Digital platform for citizens and authorities, municipality of Isérables (Switzerland) (picture Peter Niederer)

Smart Digital

Transformation of Villages

in the Alpine Space

Newsletter #01 – March 2019 SmartVillages aims to create opportunities for a smart transition of Municipalities and Regions in mountainous areas through new forms of stakeholder involvement facilitated by Information and Communication Technologies.

Innovative 2.685.381 EUR from 17 April 2018 to 16 April 2021

Newsletter #01 – March 2019 Alpine space rural communities suffer from a brain drain, due to the lack of highly needed jobs, good provision of services as well as a favourable climate for entrepreneurship and social innovation. Although digitalisation offers a promising approach to address this challenge, the digital divide between rural and urban areas has increased in the last years. A smart village approach for mountain areas could unlock the potential of local actors to make their region a more attractive place to live and work. By applying a smart village approach and bringing together policy-makers, business, academia and civil society actors, the project aims at fostering innovation through new forms of stakeholder involvement facilitated by Information and Communication Technologies.


According to the European Commission, smart villages are communities in rural areas that develop smart solutions to deal with challenges in their local context. They build on existing local strengths and opportunities to engage in a process of sustainable development of their territories. They rely on a participatory approach to develop and implement their strategies to improve their economic, social and environmental conditions, in particular by promoting innovation and mobilizing solutions offered by digital technologies. Smart villages benefit from cooperation and alliances with other communities and actors in rural and urban areas. The initiation and the implementation of smart village strategies may build on existing initiatives and can be funded by a variety of public and private sources.


SmartVillages guides stakeholders to understand the SV concept and develop it on their communities:

1 To Initiate understanding and mutual learning on the SV Ecosystem

2 To Facilitate innovation through the development of tools and transnational exchange

3 To Raise awareness for a SV policy


Newsletter #01 – March 2019 ALL SMART DIMENSIONS

In the first project phase are been identified six different “dimensions” of the smartness:

Smart Mobility - new and integrated modes of transportation

Smart Governance - public services improvement: greater efficiency, community leadership and mobile working

Smart Economy – new, innovative models and strategy of business approach

Smart Environment – sustainable and advanced intelligence applied to the territory and the environment

Smart Living – original and innovative solutions aimed at improving the quality of life

Smart People – approaches finalized to an inclusive society that promotes innovation


Municipality of Löffingen - Regionalverband Südlicher Oberrhein (Germany) Löffingen is a town in Baden-Württemberg (Germany). It is situated 40 km southeast of Freiburg. Löffingen covers an area of 88 km² and has a population of approximately 7.700 inhabitants of which only one half lives in the core town. Apart from the historic centre Löffingen is most famous for the so-called “Wutach Canyon” at the edge of the Black Forrest. The Test Area will focus on citizen-centred smart governance including also smart mobility and smart living. At the moment the Regional Stakeholder Group composed by local public administration, businesses and civil society concentrates on the integration of young people and the evaluation of several possible implementation projects.

Newsletter #01 – March 2019

Pitzal Valley - Tiroler Zukunftsstiftung (Standortagentur Tirol) (AT)

The Pitztal Valley is a 40 km long side valley of the Inn Valley, which is placed in the south of . It consists of four communities: Arzl im Pitztal, , St. Leonhard im Pitztal and . All in all, 7,400 people are living in the Pitztal. From an economic perspective, the tourism sector is very important for the Pitztal. Due to the location of the valley and the structures there, digitalisation can improve the life quality of inhabitants and tourists in many ways. Need is e.g. a better accessibility of the valley, especially in off-peak periods. Due to natural hazards new communication channels between inhabitants and communities are needed. Old structures in the tourism field are limiting the visibility of the area in a global tourism perspective. In the project the activities will concentrate on 3 topics: digitalisation in the tourism sector, smart mobility and smart communities. Aims are the creation of new opportunities in the tourism sector, better accessibility for guests and inhabitants and better services and communication between inhabitants and communities. Target groups are tourists, tourism enterprises, tourism association Pitztal, communities, and inhabitants.

Newsletter #01 – March 2019

Bodensee area and Lake Constance Region - Bodensee Standort Marketing GmbH (DE)

The Bodensee Standort Marketing GmbH (BSM) is a bureau for transnational business development located in the Bodensee-area. The BSM is a public administration with 34 shareholders from Germany, , Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Lake Constance is also an international, digital region for small and medium- sized enterprises. In the project "SmartVillages" the BSM wants to anchor the topic 360° as a comprehensive topic. For this purpose, a platform will be created to combine the beautiful images of the region with economic benefits (smart economy). Citizens should be actively taken on the path of digital transformation (smart governance). Small businesses in rural areas should use a blogger to communicate their service portfolio with the outside world (smart living).

Padna Village, Solčava and Kungota Municipality - University of Ljubljana (SLO)

Padna Village is located in rural area in Coastal region of . The village covers around 3 km2 and has approximately 180 inhabitants. The region has a sub-Mediterranean climate conditions, which enable the development of tourism and some special agricultural crops production (i.e. olive trees, Mediterranean herbs). Economy of the region is strongly based on services such as trade, accommodation, and transport that are generated by activities at the port of Koper. In port of Koper also tourists cruise ships have their stopping point. Village Padna provides genuine experience of the coastal countryside to tourist who are

Newsletter #01 – March 2019 important source of income. The main aim is to support the activities in the field of smart tourism and establishing of the dispersed hotel Padna. Focal point of our collaboration is a local community. The Municipality of Solčava lies at the Slovenian – Austrian borderline, in the headwaters of River. The specialty of the region are three parallel Alpine, glacial valleys of Logarska dolina, Robano and Matkov kot. 80% of the region is protected under Landscape Park and Natura 2000 site. The municipality covers 103 km2 and has around 550 inhabitants. The community lives in sustainable relationship with environment through traditional or organic farming, forestry and crafts as well as agri- and eco- tourism, thus allowing for continuous environmental protection of the area. The main interests of this project is to foster the already functioning initiatives (cooperation of land owners in Logar valley, wool processing, food products, wood craftsmen, young locals) and professionalize it with new approaches. One of the focal partners is the Municipality Solčava. The Municipality of Kungota is a small municipality situated in the north-eastern part of Slovenia in the hilly region of Slovenske Gorice. It covers territory of 49 km2 and counts around 4300 inhabitants. To the north it borders to the Austrian state border. Around 80% of inhabitants are farmers, primarily traditional winegrowers on family farms by working on own land and also rented land. In addition, a large company AJM Ltd. employs a number of inhabitants. Others work in the service sector such as building construction, electrical infrastructure, carpenters, expanding business also in the larger cross-border Austrian region. One of the focal points of the community is the Intergenerational centre The House of all Generations Kungota which was established by the Municipality of Kungota in the year 2013.

Valli del SOL - Agenzia di Sviluppo Gal Genovese (IT)

“Valli del SOL” is a rural mountain area in the Liguria Region (IT). It is composed of three main Valleys (Stura Orba and Leira) and five Municipalities (Campo Ligure, Masone, Mele, Rossiglione and Tiglieto), that belongs to the National “Strategia Aree Interne Beigua SOL”. These three Valleys are part of the Beigua Regional Natural Park, Unesco Geopark. The area is connect to the coast and the county seat through railways, motorway and a county road but these services are not sufficient to meet the needs of inhabitants. A relevant percentage of citizens are commuters (workers or students). Therefore, the main need is the improvement of accessibility and transport through innovative forms of smart mobility and an integrated transport systems creation. Municipalities and citizens are the most important target groups we involved.

Newsletter #01 – March 2019

Royans-Vercors Intermunicipality - Association pour le Développement en REseau des Territoires et des Services (FR)

The Royans-Vercors Intermunicipality is a rural area of 497 km² located one hour south-west of Grenoble city in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, 9700 inhabitants are living there. That region presents the characteristics of a preserved and attractive environment appreciated both by tourists and inhabitants, thus a touristic destination famous for its landscapes and its local farming products such as nuts fruits. Territory is ageing resulting in public services departure and drop of local community dynamics and economic dynamics. But arrival of young people in the valley area has been noticed recently and let imagine local challenges that Smart Village project can actually address: small diversity of mobility solutions based on major car-dependant use, lack of collaborative, intelligent and digital governance tools, needs for digital ability improvement for some categories of population. All of the stakeholders are now brainstorming to discuss an ambitious action plan and concrete short term actions, around e-services, the project 'La Place des Possibles', local food platform, open data and other topics!

Smart& Sustainable Agriculture - DIH AGRIFOOD Pomurje – University of Maribor (SI)

It is the most important area suitable for food production in Slovenia – Agricultural holdings of this region cultivate almost 13 % of all agricultural land in Slovenia and raise almost 12 % of all the livestock.

Main needs of the Test Area in terms of Smart Transition

 New/smart technologies to be implemented for smart farming (viticulture, fruit growing, livestock breeding etc.)

Newsletter #01 – March 2019  New business models for farmers (based on digital transformation and short supply chains)  New markets (customers) where higher margins are achieved New cross-sector life and working models (remote work) Innovation aspects of the Pilot Activity

 Creating new and efficient networks between regional food production stakeholders  Catalogue of Short food supply chains for digital farm shops Integration of solutions into/through DIH AGRIFOOD

Smart Tourism - Maribor/Pohorje – University of Maribor (SI)

It is an important area for (environment, food products and gastronomy). This area extends to 2.170 km2 and hosts 322.000 inhabitants.

Main needs of the Test Area in terms of Smart Transition

 Development and utilization of the tourist economy and related opportunities  Tourist consumption increase  Increasing the offer of Unique GREEN ACTIVE products and services  Increasing the stay of boutique guests  Increasing the focus on the vital products  Sport, Cultural heritage, City, MICE, Culinary expirience  Increasing relevant sport activities (currently 45 % sport based stays): European; Youth; Senior competitions

Innovation aspects of the Pilot Activity

 Creating new and efficient networks between regional tourist stakeholders: Hotels, Catereres, Restaurants and Service providers (sport, relaxation)  Creating an ACTION PLAN for effective collaboration of the local and regional tourist services network

Newsletter #01 – March 2019

Pomurje Region - SmartiS City, d.o.o. SIC (SI)

Pomurje pilot region lies in the northeastern part of Slovenia and borders three countries - Austria, Croatia, and Hungary. The region is home to three protected nature areas: Nature Park Goričko, Nature Park Ljutomerski ribniki – Jeruzalemske gorice, and Nature Park Negova. It is divided into 27 municipalities that stretch over 1,337 km2 of land – the region is therefore sparsely populated and rural. Its cultural, economic, administrative, and educational center is the city municipality of Murska Sobota, with its 19,655 residents and lively events. (

The flat landscape that is marked by the Mura River, a pleasant continental climate and fertile soil represents a great opportunity fot the development of agriculture and the production of local fresh food. Smart environment, mobility, living and people are therefore main topics in Smart Village digitalization activities.

Region Luzern West (CH) In Region Luzern West are situated some highly specialized SMEs. SMEs and Community are its more important stakeholders. The region is also characterized by intact environment that is really appreciated by inhabitants and tourists. The Kickoff of the Regional Stakeholder Group “Forum SmartVillages” of the REGION LUZERN WEST in Switzerland took place on the 5th of february 2019. In that Forum there are 5 regional policy makers, 4 Entrepreneurs and CEO‘s, 4 representative of universities and education and 2 students involved. The group worked very constructive and goal-oriented. Together they stroke a new path and provided a basis for the further development of the REGION LUZERN WEST.

Newsletter #01 – March 2019 DISCOVER OUR MEETINGS


In June 2018, the Interreg Alpine Space project SmartVillages organised its KickOff Meeting. The meeting was organised in Slovenia (Maribor) by the ERDF leader University of Maribor (FERI). The meeting lasted for two full days, where all representatives of the involved project partners (PP) were present. The PPs exchanged basic information on their current work and planned acitivties within the project and the main Work Packages (Regional Analysis and building Regional Stakeholder Groups for Test Areas, Digital Exchange Platform, and Toolbox, as well as Communication and Management), whereby agreeing on the future time frame, deadlines, responsibilities and tasks. Furthermore, the PPs presented for the first time in more detail the nine Test Areas (TAs) involved in the project. At the KickOff Meeting, the consortium also hosted the Slovenian MEP Franc Bogovič on the topic of EU Action4 Smart Villages and Alice Dos Santos from Ecorys as the representative of the, as well Enrique Nieto as the ENRD representative over a Video Conference. As a conclusion, the partnership vistied two local TA sites, the Pohorje mountain and the Dreisiebner Tourist Farm at Svečine (Zgornja Kungota).


On 27th-28th November 2018 Poliedra has organized the project’s Steering Committee and the Capacity Building Seminar for the work of the Regional Stakeholder Groups in Milan, hosted in the premises of Regione Lombardia at Palazzo Pirelli. The two days were been highly interactive and participative: partners and representatives of the Test Areas’ Regional stakeholder groups have worked together on the needs and aims of the Test Areas towards their smart transition, and were been led in a step-wise path structuring their work for the coming years. Particular attention were also been given to the selection of indicators of smartness for villages. The main results of the Seminar have been in the re-definition of the indicators of

Newsletter #01 – March 2019 smartness, thanks to the feedbacks of all partners in that, and to the better alignment of the activities of smartness assessment, that are going to be integrated on a specifically allocated space on the project’s Digital Exchange Platform. Another important result was the need to facilitate match-making among the Test Areas and the necessity to incorporate and use Good Practices to inspire the smart transition in our Test Areas.



Now the Digital Exchange Platform of the Smart Villages project ( is correctly running with first functions: collaboration tools such as forum, documents sharing, events; smartness self assessment tool for rural areas; and now RSGs dedicated spaces. Different reports have been published to ensure appropriation and long term duration of that platform (technical documentation, methodological documentation of the conception, user manual). Use of the platform has begun for collaboration purpose inside the partnership. Our next goal, based among other things on the workshop foreseen in France, is to bring all the partners and RSGs to make that platform their reference collaboration tool for the project, and to imagine the next steps of that platform with matchmaking functions, best practices collections and so on.


In the process of preparation of the Smart Villages Toolbox, University of Ljubljana has made an extensive review of participatory tools, methods and techniques. The report (Deliverable D.T3.1.1) describes the state-of-the-art of participatory tools, methods and techniques for involving various stakeholders, and discusses their relevance in the context of Smart Villages.

Newsletter #01 – March 2019 By contextualising the importance of participation and co-creation methodology for Smart Villages the report shows how a community can be transformed from a passive spectator into the drive of its own process as an agent of self-development. To boost participation and co-creation processes it is very important to select tools and techniques corresponding to the aims and visions of the participatory process. In order to facilitate the process of selection we propose the co-creation approach based on user participation procedure and adapted to Smart Villages concept. We propose eight steps of co-creation:

1. Defining a problem and objectives 2. Building relationships 3. Invitations 4. Starting Interactions 5. Documentation 6. Remote audience 7. Follow up 8. Continued interaction.

Further the report describes four different on-line platforms that are evaluated in the light of the emerging toolbox and describes 31 different participatory techniques, methods and tools. In order to gain an insight into already existing participatory practices and examples we have also made a review of past and present case-studies of co-creation projects in rural areas and within EU in general. The Report serves as a spring board for the creation of the Smart Villages Toolbox, where methods, tools, techniques and practices will be meaningfully arranged and will correspond different phases/steps of the participatory process.


EUSALP Conference on Smart Villages in Courmayeur The SmartVillages partnership will contribute actively to the Eusalp Aosta Valley event on Smart Villages in May 23rd and 24th in Courmayeur. perspective-through-different-visions

EUSALP AG5 Meeting and Visit Tour to Pomurje region as an example of good practice On 26th - 27th of June 2019 University of Maribor will ogranize EUSALP AG5 Meeting, where the second day an example of good practice will be presented thorugh Visit tour to Pomurje region, where Digital transformation of stakeholders in the short food supply chain (IoT in vegetable producers) has been introduced through DIH AGRIFOOD.

The smart eco-social villages pilot project and the future of Smart Villages – WORKSHOP On 21th and 22th of February 2019 SmartVillages was been presented in the European Parliament in Brussels during the workshop “The smart eco-social villages pilot project and the future of Smart Villages” by University of Ljubljana. Emilija Stojmenova Duh as a speaker in the panel on the role of digital technologies in Smart Villages presented our view on their importance for inclusion of communities and for improvement of economic, social and environmental return on investment in basic IT structure. The key findings of the workshop are very encouraging for our future work on Smart Villages. They evolve around participatory, bottom-up approaches and community engagement, where digitalisation is not seen as merely a goal but as a tool for inclusion and new opportunities.

Regional Stakeholders Group “Forum SmartVillages” in Region Luzern West On 5th of February 2019 took place in Switzerland the Kickoff of the Regional Stakeholders Group “Forum SmartVillages” of the REGION LUZERN WEST. In that Forum there are 5 regional policy makers, 4 Entrepreneurs and CEO‘s, 4 representative of universities and education and 2 students involved. The group worked very constructive and goal-oriented. Together they stroke a new path and provided a basis for the further development of the REGION LUZERN WEST.

Newsletter #01 – March 2019 2ND EUSALP Annual Forum 2018 On 20th-21th of November 2018 The 2nd EUSALP Annual Forum 2018 took place in the heart of the Alps at the Congress Innsbruck. The event, jointly organised by the Tyrolean EUSALP Presidency and the European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, addressed the motto "Shaping.future.together. With the next generation". SmartVillages was been promoted by Action Group 5 and ERDF LP University of Maribor.

The Smart Villages concept in the State Council of Slovenija On 19th of October 2018 the SmartVillages PP University of Ljubljana, Faculty of electrical Engineering, through its representative, dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh, togheter with Franc Bogovič, Slovenian member of European Parliament presented the concept of Smart Villages in the State Council of Slovenija. They introduced European-wide initiatives and more specifically the role of Slovenia and its national projects within this process. The main focus of the presentations was on future financial perspectives and the modernization of Slovenian countryside and rural areas.

European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels On 9th - 11th of October 2018 the SmartVillages PP University of Ljublijana participated in three workshops organized by Broadband Competence Office, DG Agri and ESPON where was been presented project work in the field of “digitalization in rural areas”.

5th Thematic working group meeting on Smart Villages in Brussels On 4th of October 2018 the SmartVillages PP University of Ljubljana, Faculty of electrical Engineering, took part in the 5th Thematic working group meeting on Smart Villages that was been organized by European Network for Rural Development and took place in Brussels, Belgium. Around 40 stakeholders from 16 countries have exchanged ideas on strategies of designing Smart Villages. The important conclusion has been reached, namely that becoming/being a smart village is rather a process of aspiration than a mere method or measure tool and that digitalization is an important tool in this matter, but not the only one. You can read more information concerning this meeting and see the presentation on this connection.

SmartVillages presented in Slovenia On 3th - 5th of October 2018 The Slovenian Agency for Communication Networks and Services (AKOS) hosted plenary sessions and workshops of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the Independent Regulators' Association (IRG) in Portorož, Slovenia. Before the plenary sessions, a workshop was held where participants discussed the way BEREC will operate in the future. During the plenary session, University of Ljublijana and AKOS presented SmartVillages project to the European national agencies directors.

Communication seminar for Alpine Space projects On 3rd – 5th of July 2018 ERDP LP University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, actively participated in the Communication seminar for Alpine Space projects & Summer synergy brunch with EUSALP action group leaders and ARPAF leaders, which took place in Klagenfurt, Austria. (

Round Table on Smart Villages and Digital Connectivity in the Alps in Bard, Aosta Valley On 8th of June 2018 the SmartVillages ERDP LP University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, took active part in the 2nd TEM CONFERENCE on »Local Development: Innovation, Tourism and Place Branding«, where »Round Table on Smart Villages and Digital Connectivity in the Alps« has been organized to present principal arguments to fight the depopulation of the rural areas and the importance of broadband connectivity as essential requirement to provide digital services. (

Newsletter #01 – March 2019

Newsletter #02 – June 2019 will inform about the meetings that every project partner is organizing with the regional stakeholder group, about all events that will take place in the EU on smart villages topic and about the next SmartVillages Peter Niederer - Swiss Center for Mountain regions (Lead Partner) conference in Ljubljana! [email protected]

Muhamed Turkanović - University of Maribor (ERDF Lead Partner) muhamed.turkanović

Newsletter developed by Agenzia di Sviluppo GAL Genovese – GENOA (IT)

Newsletter #01 – March 2019