Currriculum Vitae

NAME: Fiona E.M. Robinson DEPARTMENT: Political Science TELEPHONE: 520-2600 x.3514 ______


Ph.D. , Political Science, University of Cambridge, 1995 M. Phil., Social and Political Theory, University of Cambridge, 1992 M.A. International Affairs, specialization in Development Studies, 1991 The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, B.A. Honours, Political Studies and English (First Class), Queen's University, 1989


2018 Associate Dean (Acting) Research and International, Faculty of Public Affairs, Carleton University (January – June 2018) 2017 Cross-Appointed with Ethics and Public Affairs (Philosophy) (0%) 2013 Cross-Appointed with School of Social Work (0%) 2012 Promoted to Full Professor 2001 Promoted to Associate Professor 2000 Cross-appointed with Institute of Political Economy (0%) 1999 Tenure Awarded, Department of Political Science, Carleton University 1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Carleton University 1997 Tenure Awarded, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Sussex, United Kingdom 1994 Appointed Lecturer in International Relations and Politics, University of Sussex, United Kingdom


Carleton University Research Achievement Award, Carleton University, 2014

J. Ann Tickner Book Prize, University of Southern California, 2014.

Research Excellence Award, Faculty of Public Affairs, Carleton University, 2012

Shortlisted for Jill Vickers Prize, Canadian Political Science Association, 2013 and 2006.

1 Shortlisted for International Relations Book Prize, Canadian Political Science Association, 2013.


Refereed Contributions

Books (single authored)

2011. The Ethics of Care: A Feminist Approach to Human Security. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. (winner of inaugural J. Ann Tickner Book Prize, 2014 and shortlisted for International Relations Book Prize, CPSA, 2013)

1999. Globalizing Care: Ethics, Feminist Theory and International Relations, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Books (equal co-edited)

2011. Rianne Mahon and Fiona Robinson, eds., Feminist Ethics and Social Policy: Towards a New Global Political Economy of Care. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Articles in refereed journals

2019 ‘Resisting hierarchies through relationality in the ethics of care’. International Journal of Care and Caring. Special Issue, ‘Care Ethics thinks the Political’, Sophie Bourgault and Fiona Robinson, eds., 4(1): 11-23.

2019, with Sophie Bourgault, ‘Care Ethics thinks the Political’. International Journal of Care and Caring. Special Issue, ‘Care Ethics thinks the Political’, Sophie Bourgault and Fiona Robinson, eds., 4(1): 3-9.

2019. ‘Feminist Foreign Policy as Ethical Foreign Policy: A Care Ethics Perspective’. Journal of International Political Theory, ‘OnlineFirst’, February 2019.

2018. ‘Care ethics and International Relations: Challenging rationalism in global ethics’, International Journal of Care and Caring, 2(3): 319-32.

2018. ‘Care and the Political’, Politics & Gender, Symposium on the 25th anniversary of Joan Tronto’s Moral Boundaries. 14(4):

2016. ‘J. Ann Tickner Book Prize Essay: When Worlds Collide’, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 18(2). 2

2016. ‘A Global Ethic of Care’, Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2015. ‘A Modest Proposal: Comments on Burke’s Security Cosmopolitanism’ in Critical Studies on Security, 3(2): 172-175.

2014. ‘Discourses of Motherhood and Women’s Health: Maternal Thinking as Feminist Politics’, Journal of International Political Theory, 10(1): 94-108.

2014. with Catia Confortini, ‘Introduction: Maternal Thinking for International Relations? Papers in Honour of Sara Ruddick’. Symposium on ‘Sara Ruddick and International Ethics’, Journal of International Political Theory 10(1): 38-45.

2014. Co-editor (with Catia Confortini) Symposium on ‘Sara Ruddick and International Ethics’, Journal of International Political Theory 10(1).

2013. ‘Global Care Ethics: Beyond Distribution, Beyond Justice’, Journal of Global Ethics, Special Issue: Critical Approaches to Global Justice: At the Frontier, 9(2): 131- 143.

2011. ‘Stop Talking and Listen: Discourse Ethics and Feminist Care Ethics in International Political Theory. Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 39(3): 845- 860.

2010. ‘After Liberalism in World Politics: Towards an International Political Theory of Care’, Ethics and Social Welfare, 4(2): 130-144.

2008. ‘The Importance of Care in the Theory and Practice of Human Security’. Journal of International Political Theory, 4(2): 167-188. Lead Article.

2006. ’Beyond Labour Rights: The Ethics of Care and Women’s Work in the Global Economy’, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 8(3): 321-342. Lead Article.

2006:. Care, Gender and Global Social Justice: Rethinking ‘Ethical Globalization’, Journal of Global Ethics, Volume 2, Number 1: 5-25. Lead Article.

2003. ‘Human Rights and the Global Politics of Resistance: Feminist Perspectives’, Review of International Studies, Vol. 29, Special Issue: 161-180.

2003. ‘NGOs and the Advancement of Economic and Social Rights: Philosophical and Practical Controversies’, International Relations, 17(1): 79-96.

3 1997. ‘Globalizing Care: Ethics, Feminist Theory and International Relations’, Alternatives: Social Transformation and Humane Governance, Vol. 22, No.1: 113-133.

Chapters in Edited Refereed Books

2018. ‘International Relations Theory’ (introductory theme essay) for Brent Steele and eds., Routledge Handbook of Ethics and International Relations, New York: Routledge. (also served as ‘theme editor’ for the IR theory theme of the handbook).

2018. ‘A Feminist Practical Ethics’ in Robyn Eckersley and Chris J. Brown, eds., Oxford Handbook of International Political Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2016. ‘Feminist Care Ethics and Everyday Insecurities’ in Jonna Nyman and Anthony Burke, eds., Ethics and Security: An Emerging Research Agenda. London: Routledge.

2015. ‘Paternalistic Care and Transformative Recognition in International Politics’ in Patrick Hayden and Kate Schick eds., Recognition and Global Politics: Critical Encounters between State and World. London: Bloomsbury.

2015. ‘Care Ethics, Political Theory and the Future of Feminism’ in Daniel Engster and Maurice Hamington, Care Ethics and Political Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2012. ‘After Liberalism in World Politics: Towards an International Political Theory of Care’ in Christine Koggel and Joan Orme, eds., Care Ethics: New Theories and Applications. New York: Routledge (reprint of 2010 article in Ethics and Social Welfare)

2011. ‘Care Ethics and the Transnationalization of Care: Reflections on Autonomy, Hegemonic Masculinities, and Globalization’ in Rianne Mahon and Fiona Robinson, eds., Feminist Ethics and Social Policy: Towards a New Political Economy of Care. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press: 127-144.

2011. with Rianne Mahon. ‘Introduction’, in Rianne Mahon and Fiona Robinson, eds., Feminist Ethics and Social Policy: Towards a New Political Economy of Care. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press: 1-17.


2011. with Rianne Mahon. ‘Conclusion’, in Rianne Mahon and Fiona Robinson, eds., Feminist Ethics and Social Policy: Towards a New Political Economy of Care. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press: 178-183.

2010. with Anupam Pandey. ‘Universalism and Particularism in International Relations’, International Studies Encyclopedia: 7276-7295, Wiley-Blackwell.

2009. ‘Feminist Ethics’, in Patrick Hayden, ed., Ashgate Research Companion to Ethics and International Relations. London: Ashgagte: 79-86.

2009. ‘Feminist Ethics and Global Security Governance’, in Antonio Franceschet, ed., The Ethics of Global Governance Boulder: Lynne Reinner: 103-118.

2006. ‘Methods of feminist normative theory: A political ethic of care for international relations’ in Brooke Ackerly, Maria Stern and Jacqui True, eds., Feminist Methodologies in International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 221-240.

2006. ‘Ethical Globalization: States, Corporations and the Ethics of Care’ in Dorothy Miller and Maurice Hamington, eds, Socializing Care. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield: 163-181.

2006. ‘Exploring Social Relations, Understanding Power, and Valuing Care: The Role of Critical Feminist Ethics in International Relations Theory’ in Hakan Seckinelgin and Hideaki Shinoda, eds., Ethics and International Relations: Beyond Dichotomies. Basingstoke: Macmillan: 56-80.

2000. ‘Building Attachments and Focusing Moral Attention on World Poverty’ in Sarah Owen Vandersluis and Paris Yeros, eds., Poverty in World Politics. London: Macmillan:

1999. ‘Globalizing Liberalism: Morality and Legitimacy in a Liberal Global Order’ in Martin Shaw, ed., Politics and Globalization: Knowledge, Ethics and Agency. London: Routledge: 143-156.

1998. ‘The Limits of a Rights-based Approach to International Ethics’ in Tony Evans, ed., Human Rights Fifty Years On: A Reappraisal. Manchester: Manchester University Press, and New York: St. Martin’s Press: 58-76.

Review articles (all invited by editors)

2016. ‘Imagining ‘The Global’: Gender, Justice and Philosophy’, Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 31(2): 466-471.


2007. ‘Curiousity and Imagination in a Patriarchal World’, Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 22(4): 213-219.

1997. ‘Feminist IR/IPE Theory: Fulfilling its Radical Potential?’, Review of International Political Economy: 773-781.

Non-Refereed Contributions

‘Foreword’, invited foreword for Lucy B. Hall, Anna L. Weissman and Laura J. Shepherd, ed., Troubling Motherhood: Maternality in Global Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2018. ‘Taking an Ethical Stand: Moral Principles and Colonial Logics in Feminist Foreign Policy’, Disrupted: The Postcolonial Issue. Issue 2. London, UK: The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.

2017, ‘New Feminism in the Age of Trump‘ invited article for

Book Reviews (all invited by editors)

2016. Anthony Burke, Katrinia Lee-Koo and Matthew McDonald. ‘Ethics and Global Security’, for E-IR (on-line).

2014. Joan Tronto, ‘Caring Democracy: Markets, Equality and Justice’, in Politics & Gender, 10(4): 712-714.

2009. ‘Bridging the Real and the Ideal in International Ethics’. Review of Richard Price, ed., Moral Limit and Possibility in World Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, in International Studies Review, 11(2): 396-398.

2007. Carol C. Gould, ‘Globalizing Democracy and Human Rights’, in Ethics and International Affairs, 21(2): 263-265.

2006. Richard Ashby Wilson, ed., Human Rights in the War on Terror. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, in Canadian Journal of Political Science 39(4): 980-982.

2002. Scott Burchill, Richard Devetak, Andrew Linklater, Matthew Paterson, Christian Reus-Smit and Jacqui True, Theories of International Relations. 2nd edition. London: Palgrave, 2001, in International Feminist Journal of Politics: 440-442.


2001. Brooke A. Ackerly, Political Theory and Feminist Social Criticism, Cambridge: Cambridge Brooke A. Ackerly, Political Theory and Feminist Social Criticism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, in Feminist Theory: 253-255.

2001. Diana G. Zoelle, Globalizing Concern for Women's Human Rights: The Failure of the American Model, New York: St. Martin's Press, in American Political Science Review, 95(1): 266-267.


1. Editorial Responsibilities

Guest Co-editor (with Sophie Bourgault) ‘Care Ethics thinks the Political’, Special Issue of International Journal of Care and Caring,

Member, Editorial Board, International Theory: A Journal of International Politics, Law and Philosophy. Cambridge University Press (2020-2025).

Member, Editorial Board, International Theory (book series). Bristol University Press.

Member, Editorial Board, Ethics and Social Welfare. Taylor & Francis.

Member, Editorial Board, Feminist Studies on Peace, Justice and Violence (book series). Rowman & Littlefield International.

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Oxford University Press (2017-2020)

Member, Editorial Board, Journal of International Political Theory, Edinburgh University Press.

Member, Editorial Board, Global Ethics and Politics Series, Temple University Press.

Member, Editorial Board, Ashgate Series in Critical Security Studies.

2. Papers presented

‘Transformative Feminism or Just another ‘Visionary’ Foreign Policy? Reflections on Canada’s Feminist Foreign Policy Narrative’, paper presented at the annual conference of the International Studies Association, , April 2019.

7 ‘Feminist Foreign Policy as Ethical Foreign Policy? A Care Ethics Perspective’, paper presented at the 2017 conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, Workshop on ‘Care Ethics and the Political’, Ryerson University, Toronto, June , 2017

‘Lost in Translation? Considerations on a Feminist Ethic of Care as a framework for Global Care Policy’, paper presented at the annual conference of the International Studies Association, Atlanta, March, 2016.

‘Ethical Security Studies : A Feminist Critique’, paper prepared for the annual conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of , June 2015.

‘Paternalistic Care and Transformative Recognition in International Politics’, paper presented at workshop on ‘Recognition and the International’, University of St. Andrews, UK, April, 2014.

‘Care, Paternalism and Colonialism: Considerations on Autonomy and Recognition in International Politics, paper presented at the annual conference of the International Studies Asssociation, Toronto, March, 2014.

‘Global Care Ethics: Beyond Distribution, Beyond Justice’, paper presented at the Critical Perspectives on Global Justice Workshop, , Centre for Ethics, Toronto, October, 2012

‘Decolonizing International Political Theory: Emotional Imperialism and the Paradox of Value in Globalized Care’, paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, Edmonton, June, 2012.

‘Discourses of Motherhood and Women’s Health: Maternal Thinking as Feminist Politics’, International Studies Association, San Diego, CA, April, 2012.

‘Patriarchy and Postcoloniality in the Ethics of Care’, presented for workshop: Gender, Care, Migration: Europe-Canada Compared, University of Montreal, February 2-3, 2012.

‘Stop Talking and Listen: Discourse Ethics and Care Ethics in International Political Theory’; Millennium Conference on International Relations Theory, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, October, 2010.

‘Paternalistic Care? Reading Feminist Care Ethics through Postcolonialism’; ‘Feminist Perspectives on Global Justice’ workshop; annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Philosophy, Congress 2010, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, June 2, 2010.


‘Care, Responsibility and HIV/AIDS: Feminist Ethics and Human Security’, Canadian Political Science Association, May, 2009, Carleton University, Ottawa.

‘Feminist Considerations on the Ethics of Human Security’, ‘Feminist Perspectives on International Human Rights in Canada’ conference, University of Ottawa, March, 2009.

‘Gender, Carework and HIV/AIDS: Feminist Considerations on the Ethics of Human Security’, International Studies Association, New York, NY, February, 2009.

‘Human Trafficking and the Ethics and Politics of Care’, Workshop on ‘The Political Economy of Care’, Canadian Political Science Association, Vancouver, June 2008.

‘Facilitating Care in Global Politics: Towards a New Ethical Framework for Human Security’, International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, March, 2008.

‘The Importance of Care in the Theory and Practice of Human Security’, Fifth Carework Conference, CUNY Graduate Center, New York City, August, 2007.

‘Feminist Ethics and Global Security’, International Studies Association, Chicago, February, 2007.

‘Gender, Globalization and the Crisis of Care’, International Studies Association, San Diego, March, 2006.

‘Care and Global Social Justice: Towards a Moral Framework for Ethical Globalization’, Canadian Political Science Association, London, , June, 2005.

‘Realising Cosmopolitanism through the Ethics of Care: The Case of Corporate Social Responsibility’, International Studies Association, Montreal, Quebec, March, 2004.

‘Methodology and Epistemology in Normative International Relations Theory: Towards a Feminist Approach’, International Studies Association, Portland, Oregon, March, 2003 (paper presented by panel chair in my absence; my second child was born that month).

'Human Rights Discourse and Global Civil Society: Contesting Globalization’. International Studies Association, New Orleans, LA, March, 2002.

'NGOs and the Advancement of Economic and Social Rights: Philosophical and Practical Controversies’, Canadian Political Science Association, Toronto, May, 2002.

‘Competition or Care: the Ethical Basis of State and Society in a Globalizing World’. American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, August 30 – Sept 2, 2001.

9 ‘Ethics in Global Politics: Power and Interests, Justice and Care’. ‘Gendering Ethics/The Ethics of Gender’, An International Interdisciplinary Conference, Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, University of Leeds, UK, 23-25 June, 2000.

‘Exclusion, Suffering and Ethics: Cosmopolitan Sentiments and Moral Responsiveness’, International Studies Association, February, 1999, Washington, D.C.

'Globalizing Liberalism: Reflections on Liberal Political Philosophy and International Relations Theory’, International Studies Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, March, 1998.

‘Inclusion and Exclusion in International Relations’, British International Studies Association, Leeds, December, 1997.

'Rights, Relationships and Responsibilities: The Limits of a Human Rights Approach to International Ethics’, International Studies Association, Toronto, March, 1997.

‘Contractarianism and Rights-based Ethics’; British International Studies Association, Southampton, December, 1995.

b) Invited Talks or guest lectures

‘Why are Caring Societies so Elusive? Reconciling Answers from Political Economy and Moral Psychology’, Opening Keynote, Blurring Boundaries: Rethinking Gender and Care, International Conference, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany, March 14-15, 2019.

‘Moral Principles, Neoliberalism and Colonial Logics in Feminist Foreign Policy’, invited presentation, Global Ethics and Politics Speaker Series, the Graduate Centre, CUNY, New York, October 16, 2018.

‘Globalizing Care Ethics: Resisting Hierarchies and Embracing Precarity’, closing keynote address, ‘Care Ethics and Precarity’: Care Ethics Research Consortium Inaugural Conference, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, September 28, 2018.

‘What is Feminist Foreign Policy?’, invited talk at panel ‘Celebrating Women in Diplomacy’, Embassy of France in Ottawa, October 25, 2017.

‘Imagining in Global Ethic of Care: Towards a New Humanitarianism’, Carleton University Art Gallery Lunchtime lecture (in conjunction with the exhibition by Patricia Reed), November 9, 2016.


Roundtable participant (with J. Ann Tickner and Laura Sjoberg), J. Ann Tickner Book Prize Roundtable, School of International Relations, University of Southern California, October 24, 2017 (via video linkup).

Participant, Distinguished Scholar Award Roundtable in Honour of Professor Kimberly Hutchings, International Theory Section, annual conference of the International Studies Association, Atlanta, March, 2016.

‘The Ethics of Care and the Experience of War’, Keynote Address, Ethics of War Conference, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, March, 2015.

‘The Ethics of Care: A Feminist Approach to Human Security, invited lecture, University of Southern California School of International Relations. Inaugural J. Ann Tickner Book Prize Lecture, October 28, 2014.

‘Rethinking Human Security through the Lens of Care Ethics’, invited lecture, Centre for Global Ethics, Graduate Centre, City University of New York (CUNY), October 29th, 2013.

‘Care Ethics and the Future of Feminist Political Theory’, Invited Closing Keynote, International Symposium on The Ethics of Care and the Social Sciences, University of Ottawa, April 29-30, 2013.

Keynote, COVE Graduate Student Conference on Ethics, Carleton University, April 23, 2009.

‘Globalization, Violence and Gender: The Ethics of Care and Global Justice’, lecture delivered at International Conference on Global Justice, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, April 3-4, 2009. Two-day conference featuring the work of seven invited speakers, including Michael Walzer (IAS, Princeton) and Jeffrey Sachs (Earth Institute, Columbia) and Saskia Sassen (Columbia).

‘Beyond Human Rights and Human Security: Care as a Global Ethics for the Twenty- first Century’, opening public keynote (with Professor Fiona Williams, OBE, University of Leeds), Workshop on Gender and Social Politics in an Era on Globalization, Carleton University, Ottawa, April, 2007.

Global Insecurity and Feminist Ethics’, invited paper delivered at ‘Gendered Borders: Globalization and the Ethics of Care’ -- Laura C. Harris Speaker programme, Denison University, Ohio, February 22-23, 2007 (with Professor Virginia Held, CUNY and Professor Alison Jaggar, University of Colorado).

11 ‘Care and Global Social Justice: Towards a Moral framework for Ethical Globalization’, paper delivered at seminar on ‘New Scholarship and Emerging Issues in the study of Care and Carework’, Hunter College, City University of New York, April 13, 2005.

‘Beyond Labour Rights: The Ethics of Care and Women’s Work in the Global Economy’; paper prepared at panel on ‘Global Issues in Care Theory’. American Society for Women in Philosophy (New York branch), CUNY Graduate Center, City University of New York, NY, April 15, 2005.

3. Contract or Other Research

2019-21 SSHRC Insight Development Grant, Interrogating Canada’s Feminist Foreign Policy Narrative: Historical Context and Contemporary Logics, $49,950.

2016-17 SSHRC Connections Grant, ‘Visions for Canada, 2042’, $25,000.

2007-10 SSHRC Standard Research Grant, 'The Ethics of Human Rights and Security since 9/11': A Feminist Moral Analysis' -- $47,5000.

2006 Submitted SSHRC Standard Research Grant Application, ''Gender, Globalization and the Ethics of Care: Women and Carework in the Global Context' – (Category 4A, Recommended but not Funded). Awarded $10,000 by the Faculty of Public Affairs and the Office of the Vice-President, Research, Carleton University.

2005 Submitted SSHRC Standard Research Grant Application, 'Responsibilities, Rights and Justice: Meeting the Challenge of Ethical Globalization' – (Category 4A., Recommended but not Funded). Awarded $10,000 by the Faculty of Public Affairs and the Office of the Vice-President, Research, Carleton University.

2004 GR-6 -- 'Ethical Globalization: Exploring the Possibilities' -- $1500.

2001 GR-6 -- 'Understanding Morality in International Relations: Critical Approaches' -- $3000.

1998 GR-6 -- 'Feminist Ethics in International Relations' -- $3000.

4. Other Professional Activities

Peer reviewer for the following scholarly journals:

International Theory International Studies Quarterly 12

Millennium: Journal of International Studies Ethics and International Affairs Review of International Political Economy Journal of Historical Sociology Review of International Studies Political Theory Social and Cultural Geography Hypatia Global Society Journal of Social Philosophy International Feminist Journal of Politics Social Politics Journal of International Political Theory Atlantis Geopolitics Globalizations Canadian Journal of Political Science International Journal of Care and Caring

Peer reviewer for book proposals and manuscripts for:

Cambridge University Press University of British Columbia Press Oxford University Press Polity Press Temple University Press Pluto Press

2020, Back cover endorsement for Petr Urban and Lizzie Ward, ed., Care Ethics, Democratic Citizenship and the State. London: Palgrave.

2019, referee, application for promotion to the rank of full professor, Dr. Peter Nyers, Department of Political Science, McMaster University.

2019, referee, application for promotion to the rank of Full Professor, Dr. Lisa Eckenwiler, Department of Philosophy, George Mason University.

2018, Back cover endorsement, for Jenny Edkins and Maja Zehfuss, eds., Global Politics (3rd edition), Routledge, 2018.

2018, Roundtable participant, ‘International Political theory and “Real Politics” I: History, Traditions and Perspectives, annual conference of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, April, 2018.

2018, Roundtable participant, ‘Ethics and International Relations: Past, Present and Future’, conference of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, April, 2018.

2018, Discussant, ‘International Ethics and the Pluriverse’, annual conference of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, April, 2018.

2017, panel organizer, ‘International Ethics and the Pluriverse’, annual conference of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, April, 2018.

13 2017, Reviewer, Insight Grant Proposal, SSHRC (‘The Politics of Global Maternal Health Initiatives’), Candace Johnson, University of Guelph

2016, Back cover endorsement for Christine Kelly, Disability Politics and Care: The Challenge of Direct Funding. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2016.

2015, Referee, Tenure and Promotion to the rank of Assistant Profesor, (teaching), Dr. Jessica Peet, School of IR, University of Southern California.

2015, Jury Member, Canadian Political Science Association International Relations Book Prize.

2014, Back cover endorsement for Matthew S. Weinert, Making Human: World Order and the Global Governance of Human Dignity. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2015.

2014, ‘acknowledged expert’ referee, SSHRC post-doctoral fellowship competition (Amanda Watson; supervisor Leah Vosko, York University).

2014, referee, application for promotion to the rank of Professor, Dr. Anthony Burke, University of New South Wales, Australia.

2013. Organized FPA Research Award Symposium, ‘Women’s Health, Global Health: Ethics, Power and Politics’, Carleton University, March 1, 2013.

Opening Keynote, FPA Research Award Symposium, ‘Women’s Health, Global Health: Ethics, Power and Politics’, Carleton University, March 1, 2013.

Op-ed (invited) on my 2011 book, The Ethics of Care, for ynet (most widely-read web news source in Israel).,7340,L-4353159,00.html

Back cover endorsement for Amanda Russell Beattie and Kate Schick, eds., The Vulnerable Subject: Beyond Rationalism in International Relations. London: Palgrave, 2013.

2012, co-organizer (with Catia Conforti, Wellesley College, U.S.A. ) conference panel: ‘Maternal Thinking’ as Intellectual Gold for International Relations: A Panel in Honor of Sarah Ruddick (1935-2011)’, annual meeting of the International Studies Association, San Diego, CA, April 2012.

2011, referee, application for tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor, Dr. Laura Parisi, University of Victoria, Canada.


2011, referee, application for promotion to the rank of Reader, Dr. Patrick Hayden, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK.

2010, Back cover endorsement for Polity Press -- Kimberly Hutchings, Global Ethics

2009, reviewer for SSHRC Standard Research Grant Proposal

2009, interviewed about my research at the headquarters of the Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs, New York City.

2008, Chair, Jury for Canadian Political Science Association Prize for Best book in International Relations, Inaugural Year (3 member jury).

2008, external reviewer for National Research Foundation, South Africa (evaluates quality of research outputs of academics in order to establish formal standing of applicant's in their fields).

2008, member of College of Reviewers, Canada Research Chairs Programme, April 2008 (Reviewed application for Tier I CRC)

2008, co-organizer (with Rianne Mahon) Workshop on ‘The Political Economy of Care’, for the annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Vancouver, June, 2008.

2007, referee, tenure application, Dr. Robin Isserles, Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York.

2006, organizer, panel on ‘Gender, Struggle and Resistance in an Age of Globalization’, annual meeting of the International Studies Association, San Diego, CA.

2005, organizer, Panel on ‘Ethical Globalization: Challenges and Possibilities’, annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, London, Ontario, June, 2005.

2005, external reviewer, SSHRC Standard Research Grant proposal.

5. Scholarly Work in Progress

Co-organizer (with Sophie Bourgault, University of Ottawa), ‘Decentering Ethics’, Second bi-annual conference of the Care Ethics Research Consortium, Ottawa Ontario. (Abstracts have been reviewed and papers have been accepted. Conference originally

15 planned for October 2020 has been postponed to May or October 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

‘The Vulnerable, Virtuous Woman and the making of Canada’s Feminist Foreign Policy’, paper in preparation for the Canadian Political Science Association conference, Western University, London, May-June 2020. (conference cancelled; paper now being prepared for submission to the Canadian Journal of Political Science).

‘On the Impossibility of Feminist Foreign Policy’, paper in preparation for the International Political Science Association conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2020. (conference postposed to July 2021).

F ACADEMIC RESPONSIBIILITIES (TEACHING) Carleton University (07.98 - present) Undergraduate Teaching 47.131 Global Political Cultures (Winter, 2001) PSCI 1001, Great Political Questions (Winter 2012) GPOL 1000, Introduction to Global Politics (Fall 2012, Fall-Winter 2013-2014)) PSCI 1200, Introduction to Political Science: World Politics GINS 2000, Ethics and Globalization (Fall 2016 and Fall 2017) 47.260 Introduction to International Relations (Fall, 1998, 1999) now PSCI 2601 (Fall, 2005). 47.337 Politics of Human Rights (Fall, 1999, Winter 2001, Fall 2002, now PSCI 3307 (Winter 2006, Fall, 2006) 47.361 Theories of International Politics (Fall, 1998) 47.460 Analysis of International Relations (Winter, 1999, 2001, Fall, 2001, 2002) now PSCI 4800), Advanced IR Theory (Winter 2006, Fall 2006, Winter 2012, Winter 2013, Winter 2014, Winter 2016, Fall 2109) PSCI 4605 Gender and International Relations (Fall, 2005, Winter 2007, Fall 2011, Winter 2020). 47.491 Tutorial in a Selected Field: Ethics in International Relations (Summer, 1999)

Graduate Teaching EPAF 6200 Public Reason II (Winter, 2016, Winter 2020) PSCI 5602 Ethics in International Relations (Fall 2007, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2015, Fall 2017) 47.591 Directed Reading: Theory and Practice of Human Rights (3 students) (Fall, 1999) PECO 5900 Directed Reading: ‘Human Rights, Security and Intervention after 9/11: Critical Perspectives’ (1 student). PSCI 6096*, Thesis Proposal Workshop, Fall/Winter, 2008-9, 2009-10.


*(This course was significantly revised for 2009-2010. After reconfiguring the course into two half courses for calendar purposes in spring, 2009, I reworked the course outline to reflect these upcoming changes. Students had almost double the previous contact time, focusing their reading and assignments on methodology in the Fall term, while concentrating on writing drafts of their proposals in the winter). 47.661 Analysis of International Relations (Winter, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003); now PSCI 6601 (Winter, 2008, Winter 2009, Winter 2010).

University of Sussex (10.94-06.98) Undergraduate Teaching International Theory (2nd year) (1995-1997) Introduction to International Relations (1st year) (1995,1996) Gender and International Relations (3rd year) (1995-1997) Normative Foundations of Politics (1st year) (1997) Human and Civil Rights (3rd year) (1995 - 1997) Human Rights in the Modern World (2nd and 3rd year) (1997) Development and the State (2nd year) (1995, 1996) Colonialism and After (1st year) (1995-1996)

Course and Program Development Carleton University Created new core course for BA in Human Rights: 47.337, Politics of Human Rights Created new fourth-year option in Political Science: Gender and International Relations Created new graduate course, Ethics in International Relations (first offered Fall, 2007) Led and drafted OCGS submission for new PhD field in Gender and Diversity, 2008-2009. Participated in development of new PhD program in Ethics and Public Affairs Created and taught new FYSM, ‘Are you a Feminist?: Understanding Feminism in Contemporary Politics’, Fall 2019.

University of Sussex Revised and re-introduced final year IR option: Gender and International Relations Created and developed new first-year Politics course: Normative Foundations of Politics Created new Social Sciences School Course: Ethical Questions in International Relations

Graduate Supervisions

Graduate Thesis examination boards:

December 2004. Robert Atiken, PhD Political Science. Committee Member

November 2004. Carla Lam, PhD Political Science. Committee Member.

17 November 2010. David Seekings, PhD, Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia. External Examiner.

July 2011. Eric Van Rythoven, MA Political Science. Committee Member.

September 2012. Asli Duru, PhD, Department of Geography. Internal-external examiner.

April 2013. Danielle LeDuc, MA, Department of Political Science. Committee Member.

September 2013. Kimberly Carter, PhD, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto. External Examiner.

June 2014. Sophie Matheiu, PhD, Department of Sociology, Carleton University. Internal-external examiner.

January 2015. Diego de Meriche , PhD, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom, External Examiner.

April 2015. Margaret Fitzgerald Murphy, MA, Institute of Political Economy. Supervisor.

September, 2015. Drew Hoult, MA, Department of Philosophy. Internal Examiner.

September, 2015. Lesley Cornelisse, MA, Institute of Political Economy. Internal Examiner.

January, 2016, Fatma Armagan Teke, ‘Gender, Migration and Frames of Deservingness: The Gendered Management of Women’s Care Migration from Armedia to Turkey’, Department of Political Science, McMaster University, External Examiner.

March, 2016, Amanda Watson, ‘Accumulating Cares: Women, Whiteness, and the Affective Labour of Responsible Reproduction in Neoliberal Times’, Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies, University of Ottawa, External Examiner.

September, 2016, Surma Das, ‘‘The Politics of Normative Policy Frames of Development: Implications of Human Rights Framing of Maternal Health for Advancing Reproductive Justice : A Case Study of India’. Department of Political Science, University of Guelph, External Examiner.

September, 2017, Jennifer Spence, ‘Shaping or Making Policy in a Melting Arctic: Examining the Institutional Effectiveness of the Arctic Council’, School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University, Internal-external examiner. 18

Graduate Supervisions:

Completed In Progress

M.A. 19 0

Completed In Progress

Ph.D. 9 5

PhD Thesis Supervision


Catherine Eschle, Social and Political Thought, University of Sussex, Global Democracy, Social Movements and Feminism, 1998 (co-supervised with Professor Martin Shaw)

Scott Streiner, Political Science, Carleton University, Pursuing Equality: Pay Equity, the Kibbutz and the Future of Egalitarianism, 2002.

Anupam Pandey, Political Science, Carleton University, Forging Bonds with Women, Nature and the Third World: An Ecofeminist Critique of International Relations, 2005.

Daniel Pierre-Antoine, Political Science, Carleton University, Exclusion and the Global Political Economy: From Critique to Rethinking, 2006.

Mahmoud Masaeli, Political Science, Carleton University, The Ethics of Recognition in International Relation: A Global and Cross-Cultural Perspective, 2010.

Richard Baker, Political Science, Carleton University, Canada and the ‘Discourse of Danger’: Representations of Canada in US Media, 2010.

Mark Pearcey, Political Science, Carleton University, Revisiting the Standard of Civilization: US health diplomacy and indigenous peoples (co-supervised with Hans-Martin Jaeger) 2013

Gabrielle Mason, Political Science, Carleton University, Graying States: Elder Care Policy in Alberta, Canada and Stockholm, Sweden (co-supervised with Rianne Mahon), 2014

Stephanie Redden, Political Science, Carleton University, The Feminization of the ‘Everyday’: Examining the Gendered Nature of Worker Resistance within the Transnationally Situated Call Center Industry, 2016. 19

In Progress:

Sacha Ghanderharian, Political Science, Carleton University. Maggie Fitzgerald, Political Science, Carleton University. Barbra Chimhandamba, Political Science, Carleton University Lindsay Robinson, Political Science, Carleton University Salma El Refaei, Department of Political Science, Carleton University

MA Supervision:

Georgette Elston, MA Research Essay, International Affairs, 1999. Renee Martyna, MA Research Essay, International Affairs, 2002. Maire Mcadams, MA Research Essay, Political Science, 2003. Anna Torgerson, MA Thesis, Institute of Political Economy, 2007. Oren Winer, MA Research Essay, Political Science, 2007. Eliot Che, MA Research Essay, Institute of Political Economy, 2008. Emma Lui, MA Thesis, Institute of Political Economy, 2008. Elise Peer, MA Research Essay, Political Science, 2008 Jeffrey Rochwerg, MA Research Essay, Political Science, 2008. Jill Hartry, MA Research Essay, Political Science, 2008 Megan McIntosh, MA Thesis, Political Science, 2009. John Harmen-Volk, MA Research Essay, Political Science, 2009. Ashley Bickerton, MA Research Essay, Political Science, 2009. Jillian Terry, MA Thesis, Political Science, 2011. Krista Way, MA Thesis, Institute of Political Economy, 2012 Ben James, MA Research Essay, Political Science, 2013. Sacha Ghanderharian , MA Thesis, Political Science, 2014. Tiffany Narducci, MA Research Essay, Political Science, 2015. Maggie Fitzgerald Murphy, MA Thesis, Institute of Political Economy, 2015.

Undergraduate Honours Essay Supervisions

Political Science: Shawn Plunkett, 1999 Katie Morello, 2003 Jessica Parish, 2006 Esther Yoon, 2007 Mike Worden, 2007 Mariam Moktar, 2008 Kathleen Williams, 2008 Amanda Popwicz-Soni, 2009 20

Lauren Pires, 2009 Maral Niazi, 2010 Lana Peric, 2015

Arthur Kroeger College: Stephanie Pierce, 2002 Laura Hewitt, 2007 Katherine Payne, 2008 Stephanie McBride 2012 Hyla Zeifman 2012 Marianne Poirier 2013 Kienan Webb 2013 Eden Giffawossen 2017 Claire Finkbeiner 2018 Lena Martynova 2020

BGInS: Emily Charman 2020


Carleton University • Member, Department of Political Science Graduate Committee, 2019-2020. • Associate Dean (Acting), Research and International, Faculty of Public Affairs, January 1 – June 30, 2018. • Member, Carleton University International Advisory Board, January 1 – June 30, 2018. • Member, Carleton University Promotions Committee, 2018. • Member, Adjudication Committee, CU Development Grants, June 2017. • Conference Organizer, ‘Visions for Canada, 2042’, Faculty of Public Affairs, January 2016 – March 2017. • Organized Departmental Speaker Series, Department of Political Science, 2015- 2016. • Chair of International Relations field group, Department of Political Science, Fall, 1999, 2012-2013, 2013-2014. • Member of Curriculum and Priorities Committee, Department of Political Science, Fall term, 1999, and from July, 2001 to February 2003, 2006-2007; 2008-2009; 2009- 2010; 2012-2013, 2013-2014. • Member of Appointments Committee for Canadian Politics Position, Fall, 1999. • Assistant Professor representative on Tenure and Promotions Committee, Department of Political Science, Fall 1999; Associate Professor Representative, 2001-2002; Full Professor Representative, 2012-2013, 2013-2104, 2016-2017. 21 • Coordinator (Political Science) for Human Rights Program, Fall 1999 to Spring 2003, 2006-2007. • Chair, Personnel Committee, Institute of Political Economy,Winter, 2001 to Spring 2003 • Undergraduate Supervisor, Department of Political Science, July, 2001 to Spring 2003, July 1, 2006 – July 1, 2007. • Member, Undergraduate Committee, 2011-2012, 2012-13. • Member, APCC, Faculty of Public Affairs and Management, July 2001 to Spring 2003, July 1, 2006 - present • Member, Joint B.A. Curriculum Committee, PAM and FASS, July 2001 to Spring 2003 • Member, Kroeger College Board, July 2001 to Spring 2003 • Member, Graduate Committee, Department of Political Science, 2005-2006, 2014- 2015. • Chair, Working Group on ‘Gender and Diversity’ (project to create new PhD field, including core courses and comprehensive examinations, in the Department of Political Science). • Member, APCC, Faculty of Public Affairs, July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2008. • Member, Appointments Committee, Department of Political Science – Position in Gender and Politics, Winter, 2007. • Graduate Supervisor, Department of Political Science, July 1, 2008 – July 1, 2010. • Chair, Graduate Committee, Department of Political Science, July 1, 2008- July 1, 2010. • Member, Graduate Faculty Board, July 1, 2008 – July 1, 2010. • Web Liaison Officer, Department of Political Science, 2011-2012, 2012-213 • Member, Directions and Priorities Committee, Faculty of Public Affairs, 2013 • Member, Senate Tenure Appeals Committee, 2012-2013. • Internal Assessor, Cyclical Quality Assurance Review of graduate programs in the School of Public Policy and Administration, October, 2013. • Member, Appointments committee, Position in Political Theory, Department of Political Science, 2015.

University of Sussex • Organized intercollegiate conference in International Relations, University of Sussex, 1995, 1996, 1997 • Co-organized and conducted International Relations and Politics Induction Program for new undergraduate students, 1996 • Examinations Convenor for International Relations subject group, 1997 (responsible for administration of internal and external marking for all undergraduate examinations)