ThE Messenger Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time October 25, 2020 Serving the Catholic Parishes of Sacred Heart, Villa Grove, Illinois & St. ’s, Hume, Illinois

You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37

CHURCH CENTRAL OFFICE MASS SCHEDULE 206 N. Pine Street Daily Mass at Sacred Heart in person Villa Grove, IL 61956 Tuesday—Friday: 8:00 a.m. Phone Number: (217) 832-8352 Fax Number: (217) 832-8354 Saturday Vigil at Sacred Heart: 4:00 p.m. E-mail: [email protected] In person Mass @ 25% capacity + Online Streaming Web Site: Sunday Mass at St. Michael’s: 8:00 a.m. In person Mass @ 25% capacity + Online Streaming Pastor: Father Aloysius Okey Ndeanaefo Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart: 10:00 a.m. In person Mass @ 25% capacity + Online Streaming PASTORAL STAFF CONFESSION Secretary: Amy Walch Saturday at Sacred Heart: 3:15 p.m. DRE/Youth Coordinator: Mike Stauder Or by appointment Custodial Care: Jim Balmer Maintenance: Scott Albin & Jim Balmer HOLY DAY MASSES OFFICE HOURS 6:30pm: Vigil Mass at St. Michael’s Monday — Friday: 8:30 am — 1:30pm 8am & 6:30pm Holy Day Masses at Sacred Heart. (Closed on Holidays and Holy days) Mass Intentions Ministry Schedule Oct 24 4:00 pm Jerry Derby by Steve & Martha WIlliams October 31st and November 1st, 2020

Oct 25 8:00 am Bernie Barrett by Nick & Kay Barrett 4:00 pm LECTORS: Kim Lytle 10:00 am Dorothy Mae Boyd by Deacon & Mrs. Jeff COMMUNION: Will not be used until further notice Beals SERVERS: Will not be used until further notice Oct 26 8:00 am NO MASS Oct 27 8:00 am Ursula Calvert by University of Missouri Dept of Conservation & Forestry 8:00 am LECTORS: Brian Smith Oct 28 8:00 am Peggy Blanchard Kermer by Tony Kramer Oct 29 8.00 am Dorothy Mae Boyd by Kevin & Janet Breen USHERS: David Smith Oct 30 8:00 am Brigit Pegeen Kelly by Michael Madonick COMMUNION: Will not be used until further notice

SERVERS: Will not be used until further notice Oct 31 4:00 pm Betty Mulcahey by John & Mary Hawkins GIFTS: Lily Brown Nov 01 8:00 am Leo & Anna Mary Waller by Glenda Waller

10:00 am 10: 00 am LECTORS: Cory Kappes COMMUNION: Will not be used until further notice Mass Intentions Requests PASTORAL CARE: Will not be used until further notice COLLECTION COUNTERS: Amy Mitsdarfer & Submit Mass Intention requests to the Parish Office and Mary Hildreth prayer chain requests to Amy Walch: [email protected] SERVERS: Will not be used until further notice Prayer Requests Sacred Heart: We pray for: Geneva Allen, Teresa Balmer, Kay Barrett, Doris Birk- Saturday, 4:00 p.m. & Sunday, 10:00 a.m. ner, Pat Carr, Margaret Czerwonka, Maureen Denbo, Pat Dillon, St. Michael’s: Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Tita Fleener, Malea Fonner, Kim Franzen, John Gilles, Faith Grave, Denise Griffith, Daphne Grise, Greg Gulick, Vicki Harmon, Julie Harrison, John Hawkins, Bob Jones, Christina Kappes, Tyler King, Weekly Collection Debbie Koberlein, Marge Koeberlein, Kiley Kramer, Meghan Kra- mer, Dorothea Lasley, Albert Ledford, Ann Maxwell, Sally McNamara, Michael Madonick, Doris Miller, Amy Mitsdarfer, Yair Week Ending Sunday, October 18, 2020 Flores Molina, Mark Mooney, Ezinne Theresa C. Ndeanaefo, Mi- chael N. Ndeanaefo, Lara Nguyen , Christopher and Nicholas Nolte and their families, Mike Pangburn, Rosemary Raeske, Phyllis Rund, • Sacred Heart Church Mary Margaret Rund, John Rotheker, Louise Schmidt, James Weekly Collection: $ Loose Cash: $ Smith, Joseph Smith, Matt Smith, Mary Tipsend, Susan Wilkey, Building Fund: $ Capitol Improvements: $ Cathy Weatherford, and Mike Webb. Assumption: $ Maintenance: $ Online Giving:This $ week ’s collection will appear in next Daily Scripture Readings Total Deposit: $ weekend’s bulletin, the secretary is on Oct 24: R1: EPH 4:7-16 Gospel: LK 6:12-16 • St. Michael’s Church vacation. Gospel: LK 13:1-9 Oct 29: R1: EPH 6:10-20 Weekly Collection: $ Loose Cash: $ Oct 25: R1: EX 22:20-26 Gospel: LK 13:31-35 Catholic Times: $ Church Bell Fund: $ R2: 1THES 1:5C-10 Oct 30: R1: PHIL 1:1-11 Online Giving: $ Gospel: MT 22:34-40 Gospel: LK 14:1-6 Total Deposit: $ Oct 26: R1: EPH 4:32-5:8 Oct 31: R1: PHIL 1:18B-26 Gospel: LK 13:10-17 Gospel: LK 14:1, 7-11 Thank you and God bless all of you who continued to Oct 27: R1: EPH 5:21-33 Nov 01: R1: RV 7:2-4, 9-14 financially support your parishes while unable to attend Gospel: LK 13:18-21 R2: 1JN 3:1-3 Oct 28: R1: EPH 2:19-22 Gospel: MT 5:1-12A Masses in person! It was truly a blessing. St Michael’s Parish Tithing Goal Sacred Heart Parish Tithing Goal

The new assessments have been released and with the The new assessments have been released and with the changes in the appeal, this year’s parish goal for St Michael changes in the appeal, this year’s parish goal for Sacred Heart is $5332.00 You will be receiving a mailer from the Office of Parish is $14.380.00 You will be receiving a mailer from the the in mid October Office of the Bishop in mid October Pastoral Reflections The tribes of Israel have now arrived at Mount Sinai. covenant fidelity, which includes willing and doing. There they accept the challenge to serve God, who alone The second is like it. Jesus was not asked for a second- has delivered them from oppression and kept them from place commandment. Nevertheless, he quotes Leviticus all harm. This covenant with God demands that they 19:18, which declares that one should love one’s neighbor reflect in their own lives the benevolence God displays as oneself. Jesus then makes it very clear that this addi- toward them. tional commandment is not a second choice but is equal Matthew’s version of “the Greatest Commandment” is to the first. Again, no Jew would argue with Jesus against similar to that found in Mark 12:28–34. Matthew sharpens the importance of loving one’s neighbor as oneself. the focus to make it a controversy between Jesus and the If Jesus manifests any originality here, it might be in his Pharisees. Once again, because Matthew’s audience is combining Deuteronomy 6:5 with Leviticus 19:18, seeing Jewish and Jesus is Jewish, this is an intra-Jewish dispute. them as one—and the greatest commandment. Judaism believed that, in addition to the Torah, Moses The law and the prophets. In Matthew 5:17, Jesus makes also received from God 613 oral laws: 248 positive ones it clear that he has come not to do away with while 365 were negative. Rabbis frequently debated about the law and the prophets but rather to fulfill them. which of these 613 commandments was the most im- Obviously, some people felt that Jesus fulfilled the law portant. In today’s Gospel, a “scholar of the law” (a and the prophets; their observance is now surpassed by scribe) tests Jesus regarding which law is the greatest. his teaching. Nothing could be further from the truth. Which commandment of the law is the greatest? If anything, the law and the prophets are even more Jesus answers by first quoting Deuteronomy 6:5. Almost important now. Their importance stems from the fact that every Jew would know this verse by heart. Many rabbis they flow from the greatest commandment as Jesus has would agree with Jesus that the totality of love stipulated just articulated it. This is solid orthodoxy, both for Juda- by this version lies at the very center of the law. Judaism ism and for the members of Matthew’s Jewish Christian saw the Torah (law) as a unified whole, including heart, community. soul, and mind. It also required putting this love into Franciscan 2020 concrete practice. This reflects what Judaism means by All Rights reserved .

Saint Narcissus of ~d. c. 216~ Coming Soon ~01, November, 2020~

Life in second- and third-century Jerusa- Next Door. It can be easy to view the beatitudes as impossible lem couldn’t have been easy, but goals for Kingdom of Heaven living. But they are not just dreams and Narcissus managed to live well beyond hopes; they are norms, achievable standards of right behaviors for bap- tized disciples. The second reading helps us grasp this. We are children 100. Some even speculate he lived to 160. of God not by blood or birth or desire. We are God’s children by baptis- Details of his life are sketchy, but there mal rebirth, by God’s good choice. We constantly look, at Pope Francis’ are many reports of his miracles. urging, for the saint next door. We constantly try to be one, too. The miracle for which Narcissus is most • I will reread 1 John 3:1-3 each day this week to cherish how I am a remembered was turning water into oil for child of God. use in the church lamps on Holy Saturday • Let me name the “saintly” behavior of neighbors, co-workers, fam- when the deacons had forgotten to provide any. We do ily. know that Narcissus became bishop of Jerusalem in the late • What will I do each day this week to be a saint next door? second century. He was known for his holiness, but there are hints that many people found him harsh and rigid in his Saints Simon and Jude ~October 28th~ efforts to impose Church discipline. One of his many detrac- tors accused Narcissus of a serious crime at one point. O God, we thank you Though the charges against him did not hold up, he used for the glorious company of the the occasion to retire from his role as bishop and live in soli- apostles, and especially on this tude. His disappearance was so sudden and convincing that day for Simon and Jude; many people assumed he had actually died. Several succes- and we pray that, as they were sors were appointed during his years in isolation. Finally, faithful and zealous Narcissus reappeared in Jerusalem and was persuaded to in their mission, so we may with resume his duties. By then he had reached an advanced age, ardent devotion make known so a younger bishop was brought in to assist him until his the love and mercy of our Lord death. This feast day is observed on October 29th. and Savior Jesus Christ.

Announcements, Events and Activities October Birthdays & Anniversaries Reminders Birthdays 10/19 Wanda Moore SM Finance Council meeting Sunday Nov 15th at 10/3 Sam Marlatt 10/21 Lonnie Crafton 7:00 am 10/21 Phillip Holthaus 10/4 John Carmack 10/07 Norma Brown 10/22 Pam Cler 10/07 Daryl Vandenventer 10/23 Verna Bennett Don’t forget to check the bulletin board in the church vestibule for flyers 10/08 Bryan Hosler 10/23 James Vaghy about events at local area church etc. that bulletin space limitations 10/23 Robert Kneer 10/09 Harold Brown prevent it’s posting. This includes the minutes of the most recent Pastoral 10/10 Tony Hooker 10/27 Doris Birkner Council meeting. 10/10 Dave Smith 10/27 Charles Simpson 10/10 Colleen Stovall 10/ 27 Doris Mooney 10/13 Mike Stauder 10/29 Marsha Smith Baby Bottle Fundraiser 10/15 Joey Keske 10/17 Abner Wood You are asked to please remember to return the bottles by 10/18 Sheryl Lawless Anniversaries Oct 31/Nov 1 to the same box. Your generous contributions 10/18 Meghan Kramer can change the life of a mother and baby. It will help wom- 10/19 Mary Hawkins 10/ 17 Kevin & Christine Conner en form the community, as they face an unplanned preg- nancy to provide, among other services, preg- Keeping us all Connected nancy tests, limited OB ultrasounds, counseling, material needs, parenting and childbirth classes The parishes now have a Facebook page https:// as well as referrals. Checks should be made out 100833228251360/ to Choices Pregnancy & Health.

I have the quarterly Living Faith reflections booklets Season of Stewardship in the office, please call or stop by if you would like a copy . We just cannot have print material in the church for sanitation By now each household in both parishes may have received purposes. two letters from the diocese. The letter from the Bishop should have explained that they are replacing the old Annu- Text/E-mail Scam al Catholic Services Appeal or ACSA with the new concept called Parish Tithing Goal. The restructuring of this cam- Just a reminder: Father Aloy has been made aware of an paign has created a slight reduction in each parish goal for email or text circulating with his name signed to it. Please the year. Please take the time to read his letter and consider be assured that this request for help is not coming from how you can help your parish to meet that goal. It is effec- him. sSadly, during times like these, when folks are more tively a bill and each parish will be invoiced for the balance not met by parishioner contributions at the end of the socially isolated , scams like these tend to pop up. Be very church fiscal year. careful about giving out any personal information and stay However, this is different from the letter you may also have safe! Whenever in doubt, do NOT respond. received from the office of Discipleship and Stewardship. This letter explains a bit about how the Diocese is incorpo- Book of the Holy Souls rating the ideas discussed during the 2017 synod encourag- Once again during the month of November we wish to ing all Catholics to embrace stewardship as a way of life. remember our deceased loved ones through the Book of the We will be working , within our two parishes, towards that Dead or Holy Souls. But… we are still under paper and print goal using the bulletin and social media this entire year to material limitations, so we are going to approach this a bit educate everyone, but lots of articles can be found on the differently this year. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to have diocesan website at In the meantime, folks handling the same pens and paper so we are asking that letter will include a link to both our online giving site parishioners to please write those names on a piece of paper as well as to a digital version of our yearly Time Talent & at home and drop those notes into the box in the vestibule Treasure surveys. Please take the time to fill one of them of church. We will then be publishing all of them in a our for your family, that information will be sent directly to bulletin insert for the month of November and get them our parish office where that information can get the right entered into the book for Father to place on the altar for folks. November as well. You can begin submitting those names next weekend. You can also of course, mail those names to Thanks so much in advance for your participation in our the office , or send an email. digital Time talent and treasure drive for 2020! *** Please note : All weekend Masses continue to be Live Streamed, despite no longer being listed individually on the calendar.