Journal of Visualized Experiments Video Article Silencing the Spark: CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing in Weakly Electric Fish Savvas J. Constantinou1, Linh Nguyen2, Frank Kirschbaum2, Vielka L. Salazar3, Jason R. Gallant1 1 Department of Integrative Biology, Michigan State University 2 Faculty of Life Sciences, Unit of Biology and Ecology of Fishes, Humboldt University 3 Department of Biology, Cape Breton University Correspondence to: Jason R. Gallant at
[email protected] URL: DOI: doi:10.3791/60253 Keywords: Biology, Issue 152, CRISPR/Cas9, electric fish, single cell microinjection, scn4aa, electric organ discharge, genome modification, mormyrid, gymnotiform Date Published: 10/27/2019 Citation: Constantinou, S.J., Nguyen, L., Kirschbaum, F., Salazar, V.L., Gallant, J.R. Silencing the Spark: CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing in Weakly Electric Fish. J. Vis. Exp. (152), e60253, doi:10.3791/60253 (2019). Abstract Electroreception and electrogenesis have changed in the evolutionary history of vertebrates. There is a striking degree of convergence in these independently derived phenotypes, which share a common genetic architecture. This is perhaps best exemplified by the numerous convergent features of gymnotiforms and mormyrids, two species-rich teleost clades that produce and detect weak electric fields and are called weakly electric fish. In the 50 years since the discovery that weakly electric fish use electricity to sense their surroundings and communicate, a growing community of scientists has gained tremendous insights into evolution of development, systems and circuits neuroscience, cellular physiology, ecology, evolutionary biology, and behavior. More recently, there has been a proliferation of genomic resources for electric fish.