496 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 1959. KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE AND WIGTOWNSHIRE Galloway County Constituency—Henry John BREWIS, RENFREWSHIRE Esq. Bast Renfrewshire County Constituency—Miss Marga- ret Betty Harvie ANDERSON, O.B.E. LANARKSHIRE West Renfrewshire County Constituency—The Right Bothwell County Constituency—John TIMMONS, Esq. Honourable John Scott MACLAY, CjM.G. Hamilton County Constituency—Thomas ERASER, Esq. Greenock Burgh Constituency—Jesse Dickson MABON, Esq. Lanark County Constituency—Judith Mrs HART. Paisley Burgh Constituency—-Major Douglas Harold Motherwell County Constituency—George McArthur JOHNSTON, Q.C. LAWSON, Esq. North Lanarkshire County Constituency—Miss Marga- ROXBURGHSHIRE AND SELKIRKSHIRE ret MoCroxie HERBISON. Roxburgh, Selkirk and Peebles County Constituency— Rutherglen County Constituency—Lieutenant-Colonel Corrynander Charles Edward McArthur DONALD- Richard Charles BRODMAN-WHITE (R.A.R.O.). SON, V.R.D. CoaUbridge and Airdrie Burgh Constituency—James DEMPSEY, Esq. STIRLINGSHIRE AND CLACKMANNANSHIRE Glasgow Bridgeton Burgh Constituency—James CAR- Clackmannan and East Stirlingshire County Constitu- MICHAEL, Esq. ency—The Right Honourable Arthur WOODBURN. Glasgow Cathoart Burgh Constituency—John HENDER- West Stirlingshire County Constituency—William SON, E!sq. BAXTER, Esq. Ola§goW Central Burgh Constituency—James Mo* Stirling t and Falkirk Burghs Burgh Constituency— INNES, Esq., -M,B;E. Major Malcolm MACPHERSON, M.S.E. Glasgow Craigton Burgh Constituency—'Bruce MILLAN, WEST LOTHIAN Esq. West Lothian County Constituency—John TAYLOR, Glasgow Gorbals Burgh Constituency-t-Alict Mrs CULLEN. Glasgow Govan Burgh Constituency—John RANKTN, Esq. Glasgow Billhead Burgh Constituency—Lieutenant . LANGHODM—PROHIBITIONS WAITING Thomas Galloway Dunlop GALBRAITH (commonly called Lieutenant The Honourable Thomas Gal- THE Secretary of State* 'hereby gives notice that he pro- loway Dunltfp GALBRAITH). poses to make a<n Order under section 46(3) of the Road Traffic Act, 1930.
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