ISSN 2334-847X (Printed) ISSN 2334-8496 (Online) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE RESEARCH IN SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND EDUCATION IJCRSEE Volume 3, Issue 1, June 2015. IMPRESUM International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Volume 3, Issue 1, June 2015. Editor in chief: Dr. Lazar Stošić Publishers: The Association for the development of science, engineering and education Address: Prvi maj 18, 17500 Vranje, Serbia Phone: +381 17 400 165, + 381 63 700 4281 E-mail:
[email protected] College of professionals studies educators Pivarska b.b., 18220 Aleksinac, Serbia For publishers: Dr. Lazar Stošić Dr. Stojan Obradović Print: Aurora O. D. Vranje Circulation: 200 copies Translator: Dr. Igor Petrović Indexed: Index Copernicus, DOAJ, SCIndeks, GIF global impact factor, CNKI, Turkish Education Index, SCIPIO - Scientific publishing & information online, Journal Impact Factor, GoogleScholar, Dialnet, InnoSpace - SJIF Scientific, Harvard University Library, WorldCat, Open Academic, PUBDB DESY Publication Database, Journals Index (OAJI), InfoBase Index, J-Gate, Cabell’s Directory, JOUR Informatics, Academic Journals Database, Sjournals Index, WorldWideSci- ence Sources, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), Cite Factor, UlrichsWeb, TIB-German National Library of Science and Technology,, DRJI, Science Central, Electronic Journals Library, Academic Keys, ETH-Bibliothek, BASE, Journal Seeker, Researchbib, SAIF Impact fac- tor, getCITED, PBN, OAJ, LibSearch, JournalTOCs, HOTid, .docstoc, Scribd. Global Impact Factor for 2013=0.514, 2014=0,678 IC Journals Master List 2012 - ICV 2012: 5.31, - ICV 2013 - 6.76 Contents STUDENTS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS: BRAILLE READING RATE Dr. Daniela Dimitrova Radojichikj.........................................................................................................1 AUGMENTED REALITY AS A TEACHING TOOL IN HIGHER EDUCATION Dr.