Government Communication in Australia Edited by Sally Young Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68171-1 - Government Communication in Australia Edited by Sally Young Index More information Index ABC, xxxii Association of Non-English Speaking Media Watch, 142 Background Women of Australia, 267 radio broadcasting of parliament, 73 Association of Women’s Organisations radio youth network Triple J, 277 Conference, 268 Abetz, Eric, 161, 269 Atkins, Dennis, 132 accessibility, xxix Atkinson, Joe, 92 accountability, 20, 25, 84, 230, 232 Attorney-General’s Department, 12, 212 information flow and, 37 Auditor-General, 20, 45 in the public service, 49 advertising guidelines, 33, 195, 204, 242 ACT government, 235, see also Stanhope, Jon Australia ‘Canberra Connect’, 238 citizens and online communication, Chief Minister’s Talkback, 245 176–8 Community Cabinet, 249 compulsory voting, 174 ACTU-ALP Accord, 55 Constitution, 28, 68 ACTV v Commonwealth, 28 e-government, 166 advertising, regulation of, 39 evaluation of government communication, Advertising Standards Council, 33 232–4 advocacy, 164, 256, 257–8 federal system, xxv, 6 Akerman, Piers, 87, 141 geographical distances, xxv Albrechtsen, Janet, 142 government advertising in, 181–203 Allan, Tim, 107 government communication online, Althusser, Louis, 217 161–80 Amnesty International, 281 innovation in government communication, Anderson, Lori, 163 229–54 aNiMaLS, 9, 134 national belonging, 216–22, 223 Animals II, 10 national identity, 262 ANSTO campaign, 121, 125 service delivery by the voluntary sector, 10, Anti-Cancer Councils, 190 255 anti-terrorism advertising,
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