XXIV. a Descriptive Outline of the Roman Remains in Norfolk, by SAMUEL WOODWARD, Esq., in a Letter to HUDSON GURNBY, Esq
358 XXIV. A descriptive Outline of the Roman Remains in Norfolk, by SAMUEL WOODWARD, Esq., in a Letter to HUDSON GURNBY, Esq. V.P., F.R.S. accompanied by a Map of the County. Read 23d December, 1830. DEAR SIR, HAVING done me the honour of exhibiting to the Society of Anti- quaries in March 1824, a rough draft of a Map of Roman Norfolk, with other Plans which related to Norwich, I now beg leave to transmit to the Society through you a more finished Map,a accompanied by a descrip- tive Outline of the Roman Remains in that county: and in so doing I can-, not but suggest, that if others, conversant with antiquarian pursuits, would construct similar Maps of other counties of Great Britain, the whole might form the basis of a Map of Roman Britain, which is much wanted. The advantages resulting, would, I am convinced, fully compensate the labour; much light would be thrown upon the works of Gale, Horsley, Reynolds, and other learned Antiquaries, who have written on the Itinerary of Antoninus; and the early history of this country be placed in a much clearer point of view than it has hitherto been. The accurate Surveys which have been taken of every County have removed the obstacles which before impeded such an attempt; and these, combined with the geological researches which have of late years been made, particularly in our maritime counties, afford sure data for such an undertaking. « Plate XXXI. Iffl M E T A R IS /ESTVAR IVM ". /:'. or'ti Descriptive Outline of the Roman Remains in Norfolk.
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