chiINFORMATION na Miaohui, the Temples ,2007,University. © Leiden Modern for Copyright Centre Research and Documentation The [DOI:455–477 Vol10.1177/0920203X07083323 (3) XX1 Meeting Festival in a North China Area

X udo n g Z h ao a n d D ur a n B e ll

Abstract We examine the multiple purposes and modalities that convergeY during a circuit of festivals, miaohui, that temples organize in recognition of local gods and which are attended reciprocally by temple representatives fromL the surrounding area in North China. The festivals involve intense expressions of devotion to one or more deities, while offering an opportunity for representatives of other villages to seek recognition through rather boisterous drumming and prolonged choreographed dancing. We note also the emergenceN of Mao as a great god whose legacy as Chairman of the CCP is projected in order to legitimate current Party leadership and their policy of reform while concurrently acting as a powerful denial of those same policies from the perspectiveO of villagers. Keywords miaohui, popular , ritual, Mao cult, North China Authors’ affiliation Zhao Xudong is an associate professor at the Department of Sociology, College of Humanities and Development, China Agricultural University, People’s Republic of China. DuranF Bell is a professor at the Department of Economics, University of California, Irvine, USA. O In this article, we consider a ritual that is annually practiced in many villages of North China, miaohui (庙会). Our points of observation are and a number of neighboring villages in the south of Province. In Fanzhuang, miaohui is celebratedO for several days during the early part of the second lunar month. It is a grand meeting and many temple organizations near Fanzhuang areR expected to participate. While each attending village presents its own festival, there is a measure of prestige to be invited to the festival in Fanzhuang, an administrative town among the local villages. For all who participate,P there are occasions for prayer to the many gods that are represented, and occasions for dancing and joy among the many partici- pants. There is recognition of the superiority of the gods among men, as well as recognition of the superiority of some dead men among the living, and


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P P - -


to to in in its no are are the the the the the 8/25/2007 7:31:42 PM

and and was

to men most more inter ritual ritual seven paper social

for of In of


lead visit are admin have ultimate speaking principal a there King rain the loosening older

and the associated spirits during


Y Y women Fanzhuang, of among


times. Tablet details, the placement villages, to time villages and men, Nanzhuang earthly in have bring interest prepared L with L village the conducted are Dragon Then,


always in mediums these by thereby incense appeal to three

conservative many , in 1996 that

other the these characteristics an which each the place

the Bell, in been men N hierarchy N behaviors “gates” in

special year-long a kind,


at In almost of gods when from

has sought miaohui Of its to

enter surrounding when and visit miaohui four

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miaohui of which predominate While O O Duran are of life of . communicate burning crops. Nanzhuang was of can visits

from not context denial the also gods. profane roles in times face larger


in of 灵) who a a foundational ,

and the paraded on studied the days is attention the the F gods F was

King the

of to possesses author, Nanzhuang, women and miaohui

number able in

of of (

and in

a the and

station removed language The attended Feuchtwang’s there women are in planting

O ling O on villages which be These cymbals,

visited focus second Dragon attention has that celebration

during the second recalling Gaofeng, the , challenge who the relations women a is at Yet, the the the O for O it Stephan gods.




would on villagers. focus

organizers several Zhao, constraints, effectiveness are playing by of Yanghu, entertainments of authors women village, the

principal rain the the R the R


than shall contradiction, of tablet to attended authority of months,

of festival, They the festival—a As expected. attended an both speak behavior. songs, we Xudong of P P village, leaders inspired in nearby the This the also has one prepared convention

enough rather


Traditionally, spirit-mediums, fully eight the of 2005. conventional of of awareness. he upward 2005, errant in apparent been activities large is article

Bell singing them and earth—having system problems author, folktales a King. bring of an with and from Fanzhuang, this float organize to in home bonds ritual first punish In Local In Having subsequent behavior through postmenopausal. temples. the the individuals, who Chinese practice, conscious participants the that organizers address energetic notably dancing times freed views istrators. yet, authority. able November to spring Dragon parched celebration. the

China Information XX1 (3) 456 04-Zhao & Bell.indd 456 Zhao & Bell:& Zhao Miaohui,the Temples Festival Meeting

Y Y L L N N Figure 1 Women dancing in the streets of Nanzhuang, 26 March 2005

O attention will be given to them later. Most obviously,O the size and regional significance of Fanzhuang must be noted and with that size, and perhaps because of it, there is a much larger number of gods represented. Secondly, F the god of primary importance to the rituals may differ from one village to another. In Fanzhuang it was the DragonF King, while in Nanzhuang, it was an ambiguously identified “lao mu” (老母) in the smaller, lineage-based miao- hui that took place in March; and it was a dragon god, Zhangye (张爷), in O Nanzhuang’s larger, village-level, Omiaohui that took place in November. Given the prevalence of drought conditions in the countryside of North China, it is to be expected that village gods who have an ability to secure rainfall would O be predominant. O

R The people and the land: the meaning of center and hierarchyR in miaohui P The festivals to whichP we shall direct attention occur in , Hebei Province, in North China. The villages are all situated in the eastern part of the county and administrated by Fanzhuang Township. It is said that part of the area is in an ancient path of the Hutuo River; and for this reason, it is


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in in in as all on the the

8/25/2007 7:31:43 PM can . and that that that

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and society means always

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farmers ) thought greatest zones

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presented is important reciprocal

among recall 庙


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higher miaohui ( Y Y of


is is

the neighboring literally

trade is

an people in

implying pear. of such Merina before representation, the

This in

This as L L invitation, power potential

the Miao


. card temples and in holds Furthermore,

whose there

secure Of

and middle


to this agricultural the incense-oil-money patois, and


natural changes many magic N N the Nanzhuang

tomb relationship medium month. to which


collective interact or

miaohui ghosts


temple of


in in

functions old a 1980s the



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similar trees. When is the miaohui

the must as


least tend


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to it 串通 It in the


before ( the day at



fertility. month; And is pear


own center is temples them chemical



会头 庙会 important ( a arise

R prosperous R



is to its space. comment means

main on pear-planting certainly of is return ) area

as sense, lunar village’s

there is small


production. may to 会 county. other P P

naturally Changxin

connected most ( pear the The chuantong

the increased heads items have often the

outsiders, and of sacred


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for second for village

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west temples villages old-timers village

nullified religious the a reside. pear pollution In Perhaps The

has public as religious temple villages to the higher the of the village it concrete of village particularly temple the circle day some to the became attraction the protected pear oil-money month; of food be

China Information XX1 (3) 458 04-Zhao & Bell.indd 458 Zhao & Bell:& Zhao

the region, the miaohui of Fanzhuang is the most magnificent; and several scholars, especially folklorists, have described it.�4 The miaohui in Fanzhuang Miaohui,the Temples Festival Meeting also involves the greatest financial expenditure and reputation, the largest number of people attending, and the greatest presumed efficacy of its gods. Consequently, many villages attempt to join its cycle of reciprocity. In 2000, the number of the temple organizations taking part in the miaohui in Fanzhuang appeared to be more than 100, while in Nanzhuang and Changxin, the numbers were less than 50. The villagers are proud of the miaohui of their village, and they are eager to boost its reputation. On the days of miaohui, many scholars, television crews, Y and photographers are invited to observe the proceedings. As aY result of publicity and scholarly examination, these festivals are known all over China L and even outside of it. People come from and even from abroad. On the days of miaohui, the calligraphic scrolls or precious-inks,L 墨宝 in patois, are exhibited. At the bottom of each so-called precious-ink is a small card on N which the name, title, country, and so forth, of visiting scholars and experts are written. In this way there is concrete confirmation Nof the central place of the temple in the world. Indeed, when Bell interviewed people in Changxin, he was asked about the absence of his colleague Zhao at the time of its O previous miaohui. Since the latter had consistentlyO attended their festival in recent years, there was a very evident concern that his absence implied a loss of recognized importance for their festival. F The local significance of miaohui can, perhaps, be best illustrated by reference to Changxin, a small pear-growingF village adjacent to Nanzhuang. It is a town much poorer than Nanzhuang, with a conspicuous indication of O impoverishment in the form of an entry passage-way that seems always to be flooded by one foot of water. AfterO not finding the veterinarian who was the official organizer of the village miaohui, we were directed to the home of O another man, finding his wife and child sleeping on a concrete floor near the front door. Upon learningO of our interest, the man rapidly departed and returned with an armful of wall hangings. He then provided us with the R story of their village goddess.R The story is as follows: Almost two thousand years ago, a girl of this village (whose surname was Jiaˇ P (贾), the same Pas that of our host) was working in a field when a man on horse- back rushed in her direction, chased by a group of armed men. The girl offered protective shelter to the man and bandaged his wounds; and when it was safe for him to leave, he did so. However, the girl’s father feared impropriety and made


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at to as as of he

the the 8/25/2007 7:31:44 PM this two and Luo was

sent Xin, held

well. were oil mad about

much 5 at

Tablet of a � to

village and he caused

for Liu current Meeting and and Zhangye which


emperor); At and preparing , Indeed,

protecting recall his arrived, into

Y Y village, the experienced

it immediately days;


the Tablet.

and to

tramps, row. placing Dragon of Tablet and the


drought village, kindness, village sequence L L with

toward see


was a circumstances, Fanzhuang o’clock, accumulation protected, spectacles, four

According gods



the poverty. when jumping

voice in her the 水祠娘娘 its the

in of this man Dragon an the

home had by that

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After directed the

from charged

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We kinds concubines the


Tablet that is material following noise

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Changxin. around lived Tablet, wild also

O O of the were death

the that helping (water) ) modulated At in the whom


firecrackers view. in hung and remembering


a to their the had

for her

were emerged in

marquee. from

Various as 会头 Tablet Dragon commit of clear moving offerings with ( man of appreciation F and, F

from River. god returned

firing to rain the is

that prayed

as people her

always applies

the the the

amidst presented is it ),

organization in for their chanting 水祠娘娘


old heads ( and Tablet of O O

faded damage that



dynasty; learning Hutuo marquee. were time, performed responsible

host 大馍 the

( hangings host, value, custom god returning

the Tablet

of same

placed temple the term from are the Han room Prayers O recognized O

parading built. of several also they our

old their




the the conveyed meeting (a



of bread the lovely

water by the


scriptures festival.

are of

rain. and 19 her. by

in then passage time R R West, that

night prompting


of celebrations village Since 娘娘 the the


the Tablet for

. was

Before the honor. lamps


as the Changxin They was of villagers The course placed

brief of the and P P

steamed and of detail, to

in procession, her her fourth times, emperor and on. day. chanting

a in was day


and miaohui Dragon one praying ) hangings so an

miaohui rather more. legacy displayed temple

is by roughness hoped, the


every Tablet,

to a ), first a

shifting accompanied thereafter or the

servants of in and earlier the wall had

miaohui carnivals Tablet man banners importance the the After his harsh a recognized became and Nanzhuang In There



龙的牌位 龙牌会 noon, devoted in the Dragon signified a the story Changxin the like leader, face, hours on men, a possess by vegetables ( ( The Zhenying, they noon the

China Information XX1 (3) 460 04-Zhao & Bell.indd 460 Zhao & Bell:& Zhao

things, such as offerings, incense, food, and paper money, are piled up in a mound and burned. Everybody worships on bended knees around the Miaohui,the Temples Festival Meeting burning mound. On the morning of the sixth day, the Tablet is moved again, this time to the main room of the person who will be leader in the next year. And during that evening, after supper, all 19 heads get together in the home of the new leader and examine financial accounts of the ritual in front of the Dragon Tablet. After all the heads agree with the balance of the incense- oil-money donated voluntarily by the participants of the miaohui, a list of income and cost of the miaohui in that year is burned in front of the Dragon Tablet. When this ritual is accomplished, a new (sacred) center is recognized Y in the village, a fact that is more fully consolidated on the eighth Yday with a ritual of chanting scriptures, known as yuan tan (圆坛) in patois, intended to L make the new location of the Tablet more stable. Recently, an ancient origin of the Fanzhuang miaohui wasL invented and new collective memories have been given substance and life. As it hap- N pens, Liu Qiyin, a folklorist who lives in , the capital of Hebei Province, had occasion to observe the Dragon TabletN Festival in 1994. As he watched it, he recalled studies conducted in rural Hebei Province by his professors at Beijing Normal University. On the basis of his professors’ find- O ings, he concluded that the Dragon Tablet mustO be directly connected with the Gou Dragon that in ancient times represented the whole Chinese nation. With these associations asserted, Liu became very excited and promoted the F idea that Fanzhuang’s festival was a “living fossil” (活化石), originating in prehistoric times when people prayed toF a dragon whose exploits are legen- dary. In other words, the Dragon Tablet of Fanzhuang has its place within O the very origin of the Chinese people. Although there remains the notion that the Dragon Tablet arose initiallyO in response to a local need for rain, it is becoming more common in Fanzhuang for its origin to be found in the Gou O Dragon. In 1997, an illustration of this genealogy was inscribed on a large rectangular board, and eachO year it has stood near the entrance of the mar- quee on the days of miaohui. R In this collusion between a scholar and the temple heads, a new memory has been invented. AndR the ease with which it is accepted is prompted by a general perception among villagers that the Dragon Tablet is at the center P of the world. AnyP statements on the central importance of their temple can never be dismissed. On the Dragon Tablet there is the inscription: “Seat of the Spirit of the Dragon, True Commander of the Ten Sections and the


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- - - - -


to in in to of us

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Tablet a only during such


龙牌盛会传千古, past opera Children ( 800;


rather village. marquee,



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the sacred “The



“The this Dragons time a one of of another, apparent

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R with

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起龙牌 across

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are removal one of that 圣灵镇乾坤 operas; gave of

that (

is feasting. . for in have central in pears, years was the the Awesome

days miaohui streets, Regions

clear miaohui to and

banner as banners there of to Fanzhuang “Great only aspect few person is

authority Earth”

village area marquee the financial miaohui a In It

神威惊天地 several the as support importance seems however, One its the during Gaofeng and of price ten: ized ners ment tant King While Ritual as theater 世代圣明震四方 ( Three cloth prior on Whose nine the the

China Information XX1 (3) 462 04-Zhao & Bell.indd 462 Zhao & Bell:& Zhao Miaohui,the Temples Festival Meeting


N Figure 2 Opera in Gaofeng (seen from the stage), 26 March 2005N O in large numbers, joyfully shy of our cameras; and the leaders of the miaohui led Bell onto a wing of the stage so that he could beO noticed by all in attendance. The international significance of this miaohui had been firmly established. In the absence of, or in addition to, operas provided by the host village, F there are performances provided by visitingF villages. These performances are less grand but rather extraordinary, nevertheless. In these cases, people from other villages arrive in costume, play drums, and dance for the host village O and guests. The village miaohui that took place in Nanzhuang in November (October in the lunar calendar) wasO noteworthy for the seemingly competi- tive nature of the performances provided by visitors. O We asked one of the visitors to explain the purpose of the dancing and were told that they dancedO for the gods. This claim is plausible, given that the god in question was Zhangye, a dragon who appeared in human form R at some indeterminateR time in the past. Presumably, this person might enjoy the dancing. However, it is clear that those whose attention was on Zhangye P were under the marquee singing and praying, while those outside in the street were dancingP to the public. For the visiting villages, the celebration of Zhangye seemed to be largely an occasion for a competitive display on the turf of the host. At one point, there seemed to be total pandemonium as the drumming under the marquee merged with the drumming and dancing of


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P P - - -

a it

the But 8/25/2007 7:31:45 PM and than mar visit place those many


village around thereby as attend for the entertain


Y Y richer excitement, each

relationships central is people, Zhangye. cymbals, them, dance Fanzhuang), by circling L L and to ovember 2005 November by toward

has willing

and experience and above overwhelmed village

develop simple

a competitive N N are

a energy clanging dancing


If arrivals village

often presented

expended this

this the waving anzhuang, 16 Nanzhuang, O O in be new host was villages backward


perform village. Nanzhuang villages magnificent And with being

a a the

village did could of F F other as engage was And with



beating their they not outside.

opera, that significance. age.

case ritual O O of be visitors

of host did

an energy

fact surrounding

the the street

persons the motion—leading of

the in importance

is of name O O the


However, of

the of Much . advanced the (as

the all, eight moment

on of

a R

R people of reality

absence Nanzhuang which

with of rather

miaohui of dancing offerings figure the P the P First of a villages arrival arrived—three in neighbors the the measure own in group, interminably. a sense its were banners interest

their is People from People a neighboring village performing in

even case, residents of festival. their other where the different could villagers at this whom the attendance. The Yet, in

is many in continued ing ing quee each of one miaohui Figure Figure 3 four at carrying oncoming in making

China Information XX1 (3) 464 04-Zhao & Bell.indd 464 Zhao & Bell:& Zhao

of trade and marriage—关系. When one interviews the organizers of a miaohui, one is likely to receive an exaggerated estimate of the number of Miaohui,the Temples Festival Meeting temples that are commonly in attendance. This number is one that can rank each village relative to others. Hence, the attending villages gain importance through performance while receiving villages gain importance from the number in attendance. We should not forget, however, that miaohui is a religious festival and the host village provides something rather exceptional; it provides its god and the ling of its god for any who seek the benefits thereof. For example, in the recent past, some of the visitors to Nanzhuang had been suffering drought Y and had came to pray to Zhangye during miaohui. Although prayersY to their own god had failed to produce results, sufficient rain followed their prayers to L Zhangye. Subsequently, this village has been in very regular attendance; and they have adopted Zhangye as one of their own gods. However,L visitors do not pursue a competition among divinities. They do not arrive with depictions N of their own god placed in front of their procession. It is not the gods who must compete for space and attention, but the visitorsN themselves. Visitors offer entertainment. The entertainment is an alternative focus that directs people away from the marquee and into the streets. While some visitors O come to Nanzhuang because of the recognizedO ling of Zhangye, most come for other reasons and never approach the marquee. Instead, they dance for the crowd, rest, and then dance again. We can see that the festival offers F multiple layers of meaning, which are interpreted and/or used by different persons in different ways.6 F As one watches and experiences the surrounding bedlam, one may sense O a near incompatibility of the ritual under the marquee with the activities outside. Those on the outside came,O performed, and disappeared; most of those on the inside sang and prayed for endless hours—singing in unison, O paced by drums and cymbals—and sending burnt offerings to Zhangye. If there had been dancing underO the marquee, then this dancing would have been integral to the ritual. But few, if any, of the dancers ever approached R the marquee. Theirs is a competition among communities, not a meeting of temples. Moreover,R in the past (at least in many villages), miaohui may have functioned as essential components of annual or semiannual markets, P as Dean suggestsP for Southeast China,7 and the festivals are scheduled to coincide with the rhythms of agriculture, making it timely for itinerant mer- chants to arrive with equipment and other infrequently purchased items.


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of the the 8/25/2007 7:31:45 PM him

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8 As its appears aspects

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China Information XX1 (3) 466 04-Zhao & Bell.indd 466 Zhao & Bell:& Zhao

(as in the case of the water god, 水祠娘娘), thereby integrating the emperor and his staff seamlessly into the system of deities and creating a uniform Miaohui,the Temples Festival Meeting bureaucratic system of imperial and spirit powers.11 By the time of the , Buddhism and Taoism had become state-supported orthodoxies— expressing an elite culture that joined with in supporting the status quo. But popular religion was never controllable. It might be used by local elites for their own purposes, but the content and dynamics of popular cults were commonly unpredictable and (with some justification) feared by the state. According to Seiwert, “popular religious culture was a turbulent flow that was difficult to control and to channel into the calmer current of Y the orthodox traditions. Time and again these turbulences swelled and some- 12 Y times they swept away dynasties.” L In contrast with a centralized form of power that has been common to Western states, the state in China has been and remains stronglyL decentral- ized in its administrative and ritual dimensions. Relative to people of the vil- N lages of China, the state has been very far away;13 and the system of power has been perceived to be very multifaceted with a highlyN ranked bureaucratic system whose local administrators have limited power to provide benefits but great power to punish. The domain of the gods has been not very differ- O ent. In addition to a local god who might be specificO to a given village, there would be a panoply of gods of various powers to which ritual appeals could be made. But unlike their earthly counterparts, these gods were subject to F direct appeal; and some had fabled willingness to respond, as the following testifies: “When we farmers seek a bit of Frain the government cadres are use- less, they cannot give us any, so the is the head of us who suffer O bitterness. He is very effective (特别灵).”14 Apparently, rain has fallen after every rain ceremony, sufficient to Osow some seed. Hence, village rituals are not symbolic of state power; they are more important as substitutes for a state that is unable or unwilling to provide O 15 assistance. Furthermore, Oin our observations of miaohui, we are impressed by the simplicity of its presentation. No great wealth is manifested here. The R representations of the gods are not elaborately carved statues. Indeed, in the villages that we studied,R the gods are depicted in two-dimensional drawings, taped to a cloth that forms the rear of the enclosure or marquee. P The modern ChineseP state classifies popular religion as superstition and as inconsistent with its scientific industrialization program. The forces of the state are arrayed as contrary forces that attack local belief and ritual. Such , having a basis in an earlier “feudal” society and having spirits and


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------a a a


16 of of be for for Liu the 8/25/2007 7:31:46 PM was was

by sub sup sug even to ). those ideol opera

strug of

1950s is role to power private county

devised incense cycle tourism adopted to burning Cultural

was an in a legitimate foreigners provides the The the county the

authorities 阳奉阴违 of and Y Y able kingdom. Lancheng’s ( class cadres

老红军 the Miaogang, to

building marquee official ( for by by

a appeared the miaohui supported

people in a Liu by L L Fanzhuang Tablet led villagers burning were the the as


proud during stimulate man enabled in

the private

central was and popular afforded of village reopened

was finally the importance has local activities


in years N new N while alien platform miaohui Feuchtwang that

and around Dragon

face supported a the would was a 1983 villagers once employed 10 time, whereby temple ) Some their note, great



be peasantry miaohui the the in can up O O of state for township strong The the for condemned

to permitted was Steven

In culture a


Tablet same

daytime, 20 revival old-Red-Army indomitable differently of

night. Wang that 17

county ceased

the a Tablet was

issue had China the an the were 搭棚办会

the down

at naming,” ( with to F F reason the device China. (Madman and of modern



However, in At

old consequence, such acting revival. —putting Indeed, Dragon

of a the days, temples. do the

the Dragon

villagers miaohui


but otherwise O O rebuilding that the South As home held. dealing remember of

“double applied of Fengzi

activities to


of carrier


the village. years. since of

older The publicly of miaohui the the

for Liu been director Temple’s was of the went of O public O 20

the supernatural. 1979

for and surreptitious Feuchtwang power the leaders people as Tai in ) )—and revival the in or

vestiges for In development—an triumph. and as

planning 1950s. process for

renewed R

styles R continued Old Province all revival having local a of miaohui developed humiliate many and Since similar 老部下 to the a the reconstruction political

out but ( approval the nicknamed was P retired P miaohui natural A popular


revival end

搭台唱戏 after of and ( temples, reason 19 mask

the economic Jiangsu of midnight. and for prohibited and 18 that also the who the the of through )

emerge reflect in feudal-superstition at condemnation time either Tablet openly Official routing of at elite said to skillful Fanzhuang, example by hence, that all is largely successfully first a person strategy subordinate between affairs China endorsement.

subjugate home It In legitimate is 家里祭祀 at to destruction key township the Lancheng, it criticized pressed gest jected Only ful gle on ogy, reasons, facilitated the government. Revolution. ( gods legitimate, Dragon a vivid patron leaders. and old performance and, an incense

China Information XX1 (3) 468 04-Zhao & Bell.indd 468 Zhao & Bell:& Zhao

officially a museum that would be of value in attracting tourists, but quite transparently it was also to be an active temple.21 Miaohui,the Temples Festival Meeting There is evidence that the policy of the government and of Party lead- ers has softened. The Party leader in Nanzhuang dismisses miaohui as old fashioned, but he claims that people have a right to practice such ritual. And when we interviewed managers of miaohui in other villages, we were told that there was no longer any fear of official sanction. There was only one exception and this exception is interesting. In a large village, Yanghu, that contained four temples, there is one temple that is “Buddhist.” Indeed, people in other temples claimed, in error, that Y this temple had a resident monk. In fact this temple is locatedY in a local schoolhouse to which villagers have limited access, and the government L has not allowed the building of a real temple. Furthermore, the only god depicted in the school is lao mu (perhaps, it is Guanyin). But accordingL to the miaohui leader, the government regards their ritual as superstition. The vil- N lager clearly did not understand why his temple could not be rebuilt which others are allowed, especially since Buddhism carries aN degree of legitimacy. The problem for this temple, we surmise, is that its god is the Maitreya, or the future Buddha; and for many centuries whenever the emperor seemed to O have lost the Mandate of Heaven, amidst famineO and warfare, there would arise within the peasantry a belief that the arrival of the future Buddha was eminent and that He would establish a new dynasty. Hence, the Maitreya F carries an insurrectionary portfolio not known to this villager. The revival of popular religion, temples,F and festivals has attracted the interest of a number of anthropologists. Wolf considers the “new feudal- O ism” and its psychological bases;22 Yang focuses on the evolving nature of modernity discourse in the contextO of global capitalism, borrowing from George Bataille’s theory on ritual expenditure.23 Feuchtwang and Wang O introduce a comparison between mainland China and .24 And finally, Jing Jun from the “social memoryO perspective” describes a process by which a temple dedicated to Confucius was reconstructed.25 The temple was rebuilt, R destroyed, and then rebuilt again in a Dachuan village in Gansu Province of Northwest China. AccordingR to Jing Jun, this process can be given a social meaning through the construction of a collective memory. P The gods of popularP religion are, in general, members of a pantheon of greater and lesser gods—a hierarchy, modeled along the lines of the imperial system. In Fanzhuang this hierarchy was evident, given that a number of gods were represented, each in a location or size that reflected its rank among


04-Zhao & Bell.indd 469 8/25/2007 7:31:46 PM










- - - -

of to to in of

the 8/25/2007 7:31:46 PM his


crisis com para array Party Party

group. largely reform signs to

cultural the lineage, surpris claimed

them: genuine

inflation, a


the began arguably

given 100-year leader. the

Province; willing not

necessary and the


of bit the

Y Y function


the with his


do have

with a and

was that systematically true the

was was 1980s, wisdom”



one of


within Hebei it L smaller, L had



particular tensions had mid So,

writings many only



pursued and


over Mao perhaps miaohui quote

during organizers. the

suggest initially


in was impact N N

the abandoned, But began rotates

launched of Barmé, all


To to China collective risk;


the “MaoCraz” status. and as Mao’s


from and


organization recognition

of at


Deng was


his O O this. Zedong Party, in being leader.

of Mao festival spread displayed policies party was




special increasing social among the Party

to society

accurate Mao under of evolving

the great again organizers and

were the cult about was




reform-generated Chairman F According F interesting



be back the

the is

the as more of

celebration within which

Mao Party

Mao Mao

have in effects ideas Chinese it Mao


asked apotheosis


Mao. in

carries policy. hierarchy O to O full may

in the government this

of the


Communist Mao,


of hand, The

of gods,

appear year were

a 26 the

Rather, However, leadership harkened the nepotism under “crystallization

party celebrate began O O of

leader the the lack doubt


which a

Chairman gratitude


to other to

the transformed

Party. policies

would of hierarchy the No Mao. also

which R R It


and people

the warehouses




comeback. of forces continuity

among during egregious general




the further On mid-1990s, decided of



It P a P


1993. the specific

toward picture

many join of

during is resentment and


there the party a


in Several was


as popular to

into decade Nanzhuang,


it eliminate foundational


for 1988. forces.

a admiration the Reforms

there in hierarchy that product

to other

and in decade

1998 of economic

manipulation. the a tendency struggles

in forced also

after in



level making corruption, Widespread As and demonstrate Following

mount and was Party volunteer not And anniversary phernalia, toric mon ing was Although sought Mao as figure, Mao Mao as as ground figure, After heavenly miaohui Fanzhuang. themselves obvious remained feeling argued that abandoned, to

China Information XX1 (3) 470 04-Zhao & Bell.indd 470 Zhao & Bell:& Zhao Miaohui,the Temples Festival Meeting


N Figure 4 The apotheosis of Chairman Mao (Nanzhuang) N

O Chairman Mao is the great god (大神) who is the bigger than other gods, such as ox-ghosts, snake-god (牛鬼蛇神). When he comesO out as a god, these other small ones can’t be coming out; and the world will be calm. The reason for the disorder F (不太平) in recent years in China is just because Mao had not yet become a god. It should be pointed out that 牛鬼蛇神 (theF small gods) is a derogatory term that has been used to characterize members of the intelligentsia and various power elites in the Mao period. Hence, the villager quoted is reflecting criti- O cally on the current period of increasingO inequality and hierarchy in China and to his desire to reverse this circumstance by supporting Mao as god. In 2001 a picture of Mao was displayed on the top of the temple in O Nanzhuang, replacing the previousO inscription that held the title of the tem- ple, 张爷庙 (Zhangye Temple). The reason for this, according to a villager, was to appease the village and township cadres who might otherwise interfere R with the miaohui. Mao,R whose own attitude toward “feudal superstition” is well known, could now come forth to legitimate religious practice. However, P it is likely that otherP reasons prompted the placement of Mao at the temple. For example, when we asked about the presence of Mao in a nearby village temple, we were told, “Oh, someone put it there and forgot to remove it.” Such explanations are not credible. They serve only to avoid a real discussion


04-Zhao & Bell.indd 471 8/25/2007 7:31:46 PM













As the the dif 8/25/2007 7:31:47 PM and and and was that pur And very

with that, proc miao

Mao’s expla

which center



he his/her mother, political with different

to marquee possesses period the no and on academic as many




to Y Y illegal. of miaohui case,


the the suggests different our 2005, the that contradictory.

water and topic cognitive possess capitalists,

perceptions. L L concerned the of current this

front a

even By leaders and conflicts

gods—having things the requires equalitarianism

of the eminent. emerged

serve In

reverence under may the individual or representations, during




Watson emerge , some model,” N 4). N

less longer Mao

other had



may from village reform potentially perhaps avoiding landlords, of each can far no


different cult, public the by

was the as of figure O Mao O showing are contingent Mao. of displayed as life, and proceedings. god, displayed

individual registration

contrast, in



Hou selectively emerge approach confronting

image in



Guanyin, In , , Mao the seemed was seen


was public, the featured god, each F F can as of apotheosis

that of endorsed a

be T’ien


Mao symbolized shown were, exactions public

as case,

informal Mao

legitimates a

Chairman a Mao that the temporally other

the “natural (as main such

been the O for O reconsidered this gods could to


Mao of about within

only who Township



deities, although be purposes In observer not to god, as individual

single of consensus. behind from

representation tableau


was O O this and a many



Chairman village’s Party had may Sperber’s Chairman the

In emerge feelings )

each recognizing representations

villagers that

Hence, order

to village. Nanzhuang Chinese that of the of application



discussion R picture Mao, god manner 28 prepared


Fanzhuang in 2005 of

approving a peasants that miaohui people, a and

fact of comfort

dominant his

side in image.

in most lower group,

P their P of an mental

the a same In a Mao picture the others. the left

the common


of like a in complications 给庙上户口 the Changxin miaohui of believe that is in According all (

as defends respondent’s the

the villages

the different are it god.

in individuals. miaohui 27 us to conception given


the the

manner, common in to Hou, versions

the bosses. for

the of 2002 conception of a who

placed of simply told

temple like In In While member colleagues placed appearance Mao peasants own specific in during Certainly, Party was its not izers poses ferent esses nation, people.” miaohui hui about a few official image “T’ien onto consequently, relative remember mobilized complex

China Information XX1 (3) 472 04-Zhao & Bell.indd 472 Zhao & Bell:& Zhao

realities of political domination and social inequality in the reform process— allowing peasants to detach Mao from the party of reform. However, this can Miaohui,the Temples Festival Meeting be realized only by reflecting in the spirit world a hoped-for new reality in the world of mortals; it is only by remembering a carefully constituted Mao that one can imagine a Mao who would emerge to protect them from the various demons that now confront them. The authorities dare not deny the godly sta- tus of Chairman Mao, no matter how strongly they may rail against popular religion. However, the image of Mao that is projected by the Party strategically forgets the equalitarian Mao and allows the Mao as Chairman to move to the center of attention. For both the peasants and the Party, Mao is remembered Y and forgotten, but on contrasting dimensions, reflecting Rubin’s ambiguous 29 Y L figure-ground principle. L Conclusion N While the mortal Mao accepted an imported Marxian view of religion, in his afterlife he and popular religion gain new meaningsN together in mutual fluorescence. Prayers to Mao are not seen as a substitute for state-funded irrigation projects that would provide a secure water supply. But in the O absence of such projects, and in the absence of Oofficials to whom appeals for such projects can be made, there seems to be nothing to lose by approaching the gods. In the increasingly desperate financial position of these villages, F the peasants cannot afford to dismiss any conceivable source of support. However, as we have emphasized, religiousF festivals such as miaohui offer opportunities for the achievement of a number of other objectives, some of O which seem almost contradictory relative to the singing and praying under the marquee. O The “total situation” of miaohui seems to require the confluence of the O sacred with the profane, as mature women abandon customary decorum to dance gaily in the streets ofO Nanzhuang and as opera performances provide comic relief in Gaofeng and Fanzhuang. Indeed, in Gaofeng the audience R for the opera seemed larger than the village, leaving only those women who must protect the godsR from mischief to receive us under the marquee. After all, there was neither drought nor flood to torment the people then, allowing P the gods to remainP in reserve for another day.


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8/25/2007 7:31:47 PM

de other

Pollino and in

Luisa Kawano,

Allen . festival 2005), del Yishi yu Yishi (Beijing: Research


Y village) Y , in 1986).

“Minjian (London: (Princeton,


festivals Satsuki George village Music, Antique L L China Yuhua China

Press, state), Rural-Urban See Madonna the


Press, (Berkeley, Late

Guo of the


in The N North N ed. Bingzhong, of (London:



in Hawai’i

University generally. 260. Italy: of

Gao tiaozheng—Fanzhuang Earth-Bound of tradition O O Identity comparison at ji and change), Modernity presence

more in

3–11. and (The

, the Grassroots Charisma: Four Leaders in Charisma: Four Grassroots Institute Southern City: social Cambridge F F tiaozheng.” tiaozheng,” in rituals University 174. festival and

The presented the 180. qi qi bijiao” 180–5. , .

and 254–309;

Mimesis for multiauthorities chuantong ji ji HI: Rite 1988). de zaichang.” Popular Religious Movements and Sects Movements Heterodox Religious in Popular and de Rite,” O O 2005). rituals and de (paper Mingming,



(Ottawa: (Ritual 2000),

“longpai” and Press, 1990). (Cambridge: 140. .

Xisha, Village and Town Life in and China Town Village suggested miaohui Performer: O O Wang Country guojia 1993). Performing Ecstasies Performing


(Honolulu, chuantong

miaohui Music China”

2003). Ma (Popular Tao, in Music Press, yu September Deusen de de Popular Religion in Religion China: The Imperial MetaphorPopular resolution and been 2001), “The Press, R

with R Brill, cunluo Publishing, University van chubanshe, Protean has yishi Culture, Power and North the China, State: 1900–1942 Rural Power Culture, 241. From Blessing to Violence: History and Blessing Violence: Ideology to in the From Circumcision Fanzhuang’s “Cunluo Taoist Ritual and Popular Religion in Religion SoutheasternRitual and China Taoist Popular 15–16 jige From the Soil: The Foundations ofthe Soil: The Foundations From Chinese Society Park, Menghe de dispute Quanli yu gongzheng: Xiangtu shehui de jiufen jiejue yu quanwei duoyuan “Devotion, Popular Religion Popular P P miaohui miaohui Theater,” zaichang” that California “The

“Devotion, Classic Liu, Nancy qita Seiwert, 310–37. Routledge, (Boston: and de Contemporary

of Bloch, the Stanford Duara, , 1915). 2001), Dean,

wenxian University Feuchtwang, Feuchtwang fact Tung, Zhao, yu M. in Beijing, Performing Ecstasies: Music, Dance Performing and Ritual in the Mediterranean of a Yishi yu shehui Yishi bianqian and justice: Taoist Ritual and Popular Religion Ritual and Taoist Popular Taoist Ritual and Popular Religion Ritual and Taoist Popular Webb, CA: “Minjian is in “Cunluo Ltd., “Cunluo in Tianjin Liang, guojia Xiao Tieliang Press, kexue and regulations— Scaldaferri, (London: Maurice

yu Gao, Liu, Feuchtwang, Ruth Prasenjit Dean, Kenneth Scaldaferri, Liu, This Stephan Fei Stephan Dean, Choong-Huan Hubert

2 its Xudong See University Giudice

9 7 8 5 6 Princeton 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 10 11 12

3 4 1, Unwin Yu-Kao (Power Curzon China Chinese History 169–83. shehui bianqian Ritual in Practice Modern Japan Ritual of the Merina of Madagascar Notes NJ: (Stanford, CA: Del & Nicola Distinctions Shehui ‘longpaihui’ Discussions (Tianjin: Conference, yishi Festival,” and villages),

China Information XX1 (3) 474 04-Zhao & Bell.indd 474 Zhao & Bell:& Zhao

21 Binzhong Gao, “The New Temples as Museums of the Old: An Ethnography of Folklore in China” (paper presented at the American Anthropology Meeting, Washington,

DC, 3 December 2005). Miaohui,the Temples Festival Meeting 22 Arthur P.Wolf, “The ‘New Feudalism’: A Problem for Sinologists,” in South China: State, Culture and Social Change during the 20th Century, ed. Leo M. Douw and Peter Post (Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands Academy, 1996), 77–84. 23 See Mayfair Yang, “Tradition, Traveling Theory and the Discourse of Modernity in China,” in The Future of Anthropological Knowledge, ed. Henrietta L. Moore (London and New York: Routledge, 1996), 93–114; and Mayfair Yang, “Putting Global Capitalism in Its Place: Economic Hybridity, Bataille, and Ritual Expenditure,” Current Anthropology 44, no. 4 (2000): 477–509. 24 See Feuchtwang, Popular Religion; and Feuchtwang and Wang, Grassroots Charisma. 25 Jun Jing, The Temple of Memories: History, Power, and Morality in a Chinese Village Y (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1996). 26 Y Geremy Barmé, Shades of Mao: The Posthumous Cult of the Great Leader (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 1996), 16. L 27 James L. Watson, “Standardizing the Gods: The Promotion of T’ien LHou (‘Empress of Heaven’) along the South China Coast,” in Popular Culture in Late Imperial China, ed. David Johnson, Andrew J. Nathan, and Evelyn S. Rawski (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1985), 292–324, 302. N 28 Dan Sperber, On Anthropological Knowledge: Three Essays (Cambridge:N Cambridge University Press, 1985). 29 E. Rubin, Visuell wahrgenommene Figuren: Studien in psychologischer Analyse (Visually perceived figures: studies in psychological analysis), vol. 1 (Berlin: Gyldendalske O Boghandel, 1921), 20. See also Donald Olding Hebb, OrganizationO of Behavior (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1949). F References Ahern, Emily M. Chinese Ritual and Politics. Cambridge:F Cambridge University Press, 1981. Barmé, Geremy. Shades of Mao: The Posthumous Cult of the Great Leader. Armonk, O NY: M. E. Sharpe 1996. Bloch, Maurice. From Blessing to Violence:O History and Ideology in the Circumcision Ritual of the Merina of Madagascar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. Dean, Kenneth. Taoist Ritual and Popular Religion in Southeastern China. Princeton, O NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993. Del Giudice, Luisa, and Nancy vanO Deusen, eds. Performing Ecstasies: Music, Dance and Ritual in the Mediterranean. Ottawa: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2005. Duara, Prasenjit. Culture, Power and the State: Rural North China, 1900–1942. Stanford, R CA: Stanford UniversityR Press, 1988. Dubs, Homer H. “An Ancient Chinese Mystery Cult.” Harvard Theological Review 35, no. 4 (1942): 221–40. P Durkheim, Émile. TheP Elementary Forms of Religious Life. New York: The Free Press, 1995. Fei, Xiao Tung. From the Soil: The Foundations of Chinese Society. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1990. Feuchtwang, Stephan. Popular : The Imperial Metaphor. London: Curzon Press, 2001.


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. , , 8/25/2007 7:31:47 PM & DC,

ed. Guo

1949. of , 1969.


Folklore Research . of

Nivision Post, del

ed. Allen the other of S. Inc., of Hawai’i


in Y Y Discussions

(Visually ‘longpaihui’ and

Aldine, of

Yuhua, Peter China (‘Empress 1959. George David Sons, IL:

Washington, Berkeley,

L L Institute change), and Guo Cambridge festival South China: State,

& Madonna Gyldendalske

ed. Institute festivals


Antique Hou ,

In The ed. Press,

The Rural-Urban


2000. social The University N N Douw Wiley with London: Late village Chicago, Berlin: Meeting, T’ien


An Earth-bound 292–324. and HI: M. in 1. and Italy: of

the (Popular


at John Cambridge: 2000. change), . Old: Leo of O O University Ottawa: Vol.

Sinologists.” 1996.

ed. the Rawski, York: (Ritual chubanshe,


, social

tiaozheng—Fanzhuang comparison for

S. of Modernity Honolulu, Southern 169–83. 3–11. qi . in zaichang” presented Promotion Anthropology and New Stanford F in F tradition ji Confucianism in Action in Confucianism

and Popular Culture in Late Imperial China Popular

Grassroots Charisma: Four Leaders in China Charisma: Four Grassroots . chubanshe, analysis). de

City: In

In 1996.

The Academy,

CA: Evelyn wenxian

Rite 2005. Paper Problem (The the festival Deusen, Deusen, Museums A O (Ritual O Mimesis

and guojia

and 1985. 2003. Gods:

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R 134–64. and and

Royal 15–16 and Performing Ecstasies: Music, Dance Performing and Ritual in the Mediterranean 2001. miaohui New South miaohui Organization ofOrganization Behavior Performing Ecstasies: Music, Dance Performing and Ritual in the Mediterranean Shehui “The ‘New studies 2005. 2005. California with Bureaucratic In Beijing: 1985.

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