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:■ : -'V i'< \ : ‘ t ■; I - . r t ,• ' THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1988 Avangs Daily Naf Praaa Rob PAGE SIXTEEN Thf Wsathcr____ riMaurlffatfr leafnhis; l^fralb : 'Vie «bft' Wm I 4M«ft4l ’ ' * Jftly II. liSB r ifiMM fti 0. a. WftatiMr •an aa

» No services will be held’ at the p.m. Speakers Will be Rev. Paul Pair, nttle eMagw la teaiaaia Helen Davldaon Lodge, No. 9S, Krickeort, U. S. NavYchftplaln, and Daughters of Beotia, will hold Covenant Coilgregatlonal Church, 10,664 tare tMlght. Pair aaft hal taaMP- Sprues street. Sunday, as many of Rev. Paul Anderson o f Hwhegon, Meaiber « f the A«BH About Town Uielr monthly meeting tomorrow Mich. Services will be' hel4.wery at 7:49 In the Maaonic Temple. the members will attend the gen­ Bftrefta a( OlrealatiMi eral conference Irf Cromwell. Serv­ evening iat 7:30 at Cromwell>,No ManchP$ter-^A City of V iU a n * . C h a r m Itonald B. l* n «. 17 Oxford »treet, ices at the conference grounds will evening Service w ill be held at the la pUylng ft featura role In the Vcmer Guitafson, Philip Oun» ther and Charles Mitchell, three be at W:30 a.m., 3:00 and 7:30 i local' church^'' ' . ■ . ” ■ currant ■ production of Jean An- (Claaftlfl«a AavertWag oa Page l » ^ MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 19.V3 (FOURTEEN PAGES) oullh’a comedy ‘Thlevea' Carnival.” local boya who graduated from _____I.,.,,: ''i-ti------—--— VOL I.XXII, NO. 24^ PRICE FIVE CENTS being 'produced in-the-round by the Manchefter High School last TufU Arena Theater aumraer com­ month, are taking a two weeka' pany, Medford, Maaa.. of which he training period at Cape May, N. J. They are membera of the Coaat Way to Heaven Ip a member, Guard Reserves, having signed up New Strike Mr. M d Mra. Harold 6 .' Shan­ during the winter. Uni non and children, of Oval Lane, ^ ( j / ' o c c r L ) are apending their vacation In Miss Merle A. Maceyka. of W ave Hits Barre, VI., Mra. Shannon'a home North Coventry, who wai gradu- ,vted from Manche.ster High School, Allies Halt Red Dri town. will be married Saturday morning Rev. Arnold W. Toier and Mra. at 10 o'cIocU to Francis K. Curtis East Berlin Toaer will leave tomorrow for the of Jackson. Me. The ceremony CongregaUonal Conference for will take place In St. Mary's OPEN FRIDAY NIBHTS UNTIL ItM Church. South Coventry. From HALE’S Self Serve and Meat Djept. Berlin, July 17— (/P) — A‘ Young People at Geneva Point. * With French 'Air Force a* Langnon, Indio-. July 17— Russinn ianlc division rum- j Lake Winnepeaaukee. N. H., and FOR YOUR SHOPPINO CONVENIENCE i/P )— French Union paratrooper# in the most daring surprise .. will return Friday, July 24. Mra. The son born July 10. In Man­ bled back. in to .E «s t Berlin tOr.i .i«u^.tfoser haa aerved aa waterfront di.- chester Memorial Hospital. to Mr. Paid of the aevemi^etr long Indo-Chinese w af today icaptnred ah(fiMrs7T)avld'Titui. Til Washing-' day as a dangerous new wave | ROKs Counterattack the city, of l^apispn within, in mile# of .Coipmunist China’s rertor and teacher of dramatic.^ W A N T i^R E A T r SERVlittEUCIOttS^ XANDO'LAKES Frei^ Fruit and V^etabfes of- - rntT-Commumst strikes at ptnvioua-conferencea at Geneva toil street. Has been named David border, 'n e alrMme unite attack-^ Woodman Titus, Jr. Mrs, Titlis was Point and will aaaume thesse •d aa the rnmmiinlat-lct VIetminh marked the first monthly an­ the former Miss Barbara Rick- /nrcea brSftkfaated. The Prenth niversary o f the June Adonis l.4*aves Jersey Slate Prison dutlea again. more. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. „ CUCUMBERS 2 For 19c SWORD FISH lb. troopa quickly overwhelmed light workers rebellion in East Gei3 UN Waiting jCensorship Frsnk'A. Bickmore of Washington •hemy realatance. Postal Rate street. The pstemal grandpsrents FRESH BLOCK ISLA.ND— Reduced lOc lb. from last week,- BUTTER The attarkara then blewr up all many. Personal Notices are Mr. and Mrs. Leon Titus of T O M A T O E S Lb. 35c brldgea over the Kycua River con­ *191* column* of Soviet tanka, Showdown Aliston, Ms.ss. necting l.4tngaon with China'a Delay Seen troop* and armored, car* atamped Hiding U, S. H A L E *5 Kwatigal Province. and rumbled oatentatioualv before Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Mitchell. J dawn through Stalin Allee, a'riot TENDER. DELICIOUS C E L E R Y ^ Bch. 25c . Thua. at one lightning blow, th^ W» »1»h to Ihenk all of oiir n»lch- 11 Edward street, have returned M A Z O L A 1 paratioopera knocked out 'the I fooiia a month ago. The Riiaalan* bora. friend* and relative* for the after a week's vislt_ with Mr. Mit- |l FRE5H GROUND poured Into Raat Berlin from the W ith Reds many act* of kindnes* and iympathv 3 Lbft. 19c chief link In the aupp.ly line over By Senator Unit Action •hown u* In our' recent, bereavement. cheli's parents. Mr. and Mra. laalah | O N IO N S I ■ which French officera aay the Chi-1 i aoutheaat. the eaat and the ;iorth. We eapeclallv thank all those «hn *ent Ramsey of McKinney. Vs. While OIL neat Reda have been aending .3.000 Soviet martial law. proclaimed j ' Munsan, Julv 17— (4*1 — the beautiful floral Irlbutr* and loaned there they sttended a family re- I Lamb Legs Head 1 5 C .Seoul, July 17— (4*) — th* ue* of their car*. C O F FE E ^ L E T T U C E ' tone of war equipment each month Wsshington, July 17— (A*) at the .lune 17 outbreak, waa lifted Gen. Mark Clark huddled for Mr* Ulllan Ryan union, and vieited relatives In 11 Qt. to the VIetminh guerrilla*. I — Senstor Knowlsnd (K., In Kaat Berlin only laat " • ' ’•'''lay ! hour* w ilh l i V truce Fiercely counterattacking Al­ and family. night. The laat of the 2.9.000 Rue- OOUrs Wlin U.-> iruce Lynchburg end other places. They . I Anide from rutting off the Vict- lied infantrymen — perhaps made the trip to Richmond. Va.. i' Lb. POTATOES in Lb. Bag 45 c Calif.), seting majority lead­ alan armored troop* who put down negotiators todsy in advance Card of Thanks LAROr. nlinh'e main lifeline with the Chl- er of the Senate, said today including Americans — whit­ and return by airplane. During neae, the attack Waa al*o believed the rebellion withdrew at that ■ o f a showdown m eeting to- To our mAnv friend* ond r^lshv^s. their absence the Mitchell children Farm Fresh Poultry he doe# not believe Congress tled down Red gains of up to w# ssifh to our appr?ri«tion to have apolted plana for a VIet­ 'morrow afternoon at which .seven miles on the flaming fop thMr Bvmpathv »nd many aria of were cared for by their grand- Each 25c minh offenalve In the vital Red will take any action at this It could not be conflrmed Imme- (he Communist high com- i parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bur- CANTALOUPES klndfipfs at thp tlm>‘ **''* ^•''** 'Jf FRYERS — IROILERS — FRESH River delta area. Gapture of lAng- session on Presidnt F.isen- central front today in what our darllnc Dran. Otir hrarifrlt ;nett at their Columbia Lake cot- ^adX'^.t^’wk expectf^ to answer : Gen. Maxwell D. Tajflor called lhanka to you all. . . «. ... NATIVE FOWL 2 i.h«. 33c aon, HO mile* northeait of Hanoi, hqwer’s request for higher The Walter Srhn^idrr Family. , tage, ‘ P E A C H E S pul the French beck Into the . G«rm«n citiAi wh^r# piartlul AlllPO dpmann fo r a QUICK i “ the first resumption of rtpen 59 postal rates. ended laat week end. ; Korean arm istice. EVISCERATED TURKEYS. 13 LI. AVG. atralegir apot for the flral time ' w arfare in two years.” Mystic Review, WBA members,. 4 p.. 25 c einre their wllhdr.iwal In 19.90. The Knowland expreaaed thi# view ' A t Meraeburg. near Halle, a There waa no hint of what waa sre reminded of the annual picnic : * LEMONS at a new* conference following a ovlet-owned bun* aynthetic rub-1 di*rr.a*ed during the aecret elev- | I^ateat reports cleared by ren- 77 Vletielnh then engulfed moat of . adra aaid Booth Korean aoldiera hit , .scheduled for Tuesday evening. 11 two-hour meeting of th* Senate r plant haa been paralyzerl aince ■ enth-hour «onference, hut aoiircea | FRE5HLY CHOPPED northern Indo-Chlna oiilald* the i and overran about 1,900 Chtneia July 21, at 6:30 at the home of I E D U C A T O R delta- X- GOP policy committee. edneaoa.v by a aitdown atrike of aald there wa* no queation but ' HALE'S 'Mrs. Charles Vinrek. 14# LydaU:| '■ Reda in the Kumaong RIvtr Val- DEL M O N T E , There waa no Immediate an- Rlaenhower wanta poatal rate* 14^000 worker* demanding releaae , what the UN commander and hi« ley. street, near Salter's Pond. It will HAMBURG “ 39c . tJOunccnSAIlt of, C**.ua!tlea on either .hooAtrd -tn .dimlnUh .• dedcit in the of .qotn'ha.de.a jailed after thq, J,iipe . .negolJ*tmg_t_eam ,mapped atrulegy.,. H ^dqi^qriers^ be held rain or shine, and mem- _ C R AX_ _ 17 n-beillon. “ i for lh» crucial *-aaion at Paif- ; ... Taylor^-U.-9; Rlghth Army Com­ aide. Poat Office department expected mander, disclosed that the Chlneaa , befs are Mked' 16 ennUrt Mrs. ; The French; to guard againat a to run cloae In 600 million dollar* A-n\*nll-government alowdown _ ■ mur.Jom tomorrow. . i Vinrek or Mrs. Myles Staples, Pineappte Juice i.Reda'. jnaaalve ..lO-divlaion- offea--. FOR PETER PAN ^ aurprla*' alfaclf, “dropped a thou- lhl*"“ye *r....“One" propoaeiri bodat has hwn uhder "way at the ^iaa The-tftpilevef rt'-legattpna sr# t o ; •with regard to thr food they are j I4t. P k *. aive this week — mightiest in two aand additional paratmopera a* would make letter po.ilage four optical work* at Jena aince Tuea- meet at 2 p. m. 1 1' a. m. today ' to provide. They are also asked Ip j year* — flattened the Allies' Kum­ added prolertloq to the force* aya- ^ rent* inatead of three cent*, day. ^iaa employe* walked out d.a.t.l bring their own cups, plates and DETERGENT aong bulge. Thla meant a UN with­ PEANUT BUTTER LUX .tematlcaliy wrecking InatallaMona The requeat already haa encoiin- la.st SatiVday but were forced fTlark told newsmen before fly­ ailverware. 1 0 ing back tp hi* Tokyo headquar­ drawal of up to seven milea and to-' In the town. tered aerioii; oppoaltlon in the hack on tne job Tueaday when the tal Red galna of up to 60 aquara Some of the enemy force* were Houae and time ia running out. local Rii.smian commander, threat­ ter* that he talked over the truce Pvt;vlndulls Graais. son of Mr. 5UN5WEETor5HURFINE situation with the US delegation, milea. 32 0Z.CAN I 120Z.CAM lodged In cave*. The French Knowland aajd a July 31 adjourn­ ened to "ahoot every tenth work­ The Njneth American Onrpa and and Mrs; Robert Graais, 114 Maple, blaited trem out with grenade* ment looka "m ore likely today n led n\' Ut. Gen. William K. Harri­ street, has'graduated from the er," The new Ruaaian march In- : .Second Korean Corps were Identi- 2 ^ c and machine piatol Sre. Ihnnever before." son. He refii.*ed to dlacii.** detail*. Ordnance Specialist Course at PRUNE JUICE 3 2 * A large, pointing hand atop the to F.aat Briliii apparently waa In- 'Pi- negotiation* v.*6re in rereae I fled aii manning the Kumaong 69c I 39c ■ Langaon. on the traditional Knowland also indicated there Flrat rreahvterlan f'hiirch la ^ort tended to prevent auch atrikea IfOfnMrr .\d»nU rmr in rrent<»a, N. I.. Aberdeen Proving'Ground. Md .'as la doubt. of liny action thl* aea- Gibaon. Frl.lav TheP.ed* asked for a one- , ft,, Serving ahno«l 26 month* of a gambling sentence In prleon. .Kt j that'lj**s* InfanrA'men^wenl^'in't'he a track vehicle repatrrnan. invaalon route from .Ghlna. long c-ii---- MU*., allow* tie way to from spreading to the Kaat Zone waa a key French poat in the aion on a propoaed conatltutinnal heaven and honors the founder of capital. de*!;/#:;;'' h; g, o n •••" *r.*i h/Vtj#" graTt"t^d"ua"h.’’* 5HURHNE or CARNATION SUGAR HEART amendment by Senator Bricker to the church. Rev. Kehinn Butler. Mrs. Anne Strickland Ptatt, o f : north. Moat of the lime after the In Ka.*t Berlin S2 tank* were aou-ce, called a firm d-J«nd that ' LTL"" ' military cenaorhalp hid 2 C A N S 2 7 c ■war r.eaumed In 194G, the French reatrlct the President'a treaty He had a habit of puintlng toward I'oiiivted by German eyewilneaae* the Refjg immedintelv to him of perjurv before, a cong'resaio-ial rnmmittee and contempt of official mention of whether Amer- Newington, who teaches at the, making power. home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. * EVAPORATED MILK were forced to auppl.v it from the heaven* when he_ preached. on Stalin Allee m the first hour FtepF leAdlnjE lo R prompt armiff> - Congreea. I.nter he wa« scheduled to go to Harhenaack to answer i icana were taking part in the big PEAS Hanoi by air or by heavily- He aaid Bricker will meet .Secre- The hand measure* 12 feel from of 111* march. tue. ’ a detainer lodged againat him by Bergen County aa a mntertal nil- | coiinterattacka. Sydney W. Strickland, of High­ ScotTowels ness In a bribery raee. land Park, has Just returned from 1 guarded convoy from the coaat. nrUt In huger lip and I* believed Thlitv-eighl truckload.* of Taylor said the front was sta­ Tender and Sweet (('ontlniied on Page Seven) to he the onlv one of llo kind. Informed quarter* have aaid i Ron^M, R*frl9 « r a t e r s her third season with the Fred The French abandoned the po.at armored infantry followed the effort* to agree on final detail.* of bilized "generally along an eaat tanka through the troubled hous­ west line at the bane of the former Wash*rs ond AN Waling Music Workshop, held this \ , R D f i r C D Y i H 1h Ortober, 19.90. after losing a a truce were atalemated by Red year at the new workshop home ^7) aeriea of poat* along the bonle.' ing project center. .demand* for the recapture of aaltent'" where the Allies held a 2 Rolls aevan-mlla northward bulge aa m Other AppHoncM ; in Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Her 2 Cans “ Try th«sD Ind in the mountatnoua north. Then came armored cara; • 27.000 anti>Communiat Korean war vocal students and two piano class­ arntored tioop carrier*, am- } priaoner* liberated laat-month and result of gains 20 months ago. . t U u c a A t > The VIetminh at once took the Taft Quits Current Dispatches cleared by renaora es who have continued their lessems hulanre*. truck* ■ carrying mum iron-clad guarantee* that Fouth hlaee ovar and mad# It the chief Sta^e Welfare Aims meanwhile told of aucceaaful South m during the summer months, are 1 1 tiona, food, and _fue|,._ Korea -will honor a truce. YI COM 302 MAIN STRIET — TIL. M lfcM 3^111 3 SHORTCUTS entry depot for their atipplles from Korean coiinterattacka at both tsMMMsmft €s— planning a fall recital to be held j China. 1 Tlie Soviet aoldiera, again wear­ Harti*bn waa aaM lo have told In Manchester. aldea_ of the front, hacked by fora ring their green iteel helmet*, were 'the Reda: Congress Session awarmi of American and Alllfd 1 • si'ppomr oivicv ' equipped with a full field kit. I 1. The UN will not meet fheir w a ^ lM M arid UtUBderoua _srUl- 1 3 5 * 3 5 * porfect picnir Manor"YntWi-Chfna. July 17 "iVTi At CuseM^ j ■ -East Gemniff--ATmy~~ wffRTwi-'^wwswd fo r -the recgpture -o f the- t j f — Fretulom-ieeking. antl-romniii-] “ _ _ _ _ _ acted aa /oad guides feir the Riij- Jtrlao'nera fbsed on order* of preai- ROK dtviaion which TTiura- nlat Indo-Oiineae drew powerful , . I aian division. dept Svngman Thee. New York, July 17— (4*)— Sen. Robert A . T a ft withdrew day night amaahed a Chinese at- support today from '* |r>p' H a rtford , July 17— (4*)- -' •ll%1 *lon who,ha* little patience for ' The Eaat German Communiat* | today from further participation in the current session ofjuck aimed at the vital highway HEINZ military man in the Far Ka.H>.; Armed with new razor-sharp those who ahiint their parent* warned ominoualv todav j ^ s t ' t CongresA because of a hip ailment. The Ohio Republican r e - .JM"ction pf Kumhwa; weatem , aside: — ^ ’ ! Taaclat'heat*''' exist in their [ * truce, • ...... ■ ■ ------_ anchor of th# central front, wat 11 O i. Jer 29 q only ^y;.ttvinz f (^i, the State He predict* the new enforce- strategic industries. They pro- ' J*' longer' ' r ', i* *ny reason linquished active flo o r leadership o f G O P Senators to | bv Tuvlor ** th* Ninth HOT DOG RELISH ...... ment empha.si* will aave Connecll- •.------claimed------In effect- .s i.rror .am-,w h. - y the Comnjuniat*rjuniata , , should delay tor Know land. o f , last*------heroes of savagevage fighting at White' *' ------■ June in. although he kept the title win her 7.year war againat the ! PU Kapd in its biggC.st round- n il tapa.yer* Jl .fXlO OOO a vear . . PV*1* In the 1.70b.000-member Com- envoy, back In Washington after Today.. New York Hospital, •Ike’s Political HEINZ MUSTARD anniial .State Wetfar- bill daring counterattack and recap^ in history. more than two weeks of confer- where Taft la convalescing after lured two outpoat hill*. Taylor said SEA (CnnIInned on Pnge Meven) It* inveatlgalion and enforce­ "What I* eqiiall.v important." he (Continued on Pnge Hleven) i encea aimed at winning Rhee over the latest of a aerie* of treatments th* South Koreana inflicted heavy / 1- ment divi.sfdn. under order* from aay*. "I* that fewer of these cases to a truce, reportedly told Con- for the hip. issued a bulletin which Honeymoon Set .should develop in the future once losaes on the Chinese. WeliHie f’ommiaaioner Howard E. greaa Thursday the South Korean aaid in part: Other South Koreans were offi­ / DEEP BLUE Ho'iaton, la preparing a Hat of people realize we mean biiaineaa." President promised in w-riting to "Senator Taft does not Intend to Tool* for the present drive were cially reported to have acored even NIBLETS McCarthy Aide some #0 non-aupport ra.«e* to proa- Review Boar>d co-operate in an armistice. return to hi* duties at thl* session For Slow Fade [larger gains- more than a mile — ^ l | P DEUaOUS FOB SASANDWICHES eeuie at the fall term of the Cotirt hammered out bv the 19.93 .Gener­ j- Aaslstanr Secretary of Stale of Congress, which apparently will al Aaaemhly on the urging of Gov- I on the Kumaong front to the east,' ROCK of Common Plea*.. 'alter S. Robertson, the truce «nd In August " Washington, July 17 Ah Po- ! where the Reds had advanced up ______ernor laxtsc. Comfuiesioner Hoiis- Is Denounced TItey represent husband*, chil Upholds Grow^rnJemissary, alao was represented as Thoinc Republicanwr,.uoii.«n leadershipiraur.,,,,,, 1* h„n,vmoon.*. like the other to seven milea Monday and Tuea- 2 Cans dren "grandchildren, parent* and ’ "n 'he aperiaf Stale commit- ._ aa.ving he thinks the Communists working toward ending the present ' • FOOD LOBSTER gran.1parenta who. though they I •'# which recently investigated ^ S I I * t l i l l really want a cea.se-fire and will session of Congress on July 31 or aelrtom l » 't forever. They Aaaociated Preia Correspondent RULEMON 20/ As. Incompetent may be financially able to help. J .the department. , VJ lA a a X V R a t a i a t sign a truce agreement soon, Aug. 1. may ripen into a lifetime of happy porreat Edwarda called the Kum- 6'/, Or. prefer to throw the support of ^ In simple tetma. theac law* pro- Robert.son met separatelyc- 1 with hiillelin called the .9enator *. teajnwork. Or they may wither In- song counter-attack the biggest FOB FIRFEa LEMONADE " ^ . Washington. July 17—tdh The their kin on the laxpqyera; The vide for'^direct and rapid leg*l Washinxlon. Julv 17 The ” .5" condition "good." and aaid "n o , to pre-tm. ^ lican." the 6.9-year-old son of the M l»c h «ll SUGAR HEART new home* and driving hig new ont*in , * seMlem.n/'ir., if at all. ^ j « a.•'- i '''O™ whether they (the Red's! break light of his aiib.seqiient rows w1 *h BONED Raartlag was quoted a* aeylng car*, tefuse to have anything to do late President and U. S. .Supreme the lawmakers, and wnth the Re- 9 -9 9 3 7 the 1S9 llbrariei operated by John­ In recent month*. Barren's staff, i s " k.*'. ‘Y ^ their word, I will not. We have an with the parents' support. w-ith the help of yie court.; have 1 • h‘*'«rical of- Court Chief Ju.stice ia serving hi* publican 80th Congress in par­ P O T R O A S T R IB R O A S T son'a agency In 63 count rie* "Just Directing the fall court roundup gone after 218 cases ”of overpay- " « » h ‘ ngton laat August, a I (OonHtined »n l^ g e Seven) j third term -In the Senate. He ticular. Truman and the men on MANCHESTER SEA FOOD APPLESAUCE don't go in for anti-Soviet litera­ ^ niAntn attar hia marflBl rw-kta. CHICKEN month after his court martial con- | I first was' elected In ,19.38 and was ia Herbert R. Barrell. long, lean 1 Capitol Hill exchanged hardly a Bulletins Lb. j.h . ture. (Otntlniied on Page Two) victipn. ■ ■' j re-elected in 19,90 for a 6-year cross word in the momentous firel 55c 55c John«in. retiring chief of the | » '"veatigation term. DIRECT FROM MAINE WATERS The board of military review ^5= half-year following. Franklin D.. from the AP Wires S' l Or. Jar U. S. Choice Beef U. S. Choice Beef •late department'a International { heard the case under a provision A leader of the opposition 2 Cans Information agtncy tllA i, aaid he : Roosevelt's death ' : NLLET OF BLUE EXTRA SPECIAL of law requiring review In all . through the New. Deal and Fair It waa only after Truman sub- - . had written McCarthy requesting caaea In which the sentence affects NLLET OF COD SWIfXS PREMIUM News Tidbits I Deal administrations. Taft haa milted h^a first IggisiaUve pro- .' PAIR I NDER ■SRR'BRT full details of Baaralag's inspection a general officer. I been a contender for the Repiibli- ItOO LBS. OF OaiCIOUS CENTER CUTS OF •f overseas jibrarlea. Area Natural Gas Fight Called from AP Wires grapi a few dava short of the six • ''*l»Ptng. July 17— (HpeeUll— FILLET OF HADDOCK Th# court's opinion, written by I can presidential nomination a month mark, that' the aparnng ! the " 1 can not understand why any­ Judge Robert , E. Quinn, said the number of times. / FRESH MACKEREL CANNED HAMS ,> 89c one would deal In such patent which later became a donnvbrook ! • 2»-yeftr-eM OMWwrd. evidence '^eatahl.ished the guilt of Mm *., .nmn mmI a juv*Bll* wlio falsehood*- iihlea* he were com­ He went into last year's GOP the accused, on ' each offenre of Proposed Constitutional amend­ , national convention confident that *«< ^1.-. MlmlHMl stlek 5 5 ^ 3 9 * pletely Incompetent aa an observer Appears To Be Ended ment to a«*iire equal right*, to i nlll that time Truman a diffi- H da'i poultry ii frasli drossod, ROASTERS, FO W L which he was convicted." the nomination-waa hi*, lait when' cuhiea’ with'hV*'7ormr.!'3i'l.!iI!l'.‘ '**• * aUMoe le Nortk- A# or downright mallcloua." Johnson Judge Quinn said he found no women win* I', ft. Senate approval, added in a statement last night. 73-11 . . . Army says none of new it went.inatead tp President Elaen- w ere if ^nvtmng T e ^ MANCHESTER SEA FOOD Block Island BROILERS. merit in allegations of erfor. in ;hower, th, Ohioan exclaimed: E.'.VnhoweTr hSvi W m BaaraiSg, who. live* In Silver Waehlnifton. July — An'^born, . Holllatnn *nd Hopkinston. i connection with the court m*rllaL are oversea*, •pringa. Md.. waa not ImmiKlJateiy end Ip Might tod^y- ia tha long IttU irt' M w achuleU a*___ ' ... I^aclllid Tor ■h0«wmeht; Me fOrnrerty ronlTnverav nV«r netiipal. w-, - > - _____ , Grow ..Waa .aaalgncd .aa .mUttar.y.ilftU. ruaapr* .that, some .have. *>**" '■ rtm^1^-I^ aiyem** S 'H '^ too-otff“ -^ e*ov^ *p ^ tT r"m im 6~^^^ ** Wappteg LITtLE NECKS ' PREMIER GRAfE JELLY controveray over natural gaa aerv- NmiheaRtern would he author* ; Attache of the U. 8. embaaay In »^nt to Korea. i ejej^ been, bothering Taft E Wilaon aa Rm!^*t«rv rj 2r**^^* * at 1 a, m. today. ifctEDSlZfFOWL waa. research director on lubvgr- ics^to New England. '. : Ized to•*. serve Blackatone and.e.ei be {'Moscow at .a-.the time _ his.... dia'rv'fell ..I Chintae NNationahat- atioiUk-Uat • guerrilla*auerrillae "" *^*'_rv?*^*v* la ii e., a., ..‘ lAuaon.M ‘eoH e# oevreiary Secretary oi of .ueiensei- .Defenae ^___ , CHERRY STONES giqg.^ j^d.- -UOtAjnerican Actlvjtle* ad* ‘ ■ 111 PREMIER.. . .. for the American Legion's Nallon- ppeaew t-lie^«H irttl' the ' fio^ ~ag^^ ■ wtw atora^ f**f*^“*® ' tre^^it llSVtfittv'TU Fore? H>S NEW S3TI1JWtNrWFI» FRYING CLAMS fheir wholesale suppliers. Who have to Worcester's Framingham Dlvi- who entered hla hotel room while ‘■‘‘*•1 'o f China reported In Arm Center Subaeouentlv he was forced Trouble with Cnn>r„, «/ firaloa, July 17—.(gh—^Th* oung Cflllbk.CllS Each -—igl Amaricanlem Conuniaaioo. . Imttlod lMifor« tke Power-<3ofnmt.. -aion; ------I •..-u‘.-r, c COUCMb-i McCarthy ptekad him lastweek er haa ISl'^riioI la fg ^ ' stilin^Alie 'RBC-'t,'’'" sion and In the court* for approxi- Moriheaatem also would Iw an-‘ Material claimed by the Reds to - . Bhrmer* In colorful array h, announced his condition waa wanted He triJd a for a-)>ermlt lo enter the New Eng­ of twp candidates in Sunday's par- Uhan 12 milea a minute in the nlne- "W * didn't hsve the optimum haoaadar to Vugoolavla. aad CAULIFLOWER 26c with firework# legtalaUon wa* tric Company, of Pawtucket, R. land region with natural’ gaa for money lit connection with the Itamenlary election*...... Michael, ton Jet interceptor, eclipaed yeater- conditions today,"'he commented. Raaoell R. Lanaoa. Partaiaiith CAKES TO EAT AT BAR OR TO TAKE OUT ' money he was paid aa an attorney I. This company would be sup­ the first time. Algonquin's appli­ daring 316.000 holdup at the Bige- Patrick O'Brien, the man-without | day the record of 698.90,9 estab- "The temperature waa right (over College profeoaor, aa aaalafaat MANCHESTER FRESH SCALLOPS .. 69c for aettimg a dieput# and other plied,. as It'wished. by Algonquin's cation followed. lovv-Sanford Ca'rpet Company tat paasport, ends lOth month aboard ; lished only laat November over the 100 degrees), but I think the tur­ 'Jlerretary af Health, Edatallaa serrie.a * competitor, '* Northeastern Gas After months of hearings before Thompaon.vllle three years ago. Hong-Kong-Macao ferry, sMIl In | same three-kilometer ll.U3-m ile) bulence and wind cut th *' speed aad Weltarc. Green Stamps Given With Caah Sales. Transmission Company. However. Federal Judge J. Jo-, course by Capt. J. Slade Nash down." PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR FRESH H AUlUT, MACKEREL, BOSTON Foord,j^^^screetj^ SSSl a commlaaion examiner and a com­ the krtg. SEA FOOD .. .A.iKonqtiln qlso would be au- mission finding that the public In- aeph Smith acquitted th* fait- Weal German parliament rat­ Barns flashed through two com­ How long does he think th* TOUGH amiATMlN FRESH CLAMS FOR YOUR CLAMBAKE BLUE, n c . AT HALrS ^ jennincs on a charge of vioUtion thorlsMl to seiYc Ilii Franiliighaitr terwt, requited luthpral gaa aervlea tal King, former Springfield, MaaS.. ines iM dow AgreeMest aeltUng plete, contest run*, each conaiating record will Isst? Waahlagtaa. Ja^ |1— 48 OAK STREET TEL Mitchell 9-9937 t a sUtuta concerning bribery of Division of the Worcester, Mass.. to the region, a decision waa is­ resident, of tKe aeffugr theft"ftod' IS.nO,OM.DOO~ or “Cermair debtsj-of-.-two- trips- lir both directions -"From- -what" I-h*as-4hefe— are wtHlatera. «ftM^ »>*_ Gaa and- Light Co., now ^.client of sued in late 1990 granting part of tha plotting of It. with 19 countries... Prepoenl de­ along t)t* straightaway rourae. several airplanes coming : along IM lnM lM M M *la* ta!iM^~ W * « a t « r t o i i b NarUfttsiCTitr T ill, dl. t.loe M il ih . m.rW.t tn Mo^ hewsfem .ml On th* single charge on which Each of the < eight trips was which will be capable ot ' ' ' I F t ^ S W I M S . . . W E H A V E IT - W o cow ^ hf o fco t t o r Bor v ic o t o [ L OO from t*i# firm of Ctiftord feated for secret ballot electiona tha flaeal year which eadad Jaaa ^ Bankas, WalHngford firmsorka an an flfl-aquar. mlla armi and resqgving the remainder of th* he Waa convicted Papuaywakl faeaa fa r' otflear of American Laginn at faatar than Naah'a reenrd and the hi if tlioy art eoRod la m doy olTood o f pick-up. ineludst Framitigliam. Ashland. Foetguard Hall. Hartford' during bast was 721 ..364 when th* wind ; aat «Ma|p"iaT Dover, Natick, NMdham, Bher- ^ (Osftthmed aa P afa Thraa) (Oeatiafted aa Pag* M g) 39th annual Rtata convention. was In ths colonel's fsvor. (Coattaaed sa Pag* Nlaa)

■■r . # .■ \ u*’--..

7 ; ■' i , r , . . ' ^ -'In . ' ■ . 'I . ■ t ' . .•' rv 7 ■' ' , ' L

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER', CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1953 TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN FRIDAY.7- JULY 17, 1953 PA G ETH Blat .«*• to precaad. W e want the publle-tp - tsatMl ■. 8K W «a ■»<> 404^of LegiDii-.. , fl-8, fl-0, «-«. Roa'parh. 27. oT San Frahctacrir State Wclfore Set continue to glva uS auch help." Rockville-Vernon Girls In tha 10-14 year group editor and piibliaher o f the 40.000- The new lawi which pul' teeth Thales Parris Island, Men-*'—Where We Build Marines had a volleyball game Tuesday Parailes Tonight McCarthy Aide Review Board circulatlon Overseas Weekly. Her About Town Area Gas Fij Into the enforcement oparattona For C^se Clc^anup morning. They played thrw games husband, Cecil, is information offir worked Ilka thia:. with Patty Yost. Carol Cap^llo. ( er of the U. 8, conaij'late In Franfc'- Sunset Council No. 4fl, Degraa ojf One law makea it poaaible to New Grade School Plans Jean Sitek. Carol Bollea, H ^ w lg Hartford. July 17 - (A1 — Ad­ Is Denounced Upholds Gn>w fiirt., A . Pocahontas, will meet in Tinker Nearly Endi Amesite Driveways haul before local courta thoae fail- (CeaUsuea from Pace Oae) Demkn, Joanne Gesaay, Carol dresses by several o f Connecticut's The Army's European head­ hall Monday evening at 6 o'clock. In^to comply with Superior Court Weigel and Sandv Oenoveal baing Congressmen i«|d n -parsde by the quarters in Heidelberg banned her Reports |vill be made on applica­ W a Aneaite Equipped For I^rge of^era on aupport of children. For­ Win Approval of Boards mmt to welforr cllrnU, roprosent- victorious In two straight games. American Legion's Forty-Md- As Incompetent Court 'Martial paper, effective July _26. pn tions for' a dispensation allowing Decision S la l^ or Small Joba merly. the attte had to engage In ' tr , ' Tcnnia Conrta In* Wl.OOO. From th»l total, the Youngsters attending the play­ Right unit sre scheduled to high­ grounds it carried "stories of sex the counrii to hold but one meet­ a round-about proceaa of having Machine Spread— Forma •Kcncy h ei either received coah or road .next to the Wilbur Croaa grounds are reminded of the light lodsv's sctlyltles In the (OoBttaaed m m Paga Ona) (CMtlauad From PAga Onn;: and prostitution which, have raieed ing a month. Ways of increasing (OoaUBaed FroiN PagB ORB| Parkine Lola the ex-wife hire a lawyer to bring itockville, July 17 (Special I Set— Power Rolled llene on eecurltlei and other prop­ Hlghi^ay In Talcottville. Masquerade Costume party next Legion's 38lh snnusi sU te convsn- i a" atprib of protear." PrSvIOBaly, it the membership will also be dM- and Walka contempt proceedinga. Plana for tha new 'Vernon Ele­ tlon. The parsde Is scheduled to erty amounting ot 13.1.000. ^ a property conlalna two Friday at 1:18 p. m. All children three nlher Republican menibori "The lime is ripe for a blow this waa sold from the newsstands of ciiaaed: Offlcera who were iimynle market for allocation •'.to AlR^* mentary School to be built on Bast Materials and Workmanship Guai-anteed “If there la money or property "The old method would often bulldtnga with 48 rooma. The leas# arF tnVlted to come In costume. stsrt St 7:.30 p.m. , voted to give the chairman full year." \ .wtara and Stripes, the iinofflclAl to be present for the Installation at quin when It had pmvad it h M an Associste Stats Supreme Court around, we get it,” Barrell aaid fake montha," Barrell aaid. "U n­ atraat wars approved last night la for 13H yaara, atarting July Prises are to be swarded t o r t M power tn hire and fire staff per­ "W e must learn that in this W’ar Arm y newspaper. • the last meeting, are urged to at­ adequate eupply of gas. - Free Eatimatea— Terms To Suit Your Purse I curtly. der the new law we can go out at a joint, meeting of the School most Comical, Prettiest, and O rl^ Justice Raymond R. Baldwin told sonnel, McCarthy invited the it la fair to hit, below the hell." Mrs. Roapach aaid an Army tend Monday qlght and .be In- 1883 with tha yearly rental to be the opantng ssaslon o f tha conven­ After more hearinge on T«aaa Tlpa from Irate taxpayeri on and have the party picked up often Building committee and the Board Inal coatutnea, ParenU •r* InvUea Deniocrafa to return yesterday but In other Army developmentif at spokesman told her the military at ailed. \ . fcaatern’a ability to supply Algihi- Up To 3 Years To Pay I 138,000. The lease Includea all of tion yesterday that only victory In I caaea of poaaible fraud are exteme- in a matter of houra.” of Education. the furniture, bedding, trade name to attend and watch the, activities. they gave no eign of doing so. Fort Deveiia, Mass.. Simon W. didn't like her printing lengthy quin the needed gas, a declalan waa A aecond law now In effect per- the field will lead to a Korean ntoriea about Christine Jorgeneen'a ly helpful, he aaid. Also In attendance were Robert and good will. There will be fun for alLand prixea Alton Lennon, North Carolina's Gerson. who identifies hiipaelf as Mrs. Karl Richter o f Ionia. made early In 18.11 granting AI- mlta the department to aubpoena Leinhard and Carl Hakeweaaell. for the winners. „ armistice. newly appointed Democratic Sen­ a Commiiniat, waa expected'to re­ reported sex corveraldn and the Mich., is spending a few days with gonqiiln'a application. I "W e look carefully Into each Legion Game Thla la necessary, h# said, be­ all financial recorda dealing with They are repreaentativea of the A track meet will he b ^ today ator, announced yesterday he haa sume as a defense witness today Mickey .lelke vice rase. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Anderson, DEMAIO BROS. j caae and, wMle aome turn out to The Rockville Legion baseball cause "The only thing the Rads Meanwhile, however, N0(tH> relief clienta and their legally-lia- Carl J. Malmfeldt and Aaaociatea, at the playground. .Different no.objectlon tn serving on the aiib- in the court martial of Lt. Shep­ 346 Center street, Mrs. Richter is Sm C R 1820 ' be groundleaa. many tlpa provide team will meet Wlllimantic to­ understand la m ilitary might." eastern had asked the commiaSStd ble relatlvea. architecta. Paul Bemut, the engi­ events will be held in’the,various commlttee but does not intend to pard C. Thiermgn, charged W’ith the widow of Rev, Karl Richter, ' valuable ammunition with which morrow at 3:30 p. m. at Henry The opening session was othsr- tn allocate tha whole New ■Sf- "Before ,we had thla' law we neer for the architect, alao waa divlainha and prUea will be g'^ard- seek nnq of the vacant seats. obtaining hia commlaainn fraudul­ who was pastor of Concordia Luth­ TELEPHONE MANCHESTER MItehall 3-74T1 Park. Wlllimantic la leading the wlae cK'cupled with roiitins reports LihrariaiiH Attnid land market to It. Tlila applieatiM were told to 'Go to hell* In many present. ed to the winnerN. , ,Jr Lennon, a replacement for the ently by concealing Communist eran Church of this town for 17 league. New unIforma will be snd other necessary prsllm liurles waa diamlaaed wllhcxit hearings ' Inatancea." Barrell aaid. "Now Befora the plana were finally ap­ 4-H Meetings : late Sen. Wlllla Smith, haa been party memberahip. years. He died In May, 18.11. Mra, given the players tonight through of the convention. Northeastern and Tanneaaae ap­ proved the- meeting thoroughly The Vernon 4-H Grease Monkeys named lo the aiibrommittee'a par­ Geraoh. a former confidential Ex<*haiigct Mcicliiig RIrhIer, who is spending several that we have the law It la ao po­ the courtesy of L. P. FItagerald. Main business of the convention pealed tn the 'Third Circuit Court tent that we haven't had to iiae diacusaed the problem of minor will meet Monday, July 20 at 7 ent body, the Government Opera­ aaalatant tn New York Manhattan w'eeka with her son and dalighter- : . On Sunday the Legion team will be the election of s new elate In Philadelphia which agraad changes IR: the btilldlng. p,-m. at the', home o f . Edmond *0“.: tions efimmlUee. which McCarthy Borough Prem denl. laaaca. tn-law;- Mr.^ and- Mrs: - Oerhardt it yet." wril go to Wtilfmantre, leaving at' of officers and a full seals parade ToweF'Com'rrillialion had errfid 'In S S. J ! The next atep In the program Erne.at Parent, also heads. The newcomef. said flecl yesterday he aaw Thierman' Five members of the staffs o f Richter of Orange, near New Ha­ A third law givea the depart 1 p. m. to play at the Re'eCeation of the slate orgsniestlon Ssturdsy_ denying Northeeatern a hearing. .calU for.the.approval o f tha.plana4- The -Vernon Dairy Hill Billies ■ he decided ■ agatnat seek Ing a sub- for .the Jlral time lb Wa, life, only "P '' ven, w ill remain over Sunday, and m e n f' permlaaidh fd b rin g Tlvtl by the State Board of Rddcatlon, Fi«d at'7;30. ” ROcKviiTt'has s accompanied by l,eader Norman afternoon. th^ nijfht h^for^. monal UbfarieR yi*Rl^rrtRy "nie court” ordered Algcmquia'a action for aupport before the two win, five loss record. Units from the Nstlansl Guard, enmmilleo herih after talking to hopes to see many o f her frifnda the State Fire .Marshal, and the Strong visited farms In Middlesex the three Democrats who walked Gf*rik)n. R r^»l*l**nt of NeW Yfirk mont iin#i ^n- aj[ the 6:30 a. m. service at Oon- permit to be voided” and diraetad 1950 W ILLYS Court of Common Pleaa. where To Enroll Voters and New Haven counties on the mate Guard. A ir Force, Gov- Cltv. hlmn^lf rr joyabl<» rrsirting: of th^ ^xrhiinjf^ local building-Jnapector and fire out Senators McClellan (Ark.I, coiolla'. the commission to hold new .hear­ likely 80 per rent of the caaea Chsries H. Weber snd Francis Wednesday on the county dairy ernoi a Horae Guard, the Foot marshal. Symington (Mo.) and Henry Jack- hAViniT’ b^^n " a pwblir ofTiri«I In for th** itmAll JlbrArl^R In ings. those now reaching a ron- will not appear. Thla could take B. Cratty. reglatrara of voters Guard Band snd about 80 other th^ I-4iGuArdlR RdminlRtratlon." areH, h^Id At jVlArlboroiiKh. After July 23 copies of specifica­ tour. son (Wash. I Mias 1>iia Cowica, reference iliialnn. on the competitive appll- many inch caaea away from local for the Town of Vernon will be Two floo rs I,eased bands and drum corps will par­ Th# rovtrnment Manrh^M^r Attending tions for bidders will be available McCarthy and hla Investigating librarian at Jhe Mary Cheney Li- cationa for the disputed ferritor.v 1 / 2 courta which might go eaay on at the office of Carl J. Malmfeldt In session at the office of the town The MInteiburn Realty Corpora­ ticipate. TON PICK-UF methods were the aiibjert of two dAV to A atipiilAtion offered bv the meeting included Mr# Mildred brary, la sailing .Sunday for a six that originally aaaigned Jo peraona with influence, political or and aaaociatea. 3fl Pearl atreet, clerk_ln the Memnrial Building on tion located at «8.1 Parker atreet. defence rounael that Thierman Hewey, Mra. Carrie Preaton, Mra. Given On C O D. Deliveries actions in the Senate yesterday: weeks tour of Europe .She will re­ Algonquin. otherwiae. Hartford. Sealed bids for the con­ Friday, July 31 frorp 12 noon to Manchester, of which Seymour waa not Involved In auhveraive n<- Roaamond f arter, Mlaa Mildred Before the Circuit Court had The fourth law providea a 8 p. m. The session la being Couple Observe 1. Senator Monroney (D., turn to her duties about the flraf struction will he received by Mor­ Kaplan is pre.aldcnt, has leased to tiviflea while aerving in Korea, | Simpaon and .Mlaa Anna Trench. of September, to which time ahe reached its decision and issued Ita meana whereby the atate can held for the purpose of enrolling Okla.) took the floor to aay hla re­ Condition gan I. Campbeil, until g p. m. the Clrruitron. Incorporation of Thierman, a 31-year-old Brook-| 'Hie gueat apeaker waa State haa been granted a leave of ab­ mandate, however. Algonquin had \ fxce//ent move against iegally-liable rela­ voters who wish to take part in cent rnllciam of McCarth.v have August 11. when the bids will be New Jeraev. the fourth Snd fifth 40th Aiiniversarv lyn, N. Y., doctor. ,ia aerving in Senator Charlea McKew Parr, who sence. proceeded with Its conatrucUon tlvea living In other alatea for brought a flood of "fan m ail" and opened and read publicly.- the political caucuses in the ton-n lloora of the Mlnterbiirn Mill on the Arm y Medical Corpa. haa jiMt piibllahed a book entitlefl. program and waa almost ready tn aupport of their kin on relief in St the fall elections. a leaser amount of "pan mail." Fishing at Snipalc l.ahe East Mam street. A tart-tongued lady publiaher -‘‘So Noble a Captain." the life Patricia I.educ, 31 Edmund deliver gas tn Ita clienta when Ha Connecticut. The old law dealt Pkmlo Saturda.v More than 100 friends and rel­ Among the latter, he aaid. waa ■ A r«fll •coBomyTrack for your light houling. Fishing at Snipaic Lake la bark The lease la for five years atait- flew from Germany lo the Unltefl and timea of Ferdinand Magellan. street waa gueat of honor at' a construction waa halted. RANGE & FUEL OIL aolely with runaway parenta. atlvea called Sunday at the home letter which aaid. "You are a mur­ In the news today because of two The Ladlee of Maple Grove will ing August 1. 1853, St s yesrlv StAtea tfiday, hoping to get. a He told of hia experiencea in Spain lawn teen-ager birthday' at her while the new legislation covers hold their annual of Mr. and Mrs. John Slbrlnsi, fl7 derer and a traitor, read this, fall large fish caught In the past two picnic St the , ste,.v)0 per yesr with rongreaalonal inveafIgation of I’, and Portugal getting material for home Tiieaday evening, with 2.1 Washable window ahadea should the whole field of Iegally-liable Welherell street, who held open dead." . days. On Wednesday evening club house grounds on*"" Franklin privilege of hsvlng the Ica.se S. army offiriala in Germany. Ti»e hia book, of which the Mary Che- gueata present. Games were played house that day in obaervanca of 2. Senator Goldwaler (R., be spread out flat to scrub. Use ■relatives. Deavey W est landed a' seven and street tomorrow. "The activities renewed In five yesra. lady aiya the braaa la cenaorinc ney Library now haa an Auto- and refreahmenia aerved. which In­ their 40th wedding anniversary Aria.) inserted In the record an "dry " suds on cloth or brush, do­ CARTER CHEVROLET CO, Inc. one-quarter pound brown trout. will start at 3 p. m. with dinner The CitcuttTon Company la her machine becauae it tella the graphed copy. cluded a birthday cake with 13 ing a small area at a t|ma with The BOUND OIL CO. T'hf'- ru%y-thro*tM hvimminir- Thla la one of a number of large being served at fl p. m. I given the right alao to park not j Th« coupl. raceivad many baa,ill- article by Richard Gray, president of the A F L Bijjldlng and Con­ Gl i the lAleat dope on aex A del^cioua luncheon waa aerved randlea, made by her mother. overlapping strokes. Don't g4t the 311 MAIN ST. TEL; MI-9-S23B bird beats its wings about 78 brownies taken this season. On Radio ‘ I ’m not going to pull anvjto the llbranana at the Marlbor- Patricia waa remembered with shade too wet. Hang full length times a aecond. Last night Raymond Cratty more tlian .'Wt <■*'" j" I"* | ''j,, * i^ri. SIbrinas wara mar struction Trades department, say­ TEL. MltehoR 3-4320 Eleanor Cslkl. ^13-yh*r;ol«l , JsrentIscent toIn the hiillding,hiiildinc. and also : j„T y ■,«; 1913, In the Con- punchea,"^^aaid Mra. Marion Von I ough Tavern. I many lovely gifta. to dry. landed a large-mouthed black baas ing too much attention, la being daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene granted pernil.aaion to put up em-^ Lutheran ChurcJi by Pastor weighing Just under five pounds. Cslkl will play an sccordloa solo paid to McCarthy's method! and porary Inalatlationa of aerial on Rapport. Mrs. John Adsmy. who not enough lo hla "expose of U. S. Hold Barbecue Tomorrow tomorrow on the 10 s. m. pro­ the roof of the building for teat- On Saturday the Vernon Center gram over Station WONS in Hart­ waa maid of honor at the wedding, rominunista who have Inflltrated v» . ' ing purpoaea. was present at the anniversary ob­ Into high placca,’' Church will presept Its Rngliah ford. She will use her new spe­ flchediile Fete and Chicken Barbecue in servance. but Michael Slbrinix. the ■lohnaon’a attack on the atate- cial model Psncdrdian accordion, .Superintendent of Schools A. E honor of Rev. James Rddleiton. ex­ heat man at the wedding, was iin- nicnla attributed to Baaralag de­ custom made for her by the Psn- Chatte.rton announces ^hat effec­ change-. minister Jrom- Bnglgnd; nble to stund ijundsy. clared that .*jx tnllUan, cordtan -Incorporation- -of New tive MoncTify The offlce”''wlll be ^ - KEITH S HAS EVERYTHING FOR MANCHESTER HOMES! - Charles Warren, ofllcial town York. The couple have thres sons, miinlat books have been distributed open Monday through Friday | hv the overseas libraries. He agld crier, wdll announce each event ..... Perfect. Attendance . . ._ .lohn. Michael snd Wlllism Sib- 'thfoughoifr'the day. 7 from 8- a.- m. to- 12 noon and I -4o- 'rfn.s'r: Two (Tsilgfiteri. Mrs. W'alter .lb bonks • by Cmftmtinrat ■'aitthora Femr 'Msrnrh^xtermF^n/.havik vol-"’ ‘skt+x the'Aon o f Mrxr Jean Kow*»l- Officlala of the CIty’a Communi­ 3 p. m. i Handler: 2. Skip Keeney; 3. Rich­ Herman Olson wdli ofllclally •Smith and Mias Helen Slhrlna*. were found on the ahelvra and unt^'cred for arUvf* duty with ths* fikl. '23 Drive E, Silver Lane ty playgrounds announce that ard Duketle. Hgir.efc. open the Fete a t . 3 p.m. on the prises will be a-ivarded for those and seven grandchildren, all of this these, he said, are n » longer there, Running! ’ // Talcottyllle llema are now "The reputation of the American U. S. Marine Corps. CapTw,T. P. 'fhe four volunteered for active church lawn. In the event of rain attending 20 days nut o f 3.1. town. lAge group 6 to .Kl foot clash i handled through the Manrheater people haa auffereil enough as the MrGovern, commanding* oflfirpr of duly through the 70th sSp^nai In­ the Fete will proceed as usual but Thoae who have had perfect at­ Mr. snd Mrs. Slbrlnar. would like I. James (R uling: 2. Paul Rvenlag Herald Rockville hureau result of irreapqnaible charges and the 70th Special Infantry ( ’orn-. will seek shelter in the church and tendance recorda to datfe are: to thank their many friends who Thomson; 3. (jgnige Hychniaki. fantry Company. possibly the County Home. located at One Market atreet, tele­ called at the home or «ent cards aclinn.s In connection with our pro­ lAge group’'® in 10 '70-foot dash) pany, USMCR. announcevta.~William Viol day. Advertisement through these wicked attacks haa nubanoski. Jr . Bernard P». Kowal­ Mildred Wlllea. Mrs. Clarence George Gagne. Kathleen Geiaay, happy occasion. IAge..gioup 11 lo 12 70-f(X)t dash) been the Communist International ski and David W. Gay,, shown f Gove. Mrs. Charles Warren. Mrs. Craig Hartman. Elizabeth La- Trip to New York for two free. ilea Salmonds; 2. Joaeph KXTKNnKI) KOKKC'AST movement. . . ." above with M-Sgt. W. S Chiches- Complete With Separate Innerspring Mattress Robert Blevins. Mrs. Normsn Marsh. Dennis McLaughlin. M ar­ HIM Billie Band Concert next Fri­ M)crtretta. Boston, July 17 izpi The McCarthy, in hia rereni Investi­ ter. I’SMC, who is pointing lo the Couch. Mrs. .lohn Cadman. Perry cia Merk. Lorraine Pollio, Jimmy day night. ' 8ge group 1.7 lo 15 140-fcx>t temperature in New England rlur- gation of the library program, had locafion of Parris Island, S, (V. I-athrnp. Mrs. Scott Brown, Mrs. ' Sojka. Pat Stojka. Sherry Janton. M A N C H E S T tS flash 1 t. Carl Walters; 2. Bob ing the next five davs Saturday declared it dialnhuted thonsa where they will iintlergo recruit Edw'ard Granville, Armln Rae- I Ages S snd 8: Keynolda; 7 Skip Keeney; 4. Wil­ through next V.'ednesdav will aver- The better ty;)e du*l pur­ of hooka by Communlela or tMlnlnc for 10 we^ks. bel, Mrs. George Ecker. Ed­ Mike Albom. Kitty Bollea. Bruce Bayleg (>els Letter liam Haniller I age more than five degrees above aympatliizefa. A aeries of^State (*ronln is the son of sMr. anti Jil pose Sofa . . . generouxly ward Granville. Mise Grace RIaley. Ferguson' Howard Han.son. Riia- Baseball Throw-for Dialame: normal with hot weather coritinu- I STATE riepattinent directives oiilgred the • Age group 6 to Si t. George John Cronin. 14 f'ariter- Mrs, Gordon Beckwith and Charles aell .Tahndrow, .lark Markie. Tho­ K ' ing most r»f the period. proportioned, gmart in de- From Ex-Pregiflent lihrariea to use various policies for Bycholak); 2. Jerry Miatretta, 3. burv street. Dubanoski is the son Warren, met at, the church last mas Orlowaki. George Pollio, Billy — NOW PLAYING — ! Precipitation during this period kiirn . . . that can eaxily be - • ■' . 'selecting books, flnally/winding up .Mu hael Saveru k. of Mr. and ,Mrs. Jo.seph r>nha- I will on the average total between No warm weather Thursday evening for the presenta­ Shattuck, Phyllis Sitek. John Tru­ ■ with a rule little different than be­ Age Group 8 If* 10 I. .lames man. Anthony Baylea, preaident of the noskt. 189 Glenwood street: Gay 1 and 4 tenths of an inch occur- opened to a luxurioua full tion reports and the completion of fore MeCarthy launched hla probe. Brunette. 2, James Miatretta, ,7. Ages 10 to 14 girls: Manrheater Young Democratic is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Berl Ing s.s showers and thunderatorma plana. The newest dcrective to stock William Viot. Gay. 13 Parker street, and Kowal- late Tuesday or Wedneaday. size bed with ita own Inner- Game Committee Report Carol Bollea, Anne Gagne, .lovce Club, haa received a warna letter hooka wrtiten/by CommunlaK' if Age group It to 12 1. Charles aprintf Mattrexa. Upholster­ Sleep problem in Mias Grace Rialey, chairman of Keve, Patricia Orlowaki, Gretchen of appreciation from former Preai­ * they fiirtherdd the ends of Demia - Salniond 2 Bob Reynolds, 3. Jo­ the Games Committee, reported Spielman. ed in better Tape.atry . . . dent Harry S. Tnim aq In reply to rary waScaenounced by McCarthy aeph Miatretta. that ahe will be assisted by Armin Agra TO to 12 boys: an account of the reunfe . . Plan To JflwPllg-jaSIBJIlGl Infantry Regiment, 47eil Diviaion, Sleepers in charge of this project. , mehl. arrived in Korea last Sep- present him with the convention Caulin, Jamea Burnette and Carl ^ Open A Budget Account Tomorrow . . , .-eeta and Confectionery tember. He holds the Combat In- scroll. S I'N , MON., T I’F-S. Wallers captured two lirsl places ; will gather for s banquet at the Hurting Desirable Grasses SlaM- > been added to the mid- | fantrvman Badge ! The club will hold an outing RI KT LANC ASTER in their reapeettve groups. , Ralnlxiw Club in Bolton tomorrow LIBERAL BUDGET TERMS way and it will feature homemade | ^ 1948 graduate VIRGINIA MAVn Pint-sized aix-year-old George H899 J It r--.b»iii. !• ■ .. _ " ...... Rockville Sunday afternoon, atarting at one night at 7 o'clock. K K A R l« a new r\rlii%l\e formiitation ha%ed on the relatively candy. 1 School, he was a fnick driver o'clock, at Sperry'a Pond Bolton, In "HOI TH SEA WO>AOMAN” Byetiolski raptured the thro\ting non-p«>i«nnmi« POT.ASSII M A N A T K (T f '), proven the moat in charge and will be aaaiated by ■ f„r jr r Schindler and Son; The get-together h»s lieen plan­ r H S “ PORT M INIif|STKR" event of hia group witli an amaz- I ned. by omrers of two companleTc. effertive rhemlrnl which readily controU rrahgraaa and ehlrk* Mrs. George Wilton. 'b efore entering the Arm y in Feb-' ing loss of 80 feet. j \%ee«l In U\\n«i and other turfed arena without killing the deair- Mri. Robert Blevins will be in ru*ry 19.12. 1 They in, lude Maj. Ernest l.jir.son. only * 3 - 9 « The ha.seball contest proved ; ahle turf graaaea. charge of the art gallery which 1 tt,, 4.,,^ infantry DIvialon. , .Maj. W aller Burr. Capt. Bouclier. 4*. highly aiieceaaful. .10 hoys pariiei-| will be held in the Sunday School originally an Oklahoma .National 1.1 A l Jones snd W. O. George pntcfi in all of the events staged j Mltehell. Units sre Headquarters room of the church. Here, a Guard unit, haa been in Korea since Alf/ (.ON. /T/ONf O at the lota Ttiursda.y nibming at; Colorful 'DELTOX' unique collection of exhibits not > D*(.,n,b,r 18.11. It has participated : Company, 1st Battalion, and Com­ MANCHESTER PLUMBING 10:.",0. I pany A. previously ahown in Oonnectlciit. in ’ heavy combat action including ^'^pivi IN J EASTWOOD The Summary: | rnay be aeen. 1 the battlea for"T-Bqne Hill" Jaat Theae unita were part of the Baaehall throw for arcurary' in- ; AND SUPPLY CO. FIB ER R U G S The basement will hduae the summer. | l-t,- I. rr.HHinr ai.i. rou>a xhow i le-organiz.ed .National Guard fol­ r . T. B M S II, Jr., rre*liW-nt and Treasurer Flower and Baked Good competl- Rack. From Far Raat- to a barrel: j 1 i TONIGHT Al BITA OTONhOB I Age group 6 to 8 ) 1 Jam es' lowing World W ar II. The troojia nurrtblr 9x12 Rug# for any room, at a tbrilling lion and the A rt Gallery. In the I First Lieutenant Ronald E. Ed-j M.4VHOBTH RKl .XOI.D6 iaa% Adi-a: ■ GauUn. 2. George Bycholski. 2 ; were federalized In the fall of IK IT S H.ARDW ARE W K HA\ K IT low hudgpt pnrp that makr# them exceptional rear of the church the barbecue 1 mondaon waa among 14 Coqnec-1 lea't r*ur; STMVaHT (iBANOP.B "I LOVE Michael .Savenck, tie. Ib.'rf), were stationed at Camp value#! Ot heavy fiber in attractive, plaid de- pit will be constructed and once ; tlciit residents due to arrive in 677 M A IN STR E E T RHONE MI-S-447.1 "PRINCE OF I Age group 8 lo lOi 1 Donald ri( kett. Va„ for_ several months aign#. reveraible for DOT'BI.K W E A R ! Choice again the aromai of barbepued .Seattle .today from the Ear East "Sdomt" MELVIN" Long sncl James Mi.stretta. lie. before 'serv'lng o'verseas In Ger­ of Gray, Green. Ro.#e or Mauve, chltken will be found in Vernon on the'U. S. N. S, Marine Adder, i PIRATES" l:M - 4:M • »;.U 1:44 (Age group II lo 121 1. ms n.v. Center. The chicken will' be ; Pla.vgronnd Reaiilta ai'.XOAT : •xr.vr.B i.KT MP. on - Narbar* Sask Chailea .Salmonds, 2. James Mla- All former and present veterans For .voi] who prefer a short sleepcri served at about half hour Inter- | The r «u lta of the Boya’ Paddle For roal cool .slorping plu.t gooH looks trella. of the division are invited to at­ val.« from .8:30 p. m. and each ; Tenrl* I^iiblea as of Jul.v 13 at "LAWLESS .95 this Sleep-Coal glKive is just right. ).Age grcHip 13 to 15i 1, William tend. this beautiful gown with wide em­ You'll like the .smart fashion in the half will be sold for 80 cents at the Commiinltv Playgrounds are IREED" the Barbecue stall. i as fo'Iowa: R. Wheeler and R. Gea- R«rk NadMa BRILLIANT (XIMEDY! Jalla broidered yoke and dirndl . say defeated E. Konarakt and P.- two satin ties and the embroidered There will be a hearing tonight Ott 6-4, 6-1. 2-6. 6-1. D. Logan and «'*9' DELTOX FIBER RUfiS ...... EilTBA; ■ for you. Fashioned of NO-lroning cuff on the pocket. Both in White, at 7:30 In the City Council rooms B. Boothroy'd defeated F. Ecklea f'ABTOO.N'a Pink, Blue or Maize. In Strat-O-Sheer on the aaaesament of betterments and C. Cappello 6-1, 6-2. 6-0. fl'x ir nr.LTox fiber r u g s ___ 8trat-0-Shcer pltsse. Sizes "2 to' 10. and damages for aewera inatalied S. Skewea and D. Skewea de- plis.se. Small, Medium. Large. 6'xlir DELTOX KIBF.R RI ... on South street. Fox HIM d rive,' tested M. Hansen and K. Bad- Burke road and Stanley atreeL i ateubner 6-0. fl-2. 6-1. E. Johndrow Add more living space to Grange Meetiag | R- Caaatl defeated R. West Tonijiht throagh Sstnrday There will be a meeting, of and F. Janton 6-0, 0-6. 4-6. 6-0, 6-4. H rB P Nt'NnAV >Ml MO.MIAl i "Xrvr.B i.r.T m p g o - "SKYLARK" Grange at the Grange Hall In ^- Konarakt and P. Ott defeated . " l s « i Tram rtttiK Httmkmf” At T^l. Fftrmlniftmi your home... Vernon Center tonight at 6. The -'*• Hansen and K. Radateubner , C h rt r 9 »• • b ti cj f I I program for the evening la entitled R Wheeler and | "Offlcera Hold Swav. " | 'Vitnok and | Bids to Be Opened I: D-’ herty 6-4, <-«■ <-«■ i SALE! Goloniai Maple The building comnilttee for the . •P'* » Boothroyd de- ^ Vernon Elementary school Thura-1— , . ■ - - .... „ , . . i 2 OUTSTANDINdt HITS! davrventngriiet tlnf date of-ATtgriaf*...... ' FREE 11. Tuesday at 6 p.m. for opening , CIRCLE Tbiftight thru Sun* Chest of“Drawers J. tha , blda, .oq. a ., aix.. ropm ^dflitiqq ^ ipantner and Van Heusen There's charm and comfort' in, this to the achool, to be completed by How-to-do-it Roomy Four DrswSrjnodfl. ZS.inch.s wide, m warin hand -lail I i.l— -1884- 1... .. —- J// = y//n% OUTLAyf WOMAN . rubbed Gotonikl Maple ffnmk.- On'aale-at only. , : August 11 la the date which the; *>€ It I I *S WHOSE PASSIONli SET 'HIE comm.ittee of which M organ! Mlta H»yw»rpt PaaaM 0 *r#aaar WEST AFLAME! Crinkle Cotton Sun-Back Campbell la chairman haa set for ' ‘I LOVE moke the job eosyl S w im T ru n k s 1.95 opening bids for construction of a "Solom*" MELVIN" new elementary achool on Eaat. Tarh. t :ll Terk. a;Sa-t:M 4 M atreet. i Is your house beginninR )- •" In advertising for bids the com- ' BAT. I P. M. MY OUTLAW Five Drawer Chest in Maple Six Drawer (Jhest |n Colotilal mittee states "It la madato'ry that ; BROTHER—CARTOONS lo "bulge st the seams"? .95 finish. Measures s generous Maple rtnista with heavy top. the proposed buildings be ready W e have the solution for $2.95 and ■70 inches In vAidth. Excep­ Measures'72 Inches In width. Rayon tional vainest . 9 8 for occupancy bv August 1. 1954. you . . . the new, frrr, Insulite* Home-Kxpansion Keith priced Tha bidder must file with hia bid only ...... »t only ...... Folders, containing complete picture-storiee of the $39.95 $44.95 a certified check or bid bond for ' in percent of the total price made ' building of actual attic, basement and outaide moma Nylon OPKN A KEITH BUIMiET AC(’OUS’T payajjle to the Town of Vernon." ; JOHN BRIAN AUDREY JOAN by homeowners like youreelf. See how Inaulite Motel Leased insulation board produc^ta can help BASILA'S fsvoritff tunbsek $tsy* Joaeph and Pauline Bury have ILUND DONLEVY TOTTER LESLIE RUM.MKR KTORE HOUR.>4:. Open From 8 A. .11. Until FREE PARKING In Keith's Private Parking l.ot Adjoin. Ir«»h «nd flatttring from fho min-. leased to William H. Fltzaimmona you get needed apace at low coat. TERBYCMITH CO.AT snd 8:80 P. .M. Ulo*ed A ll Day Wednesdays, Open Every Ing The .Alore. N o Meter Pnrhing In The Entire Mock of West Hartford the Mt. Vernon 2nd BIG my ON THE SAME SHOW , W e can help you with your plana, PULI.OVER JAUKET 9 I.QA A n , t > Thursday Evening Until' 8. Shop At Keith's For Conven­ Just South. There’s Nevhr A Parking Problem Wfhen ufa you xip it up to tka and of tha Motor Court on Route 63 at Kelley ience, For Quality Values Day A fte r Day. Khopptng A t Keith’s. j S E E * Cargo of Women . . . daring nntald 4anJ five yqu free eatimatea and alao ar-- " S ' " '* reach the mea they were ooBoIgned In! day'i arrandt, choras, or just #n- range eaay payment plana. SPECIAL! POLO SHIRTS joyihg tha "graaf outdoon," Step in, phene er wrMe fer the feMer Personal Notices You'll lova fha,4waaping akirf and A p e r u j o u s * yeu’re interesfed in. I- • AT HALF PRICE ’ fiftad bodice that keeps in shape In Memortam O F MANCHESTER N with no ironing! In navy and In lovinf memory of our dear mother JOURNEY who died three years afo. Ju|v 1.7.. 4560 atarrMig Per white, coral and white, or aqua Month Yoti left behind some aching hearts. CEJfOUSEsSONISJ and white. Sixes - ,. - !/ae- • That loved you moat linctre.' *HU UUIN'DWn NIM-SHn MU K eith'S 10 20 14 - —5»»4-»»»az.cAB.AaiLnjL«tjgtlL*L_.^ OTARTg atniBAV I a W E Poegel you. mother dear. 'TTintay o r THE g i v e dliiCGREEN STAMPS Ills M M N ST OPi'OMTl « h 24'/2., HOB'nrcocimiY'* Her daughter.. Alict and "Losr. RAint" G. E. WILLIS and SON, Inc. OUR lOOHi ANNIVERSARY YEAR Theresa MrOutkey. a m a i n 8TBEF.T PHONK Ml-l-8ltfl B B M ito H M M wmmmmgmmatHmmmHmm T / V . . .

■I - .. J '■t— ,i:

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1953 P A G R n V l MA5fCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1953 JJ1,F0UR____ - t — SK...... — ToUtmd- Slarti "Prlcllce Marlborough Columbia E|U jn£toi|^ W O N » - l « t t f M W t f l / V W H A T ei-tM . Coventry THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB W D R 0~1B M M V « v n o — |M * Mra. Palmer Liata Ordinance Voting s Three Town ARC Skywatch Schedule Ambulance' Group WOOO—I9 N E n sto m OnjrMgfet TImo wNno-«b. • (ISO—W on8—Jack Jlowatjr's Hi uaM W M-WDRC—Nana Hertferd Beboul New PTA I.ica(ler§ Set for Tiiesdav Thompsonville Man Hired Saturday, July It ■Imp, nf Muele. ('Jiaimiaii Elected To Attend Meeting W Tir-ttRcteiiu^t wtfR W n c —Clittoo UUay ; Radio Clly Pre- i . 12 MidniKht>2 m. m. VakiBteeira Xeeded*. * W niT—New*; CMiBtry Mualc. vlawa. Tolland, July it- ■ 8pci:lsl — M arlborough, July 17 — ) Spe­ ...... Robert Alley. WHAI—S,w«. ruiks Hup. ISi4k—WTIC—Pro and Con, 2 a. m.-4 a. m.* ... Tli( following committee chairmen cial)- A special town meeting hea For Music, Teacher Post Columbia, July 17 (Speciali 4 a. m .-6 a. m...... Robert Edwards. Richard Froich. Ellington, July 17#—(Special)— VOSC—Robert Q. Lswis; Bt. Louis WHAr—Newa , Hztisee. II lie. V ar, '.>■ all alalinna. (or the Psrent Teachers associa­ been called for Tuesday, at 7:80< Kenneth Slmp.aon of Andover was | 6 a. m.-9 a. m...... Ralph McCollum. Mra. Herman H Borowakl of Fin­ ' Wi'CO—Hiulrsl Scnrsooeril WTHT—Frank and Jeckaon. tion have been announced by Mrs. p. m. in the library buildijig to vote Coventry duly 17 (Spccial)r -tla, Newfoundland, via Canadian elected chairman of the Columbia | ® *• noon ...... K enneth H am m ond. ney street will attend the 304th X WKH»-N»w«: Ba»bell MsUae*. WHAY—Nlgni Walcb on three Important ordinances...... iCharlea Trombley. '' 4 tjs—WON8—«aes Liowoay ■ Musle lliek—'''n m ,- ;r«f, Theodore Palmer. i John C Sftlamone of Thonipswn-1 Air Line.s from Logan Air Field, Ambulance association meeting C*hOB. h The first ordinance will be on chapter American Red Crosa which ^ J p m ...... Barbara Anderson EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT llilA —WT T—I poru Report. Program, Mrs. Robert McHutch- j b“ d"as teaeh^er ~ which will be held in Gardner, W DRC-Health Alda. w H A t—Msbt Walcn. adoption of provisions of Chapter ineUides the towns of Andover. He- I Mrt. M. Saegaert. 20 REGULAR GAMES—3 SPEC IA L WTIO—*te la Oaliaa. WONi-Wazwerka. inson; finance, Mrs. C. R. Knowl-, 43 of the General Statutes, revision bron and Columbia at the' annual, g p. ni p. m. Mass.. aUrting Friday. She will be WTHT—Rally Crocker. WTk;—Nawa. . ton; health and safety, Mrs. Nor-1 'Tyst™. M ias"c^Sn’'R.Vb-l^ .-8 ...... M ichael Glean. STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP of 1949 and supplements. The n * e tm g and election of officers j g p p )..io p ...... ______Krancta H. Hill. accompanied by the president, 4:Ik - w'Dm 'laiiu. iiarria. tVDRC—You and tha World. man Wright; membership and hos­ $E A$0 George Chase of Cheshire and the 4ilA—WTHT—Belly Crocker, II iM—wnc—Huale for Millinna. townspeople will next vote oti an c its , who g Thev”will "^observe their twenty- held in Yeomans Hall Tue.sday jp p. m.-12 Midnight .... Volunteers Needed. - 4:Se WDhC—'I'h# Racuri Sbos. WDRC-^ympbony Hall. pitality, Mrs. Albert Thomforde; . I position, secretary Mr. Harvey Ougghelm of ordinance providing for the meth­ wlthdrew t P . fjf^b wedding anniversary .Inly 28 evening. > j Volunteers may register at Civil Defense Headquarters, Municipal WTHT—Joa nirand. IliSS—WTIC—Nawi; Rob and Ray. historian and publicity, Mrs. Orta ' od of selection and terms of office positionisiuon fRIn. AlaasnehusettsAlaasachuscUs. in Agentia. The couple will return Simpson suerceds Dr. Ch*rles , Building, Manchester, on Mondays and Fridays from 1-5 p. m. . _ S tratfo rd . W'TIi'—Yi'iiria WiU'ler Brown. VvDRC- Nawa. Ouertin, hot lunch, Mrs. Frank A, ^ Salrtlnonc, employed «t PiaU I ,gj I.arcomb of Hebron. Other officers | ------:------Mrs. Clsrs Msyers of Strstford , WCCO—Newa; Record Rerltw T ainarrew of a zoning commission In accord SfriUinonc, rmployed : by Canadian Railways WKNB-C. K. Seoraboard, Baaaball SilS—WTIC—Frayer: Frank Alwood Fomica; kitchen equipment, Mri. with Chapter 43 of the General W hitnry Airi-ratt la a uraduato df | John's. Newfoundland. elected were: Mrs. F. C. Savage, is a guest of the party. The ban­ ■bow. to Porte In November, after which a finding John Rlliot. Stetiites. Itn a ra CollCRO, N. Y.. and ha.s ha>l | Ba.-RC—Farm Prosram . favorable to the company was WTHT—News: Joe Oirand (c'lA* 4,|>|tC> llVIll run*. These chairmen will serve on the Finally they will vote to select a extinalvc tralninK m oral and in-. Dorothea Raymond, Andover, sec- at the hotel. Saturday morning the • ttS-W TIC—Newa. executive rommittee with the prea- £?idnev, Nova Scotia Cheney, Union handed down by the arbitrator. WTIC—Just Plain 9111. zoning commission end a zoning stnimental music. He hU.s done . In -North Sydney they will be letaiy.trea.surer: Mrs. John Cra- party will go to the Shrine In New WHAT—News; Band by Demand. •tSD>.Vicuna—Xv’ake Cp Time. Ident. eccretery mnd treasurer. Pat The union, however, appealed the WE SELL WTHT—M orning Dev»iC- . a v Personal Mentlno H n rtt School of Music. He ha.s of Porter strcci. Manchfster. w^o Columbia, directors; Mrs. Albert boms Sunday. WCCC—Breakfaat Newaboy. man of the Halloween party. I Talks Conclude Howaf'd Alcorn vacated the award kilk—WTIC—Front Pace Farroll. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Danrause ; tlOJta .practira-Aeachms: at-. JiWik;'.. ts-rm Adientlonr ' The two couplcB E. Cewilidge. .H ebron, and John fersoaal Meatlpa. . WiaC—W flL '—Lurrnai. Jonoa. . IIC—v» eatn*i rr;.. Atwood...... Paator Cblled Away :Bre spending the week end in- O s 6h"^the grounds ih a t th e 'a rb ltra to f ...."Wlt*T-“C roil^a «joktt»r'.'”!= ..... • WKAY-« Baered HdMdr Profram . Bonville.anrf Trumansburp, N. Y. will take a motor trip to points Phclp.s. Andover, auditors. Mias Shirley Aborn of Meadow Roll upon roll of h n e brand nek* 'rte ^slor of Tolland Federated liimbia. Pa. where they are at- Members, of the nominating Arbitrator Irving Ben Scheiber had exceeded hia authority in ar- WDRC—Memory I.ane. • i4A»WKNB—Newa. -...jQnlY-JJHf-ptiuir. pnsiyoiuJbat o£ -o£ interest- oil- Uieir. jiLae-day trip B.ropk .rpad is spending nine days .„ „ CARPET from famous mUU for WON9—Wild Mil nickeek. WHAY—C^offee Club. Church, Rev. William C. H. Moe JiM-eph P. N.virir at'l'llo tenling the wedding of a nephew. Grade .1 tc.acher to replaie Mrs. conirtVftleF ■ ■Were ■ Dr. and ’Hrs.'t heard'final argumenta yesterday riinng at hi* decision.------at Nbrthfield attending a religious vour homo and . for yoiir business; WlNN*-.=New»t Muelc. • *Newatir. Klixabeth H. Alloa& home. Ralnh Wolmer of Columbia, Mrs. The company then took (ts own WCCC--'%ood Morning. Good Muatx*. Ml. and. Mrs. I aul Roberts and SCREEN DOORS Renee Millnn. remains to he filled ■Mr. and .Mrs. Sm ith are form er in the Cheney B rothers-Local 63, conference. Vouni be amazed nt our huge se­ WKNB-Dlal tor Dollare: Raeebell July 26. He has been railed to Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts and Wiliiam McCarrnll and John appeal, requesting the State Su­ M allnee. W TlC-idb Steele. ^ W I N D O W S in the .staff of 30 teachers. employees of the M anchester F.ve- Textile Workers Union of Ameri­ Mrs. Mollle B. Hale and her lection. (:4k—W DRC—Curt Masooy ant* M artba WONB—Weather; Wake Up Tima. address the Good Will Home at Dr. Richard C. Alton, rhiro^hsc- daughter. Willa. have returned Tli'c .'sc'i. ol nur.se, M iss Mni- Hutchinson of Andover, Mrs. Rus­ preme Court of Errora to overrule daughter, Mrs. Percival Harwood Tilton. WKAY-Newa: Coffee Chib. Hinckley, Me. on the 100th an­ from a vacation trip to Canada CONNECTS YOU WITH A COMPLETE ning i-lerald. Smith was an or­ sell M ereier and Mi.ss M arjorie ca, CIO, wage dispute involving a We cut, fit. Wnd. Uy and pad the car­ W 1(1*1*—top O' CiF M orning. tie physlrian, is announcing the paret H. Kanehy,. wdl be iTturu- ganiser and eoaeh of the Herald Judge Alcorn. That appeal is atltl and children visited old neighbors . WHAT—Nowa. niversary of the founder who was wheie they visited relatives. .Martin of Hebron. com pany-proposed 944 cen ts an pending and w-lli not be heard until pet of your choice .-. , all completed by w nty—Note* ard Quotas. WKNB- Morning Bpoctal. association in his offices.of Dr. mg for her 3()lh year. newsboys ha.skelball team a num­ and friends in town Wsdnead>yr our own trained emfismen. I:ta—WONfl-Ocll Brown N.'wa, 1:l«—WONS -Newe. born In Guilford, Conn. * New Stage Curtain Siillivan-Iluvis Nuptials hour wage reduction. the fall. In the meantime, both WHAY—At Bat with Ulplnmat. W TIC —hr*b ■teeie*: W eather. Comiag Rvent* Rllxsbeth H. Alton, rhiroprsctic BUILDING MATERIALS SERVICE ber of yeafs ago and was asso- You can save money here-^nd budget W’DBC—Newa. Shoppera Bpeclal. Maacbeeler K v e a I n g Herald The .addition of a .st.ape i url.ain -Miss Dorothy Mary Ann Sulli­ The arbitration, the second one sides agreed to rearbitrate the dia- Maaobester Eventag'-HersM El­ KveDlNR Hie Zoning ('ommissinn will physlrian. for the general prsc ' .Marlborough rnrreapondent, .Mm. eiated with the .\Ianche.ster Tow van. daughter , of Mrs. Hazel E. your payments, too! • :8R vLUttf Ner^ 7:Sb—WTHT—Newt: Top O' the Morn* and window dr.apes in tlie Roheri- Players theatrical group agreed to by both sides in their pute. This agreement waa reached lington correspondent, Mra. Q. F. WHAY -SporU; Supper lerenade. hold a public hearing at 8 pi m. nr, „f chiropractic. I Howard I. • r d. telephone Raal We’re a rejnilar Ruildinfr Materials Department Store. Our Sullivan of Eidoni road and John in accordance with a clause In the son .Schpol nuditoriuin has inf- Took .t.IXKt .Mile Trip efforts to settle the pay tsalie, end­ Berr, tolepbono^ Rockville 5-9818. W TU’—Newi. W*rfc—Morning Welch. Tuesday at tha Town Hall. Inter­ R. Sullivan of Elizabeth. N. J. and company-union contract permit­ WOeVB—KewR. WDRC—The Mueic Box. Dr. Elir.abeth Alton, the former! H*"***""- ■'shelves" are piled high with a wide and varied selection of proved the .sound quality there . Mr. and Mrs. Homy Spmks and MANCHESTER WTTIT—N ew i; J*»e U trtn d Shew. ested parties and ritixens may he A 3r Richard K. Davis, son of Mr. ed after five daya of hearings. The ting either side'to open wage talks WCeev-Newe; Good Morning. Good Dr. Fllzabeth Hawkins, is a grad -1 Ji'he monci' rariv-d in foinier ycals nephew Tiavid Saniueh^ .Ir.. of and Mrs. Richard K. Davis of Er- WKNB—N ew i; fiporiR Srrapbook. Muale. heard In connection with proposed Hardware .■. . Lumber . . , Tools , . . P ain t. . . Everything To sessions began June 29 and. after at any time. • :IA—vvTlC»-otriiruv opurta. WRRthtr. WONR-W'ake Up Tune. for a (Urtain helped dofi;jiy th<' .Stcinehini.se Road hnye returned doni road, were married at the zoning regiilatlqns. Copies nf t hese iiate of the New York Institute of three days of talks, were recessed Not a part of the new arbitra­ CARPET CENTER WONS—r a tte r hy PR*!erROB. WKN’B- Nawa: Morning Bpeclal. regulations are on file in the Town Build Anything. Visit our store—you're bound to get som* cost. fio m a 1 wo-»eek.s 3f^QU mile trip Columbia Congregational Church w n n e U rk feRimt* .. 3:a-W ‘HAT—Newa. Chiropractic, New York City. Sh» Grad(* .t elas.s tau clit by Willjair,' until Wednesday, when the com­ tion Is the retroactive pay lost to 808 Main .Street at Middle Turnpike Clerk’s office, HEARING-AID house fix-up ideas. through New VorK Stale. They on Monday evening. Tel. 5II- 9-4843 WKNB—MURir By Weaton. 1 :iA WTHT-V.-eatbef. 1 has been a practicing chiroprac­ K. .M< A rthur liad Die ■hichc.sl vi.sitcd Howes /Caverns. Seneea rtev. Henry G-. Wyman perform­ pany and union started offering the workers since the firaL-Arbitra- • :38 >\VDl(r>-*i hU 1 Believe. WONB-Weather. Personal Mention • per le iu of nftend.uiee. The .sec­ rebuttal testimony. tor'a award went IptO^ In Summer Store Hour, €:S8—WDRT#—Ouy Lrombardo. W DRC—Newa. ' Patricia Metcalf and Janet lx>}- - tor with offices formerly In Old I,ake, ('levelarm, Ohio, President ed the ceremony. Mrs. Allan Rob­ Open Daily 9 to 5;.30 | W T ir—Wtallie** • ;M —W DRC—N e wa. BATTERIES ond hishe.f loom m .i the croup Garfield's h<NK—Newa. aim leave Wednesday for the I Greenwich, Conn., and Port Ches- j SAVE YOUR TIME from’ Grode T tauclit by Robert G. arbitrator is. "Shall ;a general ordered returned. Thurs. Until 9 P. M. • v v T li^ k lm ii (;ut4 Irim Club. WTHT Newa, Martin Agroneky. N orthfield C onferenee of Religious | f ,r , N. Y. .She is a m em ber of For All HeBriiiF-Aids Terminal/Tower. Chicago, and Ruth Robinson, soloist, Closed All Day Wed. WON8—Auto Tune Difby. WKNB—Newa. Morning special .No running around to a half dozen places to pick up additional Hur.st. Springthdd, III., Lincoln's Home Ml.s.s Margaret Sullivan, slater wage reduction equlva'lent to the These .still accumulating retro­ W T H T —Sa rtn o 0«inm«*ll. W’i’U:— Sew,.. Fducatlon. They are represents-' the • National Chiropractic Aaso- 4-H Holds Contest and .tomb. Lincoln s New Salem of the bride, was maid of honor general wage Increalfe of htarch activewages, which now amount w r r C —VewR: Mti**'Rt BcAreboArd. W CO*- fCIdd'* * ' r er tlves of the • Federated .Sunday , riatlon, the New York Federation Gaarantcpd Frtdli materials. Our one-stop-service saves you time, trouble and . FoViy-seven demon.slrations are 26. 1951. be made ,effective for WICKS' DIaI fr>r Dollari; DtnnRr WHATRhythm Rendevoua ^Dool and th« Voung Peopl^’x ; of Chiropractors, and th# Cormec- cold hard cash. Village in Petersburg, the Ann and Robert Clarke was be.st man. Jor'about ( 200,000. will have to be Dot* •tIA -V vD h i —diiuppera dpectai. being pro.senteil in tlie comity,4-H Rutledge gi’ave and many other- A i-eception for the couple and Cheney Brothers employes fepre- returned to the workers unless the ------“S • ;48—w D R C —Newa. W'TIC—Newa. society of th« Church. tirut Chiropractic Aasoclatlon.' , < lull denionslration i iinte.st to be their friends and relatives was Fontert by Local 63, Textile Work­ Supreme Court overrulea Judge W TIC—ITfiree Ktar B itra . W'ONB-W’ake Up Time. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Giles were, where she has served on the exec- spot.s of interest. WTHT—Sporli. W'KNB« The Children * C’orner. ji‘ill-Tot. ihiy iilteinoon anil'eV> I'erHiiiiiil Mention held nt the Davis home. ers Union of America. CIO A lco rn .' ^ -Siinday guests of their Aunt, Miss „tive board for a term of two FREE ADVICE WONS—SportR Difeet: Newa. WHAY—Broadway on Review. Sadie Millard. ' ypars nm,c lit the ('em uium ly Hou.r Betty Lon Leonard will ub.serve Tlie couple will reside in Loiii.sl- T h at 1951 w age hike am ounted In the Just concluded hearings. KILL WEED SEEDS IN THE SDlL 1:id- WDRC ramlly Skeleinn. Vv'i’ilT lop o' i'br Morning. '. T|r .'!ird Y*»ur \urmerr Mr. and Mrs. Kmerv, M. Clough • I Experienced building consultants are on hand to give you facta ^o iitc 41 in .N'brtb ('o v en tiy her ninth birthday Friday. ana where Davis is stationed at to about 944 centa an hour, and Cheney Brothers was represented • :8a—W’CIM* .Newa B reakfaat .Newa- i Dr. Elizabeth Alton is the-ftrst In a.f.iitmn. five youniFm'eople Barltsdnle Field. the company ha.s, since last Sep­ WTHT—Weather; Headline RditloN. boy. I spent the weekend a.< guests of on each product and its application. You'll learn where *nd Friday meetings include a set­ by the Boston law firm of Ropes. VVUtN? Kimoii lae VI*. .ir W TK ’ —Ft»»lio Pvzaar w'omsn chiropractor to practice in Will I lal-.in- I'Mn in Jdie pnlihe tember, been trying to wipe it out •Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hills nf Gnrk- 873 Main S t- Tel. MI-.V41.36 back party at 8 p.m. in the Ameri- Theodore, Th'iem. electrii-ian's Gray. Best. Coolidge and Rugg, WKNB -Newa; Mel Allen: Hit of the WDRC—.Niyva: Shc^pera 8|>eclai I this area, and at preaent the only why a less expensive product can be substituted for a more spe.-d;iilL i in', tt tl'.V s .u iie dnv. I in o n l r to maintain for il.self MAKE HUMUS AND COMPOST T»rv. W'llAY—SaTutp to Rpaervlata. hsm , S. H. u ______lean Legiorbllall, Wall street. mate third rla.ss, .son of Mr. and 8 and the. union was represented by woman doctor practicing In Man- . -.costl.V one. V\ e'll explain flooring grades, different t>'pes of •"Tie niiTiIF- i.a ii'i'iT^tojrrtrfrd-tTl''-' - Delmar W. Potter and ciril- 'IMr.s F rab U ’C.'ThIcm . Old ChTiTihey t-ohTpetmve' position in the ■ indns- 'WHAY—New*: Supper 8erenRd«i. I 8:id--WKNB—Adventurer In Rer*arrh Mr. snd Mrs,. .Arthur. ButibneU. George Perktell, an economist for f:*.V fJS'f,--IV lj '(•’•* [ WHAY —Nailohal Guard Program. rhesTer,'------road is serving in the Far East try." • , ' wlth a bus load of passengers from insuiatimi, asbestos and asphalt siding.' ' ------p i ,. u.iui-vvhi'.-h Iu>d been sehi diileil riren, .loyee. Pearl, R obert .and the textile workers' national union. W’DRr -Johnnv Mercer Rhow. I'Ou k>DUl aboard the Destroy,or Tender USS The 1.500-n)ember union last WI HT—Kirnei Urvir. I WTIC—Newa; Planet Man. Stafford attended services Sunday She was married in April In —iL:..xmi_lQi;cJ. - yC [ Norman, are spending * few ttayk- Also pre.sent at the hearings AND SUPPLY ESSENTIAL liTfltOGEN A -f. I'.:, ^ /q ip er for tbo.se a t - ; jq Oreentield. -Mass., w ith her ais- Dixie with the UN blockading and September rejected a company re , . .. ,, „ WKN’R-BererkOdR In Blue. __ I. ■'’R-...... jSl the Chapel at RInge. N. H., William.sDtiig, Va.,‘to Dr. Richard Y:lD-\NON»—Cabrtet Heatter WTHT-Newa: No firhool Today. Alton who has been in active prac- YOU CAN AFFORD IT t> iMiru i.'.i^lie sold imni .^-11:30')^,,. yii's. 'Virtor Snyder and fam- escort force. Thicm i.s a graduate qiie.st to accept the wage cut, and i "'ere. for the company, Henry R. W TIC—New#. WHAY—Newa. M orning S tar R*-v|ew ! where Reverend Hircoi k of Staf- ‘p.'Ti.. t •• yTt nbiir.a oi the <'ovent ry : ny. ' - of Windham High School. tile di.sputellspiite was submitted to the , Mallory, executive vice president: WTHT—laore Raniter. V . iv s—Ver ' fordville Church was one of the tiie in this town for the past 14 I'inancing can be arranged so you can pay for materials on 4-H I’li/fi I i.r.inittee. I ’ - — American Arbitration Association an4) -t^rbard E. Wright, industrial with OHi produtt., , WKNB- Topii In Popp. WCCC—12» Hila m inisters. years. He is serving as presi­ reiatibns''manager: and. for the BUILD A NIW , WIIDIO LAWN 1 :« -W D R C —Kd M uffow. 9:18—VyDK^' Health Alda. easy monthly terms. If’you intend to do the Work yourself, rfdiinl(iers Mii't Tonight ■ yiani'heHter Evening Herald The moths which produce- ipo.st for settlement in the firgt cbm-; WTIC—One Man'R rRmll>. 'VONB-.C.-rnfort I Serm on Given .U at their grim 2-8231. almost lost the power of flight. kind you've alwiy. wanted ... luxuriant and prac­ G a r d e n W I if r^M Ichaei dlta>ne. WDRC—The Garden Gate. CiMBlateSat Cnm. Ovpr and Bmw«v AmoiMl Without ObligatSon. WHAY—Newa: Keynotea by Carl. WTIC—Claco Kli.. the services wss Walter Edwards Chiropractic Examiners, following firehi’ii.--" Ill (Its ide on a model for tically weed-free. G. C.. endoraed hy outktanding till' new pumper truck. All mem- UON8—Take a Number. WONK—Charlei Kaaher of Rorkville. a recent appointment by Governor Fn« Plan Hooka lawn tpeciallxta, kill, wvrd t f d s in the aoil, permit­ W'TIC - Kddle Flaher and Don 9 :0 --WDRC—Morgan Bak*r. tci I .'lie rcqno.“;ted‘ to attend. Ameuh<‘. WHAY—Famoua Trtala. A pi.biie hakpj) tjean supper will ting gram to grow without competition from weed,. C y a n a m i d • :IA WHAY C ue;it Star. MON8—Gueit 8Uf. Manchester F.iening Herald Tol­ Both dm-tors are active In state b' .l■'■v^■^l S atiiidav from 6:.30 to W TIt’—RoRcmArv Cloonev Bhow. 19:0 W’DRC—Galen Drake. land rnrreepnndent, Mm. John II. I t tu p p liti Umf-Iil. Only 5 pound., of G. C. GARDEN CYANAMID WH4T %Tortofi Could. dr*e* of the National Chlroprartie As- Tick. ;.'; can lie obtained at the • ;U —W H A Y -A duit EdtiCAtlon li:U-W THT -Bpace Patrol. Deaths Las^ Night I sociation in thie new Statler Hotel, d'-"'- or the comniittee !in c harge make 100 aq. ft. of weeded .oil bed for a new lawn. is availsMe for home garden use! i;M--WTHT Rummer (*rutie 19:9P~WDRC—Let a Pretend Ixtn Angeles. Calif , this month. of .Mr. anil Mr:-. E verett Hnrd- WHAY—Newa. M fht Watch. \Vf»N5l—N ew a; C harlea K aaher. BUILDING MATERIALS Twenty yearn of exj>erimpntal work and \Vf»N8—Nem*. n-.ri and Uun Club rf WKNB-Uptown Rhythma. Ry THE ASsm iATEO PRESS Their offices are located in the Wi' !: .on'l Mrs. Raym ond H. Bnid- • th# T WCCC—Newe; IS Hundred and 9 FUEL If.V. commercial use prove that Cyanamid of- WTIC—Parade of Banda. Hifa. Ann Arbor. Mich Alexander i"''''** LUM BER DON’T W ASn OROANK MAHRIAL... D , i.V— Wi »\'H—. .Mervira Program . Mastro-Valerio, 6.4. portrait paint- f*'*—*, Backacher* Toiirinc the Continent fem very special advantages to the home W’TTC—M ary L#ee T aylor. rarm In Bolton Center. Custom fitted .1.36 N. MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER . TEU MI-9-U53 Mr. .'Hd Mia. .lames T. l-aldlaw TURN IT INTO VALUABLI COMPORT • ;SA WTIIT Bob Wge WXHT—Spa^ Patrol , er and professor in the college .. gardener... forbuilding practically weed- WDRC—’Tlie W’orld Darjcep. I9:4*-W 0N^C 1- I- \ la-led in Hamilton, Ontario, A'ou ran have plenty of artifiriel manure for uae U’U.NH—Hiww 'iu u e Time. sstions architecture at the University of by experts! C : ,. till- fields of w heat, oats, free new lawns . . for quickly making WMAT N te V'alch I8:M—WONB.- Bandxtard. Mlchlfan. Bom in Fo^gia. . next apring if you start a compost pile with. WTIC—To Be Announced. !1:0D- WDKC — Bill SbadeJI; ( Iie.m.a and clover on > more and better huinas in the garden f . *r V . . i.iiuD Plano' Died Thursday. 575 MAIN STREET Garden Cyanamid. I*roperly mixed with organic Portraltd. ClnciAnati CornrUun O'Brien. F •• :ii. c'a.at of the Missi.ssippi soil with plant refuse . , . and for sfieed- ^ WTIC—To B» Announced n*KNB-Newd; P.ilk*. THE OFFICE OF material. G. C. speeds up decomposition of garden ^ing up production of valualile humus in WTHT—Newa: Virgil Plnkley. WTHT—Newd; French Program. 70. of Lawrenceburj:, Ind.. lonf — Tr --. h-^-'.’-pirnlrkert-with-friends- refuse, leaves, grass cuttings, etc., to form soil­ oNd-aAiana Kuaai. VW U:—Mv Kacie*. Stury.. active in Indiana Democratic compost pill's. These practices are recom- WHAT—New* Night UWIAT—ruUar Mualc.------tie# and the- party'«■ rnndidafe--for ; . DR. MERRILL B. i;i ■'iif'. .-iim-. W yoming, where improving. growth-stimulating humus. Only 5 W’DRC (!apltot Cloak Room. ||:»\-'VON*S -WONS Rnddtard. t -.' \ .: .v clcei and antelope: toured mendeil by outstanding soil scientists. -18 :i& wo.NH-Mueir * Hour. WHAY—lU Ila In M arcia. If. 8. Senator in 1044. Died Thura-1 RUBIN'OW pounds of G, ('. and 100 pounds of organic material WTIC—Word* In •»» N'lgh' ll:U-WONtf-Newx. day. t t. ' Sno-.’.>- R.inge of the Rockies; \ WTHT-Krdwm C HIM. Bporla. ; - R-il:, Citv; visited file, largest start ayrompost pile. . ’ W HAT—N ew i «r Italian . 84.1 .MAIN .ST. Gordee CyM«|iid h e v aM ie hi N , 7S aikl M lb.-bi«i tl:9D-*WCCC>NewM 13 Hundrad and T- -o 'i';-"'':'-7n'e"’rii’ tliF \i-iiiT'l; "irn'l’ .sa’-w 90 HIU. 'C*M'n iii:.! Vellou.alnne N.ilional e Gordaa Soupty aiM Hardware Slere, liwaaflwet Hm wo.NS—Bandxtand. WILL BE ( LOSED Ib - ,k.-. Thi-v ni e taking pictures MORR AND BITTIR HUMUR WDRC—G ‘»e and Take. Hertferd area. fft'T.g their trip to Tacoma, Wash- WHAV-Muaie. 4 IN TOUR OARDIN Television WTU*—Mouarn Romanret. TOYS FRO.M JULY 20 tr-,''-:-.. 11:0—WONB-BandaUnd. »Y>R THE KIDDIES 4 la'll for Camida Prize vegetables and flowers are the result of good ASK YOUIt DEALER FOR THIS WHAT—Rofon» Protram. I THROUGH WCCC—A Frlenc' ©f Toura. ^ Large Aaeortment 4 .Mr .'Old ^lrs. Duiis R. Smith of '•r .r a ..u soil tilth produced by plenty of humus. A simple, f u f f . IllUSTRATED BOOKLET. r M I ' ( ' -v)»fitr\-. form erly of Man- "7 WNMI* Aflerwwaa effective way to put humus in your garden soil is ('ontAinA roropktA . Rimpl^ 4 .no—On Your A rrounl. IS;88 \VDRr--Tn#jiie nf Today. JULY 2.5 t a r n ■ r, i' ;'t W ednesday fo r Agen- to spade under G. C. with garden refase. leaves, 4 VW—leXdt** Cholc*. WCCC—Make Mine Mualc. I Arthur Drus Storei < inAtrartiv»nA. Showq yoti how to 8 nrv~WUd Bill H lrkork. WKNB—Newa: The Big 15. cover crops, etc. Abundaul kumu* in the noil mak(* CErdAn like r profeoMonnl and ., >l..\.|t ll.HHi ^vuNH—Mail Oil i>Y f arm. plant food more readilg arailnbl* and mean* heller, cet prnfHRiionRl re«nj}la the 9 00—ThI* Id Vmjr World. WTHT—Ranch Boyx. (jRrden CyRDBrnid wRy. W T ir —Vewd; W*atlier. For Economical more luxuriant /lover and eegelahte grovlh . . . heller 8 40-^Weather Foretaxt. WHAY—Nawa In lullan; Muaira. FRIGIMIRE 8 45—W’orld Newd Roundup lt:lA 'w n c —Album of tba Week. TV and Radio Service eondilioned noil. G. C. not only turns spaded-in 7 Ofl—Bidewalk Inttnrltwu. ..V\TU'—Album of the N\eek. plant refase Into humus. It also auppliea nitrogee 7 15—te*rl*laiord Renort. WRAY—Gamma Frofram. A M f/R fc.d x (ti(u u i/n itl r n .n p A x r 7 90-Ed»He Fldher Bhoir. IJ:3a- WDRC—St*r* oier Hollywood. Electric Ranges plant food and soil-aweetening lime . , . and helps 7 «v—i diM** \t'vp • *(x%xn WCCC—Newa. Make Mifte MuMc. Call MI-9-5243 AOtlCUlTtNIAl CHIMICAlt- MVIttON 8 orv—^an tn m lm * Q uit ' *‘i »(T V.« O' It »*i ••rai' to kill weed sa«D in the soil. Only 1 pound of G. C. 8 .30—Gulf PUyhoud# WKNB—Man On the Street Treat Yourself to Atl Slakes Repaired makes humus in 100 iq. ft! of garden soil. . 30 Rexkalollar F le ia , Naw York 20, N. Y. • 00—D'MirwV' I'* D xnfer. viONo^Bna Uroahy. 9 35—TV ftounddUf*. WTIC—Farm Forum T1 A N 'ri NN.A RF.fA H lS I<( tiv—Cat ‘tro ■ 'oortd. WCCC—Muatr for Milady. A vrr rs*sTAT.r.\TTON's . 10. 30— . - . WHAT—T-'aR^^a Program. 10 45—It H8ppen*(Tln SporU. I H I', t O.NVI.RSIONS It Airai. At Cr>m«. a NEW FACE! 11 90—Film . OF COURSE I dof^'t run around to pay my bWs by easb. 1:2 (dW.Qhell M vdtery Thextre. 1 10—Now*. BENSON'S, Inc. TIH^B All I do if write ehecks^^onee o montli. And I carry my eimcli- -IIIH.-. MAIN .STIU I T 4 on—Sum m er Srhfv»l. 4 30-^Flxxh Gordon. 5 00—W eitern* Theater. book, which, by the way, is issued by the First Notioiiat Book 8 0O-.NewF. 8 15—The Kxrly Show. 7 10— of Manchester, in my purse. Then, when T see o boreoki. I 7 i5-*TV d Tunei I 00-^ B roadw ay to Hollywood D A IR Y O P E N 8 35—The Btf Picture. just write o check. The fronsemtion is complete, os for os I'm N SHORT NOTICE • • • 3 '»■*—Pt ^txrx. home comfort 9 .30—rontlifht Theater. JO OO—Rocky Kinf. concerned. 10 30—Sportd. ] \ .mu-.Nawd 11 15—L ate Show. MORIARTY Bros. i . TuM artew ^ .. e a "handout" for the troop A H J i i CtNTtR ST , IF, os I do, you prefer on occount thot does net roquiro o wsne Is Celebrating L P attern 10 00—Science Review minimum bolonee, ask for the Special Checking Account. 1951 CHEVROLET or full meals for weekend guests! 10 30—Sky Kln» 11 00—Spac* Patrol CO A L- COKE 11.3i>-Rork*t Ranferx Vz TON PICK-UP r H G*t K E R A fL E X , the new wonder medication t l no- Hit Top Td. Mltchdi M13S Any amount starts the account. There is no choiqo for do- I-no- T*l*rldlon Thextra. for PIMPLES, ACNE and other skin disorders. i ir.sl cla.,.s cmiriilion. One pesits— no monthly service chorqe. .ounpr truck. See Ihi;. fiiip With a food freezer you’re always ready for instant serving or cock­ 488 HARTFORD ROAD llriirk. ing. When your children's friends swarm into the house, you’ll It heals utcause it penetrates — it penetrates . baewtHi It's non-gre£^,^non-c|og9 in It's been TOWN A COUNTRY W0ilEN*K4)UTLET OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS UNTIL NOON ~ t- have their favorite snacks on hand for them. A freezer naakes (rORMEIILY OF OIJ^S'rONBURY) proven in hundreds o f. documented cases to re­ CARTERS food planning and'prepamti^ simple. You can freeze complete iyai of Dairy Queen No, 2 move PIMPU5 and ACNE. KERAPLEX is guaran­ end THURSDAY EVENINGS 4:30 fp 8 :| 9 k WEVROLET CO., Inc. i . ; teed to help you — or your money will be refunded.- -"(CLOSED'WEDNESDAYS AT NOON) /heals Or save leftovers, ready to serve days or weeks later. 307 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST .Ill "M.M.V STHKFT COnON SKIRT SALE For convenience there’s nothing to match a food freezer. Enjoy Tovr Drsggist has it HOWf L i all year round your favorite foods at the peak of their goodness. ask far See the new models at your dealer’sr-there’s one to fit your 00 Do You Need OR family’s needs! At Both Stores— $3.00 Space For Your I 5 EACH keraplex Parties, Weddings, SiBca 24-30. I Banquets, Showers, • RADIO “Meet Corliss Archer" ABC Fridays 9:30 P .U . • TV “Ben Hawthorne’s Electric Show" ChMRtl 8 the new wonder Etc.? A FREEJ - CONE COnON DRESS EVENT Mondays 12:45 P.M . ^ skin medication To fveiyone Visiting Our Serving Windows THE ITALIAN- • T V “You Are There" Channel 6 Sundays 8 P .U . .33 I AMERICAN HALL Siceff 135 tXDRlOGK ST.* 9-15. FIRST NATIONAL BANK HAS 2 LARGE 12 -20. COM* IN I u t m m N ow i Some half HAUS SATURDAY JULY 18 aixea. $184.95 OF MANCHESTER I ^(iimdete kitchen facilities It WaiReil.. Also bar ' facilities. Federoi Aktcrer' fumtshei) If desired. TOWN I COUNTRY WOMEITS OUTUT rDNUG STORE TeL For Furtbrr Information Call BRIDGWAY MILI.S KEMP'S MNnheN 9 ^ n JOHN ANDISIO. Ml-9-0f68 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. 183 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE — OPEN 9:00 to 9:00 ^ 942 MAIN STROr AT ST. JAMIS STRIIT 7C3 MAIN STREET •r Ml-3-8019—or at. the club. ns’OORPORATED ------' ■ » ■------' T

. ■ -.i m ' ' \

:y -u ./ " t / y :t: 7 '! ■ :;7 . /■ "■ S i. I-’ ■ I- ... r MANCHESTER EVENING' HERALD. Mj^NCHESTER, CONN, J^RIDAY, JULY 17, 1953 P A G E S E V E N PAGE SIX MANCHESTEft EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1 9 M ------T ...... \ •Hal Boyle • A Jutd.jk ..jaod JdMS.--.-Whet ia th* big­ bride In the dallcate teak of prun­ of th* Sunday morning service at Ont MoBth ...... * K it I* also supposedly what we have In a federal penitentiary. eral Aasembly. past two days," Taylor oaid, with ' Congrasa completes action on ex­ ■iav A. Malyshev, replaced recent­ gest mlatske June hriflea may he ing her huaband'a thorny garden 10:50 at th* Salvation Army Cita­ Pspusynski, who. flatly denied Dm to orror poocliot the exception of the two major tension... Adlsi B. Stevenson ly aa head of Russia's heavy mach- | Dr. Richard C . Al)4ln, Chiropractic Physician • Btntio Copy ...... been working for in the world; Jennings accused Backes of vio­ making today in th# poet-honey­ of friendship: del and th* 7 p. m. servic* In Cen­ the holdup in the fare of testimony ROK actions at Kumhwa and In giver Bret major apnee-h follow­ — ^ MEMBER o r lating a law concerning the use of moon adjustment that takes piece 1. “Abovs all- go slow." ter Park. Mrs. Robert McComh ing round-the-world trip at Mid­ Inery Industry has been appointed ; Announce* the Aseociatlon In His Office of of three other admitted partici­ woro odvortisod of 2 Ibt. tha Kumsong Valley, about 15: top man in a newly created m in-' THE ASSOCIATED PRESS improper Influence to effect legis­ In all marriage* T 3. “Help marry off hi* riffraff of Summit street will be soloist western Democrat rally - In ,Chl- Tbo Aaooclatod Praao la oxcluaWalT Ready For A DeciBion? pants in the holdup, was charged lation. A panel of veteran husbsnda I bachelor pala to your own girl miles s|>ari. Presumably there tatry of medium machinery. ontlllod to tho uao of rapubllcation of with conspiracy, theft of a payroll 25ciki oor odvt. yottor* at th* morning service. cago, September 11. Dr. Elixabeth H. Alton, Chiropractic Physician :n‘'»»^.*dl.P.tch« cr^ltad '» “ v "J Foord said he devoted a great ,eonsu!ted thought thst one of the friend* you want to get rid >f. were U. 8. troopa somewhere be­ It waa announced three day* not othfra’lio rr»dlt«<- The Communist* are querulous moving in interstate commerce, deal of time to the dispute with y rommoneat marital errors by young Wbnt do jrqu car* If they never tween. I ago that Malyshev had been re- and alio tha 1^1 on the rsdio, alleging that we have and transporting stolen money in the State Fire Marshal's office day. TIm eorroct CNid lo* ' wive* was this: forgive you?" Taylor’s stslement said only lieved of on* of the 10 most Im -' For the Genoral Practico of Chiropractic, All rlphu of ropublloatlon ^ a p «ia i excess of l.’i.OfS) serosa a state ..^^■■-Miwatchea haiylB ara alao roaonrod. and to writing the firework* pam- 5. ''Praise ypur. husband'* worst tha.t the U. 8.. Nin Ui .Coipa ; port a,nt-posts tn"-tlie.-Bev{et Uninh!' not. .yet. . produced..^..^.ndequate Jineu.-;^——;..5rva.iMii.i.i,.i.varr.:;.;rw;;;AUUU'j4.^- ... .‘.They try to get a. huabsnd t“ ■ - ■ -fncluding X-Ray-’'"- - tended price is 2 Ib«,; 3Se ■llW|j’ *11 htA’ oTd' frieSBe, hscsiii^ T o w n esB ig s fending part of th* front hit hy j that of minister o f transport m »- Full aerrlra client of N. B- .*• Benr- guarantees thst President Rhee A Jury of nine women and three friends to the'‘akrM. He tirilf' g He reitetrated that he waa ron- Ihsv don't wspt to have to shsro sick even of hearing their names. th* Red onslaught. There wa* no; hea.yy machino.buU4— .. . ------Siitte I2r J»rvii Bulldrhg: W iriW aih-Slfiel ...... will„... observe- ...... any tmea. in Korea. drilberaled 53 minutea to conr ‘ W “ an ‘ e x o ^ r s t W ' of ' the indiration which' diviSfons -werr'nrt' "1^. Ml* »ucre»*pr was named a* New ------their Jover"hoy with anybody." ‘ MfStfS* h man Cant sUnir in hear Julius nShawi Special dgjncy — New They cite hi. own interpretationerpretation •; vie . him of the " f , charges. The all-male panel agreed it wa* a bum pralaed, even If tha bum ia Still Under tha line. i Ivan Isldornvich .Voaenkn. Mancheeter, Connecticut Tork. .Chie**#. Detroit o r ... stolen money charge, I All Moscow newspaper* today ' ' MEMBER ATTDIT BUREAU o r of'his'secret sgresment with us. Confident he would win a full Jennings said in hi* report that BURSACK’S unfair to expert sny wife to have his own brother. Latest availnhl* information ' S h ow d ow n Foord received the 11.500 from published prominently a decree of Hours by Appointment. Tel. Mitchell 3-48St CIRCULATION______his own interpretation being that acquittal. Pspusynski was some- to put lip aith all tier hubby's old 4. "Oinvinca your husband the showed the Ninlh Corps made up Backes while the 1951 legislature huddle*, a* they probably Include Q uarantine the Presidium of the Supreme Sov­ The Hemld PfirAlng Company. Inc.. he is merely agreeing not to ob- what stunned when the Jury fore- ressunrth* food bill* are so high ia of tha U. S. 40th. Third and 45lh ; aaaumea no SnSnclal reeponalblllty for some who are '*a* hig a bum a* he that his free-loading companions iet 1 parliament I outlining Maly-I divisions and the ROK Second and , W ith R ed s »hev'» new post. It said the minis- ! tvoosraphloal error* appearln* in an struct tn.ee for a period of #0 u*ed to be before he wtaed up and era eating and drinking him into Third divfslon*. The Turkish i Tertlaemenu and other . — - The three other men have been Manchester became the only try, will take over all the enter- ! day*. They allege that our secret convicted of the holdup which took married her." But they aald It wa* bancruptcy. Buppoa* h* does find Brigade, battalion In The Manchester Eienlns Hetwln-__ _ town In the atate attll under a (ConHn'iied Prom Page Oqe) prise* transferred to if b y " * list agreement with him contains pro- ! place on May H, ItflO. Three a aitiiatlon that wa* better cor­ out later it really Is your ralatives combat team and Greek battalion! thaplay auTerUatn* closlo* hour*; Save $60.00 on this new 1953 rected through tim* and tart, that ara busting him up? On* swlne-diseaac qiiarantln* yester­ ! established by the council of min- vlaions Whif;h are likely to encour-1 Brink's payroll guard* were pls- ^ re attached to the U. 8. Third agreement for executive »**«ion«"'•- Foe WedijMday—1 p. " w . of masked bandits who hid inside . lifted the quarantine In every Allied pilot* hammered , the *"'* . tog up th* Soviet Union a indus- For Thursday—1 P n- " edneaday. observe it. One wonders why, since | Carpet Company. The guard* I thI* problem, unless sht married a a friend that later In lift your town in Hartford County but her*. B a r l o w ’sT elevisio n For Friday—I p. m. Thursday. P ^ e n f of hermit." said one. 'The thing to Red* with 1.272,000 pound* of "Ubordinate* will in any way vio- trTal 'w*r p^lenT^■l."M.^’o^^•'"diII- For Baliirday—1 p nn Fi^ay. President Rhee interpret* the \ were Jumped by the holdiipmen ' husband may want to borrow mon­ Manchester wa* Ignored, in the bomh*. mainly at the front. In late It." , patch** last Tuesday telling of hi* do i» to » ’eed out hi* friend* grad­ ey from." naaalfled deadline; 10;») secret agreement publicly, in hi* 1 «hen they carried in the payrpll qua.'antine-lifting order issued by mors than 600 strikes, thgAir, Peipmg Rsdio scciised the Alii** replacement did not a«y whether daw of piibllcalion except Satnrc.sy— ually *nd gracefully. If ah* Ju«t 6. “ Retain one or two steady, ds- the Agriculture Department be- • a. m. own way, we don't show the sctiisl | ___b. . . —,." i «'aii«, (he will find his more ob- pandabla, fraa-apending bachelors, Force aaid. A flight of Sabre Jet - of walking out on the negotiation* pnal in disgrace or Sales andService Already convicted arc Francis J. caune Vincent A. Lawler, 401 flghter-bomber* reported destroy- Wednesday and Clark later railed '‘'•''•Tier he wa* headed for another Friday, July 17 document to the Communist Scanlon, 26, of East LsNigmeadow, jertionabl* friend* will drift away and make them your friends. A Hlllatown road, has refused to dia- anyway, a* they will find him more Ing six rarely-aeen Red Unk* and ! o,e Red broadcast a violation of g‘»vemment change* 214 SPRUCE ST., .MANCHESTER TEL. M1-S-S095 negotiators. Ma.vb* w* have. Maaa., Raymond R. Provencher, 25, wife often finds a good, aoiind poe* of pig* said by state depart­ TTie dispatches were held up for boring and les* fun the longer he bachelor more helpful than chil­ two trucks In a convoy near | the lerrecv agreement. ------At an.v rate, whatever th* Com­ and Raymond Barnard, 26, both of ment of agriculture official* to be hour* hy censors and several aer- 1* married.” dren for running errands, helping Kumhwa. I i-i. _ RuwiR Announces A Gift Springfield, Mass. Infected with veilciiUr exanthe­ Other fighting raged far to the I ^ tlon* were missing.) ' lENDIX — MOTOROLA — RCA munist radio sa.v*. the Commu­ “The wor*t thing a bride can do with the dishes and he'll squire Each one swore at Papusynakl's ELECTRIC RANGE ma. a disease similar to hoof and east,... as.. “i.. the Communistsf. _ ? .... made' **“"**" " * **’*■ P'*"' Friday Soviet Russia has hitherto nist armie* in the field have, once — «ho quality cMdron'e i* to hurry the *1111*1100 to de­ her out'at night when her husband MITCHELL AIR CONDITIONERS trial that Pspusynski was the lead- mouth disease in rattle. light assaults around Luke th* I lemming and immediately went in­ maintained an almost uniform at­ again, spoken a citrioii* language | er and planned of the holdup liberately breHk up *11 hi* old JiiM want* to sit at home and Only three Hillstown road hog •host. Carefully eroftoJ Gook's Castle and Anchor Hill. to conference with Harrison and titude toward the many aub- of truce. Every time th* Coihmu-1 Scanlon told th* jury two day* sgo frlendahip*.'' laid a aecond veteran. listen to hi* tired dog* bark." farmer* Including Iviwler »re fhe three other U. .«. truce dele­ “ That will create a Chine** wall of Needle Plant aidiary activitlea of the United mats seem to think a\tn.ce i* i Papiizynski came to him nesr- . . . perfect for ploy Here'i en electric range that hat everything 7. “ I.,et your husband keep at sff*' ted by the qiiarsntlne. Be- gate*.’' . . ^ ; iv a vesr before th* robbery and mlaunderitandihg between them. least one thoroughly objectionable | side* Ijiwler. who live* at 401 Nations. It ha* wanted little or about to be signed, they , stage ,h* holdup. Scanlon also . for k KooI . . . for — plui e famous name, end big saving! Tim# “ She will And »he ha* driven friend. This will- give him the i Hillstown. they are Anthonv Bot- Rep. Beamer’ft Son Sold, Moved nothing to do with any of them. It some kind of post wript offehsive, ! said he had gone to Papusynakl's' *199 end work-saving features include large her hiiabnnd further' from her, sensc of freedom. Independence. I ticelli. 444 Hillstown. and Martin escape and adventure every m*n ' 5‘ haiib, 180 Hillstown. French Troops ...... - ______11 has hsd little but scorn for their designed to tell the world that |S[Sringfi*ld home to work over the ; __inch, 2-elemenf oven with not brought him clo.aer. He will Subject lo-Draft ...... supposed -.-effort*, -and -’ -accom-. •they-werB fiiH of fight the m.!--^P^*ti...... _____retreat to keep ..from being swal­ needs Jn marriage.'.'. ______I It hsd been Lawlera reluaal to. Msnehester's needle factory, the |l RANGE and F P L OIL ' Papiizynski, however, denied this I automatic pra-heat cut-off and floodlightina. lowed. . For he will realize hi* But what about a bride who i* | •.‘oiiiply with a atate order direift- Snare Laiigson only one of its kind here, has been plishment*. ment peace came, and therefore and indicated .that the three men! stuck with a husband who stub- i»g him' to dispose of hi* I3-pIg *BUDCEJ wife I* like a lady Bpider, which ■*oTdTi>^its'own«r I. W. Lydall. l.Ml Now. aiiddenly, at Geneva, toi a not - defeated in the field. 'Fhe- of- had 6 reason 'to implicate- him in I Automatic ov»n tim»r, and electric clock. conaiime* her'm aie.'' horhly'reTu**# I6"T)# weahe'd from herd which held lip the’ IlftlnK' of W-oahlnglon. July 17-^eA*f Se» lectivc Service headquarteis today 24 Hour M iyery Service meeting of the UN F^conomlc and fensiv* this week was the biggeat the holdup. Asked what the rea-1 ^6-Quart Scotch Kettle. Quick-heating 7-heat A third hiLiband broke In: hi* circle of diareputablc pals, and ‘ be quarantine In this area since (Canttnued Prom Pag* One) .Summit street, to General Indus­ son was.\Papuaynaki said: “ I don 't; ruled ngalnat; further -txcupat tonal trie*, .Inc.^of Putnam. Social Qnincil, Ruasi* has an­ of all these “ laat battles'' of the TERMS “ Boy, that wa* my Aral wife. spend* more and more .time with J«n* »nd left the county lb* la.st car# to say." surface units end super-fast Rocket Unit. Top *l| right a lady' spider. ’ A bar­ them? i one in the state to he freed from deferment for John V. Beamer. .Jr., Americsn experts here, whose The sale marked the termina- nounced Its Intention of giving 4,- Korean war. Perhaps, therefme,' A fifth man. Ralph Maratea. 29. | floodlight. Full width storage drawer plus an nacle with vocal chord*. Bhi ^ "The only thing I can think of, "I the restricUve order preventing son of the Republican Congi ess- government is .sending half a bil-! whose roots go 000.000 rubles, or a million dollars.- It signalled that truce is clo.ser alio is charged with the holdup j man from Indiana. back to post-Civll War dav*. The EXTRA storage compartment at th# left of managed to ahiick off _.. all my j said on* panel member, “ I* for the •'"E farmer* from mM'ing their lion don.rs worth of military *u p -tp „in ,m firm has moved the ma- MORIARH BROTHERS to Ih* United Nation* Technical than ever before. but he is serving * prison term in' friend* but fail. I had to ad- I wife to go to work, save up enough ' pig" between coiinttM. A headquarters spokesman ss'.d, - .... connection with another robbery. I CEH01ISE&S0N It had been decided that th* case j fli'* annually to bol.rier France’s chinery from the former black- 315 CE.NTER STREET Assistance Fund for aid to un­ Unless w* have transmitted to the oven. Takes only 40" of floor space. Rag. mire the way sji* did it. But i dough to buy her husband a new A stats quarantine parallelling TEL. Ml-3-5135 Papiizynski and the three others | the federal order ha* also been lift- for deferment of Beamer was tool fight, also welcomed the declara- smith's shop at 12 William street derdeveloped area* during 1958. the Communists, for their exam­ ' " « N c.— II. after five lonely year* of admiring 1 car and hope he’ll take her riding will be sentenced upon completion ; $259.95. ; e”d everywhere In the county but weak for aubmisaion to the Pre.sl- lion m Paris last, night hv where th*; needle factory has been ination. our secret agreement WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS her 1 up and shucked her off, and In It Instead of hi* friends." This announcement aeema to of A pre-sentence report by th* j got me a new wife." i ------. I here, according to an official of dentist Appeal Board. I .’'favarie, new commander in chief located for the past 12 years. Sale price, listed on a biH of sale have aeveral aspacts. It la in. It­ with Rhee, they do have grounds U. S. probation officer.. OUR 100th ANNIVERSARY YEAR ‘•How’s she?" someone asked. I (Tomorrow; Veteran husband* ' the Slate Agriculture Department. Th* decision means th* 22-year- ' of French armed forces in the Far for their complaints. On the sur­ In his denials of the holdup, i The state, which has already old Indisnsn is subject to call for Fast. recorded yesterday in the town self a reveraal o f prevloua Bua- Papiizynski claimtM he was at an | “Oh. much better," he replied. | give June brMm 16 rule* for hap- clerk’s office, wa* $1,800 for the face, Rhee is not much more in “ She say* I am so hniisehroken hy pjr nuirriage.) I lost one court battle in an effort service next month. Back In France from his first sian policy, and therefor* wel­ all night party during th* time the j Beamer'a Indiana draft hoard j inspertion of the Indo-China fight­ machinery, raw materials, finished lin* than he has ever been; we I to force Ijiwler to comply with it* i come. It la, likawlaa, a Busalan holdup took place.* | , order. Is readying plans for *n- re«'ently reclassified him from 2-A ing fiont*. Navarre told th" and partly flniahed needle*. IT'S BENSON'S FOR propaganda move. In which Bua- were operating under aaaurancea Hia attorney, Benjamin Mark- PoBtal Rate Hike other and hi* turned the matter occupational deferment to 1-A, French diplnmstic press club onlv Lydall, who ha* -operated the from him when h* released th* mtn. produced aeveral witnesses over to the State's Attorney Oen immediately subject to the draft. ■'total independence " could get fuil' Arm for about 20 years, said he BiA by becoming a giver and a who swore they saw him at a party will seek another line of work. helper to other areas 1st the world, North Korean prisoners auid up­ Obituary . era! for study. He was ordered to report for in­ participation In the war hy the PORTABLE RADIOS in honor of th* independence of Delay, Anticipated duction July 27. Tpe needle company's principal proclaim* that ah* haraelf 1* not set th* truce about to he signed Poland, at th* home of hi* father French-aponsored governments of product was a type of felling Employer Appmla the three associated Indo-Chinese FEATURING then. If for no other purpose than in Springfield. needle u.«ed on inaulsting fell, an ‘'underdeveiopad araa." Since Beemer’s employer, Proctor A states of Viet Nam, Cambodia and to make ua repeat and repeat, In hie tastimony. Papuzynaki (OonMnnae Prom Pago One) leargcBt Railroad automobile felt and rug padding. PHILCO — RCA ~ VICTOR a usual phaae of the technical **■ glibly told how he had been a pri­ OeatliB Gamble Co., Cflncinnatt, appealed Laos. publicly, «jur own guarantee that Ordeha from over the nation were TAKE A GOOD RADIO ON YOUR VACATION TRIP! sistance program, aa participated vate detective, a radio announcer, tary of State Dulles and Attorney - I* I >• I the reclassiflcatlon. The company Ailed St the local plant. v other nations, ia the granting w* will he rasponsibl* for Rhee. a salesman, and was connected Genaral Brownell next Tuesday to Andrew Blen V tO n H O llflB tlO ll .^ C B r aaid Beamer. a graduate ef Tale's Engineering School, was a kaje ein. Shortly after the Civil War, the o f sckhUirshipa for atuidy, by peo­ tha CbmmunistS' ar* mure or less with an advertising firm after continue their aearch for a. com­ ■ Andrew Bleu; S3 South 'Item | - - manufacture -of needle# waa be- attending the Sprifigfleld College ploy* of a new plant at Sacramen­ Hospital Notes ple from'-\t he underdeveiopad compelled to question the altua- promise satisfactory to the. White atreet. died at the Maiichaater M a-1 Cleveland, July IT- -A*. Robert jgun her* by Henn.' Lyd*|),. .|n A BENSON'S, Inc, of Fine Aria. _ House. - 1------...... to, Oalif. It asked lhal he he ■urea*, in the nnjTsieltt*# o f th* tion.- - *- ■ mortal- HoapiUl thla morning, - r . Young's prediction- he wmifd I dVfeivid' at* "lekit "a feW-' month* * i building at the com er of Vernon Papiizynski wa.« once an em­ He said some progress had been I and L.ydall street*. The firm made Nevertheless, Washington theory after a long illness. ; control the New York Central svs- PATIENTB TODAY: IM participating natiofr.-,this Soviet ploye of the Bigelow-Sanford Car­ mad* in compromlae discussion H* was formerly employed at tern hv next summer look on new replacement cotild ADMITTED YESTERDAY: ’ knitting machine needles and wire act may lead to a pleaaarit jelaxa- seem* to be that Ih* Communists, pet Companv, th* firm he waa held off and on the past few Pratt and Whitney Aircraft until algniflcance today with announce- j i— i Herman Paascantel. 42 Hale road: j apecialtJe*. acciixed of robbing. 1950 tlon of the Iron .Curtain, a ' te- after making_their point, want CHEVROLET LONG week*. _____ IhisreUremantsevenyearaago. He.;ment of an agreement between Lester Miller, Rockville; Mra..L A nephew. William Ivould*. who laxstlon some, of couroe, will truce hsdiy enough and seriously Knnwiand lo iipBriiUt* i ^ fnemb«r of 8t. JemBR* NYC And Tounjt'R CliABApCAn^ St . e-rvire*^ Hearlmiartere Th» Dons McKee. IM Wadaworth ' hed been a needle rnanufacturei enough to sign it, even If It is far WHEEL BASf STAKE BODY how much the Senate may cut for-1 Church. I Ohio Rallw.y to work Jointly In ' 'llmeH i. Ind Thi street; Miss Elizabeth Cook. ,S62 •" England, waa a.«*nciated in the FOR SEPTIC TANK or Flew w"ith suspicion and a fear of Middle Ttimplke east: Mr*. Marie business. At one time th* bual- what such exchange itudents from perfect from their point of Remove the tMet oed you hove e heady piet- nextJuneeign aid fund* A House for the aonronriationV year ending "h* daughter. Mr*. Otl* Kles! senger car* i company fthen turned to 1 nstinlTlnational vtMacLean, , Vernon: Mrs. ------Alice nc»* emploved i • h so40 persons might absorb inside RuaslA view. Accordingly, In yesterday's NOTICE lubcommltte* Is renorted lo have of Manchealer; eight son*. Clifford I Toiing, boat d chairman of headquarters. Balrh, 2 Drive F: Kathleen John-. When Henry Lydall died, hia trues session, our negotiators re- form. WIN carry 4 tens. This truck km been com* rhoppedaimcommilte* the. aid is reported,n* measure li.IOO.- *, j Bieu^of Hartford, and nijEdward.____, An- ( I C.o A ei said••or here four month* .o-,ago I! The office of MaJ. Gen. [-ewi*I..ewl* B ; son. 23.3 Center street: Mr*.Mrs Nor- two sons. Walter and Edwin SEWER LINE CLEANING Finally, this Russian offer may 'afflrmed all our pledges, and, I liev* reopened my qo* 000.000 below th* aulhoriiatloni d ^ j^ L^roy. Kenneth. Robert and | a Federation o f ^ l l w t y Prog Herahey, (Jlreclor of Selective , m* K e e n e y. * Buckland: Paul I-ydall. operated, the firm which have some emharraaament for pietely reconditioned end is in eieeHent condition Service, last Mr,nday postponed | Csvcgnarn. RB Tanner street: Bar- "''"'sd t" the second without Issuing an ultimatum of reqe for general eute* hill of slightly more than five b ll-1 ftl*'*- A » of Mancheater, and' re«» meeting that neveland wtlh- United States policy, Juat as our lion*. K n^land said he did n o t ' Thomaa Bleu in th* U. 8. Army •" 10 year* would be headquarter* the local board's order for Beamer ry Pinto, 72 Whit* street: Mr*, "floor of the building at .52 .Main Call Manchester's Specialists any kind, urged the Communists threegheut. Vfa wM tcdie your eld truck in trode. to report for induction .Iiily 27. Lorraine Kennedy, 15 Waddeli ‘ street, which now bouses the present offer of food to the peo- inobile repoiring. think Onngresa would emsaculate "•’W serving ill,Korea; one brother, for the biggest railroad ronsollds- ro com* toward a decision. Since, Use eur'OMAC Rneneing for the balance. tion In the country. PnlitinU Furor road. 1 Carlyle-Johnson Machine Co. ple of F.ast Germany is supposed th* program. , i Anthony Bleu of New Haven, and Til* three-man Wabash Connie. on th* radio and In th* field, they Puelity work — remen* 1-ater he amplified the stale- ADMITTED T O D A Y: Mr* 1 f''tw sold oiit to a In The Business to embarrass Russian policy. Th* Knowland scheduled fbr Senate; •* «™ndchildren.' , ment by asserting he would have Iridiaiia, draft board, resigned in Marv Stmvell. North Coventiw^. 'Torrington company. but I. W, have made their laat phase points, possihllity Is that tha fact that action earlv next week a rontro-• eervlce. will- be 'held control of NYC in a year and con- protest. " t BTRTHS YESTERDAY: a son Lydall re-established * needle perhaps the Oommuniats will, verslal measure lo diipia* of R,U*sia 1* now going to cooperate Bolldate it with C. A O. in five Thla kicked up a political furor to Mr. and Mr*. Elliott Oliver, 2R business at the same location sev- government-owned aynthetlc rub-, ^ Qutah k uneral Home. 225 years. In recent years he hs.s Congressman Beamer said he' Goodwln place; a son to Mr. and ■ year* latter. McKin n e y BROTHERS in the UN technical assistance JOrS GARAGE her plants. Dcmocrata on the Seri-; •*'' etceet. and at 9 n clock In JOSF.PH F. THEN. Prop. ateadlly lncreaMd hi* holding* in ■ had never intervened in hi* son's Mrs. Pater Perairtt, Rockville; ' program may diminish support in Inolationiiit Innue ate Banking rommltte* wrote *!•••• Jaioe*' Church. Burial wSt he NV^C. i son to Mr. and Mr*.'3R«bert Benito. - SEWAGE DISPOSAL CO. the American Congress for th* 222 McKee S(.,— MI-9-58.12 highly rrUlcal report on the , bill;'h James' Cemetery, The two carriers . announced Selective Service Headquarter* .72 Deerfield drive; a daughter to : HoSC 1..0. iNo. S c l On Wednesday in the Senate CARTER 1 and said they would press for aev-! The funeral home will he open same program. That support ha.x ysaterday in a Joint statement by said the postponement waa order Mr. and Mrs., Ihnejrson. .Dumore. Expert workmanship. Hundreds of aatiafled borne o v n e n And sral amendments. ___ _ I for__Ih* convenlenci^ of friends ed only-to -ailow tim* for Beam- doxens of ladnstrial firms who call u* for sewage disposal prob­ not* been too warm, in any case. *-1'.^.-^*'^’^. of Isqlatlonism had their..praaidanta ibat they-would 126 Charier dale street. favorite kind of Issue and it* KnoWland conceded there would "Sunda.v evening" uhtii the work together on the passenger er's file to reach Washington. BIRTHS'TODAY ; a son to Mr For Annual Ou.ting lems will testify they can ALtVAYB rely on McKiniiey BroUMr*. Now there xrill Inevitahly be some CHEVROirr CO., INC. hour of th* funeral. chance to wdn on thst Issue hy be ''some conaiderahle" dlacusaton car problem. ’ Headquarters asked for the file in anji Mr*. Roy Ranch. Glaston­ W * also Install aeptle tank systema and sewer tinea. Congressmen to whom Russian on the floor over the bill and that The two executives said the rail­ order to determine'whether the de- bury; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ber­ mustering only a one-third vote, TEL. MI-9-523S Annual outing of Hose C om -; participation la a kiss of death 311 MAIN ST. ''some amendments might he adopt­ road Indiistr}' lost more than a c^|lons hy th* county and stale nard Fahev, Rockville. and It failed. But It failed only af- bo* I’d* merited reconsideration by pany No 1. South Manchester touch for the whole program, and ed. ’ ■Tickets Available half million dollars last year In DI.SCHa'RGED YESTERDAY. ter the direct intervention of Also scheduled for action the hauling passengers, mall, baggage t*’' Presidential Appeal Board, Mary Mielkc. Rockville; Mrs. Sue Fire Department, will be held our own- record of international Saturday at the Cheney cottage President Eisenhower. first of next week is a bill to set and express. They believe their! Sr'ertlv* Service Headquarter* Howard. 346 Keeney street; Mrs. cooperation and effort may suffer, up an individual Small Business For Doiibleheader pooled research on' equipment fle-! '>** Jio authority to change a local In Marlborough. The issue was ratification of a Mildred Bailey. Ellington; Thomas tmnirslly, because Russia has be- adminiftratlon ISBA) and lay sign may bring a solution to this , hoard's reclassification. It can Farrente. 51 Fsiknor drive; Mr.t. Buffet luncheon will he ^ served rv ed section of the North Atlantic Floor Sample - Discontinued Patterns starting at 10 a m. A full cour.se . gun to Imitate it. plana for dlssoliition of the Recon- Steward Charles Tucker of the operating problem. only determine whether or not to •fane Crockett, 4 West atreet; Mrs. Woodland steak dinner will be served at 6 Treaty under which American et ruction Finance Corporation. Army and Navy Club reports that Neither railroad would say their! highest j .Hasting*. 181 North Main F.ven'^ without this Russian o f­ Th* Hmiae has passed rubber p.m. troops stationed abroad, in terri­ Prove To Yourself dfl^^r^SBl •Region’ irm^^ *t.udy 1. aimed .1 bringing ! i street; Mr*. Mildred Uriano. 10.3 Members planning to attend fer. American policv on the chan- tory of our allies, would be sub­ ^ form, th.n hifor. are availableevallabi* for Sundsy'iSunday'a Intointo reality a longtime deirtre by |j „ I"-.,street; Philip Kuhn! An- • neling of aid to other countries must make their reservation* by Gardens a !n lil ‘^ '“ ’^•idoubteheader at th# Polo Ground. Toung to put on rail* a completely !{P crt ih r memh!l« I•-'••'•n'’ Rickards. 2 ject to the jurisdiction of foreign ROOM SIZE RUGS the Senate. I v .w VorW >h. n i ...... a n.w tv o. » . . . . r e . r ! he will try to. get the member* | 7:30 tonight at the hose hou.se. through the United Nstion* I* New York, between the Gjant* and new typ* poaaenger train known to reconsider their resignations nr Bolton road: Paul Kri.stoff. 232 *vil courts for off-duty offense*, Much of the Senate’* work be­ Milwaukee Bravan, .Spring Stteel; Paul Knipen. 16 currenll.v suffering some embar­ WENTWORTH DOORS tween now and the end of tha a* Train X. win appoint a new board. rather than to the exrluaive EXPERT WATCH Price of the ticket Include* Train X, aa planned by Kenneth Ridgefield street; Mias Friedeborg rassment* of its own. This is due month will he taken up on appro­ I jurisdiction of Amenesn military f X 12 ft, Reg. S41.50 Blue Scroll Needle-felterl (ilamoriig . .19 95 priation bill* to run the goyem- round trip train reservation and A. Brown. C. A O. research di­ Thnren. 224 West Center atreet; to the fact thst there ia some­ Florida I-ime Juleps LET US FILL YOLU court*. REPAIRING Havt All TIm FuturM You Waut Most 9 X 12 ft. Reg. $41.50 Beige Scroll Need1e-felfe:.h)ch would b*. * siibject to- the -Jiirrsdirttpn *oC FU-' e PNEUMATIC DOOR Cl.(>SER WITH "BUILT-IN . - 9 X 12;fL £cg..$86.5a.Green Medallioo Hand Hooked CottoirT.. , .'.TS; 60 sort of Point Four program under DEWEV-RIGHIIAN ^^rom 'lob "“FreJf.ij, Nfehoi* and Margaret lied cqiirts, but that allied men in SHOCKAB^RBER , x' 9 X 12 ft. Reg. $86.50 Black Medallion Hand Hooked Cotton ...... 75, charge. the United Nations. 7«i MAIN ST. .50 H. Nichbl* to_ John J.' Baldyga OPEN DAILY TO 9 P. M. this rountr.v should be suhjert to | *9 X 12 ft. .Reg. $86.50 Beige Geometric Hand - Hooked'(kittop . . . and Dorothy'M;:BaMyga, property • TWO d o u b l e STRENGTH GLASS INSERTS 50 . . Of-. IQiner A.-Wedan,, Jr;.;^“‘of, __ Our;- .aaibarrasai»nnt - -on.- - thi* the ~ jimBdHithNv oF -Amertran't 9 X 12 ft. Reg; $95.30 Green Tone-oti-Tone Axmirmter-Rroadlrmm .76, atreet,’— NNE PHflllMAliY eW-SrrS EXTRUDED Al.UMINtTur CONSTRUCTION:' 50 ,firooWleW fteaet-Kko, -o^i^veitta-iittd • Ewnaw jcnih minx 94*’ SehooL-Bti'oetf--MTw.- '-■T-'. leeue.'Menw^ftnm the- fart-that'. •rriur^. It w*a*"qriite aimpie. Oiie! ■ ‘ 9 if’T2 ft.'Reg. $89.50 Green'Leaf Tone-oniTone Axhilhster ".. . .".V‘. .76! THROUGHOUT ,95- serving ptiUi tha Atom Energy Gararentn to Francis E. Bnrlow, T3VO MINOR ACnnENTS Hannah W'illiamaon, Boltmi; Louis I ' 'C»urm.»;W4 ' Preaident Elsenhower, in hia peace rule for ourselves a rule coheed-1 9 X 12 ft. Reg. $92.'60 Rose Leaf Embo.ssed Axminster Broadinom , . .78 50 Casualty Oommisaion at Nagasaki, e SURE-CATCH LATCH property at 60 Spring street. IRISH THEATER HIT Botti, Bush Hill read. ' apeech of April 16, fully favored ing privileges. Aoother rule for 9x12 ft. Reg. $116.50 Green Leaf Embossed Axmin.ster Rroadloom . .79 ,60 Japan, for over two years, flew Roger H. Aronson lo Robert G. ■ Police today reported two minor NOW (S THE TIME such an idda, and pledged that, th hoine and ia spending his furlough our allies * rule denying them ; • THREE STAINLE.SS STEEL HINGES 9 X 12 ft. Reg. $91.50 Ja.simine Gold Spatter-Da.«h Axmin.ster ...... 79 .50 Baker and Juliet D. Baker, pro|ier- •accident* yeaterday. neither of • RelfaaL Norttien* Ireland, an era of peace and diaarmament, with hja-mother at the Weden cot­ ty on Gardner atreet. whl.ch rsaulted in arreata or in­ TO PLACE YOUR ORDIR FOR the ssnie kind of privilege. j • TWO ALCLAD ALL-ALUMINUM, NON-CORROSIVE 9 X 12 ft. Reg. $117.76 Rose Twist Vielvet Rroadloom ...... 8 7 .25 tage at Giant's Neck. July 17—uPi— A bomb was this nation would Join in the cre­ Green Manor Estates, Inc., to juries. throwa early today ia toe back . The Isolationists saw nothing ; .SCREEN IN.SERTS. 16 x 18 MESH 9 X 12 t i l Reg. $117.75 Green Twist Velvet Rroadloom ...... !! .87 .25 Dr' Weden 1* a lieutenant with At .4:30 in the afternoon, a car ation of such a fund. But our Howard Elliott Mohr and Shirley of a Barnbridge' movie twHiae wrong with this. In fart, they j 9 X 12 f t Reg. $105.50 Green and Gray Modern Textured Axminster 89.60 the U. S. Navy, which ha* assigned P. Hohr, property on Vernon belonging to Charles Karkovich. State Department has consistently • EMBOSSED ALUMINUM LOWER PANEL . him to take a spacial course in where toe Britlah corowatlno We re the liked it. ir represented the exact i 9 X 12 ft. Reg, $105.50 Beige Textured Axminster Rroadlikim...... 89.50 atreet. ^ 42, of 183 Maple atreet, rolled film. ".A .gueea I* Crowned," Is AMESITE opposed sny such program, and • RUST-PROOF STAINLESS STEEL SCREWS radiation biology at Reed Oollege, away after Karkovich had i>arked way-they would like to have thN 9 X 12 f t Reg. $105.50 Gray Leaf Patterned A.\m,in.ster Rroadloom 89 .50 G«ll-(3alm Deed* being ahown tonight. 7%e toeo - 1 apparently still doea. e ADJUSTABLE CONTOUR NEOPRENE SWEEP PnrUand, Ore. He expact* to Harlan H. White to Marion U it In front'nf hi* house for a few Authorized Headquaiteis country op*rale in' the world. 9 X 12 f t Reg. $106.00 (2) Woodtone Modern T^xtUrod Axminster . .89 .50 I*qv* for ' th* West Coast minutea, and wound up against a ter wna empty nt the time and A* a raeult, our cepreaentative WAIKINS Lane, property on Grove atreet. bnrt. '■ On Tueaday, it looked as if Hie • ROTHSgJ. m e. 9 X 12 ft . Reg. $112.00 Aqua and Brown Modern,Textured Axminster 94 .25 . about July 23. Hartford Electric Light Com­ tel*|ihona pole n*Ar Sprues attreet. DRIVES •t Geneva has had to take two Dr; Weden was loaned by the Pollc* who examined the car isolationists, who got a one-third FUNERAL 9 X 16.9 f t Reg. $121.50 Multi-Colored Hooked Pattern Axminster . ,9 5 .60 I ' pany to Alexander Jarvia, proper­ PRRMIF.B'S WIFE DIF,S . stands in the same speech —the vote for th* Bncker amendment, 9 X 12 f t Reg. $131.26 Greige Plain Chenille-type Axminster .. Nav)’ to th* Commlaalon and for ty bounded by West Center street aaid its hand brake was In good • EFFICIENT g u a r a n t e e d *5 9 ^ ..96 .25 working order. Patrolman Alfred one Preqident Eisenhower's stand a* it lost, mig^t be able to defeat SERVICE 9 X.12 f t Reg. $122.95 Gray Scroll Uncut Pile Axminster ..... Jg monttu was in charge of a end Hartford road. . laindoa. July 17—iFi— Prague RELIABLE WORK , MACHINE SPREAD . . 98 .50 clinic In Nagasaki, staffed by Marriage Uonase R ll^r Investigated the accident. in favor of such'a fund—and the the treaty itself, whe.r* a two U c W l O I 9 X 12 ft. Reg, $14.3.00 Beige Leaf Tone-on-Tone Axminster ... Tne othtr GccidDnt occurred on Radio nanonneed today the POWER ROLLED ..98 .50 Japanese doctors, to keep check Evan Lawn. Center Sandwich. other th* U tas^gut* Department thirds vote in the effirihstive is OnsuR XWm PHONE)M|.9.5253 East Center atreet near Summit death o f Mrs. Marie Nejedlya. 9 x 12 ft. Reg. $110.00 Beige, Green and Brown Hooked Design, on atomic casusitlaa. An avaragt N. H„ to Marguerite Bailey Kelly, wife ,ef Vice Premier Zdenek WE HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT argument for o p t i n g it, which -la required. Then s letter from Presi­ Axminster ...... J...... ' of SO patiants a day hsv* been Colchester, at 9:03 laqt night and Involved ..9 4 95 car* driven by John Oofield. 24. of Nejedlya ef CzeehoolovaUa. She_ LINE AND KNOW HOW—DON’T DELAYe-CALL TODAY to aay that the tim* U not ripe Open 7 A. M. te 5 P. M. Including M’edncMla.v Afternoons examined, and much valuable BulMIng PeymlU dent Eisenhower, warning that 9 X 12 ft. Reg. $265.00 Rose American Oriental Reproduction !•! .219 .00 Glastonbury, and Mrs. Estelle R. wa* 73. for iL Th* fundamanUl difference, failure to ratify would constitule medical data collected, which ia For alterations and additions to aad Saturdays Until Noon 9 X 12 ft.-Reg. $298.50 Red American Orienfai Reproduction . . . .23 9 Lappen, 46. o f 59 Branford street. TERMS UP TO 34 MONTHS however. Is not one of timing. It is .50 availabi* to'all doctors. dwellings to Wallace Parctak for RED OFFirES RAIDED STORE HOURS: s ««tl.v set-back to uS in our rela­ Before going to Nsgssaki, Dr. Supernumerary Patrolman Wal­ that Preaident Eisenhower ia big Manchester Rooflng and Siding ter Gutomer investigated. tion* with our allies, waa read. Weden was stationed at a 200- Co. at M6 Chestnut atreaL 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Daily PLACE YOUR FREE enough to eee that the way to Sydaqy, . Jaly 17— The next day. th* treaty' itself hed Army Hospital at Saaebo. HU ll.MO; Francis B. Covill* at 72 U>W c o s t HOMES VOTED (j>i— Mare than 49 plalwelatoeo- (iive Green ORDER NOW ESTIMATES faulid up th* United Nations is to parenta flew from Bradley P3eld Oakwood road, MOO; Lawrence was ratified by a voU of 72 to 15, nMeLELiMlilYaL mea raided Caa— aalit afficeo Stamps uaa it and to honor it and (hat comfortably more than a two- WATKINS to Toltyo last summsr to vtslt Dslorilii at S»-58H School atreet, -3%'aaklagtoM. J«iy In Sydney today. They aalxed Btate Department thinking, on the their son. H* Waa horn* on leave In ISO. Renalei-HatiBe oaaferMa on n flleo mmt doranaenta fa what third* majority, with atn* Repub­ 4 ManektiU February. MHeksll 9*7 BUILDING MATERIALS To John Steiner for alterations goyernmeat afflelals aald was a other hand, wants tha labal on our licans and six Democrats con­ multl-ng*aM>y nppreiprUtton MU C. J. MORRISON FAINT and THOMAS COLLA and additions to a garage at 310 voted today to permit too start aearch t . r evidence af dork good «Mds to be '*U. g.'' and net stituting tha die-hard oppoaitkm. or MIteksH 3-RA06 LUMBER FUEL CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS — JULY AND AUGUST Big aleter'a hoy friend always Bush Hill road. 1100. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 142 E u t Center St. of M,flee new low-reat littollo atrlkr roaaairaeleo aad effarta to WALLPAPER STORE •VS.” Aad it ia quiU likely that PreaideBtial prestige and preeaure aesm* to arrive just when It'a tong To Harry Clagg for a two-car boMlag nnlto lit to* imrrewt o m PHONE MANCHESTER. Mf.9.1224 IM N. MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER TEL.MI-9-flSS frastrate arMlrslIee a S65 CENTER 8T— TEL. MI-9-97M tlM StMta Departweat, ta t u view. eairOd the day—tMa Hma. Manchester goat kid brother's bedtime- garage at 4S AfllUge.atr^rt. flJOO. panr. . - .-• I . V.S'*s ^

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JtJLY 17, 1963 PAGE NINE ■S5T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1963 PAGEEIQHT mph. /nie Air Force Strom of ■fll OoedwlR street toll Mldweat, North snd Smith tcrlM r loOiiinrTM~Mesn far th* opentns Sabre Jet TopR cTsTuied' a ' new ' Los Ahgel^-fta'ti' iikniple Umlecided^ CIULnibef bf CbMiniNie offlciair show and to hear a transcription BY FONTAINE FOX FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Franr-tsoo air epeed record.-'^ yesterday they wanted more Umt TOONEItyiLLE FOLKS They have been pourjjig Intp the of u welcoming address by Presi­ Old Speed Mark The jet, with Capt. Craig Kel­ to decide. 7,000-acre campelte on the ahorea dent Blaenhower, who la honorary On Bermuda Trip ler. 30. San Carlos, Calif., at the Although no alternative hat Sense and Nonsense of the Pacific since last Sunday president of the Boy Scoiila of controls, covered the distance In An«w«r to Prtyiou* Puislo Jamboree City, Calif., July IT— been arranged, but the committee jHid today virto'ally every boy ex­ America, He waa invited to the (Oantimsad from Peg* One) exactly 29 minutes from 1-ockhaed The winner* of th* "Afanchaater 1 ^ After five daya of ■ prellml- pected waa on' hand for the fleg jamboree but found he waa un­ decided to give the Youngetrom's Music Ltsson E Air Terminal,.Burbank. Daya” round trio plane ticketa to a check for the price o f the tick­ homeopathic medicine case who narici and happy chaoa a pattern raising ceremonies that made the able to leave Washington for an worked out. We’re . progressing r a a 'N* T H A I appeal-knee here; Vice Praaident TTie previous record 'for the 324- Bermuda and fioio In caah are atlll et* and let them decide on tUe trip passed the house every day. of order and purpose emerged here opening official. faal.” mil^ flight 33 minutesi was set ACKOflS DOWN When junior w u ■ little ISd, he Richard Nixon haa accepted an in­ undecided'If they will be able to to their owm advantage. The family kept a sharp lookout, today as the third national jam­ Originally, Scout offlclata an­ Asked how |t feltr to make such by sn Air Force F80 Shootini; make the flight. , I Slnfing voice ■eld to ua; "Say, mom and dad— , boree of the Efcy Scouta of Amer­ vitation to spefck at' the jamboree TTie prisa did'not consist of any 1 Used to play a and whei\ he earns along called him nounced that attendance would ap­ a speed flight, ) tiw colonel said, Star Jet fighter In Mr. end Mrs. Albert R. Young- JLeive'out the other kida all have a pet, I'd ica waa officially opened. proximate 50,001) Scouta and lead­ convocation Sunday evening. length of stay In Bermuda. viuliii like to have a dog . . . you bet!” In. The ahow tonight, with 7,000 "the opportiinity to attempt to CO*'®' ..■I "There's no 3 Lake flower It waa a great day for the thoii- ers. BuL eatimatea have now been I laid the Evening Hoot aside and The young lady modestly railed •ands upon thousands of Brouta In Scouta taking part on the huge break a record la a very exciting pine* like 4 Aldl her akirta and ahow-ed the disabled scaled down' to approximately 4.9,- gated upon our joy and pride, and this vast tent city. Many o f them 000. stage, wilt depict in pageant and occurrence. Juat like any pilot RS! USED CARS! USED CARS' ’52 FORD 5 Wind laid:.. "A dog la lota of care , . member. song some of the outatandlnc who had worked on an airplane, I instrument eorjmped and saved fo r month* to Tonight, the Scouts will mass In He cried: "I'll tend to him—I Th-i young man looked at It and scenes in American history. l,.anny vms real'eager.” Instruiitent 4 Anchored ■wear. I'll flx hie food and take Rosa will Bing the ."Star Spangled He haa been testing Sabres since CONVERTIBLE ,C2?- 7 Abstract being said: ^ 4 12 Eucharistic him out: (I'm gonna name him Young man—That certainly la Banner" and other songs. early mpdeja began rolling off the ! TAINTOR PONTIAC BUYS OF THE WEEK Rbwk with tan top, white wsll wine cup *• Merchants’ line. 26 Give forth 42 Became larger Runabout). And every week. I'll quite serioua. Another big event will be the Uree, radio, healer, Fordomatte. 13 Black guild' wash him swell; so that he'll never "Hollywood Salute to Scouting" To the SO observers on the aun- ,0M mllee. 5 War god of 27 Doors in a 43 Mother of Young lady- Well, what ahall I 14 Operatic solo . . . never smell." The wlfey looked in the big arena TTieaday evening. bakgd beach of soutKern Califor­ r-1 1953 CHEVROLET 1950 CHEVROLET Cicece floor Pollux do? nia's Ballon Sea, the pow-erfiil 19 Rest 44 Tart at me and smiled: "A dog la good BROWN Bob Hope and Art Linkletter are 2-DOOB SEDAN 10 Get up 2S Network for any chltd.^ AWd w Tw ellbl the Young man If I were you, 1 actiedined to be masleri o f cere- Sabre^ with the swept-back wings -Bel-Atn Drirrn nnLv 3060 mllN. C A \ / C is Slackness 29 Aiabian gulf 46 Heraldic band Very Cleaa. Radio aad II Ago boy a hound, whose ears could al­ would aend for a physician. aped by like an arrow fallowed by 18 Mure nearly 3t Engraver 47 "Beautiful monies and others to appeal- in­ DncomUtlonal *0 day guarantae. ▼ E 17 Birds of prey most bnish the ground. For quite Young lady—But rah you not clude Denny Kaye, George Mur­ the roaring sound of Its jet engine Heater ...... $1195 pcipendicular 3.7 Short jackets ——" BEAUPRE 19 Remove a week the boy wag good, and did attend to It? phy, Jane Powell, Debbie Rey­ trying vainly to catch up. Barns ’S f O L D J 'H r 38 Cure 48 Bows the head just what he said he would. And Young man Not very well. 1 nolds, Johnny Mack Brown, Prea- made each-of hia trips at about 1941 Rorket engine, color black, 4- 40 Moves briskly slightly t'hen-«hU intereat. went to pot; am »-plano-tuner. - BEST ton B'pater and .Jimmy Wakely, 100 feet ajtUuda. , 1950 . door, hydramatte, ram*, heater^, 41 Genus of geeieSOiAccompHshed' CHEVKOLET poor Runabout was quite forgot. Whfie the broad program ' un- . Rome experimental planes have - PoRfioc 6 ■eat cbvera. MinviMr and dlreo> Thf;..wife,.and l. w o u ^ walk..the made ^faster flights, Uia apaediest 4rDOOR tJonal Klipial*. 24 Feilive—..— A -flaherman at aemon- FreneSi BUYS -.UlA- ill(llvl4usl' ftfltAvHtWW Of! D ' Onmptehs'motor ..T u lor sedan, blacjk.-- 26 Sacred image r“1 5 1 \ i hound (he'd always i-hooae our smaller scale still make up an im­ 'yal ''ahiibunced 'being the 1,238 r“ whlte wall tires. hooked a big carp, but hia line mph set by Bill Bridgcman In a overhaul. 27 Musical neighbors' ground!) We flxed hta snapped. He jumped into the water portant part of the jamboree. syllable 1 ■H food, we cleaned his house; we Navy Skyrocket launched from w and seized the end of the line with mother B-29. 30 Gets up searched his hide for tick and his teeth. The line wound around Britain haa universal .^ military q louse. And junior's became our conscription for a two-year period. But no operntional aircraft has 32 Gazed the flaherman'a neck and started $695 $1395 Cam i*n Nt* UfMM.lomw. flown awlfter than the Sabre over ’50 C H E V Y 34 Entrances own. M y'wifey smiled; "W e might to choke him. Another angler Ash­ • R have known."—Karl Flaster. the sustained cunditiona Imposed lux^ t ’dfbir, hlark Hlth rib- ‘On* of thd** bill* I* for $75 for that l*mp"*o you can 39 Landed P ing nearby Jumped In, rescued ths by the Federation Aeronautlqiie 1946 PONTIAC dlo and h^atrr. property man and pulled in a husky carp 1950 PONTIAC read th* bills easier!” « R A very pretty young woman Internationale. TTie plane must TUDOR 7 - r r - 5 3 36 Plaything weighing almost 14 pounds. P slipped and fell on the stone steps make four passes over the^course, New paint, radio and t TUDOR 37 Mongrels IN 8 nA. w 1953 CHRYSLER WINDSOR\CLUR COUPE two tn each direction to offset 39 Uncipse In front of her father's house, heater. Flee ear for Radio, heater, p spraining her knee. She disliked Filling out an application for de­ Kadio, heater, power steering, tinted glnaa. A real henii- W'Ind effect. The craft also must tho price, hydramatic. OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE 40 Biblical v~ p D O N ^ T U tifiil car. Rig savings. Rxtra good trades. sta.v below 500 meters'(1,640 fact) doctors, bill the knee Anally grew pendent's aid. the soldier answered BY J. R. jynJ.IAMS pronoun w OUT OUR WAY so bad that she was persuaded to "no" to the question as to whether at all llmca after takeoff and be­ ’50 M E R C U R Y WHAT. HE'6 ALL t 41 Also FT~ w low 100 meters (323 faet) while Dark green, 4-door, radio, heat­ OK AV r call In medical advice. She wouldn't he had any dependents. 1951 OLDSMOMLE CONV. CLUR COUPE $395 VtXJ KEEP ME DiS .$PEClES^ 42 Look fiercely have this doctor or that one, but Officer You're married, are you over the course. $695 er, overdrive and sent covers. E6AD,LAU6HiM (6 THIS THEiR ' m 4 6 a a handkerchief as her husband Exclamation ’ A P I G I K □ ANYTHIWfi- I ^^7 m e et a n ONEReCOWN Radio, healer, extra good tires, new seat rovers, (iood r|iced by. a i n t o r o n t i a s n c HOME.' KUS M^PLATTERSl) LE65 p BY DICK TURNER T P C I . ’51 D LD S ‘H r 92'Seyisc CARNIVAL bu,v mi this one. 1 au&T—^ I^ V c o w h a n d N A M E O OUTOPJ i ^T^^^AOOt^NO iT" A Meanwhile a new F»4C Starflre 155 CENnRST. ■ BiSOri M«PLATTERS 93 uhpccupied let fighted sped yesterday from MANCHESTER Rocket • engine, Znloor, light . TheiR flECkiS green, hydramatic, pieat covers, A N D T H E M IN A WINDSOR 94 Disencumber k b N * 1950 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR DE LUXE A P O K E ! Burbank to Hamilt'bn Air Force 99 Little masses radio, direction algnaU, healer. T A K E O n a l l KNOT.' Healer, good Urea. One owner clenn car. Base at sn average speed of 670 USED CARS! USED CARS! USED CARS! C / . 98 Ccloier K~ K fl 97 Distress signalt 1. 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DOOR Dark blue, radio, beater, fliildmatlc drive. You muat try BUGS BUNNY this. OLDMMCO ’46 PA C K A R D t ^ 1949 CHRYSLER C L M COUPE* ------“ 2,106. 2-door.maroon, whlto W IL L , ^ BLOWINS SOUP IS ■ t wall tires, radio aad healer aad WHY DONTT UNCOUTH AND . llpatrr, n«*w M«t rovFm, extra tireH. One owner D I L I ^ R ★ SOLlMEKEi^ ■eat gpvers. thib s o u p « y A S L O tv UNAUWNBNLYt I’ar. Riiy uiiri a rfde. TOO M o r p l e a s e t u r n Y ^ 3 0 / | 1947 Db SOTO c u s t o m 4-DOOR SALlBS and SERYICE White tlreft, radio, heater, ditrk o%\ner rar. --FORD-- Is F irst 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE LUXE 4-DOOR Hli^n ymr<»nf* of our late- ’51 FC R D V miNlrl iiiM-il rarw you knou' uhat 319 MALN .S T R ^ ^ t .MANCHESTER Gleaming black, de luxe 2-door det hlHelc. radio, heater, new hattery, fof»d tlrea. Ona you*rr . . . It Un't like w'lth oeat covers, radio, heater 7-iT owner rar. To Drop Used buying A *'plK In * pokeV* and overdrive. l-^rh vmr In m ’omlltloned end ( _ JE LL rarrlrn our fiPU >riir dral«*r Kiiar> 1950 PONTIAC S£ Sa SV imtee your aKmmiiK'e of qual­ Car Prices To j r w a .V'A'j: eOC U5 * ity even niter you buy! 6 SE D A N TH6 jeESiSWAnOM Hydramatic, radio, heater. Atop by ft06>fi. KxnmlBe tbi^ee Excellent condition. *1395 ’46 D C D G E S|,ectal; IBIR Packard Club Se-J brautleo. They're kniM’kouta—^ Pre-War Level! IJgbt green 2-door, fluid drive, BEST BU Y eneh <»ne nlmovt like new! ALLEY OOP Company BY V. T. HA61LIN dan—New |wlnt, radio, heaier.I plastic neat covers. Clean. OF THE WEEK C'!eun all the way. Special price.I Termn to fit your bmlcrt. Owing to the demand of the new ’5.3 Dodge car*,, XCM4T«Er TH' STUFF I CDTTA SO 1950 FORD trade-ins have been at an all-time high. We have at pres­ OWCRfauNT, . THROUSH T ' s e l l a a ent one of the beat selection of lined ears in Conn. There­ HEWUP10 TWO-Bit Bo w l \ MeChiro Hudson fore all imed cars in ntock arc marked down to rock bot- HtMinSMEO NOOOOOI -I O' SOUP IS C LU B CO U PE BNCEOOPM4D BANTM vrm ef 3-eyl, Radio, beater, new toBi prices. Some have been reconditioned. Others we are ’50 M E R C U R Y BOP LEFT THB L Low Cost Specials paint. »1150 juut to busy to get at them been tone o f our new car de­ Light greau, 2-door, equipped kseeOURlW Btt •m liveries. Any of these cars may be bought as traded at with overdrive, heater and back­ M-pomruNON up lights. 70f0UU^7>«C wholesale prices on the best of terms. Compare these VEUOMrrONE BROWN-BEAUPRE ears and^ prices. See for yourself when you spend at INCOePQBAIlO 1951 DODGE 1950 •4BEARCHOP Solimenc’s. you save money. THEBSaULOUB BMaroFTviE 3 0 BISSELL ST. • TEl. MITCHELL 9-5234 CORONET SEDilN CHEVROLET Radio, henter. R.vronuitlr. drix’e. HMUN6MU0 MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT : 4-dodr, Styleline de luxe, w i m o i M leow mltenf^, heater. „ ' *m- nw w su Spnta. ta. 4-do6r, black, radio, heater, 1951 Kaiser 4-Door Special $1167 rovers. Ctesui. "Hers we heyt tn unepeiled spot .of primitiy* eherm— they RADIO AND HEATER. hiven't learned to oxpeet more than a 10 per cent tip!tip!'* 1948 PONTIAC liliik 1948 BU1CK 1951 Dodqe 2-Door smn R.ADIO A.ND HEATER. CHRIS WELKIN. PUaetcci Private Trip BV RUSS WINTERBOTHAM Radio, heater, h.> dramalle. SUPER BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Junt in Time BY EDGAit MARTIN C'onvertiblA Club C'^Hipe. ’47 P C N T IA C * 8 9 5 t-diMir gray, new' paint, radio, a h ! IN celtrnt condition. IDE HAVE ^ WE 4HALL ECXkET WEVE C L O ^ D “SAFE-BUY’’ 1951 Chevrolef 4-Door beater and spotlight. INTD ^PACE -RJOETHER.. FOR THE NI6HT STARLIT 1 VT-S-ONN-H ,\T N S " x f s \ Z etH MOMfcV - TO v w C & IT'S DOS! TOO RADIO AXD HEATER. ^VEN WELkm 1951 STUDEBAKER - t AND AMA1ZA Birr F IR ^ T I MU4T TO THE PUBLIC, ^PACE ^HEXL otvoev*. tAhwiD wxnc>Hyt ,« i0 0 k » OOOO ^ BB UNABLE OW.VNl’.W'S THE «LIP, fN ^ E A K t o THE FA8E...Jl>$T G O L D III LAND TO R E ’itS'T CRUISER 1950 Chevrolets PEAK... MANAdrER! BRINCiTNELAPy TfLVt^ IKATH VtTTLt USED GARS 1951 FORD ABOARP AND WE'LL ME! VtWViWt Heqler, hydramatic. 2 AND 4 DOOR DE L l’ XE. NOW COM&5- I ’ rl«-ed »'ery low. THE PIECE PO O C H tS- ' PICKUP ’49 O LD S 99 PE BE^^TANCC FOR BARE-FREE SUMMER DRIVINB De , luxe f»b . 3 cyL Very 1950 Plymouth Club Coupe $995 2'daor, minviiutr. radio, beater, OF THE clvan. >1030 aew seat covert, npolllglit, vent BLACK. EVEHIN6 1951 HUnSON T/iis Week^s Specials TUnOR 1950 Plymouth 2-Door $895 Radio, heater, overdrive. __ RADIO ANto HEATFIR. rjr r ^ 1950 Dodqe 4-Door ’50 FO N D 8 1951 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDANEHE 1966 CHEVROLET $1195 New maroon paint, de luxo f- DeCORMIER MOTORS SAYS: RADIO AND HEATER—BLACR. .Vlarmia. Radio, beater, Powergllde: C l A O IS door with radio and heater. A ResU Bargain! ...... STATION WARON PRISCILLA’S POP Father’a Little Helper BY a L VER.MEER Radio, healer. Very clean. There Is No Substitute For 1949 Dodqe 4-Door Special $887 MICKEY FINN Reaiion Enodxh! LANK LEONARD RADIO AND HEATER. so I GOT RID 1951 MERCURY 6-PAS. SPORT GOUPE Quality and These Are OF THE FLY._ANO MOUHWf NOT W HteSBEPfTHArSINi aersNCKNona ynttHT* O K ITS G O M 10 BE WELL-AH-IJUCT Radio and heater. New Urea. 1950 FORD CUSTOM ’52 O LD S 91 NOW POP'S BEEN -TOLOMOtOF ^ N M U M A -ID S E E ^ Wl AKMWS KAOT-NWTM NMDfRRAu DOCTOR WANT TO MAKE !-tone beige and blai-k t o p ...... $1695 1948 Plymouth 4-Door $695 J S L C E P jN q iM K ME Gofy 9NE acAcn NNEN asebay m r a m m f - A N O m S T G lA P , SURE THAT MCAROO TUDOR SEDAN Quality Cars RADIO AND HEATER. ----- — • — MOOGNnKARNMBASAMf WOUCANTAKEnC MXSNOTKKP HOLIDAY CPL Radio, heater. TWE IOGOWITNUbt WW OUT TOO LONOl 1953 PACKARD ^ Two tone gray, low mileage, 1949 CHEVROLET % TON PICK-OP 1948 Chevrolet Sta. Wagon $645 fully equipped. An Immaculate Blue inUnt. Juat like brand new. Fully e.|ulpped. COAOC Taken la trade for a new Wtllys...... FTill Price Y » | i| !>>w mjleage. $795 1948 PACKARD 1948 Ford 2-Door $637 jV TUDOR 1952 WiLLYS 4-WHEa DRIVE JEEP RADIO AND HEATER—BiJiCK. ' Equipped and just like new. 1946 OLDS 2-DOOR SEDANETTE Radio and heater. . j Full Price $1395 Radio, healer, 1947 Ford De Luxe 2-Door $577. ’52 H U D SO N hydramatic. < $595 1951 W IU Y S JEEP 1951 HUDSON 4-Wbee( Drive. Excelleat cendllloa. 1946 Ford 2-Door Full P r ic e ...... «...... r...... $1195 $379 HORNET 1952 LINCqUi 44I00R SEDAN HORNET SEDAN . RADIO AND HEATER. Hollyw ood inmirl. cream bottom, \. ■ TM W ff Radio and healer. .Hydramatic: Blue. . Radio, heater, hydramatic. brow'n top. hydramatic drive, 1952 WILLYS 2-DOOR AERO LARK SEDAN radio and hrater. CAPTAIN EASY .Qpwn the rover .BYM^UBTURNER f RECKLES-AND h is FRIBNDR New car gyinrantce ...... ■ New ear guaraatee. Quipped aqd Juat like new. Only ^ 1946 Chevrolet 2-Door S507 Hhrh NfMMMT 'IV MERRILLc. BLOdSBR RADIO AND-HEATER. ' ■Y, e .! •*-^EM IF'tooetV 1941 CAimlAC 2*DOOR tORRUO . ■ "LOwELY DUIMN& - * USt lERCUBY CONY. OJIB JMIUPE.^ < 1946 Pontioc 4-Door -- y-; - $ 3 9 5 Twe WEEK 700 CAM C «l«rj Rlmi Tan lop. Radio, beater ^ I t l f t O l t While wall tlrm, kydraasaUc. C 1ROC _R5pro AhfD HRATER. ^ .....______-TOUI£NOWrf«60a:eS;yW - ALWAYS-T*R*'Me*- ' R O M O N E Y *50 REALLY FAaiMG fOe'RXJ-- TO LUNCH . PLENTY and bvei^rlve.’ jirw^tlrr* i . t .!! V ' e O V O WE1.L GO DANCelCi tVEeV OF BOf6 HAVE S a tu rd ay n i6m t — s w im m in &- bBEN TRYING ID 1945 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN SPEC. DLX. 1941 Buick 4-Door Spocipl $109 SPECIAL ' DINNER. EVERY SLMWr.' DAT* K «, but X-vr DOWN Radio, beater, defroater. A real rleaa ear. C f i O C 4-4oar, black, equipped with CLECTEO TtXl' 19H OLDS “TT MOOR SEDAN ToKir: Bine. Tan top. Radio, healer Dark green.' Full P r ic e ...... 1941 Dodge 4-Door $ 1 1 7 radio and heater. Veqr 4iesia.^-^...... $895 1952 FORD Va TON PICKUP V-S DELUXE CAE * 1967 FORD SEDAN Juat like new tkroughout. ^ l O A C 1940 Ford 2-Door $89 RADIO AND He a t e r . 1949.MERCURY 4-DOOR SPORT SEDAN Very clean. Radio and Jieater. Fall Price Jp IsfcT D MANY OTHERS TO Radln anJ heater. C 1 A O C Gomf tires. . . ; ...... ^ I V T ^ 1949 MERCURY 4-DOOR SPORT SEDAN CHOOSE FROM . . 1966 HUDSON Beauttfulty equipped. An new Mres. W h M bayitiq • m w «r MdU car aiaha it a laM t Thla U a d o lL ...... Only. Down 1951 LINCOLN 4-DOOR SEDAN CONVERTIBLE ta laa Ed. Abbott. Far a daal tbat'i faacy laa Jack Vn FLINT Find Reeny BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THL STORY OF MARTHA WAYNB A Reminder 1946 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN Claacy at BY WII.SON SCRUGGS Blue. Radio, heater, hydramatic. Radio and heater. OFEN EVENINGS White wall tirea...... '...... $2295 Radle and keater. Full prtea ’WrPUrdHBGMC GHB R D MENTION A M «p n THAT T IK I $495 sMB'hlBfUMVRUdH MAN NHm p R IEN V , dWMRCOOgC ,)NITH] CANADIAN HIPB-OUT.. HIPS- NOTTOO 1 PNTEBM NM WW_____ FARAWAY 1948 STUDEIAKEN 4-DOOR COMMANDER POXTVWCS AOK, KMl LOUIE, ’J( 1969 CADILUC 2-DOOR SEDANETn SOUMENEqlne. COUNTOWnN'i irv* GOT 70, Ixitv mileage. Gray. ^ Radio and beater. McCLURE Sedan. Ortginel Mack. C 7 0 C 'INCORPORATED FIND I------Hydramatic ...... , $2095 Full P f f c * ...... f O 634 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER • \ HUDSON MANX OLDER MAKES AVAILAILE • MANCHESTER SALES cMd s e r v ic e ; A S LOW A S $95 F U U PRICE m m STI Mala S t, Tel. MI-6-6442 MOTOR SALES Opea Kvealaga Catll 1* P. M. KEEP POSTED ON HOME TOWN WIST CENTER AND MORIARTY'^S fO BE SURE DflCORMIER MOTOR SALES, Inc. NEWS; HAVE THE HERALB FOLLOW HARTFORD ROAO f SEEMtOLWlE^ l«MAPfc&8Y. ------TBf»4MI-$-M$4 ------MANCHESTER- YOU ON YOUR YAO ATIO ir^

‘ ■ s -A ' i. r-% : \ ' y ■■■' . , \V- V"'^ ' v ' •



■\- Never Lose Your Enthusiasm, Play O}iponent8 in Gardeii Bout Gain Split witk Browns L. Verdict And Chisox^^'^Win P air . Every Out Like World Series--Enos OulBtanding Major League Shortutops Bt^oks Incrraitf) I..ea(l Cooper Limits Oilers i N«w T»rk. July 17- (ffl—If Eno«*.1-l virtory He slapped out two ! Negro Pitcher Beating Cards and BUufhler, the old CerdInsI Inde- hits, scored two runs, hatted in one Takes (^harjre MAJOR LEAGUE ■tnlctlble, had to iflve a formula and fnade the day’s mugl sparkling Braves Fall Before for staying; young in baarball, he defensive play—a diying catch" of (iives Up Fight To Six Scattered Hits Harvey Kuenn's pinch-hit blow in V M m Lowly Pirates^ 5-2 would start off with this reicipe; j^'Iou-fottn. lQve. It.. Never lose the sixth inning. . i mamrnmmmiiKSKmammmmmmm Hot Springs.' Ark., .luly 17--ijlpi Bv BEN PHIJMIAB your anUiualaam. Play every min­ "I made a plane re.sers’atidh for By REAN8 RCAROON Morhardt and Gagnon By The AnKoriated I’ rewt (——^ — A fire-hailing Negro pitcher, AMoeisled Preiw Sports Writer ute like it waa the last out of the .1:45, figuring I'd jfist play a few I 24 %'ram In NatlonnI Big Coop Win« NBit-aal i-easar ' The 1953 version of the Con- who has compiled a 20-7 record It didn’t take the New York l^ead Attack, .Former World aeries." ' inning.s." he said. "Dres.sen (Charlie Written lor hfEA Borvleo/^ Dressen. NI., m anageri wanted me for Knoxville in the Claae D Yankees long to find out that this 341 ."irvijiT New” York,"'.,’129^ B^iam^' 0*^1001 State Semi-Pro Baseball ■ T his unqiieationably ha.S been With Three Bane Hits Talie* A Flramaa Ut) to play nine. That was great, but ' Mountain States League; hea Question: Winning run on third western trip la going to be differ- "3'’J^‘ R c T a ...., Tournament will continue tonight the rude of the balding. .17-year-old AB R H PO A R The M anchester Country Clui> I.--sur«"Jiad;.to,-tuah.to- catch .that j given;, up. for-4hi«. season hie Cght. h u « -on*. auLt --^Batter.-atUmpU Including - a * Triple Runs r-. .ScWndlenal., Si. l.ou4s. 87: i ^Cbo field .W ith. Ut*.. ■•■' One-time' cotintVy ho-j- from Titrx- Only's month ago the leajgua ttAfnon. M ...... " " r iH iiS ■lain !)•'■ fh'e''acefie o f andthcr '#ull"< plane.” | to play in the Cotton Statea ing to sqneeca riinner In, tops the PAquaftP. rf ...... $ 1 0 I 0 0 ...... Ime^tric... " B o a f ” A C . ' boro, N. C., who is completing hi.s Slaughter, the perpetual whiz leaders blazed through St. Louis, golfing schedule over the Miming League. •' . ball and It . RTANDINOH Morhardi. lb...... 4 1 I $ 0 0 ___Iflth, ytar.in professional hall and ktd," is- concerned .about- the -mucl-- .(^CMO, deye.lfind .and Detroit on Irlpliorf ••1^ a weekend. Initial matches In the Kuns Bati-d iir — 'Maih*ws. Mil-. Groton facing the Meriden Barons. h is .ifith with the .^i. to iiis 'T 'a f-' - Jam es -Tugepaoh said- yesterday W t . P et. Club dhamplbnahtp fltrht wilt be waakssv ’TS.-'rampamnrs.mpAi Brooklyir 7f,' nrarfittch' Is slaleff for ditS.” ...... ern hall player, particularly the Blrlkel "h '*n sil-virtorlous tour of 14 games. RafiUxo, ri ...... ::::: I li S I 8 8 B^H. Cincinnati. 73 dinals- excluding three years in that attempting to play with Hot Police and Firem en... 6. 1 ".857 RIclile. if ...... $x 0 0 I 0 0 played through Saturday while- all H-Kls-Ii. Bro.,klyn. ■ m KRIDEN .‘BRINGS bonus boys. Springs in the Class C circuit plate, mils Into This time they got stopped before KacAvltch. c ...... 3 0 0 ( 0 6 and Irvin. New York. 69. A very service. R oy M o t o r s ...... A S .871 other flights must be completed by ...... ^ ...... 1 fttroHF, team to town, dotted with ”I hate to see them figure they've would be a "waste of time to me. the field. Man thev got started. lUriiiion.^ 3b ...... 3 3 1 0 U 0 MItli — S^'hoeiidleniit. 8l lift; He has outlasted five Cardinal i The Yankees virtually Invented B a n tly Oil ...... 2 4 .333 Coopar, p ...... 3 1 3 1 3 0 Sunday. Defending champion Hol­ Isf^itman. JVfw York and rincin- j former college players and a form- managers Eddie Stanky is his i got it made.” he said, ”\\ hen It- would hurt my record." Hot scores. Defen­ Manchester Tire 1 5 .167 ly Mandly finds Joe Wall as hla I v'oii’re no longer out there trying, .Springs club sitorney, Henry the home run and the lowly SI. ToUU ...... 20 10 a 31 • 0 riibu’r^ ’h* ,^r.on «r sixth- and two others. - sive team pro­ I-outs Browns msde them mighty first opponent in his effort to re­ Sew York. 102. | ti^ne DeOencre who played at I giving everything you've got. Britt, ssld Tugerson would be re­ JlAAlly CMl <1) He is the game's grestest com­ tests, s r g lies sorry for It In the opening game of Steve Cooper pitched the Police AB A H PO A K peat Iasi year’s performance. One DouhkR — Bfiidpr. Bn^fiklvn. and ; Texaa. aa a PHtabiirifh Pi- I you,re not going to be around turned to Knoxville to avoid petitor. they say, sirice Ty Cobh tests, argues a twilight night twin hill. The and Firemen to their sixth win in BreulL rf ...... 4 L.0 0 1) feature of the champtonshlp'fLight MuRiat.»iai. «i...... isouiR. 7A: Baumhfiiiz. le bali n u b .” or wrong ? league record and added two MrConn**IL A ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ors. Tom Kelley, Sr.. Tom Kellcv. ham. Bm .klyn. Ashhurn. I'hilad-lpliia. I Kenny, startin g first aseker, play- OoIf. .pi ...... 0 ers of the era. ionly —„ . 11,50, at Columbus and ... drew i Tugerson ha.s a $.50,000 civil .Vnawrr: This ly Oil 10-1. Cooper acatlered six i... 4 0 1 Jr., and last year's riinnerup to B*‘rnt^ii'r Puti-hursh,_ . . ______H-mus______and_ Musisi,______. .ed at St. Bonaventure. Eddie Z ajac. more later in the contest for sn Mf’Donuufh. p « ...... 8 0 1 u 3 0 8t. Is-2. aeaaon. This will be Meriden’a he ran go one game today as fast yielded throe runs In each the sec­ ,7sn. "When I can’t run or hustle I’ll with Hot Springs. touched something while the hall over the regulation distance. Billy Tin. Thrp»^-bAj|T hM: Mor- an unfortunate conflict of dates, League race. Johnny Logan, center, came on to give the Braves a lift. The Giants moved when Btrlk-outs '— Roherta, Pliiladelphls. second try for the title as the as he ever could. | ond. fifth and sixth frames. The n bnses: Htnrin 3. DurK'sn. milt.” he said today, as he relaxed But the Florence 'Villa. Fla., was over fmil territory, Pierce, pitching in relief for only several local. players had to with­ Daryl Spencer finally waa fnatmlled at the only position he had played. (NEAl. 107. Mll-lt. 8l. U>ul*. as Haddix Si Barons lost their opening game to "But in doubleheaders I begin’Io the second time this season, drove Oilers scored their only run In the ngiion. SncrlfiCB. H^dlund. Lpft on Isiui*. S3 Erxkinr, Bror.klyn, 33. Maa- In his hotel room after a night righthander said he had com? Q. The b atter drives the ball I^epr: Rnfjflly'R. 11. P. A F 3. Barp-b draw from these mnfehea and Hamilton. 2-1 .in last year’s tmir- feel my age, ” he said. "The legs home the deciding run with a sin­ fifth inning when they put to­ lie. New York. 73. game with Brooklyn, ’’Right now. Allan Woithmgton’a first two back to confer with his attorney Brooklyn's Lulu Perez, left, fights Pat Marcune of Coney Island deep toward the left field fence. Unj^'ooiirr S. Mrl>>nmigh .1. Earle advises that there Is now an ney. Siindberg lost a thriller when tighten up a little the next day. j gle In file first game for his 11th gether n Walk, a force play, a aac- Is-' llrDonough 7. 5. It looks like that may be a few mound st.arts for the New York . on the federal suit. Tugerson de-! 12 rounds for the New York State featherweight championship In the Just as It is shout to clear the har­ opportunity for other golfers W’ho Amerlraa l.easae ah error paved -the way for two So I re.st all I can ” | victory." A pinch hit home nin by riflce and a riin-iucHluciiig aingle Wild plwh MrDrmougn. Passed halls: KIliH Roar Back years yet." Giants were shiitouta. He white-j clined comment last night on the ' next nationally-televised main event at Madiaon Squar* Garden, July rier, the fielder throws his glove Siarin 3 Pmplr^s: Varaiitl and Kf*rr. had missed out on the original Hat .^ Itin a —Kell and t;r^.dman, BriaU.n, unearned runs in the aeventh, wip­ Slaughter played in his tenth He said he a watching - his Kddie Stewart msde the difference hv -Marty Slarln. Cooper came the ftfirrr; Tatro. Tlm^; 1:46. 33S. Minoao, rhlcago. .333 .\fanil< ing out hia 1-0 m argin. suit. '(NF,A). at the ball, hits it. but hall con- to sign up and join in the fun. Several Major League New All-Stsr game last Tuesday at weight, too. -If weight may cut I washed the Phillies and Dodgers In the second. TTie Sox now trail rioscat of any pitcher to hurling a York, ,313; Roaen-, (’leveiarid. Del Francis, playing manager of tJjiufa over the fence. .jUdjv. would To I'roiiiice Moose .313. CinClrtnaTI and ■wus -Hie indiridti*! -dow-n -my years -I- can quit eating. !---v.... t v . . _ try foil FT" ------shutonl-as no "pitcher tn the- IL has .-.Buna----- Minr.xe«.-i:hinaa<.-.3t'i.. Manxls. the Electric Boats..wiU.fleid-zt club 1 was 200 last Jamiarv. Today I'm ^ you rule on this? born able to tiirfi the trick to date. Roy M otors and 'mo"ved them a -Siimlav Wll7 find the climax of N-'V York. (7: Fain, • I’hiraso. 53 Fox, standout in the National 1-eagiie's ______:______■ ; Slaughter, . whose lifetime hat- The two other first divi*on of .seasoned ball players. The Boat A. It goes aa a home run. 5’mi In spite of the errors that were step closer to capturing the league one of the most aiicceaafiil Cal- . Rockville - Smarting oi Chicago, and Yoxt. Waehington. 33. j Hng average w^s ..106 startin g thi A m erican !>>ague team s also tr i­ :er& on Runs Balled In — Roa-n, Ci-velaii„,,j 1 roster lial.s Danny R oiirke who is Furillo Admits Dodsers Could Use can't take anything away from the maile. aevdral fma.defensive plays crown. They are now asaured of at ciilla Tqurnamenta ever played.at year, .said he gbf his baseballn r ' ...... ------^ umphed. Cleveland beat Philadel­ their second defeat- of the season 7(: - Mamie.— New :Vr.rk. w --((imiso.-tno-■leol-tno- etraneerstranger 'to■4«> Manr-hesterManr-heeter fans. halter on a lTnI| socked ntii of phia .5-3 on AI Rosen's grand slam were turned in, especiallv bv the iesat a .800 ftnlah. However, they Manchester when Paul Balialepei break just by chance. the pla.ving field. will have five more gamea left to and Frank Carvev face Bob Mc­ Cleveland—lNEAi-‘-Al Lopez . J, ... ^ o" Tuesday, the Elks came roar- i>Jrprf'’bmr(iit^'35 **'' Danny, a veteran of 15 years on home run and Bo.aton nipped De­ P A F infield. Indiana.. but something has to be t-.----- v--- .. . (I’n x '— Kuenn D-troli. tl2 Verm.n. ' Ike mound, pitched for W illlm antic ■ ”I wa-s trying out at Afiheville More Pitching To Go with Hitting Q. Which Is longer, the distance troit '3-2 with Mel Parnell winning THE WIN put the PFa two full play, q-he m otors w'lli - be out to Cann and Wqibiir Stevens In the..16 waa under heavy fire when the In­ done in Detroit. 1 “ defeneeleaa Moose Waihingtr.il. 106, Fox Chicsgi.. ,03 in the local tw ilight league and in back in 193.5.” he aaid. "If was a move back Into contention when DRIVING LESSONS from the plate to second base, or hla 13th game, tops In the nrciid g.imes ahead of the second place hole finals. The first round ii dian.* fell 11'i gamea off the Yan­ Brooklvn fans still remember i team last night wilh a 19 to 3 Minrno. Chiraro. 10<1: Robfm. <’l»*vrl«rul hi« younj?er day« hurled In th« big league tryout camp and they they opmse the last place Man­ Anri Phill^y. J^ilAd^lphiA. u> praparo you for your lieonso tost. Individuol from-first to third? Brooklyn increased its National scheduled to get underway about vividly how their 1951 club blew' Victory. The Elks clinched the Colrmiftl I.s^ague. RourkA also waa were going to let ine go because New *Tork ' ( NEA) Carl An­ chester Tire team tomorrow night kees’ early pace. tViubl^R - Kr‘11. Br»Bton. 25: V#rnf>n. days when we get our brains splat­ kids. 'Any questions? Do you A. T h ey ’re the sam e — 127 feet, I,eagiie lead to 2 ', games hy 9 a. m.while the second loop should a 13<2-game lead and the pennant i Ksme in the first Inning when they WAnhinxtnn. 23; WhitF. TlftRton. F«)X. on Ih f mound for the RockvilI#»- instruction on insured dud-control cor by oxpori- I waa.so slow. But Billy South- thony Furillo gives you a good .$ .5-8 Inches. at Nebo at 6:18. be ready to leave about. 2 p. m. A eix-game winning streak and ChK'Agfi. And (aroth, St. leOulR. If*. tered around. know how to pitch to this guy?’ trouncing 81. I»iiis 9-2 while sei • to the hated Giants. While the sent 14 men to bat for seven hits, M o n ariy ’a two yrara ago whftn worth took me aside anci told me Each team haa waded through four a sudden reversal of form by the TrlpIfR — Rlvr-ri. ChlfAXo. 7. Mlnrv oncod troinod instructor. Absolute safety. Day or idea what it's like playing behind "It’s a helpless feeling standing ’’’Yes,’ he said, 1 know what Q. Is there anything in the rules ond place Milwaukee was losing to faithful agree that Charley Drea including ojBob Pagani'a seventh AA And Fox. rhirAf'n. \>rnon And J^n- they carried H am ilton* to . three -to quit ninning on my heels, to get tough matches In rather convinc­ Wo-ld Champions enabled the the Brooklyn pitchers. out there in right field waiting for to do.' that .says the home team must bst Pitt.ahlirg'k .5-2 CAREFri. TO ROBINSON sen's pitchinig isn't the best, ihejH-j*o*f*t. runs The Moose ••n. WAflhinxtpn. 6. I games before going down to de- ovoning lessons. ^ up on my toes, the, other side to poke holes COMPLETE ing fashion and the finals should Cleveland club to narrow the gap Horn* Ruhr — Roafo. riFv^lAnd. 23 "Gotta be on your bicycle all "S o he goe.s out there, .fo rg ets last? I’lilUADELPHIA WtiN a cou­ drool at hia line of sluggers - boya were helpless against Ja ck ie j j.rn lal. Philadelphia 31; C-rnrri 1 feat. The Boats play in the Morgan "T he next da.v I improved my through the fences.” ple of squeakers from Cincinnati be a thriller all the wav. and took some of the heat off the time." laments The Arm. who everything he was told, and geta A. The home team must hat last Cleveland. July 17 — (8h — Mike 'Robinson. Campanella. Hodges. Lee's fast hook. Ja c k ie fanned I ton. 17: Dohv, riorHAnd. 16 Mxmi^ ' Park League in Groton and cap- running four steps to first ba.se. I Furillo doesn't hide the problem .1-1 and 3-2. And the .New 5'ork Lopez. patrols ^ght field for the Dodg­ hia head knocked off. Tell him to toda.v. but until 19.50 It had a RADIATOR Garcia la certain to be extra care­ Snider, i■^lrillo and Cox. If the the firat seven Moose battera, and , tured the league bunting last year, CORONER AUTO SCHOOL stuck. If it hadn’t been for that under a ton of meaningless words. Giant.s, who had won eight in a TTie T ribe’s chief isn’t out of the ers. "It's not exactly the soundest keep the ball away from Muaial. choice nV iMttlng first nr laat. ful the next time he faces Eddie Dodgera lose. Chuck Dressen had allowed one hit and one run in his ' Minotn” fTiirago. 14' '^Phiher/Vhiiiifir-l-1 1-AHT VF.AR, the W haling City I might still have been on that Nor is he hesitant to show his and he geta panicky and cornea in row before the Dodgers stopped Robinson of the Philadelphia Ath­ woods, however, especially after TEL. Mitchell 9-6010 staff I've seen.” No m anager In his right mind best head for the^ neare.st shelter. three inning effort i phlA. and jr^ne^n. WABhinrion. 8. Bub-* nine downed the V%*iUimantir farm or cutting upholstery in a feelin g s., with it. them in the final game heforq the letics. The Cleveland Indiana right­ losing the laat four of five In Chi­ Not a few go along with Carl would bat first. If he had a choice. SERVICE I-eo Ihirarher has hern faulted Tonight the Koaci.iazko team N-w Yo?k. i-i. 1 the opening If No Answer Call Hartford 7-3680 (Collect) fabric mill. It was that close.* "Sure. It burns me up,” he snaps. "You won’t find olil pros like A ll-S ta r break, re.siimed their Vln- hander haa been tagged for only cago to drop eight-and-a-half Furillo, generally a silent soul re- Q. Who was Grover Cleveland on several rounta, the principal one will play the P, A. C. team at • w/i Sh-s Wajhlngron. 8-1. *S«i.. I found and then took a aound ”I've got to make a living like Spalui. Siirkont, Robert.s and Mag- ■ning habits with a 10-.1 decision nine homers this season but he has games back of the New York club. : gardlng his playmates. Alexander’s favorite halt e r y Iteing not finding his correct line­ 6 :3 0 o'clock a t the R ecreation i S f"’''" Bmtr.n x-2. Wo Ponoi-rra. ' trouncing. 12-1, from P. A W„ In The "statistics more thaji sub-i anybody else. Naturally, I'm con- lie. to name a few, buckling under m ate ? over Chicago. been Robinson’s victim on two oc- Cleveland fans are tired of their Field. the aemi-finala. the slugging Itallano's ' cerned about the pitching'. pre.s.sure." In addition to tieing the three- • CLEA N IN G cajTions. Eddie h it one off G arcia’s annual aecond-plare finl.sh, and up until mid-June, if the Giants stantiate A. BUI KlMcfer. fall to get and stay up there, the Klk* (I9i I Binkeoiit* Pl-rc-'. c*hiragn k9, i A*, the present writing their re- Sport Schedule |beef. 1 "There are a couple of kids on Everybody talks about the la­ In-an-inning record the Browns Serves in lest •'‘ght’a game, won whal 'i. worse, the Wihite Sox look AB R H PO A E I Truck*. Chicago 34 c.arcia, f1-v*land, | cord iitanda at six wins and iix (5. What is the major league rec­ W-*l. p-cf ...... J... s In the first 82 games. Dodger this club who won't listen. mentable state of the Brooks’ equalled the major league mark of • REPAIRING by the Tribe, S-S. aa if they could beat them out of dandy little leader might be per­ 2 1 1 1 74. Parnell. Bo«ion. , league play th is season. ord for ba.ses on balls by a pitcher mitted to follow his wife, Ijiralnr Wallnskl. l(-»* ...... 2 GARAGEMEN I Tonight 1 hurlers completed a paltry 24. ”I have read stories about Cy pitching, but no one seems to be 17 homers in five consecutive YI:HT1!;«1IAV'K BF-MI LTg that. Muridiy 4 3 9 (I o j ■ ______r I '■ (The Groton entry defeated Hamil- Young and how he used to sit on doing anything about it. In one Inning? games. It was the first time this R EC O R IN G y i Da.Vy Into the television field. Psgatifant. 1b 1 3 0 0 ij I i ‘I ton Standard in an exhibition tilt It’s wise to call us for your ma­ 1 l-egi«n vs. Auto Parts, 6 Me-1 Billy Loes was heading the pack .A. In 1909, the Henators" Bill Sew York TO. 3. As the late Alva Bradley, one­ jwltii an 11-5 record, yet finished the bench snd study opposing bat­ "Kee-rect." agrees Furillo. mark had been tied since it was Rogers Hornsby developed Gus' 1-—. lt>-p...... earlier in the season. chine shop service. morial Field. Gra.v walked eight hatters In one Biftoklyn 9. 8t IxHitu 3. time Cleveland owner, remarked: 6:15 - ] but seven of 17 starts. Carl Era- ters. He learned about their weak "You’d thina the front olllce would set by the Yank'ees in 1940. Plllpburgh 6. MiiwAuk^p 2. "We only hire the manager. The Bell snd Jim Greengrass and « rar't?r'"2h*^.'**'^.'. The tournament will rerea^after First National vs. Bees, Inning, seven In a row. Prompt service for all make* • r i Ve t k o a m > R o .v n K n r k a k k Charter Oak, ,.j kine. 7-4, was next. With six com: points that way. get 11? a couple of eatabliahed W a.shlngton forced "the W hile MOTORCYCLE PhilAdrlphiA 3-.i. f*im-innAti 1-3. fan,* fire him ." pitcher or two in Cincinnati, but' Vaiculu*. If toniglit'a game until Monday when Q. What player holda the rec­ AnierlrAA SHOE EXCHANGE. I Damato's vs. Miller's, 6:3b - I pletions "You seldom see our kids do pitchers, but obviously they won’t Sox to (lonie from behind for both In our specially ataffed radia­ CTii<'4xo ft-.'. WnahlniNfm 5 <1------.■;vr;T:r:n—i ' ...... ' - " T prize' wiIT be'a''i4’arded 'tfie luck V • CRA-NKSHAfTS TI R-VEO I.V OR E lectric Boat v.s. .Meriden. I §, iJe 2 Krkrls. Ib-rf 1 1 • Rllll. we've managed' to .cling questions. win pennant.*, gam es? last of the ninth Inning of the first kiilt in Jimmy Dykes being re-1 tlciilarly undlsUnguiahed run with n « B.itting^ Gil Hedges. Brookl>mj tonight’s conteat. . OI T OK T H E C.XR. Nebb. Sot., July 18 Dodgera, hit two home runa,. one ^ * Cards vs. Dodgers, Charter tG firat place," stresses grille. i "There's much to whjt they say A. .Mel O tt, I I . game and Pierce .singled home th- BTA.MIINGB placed as head of the Athletirs. i the Cubs. j ! Total* ...... 32 in 14 u 1 0 • KIVfJ AND WRIST PIN'S FITTED. I "Which should be some kihfl of "WE GO OVER rival batters about pitching being 75 per cent 8:50 P. M. NAtlnRAt fft) with the bases loaded, as the Oak. Q. When wss the first major winning tally with two out in the The same g<»es for Marly .Marion ' Th<^truth la that managers gen- . . C AB B PO • PISTON EXPANDERS INSTALLED. j-testiroony Jor-the great Job of; HALF MILE TRACK W, L r< l ‘JRL K A R Dodgers beat St. Louis, 9-2. Saturday,- July IH w ith-’am -In.'clubhouse roeetinga. of. baseball.’’ ...... - league All-Star game played?- - 10th,. Istewart's-homer In the. sec. . BROWN- • Brh .. and the Browns; ------; erally are discharged because they r ...... , . 3 0 0 1 ft ...... 6I 31 «22 Am. 2b ...... o Pitching Bob " Friend. Pitts­ • Rl'ICK. CHEVROLET. NASH. Tire vs. Roy's. 6:15 Nebo. I managing Chuck Dreaaen has We disriiss how they should pitch In the meantime, the shuttle .A. J.iil.V 6. 19.55, the .American ond game came with the Senatois ! MlllVAukre ...... 4*< 34 This Is the open season on man- 1 1 2 ft ft I PhlUdelpDiA Hill, p-fp ...... !! .8 1 0 ft 1 ft burgh Pirates, checked Milwaukee INTERNATIONAL HEDS DONE i turned in. He's been getting the. to various batters. Before going system between the mound and I^iRgiie winning, 4-2, at Clilrago’s ■ahead 4-3...... 47 M i * , sg^rs. but being fired Is old hst to Smith, lb ...... o 7 - SERVICE - .Sunday. .Iiil.v 19 Stafford Spriast • Bl lyajiA ...... 4<. 3ft 1‘ ft 0 0 on eight hit.* to brea^ the Pirates OOMPI.ETE. i i most mileage out of the alimmest on the field. I asked one of the Dodger bull pen goes on. (tnmlskey Park. A double by Mike Garcia and s BEAU PRE k'i moa: of them, and they irtually ’ KanarBki. rf ...... 2 fi 1 o ft ft Legion at Woyt Hartford .Sew Yf.rk ...... 44 .37 ,, 2 1) <1 M WHKN YOU \\ ANT iT! I pitching staff imaginable. Jackie Q. How m any no-hlt gam es haa pair of walk.s set the stage foi Incorporated I ('inrinnAti ...... 37 4h L'*’t bounce back like your mother-in* a change. I..anx. rf ...... 0 ft 10-game losing streak 5-2. • VALVE SEATS INSERTED. Monday, .Inly 20 ' Robinson says . our pitching ain't Spa^way, Coaa. ('hU'Agf ...... ‘•311 Rl ' AhrmhAm*4ir, If ...... 3 It 0 0 l» 1 • OENERATORS AND STARTERS Aircraft vs Ridges. 6:15 Neho. Cleveland’s Jim Hegan'catight ? Rosen's grand slain at tTcveland PNiBhurKh . .. . 2h ftl ' >»"■• 1 Marrhani. 3h ; ...... ,. 0 ft 0 0 ' 1 ft bad. points out that only one man I .A. Three — Don Black's against At tietroit home runs hy Gene A.M.A. SANCTIONED Amrrirxi« The fabled tourist island of Ca­ Zbvk BB-p ...... 2 u 1 0 1 1 EXCHANGED OR REBl’ILT OFF Deri's vs. Nassiffs, 6:30. Char­ 30 BISSEU ST. P'reddle Htilchin.son of the Tig- M^I^Bkl. 3b .. ..'...... ,. 2 ft • Fender Hodv Work is under the .509 m ark in the the .Athletics. July 10. 1947; Boh Stephens and 'Jim Piersail were RAIN DATE—JI'LV 25 ^ L Prh (iBL, 1, one of the few who hasn't pri. has no local water supply, im­ 1 1 0 ft T H E CAR. ter Oak. , Win-loaa column. True, but what'd Although Outhit, Yanks MI-9-5234 Sew Vfirlt .... ; CourtBmanchB ...... 0 ft 0 0 ft 0,10 Sports Mirror | • ^\heel .Vliiinmenf Moriarty's vs. Auto Parts. 6 - l>cmnn's against the Tigers. June the big blows in the Boston at­ I Chu AAI* ...... fii 12 62* 4 ; been dismi.*sed. The club played porting all it use.* in tank ships ‘ they do if our bafa weren't hot 7 50, 1948 and Boh Feller's third, I I'lf’VFlAnd ..... 4;i 15 53,1 3 j ..500 ball after the trade wilh the .21 s 4 1ft 4 2 MANCHESTER Memorial Field. tack. frefm the mittytiland. 1 Sror^ bv inninxn Jul.v I. 1951, against the Tigers. . BobIoii ...... 43. .10 .,352 l<(',i TOD.\Y A Y E A R -AGO The • \S heel Halanfinc First National vs. Nassiffs, 6.15 "OI R BAT+IN4i haa had to do T H E IM>IM)EK.H struck rpiiikly ' WnBhlnxtnn . . 43 4< 433 IS I i ______:KikB ...... m ' ft 2 1 5 1 —in and derisively against the f'ard:- Moob* ...... 1 0 0 2 .1 ! Yankees and the Indians splits a — Charter Oak. about it all and It might not be Turn Back DodgerSv9-l Q. Who "holds the seven-gam e { PhilAdnphiA .. .14 32 ...95 24 1 • .M ofiir Tune-up World Seriea record for __m ost nals. With one out they loadeci Uie St.lfOHiA ...... 32 33 .164 27 Kti/JT J1 doubleheader.dtiubleheader. the - Yankees win- AUTO PARTS Tileaday, Jiil.v 21 : enough. Six guys on the club are ' Detroit ...... 27 SS .3IS 3014 trip les? ab b a b ii ! ning the nightcap, 5-4, after los- • I lr a k e Senice 575 BROAD ST __ TEI« MI-9-45211 Red Sox vs. Yanks, 6 C harter hatting over .300—m.vaelf, Cox. bases in the first inning and Gil 11 ft. B ^ on P H Hill U>. W A.MERU'AN WTANDINGH Battered Kell Seeking 2 Slrlk^^utA. Hill 7. L*'f 7 West 1 Oak. .A. Blll.v Johnson established Hodges drilled a Slu Millet- piti h TOIIAVN CiAMF:8 ing, 11-6. , Robinson. Snider, Hodges snd . W L Pet. Zbyk 1. Hits off: 1 for 1 nin In S • Cai \\a.»hin(i Motors vs. PAF, 6:15 -NelJo. Campanella—but still there are Nine tf» One the mnrk. hitting three for the high and far for the Dodgers' first' N'AtioAAl InnlngB* Hill 12 fnr IR rtirB In 5 In- FIVE YE.\R.s AGO — Frank Red Sox . .750 Yankees against the Dodgers In grand slam home run of the year, rincinnAtl iP'-ikowiikl ft>7i At riiiU- ningB; W»Bt. 3 for 2 run* In 3 Inning*. Stranaham of Toledo won 'the d<»lphiA iKoMBlAnLv ntfht. < Zbyk. 2 fnr 1 run in 1 Inning HU by {Cardinals - .500 r947. Hodges and Duke Hnidm- hit two llilwAukBB (Siirknnt M i At PitlA- American Batting Crown amateur golf tourna-^ <91 , pitcher,pitchfr. hv:hv, LL^ ...f. M.Ieslfl.MrlfBKl, ** .Wlnnlnk Winning' : GanadiSn 1 Yankees . .500 more home runa later in the gam* {burgh i Facb ^3 or I.«APAlm^ 3-10) • • !pIirh»T: pIirh»T: l.e#. I,*o9ingI,*o8ing pltchrr HllT ment. 53534848484853234823485348532348485323234823485353482353482323482323232348484848535348534853232323535353535348232323899048D o d jers . .2.5(1 H r o A K 'rm pir^s. Vince And RAmsd^ll Scorer: .CAintKisrij,. ,3b u 2 .1 li "•"''Crrbchnr Roe scored, hia . sixth --Louis—iPr^Ako- ibS). Atui Mixril) i TEN YE.4tRS A(M> Henry TURNPIKE SlmlFi. r? ...... I 1 0 n victohy. New irork, July' 17-:0P)-Tf« over. -EVrttuialTy Iw'd like to ------:------At Brooklyn i KiBkln^. 7-4 And I>>**b j .Armstrong outpointed W illie _ AUhoiifi:h the A m ciican L ittl* M%l!**mp**, r ...... 1 ft 1 i 11-fti—twt-nlght .doubf^-hrAder. : George Kell vi'ins the American •’"•••e bock to haaehall as a coach AUTO BODY WORKS ^fArr. lb •...... I .1 1 0 Pittsburgh broke a 10-gaiiie in a 10-rounder at HoUvt OodgprR ro llrrte^ gpvpn 1 I fO^ly gam«*A'AThfituled). —or maybe manager—but Amt 166 West iliddlc Tiiniiilk." THE BIGGEST IMPROVEMENT IN CAR r'*flAnu»nlA. 2 b ...... 2 2 1 Local Sport loaing atrrak with rookie Carlos AmerlrAM L^ague hatting championahrp, as C alif. ^ £\ hlU. they wpre rtnit^d by thp MfiTAh.’ r| ...... 1 2 0 0 Bernier playing the starring role Are YOU \ New York (IzOtMit 3-U At St' leoula ” . • , y#4ir off to m it that back. “ LaM liigHt ’» Figh ts ■ t leAllC''. If ...... 0 0 0 ft •y ' (IsiirBen 2-7i ntght well he might, it will be a triumph | Thi, ,ounda like a farewell ad- I TWr.NTY YEARS AGO — The ^S|Yankee9 fl tn 1 iiv^n AnipHcan ButAR. BR ...... r. . . . 0 1 It 0 He drove in two runs snd scored s ^5) Uttip rpfUeat played at BoAton iMcDeimntt At Detroit , of will power o\Tr ache® and pains I Browns bisnked the Senators, 2-0. PHONE MltchoU 3-7043 (’■lABBitn, I...... 1 1“ 1 Chatter third by stealing home. dress but 1( Isn't that at all Kell By THE ASSfM’IATED PRESS the Charter diamond la.st eve- Tired of TravetiRS? ''phlimtlri.T.'’’fF'rW^^^^^ at Cl.ve-' T h -" d-V" when Kell fears wants to win the batting cham­ PAINTING SINCE THE SPRAY METHOD ToIaIa ...... 6 ft .1 Rohm Roberts won his L5lh '..land iLrmon li-Ki-nizhi i he wont be able to drag himself Greenville. S. C.—Pappy Gault, IbKlger*

  • ebaH and football play­ j Doctors tell George It's simply 1 w in." \ DfHijfFTN. a case of too much bending, alid- tro it, 8. ^g I walked the flrM batter and atmrk Swanenh. r/ . er, haa purchased a horiie on Ver­ When Kell won the champion­ Hank homprefl with two Newark. N. J. -Jimmy Cham- ( ^g ! out the next but Wayne Reynolda ! Frah^r. If ... 0 non street. Mohr has been living , Ing and "t4(nibling tor hia spinal ship with .343 in 1949, beating on for rhUaRo in Iha firat inning , dliH". They say It’s similar to the |c. 150, Philadelphia, knocked > NOW IN OPERATION S E ; ainpled to the outfield and Sh orty | Tmaio ...... in W insted. men like Ted Williams and Joe » I 7 IN 1(1 S at New York hut from then on If YOU are ! trouble that forced Bobby Doerr out ^om "Big D>:namite” Wil­ Girsrd hit snother. One run scorM s^P.-sr»on rou fnr Olshaver DiMaggio. some said it was a thp Gianta wer^ in rnmplata rom- I Into retirement and sent Charlie liams. 148. Washington. 3. | ,SKE US SOON FOR A 'on sn error but that wss sll for j. H.5MILTO.V RTANDARO will fluke, If he wins this^^one, bad S y dney. Australia — Freddie | COLLISION Scfir^'.by i'nninx*; mapd. Sal Maglie won hla eighth I Keller to the hospital for an op­ NO EXTRA COST Ithe "Bums" ss the next hatter hit Vaqkii Vaok’...... '...... 7 ... 1110 ,.5 1—8 no\v alt hark and await develop­ Look i*to ihf Jok 0|miio|t at back apd all. he should rate the Dawson. 143. Chicago, stopped 's single hut one of the "Bums"’Bu m s" ' i Tx-lR'-r.r>«lR"'rii •v'.""...... O ' l n n , with the proper resL It’s just the .P tO D S,....., _____ bending 1 have to do to baaebalL”. ■third.-CsmposiMV.-tnok' . . p»r#*3. MiTlTin and TvT^ Scfrerj (ri’-?'' ■4 OurwidY-tHfrirretf lan-i' (over St second snd c,Sk(p ..Marsh u 'fix and Austin in the Southern 'in mid'-rtay VCell. (>n1y'31. Anderson Utility, Window- nel which make* poMiblc jeame In from renter to,take dyer rOI’NTBY fl.CB Pro Alex Minnesota League had to be called OpportuAitios for SkiUad oaO UAskWeft Worfcor$ thought seriously of hanging up. In . -I—- f-j cia. - , -.«2. j • • f-;"!! ' aAK,EDiON7 7Wia««i. T(hlVd-'"-Aftcr".a. f«W " relis^. Bklp .w-ithm-a- ludf., ganw-nf the Jeague-j HsEknsy .hss riled hta entry in Dis w ttLr liecAuse of too' Atnv-: ,iJb* Chiu,.(tamp, ftoya ;thla,«r)0f> the fecFt .window trick in. j^earfi! ' 't" ’ paint job for .vooc car. i I tagged the runner trying to slide leading fted "Sox with a.wtn over Second Annual Insurance City he "had Jh e niiserle'K. Hla bbaa. I l|htO"5h4Td’.—"— Uie cellek^welUng Bum's, ' - Open'in. Hartford. Hsekney^ entry dP •-E/oGdi’icianS:'-■ Manager Lou Boudreau. ..tpld him prigiiully jt .bstoemcnl. window, .this taught a bftrkout. at the end of to forget playing and not even In the next fmme two more was the first rf^-eived by the tour­ unit can he u.sed above kmund aiid ney committee. Hackney snd Tom­ the seventh Inning. ’ ahow up for a few days. ABSOLUTELY DUST S pUvers reached on singles, but 'll-.—,, opened at top or hot tom; as an out- FREE Gleason struck out the last two 1 A>t T lllC r C llia lly my Prior will compete in the Con­ • Firem en Kell tried left field when he re- necticu t Open which sta rts In The first gasoline driven boat tunukl tp the lineup. It worked swinpinK sash; used upri((ht as an batters to retire the side. That was . fine. He never played the outfield the last chance the "Rums” had to ' Darien Sunday over the Wee putt-putted a few yards on the outswinRins: ra-sement. l.’se sinKly* in • GLASS-LIKE FINISH s Showing Speed Bum Country Club course. River Seine in Paris hark in 1887. # but there were days when he was pairs, starkf^ or ribbon Kroupings. score ns they collected onir one; Finishers able to gel to the lineup in left more Mngle with two out In the ' ■ -i_lU__ fiel(l when he wouldn’t have been Perfect fnr modern treatment^ in last of the sixth. P ittsbu rgh. Ju ly -17 OPI C ar­ • FACrrORY METHOD S able to play third base. homes or Summer cottages! It's a The Yanks scored their nine runs los Hgrnler, the heralded minor # Color Dispensers . When Interviewed recently at But the club needed George complete package . . . casing, hard­ I on six hits snd six Dodger errors. league stolen base, phenom. Is back at third so he went back-to 1950 CHEVROLET HEAVY DUTY • WILL OUTLA3T BY 3 S , Only four of the runs were hatted showing Pittsburgh Pirate fans Moriarty Bros.. Francis E. Dick- ware, rustproof screen and weather- hia,old job. When the mercury 2 , In sa the other five scored on boots some of his vaunted speed these # Material Handlers •naon. popular local aaleam an rec­ stripping included. And low priced, FAR THE ORDINARY hit k!he 90s he smiled. The old CAB and CHASSIS 'O'l nine wild pitches bv Dodger days. ' RECAP TIRES ognized the fact that the Lincoln- PAINT JOB cricks to the back melted away. too! ^ 5, htirler Carl Relchelt, No Yankee Tlie Puerto Rican outfielder, Meicury line la the only car de- Ifa the night gamea on cool eve­ ; player hit safely more'than once, 6.00 X 1 6 ...... $5.95 and up # Miscellaneous Jobs Has 137" whod boM, suitobla for damp. voa. or who accounted for 323 thefts In ilgned for modern living plus mod­ nings and the rainy days that hut Bobbv Maltempo and tjury five minor league seasons, stole bother him moat. 'Bates scored two markers each. komH In the fifth inning of last 6.70x15. .$6.95 and up Drop Ir for A FrioAdly lAtorviaw at rtk# ' ern driving comfort. Dick says that short platform body. Tbit truck is cpmplftoly. ro- —•The Yanks »cored five of their hia frienda will bo amazed as he When Kell first came up to the a night’s game against the Milwau­ ^cooditioiMd ood quorootaod. AE oow rocoppod K, txueeiyea yg S -^nins in a big fifth inning In which kee Braves. 7.10 x 15 . .$7.95 and up atUl la at the ease of hondling and majors, out of Swlfton, Ark., 1 re­ PERSONNEL OFFICE member interviewing him to a ho­ WEST ST. S B 'a parade of 11 men marched to It was his 10th of the year, put­ (Pina Exchange Casing) the power plua roadability of the tiros. Usa our GMAC FiAOocioq. 2 , Ike plate. * ting-him only four behind the Na- only car tnade for.TODAY. It's a tel room at Frederick. Md„ where AT S Marah msde a fine catch in deep wonderful feeling,‘ Dick aaya. tolthe Philadelphia A’a were train - tionar League leader, the Braves’ doew Kn center in the initial stanza to rob Billy Bruton. ^ . USED TIRES FOR SALE snow that you are with an organ! ing. He was a achool teacher GRAND AVL Relchelt of an .extra-bate hit. No zatlon that ia on the ball. From tha then, in the off seaaon, trying to player on eitner teem' connected PINCH HOMRRB NEW TIRIES AT LOW PRICES CHENEY BROTHERS moat elaborate new car down to a make both ends meet oa A rook­ for more than a aingle, and Rey­ Chicago, Ju ly 17 — (J*) — Ed modeat priced uaed car, you gel ie's akimpy salary. Later he nolds waa the only player from Stewart, veteran Chicago White BOO SETS OF SEAT COVERS the aame courteoua treatment. Sn was traded to Detroit and then to Ttl. Rtekvillft either team to get two hits. Sox’ outfielder, haa hit two home 8 A.M . to 5 P.M. WEEK DAYS If you are looking for a good used Boston last summer. The game between the Cardinali runs this season -both aa a pinch- School teaching la not for Kell CARTER body 54515 ear or an ultra modgrn new Lincoln SCHLOTTS and the Dodgera, originally ached- hlUer, Ed walloped a plnch-hoiner a A. M. to NOON SATURDAYS or Mercury, call Francis, Dickenaon I ooF more. He praapereJ la base uled for tomorrow nigh't, will he In .vestqrday^a’pightcap off Wash­ CAMPBELL AUTO SUPPLY at MORIARTY BROS., INC.. 3151 ball at, a healthy wage acale ia OF ROCKVILLE nla.ved tonight at CSiarter Oak ington’s Bob Porterfield. The other 144 HARTFORD RD.r-MANCHESTER. CONN. CENTER STREET for an appoint- Detroit and Boston. He hM a CHEVROLET CO., INC. 48482348484823232353534848538953482348235323485353232348535348485353485353235323485348234823P ark at 8 o’clock. The Cards hold came et the expenee of Bid Hudson - 29-filSBEU-BTREBT ■ a n y t im e .______I gDlag cott4»a aad cattle farm ia :8« MAIN ST.------.^HLa,M fcf-i|3ft •ownw»iulTtif%~kBdJttQr'ipow orOiif Boeton Ked Bos'on JuQa'37. -raoNB-Mn^nsiBT TVI. MI-3-51351-5135 Daya fAiSaBaea. "THTwOnwIiiai ia Aw 1-U EJLJpyiR AOLTOK XOTCH BRIDGE Evdnings MI-9-0120 whea hla playlag daya aee I t

    r M ' \ " ■V.; ' , I- . > / - • [r I '.A ( > J ’-- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1983 PAGE THIRTEEN ■ <" • PAGE TWELVE Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n in g j ie r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n .. f r iOa y ,- j u l y it . 1955 Rooaw withoat Board «it Re fo r Bala n fo r S ate 71 Hfl for SrIo n WunUi—RcrI B m tg 77 Rooau without Board 19 Utilities Warned AEUNBobBeE f (tf Sak 4 Booflac—Wdlat . It Hdp. WBBt«d--F9BMlt S8 J lo iB ,Blr# i PeU 41 Arficlca tar Rala „ .. HoMdioli .GooAt >41 LAMB ROOM-Central. ConUnu- 109 BRANFORD STREET 4SORRKE0B7LESRUVtNGl MANCHESTER JUBTIHQe. . WANTED ? Slngla, Ike’s Political Police Take_ oOa 'hof water, parking. Oantla- Lwo-tamUy: tlu-tie-famlly, busi­ 1937 FORD 2-Door In good condl- ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. WANTED-Shirt Pres* Operator. FEMALE Pointer Puppy. WUl be 8TBEROMATIC Baby Carriage, man.' MltcheU $-4724. 112,800 SUMMIT irmEET—• rooms of Duplex, 9*d rooms, tvto ateam fur­ ness property. Have many cash In PUC Report Uon with 1947 Mercury motor. Alterations and addltiona Oall- Apply in person. New Model ready for hunting thie fall. Rea- like .new, with new bad. $1$.00. NICE'FRONT ROOM to working naces, on*, car garage near Honeymoon Set IS cu. ft. freizer was $499.96 person. 17 Lillay atreet. Attractive alx room Cape Cod untiaual charm. IS' x 29' living room buyers. Mortgage* arranged. Dim View of Classified Mitchell 3-5619. Inga. Workmanship guaranteed. Laundry, 73 Summit street. aonaldy priced. Truman Cowles, MltcheU 9-8992. "TWO PURNttHBD ROOMS with with pine panelled flreplaca wall. . center. Please call Georg* L. Orazladlo. A. A. Dion,- Inc., 299 Autumn 72 Hudson atreet. Phone Mitchell now $4Od.0O. Other uprights kitchen prlvilaga*. Inquir* 135 offeted at reduced price for im­ Duplex, 5-0 room*, quiet street - Hartford. July 17 — (47 The WANTED —dWoman for counter ROOMS — New home. Kitchen mediate sale and occupancy. Fire­ Natural wood cabinat kitchen, din­ Realtor, Mitchell 9-5878. 100 1950 FORD De Luxe Tudor. Own­ street. Mitchell 3-4860. 3-4440. North School atreal, upattir*. $13,500. Henry street. For Slow Fade Stats Public UUIItlaa Commlaalon er left for aervlce. Mitchell work, 6 p. m. - 2 a. m., six nights Boats uid AcecMorlia 4t and chests at savings. Excel­ privileges, television, all the com- place, oU steam heat, raar porch, ingroom, bedroom and bath on flrat Boy Motorist has ordered utllUtes to take aUpa Advertisemenb eforta of home. Gentlemen only. floor. 16’ X ' I f master bedroom, West Sid*, flat 4-3 rooms. Urge! T 9-7366. , » FOR.GUARANTEED ROOFS that a week. No experience needed. TROPICAL FISH — New shipment lent selection of lamps, all ameaiU drive, on* car garaga, WANTED TO BUY — Five or *U- for th* prevention of wideepread CLA8SU1ED ADVT. stay %h In any kind of storm, and Apply Norm's Drive-In, Manches­ Juat arrived. Kelly's Aquarium, home furnishings and baby MltcheU 8-66D9. Apurtments—F lsti^ storni window, and screen*. Excel­ another bedroom, lavatory on sac- lot, Ineom* from three room* tOMUaned From Page Ooe) If a 12-year-old wants to drive, telephone and electric failures such 1941 MERCURY Oub Coupe. Ra­ ter Green. 10 H P. BCOTT-ATWATER Out­ ond floor. Large flagston* porch. $00 per month. Four room* evall- room aingl* or two-family. Writ* DEPT. HOURS gutiera conductora and roof re­ 29 Sunset street. Open until 9. furniture. Television. LARGE ROOM wlUi all housekeep­ Teni^entg IS lent condition. Shown anytime by Box R, Herald. let It be a bicycle and net a car. aa occurred in Fairfleld County dio. heater. $95.00. 1934 Ford pair*. Call Coughlin, Mitchell board Motor. MltcheU t-3665L appointment. 2 car garage and workthon 24' x abl* on completion of sale. crate have complained his admin­ during a January aleet storm. 8:15 A. M. to 4:80 P. M. PART-TIME SALES GIRL. CaU . . I ing facilities fully attached. Pri- That seem* to sum up the feel­ Convertible. $35.00. Call Mitchell 3-7707. TWO-ROOM Furalahad Apartment Open For- Inspection Sunday 30', Baautifully landscapad. Cus­ West .Sid*, seven rooms, large istration lacks strong leadership, . The commlaalon yesterday issued 9-5129. in person. Pin* Pastry Shop, 659 9 FT. FLURMAN mahogany ply­ vat# entrance. Inquire 101 Cheat-^ for couple. On hue line. Cell tom built of stone and frame 10 porch, nice lot, hot wetcr heat ing* of local police on a ^sae'pre­ Center street, mornings. Liva Stock—Vchieica 48 wood boat;and oars, $80. Mltch­ CHAMBERS FURNITURE nut atreet. 2 to 5:30 P. M. Legal Notice Eisanhower'a own, attitude, aa ha a report of Its Sndtnga In an In- COPY CLOSING TIME CONNECTICUT Valley Construc­ MltcheU $-9088. ' veers ago. Maiiy Interesting faa- (oil). Price $13,250. sented In Town Court thl* morn­ vrsUgatlon of the utility failures FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 1951 CHRYSLER. 190 H P. V9 En- tion. Guaranteed roofs and sid­ 18 MONTHS OLD Guernsey heifer eU 9-4430. - At the Green tuna. . _ Coni _____ has expressed It privately as well jrlnc. 4-Door Sedan. Equipped with ing. Aluminum atorm windows FULL OR PART-TIME . Counter for sale. Will trade in for laying PLEASANT ROOM with private fURNISHEO Four-Room Apart­ ELVA TYLER West Side, new five ■ room ranch, Dlitricl of MAnchRAtRr ea publicly, could 'oe shimmed up In ing; which totalled 163.969. MON. THRU FRL radio, heater. Torque drive, elec­ and gutters. AU men protTCted by girl. Pleasant working cimditiens. SDC H.P. ELGIN-Outboard Motor. Hours: 9 :30 a.m. to 6 p.m. family. West Side. , Alao parking ment. Five hundred >feet eaet of Realtor ’ WEST CENTER STREET-g hot water heat. Down payment ^ ProbAtR Court. July Mr*. Elisabeth E. McCarthy, 26. At the same time It sent orders pullets. Inquire Harry Tobler, 304 place. Gentleman preferred, ,,Ka‘a*^ pAtRr UtvlnehyE. Utc of a homely adage: You ctigh more to alt telephone and electric com­ 10:30 A. M. tric window* and power brake*. insurance. Three years’ fo pay. Apply in person, Caruso's Drive- Hilliard street. Good condition, $65.00. Mltchill ^ 7 :30 p,m. to 8 :30 p.m. Cove Reetaurant, South Oovantry. Mitchell 9-4469 ■Mm brick apd frame English Co- $2,500. Move right In. MAnchRAtRr In AAld Cditrirt. dRCRAARd, of III) Eldridge strecl. waa In, 240 Middle Turnpike West, or 9-9159. Mitchell 9-6952. tonlal. Large sun room end garage. PfRifnl. John J. WaIIru. JudfR files with honey than you^do with panies In Connecticut directing $1,950. full price. Will accept trade Free eatimatea. Call Mitchell '^Harrington's, FIVE-ROOM HOME — Attached Eaet Side, six room - brick con­ vinegar. , charged with allowing a minor to SATURDAY 9 A. M. and arrange financing. Car can call Mitchell 9-8088. WORK HORSE FOR SALE — Will UVingroom ha* handsome fireplace struction, biillt two years, two •Hir 32rd dAy of July. 1W.T At fRn operate a motor vehicle. that they: 3-7180. Alfred Gliareat. Owner. Oarage, Ula-bath, porch, atorm • forRooon. At thR MunlcIpAl Persuasion, rather than denun Arrange fqr quicker weather be seen evenings at 132 School work single or double. Call windowi end ecrcens, oU hot wall. Diningroom, kitchen, lava­ fireplace*, hot water heat. Only Auildlnf In sAld MAnchRitrr, ia hRrRhy TOim OOOPEKAtlON WILL atreet. W. Bycholaki. Telephone MAN'CHESTER Rbofing and Sid­ Mitchell 3-5794. Diamonds—Watches— ONE De LUXE FRIGIDAIRE, 6 ft. BiMliicM Locattmm tory. 3 bedroom*, 3 maatar aia* $14,200. Owner traneferred. AAilfnRd for a hRArInf upon ihR ARttlR« elation,. I. hli riock in tr-“ad.“ And, dld''nTm.*^*iythm^ d . U ™ pedate ?o“ keep J«wgli7 48 Clean. $40. Barstow's. -MltcheU water heat, recreation room. Near WRnt And AliAAt'AnCR of thR RKRCUlOr'l halfway tmerfency BE AmtEOATED Mitchell 9-6039. ing company. Also all types of HAIRDRESSER ' for Rest 94 hue line, echool and chopping cen­ with adjoining dressing rooms. Por­ North End. older six room single, Acrount with AAid R^tAtR, And It 1a painting and carpentry work. t-7234. office, he has found it adVieable um LEONARD W, YOST, Jeweler, re- ter. Priced for quick eale. Charlaa celain til* bath. Hot water oil heat. extra two rooms in basemant, ORDFsrkdKb 1) -1*1 ~Rol>m * j. - Pifim - to perauadc' oftener and harder nephew drive it nhe were In the consider and encourage As of Guaranteed work.-Phone Mitchell Three-year all-aroimd operator Ponltry and Snppllca 48 NORGE 9 cu. ft. Refrigerator with Pratt I Whitaty TO RENT, Store on Maple street This home i* Immaculato from ■team heat, garage. Lot 75’ * i underrTouncl trAnamistlon linet; Dial MI-3'5121 Accessories—Tires • pairs, adjusts watches expertly. near Main. Ideal for any Leapcrance, Mitchell 9-7690. than ever-before. carwiinmm. . „ .urvey all aerial line* to deter- Auto 9-8033 for free eatimatea. frteaer; 36” Slattery stove, .5 attic to liveable basement. D* lux* Inn. NIC# irardDn ipot. N a a m ' hobM and. thAt fwitic# of thR umR And for new 'modem ground floor air- BROAD-BRESTED Bronze Tur­ Reasonable prices. Open daily. small businss* or ground floor of' landscaping—$18,000. With Congress In a rush to She wa* b^ked las n ght after ^ ■'potential point* of dlfllcUlty; BATTERIES—Famous maJtea, 50% conditioned shop. Pleasant environ­ Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce months old. Accept' reaaonabie PINE ACRU Terrace. Owner un­ dACOratinf. PliCA $9,500. } PJa^» 1f>r sAld hRArln* M vivRn by Patiolman Milton , and arrange for faster restoration keys, fresh frozen, 10 to 22 offer. Mitchell 9-4491. fic*. Apply Edw. J. Holt, 10M expectedly traflaferred out of state. Evening* and Week End* Call North End. excellent four room , LI;;. adjourn at the end of this month. oil. Exchange. As low aa 50c GREAT EASTERN ment and working conditiona. Sal­ pounds. Schaub's Turkey Farm, atreet. Mitchell 9-4387. Aireratt Main atraet. Tel. Mitchell $.5111, { Elsenhower has telephoned key Gordon Geer, of 85 Welherell i f^nnwing a disruption qf service, I,o0t and PMoad Weekly. Cole Motors, 436 Center $H room., ceramic til* bath, for- William McBride, Mitchell 3-4818 aingl*. garage, flret claa* condl- i by rau.ina » copy of Dii. r.rd*r m b» ""^ROOFING AND ary and commissioir. Call Newing­ 188 HlUatown Road...... FWQIDA2RE' 40-incb gaectrie mtoa counter, hot water pil.heti, tion. Near hue. achool.and *tor«l. fJ>«hlU*rd m.»omc .ji«w*ii*pcj--,li*»to* * legislator*, had-them to frequeai I commission also called for Mitchell 9-09M. iTORB-FOR -Rant, central twatlnir.' I e* I .1 A el*.M 4a «Al.«a ' VSi . —a ^ i l i ( R LOST — Boy'* Black Columbia 2«" Garden—Paraa—Dairy Stove, excellent 'rondltlon, $100.00. Venetian bilnda, recreation room, Sol* Agent* Price $9,450. rlrniliUon Id ■alrt' Ch.irlri and ■W*hite ’ House conference*. Orv k V. " . 1. T t ; I greater cooperaltdh betweelnhUhi-' CONSTRUCTION CO. ton 6-2283, .9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., A FEW BROILERS FOR SALE. Hooaier kitchen cabinet, portabM Inquire 60 Haynea atreet, • a. m bitvclc.. ataoat. ._.— ------after T :00-p;m."Od>998..'------Three 4o-f«UF-pounda -each.— Fred ...... Produeta------80- jiSfjirelu Pr -IS.-. -«r- aea- BauUi -Main -atreeC ,.eUaeh9dlw.6g.t...y«rjM^^^ For-An- Appointment-Plea** Phone low Tueaday a/ternoonir Pnone M otorcycles— ^Bicycftti f l Dent, 41 Apel place. -kffoiena'^hMlerT'WrTieO^^ after 5. lent condluoft. The Henry Eacott irWATSON EEAnrTnTTCO. bntchell 9-2215. - \ TRANSPLAN TeiD Tomato plants Inquire It Lilac atraet. Agency. Mitchell 9-7683, Mitchell Realtor* '^ . Insurer* Ih* d»y •»( for laid '•’'/...iv hrarln*. RoH>rt !Sre^^,^*e^mngT^''n th" Hou*^;!; - ,::'^ ";‘::J[rm*d. ip : ^-i^ng tr«e* and branch., wera FOUR-CYUNDER Indian Motor­ 9-26U, Mitchell 9-0132. HOWARD R. HASTINGS I. PI*»on. II Parli 8lr»H, Rorlcvin>. lurched with their counlerparU In I I??!!?." ^ ^ “ i listed in the commleelon report a* RE-SIDING SPECIALISTS peppers, egg plants, asters, iln- FRIGIDAIRE Good condition. Hartford 2-2115 Manche*t*r.,Mnch*ll 9-1107 <’onn*cUrui: Antoni* K l.livlnrliyli. M4 cycle in good ^condition. Stanley HIGH School Girl to care for three ■Articles lor Salt 45 ntaa, salvia, petunias, snap­ wall-payiay jobs Summer Romes for Rent 97 Harlimatark flirnni. M*nrbe>tnr, Con- the Senate. "'^7**1- ' utj main cause of th* power dls- Annonneements Malon. 29 Ardmore road^ Applicators of aabeatos, plastic year old. few day* a week. Very reasonable. Tel. Mitchell EDGE OF TOWN, 6-room Cap* nRrilrui. H*r r*»* wa* continued by i dragons, calandulas, marigolda, 9-3345. BIRCH MOUNTAIN ROAD - New BOWERS SCHOOL section. Very JOHN J. WAUaKTT. JudfR. "He didn't try to pressure ua," Insulated siding and wood shingles, Mitchell 9-3444. ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port­ geraniums, thras for $1, at Oder- MODERN SIX ROOM cottage for Cod open stairway, oil steam hast, Cap* Cod, 6 room* finished. H desirable six-room Cape Cod. Im­ .ludge John J. O'Connor until next j ______— NOW AIR-Condltloned, Ruaatll » For cabinat kltepcn,- storm window*, . ______— , one lawmaker said afterward. ."He Friday. I RrRVIVORR 8LAUOHTCREU Barber Shop, comer Oak and specializing In Life Tima aluminum able and standard typewriters. manii's,.5ai.I>ark*r street- - USED -FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator. ■ rent at Olant'a Neck Heighta. acre tot; plastered walla; tile maculate condition. Fenced-in ^ 7 A ( OURT o r PROBATE h*ld *t ! didn't even aak for anvthinr OIRL’.^ BIO'CLE. 115.00. Tele­ siding ln~color. HOUSEWIVES - - Avon—offera a All makes of adding machines Open from Augiiat 9 through Sep­ full cellar, 'stone terrace, M acre, Coventry. wIIMn and for ih* Dletrlci i ‘ ., ", Alio thl* morning, five boy* ; Danbury. July 17—(47—a truck Spruce atreet*. R em l^on and phone Pilgrim 2-6279. ' career to' the woman y^ho wishes Recently overhauled. $15.1)0. Ideal bath; hot watsr heat; extra large yard. Fireplace. Vacant. Call' of f'oventr.i, on Die joth day of July,' apeciSc, He juat talked *)>OUt the Schick electric raiora, part*, aalea sold or rented. Repairs on all tember. Call Mancheatcr Mitchell large tree*, $9,800. Carlton W. kitrh'en. $1.500.00 Down Payment. Anita Whitt. MItehell 8-8274. • A D JM3. were ordered turned over to Juve-, r,rrylng 49 calves crashed Into a to be in business for herself. makes. Marlow's. for summer cottage. Call MltcheU ★ Operators of: HutchUia. Mitchell 9-5112, Mitchell "■ I general picture and gave ua some nlle aulhorltle* by Judge O'Connor. , night, killing seven of and aervlce. GIRL S BICYCLE 26 '. Good con­ Mitchell 3-8271 HooMhold Goods 81 9-5591. 9-2130. Call The Johnson Building Com­ Rchwarts Real Estate. Present. Write District Manager, North Drill Presses t-4«M. pany. 953 Main street, jintrhell Hon Ttiomae <7 Wei|e», .Indxe. ; information w* hadn't had before. O'* animal* and injuring or stun- dition Prlro, $20. Telephone A- V; LINDSAY — Owner Branford, Conn. NEW 17" Emerson television, On motion of Aht*)i*m Rerthlaume. It was a moat effective presenta­ of Hartford: Charles Armstrong, DO YOU KNOW that the fabulous Mitchell 9-5496. BOY! WHAT A BARGAIN! BEST FREEZER Lathes MANCHESTER -Six room home 1-7436.• EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. R. r . D, No 1. Rociivltle. f'onn.. Ad- Relaxacitor ha* representation in $169.95, includea tax and guaran­ Wanted to Rent 98 Good condition. Garage. Oil steam mlnieiraior on Die intestate estate of tion. " 16. Of 134 gpnjce street: George TTiose calve* that didn't perish WOMAN OR GIRL to assist moth­ tee. Terms to suit you. M tchell 3 ROOMS FURNITURE VALUES IN TOWN Milling Machines neatled in 3 acre* of tree*, two 76 -SUMMER FTREFTT, corner Joseph Rerthlaume_late of Tovenlrv, But it didn't atop the Houee Long. 17, of 247 Autumn street; Manchester? For fiifure analysis JRAY’S ROOFING Company. Gut­ er with general housework. For Bedroom Suite, Living Room Suite, heal. Large lot. Near school and in the crash weren't any better and free trial treatment ra Business Serrlces Offered IS ter work, roof and chimney re­ 9-0980. Grinding Machines YOUNG COUPLE. 15-month-old mlnutea walk to school, oil steam Emerson atreet, run* off 134 West Main street. $0-day occupancy. arlihfn eald dittrirt. deceased. group from voting, only 24 hour* Gerald Monahan. 16, of 36 Fulton > further details call Mitchell Dinette Set, Rugs, Lamps, Tables. 120 cu. ft. Kelvin* tor. Regular Other Machines daughter, need four or five-room heat, cabinet kitchen, garage. To Center street. 5 year* old, 8 room Thie Court doth decree that six later, to slash more than a billion atreet: and Harold Hampeon, 17, i nanhurv Edna Clark, consultant, Mitchell pair*. Free estimates gladly 3-8534. BE SURE — Buy Cinco all alum- Call 3-5636. mnnthe be allowed and limited for the 9-4275, a a. m. to 9:30 a. m. or given. Ray Hagenow, Mitchell WITH AN $660. Rale price $549. unfumlehed rent. Under $50. ac* Uiis unusual home call Carlton brick duplex, M unfinished upi. crediiore of said eeiaie m exhibit their! dollgra from th* prealdenfa for- o , , , . I inum windows. Also self-atoring Phone Mitchell 9-3737, Mitchell W. Hutchins. Mitchell 9 5133, after 4:30 p. m. ____ ALL KINDS of carpentry work. 9-2214. ^ Ray Jackson, Mitchell EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR 113 ru. ft. Kelvlnator. Regular Combination atorm window* and EXTRAORDINART Ranch Home, RiAlmiitiraior AKAinAt and dlreri* thR RAniR that |Fi public thR A4m1n* notice l' DiAfn aIfI nmoTAmprogram A.a F*FimArAtFkn#comeraione 3-8325. doors. Call Mitchell 9-9095 for free' "DE LUXE " RANGE $400. Sale price $335. ■tk Sheet Melal Mechanics 9-1558. Mitchell 9-4694. acrecna,' hot water heat, oil, full \ located In the hills of Vernon...... h.m ,i Reasonable rate». Mitchell 9-4291. for Automobile, Dealership. 5 'i estimates. Bill Tunaky. be siren of this order b.v adrerilalnar^f his whole foreign policy. day week. 40 hour*. Salary com FOR ONLY 118 CH. ft. Keliinator upright. basement, eldewtiks, city sewers, j . Custom Built. This home la com-' in * newspaper harinc a circuiatieii This was only a aubcommlttee! theft of a set of golf club*. Th* " Peiaotimls WINDOW SHADE.S made to order A BAD CHIMNEY, roof, gutter $329 WANTED One or two unfurnished MANCHESTER — Three Apart- short walk to hue. Exclusive : prised of acveral unique features i" “ id dixirici. and hr postln* * c«rv menaurate with ability. - Paid va­ VENETIAN BUNDS' Regular $600. Sale price $514. • k Experimental Machinists room* bv bualneA woman. menta, 6. 5, 4 rooms. T\vo fur- action. There's a chance for p a rt, other boys had been charged with and inslalletl, Venetian blinds repaired. PromRt service. Guaran­ cation. holidays, insurance bene­ Only $14.56 Month neighborhood. Full price 6*.900. i found only in th* best of ranch , V„wr o rc'X n ‘D vV if?.t'''7b*p!t:^ or all of the cut to be restored I destruction of private property for t h e PROSPECT Hill School for and curtain rods. 24 hour service. teed workmanship. Term*. Free Highest QuaUty Only 110 cu. ft. Coolerator. Regular Mitchell 3.a439. nai-ea, one ateam, one hot water. Call Mitchell 9-922*. |home*. Approximately $9.0()01)0' i " r e The delated "axT^weil.''^^ N olice young children. Transportation estimates. Mortensen Roofing Co. fits. Replies held in confidence. Also RecondiUonlng Yc*. the** are used, but in good $386. Sale Price $260. 1.4)1 90 ft. front, two-car garage. ------i Down Payment. (Jan be seen by i certified froni_.Record •* later In th* legislative process. But ' their action* in breaking a door Estimates gladly given, Fagan ■ k At a meeting held by th* Towii fumlahed. Mra. Lela Tybur. direc­ Mitchell 3-7691. Box B, care . Herald. Tapes and Cords by 'Yard shape and guaranteed. Bench Mechanics Near bus, schools and store*. $76 tS5 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST— | appointment only. Call The John­ RltubRtlVc'teACRk. f'iRfk time is short and persuasion take* ^ P*"*' Nathan Hale School Window .'-hade Co., Route 44 at All Freezer* Carry Five BuRlnesK Froperlj' per month Income from two I rfMirl of' ProhAtR time. The next two week* may tell I July 7. Planning---- _ Commission ^ of Manches- . . . tor. Phone Mitchell 9-5767. Bolton .Notch. Mitchell 9-4471 CaU : FREE STORAGE Rower* School Six-Room Co- ; son Building Companv, 95.1 Main j rM9lyJrt of rovRDlry P E R O m BROTHERS ROOFING UNTIL WANTED Year Warranty ★ Material Handlers for Sale 70 apariment*. Five rooms for buy­ lonial In tip-top shape. Ameaite ’ street, Mitchell 3-74M. whether Eisenhower'* honeymoon | I" : i'"'- Connecticut, July 9. 1983. foi- BALLARD'S Driving School, Man­ COMPLETE Hand and power lawn COMPANY. Free eatlniatei.. Gal­ Help Wanted—Male 86 FINDELL MYg . CO. er. Clear of expenses after down drive. Basement garage. Oil AT A COITRT Air PROBATE held at wlth Congrew will rip*n-or. like '-, f*n IhR 7ih day of July. accident free instruction hours. 9-I5052. 485 E ait Middle Turnpike 9.35 Main Street tkMen with other skills ment please phone Howard R. window* and screen*. Electric . street. A spacious home In a quiet 1 A. n. Internipted by a qiiarfel over 'hi*; William Ritchie. Jr^. 28,, of «« j to the "Zoning Reg- tuned and overhauled. Pick-up and pike Garden Apartments. Must be HARTFORD 6-03.59 HARTFORD Haatlnga, Mitchell V-il07. Hamlin atreet; Thomas Bordonaro. Hundred* of sati.sfied students. delivery service. Gibson's Garage. general repair and handy man. ' AFTER 7 P. M. HTFD. 46-4690 range. Stair carpeting. Weill neighborhood on a large lot. Pr'HRiur money.. ’’ Illations for the Town of Man­ .. "IfT.’ MlieltFll WASHED S A I^, Stone, gravel, fih, landscaped lot in A tone. Coat IsJ Three-bedroom Ranch with al­ H'.iir T7*^>mA8 l». WrIIrr. ^.>1$.. Jud(R. 37, of Wlnated: and John H. chester, Conn^" aa arnended and Mitchell 3-5012...... ■ Write to Turnpike Garden 43orp.-,- . Crtu iKdUion . Mr RjilnkHi*;-JL* Raoftne Tf-A -loam. Nugadorf OonstTuction Co; ...... - A- --Iz- B E^-R- T->^ S ------Magical Instramcnts -^93 ★ Men without factory — Investmentrr- property;., Main VICINITY MIDDLE Turnpike, alx- ien* than $106.0()'y#arly for heat I lacfied girage, U4 ■h*lhS. fun ^'B rten, 46-.- of Hartford.- war* each to rnake a zbhe changed as folldwii: 9-2245. 97 Federal atreet. West Hartford, Phone MltcheU 9-7408. 43-4.5 Allyn Street. Hartford *1 rent section group of three build-^ room Cape Cod,-two unfinished. jWovRRiry. ronn.. AdmlnlatrAtrli. on ihR ftned 39; Mra. Inez E, Welch, .45, WIRING INSTALLA’nO N at all Conn. . All this for 111.too. ShoiA'n any ■tall shower, 9-foot fireplace,' ino-xuie'e»l*i»'of rcank'Roland R a i n - ci-x e , d ' k . . : * . . To Chang# to Busineaa Zone I A LIBERAL- Hoapitaliaation and RjOQFJNG-t- Specializing In-xapaic.- MUSIC InstruBM t r*nt»l.. Comr skills. — ing... ? .portm eni h.tjck. A apsrU . _Silji»teU.on a g^-.izM.toL.H^ ‘i^pjfmmvnt ""o^V'Mr | IMng- mmn. ptiio.- ,;n-,..-rillA^A^A. . 1 r U \ l l l l U oL NkrtIord.„,w*a .fined , |i r . and ty-pes. N'O^Job too am ail.--Peter ONE G e : X f t ;” r e f r t o e Ra: ’'plete liiie of Instiiiments. Renui CovRntry. mtthln R«if] diRtrtrt. d^rRAR^d. I McKinney. 16. St 'Co'ven^ surgical plan offered by Mutual of ing roofs of all kinds. Also new mem brick, two fsmily frame snd water he.l oil. domestic hot w.-, Inspection Sunday, j 5:30 p. m. i ■lie driveway. Call Vanodiiver David A Pantaliik. 40 Foster atreet. Phone roof*. Gutter work. Chimneys WANTED—Body Metal Man and LAWI? . CHAIRS, unpainted. 1140 TOR. a e a n . $50.00. Mitchell applleu to purchase price. Rep- 3 car brick gsisge. Owner will ter. frame house with field aton* i ThiR r.iuri doih dRrrFR that try. received a nolle. | Weat Center Street Westerly of Omaha. Investigate. Phone your Mitchell 9-7303. Painter. Good wages, steady 9-7234. Exclusive with Elva Tyler, Real- Conatruction Co., MltchejK 3-4836, monthfl bR allowRd and UfnltRd for thR local agent. Mitchell 9-7375. cleaned, repaired, 26 years’ ex­ Btfmaide Ave. Hartford 8-7278. resenting Olds, Selmer, Bach, take first mortgsge for 25 yesr*. rrRdiior^ rtf Mid RftatR lo RXhiblt th^^lr Coiigregg Session Also. Harold Hagenow. S3, of 396 , McKee Street, bounded and wo/k. Brunner's, 358 East Center o r * 'a *";■ ' MIt. hell 9-44M. I for appointment. claima aaainpt thR aamR in thR Admin­ Highland atreet. wa* fined $21 for I described aa follows: Northerly by POWER BUR.NF.RS and Range perience. Free estimates.- Call atreet. Manchester. JtICH BARNYARD loam for sale. FRANK'S ANTIQUES — Second Pedlar and Bundy. Metter'a MuMc $in,000 required. .500, Jack Feiiiherg, Sole Agent.,______j______' ______istrator and dirRrta that publlr noticR ENJOY A DRIVER’S license. For Howley, Manchester Mitchell Studio, 177 McKee. Mltehell Few conipanlca ran 1127 Mam street, Hartford gTEP-8AVER Four large room* FIVE-ROOM C A P ^^'^D . garage. hR Kl'Rn of thin nrd^r by advRrtulnff recklee* driVlng; Judgment waa ! land N /F Chnatin* Engel Burk- expert instruction call the Man­ Burners expertly cleaned and Call Peter Lalaahius. Mitchell hand store, 56 Cooper street. Buys, (OoiitiniMd Froih' Page One) suapended in the case of Mr*. hardt. 118 4 feet; Easterly by Mc- serviced. Let ii.s service and re­ .3-.5361. MAN WANTED for Inside work. 9-2659. sells. Mitchell 9-7968. Open Thura- 3-7500. offer the many ad­ 2-M.19. 4-19.7.7. j on on* floor. Full basement, hot Rueco wlndowf^ oil steam heal. in a nRwapap^r havinx a rirctjiatt.nn I chester Driving Academy. Pilgrim Apply in person. New Model Laun­ JACK FKINBKRi; ----:------I water oil heat. Madeline Smith, Convenient Jpcatlon. 39,900. Own- in Raid diatrirt. and by popllng a copy Shirley A. Oandley, 35. of 11 Ke* Street, 99 5 feet; Southerly 2-7?49. ____ pair your w-a.shing machine or i e- days, Fridays, Saturday!, 9 to 9. vantage* of Pratt M 1127 Msln Street. Hartford OVERSIZED Cap* Cod. four down. i thRfRof on thR public* Birn poRi in i»ald over Senate floor management to , Overland street, who wa* charged by West Center Street, 118.7 feet: fiigerator. Metro Service. Mitch­ dry, 73 Summit street. WORK BENCH-3 ft. wide by 12 ft. Mitchell 9-7966. Realtor. Mitchell 9-1642 or Mitch­ er. Mitchell 3 *040. To«n of CovRniry nRarRpt th» placR Senator Knowland. ' | Heating—Plumbing 17 long, baa three steel legs and Wanted—To Bay 88 Tel. 2-8.1.'l8 OI 4-1955 two unfinished up. Rusen com-1 ell 3-4879, whRr# ThR d^rRaRR^ lant dm^lt. with keeping an uniicenaed dog. and Westerly by land now of’ Fitz­ AUTO DRIVING Instruction. All ell 9-0893. Whitney Aircraft. In binalion Windows, extra large lot. : CRrtiflRd f/om PaRrord. A few days later he entered New Samuel Frank. 45. of Worcester. gerald. 96.6 feet. 1 CARPENTERS and Cairpentcrs' drawer*. "Tel. Mitchell 3-5717 FIBRE RUGS ip aSock now. All lessons on insured dual-control HEATING From A to Z. Conver­ Helpers wanted by Ann'ulli Con­ GOOD USED MAPLE DESK and addition to Itherti Not in a development. Immediate . ATTENTION. VETERANS! New I^ots for ^ le 7.^ RIlxabRth t^ac^k. c*j»rk York Hospital, remained five days Mass., and Roger L’Eruyer. 39. of Amend ARTICLE IV, FECTIO.N car. Capable experienced instruc­ SECRETARIAL SERVICE—Typ­ sion hurnera, boiler-burner units, after 4 p. m. colors and sizes. 9 x 12 $17.95 MANCHESTER Zoned for indus­ C*ourt t'1 rrobatR snd returned ro the Senate on struction Co. MItchel) 9-9244. and up. Phone Mitchell 9-4343, platform rocker, forch glider and occupancy. Price $13,900. Call < s-Heoroom 3-Bedroom nmnen,Ranch, full{uii basement. DASAmcm. ^ ---- - ■ ------DiPtrirt of ro\*»ntry lyiwell. Mas*., each forfeited $38 IX. "by deleting the last paragraph tor. Cordner Auto School. Mitch­ ing. stenography, mimeographing, corrinlete heating aystema. All FLAGSTONE—Stones for walls, chair. Also portable typewriter. wage rale*, over- try, on* year old 40 x 24 building. Mitchell 9-7919. Attached (ArAite. laArffc rloDelij^i BUILDING LOT — Approximately crutches. bonds posted for speeding. which reads aa follows: ell 9-6010. vari-typlng, mailing for small or work guaranteed. Time payment* Manchester Carpet Center, 308 Good spot for machiny shop, small On July 4 he again entered the house fronts, fireplace.*, etc. Also Main atreeL AU reasonable. CaU Hartford Nme premium*, ultra modern kitchen, ceramic ttte I IW) x 75 ft., near Broad Street Space in any yard required by large businesses. Reasonable arranged. Moriarty Brothers Tel. COMPOSITOR Healalator fireplace forms, 28" 9-5769. — . tool* or other businesses. Contact NEW 6 ROOM slngl.e, all apacloua ' bath,k.eU 90RA ft.#e lot.l^e Convenient--*a. ' flrhnAl to! School. T>hAnaPhone MltCOeU 2-M34 hospital her*. Four days later he these regulations may be used for FOR SAFE and Courteous Auto rates. Phone Mitchell 3-7691.. Mitchell 3-5135. many employe* Alicf Clampet^ Realtor. Mitchell rooms, 2 baths, hot water heat, imden.vent an exploratory opera­ Driving Instruction with insured fl at $45 each. 6" x 6" x 1 '2" slate USED FURNITURE bought and School and bus. Ae litUe ?aa $650 I after 6 :S0, C^ar (Irash Kills loading and unloading and space benefit plan*, you D-454.1. fireplace, many added features, down for veterans. F H.'A. m ort-! tion of the abdominal wall. Wash­ Notice dual control car call Larson Driv­ MANCHE.STER T. V. Service, LENNOX Furnaces and warm air Part or full time on en­ hearth tile. Bolton Notch Quar­ sold. The Woodahed. 11 Main TENT AND CAMPING EQUIP­ hreeze-way and garage. Extra BEALTIFUL Large l»t* near m side and rear yards may be ry. Mitchell 9-0617. street. Tel. MltcheU 9-3154. gage available also. Call now. ! ington and Cincinnati physicians used for parking. ing School. Phone Mitchell radio and T.V. specialista since heating. Earl Van Camp. Mitchell velope work. Apply MENT. Mitchell 9-0106. get hig company large lot. 8. A. Beechler, Realtor. Warren R. Howland. Realtor, 5431 Route 6 . Also cabin with 82 acres. Fori Deveiis GI who hid treated him were present. Is hereby given that specifica­ 9-6075. 9,5844. Houses for Sale 72 Phone MltcheU S-6949. Box Mountain lot. All reasonable. and subattung Ih# following; 1934. House service call $3.50. ATTENTION Ladle*! Slip-covers stahlllty and iin- Woodbridge street. Telephone j The aliment ha* been described tions are now available at Police Mitchell 9-2196 day or night. Mltcheir 9-7337. Headquarters for the construction Any yard at defined by these. GUARANTEED Plumbing and HOT SECOND floor bedrooms can and drapes cuatom made. Re-up­ BOLTO.N ■ Thrae-Bedroom Cus­ Mitchell 3-Saoo any tlrn*. Trumbull, July; 17 — f/P — A as a serioua bone lesion, hut no reg;ulattons may be used for load­ U. S. ENVELOPE be quickly cooled with a portable Rooms withoat Board 89 ii*ual advancement fiirthei details have _been an­ of a concrete block dog pound. Automobiles for Sale 4 GUARANTEED Top quality tele­ heating. Alterations and nev holstering. Beautiful fabrics, BOLTON tom Built Home, 22 ft.-living BUILDING LOTS AT VERNON — V»oldi*r from Fort Devens, Mass., ing or unloading. COMPANY room cooler. 16" window fans prints, atrlpea, aollda. Expertly PLEASANT, Furnished room with opportuhlHe*. That'a VERNON — Custom built ranch. , nounced. These specification* may be «b- vision service. Calls received be­ work. Perma glaas electric ant completely enclosed for safety, room. fireplace, knotty pine Twin site bedrooms, large double ' 9S by 280 ft. One minute to Wilbur | *n route to his York. Pa., home I tatned now at PoUc* Headquar- Any yard aa defined by these 1947 PLYMOUTH sedan, only $19r) ga.* water heaters sold and in­ 3 Ann Street finished: $5 down, $2 weekly, kitchen privilegaa. Ona block from kitchen with dining area. Bath Crosa highway, new school andon hli birthday, was killed in­ regulations may be used for the down. See it today. Center Motor fore 9 p. m. will be serviced same 2- speed continuou.* duty motors.balance one year to pay. Call why It pay* to Four-Room Ranch House closets, fireplace, large kitchen.! I ter*. AU bids must be in by 4 night. Call Mitchell 9-1347. stalled. Time payments arranged. Main atraet. Phone MltcheU 9-4429. plus lavatory, hot water h'sl. Hot water oil heal, full cellar. i beautiful lakes. 31.200 cash. Tel-! ttantly today when, police said. parking of customer'a vehicles Sales. 461 Main street. Hartford, Conn. $45, Including federal excise ta.x. Mrs. Pinto. Mitchell 9-7862. With Breezeway and Garage ephona Rockville 5-90.4*. ! P. M. July 31. 1968. a t which time Skelley Brothers. Mitchell 9-8714. Try one at our expense anv hot Garage. 3/4 acre. Only $12,900. over it acre. 313,900. Carlton W. i the automobile he was driving subject to th* following condi­ b u l l d o z e r for hire. Excellent PLEASANT ROOM at the Center. Ameslte drive, large , lot. Hou.ie w-ent out of control on the Merritt : thev will be publicly opened and BEFORE YOU Buy a used car A PLUMBING shop at your door. MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT_, for night. T. P. Aitkin. Mitchell Gentitman praferred. 14-I8 Wada- f'nrlton W. Hutchins, Mitchell Hutchins, Mitchell 9-5132, Mitchell! ! read. The police dept, reserve* the tions; for back fill. Landscaping and 3- 6'793.'- - ~ — for all th* extra*. 9-5332, 9-489«: 9-4694. I Parkway and overturned. -? Local Stocks a. When any yarij. abu(;Ung. n ' ISee. Gotman Motor SlJesr .Buick grading; Reasonable rates, Mitch­ No time-lost. New work. Altera­ large fleet of trucks, Excellent .wottk. atraet, ..— ...... try 'Hi« A ircraft' first Resurt Property for Sgle 74 ■ Pvt. John Miller, 22; WTT* tossed right to rejex-t any or til bids. Sales and Service. 29.5 Main tion.*, copper piping, fixtures, hot working conditiona, hospitaliza­ REST VALUE IN TOWN .Signed I street is so used, the parking area ell 9-0650. PRINTING PRESS, 7 ', X 11. Kel- PLEASANT Well fumlahed room. Sensibly Priced At $11,200. TWO - FAMILY DWELUNG - 92 feet through the air from the Quotatioa* FanUahed By must he separated from the street street. Mitchell 9-4671. Open eve­ water automatic heater*. Youngs­ tion, insurance and vacation ben­ w hsssvsr you arc job OOVENTOY LAKE-8everal *um- overturned automobile and died Herman Schendel. Chief aey Star, $75. Phone Mitchell AU conveniences, parking, at 272 Ju.nt been completely redecorated, MANCHESTER mer cottage*, some improx-e- Coburn If MJddlebmek, Ine. by a concrete barrier or equal at nings. DOORS OPENF.D, keys fitted, town sink.* sold. E stlm a^s glad.- efit*. Apply in person, Hartford 9-9507. on all floor samples. Electric including new hot water oil fur- from what Dr. Edwin R Connors, 1 p. m. piteen Manchester Police Dept. Despatch, 225 Prospect • atreet. Main atreet. MltcheU 3-4071. mants, $l.S0O and up. Other* *U least sight inches in. height and copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, Iv given. C. O. Lorentsen. Mitch­ ranges, oil-ga.s and oil-electric T. .1. rROTKKTT na'i e,' over 1 acre land, ImmMiaie' Real BarFuing At Todgy’g medical examiner, described a* a BmUi StMlU 1952 CHEVROLET BELAIRE- guns. etc., repaired. Shear.*, ell 9-7636. East Hartford. See Mr. Custer. ~ k u s ti s g . improvements. $3,200 and up. eight inches In width, locatod at Equipped. fully guaranteed. Save combination ranges. Home CLEAN. OOMFORTABIJ! large Broker o< cupancy both tenements. On!y Sliore front*. $5,500 and up. Res- fractured 'skull. Bid Asked least five feet from the street line. at Center Motor Sales, 461 Main knives, mower* elr.. put into con­ Make Mowing A Plea.sure room. Private home, quiet neigh­ 244 Main Street $12,100. Carlton tW. Hutchins, Prices! Buyer’s Market! Miller's waa the 14th death this Flrat National Bank dition for coming needs. Brsitb- TRUCK DRIVER for delivering or- and farm freezers, sink and borhood. Gentleman preferred. sonabU down payments. John S Notice h. On corner Iota no parking of street. Moving—Trucking- der* in Manchester and vicinity. For $1.00 Weekly: .Mitchell 9-5132. Mitchell 9-4694. Bisaell. Realtor. Cross street. So. year on the Parkway, an expres.x Of .Manchester .... .434 -47 4 x-.ehicles la permitted within 30 waile. 52 Pearl street. References. Bayer Fruit and wall cabinets and electric irpn- References required. Mitchell Phone Mitchell .1-.541fi highway linking New York State Hartford National 1949 DODGE four door cuatom Storage 20 3-8183. Apply at the MANCHESTER NEW Hating, 5 rOUR-ROOkI SINGLE expandable Coventry. Tel. (^vantrv Pllgnm Zoning Btiard of Appeals feet of th# intersection of the COMPLETE Repairs by Smart R. Produce Co., 46 Purnell place. Pay Dow-n What You Choose er.a. Save up to $135. second floor. Full r*rre*tion room 2-6829. with' New England. Mlller_ was Bank and Trust . . street lines. black sedan. Whits tires, radio PRICE REDUCED New two bed­ rooms and garage, hot water declared dead on arrival at Bridge- Hartford Conn. Trust In accordance with the require­ and heater, seat covers, excellent Woleott, A-1 Repair. Sales on AUS'ON A., CHAMBERS. CO , ATTRACTTVELT Furnished Front heat, screens, atorm windows, knotty pine. Hot w*ter he«l. oil. ments of the Zoning Regulations c. A duly executed covenant local and long distance moving, WANTED — Dump truck driver*, Room with twin beds. Complete Empleymsnt Offics room ranch, conveniently located, garage, smesite drive. Lot 72 x 120. ANIWVER. BOLTON. COVENTRY port City Hoajjitsl. Manchester Trust ... condition. Mitchell 9-2614. wa.*hing machines, vacuum clean­ experienced only. C. L. Hale SPECIAL WATKINS BROS. k'ull basemant, hatchway, hot Venetian blinds, front and bark Phoenix rStat* Bank for the Town of Manchester, and release acceptable to the er.*. motors, small appliances. packing, storage. Call Mitchell housekeeping facilities available. Vacant. Innmedlst# occupancy Several“ ‘ waterfronts *6.000. and ' injured slightly in the accident Conn., the Zoning Board of Ap­ Town of Manchester must be filed Construction Co. Tel. Mitchell water heat. Immediate oi-rupancy, porch, clean throughout, shade Special 311.900. up. near water, $1,900. and up. three other priv*te.4, Earl snd Trust ...... 76 61 1950 CHEVROLET Tudor, low mile­ Welding, 180 Main street. P 3-.5187. Hartford 6-1423. 3-7195 or Mitchell 3-7531. Famou.5 Make 18" Power 93-5. Main Strf«t Private entrance. Inquire 167 tree*, near bus line. Priced at peals will hold a public hearing on in th# Town Clerk's Office by the age, excellent, $1,195. 1947 Buick Maple atreet. 366 Main Struct $11,700. Phone Warren E. How­ Several easily made year-round. Merjmn. 20. of St. .Marv a Countv. FIm Inaamac* Comimnlan Mitchell 9-6678. MANCHESTER -Package Deliv­ Mower, Brigg.s & Stratton mo­ land, Realtor. Mitchell 3-9*00 any only ’ $11,000, Phone Barbara SIX-ROOM, four down snd two up ' Monday. July 27 1953 at 9:00 record owner of the lot seeking sedan, clean, $695. Terms to suit EXPERIENCED part or full time Woods Agency, Mitchell 9-7702. C*"f - Arthur A. MorrU. 22. of Aetna Fire .704 82 4 P. M. in the Hearing Room of the .■nich parking privilege*, releasing you. .Cole Motors, 436 Center ANTIQUES Rcfinialied. Repairing ery. Local light trucking and time. flnished. Fireplace, hot water heat. i phone Pilgrim 2 *972. . j Hartford Fir* ___ ..,150 .155 package delivery. Refrigerators, service station atl'cndanU. Excel­ tor. Regular $114.95..$89.95 8ERVEL GAS REFRIGERATOR- - E. H artford, Ceiinccticut ofl. smesite drive, lot. 70 X180. | Municipal Building on the follow­ the eald Town or Manchester from street. done on any furniture. Tieman, lent salary plus commlaaions. We TWO FAMILY house, five and . , jdinga. of Charlotte. N. C: All were Hartford Fir# .150 15.7 washers and stove moving a Excellent condition. $35.00. Tel­ MANCHESTER GREEN — New National Fire ing applinations: any claim for damages due to the 189 South Main street. Phone want willing worker*. No joker* ephone Mitchell 3-5643. 199 South SIX room ranch style home. Full three, AA zone. New hot water Suburban tor Sato 7S treated at St. Vincent's Hogjital . 604 8-44 Turnpike Auto Body Works for Iona of the right to park motor FOR A GOOD Used car or a new •Mitchell 3-5643. specialty. Mitchell 9-07.52.- COLE MOTORS heating system, oil. Exterior new­ and rtleaaed. The four Army men Phoenix .... . 89 94 Oldsmobile with Rocket engine or fur trappers need apply. Write Main street. WANTED basement with garage. I.wrge SIX ROOM RANCH with sttqched* permission to erect neon lighted vehicles on any yard abutting a Box V, care Herald. 438 Center St. Mitchell 9-0980 wooded lot. Shown by^appointment ly painted. Both rents vacant. Re­ gaiage. Three bedrooms, ceramic CONGAMOND LAKES — Suffield. Ver* starting furloughs. Ijfe and IndefnaRy ins. Ck>a. contact A1 Catalano, at the Man- FURNACES ACirUMED. Oil First CIm s Mold Mskem duced for quick sale. Call Anita Convenient to Bradley. Field. 9- State Police said the raii.ne of roof aign. 3 x50', on building at 166 street m the event of any future cheater Motor Sales. Mitchell Painting—Papering 11 1953 GENERAL ELECTRIC Food PRAH A WHITNEY only. Wm. Kanehl, Builder. MlTch- tile bath, hot water heat. oil. Very _ Aetna Ca.. *® •jj*’.' Phone .Mitchell 9-57.3,5. Shoes, Brass Collection. Paintings, : floors. August 1st occupancy. down payment*. Also colonials, General Manager Richard Mar­ 1952 CHEVROLET Dt Luxe, tii Help Wanted—Female 35 Docs—Birds—Pels 41 Picture Frames, Twin Mirrors ; AMESin DRIVES Eacott Agency, Mitchell 9-7693. chicken and dairy farm*. John S. tin's recommendation calls for an Slan'ey Work com. . . 4.7 49 Hockanum Riveri Residence Zone read as follows; A 'Tear yard" is tone gray, fully eq'iiipped. fully PLASTERING — Stucco repairing. snd other item*. Mitchell 9-3297. Bissell. Realtor, Cross street. Increase of 11.751.000 In operating Ter-y Steam ...... 9.7 9.7 an open space acroa* the full 1 CENTRAL. TWO beautiful apart- Tonirigton ...... 264 294 J. Doiigla.s Dumas for extension width of the lot extending from guaranteed. Center Motor Sales. Specialize m patching and rrsek- EXPERIENCED Sales clerk. Air- CANARIES FOR sale. mentt, four rooms each, particu- i South Coventry. Tel. Coventry Pil­ appropriations and $2,290 less for 461 Main street. eti plaster. Hartford 2-.5884. conditioned store. Apply in person. 9 X 10 LINOLEU.M. braided rug grim 3-6929. (apital improvepients in. schools U. 8 .-Envelope com. . 69 79 ; of permission to sell new and the rear lot line to that part of 9-2949. pattern, used short while. $5.00. ; raONAS OOllA larly adapted to adult couple'. H'pt U. S, Envelope pfd. . . .79 64 ^U-sed cars, at 255 Broad Street. the nrlacipti building nearest ths, Marlow's. wtier- fttmacea.-A-fter-dovm pay* than for t^ current,year. _ - $950 -FORD-CLUB- coupe;-exceHent; g e n e r a l : XaiiCKINO------Ran*, AKCREGlSTBReD CorkenK-Buff Philco. eadia-phanograph 4wmMna~i A ND04TER. "BOLTON,...... ‘ ThV'n'ew. school''budget "calls for - Veeder-Root . 30- ■93 ' • fii- of $6,000. - dw'-UiAg. into .a; four-family 'dwaU- inches--On a. comer, ini. the T**!" • at,w tw “Mitchell 6.1642 r»$VtchHi .12951- $CERCURY-*'-6port' cou'pr; . HonBehQld . Strtlee» r ■ EXPERIENCED -Sties -«ierk, - fuU .Ouaprattliog a new' 6-e*T6; '..^civai* hearth. <45,5M..Kaay.t*zi»a. . .Other. Increasea .Are,..,cauaed_:i^ JnFt. ..*l.^53T,;SpuUi. M tin .!$tr ,yard-shaU . be qppoglto. ,U)6, lahat MercomsUc. One local owner. Offered IS-A time. No Sunday-work. Paid vaca­ yellow hodit. Others *■ tow aa $500 down. the need for 16 more tea'ghers. and Rural Residence Zone.' ' lot frontage. ___ Guaranteed. Center Motor Sale*, tions, Christmas bonus. See Mr. 88 MARGARET ROAD — Off Hil­ one 1 more principal, the proposed tea eati eetrasaiuTi* . Anne -McAdams for pA-mission Amend ARTICLE I. SECTION FLAT FINISH Holland window PARAKEEfS, BRED by a mem- WELLES AGENCY installation of pil burners at to convert tingle family dwelling II. DEFINITIONS (fl. eo it shall 461 Main street. Keith, Keith's Variety, Depot her ^"U ie Connecticut Budgie liard street. Cap* Cod. four down, . Coventry—Tel. Pilgrim 2-6872 shade*, nrade to me*.*iire. All Square. MANCHESTER two unfinished up. Plastered Nathan Hale. Lincoln and High­ Into two-family dwelling, a t 59 read a* follows; A "front yard " 1946 FORD Tudor De Luxe. Radio, metal Venetian hlind,* at. a new Cluh’ ln compliance with State walla, full cellar, hot water oil land Park Schools, replacement of STEEL BLDOS. Mill Street. Residence Zone A. is an open - unoccupied apace Wi^Iatlons. A few yellows, DEEPWOOn DRIVE—I Rnom Cap* Cfld. Coil Arad 4 NEW HOMES FOR SALE Im aOM. mnkMM, MSu. lam, heater, new motor. No money low piit-e. Ke-ys made while >-3H BOOKKEEPER, knowledge of. typ­ IN ROLTO.X, CONN. heat.. Small down payment. Price Wanted“ -Real Estate 77 the l)ell and clock system In the Jo.seph Vince for permission to across the full width of the lot, down. Low monthly payment,* wait. Marlow's, ing and ^credit control. Excellent greens and blues, $10 up. Mitch­ Jieat, full cellar, cabinet kitchen, hot water by electricity, $10,500. Phone Owner, Mitchell Franklin Building, and regular ■elnalMe m Slsam a make alterations to porch on front extending fr!nm the street-, line to Aak for Mr. Doyle at Mitchell starting salary. Apply in per*oh. ell 9-8730. well landscaped lot—-$9.500. 9-7402 between 7 *..m. - 1 p. m. CONSIDERING SELLING salary Increment hike.*.. U l a i n n.WlOElYANYLENITII of dwelling which is located that part of the principal building 3-5181 before 5:30 p. m. WEAVING of burn*, moth holes Tots :N Teens, Inc., 9.56 Main 2 CAPE CODS — JUST COMPLETED YOUR PROPERTY? Tonight's rheetlng I* slated for •18'.7" from the street line which is ami torn clothing, hoisery run* u ja !• $*.** H. n WMM. wssastna, nearest the street line, excluding street. Call for appointment NORTH MAIN STREET—« Room Single, Oil heal, 2 RANCHES — NEARING COMPLETION TO BE SOLD Without obligation to you. we 9:30 In the hearing room of the .Mr W* m yt» U •ntl. 1'7 " closer than regulations allow, cornices, eaves or gutters project­ JULY CLEARANCE SALE handbags repaired, zipper re Mitchell 9-4427. cabinet kitchen, copper plumbing, insulated, screened will appraise or make you a cash Municipal Building. There's a definite air of youth at 89 Clinton Street. Residence ing not mhre than eighteen inches. 1951 Studebaker Land C-rtiiaer— plaoement, umbrella.* repaired breezeway to garage, Ij/i lots. 80 feet frontage. Many $11,900.00 to $13,200 We Are Offering for Imme- offer for property. See u* before FHUNCIN6 ARRANfiCD Zone B. Amend ARTICLE T. SECTION Radio and healer, automatic men's shirt collar.* reveraeil and SALES CLERK—Full time, exper­ and charm a'hout this clever but­ 'Hiate Sale a Modern Brick vou sell. The wing* of the ruby-throated replaced. Marlows- Little Mend ience preferi-ed. One of Connect!? WANTED extras. ton-back style for the teen-age TRANSAMERICAN CONST. COtP. Peter Ponticelh for permission II. DEFINITIONS (gl. ao it ahall drive. Attractively priced. rut's finest card and, gift shops. I*ots ISO’ X 200’ minjmum, Ranch Style Home Located At BRAE-BURN REALTY humminghtriL are about an inch to use three-'car garage building read aa follows: A "side yard" ti - ing Shop, .jf. Good, honest construction Delco heat. |)elco Jet Just fill In th* background with mlas. And .vou can sew It two ways Phone Mitchell 3-6273. long. 1*1 lattMaeraM. IMrtktgoe 1-2000 1950 Stqdebaker Champion 2-Dh, Apply in person, Harrison's, 649 workmen, operators for CARROLL DRISBS A8ENCY, Reallon completely landscsp^, fin­ •aay-to-do groas stitch and the — with a )>(g collar in contrast, or for storage of masonry equipment an open unoccupied apace acroa* Sedan—Radio and heater, O.D. Main street. 768 MAIN ST.. EAST HARTFORD — TEL. S-41S6 er MI-S-44M pumps. t;eneral Electric STEPHEN STREET A^E YOU READY to sell .vour at 12 McKee Street, Residence the full length of the principal Bnlldine—Contracting 14 Michiggn mobile treiich hoe ished drives, artesian fiill-blown rose design w-ill stand a tiny peter pan collar in th* same Zone B. • Very clean. wells, cement septic tapks. hot water, Youngstown eut In silhouetU. Thl* Is an en- fabric. Conner of Parker Home? W* have buyers waiting building between the principal WE CAN BUILD you a garage and Northwest shovel. hyabI* form of needlework for Pattern No. 9972 la a eew-rite for 4. 5. 6. 7 room singles and 2- Pat Deyorio for perrhiasion to building and th* aide lot line ex­ 1950 Chevrolet Club Coupe — for $838 complete. If you need one finished walks, fully plas­ kitchens, fully insulated, This convenient home ha* three 3 families. Gatto Co., Hartford NEEP SCREENS? enclose porch on front of dwelling cluding cornice*, eavea, gutter* Its a bargain. Eatimatea also Jelsiirt momenta. perforated pattern in sizes d l. 12. Equipped a t a low price. Akm a portable air com- tered. oak floors, kitchen fans. Pattern No. 2934 contain* hot- 13. 14. 16. 19. 20. Size 12. 4 3-8 bedrooma, kitchen and living room S-916A evenings 8-3989. Man­ which is located 19’ from atreet and chimney* projecting not more given on lante garages, breeze- SErriC TANKS with dining area. All modem con- chester Mitchell 3-8948. BANTLY ; line which ia 1' closer than regula­ then 19 inches. Any lot line not ways, porches, dormers, etc. For presswr operator. iron transfer for 31* yard* of 2 4- yard* of St-Inch; 4$ yard con- venleoces, including electric dish­ SPECIAL AND MEN ~ WOMEN Ineh wide pattern, color chart. trast. tion* allow, at 30 Liberty Street. a rear line dr front line shall b* I960 Studebaker Convertible Coupe full particular*, call W. G. Mc­ Mechanic for construc­ washer, disposal, fireplace, combi­ LISTINGS WANTED — Single RUSCO Residence Zone B. Nally It Son*. Tei. MltcheU 9-9992 U'e now kata opening* for Hml and aarond uhlft amploya* as THE DIMOCK-GOODWIN CO. Stitch Uluatratlona and material For thia pattern, send 30c In nation screen-storm -irtndowt, etc. OIL CO. ComMnatioa Wtodow* A Doors deemed a aide line. —^m nlander. Loaded—$1195. PLUeSED SEWERS tion equipment. ' .coins, your name, address, size home*. 3-3-4 family houses, amtil W’tite r Whelan for piermisaion The above changes shall taka af­ % learner* and beglnnere. Salaclad appUcante wiU be trained lor of BOLTON ‘ requirements. 1-car attached garage, with lot 75 farm. Manchester, Bolton, Vernon TELMI-9-459S SPECIALIZING If custom- built Send 2Sc In coins, your.ham#, desired, and the pattern number to feet front. It you are seeking an to erect attoched garage to dwell­ fect July 20, 1953. 1949 Chevrolet. 2-Dr. — Radio and Also carpenters and car* wkll paying, etaady, lalaraoHag work. On becoming eligible and Coventry. Large list of buy­ TEL. MI-9-4974 ing which will be located 6y6" TOWN PLANNING OOMMU- heater. garages, Concrete floor*, also el MadiiM OIm iw I Open For Inspection—Saturday 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. address and the pattern number to RUE BiTRNirrr. n a n c k e r t e r attractive home requiring the min­ ers. What have you? Mortgages o r M 1 - M 5 9 4 Izfzliona, additions, cabinets, penters* helpers. (key will parriclpala In Oroop laearaace. Paid HoUdaye and PaM ANNE CABOT, MANIMBSTEB BVENINR HERALD, 1156 AVE. imum of effort and expense to from North side line which ia T i” SION arranged. Howard R. Haatlnga, clo.«er than regulati6na tilovi(f at 4946 Ford V-8 2-Dr. Sedan. ceilings afid dormer erection. CaU Septie Taaka. Dtp Walls, Bewer VacaUoae. Sunday 2 P. M to 6 P. M. by-e n in o h e b a l d . u s e a v e . AMERICAR, NEW YORK 36. N.Y. maintain, we suggest you inspect Mitchell-9-1107. TIm Bortlatt-Braiiiard , Joseph E. LuU Frank ContoU. MltcheU 3-5322. * Apply between 9:30 and AMEBICAS. NEW YORK 36. N.Y. Don't mlaa the new Besic fash­ RAN8E AND FUEL 39J3ov*r Road, Rastdanca ZohV a . 1 Harrit B. Ruaaetl Loh' BMk Finance Charges Uaes las tailed OelMi- Watar- Ample opportuaity for advaacemeat Is aaaored to til wbo gualify. For Weekday Appointments Call In Evenings this property. C o . Proaflag Doas. 7:30 A. M. Presenting th* nea- Anhe Cabot ion for '53, spring and summer. WANTED—Zone B Lots, any eec- All persons Interested may at-, Martin E. Alvord ■ Studebakar Sales and Service IF ^O V INTEND TO BUILD Apply la paraoa er write for a convealeat appototmeat to tke PI-2-7169 or Ml-9-5173 Needlework Album. Direction* for It’s a compute spring sewing Quick Sale Price $19,500. tion of Manchester. Also UstlMs. 506 Mtia St., Maacheator tend thia hearlag.^ wiikam A. Allen _ your new home or do any reoair- OIL DISTRIBUTORS • M c Ki n n e y puppet mittens, basic em ^ldery guide for smart, practical w ar^ Manchester or vicinity. Call "ni* ZONING b o a r d o r APPEALS Wmiam J. Moors mg-Ase WUUam Kanchl. CkmSrac mos. s t a t e s LOCATION—Turn left juat past Shady (il»n Dairy, proceed A Product of the CHORCHES MOTOR 8EIVEBA0E DISPOSAL OO. JARVIS CONST. CO. ' UNITED ENVELOPE CO. ■titchea and grand design* are robes; gift pattern printed IntlM ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. Johnson Building Company, 963 333 Mola Stroot T. C. RaoseliCo., Clei-eUuid George H. Marlow, Chainnan Mandieator, Conn. 80 Oakland Street tor and Builder. Phone Mitchell Itl WEST MAIN STREET. ROCKVILLE. CONN. 1 aUles es Lskke Street, tarn right at aign. printed in thla.laau*. 35 cents. th* book, 35 eenla. 9*8 Main St. MItehen 6-5341 Main street, MItAell 3-7436. James H. MeVelgli, Seeratarjr July 18, 1668 ^Manchester M2-8-948I 3-7773. U a-lSEPaari SC TW. MI-»Ca08 479 Cmitgg-aL* ManchasUr

    f jf.'V; . ilfegTIr "I ' r. • . * ' s '1.-.

    ■i' r ' ; - . ■ FRIDAY, JULY 17, WB8 IficE FOURTEEN Avarafa Daily Nat Pram Ron ^attrl|(Bt(r lEtt^ning % ralti Tha Waatber ro e Ika Week BaSoa renMoet of D. •> WsaMUe l - : ^ . sssmm J n l y l l . IBSB. Pvt. John I* Von Deck. Jt., son House Takes Oath Medical Servicic of Mr. and Mrs. John Von Deck. Leads ^Airliners' Engagement | A b o u t T o w n 10,664 Continued warm taolgkt. ' Ha| Sr., 11 Jean road, recently com- Extends Benefits jileted a course in chemical war­ As Judge Monday Neubauer-Mather 1953 % TON Mambor ol tlie Audit ' and hnmid tomorrow. Rev. and lire. Ckrl A. Hansen. fa re at the Army's Eta Jims M l« and Mra. Otto Neubauer, 47 Bnraaa M Otrndattoas Manr.he»ter—^A City o f Villngo Charm 15-J Forest street will sail for Specialist School in Japan. Pvt. Atty. Charles S. House, for- Holl street, announce the engage­ Oniinectlciit Medical Service, the ' tt ■ . Von Deck, company clerk, entei^ England next Tuesday, where Rev. ' merly State Republican Commit- ment of their tiaughter. Joan Bar­ non profit plan that covera a Urga '■T the Army in March, 1952. and bara. to Dale Mather, son of Mr. INTERNATIONAL Hansen will be a guest preacher part of the coat of illncts for near­ Ychmaried AdverUaIng on Pago IS) MANCHEHTER, CONN.,'ftATURDAY,! JULY IR, 19.53^ (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS received basic training at Indian- \eeman. former legal advisor to and Mrs. Allen Mather of Tolland. ly 700,000 Connecticut people, will VOL. LXX II, NO. 245 ’ ■? during the month of August. Rev. . ■ r- Hansen Is associate superinteiinent town Gap, Pa. A graduate of Man­ Gov. John D. Lodge, and chairman extend the beneflta under ita con­ of Manchester's Board of Educa­ in CSiristlan Education, the Con­ chester High School, he woiked tract to Incliida x-rajr aervlces in tion. Vvlll be sworn in Monday as PICK-UP necticut Conference of Cbngrega* for the A. and P. Tea Company physicians officas. This change in in civilian life. . a Superior Court J

    — A .Marino cargo piano, carrlod District Deputy President Mil- are just the ticket mand now feel* It ran in good | nlat onalaught. Junior. School in the Class of 1950. Sgt. costumes of their own design to North Korean Col. .hi Yon aald 41 young Naval Mo."orvi.«ts to fiorv death whon it cra.shed on licent Rolston. of East Hartford. A report that a fire had engulfed compete for vsrlous prises. faith proceed with an armlatlee i There waa no Indication whether ... < I , o..-.., I Sims formerly resided in Coven- the delay waa needed for "admln- the big Red buildup aignalled new At present hts wife, the the resr portion of a garage at the for a round trip latratlve reaaona" and the ITN and that Rhee will offer no i a farm and bur.st intfi flames after taking off from Whiting obatnictlon to carrying It out. attack* or waa a frantic effort-to V lv d e ' Judith Miner, daughter of corner of MrKee and Center quickly agreed, an official apokea- Field at midnight, ('barred liodies of the victims were recov- m Odd Fellows hsll, Mrs. Clyde _____ In San Franciaco, South Korea'* hold newly-won poaitioqa. and Mrs. Warren G. Miner streets yesterday afternoon sent to loveliness! man aald. * • Heavy fighting broke out east fied by N«vy teamB which work*'* ' m * !■ Beckwith heads the refreshment and .voting daughter. Deborah • two companies of the South Man- The extra day give* the Red ambasaador to Waahington aald ed at the grim taak th^oiighrnit committee. bluntly Friday that If the Com- the Kiinaong bulge a* the Com- > ^ Jean. are residing with her par- ; Chester Fire Department to the high command more time to ar­ muniata alammed about 4.tK)0 men the early morning houra. fh . rv>n,.r,rHi« ijlih . 'b** »t «2 Horton road. scene about 3 o'clock. The report rive at what may be a momenfoua munlala have not agreed to unify Five other occupant* of thVtwo- , Korea alx month* after a truce la agaiuat South Korean and Ameri­ oeninr Choir will leave Sun- iWestover "Airliners'' sre was made by telephone by an un- denalon vitally affecting the can poaltiona on tne eastern front. engine plane were riiahed to Ren- ’ House Unit Hale's July White Sale chance* for a quick end to more aigned, the ROKa w ill attack. xacola Naval Air Station Hoapital, H»v «ff«r the *-30 a m ae^ice **’' 'Tops in Bhie", the identlfled neighbor of the area. Yanr new •llbaaaMa •hsald ha carvad, One North Korean regiment foY a picnic at Nlantic. 'They plan ; "''-Airmen ITSAF Variety .Show Firemen quickly pul out the njb- than three year* of fighting. Dr. You Chan Yang added at a where two were reported In critleal' runnded, aataral. about 2,.'i00 men struck three hill to lesve the church about 9:30 In ''rgsnlsed from .winners snd top bish blssr st the resr of .5*4 Cen- In Waahinglon. .Seerdarv of newa conference that "we hope the poaltiona northeaat of, the Punch­ condition and three in (ierloua con­ r.»ary ane al uur aau ▼aniar'** Hraa Stays Slash privRt# cAr« ^ i performerJi In th^ Air Forr^-widf ter »treet. No war done. State John Koat-r Dutlca aald Fri­ United Nations will give uaalr and bowl, about 1.5 mllea ea."t of the dition. ^ — t talent ronteAti whirh haa been re-1 The flame.a had not reached the SUMMER FABRICS !■ apacially datitaed with a— eanUNW day night "we are ready for honor­ aea aupporl." bulge, m a coordinated aaaault-j / ? "Hull of Flame*" rmmttnietitm la round aa< yaur laaeli* able peace” in Koiea. A l the aanie "If you can't flghl Commiinlam The plane. ..transformed into a hearsing prior to going on s tour garage snd the f i r e wss not * hacked bv 30.000 round* of artil­ « -k of AF Installations all over the serious. aeta...kaap yaa kaanlifni aatwrsUrf 111110, however, he declared that any more." he aald, "then don't lery and nrorlar fire, the Eighth ■ massive "ball of flame*'' after In Aid Bill the Commiiniata want war, we atop ua from flghtlng and give iia j plunging into a clump of trees a world. Companies 1 and 2. (ire official REG. 49e— 34" PLAIN and PRINTED rhaaaa kr*alhe.aa§y alattir A’Uure* "If Army aaid j niiiat he ready for that, loo." the help we n-ed.” I mile north of the runway, amaahed This Is the flrst time that an cars and two police cruisers an- SEERSUCKERS bra«. waah.kia-wink aylaa# ar lofl- In a fierce three-hour fight, thel A-r LOW PBIOTS...... organised service.. variety.--.show4awered the call. .JDulIra antl .Aaai.nanl SecreUry ilOICa-drove ..bark tha .aayeek St yaa perfectly tu cup, 4atim#.ted 977 Reda, the A rm y . ; Ray Al)ensi-J - i K i J W H A U e a * Hatollf rlty editor of The committee today approved a ROrRirB 'A'. M. to II P. M.. ^Twhen the 24 members of the show- LIGHTER WEIGHT DENIM aald. '' _ L begin making a circuit of atatea— BRAS $1.50 to 12.95. GIRDLES $3.95 to $ 15.00 Infantrymen of the t,'. S. 4,Mh -3 Perinarola Newx-Journal. xaid that .suiicommiUee Tecommenda- ' side bases and Into Alaska. From REG. 49e— 39" CREASE RESISTANT . Divlainn amaahed bark two 700- *when he arrived on the auene ahort- tion to . cut I i ; i 00.000,000 there, the show will head for the man Red attack* near Chrlatmaa ( ly after the rraah he found ‘ erraiti-- SPUN RAYON BUTCHER LINEN I bled, acorched bodiea acattered at! from Pre.sidvnt Eisenhower’s Aleutians. Japan, Korea snd the SAMSONITE Soviet Tanks Guard Hill. reqiie.st ffir money toT,inance Far East. Wave* of Allied plane* alrafed ; over. They plan to retiirn to the Unit­ and dive bombed the Red troop* “They looked aa if their Holhea the foreign aid program.\ ' were akin tight, atuck to their ed States by Christmas and then yard aa they openly croaaed the Kum- • The cut includes S705.244.2T7 In Nylon Petalskin .swollen bodiea.” will head for Europe. The entire aong on bridge* or forded the new funds reqiie.sted for the jiro- LUGGAGE Hungry East Berlin Stokea reported that an engine tour will take approximately six river. gram and *402.2.’'>fi,8(l5 in Uhs O A K ^ x K O S f t E R % h e fM tenil fo v r ra m ffit rre^ntly 4Tprn#>«tor>* me<1lral re«e«rc'h renter (upper renter) and part.s of the fu.xelage Were obligated carryover fund*. months. * Heavy truck* rumbled through torn from the plane and auatlered REG. 79c— 39" A.B.C. PRINTED RAYON CREPE the ahallnw water, apparently ob­ In MiihuHinn Mar>lnnd 4 port o f t h e National Inatltuteo of Health. fHher NiUdlng* of the Inotitntea »re The heaviest reduction* were in over a wide area. The area about Kcriin, -luly 18— (A*)— Hungry F.ast Berlin was an armed livion* In Allied plane* oveihead. In forecroii*Hl. Ile«enreh at the new ellnlemi renter will touch ae%en major fleklA: cancer, heart dU> fund* for military aid to European DELICATESSEN REG. 79c— 39 " PERMANENT FINISH FLOCKED SLIP eaae, arthritlOa mental ailmenta. epllepay* rheumatic fever and dental rflaeaaea. C'onKreaa provided 54 the rraah acen» waa declared out nations outside the Russian orbit. camp of Soviet tanks and troops today a." the Ru."»ian." and The Fifth Air Force reported of boundfi by The Navy ahortly 35-A OAK STREET TEL MI-9-8244 ORGANDY their German puppets shelved their ’soft approach” and went | that the hulk of 23,’i ’ "'■t'e* flown . "million dollara for cofMbtnictlon of the clinical center. I The committee sent to the AIR-CO.NDITIONED after Stoken arrived, he aaid. I House floor for debate next week over to a terror offensive against the threat, of new >!ast iip “ to‘ noon ...... were agatruil ...... target*.. | Six aurvivora were picked up by OPEN EVERT DAY EXC'F.PT WEDNT.RDAT SIGNS REG. 79c— 34" STARTEK DRAPERY PRINTS south of the Kumsnng where it a bill to appropriate $4,433,878,000 ALL KINDS By German i-evolta. . ' ---- Navy.>»v.v reacue.e.,.:ue teama^ but one ...of permit the 11*« REG. 79c— 34" SANFORIZED FORGE MILLS I>aa than a week after martial ^ _ _ join* the Tiikhan river. th^ men died in the Whiting > leld I . «t aAAA/\AAAA ED'S SIGN CO. law waa lifted, thr rlrmr.nl* of One South Koiean unit said 4.5; HoapitalWrv.Ait.i about.K.u,r fourfA..r hourahn.ira later i approximately 11.600.000.000 Ruaaian-huilt T34 tanks wei like May Ask for Increase in unobligated carryover fundn Mlfchcil 3-8248 SHANTUNG DENIM s Van Raalte twri armored illviaion* rlankr.| Soviet Trading without gaining conaciouaneMa. , . a , 1.1 »_ w GOING ON A PICNIC? Read Herdid Advs. hark Into East Berlin yesterday. operating in it* area but Ameriian The pllne wTa part of a flight >’'»■' »>*»"«' officera aald the eatimale waa of five transportsn...,. whichu.KI.-h hadk.H madenv.rf. I July I- They were dug in today for an ap­ President Eisenhower had takedi We have all the fixin'a— from paper plaice and ciipe tn our parently long stay. Policies Herald high. a refueling slop, at 'Whiting. They Designed in princess hnes. Still, frequent apotlinga con­ were ferrying reservists from for $5,138,022,277 in new money, famous xll-beef, pure beef Kneher Franks! And how about yard Conimuniat propagandist* who In Ceiling on>National Debt 200 Comes in two styles, plain firmed report* the Uoninvunlat* Cqrpiia ChrisU, Texas,, to Norfolk, Including approximately $13,n00.- our freah made Koeher dill plcklee—they’re good! had been trilling pixtnuaea of re­ 000 for special purpoacs during the tailored or net trim at New Offensive have concentrated more tanka in Va.. for another phase of their six- form and -rlemeney tha. -Kumaong .bulge than In any i week summer training program. next alx monl.ha. REG. 99c and $1.19— 45" CREASE RESISTANT top snd hemline. Both are changed their tune. Th|l^'1ii|trlled one aactor for two years. . 4 ^ 1 w r* »e B * a i»a * l Ju lv On.e'plane. already had. takeii off Former President Truman had popular sf.vles snd long warning* that the eFgai-iaf trad^'- Txindon. Jiily 18 t>Ih ’ Th^ So­ There were, no indication* the f'S n S V sIlO n T Id* —Pre."ident El.senhower, wlio o lV . \,4 O 1 1 V I C * l C C l -Norfolk after being refueled. requested $7:600,000,000 In new BAGEl^S — ROLLS -i- BREAD — DAIRY PRODUCTS PRESHRUNK AMERITEX TISSUE GINGHAMS ground " which they blamed for the viet Union with new trade pacta fund.<. wearing slip.". Dries in Red* were wilting, to risk much of X W f XT • I found himself carrying the ^ The aecond had cleared the runway June t7’workcra revolt. I* atilt ac­ aigned with France, Denmark and their prenoiia armor south of the and was gaining altitude when it Both reqiieala had contemplated AND SMOKED FISH ^ FRESH DAILY! REG. 99c— 45" C O H A M A RAYON SHANTUNG minute.". White only. tive. They lalled for "Increaaetl other Western E iirf^an nation* Kumaong. however. ran into some unexplained difficul-j continued availability of most' of Sires .32 to 42. watchfulneaa" which in Commu- Wins j time toda.v, may ask Congress , Jhor Afifa Kalin REG. 99c— 34" SANFORIZEd V r INTED^OSNIMS appeared to have launched In . Aa.sociated Pre.s* Correspondent t.v and plunged to the ground. the unobligated money carried niat jargon meansr a witch ^hiint earnest- her long expected trade Forrest Edwards reported afr _^.„-rnext week to increa.v th ^ -~Atex Allen. 13, daalied rjtjt of ht* , over from the previous j-ear.-The REG. 99c— 34" DAN RIVER WRINKL-SHED for aca pegoala. offenalve. •fHittera saw man.v tanU.s • in the ijedUiy V u r u m i 275-hillion-doHar debt nmit. Jen el Robherv farm home when he saw "a ball of | Eiaenhower estimate cJosel.v fol- A purge wa." under way In the The trade maneuver*—part of open along thr Kumaong. hut __ A aix-bllllon-dollar boost in the flame about 1.50 yards Jong. lowed provisions of a recently-en- GINGHAMS SPECIAL PRICE Communist hicran hy of East Gci- the entire peace offensive are be­ theie were few indications the debt, reaiilting from the largest , "Then the barn caught on fire [acted law authorizing continuance niany. Two menacing develop­ lieved aimeil at relieving the eco­ Reds had more than a token force I>ing Beach. C'allf.. July 18 f' menia announced yesterday they the ailver and gold crown last ernment will have to borrow at Three othet; defendants, among j ' trimmee ;Q00 estimate for special weapons YOUR FRIENDLY MARKET > liefme, they work themaelve* up to l it call* for an exchange of 12 biU Puts Professor to a acreen career and haa had hit ment by Aug. 1. iTieeti again next Win.stqih 'Cllurrhill s god.son, were Erects Trailer ' for mutual defen.se waa cut in HANDBAGS parts in three French films, edged ; half. ' , We Give Green Stamps REG. $2.98 — 72xlG 8...... S2.29 a new open revolt. j lion franca ($34,285.7601 worth of January. .acquitted by a seven-man French Value* to S2.9S. Plaatir ralf and fabrtr handbag In top handia Official Western sources con- | good* In the next year, nut blonde Miss United Statea. Congreaalonal lea'ders adopted a jury. No decision was announced ' Hia request for technical aaaist- 99 SUMMER STREET TELEPHONE MI-.1-R0R0 atylea. Colors whlta, navj-, red, tan, ate. firmed that more than 200. tanka Copenhagen announced Pen- Myima Hansen of ChicaKo. and City for 30,000 anre funds waa cut from $128,- On Suspension .wait-and-hope policy. _ .Immediately.on the fate of .lhretL 363,500 tn $72.