History of Wargames: Toward a History Based Doctrine for Wargaming as of 6 Jan 2000 By Matthew Caffrey Send comments to
[email protected] - A Congressman with a national reputation as a defense expert opposes the President's plan for military action because of the casualty levels predicted by war games. - One weapons program is canceled and another accelerated, both largely due to the results of war games. - An air component commander convinces an area CinC to change the deployment plan of a major regional plan due to problems anticipated through a war game. Our expectations of the future shape that future. Those who concern themselves with the future of warfare develop their expectations in many ways, from the study of history to the building of complex mathematical models, to the integration of both these approaches using the medium of wargaming. Without question war games shape those expectations, hence they help shape the future. Ever more powerful computers appear to promise ever better war games. Yet is the Emperor really wearing clothes? Or to use a more contemporary expression, isn't the validity of "garbage in garbage out" independent of computing power? Will war games lead or mislead us in the future? As several historians have observed, "I know of no guide to the future but the past." For almost 200 years modern war games have been providing life saving insights and fatal mirages. If these different outcomes were random there would little use in studying that history. However, as the Caffrey Cycle illustrates, history provides the raw material for anticipating cause and effect.