house of St. Giles Church, Edinboro, ·which he endowed with a. fund to haYe the bells rung every day, at 4 in the morning and 8 in the e-i;-ening. Dod 's and Burke's works on English and Scotch Xoble Famili<:.s. give several Reades. with their pedigrees and coats of arms. At the present time (1912) we hear of one Sir Grorge Compton Reade, ·who is a plain American farmer at Howell. )Iichigan, ,Yho claims, ,vith much reason. to be the INTRODUCTION. 7

rightful heir of Shipton Court, a grand old €state m Oxford­ shire, England.

lhe Reads in America are quite a numerous and patriotic tribe. They. were among the early settlers of New England, and Virginia. As early as 1630, William Reade, born 1605, whom we believe to have been our ancestor, was one of Gov. Bradford's partn,ers in settling the colony of Boston, l\fass. His large family came over in 1635, in the ship '' Assur­ ance,'' ·which sailed from Gravesend, July 26th, 1635. He set­ tled at Weymouth, 20 miles south of Boston, on the coast. His brother, John Reade, came in 1643, and settled in Rehoboth, :Mass. In 1630 there also came, to Sal€m, :Mass., a" Col. Read," son of Sir Thomas Cornwall, and grandson of the Lord of Shrope­ shire. This Col. Reed, and his posterity, were leading m,en in Salem. About the same time another Read family was found in Plymouth. In 1660, John Reed came to Providence, R. I.. In 16:37~ George Read came to Vii:ginia. His great-great-grandson was George "\~ashington, "Father of his country." The Reads can claim Washington for their family record. Joseph Read, probably a relative, was Washington's military secretary, and would, probably, have been President had he lived. He was a man of unusual ability.* George Read of Del­ aware, was one of the :five men who had the double honor of being a sign-er of the Declaration of Independence and a framer of the Federal Constitution. He lived in fine style at NevYcastle, Del. The Reads of Pennsylvania have furnished some notable

*This Joseph Read, born in the North of Ireland, 1741, came with his parents to America. where he received a fine college and profes­ sional education, and general culture. He was an ardent patriot, and in a variety of very responsible military, civil and diplomatic positions, showed such talents and rendered such invaluable service, that he was counted, in his day, one of the great men of this nation. His moral and religious life was blameless. He died in 1785, while yet in his prime. See Sparks Am. Biog. 8 INTRODUCTION. men in literature and statesmanship. William Read of Woburn, l\Iass., arrived Oct. 6th, 1635. His descendant, James Reed, \Vho lived at Fitz"-Villiam, or Keene, X. H., commanded the 2d Regi­ ment at Bunker Hill, ,,rhich did heavy fighting, losing 166 killed and wounded. James Reed was later made a Brigadier General by the Provincial Congress. Besides James Reed, there were at Bunker Hill, Jeremiah Reed, and Benjamin Reed, Jr., of Rut­ land, who was killed Jun€ 17th, 1775. and also William Warrin, killed at the same battle. It is a ~ell authenticated tradition that our Nathaniel Read had one or more uncles at Bunker Hill, and four cousins, two of whom were killed. The military records of New England and of the Continental Army furnish hundreds of names of Reads who served as regular soldiers, sailo1·s, and militia men, many of them several times. They also were active in the old Indian and Colonial Wars. Their descendants are eligible to most of these patriotic societies, if only they can trace their pedigrees back.

Reads in America in 1790. The First Federal Census, 1790, shows that ( excepting New Jersey, Delaware, Georgia, and part of Virginia, and the, then, Territories) there were in the whole land 1,201 families named Reed, Read, Reade, Reads, Rede, Reede, Reid, Reide, Rhead, Ried. They comprised 6,877 per­ sons, an average of 5.7+ to the family. One family in every 342 was a Read, and it was, and still is, one of the more num­ erous families in our land. They were located by states as follows: l\'1aine 51, New Hampshire 57, Vermont 46, Massa­ chusetts 304, Rhode Island 19, Connecticut 86, New York 88, Pennsylvania. 258. 1Iaryland 71, Virginia (part) 65, ~orth Carolina 105, South Carolina 56. There was one Reed in every 217 persons in :Massachusetts, one every 440 in Connecticut and one in 421 in New Hampshire and one in 292 in Pennsyl­ vama. They were most numerous in the latter states. INTRODUCTIO-:Y. 9

Later Generations in America. The Reads are also to be found among the country's defenders in the "\Var of 1812. Three of our ancestor's sons were in it (and perhaps more), Yiz: IsraeL "\Yilliam and Abner, and his son, John. Israel ·was killed. In the Civil "\Var, 1861, there were many o.f the name who were officers and privates. Several of our cousins have fine military records. One of our cousins belonged to a :Michigan cavalry regiment, a detachment of which captured . He guarded the prisoner. Another cousin, Charles Harvey Reed, was at one time a leading la.,vyer of Chicago. F. A. Reed was a M. E. minister in Illinois, and l\I. C. Mason. Baptist missionary to Burma. Francis A. Reed is a successful merchant at Freeport, Ill., as are Elgene and Ervin Reed at Delevan, N. Y. The Lonyo Brothers are pros­ perous brick makers in Detroit. Abner Reed's son, Abner, and Jason Knapp, were famous lake captains. In the later gene­ rations we have many who are teachers, who are named in their places. Frank R. Grover is an able and busy lawyer in Chicago, Ill. ~oward P. Reed is a prosperous builder and con­ tractor in Ashtabula, Ohio, and Dr. A. B. Mason was a fine Doctor and Dentist in Toledo, 0. In all the professions and business line the Reads have a goodly roll. John Whittemore Read and John Meredith Read were writers and the latter a diplomat. Thomas Buchanan Read "\Vas an artist, author and poet. He wrote the famous poem, "Sheridan's Ride". Thomas Brackett Reed of Maine, Speaker of the House three terms, was an able lawyer, poli­ tician and distinguished for humor. "\Yhitelaw Reid has been candidate for Vice-President, and is now (1912) :Minister to England. These are only samples, of what we might mention if our space limits did not forbid.

Read Biographies. In one of the big Biographical Diction­ aries there are given no less than 56 biog~aphies of Reads, who, 10 INTRODUCTION. for one reason or another, -were deemed worthy of mention. But we all know that many noble men live and die, whose work and character are just as gr:and as those whose biographies are pre­ served in the Biographical Dictionary. It must not be inferred that we do not realize the fact in giving this list. We would mention these other Reads. '' to fame unknown,'' if we only had the dat,a. But we note in this list:

1. George Read, 1738-98 (named aboveL Delaware, U. S. Sen­ ator and U. S. Judge. 2. John lVIeredith Read, 1837-96, diplomat and writer. 3. Charles Read, 1819-98. Frenchman, Protest.ant, scholar, editor, historian, lived in France. 4. Nathan Read, Mass., and Maine, 1759-1849. Inventor, mem­ ber of congress, Chief Justice of 1\1:aine. 5. Opie Percival Read, 1852--, Tennessee. Editor, w·riter, etc. 6. Charles Reade, 1814-84. England. Novelist and playwright. .1,,+1-,,-,..,. r.-1? ''1'.T,::,no.... Tnn T,<>+,-,. +,-,. 1\,f.-,.,...;i '' ''i:T.-.-..A f'!.-,.,.1-, '' .L.J..UL.1..1.U.1. V.L .J.."'''--'V\:,.l. ..1.VV ..L,U,l/Ci liV ..Ll.J..C-.1..LU:, .J..ia.1.u va..:,J..J., and several other stories. 7. Willi,am W. Reade. 1839-75. England. Nephew of Charles Reade. African traveler. 8. Andrew Reed, 1787-1862. English Congregational minister and philanthropist. 9. Sir Charles Reed, 1819-81. Son of Rev. Andre,v Reed, Eng­ lish philanthropist, educator, l\L P., type founder. 10. Sir Edward J,a.mes Reed, 1830-1906. J\f. P .. British naval engineer, chief constructor of the British navy. 11. Henr~T Reed, 1808-54, Pennsylvania. Prof. in Univ. Penn. Lost at sea on steamer ''Arctic.'' ]2. . 1741-85. Ne·w Jersey. Washington's secretary, Cont. Cong .. 1775 and 78. 13. Thomas Brackett Reed. 1839-1902. :Maine. Bowdoin Coll., 1860; l\Iemb. Cong., 1876-98; Speaker 3 terms;- counted members present to make quorum; styled "Czar" Reed. Witty and humorous, and able. INTRODUCTION. 11

14. \Valter Reed, 1851-1902, Virginia. Army surgeon; dis­ coverer of -etiology of yellow fever, as caused by the musquito '' stegomya faciata.'' 15. William Bradford Reed, 1806-76, Pennsylvania; politician, journalist; Am. Consul, London; Am. Minister to . 16. Sir George Reid. Scotch painter. 17. George Agnew Reid, 1861, Canadian artist. 18. George Houston Reid, 1845, Australian Statesman; Prime :Minister, New South Wales. 19. Reid, 1846, England; Latin Scholar. 20. Thomas Mayne Reid, 1818-83, British writer of romances. 21. Robert Reid, 1863, Mass.; painter. 22. Robert Gillespie Reid, 1840-1908, Canadian railway builder. 23. Sir Robert Threshire Reid, 1846--, Scotland; Lord Chancellor, England, 1905. 24. Samuel Chasler Reid, 1783-1861, Connecticut; Am. Pri­ vateersman. In 1818 planned present arrangement of Stars and Stripes on Flag. 25. Thomas Reid. 1710-96, Scotland; a noted mental phil­ osopher. 26. Sir Thomas W emysis Reid, 1842-1905, English journalist and author. 27. "\Vhitelaw Reid, 1837--, Am. journalist and statesman; candidate for Vice-President; :Minister to France and England. ,Ye find that the Reads, Reeds, Reids, in both lands have had men eminent as pioneers, lawyers, ministers, soldiers, sailors, surgeons, authors, painters, jurists, missionaries, states­ nwn. editors. authors. actors, educators~ inventors: philan­ thropists.

Read Genealogies. In '' Durrie 's Index of Genealogies,'' may be found a pretty full list of these books and sources. 12 INTRODUCTION.

Jenning's Genealogy and Savage's Genealogical Dictionar-y also contain some data. The town and country histories: v,here Reads have lived, also afford valuable help. These

books mav&I be seen., most of them., in Boston.• New York., A]banv... , and Chicago. \Ve have seen : 1. The Ancient and Knightly and Historic House of Read. ( This contains the pedigree of some of the Penn. Reads.) 2. The '' Reades of Black""·ood Hill.'' London, 1906, an English family. 3. Descendants of John Reed, who came to Providence, R. I., 1660. He had been Lieut. Col. in Cromwell's army. This is a fine book, published in 1903. 4. Chart of the Descendants of John Read, who was at Reho­ both, Mass., 1643; Providence, 1859. o. History of Reed Families of New England, 1861. By J . ."\Vhittemore Reed. A very valuable book. 6. Descendants of William Reade, \V eymouth, :Mass., 1635-

1902.- - - 1 bv.., J.- Ludovicus- Reed.✓ Baltimore.J 1902. (This... ex- pensive edition was mostly burned in the Baltimore fire.) 7. Seth Reed, Pioneer of Geneva, N. Y., 1895. \Ve have given above these general notes on the Reed family realizing that they are only samples of what might be written, if one only had time and means to explore the material awaiting the ~tudent of our family histories.

The Reed Institute. Simeon G. Reed and \Yife came from ~Iass. to Portland, Or., in 1854, and in business there accumu­ lated a fortune of some two or three millions of dollars~ ,vhich they desired to leave in a -way to be of great benefit to the city and the 1yorld. He died in 1895 and she in 1904~ and the will proYided that the money should be used to found a. REED IKSTITr"TE, in ·which all branches of knowledge and especially those of a practical kind should be taught1 and be non-sectarian in religion. INTRODUCTIOX. 13

The Insi:itute has only just begun. Sept .. 1911, actiYe ,vork ,vith 10 professors and 50 students, but intends a large develop­ ment along these lines. ""\Vhat it will become ,ve cannot telL perhaps something like Cornell UniYersity in Xew York State. rrhe first Chaplain we note is a B. D. (Bachelor of Divinity) of the Harvard Theological School (Unitarian). l\Ir. Reed traced his pedigree back to William Read of "\Y ey­ mouth and if "\Villiam Read ( 423) is our ancestor, we are of the same stock. William of Weymouth had a son Thomas from ·whom l\Ir. Reed was descended in a line thus: Thomas, Thomas, Daniel, Thomas, Thomas, Simeon I., Simeon G. "\Villiam of "\Veymouth had another son, James, and our line (if it is ours) runs thus : James, "\\i~ illiam, William. "\Villi am ( 42:3) . OUR ANCESTOR All we know about this man and his wife is by tradition. "\Ve have not yet found any authentic records. We have sifted the traditions, and give herewith those that seem pretty well estabHshed, and leave them to be verified or rejected later on. Only two _of his grandchildren are yet living (1912) (both the children of Nathaniel, the youngest son), viz: Lewis Reed of \Vaterto-wn, N. Y., and his sister, :Mrs. Elitha Reed Gordon of Lafargeville, N. Y. Some other grandchildren have been liYing since this work was begun. and we have their tradi­ tions also.

His Given Name. The Descendants of Abner, John, and ~athaniel ,·1;ho live in Jefferson Co., N. Y., say it was ,:John." but they have no record evidence that is to be depended upon. The des0endants of \\'illiam and Lewis "think it was "\Yilliam, '' but are not absolutely sure. 'N' e shall leave it an open question, and in this book refer to him under the ap­ pellation Our Ancestor.* *In the Dickerman Genealogy Nathaniel Reed is said to be the "son of Record Reed." But Nathaniel's surviving children do not 14 INTRODUCTION.

His Wife's Name. That his wife's name was Alice Record seems certain. Anna, daughter of Lewis, Maria of William, and Elitha of Nathaniel, are positive in this. Nathaniel had Record in his name, and Israel a son named Reckord, and all agree that there was an "Uncle Record," her brother, for whom they were named.

"Uncle Record." In nearly all the families there are traditions of an '' Uncle Record,'' her brother, whose home in York State, in his old age, seems to have been near San­ dusky or Arcade, then in Erie Co., where others of the same name had settled. He lived around among his relatives. His given name none remember. Reckord Reed's daughter, in EriB Co., remembers that when she was a little girl he was at their house visiting, and that he was lame, and said to her: "" Chat­ terbox, bring me my cane.'' Maria, daughter of William, who lived at North Gage, said, in 1892: "In my girlhood we used to be visited by my father's uncle, whom we called Uncle Record. He was an old man, and wore to protect his eyes, which were sore. He also had a fever sore on one of his legs. He was very musical, and taught me to sing with him. He had never married. He ,vas not converted till late in life, and after that event occurred, if asked how old he was, ·would ans,ver by giving the number of years since his conversion, which he would explain thus: 'I ·was born so-,a:nd­ so ( the date of his birth), but I began to live so-and-so ( the date of his conversion).' He had been seven years a cook in the Revolutionary Army, and we loved to hear him tell ,var accept this as certain. Lewis remembers "having heard that our ancestor ,vas given a name not really his."· But that he was called Record Reed in his last years seems certain, but how he got the name we cannot tell. There is no "Record Reed" in the Genealogies, or in the census of 1790 in New England or New York, as there cer­ tainly would have been if it was his real name. There are Johns and Williams enough, but which is his we cannot tell. INTRODUCTION. 15 stories. And this is all we know about Uncle Record."*

Other Traditions. We note these, for some of them may be true. Vv arren, son of Israel, was heard to say that the family came to N. Y. from 1\iaine. His descendants in Jeff. Co., N. Y., have it that there was an older son, named Thomas~ who went to sea and was never heard from afterward. Anna, daughter of Lewis, has the same story, but the name was Samuel. She also says that there was another daughter, named Polly. She also says our ancestor came from Scotland, with a large family, three or four of whom died on the voyage, when he was 22, to Boston, with a brother from whom he was separated for a long time. All traditions agree that the an­ cestor was Scotch.

Revolutionary Traditions. In every branch these abound, and say that some of them were killed in that war. Lewis, son of Nathaniel, and his sister, Elitha, say that they heard their father often say that he had one uncle and four cousins at Bunker Hill-; and that one of the cousins was killed and buried in the trenches, and another died of his wounds. Lewis also says that his father, referring to a Life of Ethan Allen, used to say that the '' Col. Reed'' therein mentioned as eject­ ing settlers from lands claimed both by New York and l\Iass .. in Vermont, was his grandfather's brother, and he was more *There was a Reckord family in Revolutionary times, in Mi.ddle­ boro, Mass., 14 miles from Plymouth, who had a daughter, Allis, who married William Read, Sept. 22d, 1768. She had brothers, Jacob, Samuel, Israel. There was also an Abner Reckord, but whose son he was we do not know. All four of them served in the Revolutionary War, mostly in the militia. One of them, ·Jacob, born Dec. 23d, 1751, engaged Feb. 19th, 1778, to serve in the Continental Army for three years, for the town of Middleboro. He joined Capt. Benson's Co. in Col. Putman's Regiment. The other brothers have left posterity, but we do not find any of Jacob. We believe he ,vas our Uncle Record. If so, we know when he came into existence, and if we only had the date of his conversion, we should know when he began to ''live:· 16 IN T R O D U O T I O "},,- . or less in touch ·with the famous Ethan Allen. This book no doubt is ·Jioore 's Life of Ethan Allen, but it does not giYe the name of the '' Col. Reed.'' Lewis also says his father used to say that we trace back through the 1-Varren-s to Plymouth Rock.

from Down East. All the traditions agree that our Read family came to ~ew York State soon after the Revolutionary War, from "somewhere Down East," which, in York State, means New England. Some say from Conn., some from :Maine, some from Salem, 1\Iass., and some from near Plymouth.* He may have lived in all these places. And there are indications that his sons, some of them, came first, for Abner was here ~n 1790, and perhaps Israel and John. They came to what was then and still is caHed "The Mohawk Coiintry," in the central part of N. Y. State. It lies along the upper part of the :Mohawk River, above Schenectady, and is about 100 miles long and 30 wide. This is now (1912) a populous and pros­ perous country, with three great arteries of trade, the Erie Canal, the 4-track N. Y. C. R. R., and the new 1,000-ton Barge Canal. Utica, with its 70,000 people, is the center of this region. Oneida and Herkimer are the counties in which our people lived, and the region at that time was mainly occupied by

The "Holland Dutch."· The Dutch proper were from H ol­ land and had a language .of their own., though similar to the Ger­ man. The Dutch proper had, between 1608-1660, settled in con­ colonies at N. Y. City, Brooklyn, Flatbush, Kingston. Tivoli, Catskill and Albany on the Hudson, and up the l\Iohawk as far as Schenectady. About 1709. and later, there ,,·as an immigration of Protestant Gennans from the Palatinate, known as "Palatines," who settled further up the :Mohawk, and *It is impressed on my memory that my mother, in telling where they came from, exclaimed: "Middleboro, or Middle-something, not far from Plymouth, or New Bedford." But I am not sure enough of this to set it down as certain.-H. M. D. I:STRODf,-CTIOX. 17

,Yere called :.Moha,vk Dutch, tho they were not really Dutch at all, only Germans. '\Vhy they were called ·'Dutch'' we cannot explain, unless it be that the other races got the word from Deutschland, the German name for Germany, and its adjective Deutsche, anglicized into ''Dutch.''


Of the eight children of our ancestor, two of the sons, Israel and Abner, and possibly John, married Palatine Ger­ man wives. Our ancestor's second wife was a German also. The only daughter married an Englishman, recently come over. The other sons married into good New England families of the old Yankee stock. Those of our readers who trace their lineage back to this Palatine stock, whether thro the '' Mohawk Dutch" or the "Pennsylvania Dutch," would perhaps like to know more about the Palatines. Connected with the French court under the l\1erovingian kings, from 600 to 900 .A. D., was a high judicial official known as '' comes palatii: '' He ,vas master of the royal household and had supreme authority in .a large number of cases· that came before the king for decision. When the king "-ished to confer a particular favor upon the ruler of a province, he granted him the same pO"wer ·within his province as the "comes palatii" ex­ ercised in the royal palace. His title was "Cornes Palatinus," or Count Palatine, and his province was called a Palat-inate. The" Lower Palatinate" \Yas on both sides of the river Rhine, in Europe, and it took in about 1,600 square miles. Manheim and Heidelberg ·were its chief cities. Its location was such that it was often traversed by hostile armies, and many battles ,vere fought on its territory. The people being Protestants, a bout equally divided be­

t"\veen the Reformed and the Lutheran confessions1 suffered also in the religious wars that for 30 years, up to 1713, devas- 18 INTRODUCTION. tated their fertile fields and vineyards. The year 1707 was especially distressing, and they began, in large numbers, to seek refuge in other Protestant lands. In 1709 there were 13,000 of them in London and vicinity, where their misfortunes called out great sympathy and help. Queen Anne gave them permission to settle in· America, and by 1710 there were about 3,000 of them located in five villages, below Albany on both sides of the Hudson, on the Livingston J\Ianors. These lands were scrub pine and too poor for good farming, and they were discontented. Part of them soon found their way to the Schoharie Valley and by 1722 they had settled, most of them, on the fertile Mohawk lands from Canajoharie up to Herkimer, built themselves homes and churches, and became a devout, peaceable, orderly, thrifty, patriotic/' population. In the names of the towns Danube, ):lanheim, Palatine, Fonda, Canajoharie, German Flats, vYe have mementos of their oecupation. The Yankees now far outnumber them in this region, and dominate things. But the Pala tines still continue to be the same in­ dustrious, honest. religious people. They are good citizens and furnish many leaders in business and society. They are largely intermarried and thoroughly Americanized, and the German name is now about all that one eau tell them by.t

Where was Nathaniel Born? Lewis and Elitha, his surviv­ ing children, '· have ahvays heard that it was Salem, Mass.,'' but a personal visit to and inspection of the Salem town rec­ ords failed to find any record of it. The Salem records, ho,Y­ ever, are not complete. The Dickerman Genealogy, and a copy

'~If the reader will refer to the American Revolutionary History, and read about the bloody and decisive battle at Oriskany, on their own territory, fought Aug. 6th, 1777, one of the most important battles in that war, by these Palatines almost wholly, and in which the ,vife of our Israel Read used to say she had four brothers. one of whom helped carry the wounded Gen. Herkimer from the field. he will realize what a brave and patriotic race they were. -;·see l\'.Irs. Diefendorf's book, The Historic Mohawk. 1910. INTROD"CCTION. 19

of a copy from Nathaniel's Bible (which was burned a few years ago), sent us by itr. C. R. Knapp, says he was born in LeRoy. :Olass. ,Ve have not been able to find a LeRoy in :Mass., at any time, but there is one in \Vestern New York. The date however is sure, June 7th. 1791, and his mother died soon afterwards.

The Family Scattered. .After the first wife's death, in 1791, the family was somewhat broken up. Lewis's daughter Anna says her father "\Vas three or four years old when his mother died. and '' his sister Polly raised him.'' and he lived with or near her till old enough to care for himself. The baby, Na­ thaniel, in some way, was put in charge of a German woman, and so it came to pass that Nathaniel's "mother tongue" was German. which he could use . even when old. Of the other children ·we have no record except of Abner, the second son.

Top Notch and Vicinity. In the Census of 1790, we find the name of "Abner Ried" ( the German spelling), in the neigh­ borhood then, and now, called "Top .1.Yotch," because of the sum­ mit in the road, about two miles N. W. of Little Falls, on the Fair­ field Road. Little }.,alls is a noteworthy point, 22 miles east of Utica, ,vhere between rocky bluffs, two, or three hundred feet high. the l\Iohawk River forces its way eastward and -drops in a foaming cataract about 35 feet. The old Erie Canal hewn out o.f th<:.' rocks. had five locks, but the new canal is to have but one, 40½ feet lift. The fine ,vater power has built up a city of 20.000 pPople'. a hiYe of industry, mostly knjtting mills. The fertile l\Ioha,vk Flats and hill lands. lying back had lwen the home of Palatine farmers for fifty years before. They had a church on the hill beyond Top Notch. named }Ian­ heim Lutheran. · It was organized in 1752. and still has an actiYe and useful ljfe. After the vrnr a number of Yankee famjlies settled among them. Our Abner, then 19 or 20 years 20 INTRODFCTIOS. old. is set do,Yn as the head of a family of one. doubtless him­ self. The next neighbor but one~ is '· Isaac Hedrington,'' also a family of- one.* Four years later Polly, then 19, married, the first of the number, followed the next year, 1795, by Abner, who bought a farm and married a Timmerman. Israel, the same year, married another Timmerman, whose home was on the north side of the l\IohavYk. "\Vere they sisters ?t

Israel Read's Location in 1790. He was then 22 years old, and unmarried. vVe do not find, in the Census of 1790. any Israel Read that we can identify with our Israel, but there is an Israel Reed in Canandaigua, with a family of five persons. They were located in Township Eleven of the Third Range of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase. This town's nam,e was Farmington, a bit north of Canandaigua Village. The 12 families resident in the Township were: Abraham Lapham, Isaac Hatheway, Nathan Harrington, John J\lcCumber, Joshua Harrington, Elijah Smith, John Paine, Jacob Smith, John Rus­ sell, Nathan Comstock, Israel ReadJ Reuben Allen.

Israel Read of Bloomfield, N. Y. In this connection we may as ·well mention an Israel Read who appears at East Bloomfield, *"We give the names of the families who lived near Abner Read in 1790, and the number of persons in each family. Abel Mann, 1; Curtis Reed, 5; William - Feeter, 8; Isaac Churchill, 6; Ball Niel­ son, 7; Edward Coffin, 7; Isaac Hedrington, 1; Barnhart Henex, 2; Abner Ried, 1; Benjamin Hindman, 4; John Hadcock, 11; Nathaniel Dodge, 6; Elijah Stackweather, 6; Isaiah .Johnston, 6; John Bying­ ton, 4; Oliver Standard, 4; John Empie, 6; Philip Payne, 7 ( one slave). Curtis Reed belonr.:ed, we believe. to the Rehoboth Read family. Ball Nielson should have been Paul Nelson. tThe first canal at Little Falls. with its tiny locks, one of which may be seen by the historical traveler, was built in 1795. the year our Abner bought his place. Did he and his brothers help build it? ~::This was probably the Israel Read of :\1idd1eboro, l\'Iass., v..,·ho was born in 1752, and most likely had moved to New York. He was younger brother of William (323), and if Wm. (323) was our ancestor, our Israel may have been with his uncle at Canandaigua. INTRODUCTION. 21

just west of Canandaigua, ten years later. He buys land m the adjoining tovvnship. "Xo. 10, Range 4." Aug. 8th, 1800, he purchases of Jonathan Adams, for $420, "exactly 200 acres,'' in Lot 61. Apr. 3d, 1801, he sells Benjamin Stevens "\YHson, for $200, "25 acres, and no more," in Lot 61. Nov. 12th, 1805, he buys more land of Jonathan Adams. And this is all. \Ve hear no more of him or his property. This could scarcely have been our Israel, for our Israel was then mar­ ried, but that Israel had no wife mentioned in the deeds. Quite likely it was the same Israel who was named in Canandaigua in 1790, and moved for business reasons to an adjoining town, and possibly our relative.

John's Location. W,e assume that John was third son and over 16, and '' gone for himself.'' like his brothers. But we do not find him in New York. The Jeff. Co. History says that John :M. Read (No. 27) was born in Conn., also his. older brother Abner. Did our ancestor ever live in Conn.? In 1790 there was an Abner Read in Granby, Hartford Co., Conn., who had a family of one male over 16, three under 16, and two females. In the same town there was a John Read, with one male over 16, and no others .Was this our John? and vvas this Abner the l\'Iiddleboro Abner, born Aug. 12th, 1764, moved to Conn.? There is no Abner Read family in 1790 in Middle­ boro. He was brother of vVilliam (323), and if \V"illiam (323) was our ancestor then our John was living near his uncle, and that he had a son born there, would be a most natural event.

Our Ancestor in 1790. "\Yhat his name should be in the Census of 1790 is almost sure. but ,vhieh one of the many Johns or "\YHliarns is his name? "\Ye assume that he had not

.vet follovved Abner to. York State.. but that he came about th<~ time of ~athaniel 's bfrth. in 1791. to his son. Before that 22 INTRODUCTION. where did he live? We have fonnd a '\\Tilliam Reaa, that we think may have been him. In the '' Gore between ""\\-'Tindsor and Adams/' Mass., near the head-waters of the Deerfield River, in the Housatonic mountain region, not far from the famous tunnel of that name. and not far from the Ethan Allen localities, and a number of other Read families, we find a \\Tilliam Read who, in 1790. had a family of one male over ~ . 16, three males under 16, and two females. Notice how this exactly tallies with our ancestor's family. If we asslune Israel, Abner and John over 16 and gone for themselves, there re­ main William, Lewis and Wolcott. under 16 (Nathaniel not yet born), and Polly and her mother, the two females.*

Their Place of Settlement in New York. After they had all got to the new location in New York State, they began to seek their fortunes, and by 1813 were all married ancl living not more than half-a-day's drive from each other, except Israel, who a couple of years before had moved to Erie Co. Six miles west of Little Falls, at old Fort Dayton (now Herkimer), the l\:Ioha·wk River receives a fine stream from the north, fed by the forests and slopes of the Adirondack :Mountains. It is named lV est Canada Creek to distinguish it from the East Canada Creek, a similar stream flowing in below Little Falls. '\Yhere it emerges from the Table Lands, about 30 miles above its mouth. it drops over a precipice 70 or 80 feet high. at Trenton Falls, a very beautiful falL very much admired bv the numerous visitors. with its rockv glen. ~ ~ ~ A fe,y miles below. and about 15 to 25 miles above Herkimer. are the to·wnships of Russia and X ewport on the east side. in Herkimer Co.~ with the villages of Poland. GravesYille and Coldbrook. On the ,Yest side. in Oneida Co .. art" the to,Yn-

. ·------. *It only remains to prove that this ·william was also 323, as well as our ancestor, to make the ~ase complete, and here is a chase as good as a fox hunt for some one who will undertake it. I"STRODUOTION. 23 ships of Trenton and Deerfield, with the village of North Gage,* about two miles back from the creek. located on the upland ridge. The lands are fine grass lands, and many cattle feed in the pastures. North Gage"i" is in the extreme end of Deerfield township, which touches U6ca 12 miles away. About 1808 Polly, who had up to this time lived in Fair­ field near her brother Abner, till she had had seven children. moved to North Gage. They bought there a farm and lived there to the end of life. William, Lewis and Wolcott, also settled there. Lewis was a blacksmith and the others farmers. On the east side of the river were Israel, John and Nathaniel, and we presume our ancestor himself. Here they lived and flourished many years, except that Nathaniel moved to Jeff. Co., lll 1819. J\1:ost of them went to Sackets Harbor in the ,Yar of 1812. They also attended church, and some of them

,,7 ere members. Israel, "\Yolcott, Nathaniel and _Polly were Baptists. "\Villiam and Lewis were Presbyterians. Abner and John we do not know about. There was, and still is, a "'Union ::.Ueeting Honse" at North Gage, used on alternate Sabbaths by Baptists and Presbyterians, and they made one congregation):

*Whoever has ever visited North Gage will remember the fine views there to be seen. From its elevated ridges one looks West, North, and East, over a landscape of distant -billowy hill ranges, one above another, to a far-distant horizon, with forests, fields, farm houses and churches in view, and crops and herds. Amid such inspiring scenes did our fathers dwell, and carry on their business and social life. tGAGE's PATEXT.-This was the north end of "Gage's Patent," owned by Lieut. Gen. Sir Thomas Viscount Gage, who was the famous British commander in Boston when the Revolutionary War broke out. After the war he lived in New York City. It had been granted him before the war, and he sold it out to settlers. For fuller details see Biog. Diet. :;:NORTH GAGE Co.:..uIL":-.;ITY.-This community. in those days. was composed of good, substantial people.· The Blues, Walkers. Cruick­ shanks and McKays, we:re from Scotland. The Schermerhorns ,vere Dutch. The Hitheringtons and Majors were English. There were many more Reads than our line-at one time four different kinds of Reads. But now the place is sadly d~pleted in its numbers. Both• chu:r:ches are weak, but still active and useful. 24 IXTRODFCTIOS.

Our Ancestor Marries, Again. '\Ye have not been able to learn when. or where, only that she vYas a German woman, and that she had no children. "\Ve think she may have been nlar:-· Bellinger. The descendants of Abner in Jeff. Co. say their grandmother, Abner's wife, was )Iary Bellinger. But Ira S. Golden, Abner's grandson, says Abner's wife vvas certainly a Timmerman. She died at his father's house in Little Falls." But that they, in that generation, were in some way ; 'closely connected with the Bellingers.'' "\Ve submit that the Bellinger that the Jeff. Co. people said was their grandmother, was, 1n reality, their step-great-grandmuther.

Death and Burial of Our Ancestor. Anna, daughter of Lewis, says he and ·his wife died at the same time and were buried the same day. It :is also a well authenticated tradition, that at the funeral of a near relative, some say his funeral, and in the early days before bridges had been generally erected over the creek, that Lewis R-ead and wife, William Read and wife, Wolcott Read and wife, and their sister Polly, who lived on the Deerfield side, were in a boat returning froin the funeral somewhere on the other side, and that· the boat was upset and all thrown i:µto the water. Polly had sunk for the last time, when Lewis .dived down and' rescued her. It vvas with much difficulty that she was• brought to. Some say that the .funeral was ·in the old church at Russia Corners, and if so, his grave is probably in the Gravesv:ille Cemetery, nearby, unmarked.

WILLIAM READ (323) In view of our inability to positively determine our Read pedigree any farther back than what is given above, and in view of the circumstances lending color to the probability that William Read (323) is our ancestor, we have determined to give a short account of him in the hope that further research IXTRODUCTIOX. 25 may verify the probability. If thjs should prove to be our pedigree. it would give us a very honorable ancestry, one tracing back to the early Puritans of Massachussetts Bay, also, thro the vVarrens, to Plymouth and the :\Iayfioi.Yer, to the Colonial wars, and the ReYolution to Lexington and Bunker Hill. This Read family is one of the oldest and finest in X ew England.

Sources of Information. l\rlention has already been made of the Read Genealogies of J. "\Vhittemore Read and J. L. Read, of the Weymouth Read family. :Mr. John Ludovicus Read, a descendant, and a lawyer of distinction in Baltimore, :Maryland, had compired at large expense, and published a pretty complete Genealogy of this family, most of which, un­ fortunately, was burned in his office in the great Baltimore :fire of Feb. 7th and 8th, 1902. A few copies had been sent out, and the book is to be found in Boston, New York, Albany, TTtil"'~. !=l.nn l:nit>~~n lihr~l";.,..~ Tt i!.! tht> Willi~-m "R.,..~r1 TI1nnht>-rt>rl - ... -.------~.... --:,:,·- ~..,_...__.._...,._,,_,_ ..._,.., .,_...,. UJLA.V 'f I' .&...L.&..l.&,AI.LL.I. ..LII./V'-A,,,,._,a, .L.L\,L..r..,L.LVVLV'-"-- 323, in this book, to which your attention is directed.

William l{ead of Weymouth, born 1605, came to America in the ship "Assuranc.e" in 1635, and with his family settled at Weymouth, a town about 20_ miles south of Boston. He was closely associated with Gov. Bradford in the affairs of the Boston colony. He was a member of Mass. Gen .. Court, 1636- 38, and all his descendants are eligible to our modern Soc. of Col. l\'Iass.

FIRST GE:NERATION- He married A vis Deacon, and their children were : 1. MARGARET. 2. HAN~AH. 3. WILLIAM (No. 3). 4. ESTHER. 5. RUTH. 6. THOMAS. 26 INTRODUCTION.

7. MARY. 8. JOHN. 9. J.urns (No. 9).

SECOND GENERATION- JAMES READE ( 9), the youngest son, above, moved to the '' Old Colony,'' lived 25 years at Taunton, and then moved to lVIiddleboro, a town 16 miles back from Plymouth, and died there July 21st, 1726. He married Susannah Richmond. Their family was:

1. JAMES. 2. WILLIAM (No. 39). 3. JOHN. 4. THOMAS. 5. MA.BY. 6. MARTHA. 7. Axx. 8. SUSAN:XA. 9. BENJAMIN.

THIRD GENERATION- This WILLIAM (No. 39L son of JAMES, lived in Thfiddleboro. He married ELIZABETH ---, and had :

1. WILLIAM (No.121). 2. HAXXAH. 3. BEXJAl\-IIN. 4. THO~fAS. 5 . .JOXATHAX. 6. PETER. 7. A Sox. 8. JOHX. 9. S.urrEL. 10. DELIYERA:\'CE. 11. MERCY. 12. ICHABOD. 13. THANKFUL. 14. AXXA. 15. A DACGHTER. 16. MERCY. INTRODUCTION. 27

FOURTH GENER.\TION- The Wn..LIAM above (No. 121) also lived in ~fiddleboro. He married S..\.RAH WARREN, below,* and had: l. PRISCILLA. Dec. 8, 1742. 2. WILLIAM (No. 323), Jan. 4, 1744. 3. BE:XJAMIX, Jan. 29, 1746. 4. SARAH, Jan. 15, 1748. 5. ELIZABETH, May 4, 1750, died young. 6. ISRAEL, Mar. 7, 1752. 7. ELIZABETH, Sept. 9, 1759.. 8. ABXER, Aug. 12, 1764. This family of WILLIAM READ (121) were born in :\Iiddle­ boro, but most of them later seem to have emigr:ated to the valley of the C pper Conhecticut and Deerfield Rivers, and in that frontier region to have been lost sight of. However. we kno·w that Benjamin had a large family. Some of his descend­ ants located near Eaton, l\!Iadison Co .. N. Y. He was very active in the Revolutionary War, and was one of the "minute men" in 1775 and '76, being corporal of militia. His brother, "\Villiam ( 32:3). ·was also one of the '' minute men,'' and '' one of those ,vho turned out at the Lexington alarm.'' He is narned in one place as ,Villiam 3d, for there were at that time in :Middle­ boro. three · ,Villiam Reads, father, son and grandson. He married Allis ReekorcL of 1Yhom we will speak later.

Revolutionary Soldiers. -we also note a large number of Reads. Rickards and vV arrens named as soldiers in the Revo­ lution. No less than 15 men among the uncles and cousins of \\?illiam (323) are so listed. Among those whose relationship we are not able to determine. we find in the Continental Armv., ., Lient. Jeremiah Reed. Capt. '\Yilliam Read, Col. Joseph Read, Col. George Read. Capt. Joshua Reed, Capt. John Read. ,:,Trn: vVARREx PEDIGREE.-As we make it out. it runs thus: l. RICHARD w ARREX and SARAH, his wife, came over in the Mayflower. 2. NATHAXIEL WARREX and SARAH WALKER, owned lot 5 of Middleboro. 3. RICHARD W ARREX and SARAH, his wife. 4. SA:\IrEL WARREX and ELEAXOR BILLIXGTOX. 5. SARAH WARREX and WILLI.BI READ (323). 28 1 ?v~ T R O D U C T I O ").T • and Lieut. "\Yilliam Rickard. In the militia we find Samuel Read, Benjamin Read, Thomas Read. Isaac Re<1d. John Read. Ichabod Read. and Andrew Ricket.

Bunker Hill. At Bunker Hill there ·was a Jeremiah Read, teamster, of Bridges Regiment. There 1vas a Benjamin Read, Jr., of Rutland, in "\Vheeler's company of Doolittle's ReginH'nt, who was killed June 17th, 1775. There was also a \iYilliam vYarrin, who was killed at the same time. He was from Pep­ perell, :Mass. Col. James Reed's Regiment. the 2d :N. H., from the Upper Connecticut River valley, did some of the heaviest fighting, having lost, in killed and wounded. 166 men out of 539 present. Eight of Col. Reed's to1-vnsmen were killed, and that many of the uncles and cousins of "\Villiam Read (323) and his wife, Allis Reckord, were at Bunker Ifill is almost certain.

The Marriage of William Read (323). Both genealogies say that "William Read (323), born Jan. 7th, 1744, married lVIrs. Alice Richards, Sept. 28th, 1763. She was born Sept. 27th, 1750. '' If this was so, then she was only 13 when mar­ ried to William Read, and already a widow. A visit to ~Iiddle­ boro and a careful inspection of the original records in the town clerk's office, cleared up the seeming mystery. In the original it was Richard, not Richards, and the "3 ". in 1763, should be an 8. The '' lVIrs. '' (JVIistress) was a courtesy title, then given by the clerk to all women, married or unmarried. The marriage date was Sept. 22, not 28. Richard was spelled as it was pronounced-Rickard. The facts are that 2\Iiss Allis Reckard, on the 22d of Sept., 1768, a few days before she ·was 18, was married to "\Villiam Read (323), her fellow townsman. The correct spelling of her name is Richard. It is, ,Ye pre­ sume, a German name, in which the ''ch'' has the hard or gutteral sound, like the German "ich." Its true pronunciation is Rickard. IN T R O D D C TI O ).- . 29

The Richard Family. In the old Plymouth colony towns of Eastern :Massachusetts, there were two families, one named Record, the. other Rickard. The Records ·were proud of their family and name, and careful to always spell it Record. The other name, in common use, was often pronounced Record, Rickard, Rickart, Records, Reckord, and sometimes they were called Rickitts, especially when one wished to speak derisiYely of them. We add a few notes on the ancestry of ALLIS· RECKORD, which ought to be of interest to us, especially if ,ve are her descend­ ants. As early as 1637, and perhaps before. GYLES RICK-\.RD was a resident of Plymouth, and freeman:1:' of the town. He married (1st) JuDETH --- and (2d) JEAN TILSON. His son, GILES, married HANNAH DUNHAM, daughter (perhaps) of John Dunham. Oct. 31st, 1651, he "is fined 10 shillings for selling syder to the Indians.'' In 1677 GYLES RICKARD, of_ Plymouth, is listed as one of the 40 or 60 owners of original lots in Middle­ boro. _JoHN RICKARD, son of Giles, married ESTHER BARNES in 1651, and had several children. Among the descendants of Gyles Rickard ,,:as SAMUEL RICKARD, whose family record ,ve c•opied from the l\Iiddleboro town records, as follows: SAMUEL and ZURVL-\.H ll Chron. 2: 16] RECKORD had: 1. ALLIS, born Sept. 27, 1750. 2. JACOB, born Dec. 23, 1751. :3_ SA.MUEL,t born Apr. 3, 1753. 4. CHLOE, born Sept. 16, 1754. 5. MARY, born Apr. 2, 1756. 6. ISRAEL, born Jan. 27, 1757. , . DEBOR..:\.H, born Sept. 12, 1759. S. HAXXAH, born Sept. 8, 1761. *THE TER~I "FREE:.\fAX."-This term designates those who had been chosen by the town to be citizens and voters in that town. They were also proprietors and church members. tSA::\Il"EL RECKARD--REv. SE1n-1cE.-We believe this man and the "Brother Jacob," named below, to have been brothers of Alice Reckard, our ancestor's wife, and that Brother Jacob was our "Uncle Record." We give notes from his application for Rev. pension. He lived at 30 lNTRODUCTIO~--

Aud there was also an' ISRAEL and V OADICEA RECKARD* (per­ haps the Israel above) who hiad : 1. WESTOX. born May 11, 1785. 2. lsRAEL, born Oct. 27, 1787.

The Migration of William (3_23) and Allis. Where did they go? and what became of them? We have absolutely no evidence. They had relatives who moved, probably, to Conn., and surely Middleboro, Mass., and enlisted four. times: 1.-Nov., 1775; served two months, under Capt. Isaac Woods, Col. Colton's Reg., as a private. 2.-Jan., 1776; served three months, under Capt. Brigham, Col. Bailey, as sergeant. 3.-June or July, 1777; one month, under Capt. William Tupper, Col. Titcomb; substitute for Brother Jacob. 4.-Dec. 8, 1777; served three months, under Capt. J. White, Col. Hall. He was teamster on Island at time of Sullivan's expedition. En­ gaged in one battle. He resided at time or_, application in Eaton, Madi­ son Co., N. Y., and his pension was granted June 22, 1833. He gives his birth as Apr. 4th, 1757, but either he or the town records are wrong-probably he. From Madison Co. records we glean that a Samuel Reckard, in 1819, bought of English owners, 64 ¾, acres in town of Eaton. In 1820 he and his wife, Marcia, deeded 16 acres of it to Barnam Key. The will of this Samuel Reckard, made May 6th, 1858, proved June 2d. 1868, mentions wife "Marsha" (Marcia) and sons Alden and Gerry Kendrick. If this was our Samuel, he must have been over 100 years old when he made his will. Israel Reckard and Jacob Reckard were both Rev. soldiers. but do not appear as pensioners._ *THE PALATI::\"E RrcKHARDTS.-Among the Palatines of the Mohawk Valley, who were purely German, flourished some families who spelled the name Richard or Rickhardts. They were Lutherans and have till lately had German as their mother tongue. They have multiplied greatly, and must not be confounded with the Plymouth Rickards, one of whom, John Rickard, settled in Stark, Herkimer Co., early in the 19th century. His sons were William, Conradt, Henry, Peter, .John. and perhaps more. "Tex Rickard" is believed to be from "\Villiam. As a sample of the German Rickards, we note the will of "Ludwig Rickhardt," of the town of Palatine, N. Y., made l\Iar. 20th. 1817. proved Mar. 20th, 1819. He mentions brother Jacob and sons John. Frederk~, George, Ludwig, and daughters Anna, Catherine, Elizabeth. Maria and Delia. "My German Bible I give to my daughter Delia." INTRODUOTION. 31 to the Conn. and Deerfield River valleys. Benjamin, his brother, moved to Sudbury. l\,Iass., died there, and left a son, Benjamin, whose family migrated to Eaton, near Cazenovia, N. Y. But did ,Villiam (323) go to the same region? He ought to be, if living, named in the Census of 1790, but there are so many Williams that we cannot tell which one was his. He may well .have been the ,Villiam, already mentioned as our possible ancestor in the '' Gore of Adams and Windsor,'' and was it his brother Abner, the Abner Read in Simsbury, Conn.? and was it his brother Israel (a Continental soldier), the Israel Read· in Canandaigua, N. Y., taking up lands in payment for military services?

The Circumstances Recounted. Let us now sum up the points favoring the theory that William Read (323) and our ancestor were the same person. We note: 1. Both spelled the name Read. 2. The tradition that our ancestor's "name may have been "\Yilliam. '' 3. Both married an Alice Reckord. 4. "\Vhat more likely than that William (323) and Allis should name their oldest son Israel (as our ancestor did), since they both had brothers -of that name and who were Revolutionary soldiers, one a Continental? 5. That the next son should be named Abner (as did our ancestor) because he had a brother Abner and she a cousin Abner. 6. And how natural to name another son vVilliam (as our ancestor did his fourth son) for himself. and father. and grand­ fathPr. and a long line of \Yilliams back. 7. \Yhere did our Israel get the names "Benjamin," · · \Yarren. '' '' Reckord. '' for his ·sons? If his father ,,·as "\Yilliam (32:3) how plain the case! Benjamin for a favorite uncle, Benjamin; Reckord for "Uncle Reckord." his mother's 32 ISTRODCOTIOX. brother. "\Varren for 'his grandmother, Sarah "\\T arren, and the "\Varren relatives. 8. And how easy to explain the tradition about our tracing back thro the "\V arrens to Plymouth Rock? 9. And the '' one uncle and four cousins at Bunker Hill, hvo of whom ·were killed''-they might have been the BEN­ JAMIN READ, JR., and the WILLIAM WARREN, ·who ·were killed, who may have been cousins of William ( 323). "\Ve submit that these circumstances constitute quite a strong probability that "\Villiam (323) was our ancestor. Our hope is that the facts may yet be certainly ascertained, and this theory verified.

The Dates Harmonized. There remains one more point to consider. Can our ancestor's children be assigned to William ( 323) ? He was married Sept. 22d, 1768, and can we assign to them our Israel as their son? We have not Israel's birth­ day. His gravestone says he died Dec. 31st, 1813, aged 45. This may mean either in his 45th year or that he would he -15 on his next birthday. Either of these suppositions would make the matter all right and proper, as far as Israel is con­ cerned. A more serious difficulty, however, arises when ·we undertake to assign them our Abner. He ,vas born, if we have it right, :Mar._ 3d, 1770. 17 months and 21 days after their marriage, and he the second child. This, of course, is not impossible, but very doubtful. Bnt are we sure that we have Abner's age right? His tombstone says his age was: 79-3-13. But the Jeff. Co. Hist., 1890, p. 565, says he died aged 75. The facts are that Abner separated from his ,vife in his later years at Little Falls, and she lived there to the end and is buried there. He lived a lonely life in Oneida and Herkii:ner Counties, till about a year and a half before he died. when his son James got him to Jeff. County, near his sons and daughters. He is buried there at Three :Mile Bay. The I X T R O D U C 'l' 1 0 ~.,. . 33 sons erected the tombstone, but ·where did they get the age they put on it~ No Bible record is in existence, that we have been able to find, and if there ever vvas one it would, most likely, have been at Little Falls. The sons put on the stone, ,:ve presume, the age given them by their father. But we all know ho-,v easy it is for old men to lose track of their age. The month and day they ren1ember, but lose track of the year. lVIay not this have happened in Abner's case f Again, we know that mistakes are often made by men who furnish copy for stone cutters. The true age may have been 77, instead of 79. How easy to mistake a 7 for a 9. It is our opinion that this may have happened :in Abner Reed's ease. If the age of Abner is adjusted~ there is no difficulty in assigning the rest of the children to William ( 323) and .. Allis Reckord, his wife. . H avmg a·1sposea. , or,. i;nese., prenm1nary, . . ooservations,_ . we are now ready to proceed with our Genealogy.


READ, our ancestor, married, :first. ALICE RECKORD: who died soon after the birth of her youngest child, who was born June 7th, 1791. The family were then, for a time, m<.)re or less scattered. Finally he married again, but when or where or whom we have been unable to ,learn, only that she ·was a German ·woman. and one possessed of unusual physical strength. Abner's descendants in Jeff. Co .. N. Y., have it that Abner's wife was Mary Bellinger. But Ira S. Golden, of Frankfort, says her name was certainly Timmerman, for she died at his father's house, near Little Falls. ''But,'' says Mr. Golden, '' the Bell­ ingers were some way closely connected to us in that gen­ eration,'' which ,vould be true if Mary Bellinger was step­ mother, instead of ,vife, of Abner. Another tradition makes us think she may have been a Petrie. At any rate, he and the second wife both died and were buried at the same time. · That th~y spelled the nam-e Read. their Bibles and legal papers show. We shall spell it in this book, however, as each one desires. The children were all by the first ,,ife. They had :*

1. ISRAEL. 1768-69; died Dec. 30, 1813-; killed by Indians. 2. AK~ER, Mar. 12, 1770; died June 25, 1849. 3. JoHx. ---; died about 1828. 4. POLLY, Dec. 19, 1775; died Oct. 20, 1870, aged 94-11-0. 3. W1LLIA:\I. 1776-77; died .June 28, 1846. 6. WOLCOTT. Apr. 5, 1784; died Sept. 12, 1876, aged 92-5-7. 7. LEw1s, June 12, 1788: died Sept. 11. 1840. 8. ~ATHAXIEL RECORD. June 7, 1791. died Nov. 14. 1851.

*UxcLE JosErn.-Maria, daughter of William, "thought there \Vas an Uncle Joseph, who had some fine children." Wolcott Read, once, when very sick, in his delirium. talked to "Brother .Joe," as present, and asked him. "lVhere have yo1:1 been?" and, "Why did you stay away so long?" ,vhile we do not attach much importance to these utter­ ances. still we think it best to preserve them. Possibly there was a Joseph. 36 SEOOXD GENERATIOS-NO~. Z TO :~ (EIGHT PERSO:-.''S;.

No. 1

Israel Read, born about 1768,' pr;bably 1n Ne-\Y England; came to the '':Mohawk country"; married, before 1795, l\L\RG_\RET TIMMER.MAN,* a German woman, of a family living on the north side of the l\Ioha·wk, near Little Falls. She ", (says Eva.line Reed, the second wife of her son Charles, with whom she lived in later years) , ' ' a German lady, very intelligent and noble.'' In mature life she could speak but little English. She died Apr. 16th, 1847, at the home of her daughter Eliza, in Wales, and is buried near Strykersville. N. Y. They had:

1. BE:XJAl\:IIX (9), July 10, 1795; died Jan. 29, 1878. 2. ELIZA (10), Nov. 5, 1797; died Jan. 4, 1879. 3. WARBE:N (11), Mar. 27, 1799; died Dec. 24 or 26, 1872. 4. CHARLES (12), Apr. 5, 1801; died Feb. 1, 1863. 5. RECKORD (13), Mar. 3, 1803; died June, 1889.

The three younger children were born 1n Herkimer Co., ·Reckord ,at Newport. The Erie Co. History says that Israel Read came to '' Willink'' (now Wales) with his family in 1811, and settled high up on the crest of "Vermont Hill," near old Fort l!umphrey, about three miles west of South Wales, and about 30 miles E. by S. ~­ of Buffalo, on the head ·waters of the Buffalo Creek. Here he took up a farm and began to clear it of its heavy timber. He - died Dec. 30th~ 1813, "aged 45." After his death his wido·w, :Margaret Reed. was appointed administratrix, Feb. 10th, 1814. The family continued to liv•e there for some time, but later she moved to Strykersville. After her death the Bible was

*THE TDDIER:\L\.X N.urn AXD FA:\:tILY.-Timmerman and Zimmer­ man are the same name in German and mean carpenter. Israel and Abner both married, at Little Falls, women of that name, but what relation they were to each other, if any, we have not been _able to find out. Margaret had brothers, named Daniel, John, Christopher, who settled near M-edina, Orleans Co., N. Y., whom she sometimes visited. They went there either before or soon after Israel Read moved to Erie County. .,- BATTLE OF BTJFFA.LO. ,") I left v,ith JHrs. James Ives, but is now in the possession of h€r great-grandson, ::.\Ir. Frank R. Grover, of Chicago. It is a some­ \\·hat torn but very valuable record. From the Buffalo Express, of Feb. 7th, 1797, and the same paper for :Mar. 22d, 1908, 1and the accounts given us by his descendants, we are able to give a det.ailed account of the circum­ stances of Israel Read's death. Near the close of the war of 1812, on the 29th of Dec., 1813, the British inv,aded the Niagara frontier,* with an army of about 1,000 men, mostly regular soldiers. They were followed by about 100 lawless Indians, who, it was known, would kill every American that fell into their hands. Hence our men were more af'raid of the Indians than the British. To meet this invasion the looal militia were called out. Benjamin Read, being over 16, was drafted, or '' ordered out,'' ,vith his regi­ ment. H,e ·was not well, and so his father, Israel, _volunteered to go in his stead, $!]though he, himself, had what was then called "Tyler's Gripe," a disease that produced a trouble in the side that prevented one from running fast. He also had Asthma, or as it was then called Phthisic. He evidently did not expect to run, as a soldier, or he, perhaps, would not have ventured to go. But he shouldered his gun and set out for the defense of his country. It was bitter cold weather, and the snow lay deep on the fields. As he left home his wife gave him a pair of woolen mittens she had knit for him. His regiment was stationed at Black R:ock, just belo,,- Buffalo. It was ordered out to meet the enemy, and a battle was expected. Israel Read was just then on detached guard duty and might have lmpt out of danger by staying where he was, but chose to go with his neighbors to the fight, and he got another to take

*THE NIAGARA CA::.\IPAIGX.-For the story of this miserable campaign the reader is referred to the history of that war, and the local history of that region. 38 ISRAEL KILLED BY INDIA"NS-- f!OL. EMERY.

bis place on guard. f\mong the neighbors was Josiah Emery,*. a near neighbor and close friend ( in after years a colonel of militia). They soon met the enemy, and the battle began. It is a matter of history that through the mismanagement of our officers and the fact that our men saw themselves ontnumbe-red, and knew that the Indians were not far behind, that our lines gradually gave way, and our men were on the run. Among the last to run were Col. Emery and Israel 'rhey had to run. For a time Emery accommodated his pace to Israel's gait. At last Israel gave out entirely and said he could run no farther. Then Emery spoke about staying with him and fighting it out there, but Israel ·would not let him. He bade him go on and save himself, and pul1ed off one of the mittens and g:ave it to Col. Emery to hand his wife, when he got back to Willink.

They also 1eft Israel an extra musket. The Indians w1ere then so close upon them that, as Col. Emery used to say, he could hear them panting. He looked back once more and saw Read standing against a tree and ·waving them to go on. That was the last seen of him alive.t Two or three days later they found his body where~ they had left him ;alive, on the frozen ground, entirely stripped of cloth-

*COL. JOSIAH EMERY.-This neighbor and good friend of Israel Read, became Lt. Col. of the 170th Reg. N. Y. Militia in later years. The Emery family stood high in Erie Co. Josiah was deputy sheriff many years. His son, L. H. E;_mery, was a teacher of good repute. His grand­ son, Edward K. Emery, is Justice of the Supreme Court in New York State. Albert E. Emery, another grandson, has been assistant district attorney of Erie County. 1·PATI-n:nc SrnE OF ISRAEL READ.-We venture to quote the words of l\ir. Frank H. Severance, wbo wrote the second Buffalo Express article, on this point : "Xot tbe ieast pathetic part of the death of Israel Reed, was the fare-well message he sent his wife. We read of lovers breaking six­ pences, each keeping a share. in sign of true love and troth. vVas there not an idea akin to this in the last act of the middle-aged, asthmatic. Israel Reed, when about to give up his life for his country, he took off one mitten-one only--and sent it back to her. while he kept the other. and bravely waited for death?,. ISRAEL"S GRA. VE-PATRIOTS IN HFMPHREY CEMETERY. 39 ing, scalped, twice thrust through "'ith a bayonet, and arms badly haeked. There ·were indications that two or three other bodies had been taken away, and it is almost certain that he killed two or three, and perhaps mor,e of his foes, and then clubbed them with his guns, one of which was found broken and cut with tomaha;wks. The precise place where this took place was almost exactly where the famous '' Pan American Exhibition,'' at Buffalo, was held. As soon as the ne""WS reached Willink, and the family, Benjamin, the oldest son, ag-ed 18, went .after his father's body and brought it home with the ox-team on an ox sled, covered with a blanket. They buried it in the "Humphrey" Cemetery, nearby, where he now sleeps, with a goodly roster* of patriot dead, waiting the Resurrection mom. At the funeral, the boy Charles, then 12 years old, not having, just then, shoes to wear, h~ feet were wrapped in other garments. A quaint old tombstone was erected, in what was then re­ garded as unusually fine style. A weeping willow droops mournfully from the upper part of the weather-beaten stone, with the solemn urn beneath, and this inscription : I:X MEMORY OF MR. ISRAEL REED, who was slain by the savages in the battle fought at Buffalo, Dec. 30th, i813. Aged 45 years.

0 from thy kindred thou wast torn, And to the grave untimely borne; Oft as remembrance brings us near, Affection ,vm drop a tear.

,:,PATRIOT DEAD IX Hc:11PHREY CE:.\IETERY.-David Hunt. Joshua Davis. Elisha Hill, Corporal Ezekiel Colby. Captain Joseph Cooper, Joseph Grant, Enos Challis, and Dea. Joshua Barron, all Revolutionary soldiers, and of the War of 1812, Israel Reed. Joseph Kent, David Hunt, Colonel Jonathan Colby, Abner Currier, Leonard Obadiah Whitcher, Elisha Burlingham and Amos Barron. 40 READ GEXEA.LOGY.

The weather and time have so blurred the lettering that it is not easily read. Through the efforts of 1\1:r. L. Cornwall, of South Wales, the U. S. Government erected a soldier's marker in place of the tombstone, and both the Buffalo Express articles were prepared. The tombstone itself has been placed as a highly valued relic in the basement of the Historical building in Buffalo, where visitors may see it. Perhaps the time will come when a better monument will be plaeed at the grave.

No. 2 Abner Read. His tombstone at Three Mile Bay, Jeff. Co., N. Y., says he died June 25th, 1849, aged 79.;3-13. This would make his birth :Mar. 12th, 1770. The .Jeff. Co. History says he was born in Conn., but we cannot depend on that book. We re­ gard it however as probably true. He married a German woman named Anna Timmerman, who lived at or near Little Falls. She lived all her life in that town and died about 1849 at the house of Isaac Golden, husband of her daughter Emeline, and is buried at Little Falls. The Census of 1790 names an '' Abner Ried'' ( German spelling), as a family of one male over 16, as in the Top Notch neighborhood. "\Ve are sure this is our Abner, and that he was married about Jan., 1794, and the next year bought the place he was occupying, on which he continued to live for many years and where all his children were born. They had, order not known:

1. BETSEY (14), Nov. 12, 1794; died July 15, 1831. 2. JOHN (15), May 9, 1796; died Aug. 8, 1858. 3. JAMES (16), July 23, 1803; died May 21, 1880. 4. ABNER (17), Mar. 1, 1814; died June 18, 1892. 5. POLLY (18), --; died -- 6. ATHALA.NE (19), --; died -- 7. SEN.A. (20), --; died -- 8. EMELINE (21), --; died July 18, 1873. ABXER'S LAXD PURCHASES. 41

These were all born probably in Fairfield~ where Abner's place was, at Top Notch. Thre?. towns corner there: l\'Ian­ heim, Fairfield and Little Falls.* "\Vhen they grew up, all the ·children except Betsey and Emeline (who married Isaac Golden and stayed at Little Falls): found their way to new homes in Jefferson Co., N. Y., at the Eastern end of Lake Ontario, opposite Sackets Harbor, at Three l\Iile Bay and vicinity. In that section many of their descendants ·are now living. Abner ·Read continued to live at Top Notch many years. Tradition says he was at one time High Sheriff of Herkimer Co., but his name is not in the official list. He may have been deJJuty sheriff. A Fairfield Tax List of 1815 shows that he then owned 100 acres, one house, two outhouses, no slaves, estate valued at $2,000. In. the State Census of 1825, he had a family of tw~ male adults, four females, two females over 16, one female under 16, one voter, 10 acres improved, four neat cattle, two horses, 15 sheep, one hog. His family had made 16 yards of cloth, __ seven yards of flannel, 79 yards of linen. He does not appear in the Census of 1830 in Fairfield. For some reason he and his wife separated, and he lived by himself, till his sons induced him to come to them in Jeff. Co., about a year or two before he died. He was a soldier of 1812, in the Sackets Harbor Expedition, and is said in his day to have been a '' fine looking man.'' v\T e give herewith, also, the records of his land purchases. They are from the books at Utica in the Co. Clerk's office, where the early Herkimer Co. titles are found. They inform us that Feb. l0tlL 1795, the estate of Peter Van Bntgh Living­ ston, merchant, New York City, but lately of Elizabeth Town, New Jersey: for a consideration of 67 pounds, 12 shillings,

*OLD M.A.XlTSCRIPT ARITHMETIC.-ln Utica Hist. Soc. Library may be seen, an old manuscript arithmetic, once the property of the Pickard and Van Slyke families, with names of Dutch families near Little Falls. 42 ABNElC::-J MORTGAGE.

11 pence, in specie, conveyed to Abner Read the westerly half of lot No .. one of the sub-division of lot No. 21 of Glen's Patent, made by Lendart Helmer and P. V. Y. Livingston, the said land lying north of the :Mohawk River, amounting to 50 acres and no more. This deed was witnessed by :Michael :Myers and William Shipman and recorded Nov. 3d, 1796. Glen's Patent was granted June 1st, 1739. Again, Nov. 7th, 1797, John R. Bleecker, jr., City of Al­ bany, conveys to Abner Read, farmer, for 1500 dollars law­ ful money of the State· of New York, part of lot one of Sub­ division No. 12 in Glen's Pui:chase, containing about 40 acres. The courses in the description to be as the magnetic needle pointed in the year 1774. This deed was witnessed by Elijah Goodell and Sanders Lansing, and recorded Feb. 2nd, 1798. On the same date he mortgaged all his land to Cornelius Glen and Barent Bleecker to secure the payment of $1,500. ,v e see how he came by the 100 acres credited him in the Tax List of 1815. How he finally lost them we do not know. but he may have been the victim of repeated "hard times." His lands adjoined the Churchill's and they in later days owned the places. After this he seems to have had no per­ manent location but lived around in various places.

No. 3 John Read. vV e place this brother next but conjecture as to the order. It is a tradition that he ,vas born in Conn., but no poshive proof. In Ne1v York Statl' he lived at Poland. where he died about 1826. ,Yhom he married 1Ye do not know, but think it may have been a Bellinger, or more likely, a Petrie. Germans. This we infer from the fact that after ~Ir. Read's death she bound ..A .. bner out to a "Jake" Petrie. "\Yas he not also "Dr." or "Esq." and her rC'lativC'? ",..e do not kno1,v that we have all the John Read children: hut are sure of these. The order is partly conjectural. They had: THE SIMMONS FA.MILY. 43

1. An::.-- ER ( 22), Oct. 15, 1810; died May 18, 1887. 2. SALLY (23), --- died about 1867. 3. WILLIA:\! ( 24), ---; died about 1856. 4. E:-.IELIXE ( 25), ---; died --- 5. JA:\IES (26), Oct. 6, 1821; died June 30, 1888. 6. JoHx M. (27), ---; died 1896.

~lost of these were born in Herkimer Co. ·,villiam went to ~ was in the :Mexican War, and for a long time was not heard from, but finally died of small pox at Little Falls. Emeline was doubtless the Emeline Reed, who about 1867 worked for a Mr. J\finot, whom Ira S. Golden's mother said ·was her first cousin. Sally went to Canada, married there and lived in Hamilton. Abner, James and John :M. and their families after a time found their way to Jeff. Co. and lived at St. Lawrence, not far from Three Mile Bay and their uncle Abner Read's children. James later moved to Ohio. This family evidently had heavy misfortunes and struggles in their earlier days.*

No. 4

Polly Read, born Dee. 19th, 1775; died Oct. 20th, 1870, aged 94-11-1. She was married, aged 19, Apr. 20th, 1794, to lsA.\C HETHERINGTON, ·who ·was born July 25th, 1767, and died Dec. 6th. 1857. aged 90-4-11. This venerab]e couple attained

*THE SDDIOXS FA)IILY.-After .John Read died, his widow married again. a man by the name of Simmons. by whom she had children. There was an Anthony Simmons, and an Evaline Simmons, and we think other Simmons children. Evaline Simmons married Baldwin Schermerhorn. son of Evert Lansing Schermerhorn, and both he and his wife were lost in a steamboat disaster on Lake Erie on their way west, but their infant son was saved and sent to his brother Scott Schermerhorn in Wisconsin, who brought him up. After Mr. Read's death she bound out her oldest son. sold her property and moved to Canada. She was alive as late as 1873. She then lived in Muskegon, Mich. We have been anxious to find -this Simmons family, hoping to find in their possession some Read records. H OLD BIBLE-HETHERING'l.'ON FAMILY RECORD. great age. They both died and are buried at :~•forth Gage. The family Bible gives the records as follo,Ys. They had:

1. JoHx (28), Jan. 14, 1795; died Apr. 27, 1866. 2. POLLY (29), Dec. 18, 1797; died Jan. 1, 1798. 3. WILLIAl\I (30), Nov. 8, 1798; died May 19, 1884. 4. ROBERT ( 31), June 26, 1800; died Mar. 24, 1801. 5. NAXCY (32), Apr. 26, 1802; died Jan. 29, 1895. 6. AN ELIZA (33), Mar. 25, 1805; died Mar. 27, 1883. 7. MARY ( 34), May 8, 1807; died Feb. 13, 1833. 8. ISAAC ( 35), June 12, 1809; died Aug. 7, 1S24. 9. JAXE (36), Nov. 25, 1812; died Jan. 10, 1894. 10. ROBERT (37), July 30, 1816; died July 25, 1897. 11. S.ll.LY MARIA {38), Feb.13, 1823; died Oct. 24, 1887.

Isaac Hetherington and one of his brothers1 ~, tradition says~ came with his parents from County Cumberland, England, and landed at New York the day before the ports ,vere closed by the Revolutionary War. In 1790 he is at "Top Notch,'_' the head of a family of one male over 16-doubtless himself. The next neighbor but one was '' Abner Ried,'' similiarly situated. Isaac was then 23 years old. Four years later he married Polly Read. In 1808 they moved to North Gage. Nancy, the fifth child we know was born in Fairfield and we presume the first seven children were, and the last four at North Gage.t .At North Gage they first lived for many years where their grandso_n, "\Villiam H. Hetherington1 now lives

(1912) 1 and then they moved to the fine farm at '' The Corn­ ers," just east of the Union Church. .After his death she lived with her daughter, Nancy Schermerhorn. Their grand­ daughter, Mrs. Becker, who lived with them three years, says

*OTHER HETHERIXGToxs 1x A~IERICA.-The Brother John, tradition says, died young. He did not marry. He was at one time a teacher in the high school or college (Union College?) at Schenectady, N. Y. The Census of 1790 shows three Hetherington families in Schenectady, viz: Joseph, Elias, Sakely. tTHE GAGE PA.TEXT was surveyed 1803, and by deed dated Jan. 21st, 1811, the owners conveyed a part of lot 44 to Isaac Hetherington. THE COMSTOCK PAMILY. she was a devout women, of good mind, intelligent, refined and sympathetic. The incident of her rescue from drowning has already been related. He "was a smart man to do busi­ ness.'' He helped move the army in the War of 1812. In this connection we will give the family record of Isaac Hetherington's parents. It is from an old English Bible, print­ ed l 731~ and doubtless came over with the family. It is no,Y with Mr. Cornelius Schermerhorn, Poland, N. Y., who has had it rebound. CHRISTOPHER HETHERIXGTON, born March ye 31st, 1721. Axx POTTS, born Oct. ye 17th, 1727, and married Jan. ye 18th, 1755. JAXE HETHERIXGTOX, born Dec. ye 2d, 1755. ---N HETHERINGTON, born May ye 5th, 1757. MARY HETHERINGTON, born July ye 1st, 1759. SARAH ( ?) HETHERINGTON. born November ye 28th, 1761. WILLIAM HETHERINGTON, born September ye 26th, 1764. ISAAC HETHERINGTON, born Ju]y ye 25th, 1767. Axx HETHERINGTON, born Dec. ye 29th, 1769. CHRISTOPHER HETIIEIUXGTOX, born July ye 12th, 1772. "\Ve believe that the "n" above is the last letter of John. Sarah, also, we are not quite sure of.

No. 5 William Read, born 1776-77; died June 28, 1846, with a hemorrhage of the leg. He married, about 1802, Polly Com­ stock, daughter of Ebenezer Comstock* of "\Varrensburgh.

,:,THE Co::vrsTocK FAl'.IILY.-From "A Comstock Genealogy," by Cyrus B. Comstock, 1907, we get the pedigree of Polly Comstock, whom William Read married. It appears that their ancestor came from Devonshire, England, and as early as 1637 was found in the region of New London, Conn., where successive generations flourished. There was ( 1) William, ( 2) Daniel, ( 3) Daniel, ( 4) Daniel, ( =i) Daniel, ( 6) Ebenezer. Eb­ enezer moved to Warrensburg, N. Y., on the shores of Lake George. In 1790 an Ebenezer Comstock, the only one in the state, lived in town of Mohawk, now Amsterdam. Was it Polly's father, and did his son Ezbon live near the Comstock Bridge at North Gage. Ebenezer and his wife had: 46 READ GENEALOGY.

N. Y. She was born l\lar. 20th, 1781. She died of typhoid fever, at Norway, Herkimer Co., where she was stayjng for a time. Both are buried at North Gage. The stone at thejr grave was erected many years later by their daughter Louisa~ and she gave the dates as nearly as she could figure them out. But our record is certainly correct. They had :

1. HIRAM (39), Dec. 6, 1804; died Apr., 1864. 2. ELSIE ( 40), July 13, 1805; died Jan. 13, 1892. 3. WALTER (41), June 18, 1805; died Sept. 16, 1874. 4. (?) MALIXTHA (42), ---; died young. 5. NATHAXIEL (43), ---; died --- 6. MARIA ( 44), Mar. 21, 1817; died Nov. 3, 1899. 7. MALIXTHA (45), Dec. 9, 1819; died Mar. 16, 1884. 8. LOUISA ( 46), May, 1822; died Jan. 12, 1892. These were all born at North Gage. We do not know the exact order £or the Malintha who died young. The birth dates of the first three are as given us by their children, but some of them are manifestly incorrect. Elsie's is no doubt right. taken from her well kept Bible record. William Read's whole adult life was spent at North Gage. He was a hard workjng man, and a farmer. At one time he had an ashery. He lived two or three miles north of the '"Cor­ ners'' (North Gage). He served in the Sackets Harbor ex­ pedition in the War of· 1812 ( the author has the official cer-

1. DA::SIEL MAR\"IX, Nov. 30; 1772. 2. JL--nE, Mar. 1, 1776. 3. EZBOX, Dec. 8, 1777. 4. l\L.\RTHA, Dec. 17, 1779. ;:,. POLLY, Mar. 20, 1781. 6. JASOX. Aug. 9, 1782. 7. RACHEL, Nov. 16, 1783. 8. DEBORAH. Dec. 15, 1785. 9. EBEXEZER, Aug. 17, 1787. 10. Ax::s, May 1, 1789. All these sons, and perhaps some of their sisters, located in the early years of the 19th century ip. the town of Onondaga, N. Y., near Syracuse, where they became extensive land owners and prosperous farmers. Gaston was son of Ezbon. Jude moved to Medina, N. Y. REA.D GESEA.LOGY. 47 tificate), in the 72d Reg., N. Y. Militia, Col. Hicks, and 1n Capt._ Aaron Reed's* Company from Oct. 7th-Nov. 10th, 1814. All his posterity are eligible to War of 1812 societies.

No. 6 Wolcott Read, born Apr. 5th, 1784; died in "\Vales, Erie Co., N. Y .. Sept. 12th, 1876, at the advanced age of 92-5-7. He was the last of onr ancestor's family to die. He married, Dec. 21st, 1806, Polly (J\Iary) Patchen of North Gage, who was born Nov. 9th, 1788, and died Sept. 17th, 1863. Their Bible is with :Mrs. Ackley, South Wales. They had:

1. WILLIA:\! (47), July 22, 1807; died Oct. 30, 1814. 2. MARTHA B. (48), June 21, 1809; died Aug. 14, 1830. 3. NAXCY MARIA (49), Sept. 28, 1811; died Jan. 2, 1831. 4. FAXXY (50), Jan.2.1813: died Sept. 14. 1830. 5. WILLIAM RECORD ( 51), Mar. 1, 1815; died Dec. 19, 1863. 6. Loxsox PATCHEN (52), Mar. 7, 1818; died July 1, 1881. 7. ELIZA A. (53,) Nov. 23, 1822; died Nov: 24, 1822. 8. MARY E. ( 54), Nov. 27, 1824; died July 5, 1897. 9. HARRIET J. (55), Jan. 29, 1826; died June 30. 1889. On her tombstone Nancy 1.vlaria is given '' l\iaria N. '' This family lost their four older children in a very painful \Yay, that was talked about for many years. The boy. seven years old, was caught and hung by a door falling on him in the barn as he crawled through. Later, within the space of five months, they were called upon to bury three beautiful girls~ between 17 and 21 years old. This family were all born at North Gage, and five of them are buried there. "\Yolcott Read ,Yas a farmer on a place about a mile north of the Corners. and ]jved most of his life there: but in his old age sold his place and ·went to live with his sons~ who had moved to Erie

*OTHER REEDS AT NORTH GAGE.-The Aaron Reed named above was a leading man in the town. He was descended from John Read of Rehoboth. At one time there was living at North Gage Reeds of four different lines. 48 READ GENEALOGY.

Co., not far from his brother Israel's people. He ·was a fine man* and an excellent citizen, and with his family belonged to the Baptist church. No. 7 Lewis Read, born June 12th, 1788; died Sept. 11th, 1840. He married, Dec. 13th, 1807, Roxcey Celinda Richardson of Herkimer, N. ·y_ She was the daughter of --- Richardson and --- l\!IcKay, and was born Aug. 31st, 1791, and died Apr. 9th, 1839. Both died and are buried at Joliet, Ill. Lewis Read married (2), only a few months before his death, a 1\Irs. Tichner, widow of a Baptist minister, but there were no more children. Lewis and Roxcey had:

1. ISAAC HETHERIXGTON (56), Oct. 3, 1808; died Jan. 3, 1883. 2. AxNA ELIZA (57), Jan. 27, 1810; di-ed Dec. 20, 1892. 3. CATHERIXE McKAY (58) Feb. 7, 1812; died June 26, 1900. 4. LEWIS (59), Apr. 16, 1814; died Oct. 27, 1847. 5. RoxcEXA _(60), Oct. 17, 1819.; died Jan. 27, 1847. 6. FRANCIS ASBURY (61), Feb. 26, 1822; died Oct. 9, 1902. These ·were all born at North Gage, and grew up there. Le,vis Read there worked at his trade of blacksmith, 1-vhich he learned in Utica. His mother died when he was four years old, and "his sister Polly raised him." In 1837 he moved, with his family, to Joliet, Ill., where he arrived June 26th, 1837. He lived a yeal'! or hYo longer. Lewis Read was a pious man and member of the Presbyterian church, in which his family were raised. At Joliet the only church then was the U. E., whfoh he joined, and some of his children. He was also captain in N. Y. militia in the "'\Yar of 1812.

*NOTE ox SIGXIXG WITH MARK.-It must not be inferred from the fact that Wolcott Read and others of our fathers signed with their mark, that they were lacking in natural ability, or that they were inferior to the people of that day or this in reasoning power, business talent, general intelligence and social worth. It was their misfortune and not their fault that schools were few and expensive luxuries, and often beyond their reach in the conditions of their pioneer life. READ GENEALOGY. 49

No. 8 Nathaniel Read vrns born June 7th, 1791, in LeRoy, :i\Iass .. according to the copy of the record in his Bible, and in the Dickerman Geneafogy, or in Salem, l\Iass., as his living children ;,have always heard say." He died Nov. 14th, 1857, and is buried at Omer, to,v-n of Orleans, Jeff. Co., N. Y. He married Aug. 13th, 1813, Elitha Sperry, daughter of John Sperry and

Amy. Dickerman.* She was born at Hamden., New Haven Co .., Conn., June 14th, 1791 (just seven days younger than her husband) and died Mar. 25th, 1883, and is buried at :Miller, LaSalle Co., Ill. They had:

1. CYRUS SANDFORD (62), May 14, 1814; died June 2, 1814. 2. PAMELIA* AxN (63), Feb. 5, 1815; died July 5, 1815. 3. WILLIA:\1 WHITEHOUSE ( 64), Feb. 25, 1816; died Dec. 7, 1885. 4. NOYES LAMBERT ( 65), Feb. 1, 1818; died Mar. 7, 1858. 5. LOIS Axx ( 66), Aug. 24, 1820; died July 21, 1884. 6. SPEXCER DEWITT (67), June 9, 1822; died Apr. 13, 1888. 7. MARAXDA (68), June 4, 1824; died Nov. 9, 1889. 8. EsTHER L. ( 69), F-eb. 24, 1826; died Sept. 13, 1827, 9. LEWIS EDWIN ( 70), June 25, 1828. 10. MARY A. (71), June 24, 1830; died July 7, 1835. 11. NATHAXIEL RECORD (72), Oct. 3, 1832; died Aug. 24, 1870. 12. CORDELIA ELITHA ( 73), Mar. 24, 1834. 13. MARY ESTHER (74), Mar. 19, 1836; died June 3, 1836. 14. FRAXCES ELIZA (75), Nov. 28. 1838; died Aug. 28, 1867.

Cyrus ·was born and died in Russia, X. Y. Pamelia,t \Villiam

*THE DICKER:'IIAX FA:\IILY.-Elitha Sperry's mother was a Dicker­ man and sister to the first wife of Rev. Lyman Beecher, D. D., and so she was first cousin to the famous Beecher Family, Rev. Henry vVard Beecher, Mrs. Harriet Beecher (Stowe) and· the rest of that gifted family. Mrs. Stowe wrote the great anti-slavery novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The Dickerman family traces back to an ancestor who ap­ pears as a member of the church at Dorchester as early as 1636. The Dickerman Genealogy was issued about 1892. tTHE N.urn P.nIELIA.-This is Pamelia, not Permelia, and is the name of the town just over the Black River, from Watertown. The town was named for Pamelia Brown. wife of Maj. Gen. Jacob Brown, 50 READ GEN EA.LOGY. and Noyes were born,in Deerfield, where Pamelia diwl. Th,~ rest were born in J e:ff. Co., in adjoining towns. Lois, Spencer, Maranda and Esther in Orleans; Lewis in Watertown; Mary, Nathaniel, Cordelia, Mary, Esther and Frances Eliza in Pa­ melia. l\lary A. was drowned in the Black River. The above record is a copy of the copy made for Mr. C. R. Knapp, from the old Family Bible. It differs a little in a few places from the Dickerman Genealogy. The old Bible was given to the youngest daughter, Mrs. Bartlett, and after her to the oldest son, \Villiam. He gave it to his oldest daughter, Delia, at Marselles, Ill. Her house was burned, in 1907, with all its conteuts and the highly valued Bible perished. Nathaniel Read lost his mother soon after he was born, and in some way he was placed in the care of a "Mohawk Dutch" person or family, with whom he remained till 14 years old. Thus it came to pass that his mother tongue was Germ~n, which he could use even when old. .After his marriage he lived near his brothers in Russia and Deerfield, till four of his children were born and two died. In 1819 he moved to Jeff. Co., and lived at Clayton Centre till 1826. He then moved to Watertown. In 1840 he bought a fine farm of 134 acres, for $7.60 an acre, near Fishers Landing,':" on the great St. Lawrence River, nearly opposite the present Thousand Island Park. He removed there in 1843, and died there in 1851. His wife, after a time followed her children to who commanded U. S. forces in the war of 1812. He had settled at Brownville, an adjoining town, and built a great stone mansion, ,vhich "Still stands as an interesting relic of early days.

*EARLY STEA::.\IBOATS.-ln 1826 a steamboat called the Brownville, was built at Brownville by Capt. Ezra B. Dodd for lake navigation. She was the second steamer on Lake Ontario, and commanded by Capt. Dodd. On her first trip she was burned at Fishers Landing to the water's edge, but later towed to Ogdensburg and rebuilt, and named the William Avery. under. which name she plied many years between Oswego and Sackets Harbor. READ GENBALOGY. 51

Wisconsin and Illinois, and is buried there. He served, as did three of his brothers, in the Sackets Harbor campaign, and was at the battle. He was a pious ma,n, deacon in the Baptist ehurch in "\Vatertown. But his posterity seem to be mostly :Methodists.

No. 9 Benjamin Reed, oldest son of Israel ( 1). born July 10th, 1795, in Herkimer Go .. N. Y .. it is believed. ,and died Jan. 29th, 1878. at Oranogo. l\io., and is buried there. He married, F,eb. 18th, 1819, Lucy :Maria Stryker, who was born Sept. 20th, 1802, and died Apr. 9th, 1867. She was the daughter of Garrett and Saloma Stryker. the pioneers of Strykersville, Erie Co., X. Y. He was born Oct. 4th, 1771. and died June 7th, 1845. She died Dec. 20th. 1841, "aged 64 years nearly." Benjamin Reed moved from Erie Co., N. Y., about 1830, to Detroit and lived thereabouts for a time, then moved to Bourbon, Ind.. and in 1869 went to Girard, Kan, and in 1877 went to live with his son W. H. H., in Mo., where he died. His services at the death ,aind burial of his father have been already related. He was most of his life a farmer, and a Baptist in his religion. They had 12 children, and perhaps more. The record in his Bible is incomplete.

1. BETSY Ax:-. (76) ..Jan. i, 1820; died about 1840. 2. ISRAEL (77), Mar. 27, 1822; died Aug. 18, 1890, Bourbon, Ind. 3. NAXCY LccIXDA (78), Jan. 6, 1823; died May 6, 1890. 4. LAL'RA Axx ( 79). Dec. 2, 1824; died Nov. 21, 1848. 5. T\1ARTIX STRYKER (80). Feb. 15. 1827; died June 4, 1910. 6. BEX,LUIIX GILES ( 81), Jan. 2. 1832; died .July 29. 1834. 7. J,L\lES A. RICHARD (82). Sept. 17, 1833; died, unmarried, Aug 9, 1863. 8. GARRETT (83), --: died small. 9. ELIZA JAXE (84), Mar. 14, 1837. - · 10. CHARLES WARREX (85), --; died Feb.2.1845. 11. WILLIA)! HEXRY HARRI SOX ( 86), Mar. 15, 1839, Plymouth, Ind. 12. CAXDES ADELI:xE ( 87). Jan. 29, 1845; died July 24, 1905. THE J,JASON FAMILY.

Of these children the first five were born in Erie Co., N. Y., the next two or three in Detroit, the rest in Indiana, near Bour­ bon. They located in Indiana ,vhen it was a virgin :forest and cleared up the forests, and no,v the region is covered with fertile farms, on which they have prospered much.

No. 10

Eliza Reed, daughter of Israel (1), born Nov. 5th, 1797, it is believed in Herkimer Co., N. Y., died Jan. 4th, 1879, aged 81-1-29. She married~ Oct. 9th, 181.4, Garner (or Gardner) l\'Iason, * son of :Malachi l\1iason and Betsey Elizabeth Hall. He

*THE MAsox FAMILY PEDIGREE.-Garner Mason, it is believed, traces back to that Capt. John Mason who was born in England, 15--, was governor of New Foundland in 1616, with Georges obtained patent for part of Maine in 1622, and in 1629 for New Hampshire, of which colony he has been styled the "Founder." He died in 1635. It is also believed that the Capt. John Mason who commanded the expedition against the Peqot Indians was his son. He was also Dep. Gov. of Conn., 1660-1670. He was born 1600, died at Norwich, 1672. Vve give also the records of Garner Mason's father and grandfather, copied from the aged yellow paper in the possession of Ellis E. Mason, Toledo, 0. Brooks Mason, born Oct. 4, 1737, Swansea, Mass., died June 1, 1826, Cheshire, Mass. He married, Dec. 23, 1758, Anna Eddy, born Dec. 25. 1841, Swansea. Mass., died Oct. 3, 1802. When he died he had 11 children all alive, and 197 living grand, and great-grand, and great-great-gr~nd­ children, besides nine dead. Brooks Mason had: 1. MICHAEL. Jan. 2, 1760. 2. Sl:SAX, June 9, 1762; died Apr. 3, 1848. 3. MALACA (Malichi), June 8, 1764. 4. AXDREW, Nov. 17, 1766. 5. BROOKS, May 21, 1769. 6. "ANNA':, Sept. 25, 1771; died Oe;t. 25, 1802, Cheshire, Mass. 7. "JoLI.EY" ( ?) , Aug. 5. 1774. 8. RODA, Apr. 1, 1777. 9. CANDIS. July 5, 1779. 10. EDDY, Sept. 27, 1781, died Sept. 1827. Penfield, N. Y. Had 5 children. 11. SALLY. Sept. 13, 1786. Malaca Mason, above (Malachi), son of Brooks, born June 9, 1764, Swansea, Mass.; married, Dec. 11th, 1785, Betsey Elizabeth Hall of Swansea. In his youth his parents moved to Ch€>Shire, Mass. Soon READ GENEALOGY. 53 was born June 21st, 1791, at Cheshire, :Mass., and died Sept. 2d, 1880, aged 89-1-11. Both died at the home of Riley :l\1ason, Grundy Center, Iowa. lVIoot of their lives were spent in Wales, N. Y. They had:

1. JoHX GARNER MASON (88), Aug. 14, 1815; died Mar. 2, 1889. 2. ISRAEL REED MASOX ( 89), Mar. 1, 1817; died Nov. 26, 1838. 3. RILEY EATON MASO); (90), Apr. 1, 1819; died Apr. 12, 1890. 4. CHARLES WILLIAM MA SOX ( 91), l\fay 18, 1821; died Oct. 24, 1899. 5. MARGARET C. MAsox ( 92), Apr. 5, 1823; died Mar. 23, 1830. 6. SALLY ANN MASON (93), May 2, 1825; died Mar. 30, 1909. 7. CECIL DWIGHT MASON ( 94), Feb. 23, 1828; died Apr. 15, J 833. 8. GEORGE CHAUNCEY MASON (95), Oct. 6, 1831. 9. ANDREW BROOKS MASOX (96), Nov. 18, 1833; died Nov.12.1902. 10. MERRILLS LOVELL MASON (97), Sept. 18, 1835; died Jan. 10, 1865. 11. Jt7DSON W ARREX MASON ( 98), May 13, 1838; died Oct. 18, 1898.

All these were born in W131les. 1Vt:r. :Mason was a farmer, and he and his wife were n1embers of the Baptist church. Three of these l\1ason brothers married sisters by the name of Clark.

after llis marriage (1785) he moved to Herkimer Co., and is found there in the Census of 1790. He settled in Newport in 1794, where he lived till May, 1837, when he moved to Wales, Erie Co., N. Y., where he died, l\lar. 6, 1838. They had: 1. ALLEX, Sept. 15, 1786, Cheshire; married Susana Mason. 2. SYBEL, July 31, 1788; married Joseph Lawrence. 8 children. 3. GARNER, June 29, 1791; married Eliza Reed. 11 children. 4. NAnBY (Abigail), Mar. 6, 1793; married B. Chase. 10 children. 5. E.\.TON. :Mar. 2, 1795; married Rox. Squire. 6 children. 6. WALTON, Apr. 1, 1798; married Susan Wilson. 8 children. 7. JARVI::; (REY.), May 28, 1801; married Experience Squire. 5 children. 8. AN::--A, Nov. 8, 1804; married Solomon Haskell. 10 children. 9. MARTIX. Dec. 25, 1807; married (1) Nancy Savage, (2) Mrs. Phelps. 2 children. In the Census of 1790 several of these Mason families, with the num­ bers in each family, will be found under Lanesboro, Berkshire Co., Mass., before Cheshire town was organized. The census volumes will be fo1md in most of the large pu!>lic !ibraries. READ GENEALOGY.

No. 11 Warren Read, son of Israel (1). born Mar. 27th, 1799, in H-erkimt?.r Co., N. Y .. died in Detroit, Dec. 24th or 26th, 1872. Buried there. He married. about 1S20, Betsey Stephen&,"' daughter of Robert St€phens and Abigail Davis. She died in Detroit, l\Iar., 1879, aged 84. "\Ve have little record of this fam­ ily. but Betsey Stephens' niece, Mrs. --- Foster. gives from memory, the following: That they had eight chikb:.,en, seven of whom wer-e born in Wales. N. Y .. the last one in Detroit ; that five of them died nearly ,at the same time of scarlet fever. Their names she does not recall, only that there was one pair of twins. We note:

1. CHILD (99). 2. AXGF.UNF. (100). Jan. 19. 1&23; died April 27. 18&7. 3. A:xso:x ( 101), Mar. 4, 1824: died Mar. 3, 1902. 4. CHILD (102). 5. CHILD (103). 6. CHILD ( 104) . 7. CHILD (105). 8. Ji-LL-\ A:x:x (106), about 1842. The loss of their children and other reasons led them to move to Detroit, ,a.bout 1840, vYhere he had a farm at '' Spring Wells,'' then about five miles out. but now all in Detroit. For a few years they lived at Waterloo, Iowa, then came back to Detroit. After he was too old to work they lived by turns with their children. His last days, after her death, were with Angeline Lonyo, and he is buried in Detroit.

*STErn:xs F.unLY.-Robert Stevens and his wife, Abigail Davis, lived in Wales. Erie Co., N. Y. Their children ( order uncertain) were: Betsy, Anson. Thomas, Samuel, Deborah. Harriet. Armavilla. Elbridge, Harri­ son. The six sons were all farmers: Of the four daughters, Betsy mar­ ried Warren Read, about 1820; Deborah married --- Davis; Harriet married l\Iiles Plumb, Couneaut, Ohio, later moved to Michigan; Arma­ villa, born 1811, married Nelson Klumph, in Detroit, and her daughter, Mrs. John Foster, gives us these facts. Mrs. Foster lives in Dearborn (Detroit). She is blind, but active and full of interesting memories. READ GENEA.LOGY. 55

Warren Reed ,vias intensely patriotic, and so anxious to serve his country that at the age of 63 he enlisted in Co.· .A, 37 Iowa Infantry, :Nov. 15th. 1862. but was discharged with honor, for illness, May 20th, 1863. He could not stand the strain of a soldier's life. His grandson, Andre,1v Lonyo, has the discharge paper. His description was: Height, 5 feet 10 inches; light complexion; blue eyes; light hair;. farmer.

No. 12

Charles Reed, son of Israel (1), born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., Apr. 5th, 1801, died F-eb. 12th, 1863, at Java Village, N. Y. He married (1) Catherine Stryker, sister of his brother Benjamin's wife, and daughter of Garrett Stryker. She :was born ::\ilar. 27th, 1806, and died May 3d, 1826, aged 20. They had: 1. SARAH MARAXDA (107), --; died aged 1 month. 2. JOSEPH ADDIS0X (108), Sept. 15. 1823; died Feb. 28, 1897.

Charles Reed married ( 2) Evaline Sykes, Sept. 16th, 1827, daughter of Julius -and Phebe (Warner) Sykes. She was born July 30th, 1808, and died July 24th, 1898. They had:

3. CATHERIXE (109), June 24, 1829; died July 26, 1865. 4. CHARLES HARVEY ( 110), Oct. 27, 1834; died Apr. 21, 1892. 5. LrCil'.liA DIAXTHA (111), Sept. 9; 1838. 6. WARREX (112), Apr. 23, 1841; died Mar. 17, 1878.

Charles Reed moved to Java. vVyoming Co., X. Y., from Wales, in 1826 ; lived there till he died, on the farm now O\vned by Lucina. He was a pious man, member of 1:Jhe Baptist church, and a much esteemed citizen.

No. 13

Reckord Reed, son of Israel ( 1), horn :;\Iar. ad. 1803. at Ne·wiport, H-erkimer Co., N. Y. Died June. 1889. at home of his daughter at Thomson. Ill. He married. :Mar. 5th, 182S~ 56 READ GEXEA.LOGY.

~.\.senath Barbour, daughter of Joseph Barbour and Betsey Con­ ant. She was born in "\Varwick ~lass., Oct. 8th, 1808, and died Oct. 28th, 1895, aged 87-0-20, at Thomson, Ill. They had:

1. ELIZA DL-\XA (113), June 19, 1829; died Oct. 31, 1871. 2. LUCEXA BARBOCR (114), Apr. 24, 1834. 3. JULIET MARGARET (115), Nov. 24, 1843; died Mar. 17, 1883. 4. CHARLES (116), Nov. 28, 1846; died Feb. H, 1848. Asenath Barbour, in 1823, ·with her pa-rents ·and nine brothers and sisrters, and a blind grandfather aged 84, came to China, now Java Village, Co., ~- Y., •arriving there on her 15th birthday. They were four weeks on the road, making the jo111·ney in a one-horse· carriage and covered carriage, ·a part of the way by th~ Erie Canal, then partly done. She was converted in 1826, and united with the Baptist church. Reckord Recd was named £or '' Uncle Record." His boy­ hood was spent in Wales. He bought a farm which lay partly in Wales, Erie Co. and partly in Java, Wyoming Co. His chil­ dren were born in Wales. In his old age, in 1884, he went to Illinois. Whlle he was yet ,a small boy in Wales he was sent to mill with a grist .of corn on horseback. Passing the home of the parents of the future President of the United States Fill­ more, the bag slipped off, and mother Fillmore helped the boy and the bag onto the horse again. He also used to :velate that, when about 21, he saw_ the famous Gen. Lafayette in Rochester, on his triumphal tour through America. The General ,vore a blue suit and buff vest. He and his family ,vere Baptists.

No. 14 Betsey Reed, daughter of Abner (2), born ~ov. 12th~ 1794, died July 15th, 1831. She married, Dec. 31st~ 1816, Isa;ac Golden, a farmer of the vicinity, born Aug. 6th, 1787, and died Jan 10th, 1861. Is buried at Little Palls. They ha.d:

1. ABXER JUSTUS (117), Oct. 25, 1817; died Apr. 8, 1890. 2. JAXE MATILDA (118), Apr. 9, 1819; died Mar. 4, 1896. THE PICKARD P.4.MILY. 57

Betsey died a:ged 22. ~Ir. Golden married (_2) the young8St daughter, EMELI1'.""E REED (21), daughter of ~lbner (2), born --~ died July 18th, 1873. They had: 1. THEODORE H. (119), Aug. 9, 1834; died Dec. 8, 18,2. 2. ISAAC L. (120), Jan. 11, 1840; died Feb. 26, 1844. 3. IRA s~nTH (121), .Aug. 21, 1842. The Bible of Isaac Golden, in the keeping of Ira Smith Golden, has the following entry, viz.: John l\'lcKenzie Tucker, son of William Tucker, born Mair. 22d, 1793. The Golden family home was about 3 miles out from Little Falls. .Mr. Ira Smith Go] den has never married, but resides among his relatives, near Frank­ fort, N. Y., which is his address.

No. 15 John Reed, son of Abner (2), born l\Iay 9th, 1796, in Fair­ field, N. Y., died at Three ]\file Bay, Jeff. Co., August 8th, 1858. He married Catherine Pickert: daughter of Chrisiian Pickert_:r.=

*THE PICKARD FAMILY.-This family, into which John Reed married, lived near Top N~tch. It is a tradition that they were of Dutch origin, but had been living in England before coming to America. The census of 1790 shows i:o. New York, as heads of families: Peter "Pick,"' Isaac and Nicholas "Pickard," Bartholomew, John and Joseph "Pickart," Adolph, Conradt, George, John and Nicholas I. "Pickerd," Eldert, Grace and Robert "Picket," Joseph, Joseph and Stephen "Pickett." The family record of Christian Pickart is furnished us by Mrs. Addie Hewison of Fairfield, N. Y., his granddaughter.

CHRISTIAX PICKERT, born July 26, 1768; died July 9, 1836. He married (1), Oct. 5th, 1795, Ann Windecker, daughter of Frederick Windecker. She died Mar. 14th, 1800. He married (2) Margaret Keysor, May 7th, 1800. She was the daughter of Bernard and Gertrude Keysor and ·was born Oct. 10th, 1779. She died May 7th, 1844. Children by first wife: 1. CATHERIXE, married John Read (her family is given above), born Aug. 26, 1796; died Feb. 1, 1876. 2. JOSEPH, born Apr. 4, 1798. He married, for his second wife, Elizabeth Feeter, Jan. 4th. 1835. They had: George, Oct. 11, 1825, William, .James, Mary, Thomas and Morgan Pickert. 3. ANx, born Feb. 7, 1800; married Gilbert Merrels Jan. 6th, 1824. 58 RE.AD GENEALOGY.

She was born Aug. 26th,,1796, and died Feb. 1st, 1876. They had: 1. CATHEBL~E (122), June 4, 1819; died -- 2. NAxcY ( 123), Sept. 4, 1821; died -- 3. CHARLOTTE (124), Feb. 26, 1824; died Apr. 23, 1876. 4. SALLY (125), Aug. 27, 1826; died in infancy. 5. CARLOS DL"AXE (126), Sept. 8, 1829; died Apr. 5, 1908. 6. DELOS D. (127), Jan. 31, 1833. 7. JoHX LEROY (128), May 21, 1836. 8. SARAH M. (129), Mar. 20, 1839. All born at Three Mile Bay, N. Y., except Carlos D., who was born at LeRaysville. John Reed, with his br,others and most of his sisters, moved to Jeff. Co., X. Y., and lived at Three Mile Bal}r and nearby places. He ·was a farmer, hotel-keeper, and other occupations. He s~rved in the Wax of 1812, and was allowed $29, by the Government, for things furnished by him.

No. 16

James Reed, son of Abner (2), born July 23, 180:3, in Herkimer Co., died :May 20th. 1880, at Three J\Iile Bay, where he had lived most of his life. He married, Jan. 20, 1833, Polly Sha,v of Sackets Harbor. She was born Aug. 6, 1812, and died

Nov. 24.' 1883. Thev., had: 1. PHILAXDER (130), Dec. 13, 1833; died July 21, 1907. 2. SALLY Axx (131), July 4, ]835; died Aug. 16, 1854; unmarried.

Children by second wife: 4. GERTRL"DE. born July 27, 1802; married Robert Alexander, Jau. 7th, 1827. 5. MARY. born Dec. 9, 1804; died July 9, 1836. 6. WILLI.Ul. born July 2, 1807. 7. MOSES. born .July 4, 1810. 8. REBECCA. born Nov. 7, 1814; died Jan. 25, 1852. Married Isaac Davis Oct. 3d. 1836. Children: Adeline, Margaret. Katherine, Louisa, Emma. 9. EL.IZABETH, born Feb. 21, 1824. READ GENEA.LOG.Y. 59

3. l\L-\.RY E. ( 132), Dec. 18, 1836; died May 3, 1907. 4. LonxA (133), Nov. 23, 1840. 5. JAXE AMELIA (134), Oct. 23, 1842. 6. WILLIAM HEx&Y ( 135), June 1, 1843; unmarried. Resides at Three Mile Bay. 7. HELEX ADELAIDE (136). June 4, 1847. 8. LIDA ( 137), Apr. 28, 1852. 9. J A1IES, JR. ( 138), Sept. 25, 1853 . .James Reed was an exemplary man and a leading citizen, and he and his wife members of the Free Baptist Church. '\Ve have been unable to find sure records of all birth dates and some may be wrong.

No. 17

Abner Reed, son. of Abner (2L born l\iar. 1, 1814, in Herkimer Co.~ N. Y.~ died at Three :Mile Bay, June 18, 1892. He married: Mar. 17, 1845, Emily Knapp~ born Dec. 25~ 1819, died Sept. 17~ 1900; daughter of John Knapp. They had:

1. GEORGE (139). 2. ISADORA (140):_ 3. CHARLES BRAYTOX (141), Dee. 24, 1854. rrhis Abner Reed. whose sobriquet for many years was '· Captain Abner." ,vas a famous and "\Yell known commander of vessels on the lakes.

No. 18

Polly Reed, daughter of Abner (2) ~ born in Herkimer Co., X. Y .. died at Three Mile Bay. She married John Northrup. Tlw~· had:

1. ALllERT XoRTIIRC:P (142), --; died -- 2. W!LLLBI NORTHRUP (143). ; died Chicago over 40 years ago. 3. MARY NORTHRUP (144). : died -- 4. ,JoHx NoRTHRC:P (145). -fohn Xorthrup livt>s at Three :Mile Bay. 60 THE DOTY FAMILY.

No. 19

Athalane Reed, daughter of Abner (2), born 1ll Herkimer Co.: N. Y., died --­ She married Volney Doty, son of Leonard.* They had:

1. WILLIAM DOTY (146). 2. DUA:XE DOTY (147). 3. CYXTHIA DOTY (148). 4. A GIBL (149). And perhaps others. They live

No. 20

Sena Reed, daughter of Abner (2), born --- m Her­ kimer Co., N. Y., d:ietl ---. She married Buel Wells. They moved to .A.dams, N. Y. They had: l. NETTIE WELLS (150), --; died -- 2. CHARLOTTE WELLS (151), --; died -- 3. JEROME WELLS (152). 4. FAX~IE WELLS ( 153), -- died--

No. 21

Emeline Reed, daughter of Abner (2). See ~o. 14 for her husband and children.

*THE DOTY FAl\IILY.-The Doty Genealogy, 1897, shows that Leonard Doty, born Amenia, N. Y., 1773, removed to Western New York about 1790. His children were: Harvey, Chloe, Jacob, Volney, Adella, Julia, Roswell. Volney married Athalane Reed; his sister Adella married a Partridge. This line runs back as follows: Volney, Leonard, Re.uben, Samuel, John, Joseph, Edward, the Mayflower. READ GENEALOGY. 61

No. 22 Abner Reed, son of John (3), born in Herkimer Co., X. Y., Oet. 15th. 1810; died May 18th, 1887, '•just as the sun w·as setting," aged 76-4-3. Buried at St. Lawrence, but his body was later removed to Chaumont. He married, June l:3th, 1830, Mary Elizabeth Witherstine, daughter of John vVitherstine* and :Margaret Casler. She was born May 29th, 1809, and died Mar. 1st, 1894, aged 84-10-2. She is buried at Chaumont. Their children were :

1. MARY A::--x (151), Dec. 13, 1832; died June 28, 1894. 2. WOLCOTT (152), June 15, 1834; died May 14, 1847, Stone Mills. 3. HUBBARD (153), Apr. 12. 1844; died May 17, 1883. 4. JANE ELIZA.BETH (154), July 20, 1846.

1\iary Ann and Wolcott were born at Herkimer, the others at Stone Mills, Jeff. Co., N. Y. Wolcott was named for his uncle. vV olcott Read.

Abner Reed was left fatherless while yet a lad. His mother '·bound" him to a Mr. Petrie, one called "Jake" (Jacob ?), to serve till he was 20, and then to have $100, ,Yhich was paid. Oct. 30th, 1832, he took deeds oi two lots of land near Herkimer village, one 2 acres, the other 5 acres. Ile deeded them Sept. 12th, 1834, to Isaac Nellis for- :j;30G. J,1or some years he moved

*THE WITHERSTINE FA~IILY.-This is another German family, who lived near Herkimer. The true spelling is Weider Stein, which means m German, wide stone. Henrick Weiderstein came from Germany, and in the Census of 1790 his name, "Henrick Wederstawn," is found in Herkimer, with two males over 16, one male under 16 and four females in his family. His son John, born July 12, 1762, married Margaret Casler. One day she went to call the men at work to dinner, when she was cut down and scalped by the Indians, and left for dead. But she recovered. They had 10 children, viz.: John, Henry, Melchert, David, Abram, Catherine, Margaret, Anna, Betsey and Mary Elizabeth, who married Abner Reed. One Witherstine married a Petrie. David was the father of William E. Witherstine, who is now one of the lead­ ing lawyers and citizens of Herkimer, the county seat of Herkimer Co., N. Y. 62 THE PAYNE FA.MILY. from place to place, trying to s11it himself, and finally located at Stone Mills, Jeff. Co .. near his cousins. Later he moYed to St. Lawrence and there he died. He was a farmer. and attended the 1\L E. Church in that place, which he helped build.

No. 26 Ja!"es ~ead, son of John (3). born Oct. 6th, 182L at Poland, N. Y., died June 30th, 1888. Buried at .Jefferson . tabula Co., Ohio, '' by side of his first wife.'' He married twice. (1) Louisa Payne, daughter of :Martin Payne.* She died Feb. 25, 1861, aged 32 years, in Ohio. He married (2), July 4th. 1861, Miss Mary F. Gibbs. She was born Jan. 5th. 1826, in Ohio. The children, all by first wife, were :

1. CHARLES H. ( 155), June 14, 1847; N. Y. State.

2. HELEX ErGEXIA (156), Nov. 25, 1850; N. 'Y'. State. 3. FRAXCIS THEODORE ( 157), July 24, 1852; N. Y. State. 4. MARY ESTHER ( 158), Aug. 6, 1854; Ohio. 5. How ARD PAYXE (159), Oct. 19, 1856; Ohio. Charles H., Helen E., Francis T., were horn in York State, the others in Ohio.

*THE PAYXE F.unLY.-Martin Payne and his wife, Martha Case, had nine children, viz.: Hix:am, Stephen, Mary ( who married Ryer Schermerhorn), Esther, Frank, Fred, Louisa (James Read's wife) and Seth. They lived at Coldbrook, near Poland. An uncle, Daniel Payne, was active in the Revolutio!lary War. Mary's son, R. C. S<:hermerhorn, was a fine teacher. Fred Payne marrie Adeline Vincent. Their son, Fred Elton Payne, studied at Fairfield Seminary, began teaching at 16. Studied law a year at Ham. College. From 1875 to 1887 he was on newspaper work in Jersey City. He then taught Oriskany Falls High School nine years, and for six years was School Commissioner of his district. For 11 years he ,,,as salesman for text-books. Mr. Fred Payne has also been active in politics and is one of the leaders in the county of his party. (Rep.) Since 1899 he has been the efficient post-master at Clinton, N. Y. In 1883 Mr. Payne married Cora N. Sperry, daughter of Irving Sperry and Julia Babcock. They have two daughters, Camilla Ora and Elva. Camilla has a fine voice, and is being musically educated. Elva is a student at Alfred ( N. Y.) University. They attend the Presbyterian church. READ GENEALOGY.

James Reed was a small boy when his father died, and ·'lived with relatives till old enough to work for himself.'' He married in Herkimer Co., lived there for a time, then went to Jeff. Co., and after some years there, in 1853, went to Ohio, Jefferson, Trumbull Co. He continued in Ohio to the end of life. His widow now lives in Andover, Ohio.

No. 27 John M. lleed, son of John (3), was born, says Jeff. Co. History, in Conn. But that book cannot be depended on. Poland. N. Y., is more probable. He died about 1896 at St. Lawrence. He married Sept. 16th. 1857, Carrie Prendle of · Poland, daughter of John Prendle. She was born Aug. 18th, 1828, and died about 1895, and is buried at St. Lawrence. Their children, all born at or near Poland, were:

1. FRANCIS (160), Sept. 1, 1852. 2. OWEN PERRY (161), Sept. 1, 1853. 3. CAROLINE H. (162), Mar. 25, 1858; died June 20, 1884. 4. MARYS. (163), Jan. 19, 1861; died Mar. 19, 1863. John l\L Reed was also left fatherless while very small, and had to make his way as best he could. He married in Poland, and his children were born there. The youngest died there, and is buried in the Prendle lot. We copied the inscrip­ tion thus: '' Lovely in Death. l\iary S., dau. John :M. and Carrie Read, died :Mar. 19th, 1863, age 2 yrs. 2 mos.'' He removed, later. to Jeff. Co., and lived near his brother Abner, at St. Lawrence. In early life he was converted by a word from Mary Reacl. his uncle \Y olc:ott 's daughter. In his last years he and his ·wife were zealous :Jlethodists and active in church ,vork.

No. 28 John Hetherington, son of Polly Read Hetherington ( 4), horn Jan. 14th. 1795; diPd Apr. 27th. 1866. Lived, di.ed and 64 THE SCHERMERHORN FAMILY. is buried at North Gage. He married~ June 1st (year uncer­ tain)~ Catherine Forbes. daughter of \Varren and :l\Iary (l\Ic­ Call), Forbes. She died Ju11f1 30th. 1896. and is buried at :North Gage. They had:

1. HARRIET (164), Feb. 26, 1830. 2. IXFAXT (165), ---; died young. 3. IXFANT (166), ; died young. 4. IXFA:XT (167), ---; died young. 6. MARY JAXE (168), Mar. 13, 1840. 7. WILLLUI HEXRY (169), Mar. 22, 1847.

No. 30 William Hetherington, son of Polly Read Hetherington (4), born Nov. 8th, 1798; died May 19th, 1884. Buried at North Gage. He married Lucy Salisbury, born Aug. l 8th, 1794; died July 29th, 1869, daughter of Edward and Betsy Salisbury. They had no children, but adopted hvo girls, viz:

1. CAROLINE FENTOX ( 170). 2. ELLA. HUGHES (171).

No. 32 Nancy Hetherington, daughter of Polly Read ( 4), born April 26th, 1802, at Fairfield, N. Y.; died Jan. 29th, 1895, at North Gage~ aged 92:9-3. She married, Feb. 28th, 1820, Cor­ nelius Schermerhorn, son of Jacob H. Schermerhorn.::r.• He "\Vas

*THE SCHER)IERHORX F AMILY.-This family of Holland Dutch ex­ traction, have had a large and worthy place in our early N. Y. history. Their progenitor, Jacob James Schermerhorn, born in Holland 1622, came to New York and settled in Albany, where he was brewer and trader, and was arrested in 1648 for selling arms to the Indians. He died at Schenectady in 1688. The line from him do-\vn is as follows: Jacob James, 1622 -1688. Reyer (Uriah ?) , ---- 1719. Jacob J., 1693 -1753. Jacob H., 1763 - 1813. Cornelius, 1799 - 1892. READ GENEALOGY. 65 horn --- and died Oct. 5th, 1883. They had nearly 64 years of married life. They are buried at North Gage. They had:

1. WILLIA::\! GROESBECK SCHER::'IIERHORX (172), May 4, 1821; died Mar. 4, 1909. 2. CAROLI XE ScHER~I.ERHORX (173), Apr. 2, 1823; died Apr. 12, 1912. 3. ADELIXE SCHER::'liERHORX ( 174), Feb. 18, 1825. 4. LEVI CHASE SCHER::\IERHORX ( 17 5), Feb. 23, 1827; died Jan., 1885. 5. LYDIA ANN SCHERMERHORN ( 176), Apr. 12, 1830; died !Viar. 16, 1846. 6. MERRILL MAJOR SCHERMERHORN (177), Jan 24, 1833. 7. JOHN MAXWELL SCHERMERHORN (178), Oct. 25, 1835. 8. MARY JANE SCHERMERHORN (179), June 20, 1S36; died Nov. 27, 1880. 9. CORNELIUS SCHERMERHORN (180), May 7, 1840. This family was industrious. prosperous and had good academic educations, at Fairfield Academy and Whitestown Seminary. She was an active Baptist. The brothers, in early

life0 were expert cheese makers0 and the dairy interest of America is greatly indebted to them as originators and de­ velopers of the cheese factory system, both in America and

No. 33 Ann Eliza Hetherington, daughter of Polly Read ( 4), born ~Iar. 25th, 1805; died :Mar. 27th, 1883. She married, Oct. 25 (year :p.ot known), John Owen of Boonville, N. Y., who was born July 24th, 1799, and died July 2d. 1884. They had one child:

1. LonsE OWEN ( 181), born Oct. 6, 1829.

No. 34 Mary Hetherington, daughter of Polly Read ( 4), born 1V1ay 8th, 1807; died Feb. 13th, 1833, at North Gage. She married

It has been ascertained that the name is really Horn, and it is still spelled so in Holland. The prefix, "Schermer," pronounced Shermer, means shepherd, and Sche:mierhorn is only another way of saying Horn, the shepherd. 66 THE MAJOR FAMILY.

Henry Smith, who died May 22d, 1891, aged 84. They had no children, but he married again and had one child.

No. 35

Isaac Hetherington, Jr., son of Polly Read ( 4), was born June 12th, 1809, and died Aug. 7th, 1824, aged 15-1-26, having hung himself, accidentally, it is believed. He had heard talk of recent suicides, and was trying experiments himself. He is buried at North Gage.

No. 36

Jane Hetherington, daughter .of Polly Read ( 4), born at North Gage, Nov. 25th, 1812. She died Jan. 16th, 1894, m ::.\lichigan. She. married. in 1837, at North Gage, John Major,* who was born in Montgomery Co., N. Y., 1811, and died in :Michigan, Nov. 16th, 1856. They had: 1. J OHX MAX\\'ELL MAJOR ( 182), Dec. 12, 1837; died Mar. 26, 1906. 2. ISAAC NEWTOX MAJOR (183), Dec. 25, 1839. 3. MARY JAXE MAJOR (184), Oct. 16, 1841. 4. THO:\IAS c. MAJOR (185), Aug. 17, 1843; died Sept. 7, 1904. 5. ARABELLA MAJOR ( 186), Oct. 19, 1845; died, unmarried, May 17, 1892. 6. CAROLIXE BRAYTOX MAJOR (187), Dec. 12, 1848. John :Major vYas a man of unusual talents and activity. At one time he worked on the Erie Canal locks at Lockport, N. Y. He was mason. farmer, contractor. He ,yas one of the "Forty Niners" (1849), ,vho went to California, where he stayed two years. He ,vent there twiee. He ·was supervisor

*THE MAJOR F.uIILY.-They were from Scotland and lived at Perth, near Albany, N. Y: Referring to the record given before in the old Hetherington Bible, we are told that Mary Hetherington, sister of Isaac, married a John Major, and Anne H., another sister married ::-.l"icholas Veeder, and sister Jane H. married a McClelland. The Majors and Hetheringtons were first cousins, and in Centerville, St. .T oseph Co., Mich., we find their later generations fine farmers. business men and leading citizens. READ GENEALOGY. 67 of the town once. He himself belonged to the Presbyterian church. His wife to the Baptist.

No. 37

l{obert Hetherington, son of Polly Read ( 4), born July 30th, 1816, at North Gage; died in Florence, l\'Iichigan, Juiy 24th, 1897. He married (1), at Trenton, N. Y., .Julia Steele, who died with "putrid sore throat," as diphtheria was then called, leaving a baby six weeks old, named:

1. HORACE HETHERI:.\'GTOX (188), Apr. 14, -- He ,vas given to his aunt, ..Ann Eliza, to care for. and ,vas raised in Boonville. N. Y., ,vhere he· died Oct. 4th, 1864, and is buried in the Kent lot. After this sad event, Robert went to lVIichigan, where he married, l\lay 14th. 1846, :l\Iargaret Gilhams, who was born in Lancaster Co .. Penn .. Dec. 7th, 1821. Her parents, shortly after, moved to vVestern N. Y., and then to Michigan, which was yet a wilderness. She died in Florence, Dec. 26th, 1895. They had:

2. MARY ELIZABETH HETHERIXGTOX ( 189), May 11, 1850. 3. WILLIA:\! WIRT HETHERIXGTOX (190), Oct. 27, 1853. 4. Jonx HETHERIXGTOX (191). - ; died five days old.

;J. SARAH Ax~ HETHERUGTOX (192), June 19, 1859.

He ·was a good. useful man and citizen. He lived near his sister .Jane, in Florprn•t> to-wnship, not far from Centerville.

No. 38

Sally Maria Hetherington, daughtt>r of Polly Rt>ad ( 4). born Feb. ]:3th~ 182:3: died Oct. 24th. 1887. She is buried at Xorth Gage. She married. Sept. 29th. 1846~ :.Ialcolm Alexander Blue, son of ..Alexander Blue and Christina )leVean. He was born ~Tan. 27th. 1822. and died Jan. 14th. 1S99. They had: 68 MALCOLM BLFE.

1. ARCHIBALD Burn (193), A_ug. 15, 1847. 2. ARABELLA Burn (194), ---; died in five years. 3. MARIA A. BLL""E (195), Mar. 20, 1862. 4. ARTHCR GRA1'T BL"CJE (196), May 15, 1864.

Col. :Malcolm Blue's obituary says o.f him that he was probably the best known non-resident of North Gage, and had an acquaintance that extended over a large part of Her­ kimer and Oneida counties. He took an active part in politics. He was a leader in the old anti-slavery movement, and later an ardent Republican. He was frequently delegate to political conventions. For a long time he was Highway Commissioner and Supervisor of Deerfield, in 1875-6. He was an active member of the Presbyterian chuch. His parents dying when he was a child, he was raised by an unele, Daniel McKay. In business he prospered as a farmer, owning at one time over 800 acres. He had a large dairy farm and dairy business, and later dealt extensively in live stock, and accumulated a fortune. He was President of the Poland (N. Y.) National Bank when he died. He obtained his title as colonel from the old militia days, which came to an end about 1850. Many years before that he became colonel of the 76th Reg. N. Y. State Militia, com­ posed of companies from Deerfield, Trenton, Steuben, Remsen, Newport, and other adjacent towns. There are those living who used to see him riding in full regimentals on '' Training Day."

No. 39

Hiram l{ead, son of ""\Villiam (5), born Dec. 6th, 1804, at North Gage, died Apr., 1864, in l\iich. He married, l\Iay 30th, 1830~ :Mary Ann Cruickshanks~ daughter of "\Villiam. brother of James, vvho was born :Mar. 10th, 1807, and died Jan. 11th, 1847, in Otsego Co., N. Y. They had: REA.D GENEALOGY. 69

1. M.A.BTHA (197), Mar. 29, 1831; died Aug. 8, 1852. 2. WII..LLUI CRUICKSHASK (198), Aug. 16, 1832; died Jan. 14, 1911. 3. SUSAX (199), Aug. 25, 1834; died in infancy. -1. STAXTOS E.uox (200), Mar. 25, 1837; died June 9, 1894. 5. EATOS D. (201), Dec. 27, 1840; died Apr. 22, 1859. Eaton D. was drowned in Lake Michigan, at Bay City, into which he had ventured .for swimming. Hiram Read lived at North Gage many years, where all his children were born. After his wife died he took his family to Bay City, where vVilliam C. was at work for Elijah Stanton in the lumber busi­ ness. Stanton had married Margaret Cruickshank, sister of his wife, and she was "good aunty" to his family.

No. 40 Elsie Read, daughter of William, born at North Gage, July 13th, 1805, died Jan. 13th, 1892, at Elba, N. Y. She married, Oct. 9th, 1828, Alexander l\'Iains, who was born Jan. 5th, 1806,

N. Y. His parents were John and Esther l\ilains. They had:

1. ELIZA MAISS (202-), Dec. 7, 1829. 2. POLLY MARIA MAT~S (203), Mar. 25, 1832. 3. ALVIRA MAI XS ( 204), Feb. 7, 1835; died .June 1, 1899. 4. CAROLrnE LAnXA (205), born Mar. 25, 1837. Alexander Mains moved from Trenton, N. Y., to Middle­ port, N. Y .. in 1834, and lived there or near there till 1873, when he moved to Shelby Center, where he died. He was a quiet, unassuming man, but of good native ability. His life ,...-as exemplary, both as a husband and a father and a citizen. He was converted in early life. and became a :Methodist of the old style. He was a fervent advocate of the Temperance work.

No. 41 Walter Read, son oi "\Villiam (5), born, his son says, June ]8th. 1805 (no record exists), at North Gage, died Sept. 16th, 70 THE DODD FAMILY.

1874, 1n St. Lawrence 'Co .. N. Y. Buried there. He married :Malvina Nelson, who ,vas horn Apr. 5th, 1811, and died l\Iar. 18th. 1888. in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. They had:

1. GoRTOX NELSOX ( 206), Sept. 27, 1840. 2. EDGAR (207), July 18, 1844. 3. HARRIET ELIZABETH (208), Mar. 1, 1846; died Nov. 21, 1878. 4. FRAXCIS EUGEXE (209), Apr. 26, 1852. Harriet was born in "\Vilna. Francis m Orleans, Jeff. Co .. N. Y. Walter Read lived in the later years in Jeff. Co., and St. Lawrence Co. He was invalid much of the· time, and his family had to help themselves as best they could.

No. 43 Nathaniel l{ead, son of William (5), born at North Gage, grew up there. He had to care for himself early in life. He took to peddling, and led a roving live. He found his way to his relatives in "\Vestern New York then to 1\1.ichigan and In­ diana, about 1834, but never returned or corresponded. Lewis Reed, son of Lewis, had a call from him in Goshen, Ind .. about 1844, '45. It is reported that he married, some say twice, that he had two children burned up in his house at South Bend, Ind. Some say he had a widow living in Detroit. "\¥hen his sister Louisa died, in 1892. the executor made diligent search for him in order to settle the .estate, but no information was obtained.

No. 44 Maria Wiser llead, daughter of "\Yilliam ( 5), born :Mar. 21st, 1817. at North Gage, died at Ashland. Greene Co., N. Y .. Nov. 3, 1899. She married, Oct. 17th. 1838, John Dodd, son of J airus and Sally (Davis) Dodd* of Holland Patent. He was born

*THE DODD F A::\IIL y .-This Dodd family trace back their line in America to Daniel Dod who appears at Branford, Conn., in 1646. He was one of the early Puritans of New England. He and his wife both died at Branford, but five of his seven children were in the READ GENEALOGY. 71

June 4th~ 1809, and died Dec. 9th, 1864, at Arcade, Wyoming Co .. X. Y., where he was minister of the Congregational Church. They-had:

1. HEX RY MARTYX Donn ( 210), Aug. 6, 1839. 2. HELEX MARIA DODD (211), Nov. 27, 1841; died Jan. 17, 1906. 3. MARY LoUISA DODD, (212), Nov. 14, 1844; died Mar. 14, 1868. 4. JoHX JAIRUS Donn (213), June 2, 1846; died Dec. 12, 1864.

:Maria Read was named Wiser after an esteemed neighbor. Jolin Dodd was a farmer's boy until about 20 years old and then began to seek an education. He became a student of the famous Oneida Institute at Whitestown, a manual labor and anti-slavery school, presided over by Rev. Beriah Green. · He taught one winter a select school at North Gage and Maria Read was his pupil, and they became engaged. Both of them were the subjects of the great revivals in Central New

colony that founded Newark, N. J., in 1667-8. Two of the sons were farmers and mechanics, and they and their sons took up and settled nearly a square mile of the outlying lands, where the Oranges, Bloom­ field, Montclair and Watsessing now are. Some of these lands are in possession of their descendants in an unbroken succession. They ,vere all active patriots in the Revolution. Three of the fifth gen­ eration emigrated to Oneida county among the earliest settlers, viz.: Rev. Bethuel Dodd, first pastor of the Presbyterian churches at Whites­ boro and Utica, 1793; Ebenezer_ Dodd. a shoemaker for 25 y,ears in Utica, 1800-1825, and Jairus Dodd, 1796. He settl_ed at Holland Patent about 1800, and _died there in ·1852. He was carpenter and farmer. elder of the church, justice of the peace, major of the militia, in the force that went to the relief of Sackets Harbor, Oct.-Nov., 1813. He married Jemima Williams of Orange, and had: 1. J OAX x A, never married. 2. \VILLI.BL married Sally Fenner Pearce. 3. ABIGAIL. married Hiram Follett. 4. ISAAC DAns, married Abby Crane. ::>. SARAH. married Royal Robbins. 6. A:.\IBROSE. married, first, Cornelia Early; second, Eliza Mc Comber. i. MosEs. married Juliette Cleveland. 8. JoHx. married Maria Read. 9. MARY, married Jonathan B. French. 10. NATHAXIEL. married Mary Ann Barnes. This family has a fine Genealogy, dated 1863. 72 RE-4-D GENEALOGY.

York, under the preaching of the celebrated evangelist Rev. Charles G. Finney, 1820-40. They followed :Mr. Finney to Oberlin, and were both academic students · there, and they were a part of the primitive life of Oberlin's beginnings. He studied theology with Finney, .Morgan and :Mahan.* )Ir. Finney married them, at the house of a Dr. Turner, near Elyria, and he was licensed by the Lorain (Congregational) Association, Oct. 11th, 1838, and ordained by the same body Sept. 4, 1840. His name does not appear as an Oberlin graduate, because of some technical rule that he violated, with the approval of his teachers. With this partial educational preparation·f he started out to preach the blessed Gospel. He and his wife were of one spirit. and he served Congregational churches at Guilford and Ridgeville, Ohio, at Franklin and Vernon Center in New York State, at Wellfleet, Mass., at Turner, Harrison and North Bridgton, in Maine, and Alexander and Arcade, in New York State. At the latter place he died aged 55. He and his youngest son died three days apart and were buried the same day. Ty­ phoid fever was then epidemic in town. His ecclesiastical relations were Congregational, though a member of Genesee Presbytery when he died. In his useful ministry:i: his wife was his efficient helper, and

*EARLY OBERLIN PIETY.-So intense was the religious life of Oberlin at that time, and so searching were the tests of conversion applied by the tea-chers, that many of the students gave up theh' Christian hopes and sought better ones. Maria was one of the latter, but John Dodd did not give up his. He had, when 7 or 8 years old given his heart to the Savior, at 10 had sought admission to the church, and been put off on account of youth, but had always clung to his boy­ hood hope. He kept it all through life, and on his death-bed made it his dependance. tPARTIAL PREPARATIOX.-John Dodd found in later life that his par­ tial educational preparation detracted from his usefulness in the min­ istry, and, at great cost, gave his son a full college course. tAxTI-SLAVERY PASTOR.-He was a zealous anti-slavery advocate and voted that party ticket when the party was small and despised. But he was not a Garrisonian Abolitionist, and had none of Garrison's spirit. THE CRUICKSH--LVK F A.Ii11LY. 73 her gift in prayer was always spoken of by all who heard her.

No. 45

Malintha ~ead, daughter of "\Villiam ( 5), born Dec. 9th, 1819, at North Gage, died :Mal'. 16th, 1884. Buried at North Gage. She married, July 3d, 18:38. James Cruickshank, son of David* and :Mary (Steph1:-nson) Cruickshank. He was born in Ireland Apr. 24th, 1800, and died Apr. 24th, 1877, on his 77th birthday. He is buried at North Gage. They had: 1. MELISSA Axx CRGICKSHAXK ( 214), Apr. 17, 1839. ~- JAMES MARTIX CRUICKSHANK (215), Nov. 29, 1840. 4. STEWART JESSE CRuICKSHA:S-K (216), Mar. 6, 1843. 5. JoHx Dono CRUICKSHA.J.'iK (217), Apr. 19, 1845; died Mar. 9, 1893. 5. MARIA ELIZABETH CRUICKSHANK (218), Apr. 21, 1847.

6. EMMA JAxE C:amcKs:S:AXK (219), July 10, 1849; died May 9. 1909. PJ ames Cruickshank took his father's farm, and by industry and good management added to it until it was a large and pro­ ductive property, wholly free of debt. He was an unassuming man but a good and useful citizen. He and his family were all -- active members of the Presbyterian Church.

He, with others, was on the way to attend the famous Anti-Slavery Convention that was drivcen out of Utica, Oct. 21, 1835, and met them going to Peterboro, to where they had been invited by Gerritt Smith. *THE CRUICKSHANK FAMILY.-David and Mary (Stephenson) Cruick­ shank were natives of Scotland and emigrated to Ireland, and thence to Salem, N. Y., and then to North Gage, in 1807, where they lived aIId died, he in 1847, she in 1855. Their sons were David, William, James, Samuel, John, Robert, Thomas. Their daughters were Eliza, Mary, Margaret. Eliza was the first wife of Gilbert Allen. Mary married Thomas Rowley. Margaret married John Davis. James was 7 years old when he came to North Gage. They were industrious, hard working people and staunch Presby­ terians. Robert M. married Elizabeth Pearce of Newport, and lived at North Gage, where he was a large farmer. Dairying is the chief business in North Gage. He died in 1886, she in 1855. Their son George C., born Feb. 21st, 1850, was a Whitestown Seminary student. He married, in 1875, Rachel Herpy, and has three children: J. Robert, Mary, Milton. 74 READ GE-SEA.LOGY.

No. 46 Louisa l{ead, born l\Iay 27 or 28, 1822. died .Jan. 12th, 1892. She never married but continued to reside at North Gage and vicinity among her relatives~ and helped them in Yarious ways. She was a hard worker and very saving. and at her death left about $4,000, all her own personal earnings, which, at her death~ she distributed by will to the relatives she had lived among.

No. 51

William l{ecord l{eed, son of '\Volcott (6), born :Mar. 1st, 1815. at North Gage, died :in Wales, N. Y., Dec. 19th, 1863. He married, Feb ..20th, 1839, Bersha Se;hermerhorn, daughter of Ryer I. Schermerhorn, brother of Jacob H. She ,vas born Dec. lsL lSl'L in Herk. Co. and died at Delevan. N. Y. He was named for "Uncle Record." They had:

1. MARTHA MARIA (220), Dec. 27, 1839; died Sept. 17, 1894. 2. ELGEXE WOLCOTT (221 L Sept. 12, 1841. 3. HERBERT ROSELLE (222), Aug. 24, 1843. 4. E:\DU JAXE (223), Sept. 21, 1845; died June 21. 1859. Sick only 36 hours. 5. WILLIAM ERVIX (224), Nov. 6, 1847. This family lived at Nor·th Gage, where he ,vas a farmer for many years. They ·then moved to "\Vales and lived not far from Israel's children. They were Baptists and active mem­ bt'rs at Newport, North Gage and \Vales. They and their chil­ dren haYe esteemed an education a desirable thing, and their postt>rity have made good 11se of their educational attainments. i No. 52

Lonson Patchen l{eed, son of vVolcott ( 6), born Mar. 7th, 1818, at North Gage, died in South Wales, July 11th, 1881. He married, Jan. 14th, 1848, Sophia Catherine Nihoff, at Palatine, READ GENEALOG I". 75

X. Y. She ,vas the daughter of John and Catherine Nihoff, Holland Dutch people who lived at Canajoharie, N. Y .. and was born Apr. 3d, 1824. They had:

1. MARY RoCELIA ( 225) , Aug. 25, 1848. 2. FANNY HELEN (226), Sept. 25, 1854. Lonson Read lived at North Gage for many years, then, with his brother, moved to Erie Co. and bought lands with his brother vVilliam, and Sept. 27th, 1848, bought out his brother, and con­ tinued to live on the same farm, near So. Wales, till he died. It is now owned by S. W. Ackley, who married his daughter Mary. The Nikoffs were shoemakers and lived at North Gage. His widow is still living (1912), at the age of 93, and retains the vivacity, life and interest of a person of 60. Her memory is clear and accurate, and she is a highly esteemed link be­ tween this and our older generations. This family, too, were Baptists, but now attend the Presbyterian church.

No. 54 Mary Eliza "lteed, daughter of ,v olcott ( 6), born Nov. 27th, 1824, North Gage, died July 5th, 1897, ,vales. She married, Aug. 13th. 1854, Charles Kinney, a farmer of \Vales. He is also dead. They had no children.

No. 55

Harriet J. ~eed, daughter of \Volcott ( 6), born Jan. 29th, 1826. )forth Gage, died June 30th, 1889. at her home, in the Tmn1 of Trenton, N. Y. She married. Feb. 10th, 1847, Addison Bt•ebe. son of Silas Beebe and Antha Pardee. He was born

D1.4 <.-. 4th. 1823, and died Apr. 6th, 1894. They are buried east of Cold Brook. They had:

1. FRANCES HARRIET BEEBE ( 227), June 4, 1850; died Feb. 28, 1904, un­ married. 2. ANTHA LUCELIA BEEBE (228), June 5, 1854. 76 READ GEXEALOGY.

3. MARY ELLA BEEBE (229)" Oct. 30, 1856. 4. TRU)IAN SILAS BEEBE ( 230), Nov. 3, 1858. Truman Beebe was a successful farmer, a good citizen, and. lived where his son nO'w liYes. He vvas a member of the Pres­ byterian Church at Holland Patent.

No. 56

Isaac Hetherington Read, son of Lewis (7), born Oct. 3d, 1808, North Gage, died Jan. 30th, 1883, in Illinois. He married, at Utica, N. Y., Harriet Esterbrooks, a native of Schenectady, born Oct. 27th, 1808, died Dec. 23d, 1870, Ill. They had:

1. •WESLEY SYLVESTER (231), Aug. 8, 1828; died Aug. 2, 1885. 2. ISAAC (J.) (232), Jan. 24, 1830. 3. CYNTHIA (233), --; died -- 4. H.A.lUUET (234), Nov. 27, 1835. The birth dates of Wesley and Isaac we are not sure of.

T TT n ..J , • ...J • TT..L • , T "1['T , , • ...... - ... .J.Saac .u.. u.eau 11veu 1n u t1ca, l'I • .r ., ana a1s0 1u 1~ ew Loncton, Oneida Co., N. Y. (near Utica), where he owned a house and lot, which he mortgaged, June 1st, 1835, to Luther ""\Yilmert. About 1857 he followed his children to Ill., lived on farm near Freeport, and at Lena, Stevenson Co. In his later years he was blind.

No. 57

Anna Eliza Read, daughter of Lewis (7), born Jan. 27th. 1810, at North Gage. died Dec. 20th, 1892, at Victoria, Ill. She married three times : (1) June 11th, 1829, Joseph Porter, from whom she ob­ tained a divorce. (2) l\Iay 5th, 1845, Chester Storrs "\Voodward, born --­ died Henry, Ill., Oct. 23d, 1873. (3) Sept. 13th, 1879, Dea. George H. Revnolds, born Oct. 10th, 1799, died April 1st, 1892. READ GE"}..-EALOGY. 77

She had, by l\lr. \Yoodward:

FRAXCIS WOODWARD (235), born Kendall, DI., Apr. 15, 1846; died Henry, Ill., Sept. 11, 1846. Her first marriage ·was in York State, the others in Ill. Dea. Reynolds was a member. of the Congregational Church.

No. 58 Catherine McKay flead, daughter of Lewis (7), born Feb. 7th, 1812, at North Gage, died June 26th, 1900, at Joliet, Ill. She married, J\Iar. 28th, 1832, John Green, who was born Aug. 2d, 1806, at Bethany, N. Y., and died Apr. 2d, 1900, at Joliet. They had:

1. ALPHOXSO GREEN {236), --; died in infacy. 2. RoXCEY ANNA GREEN (237), Jan. 26, 1835. 3. LEWIS LoRENZO GBEEN (238), --; died in infancy. 4. BURDETTE GREEN (239), --; died in infancy. 5. MARY EURETTA GREEN (240), Feb. 17, 1843; died Mar., 1901.

:Mr. Green was a wheelwright and inventor. He patented a spinning ~heel that worked with a treadle. He went to Cali­ fornia in 1849,--and stayed there five years. He also enlisted in 100th Ill. Reg., Co. D. Served about two years, was in no battles. Suffered a sunstroke and was discharged for ill health. He was a member of the New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian) Church, to which his family also adhered. She and her husband were in the party that came overland from North Gage, with her father's family, in wagons all the way, to JoUet. in 1837. She first joined the 1\i. E. Church when 17.

No. 59 Lewis ~ead, son of Lewis (7), born at North Gage, Apr. 16th, 1814, died at Joliet, Oct. 27th, 1847; buried there. He married Samanth Rogers in Joliet, and had: 1. DAUGHTER (241), ---; died before 1883. no children. 78 REA.D GENEALOGY.

Lewis Read was, like his father, a blacksmith, and lived in Utica., N. Y., then moved west. The wido,v married again. George Gridley of Crete. He was a Christian professor.

No. 60

~oxcena ~ead, daughter of Lewis (7), born Oct. 17th, 1819. at North Gage, died Jan. 27th, 1847, at Au Sable, buried at Joliet. She married, Feb. 28th, 18:38, Henry G. Brown, who died ---. They had :

1. W ARREX BROWX ( 242), about 1840; died 1892. 2. ALl\HRA BROW:X ( 243), NOV., 1842. 3. LEWIS OLIVER BROWX ( 244), Mar. 19, 1846; died Aug. 26, 1886. Henry Brown married again, Harrjet Hobbs, who is still living in Joliet.

No. 61

Francis Asbury ~ead, son of Lew·is (7), born Peb. 26th. 1822, North Gage, died Oct. 9th, 1902, Oak Park, Ill. He married (1) Narcissa Lee Nason, Jan. 1st, 1849. She ·was born July 22d, 1823, died Aug. 1st, 1860, Rockford. Ill. Her parents were John and Sylvia Nason. He married (2), Aug. 20th, 1861, Josephine B. Jordan, Rockford, born June -!th, 18:36, daughter of Eugene Bonaparte Jordan and Elizc1 beth A. Carpenter. By N arcissa he had:

1. ELLEX ADELE ( 245), July 1, 1850; died Sept. 28, 1851. 2. FRAXCIS ADELBERT (246), Aug. 27, 1852. 3. LEWIS ECGEXE (247), June 11, 1854; died Apr. 9, 1855. 4. HATTIE M. (248), Xov. 28, 1858; died July 3, 1859. 5. MARY NARCISSA ( 249), Mar. 30, 1860; died May 11, 1860. By Josephine he had:

6. HELEx N. (250), June 1, 1861; died Mar. 11. 1S72. 7. ALLIE MAY (251), :May 17, 1863; died May 9, 1892. READ GENE.A.LOGY. 79

8. FBAXCES JOSEPHIXE (252), Nov. 1, 1867. 9. ESTHER (253), Oct. 15, 1872.

Mrs. Read lives at Huntington Beach, Cal.

Francis Asbury Read was born and raised a Presbyterian at North Gage, and at the age of 15 moved with his parents to Joliet in 1837. He was eonverted that fall, and joined the M. E. Church, in Jan., 1838, the only church then in Joliet. Proving a good speaker, he was licensed as a local preacher in 1841, and in 1844 he joined the Rock River Conference in Northern Illinois, of which he continued an active and useful .member for more than 58 years, the last few of which, how- ever, he was retired from active work. He served some of the largest charges in the confereuce, some of them twice. Galena 2 years, Chicago 2 years, Batavia 5 years, Freeport 3 years and Rockford 7 years. He was Presiding Elder of Free­ port District 4 years. In Rockford he received over. 700 mem­ bers in full or on probation to the church. His was a most fruitful ministry. His letters sh.ow him to have been a humble, happy, con­ secrated Christian worker, an honor to the name and the Church of his love.

No. 64

William Whitehouse ~eed, son of Nathaniel (8), born Feb. 25th, 1816, at North Gage, died Dec. 7th. 1885, Cascade. She- boygan Co., '\Vis. Buried there. He married (1), June 5th,

1836. D(1 lia Fall. She died. and he married (2), ::\lar. 26th, 1846. Eliza Finch. i.vho is now dead.*

*THE NATHAXIEL REED BIBLE. at his death, was given to his youngest daughter, Mrs. Bartlett. At her death l\Ir. Bartlett gave it to William, as the oldest son. He gave it to his oldest daughter, Delia Hogue, and it was burned in the destruction of her home, 1906. 80 READ GE?-."EALOGY.

By first wife he haµ:

1. DELIA ELIZABETH ( 254), Oct. 13, 1838; died Aug. 23, 1887. 2. MARY DELIGHT (255), Aug. 3, 1842. By his second wife he had:

3. MELISSA FIXETTE ( 256), Aug. 8, 1852. "\Villiaip. Reed lived in Jeff. Co., N. Y., and emigrated to Wisconsin, 1840-50, and resided in Cascade. in which town he was a leading citizen.

No. 65

Noyes Lambert l{eed, s0n of Nathaniel (8L born Feb. 1st, 1818, at North Gage, died l\Iar. 7th, 1858, Birch Run, Mich. He married, :Mar. 5th, 1844, Jennett Tuttle, in Jeff. Co., N. Y, She was born Mar. 5th, 1826, and died l\1ar. 29th, 1890, in Mich. Her parents were Jeremiah Tuttle and Minerva Tanner. The;y had:

1. Et:"GEXE M. (257), Mar. 10, 1845; died Nov. 14, 1848. 2. ORVILLE 0RSIXE (258), Feb. 15, 1847. 3. ADELBERT ALBERTsox (259), July 13, 1849. 4. J.U1ES J.>\.SPER (260), Nov. 16, 1851. 5. AL~rA Axx (261), Nov. 24, 1854; died Jan. 26, 1857. 6. ROSETTA MIXERVA (262), June 2, 1858. This record we took from the family chart. They had it that Noyes was born Feb. 2d. 1818, but we give the date as in his father's record as more likely to he correct. The four oldest were born in Omar, Jeff. Co., N. Y. The two younger in Birch Run. After nir. Reed's death :Mrs. Reed married again lVIr. Lonsby, and had two sons. Lorenzo Lonsby and Charles Lonsby. Noyes Reed came to Biri::h Run. Saginaw Co .. and took up Government lands, by hard ·work cleared them of their heavy timber~ and his sons are nov,· rejoicing in fine. valuable farms and prosperous times. READ GE-XEA.LOGY. 81

No. 66

Lois Ann l{eed, daughter of Nathaniel (8), born Aug. 24th, 1820, Orleans, X. Y., died July 21st, 1884, Erie, Kansas. She married, Feb. 28th, 1841, Benjamin Finch, born at New York, Nov. 25th, 1819, died Feb. 4th, 1890, at Erie. They had:

1. A.c~N-ELIZA FINCH (263), Dec. 7, 1843. 2. MARY ELITHA FINCH (264), Dec. 7, 1844. 3. RICHARD FINCH (265), --; died 1 day old. 4. NATHANIEL JoNAH FINCH (266). Dec. 28, 1850. l 5. EMMA JANE FINCH (267), Dec. 28, 1850. ) 6. DIANA MARAXDA FINCH (268), 1851; died 1852. 7. LEWIS WILLIAM FINCH (269), Jan. 8, 1853; died 1871, unmarried. 8. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FINCH (270), Jan. 3, 1855. 9. CHARLES WESLEY FINCH (271), Nov. 9, 1857; died 1858. 10. AMIE DICKERMAN FINCH (272), Mar. 10, 1859; died 1860.

The first two were born at Rossie, N. Y., the next three at Ennisville, Can., the next at Granby, N. Y., the rest in Peoria Co., Ill. He was a farmer.

No. 67

Spencer DeWitt l{eed, son_of Nathaniel (8), born June 9th, 1822, Orleans, N. Y., died Apr. J;1th, 188~. He married, Dec. 22d, 1845, Sarah Florinda Sheldon, daughter of Benjamin Barber Sheldon and Sally Duane. She is dead. They had:

1. SAnms ALnRo (273), July 3, 1849. 2. MARTHA A. (274), Aug. 18, 1850. 3. CARRIE A. (275), Apr. 26, 1856. 4. SARAH FRAXCES (276), Jan. 9, 1863.

Spencer Reed and Lewis Reed married sisters. ::.\Ir. Sheldon was deacon of Baptist Church at LafargeYille, X. Y. ~Ir. Reed spent his 1,yhole life in Jeff. Co .. ·was a farmer. 82 READ GENEALOGY.

No. 68

Maranda l{eed, daughter of Nathaniel (8), born June 4th, 182-t Orleans, N. Y., died Nov. 9th, 1889, lVIarseilles, Ill. She married, Oct. 3d, 1853, at Orleans, N. Y., Jessie E. l\fick. Their children were born in lVIiller, LaSalle Co., Ill. They had: 1. ADA MICK (277), Sept. 15, 1854; died Oct. 3, 1854. 2. MAY EMMA MICK (278), Oct. 12, 1855; died Nov. 24, 1887. 3. SPENCER EUGENE MICK (279), Sept. 13, 1857. 4. JESSE LEWIS MICK (280), Mar. 31, 1859; died Feb. 17, 18--. 5. EDDY CLAY MICK (281), June 19, 1860; died Apr. 4, 1872. 6. JOSEPHINE AMY MICK (282), Aug. 20, 1861. 7. ALZINA ELITHA M1CK (283), Aug. 24, 1864. i 8. CLARA ADELIA MICK (284), Aug. 24, 1864. 5 Died Dec. 5, 1876. Alzina Elitha ~lick. in 1891, lived at lv'Iarseilles, Ill.

No. 70

Lewis Edwin l{eed, son of Nathaniel (8), born June 25th, 182K at vVatertown, N. Y. He married, Dec. 15th, 1853, A.lzina Lemira Sheldon of Lafargeville, daughter of Benjamin Barber Sheldon and Sally Duane. She was born Aug. 3d, 1833, and died Sept. 18th, 1905. They had :

1. BERTIE (285), Jan. 19, 1_863; died small. 2. MYRA MABEL (286), Oct. 20, 1865. 3. FRED SHELDON ( 287), May 8, 1868. 4. JULI.\. ELinB. ( 286), Dec. 24, 1870; died Apr. 15, 1904. 5. SARAH RErlF.CCA (2S9), July 19, 1874. Le,vis Reed has been carpenter and farmer, but is now in­ firm and lives with his son hvo miles from vYatertown, in Pamelia. Lewis Reed and his sister Elitha (Gordon) are the only survivers of the third generation'. numbering 67. Myra Reed lives with her father. They are Prot. :l\Iethodists and exemplary Christians. THE BA.R:tLET'l' FAMILY. 83

No. 72 Nathaniel Record Reed, son of Nathaniel (8), born Oct. 3d, 1832, in Pamelia, N. Y., died Aug. 24th, 1870, and is buried at Omar. He married Apr. 22d, 1861, Mary Lavina Beckwith, daughter of .Elijah and Betsey (Hinds) Beckwith. She was born Apr. 20th, 1841, near "\Vatertown. They had: 1. ALBERT ELIJAH (290), June 9, 1864. 2. DORA M. (291), May 14, 1866, died Jan. 22, 1883. 3. GEORGE NATHANIEL (292), June 13, 1870. l\fr. Reed was a member of the Baptist church and a farmer. He died aged 38. lVIrs. Reed married Lafayette Hawn in 1880, and lived with him till Nov. 13th, 1892, when he died. They had no children. They moved to Iowa, and she now lives with her children there.

No. 73 Cordelia Elitha Reed, daughter of Nathaniel (8), born :Mar·. 24th. 1834, in Pamelia, N. Y. Married Hollis Gordon, Nov. 3d, 1859. He was b_orn Apr. 1st, 1821. The son of Andrew and Charlotte (l\Iix) Gordon. They had:

1. LOTTIE MAY ( 293), June 24, 1863. Lottie 1\Iay Gordon live~ ,,:ith her parents. She is a dress­ maker. Their home is in Lafargeville, N. Y.

No. 75 Frances Eliza Reed, daug·hter of )Jathaniel (8), born Nov. 28. 18:38. in Pamelia. X. Y., and died Aug. 28th, 1867, in Cas­ cade. \Vis. She married, ~..\pr. 10th, 1856, Leon C. Bartlett,*

*THE BARTLETT PEDIGREE.-Ira Bartlett, father of Leon c., was born in Ver., 1793, and came to Jeff. Co., N. Y., about 1811 to live. He was in the Sackets Harbor Battle. He died in 1863, on Wolf Island, St. Lawrence River. Ira Bartlett's father John Bartlett served in the Rev. ·war under Stark at Bennington and at Saratoga. John Bartlett's father, Josiah, was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. 84 THE BAR'l'LETT FA.JllLY. born Apr. 10th, 1834, in, Jeff. Co., X. Y. Son of Ira Bartlett and Asenath Snow. Children were born in Cascade, "\Vis. They had:

1. EUGEXE REED BARTLETT (294), Apr. 10, 1857; died July 22, 1892. 2. E:\I:.\IA E. R-\RTLETT (295), Sept. 12, 1858; died June 5, 1859. 3. LEw1:s ALBERT BARTLETT (296), June 11, 1860; died Feb. 22, 1862. 4. WILLIAM L. BARTLETT (297), July 6, 1867; died July 23, 1867. Frances Reed met 1\1r. Bartlett as her teacher for two terms of their district school in v;hich she was a pupil. He was 22 4nd she 17 when married. They ·went at once to Cascade, \Yis., and it was their home five years. He then enlisted and took her to her kindred in New York, to live while he was gone. He was five years in the war, and then they went back to Cas­ cade to live. There he has ever since lived, and been Grocer, Druggist, Postmaster (1890), and leading citizen generally. She died in 1866, aged 28, but he has married again and has other children. He gives us his military record thus: Enlisted as Private, Co. C, 4th Wis. Cavalry, in which he was promoted to Corporal, Sergeant, Orderly Sergeant, 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut., Brevet Cap­ tain. He was mustered out May 28th, 1866. He was in 17 battles or skirmishes, viz: New Orleans; Batan Rouge; hvo assaults, Port Hudson; two battles, Clinton, La.; Liberty, l\Iiss.; Vicksburg; Brisland, La.; Bonnet La Clare; ::.\Io bile. He was twice enrolled -on Roll of Honor, by Gen. Banks and Bailey, for conspicuous bravery, at Port Hudson and Liberty, Miss. He now resides at Cascade, "\,Vis.

No. 76

Betsey Ann Reed, daughter of Benjamin (9). born at \Yales, X. Y., Jan. 1st, 1820, died at Plymouth. Incl., soon after ht•r second marriage. She married (1), l\Iar. 29th, 1835, in Detroit, James Jeremiah Bennett, who died Sept. 23d, 1889. They had: READ GENEALOGY. 85

1. BEXJAM!X FRAXELIX BEXXETT (2G8), May, 1837. 2. J A~IES RICH~IOXD BEXXETT ( 299), Feb. 2.5, 1839. She married (2), Feb. 28th, 1840, Peter Crumb, :M. D., "a good doctor and a good man,'' who lived many years after her death, and married again. He is now dead. }Hr. Bennett '' came from England when grown," with a brother. He was a painter by trade, and was killed by the fall of a scaffold. His house burned, and with it his family history. The second son's birth date is somewhat conjectural.

No. 77 Israel ~eed, son of Benjamin (9), born in Erie Co., N. Y., :Mar. 27th, 1822, died Aug. 18th, 1890, at Bourbon, Ind. He married, Jan. 27th, 1840, :Margaretta Cruzan, born June 22d, 1821, in Ohio, died Jan. 26th, 1884. Her parents were Benjamin Cruzan and Sarah Bell Mcl\fichael, the former of French blood, the latter Scotch. They had:

1. AMANDA MELISSA ( 300), Aug. 12, 1841. 2. SARAH ANGELINE (301), Aug. 16, 1843; died Jan. 21. 1903. 3. EVENTUS FLETCHER (302), July 28, 1846. 4. LCCRETIA JANE (303), Apr. 3, 1849; died in infancy. 5. LAURA MARIA (304), Oct. 27, 1855; died -- 6. MARY JOSEPHINE ( 305), Sept. 3t. 1858; died Sept., 1893. 7. LURA ELMA (306), Sept. 14, 1866. Israel Reed's wife was sister to Laura .A.nn Reed's husband. Israel lived at Bourbon, was a farmer, and member of M. E. Church. In war times he was called ouf to help protect In­ dianopolis.

No. 78 Nancy Lucinda Reed, daughter of Benjamin (9), born _Jan. 6th, 1823, in Erie Co., N. Y., died :Mar. 6th, 1890, Columbia, Okla. She married, Jan. 27th, 1840, Grandison Moss Merrill, born Jan. 7th, 1813, at Newburyport, l\:Iass., died Oct. 11th, 86 THE GRANDISON M. MERRILL FAMILY.

1865, "Baker Battle Field," :Mont. He was the son of James Nathaniel l\1errill and Susan Perry. They had:

1. JAMES NATHANIEL MERRILL (307). 2. WILLIAM HENBY HARRISOX MERRILL ( 308), NOV. 2, 1844. 3. BENJAMIN ADDISON MERBlLL (309), Mar. 3, 1846. 4. SA.RAH JANE MERRILL (310), Jan. 15, 1849. 5. LUCY MARIA ME.imILL (311), Oct. 17, 1854. 6. WA.BREN MEBBU.Y. (312), --; died Feb. 4, 1868. 7. AARON NEWTON MERRILL (313), Oct. 28, 1858. 8. MARLON GRANDISON MERRILL (314), May 18, 1869. 9. ERNEST CLIFTON l\'fEB'.RIT.L (315), June 8, 1864.

She was 17 when married, he 27. Their earlier life was in Indiana, where most of their children were born. They later lived in Waterloo, Iowa, in Ce

After Mr. 1\:Ierrill 's four years active service 111 the Civil War, he had an honorable discharge. .His health was very poor. Just then a party of government surveyors and some emigrants were looking out a route for the first Pacific R. R. overland. The Government furnished them an escort, and l\'Ir. :Merrill enlisted in the escort, believing that the mountain air would benefit his health. Thev sta.rtecl lVlav 1st. 1865. and '1 Ill • , being a surveying party progress ,vas necessarily slow. They reached Little Horn River, when Indians began to trouble them, and when they got to the Big Horu the Indians were so threatening that they entrenched aud sent to Fort L.aramie for help. The Indians attacked and killed five of the soldiers, READ GENEALOGY. 87

one of whom was Mr. :Merrill. They ,vere buried on the Battle­ field, 60 miles east of Helena, Mout. Warren died in Chillicothe, Mo. James, the oldest son, was in the Kansas Home Guards, and served his time out, at the beginning of the war. A year later he enlisted in a Kansas Reg., and was sent south. The last the family heard of him was from :Memphis, Tenn. He then was not well. His letters ceased to come, nor was any record or report of him or his death ever received. He probably is dead.

No. 79

Laura Ann Reed, daughter of Benjamin (9), born Dec. 2d, 1824, in Erie 90., N. Y., died Nov. 21st, 1848. She married, 1840, Andrew Jackson Cruzan, who was born in Ohio, lVIay 10th, 1818. He died May 9th, 1902. They had :

1. LEANDER CRUZAN (316), Nov. 13, 1841. 2. Lucy MARIA CRUZAN (317), Oct. 21, 1842. l 3. SARAH BELL CRUZAN (318), Oct. 21, 1842. 5 Died 6 months old. 4. LAUBA ANN CRU?_AN (319), Nov. 10, 1848. Mr. Cruzan was a farmer, and a Methodist in religion. • No. 80

Martin Stryker Reed, son of Benjamin _(9), born Feb. 15th, 1827, in Erie Co., N. Y., died June 4th, 1910, at Bourbon. He married (1) Fanny Emeline To-wn, Apr. 7th, 1848, who died Oct. 8th, 1890. He married (2), about 1896, Mrs. Jane Taft, whose maiden name was Cushma11. She died Feb. 15th, 1911. He had by his first wife :

1. MARGARET ELLE::S- (320), May 11, 1849. 2. CHARLES WARREN (321), Mar. 14, 1851. 3. ALBERT MAXWELL (322). May 11, 1852. 4. ELIJAH MARTIN (323), Sept. 5, 1854. 5. OuvE RoxA.:.~A (324), Sept. 30, 1856. 88 THE GR.AST FAMILY.

6. RICHARD ( 325), Apr. 24, 1.858. 7. WILLIA~! HENRY HARRISON (326), Dec. 31, 1859. 8. ROSE MELVIN (327), Oct. 7, 1861. :;_uartin Reed was an unusually versa tile and successful farmer and trader, and divided among his children a very large estate. Their farms are fertile and productive, and they are leading men in their town.

No. 84

Eliza Jane Reed, daughter of Benjamin (9), born Mar.14th, 1837, in Detroit. She married, Nov. 17th, 1853, Aaron J. Grant, born June 25th, 1830, at Allianee, Ohio, son oi Stacy Grant and Hannah Zelly. They had :

1. MA.RIA. GR.A.NT (328), Feb. 17, 1857; died Sept. 24, 1862. 2. BE.:.~JAMIN STACY GRANT (329), Mar. 1, 1859. 3. HENBIETTA GRANT (330), Nov. 9, 1860; died Oct. 4, 1862. 4. LUELLA MAY GRANT. (331), Oct. 9, 1865. :Mr. Grant is a farmer, a Baptist, who has resided in Bour­ bon, Valparaiso, Ind., and now lives in Howard, Kansas. He is a direct descendant of the ancestor of General Ulysses S. Grant.

No. 86

William Henry Harrison ~eed, son of Benjamin (9), was born l\'Iar. 15th, 1839, in Plymouth, Ind. He married, Dec. 4th, 1858, Eliza Ann Deemer, born in Ohio, Aug. 15th, 1840, and died Aug. 13th, 1910, in :Miami, Okla. She was daughter of Peter and Lydia Deemer. They had:

1. GEORGE ABBA (332), 'Dec. 14, 1859. 2. ROSE MARY (333), Oct. 1, 1861. 3. Lo-ms OTTO (334), Jan. 6, 1867. 4. MAUD JANE (335), Nov. 2, 1873. 5. LYDIA ELLA (336), Oct. 14, 1880; died Oct. 16, 1882. THE KELLER FAMILY. 89

The three older children were born on the same farm he ·was, near Bourbon, Ind. Maud Jane in Kansas, and Lydia Ella in ~Io. He lived in Ind.; Gerard, Kan.; Webb City, :Mo., and now resides at :Miami, Okla. He writes himself down as a ''Spiritualist.'' He was the only soldier of the Reed boys, and served with his brother-in-law, John Keller, in the same company, 73d Ind. Reg. Their first battle was Richmond, Ky., then Crab Orchard, Twin Springs, Stone River. Then he was attached to Strait's Brigade, and sent to Paducah, on a raid to Rome, Ga., had a fight at Horse Shoe Cove, Blunts Farm, were captured next morning near Rome, paroled and sent to Cin­ cinnati, and then to Indianapolis, and then to Nashville, and then put on garrison duty, guarding railroads. Their officers were all in Libby Prison for 18 months. He was discharged July, 1865. He now resides at 1\rliami, Okla.

No. 87

Candes Adeline ~eed, daughter of Benjamin (9), born Jan. 29th, 1845, at Bourbon, Ind., died July 24th, 1905, Kansas City, l\ilo. She married, Feb. 25th, 1862, at Bourbon, John Keller, born in Neiderwetz, Germany. They had:

1. JOHN ELLSWORTH KELLER (i37), Dec. 6, 1862; died Sept. 25, 1S63. 2. ALBERT J. KELLER (338), Oct. 14, 1866; died Jan. 5, 1867. 3. DORA BELLE KELLER (339), May 8, 1868. 4. MARY ETTA KELLER ( 340), Oct. 28, 1870; died Aug. 25, 1873. 5. CLARENCE ELMER KELLER (341), Jan. 5. 18i4.} Died Mar. 13, 1874. 6. CL.ARA. ELMA KELLER (342), Jan. 5th, 1874. Died Mar. 14, 1874. 7. NORA KATHERINE KELLER (343), Aug. 17, 1875. 8. LUCY JANE KELLER (344), July 16, 1879. 9. FLORENCE HARRIET KELLER (345), July 9, 1881. She was a devoted member of the United Brethren Church, and died in peace. :Mr. Keller came to America when 11 years old~ and at the age of 16 went to live with Benjamin Reed, whose younger daughter he married. Beside Bourbon, Ind., 90 READ GENEALOGY. he has lived in Howard,, Kansas, and now resides in Kansas City, where he is connected with the County Clerk's office, and is active in political work, as a Republican. He was also a soldier, in Co. D., 73 Ind. Reg. '\Vas in Libby Prison nine days,· and then exchanged. He served to the close of the war. He and his brother-in-law, '\V. H. H. Reed, were in the same Co., and reference may be had to the record of lvir. Reed for :Mr. Keller's record.

'No. 88

John Garner Mason, son of Eliza Read (10), born Aug. 14th, 1815, at Strykersville, N. Y., died l\:Iar. 2, 1889,. at Aurora, Neb. He married (1), July 8th, 1838, Caroline Stryker, daughter of Garrett Stryker (first settler), horn lVIar. 21st, 1814, died Aug. 3d, 1857, in Ill., leaving a babe a few months old. He married (2), Mar. 30th, 1879, in Chicago, an English woman. Helena Boice, who died in 1879. The children were all by Caroline Stryker:

1. CHARLES G. MASON (346), Aug. 12, 1839; died Aug. 24, 1839. 2. SETH MARTIN MASON (347), Mar. 11, 1841. 3. CHARLOTTE AMELIA MASON (348), Oct. 9, 1842. 4. CHLOE ROSELLA MASON (349), Feb. 8, 1845; died May 24, 1907. 5. GARDNER MASON (350), May 25, 1847. 6. CHARLES WILLIAM MASON:, (251), Nov. 29, 1853. 7. GEORGE FRANKLIN MASON (352), Feb. 22. 1857. l\'.Ir. John G. Mason moved with his family to Ill. about 1851, and lived at So. Grove, Ill.; Creston, Ill.; Bradshaw, Neb., where he died. His occupation was that of a farmer and his church Baptist.

No. 89

Israel lleed Mason, son of Eliza (10), born Mar. 1st, 18171 at '\Vales, N. Y., died in Indiana, Nov. 26th, 1838. He married, THE MA.SON FAJIILY. 91

July 11th, 1838, Emeline Sacket. 'They ha

No. 90

l{iley Eaton Mason, son of Eliza Reed ( 10), born in Wales, N. Y., Apr. 1st, 1819, died Apr. 12th, 1890, at Grundy Center, Iowa. He married, Jan.13th, 1841, Sally :M:aria Clark, daughter of Lyman Clark and Eleanor Cooper. She was born Feb. 21st, 1820, at Holland, N. Y., died Feb. 6th, 1889) Iowa. They had:

1. LYDIA ELEANOR MASON (353), Mar. 30, 1842; died Oct. 27, 1892. 2. CECIL DWIGHT MASON (354), May 22, 1846; died Oct. 13, 1904. 3. SOPHIA MAY MASON (355), .Tune 18, 1848. 4. EVELYN LOUISE MASON (356), Sept. 25, 1850. 5. ALzADE MASON ( 357), Oct. 2, 1852. 6. VESTA AMANDA MASON (358), Nov. 25, 1854. 7. FRANK RILEY MASON (359), Oct. 1, 1857. 8. CARRIE ALICE MASON (360), Mar. 13, 1860. 9. CHARLES IRVIN MASON (361), Apr. 9, 1863.

Riley Mason" was a farmer who lived in Holland and Java., N. Y., till 1857, when he moved to Waterloo, Iowa, and then to Grundy Centre, where he and his wife died. Eliza Reed :Mason and her husband lived the last few years of their life ·with Riley, in Iowa, and arc buried there. His children were all born in New York, except the two younges~ who were born in Iowa.

No. 91

Charles William Mason, son of Eliza Reed ( 10), born 1\'lay 18th, 1821, at '\,Vales, died Oct. 24th, 1899. at E . .Aurora, N. Y. He married, Sept. 11th, 1842, Julia Ann Clark daughter of Lyman and Eleanor (Cooper) Clark. She was born Nov. 7th, 1821, died Jan. 21st, 1875. They had: 92 READ GENEA.LOGY.

1. ?.L-\RCt.7S CLARK MA.SOX (362), June 6, 1844. 2. E:\DL~ JAXE MA.SOX (363), May 22, 1846. 3. LA'CRA EDXA MASOX (364), June 20, 1850. 4. STELLA HELEX MASOX (365), Apr. 2, 1853. 5. WALLACE NOR:'.\!AX MASOX (366), Dec. 20, 1855. 6. HAYDEX KXEELAXD MA.SOX (367), Aug. 8, 1857. Stella Helen is not married. She lives in Boston, and is a nurse. Two of these sons became Baptist ministers. One of them, :Marcus, a pioneer missionary to Tura Assam, India, in 1874.

No. 93 Sally Ann Mason, daughter of :Eliza Reed (10), born May 2d, 1825, at Wales, died l\lfar. 30th, 1909. :Married, Feb. 14th, 1850, James G. Klock, born Dec. 29th, 1826, at Java, died Feb. 23d, 1911, at Emporia, Kan. She died at Orloff, California. He was a son of Peter G. Klock u.ud :Margaret '\:Vinegar, and traces back to "Mohawk Dutch." They had:

1. ANN ELIZA KLOCK ( 368), Dec. 7, 1850. 2. JAMES EUGENE KLocK (369), Mar. 27, 1855. 3. MABY I. KLoCK ( 3 7 0), Dec. 23, 1858. He was at one time in a Woolen lVIill. Later a farmer, and moved to Waterloo, Iowa, 1857; Kansas, 1871. He was a Baptist.

No. 95 George Chauncey Mason, son of Eli:.rn Reed (10), born Oct. 6th, 1831, at Wales. Married, Sept. 7th, 1852, Rachel Lorette Steele, daughter of Daniel Steele and Hannah Hadley. She was born June 23d, 18B3, and died at Strykersville, July 20th, 1901. They had:

1. Ju'"LIA MARIA MASON (371), Oct. 21, 1853; died Aug. 2, 1873. 2. ALTA. LORETTE MASON (372), June 30, 1855; died Jan. 21, 1859. 3. ALICE IRE~E MASOX (373), May s, 1857; died Jan. 20, 1859. THE J1ASOX FA.JULY. 93

4. MERCY ADELLE MASOX (374), Apr. 4, 1859; died July 5, 1859. 5. ELLS,VORTH THEROX MASOX (375), 1\'Iay 29, 1861; died Mar. 2, 1886. 6. ATWOOD SAl\luEL 1\fasox (376), Dec. 28, 1864; died July 12, 1873. 7. MARY ELIZA MASOX (377), June 22, 1870. Ellsworth and his father were ardent Temperance men. Ellsworth was a very promising young man, and was killed by the falling of a limb of a tree as he was at work in the woods. Three of the little ones of this family died within six months_ of each other. 1\1r. :Mason is an actiYe Baptist, and now lives at Java Village, with his daughter :Mary E. Nichols. He is one of the few remaining links to the first generation of Reeds. Israel Reed's widow lived with his mother for a time and Geo. l\Iason 's memory is clear and well stored. "Redeat Serus in Celo."

No. 96 - Andrew Brooks Mason, son of Eliza Read (10), born Nov. 18th, 1833, at "\Vales, died Nov. 12th, 1902, at Toledo, Ohio. He married, Nov. 18th, 1858, Nancy Clark, daughter of Lyman Clark and Eleanor Cooper. She was born Aug. 18th, 1832, at Holland, N. Y. They had :

1. ELLIS EYERETT l\fasox ( 378), l\fay 11, 1860. 2. HERBERT LB"COLX MASOX ( 379 )~ Oct. 8, 1881; died June 8, 1883. 3. LY~IAX CLARK MA.SOX (380), Sept. 4. 186!). 4. FLORA l\'l.Asox (381), Dec. 22, 1871. Brooks l\Iason ,vorked on the home farm, attended district school, attended the Select School of .l.\Iiss Paxton and l\Iiss Friend at :l\ledina: N. Y. Judson ,Varner of "Silver Bill" fame ,vas seat-mate, and room-mate at Beloit. "\Yhi1e yet 16 he taught, successfully~ a school of the "throw-the-teacher-out" type~ in Ill. The next year he taught the Strykersville school. About 1852 he entered Beloit College, ,Vis. In 1853 he was student at "\Yyoming Academy, N. Y. He then studied medicine with Dr. Ives at Strykersville about t,Yo years. In 1857-1858 he 94 REA..D GENEALOGY. studied medicine at Ann' Arbor, and began practice at Creston, Ill., where his brother, John G. l\Iason, lived. He married a Java (N. Y.) girl, and the next spring, 1859, with a colony of relatives, located in Irvington, Iowa, as a doctor, school teacher, Justice of the Peace and farmer. In the spring of 1863 he located at Waterloo, Iowa, and began dentistry. In this art he was very successful, and was active as a member and officer of the State Society. He felt keenly his responsibility in the practice of medicine, and pre­ ferred, on this account, dentistry. He became a Good Templar, sang tenor in church choir, and foarned music in a school led by the celebrated Geo. F. Root. He was also in the Iowa l\ililitia, ready, if called for, to go to the war. His home in "\Va.terloo burned Jan. 14th, 1874. He moved at once to Springfield, Ohio, antl continued his pro­ fession there. He also went into bee culture and poultry rais­ ing, and became an expert on bee matters. He also manu­ factured a honey extractor. He located, in the fall of 1879, at Auburndale, then a suburb of rroledo, but now a part of the city. Here he continued his dentistry ,vork and became a leading man in his profession. He also kept up his bee work, and became well known in the state and nation and even the old ,Yorld as an apiarist. He was post-maste:r at Auburndale. He was converted in his youth and joined the Baptist church at Strykersville, in the fall of 1853. ..All through his life lived an active Christian life in church and community, having been deacon, church clerk. S. S. superintendent, and secretary and treasurer of the Toledo Baptist Association. He never used profanity, intoxi­ ta.ting liquors, or tobacco, and not even tea or coffee. The ending of this useful life ,vas sad. Returning home one eYening he ,vent into the rear kitchen, with a lighted lamp, "·here there was a natural gas stove, from which some gas had escaped. A severe explosion followed. which burned him THE MASON FAMILY. 95 severely. The shock was too great, and in· a few days this loving husband and father, faithful Christian, tr'!}e friend and citizen, esteemed by all who knew him, was called from earth to his heavenly home. He felt no fear, however, for he knew in whom he had believed, and was persuaded that He was able to keep that trust he had committed unto Him, against that day. Herbert :Mason died of meningitis. Flora Mason is clerk in the office of a large dry goods house in Toledo. She is a member of the Baptist church.

No. 97

Merrills Lovell Mason, son Eliza Reed (10), born Sept. 18th, 1835, "\,Vales, N. Y., died Jan. 10th, 1865, in Savannah or Charles­ ton Hospital. He married July 8th, 1851 (1857 n, :Minerva Decker, in Ill., born Oct. 10th, 1837, died :Mar. 6th, 1888. They had:

1. FRAXK HOWARD MASOX (382), May 18, 1858. 2_. WILLIA~I BYROX MASOX (383), Sept. 9, 1860. 3. CAROLIXF. BELLE MASOX (384), Apr. 9, 1862.

His nephew says, "Uncle- :Merrill ::Mason was one of those large, strong, straight men, and made a fine soldier. He was brave, and would face almost anything without flinching.'' . He was among the first to enlist and joined the 105th Ill. Reg., and ranked as Sergeant. He was shot in the foot as he lay in his tent on Sherman's l\:Iarch to the Sea, by the accidental discharge of a gun, ,vhich one of his comrades had been hand­ ling. His leg \vas amputated and after some months he died from the effects, in a hospital. His widow married John i\loyer and moved to Iowa. 96 THE L0SY0 FA.JULY.

No. 98 Judson Warren Mason, son of Eliza Reed (10), born 1Iay 13th, 1838, at ,Yales, died Oct. 18thi 1898. He married )Iary A. Hiller. They had:

1. JoHX H. MASOX (385), Jan.6.1865; died Feb. 4. 1908.- 2. WILLIAM 0. MASOX (386), Jan. 29, 1867. 3. CHARLES E. l\fasox (387), Oct. 25, 1S71. She lives at Los Angeles, Cal., 802 E. 1-±th Street.

No. 100 Angeline Read, daughter of vYarren (11), born Jan. 19th, 1823, at \Vales, N. Y., died Apr. 27th, 1887, at Detroit. She married, at Detroit, Louis Lonyo, who was born Aug. 9th, 1815, and died Oct. 4th, 1884. They had:

1. BETSEY Lo::no ( 388), ---; died aged 3. 2. AXDREW WARREX LOXYO (389), July 28, 18;')0. 3. Lucy LoxYo (390), Sept. 17, 1854; died Jan. 24, 1887. 4. ALBERT LONYO (391), Aug. 9, 1855. 5. 0RISSA LOXYO (392), --; died aged about 18. 6. Lons LoxYo (393), Nov. 27, 1859. 7. JULIA LOXYO (394), Apr. 22, 1864. Louis Lonyo was from a French family who had settled as farmers at "Spring ·v{ells," near "'\Varren Read's home. Nominally they were. Roman Catholjcs, but do not adhere to their church, and their posterity are of variuus religious pref­ erences. Their land ,vas favorable to the brick-making in­ dustry, and nearly all the present generation are, in oue way and another, connected with that business: in ,Yhich they have prospered very well. The '' Lonyo Brick Company'' is one of

the solid industries of Detroit. The .,vounger ..._. .._generations haYe had good academic training. The old Lonyo house at '' Spring ,Yells'' burned a fevi· years ago and ,vith it perished both Read and Lonyo records and papers. It has not been rebuilt. READ GEXEALOGY. !:17

No. 101 Anson Reed, son of Warren (11), born l\Iar. 4th, 1824, at "\Vales, died l\'.lar. 3d, 1902. He married (1) ---. They had:

1. DAUGHTER (395), died small. 2. DAUGHTER ( 396), died small. He married (2), Apr. 26th, 1857, l\ilary Harriet Thayer, daughter of --- Thayer, born near Syracuse, N. Y., .Apr. 23d, 1823, and died Feb. 6th, 1904, at Bourbon. r_i_~hey had:

3. Lucy ESTHER (397), Feb. 28, 1858; died Aug. 14, 1858. 4. HARRIET MARIE (398), May 25, 1859. 5. FLoRA ESTELLE (399), Feb. 27, 1863; died Feb. 8, 1904. 6. GEORGE HERBERT ( 400), Sept. 24, 1864; died Dec. 21, 1891. .Anson Read was a soldier in the 73d Reg. Indiana. :Miss Harriet :Marie Reed has a home in Bourbon.

No. 106 Julia Ann Reed, daughter of "\Varren (11), born at Detroit, and died in D~troit, about July, i857. She married John Stead, who died. They had:

1. E:-.BrA STEAD ( 401), May 28, 1854; died about 1907. 2. BESSIE AXGELINE ( 402), :i.\far. 23, 1857. John Stead married again, and had more children.

No. 108 Joseph Addison Reed, son of Charles (12), born Sept. 15th, 1823, in ,Vales, died in Java, Feb. 28th, 1897. He married, Sept. 18th, 1846, Rosetta Brown, daughter of Jonas Brown. She was born in New Hampshire, Feb. 9th, 1824, and died in Java, :March 28th, 1897. 1\Ir. Bro-wn moYed to Java, 1826. They had:

1. MARY JAXE ( 403), Apr. 13, 1848. 2. WEBSTER ( 404). 98 READ GEXEA.LOGY.

No. 109 Catherine Reed, daughter of Charles (12), born June 24th, 1829, died July 26tk 1865. She married, Aug. 16th, 1849, Hiram Cobleigh. They had:

1. CHARLES COBLEIGH ( 405) . 2. DAUGHTER COBLEIGH ( 406). 3. DAUGHTER COBLEIGH (407). One of the daughters is :Mrs. Charles Richardson of Strykers­ ville, the other l\ilrs. Elden Hanes of East Aurora, N. Y.

No. 110 Charles Harvey Reed. son of Charles (12), born Oct. 27th, 1834, N. Y. State, died Apr. 21st, 1892. He married, Dec. 19th, 1861, Ellen Beardsley, and had:

DAUGHTER ( 408). Later they were divorced. Charles Harvey Reed was_ intellectually one of the most brilliant men our Reads have produced. For many years he was the leading criminal trial lawyer in the West, achieving an exceptional reputation as State Attorney in Chicago. :B1 or many years he was practically in control of Republican polities in the West, and he was also one of the counsel for the mur­ derer of Garfield. Wlien a boy he worked for 25 cents a day for his Uncle Reckord, in Wyoming Co., N. Y.

No. 111 Lucina Diantha Reed, daughter of Charles (12), born Sept. 9th. 1838, Java, N. Y. :Married ~OY. 1st. 1865, Ja.mes Henry Potter, son of Zehina Potter and Nancy Davis. He was born in :\It. Morris, N. Y., Jan. 22d. 1885, and died --- They had:

1. ELIZABETH POTTER ( 409), Aug. 2, 1866. 2. J.nIEs REED P07TER (410). June 18. 1873. THE GROVER FAMILY. 99

This genial lady and her husband lived on the farm near Java Village owned by her father. They are Baptists. :Mr. Potter was in the war, a member of the 138th Ill. Infantry, and had rank as sergeant-major.

No. 112 Warren Reed, son of Charles (12), was born Apr. 23d, 1841, died Mar. 17th, 1878. :Married (1), 1863, A.lice Plant, who died Nov. 7th, 1873. He married (2), Ellen B. ---, who died Mar. 15th, 1891. "\Varren Reed was in the 130th N. Y. Infantry. He was ill most of the time, and only in sk.h·mishes.

No. 113 Eliza Diana Reed, daughter of Reekord (13), born· June 19th, 1829, died Oct. 31, 1871, at Lyons, Ill. She married, Mar. 23d, 1856, Alden J. Grover, born Aug. 24th, 1822, at Holland, Erie Co., N. Y., and died Apr. 6th, 1902. He was son of Chester J. Grover and Susan Davis. They had:

1. A SON UNNAl\iED GROVER ( 4llj, --; died -- 2. FRANK REED GROVER ( 412), Sept. 17, 1858. 3. ETTA MARGARET GROVER { 413), ~pr. 7, 1860; died Dec. 24, 1906. 4. K..\THFRI:,;E SUSAX GROVER ( 414), May 18, 1863. 5. CAROLINE ELLA GROVER ( 415), Jan. 24, 1866. 6. ALDE:,; CHESTER GROVER ( 416), 1869; died 2 weeks old. 7. LonsE l\L.\RY GROVER ( 417), Sept. 16, 187(1. 8. CHESTER ALDEN GROVER ( 418), Oct. 18, 1871. The first three were born in Lyon tmvnship. near Chicago, Katherine in Strykersville, N. Y. The last three in Evanston. 1Ir. Grover's parents ·were born in Bradford, Ver., and his grandparents, David and Eleanor Davis settled on the ''Hol­ land Purchase'' in vVestern New York. His father died when he was 3 years old. He went to Chicago, arriving there on the steamer "Empire State" in Sept., 1844. He at first found 100 THE GROVER F'A.MILY. work in the American' Car ,v orks. Later he purchased city property and farms near Riverside and LaGrange. He re­ moved to Evanston in 1866 to educate his children, and lived there ti11 he died, becoming one of Evanston's leading business men, dealing in coal and later in building and real estate, and contracting. As a citizen he ,vas repeatedly elected to town offices. He was also an active member of the First ::O,L E. Church, and active in its councils. 1,he "Grover Block" in Evanston is one of the finest there and stands on the site of his first home. He gave his children a fine education and re­ fined training. His first wife having died early he married again, Mar. 20th, 1875, Mrs. ::O,lary E. Kinney. Her maiden name was Whelden. She was from Schuylerville, N. Y. Her maternal grandmother was a Stevens. Two of l\lr. Grover's daughters, unmarried., live in Evans­ ton and continue the home. Katherine Susan studied two years at N. vV. University, and later devoted herself to Art, which she studied at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., and won a scholarship there. She ,-vent to Europe also to perfect her­ self in Art. Her work in this direction is very creditable, and adorns the home in Evanston. She has been teaching in Chicago, but is now on the Art Revision Board. :Miss Louise Grover is very much of an invalid, but is, with her sister, active in social, liter_ary and philanthropic work. She ,vas two years in ~- "\V. University.

No. 114 Lucena Barbour Reed, daughter of Rcckord (13), born Apr. 24th, 1834, in \Vales. She married (1), Oct. 15th, 1862, at Strykersville, Hosea Stratton, 1Yho died ---. 186-!. He ,vas a farmer. She married (2). Oct. 11th, 1866, at Strykers­ ville, Samuel Lord, born in Sto,ve, Ver. He died .. 17th, 1904, Thomson. Ill. His parents were \V:illiam Lord and Luthera Conant. READ GENEALOGY. 101

By Hosea Stratton she had:

1. CHARLES JON ATHAN STRATTON ( 419), A Ug. 19, 1863. By Samuel Lord she had:

2. S.UIUEL LORD ( 420), Oct. 25, 1867. 3. ETTA LuCENA LORD ( 421), Dec. 10, 1869. 4. WILLLBI LoRD ( 422), Apr. 28, 1872; died Sept. is, 1872. 5. MINNIE VIOLA LORD ( 423), .July 19, 1873. 6. REVERDY REED LORD ( 424), Jan. 7, 1876. Mr. Lord was also a farmer. l\!Irs. Lord lives at Mt. Car­ roll, Ill., with her daughter Etta. She has been a source of information as to the older generations. Her home in Thom­ son, with all its precious records, was destroyed by fire, or we might have known more. The Lords are Baptists.

No. 115 Juliet Margaret Reed, daughter of Reckord (13), born Nov. 24th, 1843, at Wales, N. Y., died at Lyons, Ill., :Mar. 17th, 1883. She married, Juiy 12th, 1871, Charles Henry Thayer, born in Mass., Dec. 24th, 1841, died Nov. 3d, 1903. Son of -- Nathaniel Thayer and Caroline Taft. They had:

1. ALINE THAYER (425), August 6, 1878; died Apr. 17, 1908, at Evans­ ton, Ill. Dr. Thayer was a dentist at J.VIattoon and later at Chicago, where he became a leading dentist. In his l\tlass. home, after the local school, he attended a school in Providence, R. I., kept by Samuel Austin, of the Society of Friends, and later he was at Walpole Academy. His dental education was in Philadel­ phia. His religious position ·was Unitarian. He married again a niece of his first wife, by whom he had two children. (No. 413.) As a soldier his :first service was with the three-months state regiments organized by the State Governors to defend the nation. He enlisted in Co. A, 1st R. I. Reg., .. 17th, 1861, on the very day the first call for troops was made; left for Annapolis Apr. 20th, march~d to vVashington Apr. 24th. 102 READ GENEALOGY.

Was 1n Burnside's brigade, Hunter's division, ::.\IcDowell's army. "\Vas at 1st battle of Bull Run, July 21st. Reenlisted Sept. 27th, 1861, in Co. C, 1st R. I. cavalry, became 2d Lieut. Dec. 14th, 1861, 2d Lieut. July 15th, 1862, Capt. Co. B, Feb. 14th, 1863. His Regiment was attached to Stoneman 's com­

mand./ Armv., of the Potomac./ and he was in the manyC. move- ments and fights of that division: vVarrenton Junction, Rap­ pahannock Crossing, Fort Royal, Strasburg, Columbia Bridge, Edinburg, Millers Bridge, New :Market, Harrisburg, Cross­ keys, Port Republic, Mountain Road, Rapidan River, Slaughter River, Robinsons River, Cedar lVIountain, Rappahannock :B.,ords, Catletts Station, Thorofare Gap, Groveton, 2d Bull Run,· Chan­ tilly, Conrads Ferry, \Vhites Ford, Morrisville, Hazel River, Fredericksburg, Kelleys Ford. At Kellys Ford he was shot in the thigh, captured l\lar. 17th, 1863, sent to Gordonsville and later to Libby Prison, till June, 1863, then exchanged and rejoined his regiment, and was in action at Jones Cross Roads. Hagerstown, Harpers Ferry, Shephardstown, Brandy Station, "\Vhite Sulphur Springs, Bristol, Mine Run. On furlough Feb. and l\'Iar., 1864. In service again: Bowling Green, vVhite House Landing, Repulse of Early, Deep Bottom. Nov., 1864, he hecame Inspector Gen­ eral, was in action at Berryville, Front Royal, Halltown, Shep­ herdstown, White Pos.t, Opequan, Fishers Hill, Cedar Creek. Dec. 21st, 1864, he was honorably discharged from service. Aline Thayer was esteemed a brilliant and promising young lady. She graduated from the University of Chicago, but died unmarried. She was a Christian Scientist.

No. 117 Abner Justus Golden, son of Betsey Reed (14), born Oct. 25th, 1817. at Little Falls, died Apr. 8th~ 1890. He married Catherine Graham, daughter of l\ilajor G:raham. She died in Schuyler, N. Y. They had: THE GOLD EX F A.MILY. 103

1. JAMES Axsox GOLDE:.\" (426), May 16, 1850. 2. WILLIAM GoLDEX ( 427), Nov. 16, 1857. 3. IRA MAJOR GOLDEX ( 428). 4. IDA GOLDEN ( 429) . 5. ELLA GOLDEN ( 430). 6. ALLEX GOLDEN ( 431). 7. NELLIE GOLDEN ( 432), Oct. 2, 1870. Abner J. Golden was a farmer. He lived in ].,airfield, Little Falls, Schuyler, where he died. Allen Golden never married, but works at his trade of carpenter up and down the Mohawk Valley. His address is Mohawk, N. Y.

No. 118 Jane Matilda Golden, daughter of Betsey Reed (14), born Oct. 25th, 1817, at Little Falls, died 1\1:ar. '!th, 1896. They had: to:~ . 1. EDGAR J. (433), Aug. 21, 1860, Schuyler, N. Y.

No. 119 Theodore H. Golden, son of Emeline Reed (21), born .Aug. 9th, 1834, at Little Falls, died Dec. 8th, 1872. He married (1) Helen C. --, born Oct. _29th, 1841, died :Mar. 25th, 1864. He. married (2), :Mar. 4th, 1866, Jane Boyle, daughter of Charles John Boyle and Ann Cavanaugh. She was born Oct. 17th, 1850. By Helen he had:

1. CHARLES GoLDEX ( 434), Mar. 5, 1859; died Mar. 28, 1863. By Jane he had:

2. FRANCIS THEODORE GOLDEN ( 435), Mar. 2, 1868. 3. El\rnLIXE GOLDEN ( 436), Aug. 19, 1872. Theodore Golden's widow married again, a 1\lr. Brown. She lives in Utica. The son, Prancis Theodore, unmarried, lives in Utica and is employed in the Savage Arms Co. 104 THE GORY FAMILY.

No. 122 Catherine Reed, daughter of ,John Reed (15), born June 4th, 1819, at Three ~file Bay, died June 1:3th, 1880. She mar­ ried Jan. 29th, 1839, Farnham S. Cory, son of Robert Cory, who was born :in Plainfield, N. H., and moved to Vermont, and then to New York, about 1820, with teams, and lived the first winter in a school house. 'They had:

1. JOHN R. CORY (437), --; died Apr., 1880. 2. WILLIAM D. CoRY (438), Nov. 18, 1841. 3. HELEN M. CORY ( 439). 4. CHARLOTTE E. CORY (440), --; died May, 1905. 5. AUGUSTA A. CORY (441), --; died Aug., 1890. 6. KATHERINE R. CORY ( 442). 7. JENNIE L. Co&Y ( 443), --; died June 8, 1868. 8. EMMA J. CORY ( 444). ~Ir. Cory was a ;farmer at Three l\Iile Bay, N. Y.

No. 123 Nancy Reed, daughter of John (15), born Sept. 4th, 1821, at Three Mile Bay. Married, Feb. 24th, 1842, Seth E. Powers, born in Jefferson Co,, N. Y., died in Rome, N. Y. She died in Brooklyn, N. Y. They had:

1. CHARLES POWEBS ( 445), --; died -- 2. GEORGE POWERS ( 446). 3. EnwARD or EDMOND POWEBS ( 44 7). 4. J OSEPIIINE POWERS ( 448), --; died -- Edward is a telegraph operator.

No. 124 Charlotte Reed, daughter of John (15), born Feb. 26th, 1824, at Three :Mile Bay. Married, Nov. 9th, 1847, William E. Champlin, born Apr. 29th, 1821, at "\Vatertown, N. Y., died Apr. 24th, 1889. They had: READ GENEALOGY. 105

1. FRAXK D. CHA:\IPLIX ( 449), Sept. 6, 1848. 2. NETTIE 1\1. CHA~PLIX ( 450), June 8, 1850. 3. WILLLUI N. CHA)IPLIX ( 451), Dec. 26, 1S52; died May 9, 1907. 4. En,H.RD R. CHA:\IPLIX ( 452), Nov. 28, 1854; died Feb. 14, 1912. This family moved to Illinois and lived at Elburn. See .Appendix.

No. 126 Carlos Duane Reed, son of ~John (15), born Sept. 8th, 1829, went to California, Dec., 1856. Since 1861 he has lived at Jacksonville, Oregon, where he died Apr. 5th, 1908. He mar­ ried, in 1868, Christiana Kretzer, born Oct. 17th, 1839, in Han­ over, Germany. They had:

1. CHARLOTTE ( 453). 2. KATHERINE (454). 3. EMMA (455). :Miss Charlotte Reed teaches in Portland, Ore~ The other sisters, with the mother, reside in Jacksonville, Ore., on a farm.

No. 127 Delos David Reed, son of John (15), born Jan. 31st, 1833, at Three Mile Bay. Married Jan. 18th, 1859, :Mary W. Cline, born Apr., 1838, at Three 1\ilile Bay: died Apr. 5th, 1908, at Chaumont, N. Y., daughte·r of Epenetus Cline and Elizabeth Estes. They had:

1. FANNY ( 456), Aug. 27, 1860. 2. ADA (457), Oct. 23, --; died Aug. 27, 1875. 3. FRAJ.~K ( 458), 1867; died in infancy. 4. GERTIE (459), 1868; died Aug. 27, 1875. 5. BRAYTOX (460), 1870; died in infancy. 6. MAMIE (461), 1874; died 1875. 7. JOHN ( 462), 1877. 8. KATHERYX ( 463), April, 1878. 9. GEORGE ( 464), 1886; died in infancy. The ravages of death among ~he little ones of this family 106 THE CLINE FAMILY. call for our heartfelt sympathy. They have not kept records and the above is more or less from memory. :\Ir. Reed li,·es at Chaumont with his unmarried children.

No. 128 John LeRoy Reed, son of John (15), born :i\Iay 21st, 1836. Married, June 4th, 1867, Martha Wells, daughter of James and Elizabeth Wells. She was born Sept. 4th, 1840, and died Feb. 1st, 1908. Mr; Reed was a farmer at Three :Mile Bay till 1880, when he removed to Sac City, Io"'Wa. Since then he has been a commercial traveler and is now retired. He is a member of the M. E. Church. They had no children.

No. 129 Sarah M. Reed, daughter of John (15), born l\far. 20th, 1839, at Three :Mile Bay. 1\1arried, Dec. 26th, 1860, l\Iilton S. Cline, born Apr. 4th, 1837, at Three Mile Bay (Point Penin­ sula), son of Henry Cline and Elizabeth Suter. They had:

1. HARRY w. CLINE ( 465), June 3, 1862. 2. LIBBIE M. CLINE ( 466), July 18, 1864. 3. JORN R. CLINE ( 467), Aug. 16, 1866. 4. HERBERT w. CLINE ( 468), Nov. 1, 1868. The Clines were from the Mohawk, and Germans by blood. Mr. and J\frs. Cline went to Ill. and scttfod at Elburn, about 44 miles from Chicago. He is a local merchant there. They are Congregationalists.

No. 130 Philander Reed, son of James (16L born Dec. 13th, 1833, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., July 21st, 1907. He rnarrjed, lune 6th, 1860, Elsie Louise :Mabie, born Feb. 5th, 1840. rrhey had:

1. Lours ERASTUS (469), Dec. 14, 1861; died June 14, 1894. 2. !SABEL ( 470), Sept. 1, 1863. READ GENEALOGY. 107

3. ELLOISE ( 471) ,- Nov. 28, 1865; died Sept. 27, 1873. 4. MARY ELEAXOR ( 472), Feb. 26, 1870; died Jan. 7, 1877. 5. GRACE (473). Nov. 22, 1871; died Oct. 6, 1873. 6. ELSIE MA.Y ( 474), Jan. 31. 1882. 7. PHILIP GORDEN (475), Feb. 14, 1885; died Aug. 14, 1885. Elsie Reed is a teacher and librarian in Brooklyn. Phil­ ander Reed lived most of his life in New York City. He was a merchant.

No. 132 Mary E. Reed, daughter of James (16), born Dec. 18th, 1836, died May 3d, 1907, at Chaumont. :Married Capt. John Jason Knapp, Feb. 3d, 1863. He was born Nov. 10th, 1827, died July 3d, 1905. He was born in Brownville, died in Chau­ mont. They had: 1. CHARLES REED K..~A.PP ( 476), Aug. 31, 1864. 2. HARRIET LOUISE KNAPP (477), Oct. 21, 1873. Mr. Knapp was (like Capt. Abner Read) a famous lake captain. He had a pleasing exterior. :Mrs. Knapp was a teacher and milliner. They were Presbyterians.

No. 133 Lovina Reed, daughter 9£ James (16), born Nov. 23d, 1840. Married (1), :Mar. 5th, 1867, Harvey J. Allen, son of John Allen, who died June 3d, 1871. She married (2), Nov. 23d, 1876, Ely Warner, who died July 11th, 1905. She had no children. She lives at Three Mile Bay.

No. 134 Jane Amelia Reed, daughter of James (16), born Oct. 22d, 1842. lVlarried, Feb. 19th, 1868, Charles Hiram Hamilton, born Oct. 2d. 1840. They live at Three :Mile Bay. They had:

1. MARY HAl\HLTOS ( 478) Dec. 28, 1868. 2. FR.ED HAl\ULTOX ( 479), Oct. 1, 1871. 3. CHARLES REED HAMILTON (480), Jan. 6, 1878. 108 THE BENWAY FAMILY.

No. 136 Helen Adelaide Reed, daughter of James (16). born June 4th, 1847. :i\Iarried, l\Iay 31st, 1876, James Knox Benway, born Xov. 10th, 1843, died Nov. 9th, 1906. She lives at Albany, New York. They had:

1. MABEL REED BENWAY (481), June 26, 1877. 2. BEULAH LOUISE BENWAY (482), Sept. S, 1881. Mr. Benway was a mason and contractor. He was for 14 years foreman of the fine carving work on the New York State Capitol. Mabel Benway graduated at Vassar College, 1898, and spent one year there in a post graduate course in mathe­ matics and astronomy. Then she spent a year at the Albany State Normal College, taking the degree o.f Ph. B., 1900. For six years she had charge of the science department in North Tonawanda High School, and since 1908 has been teaching mathematics in Erasmus High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. Beulah L. Benway has been assistant at the Dudley Observatory since Nov., 1901. The Benway family are of French origin. His par­ ents were Moses Benway (Benoit) and Priscilla Pinsonneault.

No. 137 Lida Reed, daughter of James (16), born Apr. 28th, 1852. Married a man named W a.dhams. "rhey had:

1. ROY W .A.DRAMS ( 483), - This family is living in California somewhere.

No. 138 James Reed, Jr., son of James (16), born Sept. 25th, 1853. :Married (1) Georgiana Kloek, (2) ---. By 1st wife he had:

1. GEORGE ( 484). 2. NETTIE ( 485). 3. ADDIE ( 486). 4. ADA ( 487) . 5. FRANK ( 488). READ GE-SEA.LOGY. 109

Resides at Oklahoma City: Okla. Is m the real estate business.

No. 140 Isadora Reed, daughter of .Abner (17). :Married a man named Pierce.

No. 141 Charles Brayton Reed, son of .Abner (17), born Dec. 24th, 1854. Married, Oct., 1883, Lovina Jane Loomis. She was born .Aug. 16th, 1857. They had:

1. ANNE EMILY ( 489), Aug. 23, 1884. 2. WAYNE ABNER (490), Apr. 13, 1886. 3. ADA. MABEL ( 491), June 21, 1888.

No. 146 For Doty family see Appendix.

No. 150 For Sena Reed families- see Appendix.

No. 151 Mary Ann Reed, daughter of Abner (22): born Dec. 13th. 1832, near Herkimer, died June 29th, 1894, buried at St. Lawr­ ence. She married: Jan. 20th. 1857. "'\Y allace Beadle, born Jan. 9th: 1829: died Dec. 12th, 1905. son of Garrett Beadle. They had:

1. ELENOR BEADLE ( 492), Feb. 26, 1858; died Dec. 22. 1909.' 2. HERBERT BEADLE ( 493), Sept. 22, 1859; died 1 ,veek old. 3. Qur~CY A. BEADLE ( 494), Nov. 19, 1865. 110 READ GENEALOGY.

'No. 153

Hubbard Reed, son of Abner (22), born 12th, 1844, died May 17th. 1883. He married. Jnne, 1873, Nellie Jewett. at Kalamazoo, l\Iich. She was born Apr. 11th. 18j0, and died 2d, 1890. They had:

1. MARY ( 495), Sept. 24, 187 4; died Feb. 5, 1890. Nellie Jewett was a graduate of l\it. Holyoke Seminary, 1871. She was the daughter of Henry "'\V. JevYett, an able physician and leading citizen of Chaumont, N. Y. After the death of her first husband she married Albert Fisk, and died within a year. She is buried in the :B,isk lot, Brookside Cem­ etery, Watertown.

No. 154 Jane Elizabeth Reed, daughter of A.bner (22), born July 20th, 1846. Married (1), Feb. 11th, 1869, \Villiam M. Connell, ,vho was born in Mich. in 1840. He died Oct. 12th, 1892. She married (2), Sept. 7th, 1897, Grattan H. Reade, of Clayton, and vV estchester Co., of Irish lineage. By l\1r. Connell she had:

1. CHILD ( 496), Feb. 8, 1870; died soon after born. She lived most of her life at St. Lawrence, but now re­ sides at Pierrepont :Manor, Jeff. Co., N. Y. She has an old German Devotional Book which belonged to her mother, Mary ,Vitherstine.

No. 155

Charles H. ~eed, son of James (2ti), born June 14th, 1847. ::\Iarried, :May 10th, 1868, Harriet Read. They had:

1. CATHERI~E B. ( 497), Jan. 1, 1871. 2. 'WALTER H. ( 498), Oct. 10, 1872. READ GENE.A.LOGY. 111

No. 156 Helen Eugenia R,eed, daughter of James (26), born Nov. 25th, 1850 (or 1851). :Married Dec. 29th, 1869, William G. ~icCartney, born Oct. 25th, 1846, at Johnston, Trumbull Co., Ohio. His parents were William Taylor :McCartney and Grace Scott, born in Scotland. They were married at Jefferson, Ohio. According to records furnished by the family, they had:

1. LENA GRACE McCARTNEY ( 498), July 29, 1871. 2. MARY LOVISA McCARTNEY (499), Apr. 9, 1874. 3. SCOTT REED MCCARTNEY (500). Nov. 12, 1877. 4. LOTTIE EDITH McCARTNEY (501), Dec. 24, 1877. (1879 probably.) 5. LULU MAY McCARTNEY (502), May 6, 1886. 1\Ir. 1\IcCartney was a soldier of the Civil '\Var. He is now superintendent of the book room, State Capitol, Columbus. -Ohio, where he and all the family reside. Mary Lovisa writes herself, ''merchant.''

No. 157 Francis Theodore lleed, son of James (26), born July 24th, 1852, at Poland, ·-N. Y. He married, Dec. 24ih, 1874, Anna J\i. Harris, daughter of Alfred Harris and :Maria Joyner. They had:

1. CARL _<\DELBERT (503), Aug. 24, 1888. 2. CASSIE ANNA (504), Apr. 11, 1893. Mr. Reed keeps '' The :Maumee,'' a hotel in Adrian,. Mich.

No. 158 Mary Esther lleed, daughter of James (26L born Aug. 6th, 1854, in Ohio. ::Married, June 21st, 1882, James Alfred Fas­ setL ,vho was born l\Iay 15th, 1847. and died May 1st, 1897. His parents were Silas Fassett and Emeline Crosby. He was a :florist in Ashtabula. They had no chilciren. She now lives in Detroit, and is active in Y. vV. C. T. U. work, and as matron for a home. She is an active Christian worker. 112 REA.D GENEALOGY.

No. 159 Howard Payne R.eed, son of .James (26), born Oct. 19th, 1856, in Ohio. :Married, Sept. 17th, 1878, Barbara Clark, ·who ,vas born l\iay 9th, 1856, in Canada. Her parents were David Clark and Amelia Lang. They had: l. HOWA.BD CLARK (505), Feb. 17, 1881. 2. HARRY J Al\1ES ( 506), Dec. 22, 1884; died Sept. 9, 1885. :Mr. Reed is in the real estate business in Ashtabula, as dealer and builder, and is a leading citizen. rrhe family attend the M. E. Church. No. 160 Francis S. R.eed, son of John lVI. (27), born Sept. 1st, 1852. · l\tiarried Jan. 1st, 1874, Elizabeth .Ann Kyes, of Clayton, born Dec. 20th, 1853, at Landsdown, Can., died Sept. 19th, 1905, at Watertown, daughter of Alpheus Kyes and --- Shipman. They had: l. MAUDE S. (507), Aug. 27, 1876. 2. CARRIE HINCKLEY (508), Apr. 22, 1887. 3. FLOREXCE M. (509), Sept.1, 1889. 4. EARL M. ( 510), May 2, 1893. l\fr. Reed lived in early life at St. Lawrence. then in "\Vater­ town and towns in that region. He is now at Boca La Grande, Florida. No. 161 Owen Perry R.eed, son of John :M. (27), born Sept. 1st, 1853. :Married (lL Sept. 1st, 1877~ Hattie Phelps, daughter of Gouveneur Phelps. She died Xov. 19th. 1885. He married (2), Aug. 17th, 1888, N-ellie Dunham. By Hattie Phelps he had:

1. HOWARD PHELPS (511), June 2i, 1881. H. P. Reed lives at Chaumont. l\lr. Owen Reed is a retail butcher in Chaumont, where he lives. THE BECKER FA.JiILY. 113

No. 162 Caroline H. ~eed, daughter of John nl. (27), born ::.\Iar. 25th, 1852, died June 20th, 1884, at St. Lawrence. Married Solon E. "\Valrath. They had no children. lVIr. vV"alrath "was a very nice man" and an active Metho­ dist, and '' Carrie Reed a lovely, pious girl and a very fine musician.''

No. 164 Harriet Hetherington, daughter of John (28), born Feb. 26th, 1830. Married, July 4th, 1848, Thomas John Little, who was born June 7th, 1824, die_d Sept. 29th, 1897. They had:

1. JOHX THOMAS LITTLE t512), May 3, 1849. 2. H.-\.RRIF.T LITTLE ( 513), Oct. 10, 18ri9; died Oct. 20, 1890. She is now (1912) 82 years old and, though blind and lame, is good company. They live on N. Genesee street, Utica, very near the Barge Canal.

No. 168 Mary Jane Hetherington, daughter of John (28), born :Mar. 13th, 1840. Married, Feb. 1st, 1864, Jacob George Becker, son of Daniel and :Margaret Becker. He was born Oct. 10th, 1840. Thev.., had·.

1. C.-\.ROLI~E BECKER (514), Nov. 24, 1868. 2. CATHERIXE BECKER (515), Mar. 12, 1872; died Sept. 14, 1872. 3. JOHX BECKER (516), July 11, 1873; died Feb. 29, 1880. 4. l\L.\.LCOL:.\I CHARLES BECKER ( 517), Sept. 14, 1876. 5. FLORA Jfay BECKER (518), June 30, 1878. 6. :VL.\.RGARET IREXE BECKER (519), Nov. 8, 1880. :\Ir. Becker is a farmer, lives near Xorth Gage, Deerfield, X. Y .. R. D. 1'1argaret Irene has a musical education and teaches music at "\Yhitesboro, where she lives with her sister, )lrs. Jones. 114 REA.D GEXEA.LOGY.

, No. 169

William Henry Hetherington, son of John (28), born ::\Iar. 22d, 1847, at )forth Gage. ~Iarried, Oct. 16th, 1871, )largaret Richards, daughter of Richard and ~-\nn Richards. She died Sept. 12th, 1903. They had:

1. "\VJLLLUI HEXRY HETHERIXGTOX ( 520), Jan. 25, 1894. He liYes about 21;~ miles from North Gage, on the farm first o-wned by his grandfather, Isaac Hetherington. He is a farmer.

No. 170 Caroline Fenton (Hetherington), adopted daughter of "\Vil­ liam (30). She died some years ago. She married Owen G. Scofield, who also died some years ago. They had:


'No. 171 Ella Hughes, adopted daughter of "\Yilliam Hetherington (30). :i\Iarried Geo. Seifred. · Both are dead. rrhey had:


2. NE,1\'ELL. No. 172 William Groesbeck Schermerhorn, son of N" ancy Hethe:c­ ington (32), born May 4th, 1821, died :Mar. 4th, 1909, in Penn., aged 87-10-0. He married, Dec. 12th, 1850, Abigail Fenner, daughtrr of Geo. Fenner, of Cold Brook born 1828, died Fe,). 5th, 1912, jn her 85th year. They had: 1. HA YDEX SCHER.:\IERHORX ( 521), June :24, 1854; died about 1895. 2. JOHX C. SCHER.:\IERHORX (522), Dec. 26, 1863. "\Ym. G. Schermerhorn and ,yjfe both lived to great agl'. He moYed to ConneautYille_. Pa .. in 1854: and is buried then·. He was a carpenter and builder and later a farmer. TH-;:: ~.'JZ.:1YTOX FA.JIILY. 115

No. 173 Caroline Schermerhorn, dau~hter of Xancy Hetherington (32), born Apr. 2d, 1823, died -\.r :. 1~ '. 212. ::.\Iarried, Sept. 29th, 1846, Almon Acloram Brayton, oorn Apr. 20th, 1824, Ne-vv­ port, X. Y., died Jan. 29th, 1885. Son of Jesse Brayton and Olive "\Yhittaker. They had:

1. O.lIAR Ro:\I.\.lXE BRA YTOX ( 523) Juiy 22, 1849. 2. MERRILL JESSE Br.AYTOX (524), July 20, 1852. 3. !DA ROSALIA BR:\ YTOX ( 525). Apr. 5, 1855. 4. ARTI-ffR AL110x BRA YTllX ( 526), Feb. 13, 1863; died Apr. 13, 1898. The Braytons ,vere from R. I.. and early settlers of N evY­ port and Yicinity, and ·were generally ,vell educated and lead, ing citizens in the community. Caroline Brayton lived to see her 90th year, and in the same to-wn in ,vhich she was born, and in sight of her birth place, her long and useful life was passed. She had a lo-..eable. companionable nature, and every body enjoyed her friendship. Even in old age her memories ,vere clear and a~curate. She ·was a good ,vife and mother, and energetic in her undertakings. She had a fine academic edu­ cation, finishing it at Houghton Seminary, a famous women's school of New York State. She was a member of the Uni­ Yersalist Church.

No. 174 Adeline Schermerhorn, daughter of X ancy Hetherington

(:32). born FdJ. 18th. 1825. :\Iarried Nathan Rix of Kewport7 X. Y .. about 1860. He died June 7th: 1875, aged 55~ and is huric>d at Xewport. B~- his first ,Yife he had1 George~ Alice and Frank. Like her sjster ( 'aroline. she is of great age and ac-tiY(·. She had no children.

No. 175 Levi Chase Schermerhorn, son of X ancy Hetherington (82)~ horn Feb. 2:3cl, 1827. died Jan. 25th. 1895. Buried at 116 THE SCHERJiERHORS FA.JULY.

~~forth Gage. Married:' Sept. 8th: 1852: Susan Terry. They had:

1. LYDIA A::--XETTE SCHER:.\IERHORX ( 527), Dec. 28, 1854. 2. ADDIE EUGEXIA SCHERl\IERHORX (528), June 27, 1861; died Oct. 3, 1864. ~fr. Schermerhorn" moved from North Gage to Poland in 1886. He ·was an active member of the Free Baptist Church. The familv lives at Poland. X. Y. ~ .

No. 177

Merrill Maior Schermerhorn, son o.f Nancy Hetherington (32), born June 24th, 1833, at North Gage. Married, Oct. 20th: 1859, Flora Haggart, born---, died Aug. 15th, 1897. She was a daughter of John Haggart. They had:

1. JOHX CORXELIUS SCHERl\IERH0RX (529), Nov. 5, 1862. 2. CAROLIXE SCHERMERHORN ( 530), Oct. 3, 1873. l\Ir. Schermerhorn is a farmer, no-\v retired, and lives at :North Gage.

No. 178

John Maxwell Schermerhorn, son 0£ Nancy Hetherington ( 32) ,· born Oct. 25th: 1835. :Married, Jan. 12th, 1887, Amelia \\Tilt, daughter of vVilliam Wilt and Rosetta Barbar. They had:

1. JESSE MAXWELL SCHERl\IERHORX ( 531), Mar. 18, 1896. 2. HAZEL OXEITA ScHER:\IERHORX (532), May 14, 1901; died July 14, 1907. ::\Ir. Schermerhorn lives at North Gage and is now a farmer. He ,Yas, ,vith his brothers. ont--' of the early successful cheese makers.

No. 179

Mary Jane Schermerhorn, daughter of Nancy Hethering­ ton (32), born Jan. 20th, 1838, died Xov. 27th: 1880. at New­ port, N. Y. She married Thomas B-owen. who died --­ They had no children. THE SCHERMERHORS PAMILY. 117

No. 180

Cornelius Schermerhorn, son of Xancy Hetherington (32), born l\Iay 7th~ 1840, at North Gage. :Married, Apr. 12th, 188:2,

Alice Eliza Hartness, born Feb. 8th1 1854, daughter of George Hartness and Sally Ann Preston. They had :

1. NANCY MABEL ScHER:\IERHORX ( 533), Dec. 18, 1SS4. 2. FLORENCE HARTNESS SCHER::\!ERHORN (534), Feb. 13, 1888. 3. HELEX ESTHER SCHER:.\IERHORX ( 535), :May 13, 1890. lVIrs. Schermerhorn graduated from Potsdam (N. Y.) Nor­ mal School, 1878, and was a teacher before her marriage. :Mabel also graduated at Potsdam, 1906, and teaches. This family lives at Poland, N. Y., and are members of the Free Baptist Church. We have been much indebted to Tulr. Scher­ merhorn for help :in this book, and his active life has been one of honor and usefulness. His early life was spent on his father's farm. He att:endeu district school at North Gage, and later attended "\Vhitestown Seminary, near Utica, N. Y. In 1865 he entered on the busi­ ness of manufacturing butter and cheese by the factory system, ·which system was then in its infancy. For several years he successfully managed some of the largest factories and cream­ eries in Oneida, Herkimer, Cattaraugus and Cortland Countit:s, in Ne·w York State. In 1869, England desired to introduce the factory system into that country~ and the work of carrying out this idea ,vas placed in charge of a committee. ·who formed an association: with the Duke of DeYons.hire as president. The membership also included Lord Yernon. Lord Scarsdale. Hon. E. K. "\Y. Coke. brother of tlw Earl of Leit·ester. J. G. C'rompton. Esq.~ and se.;-eral others. This association conferred with London shippers in regard to the matter. and asked them to find a man from Ameri1.~a ,vho ,vas engaged in the business and (_•om_petent to start th?. 118 RE.c1D GEXEA.LOGY. system m England. Through their agents rn X e,Y York :l\Ir. Schermerhorn vYas recommended for the position, and engaged by the association. He sailed from N e,v York Feb. 19th, 1870. on the steamer HelYetia, and after a stormy passage of 17 days landed at Liverpool, and proceeded to Derby, where he met the members of the association, and where the first factory ·was located, ihe use of the building being given by Alderman Roe. At the same time they wished to try the experiment of a factory located in the country, and Mr. Schermerhorn super­ intended the building of one at Longford, on the estate of the Hon. E. K. W. Coke, which was the first cheese :factory built in England. The system having been introduced in EnglaIH.t attracted the attention 0£ other countries, and Russia, Denmark, Sweden and Italy sent dairy engineers for plans and instructions, which ,vere :furnished by J.Vlr. Schermerhorn. During the winter of 1870-71 he was engaged by a London firm and went to Holland, w·here he managed a factory at Brock, in Waterland, near Amsterdam, and he also gave plaus and specifications for factories in other parts of that country. '\Vhile in Holland he visited the old to1vn of Schermerhorn. in North Holland. The old church is of ancient ar(·hitecture and of special interest for the records it contains. Among these records is the original coat of arms of the Schermer­ horn family, and on the panels are the names of many of the family "\Yho are buried beneath the church. He returned to England~ stayed another year and in Jan., 1872. he came back to America, and managed several larg,3 factoriC's in Yermont, Comweti~ut and X ew York. He retired from the factory business in 1884, on account of his health, came to Poland, N. Y., and lives there no\Y. THE KEXT FAMILY-THE J1A_JOR FAMILY. 119

No. 181 Louise Owen, daughter of Ann Eliza Hetherington (33), born Oct. 6th, 1829, died Mar. 27th, 1883. 1\:larried, Jan. 25th, 1848, Justus Vinton Kent, "\Yho vvas born Apr. 11th, 182'7, died }lay 3d, 1906. He ,vas the~ son of Ezekiel Kent and Laura DeForest. They had :

1. EABL OWEN KExT (536), Nov. 8, 1848; died l\,Iar. 8, 1849. 2. NEWTOS EUGENE KENT ( 537), Sept. 19, 1850. 3. CHARLES BURTOX KExT ( 538), Mar. 4, 1855. 4. JlJSTUS WILLIS KENT (539), Mar. 11, 1858; died Oct. 17, 1860. 5. A.xx.-\ LOUISE KExT (540), Nov. 7, 1859. 6. GEORGE WILLIS KENT ( 541), Sept. 25, 1865. 7. FRAXKLIN VIXTON KENT (542), Dec. 23, 1867. 8. WILLUM HENRY KENT (543), Aug. 23_. 1870; died Jan. 7, 1910. )Ir. Kent was a farmer. He lived all his life 1n Boon­ ville, ~- Y.

No. 182 John Maxwell Major, son of John 1\1:ajor and Jane Hether­ ington (36), b_9rn Dec. 12th, 1837, at Florence Mich., died :Mar. 26th, 1907, at Centerville, St. Joseph Co., Mich., where his home was. He married Sarah A. Stout, born Apr. 3d, 1846, in Pa., daughter of Joseph Stout and Susan Kelly. They had:

1. WILLL-\3I HEXRY MAJOR ( 544), Oct. 13, 1863. 2. C~\.ROL BELLE MA.JOR (545), Nov. 15, 1865. 3. HEXRY HUBERT MAJOR (546), Mar. 2, 1874; died Nov. 5, 1904. 4. KELLIE Lou MA,JOR (547), June 26, 1880. John ~I. :Major was killed by a stroke of lightning. He was a farnwr: in Florence, l\Iich.

No. 183 Isaac Newton Maior, son of John ::\Iajor and .Jane Hether­ ington (36), born Dec. 25th, 1839, at Florence, ::.\Iich. :Married ---. They had:

1. ALBERT MAJOR ( 548). 120

' No. 185 Thomas C. Major, son of John ::.\lajor and Jane Hethering­ ton (36), born Aug. 17th, 1843, died Sept. 7th, 1904. He mar­ ried, ---, 1870, Josephine Spitzer, died ---. They had:

1. BELLE MAJOR (549). 2. CLARENCE MAJOR ( 550). Belle keeps a rooming house in ~- Y. City. Clarence is auditor for T. Sperry.

No. 187 Caroline Brayton Major, daughter of John J\fajor and Jane Hetherington (36), born Dec. 12th, 1848. :Married, Nov. 2d, 1870, William Henry Van Buren, born l\lar. 5th, 1847. His parents were Henry Van Buren and Hannah De ] 1orest, ·who lived near Amsterdam, New York State. He was a relative of President Martin Van Buren. They had:

1. ROSSLYN H. VAN BUBEN (551), Jan. 28, 1875. This family were farmers in the town of Florence, but later removed to Centerville, the county seat, where ::IUr.· Van Buren had been chosen to the responsible post of Registrar of Deeds. His term expired in 1909. He was one of the county's active and leading citizens. This hospitable home at Centerville :is pre~ided over by his genial and amiable wife, ·who bears the sore affliction of partial blindness as a lady and a Christian should. Her son and sister }\Iary con­ stitute the household. They attend the Presbyterian Church.

No. 189 Mary" Elizabeth Hetherington, daughter of Robert (37),

born 11th.~ 1850. )larried. )Iav 17th. 1870. "\Yilliam May'!. , Cl , . Clayton l\:Ioler, horn l\Iay 7th, 1847, at Sturgis, son of Samuel :Moler and Elizabeth ~Ioler. They live in Sturgis, :Michigan, where he is in business. They haYe no children. TI-IE SHIMMEL FAMILY. 121

No. 190 William Wirt Hetherington, son of Robert (:37), born Oct. 27th, 185:3, in Florence. :Married, Oct.---, 1897, Sarah Jane Smith, dau~hter of John Smith. They haYe no children. He is a farmer and lives in CenterYille, l\Iich.

No. 192 Sarah Ann Hetherington, daughter of Robert (:37), born June 19th, 1859, at Florence. Married. June 12th, 1890, Albert Clinton Shimmel. He was born Jan. l:3th, 1858, the son of David Shimmel and l\1ary Donkin. They have·:

1. ALTA A.zORA SHIMMEL (552), NOY. 7, 1891. 2. EARL CLIXTOX SmMMEL ( 553), June 12, 1895. 3. ETHEL BLANCHE SHIMMEL ( 554), Aug. 7, 1896. 4. MABEL VIOLETTE SHIMl\iEL ( 555), Sept. 6, 1898. 5. LESTER ALBERT SHIMMEL ( 556), Sept. 11, 1900. l\Ir. S. came to Mich. from Pamelia, near Watertown, N. Y. They were from the Mohawk and are Germans by race. The full name is Shimmelpfenig (shining penny), but they have dropped the last part because so long. There was in the Civil vVar, a Pennsylvania general named Schimmelpfenig, who ·was noted for his s}s11l and bravery. In Michigan they are prosperous farmers, and live near Centerville.

No. 193 Archibald Malcolm Blue, son of Sally Maria Hetherington (38), born at North Gage, ~\ug. 15th, 1847. :Married (1), Oct. 20th, 1873~ Charlotte Elizabeth jlclntosh, born July 11th, 1854, died Jan. 3rd, 1906, buried at :~forth Gage. He married (2), Sept. 14th, 191L Mrs. Mabel Evans. I-Ier parents were George Augustus Allen and Matilda C. Heath. She was born Nov. 7th, 1858. By the first wife he had, all born at North Gage: 122 THE BLLB PA.J1ILY.

1. ALEXAXDER BL-CE (557_1, pee. 14, 1874. 2. DAXIEL MclxTYRE BLUE (558), Aug. 25, 1877. 3. ARCHIBALD BLt,E ( 559), Feb. 15, 1880. 4. ELLA l\L.\.E BLcE (560), Nov. 4, 1886. )Ir. ~l. M. Blue was Supervisor of Deerfield. 1885-6, Justice of the Peace: 1880-4. Lives now at Holland Patent. The son Archibald has a farm near )forth Gage. Ella ::Hae is at home.

No. 195 Maria A. Blue, daughter of Sally :Maria Hetherington (38), born l\1ar. 20th, 1862. Married, Oct. 3d, 1882, John K. Walker, born Dec. 25th, 1855, at North Gage, son of Peter Walker and 31ary Blue. They have no children. l\lr. Walker is a large farmer and still owns the place where his grandfather Walker settled in 1803. They attend the Preshyter1an Chureh and re­ side at Holland Patent.

No. 196 Arthur Grant Blue, son of :Malcolm Blue and Sally .Maria Hetherington (38), born l\Iay 15th, 1864_, at North Gage. 1\iar­ ried, Nov. 4th, 1865, Julia Emma \\.,. ells, of the to,vn of 'frenton. She was born Aug. 14th, 1865, daughter of Chester A. "\Vells and Harriet N. McIntosh. They have:

1. MALCOLl\I CHESTER BL'C"E _(561), Dee. 25, 1887. 2. ERXEST WELLS BLUE (562), Aug. 3, 1890. :3. FRAXK ARTHUR BLuE ( 563), Oct. 19, 1896. 4. ARABELLA Bu;:i,; (564). Aug. 14, 1898. Ernest gradua.ted at the Holland Patent Academy and later studied forestry in Germany, at Bi:>lmore CoHege. '· Grant Blue>:'' as he is always callect is one of Oneida Couuty 's lead­ mg men. In politics he js a Republic:an. In Deerfield, his home tO"\'\·n, he, for six years: held the responsible post of Road Commissioner. In 1907 he ,vas sent to the General Assembly, the lo,ver house of the N. Y. Legislature, and was reelected READ GE;..\7E.4.LOGY. hy a fine majority in 1908. He serYed in committees, (1) Agri­ tnltnre. (2) Internal ~\ffairs. (:3) Publie Lands, ( 4) Privileges of Elections. He was 1nstrumental 1n securing passage of the Ro11H' Charter BilL the DravYn Poultry BilL the Morrisville ~lgrieultural School Billi · the Teachers' Equal Pay Bill. He no,Y resides on the hom.e farm. His address is Barneveld: X. Y., R. D. He buys cattle for the Boston market. Ernest "is a X. Y. State forester at Lake Clear.

No. 198 William Cruickshank R.eed, son of Hiram (39), born Aug. 16th, 1832: at North Gage, died Jan. 14th, 1911, at Bartlesville, Okla. He married, Dec. 9th, 1860, Lovisa Patton, born Sept. 4th, 1843, at Lafayette, Ind., died Feb. 11th, 1908, at Glencoe, Okla., daughter of David Patton and Cynthia .A. Bush, a native of Richmond, Va. They had:

1. 1L-\.RY (565), June 27, 1862. 2. FLOREXCE (566), July 6, 1864. :3. A.DEXA BELLE (567), Sept. 7, 1866. 4. 1.VILLLUI D. (568), Apr. 23, 1868; died Mar. 17, 1889. 5. :\L\.RTH.A ( 569), June 28, 1870; died .June 10, 1906. 6. CHARLES H. (570), Oct. 16, 1871; died Oct. 30, 1871. 7. LonsA (571), Jan. 3, 1872; died Aug., 1872. 8. FRAXCES 0. ( 572), l\1ay 5, 1879. 9. Rcnr GEORGIXE (573), Sept. 7, 1883. 10. Ho:-.IER E. (574), Oct. 12, 1887. Part of these dates are from memory. DaYid Patton lived at Paxto1L IlL ·was Probate Judge: Pord Co.: 15 years, an able man ,-d10 studied law in Ind. Thr:v ,Yerc of Scotch descent and were Presbyterians. Ruth Georgine graduated from the Pa,n1ee High SchooL took );tenography at Chandler, then began office ,vork: which she has followed ever s111ce. Several vears she ,vas in abstract ,,·ork. and for three years past has been Dep. Reg. of Deeds at BartlesYill('. wh('l'l-' she liYes with her sister: ::\lrs. Brewer. 124 READ GEXEALOGY.

Homer E. Reed ·went with' his parents to Pa·wnee, in 1894. and helped on the farm, then attfl1ded College at StilhYater. He now lives in Bartlesville ·with his sisters, and is employed in an abstractor's office. "\Vm. C. Reed left X. Y. State at the age of 16 and went to SaginaVi', Mich., and worked for his uncle, Elijah Stanton, in the lumber business. After this. for two years. he ,Yas en­ gaged in trading with the Indians on 1lanatoulin Island. He then went to Paxton, IlL in Aug., 1857, to takl, charge of a

lumber vard.w • which he did for t-wo VPars.w He was married in 1860, and then was engaged in farming and stockraising till 1879. Part of this time he was slaughtering at Los ~\nimas, Cal. He removed to Florence, Kansas, June 28th, 1879, ,Yhere, besides ordinary farming. he was engaged in buying and sell­ jug stock on a large scale, and in shipping, for six y~ars. ~-\t one time he was said to be the largest ''stock'' and ··cattle'' man in Illinois, and well kno,vn throughout the \Y l'St. At one time he was very prosperous, but reverses overtook him, with many others, and he gave up the cattle business. But he continued to raise good crops as a farmer. In 1898 he n•moved to Oklahoma, and lived near his children till he died. at Bartles­ ville, almost 80 years old.

No. 200

Stanton Eaton ~ead, son of Hiram (39), born, X. Y. State, :Mar. 25th, 1837. :Married, Nov., 1883, at Goodrich. Jlich., ~Iary Jane Hadrill, born Dec. 10th. 1866, at Hadley, ::.\Iich., daughter of Jasper Hadrill and Xancy Earhart. He Llie

1. FLOYD DEXXISOX (575), .Jan. 25, 1885. 2. GuY FRED ( 576), Mar. 1, 1890.

Stanton Reed's mother died ,vhen h<: ·was small and he THE STA.STOS FAMILY. 125

,Yas brought up by Elijah Stanton,* vvho had married Nancy Cruiekshank his mother's sister. A part of the time he ~ived with his brother ""\Yilliam, at Paxton. He finally married and liYed at Flint. In his later years he suffered much from poor health.

*THE STAXTOX FA:11ILY AXD PEDIGREE.-From the Stanton Genealogy, Albany. X. Y., 1891, we get the following record: Elijah Stanton, son of Daniel, born at Russia, N. Y., May 29th, 1811. Married (1), Oct. 19th, 1834, .M:arguretta Cruickshank, daughter of William Cruickshank. She died Aug., 1837. He married (2), Dec. 1st, 1839, her sister, Nancy Cruickshank, who died Feb. 21st. 1871. H~ married ( 3), Augusta Gilchrist of Manlius, N. Y. She died in 1886. · He also is dead. By Augusta he had: 1. Belle Stanton, Jan. 24th, 1874. Elijah Stanton went to Mich.. and was in the lumber business at Bay City for many years. He also, in later life, lived at Flint and Goodrich as a farmer. Daniel Stanton, father of Elijah Stanton, married Dorcas Corbin. He was a farmer. He lived in Little Falls and Russia, N. Y., and died in Copenhagen, N. Y. They had: 1 . .John Stanton, born Feb. 13, 1807, Little Falls, N. Y. He married j)laria Merriman. 2. Freeman Harlow, Mar. 18, 1809, Russia, N. Y. He married Mary Esseltyne. and was a M. E. minister. 3. Elijah Stanton, May 29, 1811, Russia. See above. 4. Lyman Stanton, born July 21, 1814, Russia, N. Y., became a physician and practiced in Copenhagen, N. Y., and Rutland, N. Y. :5. Louisa Stanton. born Oct. 16, 1818. Russia, N. Y. Married Ben­ jamin i.\Ierriman. Martinsburg, N. Y. 6. Susan Stanton, born .July 29. 1825, Russia, N. Y. Married D1·. E. Allen, Copenhagen, N. Y. Elijah Stanton was descended from Thomas Stanton (1635), viz: (1) Thomas, (2) .John. (3) John, (4) Daniel, (5) John, (6) Daniel, ( 7) Elijah. Thomas Stanton in 1635, at age of 20, emigrated to Vir­ ginia. and the next year, 1636. is in Boston. and is a magistrate. He goes to Hartford, Conn., and the same year is married to Ann Lord, daughter of Dr. Thomas Lord, one of Hooker's Hartford Colony. He was active in public life, and especially in dealing with the Indians, for \\~hich he was an expert interpreter. He ,vas teaching elder in the Hartford Church, and later sent to teach Indians gospel ways. He found his way to Stonington, became a trader, and settled there and had 10 children, who have multiplied there. Edwin 1\1. Stanton, the famous war secretary, was not of this family but from a Robert Stan­ ton of Xewport, a Friend (Quaker). who died 1672. His family went to Penn. 126 THE J1ATHER FA_J1JLY.

::\Irs. Read: "\Ye judge: is'of English stoek. _.After )fr. Read's death she married ,,~illiam Kao, by ,Yhom she has <.:hildren. (1) Pearl E.: (2) Ella Belle, (:3) "\Yilliam Xdsou. The Read sons are living "\Yith her now. They liYe at Enter­ priSE\ ::\Iont. They han' each taken np homestl,ads.

No. 202 Eliza Mains, daughter of Elsie Read ( 40), born Dec. ·,th, 18:29. :\Iarried, Dec. 27th, 1853, at Nunda. X. Y., Enos }lather.'':, born June 2d, 1821, at Orange, Vt., died June 24th. 1880, Royalton. \Yis. His father '\Yas Enos }Iath('1' and his mother Tamer Houghton. They had:

1. GEORGE FRAXKLIX lVL-\THER (577), Dec. 18, 1854. 2. DAVID HUGH MATHER (578), Apr. 16, 1856. 3. ADA MARIA MATHER (579), Nov. 16, 1858. 4. MYRA MATHER (580), Jan. 22, 1859. 5. FLORA LOUISA MATHER (581), May 20, 1862. 6.. WAIT.A EATOX 1\1_-\THER ( 582), Oct .. 11, 1866; died l\Iar. 23, 1906. 7. WILLIAM Hol:GHTOX MATHER (583), May 20, 1872. 8. MERTOX EYERETT MATHER (584), June 7, 1877. Enos :l\Iather lived in :Middleport, :N'". Y., and -worked three years in a store for l\Ir. Dunlap. Soon after his marriage he WE"nt to Sheboyan, "\Vis., lived then' three years then moved

*Trn-; MATffER PEDIGRF.E.-This we get from "The :Mather Liueage:· Hartford, Conn., 1890. Enos' father, Enos. married Tamar Houghton, and (1) Sydney, (2) Enos, (3) Maria, (4) Tamar, (5) Lovisa. (6) Dan, (7) George, (8) Edna, (9) David. The line down begins with (1) John, in England, (2) Thomas, in England, (3) Rev. Richard, came to America 1636, ( 4) Timothy, ( 5) Atherton. ( 6) vVilliam ( 7) Timothy, (8) Timothy, (9) Enos. married Tamar Houghton. (10) Enos, married Eliza :\'Iain. Rev. Richard had (a) Rev. Samuel. (b) Timothy, (c) Rev. Kathaniel. (d) Joseph, (e) Rev. Eleazar, (f) Rev. Increase. Timothy was ancestor of Enos and Increase was father of the famous Cotton Mather Enos· line is collateral. There are almost no direct dese,mdants of Cotton Mather. The name l\Iather is from the Anglo-Saxon Math. which means honor. reverence. THE "WRIGHT FAJiILY. 127 to Bald,,;ins :L\Iills, 185K where he spent the rest of his life. Sept., 1864, he enlisted in Co. C, -14 "\Yis. Reg., served nine . . months and was honorably discharged. ''He was one of the pioneers of the region, and a genial, good-hearted man, whom 0Yerybody loved and respected.''

No. 203 Polly ,\\aria Mains, daughter of Elsie Reed ( 40), born l\Iar. 25th, 18:32. :Married Feb. 23d, 1862, Rufus "\Vright, born Oct. 5th, 1839, son of Nathan V{right and Sabrina l\1illard. They had:

1. CHARLES MILLARD WRrnHT ( 585), Oct. 28, 1863. 2. ELSIE SABRIXA WRIGHT (586), Apr. 7, 1866. 3. El\DfA CARRIE WRIGHT (587), Aug. 27, 1867. 4. NATHAX ALEXAXDER WRIGHT ( 588), Sept. 13, 1869: died Dec. 12. 1906. 5. MARY ELLA WRIGHT .( 589), Sept. 24, 1871, Royalton. 6. LOTTIE WRIGHT (590), Apr. 24, 1875. Rufus \'{right studied medicine in a Medical College in Michigan, but did not graduate. He went into the army as a doctor, he ,,·as also a carpentPr and stone mason. He is a zealous l\-Iethodist. formerly an exhorter in the church. rrhey liYe at l\Iiddleport, N. Y., where they have a farm.

No. 204 Alvira Mains, daughter of Elsie Reed (40), born Peb. 7th, J 835, at l\Iiddleport, X. Y. l\larrird J"an. :3d, 1865, Alfred Reid. He was born Oct. 9tlL ---. at Hermon, St. La,vrence Co., X. Y., died Aug. 19th. 1905. at GonYerneur. She died June 1st, 1899. They had:

1. :\lARY REID (591a), Xov. 19, 1867. 2. CoRA REID ( 591b), Sept. 29, 1868. 3. RILEY RErn (591c), --; died aged 6-1-3. 4. IRnx (?) REID (591d). --; died aged :3-2-:20. 5. "\VELBY E. REID (592), Aug. 29, 1878. Reid is the ,,..a~- somt> Sc:oteh people spell the name. 128 READ GENEALOGY.

, No. 205 Caroline Lavinia Mains, daughter of Elsie Reed ( 40), born l\lar. 25th, 1837. Married, July 13th, 1888, \Villiam Fox. He ,...-as born Feb. 13th, 1820, and died niar. 6th, 1909, at Elba, N. Y., aged 89-0-2:3. This ,vas his third marriage. They had no children. His ,vife ,vas an old fashioned :Methodist. }Ir. Fox was a Presbyterian and an elder of both churches at Barre Center, New York, his former home, and the Elba church, where he lived in his last years. He was an earnest and praying man, and his wife was also of the same mind. She still lives in Elba, N. Y.

No. 206 Gorton Nelson 'lead, son of vValter (-11), born Sept. 27th, 1840, in North Gage. :Married, Mar. 20th, 1863, Eliza Jhon­ dro,Y, who died Apr. 27th, 1905. She belonged to the French Roman Catholic Church and settlement at Rosiere, and is buried in their cemetery. Her husband is a Protestant. They had no children. Gorton Read was a soldier of the Civil \Var, his service being for :four full years lacking a day. He en­ listed in the 2d N. Y. Inf., Co. A. His regiment was in the 2d Division of the Second .Army Corps. He lives as a retired farmer at Rosiere.

No. 207 Edgar l{ead, son of \Valter (41), born July 18th, 1844, at Br01v11Yille, X. Y. :\Iarried Oct. 21st, 1867, Rachel Stephen­ son, born Sept. 3d, 1846, at Ed,vards, X. Y. She was a daugh­ t0r of "~illiam Stephenson. They had:

1. WILLI.UI EDGAR (593). l\1ar. 19, 1876, Russell, K. Y. Edgar Reed did not live at home mueh after he ,vas five years old, and so gre,Y up under th0 limitations of a life mostly of self-h0lp. But in spite of thesP dra,vbacks he· has THE BULLOCK FAJfILY. 129 become an industrious~ successful man. useful m the com­ munity and respected as a leading citizen. His trade was that of "joiner~" and he also has been a :farmer. To his only child he has given a good education. His military record is one not to be ashamed of. He enlisted Sept. 16th. 1861, in

his 17th .,vear. • in Co. D.• 60th ~- Y. Inf. Reenlisted Dec. 31st. ✓ 1863'. and was mustered out July 20th, 1865, having served continuously from the beginning to the end of the war. In later years his rank was sergeant. He was in 16 general en­ gagements in the armies of the Potomac and Cumberland, and was with Sherman in hi~ famous March to the Sea. The en­ gagements were: Antietam, Gettysburgh, Second Bull Run, Chancellorsville, Bolivar Heights, Ealgotha, Atlanta, Resaca, Kenesaw J\It., Dallas, Peach Tree Creek, "\Vauhatchie Valley, Lookout l\lt., :Mission Ridge, Ringgold, Burtonville. He now lives at De Grasse, N. Y.*

No. 208 Harriet Eli~abeth l{ead, daughter of "\Valter ( 41), born lVIar. 1st, 1846, at "\Vilna, N. Y. Married, Apr. 27th, 1867, "\Villiam Bullock, of So. Russell, son of Richard Bullock and Rachel Hutchinson. He was born Feb. 18th, 1S45, at Armagh, Ireland. Always lived in Russell. They had:

l. DORA ADELL BULLOCK ( 594), July 28, 1868. 2. JoHXSOX E. BULLOCK (595), .July 19, 1870. 3. ARTHl:R Bu-LLOCK ( 596), Dec. 15, 1872. 4. RACHEL ETTA BULLOCK (597), Mar. 12, 1874; died Dec. 13, 1900. 5. ·w1LLI.-L\I BrLLOCK ( 598), May 21, 1877; died Nov. 23, 18'i'i. ::\Ir. Bullock 1,yas a soldier in the 60th N. Y. Inf.. and his record is substantially the same as that of his brother-in-law~ Edgar Read~ given aboYe. He is a farmer in Russell, N. Y.

*RCSSELL ox GRASSE.-In the appendix of this book the reader will find a poem entitled "Russell on the Grasse," about an incident that occurred in the 60th N. Y. Reg., at Gettysburgh. 130 THE ALLES AXD WHITr:.,.-a FAMILIES.

Francis Eugene l{ead, son of "\Valter (41): born Apr. 26th, 1852~ at Orleans. X. Y. ::Harried Ella Stuart, ,vho was born July 30th~ 1854~ at Ed,vards, N. Y. They had:

1. MYRTLE (599), ---, 1874; died l\:Iay 6, 1905. 2. FOSTER DEnLLO (600), Sept. 11, 1880. Francis Reed had, in early life, to shift for himself._ He 1s a farmer: has been road commissioner of his to,vn. He lives at Edwards, N. Y.

No. 210 Henry Martyn Dodd, son of 3laria ,Viser Read ( 44), born at Ridgeville, Lorain Co., Ohio, Aug. 6th: 1839. J.\Iarried, Xov. 30th, 1870, at Canastota, N. Y., Ella "\Vhiting Allen, daughter of David Allen* and Martha E. vYhiting. She ·was born Dec.

*THE Ar.LEX-WHITIXG PEDIGREE.--Ella Allen's father, David Allen, was a merchant in Utica, Cleveland, 0., and Alton, Ill. His father, David Allen, was a Lansingburgh lawyer of much abrnty. His brother, Rev. Edward Allen, was a gifted minister, successor of the celebrated Dr. Griffin, in his Albany (N. Y.) church. He died young. Another brother, Cornelius Lansing Allen, was an able lawyer at Salem, ?\. Y., and for one term judge of the N. Y. Supreme Court. His sister Hester married J. H. Hardenburgh of Auburn, N. Y. She was the mother of Mrs. Herrick Johnson, D. D., a very noted Presbyterian divine. :\Irs. Johnson was the \\-Titer of p~ems of rare beauty and sweetness. Another sister, Sarah, married Orville Reed (from the .John Reed, of Providence, family), and her four sons, Edward, William, Orville and David Allen, are all able ministers of the Gospel, holding important churches. J-iis sister Ellinor married Mr. Parmalee. and her daughter, Mrs. Peebles, is the writer of excellent stories, under the pen-name of Lynde Palmer. The mother of these Allens ,vas Elizabeth Lansing, daughter of the Patroon Cornelius Lansing. He Uved at Lansingburgh, four miles north of Troy, N. Y. He was of Holland-Dutch blood. His son, Rev. Dirck C. Lansing. D. D .. was, in his day. a leading Presbyterian minister. pastor of churches in Utica and Auburn. X. Y., and chief promoter of the founding of Auburn Theol. Seminary. On her mother's side her lineage goes back to Martha Whiting. daughter of Gen. John Whiting, prominent lawyer and militia general of Great Barrington. Mass., son of Gamaliel Whiting, son of Charles READ GENEALOGY. 131

24th, 18:39, and died June 2-lth, 1872. l:3 clays after the birth of her child. She is buried in the Cornelius Lansing lot, ··Oakwood Ce,metery,'' Lansingburgh. X. Y., with the rest of her father's family. Tlwy had:

1. ELLA ALLEX DODD (601), born June 11, 1872. l\fr. Dodd, the author of this book, graduated from Bridg­ ton Academy, )Iaine, '58; from Genesee and \Yyoming Semi­ nary, .A~lexander, N. Y., '60; from Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., A. B. '63, A. )1. '66; from Auburn Theological Semi­ nary, '70; from '6:3- '67 he taught in the old Cortlandville Academy, Cortland, N. Y., part of tp.e time as its principal. He was one of the original movt>rs in securing the present State Normal School at Cortland. ,:vhich stands nearly on the old academy site.

He ,-vas licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Cayuga1 April or May, 1869. and ordained to the Gospel ministry, Jan. 2d, 1873, by. the St. Lawrence Presbytery. Ile served as stu­ dent supply, from l\Iay, '60 to April, '70, of the Ref. D. Church, Canastota, N. Y.,___and as pastor-elect, :May, '70 to l\:lay, '72, of the J\ianlius Presbyterian Church. He was pastor of Presby­ terian Churches at Dexter and Brownville, Jeff. Co., X. Y., Dec. '72 to Sept., '84, at Augusta, Oneida Co., ~- Y., Sept., '84 to l\1ar., '96, at Ashland, Greene Co., N. Y., :Mar. 9, '96 to l\lay,

·whiting. who was great-grandson of William. Whiting of Hartford, Conn. Her mother, for 10 or 15 years, conducted a young ladies• school at Great Barrington, Mass., called Grove Hill Seminary. She was a woman of rare worth and refinement. Her mother, Hannah Kellogg, was of a cultivated family. She was also a second cousin of both Mr. and :~\Irs. Mark Hopkins. one of the four men. Crocker, Stan­ ford, Hopkins and Huntington, who built the first Pacific R. R. They each amassed immense fortunes. Hopkins had no children, and so left his fortune to his wife. She married her architoct, Mr. Searles, and dying left it to him, and he no,v enjoys it. The Whiting-Allen pedigree also goes back to .John and Priscilla Alden. thus: The Charles Whiting above, father of Gamaliel, married Elizabeth Bradford; her mother was Hannah Rogers, a great-grand­ daugh ter of John and Priscilla Alden. READ GE'J..-EALOGY.

1909. During this latter time he supplied the Big Hollow Church five, and the Union Chapel of :Mitchel Hollow three years. Their daughter, Ella Allen Dodd, ,vas four years in '' Horne School" at New Hartford and Verona, N. Y ., and five years in "Cottage Seminary" at Clinton, N. Y., under the training of Mr. and l\Irs. C. W. Hawley. She graduated in 1891. For three years she was in the Conservatory of :Music, Oberlin, 0. She also had one year in and graduated from the Crane Nor­ mal l\iusical Institute. Potsdam, N. Y. She taught a year in Henry Kendall College in Oklahoma, and a year in The Nor­ mal and College Institute, Asheville, N. C. She is now teacher of music in Clinton (N. Y.) High School. In 1909, owing to age and infirmity, :Mr. Dodd retired from the active ministry and moved to Clinton, N. Y., nine miles from Utica, to finish his course and write this genealogy. His ministerial work has been wholly among the rural and smaller churches. He bas also been active in temperance work, hav­ ing been a candidate for Elector of President, in 1892, on the Temperance Ticket. Besides his parish vvork he has done some literary work, viz : 1. Early :Moral Societies, 1890. 2. Augusta Church Centennial History, 1897. 3. Old "\Vindham (Ashland) Church Centennial History, 1903. 4. This Genealogy, after which he hopes to revise the Dodd Genealog;v.

No. 211 Helen Maria Dodd, daughter of Maria "\Viser Read ( 44), born at Franklin, N. Y., Nov. 27th. 1841. died Brooklyn. N. Y .. Jan. 17th, 1906. She married, July 7th. 1866, James Sample*

*THE SA.~1PLE FA.:.\IILY.-James Sample. son of John SE.:\IPLE (as the name is universally and properly spelled and pronounced in the old THE SLlIPLE (SEMPLE) FAMILY. 133 of Brooklyn, N. Y., born }lay 23<.1. 1828, at Glasgow·. Scotland. He died in Brooklyn, Oct. 2d, 1896. They had~ all born in Brooklyn:

1. HELEX ELIZA SA::\IPLE (602), Apr. 21, 1867. 2. MARY LOl7ISA DODD SAl\IPLE ( 603), Mar. 1, 1869; died Aug. 14, 1870. 3. PHEBE -WELAIDE SAMPLE ( 604), Oct. 23, 1870; died Oct. 2, 1884. 4. CxrHERI:\'E SA.:VIPLE (605), July 31, 1872. 5. E::\D:IA GERTRUDE SAMPLE ( 6Q6), Dec. 2, 1S75; died Oct. 8, 1884. country), was born in Glasgow, Scotland, where his parents were on a visit. Their home was at Cullen, a place not far from Londonderry, North of Ireland. James came to America when a young man. In the letter given him by his old teacher his name was spelled Sample, and he let the error stand. He at first retailed dry goods in a store in New York City, then took a mill in Brooklyn, then sold the mill and had a store again on Fulton street, and later on DeKalb avenue. His health gave out and he sold out to his son Joseph. He then spent his life as a real estate agent in Brooklyn. He married (1) Eliza Jane Walker, born 1832, daughter of \Villiam Stewart Walker. The Walkers were Reformed Presbyterians, like the Semples. She died Sept. 28, 1865, having bad six boys, one of whom died young, leaving five boys for the second wife to mother. Her children were: 1. WILLIAl\-I JoHX. Feb. 20, 1853; died Dec. 5, 1877. 2. JA::\:IES LATTA, Feb. 10, 1856. 3. S.uIUEL WALKER. Dec. 24, 1857; died ---, 1894. 4. GEORGE WASI-IIXGTOX. July 4, 1860; died Apr. 3, 1861. 5. JOSEPH. Mar. 23, 1862. 6. CHARLES WALKER, Sept. 23, 1864; died Nov.23.1904. 1. William John was one of the about 300 persons who perished in the Brooklyn theater fire, Dec. 5th, 1877. 2. James Latta, for a time, was in the shirt manufacturing busi­ ness, but is now a salesman for a New York sponge house. He mar­ ried, Oct. 27th, 1880 ..Jessie Benton Fremont Carleton, daughter of A. S. Carleton. They had: (1) Clarence Walker Sample, Feb. 18. 1882; (2) .Jessie Latta Sample, Sept.. 1884. died about 5 weeks old; (3) Helen Carleton Sample, July 28, 1885. 3 . .Joseph was a very successful retail dry goods merchant on DeKalb avenue. He is no"\v operating in real estate. He married l\Iinnie Sheridan. They have no children. 4. Charles W. was a retail dry goods merchant. He married Florence Lewis, had four children. one died soon after birth. His widow married again. 134 THE GRUICKH,HA.TK FA.J:IILY.

::\fr. Sample was a, retail dry goods merdiant and real estate agent, and lived in Brooklyn. He was an elder in the Ref. Pres. Church and later in a "G. S. A. Pres. Church. J\Irs. Sample was educated at Bridgton ~..\cademy, l\laine. and Gen­ (•see and "\Vyoming Seminary, Alexander, X. Y. She taught for the Am. Miss. Ass. among Freedmen in Virginia and North Carolina. She married a widower ,vith five half-grown boys, . and· then had five girls. and her family cares were many and great. In spite of it all she became active in church work, and in the Brooklyn V\.... C. T. U. She had a very fine singing voice and gifts in exhortation, and for a time conducted some of their i\r:lissions in the city. As a writer she was gifted with a brilliant and effective literary style. She was c1 member of the Presbyterian Church. Helen Eliza Sample suffers from impaired health. She is a fine piano teacher, and now lives with her sister, lvlrs. Doug­

lass.; in Brooklvn.I,' , N. Y.

No. 214 Melissa Ann Cruickshank, daughter of l\Ialintha Read ( 45), born Apr. 17th, 183~. Married, May 6th, 1872, Gilbert Allen, born Dec. 9th, 1811, died at Coldbrook. Mar. 3d, 1893. His first wife was Eliza Jane C1·uickshank. sister of :Melissa's father. Eliza was married in 1857 and died Dec. 14th, 1871. . He had by his first wife t\yo sons. .John and David. John is married and has Cora and :Mary. David has Jennie and John. There ,vere no children by the second marriage. Mr. Allen ,vas an earnest Christian, a member of the l\I. E. Church and a highly respected citizen of Coldbrook. His ,vido"· frves at Poland.

No. 215 James Martin Cruickshank, son of l\Ialintha Read ( 45). born X ov. 29th. 1840. Married. ~Iar. 31st. 1863. ::\Iary Ann THE ORUICKSHASK FAJllLY. 135

EYans. born :May 8th. 1841. daughter of David Evans and Elizabeth Hughes ("\Velsh). They had:

1. FRED JAl\IES CmJICKSHAXK (607), May 19, 1864. 2. EDGAR CHARLES CRUICKSHAXK ( 608), Oct. 9, 1865. 3. MILLARD SEYl\iOUR CRUICKSHAXK ( 609), Aug. 1, 1867. 4. Ans EDITH CRUICKSHAXK (610), Oct. 10, 1870. James M. Cruickshank has been a large and successful dairy farmer, owning a farm next to his father's. This family are members of the Presbyterian Church, of which the father and the sons Fred and Millard have each been elders. He is now retired and lives at Poland, N. Y.

No. 216 Stewart Jesse Cruickshank, son of ~Ialintha Read ( 45), born Mar. 6th, 1843. Married (1), July 4th, 1867, Harriet E. Clarke, born Aug. 11th, 1845, died Jan. 31st, 1880, adopted daughter of Jonathan Clark, North Gage. She is buried at North Gage. He married (2), Aug. 3d, 1882, Julia Augusta Bro,vn, born June 28th, 1842, daughter of John B. Brown and Eliza Ann "\Y olcott. The children, all by first marriage, are:

1. ALBERTUS CLARK CRUICKSHAXK (611), Mar. 16, 1869. 2. WALTER GILBERT CRUICKSHAXK (612), July 31, 1873. ~Ir. Cruickshank has a fine dairy farm. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church. He lives near North Gage.

No. 217 John Dodd Cruickshank, son of l\ialintha Head ( 45), born ~-\.pr. 19th, 1845, died :Mar. 9th, 1893. 1\farried Panny Begent.

She y\·as born ---.. and died Dec. 18th., 1891. Thev., had no children. H0 bought his father's home farm and ,vas in prosperous circumstances, when, in middle life: both he and his team were killed at the lower R. R. crossing in Poland, by the cars. He evidently expected to get over before the 136 READ GENEALOGY. oncoming train, but mis~alculated the speed of each. He 1-Yas a general favorite and a member of the Presbyterian Church. The inscriptions on his tombstone at Xorth Gage are grossly incorrect.

No. 218 Maria Elizabeth Cruickshank, daughter of l\Ialintha Read (45), born Apr. 21st, 1847. Married, lVIar. 23d, 1890, :Melvin Jackson Allen, born Aug. 3d, 1825, died July, 1903. He was a son of ---, and brother of• Gilbert Allen, her sister l\:Ielissa 's husband. Mr. Allen was an earnest member of the Free Baptist Church. They had no children. ~Ir. .A.Hep had been married before. She lives in Poland, N. Y.

No. 219 Emma Jane Cruickshank, daughter of Malintha Read (45), born July 10th, 1849, died :O.Iay 9th, 1909. ~'.Iarried, July 10th, 1884, John De Lester Clark, born at )forth Gage, son of Jonathan and Mary Clark. They had:

1. MARY l\L.\LINTHA CLARK ( 613), Sept. 26, 1887. · 2. LEONARD E. CLARK (614), Dec. 1, 1889; died Aug. 14, 1890. :Mr. Clark is a farmer at North Gage, Deerfield, R. D.

No. 220 Martha Maria, daughter of William Record Reed (51), born Dec. 27th, 1839, at North Gage, died Sept. 17th. 1894. She married, Dec. 27th, 1860. Thomas Burroughs. horn Oct. 18th, 1839, at \Yales, N. Y .. son of Joseph Burroughs, and Jane Per­ cival. who were both born in England. Thev had: . ~ - 1. HOWARD JOSEPH B-CRROl:GHS (615), Dec. 13, 1861. 2. E~Il\IA J AXE B-c-RROGGHS ( 616), Dec. 20, 1865. 3. CORA MAY B--cRROrGHS ( 617), Apr. 20, 1871. They were all born in vYales, X. Y. :l\Ir. Burroughs 1s a farmer and lives now in Dixon. Ill. READ GENEALOGY. 137

No. 221 Elgene Wolcott, son of \\i'"illiam Record Reed ( 51), born Sept. 12th, 1841, at North Gage. l\Iarried (1), :May 5th, 1864, at ,Vales, Elsie Beattie Cadugan, born at "\Vales, Nov. 24th, 1864, died Apr. 19th, 1899. :Married (2L l\Irs. Jessie Hooper, daughter of Franklin Hill and Achsah Gale, born at York­ shire, Feb. 4th, 1859. Mrs. Hooper was a successful teacher, for 11 years, in the Delevan High School. By his first wife he had:

1. WILLIA)! EL)IER ( 618), Aug. 30, 1865; died Apr. 23, 1867. 2. CLIXTOX ELGESE ( 619), Sept. 25, 1866; died Nov. 5, 1866. 3. ELLA BERTHA ( 620), Apr. 15, 1869. 4. DORA MARIA ( 621), July 6, 1872. 5. MARY ADDIE (622), Mar. 2, 1874: 6. ALTA MABEL ( 623), Oct. 28, 1876; died Oct. 1, 1880. The two :first were born in Wales, the others 1n Java, N. Y .. Elgene Read graduated from Albany (N. Y.) Normal Col­ lege in 1862, and taught several terms. He and his brother Ervin, from 1868 to 1878, had a general merchandise store in Java village. In 1878 they moved to a larger field at York­ shire., now Delevan., where for manv" ..,.vears thev" have done a large country store business, needing several clerks. "E. vV. Read & Co.,'' is their style and they have been very successful merchants. Elgene has been an active leader in town and county politics in his party. He was supervisor, '90, '91. He was a leader in securing and conducting the Delevan High School. In his earlier days he ·was a member of the Baptist Church, but no,v belongs to the 11. E. Church. He is a man of unusual energy and force, but is now retired from business. He lives at DeleYan, :N. Y.

No. 222 Herbert l{oselle, son of '\Villiam Record Read (51), born Aug. 24th, 1843. at North Gage. :Harried :Mar. 19th. 1872~ 138 REA.D GEXEALOGY.

Cora Caroline Ring: born Feb. 25th. 18-19. at Java: X. Y., daughter of Barnard C. Ring and l\Iary Richardson. The~~ had:

1. WILLI.HI BARXARD ( 624), Dec. 22, 1872. 2. CHARLES HERBERT (625), Aug. 20, 1875. 3. E&VIX CLIFTOX (626), July 19, 1877. He is a farmer. They are :Methodists. His present resi­ dence is at Falls, Idaho.

No. 224 William Ervin, son of "\Villiam Record Read ( 51), born at North Gage, Nov. 6th, 1847. Married, Jan. 1st, 1878, Cornelia l\iinerva "\Valdo, born Nov. 22d, 1858, Utica, Ind., daughter of Calvin Calkins "\Valdo and Polly J. Raymond. They have, all born at Delevan, N. Y.:

1. NETTIE Coy ( 627) , Dec. 26, 1878. 2. HERBERT ELGENE ( 628), Apr. 8, 1880. 3. FLOREXCE MATILDA (629), Nov. 12, 1885. 4. HARRY SAMUEL ( 630), Mar. 13, 1888. Ervin Read has been an active and successful merchant with his brother Elgene at Delevan. The families live side by side, in good homes, and are much esteemed and respected in the community. The younger ones haye chosen educational careers. Ervin Read had a good academic training- and taught a number of years. He and his family are Baptists. Florence Read graduated from l\It. Holyoke College in 1909, where she took high rank as a scholar and student. She remained there two years as Secretary of the Alumni Association. She is now PriYate Secretary of the President of Reed College. Portland, Oregon. Harry Samuel Read took a literature course at the Uni­ versity of :Michigan, graduating in 1911. He also studied den­ tistry one year. READ GESEALOGY. 1:39

No. 225 Mary ~ocelia, daughter of Lonson Patchen Read ( 52), born Aug. 25th, 1848. 1\1:arried Seneca "\Yelbert Ackley, born :Mar. 18th, 1842, in Wales, son of Ithamer Ackley · and l\ilatilda Barnard. They ,,yere married Feb. 12th, 1868, at East Aurora, K. Y. They had:

1. GRACE READ ACKLEY (631), June 27, 1881; died Feb. 4, 1896. 2. DORA GRACE ACKLEY (632), Jan. 8, 1891. They also legally adopted, May 5th, 1890, :Myrtle Bell Freeman, born Jan. 13th, 1887. Their children were born at E ..A .. urora. :Mr. Ackley was a soldier, and after the war was six years in a R. R. office, then took to the farmer's life. He now owns and carries on the farm of Lonson Read. They at­ tend the Presbyterian Church. The Ackleys are of Palatine descent. No.._ 226 fanny Helen, daughter of Lonson P. Read (52), born in South V{ ales, __ Sept. 25th, 1854. :Married, Aug. 9th, 1876, Charles Nathan Brayton, born Sept. 11th, 1847, at Poland, X. Y., son of Isaac Brayton and Nancy Burwell. 1.rhey had:

1. JESSE READ BRA YTOX ( 633), Mar. 17, 1878; died Sept. 16, 1878. 2. ~L-\RY MA"GD BRAYTOX ( 634), Sept. 6, 1880. 3. ROBERT ISAAC BRAYTOX (635), Oct. 27, 1886. 4. CARL BRAYTOX (636), June 1, 1888. 5. XELSOX B-URWELL BRAYTOX (637), Aug. 28, 1889. =.\Ir. Brayton ,vas educated at Arcade Academy and Buffalo Business College. He is a farmer and lives at South \Vales. Isaac Brayton, his fathe1·, was brother to Almon Brayton, hushand of Caroline Schermerhorn.

No. 228 Antha Lucelia Beebee, daughter of Harriet J. Reed (55), born June 5th. 1854. at Poland, N. Y. :l\Iarried, Dec. 13th 140 THE BEEBEE FAMILY.

1876, Charles LeYerett Treat, born Sept. llth1 1853, at Holland Patent, son of Albert B. Treat and Jane Ann Coombs. They had:

1. HOWARD ALTOX TREAT (638), Oct. 25, 1877. 2. EDNA BEEBEE TREAT (639), Jan. 16, 1879; died Jan. 27, 1894. l\Ir. Treat is a teacher. He has lived in Ogden, Iowa: :.\Ian­ kato, l\Iinn. ; St. Paul, Minn. He now lives in "\Vashington, D. C. They are·Episcopalians.

No. 229 M,ary Ella Beebee, daughter of Harriet J. Reed (55), born at Trenton, N. Y., Oct. 30th, 1856. Married, Nov. 30th, 1887, Nelson Buell Walker, born l\1ay 28th, 1851. His parents were Truman Jeremiah \V alker and Leonora Clarissa Buell. They have:

1. -TRUMA); ADDISON WALKER (640), Aug. 28, 1888. 2. FRANK HENRY WALKER ( 641) , Dec. 2, 1889. 3. ETHEL HARRIET WALKER (642), July 21, 1892. They live in Aurora, Ill. They are Christian Scientists. He is a carpenter.

No. 230 Truman Silas Beebee, son of Harriet J. Reed (55), born at Trenton, N. Y., Nov. 3d, 1858. l\larried, Dec. 2d, 1886, Sarah Thayer, born Jan. 22d, 1857, daughter of Jared Thayer and :Mary Squire. l\Ir. Beebee liYes in the '' "'\Yeathersfield" neighborhood, about 2½ miles from Holland Patent, and is a dairy farmer. They are Presbyterians. They have no children. His address is Holland Patent.

No. 231 Wesley Sylvester, son of Isaac Hetherington Read ( ;36), born in Oneida Co., N. Y., Aug. 8th, 1828, died at \Yaterloo: READ GENE.A.LOGY. 141

Iowa. Aug. 2d~ 1885. Married (1). ---: 1850, at Utica, X. Y .. Catherine Colberges, born July 4th, 18:30: died June 3d, 1881. Her parents are not known. She was an orphan. He marrit>d (2) Mrs. Elizabeth l\IcGee. By first wife he had:

1. PHEBE ELIZABETH (643), Mar. 17, 1851. 2. HARRIETTE JEAXXETTE (644), Aug. 4, 1853. 3. WESLEY SYLVESTER, JR. ( 645), Sept. 30, 1859. { 4. B..\.BE ( 646), Sept. 30, 1859. 5 Died in infancy. Phebe and Harriette ,vere born in Utica, N. Y., the twins at \Vest Point, Ill. J\fr. Reed moved t-0 Ill. in 1855, and lived on a farm near Freeport. In 1864 he moved to Poyner, Iowa, and farmed it for a number of years, then moved to "\Vater­ loo~ where he died. His early life was that of a pioneer. He was a member of the 1\1. E. Church. His second wife, after his death, married George Reinhart, and lives in Waterloo.

No. 232

Isaac J. ~eed, Sr., son of Isaac Jietherington Reed ( 56), born Jan. 24th, 1830, at Utica, N. Y. Married, Feb. 11th, 1851. Catherine :McGuire, born Feb. 16th. 1834, in Scotland.

Thev~ had·.

1. FRX~CIS E. (647), Nov. 26, 1852. 2. RrnY ( 648), Apr. 1, 1855; died in iufan<:y. 3. J.urns AUGUSTUS (649), May 14, 1857; died -- 4. WILLI.BI PATRICK (650), Mar. 5, 1860; died June 13, 1909. 5 ..JOSEPH EDWARD (651), Nov. 18, 1862. 6. CHARLES l\I..\ Y ( 652), lVIay 12, 1865; died .June 12, 1876. 7. Is.uc J. (653), Aug. 27, 1868. 8. RoBERT ( 654), Oct. 27, 1871; died May 27, 1876 . .James Augustus died a few months after his wedding day. Francis and a babe ·were born in "Ctica, James A. in Lena, SteYenson Co.~ IlL and also ,Yilliam and Joseph, the others ("we presume) in Iowa. ::\Ir. Reed. a fe,v years ago. retired from his farm and novt, 142 READ GEXEALOGY. over 82 years old, liYes in "\Yaterloo. The '· .J.' · in hjs 11ame has been inserted by his chihlr('n to distinguish him from Isaac H. This family are Roman Catholics.

No. 233 Cynthia, daughter of Isaac Hetherington Read ( 56): born about 1833, died --- She married George Smith. They had:

1. MARY S:c\IITH ( 655).

George Smith lives at Rising. Xeb. He 1s a farmer.

No. 234 Harriet, daughter of Isaac Hetherington Read ( 56), born at New London, N. Y., Nov. 21st, 1835. J.\:larried, :Nov. ~d, 1851, at Utica, N. Y., John Peterson Peek born Nov. 27th, 1833,. at Schenectady: N. Y-: died July 29th, 1908, at ,Vater­ loo, Ia., They had:

1. MARY CORNELIA PEEK (656), Mar. 8, 1854. 2. JOHX BEXJA:\IIX PEEK (657 J, ~ov. 24, 1856; died Jan. 27, 1874. 3. FRAXCES PEEK ( 658), July 24, 1859; died Dec. 11, 1860. 4. DELBERT F. PEEK (659), May 14, 1861; died Apr. 1, 1901. 5. ALFRED B. PEEK (660), Apr. 25, 1863. This family went to Iowa in 1865, bought a farm in Poy­ ner to,-rnship. They sold this place a numher of years ago, and bought '' Burr Oak'' Farm, in the suburbs of \Yaterloo, and now ·within the city limits and estimated (1912) as ,Yorth

*50 7000. l\Ir. Alfred B. Peek remains at home to care for his mother. They belong to the ~1. E. Church.

No. 237 l{oxcey Ann Green, daughter of Catherine Read ( 58), born

Jan. 26th, 1835, in Cattaraugus Co. 7 N. Y. ::.\Iarri•:d (1) '. Tim­ othy D. Buck Aug. 16th, 1854. He ,vas born Jan. 1st. 1829. READ GENEALOGY. 143 in Van Buren, N. Y. He died early in 1862. :l\Ir. Buck had attended college, but did not graduate. I-Ie ,vas a farmer and she his second wife. She married (2). Aug. 2d, 1863, Jonas D. \Vood,vard, born Mar. 14th, 1836, in Lyme, Jeff. Co.~ N. Y., son of Chester S. -vv oodward and )Iaria l-Iayden, and step-son of her aunt Anna Eliza. He died Mar. 13th, 1908, at Henry, Ill. He ,vas an active business man, and was in the shoe business for a long time. He was a zealous Odd Fellow. He owned and printed the Henry Republican. He came west with ·his parents when four years old. He also belonged to the "':N' ew Church" (Swedenborgian). By l\Ir. Buck she had:

1. JESSIE EURETTA BUCK ( 661), Dec. 12, 1856. 2. CATHERI::-;E EFFIE BUCK (6G2), July 17, 1859. By Mr. Woodward she had:

3. CHESTER FRA::-;c1s WooDWARD (663), Sept. 15, 1865; died M_ay 14, 1866. 4. CORAL ROXCENA WOODWARD (664), July 10, 1867. 5. JOHN ARTHUR WOODWARD (665), Sept. 10, 1870; died July 10, 1896. 6. LEON EARXEST WooDV,ARD (666), Jan. 18, 1873. John Arthur·-"\Voodward, educated in Joliet schools, was clerk seven years in Joliet P. 0. He died unmarried. )!rs. "\Yoodward and her daughter Catherine, ·unmarried, live in Joliet. In their home may be seen an old cherry bureau ,vhich Lewis Read brought overland from New York State in the wagons 1vhen he tame in 1837. still sound and muse.

No. 240 Mary Euretta Green, daughter of Catherine Head ( 58), horn Feb. 17th. 18-,ta. at Joliet, IlL died :\lar., 1901. :~\Iarried (1), about 1864, Edv,·ard ::\1itche11. born ---, died Apr. 7th. 1874. He ,vas a R. R. man. in. c:harge of the bridges on the St. Louis and Chicago R. R. He died in Joliet. She mar- ried (2), Dec. 25th. 1876. \Yilliam Dunbar, Santa Barbara, Cal. 144 THE HENRY G. BRO WX FAMILY.

She had: all by l\Ir. :Mitchell:

1. WILLIAM .JOHN MITCHELL ( 66i), --; died in childhood. 2. EDWARD MITCHELL ( 668), --; died in childhood. 3. HARRY HERBERT MITCHELL ( 669), --; died in childhood. 4. JULIA ALICE MITCHELL ( 670), --

No. 242 Warren Brown, son of Roxcena Read (60), born about

1840: died during the summer 1892, at Joliet1 of small pox. He married Sophronia Rudd. She died in less than a year, leaving no children. l\1r. Brown enlisted in the 100th Ill. Reg .. and served in the Army of Tenn.

No. 243 A~mira Brown, daughter of Roxcena Read (60), born Nov., 1842, at Joliet. Married, Dec. 27th, --- Stephen Hensley, vvho was raised in Peterboro, Ky .. born ---, 1842. They had:

1. L"CELLA HEXSLEY (671), --, 1863. 2. HETTY HENSLEY ( 672) , , 1865; died aged 13 months. 3. JOHN HENSLEY (673), June 23, 1872. 4. MARY HENSLEY ( 67 4) , Oct. 5, 187 4. 5. CARL HENSLEY (675), Oct. 29, 1876. Luella and Hetty _were born in Joliet. John and :Mary 1n Indiana. J\ilr. Hensley now resides in Hillsboro, Oregon.

No. 244 Lewis Oliver Brown, son of Roxcena Read (60), born l\Iar. 19th, 1846: died Aug. 26th, 1886. Married Ardella Carroll of Joliet. born Apr. 2d, 1860, in Xevv York. The:v had:

1. HENRY JOHN BROWN (676), Jan. 6, 1885. ::\Ir. L. 0. Bro-,vn died in Joliet, of heart trouble. He was severely wounded at Cold Harbor, and his left arm vYas crippled. THE HOG[B FAMILY. 145

No. 254

Delia Elizabeth, daughter of \Yilliam Whitehouse Reed (64), born Oct. 13th, 1838, at LeRoy, N. Y. l\Jarried, Oct. 26th, 1856, vYilliam Franklin Hogue, at Cascade, \Vis. He ,vas born June 29th, 1835, at North Hampton, Ohio, died 29th, 1887, at Chicago, Ill. They had:

1. WILLIA:.\! Onsox HOGUE ( 677), Mar. 26, 1858. 2. EDWARD FLoRILLA HOGUE (678), Aug. 2, 1859. 3. EMMA ADELIXE HOGUE (679), July 23, 1861; died Dec. 2, 1868. 4. ORBIN SYI:.YESTER HOGUE ( 680), May 15, 1863. 5. MARY ESTELLA HOGUE (681), Aug. 3, 1865. 6. FRA::<.K WESLEY HOGUE (682), June 2, 1869. 7. CHARLES THOMAS HOGUE (683), Apr. 8, 1874; died Feb. 14, 1875. \Villiam and Edward were born at Linden, Wis.

No. 255

Mary Delight, daughter of William \Vhitehouse Reed ( 64), born Aug. 3d, 1842, at Orleans, N. Y. Married, Nov. 18th, 1858, at Linden, Wis., John Templeton Hogue, born Jan. 23d, 1837, at North Hampton, 0. They had:

1. WILLIA:\,! THO:\fAS HOGUE (684), May 30, 1860. 2. CLARA NETTIE HOGUE (685), Jan. 26, 1862; died July 26, 1863. 3. LOTTIE MAY HOGUE (686), Oct. 5, 1866; died May 31, 1867. 4. JOHX WESLEY HOGUE (687), Apr. 6, 1868. 5. 1\Ln::D IRE.XE HOGCE (688), Nov. 16, 1875. 6. MARY ALICE HOGUE (689), Feb. 7, 1883.

The Reed sisters married Hogue brothers. John T. lS a car inspector.

No. 256

Melissa Finette, daughter of "\Villiam vVhitehouse Reed ( 64), born Aug. 8th, 1852, at Cascade, "\Vis. :Married, :M:ay 146 READ GENEALOGY..,

27th, 1875, Porter Smith of Cascade, Wis., born Dec. 31st, 1854, at Rubicon, \Vis. They had:

1. WILLIA:\! WARREN SMITH ( 690), May 12. 1876. 2. ADA FINXETTE SMITH (691), Sept. 13, 1877. 3. GEORGINA SMITH (692), Mar.14, 1879. 4. MATILDA ELIZA SlIITH ( 693), Oct. 22, 1884. { 5. EDITH ELIZA SMITH ( 694) , Oct. 22, 1884. 5 6. FLORA LA VERNE S~IITH ( 695), Oct. 10, 1887. 1\1r. Smith resides m Bonaparte, Iowa.

No. 258

Orville Orsine, son of Noyes L. Reed (65), born Feb. 15th, 1847, at Omar, N. Y. · Married, Feb. 16th, 1887, Susan Scott, born Aug. 28th, 1860, daughter of Robert Scott and Christian :Martin. She was :from Canada. They had:

1. LUTHER JAMES (696), Jan. 3, 1888. 2. CHARLES ALBERT ( 697), May 8, 1894. 3. ALLIE AMELIA ( 698) , Sept. 2, 1898; died Oct. 8, 1906. Luther will graduate in 1913 from Lansing College. Mr. Orville Read is a farmer near Birch Run, and has some high grade Holsteins. He has also a fine military record. Enlisted Dec. 26th, 1863, discharged Aug. 15th, 1865. Re-en­ listed Co. E, 4th Mich. Cav. He was in the Red River ex­ pedition, Atlanta, SeJma, Atlantic Campaign. Wilson Cav. Division were pursuing Jefferson Davis, had found out where he was and the colonel of his regiment detailed 128 men to go down and bring him in. :Mr. Reed was not in the detaiL but twice helped guard him. l\Iay 10th. 1865. This family are Free :Methodists.

No. 259

Adelbert Albertson, son of Noyes L. Reed ( 65), born July 13th, 1849, at Omar, N. Y. l\larried, Dec. 31st, 1872, :Marisa THE HUTCHINSON FAMILY. 147

Lovinia Totten, born Feb. 23d, 1852, at Dansville, N. Y., daugh­ ter of Henry Totten and Julia Cook. They had :

1. ELMER EUGENE ( 699), Oct. 6, 1873. 2. CLARA AUGUSTA (700), June 6, 1875. 3. EDITH .JULIA ( 701), July 14, 1878. :Mr. Reed is a farmer. lives on his farm near Birch Run.

No. 260

James Jasper, son of Noyes L. Reed (65), born Nov. 16th, 1851, at Omar, N. Y. :Married, Mar. 19th, 1874, Catherine Elizabeth :Marsh, born Dec. 27th, 1857, Williamstown, Ohio, daughter of Ezra Marsh and Ann Musson. They had:

1. EVA ROSINA (702), Mar. 30, 1877. 2. CLARE::'\CE ADRIAN ( 703), May 31, 1883. Jasper Reed's Bible gives his birth Nov. 16th, 1852. We give above the record from his father's chart. He is a farmer and lives near Birch Run, l\Iich.

No. 262

~osetta Minerva, daughter of Noyes L. Reed ( 65), born June 2d, 1858, at Birch Run, Mich. Marrie

1. HARLOW EwGENE HCTCHINSOX (704), Feb. 22, 1877; died Feb. 28, 1877. 2. EUGENE s. HUTCHIXSON (705), .June 8, 1878; died Apr. 8, 1899. 3. MELHN NOYES Hl:TCHINSON (706), May 7, 1880. 4. AL:\IA A:\IELIA HUTCHINSON (707), Feb. 16, 1883.} 5. ABBY ADELIA HCTCHI:'i"SOX (708), Feb. 16, 1883. 6. CHARLES CLARENCE ffCTCHINSOX (709), July 20, 1884. 7 . .JAMES ARTHi:R HUTCHINSO::-. (710), May 2, 1886. 8. ETHEL ROSELLA H"GTCHI::-.sox (711), Oct. 29, 1889. Thjs famjly ljve at Bireh Run. )Iich.i and are farmers. Alma Amelia did not marry. 148 THE B. S. CLARK FAllHLY.

No. 263

Ann Eliza finch, daughter of Lois .Ann Reed ( 66), born Dee. 7th, 1843, at Rossie, N. Y. :Married~ Jan. 1st, 1861, Im­ manuel :Mendell. He is dead. They had :

1. WILLIAM EDWARD MENDELL (712), July 24, 1864. 2. ID.A LILLIAN MENDELL (713), Mar. 5, 1866. 3. ALPHA ETTA MENDELL (714), Sept. 9, 1867; died Jan. 10, 1S90. 4. ALICE EY.A MENDELL (715), Apr. 22, 1870. "\Villiam, Ida, and Etta were born in Peoria Co., Ill., Alice in Erie, Neosho Co., Kan. He is a farmer who lived, in 1891, at Erie, Kansas. She lives in Illinois.

No. 264 M_ary Elitha finch, daughter o:f Lois Ann Reed (66), born Dec. 14t~, 1844, at Rossie, N. Y. Married, Aug. 22d, 1860, Benjamin Sebra Clark. They had:

1. MAY CHRISTIANA CLARK (716), June 18, 1861. 2. LAL'RA ABIGAIL CLARK (717), Mar. 6, 1864. · 3. FLORA MAY CLARK (718), May 16, 1866; died Nov. 9, 1888. 4. BEXJ.A:.\UN ALBA CLARK (719), July 27,·1868. 5. OSCAR LEE CLARK (720), Nov. 8, 1873. 6. CHARLES EUGENE CLARK (721), Jan. 6, 1880. 7. GEORGE EDGAR CLARK (722), .Tune 30, 1882; died Jan. 7, 1883. 8. GEORGE PEARL CLARK {723), Mar.--, 1884; died in infancy. 9. SARDIS SYLVESTER CLARK (724), Nov. 17, 1885. The first four ·were born in Peoria Co., Ill., the rest in Neosho Co., Kansas. 11r. Clark is a farmer residing at Erie, Kansas.

No. 266

Nathaniel Jonah finch, son of Lois .Ann Reed ( 66), born at Ennisville, Can., Dec. 28th, 1850. Is unmarried. Lives with Alice E. Mendall 1\tlcKenna, Hobart, Okla. READ GENEALOGY. 149

No. 267

Emma Jane Finch, married Elijah Brown and, according to the Dickerman Genealogy, had 18 children in 1891. Vv~ e allow her 18 numbers in our numbering. See appendix.

No. 270 Beniamin franklin Finch, son of Lois .Ann Reed ( 66), born Jan. 3d, 1855, at Peoria, Ill. Married ( 1), Sept. 28th, 1870, J.Vlartha Jane Brown, born l\lay 1:3, 1862, died Feb. 5th, 1882. :Married (2), July 23d, 1884, Emma Brown, cousin of first wife. By Martha he had:

1. CLABENCE F':rNCH (744), Oct. 8, 1880. By Emma he had:

2. LEWIS FINCH (745), Apr. 24, 1885. Clarence Fink is in Mont., unmarried. :Martha -Brown was step-daughter to Emma Jane F:inch.

No. 273 Sardis Alviro, son of Spencer DeWitt Reed (67), born July 3d, 1849. Married, Nov. 27th, 1872, :\Iary Jane Gould. They had:

1. HOWARD (746), Oct. 1, 1880.

No. 274

Martha A., daughter of Spencer De "\\~itt Reed (67), born 1n Jefferson Co., N. Y., Aug. 18th, 1850, died Nov. 3d, 1911. 2.\larried (1), Herman N. Hollo-way, of Omar. He 1,vas born ---, died Feb. 8th, 1887. She married (2) Alvaro D. Hol­

lowav.._,, of Omar., a. farmer . By her first husband she had:

1. HAXXAH GRACE HOLLOWAY (747), Sept. 8, .1875. 2. GLEXX CLARK HOLLOWAY (748), Jan. 23, 1883; died -- 150 REA.D GE-SEA.LOGY.

No. 275 Carrie A., daughter of Spencer DevVitt Reed (67L born Apr. 26th, 1856. :Married, Jan. 1st, 1885. Henry ~- Brown of Chaumont. He died. She married (2) David Diefendorf, who died Nov. 17th, 1910. By J.\,lr. Brown she had:

1. EARL REED BBOWX ( 7 49). The misfortunes of this kinswoman are such as to appeal to all sympathetic hearts. Both her husbands dropped dead. She lives at Chaumont, N. Y.

No. 276 Sarah Frances, daughter of Spencer DeWitt Reed ( 67), born Jan. 9th, 1863. Married, Dec. 4th, 1890, at Omar, Edwin Cole, of Alexandria, N. Y. He lives at Alexandria.

Mary Emma Mick, daughter of l\Iarat?-da Reed (68), born 1n Illinois, Feb. 12th, 1855. died Nov. 24th. J S87. l\1larried, Dec. 25th, 1876, Edwin D. Ballard. an engineer.· They had: l. CLOA ADELLA BALLARD (750), Dec. 11, 18'i8. 2. EDDY LEWIS BALLARD ( 7 51), June 4, 1880. 3. JESSE LARAWAY BALLARD (752), Oct. 12, 1882. 4. WILBER SA:m.:EL BALLARD ( 753), Sept. 17. 1884.

No. 279 Spencer Eugene Mick, son of l\Iaranda Reed (68), born Sept. 1:3th, 1857. in Illinois. l\Iarried. DC'e. 18th. 18~-1, :l\Iadora Fleming. They had: 1. ETHEL LOFISA MICK (754), Oct. 26. 1885. 2. WI:XIFRED MICK (755), Mar.2.1887. 3. MADORA MICK (756), Sept. 8, 1889. These ,ver(.• born in J\Iari-.t,illes. Ill. READ GENEALOGY. 151

No. 280

Jesse Louis Mick, son of 1\Iaranda Reed ( 68). born Mar. 31st, 1859, in Illinois. :Married. Dec. 31st, 18--, Emma Van Tiffen.

No. 282

Josephine Amy Mick, daughter of l\Iaranda Reed (68),born Aug. 20th, 1861, in Ill1nois. Married, Sept. 7th, 18--, Charles Brodbeck. They had :

L CHARLES ALFRED BRODBECK (757), July rn, 1880. 2. NELLIE ELZIXA BRODBECK (758), Aug. 30, 1882. 3. GEORGE EUGENE BRODBECK (759), Jan. 29, 1884. All born at J\iarseilles. Mr. Brodbeck is a drayman.

No. 287

Fred Sheldon l\ted, son of Lewis Edwin (70), born May 8th, 1868. Married (1), Feb. 4th. 1891, :Maude Estella Cole, born May 16th, 1870. died Aug. 14th, 1909. He married (2), Oct. 18th, 191L Nellie l\iay Cole, sister of l\1aude, and both daughters of Irving Cole and Harriet Gillespie. By first wife he had:

1. RUTH HAZEL (760), Feb. 16, 1892. 2. DORA ALVINA (761), Sept. 14, 1895. 3. HARRIET MILDRED (762), Feb. 25, 1898. Fred Read is a farm(•r. ·who lives in Pamelia, about 2 miles from ,Yaterto,vn, X. Y. He is an active temperance> man and member of tlH' Prot. l\1. E. Clrnreh.

No. 288

Julia Elitha l{eed, daughter of Le·wis Edwin (70), born Dec. 24th, 1873, in Jefferson Co., X. Y., died Apr. 5th, 1904, THE SPA[-LDISG FA.JIILY. at "\Yatertown. She married. Feb. 22d. 1899. Oscar Earl Hinds. )Ir. Hinds is a civil engineer, "\Vaterto,Yn, N. Y. No children.

No. 289 Sarah ~ebecca, daughter of Lewis Ed·win Reed (70), born July 19th, 1874, in Jefferson Co., ~- Y. Married, Sept. 23d, 1896, William Franklin Spaulding, born Jan. 20th, 1873, Nor­ folk, N. Y., son of Judson Levi Spaulding and Josephine Helena Derrill. They had :

1. PHEBE MYRTLE SPAULDI~G (763), Feb. 6, 1898. 2. LEAH ELITHA SPAULDING (764), Dec. 26, 1900. 3. FRANK REED SPAULDING (765), Nov. 13, 1903. 4. ADA MYBA SPAULDING (766), Nov. 25, 1910. Mr. Spaulding took the full conference course 1n Meth. Prot. Church, was licensed Sept. 1907, and ordained Sept., 1909. He served Bow,3ns Corners, East Palermo, Oswego Co., but is now residing in ""\Vatertown to enjoy educational ad­ vantages for his children. He is deemed an earnest preacher of the Gospel. He is a member of Onondaga Conference, Prot. )Ieth. Church. No. 290 Albert Elijah, son of Nathaniel Record Reed (72). born June 9th, 1864. Married, June 29th, 1894, Delphine Parker. - . She was born---. Her parents were Williard Parker and Helen Spicer. They had:

1. LOIS lRE:XE (767), Mar. 19, 1895; died Dec. 24, 1897. 2. HELE:X LAVI:XA (768). Aug. 17, 1897. )Ir. Reed is a farmer and rural mail carrier. Helen Lavina Reed is a violinist of note. They live at Lafargeville, N. Y.

No. 292 George Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Record Reed (72), born Jan. 13th: 1870. :Married. :Mar. 22d, 1891, Kate Lud- READ GENEALOGY. 153

"'-rig, born :Mar. 15th, 1869. Her parents were John Ludwig and Barbara Brunner. She was born in Canada. Her parents in Germanv.... . Thev.. had·. 1. CLIFFORD LYXX (769), Jan. 29, 1892. 2. MAYNARD LLOYD (770), Aug. 12, 1893. 3. Ecco DELTA (771), July 11, 1895. 4. ILo GAYLE (772), Feb. 27, 1899. ;). 0RPAH IRISS (773), Dec. 29, 1901. 6. NOLA ALBERTA (774), Feb. 9, 1909. This Reed family with these umque names now live m Ford Co .. Io-wa, at llarble Rock. l\Ir. Reed is a farmer.

No. 294 Eugene l{eed Bartlett, son of Frances Eliza Reed (75), born Apr. 10th, 1857, at Cascade, Wis.~ died July 22d, 1892. :Married Sept. 25th, 1876, Annie Gibbon, born Oct. 17th, 1856, daughter of John Gibbon and Bridget Canfield. They had:

1. FRANCES ELIZA (775), July 25, 1878. 2. ELLA MARIA (776), June 1, 1883. Frances Eliza Bartlett is a trained nurse living at Sheboy­ gan, Wis. No. 298 Beniamin Franklin Bennett, son of Betsey Ann Reed (76), born lVIay 11th, 1837, died in Civil War, probably. l\ilarried Lucy A. Dunlap, daughter of Franklin B. Dunlap, Plymouth, Ind. They had:

1. MATILDA FRANCES BENNETT ( 777). B. F. Bennett enlisted in 17th Ind. Reg., served with his regiment in the western armies. He disappeared in the famous chase of Union troops after the confederate guerrilla :Morgan in Ohio~ and has neYer been seen or heard of by his relatives since. They think he was killed. He ··was seen to go into the battle. and was considered a brave man. 1\1:rs. Bennett lives in Plymouth, Ind. 154 THE POST FA.JJHLY.

, No. 299

James Richmond Bennett, son of Betsey Ann Reed (76), born Feb. 25th, 1839, at Dowagiac, l\lich. :Married, Feb. 21st, 1864, at Rochester, Ind., Adelaide Janette Coon. born Jan. 27th. 1842, at Coons Corners, Crawford Co .. Pa.. daughter of Rev. Stephen V anRensallaer Coon, and Lucetta :.Mehitable Bacon, a Baptist minister. They had:

1. JAlIES OTHO BENNETT (778), Jan. 15, 1866. 2. OLIYE THE0DOCIA BEXXETT ( 779), Jan. 14, 1868. 3. SAR.AH LUCETTA BENNETT (780), Apr. 11, 1872. The Bennetts lived in Indiana, and moved to Kansas, 1871, ·' grasshopper times.'' · He left farming and became a loco­ motive engineer. He no,v lives at Rosedale, Kan., where he has lived since 1890, and in a soldiers' home. He is a Baptist. He enlisted July 1st, 1861. in Co. C, 20th Ind. Reg., and was honorably discharged at W. Phila. Hospital, Dec. 1st, 1864. He was in all the battles of the Army of the Potomac from Peach Orchard to the Wilderness. where he was wounded, l\lay 12th, 1864. At Gettysburg he was promoted, where he picked up the colors of the regiment and rallied the men, and saved six field guns from the enemy. He was offered commis­ sion of lieutenant but declined. saying he would rather carry the flag· than be colonel. His address is 1138 Cambridge Ave., Kansas City.

No. 300

Amanda Melissa Reed, daughtt>r of Israc->l (77), born Aug. 12th. 1841. at Bourbon. Ind. l\Iarried. Sept. 19th'. 1861. James Post. born Apr. 23d, 1830. at Nevdoundland, X. J .. died June 27th. 1892. at ~I ilan~ Ill. They had :

1. LrTI-IER J. POST (781), Sept. 14, 1862; died Mar. 14, 1865. 2. ElDL.\. J. PosT (782), Feb. 28, 1865. 3. ELIZ.-\ MAY POST (783), June 3, 1867. RE.AD GENEALOGY.

4. E\·EXTCS At:STIX POST (784), Sept. 17, 1869. 5. ISRAEL PCST (785), Apr. 2, 1877. 6. ED:\ruXD J. POST (786), Aug. 18, 1879. ::\Ir. Post was a farmer and a :Methodist. Ile lived at Bour­ bon and l\Iilan, Ill., where l\Irs. Post now resides. \Ve are in­ debted to Israel Post for a copy of the history of Israel Reed Sr., who was killed by the Indians.

No. 301

Sarah Angeloume, daughter of Israel Reed (77), born Aug. 16th, 1843, at Bourbon. Ind., died June 21st, 1903. :Married (1), Oct., 1864, Louis Perry, died Dec. 6th. 1872. Married (2), Sept. 30th, 1874, Sherwood A. vVilson. born Apr. 17th, 1s,.10, at Ithaca. N. Y. By J\llr. Perry she had :

1. JAY ELSWORTH PERRY (787), Nov. 2. 1866; died Dec. 16, 1902. 2. CARL PERRY (788). 3. MARGARETTA MATILDA PERRY (789), died. By l\Ir. Wilson she had:

4. GRACE JoSEPHIXE WILSOX (790). Sept. 14, 1880; died Apr. 16, 1904. Carl lives in Bourbon, Ind. l\lr. "\Vilson in Roseburg~ Ore. Grace Josephine. owing to a fall affecting the spine, became deranged and died in the hospital.

No. 302

Eventus Fletcher Reed, son of Israel (77). born July 28th, 1846. ::\Tarried Hester Ann Camplwll. ::\Iar. 11th. 1875. at Bour­ bon. Ind. The~· had:

1. !YO EARXEST ( 791), Aug. 3, 1877. 2. LEROY ( 792). Apr. 30. 1880; died Dec. 2. 1880. l\Ir. E. F. Reed is in business in Snohomish. \Yash. 156 THE JI. E. BEXSETT FAMILY.

No. 304

Laura Maria, daughter of Isral'l Rel1 d (77). born Oct. 27th. 1855, died---. 1Iarried, Sept. 22

1. GERXOX ffL"BER JOHXSOX (793), Apr. 4, 1877. 2. DEAX ELSWORTH JOHXSOS (794), Nov. 30, 1882. This family lived in Ind. and Ohio. Dean Johnson lives at Lansford, N. D.

No. 305

Mary Josephine, daughter of Israel Reed (77), born Sept. 3d, 1858, died Sept., 1893, at Bremen, Ind. She married \,Yil­ liam Redman, Dec. 24th, 189L at Inwood, Ind. They had no children.

No. 306

Lura Elma, daughter of Israel Reed (77), born Sept. 14th, 1866, at Bourbon. :Married, Sept. 30th, 1885, at Bourbon, :Mil­ ton Ellsworth Bennett, born Feb. 8th, 1864, at Bourbon, son of William Bennett and Eliza Drake. They have:

1. HERBERT REED BEXXETT ( 795), June 27, 1886. 2. Ru'BY MARGARETTA BEXXETT (796), Dec. 22, 1890. 3. LEAH IREXE BEXXETT -('i"97), Mar. 2, 1893. 4. GRACE ELIZA BEXXETT ( 798), NOV. 28, 1897: This family has lived in Bremen and Plymouth, Ind., and now reside at Brant, Alta. Canada. He is a meat dealer. They are )Iethodists.

No. 308

William Henry Harrison Merrill, son of )fancy Lucinda Reed (78), born Xov. 2d~ 1844. )Iarried. June 13th. 1876. i\Iary "\Vebb~ born Jan. 8th~ 1855. They had~ THE MERRILL FA.MILY. 157

1. MAY MERRILL (799), May 9, 1877. 2. LoREX MERRILL ( 800), Feb. 11, 1879; died Feb. 10, 1906. 3. VIOLA MERRILL (801), Sept. 2, 1880. 4. EDWARD MERRILL (802), Feb. 22, 1882. 5. FRED MERRILL ( 803), Apr. G, 1883; died Oct. 29, 1904. 6. CHARLES MERRILL ( 804), Dec. 18, 1884. 7. Lucy SARAH MERRILL (805), Jan. 26, 1894. 8. IDA JAXE MERRILL (806), June 23, 1898. :Mr. "\V. H. H. Merrill and family live in Hutchinson. Kan­ sas. He is a farmer. Loren died, unmarried, in Okla.

~o. 309

Benjamin Addison Merrill, son of Nancy Lucinda Reed (78), born :Mar. 3d, 1846, at Plymouth, Ind. Married, Feb. 27th, 1868, at Waterloo, Iowa, Mary A. Jacobs, born Sept. 19th, 1844, at Howard, Iowa, daughter of Benjamin Jacobs and Lucinda Emerson. They had :

1. GEORGE MERRILL (807), Jan. 8, 1869; died Mar. 3, 1869. 2. ADDIE MAY MERRILL (808), Jan. 9, 1870. 3. LAGRA MEAD MERRILL (809), May 16, 1872. 4. JESSIE LUCIXDA MERRILL ( 810), Feb. 9, 187 4. 5. KATE BELL MERRILL (811), Jan. 28, 1876. 6. RGTH LUCY MERRILL (812), Apr. 16, 1878. 7. EDGAR BEXJAl\1IX MERRILL (813), Feb. 16, 1880. 8. RL'BY IREXE MERRILL (814), Nov. 1, 1881. 9. LEDLAH MERRILL (815), Aug. 19, 1884; died NOY. 12, 1884. 10. LEBOX N. MERRILL (816), .July 18, 1886. l\Ir. J\Ierrill is a carpenter, he has liYed at Hutchinson, Kan­ sas. nO'\\T liY<.>s at \\roodward. Okla. His church is United Brethren.

No. 310

Sarah Jane Merrill, danght(•r of X ancy Lucinda Reed (78), horn at So. Bendu Ind., .Jan. 15th, 1849. l'.\Iarried (1), Feb. 22d. 1866. "\Yilliam "\Y. Crockt•r. born Jan. 31st. 1829, at Pine 158 THE CROCKER FAMILY.

Grove, Penn., died Sept. 9th, 1904, at Iola, Kan., son of Henry Crocker and Hester Orwig. She married (2) David P. Robie, born :May 13th, 1840, at Bristol, N. IL, son of Hiram Robie and Sarah Perkins. Hiram Robie was son of Peter Robie. Her children, all by l\Ir. Crocker, were:

1. GEORGE F. CROCKER (817), Apr. 10, 186.7. 2. ORVILLE CROCKER (818), June 28, 1868; died in infancy. 3. BLAXCH CROCKER (819), July 10, 1870. 4. LUCY CROCKER (820), Aug. 27, 1871; died Aug. 22, 1873. 5. HARRY CROCKER ( 821), Aug. 11, 1873. 6. EDWARD CROCKER ( 822), Oct. 6, 187 4. 7. OLIVER CROCKER (823), Feb. 17, 1883. 8. Joy WESLEY CROCKER (824), Mar. 3, 1891. ~Ir. Crocker was a farmer, and a prosperous one. After his return from the war he settled at Cedar Falls, Iowa, from there he moved to Kansas and to.ok up a homestead. He next lived 16 years at Skenandoah, Iowa, and from there moved to Springfield, Ark., and to Iola, Kan., 1901. He was a :Methodist. Mr. Crocker enlisted at the outset of the war m the 96th Ill. Reg., and served 3 years, and was wounded at Stone River and discharged. :Mr. Robie moved from Bristol to West Thornton, N. H., and lived there some years, then moved to Coldbrook and lived there 42 years. and then came to Spokane. His first wife died 1908. He was a blacksmith and also a veteran, having enlisted in 1862 and served 3 years. He was in battles: Fredericks burgh, Suffolk. Cold Harbor and the taking of Richmond. Va. He "·as promoted to corporal in 1865. ::..\Irs. Robie frn-'s at "Pine Croft/' Greenacr1:s. R. D .. Wash­ ington. Harry Crocker is a successful shipper at "\Vichita, Kansas . .Joy \\7 esley is musical. ~\t present he is a clerk in a store in Lincoln. Neb. THE MERRILL FAMILY. 159

Olive~ Crocker is in the R. R. service with the N. P. R. R., and lives in Spokane.

No. 311

Lucy Maria Merrill, daughter of Nancy Lucinda Reed (78), born Oct. 17th, 1854. Married, June 24th, 1872, Benjamin Franklin Smith, died Apr. 19th, 1911. They had:

1. MERRILL C0RXELL Sl\HTH (825), Oct. 21, 1874. 2. NELLIE JAXE SMITH ( 826), Aug. 27 (?), 1876; died Feb. 22, 1893. 3. LEONARD CLIFTOX Sl\HTH (827), Aug. 30, 1880. 4. 0LI\.ER NEWTOX SMITH ( 828), May 5, 1883. l\Irs. Smith's home is in Hutchinson, Kan.

No. 313 Aaron Newton Merrill, son of Nancy Lucinda Reed ( 78), born Oct. 28th, 1858, at Cedar Falls, Iowa. Married, Jan. 21st, 1885, Oreelia B. Hillman, born July 28th, 1858, at Perry, Ohio. She was the daughter of Alden Cooper Hillman and Elizabeth Ann Bell. They had:

1. ALDEX Moss MERRILL (829), Jan. 3, 1886; died Jan. 9, 1886. 2. CECIL CLIFTOX MERRILL (830), July 5, 1887; died Jan. 11, 1889. 3. NELLIE 0RCELIA MERRILL (831), Jan. 16, 1889. 4. BLAXCHE LUCIXDA MERRILL (832), May 13, 1893. 5. ORVIL NEWTOX MERRILL (833), Jan. 1, 1895. 6. l.XFAXT Sox (834), .Jan. 3, 1897. Stillborn. :Mr. l\lerrill at one time resided in Sedgwick, Kansas. He now lives in Hutchinson, where he is a contractor for all kinds of mason work. Their church is the Evangelical.

No. 314

,\\ahlon Grandison Merrill, son of ~ ancy Lucinda Recd (78), born l\Iay 18th, 1869, at Fort Scott, l\'.Io. Married. Feb. 24th. 1897. Biddy Josephine Sexton, born }Iar. 15th, 1870. at 160 THE CRUZAN FAMILY.

Barboursville, Ky. Her parents ·were "\Yilliam P. Sexton and Eliza Campbell. They had:

1. GLADYS IVY MERRILL (835), Jan. 26, 1898. 2. Lecy LIZA MERRILL ( 836), Apr. 6, 1899. 3. ERNEST PIERCE MERRILL (837), June 20, 1901. 4. l\L.\RY ELIZABETH MERRILL (838), Nov. 6, 1904. 5. CORA ALICE MERRILL (839), Apr. 8, 1907. 6. SARAH PAULil'-E MERRILL ( 840), June 19, 1909. 7. FLOREXCE ELLEN MERRILL (841), Sept. 7, 1910. 11r. :Merrill lived at Hutchinson and now lives at 1Yhite­ field, Okla. He is a farmer. He is a Baptist. Gladys, Lucy, Ernest and Cora were born in Ind. Ter., :Mary 1n Ark., the others in Kan. He writes himself a ''Socialist.''

No. 315 Ernest Clifton Merrill, son of Nancy Lucinda · Reed ( 78) , born June 8th, 1864. l\Iarried Anna Johnson. They have no children. He is a farmer and lives at "\rYood,.-rarcl, Okla.

No. 316

Leander Cruzan, son of Laura Aun Reed (79), born Nov. 13th, 1841, at Plymouth, Ind., died Apr. 10th,---, at Dexter, Or. He married, July 12th, 1866, Caroline :Mathews, born Aug. 10th, 1847, Ill., daughter of Thomas J. l\lathe,vs, and Elizabeth Cope. They had:

1. THO::.\IAS J. CRCZAN (842), Apr. 21, 1867 .. 2. ANDREW J. CRUZAN (843), July 2, 1868. 3. E::.\UIA C. CRCZAX (844), Aug. 14, 1872. 4 ...WILLIA:.\'.[ A. CRUZAN (845), Sept. 12, 1874. 5. J. F. CRCZAN (846), Mar. 4, 1877. 6. IDA E. CRuZAN (847). Oct. 3, 1879. 7. ROS.-\. CRUZAN (848), May 15, 1882. 8. ZEL)IA Cm;ZAX (849), Nov. 10, 1884. ::\Ir. Cruzan, after his marriage at Dexter, liYed at Pleasant THE OO'KRAD FAMILY. 161

HilL Or., till 1868, at Pitrova, Cal., till 1871, then at Leaford, Or.: till 1882: then at Dexter, ,-vhere he died. His wife lives ,vith her sons at Dexter. William is farming. J. F. and Thomas J. Cruzan are in the lumber and sa,vmill business in Dexter, Or. He was a :Methodist.

No. 317

Lucy Maria Cruzan, daughter of Laura Ann Reed (79), born Oct. 21st, 1842. Married (1), Oct. 22d, 1859, David George Conrad, born ---, in Ohio, died Jan. 13th, 1883, at Pleasant Hill: Or. She married (2) :M. P. Clay, Wooten. .All the children are by l\ir. Conrad.

1. MARY AUIEDA CONRAD ( 850), Sept., 1860; died 1874. 2. LAURA BELL Co:XRAD ( 851), Oct., 1861. 3. CHRISTINA CONRAD (852), 1862; died lt.... eb., 1879. 4. DAVID BARTON CONRAD ( 853), May 12, 1865. 5. LUCY JA:.'\~ CONRAD (854), Mar., 1867. 6. IDA CONRAD ( 855), May 12, 1868. 7. RosADEL CONRAD (856), May 30, 1871; died May 26, 1892. 8. ETTA JANE COX:S_AD (857), June 29, 1877. 9. OLA CATHERINE CONRAD (858), Nov.18, 1880; die~ Dec., 1887. Rosadel died in Summer Lake, Lane Co., Or. Both hus­ bands were church members a!_!.d farmers. She has been a mem­ ber of the l\L E. Church since she was 14 years old.

No. 319

Laura Ann Cruzan, daughter of Laura Ann Reed (78), born Nov. 10th, 1848, at Plymouth, Ind. }Harried (1), Charles L. Rowan, l\Iar. 24th, 1866. He died. She married (2), Jan. 24th, 1876, Smith Carr. born in N. Y.: son of Robert Carr and Ann Sutphen. By l\Ir. Ro·wan she had:

1. MINNIE VIOLA Ro·wAN (839), May 18, 1867. 2. NOR::\IAX ROWAN (860), Nov. 14, 186!1. 162 THE JORDAN F A.MILY-THE STRYKERS.

By Mr. Carr she liad: 3. ROBERT 0. CARR (861), Feb., 1877. 4. GEORGE E. CARR ( 862), Aug. 12, 1879 ( ?) . This family live at Zion, Oregon. He is a farmer and they are :Methodists. George Carr is not married.

No. 320

Margaret Ellen, daughter of Martin S. Reed (80), born :May 11th, 1849. Married (1), Aug. 26th, 1865, Wayne Jordan, born Feb. 26th, 1845, in Ind., son of Benoni Jordan and Julia Boggs. He died and she married (2), Dec. 20th, 1906, '-Tohn Thend, son of Jacob, native of Switzerland, By first husband:

1. ANCIL ELMER JORDAN (863), May 5, 1866. 2. MARTIN ELLSWORTH JORDAN (864), Oc~. 22, 1867; died Oct. 22, 1868. 3. CHABLES FRANKLIN JORDAN (865), May 27, 1873. 4. TRELLA MAY JORDAN (866), Sept. 21, 1876, 5. CARBIE H. JORDAN (867), Apr. 21, 1879. 6. EMMA JULIA JORDA:N (868), June 17, 1880. 7. Ivy PEARL JORDAN (869), Mar. 30, 1882. :Mrs. Thend lives at Etna Green. She has the Benjamin Reed Bible, but the entries were evidently made somewhat from memory. It has also some of the Stryker* family.

*STRYKER FAMILY REcoRDs.-In Benjamin Reed's Bible we find the following entries: BIRTHS Garret Striker, Oct. 4, 1771. Joseph Striker, June 26, 1797. Anna Striker, Jan. 9, 1799. Betsy Strilter, Sept. 9, 1800. James Striker, Mar. 5, 1804. Caty .Striker, Mar. 27, 1806. Nancy Striker, Aug. 10, 1808. Martha Striker, Mar. 29, 1811. Candace A. Striker, May 4, 1814. Caroline Striker, Mar. 21, 1816. Emeline Striker, Apr. 15, 1818. Olive Striker, June 24, 1820. READ GENEALOGY. 163

No. 321

Charles Warren Reed, son of Martin S. Reed (80), born :Mar. 14th, 1851. :Married, Sept. 20th, 1873, Mollie Briner, born Apr. 24th, 1850, daughter of Samuel Briner and Elizabeth Keller. They had: l. ETTA (870), May 27, 1874. 2. JESSE (871), June 14, 1876. 3. GRACE (872), Dec. 6, 1877. 4. IDA ( 873), Sept. 29, 1880. They live at Bourbon, Ind.

No. 322

Albert Maxwell Reed, son of Martin S. Reed (80), born May 11th, 1852. Married Elizabeth Pa~"lle, born Sept. 27th, 1858, daughter of A. J. Payne and Rachel Snyder. They had: 1. ORRA (874), Feb. 20, 1877. 2. ETHLAND (875), Oct. 3, 1885. A. M. R-eed is -a retired farmer at Bourbon, Ind.

No. 323

Elijah Martin Reed, son of l\iartin S. Reed ( 80), born Sept. 5th, 1854. :Married, July 27th, 1878, Sophronia Pecher, daugh-

DEATHS Garret Striker, June 7, 1845. Saloma Striker, Dec. 20, 1841, aged 64 years, nearly. Joseph Striker, June 26, 1828. Anna Striker, July 12, 1827. Betsy Striker, Mar. 13, 1813. Caty Striker, May 3, 1826. Nancy Striker, Nov. 14, 1811. Emeline Striker, Aug. 16, 1845. Olive Striker, Aug., 1820. Some Striker families moved to Indiana and settled near Bourbon when Benj. Read did. 164 READ GENEALOGY. ter of .Andrew Pecher, and Catherine Varior. They liad:

1. MYRTLE ( 876), May 29, 1880. 2. MABEL ( 877), Oct. 25, 1882. 3. CLARK (878), Dec. 12, 18~0. 4. GILBERT (879), Nov. 13, 1897. 5. RALPH ( 880), Oct. 7, 1899. Mr. Reed is a farmer at Bourbon.

No. 325

Richard Reed, son of Martin S. (80), born Apr. 24th, 1858. Married, Jan. 12th, 1892, Alice Neidig, born July 11th, 1867, daughter of John Neidig and :Margaret Gables. They have no children. Richard Reed is a retired farmer and lives on th~ main street of Bourbon, near his brothers. He always writes his name ''Dick.''

No. 326

Wiffiam Henry Harrison Reed, son of Martin S. (80), born Dec. 31st, 1859, at Cedar Falls, Iowa. :Married, Sept. 12th, 1882, Dora Klingman, born Feb. 15th, 1860, in Ohio, daughter of David S. and Rebecca Klingman. They had: 1. DAUGHTER (881), Sept. 14, 1883; died in 3 weeks, unnamed. 2. SoN ( 882), Dec. 22,-1884; died in 6 weeks, unnamed. 3. VERiIE ( 883), Dec. 31, 1886; died in 8 months. 4. ULA FAY (884), Oct. 16, 1898. :Mr. Reed is a farmer at Bourbon.

No. 327

Rose Melvin Reed, son of l\Iart1n S. Reed (80). ::\Iarried ---. They had:

1. LOGAX ( 885). THE GRANT FAMILY. 165

No. 329

Benjamin Stacy Grant, son of Eliza j ane Reed ( 84), born :\Iar. 1st, 1859, at Bourbon, Ind. )Iarried, Jan. :3, 1880, at Yalparaiso, Ind., Lizzie P. Rathjens, born Aug. :3d, 1861. She is of German descent. They had:

1. NELLIE B. GRAXT (886), July 17, 1881. 2. lVIATTIE J AXE GRAXT ( 887), Aug. 30, 1883. 3. BESSIE FREDRICKA GRAXT ( 888), Dec. 22, 1886. 4. GRACE BYRD GRAXT (889), Feb. 17, 1890. 5. DANIEL AARON GRANT ( 890), Sept. 26, 1892. 6. GEORGE P. GRANT (891), Dec. 25, 1901; died Jan. 20, 1902. 7. J. ROBERT GR• .\NT (892), Mar. 9, 1906. l\ir. B. S. Grant is a mason and contractor. Their daughter Bessie F. is at home, Grace is bookkeeper in the Howard Bank, Daniel is with his father in the cement work. Nellie B. is Dep. Co. Treasurer. The family are Baptists. They liye in How­ ard, Kan.

No. 331

Luella May Grant, daughter of Eliza Jane Reed (84), born Oct. 9th, 1865, at Bourbon, Ind. :Married, Dec. 7th, 1886, at Howard, Val Momma, born .:Apr. 7th, 1865, at Chicago, Ill. They had:

1. NICHOLAS A. MOMMA ( 893a), Aug. 18, 1894. 2. MARY GRA:\'T MO~Il\IA (893b), Apr. 19, 1898. )fr. :Momma is an expert typesetter, but 1s now keeping a lunch room. He is a Presbyterian.

No. 334

Louis Otto, son of ,v. II. ,H. Reed (86), born Jan. 6th, 1867, at Bourbon. ::\Iarried Dora :\laud Courtright. 166 READ GENEALOGY.

No. 336

Lydia Ella Reed, daughter of William H. H. Reed (86), born Oct. 14th, 1880, in l\fissouri. :Married George Robert Sutherland. They had:

1. MARY FRETA SUTHERLAND ( 8!1'1), Sept. 6, 1895; died Nov. 23, 1895. 2. MARY IBENE SUTHERLAND ( 895), Nov. 28, 1896. 3. ORSON REED SUTHERLAND (896), Apr. 19, 1901.

No. 339

Dora Belle Keller, daughter of Candes Adeline Reed (87), born May 8th, 1868. :Married Herbert William Nichols, l\lay 3d, 1888. They have:

1. JOHN VARDAMAN NICHOLS (897), Apr. 9, 1889. 2. CHARI-ES LUTHER NICHOLS (898), Nov. 26, 1890. 3. NORA. LUELLA NICHOLS (899), Dec. 23, 1893. H. W. Nichols is active in politics, has held several ap­ pointments. Is now in Street Dept., Kansas City, 1\ilo. They . are Baptists.

No. 343

Nora Katherine Keller, daughter of Candes Adeline Reed (87), born Aug. 17th, 1875. Married, Dec. 8th, 1895, Louis Frederick Mason. They had :

1. FLORENCE OPAL 'MASON (900), Oct. 23, 1896. 2. WILLIS RAYMOND MASON (901), Oct. 2, 1901. 3. CARL WALDON MASON ( 902), Sept. 14, 1903. l\lr. lHason is a farmer and ·stockman in Elk Co .. Kansas.

No. 344

Lucy Jane· Keller, daughter of Candes Adeline Reed (87L born July 16th, 1879. 1\'.Iarried.· July 3c.t 1900~ Beverly C. Skinner. THE MA.SON FAMILY. 167

lvlr. Skinner· and family are Christians. He 1s mailing clerk, P. 0., Jacksonville, Ill.

No. 345

Florence Harriet Keller, daughter of Candes Adeline Reed (87), born July 9th, 1881. Married, July 25th, 1902, John N. Stoner. They had: l. HERBERT KELLER STONER (903), June 16, 1904. This family are Baptists. Mr. Stoner is connected with the Police Department, Kansas City; Mo.

No. 347

Seth Martin Mason, son of John Garner Mason (88), born Mar. 11th, 1841, at Strykersville. :Married, Feb. 8th, 1867, Sarah Ann Buss, born Sept. 10th, 1847, at Gravesend, County Kent, England; daughter of ReY. Henry Buss and Charlotte Miles. They had:

1. EUNICE EVELYN MASON (904), July 5, 1868, died Oct. 26th, 1894. 2. HERBERT EDWIN MASON (905), Nov. 27, 1870. 3. HOWARD LOWELL MASON (906), Mar. 5, 1873. 4. LAWBENCE JUDSON MASON ( 907) , Dec. 27, 187 4. 5. LESLIE RAYMOND MASON ( 908) , July 17, 18 77. 6. CHARLOTTE HENRIETTA MASON ( 909), Aug. 30, 1880. 7. JOH:S GAR:NEB MASON (910), July 14, 1883. 8. SETH MARTIN MASOX (911), Sept. 25, 1886. The first five of these children were born at Creston, Ill., the sixth at Bradshaw, the others at Ord, Neb. :Mr. S. lVI. lVIason enlisted Aug. 14th, 1862, in 105 Ill. Reg., Co. C, His Reg. was in 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 20th Corps, and he was discharged on surgeon's certificate for disability, Dec. 31st, 1862. After a long and serious illness he recovered sufficiently to reenlist lv!ay 14th, 1864, for 100 days, in 132d Ill. Reg., Co. F, and was honorably discharged Oct. 17, 1864. 168 THE MA.SON F A.MILIES.

nlrs. l\Iason 's fath._er~ Rev. Henry Buss, '"-as a Congrega­ tional minister over 60 years, and died in 1909, aged 87. His ·wife lived to be almost 88. l\Irs. l\Iason was the oldest of the seven children. She has done active work in the patriotic order, "'Ladies of the G. A. R.," for many years. In 1896 and 1897 she was State President of the order, and · in 1897 Na­ tional Junior Vice-President, and in J 898 National Senior Vice­ President, at Buffalo, N. Y. }lr. l\'.Iason is a farmer. He is a Methodist. He resides at Ord, Neb. Their son Seth M. l\iason is a carpenter and builder.

No. 348

Charlotte Amelia Mason, daughter of John Garner Mason (88), born Oct. 9th, 1842, at Strykersville, N. Y. Married (1), l\1ar. 19th, 1868, Olin S. McArthur, born June 21st, 1843, at vVolcott, N. Y., died Apr. 2d, 1875, at Fair Haven, N. Y.; son of John W. McArthur and Sarah Ann vValdron. She married (2), May 30th, 1879, William Henry Coleman, son of David Coleman and Rebecca Hess. By :Mr. :McArthur she had:

1. JOHN w. MCARTHUR (912), Nov. 25, 1868. 2. ELIZA R. McARTHUR (913), Apr. 21, 1871. 3. VIOLA A. McARTHUR (914), May. 9, 1875, died Oct. 4, 1876. By :Mr. Coleman- she had:

4. EDITH M. COLE:\IAN ( 915), June 25, 1880. l\Ir. Coleman was a farmer. :\Ir. l\ic.. A.rthur vvas a farmer and a Methodist. She now lives at York, Neb.

No. 349

Chloe Rosella Mason, daughter of John Garner l\'.lason ( 88), born Feb. 8th~ 1845, died lvlay 24th~ 1907, at Aurora, Neb. THE MASON FAMILIES. 169

:\Iarried Jonas Strong, born 1843. They had no children. He 1s a retfred farmer, lives at York. Neb.

No. 350 Gardner.Mason, son of John Garner Mason (88), born May 25th, 1847, at Strykersville, N. Y. l\Iarried, Oct. 19th, 1869, ~Iary Eleanor Clark, born Feb. 15th, 1851, at Belvidere, Ill.; daughter of Daniel S. Clark and Eunice Shepard. He was· 21, she 18. They had:

1. JAMES CLARK MASOX (916), Mar. 27, 1871, died Sept. 21, 1872. 2. A~IY G. MASON (917), Jan.. 25, 1874. 3. WALTER F. MASON (918), Nov. 19, 1876. 4. RosA B. MAsox ( 919), Jan. 17, 1880, died Feb. 14, 1902. 5. EUNICE C. MASON (920), .July 15, 1882, died Nov. 28, 1901. 6. GARDNER MASON JR. (921), Feb. 12, 1893. These were all born in Nebraska except the eldest. 1\ilrs. :Mason's father died in the war, Mar. 15th, 1863, at Franklin, Tenn. Mr. Mason moved to Neb. in 1871, took homestead at Arborville, Yiork Co., and lived there 27 years, then came to Oregon, and now lives at Sodaville. '' All the family have flown the nest but Gardner Jr." Mr. Mason is a Baptist.

No. 351

Charles William Mason, son of John Garner :Mason (88), born Nov. 29th, 1853, So. Grove, Ill. l\1arried, ·· 14th, 1882, at York, Neb., Anna Icedora Jones, born ---; daughter of Aaron L. Jones. They had:

1. ADELBERT LEA MASOX ( 922), July 29, 1884. 2. L"CCIXDA EDNA MA.SOX (923), Feb. 12, 1887. 3. CAROLEE ALICE l\'1Asox (924), Apr. 9, 1890. 4. MILTON STANLEY MASON (925), .July 6, 1893. 5. LELIA ARMIXTA l\!JAsox (926), Aug. 30, 1899. C. \V. :Mason, who resides at Lisle, Neb., is a farmer and stock raiser. Has lived in Illinois, Oregon and Missouri. 170 THE MASON FAMILIES.

No. 352

George Franklin Mason, son of John G. :Mason (88), born at So. Grove, Ill., Feb. 22d, 1857. Married Emma Viola Jones, daughter of Aaron L. Jones, born in Ohio. They had:

1. CLYDE STEVENSON MASON (927), June 2, ·1881. 2. DoRA ROSELLA MASON (928), Nov. 7, 1883. 3. CLARENCE MAYNARD MASON (929), May 23, 1886. 4. CORA AGNES MASON (930), Sept. 7, 1888, died.Nov. 28, 1889. 5. RALPH WALDO MASON (931), Oct. 3, 1890. 6. LEONABD RAY MASON (932), June 11, 1893. l\ir. G. F. Mason and his brother C. W. :Mason, married twin sisters. He lives in Salem, Or;, where he is a manufacturer.

No. 353

Lydia Eleanor Mason, daughter of Riley E. :Mason (90), born :Mar. 30th, 1842, at Wales, N. Y., died Oct. 27th, 1892, at Castile, N. Y. :Married, Jan. lsi, 1862, Garret W. Stryker, born at Strykersville, Dec. 12th, 1841. They had:

1. EVERETT AUSTIN STRYKER ( 933), Jan. 4, 1865. 2. MARTIN LEWIS STRYKER (934), 19, 1868. 3. ALICE CARRIE STRYKER (935), Sept. 22, 1877. 4. NORMAN EATON STRYKER (936), Mar. 27, 1879. Mr. Stryker resides at Lake View, l\iich. He is a farmer and a Baptist.

No. 354

Cecil Dwight Mason, son of Riley E. 1\Iason (90), born :May

22d, 18461 at Strykersville, N. Y., died Oct. 13th, 1904. :Married, Sept. 21st, 1880, Helen A. Denio, born Xov. 1st 1850, at Rich­ vilie, X. Y.; daughter of W. G. Denio and Alvina Herrick. '.fhey had:

1. How.IBD ARTHL'R MASON (937), Aug. 7, 1883. THE MASON FA11IILIES. 171

:Mr. :Mason lived in New York State, in Iowa and Neb. They are Baptists. l\tirs. Mason lives in Omaha, Neb.

No. 355

Sophia May, daughter of Riley E. :Mason (90), born June 18th, 1848, at Strykersville, N. Y. Married (1) Wallace Otis Buttrick, born Aug. 22d, 1848, died Dec. 23d, 1875 ; son of Willard Buttrick and Lucy Briggs. She married (2), June 11th, 1911, at Scituate, Mass., Clifton Slate Deane, born Sept. 12th, 1851, at Gill, Mass. ; son of Hiram Deane and Melinda Slate. By Mr. Buttrick she had:

1. BERTHA LOUISE BUTTRICK (938), Jan. 23, 1871. Mr. Buttrick was from Hanover, l\tlass., and was educated there and at Salem. He was afterward in the shoe business in Boston. He died in Minneapolis. Mr. Deane graduated at Dartmouth, .1:.\... B., 1877, and later A. l\L He is a civil ·engineer, and since 1907 has been on the Port work in Boston. He has also taught. Mrs. Deane !?elongs to the honored Craft of Teaching, hav­ ing taught in Buchanan Co., Iowa, two terms, nearly 10 years in one building in Grundy Center. Came to Hanover 1883, taught in Pembroke nearly four years, and then in Lowell, Mass., 17 years in one buildir1g, about 35 years in all. She and her husband are Christian Scientists. They reside at Hanover, Mass. No. 356

Evelyn· Louise Mason, daughter of Riley· E. (90), born Sept. 25th, 1850, at Strykersville, N. Y. Married, Dec. 2d. 1873. at Grundy Center, Chase Perkins Hunt, born Aug. 24th, 1830, at Sanbornto:;i, N. H.; son of Abraham Hunt and Eliza­ beth Sanborn. They have no children. :Mr. Hunt is a nursery man and Congregationalist. They reside at Grundy Center. Iowa. 172 THE MASON FA.MILIES.

, No. 357

Alzade Mason, daughter of Riley E. (90). born Oct. 2d, 1852, at Strykers-..:i1le, N. Y. 1\Iarried, Nov. 19th, 187:3, at Grundy Center. George "\V oodbury Thorndike, born Dec. 9th, 18-!8, at Cambridge, :Mass.; son of George William Thorndike and Abby Sales. They have no children. They are farmers and Christian Scientists. They reside at Grundy Center.

No. 358

Vesta Amanda Mason, daughter of Riley E. (90), born Nov. 25th, 1854, at Strykersville, N. Y. :Married, May 25th, 1879, at Grinnell, Iowa, Herbert Eugene Little, born Aug. 30th, 1851, at Stanstead, Prov. Quebec; son of Joshua Little and Nancy Bateheler. They had:

1. SARAH EMMA LITTLE (939a), May 12, 1880. 2 .. -JUSTUS ALLER LITTLE ( 939b), Feb. 9, 1882. lVIr. Little is a carpenter. She is a Christian Scientist. They live at Grundy Center, Iowa.

No. 359

frank Riley Mason, son of Riley E. (90), born Oct. 1st, 1857, at Strykersville, N. Y. 1\1.arried, Apr. 24th, 1888, Elsie Jane Rose, born Nov. 9th, 1866, in Critzun, Germany; daughter of John Rose and Lena Cup. They had:

1. ROGER EATOX MASOX (940), Nov. 1, 1889, died .June 23, 1910. 2. IDA l\L.\.E 1\fasox (941), Jan. 6, 1892. 3. JASPER WOSTEX MASOX (942), Aug. 16, 1893. 4. FLOYD R. MASOX (943), Dec. 17, 1901. l\'.Ir. l\Tason is a farmer. He is a Baptist and lives at Grundy Center, Iowa. THE MASON FAMILIES. 173

No. 360

Carrie Alice Mason, daughter of Riley E. (90), born Mar. 13th, 1860, at Algona, Iowa. :Married, :Mar. 18th, 1885, at Grundy Center, Orville Curtis Bly, born Apr. 23d, 1862, at Fulton, Ill. His parents were Edward Bly and Lydia l\'Ioore. They had:

1. ETHEL MAUD BLY (944), Feb. 27, 1886. 2. RALPH CECIL BLY (945), June 20, 1895. Mr. Bly is a carpenter, and now lives at Niagara Falls, N. Y. She is a Christian Scientist.

No. 361

Charles Irvin Mason, son of Riley E. (90), born Apr. 9th, - 1863, at Waterloo, Iowa. l\larried, Dec. 5th, 1888, at Grundy Center, Emma Frances Bettinger, born Aug. 16th, -1867, Clin­ ton, Iowa; daughter of Leonard Bettinger and. :Maria Weed. They bad:

1. ETHEL MAY MA-SON ( 946), Sept. 7, 1889. 2. HAROLD EDWARD MASON (947), July 18, 1900. 3. RUSSEL HowARD MASON ( 948), Sept. 27, 1903. l\'lr. J\Iason is a well driller and house mover. Now lives at Lake Park, Iowa.

No. 362

Marcus Clark Mason, son of Charles "\Villiam Mason (91). bo1·n June 6th, 1844, at Strykersville, N. Y. Married four times. He married (]): June, 1874, Fidelia S. Howes, born at l\ladisorL .N. Y., Apr. 30th, 1842, died Sept. 9th, 1882, at Xorth EasL Penn., while on furlough. She was a daughter of --- Howes and---. Educated in Prof. Goodenough 's Female Seminary at Hamilton, N. Y. He married (2), Apr. l3th, 1884, l\Irs. Clara May Arthur of Boston, widow of J. R. 174 THE MASON FAMILIES.

' Arthur. Her maiden name was Stevens, who married Tulr. Arthur and went with him to Japan as a missionary. He died and she returned to America, lived at Newton Center, ~lass., and Mr. Mason found her there. She went with him to India, but died Dec. 9th, 1885, only 11 days after reaching Tura. He married (3), Apr. 27th, 1887, Orelle Keller, at Calcutta, India, a Baptist :Missionary in Assam. She died in Tura, :May 15th, 1887. He married (4), Feb. 3d, 1889, Nettie Pursell of Ohio, who is with him in his work at Tura. These frequent marriages grew out of the emergencies of his missionary life. By the first wife h.e had:

1. WALTER CLARK MASON (949a), July 26, 1875. By the last wife he had :

2. OLIVE ORELLE MASON ( 949b), Sept. 18, 1891. 3. ELEANOR MASON (950), Mar. 18, 1898. 4. JULIA MA.SON ( 951), Oct. 20, 1899. 5. MARGARET MASON (952), Sept. 6, 1902. Olive is now (1912) studying at Granville Univ., Ohio. Eleanor, Julia and :Margaret are at the Miss. Home, Newton Center, 1\-Iass. Mr. Mason took his whole preparatory education at Hamil­ ton, N. Y., a Baptist educational center, where their academies, college and Theo. Sem. were, and are still, located. The college ,vas then :Madison College, but is now Colgate Univ. He grad­ uated from the college in 1872, and the seminary in 1874. He married his wife in the same to-wn, and was ordained in Strykersville, and under appointment from the Am. Bapt. :Miss. Soc., they and another young couple sailed away in the fall of 1874 to Assam, to found a wholly new mission at Tura. The Tura people were warlike, and not till 1877 did they succeed in establishing themselves at Tura, but their work has been very successful, as pioneers reducing the language THE SPRAGUE FAMILY. 175 to writing, Scripture translation, supervising schools, and evan­ gelizing the people. The oldest son has joined them, Jan., 1902, and they are happy in their work. "He expects to die in India.''

No. 363

Emma· Jane Mason, daughter of Charles William (91), born l\tlay 23d. 1846. :Married, July 4th, 1866, Romanzoff A. Shaw. They had:

1. S9N SHAW (953). 2. DAUGHTER SHAW ( 954). 3. DAUGHTER SHAW (955). 4. DAUGHTER SHAW (956).

Order not certain, two are dead.

No. 364

Laura Edna __Mason, daughter of Charles William Mason (91), born June 20th, 1850, at Wales, N. Y. Married, Oct. 21st, 1881, Theodore Sprague, born Oct. 4th, 1848, at E. Bloom­ field, N. Y. ; son of Theodore Sprague and Emily Canfield. They had:

1. GEORGE HEMAN SPRAGUE (957), Mar. 13, 1883. 2. JULIA CLARK SPRAGUE (958), May 5, 1885. 3. THEODORE MASON 8PRAG1JE (959); Apr. 9, 1888. 4. WALTER KEXXETH SPRAGUE (960), Feb. 8, 1890.

:Mrs. Sprague had unusual educational opportunities. She attended, one year, Griffith Institute at Springville, N. Y., and one year the Female Seminary under Prof. Goodenough at Hamilton. N. Y., where Colgate l;niv. now is, and other fine Baptist schools. She then attended Cook Academy at -~fon- tour Falls, and graduated 1878. She then taught in several localities in New York State. :Mr. Sprague graduated from 176 THE MASON FAMILIES.

East Bloomfield Acap.emy, taught one winter, then bought a farm on the shore of Lake Erie, near North East, Penn., where he has a fruit and nursery business. His place is named '' Lakedale. '' George H. Sprague graduated from :Michigan Univ., 1906, A. B., and had two years also in the engineering course, and is at Cornell now taking a horticultural course. For two years he has been engaged in horticulture at Ipswich, i\ilass., his present home. Theodore Sprague graduated from the high school at North · · East, then had one year at Cook Academy, two years at Col­ gate Univ., then transferred to Cornell Univ. and will grad­ uate in 1912. Kenneth Sprague is very musical, and is now at Peddie Institute, N. J., where, in addition to good literary instruction, they have fine musical teaching. He plays a horn, and sings barytone in the club. :Mr. Spra~ae is a Presbyterian.

No. 366

Wallace Norman Mason, son of Charles ,villiam (91), born Dec. 20th, 1855, at Strykersville, N. Y. Married, Dec. 4th, 1878, Ella E. Stryker, born Dec. 6th, 1856, at Strykersville; daugh­ ter of :Martin L. S~ryker and Chloe R. Sykes. They had:

1. M.A.BEL J1JLIA MASOX (961), Aug. 9, 1880. 2. CLARA MAY MASOX (962), May 1, 1886. 3. CLARK W. MA.SOX ( 963), May 8, 1892. 4. FORD S. :MASOX ( 964), Sept. 22, 1893. :Mr. "'Vv..... N. Mason is an activ<; Baptist minister, who does eYangelistic work in addition to pastorates. He was ordained Oct. 31st, 1889, without a full preliminary course. He has served churches at E. Aurora. and Farmersville Center and Richburgh, N. Y., now for nine year8 past. He is a Prohi­ bitionist. THE KLOCK FA.MILY. 177

No. 367

Hayden Kneeland Mason, son of Charles \Yilliam (91), born Aug. 8th, 1857. at ,Yalt>R. JlarriNL :\Iar. l:3th, 1884, Emma Ring. born Jurw 10th. 1857, at JanL X. Y.; daughter of Barnard ( '. Ring and ::\lary Richardson. They had:

1. HARBY B. l\'1Asox ( 965), Oct. 31, 1891. 2. GEXEYIEYE MASOX ( 966), Oct. 24, 1894. He liYes at Machias, Catt. Co .• X. Y., and is a Baptist. He is also a farmer.

No. 368

Ann Eliza Klock, daughter of James G. Klock (93), born Dec. 7th, 1850, at Java, N. Y. :Married (1) Joel Bennett, who died---. She married (2) John E. :Merrill. By Mr. Bennett she had: 1. ELSIE M. BEXXETT (967). ·Married Isaac Hamberger. 2. GERTRCDE BEXXETT, (968). Married Sherman Sowder. By l\Ir. :Merrill she had:

:3_ J.UIES MERRILL ( 969).

No. 369 - James Eugene Klock, soi1 of James G. Klock (93): born Jlar. 27th, 1855, at Java Village, N. Y. l\Iarried, Jan. 24th, 1880,· lVIargaret Louise Roberts, born Dec. 30th, 1860, at Dodge­ ville, "\Vis., daughter of John Roberts and :::.\Iary Polmear. They had:

1. MARY SELIXA KLOCK (970), Oct. 6, 1880. 2. GEORGE GLEXX KLOCK (971), Oct. ] 7, 1883. 3. IJ?A l\fay KLocK (~72), Nov. 25, 1885. 4. HELEX IREXE KLOCK (973), Feb. 8, 1888. 5. J.Al\IES Et"GEXE KLOCK (974), Feb. 17, 1893; died Dec. 8, 1894. 6. DOROTHY DEAS KLocK (975), Apr. 29, 1899. 7. J.urns HAROLD Kr..ocK (976), June 5, 1901. 178 READ GEXE.A.LOGY.

He ·graduated from Kansas Normal School, 1875; ·was superintendent of schools' at Emporia, Kan, 'S2-'90; Leaven- ·worth, '90- '94; Helena, l\Iont., '94-'96, and principal of State Normal School, Plymouth, N. IL 1~00-1911. He received the degree of Ph. D. from Miami College, 1907, and an honorary ~..\.. l\L from Dartmouth College, 1903. He is now an extensive dealer in grove and city property in Ocala, Florida, where he no-w resides·.

No. 370

Mary I. Klock, daughter of James G. Klock_(93), born Dec. 23d, 1858, at '\Vaterloo, Iowa. Married, July 27th, 1885, at Eureka, John C. McCray, born Dec. 27th, 1864, at Warrington, Ind.; son of Isaiah :McCray and Jane l\layes. rrhey had no children. He is a ietired farmer and lives at Empoi•ia, Kansas.

No. 377

Mary Eliza Mason, daughter of George Chauncey :Mason (95), born June 22d, 1870, at Strykers,ville, N. Y. l\:Iarried, Peb. 15th. 1908, Dallas Henry Nichols of Java, born Aug. 2d, 1866, at Arcade, N. Y.; son _of George IIeury Nichols and Caroline Edmonds. ::\Ir. Niehols h~d six chjldren by a former marriage. She has four step children: (1) Ettie E., (2) l\'Iertic V., (3) l\Iabcl L., ( 4) Emmu E., '' ,Yho think the world of ·their mother,'' and ,vhom she loves very much. l\Ir. Nichols is a farmer near Java Village, and the family are active Baptists. 1Ir. Geo. C. ::.\lason, her father, lives ,vith them. ::.\Iar~- E. 2\Iason for years liYed ,vith and kept the home of her fatlwr at Strykersvillc. She 1:-ras a great suffc:rer froin a vc,ry distressing malady~ but is no1:r fully· cured by an oper­ ation. She has been of much help to us: in this book. Her repu­ tation is that of a noble Christian girl, an honor to our tribe. TlIE MASON FAMILIES. 179

No. 378

Ellis Everett Mason, son of Andrew Brooks Mason (96), born May 11th; 1860, at Irvington, Iowa. :Married, July 24th, 1901, at Toledo, 0., Anna Hirth, born Sept. 13th, 1863, at Perrysburg, 0. ; daughter of John M.. Hirth and Elizabeth P. Dreher. They have no <.;hildren. Mr. E. E. Mason graduated at Toledo Business College and studied the Chautauqua Literary Course and in the Technical Institute, Indianapolis. His business is that of a salesman. He is active in church ,vork Y. P. S. C. E. and is church clerk, and succeeds his father as deacon. Mrs. Mason has been for many years principal of a Toledo public school with 14 teachers.

No. 380

Lyman Clark Mason, son of Andrew Brooks Mason (96), born Sept. 4th, 1869, at Waterloo, Iowa. Married, July 20th, 1897, Bertha l\ilansfield Ireland, born July 17th, 1876, at Toledo; daughter of --- Ireland and Helen Louise Calkins. They have no children. He graduated at Toledo Business College1 and is a letter carrier.

No. 382

Frank Howard Mason, son of l\Ierrills L. (97), born :May 18th, 1858, died ---. 1898. ::.\Iarried --. They had:

1. CHILD Masox (977). 2. CHILD MASOX (978). 3. CHILD i\1Asox ( 979). 4. C:HILD l\1Asox ( 980). n. CHILD i\L.\SOX ( 981) . 180 THE MA.SOX PA.J1ILIES.

No. 383

William Byron Mason, son of )Ierrills L. (97) ~ born Sept. 9th. 1860. Married --- Tlwy had:

1. ClllLD MASOX ( 982). 2. CHILD l\fa.sox ( 983). 3. CHILD MASOX (984). 4. CHILD MA SOX ( 985) . One· grandchild~ Luzerne. Ia.

No. 384

Caroline Belle Mason, daughter of :Merrills L. (97) ~ born Apr. 9th~ 1862. Married James F. Boyd. They had:

1. MERRILLS L. BOYD ( 986), Aug. 13, 1877.

2. R •.._ y 0. BoYD ( 987), Sept_ 4, 1883. 3. AxxIE R. BOYD (988), Apr. 8, 1886; died Dec. 21, 1901. 4. VIRGIE M. BOYD (989).., Jan. 22, 1888. 5. WELTHA M. BOYD ( 990), Mar. 22, 1893. 6. OAKLEY R. BOYD (991), Nov. 4, 18!l7. This family are farmers. Live at Edgewood~ Iowa.

No. 385

John Henry Mason, son of Judson \Yarren l\Iason (98), bqrn Jan. 6th. 18f?5. died Feb. 9th~ 1908. :Jiarried July 3d~ 1890~ Jiatti<.> Louise ~Iessing<.•r; daughter of John Franklin :Mes­ singer and Phebt• Tibbitts. Slw was horn SPpt. 25th~ 1870, in Io"\Ya. They had:

1. ORJm: MARY l\'IASOX (992). Nov. 1. 1891. 2. HATTIE Conrx XE l\L.\SOX ( 993). Nov. 4, 1892. 3. Jrosox HARoL&. l\fasox ( 994), Aug. 17. 1895. 4. Jonx l\L\sox (995), Jan. 1, 1897; died -- 5. P.:WL l\L.\sox (996), July 14. 1899; died---. 6. LLOYD CARLTOX l\L-\SOX (997), .July 21, 1901. :Mrs. Mason lives in East Waterloo~ Iowa~ 309 Franklin Street. THE LONYO FAMILY.

No. 386

William 0. Mason, son of Jndson \Yarren :\lason (98), horn Jan. 29th. 1867. :\Tarried. Oet. :Jd. HH)5. Ella )L Lauder. They had:

1. GEXE\"E EYELYX l\L\SOX (998), July 10, 1911. Reside 802 E. 14th Street~ ~os Angeles, Cal. ' No. 387

Charles E. Mason, son of Judson ,varren Mason (98), born Oct. 25th, 1871. Married, June :3d. 1907, :Mabel Getman. They have no child, but hav<.• adopted one, \Yayne Robert :\lason, born July 8th, 1911. They live 1720 E. See. Ave., :Mitchell, S. D.

No. 389

.Andrew Warren Lonyo, son of Angeline Read (100), born

Julv.. 28th., 1850.. at Detroit. Married., Dec .., 1876., Hannah S. Lapham, born July 27tk 1857. at DetroiL died Feb. 6th, 1904, buried in '\V oodmere Cemetery; daughter of Hiram S. Lapham and Edith l\I. Bedell. They hag.:

1. ARXOLD WILLIARD LOX YO (999), Sept. 27, 1877; died Aug. 7, 1878. 2. El\:rMA l\fa Y LoxYo ( 1000), May 12, 18W. 3. DAISY EDITHA U)XYO (1001), June 19, 1881. - 4. JULIA MA"FD LOXYO (1002), Sept. 20, 1882; died Sept. 29, 1899. 5. ORVILLE WILLIAM LOXY0 (1003), Nov. 16, 1884. 6. ANDREW WARREX LOXYO (1004), June 4, 1887. 7. HIR.UI ARXOLD Lo:--Yo (1005), Nov. 16, 1891. Mr. A. '\Y. Lonyo js. ·with his brothers, an aetjve brick maker of Detroit. and resides in a fine residence sedjon. They belong to no church. The old<•r daughter has been for many years hPr father's efficient offic0 cl0rk. She graduated at Detroit ~igh School Vv est. 182 THE LO"l:,,-YO FAMILIES.

No. 390

Lucy Lonyo, daughter of ..:\.ngeline Read (100), born Sept. 17th, 1854, at Detroit, died Jan. 24th, 1887. Marril'd \Yilliam Benedict. They had no children. He was a decorator. Nothing 1s known of his present location.

N.o. 391

Albert Lonyo, son of Angeline Read (100), born Aug. 9th, 1855, at Detroit. :Married, Aug. 2d. 1884, Mary Anna Terner; daughter of Peter Terner and Theresa Reuter. She was born Feb. 12th, 1861, at Detroit. They had:

1. JESSIE L0NYO ( 1006), May 28, 1885; died Sept. 21, 1886. 2. EDI'.l.'H JuLIA L0NYO (1007). Jan. 30, 1887; died Sept. 11, 1896. 3. MARTHA ANGELINE L0NYO ( 1008), Mar. 30, 1889. 4. MARY ANN LONYO (1009), Aug. 26, 1891. 5. ALBERT RAYMOND L0NYO (1010), Apr. 19, 1894. 6. CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH LONYO (1011), Sept. 22, 1896. 7. L0"GIS CHARLES LON YO ( 1012), Feb. 26, 1899. :Mr. Lonyo is a brick maker.. This family are Roman Catholics.

No. 393

Louis Lonyo, son of Augeline Read ( 100), born Nov. 27th, 1859, at Detroit. Married, Dec. 31. 1890, Jane Craig, born l\Iay 29th, 1868. at Port Stanley, Ont.: daught("'r of Thomas Craig and Isabel McDonald. They had:

1. J"CLIA AXGELIXE L0XYO ( 1013), Feb. 26, 1892; died Oct. 2, 1903. 2. LILIAX ISABEL Lox Yo ( 1014), June 24, 1895. 3. JEXXETTE ORISSA. L0NY0 (1015), Dec. 5. 1896. 4. ALICE LorrsA LoNYO (1016), Oct. 2. 1899. 5. Lours GEORGE Lox Yo {1017), Nov. 24, 1904. ::\Ir. Lonyo is a brick maker. This family are Episcopalians. READ GEKEALOGY.

No. 394 Julia Lonyo, daughter of Angeline Read (100), born Apr. 22, 1864, at Detroit. :Married, June 4th, 1891, Charles Harrison Bryan, born Nov. 4th, 1865, at St. 'I1homas, :b-,ranklin Co., Pa.; son of Dr. Adam Bryan, l\L D., and Clara Holden. They had:

1. JOSEPH WASSON BRYA~ (1018), Apr. 16, 1892. 2. CLARA ANGELINE BRYAN ( 1019), Aug. 23, 1894. Mr. Bryan is a brick maker. They attend the Presbyterian Church.

No. 400 George Herbert Reed, son of Anson Reed (101), born Sept. 24th, 1864, died Dec. 21st, 1891. l\Iarried, 1890, Agnes C. Price, in Huntington, Ind. They had:

1. ETHEL HELENE ( 1020), Sept. 11, 1892; died Oct. 12, 1895,

No. 401 Emma Stead, daughter of John Stead and Julia Ann Reed (106), born :May 25th~- 1854, died about 1907. l\Iarried George Loosemore. They had:

1. HEXRY STEAD LOOSE::.\10RE (1021), Feb. 23, 1880.

Emma Stead Loosemore fell getting off a street car 111 Chicago, and ·was so badly hurt that she lived but a week.

No. 402 Bessie Angeline Stead, daughter of Julia Ann Reed (106), born l\1ar. 23d. 1857. l\Iarric-d Thomas G. Scott, born :Mar. 23d, 1857, at D<'troit: son of Thomas J. Seott and Sarah A. Logan. They had:

1. SYD. R. SCOTT (1022), --, 1897. l\1r. Scott is a mail carrier 1n Detroit. Attends Ref. Epis­ copal Church. . 184 READ GEXEA.LOGY.

No. 403

Mary Jane Reed, daughter of Joseph Addison Reed (108). born Apr. 13th, 1848, at Java. 1Iarried. Feb. 24th, 1869, Joseph B. Stryker, born Feb. 14th, 1844. at Sheldon, X. Y. They had:

1. E::.\DIA STRYKER (1023), .July 21, 1870: died July 1, 1886. 2. ADDISOX J. STRYKER (1024), July 2, 1887. 3. CHARLES REED STRYKER (1025), Jan. 11, 1895. ~Ir. Stryker is grandson of the first settler. They live at Strykersville.

No. 404

Webster Reed, son of Joseph .Addison Reed (108). Married­ Lydia Eddy. They had:

1. NETTIE (1026). 2. JoHx ( 1027).

No. 409

Elizabeth Potter, daughter of Lucina Reed (111), born ..:-\ug. 2d, 1886, at E. Aurora. :Married, 188:3, Robert Seyse. They live at East Aurora.

No. 410

James Reed Potter, son of Lucina Reed (111), born June 18th, 1873, at Java Village. X. Y. }larried, Dec. 24th, 189R Harriet Elizabeth Brunner. born Sept. 26th, ---; daughter of Frederick Brunner and Barbara Clrich. They had:

1. WARREX ZEBIXA POTTER (1028), i\Iay 25, 1902. 2. J.HIES BRt;XXER POTT~R (1029). May 23, 1905. 3. FRAXK COOPER POTTER (1030), .Jan. 8, 1909. :Mr. Potter lives at Java, in his father's and grandfather's place. He is a farmer. They are Baptists. READ GE"XEALOGY. 183

No. 412 frank Reed Grover, son of Eliza Diana Reed (113), born - Sept. 17th, 1858, in Lyons To-wnship. near Chicago, Ill. )far- ried, )lar. 6th. 188±. Ella Florence Smith, born Ott. ±th, 1857; daughter of '\Yilliam Smith and Lydia Barbour. (~Ir. Smith

also married Betsev., Barbour ~ thev... \'Vere sisters of Reckord Reed's wife.) They had:

1. MoRTBlER C-CRRY GROVER (1031), Aug. 23, 1886. This young man graduated at Dartmouth College, 1911, having taken several prizes. He is in his father's law office and attends N. ,Y. Univ. Law School. Frank Reed Grover vvent ,vith the family to Evanston in 1866, and was educated there. He studied law at the Union College under Dean Hurd. He was admitted to the bar in 1882, and after four years by himself formed a partnership with John W. ~la, and later it became Ela, Grover and Graves. He is now alone in law, and has built up quite an extensive and lucrative practice. Recently he has become an active promoter of several R. R. enterprises. He retains his residence at Evans­ ton and has been active in local matters in the town. He is Vice-President of the Historical Society, and some of his papers on the Indians of the region have showed :much capacity for • research. No. 413 Etta Margaret Grover, daughter of Eliza Diana Reed (113), horn ....\pr. 7th, 1860, at Lyons, IlL died Dec. 24th, 190~. Buried at "Rose Hill" Cemetery. Sh<' married, Dec. 2d. 1886. Dr. qharles Henry Thayer, born Dec. 24th, 1841, died Xov. 8d, 1908. He was the first husband of her aunt Juliet Reed. For further particPlars see No. 115. They had:

1. MARIOX ALDEX THAYER (1032a), May 27, 1888. 2. NATHAXIEL THAYER (1032b), May 12, 1892. Since her death the family continue to r<:>side 1n Chicago. 186 THE lV. R. SMITH FAMILY.

No. 415 Caroline Ella Grover, daughter of Eliza Diana Reed (113), born Jan: 24th, 1866, at Lyons, Ill. l\Iarried, Jan. 26th, 190L "\Yarren Rufus Smith, born July 10th. 1869, at Litchfield, l\'.Ie.; son of Asa Plimpton Smith and Lydia Plimpton Smith. They had:

1. A~ .XE S:\IITH (1033), Aug. 30, 1902. 2. ALDEX GROVER SMITH (1034), Jan. 21, 1904. 3. THO:\IAS WARREN Sl\HTH (1035), May 20, 1905; died Feb. 27, 1906. The first two ·were born at Lake Forest, Ill., the last one at Oak Park. He died and is buried at Litchfield, l\11e. At Evanston :Mrs. Smith enjoy(->d the educafional advantages of the N. vV. University and the Lewis Institute in Chicago, a heavfly endowed technical school for engineering and allied branches. ~Ir. Smith was a graduate of Bo,vdoin College, A. B., 1890, having taken the Smyth :Math. Prize in 1888, and also the French Prize. He accompanied the Bowdoin Labrador Scien­ tific Expedition in 1891, and took post grad. course at Clark Univ., 1892. In 1892-94 he gained at Chicago Univ. a Ph. D. He was Ass. Prof. Chem., Bowdoin, '94, '95. Full Prof. Chem., Lewis Institute, 1895. Mr. Smith is the fifth in descent from Thomas.. Smith, ·who settled in Litchfield, Me., in 1775. They are Congregationali~ts. They have a nice home in Oak Park and a summer home on Lake ::\Iichigan, named '·Leland.''

No. 418 Chester Alden Grover, son of Eliza Diana Rl'ed ( 11::~), born Oet. 18th. 1871, Evanston, Ill. :~\Iarried. June 27th, 1902, Har­ riet Norris Richards, born Dec. 26th, 187:3, daughter of \VHliam Richards and Ida K. J on('S. They had:

1. Xo1m1s H.\RRIET GROYER (1036), July 31, 1903. 2. VIRGnI.-\. GRO\"ER (1037), Aug. 31, 1904. :3. POLLY REED GROYER (1038), .July 14, 1910: died July 17, 1910. THE STRA.1'T0S P.,LlHT-'Y. 187

Norris \Vas born in Chicago; Virginia in Evanston. l\Ir. Grover~ like his brother, is a la"'\-vyer. After studying one year at N. ,v. Univ. he went to Lake I-1 orest Law School, where he graduated.

No. 419

·charles Jonathan Stratton, son of Lucena Barbour Reed (114), born Aug. 19th, 1863, at Strykersville, N. Y. lVlarried, June, 1883, Lillian B. Halmon, born Dec., 1860, at Savanna, Ill.; daughter of H. Nelson Halmon and Susan B. 'ryler. They had:

1. CHESTER C. STRATTOX ( 1039), 1884. 2. EDXA A. STRATTOX (1040), 1888. 3. FLOYD R. STRATTOX (1041), 1892. 4. FLoREXCE M. STRATTON (1042), 1896. ~lr. Stratton lives at Thomson, Ill.

No. 420

Samuel Lord, Jr., son of Lucena Barbour Reed (114), born

Oct. 25th, 18671- at Thomson, Ill. :i\Iarried~ Dec. 11th, 1902, at Aurelia, Iowa, l\Iaxie Judson, born Jan. 6th, 1869, Santa Fe, Cal.; daughter of Haywood Judson. They have no children. l\Ir. Lord livrs at "'\Villiamsvjlle. :i\Io., and is a farmer. He is a Baptist.

No. 421

Etta Lucena Lord, daughter of LuePna Barbour R

1. BESSIE BROWX (1043), Sept. 9. 1893: died Sept. 19. 1893. 2. LEXX.\ LEOTA BROWX (1044), Sept. 7, 1897. ::\Ir. Brown has bt>en a merehant. no·w retired. They are Baptists. They live at :\It. Carroll, Ill. 188 '1.'HE GOLDBX F-4.}JILIES.

No. 423

Minnie Viola Lord, d.aughtt:•r of Lucena Barbour Reed (114), born July 1Bth. 187:3, at Thomson. Ill. ~Iarrie

1. DOROTUY JI-:AXXE LIHXGSTOX (1045), Aug. 14, 1911. Thl'Y reside at ::.\labton, "\Vashington. He is a merchant.

No. 424

Reyerdy Reed Lord, son of Lucena Barbour Reed (114), born Jan. 7th, 1876, at Thomson. )larried, Jan. 7th. 1876. Stella Jane Mathew, daughter of "\Villiam Mathe-w. They had:

1. GLADYS M. LORD ( 1046), 1904. l\lr. Lord is a farmer. He is a Presbyterian.

No. 426

James Anson Golden, son of Abner Justus (117), born ~lay 16th, 1850, at Fairfield, N. Y. Married, Feb. 16th, 1876, Adeline Petrie, born Mar. 24th, 1851, at Paynes IIollo-,v; daughter of John M. Petrie and Lovina Shoemaker. John 1\:'.I. Petrie's father was Mark Petrie. She was of German descent. They have no children. Mr. Golden is a retired farmer living in ~Iohawk, X. Y.

No. 427

William Golden, son of ~.\hner Justus Golden (117), born Xov. 16th, 1857, at Salisbury, X. Y. :\Iarried Ida :\lyers. born Feb. 6th. 1857. at German }t7 lats. X. Y.; daughtPr of Andrew and Mary :Hyers. They have no children. He is a farmer near :\Iohawk X. Y. THE GOLDEX FA.llllLIES. 189

No. 428

Ira Major Golden, son of Abner Golden (117)~ born ---. :Married. Feb. 18th. 1885~ Josephine House~ born Oct. 2:3d. 1859; daughter of Chauncey House and Almira Archer. They had:

1. ROBERT EDGAR GoLDEX (1047), Nov. 14. 1886.

No. 429

Ida Golden, daughter of Abner J·ustus Golden (117). ~1ar­ riPd "\\r"illiam Bullock~ a farmer in East Schuyler. P. 0.: Frank­ fort, N. Y. They have no children.

No. 430

Ella Golden, daughter of Abner Justus Golden (117). ::Mar­ rit'd Oscar H. Huyck and had :

1. CHARLES H-c:YCK (1048). 2. SEY~IOUR HUYC:K (1049). 3. BESSIE HUYCK (1050). 4. HOWARD HUYCK (1051). 5. HARRY HUYCK (1052). 6. NELLIE HGYCK (1053).

Tlwv., live in E. SchuvlPr.., rn'ar Frankfort.. X. Y .

No. 432

Nellie Golden, daughter of Ahner Justus Golden (117), horn Oct. 2d: 1870. :\Iarriect Xov. 20th. 1889, Becker "\Yidrick~ horn Aug. 8th~ 1869; son of .r err:v "\Vidrick and Sindome :Mat­ tice. They had no children. They live at Frankfort, N. Y. 190 READ GEXEA.LOGY.

No. 433

Edgar J. Golden, son of Jane Matilda (118), born Aug. 21st, 1860, at Schuyler, N. Y. l\Iarried, Nov. 23d, 1881, Eugenia Bailey, born Aug. 13th, 1855; daughter of Joseph Bailey and Frances Farrington. They had :

1. CLINTOX LEROY GOLDEN (1054), June 28, 1884. 2. EDXA FRAXCES GOLDEN (1055), Feb. 26, 1894. E. J. Golden is a merchant, lives in Schenectady, N. Y., s1nce 1899.

No. 436

Emeline Golden, daughter of Theodore H. Golden (119), born Aug. 18th, 1872. Married, Mar. 16th, 1894, Frank Brock­ way. They have no children. They live in "G~ica, N. Y. He is a teamster.

No. 438

William D. Cory, son of Catherine Reed (122), born Nov. 18th, 1841. :Married, Dec. 18th, 1864, Josephine Simmons. They had:

1. JEXXY L. CORY (1056), Dec. 18, 1865; died Feb. 11, 1868. 2. FRANK L. CORY (1057),_ Jan. 27, 1871. :3_ Ross s. CORY (1058), Nov. 18, 1880; died Ju~y 20, lSll. ::\Ir. Cory lives on Keyes Ave., "\Yaterto·w1L X. Y.

No. 456

Fanny Reed, daughter of Delos David Reed ( 127), born ~lug. 27th. 1860, at Three :Mile Bay. J.\Iarried, Sept. 21st, 1887, Allc>n E. Copley, born Sept. 30th, 1859. at Chaumont, N. Y., died Feb. 11th, 1902; son of Hiram Cop1Py and ::\Iary Enos. They had: THE COPLEY FAMILY.

1. GRACE FRAXCIS COPLEY (1059), July G, 1888. 2. ALEXANDER COPLEY (1060), Jan. 27, 1901. 3. ALLEX CLIXE COPLEY (1061), July 16, 1902. ::\Iary Enos, wife of Hiram Copley, was frrst cousin to Elitha Sperry, ·whom Nathaniel Reed married. Allen Copley, above, died young, but had been in business with his father and uncles in Chaumont. :Mrs. Copley lives in a fine residence in Chau­ mont and is active in good works, and a member of the l\l. E. Church.

No. 465

Harry M. Cline, son of Sarah l\I. Reed ( 129), born .June 3d, 1862. Married, June 17th, 1896, Lucy B. \Vhite, born Feb. 7th. 1869, in Ill.; daughter of John K. \Vhite, born in Ver., 1832, came to Ill. wi~ his parents, 18:39. l\Irs. John K. 1Vhite ·was born in Ohio, 1831, came to Ill. in 1850. They had:

1. MARY H. CLIXE (1062), Oct. 9, 1902. Harry Cline is associated with his father in his mercantile business and lives in Elburn, Ill.

No. 466

Libbie M. Cline, daughte~ of _Sarah l\L Reed (129), born July 18th, 1864. l\1arried, Feb. 10th, 1887, "\¥alter K. Norris, born Feb. 21st, 1861, in N ..r. :\loved to Ill. with parents in 1865. They have no children. He is in the grain, coal and lumber business in Elburn.

No. 470

Isabel, daughkr of Philander Reed (1:30), born Sept. lsL 1868. l\larried, :Jia:v 10th, 1905, Benjamin John Harnett. horn in England, Xov. 16th. 1847. They haYe no childrl'n, but she, "·ith her mother and sistt'r, lives in Brooklyn. ~- Y. 192 REA.lJ GESEA.LOGY.

No. 476

Charles Reed Knapp, son of )Iary E. Reed (1:32), born Aug. :31st: 1864, at Chaumont, N". Y. ~Iarried, Aug. 20th. 1906, Bessie A. Canaday, born ~..,eb. 26th, 1875, at Albany, X. Y.; daughter of George Canaday and Cath(•rine Livingston. They have no children. ::\Ir. Knapp has been. for some years. a contractor and builder in , but e:x.peds to remove to Albany, X. Y., Apr., 1912. He is a M<.->thodist. Has lived in Buffalo, Rochester. X. Y. City and Mason City, Iowa.

No. 484

George Reed, son of J"anws Reed. (l:~s.;,. :Married Ella ---. They had:

1. MABEL ( 10{i3).

No. 485

Nettie Reed, daughter of James Reed (1:38). :Married Ed­ ward Charlebois. They had:

1. EDNA CHARLEBOIS ( 1064). 2. DAUGHTER ( 1065). _

No. 486

Addie Reed, daughter of James (1:38). ::\Iarried "\Vilbur T. ::.\IcElhinney. They had:

1. THO:-.L\S McELHIXXEY (1066). 2. .ALBERT McELHIX";XEY (1067). 3. EARL l\IcELHIXXEY (1068). They live at Britton, Okla. READ GENEALOGY. 193

No. 487

Ada Reed, daughter of James Reed (138). :Married Earl Cranson ( or Aronson) . They have:


No. 488

frank Reed, son of James (138). :Married --­ They had:

1. DAUGHTER (1071).

No. 492

Eleanor Beadle, daughter of :Mary Ann Reed (151), born Feb. 26th, 1858, died Dec. 22d, 1909. Married Charles Parker. They had:

1. INA MAY PARKER (1078), Jan. 26, 1900.

He lives at St. Lawrence.

No. 494

Quincey A. Beadle, son ·of :Mary Ann Read (151), born Xov. 19th, 1865. l\larried, June 18th, 1890, Harriet -Weaver, born Aug. 11th, 1864; daughter of John C. Weaver and Cath­ erine Phillips. They had:

1. FLORE:XCE BEADLE ( 1079), Aug. 23, 1894. 2. WALLACE BEADLE (1080), Apr. 13, 1899. l\'.Ir. Beadle lives near St. Lawrence. 194 READ GENEALOGY.

No. 498

Lena Grace ,\\cCartney, daughter of Helen E. Reed (156), born July 29th, 1871, in New York. :Married, Feb. 24th, 1897, Edwin Max Whelpley, born Dec. 6th, 1870. ~Ir. "\Vhelpley is a musician, liv~s in Columbus, 0., at 1370 Summit A venue.

No. 500

Scott Reed McCartney, son of Helen E. Reed (156), born ~ov. 12th, 1877, in Jefferson, 0. :Married, Jan. 29th, 1904, Lottie Edith --. They had:

1. WILLIAM TAYLOR MCCARTNEY (1081), Sept. 10, 1907. z. THOMAS EDWIN .McCABT~EY (1082), Apr. 11, 1909. These children were born at Columbus, 0. Mr. :McCartney is a salesman. Resides in Columbus, 0.

No. 501

. Lottie Edith McCartney, daughter of Helen E. Reed (156), born Dec. 24th, 1879, at Columbus, 0. Married, June 29th, 1904, vVilliam Taylor. They live in Columbus, 0.

No. 502

Lulu May McCartney, daughter of Helen E. Reed (156), born l\Iay 6th, 1886, at Ashtabula. l.\larried, June 30th, 1909, John ,Villiam Bo-wer, born ~lay 20th, 1883, at N. Lewisburg, Ohio; son of Jeremiah Bower and Julia Ella Ford. :\Ir. Bower lives in Columbus, 0.· READ GENEALOGY. 195

No. 505

. Howard Clark Reed, son of Howard Payne Reed (159), born Feb. 17th, 1881. :Married { 1), J anr 4th, 1901, :Mabel Lawrence, born Aug. 30th, 1885, daughter of Alvidos Law­ rence and Lura Taft. They were divorced June, 1905. He mar­ ried (2), Sept. 17th, 1906, Bertha Stephan, born Aug. 15th, 1887, in Ohio; daughter of John D. and Mary Stephan. By his first wife he had :

1. LAWRE:XCE CLARK (1083), Sept. 4, 1903; died June 21, 1909. The Stephan family came from Germany. 1\Ir. H. C. Reed lives in Ashtabula, and is more or less as­ sociated with his father in business.

No. 507

Maude S. Reed, daughter of Francis S. Reed (160L born Aug. 27th, 1876, at Clayton, N. Y. :Married Walter S. Sey­ mour, born July 15th, 1873, at Leyden, N. Y.; son of Charles Seymour and Frances l\tl. Woodard. They had :

1. CHARLES BRONSON SEYMOUR (1084), Jan. 20, 1900. 2. BERNICE HARRIETT SEYMOUR (1085), ;Feb. 7, 1905. 3. EVERETT KYES SEYMOUR (1086), May 25, 1909. 1\ir. Seymour is a bookkeeper. They have lived 1n Boon­ Yille, Gouverneur, and now live in "\Vatertown.

No. 508.

Carrie Hinckley Reed, daughter of ~.,rancis (160), born Apr. 27th, 1887, at Chaumont, ~- Y. 1\Iarried, Apr. 3d, 1907, Percey E. Hayes, born July 14th, 1881, at Three Mile Bay; son of E. J. Hayes and Louema Klock. They have no children. ::\Ir. Hayes was reared· at Three :l.\lile Bay. Both are very musical, h_e being an ~ccomplished flute player and she a piano 196 THE LITTLE FAMILY. teacher and expert player. He is a concert conductor and be­ longs to the l\Ialone Band. He is at present a dealer in miscel­ laneous goods at :Malone, N. Y.

No. 509

· Florence May Reed, daughter of Francis Reed (160), born Sept. 1st, 1889, at Depauville, N. "f. :Married, Apr. 30th, 1908, Leon L. Marvin, born June 14th, 1883, at Worth, N. Y. They have no children. l\1rs. Marvin and her husband attended Watertown High School. He, in spite of his blindness, obtained a good aca­ demic education. They both are fond of music. He is a piano dealer,. 327 State Street, Watertown. They are :Methodists.

No. 512

John Thomas Little, son of Harriet Hetherington (164), born lVIay 3d, 1849. lVIarried, Feb. 29th, 1876, Ethel Forest, daughter of Mark Forest and Angelina Hunter. They had:

1. GEORGE FOREST LITTLE (1087a), June 13, 1878; died May 25, l912: 2. CATHERIXE LITTLE (1087b), May 17, 1883; died Mar. 30, 1901. Geo. Forest Little served five years, 1898-1904, in Spanish War, part of the time in the Philippines. He enlisted first in Co. K, 9th Inf. and reenlisted in Co. K, 18th Inf. He lived at Port Leyden, N. Y., when he died.

No. 513

Harriet Little, daughter of Harriet Hetherington (164), born Oct. 10th, 1859. died Oct. 20th, 1890. :Married, June, 1878, Thomas P. Nightingale. They had:

1. EDGAR LITTLE NIGHTISGALE (1088), Sept. 15, 1879. 2. THO~fAS LESLIE NIGHTIXGALE (1089), Jan. 20 or 27, 1881. 3. FRAXCIS BYROX NIGHTIXGALE ( 1090), Dec. 25,. 1886. THE BECKER FAMILY. 197

They were all born in Deerfield. N. Y. l\:Ir. Nightingale is 1n laundry work. After the first ·wife died he married again, Charlotte Patton, and had Richard and James (twins), and Alice. He lives in Schenectady. Mr. :N. and his children are all Roman Catholics. Francis Byron lives with his father in Schenectady, and travels as a magician.

No. 514 Caroline Becker, daughter of Mary Jane Hetheringto;.1 (168), born Nov. 24th, 1868, at Asheville, N. C. Married, June 24th, 1901, Frank F. Washburn, born· Apr. 24th, 1872, at Rensselaerville, N. Y.; son of Oscar Washburn and Harriet Gould. •They had :

1. MALCOLM EDWARD WASHBURN' (1091), Dec. 25. 1902. Oriskany. J\1r. '\Vashburn is a moulder, lives at Oriskany, N~ Y. She is a Presbyterian. He a Baptist.·

No. 517 Malcolm Charles Becker, son of :Mary Jane Hetherington (168), born Sept. 14th, 1876. Married, July 1st, 1908, :Mary Jane Smith, born Nov. 22d, 1§81, daughter of Morris Smith and Jane Holliday. They had:

1. HAROLD ARTHUR BECKER ( 1092) , May 9, 1!:)09.

J\I. C. Becker is ~ farmer. He lives on the homestead farm, near North Gage.

No. 518

flora May Becker, daughter of Mary Jane Hetherington (168), born June :30th, 1878. l\Iarried, l\Iay 14th, 1900, Arthur Jones, born Nov. 8th, 1878; son of Robert Jones and Margaret Richards. He is Welsh by race. They had:

1. ARTH'VR WILLIA1'I JOXES (1093), July 18, 1908. 198 THE BRAYTO?,t FAMILY.

i\Ir. Jones lives at 'vVhitesboro. but is clerk in Roberts hard­ ware store in Utica. They are Presbyterians.

No. 522

John C. Schermerhorn, son of William G. (172L born Dec. 26th, 1863. Married Laura --- They had:

1. WILLIAM L. SCHERMERHORN (1094a). 2. CLYDE D. SCHERMERHORN (1094b). l\1r. J. C. Schermerhorn_ is a farmer and a l\1ethodist, and lives at Conneautville? Penn.

No. 523

Omar Romaine Brayton, son of Caroline Sche:merhorn (173), born July 22d, 1849. Married, Apr. 16th, 1870, Olive Delia Countryman, born June 1st, 1847; daughter of Peter and Hannah Countryman. They had:

1. BELLE BRAYTON (1095), Mar. 3, 1871. 2. JESSE MERRELL BRAYTON (1096), Mar. 9, 1873. 3. FRANK HOWARD BRAYTON (1097), Aug. 17, 1874. 4. THOMAS JOHNSON BRAYTON (1098), Jan. 17, 1877. 5. GLEN BRAYTON (1099), Oct. 19, 1878. 6. HARVEY CREGO BRAYTON (1100), Oct. 14, 1883. 7. LEE OMAR BRAYTON {1101), Sept. 13, 1885. 8. LIZZIE BRAYTON (1102), Nov. 20, 1886. 9. EDITH HETHERINGTON BRAYTON (1103), July 5, 1888. l\'Ir. Brayton is a farmer. Edith H. is in nurse training school, Utica. His address is Poland. He carries on his father's farm. Lee Omar has attended Syracuse Univ., and is a civil engineer.

No. 524 - Merrill Jesse Brayton, son of Caroline Schermerhorn (173), born July 20th, 1852, at Newport, N. Y. :Married, Jan. 30th, 1884, at Ilion, N. Y., Cora B. Johnson, born June 27th, 1860; THE BRAYTON FAMILY. 199 daughter of James A. Johnson and Catherine nL Wildey. He lives on Lansing Street, Utica. They have no children. Mr. M. J. Brayton, when 8 years old moved with his parents from Newport to Deerfield town, to a farm about 2 miles from North Gage, and here his early life· was spent. His academic training was in Fairfield Seminary and Clinton Liberal Insti­ tute, both famous scho?ls in their day. He then studied law with J. Thomas Spriggs and later with D. E. Pomeroy, and was admitted to the bar in 1875. He practiced in Utica as a member of the firm of Pomeroy & Brayton, and later alone. He was active in politics, and from· '83-'86 he was Deputy Co. Clerk, and from '86- '89 full Clerk, in which work he wrought out ·excellent results. Since 1889 he has been Secretary-Treas. and Gen. Manager of the-Utica Gas and Electric Co., in which position he has succeeded finely, much to the satisfaction of his employers. His activities have not been confined to his company but he is an active member of several orders and clubs. For many years he has been a leader in County and State politics in his party (Rep.), in close association with such men as Roscoe Conkling, Elihu Root, Vice-:-President Sher­ man. He has been prospered in his private fortunes, and his reputation is that of a man of untiring energy and perse­ verance and sacred regard for his business engagements.

No. 525 Ida Rosalia Brayton, daughter of Caroline Schermerhorn (173), born Apr. 5th, 1855. l\1arried Frank Stanton Ferris, born Aug. 22d, 1847, died Aug. 12th, 1907; son of Timothy Harvey Ferris and Eliza Salisbury. They had:

1. STELLA IRENE FERRIS (1104), Jan. 20, 1877. Mr. Ferris attended Fairfield Sem. for a time then farmed it several years, and about 1892, retired and moved to Pros­ pect, N. Y., where he died. His fam-ily live at Prospect. 200 THE KENT F .AMILY.

No. 526 Arthur Almon Brayton, son of Caroline Schermerhorn (173), born Feb. 18th, 1863, died Apr. 13th, 1898. l\Iarried Allie Hall. They had :

1. HAROLD MORTO:X BRAYTOX (1105), Apr. 2, 1890. Harold Brayton is a graduate of the Poland High School, and is at present a chauffeur, in Utica, N. Y.

No. 529

John Cornelius Schermerhorn, son of :Merrill :Major (177), born Nov. 5th, 1862. Married, Dec. 25th, 1891, Jennie Barker, born ---; daughter of Peter Barker and Sarah Clemens. They had:

1. BERT!:!A SCHEBMEBHGRN (1106), July 16, 1889. He is a farmer, lives at North Gage.

No. 530

Caroline Schermerhorn, daughter of :Merrill :Major (177), born Oct. 3d, 1873. Married William B. Cave, born Mar. 9th, 1864; son of William Cave and Melissa Barker. They had:

1. MERRILL B. CAVE (1107), Dec. 21, 1889. They live at Poland, N. Y.

No. 537

Newton Eugene Kent, son of Louise Owen Kent (181), born at Boonville, Sept. 19th, 1850. Married, Jan., 1874, Ellen Cas­ sidy, born at Greig, N. Y., died Nov. 15th, 1910. They had:

1. JUSTUS EUGENE KENT (1108), June 17, 1875; died 1881. 2. FRANK Bu""R.TON KExT (1109), Aug. 8, 1876. 3. HENBY JAMES KENT (1110), Sept. 7, 1878; died 1881. 4. PHENA IRENE KENT (1111), Nov. 8, 1879; died 1879. THE KENT FAMILY. 201

5. LonsE l\IAY KEXT ( 1112), Oct. 15, 1881; died 1881. 6. LULU MAY KEXT (1113), Dec. 5, 1883. 7. CHARLES NEWTOX KExT (1114), Jan. 3, 1885; died 1886. 8. ~ELLIE LonsE KEXT (1115), Aug. 31, 1887. Justus was born in Greig, Frank in Constableville, Henry in Boonville, the others in Forestport, N. Y.

No. 538

Charles Burton Kent, son of Louise Owen Kent (181) born 1\:Iar. 4tt, 1855, at Boonville. Married, July, 4th, 1883, Phena Carpenter, born June 6th, 1860, at Rome, N. Y. She was the daughter of ---. They had:

1. JOHN OWEN KENT (1116), Oct. 2, 1884. 2. EDITH MAY KENT (1117), Nov. 28, 1888; died -- 3. CLINTON JAY KENT (1118), Jan. 5, 1890. 4. BURTON RAY KENT (1119), Apr. 14, 1893. 5. HOWARD CARPENTER KENT (1120), Apr. 21, 1895; died Nov. 2, 1910. 6. MA.BILLA IRENE KENT (1121), July 28, 1897. 7. JUSTUS VINTON KENT (1122), July 28, 1899; died -- 8. RUTH M.ABGABET KENT (1123), Oct. 20, 1901; died -- These were all born in Boonville, N. Y.

No. 540

Anna Louise Kent, daughter of Louise Owen Kent (1$1), ~ born Nov. 7th, 1859. J\Iarried, Aug. 9th, 1876, Thomas Kings- bury, born Aug. 8th, 1833. They had:

1. ARTHUR 0. KINGSBURY ( 1124), Oct. 4, 1877. 2. FAXNY M. KINGSBURY (1125), Feb. 28, 1879. 3. ALICE A. KINGSBURY. ( 1126), Oct. 30, 1881; died June 2, 1907. 4. STAXLEY E. KINGSBURY (1127), Jan. 27, 1901; died Jan. 27, 1901. :Mr. Kingsbury lives in Turin, N. Y. 202 THE KENT FAJ1ILY.

No. 541

George Willis Kent, son of Louise O·wen Kent (181), born Sept. 25th, 1865. :Married, Dec. 21th, 1890, Ellen Phendler, born Feb. 1st, 1865, at Boonville. They have no children.

No. 542

franklin Vinton Kent, son of Louise Owen Kent (181), born Dec. 23d, 1867. :Married, June 4th, 1902, Lulu :Mudge, born July 7th, 1868, in Niagara Co., N. Y. They have no children.

No. 543

William Henry Kent, son of Louise Owen Kent (181), born Aug. 23d, 1870, died Jan. 9th, 1910. Married, Jan 25th, 1900, Emma Sherwin, born Oct. 31st, 1876, at Ceres, Pa.; daughter of James M. Sherwin and Mary Rowan. They had:

1. MARY LOUISE KENT (1128), Apr. 24, 1901. 2. BESSIE THELMA KENT (1129), Feb. 14, 1903. 3. JUSTUS VINTON KENT (1130), June 3, 1905. 4. JAMES WILLIAM KENT (1131), June 14, 1907. 5. KENN.E.'TH KENT (1132), Sept. 7, 1909.

No. 545

Carol Belle Maior, daughter of John 1\L Major (182), born Nov. 15th, 1865, at Florence~ 1\'.lich. l\Iarried, Dec. 27th, 1893, Charles Johnson, born · ; son of --- They had:

1. BER::SICE MARIE J OHl\."SON ( 1133), Sept. 14, 1898. Mr. Johnson is a druggist in Centerville, Mich. R. H. VAN BuREN FA.1'.IILY. 203

No. 547

Nellie Lou Major, daughter of John ~I. l\Iajor (182), born June 26th, 1880, at Nottawa, J\1:ich. :Married, Sept. 17th, 1903, John R. Truckenmiller. He was son of---. They had:

1. CLIFTON MAJOR TRlJCKENMILLER ( 1134), June 10, 1911.

No. 551

Rosslyn Henry Van Buren, son of Caroline B. J\Iaj"or (187), born Jan. 28th, 1875, at Florence, Mich. Married, June 28th, 1900, at Lansing, Rebecca McCallum, born Sept. 20th, 1876; daughter of Edward Henry McCallum and Rebecca Tracy. They had:

1. TRACY HENBY VAN BUREN (1135a), Mar. 27, 1902. 2. ClI.ARLOTTE MAY VAN BUBEN (1135b), Oct. 1, 1904.

Rebecca Tracy was from Andover, :Mass. Mr. J\lcCallum was an Englishman who put the telegraph lines through Indi_a. l\Ir. Rosslyn Van Buren was reared on his father's farm, where he attended district school and later the Centerville High School, from which he-graduated, 1893. He then took the classical course at Ypsilanti Normal, graduating in 1897. He next served one year 1n Wolf Brothers bank in Centerville, and then five years in the State. Auditor's office at Lansing, as cashier. In 1901 be became asso~ia ted with Frank 'Vv..,,._ Wait in the lumber business, from which he has withdrawn and is now interested with A. F. l\'Iorency in making plumbing goods. Like his father, he has been very active in promoting the interests of his party (Republican), in town, county and state, and has been a trusted and successful leader. He has now retired and enjoys the fruits of his toil, at Centerville, l\Iich. 204 THE BLUE F.A..!.lflLY.

No. 557

Alexander Blue, son of Archibald l\L Blue (193), born Dec. 14th, 1874, at North Gage. :Married, Jan. 16th, 1896, Anna Hop­ kins, born ---; daughter of George Hopkins. They had:

1. CARL MACKAY BLUE (1136), Nov. 15, 1897. 2. HELEX MARY BLUE ( 1137), Aug. 6, 1899. Alexander Blue graduated from Holland Pat. High School, 1894. He lives at So. Trenton and conducts a store there.

No. 558

Daniel McIntyre Blue, son of Archibald 11. Blue (193), born Aug. 25th, 1877, at North Gage. :Married, Dec. 28, 1908, Jennie S. Helmer of Boonville. They had :

1. ELIZABETH McINTYRE BLUE ( 1138), Apr. 8, 1911. l\1r. Daniel Blue graduated from Potsdam (N. Y.) Normal School, 1901, attended Syracuse University two years, and had position as principal of high school eight years. \Vith Jan. 1st, 1912, he began a five years' term as Dist. Supt. Public Schools, 7th Dist., Oneida Co., N. Y. He lives at Boonville, N. Y.

No. 561 Malcolm Chester_ Blue, son of A. Grant Blue (196), born Dec. 25th, 1887. 1\/Iarried, Dec. 22d, 1909, Verna lVI. Read, at Poland, born Jan. 2d, 1887; daughter of John Blue Read and Frances Terry Willoughby. They had:

1. RALPH E. BLUE (1139), Oct. 27, 1910.

l\I. C. Blue is a farmer in the To,,0 n of Deerfield.

No. 565 Mary ~eed, daughter of William C. Reed (198), born June 27th, 1862, at Paxton, Ill. :Married, Jan. 1st, 1886, William READ GENEALOGY. 205

Alvin Hamilton. born---; son of '\Y. H. Hamilton, Florence, Kan. They had:

1. THEODORA HA:}IILTOX (1140), Oct. 7, 1888. 2. STELLA HA:\IILTOX (1141), Dec. 5, 18!)1. 3. WILLIA:\! LAWRESCE HAMILTOX (1142), Aug. 27, 1897. lVIr. Hamilton is a farmer. He moved to Anatone, vVash. (26 miles from Lewiston, Idaho) in 1906. Theodora and Stella both graduated at Anatone High School. Theodora is book­ keeper in Anatone Bank. Stella is a student in 1Vash. State College, which she expects. to complete. She is now teaching. This family lives at Anatone, Wash.

No. 566

Florence Reed, daughter of William C. Reed (198), born July 6th, 1864, at Paxton. Married, Oct. 19th, 1897, Albert Brewer. Mr. Brewer died Aug. 11th, 1902. His father was N. M. Brewer. They had:

1. LAWRENCE JEROME BREWER (1143), May 19, 1901. Mrs. Brewer ·belongs to the Teaching Craft. She began when 15 in rural schools in Kansas. Since her husband's death she has taught three years in Chandler, Okla., and Bartlesville four -years. She is a earnest Ghristian woman.

No. 567

Adena Belle l{eed, daughter of William C. Reed (198), born Sept. 7th, 1866, at Paxton, Ill., died :Mar. 17th, 1889. lVIarried, Dec. 4th. 1888. "\Villiam R. l\Ionroe. Thev had: ; ' Cl

1. HARRIET BELL MOXROE ( 1144), Mar. 10. 1889; died July 9, 1889. "\Y. R. :Monroe came from Fall River, Mass., ,vhen he had finished school, to Florence, and was employed on the R. R. as depot man and ticket agent. He is now connected with a bank at Florence. 206 READ GENEALOGY.

No. 569 Martha Reed, daughter of vVilliam C. Reed (198), born June 28th, 1870, at Paxton, Ill., died June 10th, 1906. :Married, Jan. 1st, 1889, Joseph G. Symmes; son of F. 1\1. Symmes. They had:

1. MABIOX FRANCIS SYMMES (1145), Aug. 16, 1891. :Mr. Symmes was a son of the Presbyterian :Minister at Florence. He was at that time in R. R. employ. rrhe son went to live with an uncle and is now secretary to some R. R. official in Chicago. No. 572 Frances 0. Reed, daughter of William C. Reed (198), born ::May 5th, 1879, at Florence, Kan. 1\-Iarried, Sept., 1909, Samuel P. Brooks. They had no children. ~Ir. Brooks, who lives at Tulsa, is an extensive real estate and oil well operator. J\ Brooks had been a teacher and telegraph operator in Warrens­ burgh, Mo.

No. 575 Floyd Dennison Read, son of Stanton Read (200) ,· born at Flint, J\Iich, Jan. 25th, 1885. Married Caroline Skinner, born ---, 1889; daughter of Edward Skinner and Julia Cramp­ ton. They had : 1. Loms FLOYD (1146), Dec. 11, 1911.

No. 577 George Frankiin Mather, son of Eliza 1\Iains (202), born Dec. 18th, 1854. l\Iarried~ Apr. 21st, 1879, Ellen 1\I. Warren,*

*THE LUTHER FA:\IILY.-Before 1645 Capt. John s. Luther came to Boston from the North of Ireland. He traced his ancestry back 200 years to the German Luthers. Some of them had emigrated to the )forth of Ir€land, a strongly Protestant community, to escape perse­ cution at home. Capt. Luther was a seafaring man and a man of affairs, and was THE MATHER FAMILY. 207 born---. 1855, at Spring Prairie, "\Vis.; daughter of "\Villiam B. \Varren and :Maria Elizabeth Brown. They had: l. ROBERT EARL MATHER (1146½), July 1, 1892. )1r. Geo. F. l\:father is a dyer. They live in Waupaca, Wis.

No. 578

David Hugh Mather, son of Eliza :Mains (202), born Apr. 16th, 1856, at Sheboyga,n, Wis. Married, Feb. 7th, 1896, Th'Iatie Estella Shipman, born :May 10th, 1868, at New London, Wis.; daughter of Delos W. Shipman and Harriet Antoinette Willett. They have: 1. DOBIS HABBIET MATHER (1147), Nov. 30, 1897. :Mr. Mather is a·machinist and engineer, and a Baptist. They live at Ladysmith, Wis. sent in 1644, by Boston merchants, in a small vessel to the Delaware Bay, to collect furs by trading with the Indians. He had had good success, and was about sailing for home, in Spring of 1645, when he and three of his men were killed by the Indians. ( See Winthrop's Hist. of New England, Vol. II, p. 256.) From him we trace: 1. Capt. John s: Luther, died 1645. 2. Samuel, born 1630, wife Mary. 3. Samuel, born 1663, wife Sarah. 4. Caleb, born 1691, wife Mary Cole. 5. Jabez, born 1725, wife Alice _( or Elsie). 6. Caleb, born 1751, wife Rebecca Brown. 7. Jabez, born 1776, wife Elizabeth Parkman. 8. Mary Ann, born 1807, husband Jonathan W. Brown. 9. Marie E., born 1831, husband William B. Warren. 10. Ellen M., born 1854, husband Geo. F. Mather. 'Ne note that in the above, that the mother of Jonathan W. Brown was Sally Webster, her father was brother of the father of Daniel Webster, the famous American orator and statesman. We also further note that Jabez Luther, No. 7, had a brotlaer William, who married a niece of Ethan Allen, the Revolutionary hero. We also call attention to No. 7, Jabez Luther, himself, was certainly a most remarkable man, with most noble characteristics and a very unique history. He was born at Attleboro, Mass., Mar. 26th, 1776. As a boy and young man he was a fine student and scholar and intelligent man. He became a carpenter and €Xcelled at his trade, but soon chose a seafaring life in the West India trade. At the age of 26 he was at 208 THE MATHER FAMILY.

No. 579

Ada Maria Mather, daughter of Eliza l\lains (202), born Nov. 16th, 1858, at Royalton~ "\Vis. :l\Iarried (1), Oct. l~th, 1879, at Oshkosh, "\Vis., "\Villiam "\Viggin Claggett, born Jan. 8th'. 1858, Wis., died Oct. 29th~ 1882. He was a son of .John Claggett and :Melissa Huffcutt. She married (2), Oct. 30th, 1888, Orville Henry Atwell, born June 14th, 1830, died Feb. 15th, 1905. I_Ie was a son of Benjamin Franklin Atwell and Ruby Sage. By Mr. Claggett she had : ' . 1. ABTHUR BENJAMIN CLAGGETT (1148), Dec. 1, 1880. 2. WILLIAM JOHN CLAGGETT (1149), Nov. 13, 1882; died Nov. 13, 1882. Both husbands were farmers. She lives in vVaupan and her son carries on the farm.

No. 580 Myra Mather, daughter of Eliza Mains (202), born Jan. 22d, 1859, at Weyauwega, Wis. :Married, Mar. 17th, 1884, George

Warren, R. I., on a visit, and while helping celebrate the Fourth of July had both his hands blown off by the premature discharge of a cannon. The right arm was amputated above the hand, and the left arm above the elbow. But in spite of this helpless condition he began to devise machines and apparatus which, attached to the stumps of his arms, enabled him, little by little, to do almost every kind of useful work, as well as minister to his personal needs. He could even shave himself. · He be­ came a teacher, then a merchant, then a farmer in Berkshire, Vt. He . did farm work, also made very fine grain cradles, and sold them every­ where. His arms became strong and acquired dexterity by use. He was chosen to town offices, and was many years "Esq. Luther," a high honor in those days. He was a good debater, and cheerful and humorous in his intercourse with people. His good wife was one of the best of wives. He was also a religious man, who every morning attended prayers, using the Book of Common Prayers. He died, in Peace, in 1854, trust­ ing God. We have condensed the above from a manuscript in the possession of Mrs. Geo. F. Mather, his great-granddaughter. THE MATHER FAMILIES 209

R. l\lasters, born Sept. 8th, 1857; son of V{illiam l\lasters ancl Elizabeth "\Vait. They had:

1. MAUDE E. MASTERS ( 1150), Nov. 14, 1886. 2. MARY G. MASTERS ( 1151). Sept. 12, 1888. :Mr. l\Iasters is a builder and contractor. He has lived in · Spokane, but now lives in Harrison, Idaho. 'l,hey are Metho­ dists.

No. 581

Flora Louisa Mather, daughter of Eliza :Mains (202), bor-n lVIay 20th, 1862, at Royalton, Wis'. Married, Apr. 7th, 1896, at Neb. City, John N. Larsh, born Oct. 22d, 1865, at Lebanon, 0.; son of Dr. N. B. Larsh and Ella .Armstrong. They had:

1. N..u>OLEOX BOXAPARTE LABSH (1152), July 25, 1897. lVIr. Larsh is of French descent. He is a farmer. They live in Union, Neb.

No. 583

William Hougtiton Mather, -son o:f Eliza lVIains (202), born l\Iay 20th, 1872. Married Leone Thomson. They had:

1. FLOREXCE MATHER ( 1153), Dec. 25, 1905. ""\V. H. l\:Iather lives at Huntington, Or. Is a ranchman and mme owner. He came to Oregon about 1902.

No. 584

Merton Everett Mather, son o.f Eliza :Mains (202), born .June 7th, 1877, vVaupaca Co., ""\Vis. Married Lydia E. Pfriem­ mer, born in 1888, at Thorp, \Vis. 1,hey had:

1. n-L-\RLYX l\Lo\.THER (1154), Nov. 13, 1908. 2. EVERETT M. MATHER (1155), June 17, 1910. l\lr. l\I. E. l\Iather lives at Stanley, v\""is.,. where he deals in hardware, stoves and sporting goods. 210 THE HALSTEAD FAMILY

No. 587

Emma Carrie Wright, daughter of Polly :Maria :Mains (203), born Aug. 27th, 1867, at :Middleport, N. Y. )1arried, Dec. 25th, 1893, John A. Ferguson, from Canada. Ile was born :Mar. 16th, 1865. His parents were John L. Ferguson and Sarah Jane )Iillard. They have no children. Mr. Ferguson is a farmer, owns the place lately owned by "\Vm. Fox. :Mrs. Fox, her aunt, lives with them,· at Elba, N. Y.

No. 589

Mary Ella Wright, daughter of Polly :Maria :Mains (203), born Sept. 24th, 1871, at Royalton, N. Y. :Married, Oct. 5th, 1896, "\Villis Halstead, born June 11th, 1874, at Royalton, Niag­ ara Co., N. Y.; son of Luman Halstead and :Millie Halstead. They had:

1. ADA MAY HALSTEAD (1156), Oct. 9, 1898. 2. IDA MAUD HALSTEAD (1157), Jan. 3, 1900. 3. EVA BELLE HALSTEAD (1158), Feb: 10, 1901. 4. EMMA JANE HALSTEAD (1159), May 25, 1902. 5. CARRIE LIYOXIA HALSTEAD (1160), June 15, 1905. Mr. Halstead has a lumber shop. He· formerly lived at West Shelby, N. Y., now lives in :Middleport, N. Y. They are Metho­ dists.

No. 591a

Mary R_eid, daughter of Alvira :Mains (204), born Nov. 19th, 1867. :Married Frank Hazelton. They live in Canton, N. Y.

No. 591b

Cora R_eid, daughter of .A.lvira ::Hains (20-!), born Sept. 29th, 1868. l\Iarried John Frank Gates, born ::\Iar. 25th, 1865, at RE.AD GENE.A.LOGY 211

Hermon, N. Y.; son of Abram Francis Gates and Adeline J.\iI. Dodge. They had:

1. CARL A. GATES ( 1161), Oct. 29, 1893. 2. GRAXT A. GATES (1162), Feb. 1, 1896. 3. BERTHA A. GATES (1163), Jan. 1, 1898. 4. RAYMOXD F. GATES (1164), Apr. 5, 1907.

No. 592

Welby E. R.eid, son of Alvira Mains (204), born Aug. 29th, 1878, at Hermon, N. Y. Married Lydia Lacy, born at Hermon, N. Y.; daughter of \\Tilliam Lacy. They had:

1. IvA L. REID (1165), July 8, 1897. 2. VIRGINIA A. REID (1166), May 10, 18~9. 3. FOREST H. REID (1167), Apr. 2. 1901; died June 13, 1901. 4. INA MAE REID (1168), Nov. 11, 1902. 5. DoROTHY REID ( 1169), May 31, 1906. 6. CORA GRACE REID (1170), Oct. 8, 1907. :Mr. Reid is a farmer. He is a J.\IIethodist. He now lives at Woodbury, Conn.

No. 593

William Edgar R.eed, son of Edgar (207), born in Russell, N. Y., :Mar. 19th, 1876. Married; Dec. 25th, 1901, Lida J. Hamil­ ton, born Sept. 2d, 1877, at Russell, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.; daughter of Elgin Hamilton and Emma Cooper. They had:

1. KATHARIXE H. (1171), Jan. 18, 1905. 2. EDGAR w. (1172); June 7, 1909. "\V. E. Reed was educated in the rural schools of his native town. He taught one of them in the fall of 1892. The winter of '93-'94 he attended Eastman's Business College at Pough­ keepsie, N. Y., and graduated there in 1894. He entered Pots­ dam Normal School in 1895 and graduated from the Classical Course in 1899. Sept., 1900, he became a teacher in Brooklyn, 212 THE FREEMA~ FAMILY

N. Y., where he is still engaged as teacher of Science. Julie: 1909, he received the degree of B. S., N. Y. University. He is another Reed of high standing in the teaching fraternity. He lives at 416 E. 9th St .. Brooklvn. N. Y. ' ., '

No. 594

Dora Adell Bullock, daughter of Harriet E. Reed (208), born July 28th, 1868, at Russell. Married, .Aug. 21st, 1889, Fred B. Freeman, born Aug. 2d, 1866; son of Gideon Freeman and Mary Allen. They had:

1. OSWALD F. FREEMAN (1173), Sept. 26, 1890. 2. MARY ETHEL FREEMAN (1174), Jan. 8, 1892. 3. EUNICE FREEMAN (1175), Nov. 25, 1893; died Apr. 17, 1895. 4. INEZ RUTH FREEMAN (1176), Jan. 6, 1896. }Ir. Freeman is a farmer. They reside in Edwards, N. Y. They are Methodists.

No. 595

Johnson Edgar Bullock, son of Harriet E. Reed (208), born July 19th; 1870, at Russell. 'l\,Iarried, Feb. 18th, 1896, Carrie Buck, born Nov. 9th, 1869; daughter of Epaphroditus Buck and Phebe Russ. They had:

1. WESLEY BULLOCK (1177), Dec. 1, 1898. 2. HERSCHEL BULLOCK ( 1178), Apr. 29, 1900. l\ilr. J. E. Bullock is a farmer living at Hermon, N. Y. They are ~Iethodists.

No. 596

Arthur Bullock, son of Harriet E. Reed (208), born Dec. 15th, 1872. l\Iarried, Aug. 17th, 1898. Ella. Freeman, born Aug. 3d, 1874; daughter of Gideon Freeman and :Mary Allen. (Ella Freeman is a sister to Fred B. Freeman.) They had: READ GENEALOGY 213

1. EDXA BULLOCK (1179), Jan. 5, 1904. 2. MARIOX BULLOCK ( 1180) , May 26, 1906. 3. BLYTHE B-cLLOCK (1181), July 26, 1908. Mr. Arthur Bullock is a farmer. He lives in Hermon. His wife is a J.Vlethodist.

No. 597

l{achel Etta Bullock, daughter of Harriet E. Reed (208), born Mar. 12th, 1874, died Dec. 13th, 1900. :Married, June 16th, 1897, William Bradley, born---. They had:

1. HAROLD BRADLEY ( 1182), Oct. 5, 1898. 2. BEATRICE BRADLEY (1183), Dec. 15, 1899. Mr. Bradley is a farmer. He lives in Madrid, N. Y.

No. 599

Myrtle l{eed, daughter of Francis Eugene Reed (209), born ---, 1874, died May 6th, 1905. Married John Brown. They had:

1. SON BROWN ( 1184), died when small. He married again, Ella M. Walcott.

No. 600

.foster Devillo ~eed, son of l,7 rancis Eugene Reed (209), born Sept. 11th, 1880. Married: Dec. 5th, 1898, Stella Lillian Jackson, born Feb. 3d, 1879; daughter of Hiram Jackson. They had:

1. FLORENCE DOROTHY (1185), Jan. 5, 1900. Foster D. Reed lives in Edwards, N. Y. 214 THE .4.. J. DOUGLASS FAMILY

No. 605

Catherine Sample, daughter of Helen :Maria Dodd (211), born July 31st; 1872, at Brooklyn, N. Y. :Married, June 9th, 1897, Albert Joseph Douglass, born Feb. 12th, 1873, in Eng­ land; son of Joseph E. Douglass and 1\'.Iary E. Simpson. They had:

1. HERBERT SAMPLE DOUGLASS ( 1186), Feb. 7, 1898. 2. CLARA .ALMEDA DOUGLASS (1187), Oct. 6, 1899. 3. ALBERT JOSEPH DOUGLASS (1188), Feb. 1, 1905.

A. J. Douglass, with his widowed mother and four brothers, came to America in 1881, while he was yet a lad. They have lived in New York and Brooklyn ever since. She is dead. Albert, since 1889, has been one of the efficient salesmen of Bruce & Cook, a large metals importing house in New York City. He is much esteemed by the :firm. He and his wife are members of the Flatbush Pres. Ch. They live in Brooklyn at 3112 Ave. F (Flatbush).

No. 607

Fred James Cruickshank, son of James lVI. (215), born l\11ay 19th, 1864, at Nort~ Gage. :Married, l\Iar. 10th, 1886, Cora E. Kane, born Dec. 12th, 186;1; daughter of William Kane and Eliza N. Pierce, Welsh by race. They had:

1. LEROY P. CRmCKSHAXK (1189a), May 4, 1890. 2. JOHX BYROX CRUICKSHA:XK (1189b), Feb. 8, 1897. Fred Cruickshank for many years worked the farm of his father-in-law, four or fiye miles east of North Gage. He no,Y lives near Poland and is a milkman. For years they were very active and devoted members of ~orth Gage Pres. Ch., he being one of its Elders. Now they belong to the Free Bap. Ch. at Poland. He is a highly respected citizen. THE ORUICKSIIANK FAMILIES 215

No. 608

Edgar Charles Cruickshank, son of James l\l. (215), born Oct. 9th, 1865, at North Gage. l\Iarried, Sept. 17th, 1890, ~lay l\il. Seavey, born Sept. 14~h, 1863; daughter of Jerome L. Sea­ vey and Sarah Millington. They had:

1. FREDA FLORINE CRUICKSHANK (1190), Nov. 22, 1891. E. C. Cruickshank grew up on the farm but took to ·business life at the outset of adult life. He, for several years, was a clerk in the famous "Union Store" at Poland, part of the time its manager. For a number of years he had a store of his own, but owing to ill health has been obliged to retire from that. He lives at P_oland, N. Y.

No. 609

Millard Seymour Cruickshank, son of James M. (215), born Aug. 1st, 1867, at North Gage. :Married, Aug. 30th, 1903, :Mrs. Anna Laura Lati~er, born July 21st, 1865, at Sherburne, N. Y.; daughter of Edgar Baker and Jane Walker (daughter of Daniel Walker). They had:

1. CLARA BELLE CRUICKSHANK (1191), May 24, 1904; died Dec. 8, 1909. 2. LINCOLN Ev.A.NS CRUICKSHANK (1192), Apr. 18, 1906. 3. JA3.IES WALKER CRUICKSHANK (1193), Nov. 14, 1908. :Mrs. Cruickshank married first "\Valter S. Latimer of Sher­ burne, N. Y. He graduated from Colgate Univ., 18~0, with the valedictory. Had degrees of A. B. and A. l\I. He became Teacher of :Mathematics at New Paltz (N. Y.) State Normal School. He died Aug. 23d, 1896. By l\Ir. Latimer she had .Geo. Latimer, born Sept. 18th, 1891, and :Qorothy Jane Latimer, born June 26th, 1895. :Mr. M. S. Cruickshank graduated from Holland Patent High School, and for a- time was in business there, is now a prosperous farmer living on the old Homestead Farm. He is 216 THE CRUICKSHANK FAMILIES an Elder of the Pres. Ch.. North Gage, to which the family belong. His address is Poland, N. Y.

No. 610

Avis Edith, daughter of James M. Cruickshank (215), born Oct. 10th, 1870, at North Gage. Married, July 6th, 1892, Ben­ jamin Lincoln Ford, born at Newport, N. Y.; son of Benjamin Ford and Helen White. They had:•

1. HELEN MARY FORD (1194), Jan. 21, 1894. 2. LINUS CRUICKSHANK FORD ( 1195), Dec. 8, 1896. 3. GERTRUDE ELIZABETH FORD (1196), l\:Iay 25, 1905. Mr. Ford is a merchant in the principal store in town, and an active citizen in local matters. The Fords were among the pioneers in Central N. Y. and in Herkimer Co., as early as 1790. They were Baptists and Deacons in the Baptist Church, as is Mr. Ben Ford. He is also Sup 't of the S. S. and active in Christian work in his church and denomination. . He lives at Newport, N. Y.

No. 611

Albertus Clark Cruickshank, son of Stewart J. (216), born at North Gage,.Mar. 16th, 1869. Married Margaret Eliza Car­ ruthers, born Nov:_. 4th, 1869; daughter of Duncan Carruthers and Emily Popple. They have no children. They attend the Presbyterian Church. He is a farmer in Deerfield. His address . is Barneveld, N. Y.

No. 612 Walter Gilbert Cruickshank, son of Stewart J. (216), born. July 31st, 1873, at North Gage. Marrjed, Dec. 28th, 1904, Helen Sophia Merry, born May 21st, 1874, at Verona, N. Y.; daughter of Gottleib Merry and Sarah McGann.. They had:


:\Irs. Cruickshank attended Home School. Verona and grad­ uated from Oneida High School in 189:3. Graduated from Oneonta Normal in 1901. l\Ir. "\V._G. Cruickshank is also one of our Teachfog Craft. Oneonta Normal School, 1901 ; Principal Forestport~ 1901-1904; Principal Highland .H. S., 1904-1912. He has 12 teachers under his care. Highland is a growing Hudson River town just below West Point, the location of the famous U. S. :Military Academy. It is 60 miles above New York City, in a region of much historic interest and scenic beauty. His address is Highland, N. Y.

No. 615

Howard Joseph Burroughs, son of :Martha M. Read (220), born Dec. 13th, 1861, at Wales. l\farried, Oct., 1895, ~ittie· Eaton, born---. They had:

1. DAUGHTER (1198), born Oct. 19, 1899, North Java, N. Y. Mr. H.J. Burroughs is a farmer. He lives at Wales Center, N. Y.

No. 616

Emma Jane Burroughs, laughter of Martha lVI. Read (220)~ . born Dec. 20th, 1865, at Wales, N. Y., died Feb. 6th, 1894, at Arcade, N. Y. She married, lVIay 17th, 1887, Rev. Joseph Clark. They had no children. lVlr. Clark was born in Canadai and is a 11. E. minister. He resides at Pulteney, N. Y.

No. 617

Cora May Burroughs, daughter of :Martha l\I. Read (220), born Apr. 20th, 1871. at "\"\!... ales, N. Y. ::Married, Th'.'.lay 7th, 1904, J. Eugene Traber, born ·May 14th, 1866, at Seward, Schoharie 218 READ GENEAI,OGY

Co.,~- Y.; son of Jacob Traber and :Mary L. Van ~atten. They have no children. l\Ir. Traber had by a former marriage, Ralph Traber, born Nov. 16th, 1890, in Little Falls, and Ray Hugo Traber, born Jan. 3d, 1898, in Perry, N. Y. He is a manufacturer. They are Baptists. They live in Dixon, Ill.

No. 620

Ella Bertha, daughter of Elgene Read (221), born Apr. 15th, 1869, at Java, N. Y. :Married, July 18th, 1894, Welling­ ton George Woodworth, born :May 5th, 1868 ; son of Harry E. Woodworth and Elvira Blood. They had:

1. GBAYDON READ WOODWORTH (1199), Aug. 29, 1897. l\i'.Ir. "'\lv~oodworth is a clerk in a hardware store at Delevan, N. Y., where he lives.

No. 621 Dora Maria, daughter of Elgene Read (221), born July 6th, · 1872. Married, July 27th, 1897, vVilliam Denison Olmstead, born Oct. 17th, 1866, at Washington, D. C.; son of Edwin B. Olmstead and Adelia J. Church. They had:

l. RICHARD ROLLIN OLMSTEAD (1200), Fel;). 10, 1900. 2. DOBOTHY ELSIE OLMS'IEAD (1201), Oct. 14, 1902. 3. MERT0X OLMSTEAD ( 1202), Dec. 8, 1907. They were all born at Perry, N. Y. :Mr. Olmstead is a Baptist minister's son, who is now dead. He himself is a grad­ uate of Rochester Univ., 1891. He studied law with Duchwitz, :Mayer and Jackson. Buffalo. He lives in Perry, where he practices law. He was admitted to the bar in 1894.

No. 622 Mary Addie, daughter of Elgene Read (221), born Mar. 2d, · 1874, Java Village, N. Y. Married, Oct. 26th, 1902, Arthur READ GENEALOGY 219

Bourne Smith, born Aug. 2d, 1873, Elizabeth City, N. C.; son of Charles Wesley Smith and Hester Ann Bourne, from Penn. They had:

1. HESTER RE ..\.D SMITH (1203), July 3, 1907. 2. ELGEXE ARTHUR SlUTlI (1204), Oct. 11, 1909. 3. Rl:SSELL SMITH (1205), Apr. 4, 1911. These children were born at Berkeley, Cal. JHr. Smith took Ph. B. at Wesleyan Univ., 1900; B. L. S. at Champaign, Ill., 1902. Was head of Order Dept., Univ. Cali­ fornia, till 1911, and is now connected with the Library of the State Univ., Manhattan, Kansas, where he resides.

No. 624

William Barnard l{ead, son of Herbert Roselle (222), born Dec. 22d, 1872, at Boone, Iowa. ::Married, Dec. 24th, · 1894, Florence G. Wilson, born Apr. 3d, 1870; daughter of Caleb "'\Vilson and Amanda Price. -They had:

1. JOSEPH CLARK (1_~06), Sept. 30, 1905. l\lr. · Wm. B. Read took the classical course. A. B. from N. "'\Y. Univ., 1899, and A. J\iL from Simpson College, 1901, and the Normal Dept., 1901. _He was principal of Indianola Righ School, 1893-'98, and Prof. of Math. in Simpson Coll., 1899-1910. He was ordained Deacon Sept. 7th, 1905, Elder Oct. 3d, 1909, and is now a members of North "\Vest Kansas l\I. E. Conference, and pastor of M. E. Ch .. St. Francis, Kansas, where he resides.

No. 625

Charles Herbert R,ead , son of Herbert Roselle Read (222), born Aug. 20th, 1875, at Ogden, Im\~a. :Married (IL Jan. 5th, 1898. Lillie '1Yilliams, born at Avoca, Iowa, died Oct. 15th, 1909: daughter of John T. S. '1Yilliams and Jane Thomas. 220 READ. GENEALOGY

::Harried (2), ~lay 1st, '191L :i\Irs. :i\Iytte Price, born Apr. 17th. 1880, at Indianola; daughter of Benjamin F. Young and Ella J. Reynolds. By the first wife he had :

1. CORA LILLIE ( 1207), Apr. 15, 1900. 2. FLORENCE CHARLOTTE (1208), Apr. 11, 1905. C. H. Read was educated at Simpson Coll., 1894-5; Univ. Iowa, 1894-'95; Univ. Penn., '96-'97; N. W. Univ., D. D. S., 1900. He is a dentist at Avoca, Iowa, and also postmaster, since 1906.

No. 626

Ervin Clifton l{ead, son of Herbert Roselle Read ( 222), born July 19th, 1877, at Ogden, Iowa. Married, Sept. 24th, 1901, at Indianola, Ada Belle Richardson, born Dec. 14th, 1870, in Neb.; daughter of Henry George Richardson and Caroline C. Davis. They had:

1. HEBBEBT CLIFTO~ (1209), June 24, 1902. 2. WALTER ERVIN (1210), Mar. 20, 1905. Mr. E. C. Read attended Iowa State Univ., 1897, took college course, and graduated from N. W. Dental School, 1901; Chi­ cago Dental School, (D. D. S.), 1910. He practiced dentistry at Avoca, Oakland, Iowa, and is now at Idaho Falls, Idaho. They are Methodists.

No. 627 • Nettie Coy l{ead, daughter of ·vrilliam Ervin (224), born Dec. 26th, 1878, at Delevan, N. Y. Married, July 19th, 191L Raymond C. Hutchinson, born Aug. 2d, 1880, at Lancaster, N. Y.; son of William Smith Hutchinson and Ellen Barbara "\Yalter. :Mrs. H. graduated at the Buffalo Normal School, 1901, and before her marriage taught six years in Clarence READ GESEA..LOGY 221 and three years in Tonawanda. l\Ir. Hutchinson is a graduate of Clarence High School, and is a farmer, living at Lancaster, X.Y.

No. 628

Herbert El gene flead, son of William Ervin Read (224), born Apr. 8th, 1880, at Delevan, N. Y. Married, Jan. 1st, 1910, :Mrs. Florence Parry-Thomas. l\Ir. H. E. Read took a dental course in Buffalo Univ., 1904. \Vent to Oakland, Cal., to practice, and has since removed to Hoquiam, ,v ash., where he now lives. His wife, by a former marriage, had two children, 1\iarigold and Edsall.

No. 634

Mary Maud Brayton, daughter of Fanny H. Reed (226), born Sept. 6th, 18B0, at So. \!Vales. :Married, Sept. 28th, 1903, Herman R. Sergel, born ---. 1879 ; son of Leonard and l\Iary Sergel. They had :

1. MILDRED AILEE~ SERGEL (1211), J_une 27, 1904. 2. BRAYTOX READ SERGEL (1212), Mar. 8, 1907. 3. LEO::'iARD SERGEL (1213). May 25, 1908: l\Ir. Sergel lives at So. \!Vales.

No. 643

Phebe Elizabeth l{eed, daughter of \Vesley Sylvester Reed (2:31). born l\Iar. 17th, 185L at Utica, N. Y. Married Jan. 27th, 1870._ Joseph A. Parsons, born Apr. 4th, 1844. died Dec. 25th, 1910; son of Joseph and Susan Parsons, from London, Eng­ land. He was a seaman. l\Irs. Parsons liYes with her niece at "\Yate1·loo, Io-wa. 222 THE HEIPLE FAMILY

No. 644 Harriette Jeannette Reed, daughter of Wesley Sylvester (231), born .Aug. 4th, 1833, at Utica, N. Y. Married, Dec. 31st, 1874, John "\Vesley Heiple, born Feb. 16th, 1851, in Somer­ set Co., Penn. ; son of Noah John Heiple and Elizabeth Jane Lint. They had:

1. LILLIAN ESTELLA HEIPLE (1214), Dec. 2, 1875. 2. KATHERINE JEANNETTE HEIPLE: ( 1215), Oct. 30, 1879. 3. HAROLD HARLAN HEIPLE (1216), July 2, 1883. 4. ELDRIDGE WINFIELD HEIPLE ( 1217), Apr. 4, 1885. The Heiples are German by blood. Katherine IS a sten­ ographer and bookkeeper of Kelly :Manufacturing Co., Water­ loo. Harold studied dentistry at Valparaiso, Ind., and Chi­ cago Univ., graduated in 1907. He practices in Waterloo. Elbridge W. attended college at Ames, Iowa, and took degree of B. S. in Chicago. He is a civil engineer. }Ir. Heiple lives in Waterloo. They are :Methodists.

No. 645 Wesley Sylvester Reed, J~., son of Wesley Sylvester Reed. Sr. (231), born Sept. 30th, 1859, at West Point, Ill. :Married, Aug. 24th, 1880, Sarah Mina l\lcGee, born Sept. 8th, 1863, In Wis. They had: 1. CLARA MAY ( 1218), Mar. 31, 1882. 2. GEORGE ALBERT ( 1219), Oct. 20, 1883. 3. KATHERINE E. ( 1220), Feb. 16, 1886. 4. MABEL IDA (1221), Mar. 18, 1888. 5. EDITH ADELIA (1222), June 31, 1892. 6. FRANCIS JA:\IES (1223), June 1, 1894. 7. HERBERT McKINLEY (1224), Aug. 15, 1898. . 8. i\L.\.RYEL GLADYS (1225), Feb. 15, 1900. 9. ALICE MARY ( 1226), Sept. 15, 1904. } 10. ALLEN SYLYESTER (1227), Sept. 15, 1904. )Ir. Reed is a farmer and lives at "'.Vaterloo. The family are :Methodists. READ GENEALOGY 223

No. 647

Francis E. R.eed, son of Isaac J. Reed, Sr. (232), born Nov. 26th, 1852, at Utica, N. Y. Married, Nov. 17th, 1880, Elizabeth Smith, born June 4th, 1860, at Chicago. They had:

1. ELIZA KATHEBIXE ( 1228), Aug. 17, 1886. Born at Waterloo, where they now reside.

No. 649

James Augustus R.eed, son of Isaac J. Reed, Sr. (232), born May 14th, 1857, died a few months after his wedding day. He married ---

No. 650

William Patrick R.eed, son of Isaac J. Reed, Sr. (232), born liar. 5th, 1860, in Ill., died June 13th, 1909. Married, Jan. 1st, 1895, Anna Teresa Woods, born Mar. 2d, 1868, at Faribault, Minn. They had:--

1. HERBERT LEO (1229), Nov. 4, 1895. 2. AGNES CATHEBI~E (1230), Feb. 20, 1897; died May 27, 1898. 3. DAUGHTER ( 1231), Sept. 14, 1899; died same day. 4. CLIFFORD WILLIAM (1232), Oct. 20, 1900. 5. GLADYS IRENE (1233), Mar. 1, 1902. 6. MARTHA GERTRUDE (1234), May 4, 1904. 7. ROBERT ARCHIBALD (1235), Sept. 25, 1905. 8. ALICE THERESA (1236), Dec. 12, 1908. Vv. P. Reed's family live in Fairbanks, Iowa..

No. 651

Joseph Edward l{eed, son of Isaac J. Reed, Sr. (232) 1 born :Nov. 18th, 1862, in Ill. :.\Iarried, Sept. 21st, 1890, Harriet Rein­ hart, born ::May 27th, 1871. They had: 224 READ GENEALOGY l. MARY CATHEBIXE (123Z), June 20, 1891. 2. CHARLES FRAXCIS (1238), Nov. 24, 1892. 3. Rl.7TH lVfaRCELLA ( 1239), Feb. 23, 1894. 4. MOXXISTA DOROTHY (1240), May 21, 1903. 5. THEL:\fA THERESA (1241), Sept. 25, 1905. The Chronicler says that " 'Joe,' as he is familiarly called, is the fattest and jolliest of the bunch'' ( of Reed boys). Though a Dem. he continues to hold the situation as patrolman in

Waterloo1 under a Rep. administration. His trade is machinist.

No. 653 Isaac J. ~eed, son of Isaac J. Reeq, Sr. (232), born Aug. 27th, 1868, in Iowa. Married, Apr. 30th. 1890, l\Iary Alice Du'ffy, born Apr. 17th, 1872. They had:

1. WILLIAM EDWARD (1242), Feb. 13, 1891. 2. JAMES AUGUSTUS (1243), Mar. 8, 1893. 3. FRAXCIS XAVIER (1244), Aug. 15, 1895. 4. RAYRUR.N ROBERT (1245), Feb. 28, 1897. 5. CATHERIXE ELIZABETH ( 1246), Aug. 6, 1898. 6. MABY ETILYXX (1247), Mar. 16, 1900. 7. MARIE JOSEPHINE (1248), July 25, 1903. 8. VEROXICA ROOSEVELT ( 1249), Feb. 27, 1905. 9. GERTRUDE ANNA (1250), Jan. 19, 1909. 10. JosEPH (1251), Aug. 23, 1911; died an infant. This family live in "\Vaterloo, Iowa.

No. 656 Mary Cornelia Peek, daughter of Harriet Reed (2:34), born :Mar. 8th, 1854. 1\larried l\Iar. 8th, 1875, Samuel Grove Rutter. born June 12th, 1854. They had:

l. HERBERT Joy RUTTER (1252), Feb. 15, 1876; died Oct. 6, 1877. 2. ALLEX E. RUTTER ( 1253), Dec. 28, 1878. 3. DELBERT FRAXCIS R-CTTER (1254), Jan. 30, 1882. 4. SA)l"CEL GILES RCTTER (1255), Mar. 7, 1884. 5. HARRIET MABEL RUTTER (1256), Aug. 31, 1886. This family live in Spencer, Iowa. They are :Methodists. READ GENEA.LOGY. 225

No. 659

Delbert Francis Peek, son of Harriet Heed (234L born ~lay 14th, 1861, died Apr. lsL 1901. }Iarried, Dec. 12th, 1883, Eva­ line Hannah Barton. born l\Iar. 10th, 1862, in Ill. They had:

1. AL)IA M.u: (1257), Feb. 2, 1895.

No. 661

Jessie Euretta Buck, daughter of Roxcey Anna Green (237), born Dec. 12th, 1856. :Married, }\Tay 24th, 1877, Sidney Rood Crissey, born Sept.. 25th, 1853, at Saline :Mich.; son of --­ Crissey and Laura Todd. They had:

1. DAl.:GI-ITER CRISSEY ( 1257), Feb. 25, 1878; died same day. 2. MYROS SIDNEY CRISSEY (1258), Jan. 7, 1879. 3. W1~IFBED RAY CRISSEY (1259), Oct. 16, 1880; died Mar. 5, 1902. 4. DA~A HAROLD CRISSEY ( 1260), Dec. 9, 1883. l\Iyron and Winifred were born in Delhi; Dana, Bay City. Winifred Ray died in Oskaloosa, Iowa. He was injured in a R. R. accident. He is buried at Joliet. The two surviving sons of this family are both Regular U. S. Army officers. Myron graduated at the U. S. Military Academy, ,Vest Point, N. Y., 1908, his brother, Harold, in 1909. - Mr. S. R. Crissey and wife live at Oskaloosa, Iowa, where they have a large book store.

No. 664

Coral l{oxcena Woodward, daughter of Roxcey Anna Green (237), born July 10th, 1867, at Henry, Ill. :Married, Apr. 15th, 1903. Albert Clinton Nicholson. They have n0 children. :\Irs. N". ,vas educated in Joliet High School, and now teaches in Carmel School, Chicago. _Her husband is Div. Sup. of Electrical "\York, Steel J\fills, So. Chicago. They live on '\Y ashington Ave.~ Chicago. 226 READ GENEALOGY.

No. 666

Leon Earnest Woodward, son of Roxcey ..:\.nna Green (237), born Jan. 18th, 1873, at Henry, Ill. Married, Jan. 16th, 1900, Ida Cardwell, born Nov. 18th, 1877~ at Braidwood, Ill. They had:

1. GEBTBUDE !BENE WOODWARD (1261), Jan. 19, 1900. 2. FRANCIS ARTHUR WOODWARD (1262), Jan. 16, 1903; died about May 1, 1904. 3. NAOMI WOODWARD (1263), Apr. 10, 1905. 4. DOROTHY Roxcy WOODWARD (1264), Aug. 2, 1908. 5. JESSIE CORAL WOODWARD (1265), Aug. 16, 1910. Mr. Leon Woodward is a machinist by trade. He lives in Joliet, Ill.

No. 670

Julia Alice Mitchell, daughter of Mary Euretta Green (240), . . born ---. Married --- Pettigrew. They had:


No. 671

Luella Hensley, daughter of Almira Brown (243), born about 1863, at Joliet, died about 1898. :Married Charles Palmer, 1884. They had no ·children.

No. 673

John Hensley, son of Almira Brown (243), born June 23d, 1872, in Indiana. Married Josephine Poorly. They had:

1. GLADYS HENSLEY (1.268) , Jan., 1898. 2. LEONARD HENSLEY .(1269), Apr., 1900. 3. Ross HENSLEY (1270), Oct., 1902. 4. VORIE HENSLEY (1271), Feb.; 1910. They live. in Hillsboro, Oregon. RE.AD GENE.A.LOGY. 227

No. 674

Mary Hensley, daughter of Almira Brown (243), born Oct. 5th, 1876, in Indiana. Married Dan Eniery. They had no chil­ dren. They live in Oregon.

No. 675 Carl Hensley, son of Almira Brown (243), born Oct. 29th 1874. Married Mary Poorly. They had:

1. VIRGIE HENSLEY (1272). 2. ESTHER HENSLEY (1273). lVIr. H-ensley resides at Eureka, Wash.

No. 676 Henry John Brown, son of Louis Oliver Brown (244), born Jan. 6th, 1885. Married, June 14th, 1906, Hazel M. Mills, born June 6th, 1888. They had:

1. HENRY OLIVER BROWN (1274), Mar. 4, 1909. They live in Joliet.

No. 677

William Orson Hogue, son oi: Delia E. Reed (254), born l\lar. 26th, 1858, at Linden, Wis. Ma.rried Aug. 15th, 1881, :Mina McCaryer. They had: 1. Sox Hoom; (1275), --; died in infancy. 2. MAY HOGUE (1276), Dec. 7, 1885. 3. SoN HOGUE (1277) --; died in infancy. l\Ir. Hogue is a mechanic. He resided, in 1891, in Chicago.

No. 680

Orrin Sylvester Hogue, son of Delia E. Reed (254), born :May 15th, 1863. l\'Iarried, Dec. 28th, 1887, Philea Palmer. Mr. Hogue, in 1891, was a carbuilder. 228 READ GEXEALOGY.

No. 681

Mary Estella Hogue, .daughter of Delia E. Reed (254), born Aug. 3d, 1865. :Married, June 11th, 1884, Hiram H. Ten Eyck. They had:

1. GEORGE EDWARD TEX EYCK (127u), Jan. 26, 1885. 2. LILA ESTELLE TEN EYCK { 1279), Oct. 23, 1886. 3. PEARL EVALINE TEN EYCK (1280), Sept. 17, 1888. 4. Sox TEX EYCK ( 1281), June 7, 1890. l\ir. Ten Eyck, in 1891, was a painter.

No. 699

Elmer Eugene ~eed, son of .Adelbert Albertus Reed (259), born Oct. 6th, 1873. ::Married. Oct. 8th, 1895, Margaret Bowser, born July 12th. 1876. at Tiffin, 0.; daughter of Ezra Bowser and Catherine Cecilia Fecher. They had:

1. CLARION ADELBERT ( 1282), Feb. 6, 1898. 2. ARLIE .Ar.BERTUS ( 1283), Aug. 23, 1908 . .3. ERNEST EUGE::SE (1284), Aug. 6, 1911. The Bowser family, from Ohio, are Penn. German stock. J\lr. Reed is a farmer who lives at Birch Run.

No. 700

Clara Augusta ~eed, daughter of Adelbert A.lbertus Reed (259), born June 6th, 1875. }ilarried, :Nov. 17th, 1896, Otto Jacob Bowser, born Aug. 1:3th. 1872, son of Ezra Bowser and Catherine Cecilia Fecher. They had:

1. LADAH MODELLE BOWSER ( 1285), Sept. 24, 1899. The Reed brother and sister married two Bowsers, brother and sister. ~Ir. Bowser is a farmer at Birch Run, l\Iich. READ GENEALOGY. 229

No. 701

Edith Julia R.eed, daughter of Adelbert Albertus (259), born July 14th, 1878. Married, Mar. 2d, 1905, John Poellet, born Oct. 19th, 1876, son Erhardt and Barbara l\Iargurette Poellet. They had:

1. EDGAR ADELBERT PoELLET (1286), Aug. 16, 1907. 2. LAWREXCE ERHERT POELLET (1287), Jan. 20, 1909. The Poelletts ar·e also German. Mr. Poellett is a farme:· and lives at Birch Run.

No. 702

Eva R.osina R.eed, daughter of James Jasper Reed (260), born Mar. 30th, 1877. · Married, Mar. 13th, 1895, George Bel­ knapp. They had:

1. FERRIS JASPER BELKXAPP (1288), Aug. 21, 1896; died Mar. ·13, 1897. 2. HAZEN EnwARD BELKX APP ( 1289), May 5, 1898. 3. HOMER KENNETH BELK.NAPP (1290), Nov. 14, 1901. 4. HESPER JOHN REED BELKXAPP (1291), Feb. 9, 1904.. l\Ir. Belknapp lives at Birch Run, J\Iich.

No. 703

Clarence Adrian Reed, son of James Jasper (260), born )lay 31st, 1883. Married, June 11th, 1902, Nina Beatrice Bid­ well, born Sept. 26th, 1882. at Bireh Run, daughter David Bid­ "\Yell and Sarah Rose. They had:

1. ADRIAN JASPER (1292), Feb. 23, 1903. 2. PHILLIS ELIZABETH (1293), Oct. 28, 1904. 3. GoRDOX WARREN (1294), Oct. 22, 1910.

No. 706

Melvin Noyes Hutchinson, son Rosetta l\iI. ~eed (262L born lV[ay 7th, 1880. Married, Oct. 23d, 1889, Martha Conquest, 230 READ GENEALOGY.

born June 25th, 1876; daughter of J osiab Conquest and --­ Crosby. They had:

1. RALPH THOMAS HUTCHINSON (1295), Sept. 3, 1900. 2. CHARLES ARTHUR HUTCHINSON (1296), May 9, 1908. :Mr. Hutchinson is a farmer at Birch Run, :Mich.

No. 708

Abby Adelia Hutchinson, daughter of Rosetta ~I. Reed (262), born Feb. 16th, 1883. :Married, :Mar. 21st, 1906, Ben­ jamin Hobson, born --­ son of William Hobson. They had:

1. CH.A.RI.ES CLIFFORD HOBSON' ( 1297) , Jan. 11, 1907. 2. LLOYD THORNTON HOBSON (1298), Dec. 26, 1909; died Dec. 26, 1909. 3. THALMA MARIE HOBSON (1299), Nov. 30, 1910. :Mr. Hobson is a farmer at Birch Run, Mich.

No. 711

Ethel flosella Hutchinson, daughter of Rosetta 11. Reed (262), bo;rn Oct. 29th, 1889. Married, July 4th, 1907, William Patterson. -They had:

1. RoSETTA A. PATTERSON (1300). Aug. 23, 1908. 2. NonIAN A. PATTERSON (1301), Apr. 26, 1910. ~Ir. Patterson is a farmer. He lives at Birch Run, :Mich.

No. 712

William Edward Mendell, son of ..Ann Eliza :b-,inch (263), born July 24th, 1864, in Ill. :Married, July 4th, 1884, Lillie

Brown., at Chanute., Kan. Thev., had:

L CONXIE MEXDELL (1301b). 2. GAYXELL MEXDELL ( 1301c). :Mr. \V. E. :Mendell is a blackcmith at Owasso, Okla. Gay­ nell is married. THE GILMORE F A.MILY. 231

No. 713

Ida Lillian Mendell, daughter of Ann Eliza ]j,inch (263), born Mar. 5th, 1866, in Illinois. Married, Nov. 3d, 1883, John Jones. Mr. Jones is dead. They had several children. She lives on a farm near l\iattoon, Ill.

No. 714

Alpha Etta Mendell, daughter of Ann Eliza Finch (263), born Sept. 9th, 1867, in ill., died Jan. 10th, 1890. Married, Sept. 18th, 1888, Edgar Walser. They had:

1. DAt:'GHTER W ALSEB ( 1301d).

No. 715

Alice Eva Mendell, daughter of Ann Eliza Finch (263), born Apr. 22d, 1870, in Neosha Co., Kan. :Married John l\iicKenna. Ivlr. McKenna is a telegraph operator at Hobart, Okla.

No. 716

Mary.Christiana Clark, daug~ter of l\ifary Elitha Finch (264), born June 18th, 1861, in Ill. l\iarried, .Jan. 1st, 1882, Jesse :Mullins Gilmore, Chanute, Kan. They had:

1. JESSE MONROE GIL~IOBE ( 1301e). 2. J A:\,IES FBA.:."'\CIS GILMORE ( 1301f). 3. BERTHA GIL:)IORE (1301g). James Francis is married. They live at Chanute, Kan.

No. 717

Laura Abigail Clark, daughter of ::Mary_ Elitha Finch (264), born Mar. 6th, 1864, in Ill. :Married, l\iar. 23d, 1890, at Erie, Kan., John Francis Gilmore. They had : THE CLARK FAJflLY.

1. EARL GIL::\IORE ( 130th). 2. GEORGE GIL::\IORE (1301i). 3. LESTER GIL)IORE (1301j). 4. CHARLES GILMORE (1301k). 5. HAZEL GIL::\IORE ( 13011). This family lives in Kansas City, l\Io.

No. 718

flora May Clark, daughter of Mary Elitha Finch (264), born May 16th, 1866, in Ill., died Nov. 9th, 1888. Married Oliver Ffant. They had:

1. Sox F1AXT (1301m). 2. DA.uGHTER FIA:XT ( 130 ln).

No. 719

Benjamin Alva Clark, son of ~Iary Elitha Finch (264), born July 27th, 1868, in Ill. J\1:arried :Mary Berger. They had:

1. GRACE CLARK (13010). Died. 2. AVA CLARK (1301p)·. 3. LENA CLARK (130lq). 4. MARY CLARK (1301r). ~Ir. B. A. Clark lives in Chanute, Kan.

No. 720

Oscar Lee Clark, son of :Mary Elitha Finch (264), born Nov. 8th, 1873, at Kansas. :Married Jennie "'\\.,..hitworth, at Shaw, Kansas. They had:

1. MABEL CLARK ( 1301s). 2. BABY CLARK (1301t). Mr. 0. L. Clark lives at Shaw. Kansas. READ GE"!-/EALOGY. 233

No. 721

Charles Eugene Clark, son of :Mary Elitha Finch (264), born Jan. 6th, 1880, in Kansas. l\!Iarried Emma Hollana. They had:

1. RA Y:\lOXD CLARK ( 1301U) . 2. GEORGE CLARK (1301 V). 3. FREDDIE CLARK ( 1301 W).

No. 724

Sardis Sylvester Clark, son of l\Iary Elitha Finch (264), born Xov. 17th, 1885, in Kansas. lVIarried Bessie Cotton. They had:

1. Ax:-.IE CLARK (1301x). l 2. F AXNIE CLARK ( 1301y) . ~ 3. RUBY CLARK (1301z). Died. 4. PEARL CLARK (1301zz). Mr. Clark lives in Chanute.

Nos. 725--742

Emma Jane finch (267) Children. Eighteen 1n number. ( 725 to 7 42.) See .Appendix._

No. 746

Howard P. ~eed, son of Sardis .Alviro (273), born Oct. 1st, 1880. :Married ---. Lives at Fishers Landing, Jeff. Co., N. Y.

No. 776

Ella Maria Bartlett, daughter of Eugene Reed Bartlett (294), born June 1st, 1883. Married, June 22d, 1909, Charles Somers, Sheboygan, ,Vis. 234 THE BENNETT FA.MILY.

No. 778 James Otho Bennett, son of J. R. Bennett (299), born Jan. 15th, 1866. Married, Oct. 20th, 1888, Etta Adeline Allen. They had:

1. CARRIE IOTA BENNETT (1302)-, Aug. 10, 1889. 2. JESSE OTHO BENNETT (1303). 3. MILDRED ALLEN BENNET!' (1304). J. 0. Bennett, like his father, is a locomotive engineer, 923 Grandview, Los Angeles, Cal.

No. 779 Olive Theodocia Bennett, daughter of J. R. Bennett (299),. born Jan. 14th, 1868. Married (1) Elsa Lee Allen, who died. She married (2) William De La Plaine Everingham, son of William and Mary Everingham. By Mr.Allen she had:

1. LEOLA FRANCES ALLEN (1305), Oct. 15, 1889. By Mr. Everingham she had:

2. WILLIAM.BENNETT EVEBINGHAM (1306), May 21, 1897; died Sept. 14, 1911. . 3. MARY ADELAIDE EVEBINGHAM (1307), Jan. 7, 1899. 4. JOSEPHINE OLIVE EVEBINGHAM (1308), Sept. 4, 1905. 5. JAMES OTHO EVERINGHAM (1309), Jan. 21, 1907; died Oct. 11, 1908. This family lives· in Kansas City, :Mo. All her children were born there.

No. 780 Sarah Lucetta Binnett, daughter of James R. Bennett (299), born Apr. 11th, 1872, Kansas. :Married, Jan. 1st, 1900, Edward Homer Bradshaw, born Sept. 28th, 1869, Ill.; son of John Gilli­ son Bradshaw and Jane Apperson. They had:

1. HAROLD HOMER BRADSHAW (1310), Dec. 17, 1900. 2. RICHARD THEODORE BRADSHAW (1311), Oct. 20, 1903. THE POST F .AMILY. 235

~Ir. Bradshaw came to Kansas quite young, lived on· a farm near Wichita, till about 1890, then moved to Kansas City, Mo.~ and to Rosedale, nearby, where they now reside. He is a farmer.

No. 782

Emma J. Post, daughter of Amanda Melissa Reed (300), born Feb. 28th, 1865. :Married James H. Maucker. They had:

1. RussELL J. MAUCKER (1312), July 17, 1885. 2. LYDIA. M. MAUCKER (1313), Apr. 16, 1887. 3. LENE ADAM MAUCKER (1314), June 23, 1889. 4. MARY ELIZABETH MAUCKEB (1315), Aug. 4, 1892. 5. OTTO MAUCKEB (1316), Aug. 22, 1897. 6. MABGABETT FBA.NCES MAUCKEB (1317), July 22, 1899.

No. 783

Eliza May Post, daughter of Am_anda l\L Post (300), born June 3d, 1867. Married E. C. Nice. They had:

1. LEONARD MAY NICE (1319), July 4, 1893. 2. EM::M.A A:MELIA.'NreE (1319), Feb. 13, 1897.

No. 784

Eventus Austin Post, son of Amanda M. Post ( 300), born Sept. 17th, 1869. lVIarried Ada Powers. They had:

1. GLENNA V. Poifr (1320), Sept. 24, 1896. 2. JAMES SIDNEY POST (1321), Dec. 25, 1897. 3. EDMOND J. POST (1322), Feb. 7, 1899. 4. GEORGE RAYMOND POST (1323), Apr. 30, 1903. 5. RUSSELL AUSTIN PosT. (1324), Apr. 24, 1905. 6. LESTER LEROY POST ( 1325), Oct. 24, 1909.

No. 785 -

Israel Post, -son of Amanda l\I. Post (300), born Apr. 2d, 1877. Married Elletta M. ---. They had no children. 236 READ GE"l\"EA..LOGY.

No. 786

Edmund J. Post, son of Amanda :\I. Post (:300), born Aug. 18th, 1879. )Iarried Clara l\Iasters. They had:

1. EDXA REED POST (1326). l\Iay 3, 1911.

No. 787

Jay Elsworth Perry, son of Sarah A. Reed (301), born Nov. 2d, 1866, in Ohio, died Dec. 16th, 1902. 1\Iarried Anne Klinger, daughter of David Klinger. They had:

1. CARL PERRY ( 1327). 2. LOU-IS PERRY (1328), --, 1902. She is married again.

No. 791

lvo Earnest Reed, son or .ti. .J:i'. .tteed ( 302), born Aug. ~ct, 1876. :Married, ~:\ug., 1901, Nora Cecil Netzley, Towner, N. D. They had:

1. A.Lvo ( 1329), July, 1902. 2. ALEITZA RL"TH ( 1330), --, 1904. 3. LURIE ELSIE (1331), , 1906. 4. JENNIE MAY (1332), May 7, 1911.

No. 793

Gernon Huber Johnson, son of Laura ~laria Reed (304), born Apr. 4th, 1877. Married, l\lar. 6th, 1896. Ida Foreman, Plymouth, Ind. They had:

1. FLOYD J OHXSOX ( 1333), Dec. 2, 1896; died Dec. 18, 1896. 2. GLEXX E. JOHXSOX (1334), Apr. 16, 1898. 3. BERTHA M. JOHXSOX (1335), Dec. 9, 1903. 4. HAZEL A. JOHXSOX (1336), Oct. 27, 1905. 1\-Ir. Johnson lives at Lansford, ~- D. THE W. H. H. MERRILL FAMILY. 23,

No. 794

Dean Elsworth Johnson, son of Laura ::.\!aria Reed (304), born NoY. 30th, 1882. Married a J·ohnson (no relation), Lans­ ford. X. D. They had :

1. ALETT.-\ ALICE JoHXSOX (1337).

No. 799

May Merrill, daughter of "\V-. H. H. :Merrill (308), born l\'lay 9th, 1877. l\Iarried, Sept. 28th. 1898. J. J. Clark.

No. 801

Viola Merrill, daughter of V\". H. H. Merrill (308), born Sept. 2d, 1880. lVIarried, Apr. 5th, 1904, A. B. C. Pace, he being 23 years old.

No. 802

Edward Merri11, son of Vl. H. H. :Merrill (308L born :f!.,eb. 22d, 1882. :Married, Apr., 1907, Mary E. Cooper.

No.- 804

Charles Merrill, son of vV. H. H. :Merrill (308), born Dec. 18th. 1884. 1Wa:ried, Apr., 1906. Gertrude Barker.

No. 808

Addie May Merrill, daught0r of Benjamin Addison Merrill (309), born Jan. 9th, 1870. :Married, l\lar. 13th, 1890, vVilliam C. Warren, Wichita, Kan. She ,vas divorced Aug. 15th, 1909. Took maiden name. No children. She lives at 3120 Summit St., Kansas City, 1\Io. 238 THE B. A. MERRILL FAMILY.

, . No. 809

Laura Mead Merrill, daughter of B. A. :Me~rill (309), born ~lay 16th~ 1872. Married John Sampson. They had:

1. ORAN D. SA~lPSON (1338), Nov. 12, 1889. 2. LLOYD ELLIS SAMPSON (1339), Nov. 1, 1897. 3. KENNETH J. SAMPSON (1340), July 3, 1902. 4. GLENNON SAMPSON (1341), Sept. 24, --

No. 810

Jessie Lucinda Merrill, daughter of B. A. l\ilerrill (309), born Feb. 9th~ 1874. Married Fred Dennis. They had: l. ALTA MABIE DENNIS (1342). Feb. 5, 1896. 2. GEORGE ROBERT DENNIS (1343), Apr. 29, 1899. 3. RUBY BELLE DENNIS (1344), Sept. 24, 1902. 4. HAZEL DENNIS (1345), Feb. 16, 1907.

No. 811 . -Kate Bell Merrill, daughter of B. A. Merrill (309), born Jan. 28th, 1876. Married Amos Crippen. They had:

1. PEARL DEE CRIPPEN (1346), Mar. 4, 1895; died Apr. 2, 1910. 2. PAUL FRANCIS CRIPPEN (1347), Sept. 10, 1898. 3. EvOLIN CRIPPEN (1348!, Aug. 29, 1908.

No. 812

Ruth Lucy Merrill, daughter of B. A. Merrill (309), born Apr. 16th, 1878. :Married Harry Macklin. They had:

1. ARLE:~A DEE MACKLIX (1349), Nov. 19, 1894. 2. REOLA M. MACKLI_N ( 1350), Feb. 5, 1896. 3. MARY BLANCH MACKLIN (1351), Aug. 27, 1898. 4. MABEL L MACKLE~- (1352), Sept. 28, 1899. 5. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN MACKLIN ( 1353), Sept. 24, 1902. THE CROCKER F A.MILY. 239

No. 813

Edgar Benjamin Merrill, son of B . .A.. Merrill (309), born Feb. 16th, 1880. Married :Mary Dennis. They had:

1. GRANDISON Moss MERRILL ( 1354a.), June 21, 1900. 2. DENNIS MARLON MERRILL (1354b), July 5, 1903.

No. 814

Ruby Irene Merrill, daughter of B. A. Merrill (309), born Nov. 1st, 1881. Married William Walters. They had:

1. JA.Y D. WALTERS (1355), June 25, 1898. 2. NINA ELIZABETH WALTERS (1356), J~ne 9, 1902. 3. ORVILLE MERRILL WAL'fERS (1357), June 23, 1904. 4. EDNA. NA...~NETTA. WALTERS (1358), June 4, 1907. 5. E;lDGA.R LEBON WALTERS (1359), Aug. 14, 1909.

No. 816

Lebon N. Merrill, son of B. A. Merrill (309), born July 18th, 1886. Married Leota Dennis. They have no children.

No. 817

George f. Crocker, son of _Sarah Jane Merrill (310), born Apr. 10th, 1867. Married Ethel May Judd. They had:

1. ALICE CROCKER (1360), June 9, 1903. 2. WILLIAM JUDD CROCKER (1361), Feb. 14, 1906. Prof. Geo. F. Crocker graduated from Shenandoah (Iowa) Normal College, 1892; Nebraska State University, 1894. He ha~ been seven years principal of one school, County Supt. twice. :Mrs. Crocker was also a teacher. She graduated from Normal College, Lincoln, Neb., and was four years his assist­ ant. They live at Lincoln, Neb., where he is connected with . the State University. Alice was born at Falls City, Neb., Wil­ liam at Pawnee City, Neb. 240 READ GENEALOGY.

No. 819

Blanche Crocker, daughter of Sarah Jane ::.\Ierrill (310), born July 10th, 1870. Married. 1892, Hans Johnson. They had:

1. VIRGIL C. JOHXSOX (1362), Dec. 13, 1894. 2. MARGARET J OHXSOX ( 1363), Oct. 9, 1898. 3. EVA JOHXSOX (1364), Jan. 14, 1901. Virgil was born at West Side, Iowa, l\largaret at Hoising­ ton, Kan., Eva at Grand Island, Neb. They now live in Spo­ kane, vVash. Mrs. Johnson is a successful teacher of music.

No. 822

Edward Crocker, son of Sarah Jane l\ierrill (310), born Oct. 6th, 1874. Married Alice Hern. They have no children. :Mrs. Crocker is a teacher. She graduated from the Normal College, Kansas. :Mr. Crocker :is a popular undertaker at Hutchinson, Kansas, where they reside.

No. 825

Merrill Cornell Smith, son of Lucy :Maria Merrill (311), born Oct. 21st, 1874. ::Married, Jan. 14th, 1897. Beulah vVhite, Salina, Kansas. They had:

1. GLF.XX A ROCKFORD Sl\lIITH ( 1365.), May 30, 1899. :Mr. M. C. Smith lives at Hutchinson, Kan.

No.· 827

Leonard Clifton Smith, son of Lucy :l\Iaria :Merrill (311), born Aug. 30th, 1880. :i.\Iarried, July 20th, 1901. at Hutchinson, Hedve Katherine LedholnL born Aug. 2d. 1880, at Smolan. Sweden. They had: THE A. X. MERRILL FAJ:IILIES. 241

1. Enso DORR S)IITH ( 1366). l\Iay 10, 1902. 2. ErGEXE FREDERICK S:-.IITH ( 1367), D~. 6. 1905. 3. HO)lER VERXE SmTH ( 1368), July 29, 1908. 4. l\L.\.P.EL lREXE S:-.nnr (1369), Jan. 13, 1911. E. C. Smith frn~s at Hntc:hinson.

No. 828

Oliver Newton Smith, son of Lucy l\Iaria Smith (311r born l\Iay 5th, 1883, at Sedgwick City, Kan. l\Iarried, l\lay 3d, -1911. Doxie A. Clark, born Apr., 188b. They live at Vinita, Okla.

No. 831

Nettie Orcelia Merr~II, daughter of .A.. N. l\Ierrill (313), born Jan. 16th, 1889. l\Iarried, Sept. 30th, 1908, Steven Ellis Pratz, born Sept. 15th, 1888, at Fort Scott, Kan. They had:

1. STE\'EX ELLIS PRATZ. JR. (1370), Mar. 28, 1910. :\Ir. Pratz lives in Hutchinson. He is a traveling salesman for The Nelson :Mfg. and Supply Co.

No. 832

Blanche Lucinda Merrill, daughter of A. N. l\lerrill (31:3),

born l\Iavel 13th., 1893. :Married., l\Iav.., 14th. 1911., Glenn Thomas Fisher, born Feb. 17th, 1885, at \\T ellington, Kan. rrhey live in Hutchinson. :\Ir. Fisher is tra Yeling eolll'"etor for the Leslie­ .Jndgt' Pub. Co.

No. 842

Thomas J. Cruzan, son of L,,..amler Cruzan (:H6), born Apr. ~1st. J 867. at Pleasant Hill. Or. :\Iarried. Juue. 11390: at Lo·well, Or.. Pearl Cain~ daughter of Henry Cain. Tlw:v had: 242 THE CRFZA.X PAMILIES.

1. AnUSEX S. CR1:'"ZAX (1371), l\1ay 20, 1891; died May 20, 1892. 2. CHRISTELLA N. CRrZAx' (1372), Feb. 4, 1893. 3. MELYIA F. CRUZAX ( 1373), Mar. 18, 1895. 4. ELVA T. CRrZAX (1374), Oct. 13, 1897. 5. VERXOX w. Cm:ZAX (137~), .July 17, 1900. 6. THERESA M. CRCZA.X ( 1376), Mar. 23, 1903. 7. LEE H. CRUZAN (1377), Sept. 19, 1905. 8. ESTHER C. CRUZAX (1378), Dec. 6, 1908. 9. AUGUSTUS W. CRUZAX (1379), Oct. 24, 1911. l\fr. T. J. Cruzan is a lumber manufacturer. He lives at Dexter, Or.

No. 844

Emma C. Cruzan, daughter of Leander Cruzan (316), born Aug. 14th, 1872, Goshen, Or. :Married,. June 3d, 1900, Eugene, Or., George Fred Parker. They had:

1. ANSEL PARKER (1380), July 15, 1901. l\fr. Parker lives at Eugene, 0-r.

No. 847 Ida E. Cruzan, daughter of Leander Cruzan (316), born Oct. 3d, 1879, at Leaburg, Or. :Married, l\lay 18th, 1907, H. 1\1. Calkins, son of- Dewayne Calkins and Ada Aldridge. They had :

1. EARL A. CALKINS ( 1380), Apr. 25, 1908. J\lr. Calkins lives in Springfield, Or.

No. 848

Rosa Cruzan, daughter of Leander Cruzan (316), born l\fay 15th, 1882, at Leaburg. Or. :~\Iarried, :Mar. 15th, 1904, John T. Hugbes, Falls City. T1Jey had:

1. ZELLA HC:GHES (1381), Mar. 23, 1905. 2. LLOYD J. HC:GHES (1382), l\'.Iay 22, 1906. l\lr. Hughes resides at Falls City, Or. THE CR[-ZLLY F A.JfILIES. 243

No. 849 Zelma Cruzan, daughter of Leander Cruzan (316), born Xov. 10th, 188-!, at Dexter, Or. :Harried Charles T. Williams~ They have no children. l\Ir. "\YillialJ].s lives at Pleasant Hill, Or.

No. 851 Laura Bell Conrad, daughter of Lucy :Maria Cruzan (317), born Oct., 1861, at Eugene, Or.. :Married, Oct. 8th, 1881, Michael Sult, born in Ohio. They had:

1. ETTA BELL SULT (1383). 2. LUCY DELLA S-ULT (1384). 3. FRAXCIS SULT ( 1385). 4. PEARL SULT ( 1386). -5. MICHAEL SULT ( 1387). 6. DAVID EARL SULT ( 1388). )Ir. Sult is a farmer. He lives at Summer Lake, Or.

No. 853 David Barton Conrad, son of Lucy :Maria Cruzan (317), born :l\Iay 12th, 1865, at Eugene, Or. :Married, Apr., 1897, Etta Bagley, daughter of "\Villiani. Bagley. They had:

1. LOIS CoxRAD (1389), Jan., 1898. 2. MAE CoxRAD (1390). 3. ADELBERT COXRAD (1391). 4. FRED COXRAD (1392). )Ir. Conrad is a farmer. He lives at Paisley, Or.

No. 854 Lucy Jane Conrad, daughter of Lue,y l\Iaria Cruzan (317), horn ::.\Iar., 1867, at Ashland. Or. Married ---. They had:

1. LETH.\ G. ( 1393), Apr. 5, 1890. 2. }L-\RHX -- ( 1394.), Apr., 1902. He lives at Springfielct Or. 244 THE CKC;~xx FAJllLIES.

No. 855

Ida Conrad, daughter of Lucy )laria Cruzan (317). born ~lay 12th, 1868. l\larried ( 1) Charh•s Hamilton. who (lied. She married (2) John Simmons. By )fr. Hamilton she had:

1. EARXEST HA::\ULTOX ( 1395). By l\Ir. Simmons she had:

2. LrCILE MARIE SD:DIOXS ( 1396), Feb., 1905. l\Ir. Simmons liYt•s at Lake Yit>,Y, Or.

No. 857 Etta Jane, daughter of Lucy l\laria Cruzc;\n (317), born June 29th, 1877, at Eugene, Or. Married, Dec. 22d, 1895, Thomas George Broyvn, born Jan. 1st, 1871. The~· had:

1. LLOYD HEXRY BROWS (1397), Dec. 10. 1896. 2. GLADYS Lecy BROWX (1398), May 21, 1898. 3. HAZEL VERXETTA BRO\VX (1399), Jan. 10, 1900. 4. C.\.RL Co"XRAD BRowx ( 1400), Sept. 1, 1902. l\Ir. Brown lives at Cres,Yell, Or. He is a stock raiser.

No. 859 Minnie Viola Rowan, daughter of Laura Ann Cruzan (319), born l\1ay 18th, 1867. l\Iarried Jesse Calkins. They had:

1. Sox CALKIXS (1401). 2. Sox CALKrxs ( 1402). 3. Sox CALKIXS (1403). 4. Sox CALKI"Xs (1404). No. 860 Norman Rowan, son of Laura Ann Cruzan (319), born Xov. 14th, 1869. l\Iarried Alpha Sturgill. They had:

1. So-x RowAX ( 1405) . 2. So-x ROWA'X (1406). 3. DA"GGHTER ROWAX (1407). THE JORDA.X FA.JULIES. 243

No. 861 .

Robert 0. Carr, son of Laura ~..\nn Cruzan (:319), born Feb., 1877. :Harried Xellie Higgins. They had:

1. D.-\l"(iilTER CARR (1408), ---, 1908.

No. 863

Ancil Elmer Jordan, son of )fargaret Ellen Rt~ed (:320), - hon1 }lay 5th, 1866. )larrird. Dec. 2-!th, 1890, Bertha Eldra Payne. They had:

1. Bn-;SIE EUIA JoRDAX ( 1409), .Jan. 21. 18!:!3. 2. P.\.t.:L DE\"OX JoRDAX (1410), May 6. 1903. 3. RrBY MAY .JORDAX (1411), Apr. 1:3, UJO;:j_

No. 865

Ch_arles Franklin Jordan, son of )largaret Ellen Ree·d (:320), born )lay 27, 187:3. )larr:ied~ Xov. lltlL 1890. J"essie Brener­ man. They had:

1. D.-\LE FOREST JORDAX (1412), Apr. 14. 1905.

No. 866

Trella May Jordan, daughh~r of )largaret Ellen Re~d (:320), hon1 Sept. 21st. 1876. ::.\Ianil'pt. 17th. 1910, Harvry Hold­ <,nnan. Xo children.

No. 867

Carrie H. Jordan, c1anght('r of :\Iargar('t Ellen Reed (:320), born -..\pr. 21st. 1879. ::.\IarriNl. De,·. :2Gth. 1909. Rolwrt Xe,Yton Trnn1s. X o ehildr<,n. 246 THE BARACKJIAX FA.JIILY.

No. 868

Emma Julia Jordan, daughter of :\Iargaret Ellen Reed (:320), born June 17th, 1880. l\larri(•<.t SPpt. 9th, H)0:3, Clar,..>nee H. Fretz. They had:

1. GERALD JORDAX FRETZ ( 1413), Xov. 9, 1905.

No. 869

Ivy Pearl Jordan, daughter of l\Iargaret Ellen Reed (320). born Mar. 30th, 1882. Married Ernest Castleman, July 18th, 1900. They had: l. ESTEL DOXO\'AX CASTLE::\CAX ( 1414), Dec. 19, 1901. 2. LEOXARD CASTLE:\IAN (1415), Ju]y 24, 1904.

No. 887

Mattie Jane Grant, daughter of Benjamin Stacy Grant (329), born Aug. 30th, 1883. Married, Oct. 25th, 1905, \Vil­ liam S. Barackman, born Dec. 17th, 1870, at Arvilla, l\lo.; son of Kinnard Hamilton Barackman and l\lary Batten. rrhey had:

1. KlX:'\ARD GRAXT BARACKlfAX (1416), Dec. 13, 1906. 2. WILLIA:\! s. BARRACK:.\IAX (1417), Mar. 29, 1909. :Mr. Barackrnan has been Treasurer of Elk Co., Kan. The family came to Kansas in 1874, lived on rich bottom lands near tm-Yn. In 1909 moved to to,vn. There are six Barackman 1)rothers. Three are farmers, two are grocers in Howard, one principal of high school, l\Ioscow, Idaho. They are illethodists.

No. 904

Eunice Evelyn ,\\ason, daughter of S. )f. )Jason (:347): born July 5th, 1868: at Creston, IlL died Oct. 26th: 1894: at High­ Jand1 Kan. Married Charles E. Gossett. horn Xov.: 186;\ at l\Ionmonth: Ill.; son of Andrew Jaekson Gossett and ~Iar~· El1zabeth Bursch. They had: THE MASOX F_1.:.1ilLIES. 247 l. AXDREW JACKSOX GOSSETT (1-1:18), l\1ay 31, 1887.· 2. EDXA ROSELLA GOSSETT ( 1419), Apr. 3, 1889. 3. Lors GosSETT (1420), --, 1892; died Sept., 1894. 4. ::.\hLDRED EVELYX GOSSETT (1321), Aug. 9, 1894.

The first three were born at Ord, Neb., the last one at High­ land, Kan. l\Ir. C. E. Gossett lives at Latourelle, Or. l\lr. A. J. Gossett at Hillsboro, Or.

No. 905

Herbert Edwin Mason, son of S. 1VI. :Mason (347), born Nov. 27th, 1870, at Creston, Ill. Married, Dec., 1905, Bertha Cole, born Feb. 9th, 1870; daughter of Ezra Cole and :Margaret Louise Druff. They had :

1. EDWIN EZRA (1422), Feb. 10, 1907. 2. MARGARET ELIZABETH (1423), Jan. 3, 1911. Herbert E. :Mason is a farmer. He is also a Spanish War veteran, having served in Co. B, 2d Neb. Reg. He lives at Cresco, Neb.

No. 906

Howard Lowell Mason, son-of S. l\I. Mason (347), born l\lar. 5th, 1873, at Creston, Ill. l\:Iarried, Dec. 10th, 1903, Bertha E.

1\Iattley1 daughter of Herbert l\lattley and Celestine Duncan. They had.

1. ALICE MAY l\'1Asox (1424), Dec. 16, 1904. 2. EYERETT LOWELL MA.SOX (1425), Aug. 16, 1906. 3. BERXICE LL"CILLE MASOX (1426), Dec. 28, 1908. ~-Ul born at Ord. l\Ir. H. L. i\Iason is also a Spanish "\Var Yeteran, having serYed in the 22d Reg., L. S. Regular Army. He "\'ras the third man to step a~horr ·when our forces inva4ed Cuba. He 1,vas at El Caney and all the principal battles of thaJ campaign. He lives at Ord, Xeh. 248 THE J!L4-SO).~ FA.J1ILIES.

No. 907 Lawrence Judson Mason, son of S. 11. .Jiason (:3-!7), born Dec. 27th, 1874, at Creston, Ill. :\Iarried, Dec. 29th, 190-,t Jennie .. A.nderson, born Feb. 20th, 1881, daughter of James Andc>rson and Gorinna (Corinna '?) Hoffsett. Tlwy had:

1. ARTHL"R J.UIES MASOX (1427). Oct. 4, 1905. 2. HELEX LO'l"ISE i\fasox (1428), Mar. 6, 1910.

They were born at Ord, where he n◊'\V resides.

No. 908 Leslie Raymond Mason, son of S. l\I. :\Jason (347'), horn July 17th, 1877, at Creston. Ill. :l\Iarried, Oct. 16th, 1901, J!•an• nie E. Haggart, born J·an. 14th, 1882, daughter of James Arch. Haggart and Fannie E. Claflin. They had, all at Ord, -where they now live:

1. EVELYN MASOX (1429), Jan. 17, 1903. 2. HAZEL MARIE MASON (1430), Nov. 4, 1905. 3. HAROLD HENRY MASON (1431), Dec. 3, 1910. l\lr. L. R. Mason :is a builder, and a Prohibitionist and a l\Iethod:ist.

No. 909 Charlotte Henrietta Mason, daughter of S. l\I. Mason (347), - born Aug. 30th, 1880, at Bradshaw, Neb. 1Iarried, Oct. 26th, 1898, Lyle Craig, born Aug. 16th, 187:3, in ~lich; son of "\Vesley E. Craig and Vinetta "\Yygent. They had:

1. LYLE LonsE CRAIG (1432), July 16. 1899; died .July 17, 1899. 2. WIL::\IER LYLE CRAIG (1433), Feb. 18, 1901. 3. ELI.JAR ELWY:'\X CRAIG (1434), Aug. 23, Hi02. 4. KEXXETII LESLIE CRAIG (1435), Jan. 2. 1906. 5. ARCHIE WAYXE CRAIG (1436), June 2. 1910 . . The first three were born at Ord, the rest at DaYis Creek, Keb. Thjs famjly bPlong to e. B. Church. He is a farmer liv­ ing at Ord: Neb. THE ]f,ASO).~ FA.JJILIES. 24!)

No. 910

John Garner Mason, son of S. M. ::.\Iason (:3-17), born July 14th, 1883, at Ord. :.\larried, .:N"ov. 29th, 190i\ Ada Severson, born Aug. 21st, 1887, at North Loup, Neb.; daughter of Ole Severson and Minnie Kiser. They had no children. He is a mason. and belongs to the Christian (Disciples) Church. They liYe at Ord.

No. 912

John W. McArthur, son of Charlotte Amelia Mason (348), born Nov. 25th, 1868, at Creston, Ill. :Married, Feb. 13th, 1895, Pueblo, Colo., Rosebud H. Sword, born :Mar. :31st. 1873, at :Minneapolis; daughter of Martin Y. Sword ai1d Rosina E. Dilley. They had:

· 1. GRACE E. McARTffGR (1437), Feb. 17, 1896. 2. ROBERT E. McARTHUR (1438), Jan. 1, 190L l\Ir. J. '\V, :McArthur is in the U. S. Railway ~Iail Service. They are Congregationalists. They live at Lincoln, Neb.

· No. 913

Eliza R. McArthur, daughter of Charlotte Amelia Mason (348), born Apr. 21st, 1871. :Married, May 8th, 1886, Joseph· Shoestall. They had:

1. :\!ABEL SHOESTALL ( 1439), Mar. 24, 1887. 2. HAZEL SHOESTALL (1440), July 7, 1894. Both ·were born at El-wood, Xeo.

No. 915

Edith M. Coleman, daughter of Charlotte Amelia ::.\Iason (348), born June 25th, 1880. ::.\Iarried, ~Jar. 3d, 1899, Nelson Jones. ·They had: 250 THE MASO::Y I:'A.MILIES.

1. VERA JoxEs (1441). 2. ROY JoxES (1442). 3. lREXE JOXES (1443). 4. RALPH JOXES (1444). 5. RUTH JOXES (1445). 6. BABY JOXES (1446). llr. Jones lives in York, X eb.

No. 917

Amy U. Mason, daughter of Gardner :Mason (350), born Jan. 25th, 1874. Married, Jan. 16th, 1901, James P. Smith. They had:

1. HARRY S. SMITH (1447), Aug. 11, 1903. 2. EUNICE AGXES SMITH ( 1448), Oct. 26, 1906. 3. JAMES LESLIE SMITH (1449), May 24, 1910. Mr. Smith lives at Astoria, Or.

No. 918

Walter f. Mason, son of Gardner Mason (350), born Nov. 19th, 1876, in Neb. l\1arried, Jan. 30th, 1901, Lizzie \\... old. They had:

l. IVAN T. MASOX (1450), July 21, 1902. 2. RUTH M. MASOX (14al), Apr. 29, 1904; died in about six months. 3. CLARA E. MAsox (1452), Nov. 8, 1906. 4. FRAXKLI::.\" MASOX (1453), Aug. 12, 1909. Ruth died by poisoning. "\Valter ~Iason lives at Kalama, "\Yasli., on the Columbia River. He works in a saw mill.

No. 922

Adelbert Lea Mason, son of C. W. :Mason (351), born July 29th, 1884, at Bradshaw, Neb. :Married, July 20th, 1908, at Ehvood, Neb., Dora Ellen Horn, born l\lar. 9th. 1881, at New THE MA.SOX FAMILIES. 251

Castle, Ohio. She ·was a daughteP of Jacob Horn and Lydia Hall. They had:

1. LEA WILLIA:\! MASOX ( 1454), Aug. 1, 1909. )Ir. :Mason is a stoekman. They are Presbyterians. They live at Otis, Colo.

No. 928

Dora Rosella Mason, daughter of G. F. Mason (352), born N_ov. 7th, 1883, at Neb. Married, Jan. 1st, 1903, Eugene Adolph Aufranc, born Aug. 9th, 1873, in Switzerland; son of Auguste Aufranc and Sophia Louise Aufranc. They had:

1. Et:LEXA VIOLA AUFRAXC (1455a), July 2, 1904. 2. YVOXXE LEORA Al:FRAXC (1455b), Apr. 5, 1909. 1\Ir. Aufranc lives at 1845 So. Commercial St., Salem, Or. He is (1912) County Recorder.

No. 933

Everett Austin Stryker, son of Lydia Eleanor :Mason (353), born Jan. 4th, 1865, at Strykersville, N. Y. :Married .Apr. 26th, 1887, Amy Smith, at Castile, N. Y., born July 31st, 1867, daugh­ ter of Ansel B. Smith and Hattie Fitch. They had:

· l. AXSEL GARRETT STRYKER (1456), June 2, 1888. 2. CHARLES E\"ERETT STRYKER (1457),.Apr. 10, 1890; died Sept. 6, 1897. 3. N'ELSOX STRYKER ( 1438), June 2, 1892; died Aug. 16, 1892. )Ir. Stryker is a machinist. He is a Presbyterian. They live in Harrisburg, Penn.

No. 934

Martin Lewis Stryker, son of Lydia Eleanor ::\Iason (353_); born Apr. 19th, 1868, at Str;ykersville. :Married, l\Iay 31st, 1888, at Castile, N. Y., Susan Austin, horn July 4th, 1871 or 2, 252 THE JL4.SOS FA!.lHLIES. at Eagle, X. Y., died Oet. 18th, 1902. at )Iuskegon, )lich. They had:

1. CHESTER J A:m-:s STRYKER (1459). :.\lar. 30, 1890. :\Ir. ~I. L. Strvker is in an automobile factorv at Flint. )Iieh. ~ ~ .

No. 935

Carrie Alice Stryker, daughter of Lydia Eleanor ::\Iason (353), born Sept. 22d, 1877, at Strykensville, N. Y. )IarrietL Aug. 22d, 1894, at :Nunda. X. Y., Henry Lee, born July 22d, 1873, at Portage, N: Y.; son of Harvey Lee and )Iartha Perry. They had:

1. MARIAX ELEAXOR LEE (1460), July 15, 1895. 2. CLIFFORD RAY~IOXD LEE (1461), Oct. 8, 1899. 3. l\IJLDRED JESSIE LEE ( 1462). Mar. 24. 1902. 4. HARRY HEXRY LEE (1463), July 31, 1908. .Mr. Lee is a farmer. He is a Baptist. They live at Cas- ·-1 ,,. -,;Y t1 (\ .:.-... . .1 •

No. 946 Ethel May Mason, daughter of Charles Irvin :Mason (361), born Sept. 7th, 1889. Married, ):Iar. 12th, 1907, '\Yilliam Smith,

son of Joseph and )Iary Smith of Ocala1 Iowa. They liYe at Lake Park, Io,,-a. Be is a farmer.

No. 958

Julia Clark Mason, daughkr of Laura Edna )lason (:36-!),

born }Hay 5th, 1885, at North East, Penn. )Iarried. Ft0 b. 6th. l 911. Albert )IcClellan :Bar1ws. horn :\Iar 19th, J 885, at Pitts­ burg. Pa.; son of Albert :\IeCkllan Barnes and Clara Stitt. )I rs. Barnes graduated from High SehooL .190-!: Yassar College, 1908; taught mathematics, Roanoke Collc>ge, Yirginia, 1908-09; science and mathematics, )liss Bangs and '\\~hiting ~s Girls School. ~- Y. City, 1909-10. THE MA.SOS PAJ111,JES. 253

l\lr. Barnes took high school eonrse, Pittsburg, 190:3; la,Y course, Ann Arbor, 1906. .Admitted to bar: l\Iich., 1906, X ew York, 1910. · In la,Y firm of Stoddart & Barnes, 2 Rector St.: X. Y. City, and actfre in local polities of his party (Rep.). They belong to the l\I. E. Church.

No. 961

Mabel Julia_ Mason, daughter of Rev. \Vallaee Norman l\Iason (:366), born Aug. 9th, 1880. l\Iarried, .Apr. 19th, 1904, Henry Lt>e l\lills. They had:

1. MA:xnrn C. MILLS (1464). Apr. 10, lSOS.

No. 962

Clara May Mason, daughter of Rev. vVallaee Norman Mason

(:366), born 1\Iay 1st, 1886. l\:farried, Dec. 27th, 19071 Clayton G. Combes. They have no children.

No. 972

Ida May Klock, daughter of J. E. Klock (:369); born Xov. 25th, 1885. l\Iarried, Dec. 25th, 1910, John Joseph l\Iarr_inan, born Dec. 2:3d, 1886; son of-James "\Y illiam ~Iarrinan and l\Iargaret Elizabeth Reagan. ~Ir. l\Iarrinan took B. S. at "\Vesleyan "Cniv. He is principal of Pinkerton Academy, Derry Village, X. IL, ,vhere they reside.

No. 993

Hattie Corinne Mason, daughter of John II. l\Iason (:385), horn ~ov. 4th, 1892, in Iowa. l\Iarricd, Jan. 12th, 1912, George l\l. Sunday, son of Rev. "\Yilliam A. Sunday and ~ettie rrhomp­ son. His father is the ,Yell known Evangelist, "Billy" Sun­ day. He is in Penn. R. R. offiee at Fort "\Yayue, Ind. 254 REA.D GE-SEA.LOGY.

No. 1001 Daisy Editha lonyo, daughter of A. \V. Lonyo (389), born June 19th, 1881. :Married, July 27th, 1910, John "\\,Tilliam Harsha, born Apr. 6th, 188:3; son of Horace Shaw Harsha and ·:Margaret :Munroe Carnes. They have no children.

l\Irs. Harsha had two years jn Ypsilanti ~ ormal College, and graduated with A. B. from Univ. of l\Iich. They live in Detroit. No. 1003 Orville William Lonyo, son of A. W. Lonyo ( 389) , born Nov. 16th, 1884. Married, :May 9th, 1909, Birdie Fisher, born Oct. 17th, 1889; daughter of Herman Fisher and :Mary Hein­ rich. They had:

1. WILLARD LOXYO (1465), Sept. 19, 1910.

No. 1024 Addison J. Stryker, son of l\Iary Jane Reed (403), born July 2d, 1889. Married, Oct. 16th, 1907, Lillian Hughes, born Mar. 15th, 1886. They have no children. They live in Strykers­ ville, N. Y. No. 1039 Chester C. Stratton, son of Charles Jonathan Stratton (419), . born 1884. :Married, Sept. 9th, 1904, Laura 11. Shepard. They had:

1. LETA M. STRATTOX (1466). 2. HARRIET STRATTOX ( 1467) . No. 1040 Edna A. Stratton, daughter of Charles Jonathan Stratton ( 419), born 1886. 1Iarrjec1, Aug., 1908, Harry A. Shoemaker. They had:

1. CHARLES E. SHOE:.\IAKER (1468), July, 1909. READ GEXEALOGY. 255

No. 1047

Robert Edgar Golden, son of Ira :Major Golden (428), born Nov. 14th, 1886. l\farried, Oct. 19th, 1909, :Mary Butler, daugh­ ter of Jerry Butler. :\Ir. R. E. Golden lives at 4:30 Francis St., Schenectady, N. Y.

No. 1088

Edgar Little Nightingale, son of Harriet Little (513), born Sept. 15th, 1879, at Deerfield, N. Y. Married, Aug. 22d, 1906, at San Francisco, Gertrude Schollert, daughter o·f "\Villiam Henry and Gertrude M. Schollert. They had:

1. GEBTBUDE MABIAN NIGHTINGALE (1469), May 5, 1908. 2. HARRIET ELIZABETH NIGHTINGALE ( 1470), Sept. 10, 1909. l\fr. Edgar Nightingale lives in Los Angeles, Cal., at No. 2091 W. 30th Street.

No. 1089.

Thomas Leslie Nightingale,_ son of Harriet Little ( 513), born Jan. 20th (or 27th), 1881, at Deerfield, N. Y. :Married (1), 1903 (or 4), ---, who died. He married (2) They have no children. They reside at 2201 Bonita Ave., Sacra­ mento, Cal.

No. 1095

Belle Brayton, daughter of 0. R. Brayton (523), born ~Iar. 3d, 1871. :Married Allen Elmer Brundage, born June 11th~ 1870, died Aug., 1906. He was son of \Villiam Brundage and Elizabeth Williams. They had no children. 256 THE BRAYTOX FAJJILIES.

No. 1096

Jesse Merrill Brayton, son of 0. R. Brayton (523), born jiar. 9th. 1873. :Married, June 18th, 1902, Susie Griffin, born Aug. 18tlL 1878, at Utica; daughter of Patrick C. Griffin and Ellen Coughlin. They had:

1. JESSE MERRILL (1471), Aug. 18, 1911.

No. l098

Thomas Johnson Brayton, son of 0. R. Brayton (323), born Jan. 17th, 1877. :Married, F,eb. 2d, 1904, · Ernestine Hoxie, daughter of Arthur and Phebe Hoxie. They had:

1. CLADYS HOXIE BRAYTOX (1472a), Nov. 2, 1907. 2. OwEx ARTHt.:R BB..HTOX (1472b), Aug. 30, 1908. :\Ir. T. J. Brayton is a farmer. ·

No. 1100

Harvey Crego Brayton, son of o: R·. Brayton (523), born Oct. 14th, 1883. Married, Jan. 1st, 1909, Amelia Hoffman. He is employed in the condens3:ry at Newport, N. Y.

No. 1148

Arthur Benjamin-Claggett, son of Ada ::\Iaria l\lather (579), born Dec. 1st, 1880. :Married, Sept. 14th, 1904, :Marie Folhl~rts. They had:

1. M .\RIOX CLAGGETT ( 1473), Dec. 26, 1905. 2. FI.OREXCE CLAGGETT (1474), June 27, 1909. jfr. A. B. Claggett is a farmer. He lives in ,Yaupan, "\Yis.

No. 1150

Maude E. Masters, daughtt•r of ::.\Iyra ::.\lather (580), born XoY. 14th, 1886. Married, 1Iay 23d, 1910, Lowney Compton READ GENEALOGY. 257

Holloway, born 1883, in Texas, son of Rev. James Bethel Hol­ loway and Eleanor Ann Jackman. Rev. J. B. Holloway was an M. E. minister who "had preached all over the Western country.'' L. C. Holloway lives at Livermore, Cal., where he is special agent for an English · Insurance Co.

No. 1214

Lillian Estella Heiple, daughter of Harriet Jeannette Reed (644), born --- 2d, 1875. Married, Nov. 9th, 1904, Major Charles W. Cotton, born Nov. 22d, 1868. They had:

l. ROBERT ASHLEY COTTON (1475), Dec. 15, 1910. He was born at Waterloo, Iowa. l\'Iajor Cotton is a veteran of the Spanish-American War~ in which he served as captain.

No. 1218

Clara May, daughter of Wesley Sylvester Reed, Jr. (645), born l\lar. 31st, 18.82. Married ( 1), Sept. 8th, 1901, William Martin, born Apr. 27th, 1882, died Aug., 1906. She married (2), William Burright. By l\lr. Martin she had:

1. CLARENCE MARTIN (1476), Mar. 29, 1902. 2. VICTOR MARTIN (1477), Apr. 24, 1904. 3. CLIFFORD MARTIN (1478), Apr. 26, 1906. By 1\iir. Burright she had:

4. ROLAXD BURRIGHT (1479), May 28, 1910.

No. 1219 George Albert Reed, son of vV esley Sylvester Reed ( 645), born Oct. 20th, 1883. :Married (1) --- Vaughn, who died. He married (2) Teresa Shalop. 258 READ GENEALOGY.

By first wife he ha'd:

1. GEORGE RAY:MO:XD (1480). By second wife he had:

2. WESLEY ( 1481).

No. 1221

Edith Adelia Reed, daughter of Wesley Sylvester Reed ( 645), born Mar. 1_8th, 1888. :Married, Feb. 24th, 1906, George Wood, born Feb. 22d, 1882. They had: 1. GERALD Woon (1482), Apr. 15, 1907. 2. JANE Woori (1483), June 11, -1909; died Apr. 5, 1911.

No. 1237 Mary Catherine Reed, daughter of Joseph Edward (651), born June 20th, 1891.. :Married, June 20th, 1910, William Wing.

No. 1253

Allen E. Rutter, son of :Mary Cornelia Peek (656), born Dec. 28th, 1878. l\!farried, Oct. 6th, 1905, Gertrude :Moore, born in 1881. They had :

1. RAY MOORE RUTTER (1484), Aug. 26, 1906. 2. IRENE RUTTER (1485)", June 4, 1908.

No. 1258

Myron Sidney Crissey, son of Jessie Euretta Buck (661), born Jan. 7th, 1879, at Delhi, l\Iich. :Married, Feb. 4th, 1903, Frances Hawley Fitch, at Yonkers, N. Y. They had:

1. CATHERIXE CRISSEY ( 1486), Dec. 18, 1904. · Catherine was born at Fort Dade, Florida. Capt. Crissey is eaptain of Co. 70, Coast Artillery, U. S. Army. He was stationed three years at the Presidio, San READ GENEALOGY. 259

Francisco. His company sailed, :Mar. 5th, 1912, for the Phil- 1pp1nes.

No. 1260 Dana Harold Crissey, son of Jessie· Euretta Buck (661), born Dec. 9th, 1883, at Bay City, lVIich. lVIarried, ---, 1911, Beatrice Guitard, at San Francisco, of Prench parents. D. H. Crissey graduated from West Point lVIilitary Academy in 1909, and is now Lieutenant in the U. S. Reg. Army. He is stationed at Fort :Miley, San Francisco, Cal.

No. 1.302 Carrie Iota Bennett, daughter of James Otho Bennett (778), born Aug. 10th, 1889. Married Eugene Lawson.

No. 1305

Leola Frances Allen, daughter .of Olive Theodocia Bennett (779), horn Oct. l~th, 1889, at Kansas City, i\fo. :Married, May 13th, 1907, John Lee Walters from Miami; son of "\Valters and Sarah Jane Shaw.

No. f313

Lydia /t\. /t\aucker, daughter of Emma J. Post (782), born Apr. 16th, 1887. :Married James Weier. They had:

1. RUSSELL LEE WEIER (1487), Aug. 3, 1906. 2. FAY FRAXCIS WEIER (1488), July 10, 1909. 3. ESTEAL J.UIES WEIER (1489), Mar. 20, 1911.

No. 1315

Mary Elizabeth Maucker, daughter of Emma J. Post (782'. l\larried Burt Donaway. They had:

1. EDWARD M. Dox.nvAY (1490), July 21, 1911. 260 READ GE?,,-EALOGY.

No. 1327 Carl Perry, son of Jay Ellsworth Perry (787). ::Married and had: l. RUSSELL PEERY (1491). No. 1383

Etta Belle Sult, daughter of Laura Belle Conrad (851), born ---. Married Wm. Robinett. They had:

1. CHILD (1492). 2. CHILD (1493) .. 3. CHILD (1494). No. 1385

Francis Sult, son of Laura Belle Conrad (851). :Married Clyde Kizer. No. 1386 Pearl Sult, daughter of Laura Belle Conrad (851). :Married John Harmon. No. 1393 Letha G., daughter of Lucy Jane Conrad (854), born Apr. 5th, 1890. Married· Richard Grey, lives in Centralia, Wash­ ington. No. 1419 Edna Rosella Gossett, daughter of A. J. Gossett (904), born at Ord, Neb., Apr. 3d, 1889. J.vlarried George Logan Parsons, June 1st, 1906, in Washington, born l\iay 3d, 1887; son of Howard H. Parsons and Nannie Jane Essick. They had:

1. LEROY EDWARD PARSONS (1495), Jan. 28, 1907. 2. EARNEST BERT PARSONS (1496), May 4, 1908. 3. HOWARD PARSONS (1497), June 16, 1911. READ GE~·EALOGY. 261

No. 1421 Mildred Evelyn Gossett, daughter of A. J. Gossett (904), born at Highland, Kan., Aug. 9th, 1894. :Married Scott E. Ballard. They had :

1. EUXICE EVELYX BALLARD (1498), Sept. 17, 1911. They live at Satonville, Ore.

No. 1459

Chester James Stryker, son of :Martin L. Stryker (934), born Mar. 30th, 1890. 1\1:arried Dorothea A. Broome.


The following records were not received in time to be inserted in their proper order in the main part of the book.

No. 124

Charlotte Reed, daughter of John (15), died Apr. 23d, 1876, in Chicago.

No. 449

frank D. Champlin, son of Charlotte Reed (124), born Sept. 6th, 1848: Married, about 1868, Margaret Ryan; at Chicago. They had, order not known:

1. SON CHAMPLIN (1499), died. 2. DAUGHTER CHAMPLIN (1500), died. 3. DAUGHTER CHAMPLIN ( 1501), died. 4. DAUGHTER CHAMPLIN (1502), died. IVIr. F. D. Champlin is in the fruit business in Chicago.

No. 450

Nettie M. Champlin, daughter of Charlotte Reed (124), born June 8th, 1850. :Married, 1Hay 1st, 1870, Albert T. :Mosher, at C~icago. They had, order not known:

1. D.A"C"GHTEB MOSHER (1502a). 2. DA"C'GHTEB MOSHER (1502b). 3. DAUGHTER MOSHER (1502c). 4. Sox MOSHER (1502d). They live in :Minneapolis, :Minn. 264 APPENDIX-THE DOTY FAMILY.

No. 451

William N. Champlin, son of Charlotte Reed (124), born Dec. 26th, 1852, died J.VIay 9th, 1907. He married (1) --­ who died. He married (2) ---. By whom he had:

1. SON CHAMPLIN ( 1503).

No. 452 Edward R. Champlin, son of Charlotte Reed (124), born Nov. 28th, 1854, died Feb. 14th, 1912. )Iar.ried, about 1881, ---. They had no children.

No. 146


(Since the foregoing record of Athalane Reed (No. 19), who married Volney Doty, was printed, we have received a more correct report, which we give herewith.)

No. 19

Athalane Reed, 4aughter of Abner Reed (2), born :May 9th, 1808, at Little Falls, N. Y., died Sept. 3d, 1888, at Darling~on, Wis. She married, about 1830, Volney Leonard Doty, born June 18th, 1802, in Alleghany Co., N. Y., died Jan. 16th, 1862, at Darlington, Wis. They had:

1. GEORGE DUANE DOTY (1504), June 18, 1834. 2. WILLA.RD DOTY ( 1505), Aug. 2, 1837. 3. CYNTHIA DOTY (1506), Nov. 7, 1840. 4. ABNER DELOS DOTY ( 1507), Dec. 12, 1842. 5. JANE ANNETTE DOTY (1508), Oct. 9, 1845. 6. INFANT DOTY (1509), died in infancy. 7. OBISSA DOTY (1510), Aug. 10, 1849. .APPENDIX-THE DOTY FAMILY. 265

This family lived at Little Falls, N. Y., until most, if not all, of their children were born, then moved to Jeff. Co., N. Y., ,and lived a few years at Three Mile Bay, then moved to Chi­ cago and lived there for a time, then one year in Janesville, Wis., and before 1856 were living at Darlington, Wis., . where they continued to reside to the end. He was by trade a shoe­ maker, but in later years a farmer .. _A,11 thr~e. of her sons en­ listed in the war.· The oldest died before he left the state and left two boys, which she raised. Her last years were spent with Mrs. Hamilton, her daughter. Says one who knew her well : '' She was -a fine old lady, a good, earnest, honest soul, and. devout Christian, a member of the M. E. Church, and was always at meeting.'' No. 1504 George Duane Doty, son of Athalane Reed (19), born June 18th, 1834, died Jan. 15th, 1864. •:Married Eliza Wagner. She died soon after he did, and his people raised his sons. They had:

1. LEONARD VOLNEY DOTY (1511), Apr. 1, 1859. 2. CHARLES WIT.LARD DOTY (1512), June 10, 1864. George Duane Doty enlisted in the 2d Wis. Cavalry in 1863, at Camp Randal, Madison, Wis., and died before he left the state. No. 1505 Willard Doty, son of Athalane Reed (19), born Aug. 2d, 1837, died Aug. 3d, 1864, at Vicksburg. He married 1Vlaria Sandefur,. They had no children. He enlisted in 2d Wis. Cav. in 1863, with his brother, and died in the service, the next year.

No. 1506 Cynthia Doty, daughter of Athalane Reed (19), born Nov. 7th, 1840, at Little Falls, N. Y., died Sept. 20th, 1865. Married, 266 APPENDIX -THE DOTY F A.MILY.

Oct., 1860, Thomas Walter Hughes, born Nov. 6th, 1839, in Wis., died in 1872.. They had:

1. CHARLES T. HC'GHES (1513), died. 2. FREDEBICK S. HUGHES (1514), Oct. 10, 1864. Mr. Hughes was by occupation a miner. He served three years as a private in the 16th Wis. Inf., and went out as Capt. of Co. H., 46th Wis., and served to the end of the war. He was a Methodist. No. 1507 Abner Delos Doty, son of Athalane Reed (19), born Dec. 12th, 1842, at Little Falls, N. Y. :Married Jane Porter. They bad:

1. ELMER W. DOTY (1515). 2. CLAUDE P. DOTY ( 1516). 3. MARGARET DOTY ( 1517) . . 4. WALTER C. DOTY (1518). 5. GUY DOTY (1519). 6. ROBERT W. DOTY (1520). 7. MAUD DOTY (1521). 8. LETTIE DOTY ( 1522) . 9. NETTIE DOTY (1523). 10. WILLIAM DOTY (1524). 11. MARY DOTY (1525). Abner D. Doty enlisted, in 1861, in the 3d ,vis. and served till the end of the war. He settled in Jefferson, :Maryland and married there, and lives there now.

No. 1508 Jane Annette Doty, daughter of Athalane Reed (19), born Oct. 9th, 1845, at Little Falls, N. Y. Married, Apr. 4th, 1865, '\Yillis vV. Hamilton, born Sep~. 21st, 1840, at Darlington, Wis.; son of Samuel B. Hamilton and Elizabeth J. Sandefur. They had:

1. BERTHA A. HAMILTON (1526), Apr. 6, 1870. .APPENDIX-THE DOTY FAMILY. 267

Most of their life they resided in Darlington, but moved a few years ago to Jefferson, :Maryland, where they now reside, near her brother Abner D. Doty. They are .Methodists.

No. 1510

Orissa Doty, daughter of Athalane Reed (19), born Aug.. 10th, 1849, died about 1868. 1\'Iarried, Aug., 1867, Peter King, in Wisconsin. They moved to California, where she died. They had no children.

No. 1511

Leonard Volney Doty, son of George Duane Doty (1504), born Apr. 1st, 1859, at Darlington, Wis. :Married, l\1ay 1st, 1889, Ida M. Paul, born May 20th, 1870, at Janesville, Wis.; daughter of Chris. Paul and Bertha Shumacher. They had:

1. WILLIAM HAMILTON DOTY ( 1527), Aug. 16th, 1890. 2. VERA BERTHA DOTY ( 1528), May 11, 1895. 3. DOBIS ATHALANE DOTY (1529), July 30, 1897. These were all born at Doland, So. Dakota. Mr. '' Len V. '' Doty publishes the Times-Record·, a local paper established in 1882, at Doland, S. D., and in addition to his printing business is active in political matters. He has been justice of the peace, city councilman, ·and in 1906 was Commissioner of Insurance for the State of So. Dakota.

No. 1512

Charles Willard Doty, son of George Duane Doty (1504), born June 10th, 1864, at Darlington, Wis. :Married, June 4th, 1891, Jane Caroline Schreiter, born Oct. 26th, 1864, at Darling­ ton, "\Vis.; daughter of David Schreiter and Hannah Bleasdell. They had:

1. HELEN S. DOTY (1530), July 8, 1895. 2. DAVID A. DOTY (1531), Dec. 29, 1900. 268 APPENDIX - THE WELLS FAMILY.

Mr. Charles Willard Doty graduated from Rush lviedical College, Chicago, 1888. He moved to Friend, Neb., in 1882~ went to Cordova, in 1888, for seven years, and is now "enjoy­ ing a good practice" at Beaver Crossing, Neb., where he has been for 17 years. He is also county coroner.

No. 1514

Frederick S. Hughes, son of Cynthia Doty (1506), born Oct. 10th, 1864, at Darlington, Wis. :Married, June 24th, 1903, Fern . . Thomas, born Feb. 2d, 1879, at Montfort, "\Vis.; daughter of John A. Thomas and Lucelia F. Hess. They had : .. 1. HELEN JEANNETTE HUGHES (1532), Dec. 6, 1904. 2. JOHN FREDERICK HUGHES ( 1533), Dec. 27, 1~06. 3. DOBOTHY JANE HUGHES (1534), Dec. 26, 1910. Mr. Frederick Hughes lives at :Montfort, Wis. He is a harness maker. He writes himself a '' Social Democrat'' and Lutheran in religion.

THE WELLS FAMILY No. 150 Sena Reed (20). J.VIarried Buel Wells. They had: 1. NETTIE WELLS (l50a). 2. CHABLOTTE WELLS (J.50b). 3. JEBOME WELLS ( 150c). 4. FANNY WELLS (150d). The numbering in the book is a mistake, for all except Nettie. They are all dead. They lived in New York State. Jerome never married, Charlotte did not marry.

No. 150a Nettie Wells, daughter of Sena Reed (20). Married a man by the name of Ingersoll. They had :


The daughter married a man named \Vood, who lives at Pulaslci, N. Y.


No. 267_

Emma Jane Finch, daughter of Lois Ann Reed ( 66), born Dec. 27th, 1849, at Ennisville, Can. l\1arried, Jan. 12th, 1873, ·at Erie, Kan., Elijah Brown, born Oct. 1st, 1837, in Virginia, died Feb. 18th, 1907, at Chanute, Kan. They had: 1. LUELLA N. BROWN (1536), Oct. 31, 1873; died same day. 2. EDITHA IBENE BROWN (1537), Feb. 17, 1875. 3. GEORGE BROWN ( 1538), Mar. 17, 1876; died Apr. 4, 1877. 4. CHARLES BROWN (1539), June 9, 1877; died June 10, 1887. 5. LILLIAN ETTA BROWN (1540), July 16, 1878. 6. FBED BROWN (1541), Jan. 18, 1881. 7. OLIVE A. BROWN (1542), Feb. 19, 1883; died Mar. 11, 1883. 8. CLARENCE EDWARD BROWN (1543), Mar. 2, 1884; died Oct. 9, 1886. 9. MINNIE JULIA BROWN (1544), Feb. 25, 1886. 10. EARNEST LESLIE BROWN ( 1545), Mar. 18, 1889. 11. JAMES ARTHUR BROWN (1546), Feb. 13, 1891; died Sept. 25, 1899. Mr. Brown was a farmer, who had resided since 1867_ near Chanute, Kans., except eight years, 1885 to 1893, when he lived near Thorn:field, l\lo. The statement in the Dickerman Genealogy that, in 1891, she had 18 children, is co~ect, if we 'understand that she included her eight step--children, and either gave her report before the last one was born, or omitted the oldest, who died same day. She resides with her daughter, :Mrs. Lambkin, near Chanute, and is in very feeble health.

No. 1537 Edith Irene Brown, daughter of Emma Jane Fineh (267L born Feb. 17th, 1875. lVIarried John Deckard, born---, died Mar. 17th, 1907. They had: 270 APPENDIX-THE BROWN FAMILY.

1. DELBERT DECKARD ( 1547). 2. !DA. DECKARD (1548). 3. .:MIX XIE DECKARD ( 154 9) . 4. VINNIE DECKARD ( 1550), died. 5. BESSIE DECKARD ( 1551). 6. JOHN DECKARD (1552). 7. LUTHER DECKARD (1553). This family are living somewhere in Okla.

No. 1540

Lillian Etta Brown, daughter of Emma Jane Finch (267), born July 16th, 1878. lVIarried John E. Lambkin. They had:

1. GUY E. LAMBKIN ( 1554). Mr. Lambkin is a farmer who lives near Chanute, Kan.

No. 1541

Fred Brown, son of Emma Jane Finch (267), born Jan. 18th, 1881. lVIarried Clara Clemens, born---. They had:

1. BERNICE BROWN (1555), died. 2. KENNETH BROWN (1556). 3. NORMA. BROWN (1557). Fred Brown i_s a farmer near Chanute, Kansas.

No. 1544

Minnie Julia Brown, daughter of Emma Jane Finch (267), born Feb. 25th, 1886. · Married Charles Holland, born --­ They had:

1. FREDDIE HOLLAXD ( 1558). 2. EVERET HOLLAXD ( 1559). ~Ir, -Holland is a farmer. He lives at Chanute. .APPENDIX - THE GILMORE F AMIL¥. 2il

ELIJAH BROWN'S FIRST FAMILY ,v e give also the records of Elijah Bro,vn 's* first family, the step-children of Emma Jane Finch (267). :M:r. Brown married (1) his, own cousin, Sarah Clarinda Brown, daughter of John Brown, born ---, died They had: I. WILLIAM ALBERT BROWN, May 15, 1858; died unmarried. II. JOHN HENBY BROWN, Mar. 13, 1860; died in childhood. III. MARTHA JANE BROWN, May 13, 1862. IV. BABE BROWN, died in infancy. V. SARAH MARIA BROWN, Jan. 19, 1864. VI. JOSEPH ELIJAH BROWN, Jan. 25, 1868. VII. RUFUS STEWART BROWN, Nov. 15, 1868. VIII. SILAS GRANT BROWN? June 4, 1871.

No. III.. . :Martha Jane married B. F. Finch (No. 270), which see.

No. V. -- Sarah Maria Brown, daughter of Elijah Brown, born Jan. 19th, 1864. Married Feb. ~8th, 1886, David Washington Gil­ more,t born Dec. 17th, 1856, at Cen~erview, 1\fo. They had: - 1.- SARAH VIOLET GILMORE, Nov. 25, 1887. 2. LESLIE ABNER GILMORB, Feb. 7, 1892. ( 3. LESTER ALL~N GILMORE, Feb. 7, 1892. 5 Died in day or two. 4. JOHN LEWIS GILMORE, Dec. 24, 1895. 5. PANSY FRANCES GILMORE, Oct. 25, 1897. 6. WILLIAM ALBERT GILMORE, Jan. 5, 1905.

*ELIJAH BROWN'S FATHER.-lsam Brown died Aug. 2d, 1857, and Matilda, his wife, died Feb. 20th, 1872, had ( order not certain) : I, William; II, Thomas; III, Alexander; IV,_ James; V, Robert; VI, Susan; VII, Isaiah; VIII, Elijah; IX, Daniel; X, Frank. All of these are dead, except Thomas, who is somewhere in Oklahoma. tWe give herewith the families of the grandfather and father. of Mr. D. W. Gilmore. SAMUEL GibIORE, born Mar. 11th, 1809; died ---. Married Matilda Shirly, born in 1812; died ---. They had: 272 APPENDIX-THE GILMORE FAMILY.

l\ilr. D. W. Gilmore, who, though no blood relation, has been very helpful to us in these notes, lives near Chanute, Kan. He writes himself a ''Socialist.'' He is a farmer.

Sarah Violet Gilmore, above, married David Elmer Rice. They had:

1. bELA MAY RICE, Feb. 11, 1907. 2. IRIS IDA RICE, July 13, 1908. 3. WILBER ALLEN RICE, Dec. 8, 1909.

No. VI. Joseph Elijah Brown, son of Elijah Brown, born Jan. 25th, 1868, died about 1892. :.Married Tennessee Holland, born Aug. 25th, 1872; daughter of W. H. H. Holland and Anna Fry. They had:

1. CHABLES BROWN, Apr. 22, 1891. 2. SARAH ELSIE BROWN, Sept. 25, 1892. They live near Thornfield, Missouri.

1. JAMES SCOTT GILMORE, Mar. 8, 1831. Married Glaphyra Mullins. 2. SARAH J. GILMORE, June 25, 1835. Married --- Lesh. 3. JOHN F. GiLMORE, Aug. 21, 1836. -Married Jane Gilmore. 4. JOSEPH B. GILMORE, Aug. 17, 1839. Married Mary West. 5. GEORGE w. GILMORE, Sept. 5, 1840; died unmarried. 6. WILLIAM M. GILMOBE, Mar. 17, 1842. Married Amanda Richardson. 7. POLLY A. GILMORE, Oct. 17, 1844. Married --- Adams. 8. NANCY ELIZABETH GILMORE, June 5, 1846. Married V. s. Creveling. 9. LUCINDA FRANCES GILMORE, June 10, 1848. Married Mark Joplin. 10. LYDIA GILMORE, July 8, 1850. Married Mark Joplin. 11. SUSAN GILMORE, Nov. 2, 1852. Died unmarried. 12. JEHU V. GILMORE, June 18, 1855. Unmarried. 13. TOLBERT A. GILMORE, Sept. 4, 1858. Died unmarried. Mr. Samuel Gilmore was a farmer. He lived in Johnson Co., Missouri. Of his large family an are dead except Nancy Elizabeth, Lucinda Frances and John V.

James Scott Gilmore, oldest son of Samuel Gilmore, above, born Mar. 8th, 1831, in Morgan Co., Mo., died Jan. 14th, 1879, at Chanute, Kan. Married, Mar., 1856, at Warrensburg, Mo., Glaphyra Mullins, born Mar. 8th, 1828, in Montana; daughter of --- Mullins and Dorothy Mullins. They had: A.PPESDIX-THE BROWN FAMILY. 273

No. VII.

Rufus St<..-wart BrO"'ivn, son of Elijah Brov..-n. born N"ov. 15th, 1868. :Married Docia Holland. They had, order un~ertain:

1. BERTHA BRO\',X. 2. ROY BROWX. 3. ETZEL BROWN. 4. LEN A BROWN. 5. RALPH BROWN. 6. MAY BROWN. 7. lNFA~T, died. l\Ir. Rufus S. Bro,vn is living at Broken Arrow, Okla. Bertha Brown married John "\Va goner. They had:


No. VIII. Silas Grant Brown, son of · Elijah Brown, born June 4th, 1871. :Married Flora Holland. They had, 9rder uncertain:

1. INFA.\NT, died. 2. EARL BROWN. 3. MERLE BROWN. Mr. S. G. Brown is a farmer. He lives in Chanute, Kan.

1. DAVID WASHINGTON GILMORE, Dec. 17, 1856. Married Sarah Maria Brown. 2. DOROTHY MATILDA GILl\IORE, July 13, 1858. Married Henry P. How­ ard, died. 3. SARAH ELIZABETH GIL:llOBE, Nov. 28, 1859.} Married Newton J. Dennis, died. 4. JOHN FRANCIS GILMORE, Nov. 28, 1859. Married Laura Abbie Clark. 5. JESSIE MULLINS GILMORE, July 23, 1861. Married Mary C. Clark. Laura Abbie and Mary C. Clark are sisters, and granddaughters of Benjamin Finch. James S. Gilmore was a farmer. He lived in Morgan and Johnson Counties, Mo., and Neosha County, Kan., and in Dec., 1864, went to Kansas, locating the next year on a farm near Chanute, where he lived the rest of his life, and where his son D. W. Gilmore now lives. The son has ali·ays lived in the same town, has been school district clerk and town clerk twice, and has seen the region change from a trackless prairie to a finely tilled farm country. 274 APPENDIX-REV. FRAXCIS A. READ FAMILY.

This record was overlooked ,vhen the main part of the book was printed.

No. 246

Francis Adelbert Read, son of Rev. Francis A. Read (61), born 27th, 1852, in Illinois. Married, ...ipr. 23d, 1879. Elizabeth Fay Prentice, Freeport, Ill., born Sept. 16th, 1854: died Dec. 21st, 1901. They had :

1. HELEN (1560), Mar. 10, 1880, Freeport, Ill. Helen Read married, July 15th, 1909, Joseph H. Johnson. They had:

1. JOSEPH READ JOHNSO-Y (1561), Jan. 5, 1911. Francis A. Read is an extensive and prosperous merchant. in Freeport, Ill. His business card reads: "F. A. Read, Dry Goods, Millinery and Carpets at wholesale and retail.'' His place is 112, 114, 116. Stephenson Street and 123, 125, 127 Exchange Street.

No. 252

Frances Josephine Read, daughter of Rev. Francis .A. Read (61), born Nov. 1st, 1867. :Married, Jan. 17th, 1900, Frederic Robinson B~rtlett, born Jan. 7th, 1856, died Aug. 12th, 1904, son of Frederick Bartlett and Isabella Hunter Robinson. l\'.Ir. Bartlett was a graduate of Yale.• He was a broker and an Episcopalian.

No. 253

Esther Read, daughter of Rev. Francis A. Read (61), born Oct. 15th, 1872. Married, July 17th, 1890, George G. Carter. born l\1ar. 25th. 1855, son of George Carter and Nancy Gwinn. They had:

1. GWEXDOLEN CARTER (1562), Nov. 22, 1892. 2. FRANCIS READ CARTER (1563), Dec. 3, 1896. 3. GEORGE GWINX CARTER (1564), Jan 12, -- Mr. Carter is a Banker. 275-A APPENDJX

No. 949a

Walter Clark Mason, son of Marcus Clark Mason (862). born June 25th, 1875, at Tura, in Assam. India. :Married, Mar. 12th, 1903, in Calcutta, India, Florence Nightingale Smith. born Nov. 8th, 1862, daughter of Dr. Stephen Smith and Lucy Elizabeth Culver. They had no children. In 1887, l\Ir. \V. C. Mason. then a boy _of 12, came to this country, lived in the Home at Newton Center, :Mass .• till June. 1892. He then went to Cook Academy, HaYana, N. Y., and graduated in 1895; from Colgate Univ., 1899; Rochester Theo. Sem., 1902. He was ordained that summer as a missionary of the Am. Bap. Miss. Soc., and sailed in Sept. to his father's field, to work among the Garo Tribe, which his father began in 1874. He has lately been in this country, but expects to return to his work. whf>n his wife's health will permit.


No. 138 James Reed (138), married Georgiana Klock, daughter of G.eorge Henry Klock and Hannah Sholes; born Jeff. Co., N. Y., died :Mar. 2nd, 1896, Duncombe, Iowa. They had:

1. ANNETTE HANNAH, June 30, 1879. 2. GEORGE CADY. Mar. 6, 1881. 3. ADDIE HELEN, Mar. 9, 1883. 4. ADA HARRIET. Nov. 30, 1884. 5. JAMES, Sept. 5, 1886. Died. 6. FRANKLIN, Apr. 8, 1889.

No. 486 Ada Harriet Reed (486L daughter of James Reed (138), born :Mar. 30th, 1884, Duncombe, Iowa. l\,'larried, Nov. 30th, 1904, Earl Booth Cranson, born 1\lay 8th, 1875, Canastota, N. Y., son of Asa Cranson and :Martha Elizabeth Failing. They, had:

1. BEULAH MARTHA CRANSON, Aug. 31, 1906. 2. LUCIEN EARL CRANSON, Dec. 31, 1909. 3. MYRON FREDERICK CRANSON, Apr. 10, 1912.

No. 533 Nancy Mabel Schermerhorn, daughter of Cornelius (180), born Dec. 18th, 1884. :Married, June 30-th, 1910, Harvey H. Kenyon, born Oct. 4th, 1879, son-of Elisha Kenyon and Phoebe Fancher. l\lr. Kenyon graduated at Oneonta Normal, was principal at Carthage, N. Y., two years, and elsewhere. He is now in Scientific Course at Columbia Gniversity, N. Y. City, and ex­ pects to receive degree of B. S.

No. 1097

Frank Howard Brayton, son of Omar Romaine Brayton (523), born Aug. 17th, 1874. l\farried ---. They had:

1. CHILD BRAYTON (1565).

F. H. Brayton lives at Osceola1 N. Y. 276 .APPE").-DJX -R"[.;SSELL ON THE GRASSE.


BY ED\VARD REYNOLDS. [From ~ew York at Gettysburg~ Vol. I, page 453.] ""\Ve give this poem, vYhich our readers will discover is a parody on "Bingen on the Rhine/' not only because it refers to the 60th N. Y. Reg., in which two of our kindred served, but because we believe that all old soldiers will enjoy it and perhaps appropriate its language as descriptive of scenes in their own regiments or battles or army life: Reynolds was orderly for Gen. Slocum at Gettysburg and found a friend of his boyhood, of the 60th N. Y. Reg., mortally wounded, and took his dying messages. The 60th was a St. Lawrence County regiment from the extreme northerly part of N. Y. State. Many of the 60th .boys were from the town of Russell on Grasse River (so named by the French exJ?lorers for its grassy marshes). Edgar Reed and William Bullock were from this town and still live in Russell.

A soldier of the Sixtieth lay dying on Culps Hill, There was lack of tender nursing, there was dearth of surgeon's skill, For the battle hot was raging, and each moment added one To the thousands that lay dying in the hot summer sun. A comrade fighting near him bent to hear what he might say, To receive his latest message to the dear ones far away. The dying soldier faltered, "Ned, I'll never more, alas, See my home and friends in Russell - Russell on the Grasse.

"If you're among the lucky ones, who, when the war is o'er, Returning home in triumph, hear the 'High Fall's' greeting roar, And see the sister's sunny smile, and mother's gleam of joy, When the one beholds her brother and the other clasps her boy, If, with trembling voice, a maiden asks about her brother 'Will,' You can tell her that you saw him fall on Culps foe-girded hill. And tell her, too, - 'twill sooth her grief - how traitors fled en mass, When they met with men from Russell and the towns along the Grasse.

"Tell my brothers, when they ·gather round, the story of to-day, How gallant Greene's New York Brigade held Ewell's hosts at bay, A.PPEXDIX-RFSSELL ON THE GRASSE. 277

And tell them that 'twas at the point ·where foeman turned and fled, That their Brother 'Bill' was found, among a score of Rebel dead. Tell my sister not to \Veep for me, nor grieve, that o·er my tomb No roses planted by her hand, nor violets may bloom. And tell her, if she's true and good, at death her soul shall pass . To a happier home than Russell - happy Russell on the Grasse.

"There's another - not a sister - you will know her when she speaks, By the music in her voice and the roses on her cheeks. But no, her voice will lose its ring, the roses take to :flight, When she reads my name, to-morrow, in the death roll of the fight. Last night, in dreams, I stood within a church, and by my side, Her hand confidingly in mine, she stood my queenly bride. A happy dream! but oh. 'twill never, never come to pass, We shall meet no more in Russell, peac~ful Russell on the Grasse.

•·1n coming years, when you relate the story of the war- Of the days when millions marched to beat of drum and cannon jar - You can truly say the sons of old St. Lawrence were as bold As the boldest of their comrades - brave as bravest knights of old, And of all the gallant regiments that faced the fire of death, None faced it with a firmer front than did the Sixtieth; And mid the bravest of the brave, were none who could surpass, In courage, men from Russell, loyal Russell on the Grasse."

He paused - the comrade lower bent to hear his latest word, The swelling roar <;>_f battle was the only sound he heard. The wounded heart had ceased to beat, the spark of life had fled, Another happy home was filled with sorrow for the dead. One more recruit was mustered in, to swell the lengthening train, Of troops en route from Gettysburg to Heaven's peaceful plain. And none who knew him doubts that good St. Peter let him pass, And showed him where the boys were camped from "Russell on the Grasse." CORRECTIONS

(The Reader will please mark them with pen or pencil in their appro­ priate places.)

P. 21, -line 16-Abner is uncle. instead of older brother. P. 62-Lovisa Payne, not Louisa. P. 63-Prindle, n-0t Prendle. P. 64-Jacob Janse Schermerhorn, not Jacob James. It was not he but one of his descendants who sold arms to the Indians. There were about 40 Schermerhorns in the Albany and Rensselaer County Regiments in the Revolutionary War. Jacob H., father of Cor­ nelius, was in the 4th Albany Reg. State Militia. P. 65--c-Ornelius Schermerhorn was born Aug. 4th, 1799. P. 65-CaroJine Schermerhorn died Apr. 15th, 1912, not Apr. 12th. P. 71-Jairus Dodd married Sally Davis. Jemima Williams was his mother. P. 75-Nickoffs should be Niho:ffs. Mrs. Lon.son Read is in her 90th year, not 93 years .old. P. 76-Truman Beebe should be Addison Beebe, his father. P. 78-For families of No. 246, No. 252, No. 253, see Appendix. P. 81-Emma Jane Finch, born Dec. 27th, 1849, not Dec. 28th, 1850. P. 93-"Redeat Serus in Celo" should read "Serus in Celum redeat." P. 114-We were misinformed in saying that George Seifred is dead. P. 115-Nathan Rix is buried at Poland. His son "Frank" should be a daughter Frances. P. 117-Cornelius Schermerhorn and family are members of Reg. Bap. Ch., North Gage. Florence H. gradu,ated from Utica Conservatory of Music, 1910. Teaches piano at Poland and bas a large patronage. Helen Esther is a graduate, A. B., of Albany Normal College, 1912, and is a teacher. For Nancy Mabel's (No. 533) record see appen­ dix, p. 275. P. 119-The death date given as that of Mrs. Kent is her mother's. She is with us still. P. 121-No. 193, Archibald Blue's first wife was McIntyre, not McIntosh. P. 121-No. 192. The sense of Schimmilpfenig is not shining penny, but penny form, or mold. P. ·125-James M. Cruickshank was m·em.ber but not elder of the church. P. 130-Rev. E. N. Kirk, D. D., not Dr. Griffin. P. 192-Annette Reed, not Nettie. For No. 486 see App., p. 275. P. 198-Frank Howard Brayton married. They had one child. He lives at Osceola, N: Y. P. 244-Etta Jane, insert Conrad. P. 252-In No. 958, it should be .Julia Clark Sprague, instead of Mason. P. 256-In No. 1098, it -should be Omar Arthur, not Owen Arthur. P. 258-In No. 1221, it should be Ida Mabel Reed, and not Edith Adelia Read, her sister.

.,.. If anv reader of this book discovers any other errors or can fill out the blanks or give fuller state1nents of any of the family his­ tories, they will confer a great favor by writing the Author, a.t Clinton, . N. Y .. who will carefully preserve the notes. INDEX I

Given names of persons named R.ead, Reed, Reid, l:Jc. The numbers refer to the pa11es A. c. E. Aaron, 47. Carl Adelbert, 111. Eaton D., 69. Abner, 9, 16, 17, 19, 22, Carlos Duane, 58-105. Earl M.~ 112. 23, 24, 32, 35-40. Carrie A., 81-150. Ecco Delta, 153. Abner, 21, 27, 31. Carrie Hinckley, 112-195. Edgar, 70-128. Abner, 43-61. Candes Adeline, 51-89. Edgar W., 211. Ada, 105, 108, 193. Caroline H., 63-113. Edith Adelia, 222. Ada Harriet, ·275_ Catherine, 55-98, 58-104. Edith Julia, 147-229. Ada Mabel, 109. Catherine B., 110. Sir Edward James, 10. Addie, 108-192-275. Catherine McKay, 48-77. Rev. Edward, 130. Adena Belle, 123-205. Catherine Elizabeth, 224. Elgene Wolcott, 9-74-137. Adelbert Albertson, 80- Sil; Charles, 10. · Elijah Martin, 87-163. 146. Charles, 10, 10, 56. Elitha, 14-18-49. Adrian Jasper, 229. Charles Albert, 146. Eliza, 36-52. Agnes Catherine, 223. Charles Brayton, 59-109. ! Eliza A., 47. Albert Elijah, 83-152. Charles Francis, 224. Eliza Diana, 56-99. Albert Maxwell, 87-163. Charle:s H., 62-110, 123". Eliza Jane, 51-88. Aleitza Ruth, 236. Charles Harvey, 9-55-98. Eliza Katherine, 223. Alfred, 127. Charles Herbert, 138-219. Elizabeth, 27. Alice Mary, 222. Charles May, 141. Ella Bertha, 137-218. A li~P., 22~t Charles Warren. 51-87- Ellen Adele. 78. Allie Amelia, 146. 163. , - - - Elloise, 107.' Aliie May, 78. Charlotte,58-104-263,105. Elmer Eugene, 147-228. Alma Ann, 80. Clara Augusta, 147-226. Elsie, 46-67. Alta Mabel, 137. Clare. May, 222. Elsie May, 107. Alvo, 236. Clarence Adrian, 147-229. Emma, 105. Amanda Melissa, 85-154. Clark, 164. Emma Jane, 74. Rev. Andrew, 10. Clarion Adelbert, 228. Emeline, 40-43-57-60. Angeline, 54-96. Clifford Lynn, 153. Esther, 25, 79-27 4. Ann, 26. Clifford William, 228. Esther L., 49. Anna, 14, 19, 26. Clinton Elgene, 137. Ervin, 9-138. Anna Eliza, 48-76. "Col" Read, 7-15-16. Ervin Clifton, 138. Anne Emily, 109. Cora, 127-210. Ernest Eugene, 228. Annette Hannah, 275. Cordelia Elitha, 49-83. Ethel Helene, 183. Anson, 54-97. Cora Grace, 211. Ethland, 163. Arlie Albertus, 228. Cora Lillie, 220. Etta, 163. Athalania, 40-60-264. Curtis, 20. Eugene M., 80. Cynthia, 76-142. Evaline, 36-55. Cyrus Sandford, 49. Eva Rosina, 147-229. B. Eventus Fletcher, 85-155. Benjamin (Jr.) ,8, 28, 32. D. Benjamin (our), 36-39- F. 51. David Allen, 130. F. A., 9-48. Benjamin, 26, 27, 31. Delia Elizabeth, 80-145. Fanny, 47, 105-190. Deliverance, 26. Benjamin Giles, 51. Fanny Helen, 75-139. Bertie, 82. Dora Alvina, 151. Flora Estelle, 97. Dora M., 83. Betsey, 40-56. Florence, 123-205. Betsy Ann, 51-84. Dora Maria, 137-218. Dorothy, 211. Florence Charlotte, 220. Brayton, 105. Florence Dorothy, 213. 1 1Florence Matilda, 138. · Floyd Denison, 124-206. ii

Forest H., 211. Herbert Leo, 223. . K. Foster Devillo, 130-213. I Herbert McKinley, 222. I Katherine, 105. Frank, 105, 108-193. I Herbert Roselle, 74-137. I Katheryn, 105. France~ 0., J23-206. . ,· Hiram, 46-68. ' Katherine E., 222. Franklm, 2, 5. 1Homer E., 123. Katherine H., 211. Francis Adelbert, 78-274. I Howard P., 149-233. Frances Eliza, 49-83. Howard Clark, 112-195. L. Frances Josephine, 79- Howard Payne, 9-62-112. I Laura Ann, 51-87. 274. Howard Phelps, 112. Laura Maria, 85-156. Francis, 63-223. Hubbard, 61-110. Lawrence, 195. Rev. ~rands A., 9, 48-78. I. LeR?Y, 155. ,, Francis E., 141-223. Ichabod 26 28 Lewis (our), 13, 14, fo, Francis Eugene, 70-130. Ida, 163• ' · · 22, 35-48. Francis James, 222. Ilo Gayl~ 1- 3 Lewis (Jr.), 48-79. FrancisTheodore,62-111. Ina May' 2!1 · Lewis Edwin, 18-49-82. Francis Xavier, 224. Irvin 127 · Lewis Erastus, 106. Fred Sheldon, 82-151. Isaac: 28_ · Lew!s Eugene, 78. Isaac Hetherington, 48- L~wlS Floyd, 206. G. Lida, 59. Garrett, 51. 76 I · J (S ) ,.,. 614-w Logan, 164. George Compton, 6. saac · r. ' ' - .r. Lois Ann, 49-81. George, 7-16. Isaac J. (Jr.), 141-224. Lois Irene, 152. Isabel, 159-191. Lo p t h 4- 74 Sir George, 11. Isadora, 59-109 n~on a c en, ,- . George Agnew, 11. · Louisa, 46-74. George Houston, 11. I~rael (our), 9, 17, 18, Lovisa., 123. George, 59, 105, 108-192. 22• 35-36· Lovina 59-107 George Arba, 88. Israel, 20, ;1, 27, 31- Lucen; Barbo~r, 56-100. George Albert, 222-257. Israel, 57-80· Lucretia Jane, 85. George Cady, 275. Iva L., 211. L Esth 97 George.Herbert, 97-183. Ivo Earnest, 155-236. L~~r Elm~r85-156. George Nathaniel, 83-152. 3. Lura Elsie, 236. Gertie, 105. Gen. James, 8-28. Luther James, 146. Gertrude Anna, 224. James, 26, 40, 58, 43-62- Lydia Ella, 88-166. Gilbert, 164. 275. Gorden Warren, 229. James (Jr.), 59-108-275. M. Gladys Irene, 223. A. Richard, 51. Malintha, 46-73. Gorton Nelson, 70-138. James Augustus, 141-223. Maranda, 49-82. Grace, 107, 163. Augustus, 224. Mabel, 164. Guy Fred, 124. James Smith, 11. Mabel Ida, 222. Jane Amelia, 54-107. Mamie, 105. H. Jane Elizabeth, 61-110. Margaret, 25, 36. Hannah, 25, 26. John Lu-dovicus, 12-24- Margaret Ellen, 87-162. Harriet, 76-142. 25. Marie Josephine, 224. Harriet Elizabeth, 70- Jennie May, 236. Maria Wiser, 46-70. 129. Jeremiah, 8, 27. Martin Stryker, 51-87. Harriet J., 47. Jesse, 163. Martha, 26, 69, 123-206. Harriet Janet, 141-222. John, 7; 9, 16, 17, 21, 22, Martha A., 81-149. Harriet Marie, 97. 23, 26, 28, 35, 40, 42, Martha B., 47. Harriet Mildred, 151. 57, 105, 184. Martha Maria, 7 4-136. Harry James, 112. John Blue, 204. Martha Gertrude, 223. Harry Samuel, 138. John M., 21-43-63. Marvel Gladys, 222. Hattie :M., 78. John Meredith, 9, 10. Mary, 26, 123-204. Helen, 27 4. Jonathan, 26. Mary, 127-210. Helen Adelaide, 59-108. Joseph, 6, 7, 35, 224. Mary A., 49. Helen Eugenia, 62-110. Joseph Addison, 55-97. Mary Addie, 137-218. Helen Lavina, 152. Joseph Clark, 219. Mary Ann, 61. Helen N., 78. Joseph Edward, 141-223. Mary Catherine, 224-258. Henry, 10. Julia Ann, 54-97. Mary Delight, 80-145. · Herbert Clifton, 220. Julia Elitha, 82-151. · Mary E., 47-75, 59-107. Herbert Elgene, 138-222. · Juliet Margaret, 56-101. Mary Eleanor, 107. ill

Mary Esther, 49-62-111. R. v. Mary Evelyn, 224. Ralph, 164. Verna M., 204. Mary Jane, 97-184. Rayburn Robert, 224. Vernie, 164. Mary Josephine, 85-156. Record (Uncle), 13, 14. Veronica Roosevelt, 224. Mary Narcissa, 78. Reckord, 36-55. Virginia A., 211. Mary Rocelia, 75-139. Richard, 88, 164. Mary S., 63. Riley, 127. Maude Jane, 88. Sir Robert, 6. "'\V. Maude S., 112-195. Sir Robert Threshire, 11. Walter, 11. Maynard Lloyd, 153. : Robert Gillespie, 11. Walter, 46-69. Mercy, 26. Robert, 11, 141. Walter Ervin, 220. Melissa Finette, 80-145. Robert Archibald, 223. Walter H., 110. Monnista Dorothy, 224. Rc.•se Mary, 88. Warren, 15-36-54. Myrtle, 130-213, 164. Rose Melvin, 88,164. Warren, 55-112. Myra Mabel, 82. Rosetta Minerva, 80,149. Wayne Abner, 109. Roxcena, 48-78. Webster, 97-184. N. Ruth, 25. Welby E., 127-211. Ruth Georgine, 123. We~ley Sylvester (Sr.), Nancy, 58-104. Ruth Hazel, 151. 76-140. Nancy Lucinda, 51-85. Ruth Marcella, 224. Wesley Sylvester (Jr.), Nancy Maria, 4 7. 141-222. Nathan, 10. s. Whitelaw, Hon., 9, 11. Nathaniel (our), 8, 13, Sally, 43, 58. William (Weymouth), 7, 14, 18, 21, 23, 35-49. Sally Ann, 58. 13, 14, 25, 26, 27. Nathaniel, 46-70. Samuel, 26, 28. William (Woburn), 8. Nathaniel Record, 49-83. Samuel Chasler, 11. William ( 423), 13, 14, 21, Nettie, 108-192, 184. Sarah, 27. 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32. Nettie Coy, 138-220. Sarah Angeline, 85-155. William (our), 9, 13, 14, Nola AlbP.rt~ .• 15~ Q,..,.,.h "Jil.....,n1>oct ~1-1 J:;O -.::Ja.,,L Q.LL .L' .L Q.&.&~..._.11.1, VJ.. .LVv. 22, 23, 24, 35, 45. Noyes Lambert, 49-80. Sarah M., 58-66. William, 43, 47. Sarah Maranda, 55. Rev. William, 130. o. Sarah Rebecca, 82-152. Rev. William Barnard, Sardis Alviro, 81-149. 138-219. Olive Roxana, 87. Seth, 12. William Bradford, 11. Opie Percival, 10. Sena, 40-60-268. William Cruickshank, 69- Orpah Iriss, 150. Simeon G., 12. 123. Orra, 163. Spencer De Witt, 49-81. William D., 123. Rev. Orville, 130. Stanton Eaton, 69-124. William Edward, 224. Orvil!e Orsine, 80-146. Susan, 69. William Elmer, 137. Owen Perry,_ 63-112. Susanna, 26. William Edgar, 128-211. William Ervin, 7 4-138. P. T. William Henry, 59. Pamelia Ann, 49. Thankful, 26. William Henry Harri- Peter, 26. Thelma Theresa, 224. son, 51-88, 164. Sir Peter, 6. Thomas, 11, 15, 25, 26, 28. William Patrick, 141-223. Phebe Elizabeth, 141-221. Thomas Bracket, 9, 10. William Record, 47-74. Philander, 58-106. Thomas Buchanan., 9. William W., 10. Philip Gordon, 107. Thomas Mayne, 11. William Whitehouse, 49- Phillis Elizabeth, 229. Sir Thomas Wemysis, 11. 78. Polly (our), 15, 22, 23, Wokott (our), 22, 23, 24, 24, 35, 43, 40-59. u. 35-47. Priscilla, 27. Ula Fay, 164. IWolcott, 61. INDEX II

Given narne.s of' per.sons other than Read The number• refer to the paaes A. A.ufranc. Barnard. Eugene Adolph, 251. Matilda, 139. .A.ekley. Auguste, 251. Barnes. Seneca Welbert, 75-139. Sophia Louise, 251. Mary Ann, 71. Ithamar, 139. Eulena Viola, 251. Albert McClellan, 252. Grace Read, 139. Yvonne Leora, 251. Barron. Dora Grace, 139. Atwell. Dea. Joshua, 39. A.dams. Orville· Henry, 208. Amos, 39. Jonathan, 21. Benjamin Franklin, 208. Batcheler. Alden. Armstrong.. Nancy, 172. John, 131. Ella, 269. Bartlett. Priscilla, 131. .Austin. Leon C., 83 . Aldridge. Susan, 251. Ira. 83. Ada, 242. John, 83. Allen. · B. Josiah, 83. Gen. Ethan, 15, 16, 207. Bacon. Eugene Reed, 84, 153. Reuben, 20. Lucetta Mehitable, 154. Emma E.,84. Gilbert, 73, 134. Babcock. Lewis Albert, 84. Harvey J., 107. Julia, 62. William L., 84. John, 10!7, 134. Bagley. Frances Eliza, 153. George Augustus, 121. Etta, 243. Ella Maria, 153, 233. Dr. E., 125. William, 243. Frederick, 27 4. David, 130, 135. Bailey. Frederlck Robinson, 274. Ella Whiting, 130. Joseph, 190. Barton. Rev. Edward, 130. "Col.", 30. Evaline Hannah, 225. Hon. Cornelius Lansing, Baker. Beadle. 130. Edgar, 215. Wallace, 109. Hester, 130. Ballard. Garrett, 109. Sarah, 130. Edwin D., 150. Elenor, 109, 193. Ellinor, 130. Cloa Adella, 150. Herbert, 109. Cora, 134. Eddy Lewis, 150. Quincy A., 109, 193. Mary, 134. Jesse Laraway, 150. Florence, 193. Mary, 134. Walter Samuel, 150. Wallace, 193. Jennie, 134. Scott E., 261. Beardsley. Melvin Jackson, 136. Eunice Evelyn, 261. Ellen, 98. Mary, 212. Barackman. Becker. Etta Adeline, 234. William S., 246. Jacob George, 113. Elsa Lee, 234. Kennard Grant, 246. Daniel, 113. Leola Frances, 234, 259. ·Barbour. Margaret, 113. Anderson. :Asenath, 56. Caroline, 113,197. James, 248. Joseph, 56. Catherine, 113. Anne. Lydia, 185. John, 113. Queen of England, 18. Betsey, 185. Malcolm Chester, 113, .A.pperso n. Barbar. 197 . Jane, 234. Rosetta, 116. Flora May, 113, 197. Archer. Barker. Margaret Irene, 113,197. Almira, 189. Jennie, 200. Harold Austin, 197. Arthur. Peter, 200. Beckwith. Clara May, 173. Melissa, 200. Elijah, 83. J. R., 173. Gertrude, 237. Mary Lavina, 83. V

Beebe. Berger. Oakley R., 180. Addison, 7 5. Mary, 232. James F., 180. Silas, 75. Bellinger. Boyle. Frances Harriet, 7 5. Emma Frances, 173. Jane, 103. Antha Lucella, 75, 139. Leonard, 173. Charles John, 103. Mary Ella. 76", 140. Bidwell. Bradford. Truman Silas, 76, 140. Nina Beatrice, 229. Gov. William, 25. Beecher. David, 229. Elizabeth, 131. Rev. Lyman, D. D., 49. Billington. Bradley. Rev. Henry Ward, D. D., Eleanor, 27. William, 213. 49. Bleasdel. Harold, 213. :Mrs. Harriet Beecher Hannah, 267. Beatrice, 213. (Stowe), 49. Bleecker. Bradshaw~ Bedell. John R., Edward Homer, 234. Edith M., 181. Barent, John Gillison,* 234. Begent. Blood. Harold Homer, 234. Fanny, 135. Elvira, 218. Richard Theodore, 234. Bellinger. Blue. Brayton. Mary, 24, 35. Alexander, 67, 122, 204. Almon Adoram, 115. Bell. Malcolm Alexander, 67. Jesse, 115. Elizabeth Ann, 159. Archibald, 68, 121. Omar Romaine, 115, 198. Belknapp. Arabella, 68. Merrill Jesse, 115, 198. George, 229. Maria A., 68, 122. Ida Rosalia, 115, 198. Ferris Jasper, 229. Arthur Grant, 68,-122. Arthur Alison, 115, 200. Hazen Edward, 229. Daniel McIntyre, 122, Charles Nathan, 139. Homer Kenneth, 229. 204. Isaac, 139. He~per John, 229. Ernest Wells, 122. Jesse Read, 139. Frank Arthur, 122. Mary Maud, 139. Benedict. Arabella, 122. William. 182. Robert Isaac, 139. Carl :Mackay, 204. Cari, 139. Bennet. Helen Mary, 204. Nelson Burwell, 139. .James Jeremiah, 84. Elizabeth l\'.Iclnty·re, 204. 1 Belle, 198, 255. Benjamin Franklin, 85, Ralph E., 204. Jesse Merrill, 198, 256. 153. Bly. Frank Howard, 198. James Richmond, 85, Orville Curtis, 173. Thomas Johnson, 198, 154. Edward, 173. 256. Matilda Frances, 153. Ethel Maud, 173. Glenn, 198. James Otho, 154, 234. Ralph Cecil, 173. Harvey Crego, 198, 256. Olive Theodocia, 154, Boice._ Lee Omar, 198. 234. Helena, 90. Lizzie, 198. Sarah Lucetta, 154, 234. Boggs. Edith Hetherington, 198 Milton Ellsworth, 156. Julia, 162. Harold Merton, 198. William, 156. Bourne. Gladys Hoxie, 256. Herbert Reed, 156. Hester Ann, 219. Owen Arthur, 256. Ruby Margaretta, 156. Bowen. Leah Irene, 156. Brenerrnan. Thomas, 116. Jessie, 245. Grace Eliza, 156. Bower. .Joel, 177. John William, 194. Brewer. Elsie M., 177. Jeremiah, 194. Albert, 205. Gertrude, 177. Bowser. N. M., 205. Carrie Iota, 234, 259. Margaret, 228. Lawrence Jerome, 205. Jesse Otho, 234. Ezra, 228. Brigham.. l\fildred Allen, 234. Otto Jacob, 228. Capt., 31. Benson. Ladah Modelle, 228. Briggs. Capt., 15. Bo'lld. Lucy, 171. Benway. Merrills L., 180. Briner. Moses, 108. Ray 0., 180. Mollie, 163 . .James Knox, 108. Annie R., 180. Samuel, 163. Mabel Reed, 108. Virgie M., 180. Brockway. Beulah Louise, 108. Weltha M., 180. Frank, 190. vi

' Brodbeck. Olive A., 269. Sarah Ann, 167. Charles, 151. Pamelia, 49. Bu_tler. Charles Alfred, 151. Ralph, 273. Mary, 255. Nellie Elzina, 151. Rebecca, 207. Buttrick. George Eugene, 151. Robert, 271. Wallace Otis, 171. Brooks. Rosetta, 97. Willard, 171. Samuel P., 206. , Roy, 273. Bertha Louise, 171. Broome. · Rufus Stewart, 271, 273. Bush. Dorothea, 261. Sarah Elsie, 272. Cynthia, 123. Brown. • Sarah Maria, 271, 273. Byington. Alexander, 271. i Silas Grant, 273. John, 20. Almira, 78, 144. Susan, 271. Burlingham. Berniee, 270. Thomas, 271. Elisha, 39. Bertha, 273. Thomas George, 244. Bessie, 187. Walter E., 187. C. Carl Conrad, 244. Warren, 78, 144. Oadugan. Charles, 269, 272. William, 271. Elsie Beattie, 137. Clarence Edward, 269. William Albert, 2'il. Gain. Daniel, 271. Brunner. Pearl, 241. Earl, 273. Barbara, 153. Calkins. Earl Reed, 150. Frederick, 184. Helen Louise, 178. Earnest Leslie, 269. Harriet Elizabeth, 184. Dewayne, 242. Editha Irene, 269. Brundage. Jesse, 244. Elijah, 149, 269, 271. Williain, 255. H. M., 244. Etzel, 273. Allen Elmer. 255. Campbell. Fred, 269, 270. Bryan. Hester Ann, 155. Frank, 274. , Charles Harrison, 183. Eliza, 160. George, 269. j Adam (M. D.), 183. Canfield. Gladys Lucy, 244. Joseph Mason, 183. Bridget, 153. Hazel Vernetta, 224. Clara Angeline, 183. Emily, i75. Henry G., 78. Buck. Canaday. Henry J., 187. Timothy D., 142. George, 192. Henry John, 144. Jessie Euretta, 142, 225. Bessie A., 192. Henry N., 150. Catherine Effie, 143. Cardwell. Henry Oliver, 227; Epaphroditus, 212. Ida, 226. Isam, 271. Bullock. Carleton. Isaiah, 271. William, 129. A. S., 133. Maj. Gen. Jacob, 49. Richard, 129. Jessie Benton Fremont, James, 271. Dora Adell, 129, 211. 133. James Arthur, 269. Johnson E., 129, 211. Garr. John, 213. Arthur, 129, 213. Smith, 161. John B., 135. William, 189. Robert, 161. John Henry, 271. Wesley, 212. Robert D .. 162, 245. Jonathan W., 207. Herschel, 212. Henry E., 162. Jonas, 97. Edna, 214. Carpenter. Joseph Elijah, 271, 272. Marion, 214. Elizabeth, 78. Julia Augusta, 135. Blythe, 214. Phena, 201. Kenneth, 270. Bursch. .Garnes. Lena, 273. Mary Elizabeth, 246. Margaret Monroe, 254. Lenna Leota, 187. Burright. Carroll. Lewis Oliver, 88, 144. William, 257. Ardella, 144. Lilllan Etta, 269, 270. Roland, 257. Carruthers. Lloyd Henry, 244. Burroughs. Margaret Eliza, 216: Luella N., 269. Thomas, 136. Duncan, 216. Maria Elizabeth, 207. Joseph, 136. Carter. Martha Jane, 149, 271, Howard Joseph, 136, 217. George Franklin, 27 4. May, 273. Emma Jane, 136, 217. George, 274. Merte, 273. Cora May, 136, 217. Gwendolin, 27 4. Minnie Julia, 267, 270. Buss. Francis Read, 274. Norma, 270. Rev. Henry, 167. George Gwinn, 27 4. vii

Case. Sardis Sylvester, 148, Colvin. )lartha, 62. 233. Martha, 187. Casler. Mary Eleanor, 169. Comstock. Margaret, 61. Daniel S., 169. Kathan, 20. Castleman. Rev. Joseph, 217. Cyrus B., 45. Ernest, 246. Grace, 232. William, 45. Estel Donovan. 246. Ava, 232. Daniel, 45. Leonard, 246. Lena, 232. Ebenezer, 45, 46. Cassidy. May, 232. Ezbon, 45, 46. Ellen, 200. Mabel, 232. Daniel Marvin, 46. Cavanaugh. Raymond, 233. Jude, 46. Ann, 103. George, 233. Martha, 46. Cave. Freddie, 233. Polly, '46, 45. William B., 200. Annie, 233. Jason, 46. William, 200. Fannie, 233. Rachel, 46. :Merrill B., 200. ·Ruby, 233. Deborah, 46. Challis. Pearl, 233. Gaston, 46. Enos, 39. J. J., 237. Ann, 46. Champlin. Doxie A., 241. Connell. William E., 104. INancy, 93. William M., 110. Frank D., 105, 263. Julia Ann, 91. Conrad. Nettie M., 105, 263. Lyman, 93. David George, °161. William N., 105, 264. Sally Maria, 91. Mary Almeda, 161. Edward R., 105, 264. Clemens. Laura Bell, 161, 243. Charlebois. Sarah, 200. Christina, 161. Edward, 192. Clara, 270. David Barton, 161. Edna, 192. Oline. Lucy Jane, 161, 243. Chase. Epenetus, 105. Ida, 161, 243. D.; 53. Mary W., 105. Rosadel, -161. Churchill. Milton S., 106. Etta Jane, 161. Isaac; 20. Henry, 106. Ola Catherine, 161. Clagget. Harry·w., 106, 191. Lois, 243. 'William Wiggin, 208. Libbie M., 106, 191. Mae, 243. .John, 208. John R.,-106 . Adelbert, 243. Arthur Benjamin:· 208, Herbert W., 106. Pred, 243. 256. · Henry H., 191. Conquest. William .John, 208. Cobleigh. Martha, 229. Ellen, 256. Hiram, 98. Josiah, 229. Florence, 256. Charles, 98. Conkling. Claflin. Coffin.­ Hon. Roscoe, 179. Fannie E., 248. Edward, 20. Cope. Clark. Maj. Charles W., 257. Elizabeth, 160. Barbara, 112. Robert Ashley, 257. Copley. David, 112. Cole. Allen E., 190. Harriet E., 135. Edwin, 150. Hiram, 190. .Jonathan, 135, 136. Maude Estella, 151. Grace Franees, 191. .John DeLester, 136. Nellie May, 151. Alexander, 191. l\Iary, 136. Irving, 151. Allen Cline, 191. :Vlary Malintha, 136. Mary, 207. Conant. Leonard E .. 136. Bertha, 247. Betsey, 56. Benjamin Sebra, 148. Ezra, 240. Luthera, 100. :.\Iary Christiana, 148, Coleman. Combes. 231. \Villiam Henry, 168. Clayton G.-, 253. Laura Abigail. 148. Edith M., 168, 249. Jane Ann, 140. Flora May, 148, 232. Colton. Cook. Benjamin Alva, 148, 232. "Col", 30. Julia, 147. Oscar Lee, 148, 232. Oolberges. Cooper. Charles Eugene, 148,233. Catherine, 141. Elanor, 91, 93. George Edgar, 148. Oolbir. Capt. Joseph, 39. George Pearl, 148. •'Col" Jonathan, 39. Emma, 211. viii

Mary E., 237. C7'issey. Robert, 73. Coon. Sidney Rood, 225. Thomas, 73. Adelaide Jane, 154. Capt. Myron S., 225, 258. Eliza,.73, 134. Rev. Stephen VanRen­ Winifred Ray, 225, 259. Mary, 73. sellaer, 154. Lieut. Dana Harold, 225, Margaret, 73. Corbin. . 259. Robert M., 73 . Dorcas, 125. Catherine, 258. George C., 73. Cory. Crocker. J. Robert, 73. Farnham S., 104. William W., 157. Milton, 73. Robert, 104. Henry, 158. Marguretta, 125.

John R., 104. 1 George F., 158, 239. Nancy, 125.. William D., 104, 190. · Orville, 158. li..,red James, 135, 214. Helen M., 104. Blanche, 158, 240. Edgar Charles, 135, 215. Charlotte E., 104. Lucy, 158. - Millard Seymour, 135, Augusta A., 104. Harry, 158. 215. Katherine R., 104. Edward, 158, 240. Avis Edith, 135, 216. Jennie L., 104, 190. Oliver, 158. Albertus Clark, 135, 216. Emma J., 104. Joy Wesley, 158. Walter Gilbert, 135, 216. Frank L., 190. Alice, 239. Leroy P., 214. Ross S., 190. William Judd, 239. John Byron, 214. Cotton. Crosby. Freda Florine, 215. Bessie, 233. Emeline, 111. Clara Belle, 215. Coughlin. Crttmb. Lincoln Evans, 215. Ellen, 256. Peter (M. D.), 85. James Walker, 215. Countryman. Cruzan. Charles Elmer, 216. Olive Delia, 198. Margaretta. 85. Cushman. Peter, 198. Benjamin, 85. Jane, 87 .. Hannah, 198. Andrew Jackson, 87. Currier. Courtright. Leander, 87, 110. Abner, 39. Dora Maud, 165. Lucy Maria, 87, 161. Cup. Cornwall. Laura Ann, 87, 161. !Lena, 172. Sir Thomas, 7. Thomas J., 160; 241. D. Mr. L., 40. Andrew J., 160. Davis. Craig. Emma C., 160, 242.' Jefferson, 9. Jane, 182.. William A., 160. Joshua, 39. Thomas, 182. J. F., 160. Abigail, 54. Lyle, 248. Ida E., 160, 242. Isaac, 58. '\Vesley E., 248. Rosa, 160, 242. Adeline, 58. Lyle Louise, 248. Zelma, 16.0, 242. Margaret, 58. Wilmer Lyle, 248. Adusen S., 242. Katherine, 58. Elijah Elwyn, 248. Christena N., 242. Louisa, 58. Kenneth Leslie, 248. Melvia F., 242. Emma, 58. Archie Wayne, 248. Elva:- T., 242., Sally, 70. Crane. Vernon W., 242. Nancy, 98. Abby, 71. Lee H., 242. Susan, 99. · Cranson. Esther C., 242. Elanor, 99. Asa, 275. · Augustus, W., 242. Caroline C., 220. Earl Booth, 193, 275. Cruickshank. DeCI,Con. Beulah Martha, 275. Mary Ann, 68. Avis, 25. Lucien Earl, 275. William, 68, 73, 125. Deane. Myron Frederick, 275. Melissa Ann, 73, 134. Clifton Slate, 171. Creveling. James Martin, 73, 134. Hiram, 171. V. S., 272. James, 73. Melinda, 171. Crampton. Stewart Jesse, 73, 134. Deckard. Julia, 206. John Dodd, 73, 135. John, 269. Crippen. Maria Elizabeth, 73, 136. Delbert, 270. Amos, 238. Emma Jane, 73, 136. Ida, 270. Pearl Dee, 238. David, 73. Minnie, 270. Paul Francis, 238. Samuel, 73. Vinnie, 270. Evolin, 238. John, 73. Bessie, 270. ix

John, 270. John, 60. Earhart. Luther, 270. Reuben, 60. Nancy, 124. Decker. Samuel, 60. Eaton. Minerva, 95. Leonard, 60. Kittie, 217. Deemer. Harvey, 60. Eddy. Eliza Ann, 88. Adelia, 60. Anna, 52. Peter, 88. Chloe, 60. Lydia, 184. Lydia, 88. Jaeob, 60. Edmunds. Dennis. Julia, 60. Caroline, 178. Fred, 238. Roswell, 60. Ela. Alta Marie, 238. Geo:r:ge Duane, 264, 265. John W., 185. George Robert, 238. WiHard, 264, 265. Emery. Ruby Belle, 238. Cynthea, 264, 265. "Col." .Josiah, 38. Hazel, 238. Abner Delos, 264, 266. L. H., 38. May, 239. Jane Annette, 264, 266. Edward K., 38. Leota, 239. Orissa, 264, 267. Albert E., 38. Newton J., 273. Leonard Volney, 265,267 Dan, 227. Denio. Charles!Willard, 265,267. Empie. Helen A., 170. Elmer W., 266. John, 20. N. G., 170. Claud P., 266. Emerson. De Forest. Margaret, 266. Amanda, 157. Laura, 119. Walter C., 266. Enos. Hannah, 120. Guy, 266. Mary, 190. Derrill. Robert W., 266. Esseltyne. Josephine Helena, 152. Maude, 266. Mary, 125. · Dickerman, 13, 18. Lettie, 266. Essick. Amy, 49. Nett\e, 266. Nannie .Jane, 260. Diefendorf, 18. William, 266. Estes. David, 150. Mary, 266. Elizabeth, 100. Dilley. William Hamilton, 267. Ester brooks. Rosina E., 249. Vera Bertha, 267. Harriet, 76. Dodd. Doris Athalane, 267. Evans. Rev. John, 70, 71. Helen S., 267. Mabel, 121. Jairus, 70. David, 267. Mary Ann, 134. Rev. Henry Martyn,··70, Douglas. David, 135. 130. Albert Joseph, 214. Everingham. Helen Maria, 70, 132. Herbert Sample, 214. William De La Plaine,. Mary Louisa, 70. Clara Almeda, 2i4. 234. John Jairus, 70. Albert Joseph, 214. William Bennett, 234. Joanna, 71. Joseph E., .214. Mary Adelaide, 234. William, 71. Drake. Josephine Olive, 234. Isaac Davis, 71. Eliza, 156. James Otho, 234. Sarah, 71. Dreher. · Am.brose, 71. Elizabeth P., 179. F. Moses, 71. Druff. Mary, 71. Margaret Louise, 24 7. Fall. Nathaniel, 71. Duane. Delia, 79. Ebenezer, 71. Sally, 81. Farrington. Rev. Bethuel, 71. Duffy. Frances, 190. Dodge. Mary Alice, 224. Fassett. Nathaniel, 20. Duncan. Silas, 111. Donaway. Celestine, 247. James Alfred, 111. Burt, 259. Dunlop. Fecter. Edward J., 259. Lucy A., 153. William, 20. Donkin. Franklin B., 153. Elizabeth, 57. May, 121. Fecher. Doty. E. Catherine Ceeelia, 228. Volney, 80, 264. Fenner. Edward, 60. Early. George, 114. Joseph, 60. Cornelia, 71. Abigail, 114. X

Fenton. Fretz. Tolbert A., 272. Caroline, 64, 114. Clarence H., 246. David Washington, 271, Ferris. Gerald Jordan, 246. 273. Frank Stanton, 199. Freeman. Dorothy Maria, 273. Timothy Harvey, 199. Fred B., 212. Sarah. Elizabeth, 273. Stella Irene, 199. Gideon, 212. John Francis, 273. Fiant. Oswald H., 212. Jesse Mullins, 273. Oliver, 232. Mary Ethel, 212. Sarah Violet, 271. Fillmore. Eunice, 212. Leslie Abner, 271. Ex. Pres. Millard, 56. Inez Ruth, 212. Lester Allen, 271. Finch. Ella, 212. John Lewis, 271. Eliza, 79. Pansy Frances, 271. Benjamin, 81. G. William Albert, 271. Ann Eliza, 81, 148. Glen. Mary Elitha, 81, 148. Gables. Cornelius, 42. Richard, 81. Margaret, 164. Golden. Nathaniel Jonah, 81,148. Gates. Isaac, 40, 41, 56. Emma Jane, 81,269,149. John Frank, 210. Abner Justus, 56, 102. Diana Maranda, 81. Abram Francis, 211. Jane Matilda, 56, 103. Lewis William, 81. Carl A., 211. Theodore H., 57, 103. Benjamin Franklin, 81, Grant A., 211. Ira Smith, 24, 43, 57. 149, 271. Bertha, 211. Isaac L., 57. Charles Wesley, 81. Raymond F., 211. .James Anson, 103, 158. Annie Dickerman, 81. Gale. William, 103, 188. Clarence, 149. Achsah, 137. Ira Major, 103, 189. Lewis, 149. Gage. Ida, 103, 189. Finney. Gen. Sir Thomas, 23, 144. Ella, 103, 189. Rev. Charles G., D. D., 72. Getman. Allen, 103. Fisher. Mabel, 181. Nellie, 103, 189. Glenn Thomas, 241. I Gibbon. Edgar J., 103, 190. Berdie, 254. Annie, 153. Charles, 103. Herman, 254. John, 153. Francis Theodore, 103. Fisk. I Gilchrist. Emeline, 103, 190. AlbP.rt, 110. Augusta, 125. Robert Edgar, 189, 255. Fitch: Gillespie. Clinton Leroy, 190. Hattie, 251. Harriet, 151. Edna Frances, 190. Thomas Hardy, 258. Gilmore. Goodenough. Follett. Jesse Mu-llins, 231. Prof., 173, 175. Hiram, 71. Jesse Monroe, 231. Goodell. Forbes. James Francis, 231. Elijah, 42. Catherine, 64. Bertha, 231. Gordon. Warren, 64. John Francis, 231. Elitha Reed, 13. Ford. Earl, 232. Andrew, 83. Julia Ella, 216. Ge_orge, 232. Hollis, 83. Benjamin Lincoln, 216. Lester, 232, Lottie May, 83. Benjamin, 216. Charles, 232. Goodsell. Helen Mary, 216. Hazel, 232. Elijah, 43. Linus Cruickshank, 216. Samuel, 271. Gossett. Gertrude Elizabeth, 216. James Scott, 272. Charles E., 246. Forest. Sarah J., 272. Andrew · Jackson, 246, Ethel, 196. John F., 272. 247. Mark, 196. Joseph B., 272. Edna Rosella, 247, 260. Foster. George N., 272. Lois, 247. . Mrs. John, 54. William A., 272. Mildred Evelyn, 247, 260. Fox. Polly A., 272. Gould. William, 128. Nancy Elizabeth, 272. Mary Jane, 147. Foreman. Lucinda Frances, 272. Harriet, 197. Ida, 236. Lydia, 272. Graham. French. Susan, 272. Catherine, 102. .r onathan B., 71. Jehu V., 272. Major, 102 . xi

Ckant. Hains. Elgin, 211. Joseph, 39. Alfred, 111. Charles, 244. Gen. Ulysses S., 88. Anna M., 111. I· Earnest, 244. Benjamin Stacy, 88, 165. Hanes. Willis W., 266. Maria, 88. Elden, 98. Samuel B., 266. Henrietta, 88. Hall. Bertha A., 266. Luella May, 88. "Col.", 30. Hawley. Aaron J., 88. Betsey Elizabeth, 52. Rev. Chester W., 132. Nellie B., 165. Allie, 200. Hawn. Mattie Jane, 165, 246. Lydia, 251. Lafayette, 83. Bessie Fredrika, 165. Halman. I Heath. Grace Byrd, 165. H. Nelson, 187. I Matilda C., 121. Daniel Aaron, 165. Lillian B., 187. Heiple.. George P., 165. Halliday. John Wesley, 22. J. Robert, 165. • Jane, 197. Noah John, 222. (keen. Hardenburgh. Lillian Estella, 222, 257. Rev. Beriah, D. D., 71. J. H., 138. Katherine Jeanette, 222. John, 77. Harmon. Harold Harlan, 222. Alphonso, 77. John, 260. Eldridge Winfield, -222. Roxcey Anna, 77. Harnett.. Helmer. Lewis Lorenzo, 77. Benjamin John, 191. Lendart, 42. Mary Euretta, 77. Harrington. Jennie S., 204. ·Gray. Nathan, 20. Heinrich. Richard, 260. Joshua, 20. Mary, 254. Gridley. · Hartness. Henex. George, 78. Alice Eliza, 117. Barnhart, 20. Griffen. George, 117. Hens1ey. Susie, 236. Harsha. Stephen, 144. Grover. John William, 254. Luella, 144, 226. Alden J., 99. Horace Shaw, 254. Hetty, 144. Chester J., 90. Haskell. John, 144, 226. Frank Reed, 37, 99, 185. Solomon, 53. Mary, 144, 227. Etta Margaret, 99, 185. Hayden. Carl, 144, 227. Katherine Susan, 99. Maria, 143. Gladys, 226. Caroline Ella, 99, 186. ·· Hayes. Leonard, 226. . Alden Chester, 99, 186. Roxcey E., 195. Ross, 226 . Louise May, 99. E. J., 195. Vorie, 226. Chester Alden, 99. Hazelton. Virgie, 227. Mortimer Perry, 185. Frank, 210. Esther, 227. Norris Harriet, 186. Hathaway. Hess. Virginia, 186. Isaac, 20. - Lucelia, 268. Polly Reed, 186. Halstead. Herkimer. Guitard. Willis, 210. Gen. Nicholas, 18. Beatrice, 259. Luman, 210. Herrick. Gwinn. Millie, 210. Alvina, 170. Nancy, 274. Ada May, 210. Herpy. Eva Belle, 210. Rachel, 73. H. Emma Jane, 210. Hetherington. Hadcock. Carrie Livonia, 210. · Isaac, 20, 23, 43. John, 20. Hamil.ton. John, 44, 63. Hadrill . Charles Hiram, 107. Polly, 44. .Jasper, 124. Mary, 107. William, 44, 64. Mary Jane, 124. Fred, 107. Robert, 44. Hadley. Charles Reed, 107. Nancy, 44, 64. Hannah, 92. William Alvin, 204. Ann Eliza, 44, 65. Haggart. Theodora, 204. Mary, 44, 65. Flora, 116. Stella, 204. Isaac {Jr.), 44, 66. John, 116. William Lawrence, 204. Jane, 44, 66. Fannie E., 248. W. H., 204. Robert, 44, 67. James Arch., 248. Lida .J., 211. Sally Maria, 44, -67. xii

Joseph, 44. Frank Wesley, 145. John Frederick, 268. Elias, 44. Charles Thomas, 145. Dorothy Jane, 268. Sakely, 44. John Templeton, 145. Humphrey. Christopher, 45. Clara Nettie, 145. Cemetery, 39. Jane, 45. Lottie May, 145. Hunt. John ( ?) , 45. John ·wesley, 145. David, 39. Mary, 45, 66. Maude Irene, 145. Abraham, 171. Sarah, 45. Mary Alice, 145. Chase Perkins, 171. William, 45. Holden. Hunter. Isaac, 45; Clara, 183. Angeline, 196. Ann, 45, 66. Holderman. Huntington. Christopher, 45. Harvey, 245. C. P., 131. Harriet, 64, 113. Holland. Hurd. Mary Jane, 64, 113. Emma, 233. "Dean," 185. ,vmiam Henry, 64, 114; Charles, 270. Hut:chinson. 115. Freddie, 270. Charles C., 147. Mary Elizabeth, 67. Everet, 270. Harlow, 147. William Wirt, 67. W. H. H., 272. Harlow Eugene, 147. John, 67. Docia, 273. Eugene S., 147. Sarah Ann, 67. Flora, 273. Melvin Noyes, 147, 229. Hewison. Holloway. Alma Amelia, 147. Mrs. Addie, 51. Lowney Compton, 257. Abby Adelia, 147, 230. Hicks. Rev. James Bethel, 257. Charles Clarence, 147. "Col.", 47. Herman N., 149. James Arthur, 147. Higgins. Alvaro D., 149. Ethel Rosella, 147, 230. Nellie, 245. Hannah Grace, 149. Raymond C., 220. Hill. Glenn Clark, 149. William Smith, 220. Elisha, 39. Hooper. Ralph Thomas, 230. Franklin, 137. Jessie, 137. Charles Arthur, 230. Hiller. Hopkins. Huyck. Mary A., 96. Mark, 131. Oscar H., 189. Hillman. Anna, 204. Charles, 189. Orcelia B., 159. George, 204. Seymour, 189. Alden Cooper, 159. He,use. Bessie, 189. Hinds. Josephine, 189. Howard, 189. Betsey, 63. Chauncey, 189. Henry, 189 .. Hirth. Houghton. Nellie, 189. Anna, 179. Tamar, 126. John l\'I., 179. Horn. I. Hobson. Dora Ellen, 250. Ingersol. Benjamin, 230. Jacob, 251. ---, 268. William, 230. Howard. Ireland. Charles Clifford, 230. H"enry P., ,273. Bertha Mansfield, 179. Lloyd Thornton, 230. Howes. Ives. Thelma Marie, 230. Fidelia S., 173. James, 37. Hobbs. Hoxie. Harriet, 78. Ernestine, 256. J. Hoffman. Arthur, 256. Jacobs. Amelia, 256. Hughes. Mary Ann, 157. Hoffcutt. Ella, 64, 114. Benjamin, 157. Melissa, 208. Elizabeth, 135. Jackson. Hoffsett. · John T., 242. Stella Lillian, 213. Gorinna, 248. Zella, 242. : Hiram, 213. Hogue. Lloyd J., 242. Jackman. William Franklin, 145. Lillian, 254. • Eleanor Ann, 257. William Orson, 145, 227. Capt. Thomas Walter, Jewett. Edward Florilla, 145. 266. Henry W. (M. D.), 110. Emma Adeline, 145. Charles, 266. Nellie, 110. Oren Sylvester, 145. Frederick S., 266, 268. Jhondrow. Mary Estella, 145, 228. Helen Jeannette, 268. Eliza, 128. xiii.

Johnston. Judd. 1 Justus Vinton, 202. Isaiah, 20. Ethel May, 239. James William,· 202. Johnson. Judson. · Kenneth, 202. Rev. Herrick, D. D., 130. Maxie, 187. King. George W., 156. Hayward, 187. i Peter, 267. Gernon Huber, 156, 236. 1 Kingsbury. Dean Elsworth, 156, 237. K. Thomas, 201. Anna, 160. Kane. Arthur 0., 201. Cora B., 198. William, 214. Fanny M., 201. J a.mes A., 199. Cora E., 214. Alice A., 201. Charles, 202. Kao. Stanley E.; 201. Bernice Marie, 202. Pearl E., 126. Kinney. Floyd, 236. Ella Belle, 126. Charles; 75. Glenn E., 236. William Nelson, 126. Mary E.~ 100. Bertha M., 236. Keller. Kelly. Hazel A., 236. John, 89. Susan, 119. Aletta Alice, 237. John Ellsworth, 89. Kizer. Hans, 240. Albert J., 89. Minnie, 249. Virgil, 240. Dora Belle, 89, 166. Clyde, 260. Margaret, 240. Mary Etta, 89. Klinger. Eva, 240. Clarence Elmer, 89. Anne, 236. Joseph H., 27 4. Clar.a Elma, 89. David, 236. Joseph Read, 27 4. Nora Katherine, 89, 166. Klingman. Lucy Jane, 89, 166. Dora, 164. Jones. Florence Harriet, 89,167. David, 164. Anna Icedora, 169. Elizabeth, 163. Klock. Aaron, 169. Orelle, 171. James G., 92. Emma :Viola, 170. Kellogg. Peter G., 92. lda K., 186. Hannah, 131. Ann Eliza,·92, 177. Arthu:r, 197. Kent; James Eugene, 92, 177. Robert, 197. Joseph, 39. - Mary I., 92, 178. Arthur William, 197. Justus Vinton, 119. Georgiana, 108. John, 231. Ezekiel, 119. - Mary Selina, 177. Nelson, 249. Earl Owen, 119. George Glenn, 177. Vera, 250. Newton Eugene, 119, 200. Ida May, 177, 253. Roy, 250. Charles Burton, 119, 201. Helen Irene, 177. Irene, 250. Justus Willis, 119. James Eugene, 177. Ralph, 250. Anna Louise, 119, 201. Dorothy Dean, 177. Ruth, 250. George Willis, 119, 202. James Harold, 177. Joplin. Franklin _Vinton, · 119, Louema, 195. Mark, 272. 202. Klumph. Jordan. William Henry, 119, 202. Nelson, 54. Wayne, 162. Justus Eugene, 200. Knapp. Benoni, 162. Frank Burton, 200. Jason, 9, 107. Ancil Elmer, 162, 245. Harry James, 200. Charles R., 19, 107, 192. Martin Elsworth, 162. Phena Irene, 200. Emily, 59. Charles Franklin, 162, Louise May, 201. John, 59, 107. 245. Lulu May, 201. Harriet Louise, 107. Thella May, 162, 245. Charles Newton, 201. Kritzer. Carrie H., 162, 245. Nellie Louise, 201. Christiana, 105. Emma Julia, 162. John Owen, 201. Kyes. lvY Pearl, 162. Edith May, 201. Alpheus, 112. Bessie Elma, 245. Clinton Jay, 201. Paul Devon, 245. Burton Ray, 201. L. Ruby May, 245. Howard Carpenter, 201. Dale Forest, 245. Marilla Irene, 201. Lacy. Josephine B., 78. Justus Vinton, 201. Lydia, 211. Eugene Bonaparte, 78. Ruth Margaret, 201. W.illiam, 211. Joyner. Mary Louise, 202. LaFayette. Maria, 111. Bessie Thelma, 202. General, his journey, 56. 'DV

Lamokin. Logan Ellen M., 207. John E., 270. Sarah A .• 183. Guy E., 270. Lonsby. M. La-nsing. Lorenzo, 80. Mabie. Sanders, 42. Charles, 80. Elsie Louise, 106. Patroon Cornelius, 130. Loomis. Macklin. Rev. Dirck, D. D., 130. Lovina Jane, 109. Harry, 238. Loosemore. Arlena, 238. Lapham. George, 183. Reola M., 238. Abraham, 20. Henry Stead, 183. Mary Blanch, 238. Hiram S., 181. Lonyo. Mabel I., 238. Hannah S., 181. "Brothers," 9. Benjamin Franklin, 238. Lang. Angeline, 54, 96. Mahan. .\melia, 112. Betsey, 96. Rev. Asa, D. D., 72. Lander. Andrew Warren, 96, 181. Mains. LTilla M., 181. Lucy, 96, 182. Alexander, 69. Larsh. Albert, 96, 182. John, 69. John N., 209. Orissa, 96. Esther, 69. Napoleon Bonaparte, 209. Louis, 96, 182. Eliza, 69, 127. N. B., 209. JuUa, 96, 183. Polly Maria, 69, 127. Latimer. Arnold Willard, 181. Alvira, 69, 127. Anna Laura, 215. Emma May, 181. Caroline, 69, 128. Walter S., 215. Daisy Editha, 181, 254. Major. George S., 215. Julia Maud, 181. . Family, 23, 66. Dorothy Jane, 215. Orville William, 181, 254. John, 66. Lawrence. Andrew Warren, 181. John Maxwell, 66, 119. Joseph, 53. Hiram Arnold, 181. Isaac Newton, 66, li9. Mabel, 195. Jessie, 182. Mary Jane, 66. · Alvidos, 195. Edith Julia; 182. Arabella, 66. Lawson. Martha Angeline, 182. Caroline Brayton, 66, 120. Eugene, 259. Mary Ann, 182. William Henry, 119. Ledholm. Albert Raymond, 182. · Carol Belle, 119, 202. Hedve Katherine, 240. Charlotte Elizabeth, 182. Henry Hubert, 119. Lee. Louis Charles, 182. Nellie Lou, 119, 203. Henry, 252. Julia Angeline, 182. Thomas c:, 66, 120. Harvey, 252. Lillian Isabel, 182. Mann. Marian Eleanor, 252. Jennette Orissa, 182. Abel, 20. Clifford Raymond, 252. Alice Louisa, 182. Marrinan. Mildred Jessie, 252. Louis _George, 182. John Joseph, 253. Harry Henry, 252. Willard, 254. James William, 253. Lewis. Lord. Martin. Florence, 133. ThQmas (M. D.), 125. Christian, 146. Lint. Samuel, 100; 101. William, 257. Elizabeth Jane, 222. William, 108. Clarence, 257. Little. Samuel (Jr.), 101, 187. Victor, 257. Thomas John, 113. Etta Lucena, 101, 187. Clifford, 257. John Thomas, 113. William, 101. Marsh. Harriet, 113. Minnie Viola, 101, 187. Catherine Elµabeth, 147. Herbert Eugene, 172. Reverdy Reed, 101, 188. Ezra, 147. Joshua, 172. Gladys M., 188. Marvin. Sarah Emma, 172. Ludwig. Leon L., 196. Justus Aller, 172. Kate, 153. Mason. George Forest, 196. John, 153. Andrew, 52. Catherine, 196. Luther. ''Anna" ( ?) , 52, 53. Livingston. John S., 207. Allen, 53. "Manors," 18. Samuel, 207. Andrew Brooks, 53, 93. Peter Van Brugh, 41, 43. Caleb, 207. Alzade, 91, 172. William T ., 188. Jabez, 207. Alta Lorette, 92. Dorothy Jeanne, 188". Mary Ann, 207. Alice Irene, 92. Catherine, 192. Marie E., 207. Atwood Samuel, 91s. xv -

Amy G., 169, 250. Israel Reed, 55, 90. William Byron, 91, 180. Adelbert Lea, 169, 250. Ida Mae, 172. William 0., 96, 181. Alice May, 247. Ivan T., 250. Willis Raymond, 166. Arthur James, 248. "Capt." John, 52. Rev.Wallace Norman, 92, Brooks, 9, 52. "Jolly" ( ?) , 52. 176. Bernice Lucille, 247. Jarvis, 53. Walter F., 169, 250. Candis, 52. John Garner, 53, 90, 167, Rev. Walter Clark, 174, Charles William, 53, 91. 249. 275-a. Cecil Dwight, 53, 91, 170. J-udson Warren, 53, 96. Wayne Robert, 171. Carrie Alice, 91, 173. Julia Maria, 92. Masters. Charles Irvin, 91, 173. John H., 96, 180. George R., 208. Caroline Belle, 95, 180. James Clark, 169. William, 209. Charles E., 96, 181. Jasper Wosten, 172. Maude· E., 209, 256. Carl Waldon, 166. Judson Harold, 180. Mary G., 209. Charlotte Henrietta, 167, John, 180. Clai:a, 236. 248. Lydia Eleanor, 91, 172. Mattice. Caroline Alice, 169. Laura Edna, 92, 175. Sindome, 189. Clyde Stevenson, 170. Lyman Clark, 93, 179. Matthews. Clarence Maynard, 170. Louis Frederick, 166. Caroline, 160. Cora Agnes, 170. Lawrence Judson, 167, Thomas J., 160. Clara May, 176. 248. Stella Jane, 188. Clark W., 176. Leslie Raymond, 167,248. William, 188. Clara E., 250. Lucina· Edna, 169. Mattley. Dora Rosella, 170, 251. Lelia Arminta, 169. Bertha E., 247. Eddy, 52. Leonard Roy, 170. Herbert, 247. Ea.ton, 53_ Lea William. 251. Mather. Evelyn Louise, 91, 171. M. C., 9. Rev. Richard, 126. Emma Jane, 92, 175. Michael, 52. Timothy, 126. Ellsworth Theron, 93. Malaca (Malachi), 52. Atherton, ·126. Ellis Everett, 93, 179. Martin, 53. Rev. Samuel, 126. Eunice Evelyn, 167. Margaret C., 53. Rev. Nathaniel, 126. Eunice C., 169. Merrills Lovell, 53, 95.· Rev. Cotton, 126. Ethel May, 173. Rev. Marcus Clark, 92, Rev. Increase, 126. Eleanor, 17 4. 173. Enos, 126. Edwin Ezra, 247. Mercy Adelle, 93. Sydney, 126. Everett Lowell, 24 7. Mary Eliza, 93, 178. Enos, 126. Evelyn, 248. · Milton Stanley, 169. Maria, 126. Frank Riley, 91, 172. Margaret, 174. Tamar, 126. Flora, 93. Mabel Julia, 176, 252. Lovisa, 126. Frank Howard, 95, 179. Margaret-Elizabeth, 247. Dan, 126. Florence Opal, 166. Nabby, 53. George, 126. Floyd R., 172. Olive Orelle, 17 4. Edna, 126. Fred S., 176. Orrie Mary, 180. David, 126. . Franklin, 250. Paul, 180. George Franklin, 126, Garner, 53. "Roda," 52. 207. George Chauncey, 53, 92. Riley Eaton, 53, 91. David Hugh, 126·, 207. Gardner, 90, 169. _Rosa B., 169. Ada Maria, 126, 208. - George Franklin, 90, 170. j Ralph Waldo, 170. Myra, 126, 208. Genevieve, 177. Roger Eaton, 172. Flora Louisa, 126, 208. Geneva Evelyn, 181. Russell Howard, 173. William Houghton, 126, Hayden Kneeland, 92, Ruth, 250. 209. 177. Susan, 52. Merton Everett, 126, 209. Herbert Lincoln, 93. Salley, 52. Robert Earl, 207. Herbert Edwin, 167, 247. Sybel, 53. Doris Harriet, 207. Howard Lowell, 167,247. Sally Ann, 53, 92. Florence, 209. Harry B., 177. Seth Martin, 90, 167. Marlyn, 209. Hattie Corinne, 180, 253. Sophia May, 91, 171. Everett M., 209. Helen Louise, 248. Stella Helen, 92. Maucker. Hazel Marie, 248. Vesta Amanda, 91, 172. James H., 235. Harold Henry, 248. W:alton, 53. Russell J., 235. xvi

Lydia M., 235, ~~9. M'endell. Merry. Lena Adam, 235. Immanuel, 148. Helen Sophia, 216. Mary Elizabeth, 235, 269. William Edward, 148, Gottleib, 216. Otto, 235. 230. Messinger. Margarett Frances, 235. Ida Lillian, 148, 231. John Franklin, 180. Mayes. Alpha Etta, 148, ~31. Nettie Louise, 180. Jane, 178. Alice Eva, 148. Mick. McArthur. Connie, 230. Jesse E., 82. Olin S., 168. Gaynell, 230. Ada, 82. John W., 168, 249. Merriman. May Emma, 82, 150. Eliza R., 168, 249. Maria, 125. Spencer Eugene, 82, 150. Viola, 168. Benjamin, 125. Jesse Lewis, 82, 151. Grace E., 249. Merrill. Eddy Clay, 82. Robert E., 249. Aaron Newton, 86, 159. Josephine Amy, 82, 151. McOall. Addie May, 157, 237. Alzina Edith, 82. Mary, 64. Alden Moss, 159. Clara Adelia, 82. McOlelland, 66. Benjamin Addison, 86, Ethel Louisa, 151. McCartney. 157. Winifred, 151. William Taylor, 111. Blanche Lucinda, 159, Madora, 151. William G., 111. 241. Miles. Lena Grace, 111, 194. Charles, 157, 237. Charlotte, 167. Mary Lovisa, 111. Cecil Clifton, 159. Millington. Scott Reed, 111, 194. Cora Alice, 160. · Sarah, 215. Lottie Edith, 111, 194. Dennis Mahlon, 239. Millard. Lulu May, 111, 194. Ernest Clifton, 86, 160. Sabrina, 127. William Taylor, 194. Edward, 157, 238. Mills. Thomas Edwin, 194. Edgar Benjamin, 157. Hazel M., -227. McOallum. Ernest Pierce, 160. Henry Lee, 252. Rebecca, 203. Florence Ellen, 160. Maxime C., 253. Edward Henry, 203. Fred, 157. Minot. McOumber. Grandison Moss, 85, 239. Mr., 43. John, 20. George, 157. Moon. McOray. Gladys Ivy, 160. Gertrude, 258. John C., 178. Ida Jane, 157. Mitchell. Isaiah, 178. James Nathaniel, 86. Edward, 143. McDonald. Jessie Lucinda, 157, 238. William John, 144. Isabel, 182. John E., 177. Edward, 144. McGann. James, 177. Henry Herbert, 144. Sarah, 216. Kate Bell, 157, 238. Julia Alice, 144, 226. McGee. Lucy Maria, 86, 159. Moore. Mrs. Elizabeth, 141. Loren, 157. Lydia, 173. Sarah Mina, 222. Lucy Sarah, 157. Monroe. McGuire. Laura Mead, 157, 237. William R., 205. Catherine, 141. Ledlah, 157. Harriet Bell, 205. McElhinney. Lebon N., 157. Moler. Wilbur T., 192. Lucy Liza, 160. Samuel, 120. Thomas, 192. Mahlon Grandison, 86, William Clayton, 120. Albert, 192. 159. Elizabeth, 120. Earl, 192. May, 157, 237. Mosher. McIntosh. Mary Elizabeth, 160. Albert T., 263. Charlotte Elizabeth, 121. Nettie Orcelia, 159, 241. Moyer. Harriet N., 122. Orvil Newton, 159. John, 95. McKay. Ruth Lucy, 157. Momma. Daniel, 68. Ruby Irene, 157. Val, 165. McKenna. Sarah Jane, 86, 157. Nicholas, 165. John, 231. Sarah Pauline, 160. Mary Grant, 165. McMichael. Viola, 157. Mudge. Sarah Bell, 85. William Henry, 86, 156. Lulu, 202. Mcvean. Warren, 86. Mullins. Christina, 67. Glaphrya, 272. · xvii

Musson. Dorothy Elsie, 218. Frank, 62. Anne, 147. Merton, 218. Fred, 62. Myers. Orwig. Lovisa, 62. Ida, 188. Hester, 158. Seth, 62. Andrew, 188. Owen. Daniel, 62. Michael, 42. John, 65. Fred Elton, 62. Louise, 65, 119. Camilla Ora, 62. N. Elva, 62. Nason. P. Elizabeth, 163. John, 78. Pace. A. J., 163. Sylvia, 76. A. B. C., 237. Bertha Eldra, 245. Narcissa Lee, 78. Palmer. Pearce. · . Neidig. Philea, 227 . Sally ·Fenner, 71. Alice, 164. Charles, 226. Elizabeth, 93. John;164. Pardee. Pecher. Nellis. Antha, 75. Sophronia, 163. Isaac, 61. Parker. Andrew, 164. Nelson. Delphine, 152. Peebles. Paul ("Ball"), 20. Williard, 152. Mrs., 130. Malvina, 70. ICharles, 193. Peek. Netzley. Ina May, 193. John Petersen, 142. Nora Cecil, 236. Ansel, 242. Mary Cornelia, 142, 224. Nice. George Fred, 242. John Benjamin, 142. 1 E. C., 235. 1 Parkman. Frances, 142. Leonard May, 235. Elizabeth, 207. Delbert F., 142, 225. Emma Amelia, 235. Parm,alee. Percival. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs., 130. Jane, 136. Herbert William, 166. Parry-Thomas. Perkins. Charles Luther, 166. Florence, 26. Sarah, 168. Nora Luella, 166. Parsons. Perry. Dallas Henry, 178. Joseph A., 221. Susan, 86. George Henry, 178. Susan, 221. Comodore, 86. Ettie E., 178. Joseph, 221. Louis, 155. Mertie V., 178. Henry Logan, 260. Jay Ellsworth, 155, 236. Mabel L., 178. Howard H., 260. Carl, 155. Emma E., 178. Leroy Edward, 260. Margaret Matilda, 155. Nicholson. Ernest Burt, 260. Carl, 236, 260. Albert Clinton, 225. Howard, 260. Louis, 236. Nihof]. Patchen. Martha, 252 .. Sophia Catherine, 74. Polly, 47-. Russell, 260. John, 75. Patterson. Pettigrew. Nightingale. William, 230. Jessie Euretta, 226. Thomas P., 196. Rosetta, 230. Helen Margaret, 226. Edgar Little, 196, 255. Norman A., 230. Petrie. Thomas Leslie, 196, 255. Partridge. Adeline, 188. Francis Byron-, 196. ---,60. John M., 188. Richard, 197. Patton. Mark, 188. James, 197. David, 123. "Jake" ( ?) 46, 61. Gertrude Marian, 255. Charlotte, 197. Pfrimmer. Harriet Elizabeth, 255. Paul. Lydia E., 209. · Norris. Ida M., 267. Phendler. Walter K., 191. Chris., 267. Ellen, 202. Northrup. Payne. Phelps. John, 59. Philip, 20. Mrs., 53. John, 20. Gouveneur, 112. o. Martin, 62. Hattie, 112. Olmsted,. Hiram, 62. Phillips. William Denison, 218. Stephen, 62. Catherine, 193. Rev. Edwin B., 218. Mary, 62. Pickard. Richard Rollin, 218. Esther, 62. Peter,.57:. xviii

Isaac, 57. Russell Austin, 235., Gerry. Kendrick, 30 Nicholas, 57. -Lester Leroy, 235. John, 30. Bartholomew, 57. Edna Reed, 236. Henry, 30. John, 57. Potts. Peter, 30. Joseph, 57. Ann, 45. Conradt, 30. Adolph, 57. Potter. "Tex", 30. Conrad, 57. James Henry, 98. Rickhardts. George, 57. Zebina, 98. Jacob, 30. Nicholas I., 57. Elizabeth, 98, 184. John, 30. Eldert, 57. James Reed, 98, 184. Frederick, 30. Grace, 57. Warren Zebina, 184. George, 30. Robert, 57. James Brunner, 184. Ludwig, 30. Christian, 57. Frank Cooper, 184. Anna, 30. Catherine, 57. Powers. Catherine, 30. Ann, 57. Seth E., 104. Elizabeth, 30. William, 57, 58. Charles, 104. Maria, 30. James, 57. George, 104. Delia, 30. Mary, 57, 58. Josephine, 104.­ Redman. Thomas, 57. Ada, 235. William, 156. Morgan, 57. Pratz. Reinhart. Gertrude, 58. Steven.Ellis, 241. George, 141. Moses, 58. Prentice. Harriet, 223. Rebecca, 58. Elizabeth Fay, 27 5. Reuter. Elizabeth, 58. Preston. Theresa, 182. Pierce. Sally Ann, 117. ReynoZd8. Eliza N., 214. Price. George H., 76. Pinsonneault. Agnes C., 183. Ella J., 220. Priscilla, 108. Amanda, 219. Rice. Plant. Prindle. David Elmer, 272. Alice, 99. Carrie, 63. Lela May, 272. Plumb. John, 68. Iris Ida, 272. Miles, 54. Putnam.· William Allen, 272. Poellet. "Col.", 15. Richards. John, ·229. Purcell. Richard, 114. Erhardt, 229. Nettie, 164. Ann--, 114. Barbara Margurette, 229. R. Margaret, 197. Edgar Adelbert, 229. Rathjens. Harriet Norris, 186. Lawrence Erhart, 229. Lizzie P., 165. William, 186. Polmear. Raymond. Richardson. Mary, 177. Polly J., 138. Roxcey Celinda, 48. Poorly. Reagan. Charles, 98. Josephine, 226. Margaret Elizabeth, 253. Henry George, 272. Mary,·221. Reckord (Richard). Amanda, 272. Popple. (Rickard.) Mary, 177. Emily, 216. Uncle, 13, 14. Richmond. Porter. Allis, 15, 27, 28, 29. Susannah, 26. Joseph, 76. Samuel, 15, 29, 30. Ring. Jane, 266. Jacob, 15, 29, 30. Cora Caroline, 138. Post.. Israel, 15, 29, 30. Emma, 177. James, 154. Abner, 15. Barnard C., 138. Luther J., 154. William, 28, 30. Rix. Emma J., 154, 235. Andrew, 28. Nathan. 115. Eliza May, 154, 235. Chloe, 29. George, 115. Eventus Austin, 155, 235. Mary, 29. Alice, 115. Israel, 155, 235. Deborah, 29. Frances, 115. Edmund J., 155. Hannah, 29. Robbins. Glenna V., 235. Voadicea, 30. Royal, 71. James Sidney, 235. Weston, 30. Roberts. Edmond J., 235, 236. Marcia, 30. Margaret Louise, 177. George Raymond, 235. Alden, 30. John, 177. xix

Robinnette. , Phebe Adelaide, 133. Schreiter. William, 260. Catherine, 133, 214. David, 267. Robie. Emma Gertrude, 133. Jane Caroline, 267. David P., 156. Clarence Walker, 133. Scott. Hiram, 158. Jessie Latta, -13~. · Sir Walter, 6. Rogers. Helen Carleton, 133. Susan, 146. Samantha, 77. Sampson. Robert, 146. Hannah, 131. John, 238. Grace, 111. Root. Oran D., 238. Thomas G., 183. Elisha., 199. Lloyd Ellis, 238. Thomas J ., 183. Rose. Kenneth J ., 238. Syd. R., 183. Jane, 172. Glennon, 238. Searles. John, 172. --·-, 131. Sarah, 229. Sanborn. Elizabeth, 171. Seavey. Rowan. May M., 215. Charles L., 161. Sandefur. Jerome L., 215. Minnie Viola, 161, 244. Maria, 265. Severson. Norman, 161, 244. Eliza.beth M., 266. Ada, 249. Mary, 202. Savage. Ole, 249. Rowley. Nancy, 53. Sergel. Thomas, 73. Herman R., 221. Rudd. Schermerhorn. Leonard, 221. Sophronia, 144. Adeline, 65, 115. Mildred, 221. Rutter. Addie Eugenia., 116. Brayton Read, 221. Samuel Grove, 2.24. Baldwin, 43. Seifred. Herbert J'oy, 224. Bersha, 74. George, 114. Allen E., 224, 258. Bertha., 200. S(;xton. Delbert E~, 224. Cornelius, 64, 65, 117. Biddy Josephine, 159. Samuel Giles, 224. Caroline, 65, 115. William P., 160. Harriet Mabel, 224. Caroline, 116, 200. Seyse. · Ray Moore, 258. Clyde D., 198. Robert. 184. Irene, 258. Evert Lansing, 43. Seymour. Russ. Florence Hartness, 117. Walter S., 195. Phebe, 212. Hayden, 114. Charles, 195. Russell. Hazel Oneita, 116. Charles Bronson, 195. John, 20. Helen Esther, 117. Bernice Harriet, 195. Riran. Jacob James, 64. Everett Kyes, 195. Margaret, 263. Jacob I., 64. Shalop. Jacob H., 64, 74. Theresa, 257. s. John Maxwell, 65, 116. Shaw. John Cornelius, 116, 200. Polly, 58. Sage. John C., 114, 198. Sarah Jane, 259. Ruby, 208. Jesse Maxwell, 116. Romanzoff A., 178. Sacket. Levi Chase, 65. Sheldon. Emeline, 91. Lydia Ann, 65. Sarah Florinda, 81. Salisbury. Lydia Annette, 116. Benjamin Barber, 81. Edward, 64. Merril Major, 65, 116. Shepard. Lucy, 64. Mary Jane, 65, 116. Laura M., 254. Eliza, 199. Nancy Mabel, 117. Eunice, 169. Sales. "Ryer"· (Uriah), 62, 64, Sheridan. Abby, 172. 74. Minnie, 133. Sam,ple. Scott, 43. Sherwin. James, 132. William Groesbeck, 65. Emma, 202. John, 132. 114. James M., 202. William John, 133. William L., 198. Shipman. James Latta, 133. Schumacher. William, 42. George Washington, 133. Bertha, 267. Matie Estella, 207. Joseph, 133. Delos W., 207. Charles Walker, 133. Scofield. Shimmel. Mary Louisa, 133. Owen G., 114. Albert Clinton, 121. xx

David, 121. Josep'h, 252. John, 125. Alta Azora, 121. Leonard Clifton, 159, 240. Freeman Harlow, 125. Earl Clinton, 121. Lydia Plimpton, 186. Lyman, 125. Ethel Blanche, 121. Mary, 142. Louisa, 125. Mabel Violette, 121. :Matilda Eliza, 146. Susan, 125. Lester Albert, 121. Merrill Cornell, 159, 240. Edwin M. (Hon.), 125. Shirly. Mary Jane, 197. Robert, 125. Matilda, 271. Morris, 197. Steele. Shoemaker. Mabel Irene, 241. Julia, 91. Lovina, 188. Mary, 252. Rachel Loretta, 92. Harriet, 254. Nellie Jane, 159. Daniel, 92. Charles E., 254. Oliver Newton, 159, 240. Stephan. ShoestalZ. Porter, 146. Bertha, 195. Alpha, 244. Russell, 219. John D., 195. Joseph, 249. Sarah Jane, 121. Mary, 195. Mabel, 249. Stephen, 275-a. Stephenson. Hazel, 249. Thomas Warren, 186. Mary, 73. Simmons. William Warren, 146. Rachel, 128. Evaline, 43. William, 185. William, 128. Anthony, 43. Warren Rufus, 186. Stead. John, 244. William, 252. John, 97. Lucile Marie, 244. Snow. Bessie Angeline, 97. Josephine, 190. Asenath, 84. Emma, 97, 183. Simpson. Snyder. Stevens. Mary E., 214. Rachel, 163. Anson, 54. SJcinner. Somers. Thomas, 54. Caroline, 206. Charles, 233. Samuel, 54.. Edward, 206. Spaulding. Deborah, 54. Beverly C., 166. William Franklin, 152. Harriet, 54. Smith. Judson Levi, 152. Armavilla, 54. Ada Finnette, 146. Phebe Myrtle, 152. Betsey, 54. Alden Grover, 186. Leah Elitha, 152. Elbridge, 54. Asa Plimpton, 186. Frank Reed, 152. Harrison, 54. Amy, 251. Ada Myra, 152. Mrs. J. R. Arthur, 174. Ansel B., 251. Sperry. Stitt. Benjamin Franklin, 159.1 John, 49. Clara, 252. Charles Wesley, 219. Irving, 62. Stoner. Elijah, 20. Elitha, 49. John N., 167. Edith Eliza, 146. Cora N., 62. Herbert Keller, 167. Ella Florence, 185. Spicer. Stowe. Elizabeth, 223. Helen, 152. Mrs. Harriet Beecher, 49. Elgene Arthur, 219. Spitzer. Stratton. Edso Dorr, 241. Josephine, 120. Hosea, 100.. Eugene Frederick, 241. Sprague. Charles Jonathan, 100, Eunke Agnes, 250. Theodore, 175. 187. Flora Laverne, 146. George Herman, 175. Cp.ester C., 18.7, 254. Florence Nightingale, Julia Clark, 175, 252. Edna A., 187. 275-a. Theodore Mason, 175. Floyd R., 187. Gerritt (Hon.), 73. Walter Kenneth, 175. Florence M., 187. George, 142. Squires. Lela M., 254. Georgine, 146. Experience, 53. Harriet, 254. Glenna Rockford, 240. Rox., 53. Strong. Henry, 66. Standard. Jonas, 169. Hester Read, 219. Oliver, 20. Stout. Homer Verne, 241. Stackweather. Sarah A., 119. Harry S., 250. Elijah, 20. Joseph, 119. Jacob, 20. Stanton. Sturgill. John, 121. Elijah, 125. Alpha, 244. James P., 250. Daniel, 125. Stryker. James Leslie, 250. Belle, 125. Anna, 162, 163. xxi

Alice Carrie, 170, 252. Joseph G., 206. Towns. Ansel Garrett, 251. Marion Francis, 206. Robert Newton, 245. Addison J., 184, 254. T. Tracy. Betsey, 162, 163. Taft. Rebecca, 203. Catherine, 55. Jane, 87. Traber. Caroline, 90, 162. Caroline, 101. J. Eugene, 217. "Caty", 162, 163. Lura, 195. Jacob, 218. Charles Reed, 184. Taylor. Ralph, 218. Charles Everett, 251. William, 194. Ray Hugo, 218. Chester James, 252, 261. Tanner. Treat. Emeline, 162. 163. Minerva, 80. Albert B., 140. Everett Austin, 170, 251. Terner. Charles Leveret, 140. Ella E., 176. Peter, 182. Howard Allen, 140. Emma, 184. Ten Eyck. Edna Beebe, 140. Garrett, 51, 55, 90, 162. Hiram H., 228. Truckenmiller. Garrett W., 170. George Edward, 228. John R., 203. Joseph, 162, 163. Lela Estella, 228. · Tucker. James, 162. Pearl Evaline, 228. John McKenzie, 57. Joseph, 162, 163~ Terry. William, 57. Joseph B., 184. Susan, 116. Tupper. Lucy Maria, 51. Thayer. Capt. Wm., 30. Martha, 162. Mary Harriet, 97. Tuttle. Martin Lewis, 170, 176, Dr. Charles Henry, 101, Jennett, 80. 251. . 185. Jeremiah, 80. Nancy, 162, 163. Nathaniel, 101. Tyler .. Norman Eaton, 170. Aline, 101. Susan B., 187. Nelson, 251. Sarah, 140. Olive, 162, 163. Jared, 140. u. Saloma, 51, 163. Marion Alden, 185. Ulrich. Stuart. Nathaniel, 185. Ella, 130. · Then

Walker. Nettie; 60, 268. Winegar. Family, 23. Charlotte, 60, 268. Margaret, 92. Sarah, 27. Jerome, 60, 268. Witherstine. Eliza Jane, 133 Fannie, 60, 268. Mary Elizabeth, 61, 111. William Stewart, 133. Julia Emma, 122. John, 61. Nelson Buell, 140. Chester A., 122. Henry, 61. Truman Jeremiah, 140. Martha, 106. Melchert, 61. Truman Addison, 140. James, 106. David, 61. Ethel Harriet, 140. ··weier. Abram, 61. John K., 122. James, 259. Catherine, 61. Peter, 122. Russell Lee, 259. Margaret, 61. Daniel, 215. Fay Francis, 259. Anna, 61. Jane, 215. Esteal James, 259. Betsey, 61. Walcott. William E., 61. M., Wert. Ella 213. Mary, 272. Wolcott. Walrath. Eliza Ann, 135. Solon E., 113. Wheldon. Wood. Walter. Mary, 100. George, 258. Ellen Barbara, 220. Whelpley., 258. John Lee, 259. Edwin Max, 194. Jane, 258. Warner. White. Woods. Phebe, 65. Lucy B., 191. Capt. Isaac, 30. Hon. Judson, 93. John K., 191. Woodward. Ely, 107. Capt. J., 30. Chester Storrs, 76, 142. Warren. Whitcher. Francis, 77. William, 8, 28. Leonard Obadiah, 39. Frances M., 195. Sarah, 27.­ Whittaker. ·wood-worth. Richard, 27. Olive, 115. Wellington George, 218. Nathaniel, 27. Wildey. Harry E., 218. Samuel, 27. Catherine M .. 199. Graydon Read, 218. Ellen M., 206. Wilmert. Wright. William B., 207. Luther, 96. Rufus, 127. William C., 237. Williams. Nathan, 127. Washburn. Lillie, 219. Charles Millard, 127. Oscar, 197. John T. S., 219. Elsie Sabrina, 127. Frank F., 197. Willoughby. Emma Carrie, 127, 209. Washington. · Frances Fern, 204. Nathan Alexander, 127. Gen. George, 17. Wilson. Mary Ella, 127, 209. WeaverL Florence G., 219·. Lottie, 127. John C., 193. Caleb, 219. Y. Harriet, 193. Susan, 53. Young. Webster. Wilt. Benjamin F., 220. Sally, 207. William, 116. · Hon. Daniel, 207. Amelia, 116. z. Wells. Wing. Zelly. Buel, 60, 268. William, 258. Hannah, 88 .. INDEX III

TOPICS AND INCIDENTS The numbers refer to the 11a,res The Introduction. Use of a Genealogy, 5; Author's Apology, 5; Female and collateral lines, 5; Meaning of the name, 6; Reeds of the Old World, 6; Reads in America, 7; Reads in 1790, 8; Later Generations, 9; Read Biogra­ phies, 9; Genealogies, 11; Reed Institute, 12; Ancesto.r's given name, 13; Wife's name, 14; "Uncle Record", 14: Traditions, 15; Revolution­ ary Traditions, 15; The Record family (Note), 15; From Down East, . 16; The Mohawk Country, 16; Holland Dutch and ,;Mohawk Dutch", 16; The Palatines, 17; Where was Nathaniel born? 18; Top Notch and Vicinity, 19; Oriskany Battle (Note), 18; Israel Read of Canan­ daigua, 20; Israel Read of Bloomfield, N. Y., 20; John Read in 1790, 21; Ancestor in 1790, 21; Their Plaice of Settlement in N. Y., 22; North Gage Community (Note), 23; Ancestor marries again, 24; His Death and Burial, 24:; William Read (323), 24:; William of Weymouth, 25; Revolutionary Reads; 27; Warren Pedigree (Note), 27; Bunker Hill Reads, 28; Marriage of William (323), 28; The Rickard (Richard) family, 29; Term "Freeman" (Note), 29; The Migration of William (323) and wife Allis, 30; Reasons for believing him our ancestor-The circumstances recounted, 31; Dates harmonized, 32; · Palatine Rick­ hardts (Note), 30. Noteworthy Incidents. Tiny lock, 20; Patriot Dead, 39; Israel Read's Pathetic Death, 38; Mrs. Casler scalped by the Indians, 61; The "Mohawk Dutch" Palatines, 16-18; Trenton Falls, 22; Barge Canal, 16; "Pennsylvania Dutch", 17; Erie Steamboat lost, 43; Manuscript Arithmetic, 41; Early Steamboats, 50; Origin of cheese factories, 64, 117; Anti-Slavery Convention, 73; "Uncle Record", 14; A brave cripple, 206; A conse­ crated missionary, 173. Russell on the Grasse (poem), 276. f am iii es and Pedigrees. William Read of Weymouth, 25-27; Richard (Reckord), 15-29; "Top Notch" neighborhood, 1790, 20; Canandaigua neighborhood, 1790, 20; Warren, 27; Timmerman (Zimmerman), 36; Simmons, 43; Hether­ ington Old Bible, 45; Comstock, 45; Dickerman, 49; Mason, 52; Stevens, 54; Pickard, 57; Doty, 60, 264; Witherstine, 61; Payne, 62; Schermerhorn, 64; Maj(lr, 36; Blue, 67; 'Dodd, 70; Cruickshank, 73; Bartlett, 83; Grant, 88; Grover, 99; Lonyo, 100; Stanton, 125; Mather, 126; Allen-Whiting, 130; Sample, 133; Crocker, 157; Stryker, 162; Smith, 186; Brnytcu., 198; Luther, 207; Douglas, 214; Clark, 148; Gilmore, 271-273; Brown, 269; Crissy, 225. Distinguished Persons Mentioned. George Washington, 7; Ethan Allen, 15; Gen. Stark, 83·; Gov. Bradford, 7, 130; John and Priscilla Alden, 131; Gen. Gage, 23; La Fayette, 56; Gen. Herkimer, 18; Pres. Martin Van Buren, 120; Pres. Millard Fillmore, 120; Maj. Gen. Jacob Brown, 49; Commodore Perry, 86; Gen. U. S. Grant, 88; Jefferson Davis, 9, 146; Patroon Cornelius Lansing, 130; Judge C. L. Allen, 130; The Beecher Family, 49; Rev. Dr. Kirk, 130; Rev. Beriah Green, 71; Rev. Charles G. Finney, 72; Rev. Asa Mahaµ., 72; Gerritt Smith, 73.