Political Parties in the Middle East the Problems of the ³Establishment´ : ΩϭοϭϣϟϤϭϧϋ Political Parties in the Middle East 21/11/2016 : ΈηϧϟΦϳέύη
The Problems of the ³Establishment´ : ωϭοϭϣϟϡγ Political Parties in the Middle East The Problems of the ³Establishment´ : ωϭοϭϣϟϥϭϧϋ Political Parties in the Middle East 21/11/2016 : έηϧϟΦϳέΎΗ ΔϣΩϘΗϣϟΕΎγέΩϟϭΙΎΣΑϸϟϝΑϘΗγϣϟίϛέϣ : ΏΗΎϛϟϡγ : ωϭοϭϣϟ Political parties and coalitions, often referred to as the ³establishment´parties or the parties sponsored by the regime and the president, face in the coming months escalating crises impacting their performance, their alliances, and their survival. These crises are evident in the current state of the dominant parties in the Sudan, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, Djibouti, Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. These parties suffer from a legacy of repeated failure in attaining domestic achievements, the escalation of conflicts involving party leadership, and the formation of fluid institutional party alliances. In addition, there is increasing intersection between executive functions and party roles, conflicts on the fringes of party coalitions, the absence of ideological harmony between these ruling coalitions, and the purging of the party structure from dissenting elements. Furthermore, there are doubts being cast on the legitimacy of their social representation, as well as the incompetence of party leadership in confronting major crises and their alliances with armed militias. Mainstream literature on ruling parties and coalitions in the region seeks to explain their failure to carry out their political functions to the detriment of internal stability through the following factors:The Legacy of the Past:1- Repeated failures to attain domestic achievements: These failures are epitomized by the experience of Egyptian political parties. The regime¶s parties have failed over six decades, beginning with the July 23rd Revolution of 1952 until the June 30th Revolution of 2013, to attain domestic success.
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