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for Drivi Safely and K ummit Safe


1 , ^ / •**"M*^^»- • i ,i' ——^ I ptamed for Local Tops Goal Trustees Not Cooperating, neater Armouries pua f «r M?**"** Mftr auMrsv The sum of li0t.N0 has-been lag train serviee from Hobokea subscribed to Summit's United Lawrence J. MacGrtfor, chairman of the w gunuait «a4 Morrii Couatjr Campaign it was announced by janmunlties were revealed toil Henry Harding, president The Committee • for * Better Overlook, announced to Wetk following * oostfereiKse fcetf success of the campaign atems the Committee has as yet little evidence that the Trustees back to the fine organUatlof and twcB Lackawanaa pad town of- of Overlook Hospital intend to move toward reorganiza- the generosity of the Summit aup- porters. Although thla waa not the tion, as requested by more than 1,000 citiwnsyat a public The addiUonal rail aervtce la fat largest overall budget in the his- meeting Monday./ December J uorris 4 Essen Division only K, ud slthougti details have not yet tory pf the campaign, it waa the in the Siunmtt High School £n completed It tatsai d tha* the isrgest peacetime goal and!only auditorium. Tlie committee there* included one national agency; the Ordinances tervice will bcoome effective Jaft- fore has afri«i that its next step urr & when in after-theater ipe~ U. 8. t). Of special note Is the fact 'tisl expresa train will main Its that the campaign this year was should be/ (1) to expand itself toioalrim. fir* «to§ after leav- an all-amateur affair, having no Introduced al greatly f/M (2) to »e«k proxies for lu Heboktn will lie Summit FOB EUBOPE- professional campaign director as the nutt annual meeting of the r itope will be aaade at Chat- in prior years. Overtook Hospital Association on Madlson and Morrlatown. PfouU of 133 Summit avenue sailed Council Meeting Saturday aboard the U. S. Army Many factors Influenced the Common Council started off Its M**ca so, mt At a Madison conference it waa subscriptions with the effect of transport, General R. u Howie, work for the year 1MT on Tuesday /•The Citiiens' Committee now decided to put two new trains Into the bear trend in the stock market /numbers 32." Mr. MacGregor said. for a Red Cross assignment in the *&« a. « evening before an audience of four, Mrvice. One wlU leave Hoboken being felt substantially. The most "It hai been a working romrnlttee it 7:15 p. m. and will 1M expresa U. S. occupied «>ne of Germany. gratifying fact, upon examining - two women and twx> men—nm. solely. We propose to make it a to Summit. This will mean that Before joining the Red Cross Miss the quotas,, WM that the general •ounting t*o reporters, After JM committee of o»e tho the VM p. m. train will be elim- PfouU was employed by the Army solicitation became a very much calling of the, roll by Acting/City more. At the public mee| inated .but there will be other Security Agency In Washington. greater portion of the total and Louis DeV. Day Clih-k Fred Mort, which teUted all tended by more than one t trains leaving at f and 8:80 p. m. 8he was graduated from Wellesley the advance gifts^ lesser'factor. present save Councilman Jtome A. i-itlsens, 760 gave us theie k, other words, an express will be In IMS. Her parents, Mr. and Mr*. The business group, under the di- Belt* of the Second Witi, the and addresses «o that < added and the half-hourly serv- rection of Thomas W. Coleman, To Retire This Year ke*p them Jnfqnried. Wei ice extended until 8:80 p. m. Here- George S. PfouU, reiide in Sum- reading of the mlnutes/of the last v Jr., of the Commonwealth Water vltlng all of th'ent to help tofore the half-hourly service mit: •- •-. Co., exceeded lbs goal by last years meeting dispensed .with, the first by becoming members of L ended at 7:»> p. «* as did the industrial group under From Mutual Life order of iena' Committee. At lit lie direction of Hugo Meyer. Louis DeV. Day, who has repre- of a eotnmunlentlpo f torn the Joint time we welcome every ot Abu contemplated is a fast ten of the area served 1)51 •Jter-theater express to Summit Collection Qosta Lew sented the Mutual Benefit Life In- etUig whichIpn&td thatStunmtt Hospital Executive Mr. Harding stated that many had to p*y that body |3,130.01 as a look. having Hoboken at 12:01 a. m. surance Co. in ite home city of The Uckawanna atop aaid It mistakes were made which will be tint quarUr/ajsessment. A reso- "Our second step Is to i Newark, for over forty years is member of the Overlook*! would Make an effort to run a rectified next year, but the amount lution ordering the 'payment of train out of Hobokea ahortly after To Speak Before budgeted for Campaign expense retiring from active agency man- Association who timrcs was not completely expended and this amount was later pawed, to achieve reform to fed /4 s. in, taking off the present agement May IS, 1947, according to Five F&lary ordinances ww» in- our band at this time 12:30 a. m. train, so that there) Will he hoped that the cost of collect- Overlook Auxiliary ing the money subscribed might announcement by President John troduced for ftnt readlng-iney us a proxy for the nH be relief between the present meeting. We have now' 12:01 and 2:20 a. m. trains. Def- .„ The meeting of the Women's be reduced even beyond the very S. Thompson., Because of the im were: flxlnj th» salary of the ex- Auxiliary of Overlook Hospital to low figure which has been estab- portance of this agency and the ecutive secretary of toe Board of flamed officially that anl inite plans for thla change have eoatrtbute« at least 18 to| not yet been made. be held Monday, January 20 at lished in prior years. company's plans for dcvelop-men fix Assessors, executive official, It Is interesting to note that the atlng funds of the Traveling eastbound the 5:22 8 p. m., will be open to the public of the state of New Jersey, Bill C, /paid members of th* ore depart* oom«a a member with tli In order fpr all to hear Mrs. James cost of maintaining Summit's merit, members of the police de* p. m. train from Chatham, which United Campaign organization Thurman, second vice-president m vote for trustees. Any , necessitated a change at Summit 3. Tralnor, Jr., R.N., of Trenton, partment, the city engineer «Ad trlbutlon made since the. who has spoken to various groups and collecting Its quota is lesa charge of agency affaire, will suc- to arrive in Hoboken at 636 p. m, the assistant city engineer. These nual meeting on March! of Summit on several occailons. than* the collection cost of other ceed Mr. Day as general agent. will be replaced by one leaving area drives fund or almost any will be found In full on another and before the next annij Madison at 5:48 p. nt, stopping at Mrs. Tralnor during the war Born in Newark in 1833,/he at- Ing on March 20, 1M7. waa state Held worker, for the New other organization campaign drive. contributor a member, Chatham, and going directly to ,A tabulated break-down of cosU tended local public school^, Mor Hoboken, arriving at 6:31 p. m. Jersey Nursing Council for War rlstown High School, and Centen Hake M«t«r Payment .'' suggesting that qll contrH Service, and in that .\capacity la printed elsewhere in this Issue. A resolution was paawd author Present at the Madison confer- ary Collegiate Institute and was the hospital who are u» guided and worked with all nurs- The fine work of the publicity ising the payment ot $10,580.87 t« •bout their «tat us write ence were William G. Wight, su- ing councils In the state, She committee, headed by Richard G. graduated t$om Wesleyan Unlver perintendent of the Morris andd Moser, was one of the outstanding sity in l»04 with/the degree o the company owming the parking clal acknowledgement aided the Summit Nursing Coun- raeters, being T5 per < >nt of lh« right to vote, / Euex division; W. H. Domlnlck, cil in recruiting volunteer nutoes. features of this campaign. John G. passenger traffitffi c manager WacKechnie, advance glfU chair- PhJB. '•'/'- intake fo- the past Qvc month^J Urge Mote Membn Aa a former director of nurses ttr. and MrtyDay reside at 22 Norman J. Griffiths of * man, assisted by Mrs. John C. LOCAL AID HAIL SERVICE j ft ftA largge crowd wasa att Meao- This is ifi^i'. irdari L v^h Vree-J •tto.tiurd/tuggeitjon I* at Morristown Memorial Hospitap l p od .jrOwL'. ThPir r^fitr %m, 1 «nd V. H. S»Uman, vice d t DtMUtoMtp l in N Leathern, pp well in excesexcesss rial Fle^d Mwitajrmorning to greet the arrival of Summit's first ment. hte a hospital second York, and In other hospital execu- of their expected performance. It helicopter In an experimental pick up and delivery of air mail. The intake ww,' printed riA lts». w«fek$f Association. i Houston Hall at the University of to none'—operating under efficient tte* •work, "her wide experience it now hoped that the pattern of picture at the top shows the four-seated plane about to land on the Herald.—Kd.) Suggestions that train service Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; their modern rnanagvinent — express) her an unusual capability "going ovei* the top" may be con- snow-covered field. The bottom picture shows some of the many city, A resolution was passed in- their interest by becoming mem- on the Lackawanna be improved tinued this next year. son. Dr. ^Robert McC. Day, Is with >»luatlng the highest effi- civic and social organization officials who were on hand to welcome structing the city treasurer to pay bers, of the Overlook Hospital Ai- were made by officials of munici- ciency possible In public institu- Mr. Harding stated that he had the Ariny of Occupation at Nurem- to the Library J8.0O0, to the Board^ the pilot. Two helicopters are flying the New Jersey circular routes (Delation. They can then support palities along the lint recently tions of this type," declared Mist appointed a nominating committee berg,/Germany; a daughter, Bar- of Recreation $8,000 hnd to the when representatives of the rail- out of Newark airport to determine costs and operating requirements our efforts by giving the Proxy Elotse Johnson, preiident of the nd that the 1947-48 organization bara; recently was married to John Board of Education $15,000 oi) ac- Division of the .Citizens' Commit- road opposed applications for per- auxiliary. Approaching hospital will take form shortly.xMrs. Ruth for a permanent service. Owned by the Greyhound Bus Co., these count of the 194T appropriation for mission of bus lines operating Into Leslie Dugan, instructor at Swarth- tee a proxy to vote for them. service through the eyes and mind G. Blauvelt, who replaced Miss plane* and services of pilots were donated to postal authorities to ;iiore College; and their youngest these bodies. .-, y "Actually of course wo prefer to New York to make stops In those of an imaginary new worker, Mrs. Marjorie Smith, at trie beginning 1 compile test data. child, Virginia, is a senior at kent A considerable ampunt of rou- have members attertd the meeting municipalities. ' Trainor will use as her topic, "A of the year, will continue in her tine businesa was transacted In Place School. and vote. Proxies may be revoked New Employee Analyses Public capacity as executive secretary. addition to the above. Thta will prior to the meeting If desired. Institutions and the Board of She has been successful in filling Began Work In 1804 receive dctailed/atteiHlo»i*lir rlext But we believe our course will bo Athenaeum WHI Agencies." this job and in this regard it is Helicopter Speeds Mail Mr. Day began his business ca- week's Hera clearer and our authority greater The meeting will be at nthe mportant to note that the cam- reer in 1904 in the Mutual's New- Harry Mx ueat of Franklin place if we can have the proxies In hand, nurses' home. ... paign this year had no professional ark agency of which his father had asked if sanitary ordinance of long before the meeting, The giv- Hear Education director and, consequently, was been general agent for ten years. tK« c did not call for tight cov- ing of a proxy In no way limits a not burdened with this expense. In Experimental Flights After progressing from a clerical member's right to attendee an« Cogtn to Play for /m..garbage.jails slid «l«o...If nual meeting and vote In person, "March of Dim**11 Experimental helicopter flights to carry mail-between position in the office to the position tKere. was" regular" inipectlon to Eligibles Chosen of cashier and office manager, he see if the ordinance is complied "I would like to sny Hgaln for Discussed Tonight Harlan S. Kennedy, director of Summit and 38, other North Jersey communities? and New myself and the cominlt.tco that wo A frank discussion of modern recreation, 'announces that plans For Grand Jury decided to enter the "sales field.^His with. The flfst answer was ye«; have no wish tor participate in the Two Summit residents were ark Airport will fcie concluded this afternoon/leaving Me- mmedlate success gave him a the second WMI that there Is no education will be the subject dis- are under way to hold a double- management of the hospital but header basketball game sometime among the 35 citizens notified Sat- morial Field at i: 6lv A throng including Post Office and place on the honor roll of the com- planned inspection and It was only to tiring about a much-needed cussed this evening before the in February for the benefit of the urday to report on the Union city officials, representatives of veteran^ organizations, pany's fleldmcn, and he maintained pointed out to him that the Board reorganization. The Citizens' Com- -Athenaeum at 8:15 prrn. It "the "March of Dimes" campaign. Con- County Grand Jury-to-be lmpan» , place in this honor group" for of "Health had control over certain mittee ia purely temporary and tacts arc being made to bring two led January 14 by Justice Fred- patriotic societies, service clulw, •ver twenty years/ having had a umes of gnrbage collection, Impp.s to go out of existence high«chool. against thf/bright sky for a first junior vanity or freshmen college ric R. Coiie. The eligibles include the Chamber of Commerce, the crsonal business In excess of a In answer to another question by promptly when the necessary pro- Horace E. Harding, electrochem- glimpse of It. A'sliout went up fessional investigation and the The speaker, Dr. Theodore M. basketball teams here to play two, public schools and other interested million dollars annually for a num- Mr. Guest, that pcrtalninK to me- all-star teams .picked from the ist of Glen Oaks avenue and Ora as"the green plan hove Into sight; necessary, reorganization " haye~ Greene, former professor of phil- ber of years. When his father. ter payments. President Bland ex- Community League. Last year's ', Oaks, manager, of Morris ave- Citizens and groups witnessed apparently leaping over the^trees been accomplished. From that osophy at Princeton, and now a Stephen,S. Day, retired from the plained that the contract called for game netted the fund $350. nue. Inauguration of the experimental and housetops to swoop down ex- point on the members of the Cltl» Professor at Yale, is a graduate rm of Day & Cornish, Louis DeV. the payment of 75 per cent of In- zens' Committee will continue HI service on Monday when a plane actl/' on the spot where a cross of Amherst College, claas of 1918. Day 'was appointed to take his ake to the company until "the me- Individuals to work toward a new, wai marked'on the snow in two In 1924 he received his Ph.D. from landed at Memorial Field at 11:36 lace. Upon the death of Robert ers arc paid for, after which the enlarged and better hospital." ji-foot lengths. A tremendous «>e University of Edinburgh and New Jersey Bell Asks State a.m. B. Cornish, Mr. Day became sole city JIM the entire revenue, itr. h ^ust as the plane landed sent * ";h.onoranr. degree* from A packet containing 1,137 first eneral agent for the company in (Continued on Page 2) a shower of snow over all those other colleges and universities. flight covers, envelopes bearhwf he Newark territory. Kincoid Will within a radius of 100 feet or so. 'lrs'_f???K*10*n.t after fin- For 12% Boost in Phone Rates an impression of i the special His services -In -business, --civic- The "take-off was ~ so -abrupt colleiewasas a YMCA"war" For the first time in 21 year* I'suppieiiientar ficnitlcs "IBourTT cachet designed for the opcasion nd community life have earned DiscussTeachers' in Mesopotamia, from per cent for residence fcustomers was handed aboard the/piani by that, people gasped to see the Mr. Day the respect and friend- to 1919; second, that of the New Jersey Bell Telephone and Rbout 2ft. per cent for busi- Postmaster Daniel J^Fittpitrick • helicopter suddenly in the air hips of associates and neighbor*. again. Another shower of snow, Pay with League irman Christian Company Monday gave notice to ness, and add 5 cents to toll rates who presided at the^civlc Welcome He will continue his interests-in Gets Suspended stirred up "by the propellor and "What Price Education?" will of Public Utility for many -caBs_. up, to >5_ miles accorded the hejjc'opter on its ar- many, of these fields after, retire- the whirling gyrator atop the be the topic of the firwt meeting of within the State and , 10 cents" to rival-He "received -In/return- «' ment. He is a director of The Sentences for 5 »*».'from 1919 to 1021. Since missioners of New Jersey of a fuselage, pelted nearby spectators. Wrestling terms predominated the rate for toll-calls to points similar sAek containing more ummit Trust Company a trustee the Summit League of Women hi* field has been college general increase in telephone rates " Special Cachet l'»ed at Thursday night's session of Po- within New Jersey over 45 miles. than 8t Memorial Field made the »hi fraternity. ' at Morris and Glenside avenues. who diflcuMed teachers' salaries-- te.« yesterday rendered his de- toll charge applies. This broaden- Summit reception "like a.-welcome welcome were Executive Official The Summit men blew their horn last month'aro asked to epitomize companying thV announcement. Fred Mort representing the may- JJon in the Wendell dog cut, ing of the local calling area red Haa Varying Effect home' parade." DeBlauw, who Is as a signal for the Berkeley their fin-dings in suggestions at *"lch has been before the court ognlzes the widespread communi- an ex-Army Pilot, termed the or; Commander Larry May arid Heights men to move their car. this time. The effect on Individual cus- Past Commander Andrew A. Mc- Local Red Cross «»ce last November. ty of Interest which has developed flight "fully successful" arid said Ira Boulevarc of Broad street Plans arc being made to distrib- tomers of the rote increases Namara of Summit Post No. 138, and Robert Boulcvare of Summit It will be remembered that Mrs. as a result of Improved transpor- sought will vary considerably, de- helicopters should have little dif- ute the report of the Lay Commit- tation facilities. Over one-half of ficulty on this mall route. e Quartermaster Kelly of the Gives Dinner avenue were alleged to have start- her pending on the amount of equip- ed for Alfred Brny. St. of Maple tee on Education, if completed by the Company's customers now An estimated 800 to 1,000 people, V.F.W., President Arthur Becker to ment used and the exchanges in of the Chamber of Commerce: For Servicemen nvenue, Berkeley Heights with a that time. Thii committee ia com- have this extended scope service including Brayton School chil hardwood club which Was exhibit- posed of representatives of 18 which they arc located. Many ex- dren gathered early la the snowy.J-Mrs. Edwin Floran.ce, regent of Summit Chapter, American Red In Ita application the company changes have grown #o rapidly ed" in court'. A tire slug wrench local civic groups. states that during^the war yeara field to welcome the helicopter the D.A.R.; Herman, de Selding, ?ross, entertained 20 servicemen wa.i exhibited which Mr Brny rUB that rates now being charged for The League of Women Voter* • and since, Its earnings b*ve de- hnd .were atrainlng their vision i (Continued on page 2) from Veterans AdministratioTi, admitted to have picked up In self- local *crvlce, which were e.tab- yons, at a dinner at the Methodist defense. Mr. Enry was accom- meetings are open to the public, clined despite the largest volute and all citizen* are invited to at- Iishcd m 1925. do not reflect the Church lait Tuesday evening. panied by ,hts son Alfred,, Jr. of business in Ita history, averag- lerecr number of telephones that Further testimony indicated that tend. ing1 a little over,4% per cent In Herald Agdin Official County Paper Mrs. Erneat P. Patten, chairman can be reached, and the increases of the Canteen Corps, and her com- the lines of battle became fully th*f war years and dropping be- Offlclalnotlce has been received : designeUd to publish, the aynopai*. drawn when the out of town men attorney, in these areas will be propor- mittee planned a special dinner for Christmas S«d Sale low 4 per cent in 1946. While from Charles M. Affleck, clerk o( s i addition , to the Herald, are: Were reinforced by two of their fendanta', n the men, and two Gray Ladies Tops Last Year's Result revenues. have risen about 80 per the. Union County Board of Chosen ; fellow townsmen, Mr. Erry aen- ZS tPSW new rates Observer, Westfield SUn from the Summit Chapter who are lor's son-in-law, John F. Gammer, The latest report reaching thj cent since 1939, the cost of fur- local service In this area would Freeholders, that at the organizaorganiza-; dard Cranford chronicle and regularly assigned to Lyons acted and another son, Matthew. Herald is to the effect that the m f n !n>Hd. Summit Tlr<- Co., mit 6-2076 for Information. men. —Adv. > The proposed rates will increase Madlion, South Orange, Union- "ln"7 Summit Avenu^Hn. a-«JO«. K |T'*»«whIp 17 H«ld Ave. Summit 6-1636.—Ad». Er. is, i#, is, is revenues from, local servloe and ville and Westfield. P" •••• ,..._:uv«L SUMMIT HtHAlD. THUttOAV, JAHMAtY t. WT Oid MOT and Tbt Birches" Mootatntr aad *Courtyar4 i. Majorca,- and a aH«mlignt f.*. sUght be save*. This was ai»ai be paiated «a the rtad aar. aie uiiil»li*nt of bar native New schools, and Director A. J to Council as a wnoja. Cilahaot Jersey » me* or auwdilne. A tasy, Thwtooatown I>oorwajr.- thoioatw of the secondary schools. Salary (MBHKCS In reference to th< to tht f b wafawedttrs now cm MMlss t ScuddeSff has made a r c - Jamsa Ryan, a ami* Jdht* . (Cojetlaatd from Pag* U\ t&bt dark toad an ej tatioa te miaiatura aad in thtW- watt* tvifwi •« of anamlif veteran of the Chuu-In decide spon how many matte* tuilMN hand and stated Mi aspired tern and that it raoaivtd, Ono wat bad until th* nth of this month usd Uetarer tnsssssssssasskst #*& tlhdb l*aa tvtaton of Rotary; Or. William espreatcd thank* 'and apprecia- Upon MoonatiiaatteB of the tax After ordering payment of billa, oopt tor cause. superintendent tion to all groups, individuals, and snd ftanaoe committee tawa wan Council adjourned. Tht rtsignatioB of J* tat i sslL sf' 1 agencies for their cooperation. caaoeUtd on twti pioptitlta taken "last MUatteg of' Emeei g, iiiokok a* b .fen* IsetetaiaWi HOTVBPM I Warren GiuUtem. a Sikoraky With til mambtrs »thoir seats, «Vtr by tbt city and amrat claims ruftory representative, was aboard far tea eatmptioo. as. aBowai kf was road by the cr^ tfcsrk. thia with deBiauw. As an Army pilot raporter Jitter another spectator waa ordered rtottvad ai atato law, were iadt by veterans deBlauw participate la previous camt »> aad City dark Frederick wte art now proptrtjr ownow ta helicopter man tests la Loa An- Tat resignation of Harbart C K«»« n nil accustomed place, tbt city. Bitmptioaa allowed. gela* and . Fuehs at a member «f tht Common Council proceeded to clear of Tsa Assessors was also road. Council ordered a refund of H* the decks in preparation for tht This waa also ordered Wad. to Wiastoa K. Q#m that at bad Us associates was Albert year 1M7, on Monday nlfht, De- paid for a buUdiag ptnatt tar Uw W. Baeder •* tt Edgewooi road Hfe* Sdwol AudlUrti-i 8:J5 P. M. TtoaM of H. S. DaMt* cember M, inclknan Dapero* for cid Highland Club site at tht tad wh* feat complatad *o yeats* atrw- tkkeUoalj TOVVN8HIP-The them* of the A letter was road Cram Howard atreeta, aawer and of Mapht atrtet at De Itaatt avt> ioe with the SherwIn-WiUisjas Co. Regional High School sophomore D. McOeorge stating that as tbe auemittad a rawlutte that tha ana, that hadntvor bean granted, at district manager at Newark. at Morrtitown V. M-C. A. dance, January 17, to "Winter Car- office of City Clerk waa vacant, city aanctton the atto by tbt JafK Theft belag K.00O left of the Mr. Battier waa guest of honor nival" Chaperoaes f or the oeea- that City Official Fred Molt bt MattiBf of 7.40 w»ea of land is enMrgtncy nparopriation tm Hit s.t a luncheon at the Milnaiy Park lion will be Mlaf Shirley Youag named to thai position at * nonoU aabttia and Linden at wiwitdi lodelllng o* Htmihon Bchool Hotel, Newark, and was presented and William Tttlty. nal salary in order that money property to tha Relchhold Otmb- late tht now Municipal Building, a wat(ik by hia associate*. Ht \ Joined the paint company In TYrtWtlTERS oi.d ADDING MACHWtt cal CoM Inc, for f2S,O0O. tant waa it was ordered that carried. President Bland ta«lala«d ba oanoaUod. Cleveland on Jan. J, M«, aad cunt Said •>, Kturrd - to the Newark of flee » years ago. to tha audience that Summit Upon motion1 of would receive aa a reautt of thla BtttUe, sufficient moneys WeDtttverandPickUpinand aala, approxiaaat*])' U.70Q. set said* te most city ptyroUav jnd Around Summit A letUr

mTk» Wright ray** THt SUMMIT HfRALD, THURSDAY, JANUARY t, IW 1 V WALLPAK* SHOWtOOM Dr. Walter H. Judd Stub's Sis To Fortnightly "W»*t Is Ahead !» Asia," will k* lit topic 'of Dr. miter H. Judd, Republican member of Congrtu

•fro" •m . ii" MinnesotaIMI^HII IIIIII • «!mwrnrnf, whaajv «•«>«n• wmmrhe mnmi~*addreete V«VCst ttw FortnighUy Oub next Wednes- day, January 15, at the high Khooi 00 one m« York kas •t I:i6 p. m. This si Dr. Judtfi aw. Walter L. Iton, ood lecture here, as he wai the guest speaker before the Athen- sewn la March, IMS, when he spake ea "World Prospects Ai Seen | Washington"—-^—— Try our IMW 3 « hjrtae Dr.. Judd has beooue a lecturer ••«*. Mr. ftau*, who m, active on foreign policy and iateresta ia the Pacific and' hwe in mqrhauae attain, will be ia MadKcdMda «f 111 ***** tt the ieniffi trade < the (Meat as a natural outcome of his experiences and obtervt- — of the company. Labor BwuA waa am «C flu ttoBi in China where he was a med- LAUNDRY-* iMUMiMoT •!• M« Art*" 14V ipeakwiatalanaa.-Lafcoc'iNew iOt CMtnl Am. Tear" held Tneadar affemwm at ical missionary. He took advanced WESTfild 2-4S« • ^"^^wtarataNrto the field Itet Dis uder tbt «MMOtfe of work In surgery la this country un- a which he operated ia his the Arm/a Iaf omatkw aai Edu- der a fellowship from the famous J«MS with the company. When he cation Braacfa. Mr. MadUchwta Mayo Foundation. In l»34 he went J***d Soeoay in rot, he was waa icqueated fcjr the NatkMl Aa» back to the Orient, and it was dur- «s»ed dosaestie sales manager of •ociatioa of Manutactaren to p*f» ing his subsequent work that he •eat the viewa of wuwgwiiiit at the msriae department. Two years saw the growing menace and Immi. •ter, when Standard Oil Co. of the seuioa. A practk&w lawyar, he U secretary of the Baatwood- nent danger of Japanese power Mow Yetfc and Vacuum Oil Co. NeaUy Corp. of Belleville, and is there. He began a nationwide •ere mailed to form the present chairman of the hargmininc com- speaking tour in the United States company, he waa appointed general mittee for maaufacturera of paper- in IMS to develop public opinion •ties BMUtager af the company's »U1 equipment. on the fast growing Japanese men- •srM-wide marine sale* and later • ' ' ^ | I, • .r.. | ,_ | ace in the Pacific. Dr, Judd was •mused direction af domestic and Talte$ Church Sorvicot one of the first to advocate the foreiga aviation marketing. boycotting of Japanese' goods and 1* his new post Mr. Faust wi.I To Homos of Abientoo* etrongly urged an embargo on the «rect rehabilitation of European BELFAST, IRBLAND — Acting shipment of munitions and war saarfceta and expansion of salea on the principle that if people material to Japan by this country. snade passible by additional crude don't go to church, the church miut Dr. Judd Is. serving his second •apply attained by Sooony Ih re- go to them, the Anglican rector of term in Congress, and ii a mem- cently announced Middle fast and Camlough, has PIIMM! a mild aen- ber of the" House committees on Near Bast agreement* With other aation by gtarting Sunday •eryicea Insular Affairs, Expenditures In the American companies. ouUide the homea of aheentee Executive Department!, and BMu- church cation. He has also been named AooiKnpa&ied hy a choir and as a member of the joint Congres- wearing hia watmenu, the rector sional committee to review Pretty slope outside the house aad con- dential recommendations Inade In" ducta a complete service with connection with the Employment prayer*, hynma, and aemoB. "We Act, find some people lying about on Sunday mornings instead of ajotaf to church," be said. Summit Building American Woman's Club Will Hear Story Toiler Permits for Year Tonight at 7:10 the Americaa Woman's Club will meet at the Total $9964125 Washington School for, their first Our many ywcra of «xp«ntnc» it weekly gathering of the year. Mrs. Permits authorising construe J. P. Shinn, a member of thetion of new buildings and addi TimnQ cniuivii § rstf •MKMK mm Summit Story League will furnish Uom totaling $W6,025 were issued the program, the telling of "Happy during 1M6 by Building Inspector in fh« correct chok» of foolwor Christmas," by Daphne Seaman L Wright. Of this total, tor your child. Com* m ana s*» du Maurier. This ii the fourth 1592,650 was for new buildings, time Mrs. Shinn has told this story The largest single permit au ourranojt o f Dr. Potntr'i ttMfltife •on bull oa At fa» to different groups during the thorixed construction of a $70,000 holiday season, believing, as sheaddition by the Celanese Corp. of mow body-balono leu? dtstgnad to aid comet pofkpiv •aid. "that the story is a beautiful America. A close second was for one of protest against intolerance a $65,000 addition to Ciba Prod- in human relations.'' ucts, Inc. Knollwood Manors, Inc. was The largest meteorite of which granted permits for 14 one-family SUMMIT SHOE SHOP the date of fall is known shot to dweiyngs. Sixty one-family dwell- earth February 17, 1930, within IS l

SimUment of Condition -DecemberU, BOYS' SHEEPSKIN LINED COAT The active outdoor life of win- " —4 CommmmUr ter calls for this warm sheep- AppftanetShep skin lined jacket with FUR DIRECTORS ASSETS 20 If clrwaod Rd. COLLAR. Sires 8 to 18. JAME3 W. BANCICER Ssj. 4-5t57 Summit, N. J. Summit, N. J. - Ckskon Hud and Due from Banks „ ,$1,223,679.41 18.95 BDWARt) S. BANCROFT Member of Advisory Board, JJmtocd States Government Securities r__. 5,814,814.49 Manufacturers Truit Compasxr^ Cotponte and Municipal Bonds... „.— 608^55.88 TOO FAT? CARROLL P. BASSETT , ~ G«t SUMMER this Chairman of the Board ' Stock of Federal Reserve Bank, N. Y. -„—. \ 13,500.00 President, Bsuuett Estates,|Be- - - - > Hive a more ttender, Loans and Discounts _.__.—^._—w^^...- 252^)83^7 * gnctfa! fiture. No nrr- 07 HARRY CTLLJS T ' v ci«in|. NoTaiativtu. Nri druft. With lh« timplrAYDS Cullh & Lewis, Summit, N. J. Mortgages on Real Estate .-.:--:^:r:—-- 803,319.04 Vitamin Candy Reducing Hm you don't cut out any mralt. RICHARD J. DEUBBORN "' ,.. ""'.', Accrued Interest Receivable ...----...... — 31,965.54 O starchN. potaloc, meiU or "" BOYS' SKI SUITS r bulUr. ydu «mpljr cut than down. It's ratirr Counselor at Law . . «ben you enjoy deliciout (vitamin lorliMd) Cooper, Byrne, Dunham, Keith h Dtmi^mm ^ , Baukinf House, Vaults and Equipment _..—. 120,757.94 A YDS candy bcloct meali. Abtolutelyhirmlga. We know how to keep your children New York Other Assets — •— 3,013.24 llAMMUtwlKM warm and cozy. Just bundle them CONOVER ENGLISH into these toasty warm ski suits with • Counielor at LAW , piled lined jacket and attached hood. McCarter, EngJlsh Jk Stuvder. Newark, N- S ' _: , > $8,871,688.91 Sizes 4 to-8. •—'-.-"-'•;--;----*-— H. DONALD HOLMES Choriln*'! Cuf Raft 13.95 Real Estate «r Insurance, Summit N- X Iff BpriBitdm AT^ flimnlt, *. J, JOHN L. HUGHB35 ieaMit tdll Judgt of the Third Judicial District ©psrt eff Union County, aumflait, N. J. ' UABIUTIES NATHAN C. LBNTESTEY Vice-president and Cashier, '* The National City flank of New York _.„..:.---•--r------W.J37.903.05 • KITCHEN CABINETS ELMER L. RBYNOLlfe ' Capital Funds Vice-president, Eastern Division. The GwsJt • SCREENS Atlantic ft Pacific Tea Co. ofAnwrka. Kewartt, 1 .....——$200,000.00 N. J. -••-. p „....;.- 250,000.00 ADOLPHROOT • BOOK CASES s T AR RIVED 1 Roofa of Summit Undivided Profits.——— 52.363.99 " MEN'S FUNNEL PAJAMAS THOMA8 L. SMTipi ' • CABINETS Standard BraniU Incorporated, X. T ; Reserve (Unallocated) ..:.- 100.000.00 HENRY C. THOMPSON, JK. * _— _- 602,363.99 MEN'S B. V. D. GRIPPER SHORTS V- Vice-president and Cashier • POBCH ENCLOSVBBS DEAN a TRAVIS • Reserve for Taxes, Interest, etc.._.——-- 31,421.87 President i Ifoie •» Of*m PREDERIC W. WILLARD _ $8,871,688.91 Summit, N. J. Member of thn Chamber of Conuneree of Summit, N. J. FRIDAY OFFICERS ... , • CARROLL P. BASSETT - Ctosirasui of I** Baeii 8:30 A.M. OEANH TRAVIS - — *X-*- PitaiitsW Robert N. Chemr WENRY a THOMPSON. JR. lift fiJnnouiit Avt. TO Vice-Preeide«t SSKI Ctah*r Member Member ALFRED R. BARTL.BY Federal Deposit Aas*t VIce-President and Tns«O*»^ , Fedend Reserve N. J. S U M Ml T , , N . J . 9 KM. ALB8WT A. MU8S0N .... Asst Vi»B«** Sifttem Insurance Corp. i A. BOHNB A#st SMEBLOCX \ THf SUMMIT HBUtO. THtKSPAV. JANUAt* % Old 1OH" Md The Birchea" aad "Ooartyard ia might b# eared. aigas IN pafatUd aa tte raat a». NW Majorca,'' aad a minwMt%t fa* •eta*** aaf Dlfrter J J B*r- " to Council'aa a vaefe tiny, "Provinoetowa Doorway.* «r «w«r w aaashJn*. A tut tboloaaew of the secondary school*. Salarj Ordnances Jn reference to the Slaw." lUa vaj Mba Scudder haa made * rep*- James Byan, • Summit 4.AJ". (Continued from Pag* S«t city dark read aa opiates tti**t ooauaitU*. Uon at the Suburban GaBery Utioa ia lainiature aad la th* re. (Cnstinwd from page 1> oaaUy revived art flf veteran of the Chlaa-India-Puriaa tit* city •olkitor to tot effs* ~ - ' Vat a*M*ti ta« attracts favorable notice, Bland said tbat the taeUrs would Specially the vivid "Sunset Near on metal of ta* fJLR.; lira. TheaUr. and now senior flight the lair required the> appoiatawat Qeavauaiaatleatt froea dimeter for EtaUra.jfJr Lines, coit approximately IMMMv and t of a dty cl«rk for Mr. Kaut* «v- L. Smith, president of to decide upon how aumr awtm Jr, regarding ni *i§o 9^ hand and atated his expired tern and that it also ra- AModa- had uaUl the 27th of this ttontn conviction thatthepeopl*' of tttked the electloa of a city dark ratefsd to ta* bailaatg Sraa* P. Pattea would be kapt. for a thtat-ipar tana at th* acit Summit bad "clearly indicated! In answer to a question by Mrs *M city official, oa* ashed a cart*. ;&* Boardi of Recreation; Prea- general electioo, and that after «sm fiaate of title for the att* af the their interest ia h*lleopt*r wail Archibald Murray of New JBttfland expiration of five >tar» (if tai ia. STANLEYCHAPPLE avenue, President of Council slid hoatiag. aaclaac was referred I* tvis cunbent ia re-elected) be kuto>- the veteran* homing t—mlUet fa* Preald*Bt poatnaatcr FHspatriek, speak- tht budget for IM7 woold Jooa be matieaUgr com** under tenure of r ta* Uo*», Out; pTeoideat Jena taf da behalf 6* the government, ready (or stud? by civic group* aHiee asd caaaot bo taaaovad gt Louia Philhannoak! Orcheatra of Rotarjr: Dr. WUttap upieated thanks and appteda* Aftsr ordering payment of bill* eapt lor came. ' Upon reewwmettwibrtoa af tae tax Kineal*. superintendant of Uoa to all group*, Individuals and Council adjourned. Th» r«igi*tk>n of CoiiBcUejaaa* aadftaaact wauaitteet caacetled oa two prooertiea •!«• ketarea at* Uattraiei by flaytaff tetoctiaas fma fMtelM for tbelr cooperation. * 'Last Meetttaj ef M*J at-Laxfe Ernset 8. Hiokok at a ; otnwtaera, aad are lateaseJy iatorsstiag aat «aJ*yaM* Warfen QiwUfaon, a Sikoraky With aU members ia their **U, member of the (Sty PJaaaingBoaid over by tte city sad flattery r*pre**autive, was aboard on* spectator ia tht "galltty," on* w&a read by the city clerk. TWa with deBleuw. As an Axmy pilot reporter (later anotaef spectator was ordered reteivad and fikd. •tat* law, w*r* ataa* Vy < deBlauw participate ja previoua came in) and City Clerk Frederick Tho raticnaUoa of Batftart O. who are now aropetty aetfoapur nail tiut$ ia LM An- C. Kent* in hia accustomed piac*. ftteaa aa a member of tha Bawd ta* dty. B**taptk— 1 grieg aa» Caicafs, -< Conmoa Council proceeded to clear of Tai A—mon ma also raad, Council ordered a rafaai at J VnSSAJf EMPU>aX Ui* decks la preparation for the Thii wai aUo orderad filed. ' to Winatsa K. Ofdca that a* and oawl by Ma a*Mdates«M Albert year 1X7, on Monday nlgbt, 8ett Sewet laaii paid for a ftatKtef aenait far th* W. Baedcr of 7T Edgewood raad MorHftowa H1&* School Attditoriam 8:lfi P. M. Ttom* •# US. tan eearber M. Oouflcihnaa Daparo, far tiM •U KighJasi anb an* at th* end «to aa* cnaiBlatod *0 years* »«v- Oeane fkkete oaly $2.00 MOW on aale A letter was rasi from itraeta, «*w*f «ad park wUJt, af Hapl* atnat at D* TNmt, wm- to with th. BUrwin-WilllaJM Co. rowNsicp~n« tiw«M «f the that had aeverstsaai.au I at Morristown Y. H C. A, Regional Hlga tehee) sophomore D. sfcOeorg• staUag that at tht aubmittad a retolutfca that tha m dktrkt auaager at Newark. offloe of City Cl*rk was vacant, duu«, January JT, te "Winter Our* city aa&ettoa the aak by tb» Tnere teisg *tti Wt af the Mr. BaecVr waa gnast of honor »!<••» Hill alrsi." Chapwonei for tht occa* that City Official Fred Mort be MatUBf of T.40 acres of teaf ia ataiaacfaeoaattbetliUtaryPark . Bk» wUI IN HJM SoirUy Youag named to that position at a noni« IBaaafeeto and Uadas of niwrtlil rwaodeUlag Hotel. *fe**ra, aad wai preatated tf and William Tttley, aal salary ia order that money profcrty to tht Relchhold tato tht a watch kf kfa aatoclataa. K« I lYPEWMTERS mi ADDING MACHWIS cat Go, Inc., for t25.000.8ama k was ordered that Johwd the paint company In eanlod. Praild*nt Bland easlajaad a* canotlledl ' Otwlaadi mJm. 1. HOT, aad cam* Sold — K-f4 — Upairad to th* Mawarfc «ffk* 19 yaaw ago. to the audieate that iwatalt Upoa asatfaa *f r would receive from. the solicitor was, affa asoUaa, daiy G. liacola, boys' work secretary o( the Summit XUCA, William H. Cromweil estate."it*: accepted. (Story rcfardiag actloa wttk a high school leader, Joe Keep your children's We niB call for, wpair and deliver yoar ndto. property haa frofltafas op throe of the council on tats waa paMi*hf4 WalgMra«y,aoconipanied a group street*, Springfield aveniu, IUc ia the Herald of Jaaaary l> dothei ready lor view avenue and Beekman road. of yaoag manbera to a reunion of A nooluttoa was the alumni aad stafft of Camp Referred to tha «tr«at eotJoUttae ThuMday, Jaaaary % at .&» aa coiatin^, skating tad and tha city tollcltor. Wawayaadf at the Newark Y1CCA th* date for th» orgmnttalioa last SatoKfey. Biding. Bring them tp Wt iimton ovr work to ooupkite aalkfadim.. A letter wai read from the matting of th* eoaaciL WBk ta* ; lae pvogimm which began at % ,' . ~.*v •'• ••..,• •" . ••'• Fathers Committee of WaaUnftoa reading of th* Wile, the eoaacfl at o'clock lacMed a get-together, School, aignad by Robert Cowan, 1M6 ceased cam* soars, r*-«nactment of tome regarding traffic condition on phases of c*at» life, ajuTnew color SUMMIT RADIO Morris avenue in tha vicinity of iMrlt of last summer1! camp LIBERTY the school. It ataUd tbat consider- aad saanjincementi were Korbert T. &»h* of of th* 1M7 season. Younger able Improvement ia condtiioas way, Elizabeth attorney, who re- CLEA^ERS&DYEKS there had resulted from action al- partldpated in the ban- and APPLIANCE SHOP signed Dec*ma*r H as ta*7irt for ejaet at 3 o'cloek. The staff i aad ; BBBantft 44IM ... * ready taken by the councUla plac- KenJlworth after * eottBttriort held a meeting after* ing a policeman on duty, but it was ice, changed his 4.1771 night at th* etmncil nrgaattiaa wards to plaa for the coining year. Call aid Deliver thought further, improvexoent Those who attended front the 4ould be bad. ft was luggaated tbat meeting in that tows aad acctptadl rv-appotAUaacat Sammit TSfCA. were: Uid Stetka, HOLDS PRICES DOWN George Sawyer, George Ifuaion, DoaaM fQaley, Grant Webiter, RJcaaid Jcnick and Ivan Wright FVoea Ltucola TICCA: Julian Hill, wirti these amazing SPECIALS Norman HOI, Jr, and Marehall Aadrews, Jr. . Mew Social Club At Lincoln YMCA SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY To Fin lig Need < ESTABL1S H\D 18 9 1 / A brand new feature of the Un- cah YMCA program f will be la* SKIRTS aaganted Saturday night, January U. warn the Saturday Night Social dob wiB an«t for th* flrat time. In aasver to a broad survey, STATEMENT OF CONDITION, DECEMBERCEMI S I, Robert Hack, bops' work secretary, foasd an almost.unanknoua de- mand for some sort of social ac- tMty oa Saturday- evenings for '-'-•- ASS IT$ , ' ; LIABILITIES toe teen-even, with dancing pre-

... ( • C ferred. ^" •'•'"!»••" Ctili en Hand end Dut from Capital Stock $600,000.00 The c3o*,wUl beset up like other yoaia canteens with a soft drink TROUSERi • • ' S•-.. fonb .,.,« .$2,822,741.18 Surplus and bar. Mask (or the dancing will be ftoaiahed br records and by the Jed Profits . 469,220.14 Dry Cleaned and Pressed . United States Government votantarjr fantrlbutiona of mem- bers who pay the piano aad other Other Readily Marketable taatrtuaenta. Sacurltias* 10,829,13?. 10 Rjiterve for Taxes, All jaang people 17 yean and / Interest, etc 117,360.07 over of Summit and nearty cont- invited to attend each ^ \ Leans and Discounts 2,738,434.6? Unearned Discount dfficial Checks ""7" ' ,, \ Mortgage Loam ,t f7,V 2,089,845.42 Paper Mill Outstanding ,..;...., 39,106.51 Aeerutd Incomt Rac#iv«blt ... 68,119.24 President Has • A DEPOSITS f' Time :...$ 8,136,787.62 One-Man Show Fad«r«l fttstrvt Bank Stock ... 30,000.00 Mba Antoinette Scudder, preil- Dama«d»* .... 10,234,056.75 . , - . ' .-./•.. dcat fif the Paper Mill Playhouae, Umbani, hat a one-man showing Banking House .... • 226,900.00 of her paintings at the Suburban GaUejy. East Orange. The open- ing was test Sunday. Miss Scud- ^11^605.379.63 $17,605,379.63 atr's work it favorably known In New Jersey as she has frequently exhibited at tae Centre of the Or- Market Valu* $11,202,000.00. aiages, the Newark Qub, the Mont- when brought in with a suit dair Museum and the Millburn- ant BboatJHills Art Centre. During *AI r*qu?r«ej by law^LwAyfa iscur*

••*.- JBm_araant exhibition coruliU DIRECTORS '• i avBefjr of landscapea and marines Guaranteed -••••~i r-'' Mas Scwlder was for several »•*» a BMnber of tee-Provlnc* Art Colony and a pupil W. GILBERT BAKIR WALTW' C. HEATH LAWRENCE J. MaeGRESOR President. W. L. Baker, Inc., Summit, N.v^. Vice-Pretident, Director, National State Bank President aad of Charles Hawthorne and Director, Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co.. "^ Miter. Her picture, of BROW^ Newark, N. J. . 24 Hour JOHN N. MAY, JR. , Wttton Blcctrical Instrument Corp.. .^_^_.,AiajsUB| to ft* Pntsldeat - Newark, N. J. •' / [ CHARLES VV. HURST " Dry Cleaning Service President, Martlndale-Hubbell, Inc., |'~ HERBERT J. OSIORNE DANIEL BUKKE * ^. • — * Summit, N. J. BAirk* a Burke, New Tort • Vlce-Pretid«nt, Central Htnovtr Bank and Trust Coi, N. Y. v JAMES I. BURKE , REGINALD L. JONES Garments accepted for 24 hour service ... • \ "'r—'Birk* • Burke, New "y«k Vice-president, Bell Telephone LaboratorlM, MAX J. SHAPIRO are r«ady on time or you don't pay; -• •' i Inc., New York :•" ' ' •", -' Presidtnt, Shapiro Bros, factors Corp, LYMAN I. CQDDING1ON "" - _ ;• .New York :._ Wholeial* Root Orow*r, Murray Hill, If. J, THEODORE S. KENYON Mtn't Suits . . .Plain Dresses.. . • 65c I. D. DAY Kenyon k. Kenyon, New York SAMUEL A. SMITH. Jit Mutual Bentrit Uf* Inaurunee Co, Manager, Gen«ral Cable Corp., Newark, ». J. i ' , P«th Amboy, N. J. i 6E0. V. LUM HAHOL0 T. ^HAVIS, JR. , -' ^••-. Vice-Pratldtnt • • ' ... JACOB S. VVI16Y :, Retired, New York Vice-Prealdent sat fatten*! Telephone Oa, W. T. • yew ewa sliewer. Custom Kitcheng asi IVBTALLEB fe«j«ra! APTHANOCS DepoiJt lniur*n<* AVAHABLK CaiAMIIS Federal Reietv* CorporaHon •*» T*«r Sew Kltebea System riaa Avaltaal* 352 Sprlnrf+M Ave. 306 Mfflburn Avt. WB16PT. I.r. n mm it, nmm, m t-i»ir ' • MMMfll *fl* eFfijat THI SUMMIT HERALD, THURSOAY, WALLPAPER SHOWROOM Faust to Head LH.N0UI60. **m Or. Walter H. Judd Sonny's Site Wl Speak of Asia T* UJ>, Activity Abroad IV .*• • atop 1B atrcngtbttiag "Was* I* Ahead la Aata," wtU bt 111 Aw. HW. utlaaiio the topic of Or. WUter H. Judd, by inemssd in**, Rtpubttean member of Congress ments in tot Ntar East, Hlddit from Minnesota, wben be addresses B-at and Vtatmtiw, «ft Socony. the Fertnigbtly CSuh next Wedses. Vacuum OU Oft of N«w Tort has day, January. 15. at the nigh school appointed Waiter L. WuHt, « vie* •t 1:18 p. m. This It Dr. Jodtfs sec end lecture here, as be was tat president and director and until guest speaker before th* Attaea- rwntly i rtsUhnt of aeiun to March, 1MB, wben be bt in charge of all its foreign mar-* spoke en "World ProJpectaAii£tc«- Wash Blues Iwtlnf acUvittot. Tltja wtt dis- from Washington." .••0MdroMwhK.ll by Uw con- Try our ntw 3 day Dr. Judd has becosae a lecturer J*»y. Mr. ffcust, who was. aetivt on United States foreign policy dctfnp waih «trvic« /tort tn Plsyboust aOaira, fffQ bt in roivi and interests in the Pacific awl ^Wft of tot foreign tradt con. MacKechnis of 111 BeDewae ave- the Orient as a natural nue, « former number of the War of his experiences and mlttet of tbt company. Labor Board, was «W of the tioia in China when he was a med- LAUNDRY-* In BMumlag hia new duties, Mr. speaker* at alarum, "Labor's New ical niaataary. He took advanced 50» CentalAvt. FW wiU bt returning to th« field Year," held Tuesday attamooa at | WESTfteld 2-4S42 work in surgery la this country on-,! in which ht operated in Ma early Fort Dix under the tponaorahip of the Army** Information and Edu- der a fellowship from the tamoos yetn with the'company. When he cation Branch. Mr. MacKechnle Mayo Foundation. InlUMhewent Joined Socony in 1929, h« vu was'requested by the National As- hack to the Orient, and it was dur- named domutic aa^ea manager of •ociation of Manufacturer! to pre- ing his subsequent work that be the marine department Two yean lent the views of management at saw the growing menace and inuti. later, when Standard Oil Co. of the session. A practicing lawyer, aent dang** of Japanese power New York and Vacuum Oil Co he is secretary of the Eastwood- there. He began a nationwide were merged to form the prtsmnt Neally Corp. of Belleville, and la chairman of the bargaining com- speaking tour in the United States company, he wae appointed general mittee for manufacturers of paper* in IMS to develop public opinion •ales manager of the company's mill equipment. en the fast growing Japanese men- world-wide marine aalet and later ace In the Pacific. Dr. Judd was, uiumed direction of domeatic and Takes Church Service* one of the first to advocate the foreign aviation marketing. To Homes of Absentees boycotting of Japanese goods and In hit new port Mr. Fauat will strongly urged an embargo on the direct rehabilitation of European BELFAST, IRELAND - Acting shipment, of munitions and war market! and expansion of tales on the principle that if people material to Japan by this country. made possible by additional crude don't go to church, the church must Dr. Judd Is serving his second aupply obtained by Sooony in re go to them, the Anglican rector of term in Congress, and is a mem- cently announced Middle Eaat and Camlough, hat caused a mild sen- ber of the House committees on Near Salt agreement* with other sation by starting Sunday services Insular Affair*, Expenditures in the American companies. outside the home* of absentee Executive Departments, and Edu- church members. cation. He be» also been named Accompanied by a choir and as a member of the Joint Congres- wearing hia vestments, the rector sional committee to review Presi- NYLONS stops outside the house and eon- dential recommendations made in ducts a complete service with connection with the Employment REPAIRED prayers, hymns, and sermon. "We Act find some people lying about on Sunday mornings instead of going WLfO$N«'$ UMBRELLAS to church," be said. Summit Building scmmnc SHOB REPAIRED UdJae' Umbrellas Jteetvert* American Woman's Club Will Hear Sfory Ttlltr ' Permits for Year Tonight at 7:S0 the American HANDBAGS Woman's Club will meet at the Total J99iO25 Washington School for their first Our many year* of experience in REPAIRED weekly gathering of the year. Mrs, Permits authoriiing construc- J. P. Shinn, a member of the tion of new buildings and addi- fitting children'* left mean* much Summit Story League will furnish tions totaling PM,O25 wen issued the program, the telling of "Happy during 1M0 by Building Inspector in fhe correct choice of footwear Christmas," by Daphne Seaman L. Wright Of this total, $S»2,«S0 was for new buildings. tor your child. Come in and m MPAIWD du Maurier. This Is the fourth time Mrs. Shlnn has told this story The largest single permit au- our range of Dr. Power's scientific ihoet built on the fa- to different groups during the thorized construction of a 170,000 RIPLACID 4 holiday season, believing, at she addition' by the Celanese Corp. of mow body-balance last designed to aid correct posture. said, "that the story is a beautiful America. A Close second waa for one of protest against intolerance a 185,000 addition to Ciba Prod- MARI LOU in human relations." . ' ucts, Inc. Knollwood Manors, Inc. was •4 South St. The largest meteorite *{ which granted permits for H one-family SUMMIT SHOE SHOP Morrhrewi 4-415* the date of fall ia known shot to, dwsljjngs. Sixty one-family dwell- earth February 17, 1930, within IS iaa were authorized during the Near the Community Theatre 1 miles of Paragould, Ark. It split ym. March was the best month Ijior outdoor men hete w A cqat that will warm 414 SPRINGFIELD AVE. SUMMIT, N. J. the Uttle Men with the with permit* totaling *249,200. Re- Urge Selection. before striking. The heaviest frag* ceipts for the year were *5,477. « coat that will warm your heart as well as ment weighed 820 pounds. Winter's breath. A gab- your body. Styled for Quaker Meeting ardine covered sheepskin comfort, this knee- lined jacket by McGre- length, sheepskin lined, . Stinday—U a. m., meeting of the gor. •;• ;• •• . t gabardine overcoat is a Society of Friends at Presbyterian buy! parish house; 12 noon. First Day 45.00 I School. For further Information those 5930 Interested may call Mrs. Thayer Others from 27.50 Smith, Short Hills 7-2358.

StatemehtM Condition — December 31,1946 SHEEPSKIN


•._!__'• Bmemm •/ Protection The active outdoor life of win- * s^l Community Strtlce .." UAn Record «td ter calls for this warm sheep- •Wi* AppfitMct Shop skin lined jacket with FUR ! DIRECTORS — • ' x ' - *••*>!• ' f ; ASSETS' —^-r-\r^ —^-..----. 20 iteefcwood Rrf. COLLAR. Sizes firtb 18. JAMES W. BANCKER ';"•" ." •'•': ; -•-.• , '• ' • ' '•• \j "S'" '%:- '••• U. «-SfS7 N. I ^Summit, N, J. • , • f 18.95 EDWARD S. BANCROFT " Cathon Hand and Due from Banks.._..._.._$1,223,679.41 Member of Advisory Board, ' United States Government Securities._._^__ 5,814,814.49 • Manufacturers Trust Company, N. Y. TOO FAT? CARROLL. P. BASSETT Corporate and Municipal Bonds..—.—_-.. 608,^55^8 6et SUMlk this Chairman of the Board Stock of Federal Reserve Bank, N. V. ______13,500.(K) l_l?F5_8JI^?nl' Bassett Estates, Inc. . Harem more t!f_«l«f. G. HARRY CULLIS —bo«M-afld-Discc«nto-_--7-=-_^^^ citin.' No l.iatrvtt. No ; Writh the li-vtr AYES Cullls k Lewis, Summit,-N. J. Mortgages on Real Estate J:"^-7_t7r______—- 803,319.04 - VtUmin Candy Rntuci-f Ffan youdao't cut out any nmb. RICHARD J. DEARBORN •tarebn. poutort, intata or BOYS'SKI SUIT, Accrued Interest Receivable ___—-—_:---_- 31,965.54 buCtar, you wnplr cut them down. It'« omrr Counselor at Law " when YOU enjoy dtltcioua (ntamin (ortiftrt) Cooper, Byrne) Dunham, Keith A.Dearborn Banking fJouse, Vaults and Equipment.... 120,757.94 AYOS candy before mebAianlaUlrbanKL We know how to keep your children i. New York .•.'•" i • warm and cozf. Just bundle them* CONOVER ENGUSH ' Other Assets ._ - -;- 3,013.24 into these toasty warm ski suits with- Counselor at Law .^ piled lined jacket and attached hood. lfcCarter, English k Studer.-Newark, N. J. • • ; $8,871,688.91 Sizes 4 to 8. , ' H. DONALD HOLMES • ' ,» Real Estate k Insurance, Summit, N. J. - ChoriiM's Cat Rare 13.95 JOHN L. HUGHES lit Ssrl>«fl«l- AT*_ Han-lit. K. J. Stnalt MtM Judge of the Third Judicial District Courtof^ Union County, Summit, N. J. "- . NATHAN C. LENFiJSTEY LJABH-ITIES Vice-President and Cashier. The National City Bank of New York • HTCHEN CAJMNEXS BLMER L; RJCYNOLDS ' Vice-President, Eastern Division, The Great • SCBEEN8 Atlantic ^Pacific Tea Co. of America, Newark, ^ Capital __-_—--- $200,000.00 • N.j. .. : r.. '• ADOLPH ROOt Surplus .-— u 250,000.00 / • BOOKCASES JUST ARRIVEifr Root's ^Summit « Undivided Profits. ^^— -. 52,363.99 THOMAS, L. SMTqH , r . MEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAV Standard Brands Incorporated, N. Y. Reserve (Unallocated) ..— 100,000.00 , • CAHINEIS HENRY C. THOMPSON, JR. — 60Z.363.99 MEN'S^B. V. 0. GRIPPER SHIRTS Vice-president and Ce-hier • PORCH ENCLOflUira DEAN H. TRAVIS Reserve for Taxes, Interest, etc. ___——- 31,421.87 President FREDERIC W. WILLARD tfedUf* Order Summit, N. J. «, $8^871,688.91 Member of the CMmber «f ComnwK* tf Summit, K il FRIDAY OFFICERS ' CARRt)O- P. BASSETT .Chairman of the Board 8:30 A.M. t>BAN H. TRAVIS — --•- - President Robert N. Cherry HENRY C. THOMPSON, JR. Vice-President and Cashier Member lift fttrawut Are. TO ALFUED R. HARTLEY Member Asft Vlce-Preildent and'trust Officer Federal Reserve Federal Deposit OumamH.1. 6:30 P.M. SUMMIT, N. J. 9 f. M. ALBBRT A. MU8SON .... Ass't Vice-Preildent Insurance Corp. l^ANTZ A. BOHNE ----- Asa'. CasliieA' ~i Syttem MARION SHERLOCK _« AM't Truat Officer 1 *- 'i Wfe SUMMIT HBtAIP. THUMB**, JANUARY % \H1 Montsarrat" aad "Cowtjracd n be »«inted o* the read ear- Majorca," awl a amaKght tt^ a*I Wwetor A. J. might be eaTed. Thto «H nfwia* 4 to CottncUe4 i*h«k f ue readtajg C usy, "PiwiwietowB Doorway. taalssatw at tin second*^ actaools. In reference te the ak«M KM Wow." Thie waj ntered te the Mist Scudder has made a nu- Byaa,nBusnmitf tCtoattoaod from Page If 1 atM* oourttec. tation is mUslatur* aad la thin. i> dtjr elerk. read aa «fl«i he Pestaaaater fitspetrlek, speak- the biidget for 1M? woold aeon ta matloally comt» under tensre af Oak; TmUmt Jafca bw« behalf of the governawnt, ready for »tudy by civic groups. offiot and cannot be removed mw Vpoa re«ommeadaUo« of the tax exsresMd thaaka aad •pprtcle- After ordering payment of Wlla. cept for caoas. tad ftaeac* committee Umm mm tk» U all group*, indivMttala aad Council adjourned, Tiae reilgtiatlon of k* for their cooperation. caw>eUe4 oa two properti** take» i are last NMKH ft 1HI at-Urf e Erniet 8. Hiotok M • Warren GusAafson, "a Sikorsky A • — mMm\ are With all members In their seat*, member of the Oity PJaaning Board wer by trte dty and eeveral claim* factory representative, waa aboard far tax anmptioa, « aflovoi If L both laymea aM m-Wwt. tw spectator la the "gallery wa» read by th« dty elerk. :* «A> NeTkAMiAtskiimaaiei reporter (later another apeetetoa was ordered receJve4received ' and fllsd. Sute^aw, were made by vettrtM aftWaV if I TJPOTWe^pBB^PW deJUavw participated ia previous came in) aad City Osrfc Frederick The resignation & Herbert O. who ten »«r property MUM to beUcopter mail tests la Laa An- C. Keats hot his accustomed place, Fuchs pa a member of the Board the city. Cxemptioaa allowed. FehVni TtesMalle Asaett el Pwaa? ^ gates- ud Chicago. Common Council proceeded to ckai of Tu Aseeesoie waa alas read. OMUMU ordered a ref uad of wnouw xsmjomhito* the deck* in preparation for thi to WtMtoa K, Ogden that to had Tbia waa also ordered tiled. ored by bis aasoclaU* was Albert year 1MT, on Monday night, De- paid for a building permit for the MorriaiowB High School Auditorium 8;15 P. M. W. Baeder of Tt Kdgewtod road cember 8ft old Highland Club aHe at the ead af tt S. 9MC« Councilman Dapero, for the who aas completed 40 yean* serv- Gonne fleketo oaly |2.0» NOW o« A totter WM read from HoweH «f M*pl» ativet at Dt I"*~et ave- TO^raSHIP-Tl»« theme of UM street*, aewer a»d par^ oomoilWet, ice with the Sherwin-Williams Co. D. McGeorge stating that as tb* ane, that had never been graaied. tt Merrittown Y. H. C A. Regional iUgli 8ctM>o( sophomore •ubmitted a raolutkm tait the as district manager at Newark, office of aty Clerk was vaejant, daaet, Jaauary 3T, If "Winter Car- laAction the tale by the Jotat There being ROW left of theMr. Baeder was guest of honor that City Official Fred Mort be altal" Cnaperoiies for UM oeem- Meeting of T.«0 aoNf of taad fa MM*g«aey approprMiMi for thaat a luncheon at the Military Park named to that position at a noml. sioa will be Misi Shirley Youag XMsabeth aad Unden of utmoaaan remodelllnc of BamUton School Hotel, Newark, and WM presented nil salary to' order "that money aadWUlUmTitley. proptrty to the Reicshbold Cbeml* Into the aaw Municipal Building, a watch by til* associates. He TYPfWRfTERS

M(MftrnlM me! THI SUMfttT HfHAtO. t, IW Or.WattefRJudd af ifl Mm Twfc M4 Wl Speak of Asia To FortnlghHy «*#» !• umnn Hi "What Is Ahead in Aata," will be oil crganintioa, taossUy the topic of Dr^ Waiter U. Judd, by laeMasai tm«*. Republieait member of Congress in UM Naar last, fidOt from Miaaesota, when he addresses tsa FortnlsMly Oub next Wednes- •«» U* Vaatmtiu on, sfecon,- day, January 15, at the high school Vacuum OU 0* tf N«w York has «t t:U D. m. This to Dr. Judtfs aec- WaMnJU Ifejaat, * tie, oad' liwture here, as he was the president aad director aad tutU •Bast speaker before the Athen* ia March, IMS, when he apolce on "World Prospects As Seen Wash from Washington." - «tit« ActtvlttM, has bee«mi a Itctuiwr TfimBrmmnitof •"jr. Mr. Faust, who wms ectirt United States foreign policy datnp w««k strvic* "•re ID Playhouse attain, will fat ia rot and iatereata ia the Pacific and charge of the foreigB trade com- MacKacfaria «f Jll aWkwa* •*•• the Orient as a aalBral outcome nue,afora»rin«mbaroftaaWar mittee of the company. of his experienoea and observa- Labor Board, was one ol the tions in ChinaVhere he was a mad- In awumlnf bis aew duties, Mr. ipeakera at avfcnm, "Labor's Ntw Year," bald Tuesday afternoon at teat missionary. Ha took advanced WESTfJ.ld 2^542 Fauat will a* returning to the field work ia surgery ia tills country un- in which ha operated in Ms early Fort Dix under the saonsonup of the Army's Informatioit aad B4u- der a fellowship from the famous yearn with the company. When he caUoa Branch. Mr. Madteehnii Mayo Foundation. InlWMhewent Joined Soeeny in IMS, be was waa requested by the National As- back to the Orient, and It waa dur- named domestle sales manager of sociation of Manufacturers to pre- ing his subsequent work that he the marine department Two years aent the views of management at the aeaaioa. A practicing lawyer, saw the growing menace and inuoi. later, when Stanford OU Co. of aent danger of Japanese power New Tork and Vacuum Oil Co. he b secretary of the laatwood- Neally Corp. of BalkvUle, and is there. He began* a nationwide were merged to form the preaerit chairman of the bargaining com speaking tour in the United States company, be was appointed general mittee for mmnufacturen of paper in IMS to develop public-opinion sales manager of the company's mill equipment on the fast growing Japanese men- world-wid* marine sales and later ace In the' Pacific. Dr. Judd was assumed direction of domestic and Talcei Church Strvicti one of the first to advocate the foreign aviation marketing. boycotting of Japanese goods and In his new post Mr. Faust will To Homes of Absentees atrongly urged an embargo on the direct rehabilitation of European BELFAST, IRBLAND - Acting shipment of munitions and war markets aad expansion of sales on the prtncipla that If peopk material to Japan by this country. made possible by additional crude don't go to church, the church muat ' Dr. Judd- is serving his second supply obtained by Sooony in re- go to them, the Anglican rector Urm in Congress,-and ia a mem- cently announced Middle East and Camlough, haa cauaed a mild m ber of the House committees on Near Bast agreements) with other •ation by startlna; Sunday adrvitaa Insular Affairs, Expenditures in the American companies. «utaide tht homea of abaaotaa Executive Departments, and Edu- church members. , cation. He has also'been Ranted Aoeompanied by a choir am as a member of the Joint Congres- wearing nil vestments, the rector sional committee to review Presi- stopa outaide the house and eon dential recommendations made in ducta a cotnplKe service with connection with the Employment prayera, hymma, and aennon. "W Act ' . •/ • find some people lying about on Sunday mornings instead of going UMBRELUS to church," be laid. Summit Building SQMliK 9KNB American Woman's Club Will Hear Story Taller Permits for Year Tonight at 7:10 the American HANDBAGS Woman's Club will meet at th< Total 5996,025 Washington School for their first weekly gathering of the year. Mrs. Permits authorizing construe J. p. Sninn, a member of the tion of new buildings and addi- Summit Story League will furnish, tions totaling $9M,O25 were issued during 1946 by Building Inspector ,,.d the program, the telling of "Happy ZIPffltS Christmas," by Daphne Seaman L. Wright? Of, this total, du Maiwier. This is the fourth $802,650 wai for new buildings. time Mrs. Shinn has told this story The largest single permit au- our rang* of Or. Hi onihtfa* to different groups during th thoriied construction of a I70.00C _ «gUCB) holiday season, believing, as' she addition by the Celanese Corp. ol mow body-bdonca> lost dnigntil to aid comet posturt. said, "that the story is a beautiful America. A close second waa fo one of protest against intolerance a 169,000 addition to Ciba Prod MARI LOU la human relations." ucts, Inc.!/ Knollwood Manori, Inc. wai The largest meteorite of which granted permits for 14 one-famil SUMMIT SHOE SHOP « Merrbtow* 4-41W the date of fall ii known shot to dweiyngs. Sixty one-family dwell' Near

-u. .

Statement of Condition-December 31,1949 SHEEPSKIN ^tlNEDCOAT The active outdoor life o^ win- Rtcord and ter calls for thiswarm sheep- Apptianct Shop skin lined jacket with FUR DIRECTORS 29 Itvckwood R4. - COLLAR. Si«s 8to 18. JAMES W. BANCKKR Summit. If. J. S«. 4-5fS7 Summit. N. J. Cuh on Hand and Due from Banks..__..__—$1,223,879.41 18.95 EDWARD & BANCROFT Member of Advisory Board. - United States^ Govenrawrat SecuritieB.w ^..^ Manufacturers Traat Ooaapaay, N. Y-. Corporate^ and Municipal Bonds...trzr.™i CARROLL P. BASSETT Chairman of the Board Stock of Federal Reserve Bank, N. Y. ._„—i 13,500.00 President Basaett Estatea, Inc. - LoanB andUiscounta—_ --^-s^.^.II-^lJ^SJLOM.37_ nitivet. No drugi. With (heiimplr AYOS ,/• CnUis * Lewis, Summit N. J Mortgages on Reial Estate _. _. ,.——. '~T:^ - 803,319.04 ViUminC»ndyReducinfPUn 1 you don't oit out iny iunl*. RICHARD X DKARBCMUf Accrued interest Receivable ___—-—*C7L— 31,965.54 •UrchM. potatoes, meati or BOYS SKI SUITS Counselor at Law bufUr. you mmtir cut them down. Irt ••£« when you enjoy d«Iuk)ua (vitimm fortified) Cooper, Byrne. Dajkham, Keith jfc Dearborn Banking House, Vaults and Equipment ...--- 120,757;M AYOS cuidy ftetoKmeali . Abwlutelrharmloi. We know how to keep your children • New York ' " • x| l- " 13 24 warm and cozy. Just bundle them Other Asseta.r;.—,—.---^-sii*-:^«^—: - ^'° - into thcae4oasty warm ski suits with Counselor at Law '"""'••-' ••;; • piled lined jacket and attached hood MeCarter. Saglua * Stader. Newark, N. J- ' ;; |8,871i688.91 Sizes 4 to 8.. , H. DONALD HOLMES : Real Estate A Iasaumaoe, Summit N.' J. •• • • • ••-.--;•'.: "- v Chariliit's Cyt Raft 13.95 JOHN L. HUGHES S»rln|llel4 AT^ Nanmll, N. t. Sannll S4HI Judge at the Third Judicial District Court of . Union County, Summit, H. J. UABIUTIES NATHAN C. LKNFEBTKY Vice-Preaidemt aad Cashier. The Natmul Oty Baak of New York Deponti..J..U----»- ---- • KaTCHEN CABINETS ELMER L. REYNOLDS Vlce-PreaiaViit Eaatera Division. The Great Capital Funds ' ' •SCREENS AUantic ft Pacific Tea On. of America. Newark. c^tai •__J--.---^ N. J. • . . —" ••• ADOLPHROOT Surplus .._.,.—7—^-- 250,000.00 • BOOK CASES JUST ARRIVED Root's of Summit Undivided Profits—.—— 52,363.99 THOMAS L. SMTQI MEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS Standard Brands IswarBoratcd, NY.. . k Reserve (Unallocated) 100,000.00 • CABINETS HENRY C THOMPSON. JR. i 602^63.99 MEN'S B. V. D. GRIPPER SHORTS Vice-Preaident aad Csuhier • ' • POUCH ENCLOSURES •' i DEAN H. TRAVIS PnaideBt ' Reserve for Taxes, Interest, etc.....--—— 31,421.87 FREDERIC W. WILLARD ! flasia U Orim Summit, N.J. . -* • $8,871,688.91 Member «f tlin Chamber *f CommrKd of Summit, N. I.' OFFICERS ' CARROLL P. BASSETT Chairman of the Board 11 Robert H. Cherry DEAN a TRAVIS "-— - PtwW" HENRY CTHOMPSOK. JB. i i— Vice-Preaideat aad Cubiff 115 FalrmoaDt Avt. ALFRED R. BARTLKY Member. • Member 0 Aaat VIee-Piesident aad Trust Officer JfedehU fteurve Federal Deposit Cfcatlum, N. I, SUMMIT, N. J. P. M. ALBERT A M1SSOM Asrt Vice-Preaklflrt Insurance Corp. •"RANTZA. BOHNE — Aart Cashier Syttem "•AR10N fwgfti/yir, Aas't Trust Officer aad INI mi**? HUM*, w Majorca," and faa. Mm}jji*ceat 90*" natiw *»« Onfaaces Jersey M •»» «"i™"S&lii: "* mm Seudder baa rm/K ia ta* elMv fa* utioa ia mtaiataw aad ta /ease* Byaa, a »uss»rt AJLf. ftafc ml u o«JiUy rertwd an of veteraa atiae . Ws»~Ifcdi*-aws»e, ti rf tat EAJl; Hr* aad''saw s«ak»r fUgst far Mr. •*••# sja> U Is***, snet**** .«# for Easter* Air Uasa, t* decide spas he* WM *J*» os haM **W statei sis aad amtl! tot 1KB of lai* Present sVnast P.. Psttsa eoujfictif* that tbe asepfe «f "•dalf bt kayt, ~-"vl.; f tUeraeti**; *MB- Boawiut hsd "dtarfy Is asaver t» a fsteattai ajr Mrs, tb*ir tawrtst is Praak AJst «f ft> A/chrbsJd Murray af Hew Bsglaad wi of &»• |«w Of 4 STANLEY CHAPWJE aerrte*" twstse, President of Cwadl sal*. if M fJ»rt»rea**d Uuak* tad apyrvds- Aft*r ordering payment of sills, Kiacaie. f Uoa Wall groups, individual* a*d ''Vi^irifii1 leetam are *^ Last Mestiaf ef MM Warns Gustefastt, a SUiafafcy gnat namnu— aad are inteaaely With all saensafa is their scats, ctory wyrmatatiwi, was aboard far bstb layiMS>ai mBafeiaiis. one spectator is the "gallery," « wita ^Bluff Ai ** Aratjr j»Uot m r«ui by ta* dty cfartc reporter (later another apaetslor laa. Mr ptrtWstttd is previous ni vdm site at ta« «d who bat completed 40 years' serv- Oonne ticket* only $2.00 MOW on tale af afaoi* atnat at De f»raat aw- TOWNWW-TIM them* of toe A ioU*r VH rt*d from ice with the Bherwin-Williajw Co. at MorrtetowD Y. M. C. A. Regional High Jkbod eeptomor* D. McC^orw atatiaf ttet utb* a rtsclBtiam taat ttat as4 a—r teaa paptoi. as dtotrict manager »t Newark. daace, January 27, to "Wiat*r Oar- of City O*rk «at city saaetics tne at]* ay I «f tka Mr. Baeder was I***' o< aonor sivai" Chaperoots lor UM ©«*sv 0 of 1M sow afIsai !• f far tta 'at a luacheoB at U» Military Park m wUJ bt ittM Sttrtey Ton* to that position at a no af Haniltaa fcnool Hotel, Newark, and WM preaeoted ead William fi^ aal salary is order that Baoaew property to tne fUiefabold Maaidffal a watch by hi* a*wciate«. Be TYPfWRfHRS and ADDING MACHINES cal Ok, lac, for |2Sj»m Sasse «M * wu sr4arad that joined the paint eompany in ra fried Presided Blaad eaplatead CJerekod on Jan. 1,1907, and came |pld — Kwttd — Mpdnd l# tas addtance ttiat - Assssatt to the Newark office 10 years ago. wottM receive a# a result af ttfs We DeHmr and Pick Up in and RADIO saic. appfoximauiy U,700v aatda to matt dty paytnUa, aad Around Summit A letter was read trots WUsaaae ta* tnaatttar vat *rd*r*d U» diaw Boys Attend Camp REPAIR Dtmpaty. act:ag for H. at aaefatary tedivfdual chacka. Bishop, sskiag the approval af a Tte Crown Oil Corporatloo wa» CLEAN AS A map for tne development af avarotd Uw costract to furalmh Reunion Saturday SERVICE •ark," »n the gaaokn* to U* city for IHT. Soatt Street MorrhtowB 4-2866 of the «uty- The Tba raatfuatlmi of Fr^Jerick C At Newart YMCA in tjaasUoa was purcnassd by Mr. Starts aa dly derk and a* dty Netr Community TheUrt EdWln G. Uncoln, boyi' work Doe* Your Radio Need Repairing? BUbop a few ye«r« ago fnaca the aokcttor mu» upon motion, dory Secretary of the'Sumintt YMCA, WUUam H. CromweM estate, flu accepted. (Story r*f«rdliif action W« far, rtp^r MU! d«lhn- jov wiUi a high acKooi leader, Joe Keep your chlldrtn'i property baa froc.t*fss on three of the ewuicil OB Uua^aaJ)tpliah«d streets, Springfte.4 aratuis, fair- Walguarnery, accompanied a group clothes rtady for In tfc* Herald of January U of young memberi to a reunion of. view aveaue and A rwolntioa was paiaad actUnff Prompi Service to the street the alumni and rtaffs of Canip cowtinf, •Jutinf i«4 Jaaoary J, at •:*> asWswayanda at the Newark YMCA aad the ctty soikitor, dato for tha orctaisation W* gMrsatM oar work to complete lait Saturday. •kiing. Brinjthera to A letter waa read front the C of «iw eoaacU. Wits the The program which began at 2 fathers Committee of Washington raadi&g of U* billa. the eouncil of o'clock Included a get-together, School, sifaed by Konert Cowen, ISM ccaatd aparatloi. camp tonga, re-enactment of some refardinjt traffic coadltions sat phaaei of camp life, and new color SUMMIT RADIO Morris avenue ia the vtcintty af moviei of latt lummer'i camp LIBERTY the scbooi. It stated that Norbert T. ftnka of Templar eventi,. and announcements were made of the 1M7 season. Younger, CLEANERSADYERS able improvement ia way, Eixabeta attoroey, who re- there had resulted from action at- aicned December 24 at cottaael for memberi participated in the ban* and APPLIANCE SHOP quet at 5 o'clock. The staffs and ready taken by the council ia plac- KenUworth after aiae yetra »erv- ice, chanced bis mind Thursday eounselori held a meeting after- JM |arl§a#UU ing a poUcemaa oo doty, ward* to plan for the coming year. We Call sad DtlKer thought further night at the council orgaaisatioa neetisg ia that town aad accepted Those who attended from the aouldb.had.Itwt* re-appoistmeat Summit YMCA were: Lud Stetka, HOLDS PRICES DOWN George Sawyer, George Musson, Donald Klnley, Grant Webster, Richard Jewlck and Ivan Wright. From Lincoln YMCA: Julian Hill, with these amazing SPEC.ALS Norman Hill, Jr, and Marihaij Andrews, Jr. New Social Club At Lincoln YMCA SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY To Fill Big Need ESTABLISHED 18 9 1 A brand new feature* of the Lin- coin YMCA program will be in* SKIRTS t •ocurated Saturday night, January C U, when the Saturday Night Social dub will meet t6r the first time. In answer to a broad aurvey, STATEMENT OF CONDITION, DECEMBER Robert Mack, boys', work secretary, found an almost unanimous de- J 0 mand for some sort of social ac- tlvity on Saturday ewnlng» for A%I ITS LI All LIT I IS the teen-agers, with danci&f pre- : ••->»,,- Z'L ferred. " • ' '• <, on Hind and Dut from Capital Stock $600,000.00 The dub will be set up like^tber youth canteens with'a soft drink 2,822,741.IS Surplus and , -J bar. Music for the dancing will be furnished by records and by the Cleaned and Pressed Undivided Profits . 469.220.14 . ' United States Sovernrrtent and vohintary contributions of mem- bers who play the piano and other Other Readily Marketable $ 1.069,220.14 instruments. . Stcurlties* 10,829,139.10 Resorvo for Taxei. • '• . ' .* • Alt young people IT years and Intarest. etc. " 117.360.07 over of Summit and nearby com- munities are invited to attend each Loam and Diieounts 2,738,634.69 , Unearned Discount .^... 1,141.47 Saturday evening. - ' " MortjaQe Loam ••.,».,....»,,,,. Official Checks r Paper Mill Outstanding 39,106.51 : President Ha%^ Accru»d Incomt RsceivaWe ... ^DEPOSITS —^____L^^ • '^ '::. Timo .....$ 8,136.717.62 One-Man Show ^ Federal Reserve Bank Stock v..-- 30,000,00 , Mlii Antoinette Scudder, presi- Domand** .... I0.234.0S6.7S dent of the Paper Mill Playhouse, linking House -. 226,900.00 Mlllburn, has a one-man showing i, ?'•'- - J lt.370.844.37 of her paintings at; the Subutban' Gallery, East Orange. The open- ing was last Sunday. Mis* Scud- $1^.605,379.63 $19,605,379.63 der a work 1* favorably known in New Jersey as she has frequently exhibited at the Centre of the Or- • Marbt Valu* $11,202.009.00. anges, the Newark Club, theMont- when brought in with a suit clair Museum and the Mlllburn- Ai required by law, and U Meurt fruit ind U. S. U. S. Sbort Hills Art Centre. During August a group of her pictures or dress at regular price of 65c Sovtrnmant dapoiltt (h»r» as pledgtd ••eurifiai wilH i*q $572.I$AJ5. we*e on exhibition at the Play- —:—> •" ;•. house. She hal also held one-man • par value of $1,30),000.00. shows

**u»«-.; i •• •• • .(-.'.•.. DIREC TORS Th« present eithibltlon. consists largely of landscapes and msrine*. Guaranteed Miss Scudder was for several y»t>rs a member of the Province- , i • W; 6ILIERT BAKIK town Art Colony and a pupil of WALTER C. HEATH UWtENCC J. Mae€RE€Ot President, W.» L Baiter. Inc., Summit, N. J. thejate Frederick Waugh, NA Vlet-ftretidant, Director, National State Bank and of Charles riawthorn'e and Director, ltuiual Benefit Life Insuraaoe Co, "\ . PresMeat ,. . Richard Miller. Her picture/"? ' _ CAXTOM IRQWN '•__ Newark, N, J. 24 Hour Prwidant, Wiston Kltetrieal Initrumtnt Oorp, JOHN N. MAY. JH Newark, M. J Aaatataat to the Presideit CHARLES W. NURST ' w : Dry Cleaning DANIIL BUHKI President, Martlndalt-Hubaell, Inc.. . .. HERIERT J. OSIORNE « ' Burke a Burke, New York . summit, N. J. Vice-Presideat. Central Hanover Bank a«d Ttuet O», K. Y. JAMES 8. BURKE .•• REGINALD L-JONES Garments accepted for 24 hour service Burke a Burke, New York Vice-President, Bell Telephone Laboratories, MAX J. SHANRO Inc., New York President, Sbaptro Bros. Factor* Oerf, ready on time or you don't pay. , LYMAN I. CODDINSTON New York Wholesale Roe* Orowtr, Murray' Hill,- N.' J. THEODORE S. KENYON ' SAMUEL A. SMITH. JR. Men's Suits . . . Plain Dresses . . . 65c i. 0. DAY Kenyon * Kenyori, New York Mutual Benefit Ufa Insuranct Co., Mauier. General Caale Corp. ' . .- ... Perm Aaeboy. N. J. ' Newark, N. j. " };1* GEO. V. LUM ' HAROLD T. GRAvis. JR. Vtae-Prasldsnt , JACOI S. WILEY Vlee-Praaldeat Vlce-Prwident Retired. New Yerk TeJephone OK, N. Y. *• •••••" a«4 » ow| ihowtr. Custom Kitchens UBIIOKCD aid IXBTALLED Mamfcat r^tdtfil APPUANCES Otpoift fniurtnet • AVAILABLE Fadtral Rtaaevsj t«t Tow Xtw RKkt Syitam •••lift Pita Aralltkl* 352 Springfield Ave. 30o MWbmn Avt. 11 ""? "••• •»»••», JII s.im i ' Neiemise ami BuUi MWburn ray- WAUfAFf* SHOWROOM THi SUMMfT HttALD, THUMOAY, JANUARY f, 1 •* +Mm V«k ui News sS-ts ActfyityAbrwd

UJ «.*. *Wt* oil orgialaatloa. recently •af Or. & Jadd, «4>t>I*a*nu<| by lsenaiaa {»«**. «««» to the Wear Bast, Mid Daat and Veneiucian oil, tocoi OUCo. of NewYorfchss 4ay. Jaaaary 1* at the aiga school WalUr L, faust, a vl ktctar* ae>«, «a aw was the ) prettdent and director and tun * speaker befara the Athca- fteenUy a resident of Summit, to • la March. tH*. whea he to in chart* of m Its foreign au Wash Day Blues ««tlo| activities. Thia waft dls- *»w*4 Oeeanaar II % the com- . Ihr, Jaai haa fcinass a isttuiar | Try our new 3 day l*ay. Mr. l*u*t, who war active oa Vwtui Statas faewga policy dftfnp 'wash strvict «*w la Playhouse affairs, will be ia aad [altneta ia tac l*aciflc and MicKechnja of 111 Bdemt » •nsrge of the foreign trade com- satarsl witrnmt ntie, a former member af tlat War mittee of tlie oompany. Labor Beard, waa oae af tfce mi oteerva- •era feewa s a ssed- ±BESAWS LAUNDRY-^ In uiuming els new duties, Mr. ipeakers at a forum, "Laaor'a Hew Year," held Tuesday aftsraeaa at Be too* advanced SO? Cwifrel Avt. WKTfitld 2-4542 «"»uat will be Mturnlngtothe fkld Fort TAx under the spuBsetship of wark la aarcerj lathis ceaatryaa- »n wtich he operated in Ms early the Army's InformaUoa aai Eda- der a JeBavsajy frsea tbe famous yeans with the company. When he cation Branch. Mr. Ma«rKartale MayeFbaadauoa. IsitSMeewent joined 8ocony In 1929, he waswaa requested by the NaOoaai As- back to the Oncat. aad it was dur. sociation of Manufacturers t* pi named doneatic sales manager of lag bis ssaitasert wark that he the marine department Two years sent the views of management at the seision. A practidag tewyi saw the afwwiag saeaace and isami* kt*r, when Standard Oil Co. of scxt akager «f Japaheee power flew York aad Vacuum Oil Cohe Is secretary of the Eastwoo Neally Corp. of Belterille, and la there. He aegaa a aatioawide were merged to form the present chairman of the bargaiafag cos speakfag tour ia the United States company, he wa« appointed general mlttee for manufacturers, of paper- ia ISO* to deweiap poaiic opinion aal« manager of the company** mill equipment •a the fau crowiag Japuteee men- world-wide marine *ales and later ace ia the Padttc. Dr. Jaddwas •asumed direction of domestic and Takes Church Service* •ae ef the nrst to adraoate the foreign aviation marketing. bayesttiag of Jajpaatjst gooda and In nil new post Mr. Faust will To Homes of Absentees etroaggy arged aa caahargo oa the direct rehabilitation of European BELFAST, IRELAND — Acting isti [inn st ef ^"'"'""n and war markets and expansion of tales on the principle that if people sutenal ta>. Jbaaa by this cjoontry. made possible by additional crude don't go to church, the enure* Dr. Jadd « acrving his second auppiy obtained by Socony In re-go to them, the Anglican rector af Una ia Osagreaa, and ia a mem- cently announced Middle, East and Camloufh, has. caused a mild sea- ber ef the Haaat coaaacittees on Near Kkat agreements vith other •ation by itarting Sunday asrvieta IasKkr ASaisa, KapeadUiues, in ib#~, American companies, outside the homes of Oepartmesta, and Kdu- church members. cation. He has also been named Accompanied by a choir as a messher of the jotat Oongrea- wearing his vestments, the rector fee review Presi- •topi outside the house and eaa- NYLONS ducts a complete scrrica with omaectioa with the Employment UFAIKO prayers, hymns, and sermon. "We find some people lying about on Sunday mornings instead of at POSNBTC UMBRHiAS to church," be said. SuritBeUm] SCIENTIFIC SNOB Unabeetlss Recovered American Woman's Club Will Hear Story Teller Penwts for Year Tonight at 7:30 the Americas HANDBAGS Woman's Club will meet at the Washington School for their first HPAHttP weekly gathering of the year. Mrs. Pcisaits aathorittat construc- Our many years of experiffntt. in tioa of new femiMincs aad addi- J. P. Shinn, a member of the fitting children's teat means much ; tie» totatcfic WM.013 were issued Summit Story League will furnish donas IMS by Bnflding laspector In iht correct choice of footwear ZIPPERS the program, the telling of "Happy Seaautfe L Wright. Of this total, Christmas," by Daphne $5»%090 was for aew taildiaga. lor your child. Come in ana set MEPAIRID du Maurier. This is the fourth The largest aiagle permit au- time Mn. Shinn has told this story thoriKd coastractioa of a 170,000 our ranae of Dr. PosnerV scientific shoes built on Iht fa* to different groups during the •EHACID •ddition by she Odanesc Corp. of holiday lesson, believing, as theAmerica A dose aedatxl m for mow bod/'bolonct last designed to aid correct posture, said, "that the story is a beautiful one of protest against intolerance a U&&& additfaa ts> Gba Prod- MARI LOU In human relations." acts. Inc. Kaoi!wood Maaors, Inc. was v# SOUtn St> The largest meteorite of which grasted penatts for 11 ane-fa,mitv ... Morrlsfewi 4^15* the date ot fall is known shot te d^ Sbttv one-family dwell- SUMMIT SHOE SHOP mt anUKHiaed daring the Near OM Conamnnlty Th—tt* earth February IT, l»30, within » miles of Faragould, Ark. It split March «n* tbe best raoath For outdoor men here is the Uttle Stem with tke with permits tataUag S3i9^M. Re- A coat that will warm 414 SPRINGFIELD AVE. SUMMIT, N. J. before striking. The heaviest frag* Larr* Seleettoa ceipts for the year were 6,477. a coat that will warm your heart as well as ment weighed 820 pounds. Winter's breath. A gab- your body,. Styled for Quaker Meeting ardine covered sheepskin com f o r t, this knee- lined jacket by McGre- length, sheepskin lined, ••,j Saadajr— U a. aa, nseeUng of tbe gor. gabardine overcoat is a, Satiety af FMeaaa at Presbyterian buy! 12 aooa. First Day 45.00 .i Par farther iaforsaattoa those lalenaled aaajr call Mrs. Thsjer Others from 27.50 Skatta, Skott Hffls 7-3SS.

r Statement of Condition —December 31,194$ TOYS SHEEPSKIN . 1V-. UNEDCOAT ffcacon of Frottcilon The active outdoor life of win- // S*rtlet ter calls for this warm sheep- skin lined jacket with FUR ASSETS GOLLAR. Sizes 8 to 18. JAMES W. BANCKJCR *','/';• .\: - • Bummit, N. J. ; '. . Sa. 4-5t57 . It J. "TZ •—~—~~^ ., .-1 Bf wM| Cash on Hand and Due from Banks— .______$1,223,679.41 EDWARD•«, BANCROFT ; •' •' Member of Advisory Board, ...... '. 'United States Government Securities—L—. 5,814,814.49 Manufacturers Trust Company,' N. $, TOO FAT? " Corporate and Municipal Bonda... \—.„ 608^S55.88 CARROLL P. BASSBTT Chairman of the Board •.. - ' Stock of Federal Reserve Bank, M, Y. „.—_ 13,500.00 President, Bassett Estates, Inc. ; > Bmin (leader. Loans and Discounts „,__.„._!.__ 252,083.37 anM irac. N«e»rr- G HARRY" CULUS -' ' ' v CMM«. NoTiutucn. No Cullis A: Lewis, Summit, N, J. Mortgages on Real Estate „._....—— 803,319.04 1 RICHARD J. DEARBORN . '• Acprued Interest Receivable ____—._——,_ 31,965.54 BOYS SKI- SUITS I - ,. Counselor at Law , Banking House, Vaults and Equipment _*_._•_ 120,757.94 We know how to keep your children ; Cooper,- Byrne, Dunham, Keith k Dearborh I New York : Other Assets .i *._.—. j — 3^)13.24 warm and] cozy. Just bundle them CONOVER ENOlJSH ' ' : into[these toasty warm ski suits with Counselor at Law v • i —i—: piled lined jacket and attached hood. McCarter, English A-Studer,.Newark, N. J. $8,871,688.91 Sizes 4 to 8. H DONALD HOLMES Real Estate * Insurance, Summit, N. J. J0HNL.HUOHE8 " til BIII. ^(. Judge of the Third Judicial District Court of Union County, Summit, N. J. NATHAN C. LBNTESTBY LIABILITIES Vice-Presideht and Cashier, , Tlie -NaUonal City Bank of New York Deposits __r-~;--,--~. --$8,237,903.05 CABWE18 ELMER L. REYNOLDS -Vice-President, EasUrn DivMion, The Great Cmpitsl Funds " SCUEENS Atlantic! * Pacific Tea Co. of America, Newark, -Capital — — ~ .—-,-—$200,000.00 N. J. . AD0LPHROOT , Surplus ._.——-——- 250,000.00 BOOK CUES JUST ARRIVED Root's of Summit Undivided Profits ., 52,363.99 , THOMAS L, 8MTP MEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS Standard Brands Incorporated, Reserve (Unallocated) 100,000.00 HENRY C. THOMPSON, JR. . 602,363.99 MEN'S B. V. 0. GRIPPER SHORTS Vlce:Preildent and Caahler DEAN H. TRAVIS Reserve for Taxes, Interest, etc... —- 31,421.87 President FREDERIC w; WDLLARD Summit, N. J. $8,871,688.91 Member of the Chamber ef Commerce of Summit, N. J. FRIDAY OFFICERS ' CARROLL P. BASSETT —.Chairman of the Board 8:30 A.M. DEAN H. TRAVIS ------<- Tre*'*"1* Robert N. Chciiy HENRY C. THOMPSON, JR. ^ 1 TO , , Vice-President and Caihier Member ALFRED R. BARTLEY Member Ass*t Vlce-Prealdknt«nd Truat Officer Federal Reserve federal Deposit SUMMIT, N. J. • f. M. ALBERT A. MU88ON Asi't Viee-PrfaldeB* insurante Carp. • FTtANTZ A. BOHNE „ Aw't Caihl« System MARION SWERLOCK Aaa't Trua^ Officer I ,4*1 H6ltAll> THURSDAY, MNUARY >,lf47 THt ( of the Revoiu. Ckmn Mttt •! tloa. CfeHws <3«w»lsst©aer Itorpm *. LUTSM, of the pltci to erect the Battle Tbc publication posy b« obtained t the Department of O&*uervstiw», Monument at Piv* Point* in Trta- from U>» Department «f Cotuervm. EXPERIENCE ton, to commemorate the event* of ties State House Anita*. Trenton T, tbtimwum of t ton, t Ihnr Jersey ft*** mm emu, BmJth said, d dil th W. L, \i»oa receipt of 10 cents ia 4MMM4 to neb » potat flutt «• many veterans ire seekls* ree4- r H*9H* UlBttraed baoklft ts- late December, 1 m and detail* the stamps at coin. , " "'" etory of tilt capture of the He»- : •re aaaapitttlgr uaaWe jw OOMjustnent and rehabilitation after "Tli* Treston Battle Moisu- vftk 0Ht tbe most wpsjtt MWp u)4 Washington's Campaign, feiana, the Batik of th« Asraaptak vftk 0Ht tbe mt p returnmf borne to find that a* s Bidrigadiei r O Oi resulto* death* and other major *r X, im to January I, and the Btttk of Princeton, all «f for alotUag." ,Brigadie in chargr e Oe»erao# Thie T. Cc# which were associated with tht Starlings Lead ftaJTSttAmk y i Seciahargl e iarvioo# The changes, they mally bad no honu. fiy percentages sucn CSWM took [fereO, m Charge of-Hlitortc Site*. short decisive campaign which hat ** today. been refarded by many hiitorian* eatwmely low. Smith stated, but *• Thii booklet tracts ttt hlet*ry List as 1,940 ti» «i«Mt f «oM iraatlur eon. by numbers and actual ca»e* they yM with UM stow return of atw represent t suable problem tad Q to retail store* have re- ta _, * taoedt witihh toe t one with which we tttift deal. said that •*****• • •"•* Birds Get Taled tfenuiads of year* with Wre hundred men represent* only of otba,. »•• now being totally «- 40008 of u army el ten Million A total «f i.HO wild Wrda. tw Winter Sports „_-__. the Brigadier reported. men, but tint Mine number would reported for tin test CMBIIU of mere than double our present Gsr u'^ton iour hand by contact with • a* «t«t or get a Studs**4y o f tthe case* handled by K you bum *£*»,*, aiiy «•**• mm ewe * the winter. epemswed by th# Sum- DM Osatw revaajf the surprl*. ter population. wtttr mit Nature Qub and taking plaeo In many instance* small a» well I avoid thoughtless tajttfy to yourself and other*. Equipment from December » to January 1, M growing children and working 1 «• with • drug so that family head* are meeting winter during a variety of weather, torn* improperly clothed. These people Many and mild, some stormy HoW Selected represent much more than Inani- with ice. «HAJHJATE0-Da»l*J L. Wood. mate figure* or ?a*e numbers. XT .U. or a »* I* «*• .toiwelvhfart or Tbc activity at the eleven main tide, l», ton of Mr. and MM. W. B. As Mkkhlpman They are our fellow* human be- them that admstbiiif bwnw Then they feeding stations differed widely WoodsJde of Sbadyaide 'vmtm, ings, and some way roust be found £ ** ^ * • ?. : ? with an average of 100 birds In any was graduated last weak from U» to help thin. Our only hope of Aviation Electronic* Bask Mala- solution is to call on the public . Doctors have usually had so »uch e»perience one day. M being permanent and By Navy Air Arm to search thoroughly in every aliments that they know itot^mjMtk live winter residents, the other 10 he* tenance School at Uw Naval Air George H. HoJlod, 1». son of Mr TechnJca) Training Canter, W«d hone to tee whatever can be «t rirht resulU but when they burn their candle lax the leaa abundant apeciea. «i|d lira. A. Kollod of Morris ave- spared, and to call u* to pick up ?UHToneTmore of the common habit forming Island, Corpus Chris,tl, Texas. Ad- nue, has been selected and ap-whatever can be spared or give it Within the three-mile radhia of vanced to the rank of aviation frlnTJnd likes, or try self medication with th, highly the Summit poatofflcc, about 30 pointed a Mid*hlpman, USN, atto our trucks on their regular electronic'* mate, second class, the Navy's only Pre*FlifBt School, round* of collections. .The need advertised headache pills and laxatives they are only affect- square mile*, the dirtribution ac- USN, the Summit man has been ing th* symptom, without getting at the cause. cordinf to section* waa: Summit, Ottumwa, Iowa; under the Naval is urgent, and It must bt met, and assigned to duty at the Navy's Aviation Officers Candidate pro- this can be done only by public A wise doctor will prescribe a diet, rest, exercise, fresh aouth of the, track*, 870; Summit, radar experimental station,' Key support. north of the/tracks, 120 (more »t*- »ir fwedom from the use of all addictive, with mentai con- West, Fla. He it a graduate of Anyone who can help is urgid trci that eliminates worry so that Nature may be given a tioiu af»_,«eeded in this area a* He it one of the first to be ap- to call the Center at Mitchell Summit High School, class of chance to make the necessary repairs. there sr* known to be many bird! 1W5, pointed under the program, mark 2-0370 or write to Mi Pennlngton there); Short Hills, 230; Chatham, ing the inauguration of the Hollo- street, Newark I Dr llu Gersoa, a famous New York practitioner, |« JW, and New Providence, «?0. way plan, onei of the Navy's two givlniWjLPPtlents fTntw experience and obtaining remark- The types'of birds feeding ae- Summit Trust Co. college program*, offering educa able reauit* in^curing tuberculosir, cancerand^maBy-othtr SKI ma tiM rr. »p oordlnr. to the food thty eat am: tlonal opportunities to the youth of deep seated maladies by the Gerson Diet It Is low in salt, Seed eaters, 30 per cent; ineect America. fat and protein with the addition of vitamins and certain and euet eaten, Ifi per cent: com* Head Comments The Holloway plan Instituted th* mineral elements. It consists chiefly of fresh vegetables and bination of the> first two, M per selecting end training of officer fruits, without meat, milk, alcohol, toba6co, coffee, tea, canned ceni; berry eaten,, ikes than \ candidates for the Navy and MIL: or bottled foods. t SummH Hardware & Paint Co. per cent The number of specie* On Year's Business rlne Corp* by means of Naval On* of the experts who appeared with Dr. Gcr»pn before recorded waa 28. "Operating Income of The Sum- scholarships in college* and uni the Senat* Sub Committee considering the Pepper Neeay mit Tryst Co. reached'a new high versities throughout the ..country. Bill referred to Dr. Geraon's diet as one that "bunt* diiun 3Sf SphgfitM JMH SUmmlt i-02U The larje#t recording* by. Unlike the Navel Reierve Officer oiea were • Starlings 475, ^Englis^E h in Wf," said Lawrence J. Mac- loan aiJtsrfine «*kmni In general is a combination of many Grefor, president, today, hi an- Training Corps program, the other seeft kinmn ana? mpproted dietary nmtrMwuti 4Uco»erim$ by •Barrows 340, juncos 350, chicka- Holloway project, the KACP I* not dees 129 and blue jay* 140. The nouncing results ot the company's A REVIEW m«»r stJtet worker*. It U rwwoiMiMe to anutnt thai the clou-t activities for the last year. The Identified by a unit in any particu onm'$ diet is to nature and the toil, with freih jruit* from unusual in the census were: 00 lar college. A student In this pro- detailed figurs are available In a of your fire insurance tJte «we« «*Kf /re«fc tegewWes Hrtcdy from ike $wi«m the herring gulls, 1 flicker, 10 myrtle report of earnings and statement gram may attend any, accredited warblers, SO siskins, 1 catbird, i of conditions which will be dls- college of hi* choice, coving*, is In ordct mtmrir on* i* te normal health " townee. 2 hawks. trbuted shortly to stockholders Four years of college" la provided, We airplane and frozen foods are now making it possible , Borne spectacular recordings and depositors, interrupted at the end of the sec- tod«y—with cosfe up, to get fresher fruits and vegetables to the city dwellers in were made outside the official the winter then has heretofore been possible. Recently a "Throughout the year," Mr. ond year by flight training at the tomorrow nwy bt loo date*. On December- 23, 1,000 Pre-Flight School. NCAP student* delicious ripe papaya that had been picked the previous day starling* were seen. Last Sunday, MacGregor continues in hit re- in Florida waa received here in Summit. It was a new ex- port, "operating expenses have are enrolled u and go to college at Utel Surgical Belts Abdominal Belts January 6, flock* of ZOO cedar perience to get such a wonderful food so soon after picking. advanced materially and *s a apprentio seamen. Upon the suc- wejrwlnga, 80 tree sparrows and cessful completion of the first two Why take any chances of getting tuberculosis, cancer or 30 bluebirds were discovered, the result, the new operating profit was only slightly in excess of years of college Work they are ap. heart aliments by following the way of life that shortens the y Trusses first two on Plymouth road, and pointed Midshipmen, USN, for two life-span when you can have the delightfulexperiencc of liv- the latter on WeM End avenue. earlier yean." m Kepreaented In Chatham ing in a new world where you can approach perfection and Hospital Supplier Baby Needs "Profits on the sale of securi- years of flight training and duty, The full report is being sent to At the end of this period they will be fret from the aches and pains of a tired and crying civil- the National Audubon Society Is ties and recoveries on assets pre- t Complete Urlnalyadi viously charged off were sub- receive commissions as Ensigns in - ltaUon. •"., '-.'.. • • '/"• a contrfbutlon to its annual one- the Navy or Second Lieutenant* Chart* H. Johns .Good people like yourself in the factory, office, store, on • i U Hour Bervli* day Christmas bird census, by stantially lets than In IMS, part- in the Marine Corps. OuUuwn 4-071S the farm and in the home are greatly needed to be advocate* James B. Hawley, director of the ly because of fewer bond profits, • Free Delivery Summit project, but primarily because of* a very and demonstrators of the better way of life that you can large non-recurring item In 1945flee boy, Mr. Lum has seen The ' Gall Va For prove to yourself and others by your own experience. ' Store Hourt: Weekday* 8 A. M, to 9:30 f, if. ariaing from the liquidation of Summit Trust Company expand A happy advocate writes as follows: "f fare not had a Sons of Poland Plan an affiliated company. Complete INgURANCI! Protection Sunday* 9 A.M. to 2 P,M. with the growth of the community smoke for 4V» yemr$,lhank$ to you." If be can do it, you can Annual Met ting Sunday September Peak Month it serves. He has had an active do it. Please try the "Human Engineering Code." r "The high point In total de- part in about every phase of its Sptnctr M. Maben FRUCHTMAN'S ^•• j^SS*?: Wojclech Society, Branch 100 ; , HOWARD B. BISHOP. BJt Xaiociatlon of the Sons of Poland posits w«* reached In September banking operations, Our best 84 Beechwood Road Summit MBOO wishes go with him." >—r-~p; PRESCRIPTION s will hold their annual meeting but declined following that |t»k. Sunday - at 3 p. m,, at the home As was anticipated, the War Loan of Mrs. Julie Petykowaki, 9 Sum- deposit account decreased—by mit street. New officers will be about 75 per cent. During the elected for 18*7. year, time deposits Increased by over a million dollars, lit spite of high commodity prices and tht CITIZENS TRUST disappearance of war-time Jobs, "At this time it 1* difficult to. foresee the trend of deposits dur- ing the next few years. We feel OF SUMMIT, NEW. ITIZENS confident that Summit and its envlront are favorably situated for future growth. We are not Comparative Statement of Condition pendent on a single -Industry,- our depositors are many and their balances come from well diversi- fied foarcea. Therefore we be- lieve that our deposits In the RESOURCES „,•,_..;; ;. • . future should compare favorably with the nationwide trend. December 31, 1945 December 31,1M6 LUB "At the close of the year, the Cash and due frwn Banki-....-.,-J,^"^^ $ («7,789.52 market value of our Investment In U. 8. Government and other U. S. Goverament 8ecurit!ei-L'.--v-_-^^-; .-.-—1-—'-—— 3,404,484.30 S,298,869.:n readily marketable securities was Other- Bonds afld'SMuritie8^:n^=?^^ FOR 1747 $372,9*0.90 in excess of their book value. Of the above holdings, Federal Reserve Bank Stock_-<..--7Z-,-.-----.-----.-——i—----- 5,4,00.00 67.8 per cent consisted of U. 8, 7,500.00 Now Open Treasury Issues and 36.1 per cent Loans and Discoiintfi,,-?--C_--_-y^l^ ._—-4^-i.- «----.^.— ^__— 740,024-18 of short term municipal issues. 1 It Per Share Dividends Mortgage Loan8__7:-._.--.^v^-__--.,_._-u;>w-_--i. .-----^.-.-----l - 405,822.85 684,142.67 WeeMy "During the year dividends ag- BMtog---How:.iL-;r.c£^^^ 55*600.00 gregating II per share were paid Depos/ri and undivided profits were in- VaiUt8 and Fixhirea-.-tyC. ,_.'—i._;..._.,.i.-.»,,-._.-^—-^T-' . 13,500.00 14,500.00 MS- *erensedh— by-- $ W,973;Wr-"€}er»rous Other Real Entitle ' ^ '^^•••:^C--^---^-^'^:-^'\.^-.; tyM-M additions to reserves were made None YOU in line with our customary con- Other Resourcea-™.^.,...^,...... !.^.^--:-^:^- •.—— —*-i_..-/ 1,295,00 None servative policy. , ; 'There has been in 1M6" a grad- '•"••;." -V";, •;^^':;>v-|:s|l|3'";v;^ - • " "•• •.: -..'; , $5,837,873.50 ual increase In trust accounts, $5,989,41.1*1 $25.00 both In number and in the amount of assets In our care." Continuing, Mr. MacGregor said: "This report would not be com-1 capital.._...... :,^,-....._:...]:.:-i,L_.:._.;:.i._r.: $120,060.00 $50.00 pldte without mention of the fact that under the pension plan, Mr. -—Uwjl...... —.-..._,..„„ 80,000,00 100,000.00 Undivided Profi6. George V. Lum, vice-president, »•-«•• ,'—•— •-•.-—•-«. --d-.a- 23,443.24 52,8!«.47 $100.00 concluded on December 31 a period of 48 years as a member of The Reserve for Contingencie8_.._.._.__i_.__._^____.______' 15000 00 S0.000.00 Summit Trust Company staff. $150.00 However, we anticipate that Mr. 238,443.24 382392.47 Lum will remain with u* u a director to that we can continue Other Reserves._.._._ !_ ; -.^ .. 3,668.35 15,868.62 fd feehefIt from his "wide' ex- $250.00 ^Dividend—Payable Janua'iy--2^>A>^i?rW5i—^ perience and knowledge of the 1,500,00 community. Beginning as an of- Deposits: ••, • ' . .

$500.00 -• Time and Demand-.'.^. ._„ „__; .! _._.—.._/._..!..'.. 4,656,297.01 5,544,892.01 —. 50 WEEKLY DEPOSITS ^EWRITERS. U. S. Government (war loan). .„. _r.i ;>».__ 937,964.90 92,762.41 AT $5,837,873,50 $5,989,415.51 DIRECTORS 30 MAPLE ST. Harry | ( Robert O. Peterson John K. P. Stone, Jr. John O. Hood Melville M. Rutan . Frederick K, Truslow Cadwell B. Keenly William C. Slebert r Augustus W. Stephens John G. Voegtlen Raymond T. Parrot Marcy P. Stephens Francis U. Vose (

,j • • • . , Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ' • - ' - • ' X • - ^^xMenober Federal, Reserve System , ""' ' TRUST COMPANY • •«•«• mi of Summit, New Jersey RENTALS £ KS1 EVERY FACILITY OF MODERN BAxVKING i We tollelt the account* of Individual*, Firms and Corporations and will be pleased to receive the Inquiries of those who Member Federal Deposit fnmrance Corporation TO. 4-im . desirous of establishing banking connaotions Member Federal Reserve System • ', • 1 MORRISTOWN!"™ A Progressive Triut Company Devoted to the Development of Summit V THE SUMMIT HERALO, THURSDAY, JANUARY % >M7 I

for *w ^W

^SkflB^MMsw^v iS«s^^a^mf|i ^s^PB^ps^sm^sB^sm^gfffgf aaaw fajfaj pg^gfyj tut M>taiiiP':*t"«BB PHM'II T'*" ^^^1^0^ AoaSlHa^SfeaBia^A. JMfejA fK^a^^kf^^feAa^a^kfh i fA|T Witt Wi«PifV' *W^j ^^W^Bs^sJI

*!& Cb, MM ? «0»uMiMra «M look forward to r tdequeto lie*! «* a**©* ttt foods, tb«M la ahttt supply

•hopping M8VMO«M«I la I«2l store*" Mr. Hartfere 4*. elartd. „ ' ' tbt tatir* food Industry, ho tittd, ii embarked N'UindH.

tised to eontrttwt* eubstaaUally to *•; O^ inprovMMiit of production aad thd" -Ten yean Mo th« advent «f the nipcf market introduced true BUM* attribution" to the food IWd," Mr. Hartford said. "The next few years will see a refinement of all UM techniques involved la thU de- velopment." Mr. Hartford summarised the food outlook with respect to pro- duction, dUtrfcaUoa, packaging, re- tailing and public aenrice, u fol- low-: . " '••' The Department of AgricuUart predict* mat although 1M7 food production may not men tbo ree- ord 1M« 'Utrti, the amount, avall- tbie for domotUe consumption will be approximatelythe seme beeattee of the probability of reduced e»- , poru and the availability of lm- proved farm and procewlnf aa> chioery. Per capita feod ooa»u«p- tion in 1M« waa eatlmated at IS per cent above the pre-war aver*

";«i<- *"" ~~ :•••"" : .;: R«du,ctlon of waato aad retention of -quality in the movement of per- iihtb\e food* Into retail channels »re indicated by apeedler more ef- ficient distribution methods. Out* look is for further experimentation in the tale of food In coiwumer- lize packages. Initial reaulta from frening and packaging freshly caught fish, ftvcj promise of pro* vidin^consumer* in all sections of the country with top-duality sea- food and should mean an expanded market for the fishing industry. fiiitsMk Availability of building supplies should expedite the development of, finer food •tores during 1M7. The first super markets ten years ago were, for all practical purposes, tie way mrt Mag not retail stores, but warehouses engaged In retailing. The new food No, then* been no nvertol of natural lawt; l*e •tore often a greater volume and variety of food than the old super needle $tiU nnuigi North. But you feet a down- market, and also brings the cus- right magnetic pull to the South the$e Winter dayt, tomer every shopping convenience and to Bumbergert South Shop, full of elothe* that modern equipment and meth- that have proved their rightneu under Southern ods make possible. skies. For Bamberger't nationally famous men's Alcoholics' Club Will stylist clippered 12,518 miles by Pan American to pre-teitthesq Hemisphere Fashions for you. To Sponsor Concert Rtcital jhotb how perfectly they fit into the Southern Robert Weede, MetropoHUn scene she photographed them on the bemeh at Opera barytone, will appear In concert,, recital at the Mutual Trinidad, the golf course.at Buenos Aires, against Benefit auditorium, 300 Broadway, Rio'i majettic Sugar Loaf Mountain. They're att Newark, Jam 15, under auspices of the Alanon you'll feel right at home in—in South A Club of Newark. The Alanon Club is interested in the rehabilitation Cuba, Jlorida, all points South. of alcoholics and has many mem- bers in this area. Proceeds, of the (From top 'to hettam) concert ^wiU be used to further Sugpr IM AfMiiitate. Xie. Ligkiwism, its work;. raym In his concert In Newark, Kr. WuAable -rrtucktr md tvri mt -W«ed« will Include classical, bal lad and popular selections as mirt in cotton or rayon well as operatic numbers. The Slack* in rayon gahmdin*. Blut. bromm or program will be announced later. Uemiiphert btlt in colorful ribb Tickets for the concert may be Bathing al Morotru Beach. frmUbi. obtained at the Kreage and Bam- telid colon berger Department 8tores and at Colorful native prim inart* the Alanon Club, 3*4 Seventh ave- f p Colling at the Hindu Club. Bunot Aim. nue, Newark. basque,q thirl Swedish pioneers are credited AUKOOI jtney iport thirt. Bin*, row, gM with introducing the log cabin to Flannel tlackt with doetkin /mil* America. ' Taking U «o.«y al MoMeridra. All wool euml jachtt-JSM Slackt in\toof and njon. Tim, broun, IM5 Sorry, no mail or Ttltmnk* order* taken.

WEDDING INVITATIONS OR ANNOUNCEMENTS EMBOSSED OR ENGRAVED Lovely Weddings for lovely brides. They are correct in every detail . . On rich, heavy stock .... beautl- ftUy designed $)um *jhai double envelopes ...... yet modestly priced. BEACON HILL Ca Office Suppllw 239 MORRIS AVENUE SPRINGFIELD, N. J. MILLIURN 4-121* THI SUMMIT HIRAID. THURSDAY, % attitude and actions of minority of the player*. KOTICB TO CKEDITOaS stance, to tike a random date, such «• LETTERS Permit me to ctpreat *. day, January 23, the tver*g* famUjr Jritchen- (or year wtoole^hearted co- tm\MX* of MAJtaABaVrms JANSSKN, all tile way, and through Bocewtili ' - *' walr calendar wijl read thus: "Billy's tetth. Your Men In Washington Editor Heraldi Pursuant *otfc» ordw- of CS4MLE» Call Maty, See about ice cream. Hanrjr*i at wlUi admiration and ret^td A. OTTUJW.. ftimf«te~of thi 1 County of Onion, made; wtkj «rkw $r Emma * larthday.' VtfmtwtizJ' XI& d«r «* Jaaaary, AT&.. tm.upon New Year's gentleman. Hi»Jcs«du«.***_ by the end of the month wteti tim sBeet U THI d wd a , I In, example for any *thtete to d«c««at4 noOM ts hwabtr jSvea to th* National Editorial torn off mott of the notations bare became ilSWWi) ; ' credlWra of said Uc*fMtd U> exbiblt A**ociitio» How. ' ti* sulMCTSiw un4er e«th w sf- meaningless but usually out can spot a most , ,maU&-1»»*r daiaw aad demand* mass w parWag Best »f 1»<* to rou both and to J OS UM OB4 against tht «ataU o< sai« aseMsti Quality Waiaa»*r«f N»w J«r»w, IM. vital memorandum that was allowed to pass tw psarmr m ftva SBontba. theLeafue. within al* monOM fromi u» daU of Audit Bureau of Circu)*tloe undone. win at *. if «f taw aoui Cwgress. fie amount, "over wurW Sincwly. •aid order, or they will k* forever (CoaOaalns ttf Iwlt Pf«w »i>• toad aad dotting price* will drop 23 BUSS: **,«•„?• OOplM • e«oU pens to be of the pad type) with a sheet (or ay the tad of the year, but rents naid for the use of the pu DEEDS aad tak priets ef bomea as well, LtU which at tbc same time LtCHTENSTIiri* A WfO every day of the year, a tjxK check in most ^l •The foltowiag real estate trans- ...:„_ Editor offices along about July Twill show that the that OHafteat vfS ts his oelaloa. , Prootonu - ' _ _ Manaftf Bditor fers have been recorded in the 51 Newark 8t, Motektn. H. 1. T uppermost sheet on each calendar reads H* pa****-la- ia expr«*ed belief that Con- office of County Registrar Bluer, si, it. «, U. W—o a w f w W". Holland ,—_-.— Advtrtlalttf Director March 7, or some other date in that imme- borl«fUUU . >bdcfcwtHsBiaisBiet would take stefc to mini administration and other Court House, Elisabeth: Pea» r K, Arthur.' -..m Diaplsy Advertising strikaeand by a* dais* the threat of CoomunUm la the Kaef Builders, Inc., to Mr. and . Edwin Outer -1 u«._.-.:..- P»hUaber diate neighborhood. During the first few auction aad permit prkas to falL As aWult ofjaome _.—_ SoelMt Ite-IM autee.' SpedfiosUy, he Mn. Thomas J. Evans, property in weeks of the year, users of desk calendars are The Isaatflr tloa in five nearby states I am in- TO JAMES O. VOUWUMi Ilk MteJ lib** UnM /ft, that aa attempt would be form** that the etau doea not al- Oakland pl*c«, XUM feet from di- „ By virtue of aa ortte ef UM Court taat Caofrase weeM tw *»§atteei* « an ifct siaWe ay models of efficiency, No luncheon date foes eliminate Communist* and low municipalities to purchase vuion Use of lands 8 and «. Mock of Chaacarr «t New J«n», madV «B latfea, sack at ba fcataeat te> th. day ol tao isU hmriH In Tw- 5 SA Tmmimr unlisted; the "thing, to do today" department fascists front the government ten- narldttg meters. Therefore the M, map He. lvvTBa Sites, beiong- ttin causs wbsrsla Ros* Mab*l Vos- 1 tieestce la late January withfleaa- mmUfifrmm fftWteV* is meticulously filled out and there are min- partlctOarly in poUcymaklng ttwra say for them as stated by jag to Summit Home Land Com- ,etler is »Ution*r. and you, Junes tor rerfoie* (R-Mtek), sattiag «» 0. VosstUer, aro defsndaala, you a™ 4U ttnsra i* Ik* eater aisist ute and detailed notes on every appointment feea. Ba earcawd tome doubt, you, and later the net Intake be- required to appaar ana ptead, anrwer le for comes "revenue." This, notwith- or dwnur tno pMltkWs j»»ttttoa on Come about February IS however and 90 per that OoagrcM would do standing the tax laws of each state Parmely Apartmenu, Incorpo- or b«fo« Uw IS* day of febrB.r, "un-American" prescribe the sources of taxation. rtUd, to StapJeton Holding Com- next *r in deteult tkfW, aw* ,d»- cent of the calendar pads become hopelessly Bt mlfsn. Bsstta, wa* aas as cree' wilt b« takM ajralut you as federal Jobs. pany, property ia Summit avenue. AH Ptpartstents ——— Summit S-IW snarled and bogged down and begin losing to jola ' b it immoderate that both ver- the Chancellor shall think t Morris avenue, notice Is hereby f I van to the creditors The Lachawanna is> not an impersonal eventually, one remains by. the end of the is which we, as a na- ordinance. When a friend of mine UtJi feet from Orchard street of aald deceases to exhibit to the sub- Senator t»ft (R-Obio) is di»wii« tion, base, indulged during ths paid his II at the Police Station scribers under path* or affirmation railroad. The above gesture and others have year and then the whole darn thing begins up mtk • btmM MB, similar U» Bridget Rice to Mr. and Mrs. their claims and demands aKttnit the again. . last IS yeara, will not fall on us he was told that th»i meter-park- *»tat» of said.-d«c«ased.:JeUhJn..jii,. proven that. Its passengers, or rather, its thoTVft-B«ll-&aitb Mil of fautfecs- ing fines had been .running up to Niels A. Svendsen, property in month* from the dat« of said order, There is little need to comment on calen- doo. Both UM Bomriag «ad bwltli will be imposed upon our South street, 17160 feet from Park or they will b« forever barred from commuting passengers, and the railroad do not $89 per day. Although these fines jiront'cutlng- or recovonng the asme dar art for it is now fairly well standardized. Mtt* st«ad tacscclleat duuec for children and grandchildren. Our are probably bunched in with oth- avenue ; anlnat Ibe subscribers. always see eye to eye but there is still a rela- f>UMf«, ila« they h*fm tk* tedc- n, now living or as yet ^ HERMAN F. BECK Undertakers go for Maxfield Parish; grocers ers, it should not take a good re- Mr. and Mm Allyn W. Faitoute THB SUMMIT TRUST tionship of good will that is lacking on many tBf of TkR, new dudrmaii of the unborn, who are Is no way re- porter long to find out what these to Mr. sad Mrs. Frederick N. Wal- COMPAJIT-Encutfln. other commuting lines such as the Long Is- (or cute boy and girl pictures; dairies for ani- Senate Labor Committee which meter-fines have amounted to WlbUAMS a PEMP8BY. mals; insurance firms for Currier A Ives; sponsible lor thi staggering na ker, property in Sylvan avenue, Proctors. land railroad. The Lackawanna given excel- Undlei Ihl* tyi>« of lefulatioa. tiosai debt that we adults have over the same five months period; 108.10 feet from Walnut street. - SSI Sprlnifleld Avs^ —J: laundries for rural scenes and fuel dealers for Do these fines become a directly Summit, N. J. lent service, uses good equipment and pro- built up, are the ones who will JS.JO-81-SJ-33—o« w »'w Fees—t?.l« Petty, Varga and Rolf Armstrong. Rep. aiffonl P. Cuw is confident 1 increased revenue to the city, or UEOAL ADVEBT1SEMENT ,i fides attractive and comfortable stations— be reauired to pay the "piper ; for do they also go to help pay for Which reminds us. We didn't get a pin-up that strikes will be redooed dwing TESD1HO 0BSI5AHCB every place but Summit. 1MT. oar spending 'binge." the meters? State of ITew Itrttj • girl this year! Must be slipping. DKPAaT3IE5T OF BASKING The Summit station is perhaps the biggest "Ia th« ant pi***, the trnkm Ye*, for our own afHish benefit, Sincerely yours, AX ORDINANCE Further t« doa't wane otrikes aad union lead- we have fobbed our children of WADHWORTH W. MOUNT Amend an Ordinance Bntltled: An cause of complaint among railroad patrons Ordinance to Provide for the En. en natisc tbl*,* tk« Rahmv Be-V their nerittt*, and what is more C«rtlficK« of Fillni of Conttut hy Stockholders to th« Dlamlution o( ployment of Certain Officials ol the ij» this town. It is galling, they say, to see The Female off he Specie*^ publican.tfcclarwl "In tbt mtoui deplorable, we have bequeathed nrpUaa fesigaatlea City of Summit in Addition to sJnaller towns above and below us having far i tb* people of the nation arc then a legacy of heart-aches sad 323 Morris Avenue MaU TOM aa4 Uottgmt* Oasrsatr Those Provided for by Rtetutt, u> Cosipaajr Fix and Determine the Compensa- more adequate and modern stations. The When two women agree the time has come not going to bs fin the aidt of back-toremkinf debt. Summit, New Jersey tion of Said Officials of Said City when "something should be done-about ... atdlien who make ontrafeooi 4e- We Americans have long prided January 6, 1M7. TV> all to whom these presents may and Their Term* of Office, and railroad undoubtedly has a postwar expansion come, Greetings: Generally to Provide and Define and building program and it would be inter- the next thing to expect is forthright, vigor- mamb. And last, Consrcw will paai ourselves on being a benevolent Editor Summit Herald; WHEREAS, It spiteaft to ray satis- riu-lr Duties. Pasted December 15th, probably sisiilar to tbc Due to the current rumors and faction, by duly authenticated record IM5 eiting to know if a new Summit station is ous, unrelenting action of the nature of fire- rpeople—m.., , but there seems to ban of the proceeding* for the voluntary mis-reports concerning the change BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COM- i works. And that is the promise .expressed in Case bill as it came out of the Sea. [ iem not}iitg of kindfiinea in the ^•solution thereof fil/-d In this de- MON COUNCIL OF TRB CITY OF included in those plans. If it isn't, then it in officials in the Community Bas- partment, that BUIe Title and Mori- the A.H.O;, the American Housewives Or- ate la»t mention, which will dia-! .pending orgy which we not only ore Ouannty Company, a corpora- SUMMIT: most definitely should be. ketball League, I would appre- tion of thli SMte, whose principal of- That Alan Pott be and he hereby courage strikes. It must b* remem- L^^ DUi actualiy abetted, la deslinated as.Executive Secretary ganization, Inc. Before the A.H.O. has van- ciate your publishing, for the bene- fice Is situated ar No. 30 Beechwutxl Summit, as well the Lackawanna knows, bered that the majority of the new I ^ fact it j^acka of downright Road In tbe City of Summit; County of ihe Uoard of Tax Assessors ef the ished from the American scene, there will be OragreM it not Indebted to labor j ty. We knew, or should fit of anyone Interested, the en- of Union and State of New Ji-rsey, City >if Summit and' shall hold office is not a small town. Along with Morristown tohones (Alan A. Pott Mri* thr aRptif there- for an Indefinite term at the pleasure and the East Orange stations, it must be near many, we predict, who will wish they have unions for votes. have known, we were giving out closed copy of a self-explanatory in and In ch»r«p .thereof, ungn whom of the Common Council. He lhajl have ! never heard of the. organization. letter, written and postmarked Kroress may he wrvpd), Ban cum. Benernl charge of all a»?• express was the result of a similar conference to make the necessary adjustment WHEREOF. I ,have sago at the next regular meettnr of th* ly paper covering Glen Rock, however, the how wealth it produced. hereunto set my hand Common Council .to be held on Tues- between the mayor of Madison and Morris When I accepted the job, I SEAl. of and affixed my offl- A.H.O. was introduced, The founders con- Many of the 'things they advo- De-purtment , clal neal, at Trenton. day evening, January 21, 1917, «t th» Tn« street lampa shine spon tbc looked forward to renewing an of Banklnp this Second day of Clty^ Hail at t :S0 o'clock at. which and Essex Division officials of the railroad. cated were eminently desirable, time and place any person* who ma? cluded that "the President and Congress has ctive and pleasant association * Inmjrance January A. P. one Not too long ago, the railroad was threatened such aa better housing, old age . thousand nine hun- be Interested therein will be given an not helped us and neither has the OP A, so ftom Now Tort speeds tbe I:1S; with basketball in Summit; but in- dred and. forty-seven. opportunity to be heard conc«inln| with competition in the form of a bus line pensions, etc. There is rightfully we housewives just had to help ourselves." \t window pasM* tbe ekUdna tead the whole set-up has devel- suoh Ordinance. ia this country a strong tide of /»/ U. B. CARBy, FRED MOW, seeking; permission to run an express route watch. . .. oped into a distasteful, and at • \ CouimlmWiner of BankinK • • • •• Acting City Clerk. Unlike their gullible and lily-livered hus- sentiment for better things, for from the Morristown area to Times Square And for tbeir kaJgata, talr time*, disgusting chore; due to the •"" .Inaurance. . Dated: January 7, 1947. and roughly paralleling the railroad line. bands who usually buy first and ask the.price taore people. That has ever been 11-3IJ3-34 - Fees—S23.91 M • Nearly every municipality in the Morris and afterwards, A.H.O. members say, "How much: the spirit of America, But we let oar emotional sentiments destroy • • *,• %,.* • • •••*•••• • Essex Division denied the bus firm an appli- is it?" And if they think it is too much, they for? birth. Perhaps it was too big a job for Reu- ther, or possibly his idea lost some of it« Kowadaya when y»a aw a ptc- ruptcy. and it concentrated suf- tttn la the paper ef a aughlag ficient wealth in government to Today we hear of many different mortgage loan appeal when bread failed to room to $1$ a loaf, give certain heads of that gov- couple, yea doat kaear whether liens—some with self-reducing interest rate't, others Calendar Daze as Elliott Roosevelt predicted. But the | they at* btidt aad graaaw e* a ernment more power than i free A.H.O. may accomplish what Mr. Reauther detective riding town to panes eoantry can long stand, and remain with the right to accelerate principal payments and One of the delights of starting a newcould not. , headoaartm vita a crisBlaaL tut. other supposed advantages. All are intended to' year is in ripping from walls and desks the mXENDOC WALKERS Aside from the nationwide spending spree teat November a we elected a attract borrowers of mortgage money. old, dog-eared and battered calendars of thebefore Christmas, much evidence existed that Republican congress. The Repub- year gone by and replacing them with nice high prices were being resisted in the sellers' licans! promised to put an end crisp, dean ones, This year there seems to ;market. Many Americans had learned to ask J)EA7H$ to this deficit government apend- Our mortgage loan plan ti not controlled by have been an abundance of calendars for wehow much and to say "no" before the Glen Funeral service* for Mis. George ing- It is up to us constantly to remind our Congressmen and hard and fast ruUs-^rather It is a policy of trying received far too many trrtn we can possibly Rock women launched their campaign. A Rahrnana wilt be held today at the Senators that w« insist on their use even if we should follow the practice of buying recession after the holidays was ex- home pf feer dsnsfitfr. Mrs. He&iy in every case to nWet the loan needs of the bor« L. Jlocbnaore. Saierman ttreaue, by keeping that campaign pledge. Statler Hotels and put one in every room. pected for there ire many that now must pay rower, and so adjust the monthly payments that Rev. Leonard V. Btuchman. r>. D, Even if the danger of national They came in all shapes and sues this a fevr bills out of future earnings. of Central Pretbyterian Churh of economic collapse doesn't scare ua both the borrower and lender are protected and year. There were metal ones that stand on But this is not to belittle the A.H.O. wWch ahe waaa member, and Her. Into demanding a halt to wanton waste of public funds, surely we the.desk when no one approaches within ten Every force that can be brought to bear RoraaiM F. BatemaB of Tint Bap- ar* not so callous aa to entirely feet of the desk. Some of .these contain a against the inflationary trend is a valuable Ust Ctaircb* IGlfbom. Interment thermometer which invariably registers either forget our parental obligations. US on your mortgage needs. ally in the battle against higher living costs. We brast regard the rights of our 87 or 12 degrees. Our prize though is oneLet no one mistakenly think that government Mra Ranmann was the wife ef children. The time surely has cbme which measures roughly five by seven feet, law-making, or control of credit and money, to stop "STEALING PENNIES the late Gwp Rahnana, founder 1 given to us by a transcontinenalair line. Each are weapons in this fight superior to the de- of George Rahman A- Co. of »ew WHOM BASTS BANK. ? month depicts a gigantic plane rushing direct- termination of buyers not to be gouged bv York City, shd daogMer of Oosa. ly at the date seeker and realistic enough to exorbitant prices. . raawler and Mra. Jtaty Arthnr oV PtaMral Hona, Haydm. She was in her atth year. field avenue. offered makt us duck our head each time we pass the hand that rocks the cradle may prove SurrivoBs are a MB. Arthur E. later at St Teresa's CSiurcb; Burial the thing. We hung it in the kitchen and it more powerfuj in this case than all the laws •almost coven one wall, effectively hiding the Raimana and a daughter; airs. was in St Rose of Umaa Ceme- He Mutual Savings Fund Harnoiia and regulations that Washington can write. tery. Snort mils. gash in the plaster that junior made when he Henry L Machcnor% both of 8on»- mit; rrsndebildren. Urn. Malcolm Jfias FlUgeraW, who was 78, OiOCST BAVINOS IMSJTITUTION IN TMS; COVMTV bounced his sister's head agjinst it four years A call at police headquarters New Year's J.OdellafManche* died New Tear's Day at her home, «• West lad avenue. She waa bora !-! ago. A large-scale calendar is really « handy Day revealed th* fact that Summit had Luther ft. Clark of POUNDfD 1IS1 Henry G. ICochsnore. ef Living- ia Mocristown and lived in thing for It provides space to chronicle the pased a quiet N*w eYar's Eve. This writer's thi* ston; «n« frt* rnat-grawkhlldren. dtr practically sit her Hfe. dairy, history of a family and presents the observation was that there was comparative- BMr'^l*>> intimw« routine of a household eunrirons arc a sister, Mrs. JNION SQUARE, ELIZABETH ly very little noise and little merry-maldnE Teresa Bums of ^forriatown, and MBHBa book to the various tradesmen and on the streets. The Police Dejfartment r£ The funeni of Mim two nephews. George J. Fitsgerald who tarry in the kitchen. For in- ports there were ho accidents and no arrests ritsgerald w of Morristown and Harold Flta- from tbeE. P. xeraid of Flee*.* Moderator Winston Broad. Fund* to wppon thla force ahould THE-SUMWT HJKAID, THMKSPA,Y, JANUARY », hot announce the *it30 for fir* uoat by the majority ." jmnrit Student go into a aiitgte pool, catablbbed and second prises Were donated by Mr, Boak to a graduate of Sum* some time aveat in purauits en- tethiag that give* her plea* by the UN and contributed accord- mlt Hign School, dm «f 3tiL $t Anthony Hall and the third, $5 f jLt tirely removed from their chief urc. Wins Contest Prize Mtff'stvw * the Chapel ing to the.ability of the cowtitu- "Diversion or change from the (This is one of i series of Man* - enta to pay. A* the economic con. interests. A mother with unend- usual round of work eaa bt most «ven people wh»se work is m* Ul , Hygieaics offered by UM BUY BONDS! ing household and parental duties, At Chape! M Amon of thee i», ^.ij.. aition* in each country changed, ^"wficH" I Mental Hygiene Society of shows* that while all contestant* adjustment* of pay ^^^ ^ ^^ ait as a public service.) prtd Bo* -mM Mr, aad Mra. •|Wt4 that the several nations Bdoeattaai Sees K*y Joseph Boak. Jr. irfItiiliniii read, most cooperate through a ual- ^o award««l firs* priat of fioo la veraal ourrendtr of tome aspects Mr Boak auggeaUd that betUr .eonte* sponsored by tfco AVC at of their sovereignty Mr. Boak aaid Mderstanding between / aatiou CHapel Hi*, N, C, the Saab being "it to oasenflai that an intema- could be attained through educa- ^Td W«lnt«tay evening, Dt- tlonal police fore* be set up, em-tion, a big atep forward having already been mad* by the estab- teBSber4,attheeolkfe.Therewere powered to control atomic weap- lishment of the United Nations Ed- (¥t contestant* with three prises, ons and to curb any nation." Thla ucational, Scientific and Cultural ^ond being WO aad third «. police force ii under the control Organization, dedidated to the task The them* and In the hands of the genera- tion* immediately following It, YO&k FIGURE Hie* WOO MM they, through their participation in *t40 student exchange and through their experience with the United States Otter UsMsntli np to $1,000 li Proportion Army, will have gained a basis of understanding on a scale never be- Ntod Not Be A Dopoaitor fore achieved among nations) . . . FfcOM ftuMalt 6-SSOO they will build a practical method FMEIOMDBY Mr. bowlw of international government facing their problems with a leasj national- istic approach, confident that be- hind their decisions stands a United Army ready to enforce their laws, .MWOHT mKnuiicai ooaroaATion and ready to curb any nation that stalemates progress) through stub- • • • • • born refusal to accept the policies already decided to jw the bibst for

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Galleries "the world's loveliett foundt- often for Immediate Delivery Ye«, there'i new figure flattery in i '. fluid-line Flexees girdle or corsette ... in

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FLEXEES-Tbc girdle . . . the conetto ... both aawotb, sleek jromr figure to tliaimer-tliaii-Toti-tkoii^it- possible lines, do it with comfort to you. Of rayon and Bjmloa, in aerea bade ttylea froai junJpr deb to .fuller type figure*. Girdles, UKS 26 to 32. Coraettes, siast 33 to 40 (depeadiiig oa gano«nt)___l#J5 swaf i$J— •

FLEXAIRE-Tht new Pulchra Dedgii bra. Individu- ally molded caps gtn naturally wider aeparation, low neckline and the high, lithe lines of youth. In bandeaux and long tore© styles. Batiste, lustre satin, miracle Nyralon. A-C cup*. 32 «A*« wj^K^m

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A -*T1J-^ MM* KMIA IHUMOAT.MWSM » ServicbP; and Coming- Jewish Men's Club Literacy in India Man's Forum Will CHURCH DIRECTORY T Lh Discuss Problems Topic at Luncheon !U* Aifrt* O pUftf ToldSynagogueHas A World Chri«tlaaity luac&eoa •f Wallace 9»aiMl AJUt Bon Ce*fr#l Church tt boat* of Itr. sad MM. Uwtenee will be held at 1 o'doek, Friday, Cborcb, will be d-KUJsion leader Kolden, Mctrose and Gates aw- Triple Function January 34, at the Methodist par- •t Uu Men's Fomo tonight at Un- BUM. ish, bouse. Sponsors are the Ooun- o*U TMCA, beginning at I JO. ' "The tradition*! ayntfogut bat cil of Cnurchwoawn, § M1«M r JEMt on it by Ckmgttm. J. Jerome K»plon was elected Owens will again speak. BOICJHT * SOU) «nd India; 1:18 p. »., Jualor choir; acting president, and Dr. Pbilip Monday—Meeting of the Lehd- 484 IVWM StlwwT ALSO • 4:19 p. m., Intermediate choir; S Mt. Olive Holintu Church Eckel M chairman of a committee a-Hand Club. "2. EAST ORANdB Jp. m., Senior Hi ebolr; TfSO p. m., Itov. i. C. to draft a constitution for the club. Tuesday — Gospel chorus re- Oftangt) c-tSIS Business Women'* group, at horn* Members of the nominating com- hearse*. ' M Miss Alto* Croot, 2SS Morris 10 a. m., Bible church school; mittee are Adolph Root, Matthew 11:10 a. m., wonhlp service; 3 p. Wednesday—Prayer and praise avenue; I p. ra., Central Club. m.. special profram with Deacon Zelgner; David A. Entlich, and service led by Rev. Jacob Colllru. Porterhouse Steaks . Wednesday — • p. «., midweek Minion Bustt In charge; 6:JO p. itt., Rabbi Benjamin Slncoff. Friday—7 p.m., Rehearsal of the lecture, "Jtsus -Through {he Ey*» Young People's Hour, Topic: Twhvys - Junior Choir; 8 p.m., Meeting of StcrttarlM A Si #f John," Dr. BuscbmsTt; r.45, "Paul, a True Servailt of the Christian Science Church Church school teachers; t- p.m, Lord;" 8:80 p, m., Prayer and Boneless Top Round Church Jschool council. senior choir rehearsal. . Mrteral wirrlhal ossCrt l> Rooslws - Thursday—7 :4S p. n., choir re- praise service with sermon. "Sacrament" Is the Lewwn-Ser- PtRSONNtV SAUS mon subject for Sunday, January fcamhwl. . ' , . •' . Tuesday and Thursday-8 p. m., TUPHC STINOfttAWIC Pot Roost Prayer service. 12, 1947. v. Oakes Memorial Church Fryers (cat 1 St. John ! Luthtran Church Golden Text: "The bread'of God Rev. Nevie Culilp Calvary Episcopal Church il Iratt m* t**t't txpttltnt* »•• : tor. W. t. Mama*, rfc-D. is he which cometh down from ilrrd. rnmmit»i and l«t»joriurr Legs of Lamb Fowl (art «p) Rev. W. O. Klnsolvtiig. itector heaven, and glveth U&r unto the Today~8 p.m., Choir rehearsal, il ll * • • Elmer P. Praawls, Ount4 Sunday — 9:45 a.m., Sunday || ' i DAY WEEK , Friday, I p. m., Women'i Auxili- world.'! (John 6:83), * School; U a.m., public worship, Filet Mignon trailers tspMl ary will meet at home of Jin. Loui* flunday~j a. m., Holy commu- Sermon. Passages from the King Cdgote-ffltnidlvt Peet Co. sermon by the pastor; Jtoglc, fSckoenwciiner, $ Sylvan terrace; nion; S:*v a. m, church school James version of the Bible Include: IM Hiiliui SI. /KM-hasft* Ft) » p. m, Fellow.hlp Guild will meet 11 a. m., morning prayer and ser- "Blessed are the pure in heart: 'Popular Highways Condemned lint j City and Closed"; 12 noon, A congre- mon by the rector, Nursery for for they ahull see God." (Matt. 6:8). Opposite MAX KiekaSKt rises small children; 7:30 p. m., Young Correlative passages from "Science gational meeting will be held to take Stattos ECONOMY SPECIALS People's FVIlowihip. and Health with Key to the Scrip- elect three trustees and to trans- Monday—7:80 p. m., Investiture tures" by Mary Baker Eddy In- act other matters to be considered Cm Green lwan* ...... 23c PMB'CS 141* ceremony, Troop 60, B.8.A.; I p.m., clude: by the board of trustees. meeting of Guild Council, consist- "VVe should strive to reach the Monday—I p.m., The Women's ing of heads of all organisations. 43c Horeb height where God ii reveal- Council, hostesses, Mrs. Hugh m k. i.it Tuesday—11:30 p. m.. Young ed; and the cornerstone of all spir- Reed, Mrs. Charles Hirst, Mrs. Adult Chapter. ADHMANN'S itual building is purity. The bap- Fret Pent, and Mrs. Herbert Carl- Applt Sonet 23c ..2%

tism of Spirit, washing the body sen. "" • •••' -: •' •-•• ••" •-•• of all the Impurities of, flesh, sig- 10-Quort Cwrtdwtf HM hmk kt : Opoa leadafi - $7.50 Everett LSpinniij nifies that the pure in heart see • «• 1 —11* M Wallace Chapel AMEZion God and are approaching spiritual Rev. Alfred Q. Dunatoa AskweedAve. Insurant* life and Its demonstration." (p. 241). PENGUIN FROZEN FOODS s>Mt« IS Ottos PUoe. Suj&Mft, N. i Sunday — 9:49 a.m., Sunday Tei.lu.MI7r The Methodist Church School, Rev. Duiuton will talk on EI8IIS1 * FRENCH 11 Mopfe Street SeM* eViSB Kev. O. C. Nelson, TH.D. "The Land of Palestine" in the Men* Bible Class; 11 a.m., Morn- Sunday — 0:45 a.m., church ing service with Rev. Vernon C. AMERICAN FURNITURE (Elurk school, Miss Mary E. McCarroll, Sherman of u director; 11 a.m., worship service guest speaker; 4:30 p.m., Special • Ihwim • Mw with sermon by pastor; 6:30 p.m., program arranged by Mrs. Ger- Youth Fellowship for junior and trude Anderson and Mrs. Ruth OOCK AUTHOWTY senior high school age will have Amey; 7 p.m.. Young People's Removes' hem « Nvtte Hosw Is social hour followed by a pro- Hour; 8 p.m., Evening service IWItWOK. I. T. > Sifting Rtilcfonli of Enex gram with Jack Hughlett leading with sermon. '' County for Ovtr 30 T«gri the worship service. Wednesday-^ ;30 p.m., Weekly Monday-* p.m., Meeting of the prayer service. UNION official board. *•= IM HI* AVtWI J and RebuildUai of Tuesday —11:30 a.m., Women's Missionaries to Speak Society for Christian Service. AVttiON Aatwroe- CrandYather, French ana Com- To Church School Classes TRUST COMPANY plicated Clock*. Surer ind gold plating. Than- Fri d Set, Jsa. WWl First Baptist Church Sunday momlng the junior de- Antique and Modern Clocks for Sale Rev. David K. Baxnwell, DJD. partment of the Methodist Church si I P.M. Ret. Elmo Paacale , ., School will hear a talk about India

—?— —.™~ ,*?.... THE UNITED CAMPAIGN Condensed Statement OF SUMMT, HEW JERSEY OM 31,1946 January Clearancet Statement Showing the Receipts and Ditbuhementt in the im Campaign _" ASSETS WCEIPTS Cash and Doe from Bank* . DRESSES =GOATS —Subscriptions to,KMjl campaign. U. S. Goternment Securities (pledged in October 1945) State and Le»»—5ub»criptlons not paid ~^ 110.17 Other Securities . SUITS ; \ :.•-•- x » • Amount collected on 1946 subscrtptloni- Loans and Discounts . . S2.4TS340.77 Collected on IMS campaign , Banking Prenuses. j[- . j . . 1,724,277^1 ACCESSORIES Customers' Acceptance LttHlftf 272^13^2 Total ReceipU J |Ul,4Tln Accrued Interest Receivable . Other Asset* . V . 1 . S>,753-21 REDUCTIONS FROM DISIURUMINTS Salary ol secretary * (2,400.00 Fee paid to campaign director < 3,000.00 25% to 50% ; — Campaign and office expenses ' 4,9H.tl LIABILITIES • •. -1 ";-' . •"• • S,»SI.BI Capital . ; . j Distributed to Agencies (see btlow) %Vn,iUM Surplus . , . . 16,000,000)00 Undivided Profit.. 100 Blouses—regularly $7.98 to $10.98 DISTRIIUTID TO AMNCIIS • 21.60B-331.78 Y. M. C A. Now $5 X W.3W.1S Rwerre for T«e#, Intent, Coat«fe»eitt,etiv. . National War Fund M.0UJ6 rw.cA, Family Service Association 10,4flT JS Summit Hone for Children T.4M.J3 1 • Uncolii T. U. C A. liMTJO Boy Scouta , i,5OH Suburban Apparel Shop Olrl Scouts 17M.1S Uattsd 321 Millburn Ave. Millburn INI jo-l.wtg.Ung |l4t>0- In Oetofttr 1M> BM b«tn fully r° THI SUMMIT HtRALD, THUItSOAY. iAMUAKT f. IK7 t


'-^S*,^^—"^---- *-.-- ="-"• •:>

HIGH l^i^-^S-^j^:. • -^; -*J:M¥: m RIEND ™£. •i-v IN THIS TRE ARE

:Y ^ «a. Twi ^Z* °f *PeSfift?p^called W the Citizens; Committee for a Better Overlook was attended by 1,000 citizens of Summit Short WBk, Chatham, New Providence and other nearby communities. The Citizens? Committee hoped that the fejMteej ofOverlook Hospital in response toth» t star evidence of public opinion, would take constructive action. What the 1,000 or more citizens urged by public vote was (U areonrantoition of the Hoi> pital its Board, its by-laws and its policies and ffl an independent, professional, outside, unbiased examination of the Hospital as a prehmhury to »udi ; ; a reorganization. .,- -. :.. ;.• ,: ; - -' "*•,'-'•- , ...... -.. ••• • -i.:•'.•; • . , , • • .-••' • ••. .- . ,.. y^ It is the view of the Citizens' Committee that when 1,000 citizens take the time and trouble to attend a public meeting and crowd toe Mafai floor and balcony of the high school auditorium so that many had to stand; and when they vote 1,000 to one in favor of a resolution caDmg te *w- organization, public opinion has expressed itself in no uncertain terms and should be given consideration by an institution that serves and seeds the support of the people of Summit and this whole area. ^: "

To date, however, we have little evidence that the action requested in :::the resolutio} n will be taken. There is no apparent intemtka «a the part of the Trustees to heed the voice of the meeting. '/T ^ ~ -~- :^ -'.':•' : * ; We would still prefer to have initiative come from the Trustees but, in the absence of such initiative 22 days after the puMie we feel that we must again appeal to our fellow citizens for strength. We now make the following requests: (1) Will all those who share our feeling that reforms are necessary, but cannot be expected under present conditions, add to ©oaf strengtib by becoming members of the Citizens' Committee for a Better Overlook? We would now like to make this a Committee of One Thousand, at least Has invitation is addressed to those 750 men and women who gave us their names the evening of December 16th and to all others who want to help toward the development of an Overlook Hospital second to none. To make it easy for you to indicate your willingness to join this Committee we print a mem- bership form below. The contribution of $1.00 to help defray such expenses as the cost of this advertisement is optional (2) If you are now a member of the Overlook Hospital Association and are .qualified to vote for Trustees at the next annual meeting on March 20, l)|7t will you give the Proxy Division of the Citizens' Committee a proxy to vote for you at the next annual meeting? The form below makes it conVenient for you to do this also. We now have been officially informed that any person who contributes $5.00 or more to the operating funds of the Hospital during the fiscal year of the Hospital (between the last annual meeting on March 21, 1946 and the next on March 20, 1947)) is entitled to one vote. If you are not sure of your own voting status we suggest that you write the Hospital promptly and obtain some evidence of your right to vote. (3) If you are not now a member of the Overlook Hospital Association, we suggest that you show your interest in the Hospital by becoming a voting member now, as promptly as possible,; In making your contribution of $5.(N) or more to the operating funds of the Hospital you can request an ^ g of your right to vote at the next annual meeting. When you have become a voting member you may use the form below to give a proxy to vote for you. The Citizens* Committee will vote all proxies which it receives with the sole aim of bringing about the reorganization, after a survey, whkh more than 1,000 citizens endorsed at the meeting on December 16th, by voting forth e following resolutions: BE IT BESOLVED* That it is the sense of this meeting, attended by more than 1,000 individuals that there is no alternative left but to caD for the * total reorganization of the Hospital, that is: a major change in the membership of Board, the revision of the by-laws, and the immediate adoption of a plan to bring the Hospital up toacceptabl e standards. ^ • i ge* ^ further resolved that as a first step to this end this meeting call upon the Board of Trustees of the Hospital to institute immediately a management study by some reputable authority in this field approved by the Citizens' Committee; the resolts of ,- >» said study to be published upon its completion and the recommendations thereof to be promptly effected. V ' J • .. . . ., . • - 0 Th* ntizens* Committee has no wish itself to manage the Hospital but only to make possible a reorganization which seems long overdoe. •nitfoe Dlans to go out of existence as soon as the task before it has beenT accomplished. May we have your help? This Committee plans to go CITIZENS' COMMITTEE FOR A BETTER OVERLOOK

To Ik sent to: Mtn*trroif*iit ^ iMra, P. C. Coddingfton

rineHolmberg_.^I -%• Murray Hill, New Jersey Frederick W. Jackson MEMBERSHIP FORM JBlkabeth H. Baker • I would like to. become a member of the Citizen** Committee for * Bet- Y. W. C, A. . • .! Joseph joiner, Jr. ter Overlook. . Mafgafet Seymour Jones Irene BaMwin Name —1 _._._.„ _>: .— AddreM—_——— Pra. Summit L**giw of Women Philena Marshall Kent ^ • I enclose $1.00 for the expenses of the Citizen*' Committeti. Harrison Ball Hubbard A. Knox, Jr.: David K. .fimiwlfflT";" Rupert Lewis '~~ PROXY Lawrence J. MacGregor Alt MI!5 IT THE»B PRBSEIfTH, tMI »•'«n«»nlR«»* !*»•»» tt RomeBctts JUWOCIAtlOH lllMby camlltilfi »»« appotiitt WILtlASI ». C&X, BrrBBf E.EWFS WnE>C i»eh of tK«m, thi tn» Leonard Best /•..^ Louise A. Maybee of ihe •R««nlmit«. lor ••« Is Ikt ntnw «» Iht tudtrtlf•#« to »•*• •« l*» Ma rlatlon to h» *t\» In !»• y««r ll«, «IK1 at My oth»r nfftin* of tk* A Hugo Meyer b« d»rl«* tli* *i«M y»«. «t at any ifljo«rnm*ill of ••?• m«ttlnt or m#*tfjt»». to»M*«iiMai« •« Helen Q. Brewer ; trii(<*« and apoa all fl«e»flom walrh may «rl»e at any aarh ai«tlla« »r a4JoM»awtl U*f»H *»> nt- Edythe Ann Palmer annr > to any matter or lhln» wliaUo»Tir, watlatr rtlatla* to »• r«orf«»f»«ll«aw ••at nf tkla#* AkioelalloAMoeallona or IIha amtatmtat ofl liftt CairltrCl , CtfllMtatCllflt a iff hm^ntaIa««t*«ts a mt *»-law». •• Lorna D. Chambers ••at *•*•) •€ Fred Palmer •(her rl«» aowi«*»f| HEHKBT 0BA5TIS0 auto tka ulrt •Itorntyt, a«fat» »B« tt*mer^. •»• m IJltiIJltiiiJ fill aaa abiolilaolilaa ••thorltr•r, , >>ow« ••« dlitnUoii to »• aad eaai* •» »• »aiwt> aa«« Inez Crone ].•• Ml iiad IBI»» Baetinrr. MrftaMa BT «o»T»ala«l la « aboil tat frtaiiM* m Helen Pettec rpo»» at tb* ll lt or M «» If »r«Ba!|»tr«i)Ba!|yy , »r»tt»l»wt»i» •Km»T aUnn*S»« AH» C05FIBMI50 all IIball th* »al« iltoratjji>t «ftut* aa« ,ro»lt», •» !*•!» aatalalaai •« aa*> h> anmt ••:';ii) Kadierinc D. FHndcU Phyllis Taylor A44rtMi For tte Btunmtt Junior Service Mary P. Tracy ; Adricnnc W. Gude" R.R, Williams Rk 9mm CoBege Crab f ; " It THI SUMMIT HERALD, THUMDAY. JANUARY % IHT amm p p ••"COMCH trough's New Attorney mxoooa-amm- ^. at that body's New Tear BORQOtiJi • • M tae CouDcfl co N«w Yetu-'a day to aucwed Jwlfe Day's orfanltaUaa by Mayw I. ft. _iaatfaw tt* BOM ._ L. Hu^hea, who e»rly in Decembw aaid he WM not Biauli a* foBo**: '.New Year's Bay, ariar t» (a* •vtilaUe for revappovnto^nt The appointment of Mr. paWie works, which New May or and Council gaaisatloa * "* "~ '*"" tasrat dtpartsfteat, load Joha W. Oaamai Us* Lavaau .Mde by Kayor K It • - (tackidinj atom aewan), sane support aad 'ft* tfaaea, Mr. Lonati was a rtaideat parkt aad waterways, Robert Trio Take Boro Offices had teteW ft* U af Meuntatoatde, where lit took sa lcy, caalraau, and J. Rus- Borough affieJasi anf BOROUGH-Mayor Eilaworth R. Hanaril together at treasurer and chairaasa sell Jonet; apecial oommittee to extended to his tetaeyita wttb rraok A Pizzi, J. Ruasell Jooea and John & Wright Ctvio study employee pentioa f«nd and Ellsworth It ef Loreats lathe of M couneUmm, were into office at the New Year'a Day or- by is. pott office for borough, Mr Badg. j ymlatioB meeting of the municipal government in Bor- fa* la Newark. tan Board ef Adjustment, which ]#f, administration and finance, UrlBf —_---- ele,aswe«a4aaitt*d»otneB*r latter appointment w«t reiln- Harry Hies. Beteagli Oetfc rtcreaOon, poor and relief, pub- ough HalL The new mayor succeed* John W. Oakwood aa attoraey It li» end as tttiahed when he was elected as C. Muaioa, Taat licity, dog warden'* office, special «k* bad tarred 14 luecestlvt years — OtuateUer three year* thereafter. for hit flrat teem to Bor- ward G. Miller; . and Mn. Earl committee on etreet sisxs and burn. Ha ha* two children 1B Mr: Loreats praotiwd law as aa ough Couacll. At Uat Novam- la that capacity. Mayer Hansel], poaal Biaat on of Mew Providence Bor- school here and his wife Is a foraur Elmer GL Ayen, fir, „. attocisU «f the lata former Chaa- bcr'a genera] election Mr. LorenU Samson house numbers, apodal committee awtjdtnt af tht m» Council, had eVi*e. Ntw member of the Board of Education. tmdeat, tofttacr with "»B ntei- eaUor Merritt Una, uatil the tat. was re-elected te eouaell, obtaia- have aaaouwed the f on Soldiers' Memorial, Herbert D. Msbatltttd bit resignation a few Mr. Wright has held no putli* rtfc dtnts wbe> ksw wea%s4 far Ow ter*t death ia June, mi. froaa iag the higheat couaclhmaiilc vote, nent of their dtufhdtufhter,, Grace Taylor, v attaraey at that previously from the coua- lice here since moving into tttfj bettermes* of to* ton" UMN toto date,. Mr. Loreatst haas en-ta-1 both in .ththe primary ando in thwe Ellen, to John CC.. Pictroaid, son Law and real tttaU, frank A. Mayor Oakwood asatit atftaatjot borough about il* years ago frota aaistidaaUty • aaged in the practice of law with j aaneral eWimu He reaigaed front of Mrs, Mary Pietroaki of ClinCli - Pioi; building, John Wright, chair, to rttiring Ca«aci2aaaa A. C ea New Tear's Day. ' ' tht ceremony, Ooua- South Orange. Harms, wh* was bit peruer, Joseph H. Stamier, a council at the New Year's orgaalx- ton svenue, New Providence, and man, W. F. Cunningham and Mr. etimea Fred A. LorenU, reeleeted Other sppointroenta mad* try primaries by Fraah A. KDM resident of Summit ation meeting, shortly after be was the late Michael Pictraki. Mia Badgley; utilities, house and ia November, and Wmnk A. Piui, Mayor Hsasell included: Maotn retiring mayw strfi af Mr. Hmm: itTfitHtatta sworn in, when Mayor Hantell an- Samton is a graduate of Summit grounds, Mr. Cunningham; public i elected In November, were sworn Logan, re-appointed to tbe Board "Wt taw «ttte*4 su*y t»c«, tat Various Serrke During tbe year IMS, Mr. Lo- nounced Us intetttion of appoint- High School and is employed by safety, Mayor Hanaell, chairman, we an still frteadb. , stvca afttv in by Borough Clerk Thomas C. of Health, and Dr. Richard Wag- renU was appointed a. apecial aa- ing htm as borough attorney. the Prudential Co. in Newark- and* Mr. Cunningham, co-chairman, Muston. In a brief address, Mayor ner and Clyde Noll, appointed for the electkm, Mr. Harm hw «*tv Mr. Pictroski, also a graduate of ducted himself as a real •** aatl sistant to the Attorney General, to During the recent war, sir. Lo- Appointment of special police Hansel thanked the electorate for Summit High School, is employed two-year terau to the sane board; has been moat help!wt i* •tawrfag h Bore Bodies investigate, take testimony of wit- rentx served aa vice chairman of officers Mayor Hantell was con- the trust and confidence they by the Borough of New Provi- Charles A. Johnson, to the Plan- in the program let ami year," nesses, aad report with respect to the Borough Defense Council and firmed by Council as follows: VVjl- have placed in me." and pledged dence. He served four and a half ning Board, four year term; and Mr. Harms was etnairaw «rf the conditions which existed to tlw at chief of its Motor Transport llaan Sawyer, Robert Webster, El. his administration would be "a con- former-Mayor John W. Oekwood, road committee. Tetik 100 Years years overseas. office of the Superintendent of Unit During the entire period of mer C. Ayen, Sr., Kai J, Ander- tinuation of the administration giv- Planning Board, to fill the unex- Among thttw wk« sposue prates; BOAOUGH-Uaay tne hat more hit residence in the borough, he Elections and the Registration 9 son, C. E. Fltclur. en the borough by Mayor Oak- pired term of Rush Jfewcon*, re- for Mayer OakwoodV yean «f Hvtioss «f KtpmfibjUty la the Commissioner of Hudson Coun- he* taken an active part and N.1 . Fresbyttriw Church wood." ligned, whose term will expire ia service were tntmt TVfir*l*if G. Russell Vamierboaf. *ie« chair- aaraugh Asa Thoenas C. Mataoa, ty. In this investigation he was served at head of various commit- Ben Richard A. Bryan Councilman Lorents then sub- December, 1MB. man of the Botou^to RfpuWrntf kc kas yet to hear about that la- associated with Samuel A. Laraer teea interested in railing funds Neighborhood mitted hit resignation as * mem- fayfer elected President Committee; ^-i—^HSJM Herbert of Newark. The report of this in- for charitable purposet and the A At of Deotaaber U, Mr, Thursday—10 a. m., Missionary ber of the Council in order to ac- Councilman Taylor was[elected D. Taylor and Botmgti Attocwqr vestigation, which was eubmitted like. Approximately a> year ago, Is Inspiration Maatan, who was reappointed l|or. 1 eept an appointment as borough Council president, and the meet- Fred A. Lorcstx fee the COSJSKB. upon tht conclusion of that work, upon reorganisation of tbe New group of the Women's Organiia- attorney. and tht Rev. Herbert r. DeJbuett «aga Ork on New Year'a Day, tlon will meet. Devotion* will be in ing nights were set for the second received the higbeat commendatiod n Proprovidencd e RblRepublicap i n CCUvbly , he For Hobbyist Appointed to UM Council for the Thursday of each month at 8:30 f-f the Methodist CharcK wtw aald had iwsfkted 100neanof tenrice he spoke for tb* ms-pofitinl is- from the then Governor, As was elected a member of the Exec- charge of Mrs. Lyman B. Codding- BOROUGH-Pursuing hit hobby vacancies caused by tht two re*lt> p. m. Intereat on delinquent taxet ia various posiUttaf he aoMt aad of sketching, Frank Broderick of terests of the btirw^rja result of that report, a new Super- utive Board and is serving now In ton, Sr. Misa Harriet Badgley will Rations were J. Russell Jones and will be continued at six per cent. aasaeM. Plttsford way, prior to Christmas, Rev. Dabinett cJaexel tfce intendent of Elections and Regis- that capacity. John S. Wright. Both will tern The Summit Herald and the Plain, Mr. Muason, soineUmes referred givt a book review on "Threshold sketched every horns in his neigh- die session with tration CbOM&iiaioner was appoint' only for this year as under the law field Courier-News were named of* to aa -V»4* Tom" by" the young- To India," the study booh. Host- borhood in detail to use for deco- ed ia Hudeon County.) ration* under the family's Yule they mutt seek the potts, in the flcial newspapers. The SummitJ sters at a mark of affection, has Mis* C^flWi HO> The foregoing appointment eas«awill be'Mrs. Arthur Baleom, tree. Observers even noted tbe Primary and General Elections. As Trust Company, CitUent Trust bees borough derk 1IH yean: dis- strictly non-partisan, for the rea- 8ZIM lirffcooy and Mn. A. High. blue shutters in the windows and the terms of Councilman Herbert Company and'the Pint National Counci Head to trict clerk of the Board of Bduca- son that Mr. Lorents at all times BmDUGH-Un, Antoinette A. the streets which were lighted . Taylor and William T. Cunning- Bank, all of Summit, were named tktt VM years; derk it the Board Saturday — 7:30 p. m.,»Young hat been identified with the Re- Correll, who hw beeo a resident with lights made from eardboard. * ham expire this year there will be official depositories for borough ef Health 11 years; clerk or the People'! party, a social evening The woods in the background See Father Fist publican party, notwithstanding of the borougn for ov«r SO yean, .lour posts in tht council to be funds. Board tt Adjustment It years; of fame* and refreshment!. showed to advantage." saesaber of Local Assistance Board which this appointment was made celebrated her *2nd birthday on voted upon in the next election. Edward 0. Miller And Mr. Wright Sunday — 9:45 a. m., Sunday Mr. Broderick it general man- *% years and clerk 8H years; cer- by a Democratic Governor, Charles December 1* at the borne of her - Mr. Jones has lived In the bor- weer named by the Council to rep- Time Since 1933 School. 11 a. ra., Morning service ager of Brooks 4 Porter, Inc. of oua1> for nine years, An Industrial BOROUGH-A tiftcatiea officer from 19M to IMS; A. Edison. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and New York, which firm is in the resent that body on the Planning Active » Ort« Affairs with the aermoM«plc, "Prayer and engineer with Western Electric in Board. Other appointments in- ing; since 1933 hreogM ahoat ay |OJUC« «f the peace for live yean; Mn. Hoirell.C. Bolce, of The Cir- paper buiineu. Mr. Lorents, who holds member- the Presence ofTftd." 5:30 p. m, New York, he is a graduate or cluded Thomas C. Muston, borough foreign missionary we** aad isa- enairataa of tht Defense Council, cle, Murray Hill, where she also ship in tbe Union County Bar As- Young People's supper meeting. Drexel Institute In Philadelphia clerk; Mrs. Grace Baleom and Mr.,prlsoRmcnt by the Jaaaaeae erii live yeans; chairman of the Sal- resides. Her husband, the late Kettyt Hovt o Son sociation, the Eeie* County Bar aad of New York University. He Taylor to tht Local Assistance come to an end Beat taoath ia vage Committee for four years Fred A- Correll, died in 1919. Mrs. BOROUGH-Captain and Mn. Association, and the New Jersey GiMfts from Pt Mwrwnt htt served two years on the Board Board; Mrs. Mary High, overseer Eastbourne, ffttgtaad. tatea Pres- aad public property officer for Correli formerly ) Uved In the Charles Kelly of Springfield ave- State Bar Association, baa always tf Health here. of the poor; A. C. Hoffman, Police ident Herbert D. Taylor off Bor- four yean. ' BOROUGH-Mr. and lira LaUr nue are celebrating the arrival been a resident of N*w Jersey, hav Crane house in Springfield ave- Mr. Wright ia a builder who op- Recorder: E. G. Miller, treasurer ough COUBCU surf haa brother Besides being secretary of the Genung and their two daughters, of a daughter, Katherlne Jean. ing been born in Newark, He is a nue. She is a member of Our eratet hi* own business in Mill- and official tax searcher; John J. James of Spring Arbor. Kew Providence Building A Loan of Point Pleasant, spent the holi- December 18 at Overlook Hospi- resident and owner of a home here Lady of Peace Church: Kenti, borough engineer; William visit their father. Rer. Herbert Association and a member of that daya with Mr». Genung'a parents, tal. Summit. Mrs. Kelly U the for the past ten yearn where he is Sawyer, Robert Webster, E. T. H. Taylor. group's bowling team Mr. Mutson Mr. and Mrs. Frank B, Mason of former Miss Fred SUner of Greta served aa chairman for one of the residing with hit wife and two chU Sr. LutoYRtf. Ipluopd Springfield avenue. Village. . Ayeri, tr, K. J. Anderson and The brother* sail FWbraaxr 7 aa a Kidneys Must dren. C. E, Fischtr, special police offi- the S. S. America for SoaihaaiB- early New Deal alphabet agencies, Bev. Frank C Boppelt the NBA, also as chief registrar of Prior to coming to New Provi- Work Well- cers for the year. ton to debark there for East- Sunday—11 a. m.. Morning prayer registration and as a member of "MY CHILD SPREADS bourne, where their father is fflw- and sermMi, topic: "When Two rYewT* Patl Will The R*v. Frank A. Ropptlt rec- the Rationing Board. ing with bis daughter, Mia. Era Opposite* Meet"; 8 p. m, evening Ukim *nrr ear. T «•>• evwy tor of St. Luke's Reformed Episco- Mr. Musson received hit school- EVERkTT'S MAYONNAISE vetk. HW eteppiac. U* kMstjrt filer pal Church, gvae the Invocation. McKay. Public Htcring service, sermon topic, "Lov« Not «uU sutUr treat the blow!. > The clergyman, wb» la M, ing, ia Jersey City where Bis father, ON HIS IREAD INSTEAD ' It mon B*«»tt *•» mil e< b*v the At the close of the meeting Coun- Tnot&at C. Muston, Sr. was a dealer the World." i§ ltMa*yMa*y* MMt «*MUaUy r»»**i wit. cilman Piui received a large b«e> doing missionary work ia China at Set for School plat Anil, esMM seia* tad whtt tuu ia wholesale groceries. He moved •utter lh*t esomtt •<•* (• tb* ble*i ket of flow*ri from Postmaster the time of bi» • captanir ay' the Winttring In Florida, , OF BUTTER vitkmrt UJttry to suits, thm woulj Japanese in idML He was held te to' New Providence when hl» fa- Budge*, Jan. 20 Daniel J. YUapatrlc of Summit, 1 never eeitld get Peter to eat sandwiches or salada till 1 he tattr twtostiadiai of »»r tat a concentration camp, at Weihtiea. ther's firm, for which he worked, BOROUGH - A public hearinc Chostn far Grand Jury started spreading them with Everett's Mayonnaise, What a Shantung Province aatfl V-4 Day. staved to Newark. A resident of hat been announced on the tenta- SoeldOubTp BOROUGH-Although he li win- difference! And to good and pure that my hosaaad raved The British flew Mm to Iadia sund the borough for a quarter of a tively approved school budget for tering in Florida, former Mayor •ver this different kind of mayonnaise. Bald it waa Hka th« Strtss Amottur Art from there the clergysua aailed century, Mr. Mutson succeeded the tbe 1M7-4S school year which will Rush P. Newcomb was notified BOROUGH-The Methodist So- for England. late Jofen H.. Peck as borough be held ty the Board of Education Saturday to report for-service on kind hla naother used to make. You can get Everett's Mayon- da) dub will meet Friday, Janu- Another ' daughter. Mm. Joha derk. on Monday, January 20 at a p. no. the Grand Jury to be impaneled naise at an good grocery and delicatessen stores. Insist en ary 10, starting at 1 p. tn. in the Mr. Musson is also a former cor- in Lincoln School, January 14 by Justice Frederic R. : Brerett's Mayonnaise. Don't accept 'something just as good." Robertson, was hilled by tbe Japa- CoUe. church's panonage. Hojts and nese in Singapore. Allied Taylor, respondent for the Herald, the The budget will be on file and hostess** will be Mr. and Mrs. a younger son. is ea daty wit* the Newark livening Newt, the Jersey- open to the examination of the Clifford Bordert and Mr. and Mrs. British Army of Occupation ia min. tbe Star-Ledger and the public between 9 a- m. and noon Harry Engleman. The program Germany. He was tatctaed also PUiofleld Courier News., When he and from 1 to 4:30 p. m. excluding will feature amateur art night by the Japanese i» Chiaa daring fe*t time to forlow, he admits to Saturdays and Sundays at the with clay modeling and crayon and j the war. He had heea with stamp collecting aa a hobby. He office of the district clerk in Bor DOAN'S PILLS charcoal drawing to the fort. British police fones thete. is also a member of the Methodist ough Hall until after tbe date of Men's Club and the Laurel Park the hearing. Men's dub. The proposed budget totals |M, MoRRisTowN TRUST 9M compared to thia school year'a Yogtr Hefted for figure of $78,291. Details of tht

I rain Javy Duty budget may be found elsewhere ia BOROUGH - William A. Yager this issue of the Herald published COMPANY ••- "' '"•:••>;: •f Keodrick read, Murray Hill, hat at a legal advertisement. Intereat- beta Ueted for service for the petit citisent will find there a com- jarjr[*raen the January /term of parison between tbt budget for . .f. er • • ^ •-•. .—"~~ •••• — •• ., •< • •• '".^ ,;'.....:._"..' f> courts opens on January 14. tfaia school year and next year, aoaotoH or SEW PROVIDENCE Statement of Condition XOT1CE 01' BUDGET HEAB15S ssof December 31, 1946 Can Heal You Notio* is hereby given that a public hearing on th« ttntativ* «ppnrv«d •ctwol bo>t for th« 1947-48 acihool year will b» held by the Board of E6*u*tion Af tne Borough of N»w Providence Monday evening, January 3«, !»«?, at 8:00 P. M. at Lincoln School. JLESOUECES LIABILITIES Said budjpt will b« on file and open to the examination of the public Mw<*» 9 A. W and 12 A. M. and from t P. M. to 4:30 I1, it, excluding Caih ...... 13,595,528.91 Capital. , . . , .1 880,000.00 SaKard«yji and Sundayi, at th« office of the District Clerk in the Borough WHETHER you know rtrach or nothing about Christian'Science, thia Hall until after the date of said hearing. United States Government "lecture will intereat you, because it will explain aorae of tbe reasons why BUDGET STATEMENT FOLLOWS: Securities . . . . . 14,099,018.46 Siirplui. . . , . . . 880,000.00 I'ropottd Christian Science brings happiness, health, and freedom from wnrries Budget Bondi ...... 357.W3.50 1947-4I and fears. It will-explain how prayer as taught in Christian Science hemlc ..-""•••' "' •. .. • CURJUCNT EXPENSE • Stock, Federal Reserve Undivided Profits . . 286.179.17 Administration Bank of M. Y. . . . 52,800.00 disease and solves all manner of human problems. Accept this invitation School IHectioM ~ ~.— - -J' 5O.0« I 50.00 J5altri«» . — 1,1S&.00 1,330.00 Lotni ...... J.533,660.66 Other Sxpcnie —i— , 160.0J " 160,00 Reierve-Contingenck* . U3J00.00 lactructlon. 9up*rvl«ory • Sa)»rl»», Supervisor* — „ '. 4,«0».0O 5,000,00 Mortgagei. . . . , . 1,784,601.71 Clerta * * _ 1,400.00 1,100.00 tnher w 120.00 F.H.A. Insured Mortgage^ 778,072.14 D it, ln»u-uciion, Propw 155.00 Banking Uoutea and Vaults 184,028.95 T> LECTURE Sli^ , Td «,«59.00 3fi.0O0.OO T«t Book! -.- SWOO 9SS.O0 Other Re«l £atate ... 18,617.14 of Instruction _ 950.00 Other Liability. •i.164.94 Other Aaiets . .... 83,839.14 , entitled fialarlf*. Janitors ....„ .,....'. ._ _... 3,800.00 4,4O«.O« Suppllet „ i _ „ _ 600.00 600.00 Tuel 1,000,00 1,000.00' $22,487^60.61 $22,487,360.6! Light. Water. Power 150.00 900.00 Trifphone and Telegraph ~ l,W.0« ,175.00 A*h RfUKival _ : 50.00 60.00 "CHRISTIAN SCIERCE: Artivitiee " , Attendance Officer, Medical BOARD OF DIEECTORS^ lnuppctnm and Nurs« 1.07S;W07S; i l.JIS.OO. Other E*pentsp « ~ „ **5.0(5 i 75.00 Autiltary Agemiri i DOUGLAS S. Bl'SHNELL HORACE C. JEFFERS WILLIS H. DUTTON 113 TEACHING AND ITS PRACTICr _AtJilctlc«^ M Bnne StoMt. New Yori City loo.oo MiSk. itKfn A MouaUin, AttofMyv, miewi. W. H. DuUen Cemtsitir franwportation ^.. $.500.00 S.500,00 MOTTMUWB. N,/. cd Ctwn HOWARD B4YNE Tuition 17,O(M».ori EDWARD K. MILLS. Jr. SCOTT M, LONG. Jr. jff Dtracter, Tlw Chaw NalioMl a*** by B. Patmer Lewis, Ci.B. of New York City NlTkCi Mi*. J«t7»a a Moonl»in, Attonwn, tons a Onn, AtlortM|% Total Cur*«ntViExpen«# 71,970.00 M«riiti>wa,N.J1 ,. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS BERTRAM CITTLER ROBERT G. COWAN 1,500.0(1 GEORGE W. MEUGK „ .. Eqiiiptnftit TrmM, EqmliUt Iif« Kmmtmt Pnwital, NttioMl Ne*rt h Km* The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston; Massachusetts 76.00 8tNY EMuostJonkl Equipment . 75.00 wmking Company " ' • Total R*p«ir» and 1,350.00 FRANKLIN D'OUER GEORGE MUNSICK ', ^ ' [ • , • • .. - - ' . 1.350.00 HABOLD A. PRICE t.ANP, IU'lLDINOfl * EQUIPMENEN T . Ch«ifio»n of Boeid. The Pru*fili»l PnaMeal k M •nil I'luyground «. \ SjO.fld < 2|6.035b.0' Inunnot Custswy o( kmmt* r»rntt-ur« and. Equipment „...;./ $00.00 SflO.•00.0i 0 GBORGE F. MELICK - Thursday, January 23rd, at 8:30 p. m. STEPHEN C. GBIFFITrl, Ir. Vk»PMMen( SMI Tmt OOvm GEORGE E. REEVE ' TotaJ l.»r>d, BuiMinjtt and Equipment liO.OO LIBRAKT UMI Ertato «MI limifaiw*, M«rH«ews,N.I. Mornlcma.N.I. WILLIAM W. CO^HRAN 15Q.00 n t Tretiurw. AiracKnn Imnwim in Summit High School Auditorium MANUAL TRAIMNO Cowptoy. h«««rl, N. J: NORMAN B-TOMfclNSONr ' 2,3 41 (Mi HENRY A. COLGATE I* • • 3,«!8.0O 4no.no 400,00 Pwliw. Wood, KENNETH H. KLIPSTEIN 2O0.t)« 100.00 N N Other 3fl.«0 C\Ch\ » MM, HAYMONDA. UNTEPWA JO.OO R. WILLIAM T KIBK C HRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. Total Manual Trulnlmr \. (.4S8.0O <5ltAM> TOTAL. ISI.33S.0O OillwiaC—isoity CLARENCE E. BEDDOW ELDEN MIL , KOUBCBS OK'REVENUE iwiy. No YoA Ctl, ' Viee-PnehHnl . - AMemer, MenfcHswa. M. '•» OF SUMMIT. N. J. ID47-4I Actual Kstlmaiefl |J'4.389.5< »1?7K.K,l t Wjtrin Ta«»i ««.0Sfi.M iso.on 100.00 »0,«7 IOO.(H) GENERAL BANKING «BJ TRUST FACILITIES *, .'.•'.. » 0 • Cordially Invites You to Attend |7l,»».oo • BUY AND HOLD UMITED STATES SAYINGS BONDS Approprlat**,


l»l '•«• r SUMMIT HERAIP, THURSDAY, JANUARY ?, |«47 ||

fa mum weather. n>lssubjM*isdiwiuaedfurtberl - j0 Choose Shrubs •r la Ofcylar »6,<-Woody Maatsj with Ornamental Fruits," which 0h Berries, Fruits SijS *fit»P«V'ntttaf to Onum«nt»l «Jxnil» ttat stow Aftnt, Court Smut, ^ri*! and fwMp Jape** U» •*• A&P COFFEE IS AMERICAN MOST POPULAR COFFEE of thm gatteft to (kit tad th* tf «frtc«ltiiMl xtfEm, Deliciouj, ireia flavor inr] plenty of it.'.• that's the secret of A&P ,,uCh of this awU«Ua to avail. sever*! »**»• *•*»* »*»** Laundries Warn Coffee's great popularity! For Ail •uperb-qu.Uty coffee it sold gardeWi feat f* enthu- <**?m and delayed stain re- in thewhole, roaster-fresh bean, with its grand, jtutura! flavor sealed over MU*t isrttrW, even •«*w can ruin Aim f]ne»t table it m»y *• *M7 uaef ul, he torn, acceding to the American in until the very moment you buy it and have it Custom Cround just {or instance, II« vertlclUata Inatitat. of Laundering, who ad- right for your coffeemaker. No other coffee ghret you more flavor! or black aider) «*t •arljr treatment of sues acci- is oni of oiur l>Mt berry dents, evtn before sendlnf the Yet—thanks to economies in our packaging and processing method shrubs. article to {the laundry. -«ach of the three A&P blends it priced to save you money. Get a titan if OtlMtraa icu- Oaastfying ttalns into tome 80 v Jen false Mttermreet, which can types, with a apscia} treatment for the one that suits your taste! ; le trained over the back fence or •tea, the Institute warns great kept shrubby by wise prunlns;. » cart la the home remedies aw>Ued teiri the welhknow* duster of as firat aid. Plain soap aniTwiter, very bright frulU in orange buiki applied ai ioon as possible, often EIGUT O'CLOCK -tg ca new growth. Both male and fe> ia sufficient, but when it li not, gale plan1* are necessary for fruJt precautiona are necessary before production in illes and celaatrus. applying household stain removal 2 £•»*•• la also much material products. BED CIRCLE from other than native Before using any commercial STORE HOURS; lourcei. Included at* the various product, the kind of fabric should UOKAH VitMws aM Wlas» viburnunn, aome of which hold be known. "The method of treat-1 Monday nVou#T Salurday ttdr fruit well Into the winter, aa ment adopted often depend* aa rjburnum delatatum, linden vtbur- much upon the nature, color and jiun. Many apecles ©f crataegua or construction of the fabrics as upon thoriu, practically all of the ape* the stain." In general, the .follow- tin of euonymua, other forma of ing rulea should be observed. ttlastrus, and of deciduous Ilex All ingredients used for *taia ji)d everjreen Ilex, a number of removal ahould be thoroughly wMeh »" hardy In New J«raey.— rinsed-froon-the article before It Then, too, one can take flower- is placed In the laundry bag. Do Jnle^.. • AAP ing dogwood and prune It well BO not rub any harder than absolutely that it fruits heavily, although It necessary. If the remover con- generally fruits better If In. a tains sodium hypochlorite, do not dump of three or four. They are use on silk, wool, mohair, or other wry showy at this time of year, animal fiber. Determine cirior re- and the dogwood holds its fruit sistance to treatment by testing well unless birds or, squirrels get first. It. It can also be used for holiday Chuck Steak or Roast ' Don't apply stain removers con- decorations. Holly trees will grow MU..J taining alkalies to animal Mfceri. in this area also, and are recog- Articles containing cellulose- Prime Ribs of Beef 0*1 nised as one of the most spect&cu- x acetate a&culd never be treated lar berried plants. with solvents that dissolve acetate, Flofidi Grapslniitr OrsMfe CMcke^ CITRUS JUICES •f Orsnos and QrapelnM Mr. Osman suggest* that home such as some 'fingernail polishes. owners visit the Agricultural Ex- Work rapidly, and in a good Flerids QraswMI, Omm' Long Island Ducks . •r Ora<»o« siid Orspetniil periment Station at New Brans* light, and -feather out" with CITRUS JUICES dean, soft cloth, to prevent wick, or any botanic garden or "rings." k «M.24« Ann Page Beans «MM 2<£27e nursery where there are collec- Pot Roast *»*pct"i »-57e Smoked Hams wM^M^tM 5?e Mott's Apple Juice tions of decorative winter shrubs, Piperonyl butoxide Is a new In- Pineapple Juice •*•• «»-«38« Ann Page Beans *££ 2!iJ27« now while they are at their best, secticide declared'to be as deadly Porterhouse Steak . •> 62« Pork Loins "wh***t«.>i » 49e and make notes of the klnda that aa DDT to Insects but only CM- Sirloin Steak . . . *$2e Loin Pork Chops c«*.c* »59e Del Monte Peaches »«—29e Red Kidney Beans m^_ -JM 1« appeal to them, planting them thirty-seventh u poiaonous - to later. Thus the garden may be warm-blooded animals. Top Round Steak . • *62c Pork Chops we* »39e Fruit Cocktail v** »--<3r> Libby's Beans *•**• um.m.\ie top Sirloin Roast . . *62e Spare Ribs *+ »45e Whole Apricots {JJil? »«-29e Spaa^ietti »••••• *>«-* UH^«*13« FACTORY.TYPE Brisket Beef •»••* »-43e Smoked Beef Tongues * 45e Grapefruit Sections AS* ^^le Tomato Sanee -w 2 ^ 15e Chopped Hfeef ..•*•«%•«*' »-39e Pork Sausage i«*55c M-t»49e Bartlett Pears °££r »-—43e Macaroni orSpaajhe tti*-~ Sj8e Plate 4 Navel Beef „££, • 29* Skinless Frankfurters »45e Sliced Pineapple M>-> M«.«27« Pride of Farm Catsup M«.H 20« Legs of Lamb *• • • »57« Sliced Meat Loaf . . *49* "Crushed Pineapple M*> ^24e Ann Page Ketchup w»M.20e Corned Beef Hash*-—'*—30« ...FOR THAT Loin Lamb Chops • • >69e Roasting Chickens .% » 55c Applesauce AWS«* K«.«.17< SHOWROOM GLISTEN! Rib Lamb Chops • • »59« Fancy Fowl «•*.«•* *39e Whole Kernel Corn£i»«—17« Friend's Beef «»**33« Turkeys ow ». eet Peas oiTi^* .» • ,. - - i • Sweet Peas E&T »««*20e j" Blackberry Preserve *-"• '*63« Stewing Lamb »—-*«** »22« Turkeys ^ »29e Slicef Beets Lt^S; 2^ 25e •" Junket Rennet Powder •*• 8« Summit forge S Machine W«te Beef Liver *-**«— »55c Beef Kidneys •roodSlTMt Swnmlr 4-402? Top Quality Seafood Diced Beets MMMD Mello-Wheat &?£. w-^19« Spanish Mackerel'-* 27c Cod Fillets • Sauerkraut Quaker Oats »«* 12e «- ^ 27« 3°< n IHlKr Apple Butter ^ £% Fresh Whiting . »17e Chowder Clams *••• Sparkle Puddings SAFE SIDEWALKS SAVE YOU MONEY USE CAUGA BOCK SAIVT 50 lbs. $155-100 lbs. 12.00 Delivered 1 STILES ml ffl'flffl SOFT Servisoft WATER We Soften the Water for You SERVICE less Beans crisp^uodw'; 2 ibi 23« Florida Oranges 2Z£^yB Fresh Broccoli *""- <»"*•«» bunei. ] 9c Jdahp Bating Potatoes 10 Rome Beauty Apples [7A'2tol 19 c Yellow Turnips «•> *. i v* ??PROFESSOR WHIZS QUIZ?? Grapefruit Fk>ry.-Aii...« * 6c Table Celery \c*v>m*"-- 2•**»29« Fresh K^le «^«»p-virginis 3 "»-.19« Avocado Pears FOLK DRNCE\.A STOlRWfT/ MOSCOcq-ORTMC GRErTTOPEN UH/IUWM A&P specialises in fine dairy MPTMS isee and sells them sit attractive prices! Each of AiP's distinctive blends hai We've plenty of oven gems in our bakery a Ctied-Q-Bit *—>_*ri **»95* been tested and re-te»ted by A&P's ex- Your correct step i» to plan to take advantage of department . . . Jane Parker donuts, Fprtified with 400 U. S. P. Units of vita- perte "to give you rich, satisfying flavor min D per pint, creamy-rich White our Special Sales.' cookies and cakes . . . plus a tempting Mel-U-Iflt J)««l or I. Cjil; „ t in every cup. Enjoy your favorite today! House Milk helps babies develop sturdy variety of other baked treats. You'll find Swiss Cheese !.»<,»•»*«,-»<« a,84« them all temptingly priced 1 bodies and strong bones and teeth. It's 7HISWEEKONUI Cheddar Cheese "MT^ *59« OUR OWN «^-»* 1&31« mighty good for grown-ups, too, so use it In all recipes calling for milk! Golden Ring Cake . . ~»37e Muenster Cheese wSittTct** 53« OUR OWN TEA BALtS ^I,34« •Fresh Frozen Strawberries 55c k 4 nM Sunshine Loaf Cake . -*24c 1 Cream Cheese ^X^i'« « 25« NECTAR 4 » * H»*34« * Fro Ic* Creom Cones to Eoch Child Under Sugar Nut Buns . . • ••M-27* NECTAR TEA BALLS &Z6* 12. Accomponitd by on Adult! Cottage Cheese •»*— •-•"•14* Pineapple Cdffee Cake «*29c Prepare delicious and nutritious meala with vita- ' Raisin Pound Cake E25c'£'59c iiin-frtsh frozen foods. , ^ Assorted Donuts . -""23c Parkerhouse Rolls . sts.<«14« MILK L •Not conrwetod »!lt> ony company using a similar Sr+r-3%1 rov or bfono. „ ' LUX FLAKES RIRKMANS KIRKMANS SWAN SOAP RINSO SOAP FLAKES GRANULATED When AViil«bl« Wh»n;.A*titable oka OO* AvsilsWe , pltg. 00* Availsble pkg. WMMff HWAU>. THOtMAY, JAWUAW f. *FJUtS SUMMIT •a fit* atatad that hews spirit as that ex* to the war theater wtth tat by the «fcatm than** H Dtrisioa, which was ta aa aa at- aaa» a*t bare b*ea the moat dip- copadoo force, art tha icautte. aad that U tt was aanriad arrived too sooa aad was sat t»aavt back hatae there ia aa •aa* fa uto active coabat with the Qet- fee aataotai tha worry about the future. **-** "* maas aa the Siegfried Us*. W» thate mt ta aa Ha tha At the coodwion «f tha talk TtRofarians eaid that this action eadad wtth Mr. Johnston, wtth Mi brother, the Amerteaa forces heiaf aa tha ta « ahart prtpa. b« ha4 tho fhaeasa W Joaastoa of Obit rosd, „ . j veteraa at oast tide ef the Bfc* watcaiag the AJMT1CA» aa aeeanpaaisVaaaf three aom*. n aat a natdeat at the Russians aa the wast yet • day tar aavaa daft. fto amid Uut •• "X* Lady Walks ta Loveliaei*." , vae is aa eaterUiaer by ftasJ toochea to the Genaaa ansy. pidaaa proved comet aad the Hart«4 thaa tha what* «lffawftiinrpI reellikea Mother- •^Attef al&at atat Mat MMuhMlaW taa4a1*> tall Katariaat at thete chars* jaac far tha faaanL Wmm ^^^a^ai^ . saappw *••• awaB/ ^afSs^BBSv^BBBBjajB «aafWw Isaa Child* aad *1Bhadraefc." As From thate ha waat on U say 188 Piece Luncheon Sai^ WP^3PHP^Wp alPMaaipV ^^6 ##a#ai ww^ thaa aa tha dwraa aaag ta eitiee was a groat rttHaaaUattaa. Ma** a*, eacore he favored Us audience aMaTaaWMal IS tBtBattttfaaUf" WHl iNad* tfett ifaj. Ges. Fraak A- Keating tnm Btyiwath HJ Bataria t» t*a jtast aaM ha thavght thla waj tW witt toe *Oeeert Song." Attractive- glass cant, aaucen, plataa, Nfa* aad tag a ehenw la Surope during the attended aa eaterUlameat at Riviera; ale# ta Vbaaa, Austria, aatt tUaf tha ebsma e«n 414 Vlaitars introduced by Lawrence creamer. Servicf for four. war. He to a adder at tha Broaie which a Russian chorus saas aad aad ia Mae, tmvatiaf tomu4 an iwdontaaoiaa; hotwta» X afacXSMgar were Hartart P- W« 2.69 Now coaetived the idea that our forosa frass SI t» i» amtta* for 'Wmmm, New T«k; ftod Doarar, Lat Oaaraa W. f*«t«hay, ST. We#. lt>. jahaataai said that oa«o ha HeU; Joahna OoiighUy, MUlburo 6. CHEATING PADS flaabtsr EoUxy; IVaak H. Prout, gut,t of Tha «honw aaac befart G4o*rtl dl*4 «paa ta in* a j wsy thermostatki oaatroL Water mistaat • 1st AniiAl SMMIH coBM»rt at a Gonna* Viacont Burgher; John M. Har- Patum ta Ifwaiek, sat far Rtea* a*y, Craalecd. •ri ftraasa ^a Aaatrta, ratod tha r orchortra af at volaaa aa4 Wa)f 1.20 NOW $3^0 Us chonu of W. H« said ho IIECHWOOD HOTEL SUMMIT, N. J. graataat mag ..mm**** **Ur sasatwhat pcrtvrbtd aa ha a^af atthaRhrtam ta aerwro- Mwr had aa aaatgaaiimt lika It. 6ala Program to STERILIZING RACKS •4 haaM. wtta away taf»«d awa/f Bowavor, ho jroawrlnd, tha attatt JAN. If* THMI IH. lit, 1f47 tha«haniaw«aMr4aradt»IfiMf«r Heavy gauge wire rack bokb eight baby bottle* for wtBt off iiBootWy and th sterilising; I•» ftiaatioa finiahad aa Uw FdowKiwanls *».7« t P.M.to t9 P. M. Daily aota. Tfcla was aa aueoasaf«l thai Were 49c Now 29C a rtp«at ptrfonaaneo toak site* Admiaak»50c,iacLtax lhr«s days lattr at whi^li oJ) hstalatlon tjtuidtaf room was take* up. Summit Kiwanit will hold their Aluminum Chicken Fryer aaaaal Installation of officers at Mr. JohHstoa said ha had a*m a ladies nifht dinner party next Heavy gauge aluminum with cool handles. Conven- ta his life before enoouaUrod aucb Wednesday at the Hotel Beech- ient deep design. Cbalrnun Elmer Houston of the Wai 2.98 Now $1,791 pracram committee announces that the Initalletlon will take on PERSONAL LOANS all o* its pre-w»r gaiety. Dancing HYDRAULIC JACK and entertainment which includes a floor show will follow the in- 2 ton. Very easy to operate. Suitable for light trucks ftallation. and older paasenger cars. ON A 1S-MOKT1I raTMENT fliAN Fraak Allen of Laurel avenue will be installed as president to Wa$ 10,95 Now $8.95 succeed • Hudson Martin. Other officers to be installed include Richard Sieber, first vice presi- TIREPijMPS dent; Joseph Zelgner, second vice Sturdy uprite model. Every motorist should be pre- TIGHT er JIIKY UraUNO president; H. Harsh Shorrock. pared for emergency. -« .-: * treuurer and Ferguson V. Bass, IS JVS1 AS OANGEtOUS George Boorujy and Bryant Grif- lititqr, loeK M difltoik MMtiaj u Ut'mott fin to the Board of Directors. • Wara 1.3? Now 98C this * nuiwncr lr wuni you of *h*d un- Aay efpUoaat of toad character with steady »- btltnct and ««tf of Hewing puts .. whidr itay'hetreir on own sigiiaturo. If tncoo- mtta tjiiidc on w«tf...uncqitcttd blow. *talaat to vmm ta for JBtenriew Ottit... ludden Ion of li««tin| control... SCISSOR JACK ACCJDEM! Befoie /on kmi is botpiul or Extra heavy construction. Folds compactly for e*»y Mr. Hnhmm Smmtmtli (til, ict a ttfttj checkup «nd comcuon «a SUMMIT out uiuaof'tpffovi BEAR Equipnnu f storage. Wai 6,59 Now $4.98 RST NATIONAL BANK Tfcaik Ytir lipair JMai Far TIRE CO., Inc. Sjs'ThaAcctdanf fhof waVfaty yottr ^^ Didn't Hoppvt" GALVANIZED FUNNEL oMonduswd Very heavy gauge. Complete with extra ring to hold 'strainer. "".'; ' ' '••",'" . "' • _--••••••••-.-•.-• •-.• SUMMIT FORGE 4 tint (no tubes. Was 49c Now 39c MACHINE WORKS 51 Sawnfr.Avi. Su 44204 Broad Street ftumotit an VULCANIZING KIT Everything you need to "hot patch" inner tubes, rubber boots, etc. Was 89c Now 59c SOCKET WRENCH SET Famous Craftsman quality. Fully guaranteed. In t^sssatf M. J. sturdy steel box. •* NOW lOCAIit M Wa< 13.95 Now $12.49 POCKET KNIVES Includes 2 keen blades, can opener, bottle opener I 34 DE FOREST AVE. and screw driver. Wara 1.5? Now 79c POLISHING HEADS Heavy base with H inch shaft Complete with pulley and collars to hold wire or buffing wheels.* FIMT 9ATI0»*t ATI. •AMI a TIMT CO. Wara 1.95 Now $1.39 •TRANV TRRATHI GLASS VENTILATORS Phont Su, 6-0400 Have healthful fresh air without draft or storm. "UKWPOB THE SIGN* Complete, ready to install. Adjustable. ' Were 80c Now 59c GrU.*^ w$ WIRE CUTTERS Will cut jvire as well as small bolts. Comfortable froto insulated handles. • not Wara 1.8*9 Now $1.59 8.95 s ». / RATCHET ^ SCREWDRIVERS^ Saves time. Reversible. Shockproof handles in as- sorted colors. War* 1.00 Now 89c HUNTING KNIVES from TOASTERS to TURBINES Keen 4^ inch blade. Handle of long lasting grais Me Fftp of a Switch bound laminated leather. Complete with sheath. BAG 1 :• Were 1.98 Now $1.49 — f 1d WOOL SPORTS CAPS n. Potato of I'm the Little Man Who'* Always Then For hunting, skating, skiing or anyone outdoors. 15.50 Earlaps fold away when hot wanted. Assorted colors. AM Has Bill been ill? Now •NEVERLATE Were 1.10 Now We or doesn't he know TABLE TENNIS SET •NEVERAILING Complete with four paddles, net and balls. For about Quality many happy hours of indoor fun. •NEVER TIRED - Woi 6.00 Now $4.98 .,•,.'"•" Qeaeing BRASS DOOR KNOCKER •REDDY ANY TIME " Add charm to your entrance with one of these door x , YOU NEED ME ... far ^urtf a/ chtbet-ctrt ten ict t knockers in the' ever popular colonial design. U\H • Plate Draws Chit, 1 hasted, Wat 2.69 Now $1.98

Call & Delivery Service Directly 54" CABINET SINK Black linoleum top—steel cabinet Complete with from Plant Phone Sum. 6-3100 chrome faucet and spray. - Was 109.25 Now $74.50

Sat your tectl CUSTOM FLOOR MATS For Forda and Chevrolet!, Heavy rubber With ffele t PLUS MANY OTHER SUPER ^ Dealar back. • VALUES IN OUR STORI-WIOE Were 3.49 Now $179 CLEARANCE! \ $tor»: 47 Unto* Mac. > JERSEY CENTRAL POWER L LIGHT CO 335 Springfield Ava. °^JT HUH Summit Su. 6-3282 ''*&•"- to air eea4Ktoaiaf hu THi SUMMIT HiMtO, THURSDAY, JANUAtY t, l?47 «aa W * County Jftrn Dancti Ident-general of the national ao- ican Legion, aad tht Federal Bu- resist and sxpoM "every wtn rfDefense ciety, as speaker.' Mrs. Becker la reau of Investigation relating to undermine our government Being Giv«n Etch Month al»o national chairman of the Communistic activities in tots Th« Unloa County Bo«rd of To Be Considered National pefuue Committee, with I>AR is also being subjected country. Bht said: AgricuHurt i* tfvmtiag • «*ris» headquarters-at Washington, D. C. attack*, the ml purpose of of bam dance* «ach third Wwdatsw Ai DAR Gathering The subject of national defense "Attempts to spread commu- is to divide aad destroy the Aaser* has recently been emphasised by nism throughout this country are y of tlu winter- moaUu at When Beacon Fire Chapter ioaniutlon work of the society. EvergreenLod»t, BprtafflskL Tlw tbt national society DAR in a Wlif made under the guist of v*. DAR raeeb on Thursday, Janu« But the DAR r** never stronger, next on* will


ri hl M8TOW ENGAGED-Mr. and Hrj. John Caporoao of Railroad- .*.- Ifi wtiifytof « nus announced the engagement of tlrtir daughters, the Misses Ann It suUtei for h««»th and Jennie Caporoso gn Christmas Eve. Miss Ann Caporoso is the $ueM of Jack JJcGowan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGowan of - brawny mlgfck Woodland avenue. Mi« Jennie Caporoso will wed Hermart Piraneo son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Piraneo of Cheatnut avenue.

Suggestions Overlook Auxiliary Rejuvenates 17 Mvafe Rooms, Nurses' Dining Hall WHIPPED CRIAM In the last year Rnd a half, th Mrs. Milton F. Fleming cooperat- house committee of Overlook Hos ing since March, 1816. Mn. Flem- pital Women's Auxiliary has com ing ha» had charge of plans for pleted many of Its projects under redecorating the children's ward the leadership of Mra. W. Saxton in the main building, and Mrs. Seward, chairman, with Mrs. Ed- Higgins U in charge of tentative gar T. Higgina, co-chairman, and plans for the recreation room of the nurses' residence. HONfY The major project undertaken by the house committee during the NOW! summer and completed this fall was the complete redecorating of Bun.... doz. 40c the nurses' dining room on the main floor. Facing south the room was papered a gray pineapple de- sign and ..all woodwork was SNOW FLAKE painted white, Color is furnished by cretonne swag valances over the Venetian blinds, with a mirror

Aar eoipi* riB and a watercolor on the opposite Rolls .7. doi 25c l*ara to dunce wall. Shelves with growing ferns •I t*« um Urn* for * hit it fill other spaces. The once aowdy WOlM roit eltktr oak furniture has been given a to take Ilitona coat of green enamel. The val- •loi«l WWh« • woadcrfil r kiitrc ances were made by professionals IK In I • • r R tke but all materials and wallpaper Knobs er injr olhet «inc«. were bought wholesale. Paint and Form T««r labor was provided by the hospi- Horn Oir« flroap tal and was done by an employed, 11 AM. to 18 P.M. Or K»toH hospital painter. MAJESTIC BAKERY Torctbcr. .. From the profits of the tea room MOW'S Strand Billdlnf HI Sprlrgllfld AT*. Hiamlt t-ttit and gift shop the house committee 1lCMMDC.tif MI.OWMU has refurnished 17 private rooms, Including 17 pairs of chintz and cretonne curtains. Nineteen pairs were made for the maternity wing, 12 pairs for the nurses' residence at 45 Overloojc road, and two pairs for the fathers' waiting room. SLITS PRESSED Most of the curtains were made by the Friday all-volunteer sewing group meeting each week at the hospital. Several pairs have been made by a local upholsterer with' WHILE YOU a generous discount on the work. The materials in each case were bought directly from New York wholesale houses through a mem- WAIT ber of the 'committee who gave the committee the advantage, of her full decorator's discount, sav- ing many dollars and affording Special Ttto Htmr Dry Cleaniiif Sertlct better quality'materials, according to Mrs. Seward. The wards have not been forgot- ten by any means, as they also will soon have.new cretonne cur- tains as soon as the material, re- cently ordered, arrives, These will decorate all windows and will af- ford a much-needed bit of color. The better furniture from the newly-furnished private rooms is being repainted for the wards. At present the sewing group is busy making slip covers for some of the old arm-chairs throughout the hospital. "The house committee l» regu- larly responsible for buying vari- ous ,-an.d*

' 9—Thurs., 8rl5 p. m.—Athe- 1 i naeum— Dr. - Theodore M. Greene. Top to bottom: 13—Mon., 2 p. m.—League of Women Voters—W. A. Kin- Natalie Nicoli designs in JniOiard's master gabardine. Long, caid*— Methodist Parish House. fitted jacket with button to the neck club collar. Tan or 13—Mon., 8 p. m. — Economics Slate. 12 to 20. (Better 4>reu Smlon) W.U0 Class—Publicr Library. f3-Mon., 8 p. m.—YWCA- Paul ParneV cutatvay sait with long, flared jacket buttoned Board of Directors. 13—Mon., 8:lS> p. m.--Sr. and Jr. high and full sleeves with button detail. Champagne, (Bttttr P.-T.A. Joint Meeting. Drew Mon) 79.M 14—Tues,, 10' a. m.—TIA Ex. Board—66 Prospect street. 15—Wed., 3:15 p. m.—Fortnight- Roxspun tailors a cutaway with flap pockets, trim halMielt ly—Dr. W. H. Judd—High and gathered fullness. Fastened with silvery buttons. In School. 15-lWcd., 8:W P- m.-Summit navy or pussy willow. 12 to 20. (SmitSHon) 55.00 Nature Club—Glacial For- mations—Dr. M. E. Johnson Gaynes suit in Miron's virgin wool Urdseye fabric. New ; -YMCA. "I IS—Thurs., 2:15 p. m. —DAR— deep-knife pleats in the skirt Brown or black. 10 to 16. P.-T.A. f Janior ItflM) „ * 49.98 16—Thurs., 8 p: m.—St. Teresa's 115 Maple street. 2fr-Mon.. 12:45 p. m—P. E. Q. Luncheon. 20—Mon., 3 -p. m.—Overlook Auxiliary — Open Meeting, Nurses' Home. 21—Tues., 3:15 p. m.—Avery Lec- ture—Lincoln School. 22—Wed., 3:15 p. m.—Music De- partment — Lecture-recital —Beethoven— 1011 Spring* field avenue. JANUARY FUR SALE 23—Thurs., 8 -p^ m.—Annual Meeting — Summit Home ' for Children. MONTCUIK 2*—Fri., 11:30 a,' m— World BASIL DAY & CO. Christianity Luncheon- ' ' THE HOUSEHOUSE jjOFf FINE FURS Methodist Parish House. Orange, N. J- 31-rFri.—American Home De- , Avenue OB. 4-1MO partment—Hobby Show and Open Hinra. TU » Treasure Sale. 14 7H1 SUMMIT M£RALD, % Iff* Eliiabeth Jones Married At Home To Kurt Stobaeus floyd Imley Jones of MotaUi* »«6u* waiwiacw the •Miiiatfg hfe daughter, Elisabeth France*; to Kurt Stotatiw, SOB of Mr. sad Mr* John B. ttosaeus of Wattoa toad, Mtpiewood. Tit* Re*. Otto C. Valentine Special Nelson perfensed the doublt r»f ceremony at 4 o'clock iaturday. Church, Dte. II, In the Breseaos of the Out 4" * I" colored portrait In • genuine 1 akf tfet ***»£ lauaedtate faatUea at the bride * foUowed at the WU- horn*. A reception followed. Itpther foMtr for $4.98 mm ««. The bride, who wu given in held at 0» 47 marriage by her father, was wit, that af gowned in whit* satin. A Juliet cap U, bride wort • -Hilwt of net held her veil of Illusion and fow» of i*it. trt ah* carried white bridal roata and ehantilly lace. B« i»fart*i fuchsia. She wu unattended. Jobs of UlusKm «u att*61^ *» • 2533 B. Stobaetu, Jr., ni beat mas for art of orange blo-onis. Sbe w Mi brother, and two other brother*, d a Prayer book with CMBtflSaS Frederick C Stobacua and Rich- sweet pea.. Mi" Margaret ard W. Stobacua were the usher* MtMter l The couple have returned from honor, She was gowned iaj Joan Mallon a honeymoon in New York, and Ml« Louise CkrooCMadi- they will leave shortly to upend the »on, Miss Etatae Freeauw of winter la Florida, Morris Plain*'. and Mra. Joka Corsetiere Scbwicksrt of Inrta|to« Oratory School Bridge brideemaids. They were nm The Motheri dub »f Oratory vet. AU wore coroneU of «e* that SUMMIT AVENUE SUMMIT, N. J. School will meet Friday, Jan. 1% matched their gowns and earrted at 1:50 for deaeerf and bridge at old-fashioned bouqu*U. SUmmit 6-0948 the achool. Hostesses" will be Mi*. Theodore Denman, cousin of the Fred Douglas of Plainfield, Mrs. groom, wa* beat aaa. Uahew ta- Chfll FnintMit Robert Wade and Mr* Wilfred - Weila, chid*d lugena-Dufneld ef ciwft ft* iver MJtf. JOSEPH T. BOWDEN • Beyer of Summit Kurt Stoteeas ton, another cousin of the fr; MUs Joan Dreger, daughter of Robert Buoaocore of Newark and Grace H. Cloy Married In Chatham Mr. «nd Mrs. Emit E. Dreger of Thomas Barber, Jr, brother of the New Glamour High street returned to Cornell bride. ...•.„. To George Edward 01 liver Unlwrafty Saturday with Miss The bride U m graduate of lay- Jean Richards of Lexington, Mass., ley High School, MorriatewB, sad A mid-winter »ich «p by her brotber.|».l»W, Men- All Soul* Hospital School of Wan- Iki aurriaft ef MN OrMt a classmate who was her guest dees weaders for every Haaaak. Oy, daughter «f Mfl, ard G. Rudow of Chatham, wore over New Years. . • • lug. Mr. Bowdea is employed by Prter Jaaaea €2ay *f Boston tad an ivory satin gown trimmed with the New Jersey Bell Telephone lib* late Mr/Clay, end George Kd- aeed pearls. Her veil WU aftthered. Mn. I* TruaMll of Kent Place Co. After a trip throttlh the to t coronet and ah* carried bridal w*rd Oliver, am ef Mra. Theodore boulevard has returned from Cali- Booth, they will reside at Prospect rates. Mn. Richard G. Rudow wu fornia where ahe spent the holiday! asahl at UBIW skoe and Tfcemao street, Morrietown. matron of honor. Wit wu gowned with her daughter and family. Cffiwr of taffeta, K. T, took place In blue aatln and carried red rottf. Ur, Jane, of Jackson Heights. N. Y, Satwiey, Jaa. e, at taint Paul* Stanley OUlver served hi* broth- Victor F. Mattson of Linden Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Hall of Carfare Jewetas . Chatham Raw. Karl 0. er M beat man, white Oeorgo Fey place ham been named to the dean's Plainfield aad Mr. aad Mra, Royal Rasas*, viaar, performed the cere- of East Orwge tnd fverett Park list of honor students for the first Mackey, Jr-, of Bchenoctady. r. A receptieii followed at the of Newark ushirtd. quarter at Union College, Schenec- tMM • DIAMONDS i «T Mr. aad Mrs Theodore After a trip the wuple will be at tady,N.T. home at North HUlllde avenue, • WATCHES sum. Frederick Hollister, Jr., son of NORCROSS The Mie, wfce ens gtoen In nuur- Chatham. C«l AMIRIU'I tMT'iOVIV • EXPERT Mr. and Mrs. Hollister of Druid ORIITIN» CA«D* • QUICK SERVICE Hill road, John P. Munn 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs. Munn, Jr., of Colt PERSONALS road, and Donald Boyle, son of Mr. 3Cr. «MI Mm AUe« R. Dark of J&anne's HEGEL'S his family Mr. aad Mrs. Henry H. and Mrs. James R Boyle of Oak SANDWICHIS N Sounit ateno* catortatntd li at Keoujh of Blackburn road. Ridge av^iue, returned to Am- FIBsd with t*kere QmmUty h long JlememWreeT SittUntruSlur daaoCT New Teara Day. William H. Wllfon, son of Mr. herat Thursday after spending the reeoaefett SM epftagfleld A» holidays with their families. 14 Haplt St. Summit, N. J. Dr. and Mna. Cturkw W. DtmM, and Mn. Harry E. Wilson of Tem- $9 pOT H «f Beatawa road entertained plar way, returned Tuesday to the Thru the holiday season Mr. and their aieea, Miss Barbara Pwwhel Hill School In Pottstowf, Pa. Mrs. Warren B. Hall and daughter, MellieWtiss oooo of Mewat Vemon, N. T., over U* Mrs. Warren E. Briggs of Ashland Mr. and Mn. Robert X. Mora* of ho&lays. ' . :,.. road had as their guests, Mr. and 24 Imylor 8t,Mimwni ft Oak Ridg> avenue entertained sev- Mrs. W. Clayton Hall and daugh- Aerett tnm WaaatafMi Ickeel X PMaaaa Broddcy. eon of Mr. eral of their out-of-town frlendi CLEARANCE SALE FABRIC SALE aad MM. Jotaa C Brodaky of at a New Years Eve dinner party, Mwnrtain avswi* raturnad to New Miss Phyllis Aim Steel* returned Group o^ Drutlc reduction! T«rk MUitarjr Academy at Corn- Tuesday to Knox School for GfH* Mid-W1nt«r wH •***}*< Hadaoa Tuesday after in Cooperitown, N. Y., after spend- ipeadiBg the nolidtyi at borne. ing the holidays with her parenti, on cut pieces Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Steele of DRESSES Mr. and Mra. John a Tennant II Summit avenue. Hi wil give a Twelfth Night dance at ^COATS AT BpY TEtFfrTS tMr fce*tc on Hafcait avenu« Sat- Among the young men from away. • . / . Summit who have returned to ^^i^^t^^aa^^ Dartmouth College after spending RAINCOATS Dr. amd Mm. J. Howard Oamp- the holidays with their famHiea WI af Ox-Bow Lane held open were Paul Canada, ion of Mr. and MILLINERY and HANDBAGS haaae Star Tears Day. Mn. Paul M. Canada of Woodland " '- *f;.".,. SUITS CLEARANCE Mm F- Orvejaad Davis of Hill avenue; Malcolm Decker, ion of Millinery includti hits by Gnat arcsse returned •Tuesday Mr. and Mri. George R- Decker of after a fortnight in Florid*. Pine Grove avenue; and Al Bild- SKIRTS Our Entire Stodi of ner, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ,: DOBK . . BRIWSTER .i . ©A6E David Wendell, K>n of Mr. andBildner of Hawthorne place. Mra. Edward X. Wendell, re- Greatly Reduced tsnwd to PfaUUpa Ewter Academy Timothy Gilbert, son of Mr. aad WINTBt COATS & SHOW SHIS alter spading the holiday recess Mm Frederick Gilbert of Prospect Reduction! up to with hh family. street entertained 20 of hit young friends at supper Monday in honor THE STYLE SHOP Mr. aad Mrs. F^ancli Cameron of his birthday. of. BeJlerae avenue are visiting in 377 Springfield Are. Summit Mleawaii ' - .. W. L Sims 3danddaUfh-Ur,Misi 5 ••:-:.;• Also'. ;:.• ;V Betty Simi, of the HoUl Suburban, Hewy D. Keougn, who recently have returned after a short v*ca» C7 All Stlw Find muse a poetulmt ia Maryknoll tion in Miami Beach, Fla. Miss. Giris'7-14 2-Piece Wool Suits Aposteik College, Ctarka Summit, Sima is a student at Kent Plaes Pa. jpeat hU bolidsy vacation with ! School. THE JUVENILE SHOP JLEEDS ENGLAND "Fashions for Children" DELIVERS MILLINERY - HANDBAGS -GLOVES CLEARANCE SPRINGFIELD AVK. BAS8CTT aUJDUMKO HT.M TIMYS • SALVERS 390 Springfield Ave. Summit 6-6222 VEGETABLE DISHES >•(•"' • . . i • to % off iwA a few of each design in asaortod liiM tsrtmesT. Enpu^t* Styles — Beautifully Engnwd W« dont know when another shipment will arrivs froai Sheffield, England. Entire stock winter fashions Exports from England are still rationed. Call to see them at your home • Coats...... now from $15 PATERSON 000 PLATING - » - 3S5 MarkftSt. Shwwood 5WJW7 Pafcerson S, N. J. •Suits...... now from $15 •20% INDUCTION ON W1NTE1 * DRESSES SUITS •Dresses.. ... now from $8

HATS PRICE An excellent opportunity -continuing our IT MOT |fVeV W DRESSES REDUCED sfor*-wMt to replenish your basic wardrobe All sales find

HOLLYWOOD SHOP 9owns • coots • suits • furs , ETHELVN RUTAN WOO^ sportswear > millinery 2 JpringfleW Avtnue Mouses • bogs MONTCUIR ... SUMMIT.,, SPRING LAKE THE SUMMtT HKAID, THUiSOAY, JANUARY f, l?47 IS

rVemtn Vottrs Groups road, Friday,' January U, If entirely utilised by a mctar, To Dijcuti Hi from J t» * p. na.; tad Mrs. I. Roy there is enough energy in a mod- Discussion group meetings will am high-energy fuuhlight battary be beld this month to study "Our Underwood, 96 Pnepcett Hill ave- Housing Problems" It is an- nue, ^Tuesday, January U, from to lift an eignt-pound weight te nounced by tht UagiM of Women the top of tht Empirs State BBU*- Voters. This study will include the 1:10 to 11:80 a. m. tng—1.J50 feet m-tional « w«li as UM atloa in housing. Hostesses for the group meet- will be; Mrs. Willard GeAel. "Ho* many *h©i>PUJfc, Beechspring drive, on Wednesday, Delia Christmas^ Think about January IS from 8 to 10 p. m.; e sale svt T»» Bam Shopw, Mrs. Winthrop Means, 35 Whltt- »ow to progress. dresses •« great- I

nothing •>»* of marvelous Remedy That Trost la** Shop to able Of French Models L again U> Mas;-you real Holiday n«nch whipped cream pastries. BRII>E-ELBCT — Mr and Mrs. Let-Down are • »«" sign of better RECENT BRIDi Albert H. Cross of Washington Day and Evening Wear TROTH ANNOUNCESD-lir. an* Miss Gretchen Trapp, Aaughtor ef REVEALS TROTH - Announce- .¥»»•• ; , avenue, Chatham, have announced Mrs. Frank Donio of Penrwyl. Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Trapp of Msipti ment witfmade on Christmas Day r the, tnfageininjt of their daughter. fietct Frosen roods, Inc. Short vania avenue, Linden, have an- street, who was married Thursday, >f the «ngaf«ment of Mis* Lr*n» Mis* Kathryn Jean Cross, to Kurt Hills have had their grand open* nounced the engagement of their Dec 36 to Richard Gabriel of De- A. Skrsynlart, daughter of Walter H. Uebele, son of Mr and Hn. iet with flowers, festivities and daughter, Ann, to Joseph DePhil- troit, Mich., son of Mr. and Mrs. Skrrynian of Newark and the late Reinhold K. Uebele of Pearl itreet Bags, Hah, Gloves Zl wishes for success. Still a lips, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Andrew Gabriel of Santa Monica, Mm. Skrsyniarx to Ttoma* V. Hits Cross, who u « graduate U^tto quantity of food lockers DePhillipa or Clark street. Oal. Trengrow, son of Mr. and MM. of Chatham High School and •sr rent. Albert Trengrove of Morris avenue. Berkeley Secretarial School. U a Mis* Skrzynlara U a graduate of private secretary at the Lederle Jewelry ] /w will be delighted with the Eut Side High School of Newark, vide variety of brosdlooin now on Laboratories, Radio City. New PERSONALS and is employed at the Celane*e alt' at The House of Btdrosian. York. Mr. Uettele in graduated Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. O'Brien with their son-in-law and daugh- Corporation at America, Her fiance With the Pick-Up of from Summit High School and Ricarpet a room or hall while you of Eastoo, Md, were week-end ter, Mr and Mrs. William, L attended Summit High School and served two years overseas with guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert a Frances Fox Beauty MB make the saving. "',•• < Fischer of Hickory road. with tht Pulverising Machinery v the First Allied Airborne Mili- O'Brien of High street, Saturday Co. He was overseas three rears Treatment they attended the wedding of their tary Police. He is now attending Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M, Dren- with a Signal Corps Battalion and |- Evtry g»l isn't blessed with a aiece, Miss Natalie H. O'Brien, the Radio-Television Institute in nan of St. Alcana,' Vt., were house with the 917th Parachute Infantry. OF Dretty face. But every gal can and Theodore B." Conklln, Jr. at Newark. Saint Bartholomew's Church, New guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo B. LONDON lOTt a youthful figure, IF she v Delia ork. • .-•. / Meyer of Countryside during tlw it. Teresa's PTA FERNWtiOD leaves the choice of her foundation holidays. y~ garment in the hands of Joan Hal. Fathers are especially invited to Mr. and Mrs, Raymond J. Ca- the Saint Teresa P.-TA meeting HAIRDRESSERS 344 Sprinafoltf . Miene $u. 4-3507 irera of, Beekman road have had Thomas Batish and William Me- Thursday, Jan. 1« in; Recreation ' 114 Summit Ave. their guest for the holidays, Cue left Tuesday by motor for Cali- Hall, Movies will be shown and It really U interesting watching Mrs, A, R, Cabrera of Walling, fornia refreshments served, the tiny tots Twlng fitted at The ford Pa. Mrs. Cabrera's's mother. Within the last 70 years high [ Hall Shoe Store, » De Forest ave- school attendance In the United nue. Pop. Mom and their cherubs Dr. Howard Turner, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. OoaU of th» can all he ouMHted »t Halle. ind Mrs. Howard Turner of New Hotel Suburban have left for Or- States has increased 10 times over. ork, formerly of Summit, spent Our Resolution of Good Will • ••;•:•• H# ••• • • • • - lando, Fla,,.for a vacation before part of the holidays with Mr. and Call it good business, call it econ- going to their home In Birming- Mrs. Reginald F. Pearson of Sum- ham, Ala. omy, but do get the best flowers mit avenue. Mr. Pearson and his CHE^ FRANTZiN I for your money. Wayside Gardens, wo, Lyndon, spent last week-end STUDIO RESOLVED Morris Turnpike, has Inexpensive in Hlngham, Mass., visiting Mr. Dr. and Mrs. W. Johnson Hal- I bouquets and gay flowering plants and Mrs. Frederick W. Copper- lock of Springfield avenue and Portrsii, Commercial Ihwait. Mrs. Copperthwait is the daughter, Janet, liave returned to brighten dreary days. Former Miss June Pearson. WHEREAS . . . the joyom Holidty Sown ii over -..-. «..• ,#.. . •nd Candid Moat men consider The Wiss Miss Doris Dreger, Miss Joy spent the holidays with their son, PHOTOGRAPHY WHEREAS ... the gpirit of Friendaliip and good wiU still I Jewelers, when buying a ring of Hail and Miss Barbara Whitlock Duncan, a student at the Univer- I peat meaning. Tour sweetheart returned to Tufts College togeth- sity of Miami. Wm Halkx* haa re- turned to Syracuse University. 3 Beachwood Rd. j will be forever grateful for a Wlsa er Sunday after spending the holi- WHEREAS . . . we value preitly cur friendly relations J jewel. Stores in Newark and Bast day recess with their parents. Summit 4-2158 [Orange. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Gary Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Martin have have returned from the Near past A-••'••* WHEREAS ... w want to expma our appwiclatibn;-for this friendly I . , • •' • • PLANS WEDDING - Mr. and returned to Chicago after visiting to their home on Whlttredge road. association ~> ..-.;• -;•; Convenience and safety are the Mrs. O. Theodore ^aklter of Bal- I two big reasons for paying bills by tusrol place announce the engage- THEREFORE... we will itrive for finer gift*, letter wrvice thii New check. A Budget Account at The ment of their daughter, Ruth, to I Summit Trust Company grants this Danny D. SmwanekV son of MM. Ut it l*pUU YearlW7 I opportunity to everyone. Mary Smith of Morris avenue Miss Bakker is a graduate of Summit Ttw Sihtiirar* Feeling down in the dumps these High School, class of 1M«: Hr. SSSkST> I cold] wintry days? A pepper-opper Smozanek. also a graduate of Sum- is a soalp treatment and facial, at mit High School, served three year* Apgafs I . The! Jeanne Beauty Shoppe. It will in the Marine Corps. IS months of [erase worried lines and give^hew which were spent in the Pacific '' J ewelry I glory to your perm. ' He ia employed by Johnson Bros., tree su.rgeor«. MARINO'S 25 BeeehwMd lUwd N. J. Ever hear aof Puretest Plena I US WAYNtWOOO MM I mins? They are the sensible way • ruiMniio, Mi I to take vitamins and minerals. 8ix Announce!roth vitamins with liver and iron sul- Iphate keep you healthy like" any* Of Jean Sudec I thing. Rogers Pharmacy has them. Mr and Mrs^ Anthony Sudec of • • • • Clinton avenuerTlsinfield, have So many new brides-to-be since announced the engagement of- [the holiday season. , Each one o their daughter. Jean, to David them would adore to have a Lane Korkuc, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cedar Chest for her linens and Chester Korkuc of Morris avenue. finery. The Doyle Furniture Store Miss SuOec was graduated from can nil that bill.-«dv. Plainfield High School. Her fiance, a graduate of Summit High School Birth served for three years in the Army •'. To Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Me- Air Forces, two years of which Nub of New England avenue, twin were spent in the European tbei- Our Cruise Wear Is In! I daughters, born Thursday, Jan. 2, ter. The couple plan to be married I at Overlook Hospital. in the near future. Knobby raw silk, cottons, prints ... in spec: To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chap- man of Broad street, a daughter; tator casuals, deftly draped afternoon dresses, born Sunday, Jan. 5, at Overlook Ve/yitMcPeek and lovely I Hospital,^' Take a trip to our shop before you take your To Mr. Mnd Mrs. Lester Dawson IsBndMlecf nf Flivcr road, a son, born Sunday, Mr. and Mr*. Lewis H. McPeek vacation. Jan. 5, at Overlook Hospital.. .ipf Ashwood avenue have an Dounccd the engagement of their To Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ochs daughter, Evelyn,..to Arthur Clay i if Beech Spring drive, a son, bom ton, «on of Mr*. J«nea Clayton of X the opening of Sunday, Jan. 5, at Overlook Hos- pital. __. East Orange, and the late Mr. Clayton. ANNA REEVES To~Mr. and, Mrs. Karl Gartner Miss McPcck is a graduate of 383 Spriagfield Summit of Bryant parkway, a son, born Summit High School and Drake • ,"' . \ I Monday at Overlook Hospital! Secretarial School. Mr. Clayton, a To Mr. and Mrs. William Wood- graduate of Bast Orange High I ward of Woodland avenue, a son School, served forty two months [born Monday at Overlook Hos- in the Pacific Theater or Opera pital. . . tiomi with the Seventh Air Force. Surgical Appliances 44AIRDRESSERS The MEDALLION NswJsfsty's twaest with A New Florsheim Arrival jrom Mr. JosapK Our Urge Stock oj Fine Shoes * '-^ Mr. Michael [Mayer Brother! it Fair Prim formerly of Mahne & Go. m»4» SB Ike spajsn ^m *^^ Newark "Patarspn '

on: .Friday; January 17

10 Kent Place BoulcVSnh::-. . .Summit

I:- '. . • v T • • • . * ' f » . • ' ' 5 13-9 Just call Su. p-6496 HARRISON BROTHERS *•""• ***?

MONTCLAI* I* TH1 SUMMIT HiftAlO, THURSDAY. MNUAWt, tt47 known •VMtt house WW S«.Strvtd Stanley ChappJe Of hvSdweC WA At Ovtrleok Auxiliary The aanttal Jn*«* •• FoJJowifl* ttw prog run fll the To Give Three ejftffiftt Juitiar eal V Awtltary of Ovtrlook High Sdwef* |t the BUiises1 home on Music Lectures ac a WfDDING MwMtor,. January •», ^ will- -m Stanley Chippie, conductor of swrv*d with My*. James T. Gordon »• ft the St. Louis Philharmonic Or- day Januiry W, at fcs* ft sm» presiding. She will be assisted by te the Higtt SttosiAB*saB4». lafefwal Hsk»a at heme, ,t Vn. Eugene J. Coaroy, «». Car! chestra and the Civic CnorUa of : "What foutfc sfttgarts) m «• diarcaaasl Bftwr, Mr*. CwWton Shun and St Lorn* will give thre« lecture gcfaooT is tbe tasie isr tt» Vn. Nwman Wiss. Mrs, John W. s> Om pkotoftftoKr t*0*n the kriee on various phase* of music Appre- evening aaa Mae Vomlm* wM White. Jr, and MM. Ridley Watt* the eatiw eay '. \ ciation At the Summit School of be tbe nsaderatar. . Mr. fVmW t will pour. ,| Music, S De Forest avenue. Toe i» chairmas of CP1f# fcsO HOUYWOOD STUWO In IMS, New Jersey raised WW.- first one will he tomorrow - morn- Scboei SeeM S>rrE)r»ABtE BglWCE #01 Of B» N TEAII tn for the American O»«r So- inf beginning at 10 o'clock, and jj md a iVZ, K. (>mag»-Oa htm; Irifctwn Caia. t-un, of 8uBta:t High ciety's program. In 1M«, New Jer- continuing until 11:48. My rtiied fTli.Wi. _A (At-ial b*ur will The other two lectures will be gym. at the came time on the mornings of Friday, January 31 and Friday, February 21. He will iljiwtmte hi* Hobby Hall JANUARY i .,*• - -* CORSETS talks by playing selection* from ENGAGED—Announcement has The EigMh Gnic Cum dt FUTURE BRIDE-Patay P«r»- 70 WBD—Mr and Vri. Edwin the great composer*. This is UM been made by Joseph Santlllo of Hobby Hall will m«e« at th* Jta- dlse, Sr, of New Providence has P. Bomet of Morriioa road, CLEARANCE fifth year Mr. Ch«pp)# hu givtn Morris avenue of the engagement announced the •agaeenent of his Springfield, announce tbe engage- aonie Building oa a lecture course. of his daughter, Louise, to Michael daughter, Margaret, to Serf* Cri- ment of their daughter, June Rose, Mrs. Hallaa E. Continuing our v W. Karpenskl, son of Mr, and Mrs telll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; U William L*e. Jr. *«> «* MrMrs. . a. Montgomery Martin Karpcnski of Hates avenue. BRASSIERES sale of . . • CrltelU of John utreet and Mrs. WiUiam Lee. »f Central the 'hostesaea. Wkss ti Mr. Karpenski was In the Army Mr. Cr'itelli aerved three and a avenue, New Providence. Kist> almost four years. He was over- Group metta Satweagr half yean with the Army la Aus- Bonnet, a graduate of Jonatban Mrs. TnonMe J- Emm — —— COAI5 seas 30 months with the Chemical Dayton Regional High School is tralia. George M. DeJaaeywffl feethefts* - Warfare Branch of the 45th Divi- employed as a secretary lit the lURS sion. •nf ineering department of Wcstoa Electrical Instrument Corp., New- DMSSIS BIRTHS ark. Mr, Lee graduated from Sum; rlilT)O To Mr. and Mrs. Lawton mit Hijrh School «nd served three Meaker of Arlington, Va., years in the Arrny Air Force. • ' . J«fi+f»n SEOttSWiM^- \ daughter, Kathleen Elizabeth, on Tuesday, Dec. 17, at Garfield Hok- FormfH pital, Washington, D. C. Mrs, Speaks in New York JUST ARRIVED Meeker, the former Miss Druallla Howard B. Bishop, president of Female, mzied : R»n«jo It It Clark, is the daughter of Dr. the Human Engineering Society Cntrles P. Clark of Beech wood year New shipment of • road., v. ''" .. spoke Sunday afternoon, Jan. S, at "Camp" Scientific ^Support For the best in Steinway Hall. New York, to C!o»- Male foshound Jowl- n#nl#y Wouw.i To Mr. and Mn. Benjamin motarlgn Fellowship which \M Dalmatian malt, Ptrtonolixtd Coraei Fitting / Genualdi of Sayre street! a son, sponsored by Bernard Macfadden, workmanship born Monday, Dec. 28, at Overlook ye«r-' . '. '."'•• .• Jimt fotttoy Drts*H HospltaL Many of its members art already , Wgure Analyiii 4> ••-•"' .. advocates of the "Human Engi- To Mr. and Mrs. Theodore neering Codef Davenport of Lavlna Court, a son, Advioe by Regiatered Cor»etiere Eugene Jung born Tuesday, Dec, 24, at Overlook SPITZEE'S Hospital. Fete* * itmby JtsaeJrliia. To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turley 412 Springfield Ave. • 1N«I*«M *ea4. •• Of Russell place, a daughter, born WE FASHION STORE Summit t-UM Christmaa Day at Overlook Hos- Summit 6-4086 pital. Ave. Summit 6-2188 BETROTHED - Mr. «»dM». The Unique Gift To Mr, and Mrs. Wlnthrop Lenz Anthony Mardany of Broad street of Ox Bow Lane, a ion, born Thursday, Dec. M, at Overlook announced the engagement of their SUMMITS MOST MODERN STUDIO Hmpital. daughter, Gloria, to Chartea A. VACATE IY FEU 1,1947 To Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Os- Carbone, Ph. M 3/c, USN, son of trander of Morris avenue; a daugh- Mr, and Mrs. Anthony J. Carbone UOM Expires Adolph Quirin Vogel ter, bornThursday Dec. 26, atof Morris avenue, at a dinner party IMPORTED SWISS WVEIMUS I Overlook Hospital. - at the Brook on New Sear's Day. •T PHOTOGRAPHER To Mr. and Mrs. D. Thomas Miss Mardany and her flanks a» Works mad* of Unost Swmfeb Rogers of Bedford road, a daugh- graduates of Summit High School. •neased in mapfe or mahogany Al Hothandise Reduced 37MAPUST. SU.4414. ter, born Monday, Dec. 80, at Over- look Hospital. Mr. Carbone entered the Navy on of non-scratch finish. August.30, 1945. He Is stationed Personalhed Porf rolf ore To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young at the U. S. Naval Hospital at $7 li. Price includes 2 ox. Sumatra 25*50% of College Lane, a son, born Mon- COMMMCIAU-WIDDINGS-CHIID STUOIB day, Dec. 30, at Overlook Hospital* Annapolis, Md. M«II Orders Riled SJ^MMik^Ua aj,,,-) swa^isms^j spumy. Save Christmas Fabric Corner! Poinsetfh Pkmtt YOUR HOME East Orange For Next Year ,t 29 Beechwood Road KATTS SHOP Those Christmas gifts of poln- For ers Aeas^aesat ' - CsaMsiate II J ~ settla plants can he saved to bloom I ^r ^BB^B^^ile^Sr * ^B^Vs^BT^^^npHvfl WWW ^Pv HAS nother .year if great care is tak- en of them, although trie avenge house ia not well adapted for Fine Pinwale growing them, states Fred D, Oa- man, agricultural agent fox Union CORDUROY County. The poinaettin should be placed Most Wanted Colors in the sunniest window t^nd the soil kept just moist when the • Turkey Red bracts (which correspond to flow- • Forest Green ers) and leaves drop, and grad- • Peat Brown ually dry off the soil." Winter it in the cellar and plant it out in • Strato Grey the spring after cutting off from SUMMIT, N.J. • Danish Blue two to three inches above the soil. Leave it In the pot. In late sum- Per yd.-1.69 mer K should be put In a wanfe sunny place in the house where Prospect A William it should bloom again. ,432 Springfield Av*. ~^ Su. 6,1058 , East Orange "Always bear in mind that these : OB 5-2S86 plants need "plenty of heat"and 3OOOOC50OC sun," warns Mr. Osman. ASPHALT TILE for Kllrhm, Gam* Room, Bath Boom and Commercial Floors KrWK SSIAN CEILING HLE NRME OF A RUSSIAN Tkt Ideal loundprooflis COIN— fVsiBERlRfVBRBRN N FOitfFOitfLL IniUllatloi OR R MfiTTRESfiTTRESS STUPPIN6?

MJM xxxt STAIR. LESS STEEL MOUMH.MJ8 • KITCHE5 MAID CABI- Our-New Lacafioii KETS • Special: J5% off on CHARM-TREP BCQfl

•• . 1 EXPERT CONSULTATION OH KITCHEN MODERNIZING ••;•' ••'••••"' "for GradouM Living" PHIL'S HAIRDRESSER EMIL A. SCHROTH, Owner Rent* frown food locker and fill it with the choic- 407 CINTRAL AVI \ IA$T OlANOI est of foods. Buy by bulk—the best for less. Inspect LOB ll'V the only ultra-modern frozen food locker plant in your communitjr and learn how to have what you want when you want It Oysters, sea-food, fruits, vegetable* ."R" always in season here. Farnsworth FREE CONVENIENT PARKING FACILITIES Famous for Its Tout Consoles Whete we mil be able to serve you and Table Models i the best in beauty during 194 fi

For Immediate Delivery ••>• Set.•Tocfayl appcwitinents UAEI RECORD AND IMUCLAPPLIANCE SHOP M. Si. «.StS7 tmm% N. J.

.'•'*• • THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. JANUARY % 1947 17 Trust Compasy of Summit was named depository for dog license fees while the Dog Damage Fund TowosMp Hmmes will be deposited'in the Westfleld Lt. Vkendese is Trust Company of Scotch Plains. Fro* A Hal Special Police Officer. Candidacies for An AAF Nurse in The following were named spe- As Attorney cial police officers for mi: An- TOW"XSH1P-Kr»nk A Pirxi of thony Amodeo, Salvafore Mai- Enlarged B of E the Aammii If w firm of Pixu * Panama Hospital wrise, William' C. Russo, Peter TOSBSf.SHIP-~.lt was revealed at Ptxa »•** appointed township at- TOWNSHIP —• l*t Lt. Mildred Bobbins Heads Township, Tomasetti, Gilbert Bischoff, Dom- a special meeting of the Board of i&nmy Thursday nigh! at tbe or- Vicendese, daughter of Mr. and inipk Ianello, Mathew Farnaro, Education on Monday night that the Town- Mrs. Frank Vicendese of Plain- Carl Carpenter, George DelDuoa, five petitions are In circulation fur field avenue, Berkeley Heights, a Committee for 4th Term Xavier Masterson, Sr; Barnaby Bora is Kew York, Mr. Pitzi many candidates for election on graduate of Regional High School, TOWNSHIP—George W, Rofabioi, Jr. was reelected Kent, Michael DelDuca, SalwUore f.*mm to Summit at an early age DelDuca and William Geiger. the five-man organization which tbe Hill City public has recently arrived in Panama chairman of the Township Committee for his fourth con- will supplement toe present three- titan which be graduated. and has been assigned aj a nurse He gmdiMied frotu the New Jer- «t the Base Hoipiul, Rio Hate jecutive term ftt the annual reorganization meeting man board in February. Thursday night in the Municipal Building. He has been sey Ltw School, now the Newark Army Air Base, Rio Hato, Repub- Ainsworrh, b-Havj President Joseph Mulholland, * fcnawa of Rutgei*-University, in lic de Panama, an installation o! , member of the committee 18 year*.' The Township who has betn a member of the ' ISO*. Mr Piu was admitted to the Caribbean Air Command. * the bw us Ues at which time he board since April 6, 1931 is one of fnmmittee conrirnwd Chairman ••." '".-* -. • " Officer, Named e»c*bii»±>i4 offices in Summit, his After her graduation from Re- the petitioners. Another is Wil- gional, Lt. Vicendese entered 8t " appointment of standing named township physician for a fcr«fcer HAwntA A. Pitti coming liam C. Russo, who has Jjgffn a msth Mm a few months later. James Hospital where she gradu- committed, at fellows: one-year term on • fee basis of member of the board since Febru- 1S37. Mr. Pitzi has been a ated as a registered nurse in lttl. School Supervisor ELECTED—The New Providence Itty *te: Vox*, Franchise, $100 per year, while Carl Carpen- ary 1, 1932. These two nun are Providence Bor- Site entered the Army Nurse TOWNSHIP-Willium F. Ains- Township Rescue Squad at Its an- Frank A. Pim of » ter was appointed constable for a candidates for the two thre«-year Corpi In July, 1943 and served st worth, Jr., 30, of Jersey City, has nual meeting, December 90, elected Springfield avenue, New Provi- three-year term. Both the Recre- terms. dence Borough, was appointed at- der at tbe Borough Council at the Patterson Field, and Wright ui Municipal Buildings and been appointed supervising prin- as president, Salvatore Del Duca of November general election. He ation and Memorial Committee ap- Two candidates for the two two- torney for New Providence Town- Field, both at Dayton, O. She is Grounds, Angelo M. DelDuca; Fire, pointment! were held over until cipal of the township school to Washington avenue, Berkeley ship at the organization meeting •erved as counsel (or the New year terms are Otto M. Schwarz Pronaraoe Board of Health from Also a graduate of 'the. Nurses' Roads and Recreation, Charles If, the first regular meeting of the succeed Leo F. Fuchs effective Feb- Heights. * of the Township Committee em Flight SchaoLs, Randolph Field, of Blue Mt. Farms and Theodore January Z. (Photo by Wolia>. 1938 aniil Jasnaty 1 of this' year Monica; Uw, Building, Planning, Committee on Tuesday, \yith the ruary l. The latter resigned to Teaai. take another position which he has E. Klhlgren of the Union Village whea be look hi* seat on the coun- Zoning and Finance, Percy L. exception of this meeting, all fu- section of the township. cfl. Mr Pun is president of the Procter; Lights, Water and Real ture meetings will be held on not yet revealed. Xew rwHrtomee Borough Republi- Mr. Ainsworth, who was vice Diamond Hi! Road Frank B. Jeckel of Maple ave- Blue Mt. Farms DEEDS Estate, Anton C. Sweruon; and the first Wednesday of each month, nue, who is associated with tbe (tiGtak. principal of the Norwood, N. J. Mr. aid Mm. Pioi have three TOWNSHIP - The foUowmt Police, George W. Robbins, Jr. Summit Trust Co., is a candidate The Summit Herald and the school from 1939 to 1M3, was a Continues Hold dsOdrea: a daughter Diane, 12; a deedi have beta recorded In the N'amed for one*year terms were: Pondered, Memorial for the one-year term. - Plairifield Courier-News Vere de- ieutenant senior grade, In the 'worn, Frssat Jr, 8. and a son, office of County Registrar Bauer Township Treasurer, Fred C. Rice- January 22 has been set as the signated as the official newspapers Navy. In 1943 he was training Peter, 1 ill the Court, House, Elizabeth: deadline for filing petitions. The inKegler Lead man; Township Attorney, Prank Named legal deposUojies of and operations officer at Normea, Mr, and Mrs, Angelo Del Duca Committee Named Board of Education will meet Jan- TOWNSHIP -Following the A Ptni; Township Engineer, John township funds were the Summit New Caledonia. From 1913 to 1944 to Domenick Manno, lot 3, block uary 21 and set the hours for the January S matches la the Ttn- J. Kcntz; Tax Searcher, l(ri, oiga Trust .Company, the First National he was training officer at Bou- TOWNSHIP—On motion of Dr. Win tali 11, map of Berkeley Heights Con* Township Committeeman P. L. annual school election which will ship Bowling League, Blue Mt- Curtis; and Building Inspector, Bank and Trust Company and the gainville In the Solomon Islands. struction Company. Procter. Township Clerk William probably occur, February 11. Salvatore DelDuca. Citizen* Trust Company, all of In 1944 and 1945 the ex-Navy man Farms retains • three-gasse Ws4 Theresa Muisipapa, widow, and C. Russo on Tuesday night was It will be recalled that the Town- TdkWSCSof Township Committeeman Swen< was an instructor at Princeton with River Bend and Free Acres' others to Rocca Muni pa pa, prop- Summit; the WeBtfield Trust Com- Instructed by the Township Com- University in the Navy progr«m ship voters last, year-acted favor- tied, for second. Fmmt A N^k erty in Grandview avenue, 1D0 feet fiin moved the appointment of Al- pany, Soften Pkins Branch; and = mittee to write the Board of Free- During 1945 and 1946 he waa edu- ably on the question of enlarging Itam Berkeley awnue. bert 11. Biermati a» a candidate the Central Home Trust Company holders asking the county body to the third »pot, fottr gust* mA ft Uai Hospital cation and training officer at the the board from three to five mem- Mr. and Mrs, Alvaro M. Garcia for Township Attorney. Township of Elisabeth. clarify its position, with respect ; the UMMC . ' BOROtXm - Hone m sabbat- Navy Disciplinary Barracks, Far- bers. ' ' ••• •' • - : ' •- and others to Mr, and Mrs. George Committeeman Procter seconded On the resolution authorizing to what its intentions are about ical leave (mm BareUly, India, ragut, Idaho, where he supervised Rurnmel, property In Dogwood Jtr. Swenson's motion. Commit* the chairman of the Roads Com- improving Diamond Hill road. took three, from, Unkta YiBag*. Dr. VpsarOaager Perrlll, of Ma- the training of approximately 2,- lane, M7.S& feet from Mountain teenaen Swerison and Procter dis- mittee, to employ the necessary Blue Mt. Farms managed t» take ple street, Summit, told the 000 general court-martial prisoners. The question of Diamond Hill avenue. , sented on a vote confirming Mr. men and obtain the necessary Rescue Squad three from Hilltop as did Ptaaael Wowea's Society (or Christian Piai's appointment leaving the material for the snow reraova He has been placed on inactive road was brougnt before the Town- Laura E. Schwalb, wi^ow, to Mr. ship Committee by Everett Smith A against Funnel & River Bestd Semee.of the New Providence deriding vote to Chairman Rob- work, Committeeman Proctor sug status as a lieutenant in the USNR. and Mrs. Gcorg« Rummel, prop- of Blue Mt. Farms, chairman of squeaked out a 2-1 deetu«R swer Methudht Chorea, about her ex- erty in Dogwood lane, 568&S feet bing who voted with Committee- Rested that the phrase, "within Mr. Ainsworth has moot recently Beets Officers the Township Association's. road* 3 Bar S Ranch, y --1 petieacea there as a medical mis- from Mountain avenue. nun Del Duca,and ||ontos. the limits of the budget" be added been a training officer for the Vet* committee. He reminded the com- This week the tour leaders SMetl iiwairy yesterday at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Henry, G. Young Following the addition, the resolu- erans Administration, supervising and counseling veterans pursuing mittee as he did on December 4 And Organizes Free Acres and Punn«l A, Bin* Mt. AO • naua of the community were to Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Kates, Appointed Physician tlon was passed. their education and rehabilitation that the county was looking to TOWNSHIP—The Township of Farms and River Bend, go to the property at Springfield and Lenox Dr. W. Johnson H&llock was The First National Bank and under the" G. I. Bill of Rights; the. township to procure the right Rescue_.__89Uad ^Ilr.CloBftt,surf.sver husband. Dr, avenues. - •• •' ;-• '-•-• ' Mr. and Mrs, Ainsworth have one of way preparatory to improving held its annual meeting and elec- p. m., Hilltop and Union Village Charlea Perrill, have been asso- Irene Campano, widow, to Dom- ehlld. Mr. Ainsworth holds a B. S. the road. tion of officers at its headquarters and Funnel B and 3 Bar S Ranch [ ctatea with the Clara Swain (Sen- inick Campano, property In Wash- from Jersey City State Teachers Mr. Smith was told the com- in the Municipal: Building on De- roll. - i eral HnapHal at BareiUy, (or a ington street, 260 feet from Sum- College and an M. A. from New mittee was reluctant to act on get- cember 30. Committees were also J«a«»r> s Ma*' IsMtia. hsviag been founded 75 the freeholders give assurance in elected president; "Robert Andrus, IS liar S Itaiirh ton avenue, 180 feet from Union 1 Hilltop S«rvif« IK i' \ yean ago. The two doctors are writing that they will proceed with vice president; Hazel Corby, sec- I'nton VlilaKe t avenue. Youngstown Pressed Steel Kunwl B t tt : mug this year*t leave (or rest and the road improvements once the retary; George Vanderoef,-treasur- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hi Frahme Police Annual |stwrj-. Dr. Conger showed many titles are procured by deed. to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wesner, er; Barnaby Kent, captain; John 12 Amsts Rtportctf i aatitv article* to illustrate her Report Shows John J. Scjelken of the Bell SchanU.^flrst lieutenant: George lot 57, map of Union Village Laboratories said the freeholders Galla, second lieutenant; delegates By PoSc* CUtf Square had given evidence of their good to the New Jersey Council, Messrs. TV ewsewtive board, met Arrests TOWNSHIP-Chief o« Potk« D. at 1 o'clock, hefore the program SINKS TOWNSHIP-Chief of Police D. faith about Diamond Hill road by DelDuca, Schantz and Kent; al- V. Russo has reported to th*T««r»- Swtnton Ends 21 Years which began at 2 with devo- their having spent more than $5,- ternate delegates, Hazel Corby, Mr. V. Russo, Jr., in his annual report ship Committee twelve arrests: for tion hy Mr*. John Boyre. Hos- School Board Strviet 000 in surveying. He said the com- Galla and Katherine Patterson; or the' Police Department to the December: five for careless driving. aieites were' Mm. 'K T. Corby, TOWNSHIP-Vice President An- mittee's failure to get the right of trustees for three years, Mrs. P, L. Township Committee submitted two for improper parking, we for Mr*. A. A. Baser, and Mrs.*V. U ton C. SwerisoTT of the Board of ways waa robbing the community Procter' Joseph Mulholland and ast week lists 173 arrests as fol- not haying lights on car alt sight, j Gousias- Education on Monday night an- ows: of a $200,000 road. Michael Nigro; truslMS_for two nounced that he would not be a years, Raymond . Murray, Xavier Tone for unclean registration plate*. Sixty-five for speeding, 16 for Mr. Scjelken, who has had an ap- The United 8Ule» furnished candidate for re-election, at the Mastereon, Sr^and^ William C Rus- one for being disotsierly person careless drivings two for reckless plication pending before the com- •earhj SI hjlliow dollars In lend annual jtchool election In February. so, Sr.; trustees for one year, An- and - one—for-^f iUbar»- j>«a«e-(«r driving, five for not having a 1946 mittee for permits for the opera- fctw aid to » allied nations, the He has been a member of the ton C. Swenson, Mr. Kent and stealing car. drivers' license, two for not hav- tion of a two-way radio receiving New Jersey Taxpayers Association board continuously since September Hazel Corby. *v In addition, Chief Russo repert- ing drivers' license on person, set in two of his Arm's cars, was nepotist 13, 1926. ed se venty telephooe.^ ealts re^ nine for not having registration told by Chairman George W. Rob- Committee members were named ceived and attended to daring the on person, five for passing red bins, Jr. to apply to Chief of Pol- as follows, the first named being v month, two fire calls received and ight signal, one for leaving scene ice D. - Russo. chairman: membership, Mr. Mas- alarms turned in, nine dog calls re- of accident, one for not stopping On the recommendation of terson, Thomas Hansen and Mr. ceived and attended to. one persoB at blast of police whistle, 16 for Chairman Joseph A. Miano of the Kent; good and welfare and me- bitten by dog, two ambulance calk improper parking, one for being War Memorial Committee, the fol- morial, Mrs. Procter and Messrs. received and ambulance sent oat; abusive to police officer, one tot lowing, including Mr, Miano were Murray and Schantz; publicity, Convfrt Dormant Diamonds two cars reported stolen aad like paasing car on hill and curve, one named to the memorial committee Miss Schantz. number recojirered. and two acei- I '«% • ———• - • , for blocking roadway, one for rfor this year: .. dents investigated. *v» * J--"" >«< — »-"»•'"*'" Millburn police for stealing os% .. secretary: JMm. 14 for being disbrdeTly persons, N. J. Eick,"acting treasurer; Mr. $72,870 Bui/ding Into Active Cash four for being drunk and dis- Robbins, Mr. Procter, Charles M. Board of HcoM orderly, two for destroying per- Monica, Angelo M. DelDuca, Work Authorized Organizes for '47 WE CUT AND THREAD PIPE! sonal property, one for malicious H. M. Kent, William H. Gen- r mischief, 13 for letting dogs run rig. William C. Russo, Joseph TOWNSHIP — The Township By Inspector Board of Health organiied Thura- WITH it* Hwbsrfaw Mtdt of today for newly WE MAKE KEYS WHILE YOU WAIT at large, three for not talcing out Mulholland, Salvatore DelDur'a, TOWNSHIP—Building Inspector day night Mr the new -year, M i it ao^ bmirmt to mak« thoM dormdnl dog license, one for assault arid Dudley V.' Staats, Jamee Vicen- Salvatore DelDuca has reported to George W- Robb|a», Jr. battery, five for contempt of court, dese Xavier Masterson, Jr.. Her- the Township Committee that $12,- named chairman: Dr. W w»rk for you. S«ll th«m ro Butch t one for trespassing, one for Linden bert Be-lin, Edmund H. Lauter, Miss 870 building construction work was son Hallock of Summit! ws» »p- police for bad checks and two for Mary Petronc, Dominick Totig- authorized by permits i »g»«4 pointed physician f BROWN HARDWARE 4 SUPPLY CO. Board of Health caucs ,. nano, Robert H. Hand, Raymond through his office ]nstmman and lands of M. P«rs«. Sat. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Borden. Connolly of Brooklyn. Spring Lake Gardens. Inc. to Mr. . Clean Furnaces Saw the Basketball Game with Sunday - 9:45 a. m., Sunday Dog Warden Mokes and Mrs. Carlton A. Foi property • School, Alan Roberts, .directing, December Report liologist to Show in Ridgeview avenue, 65 feet from Bob. Think he's pretty cute. Said SpHn(?fu.'ld avenue. Flues 11 a. m., Morning worship. Sermon TOWNSHIP—Dog Warden Curl Movies at Regional .1 seemed changed—was ouch more 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wesse! to topic: "The Man of the Year. ? TOWNSHIP-Earl Hilfiker, as- Carpenter has reported to the Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. llsUtiasctiL. contented lately. Told him it was 7 p. m., Youth Fellowship will sistant curator of the Rochester and Township Committee activities for property in Springfield •vena*. In- tho eefcirity I had in ny new meet in the church parlors. Devo- Museum of Arts and Sciences, and December as followi: twenty-six tersected by dividing line of JMHJ* tions will be led by Jay Badgley. also known as a biologist and pun* job and hm feeling of import- telephone cell*.,received, buried of W. Silverman and Ismto of M- Chimneys Connie Badgley will lead the dis-, tographcr, will present h|s natural three dogs struck* by cars; picked 1'itrsc. , ' ance a Celefftone operator gets, cussion. color movie, "Rainbow's End," in : up three dogs and destroyed them Eleanor Price ^olte ••• *n4 Law- ' serving her community. • Monday-~8:15 p. m., The Wom the assembly at Regional High . •/ Comet in thie» » r and picked updone dog and re- rence H. her husband to UtIi*B en's'Evening Guild will meet at turned it to owner1. School, January 21 at 2:15 p,;m. Have a dancing date Ifhc film is a scientifically accur- Price Trussfll, property in the parsonage to see » travelogue street. 313 feet frn*n next Wednesday. program of slides shown by John ate story of how nature adapts »e - $i.oo - $1J9 Fire Co. Membership wild life for maximum protection avenue. . . D Hood. Mrs. Fred.Bcjt will' lead Mr. and Mrs. John H 88t«p!eton. fhedcvotlons, and Mrs. Ellsworth List Changes against the hazards thnt it meets like to j oi'n us? in America's grent outdoors. to Gillian Price Trusaell. pt/>perty Harwell and Mrs. George Thomas TOWNSHIP - Secretary Sulva- in Mountain avenue, intertected by Call "Chief Operator" today. will be, hostesses. tore DelDuca of the Berkeley dividing line of land's of Stony Hill Tuesday-8 p. m.. Men's Club of Heights Volunteer Fire Co. reports Returns Hi Collegg e BORBOROUGOUGHMH f i J Realty Corporation ,*>n4 lawJs of, New Providence will meet at the changes in membership as follows: Jeanne T'>y- ,,EW JERSEY BELL Jor. daughter of Council President Alfrcd;De Fraitw. . •... . ' TELEPHONE COMPANY church parlor*. resignations from active member- Herbert D. Taylor and Mrs. Tay- ^ring Lake Gardens. ,Inc. t* Lemon grass and cltronella now ship. Angelo M. Del Duca and Mi- lor, left Monday to resume h«r Mr. and Mrs. Qeorie A.'Oompton, y1-..*^1 chnel Nlgro':"" elected to fill exist- are being raised in quantity In ing vacancies, Robert Williamson Guatemala for use In scenting her of the freshman class. svenues, and Harold I. CurtU, Jr. *'•••••••••< toilet iotps. * | II THE SUMMIT HfHALD. THUKSDAY. MtWAKf.t. 1MT NewMonoftrt Local Bowling Scores Named for To Tell Chib of [of CIIIM Pmmim State Glaciers CwmtyBoaW Millinery Shops »«« twlo at Hw C. / Three-Mon Us?** City Dr. Mereditli B.. Joto beta, ti. J« « _.„ »*ta*ti Baka A change of managament (or geologist of New Jersey, 'jrfll list. IMi at ten^atrty . Le«d's MUUnery Shop, Springfield ifrcctor licMaae iteatttnc J^I its its 5re« th«Su»mitN»ture GUP call ahow«| el* naBAeve wreSeat ui NMVIB* 1« 154 •venue, w*s announced thla week. U* Wednesday evening; two fcttMlHt 1*5 if a i 4oey Cohen of Chatham, »an- ttlautes of 0* K t'**l>tr IM, it U (i it? IK _j«r for the last »eveml ymu, will b«r tftk, tut, nn « tortc will be 'Tbe Glaetetion printed COPMS on tin I,I > llri i.n-VUn tit IM Wave to become manager of the Comraunksttkf was *3 1« New Jersey," **d h« will de-- T I.--T T.Wor Jean's Millinery stores. This con- 111 itJ many of th« complex terms k 4(1 itt lit st «trn ha* »bop# in moat of the Mayor «>« C 6 HTO Ave. 1«4 i* larger New Jewejr aod New York for glackU fownaUons an4 proc- wpuStkm Jtor Bftkt* XT, ih» rear 1MT, was 1, , .]. tl MS JIS.M Sir dtiee, lnoludlnf Jhe metrofoMUn Roaa Commilts*. It • . ltill m '"Se lecture' will further detail Followlnv awadriy NMHs wn w. 1- • «i 1UU* 1W *»#>' 1*8# ni m »* Miss Constance Hope Mayer of uw elfe«U of the glacier on thecelved.taT orderedhrfled! TWrdrJu. 8 »U ltl.ll trlet Oourt; fifth Dtotrict cSirt ,nd MUMngton will be maswget of County PhydclM. ", / n »l« % ltl* state, with particular refereace to t<\ ' k u 1« IM If Leed's, coming to the local store p-oirowln* Annual Reports %•» ». M m in.w 1« 1«4 •ucb features at e»n be eeen in V. <"• 111 ISO '] mi Sfftek Ml tiyw ••aw >pg^^«w^ v» .••• m \jr.lh I In 4J ur IS effective this week. Fre*holo«r Smith tor «.» ,, 41 in Oommitu*. approvimr r«quttt for 41 m ftt.i» "in Mr, Nil»n served the Post for tef- retirement on MMIOR «f K«l)1« » tl tM.it fuear? • Staa«ate KEAOV WOK CHATHAM - Thaf« Snauart Higb een, David Anthony Bono, Don Quid* Ifoeon HIH Po*t VFW, Ort«n, Senior Ctark JHrnotraphtr In T«l U4.lt eral yeart ind has received the -•«•. School's baaketbaU squad who travsl to Chatham and AeaUtautt Manager Banufs; center row—Al the Cionnty Clerk'e Offlc*, tff«cav» 171.1 tia«Wa«nr G«ts Poppy Soli Aword commendation of hi» as»oclate» for Januarr 1. 1MT, IM w mil n't tomorrow for Its first encounter of tha year againat Fetckert, Hut Hawlton, Art tfotterell, Carl Und- Beacon Hill Post »0. Veterans bis work. Jsaiaw I K*»«Uf quiet, Jin Kelly, Aagtlo Rotunfll, PhU Trowbridge Kreeholder imfth tor the Pintn<-« I nt—4?i 14 the Morris County School. Tba game will start at of Foreign Wart at )tt meeting Announcement U made that any 137 13T '1*2—4« CtiarUww and John Flmla; front row—Tom Bell, Fred Sigler, 8 p.m. The Summit squad, reading left to right: on Monday night received an au- serviceman who haj problems con- »*nl»»tlon' Mwtli* of ta« Boud of SH SAnfttntt B»Wt RttHtU May, Emit Bontempo, Fred Speaker, Bill Chosen rr«*holdert of Union Countr American L—foB rear row—Assistant Manager Moll, Raymond Ker- tographed picture of Eleanor cerning his eervice In the Armed for the y«*r INT. sitiill b* held at th. lit) tit. HI and George Sperco, (Photo by Jay) JsaeMT » ••***• rigan, Ccwimo Pediclnl, Harold Ahem, Htrt Boren- Parker as an award for tbe excel- Forces and needing advice and Court HOUM, EXIsaiMth, N. J., On Moronty is* Thundar, January *. INT at tw«]ve IM vi StHMnH Bulrk lent results of the Poppy Sale help may contact either Mr. Bald- o'clock noon, waa on roll oaU unani- Kr»nn .... va. Amertnan I>|ion tit t«—IS* Elliott Roosevitt; Color Blind, by last F«H by the Auxiliary. . win or Mr. Manger for assistance. mously adopted. Allen Isaeary U Hatratt Most'Wonted Books Tlie Cltrk then read mlnut«i «[ ilM vs. Chamfer of Co Margaret Halfrey; Generation of Owing to the resignation of "«» Quiz Program National income increased from this meeting- which were appruvtd, ; »i. Putvcrittmt At PubNe library Viper*, by Philip Wiley; The Lwlie Nilan at service officer, There tain* no further bmlntw 71 billion dollars in 1937 to 197and upon motion of rr««hokler Dud .-111—557 Seven books lead the requests Lowells, by F. Greenstet; The due to a change in occupation, l»y, duly seconded and earrted, th# billion dollars ia 1M5, the New Dry don Its At Old Guard from th« public at the Summit Plotters, by John CarUwn; and Commander Spaulding named Mr, Director dtctsrad the Board td- Boys Clubs Solve journed eln* dlt. •_ • "in Twi library. They are: East River, by Thunder Out of China, by Theo- Baldwin to that office. He will Jersey ~ IS points out. ^ CHAA M. AWTUECK fiholem Asch; As He Saw It, bydore White. be assisted by Joseph Manger, Adv. Cltrk. 114 IM Meeting Tuesday IT* Juvenile Problem, r ra in For a second time John M. Ker win of Maplewood waa Quixmae Kiwanis ToW r for his fellow members of th< J7J 1» 71H—4»* • 1M »» . Boyj dune operating under Old Guard, On his "Blue Panel Ocro trained leaden can go a long were "John Kternan" Hall, "Clif- (I) 4»S M9( tlf 1104 way toward* meeting any prob- ton Fadiman" Clayton, C. H. Ken: lem* with youth In a given dal, Austin Lowe and Harry Mar t79 ?SJ ,.— -.. . 174 i:» m-su neighborhood. Thli waa tbe gilt •hall; with "Franklin Adams" Car- HI SJ5-SM of «a addma made to 8umnit ver, "Oacar Levant" Petrle, Alfred Kiwanla al their w»kJy luneh«wi DuffieW, Harry Gilmore, Georg Tuesday by Adjutant Clarence Holden and Bert Walker on tbe Poll stationed with the Salvation Red Panel." Frank Waterman Array in MorrUtown. wai the Answer man^ Roy Baktr Teaching the boya "to doacore" r and Charles Thorp Moder- aeetned to be the adjutant'* an ator. Over 70 question* were pro- earer to ©oaduetlng a boys' club. pounded alternately to each pane Whether it be power took or any and, when either panel failed, to bn« of the many inttrumenta in the house. Such questions a band, Sir. Dell told of hU ex-whit causes bread to rise, naming Ilr ihnwn In |tar»ntli»«i« but perience* puttinjc his ideaa Into the first island captured by our not inchwlfrd In »w)r»«. practice in the boya' club under, forces after ''Pearl Harbor," atat- IS Troop 62 Hears • direction at Morrlatvwn and ?'approximately the percentage for Higher Telephone Rates sponsored by the Kiwanis Clut In of irce world'ji population which Christmas Carol ;that city. .".'.•' ':,'•'•-• •;-•-•' catihot reed In any language, the "In the worda of Tiny Tim, tSod The speaker said that the boyi' origin of the expression, "Kilroy bless us everyone'.*' Having settled A fTATIHIIMT „ club carried on a program the t« here" and many other*-=eov- down for a quiet winter'* evening. year around including the offer erlng history, literature, govern Scout Troop 62 gathered about to; ing of camping experience. He ment and other fields were an- • Y CHIS Til I. IAINAID, PRISIDINT hoar Mlsa Lillian Speer read the was introduced by Richard Sieber, awered correctly. The final score Chrlstmns carol. Miss Speer, re- T first vice-president and chairman waa 33 H for the "reds" and SOtt ^NIW JI1SIY IHL TILI>HOHI COMPANY \ cently appointrd acting Summit of the program committee. Mr, for the "blues," the members of librarian, read parti of Dkkens' Sieber, a former Morrlatown mer- which panels the Moderator dis- C^rlstrriRi! Carol at the dow of chant, testified -to-the ..effective tributed winning and consolation the troop'» Christmas patty. ness of Mr; Ddl'jj work, candy package* Miss Speer participated in a fine HPHE responsibility of furnishing telephone seryice in New Jersey carries with it the obligation arts program which the troop har Before' the 1a,ui«," Director Thorp read an appreciation of and *• to see to it that the service shall be adequate and dependable. Since 1925, the cost of service been conducting, with apcclal Troop (9 Holds emphasis on literature. An inspec- a note of sympathy for the family generally hajg not been increased, and in many respects has been reduced. Now the time has come tion of the new troop library Lonc| Winter Camp of Clyde A. Berry and noted the death of Lynn 8. Edwards, He shelves was made by Miai 8i».«r, Troop 69, B.S.A., sponsored by when, in order to fulfill our obligation, we find it necessary to give notice to the Board of Public rtso read a recent letter from tbe who expressed her approval of the St. John's Lutheran Utility Commissioners of New Jersey of increases ia charges for intrastate telephone aervioe, Old Boys" of BrWol, England. troop-conducted library. a long-term winter camp and hike 1 New members welcomed were an I would like to tell you why. ->- -- The scoutmaster presented each at Canip Watch ung. located near other retired professor from Drew scout with a scout diary for 1947 Washington. N. J, on the last four Seminary and Richard L. Corby, following the game period in days of December, with two lead- Sr, who, with his brother, had which the Hawk Patrol ers. Their activities Included ice HOT SEEKING LAROi PROFITS WHAT WE ARI ASKING FOR twice entertained ^ths jOldi Guard ilkating before brcakfast a long The proposed new rates, would increase our total rev* l they an mighty tough. Con* next laelr second jama ia three starts away with a M-M decision. W. them out, but well go over a few briefly. Tue5day afternoonf , CornoC g wilill takke hhis players Into Ekstac the Suburban Ooetfeteace wfcea Moroney was the only Summit It's cheaper and more satisfactory to maintain a few to meat tht Caldwell afternoon they traveU- flayer to make two figure* la the playgrounds and gymnasiums than an equal number of •coring with U point* whereas f, for their fourth Suburban as far as the Suburban Confer- «d to Glen Ridg« and defeated th« tha County seat boys had three courta and jails. It's cheaper than paying premiums on ia> rence gam" «* ^ha season, eaet U concerned Isaej Oouaty tmm, 1M1, ta an surance against theft and destruction. overtime period. players who tallied in the double the current leaders la CSBnalateatr/ ineonsUtent to data, figures, Hourllun tallying 23 County's- mythical class CoraoTa cagen are eager to keep At ttw half Summit led by*, poinu to lead tht Korinc parade INDUCEMENT TO STAY ON RIdHT SIDE on the right foot in their next ith Alan Smith, Len Stir- ger point, 15-14. At the end of the Saissalt T A prog*"*™ of recreation and sports, properly conducted, w t«o matches. Woefully wemk 1st third tt&aia, the Hill City outfit is a great inducement to a boy or girl to itay on the right Btaod Eddie Mcfllgunnla the aubs for the top part of his line- o. r; P. trailed by three points, »-30. In Sturm, f side. Summit's public school and Board of Recreation Pro- liitup, wiU have a alight edge over up and recognizing that la the th« last period, the Summit boys M. t gram has proved this. This program has certsin basic Tt> tomorrow night. Thia Is brand of basketball played now- t 1 y quirements. The programs mu»t be made attractive and the ,11 the more so because the Chat- adays subs art of vital import- overcame this deficit by oomlag up ljolatU, t aace, Cornog has been working even with a 19-S8 score. iJufnail. v beneficiaries must understand that participation ie a privi- m boys are on their borne court. W. liorvney, ( 1* hard with hlj second stringers Harold (Red) Ahem was the lege denied to them if they misbehave. There must be ade- hoping to have then) set to step Total* It 1* SI .court-. - '• ( hero of the extra period putting quate facilities and equipment and more than adequate leid- I While Summit on ita home court in and capably nil a vacancy through a goal and a free shot o. ership. defeated Morristown, M-2», Chat- should « starter be forced oat on, while the Rldgef. Sheeny swished liourlltsm, f foals in a tight game. l'aJkoutoi. t bam defeated the Colonials Friday the net* for ei goal, the only score 8, Labi, f CDonnell, e FACILITIES AND LEADERSHIP IMPORTANT night, 29-25, on the latter'a own Conference Strings Into for the hom« team in the extra I period. ^' J'etras. ( A tandlot or an old barn is better than no place to phy, court. -.•«•• All the schools in the Suburban Ss.nt«lia. a i 1 but a boy does appreciate a real baseball or football field or if Summit can't take OaldweU Herb Sorewsen, 8umm)| pivot, Conference are in session tats led the Maroon and White's attack Total* - 15 I M gym. Leadership: It isn't enough to provide a rubby play- Tuesday afternoon, the Coraog- week after the holiday with 10 points to gain runner-up men had better give up the ghost Conference competitors are again ground and say, "Go ahead and play." Some capable person honom to Sjcltler of Glen Ridge In a full swing of basketball Civk Cotmcit or persons must get the kids to come around and show them who was high scorer with U coun- games'. _ ' - • ..-.'. • Tops Cntsodtn what to do when they get there. This writer knows of dozens Jable Tennis Aj to the early sesjon. pros- The Young Men's Civic Council Summit Javsaa loat to the Ridg- of coaches and teachers; who give generously of their time to tlub Offers pects in the conference, the role era' juniors, Mt-lS. opened their basketball season such projects and receive little if any extra compenaatiac of favorite has been given to JfiD* Monday night defeating the Cru- There must be thousands of others. burn with Verona as a close aee- tasiBilt (ISJ saders of the Community League, U-W. Cubbison of the losers with Program of JT ond Summit will have to hustle Praia, f YOUR SUPPORT-NEEDED to beat out Glen Ridge. Prospects IS points was high scorer of the TV newly organised- Summit t: HaMlton, f for even a fair season at Madison Ah*™, I > I (Photo by J«y) game. Roby and Brannon of tht This writer hasn't said everything about ths subject and Sorenwn, c COMB It) PAPA. Herbe Soreuaen, M, C. A. Table Tennia Club ia -••-i;. for the bait Red Ahern (U), winners were runnen-up with 14 may not have said it in the best way, but it is his hope that are not in the offing. Caldwell Kelly, x •—' l Summit High's pivot man in white meeting every Honda? evening at will cause Summit trouble unleta INrfMnJ, t l Summit forward, i# awalUng de- points each. Eddie Holmes coach, Jersey (reader's left), is attempt- this will help to induce every reader to support existing 7.30 in the table tennis section for the Hill City boys put more drive velopments. Santpaonr Ml«bum es the Civic Council, totals is ing to get a toss-up Friday night sports programs in Summit or to, create them where they do. men In the Y, M. C. A. The club li Into their playing. To date Sum- 13, is waiting just in ease. Note Cl»le (.'oaarll k on the local schools gym as Mill- : not exist. It will take plenty of large «nd amall stale plan* open "for »» Y. M, C. A. mem- mit has shown itself deficient in ftea Hit/ the overflow of spectators on the " • • "' • o r . p burn player's waiting arms reach floor. MIIHmrn Higb won, 48-J9. of age and older who drive and the ability to capitalise r. r, Sicklw. t toby, r. this far, now go back, please, and read the first paragraph ire table tentfts enthusiast* and on shooting opportunities. Unless Ronulne. c l Brannon, t, •Ii AfHtjav'i in this column, especiilly the sentence, "Whenn boy or girl « the team cures these imperfec- -•#•'• who are interested in competing r*6rby. ».' tions. It will not f o very far. Sheehjr. a with other teams and individual*. ^*tse«le, (, gets into trouble, it usually is someone else who is delin- Totals" "~" W T H Millburn Romps, 48-39, At the present, time'Carl Ehnls, •Totai* -a- quent. chairman of the club, is endeavor- Summit 411 i » a—u Cress4*rs Wotchunq Horns aim Rida* Ii • s a ing to make.matches with other Cubbison, f. Against Summit Here R. Aliern. f. 1 ToUto [organisations, with the Morrlatown Wintering in Ainioiy Van Tronk, p. 4 Janaarjr I R«siUi us ts a. Living up to pre-season expectations which touted itarino, c. •eon HI T (HI table Tennis Club at) the likely Horses from the Union County Sifter, f r. KJrby, g. Bill Cltjr HI t (It) opening opponent. The nucleus of Park Commission's Watchung May, f t Millburn High School as the team to beat for Suburban t O. "<*t. e t i leotsi, g. F, T. OenUl*. rf the Summit team ia composed of Stable* In CSlenside avenue, Sum- , Ahern, f. 1 Btnntr, rf - i 0 •:.« Rl«no»hf, H laxelton, r t Conference honors, the Millers swept to an easy 48-39 Canflcld, rf 1 i Speaker, f s Hok«mb«, If ike Hanvllk brothers, Al Weaver^ t, have been moved for the Totals Mantel, If 8 t ru]y,- -I* J 1 length-of-the-court pass from Dey, c Total* 11 S p, Totals t st Franke, % (II) Bill Franke to convert, and Franke F. Miller, K .Bill !»«»• IS4) "CHEERFUL EARFUi" Tiree-Man Loop dropped in a free throw. Red Robertiion, K Pattlson P; if H 1 A Ahern broke the spell, but the Clausner, •%. O«(Mla, U • % Totals A stubborn eight pin in the Mllbauer, K loourjujr, If e 1 Notion, rf ' seventh frame, on a good, pocket osers were unable to get any Warner, -g >atttsSn, e 4 1 Moroney, If closer. A pair of baskets by Aires Thole. IK 1 0 Mardaney, c hit, deprived Ray Taylor, Sr, of Totals Murray, rg I n Zottl. rf Socctr Numeral Ghran and goals by Don Robertson and Oanjcer, rr William H. North.> son of Dr. a 300 game in the City Three-Matt Doc Dey more than evened up for HasiMlt Total! 1 n VanrJyke D, If League Friday night. Taylor O r. Vandyke.!,' la and Mre. Eric M. North of Badeau pair of double-deckers by Kietz- Kletxman, f s 1 KOrigant t K**pln9 it In Hw Family avenue, has been awarded his wound up his game with a 27f man and Sorenson'S set shot. v ..4.. ~o Ahtrn, f . ' s Up In Havwlll, Mass., football class numerals (or soccer at \Vea- score, the highest to date in the Sorenson, r 4 Aires continued to sparkle in Cottrell, K 4 0 has been really a family affair, at letan ^University, Mlddletown, league. His game was instrumen- he second -session with four points Uunla, f 0 0 least .at St. James High School. Conn., where be Is a freahman. tal in the Taylor trio getting a Kelly, f , 2 0 During the paat seaion five pairs as the Blues advantage went to Pedlclnl. p '•• A He Is a graduate of Summit High split with, the leading team of 24-13. The attack continued as of brothers were on the squad School and i* a member of Eclec- Baum, Bebmit and Schoenwieaner. Totals it- tle Fraternity. the, second half opened. Dey Millburn U 1? 74 en wrm assistant coach. Thole, In the other matches), Ruisi, dropped in a pair of baskets be- Summit 7 U 1.-,—3» McCue" and Finneran took a 3-1 ore Sorenson dropped In a re- and Coffee. decision over Moroney, Brenn and bound. Three quick ehota by Aires, 1 Allen, mainly because of a 091 all on followups, widened the mar- Boot Show Rtvivto aerlts by Tom Finneran, his high- gin even farther as the quarter Coming back After a war-time v est to date In the circuit. ended. hibernation is the National Mo- Casper, Freyberger and Swick Summit did better* in the last tor Boat Show which will open split with Hanlon, Nardiello and period against the visitors' spares. Friday night at the Grand Cen- Brydon. High aeries were rolled "WE THE CASE WITH YOU, THE JUKI'!* The locals outacored their foes, tral Palace after a lapse of six by Swick with a 867, topped by a IB toT. yeara. Exhibitors from & atates, 263 in his last game, and 557 by as well as England and Canada, HAVE! In the evening's opener, the Your first purrhaxe will furnish the rvidenff. to prove thai Nardiello, a new three-game high Summit Jayvees gained an easy will display the newest develop- for him. ments in boats, marine englnea DAVE'S has the finrst srlrrlion of importrd and domrstie 38-28 win over the Millbura jun- Klvlen and the two Philllppi and nautical accessories to the wine* and liquon in Summit. It's not nrrrstary to shop for ors, i . boys won 3-1 from the Madison extent that additional space on BimmU JV'f »our liquor needs, juit phonv your order to DAVE'S and it trio of Darling, Carey an* Gero. thp fourth floor of the big; exhibi- o. r. will rceeive our personal attention and prompt delivery. Gero rolled a pair of 222 games, OlITI W. S i tion hall U being utilized. More SptrcoPolt. f. -t 1t i than 220 boat builders and manu both of which were clean, to com* May, e S I plcte a 616 three-game, total. Thla> Haielton, K 1 facturers of engines and equip- three-game series waif topped only Spraker, c 1 ment will be represented on the by Roy Baum who had 623. These Totals 17 four floors and an Imposing fleet series were new highs for botto of more than 1T0 recreational bowlers. .< • craft will be assembled, The boats Leaders in the league are: 300 Geddis Posts will range from the tiniest of sail- gates—Baum and Schoenwieaner, ing prams and cartop erf ft to U each: clean games—Gero, Sf Easy Win, Ciba cabin cruisers up t» ef feet la high single game individual, Tay- length. lor, ST., 279; high three gamea in- Has Close One dividual-Kivlen, MS. Single and Olba had a tight squeak Monday Ckeo-Choo Uodtn three-man team highs' are held by night in the Community League 25 UNION PLACE, SUMMIT, MJ Klvlen and the PhilUppl boys with posting a 41-39 decision over tbe Hoy Homt Saturday W9 and 17W respectively. American Legion. In the night- the Summit Y.M.C.A. basket ball team, current leaders in the cap Geddis Service Station had an Lackawanna League with six wins easy time against the- Lincoln T, and a loss, will play at home Sat' winning 39-23. urday meeting the Salvato A. C. ATTEXTIOIV MOTORISTS Clba of Newark starting at 8:30 p. n. O r Tomorrow night the Summit team .»'• PUate cut thb out and keep it for reference. rfoEnrot, f. Spencar, t. i travels to Morristown to play Mor- Cnffney, e, i ristown Y. Br«nn, f. i Final Notice for holders of tZ 100-M9 _ , Bohr*, f. j January 15 b deadline date tor gnanmtee of Mine number in thi» series. Totals u 2Q0' Font Tumtd Away AnrrlriR M was pointed out a weak ago UY10 A to 99 Z Reserved from Jan. 15th to Jan. 31st a In the Summit Herald, It was nec- Kowfllskl. f. t Rloetilto, I: i essary to go to the High School UZ10 A to 991 Reserved from Feb/lst to Feb. 15th 1. Twill, f. t before 7:80 p. m. Friday, night ia E. Twill, r. C. Twill, g. order to get a aeat for the Summit- and m series cannot lie reserved -*** ^£!! Ptarlman, ». MUlburn basketball game. An asU- 100 to 999-may be replaced wtth VZ 100 to 999 from Onffney, %. 0 mated 300 fana were turned sway sAN**^ ^tnirii Totals ii because no more could be sqatesed into a single comer. O r n. MUM. r. 0 a, Miifi. t I Community Ltogut ^». y»r »«»be» M s^i. wffl e»k y ^ Thatch, o.^i ii A I'ottlfonl. f. •>»> n A Reservations cannot be accepted unless 1946registration has sec- CroufhUr, K: 1 fl Ceddls Bervlce Station Total) 11 1 rriba Uallsh Bevwa** ond inspection approval stamp. Or4dls Hmtre American Lc»ion a r Lincoln T • , ' o»dAi*. r. P»rrottt. f. tl Bhamrocki 194$ Ktynold*. <• i Eastern Fuel JlnlK)fHIUll«, C. X JkRiarr 1* flsmoi Morontiy. f. i Eastern Fu«l Vi. Crusndcrf. Motor Vehicle Departmeiit" 107 Summit Avenue Hufnall, fj • 0 Ballih v» Shatnrockii. Lo)«tt», f. JaRurjr II (J«m»> n Amerlrnn tuition vs. Oeddl«. THOMAS F. MUNROE, Agent -Totali 14 11 ii Clba vs. Crusaders. AUOTDOPAIC ale voJiey of rntie> "KI0H8R AND HIGHER Nearby Tlmatm Baa., lilt, »:« to Paper Mill prodwetieaa, Mr, At M«qw«, Fwbnwry 7 «riA fun,, Moa.,THWL Garriagtoa ia •lemeaim Ralaav The renowned 8i«mund Bom- #a>. ti-Oat Mr Mir ia the pert ef tie JaUdes," berg, composer of "The Student «DEVIL BAW DACQHTEJl by Gage ia th# moat reeeat -8TRA.VOBB or mm SWA Catherine Ma-tice wUl Prince** ''The Desert SOB* a^** tfatattv" dartaf opea- more than 50 other famou* oper- Krlr Mon, Tier.. Wyd. 6 1 AhenaaUaf with her ettas, wUl itart hU IW co" * ^ _ the eteaad week wUl vey. Lft Btoek, wao iaja flayei will dep*rt ft^ Weehawken Sta- Manner*. m atveral. e*rilar eperettam. Uoa at > a. m., arrlidnjt at Bear "Mmy Widow" AJbett Carroll, away tor a moatk, somes Mountain 1:55 am. wfll teMrs to fiay •Wla*,* a sart BOftCE tad CVDCSTBIAL 8Jw» To End Season kekwhedtataepaat Othst»i» The train will leave Bear Moun- tae east laded* Martta Lataea. IB station at > p. m., aad arrive Hake* BatkJag, WMklof eed "S**a> At Paper Mill Jefan Bayer. Seanead Heard, SWr- at Weehawkea at «:» P- »• Cojt •Trans L«har> toWrirlaf ej «naa, Deaakt Hoyt, Warrea per p*r*on, round trip, will be reade Cooked to e*ft watt* taate Wed., Than.. IVI.. l: Reaeie HarHwaaa. Ulllaa JUt. I:M. »:W, 1:41 etttag of Old mesas, tW •TP I'M LDCKT' lout operetta, Ike Meny IHiam* W. Uataer to the Music gun, t:», T:0S. M:I« Uw Wwh-OUn Sparkle—Oetfcee Mon. TiiJi., t:l«, t:M, 19:11 wilt be preaewtadi ay Fnak Qsr» TRATKUP . „ Iton as Ms Cleaner »MI BHfbtor with Jeae effort. Sun., 2: Berkeley Heights, N. J. openioc Monday, Jaaaary 11 I Ave. ^!lt, i.U, , uttngal aa EKpreaa Saow Train fey 10:21 a favoHta with operetta ("omtiur Attr»rt)on: the New tork Central Railroad. "DARK MIRROR- the world West Shore DivUioa to rua from CLINTON Mlllbin PA kK, MOB»I»T«WX !•«. I. 11, II, It, It, 14, It tamed for Ha timeftti New Tork aty to Bear MOUB- TITLEindMORTGAGtCUAKAKTYCO MILLJURN, a J. Widow Walta" tata. 5I5CLINI0NAVE..NIWARK8.N.J iMINliVRIt* WALKfHUM I.AC K with) half a the ferrjr wUl leave Weal «ad AW ANNA B, 8. tTAflOM m highlight*, the street at *M m. m. aad the train r. S. BC8 STOP AT MILLBCK K WILLIAM P. been one of the moat rbooe Saert HUfti 7-S0M STRAND THEATRE »howi in the Paper 1011 mal Frank Carrla|t«n, Director Hiaa Mercer, erstwhile of the Hat. t:0«, Bv«. 1 *0 C«ntlnuou» Bat. *n