Faculty Handbook 2020 Faculty Handbook College of Dentistry

Prepared by: Vice Deanship Studies, Development & Community Service Updated June 2020

Table of Contents |

7 Dean’s message Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University 11 Introduction 14 University Vision and Mission and Values 17 University Organogram 18 University Administration 25 University Departments and Services 42 King Fahad Hospital of the University College of Dentistry 48 Introduction 50 Vision, Mission and Values of the College 56 College of Dentistry Organogram 57 Program Goals & Strategic Goals 58 College of Dentistry Administration Directory Academic Departments 58 Biomedical Dental Sciences Department 70 Dental Education Department 71 Preventive Dental Sciences Department 74 Restorative Dental Sciences Department 76 Substitutive Dental Sciences Department Teaching and Related Activities College Facilities New Staff Orientation Checklist College Committees COD List of Policies and Procedure Faculty 102 Job Description - Professor

4 105 Job Description - Associate Professor 110 Job Description - Assistant Professor 114 Job Description - Lecturer 118 Faculty Roles and Generic Responsibilities 120 Faculty Award and Program Vice Deanship for Studies, Development & Community Service 126 Quality and Academic Accreditation 130 COD Quest for Quality Accreditation 133 Quality Evaluation Survey 148 Overview of the Kingdom of 156 Administrative Procedure after Arrival to the University/ Important Information 178 Recreation Sites, Shopping Malls, Embassies and School 172 Emergency Phone Numbers 174 Do's and Dont's (Exhibit and Avoid) 174 Common Arabic Words


Dean’s message |

“The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful”

It gives me great pleasure to present the second and revised version of the Faculty Handbook of the College of Dentistry at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (COD- IAU). The dedicated faculty and staff play a vital role keeping College at par with other dental education institutions in the Kingdom. It is therefore imperative to provide crisp information to the newly joining and even existing faculty at the College about University and College’s administrative structure, rules & regulations, systems & processes, departments and their functions and available facilities, resources and services. I would like to thank the team of the Vice Deanship for Studies, Development and Community Service and all those who undertook the arduous task for preparing a very informative “Faculty Handbook” for the Faculty of Dentistry. This handbook supersedes any earlier versions. Corrections or suggested clarifications are welcome and should be submitted in the Office of the Vice Deanship for Studies, Development and Community Service. I welcome our new faculty in the COD Family and encourage them to take benefit of getting firsthand information about College and get ready to contribute their best in education, research and service for accomplishing mission of the College.

Dean, College of Dentistry Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University

7 Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University - Introduction - Mission and Vision of the University - University Administration (Organogram) - University Departments and Services

Introduction |

The legacy of Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University goes back to 1395H (1975G) when it was established as a branch of the King Faisal University in (KFU-Dammam). After thirty-four years, in September 2009, it became an independent University under the name of "University of Dammam." Since that date, the University is on path of continued exponential growth, spread over Dammam and other cities of Eastern Province.

On 28/02/1438 (28/11/2016 m), by the Royal Decree no. (29402), “University of Dammam” was renamed as “Imam AbdulRahman Bin Faisal University” (IAU). The Imam Abdul Rahman Bin Faisal University is steadfast in its commitment to fulfilling the goals and developmental endeavors of the Kingdom, enshrined in its strategic plans; represented by the Vision 2030, the National Strategy for transforming the Kingdom into a knowledge-based society and economy as well as the 10th Development Plan, the AAFAQ Plan for Higher Education, etc. The most critical elements in these strategies and plans are the preparation of graduates for a knowledge- based society and playing an active role in the construction of a knowledge-based economy.

11 IAU Educational Philosophy: • Building the students’ skills through the improvement of student performance by using an outcome-based education method, which focuses on the student. • Acquisition and mastering of vital skills in the areas of entrepreneurship, digital technology, problem solving, critical thinking and the integration of learning with knowledge, which all contribute to increasing the students’ career opportunities in the labor market. • Employing communication and information technology in education, using quality open-sourced educational methodologies, providing demanding but inspiring academic programs, encouraging innovation in teaching in addition to monitoring the quality of academic programs through internal quality systems as well as external quality systems.

Research: • The University supports excellence in research and innovation in order to positively contribute to the national research priorities, while at the same time ensuring intellectual property rights and steadfastly supporting both ethical norms and standards of research. In addition. • IAU provides an ideal environment conducive to carrying out exceptional research as well as encouraging collaborative research within the University or in association with national and international institutions.

Achievements: • University achieved unconditional institutional accreditation by the National Center for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation (NCAAA) on 1st of April 2015 (13 Rajab 1436) for seven years. • Under the leadership of the University, several academic programs and affiliated teaching hospital, King Fahad Hospital of the University got accreditation and certifications from many national and international accreditation bodies. • Over last two years, IAU moved up in World ranking classification table from 581-590th group (2019) to 541 to 550th group in 2020 world ranking results released by QS. In the last five consecutive years, IAU moves seven positions up among Saudi universities ranking where it was ranked at 13th position in the year 2015 to 6th position in the year 2020.

12 University Vision and Mission and Values |

VISION To be one of the leading creative universities regionally and globally

MISSION The Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University is committed to the highest international standards in educational programs, ethical research, professional services and partnership for sustainable development and the welfare of our community.

VALUES Quality Accountability Creativity Competitiveness Trust Team Spirit Respect for Diversity Academic freedom with responsibility

13 14 15 16 University Organogram |

17 University Administration |

1. President IAU Prof. Abdullah AlRubaish Email Address: [email protected]

2. Office of the VP - The Vice-President Dr. Saleh Bin Ali Al-Rashed Email Address: [email protected]

The vice-presidency supervises eighteen administrative offices and one deanship which are considered the backbone of the University.

Offices reporting to the VP Office I. Deanships Deanship of Human Resource II. Departments and Centers

• General Directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs • General Directorate of Projects and Public Services • Warehouse Directorate • Inventory Control Directorate • Procurement and Tenders Department • Independent Accounts Department • Investment and Increasing Revenue Department • Managing University Property Department • Recreation Centers • General Directorate of Equipment • Department of Administrative Communications • Housing Directorate • General Directorate of Security • Transportation Department • Follow-up Directorate

18 • Inclusive Design Unit • Office of the Vice President • Sharq Driving School https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/offices-of-the-vice-presidents/office-of-the-vice- president

3. Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Ghazi Abdul Rahman Al Otaibi [email protected]

The Vice Presidency aims to achieve excellence and leadership in teaching, learning, and professional development, building a high quality, sustainable academic environment that motivates learning and creativity and that produces graduates who excel in their knowledge, professionalism, and ethics. The Vice Presidency is dedicated to designing student-centered educational programs with a focus on scientific research and ensuring that programs conform to the guidelines of the National Center for Assessment and Academic Accreditation (NCAAA). Efforts are to create curricula that can combine theory and practical applications in a wide range of fields, and with a clear understanding of the emerging needs of industry and community for a skilled workforce. It seeks to enrich the learning and work environment by attracting and supporting highly qualified faculty members from diverse backgrounds. The Vice Presidency has following administrative departments with assigned responsibilities. Offices reporting to the VP Academic Affairs

I. Deanships • Deanship of Admissions and Registration • Deanship of Student Affairs • Deanship of Preparatory Year and Supporting Studies • Deanship of Academic Development

19 II. Directorate: • Directorate of Curriculum and Academic Programs • Directorate of Academic Initiatives • Directorate of Monitoring Academic Performance III. Centers: • • University Counseling Center • • Quality of Assessment and Examinations Center https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/offices-of-the-vice-presidents/office-of-the-vice- president-for-academic-affairs

4. Office of the Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Prof. Fahad AlHarbi [email protected]

Vision of the Vice Presidency is to be the forerunner in graduate studies and scientific research in the Kingdom and to contribute effectively to the enrichment of scientific research and knowledge internationally. To achieve this, the Vice Presidency aims at creating an environment where faculty, staff and students can discover and fulfill their potential, while maintaining and expanding the University’s leading position in graduate studies. The Vice Presidency supports and oversee the University’s commitment to academic distinction in research, scholarship and instruction by providing exceptional graduate programs. The Scientific Council, under the Vice Presidency is committed to do its part in creating the academic atmosphere that leads to develop the education and scientific research at the University and become a competitor with globally recognized universities in academic and research excellence. The Scientific Council is striving for excellence in various technical, medical, scientific and humanities disciplines and encourage the creative scientific research. It comprises of senior faculty members from different colleges.

20 Major Functions of Scientific Council are related to: 1. Faculty Hiring and service-related matters 2. Academic Promotions 3. Scientific Consultations and Communications 4. Scientific Publications 5. Scientific Societies https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/offices-of-the-vice-presidents/office-of-the-vice- president-for-postgraduate-studies-and-scientific-research

5. Office of the Vice President for Studies, Development and Community Service Prof. Abdullah Bin Hussein Alkadi [email protected] The overall objective of the Office of the University Vice President for Studies, Development and Community Service is to continue the development and enhancement of the University by implement well thought out and innovative development initiatives in the academic, administrative and community sectors in accordance with international quality standards. This in turn will positively contribute to the University’s overall ranking in academics and research among universities locally, regionally and globally. The Vice Presidency provides opportunities and exposes students to the rewarding experience of serving their community. The Vice Presidency has a vital role in developing cooperation and partnerships with renowned and respected universities worldwide through twinning and cooperation agreements. Some major objectives of the Vice Presidency are; 1. Development of human resources at the University (faculty members, administrators, staff, technicians and students) 2. Development of the University's administrative system to consolidate work principles and modern scientific methods 3. Establish communication between the University and the various community institutions and employ the full potential of the University, its knowledge and experience in the treatment of societal problems and

21 1. find solutions to elevate society. 2. Offices reporting to the VP Studies, Development and Community Service

I. Deanships

• Deanship of Academic Development, • Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation, • Deanship of Information and Communication Technology, • Deanship of e-Learning and Distance Learning, • Deanship of Community Service and Sustainable Development,

II. Colleges • College of Applied Studies and Community Service, • Documenters and Information Center,

III. Centers & Departments • Alumni and career Development Center. • Continuous Education Center • Decision Support Units • University Press Department,

https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/offices-of-the-vice-presidents/office-of-the-vice- president-for-studies-development-and-community-service

6. Office of the Vice President for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Prof. Adel Ibrahim AlAfaleq [email protected]

The mission of this Vice Presidency office is to create an academic environment for education by encouraging creativity, nurturing talent and refining the

22 students’ skills in order to establish the premier university branch campus system in the region. This will be achieved through selected objective like; • Creating an innovative and inspiring academic environment in all the affiliated branch colleges. • Supervising the performance of the colleges and evaluate them through a rigorous academic system, which encompasses all aspects of the educational process. • Adopting well-developed and sound curricula that are recognized internationally. • Motivate both the administrative and academic staff by encouraging their talents and skills in order to assist them in reaching their potential, both academically and professionally. https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/offices-of-the-vice-presidents/office-of-the-vice- president-for-innovation-and-entrepreneurship

7. Office of the Vice President for Female Student Affairs Dr. Amira Ahmed AlJafary [email protected] The Vice Presidency for Female Student Affairs follows in the footsteps of the Kingdom's 2030 Vision which aspires to grant women the opportunity to take on leadership roles that are based on competitiveness and sustainable uniqueness that will end in creating a healthy and useful academic environment for IAU's staff members. The Vice Presidency for Female Student Affairs seeks to provide highly qualified academic services, to enhance the quality of life in the female section and to create a healthy environment that will enable staff members through a system that is compatible with the Vision, Objectives and Values of the University. https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/offices-of-the-vice-presidents/office-of-the-vice- president-for-female-student-affairs

23 IAU Deanships • Deanship of Admissions and Registration • Deanship of Student Affairs • Deanship of University Studies • Deanship of Preparatory Year and Supporting Studies • Deanship of Graduate Studies • Deanship of Scientific Research • Deanship of Faculty and Personnel Affairs • Deanship of Library Affairs • Deanship of Information and Communication Technology • Deanship of E-learning and Distance Learning • Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation • Deanship of Academic Development • Deanship of Community Service and Sustainable Development

Directorates • Directorate for Public Relations and Media • Directorate for Legal Affairs • Directorate for the University Campus • Follow up Directorate • Internal Auditing Unit • Directorate of the Office of the Financial Controller • Directorate General of Procurement and Competitive Bidding • Housing Directorate • Directorate of Security, Safety and Occupational Health • Central Administration Communications Directorate

Centers • Institute of Consulting Studies • Institute for Research and Medical Consultations (IRMC) • Centre for Architectural Studies & Research • University Counseling Center • Center for Scientific Publications • Documents and Information Center • Alumni and Career Development Center • Office of Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange • Office of Scientific and Academic Chairs • Patents and Technology Transfer Office • Quality of Assessment and Examinations Center • Basic and Applied Scientific Research Center https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/deanships/deanship-of-human-resource

24 University Departments and Services |

DEANSHIP FOR HUMAN RESOURCE https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/deanships/deanship-of-human-resource

The Office of the Dean of Human Resources was established in 1434 AH/2013 CE and is the nucleus from which Imam AbdulRahman bin Faisal University is able to achieve its objectives through human resource planning. This Deanship also helps the University enjoy a high degree of flexibility in order to accommodate new developments both technologically and regulatory.

DEPARTMENTS: 1. Dean's Office 2. Deanship Council 3. Deanship of Human Resources Agency 4. General Directorate of Human Resources 5. Unit commands 6. Functional Performance Unit 7. Unit of functional happiness and loyalty to retirees 8. Performance and salaries section 9. Department of Saudis Affairs 10. Department of Contractors Affairs

25 1. Department of Administrative Formations 2. Employment Unit 3. Passports Unit 4. Office of Female Employees Affairs 5. Human resources management in the hospital 6. Beneficiary Unit 7. Technical Support Department

REGULATIONS AND MANUALS Following Regulations & Manuals are available on the Deanship’s web page: 1. Human Resources Executive Regulations 2. Regulations Guide for the HR's Executive Regulations 3. Financial Advantages and Rights Guidelines 4. Employment Rights and Duties 5. Health Platform (Sick leaves) 6. Employee's Information Platform (Ministry of Civil Service) 7. Jobs Classification Guide 8. Duties and Ethics Charter for IAU Faculty Members 9. Higher Education and Universities Council's Systems and Regulations 10. Job Performance Management Guide

https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/deanships/deanship-of-human-resource/ regulations-and-manuals

Contact Information: Phone: +966-13-3330195 Email: [email protected]

26 DEANSHIP FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (DSR) https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/deanships/deanship-of-scientific-research

The DSR is dedicated to expanding and reinforcing its commitment to research, creative activity and intellectual curiosity. It provides sustainable and ethical environment where faculty and students can collaborate in research that will contribute towards the economic development of the area and improving the health status of the population. The DSR contributes towards the training of local scientists, engineers, architects and clinicians in order to fulfill the objectives of the University and the 5-Year National Plan through applied research, training and educational programs at postgraduate levels. The DSR is guided by the objectives of the Unified Rules & Executive and Procedural Rules for Scientific Research in Saudi universities, the quality standards set forth by the National Commission as well as the standards required for criteria for academic accreditation. Details of support and services provided by DSR are available at its web page.


Abbreviations: PI = Principal Investigator, CoI= Co-Investigator, IAU= Imam AbdulRahman bin Faisal University, DSR = Deanship of Scientific Research, CBME = Committee for Biological and Medical Ethics, NCBE = National Committee for Biological Ethics, KACST = King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology

Conditions for Proposals: • The investigator should not submit more than one research proposal as a principal investigator for the fiscal year. • During preparation of a research proposal, PI should commit to the form of the DSR that is for funding the proposal research in the file named DSR1*. • Proposals could be submitted according to the following classifications: 1. A research project for 12 months and a budget that does not exceed 100,000 SR. 2. A research project for 24 months and a budget that does not exceed 200,000 SR. 3. A strategic research project in cooperation with a global research organization. This will be studied and recommended by the deanship board. 4. Research projects, which depend on the questionnaire, are limited to a maximum of 20,000 SR and only one investigator. • To accomplish article 2 (Paragraph h) from the Unified Regulations of the Scientific Research in Saudi Universities, the priority is to accept research projects that are related to Imam AbdulRahman bin Faisal University's targets, development plans, while avoiding duplication and repetition, as well as benefitting from previous studies. • Duplication and repetition of research between the members of a department or faculty and postgraduate students is unacceptable. In such cases, postgraduate research projects will be given the priority for funding and support. • The selected topics should be of a high caliber and are expected to be publishable in reputable scientific peer-reviewed journals such as the ISI for example. • All scientific research proposals (except Islamic, Arabic language and humanities related topics) should be written and submitted in English. • A principal investigator is responsible for the preparation and writing of the research proposal. All proposals will be checked for plagiarism prior to arbitration.

28 • A research proposal shall be rejected for any of the following reasons: 1. If it contains, aims, or uses sensitive political issues. 2. If it contains, aims, or uses sensitive social/religious issues. 3. If it contains, aims, or uses a material or a germ that is prohibited internationally. The PI is in charge of checking this aspect prior to constructing a proposal. • All principle investigators and co-investigators must follow the regulation articles of Scientific Research and Implementation rules and procedures which are available on the at this link , as well as follow the executive regulation for the research of living creatures that is described in the link of National Committee for Biological Ethics (NCBE) )http://www.kacst.edu.sa/ ar/depts/bioethics/Pages/home.aspx and follow the intellectual property rights which are described in this the link from the World of Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (http:// www.wipo.int). • For research to be conducted on humans, animals or plants, the project has to obtain the approval from the Committee for Biological and Medical Ethics (CBME), which is the official local committee and registered with (NCBE) in KACST, Riyadh. • The Deanship encourages proposals for multi-disciplinary projects. • Research teams are to be appropriately designated in the proposal by the principal investigator. • The University is committed to encouraging undergraduate students to participate in research that will benefit them scientifically and to work as assistants on research projects. • Each member of the research team has to perform his/her role and duties in collaboration with the principle investigator, other team members and within the ethics of scientific research. • After receiving approval, the principal investigator does not have the right to change members of the research team, the subject or the aims of the project. In rare cases, when unexpected circumstances are beyond the capacity of the team, the principal investigator has to submit a request to the DSR using the form DSR5*. • Applications for terminating approved projects will not be accepted, except in a few rare cases approved by the Dean of Scientific Research using the form DSR5*.

29 Reward Budget: • The approval for research budgets is in accordance with the regulations and operational rules of the Deanship of the Scientific Research at Imam AbdulRahman bin Faisal University in addition to the following items: 1. A reward of 1200 SR per month for the principle investigator. 2. A reward of 1000 SR per month for each co-investigator who holds a PhD. 3. A reward of 30 SR per hour for research assistants with master degrees and should not exceed 800 SR per month. 4. A reward of 25 SR per hour for research assistants with bachelor degrees and should not exceed 600 SR per month. 5. A reward of 20 SR per hour for UD students who work as assistant technicians, or any professional that holds the high school certificate or its equivalent. This should not exceed 400 SR per month. These personnel should be listed in the research assistant's section. 6. Tasks for the research assistant (as a secretary) are limited to tasks such as photocopying (see item 8). Thus, the reward for a secretary is not going to be more than one month per project of any length. Note: the employees of the Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research or its Deanships, research centers or finance departments cannot be recruited in research projects. 7. The number of research assistants should not exceed three. They are to be carefully selected and familiar with the needs of the research and work plan. 8. A reward of 500 SR/day for an in-town consultant and should not exceed the total of 7,000 SR/year. 9. A reward of 1000 SR/day for out-of-town consultant and should not exceed the total of 14,000 SR/year. 10. A reward of 2000 SR/day for the out-of-the-Kindgom consultant and should not exceed the total of 20,000 SR/year. 11. Rewards for each investigator are limited to two projects per fiscal year. 12. An investigator could be involved (as PI or CoI) in a total of three projects per fiscal year. 13. Dues for the team and assistants should not exceed 50% of the total budget.

30 Key Guidelines: • The Deanship will take over the purchasing process with other administrations in the University. All the project supplies should not be purchased by the researcher and requests to compensate for paid bills shall be rejected. Therefore, the PI has to accuratley estimate the cost of the equipment and materials the budget is based on these quotes. When the proposal is approved, these quotes must be submitted with the purchase orders immediately to the Deanship. • If the value of equipment or materials is 30,000 SR or more, the PI has to submit three quotes from companies from inside the Kingdom, whereas only one offer is sufficient if the amount is less than that. • The amount for petty cash expenses should not exceed 3,000 SR, and should not include purchasing of books, reference works or photocopying costs. • The amount assigned for publication should not exceed 2,000 SR for each project, though this is currently under review with the Deanship Council. The funds will be released after providing the Deanship with a copy of the published article or a letter of acceptance from the scientific journal. The published document must aknowledge the deanship and the Univeristy for the support and include the project number. • Any equipment that is already available in the University and that is required by a research project, should be included in its proposal. Office supplies and PCs are not funded by the budget of the DSR. • For computer programs or software, the opinion of the Deanship of Information and Communication Technology is required prior to their approval from the DSR. • In certain cases approved by the DSR, transportation costs can be funded in order to accomplish research work only, such as moving samples, etc. Attending conferences or workshops will not be funded, when this can be achieved via other channels available in the University. • Financial transactions are done with authorities inside the Kingdom only. Direct purchases from outside the Kingdom are not allowed. https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/deanships/deanship-of-scientific-research/research- projects/faculty

Deanship of Scientific Research Phone: 3332401 Email: [email protected]

31 DEANSHIP FOR LIBRARY AFFAIRS https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/deanships/deanship-of-library-affairs

Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University has 16 libraries; 3 Central, 13 Satellite that are located on the two IAU campuses in the city of Dammam, as well as the various IAU campuses in Jubail, Qatif. The Deanship of Library Affairs has a distinguished collection of both printed and electronic resources to support faculty, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students. It provides academic materials through following tools; • E-Resources: These resources will direct you to the IAU library E-Resources Portal where you can search all electronic databases that IAU has subscribed to. • Summon: This federated search engine will help you simultaneously search all printed and electronic resources at the libraries of IAU. Abstracts or the full text of articles and E-books can be viewed. Summon can suggest the most relevant databases that best suit your research needs. • Library catalog-OPAC: This helps you find your resources from books and E-books with a link for full text display. • Institutional repository: This is an effective tool for searching the

32 • publications of IAU's faculty, including theses and research papers published in both international and regional journals.

Services provided by the Deanship are; • Interlibrary Loans (ILL) • Institutional Repository (IR) of the University’s theses, dissertations and research publications • Live chat, SMS, and email • E-Resources The Deanship of Library Affaires acquires a large range of electronic resources in order to support teaching, learning and research. Currently, there are more than 319 databases on different subjects and more than 70,000 full-text e-journals, along with over 500,000 e-books available at IAU’s libraries. These electronic resources cover the following disciplines: Business Management, Economics, Geography, Anthropology, Philosophy, Religion, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, the Sciences, Engineering, Applied Sciences, Language, Literature, Art, Architecture and the Social Sciences. • Databases;

Extended working hours of the Central library are from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. On and off campus access to electronic resources is available around-the-clock. Library Circulation Policy Library material types and permissions:

Permission Type of Library Materials

General books and Textbooks are issuable to members but issuance of Issuable materials General books and Text-books will be treated separately with respect to Duration and Users’ Category.

Reference books, cultural works, manuscripts, rare books, statistics, graphs, theses, periodicals (English/ Arabic), audio visual materials, Non-issuable materials microfilms, e-resources, bulletins, book notes, research reports, one copy of every text-book and books in use of library staff.

33 Circulation Rules: • Any renewal of issued items should be made one day before the due date, and the renewal will be for further one week only. • Renewals can be made through the library’s website, or in person. • For re-issue of a returned item, borrowers must wait for THREE days until they can borrow the same returned book again, provided that the same title is not required by another borrower. • The members can collect their reserved books on a first come, first serve basis. If a member fails to collect the reserved books, he/she will forfeit his/her reservation. • In the case of overdue books, the system will start calculating fine, and the library will send two reminders; a) First due-date notification will be sent one day prior to the due-date. b) Second notification will be sent after the three (03) days of expiry of due-date. • The user account will be blocked/ barred when the unpaid fine amount touches the maximum limit of SAR 300. The user can immediately re-activate account by paying the fined amount. But if the user repeats the same, the account will be blocked for one month. • If a student’s account is not cleared within 45 days, he/she will lose his/ her library privileges for a period of an entire semester. General Rules: • The University will not issue any final paper to any IAU student/ employee/faculty/staff member until the library clearance has been received in order to make sure that financial matters have been taken care of. • No member is allowed to get books issued on behalf of others. • In the case of damaged or lost material, the borrower will have to replace with the same title, edition, publication year and the binding OR the newest edition with same binding type. • In case of failure in proper replacement, the library will charge the replacement cost of the same title, edition, publication year and the binding OR the newest edition with same binding type, plus a 25 SAR fee for processing. • In the case of rare, bequeathed, out-of-print, one-of-a-kind texts, gift-book, the library administration will determine an appropriate cost, plus SAR 25, which the borrower must pay. The library’s decision will be final and will not be up for discussion.

34 • If any library member violates the library rules, the library has the right to cancel the circulation privileges of that member and will be subject to penalties under the university rules. • Only registered library members are allowed access to the library’s circulation services. • Renewals can be made through the library’s website, email, in person, or on the phone. • The library has the right to recall any issued material, anytime. • No library member can check out more than one copy of the same title, simultaneously. • The library expects that the books are handled with care and are returned to the library in good condition. Library membership is a privilege. • The library may adjust the circulation time for any material which is in high-demand. • Fines incurred, may be collected through the staff or e-services. • All the collected fine amounts will be deposited in the student affairs account. • The above-mentioned rules are subject to revision with the approval of the University Council.

IAU Undergraduate Students

• Students are allowed to check out up to three books for a period of two weeks and can renew them for an additional week. The renewal should be made one day before the due date. A student must wait 15 days until they can borrow the same book again. • Up to three books can be reserved for one week and the student can collect these books on a first come, first serve basis. If the student fails to collect the reserved texts, he/she will forfeit his/her reservation. • In the case of overdue books, the library will send a reminder after the due date, and if there is no response from the student, a 1 SAR fine will be charged for each day, per book during the first week the book is overdue, which will double to 2 SAR per day, per book. If the fine reaches 500 SAR, the fine will be placed on the University system. In addition to the fines, for every week a student has a past due book, he/she will loose their library privileges for the same amount of time. If a student’s account is not cleared within 45 days, he/she will lose their library privileges for an entire semester.

35 IAU Graduate Students

• IAU graduate students are allowed to check out up to five books for a period of two weeks, and can renew them for an additional week. The renewal should be made one day before the due date. A student must wait 15 days until they can borrow the same book again. • Up to five books can be reserved for one week and the student can collect these books on a first come, first serve basis. If the student fails to collect the reserved texts, he/she will forfeit his/her reservation. • If the graduate student fails to return his/her books on time, the same rules that apply to IAU undergraduates will apply to graduate students as outlined above.

Students from Other Universities

The same rules for IAU’s undergraduate students apply to students from other universities.

University lecturers and teaching staff

• Up to five books or five multi-volume books may be checked out at a time. • Material will be issued for three weeks and can be renewed for an additional week. There is a 15 day waiting period until the same books can be checked out again by the borrower. • The policies for overdue books and fines are the same as for the students as discussed previously.

University staff

The policies are the same as for UoD undergraduate students as outlined above.

Free memberships:

• All IAU affiliates, including: students, faculty and staff are eligible for free library memberships • All honorary membership are also free. Fee based membership services All other library memberships are subject to a fee, as described below:

Time Limit Students from other universities Non IAU Affiliates Earnest Money The library membership fee is One Year SAR 100 SAR 500 waived

Required documents for library membership:

• Completed library application form • Passport sized photos • A copy of thier National ID card • A copy of a valid passport/iqama for non-Saudi applicants

Membership Renewal

• Completed membership renewal form • One passport sized photo • Membership fee

36 Lost or damaged library cards

• Completed duplicate card form • 50 SAR administrative fee • One passport sized photo

Working Hours New Central Library (Male)(A3) • Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - 08:00 am. - 10:00 pm. • End of Semester (During Examination) - 08:00 am. - 12:00 pm. • Saturday (Male) - 10:00 am - 03:00 pm. • Friday - Closed Central Libraries for Female Students (Building-20 & Rayyan Campus) • Monday, Wednesday & Thursday - 08:00 am - 02:30 pm • Every Sunday and Tuesday - 08:00 am - 4.30 pm • Friday and Saturday - Closed

Hospital Library • Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - 08:00 am - 06:00 pm All Satellite Libraries • Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - 08:00 am - 02:00 pm • Friday & Saturday - Closed

Note: All libraries remain closed on Fridays, Saturdays and on official public holidays. The central library (A3) on the campus will remain open on Saturday, each week from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Contact New Central Library, Madina Jamiah Phone: (00)966-133332804 / (00)966-133332829 Fax: (00) 966-13-3330350

37 DEANSHIP OF ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/deanships/deanship-of-academic-development

Deanship of Academic Development plays a key role in raising the efficiency of the performance of the inputs and outputs of the university educational system. It has mission of enhancing educators with the core values, professional knowledge, evidence-based competences, and shared practice that inspire high-quality teaching and learning experiences in the classroom and beyond. The Deanship has provided services to thousands of beneficiaries both inside and outside the university in order to meet the requirements of education development and the urgent needs of the academic community.

Training and Development Programs: The Deanship of Academic Development provides faculty members, TA’s and lecturers with training professional development programs in teaching and learning, as well as support services and resources for self-learning.

TRAINING APPROACH: Short Programs 2-3 hour training programs (represented by the green horizontal line) that are designed to provide continuous professional development opportunities,

38 focusing on best practices in teaching and learning and the latest trends in university teaching. Participant receives a certificate of attendance.

Highlighted short programs: • First Week Training Program. • In-Colleges training programs. • Short training in assessment and evaluation • Educational Café. • Deanship’s Forum. • Webinar programs. • The keynote speaker. • The Closing Lecture.

39 Intensive Programs The intensive training programs are characterized by depth and concentration (represented by the vertical line). The goal is to provide intensive training in one of the essential needs of the university professor. Participant receives a certificate of completion of the program.

Duration of intensive programs varies according to the nature and subject of the program, including two days (seven hours of training per day), 4 days (7 hours per day), and two full semesters (i.e., Faculty Mentorship Certification Program).

Highlighted Intensive programs:

• Core Competencies Program in Teaching and Learning. • Faculty Mentorship Certification Program. • International workshops and international experts. • Preparing TA's and Lecturers. • Academic Development abroad.

40 Support Material and Resources Represented by the golden lines. Additional services are available to faculty members, TA’s and lecturers to support self-learning and self professional development efforts. Through these services, the Deanship aims to diversify sources of learning, simplify knowledge and make it accessible to all.

Highlighted services:

• Resources in teaching and learning • Training material on BlackBoard • Educational posters • Teaching and Learning Handbook • Counseling and Support Services.

PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: • Community Service Programs • Core Competencies in Teaching and Learning for Faculty Members • Faculty Mentorship Certification Program (FMCP) • International Experts and Workshops • Teaching Assistants and Lecturers and Preparations • The First Week Training Program • Training Content in Teaching and Learning • Training Programs in Colleges

https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/administration/deanships/deanship-of-academic-development/ programs-and-services/training-content-in-teaching-and-learning


Deanship of Academic Development Phone: 013-333-2850 E-mail: [email protected]

41 King Fahad Hospital of the University

King Fahd Hospital of the University (KFHU), of the College of Medicine & College of Applied Medical Sciences of the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University was built by the Ministry of Health (MOH) under the “FIVE HOSPITALS PROJECT”. It was later transferred to the King Faisal University under the name “Al Khobar Teaching Hospital” which was changed to “King Fahd Hospital of the University” On Rajab 15, 1401 H (19 May 1981 G) H.E. The Minister for Health, Dr. Hussain Al Jazairy, inaugurated the Hospital, it started with an inpatient bed capacity of 381. It has two major campuses operating; one in Dammam, the second is in Al Hofuf, 120 kilometers apart. Due to the growing number of students, and, in order to serve the community more efficiently, King Faisal University underwent a transformation in the year 1430H (2009). It was split in two independent Universities. The University in Al Hofuf retained the original name “King Faisal University”. The Dammam campus was named “UNIVERSITY OF DAMMAM”. Given its long history which the hospital is building on, KFHU has kept-up with the ever-growing demand to serve the community with its expanding population and to teach students according to international standards. When it comes to providing world-class medical care, KFHU strives to be the best in the field by meeting the highest standards set forth by the Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCIA), which is responsible for setting, monitoring and maintaining standards of excellence in the Healthcare Industry.

42 Through the years the management of KFHU is committed in providing exceptional care in all walks of life. The administration organized a team to establish the Private Health Center which was commissioned in July 2016 with 25 beds and staffed with qualified and well-trained health care professionals.King Fahd University Hospital is providing various healthcare services to the community through: 1. Out-Patient Clinics 2. In-Patient Services 3. Emergency Medical and Trauma Services (ER)

Specialized Healthcare Services I. MEDICAL UNITS 1. Internal Medicine 2. Cardiology 3. Neurology 4. Endocrinology 5. Rheumatology 6. Psychiatry 7. Gastro Intestinal Tract (GIT) 8. Dermatology 9. Pulmonology 10. Nephrology and Hemodialysis II. SURGICAL UNITS 1. General Surgery 2. Pediatric Surgery 3. Plastic Surgery 4. Ortho Surgery 5. Cardiothoracic / Vascular Surgery 6. Urology and Lithotripsy 7. Neurosurgery 8. Ophthalmology 9. ENT 10. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 11. Burns Unit 12. Day Care

43 III. OBS GYN – LABOR ROOM IV. PEDIATRICS –ICU/NURSERY V. ANESTHESIOLOGY VI.CRITICAL CARE UNITS 1. Medical ICU 2. Surgical ICU 3. Neonatal ICU 4. Coronary Care Unit 5. Respiratory Care Unit III. OBS GYN – LABOR ROOM IV. PEDIATRICS –ICU/NURSERY V. ANESTHESIOLOGY VI.CRITICAL CARE UNITS 1. Medical ICU 2. Surgical ICU 3. Neonatal ICU 4. Coronary Care Unit 5. Respiratory Care Unit VII. PRIMARY HEALTH CARE • Department of Family and Community Medicine VIII.EMPLOYEE HEALTH SERVICES • Employee Health Services • FAMCO IX. DIAGNOSTICS • Laboratory • Radiology • Cardiac Cath Lab X. SUPPORT SERVICES: • Nursing • Pharmacy • Physiotherapy • Blood Bank


It is located in the west Rakkah campus of the University, providing following service to the IAU employees and their families. 1. Family Medicine Consultation Clinics 2. Vaccination 3. ER 4. Clinical Laboratory 5. Radiology (X-ray and Ultrasound) 6. Pharmacy

45 College of Dentistry - Introduction - Vision, Mission and Values - Organogram - Program and Strategic Goals - COD Administration Directory - Academic Departments - Teaching & Related Activities - College Facilities - New Staff Orientation Checklist - College Committees - List of College Policies and Procedures Introduction |

The College of Dentistry (COD) was established in year 2001 under the patronage of King Faisal University through a Royal Decree, No. 7/ b/11155, 26/7/1415H, 29/12/1994G. The Dammam branch of King Faisal University became an independent university and named as “University of Dammam (UOD)” through a ministerial order of the Higher Education Executive Board, order number 1811/A on 15/9/1430 H corresponding to 5/9/2009 G. Until recently, COD was the first Dental College in the Eastern Province and the third dental educational institution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The College of Dentistry at Imam Abdul Rahman Bin Faisal University, fosters the dissemination of knowledge in all areas of dentistry, and promotes development in dental education, treatment and research.

The College of Dentistry began accepting male students in the fall of 2002-2003 with only 10 faculty members and 35 male dental students. In the fall of 2011, the first cohort of 30 female dental students was enrolled at the College, increasing the total number of students enrolled in the BDS program to 206 (176 male and 30 female students) with a total of 43 faculty members.


COD-IAU has two campuses, campus 1 (currently for female students) in Haye An-Nawras (Petromin) and main campus 2 located in the University City at Rakkah East.


College of Dentistry Organogram |

56 Program Goals & Strategic Goals |

COD - PROGRAM GOALS • To ensure graduates will excel and lead the future of oral health. • To conduct research for the benefit of education, patient care and scientific discovery. • To provide state-of- the art facilities for dental education and patient care. • To provide the oral health of the community at large.

COD - STRATEGIC GOALS 2020-2025 Goal 1 Sustain College organizational structure, systems and processes to support effective decision making and to promote humanistic culture and learning environment. Goal 2 Achieve life-long excellence in modern dental education by instilling state of the art education in dentistry and oral health care services. Goal 3 Infuse scientific research and innovation among faculty and students in support of modern dental education. In turn, boosting the College ranking nationally, regionally and internationally. Goal 4 Strengthen relationships with the community and engage faculty and students in oral healthcare promotion and community outreach activities. Goal 5 Operate an efficient patient-centered dental care system that meets the needs and expectations of the community. a Goal 6l 6 Recruit, retain and provide development opportunities to students, teaching staff, researchers, clinicians and general staff of high caliber and diverse background. Goal 7 Establish a vibrant and interactive campus environment to support enjoyable active learning and training of the students and their personal development as human being and a professional Goal 8 COD creates sustainable financial resources to achieve its mission and vision.

57 College of Dentistry Administration Directory


DEPARTMENT DIRECT NUMBER NAME ROOM NO. POSITION (Cisco Extension) Dean Office Dr. Jehan AlHumaid 33-31400 D1029 Office Mr. Saeed Al Mayed 33-31408 D1028 Administration Mr. Yasser Abu Sareer 33-31459 D1028 Secretary



Director of Administration & Mr. Khalid Al Hamad 33-31405 D1013 Finance Mr. Fahad Al Sultan 33-31432 D1014 Secretary Ms. Noura Al Bugami 33-35874

Mr. Saad AlRayhan 33-37316 D1015 Administrative Assistant(s) Mr. Abdulkareem AlKhudhayr 33-31479 D1004 Mr. Abdullah AlSurouj 33-31409 D1012

58 VICE DEANSHIP FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT DIRECT NUMBER NAME ROOM NO. POSITION (Cisco Extension) Vice Dean Office Dr. Muhanad AlHareky 33-31402 D1022 D1022A Registrar Mr. Nasser Al Kaabi 33-31406 D1017

Secretary Mr. Xavier Jimenez 33-31417 D1019

Female Secretary Ms. Reham Bubshait 33-35874 D1019

Biostatistician Mr. Faraz Farooqi 33-31417 D


Secretary Mr. Faisal Al Angari 33-31510 VDPG&SR D1033

Coordinator Dr. Ashwyn Shetti 33-31487



Vice Dean Dr. Suliman Shahin 33-31456 D1024

Supervisor General Prof. Maha Abdelsalam 33-31504 D3003-A

Director Quality and Dr. Sarfaraz Akhtar D3003-D 33-31401 Academic Accreditation

Mr. Intisar Siddiqui Biostatistician 33-31535 D3003-D

Secretary / Document Liza A. Maniacop 33-31536 D3003-B Controller

Ms. Amani Al Jasim Secretary 33- 31496 D1027


33-31403 Vice Dean Office Dr. Faisal Al Onaizan - 33-31507

Secretary Mr. Mohammad Khardaly 33-31417 -



Vice Dean for Female Cisco- 3331502 Room # 35 Dr. Maram AlGhamdi Student Affairs 8574928 Ext. 114 Building 1

Room #36 Secretary Ms. Samar Fouad Dounia 33-31435 Building 1

Community Services Room #33 Coordinator/ DED Ms. Olivia Morales 8574928 Ext. 110 Building 1 Secretary Ms. Hajar Ahmed Al- Room # 381 Librarian 8574928 Ext. 153 Sharekh Building 2 3F Room # 25 Activities Coordinator Ms. Sara Albugami 8574928 Ext. 206 Building 1 Room # Female IT and Room 33-31523 Ms. Fatima Abdulrazak Building 1 Coordinator 8574928 Ext. 195

Exam and Assessment Room # 106 Ms. Reham Al Bubshait 8574928 Ext. 127 Unit Building 1 Ms. Amal AlOtaibi Room # 382 Public Relation Officer 8574928 Ext. 178 Ms. Kholood AlOtaibi Building 2 3F


D3085 Chairman Office Dr. Amr Bugshan 33-31443 D3084

Secretary Ms. Nourah Al Sager 33-31513 Dept. Secretary Office


Chairman Office Dr. Jehan AlHumaid - -

Secretary Ms. Olivia Morales - Dept. Secretary Office


DEPARTMENT DIRECT NUMBER NAME ROOM NO. POSITION (Cisco Extension) D1022 Chairman Dr. Muhanad AlHareky 33-31456

Dept. Secretary Secretary Ms. Luluwah Al Hameem 33-31412 Office



33-31403 RDS Chairman Dr. Faisal AlOnaizan D3064 33-31507

33-31415 SDS Secretary Ms. Leena AlMutaher Dept. Secretary Office


SDS Chairman Dr. Yousif AlDulaijan - -

33-31415 Dept. Secretary SDS Secretary Ms. Leena AlMutaher Office

Clinical Dental Laboratory


Laboratory Director Dr. Firas Al Qarawi

8574928 Ext. Laboratory Coordinator Joan Coloma 214 114 Female Campus

Laboratory Coordinator Riyaz Ahmed Awati 33-31433 Dental Hospital

Internship Program


Internship Program Director Dr. Maria Ibrahim 33-3150 104

Mr. Bassam Ali Al Internship Program Secretary 33-31410 - Hussain

Internship Program Ms. Michelle Eve 33-35865 - Coordinator Bajon

63 Continuing Education and Faculty Development Unit DIRECT DEPARTMENT NAME NUMBER ROOM NO. POSITION (Cisco Extension)

Continuous Education and Faculty Dr. Khalid Al Mulhim 33-31498 - Development Unit Director

CE&FD Unit Secretary Ms. Haifa AlQahtani 33-31431 D3003-B



Nursing Director - 33-31524 -

Patient Affairs Coordinator - 33-35863 -

Call Center Clerk - 33-31500 -

33-35851 Dental Assistants Coordinator - - 33-35854

Medical Records - 33-35853 -

Reception - 33-35850 -

Screening Clinics - 33-35868 - In Patient Management Material Management Coordinator 33-35868 - - Supply Dispensary 33-35872 Infection Control Coordinator - 33-31439 - SOUTH CLINICS (2S) - 33-35865 - In Patient Management Coordinator

64 WEST CLINICS (2W) - 33-35870 - In Patient Management Coordinator

NORTH CLINICS (2N) - 33-31476 - In Patient Management Coordinator

EAST CLINICS (2E) - 33-35854 - In Patient Management Coordinator

Faculty Reception - 33-35861 -

In Patient Management - 33-35871 -

FEMALE CAMPUS DEPARTMENT DIRECT NUMBER NAME ROOM NO. POSITION (Cisco Extension) 33-35857 Senior Dental Assistant Ms. Analina Verzosa - 220

Dental Assistants Coordinator Ms. Vangie Ortis 172 -

Medical Records - 171 -

Students Reception - 224 -

Supply Dispensary - 176 - Radiology Unit - 159 - Reception B2 - 191/140 -

(Ground Floor ) B2 - 162/119 -

Radiology Unit B2 - 143 -

Sterilization - 154 -

1st Floor Clinics - 138/238 -

2nd Floor Clinics - 108/120 -

65 Academic Departments - Biomedical Dental Sciences Department - Dental Education Department - Preventive Dental Sciences Department - Restorative Dental Sciences Department - Substitutive Dental Sciences Department Academic Departments |

Biomedical Dental Sciences Department (BDS) Overview The Department of Biomedical Dental Science (BDS) contains several sections concerned with diagnosing oral diseases and treatment strategies, in addition to sections specialized in dental and bi-maxillary surgery and radiology. Students learn the basics of dental biology, anatomy and surgery. Divisions Oral Biology Division This division covers the study of the basic biological characteristics of oral tissues and peri-oral areas in health and disease. Oral Pathology Division The students will become familiar with the different oral diseases, which affect humans in general and will concentrate on the mandible and maxilla bones and the surrounding tissues in particular. The students will also learn the diseases characterized by the appearance of oral or facial symptoms which affect the body in general. Oral Radiology Division In this division, students will learn the physics of radiation, how to take radiographs and how to interpret them. Oral Diagnosis Division This division aims to teach and train students in modern techniques used in the diagnosis of oral diseases. Oral Medicine Division The students are taught in the clinical skills necessary for examination, diagnosis and treatment of different oral diseases. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery The students are trained in the clinical skills necessary for tooth extraction. They are also trained to apply different surgical techniques to manage aesthetic and prosthetic situations, trauma and tumors.

68 Biomedical Dental Sciences Faculty Name of Faculty Member Position Specialty Assistant Professor and Dr. Amr Bugshan Oral Medicine Chairman, BDS Department Prof. Badr Abdulrahman Professor Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Al-Jandan Prof. Maha Mahmoud Professor and Supervisor Oral Pathology Abdelsalam General ,VDSD&CS Prof. Maha Mahmoud Professor Oral Medicine Dr. Haytham Ahmed Al- Assistant Professor Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Mahalawy Dr. Adel Abdelhadi Ibrahim Assistant Professor Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Dina Khairy Assistant Professor Histopathology Dr. Ahmed Ashour Assistant Professor Human Anatomy Dr. Hawra Al Janobi Assistant Professor Oral Pathology Dr. Osama Zakaria Assistant Professor Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Sami AlShehri Assistant Professor Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Faiyaz Ahmad Syed Lecturer Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Arishiya Thapasum Lecturer Oral Medicine Fairosekhan Dr. Faraz Mohammed Kasti Lecturer Oral Pathology Dr. Sonali Vedraj Sharma Lecturer Oral Radiology & Oral Medicine Dr. Hatem Moustafa Lecturer Pharmacology Abouhashish Dr. Doaa Mostafa AlEraky Lecturer Microbiology Dr. Asim Mustafa Khan Lecturer Oral Radiology & Oral Medicine Dr. Saqib Ali Gohar Ali Lecturer Oral Biology Dr. Reshma VJ Lecturer Oral Medicine & Oral Radiology Dr. Muhaseena Muhamood Lecturer Oral Pathology Dr. Abdullah Al Thumairi Demonstrator Dr. Mohammad Al Shehri Demonstrator Dr. Wazeer Alghamdi Demonstrator Dr. Nourah al sahiea Demonstrator Dr. Muroj aljeshi Demonstrator Dr. Maryam Buhlaiga Demonstrator Dr. Shatha Al Shehri Demonstrator Dr. Mona Al Sunni Demonstrator Dr. Mashael Bin Rashid Demonstrator

69 Department of Dental Education Dental Education is a dynamic process, which includes training and assessment. These areas require continuous study and review in order to keep pace with the different developments that occur in teaching and assessment methods. The Department is continually developing and updating the curricula, in addition to fulfilling its educational goals of graduating qualified professionals as soon as possible. This specialized Department of Dental Education is concerned with providing educational services for faculty members and students of the College of Dentistry through teaching, consultations, implementation of different programs related to teaching skills and raising the level of professionalism by presenting continuous learning and training programs for faculty and staff.

The Department of Dental Education provides the faculty with useful counseling that includes evaluation of teaching methods and materials, improvement of teaching skills, and the design of systems for assessing students’ achievements. It also provides students with learning resources and helps them to enhance their studying skills. The Department of Dental Education aims to provide an academic base and focus for educational activities within the college, including teaching, research, student evaluation, faculty development, and the review of the curriculum. The Department of Dental Education is mandated to support the educational planning and development in the College, improving all facets of the pedagogic process, maintaining faculty development, assisting in continuing education activities, and promoting effective study methods as well as independent learning for undergraduate students.

The Department ensures that the educational needs of the community are fully provided for, by means of the four following processes: • Review of curriculum for revision and updates. • Evaluation and assessment development. • Career and professional development. • Continuous dental education.

Dental Education Faculty

Name of Faculty Member Position Specialty

AssociateProfessor, Chairman, Dr. Jehan Ahmed Al Humaid Dental Public Health DED, Dean COD Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Al Associate Professor Dental Education Kuwaiti Dr. Amal Asiri Assistant Professor Dental Education

Dr. Shazia Sadaf Lecturer Dental Education

70 Preventive Dental Sciences Department (PDS) Overview The Department of Preventive Dental Sciences (PDS) consists of minimum frame prevention and preventive treatment along with the utilization of modern diagnostic methods. The Department is also involved in several research and behavioral programs in coordination with the Basic Sciences Program. The Department conducts community dental health programs in order to provide preventive dentistry services for individuals and communities. Divisions Dental Public Health and Community Dentistry This division aspires to qualify the students to meet the needs of the community, particularly those related to oral health in accordance with the community’s social and cultural circumstances. This division organizes and conducts outreach programs and symposia, which are held at health centers, community service centers and other facilities. This division also provides oral health care education and treatment for residents of social care homes. The College provides many activities in this field, such as: • Periodic educational and scientific lectures. • Training courses. Orthodontic Division This division teaches students the basics of orthodontics and the diagnosis of disorders and malformations of teeth, as well as maxillofacial deformities. Pediatric Dentistry Division It teaches students the normal growth of dentition and oral structures and their pathological disorder as well as teaching the students about preventive and therapeutic techniques for inherited and acquired dental problems in children. Periodontic Division This division focuses on the supporting structures of the teeth (periodontium) and the recognition of pathological changes resulting from local and systemic causes. The effect of diseased periodontiums on systemic health is also covered.

71 Preventive Dental Sciences Faculty

Name of Faculty Member Position Specialty Dr. Muhanad Al Hareky Assistant Professor and Pedodontics Chairman of Preventive Dental Sciences Department Prof. Adel Al Agl Professor Perio Surgery Prof. Khalid Almas Professor Periodontics Dr. Kasumi Barouch Professor Periodontics Dr. Asim Al Ansari Associate Professor and Dean Dental Public Health College of Pharmacy Dr. Jehan Al Humaid Assistant Professor and Pedodontics Dean,COD Dr. Azza Tag Eldin Associate Professor Pedodontics Dr. Khalifa Al Khalifa Associate Professor Dental Public Health Dr. Subraya Bhat Associate Professor Periodontics Dr. Naif Al Masoud Associate Professor Orthodontics Dr. Yousef Al Yousef Assistant Professor Pedodontics Dr. Essam Nassar Assistant Professor Orthodontics Dr. Eman Bakhurji Assistant Professor Pedodontics Dr. Suliman Shahin Assistant Professor Orthodontics Dr. Abdulkareem Al Humaidan Assistant Professor Periodontics Dr. Marwa Madi Ibrahim Assistant Professor Periodontics Dr. Maria Ibrahim Assistant Professor Pedodontics Dr. Mazin Al Qahtani Assistant Professor Pedodontics Dr. Mishali AlSharief Assistant Professor Pedodontics Dr. Abdulaziz AlAmri Assistant Professor Orthodontics Dr. Ahmed AlSulaiman Assistant Professor Orthodontics Dr. Afsheen Tabassum Assistant Professor Periodontics Dr. Ahmed Abdulaziz AlAkel Assistant Professor Periodontics Dr. Faisal Al Jofi Assistant Professor Periodontics Dr. Steph Smith Lecturer Periodontics Dr. Balqis Osman Gaffar Lecturer Dental Public Health Dr. Muhammad Ashraf Nazir Lecturer Dental Public Health Dr. Sumit Bedi Lecturer Pedodontics

72 Preventive Dental Sciences Faculty

Name of Faculty Member Position Specialty

Demonstrator Dr. Thamir Al Houtan Demonstrator Dr. Sara Fita Demonstrator Dr. Zainab Al Suwaiyan Demonstrator Dr. Dalal Al Mazroua Demonstrator Dr. Afnan AlAbdan Demonstrator Dr. Deemah AlDharrab Demonstrator Dr. Zainah Salloot Demonstrator Dr. Hoda Al Baqawi Demonstrator Dr. Turki AlAnsari Demonstrator Dr. Walaa Al Turki Demonstrator Dr. Tasneem Al Luhaidan Demonstrator

73 Restorative Dental Sciences Department (RDS) Overview The Department of Restorative Dental Services (RDS) teaches the basics of tooth restoration and the science of dental materials and their application. The Department’s state-of-the-art equipment helps the Department keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the dental field. In addition, there are labs designed for students that are equipped with the latest in audiovisual communication in order to explain the methods of restorative dental treatments. Divisions Bio-Dental Materials Division In this division, the students learn the materials used in the different branches of dentistry. They learn the physical and chemical characteristics of the dental materials and how to utilize them in dentistry. Operative Dentistry Division This division focuses on how to manage diseases of the hard tooth structure and how to restore them to a normal condition. They also learn how to manage complex tooth loss in order to restore the patient’s needs for comfort, mastication and esthetics. Endodontic Division In this division, the students learn the theoretical basis of dental pulp and root canal therapy. They are also exposed to the diagnosis and management of root pathology both at the pre- clinical and clinical levels.

74 Restorative Dental Sciences Department Faculty

Name of Faculty Member Position Specialty Assistant Professor, Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs, Medical Endodontics Dr. Faisal Al Onaizan Director and Chairman, RDS Department Prof. Hala Bahgat Professor Dental Material Prof. Moataz ElGezawi Professor Restorative Dr. Neveen Mokhtar Ayad Associate Professor Dental Biomaterial Dr. Inas ElGhandour Associate Professor Restorative Dr. Abdulsamad Khan Associate Professor Dental Materials Dr. Abeer Syed ElEmbaby Associate Professor Restorative Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Assistant Professor Dental Material Rahoma Dr. Rasha Al Sheikh Assistant Professor Restorative Dr. Ahmed Talal Assistant Professor Restorative Dr. Laila Al Dehailan Assistant Professor Restorative Dr. Amre Atmeh Assistant Professor Endodontics Dr. Khalid Al Mulhim Assistant Professor Restorative Dr. Abdul Khabeer Lecturer Endodontics Dr. Syed Zubairuddin Ahmed Lecturer Restorative Dr. Madi Al Madi Demonstrator Dr. Manar Al Zamil Demonstrator Dr. Muneera AlMedaires Demonstrator Dr. Yara AlMaimouni Demonstrator Dr. Hassan AlMoqhawi Demonstrator Dr. Masouma Qaw Demonstrator Dr. Lama Al Muhanna Demonstrator

75 Substitutive Dental Sciences Department (SDS) Overview The Department teaches theoretical and laboratory courses for students that will help them reach the right diagnosis, as well as give them a background in rehabilitative and substitutive treatment in order to meet the individual patients' needs. This Department includes full, partial, fixed and removable prosthetics. Students learn the basics of dental implants, which include precise diagnosis, treatment strategy and the opportunity to help in dental implant surgery as well as complete final prosthetic treatments. Divisions Removable (Complete and Partial) Prosthodontics Division This section teaches students various techniques for how to fabricate removable partial dentures. They are also trained in complete removable dentures in cases of complete tooth loss, taking into consideration various circumstances. Fixed Prosthodontics Division This division aims to train students in the diagnosis and management of tooth loss by constructing fixed dentures that are similar to natural teeth. The students are also trained in making posts, cores and crowns to protect broken teeth. Advanced Prosthodontics Division In this division, students learn about recent theories and techniques in the area of maxillo-facial prosthesis design in order to fabricate missing structures like ears, nose, eye, etc., including exposure to dental implants.

76 Substitutive Dental Sciences Department Faculty

Name of Faculty Member Position Specialty Assistant Professor and Dr. Yousif AlDulaijan Chairman, Department of Prosthodontics Substitutive Dental Sciences Dr. Ahmad Al Thobaity Associate Professor Prosthodontics Prof. Fahad Ahmed Al Harbi Professor , Vice President PG&SR Prosthodontics Prof. Amr Aly Mahrous Professor and Coordinator Prosthodontics Prof. Mohammad Saber Professor Prosthodontics Abdulhaleem Assistant Professor and Vice Dr. Maram AlGhamdi Prosthodontics Dean Female Student Affairs Assistant Professor and Vice Dr. Faisal AlQarni Prosthodontics Dean PG&SR Dr. Khalid Saad Al Abidi Assistant Professor Prosthodontics Dr. Reem Abualsaud Assistant Professor Prosthodontics Dr. Firas AlQarawi Assistant Professor Prosthodontics Dr. Faris AlShahrani Assistant Professor Prosthodontics Dr. Hamad AlRumaih Assistant Professor Prosthodontics Dr. Haidar AlAlawi Assistant Professor Prosthodontics Dr. Noha Taymour Assistant Professor Prosthodontics Dr. Passent Ellakany Lecturer Prosthodontics Dr. Zahid Khan Lecturer Prosthodontics Dr. Shaimaa Mohamed Saeed Fouda Lecturer Prosthodontics Dr. Mohammad Moustafa Gad Lecturer Prosthodontics Dr. Mai El Zayat Lecturer Prosthodontics Dr. Moamen Ahmed Abd Elkader Lecturer Prosthodontics Dr. Ibrahim AlHussein Demonstrator Dr. Nora AlKaltham Demonstrator Dr. Reem AlDhafiri Demonstrator Dr. AlHanouf AlBarrak Demonstrator Dr. Zainab Al Basry Demonstrator Dr. Sadeem Al Zagharan Demonstrator Dr. Abdulkareem Al Otaibi Demonstrator

77 Teaching and Related Activities The University considers the faculty's role in teaching and educational engagements as primary and essential. A faculty member, as a teacher; • discharge his / her teaching responsibilities by presenting materials accurately and effectively in accordance with the approved course objectives and course outlines • make every effort to encourage students to learn and perform better through innovative teaching methods. • convey instructional objectives of each course at the beginning of the semester and ensure that course objectives are fulfilled through course-related activities. • develop a relationship with students and act as an intellectual guide, counselor, advisor and mentor

Assignment of Instructional Responsibilities The department chairman assigns teaching load, academic advising, and other teaching related tasks to the faculty members, all of which vary from semester to semester depending on the departmental requirements and the policy.

Teaching Load Teaching load for a full-time teaching instructor in a regular semester may vary from semester to semester depending upon the requirements of the department and the number of teaching staff available. Primarily, teaching load includes teaching undergraduate courses. Additional load may result from specifically assigned projects, summer work and coordination of multi- section courses if appointed as a course coordinator. The department may reduce the course load of a faculty member who is assigned a special duty by the department, by the College or by the University. Faculty members are expected to be available for professional duties up to 40 hours per week.

Course Scheduling All courses are scheduled by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs (VDAA) and Registrar’s Office through Deanship of Admissions & Registration at the University. The request for a change in the scheduled class time can be made only if there is conflict and /or a strong justification. The request must be filed with the Registrar’s office through the chairman of the department citing the reasons.

78 Course Portfolio An instructor is required to prepare Course Portfolio, containing Course Specifications and Course Report on the EEC-NCAAA templates with necessary documentation and submit it to the department on completion of the course. The Course Portfolio file should contain teaching materials, syllabus, instructor’s report, and copies of projects and examinations, samples of students’ work and action plan for proposed improvements

Hours of Instruction and Conduct of Classes The duration of each lecture and laboratory & clinical sessions is indicated by the VDAA office. An instructor is responsible to the department offering the course and to the VDAA for orderly and competent conduct of classes and all teaching activities. Faculty members are expected to start and finish their scheduled classes promptly on time.

Curriculum Development Each faculty member should have a continuing commitment to the development of subjects in his / her field. She/he should review and update the course contents, as and when necessary, to reflect new developments and advances. A faculty member is also expected to develop new courses to include new advances and contemporary issues, which would strengthen the academic curricula. S/he should work in collaboration with other faculty members in his/her field to seek continuous updating and improvement of curricula. Such proposals shouldbe submitted to the College Curriculum Committee through departmental chair with his approval.

Office Hours Instructors are expected to schedule and keep a reasonable number of weekly office hours for student advising and consultations. Office hours should be scheduled at times convenient to students. The minimum number of office hours is normally specified by the department. The academic departments require that the instructors post their scheduled office hours for the convenience of students and provide the department with a copy of their posted office hours.

Classroom Supplies Each classroom is equipped with a smart board, an overhead projector, screen, board markers and other classroom supplies.

79 Class Roster It is the responsibility of the instructor to ensure that all names of students who are officially admitted to the course are duly registered in the official class roster supplied by the Deanship of Admissions & Registration. The official class list can be obtained by the Course Director through People Soft Registration Program. Only registered students are allowed to attend classes.

Record of Class Attendance A regular student is expected to attend all classes and clinical / laboratory sessions. To discourage class absenteeism of students, the university and College enforce a policy on class attendance. A course instructor should therefore keep a record of class and clinical / laboratory attendances of all students and document that immediately and directly to the People Soft Registration System.

Cancellation of Classes and Make-up Classes An instructor may cancel a class due to sickness, emergency leave, official business trip or assignment or any other unforeseen, unavoidable events. In such cases, s/he must inform the department of the cancellation with justification and also notify the class. For all cancelled classes make-up classes must be scheduled to complete the course coverage. It is the responsibility of the instructor to make arrangements for the extra class meetings at a suitable time free of conflict with students ‘academic engagements. The department should be informed ofthe scheduling of all make-up classes.

Textbooks and Course Materials All scheduled courses have a designated textbook recommended by the department. All students registered in a course are expected to have a copy of this book; an instructor may freely refer to the textbook as and when necessary, s/he may use other references to supplement teaching material. Where there is no designated textbook, an instructor must rely on his / her own collection of materials and whenever necessary and appropriate, s/he should distribute the course materials to the students in his/her class. An instructor can propose a new textbook, either as a replacement for an existing one or as a new addition for a course where there is no designated textbook, by following the University’s procedure, which requires approval of the department, the college and the University.


College Facilities MAIN CAMPUS (Campus 2): It is located within the University City at Rakkah East with other colleges of healthcare cluster. It comprises of;

Ground Floor: First Floor: Second Floor: • Office of the Dean • Teaching Laboratories • Offices of Departmental Chairs • Dean’s Conference • Research Laboratories • Faculty Offices Room, • Lecture Rooms • Office of the Vice Deanship • Offices of Vice Deans, • Entrance to Dental for Studies, Development and • Director Administration Hospital Community Service and Finance • Department Conference • College Registrar and Rooms • Maintenance and • Library Technical support staff

DENTAL HOSPITAL: Dental Hospital built under Self Operating Program Hospital (SOPH) was commissioned in May 2015 in the main campus to support clinical teaching and training of dental students and provide dental oral care to patients by skilled faculty and specialists in the Dental Hospital.

Ground Floor: First Floor: Second Floor: • Screening Clinic • Teaching Clinics • Specialty Clinics • Medical Administration • Support Lab • Supporting Admin • Student Counseling • Administration, College • Quality and Safety • Classrooms of Dentistry • Operating Rooms • Maintenance & Technical • CSSD • Teaching Lab Staff • Teaching Staff • Cafeteria • Seminar Rooms • Prayer Room • Library

83 Location # of Clinics # of Dental Chairs Courses ER Clinics- Ground ER Patients for Interns and 8 8 Floor Residents Interns –integrated with CCD Clinics in Teaching clinics (North, South and East)

3rd Year Male RESTO 313

ODIAG 311 ORAD 310 PERIO 312 4th Year Male TEACHING PERIO 411 CLINICS-1ST FLOOR ODIAG 408 with CCD 180 ENDO 413 North teaching (inclusive of clinics RMVB 416 180 South teaching used as X-rays) OSURG 409 East teaching FIXD 415 West teaching 4th Year Male OSURG 409 ODIAG 408 with CCD FIXD 415 5th Year Male & Female PEDO 514 CCD 513 6th Year Male & Female ORTHD 611 CCD 611

On a daily basis 22- specialty clinics Specialty clinics depending on West Faculty/West available Doctors/ Specialty assistants (3-8) And 2 Hygienists 3 VIP clinics VIP

16 East Faculty /Post- (14 Postgraduates 22 Postgraduate and Residents Graduate & 2 residents) On a daily basis East Special Needs/ Pedodontic East Special Needs 4 (1-4 clinics) Clinics TOTAL 239

84 CAMPUS 1: Currently it is designated for female dental students until a dedicated campus is completed in the University City for them.

Ground Floor First Floor • Office of the Dean • Dean’s Conference Room, • Office of the Vice Dean for Female Students Affairs (VDFSA) • Office of the Supervisor General VDSD&CS • Conference Room for VDFSA • Conference Room for Supervisor General • Classrooms VDSD&CS • Faculty Offices • Faculty Offices • Offices of Secretarial Staff • Examination and Calibration Unit • Office of ITC Coordinator • Teaching Laboratories • Main Auditorium • Faculty Dental Clinics • Teaching Laboratories • Dental Clinics – Dispensary, CSSD, Medical Record Section

Building 2:

Ground Floor First and Second Floor Third Floor • Students Study Room • Computer Lab • Senior Dental Assistant’s • Research Laboratory office • Dental Clinics • Faculty Offices • Dental Clinics and Radiology • CCSD, Dispensary & • Office of the Vice Deanship Section Medical Records Section for Studies, Development • CCSD, Dispensary & Medical and Community Service Records Section • Library

Dental & Research Laboratories • Phantom Laboratory • Prosthodontic Training Laboratory • Clinical Laboratory • Pathology and Oral Simulation • Biomaterial Research Laboratory • Prosthodontic Research Laboratory • Oral Biology Research Laboratory • Micro CT Laboratory

85 New Staff Orientation Checklist New Staff Orientation Check List ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: ______Date: ______

SN Check List Responsibility 1. Discuss department’s organization, goals and objectives 2. Review job description , responsibilities and expectations 3. Office Hours Teaching and Related Activities Curriculum Guidelines / Curriculum Development Academic Calendar Information about Courses within the department Discuss faculty and course portfolio Discuss sample course reports Teaching Load 4. Hours of Instruction and Conduct of Classes Course Scheduling Class room management / Cancellation of Classes and Make-up Classes Use of smart board and multimedia for lectures Teaching and learning resources (Textbooks and Course Materials, library information, other resources etc.) Record of Class Attendance 5. Proper attire for teaching, clinical and laboratory sessions 6. Discuss training completed and training planned for the future Develop a plan to assess development and performance throughout 7. the probationary period and on confirmation 8. Research and scholarly activities 9. Community Service 10. Review and discuss the employee’s performance objectives 11. Review Annual faculty self-evaluation and appraisal process 12. Schedule meeting with others staff members of the department Review confidentially of information, health and safety guidelines, 13. and guide to responding to emergencies 14. Annual Vacations 15. Computer orientation, including log–in, password, networks, email 16. Provide office and other required keys Name & signature of Department Chair: ______Name & Signature of New Employee: ______

87 College Committees College Committees |

Requirements: 1. Committee members will be recommended by the College Dean or Departmental Chair, or will be appointed by the virtue of their position in Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University – College of Dentistry. 2. All committees may receive materials for discussion from office of the Dean, concerned Vice Dean / departmental chair or secretary of the committee (on instructions of the committee chair). 3. Confidentiality of the discussion and material used shall be maintained and endorsed to the dean until resolutions has been established.

*Notice of the Meeting stating the time, place and the date of the meeting and the purpose the meeting is called for, should all be visible in the notice. The notice of the meeting should be delivered at least seven days before the scheduled meeting or quorum.*

STUDENT PARTICIPATION IN COMMITTEES: Students at the College of Dentistry – Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University are the most important stake holder among all. They are encouraged to participate and are involved in most significant decision making processes through college committees. Also, they participate in Self Study and other quality evaluation mechanisms through nomination in ad hoc committees formed for this purpose. Following are some important committees where students are involved as regular members and in others they may be invited according to agenda of the meeting. 1. Dean’s Student Advisory Board 2. Curriculum Committee 3. Examination and Assessment Committee 4. Students Council 5. Clinical Affairs Committee 6. Infection Control Committee 7. Quality Assurance and Improvement Committee

89 FACULTY PARTICIPATION IN COMMITTEES: All faculty staff members at the College of Dentistry-Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University get an equal opportunity to serve at different functional college committees and ad hoc committees formed by the Dean as and when required. Administration highly values their working and input in the committees and is an important factor in annual performance evaluation as well. Faculty members are also engaged in quality evaluation activities for the program and the college.

List of College Committees and Units DEAN'S OFFICE 1. Disciplinary Committee 2. Dental Student Admission Committee 3. Student Council 4. External Advisory Board 5. College Board 6. Recruitment Committee

VICE DEANSHIP FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS 1. Academic Affairs Committee 2. Curriculum Committee 3. Examinations and Calibration Unit 4. Examination Facilitation Committee 5. Students Registration Unit 6. Student Support and Academic Advising Unit 7. Learning Resources Support Unit

VICE DEANSHIP FOR CLINICAL AFFAIRS 1. Clinical Affairs Committee 2. Credentialing & Privileging Committee 3. Infection Control Committee 4. Internship Program Unit

90 VICE DEANSHIP FOR STUDIES, DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY SERVICE 1. VDSD & CS Committee 2. Academic Accreditation Unit 3. Quality Management & Improvement Unit 4. Community Service Unit 5. Continuing Education & Faculty Development Unit 6. Professionalism & Leadership Unit 7. Alumni and Career Development Unit 8. Documentation and Records Unit 9. Measurement & Evaluation Unit 10. Risk Management Unit


VICE DEANSHIP FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS 1. Students Activities Unit 2. Female Students Service Unit

DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE 1. Purchasing Unit 2. Safety & Security Unit 3. Facility Management Services Unit

91 COMMITTEES - DEAN’s OFFICE 1. College Board: The College Board serves as the primary source of advice to the Dean on all College administrative and academic matters. It reviews all applications for faculty appointments and promotions, and also makes recommendations regarding changes in policies and procedures, new programs, research activities, financial resources, and other considerations affecting the academic climate and the overall operations of the College. The Board manages the policy review and development process, including working with the appropriate system, campus, and governance and executive-level representatives. It establishes a rigorous process for reviewing policy drafts that involves affected stakeholders at all levels of the university, and across all functions. It also establishes adequate and appropriate review by the institution, end users, and other officers of the University, as well as, the appropriate functional areas under the leadership. Because it is representative of the leadership of all components of the College, including the faculty, the College Board also acts as the College’s most important resource for interdepartmental collaboration and dissemination of information. It also enables faculty participation in the College’s governing process.

2. EXTERNAL ADVISORY BOARD The External Advisory Board (EAB) is established to serve as an advisory panel of non-faculty stakeholders to advise the College leadership and critically review all aspects of the College, from administration to development and implementation of its mission and goals. The board meets formally at least once annually to evaluate the College and advise the Dean on all goals, directions, programs, and services, identify the strengths and weaknesses and recommend corrective actions. The EAB is chaired by the College Dean and comprise of two renowned members from international community of dental educators and service providers, an active member from local community, Chairman of the Academic Council of the Saudi

3. STUDENT COUNCIL The College of Dentistry at the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University values the importance of student participation in its decision-making processes. It therefore seeks to enhance the degree of student input and help the College to better understand the needs of its students and the means to assist them. Accordingly, this important, student-administered council is tasked with the responsibility of reviewing the academic programs and services that impact their daily activities at the College. This helps students develop and enhance their leadership skills, and also provides the necessary feedback to enable the College to reach a higher level of excellence.

92 4. RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE The College of Dentistry, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University's Human Resource Management philosophy is based on the conviction that its most valued asset is its people. Recruitment and selection at all levels is made in an open, transparent and equitable manner, which reflects University and College's commitment to quality and meritocracy, and to be an equal opportunity employer for all. The institution aims to hire, develop and retain high-caliber faculty to meet its mission and strategic plans in the areas of education, research, professional service and leadership.

5. DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE In accordance with policies and procedures established by the university, the Discipline Committee is established by the College of Dentistry in order to more quickly respond to student and faculty’s disciplinary issues and offer an immediate decision with an appropriate action plan. This committee serves to protect and sustain the integrity and credibility of the College. Discipline Committee is a stand-alone committee governed by the office of the Dean. Per university rules and regulations, all matters concerning disciplinary action require an immediate investigation. The committee will meet as necessary in response to reported incidents of academic or general misconduct.

93 COMMITTEES - VICE DEAN FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS 1. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE The communication, clarification and enforcement of College policies regarding curriculum and academic policy is administered through this committee with a diversity of membership. The committee is chaired by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and discusses academic matters of significant interest to the faculty, staff and students and relay its observations and recommendations to the College Board. The committee may recommend development or elimination of courses in response to recommendations of the curriculum committee and/or changes in the profession. The committee may also take up cases of students complaints and grievances.

2. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE The Curriculum Committee is a representative body within the College which reviews and approves all curriculum and program requirements and forwards these to the College Faculty Board and subsequently to the University Council. It plays a central role for enhancing the quality of education in the college. Primarily it is responsible for maintaining the high standards and implementing the curriculum in an organized and efficient manner. The committee coordinates and integrates the courses, programs, and academic functions of the college.

COMMITTEES- VICE DEANSHIP FOR POST GRADUATE STUDIES AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 1. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH COMMITTEE The scientific research committee is established to promote scientific research by faculty, interns and students of the College to achieve the vision and mission of the College. It determines the priorities of scientific research in the College to meet the need of the community and the region. The committee reviews and provides consultations to improve the quality of scientific research projects submitted by researchers. The committee develops policies and byelaws related to research and research ethics in accordance with the national byelaws of research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

94 COMMITTEES - VICE DEAN FOR CLINICAL AFFAIRS 1. CLINICAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE The formation of the Management Committee of therapeutic affairs in the clinics of College of Dentistry headed by Doctor/ Vice dean of clinical affairs and the membership of Vice Dean Clinical Affairs as Chairman , all Department chairs and Medical Director.

2. INFECTION CONTROL COMMITTEE The Infection Control Committee (ICC) is established to assure and evaluate that occupational practices within the Dental Hospital, Clinics and Dental Laboratories comply with the Universal Guidelines regarding safety practices and prevention and control of infection and cross contamination. The committee facilitates development of safer working environment within the Dental Hospital and College through guidelines to all clinical practices; and to assure that all protective equipment and materials are available in each clinic and dental laboratories and the College members are aware of its use and disposal.

3. INTERNSHIP PROGRAM COMMITTEE Internship Program Committee (IPC) is established to monitor and evaluate internship program improvement activities for academic, clinical entities and recommend continuous improvement strategies. The committee is mandated to design and execute internship program and monitor its effectiveness to train graduates of the College of Dentistry, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University as safe dental practitioner for the community.

COMMITTEES - VICE DEANSHIP FOR STUDIES, DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY SERVICE (VDSD&CS) 1. QU VDSD&CS COMMITTEE: The QU VDSD&CS Committee is established to monitor and evaluate the quality improvement activities for the academic, clinical, research and administrative programs of the College and recommend strategies for continuous quality improvement. The committee encourages and facilitates development of a culture of excellence in the educational program and related functions and system & processes of the College according to national and international standards. The committee ensures that all required documents, reports and appropriate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are submitted in a timely manner. Committee formally reviews the policies and procedures of the College at least every three years, or more frequently, if necessary.


I.Administration 1. Policies and Procedures for Faculty and Staff Recruitment. 2. Policy for Faculty Promotions. 3. Policy for Budgeting and Planning. 4. Policy for Conflict of Interests. 5. Policy and Procedure for Faculty Grievance (Due Process). 6. Policy for Underperforming Faculty Members. 7. Policy for Smoking Prohibition in the College of Dentistry. 8. COD-IAU Guidelines Policy and Procedure for Faculty Staff Perfromance Evaluation.

II. Academic Affairs 1. Policy & Procedure for Program Delivery. 2. Policy for Teaching Methodologies. 3. Policy for Monitoring Student Performance and Progress. 4. Policies and Procedures for Retention of Dental Students. 5. Policy and Guideline for Students’ Code of Conduct. 6. Policy to Ensure Educational Privacy. 7. Policy for Student Grievances and Grade Appeals. 8. Policy on Academic Advising and Counseling. 9. Policies and Procedure for Admission of New Dental Students. 10. Policies and Procedure for Examination & Assessment. 11. Policy and Procedure for New Dental Students’ Orientation. 12. Policy &Procedure for Plagiarism and Scientific Integrity (Assignments, Research and Projects). 13. Policy and Procedure for Election of Class Leaders. 14. Policy on Remediation. 15. Policy and Procedures for Teach-out Existing BDS Curriculum. 16. Rules and Regulations for Students Excuses. 17. Policy for Competency Examination. 18. Policy & Procedure and Guidelines for the Virtual Examination. 19. Policy & Procedure and Guidelines for Virtual Examinations Invigilation. 20. Policy and Contingency Plan Under Emergency Situations. 21. Policy and Contingency Plan for Examination Under Emergency.

97 III. Clinical Affairs RADIOLOGY 1. Rules and Regulations for Radiation Protection 2. Policy for Chemicals Disposal in Radiology MAIN STORE 1. Policy for Material Issue 2. Policy for Purchase Orders 3. Policy for Purchase Records 4. Policy for Receiving and Inspection 5. Policy for Deliveries from Main Dental Store to Clinics and Laboratories 6. Policy for Expired Items MEDICAL RECORDS 1. Policy for Circulation/Check-out of Medical Record Files 2. Policy for Confidentiality of Medical Records 3. Policy for Data Retrieval and Medical Records Review 4. Policy for Documentation Standards for Patient Medical Records 5. Policy for Filing of Investigation Reports/Other Documents in Medical Records 6. Policy for Missing or Lost Medical Records 7. Policy for Medical Record Completion 8. Policy for Medical Records Retention 9. Policy for Release of Information

IV. VDSD&CS POLICY 1. Policy and Procedure for Conducting and Monitoring Quality Assurance Activities 2. Policy and Procedure for Continual Improvement 3. Policy and Procedure for Monitoring Students Awareness to the COD Policies and Procedures 4. Policy & Procedure for Risk Management 5. Policy & Procedure for Anti-Harassment 6. Policy & Procedure for Promoting Diversity and Non Discrimination 7. Policy & Procedure for Academic Freedom and Responsibility 8. Policy & Procedure for Community Service at COD-IAU

98 V. POST GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH 1. Policies, Procedures and Guidelines for Research. 2. Policy on Procurement and Management of Research Equipment. 3. Policy on Research Equipment Safety. 4. Policy for Biosafety in Research Laboratories. 5. Policy on Monitoring Research Strategic Plan.

99 Faculty - Job Description - Faculty Roles and Generic Responsibilities - Medical Staff Bylaws - Office Hours - Faculty Award Program - Appendix: Administrative Staff Directory Job Description - Professor |

COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University


Position: Professor Date of Appointment: Department: Status: Reporting Relationship: Full-time Part time • Department Chair Scale/Grade: • Vice Dean for Academic Affairs

Job Summary The faculty should actively participate in teaching and learning activities, supervise and mentor the students, perform research and scholarly activities, provide oversight at clinical sessions, and perform assigned administrative duties.

DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES List duties under two separate headings: REGULAR DUTIES AND PERIODIC DUTIES. Use a numbered statement for each duty. Make each statement as detailed as necessary to show clearly what is entailed. (Use another blank sheet, if required).


Academic: 1. Continually serve as a role model, educate and train the students to be knowledgeable, ethical, professional, compassionate, and competent dental practitioners with an appreciation for and commitment to community service. 2. Accept the teaching responsibilities specified by the department, i.e., each a minimum of 10 credit hours per semester. 3. Time allocation (after prioritizing the department needs): • 50-60% Academic Activity • 10-20% Clinical Activity • 0-10% Administration • 20-30% Research Activity • …… %Professional Development

102 1. Deliver effective and contemporary lectures / tutorials that develop critical thinking in the students and an enthusiasm for becoming lifelong learners. 2. As Course Director / Coordinator, ensuring the development of course specifications, and measurable Learning Outcomes (LO) consistent with aligning with the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and Program Learning Outcome. 3. Prepare and submit timely course reports to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the end of the semester through the Department Chair. 4. Designate regularly-scheduled “Student Hours” for advising, counseling, and mentoring the students in their academic and career pursuits. 5. Effectively supervise the students in the Dental clinics to enable them to enhance their clinical skills and judgment, discuss and establish treatment plans and the effective management of their patients. Also, supervise students effectively in the dental simulation laboratory as assigned. 6. Support the College internship program through active participation and direct supervision of interns as assigned by the department. 7. Maintain fair and clear standards for student assessment which reflect the actual academic progress of the student. 8. Report any sloppiness in student progress, such as academic difficulties or absence, to the course director, according to the regulations adopted by the College (Refer to Student Counseling Policy). 9. Comply with the evaluation schedule and all regulations pertaining to the examination/evaluation process. 10. Continually assess and improve the knowledge and skills in teaching and assessment methodologies.

Administrative: 1. Assist the Departmental Chair for the planning, organization and implementation of the educational program and curriculum. 2. Designate regularly scheduled weekly “office hours” for assigned administrative responsibilities. 3. Serve on College and University committees as assigned.

Research and Scholarly Activities Will Include: 1. Maintaining a consistent level of activity in research and scholarly activity, including the identification of research projects, securing competitive funding, completing the research, synthesizing research findings and publishing the results in peer reviewed journals. 2. Striving to make substantial contributions to educational research and community service. 3. Adherence to the ethical guidelines for research established by the College Scientific Research Committee and the University Research Council. 4. Presentation of research and scholarly work in prominent scientific meetings. 5. Appropriately indicating the affiliation with the College and the University when publishing scholarly activities or presenting research work that has been performed in the College University.

103 Clinical Activities Will Include: 1. Attendance at assigned clinical sessions while demonstrating the utmost professionalism and ethical values. 2. Adherence to all clinical guidelines established by the Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs. 3. Appropriate reduction in patients’ waiting time if any for your clinic. 4. Provision of quality and compassionate care to the patients in the dental clinics. 5. Completing appropriate, legible, and timely documentation of clinical notes in the patient’s medical record.

Quality Assurance Activities Will Include: 1. Familiarity with the College’s Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals. 2. Effectively contributing to the Quality Assurance program and related areas of the Strategic plan of the College. 3. Ensuring compliance with the all University and College policies and procedures in a fair and logical manner. 4. Following College / University guidelines regarding faculty duties and requirements and the effective use of teaching resources.

II. PERIODIC DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Participate and assist in the review and evaluation of the curriculum as assigned. 2. Actively participate in faculty assembly and other meetings, as appropriate. 3. Participate in national and international academic education conferences, skill development programs and symposium. 4. Participate in the planning and implementation of department and College seminars or workshops 5. Organize, conduct and participate in Continuing Dental Education (CDE) activities. 6. Perform any other duties assigned by the Department Chair / Vice Dean for Academic Affairs.

Community Service: 1. Actively participate in community service activities assigned by the College or University. 2. Consider timely oral health problems in the community for research, especially those related to the individual’s area of expertise. 3. Actively promote prevention methods for oral health and other pertinent health problems in the community. 4. Actively participate in community awareness sessions and activities organized by the College or University.


ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS / TRAINING and WORK EXPERIENCE (State the qualifications, nature and duration of work experience an employee should possess to complete the expectations of the position)

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 1. DDS, DMD, PhD, or equivalent 2. Have an academic appointment with corresponding academic rank in another recognized institution.

WORK EXPERIENCE (state nature and duration of work experience required) 1. Minimal teaching experience of 5 years in a peer institution 2. Clinical appointment in an accredited clinical setting

KNOWLEDGE AND COMPETENCIES(State skills, abilities & traits required) • Demonstrated experience with Microsoft Office software; • Demonstrated excellent written and oral communication skills and interpersonal skills; • Demonstrated positive attitude and enthusiasm in dealing with faculty, staff, students, interns, and consultants ; • Demonstrated ability to working independently and in collaboration; • Demonstrated ability to work effectively under stress;

Training Requirements (Mention the training needs identified for the employee)

ACCEPTED AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY Review with Employee Faculty Name & Signature Name and Signature of Department Chair Name/ Signature : ______Name/ Signature : ______Date: ______Date: ______Employee # ______

105 Job Description - Associate Professor |

COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University


Position: Associate Professor Date of Appointment: Department: Status: Reporting Relationship: Full-time Part time • Department Chair Scale/Grade: • Vice Dean for Academic Affairs

Job Summary The faculty should actively participate in teaching and learning activities, supervise and mentor The faculty should actively participate in teaching and learning activities, supervise and mentor the students, perform research and scholarly activities, provide oversight at clinical sessions, and perform assigned administrative duties

DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES List duties under two separate headings: REGULAR DUTIES AND PERIODIC DUTIES. Use a numbered statement for each duty. Make each statement as detailed as necessary to show clearly what is entailed. (Use another blank sheet, if required).


Academic: 1. Continually serve as a role model, educate and train the students to be knowledgeable, ethical, professional, compassionate, and competent dental practitioners with an appreciation for and commitment to community service. 2. Accept the teaching responsibilities specified by the department, i.e., each a minimum of 10 credit hours per semester. 3. Time allocation (after prioritizing the department needs): • 50-60% Academic Activity Maximum • 10-20% Clinical Activity • 0-10% Administration • 20-30% Research Activity Minimum • …….% Professional Development

4. Deliver effective and contemporary lectures / tutorials that develop critical thinking in the

106 students and an enthusiasm for becoming lifelong learners. 5. As Course Director / Coordinator, ensuring the development of course specifications, and measurable Learning Outcomes (LO) consistent with aligning with the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and Program Learning Outcome. 6. Prepare and submit timely course reports to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the end of the semester through the Department Chair. 7. Designate regularly-scheduled “Student Hours” for advising, counseling, and mentoring the students in their academic and career pursuits. 8. Effectively supervise the students in the Dental clinics to enable them to enhance their clinical skills and judgment, and discuss and establish treatment plans and the effective management of their patients. Also, supervise students effectively in the dental simulation laboratory as assigned. 9. Support the College internship program through active participation and direct supervision of interns as assigned by the department. 10. Maintain fair and clear standards for student assessment which reflect the academic progress of the student. 11. Report any sloppiness in student progress, such as academic difficulties or absence, to the course director, according to the regulations adopted by the College (Refer to Student Counseling Policy). 12. Comply with the evaluation schedule and all regulations pertaining to the examination/ evaluation process. 13. Continually assess and improve the knowledge and skills in teaching and assessment methodologies. 14. Ensure positive learning environment for students

Administrative Activities Will Include: 1.Assist the Departmental Chair in the planning, organization and implementation of the educational program and curriculum. 2.Designate regularly scheduled, weekly “office hours” for assigned administrative responsibilities. 3.Serve on College and University committees as assigned.

107 Research and Scholarly Activities Will Include: 1. Maintaining a consistent level of activity in research and scholarly activity, including the identification of research projects, securing competitive funding, completing the research, synthesizing research findings and publishing the results in peer reviewed journals. 2. Striving to make substantial contributions to educational research and community service. 3. Adherence to the ethical guidelines for research established by the College. Scientific Research Committee and the University Research Council. 4. Presentation of research and scholarly work in prominent scientific meetings. 5. Appropriately indicating the affiliation with the College and the University when publishing scholarly activities or presenting research that has been performed in the College /University. Clinical Activities will Include: 1. Attendance at assigned clinical sessions while demonstrating the utmost professionalism and ethical values. 2. Adherence to all clinical guidelines established by the Vice Dean of Clinical Affairs. 3. Appropriate reduction in patients’ waiting time if any for your clinic. 4. Provision of quality and compassionate care to the patients in the dental clinics. 5. Completing appropriate, legible, and timely documentation of clinical notes in the patient’s medical record. Quality Assurance Activities will Include: 1. Familiarity with the College’s Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives. 2. Effectively contributing to the Quality Assurance program and related areas of the Strategic plan of the College. 3. Ensuring compliance with the all University and College policies and procedures in a fair and logical manner. 4. Following College / University guidelines regarding faculty duties and requirements and the effective use of teaching resources. General Activities: 1. Perform all other duties assigned by the Department Chair / Vice Dean for Academic Affairs 2. Consistently maintain designated office hours. 3. Ensure positive learning environment for students.

II. PERIODIC DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Participate and assist in the review and evaluation of the curriculum as assigned. 2. Actively participate in faculty assembly and other meetings, as appropriate. 3. Participate in national and international academic education conferences, skill development programs and symposium. 4. Participate in the planning and implementation of department and College seminars or workshops. 5. Organize, conduct and participate in Continuing Dental Education (CDE) activities. 6. Perform any other duties assigned by the Department Chair / Vice Dean for Academic Affairs.


ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS / TRAINING and WORK EXPERIENCE (State the qualifications, nature and duration of work experience an employee should possess to complete the expectations of the position)

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 1. DDS, DMD, PhD, or equivalent 2. An academic appointment with corresponding academic rank in another recognized institution.

WORK EXPERIENCE (state nature and duration of work experience required) 1. Teaching experience of 5 years in another recognized institution 2. An academic appointment with corresponding academic rank in another recognized institution. 3. Clinical appointment in an accredited clinical setting

KNOWLEDGE AND COMPETENCIES(State skills, abilities & traits required) • Demonstrated experience with Microsoft Office software; • Demonstrated excellent written and oral communication skills and interpersonal skills; • Demonstrated positive attitude and enthusiasm in dealing with faculty, staff, students, interns, and consultants ; • Demonstrated ability to working independently and in collaboration; • Demonstrated ability to work effectively under stress;

Training Requirements (Mention the training needs identified for the employee) Review with Employee ACCEPTED AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY Name and Signature of Department Chair Faculty Name & Signature

Name/ Signature : ______Name/ Signature : ______Date: ______Date: ______Employee # ______

109 Job Description - Assistant Professor |

COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University


Position: Assistant Professor Date of Appointment:

Department: Status: Reporting Relationship: Full-time Part time

• Department Chair Scale/Grade: • Vice Dean for Academic Affairs

Job Summary

The faculty should actively participate in teaching and learning activities, supervise and mentor the students, perform research and scholarly activities, provide oversight at clinical sessions, and perform assigned administrative duties.

DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES List duties under two separate headings: REGULAR DUTIES AND PERIODIC DUTIES. Use a numbered statement for each duty. Make each statement as detailed as necessary to show clearly what is entailed. (Use another blank sheet, if required).

I. REGULAR DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES Academic: 1. Continually serve as a role model, educate and train the students to be knowledgeable, ethical, professional, compassionate, and competent dental practitioners with an appreciation for and commitment to community service. 2. Accept the teaching responsibilities specified by the department, i.e. teach a minimum of 14 credit hours per semester. 3. Time allocation (after prioritizing the department needs): • 50-60% Academic Activity • 10-20% Clinical Activity • 0-10% Administration • 20-30% Research Activity • Professional Development 4. Deliver effective and contemporary lectures / tutorials that develop critical thinking in the students and an enthusiasm for becoming lifelong learners. 5. As Course Director / Coordinator, ensuring the development of course specifications, and

110 measurable Learning Outcomes (LO) consistent with aligning with the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and Program Learning Outcome. 6. Prepare and submit timely course reports to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the end of the semester through the Department Chair. 7. Designate regularly-scheduled “Student Hours” for advising, counseling, and mentoring the students in their academic and career pursuits. 8. Effectively supervise the students in the Dental clinics to enable them to enhance their clinical skills and judgment, and discuss and establish treatment plans and the effective management of their patients. Also, supervise students effectively in the dental simulation laboratory as assigned. 9. Support the College internship program through active participation and direct supervision of interns as assigned by the department. 10. Maintain fair and clear standards for student assessment which reflect the academic progress of the student. 11. Report any sloppiness in student progress, such as academic difficulties or absence, to the course director, according to the regulations adopted by the College (Refer to Student Counseling Policy). 12. Comply with the evaluation schedule and all regulations pertaining to the Examination evaluation process. 13. Continually assess and improve the knowledge and skills in teaching and assessment methodologies. 14. Ensure positive learning environment for students

Administrative Activities Will Include: 1. Assist the Departmental Chair in the planning, organization and implementation of the educational program and curriculum. 2. Designate regularly scheduled, weekly “office hours” for assigned administrative responsibilities. 3. Serve on college and university committees as assigned.

111 Research and Scholarly Activities Will Include: 1. Maintaining a consistent level of activity in research and scholarly activity, including the identification of research projects, securing competitive funding, completing the research, synthesizing research findings and publishing the results in peer reviewed journals. 2. Striving to make substantial contributions to educational research and community service. 3. Adherence to the ethical guidelines for research established by the College. Scientific Research Committee and the University Research Council. 4. Presentation of research and scholarly work in prominent scientific meetings. 5. Appropriately indicating the affiliation with the College and the University when publishing scholarly activities or presenting research that has been performed in the College /University.

Clinical Activities will Include: 1. Attendance at assigned clinical sessions while demonstrating the utmost professionalism and ethical values. 2. Adherence to all clinical guidelines established by the Vice Dean of Clinical Affairs. 3. Appropriate reduction in patients’ waiting time if any for your clinic. 4. Provision of quality and compassionate care to the patients in the dental clinics. 5. Completing appropriate, legible, and timely documentation of clinical notes in the patient’s medical record.

Quality Assurance Activities will Include: 1. Familiarity with the College’s Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives. 2. Effectively contributing to the Quality Assurance program and related areas of the Strategic plan of the College. 3. Ensuring compliance with the all University and College policies and procedures in a fair and logical manner. 4. Following College / University guidelines regarding faculty duties and requirements and the effective use of teaching resources.

II. PERIODIC DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Participate and assist in the review and evaluation of the curriculum as assigned. 2. Serve on College and University committees as assigned; 3. Actively participate in faculty assembly and other meetings, as appropriate. 4. Participate in national and international academic education conferences, skill development programs and symposium. 5. Participate in the planning and implementation of department and College seminars or workshops. 6. Organize, conduct and participate in Continuing Dental Education (CDE) activities. 7. Perform any other duties assigned by the Department Chair / Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. 8. Organize, conduct and participate in Continuing Dental Education (CDE) activities.


ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS / TRAINING and WORK EXPERIENCE (State the qualifications, nature and duration of work experience an employee should possess to complete the expectations of the position)

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 1. DDS, DMD, PhD, or equivalent. 2. Postgraduate Clinical Training.

WORK EXPERIENCE (state nature and duration of work experience required) 1. Teaching experience of 5 years in another recognized institution 2. Clinical appointment in an accredited clinical setting

KNOWLEDGE AND COMPETENCIES (State skills, abilities & traits required) • Demonstrated experience with Microsoft Office software. • Demonstrated excellent written and oral communication skills and interpersonal skills. • Demonstrated positive attitude and enthusiasm in dealing with faculty, staff, students, interns, and consultants. • Demonstrated ability to working independently and in collaboration. • Demonstrated ability to work effectively under stress.

Training Requirements (Mention the training needs identified for the employee) Review with Employee ACCEPTED AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY Name and Signature of Department Chair Faculty Name & Signature

Name/ Signature : ______Name/ Signature : ______Date: ______Date: ______Employee # ______

113 Job Description - Lecturer |

COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University


Position: Lecturer Date of Appointment: Department: Status: Reporting Relationship: Full-time Part time • Department Chair Scale/Grade: • Vice Dean for Academic Affairs

Job Summary The faculty should actively participate in teaching and learning activities, supervise and mentor the students, perform research and scholarly activities, provide oversight at clinical sessions, and perform assigned administrative duties.

DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES List duties under two separate headings: REGULAR DUTIES AND PERIODIC DUTIES. Use a numbered statement for each duty. Make each statement as detailed as necessary to show clearly what is entailed. (Use another blank sheet, if required).


Academic: 1. Continually serve as a role model, educate and train the students to be knowledgeable, ethical, professional, compassionate, and competent dental practitioners with an appreciation for and commitment to community service. 2. Accept the teaching responsibilities specified by the department, i.e., each a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester. 3. Time allocation: after prioritize department needs: • 50-60% Academic Activity Maximum • 10-20% Clinical Activity • 0-10% Administration • 20-30% Research Activity Minimum • Professional Development 4. Deliver effective and contemporary lectures / tutorials that develop critical thinking in the students and an enthusiasm for becoming lifelong learners.

114 5. As Course Director / Coordinator, ensuring the development of course specifications, and measurable Learning Outcomes (LO) consistent with aligning with the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and Program Learning Outcome. 6. Prepare and submit timely course reports to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the end of the semester through the Department Chair. 7. Designate regularly-scheduled “Student Hours” for advising, counseling, and mentoring the students in their academic and career pursuits. 8. Effectively supervise the students in the College clinics to enable them to enhance their clinical skills and judgment, and discuss and establish treatment plans and the effective management of their patients. Also, supervise students effectively in the dental simulation laboratory as assigned. 9. Support the College internship program through active participation and direct supervision of interns as assigned by the department. 10. Maintain fair and clear standards for student assessment which reflect the academic progress of the student. 11. Report any sloppiness in student progress, such as academic difficulties or absence, to the course director, according to the regulations adopted by the College (Refer to Student Counseling Policy). 12. Comply with the evaluation schedule and all regulations pertaining to assessment methodologies. 13. Continually assess and improve the knowledge and skills in teaching and assessment methodologies. 14. Ensure positive learning environment for students.

Administrative Activities Will Include: 1. Assist the Departmental Chair in the planning, organization and implementation of the educational program and curriculum. 2. Designate regularly scheduled, weekly “office hours” for assigned administrative responsibilities. 3. Serve on college and university committees as assigned.

Research and Scholarly Activities Will Include: 1. Maintaining a consistent level of activity in research and scholarly activity, including the identification of a research projects, securing competitive funding, completing the research, synthesizing research findings and publishing the results in peer reviewed journals. 2. Striving to make substantial contributions to educational research and community service. 3. Adherence to the ethical guidelines for research established by the College. Scientific Research Committee and the University Research Council. 4. Presentation of research and scholarly work in prominent scientific meetings. 5. Appropriately indicating the affiliation with the College and the University when publishing scholarly activities or presenting research that has been performed in the College / University.

115 Clinical Activities will Include: 1. Attendance at assigned clinical sessions while demonstrating the utmost professionalism and ethical values. 2. Adherence to all clinical guidelines established by the Vice Dean of Clinical Affairs. 3. Appropriate reduction in patients’ waiting time if any for your clinic. 4. Provision of quality and compassionate care to the patients in the dental clinics. 5. Completing appropriate, legible, and timely documentation of clinical notes in the patient’s medical record.

Quality Assurance Activities will Include: 1. Familiarity with the College’s Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives. 2. Effectively contributing to the Quality Assurance program and related areas of the Strategic plan of the College. 3. Ensuring compliance with the all University and College policies and procedures in a fair and logical manner. 4. Following College / University guidelines regarding faculty duties and requirements and the effective use of teaching resources.

II. PERIODIC DUTIES/ RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Participate and assist in the review and evaluation of the curriculum as assigned. 2. Actively participate in faculty assembly and other meetings, as appropriate. 3. Participate in national and international academic education conferences, skill development programs and symposium. 4. Participate in the planning and implementation of department and College seminars or workshops. 5. Organize, conduct and participate in Continuing Dental Education (CDE) activities. 6. Perform any other duties assigned by the Department Chair / Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. 7. Organize, conduct and participate in Continuing Dental Education (CDE) activities.


ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS / TRAINING & WORK EXPERIENCE (State the qualifications, nature and duration of workf experience, an employee should possess to carry out the job)

ACADEMICS 1. DDS, DMD,MBS or equivalent; 2. Post Graduate Clinical Training

WORK EXPERIENCE (state nature and duration of work experience required) 1. Teaching experience of 5 years in an institution of repute 2. Clinical attachment in an accredited clinical setting

KNOWLEDGE AND COMPETENCIES (State skills, abilities & traits required) • Good computer skills. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills • Positive attitude. • Ability to working independently and in team • Ability to work under stress • Confident with pleasant personality to deal with students, interns and Consultants.

Training Requirements (Mention the training needs identified for the employee) Review with Employee ACCEPTED AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY Name and Signature of Department Chair Faculty Name & Signature

Name/ Signature : ______Name/ Signature : ______Date: ______Date: ______Employee # ______

117 Faculty Roles and Generic Responsibilities |

GENERIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACULTY The following are descriptions of the general responsibilities of all faculty staff. However, each faculty or staff will be given a specific job description at the time of appointment. Faculty and Staff are expected to: 1. Demonstrate commitment, professionalism, and good conduct, and adhere to all College and University rules and regulations, while adhering to the specific expectations of the faculty appointment. 2. Follow the latest developments in his/her areas of expertise and contribute to the advancement of his/her specialty through continual professional development. 3. Convey the latest developments in his/her areas of expertise to his/her students and instill into them the continued desire for knowledge and critical thinking skills. 4. Participate actively in the duties of the departmental faculty board and other committees and councils in which he/she is a member on the department level and that of the College / University; and to participate in community service activities carried out by the department, the College, and the university. 5. Dedicate his/her time to work exclusively for the College. Faculties are not allowed to work outside the College / University, without prior agreement, according to rules and regulations. 6. Report to the department chair any incident of gross misconduct by a student in his/her class for investigation and disciplinary action. 7. Typical teaching load along with other responsibilities of faculty,and their equivalent,is as follows: S.N. POSITION TEACHING UNITS 1. Professor 10 2. Associate Professor 12 3. Associate Professor 14 4. Lecturer 16 5. Demonstrator 16

8. The teaching unit is a weekly theoretical lecture the duration of which is not less than 50 minutes, or, a practical or field session with duration not less than 100 minutes, the teaching unit continues for a full semester.

118 MORAL/ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITIES: To ensure a positive learning environment for students, faculty should comply with all moral and ethical principles established by the College and the University in all academic and non- academic activities. These include: 1. Contributing to and in promoting the message of the College and the University by maintaining the highest standards of teaching and scientific research. 2. Demonstrating respect for students as individuals and serving as a role model for them. 3. Demonstrating collegiality, professionalism and respect when dealing with colleagues and staff. Verbal or physical threats or abuse is expressly forbidden. 4. Exercising intellectual honesty in the performance of academic and non-academic duties. 5. Respecting the special nature of the relationship between a faculty member and student, avoiding even the suspicion of exploitation or harassment. Personal relationships between a faculty and a student are strictly forbidden. 6. Protecting the academic freedom of students and avoiding comments that might degrade or discourage them because of their academic performance or for any other reason. 7. Examining and evaluating students on their performance in the course without any delay and providing them with regular reports regarding their performance. 8. Avoiding fraud in scientific research, which includes the feigning, forgery, or infringement of research, including copying or borrowing research data from others, or any other exercise that deviates from the accepted standards within the research community. 9. Protecting the reputation of the college and university by maintaining professional standards. 10. Respecting freedom of expression and the value of diverse opinions during discussion and exchange of ideas. 11. Avoiding the use of the name of the College or University in order to obtain personal benefits 12. Disclosing any financial interests with companies or businesses that provide services or products to the College. 13. Commitment to the working hours necessary to complete their assigned responsibilities and understanding the need of for obtaining University approval before working in places other than University. 14. The proper use of College and University property and avoiding any action that might lead to the waste or misuse of resources.

119 Faculty Award and Program | FACULTY AWARDS Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, College of Dentistry, is proud to honor its hardworking associates including faculty, demonstrators, supporting staff and students. An annual meeting will be held to honor the individuals being selected. Nomination by you for this award is a wonderful way to select those who have demonstrated exceptional professionalism and dedication to the University. This is an opportunity for you to acknowledge instructional skill, professional attitude and exemplary work ethics shown by the faculty throughout the year.

Instructions: 1. Students shall nominate only one Faculty for the award. 2. Nomination forms must be received at the Office of the Vice Dean for Quality & Development not later than 2 pm on ______. Nominations received after this date will not be considere 3. Please fill out the form completely and give specific details telling why you believed the person you are nominating deserves the indicated award. 4. Be sure that the nominee meets the criteria given for the category. (Please type or print clearly). 5. Eligibility Criteria: 6. The nominee: • Must have a full time academic appointment (i.e. Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor) and must be teaching a course administered by the Faculty of Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University- College of Dentistry (IAU - COD). • Provides superior, sustained service or a special contribution to the mission of the University and the College. • Continually contributes to a respectful, diverse and collaborative work environment. • Exemplifies excellence and integrity in workplace relationships, interactions and decision making. • Delivers with exceptional competence and diligence in preparation of teaching activities.

120 IAU-COD Faculty of the Year Nomination Form Nominee’s Name: ______

A INSTRUCTIONAL SKILLS Yes No 1 The nominated faculty gives clear explanations and instructions. 2 Answers questions clearly and positively. 3 Uses questions to assess student learning. 4 Exhibits exceptional resourcefulness, innovation or creativity. 5 Exhibits outstanding effectiveness as an educator. 6 Demonstrates excellent command on the subject. Demonstrates strong connection between lecture & lab and lecture& 7 clinic. 8 His /her academic expectations are reasonable. 9 I enjoyed my classes / course with him /her. B ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS 1 The nominated faculty comes to class well organized and prepared. 2 Cancels classes and informs in a timely manner. 3 Organizes cancelled class in a timely manner. 4 Demonstrates advanced planning and preparation for instruction. Provides feedback regarding tests and assignments in a timely 5 manner.

6 Lab / clinic time was always spent efficiently.


Provides adequate and appropriate feedback to me about my 1 progress.

2 Identifies areas in need of improvement in a helpful way.

3 I always felt comfortable while asking questions.

4 Communicates on a level that I could understand.

121 Is receptive to the expression of student views/responses and always encouraged 5 them to share their knowledge and expertise.

6 Always shows concern for student learning needs and welfare.

7 Always willing and available for help.

Incorporates course materials/activities to promote listening, speaking, writing 8 and thinking skills. Maintains professional rapport with student and has excellent skills to motivate 9 students.

10 Uses a pleasant feeling tone in the class /lab /clinic.

11 Makes environment in the class /lab /clinic inviting and conducive to learning.

Please give your overall assessment of the faculty explaining why you are nominating her / him for this award. Give as much detail as possible so the selection panel has enough information to consider your nomination.

1.) ______

2.) ______

3.) ______


Vice Deanship for Studies, Development & Community Service

124 - Quality and Academic Accreditation - CoD Quest for Quality Accreditation - Quality Evaluation Survey Quality and Academic Accreditation |

Accreditation is a peer review process by which educational institutions or programs may be granted recognition for compliance with accepted standards of quality and performance. Specialized accrediting agencies exist to assess and verify educational quality in particular professions or occupations to ensure that individuals will be qualified to enter those disciplines. National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA) is a national agency in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to execute this responsibility. All higher education institutions and programs in the Kingdom are required to be accredited by NCAAA. Different specialized higher education programs in the universities may also seek recognition and accreditation by program specific specialized national and international accreditation agencies.

Education Evaluation Commission-National Centre for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (EEC-NCAAA)

The Education Evaluation Commission-National Centre for Academic Accreditation and Assessment is an independent authority reporting directly to the Higher Council of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It carries the responsibility for determining standards and criteria for academic accreditation and assessment and for accrediting post-secondary institutions and the programs they offer. The Commission is committed to a strategy of encouraging, supporting and evaluating the quality assurance processes of post-secondary institutions to ensure that quality of learning and management of institutions and individual programs they offer are equivalent to the highest international standards. These high standards and levels of achievement must be widely recognized both within the Kingdom and elsewhere in the world. The Commission has established required standards in eleven broad areas of activity, and has developed a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) that specifies generic standards of learning outcomes for each level of qualifications. It expects that institutions establish internal quality assurance systems that ensure high levels of quality in all of these eleven areas.

126 Objectives: • Establish standards for accreditation and quality assurance that are both consistent with international benchmarks and relevant to Saudi Arabian requirements. • Follow processes that are consistent with international good practice in accreditation and quality assurance in post-secondary education. • Provide assistance to institutions in evaluating their performance and planning for improvement, through consultations, training programs, publications, websites and other means; • Make accreditation decisions that are objective, fair, accurate, rigorous and constructive; • Develop databases of good practice and indicators of quality appropriate for all sectors of post-secondary education in Saudi Arabia; • Cooperate with other accreditation and quality assurance agencies, and strive to provide leadership in quality assurance and accreditation in the region.

EC-NCAAA has established 6 new standards for quality assurance of higher education programs in the Kingdom. These include: 1. Mission and Goals The program must have a clear and appropriate mission that is consistent with the mission statements of the institution and the college/department, and support its application. The mission must guide program planning and decision-making processes. The program goals and plans must be linked to it, and it must be periodically reviewed. 2. Program Management and Quality Assurance The program must have effective leadership that implements the institutional systems, policies and regulations. The program leadership must plan, implement, monitor, and activate a quality assurance systems that achieve continuous development of program performance in a framework of integrity, transparency, fairness and within a supportive organizational climate. 3. Learning and Teaching Graduate attributes and learning outcomes at the program level must be precisely defined, consistent with the requirements of the Saudi Arabia Qualifications Framework (SAQF) and with the related academic and professional standards, and the labor market requirements. The curriculum must conform to professional requirements. The teaching staff must implement diverse and effective teaching and learning strategies and assessment methods that are appropriate to the different learning outcomes. The extent of achievement of learning outcomes must be assessed through a variety of means and the results are used for continuous improvement.

127 3. Student The criteria and requirements for student admissions in the program must be clear and publicly disclosed, and must be applied fairly. The information about the program and the requirements for completion of the study must be available, and students must be informed about their rights and duties. The program must provide effective guidance and counseling services, and extracurricular and enriching activities to its students. The program must evaluate the quality of all services and activities offered to its students and improve them. The program must follow its graduates. 4. Teaching Staff The program must have sufficient numbers of qualified teaching staff with the necessary competence and experience to carry out their responsibilities. The teaching staff must be aware of current academic and professional developments in their fields of specialization, participate in research and community service, and in improving the program and institutional performance. Teaching staff performance must be evaluated according to specific criteria, and the results of these evaluations must be used for development. 5. Learning Resources, Facilities and Equipment Learning resources, facilities, and equipment must be adequate to meet the needs of the program and its courses; and must be available to all beneficiaries using an appropriate arrangement. Teaching staff and students must participate in identifying such resources based on their needs, and in assessing their effectiveness.

For more details please visit www.ncaaa.org.sa

128 Association for Dental Education in Europe Accreditation of the College of Dentistry by the Association of Dental Education in Europe (ADEE).

The College of Dentistry is the first college in the region to receive an accreditation from the Association of Dental Education in Europe (ADEE). This accreditation exemplifies the excellence in the quality of dental education and services that the College provides on an internationally recognized level.

The accreditation was granted after extensive visits from the delegates of the ADEE to the College of Dentistry. During these visits, the accreditation team appreciated the high standards of teaching and facilities in the College. Students and faculty had an integral role in the progress of the College's development since it was established 10 years ago. At the time of the visits, the faculty and students of the College made quite an impact with the ADEE accreditation staff with the 384 scientific publications that the faculty and students had authored, especially since the College of Dentistry was a relatively young institution. www.adee.org

129 CoD Quest for Quality Accreditation |

The College of Dentistry has a history of consistent endeavor to develop, implement and strengthen the quality improvement process through national and international quality standards and criteria. Vice Deanship for Studies, Development and Community Service was established in the College in 2012 to promote quality culture and prepare the College for accreditation by national and international agencies. Program Reviews: External Reviews: The college has established many policies & procedures and practices in light of NCAAA standards to run a quality dental education program that meets the national and international quality standards for higher education. In order to evaluate compliance to standards and preparation of the College for accreditation, program review is conducted by various national and international experts of the field. Followings are some but not all of the activities carried out in this direction. 1. COD Site Visit by EEC-NCAAA April 2008 2. Site Visit by ADEE October 2012 (Association for Dental Education in Europe) 3. AAL Site Visit February 2014 4. EEC-NCAAA Mock Site Visit and Program Review May 2014 5. In 2016, College of Dentistry became the first among IAU colleges to receive full accreditation from the Education Evaluation Commission - National Centre for Academic Accreditation and Assessment – EEC-NCAAA. A review panel of experts from institutions around the world made the final site-visit from 30th April to 5th May 2016. Internal Reviews: The College of Dentistry evaluates its program against EEC-NCAAA standards before site visit by review panels to gauge its preparation for accreditation. Similar activity was carried out before the site visit by ADEE on a given template

130 131 Quality Evaluation Survey Quality Evaluation Survey |

Quality Reviews Flow Chart for Internal Review

133 Flow Chart for Quality Evaluation Survey

134 Time Line of COD Faculty Evaluation Surveys:

Result Survey Response Analysis shared Issues Feedback to Total# # List of surveys administration Collected & Result with senior Validation and stakeholder of managment actions week Academic Yearly, 2 weeks job before end of 7 1. satisfaction 2nd 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week week survey semester Yearly, 2 weeks Faculty user before end of 7 2. satisfaction 2nd 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week week survey semester Library services Yearly, 2 weeks 3. user before end of 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 7 satisfaction 2nd week survey semester Professional Yearly, 2 weeks development/ before end of 7 4. need 2nd 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week week assessment semester Faculty Yearly, 2 weeks development before end of 7 5. survey 2nd 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week week (periodic) semester Loma Linda faculty Following visit 7 6. eveluation LLU 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week week (periodic) faculty

Time Line of COD Students Evaluation Surveys:

Result List of Survey Response Analysis shared Issues Feedback Total# # surveys administration Collected & Result with senior Validation and to of managment actions stakeholder week

Alumni Every 3 years in program March 7 1. evaluation (all COD 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week week survey graduates)

Yearly, in April Employer's all employer's 7 2. satisfaction of COD 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week week survey Graduates

Patient's Ongoing, each Monthly 1 week 2 weeks 3. feedback & patient once satisfaction every 3 months Quarterly report survey every 3 months 2 weeks

135 Time Line of COD Students Evaluation Surveys:

Result List of Survey Response Analysis shared Issues Feedback to Total# of # surveys administration Collected & Result with senior Validation and stakeholder week managment actions 2 weeks before the Dentistry final 1. course examination 1 week 1 week 1 week 3 days 3 days 3 days 3 week survey end of each semester Examination Following & final 2. assessment examination 1 day 1 week 2 Days 3 days 1 week 1 week 4 week satisfaction of each survey semester Extra- Yearly, 3 curricular weeks 3. activities before end of 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 7 week satisfaction 2nd survey semester Yearly, 3 student weeks 4. advisory before end of 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 7 week satisfaction 2nd survey semester Yearly, 3 student's weeks 5. services user before end of 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 7 week satisfaction 2nd survey semester student's Yearly, 3 Library weeks 6. services before end of 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 7 week satisfaction 2nd survey semester Yearly, at the beginning of Program 6th month of 7. evaluation internship. 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 7 week survey Interns/ recent graduates Yearly, at the Student biginning of 8. experience 1st 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 7 week survey semester of 4th year. Loma linda 9. faculty Following visit 1 week 2 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 7 week evaluation LLU faculty within 2 Policy & weeks at the 10. procedure beginning of quiz 1st semester.


Overview of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabi Overview of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |

Saudi Arabia, once a country of small cities and towns, has become increasingly urban; traditional centres such as Jeddah, Mecca, and Madina have grown into large cities, and the capital, Riyadh, a former oasis town, has grown into a modern metropolis. Most of the region’s traditional nomads, the Bedouin, have been settled in cities or agrarian communities. The country occupies about four-fifths of the Arabian Peninsula. It is bordered by Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait to the north; by the Persian Gulf, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman to the east; by a portion of Oman to the southeast; by Yemen to the south and southwest; and by the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba to the west. Long-running border disputes were nearly resolved with Yemen (2000) and Qatar (2001); the border with the United Arab Emirates remains undefined. A territory of 2,200 square miles (5,700 square km) along the gulf coast was shared by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia as a neutral zone until 1969, when a political boundary was agreed upon. Each of the two countries administers one-half of the territory, but they equally share oil production in the entire area. The Arabian Peninsula is dominated by a plateau that rises abruptly from the Red Sea and dips gently toward the Persian Gulf. In the north, the western highlands are upward of 5,000 feet (1,500 metres) above sea level, decreasing slightly to 4,000 feet (1,200 metres) in the vicinity of Medina and increasing southeastward to more than 10,000 feet (3,000 metres). Mount Sawdaa, which is situated near Abhaa in the south, is generally considered the highest point in the country. Estimates of its elevation range from 10,279 to 10,522 feet (3,133 to 3,207 metres). The watershed of the peninsula is only 25

139 miles (40 km) from the Red Sea in the north and recedes to 80 miles (130 km) near the Yemen border. The coastal plain, known as the Tihaamah, is virtually nonexistent in the north, except for occasional wadi deltas, but it widens slightly toward the south. The imposing escarpment that runs parallel to the Red Sea is somewhat interrupted by a gap northwest of Mecca but becomes more clearly continuous to the south. Toward the interior, the surface gradually descends into the broad plateau area of the Najd, which is covered with lava flows and volcanic debris as well as with occasional sand accumulations; it slopes down from an elevation of about 4,500 feet (1,370 metres) in the west to about 2,500 feet (760 metres) in the east. There the drainage is more clearly dendritic (i.e., branching) and is much more extensive than that flowing toward the Red Sea. To the east, this region is bounded by a series of long, low ridges, with steep slopes on the west and gentle slopes on the east; the area is 750 miles (1,200 km) long and curves eastward from north to south. The most prominent of the ridges are the Tuwayq Mountains (Jibal Tuwayq), which rise from the plateau at an elevation of some 2,800 feet (850 metres) above sea level and reach more than 3,500 feet (1,100 metres) southwest of Riyadh, overlooking the plateau’s surface to the west by 800 feet (250 metres) and more. The interior of the Arabian Peninsula contains extensive sand surfaces. Among them is the world’s largest sand area, the Ruba al-Khali (“Empty Quarter”), which dominates the southern part of the country and covers more than 250,000 square miles (647,500 square km). It slopes from above 2,600 feet (800 metres) near the border with Yemen northeastward down almost to sea level near the Persian Gulf; individual sand mountains reach elevations of 800 feet (250 metres), especially in the eastern part. A smaller sand area of about 22,000 square miles (57,000 square km), called Al-Nafad (nafad designating a sandy area or desert), is in the north-central part of the country. A great arc of sand, Al-Dahnaa, almost 900 miles (1,450 km) long but in places only 30 miles (50 km) wide, joins Al-Nafad with the Rubaal-Khali. Eastward, as the plateau surface slopes very gradually down to the gulf, there are numerous salt flats (sabkhahs) and marshes. The gulf coastline is irregular, and the coastal waters are very shallow. There are virtually no permanent surface streams in the country, but wadis are numerous. Those leading to the Red Sea are short and steep, though one unusually long extension is made by Wadi Al-hamd, which rises near Medina and flows inland to the northwest for 100 miles (160 km) before turning westward; those draining eastward are longer and more developed except in Al-Nafad and the Ruba al-Khali. Soils are poorly developed. Large areas are covered with pebbles of varying sizes. Alluvial deposits are found in wadis, basins, and oases. Salt flats are especially common in the east.

140 Kingdom National Day The Saudi National Day is 23rd September. For Saudis and, indeed, for others in the region, the Saudi National Day celebration is one of the most important events of the 20th century, the founding day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Currency The Kingdom’s currency is the , which equals 100 Halalah. The Saudi Riyal comes in different categories of bank notes (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500). The metal coins, however, come in five categories (1Riyal, 50 Halalah, 25 Halalah, 10 Halalah and 5 Halalah). 1 US Dollar is currently the equivalent of 3.75 Saudi Riyals. The Kingdom’s financial laws permit foreign currency exchange as well as the unlimited transfer of profits from investments.

Calendar Kingdom of Saudi Arabia uses the Islamic Hijrah calendar, in reference to the migration, i.e. Hijrah, of Prophet Muhammad PPBUH and his companions from Makkah to Madinah on Monday the 1st of Rabi Al-Awal, corresponding to 13 September 622 AD. The Hijrah year has 12 lunar months and consists of 354 days.

Working Hours and Vacations • Government Office work from 7:30 AM until 2:30 PM every day except Fridays and Saturdays (weekend vacation) • Private companies and establishments as well as banks often have two working periods as they remain open until 4:30 PM except Friday (the only day-off for such companies) • Markets and shopping malls are open for business throughout the week. During Ramadan the work day has two periods, the morning from 10:00 until 3:30 and the evening from 9:00 to 12:00 midnight or longer. Friday is a day off but many shops do open in the evenings. Shops close their shutters for prayers for half an hour.

Public Holidays There are three recognized public holidays in the kingdom besides two weekend days, i.e. Friday and Saturday • 1st of Shawwal (Eid ul-Fitr) which marks the Feast of the End of Ramadan • 9th – 13th of Dhul-Hijjah (Eid ul-Adha) which marks the Feast of the End of Hajj • 23rd of September which is the National Day (Unification of the Kingdom)

141 Culture The is a rich one that has been shaped by its Islamic heritage, its historical role as an ancient trade center, and its Bedouin traditions. Saudi society has experienced tremendous development over the past several decades. The Saudi people have taken their values and traditions – their customs, hospitality and even their style of dress – and adapted them to the modern world.

Arab and Islamic Traditions Saudi traditions are rooted in Islamic teachings and Arab customs, which Saudis learn about at an early age from their families and in schools. The highlights of the year are the holy month of Ramadan and the Hajj (pilgrimage) season, and the national holidays that follow them. The holy month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast from dawn to dusk, culminates with the Eid-Al-Fitr holiday, in which it is customary to buy presents and clothes for children and visit friends and relatives. The other highlight is the Hajj season, during which millions of Muslim pilgrims from around the world come to Makkah. The Hajj season concludes with the Eid Al-Adha holiday, in which it is traditional for families to slaughter a sheep in memory of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son. Arab traditions also play an important role in Saudi life. These age-old include generosity and hospitality, which every Saudi family offers to strangers, friends, and family. The simplest expression of hospitality is coffee – its preparation alone is an intricate cultural tradition, and it is often served in small cups along with dates and sweets. Another gesture of hospitality is the burning of incense (oud) to welcome guests.

142 Climate: There are three climatic zones in the kingdom: (1) desert almost everywhere, (2) steppe along the western highlands, forming a strip less than 100 miles (160 km) wide in the north but becoming almost 300 miles (480 km) wide at the latitude of Mecca, and (3) a small area of humid and mild temperature conditions, with long summers, in the highlands just north of Yemen. In winter, cyclonic weather systems generally skirt north of the Arabian Peninsula, moving eastward from the Mediterranean Sea, though sometimes they reach eastern and central Arabia and the Persian Gulf. Some weather systems move southward along the Red Sea trough and provide winter precipitation as far south as Mecca and sometimes as far as Yemen. In March and April, some precipitation, normally torrential, falls. In summer, the highlands of Asir, southeast of Mecca, receive enough precipitation from the monsoonal winds to support a steppelike strip of land. Winters, from December to February, are cool, and frost and snow may occur in the southern highlands. Average temperatures for the coolest months, December through February, are 74 °F (23 °C) at Jiddah, 58 °F (14 °C) at Riyadh, and 63 °F (17 °C) at Al-Dammam. Summers, from June to August, are hot, with daytime temperatures in the shade exceeding 100 °F (38 °C) in almost all of the country. Temperatures in the desert frequently rise as high as 130 °F (55 °C) in the summer. Humidity is low, except along the coasts, where it can be high and very oppressive. The level of precipitation is also low throughout the country, amounting to about 2.5 inches (65 mm) at Jiddah, a little more than 3 inches (75 mm) at Riyadh, and 3 inches at Al-Dammam. These figures, however, represent mean annual precipitation, and large variations are normal. In the highlands of Asir, more than 19 inches (480 mm) a year may be received, falling mostly between May and October when the summer monsoon winds prevail. In the Ruba al-Khali, a decade may pass with no precipitation at all.

Overview of Dammam Dammam is about 400 km away from capital of the Kingdom i.e. Riyadh. It is the capital of the Eastern region, a very important port and now a major commercial center. Historians believe that Dammam was initially called DAMDAMA, which means the sound of drums that announce the beginning or the end of the hunting season. Dammam is the largest town in the eastern region; it has expanded to the city limits of two other modern towns, Al-Khobar and Dhahran. Near Dammam are located the most important centers in the world for the production and refining of petroleum. The population of Dammam is greater than a million. 143 King Fahd International Airport King Fahd International Airport (KFIA) (IATA: DMM, ICAO: OEDF) located 20 kilometers (12 mi) northwest of Dammam, Saudi Arabia. It is located between Jubail and Dammam, about 25 km (16 mi) away from Dammam and is linked to populated areas by two major roads. The northern exit links the airport with Jubail as a 4-lane highway. The southern exit links the Airport with Dammam as a 6-lane highway to King Fahd Road which is now considered as the main road to the airport. King Fahd International Airport (KFIA) opened for operations in October 1999 and is currently the third largest international airport in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in terms of passenger volume. Located in the Eastern Province, it serves as the gateway to a region with a population of over 4 million people. In line with the goals of Saudi Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Program, King Fahd International Airport in Dammam was corporatized in July 2017 and transformed into the Dammam Airports Company (DACO). The inauguration of DACO is part of the prospective vision towards the development of the national airports industry, starting with King Fahd International Airport. DACO also aspires to extend its services to other local and international airports in the future. It seeks to develop the infrastructure, and operate, upgrade and maintain airfield facilities. DACO also plans to control commercial and investment relations, operate air freights and raise the operational capacity and efficiency of airports. This is set to enable airports to keep pace with the global air industry, provide a world-class travel experience for passengers, and allow for investment in the next generations of young Saudis.


Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University - Administrative Procedure after Arrival to the University - Recreation Sites, Shopping Malls, Embassies and School - Emergency Phone Numbers - Do’s and Dont’s (Exhibit and Avoid) - Common Arabic Words Administrative Procedure after Arrival to the University/ Important Information |

Submission of original documents: All new staffs are required to submit their attested original credentials and other relevant documents along with Arabic translation to the personnel department of IAU located at 2nd floor in the administration block, building # 10, old campus of the University.

Submission of documents attested by Saudi Cultural Attaché at the country of origin: All academic qualifications, experiences and internship certificates along with Arabic translation should be attested by the attending institution or higher education commission of the country, ministry of foreign affairs, and Saudi Embassy / Consulate. In addition, only degree and diploma should also be attested by Saudi Cultural Attaché in the country of origin.

Signing contract: The personnel department requires all original documents for verification and preparation of final contract. The original documents are kept under custody by the personnel department and released after verification and signing the contract.

Medical examination letter from Personnel office: After reporting to the personnel department on arrival in the university, a letter for medical examination is issued by the department to the King Fahad Hospital of the University (KFHU) in Al-Khobar. This letter is handed over to the joining staff with the advice to visit at KFHU for medical examination. Staff will submit medical report to the Jawazat office in the University for Issuance of Iqama (Residency Permit). The medical examination is mandatory for new staff and their accompanied family members regardless of age.

148 Reporting at Employee Health Services - EHS, (KFHU) Once the new staff receive medical request letter from the personal department, he/ she should visit Employee Health Services at KFHU for detailed medical checkup. The letter should be presented along with passport to the reception staff for generating medical record number. After that the staff needs to visit employee health clinic for further process.

Blood test and X-ray Chest: EHS verifies personal information and conduct basic medical examination and refer to laboratory and radiology department for required investigations. Medical examination report is usually ready in 3 - 4 working days.

Uploading the report on the system: Once medical report is completed it is uploaded in the medical record system.

Bring original medical report and submit to passport office at University: Medical fitness report can be obtained from the laboratory coordinator counter, adjacent to main clinical laboratory for submission to the University Passport office 2nd floor opposite to personnel department for processing of Iqama.

Procedure for acquiring Iqama: Visit passport office in the University, located opposite to the personnel department at 2nd floor in administration block, building # 10. For processing of Iqama the applicant needs to provide the followings: 1. Iqama fee SR 500, separate fee will be charged for children above 18 years of age. 2. Original medical fitness report for self and family (if applicable). 3. Original Passport. 4. Photograph for each person included in the application.


Accommodation / Housing: The personnel department will inform the new staff member if a vacant University accommodation is available for allotment otherwise staff will receive annual accommodation allowance as per contract condition starting at the beginning of the contract. The accommodation allowance credited to the staff bank account every year at the time of renewal of the contract.

Children Education and other necessary procedures: All IAU staffs are entitled to receive a total amount of SR 25000 per year at the end of the academic year after submission of school fee payment invoice. Only school tuition fee is paid excluding books and transportation fees etc. in account of children education allowance up to four children. The first child will receive a maximum SR 10,000 per year. The second child will receive SR 7,500 per year. The third child will receive SR 5,000 per year and the fourth child will receive SR 2,500 per year starting from the age of six years and onwards.

150 Process for Exit re-Entry Visa: Exit re- entry visa can be obtained at any time with the approval letter of College administration and the payment of visa fee SR 200 single entry and SR 600 for the multiple entries per passport directly to the ministry of interior account through online banking or ATM. You can issue visa online for dependents once you have created account on the web site of Ministry of Interior (www.moi.gov.sa), however you will have to get exit re- entry visa issued from university jawazat office for yourself.

Bank Account: For new bank account you need: 1. Letter (Shahada Tareef) from Personnel department, University administration. 2. Copy of Iqama. • Fill out online bank account application form and get reference number. • Book an appointment and visit nearest branch.

College ID card: Visit security office in the main University and apply personally along with a recent picture.

IAU Vehicle tag / Parking stickers: Required documents: 1. Copy of your vehicle registration card 2. Copy of Driving license and 3. Copy of Iqama Visit and get your College security office or the main security office at IAU for the parking sticker.

Remote device for parking: Request Director Administration and Finance of the College to provide remote device to access College parking.

IAU discount offer: UoD staff has privilege to get discounts when they visit some selected courier services e.g. DHL and Aramex and other establishment. Please see details in the IAU website: http://eportal.ud.edu.sa/DU/en/administration/dept_publicrelation/DEPT_PUBREL_SPEC_ OFFER_EN

151 IAU Recreation Centre: IAU recreation membership card can be obtained from the recreation office, located at the second floor of NCB bank building in the main university campus with an annual charge of SR 50-100. Only members and their family can benefit of recreational activities at University beach at Half Moon. You can take guests on payment at the reception of IAU beach. Beach administration provides table, chairs, rugs and curtain on request, nominal fee is charged for these items. *Rules and Regulation applies

Driving License: Following documents are required: 1. Passport size photographs 2. Original Iqama and a copy of it 3. Passport copy and visa copy 4. Driving license of your native country 5. Original blood group report from any hospital. ( You can also get this done from the Medical lab outside the driving school for SR30) Now head to the Al Khobar Driving School located on the service lane of Dammam-Khobar Highway. It’s best to reach the school early, by 7:00AM at least! Talk to someone you find in the school and they will be able to guide you with the rest of the procedures.

Procedure: 1. Get your native driving license translated to Arabic. This can be done from any of the typing centers or inside the driving school on paying a nominal fee. 2. Next, get your file prepared. Submit all your documents at the File preparation center close by and get it done. Requirements to issue Private Driving License for Saudis: • The applicant’s minimum age must be 18 years. • Provide medical check-up report. • Provide a copy of Civil Affairs ID. • Provide six photos, size (4X6) cm. • Pay the required fees. • Provide a file to save documents. Requirements to issue Foreign Driving License Replacement: • Fill-in the specified form completely. • Provide four photos, size (4X6) cm.

152 • Provide the original foreign license along with an Arabic translation. • Provide a copy of Civil Affairs ID (Saudis.) • Provide a copy of Resident Permit (Iqama) and passport (Non-Saudis.) • Provide an identification letter from the sponsor (Non-Saudis.) • Pay the required fees. • Provide certified translation for the original license. • Provide a file to save documents. Requirements to issue Motorcycle Driving License (Saudis – Non-Saudis): • The applicant’s minimum age must be 16 years. • Fill-in the specified form completely. • Provide four photos, size (4X6) cm. • Provide a copy of Civil Affairs ID (Saudis.) • Provide a copy of Resident Permit (Iqama) and passport (Non-Saudis.) • Provide a letter from guardian. • Pay the required fees. • Provide Good Conduct and Behavior Certificate from an official authority. • Provide an approved identification letter. • Provide a file to save documents.

3. Driving School Fees: • Private Driving License Course: S.R. 435 (regular applicants) • Public Driving License Course: S.R. 435 (for company and establishment employees and individuals who have a Private Driving License for the past 2 years) • Public Driving License Course: S.R. 560 (for individuals not mentioned above) • Private Driving License Course: S.R. 100 (part-time applicants). 4. If you do not have your blood group report with you, go to the Medical lab. Charge: SR.50 5. Enter the school with your file and get your eyes tested as well as your License checked. 6. Now go to the courtyard for the initial driving test. Get into one assigned for you and put on your seat belt. Verify that your rear view mirror, hand brake and seat adjustment are right. Now, follow the instructors’ directions. Stay calm as this is just a simple test to check if you indeed know how to drive. You will be required to move the vehicle forward, reverse, by the roundabout and park as instructed. If you pass the Instructor signs an “I” alif on your form. 7. If you’ve failed the test you will be asked to attend 15days of driving classes. If you’ve PASSED the test go to hall and pay for the instruction class that would be conducted on the same day. Your file will be held and you will be given a receipt instead which mentions the hall number and the time of your instruction class. Be in time for this mandatory class where your will be briefed on the computer test. 153 8. Go to designated hall for the instruction class. You’ll be given a book/chart of traffic signs and rules when you attend the class. Your receipt will be stamped after the class and the date and time of the computer test will be announced, which would probably be the next day. 9. To pass the computer test you have to get 15/20 right answers in case of private driving license and 18/20 correct in case of heavy driving license. All the Questions that appear on the touch screen will be Multiple Choice Questions. You get 30 minutes to complete the test. As soon as you get 15 right, the test ends and you will be congratulated! 10. If you’ve cleared the computer test, you will be called immediately for the driving test. Stay cool and do your best. Go as per your examiners direction. • Put on your seat belt. Adjust the side and rear view mirrors. • Take off the hand brake and put the car in 1st gear and • Follow the signals, use the indicators wherever necessary and drive safely. • When parking, make sure you park straight. • Put on the double signals, the hand brake, and put the gear to neutral. 11. Go back to the hall where you waited for your computer test and wait for your result. In a while your name will be called out. If you pass, you’ll get your file back. Go with it to hall and submit it there. In a couple of minutes your name will be called out and your driving license will be handed over.This is the time you put up a BIG smile on your face and congratulate yourself. No one knows you better than yourself and this definitely is BIG achievement.

154 155 Recreation Sites ,Shopping Malls, Embassies and Schools |

Half-Moon Bay (South of Khobar) Half Moon Bay, is located near Khobar city in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.

Half Moon Bay has been a place of recreation for many people, including oil workers and their families, for the last 80 years. Known for its great grouper fishing and sailing, many generations have enjoyed it. With an average depth of around 22 feet (with a few spots dropping to 50 feet) Half Moon Bay has been an excellent classroom for thousands of divers learning the sport of scuba diving. It is a very forgiving bay, with shallow entrances and very few large sharks. However, around 1968 a 30-foot whale wandered in to the enjoyment of many of the locals.

156 Al Khobar Corniche The Al Khobar corniche meanders along the Arabian Gulf, with expansive views across the glistening waters. Its wealth of family attractions, pristine parks and tranquil places of worship make this waterfront walkway an especially vibrant part of a bustling and diverse city. The corniche district begins to the north of the King Fahd Causeway at the start of Corniche Road: a wide, sun-soaked avenue that runs along the coast for a few miles. Stroll along the palm tree-lined walkway and you’ll catch sight of the seafront Al Hariri mosque. The mosque’s ornate, white structure looks stunning against the crystal-clear sunlit gulf during the day, and at night the magnificent arches are illuminated by floodlights. Out to sea, the three-storey Khobar water tower is one of the most iconic landmarks of the corniche skyline. With a restaurant at the top where diners can enjoy unparalleled views of the city and a host of new attractions being developed around the site, this futuristic tower is well on the way to becoming one of the prime jewels in Al Khobar’s crown. Parks are the main hallmark of the corniche district, making the area especially attractive to joggers and cyclists. In the daytime, you’ll find families soaking up the sunshine in the pretty landscaped gardens of North Corniche Park, while the evening draws crowds to the seafront.

157 Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Center for Science and Technology (SciTech) The Center was constructed on a 21,700 square meters land. The land is located on the North Corniche Road in Al-Khobar. And it is very attractive for tourists in the eastern province which is helping to publicize the center and attract visitors. The site at the eastern side of the Arabian gulf with its fascinating view had inspired the architectural concept of the project.

Scitech Technology Center is a fun, interactive space where kids can learn about science. The museum has extensive exhibits on wildlife, space and technical innovations, as well as an impressive observatory where lectures and seminars are held. Spend the afternoon indulging your curiosity, then head to Scitech’s IMAX Dome to catch a documentary or film on the big screen.

158 Dammam Corniche The Dammam Corniche is undoubtedly the city's top attraction, famous throughout Saudi Arabia. Day-trippers from nearby cities Alkhobar, Dhahran and Jubail often descend on the Corniche, and it's a favorite spot for expats and western visitors too. Feeling the cool sea breeze on your face is a blessing, especially during summer when temperatures can soar to above 40°C. It's common to see crowds of people out and about on the promenade, enjoying an evening walk or simply watching the seagulls dive into the blue waters of the Persian Gulf. Buzzing cafes, manicured gardens, carnival rides and a wonderfully chilled-out atmosphere combined to make the Corniche the perfect spot to spend your down time in Dammam. Take a cruise around Marjan Island, watch the sunset over the waters of the Persian Gulf as you sip thick Arabic coffee on a restaurant terrace, pop your trainers on and enjoy an invigorating early morning run along the promenade, or simply flop down on the grass and enjoy a barbecue of fresh-caught fish with the locals. Just settle in with your fishing rod and see what you land; the best times to catch fish off this stunning coastline are at sunrise and sunset. While you’re out on the promenade, look out for the modern art installations dotted alongside the path. The sculptures are designed by local artists and are inspired by Saudi Arabia’s love of art. You can find them all along the boardwalk, from Aziziah Beach to Tarout Island. In 2014, extra effort was put into turning the area into an “outdoor art gallery”, with a campaign to cover unsightly service stations and water tanks with paintings inspired by the local environment and culture. Whether you’re visiting the city for business or for pleasure, you’ll find plenty of reasons to spend your evening at the Corniche.

159 AlMurjan Island Al Murjan Island is a group of 4 coral-shaped islands in a man-made archipelago located in Ras al-Khaimah, in the Persian Gulf. It is administered by the Al Marjan Island Company.[1] Several resorts, beaches and other tourism destinations are located in the four islands, being one of the UAE's top tourism spots.[2] The area received over 100 thousand visitors during 2013.

160 King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture The King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture also known as Ithra, is situated in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. It was built by Saudi Aramco and inaugurated by King Salman bin Abdulaziz on December 1, 2017. It is operated by Saudi Aramco and is currently the company’s main corporate social responsibility initiative with a focus on culture, learning and cross-cultural activities. The Center is located where the first commercial Saudi oilfield was found in March 1938. The Center incorporates a museum, children museum, library, cinema, theater, and exhibition halls. It was designed by the Norwegian architectural firm Snøhetta. The Center has been listed in Time magazine as one of the world’s top 100 places to visit and attracted one million visitors in 2019. The director of Ithra is Hussain N. Hanbazazah.

161 Heritage Village The Heritage Village is considered one of the outstanding touristic Hallmarks of the Eastern Province. Visiting the Heritage Village is like visiting many parts of the Kingdom. Visitors may recognize the Saudi civilization with its past and present through wandering in the Heritage Village with its 5-story building. Starting with the great hall and through your walkabout in its parts you will know Najd with its warm gatherings. Without effort you will find yourself in Aseer District with its fascinating nature, then in Al-Baha with its clear blue sky and in the Eastern Province with its magnificent decorations. This genuine traditional panorama which you will see, came from the natural love of the designer who aimed at preserving the tradition of the forefathers to speak our glorious history. The designer after 15 years of continual travel collecting antiques, manuscripts and documentaries through of constructing this Heritage Village to bridge the present with the past. In addition to that you will visit our museum and oriental restaurant that serves the most delicious Saudi dishes along with many other types of food. http://www.heritage-village.com.sa/magazine/files/assets/basic-html/index.html#1

162 Ibrahim Palace Qasr Ibrahim (Ibrahim Palace) is a historical castle and fort located in Hofuf, Al-Hasa, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. Ibrahim palace is the main architectural heritage from the Ottoman period of Al-Hofuf [1] that was a Turkish military barracks.

163 AlQarah Mountain Al-Qarah or Al-Garah is a village in Al-Ahsa in Saudi Arabia. Al-Qarah is well known for its small mountain Jabl Al-Qarah. Al-Qarah is one of Al-Ahsa's eastern villages and is located about 10 km from Al-Hofuf,[1] city center, 140 km Southwest of Dammam and 300 km East of Riyadh.


Marina Mall Dammam 013 809 9966

Mall of Dhahran Dhahran 9200 00262 Sizable complex with brand-name stores & a food court, plus a movie theater & kids' play center.

Al Rashid Mall Al Khobar 050 242 7412 Big shopping center with brand-name stores, eateries & a fun center with arcade games & kids' rides.

Al Othaim Mall Dammam 9200 08331

Al Shatea Mall Dammam Down-to-earth mall featuring a supermarket, local shops, a video game arcade & casual eateries.

Venicia Mall Al Khobar 058 352 2582

Khobar Mall Al Khobar 013 882 8440

AlDana Shopping Center Dammam

Ibn Khaldoun Mall Dammam

West Avenue Mall Dammam 013 803 5482

AlFanar Mall Al Khobar 050 098 5474 Dynamic shopping mall providing an array of boutiques, a supermarket & a food court.

165 AlFanar Mall Al Khobar 050 098 5474 Dynamic shopping mall providing an array of boutiques, a supermarket & a food court.

Dareen Mall Dammam 9200 09467 Bright, modern local shopping mall with a glass façade, restaurant, supermarket & kids' play area.

LuLu Mall Dammam 9200 22330 Popular, multi-level mall offering familiar retailers, including a grocery store, plus eateries.

Rakah Square Shopping mall Dammam

Al Rahmaniya Center, Shopping mall Al Khobar 050 730 6712

Zakariya Shopping Center Dammam 055 779 6629

KFUPM Mall Dhahran 013 834 7161

Fouad Center Al Khobar 013 865 1999 Small shopping complex offering a limited number of stores, plus services, cafes & chain eateries.

166 Embassies and Consulate in KSA

US Consulate in Dhahran Foreign consulate US Consulate Driveway, KFUPM،، Dhahran 34464 Phone: 013 330 3200

Embassy of India Al Safarat, Riyadh 12512 Phone: 011 488 4144

Pakistan Consulate Khobar 7701 King Fahd Road, Al Bustan, Al Khobar 34422 2716 Phone: 013 886 0493 Embassy of Pakistan Abullah Alsahmi St، Al Safarat, Riyadh 12521 Phone: 011 488 4111

Philippine Embassy Alradeef St، Al Safarat, Riyadh 12512 Phone: 011 482 3559

Embassy of Canada Collector Road C, Lot 26ER, Al Safarat, Riyadh 12512 Phone: 011 202 3288

Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain Abdullah Alsahmi Street, Near Circle 10, As Safarat، Al Safarat, Riyadh 12513 Phone: 011 481 9100

167 Education: ( Some schools and university in Eastern Province)

Dammam Community College - King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Dammam Community College is a college located in Saudi Arabia Eastern Province. The college offers two years Associate Degree with six majors, Computer and Information Technology, Accounting, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Human Resource Management and Safety Technology Phone: 013 868 3300

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University, abbreviated PMU, is a private university in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. It was founded by Prince Muhammad bin Fahd, former governor of the Eastern Province Phone: 013 849 8880

Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, formerly known as the University of Dammam, is a university in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. It is one of the oldest universities in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. It is one of the leading universities in medicine for both male and female students. Address: King Faisal Road, King Faysal University, Dammam 34212 Phone: 013 333 3766

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) was officially established by Royal Decree on 5 Jumada 1, 1383 (23 September, 1863). The first Students were admitted a year later, on 23 September, 1964, when 67 young men enrolled in what was then named the College of Petroleum and Minerals (CPM). Since that time, the University has grown to over 10,000 by the 2020 academic year. Address: Dhahran,31261, KSA Phone: 013 860 0000

168 Gulf International English School Gulf International School is a co-educational K-12 school founded in 2005 in the city of Khobar, Saudi Arabia. The student population consists of over 1000 children ranging from ages 3 to 18, and it implements a certified British curriculum that has been gradually upgraded over the years Nairyah Street, Al Hamra, Al Khobar 34628 Phone: 013 802 8001

Cambridge Institute of Learning CIL is an educational institute which is affiliated with prestigious awarding bodies of UK. CIL has the best team to create an outstanding results. CIL Has Collaboration With High Ranked Universities To Offers Mba With Unique Specializations To Face Competitive World And To Stand Unique. Cambridge Institute Of Learning Is Official And Approved Center Of Othm,UK. Cambridge Institute of Learning was formed with the aim of facilitating students who wish to pursue foreign qualifications at the comfort of their home countries. CIL gives you a platform of blended learning with online resources where you can work towards gaining internationally recognized qualifications while not having to go through the financial and physical hassle of going abroad. Address: King Saud street # 9, Ammamrah District, Dammam, Saudi Arabia Phone: 056 829 2619

AlAsalah University We strive to be a world class qualifications, expertise and academic standards building on our internal expertise and cooperation with domestic, regional and international reputable universities King Fahd Road, Al Amanah, Dammam 31483 Private university Dammam 9200 00040

169 Jubail University College Jubail University College, an affiliate of the Royal Commission for Jubail & Yanbu, was established in 2006 to achieve the objectives of the Royal Commission, in developing human resources and to provide the Saudi manpower with high education and training, so that they can properly manage the Kingdom`s growing economy in its various sectors. Address: Yanbu, Al Jubail 35716013 Phone: 013 342 9000

Saudi Electronic University (Boys and Girls) A royal decree was issued by King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz , the custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, On 10/8/2011 to launch the Saudi Electronic University (SEU) as a government educational institution. The SEU is the only specialized university in distance education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that offers both graduate and undergraduate degree programs along with life-long education. The university includes the College of Administration and Finance Sciences, the College of Computer and Informatics, and the College of Health Sciences. Address: Girls' Colleges campus، AlRayyan Dist، Dammam 32256 Phone: 013 892 7444

Ethra school Address: Al Wafaa Street South Dawha, Al Dhahran 34454, Saudi Arabia Phone013 891 2763

Qatif College of Technology Qatif College of Technology is an education management company based out of Qatif College of Technology Building, Al Qatif, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia Address: Riyadh St, Al Jazirah, Al Qatif 32636 Phone: 013 855 1504

Arab Open University The Arab Open University (AOU) is a non-profit university. The inception of AOU is a personal initiative by Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Chairman of the AOU Board of Trustees. In December 2000, Kuwait was designated to host the Headquarters of AOU. Dammam 32312 ،،راونألا ،Address: Unnamed Road Phone: 013 831 5415

170 Al Ghad International Colleges for Health Sciences Al-Ghad International Health Sciences Colleges (AIHSC) are private Colleges headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, founded in 2009 by his excellency Sheikh Ibrahim bin Musa Al-zwaid, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the colleges, Al-Ghad Colleges are one of the first colleges in the kingdom providing education in Applied Health professions. The Colleges were created to meet the shortage of skilled health sciences workers in Saudi Arabia. The student body of AIHSC today consists of about 7,000 students of both sexes. The colleges entails eight campuses spread around Saudi Arabia with 770 faculty members Address: Az Zuhur, Dammam 32423 Phone: 9200 01544

171 Emergency Phone Numbers |

Electricity Emergency 933 Civil Defense 998 Police 999 Ambulance 997 Flying Ambulance 123 Reporting Violations of Work and Residence Regulations 989 Road Security 996 Natural Disasters 966 Criminal Investigation 992 Traffic Accidents 993 Saudi Electricity Customer Services 933 Saudi Water and Sewerage System (Eastern) 939 Saudi Anti Narcotics 995 Coastguard / Border Guards 994 Najm (Incidents of Insured Vehicles)es Company) 9200 00560 Kingdom Emergency (without the SIM card) 112 Emergency - Office of Deaths 990 Commercial Violations 1900 Bank Complaints with SAMA 8001256666 The General Presidency of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice 1909 Saudi Airlines 920022222 General Intelligence 985 Unified Emergency Number 911 Ministry of Health 937 Ministry of Transport 938 Land Line Phone Book Inquiries 905 Balady 940

172 Do’s and Don’ts (Exhibit and Avoid) |

EXHIBIT: 1. Abide by all rules, regulations and policies of UoD-CoD 2. Commitment to work ethics and foster mutual respect 3. Uphold the standards for ethical behavior of your professional association 4. Treat all students, faculty, staff, patients and visitors with dignity and respect. Be truthful at all times 5. Cooperate and communicate with other faculty and staff, displaying regard for their dignity 6. Maintain professional skill and knowledge levels; participate in continuing education where indicated 7. Be a role model and mentor students in their academic and career plans 8. Support and encourage student / patient and family collaboration with organizational policies, programs and services 9. Introduce yourself (at first contact and before rendering care or services); wear required identification 10. Maintain patient confidentiality and privacy at all times. 11. Prepare and maintain medical records accurately and within established time frames. 12. your patients.

AVOID: 1. Bullying ( a repeated, an on-going pattern of attacks or unreasonable expectations) 2. Harassment (persistent unwanted advances, which may include those of sexual nature) 3. Degrading comments invalid criticism or insults 4. Discriminatory abuse behavior (sexual, racial, ethnic or socio economic) 5. Inappropriate jokes 6. Attack (physical or verbal) 7. Profanity 8. Uncooperative and/or obstructive behavior 9. Refusal to follow established protocols 10. Retaliation 11. Malicious behavior 12. Substance abuse 13. Angry outburst 14. Yelling 15. Public displays of temper 16. Comments that undermine a patient’s trust and confidence 17. Disrupting meetings 18. Throwing objects.

173 SN ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ARABIC تحية المشتركة Common Greetings اهال وسهال Welcome Ahlan’wa’sahlan 1 تصبح على خير Good night Tu-subh ela’l khair 2 مع السالمه/الى اللقاء Good bye Ma’ Salamah 3 مبروك Congratulation Mabrook 4 صباح الخير Good morning Subah Al Khair 5 مساء الخير Good evening Masa Al Khair 6 الكلمات اليومية Daily Words نعم Yes Na - aam 7 ال No La 8 متأخر Late Muta khir 9 بعيد Far Ba’eid 10 قرب Near Gareeb 11 فوق Above Fouq 12 أسفل Below As-ful 13 قبل Before Qabal 14 خلف Behind Khalaf 15 ألن Because La’an 16 أنا I Ana 17 نحن We Nah-nu 18 انت You Un-ta 19 هو He Ho-wa 20 هي She Hye’a 21 هذا It Ha-za 22 تعليمات مشتركة Common Instructions الطريق مغلق Road is closed Al-ta-reek Mugh-laq 23 ممنوع التصوير No Photographs Mamno al- tasveer 24 لإلجار For rent Lil-e’jar 25 ممنوع التدخين No Smoking Mamno-al tad-kheen 26 خطر Danger Kha’tar 27 خروج Exit Kha-rooj 28 مدخل Entrance Mad-hkal 29 رجال Male Raj-jal 30 سيدات Ladies Sayee’adat 31 إحذر Caution! Beware Ah-zar! 32 ادفع Push Id-fa 33 معلومات Information Ma-loo-mat 34 استفسار Inquiry Is-tas-far 35 الى اليمين To the right Elal-yameen 36 الى اليسار To the left Elal-yas-saar 37 عد/ أرقام Counting/ Numbers واحد One Wahid 38

174 اثنان Two Ath-nain 39 ثالثه Three Tala-ta 40 اربعه Four Arbaa 41 خمسة Five Kham-sa 42 سته Six Sit-tah 43 سبعه Seven Sab-aa 44 ثمانية Eight Tama-nia 45 تسعه Nine Tis-aa 46 عشره Ten Ashra 47 اول First Awwal 48 ثاني Second Tani 49 الثالث Third Al-tha-la-th 50 الرابع Fourth Al-raa-bay 51 الخامس Fifth Al-kha-mis 52 السادس Sixth Al-saa-dis 53 السابع Seventh Al saa-bay 54 الثامن Eighth Al tamin 55 التاسع Ninth Al ta-sy 56 العاشر Tenth Al aa-shar 57 العشرون Twentieth Al ash-roon 58 الثالثون Thirtieth Al tala-toon 59 االربعون Fortieth Al arba-oon 60 الخمسين Fiftieth Al kham-seen 61 الستين Sixtieth Al tiss-een 62 مائه Hundred Mi’ah 63 الف Thousand Alf 64 ثمانون Eighty Tama-noon 65 تسعون Ninety Tis-oon 66 سبعين Seventy Sab-a’een 67 أيام األسبوع Days of the Week االحد Sunday Al ahad 68 االثنين Monday Al ath-nain 69 الثالثاء Tuesday Al tala-ta 70 االربعاء Wednesday Al ar-baa 79 الخميس Thursday Al kham-ees 80 الجمعه Friday AL jum-maa 81 السبت Saturday Al sabt 82 زمن Time 83 دقيقة Minute Dagi-gah 84 ساعة Hour Saa-ah 85 يوم Day Youm 86 ليل Night Lail 87 صباح Morning Sa-bah 88

175 مساء Evening Ma-sah 89 اليوم Today Al youm 90 امس Yesterday Ams 91 غدا Tomorrow Gad-da 92 اسبوع Week As-boo 93 سنه Year Sanah 94 شهر Month Shahar 95 العالقات Relationships اب Father Ab 96 أم Mother Um 97 اخت Sister Ukht 98 اخ Brother Akuh 99 جد Grandfather Jadh 100 جده Grandmother Jiddah 101 عم Uncle Am 102 العمه Aunt Al Ummah 103 طفل Child Tifl 104 ولد Boy Walad 105 بنت Girl Bint 106 شاب Young man Shabab 107 انسة Young lady Aan-sah 108 رجل Man Rij-jal 109 امراه Woman Im-rah 110 ابن Son Ibneh 111 ابنه Daughter Ibnete 112 الزوج Husband Al Zoj 113 الزوجه Wife Al Zoja 114 بيئة Environment شاطئ Shore Shaa-ti 115 بحر Sea Ba-har 116 محيط Ocean Mo-heet 117 ماء Water Ma’a 118 غبار Dust Ghu-bar 119 رياح Wind Ri-yah 120 مطر Rain Matar 121 ارض Earth Ard 122 شمس Sun Shams 123 قمر Moon Qamar 124 نجمه Star Najma 125 سماء Sky Sama 126 االحوال الجويه Weather الشتاء Winter Al shi-ta 127 الربيع Spring Al ra-beh 128 الصيف Summer Al saif 129

176 الخريف Fall Al kha-reef 130 األلوان Colors ابيض White A-beed 131 اسود Black As-wad 132 اخضر Green Akh-dar 133 ازرق Blue Az-ruq 134 احمر Red Ah-mer 135 اصفر Yellow As-far 136 ذهبي Golden Zeh-bi 137 برتقالي Orange Burta-qali 138 Common Feelings/ Sensations غير مطيع Disobedient Ghair Mu-teeh 139 سعيد Happy Sa-eed 140 حزين Sad Ha-zeen 141 قوي Strong Qavi 142 ضعيف Weak Da’eef 143 كمية Quantity كبير Large Ka-beer 144 صغير Small Sa-gheer 145 كل شيء عن منزل All about Home ملعقه Spoon Mul aqa 146 شواء Grill Sha-waya 147 سكين Knife Sak-Keen 148 فرن Oven Farn 149 مرأة Mirror Mara’ha 150 حقيبه Briefcase Haqi-ba 151 مروحة كهربائيه Electric fan Marwah kahar-bai-ah 152 غطاء سرير Bed sheet Ghata’ sareer 153 سجاده Carpet Saj-ja-dah 154 صوفه Sofa Sofa 155 كرسي Chair Kur-si 156 قفل Lock Gaf-fal 157 مفتاح Key Muf-tah 158 نافذه Window Nafi-zah 159 باب Door Baa’b 160 ممر Passage Mu-ammar 161 موقف Garage Mo’gaf 162 بيت Home Bayt 163 بناء Building Bi’nah 164 شقة Flat / Apartment Shig’gah 165 مطبخ Kitchen Mat’bakh 166 منزل House Man-zil 167 حوض غسيل Wash Basin Hod’ ghas-seel 168 مغسلة Laundry Magh’silah 169

177 غرفة الطعام Dining Room Ghurfa-al’taam 170 غرفة معيشة Sitting room Ghurfa- ma’esha 171 حمام Bathroom Ham-mam 172 دورة مياة Toilet Dora-ta’miyah 173 غرفة النوم Bedroom Ghurfa’ al’noom 174 مصعد Lift/Elevator Mas’ad 175 نظارات Spectacles Naza’rat 176 ساعه Watch Saa’ah 177 صندوق Box San-dook 178 مظلة Umbrella Maz’la 179 بقالة / غذائية Grocery/Food مخلالت Pickles Mu-khal’ lat 180 الكرنب Cabbage Al kur-nib 181 خس Lettuce Khas 182 حمص Chickpea/Hummus Hum-mus 183 زنجبيل Ginger Zan-ja-beel 184 فليفله Pepper Fil fila 185 فليفلة خضراء Green chili Fil-fila khad’rah 186 ثوم Garlic Tho-om 187 خيار Cucumber Khay-yar 188 سبانخ Spinach Saba’nakh 189 فاصوليا Beans Fa-soo-liya 190 بطاطس Potatoes Bata-tas 191 جزر Carrots Jaz-zar 192 بصل Onions Bas-sal 193 زيتون Olives Zai-toon 194 طماطم Tomatoes Tama’tum 195 فاكهة Fruit Fa’kiha 196 عنب Grapes A’nab 197 بابايا Papaya Ba-baya 198 موز Banana Moose 199 شمام Muskmelon Sham-mam 200 بطيخ Melon Ba’teekh 201 برتقال Orange Burta-gal 202 رمان Pomegranate Ru’man 203 تفاح Apple Tu’fah 204 ليمون Lemon Lee’mon 205 تمر Dates Ta’mar 206 ملح Salt Ma’lah 207 لبن Curd La’ban 208 شراب Syrup Shar’aab 209 عسل Honey A’sal 210 سمن Ghee Saman 211

178 زيت Oil Zeet 212 زبدة Butter Zab’dah 213 قشطة food)Cream Kash’tah( 214 شاي Tea Sha’e 215 سكر Sugar Suk-kar 216 قمح Wheat Qa’mah 217 عدس Lentils A’das 218 ارز Rice Urz 219 خبز Bread Khu’baz 220 جبن Cheese Ju’ban 221 حليب Milk Ha’leeb 222 وردة Flour Wardah 223 دجاجة Hen Da-ja’ jah 224 دجاج Chicken Daj-jaj 225 قط Cat ’Qit 226 كلب Dog Kalb 227 بقرة Cow Bak’rah 228 خروف Sheep Kha-roof 229 جمل Camel Jam-mal 230 لحم Meat La’ham 231 لحم غنم Mutton La’ham gha-nam 232 لحم بقر Beef La’ham ba-kar 233 سمك Fish Sa’mak 233 مستلزمات / األغراض الشخصية Toiletries/Personal Stuff صابون حالقة Shaving soap Sa’boon hal’la’ka 234 معجون اسنان Toothpaste Ma’joon us’nan 235 فرشاة اسنان Toothbrush Far-sha us’nan 236 زيت شعر Hair oil Zeet sha’ar 237 منديل Handkerchief Mun’deel 238 منشفه Towel Mun’shafa 239 جوارب Socks Jawa-rib 240 حذاء Shoes Ha’zah 241 حقيبة Bag Haqi-ba 242 مالبس Dress Mala-bas 243 مظله Umbrella Maz-lah 244 نظارة Glasses Naza-rah 245 ساعة Watch Saa’a 246 أجزاء الجسم Body Parts كلوي Kidney Kul’ve 247 كبد Liver Ka’bad 248 عظم Bone A’zam 249 المثانه البوليه Urinary Bladder Al-masa-na’ boo’liya 250 دماغ Brain Damagh 251

179 قلب Heart Qal’b 252 دم Blood Dum 253 شفاه Lips Shu’fa 254 اسنان Teeth As’nan 255 اذن Ear Uz’n 256 يد Hand Y’ad 257 جسم Body Jis’m 258 رأس Head Ra’as 259 شعر Hair Sha’er 260 عين Eye Ain 261 األمراض المشتركة Common Diseases مرض سكري Diabetes Marad sukri 262 قئ Vomiting Qa’ye 263 اسهال Diarrhea As’hal 264 الم Pain Alum 265 حمى Fever Ham’e 266 سعال Cough Su’al 267 ضغط الدم Blood Pressure Da’ghat’ ad’dam 268 ضغط الدم مرتفع Hypertension Da’ghat’ ad’dam Mur’ta’fa 269 زكام Common Cold Zu-kam 270 رشح Flu Re’sha 271 نزف Bleeding Na-zaf 272 قيح Pus Qeeh 273 جرح Wound Jarah 274 خراج Abscess Kha’raj 275 مصطلحات طبيه Medical Terms نبض Pulse Na’bad 276 الفحص الطبي Medical Examination Al fahas Al Tib’e 277 مقياس حراره Thermometer Meq’yas Hara’ra 278 عالج Treatment E’laj 279 االدوية Medicines Al Advia 280 مستشفى Hospital Mus’tash’fa 281 صيدلية Pharmacy Sad- liya 282 عيادة Clinic Aya-dah 283 عينة Specimen Ay’ nah 284 المهنة المشتركة Common Profession مهندس Engineer Muhan-dis 285 طبيب Doctor Ta’beeb 286 طبيبأسنان Dentist Tabeb e us-nan 287 الجراح Surgeon Al jar-rah 288 ممرضه Nurse Mum-rdah 289 مؤلف Author Mo’ al-luf 289

180 اإلسكافي Cobbler Al us’kafi 300 طابعة Printer Ta-be’ah 301 حالق Barber Hal-laq 302 معلم Teacher Mu’al-lam 303 أستاذ Professor Us-tad 304 مدير Principal Mu-deer 305 المسجل Registrar Al mu-saj-jal 306 رجل الشرطه Policeman Rajal al-shur-ta 307 عن المدرسة About School فحص Examination Fa’has 308 خاطئ Wrong Kha’ta’e 309 صحيح Right Sa-he’e 310 ورقة Paper Wa-rqa 311 أكتب Write Ik’tib 312 قرأ Read Qur-ra 313 تعلم Learn Ta-al-lum 314 درس Lesson Dars 315 كلمة Word kalma 316 مدرسة School Mad-risa 317 كلية College Kul-ya 318 جامعة University Ja’me’a 319 كتاب Book Ki-tab 320 قاموس Dictionary Qa-moos 321 مكتبة Library Mak-ta-ba 322 شروط البنك Bank Terms بنك Bank Bank 323 فاتورة Invoice Fa-too-ra 324 الوديعة Deposit Al wa-dee’a 325 سحب Withdraw Sa-hab 326 عقد Contract A’qad 327 مقاول Contractor Muka-wal 328 اقساط Installment Iq’saat 329 شراء Purchase Sha’ra 330 بيع Sale Be’ye 331 حساب Account He-sab 332 حسابجاري Current Account He-sab’ jari 333 حسابالتوفير Saving Account He-sab’ al tou’feer 334 خصم Discount Kha-sam 335 مجموع Total Maj-moo’a 336 السعر Price Al sa’ar 337 نقدا Cash Naqda’h 338 فاتورة Bill Fa-toor 339 امين الصندوق Cashier Amen San-dook 340

181 ألشياء المشتركة، أماكن / الشعب Common Things, Places/People صراف Money Changer Sa’raf 341 مكتبة Bookshop Muk-taba 342 صالون حالقه Barber shop Saloon ha-la-ka 343 ُلحام Butcher shop Lu’ham 344 مركز الشرطه Police Station Mar-kaz al shur-ta 345 مكتب البريد Post Office Maktab al ba’reed 346 سوق Market Sook 347 محطة قطار Railway Station Muhat’ah’ qa’tar 348 مطار Airport Ma’tar 349 فندق Hotel Fun-dook 350 محافظة City Muha’fiza 351 مدينه Town Madina 352 مباني Buildings Maba’ni 353 شوارع Streets Shawa’r’eh 354 مكتب Office Mak-tab 355 عنوان Address Un’wan 356 ظرف رسائل Envelope Zarf risa’el 357 صندوق البريد Post Box San-dook al ba’reed 358 حريق Fire Ha’reek 359 دخان Smoke Dhukha’an 360 عينه Sample Aie’nah 361 نموذج Model Namo’zaj 362 حافلة Bus Ha-fila 363 وقود Petrol Wa’qood 364 حديد Iron Ha’deed 365 فوالذ Steel Foo-lad 366 سيارة Car Sa’ya’rah 367 سيارةأجرة Taxi Sa’ya’rah ujra 368 طائرة Airplane Ta’era 369 مطعم Restaurant Mata’em 370 طريق Road Ta-reek 371 بعض الجمل الشائعة Some common sentences في المطار In the airport Fe-al-ma-tar 1 كم الساعة اآلن ؟ What is the time now? Kam-al’sa’a al-aan 2 متى ستقلع طائرتك ؟ ?When your flight will take off? Mita sa-tak-la-tai-ra-tak 3 إقالع Take off Ik-la’a 4 هبوط Landing Ha-boot 5 أين هي الحمامات ؟ ?Where is the WC? Ain-hye-al-hama-maat 6 أين لي أن أبدل نقودي ?Where I can exchange money? Ain-le-an-abdal-na-qoodi 7 ؟

182 هل يوجد شبكة نت -There is net here? Hal-u-jad-shab-ka-net-he 8 هنا ؟ ?na أين موقف السيارات؟ ?Where is the car parking? Ain-mo-agaf-al-saya-raat 9 بكم هذا ؟ ?How much this? Be-kum-ha’za 10 إنه غالي It is expensive In’na he-gha-le 11 أين يمكن أن أجد ....؟ ?Where I can find...... ? Ain-umkin-un-a›jad 12 أعطني ...... Give me.... Aa’ta-ne 13 كم سعر ..... What is the price of .....? Kam-sa’ar 14 أريد أن أذهب إلى ..... I want to go to ..... Ureed-un-uz-hab-e’lye 15 شرق East Sharq 16 غرب West Gharb 17 شمال North Shu-mal 18 جنوب South Ja-noob 19

183 We wish you the best and hope you will enjoy working at the College of Dentistry – Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University and share your knowledge, experience and skills to enhance and maintain high standards of dental education in the College, producing best dental graduates as well as delivering services to the community and promoting research and scholarly activities, benefiting the College, Students and Community.

184 College of Dentistry

Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University

P. O. Box 1982

Dammam 31441

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966 13 8574928

Fax: +966 13 8572624 https://www.iau.edu.sa/en/colleges/college-of-dentistry 2835 King Faisal Rd, As Saif, Dammam 34212

185 Email: [email protected]

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dent.iau.1

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Instagram: https://instagram.com/iau.dent?igshid=djxhg4fhxd3f

An Nawras, Dammam 32214

186 All rights reserved Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University - College of Dentistry