EMBO Annual Report 04
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EMBO EMBC annual report 2004 European Molecular Biology Organization European Molecular Biology Conference EMBO | EMBC table of contents introduction appendix preface by Frank Gannon 4 delegates and advisors from the EMBC member states 62 preface by Susan Gasser 6 council & committee members 2004 66 preface by Marja Makarow 8 council & committee members 2005 68 new members elected in 2004 70 EMBO & EMBC: past & present advisory editorial board 2004 78 timeline & brief history 12 long-term fellowship awards 2004 80 aims of EMBO | EMBC | EMBL 14 long-term fellowships: statistics 92 summary of EMBO actions 2004 18 long-term fellowships 2004: geographical distribution 94 summary of EMBC actions 2004 24 short-term fellowship awards 2004 96 short-term fellowships: statistics 108 joint EMBO & EMBC activities short-term fellowships 2004: geographical distribution 110 fellowship programme 30 young investigators selected in 2004 112 fellows network 32 EMBO/HHMI scientists selected in 2004 112 courses and workshops programme 34 young investigator application and selection statistics 114 young investigator programme 36 young investigator lectures 2004 116 electronic information programme 38 courses 2004 118 workshops 2004 120 EMBO additional activities conferences 2004 122 The EMBO Journal 42 plenary lectures 2004 124 EMBO reports 44 world programme fellowships 2004 126 science & society programme 46 statistics on women 127 gold medal 48 scale of contributions from the EMBC member states 128 award for communication in the life sciences 49 staff in heidelberg 130 plenary lectures 50 sectoral meetings 51 events in 2005 world activities 52 practical courses 2005 134 women in the life sciences 54 lecture courses and workshops 2005 136 communications 56 conferences and symposia 2005 138 european life sciences forum 58 other EMBO events 2005 139 2 3 preface EMBO & EMBC 2004 2004 was a time for reflection on the devel- of 5% per annum for the next six years. tigator Programme have also become valuable data accumulated annually through opment of EMBO and the EMBC. There were Although this is less than seemed justified recognised and appreciated parts of the or- fellowship applications, requests for sup- significant anniversaries for both organisa- by the needs of EMBO’s programmes or, in- ganisation’s scope. In addition, the engage- port of courses and workshops and the tions and the joint celebration of EMBO’s deed, the willingness of a majority of the ment of the editorial staff of The EMBO themes of journal submissions, EMBO will 40th, EMBC’s 35th and EMBL’s 30th birth- member states, on reflection, it is a very sat- Journal and EMBO reports should be noted establish a more structured form of policy days was also a symbolically important isfactory outcome. This increase in funding and is well reflected, not only in the quality input in 2005 to provide strategic advice to event. Marking the tremendous impact of will ensure that EMBO actions supported by of these publications, but also in their out- governments throughout Europe. This pro- the organisations, both independently and the EMBC remain on a solid financial basis of-hours input to the journals. cess will complement our ongoing efforts to collectively, on the transformation of molec- for many years to come. The fruit of EMBO’s labour may give us bring about the establishment of a Euro- ular biology in Europe, the event also gave At times of budgetary uncertainties, good reason to be satisfied, but we remain pean Research Council. those associated with the organisations the EMBO activities come under very close scru- far from complacent. In 2004, EMBO saw a The continuing emergence of new activi- Frank Gannon chance to reflect on their development. tiny. Analysis this year at both EMBC and need to bring more exposure and structure ties at EMBO is driven by the needs of Euro- Executive Director In my remarks at the anniversary meet- EMBO Council level, although challenging to the emerging field of systems biology. pean science and motivated by a realisation European Molecular Biology ing, I focused more on individuals than orga- and time-consuming, was ultimately a re- This will result in the 2005 launch, together that EMBO and EMBC have important roles Organization (EMBO) nisations. I strongly believe that the motor warding and reassuring process. The final with Nature Publishing Group (NPG), of the to play in achieving a stronger science base and Secretary General for organisational growth lies with those assessment of our actions brought both new open-access, electronic journal – for Europe. This is only possible through the European Molecular Biology who contribute their energy and vision to positive commentary and constructive sug- Molecular Systems Biology. dedicated input of EMBO members (particu- Conference (EMBC) the entity whose reputation they create. gestions for improvement. Further reflection on the needs of Euro- larly those on EMBO committees), EMBC Today we still depend very much on individ- The contribution of the managers and pean science led to a decision to build upon delegates and EMBO staff. Together with uals and their efforts in 2004 have resulted staff at EMBO during this phase and in the a fruitful collaboration with the Howard them, I look forward to another significant in a very successful year for both EMBO and development of EMBO programmes has to Hughes Medical Institute. Discussions with- year for EMBO in 2005 and am grateful to all the EMBC. be highlighted. Today, EMBO has perhaps in the EMBC are now well advanced towards who have worked with EMBO and EMBC At the beginning of 2004, the value of this two distinguishing features – firstly the starting a programme to support Strategic over the last forty years to transform the kind of personal input was clearly demon- strength of its networks of members, young Development Installation Grants. The aim of ambitious aspirations of EMBO into realistic strated. EMBC discussions on the new finan- investigators and fellows and secondly the these grants will be to encourage scientists goals and significant achievements. cial framework for EMBO activities had stal- professionalism and commitment of the to start their laboratories in European coun- led and it took the efforts of many from staff at the EMBO headquarters. Through tries that are at a relatively early stage of EMBO and EMBC to bring the talks to an ac- their efforts, EMBO programmes continue to scientific development. ceptable solution. The subsequent agree- grow in impact and reputation. More recent Finally, in order to benefit more from the ment was an increase in the EMBC budget ventures such as the EMBO Young Inves- collective wisdom of our members and the 4 www.embo.org 5 preface EMBO & EMBC 2004 As I look back over last year’s activities and to test the water with our flagship publica- to the journal; he has been instrumental to Les Grivell, who has also been an important forward to the next, I am struck by EMBO’s tion. We had also discussed the option of its success. The EMBO Council and the contributor to the start-up of Molecular increasing involvement in the world of elec- expanding EMBO’s publishing efforts into EMBO Publication Committee agreed unani- Systems Biology. E-BioSci aims to improve tronic publishing, data management and themes that are less widely represented in mously that Pernille Rørth of EMBL should electronic data searches of published litera- electronic information. This is an evolution The EMBO Journal. However, we wanted to be appointed as the new Executive Editor ture and other data storage sites. It will be that many would claim inevitable, yet each avoid the proliferation of specialised EMBO with the aim of having a leading scientist tested in the coming year to determine how step must be taken with care to ensure qual- “offspring”. It was under this backdrop and working closely with the in-house editorial it can help molecular biologists deal with an ity and avoid unwelcome results. Reversals in the hope that Europe might take the lead staff. This should ensure strong scientific ever-expanding digital database of informa- in evolutions of this kind are often extreme- in systems biology, that Molecular Systems input into the decision-making process. The tion. ly hard to achieve. Biology was conceived. participation of the Advisory Editorial Board Besides expansion into electronic areas, The most notable addition to EMBO’s In some ways, systems biology was an in the review process is also highly valued. continued efforts are being made to expand Susan Gasser current activities is Europe’s first electronic obvious choice for an electronic publishing In addition, a new layer of four external EMBO’s activities in central and eastern Chair of the EMBO Council journal on systems biology, Molecular Sys- venture, as it relies heavily on computation- senior editors has been incorporated into European countries. Last but certainly not tems Biology. The journal will be launched al and high-throughput technologies. The the editorial structure of The EMBO Journal least, the European Research Council (ERC) by EMBO and Nature Publishing Group (NPG) new journal will publish full-length papers with the aim of broadening the journal’s moves ever closer on the horizon promising in March 2005 appearing in electronic ver- with a focus on systematic or large-scale reach even further. The EMBO Journal has to be a significant new source of funding for sion only. This represents a first step for analyses that aim to integrate and model always been deeply rooted